The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 24, 1847, Image 4

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    ‘"’ffiSSßyf"'*'"' 'Era
Cerrevpondenee of the Chrvlinn Advocate. j ; :^V . V:-v ; -: ' '
from Arkansas. 1 to the
Cmlmualwa of Visit to ,hs Hoi Sp™>S' qrEa t OJSSf/ ERV
- 1 V M 7i./.niA rtmainS— -F unc*al— • JIUXtC I BrouchtUA ’ L.ver
Vcicanr irnnrwm>tu p£>- \ Consumption. CoujtU»,.Cft<«J. Difficulty oi BitatDiug,
—Specimen of Arkansas irnpr p,p coap^' ll - Ur?m * l ' P*lp*i*tioti of tbe
.._ r Ttnll—cmd Sequel. I p a to mU»j4nis,Cn>iipJJrcikenCor>*iiuiiio».
elty—Negro Ban anu «f fUi of Head Va-OAt, Nervon, Deliluy, .nd .11
After luxuriating in all l“ c »ei lc,l J l , ‘Mtreare* of the Throat Bfca«i anil
Alier iuxun»ims the so[lan d Unj., Iks »0.l cfrc.l
a Vapor bath, ana enjoying , r \ ,p*edyquie«ver*Downfor
. It immersion 111 In* W arin wa .• any of abort dt*e»»r».
- delighnul immersion . . „ bk.swavnks
-afterwards, which, pouring in iromaifcill coM |. o lnd syrup of \yu.u chkrry.
. —r* M hlv tumDcred in ihe l?i/er ram- arothkk livirg wit*u«-Kc*d with «««»•
18 agreeably ump .. i ishineoi the wonderful cure performed by Doctor
be the belter prepareu tyr and wonder wa y a ' e ’ a compound Syrup of WILD CHKRKY.
hie MOUDII this scquatU ihe tinting la (■Hii..t,ixrßi., Jintiyy-ii. lIMV
Die aiuuu » summer season — Dr. .Swaynr— Dear Mr: In justice toyourself mod
working the sum adut y l owe to suffering humanity,! cheerfull)
placed ihe lame, tho hall, anu ine Ri¥e , oy testimony, ana declare to the world the
L snd one specimens of crippled , n os-. n »t«»ni*hing cflecu, and lhc great cure your
amUhU OM *P^ n " frnni all Compound Syni? of W,ld Cherry performed on me,
jja'diseaseu humanity pour 111 irom an urder Uie mn si unfavorable nreumstancr*. .1 waa
•''Quarters The celebrity of the Springs U k*n with a violent Cough. Spitting of Blood. «e
-t • k. i A oivon rise to »ere Faina m the Side and Breast, which accmed
has, as.might be exp C . 0 to break down and enfreblemy constitution,*-that
various aud contending Claims lor me in, ph)«icun thought my case boynnd tire power ol
ownerahio to iho place. Repealed a[l- me mj friend, all gyc me up to die: bill
uwueismji r i ,i,»nk« to voa and the eflccta t»l your great diaccwe
plications have been made to Congress «n man, and raised from a
to confirm the title to one or more of a J ,; fe virion to It fleshy and healthy a manaa I
these claimants, but without'
The consequence has been, mat suoarj rP ,, dcn ce.M*‘cban*c i,f * cl
fearful and bloody encounters have taken »ircei. .Vintu m Liberties. Jacna Paiutek.
place to gain or io keep possession, and i. no,-atl »J
blood, always the price of cunleulioli The li.llowiug letters are presented wilh a view
now-a-davs. has flowed m profusion 111 olmo re Tally showing tbe dpiiucns of Physicians in
* 1 relation to the Medical value oT Dr. SWAl'ISh^
these disputes. ; ,m> sYlu:i* uv wildchkkkv.
Abl before remarked, volcanic agency Dr. Sw=yne—Dear Sir H&Yii.g u*cd your Coai
have been verv active here. In- ! p« u ,.d >yrup or Wild Cherry utenstvely in rny
must Date ocou »CI. «» nrscl.c*. I waa reqneitcd br your Agent. Doctor’
deed, to the most casual uoserter, u is j ( :nl|ther to ciprc , s m « P ,'m.>n in writing of iu
annirenl that some terrible convulsion Ol | oroperl ip, ,1» a remedial igcnt. I inoat cheerfully
** , U- U „ nver ihtvwbole ! comply, as, l feel by *o living, I will diashargf^a
• nature must ha O ~ I debt I owe the eomniumtv at Urge, and Phyaicun*
valley. The abrupt and precipitous ap-. jq pu , af _ A , L t hi, I detest Quack Heme
nMr.nce of ihe knobs, immense masses 1 ,h C h and IMn.l Koatmuw. I was induced
pear&uC atmlureof the mifat potrni capcctoranto, recom*
' of rock rent IU many a fissure, the lrag , n our ,n-Jtena nu-dita in some caaeaol
menls of Other and dllferent kinds firmly Dlgcascd l.un*e. to try your preparation ol Rranus
g ,„ed together, end u-iihal the hifch »»• rSSMf!
perature of the water llsell, palpaoly m- j eu^B< .q Uen t trial*, that l now prescribe it in prefer
(iicaies intense combustion Ut a distance , en<>e Ut a i| nther Retnediei Where an cjpcctoranl i»
Otcaies uneiisu ” , e ! , ndl cated. In the nmeh dre.ded Pneumonu or
not very remote from the surlace. 1 • p IBCJ , c „J- the Luoga, 111 the alarming lorm in Y»bich
I "have purpoaelv avoided stratifying , It n ., poirs m Kentucky, l regard it a. up mvaloable
. that b .0 say. 1 have mu paused lu. an j
instant to give yon lue mystic uamn ot j #wcJl f< . r ,ons 0 ns out of t»ic vicmiiy of traoktort,
this rock or that pebble, which }he horrl- t f wlll bned; add, that l have been erg.god in an
MM.IUCK Ol *«U* pa- • I , . ! arl| , c practice ol my professum r.l Vi year..and am
ble nomenclature of modern geoi B y I a j Ac^o ( ar Clnduate of Traosjlvama. and thia IS the
*roieht term something else. My obsvr-. fim Mcdicmc i over thought enough oi to
- vations are made tn passant, and without , efpre«s ,lpl “ ,on ,n nn j n |’i. kllisus.M. D.
any particular predilection to the int o .i jno uy "th. mn l-r.mkhn County. k>.
riea of either Hutton or , a< „ c Z ul'i ‘n'.jo-
Let US how Stroll down ine sirtt , - Cliri , Ix.Vtor a few milea from here, he wdoingg very
it mav be termed, which, with one or ; yuW | \>l ir-nci*. an.l n connidernd a good Pnyateian,
two exceptions, » lined on either rid. !- u
wilh those smoky wooden huts, wil.l Droggul an.J Apothecary,
rickf-uy doors and slab-sided chimneys.’ Testimonials wilinerer cease.
* *V», *v , - i I roin the I emperance Fledge,
sp, often seen m these new nnd tmtm- un Uut ii upon us with its attendan
proved regions. As we pass along, a , ral „ „I I’lfimtinic anti Bronchial allcctums.Coughs
* 6 .l „„v. >ro : c 1u.iu1,,,! nni • i rtldi ii- \f .»c w ould advise those atUiCtcd in
curse upon tho preachers is cm. |iiiiiicil , ale „ r u y. SwaJne -,
{ from One of ihese repulsive looking no- ( - (ltll p 01 ' lftd Sirup 111 Wild Uherry. It Will never
vela It is a inocery—one of those low. }Jl | p.;rf< rm u pormanonl cure. The reputation
. , ,Y , „J nlipM tthprt wilh* 1 n;'ih;« medicine his caused many spurious articlp*
Wicked and detested plact a« nt re, WHO pi| , , ott |, under IU name; but the preparauon
OUt disguise Qr shame, the d« v 'tl .hunscll 1 „(• p f HP, bendes being thu br«l ever qtlered
i» publicly worshipped, nnd men’s dam
nation optjllly purchased lor a dime. , fc c ., are all Spunous and wonhlea*, and
We were next called noon to attend a ■ contain none ot the Vinue* »f the original P»Mn«
, , , ■ c vi TT-,", 1 “-i.- ~rt- . >,,,n Dr Swjvuc'* t'osrpound »vnip ol Wild
funeral, and my eomo'aitton ex,-oihc»n, rt (^i4
must perform tho services. 0 Mall! Man' hrum the Springfield Kxpress.
thou inconiistent creature But a mo-' oi the tnouMnda or purported curative nostrum,
moil uicuii-wai u , . lU , w buforr ihe public, but very few are lound to
ment before a vicious curs«* IS breatiu-o I a<!>4 ||, e healing virtue* lor which they are ie-
OUt unon the head of him who now, with ! r omuiettd»d. Among the latter wo are pleased to
, * , • , , _i . k„i 1 learn (i>»nr stand a belter Uni than Dr. Swaync'*
solemnity and interest, stand*. l)tJrt ' ”j 1 ;^,, H ound >vrup ~t Wild' Oimry. The afflicted
the living and the dead. Now some ol , ln u. la vi.-n nly are brgianiog to uie it, and to their
ihe same men follmv IO the grave aud j... tl.«, ImU in il. u.e 11.c.r aaied n,«n ,t.
me Bairn, in »• recommendation* more than realized. The afflicted
weop, as the widow walls ami me or * ; ncpd DO ; dt . # p air While there IS.hie, there now IS
phans cry. Behold a demo,,; ( u,,',,, ( . A| . TION THE FUBL|C .
fitration of the «rulh, .1 * {[7*>mce the introduction of my article to. the
of womßn is of .few days anu full cf tmu-: j, ub u C> uie re have a number of unprinciplod Indi
,, t, . up nostrums which they assert ooutain
. l t ' u Wilt I t'hcrry, tome are called •‘Balsams," “Bitters,'
O death, death, tuou art indeed a tns s- e¥Pll «,,nio vf IVild Cherry, but mine is the
terious aud dread power. The young, . original and’nnly genuine preparation evtr mtrodu
l ii i hmrv nt-o ecu to the public, which can be proven by the pub
tbo old, smiling inUncy - _ I i,r Uncords ot the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
are ulike thy Victims Thou muckest tit ’ on | v S j| rj v a ard against imposition II to see that
human distinctions. What is Wfahh; mv «.g..iture ..on SWAVNE>
what is yrandeur, wh it is lame n> ih* «* j- f ,,i ..n.’y by Dr. aink, at hit I'nnci-
Thrones and principalllios and power.' pii Oifi T*-. corner ..I kiCHr aud Race Streets.
. .Uw Onw-iri! iaflhv hiihdelphia. All Wild Cherry prcparationa being
Stop not thy inarch. Unwar l ,3f u > ; hctltlou ; jn u counterfeit without hu sigra.ure,
stern course, and youth, and love, anu . gu j p I(1 p,it»burgli wholesale and retail by
hope, and passion,are scattered wilh on. j WM i THOltK.a»laHwt«r«i
iiopu, i j ’ , , , j,, niiDKN S.NOWDCtN, corner -hd ood »U.
blast of thy cold breath. Sad, solt tnu. | s JONK; , lw , Liberty ■treet/ '
unutterable power, the Christian Oiilv lb Sold also by J Muchell, f'lty; Boyd,
l _ u.. ~lnn j mu irnli' *iv l'aft;«sV (‘o . Butler; Wc" - v llcnilorson. Mer
thy conqueror. He alone can truly sa>, r jleudUf . K -j h Burton a
■“Q (J d alh where is thy sting, O «*ra>«! ( . ti (/ lie . M Ken»ip.'< i, i icvciar.d; Dcai*
where is thv victory ” * * * A S..n, Columbus; M.ibr. i , l ..*nayiil,; Manh.
woero 15 tuy yiliui,. Wlietlme.Va; K B Hi..B»*n.Ciociß«»ati,Ohioj Dr
Once more at Cypress Collage, th< ; p- j.>.»ierfy &l Co., st. Louts; J b Moms &. Co.
hours sped happily away. Though li • Louisville, Ky ; Andrew Oliver & Co., Mew-Or
boasts no superior embellishments or dc- ic-ms- a r 5
coratioqs, yet it is the habitation o!
peace, joy, beauty, love and refinement.
The host—a fine specimen of manhood
—pious, liberal and urfelligent. i .»e
hostess quite as fim; a picture of woman
hood as can *anywherc be found. One
only daughter (the wife of Major B , now
a prisoner in the hands of the Mexicans)
and a lovely infant son, comptoie the
|l - usual number of this interesting family.
Lively converse, mingled with the
—-strains of the light guitar, passed otf the
... evening hours, and a blight incident
jj which occurred afiorded us all no small
amusement. It was the more keen v
:j ' enjoyed because it was unexpected, ami
ja perhaps had a relish and an aroma about
,i more highly fell, by those present.
«• than it could possibly be by those who
only hear of it, and that at a fsr ofT dts
tance. It is, too, a specimen of Arkan
’• bus literature, and poetry impromptu tip
?( on a very unpootical and uninspiring sub
,] Whilst ,the lady above mentioned was
f performing one- of her most attractive
sj pieces on the guitar, a tick sc-tmperin 4
k 'lj over hdr neck distracted her attention
■Y. from the music, a gentleman of the party
;*J was seen to be engaged, it lew monients
after, in writing with his pencil W«
discovered he was in consultation with
7 tbe muses, and having prevailed on him
for a copy, I give them as a specimen of
7 j . what an Arkansas poet can do impromp
tu, upon a very barren theme.
,:! txnoxrru lines ox beeino a tick ox a uuv »
NC CK, WUILST sue WAS plating tiie ucitab
A lovely lady sat and played,
In strains all rich aud rare ;
Aud music of th« softest kind
■v Flowed from her sweet guitar.
Who has not felt the thrilling power
Of such enchanting grace?
O who could tear himself away
From this delightful place *
But suddenly the strains have erased
Is the fair songstrew sick ' ray muse must tell the truth,
It is a wanton tick
Harmounted on the snow-white neck
Of that lady youug and fair;
Whet can the daring little imp
Be contemplating there t
Shade ef illustrious Burns nrisu.
Reprove the naughty tnck ;
Again attune thy sweetest harp—
Immortalise a tick.
Whilst thus the evening hours wore
happily with us', there was a nine <»f
high.revelry in a small hut exactly oppo
site our cottage. There a party of col
ored people were taking a farewell dance
in real old-fashioned blazing
light of a pine-knot fire. The various
circumgyrations, evolutions and tnainuu
vres were plainly perceivable by the red
and glaring light. Happening to awake
at a iate hour of the night, the dance was
over, but what was my astonishment to
hear a real camp-meeting tune, to the
words “0 revive us," <fcc., from the same
uproarious sot.
Next day being the Sabbath, brought
with it.all those thoughts and feelings
peculiar to that day of sanctified rest
At eleven o’clock our friend Mr. M. threw
open bis doors for the proclamation of
the glad tidings of the Gospel. The
minister was a Methodist—a young man
of a highly intellectual appearance. As
he delivered with fearlessness and sin
cerity the whole truth from these words,
“Seek first the kingdom of God,” my
mind was irresistibly carried back to
those early days of Methodism, when
by such men tho banner of thfc cross
was first unfurled in the waste places of
sin and wickedness, when no t other sect
eo boldly defied and so often routed the
“prince of darkness,’His did the pioneers
or Methodism- C. L.
i i
IS (inv.- uni'crkillv acknowledged to'bo the I N*
!• ALLIBLI'. kR.MKDY for Rheumatism, Spi
uil Atleclions, t ■in'mciiou* of the Muscles, Sore
Tfimai and Quinsy, Issues. Old Ulcers, Cains in the
Hack and ( nest, Ague in the Breast and I-are
Tooth Ach>-, Sprain*. Bruises, bait Kheutn, Burns,
(."roup. Frosted Feel and all Nervous Diseases.
The TRIUMPHANT SUIX'KtfS which ha's at
tended the application of this most M'ONDKRUJL
MKDR INK in curing the most severe case* of ihc
different Disea es above named, —and the lIMIH
KM’OMII MS tint have been bestowed upon it,
wherever n lias been introduced. give* me the right
to call on ll.c AFFLU.TKD to resort it once to
U‘J*The farultr unite in recommending the rele
nted Kiirrnai Remedy, Hunt's Liniment.
The follow «g letter from the highly emioort
Chyaicians wno have been attached to the Mount
Pleasant State Prison lor .many years, is the best
evidence of the value of this celebrated Liniment.
Sing Sing, December 20, 1815.
M« Dear Sir —1 received your note of yesterday,
asking my upinion in relation to Hunt's Liniment,
as prepared by Mr (>ct>ft>e K Stanton. Koowiug
its composition, and having Ircquently used it. I
can recommend it to you as a safe Kitnrnal Reme
dy, and hi my opinion, the best Liniment now m
use Vcrv truly aud respectfully yours,
( ol Pierre V aiit'ortlandt, < iroton Manor.
1 fully concur in the abuse opinion.
V..KKTOWN, Jan. 14. IBJj.
v,r_ln reply loyour letter, I would say that I
have used your Kxterna) Remedy, called Hunt's
Liniment, in my practice since you made me an
qnmnled with iu composition, and unhesitatingly
say that I believe it to be the best Katcrnul Rcmc
tiy now in use lor ihc complaints for which you re
commend u Yours rc»pertlully,
<;♦*.! K Stanton. Kaq.
From the N Y Sun.
JL7’Among the ina*s of worthless articles and
humbugs that are (toured forth at the present day
upon the country, it is really refreshing to find
something uf real practical utility, something situ
pic, speedy and eflectual in its operation, and rl
ilie same time Irce from.lhove injurious effects
which generally attend powerful remedies. Hunt's
Liniment, prepared by Uco. K Stanton, of Sing
Sing, though it has been but a abort time before
tbc public, his already obtained the confidence, nut
only <>l our most wealthy and influential citizens,
but our most eminent physicians. Ail ackoowrl
edge it to be a sovereign balm for many of llio ills
that flesh is heir to, soothing the aching limb, and
bv its genuine stimulating influence, banishing dis
ease from the system.'
Mr. Stanton—Sir—B.eing your advertisement
of Hunt's Liniment, I was induced to try its efleets
on my son, who had been crippled with a lame
back from an infant) and it is with gralitude I bear
testimony to its wonderful healing properties. My
child, who is now five years of age, is now in a fair
wav of recovery, Yours,Ate.,
PovTO>riiK,Towtii Hs, Putnam Co.
] certify that 1 ain personath acquamtid with
the above named dhsld. and think the father would
be sale in saying that his aim is almost well.
Nov 3, 1813. Deputy Post Master.
i l . S. I would also state that I have been for a
number of years subject to frequent attacks of tho
Rheumatism, which in many instances prevented
inv attending to my business. Two or three sppli
cit.nns of the Liniment invariably remove all at*
lections of the kind. In cases of bruises, sprains
and sores, too numerous to mention, it has in this
vicinity proved a certain remedv. lu vatuecan
only bu estimated by those who have giveilnt a fair
Tins Liniment is sold at 25 and 30 cents per bot
tle, by ail the Principal Druggists and Merchants
throughout ihe country.
Wholesale Agents in Hew York.
KUSHTON 6c Co, 110 ..roadway.
A B dc D SANDS, corner Koltnn and William.
ASPINWALL, 86 William street.
Orders addressed to me at Sing Sing, N Y, wtu
be attended to. GEORGE K STANTON, .
Por sale in PitUburgh by L WILCOX, Jr, and J 1
KIDD A Co. Allegheny City, JOHN SARGENT
Hirmingham.jJOHNSMlTH. feblS
f AYNK'-S KXPkijrOflAN T—\V C mviie atlkftibhii
«J this admirable remedy (or Pulmonary
The principle there announced of the mnrt.i.frehanicien
of obstructions— it* tendency lo origiuair .talsmaiioa
of ibe Bronchia. amt rcn*e<|uent vKiiai.ou firwetisio
rsi I*< l*e>ond dispute, ihe irutli lUelf. The
only mode of removing such obstruct ion, is
hv means of expectoration, a rrsuii which we are con
vinced can always b* obtained by a judicious exhibi
tion of the remedy of Dr. Jayne —(Pbila. Spirit of the
For sale m Pittsburgh at the Pekin Tea rtore, 73 <U>
•Ireei. near wo6d, and alaa at the Drug Store of U P
Schwam, Federal «i Allegheny city. mylldAwF
Ladies. ladies. I'm astonished,
When you know that you are promised
A natural, life-like, snowy while,
Thai you wih still use common chalk,
And look a deathly yellow fright.
Toe theme of laogbicr and of talk.
If y,u would use a box of JONH'S Lilly-white, a
wobU give your skin an alabaster yet nataraJ while,
mid at ihe tame lime clear and improve il Sold at
JACKSON’S,© Libert)- si Pneatteeoupar box.
MS| 1847- j 1847. ' dKSS
1 TSi?aUo.. as*’SSff 1
for IRON RAILINGS it. ti:r Malt*. <« KXPK.*JS IA DAILYiUNKoF
i , (rr..iii'R«M TO " ALT,U,,BK s pissesgeb pickets.;
■ , t .j I Etf.wiicoy / ■ * j mill* «il known and popular Line u< li»*
T fcc principal pa,, o. ,11 .ho hapd.oo.o RarhoS. ! q'HR pohl- ■« I Th-ro £.'r.'LW.l,'
it Lair el Hill. Monument, and other celebrated ihrnuehoui ihe *ea»on. The proptirior* j dil-on 1 . . Packr-l Line; and :he entire .*
cemetene* in the cif) and county ol Philadelphia, r »ow*[ili*ee«t a Guprnnrcla**
which hare been *o highly extolled by the public lbr fOUl «. with extra accommodation*. ,{? lic ,,‘ and nirt .t powerful boat* or the U »'ri<( ot
oreu were executed at tnia manufactory. which will give greatcriomfott to traveler*. , Wp .,’ i; V cry «rcoaJihodajio!i ihai money will pro-
A Uice Ware'Room in connected with the C»Ub- A Parkn Uool will nlwny-hr in port, nud the !•»». i hern provided tai+R’-mg' f, andno pa,n
ti.hment, where .. kepi con.Untly on bond a Urge | eling pnMic urr requeued to All end . xatnme them, I /„ render .herfc.,.nton,n;r and .te mp,
■lock ol ready-made Iron Railmga.OrnamenUllron \ prcv^u^iuer^neinitiw.^y^ dollar?.'* J oroide rte) ij#vel>tu:^ ur jj , “ n ,l ‘-
Settee*. Iron Chain, new atyle plain and ornameo-. one m the P,cfcn« w .11 leave the tondmg. (opposite , » nJ I*° m ' >
Ullron Gate*. with an cxtenaiveanaortmcnt of lr«u ■ ltl( . M ,, Hotel.) comer Penn »tr«etaml the, JIUNDAY PACKET.
Poata. l‘edc*Ul«, Iron Arbor*, Ac: . Al*o. in great Call> | -very 'Sli'V.*!. 0 , v „ I The MONON(iA»IKLA.C*pt. Sionr, wilt leave Pin*-
variety. \S roughl aodCaxt tronOrnsmcol*.‘tillable r,Mi ; 3 * , A ’„' • *r„ tl „ n .«i,-i„ h.nnrh evciv Monday morning ai »« o'clock; Wheeling
f,„ Railiflga. and o.ha, *■' *' ** 1 "'” ! SSS ™«>,»• ■“'' »' • «*"—!"*
The aubecriber would al*o *t»te that in In* Pal , !*»>' jt { tor Penn *treet and Canal j cry Thufdaj at to o clock A M. .
WO.T.U* Tbc ;»
o.mpTete'ud ayilemaUC <«- j \*j ‘ , w^JlngM?°Jd
tablishmeiit* oftl.ekind in the l nte«. • TTyrr 0 1 1 * fg IT rr IV Ciiicinmuievery Fnday-'ai UiorrcH.k; A. M
ROBERT WOOD. Proprietor. D. LEKCII 1 CO’S. ‘ • „ .. „ . rtc KT
Ridge Koad,.bo« ButtonwoiHlalrecl. OLU k-TARI.ISHKU TRANSPORTATION LINK. vt??®* A? M> af Cap.. S. />-.«. «v
Philadelphia, March-IS. !Jt7dhmor IttTWKKN PI rMICRGH. rv«V WrdneMla,‘uiorn.n* -t
CHEAP WATCHES.; pttILADKI.I'Ht A UAI.TIMORh AM) NM\ YORK . ,'niS cvn v Wednrtduy erenmpallO It
riMHK CHF.APKJiT HOLD AND SII.VHR WaTi*M „<«.), „f t 1..» i i.e conoiMt of a douUt *, ,: l|irill „ n i, cvei'y Snmrdny *t 10 o'clock, A. M.
1 |\ I'IIII.aDFLPKIA y A l.ine ol *ml Car*, (owned t.) ihein*'lvr« l
' '(lold Lever*, full Jewelled, f I’d winch are m good ord-r The •uhn-rd.rr* ute prepu- j THCBSDAY PACKET.
Silver do do * J" I rrd to forward a larse t»f..Mercti* and I C*pi K J Bmee.vnll leave Pin*.
(Gold Upnic*. jewelled. -Il' " . I’roaluce w.di crnaiiity and d.»pvicn. J rV ervTliur*day tnbrmiiß at lOoVlockv Wheeling
Silver do - do j »«» Produce ..r M.rch....d,'.'- to a.,> oi.he u.r- J,““ r at It. P. M ; »ml C.nrmnat.
S.lver Quart.ri«. fine quality. ! V | derr.*ne.l .# lorworded irer ot any . Imrgr .or comm,*- !C r A>M
Hold Waiehe*. plain, , I-' l * , ..oil of -'oriißt. . „ , j evi e> .u« .
Silver s*|>ectsclc*. j l.j jt:ll« I julmc tran»i«i lied and a.l ,ii*ituei.o»ypt»m; ily I
Hold Pencil*, * UI . uWml.d lu . ./ \
(iold Itmci'lrt*. * „ : The i.umiic*' or t 1..» Line .« cnt.ductcd/oM »-r..-uy
Alki on hand, a Urge a**oritnenl ol (>»ld and llnir k>-e|>n,g |*nnc.|.l-- Adare**, t.r hpp'y u> |
Dracolct*,fin«ei n brtaM pn»*Jthop ear i.t.R*. gold D LKKPI I &.Co IWVmr*.
orn*. Mlver *ugur long*. g«,.d tirek. J t anal ISi«*uf. I .(■•l.urgli j
curl, and fob efia..guard key. and jewelry ol every . H V RR]** & I.KKCII, Pruprielor*.
de**Tiplion. 01 rouJlly low price. A* i l want .» a full ' S„ |:i Soitili Tin id 'trei J Philadelphia j
to eonvinr** cu*lomer*. ‘ JUS. TaYLOK A /uNS. Agent*. \
All k.nd* of Wrnche* and Clock* repa red and war- . No lt4 North Mowafd/ireer. Hall.ttiore
rauied U) keep good naie for one >rnr. old gold and «.l- j \V It WII.MJ.V. Ageiit.
verlHiuglu nr laken in exchange. imM.* No 7 VS e«i *irecl. New t ork
For *ulr. eigliiduy !juJ 11 ( * l> a* * * ! PITTSULKUtt POKTAOLK B.LIAK.
- ~ ,~' ’ L- " £ -,,jiM, Aiiiiffifflrr i«47. smk
ir-7 | have «ome Hold dud Stiver la-vcr* anllolieapei ! , , OK ~«„»poratioii of Ff«-ghi between«uur<h
pner*. . _ T .n,d <!..• .Vlm.l.e iM-e.. iraii.lnpniem. on
NASMYTH S PATENT DIUECT-ACTION : die av«y. .•«;» r '*''
RTRiM HAUMgf. a»l
'l'lllT' Hanmur |»o.'«*.e* many advantage*over a. HOJtHKIIfi.F .V CASH
J oilier*—-among which may l.e nicniioned. ,* -jf- Market -ucci. Pln'ude'plna
11* Maiiageablene**—Tliv ropidiiiy and mrceof b.ow : k I'A AFFF. A OVO.N.NOR
may conliolled With the girate.l .-«*«■. wln.c Hu ! p MlI| Bil ,i Wntne >u. Pui'l.un;l.
haituuet >;i operaiion. and tlie hammer inai be in . \ i,, NonU'iiect. llallimoie f..
•lamly nrrr*icd. and *u*peiidr.l at an) lirigl.i vv \J T f VPSCO IT. Ti S..uih *l. N Y S *•
It. Uinver*ality. m eapaciiv lo exccuie work ol all |, v .nerea-ed i; u *,ue*» (he Propncor
kind*, limit the large-i in ite the nine , tll ,i,V,r * oek im.l exiemled their arrange
hammer. < uenw ihe wmirr. and -r« now prejaared lo lor
li» Simpl.e.i). t ompacine.-* ar.d Cheeiuie'-. ■ waidfteg.i wnli r-eulai-it mid dispatch un*urpa»*t *
ll« Aocc**ibiliiy ii|*oii all «ale-, b. the workmen . , (I . r *1*1,,.;, long exp-r.eiive a* earner.
All Ihe Uaiuiiiri * arg made Soli-Ai ling , ” ‘ , ~.l lr' ,,or.iv ol Hie Portable lloat S) *iem
The «uh*cr iber* eouUnue to e,e<u.r aider. (or d.e.e , ».e. n „U , o.rvrn. erne of .he ware
hummer*, id*. 'erm* . each end m ihe line, are peculiarly c-.-lcula
f u! ,unl l rr | l J n:ruU„. i= & TUWNK. ! ted ,o
MLStCI MUSICS Ml’SlCt gtaietu:l>
fKK a. RMLKKII. Iboirtt >« Aim ,r auJ Vu"- A .-, ...nMgnm-n'* io raartV A Connor « illbe rec
.1/ Intl’vmnilt, ISO tralni.l iirttl. fKCaJil}‘/‘ia - . Ullll ,„ rvk -„,Urd Mramboal rharge* j.a.d .M it Hill*
Have JU-I publiaiicd.—Fr*enu»n>p- or Scene* 01 oilier i iUdill< iran.raiiied irer ol an) charge lor i oiiinm«io
day* ntav Fade. advanemg or nnrag- no irwefrai rl.iecth .
|.e Pei: e IJan'eu*.-* V.enmn*. .!y II Ker..' ind.ii, i:) ol *le..inW. l it«. the miere.l Ol the icm.igl.O _
Kal.r Fi ;rud. W V Witllaer mu-l r.eve**ar.iy be lln-.r pnman' nbjeel ill •mpPi -1,.,. >K> S*VI. VA* lv *M> OHIO l*M.t-5, Heur. Marri/rk -. -1 n.r> (..edge ii.em*elvr» lo forward ab' a«»'i* | .... Pin'SHl 111.1 l AND I'I.KVKLA ND .1 ,o m.-m .Hompil y and on lh- ladv.tu.a., I».r«''•« * c ~I (. V i. a „ d „ .
Buena V,mu March. , K eou. .. r.n- .o die owue f 4 .-- £ Beaver IM Propr.e or*
Rudolph Polka, CF Rudolph M:m-.,1e.M7 ; , \ l v T MATHfS Piu-burtU. I'n \
Ravel d.» M Keller INDEPENDENT PORTABLE ; Line now b.,i> .o..i:.n*i«»n
boat line, i I
new mu'.e iroin New Nork. Uo»u>ii. Halt.n^ir. he 1 W f 7 L-VirVTt 1 land,to any |
Order* rripet ifully .obc.ted, and aitenO.dte wnh : 1 \i • C V," itl „o. *a.d Line are no. r.,u»l'r.l nj unvon
pu.icm.illy , l„*,ru l ataiv FtH? THT! “kaNSPOKTaTION OK PRODUCT: . >a ‘' (lUlll hei. mid capaci.y rJMloal*. expe-
Alway* on hand. nl ' k ‘ ,l d» 01 - * . , \J KitCH AN DISK It* AND FROM PIITSi r( . lir r„f Capiam* and proinptnr*'of Agent*. Ac.
v, 0,,|, C”';- *" d ■'j.*""'" “ii “ ;■' S”boii. rulLAHKLl’lll.v AM. BA. T.MOHi: 1 I. -I
cal Mnchntiflur. Ullli_,mic*l price* , jfV*\V.lhoul 1 .„ 0 „ w .lll ihe Meamri.
(>oo>l* consigned loouri-Hre w.d Or forwarded w.rli- ( '%!;*•»»,C»r. on.t Lake F.r e Utween IMi*l.u«gh nnd
. OUI delay, at Ihe u»we.»i current ra:e». Ltd.* ol L' , *"'R ; |^ u ver. and u t-i'e of hr-' da.* Meainl«>«.*, 1 rope
’ ira.i'in.tlcJ. and all i.i.irucnun* prompily -iiruti.dio i »„*, and Schooner*, un Lake. hr.e. hurmn.Mi
're. front any extra charge ibr«ior4/r : or foimn.*-.on ' ti„tano
Addre** or apply 10 CA Me ANI LIT ACo l'ni|icni lo liny pun 01 the t iiinn w.ih
C.tua. U-.iii, Pm»burgh : , , j; N PAK k? A C<>. t.le rcl A gi*
1 RKKU. PARKS A IV Beaver. Agl*
W T MATHKK. Pittstwrgh. A}{t .
c-,r w«;ri it n.l >iti>ih!»eid Vlreet*
aWSISBS;' I "sl , cklMi‘ BOTIO3IS,
No. 3N4 Soatb Frout Street*
Back of T. A. WfW* Cabinet Ware Manufy'
Al.l. ord-r. left wuk S. S Moon, a( ike oflic® of *•>* i
Merchant'* Hotel Puiakureh. will he promptly ;
nIW/tdrdlO TUI»S. ti iU'.KKY i
TO \VATCIi3tAkkUS nnd UKAt.KII.9.
IMPORTER of Waickc*. " ntchtnnkr r'« JW»,a»d-
Watch*. who'eiaie and rrta.Lund con- ,
nattily on haml a large iitul lainri'c. Potent, |
and Pla.ti U!n*». Mam.prms* Verge*. Dntl«. Ur.rn >
liard*. and * complete BiHiriinrut oi all l oo;* and Ma i
ter.aW belonging to the trade, vvaua large uMoti.ini'i.l
of Hold und Siver Lever. and I’a.n Wam.r.
all oi tab Hi hr will guaranty l»,*etl alike luwrat New
Vor* |»i:ce». All order* iroin the eonutty puncluoll> ,
C *N. R —Country Merchant# -»r.d olhria are mwtrd «.
call ami emulate at the Old Stand, No ill South Fourth •
Philadelphia ' ■ jnntW tail
■* U.IRSESS M.fKEJI, **i iv.uni .i ,
hi* fmud.
the public, that he )vu and «i!l keep
ron.UDlly on hand and for aaJe, a hindtocne txerlmriil c(
uliioniblt Carnage* Vehicle. of all «tyle» and description,
toad* to order at the ihorled |*j»»lbl* notice, and etrrutrd in
thr «ery be»t manner, nf .elected material filteEi-ly
I K Sir ill ’ W UaenleV W jl Woodward
SMITH, OAUALEY & CO., w!.on-«alr •>«:■
rr* 'll lirocrne*. Ten*. Indigo Ac. NoV.M AUfkei
.Tree* Ih*'ow Sijtb. No-O *htr. T‘»l Ri.te ipb-a • •'»
i glr vial producing wonder*.—Read the following
from the Rev. S. Wait. se|it. I'a.tor of Liberty ft. M E.
l’ltuSorph, March r W?
Mr R I'. Srl>r«- ll i» from a »en«e of duly. n wrll
a w.ih treat pleasure. 'Uat I bear tr«iiitu>rt> in the v.r
unfit Ouu't. RilJ c«*< it to tint-t- mm> i Inidtrii. *hn
vcar» old. itir 'in''!:i four, and ihr )o:hicp*l e
jnmulii*. Th- f«r»t worm*. :l.p *pc*>mi
fmt.' •cvrn, and the lUird a i-oueaWal.le uuml<r not
d.M.ncily rceolVclnt Snr» Ui-jj ih-y h»*>- bp'ii
well, and air now m (food lipuHli **
Vour< respectfully
Prom the Rev. S K Babcock, of the Method**! Kpuro
pjl Church.
Mr. R K Seller*. !i 11 v*i»ti great piea»urn I *uuM
tnlonti you of the ginxl effen* produced mi in) *nn or
four yewi* of ne, by your ju»tiy celebrated Vermifuge.
Aftet u<t having convulsion*. I gave hnn three dete*.
when lie pa*»rd an almb»i itiereduaiile number, from
which lime bis general health hu* b»cti nnpioved
Prom ibe Rev Charlr* Cook^.of the Metin».ti*i Fpi*
copal l.'hurrb
Pittsburgh. Drceinbcr U W'i
Mr H F Seller*: I gave n > \tlH« daughter |Uh»r*n
three and for year* old) three dote* of your Virtntfuge.
according to prescription, with the happn at *u<-rr«
The number of wornr eipelled J do not know pirr.*e
jy. hut it wo* turtle. She •» now in po*»e**ion <«t cord
heanb- i think the medicine may he confided m with
great unre*ervedne»*. C Oooi a
A* lhi» Vermifuge ha* never been known tota l .n
any inttanre, when worm* aviunlly cxi*icd, parent*
• hould give it in preference to ail other*
Prepared and »old by K. K. SKLLKRs. betweenfid
and tth, on Wood *licet.
For *al< by Dr. Ca»*el. Fifih Ward.
Ct ALLKRY, ftftnl Mreei. adjoining Po*lOfliee P.. 1»
I In,r*h. PORTKR tftoru Unlrtnme) re.
upectfully invite* the ludi* » anil gentlemen or Pi.uh’gb,
and the public generally, in rulfandeijninie the large
rollect'on of Ihiguerreo! pe Portnoi* at In* tja.ter.)
The «p<cjtnefT» produced by Mr IV. inr l»eauty, hr illihn
ey, (ti*tincuie**.and tone of i nlotiPg.nre not *utp:i»»rd
by any in thi*: country A miinber of the Portrait* u:
«.'itj/en*can lie teen ai rhe <>ollrry. Cull and examine
for ynunelve* L'kene*«e» taken u* elrar or cloudy
,\ ().— la«*rupiioo«, apparum* and all material* fur
ni»hed. Term* moderate. 'V s PORTKR
DagurtreotypUi; entrance Philo Hail Stairway. on 3d
■lieet. adjoining Pp»r Office • apart
NLOTICE— Application lm» been made fur the re
newal of Ccitifieale No 170, dared Januun IT
IHS; for thirrym aharr* of the capital iloek or Uie'
company for erecting a Bridge over the Hiver Mrnun
gahela. opposite l'.H»burgh—winch *unl Certificate ha*
hern deirroycd by (ire or lo»t.
mch3l» . (iKORfJK Oirilß'AV
LINK op OaNAJ. packkti* and staoi s
LEAVE Reaver dnily ui 3 o'clock, r aiirr.!»-
arrival of ihe Mcouittoal tIKA VKR'fjoui Piii-bnrei.
ard arrivr at Warren next morning in *ra«cn |..< ....
Siagrs which reach Cleveland before night ’
Passenger* will be rrccipied through, sr-ruring l-r li
on ihe Packet*, and seat* id the triage, on appljeni on
on board steamboat Beaver. (l>-iivu>g Pittsburgh j. !>
o’clock, a M .1 or to the usetii*:
(j AV HAKTON & Co. Piiid,iiri !i
CLARK K A Co, Beaver
JESSE BALDWIN, y oung-'n vn
a,,IS M B TAVLOK. Warran
MMIK grcaie*yviid be*i variety everoffered in il. • < ■>
1 before—made on die most approved Iva-ti-rn p -
ami mo«l'onahle Eastern paiicrn* and colors i* -"
THE CHEAP ROLL, or BOA TON BUND. o> ( ».«- --1
or made lo order of all vires, and nt nil price*
Country .Merciiani« ami <i<ber« ore invited in m 1 •ml
-examine the above for ibem*rlve«. mall will l<-- • >id
wbolesale nr reiatl.anda liberal deduction mj >o
-wholesale purrhasers.
_apldly _ A 'VkSTKR^CI.'^
FROM? ibe very liberal encourn**
ment the subscriber has received »ii-er
he has loeaird himself in Allegheny,
ba* induced him to lake a lease, fur a
of years, on the properly hr t.axv
occupies, in Beaver street, immediately besid- ill*
Presbytermu Churrb. Ffom ihr long experience in ihe
afwvc business and a dcaire ta please, he hopes to mer
it and receive a share of publie patronage.
Now on hand and finishing to or Jr r. Bug
gies, open and top Buggies, and every drwrnpl.on of
Carriaaes made to order, from seveniv five dollars in
B'fhl hitret IwnMlfl JOHN SOUTH
am VINING K«i»l->. Monil.iy Huh* ami I-'.vrr
|R9i green*. Ae . suitable for pLnting in Cenirirj'»
be funii»hed »-r, appliraron ut lhc»ced *t.,re
from Nur*erievui Ji« Wnnlrnp Manrlie-ter.
trom .suwn „ N WICKERSIIAM
niclitCtf No 133. i-c.i wood and flili *N _
(i ROL'NUt ALLH’ICK, Cinnamon and Cloves in
7 nils, bores and small packages, constantly on hand
and for sale at the Mustard and ?*pire Factory. 37 Filth
..reel tpD RHODES 4, ALCOH N
W AKRaNTEDsuperior to the besi E’lebsh “Siour
bridge.**on hand nnd for sale at ihe Wa»rl.ou«e
"Sloati'* V\ hurf," Canal Basin.
OF superior quality, lor brass founders' and manu
facturer'* ave.of ihe make of ihe Baltimore Smell
ing Company, are offend for sale by
W II McKIM. Agcni for ihe Compnuv
mttadlw So S liar atreei. Itallimore
NUTS— Almonds, Walnots and Filbena. iu«l rec'd
and for sale by WICK k. MeCAN’DLESS
Diyt'J cor water and wood
STOKMiK b V«*ry larcr anil eomntoO.ou* wnrcliouy. V<H
““ ! si'sijirk abiuscimkjts.
Aj A Mi'A.NLIil i Jc l-4> 1
■p. p»3£ag ,^“ | y»^^ t ; J>l ‘ ■
f'XOLLMVKi.Y for i!n- |.»n»p-w*: on of wa\ [ JIOXOSOAHEI-A ROUTE,'
t ssg? =;s=i^=!
Our Uo»t\vill i«-nvci!.r vcarvhomc ot». A McAuuit;. : T.m-••> I.uD.k.o''- •• - _
. l’.(t»i'U<eli- rvi ry .fay. I'lcriu >uu-la.j« J ai,.l ; r .*••• l» I „ ,
UClf j f V i“j n■J r" h r V^-»IM n .V,- Vm ‘.V...V.*, Vb
„r ti!r*wav*». anu the proprietor* re«pectful!y I <!o u ;.> •!■«'.> in;.»
c,i « Is'rftal »h*reO! putnma*e. . . J’JVVI-V % «h^ ? n><•’.o.n* i.tlr'-A '*! jV’r.w- »Hu.ti,„rr
JOifN PICKWORtIT '* JOHN MILI-KR ' . ci.. .. n nm._-or thr r ' ,, '“ , !r^! l, “ •' ,a J'
DAM II UAI!.NK!< KOUKKT WOOD* K.-l R»n.» r»f. H r r.n, nc -' •
JO , (N ;,v t v x\r: ?r:?-
J J MclWiufjohn I'i/ktr. -WnvlW* i-V I ll^*' l ''' r '''^ l " imr',?w «° "t-TX
LAKE ERIE AM) lICIMUA U*E. h T~2S.««-w- - »* «hi *«.
tsz*? im7. =Sr3E6^€i?ih£w..»
' 1 ’lll - * l_ni' lieiiit i-uIUL-ocki! u 1 >. earn boa:» Lskr J-.i it . our i.rlpi* .M ihr olli* t Mononeßllrla Hi>u»t.
I ;,l )1,1.:.., *l-1) W«».lI J VI>KIMK\
[T‘>|‘KVco : »'l"i"r TO CtKVIfiLA.VO via. WAlUtteS.
: -• ia&jy r.jrm'frc-r;. 1 1847.
4S- p'-’- v «5 t p A “,"s:;.;''; r*Ssrcc.«
I und us'l'l* ir-i'crliu l ' • -obcil I torn llicn /firm!* »»u • l rtl itai.) .»l .1 <>« lo< » r >« . -*'>r r mr
: tIP p U . r £ .'i:fU!i)lbr.rpul.oii»;r. ; itinrr..n e l«ua-imm r.u»l.ut*h »•» . .unvr .1J«-. nn •
CM UKKIJ. Knr. Pruptmor irnir rot thr Mail l.snr of !»(«*«-. « •• - h.’ mm '**
KEKUS. PAKK!* it Co, Heivrr. A-i* ! mil, lUrreaber »mt arrive «i 1 1. vrUmi »i >io.
JOHN A CAI lillKY. ri!!*l.V>*lo '
(•„, -1., ,v> W;.t. 1 ••* If.- V
(,-c, Usv i», Kudu'o
K N Park • A Co. Cleveland
A- A nn»unng A Co. Itrtio t
M< t’iuie .V U'.inam*. Miiwaukie
Biiv.ol A Porter. Chicago
S W„**hrni.b
Win Power* Powrr*totrn. Penna
tiro \l aeiiriiny rr. Kvanthurgh. Ivinm
John Me Anhui. )luiit>iown, do
U ick A Acker, (ireenville. do
t'raig A rrnmpioii, t"ark*v,ile. do
ltuy*\ i’lutnh Miurp*liutgtt, Pu
\V C Mumn, Miaion. du
K W Cun New Cattle, do
cfMIE tmprovi.d method <>r carr) mg uted hr ihr* long
X K»nl>L>hrd, i« now »o wi ll known thai de
•ci ipuoii i« unneee**aiv (iuod* are not touched on the
loure. thu* I rraii*h‘piariit or extra bundling i* aaved
The Boat* arc ui light draught and p-*rforu| the if trip*
Tin- capaciiy of our Watchouw* enable* u* 10 *tore
iny consignment* made to u* Receiving, •ioimg. anJ
idvaucr* freetU' charge*.
Be-ng fully prepared to makefile* ol Produce. Wr
rr<|iecUiillV aolirit ron«igrunetit* o< vreMrrn Flour,
ilacii’i. I.nrd Uuller. Chre*e. Wool, l'ealheir. and other
article* for *ale. on winch libera) advance* will he
made and other u*ual famine* utTurdrd, pledging our
*ejv> - that any l.u-un*"* etiiru*ted to u* iliall be a*
promptly i xeeun-it and upon a* fair term* a* by onv
other l.ou*e J NO McFADUICN A Co
Canal lU*m. Pm-hurgli
*iy uml-rUI Market «t Philudti
mwARMM i cumssim muiiAJiT,
Hast Beater Point and Bridgewater,
bk&vek coi’frrr, r*., .
Proprietor and Agent of Meamcf
WILL be pieparrd on . orhe.l oprmngof canal nav
igatiun UI receive proiieriv at hi* wbart boat or
m warebou*e, for nil point* on ririe Kxtcn-ion. Cro**
Cut, and Omo Canal*, tbr all portion Lake Kne and
upper I.ake*. o* al*«i to forward produi c. Ac .by Pciiu'h
Improvement* Apply to or mldres*
( ;,, JAS niCSCKY. lb.r-r
11 Clarke. H Hoop*. T h chinnnd & Co
Forwarding S. Comualaalon Httrchanii,
'IMIK Agents and Pr&iiciorn ol this Line (mi favor-
X ably known to the pnbbc), will be prepared ou llm
earliest opening of canal navigation m rrrr-vi-prop
erty at I’nisburgh arid Beaver, and deliver ihe -ame nt .
any point on the Ohio runni*. aiid nlsoon Luke* Prie
and Michigan, wnh the gr'-me.i de<j>ntHi uuJ ut ren—
Tlie proprietors of this line tii- of
their fonner cusimner* «Hh ronfidem v. knowing itrnr
their fuelblie* Hre .eeond to :.nnr .
Apply to nr address
H M lIA If COW A cl. I*it:»t-urg!i
CLARKE A Co Bcavei
Jani* ’ T RKIIMOND A. Cr ** -—land.
rtMIK 808-m-ii’s I’oitablc Boat I’nrnpany being di»-
J. Milsed. ihe Company aga ii went ni'o articles of l*o
paruier-liip undei ihe none ol the “Boaimen’* l.mrf.'
and likewise agreed to refit the Stock *o a« to have a
iHiinbcr of Boat* for Hie pun>o>e of-rarrying good*
ihiough m from *n lo eight day*, will, crnmii)-—mid
feel encouraged by ibe liberaiiiy of la-t year’* jiairon
oge, to make more cxieimvc artungeniem* lor the en
suing year.
We would therefore respectfully solicit a conlinu
ance of our fonurr patrons.and rrfrr all new customer*
in those we have done business for.
For the transportation of
all xinus or mtiiciianDist, to asp krou
PiiiLAOtLcnta. llAt-vnina*, Nrw S’oas, arh Bo«io>.
Corner Liberty street and Canal Basin. Pittsburgh
Nn .'KJA .Mnrkcl street, PlnlailelpTna.
ELDER, GKLSTON k Co. Agents,
PITTS lID RGH—Jus. McCully. Geo. Morgan A Co
W McCully k Co. B A Sampson A Co. M Allen A Co.
IMIILA DELPHI A—Morris I’aiienon* Co, Reynold*
McFarland A Co. Fleming *’Bu/l.y. Peter Wrighi A
Son. J Bisphum. Joseph Lrfttr
NKVV YORK—Goodhue A Co, Thro Perry A Co.
BOSTflN—Reed. Hurd A Co.
CINCINNATI—Adams fc-Creagh, W XV Scarbor
°"j»T. PLEASANT. VA—P A Machier
Nots— AH merchandise from New York and Boston,
consigned to A L Gerhart A Co. Philadelphia, Will lie
promptly forwarded /res of roininistton. fi-hl 5
Package Expreae (o FbUadcl|.bla*
m rmt rm « fHF c * nal " ow °rc n * ,h '*
duBLInMIV-above Express which has been c»-
ißPilshS tur' ibe conveyance of valuable package* of
merchandise, specie, bank noie*, iewelry, Ac , com
menced ranniag on Thursday, filnreh is.
An l«ov Ciixst will bedispalebed Jaily uniil the elose
"•jr*"*''’" -d leech * a.
mc hlV cor P«nn *t and Coral
■n.f iximK, no rnwii.w.siirj.^piH-.
tiuieN .v-f) rtH’uy inonimp at U»oc!ofk: « ».celi.-<
rvrn I r.Jajcvem..* hMU I' .M.; andCmr.i.n.|, <y*iy
.Monday :it in oVtcck, A. M
•n..,. Ml SSKNdKH, Cupl. L>’>;or.l. Will feuvc P.ll*
..... ji. every Saturday morning at Itioo'orL; WWlin
Saturday rrm.iijc «l 1“ •' M: and (.inrlnnnu
«*vpry Tn« *day ni 10 o'clock. A M.
Tlic ISAAC NKWTON, C.pi A <i .V«*om. «,ll
1.-avr lMt.U»*h every Minduy "•""'■'•f, u ‘‘" orl«*k;
ui.-eimc every events ai 111 l* -M : and * m-
* "
fIT-riir-c Packet,* willt.e Ml then l.rflli* al IViHUuigli
andCniemnaii. regularly. Hie day picviuu* lo leaving
r ,i (u ,n. lor the reception ol (>*• • fS*'*- *i'd •* ,l ‘ r T
ronutleicd cn*«eed m*ul pan!
'"RKOU l* A it FCIII
&...S r«.-
viiti l*iif‘Uu*«h bihl l.rvcM.iii Liu. ol ‘ ad
naV Bo iK to o . Ura.-Of, W Burn and
Orvi-tand 1..1H- ol Canal I'nokeU and Majjr Unu-tIM
.U.K Ml Wnrfrn nml ■' e<rlnmi. Can..! I’acari l.<n~
will I>iri'llvi>i<*. I*u Krir Kllcii*-I>'i l.ue
■VV..I. I Kr.r Nril. Mimfr .V «. tWMtf
„ C act.'-- I'nr ei.vrli.inl amt W ixnn r. Bch
v‘,,‘'.m'iv on d,«- Jtrc.vitl ol nt a ml»o.«l Bra**»
r.i:»lnifr;li A lV >l> ,‘‘ai tI AKION A ( ... I'i l‘l.ufrli
i , M .II iri.AKKKAin Krav-f
I —< — l ■ cr*i«rs kiNKi
I assail 1847.
It»n>AUKrHN«.'VKU. VtvJf
RKKI>. I'AK"' .V I'o IWvr. A«rri.
JOHN A OAI'I.IIK*. .rwt W —l.hct!
IM.moiiSHMt 1 ,. Hmi- I’m-I.utftl.
1547. vr-^oar'
rpiUt l 1.-iie cui>*i*t-ng o! ire-ghr au'd p.i**eng-r Pack
.-.-Cuu-rll dur.ig m- ..-..0n l.rl**r-„
Beavef .rt (ircet,v.:ir. I’j !•> wb-rli lr- lyhl un-' |m*
'"" U*ICK A, Aris
I*Raß» A I RAMPTUN.Oarkavil.e. .1..
. Mi-FARLAND A KING. U,g Heiid. .1...
HaVpA I'Ll MB >liarp»:,urcli <to.
\V C MAI.AN. rhuron. d...
W.M. MA I lIEWS. I'iila**' lio,
KEKI). PARKS A v*>. Uram. .10,
JI'IIN A l*.\r<«HE\ roruer W.ii.t umlJtm'ihfiei.l * *
0 > Oji|>oi-iir Ihr Monongvhe n l'ou*t|. I’lli-l-urgh
Philadelphia, Baltimore, ifew York
and Uoiion.
FK\HK eQcnuragemenl Ih's tine has rorctvt-d since
A its enuimcncement. has induced'the proprie
tors tinicrease the stock by addinj* a numlrcr ol first
class boats; and instead of giving ri-feiptn as berelo
lore us agent*, we will gi**» our own receipt* lor
freight slopped by this line
The boats are all portable, consequently f<eight
i« taken the whale distance without tfanslnpmi nl,
thereby preventing damage from Imquent handling
on the ruulc, and a* each boat is owned by ll.r
('uptam who runs them, is a sulficienl guar
antee that there will b; no delay on thn route.
All Produce or Merchandise consigned tn the
undersized will b« forwarded UtKK OF COM
MISSION for advancing and forwarding, and will
be shipped without delay at the lowest rales ol
We leupcctfully solicits share of public patro
nage. WALLINUJOKD Jc <*o ,
I'aiial Basin, PitUburgh.
CRAIG, BELLAS ic Co.. Agt. ,
Broad Strcci. Philadelphia.
Uowley’a Wharf, Baltimore.
I'ituburgli, Ft-b. 18, U>l7.
184(1 48^7
r pHK umlcrtigneJ arc now to (oi ward pro-
J Jure. Ac ,to ihe Eastern Market* during ihe cn*u
ing Winter, on i!>r'ino*l favuinblc ierm«, b'.y Hn* etpe
tlii mu • rbuie.
AM prnpcriy consigned ion» will be forwarded ai tlie
;owen Willi de.patch.
f len liiindo-e rrceiVrd b) iln*iouln promplly for
warded J BIDWELL, Ag'i . IMHuiirch.
G W CASS. Bmiv.i.vilie
novvT E EGERTON A i'-o l.'mntirrlund
i» mm®®-
’TMIE subscribers will rrceipi fur dm ilclivcry uf Pro
1 liner m Baltnnoic t>y ibo -Monnngulicin Sluebwaicr
ui ilk nil;owmg price*.—
A»!ie*, B-tcou, Butl-r, Lrud. Lard, Pork, Tallow,
Whiskey. Cheese, ai d Glus»—e7J cl* per IIKJ lbs.
Tobacco. Ileuip, Fin* »m! Wheai—ol els per HN> li.«
A»h-*i (Pot) Apples. Chee*e, Flax-Seed, Glass, and
Leal lie r— H»0 els per lU> lbs
Oil*. Sk us- Seed*. Wool—llo el* per lOh lbs
• Beeswax, Feather*, Fur*. Ginseng, snd. Snake-Root
—J fO ci« per iUOIbs.
All property ruiisigncd lo eiilier of ihe'undersigned
w.ll be lorwurdcd without delay, free of Commission,
at nhove rales. W II CLARK, Brownsville.
HANNA k WATERMAN, Pittsburgh.
novvh-dtf ,
_ FREIGHTERS and other* vri*hing
* have Fire Brick, Produce, Ac.,
'^flHMsgn 1 Plough) to Iho place from Sirubenvillc
inie.rmed.nie landings, can make
mcni* by calling on me, a* I
have a Boai lunnuig regulurly between Pittsburgh hiiJ
bieaiimv.lle, OKU. It MII.TKNBERGER,
j,,,! Siearabiiai Agent, ifl Wau-r <|
yi‘K Steamboat HARLEM re| aned
i ill Ar uni * «Cwed in handsome stylo and
now at ibe Mouongabeln Wharl A*
> * ,c “ improved she is well adapted for
carrying Height nnd passengers;or for lowing; *h has
great capacity and jvowei. Auy person dispov d lo
purchase will of course inspect her
I also propose to lease, forone or more years my tonl
[f«rL; and to a man of energy and hu*mr«» habit* they
offer great advantage*. I ran furnish the lessee, either
on sale or charier, ray mw boat “MINER " lie can
also have on fair terms six barges, three ffai*. and iwo
coal boiioms. sixteen can with ropes, Gxiures. At.,
made for lull operations An examination oft bee *-
lablisbment i* invited. Person* disposed tb negotiate
wllh me 111 reference lo nny uf the above, particular i,
may orldres* me al my Office iu s>tu*n's Buildm. a 4*
• upct P.U*i>urgli.r-r ui llarlcm,-near Monougabeb. cuy,
{Nearthe Upper Brit! AUeftbecy City]
THE proprietor* of the A ir RntioA Paetoryre*pe« <
IuII v iiilonn fie pnti’ f iln V are now in -urcr*«
lu/opeirtllo' ri»' ■l’t < inpimrd Ibr *r I V m-i- ill t». V'
Uarnr* a* Afanasri. who kU* Udii an eipeneneeol •-
yrar« m the principal iatiioiic* of Allegheny City,
they would mforai Jtfeicbaii!« and Drain* tti cen'ntri
Out they will nlwat* have on hand superior Coinm
Yam* of all No* . Baiuns*. Warp*, artd Brown Wu-l-n*
of -opn.or make. N VOWiTI.Y * t\.
> B Order* left at ilia Will, or at ihr •mieof «>
er*. Humer i. Co . Ik L<l*«iy »tre«t. writ l.r prompt v
aiirudt d in inehtfStCni N ' v °
Caudlc-Wlck, Batting. Twine, Coverlet
y.\«n CAKrirr chain, wares. 4c. At-...
(Successor* of At Luckies A Avery )
lairj Propnetoi*
i miobiiun. i a>
rTMH - . a'-ovr enfiblifhinent hem* now m MircrMfut
J. niiriiiiKin. «*r are manufacturing- very «*xicn«ivr'y.
an unn-lr 01 heavy Hlici'tihc*, well the retail
trade, which lor beuui) and quality cannot I* excel'eit
by aiiy other make in the country. The uitrntion of
r>iin-i>ii>er* I" ■olicilcd to an examination.
i'el>l IHtn>A wll KKNNFI) ■
,» CHRIST in
-Wha nltogßh me earner may uot l»r explained,
Siiu*p their effeett arr duly ascertained
I .rt not delu-inn. prejudice. of prde.
Jr,dure tnniiltmd to *et the mean* andc,
Mran* winch tho’ »irftple. at. -by I Icavri* <Jr. <; ?" d
To alleviate the >lls ofhun.ati k nJ."
T’IUS VcumrVal.l- .I'.vent'uii. winch l.u* received the
I utn'vcr»»l approbation id the pmte«.ion of
Great* n rumpriT* »n «?•'*•" '"■« a|>pi.cui.»noJ
'Galvanism. a* n remedial u«rtn. hi mean* ot wlnctathe.
ordinary UalvaiucUaUerie*. Kiccmr omt .Mnjriirni Ala
cli-tiev Ac ,mt«* entirely «li«peii.ect w.lti- anil ilir
rum. power „f tialvau.-m npphr.l without t.ny 01 the
<>tijrct on wtnrli air iron* the fiefterai mode
now m U.c The nr*.iic do«c. mid insular interval*-
vvtm*li lialvum.tu t» applied l.v the Machine*, ha*
Iwcm pmn.mtrred. alter b ra.r aml trial, t-» hr
J.euMly injutmut. anj .1 »j- to remedy tin* dr;
iVct tliat it..> new .*p|il.ejlnn w.i- projected. which, at-
m T |t l i"i.te«.'nf />• ri'pcuni The Grtfranfe Rmf*
a „. W i'r all tin' purju-e- of the most expetuive Ma
rhin,-*. *n.l in iruuy other rr-pcri« are more jo/* and
rrmitn in Hi roitirt.»hine the it.urt il etTri-l •
The f»a/ranir riraf* U»ed in connect,cm w.lh the -MO*- ,
netie Fluid. me cnnfidrrnly recommended nt all ituor
■let, Xrhldi ariii from an enfeetUd or unhtaW>9. >***' V
tie net row i or vital tyttan. un.t these (•oift|»Mißl’‘ are
amniiE the mo-i pamtul and iitnvrt»*l to which WO are
«ti’.jeei. They uriM . without exception. hum one *llO.
uie r:tuw; —a ilrrmiusemeni ot the Nervou* > . *tctn
*,1,1 It WH« 'll thr<r eta*/-* that other •reined..-- having
M > oftr<. tailed, n new »k> -nt »»• Rrcully needed, which
.1 i«rimlirtentty IwhrveU. ha*hern hound n. Li* prop*r
nnd judiriou* ap|il«-unrn ot Galvanism.
The Galvanic Knu-* havc'brrn used with enure sue-
til ail r W i..f KttcuMJtTtrjr, acute »'clirotne. ap
pltmjs 10 the head, fare or limb*, Gout. TU-i)uJ»M«,
TboMorAe. lironehttit. Ttrtig o. A'mwt or St> < UMdatAe,
fndii-jtiori. Parol,u> Falt 9' Ciamp,
PalptUition of iht Watt. Apoplexy. Stiff nr.a V
Spinal Complainu. Lumbago, Xruratgia, fiervoui b't
»»»: D«.tv« of the Huxd, pain in iA« Chat and Suit,
General lability. Dffdtnryef Servant -n d PXytitrUbn
ergy. ami aU NKKVOL'* UISUKUKUS Is ca*e» ot
ronfinned Dv«pepva. wh-cli tc Mtnpl) o nemff* de
raiiMmemoitl.ediKe-tivrorjsaiM.lhey have hern found
‘equally •ueee.vfitl Their rJtincrd.nary effect* ujton
it:c »v*tem inu*t '*» he lu-ltcvtd, and a* a
certain preventive tin Hie precrdmjs complaint* they
arrciiuaH'. fe.eominendrd. The R.njs* are of diUerent
pure*. 1..- ne tuade ot uli .ire«. and of vanou* orna
memai patient*, and-can nr worn hy the cnost delicate
female without ih.- nl.gtitrJt tnconvcmence. In tact,
the *eti*uin>n a r.ulier aereeahle than otherwi*e.
Tbc Galvanic Bell*, Bracelets, Bands,
Garters, Necklaces, Arc.
' In Mine ca»ev oi a severe ebarartei.and ut lottß
mandins- 'he power *• upplied hr the t»alVTin-C Rnip
• .« nut •i.tUeietn to arre-s the proßre** of di»ea*c and
u'ptnatelv re»to.'r hmtih. The improved modification
n the Galvanic Grit*. Urarciei*. Ae.. entirely teiiie.
die* rhi. inijrci.oii. any drifter Oi power that u rccp*i
•red t ail read.U hr obtained. *!id wo contrnaml wtitch
the :ny»irr.o'f’«Mnt ot (intvaittMii can effect will tail
VO hr permanently relieved. The.e article* arc adap
ted to the wn.-i. arm.. wr:M*. Itluh-. nnch • o: uuy pari
of the tKely. w;tt. f rfect _Hie Gnlvon.e
Nt eilucc• arc u-cd w.'lt firmer henrhi m c»*c* ot
llroitch.n* ot ad. . . "t Hu- ti.rotit a'»o in
~Q—-of Nervnu- iHf.i .e..; nod wnfl ahm>-i uminttn
.UC e.» .1* a preventive for Apoplexy. til*.
• imlu' complaint.
Chr islic’s Mugaetic Fluid .
i*u»cd m counect ou wnh the (ialvnnie Hiiir»!
'h-tf modilicalton*. 'I li.» rempi’.il nn
huunre.l li> the French t'hctu h:» to l.e otic in .he mo
rX!inord;> d .cover .e» oMiUslrm
.< , lIIH'I ~U ji.i.u '■{ i!,«- .i.liucu.;. .I.' liit; »•••.! ol u.*-u<-c,
K ,vi!ic tout prruiaurnt ulicf No othi-f
‘i tncjuM-ir i* kiiownio prtxiui-c the ► V. .mpurts -nt. property 10-hc ncrvnu‘
») ■ti-m.t-j inrun* of an oulwur.l liu ol appSwai.oit. H<‘
nß:fii.- Kiimt contain* i:otli;tie capable of ilie
r-»t injury .“t* applciu.uti i* iu;reahlf. untl it i* a-
I-I t i* action *« it 1* liTiirfictal 111 .1*
KuM exp'ln.iufoi" and direct our seconipnny n
J .• •.vn'roti* nr- oi t-v.-i) way pcriVatt) l-ar.ii
Christie » tiul runic Strengthening P!st»-
TV-**- .*n.r,r. I'urtn umnlijf!«: *pj'!.cai.n.. <•:
ibr u.,-iri nu* udunif ol (i.«:v..iii»ru They ait a .
m|iifilm' M.ljunu toil"- Ceua.i'f (ialvmiir Ruiri Hi«l
ini-if maO'*. idi ; upon 1 1**- «atne pimetple, Ini
1, u .-me ll.*- aiUmiag •01 more ocal uppocanotl. Tl*i
.. if*.! ■n( > rt'iniuuv ndcd .•» a valuable add.l on '•>
ir • peed>. cun - of KlicutniiMin.* or chronic, .11 all
..••fvon« ciiriijtiiu». ami n« u rovliv wrrmy in ruv«
~1 Pu'n'l-,1 Wfk—** K. ( Belli- liar*. Aitli »>i t •
Si-lt.i'i A\t\inal‘' AJJttfcM. #u.l .11 Wtuknni o* Oppt>
non oj t\t Yuimonarj Organ' In Spurn 1 i ouipium'»
Jic-ir clli < :* urr of the uio«t dec id. <1 charnricr. ami Hit j
bavr onen 'irrn used wiih foiui“fie «uccc*«. They arr
alto o>' ihr *rentc»t jilvaii'ui*-- .11 I'mu* uiid Weokite-*
■nfih-.l'fnM. ami arc li:chl> n>oiiirurmlcd lor tunny ol
.tfaoM* complaint* lo which iVmnlr* arc especially liable.
|A« an effectual finui* ;»r .Micnßlhcning the tyMcsti
i* In "‘.'r'ln^r u 'n , . l :.*u!.»uli’ruv.ik* l .--- r |.s u VrcvHan o
inf aiuf'ali ui iiircct.nii* m iin: Clk-m. generally,
the t <al. nine ?»trt ngUirnins ! I’i:i»trf wjl Ik; found ol
grrdi and permanent advantage. lit a few word** u
*int'riie».« all the virtue* of the i»c*l tome preparation,
wnti lilt inpormnl additional ilip galvanic
which i* neither impuircd nor exh<iu»icd. while the"' •
non eonninr*. The»e armS,* will be found entirely
free irom u<o*e objection* ulnc-i urr a con»lani miui< r
of cnniiii iin' with iheordinan planter* in common u*e.
ITT* Thr great celebrity and *ceeM of these article*
l, n * ckum',l iliem to be t-nuuter'eiicd by unprincipled
per*ou» Topiovide against tinpomiion, Ur. Cnmnii
h#» but one nuihorired agent in each city of the Union.
The only ageni nt I’htaburgb, 'V W WILSON.
Of Hie highe«t and mint rc*pecial*!e character, ure c“«-
ttanliy received, regarding the extraordinary value
and *ucre»< of the ul<ovc article* It ia believed that
in the cay of New York alone, upward* of EIGHT
THOUSAND PERSONS during a period of lr*» than ,
a year, have hern entirelv relieved of the mn«i painful
rhrotnc di*order*. none of which have coraplriciy ).*(.
Bed all former effort* of medical art. Indeed many of
the ftr*l p*> •ician* of thi* city, who diupprove Of the
<>aivaiKC anJ Magnetic .Machine*, eon*tantly r* coin
mend tin* application iniheir practice, and with the ex
eepiioit nf tho*e who nre too prejudiced to give it a ln
>il, the invention h.i* received unJUimoina favor wh
the ino*l intelligent among the American Faculty. Hi
Chn»tie i* at nil lime* re »d> and mo*l hup|*y to
rvei y facMy in phy«ician*. and all imereMed, for leaf
ing the truth oi hi* a»*rrii.n* and the efficacy of hi*
Only, agency in Pliieburgh corner Jth and Market *l
*e pti-iil I v
ul'iiAit A.Vu ncaluh
EFFECTUALLY and *pecdiiy cured by lheo*eo
the (irent Remedy of Nature. AMERICAN OIL.
It almoH miraeu!ou*ly reduce* luflamniation, and ecn*
•rnaeniJy i* warranted iu nil ra*e* to leave no neani or
•car m thr flc*h.
Sold wfiolr»alc and retail by U'M. JACKSON, nt hi*
I tool nml'iSSoe Store nud Patrtu Medicine Warelio.ll*e.
*0 Liberty street, head o' Wood, i’liwburgh Trice 50
cent* and 81 per bottle.
W Jaekxin being the Kxelu»i»« Agent for Western
-Penr»ylvmii.i, none i« genuine but what i* *old by HIM
or HIS appointed AgenH,
N. U A I’utnphlci containing nmpled'rechonii. Ac.
with the iiainr* and nddren* of the Proprietor yud Pnn
cipal Agent, m enveloped with wrapper of each bottle
Abundance of certificate* cn u Ik- *een ni the Store. ‘
I jN< JS. — Scr-tlula in nil its tmilUplind forms,
whether in that of King's I'.vil, enlargements <> I lie
Hand* or itoncs, Goitre, White Swelling*. Cr.ron:t
Rheumatism, i.anscr, di«c.i»es of the Skinor Spine,
nr <>f I’ulnmnirv .t'onsumptinn, emanate from one
and the same cau*r>, vrlnert >» a poisonou* princip't:
more or less inherent ta (lie human system Them*
fore, unless this principle-cm be destroyed, no radi
cal curcrctiii be ellrclcd, but if the pnnciplo upon
winch the diveusi- depends,~ts removed, a cure
tnuxt ol necestfti inllo*, no matter under wlut Inrm
the disease olititt!J m.inilest itvoll. This, therefore
IS' reason Wjiy JvYSK's ALTMIATIVE IS SO Hill
vnru.Hy succrulnl in removing so many malignant
disea*ri«. it destroys the virus nr principle frfim
wine i those diseases Inve their origin, by entering
into the circulation, and with the blood is conveyed
Id the minutest fibre, removing every p-iliclcif
disease from the system Prepared and sold at Mu.
8 South Third Street, I’lnl idclphi i.
Sold at the I'vkiii Tea Store, Mo. 72 fourth strci t
Pittsburgh. mch.ll.
[From mc-!*pir;i o: tin- Tunc* J
A gentleman of Serufulon* halms from ituliscretitn
in Ins vnuttgrr days became affected won Ulceration*
of the Tntoal and No*c, and rf disagreeable and troo
ble«ome eruption of the Skin. Indeed, Ui« whole »>»-
lera bore the marks of being suiuraieit with di-ra.e -
One hand nod wri*i were »o much affccled Unit lir bad
lost the u*r 01 the hand, every pari being covered writ
deep, pmnl'ul. amt offnusive l.'ierr*. und were .as hol
low and pdrou* as a hone)-comb li was at tins stage
of his eompluini.when death appeared iitevnablr, fropi
il loathsome disease, that he commenred the use of
JAYNF7S AI.TKRNATIVR, and having taken six
teen battles. i« now perfectly cored.
iThis A I.TKRN ATI VK operates through the eircals
tTon. and purifies the illnou and eradicate* diseases
from I lie •)'■!« m. wherever locaied, and the numerocs
ernes it has performed in diseases of 9km, Conce<,
Scrofula, tioiire. Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia,atiil other
Chmmc diseases, i« truly asioiiishiiig.
For sale in Pittsburgh at the I’rkm Tea Store, ?•» 4th
stteet. near wood, and also at the Drug ?tore of |l P
Seliwan?. Federal si Atle.«heny pity ray4rliwF
l*r. Mchant'i Worn Specific
riMIIS t* tn eertii)- that, by taking one vial of Doelnr
X MeLanr’* Worm Specific, a child of Jatne* thaw's
p.i.sed upwards of 7l> worms, and by Lhcuse of said
medicine a child of iny own patseyL'U'lnrgc worms.—
It is t-ul) the most surprisiDg'Worra medicine I ever
teen I mutt have twojnoic vials.
Wilkins Township
For sa'c by J KIDD 4 Co. No 60 Wood street. Puts
burgh. ' tuchtfO
SOAP, for soficnmg the a Skm, eradicating Pimples
and all Eruptions; for heal ing chapped bandsor cracked
lleso, far dispelling freckles, tan, sunburn and blotched
akin, and producing a fine, Ueal'b>, youthful elearnes*.
Pnee 371 cent* per cake. The genuine umcle isfor
sale by B A FAHNESTOCK 4 Co
apl« eor I si and worn! atsnnd wood and fltb ■
SI*TtJ. TbnPKKTIKK-lo BbU, just received
and for tale by utyle BRAUNA BEITER
For in. Vioo.ll *i>il I <»“« 5“J , lb 0 . I b KL3‘"*“‘ '
- : ' i
Bit. CtSJ2K» Br>, I
H*a4, BAlarpmtHl «»•* f*J» JjtyfgS,EZtfuOZ
Stubborn Ultm, Sfphihtw byo>ytoms,SoaUfa I
logo, *n.l DtwXrisiHtJnm g
j[rrctiryJf<Wflr [he p.J. £»7>W« T <' ® r **
/V A'.o, r*m»i.r r o a«Crti«o*ia/ Duorrfrw. ,
ITS timelyadministration haa h«eit attended w. W •
bupniett result* m many anomtion* affection*, t>o« t
; it n cbietly miemlcd to hll the void which exi»U between :
I cathartic and aperient medicine*; hence its ■*“■* °r \
j rsoJi i«'ihat oi an alterative directly—indireetly. pro- 1
vine a lusting tome tu the »\Ment. j
Iti'Uifh'v concentrated tor convenience ana porta- .
luiity, containing nothing hut the expreaaed esaenee, j
aud i‘ the representative af the Sarsaparilla Root, m
the »a«ic manner a« Uomine iaof Peruvian Bark,or j
Morphine of Op-unt h■« an •eatahii«hcd fact, ,lbal a |
few grains of either Quiimie or Morphine contains all '
the medicinal valor of a large quantity of the crude
tubmiiccs hence the superiority of those preparation# ;
—and no'invalid would desire io drink a railou mixture
when a half pint contained the same medicinal value.
The Sarsaparilla can he. diluted wheu uken agreeable
u> the direction*, and made to suit the lane oi the pa-
U *Tlie following teitifii ate addressed to the Ageniaat
Chicago, j’ui iii»ln * conclusive prool of its great value IJ,IBM.
Mrwr« Btebbni. *■ R* cd-G*nu: In May, IMS, I fcb
ißmed M \ou> ftiorr a bottle of S«nd*s t*ar*apanll»,and
wS ,ten lonfmcd «omy »*«j, wilbouv alceplor a week,
onioned l,v violctii pain irom a regul tr fever wreoi
tomrVtanding. on 4 my Myply«.ciankadvi*e«s
me to have the Umt« amputated, saying il w»» the' only
mean« likely to preserve my Inc. Alter uamg b» f the
luiit'e ihe rain began to subside. aridity the tune 1 had
twit ein r« * vratable to trunsaei my reg
ula?buMr‘c*.', ami before I bad fini.hed lbe fourth hot
r a* wel> mid round an evcrl had been. 1 have
mi he?iui.nci m «nv mg that Sand'* Sarsaparilla was (he
m-au. uhdrr Providence, of saving «y l'«>* at,d 1
Joul nnt my life. I mo«t cheerfully recommend it a*
| t -m article rxiiiin for the purification of tbc jlood
TLc ’ollo-. in. fcntlii'.io ..only mnoiber link in ik.
*phi »
m proi*t*-rd reined e*. ne efinnet but look on the effort
of p U (£c-pd"i praeiitioner* with interest ard gratitude
Tlu“ i* true UiH-c.Mg >our valuable proparatmu of
A»r*ap»nllu I hat c jftenrev.crely afflicted fuT33ye*r»
with a dtaeaar about which -HJbe.or’. "v a
ji,r.rpre*< ripuon« were Mill roorcUiverre. 1 tried va
rmu. T.-I.i. il r.'l'Ut found no relief upul > commenced
usmn vour ezcellem medicine, at which lime I was
wholly. oniiiWil a. my bed Alter urinjp.u ft few montbs
I am now -able to wais üboui t idroul, nud enjoy a com*
t'lirtuide iU-B>ee-*rf hcullh.wb'cb 1 nurih’tiie eonrrly to
, ,| e or maud’* Jt«ititp-»rxlln. Please accept my as*
1 .ur-inr t of urulhUde and fegntd.
! *• ... JOHN M .NORRIS
Urn..' |.rr«mubyd*i-<i lainwiT.wHlt the abol/e state
b\ n rltify lliftt tjle same It irne.
Fabiukk Ti.mimosv.—The following i» an eztrpct
irom -I letter ircnved from Rev. William Gulusba:
UKU«UWf'Vt„Oct ti, IMS
Mv»-r‘ hanJ*. I Imve been afU ctcd with a severe
i.t.n in ni) mtr nrcuflimed l.y a diseased liver, for the
I -i iw.-n y jcaiM- Miifcn'ng at_pmr* wliut language
camioi eouvry. but vnee taking vour sarsaporillH, I
have been ciemi - . rrliiivrd,*o rnucuaotliat 1 have been
able to a'iciid io my bu»iur*». and preach
' mitbrl.v-tbfteriimonth*. WhollyUiacardedftllother
medicine, nnd ihoronghiy tried the which
1 can i. commend m »ralh,anJ tincerity us all tbow who
ar-- in any way ftllliclcd with any specie* of scrofuloua
comp'aim*. There have been some remarkable curr*
effected by it* u*e in thi* vicinity. Mrs. I. bhaw. by
it*... bo""--. *?.* ‘” Ui! ','v,^ a w “is
•he hail before enjoyed lor ten yearn unJ Mr*. *
v-nt. wuo had been severely uinicied wub the Fry*ip-
Wa*. *»■ entirely cured by the iwjol *
Vour* truly. W M. MALUbtIA
For funberparticular* and conduce evidencet of H»
oupcriot value and efficacy. »ee pamphlett. which may ,
be nt.iainedof Agent* gratlv . . Iftn
l reparedand *o d bj A ll * D Sand *. DiuggiO*, 100
FuUou ALcornerof illiam, New_*ork.
K.IJ al*o by 1.. W ( II-COX, Jr., Piii.burgh; It Har
wood. Reaver; Wm! W.tton. New Ca.tle; l>. N. Rob
i«on. Urownmlle; A. Creigh, Woihmgion; and by
Pruggi tit generally ihrougliout United Staieic
Price Cl per bottle—six bottle* for «5. . •
The public oic respectfully requeued to remember
' ihai itßand’* Sarsaparilla that it it eonvianlly achiev
ing auch remarkable cure* of the mo*t difficult cla»» of
! iiueatra to which the human Irame is aabjecß.there*
i for' ii-k for Sand’* Sar»*parilla. and take no oihc{.
asthma |
„ |,«l has relieeed him in »uch a »hort time from hi* dif*
Ocu'lT of breathing, Cough and mffocatioA? He
nil! ull rouitww ‘‘the Olomotuan, or Afl-
Hcaliog Balmm.” A*h Bit coniumplite
what 'ha* allayed hi* restored!
the Fain to hi* Side an*' Cheat, •
cheeked hi* night *weat». and
placed the roe* of health . •
upoo hit check? and
he will Ull yoo
Ask tour frieud* if they know of anything that will »o»pee
diU core a tone and lediou. Cough. Halting of Blood, Broo
1 chilis, DyipecttO CbiuumpttoD, Hoamoeae, Itdloewa, and
• disease* of the Thruftt, a* the Oioaaunian? and they will leu
j There neter yet ha* been* remedy introduced to
I public* notice which l.a* been produetite of *o much good n»
i l, short ft .ruce of time. Head the following
AatonUhlng Cure*.
W*. the eelcbretrd Boston cracker baker, BtJ r»ft»-
‘ *au siri rI. Due k!> n, stale* that hi* wife ha* been afflicled
1 mil, A.ll'i'i* fi.i 111 \rar«,'and could uol liud j-crmiuiiiil re
' litf Iforn the Pest medical adtie* which >e_w burk and
I Brookhu could produce, w«» induced to try thi* greatreme
!iy She i* n»w nearly well Hi* daughter who wm» tuffer
-1 iiiC from the not <l.*ea*c, tried ll,»nd wa*ftl»o cured by U.
: m„ Bond j. now M well that the it able to ruifrom her
; bed early in tbe luoruiug and attend to her usual detie* through
' the (lay without auy annoyance from her diitiewior malady.'
Ha**T J*i'l*ox, Uflh street, near the Catholic Ccmetry,_
; cssie to the store for the purpose of obtaining a bottle of the
I Oloeoantan, haring been afflicted willi the A*lhma fcr more
' then Ji )ean. end was to cthaiuU J on hit arrhal But he
could not .peak. Hr putt-bawd a buttle and Kale
Kuur da) • afterward l.e walked from hi* reudenee to th* of
' tice without £*tigue,a distance of oeer two uil«*p to lell of
B,e wonderful relief which he had etperiroeed from using
about out half of one bottle.
Consumption of the Lasff<
, Ur. CoaroiT,© Whit* Oreet, mi *> low in the month
: uf Deo mber la»L that be wa* then up by bi*pbp*ca». Hu
(rKmbeUeltaitwd no hope of hi* recovery. He wu jen#-
ded to to the Oke-amiran, mad to hi* *urprue il ha* m far
reitored 'him ■•> l.«ahh-lhat he if bow »ble to walk. Awl the
ArrECT..«h*wir»«»fWm H. AtUre.JameaHarman,
Km *iidtie» W. Umy», I>|. caa all bear Uditocny from
ll.rir uwu ejiicnruce of the healing ppipcrtje* of thu Great
Hnoult in C'HMumption of the Lung*.
Spitting. Blood* 1
I Mn. Tnncaucnxr, 3H Moo rue street, who bad been
Iruubltd lor a great length of time by a aerer* eottgh.and
! raurd quantitia* of blood, wai relieved by ooc bottle of |h*
Olnuootan, end declare* it the grcaimt remedy ia the' world.
I Damn* Kat-UT, 26 Water at reel, wa* al»o relieved Worn
the mine eomplaiut, althongh he wa* eery taueh reduced
•lieu he commenced taking it, hating been under tho care of
i ht>|di)>l<:ian during the put whiter. Although hecoughed,
I constantly and wa* very much' troubled with night sweat*, 3
I bottle* of the remedy enabled him to return to hi* duly
' work. He »a» entirely nlitted. ■
Uavtp H*?«t*saifos t 6o Lairbt fteeet, Geo W. Barnett,
fonnerly.if Newark, N'. J., Henry Luboo, 199 fUrington
•Iryet* and DumeT>iu* other person* na*e been ipeedilj and
- permanently cured of the *ame complaint by thia remedy.
. Tl»® Array of Same*
l which cuuldbe produced of jwrfion* who bar* u«ed thU great
remedy would more than fill a column. Among the number
' we are permitted to refer lo A. M. Bininger, IG2 Barclay at.,
: Mr Wilma of Hoboken; Mr* Bell of Morrwtown, W. J.*,
! Jame. B Detoe, 101 Read* al.; Mr*. M’Caffm,so AUorney
.t.; V. Smith, 93 Third Atnne, Mi* Wm. H. Allrtcof Ihu
rity, and Mr* Archibald,3S While *t
Sold wboleaalr and retail by Wm Jnckaoo, at hu f*tml
Medicine W.-rehouw andßoot and Shoe Store, KoB9 Liber
ty .treet, head of Wood Pnea **
Pot Cou?fn, Coldv Asthma, and Coniampta!
The great and only remedy. ftr o»Wj.
Oottchs, Asihntn. an.l CONSUMPTION. is llte HIA
GAUIA.N BALSAM OF LIKE, discovered by the «*•-
bralad Dr. llnelun, of l.ondbu, England, and Introduced
Ijrto the United Hwtes tittiM the Immediate supefinlend
»oc# of the Irfventur. j
The exiroordlnarv suclcm of Ihla medUlae, In the
cure of Pnlmouiwv di*ea»fs. warrants the Amerran
Agent In soliciting: fur treUiment-tUe WORfJT rOtu
ginLC CAHEH that can. h 4 round in the community—
ease* that seak relief in t -dirt from any of the common
ramedlas of the dav, and have been given OP "F *?•
m«at rftaltngtilshed FhwicUns n» CONFIRMED AND
INCURABLE. The lluugurian ItaUaiit bas cured, and
•n quack noatmm, but a standard English medicine, of
known and estobltabod efficacy.
Every family in the United State* abould be supplied
sritk Buelmn's Hungarian Balsam of Life, not oqly to
counteract the consumptive 'tendencies of the climate,
out to be used as a preventive medicine in ail cam* of
Ootda, Goughs, 8 pitting of Blood. Pain In tlw Side and
Cheat. Irritation and doruueae of the Lunrs. Brunchlltg
Difficulty of UroMbing, Heclit lever, Mgjrt Sweaw,
Enuclatioit and Cenaral Debility, Asthma, Influenza,
H s?sSd < in l botSe)?t gl per bottle, with ftll dlrec*
Gone to the rcaarettou of Health.
PamphloU, containtsg a maae of English and Aiperw
can certificate*, ami other evidence, showing the -a*
equalled merita-of this Great English Remedy, may M
obalnsd of the Afqnta l fr»toltott»ly. • .
DAVID F. BBADLEE. soU Agunt to the United
States, lie Court rtreat. Barton. ...
- T. W. UYOriT 4 SONS, Octsersl Whrteols Agent*,
No. m North Second street, Philadelphia.
Ko vale by 11 A F.\ HNWIOCK A IV comer of
win d and front utrii-u - ui)o
LADKKB Who Use Common Prepared Chalk, are
often not aware how frightfully injurious it is to
the skin! how coarsc ; how rongb, kow sallow, yellow,
and unhealthy the-km appears after using prepared
chalk! Besnlev iniurtous, roii'niniitgaTaigr quan
my of lead. We liavr prepared a beautiful vegetable
article, which we rail SPANISH LILY
WHITE! It i« being purified of all
deleterious qualities; .and U.tmpiru to ihe skin
»nl, hqnlihy, alal.a«trrj.c>a"r, living white, at the same
time acting a« .a cuMiir.t.f on the skin, 'making ifsnfl
and smeothr •
■ lIU .UMVIUf 1 T-W----
Dr. domes Anorrson. Practical Chemist •(?',.??'
rhusvtis «ays: “After analysing Jones’aKpanish Lint
White, I find it po**ea*ca llic imml beautiful and nalu
ral. ut the same' litur innocent .white I ever saw. I
renntnly can con«cienitoasly recommend its use (Bail
who*e skin rn|utre» beautifying ”
iB-Si"" “ W Al! JACK-O.V, .t k:. Ito! .ml Sho.
Store. fO l.'lierty street, head of Wood, at the sign of
.. Ml-Morti _ _ I*B
- unuAA'B COI'UH should be
nubli«heil arid made known to the public.” This
was the eiprrxvioti of an old man whb tried the Syrup
■piTTssczou, Febrnary i, I&IJ.
Mi. Morgan:— This may certify that being afflicted
with a troublesome rough some time, I 'bought a boulr
of Morgan'* Cough Syrup, and am'happy to say, alter
u«mg it. my cough is entirely mraL I pronounce yoor
Cough S> run the best medicine I have ever used. No
family *iiou!d be without this valuable medicine,
• DAVID MuROBKBTS, Allegheny Cfty
ID-Thu medicine it prepared wholesale *and retail
at the Drug Store of- JOHN D MORGAN
Woodsneebowdoor belqw Diamond Alley :
Price tin rents per bottle, •
THE MOORISH ITaiß' DYE.lbr perms'
ncntly dveing Light, Red or Gray Hair a Dark
Brown or Black eotor. without dyeing injuring the
skin. Sold with full directions Price 20 cenu, or flf
a bottle.
- by WM. JACKSON, at his Patent Medicine
\\ irebonse, W Libetry sueet, bead of Wood, at th<
sign of the Big Boot. j 3»
i DB.iißKatfAira
T'v R. SHERM APt h*» ilLwrrml * »«\ u> ar> ; (
XJ pl«*Mul t hjtint childun will tii* u r«»jii«-» u a»i
Auort. S»t Uiu tuiy«u*iSib« n trxuind uch Uis rtf 1.,.
gel, aTot ofTuuUi iFwU on the bnrkof »«cH fUtlrr a-.j
»jth BiU of Dimliwit, t ’
These Lsomge* are the safrsi,tat iurt and «flkctu*l,, n ,
edy tercoughs, colds, consumptions, whooping cougi.,
■ uu, llgbtaessof (beiuagior dIMUcCc, *tC. j5 #e .’ I|M|i|
K* utter known an where ltnrjr_jW not tm L lUt .,
sfactioo. Beteral thousand bu*u late been told »,n in :
i the last jear, restoring to health persons in almost ««rrt «u- r
f ;>i coemunptian.iuitl those laboring under the mo»tdutj,»^,
: cold* nndcoogh*. They-do not • isrek and dry up tbeou-tr
' hut render il rvj, promote npcetoratioa, alLy lb* ttckjiu f,,,-
irritation, and remote ilit proximate or exeiUug
'l hey are made from a combuulioo ol'a oust t»|u«6U
iuraut, oicough medicines, and are undoubtedly suixrJrt.
itery thing m u»c for those complaints. Hundreds uj«, j IUU .
dredi ofcertificale* liatt been ufferrj of their »otullrfni
lues, fromthosehbo hate Wensated from an uutiuoU
jod restated to perfect health by using them. ■* * * '
' Where there is much pain in ihe breast sir side, one of burr
•urn’s Poor Alan’s Plasters- (price oulj I2| emu,) aU-uU be
applied oter l ho jwrt, and wn.n lilt referred. if autiv'td
with Eoatiicsess, a lew eathartie or laxalite hnlugrs, -IIV
mild cathartic medicine, should lw used aj occasion i< s ..„- r ;
' Tlio* worm toarnge* hare been prottd io moietlun 1,-tJg
OtA) cases to be tofrUibie; the only certain worm de>!i„«u,,
Oedtruit ererdiseotcred. Many diseases arises lima nuiia»* •-
, mid occasion long and intense sutfering, and ertn death, with
oat tbeir ctcr be uig suspected; grown persons are T«rj otlaa
4Sicted with them,and are doctored lor rarious comi.hinU
without any benefit; when our dose of tbete Loarnte* »..uLI.
epeedilj cure them.
Symptom* r/ IForms.—Pains io the joints or limbi, often
site bruits,picking alike nose,grinding of the teed. d».riD S
sleep, and at times a {mimes* about the lips, with flushed ducks.
Urediugaithe nose, a gnawing sensational the, ibol.
ef of biat oter the surface ol the body, slight chill. ,or alm
etiogs, headache, drowune*, tertigo, torpor, disturb d
"'“S h . r«'ri.K;™, thinl, iniir.l
bw, 6urta.d lute « 11.. o™,h, Pifflcl. br,iu,i«, ,i.u i,
Uuiutl, ur bomb,, n.u K .
.lixitic, pailu in )Mu>u* parU iifthe bod* # Loir
!“!“•£' "O" S»o U,, b0.,1,, 5,» ,*
UttKS discharges oitliist and mucus. ’
; Tb»y give unin.diktc relief in nrrtoat „ nek h<,d«’-<
,*l f .il*w» ofll.e bnrt, k.« o r« of ,h, ~,in u, tlM^fcvf
‘f “fT. 7 ° F f>OU “ I .‘ ore * hr ‘- , » *"»«« or luitunrr c J.I
pkml, Cw»Un e , ojiprrwoo or « »«ue of tinkinc „f a* «hS
ipwau, crimp of the flumeh or b0.t1., Ua.rir.i
atecUoiu, and all nerrouj ducaa., drow.ix.ra Ihrourh U.r
d*y, sod wakefaW through the night; cl.olrn !!? chol
xnoiorbut, diarrhea, lutiiude or »trtut of _
«k>. Irarrllidf or attending krgt jwniw, wiU £*, ‘ he L .
gu unwruuflbe buoyancy of youth; .md
diainboa, they wil/mtore (he toir ofth. Jyi.raS wbi
rnliy, tod (he uuplcant .jmpicm. .ruu.r iron?
l t U J* / e7ool ," hw **« »«» too high liim. 184 •
kbudooed their diuipaUd l»biu, v iU Cod these LoscmA td
uenblt temioun of lh« otrrr». *
. siieAmas* poor maws plaster. .
Tla beatilrt&gihcumg yUiier in (J.e woild. tad.v.verriru
r««dy fcr feu*, or wrakora in U>. Uck, Id?., ..dr, oei,
hsibi, miblj, rlirtmutum, lumbago, fce. Ac. One mllliotni
> ejjr -ill oot «m|dy the dt umnd. They require, liult mm
»uf brfcrr appUciUon. Warranted mjwnur U> Ml othei«, wJ
" ua { t >r ’“> ,a » k ‘“S**«enJj the U.t, bul
tteefauMat ptulrr u. die .world. It .flbrf. Alirf i u . fr*
Mura, and make. aaloouhicg cure
2u li.rrwwpldol and dy.pep.ia, ii ,| louW u worn u .,r
U f °>'n« tjrrr oo.loihatb, and it will affordtml and
adwiuhJng relief. In rough., cold., a»thma, diflicullr a
oppr«aon bf the cheat or .tcmach, thky »itl im
mttiiaUly .ooth and rrtaily brotCl the patient. Per**, of
ur Obliged to eland much, a ill rtcrj'tr
.upport:fr«n one of the* truly .trenglheoiur IMm
**[' tlirm, in preference to
7 ,Uek . or adhc "betUr,aad .Cord great
lid™ Th.l , r £ *'l itimultul, loo,l,and,
r Wfc
-ssifj *
b.Uh.!DO. t u.n,|„jy E ’
.1 t*'.' “ u " 1 “ «nta» ... .iiirc.
, •««. the Urk of each nUr, »iih a
It uinportaotjouahoulii
fcr Sherman Poor Man'. Pliter,- aud «e that
tohpt the genome, u there are many, worthle.. ioiitaUna*
• .’iSdSSiSu^ u fcr rw>». ‘i
r ir.jli^ b w^l'k“‘ l "S 1 b r w - Jacksok .. u. run,.
• ■ I '°- Üb '"»
i DR. ROS^i^
r : O.NSI>TIIkU 0 | bi. ProphylacUVs?™?. a c«r
rr '“I 1 * remcdyloraJl Consokptive and Scnilh. ;
loDaanecLoni; Cough Syrup, Croup Syiuu. (.'hr
edulratcd extract of Sarsaparilla, decidedly
superior to all other extracts, nacing gi»en relict
when ail other* hate failed, being through n new
piticesc more concentrated than any oilier ever
ottered to the public. ASTHMATIC F.LIXIB.
having ellecled permanent ctrres-ol that stubborn
ditcaae, when of more than it year* Handing,
bdnceil (tand* without a rival in that tnuen dreaded
P f * Roie * for all eaaca of weak
n9* or pain, and a complete substitute for blisters^
P l ' B»w’* TONIC MIXTURE, n 'WalliUa
cme for thil s and fevers, and indeed is more of a
specific for fevers of all batk or Qui-
ftfacreknowD, is used in preference to ony other
vermifuge preparation.
pr. Korea TONIC ANTI-DISRKPTU', lor all
ditcusc's ol the Stomach and bonds, Cli.-lcra in-i
feOtioni, &c Too high an encomium cannot be -
passed on the mcriti-ol this medicine, iu cure of'
Uippepßia. and all diseases that result from weak*
ness ol stonier) cr bad digestion.
pr. Rose’s FEMALE I II I S, a most .valuable
Mmcdy lor those general complaints to which' fc*
miles are subject.
No pill ever before offered the public so happily
combines the qualities ol a valuaole medicine,as au
anti-dispcptie, Li VEK or Stomachic piJJ,
if>a lho*c diseases, and thereby preventing con
sumption. A.young Ladyis years;pf age, having
■diseased li»er lor some time, her strength pros*
jraled and appetite gone, was completely res tored
in weeks by the use ol the Anti-dispcptic mtx
tnre and these pills alone.
JEN INC PLASTER, lorweakncssol the back,Bibe,
: jbrdasl, Ac. . ’•
} Dr. Roue’s SPECIFIC EPILEPSY,the mosfcfl/-
jlaip remedy for all eases of fits or convulsiohs,
jwhetherin infants or adults. So certain a specific
is ft lor this formidable disease that the most'ob*
atihate cases, and those too of Ion; standing, hare
yielded at once.
Dr. Rose's RHEUMATIC MIXTURE-Aiier manv-
diligent research th<* compound was di*cov
cred, and its never failing efficacy places it* efficiency
ahrjve alt others for the cure of Rheumatism.
Dr. Row’s ASTRINGENT COMPOUND, a certain
(remedy for^spitting blood, indeed for discharges of
jdojid whether from Luugs, bowels or other parts of the
Dr. Rose’s SYRUP for Choteraand Bowel complaints
—This mixture wilt effectually t uie towel complaints,
Dysentery,Cholera Morbus, and Cholera. At the time
the Asiatic Cholera was raging m I'biladelpbiajt wa*
found to be Ibemosl successful in arrAtiug it, coring
nine tenths of all those wh) used il-
Wbal may be said of one of these remedies may hv
said of all; their value will only be appreciated b- '
thole who try them. .Letters from those who bare been
cured of the various maladies that affiict the human
body might be given, but. we are Willing to rest thr
matteron the merits of the compounds. \\> huvr a
panacea for deminla, in its various forms, so < ondensed
and efficacious' that its healing power has astonished
many. A case of Cancer, occurring in the wile of the
lail Governor of Delaware, was completely eute&in a
few months. The cancer had been twice rut out by
prominent Surgeons, and renewed itself with increased
malignity,yetoolwithttandmg the debility of Cotisiitu
tloti and removal of the soft parts, the use of the Pro*
completely removed every’ *e«ige of iV
Cases innumerable of the various cures that haw
followed the use of these remedies are i" onr posses
sion. but it is net deemed neeetsaiy to enumerate them
as the uteof them will recommend them to all.
j; SCHOONMAKER, 4. Co., No Cl Wood Street
Arint* for Pittsburgh ««sBdlv —
'■ 'bin nuiiT isttiihiJiStr uiscov*^
J.£RY —A Blessing! AMiracle!! A Wonder!!
—Tb cure Erection* and Disfigurements of the Skin, '
Pnr'ples. Freckles, Sunburn, Salt Rheum, Scun y, Sore
Ile4ds.Ae n a:c.. j -
{-pur years ago last August, the capital of France
was astonished fit consequence of a disrovery'made by
an Italian Chemist. Many douhted—lt seemed almost
an {mpoMibilityJthat anything made by the hands of
mat. could have such singular powers as thai claimed
by Anloqla VespriniJorhis invention. Manyelafsed
bin* and his invemioa a* a hiirabug, (and. slos! many*
foolisb-peiMns without trying do the sanio now,] a)
length, after testing it in she hospitals, the Mcoiesl So
ciety of Paris {the best chemists in the world )<!r liver.-d
lliefollowingrepoiltoSigtiot Vesprini: -
“We have now minmely and carefully examined the.
singular invention of Vesprini. Wehave in«n rid it*
component pans—we have used it in several norland
we hesitate not to pronounce it [tlie'lialinn t'hrnneaf_
Soap] us a great blessing, and a truly wonderful reme
dy for any cutaneous eruption or di-figur. mint of the
•kin. Its inventor we consider the tiu* philanthropist
of suffering mankind.
READ Till?!
From the inventor himrelf to'the present proprietor
l’ss.s, Nov.L IMO
In con'idrraiion of thr rum of kff&CO, I have divul
ted to Mr. T. Jones,.retidilig in thr city of New York,
N. A., the whole process of manuiaciuriux, mgedter
with a Koicuirnt of the ingredient* corapo*mc my Ital
ian Chemical (Step, lie i» tonmnufaeture it io< vile in
the I’nited tfthtes only, and to have ibr of da*
mine it “Jone* 1 Italian Chemieal Soap.”
. WStnrsi: llemy J. iloldsworth.
by W JACKSON, at bis Patent ,Medicine
W urrhotoe. Ml Liberty bead of W u*h), si the
sign of the Big Boot. )'■&
The only place in Pittsburgh where the GENUINE
esn l-rnliwined. All oihrr* eri* Cnunterfei* .
I*l Fil.Lb, for the cure of Llrer Complaint, and
all diseases arising from the Liver, jn >ick hesd
ache, and at a purgative and Antivßilious Pill, stir
pissed by none.'
Srurruas or a Dnttm* Livtiu—(,'ittt.hK.
infi-imstion ol the Liver, when not the conserjurnce
ol an acute stuck of tin disease, begins goneraliji
with symptoms of a functional disorderof the diges
tive and biliary «in}an»,and dyspepsia Iropientlv •
seems fo be the only afleclion present. 'I he patient
complain* of irregular appetite and i-i'paired, power*
ofdigestion, acidity, flatnleoce, slight cholic pains, .
occisiooal nausea and tomiliug, and a alight dull
pain and weight rfe 'ell ia the nghtside, nccouipa-,
nied in some cases with i dragging pain in the right
shoulder. Mott commonly, however, on distinct
pain Is espenenced in the legion ol the Liver,
except when firm pressure is made on this pqrL—:
The bowels are always very irregular, costircoess
being ectomon in some instances willt diaf:h<*ea. Urn
discharge* tcaoiy,.dark colored, oflcn»t»c, slimy,
greenish or muddy. One of the most contact end
characteristic symptitnw tif Chronic Liver Com
plaint is*a dry; harsh, constricted state oi in: skin,
* short dry eoogb, with slight difficulty in bio.-itbing'
it a frequent attendant on this disease, lot he'
chronic a* in the acute, form pf’lhis dincasc, Hie pi-. "
can seldom rest as easy on the leit-a* im the
nght side. As the disease alight fevers ,
come on towards evening, attended with a burning
heat in the palms of the hands and soles ol the feet;,
the nights are restless, acd when the inflammation
terminates in suppuration, hectic and rapid eoacia- -
lion consume the vital powers.
Manufactured and sold wholesale and retail by
JOHN D. MORGAN, Dioggiat,
Wood street, Pi us bar);
-1 ving Grease spots, S(xin» f or Marks from Clothes,
Woollens, Csrpets,-4c.,4c.. and rendering the spots
where it is applied clenc, spotless. > ,
gold with full directions Price S3«nu a cake.
WM. JACKBoN,R>Liberty street,head
of Wood, at bit B<«t and Shoe store, sign of the Big
800 l HI