it T G«VR—rulrrriculSaKnr, t ii'rli tu*'i l.oi f do; Cji.u rd Co; , 'UcJClanSed ilo; N. O do; ur.jZi r.ix *wir l.y J D WILLIAMS ACO t*A N ISH VTli A ll>— ”• J i-x« XV o »|iir>rT'ia Rrc" l "* C cam 'I i hx« t.i '( :ivrv» <l«| 0o- W l '.i» !.»!• •- .-la i'a/ii!ofr» Ci*ar». iv , i.». I . .I.' * '•! ' I k, 1 / Ui:i.«ll ' CO; l V ; - i • J j- '-jr *O/ i’rrseip* do; j. » i.v« -.t, <l.l. mt do. Co; 1 . >. • . IJMIAH DICKKV&CO \ Ol» \<:co A.\U CIOAIIS-r i^M, '• i" i t i; Jo <i«, t : .r. *.• C ,‘ •.,'(• I*.>n, mqr Win, t ' .1 I'lbk Tobacco; i \ • i * IC*. Lump do; • ........ -f. ! ver\ lowliy RICKKTSON l IC. \ li.'i i ■. -,«v» Ijm erinj's dou!>1« reft* Loaf, N .... -i. .. • r,-’. rfil.h'tl i-oaf Sujjar, l-,u ...r,--lUb-r.> *“«“'■ J •ni i.'.'t Jo Co Puiwird #u*ar.i &2; •ji. -,' l, St. U.uif- *<• 0 \ -KriKINKU »LO.UIB No v, y, - >o<, - Nod. -V * ~ , \*.| (Mil-: J 'ri for *«>e by i i:\vi- jm t«:Mi<uN*co •'i /Mt' - " 1 * of * l l/t ’ "* * am *“s“' Rr6ncry_ , «-»ix"llEOKlVBW— An. Uier.Urge Invoice o< }’ **., | „ Jiij.i,.- anil .'■birreit MirpourirM *’ ' '’‘ r ’ J’itiiii b'-' ?mI by ilie Ua»»r'l Manu ■i. >-ni ' , , i.. -.iilr ai mciot) price*. jk. -• “S •• n; I-P .|||ll». wiio'e»ale. U', , -AvaUU TODD. O' 1 - 9 ' 9C , »!■< . litlf, <; a 1 V.H. «* . S V. «V. ► „\o« 1 md v. For-i-j-y iQSIj MQNLKj 1 -i 1,1.'* [WU v ()n |‘;i«V IU t orr Mid for liV rar ,4 JOKI. MOIILI-K r”. ;>U*CCO- &n.»« pound l.J*np Uynch'-nrsb i< N'o l 1 1 nnii» <1 shfcd; ’ ~o ci, In»p*eted,- ,i I ar ,.. \Uckrr<!i, f>.r»ae iy K.AV.I IiKAZLKTON I ».dc of ■>»«•- l>i*n.ond i) 0 z |.>d J,'U 1 AC.-1. J.i ~z I ru-»i<“ Acti; , _ I„d,w lion- lit-I i.i-c.vf-1 •ad tat j 5- :.c».i.s«AKF.uac*o Noil w«*d t. y IV ACIDS. *<•-- :!■>!:« Tari AC.J, • i :,«« .M.ltUff. , •.** K«ch Up, J W--i* l‘ij f Sup Cart* .***' re^:T»‘ 1 *'“ s !i‘v’T o vma k'rr ro «_ w«« ‘i_ I*tl* N *. Wl>UNs‘-W Itt \ ... » U . p>v<«l.,upplyo.•..-o.r«:o>‘^• Sy^,.N u«2W.-. VV-IDE - I‘Mi* CASK MUSLIN? \\ AMI 1.l N. N -W R Mu.pbyha.nowupe«w. cJcMleul of ab-m- •» \ prictfn OAkAD o.k, i . S.U4 0,1. ,4., '* "T. ""••11.1 ** * «I<*CT?ON_ |Viuir>«re Ooliou. iii,..i. l ii>, treri*rd R.c M At.I.KN «.co_ QI)TTO\ Ora .<!.• TK A—-' 1 h' y h r e ‘J l */^ huUn ’' l ou nn M .o" ; '. T '""“'"mTu.kl “ RI.'VrIWW H‘” gßim« asm) s»iai>- . yj bbl« No » t'.« ti.m.rf U.rn«'<. ■~v 14 N ’ 1 its KrY V ICKCTSOX piiTASHES, * . Hft»JALKY A SMITH for HVbr, J UaOAI.KY * SM T IXSKKB ni; -.V«!‘t l’ «ui <• •• 1 >'• ' '•’ * a C0!1 V»!ai!\V pnOIXU Ml •"P™ ;U '' ' ' '' * k *S 't(ACO.N-: iU .«.' i C..JT Sn in.!rlilUM.fal Row. J.ilrrTl 1 »i'i id. now Uiulmi I'O" . .u- ... I fc t un'rf r r.d tCT7 front J ARB-Uil'.- s** OIX-- ij a No l Laul 0:1: «N .-d do; for m.i*l Fn.KNOIS fKI.U'. No IT l..!'rnv * IJBKIUSU AM> SHAD-Ht. ivsni il ?L= OTBAMUOAT FOBSALK-KW.-n-Mi;' Sol 111. i"''-? ", -.'| 1%1 Fl* * DL ' VC tc. arp-y *' J?!> - ROCK PO.VDEH If *f*J£»*}** It W *, pKA NCI'S—R <>; < u.-:<>n»'i-‘ t-e • *• • n - , jC-!tMiEs‘ A A^Cf T EMONS ir«-»h Sicily Lemon*, tu* Jj rl " >^m'h7.Kr‘ > A BICKFTTSf TAvjTcoVFRE-iii bugs Oid Governmei ,u *‘ ,e ' CP,ve;l ““mTuER A RICKKI IXJHITB n WAN A Sl'fJ AU-'.'l P!a° ,¥ IO ' ? " A*’'’wV^/mSaNDLE * U * ro»n-r wafer and jvc \VISsA M.o’kM. £jriß*E RtD!-.1. er a " d ,*! ,^ J |‘h' l , l “j , ut ,l il*e r ’■X" r “’" r • ** ** iTa -*"loi'lHC < l * At.- / t KOI' ND IJINGEH— so bill* and I'Qkcrt ..i-w myM Gr.iUII) erjTKB.W.I*. l-a* .nil bo. gro .nd a.d C .m...a !y ■all oil** SOAl*—bx* Cincinnati man _~, k - 4 r RAOS U ASreb-Coan ry M.."li « "*•* ’“mat* ai-.ii ■ plTir , [ . r.I *'.J p *»«* v llK15 * ri V ; "■ -jj'.Tii i h.pc,. ( ( JT and for rale t-> , . , - TkOTTI-K CORKinVi, JO‘l ret i BK. - »- - u r stw QPtim-i « ' >•" ""‘”k »f! ■giilcK.Jkß . C"** *ll *’*!»«■'% pi p « - L» ,nvW Co«J6“h for *»le by til'A) MOIU*A -gUTTEII A sd i> ** acOS, ' ,, ‘ '•jjribd^pe .tcifK*-w> ‘•“jXa'ojJ n>- lirrrmn 1 I.KAI’N 4 Rl P!.M| r ‘. S r"'^' p \ ».f I .•» U >1 a»• M K**U-5 '" 1 "' ~KAI;:S * from Cm QOPKBK . IKAII < < *_/ Ijtf"' 4fl) 1- rnr • m■'l>Q<lkl at 75 M* Of*Hl •J 5 iJfl Ijrmor QltANliO i , , , . i:i•. i V 1 v rirdrr o'ni i‘>' '■ • . • . T oumvn.i.K I-•MB-':".iv/'n SC rFVOs“AN.«I STOKB. ..rnrr o, T mvtmicr.«•»**■* Li«v« B«H- J Sc'ilO* >.NM AI * HSKSIC- A..:.'.!, .. "Vi "f£o VD W°°'u A JHTt'IO • > '■'irn^rirr.! W II I »'.•:• ( '& rr m V*—•--• OIXTrtKNT « ,Ir L) Ointment I', JM-.iooyMAKKKA CO ii AMi Ct.OVFS. iu»t rer’d ■.» MU.M-.K A Kl^KtrrSDN Nr-rvi < «r.'l i ' ' 1 _ I»iVI V u * , KS - f ‘‘ r ,n,r ,MW b >' 1,1 )(MJ_tnyil< 4* H* J AU'.K -i'l T ii’lTlNU- .y lti»!« of a tupmord'y qualiir.fcT VV «ir t.y _ IiHAUNA RKTTfcR l.alri,Te.iueiix-e for m> liy | DIOKKY A CO £»otton- S 1 F ,oy» noiis-^* 1 ’ m>»a . TJACOX-' 11 t« nn.l JO"' r,c c mt WEIX. .*« por**n-.»c^.'“•imSix!. 6 ’*” 1 ' ''"-^Ubeb t OKI'h.K- V - in. >5 1 COMMERCIAL RECORD; PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRACK. COMMIITKE FOR MAY j * clirk, n. r.. sell***. ___j.i>ai.x*LL; Movement* of Use SlcaauAlpi. •ilnam, Ctptuu Linryeil Lnu Amrin. Ilii>erni«. . Kyr.r. May 1 Jour 1 Washington, Hewnt. May l OrriCK t'iTTIIURUH (iUILTTr.,/ Friday Morning, May -8 \ The westhqr continues clear, and was qoitewarm throughout yesterday. The Riven are nearly nn a stand —there wat •> leet 9 inches water at dusk last evening. In Floor a veiy moderate Basinets only, *u done yesterday, owing chiefly to the light receipts on' ■tie. Some GOO bbta changed band at •ao ld( of IXO bbls, a straight brand,reali«d6,2l t* bbl *This ivthe only sate heard of above t>J. and »e are advised ol none under sb. The wagon price stood at about the same extreme*.. Freights si, as before. Of Aabei, «ale* 6a7 tons Pot* sod Scorching* at 4Jc, all-on credit. 1 Timothy flay i* very plenty and dull at SdSJjO the nekton, del. | A sale of 300 bu Tenn. Groundnut* at 51,30 V* ba, 90 d—the *ale waa'.'.o the trade. Some keg Balter changed band* at.B'«9e. u in ! River Freight* arc down to former price*, and heavy amount* of Piluborgh manufactured article* are going below. ( We annei the new price* for Cordage — Manilla Hope Do While Rope.. Do Tarred Hope.. Do .Packieg Varn. BCD COI<DS. 2,oaa3x>oa4.oo p d«*. coil ; 13c lb. l,M)ar2 2 »fi3,1)0 t*dox. coil 1 • tOe. PLOUGU LISES. \ ?l Hemp P'doii . .... 8c *Mb. * The inquiry for Bxlo Glass continues. S'sles about 100 bu ahtllei Corn f. om river al4ou. The Bloom* recently on the market were taken at 570 fur prime. mail credit. Sales to the Trade of 40 kegs 0 iwist Tobacco-al 5Jc. short time. or Alnm, n sale 30ibbl» to the Trade at 6O d. The Cincinnati Racket* are leaving regularly every morning at their hour. THE CALEB COPE This new Packet, named alter one ol 'the most jitli»;ni*Led ciliteoi ot Philadelphia, and a strong friend o* the Sandy arid Beaver Ca&l, left jeaterday on her first trip to Glasgow at the mouth ol that work. The C C is a siern-wheel, and one of the best, of her class, very light, and or very considerable power. She is ,131 ft on deck, 127 ft keet, 20j lent beam, hold 44 ft, and; will carry about I3r» tons. Her machiQiry.two Engines—3 boilers 22 ft in length, and 31 inch diameter, double flued—Cylinder# 164 inch and 6lt strokd. Wheel 0 diameter anj 154 ft bucket. She is a very •tatirfch boat, and her Cabins arc neatly fin shed and furnished—roomy anil cool. Tins utikes the fourth Packet id the Leaver’ trade. The C C will accommodate the trade on the Sandy andj Beaver canal, winch n now the outlet or a large, very ncfCand populous section ol Ohio Capt S hole- , wbo -will command her. is represented to us —we have not the pleasure nr h:p , acquaintance—as bfing unexperienced master i gentleman. Success to the Cope. j The waol of capacity in onr great Erie Canal has 1 become not only a serious inconvenience, bum great damage to indivtOdaif. Contracts were entered into, three months ago. tp deliver Flour in this city in all \l.iv These contracts were made in the greatest food faith. The parlies held tDe Flour at Buffalo, uni other points, anil bad made their contracts with .he various Lines, to bring their Flour here, apd to pay the enormous high freight of a dollar a bid, but ■iwiag to the crow 1 of produce, and the want ol capacity in the Canal. the Floor cannot be got here at any price. N«rie this all Vessels are IjingJrfTe under heavy demurrage, waiting lor their cargoes With the best poesialc intentions or fulfilling con tracts, parties arc nially unable to comply, and a Ur>* number of persons wbo havetlour on the way, 101 order to meet thr ir engagements, have beep com gelled to pay two dollars loss. X the cartal had been enlarged agrei ably to tbe contracts made, we *hnu!d now hive to pay leas than fifty cent» frei hi, and -a!! the p odn c loaded at Buffalo would be mrwarded to this city without tbe slightest delay.— (NY Express. A Branch or the State Bank of Ohio ha* been r s tabliihed at Elyria, Lorain Co. which is about com mencing operation. Heman Ely, Pres’tj \V A Adair, Cashier—ca lilat $lOO,OOO. Rivers—Thc-r earner Domain reports a rise ol on.r o-two !oet in the Illinois at Fern, and it wn» ■ Iso swilling ai fai d--wn a* Copperas creek. Tbfe I’amerUnc. ftorn ' Veatoo, report# the Missouri to be lalhng at all po nta below that place, with 34 feet ■vster on the bars, below the mouth of the Usage The Mississippi I* Tal tog above, with 28 inches «-aier on the lose Rapid#. From this point down, th-rets 8 feet wall r on the bars. —Repobhcan of the 20th. DOMESTIC MARKETS. Na&HVit t.r,.M iy 21 —The westherappears lobe once mere »elilcdi—warm, and the sky M cloudless. The river is talliig. Cotton—Little doing in the maiket A few Ipts were sold yesterday and t- e ,iiy before at SIQ. 10.25,10,30, and 10,73. A very •uperior quality would command 10,73. Tobacco— ?ale» 33 bhds.fjni mg from 5L40 to 4,20 Com, in nags. 411fT60.--, no demand. Bacon, hogrnund. t>4«) •lie and Hams ainl Side* 6i(<t74c Flour— St L«ats Kaflslo brind $7; Cincinnati $5,75wSG.— Rep. Banner. rmciniiATi. May 24, 124 r. w —Flour—Man* holders contend lor SG, this morning, buye # ho*d hsek. Sales at 55,83; some lots fmht wagon nt 5 »5, ••ateratu*—3 csks at 6\c t* lb Lead—333 pigs U» lna at 35c lb. Salt—No l Kanawha from store, at Iroo river at 214 c. Wmskev—Anarivance rralixed. Sale* 70 bbl# railroad at 19« -, 48 do from . canal at I9c; I*l do at I9|c; 57 do copper distilled ■ .t 19ic. • Cornmea'—A sale 2000 bbls VV Atkins A * (*n’g tirand, deliverable four weeks hroce, at 53,60 res, fresh )el Molasses—WbbU ordinary N Orleans at 32c. |f?RN (Chronicle. hi «trret St touts, May 20—Tobacco— Business very con ufaeiurerf. traded, owing to limited receipts. Demand is very active. Sales in 3 days. 29 hhd#; j Midi only, were •ft a. Co j,j«ed For passed, 52,10 to 3 53; relusrd from 80c " want- to $1 pHW lbs [Hemp—Market, m-dera e supply II bepjid. «nd lair demand. | Dull and transactions, il.l N?* a hoU ol 400 bale* Owing to the non agreement nt Market ; ,*rties. holders aljand for £B2,3o—buyer* contend (nl ror 580 Kange oi price# lor DR, inferior and loo»e I I KRs* ?7()ia7s;roedium kndlair, io order,at s7s»i7Bigood ■* ' ■ lll( i prime lots, inlfiral rale chipping condition, SBO . lu *t-o-4 d n 8250 I* ton. i tons water-rotted told at Sift' F _ K _ 'ton.* No hackled! Cead—The rontiourd limited rived and receipti, in eonsciuen™ of *b» low stage of water ' 10 tbe unper Misafseippi.and the high rateof freight. LLF.RS ~ ~h ab, e holder* to ieep up the hojder* to keep op the I'for sale price at oar quutti ioni of last work. The aales 01 I.LKRB • the paat 3 day* comprise about SCOO pigi, among 7T . which was a lot if 1300 pig* yesterday,at $3.30; raw X t 2500 pig*, in lots, 10-d ■/.at3J6.and SOOpigs Lowe. y, ne at 3.23—a1l taken by manufacturer* herejandl by „ 1 lor the Qnm TlJere are buyers in the market fur ! shipment at 3.23 j» 100 lb». Received, I», 103 pig* nrsa'eby {Republican. •y& CO ‘ * BOATS LEAVVHU THIS DAY. 1 N 4c CO •BROWNSVILLE PACKETS at 8 * u and 3 'BEAVER 9 and 10 a h and r r •MONONGAI KI.A CITY PACKETS, 3 r. •D. LEECH fc Co’#. PACKET. Philadelphia Baltimore.' •VVILMINHT •HIBERNIA. •WELLSVU ROSCOE. S AA'r * f^p^Riv NIAGARA, KINGGOLI •These are rr JN. Steubermlle. i. r m Wheeling, 10 a. •*. Wellrtrlle, if.ii Louil, 10 4. H. (i 1. Cincinnati, 10 a m St 1,D0)». 10 A. M. ; Ltiuhville, 10 4. *i ffultlr Pankeu. IMPORTS BY RIVER., I jf U.r l»r»i I wHKKU.Vi—per Ne w KngUod—Dbrl.dapple., ‘l’rti'co i t bag* do, Idr prache*. R Daltell At e" —I b*. K : r -" j ('aimer At c<v-U»»w«, Logan Jc Ko> nrdy— v „ 1 'JO bbl. flour, \V B Elay. At c 0—175 do, Jipallon.jr tIST tc Co • mdar, Bagaley At Smith—l do bluier, I d<> Fourth .ml igrd K Dalzell At c«>—6 Win paper. J,>—26 viLSON ‘ Wt» do T I'al n«—iO bl>U flour. (In.h Rebel), M Vilen At co—. I d» rye do, Wick At M J £and'e*«— do flour. J M’t'uJly—lll do. owner.—|." do. Ta.rey A: BcJt—3l do. U A Martin—l bag aecd, Lhva ro ; Church At Ca olhrr*—3*cka rag., L L00m... h ' NCINN. 1 Tl—Per Rio lirandr—loo pea bai 'P' - ’ “* , - - ■ - R ,nail •:>ck« ; ' <j o j emil i Hailmtn &. co—lo l>Jle« hemp, 4 ■ hMiftaccohTKtawonl.Btmhuii. HOt.n- KK - i J3U bal*** rnti'in, Korajlh & co—fl baga do, Dickey ’ ’ ite*—Mbatfaeoiton, Atwood, Jnnei & Cf>—*3 irr« hama Kinffb l m—lB hhda Incon, 0 bbl* do, Taate 4t O’Connnr—t bbla lard ml, K Seller*—2o Ibl* lime. \V Bradley. imnWN‘ VILLE— perOiwnl—3bbla eoromeal, Mr. I iwh- pep, J C lliHwrl!-6 do. K H Palmer _ \K Shr, & P linn-k-I w !»>]■»»- 3324 b«. |'»K 17 1X5.,500 ft lumber, ow„tr.-ll bbl. Hour, A Vanltirk. [>r t-riuir llcUro-SJ *»"• P'«"I"-' ken—ll btf« Hour, Koberlirrn Sr Hopperr—lo rlu "'voUGHIOOHKSY-F'er t-o barjc-SOO bbl floor, lot gorp. oa**. dec. • i»fd *nd for ,kkr&co_ , -UK OK SI;.I. | WA V 9 J0 | !I1: ! Nal Ol'l **i'ir\CK AN AK i« n 1 > competed mnil -■ few w.pie* lor *•!« bfih* u " def *‘*"® • >v’c may confidently beliete HU tht* mdex *° u will uteiul, nit only in ibo»e who in«V inxw ifce whole rriira. ho' to oil who »rr ecilWerlru in »'*> «-ay with lh« A n« nml Scieneet; for whatever Ine o^' , i.KfittiCMl ihn reader i* dicccted by n. io'he virinu* in , molt* that. lijtvr been pol>li»heil m tit r J not no I on the • object that imcreM* bit" wheihrr trialing to the nf|( ol science, to the detail* of facta in the ditf department* of knowledge, oi to ih« vorinuo re«n of iht* nnil otaer coanmr* wnh*ach n ttiei • opie» of the wink in politic Librnrit* oi in iht niliv ; Jual* become- available " CVtnnfe'e IMt* tho entire rene» f-irri.'ibed pi.lili»hcr»* p'irc. #lOO I ndcl to do, S 1 guilder plum* in >he new or *eennd »cr \ n * d» |.verrJ free of p>»,age f..r #Jpcra l ’mr-V n " lLir 1 ' lt w'S WILSON, 17 Muk< f-»r *" lr •*' I‘fitMiKXTftK & Co PORT OF PITTSBURGH ■6 FEET 9 IS. WATER IS THE CHANNEL. AtUUVF.n. Beaver, Hoops, Beav-.r. Michigan. Adams, Beaver. Consul,Bowmin. Brownsville Cake trie; Hemphill. Beaver. Louie Jlcl.ane. Bennett. Brownsville Rambler. Haughlon, iMcKepsport Hibernia, Smith. Wheeling. Wilmington, Steven*, Steubenville. Weilsville. Catlett. Wellsville Harlem. HunkerrWheeliog. KlO Grande. Connolly, Louisville Colombia. O'Neal. Louisville DKPAKTKD. Beaver. Hoop*. Beaver. Michigan. Adam*. Beaver Lake Brie. Hemphill. Beaver. (*• n*ui. B«wman. Brownsville. L"Uis McLane, Bennett. Brownsville Moitercy, Sedpwick. Frederiekstnwn New F.ngland. Kbberl. Wheeling. t J Rambler Haughlon, Mon. City. “ Mary Ann. Duncan. Louisville. V Swallow. Wilson, Cm. S Wisconsin. Grace, (."in. Caleb Cope Shn!o>. Gla»g<»w\ STEAMBOATS hOR CINCINNATI AND Lon>Vll.i.K K The )>sbt draught and ricgamTucin LflTXurJ COLUMBIA. tfcpßßffilljßk Sat unlay May l!9ih. m 1 uVI >c*. i- y Far fr< lytti 01 p<« POT At* ll—j c «*ki* prim*-, jo-1 received *n«l tor ». (nr:- BN<• 1 I'*'l .V MFNNKTI F »K CINCINNATI ANU l c>C«SVIi.F •vi'wo n. The *vattnch and .leeam »'caiticr • ,* itiNtiuO:.!*. Forfretgh or | ( u*»Hg>-apnly •>” i.bhl, or in w\g~ f» H Mh.TKNHHHIRR Agent coil 13 cent* V bl. cut U coil II “ ......cut I- coil 10 “ .... ...cot 11 “ fine 9 .common 8 fur Cincinnati a sr i.ouis flip new nnd plpgnut tegular Packn For freight nr paa«age apply on hbard , FOR CINCINNATI A *T Loll' , L j'i |L The Mtontjh and fine Parkn For fieiglil'or'pt—nt;-: apply _on FOR CINCINNATI A ST. I.OCIS new and *pletid;.i I’nrkei inMant ni H>oV ork. * a. For freight or pa'aafpjirp'y on |^ r !i myVS Vor'cINCINNATI A LOCisViI.LF . Fl QSXML The light draoghi and fa«t Pack'd A 1.. nflfl IMARY ANN. • (mi : V> ; V~LjWDuncan. mn«ier. wilt leave a* above .bd'^^X^vi.Vjr on Ti.ursdav, Max V?th. ai 111 o'clock, a M For freight nr pastagr apP'V on hoard m>V? REGULAR CINCINNATI A SI LOU* PACKET The steamer in gliioi pa**niic apply mi l-oard., ,mx W FOR CINCINNATI A I.OCISVJI.I.K. The Gue and »taumli I ghi draught /tarakk »it amrr I'RH'MPH. | O iffnx-. ina.t'-r. will Iran n* ai- vc 4W"SfWflc n tnrougbout the »rit*ou Kpl freight nr pa»*agr appn on board FOR CINCINNATI The eltKaul anil la*^|‘ii^kpt 'fre.ght or pa**nge apply mi bonrd tnylv* 'FOR ST I.ULIS—IiIRMT. NOliril CARuUNA. ' ' freight or passage apply on l>oa d. PITTSBURGH AND ST LOUIS PACKET. f* Thr n ' , p®SDin»iKß7""' r l.von*. ma-ier.-wa* ••mix ejprc**»y for 111 » trade nrul Will l»-wv** r*gu fjr!v during ine vivii. Iln .lax* Will he advertised hr.r.-af rr. tnv?'t REGULAR LOt'ISVI LLK PACKET iif w, light draught and i"a»( nm villc, during ihr *ru««n. leave* on Tlpu»«ilj\ exr. nine. May 4 o’clock^ For freight or pa*»age apply on lioard. tn)6 FOR •ZAIUISVILti:. -to. Tlifi sl.' df-mgbi aid fn" ranii'Og , A oiai.l.l m.M.o cnll'F Moon. ma-er w.l‘ l-'x a... fegu'ur BBSSll'l"llfl lirtwf n :h • par e.ami /an vil p For tre-ght or pa»*aer i*|'|*l> '• * '•«»til “f mx4 CKO It Mll.lKNßFßill-.R A■•' Regular Plttaburgli anti Zaneavllle Packet. acriTnmcOJtnn* to pii»'*-M*rr« Sue will lt«v« Tu'.da). May 4m 1* M For frytgiu or pa»«a S e «p?l> oil 1;o<m >' <■' . mat ID 0 »» 11.‘« I Sr*. A KKfcUI.AR CINCINNATI PACKET" Toe very i.«h‘ «lrmu*ht <umirl. ’ fVjTTry Piear'ef >W .4 !.[.* r\\ , ytfefc&S ««««er. W.i' run n- .‘u •SOOSCaDS';-'! the » »*ott. ni'V r.-:u »r tr p«. The S. tlrr:»e« on'y U rh'-« ••' trr Kiri tb' or -Regular Pt|t«iMir*;h nud V^nri 1 >ll Pnckrt. THF iistn .l-mtt-M .—.rr-r NKWA.UK. or U» mp? _ l» 'A n ~ I'A * A Pittsburgh and Sunflih Pac.Urt: Thr iirw and »««••■ fisilHS •lay at 3 o'clock. J’-M- *<>f tfi*hi of («?«» ".t'H* on board. \ \li-KFESPORT, KI, 2AHKTII AND :.l OM > (i A • II f.A CITY PACKKT . j """oKSPATCH, ••• •i/ai yrlock. A M .’ami Mu a *fay TkurvUy mid ti ‘ frr.ehi rft pa*«»rr I- id iy »»d Kri.U> City every Tl ?k. A.M Fr id Franklin. F or&tf RKIiI'LAR l j££fe. Fur freight rbtff piTrsui^fri. Tue*day, Tburvdi and leaving'Whe Frulay.atSo’clo The N'« l'n*l: iradr, and will lei pa*»agr apply or PiU«bur*ir , r»«ry every rvrnmn •' ••Fober** P«ip'" orpn««flßP *PP'{ f XT a 'Kwi D Wliarf tn receivt RK'iULAR P - V Monday- ' Iraving day. ui soVU*' on board RETiL’LAK «' very Tim-hJhJ 1 v M.; nwl f ,nd Frdny. n For freictu ! VOTICK LNe»» Company- w gtiti of May.; 'IMIK Annu 1 lnB*.« Ihr RIOOI.O", i OST-A I i lamm* «> Muriel m-ialily rrw ,iKUOV- r . d , TTi'Otn b > r p.cVh ... phim or U«l. mya: TTSB MAGAZINES —Here vedatM A Miner's #J Ladiea National, tor June—Faib'on Plate Godey’s l.adv’a Rtr.k for June—embellished with a ponran ot Stephen Girard; ol»o. mi n>gravuu *>< h» Orphan Co'icgc, and a.i uiierclidg urepuat ni .b.nue-l Grabs'*'* Magazine (or June The Cadet dr Colibiere*. a tale of the cIJ OonTenia of Pam—translated from the Frttich of Madaxae Cba» Rejbahd. The fejurge of 'be Oreau a Mory of ihr Ailanlir; by an Officer of tKe U. S. Navy The Count oC Motion,or Wotnaii'* Kevetije. Trana* latrd from the French of Freder C* Soulie Tlie youth of Stinkepearr. by F. William*. FU<J , au tl.or of-Shak»pearc and ln» Friend* 7 ' The or St .Michael'* Day; by the author of l.alfiue. Ul I,IIUIIP. ThcCounie**of St (ieran; translated from the Ftench of Alezamlrr Duma* Ihe Vieno of Intrigue, a ule pf Bun - * Con-piracy; by Jatne* W Taylor Tli- History ot Dimrl lit one, Ibe Grot white man of the Writ. T-n lor'v Gold and Hiiver Com tiammrr Cliamber* Jnfurrnqtinii for the People vre ran furm«h :oraplete a mo.i valuable and popular Ene.yclopardia Midtb'pmanKasyi bv Capi Marryatt—fre»b sopply. . M A MINER’S mv26 Smithfield »treet. 3d door from Vd AGENCY FOE PATENTS. D. C. ZENAS C. ROBBINS, Mechanical Fjtgineer and Agent lor procuring Patent*, will prepare the ne* ct}»«arv Drawing* and Paper* lor Applicant* for Pat cm*, ami irHii».n all tuber u'.ne** m the line of hi* pmlf *«.nn at the I'atent Office. He can be'conwlted >ut all <jue*non» lelmmc u> tbo ra'.enl bawl and deci sion* in ihr United Stale* or Europe Pe wn* at a <i>«tnnre de*imu*of having examination* made attbe I’ii-ni Office prior to ranking application for a paiem, muy riirworil lpo«i paid, enclositig a fee of five dollar*, .* clear •taietiieiti’oi theirca*e. when ihimedinte anen mn will be given <o it and.all the iniormatiouthat cnu>i!beol>tained4>y*t visit of the applicant mpeiton] promptly communicated. AH Idler* on tfuMuf »* mujt b< po*t paid. anJ contain * .u tabie fee.'where a wi’iini opinion i* required. (ilfn e on !•' street, opposite the Patrtii ptlice He b *• the honor of peralr*<ion. to Hon. F.ilmund Buikc, Comnusiuirtei of PuienJ*; Hon Hl. Mikworth lute do do do; H Knowlet. Muclhil!*l. Patent Office; Judge Crniieb, Wu.bingtnn. D C; Hon R Choate, Mn«*Bcbu‘eti*, U 8 Senate, Hon. Allen, Ohm. do; Hon. J H Howlm. M C. Mi»*oun; Hon. W illi. Hull. New Volk, Hon. Kni.rri Smuh. M f, illinoi*. Hon S Hree*e. U S Senate; Hon J,H RH e. M C. .Missouri; Capt II M Shrove. Missouri; F.rastu* Brook*. K*rj , I'iusbargh. inyto THK TRUTH; by mkn ok truth. CIONCKRNING SKf.LKFIS’ VCRMIFUGE.—A •in j .»!« vmi iitodurinc the following • .... i-r Krv S. WakrCdd. fatior of Liberty »t M L Church I’iiiaburgh. March fi. 1E47. Mr R K Selin* It n from « «ni*« of duly, a* well «« wuß Kreat pleasure. <l>ai I heir trvimony 10 tbr vir l.ic of* our jo.ily celebrated Vermifuge I procured a ungU bvtttt mid gave it 10 ilirre 01 my t luldren, w ho 1,1-rn ill for fccvrn’ week* Tli«* ,Hde»l wa» aevrn vrar* old. itir iirti lour, and tin- youngeal eiahiren moniii* Thi f.r*t pa*‘r-| Gi) -ii worm*, the aeeond four »rv<*n. and tlie,«li<rtl 3 riM»i.l*rible number nol d.Mincily tfcollrcti-j >i»io.'ihm iliey hare hero dt»ib« well, and me now in *x«l hralili 1 2 Your* reapsclfullv. S WaKcmLD Firm the R-v «• K4int>cock, oi ih- MeihoJittEpitco p.i! ‘Church Mr. H K Seller* h .* v» tla great p!ca»ure I would iiiiortn you of Hie (pod crteci* produced on my ton of lout tcaii of n(r. try \ our justly celebrated Vermifuge. All,-- In* having o.c.vul*ioii*. I gave him three doae*, wh-u he pa**ed an aimo»i mcreditable, from t.m- b.* rciirt*: health ha« tieen improved SE Babcock. From i!ir Rev Charle* Cooke, of the Methodnt Epis copal Church' December 14 tS4S. Mr R K Hcllpr* I n y imle d»B*bief lbfiw#<»n ihrrr and for year* oM) three do*e» of your Vlnnifuge, nrcorilmg lo ript'Oii. with ihe happir*t Tiif n-mnef m worm* eipclled l do nol know piec»«e ly i>ui tt *n« larsr. * now tn.'pofmaion of pood hra tb I th>nk tin* mrUu’-nr nuVT»f eonfided in witli great ntur*er *** C Cookx • A* ilm Vermifuge ha« nrrer known 10 Tail in any in■<un■ e. wb-n worm* actually exited, parent* give it m pteVrrnce 10 all other* 6 l’rrp.«H-d-u«d ««ld by H K. SKI.tKRS, between 3d •tnd ttn. on Wood »neci. , For *ale l.y IJr Ca*«cl. F.fih Ward. my l I D t r*«Tißca »• •KXPIIERS PAST PACKET LIKE PUIL.AOBLPHI A ASD BAL.TIMOBB. (Err<*»»rr/j /-r Paitmgrrs\ q*HK Canal and Umlroad hnug now in excellent 1 order the P*i-kri»oi mu l.ine will leave with pa»- vn <t n- a* inflow*. every night at 9 o'clock : Pnr kri Krniiick). I'jpl Truby, Monday. May‘J4 .lo Ohm Capi. Crnig'TurMliiy. May 1 25. il.t Ir-d.Miia, Onpi llerkrv. Wednrnlay. May iW. ' ■lo l.oin»'"i>a. I’ltpi. llu»np*on Thursday, May XT. . .|j Keniuekt ,C»pt. T»uh>. Friday. May X 9. ilo Ohio Capt. Craig. Sa.urduy. May sS*. do In J.ana. Capi llerkey . Sunday. May 30. do Lrui‘i*na.Opt Thompson, Monday, May 31 ,!■> »ntucky. Cap!. Truhy, r oeadav Jane I .to «)ftm,C«pt.>'ran. Wednesday. June 1 do Indiana, Capi llerkey, Thufaday. June 3 ■to lo>ui*iana. I'api Tliooiprott. Friday. June 4. ■lu Krinocki .Cupt 'j’r«ti». Smtutda), June 4. do Ohio. C«|.i. Cra g. Surd#*, June t* !>' you dr«ur ch"jp T4*el'ing and comfortable acco*n> rno.l»non». ‘eeure youft.eket. at -hr l>ek*l Office. Uh'AVKit, WAUUKS * CLF.VELASD | ~ U\K OK i'a.NaL j-aOKKIH aND £. W '“TUfii’**• E- K i»iioinug««. J- A. Stocitoi K«r * ■ —M STEPHENS, SHOEJiBEBIiER k CO., l S li. hBBBBMB anchor iron works. caNal/ i*a<'kkT9 TKi.Ki.HAPM A swallow , Wheeling. Va. LEAVE Heaver at % i o clock. t u.. liter the Manufacture all kind* of boiler, *beet, bar iron and tntvaioi the «teaml»o»i BEAVER lion) itubargb, - Dail . A u , Jeel pi.p,,,. ,p riac * agd ailea Rent* eon «.) tiff vr tit U Jr-ri tint morning m *ra*on for Ibe necu .j w ,ih StioeiincgeC* Old Juniata Work'. »r can MfM «.hxi. l -<*i«*ie olT«f on article of Jan-ata Won (branded S'io-rt!.«-ue,; i t* x\ !' •«• r -p'..l mr.jtl. »erut!"pi-'n!i* , u y a(ade , n iiie er.anirr. All of w«.u b w.-li** on me ami u.-c Hi ■ Nsre. mi application Bl t h e fmtt'argh price*. W erehotue of o<»* U'l Uura aieismWti H-av. r l lrav “'X r.uabargli *1 » corner >f Monroe and Water meet*. mv ' l .. c.iwk >i -Jorio ibe % “‘ t |t n^* |t , fON . A C(J ~a w , , uf „ h nnEDLEY'B ORICK PURRS— A* me wo- Ci a HKK4 Co. Heaver O «>n ha* now commenced for making Brick* the jl>?K, im.liWlS, 1 oungvtnwn auharriber* beg leave anin to call the attention of r vi m H TAk LOR. Watren bnekmaken and other* io thi* very useful muhiue 1 ‘ . „ - We will warrant it equal if not aepenor to ony other DH TIIW\#E\ i cn-rnoiind Kitiart of SAKSA- Dnek I‘re-a.of the «aroe pric.e. now m u*e j.. ill I t \ WmtJrr a.i-1 Hi mhic of the Ac'e ! ’ We bave a number of certificate* of their perform . 1 tyt .p m nuau l ottl-»- i« »i* lime* anee. which noeopT too much »pace for advenumg. pm " " pat , K iug!‘'or .e-pecifuHy invited to give u. ■ ca'l ' •.VpKuifivrciiu inrn guarantee for the, performaucr i : l'. .* i,»i:l •occer»iuliy in Ike ep?r MAwflmF _ canal ba«in k ttenn «i -ure of nil rt.*rn«r« armnß llardwarc Rtora Htmoved. ' uni i.r liab t'of ibe *y«-: ravin fMURK Jk WOLFF having removed from me ! VY rorner of I.ibrrij and Si Clair »treet». to .No 50 ‘ Wood ••reel, ibiee door* above St Charle* Hotel wouni ' ronrctfullT a*k the attention of buyer* to their »ioc* i of HARDWARE. CUTLERY and 9ADDLF.UY.rrr M 1 per *h'p* Saranak. Moanngahela and Ru».i». d.rre 1 fn ip me niitnufacturcr* of England and Cienttanv AI»o. «upt»be« ri American Hardware, from the pnn ci <a’ mmiumciurcr* nf the Eattecn State* ' Vlieir •took bong entirely new. and parcb*»ed upon the be*t term* they feel great eorffidenre in bong able ucee*tfully to meet competition from any quarter, vheiber ea*t or we»t . . The Hardware buaiue** wilt be eootinued at the old apd u ,.. *, |> 'I ~x r i»-m1 I o/ *a r ■ v K |. SKI.LF.RS. [.ole oceui f- r Allegheny ♦ouii'y ' VV »:m e', L.rt* een Tiard and 1-nurto IN ilie ,i I Ivr ll.c Count) of Aliegbenv •« I.r .•ci'tMiiniiAcai'h of Perm 'yivania of April Term, A O' i-U. N.. 11. Jauie- Mi' for u«e. A.' . ") r,. fVrnd.Kx, N-. 41, April lio'-eri VViillaeft myVnd.ilr Term, |SI7 i n:m Hi**. VlT.ilaral et a J • Alt! IWW. to w 1- May lith. 1*47. on mil on M |’co t» Hainlo.i I -i , ih : >.«"ii app-'.nl Job" A. Wi'l. u i A-nl lot to .!'»i'ibute Hie it..ii.ey ut Court amo. * .ue‘. <j creditcr. FiV.ffl tbe 11.-rnfl. IllK AM iIUI.TZ, FroUiotiotary May H'7 Tbr c.n lei*-*ued An-Ftor n> l ut'end m n . .-dice m lib niieeu in cay <»' Fiu»"ur(fh.«"i l liurw ag> . |*ih d»V of s June «!..cbor*e the dulle* ~i hi' BoiHiminirnt »nJ all peranov i.aeremed ara be re -I,v I. .nuril u.a lend JOHN A U IM.- Auditor , i4 ,o|,'l..wnav ieny River Trade. The fin*- m.d 'IM Simmhoil AIUIOW, *ap' Jamr. Aik■ nwHI eoui-n UPU. ian» a Regina r Parke. du ring ihe *ea«on lieiw«-i-n l’.ifburßh freight or pa*»use "PP'> *>u board. VKIIMIFI iJIC- li miv be truly .*,,1 io i;illl4 jo.Jiitv. Ohw,; Muy 11. tsr. y \li It F. Jrfti,<r« I'Vdadnr t. >on and ihe pu'.ae. i,> m ike me: i on i.f a mo»i rjiruordimiry effect of jour en.m .nrrli-,ne llnviiij lour children quite onwrll, jiid->d»rr» «irk. 1 called on ltr VVil«ofi’« More, in I a and li- cave n.-ibrcr vial, of \ojf'V crro.fuge. j*« ' r iik me ii jfdii it prmlui v a good effect I toua ~r m- ; e-'ie gave n u-cor.litt*t..dtreet.oi.», and *n m> ... I r , a.ioin 'liieci.i the tour children pa**ed upward* ol N'l wo*m> of !nr*e <ne Votir Vrritiilu*c i» indeed in valuable liml ii aymuty be van! io be 'U be»t in the woiid Your* re.peciliilly. SILAS I»KNN\ 1-r p .re.l nn.t *oU -v it K SFLLKRS. No 57 " «*d •t ?Niid by Dr Ca*»fi. S'li Waid; ‘Old ill Allerhe'iy I.Y U M ('jin J Mll "IVVI \CKFT FOR N A "*IIVI 1.l .1 WYOSIISU, II -Job.. F Hay. w II '•oil Iflfnre regular ir p* t- t"e ul.ovr | im on ■nduy.the a**ih m*«n.n nl Iti.rriock, r pa«»age apply on bnatd o' '•> j vv in’ n.K« ft nun *f ANU VVHF.KI.INii I*A«KKT The • pl-ml ufai-d fu«t running *tinr . SE\V ENGLAND, l 'artmii <* W Ki.rn. wll rnmtnriiir 'onn.M* aln* . r . on 'hr Vd day of 1 March, l< a■ mg Pi..»bur*h every ! ' and Saturday. m 111 o'clock .A M . I.n* every Monday, Wednesday and k-A M. . , . . ml lia* I»«en bnugni t iprc-t’ 'V i>ir me ve regularly a«anuve Forfreightor board or to > For the Fawburcli tiateiic. 11 AKIIIS’S BI SINKSS DIHKCTOBY. ri >u KA*I KRN MKUC IA.NTS AM) M.\M bAt 1 Tt KFKS.&r -The cmlcr«icnrd be** kaxe tn m miui the n’’>>-iii. in- rcjiaiin. inauulnciurrr*. Ac . u Ua.i-muie I’lnlailft plim New > oik oud o*h» r ea»ien I’iWii* and r.nea. itiai M'- Lewi* C l.iirhapcllft. bb ~ w -I , „|| ,hrm .n a fe-v cidv* in tolled *ub*cn 1..,i ru'd*. u.lvrn.o\i, Ac. for bta new and vef n.eiu! I) r.cion now preparm* for putmcni-on. aa. • liev w il |ibn*e *u’.*enl»e and pi»ifOUt*e awoiklhl) win be ven uwli.t They can pay bn A*em in ad rimer or Wien ihe work i* delivered.. . : ISAAC HARRIS J£7“Ka»te:n Paper* will pleo»e copy the al*ove J JOHN FI.APR, Agent 11.1. K DAILY FVCKKF Tbe new. elejpinraod fan Packet WELLHVII.LR C f CmleU ini‘'ci. WJ* bmH '>■ |,re..,> IrrMln* iradr and wll l«l"Ve i'l o'clock The VV .. f.irn.ihe.l w.ih m.irneiK Water Lunge " For i're'*hi » 0" l>oafd Sunt n con*ia«il) at Fai.iM.icb re Ireiehi.and the BBein alway«on 'be A McBANK. Agent. ACKKT FOK WF.U.SVUXh AM> STKL'UKNVII.I.K Tbo it. w amt !i*b» lirmif l»t' rtror IWILMINUTON, O M. Alrvrov inii-iei. l*-avr« l.ui«h evrry Moiitiav. '\7’ u ,' 0 „.l F* iday ai :loVUick. M Wy— Pry «v. Thufd.iy'nii 1 F-»">rdn>’ M For »r pa*«i»e«- «r:>'V anu I'Ai-Kirr T||C UinKH.VH ru'!'’i M i »r |i.i< k--i nt*i>ui .iir ' tail. Mi'll , HU l*-n-».orKh rvrrj «Uv in J Kr-'iy. »i 1 1* <• €• Irx*it. A M. iln# cv-r> ■»'>*••<<»' Tllu ”‘ l: ‘> in. !-;!’>■*• . k . A M c.r AND lIROWNSVII.I.K iVM'Kf.T I TUI* i*iiH (»•' rirmi'nif i KAULKM, w || ttfii u* a «<*C" •'» r«*A'! '••• w * l ’” , hr i,'.ovr r nr-rM*. lMm>S l ".lur«h ' fbur-lny and at »u'‘; .tvn'.v.llr rv.-ry Monday. U • O dock - i r n pn**nee apply o" M, V ” . -.1 .nci-nrir of 1 !<•- S'lx-khnld- I*nl.hurcli *••«! Tom'. i.*vi R-* Kr, :“ J I t'r 1.r1.l ni Pli.lolta ion n., l-|,f { At'\l. Uim f titan i"' "'-'. 1 ' "'I ' 7 '' l ,| M-.oi.R of trie t\vpiTUU.'r* ort'snMid*)'. Vi.V -Vif ■'») i at wln.-h wn- * Hun] of Matin' 1 " " ' n jV lirrrn >•<• k Hum vv.ili tj-tl Itrnd*. run «.ut h i vi- Dinar*, wj« iln.p -e t n 4'ii of I y. tterilay murmur To- In 'l'l *' •' ‘l5 ret. d l.v i- •- .if '.lie i.nfi' m it -• o'fi rr"ojn..n» *1 ’ •• irn '.’l • | DUKSS UOOIts- I"plain 'W'** Mu*lin*, Sri»w« 'lull • do;, >a«-ook do, »*a m Barred 'aconm*. do 'do d ; iMqnl Hour* «'irp ee.vejant,.- l< 7 » 0 -‘ N K •'Of «•!> h Z rm*«vil'e 1 111 f'l.lailrl »V° ,r, TJ warranted u> Diq MISCELLANEOUS. To Traveller"* () I.KKI'II & CO, Cam! lU*tn i. • r i j’lineipled per*on* have -’.I I pincd:ri"r in ll.r »im- *!*»• icli 1.0. i e ha* Ihe wr.nvn *-i>!ha JOHN DHNL^P, \-(J II SLrkej * i reel, now* h.« M-Hn* !> ...icki.i llou*'-Furi.-Il.irdivare. Rntamna. ,C< ’“-ilxOnpoiMied Wore' Knc"*h and Amenrun, \ 1. jl- Itnl •limb •*pa«k‘ Tinned Sanrepatta; I .1,1 Ovul Pols I T.a> sand wonri' 1 ,1.. t-'naiiie !rd Waif, I d ) I’f oi-d Warf , N"**'l W are; M.SO. , I -t=ol'- n»M,rif d '-..ppei; :«> pl»'f w Hi-Jiin »u nrsf.Al^l? tir-AMTfcD TO BORH®W-rrvfr»l oi irom «:■« to *H«T itf.® *«*>• *'• • «..r one o;t.vr WuxrA. rjoplo,- ■ i-t i hi »tdfe* uni.*. ''iiM'*,Ar.ttndjnlowi>auJ-ntbe !'o"iri■ ry i«tr n "f ndy, rlerk* n. d> c n g »•-" an l nil n ii••iTJl r f ■" I •' orrr* and Punier* 1-r-AH l n ; - Hi A-.-nor* nllnidf dto prcm.pliy tor iwiierair «»•*•*- 1'• C AO HARRIS*'* (.(••••-i i \^r-riry mid Intelligence Olliee | ,„vW ' N.i .Hi Fit l "‘ r "' U 00,1 THOMAS KENNEDY, JR., /•vP ho last- farm <>t <-«H« !"-• A Keunrdy. I ooki-K l Vunn. Kflur* r'ni.d deal.r M 'locks t.omU an.! V»r <ty « mh> i». k.«y* con- tunily • i; l=n"d, ol In* .1 vn tnanu'm'l'if. -ver dr.eripuor. o> Odt..Mahn*an) • I (Yiniiion t.”"t..ic liia**--*. 1,3 34. aid 3 diawef In .•> |.Um -ind nriiniiett'nl |x»it u.l Ironies All k,' d« .-I C.opi.-. fr»\*. N> uil-rs. in *«■»« or d.if.'iis'l'o"d.« Tnrrad- and n -.••••finent o 1 w imfiu i- ala »mmll ndvi •• rosl t*. ,1 jf‘ un.( i.tli-’f• *npptipd Willi I'lnd,' * • lialt*. Cllf , j'nntf. and I" t>\ 14 fra'nc* at New \ ink pr.rf» ||lV ,j h , \o 0 1. for wii.kl and ttli »l*. HOBTOS MODE OF IIEATISO HOU- ti iVxirr.of Hosion. lit* arranßrd and rnaie.iie.l a utan forhcminic linu*f«. which has ti«cn»nc- J-rWuliy used 111 U.i«ton. S«w Vi.rk.fcc , and wherever anphrd ha* re'evrd the decided over *,ovn. F..111U-V* 4- ||. irlvainm:-! arc— y«d Kr-I .1 .in '• i m»ke. Tlrd No >ni|> ea-anl Drynef*. 4ih Kasi'y at.emUd to. and not i aldr lo jet out ol Sill Jitrtll I'ur-tl. l.iy. A Motl'-I »»•! *(•'*• fieanon may l><* »rrn and «»<■ «P* tiatatua ofiamrd ut Ihf '•.» l .prr un-ITmwurf laciory ol |l,a,u \V.\t i> SOaII-'K. KiT.i *tr ei. lii-i. Wo-nl and Market *t» PASCAL IRON WORKS, & ‘ PHILADELPHIA. Welded Wrottjjhl Iron Pine*. Suit aISI.F. (or Marine nnil other *temni Kiirin* 1 Uoiler*. from - 10 5 litomnet. AI»o IW, lor <in« gleam. and mhef purport: eitr. .iron* VJi.efor Hydraulic l'rr«r‘. Hollow tVion* for Pump* of St-am KmC'.ne*. * r - ■, ,"ml?rb"£m 1 ?rb"£ VaSKKH 1 MORRIS, \V.rrhou*c 9 i corner Third and JT&iaoi 'licet Pb..idelpbia. --I ®* 7 *» J MISCELLANEOUS- 1 JOBS CAETWUIUUT, IMPORTER and Manufacturer of Cutlery. Sorg'ea! and Cental IndrnmeuU, Saddler*and Tinner*’band toala. Taylor*’ Poleut Shear*. 4c ,4e AI»o manu/nc lure* Tiu*se*. Supporter*. 4c , in gieai vend* J. C. Manufacturer and Importer of Pen- Pocket snd j Tshle Cutlery; Raxun, Scissors, Piles,Saw*. Tool*,4e; ■ na* removed to 83 HOOD STREET, Pittsburgh, second door be i low Diamond Alley, l And ba* late, y neetvrd a targe assortment of ' Pea 4 Pocket KnlTee ( khltci M, Porks, ; Al*o Rodgers’ and Whonenbolnu’ FINE CCTLBRT, Elliott*, RodgersJWadc 4 Botcher’* Rators, Scissor*, Raior Strop*. 4e. Damascus and Wire Twtd f GUNS, RIFLES, AND PISTOLS, Allen’*Col;’* and Binnt'* Revolver*. Powder Fla*k» Shot Belt*. Game Ban, Walker’* 4 Cox'* Extra Per cussion Cap*. Bowie, Dilk and IlnntinK Knive*. Tool*, such a* Calliper*. Divider*, flyer*. Nipper*. r Hand Vice*. Square*, Rates, Brace*, Bm*. spoke Shavra, Stock* and Die* Wire and Iron Guagcs, Math ->ra»tiea' Inurnment*, 4c. in very great variety ' QT* Jobbing and repairing neatly and punctnally i done. apvS WH. A. WARD, DENTIST, HAS Removed to the bonte on Penn street, three door* above Hand *ireet, wnere be may be funnJ from 9 o'clock til" * m . ontll S r. u. A* he i* de*in>u«of being employed by none but ibo*e who will make immediate payment without the necessity on hi* pauof collecting be would invite par ticular attention to the following term*: All bill* left unpaid at the expiration ol thirty day*, will be charged at the fallowing rates— For Extracting Teeth, 81 1 For Pilling lrt»m •* to S 3 per cavity. ’ All other ©per au>ns In the same propnrtien- All ea*e* in which engagement* are not continued, bill* will be considered due according to the above reg uls’lon'. ti B.—There are those iudebtrd to him where ac count* if not paid immediately, will be- pfaced m tbe bandsof a proper officer for collection uplSdlmwifE DEAN'S CHEMICAL PLASTEK. From Rev CHarle* .Merton, Mini»trr of the Bspn*t Church. Woo»lcr, late of A*btal»ila. O Afet*r«. IF. Harm 4 Co, Proprietor* of F. Dean’* Chemical Plaster, Geuiletnen;—For tevernl year* 1 have from time tested tbe vinue*of E. Dean’* Cbrniical Plaster hy u*ing it m my family a* a remedy for Rfacu mat *m; weakness and lameness of the back, pain in the breast, infltmanon of (he throat and eyes, ague in the bread, 4c; and I takepleaiaie in say ng to yon and to ibe public, that in every case I have found it ureful, and I do lielieve that said Plaster possesses virtues of more than ordinary character and that a will general ly be found a sufficient remedy for thotc di*ea#e* for which it is recommended, and i* Justly emitted to the notice and patronage of an enligbtened comrannny. Vours truly, CHA9 MORTON. Wooder. O;, Dec. t» IM2 Holdbv B A Fahneitock 4 Co. corner First 4 Wood treet*. * myld4w HILL dfc BROWSE. Bneciiiori to Holdshtp fo Browne, MANUFACTURERS and Importers of PAPER II A N 0 I N G 9, No hT Wood street. Pittsburgh. The mere wing demand for American Paper has induced them to enlarge and improve their Factory, and ibelr fa cilmea for manafheiuringare now equal to any in the eaa era citiei. Having adopted the eastern Kale ol prices, they lake pleasure in inviting their friends and dealers to eaamtne their stock, which is now Inrger Utaa at'any former period, and may be found as follows: Transparent Window Shades, . French. American, daun, Glased and Common Pa per Hangings; . , Gold, Yelv- 1 and Imitation Borders; Landscapes, Statutes and Fire-board Prints; Curtain Paper, yard wide plain green, and fif'd; Writing. Printing,and Wrapping Paper, i Bonnet Boards,foe and Tanner*’ Scrap* taken in exchange *' tn*x ipner*. mekl7d3raiw«a>T iitorney, loanullor and Gtneral Agent. X\T L. PBALL. toformt bn friend* end the pub* VV , lie that he ha« commenced the busine** of Agent for I uyingand telling real estate In thUetty.and will devote a large portion of hi* time and attention to ihe leading, letting and bit ing of bouM*, atored and oth er baildibg*; in collecting and disbursing rente,and oth er elairaa and demand!, and in aiteudingto Agency be dined*generally. lie wilt also engage in the aegotia tion ofloatH, contract*, etc., and wilffuniUh authentic information m relation to the paying Qualities and re •pondibilttieu of tenant*, Ac. lor which hid extentivc acquaintance eminently qualifies him. He may be found at hid residence, No Ml Allen direct.until 9 1 -4 o’clock In the morning and aftrr 0 o'clock in the evening, and timber hour* at bt* office. No gO Chamber* street, '2nd floor frontnooni. NEW YORK. iHiur iiumovuiii. i v„n. REFERENCES—Ron F A Tallmadge.l Hon John B Poott, Hon Jobn MeKron, Hon Ogden Hoffman. Al derman Kglieit Benson, Aid. \Vm V Brody. David fJrahatr, Brq, WmJ Roomg,Eaq._ _ ALLEGHENY COUNTY, u IN the Orphan* Couit of Allegheny County. @. In the matter of tbo Admini*tration Account of Tho«. Hamilton and John McClaren, Kxeeatnr* of (be Enata of Robert McClaren, dtceaaed. No. S 3, March Term. 1947 And now, to foil, April G, IM7 : on motion of W. O’H. Robinson. Attor ney for Exceptants, the Coon appoint C. Darragh, E»q, Auditor, to settle the Account of the Kxeeuto'rs.. By the Court. _ JOHN YOUNG, Jr, Clerk. interested in the above will take notice, that ihe undersigned will attend on Friday, the tftsb of May. maianr, at 1U o’clock A. M , at hit office, Smithfield •treet. for the porro*e of hi* appointment mylSdlOi C DARRAGH. Aud.tor CO-PABTNKBSHIP NOTICE. E\V. STEPHEN'S of Wheeling. E. F. 9n«cnber . rer of Juniata and J.A. Stockton of Pittsburgh, bare ten* day en'.erril into eo-p*rtnef*hip under •tyl* - and firm of Stephen*. Shoenherger A Co. ..i thr Anchor Itou Work*, Wheeling Vo, for the pui pore <*• manufai tnnng non and nail* of every derenpmm. GREAT BARGAINS IS QI’KFNS'V are. AC—Ju*t rreeiv. d from Phi!m ilemua, and now offerrd for immediate fa'eatUie warehoure of M Wallingford A Co, on Ibe Canal Baa in l..iwrir tirrei. Pittsburgh- An eite.i»ire aaaortmeni of French China. F.owme blue and While Stoneware, wiih a Ktcat vaneiv of ©iher panerna; Dinner Tea and Chamber s#eiu, French and German Mantel Otnamemi 4 I Le ulwre good* will beFtold a great largAin, in I lo*uii the purchtietf Storekeeper*, lloiel Froptirtora and other* who w iopu.cha»e will do well to call l elbre U»ey buy. i eiam-ne njyttodffj RICHARD T. LEECH, JR., IMPORTED an t Dealrr in Saddlery Hardware and Carriage Trimming* of every de-ctipiion, No IT* Wood rtrvel. Pittsburgh. offeri to consumer* ami der. - rr» a .splendid (lock of rood* in h.a line, ai ea-iern prierß Hi* tnpplieaof Lace*. Dandi, Lamp*. Knobs Ac 4c are from sources hitherto uuknown m ibis market an I unsurpassed for beamy, quality, or cheap "T'irht and Dark Coach, Drown Japan and Leathei Vwui.b.olwmy* on hand. A superior article and war — Mol of Hr Nells. just received and will bt «.i,iio* . |p y“ TAYNETI KXPECTOttIST-We ln*iir ■»* J .muon to ’hi* ml.oitmbk remedy for Pulmonary *T, l he principle there anaounced of the mor* 1.1.1 marketer of ob*tioctton» —iwtendeney to originate inlUru.jißKoa of the liroachia, and consequent vitiation of tti«* natural humor*—y v beyond di.pule, the uuih „, r „ Tur only practicable mode of lemoving iqcli obstruction ii uy menu* of czpeciorat.o.i. • fe.ull wltl M, we are convinced can alwaya be obtained by * mdic ou» exhibition of the remedy of l)r. Jayne.- I ml. a. h*w tf.a store. n e.».h ■* *■ u, ;« * °’r. of H y* Sehwtnt. Federal »i. Allegheny. myA'd Vwl , Ik/UIttNU AKI» WtlAPPlillO PaFEII W -lim ,ram« Cap Writing Paper; f4i do I etter do do; Km do 8. C.Straw Wrapping do; !itm do Medium do do do, ‘ lull dc* PC. do do do. ' rAW-wA-sw ■nrt>4 eor Penn and Irwin »!•_ prrrsoi’Rc.H steel works andsprino and AXI.K FAirrORA. lost*. r JONES * ftUIOO, A f ANI.’KACITHI'KS of Spnng and BliMei Steel, IVI plnißh Me*l. Steel Plough Wing*. Coach and Kbniie Spun** llmninercd Iron A ilea, and dealer* in Malleable CaMiiw. and Coach .Trimming* generally corner of Ito.a and Front *ircet*,Piu»l>nrgh, l a _ _ (^OAI'IITHi 31 MINOS—The mlncnber* are J 1 ow receiving u large and catenate a.aonmnn oi Cornell Tnmtnmg* of the lateM aiylea-nmong win h are v*rio<i» art>clr«.ihat have never been kept'erc whicti they nuiclmre.l lor ca»h from the F.amern Manu facturer*. and *,e able lo rell a. low a* any lloaae in New York or I’btladelnhia. They would r» "pectbilly invite the ntiention of dealer*. I m yl*d->m JONES A QUKRI. cor Ro*« Alm »'• P' EIIPPMKIIT.Ac-Hound 1 . Ro»e and Almond Shaving Cream, a very mipenor article, w-lh oi i without jar* , X Rou'iel'* Shaving Compound; Taylor’* do do; do Crynalline Soap, do Ro«* d®. Ilull’a Atmbnd do; I'alm Soap, Lavender. Florida and Co.o*„o , m .JI Corner Wood and Fifth ‘ nIJTE POCKET COTLERY- Itr»p»-ra* com r p.ei* Penkn.vem Roger’a f.S, add 1 blade do, Ww tenholm’* Kntver, ...0110.1; Rigor, of a .uperux ~ual tv Razor Strop* nod llone*; TaWe Cutlery, in ett* < nioot.l alio in .1..,10 of IIM taal Ainr.ira manabenr. and bdl-nco handle; *"> t ’" , "’av i ;v”wi , i --on Cornet Fourth and Market Q*. A CARD. , . HAVIM! r-cnv'd li«n»e •» • DruyniM «f ibf Kir-t XV aril of ihr ruy »o «rll wmc«. ami .p.MI-.u* l.cjunr., "for rnrdicmal »n«» •■eramm***! nnraotfpi. oiid lo bo u**d >n Ibc If'*: ’ 1 horruy i»oi I) m?l jiff.on* nppl>m* forihe abo»e.Uoi ibey wi ijuiied 10 leaTo iwinr, rroidencr. and po.* Anirlc* of »uporior quality i-*n b * ! hn £\l.;M 1-wM. <u <ho Dfflf More of the s’^^ COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS ' A T CINCINNATI—I am aD'hor-rod l>V |lir CJoternpi «Aof Pennoylvania io okf «tknowUdgm>"f- *»» >« uruinenta of and o promt* in be a»rd or recorded *» £•"«»*>£» no. Ornek. S door. K«m • i » be “•J o A?snti r etnnati. Oino EDWABI) P CRANC.H myVOdAwly»F_ . Aiiornry*»i low IfTIIIjCKBRINO’S FIANOR-An elr*am ras L wood «ix ocuve uovr .e»l<* P«« Fone, tiuM by QOtkerUif. of Botkin, wU! t>e I °J c v n ,d ' EXCHANGE BROKERS, AC. UUBBKY, HAHHA A CO; BANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, and DEALERS IN FOREIGN ANIJ DOMESTIC EXCHANGE CERTIFICATES OV I)E poSITE. DANK NOTES, AND SPECIE; Fourth *«, nearly opp*n>te the Dank of Pittsburgh CURRENT MONEY receive*! on Depomte—Sight Cheek* tor *ale. and vol'erliont 'made on nemrly ail lhe principal pomuin the I’mied State*. The highest premium paid for Foreign am! Anirr ran Gold made on of-Ptoducr, * hipped r*l term*. wchls K. UOLBEB 4 BON, Bankers and'Bealers in Exchange, Coin mud Bank Note*. i 5, HARtt-T STRKKT, PITTSBURGH. i« Kale*. Kielianee. Bujmfißair*. } pr. Cincinnati. i dis. , n..« vc .j*Uia. i do Louisville. Ido Baltimore ido Si Louis, . Ido UA NK NL»Tf> Buyinp Rate. Ohio, tdi*. Co. & Scrip Order*. * di*. InuUnt. ido Relief Noit«, l'<> Kentucky, Ido Pcnn.ylvan.a C> *do Virginia, ido New ) ork do. do oo Wlieelmg. |,do Ne«.Orlran». Ido Tennessee, 3do Maryland. Sdo my'JSif Copartnership* , OBEPII H. HILL. lUie of the firm or Urn. A. Hill 4Co .) and WM C. CURRV.tlateof trie. P-. ive en.crrd min Cnpannerahip. uniUr the name oi ILL * CURRY, for u.e porpote of carrjuigon the . anking and Kxchanje Lu»<ur»» m ull it* t.wn.-hea at No ti Wood Mreet three door* below fourth, we»t aide—where they toliril the eunlbra of their * ,,1) the pul'lir generally. JOSKl’ll H MlL*- rncnlS WM C < » ««' MILL. »'*. c. cum**- lIILI* A CURRY, ■ IlliU A VVliUfti BANKERS &. EXCHANGE BROKER:*, DEAI.KR> IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC TIME t SIGIII' BILLS OK EXCHANGE. CER T 1 ‘•IOATES OF DKI’OSITF., BANK NOTES AND COIN. No 85 Wood ilrrrt, Ihird door bcloy Four'll. «rM »rtlc. PAR Fund* and CurfPnry received on Depo*i'y rind coiliciion* tnndr on oil ihe pr:nci|>nl Cm«» ih Hip ten'll K*Hiange on Haltimore, Philadelphia, iN< w Uo*iou ond Cincinnati roiitiaiiity fur mlc \ idian*. Kemuck), Wjuiu ami l*fiiri«ylfunia and >c»ld on fnvoruMr l> rin> ' onKitflanri, Ireland, (irtmaii) and Franir At*. mciilS WILLIAM A. HILL & CO., BANKR RH , BXCIIANUE DIIOKEIIS ASU deal*** is FORKIGN ANU DOMESTIC EXCHANGE, CERTIFICATES OF IJKI'OSITK, UASK NOTE*, AND SPECIE. No 64 Wood Setrrt one door abort Fourth, Ea*t rult. mrhlel Ptmbqrnh, P«. RKDIICKU KATKI. OHIO, ludiana, Kentucky, and I’ennu. fuml»i al»i County and City Onltr* nnrcha-ed mt ledueedfair of di'CtJnm. by N HOLMES it SON Fxehanffr Hiokrr. .**'> Af.n «i illeetlona on o'nc.iinon.. liin»vrjir. m anil oil oece«*iljle poi-Li in the United Sto'd inotle iptly, tnd open the lowe« term* l>y ,N HOLMKS& SON, Exchange nrokm No 34 Market •) illonb on Cincinnati. Loui»vi*l<*. Si l.oui« an*l •ber occe*itb)e point* in ibe United Sive*, accommodating tens*. HIM. & MURRY Wood n uni door <o Koipe Saloon E'xehanc* on New York, l’hiiadelpbia, a'xl B*Jti JU mnw <*nn»imtnl» fpr «ule t)V llll.ti i CL'BK\ Wood n. neii doo» to Kaglc Currency of the Ohio Indiana, and Kentucky Uankt wanted at aery 'aw °f MILL 4 CL Rit\ Wood *t. next door to Katie S*loon ‘ Indian** and Kentucky Bank purcbarrd at low rate* 1»y } P IS mil.MK* *. SON t No M Marin «i houses'Lots, farms, &c. PROPERTY IN YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO, FOR SALE. a THE advertiser offer* for sole a splendid Brick dwelling Hou«e siiunie on the North Hum corner of ibe Public Square in Youngstown, .Mahoning county,Ohio. It is l*rg*;comnjodtoi»s. finished ut ei eellent style, and in the best location in Youngstown, either lor . dwelling or public bouse; attached to it is a yard, with watet, stabling, and ail other conveniences This town is improving verr .rapidly, is situated im mediately on the Canahand when the various Furnace*. Rolling Mill. Ac., now being built arc completed, will be Ibe most flourishing pluce in this section or Oluo> It will be wld low lor cash, or on time, or exchanged forprtyperiy in Pittsburgh. For particulars inquire of LIl JD Wll-K. corner of Wood and Water «- P.tu ourgh, who will give * ll information _ ocJMAwM _ POSITIVE SALE AT AUCTION, OF FIFTY BUILDING I.OTs.uihe Mb 'Ward of ibe City of Pittsburgh, nt ar the new Court House. The subscriber will offer for sale, ai public auenon. on the premise*, on Saturday, ihetfnh day 01 May.lsL. at :J o’clock in-'be arternnon 30 lieaoinurly located Building Lois on Ifoy.’s Hill, on 'he south of Penn sylvan a Aveuue. (or 4th « road 5 The Uf will ire -old on the 10 |o*mg term*, v.x-.- onr-hftb oi the purchase money to be paid ■■■ I ana. and the residue in four rijual annual psymeiur. wjth interest f.-oin date of sale, pa, able semi-annual!/. tol-e secured »y bond and m'rivagc on ibe i n ii.i'cs !-hi Uld the wenlhrr be ulil iVlir i 1.,“ i.e suit Wit !>•• a,I o .inch Utl the n-swur ••••e<i.r,g *n!urd.n at tin- same n'ace aud hour. Title in »i-i<ui»*»•'«?. 1 , m -vdlS A I.KX ML.M’h. W vliest R'EAL ESTATE 'in THKCtillNlKt-n.e .ut.- scribets offer lor ole u h<»u*e and lot hi A cm Mid* uiesex. Mere* r county. Tl.e liou-e i* will calculuud for a store and dwtllMg. •«n»eit:*.e:> cn me Ei* tension Canal. In n tlj'i*:*li ns v.liuge ii. nr i.y. u'e * A l*o' * lo! 11 lh- tl -.' r —^"' |9 f ) lr (i °TheVV<^P r °l ,r, '>' W,U ,'■? r n V fonunoJai.iLj lertn*. |?ala • u '•• «pl 2 < »:;'T OHUfTTANDS FOit >ALB 1 Lu*U< <«i» »« l» *'•« “» li *■ tv '*/ ’ iuinl*i»'owmli'p Me'** co.Ovo I P’i houM-V UlaijM l>ani» with KCoJftncins n< . i*'-> in* The «kck -o*-;t:er will t.« nr J.V .!r : ‘ " U .' | ’ ,^ r . ' m fiTct mimc'U»i#iy For f«*•**»• t iiiic>rii.»'inn - A.»* W.-m! urrrl . ... - noK K/ii«K-<ioUl L*no ut>ouu«rt> ».-!<•« fr-iui tb«* r Oilj'. aiid adjoin ng Alaucfteaier. •uu*t».e tor gai crm or i*nv-*if fc*idr;»cr« con»i»l ii« »»t Tvro »nf a Ac»i* • each; I >n» ' • of 4 ,\rtr‘ ; ' - *l'\VO " of 3 ACffi (*Qfhi 'l liftp •• «»■ s Arre* h; (»<:<• - oi fj •* fO.d m faco-able irrin« Anp.y lo & CtTtlHhß r. Real Office No 30 Sini-.inrid .tree! FARM run SAI.i:-A Khmo of V 6 J.aetr ». *.lualr.l « '» * >lOinll>e » H) on U*r Kran*> n Roa l, find one unle i e>otnl l'criy*vnl« 11 c .iniMovfUirhtur,- 4‘i -crei mi eu a *«.! fr»ra« n«u»c »nd »lorr, ff.udcn ai.-l nrdMPl. «i i .ie <ui'i l.arii. other oulftmi*"*. M<l exrrllent *••««;» „ U 1 •old low anil on term*, or exet.-r,**! for Real W iXLfcuiifciNY' cK'atfci’Kttk. I * KliSC>N?* d< aC pure Main*. Loi* in lb'-- Cemr p icrv an- rcioi.» i icr Jon ui ilx? >upi:r.uirnd m™ 111. «.»«». ”■ » K "■ U'«SS'I • ‘u-niM.m, drcl'l-ilAw.f ItJVKU LOTS. f VIH SAI.S-' !*otn<* . rtUnl ° ! finiuivJ. *.lu->tcJ H 01, lit.- l.nith of 1..1- I’|VO r . C’fMtl’SWlU* '<» «r,-\ Ibrw *>»' "fc ti.i.»ll.ilv*ruj<«rOd».\ MluJt.- */. i'"";.x'Sw-s r Valuable llalKtu’w f<*r S*\r- n ,,1.-r« mi il I - iiii .liKiul in f riunvf tai» 1 an nr tv ■ ,o'vJ cunrv. of.-r. w >He SIX Kl'lUHNt.- JTS on ?Won<l »U.n l.rnT.-«-:i F-cry * r>•<". find 1t .1.1 Alley. I'.el. i." *in >“■ i™> "" * rc»t and c *btr fr- lin drp;h Tnr low *l.l be »D «1 nelv <-f the wnoln lub* tiicr. !"> ,r I'fn* ft l’P'' V* üb<rril>er on the pH Jin*r«. JO!t> »:AI.L»WtL.L. *piOtf_ _ . . ITOti'iUi.K- I «•■> k"^- 1 .!: u :j d, "6 ,uU » * UJ, ' ,eu I 1 CqnjtrcM 'J«i ft. A|to—l loi'JG it by ;v? corner rf Congreve M and Pennaylvaum avenue l lo> S 3 by M-* !' uii Prii"■>;!,• BT - Itu e l Lit vM.y |:«i ft on Locatt «t I'-'iu* J r«ur S ,; L' riIBKHT ■™g ' Real r.‘ln!t‘ nifiee.Jt',*m.thfie'.l -* ' I101<«K AM D L<»T KUIt 'fcALK- I w '• -r.i H a very hand-ome llt.c* Cubage llau?e, nm-h-d in mndrrn tule. « about ui.e'ncie of r.ound.Miuatrd in* mart u the Ar*enmin the »«ro“*h «! I.nwrc llCt . v.lla. Term* inuJv. Ate. . hARI - , my 19.11 w Nr>l l 7 T’aLUakL-. I'I'.OI'HUY HJIt S.M.K-lU eric. \ ot valuable land. ju*i above U rimntr’ ••mated between the lump.*" "'"I ‘be Mononcthfin r.vcr. -uii rnrlt No .'4l »n.l.hfirld »l f OTB POH SALE- Iwo lot* on t.fir.-H. near L SmtlhheM .1 d.tmly npp- *“« Lyon. N.or:. 4 to. 4D ft Item by H) ft m depth There lot. are well ’tlnaicd .or dwclln £ tou.'» or ‘..undue* • Thev wi 1 ire ofrrrd at public *alr on Thursday , b ,i... „( \i«v i.pTi at I J o'clock, M IraM _ FOU BALE-Twn good Itr-cs U-.h-k ...a-. Kaeu Hour* eonn.i* nl a ♦‘•jr.r. ami cofu.n* » >•)*_ « rnlrnncr, parlor, d n hr mmhi and k tch-n. r-o th - fir. floor w.'b .1 room* nno.c a-fi bmM.rd gairri. flood cellar ami coml water Kjchled >• i«l fm limit bt mo fen deep. n< air Ali n. »Vre Vt*r Ijr^“ 1 j r^“ 3 ' : ‘ n„, ■ .ilUi.i /■Country ?kat "• •■) .e Othe foot of Hure’« Ireland e«*nai«lii»* ”f n.i _an 11 ‘ of ground. mi wli.rlinrr'itf.'a g*>.lllft Pw.-mic Hoo**, well nnatißiH. wi'b a g*-nd :i R"r:l- n' .u'. of ohrubhe.ry a.oi var on* kind* "I Mm- -md ex.elt waier The whole i« t« r«->. order !-*•» |'ir« i\r.u s cr nu.iv f ARl> dli.-fiie »u .c. r n,-r-i.ineti.-d Li die manufacture c Lard O. hi;- now o-epar. d .o exc, ..mailorder* for thm. article Flietr Od .Ot the beet iiualil). and w II ne •«'•! ..1 Hie loweiim ir.e- rn • * mdentiou o’ I’ru^fl'* l4 »"d t»rocer» i—.-I lu.t> ■ v J JUItD.iN » H>N. IS , inydTtf O(<po*oe head ot Sirfh n Id. m COI'NTBY UESIUKNCK. IIAVLMi .emovnrin tbr Cty. lor conven-em-e to pnire.noiial tiuwiie**, l w.l. rent the Ma“‘.on ,i 00 ...»...i >i. ■«“» 'S' t' l "*. of the one nu'e. ill«l.urC'> |anl4 Utawti MMI- l|lu ' CHEAP UIiILUIAU i.OTJ*—t i.o. ov iii left. »hun’ed on Pianklm t"’rei-i. .Mn-chrny t-try. |»r'( e *2OO. Tkrtn> hal'd * r ”> hve year* Al*o. a corn- r l ot 23 by ISM feet • toaird near tbr I*r're^3l;n 1 * r ' re^ 3l;n snTthi>u -t Building lots fou salk—Four l«.u m. the liheliret Iloud. vj I ) 90 feet each Aiio Slot* near tbe 4th * reel Hoad. i 4 l y Ivti i» et e»eh 'PrieeSlSti. T»-rn.».S h m hand, m*n * 9 CL riniKHT.Oei.riaiAerni-. >e ' f JUi No ’tl S.n llifir |.l «t A'||ANoM'.'‘»-.»‘»->‘ , . V \ t K **A» l-.nejM!.. me properiv ot Y\ ru L.oglian. Fj<i . enimimng of I . convenient Uncle Dwcllme llon.e. with tunable out building* garden ic ;- 10 AT77i rirhl arte* adHi n i‘s tor a. ove Ar °’ B » CUTHIiF.RT, Real l-Utate OITu e, j- No 60 Sm'bßeld »treet l 7 building Lot “ “ I t S MANCHKSI F.K FOU SALK— I have for *ale a 1 beautiful Uuildmg U*l in Manrhrater.near the Prrry. ■a frt f.ont by ItS' feel deep It will be M»ld low. and on nrcoiinnoda'mC term*. Term* unexceptionable myip JamKS.HLaKKLY. Peat K»t»»e Agent T T ALUABLK HLILDINO LO’fs r fwr w.e.'irtVif" • V erent aituei on* In L’nt«buigb. Allegheny L'ny. Man cae*ter. Birm'iigham, Fteedcm. Freejmct, New Hricblon, Fdenburgh.Ac.. Ac. >my*l _ S. CUTUIIFRT. Heal Office fl'O LET-Tka W«rehou«e on Wood »treei. now sr Boiimtm . HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS, an El ATS t RATS TI HAT® It ' m fETIIH being she day the Spring Fasbionof Malawi!! be imibduced, by tbe most fash-. ionab!r establishments m.Srw York and PbiladeTbia the undersign'd take urcat p rosuie m bring eUtided 10 announee U> ihnf numerous mend* »n<l ibe public grDeralli< iliat we are prepared u> supply all who o>a> lavor us with a cal' with ibe fashionable Hat for the season. comprising Reavers, Neutrias, and extra fine Moleskin MU Hals, eilher wholesale or retail. . McCOBD A KING maiSif eor wood mid-Mb >l*_ A rkhoval. m 9 Mf ORR list and Cap aa removed to No 73 Wood «treei, three door* aoove I ourth street. His stock consists of ever)- variety ul Hats and Caps, made in mfe latest style: also. Panama, leghorn and Petal Straw Hat*, vrliolesale anil reuil, at the lowest price ! S MitOHK apt 6 75 Wood si. thud door above Koonh Fall Faahlon, IS4O. UKKIIK4. COSTAR'S Style t.eotlrnien’s Han JM will'be imrodured ai KKEVILtS on Thursday August 27tlt. tiertilenien Wishing achean.-fash* imialile Hat of Pittsburgh rtrtuiufaclure ahead ol fashionable lU'* importrd nd advertised by some ol the trade, please cull hi KEEN u. A Co * aagUOlf . 153, head of ood et At Spring Fnshlou for 1847. JM WILLIAM DOUOLA®* Kfik WOULD in onn lit* friends and patrons liiuthr i.a» now on hand a Urge siock of the Spring Farluon of Huts tutd Caps. « hich will be itt'ro dured on Satuidnj next Those in want of a jupenoi article will call at ' melt'd No ”? Wood Ka*i »ide_ IQ WILLIASI'UOVGLAS, A Jjfl COVMMJIS lo ni»iiuf3L'lurr., ai><l * * ron»'.an!ly on tiaiid, evrty urri) t»C n o d Cup* of ilic iairM itylr. and pncr» vnv low ii No 7tt Wood *irrc«. t-'n*i«'.<Jr JSJ9T STRAW lIONNET A.NU HAT WARKUUOS& NO. 35 MARKET STRKLT, PITTSBURGH. R. H. PALMER otT<r« lor «alr on n» tavor- 'icfin* a» any ln>uw? in I'lnladHphia, a ’ •-of Suaw, I'lorenre, Rut- complrip ainorimeiil oi>p ImO, auU a great variety 01 gimp Bonnetmot'lhe ap.ingmyte .... ALSO— l’alm Leal. Straw »ml Leghorn lUtf; Am final Flowrta. kc Ae ntchi DRY GOODS C«M>cl' au<l Dry uuwoi tt »rtU«u»*. Nil 110 uAUKf.f >1 KKKI'. no DEUT D. TUOMPSOW, RKSJ‘KCTFUJ.I.\ inform* hi* Utetid* and Uie jiulilir UCHrfHUy, that lie i» iui«v .receiving a Bm ' • plciioid asrniiment ol Nsw StTLE Curpeuii*, u, ‘ Cloth*, ic rfrrct from the Importers and Manafaew rer« compawd ijipailof ‘ SnpertSfe |lru»»eH Carpel*; K»*. r u cFH'apem > Jtm*sel* Carpe'mg; Super Imperial 3 ply and Kltm <l-; superfine Intr&m. I‘iiir and Common Carpeueg: S-e. 3 4 und 4-4 I'laut Vcuii*n Carpctin*- 5 n, 3-4 sod c*' Daraavk <i» > do; 3 b 3 4 nnU 4 4 TnpeMry do <K SirsTibMi JVunwinar. Itrown Drilling*; 4 4. 5 4 KmJ U 4 Sheeting*; f I 7-< - 4 Tal-le l.mto-i l.iiteu -Napkin*; Crush and Caper, llockauuck Towelling; Curpet Strip. *;- New styfc I'a hle Cover*; Oil Ccoth* from tl? niche* to til feet k>de. TofiKTiiiK with I Kirh Embroidered ami Printed Table tod Uiano cover* Figured Floor Cloth*; Thmiellc. I!ru»*ei# TuCied, and .lion Ru«»;. Tufied, Cheinellc. and Sheepskin Door MmuJ Momlla and l»rna» do do* ItrcMiMair.ltuds Flnt and Oval; I>am«(k und Mriped Stair Linen; Carpet Umdingr; ' ' 4 1 hiiJ 0 4 Plain and figured Indian Molting, Colored Span.»b Miminsvic ..Ac. - j>, rM)n . jp Ftronil"'iit9 Hoipl«,or Private lion .e. t ori _. r-queoi tl to rati, ns he feels confident they wm find it to tucir advantage to do •« beidte putcbutuif eUewtiere- _ / DRY ROODS, UR I . He would ai»o uivne attention in in* exteti«ivc *loek of NEW iM’KINt. UKV leml.rur.iig ever) Ih.i R in th*t Itne 1 now opening at the a'.ove ‘land. marlfHa w lffiV Ipr-Ve 1 U« Ui»rlr»« «»rr»» ST Ail c'loT it I N(i b'IOKE, 1 NO. 70 WLKJ U SI KEKT. PITI SliUKl.ll, »*A. \ aNCKER A MAVKK wholr*9te aud retail dealer* i\ in Kaftern Keady-roade Uoitimg, would respect foil * lake ibi* method of M>ltcinng Hie ailriuion oi ibeir fiitotncr* and the public criie.rally.lO ibe following Imuof ibeirvioek nrirade and assure tln-ia uU>, tbai they will pcII *» cheap if not cheaper than n..v other rotHlilitihmeni m ibe city. Our lacllit.e*ol purehojing find m*nuf<eiuring rood*, orc*ucba» to enable u» ai oil nine* lo keep a full aMonm-tu of leady made cloih m« oi lc»» price* ibVn ihev can be obtained eftewbete The present *'n«;k on hand c6n»i«i» i'n part of the fol lowing description of *oo«L: • 15» black e odi dress coni*, fr-m 810 Ui 8-0. V.V do do French do 10 “ 71) mown and invisible green Vo IS “ ' ifO rbcs co-ti», splendidly - made A of good material, jyixi pa>r name, of all *tyie* «jua iiie* and price*, ojuo TC u, do do do do juu dozen l.inrnplain anj stitched bo«ora shins; stock*; *c»rft cravnir; imtonu, collar*; suspenders; nock*; drawer*, und mtder »n.n* or every -far., ty, all of which have been recently purchased “»d “daped in the present season. Merchant* and other* who are m • wantof cloth r|? cannot do better tban-TOgivc u" a coll. DUES* <iIX«IIASIS—W. R. MUKPIIY »*ks the alteniion ofbuyrr* to the choice style* of übov* coodnopened <ln» morning. a* tvellui— -t,,k re Linen <>inzbam«; ■“Paired do; French Lawn*, at reduced price*; (,ingham Lawn*; Nrai *t)lr Hr.lire*; frrpe Sliawl., , N.-.-u - wufi> collar}; . . |i .iuiYi Kit U.n.; Huihtoider-d Wujlmf. fur Urcfi-e*. etc. New good*.w,ll or opening nearly every dav. .for a week toednie, uthludnig many «ty‘lci» of *carcc nnd de sirable goo dr, . | loom* up stair*, are u;»o bring repi-m-ln-d "wlilt a large supply ty' nc.v *ud. de*ir*lnc crx.iL. at lowcjtsh pricu* tnylP WALL. PAPKU •' » JItDKHS. pRICK'i UKIM t-K..- , " r.’ '-I-ii'tr l*«p-r «/i'l lUirdst* •>( li:« ”i ‘I •; .f idU'e i« vit) ti irr.iv, rjii da ly U! hif ben.p in%dc n> «* i:,ry are liin*bed—of new andaplendld pntirrut a .• eil a«»orie>i Mock of »cn#« Paprr and Eertitn -11 i v.ue recently miucrd me price* Hie »- ovr T c’.e* [Jnil o lio* in b.« l-HC, not eininieiuied.) tie 1* 1..., to>ei|iorcnMi, C.ikaikm than nny e«tnl't »b -o' ’lie kind. KaM or \Ve«l of the ii.ounta:n« net r.'.A.'i (V> «•.! • : ?ts •JO IiCIJ.VMS AM) .-Ii.KCHANT 1 I . jU , U <S—Ji' *1 ircr:v C i:,'f : n •« i -Men: T<oy R ( u<|p b.ih wli. c u. J *-t.iromvei> | fine w medium q*iaiuie« i l!n-oiii> Mini‘ i>. nr* fine ant) m:*ln>«u q>»* ' ,,:cs - , I Cravat*'—tt rpleudid «*sorulicai. botli i<>ack uhq fan* i ry ail iiualDtr*. Him k a.s 'fanry Sat n AdjuMirTß »mck». Ilui'k and i’o tl-> Jit** •)*»> <WW prrc**aorNi>rti» t Fyp*; ■ v t■ mu »u*prniltr*. ti< s *<*. i©t •* «"I ll,e ™‘ n j ' ICUI T rer* price. !•}• lfiem»mii‘<»eturcr’« v*ccnl ui wooa jtrcrl.up Main. T»*UI) myM Arc-iI for E.t»'*-nn Me..unu-iutm / 'OLOiIED'coUhTKHPAMs.*- » .. .uut vv pby mvii»« itie aiieu-toii ■! house keep* r* to on assortment 01 11-l and t-» colored "'ountrrpniie* A n«w ami iißduufui article of different c"lo r » atsoititirm of wlme lowest lo unr ouili>. a!*o. L nen lamusK I aide cloilis. a furl B-- sormieni of newifst’jisiiorii*. Ai-o; ro«ei* unit mr Diaper—at t(ie'noTihtAM cotniir 01 -till u..rt itit set street* •* Bonnets, riubo.v» am* plowki:* —\V II liq- Ju-t 'opened nn o*-o'»rarn« o' <ir««-bopi>er, Ijiji.l, Vja.'tk'".. ‘-inti*, IVnrl. e-p'n Suaw,»up-». Kut uinl. ami Oit-Op-Doi-ncr*. At-t itm bOn* nnd Flower* >•> pteui variety, at ihe Sotih KV corner of 4th -aid Market *l*« 111,1 t \ LOVES 4fc A lre*b and w-li a~ Vj joued- rt-k of white iiit.l c 0 tic’ll cmioiE mi men women und rti.ldren, c.>n*'.*n' : >' oti hand Ai*o - Li« r Ino ad m cteMV'iret-; mnl Dim r 'ir?'i“.ci"«°V«'..'S r«» «a S'fr'.WoT •lUHiity. tut a ' Nof.l mu'ketft \IOKE Mav UOiIHS-At '-V K Murpn>« iVI Dry tin-hi, Mue»e, norm ml! corner oi 4'b »-<d Market «tr. H* Keot 'V.I/e tr,-.buHM m I .men Table limpet- uom 'M u> - 4. iiiclud a.f'Som verv .iipec;..r«.k Abo. UlencLca »i»l ut-n.c dj r.l i.inni mb!.' chillis very fotv lor quality Al-o. At picas end Alpaca t.u*trc« a full .t«M>runent .iroiit com mon to very superior, indudiuc tata « ol v, ' r > ‘‘.Rh !,u».rc* r • B ' V 'L fiPItINO HUT GOODS. riMACKt.KiT i Ulllli.. No M) A 0... J street. O I'itt* nljrh. are new receiving l»rp- *’ Inteand .M.-r-’r «.yle.«,r fresh M-mR bfv ' “‘••■d* <p recent ""p-.ii* o.i« «.. l i.iuii.iucuro. I* P e<f to offer »W* ••i.'u-:. me: * -*!• piuupi *••*) dealer*. .• - , Our stock ■« now' v\ full, and comprise* m * n, in £?'^ V)A*!*TKO hliAtjijS, vV.NMTIAN HUN Dr* rAc-TrK,.- !« 1 . W d'a^.neo Oil 6repmrauo!i.'n crest vnr.ed- .i.i at »i*r'e; Vettemn Wind* of 0.-nridd *•!«“ ami ''> • sale in hi.mle *«■«• i.-tln.lmc Roller* ar.d llhud i'nintnmc'.a* oitt.i color* j, ATf { x .^ jv ravlrvlE prints V.oit h> it Murphy hn« open nn >oolol' ,g e- vetu! uew jc of lirovvn and Vn v [»r.n!« n*:»n»a-«vr<*i at *• 1 “ • ner vntd—'be co’o'* i>-rf>tc'ly l»*t' “'"J “t*" * tnk inff, l.iUch ami Ume aul White >!o—also warf«tited f si colon. _ . . _J B 1“ CIANTON CIIAPK SIIAWLS-Ju-l recive.t. laice n*>ornnn,i of R.di wb t- 4?'! [ K [ v ' a- i*-e New Ttf Market mil t.rape .La .. lj_ff\KltA»H niWKBDS—A fri* lur,;e. i,<oni.iinl cf 4 aij'l S-mnfw-esr' 2_ Y>riil,APS-:i»Mie«ci tit Uc- r f fu | rln P‘ > *» \.>r A’ool ■*n'*kii:e. ju*t fCe v >»iul J»r «a r t-r % «'A'iii.m a wood .t Cuna.ll*. Übe f»ut:: m dry c \v';i^rUl , !l V (P «V» N Ut n.wt Market et*_ -V y.W which «rrr U cii "»■'»!•>'•. 4 r "’» ,; »f.'. 'Uid''l’:nk* T, ! m- mvl.-'-m , -.. Just rcawni.Mi i«>- *»*c by ra'.il T-’« Will l_E.!^_woo£»l_ No Cure, No ***>’* , 1 lh Jiekton' t’w«* Eu'Jt'oaiiio.i fwrerraw*. . rriHERK ire few<jijca»e* more common or U*ow-- A blcaumnthan the I’ilfi*. and yet, ir<d*iUittand* m* urcnl cliortt fan*o been made ti.jcure by the u*e ofnilU.», linimenti, -fc<U«H «*cre{ut»ie little bcnelti. iW the hmbrowtlon »U«» only medicine A perj«w “ si* »it.. tk. rite."l'll"’ ««•“ht: f Inia. New Jersey, olmo.t .•» po.|"i«o l» •» ‘™“ V (9 ,ild. ter the .peed, that thi* medic, •_ ' ctfectcd is hi* ca v qirt l fTTKcr «aU in Pmsbarith at w»n I EKfcN TEA •mWB 72 Kouclb »t . and uUa. ’) Um Brug Slortj - H* P Sebwart*. Federal *t. Allcgtioj Cit. fobtOT i i \» « VNK’S HAHt rONiC-n- ctnnmcd lo im - -- ; | IT.vmnin of ihore dr*urui« of rctijiuiß iUe:r hair or. I'TEVBBSVILLK OKANS-itn Invoice of; h* be'aiity. lo lhi« rircani p.eparatmti W v o tfo.vl IPue'J-inT-. JU -! received und;£or.Jd!c t clow kearitewy wh-te hi'hlv kpoleu* r' «i.<i,e.prci«Ufcj.y inauufni lurer** pr-ee*. ')'• . “ lho ,_ xvboiiave mud* «•*'• of i?. n* <ie»:ly etficacmis nn l j ?*H h. W IIITK. W w.rvt #r j a " .., inM ' 4 nng ih- growth of tit* i> i*r, and prevention bu.eii ai the I'KKI.N TRA STORK, cli-t H 'rr M.k l n-«e< A - :u*i au-t or .«i ; , p„ uri h .trert, mar >M«- *!-<> at tie Drug Store >•>' l H !■" 1 j || p Sriiwattz, Federal »t. Al'cahcr.yCity mygO I INKN 1lOB!lIN-ia:'il\tt< Fx * " Tsnaaeauii;. May » VtS>47. I j i, 3 »,.(,• f uf \p rm Sm l.uinn «n 4 conon y a-cT I c*** u learppon'lyll of it. A. Fan* Hfv«« Vima-v; flUrk , :i..l I>r»b IIW m **‘*'‘: L, nP «nck AO % Vemrtiu-c u» »t> | liulc girl. wh« U Return* Op* und J.i*!c It.l’hon*. for *.t;e l-y «en toar and fiv- jvo.smid durnjs ib« day «be mj-jj ; t- ( ,a<*rd 105 larce wjr;n«. averaging tm-re Uian a fool in WOIVIIToVfTTI^W'-;;”";^, teupoo, I*l Neil-, a k<vhl »met «»'* * , j f u n lo her younger «i»ier. who wa* .i|»paicntl} well, and ,nd,W,.K. ’■>,„. rt ,g rl .f|||Tr, m j ■h«P“"‘ll J7 ““™ 1 “ f '’”“ i ;;" NnY c „ noT n : P. n „n I ca»-tvtiiie. Utark I'ink * Watchmaker 1 Smj hfieM atreet !. “ie eoioie.l Taper Mu jun opened ; Pfe p. fe d and -old -ylt A f A|UXK>:rOCK fcCO, Uiueana.iaie I in>n ,r iat and wood, amt tv< n 1 nml Ciiu tiA, mW4-- and wr *aie»>J i-i t A \VH|TK *** w~-.l «t , - - rovif Dr. .tlcLme* Liver aiNOIIAMti ANU BAUEOKB- \ x JESSUP A CU.-(i»-.,ik plmMrlM roe have a«u nmM« ju*i open oi the at-ve gwal*. rpiend .l | jVSL of Ur McLaoe’- i..jv«r 1 MU. w.te J and very curap, at .hr New Vrrk Store i Stored -wo i oxe. ci the l'»c■< l‘i :* I »**Me yoa Srkei atteVi m>2t WII GaRRaRH 1 iherthavc don ♦ her more poml jira»| my family phyeieioft. .WMarkrtJt : ■— ! two year, anendence. Two a t»iea, tVaXNBR TRHI.IIIAOB-ilu.nrtn, Gold «nd • will elect a cure. JA'! •? J ' l»Uliie Banner wnh T«*te!« and Cord* lo J pk:n* Towflrlup miftrb—rrce»*edby Exprawand r ° r • % i* , , h | V p . TO * l Tb«l< Taluable Tdla for *aie by J MDO4C^N« myvu 1 ,F U EATON 1 WobdsU««t,~P.U'.*bursU. |BWW- ri.\SiVA«S AXI) PAUUIKOK-4 l.«!r. ( - p,Ti..T. h'N.y Ru7«ifln o:uiva«» IUPI ju-l 11iy ,5 ■ siTvi'-KtKrr A, V/HITH. wmrl m MAKTILXAt* AND VISITTKS -A i«nl.*r J.i*l tev«'vr.!. n-.«r ul »».*! Xevf Yor*-«>rr.7» Marvel'!!<■<>• ~ nv-.I J MEDICAL 1. * 'P IL E S ' DR. irfGOLDSBY’S rSta Sptti&i, u iaiernal na*4T • tadjetl case, whether teUmU, 'WTT btcrdiof or blind, tho, fet_irrit*tion of lbe kidscji na NM* der, j»au m the beck and. tide, habitual cartiT*a*»i *^°P“ Kcoak* before aod tiler coa&aenent tr® often trottbM with cuntltpalioa of lh* bowtb ur’cOetiTene**, aiWeU el lb* mks>' la tU *ueb cw> tbe Sjweifie can be turn with per- • fret *fcty t »nd.u a.certain renwdt. The Specific ii aot.a M-rptiee, aodUfci rntirefftrcritNe remedy,vilhbutaprl title ofpE>bo*»,eoJacjn«or*lj»*—pkutat to Ukt and p*»| /Vetly barmkw in the meet debent* caiea. i ' Thii ia lo certify that 1 know Dr. lD*SU»bj’» PiU.&fgft . to be a certain cure and «J« remedy. Hating *e«a iU ew, iaaereralcaeca, umnnl my family eonaeuoa*,injerenlwa i ' or, Bes?’sSffir l "' New York, May, JgjS. f** Sil - b ‘?Th. r cheerfully gne ay leitimooj ai to tbe eertam »d ilt* uhinr effecU-ot-Dr. IngoWaby’* Pile* Specific, U I tofw « from my own eiperience and obwreaoon, to U mfcUiWa* hating xrnit uaed wilhaucctt* ia * eTtr V.£**l\?f PHJi? ®*'* and female. OE.O MiLLKH, New York, *’ 3W_Silth*treH. itsv>. —•» UTOIES’ CERTIFICATES - New York, M«j, ISO. Mr. Beal*—Dear Sir—l hare the pl*a*ux* to lay, thal your, medicine, Dr. Ineoldiby'a Piln Speciiic, Ha* B«t»|*r led rure m the c*»e ol my titter, and I now file yon*/ »or« that l hate been turrrited at it, a* it wa* to my opuueo to- t puuibl* to cur* her. Howeter, I can bo* tnliiy to themad- H-ioc a, being Infallible, and do adtite all .other* ynoirt.** fiieud in ih* like manner, to procure the article, at they way depend on a certain cur*. Your* with rtipert. * Wr«t Cbetter, N. Y-, May 15,1E45. f Dr. loeoldthy—Dear Sir:-That you may benefit other* r. who may be ttitfrrmj;, a* well a* to Hpm* my |T»UUd* tor the brhrtit l hate drri'fd fr.m the ute ofyourealnablrßp* , eif«, 1 cotnpl) with your rttjue.l, and now do gtea my te»U- , muoj iu toorof ilyinting been cund of a eerer* attack ol the rile* aflrr hatinc °»ed other renndtet without tucceaa. Yourt with reaped. Sold wholetale.tad retail hy \VM JACKSON, at hb T*\- ent Medicine Warehou.*, and Bout and fehoe Store, NmW I iW,i, itrtrt, head of Wood, Fittfburgh. fnce. MeenU jan I*—«ly»_ _ i loreiip’c. Rut- pw if fancy Lraid am) silKlinAft S TOOTH PASTE* * i *EMir.M t««wnn. ~ . rpnn >f«t article known i'cr cleaning and whitening, i Hie Teeth. ’trenctbrtunj the corns, »weeteamf tie r-atb. Ac It should be uscttev.-rv night with astiff ■ Tuali. and ibr teeth nndootiih wklltmlf reontre»*li*n washing m the morning- the hrus . with warm water, or cold will nn«wen and rub it a tew tunc* on the paste. when eunuch will adhere for e.tsntng tM teeth It leave.* deltctou* «»»tr in-the mouth, and UB tiini • ViiU't dclir.hmil uunrsnc’e to the breath. Itstanai muivalled as a nlfaJani. eflicaciuus, convenient. Ana «afc ilentrifice. It is warranted not to injure the leeta, liuito pt«‘erretbein. . . . • • . By using it regularly, it will remove the tArtar Ana prevent us arcilmultmoß—prevent the, lootbaoba strengthen the gnms. and prevettt all disease* ol tnera Chemists, physicians and the clergy recnmmend..ll * dwidedly superior to every tit u* of tbe kind m u». A*k for Sherman's Compound Orris Tooth Plil(| ai.h observe hi* signature is attached to each pot. Recommended by Dr Castle, 3fel UroadW.OM Of our best Dentists, and hv mo*t ot tbe old etiabltshea. ones in the United Stales, and ever X'easively used l.y the Nobility of England and Fr." £• . J A targe proportion of the disease, t Vsl sfiliclmankind arise from some derangetoem ol tin stomach or boweti. winch a timclv use of tbe Cathii .m Eoienfes wottw entirely obviate. Persons of bii|Cus habits,shouldjm* ways nave a-box at h-nd. and iskr a do.e whonevej tney feel the lean derangement in tiieir heal* cions u*e of these Lozenges would prevent thousand* . saiea: WH. JACKSON’S, comer of Wood ani- Libertysts - '■' 4,60 j /-tOKSUnPTION ARRESTED* T*ttaoio| L 1 afflicted wltti Diseases of tb« tan|«| —This is to c«-nify to tb*»«e nffltctrd with the first piaj iTKini.orv symptoms that 1 tave beeii laboring for seyeral year* with a bronchi, soreness of uie throat and hoar-ene»». 1 use.t many medicines. bu|_ found no relief m any preparation of medicine, until 1 made use of DR. DUNCAN’S REMEDV. I have been using this valuable medicina for sev’eral yean, nod aiwayifind iuo relieve wben|> ever I make use of it- My. occupation as'tit Aucnoilj-. eer, which keeps me almostcosvsntly engaged, cause* my disease, at times, to become very alarming, when 1 at once procure this medicine. 1 therefore tike pleab «ure in making this public statement, that others affect* edwith. disease of the lungs and expectorant organa may know the virtues of this ‘all healing rtmedy.j’ and may be eured. I have recommended Dr Duncan’s Expectorant Remedy to many of my friend*, somo of whom owe tbeir-lives to this medlciue. Somerset,OSio,Oct 13. IMS-' JAMES HEW IT.. The proprietor of tbe above medicine would, alro reler id the undersigned persons, who reside in Petty county, on whom any person may call upon and ba convinced that there are virtues found in the. above medjcine tha* cannot be excelled : David Culbertson. Somerset; Dr B. Stone, do; Fran* cisGoliher, Jackson tp; Mr- Larimer,do; Geo. Polbert, “ , ffVE l N^®‘iviSiKHTSFi-i P CE, 1.0 Src “S. JACKSON, » 1 ; lbt«r head oMVood street- aptOJ&wT You, Whose terili is foul am! > elluw— . You r Who*e skill is Uuik and sallow— S ou, whose b’air is bursh awl wirey. Rusty,dirty red or fiery— You, whose vile ofleniive brenth llnpleasaniis ns putrid dralh— , , You could have—boy, man or girl— 1 I Tr.ith us while as snow or peurL • IWcath a»p cy sweet undcurtir e Pure and white and smooth and beautiful, Ami hair 10ft. silky.daik as slae, By reading what .s said below. . READERS.any offyoa can haveihc arove by (mind ihie is noihsng'but truth.) using a 3* t-onleof Jones's Co ml Hair Restorative—a Uy lax of Jones’* Amber loom pate—and 4s cake nf the centime JourVs Italian Chemical Soap. The a-uties com Mi) little, and you-' are assured that the following lire their real ijualiues: The too'h paste cives the breaih s sweet odor, white iceib and prcsci ves the. iceih. Ac The hair stuff all know to be the most exquis te thing ever made for dreJ- V, r.a heuuniyn g. und calling the fiowil. «>• hair; and the *«ap (get the genuine Ju'n-s's Soup. mind) will cure ail eruption, furklcs. n»d dark )cllow white clear atilt lair. Alt t! c-e ilni. K - are sold (only) ,u W JACKSON'S Boot ami >lm« More and Patent Warehouse eP'Lihcny *t. ■ - m y 7 CoiuuinptiTe s Coiiiolntion, 1 Pnes sicki ess weigh upon your hcaii? I Or pairs affl’ct your l.tta*tT Trv lir Dnneji»'* Art. 1 It clear* aw ay ihe nusiv cloud .. Disease rprendso'ec the sold, And wbi*per* through the gloomy shroud, ‘•Your hedlth may )ct be whole " ; See yonder rose of lovely hue! r fi» withering wiUidecay; , Ilicatccl) ».|>» Uip moruji'n; dew, . Before it fades away. The Worm of Death was in the stent. Anil ■ lengthened ** n p«cw— And when it bloomed, t" tnveijr gem,) ' It nipped through end through. That Wow.of Remit mig'iTTe defied, Jl Dr. Duncan’* nri.werr tn«d i . ‘ ' And m»ny Jt*vel> damsel* «>*vrd . The {at* of an’untn'iely grave ' 1 rvj.DK. DUNCAN'S WfcsTKUN OFFICE, No 150 Syxautore rtreet, Cincinnati. Ohio, where hi» -valuable m %'id'nt l, nit«i-ur|t!i. liy WJI J ACKSON, comer of Wood mid ldhertv «i* opimAwl INVALUABLE KAMIL) COMPANION SIX LKcTUKKsoi.ihe l sKS M.'J HELUinCS Picvtntion anti» me dr < pbiunipt on and of the Heart. On the Law* of Longevity nod'u"*)o t»l preserving tunic and fe ...ulc sMtiti.cir) mid iie-mly; exposing rauect and cure ..T tb'-m iD*t:a»n» tbiil produce (.'ulttutnp nr •l:oi'« ii .tic,ai Atlccunneof itif Skin,Spiue, •umiach, rt.rtscla, Ktdiieje. Liver, Sc.rotula, Ptk* r ii»:ivel, and Fcno-lc Conjpimpls; Itm] rule*. «a*y, • iric'icll-Till pure, lortn agu «!e to perfect health jn.i inn? I:<e.> Engravings ird-4 page*. 60 ct«. i* 9l ct* II» >AMUKL MIELDO.N KITt H.A.M.,M.U ;'ai7U7 „KO.\D*WA Y, NEW '^yi, f rson remUlidg Cfty cent*, fi£oi wil.l icecitc one-cop*, * mail, to *«i pan The trsdc aupplud. Feb 10. 1017-diim :.l UKRNIA, Oil RIP Tt UK. DR. lIaItCiKUi ii>-o'ins .ill pt rsnit* • iCideJ wnh tlna di.irr«»iii<ronipiHini -hm having Uvnme Ihe pui- Df tlurtiitiit’s |iaiprir*.‘ppt iiati l ve Hetneuir»’* cure, w tli-t" wvwMm * J c ! i» new j tepi-* , o rurc nil as itn> edet in a very few o*ja under till# t'C'»:in*i>li 'flic Pale-ib-e ;b) aitiek 01 m-iit * warrants that in>«r n inultea when ruhtiy .nnlird. w II wed an * p- rtua.ieinl. enre 8 e *»es out of • if'o< old anil young a* th'-y tnsy-appiy. in 3il not a lima tu’earh rase ” llesi being enjobwa Tariifilarsgiven „n application to the «u .cr-cr. and jCMt.ficMpa of rare* shown. Oiltce. Dr. I. 1’ Ball’. i’mgSu re,*>nmb* fi-id »"«•« t, rear Liberty „ . Fur *nic the right m u-e in IFe following Countie*, -vi/- Braver. \\ .shlnrion. tiredt.r, Kk, Kune net, .'■ui.lirc Huntingdon Indiana. CiraifitM. Armstrong, •roller, cYmon « entrr. aw) tkdloid ! ' given iji.all ccseaof discaae myl-J-.w* • i Mo Cure I No Payl Plleal Pitcot Dll Jack»on‘* fcmbroeutioni» iheonly intoiiMpe that will cure thi» m> very • omm -n and tronbferoaa .1 »ea*e It hot only immediately allay* pam and tnfla* mixiion itopa all bleeding,aui.duesthat intoleial.hsttch ou, rffeciualiv cure*, in a vny »ht»ri lime prrvou* tvl!n<e live* have hem tendered miserable for yean.— I .s epppcaiion produce* no pam. bu. raihcr \n »Rreea* lie and pleasant .rnsntion. If rerniifs hfiheird wul i uii unit hear of the great numbcTof cases tlint have Urcticuicd. they will be astonished. |A genlJetuan of ibis ciiy.KliO bad been under thr km**} oi the •urgeon, for two or ihieiijitne* wiilmul iu;.-g cured hat by u** iiiE-* Imulc* of the I'ynbiocrttiolT been er cured, h »-ll* beyond prcce-Jeni:'.—ll'hil^STp.urday^jOurier. /vji» for tale, in FiUtfiurgb ut the, I LKIN TLA STORE. «3 Founlt sueet, tear wood, and alro at lu» Drug Store of 11 P Sehwanz, Federal ;*t AtießWr.y ci xy aptSdAw 'v a iri7 AFi_n_
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers