The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 27, 1847, Image 2

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    "dU mTSßlUttili GAZETTE.
lor cistm cocwt».>
ni< caSai.
' • ior ccw*t*>-* •' ,l ' troOTY I
Daily I’n-yyrr.iy * aiy P |Ve llallar * l>tr
Auttcc «» A«»T«rlUer*.
IL r to *,!£“* * A u“n,ion
livrol «num*ilK»chi _
Til*sA>* K
JOHN C KUNKKI. i)4ujiU.n«-ou»i>-
JAMB* .MAKUN. . .. .. •
WIIAJAM M W AITS, Cumberland.
OaNIKL M 3MVSI-.R. Adtun». ;
JOH P WKThKRIU,. I'Uilttdelphw City
THOMAS McORATH, Philadelphia Coontr
HOBF.RT M haRI). Franklin.
THOMAS M T M’K+aNNAN, \Sa*mnKion
lIARMaK DBS 'Y. Alitfi.cny.
RICHARD lR'-' IN, Venanpo
JOSK»'H 11 KCHNS, We»unorel«nd.
H I>KuL. Northampton.
J « SALISBfRY. Saaquebanna.
EI.HANaN s ITII, Wyoming.
ROBERT T POTTS, Montgomery-
a»tihasom o c.a*» t w»u B county
“v”hr«r.V».K’ ;
will swe(Bi>le »« pumary meeting*. in «l*eu
Sr^lfficSo» ... S.U.J.) 'I
Mac i Al 7 to eiect twopei»on» from euch oicinii. n
ojiltilo tu» County Convention, to meet at the Court
iX£t£.WcUne.d.y Ibe 2»b *•» "f J""'. “"'X
JITS to put in ».».»■■ .unable if
fpatSecpicd) Wjt mec. .t the p.uuFplace* “‘‘V!*
between tte hour* of . end #. ‘ ru 7 )MA3 VARNER.
Ch’m of ibe Coaiof t'-or-
For LAW Commercial luwU'fenM. «»'*
kel..lbV« Jfewa, Import*, Money M»iket, Ac.
See fourib P**efor MlicelUn«on» Sewe.
50. 11.
Wehaeonot room >» di»cue. tb ” uriff P° hr f
..whichhu been remodelled by ihe late Congre«-
- Wearo pointed to Ihe pro*prrr(T of Ihe coonlry
.it/g*,, U it mote p.oipeiou. no* than it » under
-lt^£?SS'tariff 1 f 18421 And would the commercial.
s ,f fortEi manufacturing, or the .hipping inlere.l. be
' proaperou, at all, but f.r the extraordinary famine
' and arardty in Europe i Why. the Engli.h na
tion, from the British ueaiurj, bio at thin moment
paying our .hip owner, for rending to Great Bri
tain the grateful rh.ritie. of our people, and la thi.
aline t > draw f.eorxhle couclu.ion. pf a leveuue
meaaure which wa. e.l.bUhed to o.erthrow an
action* ewtbliahcd, long tried, and p.oe.d In I*
g.Kd! 8 1 . 'I r-'Q' rn' f'L t . , Tt.eec .re hot drop. uf adrer in the great
* f- 8 n ™ J „ f ur , y.a, the..
1•■««»•* p-""" 1 ' ■ >"" ■ ■ "• “" ,a subuc **7 '■
P ftr 8 ’ ' m-umoTptwsrJ into a compl«eG.»vcrnm«il bank
-..1*1 <i- il .#»- ilnn** ii‘H <»n<v in d- u*«»cr • i »•' r .
p,£ ",i tec,,,,, when .r,n.|.d.t..b„, -b ■»««• *•»** B«‘ »« rr ““ C °
a tha. -trowed . »• B“‘ " f 1*“ " “ " .unity. and.he puMlc good, m-re to™. the P«pl- to f «>>«■» .uempt. by Je
„ '„. the d0*.'...,. of tho* h... 1.1. .Ilk >!>'* ,hl :
L ,h« genia., and .be peruwtoot "• if*.c «r • U» « e.U.e
~K- . icifi was iu-l etch 1 *an o limi* alienating (ho Government lue.f .from
U«««. b,...Ttr. h amnion, and Hied, end eafe ioititutiune of lb.
«]a)B old when ih* and bn S-cr-Ur? ui . me f
Treasury. *rni »h« one t «tid tbe other
A report to C«*rgre*s dictating that c.*al and i r °n
•bould t» additionally taecil. wiib «ogar. tea and
coffee! Upon (he two la?t article*, no doty had
been iiDpowtl i*r fifteen of airt-m jesr*. and Hut
hi*e becotn*. Ino the constancy of ibeirusi and
the dr|»emiciicr.*-f lb« P«or up™ tbfa1 ’ ■ tD,,ne ,he
oeceMT. -Mr. Polk M • candu
f, r . gy, bad denounced the lax upon ih< m
e* a Whig measure, end be bim#elt. backed by the
Legietature and party I,f his b ‘ d denounced
aovsuchtaxaa uDtqual and unjust. His own
Secretary of the Treasury. »• a Senator also, bad
preferred, pruned, and defended a tax upon gold
end silver plate; and yet both are found, in the
first place, tbe deitroyera of a revenue law yield
ing • l*rge income; and. in the second place advo
cating an increase of duty upon the comfort* and
nec*»tihei of life! .Was this tax upon iron, and
coal, and augur, a political intrigue to win back ihe
Stale of Pennsylvania lo the Administration,
and to eootb Louisians, complaining of bad faith,
or vraaitan act to make the poor, according to the
Democratic creed, pay an increase of price equal
tolheiocreaaoof duty propos'd upon tea and c.*f
• fee and *ugar, and coal, and iron, and other arti
clea used by tbe poor!
H to tbe TiiuctUm of July incrcaied the
■mount of ro.enue'ecci.Jing Dai über f,ee tiaJe
theory, how happen! it auain that the Ereculi.c
and Mr. Walker eaked Coogreae for on merrear
0 r re.enue by au enhanczmtnl of duty!
Bot thie i, pot Ihe marked feature of the rubject
The 29th Congreea hare actually reduced the du
ty on hiiuria in the tariff of 1840, while ib.-y
bate propoaed, in the year 1847. e high duty ™,
the necceaariei of life. Oo brandy and rpirilr
dittillrd from grain, the duty had been reduced
sixty-two per- cent. Under the Whig tariff nf
1842, according to Ihe importation! of 1845 tbe
nrenue dented from there etliclea wae one mil
lion til hundred and twenty-three ihou.and d J
lolfc and Ihe reduced duty oo brendy and rpiiiu
n 5432,000 1 And'yel It a and coffee are lo bo
taxed to make up Ihe d. Scl-uey ol a reduced du :
ty on rum, giu, brandy, war-key. and other foreign
alcoholic I quire. Temperance men what think
you of thial On playing entda Ihe duly had
been reduced aeten-eighte. and pot in the 30 per
cent, achedule. The duty on tiriiing carda had
elan been reduced nearly iwo-lhirdr. Mr. Slew
art, of Pennaylrania, in e recent epeech eaya of
the act of 1846. 'he Jotin are reduced -on crown
and cut glee., chendel.era, dec., ueed by ihe rirh,
20 lo 30 per cent.; nn pimento, elotee, ca..ia, dalee.
jy* fr >( n 60 I' 80 down to 40 per cent.; no tea
ffy-made from 60 to 30; on .ilk. hat. end
ahnea. from. 50 in 30 The dulie, on all ihere
loiuilee, and many olhere. tonaomed by Ihe rich,
are ihui reduced, in motl inaroncre, more than
. one half; and then Ihe Seeielary and Pmidrnt
turn around and aak ua Dial lea and coffee. No.
air, lelrthem reetnie and incieere ihe dunee on
luiurira. end then, if ihey haeo not leeeoue
' enough let them talk about a duty on lea and coffee.
Bit Utemreatore the three aud e half million! of
retanue they had loat by the reduction of the du
tiea on eollon good.; the two million, on iron and
iu manufacture.; the million end a half they bare
loet on augur, the million on woollen, and Ihe mil
lion and a half on .ilk good.. Let them realore
theee protectieo and reeenuo dutier-teatoie the
oin e axis half million, taken off theee fire arti.
Tbia «ct ia now nearly • olJ ' Wh “
good bo it done to Goeo rnment. Slate or peo
ple ! le the public mono; ■* !rl then it wo !
Are Alt iodieidualr. boweaer, re.peetablc o.
aponaible, living’ in Burton, New Yotk. Pbll.del
pb'n, Cberlceton, St. Lou'ot, end New Orleane, ca
pable of keeping tbepnbl'C money o lecuiely ••
inrtitntione with elockholdere : end direclore incor
porated by tbe Bute Goaemmenta. reeponeiblee to
Stale Goeeinmenle. and giainj tbe moat ample ee
ennty for tbe reiteration of carry dollar placed on
jepoeitl Without giaing eecorily, or conaenience
to penon* or partiea, or buaineai of any aort, the
Snbtreaiuiy bai really done a great dral of poai
tiee iojnry to tbe country. It bo multiplied pub
lie officer* in' *ll lection, of the country, and at
tba tort of Ooaernment. end tbua greatly increoed
tbe power of tbe ElccuUae-, by giain, him a more
complete and’leo reeponaiblo control tbe
nurto itringa of thonation. In ilaelfthoSubtrea-
Khemahaaallthe germe of a great Goaern-
S link—Us*' *“"• “*
mod ihrwgb aote». not oat byml-
Boom M WfjfT
UtiM . tbittwaitetan of pafat »wr. »““•
U one of the great binebea of bortoeea earned on
Jtt tboTretimy boiMißg*
fh.. .cLeme comb.nia the P“'“ *4 ,h " , "“ a .
in Ux on. per*., of u» Present. It make. adia-
Unction between the heceeeuj currency of the poo
pie and thca'ctn.l cortency of the Goaemment. It
embarr.Mce the people in their—rel.uona.
b» gitiug the goctn.inuiit, hating control of the
mini, and the collection., a monopoly of the ape
cie If the people haae not (ell the weight of the
oppreni.e and deatrudiee monopoly, it te.bcceuee
ol the largo importationo of epeeie, which, in the
le.tored pr.ieperity of Europe, will return with an.
other harveat, and lea.e the cinntiy choked, by
lightning the cord a of tbta alraogling acheme of 0
nance. Already ha. it coat the Goeernroenldear,
ly, and already baa the Treaaoty Department, and
the nubordinaie officer* of Ibe 1 reasury, devi
eveiy p .trible mean, which the "it of man could
. comcive, to get rid of the more alringeot coacu
menu of «be law. In waaou paymenu f n
Mexico no attempt Uu b<cn made <o.pb«ei»elhe
law; and yefone would «uppoae that the officer*
of the Government were not abaolved from Amer*
>c»n leas, merely because they were temporarily
absent. Upon the business of the Government in
Mexico. There have been Treasury nojts, anJ
Trcuury drafts, and Treasury orders, and Tress
u«y chi cka, and Treasury earuficates, and all aorta
L f paper •neentiona, to evade the spirit and letter
of the mating law. All these evaaloo* tin ne
cea*aty to give even a practical operation to the
scheme; aod yet, to officer* of Government, and to
.business men, these operation* aro attended with
the greatest pcanble inc invenience. The boxing,
travelling, aud counting of specie; tho carting of
specie from the banks to the custom-houses, and
back again to and from the Subtrcaadry estiblub
menti. the Transportation of specie from the Trca
sort Department to the Capitol, it* shipment again
from one section of tho country t> another—from
New York to NewOrlein*—*t C«»t cast of freight
attendance, aud insurance, ail show both the folly
and expense of the scheme iUeIC In ita brief day
it bas proved itseK, at the very .best, an experi
ment and a failure. With the concealments of
the .Treasury, it is not epsy to learn the extent
of this cost, but we could fill a pamphlet of indi
vidual payments and contract* incident to this
transportation of *|>ecie fcoaj point to point. The
bank* did all this—performed all the moaot*ry bus
iness of Government—without charge. They dir
horsed cur pensions without reward of any kind;
butdi the last srsrion of Congress i£ beearae nc«
c*?»ary to create pension agents, with $l,OOO per
annum salaries, in every part of the country where
It is necessary to provide for the payment of pen
sions. Phi*, however, is but an item of the cost.
We read the following in the civil and diplo
matic bill:
For 6«!#r'iei of asgUlmt treasurer*. f 51.875
For additional talarie* onder the Sub
treavorj act.
For rpecial examining agenlt under
Sulitreararjr -act.
For e muoarru expense* under Subtrea'
sury act,
For a chii-f Suhuetsury cleik for Mr.
- B >uck. N. Y
Fur leu iiiiJiiional cleiko, under Subtrea
tu'y 6et,
Medical Books.
EwrlTs Medical Companion. —We have been
u.tending f,r hc»er*l day* lo notice tbi* *ery tal
oaM* w.mli, which it emitted the Medic »l Com
pinion or Family Physician. being a treatise on
the DiMijaea peculiar to Ihe United Slate*, wi'h
their rymptom*. causes, cure ind meant of preven
Ii t.; alto upin common caaet of surgery, andtbr
various diseases of women andchildrcn, with mod*
of manvgTD.-nt, together wi-h a brief anatomy
and j.hy-i-logy of the I urn dy. showing on
natural principles «he • cur® of dbcaaea;
ala i embracing an eocy on Hygirine, or the art
of preserving health without the aid of medicine;
and an American: Materia Medici, pointing out
the virtues of our medical plants.
Toi* work, now in it* tenth edition, i* t-ne of
the out able •ml p »pulae tieatues upon the ra.
iioa> diseases incident Dour race,ever issued from
the prsss. Its di*tiogui»hed author, the late well
known Dr. James Ewell. of Washington, devoted,
to it a long life of tabor, *n<l the testimony of tfao
ablest Physicians of our Isnd bear witness to it*
great merit. Dr. Obspmau; of Philadelphia says:
-I consider it as indisputsbly the most usrfulpop
ular tr> stiss on Medicine, with which I sm ac«
qosinted.” Dr. CaldwrU, of the Philadelphia
University, in a letter to the author, also remarks 1
‘•To families in the country, remita not only from
medical aid, but from place* where common medi
cinal articles are sold, your book di«clot«ing to them
the healing resources of their own farm* and for
est*, will be invaluable.” Drs. Barton, Wood
house. Hhippcn, Alexander, McKenxie, Bhaw.
and Davidge, of the Medical Universities of Phil
adelphia and Baltimore, have spoken in the high
est term* of commendation of the work, and it is
•therefore hardly necessary for u* to add our praise
to the dialogue. No stronger evidence of it* pop.
uhruy need be adduced than the dimple fact of
its having, in a few years, rap through ten.aJdi
t,on*, embracing 150.000 copies. It should be in
the library of every fsroily, both in the town an I
country. We nearly torgotlo state that tbeUitedi.
' Uon ha* been very greatly enlarged and improved,
. under Jhe supervision of an eminent Physician at
1 Washington, whrt has added to it a complete trea
r tis-j on Hydropathy, Horoaopathy, and the Cbro
1 isothermal system. It rosy be ptneured at the
| b..ok store of Johnston dc. Stockton. in this city;
Prom the Southern Recorder.
Testlmo iy of » Trtt» Mon.
Cal Pierce M Butler, now the head of the S.
Csriiline Reg.mrul tn Mexico, corresponds with
the Governor »f that Slate in reference to hie re
giment. end the progress of effsirs in which h« i.
mu gl<ng. Tbiv gentlemen ie one of the most gal
lant ..four Southern chivalry; wee Cobnel of the
Souta Carolina v„lontee«* iu Floride, has been
Governor of that State, and been employed in ve
ry n-vpoi.v'We officev by the pn-a?nt Federal Ad
ninUtratioD. The testimony of »uch a man will
h* listened to with respect, aod we imagine the
witneva he deemed unexceptionable by all. After
giving bis opiQion that the conteat is near ao end,
thiv gentleman s*ys: 1 :
••The conteat is unequal, and the service an In
glMOU. OU6. TIW UOHMMI TO!* »f it* Arm,.
N..T ond .olunteer. i. for wnniniting Oli. con
test, and pe.c would bo to ihem mo.l »olcon»
n, TbcM »iow. of Col. Balter Mto the feeling of
the army cotr.epond. with' tho» we h... onjet.
.toid to hive boon e»pre«.etl b 7 ,h “ he,olc “V
din. io • letter receded «t W,.bibglou jort pren
oua to hia lamented fall. • • • e
After referring to the diaeaae and mortality of
the volunteers, Col. BuUer give* the following
opinion, which, it aeema, from the aceounU we
have received from our own regiment, tallica with
that of moat if not all of the volunteer* iq the Mr.
vice. But few, if any, it is understood,' will re
main afier the term of their present service. Bay«
CoL Butler:
••I sta decidedly of opinion that regular troops
should be enlisted and provided fjr such service,
to whom (bo pay, clothing, and emolument*
should* afford sufficient inducements, and of a ma
terial whose, pursuit |n life better adapt* them fo
•ueb a service. The class and character of young
men from odr Slate are inappropriately engaged,
and ! wish | could believe that maoy moreoftbjm
will not perish and be left io this country. Ihope,
however, for the best; that we will adoo be ip the
table lands and a bracing atmosphere, and . that
my next may bate a much more favorable,as
AKtatcairo-xxTie** Paramiv—We have re
ceived by the last two mail* from the South the
following American papers from Mexico:—
Vera Ciox, Eagle; Jalap*, American Sun
Baltillo, Picket Guard; Matamora*, American
Flag; Chihuahua, Anglo-Saxon; Tampico, Beo>
tloel: Monterey, Piooear; California, Cabfomian-
Tbese papers arc owned and edited by Ameri
cans, and have been started since the war with
Mexico br?ka out on the Bio Grande.
Relief for Irelanii i
We Wlblisb Vitb pleature ihe following tl
„ di u>ndant, handed uaby m " '\ E 2S
the ertimable Pre.ideifem.-oMho» R*
lief Commiwee of ibis ri«y- , , f
The .p.rit of gritiiudi iuf '
f.ting n.uoo, and ih. wum otan-bon which oat
Üb.r.u.y bu cxe.t. d in England, amply rontun.r
ate ■ ua for the gift* seot j
While upon ibe aubjecl we cannol forbear pay- |
ing our meej of praiw lo Ibe Commiltee here. Ur
their ueli.iog efforts in Ihia noble canto. "« “°-
deralend ibal four boau are uow loading with full
cargoea of Flour, Provuioua. dtc . for Philadelphia
which'ia lo be will forward to Ireland imoiediate
(JcWtKAX RtL«* Oo*MITT« 0* SoCIKTT ,
or Fhiks#* in( _ |
43 Fl„t DMin.Jdjf srt F wit !
Wm. J. Du.nt.Juhn B Myet., Kobei F. W.Ub,
B,mud Hood. Jo. June.. OomTOiu-a t.f l.or-1
rmuondenc- of Cullen. nt i oil»del(.hn-
H,Z<dcd rntn*-W» hn.e to
• unit tautening commumc.tuu your
ii.n.ture., unde, oi SO.b Jmc., .ddre-ed to
,hi. committee, deecriptieo of tbo
wtich were taken by the cituen. of Pnitadelphl.,
,n connection t»ith tb. eil..ord,n..y mo.oment
uoaiuptogteudn too United t.t.t«, »nh the
bcne.otent object of aff itding relief to Ihl. euflVr
ice county. ...
We wcreoarly gWen to expect that valuable &«*
lUnce would not taillo be awarded by me Aoiet-
*iat- , <l#>t4efiments to guard the eiUea of Jalapa. .
ican people mihieeeaeWQurerwotryeMirem- ueb ,‘ leave Gen. Scott a force
ity,,but wccan wxure you wo were no p p _ o „ n .; nc to scarce six tbouaand to advanco upon
for ao Urge tod septal a mej»ifetalion of ayropa- amountmg to scarce
thy, and such immense supplies as hi*»e atrpady ibr ci J o wbetfll bouU waa yet veiled in
flawed in upon u». A. deacupti.e of oui fee 1 '"** '' Tt f„|| of rumor., M i. at
on ihio heed, end of ( b. S-tefol b / | “,x c purple. of .ho Mitlio.n.,
£ ss. • -» ■* p ‘"
number of the mernWn of the «“‘>l’ »f ,b ” 1 f h p IDI , u „„ h„ paper., (brought by .he way
then in this cuy. on tbe 0ec...0n of 10. Yearly t 'l . J lh ,^ ly of Mexico. to the 2S'h
Meeting." We bellce it may be ..fel, adJed. of Tampim,) » P J ;
tb.t the aentimenta „f gr.mude which are feeb y of APVhJ" o»J J £
eip.r.wd io Ihi. roinule do, .0 no meon.ide able Ij , Uon „f th. Aral teller
extent, perrado all classes of tho mheb.lin biTe |n>n ( ,f Bit) ta Anna aincc bia defeat at
lhi« country. • . iwro Got do. It wae written on the JSdof April,
We ha.e'taken due note of the aeveial rargoea l.erto ir on ". ,
which hays been proridud by your bounty, and fro “ “”’ cc „ portion of bia Inter:'
hare madea'tansrmenta for their reeepnon a b .upeari that rile enemy. improribg, hl<
ae.cral part" 10 Which Ihey arc desllnej, in e ; mumoh .n.t tins adorrUhmenl in which he
afrangementa, we aid from our march upon theca,,,
gournmenl. who. in Addition lo iwymenl of bj , , P JJ taking mea.ure. to rrrg.nix, here
lran**Ucnlic freight, charge ihemae. . resnecUb'o fore# 10 addition to Ihst-at pie*-
tbeexpcuWSof Ucdmj. storage, affrncy. amt c<‘ - i comßta nd of Oen.’D. Aoionio Leon,
teyonco to central j . fnn JffUII) tb e Preaident SobatituU, that
where the aopplie*;are moat wari'«l,Ri«nigtd ebe • fromthenelghboring Butea or the
power to drv updo thiir d= P HS which are ef J ih ,ll he .Me to
tenaively acaUerftd owt the couuiry, quantities «‘ I P WI gu „d 0 f lh(* en.rny with rf
food corresponding to th»r. Y h!ct J we arec ° s ' - fl6 _. ’ ,;i b is destruction i« achieved. 1 have
to deliver to their ngeuU *1 the oUtporis, Wo,*- he ,w»tcbed orJera to Gen CiuaUxo that
mlriland or England, by any chr.j^ea-xj c |fae f . lllrrtt of Pe .
gea frr agency or mien»!tr»n«l. In gdd'twn I, J J l 0 o#n , 03tna ihat he place it in the
which, we enj-rjr the uaporUht *dbyntage of hv- r . of j efenrt unt i| I can relie«e bitn.
ing c.immaod of itji whule q-janlily wn*i« g- , Jt nece M * r y to aavg the country,
without the delay and nalt which w iyld bo other j Supreme P<}»cr» vf tho Dttion ahould
•aistr linwparabie from ua cneevanro i o aoro# 0.. 9 ,^ cl | fa miajurea io enforce
the moat d..tncU,m which .1 a " “™ | SSS.lie the p.H at «ert «»• wilb »W
of, coramuntcaiion 111 ®* Vef.'ußper. * duties which aociety and the law* impose upon
mountainoua nature of tho coO- • * r I jj- j, DO j J,mr—if the nain-n Ores
reel. nw U defend iu mo-t .acn-d
• Tho result of these arrangement* w,-that the not r.we , u,,baioU'ly trampled upon,
kind den.,t. in America ere enabled to ley down j rish'., unju.lly nall'U
almo.l at Ibe on; £, no aacnfl ,
remole di.met-, tbe aappllr. “ f '■««* Luntry. in, life, my blood, my
bare ao lonely c J n.neaied .«b.J2B.ofn; £,so:,l
leriiy that cou J hardly b* atu»ne«i by other means repose >»u j
,ud alma.lwb.dly dt.e.ted of ,»e br.T, eb.rge. . I. m « lM isl,ed my head
•"einiina me and d.-urU...... OQ ,°' LL where 1 .ball rreei.e lb l order.
. " » ri-db- i-le iba. ,r» . db, aw u , Go.erumeul ma, hare .=
--rFI: : SS ; Tbe ATTa’ldod m”. ”d‘e nuod.Jia« oVltw
be, kind f.lend. In Amerre. ■ c ample power.
“tr«.rw>.edby wu,.-
rnponJeu. m New T-k. tor public,.n inA- ■ ( •« « * ,J M wiUl , h , uf eon-
'.lre”™ .. « ad ! Irt. .0.1 fluertro,,.. They deuonure ..eoward
mmiltratiou o, lb. .xlen.i.e Uu.« conr.oUwd to :ly on. .n'.moua any e. urwr olhor w„ and a
long r ar.
A ► jaadrmi »f J;ji; wm fc*< ] u-t c-une m fr.*in
Jslapa, and repoit no ebango in alfsir* al that
place. •
li is believid thtil Bar.ta Anna, with sune five
or six thousand troop* is motinf, and that bw de*
tinaiun is \ era Cmx.
We regret U> a*y til kt famine and an*
•till nuking fearful ravages sornng our poor.mot |
withstanding the enlarged imhh which, from va. i
riiiun tjuaili rs. and especially from your favored
land, are poured in for one help. j
The amount ef our dutnfcuuuni in money and ;
fivnJ, during the p»«t lour inmlbe. which « ;
about the period of our active labor*. ha» been i • :
thu Tjlue of 'jj 'U'. XIU.OO‘I smiling; »>or
bate latterly much incieus-d, p»rtly in coo«- ,
queoce of the eitemlod »uppl<> * lumi*he J u« from
America. and partly from the peculiar perjure ■
during the last month, (an 1 which aUli continue*.) !
•rising from achang-in the relief mea»ure- of ih.
g.-vemmont, which bate led to‘ the dismiss*! of ;
large bodies ol laboiera from the p-blic w..rk*,whu
have mil immediately found other employment, j
and whoso families arc. cotm <| Jimtlv. rcJu.cJ n ;
uie««iaK want.
Tbesccireuroslanec* hate rendered the sopplies
from \merica peculiarly s.>asmial>ic and valuable
We ate. with •enlimer.U ot respect and esteem,
your sincere fnende,
Jo.Kru B«*LtT.> Sccltol j tJ _
JoaiTßA* Ptx, 5
The subjoined iithe minute referred (»:
At a meeting of the Central Relief C .mmittee
of the Society of Friend* joined by sundry mem
bers of the Aosiliary Committees <»f C.»k. Lim
erick, Waterford, and Cluwmel, and a luge num
ber of Friends from various parts of Ireland,
, held in Dublin on the Utday of tho sth Momh,
HtitsmenU hire been Itid before ue of tbe sap
plies io money end Pood, consignedl u» «b~ rsrc of
tbis Committee, chiefly from ?iew \ oik end Hnil
tdelphtt, end the ci««tu at Urge in roar.? parts >f
the United Braies so lor es inf TjoVi JO of »h« • imr
has hitherto been received. By these s‘etemenu
it appcan that recniilinccs in money hare already i
beeu received from America by «>ur Trea-U'er*
amounting to the sum of X'13.038 9 I and that j
shipments of Provisions on upwards of 20 re • Is j
in many cases forming whole cargoes, and in j
grrgste quantity equal to about 30,000 harm!* ol •
Corn Meal, besides many o>her articles of Food,
and sundry paekagesof Clothing are now
ad, or on tbe way. and further cors.Jeralde -up*
ptits likely to follow lu rce odo.g this ext a .r
dinary if not unpsmiWed mmtfo«tatim of s.m
palby and liberality, wo are bouud to offer our
grateful acknowledgment on behalf of the suffer
ing poor of thisafflirifd country; for whose ht-lp
these mumfleicnt sapplie* from the concurrence oi
•eseral causes at the present lime, proved j ecu
listly seasonable. NVe have also to record'tt>r
grateful sense, we entertain of ihe c infi-leucr thus
placed inmir fidelity and discretion, arid toexpn-ts
how deeply we fe«-l the responsibility which de
volve* upon this Committee l»> cany out in th<»
moat prompt and efficient manner *neb ta*a«ir. •«
of relief si may best comport with iba .design* of
the generous donors.
The Secretaries are directed to transmit a copy
yf this minute for publicatim in tho United ■.
as the -city means available lo us for convey
ing to the individual c mtributora of these *u upi-i- •
nur seuae of the noble and giinctnu* spirl i •
which they have come lorward tor the relief . I
Ireland, under' the present awful vinjUtion ol
Famine. ExtracleJ from tho Minutes.
Jobs Hoouta, Assistant Secretary.
The future historian, in judging of measure i -
results, and unbiaased by tbe miserable'
of party politics, will record Mr. Polk* ndoun.
irstion, as tbe most successful and brilliant
upon the page of American history.—
People—-old.fashioned, it is true —used to t‘ tr.k
something of the administration of a man mw !
George Washington. But (be greater light aim.
the lest, and the sun of Washington piles int •
an ineffectual fire before the refulgence oi M
Polk’s newly risen glories. Ha.has aclail «i !•
such extreme propriety in miking the war,
so vmlisnt in leading our armies,«» skilful mmur
voiing them, and so particularly careful -.16 L«’fi<.
and sward just praise to hi* subordinates—esp*
cislly Getf. Taylor that thers la no wonder •►tat
the editor bas burst forth into such an eicrm •>*
praise, that some may call it adulation. Wn
don’t think the editor will remain long ht his pr«-
enl vocation—for if service la rowtrdod he will
aoon have a uniform on bis back, and a Cap
tain’s. Colonel’s, ■ Brigadier or Lieotenair
General’s commission. in his pocket A
single speech or rather e aingle omission in n
speech procured the lest for Brig. Gen. Cushing,
and why rosy not a ssrvico *s gr«at .promote the
interests of the editor of the Baltimore News.—
U. S. Gar.. ,
Tb» Western Ro*4,
To the Editor of ike PitUburgh Gazelle.
I was exceedingly pleased with your remarks,
yesterday, on the Hallroad question. They were
conceived and uttered in the right spirit. If this
advice is followed, Pittsburgh will take a new aiart.
In her rapid strides to greatness. Too will confer
a favor upon your readers, aod aid the object you
have in view, by republishing thesupplement to
the CoooellsvUle cbertar, adopted last winter.
Many of the stockholders wish to examine Its pro
visions befotelbe meeting on Saturday. C. A.
We will willingly, to-morrow; comply with the
request of C. A.
kcTt Lost.— A Bach of 8 Keyv-r* soluble
rew crd will be paid for their return at this of
• jyfpnafAßT S^BOS^HEIICO.
Tb*r Baltiqioie Cun hai dte.ftl!jwing •
upedii Erprejm from Nei 0»i»06: A “
* W* have'Weeded, bf our 'Mpres*, a copy of
the New Otleao. Delta. of the 18th itwtsU. and
~.,,.1,,u. slips from the cilice o< tit > Mobile Heteld
and T.lbune- The uews ie of a oioel Interesting
character, and will came further' intelligence to
ho looked fori with the greater! anxiety.
By the arnral at New Orleans, on the 18th
u , f ; _ of the Gee steamer Fashion. Gapt. lay, four
end’s b.lf day. from Vera Crnz »ia Tampico, the
Della is in Receipt of late and intelligence from
Mexico. I’ie accounts are from Jalapa to the
llth insl. 1
The Fashion brought oaer Uen. Patterson, and
aeTeral officers who were wounded at Cairo Gor
do, ala., Capts, Moore, Pickens, Jones and Go le
man. of the Alabama eolunieets. . She also
brought oyer many of the hopbiea of Gorro Gor
do and Vera Giux. «nch as cannon, aland of arms
standard*, dee. , • f
Several regtraeQta.of Tolunteet*, whose time o!
service had etpirod, were at Vert Ouzou iuTl.’
way homr._
Wc copy below from the Picayune:
Gen Worth was expected to enter Puebla on
the I7‘h» itjsL No resistance was expected at
that plarV. There wi* some expectation that the
army w aid march up> n the capital, hut with di
minished numbers Tho losses sustained In ibe
army by the return of eolimtcera, and the necwHi
• . r.t 1 the cities of Jalapa. Pc
J i.f t.-l’owin’ is its Ute-t letter from UeQeral
Headquarter* Army of Occupation.
I Camp near Monterey, April. Slat, 1847.
' Sir: Since tny despatch ol Apiil llth, Major
;Chr*allie In* reach'd thw place with a part of
; hU eomraind, tne remainder being detached with
i a train now on ita way op. na China. Agreeably
1 to my order*. Major Che*aUie b«» explored the
Cuntrv t>» tween China and Monteronaln*. and
: han ascertained satisfactorily that Gen. L'rrea ha*
t left that regi m and ha* probably re-cro#»ed the
mountain*. The communications *jo now infest
ed only by hand* of robber* which are very nu
merous in the country. Our eceortt can tbu» be
reduced much below ibe atiength which it ha*
hitherto been necewary to employ.
1 loam that Col. Doniphan ia probably by lb>*
timn at Parra*, on hi* way Irom Chihuahua to
Saltillo, baaing anticipated my order* to inarch ou
the latter place.
It U represented by a peraon who ha* just am. I
, ved from S*ri Lui* that not more than one half of J
! General Santa Ann*'* original force waa «a»eJ in
the retreat after the battle of Buena Vista, and
j that hi* march i* indicate! by the dead strewed
' along the road for 60 league*. Nearly all the
' troop* have been withdrawn from San Lui* and
! the adjieeut position*. I am. sir. very respectful
j ly, your obedient aervant. 'A. TAYLOR,
I Major General U. 8. A. Commanding;,
j The A»jct**t Gasxiui of the Army. W»*h«
ington, D. C.
Thb Miar.uEßt at Ro*a.—Thonighton which :
our Sifiuar in supposed to b**o died ■ sslecled ;
fjr this Mrvtci. The Sistine Chapel is dimly light
«*J, to correspond, with the gloom of the scene
•hidowvd foilh The ceremonies commenced
with the ebaunting of the Lamentations. Thirteen
caudles, in the firm of an erect triangle, were
ligh'ed up in the bi ginning, representing the dif
ferent until lights of the ancient chorcb of Uriel.
One after the other was extinguished as the chaunt
proceeded, until the last and brightest one at the
! top, representing Christ, was pot out. As they
.mo by one shWly’ disappeared in the deepening
gl>nm, a blacker night seemed gathered over the
b >pe< and fate of roan, and the lamentation grew s ,
wilder and deeper. But as the Prophet of Fropb
©:§, tho Light, the Hope of the world, disappeared,
tho lament suddenly ceased. Not a sound wa*
heard amid the deepening gloom. Tho cstastnis
phy was too awful, and the shock was 100 great t>
admit of speech. He who had been pouring hi.
sorrowful nolo* over the deptrtureof tho good and
great seemei struck suddenly dumb at Ibis great
a-t wi. Btnn*.ed and stupified, he could not con
t -mp Ute (he mighty d's uteri I never felt a beav.
inr pressure nh my hewt than at this Rumen).
The chapel was packed in, svery inch of it, evm_
out of the door far back into tho ample hall, and
yet not a sound was heard. 1 could hear the brea
thing of tho mighty multitude, and amid it the
■oppressed half drawn sigh. Like the ebaonter
each man w*ein*d to say, “Christ is gone, wc arc
orphans-r-all orphans!” The silence at length
b.-eame too piinful.—»
I thought I should shriek nut in agony, when
suddenly a low wail, so desolate, and yet *•>
sweet, *> despairing, aud yet to tender, like the
last strain of a biokeu heart, stole slowly out
from the distant darkness, and swelled over the
throng, that the tears rushed unhidden to my
wyr«. and I could have wept like a child in sym*
psthy. It then died away, as if the grief were
100 groat for the strain. Fainter and fainter, like
the dying tone of a lute, it sunk away as if the
last sigh of sorrow was ended, when atiddrmiy
there burst through »he srehrs a cry so piercing
and ibrill, that it seemed not the voice af sung, bot P
the language of a wounded and dying heart in its
last agonising throb, i The multitude awayed to
it like the forest to blast Again it ceased,
and broken sobs of exhausted grief alcne were
heird. In a moment the whole choir rejoined
thsir lament and teemed to weep with the weep
er. After t, low notes, they paused again, and
that tweet, melancholy voice m oa alone.
Its note ja atill in my: ear, I wanted to tea the
singer. It seemed as if such sounds, 1 could come
from nothing hut a broken heart. Oh! bow an*
iiko the joyful, the triumphant anthem that swept
through the same cßapel on the morn(ug that sy m
bolixed the resurrection.— J. T. Hecuftey.
Aii ArrftAY—-Two men named jCunniogbsm
and Nicboli, the former a brickmaker tod tbo
(alter a boatman, were in a dogge*
rjl io Diamond alley, on Wednesday evening,
kept by a man named Kirkpatrick. One or both
of them were intoxicated.; .A quarrel eprung Up
between them and Nichole ehot Cunningham Id
th!e right aide under the, arm, inflicting a flesh
wound of littlo importance; Two other men who
were there then fell upon Nicbota and beat him
nearly to death, mashing his face in the moat
•hocking manner, and otherwise injuring him.
•\Ve have not beard of any arrests.
Corropondeneo of PUttbvrih G«t»U«,
(Ttk« Telegiaph beingout oforder lavt night,
ne should have received nothing bad n'-l our
Pb..lauetphiu corre*pondent have sent u« the fol
lowing britf Despatch?* at 2 o'clock, P. M.J
tvicl'iaive Correspondence of the I’ .i«bur*b Gaieue
May 26th .2 I*. M.
The movement in the Floor maiket to-day La
steady, ami sale* moderate at 59 per bbl lor
Western slaiidarJ brand*. A K-w sate* on pri
vate term*, sod one of ‘scratched’ supposed at
sB,6Bjc per bbl. •
Further sale* to-day of Bacon at yesterday's
price*, and to aome extent aalec mostly t>f
Side* and Sbouldci* at 9s9j,and Bc. Salea fan*
cy Hama at Butter i» still acarce.—
Bale 100 keg* No 1 Lard at Iosc, credit.
. Some ealea Corn at 113*il4c for prime Whit-
A aale of Rye Flour at $6,62$ per bbl.
Not much dhtng in Wheat.
In Wool but little doing at preaent. Saif* 8a
10,000 lb* at prevtoua price*. Dealer* are raa
t.;n. urcoaration* for the now crop.
I Nothing doing in Seed* worth notice.
A sale of Rendered Tallow to-day at 9c per lb.
Exclu-ivr Correspondence of We Pittatiargh liarrt'c.
May 26th, 2 o*c. I*. M.
The buaines* In Flour thu* far to-day i* uni
formly at $9 per Vbl for Howard at , and transac
tiona to a moderate extent. In Uity Mill* noth
jug h#« been done and the saute figurc is named
for it.
In Provision* there it something doing. Hale*
of new West- pkd. Meas Potk at $l6 50
per bbl, and Prime at $13,75. Of Beef, Bales
M»a« at $l5 and Piimo at $lO. Bacon moves
off freely, but at former pricra. I notice
aale* to-day at 7jc for Shoulders, Gja9Jc for
Sides and Hams at !oaloJc. Lard baa not vari
ed fur several days. Sale* to-day at 10c and 9}c
f„rNo 1 keg* and bill*.
Pueus- Piano Fortes] "*Mesm. Knees* fcHantle)
•Thom*—The F«bennan»’ Life, By the Company I
stone—Woodman eparw that Tree, • Mr. Kneaat
Comic Song—Thing* I don Hike to tee, ‘Mr.Murpny -
Solo—On tnc Accordconi ' Bflr. HuWley j
I>TtIHIUIOK. ' _ ’
Cbom»—Away Mocnfain, By Inc Company
OalUd—l’ve wandered by the Brook** •
Sills, Mt. Knees*
Comic Song—Uratber Jonathan, W*. Mttrphy
Soto—On ine Aceordeoq, Mr. lioaUey
Soto end Chore*—Dandy Jim, By the Company
Song—Hen flott. Mr.Kiieei*
Exclusive Oorre»pond«nce of the P>U»burgb (Stueitr Seng—Lubly Fan, , Mt-MnTpby i
NEW YORK MARKET. country ! ,b ' A "‘* i SS™„, 0 ,. f
May 26.3 P.M. 1 The .\nerir4n Flag, Me*»n. fcnear* and Morphy
_ **i 11 .. ui.i h«* I**4 *po»en 01 “If . Wbo'edat knocking at de toot) - Mr.Knea**
Generate Hour relUHtemhjy at per tibl.i • * a , a candidate imCounty &*««■» Battsd-T be hour before day, Mr. Murphy
and the *al»a which havoliampired are not large., 0 f B(|)t i.cne «n every rr»peci hont*iaod ea.'aiik*. • Fi o alc—Con\e Darkies, listen to the Story
TH... h... w.Rh.l botk »f a«R-!
e*t»e and W wtern ftr future delivery, but the , . j to much Mljpircd in the eautepj cm?*.
qualities Ume er.J term ? have not yot reached me.. office ■ B7* *«t«>poiH»> every day at 10,a »-
Meny buyers atill bid lfe|ow ihc vtews of seller* I c o mr.i.**ioni r ‘ : ' ‘ myHMJcw • * ijTaipQivS'AßiT I»lCTT*B— the following
Jn Provisions there is more activity. Tboroar- ' • ~ 1 i,v -iX letter fiom Dr. Bri»han», pf LoarelU Maaa., bu‘
. „<■ fii-wui m .. n „ anil ihrv are JOHN SHERIFF. of ih«* city. will t.e * u K»rcd >» - au (he un ift, lol |angtiaieof tumUedaofothecphyH*
, kel 1* quite bare of I ,lcklod rot ot«, enu they are w a or lbe Cltj . a „j ~o u nty for nomination h) ; f *r whQ blTe lr j e{ |" mfd tberetore know bow to ap?,
war.trd. mo Convention a* 't candidate tor the Leg;*.»tare predatej»yne** Kxpeewrent:
Further uln -t Corn mc.l «t **,»» per bbl. «rW*'»r ‘ , :„■ , , fc’R?'. I £j&!£Ldi.
Som. prime Yell,™ L'jrr, nIJ .1 115 c per bli. J W BAX•b"Vrre»MtF known'b, Ibe emkof J.reebl
- - - • «ir « I fma Aiuimi-Biiw m « , Kmectorani, in my practice for a nitaber of year*,
**««•• » »- W».T..e-W. regrel _»W*>*ARD i SS?KSR
ta Irarn that Mr. Webilei will be unable to carry ' 5| Cm r lovni ., w , lt br . Kapeeiorant, ib«n nf any which i ha*« averfl-ed. It
oat hi* cintrinplated Jour through the South and , a p,«, ie <i t.y many Whig* and Anumaaon* L- atoifreaable
W.el, to coDrrquence of i n d,.po.R,o„, ’
with which he waaseiieJ at AugOUa, Geo. The , Cf?*TiiF olde*t inhabitant in the tinted Stair* ranpo oul doeg j, »ute the appetite of the paUeni, like other
.... i rerai o nupi uer memory, that any ntrdicai «*aor medicine*, which have been need by the
Cbronitja ol that city says:—“lbe waa, CVrr compounded a remedy, wiaaluiary mn» ,or faculty In a word, it i« n*artyor<jHiteihe thlogwhich
r • . , , lf *. .i—in.r., ,*...- ,v« nHnrioal ■ 'heeuif of I’i‘e*, at Dr t*|.uam’»' cgeulitr Uciiuirv. b## b^en nought for by mauyof thefacaliy ibr ageapi.C
! of lhpn#,,,r< nf “ r < mstl,m ,hc tatru .ntprßiliy.«ft»«kc-et thc.ooipi the d.«* ' g.,.. I reman) yottr*. reipecirully, „„ '
attack, allhough riolent, wa* abort, but it ha* left I e*«r. au J raiGplcmly e«uW»aßea l6e {h«Uo> o. e-ierual • -
, , , ~ ~■ ajiplcaiion* It i*. indeed. in*aluahle . j For tale in Pituburgh rft the PftKTN-TEA 3TOER
him rtif weak- H* baa not been able to ware w and Ke'aii. iiy a TJToorth rtreet, near Wood; and’at the Diug Sio/e of
I v »». \Vrthrtt»r’« KKrOH.-vM, I *.'l F ulion Mteei. New V ork: ”S- • Hoex. jj p e'chwartz. Federal nreet, Allegheny City*
bl*r».rp. nor rcafcely kta M. iff. Webster • Mirkrl Vet, and V. R. Savrraa, Kiuimfin-M . .treet . _
• prewnt {>urp*e i* to »t*y here uttil he i« quite iMi«imrgi.. Ha Puce gf per b6f w _ , - * '
1 ! recuemd. He hope* cht« to gtt to Ba*anu»b by pou good Uflc* D*ell.*»g
■|Hemn «f Wirmfrlirr.i' .nJ ll.e Outr.l R«.J, l*..ce i~<. .•w***»* Sj£B&o ’ *“* ■UMH
; .,J bm rtIIMMU 1 11 f'hr.leßen, thence to .Ve« », .»-» ,»3
• | York h, the Schemer. «* %,U V JJ ™ 31,'S £•'. ffiSMSS.taS?2
1 i mike 11*;. .uleroent, Mr. Weh.ler aeinc. ui ~ , M ..
I cay itiat iinltiing but a just regarJ to hi» health. 4Uu,t
Generali;, the market is without change-
ami the advice of eminent prof* n-ional men, could
have induced him to interrupt his course at i's
prctetil «tagr.
K(.oeKxr*T —A day or two tince, tbo daughter ,
of a merchant of New York.only lfi v®»'» of agr,
disappeared from her father'a house, and hag not
ainco been hcarJ Irotn. It is »up[os.>J that vhe
ha* gone oil with a roan, who hid U<*n in the
babil of visiting theboum, and who ban also die*
appealed wiih hie property, about #6OOO, which
ho had previously converted into cr«h. It i« sup
| posed to be hi« tiitetiluij to get on board « 1 some
picW-t bound to K itopc.
Toll roe )* wiiv*i-«l w,n,|..
lt>st ound inv pat’.u i.-roui
D) >< rnii know HJii*e »jhii
lYScre luori*.’ wet-poo m> •• 1
Same lone ami pV««am J.-ii.
Sno>* valley m U>e XV -.1.
Wr.tre i- •• f«c„, iv.l tti il I . .>
Vie «--«> r. > *
Tw leal W)inl» Jwifi'l.f >J a r ic
.\r.d sijUed ur pny »» .1 uinw-ftrf • No
Tell nit iVu <!•-?.
Whose i.i'i U iv. round mr P
Knov»‘»i ! lii'U «i»nir ta'orr-j
Where wratv «ui in.*} bud
The Übs* f*t whir . *
Anil friendship turn die* •
Tue load \»4i r» ?o!ln;g in i-ir-pcltial tin"
» nil ilino. serene*
Tb« w,th«u.«h lovely '»«
Do*l took Ppon (lie earth.
Asleep in ii’gh.’* emniacc
Tell me. mull thy round
Has thou noi seen some spot
Where miserable man
Might find n hnpp er lot '
Behind adaudtho mftun withdrew in wnr.
And a *\vr>-t buvsid responded "No
Tel! me. iny secret soul.
(1‘ icll me hope and fa-th.
ih-rr no retting place
Krom sorrow, nn.nud ilea'li’
Is there no nappy ‘Po*
Where too* tals mas he hies*.
Where griot muj find a halm *
Pmh hope and love, he., Imo,l. to mortals*,vert
Waived ih'-if bright wing*, and whivpered, “> e« .n
[T7-Tbe Whigs and Aiumnwa* of the Sixth Ward.
Pmslturgu. willmeet al Cmling** Hoorn on s*ai>
urjap, theffl-h lustam, at ?J o’clock. I*. M .fnrthenur
iso** of etiopting iwo Delegate* to represent me " aro
in Coanty Convention m F- 1 *
Ward tfotlc*<
£jr>-Tho Anii-M«'<m‘e and Whig Primary Meeting
for ittg P'r«l Ward. City of Allegheny, will t,e held ou
fta untny evening, the aflih instant. ailbe house of Atcb
isnn Woodhou*e on Robinsjit si reel, wh:rb is ihe pluca
of election for void Want. «“>•'*
Olitieag Panaeca>—Mrnifii
Tk»ji*ost—We beg ie.tve at call public aurut.on in
Hie following, from Ur. Wrn L)«*an. oi Witham«villr
Clermont Co . and one of the very fiist practitioner* m
he count) hi which he resides, and laie Senaior m the
State l>gislaluie It «a cheering thus to *ec the lead
ing men of the profession, bursting the bond* of profer
s ounl prejudice, and giving merit n« dur
l have m my practice been u»mR some of your
t»m»fi\g Panacea, and, so far, am well pleased in
effects in Ciiarrho! and Bronchial Complaints. Pleasr
send ox ball a doirtt bottles—put them as low at you
call; ns l expect if it continues to render as general sat
isfaction a« it has heretofore, to keep it constantly on
hand Respectfully, npl* "’•* Doan. *t b
rmnti stiiskt. ettaasn op rowr orrtet
py-Wa are now prepored to cjecuie in a superior
md egp-diious manner, all kinds
uch us large Posters,Steamboat Hill*.
letter Hhcei Circulars. Handbills, Cards. Ac., Ac
n.iiig akd pamphlet fiiixtixo
W any extent executed in the best manner, and all
kind* «»f Printing done with accuracy and ut the lowest
fTT” W« invite the attention of our Traders to the r x
iruordiflary rurrs of Scrofula performed by Or. Cul/ni’t
Indian Viettahtr Pnnarra. winch they will find ircord
ed in another column of to-day's paper They arc
without doubt the mo«l wondefliil on record, and have
so hern pronounced by many of on* most respectable
physic unis The afflicted and other* tiilcrcsird, arc re
(iticMe.l to visit them at their several places of niinlr.
and learn Awn their own bps the wonderful effects of
The fit,l tin, nt.inr.l., Mr NnaMliook,.
who mar be seen daily,between the hours of # A. M.
and l I, M nt the uflieeof llowaiid k Waitrnt, No IfTB
Market si. Philada. ,H?fl
(EJ-Import»i»t to'Ailyerttsera,— The oUver
Daemon* which appear m lUc Datly Mornins Garette
slM> appear in the Tn-tVeekly, tha« receiving the ben
efit of the circalatioii of all, without any additional
charge. Thu taun advantage to our adveniscta, without
any cJU» cipeiuc- Advertisement* arc olio iniened
in the century paper upon reasonable term*.
$5.00. BOOTS 5,00.
THE subscriber respectfully inform* the public ihai
he bits commenced the manufacture of Gtntitmm
FaikionabU Bocu, of good material nnd workmanship
which be will warrant superior to any lloot ever made
in I’iliithuifh for the price. These handsome Hoot
will be made to measore, and warrant them a* rrpre
sr.nted, attne very low price of FIVE DOLLARS
CASH.' Gentlemen are requested to eall and eiura
nr lh"m. )W4 VV H KRSh'INK
Welded Wrought Iron Fines.
riLTTABLK for Locomotive, Marine, end olb«r*teani
& Knmne Ooilrra, from 4 toSineh** diatnrtei.. Al»o
Piiw* for lift*- Steam, and olber purpo*e»; eiua Mmu*
Tal«= for Hydnmlic I'resae*. Hollow I'hioui for 1 um|*»
of Stem® Engine*, Ac.
"morris' Masker » morris,
Warehou»e 8. E. corner Third and ffalaat »ir«el
Ph..adelphiii. . m 7 7 ~
' ' AdmluUtrstor'a Hoilca.
NOmCPi i» hereby (tireo that ibe nnderiignril nai
taken out beitenof Administration on the ttuie
of John |fc Fowler, Ute of FranklmTown*bipi,Alle
rtent-Qmnty, dee*d All peraoea h»»»n* cleiw* or
SemMiUafainsi the FJleteof raid deC «d en, J «re here
by noticed to make known the „'T’^nk'li nTo w!?
F R “"" M “ ,D,, ' J Kr!&'u 9 H*"E t N i ;N r rr
Whig and inti-Saioni, Candidal,i. -
Me. Ex>no*:—Please announce the name of Majot
HKNRY; BKARS, of Allegheny City, as 4 soluble can*
dislate far the office o( County Commissioner, subject w
the decision of the Whig and Ami*Ma»onic Convention.
myslMAw* IllfJ'
WM. A. IirROIH lKl.Ir. «f Ka*i L.beuv. w;H be
supporieii .11 the Anb-Mosotnc and W tug Convention
for County Commissioner. The district m which he
reside* ,s one which has never received a cam'iduir
nominated by tin: party for said office In respect 10
Goal.Station* our canOidate will •compare ana
Clrawhrre.' PEEBLES T.)iVN?iHIP
luy.’ldi wic*
M* EptrotPleafe announce the name of JOHN
MILLER, of the lioroilghof Sharptburgh, a* a ruitalle
cnmlidnte to represent ihi* comity in the Legislature
mjliWAw- BALbWJN
Mr F.pito*:—Please announce ,
of Wtiknis I’ownsh p, wilt be snpponed7s me " hi 3
und Ann-Masonic Conventiou. as a «uiiuldc Cdhdid-te
for the Legislature, and oblige MANY CrWZfc.Nr
m; 10 - j
Mu. r.oMo* -I take plei*ure in recommending o
the members of the Anti-Mason t and Wmg Couuiy
—a geniu man well qualified to rcpresc-t tl,ls couo*
■ v .it me Stp.te Asseroply Ilia nomittHiitm would graii
iy i.iiii.etous f iends tu the City dttd Couutv.
utyHdAw ONE OF Tlill PARTV
JAMK* HKNRY.of Lower Si Cloir l.»wn*h>p. will
l*r »upiirrifj iiy many ln«5« nnd Aniinxinoili lOf llie
oißcpoi' * ounij Coauai*sltfuci.
JOHN MORRISON, of Allegheny, vy ll ' ,lis ’V***'* 1 '
r.d l>y man, Whigs untl ‘immavons far nomination by
the Convention tu a coudidme ipr County Treasurer
«mi::.U*T PaVKIIL
Me. J'tiiiofl. Please aunounce the name of CAI-ER
LKK, l.vj. of this city as a suitable pcrsou u >*«P , *- ,, * m
,hn county intlie Legislature. {tU>U-iAwj MUQN
lIKNRV LARUE, t of .Mifflin Township, will
t*. a candidate lor the Lcgialatuie, subject to the noJt.-
natioti of the Wing and Anli-Masonc county Conven
in'' uiylMAnyit;
•M»jor JOHN WILLOCK will be supported before thi
Whie Hitd Anintia*onic Convention for the otfice ol
coamy Treasurer. FIKST WARD
Mr Kotrna—l’lense nnnognec the name of Major J
M. SMjDURASM of Mifflin township, as a suitable
candidate to represent this county in the legislature
tovihlAwT LEMON
MU EDlTOR:—Please announce thr name of JOHN I
J MUSK, of Versailles Township?a suitable candidate ,
for the Legislature rnyTdAwT WILKIN.. - .
Mu KDrroß-SAin.pALMKK, fc>q. *po- ,
ken 6( here u» mi excelleul owl •unable cimdnlHiolof ,
the Irgulaiuri' Py calling aUcnuon u» ifce aiwve you ,
vyili tn'ny Whip*t»l ihe city.
Res! K«i. Qdi** 50 >motibrld »>
faciei ncntursy,-•
~ do Ohio, Capt. Craig, Taeaduy, May “*•
LAIIU Oil,—Tuc »ul> nnUen* Having c-o;mnenoc«2 do |„4;* nl .Capi Berkey, Wcdneaday, RUT 20. _
lie manbuciure oi Laru Oil. arc now t»*cparc<J to dQ Louisiana, Capt, Tbompwn. Thuraday, May r«
«i«,u r all order* i'o.- ihui anhrle „ Tfteii Oil -*ol the Kentucky, Capt* Traby. Krid*T,M»y®.
ii'-i, niiJ cr-llbr* aoid anhe loareaimarket ram*. ' .ouin. Capt.Crafcj.Saturday. May 29.
Tn- auenuon of Drugruia and Urocer* i» Trrpceiiuily ltu Indiana, Capt. Berkey, Sunday, Nay »•
rrouc.ied J JOKUaN fcSOS, Is 1.-i.**ri>* «t. do Louisiana, r«pi.Tbortp»oa 1 N«‘fl»y»**•7 Jl
~,,-vrif Opposite bead or .-Niii.blirlJ do tc P „, uc ky, Capi.Truby,Tueaday, Jdnp 1-
■t. Ohio Cant.Oruia. Wednesday.Juuctk
/•oli.VliU s-KAT yo;i ►AU.-.nottiril oppoa. • lud j Wl p capL Berkey,Tburadai, Jaw 3.
'-'U.e MX). OI Hare‘» Ireland cuun.uutf ol hail m.uc/r , |^ u i„ana, Capt Tbompaco,Friday. June 4.
o; Rrou.l.l. HU winrii is crecu.l » £uod Ufica U#ei. I.s rf(> Kentucky, C“P« Truby, Saintday, June j- ■
,io.i,e. w-.i Mi.aincd. Willi a ROOU » at,.., a K»ir*l.-u tu. Ohio r«pt. Craig, Snaday, June «.
of Mirahban juu vnr.ou- kinds oi fiu.l, and exceiUn 4««ire Cheap travellingmid comfortable accoo
water. The whole m cao-l order Fm price and | Xt.ow recur* your t.rkSla ax the Packet Uffici
terms apply «i p Cl' niithßr- Heal h»t. Office, i ”.^J WI ,_ hP j B jjouJ! Water atrcet,or af
m. v 7 No3oSmi>li6eid»treei. ] Mmwnsanr.a.iou , D &, CQ, Canal Beam
OAl4uuficiufri>:- 1 nR WOOD’S SaruparilU u 4 Will
' ■ DchrSrr «»«•*•* 6>t of *e Wiewmt ,
ud«f I i.r-* ‘i ' Jaundice. Liv*r »UB'lliOii'Com |
".‘hi. “ ' iiiau,»■. »)ck Headache, Heart Kura, Indigestion, habit
■ »«**-. a-i.***" 1
Co,»lV,i wdl hr brurat I’uil'i Hnii on Saturday, il»e a„d all anting from an injudicious ase of Mer- .
Uay.atiloclock.ij r!<nAir ‘ M rbTtinrmu '“t'u* attention of the i'uvaliJ
it n t; t '*7 \ M > . aliiien d Ity any of the Above disease*, »****£”“"“*
[{ \ ~lp vi|-o\ ,n ; rut onlleJtoiUe merit* of a «ew^mvMi^laP«pw*-
\\ M i \ K..i m hi. ) ' ; iio» rnmianonstnalrecipeefadisunguishedphysiciao,
| OsT-A (.J«n S-HL Pu«.c w.ib Urn Head*, coi- eoinbinia* in iuelf ihe mo»i acuee ptoperttM
ia u. mus about j-'ive Dollars, w«i diopM m 4th or Q f iwootihe very Crtiani.eieim.Uie Maien* Mediea.
MuriiFi Fiicvt yi-«'.rrcny nomine Toe finder will l-c • *yj 1 p Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry Bitter* were in*
■u iab:, r-*aMi.-d Uv leu» ii* the same ai this otSo*\ <,r - induced u> the public about twelro tnonlln ago, and
si I:a M)\’- I ronni-I? Mlirr myV7if during thut period their success hi* been aft great a# to j
. inituvc ihe uroDrictor m offer them with still Store conu*
* l MiK Annual Mrtiins o' uarpornmr* ror ihi A» ' J f ul | belief that by entering into more ct
-1 teghej Ccmetrv- w.U uU Place .tJhet 4ee.«>n ««%»"„“, lh “ y prove a blessing to all tboee
. the *iouno», ou Saturday, Wj- Sth dayof Jme, a. a , lufl - en --fnxn t j,e diseases above enumerated.
»>4“. *• *• « ««* * B W ' J 01 S, *W» wbde«le „«d re.ail, by WYATT A mOb
I.prkfied Ml luocn-uine >eur aM, ceueralagents. \'i\ Fultontitert, Nyw York; y M-
J '-AltjrUKß- ..cco-ary • uo| “ a N B ,fc e ', street, nt*d P.R.SawTWUSouihfieW
nOSTON A SEW YOIIK PIANO FORTE*. streel, Putsbargh, Pa. Priceil-rlarfe boules*
|j— John II Mrl'or, No Si Wo.xl street, has ou hajid | mctrtftHiw . :
and for »ale at msnufactiireiv - prices: | )K VOLUME OF UILUMAfTS JOUR
ihie rie;*iit Ko*e«ood. *I o lave u Forte,. wi.h [ " OF SCIENCE ASO ARTS,comprising ref-
Freurh grand aeiion.and non iratae, made by UIICK- To 49 rolanlcs of the- fir* series, embracing a
FRlNi*. of ltonoii . . n-fiod of US vears.s'i*: fromt€lB»l94C,wt»owj«»t
Our very Mahogany ! mno F,>ne ' u, *^' > completed and a few copies for safvhr ihe undenigned.
liiic i On., o'* >er» _ . -W'e may confidently be.lievf ittal ibis index volume
nOCOA AND CHOCOLATE- will prove aieAit, not only to those who marpossess
U •’ ox« Kell’s I’repsred Co-m»s: : tho whole sene*, but to all who are connected in any
sbx» do Etira No I Cbocaltie; way with the Arts and Seieuee*; fi»r whatever
•j i,i. Bsker’sCoioa Pa«u, partraent the resder is directed by ii, to the various
do ilfooia, t.»r sale bv memoirs that havebein published in iheioumal on the
* J O WILLIAMS A CO luhiect tliat interesu bun, whether relating to the prog
re.s of sciettee, to »ho detatla of facte io the different
CAHSI A, An —U« mans Lsssla; drpsnmentsol knowledge,or teilbe vaiioos resoorces
. S bales Clove*; , 0 f this and otaer cpumcie*' wiilisuch a guide theenttre
' ISO begs Pepper. topics of the work io pubiic Mb,arte* or in those of
' n’l'OUß— From4UitWobWstoarrivoby ZBitesvjHr j p bl«r^pt«sn•** sbo nowo* «smlserioj received,
! P Packet warranted to stand uispemon in Pbiladrl 7 l^ ofc |“ verw i fteo of postage for Wperannna, by
: I "tyv ttm ' Umoo> ' ’** * DICKEY ACO j for u - ILgON> gj M , rtel , trcet
Crush'd and Pulverised. dira finf, in barrels; •
foraale by raysTT ltA<»Al*fc.\. A_BMITH _ ,
ALMOSDS— IU boici Shelled;
•juo lh» I’appf Shell;
S'® lbs MarserUca, foi *«'•• bj
m ..j7 J D WILLIAMS A CO, till
H7ISDOW GLASS—i3I lii* fxlOj,
V\ • 30 hxa “t9i
30 blt’lOxlT,
j 5 ln« |oils: for idle l-y
,nvVT POINDEXTER A C 0,41 wafer «l
150 bxstoxlX; for sale by
uty/7 FORSYTH A OL’NCXN.wa<er and front >t»
BACON— iOU lb» primr Country 9“'* l“ , ‘r fcM
jnd for sal* I>> KVOLISH A ÜbNNEPT
iuy*J7 No 3? wood »t ect
COTTON YARNS—43,Ott>lbs»*witedNo» Cm
lert Yarn Camilf Camel Cham and UatUug.
•«r «n •• at manufacturer'* lowest pricea.
BUGGY FOR SALK—a near ono borie Bugay
lb, aalehr s» F VON UONNHORST A CO
mv«7 * NoUS Front street
('tUIIRANTB 3 bbls Frc‘h Zanir, for »alr by
) mvX7 J D WILLIAM* A CO .
OLIVK OIL—4 Uox. in bottle*,for sale l*v
FLOUR OF RICE—* ra»e» superfine, for sale
IIV u,yS7 J D WH.I.IAM<* C«»
BRAZIL BUGAB—IO bogs for sate by
pOUCIIOSG TEA-5 hf chests Cbulau, Ku
' lO> J*!) WILLI AMS A CO. lIP wood «t
MACKKRKL —50 bbft No 3 Sooth. arriving and
for rale bv my* POINDKX TKR A CO
r IMR—SU bill* Louisville l.une for sale by
Li ’ W**?™ A DUNCAN
' | 'Oil ACCO—!■> hhd* Ky. Leaf, for salrbv
SCORCUINGS—I iou« prime, ju»t received and
for tale by mviK ENGLISH A BKNNETI
PLOUGHS— 3 of Tbomiby’s Prairie Plough*. lor
OKLLKEB' VEIUIIFVGE — ‘ ll uiav be iruly
Onuid tx> hr the beit in the world."
Pskm TowS'tti*, Gallia countV..Ohv>, >
MayJ, 1“17. S
Mr H K Sellers: I feel it clue t>» you und the p_ul»:ic.
n> nuke mention uf a rao*t extraordinary effect oi your
worn) medicine. Having four children quite unwell,
mdrcii very aick, I called on Dr tl»oa’# 5We. in Pa
inm, and he gave me ilfrce vialvof your \ itmufjgr,
B ,»u H would produce a Rood effect I took
(be medicine, (are It according todirsctiona, and lit my
uiin arioniitnneiu. the tour children pawed upward* oi
sui worm* of largo «iie. Voar \ ermifuge tm indeed in
valn.Mi-. uni wmy milr be ..iJ ,o be the I».| m m,
world Your* respectfully, SILAS Dhi\N\
Prepared aiul sold h) R. K ShLLKRS, No 57 Wood
•t. sold by Dr. Cas*el. 4th Ward; sold in Allegheny
l,y D. M. Curry and J. Mitchell. my2l
IN the Dutnct Court for the County of Alleghchr 10
iho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania of April Term,
A D. 1t47, No4X . -
James May, lot use, Ac., j
. (Vend. Ex. No. 41, April
Robert Wallace, impleaded f Term, IM7.
with The*. M'Karlahd, eL al. J
And now, to wit: May Uth, IH7, on motion of next
I* Hamilton Ksq, the Court appoint John A. Will*.
Krq . an Aoditor 10 diatribatethe taonoy iu Court among
the lien creditor*. From the Record,
HIRAM IIULTZ, Prothouotiry
May trt. t:H7 The undersigned Auditor wi'lntiend
ut hi* office in 4th ttreet.mcityof Pittsburgh, rm Thors,
uay. ihr I7ih day of June neat, to discharge the duties
oi hi* appointment, and alt persons interested are here
by nmibed tou'tcud. JOHN A WILLS, Auditor
For the Pittsburgh Gasette.
1 TURKR9, Ac.—The vndertigned beg* leave;«®
form the ciliirn*. merchant*, raaauraciurer*’ '
Baltimore, Philadelphia. New/V ork. and °’ h ** *V ,e h r ,“
town, and cities, that Mr. Xe~" c - ‘'‘Jif'Kw
•gent, will call on them in a fewday»u> ‘ u . b^‘
beta, cards, advertisement*, Ac .for hi. ■ in mid wry
useful Directory, now preparing fat f,* d
the* will please subscribe and paironue a woik that
will be very useful They can pay hu Agent in ad
""", o, ih, w„,l HARR|S
paper* will please ropy the above.;
1' Unction S
D>* Sbbm D. Davit, Auctioneer
<>N Thursday morning, the B?th instant, at 10 o’clock
will-be aold: An extensive assortment of seasonable
Maple aud faoev Pry Good*, aawiijtwbwb 4?e superfine
closhi. oa*»imere*. aalineti*. Ky. leant, mi# d* Juines,
calicoes, rich style print*, lawua, alpacas,;|mgfcanu.
bleached and anhleacbed mnilina. Irishlioeas* summer
eloibt, Ar , Ac- ~~ I- t
Alta. u cate* CO dozen bound palm leaf b%U
•-- At • o*Ctoek; P. M.' ■" "*i J '
:V1 bxi Oranges and LeOO&a, I V
3 tierces Rice; 8 M chelts V» H.Tea;
80 oxa Smoking and Chewing Tobaeco;
to doz. Coal and Devonshire Shovels;
Quemsware, glassware,tinware, waib tabs, a large
as*uruneni of new and second band household form
inre, eaioeung ®f varions dcrcriotions, looking glasses,
mantel clocks, mantel lamps, 50 nests band boxes, 8 in
each nest; a quantity of dried peaebes, dried tuples, Ac.
At ?t O'Cloeb, P. M. 'i
A bandsonie assortment of superior quality cutlery,
ready made eloihing, fine sbittt, with lined bosom*and
collars, gold and silver'■watches, gold peat, jewelry*,
german fancy good*,'' «Kwrs, fine bau, variety
goods, Ac. ,* mytt
_ Land fer Sale*
Valuable Lands, within 41 miles of Pittsburgh, at Am •
i uV-OIV Thursday evening, the S7ih iutam, et S o’*
clock, at the Commercial Auction Room, eorner of
Wood and Fifth streei*. will be sold six beantifal lmt
or pieem of land, situate in Ro»s Township, on the
Franklin Road, four mile* from tbe city of A^gh e »7,
suitable for country seats or gardeningmuposet; apian
o' which may be seen at the AociEoo Room.
The almve nvopetty very desirable, and may he
ei.atn'nrd at any lime previous to tale. Title indispuU*
i ble and free frotpainnenabrances.
A|.*q. that valuable tot of ground, siutaie on the north
east side of Pixth street, near Grant, having *7 feet
I from, and extending back 100 feel, on which is elected
i a three ■tonr brick Dwelling Honaa and a small frame
i building. Terms at ea’e, JAB. BLAhfcXY,
, -Attorney in fact of I*. MueheL
m ylO JOIIN D DAVIS, Anert
Ico Cream Tickets U& ctsi, which' i* the only charge >
fTTCommencing This Evening, May i«Ih,.UH“ -£UJ
JUNE MAGAZlNES— RereivedaiM A Miller’s
Ladies National, fir June—Fashion Plate,
fiudey's Ladv’i Book for June—embellished with a
portrait of Stephen Girard; also, aa engravin* of h»
Orphan College, and an interesting account of hAtself.
tirahsm’* (3*ga*irte for Jnnei
The Cadet do Collbiere*. a tale of the old Convents
of Paris—translated from the French of Madame Cbas.
R % , ? D Sconrge of tie Ocean-a story ofthe Atlantic;
iiy an Officer of the U.S. Navy.!
The Count of Mor& Woman’s Revenge. Trans
lated from the Rreneh of FredgriokSpolte
TheyoQtbof Sbakapetie; h» F. Williams, £sq , au
thor of -Shakspearo and bistrriend*?
The Quadroons, or St Miehael’s Day; by the author
of LatCitr
The Couotes* of Si Goran; translated from the Fiench
of -Alexander Dumai
The Victim of Intrigue, a : tale oi Bun ■ Conspiracy;
by James W.TayMi- ■ . . ~ ,
The History of Darnel Bocae, .the first while man or
the West.
Tay’or'* Gold and Silver Coin Examiner.
Chamber*’ Information for the People we can furnish
complete—a toon-valuable and popular Eaeyfclopcedia
Midshipman Rasy; by Capt. Mamratt—freah aoppiy.
mwN amithfiold street, 3d door from ad
positive! SALE AT AUCTION,
OF FIFTY BUILDING LOTS in the fcth Ward of
tho City of Pittsburgh, near the new Court IJoa*e.
The subscriber will offer; for sale, at public auction,
on the premi»e*,on Saturday, the day of May, 1647.
at 'J o’clock in tbrtafternoou, 50 beautifully located
Building Lots on Bonn’s Hill, ojflhe south side of Penn
sylvania Avrituc. (or <th st road)
The l.ot' will be told on the 1 following terms, v»x:—
onc-fihh of the purchase money to be paid in hand, and
the residue in four equal annual payment/, with interest
from date uf sale, payable semi-annually,lobe secured
by bond and mortgage on the premises.
Should the weatberbe unfavorable the sale will be
adjourned till the next succeeding Saturday, at the tame
place and hour. Title indisputable.
miV-Mf - AI.BX BLACK. Wylie .1
Bouton aiodk op jibatino tiocr-
SKS—Mr. (J. Dexter, of Uoaton, hi* arrangrd and
patented a plan forbearing boa***, whieh ha* been •ne
eeMfnlty u»e«f In Ooatnn, Net* Vark, JLc .and wherever
applied ha* rece ved the. defctded preference over
Stove*. Furnace*. kc hj> advantage* are—
l»t. Mreat regularity of Ten>r-«ratare.
Vn<l. Freedwn from Smoke. ""
3rd. No onpienant Drynru.
4th. Kaeiljr attended lo.anrt not liable to'gel oat of
Sih tire at Durability. ,
A Minlrl and Specification may be *een. and the ap
ptratu* oi.iiined at the Copper and-fFiaware factory of
W.M. U BCAIFE, Firat amet,
bet. Wood %pd Market *t»
Ptrmcton, N«y P.lSir.
LAST Saturday I nrr a tearpooit tail of B. A- Fah*
iicuock AC -» Vermiface to my littl6~girV who i«
between lour and five yean old, and doting the day »be
patted 1(0 lance wumn, averaging more man a fool in
Seeing it* effect* on thi*child, I then jc*T» «.
full 10 her younger aider, whowaiaopascntlj welli*t~
-Prepared and *old by B A FAljN*£*TO »
: corner l»i and wood, and-wood and dot *“* . T
I W Plain 9wi*» Alatlia*.
Scotch (doll I; do»
to Plaid lappty of above
good* ju»t receive •* lhi D f TC R°MURP{IY ’
„ ft STeor 4th and Market at*
-.TkW ■TtLk PRIST* FOR Mt-W. B*
IN ha* open Ittia mornia* nttril new atylca
Of llWn and White Print*, wmt pattern*, at I*l mm,
nir \ard—the color* perfectly faJtt alao, neat Pink
Half/Ulacb, and Blue and While do—also warranted
fu« colot*. ,i ■ myad
SUNDXIII&ft— 20bhUN»3L*rifl Mwkertl;
iOfefbbli do do;
IQ bxa Cboeolue;., ..
30 or bit lUiffnt;
| oltl Nal*ej»i
I uroon 8 F. Indira
AO bf bbl» N. O. Molbm«s; jnM ree'il
Comer Pew »nd lrwi»-»ueitf
and for tale by
/"IOFFEE-Wtoa*! Print R»© Coffee;
O . ss do unr#r*«w;
. S . do' Jar» do;
Jaatreeeited'ud tor rale rery low br
Dried PK4CBEI-lt»h«<. forulitbr
/tf\ IHCH Borlepe, amiable lot SacL*i Also
Qraia bagging. plain and twilled, in great vane
ty, eonoanity on band and for» the hale.
35 Market Philadelphia
TIIK hifhest price in oa»h |Ki.d tor all .!,«• J.Jercin
crane* of clean Washed \\ ooi. by i
. MURPHY A; kill:.
Old wool warehouse, cor Ltberu si and Crv:i'< aliev
myUdfcwttF . t j_ :
Tobaccos— 10 hf **» con*frl".
10 do Osborn & Uf&ci>V '
10 do NcDoaaKU r S>:
S do - J.Tb , '«bP«on’»i- !
•20 da Canno’a lb Luni;-;
Just received and for sat* very low l<y . ■
my a< s r vox bonxhorst a co
BACOX— 9 cash* Sides;
4 do Ham*;
3 do Shoulder*;
.4 do A*«orted; juit received ••id h.r
-loby myiMS F iCo
SUNDRHtS-4 bbU No l Urd. in prim?
ordefT - 1 »»ck Dry Apple#:
1 do Dry I‘eaoUi*;
i i l do FlaiaecA
' I do Ueetwax;
19 do Feather*,
N.. to**
mvW water ami from ai* ;
nriBDOW Ol*A8»—100 bx» mU: |
W too boxes 10x14;
2» <k> 10x14;
Vi oo itxtSand Itxm
0 da 12X10 «f>d ISXIS. rrrc.*(»>.•
and far ule'tir
•tid Sacramental purport**, and to oe u»*-« i-t th<-
Am.” jn»i received from New York, and for *a ~ by
mytf & K SELLER*. 57 w ooJ u
l_*rd superior Cop; tag Pre**e* Alfo Copying Ifoo**.
Oil Paper. and Conriug Ink*—jtm received end tor »a.o
Bjrtii Correr Market ami 3d *'.»
LSAD-SOOpiff’, “Upper Mine*," received.per *U»r
Tallyman and for talc by M tALLK.N & CO
oy2# .
nHKRBE-a9 both* large fine W R. Ch oii
Ottand and for rale- by P C MARTiN
nySg cor tmith&eld and t'tom »t»
/"^OTTON— 5U ba{* re packed, now landing from
t/Ueamer Harr Ann, and.for *aln by
_ _ isaiam dickey a co
¥ EAD-MO pie* Galena Lead. received tVy* da; f
Liad-Sr«BbV - L lIUTCmsON-AtM *
No4Sw»lei;-neei ,
rfOBACCO OUTTKBA—ldo:rnUu*t.m'l)’<,oii
mliS*"* *» VvON*bI?XN„ORST * CO. T 5 JV.,„ M.
FRUIT— 300 bu*.Bried Pemehe*, halve**
SO bo*. “ Apple*; in Hum. for «nle by
P~L ASTER-Its Lbl* Ground'Plainer, in Rood oidr r,
]u«t received and for »ale by*
nyW [ ] C Bn)WF.lj,.^ifr«i_
It bbli ju*i received '-One-
ota,” and for *ale b;
BtUfi S A
VV wood M
Linn QIL-U bbU Sbd 37 kqp No 1 Iv’-;
* SO bbU Qreane wr #*i'-I>v
CARBON * MrKMUII r.Biti gt
oyltf .
TTK&KINCiA AND SHAD for * i!e l y
JDUTTER—SbbI»Kre»h Rail, receivedi «t*y
T> mygC CABSON ft.McW M -HT
tIIIEESE- SObjti prime qaaluy. received u. day.
/ a 5» , CAMPOS* Me K-X mm*
C OTTOS—B®J bale* in More and for rate by
ayya LJ) L'TChIS_U.V ft CO
P" APER—3S ream* heavy flat Cap Paper, ju«\ rye’d
■~4 for ui( by myVO HKYXOI-P? ft MjEb
rpEA»-«S package* Y 11/Tea, a pan extra fine,
1 foraate by 9 .o**6 RKVM>l,n*ft *HKK
tine far »*le b.
RICE— 4? uereei
wsto ■ ■
ROOK reoe.vcdVr Meant-
tale by m>afl J D.VL/EIX
r'tASHM£C|U2?T9tI —\ cafe bcnut.i'a’' Blirt;
V-'Caatmprettca, jpit opened andp>r »*le Uy
my*!r - ft white, m w t»t»i
7IEHIIISCB-S0l>ll»Ko t. Inspected; f<»r*nle by
mtW Ean ride of 'be Diamond
C OpEfIFISR SHIRTS.oi la>e>l *t>lu nnd of
Oiatnlar »Ue», from No 1 to No_o— ;u«t rccei vrd and
(jr »ale by ropu _ F H KAION
DAHT BTVFFS-A very iaiev “"ni.riUnroJ.
of Hi'*" Sh«»l*. ' b “
Slore,?9 Market Street. jnytW W ll
OSSABCRGi—I bale very heayy Vi f.r.iaO»ua.
barn, ijai received and fot «o!c uy
ajli * SHACKLVriTft WIIITK, W^.f^l
FISH— SO bbl* Nc 3 Mackerel;
>JU kill NoS do:
- 60 bn Herring; for tale by
myga WICK ft cor wool A «s.trr*u
JUST received from lli<* Mennt’rtorijr.a fc« titeennf
tboie fine Wilionund Utn»'c! Catptt Uagr. ;;.r vafe
by the dozen at factory |>rrce» by the agent, auN© SG
Wood»»«», up itmir*. VDIVARD IODD
Bjst Agent for Eariern Mtnnfacturer
CIDER— id* blit* Cider tor *a!e by
fnygj _8 F VOS POSNHOE3T A- ®»
p *ssF a - v ‘*rNss * co
CHEESE— 100 bxs prims liTge W\ ft. : ju« reeM
, g* for «a<e by mvl» °.l C UIpWKLL ;
§ACOB— I.COO Id*. ho* round, in (tore and for s»l<*
by ’ mj-rf JC H|DIVt.LU
I»OTASU-li> casks, Ist urn, just received and for
rZ&b} to)‘JO _J_C BIQtTELI):
BACOB— a lot Bacon Sides, in store am! for sa>et>y i
jnydfi s k W HABBAI‘QH.3I wood st,
Dry PEACHES, iu store and fertile by i
I nty<o - _ g&W lIARBACOn .
LARD OIL— A fine -article, on consignment and
Ibr sale by mjntS S k \V HAHUAL’CH
fry.fcXSEßft ASP TIMQTIIV SKKD for tatebj'
J? CAHSOTfc McRNUntT, Ctb >[
FLAXSEED OIL oa hind and for sale by ' ’
COFFEE— 900 bsx* prime Bio. :landin* and-tor
M l e b y roydfl * CARSON A McKBIOHT
S~CGAB— 83 hhd* N. O-, landing and for sale i.y
B A COB— Hams. Sides aod Shoulder*, for sale bv
inyyd CARSO.I A McK.NlttllT
TOBACCO— 80 keg* Va.TsnslTobscco. jaM iee’-r
aod fqr *%le by UEO MQBtIAN A CQ
4 mv£s Bond* sr-wd street
FRUIT— 100 ba» Dry Pssehe*; \
[ 90 bus. Dry Apples; for sale bv
ICBTS AND TtJBS—2S do* Itorkei. and
. Tub*,receiving aad tortile ,
• J DaISSEUk il waicr rt
tdl.and fot-aale by „JA* DaLZELL
No 3t_\va*er aijeel
\ rACgEREIi-lO bill* No *, tor «i‘.e l.v "**
' East aid. or "ifiraond
keg* N« I 6Twin Tobacco, land
[iog frota •(earner Germantown, and for «a!r by
my» j JAMES DAl^BLW*<J;wv.rr»t
EISH-tO bbls No l Dali. Herring! /
IS bbU No 3 Large Mackerel;,
; lOhf bbta No 1 do; i .
I lOkmiNoS do; For rale by
C~HEEI£-S(0 iba Superior W. R^':
£0 Iba Sap Sago; for I rale by
myg> 1 It WILLIAMS A ft), ltn wood »l
TT'RBSCH LA>VniB~A gppd arroruiigiit of der;*
.E ruble tiyle* and laie pattern* and inifionatloni.'for
tale extremely low by -
]C AD— tiSO Pig* Galena Lead. Jtid rere'.wd and
Hbruleby. roINuKXTEK A Cl)
WlflfAT AHU CyaSi
•nbfcriber* will pky ibe higfcr«t snarkt-i juice tor White and Red \Y htat and Veil-w Corn
myll UURBKHX.F, wm*r »t
BACON— SCno Ibtawonej, in *iore mid for *»ir. by
mytN _ L S WATKKMA?/
FLAXSEED— 40 bag*, in (tore nnd for ante by
ROLL BUTTBR— sbbUFie*b in « and tor
tale by roySM L S WATERMAN
MOLASSES— SO tbia N. Oriranr: ••
10 bill* S. Hc>u*e; tor sale l>r
WHITE LEAD—A(J keg* Pure;
SO do' No I; tor tale by
' tnytti - J D UTLUAMSA CO
H. HOLASSKg-A 01. band and for
■ale to close a consignment, by • . „
vtt LEWIS lluiyHtSGN Al-0
Eglantine bulti flora bosks-,
3 cate* of tbit rire Shrub, ju.t rrcrivM tor wl.
by nytN ISAIAH DlcKJAjt CO •
CIIBRBB— 100 bx» Large Chceto in note mid tor
S?by * : M cCA2\m.Kss
BRa am inuiii m good order, for talft-by [
LEMONS— SO bx* in »tore and for ■ule'by
LINSEED OlL— lObblr I.inreed Oil for •ilo by
ALUM— SO bbU Atari for ?a?e low by
«r» *• • • •• WICK k. McCANDLKS*
rpBA-100 Hf Cheu* Fre«h Gieen Tea. for .tie by
1 m>*2 - WICK A Atct.ANDi.KSS
Jkx APLK SHUAR-ISbbls.siTgacforaile'iiv.
ADDER—Fortalebycarkorkegbv !
PLAXSEKDOIL-ffl bl.|« in rote and for tale
EftAD—gsbbu No 1 Baltimore, reesfamilot >'vle b\
■ nytl JOHN F I'EKUY
IfICKEREL—IOUbbI. No 3, L«*e;
I.VX IAO hf I»LW ilo; toarrirr, a:i4 for
mytt john F t*i:«uv
RYE— 600 bu Peotuylrania Rye foraale l>\
aril • JOHN P Ph'ilßY
DEY ApPLEKO bai. in More and fir n’- l.y
■r*i JutiN r put-tv
BEAMS— J bb!e antall Wlr lr, in »u>re xml ior tale
SALT— 300 bbla Not Allegheny;
OObblaNotf do; ' for ante by
GBEEN APPLES—4O bbla, jutt received and
far—le by • mytt JOHN P PKKRV
1 TOBACCO— 40 kegaOtwiti Tobacco fonate by
T«1 . cotwaod iad wfoi m'
T'AR—9O bane)* far tale by
1 mrtl WICK k
dcrferaalc bylmySt] WICK AM^CA.NDiKSS
S IMS'S AROMATIC SALTS, atwiva on hand am
far sale by iay9l BRAUN k REITER
- Ikj
,No-U wafer