mzette. BUSINESS CARDS. ~7 |, T . (JOUDO.I Cucuin.»iioo and AS* « w - i "-“ d 1,0 FUul»*if|!h. .j — J : T TWOOl), JOXKB *. Co, Oral**" “ft raFDKKri w*cs. Wholeial* and R«iai> ; B BAITS * It KITKU, » &»*: q*,, D,;UCMV.-.*f.u r or_iJUrtl»~**» ib»VH ASKS? - iT* • *w^,^.TSSBSEi5i "i SS;”-.* “2i£<> ' HACAI-BTi Gn *”-- ,S ' J> and 2u Wood •»'•••’• 1 ’ ra - E '. I ' "WrY.. *•*«%* v ! ■^s -1 7,' ,«.:i,tv M CO., rurwurUms anrt; C* A.MeAS«" , ‘ |»a»in, Hutiwintl*.- / # « .wnwi** loll ' lc ' web* C. : \j „ lC * o i‘ every *le*-; Cwir *u \Var*l»u»e43, \Vo»i -i *t • oj>j* * • - j CanJllicr*. h » Himrt-urgh Mbhlt.i1 'i iv., •irrri» _ wbolestlc Gro i nrs«* ,iu ** dealrji 1U , SSL 114 l..fcn> m. ‘ 11 : *. j. Kcutaur* ' jou. ca*<»> (*acce*»or« »,H -/AauSOK a G»ocer*, Cobubimw L vuuur( ’ f V '£uv Ueal«* 'U PrcMaco »nd J ‘^ llh street, between Wood PiU»b'» r B** i*a. - ° cU< ■nd l..i.enr. *• *•'— ■ bur*!. f , n f^ucoanilFiinuty D so« «. »-> n „ rl „ 0 a,™#. 1 ni*liut*t». "jous 6*»HA*t- U r.-VAUT- ..., „»! A n.T. \Vbolc*al« t * to PWALT, *• I’u.bargh tnwuOc ii, *.«, d-«*T; ; ; a “-il Jl»ml »U-. F* frM r — . - j t ||B !• Li“' \V°',"t S5K'«" 1 Foiw.inlin* M«rHnij» . 3; >Vood*lTfCi, berj^ca rnW'HiKbvMmiittfatwr*I*»* 1 *»*\’ • • oCt> ; SerooJ audTtjird -•- ~ . -.Ta t 1,c,--V >■»« •“"••, Cte.'J AIM •**& l uUltll Mf'• • . «P^»' kircn u • 1 ■ 4awe* Wood! ttMfc ™gz&ae&S& VmW; " *'* T : _ F. “ !' £ » • ,0U» A. P N» « u »'. rr - -__: Bllklll .m.vscw H baud. F n-iwio Glow. ilO*»c*T’. 11. BATOS, .‘'v ua Market stiert. Fancy a».d Simple « . KO w. »M> T » * “.“‘Vi, a ,„i IW It (ii>a timers in tlops * jan4 cr ,^,l'«Q«d*'' u,UcrW ‘- .“^,7 ®»r w ‘. -• owTli UrovraeT_ ' Sami. C. fnipee«n>r» 10 llol^'P TJUjI* * n«nu»eiu«f»of V>»« *-*}»£ iirreL __ —• ” * ‘ 4com* Hmnullto. VK** «ch4l-«lly -- .... n ~ v v nt.D LKAD I U&IAB mem. , WuoU»ale Oroc«i», TO->BPII itsoi, AWMW^.jg*ijfiSS , ii:- duf'K bl ' * t ' wttcl ’ by 1- ’ 1 J&dkWF iLssja «»££££ a : J:i Sliict, *^‘ Wood «t, Piu>t*.r*h-; ; buiioftcfy RenemSlr. *°; 9 •■ » TiwOfee W^l'bavxs'^"™^™ 11 - “"“VS* l^B^s&ssss^. ; •V. .'.V, • TOUKBTON * J ajXf m^u bw . je< l ««tS!S«S SSSn 28S&&, .1 d<»ce. P.»ul*orj:J»wanuu j*,* S',» 761 *’• - ' (Uchanl Floyd* i •I J-H : r';.wA T . ; .^ &£?&»£ ,; ' r """ J ■i XX :„ 1- sh MW#*""* **■•*%? »•»«-*',! - ~",55557; M-' ,, l>'„ l Jlirp , \ sJIIPTON, WUoJctaJeUroCM*. s^TSu^^s? »• rare ,‘urt>k Ar-'T.V "ypn, K Nimiclr 7| “Tks. m sTEUiC^viw. G £S" i\l n# mui-nyv- ; _ - r . w. »«***£• . M eft' i»n>l Cttuani-Aiwu Meich*nU. N»«® »»«»». •• . ! McCOUU A. UISO, whutnaie ■ ml Cti* lajunfartorrr*. and draler* in ran j ,„rn-» if J“U2. J. sixOAN* Wholesale Grocer*. PMtcn 11 I'rndoc- n'i-1 and KorwardiniCandCoOlßlll B1 „n rtiirtanw. Noj 63 LiUny «»d aW Wood •Ireen j> ( n»tiureli- . ..... Hits HON. No &S MffrkrV»irret, MR*, N Fourth, *)«»«• in'Fw- S".< ; H.U. of Kxchtn t e, OnfcouM o( Jr£* it-M *«*■ 1 ■ -■ ° * CO., \Yhbl«»aic-Pry «rf«n. | R\V l 4 r ilrKU * *c*o t^ rt Whole#ale* Oroeeii Court iteo**^- t T .jaWKI* B , AiWney ai‘*V R;%5» Buildinf, “rpo^is^jr I W ' ' iunpr-»r..iMocto«ib.uid*-4.moil.epxcHlrt»l.rany sain 100,000.1 b. *\^ ne^^l\''^ i; ,. rtnau lr ,|. , intnuiuctury m thr we-tcrn rouniry. Persons W.^.n* Naylor ACo'sCuil.Mtear, - 1 IXrehusc wuald do wril In *iv„.g .nr qca'l.a' lam Jone* A Qutxg’a Am. Ulmer-pnng and »•« rk dc-Tcrumted u,y price* shat: please. Pirn ©I the -look, eoOdoiSUov. U, Spade, mul Votk. , : rK iTn- Vfc*?. ( n,,.l rownsm.l I *>(*< '•° V ' r ' : I • HS£iS : i£-: Other Pittsburgh Msimiactuic* sold at >h.-mvjc-, ’« ". M huTnum- - V!L e S*: h,|.lV u ,lStL.i.K, CUARLGtI It.’ DAMKSIIIOWKIIA CO. ry sind l'n;>ljr IVdstcnJ* of TOBACCO *li iWf.pi.iw. and u lur ß r JS wiuon.l ul Common Coaißl 8 s I 0 N fl BKCIIA NT &. Fuc».ture on.. Clmm. t~> numerous u. mem,on. N.. o*«>ih '^f^bKLIMHA 7 H “" h " ;N K W HAK ». W AUK "TTo T> K." * TXKO ,o mform\ hetrade,uul dealer* generally o, JOKGPII WOODWBM,. R *l?t:«burgb. that Urey hav.Hnadc*uch.maner,nr, ns ■ Corner o t Wood »nd ad ala wfth ihe Vue,,,., manufacturers and Uir Grower, ol IT AVINI I w„hdr:,wn from ,Ire old (irm « * » L «» « the \Ve«t. Wni Indie*, and other places," i £1 Woodwrtl. on thr Ol ol January, f*'’ 1 ‘ , a large and cmtsum supply ofilie following de-crip- plrusure >,< nmmuncniK to my fro-nd. ,u t be oty ntM ; tion* of Tobncro which will be -old upon a- ai con,- > country. Dial I have opened my ne w more at II JT ° h< modaiiug term* n« any other bouse in tin* civ or else- , mimed place. |>i>rr U*ed my P»d» ' where, and nJI goodi ordered .rum .hem will lm war- j ami made a,fang-men,* w„b manufacturers i,» *». mated equal lo representation:- I rouutry and Europe io U [,} a* Havana; SK Domingo; Conn-. ) . nuiy prepared to iur,u«l, Hardware of all kmd^onM,, Vara-’ Pono Rico - Petui’a.. J t«cedLcaf To i good lerm* and a* low a* uny luwe E»*t r»r " e»t effi £.m,; .Iri F1.„.1J baei-o; : Slnrku- »»J olter. .» i.r»J » ALSO—Bianch’* celehraied Aromaiic Sia* Gaven- I ahd my *.oek, before pur.thartnß el-ewlitrc. dish, with a large ruvmmeni of other ,«,pular brand,, j Ue n.llowmg rompn*e« a partof mi *“^, k Trimlu n „ and dualitir* of pound. 5* ?« IVI IR* and 3d» Lamp, 1 Meaiulmni uml llardwar,-. Gun Trim,^ v hA/tl'd IIITCJK' £ri^ 5.t0».id111. Pbln L.a...’T«;.v, Twm.: r,ic. N.n0.;.5c.i.0 ; ,ii,r ) -. rat. r»i". BOOKS, MUoll, At. Ac aweei and nlain. ,o whole and hair l-oxc*. wood , res. be«. J-xk les, ecy ihe», Hull -v— and tin, togctlKi with every variety o f article belong- A-rew*. I’nim, Vactorr Mnhoganv •«« -wrALlf VBLE BOOfcS»«Publi»h*d btr J A L,i, J o‘VS““i,r.. t.,i- L or N«u".Mc,T.-im. ; . UAZZA ar. CATKST UKUBTKAD. “"Au'htan-TfcJ hiilor, ol ihe decline .mi Fiom atfeet, above Broadway. , of a f.tfbargh Mechanic, n wj- A aewlKditioa, Hsviaedaßdfoireetedtbfn .gh- Rktkh n>— , jnr.iy of ihe i abmet mnkoi* ol thi« rmi preceded by a preface, hnd accompanied by M Allen A‘*o, ) ig&&Jg- and Abeghenj. rity. and iheirnumcr notc# crtlJca |and bi.lorical, relating principally to ; i T s • asars’as Jatur. Jobn.wni A to- > erne* of IMi.lmrgi, and A lr^he..). 'a. do hereby c« g, 0< J 073 pauea. , , . Sr.S?iS«4*V*?«fS ,01. imp. «« 7'"”' w " h ' M'iddl. A». Cta-tae.Bsb.Uto. to Daniel De.hon. Uosion • l n(iy ja.’ncJ Utnon . StoUand, Roberlaon’a Vtrfioia and New Kng^nd “Tg “w"T;.iwieb; W. c. \V,!.o„ T B Koi.r.i Fa.nnan Rumeir. French and Enalub War in America,and / U 'x-i | PPTWICH &, Co.. Jlt Hanley -.d to con».c„p.rut* oi ■ yv“| U ' r Mo.c. Uulluek Revolutionary Battle*. Ac. Ac.ic. Alao, Anec rn ;p.FOIUTTH A Co, Comrai**wn Merehaul*. J* Alilla, Engines, nr other arue.e. tor Uj.e ou.a- Hug n 4V id l.ukey _ i . dote*. I’octrv and Miteellaoeou* artielr*. lllusln 1-dealer* in Xalt, Lumber, Uroecrte., I roduce ana ind Attahapas. n... For U,iM» to make ind -'ll ihe al-ov#Red*ttad* Wll h mo ' re t | wn 300 eneraving*. iTol.iuipoVO IMutomh Manufacture., Canal Ba..n,L.berty f Wreet, r E FKR TO-Me-r* «,eißetd A Ltghtiow, M. Tie- “ !•' GAZZAM, naee “ • b : , ;“ ,! rsKhddi,'Cs^» ufh " w 'i,^ e ,tpwteraS aad Fancy Guod # .tMU4»d»ueei, near FiTdi- rfiß.ia. RevaiuToUd A C*: C.hem,,ai, ,h.„o '' o lei; o *■>> P«n of BoUny. MwceiUneoua readmff. Ac. tXTICB A M'CAXDLKSS, Hucrr.«>r..o LA 1 La ~~ r —- - ■ hr'r^VrVtt's. .mKoe-ulv luir.lio rur[ op { ,^* xioa ol D,«ei.« regimen and VV I D Wick.) Wholesale Grocers Forward, t CBAIG. BBLLAK A Co., j . . k ..„ i|, u * uvoi>l,,:«’*"• cxpciu'e uml l|ji>yr ::, t . h'l’n-uini ’l*" V k *'« I'al «iih Ihe njdiw.n t.l « Vrg.laSlf M.t.'i. «.ul [ , MISSION MERCHANTS. , K ....1.. V S* , . : ram ibree-toiirth. - •J'*'- mm.-e Fo. a lull dewv.ptim. ’ ® hundred Kn-ravii, K *. ..a «f »»««h \\7 R. Ml'UPin •ü* the t**.e. w 1 tng mour .>,.•»,»«. . . irl „:„A W vb«,r ■<-> .0.’.--mi opeia- , } j ( . \ oiw 7mal. M 0-W.I P-ge* Sv«. VV . exomnuo bw Moca* French W ojle.d Urbar-. \«rJ ALt lur. I .tisl-urgl. ' 1 , , t „. ~r n,r \\ ,-i e„4 i»«1.,e.t..h ‘ aX ‘ ,r ~: r * lower Garden t omi*#..**-Adapted ' Mr»*r«. TTni* Hell A Co. Ilnilg-W*'' shad - .up,,) u, ex«U..ri every, U,n- a J Sayers. l.aiidr^.J-e r /OBKKR l tyholr*d ( ( ; ! N ‘ a Il'inuilm r I-on.Vdto ***„'£* AnN'.wr-0.-or !.dJr. - antl oraanmutal Gardener. IS n.o. third ed.t.oo, \i . Commission »nd UeaW ‘ lin tl.e wir-l>o U -e of Wall.milord A l a> ...., , ... rev.-ed, enlarged and illustrated. . ...,d l-„u..urgh Mannractats-., rromer Ol " 'or „ our ..ore ... Philadelphia « •« *‘ " «-I l- fSa.N MrMIMKNS.Cn | |. ;i | mif - 8 Ore K-o. I««»ekjr Mountain*.& r - Ac. • .1 KRFSH lAIFOBTATIONS OF HM'.mVAttf .>,.rn. CINCINNAJI. j paortly TcaUmei t-. oe U v». with and vutb.-ul \IfUITaiORK A WOLFF, t n . t R H HK I) \ UOi.IVAR KIKK UIUCKs. i Polyglot nuict,~nd H* metre. VV \Vbole*alo Dealer* ill Hardware, i utlery.J*Bd- LV U ,1 S & I 6 1U fill li A vtKNMVI- I.V ,• n-i •**..! .ipi-oved dum-g >h.- p»«t Debate. Burn • Work* l^dy * r)f bzzr^jr. tITM. OLKNN. Dookb.ndei, ; • • p TT6DCUGII. ’ v >M '*'V‘ 'V,»• on »L.. kme.f dullt.d.iy work* in pamphlet form. _ _ }L^p^^l?cLVd«e;,.tU^lWlm^- A «K |rTr i«^ i N T'KW BOOK S -n«>« t 1».v...7 ..anal. . i.Vr ood< oo lem,- su.-pas-r.l by no-.e equalled i.y - */!." Il , l^il . ;u *„. M. -r. . U.i.-, At o she pn>- bwwet' ..... , alle Oralmn, By It »». M-CETC.IO.I. SO ST. n tmlOl. -fc«'|in->Uil> l “ ;ld “ r ‘ ! - . ,r- .. atlV-l - ..Inn.-WK-I 11r,.!«c, M- A. MW <•< Ci.r,.|.,» M ■vv,,.,iS I-iSmc*. W tatasy : I.'OMTSSION It FOKSVAKI V.-.MEKI HMI. ~j „ , , , ‘“i'lvil,. I’lttuliuieh. t'a __ _ No iii W»ot, Stu» tr, Ki i rsHri.i.,,. Mm/A M . . , < TrTfe'w" MITCHKLTREEt \Vhutr»ale Gne to transact a gt-noril t om«,t* 4 „ llibioty . eon,prisms U.sium-t »k" Bu.ibo**. cvpeeully in the and r,l« - , i ~\ Fl.i'l ii i\a II , aNU »Ut 1 * "l 1 W IM,e al3 of iMcrohauu.No. ICO Lfhcny auacl, (6pp®»»ie S»*»b «t) of Arocricar, MaouUCUf* aud Prosluee. and in _ u( , ea „„ Am l U«. i ;.ur door irmo . j «•••*. wjih»n inquiry .nw lb E • i’nubuTgh . _ m *>.* y - receiving and forwarding Gon.,« c«na,gi,ed t-> i*> «,„{ l,c l , , lk ,-. u,tu,« t.unary. I ’ ‘jj.jlorv ofibVunned Kuie*: wnh appeup.x »bo»u,p. ,x'o. a. ROOXKSON. Attorney at Uw. ha. care. Aa A-cnl lor the Manularturers. nrvn • ,'V.h on room i --ve.y da>. amwigwhK-h | wnh tUiropean llt.kiry. the n . removed h,. Office to*the Exchanpc Bulling*. COMU #ll* «t»ppl»M w.U, the* ati.rL- «r >»' “U^ w ,„ e u p WB British Krovioee. * ln.iury of and rq Glair •ueei.ncxtdoorloAldeiman Johns. Fiu.burgfi Manufacture at the lowest whoUsa c Macaroons l'«inJC»n, Umonßiscou, | |> s * # i.y Mamu* H iii«m. ~ „ rc „ap-4d3m —r price. Order, and rontignmenU arc rr.,>ecl*ully ~^ (> , r t org- do. Fr f vmNmr; Ts , KNtH.Wti VimiroXilßAßb. Dealer ,n Fluey and Maple | , , pJ |-. A-v-ii- M,. .»• I - 1 * .„f Kl *•” v mn ,K~ .. W. D« 00e4% Jld W Market *weet,T'itt*bti»*h- v " ui. u.m.-u— time. > N -is; u r/.' Jui “ ' i a l’*H. • --------- nowl3-dly ; 11. F. CONWAY &> CO., Feo.-ra’fak.-, \ l • Ijo.l/.' fake; Kauey Tt’Nlu *AO AZIN KS— Itere.redat AI A Mini, » riTLCCIAMB * BU.WORTH, ,tr*.m the burnt , n nRT?M»'L'Tii, Ohm. .«» a„d 1-r.l Mnir,. io- lee t mniUie r unr- J |,adm. NunonaU for June—Fashion j W D>«U.CU) Whote^eGrocer*.aremow located at* uml Produce ' T?"?, m.ah s ind m-.u.t oa tor othei estahn.b- GoJrj'. Ladt'. Book or J'n i t ; :o.lltS Wood *h wherethay offerfor.ale alarpetMoii- i. orrlta^t SJk 4Q d r'mpnimi ai l.g ,rwu -' ,l3 ' s ua,ied .» *t, . .p.s«ran of Ftrpbrn Giranl, also, anJ'>e f a *• nwatofGroeeneaand I’itubargh Manafaetare*, allow klklii to. Kr ' H*’',d T-* tl-.-k.Ac . mDoafocturnl aalely Orfkan College, and an ,n'ere»u.R#ceounil h pricta and on fatroraMe terma j W* A c. ‘ F C„ | JOHN F. PKItHV • j ;. rt . 1 ittr " rue C.'.'m.ies* s r t-r. H.., tron-uted U»e l .curl, Wholesale ilroeer. Gor*»*ni«“»r» * ni * w .,„ ,-,u.!<>'i'.cc nyc »•••'' | ,'c.fu „t Imrtgue. a tat- m Buri*- l*u»‘|>n-i •>■ Mtrehinl. .. ,4-.iit >• >' .-e* aUL - 1 i, v James W Taylo* , J. DKALKR m nil k.ud* <»' Coumr. fr -l.i< <•- < «>:>• , , ~ -• tenet,.-i I r cr,lured , Jiistory ol Daniel Ih-uoe, Uie Lrrt wb.lo mori of Tin, Tm FUte- Tmeers* - ~w .. uuv , ,„ u , s., (i v ,u< eup. t-.-i t t.- - ,rl ' ,V‘ l^ua . L-ps -ml Kul-Uc >e.ncea of Gen /. ’*> 1 ®. r l .4 e h *"S^a U hi- -- . l*£,% ■ Fu ''“'smdbheM at Jl =d £2?f«m *d .igarncnuof Produce.Ae _ "' ' . lrill im, 1.,„t On TtSi' i VKW PIANO JUGBIC / , a< s ami —s z -re r- n ir'-l- '* l,l Pb - 1 i\ »te the Links that bound n k broken ~ AUCTIONEERS Hara»varr. Cntlery s.drtlery, *«. * U hce a,e now the Hope* I Ch-ri.twK ALIAANDLH I.EV\ & Ulj • • ~ w .J. tl.tol nc ‘ | T7'/-.^- ,v^"* krf TneKo*eof AUhamw ; : ?s?rr3 , rw^r.Kc 4 r,,%! wmh " ■ ■" .c : -- ”"fv£»i! joiis a. k’icuaßos. ”«^ c ’ p '"‘ ~ t COMMISSION MERCHANT, 11 Co,i-nner-Ul|>. i Alofiiin,to»r 7 NO ao WATER ST. OPPOSITE CHK.U'HDt . K , u- d n der<,g„r,t ha*ec„iced .ntrt r »paHner* Linden >| 0 DALTI3IOUE, ■\\ , hl p , of ,i,e yuipnsc n« tnuMuctinx a Iroduce, |-ranci»cia d® i Xl’-INDOW Glass, Glus. W-arr. Dried Fru.i. Bees- > c .. , uMlo |, 4ll d n.iwsnbng t.-.smrs., muler the sty.e Fairy W' w«,»mlCo«nuy Produce- . ORCM, MeOltEW A CO., II Pm-crosac do Advances madron cons.gnn.ents Satisfaewrv rr.f- -(|rf x^et , the wsrrbnusr. No l. Row, \Va*hrarun erence to those addresmig by m-.,l wdl he I^“ , '° VC J “‘ t ftC Vh MKiliVh. ki_w «x« .» M “*TIIoS'lO5 A CAMPBELL?*' 1 ! prempilt »•>« *’.-fCUdrlobia _ COMMISSION M fS£iJ«foi» TS i TlVo"B MetiltKW , - ro V'- > *” **uM>htl&,Ohio ABd M a” wcSmbia siriti, ’ CINCINNATI, OHIO. \ f ineral ukoion ufT.akk sWPE BJCS-I s«. » r«.«s£» srptU ly ( ciuiilryi »„tnt r» and location nl every WALUXGFORO A CO-, , n*-»e and eaptul *u*k of all thartinm* com ! COMMISSION A KORWAItULNti MKRUIAN r», rrsolinf ihe gmogieul —d t\pngrsphical «ui- C Second Street, near Wood. , n ertUrr with all iht stansbeal -nlcrmaton rela ! TVFALERS in Pittsburgh Mauuiaclures and lleavv |R >»rral rrcron «f Lake Srpeiior. are contain - joYtViiV I.ITTH ! '' iusT OI.XSS bstabi-.shwknt. |‘ UCI, - , H iwSL» sage.. A SON. ] Country A’rGdsssrsr. Oop'«-. " u,.' P Wots, emdiuue in fad "nd-*c •>'« Toot., Iron and Nm.l». 4»k. « UHv ». '' > | ~ a .|,ling to our sioek. which ri-aMev uv to til Ku*s,aehertlr.,„.l--ad.l*mo, 1 V arn . an « wnh prumptfr •* Purel.i*er. ore re>|ieeiful.r Pt't•burgh .MaoutJ* Ivsrev generully. N irltrJ ,„ ,- P n ll and rxam.i.e prices and term*, i Liberty stieei.onedoor a.>osr i«*r ue.iu , - v m end, or givni*. *«»d- n»J • igniiiems o( produce _ __ ... . MEUCEH, OIiOTIIKICS A r«.. .. COMMISSION MERCHANTS,. M IMrlbe-u'-i-r Pw»r.i;cKgen.:r.ll>, , ‘ \ [| r] 1 yc,,.,,,,\p.r-.r.,.,.n,,«.- -,>-,d!y''''n(^ nnd viuladepima. *V- A “ ’ " U ‘ ;l ‘ W miyY” w ‘ mSukwh «. patch, r.«. "“ l i, l i t r “'!'i on s,ore ' C 0 i tffcxa K H 15,11 A 3i T 8, no. hi liukuxv sTiiKET. lU ™M?I WstV street, - »>KNJAMIN IBIWN w«u'd rr-peet ull', >•,*««»•'. h.« l\. ***?* WHU J rfrwX'lS.M". < . !> ~id and the pubLe p-ueral Will yivepprncurar «<» the S'„u,r c.f lf» ugam cmumrijy ‘ u „ IA , , f «. |, y keeping a duee.atid turpnwliuamß tl p,, .; ..f ..hJ actir■!.!.. ••• l-.w,..., .ui',l;ird Bunners, Ha*»- *k« •J' " n ‘ J?K.UU*ON, *- Co- ! ' ‘ a „„a Mnta.n,.- Aprnn. al«:u» JK)» MKUCIIANTS, Imiiat:..,- -f wood, and mati.-e. done.,n a *“• ‘‘'‘Saetiwouk. i ‘s|;7^rr' i ,L„.d. ,K - ’"“7V PC.* tol„.cr. will I- «.*• » - I'd A 11,,, N.. «?. C»» «_1V..U.,1.. ■ » * M-KN'U "I'■ S..IN -I. , «■„* »»»■•;-• ~ ii. M,i.THNHK,M.nie. • 1 HHUMHIw. ■ ■ ugU jrm T" * LKIIKSIHP J ’ STEAMBOAT Afit-Al - able tk.mmerHal K.tabli.hmrnl in the r,«v A » JtBRC lj\" .Ton SK ,le4,rr ~t U-* p» rents that he should iie-,>.'rof «»»-„•• j - "“V- B. LBAD^^fJ2jpj!j3 I Dcu!e r * completed their now work*, located ji - Mfa^Hardware. Cutlery, and the river above the Aqueduct, ,n AU«B - J • Saddlerv. Xo» Wood «ireri, tippoaile PilGburgb. fur the inanufoeiure- 01 a ; EgyAWU ,hre.e d.mrs nbove Si Charles ! tiur of white lead, troth «'ry 1 , irmel. pmsbingh 1 h : oil; aUo, red lead and litherngo. Having avat ed , aprd 1 ' themselves of -ill tbe recent improvement* an , ■ JT- - 1 ... .. ... —itonii.c «•!«. .nd Will, c.p.cUr l„ '“ k - G J ;Tw l ',™iy Titiciy -( b»»l. TL. I large quantum*, they will be able to su, ply order* , .ebc'e “ d l I » l|ic o i rcb ,ni and every etas. | m almo.t «ny exteot 1 "ffitTr"mr’r C u iurabie. un,for4 ««d commaicmj ! ! p Nature' CoCed Hoirm Oil; AS TK» BOOM-Place* irestores,warehouse '’“K an. Bleached . WfccWseverai good book, kfeper’s, tthhla Lard Olt: and for-tale by hanse men.taborera and t>oy» iOf dlfferetit age»-r -Bbb>* Lart m/|,LF.RA KICKKIHIN foU” ™l r«pec:ab e rnytß —■ w —j topse girl*, chamber- LXaitf»'l«“'*' S ““^Jo;,N P BSNLA?'-! P 1 Ilea, at pj 0 17 market tt \ myti i r te}7 , + , . o. aouissoS. r> URVCIB h, CO, Wholesale Grocer*, Cdtnous J\ watt Htrehaatt, and dealers In Produce and Pitiabnficli 1 Manufacture*, Liberty tt opposite Smith field *u; _ _ raj;3_ RICUA&D BAJ&D, wholesale and retail dealer iu Leather, Morocco, •haesnaker*’Too® audPind ine»j Taane/» and Con iet* Tool*, uiui Tanner* Oil. No. IUI Wood at. PmsbaCßh. ■ 1 * K' nnttßT P*L7.KI.L Wholesale Uro-' errs, CommiUion «qid Forwarding Merchat»*jdea |cr< m Produce and Pittsburgh Manufacture*, L^Jty »tr-eu Pittsburgh. Pa. * feb,H UORT. BOBIIUK.- ain't., a. JUtatfU^- R ROBISON &L' Co., Wbolrtiic 'Crocers ¥">■ • ducc and Cotntnlasion Merchants, and XJtshier* m Pittsburgh Manufactures,No. ISO Liberty. *ireeu » .«*• burgh, ra. i»212- RODKRT HOOBB. Wlwle.ulr tiroeer, IVrufy mgJ>i*tdUr, dealer in Produce, f Manu factures, and all luods of Foreign and Domestic an I Liquors, Na ll Liberty street. Pittsburgh. ' 117-N. U. On hand a very large *»ek ®* •»P* r OldMonongnheta Wbtskry, which will he »W |u TVKVl*£?£d!P"* BIIEE, Forwarding and Chionde ul Lm>r. for The hirlirM price*, m ****». P*»■£*" 1 ; an;W CO4l u*iy ft***.. Comer of INron ami Jrwjn Tho* It (NuScScEkTT * WHITB.I Whoi..l= U»* 9 kS |(fr* IR ■Foreign end Domestic Df> , F.ow 0. vr*,F«uilTree»,aml 4KTicullur»l Implement*,No |:r» Wood *treel J!* '■'ABBEY « DEBT—Wholciolc »!;' 1 x Ctan»»*»« Merebiniv and dealer* m I r*dnt£ fwat WoodeUect; t*iml>uf»b- rptlOS. KENNEDY, Jr., laokui* Ot»« "1 ref, »ai in Clock*, Comb*. *° J V#r \ e *» (luod* comer of ’NYoodarwl Fourth Mrceu _ Ji w i r w. WllißON* Dealer >n Watches Jewelry, VV . SlVer Ware, Military Goodi, Ac, No..37Mar ttftnreet. ... - - . n“V , T 7 'riTHVRPHIr. wholesale and reta.l dealei m ‘/V .Foreign and Dotccmc Dry Gi*. nor.hra.i ror- Fpisrtl* vw v a; ai. *•.' IUWIS, Jr . hav i»K.p-i*-j,«.«-d lb* VY DrujCSHoteo/ Kdgar Thani, eornrr of Peiii and Hand meets .will ae«t» a cotutani •□pply «f «*« h«*t medicine*, perfumery. Ac. _ Pbfiietu’* pns*enpnon» e*reful!y ewnpouuded. Medicine* can b« badaiai«-uoor*®f the iebJUiJ>f_ - -iSSSKTeOOP * c,:, c-JMX: Wwlrt!n« Merchwil*. StcooJ. n.-JI o«l MltM. | i’illiburnh. t^ WM. ai. DARL.iSOTO** Attorney »t Uw fttinl . L -j-- Attorney it Law W‘ FtthMeet, near SamhfieM- CoJlectwn, aficn-. ,-iel id §£?&h auendeS to with m'xrtny. . \V«. Crortaa. B A Fibnwiock A Co, John *£*» fj..c lindiir A Co, John Wtipfot K«|. SSL' nZ£’ r , K-q, M-J- Unme ' J. BKIAH, RECTIFYING DISTILLER, 4»D VMOUSILt »* KOEEIBS k DOJESTIt' WISES k LIftEOES, No. 114 Liberty it* and & Diamond alley, PITTSBURGH, PA. WtWtT WARRICK MARTIN Comer of Third *nd Wood p . Pm.bntfb._P*- U w Wilhm*. -r . , "W».MBhmn. . J .'JSwawwto hierit* JW'fSi'L . a4*6™£s and 5S AeLBAS** law. flrHMfieeNerh tidoflf Fourth •i J »Urt«Bm»thßelor*b. !*; 'WAKEWCstIirtUB ItIMITA WUKHS, roil TOB i*ts OF *OIU* WON. BMjjK* »§«»*• • I UK * f"" ! E F. SHOENBERGER PXTTSDOUOn, PA. JUviftf taken tlir Warehouse tumeily owupifU oj near Evta'i SUein MHI, Will keep 6n hand a fuU»-Jpply;ofttU Iron Flue aid Firc-HrIJ alike lowest market rale*. Ko*ie* UaiU*n and oUrtU, i «nunv .tpjl o trail and e*anmie his »u>ck. Order* * l JOHN M TOWKSBSD, Otu«i*t and Apmbe cry, No 4i Market »u M»ee door. abo*c n.jrd Hitubumb. w'» b*'" - fon«nnl!y on hand a well .elect !d aM»«mcntof the be.t and fre.beuMedieide., which be wT«Hoo the moM .conab.e term. »*hy «udit»f older, will he promptly attended to, and «up with article, they nuy rely upon e» gemime. p l’rccr.puon. will Ik: accurately and neatly prepared from the l»t« material., at any hour of ! | rnery. - -- ,a '* attorney at law;, om.. 3d .pp..u. ’ WIM* alvtaiu-nii prompily MV>llf,-itnir*,i(i Wn.b Ku.b.rjk. •D- T._N«JtM . _l_) 'iJoifiriivkijAP. ' • ■•ANWFACTURER or Tib. Copper, and Sbni Uoa \jfAS and dealer in Bntounia ami JojfannrJ iVI, «uee«- The eubferibec re»pecl* \V«re,No»; oflbc W«*titn Mer«l.a*»«, folly ealW the lo Urge *mek of man «faeioird T‘» Vrirtu2Vnrni»binx Hardware. iedMC»IJ _: _ (W. Ua'rtrr. AUvy 1... J f-»« in. M 4 &*<*' 1 111 ' *• * puubur*l*.,iV 17 tnSSSibi- ~ "a j! s. a. w. bokbuiobt, SAHOFiCTBRKBS OF STIRCII, of *1 U>w Piice* *od on cood Term*, '. w *n tyr BttTOf. r» nVr. jiuaoa.■ t «KUON. *l»x. kwtut- S.IKLIOH k. CO* MANUFACTUBKRA of Huuncred ft-uneU end Spade*, Hoe*, Hay end Manor* Fork*, Ac-, Ac. WarehocK. No U Wood etrieet. Pnubnrth arrtil KnBSIn tka •rUltlsr •s. W.Uf.n. rturA ttrmt l n*ar Wmd ~»O* AU ouxliHM of OfMn Ud Black Teal , ttitn.t, on. pood ttn ig’***' n'T? I .*- Vf ltt te/.AT,.co. FORWARDING k COMMISSION, j COMMISSI ' Noi< 6 MISCELLANEOUS. DKt'uH. vnva», x tnri. MOItI.I'R. ;ll *‘ l Ajm*i icotry, " • .1 . ..i I r.ih -:i . iffih. w..l I'-'F * 1... ",,, W w. hr,**. I'ulut*. tj.K, LITERARY INSTITUTIONS. pirns BIRGII RESALE IJSTItIiTU. 'TMIIS Institution, under the car* of Her. J. -H 1 tlomofc* ss» Last. in which all the *oliV anil or nawentai branches of a finished edoeafion- art taught imiowomiifbr'ibercocpiioAof pupilsal ■'*’ Ho. 4a. Inrim Bow, Liberty Bire*», ; UetweentM ami Ith meets The Second Session t wiJ* commence on Monday llieftlt. of Fei;”uary.' and H «* important Ibai any who way design er.ienng should In* prr-«cnt a* far a« praetieaMceilher heihre or al that They fiavr writ red the s*rrke« of Protestor RHO HOCK as teacher of Motto eu the I’.anu omlUuirar, who it 100 ivell known-to need recommeidation Alto ibe semcr* of Mona.OASfMIR I.ADKKYT, author ot -CliresiomatUie do la I jirruiotr Prancai*.** ami other valaahhTtchool boOkt in hit imurr. lAitnirage.; . Mw»» ; 1., i« a graduate of the Unrvenity and Noiawl Sclnwl of Puns. and rtandt high a« a teacher, ‘nitite who lie* .ire tuohtnin ■>< accurate nnd thorough knowledge of the Fremu Language woulJdu well to place Uir«iwlvr» Wider fi:< instruction. For terms. tee Cireular or apply to the Principal. _j«if _ VOUHG LADIBS’ gULBCT SCHOOL, AI.LKUHK.NY CITY. eiMJIJ* Intiiiution hat bui recently been opened undet A the tuition of Mr N’. 'V Metrulf. at the Corner of Sandusky *ud Strawberry ala. The turret, which Ua* thus far attended this XM, in u« establishment and progress, has fnlly.equalled the expveianont of it» litAirurtor and PinpHeior. and wnf rant* the hope that he will he suMamed in h*t rfforino rrndar >i a desirable Institution for the duration oi Yoiiitc'l.adie* in Allegheny and vicinity. Toe FirU Session of the neat Academic year, will commence on Monday, Feb-6ib. • • 'Tntre are yet a few vacancies to he filled, hut as the nuni£erofpupi'»i* limned an early appheiition U de sirable. For particulars, relative to terms, Ac.. eousult Circulars or annlv to the Instructor. jehwf. HAILPEIL'B NEW POBMCATIOM —J«»t reteivnl and toi .ale by •> L RKAp,4lb MreM, "'btnoo; a narrative of adventure* in the South Sea*. Bv Herman Merville, auihnrof “1 >T*' . ... . Firtt and Second Vo!. Life and vVrmnp of ««t Hi«u*ry, from ths rarheU period toihe yearof our HU. . »*«»• C TVPunii of Knowledge onderd»flieulite..-»ll«t.a ; ted by Anecdote*, wiiUportr»‘t«t revised, Ac., t»r r "'pVw'J'N«“r.lTh™:o,), w,.1, ,interne,.,.., aerutions, Ac-. Ac V 11.. W;,,, rn=lil.w„bu» i«-. iluetoo by Rev I Todd. U D- The Chid'* Fie-nd. uv Kii.. Uoini*. A. M. j*iory mi the Constitution. , , Il.rpci'. Firc.iile Library. Al.rcGo, Jon. ui.J AMl.i Maiun. . . ... -- ncioKS. 1-APKH wcm. »>*■*' J?' “J P i.,u:j'vfckE'h' Men built. ..Id Wlirr* WI*I“W ilkompH* assortment of every a brie. generaJl) fcr| m Uw» atorra. wh.rb wr will -ell low.lor ea*b,or«n r Vn-The ,r of the American Sunday SelSil Union, end H>» Ameriran Trni lSoc.eiy, alway. »» O.J »"d 1 a ENGLISH hiaU maiket street |UK» WOltK-ln Cre»»-Hi.l„r rf Men. 1 CO her l.icil IVur. and Lulomul and Kc.enlu imtiatt Atinalt, r.i.n, iho period ol the Spumah l.'iintpieat, l.Vill, to the prc.ent 11me,1..1.i lOcludioß an account or the. Elialing War uitll ttio United ''late* il« Causes and Military Achievements. By Philip You a, M 11. J A do U P JAMES. ■ ri,:V Pulili.beru^Clllcinnml. N KIV MUSIC BOOK—Pnmpblet Form. —Tito Melodeon; a choice selection or Sungs, Duetu tloailclti. Round., Waltac, and Marche; «itb a Hi.UitJ of MUe. Untainted with nutner- Imperial.. Cm. Wc* J 5 .cn... published and ri.rualebjr J A dll I J Ah! fh Walnut street, hel. r ourtii and f ill t. Cinclntmli. March iy7._ PIANOSt PIAKOKt! HENRY KLKUKR, Dralrt eauei.r t.Sanu toririh in } W Wo»hlwclP«, No, rUud Strvet. 11ie piartns may he examined ai all hour*, wtd the rubacit hef wtil l»e there from Jt to Id. A- M • “ n d Irom 4 n»J. I>, M , uai h day. PJtUh'R. October «. W Wx, llie underpinned, would inform the ciiiz»"n* nf Pittsburgh and vicinity that we h*»o appointed Nr. H. Kkli.r Mtle A Kent for WeMern I'ennevlrarna, (or the *aler»f our ViauoFottea, from wlmra they mav >'«■ ob- Lined ..on, ... [New New Vorlr. Sep.j. IMfl-oefAhf ; ~ ' ' Siw PIIMI* TUST Received "ud opened hr the subscriber, the J following dew Piano*:— « ' |F On- elegant octave I'mintTorte fFr. ’’iViierllcnnlltowwood.CJOClßve I’tano F«tte, with rarved Gothic Tablet*—a tplendid matnnncnL "lop. on, «c,v prod ' [Wt Co, phitada; IIENRV KLtltr-aR htchlH . at J W WoodweH*» v tfi Hurt »t A LARUEw’tplandiil a**orime.ii taattofiatiy and roaawood grajro- no II * I Pliim I, with , “lf J i c J;*S” bl |*~ witliaUihd UUe*» impiovemenu.whicb fcr ddrobr, lohe and toaeh are warranted to oeenßAt |a «ny mao in the country. Foriale iow for gmjjjp ■oclilS •' Nollltwoodat JJtow.bQ'.d'l l cniissssKs^fflSiiwSsS w,l ‘ MANUFACTORIES. SIT.INU, "UKbjr' /-YULEMAN,' lIAILMAN.ACo.. l-y -thdr New work*, are now prepared to minufie de«rifliCM»ur coaeh ami Wiptx .p«j.M Iron American Binder, *prjn* nud r“mßh Steel, and all wir* of amall aneare Jtu.l round »ro«. which the* afer fix vale an libeml tern*, at their B?«rauS3 ‘t-rctj -Ur-Utcr*!- -.-1,,, handiOtac a*»ortrrenr or u»acu trim Carriage hardware, mallcabte Na.U “c. lI°A Co, hoc, »*. Day A Crottx. iimnutaeturera o< biiovci. P Ac., ptd will keep con.ionlll on k*"J ."cl. mode bv ilic.., ilcolc. ■>,, cued UIILIIL. price ."d terun o 111 *■. Dlaaolutlon. . rpllK Piumer.h.w h- rrwfoie en>u"!? die firm I of Mar ItiadlcV. ACo . w»* d..-o!ved on Sth mi by mutual Hie huameM nt the lalohnti ».11 t’c -.ltlrJ h> l ■ fiPtirv MAttSIIAIX f,rtn AhEXANUKR UUADI.KV Wiu. W WALLACE lIBNRV MrtlF.AK\ FRANKLIN FOUNDRY. T“j Wallace A Co . in nil il« Tarioon bmuches. via: UotlowWnre Miilt.earing Htove.and Stove l*lat..* PgMi: Heavy Marh'ry Wagon Hole* Fmgmea (•rate* A Slid Iron* Knginn toa«tinß* FWugh* - I'l.JUßhCrmmgsAc. Ac Madeofthe be*: material*, anil ai the lowc*l pnee* - Wood ..ICC. JAM^MAKbItAU; MENRV MrfiKAKV WORKS AND FOUNDRY. l'irt**cKolu Fa.' r- JOHN WIUOIIT *Cp., ARE prepared to build Cnttou mid t\ ilollen Mwn' 0 * rty Of every dencripiiott, eteh a«—Cording Ma ehuic" Spinning Frame* Speeder*. Drawng i ramc*. Railway Iteadf. Warper*. TwilleM.SßOoi; Frame*. Curd (•ruider*. tnucht Iron Shafting tuned all airea of .Can Iron. I uljwv «iid Hanger*, of ihe, latc»t patterns »lule and hand Laihea, and tools of all Itiuda , , „ Ca*iinea of every description funn*hed on *oon no t ee Pattrrir* made to order for Mill Learing, Iron railing, Ae. Steam Pipe for beating Factone*. ta»l Iron Window Sash and fancy Lmtmga gcncrully.— Order* left at ibe Warehou*e Of J. Palmer A Co., Lib erty street, will have prompt aUr-nlion. • Karat to > ~ Blarkslock. Belt A Co, J K Moorhead A Co., O K Warner, John Irwin A Son.; Pmnburgh. U C A J H Warner, Steubenville. janW " THOS. A. HILLIRR. LOOKINO ULASS MANUFACTUBER.nnd faney Furnishing Warehouse. No lUI Wood Mreel, near Filtb, l‘iii*buigb. Pa ; Whole*ale and Retail: i KngUh and French Engraving*; Jupanned Waiter* uud Tray*; liking tila«» Plate*, by ibe boa nr Miigle bgbt, Tahle Cot’ery; Picture tjlms* of all *iie»; Britannia Tea Ware, in sett* or f ingle pieee*; Port.ail and Pirtuie Frane*; Fir* Irons and Fendci*f . Mahogany Toilet Gla**e«,wnh LS. and 3 draw , German Silver and BnianuiaTea A Table Spoon*, Hand Magnifying Mirror*; Candlesticks, Snuffer* and Tray *, (Jill, Pier, and Mantel Ula*»c»; Gentlemen's Shaving Ca«e*; Combs-lloir Bm«he», An. Hotel*, and vleiunUa r pp l.£>llrn>. -oil puck,a, coielon, abcooc.l u. U.o ■ I di«rnanl for en*b. . aU bdiifKNY VKNITIAN BUNU FAtTORV - JOHN A. cno\VN TAKthis method lo inform hi* fru-n IBSSaji the pulJir «l large that In* I actoiT 'e'iiow iii lull operation, ou the hoist *ide ol'die Uionioiul. AUeghfny where a.eunS sum supply uf « , 1 »««'*'* '' k ol °? and.iualilte*.*rwe.m*iamly kepton hand, al*o at No. 5 VV«>dn.Piii*burgh.aiJ A mSJI »|. Ph.!Sip*’i>il elo.h wuierwm. Teniuau Shutier* matle to ordci m thr tM-t-t).. Blind* repaired ai th- .buetc-l non.-r N. U- IL* Blind* will bd put up. wnhoiil un> a.w»- tmna: cxepn.e ... ibut they ran be n ,ni ,„ ra j.. „f fire nr lor waging, and wathoul the a.d «. nerew d. e oeUdlyAwlsimW-;’ A.' PULTON. Bell.iijid Bia** pound. 4 er. Ua* relroilt and tommem ed b»wne*J ut t„*nld *tund. where he wUI be nlea«-d to see hi* old ruuociri* anti friend., Ciiuii'ti, Sicaiutioal. and Bell* of every stir, from I" to Iu.UUU ikAiiiJs. ea.i I..mi patterns cl the «no*l uppri-rcd tu°del*. and- Mineral VVmeTlW*’ c . * c r ugcUier with eveiy var ci) wi UrNw. la*nug», • r^u .etLlunied and finished m tl.<* ucai -N.inan ‘ • ’ irr-V- V «- »'>e -01.- pr.M.r:etor Ajm ’ A 11 ) l . K !''t[ .' ' liit i ' Th.- Boar. «ml tAjUIJV). -‘no.. , anWba.ii.i'him aiallmnrs. _ . WKl.SltCl'LliY 4 c». IMITATION CROWN GLASS. |4 AVINC rrreiiilv vrry ' l,n P' ro ' 1 J H m.-rn-.n Ifae m-uiuln.-iuM" oi ii.« art rk, buil izh m. v,,y..» W n. i vKvns W .l <*> «n* fliruirr «l U nitlOVV * UH'l and liotlU* nf I‘vrry :»>•>• tVy. •-.-n. r.. mviied 10 call imlrijmmi! !*if Jl »■*•> liou-c. No. i:« 'Sood .tin r.r.isi.ufi;h.» ~ | -\V. \v. WALLAOI-,, riTrsni' su’aM mai:ui.i. . .Vc« :Ml a.ul SM4i „ \ i: lVr.ou. "• [ 7™”'»'“r.h”n a'.i.rlc .» >ll rf.i - •• »-r «*» i ,urc .“ M ‘ "“™ tr,.i ru.-l *rr r _. CUIT&ll. SIIKKT PUIS. AND TIN W Altfi MANL'I'AITOU* , No H Marie; .«re«l. I’.U-bufgt.. I’rnna; EK5211 «*»*«■ V. lib Deck Stove*. K..r*r. f ami cver> »>!•• f k««l nf Copper, 'l'm nml Sheet lion work ucccnr) •■> lunu-h mr a Steamboat. , Uml \v ß al«o make to nnl ft oo the *bone« nonce Sal Tube* ami Chamber; Copper work f«r Meat® knginea "’ “'iKniFF * -nut BENNETT & BROTHER, QPKi:\>wARK MAMJJ ? ACTCRKRS^ Blrmiactiftm. |ne«r PlUsbnrffb,] Aarckmit, A'o. 137, Wood street, fittiburgh. keep on h-oid *|fooJ u*ort> JA/mnit ot tt arr, of our own manufacture, and Cp , ti w!(iuruOßliiy. Wholesale audeouniry Net fliani* are respectfully mvited lb cal! and e* amine fur ihem.rlvev a« we are determined to aell Cheaper than ha» ever before been otfered to the pub- 'ip^- Order* *ei» by mail, accompanied *be OT citv reference. w.U l »nmr»tlv -"ended in fcb*S M«w Sliovnl, »»«* Po** Manufac tory. ' GRIFFITHS & DIXON, HAVING commenced ihe manufacture of Spade*, Shovel*. Hay and Manure Fork*, ke, on onciien .*i«e tualc, ore prepared 10 fill all order* lor »ucb or i °%VSmoKSof thmr cu.mmer, «**■!«•» a.iirte* ihev liave appointed George Uocbran, Comtnioion Merchant. No » VVood .ireeu their Agent fin iherafcoflheif munufocture.. All orden addrcM prom" *»•_ JSO. u. UU*i*K(IPIK *• ft)., No 70 Wood Siren MAN L r Am: JtKHSot Gilt and Mahogany Looking i:ta«»«» Importer* and Dealer* in liking Gla** Jrwelrr and Fancy Good* rnieralty. , -»re making route tmpmvuaem* in ,l lrl Uktn. «*. with .If,rawd fnctime* .it the |.u,rl,a>r „ < IWM"-. «nJ *r impM-wion of lu.i.y W'l'i TLX Ihry will I* »!■!. “ *■" *•'->"“ I'"'" 1 «.proir»!iy •. .li.-.lll" yun-h.--,. COTTON .ml WOOtllf* MACIUNEIIT •,.i l ,nrilier« ntc now enlarging then |AHh *ub lfl make aU i«'arf» of t'-oiiot af»d"vvlidlet MnefaiutV). on Hie limM tcn*qnabl« letm* t ./oi l ..d to vedl meet W‘H* l"“>"l" -IU «.t*oi *' • i. adilre WIGIITMAN A DAI./Kl.l. l.aiock *tre«t, Allegheny City s n -H WigUimnn. who l.n* n pittnU f..: a ver nportaut .mr>rove«Ui on the «ard. an.i who U* >«*_ K^en*ive Q aiid'*u<'<'e«»ful fotwn Fncioric of the we* ill aive In* personal munition In putting «l>. »«> >c linriionot ihov eonrerned. all machine made at iln -.ildi»hment. 0 JOJIN SHERIFF * Co., So< U-l VI Front Mt, lU*S< Fop.NDttn* ami Ga» Ftx* Taa», lUuj> of nil *ur* e**t from the lair*l unpiavcd nai lrfit« and warranted ecpial to any Af»o, Riu** C-»Ming», sni*fied -f o'dercd. H.l» V'«- it. MS* put o|» promptly ou * oovinaiy Win 1* Young. , F Phinle^ YOUNG, ItIWSKN fc PLUNKKTT lm i n 'j* li LA S S MAN 1 1 V \ ( I UKL R S AHFUOIKKNh' U Wniruinl >«« Fir«i»lf«l W S.i>. -“""'‘.f.te: wo.l.Mud uq'" *»! "".'.T'i'V,. VL.M will receive prompt nnrnt“*'* *l'd filled ■>»*“»»s “"v ordoriieun bo l' ro "' l I ":UAKF. I.INDsAV A Or. novUit • - HIRMINGHAM TAGS KACTORI. CAMPBELL * CIIEBB, FINI9 won” ND COPPER SHOE NAILS. Ain> Pattern Nakerf Point*, of every daeription. Office No-2 StChaflea Hotel, Third street, f rh < Pimbßrih. Spanish, oujtabs—a nc**,«nd iarg* mwi rtentof Verybupenor »psni*h Guitars, hjr ihele. Pan* manufacture*, iutt received Hid tor V.T,}T-,£» ipy3 J II MKLLOR HOTELS PKAUL STBEKT nOCBK, ciaelunatl, UHIO-The aubseriber* having piteha»?d the eiu tire interest of Col.G I* WiJJiwnroH. late <»* Ihrt well known e.tabli.t.m-nt. be* leave to -ulr to and the. public generally. that they have Ukei, Ih.a roimnodiou* Hotel.for a term of year, and their LenVtifrgic* to make It a deniable home for I rav etters and Cny Hoarder*. i' 1 The Hotel i* tpaciov* and adnnably planned or «•«*'- , TOj.enee, light aad air.-having « iMimbe.roi patlort adjoining cbambei*. pin-euting unusual aitraeuou* to fa The7re*eul proprietor* having had ol year* fn ibiicity and eHe.where.bopelbey■ wit he able to rive general «ati*facii*iii. Ixioirdeierffiiaet. to S' » undivided aitemion lo the liou»r alone ThHocatioiiofthr Pearl fMrect Houte ivoncrn vionl) eligible, having irdn'aoti IVsirl, " ab'ut and I bird M*> >o that it i* couMiy 'denrable m view of the oonveiii rruvei bmuota* men or retirement for privain bourner-. It i. near by the Hunk*, Hie Pcutllffioe. the diaeomc Hail,Odd Fellow* Hall, and bin one *. t uare d.mnt srom Main Mreei and two njuare* from the Fiiv " hait.lnu offe rui< tlie rrealc.'t inducerurnta, rrperialty ; b» itountry me.cbuuu and gene,any U, all Vnibiß JOHN A DFIU.i: EUTAW ROUSE, Corner of Baltimore anti Knt&w Slreels, UALTIMOIIE, MD. HENRY K. JACKfc'OS*. FBOPHIETOR TlilS*p!eudid andupaetbua Hotel, ebe.l'iy *ilualed for txilb l.u..ue»aiud pleasure Tn.v_c' C |i,i* aa t-on jliKUd ai to combine i»!rilc-luxur;e*of the beat Hotel* With elcgandc and cdtaCurt Cltoice vuitetof aparunent* a-e at all «ca*on*ie*crvril. for theaccoauoodauon'oi trimieni Raeaiv ami famtl.ea viriting the city will Cod, Urn E«rr*vr Hock a ifornr, nitruTpawpil hr any Hotel tit Ote Union r../ locmioit i» C.cvawd. anjl con..i.i'cnl 1. lVpois and ;h« M 3 O" CoAel.c*' ud fw."!' IM H""*."” *'®j, *™ wailing to convey psi»euK*!f» and the.r haggnge, irre of cl;a ge to il*« Hotel • , L. \ TxaJie—Gentlemen*’ Ordinary, pe . r ,f '‘V, Ih ..jJ n «2l 7 I.adie* 1 do. do StowAn COLOMBIA lIOUB*. # J Cliarlu street, between Market and Lombard !. Street** E»Hlmorf* m. Tit« aubneriber paving tuken thr* *’*« c,Mt. hi* aCrvtcea to tbe-.cJuiciu arid tiuldie ccneratly. It iVeonyenirntJy aituaird a» regard*the Steamboat* «l« Wdrtof thetuotectiertaive lmponing Hou*e*~endin fact. the.location offer* to ihote vitinng the: city, a* • hy convenience* and edmfort* a* Ibe other prmc4>al l, The*liou»e i* now being filled uifwith t>ewl f ur mtjre, in good Mite and aiylc, and will U W P M fJi e . pn the 2d day of April, 1817. The proprietoftrn*U that bi* unremitUflgeffhr »»plea*e, will ‘ portion of the poblic patronage, trannenu L „ e of 6im of DlI A & g. Ilalttmore, April 2, 1647. ; mylfcOClfl nOUST VERNON HOUSE, N» US Sarlh SttoM Strali PkUadtlfkim. j T HB ..teritO. St I burrh and \V**t*m renmylvantaj that they hiTt Uhen tK* abova banae, whm'tbty are Prague* iEi"SMT , ! aaaßy!=£3K hrtaoa, who air uvor u* with a call. f , , , i-0i,..... ell, -d „ W ~“V‘ffi“A BIUD^ I February 53, IM7-3a aLfVER jl P^PARKER^ GALT HOUtfpC, I roraer Main end Sixth eta, Cincinnati. fI'HIS eitabliabinent i* now in the beat order lortpe II i.-crpiion of the Traveling Public. Having under gone a thorough repair, during the pa*t winter, and liavfne the inert experienced melt m ihe weft, in tue taiiou* depamnenl*. I flatter ray *e»f that all will be hlea.ed who call- The location i* central,comraodUdU. Lml pleasant. Pare *1 per day. , I 1-1.1e47. , W •** M **V : N It.-AHhoucU not exactly ane w UtwtUi^R' *?" fsitic— u new tVbiMofl the old handle. aP' ll ' t TIiItOCKMPRTON S GALT HOUSE, Loulavlllr, Ry. J \ ItKT/l It O 0 k. M O RT »* N --g« >0 arquaiut hm l A friend* th* he i*.aga*n lc**e« «u- ll«" *’ A ‘ y „ IUIFSK. Uu.4V.iHc. Ky-.-Alicre hr hope* to un-et.all. Li old friend*, asouriiig them *ud the pulr'ic that no I,Con •hull u> make.nli noinfortal.Tc-who l.tvor '‘him their patronage. \ INSUItAiN CE! ludetnnlty °* lu *K* by j THE 'Ml'tDAr/ PRINCIVI.E W»MIi!NKD • With the additional security to a ,N«k *- a l“ l | a !- | The Reliance Mutual Insurance ( a., of Phtfa. ■ ' ITH A RTKK. PERIMCIT 1 A!.. ■' IHKKCTOKS. 1 • George w rolrytO. Job* M. Atwood . Tt.ocua* 0 Kockhill. l*wn* »t. A'hhur-t. : Win- R •ibumptoii, t.cyrgc pi. Baker, - I ' (irorgo M Shroud. John J. \ audeikemp. . , Georg* W. Carpchter WILL make insurance againat !.«•*• or Damage by Fire, in PiTTsatmoH and vicinity, on lloa*cs, Store* and utlier Buildings, and on h urtu ture, Good«, Warm and the most favorable terms. . ... . The .Mutual Principle, combined with a Mock Capital, and the other provision:' ol the Charter of this Company, hold uutnr. ;• i .incetnenU. both jf urotil and salcLy, to ' ' Hn-cting insurance, ti.which thr > • .ah tiro ..iteuuon amt eiaiuinalion of thovt led. Th«.»e cfi'ecling v :tb thi* ( otrtpn) h !ve Urstdcx the usual protection agathsl tors, by the ordinay method of insuranco. the additroonl i.lvaoiageof a direct participatma in the profit* ol it..- foiupsny, utifAouf an t, .totifify. GLOKGL W. TULAMt, PrrmdmsL II.M Secretary. Ti„-.-uLecrber. wi-o .j »!uH t*'*! A.-tc-' 1 fcr Oio above named < ',»:.t;»4itj. i» p:cj *ft:d t«* tnakc insurance, at tho Office of the ,u llj ® St Cha lea Hote*,*i‘hird *l., llitr.l dour Irum Wood s roct, ami will go-c all furlbo^ii^.f nulioß dwirad mj‘j*Ljly. • i’IIUSsJ. CAMI ULLL. I JOHN KINNEY, JR., i, Auxvr at nrrsßcaoM roa Yt(* I DELAWARE MUTUAL lately liunrancc Company of PLllatle’lm. . rvlllK buildings and' of every description, arvd MAKLNL RISKS pun bullaorcargoca of vessels,-Ukcn toallavorablc terms. ' fry* Office in the Warehnnae ol \V. U. Houncy t 8r0,.Nft.37 Water,*'oear Alatket afcci, l itu li The surcea* of thi* Company slnec iheeatab afainentn' the Agctn y in H.l. cisjr. w.lh the ******* ,ii! libftolitff with winch every claim “P 01 * 1 r M * has been adju*ted. fully wji iL«> following named ermlriiirn were cbon-it lbiecior* ,J iki«tViupaity. «>ril.rrn.u.iiir v'« i Joseph W.Sara**. i j.thn lliouwrr. • John Helium, ■ William C. \V art], W illiain W.CampbrU, John Newhoave, Jacob Witter. IFilliamS. Slocum. Marcus spring, Joint K. Alai-iie, . JoarpUS. Uaac, And at a subsequent m«riui(r f ‘ r I l ' 1 * Board-JOSEPH \V SAVAUK. was " S '' iJrtii lor the ensuing year. W in. J A.Mhs • jr -j J*o»t A Journal . Ncretgty FIRK-A?a>iMAßi»«:: INSUKAMCH. fin 11 Company u| jNortlt America, 1 ih/oupliiU duljTaullumted Agent, the sutwen >Jr bfletito make jtermanent ami limited lunur ■lct Httyruptrij, .A lltia ctljr and Us vicinity, and ,1 ahiuWnU (’anal and Rtvcp. “ S£j£r OIHUtriOKS. -John C. Smith I‘trt'l, Samuel Brooks, Al«. lieu,. ' Sami. W.J..OM, :KJwaid Smith, ApW~J WJ**. John A. Brown, K Ne» John White, i J B ,' U-„,j •riwi« P t’«»u« Richard V\owd. w‘“w,?' Arthur,A*. Cotßn.Scc. Tbie i« the ln.untnee l.oampmM *” tj» United State*, having been chartered in 1 »J 4. tu Smr ... poiretonl. .ml h»h fonTc.prneTu, ample anmltnj all rift or an erlru h.-.»rjnu, ehunctet, It m>» be i*-«—■- -«"* “• At'llounlins Boom of. ,A1»0,.J Jone.-i J 0., Water and Kmht afreet*. fitubur-h. j indemnity 1 Lou hy Kir*—*nal’KANkUfcM Kire !n»u *' r >“r Coinpan, ol' l'l.,bllnlpi„i., Ell L make Insurance,permanentaiiJlimitrd,- nn every dcsrnnlimt nf property,in Pt'lTS r J 1H *o.t tho ‘sPIIKOUNTHNU f'OUNTUY.I ot j favorable tertna. Thi* company haji a perpetual CAPITA! paidln. .■ONTINUKNT FUND £SOO,(V<) Uflico corner ot ThirtTand Alarket ft a,, t ittab’gh. WARRICK RIAH I IN. Agent. ” INSURANCE! American- Fire inauraiica Campanr o\f nuiaADM.riiu. •. ri!A«TKtT*B»rrrrai-' 95WUM nth pi- Other in Philadelphia, /Vo. 73 Walnut Street - . WM. DAVIDSON, PreaH. Fatotajcs FkALtr.Sec’y- j , old and wcU-i*stabli>heil Company continues to \ X -insure Building*. Merchandise. Furniturd and prop erty notpf to extra hazardous chancre/, affamti lom or damage by fire. 1 '* ' . . , , I -Application* for inaaranee* »p Ptn»bar*h lutd 0* nmghWtiood. will be received, and risk* taken rilher rntWe-Utt.. for B-m* I- - ■ I ' A. laKDOCX k. CO., iNO 77 CVNALOTBEkT.NBW ORLEANS. A nVNTS'fof J U Aimm'* Extensive Steam Sugar Ai JdSnTry . Always on band,n fontoaUKk of Lwf, Patuercd; Cru.hed, CUrfied and BastaYd Hisari, m irtiee* and Ranel*. Alvn. Sugar House Mola.«art.- • Pliers liberal and a fair allowance made on %U >afoa if|o>'kl»ve,Mbafrela. - mehll iVEBTISEMENTS. ! N. Yd .*T Tilt: rojrfci STATIQKEKI m RICH & LO_.., fil WILUAM STKEBT, X HMVE tiotr ou hand, of their o*ni_M»u&»i nlrlr asu-rlairut of Ledger*. Journals Uav to.ce Book*. C*Ji, Order wJH.II B»>k», ke, of »•«%»«> and uylerofbinitis. from whirl. »ru of Booh* ri^si, bw ulvlrj ai tery tow pricer; »l*»vtaaJ» Co order, ruled ttd i hound tu any pattern, ut »Iktl notice. t . - 1 foreign and Diwestie Stationery. -, .1 T Quill*; Wafer*. Pealing Woij.l’tu*. WjA and /fed Ink, Writing Fluid, lj-*J Send Bom*, rofilUx., i'eekct-botdis UoUsuJ Silrer Pencil Csur*. P"**, *a llUclu, fn» Holder*, Uu*. Tieh*W-,?»»7 in C C»rJ». fljrkgsunmun Board*. Cl.ej*meii, Dice, liuet Folder*, . Table's Razor Sirup*, i’.uk Tape.Twiue-Heelij "1 wine, l»-i -dr» Ink, Parthnent, India Rubber Fra*ers Se had* »,‘Shears' Mai kina Ink, Kiln, Hack*. Unun lurJSl?, Jdfkiuw Book*. lid.rMtTs.Wr*, HV*U Hook*, Tariffs T*hlr*,aui all vtV-leiwld by ilalioner*. ~ Cheap Actoimt Hooks. A. kirjnibck cwsrtaallyon hand, wiuble fur retail trade'"* and-cuauU*} werchauUat tery cheap tale*. /' - - .-l Large Assortment of: Writing Papers. FooWap, plain and ruled V‘“ r Paper, plain,add ruled Jfole paper, Wrapping Paper,Bonnet Boards Log, Cloth, Hotierr,Envelope aud Blotting Paper Colored PapetniThili Freuctf Fann, l*ack«t IW, «*tra *i«d Bank ru*t, 7Wn« . and Coin lag Taper. Miiiic Paper, Gold, Tfaeiug,Unh©*»»d, anil eTery other description of fnperat »e«y tw price*. Cold Pens, Diamond Point. Rich h Lnutrtl's fUgaloS Brown**, »nd»Jl clberceV brated nt*. in ipiaatilies L. suit piirflsuen, at tb* wy lurre.l Bianuiacturer’* price*. Letter Copying Presses. Twenty-lit different price* and »tyli?—the Iron Copying I‘reo, Wslh-krer ui new. the mod e.peditWS economh •• cal, and *tmple mode of taking a ropy uf any letter or Mo. without writing it orer tgafo - Improved Manifold Letter. Writers. By wbieh the letter and cop* it written at the ametisK. The Urgtit MMrtßcnt ever ottered, and at (hr Krwett pnee*. Public oflee*, Banks luturobcc Companies-Merchant* anff others furnwhrd Trim" *«U of Account Book*, ruled and bound to any pattern, aUhor* <*o*kc. Jfeo "with tUticmary of the hot .jualily. ' | Notarial Preset*,' ’ * uau: pricks. ' [ANR BOOKS For the use of Banks andCorpaniioa*, toafiiv *urh Bank or Corporation lo (heir docttornU. Tlii» opera-' ti?oi» perfennid by any tma, «v*n at fimUml Fir»t Premium* __ i Awarded to the Amrrican ltuliteU, at (hr htr Fair, Fur the beat Bu)ed"Bl*nk Books—A Silrrr Medal For the best Manibld Letter Writers—A Diploma . For bcantiful finished Copyiiw Fr«K»—A Diploma Pleau Call and Set for Yaunr/trj. rr>Thi Trade and Country Akrehanta Supplied. RICH* ZOUTREX, . l«|wrler* of French and Eugltih Stationery, aadmaufttlurcriaf Account Bonks, Minified W ri I e r», EirtUior, Blank - —.. and Carmine Ink*,' *e,'*e, Cl William, one door below Cedar dml, N Y. JaMci V ) Wm M Loerm. \ ; falaFamSp ai’ST PROOF IHOS . FOB ROOFISti, WINDOW SUUTTBRS, Bt. , T*llEeub*eribrre beg to call (hr attention of all those • interested in roofing, to their GALVANIZED TIN' PLATES. and to the mauy advantage# which they pO*.»eMOVer ailmelalie and other MtUalanee* hitherto oaed for this purpose, po»»e*si ng u* the y do. theVtrenrth: and lightness of iron without it*liability to rnit, baring now been (rated cereral rente, bulb m this Country and in Fluroitc. They are also lean aanject to expansion . and routraetion from sudden change* of .the atmosphere tiian eotnmoirTm Plate,. Iron, Zinc Ac ,or any other curtail now aoedfor roofing. and comeqiiemly form a much belter nnd tighter roof, requiring lories* frequent repair, whilst the lir*t coat is but a tnlle more. The subscriber* would also call the attention of all dralcT* anil worker* in metals, to th« many etherpur poies to which Iron thus protected, con he applied.— lit general terms It is applicable to allarucka of iron which ii is desirable lo pioieci fnun the action of the atiuos|;Uert. And they would ■■specially cal! the »j -li ntiuii of thu«e interested uiTKt.hURAPiJJC LINE? 1 , to then Galvanized Wire, which is nowralmost entire l> used in Kurupc, and which answers every , piirptMr a*» a eonJurtofur elrclricfty. coMmg only nhomoue [Till much n< copper, and r<|na!durah!fi ty wnfflbai tnrinl. Having .lately elected work* in tics city for the jmr nr' g:i!v.miTiug na:l«, sp;k< iK/lta.wire. Ac., they will lie able to furiiiitTany aiiidc which insyj>edesi< nd. A supply of I'PJtes i.nunoiaciured in Europe,] ciiMSnily uit !ioiid,irmu IC to :t-J wire gusgr. GKO. U. MOItKVVOOD A Co No*. U und Hi Heaver *t. XKU' YORK. The I'jient Kieht tur llii« imfol.i ha* Ue«-n necuri-J fur I lie L'oiled Stale* a* well n*)' important! 1 oroih erwri*e. -.i ?• ‘■p‘}y- Gtnilemcui KuruUhtnh' U>ubli>liratut jUJAULKS B HATCH,»7 \\ iiliara street, N*w Vork V rtliciUatlrulioii ti> Jii« a*wrUnrul of (Joo«J» iu U>e (Jrn ilcßKti’t KuruiyliiajJ l*iw, itnf*,rtr- l i>ll ililci andiiokl Hirt • OWJuf TlKS~l‘U,n V .frfr, li-M anjdark c'clor*. ' HVISif T/ivS- l.incu aud JacM DR.UFEKSSak. Uuttoo. LiaU Thread, Merino,'W<«|irti, tee (iLOVES— BIack, white, and colored Kid, of (he best maQtiUclure, Silk, Colton, Lmtii, Li»lr Tlireaii, S-c HOSIERY—SiIk, CoUaiJ, Lini u, Merino, *«. OILED SILKS— Main while, of the tin- neck lli-ji M.inerly. feb£S-3m ■ pICISTS ONLY —SPIS!N rrtkt, rnitljr. . Gtiaudole*, various or Lruetcd. Suspending Solan, Doris Cwnplune Lamps, _ BracbetsSara, Sid, Jo Solar Chandeliers. Bracket do ’ Patent Lard Hand Lain?*, Stand do Britania Hand Lamp, ■ Camphene Chandelier*, Superior Chemical Oil, pureSpenaOil, do Caniphrne, —Solar and LarJ Oil, do Burning Fluid, Refined U’lialr Oil; fet&L3m ’[ New Warehouse rorPrlnta Only. r QPUJXU STYLES,,IB47. LER, JUDSON* LEK', 0 at the spaeiout Ctr story U’arthonir, No Ati Cedar *L, New York,(the whole.of which i.drroUd to IhcVihiliiliou and talc ofthi* tingle article,) offer for tale lirihc poet or poekagr, 1000 CASKS of HUNTED CALICOES 'com .priting all the desirable new stjle*, a.large proportion of which haring been roulraclcd tor before the W rit* fo the market, trillLeaohl nf-frts. tliau uviniuilurert' prftent pri Printed lists of pricetare put into the liaudf of blyers. N Bi-B F LEE, late xnior partner iu Uic onc'iaal firm of [c«4-Xrewrirr f (from which tie retired ia IWS) liaajoiurd thr firm of. Lee ainj J oil too, aiid *>lieit* the patronage oTVm<, old frirnda. The buunet* if conducted under th« firm ol February SIL.I&IT-llctSp LF.K, JIIDSOX <• LEE. Wholesale Drug Warehouse. IN TUB CITY OF SKW YOMK, B* A. I AHNKs l'Ot k At LV. No. dy.Uohn cl. r. • New York, uder lor »a> n hepc-snl general ’ o*snntiiiMit m" Drugs and Medicines, Djis Jjti.H* : Paints and Oil* of cycry dcarnpiion, vljicli llt-jr are jircpa.od and determined to tel! low. j ; Country Mcrcltsnla and arc requestor to call and examine ihcir arhcU-g. Urder* cieculed j withJatlltlulnrM and dnptrh H. A.fuliucalock’a/ i lirmilugc constantly mi hand. | i 15. A. Kab.Mistnck, N j U. 1.. Kahocatuek, ' C Pillaburgli'. I e Hop*?, Jl-ifcntg, Ac..&c r , jiurcji-un.-i!,i-jr wli.rlj the pner m ta"ii -trill paid jytfly New Voib. JaN. IMA i 'NEAPOLITAN BONN ETS- ' I'A’ITISON. NOE He CO.. : PATENTEES AND MAHHFACTBIIERB, l 23 Delaney Situ ft, A etc Yurie. (efaCLlm ' • ' aOLAC V FUU PATENT#, Washington, J). C. . q r/KVt' il ' ftOnniNM. Mrcliiicitnl Engineer » /j A tent tor pitw-urinfrPatrn'-. prgpurc the r rr .i u| , liiowair * nnd lor Applicaot*
ratn;»:tut)cr of Patenl*: *■ lion Hl.ElUwortb.late do . ,■* a do *. 11 Knowlra,Nlh4.-hini«l, Patent Office; Judge Crunch, Wnthtnewn. D Cj cc ’.. Hon. ffChoale, M«R.*aenu»ettf. L h- Senate, Hon. W Allen,Ohio. ■ -.-r. »i Ifon.rß Rowjin. M C, Miaroum lion. WtlltalWl. New VcTlr; , : . : Hon. Robert Stn.'h. M C. illtnct*,— - ; lion. KBreese.U MPenate; I J Hon.J.ll Relic,MC,M*Mooii;.i , - ChipL'lf M Shreve, Mt*»ouri; t Eraato»Urook»,EKi.,Pituborgh. tB,