The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 25, 1847, Image 2

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    ttsburgh? & »*•«*«!
OBNISO, MAX »• «*»• „„ .K.i» of '““V. 'MS.'anJ h>J It, •
who tolieyes there wyal.d j,
iid hadlhtainmoMt«M out;
.aum/me rri-WccXly'* t ~ ' Y Jl li n^ ll, 1 Ooamiseioner, mitral of Mr. Slidell us Envoy ;
. .Vrckiy i« r«(i Dollars pur unum»»i_ •• m / / • , ~
~. ~ . > ‘ ~ Extraordinary, wins cun doubt that we should ;
.^ =====s^ = . j.,. r tiMrs* .'*>*l® bV now'h’sve bad peace! On the I2ih i f March I
/t gioiic* So AdvcruHiAj* Attention n . ’I
Ai»Tenw«o^« rt V u, ~ <^, f piwiue’ Mr. Slidell himself wrote: ..
rmio'«' k oMftA; , L«g«y™“; Gnsr**!* .#"4 ‘p**&,
tTveefntfta* l /£BNOR, clothed with speani puwsrs,
. . yyA M flßin VI B i tofaeat on the Texan ncuno* \‘ ‘
r, i O BocoOMtlw Eiocati.o of UuiM imU out«.
. *PH W. PATTOK. ceire Mr. Slidell u s full minister, jua! upon the
,iwcmr«uJi»»crn) „ • ,
heel* of annexation. the Givernracnt wa* fierce
for war, .No* milk thacontrulofone ahortyear
end a little more. Thu Presidt-nt anil Secretary
of State, ten days before tbe dost 0!" Congress,
wished for Hi"-y thousand dollars; and, in order to
obtain >u Mr. Buchanan writes thus t.i the. acting
chairman of the Committee of Finance:
‘ Should the Mexican tiavarnpont. c ma-Mil to
open nrgJtitti »n« before the racehmg of the n -tt
C jußrfsa, ihey might, and probably would pr« for
to treat of pesos t citkoneor more Commission trs
o/i the port of the United Statu, rather t! un
with an Envoy Eft ‘uordinary And Minister
Plenipotentiary, an uulfH or:d salary
have altetJy hcen in»»rhM In the ci*it and
raatle bill n»» beTj»e thu Ssusfe. 1 w mtj there •
: fore, respectively suggest fp yn:i the propriety of
making an appropriation to meet saeh eon Lin
This was precisely wh»t Mexico did prefer, be
forti the ioar commenced, as we bkv® already
shown from Mr. Slidell himself; ajJ thus Mr. Bu
chanan aski Congress to do tba» f in March 1817,
which the Present refimul t> do 'in 1816 ! But
iu March, 1846, 'here bal been no conquest, uo
war, and heoce the enow ot ihcj prop.iaili m now j
coming from th* Seoretaiy 01. and which
was rjeclcj with • > much acorn a year ag», when
tbe same request was urged bj* the Republic of
Mexico. It is arming tho admissions ol the pres
eut year, though strt-uuouily denied through the
whole of the first srasirm bf 2'JjU. Corg'efs, that
the war Bra* ooe of conquest. The falsehood be
cumc luo glarin j to he persevered iu, and at <hc see*
oud session it was abmdeucd m both. Houses of
Congress. Every attempt rna lo "by the Whig
tncmbiT* to bring the fiicnd* of ih : odniiuintra
ti in to a declaratory v.*tc. that they me-iui utiihor
the ultimate cimqjist of M.cxic?. nor the dismem
berment of that country, failed. Thus, on the
23d trffcVbniiry;:lB47, Mf- Wivraaoe, of Mas-.
saehuatftts, offered the folluwini; pniviso to the
three millions bill ■
' ‘‘Provided,farther, Tdat thr-e appropriations
are made with no view of rsnglioulog ouy pnn«-
luum of the existing wsr with Mexico, ftr- the
acquisition of territory t> form new Slates Ip U
aided to tie Union, or far the
any way, of the Republic if Mexico."
Tnis proviso was rejected by a strict parly vote
—»yea< 76, every Whig, No/ib and south, save
one, ruling fur the proviso, mya .iai, crery Ad
minhtntion man. n.-rthand south, sgjimt it.. Res
olutioji* of a amnia' character, intr.»duc«*d by Mr
Stephens of Georgia, weiu «Isj ib’rojTnoul of the
For la'txst Commercial Intelligence, Durable Mar
]ttU,£>vcr New*. Import*,-Atoney .Market, He., u*
third page. 11 I
lMfo«rlbP«|<for NUc«U«r«O
wo. r.
The ivar—ilf east, character and hmeeguenees,-
■Taxation and thing* taxed; The subtreasury j
—ill oppressive l and dangerous power as a j
* Government agent, and its inconvenience in :
practice; The one man power; The veto, and ;
Us injttstier; Rivers and harbors; Danger
, cm* doctrines etaimed by'.'and defended in, a
republican executive/ The “gag" in Con
grcs*~it* effect in practice, and the extent of'
'/Ac outrage upon the freedom of debate; How
tacit Congress has eared for itself and how
little fir the People* m
We have limited ourselves to so brief a spaee (
fof the consideration of the subjects refened to
above, that wo have do room for preface. AH j i
we propoae, indeed, iaa refereoceito tome of the I ,
important measures ol the citraordinsry Congress j
not long since' expired—measures identified wjlh
the Administration and with the party io power. (
We cannot forbear, however, ia Introducing Hie ,
suHjoct to the reader, to contrast the condition of J
the country now with what it iwaa two years!
aince, when Mr. fcolk entered upon the discharge j
of hia official duties. We adbitjthe commercial |
prosperity' of iho country at this moment) and j
particularly that its shipping business ia more j
■ucceaaful now than it baa been for many years; j
but all who would apeak and know the whole \
ttuth, in regard to this prosperity, will state that J
its greatestelemcnt'and ingredient is to be found j
in the fact of tbs misfortunes of our brethren in |
Europe; Our abundant granaries are being ex* j
haosted of the rich harvests yielded by our prali> j
fle soil, not in consequence of anything done by j
this Administration, bat notwithstanding alt that j
has been done to the coutraiy. ft is because Ire
land is starving for bread, and Scotland famish*
ing for help, because France, and,* Germany, end
Holland are supplied with'the staff of life from
’ the pleoty of our bams and store-ho.ases, that we [
enjoy that success which the friends of the Ad- j
ministration have been disposed to attribute to j
what they call free trade. If there could forever
bs a famisbiug Ireland end a starving Scotland
and hungry million* ti ford in Europe, why iben
our c»m<n«rue, fn-m turb a cau*e alone, mghl
prove forever succ*-*t u'; but we togge*! tvo foct*
l» prove that 1)0 ,U :h rtlutice 11 sal.; end imi-ed
if it we 0 safe, Heaven fubid that any Lalmu
should Imcome neb and prosjrMQ*
Oat at rX>rtiitaot prices to a r.iu'-try
aril baa been blighted by a dil*a*o equal t.i a a), w
death to the people ib*-ms Ives. Never let it be
eaid ihat ibis land rrj iced at tbs misfortone* • f
other ost-oif, nr rdie 1 upon tK>»*e misfortunes as
a iQ-an* of obtaining t's woabh. Our suggestion*
are, fir»t, tb«t U is 00 safe to legislate in reference
to (amine, bow. ver wive il may be for a prudent |
people to pr>-pate for one when it is threatened;!
and our second suggestion is, that God in his pnv j
videnee may change the theatre of his seeming 1
displeasure. We have earn the day, and (hat not
verv far distant) when even this now fruitful
oantry bas been dependent upon grain grown in
Europe for the necessary daily supplies of the peo
pie; from bolh.the Baltic tod the Blsek seas, wheal
has been landed upon our shares within a doiap
years past. The lime may come agaio, thopgh
we hope not; but the foci* of which we write are
sufficient to coodemn the deception practiced by
men in power, and by presses speaking for such
. men, whenever they traco the present prosperity
of thecoun'ry to toy of the measures of the Ad*
ministration. We am willing to judgo the tiee
by its Cruibr-tbe Administration by its deeds; end.
so judgiog it, we say it has dons nolbiog to com*
mend itself to the country, or to mankind.
’ What are its fruits; wfivt are its deed*!
the war with muxico.
This is the promineut measure of the Admin*-
jKration, and the great event of the yoar past
W«a*k a reference to the public doca meats to i
fostaia the following facts; U the documents them*
selves could f ai! in proof, we might give evidence
from tho friends of the Administration in person,
of the 'cances of the wer with Mexico; we ear,
then, the first was the annexation of Texas. Du*
ringthe session of Congress just closed, this was
distinctly admitted in the Senate by Mr. Turney of j
Term., and Mr. Hannegan. of Is., and by Mr. Cal- i
houu, of S. U., thoagb not as a necessary ceu«c;
because, as remarked by him, the war could here
been honorably avoided, tod all our grievancre
amicably settled. Thisadmisiion from friends of
the Administration is important for two resroni:
First, because it disproves the declarations of
the executive, to the contrary; and secondly, be
cause it conforms to the result which the Whig
party predicted would he the certain consequence
of that unfortunate measure. The on neutron of
Texas was consummated by ibis Administration, i
thoogh originating with Mr. Tyler. j
war with Mexico," said Mr. Clay in his Rsleigb !
letter, “wOl result from annexation.” We qujte ;
the folkwiig from this communication of Mr. ;
Clay to confirm a irert troth, which, op to the j
present time, bu be*i denied by; tho frieodiofl
the Administration. 1
•If the Government of the United Slates were !
to acquire Texet, it would acquire along with ii
all'the hicumbrances which Texas'ii under, and
among tbem.tbe actual er anspendfd war between
Mexico and Texar. Of that codwquence there
canoi.t be ad< ox. Anruxa'ion and tear with
Mexico are identical- Now,' for one, 1 certainly
sm not willing to involve the country in a f -reun
war far tbe o'jecl of acquiring Texes. • • *
I regard all wan as greet calamities. to be avoid*
ed.if possible, sod honorable peace as the wisest
and truest policy of the cmnlry ,r
But, Texas being tune was not necessary
that Mexico should be rovided; and, bad there
been no invasion, the war would bave been avoid*
Tbe act of Congress in express terms rcs*rv.
ed the question of boundary for future settlement;
And on tbe part of tbs United Bt«tes tbe clsim to
the Del Norte wee recent as it winovel. It was
not known before Mr PolfcJ Old Texas did ooT
extend beyond tne Nueces, and east of the Del
Notts there weio Mexican custom houses, Mexi
can people unmolested, and territory admitted,
over and over again, by our own Government
agents, and byVriends of the Adhunistraiion, to
be Mexican. We give three extracts in their or-
d« to pTOTe ihi*:
Froa Mr Dooiddwi, Clj»rne thr Unnrd
Statu >a feint, end other*.
Thi* gentleman, June 38, 1845, wriles t-> Gen.
Taylor th * t ‘'Corpus Chriiti m the most wxs
'ttwit point now occupied by Tutu* ' Mr.
'Charles Jared Ingersoll, a< chairman of the Com
'mttte« of'Foreign Relatione, spoke of the coun
try beyond the Nueeee as ‘the natural socaoi.
RY screes which wu mukcd in the configuration
of thi*«eoutineDt by an Almighty band—the stu
pendous deserts between the rivers Nuecea and
toe\Rio Grande’—that boundary which, ‘while
peace is cherished, will bo sacred.’ Not till tbo
spirit of conquest rage* will the people on either
side molest or mir with each other.'”
The spirit of conquest bu raged, and we be*
hold its £ ait in that bloody war which has absorb*
•d the legislation of the country to the neglect of
itaogt* ereiy question of domestic justice and
need. Mr. Benton, the great Ajax Telamon of
the Administration, used still more earnest lan-
guage when he said the incorporation of the left
bank of the Rio Del Norte into the Union, (the
■ couotjj batffcea the Del Wort, ud tl» Nan*)
“would it mod ofdind eggrtuwn on Mena,
for all tit eoiutqutnta of whith, tit United
Slata mold >land rttponiiblt." Whrthtr, li»n
it b. tba •nn.t.tion of Teiu » Uu naou
com, « tb« occopiuon of diapotod lainil otj a
H *usc by a piny vote.
Oi the S'/J ol January, 1817, Mr.Stephvns ask
ed ti<9 general coouut lif t\e Hous-.-ao offer a prr
a nbV and res dut’toov, relating to a subject which
of all other*, wav now most absorbing of public
iuu-asu Hta object was not to ut iha acuoa ot
the House upon the subject 10-jlajj or to debate
tb« merua • f ihe qut-auon, but barely to ba»e th
r • -tutioiia.received and refeired to the Commit
tec ~f ibe Wo -le oa the State ef Union, to te
called up at someeubiequent day. ■
The resolutions were read for infonnatron and
ate, as follows:
•i Whereat il is no leas desirable; that tho inter,
eatn and honor of oureountry should In* cordial.
|y sux aiiip.l anJ dcfomltd, so fottgj a* the present
war ebatiauc*. to enlist, Hun toe con
flict should not be prolonged, but
should be terminated at soon as an honorable
peace can be obtaiijtd; and’wheresa it is believed
(bat a diversity of opinion prevails L> a con»ifoia*
ble extent, as to the ultimate aims ( oud objects for
for which the war. should b>-proMCUtrd, and it
being proper that this nut-r? t , '-l bn settled by
• clear expr.sucn <»! thi I. • ‘ h’a will, solemn
ly ptndtitccd to the wo’tU .
.‘♦•Be it therefore retolcrd .by the. .Sena/e and
ffouse of Representativej of the United States oj
America in Congress assembled, That the pres
ent war with Mexico *is not waged with a view to
.Conquest,’ or the dismemberment of that Republic,
acquisition of aajf portion ».f brr tcniiofY
“Be 1/ further resolcrdby the authority afore
said, Tbat it ,i* the dea rc <|f tho L'uifeU plates
thvt aboaid be terminated upon terms
honorable to both paitkt; erpbrariog a I.Serai set*
llerornf, on our part, of the que»'ions growiog out
of ihe proper and rightful boundary ot Texas,ami
a full .trognilun and proper division on tu r pun
to be mode for all the just claims of oui ciliienv
against tbat country; the'whole to be adjurted by
negotiation, to be inslituted aud effected according
t * the constitutional form Government re
‘ Objection being made, and penireJ io, to the
reception c f the preamble and resolution i, Mr. site
phens repeated that It was riot even his object to
debate the tubjecl there, but tuhatc the matter re
ferred to the Committee of the Whole Hou*o on
the stats of the Union; and be should be compell
eJ to s»k the suspension of the rules to allow him
to introduce the resolutions. He accordingly mrdc
that motion.
The rote on the motion to suspend (ho mlci
was suspended in the negative, as iallow*, (
will be seen, by a party voto. w
Yeas 7<J, —All Whigs.—Nays 88.— All l«oa
Foe >s.
Bo the rules-wcre not *us"fi'dsd.
In tbcßenate the rams efforts were made, and
with the same result. The Whig Senators from
all sections of the L'uoc, and wtfh’no single ex
ception, receded their votes, re in tbo Hoase ;
agsirut a war of conquest, and against the dismem
berment of Meiico. The following is the proviso
offered by Mr. Berrien, of Georgia, and rejected by
a strict party .vote, is follows i
Vest—34,—All Whigs.—Nays 'J9, —All Loco
“Provided always, and it is hereby declared to
be the true intent *and meaningef Coogrrn In
making this appropriation, that the war with Mex
ico ou*ht not u tie prosecuted by this government
with any view to the dismemberment of that He
public, or to the ,by conquest at any
portion of bar leiritory; that this Government cv.
erdvsirrs to maintain and.preserve peaceful and
fii-ndly rclatioo with all nit ons ; and. particular
ly with the frt’ighborlng’Ref eblir of Mexici, wilt
always be ready to enter inbi! negotiations, with a
view to terminate the present un' appy
terms which shall sucun the jutl rights, ami pro
s-trve inviolato the naUaual honor of the Untied
Stales and of Mexico; that it is especially dtsi
* rablr, in order to maintain sin) preserve those am
jcibl’o relation* which oogbt always to e ( il*l be
tween neighboring Republic*, that the boundary ot
the Sute of Tetas should be definitely Rattled,
and that provision he made by the Republic ot
Mexico (ot the prompt and equitable setilamenr
of the just claims »( our dtixrns On that Rrpab
The Administration would codons no such
honorable or conservative sentiment as this. Now
what becomes of the declaration of the President,
to be found in his message to Congress, and
which aays. -THE WAR HAS NOT BEEN
We have put tbs'cotes ofbla friends in the two
Houses of Congress against this declaration, and
we here add to this cenfesttorit of the organs ofbU
own comtnilUe# in Congree. The Tangnige of
Mr. Sevier, chairman of the committee on Foreign
Affairs in the Senate, was this
-The intelligence pc esrssed by the President
gave them lesson to behave, that t>y « cettain ad
vance in money, to be made to them in their ex.
baosted and impoverished condition, to pay nff
their army and other expenses, they reflufrf be
willing and able to make peace, and cede% for the
objects specified, that portioo of the coonirv hr
had named:” meaning the whole of Californ-i and
New Mexico-
•<No one thought of geuiog le»r," njj >| r , 3
iu another part of hi» speech. A’ friend of the
President's io the House of Representatives, (Mr.
Stanton, 0 1 Tanneana,) decUred-tbat "the an.
negation of. CaUfarnia was the great measure of
the age.P Another erf the:. President’* friends,
(Mr. Bed in gar, of Virginia,) use* t$U language in
answer to the question, •tls this to be C war of
conquest" ,
“He answered; yee; trusting in Heaven and 00
Vonquesf— congestsa* brilliant s*3om» whldf f. Latifet fromf'*OßtniJ'e Uf« California. f
?had already astonished the world »jppqncxtt, hf i Ydaferday tfnlo|. »<£sial ||ptlemabr*«i?ed
! trusted, pH rapli.kueceasioa.” j - # -' jpa b4*fd the Icjba-J. Hipvifrm, from Sinta
Toe fchairman of the Committer on Fpreigil >f* e nji'Cilifirtiia, from whomfjtfcve received tie,
; RcUtionj£>whft had asserted on# thing in SV-. r *lCfollofTOf inftraa'i-ftnT ' j '
port to Oo:igu»», aort quite another eleewbere, _ Lieut. WymjG.Peck 4 ..uf lhe.. J jT f ppoguphic*i;
‘make* tn trtfeardlaarv speech inference of the ]’cjrpC lrf;"'B«nu’^F > «’ in company wilb Mmri.
: three tml ions bill; in which. falsifying the dedv i Woo* had ■* **/ i
. . .. 7 ... , | time, he left Santa Fe, Col. Price waa atiU -theta,
r.lion of Hu Pm.Jont, .nd Uu .hate -pm! .nd „„„ bel|nnj „ (hl ,
language of htaowa report, ha aays. - ianDefl'and-atobbora'<jutef whlch'’ r 'saperiQr'‘fJree
‘ Every body knew—yes, every body knew that compel* Although the insarreetioiij which yve
this wis lobe a Ware f o/ terri- bive heretofore boticcO, had bee* put down, it
foriai conquest, although tt wax now spoken of in wax the genera! opinion that they only needed the
t-mns of cundenittauaa' in -that respect. But it aid of a competent leader to riff again. : The ciy
could not be otherwise than a war of conquest- it government waa going on trying the iuturgenb,
waa the only use that coulJ bj made of all JaJge Beaohien presiding. _
tbe power granted by Congress, and by 'Congress After Lieut. Peck waa out some days from San
commanded to be employed." ta Fe, he vra» joined by" Mir. McKuight from Chi
Here, <oo, are other proof, of the deign end hu.hui; LreuU Theodore Telbr-U .ho .dot 00l
, , L «|, with Col.' Fremoot; Lieut E. Beal, o! Ibe United
ch...otet of thr. .or. The follomng ri from the SuilM N „,. c . Tiplio. UoireJ Sulm Arm,;'
repoit Of tbe Committee on Foreign Rations, Uaraoo. Hubert E. Kuoel and other*
(H.‘R.,) in response t<» wuat t« called, io the rc» f rom California. From these genUemenlw* learn,
port' itseif, “tbe President's war message" of the that the Court at Taos bad wodemheJ number
oi. r r u of the insurgents toihe hung, and that eleven had
13th or i ebnmy. bgm exeat(<dt md a iarge nuffl&{r
"Complaints of the resort U territorial conquest, a*£t Were tiu.ig oo the Jay that Lieut Talbot pas
from Mexico, are disarmed of rejmiach by the uu- t j through Tsos. ]
deniable Lc'k that Mexico, by w«K cuiistrshu the These executions ereitej tbe Mexicans very
Unite I StativTO tui *i covaoesr wuir.crer much, and wnen Mr. McKuight through
.hi/jfc yUxienn independence, ert'y American Ad‘ Vsgastht-y wee pndfav niaq to raise volunteers
ministration iin uu]i btuivixo ro u*>r mi f jr another iu»u>rast;oa. 'Tito AleaWaand other
t*(7Mi'H4sc; and that i«s Exaoi - nr k obusus. and mflucnlial iren vioie opjwsing tbe effort, but with
nihturi/unit naval execution of them, von rut woat *ucrc?s remains to bi*. njti .
,rui i.vsu£arr or coßuokst. I arecoof * it ‘.ot When Linut Peck and his party c 'ere about'
aerdy to la»>'frtablisbed (“‘icy ofoor w.»niih»- pi ne mile*this *iJe of the CaeAeon the Arkar,»ai
itnroent, bat wist* principles ui »elf-pieser\atioa, <hey wtrj sttackeJ by about ninety lamancAc
n-!i*p<;it*.tblc to all provideut govirnraent. Indians, who succeeded in stealing le i of their
Mr. C.ihouir. te.-li:n.,oy in the, oo Ihr hor»l ond mate. On the .ccond J.y, lha C.m
- auchcs Mgsm attacked them, and succec led in car
;3th .■! rvhnu.'V, ruqa t tU'*. Tjing.if all thrir horacs aud males-—hlrty-nine
ia number. In tho second attack, tbsy had a
light of somtt duration, |u which one m in, named
Willums, was severely but not mortally wounded,
by a spear or hnce' in the body. Th se gendr.
men reput that it lithe iulsatjon of t :o
to attack every parly which 'ley thir.k
they arc strong enough to eobtend with, and are
very hosti'e to as. 'l’bis being the csrc, tbebojvrs
the gertei >1 govunment iinmcdiaiely t> ecm! out a '
force und whip them lot) Utter bebavi >r.
LieiiL Talbot, Beal, and the dther'gcntlemen
front CHiitornia, left Man Diego on tho 35ib of
Fdtruay la>a. At the tin.r* of their deffa’luie,
Lieut, t !,il. Fremont was at Ctud id do Angolos,
seting n»(i -vixn r .>1 the Territoty, uajeran ap
poinlcuci.l from Cuuipiodorc Stockton. Tbo Com.
liad roiuriicdou lusril the ship, ai d had left that
part of the coast. iCnl. Wm. H. Russell, of Cal
loway county, in this Sia'.c, was -acting as ttrcrc
tatyot the "Territory. '
(tern. Kcitm-y was joined about lhc 9th of iao ,
at Mitt Diego, by litcoU Col. Cooks, with tho bat
talion of Morm<ms| uuder his command, (treat
praise is bellowed on Col. Cooke, for! the condi
tion In which he byoaght his command in. It is
said that all h : s mch wrre in ftau health, with their
arms as bright as when they set out on tbe march
—in exccllcLt discipline, and wiiliout aD} serious
loss. i: 1
“lie was of optnbd," lie slid,'that if the an
nexation of Texas had not taken place, (bore
would havj h‘f-ii no \v«r with Mexico, but that
ffurn XAtion was not tha rau«o of the war. The
immediate aw <f the tear tins the marching of
nur troops from Corpus ChrUii lit thcnxo del{e. tf Ginctil Tsjhrr had remained with hi*
forces*tr he wjs, thiM would hate beau no
invasion—* there would hive been iu conflict."
With such admission*. that the present t» n war
of coßifJCit. 'Si arc cjntcn' tJ leaVn the subject.
Out of ib,* mouth* of nnnv wimews. aml those
selected from the accused and guilty party, we
suVstanlia'c tlie dc;lar.if! fM on which we iiaitcj,
that th:« ?•» a war of conquest, and for the dis
memberment • t Mexico.
We have proved, t.i.i. no think, that the war
could have been aveijed, »;• war h.ought rn by
the i nli r given our troops u advance from C>*>-
po» Chri»ti. Tljo letter of Isaac D, Marks, Ejhj ,
fornj-r.y l.'oitcd Stull's Consul at Msiamorss, more
than confirm.: the fact. Ou the 23J ofSeptember,
1815, in a letter t> Ueorrit Taylor, which »iu
laid tn-f >:e tire Government at Washington on the
28th October, 1815, Mr. Maiks **>»:
m I hivi. ilu- 1 ouor to i.ihrm you, that I Lavofca i
►cvcril coiifjri net’v Monterey with Gen. Min.
mo An»ta. ommaudir-in-chief of the Mexican
forces on the front cr of ibe Rio Grands, iu rela
tion t.» the dirt'-rencor at present existing'between
■he l.nit.d rSiuics and Mexico, and aiu pleated to
»Ulo to you, «b-»t from (no opinion arid visas be
made hi.o.-. ii 11 nn\ the cabinet if Mexico is r/ia*
pnt-rd t<> enter into an amicable arrangement
icitft the Until,! Stales in relation to thtbotxnda
>y, and at! vlhtr momentous qmstidns, .
‘General .Miaia pledged hi* honor to rue, (bit
no targe body of Mexican troops shetuld cross the
tift bank if tnt Rio. Grande,- that only small
,ai tin*, not to eiioej tw.> hundred nnfl, should
j,i im trrd l r p » at tit a» th« A/roro Colorado,
(t.v,niv from the Rio Grande,) and that
they would t*q -incily ordered rvnly to prevent In
dian depredations and illicit trade.**
The 29th Cuagrcas, iu ordur to carry on the
war thus unnecessarily provoked, and which
might have been vvo'ulcd,h»v<* pawed various act*,
involving nn enorong* addition to the public ex
peoditurcs ol the country; and lUeoxtentof these
have rrotaii jiuly been tho eauis of
suiponding the rnnt important public work* *t
borne, and thereby suspended during the war, and
utilil the public Jot-; is cr «<lv reduced, *li t lose
noble pursuits <A peace, so much more xvoilliy the
cjpu Icrati'in of a Republican Government than
the m.;st splendid arhievciuscU of a war of inva-
For the prrsecutiem pf this Mexico,
Cangtes* bis entborip*! the fallowing nppropria*
li ;ii> of in,'*) r . i m i i- j
Tuitnty jiri hand, eJ men for the navy, m addi
tion t> the wind? previous farce.
One thousand tu;n far the marine carpi, in ad
dition t» t‘i.- officers necessary to command them
Fifif l’to'if ini vjhtnlecrx and ten million* of
dot Ur*, under tho act of May, 1846.
The i:ii-r !a»e of no standing a-my from fight
hit nnltm t/ijutanJ men.- ten regional* cf in
fantry tn.l otic of dragoon*. a!*> l<i be added to
the regular army, and making-a force of regular
troops, wuh full tanks, equal t<> twenty five or
twenty-si vcu thousand mcu.
Or to iccapituJate all. we may present th-' fol
lowing us the additional farce autbnr:z;d. or m
VolaiiUcin. iiO.OUO
Regular*. i (1,000
Marine Corps, i.UUO
Fwo regun•}»(* rouur.irJ riflemen. ~000
Inerra** «if regular standing army, 3 500
Na»y incroM-e, 'i 600
Numerical lotce pcew»u«ly authorized
(army ttmNnarr i
Total. • 49,000
Bapp«T», miner*, pon’.onirrs, voltigeuw, engineer*,
entitled mechanics, lab nett, he-. Sec , n multi,
fade u-huui nn man cun number.
Field officer* corresponding to the regimen!*—>
Major genera!*, brigadier 'general*, adjutant gen*
erftl*. 1 •juartermaa’ers. cOmatiuaiici, »urg< ju*.
chaplain*. licuietianis. paymaster*, Ac., Ac, firm
to additional and expensive part of the army.
We not room to enumerate the appr-ipri
ition* of Die war in detail, lut in the nggregmt*-
the amount provided ia but little abort of nrrr
MiLLiossur iioLL4U<. The army bill alone, of
llie ■>. »siju jmt closed, appropriate* baft a frac
tion abort of l/iirti/ thr'rr mitlionnaf dollar*
Uul it is not the expenditure of money, nor the
wiKtcof time, which present the aadJiat fea'ores
to this war. The mountaiLs and plaint of Mex
ico are made red with (he blood of uurbraverarn,
and yet the chairmm ol the Committee on For
eign delations in the Homo of Representative *
in hia last public Npeech, could give Otteraiux In
a Bciirimeut like shit'
•• War (said Mr fngeisoll) brought them t 'u-)
at once to a ►tno uf thing* which tn regard- «1 n*
my fortunate; and though they beard a gre™t
deal about the misfortune* and calamities ot war.
which it was very easy to talk about to the de
light of all old' women, n t h» would like any one
to tell him wbat tbr-M calamities were, for hr had
not yet beard of them.”
, .V», and though one' rose from the dead Von
could not hear. The Ringgold*, the Cross* s. tie
Pages, the Kidgieyt, (lie Watson*, the Ham.r ,
the Qrahams, tin Morrisjs, have fallen in vji •
serviee, with hundred* nnd hundreds of their bre\ -
folljwer*, some uf them the very (lower ol the
American army, and yet the leading man of tk,i
Administration, the mouth piece of the Karen
live,in regard to has heard ofco Stii>f».'-
lune. Each side of the Rio Grande is a grave
yard thickly strewed with two thousand bgdie* •>!
the American dead, itud yet (he chairmanrflhs
Committee on Fmtign Relations, strapped jnrlhe
mantle of liia easy c implaeancy, lias tirafd of tm
calamity! To the civilian trcrinnghif aightdoh*'
lars a day, and hi* fjfty dalitra for every hundred
nalc* of travel, and occupying his time in writrrq
fma essays, showing how “rtry fortunate" it war
—direa-c and death, and whaods, and exposure,'
arid ttyr vices of the camp, aud' widowhood and
orphanage, and the whole unending train of mis
eries that precede end follow battle and bloodshed,
are ouly tales delightful to all old women! Thry
reach not ibe car* ol your cold-headed and cal
lous-hearted pMi'iriane. who take care to put
any thing to) such men that this war it costing
more, by at foast thirty milltoos a year, than ell
our -ources of income, nor exes worth a pasting
thought, that it threatens domwtic discord, and ia
no respect has the sanction or apprtnal of the
American people.
Several Officer* from the Army came op on
Monday,on board tho Mary Ann, amongst whom
an notice Mr. T. Nicholson, Major Delaney; and
Mr- Hedeuberg. Ltdy and eon.
Soonafer being joined by* Col. Cooke, Gen.
Kearney, the Murriinn* and dragodna! proceeded
to Montrrsy, where he was, when out tnformint
left. There he hod been joined by (h<j (wo artil
lery companies fromJjsltiniJTe. We cirpnot learn
from our informant*, that any portion of Col. Ste
venson's command from New York, hid arrived.
Commodore had jiiqcd Gen. Keaimy at
Monterey; but we arc unable to learn .«|hat their
operation* would be. Tho question ofrtho rigtil
to art a* Governor,of the visa still in di«-
pulfl between Gen. Kearney and Comf Stockton..
It was understood, (hat Gen. Kearney intended set
ting nut to rttnrn liy the fir,t of July,{but the s’.ste
of. affairs it U suppot^rj - might delay hit depar
ture. ", 1
Some cf the gcntleiacu named, we
are bearers of de»(jatchea to Wtuhinj
Cufre«pomietrti* of the Pinstiurjtj
pßltittstrau, May [2l, 1847,
Thr wbirh I have la «e»i*J j|
it Dot very important. There u*l
thing, however, flying about our
beyon>' its limit*, especially to people
we cat shake band*, at we Jo with y
An Episripil C mv-tri j!\ «'»;*>«ra
ocess U ibo Slate, ha* been bolJrag
in SL Andrews Church, for • lew
The proceeding* hove been both t
harmonious. Delegate*, clerical ant
eJ themaelves from all parts of the
will And the proceedings in the paf<*
* •• Fjie -S »rs.of Temp tianic" ars
preparation* for their gr*ud parade ■
June. This it a coble orJcr, and ah
among its members a long list of i eformed ino*
briatiK, men who, bnt for the itifiue ices which it
exercise*, might now be cjutributinf to the tfrimo
ol the community.
A company of Mariner left our T'a'y Yard to.
day f-*r New York- From thence ll ey take ship
ping to Mexico. This is the fir,t detachment >A
tho brigar'e to be attached to (*en. Henderson's
c ;mmand.
Touching the war, the opinion sei ms to be both
here, in New York and at in, that place
is as afar off as ever. You will see that guerilla
parties have hvn formed atnopg the ejemy, and
they bid fair to harrasi detached pirties of our
troop* very moth. It is now said tl at the people
at Meiirt wdie disputed to peace btfuitt (Santa
Anna got home, .or at all event* a nnjtrity o!
them- Indeed the New York Son of to day states
this n* having been distinctly-the feeling in (he
Uityjjf Mcxit? iat the time. Mr. Beach, Uw pul*
hsber, left the Capital about ifano ;,or four weeks
ago. Ofcuuise President Polk was humbugged
in giving the crafty Mexicans a pa-w. Hi»bittrr
esl enemies no hardly aapponj be did it to pro
long lie war, and make capital far another Provi
dential campaign.
The pirk|w>ckcls am particularly thick in cur
cny nl this lime, and a* they follow crowd*. t' ey
make Gen. Turn Thumb's le'ce* one of then the
atre* of action. By the way, ijeaking of tbs
General, be callr4 onlbo Mayor yesterday.and
the ink rview tvaa a very pleasant one. During
the whole »isiu his honor occupied his big arm
chair, w He the Geucral sat upon the lo accobox,
of bi« boat, upon the top of that dignitary's centre
labje, head and aboulilcr* peeping up above the
law book* arid documents wbifh were scattered
about iu majestic confusion.
The monthlies ure og<—Gr*
Pete'aoo'a National. They at<
ibum,' Godey and
e all anusua'ly at
el josf published a
ipicb. lhoy tell me,
lies to the tnano>
! taps, and alt the
tractive. Carey & Hart have
very singular work, a cjpy of t*
bat been sent to you. It relr
lecture of perfumery, powders,
other triflee of tbe toilette^
Col. Du S.ille, tdilor of the S i
d*liver* a lecture to-morrow nig
»irit of the Time*,
it at tbo Chiseao.
•jseani.” It will
Museum, on -Paris and (be I'a
be a pleaaaat treat.
Tbe weather but been delij
whole week, aud the fashionable
htful timing tho
sttccU have been
while the Parka
umber nf nar
ero is a “cloud
of rain. The
ray, hat I hope
t fieldc are softer,
y weather which
crowded with belle* and beaut',
here exhibits a. counties* t
ses aud babies. ’ To-night t!
tog up," and an appearance
mcon may scan tbn clouds a
nor; and ao do the far ner«, for th
mg much ftom the etecs* ol dt
we hate bad. ]
’ Tbe au> rant of tolls received Jon the ' Philadel
phia and' Columbia Kailroad during tho month of
April was 11, as t>y ili-i returns
of the CollectO'.
The price of marketing nukes a world-of long
aces among our housewives. Every thing is at
tbe highest notch. Strawberries have made their
appearance, but they rfijuiro a ruinous quantity
of sugar as yet t > be eveu tolsrsble.
There Iras been considerable activity in Flour
and grain to day, bat other articles drag heavily.
Muuej continues acaree. J,
lAvlUtlM. to Mr. Webster.
Pursuant to call, a meeting was held at the
Odeon yesterday afternoon.for the purpose.of qaa
ktog arrangements to iovilc Hon. Daniel Web*
iter to visit our city on bis wsy home.
Hia honor, Gabriel Adam* was called to the
chair, and Joshua Hanot was appointed Secreta-
The following resolution wax-offered by T. J.
Biogbam, Esq., and adopted by tbe meeting.
Ruolttd, That a committee of fifteen be ap
pointed to in«ne that able Statesman and
found lawyer; Daniel Webster, now on his south
western tour, to visit Pittsburgh on his way home,
. and, in case of his acceptance of the invitation to
tsakc the necessary arrangements for his recep
The following geniirmen wc re appointed (be
committee; Hod. A. W. Loom!*, Hod. Weller
Forward, Hon. Mote* Hampton, T.
lion. Damgb, Hon; Gabriel Adame, Major,
Joshua Hanna, Geo. Breed. C.O. Loobria.'F. Lo
renz, John Bbo*nberger. R. 8. Cun it, \tfra. J.
Howard,- Morgan Kobertsoo, and Jocrph Pen*
noefa. ■ ■■ . J
Oo motion the proceedings wot ordered to
pabtiabed tod ifco meeting tdjoarpaL
, i GABRIEL ADAMS, Chairman.
Jotwv* HaLva, fiee’y.
j T|Mt Police of attire ft tlowipf op
- their'first success m i the eoptura’of Miller, bjfii*
? Vteat of otter ruembcis o t tKe yang- Theytoow
'fiivtitkreo iwi ud two vomea in cwtodjj fill
xooteged ttyettarin ttelnrglnriea in tttal^ly.
Wc learn that Miller i* a discharged con*ii t
from ibe Ohlo' Peaiiaattiiy.acd has only been at
liberty some four or five months. Physically, £•
is ooenf ihefinest men In th* conn try; good look*
ing, admirably propertioned, of great- muscular
•trengtb, and u awift on fool as a dorr. Tbe of*
fenre for which be wu imprisoned in Ohio was
burglary uear Cincinnati. His csptuw there was
effected by running him down a bore*' He
ia quite above petty thiefiog. and hat long been a
professional burglar.
We could fill a cotomn with what we'bate
beard of tbe feata of ibn gang at diver* times in
various house*. They wire the terror of the wo*
men. who were kept in dreadof a visitation from
them. lostanccs iu which unprotected females ;
were abused and beaten, added (o this fear. Th eir I
first robberies were chiefly of money and plate.—
Articles ea«ily identified they did not touch; but
latterly ihey were less fastidious, and helped them,
solve* to whutever they fancied. Miller bad a i
pair of new boots stolen a year ago. To go into j
a room full of slerping men and search their 1
•lolhes, *as an ordinary exploit.-
Sometime, perhaps, a year or more ago, tbe
hiuienf a citixm near Manchester, was entered,
ami among other things, the burglar look a (rocket
book, with notes to the amount of thousand*.—
Tbia was afterwards found bldJcn in a hollow
stomp on the Commons. Not long ago, the same,
or another burglar, hied to enter the same boose.
He was beard, however, and discovered in the
moonlight, lying flat on bis face, to escape obser
vation. Tbe gentleman quietly got his gun, and
walking up to tbe fellow, read him a lecture, (he
was 100 feeble to capture him.) end then gave him
a ebance to ruri. Perhaps be did run—very cer
tain be tried to.- .
Carrying'off valuable clothing, all aorta oforna* 1
menu and utensil;, has of lato been quite tha
vogno with ibis gang, whose presumption led them
occasionally to indulge in frolic, such aa mention
ei by the dwm’ran, of ran.-acking a dwelling,
and then Jashing a bucket of cold water over tbe
man sad woman of the bouse, a* they lay com
fortably snoozing iu bed. They are'ia jgbl at
!a«t, and we. hope they will roon bo domicil'd
with Msj v Ucckhim, in the Stone Hotel provided
by the State Tor such cnarartcr*. - '
Conei|M|fdence of Plttslmrch Gazette
Correspondence of I’ili>-'>u(gh Gazelle.
vr new tore. j
Naw Tuns, May 24.—8 o 4 P. M.
A veirel arrived to day direct from Canaccssin
the Republic of Venezuela, having lift that port
on the 24 th of April. Tho n- w* she brings is uut
of much importance. The fattst arrival from Bo
geta brought intelligence that the modification of.
tbe Navigation Laws, pro|>o*u<l by uur Minister to
that Republic, Vespasian Ellis, had nseri cmboJi
rd in an act which had parsed the lower House nf
Congress, and had been sunt up to the Kunct*.
(iuyman, the leader of the late rebel Sin, arrl
who bad been sentenced (o death, had appealed to
tho Supreme Court to reverso the sentence. He
will undoubtedly be executed. Otherwise tbe
country was quiet.
There had becu but little change m tbe M«ik
rts. All kind* of produce, especially coffee, was
J undesstand,
|ou to-night,
l;wsy* sortie
i i of interest
i with whom'
’ >u. by light*
Business generally dull.
Jtlor Philadelphia correspondent write* ui that
the Biltiiu- r.- bo" of telegraph wn« n.u i
it* scsiious
KxcWive Correspondence «f the I'iiisbargti C.ueite.
jay* past.—
>irilual and
lay, report-
State. ,Y ou
May 24th, G o'c. . PM.
The Flour market ha* not been ve;y active to
day. Tho transactions include common Ucnne*»
seo at $8,875, Ohio and Michigan at SS.Bfj, and
Southern brands, l* Ue irgc’oati anJ Richmond,
Hiking great
i the Ifijh Of
idy number*'
Sates free of Corn nt 110 c for lYhite.auJ 120 c
for Yellow—>all New York and of prime quality.—
Northern Yellow was held at 125 c without sales-
Provisions—The rules of Pork to-day hate
been at $19,50 for extra Western Mess, and $lB
for ord. Mcik. Hales Western packed. Mere Beef
at $l4.
Of Lard sales NV ( l. Wcslornat 10c pci Jlr,
Sjcnc •nLx prime Haiti* "f M f e*i t 'Tir r-jre at
lie. Currcpnniicnee ol o>e l‘tit»i>oitli (.azei'r
Standard brands o( Western Flour are held to
dty-at $9, wjthoufaales. Toena is a continu’d
and good inquiry, but iho business i< restricted by
the high pretentions of factors. Otherwise the
market has been quiet since Friday. The atock
i.n tho market ia'Urqt-r, but the iftrsictioas are
generally of a retiil character. There waa a sain
t>s-d«y of 21)0 bbli it $8 68} per bb|.
Of Rye Flour there i a*e been no tales—it is
held higher, factor* how demanding $6 50 p/r
bbl. I may observe that it is scarce and in. lon
Sales Cjrninwl at $5,12} per bbl.
A eonaidcrablo amount of bus ness was done
to-day in Wheat. White bjIJ at 20-}»2o7c.
Tno sales of Corn were at H7c for prime
Yellow- New York and Pa to ogtenl 3000. bu.
There base also been solo* to a considerable'
extent on tcrms wbich have not transpired.
'Southern Oats sold at 68c per hu; Fa at 63c
per bu. *
Of Wbiakry in bids sib*. at 35c. but hold
ers have put tho price ,up to 36c—no salt’s at
Exclusive Corrcipondfoccoi ilir I‘isitLurgli Gu/cltc.
May 24. 9 P. M.
TbefcCck market has not varied to-day to any
exteut—pliers about iha same as yoterday.
Flour.—The business done to-day in Flour' was
not large. Sales common brands Gennessco at $B.-
68ja$8,?5;of best Southern at $9,31}; and of
fancy Ohio at sB,Bl} per bbl.
Of Wheat sties prime White on the spot at
200a203c per bit.
Corn continuea in request—there were sales cf
primo White to-day at 11 le per bu.
Oils on the spot rcalito to sellers 4Joa6lc per
bushel '
Hju hvi gono up still higher and is worth 148 a
149 c per bu., on the spot.
Curnraeal sild to-day to extent 1500 bids at
#. r ) t oC}3sS',lB} per bu.
£R?e Floqr tells readily at $6.50a56,52} per
l ami.
There has been no movements in Proviaions
and priejs are without change of tlie had cons?
Wq. the undersigned, passengers on the Steam
Uoat Germaotown, from Cincinnati to Piltsbmrgh,
take pleasure in recommending .the above boat to
ike travelling public. For every thing which
pertains to the comfort and convenience of’pastcr.-
gm, the Germantown cannot be surpassed by any
boat in the trade. The officers are polite, kind,
and attentive.
Having left Cincinnati on Friday, the Slat inst..
about one o’clock P. M-, wo have tho uitisfiction j
to find ourselves in Pittsburgh in advrfncoof other
boats leaving before (bo Germantown. The G.
was not detained five minutes'in con*eqoenee of
ihe low stage of water, u bate other boats which
we passed on tbo different areals above and
brh.w Wheeling. We do, therefore, must hearti*
ly auito ouelhanka to the Captain of the G„ for
our safe, speedy, antTpleasant trip from Cincinna
ti lo this place.
Hon.i J Dyer, lowa,
Wo R Jamison, New York.
Dr. J H Kibby.lMo.
Rev Alexander Pattison.
James M R Naughton, Pa.
James Brown,N Y.
William Ileasley, Ohio.
Her Henry H Johnson, Pitlsb’gh
H H Cree, Pa.
John Shaw, N "V.
Wm M Porter, .Pittsburgh.
Bcnjxmin Watters, Mo.
WIJ Phillips, Mo..
" John Williams, 1 Ohio.
Rev J McGill, Point Pleasant.
Pittabutgb, May 23.
85,00. BOOTS 5,00.
THE subscriber respectfully inform* the public (bat
babas commenced the imauuraciure of GtntUam
FasbiatiabU Dee**,of good material
.which be will warraat superior to any Wot *.vcr made
jin-Pintibnrtb for the price. These handsome Boot
I will be made to measure, and warrant them as repm
seated, at toe very low price of FIVE DOLLARS
'CASH. Ccmlemen are requestr*! «o call, ana exam
ne th-m. • jv* W B KRSKINF-
I# .TO* «S"i itii-Sawie^«EdStti!*l
i UMUcs the ouvW Jdajot
i •jf l ' l */, B Alle*he«TCitj\a»n«fcii2lee*n*
aMste *f 1 *•»« S®m o( Coannr vMmi«ioaes£*aMecl t a
A* of ike Whig andAHti-Mascaie ajeveaiioa;'
-»r?CdAW v C- ** £*THIG ?
\\ M. A. BUttCUI IKI.P, of K»»« Liberty. will pe
.mwiM**- I*o- Aati'Mumre'nd'Wkljr'GMveiitlon !
for County Commissioner. The district iti wbiett be
resides i* one wbieb bus never received s candidate
npmiiialed by the party for said o£ce. lurespectto
qualifications oar candidate will compare wim-am
_jnj<ldAiric # . x
Ma. Jud.-jok:—Pleai ‘of JOHN
MILLEK, of the Bor
candidate 10 rej>re«et
Mi. Eoiroi;—Plri*c anoooiic" tint.
of Wilkin* Township, wih be tnpporied in ibe'Vhif
iml Ai]ii-.M«*oiiic-Cbn»eulioa. M i»oit*blt:c»nd;d«ic
for Hie Lcg.-d.mrc, inti MANY: CITJZKNH
rnyjd • _
Ml Kdiioi I uLe-pl*i*are in reconxnendirig. :*>
• be- member* of ihe Anti-Muon'c'sml Whig'Coonty
convi-nuoa, Marshall sWartz welder,’£•<).
—a gentleman well qaalifird u> rrprctent tl»i« coun
i)’ .111 1 !** Mate Hi* nomination would gr»u
-i) u'MiiriouK i. lend* m rhr Cilr and Coonty. t
JIKNRV. of tourer Si Clair lowwhip, will
'j«* »op;n rinl l»y oiny t\ h>f* and Anmiawi' for the
oitv'coi (*ouni) Corainii'iont r
' mvl4<Ubw*r
JOHN .MORRISON, of Allegheny. will he supjtnrf
rd by many Whig* and Aniunnsoa* for noraintt'xm by
ibeConvaiiroti •<*« candidate for County Treasurer. '
Mb. Foitok:—Plea*e tuinoiuiee the name of CAI.F.B
LhK. h»q. of lln* i-iiy m» a *uual>'i-persou lo rrprereni
iln« count? mthe legislature. (eiylLliu-] MOON
HENRY LARGE, Esq., of Mifflin Township, will
he a candidate far the Legislature, subject lo the noiiu*
nation of the Whig ur.d Aiui-Ma-ou'f county CAnvco*
'on • _ inyl3d&wtc
Major JOHN WILLOCK wjll be supported befoie the
W-tug dint Ani'tnaMimr Vonrcntiou lor the offlee oi
county Treasurer FIRST WARD
Mb Kditob— l’lease Announce the name of Major J
M. SNODGRASS of Mifflin township. at a suitable
candidate to represent thtacooitty in the
myedfcw»T • LEGION
MR- EDI TOR:— Fleare announce tbs name of JOHN
J ML'SK, of Versatile* TowuJnp, a suitable candidate
for the LtguUiure niyidtu-T WILKINS
Mr. Eonron—PAM’!. I*A LM KK, K*q. jitt I.ecu spo
ken of here «» uo ext rliem ami •unable' eundulate tor
the |pgi«laiare Dy culling atiei.Uon.ti> the starve you
\nllobligt: pt-ny Whig* ol the cily.
my&lAwtc COUNTRY
JOHLI’H M'-t'CLLOcII ha* been «polen of by
•rwrai yen'll-rnru a* n i-aedidatr toi CiUmy Commit.-
• inner, .-uni iirmg i.| every tcspeei honot and rapablr.
will be -nppoii-il ha In* IM-cnil» tor that office before the
Convent,on _ tnylOjAw
THOMAS I’K.ItKINS. of Lower Sv Clair township
wi'l in- a f.» uoiiiinatinii (o the office of coiut
iv i uiyHhlAw
JOHN SHERIFF, oi the riiy, will be supported by
'inn) 'Vli c» of the city ami county fur nuuiiuauon !•>
• (Vinveiiim-, it- 3 cumlnUtc for the Legislature .
J VV ||.v\rKß...< lU-- my.will be supported b' fore
iht: Whig uml Am.maronie Convention for iiotnui'itkiu
a • the cuiuliilaULt •* ilie tnlice o! coatity Trvaiurer.
in>ad*wir SFCOND IYAKI)’
IV, r.4|*y of Lower Si Cla’r town** Ip'wiP be
*upt>nr;r<| »•-. mart* W|il*« attd Antimnsour luithr l«e>
qirlaturr. ruytiiJAwF JEFFERSON
S7*Di:- Anii-Ma*onlc and Whig Frirosry • Met ting
for the Fir*t VVanJ.Cny of Alleghany, will le he’d ou
rfoturdny evening, the Will instant- at in* house nl Alch*
i*on Woodhoute,»,i Robituin street, which in the place
of demon for said Watd. iny2l
VOntheiNnd tn*’.snt. by the Re v I,ee (at Green Lawn
tot residence of Jno. Graham K*| ,) J M. C IRWtN.
r..., .of Fat ette County, MARTI) v CEL
UKUTdON of /.Aiie«Ville,Oiro.
JuUft, the li in*tant, MARY, daughter of
ffsur) and Mury Warner, Allegheny City, aged 1-1
Thr. '.•lend* a.;d aeqii nianc-* of the family are
respect; u'ly iiv.ied to ain-uj the funeral, at 3 o’clock'
this day. iro.n iho re* d-nc- of Iter parent*, corner of
Lvrock »nd Federal streets, Allegheny city.
DK. MORRII.L will deliver JVo Srftri Lttlurtt to
t« n'lem*p cxdauvely, upon MaRRIaGE. CKl.l-
HaC\ . considered will )eferrnre
in ihcir mdoeuce upon Healtti? inrolvin* an exro>imm
ut ttm Rirueluro, Nervous RetcLuoua, I'rc, and AhQ
“e»nf the Rrproilui'iiTe Organ*—die Parental In'Unct*
Youthful E<er**e*. Ac., Ae„ iifanrated with titn Drawing*. Ac . at
PJIILO ilAhlil
on TUESDAY anil WKDNI-SDAY cveniuri, J|a>
Wih and SSrli. *i ■*o'rloek.
(XJ-J-'ot UtmUtiten OaJy. Youth* under [G not admit
ted Adraiskiuu S3cem*. Tickets at Door. inys4-Ut
WILL deliver a Lecture iu tho South Cjmtno i M F .
Qioiert, ibi* r-.imug. il uc'day.) > «yi'Sti. at 4
o'etoeV. “obj On •;u, Ricbu--*-. Ueau;..,aud Foa -i
-eroi tlte Kagltsli Language :
single Tictret*. ta cent* Lady and Gentleman, 3Ti
ecuts—tn be had at the Meth'>di»t Bookstore. 4th street;
Mncheli's Dreg diore, and Parker'* Shoe Store Alle
gbeity City; and at the door myfiJ It
Boston mode of iiEATiNQ uoi*
•4KS*— Mr. O Dexter.of no*toir, ha* arranged and
plan forhbntitig hou*c». which ha* been suc
cessfully used ;q New York, Ac ,amJ wln-revi
appb-jd iu- rer-..- vaj the decided pr*f«*rein-e uvi r
Muv< *. F«ju l :e*.'Ac i Ii» a lrauuge. urrr—
-I*l Great irguiuni) of Tciuperniure
fnd Freed rut from Smoke.
3rd. No unpiaa«ant Dryne**.
4ih Entiiy atieu-JeU to. ami not liable to get oal ••{
f>M Great (Jur.ti lit/.
A Mmlel and Specification m.i) }>»• seen and the ip- ■
pnaiu% n!«i#tnc*l m ihn t'oppcr and TrnWare laeioryt-r
my.Mti hei. WtKwl and .Market ms i
INm'.-Rcn. Ma> 1*.1*47. '
L.l-[' u-da; I guve ■ teaspoon iu.i of HA. FuV !
uenoch A t* '» YeruinuKi' u nij hale girl, who U"
briweni lout and five yea<» 010. anil daring (he day tli'e.j
p*a»rd It'i Urge u-jiid*. avct aging more wan a foot In !
Srcms.i* effect* on Ui>» <!i i 1.1 then gave a iea*pona :
'“•I '*> iierymingiT titter, who waAiupamuly well, and *
•he |u»»vit :17 worm* «( equal *itn ~-~
May 24th 7}P. M.
Watchmaker, Smt.hfiold «ueet
Prepare.! and »,ld by B A FAUCES POCK A On.
* >mr. !*i and-wood, nmi w... I and Gib *ts raw 4
■VTOtICB '• hereby given to all ptnxii indebted to .
>. v the KtiiLic ofTaout-i- U-ki-Iwim, lair of Baldwin }
Tovrjalnp. Adegb’nv"County, ilec'd . to tnake itnmcii..
*'«• pnjm-ni -nd all p -r«on» Having against raid ,
Futaie to prv<eni them properly authenticated (at t* ,
I'enieni 'i» ih> ••jh«eriber* '
AdinlnUtralnr'i Noflce. -.
NOTICE i* .hereby given tltai the undersigned hay f
taken via L--tter» of Administration on th« E»ni-r
of John D Fowin, late of Franklin TowptUip. Atlt- i
U'lrny Oouniy, dce’d AH pr.raani having claim* or ;
dein.iml< the friate of.»n d dcccdcul, are her*- ;
by notified to make known the tame without delay -to|
the undersigned. at her residence in Frankliu 'Joa n- i
ahip, Ai'Ctbeny Oountr; uitd all person* koowing rhr-s- ,
selves intituled will please call uftd *ettlt-Ibr:r n?cuu.n* ,
mytfwfiiF FARAD KDWtKB,Ainr a }
»17niTK ’**’
»* Plain Swiss Muslin*,
Scotch Mull <!o;
.Naa'ook da,
Saiin Marred Jarourii*;
do do Mul:»,
do Fluid RoSpH. A vttpply of obo e
good* just received at the Dry tfooilv llouae of
63 aerct, situated eight- rude* from the City on the
Franklin Ruud, and one mile beyond Perrysvillo '1 he
improvements are 40 acre* hi cultivation, • gtod frame
bouae amlsiorn, garden and orchard, etiole uad bam,
with other om-boiuea, and excellent-water; AVill he
•old low ami on ca*y terms, or exchanged for Real Ks
late in Pittsburgh o/ Allesbniiy CJtyi
myjj 3 CUTHBKRT.SQ Smtlhfield *L
QUNDRIKS—4 bbls No 1 Lard,.jn prime sbipp ug
kJorder; I sack Dry Apples;
l do Dry Peaches;
1 do Flaxseed.,
I do Beeswax;
I'Adj Feathers,
.Notv tunJ.iie Horn strainer Nashville, end for tale by
ISAIAH dickeyaco
myffS water and front sis
U/I\UOW GLASS—KM bxi, Sxl4;
*V KH) boxer 10x12; ,
S do 12x10 and 12x14, receiving
and for sal.i l.v airtl JAMES DALZKLL
•".Murphy ha* nyra Hut uiurriijg several n-w riyles
.of il.-oivii >Vb i,- Pr,n.« nesi patirru*. ar IV] cent,
per )nrd—tbr color* perfectly (ani.also, nsal Pink
Hoff, t.ilarh and Him' uuJ While do— also warranted
-fjkt co or«. raytO
Pl’Ri: WINICS AND URANDV—“For medicinal
and S.icrumennl purposes, and to I{o nsed ia the
An».“ Ju«i received from New Fori, and for rale by
Lsof ■upßnorHopyitigVrcsses Aleo. Copying flocks,
Oil Paper, and Copying Juk«—just received anJ for sale
!•> • JOUN«TON A sroCKToN
-inj'.’', ! Corner Market and 3d »ts
keg* Va. Twist Tobaecii, ju»t rec'd
and'for'.ujc by UD') MOitliAN A CO
FRUIT—I mi Inn Dry Peaches;
6uhu.« D/v Applet; for sale by
mftt OF.O_MOR(iAN A CO
KUCRETS and; TDBS-M dox Duckett and
fdor. Tube, rcceivin* and for sale by
roy23 , J DAI.ZELL, -varer rl
Willow baskets—hi n«uu. received per
Canal, and for said by JA3 DaLZHLI.
_rny4s 1 _ No 84 water street
\ X ACRBREL—IU bids No r. for sa'e by
myB3 ___ __ Hast aide of Hjatnond
■ i tOBACCO—SJ kng* No I. G TwinToboccp. inpi*.
X in# from steamer Germantown', and for tale Lv
tnyii JABIKS DALZELL, 21 water »t •
I)ARIS ORKEN—4fiI lbs, just received and fer
X sale by _ ft K SELLERS
PAPER PILL BOXES—IBI Papera, iustrec’J
and for sale by i mttß RESELLERS
BOTTLE CORKS—) baits, lost received and
for sale at from JU 10-dOeenu per tirou, by
OPICM-l case prime, jim received and for sale"
. _ ''J - RESELLERS.
BLACRIHG-3 bbls, jun received and for vale by
bx * now ••odtogi for Mie by
/CODFISH—3 casks Codfish fer sale br
gOTTER rece|vjn^sad T foryle
T\RtBD PBACIIES—2OO bus. In vtore and for
U,* * by m?U Jit DALZELL
—Vffrt. -Br—■n wiiyaaDwwWwlaeßdaT'
mormar, May SAi.«ll oVtoek. oh ih*}eTe«.o9P«»te
the MmhogAar Saw Mill, of Mew*. H. AJbroA Co.,
Clnejonati. ot . ; L • 1
ISO Lon Bay of Hondaru MabMaayJvf vwiow
lengths and diam C tre»,»<ittßiia| f«»® WIBBO laeae*--
ijhc whole lak *U»t- B^AHM Bupßrfio»*l 1
teeasare, with. * Urge portion of motUM wnoo im ,
eiotches orUn tailß. • ’ 1 L"- i. L , a
The abdre ombef ispet cp*n Jot»w fire lo**,*na
measurrd by the head sawyer of Meniß- ii* Aibto A
Co Purchasers mav bare full eoafideacoAha) a libo*
meaiure is given. »- < * / «!', AL
A catologDc of the number. length,breadth.aoutluc*
ness of each lot and mek. will be ready lhatiay Lewfe.
the tale, showing the conirnts to superficial fret of each
suck, aiid ihefumofeach'lm inpanieehu- , . _'
l>rcn» of sale am Blfift, aa-! under casb>RBuowf*Wo»
«0 days: S3SO to SOQ, 80 days; RMO and opw*H*.4
months, for approved endorsed paper. - A diaeoentof.
per cent, lor cash will be made on all pnrehasea or
S5OO and,upwards. ( ■
1 , »yW' ' ' ' Aocnoderes.
Largt Soie of Rtady s S£ddt Clothing. \
ON Tuesday afternoon, the tSih'iustant, ai 8 o’clock,
at the Commercial Sales Rooms, corner.of Wood and
Pifth streeia. will be sold: A targe quantity of new
and well made fathionaule ready made Clothing, among
which are:-* i- ; V; ■
M 'do fine shins with linen boaoms and collars;
Together with a quantity of-fancy veits ( stocks, cia
rais,shuieollar»,i*aspenoeti,Ac. . . ■
Al*c,‘l bale damaged Brown Maslius,. by order of
underwriters ' * m,U
ON Thursday morning, the 87th instant;at lOo’cloek.
will be sold: Anextenaire'assortment«fseasonable
staple aud fancy Dry Good*, among wbichareiqperfine
cloths, eassimere*, spiinqua-Ky. jeans, snoutd« lainesy
calicoes, rich stylb prints, lawns, alpacas, ginghaiSs,
bleached iiutd un'ileaelied muslius.lrish linen*, summer
cloths, Ac, Ac .1 -
Al«o, a essei CO doxen bound paunleaf bat*: v
' (dueenawsre, glassware, tinware, wnsh tuha, a large
nssoumetii of new and. eseondhand householdfurni
iaie, carpeting of varrotts descnMlona,looking glasse*
mantel docks nift''rl'larap«. SO nests band boxes, fl in
each nest; u quantity ofdnedpeaches,dried apples, Ac
At 7s ; i>’Uiock, F, M. , . .
A l andsooia aMomaeor of- s'rtpieriof'qtaliD' etnlery,
ready mail** rlaihmg.finr »tiuUt, wiib liticn boaemsanb
collars told and •river watches, gold pens, jewelry,
gvrman fancy goods, boots, shoes', fine hats', varety
good*, At-. • ■ - r : ■■ mySO
Wwrtl Notlse.
Rtceutor's Notice.
W.«. WOODFOnp,] ;
WM COX. } Kreeuior* <
N K enr 4tfa and Market sir
II da 'lOiH;
14 no 12X15 ami 11x16;
H K SELLERS,S7 wood st
No 'IUS wnod sircet
%.•_!§ Portion. Sglri \=
Bjr John D, Davis, AuctlsMar
B 4 pa : ( fine fancy eastimere pantaloons;
200 11 t weed, linen and couonade do;'
sft eassimere and tweed eoeuj.
* down assorted fancy shirts;
. ? do hickory do;
6 do French style superior quality ahirts;
At < O’Clock. F. M.
30 hi* Oranges and Lemons,
:l uerec* Rice; 3 h£chests V. 11. Tea;
20ox*t*mokingandChe*rihgTobuieeo;-" J
JOdoa.Coaland Devonshire Shovels;
L«pd £or (alt.
Valuable |j«d», within li miles of PiU»bargk,at AOl
- ON Thur>day. evening,, the Sfrth instant, at bo’-
clock, si the (’-oiiunvreial Auction Room, cornet' of
Wood and Fifth flrrct*. tf'U Jm.sold six pfauttfql tot*
rt'r, pleces of land, situate 'ln‘‘Ro** Township,’on tke
Franklin Road, four miles fiora A/legbeny,
•uiiablejot country ocai* or gardeniug purposes; a plan
o: whieh tasv be*«cn arthtAuctlon Roont:
Thu above ptopetiy 1* story deaimblor and may lie
examined ut any utnc previous 10sale,- Titleimlisputa
ble nnd free fiomull incurehranees. ...... ...
Also, that valuable lot of ground;sitnate on the north
cavt *id« of Sixth street, near Gram,'having 17 feet
front, uud extending back 100 fee!,'on which la erected'
a three story* brick Dwelling House aud a small frame
building. Terms at <V e »- - ’ iIA& BIiAKF3>Y, r
. Attorney in fact of I^-MueheL
tnyia JOHN D DAVI*. AoetV
Large Sale of Building Low, m the Eighth Ward
01'th« CnyofPiarbargh.--'f: f
ON Wednesday; a'teruoon, the 2Ath fos'nnt, o'-
clock, ou the premise*, will be Mid: 146 veiy splendid
Building Lota of Grtwud, fronting an
Avenue, (nearthe CourtHoase,)and tUeetsodjaceJit
there'o, comprising very eligible sitaationaCarhasincaa,
inanafaeturutg purports, and private dwellings—a part
of the same having a'bcautilnl View of the Nononj*-
bela river andthe adjacent scenery.
A ptun of t e Low may he hud at the Auction Room
or 00 application to DAVIDGREEtf, at his residence
on Fetm »L Terms: One third cash; balance Payable in
two equal annual payments .wuk in le rest,to be secured
by nous and luortgage—purchaser* to pay expense of
conveyancing my!4 - J D DAYDVAnctT
lee Ci*-snt Tickets 19| cu., which Is lhe edly charge'
Io~CommcncingTbts Even log, UayuHlh,l&47 VTI
Duett*- Piano F’otlcs, * Messrs. Kneaaa’ k lluntk)
Chorus—l'he Fishermans’ Life, * By the Company
-Fong—Woodman spare that Tree, Mr. Kneaaa
Comic Fong— I Thing* I don’t like to see, Mr. Motpby
Folo— On tin- Arcordeon, Ur. Huntley
I.UiBAIUII/il, ,
Chorus—Away to the Mountain, By the Company
Ballad—l’ve wandered by'tbe Hrook** .
- Side, Mr. Kncais
( > umic~Song—Bratlirr Jonatiiau, Air. hlurphy
Solo—On the Accofdeon. MrTHuatrey
Solo and Chorus—Dandy Jim, By the Company
Soug—Beu Bolt, Mr. Unease
Song—Lubly Far, , Mr. Murphy
Solo—on the Accordcon, Mr-Haptfry.
iXTaxxuutox J?
The American FJag, Messrs. Kneass and Murphy
Who** dat knocking at de door? ~ Air. Kneaaa
. LJaJlud—*l he hoar before day, ■ J:: • • Mr; Murphy
F.nal—Cotne Darkies. liswn to the Pioiy *
1 ht'ouxensof FmsJiurgh. we feel ostored, will sus
tain us in oar efforts to establish Fiee Coueens; a plan
so much admired in the eadtero etltCA;; ,
E3 a ~£*loon open evciyday at ID, a ai, . t—.
FOGG k TOGSSTOX, Proprietor*. .
r T'HI9 establish nent Ion; and. widely known aa being
A one of inemorUQromuniututiatheoitrofJtalilmme.
Iwj teeemiv uiideigone very exteusiveulteratioas eaa
I'ftprovemeuu. Au enure o«w wing bus been added,
comaiuingjiumeroas and airy sleeping apartments, im
e xityiCVe bathing rooms.
The Ladie*’department has also been qqapjelely re
orguulred-and fitted yp in a moot u'ulque and beautiful
•ivlc. In fact the whole urrangemenl of the Hoom has
bc<-n remodeled, with a *iug!o eye os ibe parLof the
jirtiprictors toward* the eomfbrtand plea sure* of theit
Guesis, and which they confidently assert wiU e&aJ*
Icnge t-ooipanson with any Hotel in the Union.
Ttieiraxble will ulsruyt be-cupplied with-every sab
• lautial nnd luxury which ihanutkct afford*, served op
1.1 a Mipenor style, while in-the way of Wine*,-Rf.,
they will not be surpassed.
lu conclusion the proprietors beg tony, that nothing
will be left undone on their part,and ontbepartoCtheir
assistants, to render ibis Hotel worthy the continued
patronage of their friends and the palmc generaJJy.
The prices for board have alec. teen, rod need lo the
following rates:—
Ladies' Ordinary 9t 75 per day.'
Crntlemen*’ “ ••150 “
N. o—The Baggage Weggodofibe Hoove will al
ways be found at the Car and Steamboat Landing*,
irtucb wilt convey baggage to and-front the Hotel, free
of charge. • • , ayiltf
Fonncrly Ksller’i flotei, WublssUß, 0. £
rpllEpropnetor loimert) with the well
X. known firm of Fuller A U>. beg« leave-*© call the
attention of persons-vistiins >hc Capital, whether on
pleasnrt or btuiaesa, to h>«iKwtropened establishment
the “Mansion House," which no# been fiuedup -in a
style of cotsfon and eleguucc unsnipaased by any
outer Hotel in the city. It is situated atibeweotem
end of Pennsylvania Aveuue, and jn the immedisir
vicinity of the vapuovDep.Trtnitfrtis'of,Governgiealand
the Ptesideoi’s House.- •- c/. f . w* -
Hi* table will always be supplied with all the com*
fens and luxuries to lie found m the markets; and oo
expense oveffints will be spared to rentfer the Mansion
Houtc annuractivo residence to all who may see At to
bnimr it yrith their potrottagik
The projiiii- lor womd particularly call the attention of
the Ofocera of the Army and Navy to hi* Hotel, to' whom
due* evcr.been Afatoritaplacaof resort.*-*• ‘ 1
N B. in.aitendance. on the arrival
■)i' the car*, toponvey baggage froeofehargo. ■ mygflf
' lExtltilicti# fcr' Ptustnfcrt ], j , , ,
rpHK'Coual and Kailroad* being now in oxeelieat
J. order; ibe Packets of this Linewill leave with pas
•uiiaer*a*followi,e?err_ai*htat 9 o'clock:
Packet Kentucky, Capt Trubyj Monday, May M.
do Ohio,Capt,Craig. Tuesday, May Hi.
do Indiana, Capt Hotkey, Wednesday, May 88.
do Louisiana, Capu Thompson, Thursday, Mar 87.
do Kentucky, Capu Traby, Friday,May *9. ;
do Ohio, Capu Craig, Saturday, May 89. ,
do Indiana; Capt' Berkey, Bandar, May 30.’ I
do . Louisiana, CapuTbbibpfDn, Monday, May 31.
*lo Kentucky, Capt'Traby, Tuesday, Jane l;
do Ohio,Capu Crate, Wednesday, June B.'
-do Indians, Capt Berkey, Thursday, June 3,’
do Louisiana, Capt Tbompiou, Friday, Jane 4.
do Kentucky,Capt Truby, Saturday, June & ‘
do Ohio, Capt Craig, Suiday, June 0, _ A .
If yon dCtire cheap travelling hup comfortable accom
modations, secure >*our tickets at ibe Packet Office,
Monongabe-la House, .Water street, or ef •
myH D LEECH it CO, Canal Batin
Du. WOOD'S BimptrilUuuiwild
Cherry miters, for the core of the following
di*ra«cs: Jaundice, Liver Complaint. all BTlino* Com-.
plainM.eick Headache. Ifaatt Barn; habit-'
ua I Cosureties*, files, Palpitations of the Kean, Lo»»
of Appel»te.Dysper>ela.Ncrvoo* Irritations,lVhilirsied
Sumach. Languor. Depression of Spirits, Chtaalcßhea
raati«ra, Ctraurout Disease, Canker. Styphiloid iiiiea
7cs Scrofula Inipuriilr* of the Bipod. Pimples and
Pu«tuie* on the Pace. Hereditary Humor*; Cold Rotes,
and all diseases arising from an laiadiciotnoseofUer
cuiy. . , '
The attention of the invalid public, and oi all those
aHlicted by any df the above diseases, isiespccifally
called to me merit* of a new and in valuable prepara
tion fioman original recipe ofA distinguished physician,
combining-in iuelf the mo<t active -remedial propfitiet
of iwo'al the ten first articles is the Materia hledrcfc.
The Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry Bitters, were, In
trodured to the public about twelve months age', and,
during ibat period their snreei* ha* great aa to
induce the proprietor is offer them with still more conK
deuce, in the lull belief that by entering into more ex
tensive u*e. they will prove a blessing to alt those
suffering from the diseases above fuuaeratei-r- •
Jfold, wholeaale-and retail} by W VATT’A KCTCH
AM, general agent*, IfiLFultunsireevNew Ynck; Wx.
Tuoan, Market street, and P. R. Pawiaa, Bmithfield
streeb.Piitsbargb, Pa. Price Bl—largeboniea.. ’, i:
mcligMtoi . Mp
1 NAL OP SCIENCE AN'lt ARTS, comprising ref
erences to 43 volumes of the first series, embracing a
period of fis yearn, viu from IBIS to ISIS, ia now josl
completed and a few topic* for sale by (he un derail oed
-tVe may confidently believe that this index volume
will prove utefal, not only to those who mar possess
the whole series, but to «tl who are connected in any
way with the Arts and Selenees; for whatever th^ de
partment the reader t* directed by it, to the ynnopa
memoirs that bavebe*n published in the Joainal oa the
subject that interest* him.'whether relating to the prog
ress of science, to the details of foeta in the different
departments of knowledge, or tothe various resources
of this and other countries: wlmauei t guide the entire
topic* of the work In public Libraries or ta those of
inaividaaU become* Bvallabl«, ,, • . ■ j; i'.
- Complete seu* of the enure senes furnished;*! the
publisher.’price, *lt«. Index to do, *3
Hab-eriptions to tbo new or second series received,
and Nos. delivered free of postage for peranum. by
tlic Agent for PiUibßiffhii i'- ij .»V .i; .1.;
,w..W WlLSON.g7^ v gttgaett;
OF Firry building umi,A, w. wlni«
the City of Puutmrjfc, tseattbebew Court Uoahe.
The sabsertber wiR-pffer fog sate, at übUo auction
:? y , .c3r»‘sSE»*!aaii!f6sa'
.7* 1 11,0 f* 14 »o tho following terra*, vac—
.°.ne^, of ttopareiiw ROW toMpfifi In hand,and'
«IWS«WSMpfTBitfc interest
{"MS* P»r*Ua stnnanaaaHy, to b* eeearod
wttgageonthoytsawt , , .
. Jfefiall (fin weather be aafevueahte the sale will .be
mbouißed uU the tmtuacecedlngSaturday, at the aaaa
herttf.' TUleladiipuuble. )
>ter«di* : BLACK, WyGe st
L .fe WOOL BAOeiBO. r
/4ft UfCH Burla P*, saitahle for Wool Sacks; Also*
*” Otfiß bagpng. plain and iwtßed. la great tariej
ty, eatmauily on hand and for sade by the bufei
ap»dffw 33 Market at, Phifadelphi*.
wool, Wool t
THB kirtevr prieetevanhpaitf ibr an the J-T/rfih
grases of clean Washed VV «d. by
n,A , ... - murfhyalef.
■;» «H.,CKLLTTt »,
HKIUUAGI-10 bhU.No I. Lumto,, fa, b ,
_ . ; . me**ffffiaSfeSfSS* k »
iiijN .. . ... East aide of the Diacmod
match—received by Axpiraa and for sale by *
"y*- ■ F it-rvmw
Building lots foe.bale-iw
the 4th street Road, «4 t-y IN fret each, * *
Aiao, 8 Lou near the 4fo street Road. *4 l.* i-u li-,
each. FriceSWu. Terms,ia haad. jaJsLe* iuTTi
yeare. S CL’TIIBERT.Gcn^VeUt
_»rg_ ■ No*oawithtKkt*t.
SUPBBFUfB SHIRTS,of latest uylc'vudW
regalar size*, from No I 10 No 3-just rre«'», a and
for we by PPO ;■ - JPTIjKA ION
pABT STUFFS—A very large asaoruactn good
A ntw style Summer Pantaloon iMufiaonhand umt for
mrao , shacklkttawi n*r
a large aswrnaem of Rich White aciTCoU n ,< Car.
too Crape Shawl*, at the New Turk Store. Tv Market
»Lj Inyttl , W II GaRRaRD
StlJtmEM SHAWl^—Nowopena fji~ha*»u
ment of Rieb Summer Shawl*, ei>tfaeNew Yoik
tHorc. 79 Market Street. _■>»! W H GARRARD
ASRABURGI-l bale very heavy V» fnia Osuu
”. h «rg». jo»ire(eive'* and tbraale by
nyld BHACKLF.Tr A WHITE V 9 tvon.l vi
FISH— 30 bbls Nc 3 Mackerel:
tVkits Rot do;.
30 has Herring: fur sale hv ’
myl’S WICK A McOANDHgta. cor word A wnirtM*
wu fro “ ll > e N*hul»cturer,a frw dozen of
*2? W,h ®P an * B,OMe l Carnet Bag*, for vale ■
i2J5t * f UeWT T price* by.the .vent, ut No *i
’ op M * ir *- FOWARD TODD
Agent for Eancrn Manulaeiurer
FlSli-lOhbla No IBull Herring;
t«vr , . , J3 lo l 3 l '* r,tc Mackerel;
...r , 10b/bW*Nol do;. -
_ 10knuNo« do; For sale by
/"iH£ESK—SOOIbi Superior W.R^
V SOfoafispyego; frv salebv
myttt J D WJUJAwa ACO !
"F«m' I*AWBS-iA good draonmem of de*l-
X Table stylet and late patterns and imponatioc*, for
aufoextremelT lew by
: my2o. wtod *t~~
I Lead, just reee rrd anil
ftl f^*,ebr . POINDEXTER A CO
igtnyVO . Nfi 4Uwatcr street
VV“^TjoreTS(mir^AartKD— tk
i£?i nbe !!i T 5* 1 ! W **« h»xhe« market firoc for
prune- White nod Bed wheat and Yeil-w Corn.
BURBRHNsF, WllSt *N * w
T> AtON —S«W lbs assorted, in store and fur *«ic by
AJ myai - l 3 Waterman
hag*, in store and for sale br
r_ my 24 L S WATF.RMAN
BUTTER—3 bbls Flesh *n *ion> and for
sale by »y 24 • L a WATERMAN
DBOOMS—I3O do*. Pomeroy’s Eairu Gilt,
' , L ~, • 30d0x.. . .do. Coundn; for»aleJ>r'
VfOLASBES—3O bblsN. Orleans;
•• lObblat?. House; forsa’ebv
myM • I J p WILUMMfcCO
rarillTE LEA»-S0 Pm.i'
* * ' -SO do No J; for sale I,y
S H* MOLASSES—A fee? bbls on hand and for
• wfo to efoae a eoaargnmenL by
iLd 3 eases of this rare Shrub. ju*t received for tale
CBBBRB— IDO bxs Large Cheese in itrxc'and for
sale by ntytl WICK A McCANOI.ESS '
DBANS-SObhU tu good order, for an fit l.y •'
I BBOIfS-30Uxa in store and for *
T INBEKD OlL—ddbbls ldn*ee*J Oil for *1)0 by
ALUM— so Lbla Alum forrale low Ly
vrr*t wickaMcCanm.ess
TEA— tOO Hf Chest* Fresh Gteen Teas for *al*iiy
g»J«9 WICK A MeCA.VDl.f'r*S.
MAFLB RUUAR—I3 bids Begay for sate bv'
VfADDEB—For sale by cask or keg hv
I7LAXAEED OIL—SU bbls in ttore and for sale'
"*»y. myfot MIU.ER A KlCKin>ON
HAD—« 3 bbls Wo t Baltimore, rec’d and lur’sale by
0 «y3t - .JOHN F PlfrEY
' KBS RBl#—loo Lhl* No 3, Lcrzr:
. . ISDbfbLli iio; to srtirr. tad (or
my3L - jOil.S' F
RYB— 6(Xfluii i*eau*yt?«oi» RreioraaJf-by
; . JOHN FPfciißV
DttT APPLES—CO bnr.mnoreaed fat •olebr
BEASTS— 3 bLlf »ail| *loie and tot u!j>
bjr • - ajtl ■ JOHNFPRBBY
SALT-000 bbU No 1 AJJejhen)'; . .
GObbUNotf do; for tale by
™r?t , JOHN F I‘ERRV
nBBJKS APfLKSrti bbUuwi received aifct*
VJfor wie by nrtl JOAN V PKKRV
40 keg* 6 twin Tobacco for mlr by •
±-tfiCf ft M’CANDLKfidv
*)«l eorwood tpd w»ior»t*>
n^AR—SO barrels for sole by
der for sale by frortl ] WICK A M’CANDIKSS,
QWE’B AROMATIC SALTS, always on hand tad
Oforsalaby mpa URaUN AKUir£R( ;
T ®bISVILLB LIJRK—Just recM ami for ni»
orytO —. .. No3Sfifthn> 1
/'UH>VKS-Jbblije*t rec'd and for tale by— .
\J myld WICK & McCaNdIJSS
.pOBH BBOOHB>-lti( doi for sale tow by'
COPPSKAS-MSObbU for sale by
'tayisl ' FRIEND, RUEV,A Co’; -
VINEGA R-20 bbl* for >aJd low by ’ ' '
~ mylfi iFRIKNhriniKYfcCo ;
VTACIOtRKL-81 bbl* No J, for sale by >
IVi. my Iff \ JAMKa CALX St,L
S H. ROLABIRB-ro bbU in store and for sale
* by ’ mylfi JAMEo UaLXELL
XT AILS—bOO keg. Jamal* 1 Nails,’lor udr' bi r
my!s J DALZELU-Jl waicrti
DSKF in stone atul for alile iiy
npQßACCO~Viigiain,Jdjniii>ctiimlTobaccoIva 1 va-
X netynf brands,eomuntly onband, for »ulu i<y >
nytfi , idAlAll tIICKKV A Co'
Tmv PKACUtiS AND apples for sal* by
XJ myis • jfIAIAH DtCKKV ACo .
DOCK POIVDKR—IfI) krgs for sale low by ,
IV:Wrtfi . : . TARPLOYD
flTOS®—fi bale* Idea* in afore and for sale by • '
TANNERY staid find fo>*»ai«by'
myli AT WUQD. JONES fcd>
t ADON—B thds a'ttd Shoefoe'r*,for sa!a
>b> ' myll JONRSfoCO ,
hIOIiABSKIMD bbl* S. we re and lorsilebyi
nOTAIU-O estr* Pure, landingand.for sale' by*' i
X'-myn» • jar floyd '
DPfTIE-3 bbU fresh toll, for sale bl
iJraiyll - - Ikg PLOYD* i-
■ED—ttfibas clean Ttaioihy seed
QOXP—SO bxs No L Cincinnati Boa£ ju>i ircVi and'
lij tor sale by myll O » MILTEAbEttOPR
HER—<A few ohli for sale by JT 7 - •
S' '.TORPKffiTISB—A t«fi bhtajo*irrdM and for
• aaleby • R EJSRILkIOJ
*°y7 , ; u’s? wUalsi -
J. myi? I DlCltaV Aw, wa«etw«iirontm
D ib* metm Baeoo, fodTaio i.y
X>~«yi“ • - . BNuUan A jir NNKTT;
FBOIT— SfiO baa Dried Afpics, tot !>t
__ myt? .. . K.V /Lta.i A^NWRTT
naißO PKAOIXXB-illU Ssi.
i-riayt? • KNm.It*HABE>M-TT:,
B ROOIIB—XU) dux. Corn Brooms, tor sale Ly
mydfi' • KNOUbH A BKNMfIT ; .
LJKRRIKQ—U bids Herring, for sale by
TiTJTTKR—HiO lbs Keg Dottif forsale by—
jj mylfi . W siftECa
RIO d>FPKE>93| bags prime greek Rid Coffee;
tonal* by - myb - UAOALKVA StjJTH ,
1 \KIRP Peaches and Applc«Tfor tale by
'aoiTCee uCpVTo?t'ide» Mr *a!e by
jLI 'myig ■ • xvicfc a .MccAsDuEsb^
/~IABIIA—4OO matt* josi reuMaod. for rail-b>
L/ mvlt ■ WiCX A McCANUU-^S
rOTfiXßClS—leak forsafoby : ~
w Wit ,, eC^n.F.;
SOAP— MO on# Not Cißn.Map,raMoivantf i»7refe :
bv mylO .
q 'ICAB-llfl hlf cheSu «re»h Teas: for sate bv
_A__my)U .i. Mi-CANt/l.!>» :
r 00-100 bx * l iJ?jS**t** forL'feb7
A mylO : ■ WICK A-McCA?>l)t.>?AU .
{ l*? VSB—Rio, M ajacaibo A Laguitta; for sale
Aj XDDER-Foi sale by .
ifiamkedl inbi»; fortalcdy
CBBT—W kegi sbot, assorted Nos; for rele by
O- «y»> - L HUTCHISON &
DOlsli BETTER—Sbbl#7or sale by T
xV anrio tabslV a in
h M APPLEi-s tbbsuper, article, for*a’fe by
Xf mytP • TaHSEV A HKfIT j
|)ACOB—SCOO lb* Bacon, HR; for sale J»y
ÜBBRIBO—JJD bbl* No 1 Baltimore Herring: f*t'
XI pale by my? ‘ 51A J BLOAN
MACKEREL— 20bbls Poath Nofi Usgksrckfor.
sale by n»)7 RA’JBLOAN ~
TRIMmU) BIIXD— 10bblain store f forsulnby
myr . MA J BLQAM .
rjub—«o bg*fern ret 1 * for saleby
U<LOUR—ISO bbl* Flour instoreand by .;
J my 7: HhJ BLOaN, liberty A wnodsta . '
330 boa Apples forulejs^,^
OCTTRB RlFLES—4'gross jest rte’d and for
O sale by toy It . WICK A MeCANDLE*3