The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 26, 1847, Image 2

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PtrmtMS D*lU OaUTTC i* paMufcod
DtuV, Tr»*W«tiy, «nd Weekly.—The Duly i*»e»tn
Dollaiiporianßm; the Tri-Weekly t« Five Dollar* per
innuin. the Weekly i* Two Dollars per aaaasi, itrutif
tw *4r+*n.
Sotice to AdwrtlMti.
J»icr AdTemsemenU, u> secure t**eruo.i,
m by fire o'clock in the afternoon.
X t® Uu*,on the pan of oof CBiienwr*, would be pnrdoc
(iToof tnaiaal benefit . v . .
JißfiS IB VI a.
(of csmi coeirTT'J _
(or cmtantnin) cocjctt )
THOMAS E FKANKLLN, Lancaster C:i>,
JOHN C KUNKEL, Dauphin County
James martin.
WILLIAM M WATTS, Cumberland.
JOH ■» F WETIIERILL, Philadelphia City,
THOMAS McGKATII, Philadelphia County
ROBERT M- BARD, Franklia.-
THOMAS M T M’KKNNAN, Wtfchtoftoti.
ANDREW J OGLE, Somerset.
HARMAR DEN \Y. Allegheny.
JOSEPH II KUHNS, Westmoreland.
, o j ball, Erie.
II D MoXWELL. Northampton.
J B SALISBURY, etisguebnaha.
aaffiA'ro'WirjsE**. .
ROBERT T paiTS, Montgomery.
ASTiMA»oj. o C B »«o T wma pocwrv
In poraoanee of the caiabiuM KMceaoT r «k* P*"T.
Ufe bemwerauo Anumawu and Whig* of AUeffbe
nr county. Willawemble in ptraary ikmimmiii their
Mvenl Klectton Diatncu. on Satatday the »th day of
Mar iWJ.iodoet twopenoarfrom eaen diunei, a>
Delegate- 10 a Ooonty Coneeauoo, to meet at tbe Own
Hoawon Wednesday ihe2nddayof Jane,ai 10o>docli
A. M- to pot in nomination soluble candidate* to be
wooorted or the party at the general Election in Ocio
liernext The»»oa» and Wbigeof ihaiowotbip*
(Piu excepted) will meet at the oioaiplace* toriholding
primaty jeeting*, between the boarsot %laud o, I. M »
end tboeoof the ward* and borouabaand Pm township.
“*«■ bo " n ’ ° r 7 “ d *■ Wo«A9 VARNER,
Ch'm of the Com ef Cor.
Fotlatbt Commercial Imellifenee,
keis.Buret Ne»-»,l®poni, Money M»rk«, Ac, *c«
ihiid page.
Fdt ih* tut two Of tbra* ytart Pitubarfb bae
bten Incessantly talking about Bail rtmd*. tad to
far there bat been nothing but talk, tad the .ab
ject now bid* tar to end in talk, mile* epeedy end
' prompt action it htd in the prtobe^
Pittsburgh it not stone to blame for tbit pro
tected delay. Sbe started, about t yetr tgo. 00
t course of tctioa, with tbe iood bope of «emg
, 3 me fifiy to aifentyfife rail* of rotd in proem*
of eonr-raction, intended to onite a* with Belli*
i more, bythU spring, but fetation* delay* end
open reputes have met her where she erpected no*
thing but hearty co-operation and friendly feel-
Ho»s Mwioiii. —Ooe of the ablest dncour
r» el New York last week, was from the He*
Or. Boshoell of Coon., from the text ■
-Then said Micab, Now know I that the Lor.l
will do me good, •eing l hi*e a Letite to mj
priest.” !
Emigration wm tha aubjeft mainly >pokel. of.
and the prcacbar orgvd the! neceaeily of Haim
M'uaiono, for the reaaou thalibolh chtiatianitj and
civilization received a downward growth under
the excitement of chriatiauity. Micab, it was raid,
, lived in an emigrant age and daring the settlement
When we review the event, of the Uri three of . tww State. Abraham', emigration was mil.
Urn coodoot of the B.Uimot. c.mpMt, can- poo.; I.ot the raveme of thia. and ao on thr engt,
not hat exam .euliment. of rndtpt.tionmtd din ! Egypt, and Grew., to on, own coun.-y and -ec
gnat. Pmahnrgh, anxiooa for rail road commo- ] Uon ol conntry. •
niction with Baltimore, and epprehendin, But Ua. The movement toward, the « cterr. Oa annnd
termination of the Balttmote roal at Poke.- I it. admouge. and d,advantage. were next n. tn
burgh, might poaetbl, b. d.UimenUl bh.rin.jwdn lengßt. A lofty teanmon,
tereata, exetUtd heraelf with a real and inerg, j agatna; Slaver, and tb. bowte-knlf. atyl .. I
navel aurpuaed in a rimila. fix. to obwin the imlion-men, hoootable, but not hone*. ! form
right of way. She labored at home and abroad, to resent an injury, dark to daeharge a deb
I n , the prers, b, public m-Unp, con- -ere adduced aa proof, anf downward ten eucy
ventiour, and^comtniueoa,—ilh her ioflaancein ov. I and of auch wild Weatet. men
poariblo way and no e.pen« or —.for tb. extenaton of,an.l tf d etuied to carry he, putpow. 'an exmnrion oi ierntoty. the ch.ncca ni ao.trhy
In all thia, .be ected in firm failh in the pm j and eonfonon would be mnlupUed.
m ieea and ptoleMation. of Baltimore. She acted ' The pirtu.e of a fie. Chnatun L
thtooghtmt the whole in the implicit belief .ha. printed out b, the d etne a. Ike nro.
,h. Baltimore Compeov wool! readily end joy- ! tiful the eye of man could contemplate. «« U
full, embrace .be right of way th. moment il: have it, «od , four own happy land may reach that
oHired. Thia Baltimore knew, and yet never, by J poeition, rite will be faa.u o , raven an a. ev
} a word or bint,wa* Pittsburgh given to understand fins uvarigood men.
' that tb : a right of way would not be accepted, sod ; j. opg has pubu*h«i » hull, couuioed in
thst Bsltimoie w*§ only using Pittsburgh t-i sc- j WM f a Froeman'* Jt>umal, authonring in a
eomplish her own ends, la force the right of way j #IK j of the Church the ap**
from Virgiuis. | p3 h, tmßn t cf -public prayers to be oflered u{»>» j
| It is now only • tittle osw s year, since a great 1 Churches tod other places.” in ,
-Western Pcnnsylrinia Coosention was held io ( aJf of The fjllowint pwige i« from |
Allegheny city, attended by a sery respectable, _ | !
delegsiiou, tor the purp®e of promofiog the sue- • 1 aulhoßM v „ u a j S ... . mrductscj, «•>
cess of Legislation in this Bute, favorable to Bal- i . q llUtrlc u'suL.jea u your jurisdiction, a*
timore. Xodeed, oar whole community was ex-. j bM done in Rome, you will appotot pub.i.
eitedjon tht. .object, W . movt renurkeble degree,, preyem m
and dor final anccewa waa a aonree of genetal re- , q( mctcie a being moved miy free the Ir.ilt
joiciog. 1 cat-on from sj grtat a eaUmity, aixl a*ert «ud.
Ia it any wonder, theo, that the people i adistster from tbs other k|ngdom» aud region* o
PiiUburgh feel deeply chagrined and mortified .1 Burog- utiSJy. we grin'
the matment they have receifed at tbehandsof M inJcigroce ofsevea ytkrs tolhese Who shall t- !
ike Baltimore company, and that a stem and prMeTlt cq any one ccearion at these prayers, but
wide-felt determination is manileated, to close De- u, those who dull be present «t the offitnog up ot
gotiitiona.kt nnc. mul forever, a, the twx. m~i
ing, trnleta the Baltrinont company, in the mean- " o( p,„ame vhzll tocetvo the mow
time, come, to itaeeneee, which u not very pro- Sacment of the Eoehariri. Wo by ou
, table while henbmile to tha iron cootrol of Louie ApoJufie .nlhority hereby grant a 1 lcp»r, Indul
Mcl “*' . . .. ' l *“rhat however venerable beetbern, which we
Bnl what ia PitUbargh to do in thia emergen- , u ,our own chaiily, «that
cyi leail our talk to end inwkhiug t c, ! ui 'f; b , , oot nhortetiooa you eihoet the people wh..
ly not, if them i» one epaik of menlinem and en j object to yottr jonadicbou 1 1 aanat the people
orgy left in rut baeoma. Indeed, if wo hzee any -of IreUnd with gift, of dtanty
regard for oar own intereele we cannot, w. dare -Brooklyn" Eagle. Democratic, thu» tt
.not, now atop. | penu ofitk former lltadta npon Gen-JHeou:
One great object we had in view in bringing wben Gen. Scott perpetrated hie -haeiy plate
tha Baltimore n»d here, wo to pee vent it. termi of |„ier, we. in common with the met, bad
netion below Wo beiieeed that if the road ooee out brt of tun el him. Bat Geoeral 800 t,
otiion below. . mouths, bta proccrfhi®*«9lfpu*-
esme here, both the Compsoy »od BslUmtH® o{ >?m „ Q f the most bnllism sod rosnljr,
would be sstUhed, tnd thus dl dsuger from that ihe world i* food of admiung in mst.,
esuse would bo **extod. The Balumoro Comps* :L»nd thst sre, indeed, worthy of tngb praise.—
„y, tinder fit. advice of Mr., hMjplayri of Lari ;
u. film, and ihe dmtgw tf >he'» » •^- W * that tim. been pined by him; and il h,
wa attempted to ward ott .fill ellata. Shall we Jee<u m the day tf iks old lesrius j
anninelv fold onr atm. and make no efibtt, by «me (h , „„ o( ihetn,) be would have had each a .-ell
nth/t mode, totsert the ssiH Thst min i* not s , ag uiumpb—s score of generals sod officers t
fn.nd to Plltrimrgh who would adv.w .Uoh . JSbhe"."'
“T-ha,,^Z^hZm^Z^ ‘Z
plain,- Mid we .ute it with empheeu-Borid o Mailed end he-ra-
Vraumnad.' ug Settrin every form, rill iu eyev were dazzled
Baltimore cannot reach the Ohio nver fitraome r.„. Thank, to the -Eagle," how
year, to coma, Thom year. Me oura Before |=, M , pp[cell , m( good old (Whig.)
ritereatbM Wh«Ung.ifw.oMth.m« l m..uhm|
onr power, waeheU have penetrated to the muri-! m.
or< of Ohio, eod eftctnJly have tamed the! Exnem.—lt U oomce-r, for u> to etete
‘ node in thie direction. Philedelphie (-», the gentlemen ie well known hem.) the! the
cone&t of trsae in ««■ »» r .l . -• n . Fid.,’. irmiikSv st the fate con*en
will rieo beee remhed Pittebargb,end then, we , o( u,, Abofition of Oipilri Poni.h
■ with a ehoner end cheeper mote, bevmg the ed ln , h „ D „|, -Gazette" of Mon
vanuge of both Canal end Beil Boed, end ending d il , .hameful of hie word.
M.m , omimpoitM...,.umoi,y.,.*ri.h.p,,.
eedbeyond themech of th. tompetlUon of Brim ! Elto.not^
more- „ We copied the report of Dt. Eldet'vvpeech from
Hern w. the meMl. ol nuking thu WeaUrn - a ui, , .hameful mi.rop.ewtu
rcadl Tea Pi.,rimr,h,by h.,ownmu-»ud “ f .uU, end -e m. ...mmely
epergiea, can build thu roal to th. Strie . j (of Doct,,'. vake thVl il t. wt—
where Ohio will meet tit _ .it,. ,udlv puMieh hu letur to the Bon-
When we batin’ A( onre.' Tlunk. n, |W* «'*7 [tport „ f hu <peteh „„
tha Of the p «“- j „ t „ , n abl. lo ley our hand, npon
dent end Directore of the Pltuborgh and Lon. . ' conUining it, if oor neighbor, will fit
nellaville Company. Utr, procumd Law -infc. a i » I ,
euppiemenUl bill, permitting their CompMty to v0.n.w.1
mi. . Wtrfern invtcad of Ml Eoriera ro«I, -IUI
power to change the ***** ° r ,b * Co “ p * B > —
therefore ril that U ncoeuer, m be don. i. fcr th.
Stockholder, to direct the Boud to mumenecth.
t Weatem end th., CM. put eug.uev.. on *.
I TOOU M once, and have it node, contmet to Be.-
| nr bcfjrs September ne C
j ' Let thii be done. *od
\ gbeoy cities, in imitatioi
> tdslpbisp subscribe one <
dollars each to the su»
| ( Pittsburgh may fotew
| the competition of the X
l dtiee cen »aWy subscri 1
: tmffT kg the best Invcsta
| - will Dot st all embarrsN
| will vastly increase' Ihe
We b»™ thrown oi
y.pAtarmtion of th* Btt
at tha mooting next 81
wiO b« corofolij woigt
T** co«a»* of * l*
on Friday. on it* way
melancholy interest!*
h married In that dty
4]*. aod had been eu
frtien aha sickened am
Tbo Eqb Saloon i
iabecoming.the moot
&• dty. The concei TiUin.-The ft tmtj r*«nth cm-1
elodod between tot Goverooiißot *od Krag«,
dotn of Henom U one of mttch impotUnee.ujd
ealdlUteil to benefitvery tmtoritliy. oar trade,not
only with that power, bttt with the eniheOtrmin
t ;« not often that »e ere rilled
i«jffd«r*ry. ii
oo io bestow commendation upon the present Ad*
ministration’ for toy of their seta or measures end.
h j». ther*for»,with pleasure ihtt we award to the
Secretary of Bute, and to the able Diplomatic
Agent who waa charged with the miastnn. yu f ,a '*
of praiae for the success which has attended
this negotiation. '
The great benefita likely to suae from the Han
over Treaty are various and will operate favora
bly a poo the productions of all parts of iur coun
try, bot more particularly will it beexperieuced by
the Tobacco growing State*, which ia one of tbo
great an idea of export to that country. The
amount of tobicco.lhs last year, exported to Ger
many proper, exceeds, we believe, 60,000 hbds.
ThU trade has berttofure been a Government m i
nopdly which has operated very oppressively upon
our Merchants. Our Government has been l>»r a
cooiseofyears endeavoring to do away. with tt. Ihe
Haiiover treaty, in a great degree, accomplishes
thisjmosl desirable object.
The abolition of the Transit duties will also op
erate most favorable on many of the articles now
shipped, especially upon whale oil, which ha* be
come a large article ofexpoit to lhat country- An
otlir benefit likely to arise from it, and one of great
importance to our ship builders, is ibis s-Hariover
by jibe new treaty, can send no vessels to our poris
except those of brr own build, or the baild of their
own country. Now, as it is well known, that
Hanover has little or oo timber, and nos-ipyards
of any cooseqoence-'ste must, as her commerce
wiVb ua increases—aod increase it will, t» » Ter ?
grlat extent—neeeesarily build her in the
United State*. Tbeie are othir advantage* em
brieed in the Treaty, of which, however, we have
no Ums at present to speak. We arc glad lo per.
ceiv* lhat the Whig pres*es of oar commercial
cilia*, who are of course able to appreciate it* mer.
its, extol it highly.
W« •incerely hope Ibtt the Secrettry of Sute.
will not «top here, bot go on antill be be* pUceO
oar Coauntreul intere»U upon the «»« f»*orablc
footing with the entire German Confederacy.
The Colt of. Glory. —From «o .ccounl of tho
Botll. of Corto Gordo, in lb,r s<»’. «« PI
tract the following:
• CapC Robeit’a company [A.] went into action
with 41 officer* and men. Hu pteiuon wa*
moat expoaed, being within the rahge pf grape,
caniater and round abot of ail the worka, and the
moaketry of lha principal ’ height; of the 41, 24
were left dead and wounded on the paid*' Every
officer except bltneelf waa atrock, ana /First Lieot.
Ewell waa killed. Hot an of
•catterihg or healtatioo waa known: among bia
men, and. through ahowera of of ahoL
they moved on and kept position With the cool*
d«m and precialon of men on drill. ? Probably in
the history of American anna, not one instsoce ie
recorded where men were kept in order tinder de*
(troctiooand eamage eo terrible. Tboae left on*
hart, were tumble to carry off the wounded.
let Pittaborgh and AU*«
of the example of Phil*
, two homlrfd thoiMnd
k of tho Componj, ood
hereafter bid defiance *°
allimor* road. Tha two
ke this stock, as it will be
tot# in the country, and
the cot porttioos, while it
ralne of property- ,
1 theoe tbonghta for the
Ftom Ltfdoodcrrr Standard. Aprtl 30
pnttbargO Charily.
of the Company
orday, and we trust they
Mr R Spencer, Ramelwn, acknowledge# to
b... mciiwl. through thA-hand. °<_“f
Samuil Sponcur. U» “ m of i4a i ‘ ,I L I ' i d **"<
U» .obieriplioo of fool loitAMli In
.ii: MnDiiid A.Grtor, Mi. John Floyd, Mr.
Jvsn CmM, and Ml. Bimull SpcrrMi for ‘be
nli«f of lb, poor in ind aronnd Rarnolton their
active town.
• pemcd thioogb this city
j Philadelphia, to which a
itiached Bba wu recent*
toe merchant ofjlxxuo*
rr now homo but too daya,
died. Her namo wo did
T« im» or tUrimoiM.—Of *U <*“ D “'
mßOtu RMtrcwd* running Inio Boiton tber, li not
oodtb«*teckofwbiebiiiM*,bqwpdr. Wbowill
„« with *• Now Ortoon. PiciyoD*. ibot
ihm. ie a tenon of wiadcm in ihil
«* crowded bat night,—it
popolar place* of reeoit In
a coot nothing.
TURKEY FOOT. 1 BY MAGNETR! j Jtntraii, lb, following »
the Editor •/0* PitMurgk Uatttf- x_ : '—- . -- cant of Ibe tixxmlom a«of Mira B»-
Thl« place, at the iuncuoo of Com » creek. Correspondence of pittibeifn a«*e .| | jee | t> of who i» Itpnienllu Dot to no** l
C.uleiiiMWer.nJtti'iVooghioguijgiasl.tilj com,i,oTurancc of mr Fm-burgh c.rau. ,l,pt far i inMMcmTram p«iu, (or fifteanj.ira—
turmcleJ -conquerable .ttentiuD, u ® point of . ,m r , rarra.lf THP ARMY . Her body end limb. Me in pwpeUral mount*- ml
dilYlgtn.* of the aario'u" propiraad route, of • | LATER PROM IHBI ABJII, a |0,0.1 .11 lira j dot, io h«r bod, hue been di.loc.-
'ilulfubl hum Pii'Fiunr'i Hultiorare. Meo> PHILADELPHIA- Mil}! 25r/i,ilo le d thouraod. of time..
psraotra Jo out «*n. .1 tut* Jay. tout. .» loc.tluu, j . m ~| |„, ne , New Orleut. J.tee. uWhen I enleraJ her room, .he ... «ttm g up
ijj ii ha. occurred In me. Ural some ol yoor ree- me, South, n s i-urnUM Mrliei ’in heJ, Mid her ritfll arm, h«nJ .nj huger, were
eder. would be aurpnaed and ple.«.-d uj know Ural of the 17lh, with eome l.le and in IP* twining .bout W «*ery dlteetior, praunUy .he
George W.ihmgton, .railed it. thoughtil . good j uU „ from the army. leaned forward and threw hire.lf the
pofition lor . for', deecrital n, end nude » rough i Tm >Mm Fashion h«d arrieej front Vrr. t he.dbo.rd, .. if determined to break her held.—
Vketeh ol it, jnat ninety.three ye.ra.go. about h.e H er date. Irom Jalap, an- down to the ; Th e headboard wt. within .n inch or two of the
weeks alter the cpluro ol tht. place by Donne- Drux. Her t- nd though t large, well-alnflid pillow raa.
eatur on the 17th of April, 1754. I eltract Irom I llh ult. I : placed .gain* it, when her head .track the pillow
hi. journal which was lost at Uraddock’a Defeat ; Gen. PaUeraon and other officer, came platen, i r wi(h , acb f,, rrc t hat the headatead shuck
secured hy’ the French, and a great part of .1 |n lfc<! p„ h ion. i the wall, causing he whole bourn to tremble.—
pnhltahed in the -memorial" laeocd by the gseern- ( p imrn |r „f Volunlcera whoae time During the ten c unutea that I aat there, abe waa
mem'ol France in 1756. Thw worft ha. now b ß . d „ Vera Crux and -ere thrown track in th ,t manner-user thirty Umea.-
scarce, but is in the cou P . . . It appeared to me that each blow ol her heaj
of repobllcatton in the.* Olden Time a monthly to cmhatk Mr home. .gain.” lira pillou, and wall war sufficient
hietoiical mrgaline[iubliahed hy The. VI Wright Gen. W'mth. with his Jiataton w«inspected to common person. Jet .ho hardly appeared
id this city. 1 1 enter Fuel,is on the 17lb (ill. No resistance , 0 notice it.
The date is the Jtlih of May. .. -h.leser war anticipated to his occupation of the During the ini. real. between the.c .pum. her
-The glfth. embarked in a canoe with Incut, whal.aer war | r righl „ m> handa mJ finger, were twuling abont.
Weal thiee nldiers end one Indian; enJ bating .nd her right sho lldar .nd ondujlw were drawn
felloweJ the lire! .long about half a mile, were [t oaltulal. J lhal after Icaniig a sufficieot out #r joint and il tsmtinnalljr, the bonea rattling ,
obliged locomeuhorc. whine I met Foie! Surer, fo[M e , ch „( ,he captured citie. un bis inil finding log Ibcr with a none that cnuld be 1
a trader, who .coined to me Irom «*■- - • jh V era Crux. General hcarj in olher ro ml., ar I waa told by aeaeral prer-
water, that me alt.r my line .4 coinmumcati. n .tin ’ Uein, deal. I could not beer tht m. but by
mind of haaing canoe, made. I ordered my pro- Scull would hue but an eggregn e Jte placing one ham on her check and the other oil
pie to woJe a* the waters wtr* shallow enough. mPll Wl (‘ 4 «bicli t * uki* ami h-M «bec«*y or Mex- B |j oU {d eft l c.»uW feel Ibe grinding ,tod |
su.l continued rny«lf going «kw.i.«he mer mibtj creekiog os ibf t kepi them inconslantma-,
canoe; now '-ur c3iun? «as Uio sma • whereal'onw of-Uen. SfaiiU .Anna were un- tion. - . ■
far six rot n. we #l.yp|H;.l t * nnko t.o'l n . n n„„,,iW l ho was Sometirans bi r jiwa are locked «»crnl bwjm. j
bark, with which, together with our cau«.e we known al the Uet account • U‘ u #n( j Cfco . j a y p . ft t one time, if l remember 1
gainr*! Turkey t'ovt, by the b»*gu.n<ng *if the bulking in tbe cbappawl. ' r } B ht t they were ocked twenty-lire d*y», when all J
night. Gen. SbielJs war improring, eo much a it waa (he nourishment >he uwk traa through the t|«r-1
-The Csth, Tamrd there somi-time to oxatmne , , hi . .e-overv was certain. ture caused by be loss of a tooth. I
the place which wu found very cuirenieuttobmld confident y 7 , Herjawe bftfjbeen aouften dulocated.sbo can ■
a f.iri, not only btcausu it was gravelly, hut ah" Thu t«u. rnlU bam.s had not giren o pe nothing cx *pt when ths contraction of the |
fur its being at the >>i tluce t»rat:cbr« or an y(j un g like the tfajuhle, ao far, that waa antiei- magc j ei ihrawi her teeth together, and then bet |
small rivers; tbe plan thcteid winch may he here n„. v had not made many nr successful t sugue i* often ec«rely bitten. She lake* no ,
seeu, is as exact a» c 'uhl t’- - >1 ‘W* wttl.uiil tnathe Y • ■ „ D , Uoo|w „wer nouriahment « cep)L in •*li«|o.d »Ute, and tliit I
matical uutrum-Ms. at«a«hs U| oro Ubiliiv is with the grealesk difficulty, as tl causes straDgala-
Ninety years ago, M*j»r A' a-hirgUni * rrcon- « n g the Vra trux road. Ihe proUb.hiy is, dwUc<fc
noi»sanc« *>f tbe om-iuy w yu- »U m t«dm nct ,hai they ara using their License lo matand on, spasms sometime* throw her from her
to military udvantogiand plunder ihtir > ,n » e<*uutryriiflj. Thi.« they I to plastr ling o*er bead, and aoroetiroea 011
The Forks « f ta.e Mort.Htgihrla he thodghi. a ~ ~ * !to the floor, and soy attempt to hold her increase*
i ‘’two’ *“•■* “• "tr* Bt ,i ' r -* i i« iuraetimos thrown npinmbcrGce
key Fo<d an advantagefys p. MU-n h-r a turn— nz OfU , (1 , (hem was Mr. >mtlb. a su’.hr in ( #uch f or< yaa to bruise btr face and break her
wVtrusl, it may y«:i U-ci’me the I.Tation <>t a| (ic [ViimkvUnnU Regiment*. j skin, audone/of her eyes haa thn* been 1 estroyed.
Railway dep it. “ ' • 1 . while con|etsing with harder jew war thrown
‘ out of joint, Jnd drawn d «wn in a most shocking
manner, und]»he was thrown back three times
with such fifee as caused tbe whole house to
ahske, and the moment the spa* n ceased *he fin
ished her .sentence, commencing at the word;
where the fit bad interrupted her, and with ao calm
a voice, that I asked her, in aslonhhmeot, if she
felt no pain at being thus attacked. She *aid the
pain wu oot so excruciating, if she would give
way to her feelings, her scream* might be heard
half a mde, but ssthit wonld only duUea* ottjers
•he bad learned to be quiet.
Her father Is over 90 year* of age, and had a
shock of palsy, from Which he bed-partially rrcov.
ered wfaon I aaw him. Her mother ij over 70
and has had the care of this suffering child.until
prevented by steknesi within a year anJ a b*l‘.
At the time of my visit #be ws* confined In the
came room in a very feeble rate.
Pittsburgh Hospital -Sin*
T.i the I'dit‘T cf the 1 ill*hur»h Gazette
[ bavo nlnentii in ttie PiU.l'ufßb (*»zeUe,— a
paper rapidly inert turn* in reputation.—a ‘hart
note allied by Mr. CraU. and a day “i two P“ T ‘-
ou*. a notire m lh* Peat. *>•> >be *ubjeU of the
lection of a site for the building of the We-t.rn
Prun«ylvtnia Hospital.
It ia ot'Rfift* and piiinatv iinpoitauv tint I
beautiful. ptclur«w|ur, and bea! by all. should In
selected. H *-pit«'iB, either lor the maaii* or in
are 3 l W, '*«• all p'"" 9
: and general benevolence, ornament'd arid rend.r
ed plea»in<* by rural oiuMluhiuenis, bvcan.e lb. y !
are condunse to the restoration of n btaliby body :
and sound mind. An ci.j..yaiet,l ol the beauties ;
of Nature is the s', retun inp symptom of r«a ;
wn. No one an . or trorn the beautiful |
bluli'.so hear our ciiv >fod a<> eaidy arcpssiole. of
fered bf Mr Crut but »ifl l* «»uc* bv its a f - i
ornpruw and d.l'rthifu! rhuact.-r. Still thl* w ,
not Ih-. leading rjo.-m.n The Board of Maoa- j
g Cf , mivmake a miit'ke in the fl-b ciion. Lm for |
ibe «rk« ol chanty let it be a mistake or error oT
judgment, without r< feut ce to ol pta*
..I rorp'iraiMiif. On no account, n i* ardently de
l ,ire.l, Bi.-ul-l l! « s. lection t-iot-evil ft-’to wlfilb,
.utrm.i-J. si Oo.e .U ("Imr*
loc.l per.i.lny. Lit no
P eecliuin have lor ao msiar.l th»* •lighteil
* upun the iudgm-'iit or fretm* •*! the Board.
ll speuiUtron, s.vlioiial influence, or pride ot
either cut, n.ine'e m llu* higidy p'l.M-woMhy de
•igu ol lenevolenre. ihitity would rrvj:t at a dr
einou tr/ro nucb ur.«uitat’le and ♦ ilfan«-ous mo-1
ti*e*. Town prejudices, and pi jsmr.ial partialttj j
aboulJ ba*e m> concent m the dwpusal of a iuud j
gratuitously gi*eu by grricroui and kind conir/b
-utoM, with a »tew rnUr.-ly di-uuct irunt esety j
perwinal or jivcullif core-iderulon. M o call the
urojecied inatituti.'ii, - The Western PewwyUaui
*n " can «*• expect ill f«*'U aarr«.uiidmg coun
liw !if th. v leam that jn thou,
dbich aide Of our great river- we ebal) -,.enJ their
I donatioi s!
I l know not fr.uu any au*h.'r.lif r-’n-ce what
I m«y hive I" til-- de.’ib-'vi .(•» ■ j I he
ti -aril ■ ! «»«<•»,U“- l ' r " l fc ' " *' f “ V ' li V'
cl.'*c v- t •» they-may haw hiJ, t»ut tom) hu.r.bu
oio.l. it wtrma'u Inf very ceriain.tbat if
pnJc or partraMy C‘”«m ihe.r final d«.
rmnn— the" » «» ,hf ,<>n *
tribute" will u.-TorjuiaMoMti .ucb 3 0.-cis.on.
Meoyi vrrv rnnnT, will Ucnme dmnclu.e l to pat,
«r).i there will !« no h'V for futu'f
»r-. t .1- Ntrr-t .: if T.
} rom th« s -. L«'H* ■' «n. M- 1 ) :
Our correspondent at Indcpoudrncc
u*, that Lewi Irorn SanU Fc to the 1 9tb cl April
timJ tvrn received there. by Mr Anthony <•*!“
grave, who had horn tn th* employ ol Ol Fre
mont, and returned tbrouith New Mexico. Ihe
new* which he bring* lr..ra GahLjjma ha- ah< a ly
hern aut c-p-iU J by that whv‘ ( ni. puhli*M m
yi<.lrida. - paper.
lu M*tita"F« matter* remain ah .ut the *ame a*
4t list dales.' Siciner* «aa very prevalent, and
death* Dc. lirrcJ every day. Mr. Mculiy died the I
day Mr. C.<agta*<* waa “» towu;b* wa»ao old ic ;
•ident if New Mexico, nod was known to every
one familiar with the country. Mr. ('uagiave
viaileil the g>a»c yard at Manu Fc, and muotrd
while there upward* ol ihne hondrrtl /ravr*.
made during the pa»t fall and win'rr
'll,O Superior Court lor the of Ta»*
wu sttli in aeanion. lor Urn Inal of the rtbr/t M«t
men. a* we ha»c already rlated. Lad l-c«n tried
and were hung, and twelve more bad l*cii lound
* guilty, and condemned to the mme fate.- Except
I irom cause* reaching fr, m »j extraordinary a
I acertc of ptmubment, all w»* quiet in iho irnito-
A large number of Camanche Indiana were as
sembled at the crowing of the Arkansas. threaten
mg Li kill and rob every American attempting to
paw there. A tort in progress of erection 'here,
Before lhi« company c»me m, wa* atlucked, aud
all the mu)*-* I,alien, in open day light, and before
die eyes of sixty or seventy men. The Indmna
were also killing tbeir «»ien ¥ wiTiout resMancr.
Mr. Brown,riaho t«*M Indoprnd.rVc a »lp»rt time
»inte. with a few wagon* f»t Santa Fe. waa not
seen on ttje n.uu : it i« hoped that he may ht*e
turned i.fT on-wime new rout-, and in thia way
bare been misa^d.
Our coriespoodrnt sty* : * W c have been look
ing |i,r arrival* rvery'day from Chihuahua. Ihe
traJera who were in advance ..f the army arc said
to be on their rrtu n. A tew day* ago. a number
<,f earner* and teamster* came in from Chihua
hua by the w»y of Tria*. i’ll* V aulftred gf« il
ly for the want of'prtviMui.s. and «pesk it the
rna-| a* wret.h.dly bad and d.fiieuli i .fu.d.
Mr. M*yer, Wui McKr.ight, and one or two
Other trader* will 1* m in a day or iw >.
Tbx Lai oh ur a guild.— Mim Uriel A'..!-
wood. of Frankford. Pa wri<e» ttm- «»1 ihe mirth
uf u child- Label nhould condui- the ling’ iu:'
chorus ol a h-iuaihoM <>l t:i-ru -
‘•I love it—Move it—the toughwl adidd,
Now rippling and genile, now ru-rry and wd
Ringing ‘<ti« «»n the air with it* innocent gu*b.
Like ihe inll of a bird at the twilight's soli
Fiealing upmi the brciM liketlio torun of a l
Or 'he muoic that dwells ,n Ihe heart nf a abi H-
Ob! the laugh "t a child, s. wild and su free.
U ihe merncat iround in the world for un! ’
Dlatu ok Sih WiLTtn Sc ott.— The Luf
li»h paper* received by the. Uriianma. menuo.
tbr dealtl Sir Waller Mcotl. rddeitand la*' *u •
viviog child of the author of W ctrhj. He dir
at the Uaj*e of Good Hope, on bin w«y Iroin Mi
drau. The Baronetcy ta now exlrnct, but the M
boLford property pweea t» Walter Scott Li cl
hart, the only aon ol tho ulit»r nf the Quarn-rl-
Reviow, 'and the only grandson of the* aulb r « i
Mliaellaneoa* lte«na«^
Hi.utiii-i. iii'rr.u. — Wh.t wiindoilol 'ion •
lion. children eak, and «!■•> iquillj wonJe.
lul unaware dollie? eomeriioca gi"» Wbil cm
b, mtoe tjurbiug Iban tin foliowin, anecd.ue
which we li ll ii in ion N. k . Organ 1
"A friend id our. while dnoling « eorj young
child, » lew day. .go io r.lher in imp.-
Uer.l lone—'-Vou .re «uch a lump of . .bape, i
U impor.ible to aoything 61 you . I h ■
lip. of the child quirered, .nd looking up. K 'Uid
in’ a deprecating touc-“0od made on. -Our
friend wa. rebuked; andubc lillie -lump wa. k.a -
ed a dozm tiroes-" , .
"God made ma 1" Hkd Hie wear meu of the
world poodered on a filling au.wer ,'o.oeh a can
lea. remark, for a ceotlfiy, they cooki not hard
Inund a bolter lhan ll .wed naturall)r m •h'>- from the wounded fce.rl of Um child.
"G.aJ made me, m "her. It » not ">* *•“'* “>»* ‘
am ntrai you thti- a.em not to like—such a hull
fui.i.i, God made me I" Ble.dng. on Ihy mno.
cent heart. .weelchild-“of anch arc die kingdom
ol heasen.— U. S Pott. '
.Hear. Ana. Ciocua.— Our wilty grocer; who
mdtertiaed “Taylor Candle, warranted not 10
run," has found bis match in a walcbmaltar of
Norfolk, who offer# for sale “Santa .\nna Clocks,
warranted to run without stopping.**— North
pooa ComouTr— A young lady at Cbickopci
Fall* wa* )a*t week arrested, tried and fined tbret
dollar* and coal#, for stealing a comfort from i
bed where ah* boarded, which «ho converted in»t
a battle.
Tbe Picayune ha* advice* from tho city of I
Mi-iito to Ibr 28th <-f April. an»l publwbe* a let
ter fmin MiuU Anna, daieil Orizaba, April 2Gth,
m which heraytfhe i- organizing a force.with
whiib toaitaJt lien. Mcoit’s rear.
He i*. more over, according to the p»pet«, giant* j
i„, permit. to ..ijaniia-.uJ , nu.rrill»*Btn.i,
A V .litre tvho bail [.rnclr.lrd to tbfl city ol
Mcnco, nnJ it appear. into the practice of the
p,haj been .r.e.ieJ ft» g preaamcj
to co -.far with that functionary upon the propri.t;
: nf fi:ac-‘
! j.M g ahogetberon bia owu hook.
having been authorized by no one ol our com
manders to open a negotiation otinake approach-
es tending that way.
Xo'new* from the Brain, or General Taylor,
> Corierpomlrr.-e m' Uie (\u»t>i!r*ti |
1 May 25. h S* P. M. 1
Hi- *’» buyer* to c.ira# forward at;
,fc,, price; a»krd yesterday ior Flout wa* not <
ri.ible t.»day. The very light vt:*ct no the mat- j
kt t hw had «fleet. T«*l»y Uiey look 2000 ’
bliU standard brands it >9 per bM. Snppliei'
II ,mon t* c»iming lorwanf, and partly from ,
NrW Voih. where been made
on Philadelphia account.
Sal. a 3000 bu Wheat to-day *1 205 c for prune-;
~,'uplc. ..t Red. *ud 208.212 c per I.U for While.
] of C.iru rale* 2001) bu White at lUalUc
.ml V,11.,» .1 llballCc per bu.
I Uf Rye Flour aalea to-day 500 bbl« at *6 .*0 pet
i bbl latid 300 bbl* at f 6,75. •
■ (Uts arc reahur.ff SSaGlc per bu readily. a« in
j quality. ...
t’ortimeal i* a vhade better and sale* at fft - 1 * t
; j#5.4 per bhl.
H .i qr* of Whirkey have •obtained a further
I « tor bbli—now fetching 37c per gall.
jM»i »ns the transaction* of the day show
noch.-Jer. Pork and Berl ate lx>lh jittfl and meet
«»rb . n bub- There i- :i Writer demar.l
i, .... . f |. r (}, t* I rtnv r | i•< t-. which here
uni'va.irJ. 1 U‘>Hcc some Pork (new) changing
hand* at $ 14,50 for \lert.imLPmne. Sale*
30 hhtl* Uar.-n at 10c tor Hams OsUjc f»l Hides.
„„j u r f.r Shoulder*. Iff hard a few sales at
Ola 1 0c. ' L , ,
'The nnrkit f.-r Sugar is heavy. anJ ■ *!**
, tT , 3 |[ prre»« are barely.supp-’clcd. Hr*! hand#
hold a 1»n»e *t;-c'c.
I*.. i A r MoUkt, l* Ulllil. and the
mark, l imy be charae iriecd »« qufe dull.
There in mute dcftiaud for f.oUon. and eilt-e
|.,w I.'|.land to-day at usual
?<»U* Hit"'! ;».* *c.:on Fejtrr* »t 32c for god
Hut little doing UI Aobea.
The ma-kil hr Iron .» atoadv and ti'm—ale
pncriv Blo.m* L> Jay at f'» per ton
j. j, , , ( intr-f»>:ulciH cof the |\H»l.urTh t»4/rn
Miy 26, 7 I*. M.
I’Lr dj m»nJ U i Flam U quite actiee, in fact it
nuy If characterised an irry acme. The receipts
„ P l, s hi and not near equal to the demand. The
tfTVcl »• U> create. aud »u»UID a buoyant marks*.
The .ale* of ttene«ee to-day were »,000 Uhl* at
■; j # £>i.b7l —*ome «l the sale# were for ehip- ... .
ment to Philadelphia. Uuyera ar. in market cn- Kpnoa:-Wea.e that C. »MVKLY. .
de»»otin« to coon ict h r tuture delltrry. Large . ( ,/ W |lki.i» Townah-p. .»Hi Lr supported m the \hhi ß ,
»<*'«•' *•=! f ; *«•>*"" 1 -V.INV mm" i
fd f* till August ha* been accepted io aame el- “ ~ " j
< C „L 01 «o«.Ur,n.(y E ir f jJu.l.. It.cbmond, Ac ) | „ kr pl * „„ ra «w,., J
■ 't„„. ..... i.« %, .o . con.u- , r ;- m^s*”A rL,r , “
erahls extent at ljfec for prim» \N hire and Usc nuro „o ß * r, ie .i.t* iu the Cuv, *nd Coumr
for Yellow of aiimtar qualuy ; itivlldfcw OSt Ofr Tllr. PART*
**• £!»“' h “'T B *'" i ,*ME» *,CUIV w,„
dav at f «,20*57.31i per bbl. i he«ppcned t<y many A bur* and Aniima*on* lor ihe
Oft’ormneal at $5,26 per—moder. , fomu, CouMoi*«»one»
ale ' | anltd**?! JhFkF.R-SO.N
R»e ha* advanced—salsa to dev at UB*t63p*r Joll «< MORRtHJ.V of Allegheny; will he *opi«m
..Vi ! rdliymany Wbigaawl *«.«fa*Dom»i»atw> i.»
l Umlm. • , ~ , | ,h'; (laavention a* b eoudidaie for County Treasurer.
ProTtaiona—Thtre ia *omn demand for Pork.— _ ; FAVErrK
Spin loj., N.wWe.l ~IJ «... u SIB.ISI. tore. -F1....™, o. CAI.EB
Prime at il3 25*13.60—a1M moa credit, 1 |,Kt, L«*j. of tbucity as a <ui!tai»*e per*on torepreient
The Cotton market ia quiet and not much j ,u>* county mU»c Legislature. Imyli-tAwl MOUK
djing. Prices the *»mf. \ LARGE. Mq . oi M.t&ui Townamp, wilt
No particular mojrement lit Groceries, i The I bf o 'candidate for ibe begialajuic. subject ip the oom.-
tia.iur., dnh, K i. mainly 10 .upply lb. »l»U oil ».i»» -I w >"« “ lc '““'.Uli”"'
‘Vo't.l«.« »«•!. .»K«,„». ' )
. coum, K.kM WaHD
We nvet»*-d nothing from Baltimore last night j no-UAwT*
„o M -u.h„ lb, PhiWciph.. I
ami Baltimore Urn- wb- m ojieralton last eeen- ; „' n j. dwe m n-pre-ent ttuaeounty p* Die Uinaiaißre
! .n>«dJtw*r
MU KDirOlL—Pl*»»e announce ths name of JOHN
J Ml bK, of Versailles ,u.iahle cwdidatr
Inr ihe LretdJture my.ddrw. U iLhi.N.
Fruin the Sativual Intelligeiurr of Monday.
Important from Ihe Cllj- of Mtilco. !
The New York French tVurrier of Saturday j
contain* a lettrr. said l» l»« from a reliahle and j
disinterested source, from it* enttrspondent In the
citr of Mejia*. dated April dO, from which we ex* . JI)SE ,, n b*< i-<-*n ‘p»krn uf t)
1 « , •'' , _,ii,i_ mr ii ■■ a candidate foi County l.ommic
tract the following paragraph . . • a * (l| |n . )n , i n every re»j>eci hont»i and rspalne.
■ Tlie of Mall.limi uuil*. lll'Cli | mitM.iippoilf" »« w lt‘to"*‘foMM'o*-^ mtotoj..-
Jars a"» to the tJoreinmrn'i meaning the Eltcu-! ‘'oiiveniion -
„..i m Mini.lirof RntlwO. l««„ com. i Jtf»JgggZ*^&tt£Z
•mifiiieiinl to Congress, winch has returned them : r rnyUWiw
,ho ((..t.ramto. : -hew. .1 - rot>ol„,l ( .l ih.l «n r , w.H I- >-)
tin V will not l>n accepted. .... rll> tt mi eonmy for nomination \>y
-a—- : meOonv«inona..candiilaieforUteLe r ..«lure frr
f'rtohuterwn f central A**eirihit/.— There wt*« . ,u > ‘‘ , ' vr r -•— - ~ ~ .
•V • j W ItA\TKK, of tne city, will l>e supported lit fore
, Jjgt little huimss 01 Reiirral iro|xytance trar.r- |(i * y Vll - all ,| Annma*onie Convention tor nomination
acted by this a»s c oddy now iu resaion at Kiel*- \ n« ,h " ( ' r °^ CF ° f < 3t:CI>NU*W ARD
nuind on Friday last. The following persona
were elected Directors of the Western Theologi
cal Seminary.
| .Wmisfcr*.—Choil** C- Ueasleyi D. D, S. J.
Karrer, D. I)., L. Young, —Coraihgn, J. Slone
read. (.». Hill. C.. Marshall. { /
Ruling Eldm.— U. Denny. M. Lrerli. J.
The Sl J,>u* Republican of Tuesday-week 1
•aya. tbu Upper Mississippi is falling, **i«h 28 |
inches on the lower rapida. At this point the ri?
er is at a stand, with two feet water in the channel
to Uairo. The Illinois is from Pe
ru Juw n. with 4 J fecfcwatcr in (he channel. The
Min* uri rontinui* low, wilh 3$ foot in the chan
nel. j
The Cumberland had risen (wo feel pn Wed
nesday week, and there wa« water enough on the
»(>oala for 111 ctaeaca of boata.
The Wabnsh riser was also rising.
The »trtuner Anthony Wiyiie «u purchased
yesterday morning by CapL Rodger*, late of the
Demand, Io »on in tbo trade between tbb city
and Galena. Bfae was ««M for sl3,ooo.— St.
/yurts the IW/i v
—'Tbo tales oi 200 bbla Flour; in yeater*
day's papet at $8,68$ "w “reratefaed,”—-that
word was omitted.
It was raining «»y beaty at 1!} o’clock last
night. In fact ft waa a ‘poor.’ Such a rain to
last lon g would soon cau*t a big me in the rirers
ike it easy ' life at longest
But a lengthened ahadow i»,
ni the brave a* well M attonga*t
Dare not call to-morrow hi* '
Take it ra»y—for t>-Jajr
All ycur plana nf wWnm lav
Take it ea*y ! dune with fretting,
Meet your neighbor with a amite
From the riling »Un to * ttmg
Lire the present all the while.
Take it caay! every row
Make in reference 1 1 n am.
Take it ea*y! what i* hidden,
Or U wfong, or aeeoieth an.
Lea re it as a thing fortmldm.
Out of «bich a curie may grow 1
Take it eaay* never pry
into what will c«um> a ttfl.
Take u eaay! daily turning
To the tunnitn within.
Ou it*; alur alwaye burning.
K«jp an inee; »e Lee from iio '■
Take it raiyl never fear
While rnu keep yoor etmaciencr dear
Take it ca»y ' rver leaning
Tallhe aide of truth and right.
Htppjoeia from rirtue gleaning.
I’eiee of mind from wisdom bright
’ 'ake*t e'aay! lor at beet,
Life U but a*orry jeat-
Klxtb Ward. . „
IL/-H..1 Wl.:*’ ni'.l rilhr >■»* Wards
« i llittcci.uC>«>.iia'> Uwmun t*a|;
..UMS ii.ti ..Itiani. m?J •VU«k. H. M far U»e J«ri‘
,*> «' ■'P 1 "'" 1
: Cnuniy Convention.
\\h\i Bad 4bU*Sbiqblc Candidas.
>U Kt-rto* —l*Te»w* inm-mur th>» name of Major
HENRY IIKARi*. of AJlechroj C.ty. u» a ‘onaWc can
■i.<lale lor the otter o' Co'imv * f tul'.xt t to
,V 4*W..-..n .tw Whi a:.d \,.u- «
W.M A HtßCHiJt'Lll «f K«*‘ Ij'twfy. wt'i hr
• unporietl ... the A i.ii Makon.f and \\ h* toi.TCM.on
•„r Counir Oonrto.*.ioner flic Mi*Uifct in which J»«*
i. one Which l.». jicvcr received a rantfi law
nomuiiinl !>y the |.»t J»«r*. Ju rts.pert to
Mrt Eatrok Hiea«c annooiice.-the. ttaiur n< JOHN
MILLFK ol the tloro««hr*i iihar[irt>uT£h. a* » ru.tubir
M. l. I'AI.MER. K«i .]»*
i - f v„ rr pti pirHlcnt anil •uitahle camlutair fur
i',r Vci»lhttire D> cai:m* attention to the attore fou
" lf flir - .. cor.™-
! Uol W E!»PV of Lower St Claw town.t ip will be
! ‘k:;;- ->■
i *
_ _ 5,00.
THfc -ul.MT.brf n-*p-cilully inform- ihr uaWir ih»t
lie |i:.« fiiminrnrrtl thr manufacture nf GtnUrann
>*m kionnlU Boot*. of (food ma'eriiO and vYOiituati'hij.
wiitrii |.p will trxrranl »uiierior to any Boot xvrr made
m I'liiinburith lui lire r rire - Tlj. »p l»and*ome Hool
»,ll be m.fe lo meu.u.e, end «er..n. .hem ». renrj
•ctlird aiti.e very low price ol HVh UOI*LARJ*
OAt»H- Orn.lrmen are mi«e»inliocali »m enn
ncOirm. W B KRBMM--
: ss,oa
Q7* W- air rt(|ii*»ieil 10 t*k iho aumtiou of the pub*
lie ,u* the lw*e eele of Building Low, wtneb i* to lake
place by John D. Davit, Auctioneer, on thrpttower
in ilic &th Ward of tbitChy, ihW aiiernoon, atßo’elwk
On raorniug '.Bib iattant, by the Ret.Dr
Her mV Mr.> 8 Yonn*»UJwn,
Ohm, w M...MAHY M. JOHNSTON, of Allegheny
Cut. Pa-
On Tuesday morning. bribe Re*. Richard L-e, J. J-
Bankera aiid Hanlapa In Kzchanca. Coin
and Baak Hotca,
New York. ( P'- Ido
Philadelphia, J do Jo* 1 " j do
Baltinoie, ’ Boyingßaiea
B o7m, Balea “J'jV*”.** Sapp <*seS,l dk.
• £ estßa*. IS
Ido New York do, ido
Er-is aasr-. is
TUBE HAGAZISBt-KccaieedaiM AWinr».
«J Ladle* for Jane—Fashion Piute. 1 .
G6d<r*a.'Lad?’ii Sbok for Jaae—erabelliahcd with at ~
portrait of Stephen Girard; tla# ; an enurarinaofTl:* j o»
Orphan OoUeae. and an inierestm* account of nlmieil .
GrahaaPi Wufmxlne for June. ON Thuradar morning, the STtliinataat, at lOoctocj.
The Cadet do Colibiere*. atalsof the old Convene. v jn he »oJd: AnextenatTe assortment or
of Parif—translated from di* French of Madam? O*** ».apir ami fancv Dry liond*, among which ere*»»p«f*n«
Ue>bead. „ ciotha. casumerea. aatinetls. Ky. Jean*,
The Scourge i»f ibe Ocean, a »iory or th? Aiianur? ea i,e«<e«. nch style print*, lawna, f ,fl *bam .
by m Officer of ihe L’.S. Na*y bleached aud un'ilcaehcd mutliue. Imn linen*, aornrae
.The Count of Morion, or Womntra Re vnge. Trank- p!m|,«, a» . 4c.
laird from the French of Frederick Snulf A i»o. 'J cates Ctt dozen bound palm leef Data.
The youth of Baakspeaic, hj-F. Williams. K--; •« \t a O’Ciock. P. N .
thorof -Sbak»pcate and 1»*» Friend* ** sn hx? Orange*end Lemcm*. '
The Quadroone, or St Michael * Day > •»•** ' l "'"oi . t uerce* Rice; shf cheat! k -ll. Tea;
o:' Laifitte. -•!» t>xa Smoking and Chewing Tobacco;
The Connie** oi SKierau; inui«lated Horn the Ft. ncl. indoa. Coal and Deeonahir* Shore!*;
1 of Alexander Duma* ({.jceimvarr. glassware, tinware, waab tuba. a large
'lbo Victim of Intrigue, a role of Hun » Cort , P‘i J <*} ] B ,„jntnent of new and TTtroud hand hooacbold fowl*
by J«rae» W Taylnt j mm. carpetingof various description*, tookiug gliMc*
Tbe History c-t Daniel Ikiouc, the first tvh te man u- maotei clock*. rauiiel lamp*. 50 nesta band boxes, 5 m
i (ie We«i. I eai h ne»; a tjaanmy of dried peaebea,dried apple*,*o
Taylor’s Gold and S-Wer Com Examiner. - | ’ .. O'clock PM' !-l
Cbamhen’ lnformation'tor the People . A U11 ,,, 01T1f . a »*cnmr..i of Inferior Iqu.Uty cuUejjj,
comp eie-a mo ; i valuable rloihu.ff, fine .nms, With I into boaonual.b;
Midih'pmau Easy; by Hapt Man vat.-ffr.h.uppl). j « [ver w , lcbet . KolJ p. n% , jewel*.:
_ ;' , ir'nm ■*,! 1 german lane> goods. boot*. shoes. fine hats. van*D'\
ruvtJfi jNunhlie.d street, 3d door from .<■ ' * Ar • invlS 1 '
AN IMPORTANT LRTTEU-Tlie following i UnTfar Sale. , ''
Irurr from Dl Unebam, of Lqwrll. Mass., but , v,,’ ud i,t c hand*, within Itnnlesof PnDborgb, at Aui
sprnk«*the uniformlanguageof Ititndrcd^ofotberpbVM* l Thot*day evening, the STlh inrtant, at 6o'-
emus. who have tried, and therefore know now io ap- P io t -h, at the Commercial Auction Room, eorner of j
prer ate I Vn* '* Expectorant: - . AVood and Kmh sirrCi*. will be sold aiX UeablifoMois
) Uwku, Mon .Jan. !f7,1*44 • or r i frn „i land. situate in Ro*» Township, on the j
I>. Davuy Juynr-Dear Sir I have used your medi- ■ j.- r-ukl , tl Uo»j. four mile* fiom the euy of Allegheny,
one, *o {Cu. vernal!y know nby ihr iihiiic «f J-t> iic*» . BU’ia'de foi cintniry seat* or gardeningjiorpoae*; a plan
Kspecioront. in my practice f<*» a number oi yean*. ; n w jj, c j, may be seen at the Auction Hoorn.
ami enn mo«i truly ray, ihui l have i>ee- more success-: t j, r above propeity i* very - desirable, and may be
lot in the uae of that a» a mild. site and very ihurnnch | cx ,, m it| C d at any time previous to rale. Title indtiputa-
Expectorant, than of any wh-eb I have ever uoJ l< * .Me and iree fromall inetttnbuneea.
uinet»eM for the following obvious rca'om li din*« i ai»o. that valuable lot of ground. monte on thenonn
not ifcive nin proper do«e», occasion a disagreeable I „ a . t a| j P of Sixth street, near Urant, havingtf» feci
uaii*e». It fioce not weaken the lung* and pro-irate the ! f fonl . and extending back 100 fret, on which ia elected
system i>ke mo-t other Expectorants in common u*c. ! „ thrv . e ,i o n- brtckiDwcUtng Hooac and a latall frame
not doe* it nl-4te the upp.-me of tlm patient, like other ; butltbng. Ternw at sa,‘e, . J “ s - , , mtA* i .
iiiiuacn fits m-nticme*. winch have l-ee u -lied by the i Attorney in fact of l~ Nitcnel.
faculty In a word, ai* nearly or rju te the Hung wh:cb • in yl9 , _ JOHN D DAVIS, Auel r
tr fo ' i urr vW^llto. •uuTM»..gvM. "-.-4
L 5 LCTtIEK RRKiIUM.M. D i of the City of , 11im al .i 0 *.
royifldfcwl- _ 1 mere o coinnri»lt»s very el'gihle wtuattonafoi bu*inc»«,
TAYJfE S EXPBCTOttAXT-We invite i.t-. m allut-c(u r, ng putpotta. apd private dwelling#—a pan
J teniiuu in ii'« ndiniial lr ictnedy for Ihiltuon'iiy , lh ,. , #me „ a viiig a ticautiful viejvof the Monottfa*
allcctioni Iho pr.ncipie there aimouneed of ili<* mor» ; f lV er and tbciadjacent *ecner>.
bid character of ob»irucnon»—ii» tendency io originate I \ o f, «. ra ay 't« bad at the Auction Koo.m
infla.nmanoii of um Uron.-lua. and eoiue.juem Mi-anon ; or ‘ o| | B p,,| lC atmn|io DAVID GREER, at bi« rendence
of tbj uttural oufitore— j«. neyond du-pute. the irmh ) t*« n tt rt. Tctmr: One ihtrd ca#h;balance Payable in
lUeh. Tftr ouly pructiciible mode of temanne »nrh „‘ ?0 U[llal a „„ Uh t payiuenU vvt.h int. rrat, to be ►entree
objtructutn. is "7 mean* ot eximeinruiion. a r-'su’t tn noir« and inortg-tgc—purcba*cr<* t© P*y
which we are cunvtnreJ can alwny* he obtained '-y a j rouveyaneiiig tnyH i D DA* IS, Auct r
judicious exhibition of the tettu-l} <rf Dr i »y«r - I’b l - - - _
Spir.lof ihrT'rmi- v rL-, • f ttEli COSCBBT .
.»? II I* S.*hwarw, FeJrrJl «t. Allrf*u-uy iuv.FMV_«*F : \,r <'r. .ua rifieJ'r ISJ wliit-h ■ » the only eliai|<
„ - , ‘ BAOIiB BALOOK,
JSxeeutor’a Notice. ir;-Ooii««nrnntig Thu Ktenlu*, May tttfa, 1*47 «£U |
BK IT KNOWN, itkftt John H. Mx-f t.u- tin; day * raontAUMK
taken o»! 1.-urrs TrMrtn.-m.iry with urn «nl an- p i|ft , a . |», un(> Korn-, Kneaaa AJ Huntley •
neie4 1.11 lir'Evam of Klrnt Moore intr ot the Borough 1 , borm—'Tbe t'.tlicrnian** Life, Ilf the Company
of MrHccippri, .ipp’.i At. perMitf having cl »im' . Sonc—WoodMiafi *|>are Ujit Tree, «/•
ara.ixi t!.< K-i-.:-..i «».,! decedent will parent then, I sonfi-Tliins* I don't like u» *«•, Mr. Murphy
properly aulbriiiioaieil lor Rettleroetit urn! oil perron* ; llio Accordion, Mr. HuO'ley .
uiileb'cil lo’-v* <1 .•:«.i!r w. i nuke payment w.tboni «k* UTEEXtretOS. _ , _
l*j- JullX It MOOIIE ChnriH— Atvay to the Moontain, By ihe Company
Biys6«Ut»F MrKeefpori - , Kxc* utor B»U »d—l’ve w.nderi-d t.v the Brook*'
- - " gm. , Mr. KneaM
Ql ADniKA-at) bhl* Noa urgn Macknr.t *,„ C —Hrailier Jonathan. M». M«»rphy
» joitfbW. d«. 111. : A.S-OB the Ac'-prdcrn „ Mr.liumley
in l-x* a.e... and Chorua-Daudy Jim. Uy iho Company
jt’qr bxa Ka-uit. Bo t Mr. Kneaaa
| -ml Nutmeg*. ; üblT Fan Mr. Murphy
l<< toonS»di<“, - io-onihj Accord eon Mr. Huntley
60. hf bl.r. N U M01*...-} jntJ ree'd | »f.o-on the Aceonlmi^^^
and inr.alr i.j , RI-.TNOLD>A • The Aiorrii-an Flag, M«*ar» Kne»«» and Murphy
niy.fl __ * . a • Wiio'*dm knoekmg-al de doorl 51 r ' *?* M v
CiOIfPEK-'uLe. PnaiejKTffTXfferr“i • Bnllnd -'The hour before day, Mr. Nurpny
° FPKE ■ ‘I. J. r,n»l«-C»ll»D.rkle.,U.l«nl»lh*SUK)r
\ ao .ltr l ,u. The eit.xen. of Fut.burfti. we feel a«.ured, will *u**
r u ,."ei A-i 1 foV hi- Vrry low hr • tainii* m our effort* toe.iabli.h FteeCor.cem; apian
mrtti 1 HKYN'M.D.'A. sjfK , n uiU admired In iheeartem eme».
. 1 — *• - -i ’ \ re/'Saloon open eveiy day nt 10, a m.
(t A&81A, Ae —ino mar.Ca.Ma; '•
j t S bale* Clove*: FOUNTAIN HOTEL*
, Ithi bag* pepper LIOHT STREET, BALTIMORE,
for ,iy» a ' k FOGG & TUUBBTON, Proprietor!.
r ‘ili* 1 ’ * OJ M ‘7/ b»« recently undergone very extenaive alteration; and
; i.T9 Cany Boxm do .approvement*. An entire new win* hat been added,
“•£*««•« «. H
lOYERING’S SUGAR —Cm-hed ami I'ulvmr The Lad.ea’ department ha* »!«> been completely ie-
J2P.I, extra fine, ui barrel.; *trg*r ,n .-h*«u. be«t o[ ganued and Sued up in a mo.i unique and beanulul ,
<inal.r'/ jiinf»r-.v-J md for --ole !.y - «>lr. In tact the whole arranjemenlof the Houee hM ,
1 „,,*•> ItA<*ALKY A SMITH be-u remndrled, wtth a .mylc eye on the part of the
- -- - nmnr.Kor* toward* tlie enmiort and plea«ore of then
BACON-9 ca«k« Side*. 'iiue*:«. and vrineb they confidently a»*ert will cnal*
l Jo nan»«. 1,-nre roinnar-on vruh any Hotel in the. Union.
Jn Sbouhirt*. Tiieirtablr will alwaya be .applied with every »uu*
I d« A*«orted; )•'*! r*c«'.>til on.ll lor md luxury which themarael afford., .erred up
•a - t.y iu>vc > F VON UONNHOIt*-l AlO >(1 a .npenor »ij ic. while in the way of « ine*.
rpOBACCOS-in bf n*. <£»£•£ be* «o .ay, that notb.n*
1 Zt. M®.fldSs? N will be left undone on their pan, and on the part of their
.iikivanu* to render thii Hotel wortl,y the continued
I'° ,* a Zr-,Tb , ' ir' patron-se'oi .her fnend. and the public generally.
„.l ... Ilm .il. r.n »£ i.v ' T k* for l ”"' 1 ta ” * 1 " n “ lh *
»;.™» MoSSir»Rsr*r.. *,awJ. r .
(i rittle nt rii*' *' * ........1
N B —The Bußßuste Wagton of ihe llonre wtll al
woy« lie found at the Car and Steamboat Landing*,
wb.rh will eonvev baggage lo and from the Hotel, free
charge •_« n T» 4tf ..
ISCAD-Wwp:*vl'pp« , c M
J Tki. •iilj'i litil for !>>
CHKEHK-i- in*.-' Inter fine W K Ch --f on
iat *“ r ‘ ,y ~n r u.fic'S «. ' ~ MANSION HOUSE,
/ tOTTBS-io U ig* r« packed. :i«>w Hurting fro:xi ’ PotUlCrl)’ t OlUr’l lluttl| WMlliD6tOß| D. Ci
eumn M«r, Aim. *nJ i«r sa • "V JOSIK'HA.ND9, PROPRIETOR.
mW ISAIAH PL'KLN A. ri> ri\m; proprietor tormerty a»*oeiated wiih the well
L;.„ .... , u.,1 'r,, r „d «•. ,li- 1 kiinwn-firn of Fuller fcCJ.htf* leave* call the
KAD-.WI p.f* O'. *ru • aiuiiurm of »«rtton* nnmr «he Capitol, wbelheroo
' »-J. >• 1,1 TCMIrON * ' I “| P ,, O ,' or ht,.T«w.t(.l.*ni*:> orenr«t^tal.l.»hmiy l t
nt ’" el '- • ' r |ju .. c „ trouTf," which lias'licu Cued up in a
•t OUACCO t’ITTKRS-: >.»*«.. liu•«..<>-1 1 ’•» 0,. ' M .ic comfort anrt elegante unsurpassed ty any
I band ami <*>r s*le nr .ithet Hotel u the cuy it is situated alike western
m.v« S F VON HONNIIUR*»r* C 0.33 Fn-nt »i cud of l'eomvlvama Avenue, and In the immediate
\ i .. . o«-u».iy of the variuoaDepartmcnocfCovernmeniand
L’EnT-WHui Dried l'earbe*. !. lde ,„*. Hotsf.
£ ;’ 5 H.. u'.ie will always be supplied with all the eora
myv« J(. mow KI.I '• tier »i . ot; . B .„t luxuries to be found in the market*. and Tia
ItLASrKR-Wbt-i* O round P'mi«*c-n gooj order. ‘ .-n-e o rcfluti» yvill he *p*rcd to render the Mansion
r 1-1»1 rrer.-.-cd ».»d u»r sale l-T House an aitrseiive residence to all who may *ee fit to
n*ril J t. HID" EI.L. wv.-r »t ,i vri.h their iMironage.
, , ~p v . O . M The i*mj.» ’tor, would particularly call the attention oi
•\ , > N “ K 1 M . W,1, .V I - ' ' 1 " mr t):ti«-.M4 oi >l»e Artnyand Navy to In-Hotel, to •how
am. .... u nn» ever txen a favorite place of rewri. .
i u '*' A U 11111 U ' ll J \ u porter* always in attendance.on the imn.
I AUD OIL —l4 bid* «mJ -K krg* No l l.arti i<f li.r ear*. to convey baagage fiecof charge. my«tf
L .. -’f-iR.V,Tf V/kmi' To Tr*.»ller».
jj,»S» .gHI. for aiHi
ni’TTF.II-1 1.i.i. Fit.n U-,;l.uc-.vcl i • dav PHILADELPHIA AMD BAIsTIMORK.
H i'aHSON A MekNl .HT [ErtimtcHji 'J«r Paucngerj J i
’*• -*• -•• 'l*|<F. t'uiiai and Railroad l-einit now in crccl.ent
/ S lIKKNK—in hr* r>n««ie q r>l 'V »crr •''■‘l »'► 'I»V I ~r iV r H;i' PaeWet? n! t *i« Line will leave with p«»-
U in»-.’~ sVUt-HIX A M -KNHili I U o ever* night at V o'clock: '
1 |*uebft Kentucky. Copt. I'iuuy, Moaday; Alay 34-
( -OTTOX-W'-^.. *'o:v audio «ir In j„ Ohio, Caj.l. Tuesday, M«];il.. 1
myrft 1. itl TLul. U.\ *CU |„j IWII Cap: Dcrkey, Wrdnesday, UaytSC.
PAPER— M rramshra** tli'Oaj. Pap-r. ju»t I'&'d .to Thompson «.
and 'or »*l* i.v mv.fl UKVNOI.DJt A SIIF.K d.» Kentucky,Cn|>t. Traby, Friday,May *S. \
and or sii .. . Ohio. Capt Cr*t ? . Wlttrtay, »UTJ»• ...
I'KAM- «j pickacv. >H. r«a. a pan extra fi.i* : Jo |„jiaiia; Cant. Ifcrkey. Sundar. May TO.
:or l>y myi»l KK\ NUl.irn A MIKK , J(| l^ u ieia,i». i.apt. Toomp-tm, Mouday, MaV 31. I„r.4ie'tn- * .!• Kentucky, Ca P t. TruhylaesdaT, Jane I.
K Riv«t UA lAI.KV AHMiril dn Otu-i.Cui'U Crfti<," June i
,i„ In.l'»n«,Capi. Iter key, Thursday, Jane d. ,
ROCK POWAAEH—** 1 t »t* »rccivril i*er rieam- * Capt Friday. Jane A.
»r Kr.r. for sale hy niyvn J DAI.ZKLL ' j,, Kentucky.Cnjn Trul.*. Saturday, Jane A.
...... «... ,' v . ( ti. Ohio. Cant. Craig, Sunday, Jnaetl
S A ™““ ATl ' , «'r yo.VuoNN,IoH S T.CO
\ * LSTARD-tfU keg* Kngli.h.ior aale L> NKW aM> AUtfl' KFFKOnVK KK>tKOV.~
iVI mr* 8 F VO.v BONSWIRsrA CO T\R. \y ood s b ? r * ap " i^lr«
’ U Clierrr BUlera* f«*r the cure of the fallowing ;
PEPPER —lO hags Pepper wr sale ti, ’ .i,...,,-.. Jaundice, L.iwr Complaint, allß'lUooaCom
my* »1 K VON HONNItuK^T k CO , ileitlacbe, Heait Uuro, indigestion, habit- i,
BACOX— i,i4io lo«. hog round m .lore and for rule ’ Cu'aucorfa Diseases, Canker. Syphiloid Diaea.
i.v rnvJO J c HIUUIF.Lt. , r . Srrnfula Impuritiea of the Blood, Pimply, and
> —- Pu-tale* on the Face. Hereditary Humor*, Gold Soiea,
just | ImValTd, ariaing&om an iniWicioe. «t»e of filer-,
Ik ACOM-A l« Bacon Ad. s. in autre and ’or »a'e s,y ' °tVv auroiion of the invaUd puhlie. and of »H jhos«jl
I> A t» k W iiaKOAUOH.Ai wivhl .i ; efit-civd any of the above disease*. uieapeeUally
- railed to the merits of a new mad mvalaable prepare.
DRY PEACHES, l»*i«»v and for .ulc h) lion iromanoriiineltecipeofadUunimshedpbyaiciaa,
myv’6 JA W HaRUaUHH cam bin,ng in iwelf the moat active nu»d>al propeniea
”>*“ s * " “AKHAM.II irottuerd to the public- about twelve months ago, and
FI AM) TIMOTHY SFF-D li" .alvhy .iurm< that period ihvir sovcv.aha* bven» great a* U)
mv*C CAKsON A UcKNKHIT, ,ul u rr iLc propiivror ta offer them with still rooie conh
- . • Jenre. in Uiv lull belief that by entering into more ex* baud and or si,;,, by l#l)!l , V v ore. they will prow * blearing to all tho-e
/ tOFFKE—iIKi t,sr« prune «m and fm r«ld; wholesale aadrmail, by W V ATT A KETCH
->*_-;V'«S!l‘.*'i*S*i'!T. s K f
hh.l- N O . ai d for sale t.y mwi. Piltfbureb, P*. Price El—large hoUle*.
O my** CARBON k McKXHHIT nirhvarhhn _ J «P
BACON -H»ii««.S'dr*and Shoulders, for ■«!•• I.v rftMF INDEX VOLUME OF SILLIMAN’SJOTR.
tnyvu CARSON k McKNItJHT | OF SCIENCE AND ARTS,fompruiltg rvf-
OUSDRIES-I hois N.» I Lard,-m pr.iw , firn
Nnfdrr l sac* Dry Apple*; pcimd of dt year*. r« ._from 1818 toISW. ta now jn»t
k ' • ij 0 Dry Peachc omapletml and a few copies for aaleby ibe aadvoigned.
i Jo Fla raved -«'e may confidently believe toot this tndex volume
i do Beeswax’ will prove useful, no* only to those who may poaaeaa
t-do Fruitier*,' ib* whole senea. but w atl wboare coanected in any
v ....J j r ,.'rainer Nashvii.,-. u.,d io< «ilv !, ' way with the Arts and Science*; for whatever the d«-
•' ' K I-mIaH DICKEY Alii nartment the reader i« diicried by u, to the yariou*
watrr and iront «i> niemo-r* that havehe»n published in the Journal on the
subject that imervsis him. whether relating to the prog*
nr'* of science, to the details of fact* in ibe different
deinrunents oi knowledge, oi :o ihe vaiioas resource*
„[• iin. mill niorr counirirs: wiih such a guide the entire
• of the work in public Llbr&rie* or in those of
ml,v dual* tferomc* availahte.”
Comn'eie *ett« of the enure series furnished at the
iiul.l.-iierr' price, SHKi. Index to do, S 3
Soh*cririion« td me new of second «erle* received,
and ’?«*.delivereduecnf postage for Wperannum.hy
ti,r Acent for I*iti*'>ii»gli
n , r i4 W \V WILSON. S 7 Market »tren
OF FIrI Y Bl'lLPlNti LOTS in the fcih Ward of
me City of Pittsburgh, mar the new Court Hon**,,
I nc su'xcnlier will offer for ante, at public auciion,
.»n the premi"*., on Saturday, ihe filth day of Xlav.ISM?.
m 1 oVrK-k m >le, SO hea'iilfuliy ioeaied
»J H'ltg trfti* on Bj}-'.’* Hill, on the south rioe or Penn
*vivan a A venue (of 4th si road )
•| he U t« will In- «oM on ihe following term*, Vig
our-fifth of the purchase money in he paid in hand, and
the rc*tdue m four c.jual annual payment*, with interest
Horn dve of sale, payaltl,' semt-anunally. to he secured
iKiml and inuriirage on the |<rc(T>i*i-r.
Hiculd the wenihf r he nnfdVoraLle the sale wilt be
ad u iined i.l! ihe next succeeding Saturday, at the same
ii’aye mid hour. Title Indisputable.
tm-AMi* ALEX BLACK- Wylie rt '
liriNDOW OLASS-M-" >.*• :iU.
YY iwi Utur« I»'* It:
-’I do li'll 1;
H uo 12*15 mill 11ilC.
C do 12*li» and UiUt. ie* eivir s
tIIJ , or i«v cm*J _ 1 J AMFS DaLZKI.L
Pt’HK WINKS AN II UR\NDV—"lor lurihriral
hikl Sarfainrnuil poriK»«r«, and lo he i:i ilie
Aru • itt«j fei eiceil from New York, mid fur •ale !•>_
„ yi s K K SELLERS. 57 wood « .
, upe ,ior Copy me l'rr*«e« Al«n C-opymg Hook*,
Oil I’awr. ami Kon. Ink*—;u»l received and lor »»le .
u' V Johnston a stockton i
Cored Market and 3d «t»
TOBACCO- 2.» ket* V.i. TwulTotiorcn. ju»l iee\T
■nd for-air L, UKfl MORIiAN A CO
, m «>j N-> 105 wood «ircrl
FnriT-luu bu« l>iy lYarbr*;
5(1 bu« Ury Apple*: for talc M
mv « liK' i MOIUiAN A CO
BLCKKTS AND TUBS—US dot Hurkrt« mid
(l do/ Tnh* frcetviiw tt t<l foraate by
m ><tf J DAt./KLU'.M vairr-i
WILLOW BABKBT*-1« Nc.ii. received |«-r
('■anal,and tor Mir i.» JAS Dal./KLI.
inr'JS No * M w “ ,rr * IT, ‘ rl
MACKKRKL-lOhbU NoV. forr.V t,v
I ji.t ►ulr oi" ninmood i
No t fl Twin Tobacco. land
inr from ateainer Oernianton 1. anil for rule by
m y 43 J aMKS DALZKLU'JI water m
Pa nig OfIKKN Ibi, jisl recrivcJ and foi
• ale hy tny‘ii R K SELLERS^
PAPER PILL BOXRB-1H Papon. juYt rec'd
and for ule lif niysfJ R r. SELLERS
BOTTLE CORKS-) bale*, jail received and
fcr tale «l from 30 to SOccnt* per Grow. by '
OPIUM—I core prime, jurt iceeived and for sale |
by rnydS RESEUjERS
BLACKING— 3 bbli. Jatt received and {brittle by !
m>i» _ K K SELLERS
CHEESE— TO bxv now lauding; for rale l>v
rays* ISAIAH PIOKKV*ik CO , 1
CIODPXSXI-o casks Codfirb for aale by : _
BUTTER AMD BACdN/roceiviiwanrfforijal' !
by n*2S JAS DAbfKLL. •
Dried peaches-**) baa. m ««_*r,V or
ale by rcy« «»“fiSft l S
ILLS—SObxa Genuine Gorman Piil».ia*t '!*£*'*
a«d tor tale by BRA UN * tom*
mT ai ’ cor Liberty and *> Clair an
ALCINKD MAGNESIA—d eaaca, beat qnal.-
mytll** 1 reCe ‘” d "* fer *** bSaUN k REITER
C 0^ £ "™«W""^Y'"AMS“ii!zk"LL° ,
!'• tuition Salta
John D. Dari*t AotHwtw
ri*ri’: ‘•'•’l prr ‘Mill
Boston mode ok heating iiou-
M«. U. Dexter.of Jtoiion, baa arranged and
paifiiieil a plan forbearing boo»e», wbicb baa been »uc*
cclrfully u»ed in Roaion, New York, fce wherever
applied bar received the decided preference over
Siowrr. Furnace*, 4c. In advantage* are—
l*t. Ure»t regularity of Teror*ratnre-
Vii'l. Freedom tram Smoke.
Jrd. No implement Drvnet*. _ ..r
■lili Kaxily attended to. and not liable to jet
sth Ureal. Durability.. d tbe
* .Mudcl and Specitcntion .nay t” ‘ ol
■',^ U CO S P 3CAiFE ',".i'.n<
PimacMU, May r, .
T AST tilM * lrl ' » bo >*
AinenoetfAC■ < , e £ a ,foid, mnddarmylhe
.«■»*» g more man a fool jn
.1. effect. o.iTbi.etoia, I ibcu nave* teaipooa
bjr v.mnrer .i»ter, wbo, and
. . n worm, of ffjnal size
•* r HENRY ClMlpm
Watchmaker. Vni'UeU'MKci
prepared and sold by B A FAHNESTOCK It CO,
rorner 1 «i and wood, and wood and Bib sta,
itthiTß DRKI» aOODS-~
VV Plain Swiss Muslins;
Scotch Mall - do;
Naiieok ‘ • doj
Satin. Barred iaconeus; •
<l» do Moll*,
do Plaid Robes. A supply if above
good* Just received tube Dry Goods Howe |T^
■ aytt ' N K cor 4U> and Hartal M
1* Murphy has opea this nornlaf several m« .styles
of Brown and White Prints, aaal patterns, at I*l Mat,
, per yard—the colors perfeeily tas»* ■!»» ne * l > ,a *
UatT, LUach, end Blue and While do-also warranted
fan colors. nyw
Af\ INCH Burlap*, »uilable tot \> 00l Pack* AJ«o
HU nwiii bagging, plain ait4 twilled, iu great var:e
IT. caostutlT on hand and for *ale by the bale.
U Market at, Philadelphia
wool; wool, i
THE highest price in f a-b paid lot a!t d.e r S’-rent
traces of clean Wished \V ooi. b>
j Ml RPrIY A I.KF. '
Old wool warthauae. cor bl>«riv »i and CVt::••» uilcv
mylM&wtfF . •*
CABHaEXLKTTKS —l case' bcamiai. HUi i:
C»*htnerette«, just opened andursale h>
SHACKLETTA W»llTE,’fl" ,>.l
H£BIUS GS— ‘jO bbi* No I. luspected; K>r *.i> I■ v .
m »Vt> ' East »ide of ibe Dum-xid
BAHVRR iLm „i:d
Blue' Banner Funges. wills Tassel* amt turds nr
mateb—received by Express and formate h>
. rav s>o F 1* FA lON
the 4ib iirrel Ro»d,s4 by W ien e«cb.
Ai»o. 6 Lot* near ibe 4tu street Koad.Vd I > f.iutet
eaeli Price 1150. Ternis.SiO in band.. Jelni .-c in «:*
„“i ■ S CUTHHEKT. General A C ehi
} tayis •' No 10 BnmuirrJ tsi
bUPERPINB BHlKTB,oi'la:e.i »l>‘c bud «i
regular sizes, from No I u> No o—jit«i jrceiv. d anj
for sale li> jn>nO F »» I.AIUN
PAST STUFFS—A very large assortment
nrw tivle Furamer Panialoon FtntO. on ha--.! ami it ,r
. m\'jn ■ ‘ BHACRLKTT A-W i Hl'.
J* large assortment of nicb " bile and CVcruiCM
u*n Crape fchawla, at ihe NVw York Fio-e. .s» Maikrt
St. r myji W H CAIIKAHI)
SUBIHKR BUAWLB- Now open a rail • *MWt
m-m of Rich Summer Fbawlr, ul theNvw \oia
More, TV Market Bdrrei, njSt ' IV II GAKKAKI)
OSSf ABCRGB— 1 bale very Lcavy V. gii.i’u Os-n;.'
burgs, j isi rc-five t and lot suit by ,
k ««>••« •>!
FISU—SO Mil. Nc U Mackerel;
a> kits No 2 do;
50 bxa Herring; fur sale by
pykS WICK A McCANDLES- ri >r *.«.) A wnirrsc
JUST received from the Manufacturer,a lew dozenoi
those line Wilton and Uiumcl Carpel Uag>, (rr *a!r
by tbe dozen ai factory pners by the ageu<. »t
Wood airee*. up ataira. FDW'ARD 101)1)
tn>2< Agent for Eanerii Minn^rinfr
FISH— 10 l.bla No I Bali.'Hemnjr.
IS bb!« N« 3 Large Mackerel:
JOhfbbUN'ol do;
10 kills No 2 do; For rale by
tnje* J U WILLIAM-** A t'O
CHKBSE— SCO lbs Superior W\ IL:
3> tba Sap Sago; for rale b) >-L
iuy22 J D WILLIAMS A CO lid vvood >r
IMLESfCH LAWNS—A guodarsonroeni of dr.«<*
1 rable Myles and late pattern* and irapurui;on«. for
sale extremely tow by
roySt) SHACKLETT A WHITE, *t.©J • ;
LEAD— Sio Pigs tiiaienn I .cad, juai tree vzd aud
for jale by PoINuEXTEH A CO
ainyyo No4l water »uren
TV rubteribers will pay the bigK'ti market price mr
prime White and Red Wheat and Ye.f w Corn
BUKBKHX.K. WlljmN aim> '
BACON-fsU*> Iba ft»-one l. ui*ion- i>u.l for omc by
myvdi I. S WAI KtIMAN
F’LAXSEED—^ 4b bag*, in «torr and for sale by
R"” BC’TTBR-r, bbls Fierh m moi- foy
sale by miB4 L S WATF.HMaN
DROORS-lUi doz. I'omero) 's Kjtra (iiUj
D .'iodo7. ilo Cor.« wju; Mr *ttle Lv
MOLAS-3E3-50 blili i\. Orleans:
10 lib!* y. Hou«e; Tor «u'e l.v
j u williams \ <"t>
WHIFF. LEAD-30 k»gs Pur*;
30 do -No 1; ibmaic 1.
mj« J D WILLIAM.'A «’U
SII. MOr.ABBES-Afcwbi.i* on l.ani nnd li.i
• vale w eloae a coaeignnem. by
Hi :j ct*c« of ihi* rare Slirol*. jom rrp«ivc.l <‘>»r *.»le
by myw ISAIAH DICHKV fc'Cti
CHEESE— 100 bx« i.are« Cbret/- m time &u<J ii.t
sale by ray*-.* WICK A MrCANi>i.i - -* i - v
BRANS —.'ftbbls m good order, for ».il? l->
my;M _ _ WJOK * McCAN HI Ij^s
LEMONS— SO I>i* m uorf and Tar ‘al* b - .
myg* -- • WICK it MeCANOI.
Linseed ©h,~w>».m« un.eed o.ifo. - >ir m
mrti WICK A MeCANm.Kw*
AIjOM— ‘JO bbl« Alum for rale low by
rpEA—IUO Ilf CUem Ftr»h (iircaTcaskr ?»i.-1».
1 ~ iftylfl Wl'jTJi .\lcCANU.I>>_
MAPIiB BVUAR—IS lil'lK ««lr i.v
MADDER— For snip by ca*k or ke* tu
by .njr» M)M
,EH fc°KICK iri>ON
SU Ai>—£> ÜbU .\0 1 UJ
MACKJCREL— UU t.bta f»V3. Latg;;'
liUlit' bMt d.i: i/» ufri\-*,’ani> for
tay-il [jJO.i.S e '
ly'k E 600 bus I’eimsy U’aiiis live Tor «ab--t-y
It mytfl ■ JOHN V PhrtKY
DRY APPLES— O() bus. iri store and for sales by
BEAMS— 3 bids small Wbtr. in store anil for*aV
Q ALT—3OO bbls No 1 Allegheny;
O CO bbls No a do; 1 for sale by
GUIS ESN APPLK9 —I2 bM», ju*l received mi.l
tor fie by ; _J(MIN P PKKRY
ff'OBACCO— 4O keen 6 (win Tobacco !"s>*!<.• by
cor wood
'I ’AB“U) barrels for sale by
1 mytl WICK A M’CANPI.F^
_jder_for sale by ImySlJ WICK & M'CANDIKSS
SIRE’S AROMATIC SALTC.nt'varson luodanrt
lor sale by mydl ■_ BRAIiS A HKITKET
Louisville lire— ju.i tcc\i nnd for «»ir
by ' ; _ ISAAC HARRIS;
; myiO • ' No 39 61th »i I •
(ILOTE8 — 2 bbl» jo*t icc’J ami for asie by
j myi; WICK A flcCANubfgg
COBaBBOOBBdfIdAt tor ule low by ‘
COPPERAS— WbbU for sale by > _
. my|j _ FRIKNjP, RIU'.V A Co’
V'JNEGAR-Sbbbls fertile low by
myia VRIENI), RUK\ A Co
Mackerel— sibbu No sale by - ,
SU. MOLASSES—bbIs in store ami for wslr
. by myl3 JAMKa D.l 1./KLL
NAILS— 3Dbkegs Joniata Nails, for »ale-oy
myia J DaLZELL. wttrrsi
BJbEF HIDES—M in store and for sale by
rf^OßACCO—Virginia Mann factored Tobacco, vs-
X rely af brands, cunstantly onband. for «un-r
OCR POW bBR—IU) kegs ter sale tow by
myU _ Jfc R t-LuVP
MOSS— 2 bales Moss in store and for sale by ’
ANNERa’OIL—Id bbtsmsiorr aud to ntoby
.m> 14 ATWoOU. CO
BACON— hhbd*Hams, bides.andSLOtildru.fcrsale
A * OLASStS—SO bbls S. IU In. More and for Vale by
POTASH— 13 csks Bare, landing and ib» ••tie by
BUTTER— 3 bbU fresh toll; ior talebt .
tuyll J i ft FLOYD
TIMOTHY N*RD-xsbo« cletin Tur.mbr seed
for sale by mjll JiRI'I.UYD
SIOAP— 80 bx’s No I Cincinnati Soap.juM irt-M and
) for sale - by _rayU ts-i Mll. IKa HKKGKtt
(11DEK— A lew phis iur aaie'i.y
j njyio WICK r. McCaMi!-I-sS
S TURPENTINE—S l--i bbisjn*t tv-lM mid for
.sale by - -'UKSKU.KHS
my? *-
1 ay 17 1 DICKP.Y A tX>, wa'cr a.-d ironim
BACON— JMX® lb§ asrorted'Hseon, for sa:** <>y
FRUIT-9CO biis.'Pried Aj ple*, lor sal* <’j' !
myi7 _ - K.V.USH a BE.VNLTjr
i\ RIBurpKATCUK B -1 Ibliin: totsaie by '1
\) , o y|7 KNidISH A BE’sNKTT
BROOMS— HO dot Corn Hroorcs, lor sale by J
my 17 l-Afil.lMl A IIK.NMTT
I KRRiaCh-lft bills HerriflKi lor aale 1.) ,
L mjl? KMiI.ISH A. Bt-VNKn
tCTTEB-fU) Iba Krjj Umicr for talc I >
i myU ■ " '' RKKK -
nxo COFFEE—W 4
■tv lor »ale hy • m>S *j
DRIED I‘eacbe* and Apl?)r*>
.w>S *VID
KAttlSß—Bo* and iter in l
rajl* Wlt|
CASRIA— 400 matt*ju*« ren*
■yU ______i—
lyjPTMkogrl"» tor u‘i'c
JgEKP byt bc bbl, foesal^,
RA^- F ° ,,, "" ,y W,c
s o^?ir- v,,c Vi?i
' I -KAS— t® hlf cbesis trr»h I
1 oiyto_ twe
* j 'OBACCO-100 bxs 15.5*.!
j mylD WlCl
CIOPPISB Bio, Mu*e*ibo&. Mgosyfa; for »tle
)ly toy 10 . V\ ICK & .McCANDiKSS
M ADDER— Pot tale ty
10)10 \VjCK 4 SIeCANDI.KSS
HERRIBG— IPmoked) inl*»; for .ale ly \
SHOT— 40 keel that, sworieii No*; for »n!e l.» 1
ibj-IO L HUTCIIIsO.V a i!o
ROLIa BCTTKK— abbUfor »*lo b> l ~
mylO TAWhY k Hl-ST
URY APPLE*— 6 LbUtuper. aruck, for*tie -by
ijylu J , TAK>l'.y l m:jt
BAOOJB— SOUQ tU lUgou, II Rj tor *ate by
• my? '• . _ _ . _ MfcJ SLOAN
Hfpaiio-Sa bll* No 1 Baliimoie llerrtsf; for
wleby 0)7 iUJ SLOAN
M“~ ACKBRKl*—2obbT»Botfih No 3 JkUckerei; for
»»la by ' my 7 MbJ SLOAN
rTBUUfU) SHAD-10 bbUm store + for tale by
X my - • MAJ.BLOAN
COV>KK-2Q bpji
>bla Floor in a ion and for tale by
MtJ MLOAN L liberty Awood «a,
my 7
sft—33o bw Apple* for n!c br
3 ft R FLOYD
Dry appi
SCTTH* UFLES-Si tom juai rac'd and (or
*, rec’ii mm U.r »sle by
n'nnie gieta Rnt.Coffce
Aor »»!" l*y
\L *, WcCANDI.I»S_.
|rt»c oilier. lor rule l>y
1 A- .MtCANDi.iaft
i and for *aifc by .
: AJUcCANDl.teirt
>ap,in more aim iur *j»lr
K ft JluCaM*M>»
Tta*; lor «*k l.j
CK A AicCAM'i'p^n
, !tt ft lGi;iitr»4le l>y
:n ft mccanpuss
! d; br •*!« by: