The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 26, 1847, Image 3

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    C.COAR —IS bbU Palrerizrd ftogor,
w U'bbl* * mall Lea' t»o;
5 bbl» Cl tubed do,
'i tfc* CUnfird -- do;
ShhdtN-O. do:
mytCi For tale by J D WILLIAMS k. CO
Spanish chaaßh
O I t>x» Washington Regalia C-gnr*.
■ t j bx» I.a Minerva <lo do.
•i i ma La CVlrlrada Caradoie* C<X*r»:
I'J ‘ l.t* 1 ii Uaranco <ta,
i‘J * M« I u I’muffi'ra Co:
I'4 i 1 1> J.i-ui S«nf Pnncip* do:
l'Z i t>x* .Nl.dat.nti do, do,
F--' • i,y my IT IWAIAH mCKKY&CO
1 I 4.1" *i Juno Principe Cigar*.
i.miim -M ijuain)- do do.
.■p lr fi |(. (jaliß do.
: J*i -r-.i L-m’ Cigui*, .n «ir U»i«-n
Uf'Aleirrf" Plug Toborro;
;> !1 1 len't in.. Lump do.
.rfl Hljd’for «!«■ vcrv low i>>
Sl'tiAlm i • r n*«** rer.l.l-pa
» *.<o. • rftj»li»d I*H**f. .
t'> Lr-U -'llllO \ 1-r-M* No **
,in * • •.. do No •*•
4., ri.iTemruSuew.» *& ;
,f., do iln. No 1, i
7„ Uo d«. *lo,
RkfixkTi st'UAit#-'
If. i.-.;. «. ,u.n.*l IAwW- ««■£■><••» >' ?ar:
, t « »1«,
i. ii i hait'l »iul kii »ulf Ip)'
i,i:\vt> hi'•jrniTH).N k 10
t pSi Ujp.MrM RrDnciy
JI'KT fIJCCT-I VKP- -Am:n«-1 Ur** Invoirc oi
■ I’mip"* I- I ** ' ■*m<s “lufTC'l Suapendcrs
uc Vi*m .»amt • ii.». • '«< 'ii" il l<> the Ro«»Hl/Manu
i.euirniK'Vmr- ' r« -ale »' lactory’pr.ce..
bv .li« a«em. .V» ni* »tnur wlwinw.e.
b> ' * miward todu.
||t . I'a u m Manufacturer
QIL.S, Ac- * • .
N..» 1 ..<..1 V.
pMNTK, 4
c:». i.n.t ;.' c,k P „ »iorv hji*l lor
llV _ 4 ’.'Kl. MUMLKK
n OH ACCO- :*l la» .H.nml l.mnp l.>nchl*or*li '!»>
A I'tfcui*! i‘ i * •** 1 " . *' l ’: ~.
R«*i>-ivrit -t, -U'li- i'll -iii'i erlßPlil l*»*l <of»n'C •>'
i» )'v * i. * u'aTKRMAN
i h . \.. i Ii inm*J Shad,
, ... 111. ln»pe»'lrd.
i. \.. ' i ~i • • Mm-briel; for *a'r 1 t
ruw » ukazlkton
• l :i-i »Jr of ilir |)iaaiOn<l
, -a y.ii.imr.
I!\d {•u.i.f.i.
.* .</ t c<i/o • At J,
1. a.lit- JIIM ucrivfj h'ld for
No'.’l wcw»d »Tr*rl
A CIOS, JLc. - -.t !'V T*fi a
- i» .pm v <a' llocbc lie,
j k«*<- l u v Sup Curb. ju*l
lu< .*' Veil ..». i l*i -• ip '*t
, :i ,.v J >' ll'o>>lAK;'.lliV(:o:twiifiM
IRISH I INKS" A.M) lit 1 1 .Mi MI’M.INS—W
It Mu. Ji: • a•- V . r'V.v-O-i ..Ul'pl) of ii O.PCOid*
of * ifew "i iu~ K.. ... i ...•!> l-.i« purr* for nualny. Ot-
J t) ,’OOC, I*. .1- , A : c L" I " nil
1~l TBe s’l.r.i USI'-. PIU O'.V CASK MCSI.INS
V» AM* I IN' V--W n .Mu-i'l./ bn übwupen in
txr. lie'jn * - oi c.jv- poods, a. lowe»l ca«b
oil, i. Uoi.i.-iu> SaUd Oil. jum
1 1 1.! r.R a ricketson
■I,; (■ ii.i-tif;, ret* r iv(*«i jtcr K<o
,1 ..t0 ALI.KN * Co
nOt r CJIO-\<i TU i:> rtir«i« ~Chulan" 1W
I ',y" K 'miLM-R i tth-KFOVUX
H.fCltUI-NO and si* AD—
•jS No 1 '‘• l t ll* - rnr
jjj.t.i* '■* "'vim KKft W’KKTSOS
k- I’lMI.-Uc*
ti . *-a* s<*orcl.r«l Salt*:
IMSU-1H 1.1--. v. I
1 -Jl, 111- - •. M;u STfi. for *«'<• l>,
Oil*- •’■‘'til.
f ‘ rt '" > K~ < > AI.'V A.Y
/ MlOl'M> Wr- l'.n-
m" ''l D ‘ U ' i:KA l*N A KKITKR
«...! i jr Vurr-l. for »J.f
h ualwav
j 17, R.'w. L<t>rr\\ *i
pATON <"•
f ARU- 1 '■
KtlANi'i < sKLLKHS
Nc IT L.f.rrv •>re«-l
y 'CRItIXi: AM> SllAU*-1tc«.«..-.ns <i*-*
'Y nM.Zni.E * walefM
fiTEAMBOAT PUR SALE-KWc.-...ixifcmh*
R‘2:^ WDBtt " Si l “ “T BlCK'lfvi s"
PKA NirrS r »l«a*U«. , _-''s‘ •'•<• M»‘:ar
Spice Fci'iinj .. I j. aICORS:
IBSIOISS— h** l.mnoii*. iu*i rec d
j *“• mfch-ETWIN
I tiig« OIJ <«owcfon»em Java
Jr,,«>,-. •“■‘‘{'Jgjtf motfereos
' ! ;t v, hi^risos
TAifz tflOV— \ -iiiau J»*i of No i A'(« , «her'>-far
P!.“ *> «-iat*.«co*si>Li»».
ncvl7 1 ofner w ' llfr -**-.•
O. «. l, ”v"lo:t , S*cCA?fDl.Ka__
n * ni-'H era >t : arid put ui> :n r.nrgar for
H“L; 1“ c“- " v - "■> s ‘“-»’ d
'•• *' ' ‘'"iSionr.* * alcobn
ndPPKK-r. (irom.cJ. Jur *teomooi<f
an* HOkrponbaud
(t •mi -or «sl<* i t IWODK9 A AtAJORN
No «7 Fifth *trr#i
myl4 :
(j ,»« .»d r-,...n,1v »„“f“ d i; i°L’Al.roaS
mv i4 No S 7 Fifth
tjoTTN 1 "SO"! V o.Tc.iiiMu ra-uuimc-ureu,
Kon hv.d and ‘***«‘- h \, Y KR*. IM’NTKU * Co
m )’ ls -- ,
.vAOCRhRMS >»«
U quurUf •!'“ ilr OH' U cu.' I
tern; rec’il and io< il-p li VtATON
iny** . - •
UV.-R l.l.» f-X-R UAMCKTR—iw
l. J" «dR. . kiikaTON
fnaikri »t
1 A. >••-•■ ".V,. K A M-.iASPI.KW
(or*- c mi n<a4' ACo
• is:.i:rr r
,!,..kI.T .r-’-i '..... rIUKNn.RHKVA.^:
~, ivr *t near 'edoulii «Hry
nr I d
rTt; :•• ? -.n- aniatl Djur*. l*« *o ,e
f Ir.r.. .. . „„j. ior »«i- hy
vj rtx'ci pi .. .• \; lM *icaTritwiiiTK
T)KO oil. rnr. .L- ■ Tiait'. (Irur« l*i(■•!*
JA .: -.: • KUKIT £ WIIITR
»•1 A , O : "nil Star fandlc', »
' ' .1 7 , A KICKTTTgO.N
'' • V rort'Vru fc DUNCAN
■■' . ~ . -, •• i; |> .t'nJtTiry Mjtd'llir*" '»»■“;
i*- J ru-.K?* A OIM.IN*
h**lo«r M»fkrt
**’ .• frnh UiiJc-r, for »ti«
/ « I!'. *1 f , ( . MA IUI.\
' '' 1.1 an.l
■. • • 'S’ Omnce*;
O';*'.,;., , „ v ,f -'■Trsjiwr
'• potspßxr kiui^
J_| ICKOHV N ;,^ a "° !t " r k
L .^
| ' : rr' em
u i.m-i-H - I!' J sr.nOONMAKKK fc CO
; * itHK.NiI- -i K«-a p,«,i. ii>.t roreivnl «nd for
i A •!.?*-> > n ,!l J SGUOoNMaKKH &. CO
‘ o ;« mi ftiU'Zumrn*. lor »»l" by
niul J L R FLOYD
J «i rASTKU - A t'niuiKtmit ikok-tyreper. Artdrrf*
} \V It -x Vt“ I'.ci l>ffirr mySOOGt*
J g x «%•'!” II KST-S *iu«» Mr Alli«W'« Omunrpt for
| (_)**>,. i j ‘ J SCHOONMAILKB&CO
l i .•I’TMH'* 1 i l I’l I-' 1 AND CLOVW. ta« w’d
ij .„:n.v I.i; iy MILLKR A HWKKTWIN
* , ,ww» Will I. '■At'KS ti>r ««le low liy
f I ()0() MURPHY A. u:r__
j i !..V.T.>,«..~ i tojgW c,
j ~- - li" ••• »CO :
r :r' ~Mri , ° , “j^rf I .oyp
BACOS— to I>M« Shoulder* and Side*, ju
*° r,a 'J 'ii jI.DWELL, Ai
pOTAg"-w C»t. 1.1 -n..
/ ' OFFICE -W bo{* Rio Coffee for *»>? g y REER
T IHBEED OIL—CO bblt m «io»r »ad foi h **l* by
anJ rates of marine insurance, freights, tc.
Bc'um r<-m -1,50 Oi::. i Ulne_f» 11. ««»«,»« *«* Wool-TH-
T. 85 8 -‘tsS" S.-- - .*,« ' j .w..
-vt-W- • •■•***“ —3
i.-j.-.- - • •-in* v ~( ■.'<■■•!•• ! •«' ’■ . * —
_ “ a . . r>, M . . . . i*iJi • I .liuAv»t>*i* li Cosoinoii
..—9 U. * k.M l!> K<mn<tr. I •.*' V'.ui ® =*o.PC ■ Km.bed ••
*?, °“ ,a *“• .* 'J f 1;, C . - M «»« PU.ler P.H»-f.«ii S; W! ..'
-an li, p...,,, iVf.. sjbi. • “ •- idifrJ' ProTUlom- • Freight*— p |t«i it.v
. '%. tirin’!-- l > M.i/ii.iW. *• 0 *>i j Dry Good.
, IW" „ •, ‘ '..Mfllt-, V „ \ ,tv -a> I M.«e s|o ->■ Hc»V> •
po«drt«i-- --UOflU • J • *'l Hon.,. Wi.-I ~,«•* rutr- .13'' To
■ Litharge- •• • • / 2*" b i V * l«. . «.<«-tr, .I*. TJO 7| Drv Uxad- -. . .. .
I; Lu,uor.ri Rnoi ' £ " ‘ , ,T . l->io 1« t.n*.'..\.i , ,„k.v*-' »{■*..Heav)
U JU o,.«- lull !» *: »;i U C • keg- - r From Uu.«;U. to t*
L*rl)jc •• - *£-. u . * u 1.5U01.75 1 .:.M- -\U f I Dry Good.
Mag»e»i»L»rh •»• g’ < • .. . n*SOI.VH |!,.r e i I u.k.-*- ' 0>" Hi-.i'',-
. Slander. Lmliro •? ® .it) 1 1101*1 , Fo Si Lo»i* .
( ijnJdrr. j r 0r.,-. tt K - - Dry Uorx],
’ Bjrrrh rork.v u " j :i|o » (.o.lun »10 , Heavy -
< ii,Viin«il |1" ~t . 1 «* f,a<krr.. W a- 7V (.-Minigiid Rrir.
•• ?•»' '\»Sivt. *hr,T. • 510 -i -T v i -• -»•).«»! Dry «ooa
' IU.-i.-r 1 mi: <i » f *< lm Hun,-. -0 J,... 1 llravy -
Llmr - -is-BJw >i i s‘i* (t Pntnlot. -f* >iu»in I 7b a.\<t(\o>n Bniwittrilif.
'.. .1.,,, j.. ...|iii? '• . H Itr-U • 3 Dr\ <.<MMj.(I]„WIII
• • •' . ■ 1» 41 - -« - i'rodurr.Aclup) -•
(>ft im. Turki) ~6 ^a:;, -0 1. .To Xa^eiiir.
Lr A tfih t't-isiirn mi. -I • - "J® . Dry (,oud a
| Rltn >arb. 1001 ’ * :,;gj * i>, ’A3 5 Hravv-
!«•. n,C "- : \r*%\ \L - ' tT4» lUce-lM:. ■■ ToWk«U, te .
I® 1 '*I*'" 1 *'" .. iii 4Jf:ui Co • moil -lirr • 5»U* 11. ir ; Dry (
;Scnni ; ------•• J 1 " 5 ,,,. ' .... -rffl Bccila—*» :.u»lki ..Heavy
, Vi D l y; w^od-VVi. 11 ’ m*V£u,w?- ! “’ 1-:* V* ;>'»•) ••’
: Dul s 'rr :.:S \i ■- -six'.| H vrwr.
,Lo*w« 1. Pluppr.l a Sl.ußh.ef ., n a i On- •
I Krniuck' -'.C Harnr-.*. 1.-ni-k-. \'J3 "it 1 " '• ,l •' To .Vr«r U*Unn>. , .
l OU.o&F.m.ntv..ti. 0" Bt.dle*. blacl.. perthir N’m',' .’ 1 Hen <*°d- ; .. 2 »
i ...--JitfiS ■ Ru«ei Up- lawSW-W ri"2 i J i
j: 0!* l';>nci WWikl •£).(KJOV K -..» I Ai-f.i -•U 0 H nal ami Hnilroa.U.
linnl • • • K.|”. • Snahermrt -O .1, fAU_»l»u.r»u *>P ,
;'X£t" . . z
St::;.. ;: '■“-»» “
:I L K
£22. :v. • J f " • • -.5 ll . t •
Ornnlirmr.. IS« 1006 fee' llv-. t..-ri..:iu *» O.rr-r. ; ' 0
-Sir!!!! ■ »wpi. ' -« £;," n : V’, «.
<-■>-«'• 1: ' • • , Si-,l'« u n-.-
lnS,.dr? .' S»r»! •••«■•» II- ■*“ “I 'i?„'ur„,..ndSl-.1.. «r-. *«“
F|r»U.Uk-f>' rt.. -0--- 5,.r.,. c s'o ' ,~r hht 00000 00
: Bohvnr | ■ —U Splr»f.-*» ‘ UMII ; , r ,e,. ~rf lUMb* « «»
•• ! \- w 0 |J ' 0.. k d- .1- -01-.IM' Bnulra-» ?.W» 0450 . 110 0«»
Flour -fit'. ariOflW l'**’ S.iuo ; l.i<i t„ n ;v - 0-J.50 p ut(lllu „.. ilo 0 W
Supeiftn L.lveStoek-+» 1WH1...M , ;u w i,.ti.« WHJ
P‘" r „ “ [> r v.-i f..l»i3T.W> ' N • • • (i, W i,! , lUO lt>x W
RK ’ U-‘l.Uli' •*•••• --0- 05.10 • I- • (iroerr.;., !“,
».... <5-t v “ 8 ; r ,.-»* !•»•-- £ ™
_ ;°r 5.7,« u .r::s..■;.■-■ ;k; S £.•"»
;.. „3, 4 --a n; 11,.,.. • ,»• 11® 11 »
Short*-- • ni*val Store —»i 1U- '•' -2t , , ilo 00
OhU Rom>» 0 bhl •45O0:i<fl Salt—* Mil I ar.lanJ | 111 J O : doOOott.
Mackerel. No O - No I «.U, -•«»** fj" d« «•
P...y S r«rn,line n - .V h ‘ 2—” T.u. - l *• ** J"
len,pßed r Crt™o.h.r- . So, 7 l.i 'Taf*™- rul ' shai-’"' .r“
tX.'r':.::- S it.;.'. '"V-'' v. ; U.c,„£, .:« r £ •»,
'"3 X ' “"I i. £ .!£
a 111 ■lO Bed t ‘lor. l »alinou. No l *® P* r 11 1 . -t|i»,-i do iW
|j(tirr«o ' v D *1 --it- 1.-HO!..- Toborto- f*- b— ,!»V •' l.liow,
l5O 044) 'shad ' -011.00 -ar S! 1T5»4.0« „d ml i-j»h 101 iini'iufttiln fobar to, Leal. j , tr*
£... ':.4» iSJVu. .mi «*;, ■ "'i T r ’ 4 „ « .v,- 1 -, •£ £
r, jj lii4io4 7i Vrar I .ml r '' Wbeut., ,
'osi-„V\,i -- 0 4-1 ;,»J00.'..-.j Mumii- Uire.l .1.. H» •» Wool, ;'°' l1 ® 1 ’ 000
Cotloun— iR-dPoi No l. m’ -u <i l.utlie^’Tw.»i •• H 0 tU \Vln«key, peibbl «00
ISS2i2 i £! , “'.. .:i*« ".!?SU ' 82 1 1 ' ' Sil* r.. n. At**,#** .
1* L.mrrlA l!r<iit*.‘i k Vi-g W, K'u. i°»>" .-0 vi - li.ile, u.vri- - 0 r 1. ']'«• •' • ' Slaehvatrr.
=s :* B "*'‘,0.1..!: . . Is"v;r
-« - : 14*,.,, 4> nr -®»1»,1.i.a.d ■.. .• ®.l , . -ail J\v*"r,'»'llSttV *.
r-r,v. Si! r,i,.>?n-2.}.r.«'
V Market FA Wulih’m— a— ciuret. pro*. —0 I*"" S|*e. o til.-1.f1.... -a T<>a -
llrai-hetl. |o4—l -HOl5 fWm.U.w ti !»«-..* l-x unb.ea, r,e.i -0-- _
II H llamiU'nSUi'ntf—o ; (\t> bra.ui- 1 <iU ..-
itu - • —o Sill* -J *»>o l" 1 \N fi.-ii - •
-a,T IS; : T r£V»«r-^'->
,«a -a- P.1.0l d,,. null 1.. j...... Illu. •• ; :*2 ,J 7 , '* ""
loiteon o ,c 16W4 7 ; 1....1. a H •>•
tochealer -0- , - 3..,mie f-t'eu- ■ >■ »VS T*llntr-V.
,Vr.l Uruach —o.| 10x13 v.J 04».V1 k e.a.,*-\ol 0 U U. in- ■ •
-own dnli* I4OIOS -Ouipotvdfr-P l'? Nn-.v.ii/ - Roujrli
-eltej 101013 ;P£F» ..V.5 0--'o 1t..i...»:.'k -.. I® •»
pa» K l,-,r.* - tf:iu \N i- it-1 .**:»• .In • • i»l*r <-i M«-es-t»
•"«».•* 5;2 '■ N.:",';'‘‘V ::S!’Li
l-mt . .-ar..™ B—.*. — —l ■ .M®; j-
powder- - -0=»-5 \.ilow lb*i.e -.*:o = I. I* 1 *-1..-. »
Gr.ln-pu.she) v„, 11..1 - ! ■ ‘lO ;N .
Wheat I ot'ol I'-’i Ne,it.<r. • •. • a? tr t»r\ Ma
H yt . v.kj t- PIJJ Slrtnl-F omi - >w-
Out« -.11031
Com • • - - - <5:O->« No 1 - -
Bade} - ="' 8" 1 ' ! ” llfr
Aahea rt>
><-ufchiug* •• • •*
Saler«tu»--* •• - •
Axica—f ■
Brlille*- *
’ B*l««ng r * > 1'
.■‘ujKTUf • :
Coinn i>vt
Ileaua— V •'«*>
Sfiia.l »Vlutp -
Cmnituu. 4c mil'll' t
a.auaw *»
Beeiwax —1> lt>
Bloom*—V tt-n.
lilininf ■ • MM> ft* iil,U
Mrrchaiilablt ••• -73 01 73
■Miukrr 1.7502,2«
Bark* —& cord -
Chi'onui Uak- O
Black Oak 0
Hemlock ®
Coal —f l>«t»nH
At the Kt»er
Kioto wo?tm
Cotlon-f Iti
IVnii'c* end Alal-’a-•!'.
Number I
Oliwa. prepared- ••
candle*—f !'•
uiiy dipped ®
KilUlmrgh Stm; .V|
Ciiirinnali do |t)
<prrtn,be»i brand* ■■3oo •«
(jo llllenot- r J»
round. Hoi. »vui<* *»'l <»».-*®J
Furnace do--—W3I
IVa keltic*
Ui* <t •*» ~*J “*
Counter weight* *et —O M
I *ml irou*4P tt» net- -41®' a
Cotton Yarne—
*tiort reel— ¥ '!> ...
No. sui M>ai • • •~® 15
• II 10 m - ** *'
• 14 «* «»
inrreoMiis la#lc<iil V I' l u ‘
Vo. *4l.
I«oiir teel— 9 dor.
Vo i«i •
- Bl*l
urn, too,> 10
'ovctlet Yutn ll
.'hipet Cho-ii
'olion Tw;ne •
handle Wirk • •
Ja?H, old vrbilf • • 111® **
■*l. Oomiugu —St—
i —St—
'Uvint •
Copper-? ll»
rlrmuer*' ~® **
~l t. i?® W
Coetl»*pe—bv coil?H>
\1 Bill 111.
-it to
—® 9
—a s
—a :
n Cum orU«M, rct’d
,*>J Madder 9 tflft
VrYrk.K.l nc-r »f*
Drugs— ? Hi
\rrow Root
V(jua:'oni» • • •
turns, rrfiiied
.* Ua.rns rmm ».mr
l IHCKi.V 4 C©
■i r : n-1 MIT •■»
Ilf (VII 1 1 DL'J'AUII ' t bulb *i>;i*s nl tin- market «.<•"* .wntinc ~f tbc clot*. after it ■< it, ule. a* .be string 11 not
MJiuMLul/IAL llriVUnlJ. . thei* T«-t‘gr:i|»tl,c l>e«psi,-ho«-'be '"wvr, I f (!,(. mil*Tr.l it will o .M*V* Ihe tatnr color
_ .__ ... .1 _ ' - W'l la t*l v itt *i!' T'l"--: t .’l' P; a~ r, n. i f i.,. . In ;! autl * • lulw l tiki'i mil Tuc flex <***
bi*7tl« Otliee, J IV.crJ are *>. !•> Cl- h'• • - I-'- ''-< ' 1 ** l _' ‘ *''• V. ..,J#ht * »*'« *» ' *•' >' “ ,e
Kn-inr n/ tA» Uarkft fa |A» wvii r*.U»K ir-r-tM. ’ »•-. W. '1 hi -a*!?* •••"* h::!i I ' """ '*■>)■«, | , i-.. . I !*.*• Ifccc- 1 tfrfVt.-U mlu .. •
e?«jf Mo'ninf May 'JO. * «rm t- jn.l *'nce Monday pric«*s hare stood • 1 1 * - t’ YTl'Ll' MV Ik l‘T
SrvTr. miiuk-Banco b.. nsl been E coe. .11..T4 ~n „!„j" .T/in" / kiVioui..l. 1 rr. May 15.
-ally active this week.except in tbcproduce market. Tb,. market mr I’.erd l dt: r hat g«ie up ji»c this
«bcrc all ha* been animation The u«u »1 quietness ■ \N CLW .» culler, am! Mv.i at s:m week and the number i.tlere«| l>.« lallen otf. Inall,
:fler the nub of the Spring trade, ha* been expen- ea> j J ' ‘ about 'V* head were dn»en in Monday, and probably
The reason hubeenrerj lavonbleto trade, ,\j _\_wi-eit i-., worth Cl .• 1 .t-J.J • hi—bat .** on Thtinriar M«-m!>.j. the Cattle were cot of
>nd dealer* in the virioj* branch** ex pre** them - ; I.ll' nmm: Bye hi •• dv ui't-.l h quality, but all -„iatyda V* ;• Red Ik* net.
eivc* avr-1! atliifitui with the rc«olt Toe low atage f'"" 1 ; ! • mrs >» .J I,J j’' 1, ... <», 11.. •». them wen* none m I lie v*rd>. hot a lew
'■ -• , are in tict>r denuail—l i.e< t.u ~t »•><-*< . *" »
.1 water was contributed materially to lenen the feC( .j,, t 3n J Jl \.i -'.Jr. tr>..n .1 al ...*nd» »nd iat« ".Id on arrival at S J V* I.'* 1 lb* net
icuincrs of the week, and-, a dull »t lie of thing* will #t „ rc _ U -rley ia dull •■wine »pi.t—l*» arrive. sj.rep— In n«! "d«l .n tins yard* at s*-” 1 *
btam until June, at lea«t, though, üboiaia the prr- *ale« J'.'Un hu at 3oc. < ..rn—l he maiaet .* un.-t. hf .. (l
. , iti»d On arrival tinmc lo'» nnl rummind l.J.i ,lr
• entrise in riven rea«rb anything like a high *.«g f ‘« j, k , e | (C r>n Idr* ir-un >-*! !nn I. n . higher 1 at>'»ul tai hi-ad "dr. at^.,»»>a»so
it c-mnot fail to give an impuUe to trade -figure. "<»<
At thi* time 1 m llU r s Flour wa» realmri-g U. country fim-d*. " ini’- ‘"- 1 ' MOMIV M AKK.*. I‘. &c
—now then wo ../.•—now Cl Tueri- >• •«>«•'* drui n.d > *1“ t f - \ ■ « < Mii.iori. 1! f.\ . nr., purporting " rt
,nd over; then Coin wit 3:.\;iK> —•. t * 1,1 ' • i',e Mrch nuo. U-u.K .N«:wr-rk. N J daied Mar I.
then 3xlo Oil., wax J -yivt IJ*>, t - KU , lr - n.<- ... VM-l .U...».rr U I-. ~avahlc t« n.aripv L>unn.hat been .dieted in
then Bacou. aground, w« itoll at .V—now 7,i7ic, rt lhw », rh . iVwiM.rr luo.fd n. thr sujn.ty m,,, nn. Ii ~ .. fraud, and exceedingly
thend Apple* were iOuMr;lVache* JS «>• The ni.irkn .upp»>rd with l.oat Pl p rU | M |, Matthew W Itay. Ca»bier; J A
rt <j CtJulF lit on there wu an abundant Mnl »#xe>—The malkiM 1. dull, hot holdrr* du' ro-t Rji,*,. prntuir tit. Thu u the lint counterfeit ol
,upp:j 01 p.j iym. iv, 1 lusher »«*«*-» -*»«—*»«.»» -.w b..v,.~. ... ».n
now there I. n„oc,and)it i. ««■» «>.•"> ‘'“H’" ,„u b, r.s.berl 11..l 1 .. .it} '"‘l. " ““ »cti .1 •
nore- then Wool opened at IB<r2B—now TUrtdd 0 * i, U ie. I mu*’, gen'ratlj, h u Hn.i< no cru. r—n ..1 the t duet Ju.iici' Marsh* II ol tlm Supreme < «urt. |
freight on Flour to Philadelphia and Baltimore wa» market. decided m I S-iP. that T .ea»ury and lluveru
■to/ias.-M. sa.. 8*=0.«).-»..»j., r«ii- w - are r **> sw " ~r 1
~hr a3J f,t|-no*C.-; then 'hi lly- , b. B .■.h'.lt.K". »«"» '“.‘Tcbiitn, ;„„ U.s.nJ.
10W 7c; then No I Lard Oil wa* now ,jc, S ai;.ll,lol» »l eltniee M
Penn and Ala Cotton ol mid quality wax *n!ling at ||\Y—The market '» well *uppli<-d. hut price* hut l e *upp yi* a ut equa to it. an lera e o
>»il&74e—now I2'<r/£R, Cotton Yarn* 3filo. 13c— are lirni )u««e Ti.nothv at S'< and s>« the O,.cunt bus not m ,ed.
5 .. , Kiwr.*e_..ow 3e noenc net lon. I.xclwnge ha* net varied, and cnniinue* plenty
now 19c; Nn I r • . 1 ... - ’ o '; LCMBKK—Nogffcnl.uiidiernow on Hie market ju.-mu A N Yo.k far t»l pie«
tc.,dc.c. Nearly every article of MouvehoUl eon- A „ Jwwn hil-beeß ~i*i..wcd 01. W r site, t-ur . ..elli » s r».e| • - «#i "
x-jmotioo i» pronortionately dearer than ’a*l «ea»on utinn , f,„ Pine Lumber t.. «..»rre»|M.htl «nh i-iitaj* u»ieie»toff
l-o,th.r up F li« of LomlKiliil all k.nd-. ol l', E . pm.. f ""” "«• '*" l *' '' h ' * "*" f V5} r T"
Iron (Jrain and Breaditufl* and Pro* i»i'.n* are much . l°r g'xxl. and y. * ,r c , rtiday* mieiesind
l run. jr i . M\LT—Barley i* telling to a ron*nli ,, at.le n leni I ? d Jt<
ace led—Lumber and lron,e«pecially are in teque*!' , n ,\ m lM „ a , TV live Mall .» " . #7,!. ,ir,„.olT
The high range of pncei for Floor and Urain in the WOfth ' I * i*i* -'St.i ' ‘ml.J
..aboard mxrket*, continue* to draw a great volume MKTAI>-lmn in...ii'«. ,n„r demand •iu«e N nriimc -'rfl'Jffla
>n our pnblic worka, and there ii neither alteration ■ the date of our lart report, but the silo* are tair Ihe - feid.ij. *s} •
. pn /C bf F,. Ig UU. no, dimoo.tioo i. -S. —f ]So 'lVca.ii,} V 0,., „f ~,0,.,,0.„c, .«„«.. Ih
-.leared. Every bb! and bu that can be aptred .• demand Kair aionuot* are Norti.e. ini they lall to a discount they pa*»
lent to the Tran*porter* lor ehipmcnl. There h.' p nC cs «d all devcnpt.nns are linn .md foil v “ l ' lo i o th« loTenoT. hot the motn.-nt U.ey go to pr or
an increase in the turclnwe of Grain* lor ire celling, generally, at .M«» HM Ar ibove It *>ii the seaboard. Hie) Hot* in the principal
1 00, u ,-Wb«,.C.r0 : ,H,..0d00t.,0..t»,„0,..
for this destination. " ward* of .W* n ton* of non. and pro e« receded Cl Money continue* .{uite *c i»i-e, n va*t suui
Since Friday refreshing rain* have c,au*e<i a ri*<- ,- f g> y, u, n Tin* »ea«on. uni* t ir. it.ere I. <* i...i U)) Pru,luce, ,1 >« dtdici it to utiUm ordi*-
in the EUrer*, and given a vlgorou. irapul.e to the | .‘.siTc.’npil.n n*»y Uomu«. accomm.dai.on.
growing crop. to all port, below ;“ lr i_ ilfl ck quite light ol ini dprnpt.on There BOATS LfeiAVIKQ Till 4 DAY.
Tb.„ «. 5 h«* .1 J..V l-t ; “ “ •HBOIVMVIU.K t'AfKnv =
ASHKs—The to.rk.t lu. ,010 ~ diill I ounjTy" l..?h| -BKAtKIt FAIKITS ,1 'J oml 111 . » »od !l . »
.tale, and prices are something lower. The stock* rC3 , lt , d q ; n, r( .ldily, I-i ■ea*or>, none lu» been of-, ‘MONONt iAHEI. \ IJITV l*At tiKETS, .5 r m
of Pol* and Srorcbing* are not large Tor the season, )er< . d h u deubilul, whether Uie pr«-.cni *weil ] j f - K( -|, >v ,- 0 . <> |* A «*KFT, IM-iladelphn mil
but two thing* contnbutr to ktjep pnee*, which otb* ( in U.e Mleg-eny will bring down any ion ,i may. j{ 4 ;, imorp . y« ,
"™ ««“ b ” W « te '- <hm *- *°JV.»I-V“n. imri.pi—»« I.'-.' « ! ' WIL.MINIiTUV I,mk.„>Ul».V.s «
orincipal city manufacturer* and large*! ennaumera , • HIBLKM *i, \\ heeling. In . u
have good atock.oU?odi A.h} and, next month the j Uad-Tl.e *nle« ..uUig ar.- at„ Ir lor Pig.; •. fJMET- Zmcruljr. .1 e o
•’aetorie* will be?fhin blow out and #tnp working ol ‘J l|MC j, doing atpreaent. . MAKY -AN N. ('inr.nnati, 10 .v m.
or prl ol the Summer. Holder* are ratherMmo'is o jj,s demand lor l.msn-J modi r it*.. m I -i.KKM\.NTOWN • 10 ah.
.« rcalite, we prdSotne. Trom ,n*truct.on. mostly. J f.c. .he market .. dull Sa>« .-J. *> M** | .-,- „„ rpfig j ar ckrl ,_
c»»..n d i«,him.,Tb, „ h ,!»«.-V;,....! ——.—.—-r^-
ion* at Jtfr t.ldj ca»h, and 1,-J time. Ultoixai, „ KoV|s( , jr^-B , eon-Tl , c demand l.a. been | DHUT HI?
t .ttn in *uihH lot*. No Pearlaah here,and we |_ |( . t ; ut , vrl .k. ami the sale* m the .vygregau-large. | lUlll Ur ill ldDUlKril
cannot quote a prfee The demand fur f*n»iimpt.on i* very brisk Price* ;
Atß_A.„}«,.v -i.'-k- .'-'"•i r re '” , v^r^w"bS:.^.T;!!.
for thi* article.bat price* have rot vanert. , |3mc ‘, l>p { t „ nv *[,„ .i.jer* and Mde« with ih- rib* i
BF ANS—The aale* of sinxll White .are trifling at t . Jt .. 3l|i j - r ( smoked .n „ i>Ac lor Shoul*;
*, ano ll*m* The « ity Packer. ;
3* * UM . II , I ~.i '• -ind E.iiHe In all c.isc* where
BHAN—l.illli! lb." ««*-•»»• l" rUAroViO fii, Tl.t i.c.ipu ... ns.ll.
i price. j j ari |_,\ n active demand prevails for Lard "rfe* 1
COTTON—Tim market i* quite dull r ainl.the ?alc* (> 'j 8l 3Dl j (So I m bbt* and keg* at "-ibAc a*
edected are in irifling lot* only- not rufficicnl to o*drf 0 * drf >,n .ll irregular lot* ol kogs rerdue fir.. (
•how iliat Ih. tra.kel nw The .lock .. fair. Ballrr-Tbi- nlid. ...... .i s.c.- Hi.njl. a j-
COTTON VAB.NS—The mo»,ni.nt of 111. biu »Ti1.?,7l "‘ '" ,
,h,. week ha. bee. bet Ihe ... ,„., w » .-4,
for the *ea.n-v. In pneo* there l* no change what- c _ |ar? ,. ;>nd j, nn bung “*• ami m-»«
aker, and our quotation* are continued a* the atkiag \ „ ~,, chango Ad «>tfercd liml, r
rate*. Batting, Tandlev ick, <&.c, are unchanged. ;q U ,ck*«le. f '
' CANOLKS—'Tie anlea are not thi- week, j KICK „ fl t m trc«. «mr.e pnmeoi i
ind at *tead* price*. . jbc. , . V( . ;
DOMFSTIC OOODS—The «slc« or FitUborgh \ TAB—The market is better'supplied. >'-
Sb«u"p.- hri.k-.hi.-eek fell, Ilk, h.le. «!.1 S H. bbt, N. AHeebe.} here. •
bhceunga a" u i 'r* i r <»lV—The n.a.ket i* bare of rendeird it
e„,in«. price, one or «> b.le. s ? . Is, .si- -> W
Naeli*il*f- ' WHISKEY The receiptu from t'incmnnii arc
UEEH SKINS in hair-Fcwer arriving. Sale* m , <• no change in the price ol Ueci.-tied or
*tnall lot* al 14'dlfic t* Ih. Common. j
1-fV.U— Sale*«)bbt**l<>l« , 7e R dot WOOL—'The market ha* not jet become set.Ud
** ,s v good demand prevail* r.,r Fi»h. Sale* iat to price* forth* now crop, am* we ™" t,n fi!J .‘Ji
FlSH—Agoounem F .. quotation* r-1 Un «*ck. aa extreme jnrn l-r tie.
.urn* 150 bhla at S6fi>fi6fO for " e^ n 2-'’ 7s , jri ou« grade*. The receipt* mo yet light, and «.11
l»a •> for South :»'• Mackewl, and 1 r ‘ ,r bo an for a week or two yet In all about J<X*l lb»j
Nmrf.. Of smoked Herring. mlm bxa, moitly at a; had been pure! ucd.
dollar t* bx i A* we have had num«’cous inquiries respecting rue
°FF ATllr US—The inquiry i« let* active Uiia, best method or preparing WooHnr mirkol.wc re
serk .sd noticed, .b,nt SOHO lb.,- The eor. I pobli.h the lnll„«ie e ..l.cle ftorn the 1.b.1. 1c1p1...
rest price Ter eond coot,aue. at Sdc.silb Sirtißc . Comniereial U« of Apnl iiib, IBIt.
i* exuctr.r* ‘-A* Wool h i* become a production of grent value
f -ei ii n and import mi:c t<i tin* counirt. the growers, guuc
rßU r I necs are generally unchanged, snu no w ,||do well to pay morn attention to it* proper
great amount of business doing. G Apple* continue | pre p ßri ti’on for marixet than they h ive generally
quite acarce ! Jj on «. The little gain iu weight by leaving the lagg*.
IB KlUHTS—There ha. been more Hex l.nesain I bum and other dirt «"««•.«'«;«»; ;»'« >« '
Carat freight* the past week but still wo nro unkble ' xiverbalaoced by a reduction in the price 1 hi* u
tn quote a full table or price., and .o leave it blank, i now the CMC in LngHndand
Thi .orpin, to go forward i. .till very large, ar.d 1 learning to diacmn nale and or d* value by
the Traniporlera are pretty firm at trie once* they the condition a* well »■ *1"^* Ir f«7mnre *.?ol
have been obtaining/ Flour i* $2 R bbl. Bacon, be carefully Ukeo off, forthey areofl
Urd.Tallow, and 111 that flu. of irUcle., are 51 £ ihe farmer to enrich bin l,nd ‘ h * n *f >rp ‘en
V 1004b*. Biter freight, have been up to Ue on f.ciureraln hu operation*. Burr* in cry
D Good* to Cincinnati; but are now a little lower, objectionable, and ahould P .' k Vn nH thr
Boats are plenty forall Western ports. Canal Ireigbta from the fleece nefore or when d is ««-J ™
loErie and Cleveland are lower. aheep, as It is much easier to do it it on than after-
FLOUR—The bnsinesa of the past week has been w*rd. Tying the adhere to the
large in the aggregate, but the bulk of it waa trana- { •houW besvoided.lh lint ifli urT to pick it
preTioo. to S.torxUy U«t. On that day oper- * "«>»««» ««« “ uch lrooW « and p,c *
■u 9n
• n|®4t
-.*o 0‘.3
10 311
2.1 0-Ji
. . :i— IJrW Km t.
, .. ,r,. 0.1. n**s.
■ “ 1 Si ---1. *V« .1 1.
'• *■'»*• No -I Brrv.val •
■“ JVntlwry.Kiir* Cim^ii*
• ll4ip*..M*i'« , i I***-' I*l-»•
i-£'£r.», I V.-“ i ‘ O !,V
- «.'.l. frniri I* r.bnrrli ■ " Wbcelm f. Vn ‘O
- i tro.ll t'.ll.'lUntll'. O \3«- Kv |dl l
jJ >t Uu>'. .'!■• I 01
H.wn?viHe, it;. -\\»i
«i if! j ili.i. jie«u<.UPe- I) &'l
1 .Ki St'iXii i*uni|>r*l,j cmwl F)«llloa\«4 01
u» i) ?u •». \i'»-Or!Mii» V
»»‘n >• IS. WATER *v THE Pl»:» v./RJ.
IL-avcr 11>><• p 3. lie* 11 vnr
Atlullt*. HotlM
< muni, itowmaii. Hrnv
I -k»• l-.rie. Hemphill. f>4Mvr-r
It.imlilcr. Mckfo>j>o»(,
l i.irs Mrl.nnc. tSotim-lt.
Ikirlrm Hunker. WLi-elini'.
Niagara; Jabots. M l.oni«.
Triumph. I'atJre/. (!in.
Coir*. S', {.not*.
Uoipairh, Nelsru.. , , r ,
Hibernia. Smith. Wheeling.
WilmmjUrti, ■'lMr.iiK. '*'poli»» »>|lr.
l!ea»cr,H”o[w. Urati-tk
Michigan. Adam*. Hester,
Kric. Hemphill, Hcnvr r
t'-.nsul. Bowimn. Urowiwr ,He.
I Mpl/uir. Ilcnnolt. H.wnsvdie
lUmbler i\N*n. Cih.,
VVclUvttl*. Catlett. Writ .villn. ""
I'amUc, Campbell. Lmtiv ~|lr.
M*. Vcrnott, l*atk.»B»Gß, | nmav.ile."
Ctndrella, INm, Ltacttt' ,ati.
D|t TOWNSENi‘3 ’iO» .ipo-ind Kmart nf SARf*A*
I’AKII.LA W oilier old ltlc»int •• ibr An!!
This llxtrari i* pul m* i*, () oiirt l-oiilr—.* m tun**
■cheaper |.lca«uinrr, ,wxi wauanted "i.p-ror to nny
! •old •* cures v« .rmt>ng, purging, sickening, or
II ricl’ilnitmg llir potK.nt ’
The fircat beauty .mil superioritv of ihi* Sarsaparilla
over all other rco ,edie% i«, while it eradicate" disease.
:it mvißoritie* the, 1»«kJ) . It ■■ used turcestlully in tbe
removal and > .erniunetit cure of ail disease* arising
from nn .ni|v ,j e stti,- of the tilool, or balm of the sy»*
l«onk out jir Im-i-iiim*!—l'i principled perrons have
rop.t U yi:i lulk-Is ;>nd put op rncoii’ii.e m me ram- sha*
ped Ixmi'cs. »e thsi each hostlc has the written signa
ture of 8 I* Townsend
For m'r. hy K K 9KI.LKRS, (sole agent for Allejheny
eounty.l L 7 Wood 'sireet, between Third and Fourth
si*. myM
lajcismj.*, Aran. 13, IW7.
Messra J. Kidd ft. Co, Gent*:- This is'to certify that
a child of mine was afflicted with Worms. I procured
various kinds of Vermifuge,-and administered them,
but with noeffeet I then purchased a vial of Dr Me*
Lane's celebrated Vermifuge, and after giving a few
doses, the child dire barged about a quart of large
Worm*' The health fit the child improved immedi
ately 1 would recommend Dr. McLane'a Venoiftige to
the public. lioue of the most safo and effectual rtmo
dy tor worms. ur»w m use. J 11 CUTTER
Sold wholesale- sod retail by J KIDD ft CO, cwater
weed ft lodith tu ap3B
. mm Tne elegant mid staunch regu'ar
ettn. tnaate r will leave a*above
ai iltoelock. Wtilneaday morning,SO 11
hiMa-ivTl or t7c:*h or pa-aascappl) on l»»*»* * ,, - h
:jn J> »
• =OO m
iI 0 »
• «0 *4
• 'JOO Si
Marine luauranee.
K-il'* cf /•*,/.» *i 'irr •»:, < nreo r*'
|So:»i -
Ten. )tfl
N Uric:- J* I St-*
{'rou. N Orion, iu P.iui... rgh 1 <3:
laju . ....
Worms! Worm*! Worms
_. _ ’J oe ,* anJ-.plrLdiil Parhrl
. tiSlMft 1 -»»“>*- -
JBlHilLpoaiiivel} on Wed..e«day evrnm* dOtb
inaiani at 4 o'clock, r- n For ireui*
or n»-* ige apply ou board. ‘ _ .
roß.Cincinnati ft st. Louis.
Tb* new ami elegant regu tr 1 ackct
yftgMjMS' Jacob*, maater, will leave a* above •>
3 o'clock. P. m., May iflih.
For freight or passage apply on board.
The Maundi and fitt^Packet
moster. will leave a* aboveou
evening. May *Hb. al 4 ££tocd.
t tW’V The hghl draught and faM racket
(V. t fl rl MARY ANN.
maner, will leaic a* »U>ve
iSSSAffI.m Wednesday. May * lb- at R>o clock
* x For freight or parage apply on board- my*-*
regular Cincinnati a xi louis packet
i The new and aplendid ateamer
UCnfeSSß’ Woodward n.matrr.will leave m» above
ihroughoul the -etiaon tor
freight oi pa»*age apply on lioai'b
The tine and »toun« h light draught
neamer TRIUMPH.
I irTTA Gjtlra), maater, will leave a»
r, throughout the season tor
freight or pas*U6*' Jipp l ) on board.
—w Tlie elegant and fait Packet
MgCDPSaa Calhoun, maain, will leave »» above
■BBBSBfelreguUrly throughout the »caM>n. tor
fre.ghi or paavage apply on lioord. tuyl’J
a enaaa THE Muuncb ai d elegant Meanier
tx.| Devenney, matter, will leave as
,J t .w. ihroughoul tlie aeason. tor
freight nr parage apply on tmard.
pirrsoußGii anu sr louis packet.
. ***X£Z9*n- The urw and (plemlui tieuicer
Lyon*, maater, wn built expressly
VtxSj&SSasm for tbia trade, and will leave regu
Urly during the *en«on. Herdaya
will be advertised bcr.'alier. my7tf
k The new, light draught and faat run
■ mnr ate.mec BOREKA,
Crorier, ma«ter. will run a. a regular
■BBKSBBpaeket betwee-a Pituburgb and Lou>»*
vilie. during ihe *e«.on. Slie leave* on Thursday eve*
mug. May Cih. at 4 o’clock.
For freight or paitage apply on board. my 6
—, ... _ The litlil druncbt uni fa*l romim*
i ft aseamboai MINUO CHIEF,
Moore,, w*«ier, wilt ply a« ■ regular
between ihi» place tod /aurr-
Fot freight or panaace apply on hoard or to
_ The- launch draught Packet
IiMMV Kouuiz, maiie.r. will leave a* above on
even.inr, May.sMtb.ot 4 o'clock
r. a. For frclaht or pa»*age apply on
ItrsuUr Plttahnrffti and Zancavlllc
Xhr hpw and light iWauglit «:rauirr
Janie* F. Boyil, roarer. will ruti a« a
regular panket b-iween PiU'liurgb
ant /”f*villr Having had her cnl»ni» filled up and
lurmi*lirj hi mper.or »tyle, ilx« Comet offer* Ihe lineal
nepommodnlon' 10 Six'* will leovr an
Tor*d«y. May 4ib. *i ilo’clrwk, I* At-
Tew Or etii 01 pa‘*a»i* apply on hnairi. nt in
mail* P WIUaSS.. Aal
■ Tbp very ligbi draught and aiaunrfc
, \LTi \ J> i-lramrr SWAIXOW.
Wil«Q'i. roaater, will run a* abovr da
■nXSiHßdu,; ibp uMan, maLing regular tr.p*.
TiiP S. drawa only 14 inebe* water. For freight or
pa-aagr af p ! y on Irfiard ajvni
Ileynlar Pltlibnrfh auil Zancat Ilia
__ Tin: hail!drautlii ■ learner
,/&**** K NEWARK.
ÜBMMS 1 Hurd. .Master, w.l. make weekly lnf»
|SIjBKL ir. ilir alxjvr poll duim' ibe vi- on.
For fr« .gbt or apply on l -or rd
„ r M apT D WILKINS. Atm
Pittsburgh and laaflih Psehtl:
The new aud fine steamer
| rUirn. matter. ha* rr.umrd brr reg-
MlPWflg and will leave l*i«t-l.ur|h
n. above rvprv Tburtday ami Mun*
■lav at 3 i»vw-k. I* M. For trvight or p»**nge apply
onWd nr *‘
M.-KVKM'Olir. ft. /..MlK'l II AND MONONGa
n i.a city packet e
The wvr *tro«uef
hPMfflB Nel*on ma<ter. will run ■* above i» a .
i’.i tburgli every Monday, IV • d
ne*day and Friday, ai »l or lor k. A. aL,and Alonpnya
hcla City every Tue«day, Thursday and Saturday »i £ ,
o’clork. A. M. For freight or parage apply 6n Ikvi d.
JY« - -
AUeghriiy Kiver Trad*.
i Tiie hue and fi«i Steamboat ' ,
Capt J ,mr ‘ Alkiit»on, will contm
10 run a* a Regular Faeket do- 1
ir ntig ih« »ea*on beiwern Piit*burgb ,
and Franklin. For freight or pa*«age apply on l-oard.
orSttf . _ .
Ti.<: It”"' »teame,
I UkMW rapt John F Hay. will rofnm ».*
|rl If g'llal }>< l . till .ibn'-e |«.n
. lh. '.Vlh ;ii.unt 41 Iboeoth.
t U l\.V in ,”V or p »*-«2e apply on board or hi
m. h/r J W HP TI.HH k, »R». Agi*
nrrsHUßtiU axu wheeling packet.
The •plrndid and fa«t running *unr
L ~MJj ** ~| <• W FJierl. wilt comment e
I fe£^tfE£j2£2L_running *« above, on the »d day o(
.\|ar C b, leatwg Pnt»liur*h rvrry
Tae*dav.Thur«lay and Saturday, at tlio'cloek. A. M ;
and leaving Wheeling every Monday. Wrdne*da> and
Finlay ,at 9 o'clock. A M. , . ,
The New Knglaud b»«been bought r *prei»ty for the
trade, and willfeave regularly a-abovc. lorfrv.ghtor
”£ir n,fm ‘“"‘■““UIIN FI.ACK..A £ .»._.
Die " cW - aC * e *
(nMV C. C. Catlett ma«iet. wa» built ex
for ihi» irade, and will make
tlatiy tup* during the *ea»ou, leaving
ri.i.bmrii mo,mn„.i »" vl !t k . *i ,J "'"."''lt
-Faber » Patent nwgitetio W ater Ouage. Pur fre'*n>
”'lf7 :, A t Tt~i’'ll“"'' '“c0i.... 1 " 1 , .1 111. Pltt»Unfl[li
i;:,;,AB-l-ACKig- foR v *»
The nrw and light draught rtinr
O M, ?levcn«. ma-ier. 1.-avea Pm*-
lioieh every Monday. Wednesday
»nd Fuday al3oVloek, '* M.. leave*
z&Zzs JWWWW?®
Thr Sli-aro-M
Suiim** l S*«i«*f. will Fomm-nr.
rufl mn* a- « rrrulur parkft nbouuli.
19ihin«it I**"’'"'* {' l, ‘ b . O T* 1 h 2'\?
M. For fmghi o,
no Imanl- *■„
HFi.LLA R wrfsß^*? 10 UR..WNSVII.LF.
■l*HK'’nrw and f*« ruimiti* *l«*ao»fi
if«o* feb luuLicn,
I JL _.n a* 0 regular Parkel 1.-iwren
■ ■Sllh nl.ovp Wring
1 a"]!
”i£u% ~ d^-
I’mm ilrv Cbarle* Moiton, Minister 01 ibr
1 rJm.cul Hu.ttr. ticutlemeii.-For «rw»*;,]£* r *,
ui!»?iT?ii lay bX™ "Y m [ d> t Ur RI ' PU n
*. j, «m wfjknr«*aiid laiiirii<*»« oi 'lie Uck, |i**u .n
M.r Lieuti .n?i«in*tiouof fbc ibcoai nail i*>e». a|ue in
tn .hr pu . > . )o( M>««r< Virtue* o(
”ri ■ nluialy ch-'racwr
i“*"> ni’il'f** “> 'M
«vn.Pb> f aiienti«lilPnrilrouiinnniTr..
| .. ■nw-po-J^a^’J' iJ«eoi an e, “ * n C|US MORTON.
Co. ,„,nnr nrM A Wood
rl _ y o t the Pittsburgh Cazelte
r l'«» HA!*! KKN Mi;. brfc« I'"" «o »"•
1 Tt Rl’fKAi' Th- . fuuau7k<!<urer«, Ac • of
i-nrii ibe «-nr**ii«. mcrrlia. »yurW. uijd other eastern
lUlimiofe. Pttdadeiphia Ne» 0. Larhapelle. hr*
nwn« cni'-i*. Uiat M' Le tolcoHcct *al'*cn
ngr-ni, will toil ou 'hero in a fewu. iik uutr ami very
Iwr*. card'. advertisement*, Ac , foi 'vblloaiioil. * B “
useful D r. ctmy. ifqw preparing for , « troifc that
>h> > will pl-u»n *ttb*rnbe and pttroor* I 'gg»i in a®*
will be very useful They nan P*> hi*
vnnre. or wtifn the work i* delivered. '*R|S
Paper* will please «e|.> <be above „
, . . _ * I
SEL.tjP.RS’ VERMIFUGE—-It may t.«-iruJy .
*»irtu> be the best in the wnrid T * , l
Plan* Touwmii •, Gillm county. Ohw, I
May U. M*. > j
Mr R K Seller* I feel it due i. you and lire putcic.
lo make mention ol * moil extraordinary effect of your
worm medicine. Jlaving four chthlrefl quite unwell, i
uulrcd very *ick, 1 called on I>t Wilton * smre. in i
moi. and be gave mnrhrrc vial* of your_> ennjl age
■*♦« riii*; me. il would produr* tv good effect l
itic medicine, gave it according to direr lions, ana t " t
uitri aMum«limcni. the lour children pasted upwards i
Si*r worm* of laree site. Vour Vermifuge is; indeed m
valititldr. and may truly be *a.d to if »he.»>«•» »4 h *
world. Your* respectfully. • S *C.AS .
I’r. pared ami sold l v R.Si fiKI.LKRS. No A.«®J
.1. 'vild by Dr..Ca»lei. Sib Word, Mild iu AU**heny
by l> SI. Hurry aud J Mitcholl 111 **
IN the Dmrict Court for lit* cimniy of A | fo*
llhe Commonwealth of Peaosylvama o( Apm ,en °i
A. D lsf7, No 43.
Jame* May. for use, Ac v "A „ ~
„ C Vend - Ex. No. IT, April
Robert Wallace, implead jd ( . Tarui, WW*
with The*. M’Parlnnd. et al. J __ ,
And now, to wit; Mav ’»sth, IH7, on B»oW>n 0 L„ '
P. Hamilton. Esq, the Court appe-mi John A. wjtu.
Eiq , an Auditor lo ■’ ~inborn the ttoney m Court among
May «, 1317. Tl.e unders<lf«?l Auditor wid attend
at his office Vuect. ineity of Pittsburgh,on ThW*-
day. the |7,L *7of June next, to di.charfe thedutisa
of hisenpouiow -nt. and all perwio* '“'.'TTV* 11
by nmihedusa ,end JQJIN A W lUeS Auditor
• myawuany? jW
TMPOBTER «nd M»nui«ciare> «" CutVry. Sfurjicai BANKERS, EXCHAS6E BROKERS,
A and Denial loauumeui*, Saddler*and Turner* hand ; AND DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND
ioa!». Ta)U>rV Patent Shear*. Ac Ac Al ‘° “* nu,ac ‘ omiKSTIC EXCHANGE CERTIFICATES OEDE-
r < rr,,, TE . am.
Tal.teCutkry: Raznr* Sci»-nr* I‘lc* >*« * lt*o!‘.A<'. i* ot ,nii *i. nrari) nj.po*,tr ita- Rank oi Piti»bursh.
"’i?"* WD°ST«IT.r. ■M'&.qch *-» AX-RRKNT JIOSKV -r«.vc,l „ t*t~~-***
Io W ptenvonil A»r>. i ‘heck* fur ,*aJe. ami coreetiomi.raadJ o« near!} a'*
'•*«.l ha* late y tr.reivrtl a large a**ort«ne»t m 1 * t rtc- principal points in the I.’mtrd Btaies.
P.» A Pocket ““J™’ *"*™ * POF • - The highest premium paid lor Foreign ami Am-r.ran
Also Rodgers and Wbostenholms’
Kltiotu, Rodgrrs-iWade A Butcher’* Kami* S*ri»*n>«. Advance* mn''eoticon».gmin l ut» of Produce «bipp**o
TOSKPII 11. nEL“" Slfc£™.f A.
Md * •) 11,11 4 Co,I -HrtW.M C. CURRY,tlateofKnr. Pa 1
cu»«wn Cap*, v ™ r . «.., lC .rd mm Copxrtnrfh.p, mid. r the name oi
hIS V,£v ** I i,. 5' ■.«"« CURRV. <or the purpUe of crying on *r
;.**«« i&>, .«. r.-.g'4 .t I '-" »T
done. __ - \\ MCI L KR\
WM. A. WARD, DKSTIhT. . "' rM *
HAS Removed io the house on Penn
gtrett, three door* Above Hand »lie<-t.
(mmik where lie nay be found from 9 o'clock
A . *„ om ii Sr. m.
A* ho t» desirous of being employed l.y nonn hui
lbo*c who will make immediate payment wtiboin t be
necessity on hi* part of collecting hr .n>. uA'
ticuiar Atleniion to llie following tenn*: A'! 1.. I« lef
unpaid at the expiraiton ol thirty day*. wil< be eh g
at the following rale*—
For ExtractingTwih, 91
For Filling irom 9'i to S 3 per eavuy.
All other operaions m the »ame proporitan.
All eaae* m which engagement* are not continued,
bill* will be conaidercd due accotdmg to the above reg
ulationa. , . ..
ft B-—There arc those indebted to him whore
count*, if not paid immediately, will he placed! mine
hand* of a proper officer for collection. • sptM-brjwifr
Successors to Holdshlp A Brownie.
Manufacturers and imponci. of fai’kr
II A NGI NOS. No W Wood street. Pittsburgh.
The increasing demand for American Paper hasiiducrd
them to enlarge nud improve their Factory. and t iclr m
cilitie* for tnatiufaeturingare now equal io aiiyiri the
eastern cities. Having adopted the eastern »:ale oj
prices, they lake pleasure in inviting their frier its and
dealer* to examine their stock, which is now larger
than at.any former period, and may be found »« follows:
Transparent Window Shade*. , „
Frcncfr. AmericAn.Soun, Cilatcd and (’niniipin ta
per Hangings;
(fold, Velv 1 and Imitation Border*;
- Landscapes, Statutes and Fire-board Prim*.
Curtain Paper, yard wide, plain green, and ns d.
, Writing. Printing, and Wrapping Paper
Bonnet Boards, Ac,
Rars and Tanners’ tic rap* taken in exchange hi mar
ketprices. meht7d3mAw<sm ,
Titornty, ConincTlor and'Btneral Agent.
Wl«* PRALL, inform*' his friends and the pub
• lie that he ha* commenced the busmrs* oi
Agent for buying and telling real estate, in tin* city-xml
will devofe a large portion of his tirnr and attrition jo
the leasing, leumg'and biting of houses, stores and oth
er buildings; in collecting and disbursnjMenis.niidoth
er claims and demands, and in aitendingio Agency hu- mrblC
sines* generally. He will also engage m the itegoua. _ —■■ ..
tion ofToan*, contracts, ctr.. and will funtisli uiiiiicniii- I ATC! ScP
information in relation to the paying uualmes-and re- n.UUIJ.LjO» LiUAOs riLllilllJ} Cvvt
spoosibilitie* of tenants, Ac. for which hi* extensive -
acquaintance eminently qualifies him. Hemay be found PROPERTY IN YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO,
at hi* residence. No 141 Allen aireei,until 9 1-9 o clock FOR BAL>E.
In the morning and after C o’clock in the evening, and T „K adv , ni « rro a>. r » ( af » a ln a splendid Brick,
at other hour* at his omce. No *JO Chambers *tfeet. .mi ££■ dwelling Hnu*e situaic on the North Ku«t corner
floor front room. NEW k ORk. j „ I Xiof the Pulihc Sriuare in .Youngviown. Malioning
REFERENCES—Hon F A Talhn.dge.Ulo.t'John H ! “«“* , ‘ iammodl foiishcd in ex-
Rcott. Hon J°bn WcKeon. lon Hoflnmu A - style, and in Aclmki location in Youngstown,
detmau Ben*on. Aid. \\m V Brady,; j ford dwelling or public bouse; attached to n is a, WmJ . myldddm 4 1 s'nhimg, and all o.he. .onvenimcc.
ALLBORENV COVMTk, >• i at hand. . „ ...
IN the Orphans Coott of Atlrgbeny Comity i ThiMown i« improving very rapidly, i« situated im
-- In the mailer of the Admini»iration ; mesliaieiy on the Canal,nnd when the various Furnace*.
jiHk Account of Tho*. Hamilton and John ; Rolling Mill. Ac., now being huiit arc completed, will
MrOlarrn. Kxeentnra of ihe F.siate of ; be foe mo«l flourishing place m thi* section of Ohio.
Rnliert MeCtaren. d« ceased No -IS. -It will he t.dd low for ru*h. or on time, or exchanged
Tenn im? j forptopeny m Pmsburgfo For paniculars inquire qf
VPeEQFtcW <nd now to wit, April C,I?C on < |.4JD WICK, comer of Worul amt Wah-r sis. Pitt*-
Volfip Xiwtiotiof W. O’H. Kobuison, Amir- ! hurxh. who will *.ve nil luformaimo. ocWAwlt^
ney for F.lcepiafi-s. the Couri ,'.j. j /kstaTE KN TIIK COI'NTKV—The sub
C Dartagb, Kfo-Andnor, to settle the Account of the ,e Tl |,ei« offer for sal" a home.and lot in West Mid-
F.xermon. By ihc Ctwrl, ! dle-cx. Mercer county. The house ia well calculmed
JOHN tOl Nil. Jr., t-ieik , ,- or a iU)fr oh, 1 ! dwelling, nnmrdiaielv on ibe,Eric Kx
"—" , ~l, i imfion Canal. In a flourishing ; v.l!age near by. are
C.7*Persons niteresied in the abo\c will t»ke notit . , , f„ riAerw un a in the iuid»tof a rich farming dis
that Ihe undersigned w.l attend on 1 nday, ®
May. mcani, at 10 o’clock *. is . ut Lis office . mithbei I JO 3 | )ol|iL . ali d lot m 'he d.jiinthinf village of Or
street, for the purpose of hi« anpniutnieni • nneevdle. Metr-reontiiy. The honsc is well calculated
wylSdim c UARRaGH. Auditor . or , lorr . t
CO PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. The atmve property w.ll he roid cheap au lun nc
lt W STFHHF-N9 of Whcelii-g. I-. >. Sum-tibcr- rmpmcxlaiing irrut". I?AIAH OILKhi *to
L. »,.f ...a J‘A ... j mplS .-«!!
have IJIS day entered into copartnership under style . L.ANDB FOR BAlsE—l 5 !! acres of fine
and firm of Stephen*. Shoenherger tin, nt foe ,j, nd4 )oi #a t) m « „ n Big Kaccoon river. in-Co-
Anrlior lion Work*, Wheeling Va.. for the purpo*e ol 10W „.i,m Meigs co. (.foio. 13U cleared nnjl on
manuforturiilg iron and null* of every description (Jr . r ( . ul , v J llon . There nreon foe.jireiuise*. 4 (1-velluig
. . hou»e* t! laige harm, wnh good fencing and never-fail*
K. W '*TKrn»a*. E-F Sm>asK«ot:«. JA • r»c».t«i> wnl '.. f . yi, B wtiol..- togi-itier will be v-ld fir thirty
: STEPDESB, SHOBSBKBIiEK A . 1.?, °r.i.v mu. .-r,-
ANCHOR IKON WORKS. Hr gnnmutred. p n mcnt* may f*e mad.- to suit, ; niid
n irAee/l'mr I n ' t,o..eB»!oiitrvn: liniuediately lor further mfonnaiion
nhieimg,m. t Hampton.smuii.aOo
Manafacturr alt kindio. tm.ler.- sheet, bar iron and • wooi Mfet ,
naila A B steel eliptic spimgs and axle* Hr-ng con I > - -
aected with Shoetihcrgri'- Old JutiiUU Work-, we can : nOR KAEK-Good nhout tao raifos from the
ofler an article of Juniata Hon [branded Sooeul efter; ; * m t udjo.nmg Manchester. »urtah.c for gar
•qua! to any made in the country. All of which wilIH : j..,,* P rtv*» re-focure. consi.t-ng m
•old at the Pittsburgh price*. '> aretiouseof the " ork« Two of I Acres each.
comer jf Monroe and Water sireru myII One ‘ of 4 Acre*-,
UardSTan’* Store Removes*. : Two “
UriIITMORE A WOLFF having removed from the , Thrtr oi Aije* ca. »*.
comer of Inlierty and St Flot streets, to No 50 : One of *
Wood .troci, .h,oo door- .l»r, « Ita*. •."S I SSw fc.feh <»oo
. -.11 . , No '.it J
per »bip* >aranal. Munoram Rn-i.i. d/*-d -.- ALI .\m.fc; KAHN FOR SVLE-A r-mi of
fruni for manufiiciurers of Ei.qlanil and (.eriiunt. • y ;n . ».| UJIr d eigtu ru.ic* li'ou the City on the
*4l»o. suppl.e* cf Americau HatJwaie. nom iliC|>Tin- p r; , n^i; „ Hohil. and ollr mile t-eyoml per»y*tille lhc
eipal manuiariuter* of the Eastern Slate* i yinifovrment* an- 4n acre* in cultivation, « good frame
Their stork tiring entirely new. and purchased upon | -a roen uud orchard, atafile and barn,
the t»e*t terms they feel great confidence m being able Wl ,j, tl< y, rr (>.,[.houses, and excellent wuic-r. Will be
suc*c*»fully to meet competition from any quarter, • to|lj|cwanljont.a»yi,-rln*tr»rejchnngeiJforßeatEa
vheiher east or west. •' nip m K.tutiuigh nr Allegheny Chy.'
The Hardware busmes* will be continued si Uie oid . ° S CI’THBKRT.fiO SmdhGrld *t_
PERSON’S Je«irons o r v. «. - lx>!» in this Ceme
l-ry an- rc-fctr.-'J i it -i • o t'<r .-urcrintend
' art.on th.i siound*. of n *•' Urugg.»i. corner '
Heim and Hand «trrei* K .iv •
By nnternl the Board,
jecl 1-dAwtf
N yLT.KNSW’ARr. rr«-«-iv,d <Vwn I i*. a
.■leiniitn. and now offend !o« immediate *n •• «i ike
raiettuu.eof M \Vallm«<«rd A <'■».»» '''cC'-i.l l>a. n
| rf twri> »lreet. IMUburgh: An extei,»nre «•*«»'"
Jot French China. F.owui* lilue and W li-'e . ioi<-«.»ri
•riih a gieat variety bf other paiirrn*. U nti> r I u.t
Chamber Veil*. French and tiermsn .\Un'-H).riJiiir„>
The aliuire goods will be Mild a rr« a; 1 a*CJ"- m !'»•
> «uii ti.c purehOKi,
Sioiekcepcr*. Hotel Propi n mn and other* « ho w mi
> nurchase will do well lo call before they boy ami
lUrme. mfJJrldi*
r.M PORI'KR an! t>e»!er in Saddlery Hardware and
Icarrimte Trimming* a( every de*ci.p «in. No 1-0
Woodrtrcct. Piiubuiah. oilers to ron*tmiei« *iid de« .
ert a vulendid *tock ol good* in bis line, at eastern
price* Hi» supplies of Lace*. Band*. Lamps Knob*.
Ac , Ac., are frocp tourer* birbeito unknown in ibi*
market, an 1 un*urpa*sed for quaht,. or cheap-
Liirht and Dark Coach, Drawn Japnn and [,raibeT
Varnitb. »!»■) * on hand A ttiperior article and war
ranied. , . .
\ \ to> of Fly Nett*. ju»l received nnd wi.i t e
wij low ' “!>■*!
bKKDLBY 7 * BiUCK PKB8»-A. the aea
ft eon bat now coratLeneed for rnah'ng llneka the
aubaenbera he* leave again to call the atirnlioo ot
liricktoaker* and other, .o th.a very titeful
We will warrant it equal if not aupenor to any other
Bnek Pre»a, eff the Mine price- now in ute
We have a number of ’certificate. of thc.r pertor"-
ance, which occupy too-inuch tpace for atlventaing, tint
C *Drickmiikrr "are .d.prcifuliy invited to aval!
We will rive our own guarantee for the penormance
"* 5 "“'" c “%?nVfa“den t CO
ap-J-dAwImF i catial ha*in t penn M
»«r w. WiLSONi Watch Maker fc Jeweller.
W . «ornrr <lh and Market at*. A large, and well
■elected itock of wotebet. Jewelry. Nlver ware and
Milnarv Good*. Always on hand aiid at regula. ea
tern*. Gold Patent Lever, full Jewelled waiche«.
».lowB«tJO. Silver do watehe*. a* low at *■**•
Genuine Cooper. H ina. Johnson and other approved
make of wratrhe* may he bad ai* -mull advance abd
W [D"FW wati li woik dune ,11 ijje very I«*m manner
Proposals for PUlaljorgti Coal.
Puoros\u w.» !- ifrnv«lliv )he umW>..<or.J.
.ml.I the &r.. Jay of June. loir «t.- . o I-*-;
HU) l<u«bel« 01 Pui«*U Coat, of the '•«*“ 'I"' 1 ") 1,1
the falmcaucu of <■»«. >•* he funn«t>e.t oil ft heiot r '
lir»uUy of 0< lober n-xi. at the *t. I-®'"* *•“» " o,k *-
nnvmeiil to k>e made upon deliver} •
*•» ” i % , fe l ssA'rsSss®r*v.
nvAklw Chairman of ihe«.«; Light Committer
F- ink kncunk for salb-a fit»« rn \ r '- M
r'a«» Fire mat will throw twnmlr amt one
rullprv «re«rn«. with pipe* and every thin* read} tor
-'V f £SS&Br M ‘
ol . ADAMS in-TTrY.
m>H _
V\ I0i» fpmin*Cap Wrumg Pup™.
SO do letter do do,
Jo H. C.Straw Wrapping do,
300 .to Medium do do do,
|<Xl do DF. d<* _ do d».
o. JRA.®!? « s -£j«lw .
‘ “ JONES * «ltlGO, , , ,
MANUFACLTRKHS ol Spun* ■«*» Ulster Meet,
Flo-irh StM, Steel J’loujh \\ me-, toacb and
FJipueBprin«*.'lla«in»efeJlfon AxJe* and
MaJleable Conti.**. and Tuinniiug* crnerall>
eornerof Row j»«d From MreM‘,l itutnirgh. I.*
ICtISS ■ ; 1 _ •
/IOAt'H TttiJH*lKO*-‘»’br* are
(j now reeeiTtuK * large ««d ejte.jMve
Owrh Trimming* of thvlai>)t *i>lr»-amon* which
are virioak article* tlittt been kept‘ ere they pjrrli**ed .or ra«h front the Fu*.ern Manu
facturer*, and are tUe in »eil a* low a« nut Unit**; in
New York or pDitadelphla. They would t. n*e-ctf«U>
| in-rite the attention o»nra>r»
myUdttm JONKs* A "* l *- fo ' Ro ** A
AT CINCINNAII-l am au hotrr-dl.\ ihe i.nren.ot
of Penneylvam* m take •- '.'J'
npMAwly'F . Aunnwi ula
V. Ro*. i»i»l Alrt|ot.J
PfUniw c '"“ 0 -“I-"'" ‘
without iar«. , .
Kafl«« A l , t ompouuJ.
T«ilo>’a *l>» ‘ ,o;
Vn A-v..
d» It
Hull’. Almoud J "
Fortier Wood and Pinti street
JK . *ti* m thi* Cut, by one ol lhe
7lrt> TAKBS . *• ”u; n ,|,hiofth®UfehinMwu ;
t r 'i«4 '■> Wmlchmrn, o. M „. w nh bl»ckra»nr»cd ]
d*»k Drown The ow
ml, the d> prove property, P*V
___ ii reau cwo* *°f •miiri* it the
uke bcr * w * y - 1 M?vyO߻B OFFtn.
_ i rvtKl N G tJLASSKS A
Vrg T B»«CKIVIlJO--LOO»»/ v
J^IIOU3E-. V 'CRNISHING HA # ,j , bff puMic,
Jcnber r*»l* afu ‘‘ y lpt,„* ixoruuP^»-
that be U HAW * cc l' v ' n .^' ’ l ,or qtulUT, ■I” 1 rrduce 1 d
•elected by f or^tLins U>eirbno*e»wpuUdo
Pn«- lo tell m •»*« P«*'»
(or quick return*- ■
fiiß* POCB-KT - ""
«nM<»'i K.S.C, •“«“* *!S?£ Oou"; '‘« •««■»'
nr, E*»r 9uop» f* 4 . I*®*-?! 1 *®*-?! 0 f ,he be»t *»«'«"
M pleew *l*o lBwngto<o«“ •^ dlM . s*,e«i key
manufmetare and »"®*T «L.p».B»2* *•••
Rinn, Key*, ted Steel Tweer«T* on
,fc,e by cornet Forq* «* M.rkci.u
H. 111 LI
t No eft Wood iiirri. door brlpv Fourth, west side.
PAR Fund* ami Currency received or Depoaite and
collrrtiont mail** on all the principal Cmi* in llir
Ended Sti»;e». A . ..
Sighi Kxrliarge on Baltimore. Philadelphia. New
' York. Boston and Cincinnati constantly for ealc
1 uii,o, Indiana. Kentucky. Virginia and Pennsylvania
1 Flank Note*, bouekt and *old on frworaMe lerenr
KicUancecn England, Ireland, Geit»an> and Fninfp
' ptneured, Ac , Ac. 1 tocali '
"wllliam a. -hill a col,'
So 04 flood Strut, out doer abort VawriA. Fail lidf,
\ Piqabnrgh. Pa. [fV*F
OHIO, Indiana. Kentucky, and Petma. furid>; ata
Coauiv nn- Ciit Orders purrhueed at reduecdr»aie
n, discount, b) N‘ HOLMES A SON
,Vrs Exchange Broker,ssMntkei_*l
i sSolleCtlons on Cincmimii- LouKvillc, N^Looi*
, L/ nndaUorcec»il)lcjioi"l''»iiiOirl'uiifilSim'f»m»rtc
1 luoinpilv. and upcn ih«= lowr«i I>y
I • N UOL.'IKS & SON, KxitbaiiKo Broker*
No iS Market M
C’tolleet lons on Cincinnati. Louikvitlr, St Loan and
j all other aceeM.ble po-nrrin the United SttntM.
I made on atW.nmodaiint: term*. HILL &Lu RR»
i a|l <; Wood pi next diMU iu K.»R‘e Saloon
| r>xchange on New York, I*hil«delphis, and-Balli
: Hi more ronMsnilv for tale l*e* HILLfcCURR\
j . aptl Wood M next door to Karla Saloon
OHIO, indUnat and Knuneky Hank
Noir* ntirphoinl ai low ran** l>v
• ••• No 65 Market «t
F*OR SALE—Some valuable Loir of Ground, miuifd
on ihr bank of the Allegheny River, cauiiguou* to'y. These lorn are non adyamageoualy situated
■o, Iron Work* a'nd other large manufacturing eetab.
|i«hmetn*. (novTillwin HARMAR DKNNV.__
■ Valuable Urnl K.lale for’hair.
I MO. iiniirr* c*te«i !•• in* .«Ih.ul io n iw.v*- In- I - no rv
■o the eonii rv. o!rr. f..r -ale SIX OLILUING
! LOTS on Second *yeri. between Ferry » reri and Re
l doubt Alley. Each lot will be twenty feel front on Sd
j Mieet and e-ghtv iVetiadrpth. Tiie lot* will be fold
anisly or ibe whole together. For terra* appli to the
J iuh»erther oil the pninifea. JOHN CALDWELL
I apvßhf _ _ . . .. _
I noRSAI.E I'woßOod building • lots, situated on
' T Conerc** *t. raehVf l.y IXI tl. -
I a1»o l lot tSG it by IS7. corner of Congees* »t and
Pennsylvania avenue. I lot 35 by 113 Hon rennsyl
• - ~,. . ovenue I lot «i by I'jtl It Oil Locu*l *t. Term*
! fkVorabl-. 8 CUTIIOKRT
. i lin( | Ren> Estate Cliftce. 11l rmitbfield »t
a very band«oroe Brick Collage House, (inched in
: | modern »ule, with about .me acre of ground. «iraatcd
'' on the roud to the Arsenal m Ibe borough of l.awrrnee*
I ville. Term* inode.ate. lIKNRN KARL
j j myllMlvr __ No^Marketitirri
valuable land. ju*t alovr llmimetiain, situated
tH iwreit the lurupike and the .Mnftoitgnlinla river. suit*
al.le lor muitm te* ideiuvr For term* -nply to
a loriou s cerHBF.RT
n „w No at .m.thfield m
LOTS FOR SALE— Two lot»nn lnsireet. near
Hroiihlteld *t. directly opposite Lyon. Slinrb A Co.
4(1 tl front by HI it tn depth These lot* are well •■mated
n>r dw t Hi: e bnu-e* nr round tie*
Tliev w ul be ottered at public »ule on Tlmrvlny . V?.h
iliv rtf Mnv lirit ut IV! o’clo* l, M.
iviMi.l- HENRY WOO IK, _
Ecoiintry rksidkscet; ‘
HAVING removed in thorny, fur .•.mvenienee
to piui'e»*mnal bii*iuc*-» 1 .vi! rent the Mansion
1 tine«r. and n- -nutted hie pncio*4'c. finale bit the bluff*
j of ibeSlo.iotigiiicln. one al, °\% p.
I jnnH Ihnwit J AMF> S LKAr 1
1 / IIIKAI* OLILDINtI LOTS-1 Lot M bv Itfi
; I Hr, I. .mimed ott Franklin Mn-et. Aleghrny City,
i P r tc*"u , » Term* SAI m band bslunro m Eve year*
kl.o ;i ,-urn* p l.nt V-3 by l.*‘ feet •diißird near the
ahov'e ' Vrioe &#»». Term*, •ante »•» u!*ove
j , u> |.- H CrTHßlißT.MSmtlhßelu «_
i '» h\nI)HO.M»: RI2«M ENtIE n«i« HALE, ndjom
I I\ uni.ruprm CI Wrw O.oal.aiu E-t .,*um o
I a cnitven.cnl buck. Dvt. time Huose. \vi;h .unable on
budding*, garden A. j m all *• nere*;
Abo. v». re j:. u|r Oili. i
n ,j|- • No i<» Stft'd.nrld alt
TN NUNCIIEMLIt FOR HALL—I have lui «ale a
I i.ertu.'tiil'Ruitdjne le.t m MaH’li- ' er iheFetry
•JIM ri li.iOl by Ivjn f» el deep. |; w.'l l.r ...Id low. -ml
r,tt nccuuiUiOdatiiig term*, retm* uoeieepnnnable
utyiP JAMh> fll. AK ELY . Real Mute Ageiil
X ’ALI ABLE Ul ILLING LOTS mrsote. m dff
V rreni «itiii.l bn* m I'' , '* , l >■»:. AbeelienY » nv. Man
rhr. er. U rm ifibain, J*nii:'to* ii, 1 ic nb M I r**rj*oM.
New Hrightnii. Fdenb..rtKAe ; . 6if.
n,>32 S CUTHBEKT. Real K*t*te CiSce
riio LET—Tie Warrbou*e on Wood 'irrn.
1-sr 41 ■ a,,: T‘ l "KSi^TSii"™
JOHN Dl'Nl.Al’,
NUS, k
'“*m7j?|iK<S '•>«• >“ J -A-"" 1
4 I.JJ Ur.f'Bii'tt >‘o ,I ‘ ) -
1 .)<> «lvul IV- ■ •••■■
j ili> Ka ■
, ~ ,„,., J vv,,, s(|
i«o«. r<w«
"inn's 1.1.'N1.A1 1 . IT Mott" :
I \\TAKTKB TO BOItROW-f-.-.M.t •
| W from
| ".mW' »• • ,n
, • y ml r , i,' - ' *! '•"•r* anil liUt’H'l*-
“ Va.. u*- ,mW ,u |,r0m,,,,>
J rK-irifr. • |SA AO UAH fU>’*
|,rfr»<i AC'*U , V «•»»* ln«' , ll.jrei»C* *
~ No .jn.pit h W
li* ia:r him »t e A Kennedy, l.nnhiM|
V Mnuii , « i riur«r mul Arttli i m *'lorl<, Coinin'-i
anil Var «•»>• tlnon*. k* rj>« tcnr Utility i n band, ol It.*
,*n m«n«iuciurp. ever- dr-rniN o»«' <i-». .Maliofikity
in ,l « <5!» 1,2 4. and 5 diawr.
r | a ,n *jnd omorctrmal port a.l trxines
\1! kind* n( Clock*. 'I n) * ''oner*. in «ett« «'
Wfiui, Oomb.-Thresd*, ami a *enetnl n«* «•'
Pir'ey (lend*. vvholr«nV mu.mnll advance on ro»i-
Pr.l'.ir' and other* «u|i.ilirrt wuli l'telp’*_Clian*. bur .
fir. - . IVm». ami Why l at New Votk nnr• • I ÜBRNVI£I*R lnvoiea of
mr*M_ No B*, cor wood.amt 4th *t«. , gTJSf "i 5 a*d for «*ktw
\ , °m'vfl Cl ' lltr> HI ACKLETTA WHITE,Wwood »
fvl -boxea of l)r. MrUne’* Inver Pill*. My «"«■ • ro >
ha- uWd two boxr. o< the Doctor*’ Pi*l« j T? LKCTttO Pnn
they liave done her mare food than " W»ek and Colored.Ciadu*l«d»ilk |fotu>ii*,C^O'
hn.tiy two yea., Mteutfo.trr. rhei Bi|«, Sdk Pa.»e*.*c-;u.. received b,»|for »!•
thittk, will effect * eat-. • V F H -
, The* valuable P,M. for »al« by J KIDO ACo Nik - BOBBIN KDGINK* E|r»J»
| 00 Wood meet.' »Nu.lmr«b. Lmi wi !e Use for Wu.qmfo g£*
* A CARD. , , Drei. FnnicH Black ami Dralr Morocco for «m*t
-ifeKsnr^rss£2i^ ;
.lx octave reeoud hand Ptaao. W* by Clrmmu l
A Co, U'don. For tale lew for ca»hb WeLI/IB “ffi'E I 'V w U OARBAKD ’
myll _ l i j ■ •
THIS being the day the Spring Fashion *fJ|H
lliiswitl be introduced, by ibaooet bik* " 7
lOiinble e»iablishmenu in New York and Philadelphia
theendersifo«d tale great pleasure inbete*«oa«ad
19 announce to their numerous friend* and the pobue
generally, that we are prepared to supply all who *ty
favor a« with a cal' with the fashionable Hit fef the
"Season, comprising Bearers, Netnria*, and extra too
Moleskin ttiU llau,either wholeialcDrretail. ...
mai6if : eor wood anddthstt
3 MOORK. Hat_*nil Cap
a* rcoorrrf to No 79 W ood street, three door* uoore
fourth street. Hi* siock.coosistsof every variety of
Hat* and Can*, made in the latest *1) Je: *
beg horn and Pe-lal Straw Hats, wuole**Jeand retatl,
at She lowest price. s TT° MT »k
aplfi T 3 Wood suthltd door aboee Fborth
Fall PmatMon* 1840«
BEI«K t COSTARD SiyleGeniJetßea *ll*l*
will t«e introduced at KEEN 11/8 00
August STTih. Gentlemen wishing a ehaan, ftsb-
tons tile Hat of Pittsburgh minafactflie ahead of
fs.hional.te (Uts imported.
the trade, please rail m KEEYIL iCO-S
aug«tf 1_». head of Wood «t
flprtng Pashlon'fer 1847*
WOULD inform hisfgieml* and patrons”*
that be Has now on hand a large stock of the
Spring Fashion of Hat* and Caps, wbieh will be intro
duced on Saturday neit Those in want of a superior
“I'," 1 ' K.W jl-yj
_H CONTINUES to manufacture, *nd
ronutaaily on hand, every vapety of Hat*
ted Cup*of lb* lai*»iatyle 7 and price* tuy low MNo
Wood street,Ka»l*deT _ J__ - > .
~ f*U Faiihlon for Hau^
4 THE Mibeenberha* juu received by Exprea*
hi, new Fall fashion for Hat*. Tbo*e m nee lof
an extra fine llat will please call ■ndeMmmo
splendid article. N ?.mS£?
a. 11. PALMER offer* for»aleon MfaTor*-«
Stable tem* a* any houw in
complete aaaonment of Straw,
land, and a ureal variety of fancy braid and
fimpßounei*,ofUte*p.-ing*iyle. . .
B ALSO—Palm Leaf, Straw and Leghorn Ifatti Aril
Geial Plower*. Ac. *£s?
F r
J* superior article o btrocli Mole »kinH«W.F«
.^on,, -I f,r..l< ,
r.nKl and Drr Goods W»r*ho«M.
Respectfully inform* hi* fiends ud unpoour
ceaeraliv, tbai be is now receiving » >**!• •»<*
splendid asoortmem ot Naw *! Tt f
Cloths, Ac., direct from the Importer*- and Maaaftrta
rcPt, compo*cdiupait of , —j
Superfine Bro»*eU Carpet*; :
Extra or Tapestry Brussel* Carpeting, |t
Soper lapenal 3 plVTfod Extra do; ■
Superfine Ingrain. Fine and Common Carpeting,
5-“ rid and 4-4 Plain YebUian Caipetiut' ! '
5 @,3-4*nd <-4 Dama*k do do; 1 '
S 8 3-4 ond 4 4 Tapestryjlo do;
SiMmboal TVwnnuMf*. • - .
Brown ffrHUogs; 4 4,3 4 and 0-4 Sheetings; jM 7-4
8 4 Table Linens; Linen Napkins; Crash an tsuKs i
HockabuckTowelling; Carpet Stripes; New ; StTtaT«-
bte Covers; Oil Cloth* from St inches to, 94 feet wide,
eat to any sim;
Rich Embroidered and .Printed Table tad Piano cover*
Che idrM eT ßio*»el*! Tufietl, and
Tufted,Cbemellr, and Shnepakin PporMMl&l .
Manilla and Gra*» do “N Li
BraM Stair Rod* Flat and Oval, |
Da«na*k and Striped Stair Linen; i,
and6-fpi*in and figured Indian Mailing;
CoU>rcdSpani«hMftUng,*c.,*c- ' I ' ...
Penan* filling ap PnraiaHon:
reqae*ted id call. *' be feeUconfidenl they will
iO uteir advantage wdOM Imfiwe pnrrhmng
iir would ftt*o inrun attention to hit <xten«i»e
Of NEW SPRttiG DRY GOODS, [embreclnf eTery
iliins in that linej now opnain* it u>e »bo?e tund.
maflMfcw3mF RyNo 110 Market ittwi.
A* ANCKER fc MAYER, wholesale and retail dealer*
in Em tern Beady-made Clothing, would respect
full? take tbi» method ©f soliciting ibe attention of their
customer* and ike public tha following
liti» of their fioci in trade-tand. assure them alao, that
iher will sell «■ cheap if not cheaper than any other
r*t*bU*bm«U in ihe put. Our faciloiea of purchasing
and rasnufbeturing good*,. are «uch a* to enable os at
all time* in keep a fullassonmeM of ready mule cloth
me, at lew price* than they can be obtained eUewhere
The present slock on .hand consists in pan of the fol
lowing description of goods:
15U f.lack ctoih dress coats front ojOto AiO.
|-J0 do do French -do 10" 2*
•:© brown and iuvituble green do 16 .
%<*> sacs coats, ipiendidly made k of good material,
ivwi pair pants of all *tyles. qnalitieaaad price*.
SIUO vest* do do do do plain and Hitched bosom shirts; stocks;,
•carfs cravats bosoms; collars suspenders; socks; .
drawer*, and under ahtna ol every variety, *ll of
which have been reecntly purchased and adapted to the
Dreeent season. Merchant! and other* who are in
want of cioihirg. rsnnotdo better than to give _
the attention of buyer* to the choice style* of above -
nod* opened ihi* morning, a* well a*—
Silk Luitre Linen Ginghams ~
Barred do;
French l-awns. at reduced prices; •[
Gingham Lawn*;
Neat style BnU*©s
Crape Shawl*;
Needle work Collar*;
Bonnet. Ribbon*; '
Embroidered Muslins, for Dresses, eie.
New good* wilt be opening nearly every day, for *
week to come, including many *tylc»_of *e*rco andae
-1 suable good t. . . .
fn“T'hc wholesale room* op stairs are •, P®*®*
replenished wiih * large supply of new and desirable
goods, at tnweash prices __ ;
PRICKS REDUCED—Thomas Palmer, No 47 Mar*
Lei meet, between Cd awl 4h street*,, respeclfally
announce.mthe public that hi* present stock of Wall
1W,4t..l Uorrier* of h.< nr* manufacture UTerj «•
iri .ivr, mi'i daily ac.l.nwr* air beitt* raadetoiLM
ihry arc fimsbetl-of iww and splendid pattern*. Also,
<cll assorted ►lock of Frtnek Papa and JUrdtrt.
ll bt>dt recently reduerd the price* of the MOTe
article*' land other*, in In* Ime, not enumerated,!, he i«
prepared to mU foreart. ciii*r»_lbin^anr_e*»b!ia]i-
of the kind* E*m or '' r c»l of ibe nwamtsn*.
spl3d3ai *
TO MBBCHAHTS aso merchant
TAILORS—Jusi received a full asicnment of »ho*e
Troy nude shins, both while end etriped, from very
fine to-medium qualities. .
Borons end Collar*, fine and niediutn nniliUe_»•
Cr&vart —a splendid assonmeni. boil; nlack and fan*
)■: all qusli'ica.
Black and fancy ?atin Abutting *tork*.
Black and do do Bow -do;;’
SiiOO groraof North llooka A tye#; :
uio lu.ptndtr., *c »« t0t.... « lb.
naj 14 p Agent for Eatierro Menufaetarer*
GLOVES fe HOSIERY— a freah and well aa
toned nock of while and colored cotton Hoaiery,
for men women aud children,, conaiattlir on band—
Alto—l.itle Thread in - great variett; »»«k and Linen
do; -nun Silk for children .
n7“Blaek and colored Pans Kid of beat
analitr. r •* oAlw
** rayO • No 63 market at
IVI Cry Good* Uau»r, north coat comer of4Ui wd
Market wreet*. Received yrjterday. an anaortmentof
Linen Table Diaper* from C-4 jo d 4, ihelijdmf-toine
rcrr«uperior Damask. Atao, Bleached
ri ) I mm wide clmh-, very low for quality. Alao. Al
paca* and Alpaca Li»‘irea, a full ataoetment, from com
mon to Triy auperior, including aomo ofvery
Ltmree. ; , _. apq
OiIACKI.ETT * WHIIK, No W Wood - mew.
I'inaMir-h, are new receiving large addition* w
late and drilrable alyle* of freah t*pnng Dry Oooda. of
recent importa:lon« and manufariure.and are prepar-
m Rteat inducement- to piompi pay
i. now ton- toll, .0.1 tablin’OT ™>
kaiec and chc-p good* my ‘
phy inviie*ihe ouennon of hou*e kwperilo.on
sjiwEcncnlof 1M #odlM Wloieil tojiawipMM. A
3 c w nntl Iwoutifol article. of difffffni co!o™- Al»,«n
3n«rf? rn Al» *t i< w»'uw^ , TSb | e Clotka. j fall u
».h .ad ■..{«.
Jr-TronJpo'reni Window of both l Ul«rt®k K re»i variety of.iyte «ad •••orted
K».£ Venetian UtiinJ*. of nwomd me* and color*, fcr
t»l7onC<"mmiMk>n,SU'lr Fixtures, inclnjinjßoller*;
knd Blind rriramlnr. a*»oned color*, *l eaTON *»
Ue H - ~
F. a. KATUN,
DKALKR in Trimming* and V arieiy Gpn<X Tortai**
Thrll, Ivory and Horn corobt, V\ oollen Vanu *nd
Worurd*. nation*, Needle®, Pin*, Tape*,(Braid*. *«-,
No 63 Market t»i between Diamond and <*•»«•
lMul.urgh. ■■ _ 1
D_\V U Murphy ho« ja«i oprnal m awottacßt of
)Gr*»*ljOpp<r, Brazil. \awSjke, Cbii»H, Pearl, ?pl»l ..
Siraw, aitpri. Holland. and (iimf Itonneia. Alfa Jib-
Mint and Flower*. in Meal variety, at the Kbf*.Ej» r '
corner of 4th and Martel »>«• ■ mj .-~
fl>\VK^DB—A very lanje »»ror(inent of 3 4ai>a
10 4 Wallen and mixed ’I went*, of a vaiietj
or an lea and color*, -wme very wu w and deniable tor
’ te n y;; »»*■ ‘gjjjiasi:^
“ilA&lKrrtWHirr. w»«*i•>
T ‘ 3n.1 «'»
r . ,i.l nn'l.l W
fupply Juft received. n*w piitcrni*. »»'*>« «e*
Curtun'f, 10 be found** dry f®®d MURIMIY
K cor 4ii* anil Market »l»
'irEwiTvSwßlllO PIIISTS —13 cut*
s ‘Si£®r , sts;iSias*i!
r, ,r VAI g mo of »*•
Qperi mJieafy BuwUn C*nv*«t «»J P*Wing», }□»!
""^r 1 " n ' l '“shacklei-t* WHITE.»«.!«