The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 27, 1847, Image 4

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    " w
‘Wo note the following significant par
.graph in the l.iberU Herald.
12. on . subject U) which we have had j
occasion npi long since pointedly to ad
vert. — (jcl. tier* tt • a
“The modified tarifl' of the United
States has by an act of Congress gone
into operation. This new regulation,
imposing a duly of len per cent, on cam
w£l and palm oil, cannot M » •*“
-very extensively our trade «'M“t
cin vessels. Oirr exports consist almost
■ wholly of these commodities, and Amer
icanmerchants will of course meet the
change hy S correspondent advance on
Ash prices. The efieel will be Ur throw
our trade into the hands of Europeans
Will not American philanthropists loul
to* this r
These people, or a large portion ol
them, are becoming of value to their
guardians—those remaining in the colo
ny allow no disposition now to wander
off. They seem perfectly satisfied with
their circumstances; and wo find no
areal "iifiiculty in accustoming them to
oqr' habits. Those of them living 's
Grand II aW have proved to be very
serviceable. The Fishmen. living at
the cove, who have for a number of
years been disturbing the'quietness ol
bur people by their threats aud robber
ies, have in those people found a formi
dable enemy. A gentleman at that]
place writes: "Our Congoes have really
Turned out manly; they ha«e thrown
more dread upon the Fishmen (our for
mer antagonists) and the surrounding
tribes than I, have ever known cierted
upon them before. Had 1 time I would
give you in detail the recent misunder
standing the Fishmen and our Congoes j
had, which of course involved us ; and
which for a couple of weeks threatened
a- war. The Congoes went down to
Fishtown and forcibly arrested the
thier, a Fishman, and aficr giving him a
good beating, took his cloth and cutlass
Land it was pretty difficult for us to
prevent them from going down to set fire
to the,Fishtown but all is now amtea
- bly settled." . I
We have very little sympathy lor
those Fishmen they have on several
occasions shown themselves hostile to
the colony, and they violate, whenever it
suits their convenience, their pacific re
lations with us. We have the means to
chastise them, but it is our standing pol
icy never to engage in a war-if we can
- possibly avoid it.— Liberia Herald.
Wo are pleased lo notice the increa
sed attention paid to developing the re
sources of the soil, in this part of the
colony, and sincerely hope that a new
era, in this respect, is dawning upon Li
beria. It lias long beon a standing re
nroach to the inhabitants, that while
they possessed advantages in soil anil
climate sutpassed by few, and not equal
led by many, they were nevertheless de
pondent upon others for the common ne
cessaries of life. We trust, nay we be
lieve, that this reptoach is about being
wiped away. With the blessing of (sod
upon the labor that is beiug and lias oeen
bestowed, the •■hungry time’ will hardly
return the next season-
We have thought, and our opinion re
mains unchanged, that the native trade
is on the whole injurious. If »e are
correctly informed, it is decreasing, and
as a necessary result, individuals are
turning their attention, to other and more
certain channels for ! the profitab e in
res uncut of thoir means and labor.
Farms which have been lyihg waste and
uncultivated feel the! influence of tins
change. Not only are articles of pro
vision for- home consumption planted in
great abundance, but in some instances
we learn that ginger, Sec., are being cul
tivated with a view to making them arti
cles of exportation. .
Coffee, ginger, sugar, arrow-root, pep
per, tobacco and cot on could be raised
in sufficient quantities to meet ihe wauls
of the people themselves, with respect to
these articles severally, and allow a sur
plus to exchange for other commodities,
the productions of other lands. Hitherto
. instead of exporting any of those articles,
v*lhe colony has impor.ed great quantities
of most of them. According to an offi
cial report published by order of the
United Slates Congress, it appears that
Liberia paid in the two years preceding
Sept 30th, 1843, Ifor tobacco, $13,324,
sugar 83,546, sheeting and shining 81,-
111 cotton and linen drill $1,420; ma
king an aggregate of $22,401. Tor these
four articles alone.) This sum, u will be
remembered, was paid by the colony for
what could and ought to have been raised
.at home. In addition to the above, the
■ same report enumerates the value of im
ironed provisions, for the same penod o
lime, as being $27,773. This last, we
suppose, docs not embrace the provision
tent out "'by the Society for the use of
emigrants, but only that which came un
der the, notice of tho collector of cus
toms. Over 850,000 expended in two
years, for provision and only four other
articles of consumption or trade. Ihe
number of inhabitants, as shown in the
' same report, was 2,390. Had this ex
pense been saved, it might have placed
over 820 in the hands of every man, wo
■ man and child in.the colony.
We do hot say that results different
from these can be effected without labor,
but then it will be a labor that will in no
way detract from individual happiness.
Let each individual commence by making
an effort to raise enough, at least, to sup
ply his own a .id! his family’# wants of
euch articles as the country will produce.
Let the females introduce the bum of the
spinning ; wheel, in lieu of that idle gos*
sip which now engrosses by far too much
of their lime, and the aspect or affairs
will soon bo materially changed for the
bollor. — Africa’s Luminary..
si .'■3
A Protestant Dailv in Paris..
The Rev. Mr. Monod, ihe accomplisheii
French correspondent of the Presbyte
rian, slates that a new daily paper, enti
tled the Poor HouuelU, (the New Voice,)
has been started in Paris by Rev. Philip
Boucher. It is a somewhat hazardous
experiment, hut the talent and vigor of
the editor has thus far 'mado it success
ful. The editor, both from choice and
the necessity of the case, devotes his
ioumal to the cause of Protestantism, as
against popery and infidelity, without
taking sides with either of the .two fac
tions into which the Protestants are un
happily divided. This,'of , 1 course, cools
ibexeat of partisans and sectarians, but
will do no harm to what is far better
than their objects, the great cause or
truth and liberty. The paper has already
caused a considerable stir in the Catho
lic ranks, and will prove a formidable
opponent, if it can keep clear of in-door
strifes. So long as Rome can keep
Protestants quarreling with each olher,
her fears will never beget a palsy.
(i FLIBF FOR Scotund.— We are glad
| to loam from the Roe. A. D. Campbell.
i ,D D„ Chairman of the Committee, that
1 their efforts in behalf ;of Old Seotta arc
S' being crowned with cheering success
3. X large amount of money and provisions
!L will be speedily forwarded.
f' ' EHB»T
• 1“ *“« for “** °* ror waiertnd wooJ
... ' t s^I?A"' ,JCTEO I »teSSSh 181"‘
am - great" discovery. j *£££??£:, _-,c.«m..«.■«»•»
Ci«i»Mli,o'i Mvth M; w|jl n . Coog^fc“ul* f A-«h».a brwi«b»i;«. L> rr ; r.X 1 tIM ‘'■ • 'T' KL I
Dear Sire-Thls totb* pubhc, |*itieulart)» t - orf ,pi al „i 4 Hloo-I, l'> o- t . K(ill . Tl) |. |t n.Ai*.\. *>» HAI.TLMORK.
l h.l »ik«sprt ßf oribOl*».»tt«k.4wah»«»trtcoU " £,V fn-wl. hcr*o« Debility, end all . .. uft . c; , gil) .nform-H tmu ihi* Line
fcLT«« beoL. vested upon «ny Hm P , shewn* •« lh« ”•«.« oMbe Throal Urea* j T"* r P „,,, nel tcr ru..!..r.««i» or about ihe Irtih m-uint.
:u— -4^.<**-»“-•
lifht sad troublesome, pleaded with eop«ouiB*Bl twesu, * on y of abort d:*cB«». ‘'' V C ".' * -t>|l 1U( . with ••xhr oecoinitwdatmii*,
• -n'4-iW ■ eanstdcnMe qawtity of Wood, mixed with It DR.SWAk M*. > ; ' j’’ h *,vc- areaiertoiiiiuil to truvrlci*
»jai«|. Jadj ’ , COMI-dTND SYRUP OF Wll,D CHERRY . ! ulwnv.l.c .« port, and the w
h»ek d»rk matter Mj mUbUob . AnoTtir.K ttviKG WiTBKSs —Read with rMou- , „re r «jue*tr.l to rail ami examine .hnn.
tag. . Darin* thit tin* iw« «tWßd«d y *° iihmenl the wonderihl cure prriormed by i ••tti-r ~u , lo rugng ne j»n**:iee «-l»rwlieie.
tkilfol Phjßcißß*; they did the be»t tk«y eo«U few tat, Swayne - t Compound Syrup of WILD CHKKHi ' -TaUK oM.\ MM
alkngthtlw,*... ap.U Iwpreof-yrreorovTt-*™* PhiLaUK.LPHI s, January i). L • . 'foZ^ri*X?£
me that aodvinr more could be doue— that my lub*» were u- u r . Swayne—Ucnr Sir: In jumcc to »«ur,eli .»n.i ',<•• 1 ' || , |l . l)^C(irk
,Ai- j; ii and befool remedy. Iwu then ptrtmded by a jntjr 1 owe to suffering humanity. I cLccriuily ! IIMK 31 DaN *
». "zrrJrtl t
>■«' “I jn’S t.’ompouml S»rup of Wild I,‘hcrrv .•ni.n',: !' "" ' r<>. r.nn urc.i Qii'l Canui
Uanhi. ».aw». .ouU do ■«.?»*, Wduu .mi i ( m . ;il ulir „„ tlll | 1 . cl , r „,n,L,nct. I »x- u KSTKIIN TUASHI-OIITATIOS CO.
«»&><«. ioi.ik»» ,*«„ with » tHdoM *!««“■» «' jOTite.
to!lo»e.)l».re .eeUb. «ollii« k»U 8.. I «»l » U>< lo bn-A .[„.(» a»J cnfrebN.- mv c"i.«lile»"e.« ■ U I>l 1 1 £ WW' ."rOfc
tkJh -J «(WJVel**- m, ,„c,,J . j ijie; tat ■ ■>• «■»!>“>“ 1 CO ' B '
bWMrfid-,- —«e- "V”] the "libcU /ft Ui.cve I fl-f rt-T AWI ; l reil Kl. CB J «T AT".?.- I.IKI--
p,. ». rel«t, u e~« «~»H <* W»bta«« Cm* >|wtewl w „ ll„h, ,ta l.eelll.v » me. »i I I l ' "V' ' ' „J , ... . toM. M)
<tat« Ike J-b eta t^tata ie », Ota; p~l - ■ »■" hJ „ b«„ f,.r .e.r., eta duU•‘'y'"'? 8 'l', .". ! i V.,... .„U e,. 1..-.V....1 b) tv..-..]-
lib mud etra«tki which **» «i*bUd me Übe mboulmpin. in f orm .Uion re*peCV«ng my ‘ “C. b) 31111 h ,- 1 1 ') i h u „ t , ; „ r ,j-r II - •ul-t. r I rr- are prrpa
ISTiSiLta-O- I—*.'•«» - -«» ree.denee. M.:ch tele.lreet, 111. , - Uree ta.-ta, ta Me.eta.*., mi
mUendmj lo ®J hu»ine»», of 3 ye*r») »nd fcel *» « .V (Jiobr. , .1. .-.r,...! '• onwordf.l t r «'• «•! aiij lot mum. .
healthy u I wi»h. I Ure Dr. o«oeai»VE*- . iollowuig letters arc presented with a view ' T*' „ ; .m ami ati :.i*>.rurt!on. prom,.ily
paetonatlUmedriaaisay»B»ta&e»tothome ttaukrtyatnieted r#l , v ,j,owing thp opnurns «:f I’hysitfnmr in *
aad ilb*» alwsyfwyvcd tuceemmful Nbrwl hare witnewed j atinn to the Medical value of Dr. SWAk ' n„. i
iucSceU. My titirK^u«b* thw nirdieißtmt pr»*Bi. for • SYIU I’ Aif W ILD (.'HLKH'.. -'.d.:"”
that I Uke withb« 10-d*y willroUrrlyear* b«r. l»m rj nicJ a « a remedial ijient. 1 mini rhecrlullj
u.knowd«tlbeKar*ihou*Bwt.orT»lusbl«rer»Mw»ums Comply, as I Teel by so 1 will discharge a
away with this drwdfnl detlroysr—CONSUMlTiq.V- j ebl r | ftwo i| ie romtnumty al largc.'amt I’hysieiatu uu hI ’>
Wera it only ro*»bl« for thow to proearr ihb m jn particular. As much at l detest IJuack Kerne* j. iTTSttL'KUII POUTAULia B.LIXE.
'i;.n» beforr it b* luo Lie, »*oy kirn might Uprob»*cdß«d jj , ncJ p uUn t Koslruin*. I was induced ir.>m ; 1W. 1 ,7
T f V.l mnd rluoa. Lin «sde«d happy. Tin. J Uilure of the most potent c.pectora.iU. recom- !
lh«,r fomdict mad rtUUoa. wpu rn ni „ a« roalcna ro , H „, a 1;1 , nnlP cases «l , " it”. "rT’‘ j.orm-.mi .d Ktf.-lti hot wren htiraursh
mcdkioc will gt»t intlsnt rrhef. aodal lb SweMfd Lungs, to try jour preparal.nn ol J'runus [< J|;<l .v 5.,,,..- 'M et avoiding tran*hipmi-«i.s »n
iht hard mad painful Cough, reaiove the UgUtacs* iu the t- Vrreinta Of Wild OlPrry. 11 is Bullicicnt to say that : j,..i . ,n... .jnfm fj-- 01-h • i.. outr a.c
give .irtnglh to U.« cuf«bl«d sod .mwimled frame, mod u. fa much p j catctl M , t h ihc rceult of that ami , ..„« "..i ori■ t* ’
n kU : »equc!it trials, that I now prescribe it m preter- iwuUlkllK.J-: A CASH
ANDREW J.FLLTUI J» u al , othcr Uemcdiei » here an cx|icctoratit is «... -7- \li.rkei -ud. rii.i.iU.--*|.h »
Mouigoawry,Haaultod County, O*“ indicated. In the much dre ded fiituinunii "i 1 aal IK a UVONNOII
N todncaico. lhc a | armil ig lorm m which f., r and Wui ..«• .t-. IMKl.ur-b
' licntulky, l regard ,t » uu *> >* S. i
ty, they ariuat nay KoWl *a Bsowastu Rerocdv in the trealxcnl .*! that th-rasc. loall wa J 1 ,V B V ]u V t.,
Ckrt J.H.viss*. w i, o Viinw me.l.have said enough, bul as this may l.n-ui -K-* 1 •>■ ‘ . ,hetr arrange-
DU. DUNCAN'S WESTERN , ccn hy cersoufc nut of the vi. imty ol 1 r.inkiort. !l ,vc J ‘ Wu „ o .\ prepared to'mr
•lrcct, whert thir vmlumbl* M«d«»* cm idwayshs pWsiwu bnc a, add, that l have been erguged in an “ „ 7 w .„, U u»,iy and di»paicii uuiurpaS-.l
So Id in Pmsburgh, by WM. J ALbSON, * f practice ol ui) profes.iori id U years.and am ; „ T.f r long • ip-nence #• cimru.
Wood andLilwm »*» . eprHdlw i< M-— u ?arGraduate ol Tratißjlvuoiu. ami this the - mine!»le boat »»iein.
' IT NEVER FAILS! 1 firstf'atent Medicine l eier thouglrt enough «•! t l ' «"•' »*'• .*
i Dr, CCLLBVB 121UIABI VECKTiBLh PASAIKA j express an opnmm in writing ronide* u. lutr.i ihcit eNeagnnenis
rfcERSONS atfl.cted with Scrofula, King’s Lvil . J V' t .'lTonn vKI ami a.•rmnnwuatMUr., l -n. 1 0n 1 ,r.-i- U m.dcml ) oll,-r.ue
P Lancer, Erysipelas,Old Sores, Ulcers, letter Jamury ill.. IM- V’ il?,-™?i‘Si'7 »»<«■ -or d r mum.
Mercurial Disesics, or any other complainuarising >•**?“ onr • K? • ..uaned d,u. paiunagr wu«h th., -w
from impurities or the blood, are requested to read 1 The above rcrtihcatc is lom one pi iur 1 0 gran-ait* urmnow rdg«- 0 ,., w> u p,
‘the loEgtf.timonl.l., m proo. of the wonder . J c „„. 41i r,mw;.5:rS n,d Un:- o,
Mpr ° pcr ' ic Jj')iD! c «S.::.s'.^’s^^urs
Walton, 57G Market street, Philadelphia, consider rciunotimh wifi never cca>f - and th. \ psedse thrinM Ke- .. r
hi . cWthe mr.tromsrkab.eonc we Have ever wd ! , ‘ uS'an
was SCROFULA, and terrible utyX \ \ niu t> ( I'nlmmiic and Bronchialafteclums (.nughs l ' PORT All b K
tu« \2s h . twelve years’ confiict.wilb the de CoU „, J.C. At we would adrue tnrwe aljn; cd iSDRPKkUhhT PORT AU b K
.troyeri J I this wav to make immediate trial <>t Dr. "«3»m. BOAT LINE. :
HisPalate.i e entire roof of his mouth, Nose, l’p- jiCompound Syrup ol Wild Cherry. It w.i never jysrgfr IS 1 7 -M.'TrTV.—
Her Lip and lower Lid ol the Slight Eye have been <a ,ito perf. rm x permanent cure. Ihe roiiulaimn I W.
st,tri?ed, his Ksce Dearly eaten up,and part ol tbe : o nbts medicine baa caused many spurious articl. s riKN>IH»KTVIION OK K
Jaw Bone carried away. And yet wo can gise R- to be put lorth under iU name; but the (-'i" INtJ .MKUwiiA-i |o.AM» .^’mi
.uirr7 n i.ftn of hi* case. i of Dr. Swaync. besides being tlie lirst ever ort«H-d , u U «i,i. I'llll.ADl.l.HH A AND .Al.l l.wmti-
Mr. P B. inlorms us that in January last, the whoU t „ the public. >* tl coni* '‘no I^ , j s i.'r«a».ie.l w.ih
interior of bia mouth, at well aa moat of bis «*» The oilier inixtuns- so.d lor Wild lr -' rr > •)’ • r*:.--. it.n
waaa mass of deep nod painful ulcers! Balsams, <fcc. t are alUpunuu* and wortb e - !’und «l> p.-mpii) mi.-n.l. .1 ■<»
I On the 14th oFJanuary last,he commenced lakin* contain none «l the virtuetlu- mn.ii.3i tr«| r ' , „ J . l> ~j «-„ar«.-n.r o..iag.»< r-.o.ui-
Dr CULLEN’S INDIAN VEGETABLE I’ANA UOB , Dr. Swaync’s Compound Sv,«,, ut- V\ ~d i.. r 'A M’-'NM.I'
I CEA. which checked Iho disease in a lew days, au. Cherry. ... ..... - ‘ 1,1 '* ' • "
i rom that time the cure has progressed without in
: termisslon. 1 „ , , j '
New flesh has (applied the place of the deep ul- >
eert. and though badly diafigured, his face is sound.
and hisijeneral health is restored.
We are assured Uial »n Ibo Ueatment or Mr.
Brooks’ case,no Mercerials.Ointments, orCaumtir
apnlieslions nave l»cen used, —in fact, the I’AN.A
t‘EA ALONE, has wrought this wonderful tlungr
David Smith, Bocks county. Pa.
I barles L. Kowand, Meadville, < c«l»a..
J W Jones. M D Suath Second street, I’hila j
Jacob Lee, Pemberton, N J.
E W Carr,4Jo N Konrth, above Poplar si, N. L.
S M’« Pa.
H M Madd»*ck,SS Pinrtb-Eleventh si. Plula.
1: W Appleton, M D4G South iL do
Timothy Marion co. Missouri.
Daniel Veakel, t’hesnut Hill, Philadelphia co. I*a.
John Harned.SWHidb street, Pbdn.
William Steeling. M D, Camden, N. J.
William Hale, 37K High street,Phila.
J 11 Potter, Manufacturer ul Mineral Teeth, DM '
Ninth street. Phila.
L A WoUenweber,-Ed. Hula iT7 N
street, do
George W Menu. Brush Maker, 317 Market *t.
Ears Carr, 1&9 Cbesnul street, Plula.
A D Gillette, Pastor ol Eleventh Baptist I Imre
John Bell, Ene Street, Philadelphia, (North Amt
can office.)
\aron Sands, IG+ Catharine Street, Phila.
Daniel McGinlej, Kessler's AU«‘v, do
Andrew Stvcatun. Camden. '*
H H Evans, West Phila
Bichard K. Young, Giiiicr. .vlarkct r.. Pb
John W Ashmead, GO South Sixth street,
T S Waguer,Lithographer, 116 Chetaul street,
U J Keosil, 123 Eleventh street,
Peter Sken Smith. Editor NaUve tiigle.
Joel Bodine, Glaas manufacturer, Wdliamsto
Widiam Steely, Farmington, Van Buren e •.
L B Coles, MD, Boston, Mass.
Rnuel Canfield, iniiaiologist, Philadelphia. .
Thomas P S Koby M D, Harnsburgh, Pa.
Peter.Wnßhl.23y Market elreet, Phila.
James W Newli.i. 103 Filbert ►!. do
John Good, 174 Sprnce st. _ „< 1 ® .
William Une, PistorSt. Panl'i M. L. Ch. t.aihaniie
John Chambers, Pastor Ist Indep. l-'horch, Broad
TL Sanders, Publisher or Pledge and Standard
F ‘p*‘scllers. Editor Olive H -neh, Doylcstown-,
WhofeSle nod Betail by Rowand V Walton, Pro
prietors. 376 Market St. Il K SeUerj.
57 Wood st. Pittsburgh, Pa.; Wm. lb • , 5- Mar
ket st do ; E B Perkins, Manetu.Ohio; eaton A
Sharp, MaysviUe, K Yj John W pauenho.v?r,t.u...
Ohio; Sidell tc Reeves, Madison lajC Noble, Loure
vine, K Y;Dcverouck itPelloux, St. Loma. Mo.
P H McGraw, Netcbex, Miss: Hardawav &• Johii
•ton Vickahorgh,do; Charles Jenkins, New Orient.
Ln. ~ri
B market
JaMßhaHi- Having been regularly rd*
the medial pic*
time in jjeneral
£ the of tbow
VHDHRp?) private and delicate com
for which hi* oppoi
j "s;“bV« ‘isra:-
oi wo oiauunt , _,u. t , have coiwirned them to
mn iho.e en« W £"°S“",...h .. tan
:ps^saai: !
SdreSlif T. BROWN, M. D po« P*-> * nd '”' U>
"®£»No.« Dt.wond .Her. orpciie Ike W.nnr
!loans- 4el»
No cara. " P* v ■ ■—
dfin Rpceipt, obtained from »ne ol them in the I nr
Wc.t “ pent expense. Throe »ho ha»e been
fbrniliirwiUi the Ibdinn., know th.t they can and
pleimnt to the tun, «»d lenee* »o ,m ' !l on ""
— fTtriaUr*- , . ,
, t A ■ JUST Received and »f '*'«
fiam lie Foundry of Geo. Brure
rS>rN«” Ymk, the f0110w...*
W _F ■ a»l lb* Boorxeo.*;
17# Ib« Minton Tide;
tW lb* Lcad*i
*7l Iba Minion;
5 IbaTwoLineMmionCap*;
Space rate*, etc.
Al<Bo—rar Mle* a fteal
ety of Second bawl Type, from Nonpareil lo 35 >ne 1 <
cZ Flowef*, Ornament* etc , which will be aoid low
fc, «S' 3>M..ket.t
Drat Wawhaai* Hemored
HAVE erected an exit naive warehouse on the corner
of Woob and Finn street*, to which they have
amoved their Wholesale bawneaa, where they wi
haveon hand an extemlve auoiunem of alt
their line, to whieh they invite the alien
'"Tk’/Di'/bS'in—*,!" be eonli*edoltheoLo.i.nd
eorMrof athand Wood *t*- ■—__—-
HTSE* tltla ■rttetic.-Aiteny/to^'nn.yyij;
Clb>f Ihair hair, to «*k* a trial of«MaTooJ*la>®**dwt*l7
wT - »*”
Kruni the Springfield Kiprewi. ° —-
Of the thousaud# of purported cumti*c uiwtninn **ioKAWl..
now before the public, but very lew are Sound to Il.iv.ntr a v ," , i’.e.,i.i
w**e«* the hcahtlg virtue* lor which they are " l‘ n ‘ ‘ l( uI ,\. :»i
commended.' Among the Utter we are t*> -f" .• a M.A.M'I.Ui'Vi
Compound l,l "dd o,«.nr. Th- allb.-le.! . |MtKVW»U'*H X t
m U.L »,> ,Limit.. ,'frflc«E 3S q£ |S I I. £££33 I
iov the* bnd in ltd life thru Imp.-* h-<n«l u|*on ils iSTinanTT■i-1 oi \\ A \ MOXONCJA lIRI*A IlOlil *•»
recominenoiilitn* 1 * nn.rc tliui reanted. Ihe atjUrled {«' Y l !’ l \r , J-!' Wui'i'e'i UUo-vilb-.Jnlni-*- 1 * v ' l *■ vt 'let \M> in
MC d While .here „ Mo. -ere now .• Iji It..';, I I*”* WlYMmilA
hope. . i:-.!im.or
- •• • I" •
' i11,,:* Mipi’t i (
T" m.'l'.'.V m;.'
n~pSir>re tI»C iiilMHlucbon ol ill) article l<« lln- v .,'.
public, there lia-vu a number un|inncij»tr.l n«li
fi.luab 2"t up noHiroiu* wlmii U»»*> c.mla.t.
Wild Cherry,»«n«* ar-reallr.! "IJjlaam-. IblU r-, I. _
andov.-n »)ruy<.r Wild Ui.ny. bul mine- » tUf ... • „ rv ..
original anil »mlj "unu.iic prop-nalioa ever mir<«lu - • u y
ce* lo llm public. whirl. can l»r jirmeu | ,ul ' Jt t ai w>'
be Records «*1 ilic * '«huii»..ii«••4lUl »»l IViin.jlvm.j , .:«i-
TlM* oil I v salfguim! against imp.-Uion i» In see it. 11 cm'
n-.niir 'km... .»,«...
, , 1 & | ■ || .u. , • I AJu.iMl.n ... l - avoi.imy: mphl U»'el
I'repan-d'•«') !, - v 1 ’ V\ . 1 .lliui.t'.if I ‘l " ,i„.i.-.uie»ie «ni|.:.- amt tb«: < o «r.
pal Olfic.’, ct.riitr i>l K.uh r I.u» ' N| |v » v ,- aik .- r ri W- ■> >*l
riiiladc'.ptiia. All SV ild l. berry preparations l.m.i' , J( j*iji-Ajc v*. \ r CwT«-m 1 .
WM THORN,S3 Market tin el, «- i ,*> |HI /. JUU.mme ami I j>. !•»*>'
UUUKNA.S.NOtVDfcN, corner Jnd \ Won.J-i'. SiSsttfmt- . ‘ Uoo-
S JON t>, 180 Liberty street. . ': l: r - i «--»k "'.■* * T -u : , \ ou, l ‘ ) M»KIMKN
<old also l»y J MilH.rH. Ml*gliciiy • ity: I.»H- 1 . r t’ =• n®-* ; '» 1 S ’ '
A. Son, Coluinuuß; : Mllbr. Rmwtiuvill ; Mawh. s J - I , fi '„,ur u> l i.-.rUi ai,d '.o 1 - 1847.
M;if. ; - MKl i« s .?S w
Louiaville, Rt » Andrew Oliver »V > • N**» Or- a .d» ' 1 „ o .n then fr.emi. and V err da.iy «t 3 o Hook ra• “" ww «
lean*. a w , nl., U.c,. ~al.<.n«r. vi'tr, ,c o Suc“- wb» h leave •
* C M UKtU). Kr.c. IVapneiur i«nc U>< >hc M«iM ■■' o _'“f oicvciand a. 1r
KKKDr- I'AKK?** «'o. Itravrr. Ac-- : ~iclv mrr.-B-ie. mid arrive m
/ jiliiN A CAl'tiilKV, l , iii»i. , K t * * l|> «
TS now universally ackn.>.*led;:td lw he ‘ tiu Iv \ ■* “' ' LKKHNIJW Kt.L " “ ,frn
I FALLIBLE REMEDY lor P.hei>m*lum. >l»- »'' l ™ _ RKKU. PARK* A iTo. IJrnvrr. Agent*
Si Affection., Contraction. «f tU Muscles. sore N-v S,.rv JoMN '\ CArtJHKV .corner Wm-i-and_S m hfti
Throaiand Quinsy. Issue*.Old t-leers, Pain. »=. U:* '.’"vH"""’rirvr.j-i i »!*!> Oppo.itc aHo
• Back and Ctoeel, Ague in the Breast ]»; A Atm-uU i Po. lw :ro -t . pitTSBCKOII ASU OKBSHVIUC
Tooth Ache, Sprains. Brunc*, >all Khcnm, Bure.. v1 ,,-| Utf i Wuhmns.'Mwjuk <• in’ 17 f» ET*
<‘foup, Frosted feet and all Nervous I'twai*.. A. Porter. Ohir.go • .InilriWyHE** |O4/. Ue£hSEEL»
The TRIUMPitANT SUCU-.S>which_ , a , al . u IW7 * ** tW p£cKPV AND KKKItiHT U.MV
tended the application or this most UO.NDKUM I. ( , t „ darnuiw l*,,* c0m..101301 ficctn m.U pa««igT
MEDlClNEincuring the mostse.crc out." ll » kw iVrtrMwiUr ’ .10 1 ii« ws’-l run .-egul-itv .dir kwih onweru
diflerent Diseases abo*c named,—and the HIGH & Framnton ir.artw.b* a- » ra and tireenvCk. W . irnftfci etH r.
ENCOMIUMS that have been bestowed upon 1 l ; p?** K.ucnb Si'afpr-au-rli. Pa !<twee.. il.eiwopo.nU. tMrcnrd promp-i
-wbereverit has bccnintmduc. d.uives me theng'i. u, sdiaron. • •««<■ ■•:. :• a \ w r>!. t ?‘'? ar ,,t.-n ( A . t .
ON- Wfc*- -arrrrrtk lO J 7 uaYS 4 I‘IXMU. Stiarpsimrgh. ''<>•
rrpThc faculty unite in recommencing l'x fto - FpsT | fijfyi 10*1 I . \v V MALAN. Nwrun. d.*.
ated External ftemedy, Hunt’s Liniment. 1 Tim; iiu v poRTtNO Hhnt.iAAWfh me WM Ma IHKWS', Pula«ai *'o.
The letter from the highly cmmoi.i |* , v Ki-N PITTMJUUiII AM> iHE LA> I EKN , RKKD, PARK* k Co, Ikavri. '}«•
PhvsicDns who bare been attached to u.c Mourn cmt.s. ru iMUirai >T : JOHN A <\\IHHK\ , corner 'V ater ami ‘‘ I**,.
Pleasant State Prison for many years.‘is the biftl rput s i»pic »■*! u.ctnod o: carrying .>•*■•! '’V d.-< ojig ,»i G>» _ OyipnsiiiMbr Mmwugalie a _«_ » : —; 1
evidence or the ralucol this celelimcd Limmrnt. 1 l-nr - | CITIZENS PORTABLE BOAT LINK^
Slsfl Sine, Deccmocr 5/j, Idlo. .p:.,,i iU ii .somi-ceMary *«iio,»m « , , -i-ntr-r
- !is 17. MW.
as prepared by Mr George E Manton. Knmvii.s Tb< . J our Wnrn.oujc, nublc u. 10 More j
it, eomoosition, and having Jretjucnlly used it. I • , cill j„.„i } mndr u. u* Hcceivmn,-wring, and . rnH THr . THsnspoßTitioW or
can recommend it to you as a safe Kitcrna! Reme- jjvancr* frrt m . h#rge«. I AU KINDS OF MKRCMANDISB TO AND FROM
dv and in my opinion, the best Liniment no* in ifc-ng f-oy ineparun '° ***)***'£ .«/ 1 Pbll«**lP h *»» B»*tl-uose. New lork
U I;, Very truly and re^ctfull^vourv,^
• C \V N HEI.fIH.K. ... , ~.C Ptt| ,.ri un.l upon n« fan irrm. b> any I c laxs boaU; and instead receipts as hereto-
YnrKiotti Jan I I UHo. .’Xr'-.ou-c JNO McFADDKN k t’o I fore as agent*, we will give our o*n receipts tor
r lor V ■
BLNJ O JVI u Propm-mr ami Arm el st-ameM under*!M.ed will be forwarded !■ RH>i OK <*OM
* MISSION for advancing anil forwardiug, and will
• 'SSBaiEBSL. U dipped without delay at the lowest rale*
'• fC iVr te«iH*rlfullf soltcjl a share of public paln«-
h ' (‘anal Basin, Pittsburgh
Broad Strecl, Philadelphia.
J h A M ILI.KK, Agent
Bowley s Wharf, Baltimore.
• rgli, Kel>. IK. IM7.
CJeo L Stanton,Esq
• From the N » Sun
(tJ*Among the in«vi of worihlcss article .mu
humbugs that am poured tirrth at the proscti’ «i •>
upon the country, it »■ really refreshing to Imd ]
something of real practical utility, somctb.n,; sin.
pie speedy and eflectujl in its operation, ai.d .1 (
the same lime Iree from llio>o injurious
which generally attend powerful remedies. Hjii. • ]
Liniment, prepared by;"lien. L Manl»n, «l •'"•’i: >
Sing, though it has been buj a short wne bel-. ,
I Uic public, lias already obtained the conlidenr*-. n >!
1 only of our most wealthy and dun.
I but our most eminent, physicians. All act..owl ’
edge it lobe a sovereign balm for many ol i t--
that fleah is heir to, soothing the aching lm.’. n .1 j
by its genuine stimulating inllueuce,l.ani-hi«i” <i ,
ease from the system- •
Mr. Stanton—Sir— S-cing yur
of Hunt's Liniment, I was induced to try il> Hlr.
on mv son. who had l»een crippled will, a i.t>
back from an infant; *nd His with I U .r
testimony to its wonderful healing My
child, who is now live yearsotogc.«» now m . I >
waT of recovery, yours, 4tc ,
way 01 re j. li£MM()N ,; NICkKK"ON
Post Orrirr.,Tow n* ns. Futn-ici ' ->
1 certify that lam personally acquaint* .1 li
the above named child, ami think the lather y- <" <1
be sale 10 saying that Ins sonis alm^lwelf^
Wov 5, 1845. Deputy post M-v-ic
l*. S. I would also stale that 1 have been:..' ■
numberofyears subject to Ift-.pient attacki-<•! '••
Rheumatism, which in many instances pr« >* m d
my attending to my business Two or three pi 1
cations nr the Liniment invariably remove .. i >
feclions of the kind. Incases ol bruises. *|.i.».i.s
and sores, too numerous to mention, ii ha* I,T
vicinity proved a certain re mod v. lu valor . ■»
only bs.cstimaled by those who have given >l • I "
lr, *l*hi» Liniment is sold at 25 and A»l cents pc
lie, by all the P/metpal DruggisU and Men In. u
throughout the country.
Whulaak Agenlt in Sew York.
HOADLKY, PHKLI'S & Co, 142 Water
RUSHTON & Co. 110 ..roadway-
A U & D SANDS,corner Fulton ami N illmm.
ASPINWAI.L, M» William street. - f
Orders addressed to me at Sing Si.ig. N
be attended to. OKUROK hSIAN I O.N,
For eale in Pittsburgh by L WILCOX, Jr. an.i J
KIDD 6t Co. Allegheny City, JOHN SAKOhN I
Birmingham.JOHN SMITH.
JAYNE'S EXPKCrOKAN T-W e.nvue aUem "ula
J this admirable f«ncJy for I ulmonary aNcctmns -
Tit* 1 principle there anuounced of the motl.M channel
ofoUtroeitona-.w tendency 10 originate .t.ttjim.uon
_/ tk» Hronchia. and consequent vitiation of tlir natu
ral humo.i—K, beyond dupute. tire truth U«K I'bc
onlr practicable ruodeof removing such obstruction,■»
b» means of expectoration, a resuit which we ere con
winded can always be obiaincd by a judicious exfiiln-
of Dr Jayne f Phils. Spirit
in Paubureh at thr I’rkin Tea ttorr, With
nnfal~.< .be Drug Store of lIP
Federal M Allecheny nty, mvlldiwf
HoSteVTadiea, I'm astonished,
When you know that yon are promised
• A natural, life-like, snowy while.
I'htl von vail, at'll u" common chalk,
And look a deathly yellow fright.
Tbe theme of langhier and of talk
Ify>u would tire a box
woolJ giee yoorakm an alabaster yet natural while,
tia) at the aame time clear and nnpiov* n Sold 01
JAI-KSON'S, M» l.tbeity »t. I' tfcntf |.-r l-.i
,v- 111 'll •* 1..11C .* C<HnllK'l«*il oh
o* -PI* 1 ) «u
l) I.lXOl* lii. I’lOjinriiif*.
Caii.i) lU«m. l'.tifi.utßli
lIAKHIS A I.KKITI, 1 ro|H;*sor‘,
\„ l ix.uih Tlinl ’irrri l'hilailrlj*h.u
N„ IH Ninth l!ow« nl HalCtnorc
U rt U'IUMIN. Apfril.
No 7 Wr« urcr l, Nrw S mk
' v-.r-b.*..-. ..t '• AM. A nil • >
, ri' KU 1>«‘I “ •M*! l '' »
I. It i: \KM s |;<HSI i: I W...n
w ii.i.i a*l n, i.r
11 "11 I. li«r pi<"p <.n ladn-t oii'-ini'K-u Ifan 1 fan at ila'
\\ rtv -M u r Whnrr!-»»...»
i; uU am1,0...u ou l.ii* •*-'*'
upprrt.nic- u . a l«.i. l mfw ( , , rJ|.ro.l U .r,Ar 1.,
tni|iiov< firm- i«7»r in i ri«» .. v „ r JA " V *** '• 1 "
is u>. ...aaßtt
il n«H>-
|| Mn..|w 'T K rlnni'ii'l &. «V, |
Kurw4i'tll»C A Cumuiliiluu Merchant*,
7 ukavkk. I’a
, PHK|Ar-' , »»»" , > «'t >b<. I-..K- (»« uvor
-1 I.MV known lo ilf |Mitili* ) w»tl t.«-|ir. |>:*fr.l c.n llf .*|«-ri-nf ol i.uv- K ;.I»-n u. fi >-.vr |m.|*
v,:; &r?.2
aiii) | M>i.hi|piu. -A 'll r.i«--i'.r»i .Mrl, nn.l in r.-u
-llir.i l 'r-Viil. ('iiiiliilrin tn.-wnir, lli»l
. IP > u M HAItTON. Agi. Put»l>argli
I' OI.AKKK «v i:«. leaver
T RJC||AI«iNl> iC( '
Iburrnt n'« pinijbt«: I‘mnpnny l.rfinr •>;»-
£ rl»p Company mrumi w«m iliui nMirlr» nf Co
■>.utn*r*liip im.lri tlir nxim- ol llir “Uoatmi-n'.;"
rt i„l i|kpwi*p agreed I'* r**lii U«r Stock »o u« to have t»
noinuei »i Siam* lor tli*' purpose of ifirrying good*
ihiniitli mi Umiii *'X m eight day*. with ccftriniy—ninl
cmmufufp'd l.y the liberality of lu*i yrar*» puron
iirp. iiMttakc uimc rxli'i»*.vc arrunguaient* fur the rn-
U therefore respectfully wilipu n enntinu*
uim r!i,l our Iciiiiici patron*, and refer all new ru«unner»
to tiib“! Wo have done liliatneM for.
I3EBngSHK47.TT»- IP>
I Cor the irunrponation of
I’*,., ■. i put a , HALrtMoim, Nkw Yoaa, aso I to* to*.
t'nrnrr l.,i.rdv »tr*el und Canal nium. Piiwliorah
A|l. (JKRIIART & Co,
No3IVt Market ureet, Philrtdripltia-
KLI>KH,«KLSTON A On. A anil',
Hultnnore, Md
PITTSBURtiII—J»». McColly-, tiro. Morgan A C«».
W MeCnliy A Co. >1 A Hatnp*on A Cu. M AllenACo.
PHILADELPHIA —Morn* Pattrr*on A Co, Reynold*
McFarland A Co. Fleming,A Hnrl.y. Pclrr Wnghi A
Son J tli»phain.Jo«««pli<.r«w.
NFAV yoßK—Coodlme A 1.0, rheo Perry.ACo.
ildrSTON—Reed. Hurd ACo.
CINCINNATI—Adam* A Lreajh, W w Seaihor-
PLFASA NT, VA—P A Marltler
NirTK'-All nteriJtandi'c from New kork and Uottort.
eortAißned to A l. Oeihari A On, Pliiladelphtu. will l-e
promptly forwarded fut of romtnuuon. • frlilS
tKBCH * CO'B ‘
Package Kxprfil *o TUlladel|.lilai
mmgm m wtft » f 11K Cnital being now open, Ihn
«R *■ Wt M-i. Kxr-rcai winch liaa been r»-
utn.ahcO "o' l"c cunveyante of vatuuble packager of
,n,rdui„J,.r, MOI'.. KW.I.V, tr , com
raeuced running on Tliur*day, Mnr< h L.
An IfciaCn««T will bedispatched Ijily until the. rln*e
l> LKF-CII.V i'<»
' enr-PtiiH «* ‘*ud Canal
lisa 1847.
dailv line of
rnillS w.ll known nnil popular Lin.’ nf !■>'" “■
I virailv impniaetl thr panW’.ilar.hylbcad
...a mijnit. Pin boPU. hull
u 1 ,h» Packet Line; ami the entire line i*
SsSr wfflMiedll righijof the large**- beM &**‘» hrd Bl,d
f^r-ii*l.fd r °anJ most powertul l-oai* on the " »?«■'• of
ihwVv.-nt' Fvery accommodation that money wi.l pn
pp,r to" toVn .lov.OpO hr r..,c„S',<, .nJ itopoin-
J-. lie »,iJled -o reaSer Uiein comforra-de and *he |f‘P»
nerceuMe They leave I'yMburgb and CineiminU daily
»f,j poHii-vely a* l*> o clo<fk, A. M-
Tlie MONONfiAHF.LA.Capi Sfon*, wilUeave Cm*-
bureh every Mouda) morning at 10 u clock: " breling
Sy Monday evening ..10 l* M ; and cv
ery Thursday ai .0 o'clock A M.
The HIItF.KMA. NO. *. Ca»*l J. W.n»/«/iff. *‘U
leave l‘iU»hurßli ever) Toe»daj morning ai 10 o cio. k,
vvi'e,-ling ■-very Tue.-duv evening at If IM » and
O nrinnari every Friday al JUoiMuck, A. M
Tlie Ni:\V KNtiLAND. NO.», ‘'“I" *•
* ‘ ’['.luliuridi every Wednesday morning al .
Xi. K-k; WLr. nn* every \Vedne*day eveiunj al .0 J'
M , ui.d Cincinnati eveiy s-aiurday at 10 o clock. A >l
n.e WISCONSIN. Cupl « J- «roer, leave
I ureh every TliufMlay morning ai loi/r!ocV; lire ini*
Tto’,-0..) .pU«»r». «•*
,-ver) Sunday a* lOo’clock, A. M
ti,„ /•< 11’V‘I R. NO !*. I'BJil Oo#ir,W'il leave rill
, .I-'* J I'nliav uioriuiig al 10 o’clock; Wheel...*
.'v.-rj Friday evening ui HI IV .M.; and Cmcnnuu. ••'-ery a! lOdVIocK, A. .M
Tlu- MFSSKMiKR, Uapi. lahJotJ. will leave I m»
Ouril. every Saiurtlay inonung «. I»u rlock; \\ l.eelmg
«ve K ry s-wurday evening al 10 M-I and Lmemnali
every T'»r*«!ay al lOo’dock. A. M.
The ISAAC NFAVTON, Cap. A. <> .Va.o.i, will
enroll ever' Wednesday ai lOo’clocfc. A M
j-T-rhe.e I'n. keii will be *1 (heirberth* al I’lUi-liutgh
arnlCineiniinu. regularly. <he duy previ.m- to
rneh port, lor Hi** reception nl ireißld. and entr) of l a*
DEA* E H •
'.to new
jmMm'Z'.SSr SttGSTfX
« irvrm , c-.-veiaiul—Canal P.cael Line- It.
July in a • |» a Krie Kiienmort I .me
I’.iulmrgh Apply ~A Rr os A On, I’i-t‘liurgli
al>M CI.AKKKA Co. »eav-r _
1 ilHftwaSSsl 1547. SawTrae
I ukhvfkn pirrsutiKuii and ci.kvki.anu
1 F. N I’AUK* a Co. Cleveland. “ {
R .» I’ARIvS. Reaver, l a 1 ropr. .or
. VV T M ATIIKR, IMi«t-urch, la I
, i 'l’llK nfpove L;,.e ‘
i L Freight and ivaiva A Ohio jii*l • H»"
I ! i;uid, in any po.nion tl.t » eiui >"»«
I! ' “i-to'lpc "P'J l"". nol.n«pll.;l I’S
.Sis., mm...* “" j I *,
•I . „ „( I*4,,nun*, and pronipinee* of Aeeni», A
-1 ' «»,r ifcmt leave- IMI-ho-gh and t IcVcUn-l daily
irln'tmu wiHilCeSlrwnrr.
I p’.'.Th' 1 ,WrW ?rs J |‘A«hA , All.“Vle«l»wd. Agl*
" ' KK.FD. I‘AItKS A io. Reaver V.i*
\V T MATHF.It. I'tiuiiiirgh, (
f LPi a a Bwngw ft ar 111 ~
Ifl r
'IMIF umUr.n-n.-d .rr now-i.r-imird uu.xwnr.l
1 .lurr .W ,in ll.r l\a«lorn .Mar»rl« .lumiß ll.r r.i-u
J,t ai'iViS*' l * roni i’ t, r ,tu i will ,i ’ rW!U ' lr ' l 1,1 lt,r
l.uTimlf • mid will. .Ir.palrli
• I i’-iii.lmr r.-ri-iv.-.l !•> iln* mui« promptly for
" ~"j "• •> C lIIDWKI.I., A*‘i. IMHlHirfh.
wa " ,pu ’ <; tV tfA:»B. lhuwi.iv.llr,
F. IUiKIt roN A Oft ('uml'efUml
IN 17
w'l r*-c«i|»l lorilie dclivrry of l*ro
I Ilun: w» Hull.inou* l*y ihc Mom.iigaliHu Slaekwalrr
“ l l 1 "i ll< i[^r'o f! || l , ,r Uu | l-f. Lard, l'ork. Tallow,
Wm.lTov CIU-S » <l MU»«-b7| ft» per IUU
Tut.-.C'O, Hemp, Fl.i and Wlww-M cu i*;r 1«HI IU
|l*«»0 A|»jde*.Oheee, Flax-Steed, <»lu*«. ami
ls!rs:SfsXw«!iiii«. M K.i<
UeewnX. Feallier», Kura. (»in«eng, and Stiaki-Kool
_ I*lll clii p<;r lull lb*.
All nronem- co.ii.tnrd inmhrr of ihc undesigned
will bo forwarded wilUul delay, free of Conimi»*ior»,
.Ite rate. W H CLARK,Brown.Y.lle
al.lMJYcr haNNA A W-ATKKMAN, I’uubnrgb.
noY*iSlif . -
FREIGHTERS and olhet* wiahmg
to hftVr Fire liriek, Produce, Ac
brought 10 thU place from Steubenville
intcrmcdißie landing*, can make
by calling on me. a* l
, • Itnai •unntiiK regularly between Pmabunrii ami
Steamboat Agent. SO Water -t
THE Steamboat HARLEM re| aned
j| and refitted in bandaome *tylo amt
kWMIH6» now at the Monongahela wbarl A»
*be U improved »be i» welladawed lor
•earrrmTfteieht and pauengera; or for towing, »h ha
ire”? c.p.eiiy ireil I””"'- *“* I*'* o " J, ’ po *' ll “
t.urchaae will ofcour*e imped her./
1 1 <lreptopo«iok«re,foton,ot*ore,re.r. m,
(Pori,; »nd to are.nof rnerffy »nuT,u.inrr. i v
offer preit .Jrunaffrr. 1 can '“"“‘i.'trV'S "
«;u nr charter, my tow boat “JUINbK. lie can
°? *k»«i> nn fair term* ail barge*, three flat*, and two
•'".fc*. »««.»£«? ear. with rope*, fixture*. A..,
operation*. Auex««.n»tion oflbe
»* *''"*?*" «OdW .« smart*. Build... a -
.Mnt j, |„"?||»ile
«.ert,l.ll-..ur«l' '«•«' niUJj. II BAIKD
ifjK.-" -.HI ■ ,
__ 1 . -n - - ir cAPR A P ARILLA' DR. SUEHAIAX’S
INJnh.L-pp.rß„dp.,Alte,l».sC„ r l ' to ' “ ; ' ar '„~ tom W «- °<,' h ' b, °“ l I .
VcwTl ”ta£'»'pi lilO'lr.'of (D. • H«"<. ■ '“ h “V* *"«“»• •
ffr il Info™ ?w». »n.l ~ «.<: _ “HEILMANS COCCI! LOZENGES \
«S^SK r ' .T
fsSte‘ c °• *N v ssr* ijftKr^i^bSSfSSfe : i=«i=.^:::
P 6AGLE COTTON WORKS. ™.Ji,l «« </~. F" j iSSS^^S^SSX^^tt^,
.- • ; PITTSB U v Vi> v tfl, .\ K lor convenience nnd porta- but reuder not), promote evi-eciur.iwu, all,; ,u c
, v|«N. i'aki'errurffi^.. suatfftr. sa^ssss^r^z^.
i <*»««•€.¥» ot Ail oc-d»A A* > ) M«>n:«■ J J \ i lu , or Morphine contain* All dwd* of certificate. Iwrhct nTcml .rf«„„ «.,J rll ,
5 iiirJ hrlt • Cfnc. valued a large cjoanniy of the crude ie««, froo»h.wewJ.o l.a.r bef U »*iTa ih^u
'oe m M <■* XX O N MILL* iJ, I .-,... •.•c/Ueni<* die »upenority of ihove preparation* And re.lorrd to perfect health by uun- them.
.PENN COTTON WILL | .oh-van. ‘ w “ u , d t > at)DM A galloH mizhire | Wh.r. there, .mud, pun in the
i t > IT * !U 1 , ' ... ,„ i ",, half i..-U . untamed the raine medicinal value, j was’* Poor .Van’* HaMtr. (price wuly „ llt , , ~
mill. I'l“>ve r •'.'»lli i * J’’ cjneii-.v.-v I ’yt ir . Mr«npnnl!a can *\e iTilut-d whentaVcn agreeable \ applied over the jori, and »u.n till rehev.d. || u! .
1. o|o-riuion.we are inaimiucinn *8 % > , a | l an ,j 10 cult the U*le Ot the pa- I with eoMtvenev*, a few raTTiartie or Utaiixr l.rirn-,. ~ it ,
ua arm-led' heavy Slieetnicr. wei. ada.m U o ure n | u , , mildealhartic mtdiciue, dmuld U- uwd a< otra.n,u .' ‘
«d!«m l |rw , . > Suv! 0 The iuei.t-on -i *,.'%« a,| ! o W |« { : ««SIIER.MAWS WORM LOZK.VCKS -
Veiled .. »« e*m.!'.ml .m J CSnenßo. m.m.he.eoneluaive prool of It. great value T l.oe wurmlmengcbaie been j.m.ed i uol . ant,., ; i. w ,
U r r.iiitlinAwU K I’NNKI* • I’till I'SiTo m ca-e« oi iVverSurc*. _ . OUUcaars lo be in&liihle; die unlj ceruin «„rm d.„
! i medicineererducuiered. Mauj- di*ea*e>an>r* ftuu. »,.)■„*
1 and occarion long and lutenw-iiitTeriug, and tiru Or^iL.
I out their ever being luiprcled; grown periun* arc «ri
afflicted with them,and are cinctured for tanm:. com-iuoit*
without anj benchr; when our do« of u lC «c L.airi-.« w.mlj
tpcedilj core them. ’
SvnfitomtnJ irormi.—l*ain> in the jvinU or liuiL.,<-i
wte breath,picking atthe uo*r,gnuditi K or the tml. .h.j
deep, and at unraa fwletie*. about the hts.wilh fluWied • )... ul
bleeduigat the note,'* gnawing wncatwu at the itccnu h, lU*n
eaofhral urer the turface ot the body, *lirl.( chill. »r .lu»
wtMfS headaeh,, drow.incK, renlgo, inriaAr, d.xn.uiH
(1 mm«,Madw ta in .Ice,., will‘l/ight and
cough, feirri.h.%.*, «hir,«„ nuth.l
hue, CU, Ud U*te w the Booth, difflcult, ,i.« ...
*' ' tU r.V r t bo - tb - vo»;
eoui appetite, leauneM, bloated rtoßaeliir liw.b., gr.i....g*;
.hooting pain* m laiiou* ,* r u of th. bode, a .row ~t ~.n% !
thingruug in U.e throat, Helling of U,e kn'u, toward. ...Ju, J
lre H ueat dcure to pat* •wmething from it.r Uiwct. u.-l —me
tune* ducharge* ol ilime and muCTii.
They gire immediate relief in hrnou. oi »ick h.adaehr
palpitatiou ofthe heart, lovrueu of a.e ii.irit* dr.u.mJri.r* ’
u.damnuturjr or putrid *ore thr.aJ, bowel or’ .. oil
phiut, tainting, uppreiwon or a wti*c of unking or H.» <l..»t*
cholic, »p«anu, cramp of ll.e .tomacli or Uiw*el» l.*>..n<ii
a&ctiooi, and all oemm* dueaw*, drow.ioeu ihruo-1. the
day, and waktfuine*. through the night; dmlera o* «l».l
era norbua, dianhaa, Lwiludc or a mum: «i Uticte i‘..
<oo» tra*clung or attending large panic., will find the U>nu
ge*really nneing,and imparting the huoyaniTof youih; u-e.l
atUr di»»lp»tioii,U.ev w.llreilore the tone of ll.e ...tcu getri
trally, and restore all the unpJrauut .ymnlom. aroinc trou.
too free living. Tenoni who ha«e Ueu 100 high li*. rt, un.t
hbandooedtheirdiuipaUdlmbiu, will ih.d
aiirabk compoaen uf the nen r*.
The beat .tresgtlining pla*ler in the w.u Id, and a -icrcign
remedy for ]«.u, or weakne*. in. the back, loin., ...le, seek,
limb., jchuU, rheunatiwi, lumbago, kc. kc. Oi.r million a
yrar wjllnot.upplj thedenuud. They reouirri, little wann
.ug be tore application. Warranted .urwrior to alt ..thus, and
lor one quarter d.e u»uaj price, making not only the betl, hut
theiheapctt Outer ,u the world. It atfml. , r,«
hour*, and make, attouiihiug cure.
la liver complaint and,wiaV «t d.ould U wotu mrr
the rept* of the inerur tlomach, aud it will afford t r*at and
aaUmuhuig relict In tough., told., a-lliwa, dithculty of
breathing, oppremou uf the d.e.l or tlumach lhe\ will un
mediaUly tomh and gready benefit the {-aliml. l'.noi.* uf
sedentary habit*, or tW obliged to .land Much, will rr.ri.e
decided lufrpurt from one nf it,ew truly pla
t*r. Phyiirian* generally- ncummeud them, iu urrfrtru.-e to
a’lollierv, lerauw they Mick or adl.rir Uttrr.and iIIWJ great -
er relief. Iu their ojeraUii., they are *iiuiulint~iouu- and
anodyne. They are cotupowd uf ei.Urrly difffrm.t ixrcird.-
ent* Iromany dUr, and known frum the ei|«-ri»we ..I mil
lion* who have uwd, a* well a. the imit< of
all ll.e celebrated and diMinguiihri) rlrrgy and,, ...
be the (do*l uaefu! and highly medicated ida.lrr.
Setenl pereon. liare called at the watth«.u<c 1., rvpre..
their turnriaeand thank., at thealu.o>tiniru:ul.,ui
pbater* bate eficeted.
Directioi* er Uie arc tm'the back oforh l.hi.Ur, w.lh a
fac*itnile of l)r. Sherman cuattu-. It i. iu.i.ortai<ty..»-t...u1.t
alway.ask Ujt Shmaan’i P.x.r Man'i I’LMrr, ai.Jwr tb..i
you get the Kvuu.w.a. there are c.ou* worthies. .....1i.1i..i.-
hawrkrd about aud w.ld f.r the true Shripiai.’. I‘L'irr-, l.j
snprinctj.led dealer*..
fcold wholrsde and retail by W. J AfKHON at 1... Patent
Medicine Warfhouie, No. gji. [.,Urlv .licet. Su-n .1 ll.e
810 BOOT. 1 i*.. M dly.
Chicago, 111. Sept. l‘i, tS46.
■ stebbiu* A Reed— I Cents: In May, ISW.I ©h;
! , •.tofeaLouUofSand’sSarsaganlls.aml
i w£ihen confiiwd to my bCtf, Wilhouv sleep lot ■* w«*.
; r e ..’ mg.. «w tt»°nnr
! lb.w
i :;a.£." ..<■» - ■*> t
1 i n~.
Vc U .'...»>"'"Poo'f“"l J ' AUESM , ljLF j l _
I Tll( . follow,.* ccrljknlr i, only onollicr link m Ihe
RHEUMATISM . , | „ ?' Erpo-ia », wo Ore to
AND ALt. NERVOUS UO.MI’LAIN rs. • J.w" an” » fmjoonlly Ji..ppoio.oo
•*\Vha uhoanh the ««•»« may not be rM > the * lie . wts cannoibut loo* on ike eflbit*
Since tl.e.f <f«* •"* ‘*«*>- . ; *mnrf» With inlere*! ard faUMNto
Let not delusion. prejudice. or prut.-, nf *ui <••** ui pr vatuabte preparation ol |
»* •;
rooms .;„e„s,.„ .1,,. 1,1.0. mj-ooss- , l“ a Al'S S.i mvulbi
Oolvoniom. »• « 1 £ Krf.Wo... ~r?P. -» ~
«>*”; *-« ~ ~ "‘"limN m norr.s
, f'*'U * powir o. <MiVAH.nn «PI»h; >' | nerj liuHed with.the above HIM.
How on.l interval* | m.-m, 1 b-rrt.y i<-n.'y
m wb.vl. f. uj.j-1 -d l-v tM '"‘V';,, u ‘ ~A Pnlcl! fx-iT&xoM -The foltowin* “ **«“• I
hern pmiiooMiril, u:t rt u m r ;‘" d ‘' , ;. l V*'• . , r <!iu a truer it reived j'^taniGalusha.
tXH wo- i.T"joc:o,t. r.f- j _ , ,. | 1 „ v ““““'ol5'oVd «M> •
rttim n mRi il.r .!r»,ioiJ •. • . j , ttr lo . lltrlll | (u n .y bu»inr»».*Hd ptaacb-occawoo X
Ifcv .....01.1 0. ..... .y.t™., oll.t ill.'. ...011.1 *0 , afllo-icj wiih Oi.y .pccic*ofVcrofuloo^
a.m.i.o 1 lir mo„ po.i.iol «■ «k '' ; . "ko.J h.or taondoo tomOrk.blo nuoj
",'' , 5 y; ,c...-•,
„ „ ......I, ...i.rvrj. ’; r;;:.' Sy 0..r,j byb. 'r«'‘Hr I , BgK
“"Th“li.l°“.'i."' 1..V0 'woo “•' ,l ’ vil V,“,"r "ill- I Por Oil J coacl.iive o.idciiooi°f "l
■s r,zrf.'MJZ. w, , I ri;'SiSfsfc»y,«o »■'
ffi2X.'S^ r .'r- fs N-WO-J Fjk,"
',"','S' r ;'„!,ni,', J.,.-i:v....r«i.... -u..-y *«'**■»
v, 1 .;.,„m,.. ;!„..„.y r... s..„A.,so,s M“ l ii'l— nnQ _,_
a........r*. ““J i sherman'S. oIosaoNIAN.I obsbrvbui.v übi.bukatbi>tmiaiN'*-
7" ~"1...».'...01.:. , I ,s?r,«A A .ONSISTIMi ~l 1,„1',^,1.,1 3 ,t,r5v.. l .0.....
Tl'„. fliilvauio Hells. 1 , D.or.• from ln» dif. "■' ,ahl rcuirdy liirall < i*ti v y ami >• r*»l*i
(ilirirr>, Nrcklacra, Ac. t ” f '''SU,Ct f ‘c«iigb aud »aff«aW. Hr . j U.u« allcclmnsj < i'yruji. Croup >yiuj. a*..i.•
■nil-i’iim'* ««i J vvrr *f.vrr.-rbina<-irJ.aa>l i' ( b;■ i f ij u jj lt ..n, e uk>awmi»n t «r All- ri r.cnU«»U*tJ extract ol SJrs.lpanll i. iln n‘rill/
■i,r|RH\.n.' 'll’ l '*. .tl. f Itir l.atv .iic.r ii’:.* | ** *H. . t |jni; J 1 1 - 1 ■" U»* emisuundirr jJ superior to atl filiiCr eitrarls*. Jiaiilli; o|l« II I.lut
• 1.. ’'••• i«r<<-. r *' • *•• • j wliat lib* ilUjed hit Cough, remotrd .1 when all oltirr# have lailcd, I»eiiig lliruuyli a new
. ii.-tuij. Il.r i n.r t*am iu bw Kid* V, * .1 j*xwcm* more toner ntratiul than any rnl.ivVvri
1 V. 11.0 pulilio. ASTHMATI.- KUXIIt.
i, 1,.- i.iiiaiii.-<l. anil wo i oi:i|.pi | iii vt Im li . I check' and 1 h a *i l, t» enrcu*d |ti:rlnjiiriiL, ciiri-R ol that vtnld.m n
V. ’ m i.i i. u.muon i -"> * • i «‘*i mt | w jj ltll Jtm 1 j jiKea«e r when of more Ilian l'i ymim w .itr.rlinj',
• niv r.i..v..i ‘I hi—- an «u. *^ I ' l ‘J, silKltMAN*r» OIsOSAON 1 Afll* 1 1 hence it BUndii tvithnul a rival in that tnnrt. .Li rilnl ,
••.. wri't*. 1-inb' a'" !•-•<••'»"> I’ ‘ j disease.
- ,v ' " ' i, : AMr-UEAI.INK UAI.SAM. t, Ur. Itnxe a I.IMMLM', for all Carrs of wrpk-.
... II ; A ,b A„ur I'rieiHUif «b»y know of anjlbnig th ? l * ,, V o il**|i DCS# or pain, amla roinplHc FUhstitulo foi-MiMet ;.
' - i AR. .1.W.~l I«RW. lAwrt.• Dr Ruse's TONIC 'MIXTURE. ... ..,1.11.1....
... J .IS :■ ■■■ >. 1 i ■ ll 1' . Dl-l"'I ”T'‘"'il,'”oi,"" Wilt Wll cere for chil s anj fee...., mul naleeil ia ».....- i.l »
■I • ui.ui i i'i/ni|.' uni ■ , j lV yw. "I IWI t . remrdi uitrodoced »d specific for fevers o!‘ all Lii.dHlti.n U.mU •'■ IJui
(.hiii-licN MukDCUC n>il«l -. = *' r'i. |, 4 , ii,„ productive of to much ui | hi Pe .
i • n«. .1 • n.i '.v.-ii !.*■• t.u.v u*'* *■HldhHr!"aMur«..f Head the following ||( .j Ur. K ore’s INCO.MfMtAKI.K VUUMII Mil:,
,r r mint.tii-ui on* IH*t -i i '' * i 11 '■' " . Awtoitlshliig w .,j! where known, i< ny«-d in iirriott-m «• .n »• 1 !i«-r
-uh .-aI t.y m- Fr- 11. 1. ' .‘V l • !.. ; Wm. tb.vo, tU baker, J Mfj j Vcrm.rujje ~fe,«r.«,..i,
- .'.A- • - bt.Y.W, TOM!; AATMM.sTKI •«;»* all
.. -Kw. r\V I advice which .V<* York di»eases ol the Nm.urh and howets, ( ra in
..; t„. i.:t...i. .-tu. --‘O' • ’u" „, u ia nruJaee, wai iodoeed to try llu* fectionrr, dee Tooliigh an encomium cannot he
' it.. *:t sU nww marly «rll Hi»daogt»i«r who »m *“ e . r * passed ou the merits ol this medicine, iu cure ol
■'*" ' k".»wn:ui”ii‘ me * . 5 ■ ,] lt , sl „r di*e>.*e, tried it,»ud vm alto < - ul^l ~>j */j Dispepsia, and all diacateE that revolt from v.cuL^
A 1.r;.,..- ... r u Uuw „ WcU that •(» » able to b *m oY atooncft fti Lid dtcevti-n.
;.!,.,H-VV|.i.Wti.U' , Ur.-Knae'ii FK.M.\ !.K t 1 1 l .S a valuable
. aiffcn!.;.-, »ml 11 * : - Yah s itreeh Dear the «medy for those general complaints l«> which fr
i.-ii,ifi, uil .0 .W i.M'i. U '“ i l , (Jil.. purpA>«e of obUininga bottle or males arc subject.> •!rY . m.j,. Utvu YmWd with the Atthma for mort j, r . Uoic’s TU.NIC ALTKHATIYK IMI.LS^
. \v.ij ••- ' ‘ ‘ , (la ,7:it wm«, aiid'*>j« »u exhautletl on hit mrnesl 0“« M 0 pjjj CTCr before tillered tile public so happily
‘' " • I/-, 'i. i .\- . ciw|.i m« »i«-ak. He purchased a bottle ihTofi combine* the qualities ol a valuaole tncdicini-.a.t :m
- ' ,v "' f , -uH i pHoo i't' ill ill Mi 'll ' ' h. walked from b» rt« 0 » anti-dispcplic, LIVKK orMoniachic pill, cofieet-
Sv;®ruu».c e M r ß«h«. ta e e 1...:
Thc'C .in.f .« hum miod- t v u app..csii -u. : 1 consniuptloDi of the j adiscascd liver lor some time, her slreagtL pro*
lie- m . -trr ou. n-knu i*> t«.n. .wi.wm fury uit i M Cojxiort,3s whiu ttreet, wa» »*®w mw« tralcd tfid appetite gone, was completely rcAtorm
iiiiiHirtuiii uiijun. ; io i!,r gi nu «.• Halt sn-r i:-ii«* a d j„f Drftmbtr U.t that he waspiveo up by ! j B sit weeks by the Ute ol the. Acti-dispepUc mu
ihr.r iniwJ li.'itiiOH'. "t uix.ii ia' »anr ] r ucip <•- i I f r j rm i, nilerUiued do hop* of nu recovery. tnreand IhceOpill* alone,
t)jtv." n dir iifivni’.iaß- '*t m»r* .oral **" ! ded to try the about S 3 Dr.Bosc'sCHKOiNO-THMK.MEL STHK.NUTH
a ,F, o.ih.i.-H- > oY mto«d-1..« l«»«wMs to «** . I EjNIiNU p LAiiTm i<tr wtakaiu c.t thebarh,*i.k*
Yj*, "ou.'! oaipiu.ii." ami 11. a ri.Mivc fu.r - y .11 f Vn KSB. die wife of Vs 11- Atim.JamesHartwm) breast, diC.
|,i /■on, ri ,J ItV.i*f«*» «>. d.- r.if*:*-* /mcA. Vaintni t ... >l|(!lini \v. [lay*, E*q. can all bear u»o»ociyfr«>« I>r. Rose’s SPECIFIC EIMI.Ki’SY, the niOvt ccr
Si ll I*. Al!*rt>cns. an i a M'*ai«r»j cr ( '^ r (><<n tl p 4 rience of the healing jwopertie* «»* thu Ureal u j Q remC( j» | or a jj cases of fils or convulsions
i.*o of ivr fidmenarg |.j t uinpiain » . , n Contumniion of tlw Luag*. •. »helherin tufintj or adults. So certain a specil.'
thnr rrt., ly t. 0, dir «...y ‘^; d< d Y u Y" l .rThcv Y?• - . ~ *‘ pl ‘^fi£S o SUt. Who had b«H is it for this formidable' disease that the mod ob
!£H e .rfbH !.«• Ufu nis and W c »k,-t •• ! JJbUd^luas by a ««re w«iw3 siinate cases, and tliose too of long sUTiCing. hav
at ih- »re im nud me hutil) rei umtneuded for manv •>) 1 itei , blooclfwairtlitved by one bottle of «M yielded at once.
Umir cmnplainiß’ti whiHiin.ini... nr«r.pvcml!y!- . olofW Hian.aod drcUm !l r*s»*djtn RHEUM-\TIC MIXTL Rb-A«ier mar
A. an vtl-o-ual i-.e.tu- im -'.reitf lining the »y«t. ru , D s „ w BttT 35 Water rtT»*t, wax also reljcvvd year* of diligent rerenrcli ih.s coiupound wa» *..vcpt
wild, dv'. : laird « :.t i' s-rm .'to H- r muvK,ux «cr - j |Kf |ame although he *•> very «*h ««■«««. cred,audits never faifingefficacy places it* oiF.- iciir
~ „.. ... rv,„»:.1U..0U li Wr-.ikiK •*. UR U l rev entire , i,r cotautvuetd Ukios it, havingb«ca uader U»« ear* of a i, oTfc B [| others for thecure of Rheumattvui.
7 V,. ~,,1.1 7. ... ...1.. ,«■ .'I.-.- s-n.-..!- ' .IVSTuri., ikcm.Vwlrr* . Dr. bA ASTRINOENT COMITJUND ncrria,
ihel Jm t van if Stn wi : l be luumi ■■> Cl>tt i u ; i Uv and. war very *aueh troubled with aight *weil», a remedy for Rpitung IiWI, indeed tor il:m li ; *r?t*i
er.-ui u:n! prrmanrnt iidvm.u«i In h few wor.l-i .1 u ( rtm (d> enabled hijAtn return to hu daUJ whether from Lucj;*, boweln or oilier |a: is «i(. H
-s nil ilie v.rtiiev ui ihc l.< *l ionic prepnruiM, .. . . He wa» entirely relieved. ___ „! body. - ,
wiili Ui- .fni'otivnt aiWii.on o the p-tlvnriir mfiiirn. •*. j Uivln lUxfEtsoH. 60 Laieht Ureet, Geo W. lh R MC ’ S SYRUTfor Cbolcra aiidßowcl .i.m|..aiu
...i, .. impair.-1 nor ealiau»i< U. whi.e - , t, rmt ,i vo f Newark, N. J-, lleury Lubon, 193 Riyiagtoa —Thi* mixture will effectually tnre bowel toinplami
■ com, ,n,c«. T.rrsc aim .. » w.|! *.e luon.l cHt.rr v t(m , numerous otjur perwmsliave been »twedihr and Dysentery,Cbolum Morbuv.aud ClHJlcra. Ai ihe on
frrr from U,o»e ot.jrctiou* v*i,i«: , are a coniiuM a-iur- e | . <nna ’ liru ily cured of the war ewajdaml by thu remedy. , he Asiauc Cholera wa* raging HVL
,„• ,1, ii w iL, Urn 01 din ur\ jilamiei* in common «» •\ ' Tlxe Array 01 ffwmea . found to die the most successful in aitc*m'C ■>. I ‘ ur “
1 ' '' CAUTION. ' whiclieoulJ be produced of jwrwo* who have u*eaihwpeaj n!nc tenths of all Uiove wlo used il. .
1% rr-i-TI.. era. i-i’.l.niy mid »i<-ci.sof Uic-e unset.* I remedy w«uld more than 611 a eotuma.. “wifi What may Be said of one of ibeec rernrdi— may 1
K*r,l uirm «i» be eounier'nied by onpnnc-pl *1 W 1 ,emitted to refer to A. M. Bmipyr, I” *{t said of all; their value will only be apj‘t.-e<i.'-d
i r ., „ lOV j c aR H.,iM imposition, Dr.Ouaivm >j f WtUa of Hobokea; Mra B*M 4 those who try them. Ix-licr* from those wl.o have tie
PolY!’, one autborileil ugeui incvtli city of lire Tim n. I B Devoe, 101 Read* It.; M«* Cured of the vinous maladies that ufliict H.r buim
l fS. «nl?iiem Smlii. WU> Wll>OV, | „Yf. Smith,si Third*«««•*“« W “- tt ’ body, might Lc given, but we are vMhi.r km- «
-Ol Ibe I,lR].C*l and most n*| - . i(|^rv va , it | Mt JL;in« Wwhouxs ind 800 l sad Shoe Store, WcO Libery ut( j that it-« healing power lior ii'i.'imii
! ssssss:rs-t?
.. , pkrl«.i«, «H ...
Ualvoit'C ami 1 Case* imißinerable of the variou* cure- iti ii In
mend this application mill ■' ‘ IV e it a fallowed the use of there remedies ate 11 « nii-i>M
cepiinn <»f thove wl, ■ 1 | * w •: sion, but It is not deemed nreersory to enuun-i air lli
nf. tile itive.iimii lJ [ ; , „. rric „ n p.t-uHv !■ : a« the useof them will reeommend them to «lt.
Ihe ino-i iniv- i.ffv .it ainnii, •- 1 J. SCIiOONMAKER, A Co., No ?1 IV.M.d >ti
o,r:»tie i» -it a 1 nine y 1 • t _ nr j . Arenv for Pituhurch vti'jbdl
'‘Y'.iieYn 1 Hi? Of II s effieacy of I.i- Tplsfci fliOS A' ASXOtISDISG DIM II
vi-rv ! 1 KBY-A Blessing! A Miraclr I ! A M i ndr
IVFFW'Tr l \Vf l Y^ A M'^d?iv‘HmoM.) the ii'* o "Vow ycus ago last Au K .jß|,ll,r enjiilulTir Frt
vijueiill) I« » irr inirii WBIti could have *urh sinrulnr powei* a« ’l,a,, !:n
-jYihvriy -i.r-t head IV.-id, IM.-I.urr.l> l''”" £Sl?h, 13l«wiwf Rin thVllusplluK llw's'l. .‘'"'a
]""! * P r r K> ' ~r . t.-, Aeelil f.'i l'» Kl' in cieiy of Pan* (till* be“l clieiii.*ls 111 the l.v
Ww« bene “"..C‘V“ l „ ,rt n 7!,1 P,H.M .l,n Ueitag mpn- >» St- V„|,„.„:
Peim*v I vvn i.i. none I-trill..„r ini } -\Ve have now m.mitely mi.l eavfulty o
° , N l ll" |,| !T l .m'l <„"' >• .■'■••>'■ Wrlnrwip
. V , ,i,t„..s Piui.n. n.r 41,d l*. .. component pan*—we have u*ed Unify ven.l !'»'}•.
with Hie ii-'in. • * . ~| r«f eneli home we hesitate Dot in [itun.iuuiT il [the» Id i
c.j.nt Ag> "t. f ■ ihe f’orr' Foapjas a great bl«»-mg. nud a tiuly nondei.,.r;i
Aiiiiiidaiic.' i.f t ••iidiu-.n s.•' i j T * { / r any c'ilinrous riuplir.ii r.i di.fßurMi.ei.^
"■ l,l, ' l ‘’ ul evi l I ,itkill. It* inventor we Ci.iie.d. r the iv^,-Yfc=B«r
tit HUH I.A AM» >• HOHM.Oi.S fstvl.l.t.- of ruffcrnigmankiiid. 'j. _
'|.Nt;< —Srr i'ul.i in nil its iiiiiltipti. -I turn-* (PißnedJ I.F.oroi.H^UPTT:'
Whr.llrr,,. II.R .•I'K,,,!:'. i:..l.cU':;;'"''“i' " '.r tMinr*. N' lute Swcllni:;i'.« l.rm ,
' Hlii.iiinatism, t ::niecr, dim-Tv*-* ol the >km nr
~r i,f I’uln.innrv Fonsninplion. emanate lf*m «*nr
ami the name , whirl* -i |n*i*«nnus I’V''' ' l '
more or lew* in!., rent .» Il.r *
fi,rc unless tins pnni i|de c in be dc r idi
cal cure can l»r ctlecli'J, but '1 lhr |>riiiri|.!c wpi'U
which the tlivea*.* ih-[ii>n<H, is removed a cure
muster Itecesuitt Inline . n<» malli-r unucr .. It illnrm
tlio di»ca.'e »h«ml.l m.iml.-'d il'clt- Tins, there!
is the rra*«n why J.trsh s Ai-TtniTIVK is so uni
vrrsatly *.n:cp»*l'.»l i« ifinuvino so many malignant
diseases. Il destroy* the virus nr prine.ple Iron,
wine. ■ thiMrt diseases h ive tlwif origin, hj enlering
Miln the nrcillation, and with l lie hinnd is ennticyi »1
to the minutest (inre, -removing every p -ttn-lenl
disease from the ijihim I'rtj.ared and sold at N«».
Jf South Third Stieel. I’l.d ideljdm.
Sold at the I'i'kiiiTea Store. IN". b ourth Ktree
.■ .mi L ‘"f'
A ceiillcimin ol Scrufulou* halm* inm« imli-roi.oii
tn In* youiißi-r day*. i.<i-uiii'' nllr<-i.-»l Sot-ramii*
or ihc Throat and Nn'c, awl a.•*;«KrccaMe and »<•»•
lilrMime eruption uf Uic SVni. lii'.ccd. In* whole *>*•
lem hote ihc mink* or l.rim cuuin’r « 11 * '.'*"/**V, .
One and wil*t we.e -o much . Ut-e.rU be had
lull U,e me of llm baud, rtvcrv part bun* ci.vrr. tl «i J.
deep, ami oll’en*ive Ij li*«*r•, ami "etc u* lio.-
Imv ami pomu* a* a honey-comb li »*a» »»t *;» » la R« >
or lII* complaint.when drnth uppca.e.l mrviialilr, irmn
a lomhanme di.r..*c. lU.i.i Im rnmmenrcd Hu- u«r of
JAYNES AI.ITRNATIVh. uml having taken mi
left liotllc*. '* now perfectly cured
- Tin* AI.TKKN ATI Vh operate» through llir civculc
iTcm. cuul i.imfirn the Hloo.i airif eradmi.'ca di*ea*r.
from the nycitni. wherever locaied, and the numerous
cuira n ha* jierfurmed m di»ea»e« of Skin, Cancc,
Scrofula, timire. I.i ver Complaint. Dypepm.and Olhrr
‘chrome di«ea*e». i» truly u*ioni*lung, .
For *nle in Pnistiorgh hi the Pekin Tea Store 1 ; 7*i 4»li
Mirri near wood, and ul*o at ihe Ifrug Store of II T
Scliwiir'i. Federal *t Allegheny city _ my_4iiv* F_
uVr~Mcljane’a Worm Specific _ |
Ti IIt S it in certify that, liy taking «>na vial of Doctn'r
Mclmne 1 * Worm Specific, a child of James Shaw'*
panned upward* of ?<> wonni. and liy the um- of *aul
medicine n child of my own puued H large worm*.—
It i* truly the incut surprising worm medicine I ever
Veen 1 inu»l have two more vial*.
Wilkin* Towrrh.p
For ia‘c hy J KIDD fc Co. No 00 Wood
burgh. ' mebs!U
J .80AP, for softening ihe Skm. eradicating P
■“t >ll Eruptions tor blotched
t.r d.,™n,n, ftrckl... to . (
>km, Btnl-ftrtHlueing o fine, bool b). )" j[[h . ]o „
Pncc .T7[ c>tri. per nf '- ft MISTOOK It Op
“tefj rnt r>l .i. ii nd wnotl and #lb a
For Cootlu, CuJdn, Aitlmu, nail Consumption! ]
ESrt. U»«Sd Smc. unto u» InwUW «***■*.
"fgSSSSS —.of ui.
w,.litilin» fur treatment tbe WUUSI lu»-
Sftn B rAaiaartMt r«» be (bund In the community--
Star 1. ™i»
SSwitoyS-IbSSiS.'™ conWuiA and
uutnn, but a Ei.tflUh m.dkinr. of
"gz; &:;vr£V“.“d cr »..u. i t «ppw
.KXwI Ilunertta. IM«» “f U 2f,!?i£l,?
maniitut the enn*iim|«tlf o lendonataa of Use climate.
StL housed m > pryrsntiVe madUJae in all ohm «T
qSj*, Qcugtw, SpitUnx of tlloM. Fata ,* n ,l b |t££*uSl
5*2, Irritttton and Soreness of the Lungs.
luAonUr of Breathing, lleelle terer, Night ****“'
Ca&ciotLm and General Dobnily, Asthma, Influent
u^3 l ‘SX.‘biSf£ *1 ?« *■"••
can osrtiflcatM, and elmr erUanca, »l®wini tlveurr
MuaHagmertU of lfc»* Ci*l EniUsb Hew<djr, may *
otadnad of tM Afeotojfralttftooaiy. .r-M-i
DAVID F. DRADUsk, tola Aganl fcr lb * ÜblU<
States. HO Coun •treat, Ooaion. - .
T W DVOTT tt SONS, General Wholeaals Agent*
No. 131 North Seeond street, Philadelphia.
Fo -ulc by II A FAHNESTOCK & Co. corner of ai:d from street* [UtO
LA1)1BS Who U7c Common I'ienareu Coats ,’»rr
alien not aware how fnghtftilly Injoriow l« to
the skin! how coarse. how rough, how sallow, ) rllow,
ami unhealthy the »lin appears after using prejiared
chalk! Ile*ide». it»' injurious containing alaigedumi
my «f lend. We have prepared a beauiiful *cgelat»£
article, which w« rail JONES’S SPANISH-LM-T
WHITE! It i« perfectly innocent, being purified if » »
deleterious ami it impart* to ine **'"*£.'
"1)1. Junk. Annefon. 1 ‘f* c 1 m ? r v!rt<r rtii» h'l”*,'
sUiv^r.;.s.«Sss»” Mj, “ u ““*"
• who«e »uin requires beautify mg-
vVhV JACKSON, at his Boot and Shi*
JOfi&r M* f "' ood '
. . .-11- UrtrtM . J
th r tt- i*o»« . cu tuu “It should He
\l W *MUhml "id made known to thepuhlie” This
**£ J!ceipreisioa of an old man who tried fee Seng
»a* we e*i I'ittiiouii. f ebruary I, led 7.
m, Moreen:—This may .certify that being afflicted
it n troublesome cough some lime, I bought abouk
■or Morgan’* Cu «* h *y" , P' w* *« happy .to toy, atidr
upi ie it my cough is enurely. cured. 1 prouoauce your
Cough Syrup the best medicine 1 have e»er used. No
i-.fnriv Should he withoaMhia etlaable medicine.
I * * DAVID'ML'ROBKRTS, Allegheny Ciiy
lO“This medicine 1* prepared wholesale tnd retail
ji the Drug Store of JOUN D MORGAN
I Wood sued* one door below Diamond Alley
J I’riee*is cents per bottle.' ... f eM
riniß nOOBISU UAIEL OVB—For .permit
}• lnently dyeing Light, Redot Uray Hair® Dark :
l,Uto*n or mark color, without dyeing or injuring the
I skin. Sold with fall direction*' rrice 50 cents, or qi
I * lU’Sold by WM. J AjCKSfJN, al Uii i*ateni Medicine
| Warehuuse. tit (iheity street, head:of Wood, it the
| sign of lbs Big Boot. j* '•
RlvM> Till*!
Prom ibe inventor liim-eli' n» ibr pro** m Prop
Nov. t.
In conVulcrniion *»i* fli»* *tun 01 1 iiaw
mi to Sir. T. Jun.-x. milii; mynf N< «
N. A., the wfwlr |»r«K , ri , » *>t iiinnuiai-iurriii',
With o statement of tin* inpieitienn c«>io|« e>»
iau Clicinicul s>ap. Hr i' n>in:niui;irluff •
the Hulled State* only, atul to have tin* pnn , i-i-r
mihg it “Jones’ltalian Cheuiu-iil Snip.’’
Witness: Ilemy J. lluMswoitb. ... ....
(Signed) ANTONI A VI M L
Off-Sold by 'V JACKSON, at 1..» la<eiil V<
\\ arebooir, W* Liberty Mt.ei, lif»‘l “• ""•’•l
-«ijn» of the Uir Boot. .
The only place «i»l’»tt‘huTgh wdirrrthe M A
ean_l««|itaineil. AH n»ti*r« __
[H IMLLS, for the cure of Liver ( or»pl;m
all diseases arising from ll, « l ’ , * er ; > I ln M . rk
ache,ami a* a purgative and AntisLiliim* lit
passed by none. ..
¥ SrupTuxs-or * Diseased l.tvt.a—t
mflatnalion ol.the |.iver. when not the come,
ol an acute attack of ths disease, begun gn
with symptom* ofj functional di-.m1.r.'.l tin
tire and hiliarjf organ!, ami Uy-jiepMa inV
■eecnsti* 1»« the only affection present. ‘I In
complains of irregular appetite and in paucil ;
ofdigcstion, acidity, HatulenCc, slight cliolir
occasional' nausea ant! a_sb;!
pain and weight are 'elt in the rigid side, aci
nied in some cases with a dragging pain m ll
shoulder. Most commonly, however, n*» <
pita'is experienced in Urn region <>l the
except when firm pressure is made on tin*
The Dowels ar.e always very incgulnr. cost
being ectacnon in some instances with dtairh<
discharges scanty, dark colorrtl, oltanmr,
grfeenisn or muddy. One of the moat rout;
characteristic symptoms of Chronic Livn
plaintisadry,harsh.constricted state oi n
a short dry cough, with slight difficulty in lir<
ia.s Irerjuent attendant on. this-dWca»c.
chronic as in the acute form of this dise-***,
tient Can seldom rest as easy on'the lelt as
riglij side. As the disease advances, sligli
come on towards evening, attended with a
heal in the paltna of the bands and soles ol l
the nights are restless, and when theindai
tenmutes'in.suppuration, hectic and .rapid
tiob consame the vital powers;
Manufactured and sold wholesale and ret
Wood street, Villi
▼inffGieaie *pou, Siaia*,or Marks- frui.
Woolkai.Caipeu, 4c., &e.. and rendering
: rwberv U U applied clear, bright. new, and »j>
Bold with nil* direction* l'riie‘dScrnu a
!rrSnldl.yWM JArKWIN.fSUieuy »
I of Wood, ftl hit 800 l and Shoe More, aikd <
l urn- ' I