The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 24, 1847, Image 3

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    h "" -* * **i
SPANISH CIOABSj- ’ ,ri ' "
O 3* 1 bxa W»*h»fi»iari C.cart,
■ii i l»x* La Mineral do So,
\ti 1 bx» I* CeiebradaCaxadote* Cicart; '
12 } i*x» l.» Ur-- So;
12. i bx» I* »
12 | bx> Jam
t*i bx« Mil
\ r
1 : U’.OCO Jailu
HMMI Al qua),,
&JMJ * ,
2'JjOQ £«e«l Leaf Cigari, in qr boxer;
Rowleit’c C» Plug Tobacco;
5 *>K l|»wleli'« 16*. Lamp do;
Ja»i iri firnl and for ’■ vcrvlow or
w>l» ‘ * HR t UICKCT'ON
SCO Alls- IV cwa . double refd Loaf,
in u.i» Ijjvchoj l * ct jaf Hogar,
40 i.l.m Ijju.iimnu E«b>.v., oaf No 7;
•»n M/!« do d<J . «lo do No 4,
Wrtbl« do do I’olTen/rd IA t,
-H) bbl« >1 1 uyj I’ll do do, No 4
Mat i)i, dp do do, do;
For rale bv tnyl'J f MILLERjt RICKCTSON
JUST lUCCICIVXCdJ —Answer lame invoice ei
<bo*e Patent (>um KUiiic and Shirred Surpenden,
in' liunj quainirt. maitufariurid by Ibe Ru»»eU Mano
l»L mring CutnpHK) ('i, aud fu, aalo ai laclory price*,
l*\ >he accii!, >o *23 Wood ttreei, up naira, wholeaale.
myi*» Agrni for F*«iern Manufacmrcr
—\v KMu jib) opened an at«onmeut ol"
hr»t I. Vaodjlr. Cbma, Pearl, Split
S<ll», >upt-| lij| 41i(L and (iiti.p Donnes* Aim. Kib
biiir ai,d Pjuwer* *rrai vairriy, al the Notlh Pall
cornerol •id**'' l Market »t«. tnylS
I 'ISH—*<JL- ..Li;- No 1 l’i .iniurd s»bad;
.T * iio do to. Inrpeeteil.
50 litn No 3lat <r Murkrfrl; fur »a’e by
iny lU Kmi aide of tbr Diamond
■ i RbGS—i'* 1 ••/ .~u ({iimine,
1 * «Lr f/ tl i. .1 roia«»a;
r.i.c .o/... And;
tti u. ! iu«. .* .Aciil;
ion? lion. ju*i received and for
No* wood ureet
Acids, *c. • -t.». i. > aciJ.
. tj. S'.aii;; Mixture,
>i*« I’uiv Sal. Uncliclle;
;i krr- I'tii* Sup Csrb Soda; ju«i
reserved ami mi «ale i-e
ruyjy J ll< ONVIAKI'.fT it TO SM water »l j
1-H Mutphy hi* ju*i tensved a rupply of *■•©»* cordfc;
of viprrior make, anJ ni i rty low prire« for quality, ai
di v (rood* honv, N. 1!. cniuer of 4ib anil Market rta.
U*lDl-: SitKirriMiS. IPILI.OW CASE muslins
ANU IJNKNs-W>> La»nowupenao
cio’llem u.K.r, merit or ai'ovc good*, ai loweat ca»b
C* \I«AU (111. I) I'l'l* Uo«li*«nx S*lid Oil, ja-t
Orrr. Ifni 41 .1 . : -.*ir I'V
nnif ii i»f 'al< l>y '
fiiib. neur .Markel Mreei'
—o i.i'r*. Trnne**ee Cotton;
(luckifiinum;; rrc'-iv«*d per R;o
.!«■ i>v n»vl!» M AIJ.KN ACO
lj Ol’CliOMi TKA~‘.\lii clir#n “Cliulan” Poo
i vbonrlrj mm Ijinlinc and lur rale by
•i. i>i«* No l Baltimore Herring-,
10 N'.i l i*bau»r *nlt 4»y
1 \ in COFKfcK- :;i*i lia/5 iirimo tireen Hio Coffee
It tbt.nlr ux JOHN SCOTT A CO
,„ylO No T romwereutl Kdw. Ijbeny ureet
(x LASS— l .i* ti..*ei nil)
J , j> .!.» |o*l2 do:
POTASUKS, I'ouuhe*;
- H ca«k« Scotched s»lu;
r'ISII-«'«>•»• * No »
f v;,i u,i. \u :l Mackerel, for tale by
,„ yl w .HAOALEV k. SMITH
11N8KKD OIL-50 BUI* in firtt-rale order, reeM
, tnil W II be fot.l low to clofe a
intfl?* R OALW A I
BACOJS— It.* a»« oiled City Core--', far »*.•
;,y K I.AU\ A\
,„yl- N„ 4 (Vnmrrcial Row, Liberty »t
IARD-I ill.'* bii.l I Hand. now Undine from »Uli
aWyun..,,*, ». .«.... »alc l.y 1 DICK#* ACo
nulj ou.wa'erand 107 from ta_
lAIIO OlL—l*> bhUjS'o 1 Lard Oil;
. S Mill N»4 • do; for machinery
,u-i reft ivr.l l.y -.jfBASCIS SELLERS
ri.ji: ' No 17 Übeny ttrect
TjEUttINU AND 811 AD—Receiving,ll»t day
JJ from Canul. am! t.'f *alf by •
, u yj7 J UaLZLLI-. 'll waier^y
of ll.r >‘f.nn . u nlNLl.lll.L) for rale. Forierrot
A. apM >al li.f FORSYTH k DUNCAN*
LEMON SYllt : P—Very iinc.jiiit
lor <ale l.y II AYS A UROCKWjJf
,„yls N«iS Commercial DoWjJ.iberi) i»l
KOCIC POWOKU—sS t;* Bock I’owder-Mituf.
i„, .;,!<• I.t I DICKEY k Co
«iyla water k fronts!*
IARI> OIL - 10 H.l* N<» I Lard Otl, ju*l rec’d an.
4 for tale by F SELLERS
jj.yld 17 liberty Mteei
CAMPIIOU n.i.l lleUi..-.l r.»r tale very low by
mV |S No •» Connner.-ml Row. Liberty »i
MT’”"' 1 '""^V^OOK^AV
n ,yls I No if Commereta! Row. Lrbefiy W
tjka Nt'TS— ILnaji!*.! lor tuMoinen, at the Mutiar
A and since Factor-, iT I'.Hb «re*i. ,
FISJI— 50 h ij\ Ni 3 llaliiax Mocker.'.
/ 3tfl Mi'.. No l !lrni..e«, iu»i received aud fo
yfnyli No 7 Cotn*oerci*T'Fow\ Liberty *t«eei
v tVan’k'hTOCK FOR SALK—One rmndrrd an
i 5 fourteen >!.are* Slock, m >V®"£*g*“ k ®L P, ' u
MMeh.-foi »ule by MYERS.HUNTER k Co
,»y lS No I* Liber ymcet
Bonnot and cap iubbons—a large i
voice of uctv af'nl denrnble nylet of tprmg .n
rummer figured and pUm Ren rt ami Cap nl-Mw. ju
ri’OBACCO- «ii>bi«To*'»rco. , ~
J. is>) t.x« Price A Harwood’aSLutnp;
100 Urn Other Choice Brand*: D
for tale J.v ®r ,s
LBSIOW.S— (re*h Sicily Lemon*. In*t
‘t A Va COf'l-'F.K-'Ji bap;* Old UotcrnmeJit Jaw
J ,gfr' iU " ,f ' """* “"MlLLm'g RICKKTSON
UTHITK Il.iv*Wjr*Ooiil-* .l.x« ’ »!>•>■
Wll.v.nn JUM JICKK^OX.
n,O IKO3 -A ' I”' *
rrylT ■ corurr taater and "cod »i* •
(y V J * "" ~
H— ORSE KAIJISH, grated and pot «M» "W!*?
jmmed.eie u«\ co.ittanlly on hand at the Spire Fa6n.ty.S7 Fifth ,lf %}j ODK g A aU? qRN
noTFKB-ll»» , i«l "" J Oiound. fef . ,^“L o F^.
L- J N’n rts Froui *tr*et
nit Iw - - •
T AUO tilL-l l>W», )>**' received and »or aale :
Ll UK !»*'•' '“- h .' i *-, l i^ Tg f BROCKWAY
„,yls . No '2 Commercial Row, Liberty «L
P=r ...
s ‘4S h “ ny ß.m™^>.LsqNic nj «w.j.
1-.8.1KD PKiCIIES-lUil,bl. D. Pr.thMi
1 1 ita AH— HI ti' H Sugur, landing from tin rf'
' uchuylkin. direct from New Orleant: on eonntgn
,o' ’* te niinr-RTSON * aarrexr .
d ' KOMNo^iiN<iß#^Wy
rt KOUiNI) PKl’l'tlf.. -T| tilrti tte« and boxei, licit
(l ground ...d eo,i.t.,.d>- “
,„vl< No <7 Fifth »lret>
I 1 \i*• i-- »• *• l*’« •I'MO'i
|S i (»• o <:<> Hiooldrr*; • . ,
X |»»rd,llain«: for
r'., «,.■■•! myM _ PC MA«T»N
C»<: \tt« •• i«' l stf'iiut.r Principle, Ju»to Sana;
,U * ,
, i.m, • ji>cr:or Havana; jum fti
„ , . a!c Ij¥ ‘ Mll.M’R k WCKKTSON
So |7o iil.eny «
T">OiIN A I*—Cmcmnau cnanofaciorcrf.
”" k ’ I ' V «VERft HUNTER a Co
■ isAGUKIMtIAX STOCK A frock .apply
I) (Hill tier Cl"! m 'lllllll IrciMllU' I'd plate* und '
~ A ii \U* * i.HvriiKß: BASKfrrs-ror n
C r.'i.." ' “■“gl&N
_ / 03 market *l
y.>y\'C/ ..... - .— :
. , , - fo_,a, (irern Tn. of «>»o; <1»»
f I 'Kit-Ki '*•' lu *| rrc’<l and fcr
1 v ** r ‘° J 1 \Vtiik * MrCANOI.WW
CSTE! ™Msirt»Br2isar
1..f,-U r 'll 111 ill Jl “ ‘“'TmSu. nHKVt Co
IJOWDKU-.ui hg» Ueuuy’i* Jf'fle l'owdcr,
d « UKKN r|tlNT*-l .•»** small figure, f«»» W* ol
ljT vrrcn prn!'» ion opened and tor sale by ‘
„,>|J No 99 woo* ft
«•> Kl> <*ll-CHlNTZ—very *ui»ll figure— hriltiantca
l\ mi iu«i r-i-’J um) for sale by
vl i S K LFTTTJk wiirre
V \|J. A rANDI-ES— f-ard Oil and ii?ur Candle*,!
l) arrive u> mnrn»w, for sale by •
WOLAHS-'iiO fix#, various ittea, 'or sate by
.nvia _ •:.
KA«H WANTED—Uoomry Miked Bag* want-*
,J rtbi'-UiUi* bightM price in Ca*h will be pin!
,J FiEß'Ok iMI.I.IN* l
pBAB Clpr.H h bbl* superior
myn» W ,V - _ _ for •mitbfitld and front ■!<:•
i-\ H AVI.r.MONH—Ti lii* oUoget; T-
I S . as do l>n»n*. m prime
Q 7drr
T nUISVILLiK M«-M barrel! of the best
S °?xy ) 3N noSNHoLrr* Co
... afOßßi comer of Fourth and
M - g -~ -
Olt-ti HU-
i !
i ■
Hovtmcnli of cite Steamships, •
SuiMn, tUpt'aii.. Lnit Liwrpuol Lntt Amrt <■».
Hibernia, Kyne, . May I «
WatbH'gun, Ifewiu. May l
Monday Morning, May -4. (
Friday night and Saturday, frequent and relreahmg
showers Tell, not enough to effect the rivers, but
cutiicieni to be ol the greatest service to the crops
It rained a good deal during Sunday. There was
3 i'eot 3 inches water at dusk by the metal mark, and
uvera on a stand.
The Commercial newa by the Britannia is about
is itaporUrl as any we have had lor some lime, and
:miles a great deal of comment. The position of
ifialrs in Europe certainly involves vast interest*—
matters had reached a emit thtre. The neat steam
sr will be looked for with the greatest aniiety.
Thh Flour market exhibited renewed activity on
Saturday. That day by riverwere larger,
bat the amount onsite was moderate. Dealers had
no difficulty in coming to terms. There were sales
of!200 bbls, via. 90 bbls in two lot* at $0,30; 313
Obis at $6,44. at least, and thought to be 6,50; 80
itul -19 bbls at G.S'IJ; «W bbls in seseral lots at the
ame;2doin lots at G,4ofit>,so, some ol it lor use
’be store price was established at G 50, and at that
alee about 1500 bbls in various loir.
A sale of 150 bu OaD at over 3l>r—thought to be
bales 25 his Tin Plates at $10,50 k* bx.
The rocenl advance on Flour bis given an eicess
ol business to the Packets in the short trades—they
are overrun with up freights, and there is slso more
to go down. The Cincinnati boats were getting
20625 c 100 tbs on mdse, Saturday.
A considerable number ol light draught boats are
under contract and building at the various yards
above and below.
some holders of the best brands nt Mnnongahela
Glass refuse to *ell Si'lO lor less than $2 50 t* hi—
they offer 10il2 for the same, but for this there is
itlo demand.
A sale 200 gals Linseed Gil on receipt at G3c
Of Summer prcaaed Lard Oil, rales No 1 at 7.V,
to extent 500 gala, and pay lor c»ks.
Tim Canal Transporters are receipting lor Flour
at £« p b il; and for Bacon, Lard, Tallow, Butter,
Sic, at 51 fr» 100 lb«. j.
Soue atnall aalea II K Fig Iron, hb at 533,G mo*.
'-arla»h and Saleratus arc both exceedingly
-the ;ki of Ashe* of alt 4md* in N York
iib>» receivid or
inter his mtterully curtailed the manulactarc in
hto. Freights on the iS Y Canals have kept the
ock light in that city. The sales of Pou and
corcbiog* here sre small and st previous pne- s.
Sties 70 bu new Cheese at V* lb.
The St Loms Republican of Ulli iost, says. -The
jflicers of the steamers Bertrand and St Joseph,
rom the Missouri river yesterday, report the river
Uil< do;
'x'.i do; Fur sale hv
u> be so low that navigation is becoming extremely
difficult,and still filling The Upper Mississippi is
filling from Dubuque down, with 3 feet water on the
epper, and 30 inches on the ioAcr Rapids. From
thence down there is to G feet water The Illi
nois is alto Jailing, with 6 to 7 feet water in the
channel I rom Peru down. The steamer Convoy rc
ports 8 feet water on the barVabovc Cairo ”
Tie Hamsburgn Telegraph says that the tempo
rary loan, made to meet the deficit of the Treatary
lor the February Interest, has all been paid,and that
the prospects of being able to meet tbo August In
lereat, without resort to any expedient is very prom
istng. The Ux-payen, county officers, and all
concerned, seem alivoto the importance of sustain
ing the State credit. Already, Cumberland count)
has pad a large share of her State tax lor the prt »i-n'
year; and her example, there is no doubt, will hr
iwcd by others.
The following table will show the prices of when
flour, corn and cotton, at Liverpool at the dale o
the sailing of the two steamers. ‘1 he quotation* fu
oreadstuH* Inr April 17,are- from Dcumslou
&. Co's ctreula*; for May 3 from that of, I) Powc
&. Co; lho*e ol cotton, from that of Brawn,Shiple
& Co.
April 17. Mat 3
k d a d s d v C
Wheal, US red II «Jl*" U'3allfi
Do white and mid.... 11 lOald U II Oil? J
(nd Corn, while ..Si oi3l 0 60 Osnl 0
Do yi How A 3 (ia'o 0 .'il Uio'J 0
Flour, Canal 41 oa4l 0 40 oa4l 0
Do Phil, and 8a1t....39 Gi4J 0 37 GiIO 0
Do Ohio ’.EI Ga4o u 38 Ui3 f .< 0
Do Sour.... Jj lialU t» 33 0a37 0
Indian Meal tbi 0 23 oi*(, 0
The latest account* received in London from Si
Petersburg encouraged the belief, that owing to the
selling.ii) «l mild weather, tie-navigation would be
re*opeoed b j the end of April. At Kiga the ice
broke up on the 20th April, (ten d«ya earlier, we mir
remark, than our Caual was open for iii«igdii«n,| and
willuu a week Irom th .1 date it was iteli? »r J »«•»*!•
wuuld be able freely to go and come.
A Urge quantity of rye wosawaitiug at both placer
the restoration of navigation.
But the ilnin at ballion which the import ol gram
into England from Kuaaia might otherwise occasion,
would be counteracted by the investment which the
Emperor of Russia had ordered in the public funds
of EaglamTlo the estent two millioo* alerliug.
The information we receive revptcling the
amount oT go|J held by the Russian Czar is, that he
haa accumulated aomething like one hundred mil
lions of dollar*, of gold extracted mainly from ll.#
Ural mountains; and of Ui.a amount had decided l
invest one quarter, or twenty-five million dotlara, in
the (unda of England, France, and Hnllaod. 'Die
operation is one. whish, while it tents greatly to
prestrve the equilibrium of the Commercial Excban*
ges of Europe, will undoubtedly be productive ol
profit to the Imperial atoek dealer, lor he will be
receiving good interest all the while for hia money,
and after the dianlation of auecetaive bad harvest*
has paaaed swav, the Slocks both in England and
France {il : no onforeteen calamity shall occur) will
nae in value, and he will be able to reconvert htv
dock into money at S profit.
Wbal the eflact Of Ibis new and extensive source
d sepplyol gold from the Ural mountains may be
jpan the general value of the gold standard, may be
i subject of ansiooa undeurioui inquiry. Ilsprccnl
ippeannce in our aetive basinets transactions, i» at
my r..te both welcome and well timed.
•BEAVER PACKETS al9 and 10 a m and 3 r u
•D. LEECH & Co’a. PACKET, Philadelphia and
Baltimore. 9 f. u.
•HIBERNIA. Wheeling, 10 a. m.
•RHODE ISLAND, -Suafish, 2 r. ».
•MINGO CHlEF,Zanewille, t r.x
•WILMINGTON. Steubenville. I. r. m
•COLORADO,Cincinnati, 10 a. w, ,
•EUREKA, Louisville, 10 a. u. '
•Tbeao are regular Packets.
STEUBENVILLE—Per Wilmington—3l3 blila,
J M'Cully—2o acka rags, Harvey A Robiaon—lot
potatoes, owner—42 bsa apples, owner.
WELLSVILLE—Per Wellsville— Ml bbla Hour.
S < ireer—7 do, 31 pea bacon, SAW llarbaugh—ll
bags d apples, 5 do Mans, Uagaley A Smith— < bbla
acorehmgs. R Dalxell A c*»—3 baga cloveraeed,7do
flstteed, Church A Carothera—l bx bacon, I keg
Urd, Smith A SioeUir—2 eaks bacon, Jordan A Son
100 bbla flour, Bingham—l ack yarn. Von Bonn*
borst A co—B bbla flour, C C Catlett—23 do, own-
CINCINNATI—per Financier—loo bales cotton,
Kennedy, l'hilds A trea hams. II GralT— 'J
hhda sugar.J E Ureading—2o hlid* bacon. Ibngham
II do, l«bx* do,G Irbls pork,Jordan A Son—s 3
bbla flour,F Seller*-*—tO do, J M'Cully—£odo,Rob
oon A co—lo kega Urd, 7 blidi bacon, 4 peg* d
■kins, 3 ackt sang, Poindexter A co.
LOUISVILLE—Per Mt Vernon—3 pegs. I c«k,
Allen A co—l do lead pipe, K Dunmett—9 reels
pipe, Builor A Rro—3oo d bidea, Cunningham A
tUmner—l trunk, D Leech A eo—2 bales rubes. \V
Bingham- I ack rags, 3 do leathers, 3 dn, d applet.
RlUltell Aeo— I bx, Iflcsks wax,G do tang, Claikc
j^*|'h i w—s oka scrap iron, Shoenbergcrs—s bx*,
72 do gUs*war«. II Grafl—l peg. Fortytb A co—ss
bales [art. W B Holmes A Bro—lMdn hemp Butler
& Bro—l bhd «ug*r, W M’Cully'A co—2s Übls
lime, M* do oil, Burbridge, Wilson A co—2l hhds
nml 1 bx tobacco. A iinrdon—I do, 7 libels do. 2U
bblshme Forayib A Ddne-in—2 Midi bacon,Caraon
A McKnight—l bt. J D Dam—lo bbl* caator oil,
A Vankirk—s bagi flaxseed, I do bacoir, I peg,Geo
water »i near redoubt alley
THIS o«licineUl«tukl»B P'"' nl
" re?V .lio» heretofore «.eS
frooi IVOikoe,, or other eeoeee. All the*! l l “““
•ar* to secure Ibu medieme e place in the pome**
UeEraclice or erorj Hmilj.wheo mch • medicine
‘‘ uljiil’ro* luil'l—i, innoceot io
and eo injury can arioe'liow its * ,e *J.f / * i V »|
Wholesale .nd Retail by ROWAND A WAL.
TON. Proprietor. 37C>1arkrt SUeet, I InUd
For tale iu Pittsburgh by R E Sellers, 57 W
a-*»t; aid »Va. Thorn.s2 Market si. oc6dw t
Kirn slreei.jbelow Matk*l^
WASTED TOBOBROW-Pf*(r*l »«n" ® f
from **i IO *IUJ, 150. *3OO, MOO. »SUO, Ap.. ""
good security for one io five yrsr. Wanjed, empio)*
meiu in stores, wnrehouses, Ac , and in town and in me
country for a number of boys.clerks ami young men,
and far a number of laborer* and farmer*
frjwAU kind* of Agencies attended io promptly for
’’‘'""is;AO HARRIS'S
: Genera! Agency and Intelligence Office •
n y22 No 30 Fifii «lrret. near Wood^
VAS-tJABLE iuTiLutTsL iiii'rs ior <i u
erenl siluti-on* In Pilttburgh. Allegheny Cuv.slan
ehestar, Birmingham, Joliuttowu, Freedom, Freepon.
S aUTH&WrF, Beal Estate Office
•the slocl..
light.end the receipt* tmall. Michigan can
i*h Urge luppl'ie*, and the upeuoes* of the
<n, <a«r Upland....
L)o Mobile....
Do ,N Orleans.
IBtPOaTfl BY aiVKlt.
3 ntr 3 in. WATta nr thk wtrsi. *t*nit..
Beaver, Hoops, Bcav.-r.
Michigan. Adam*. Bearer
Consul, Bowman. Brownsville.
Lake Erie, Hemphill. Beaver.
Rambler, Haughlnn. McKeesport.
Louis Mct-ane. Bennett. Brownsville
Despair’*, Nelson. Monongalwda ( rj
New England. Hubert. Wheeling.
Hudson, Hubert, Sunlish
Wilmington. Stevens, Steubenville.
Monterey. Sedgwick. FredirickMown.
WeUavdie. Catlett. Wells*dir.
Kti.iJe bland. Dawson Sufilisb.
Mingo Chief. Moore. Zanesville
NS'bville, Miller. Nashville.
• Mt. Vernon. Pa»km»on. Louis* -In
Cindrelia, (new). Poe. Shipyard
Beaver, Hoops. Beaver.
Michigan. Adams, Beaver
Lake Kne. Hemphill. Beaver.
('„nsul. Bowman. Brownsville,
Louis McLarie, Bennett. Brownsville
Rambler Haughton, Mon. thl).
Wellkvdlc. Catlett. Wollsvdlt.
Ilirlem Hunker. Wheeling
Zan«:*dle Packet fill! ghrr 7tin*** !!«•
America, t 'allioim. (.'in.
Anglo Savon. Price. Illinois River
—xr—The new and eleguin lowavai. i p.n *
• fiV". ■* ct CINUKRKU.A,
* ,oc » masier, will ir *v«* »» #i«w .Mon
BHBSSaSSBday, May iHdi. ai4 ■>. 'o. k
For fielslu or ii***ugc apply on tun'd. or to
_ The -tauneh liulii draught Pni k. t
«/W" K ki.vancikii.
Kounii: masier. will h ave a« nl ove uii
Moiuluy e veiling. May Vlili at I o'«• luck
p M.. For/fteiglu or pm*eitge i'j*P lv 0,1
loarJ. luy.'t
_ The clrgnni. Injhl Jrapg'n t
LMHfcMMK' (joiniM. inn*i-*r. w.ll Irav.
.Mai ui 1» o • .»«•»
A M. For freight Of pa»'a<r . ;>;ii ion
fUu I.OL'|J*VILLK—KKI»t‘I.AIt l’A«‘KKr
' - _ _ 'I hi-regain v<T»-»«•!
ur.(ju ot |>ii**uge 1 11 ; »UI.I
Tbr v.-.\ I chi ami -lymi. :> pm k«n
w- ■J,? . : .-
r. u. For fn*'c**> *'* i»:*i»'v on nt‘.4
. . The elegant. I'glil draught ISr l-t
dßSifcu. „.»■■■
Tuesday e\ enii.g, Ms' t.'iUi O' I o ■ in* L
r *. For freight r-r p»<«u«- upp:-. <>i.
U a d. J '"'••I
Tin - i'lr(anl nt d "t'lunrh l'urket
i fc (»KKMaN I’OH >.
yMW Marlesn. manet. >v.,l leave v-'mh'-
S uUr>. ever' Tur*dn\ da
ring llie situ-on. et.inmeiir-rie Mhv t"
at lOoclock, * v IVr freight or p:i»»»ge tippit «*U
board. n.vlT'i
. The new an.! *;;.l
iS»- "--p
-trc.ghtoi pa»»agr apply on board
The and «ii.n» h -till! draught
tie tine; lU 11 .M I*i I.
LgyMtf« nguVi:t\-T^V.' U iih".ea«../‘'f;r
irr.gtil >•[ |>a**agi app ' <.n on '.l
freight or pnMage upplv 0:1 Wowd my
Foil sr I.i.llr—DiKi iT -
al».» - ll.n.nt'i.kji in" »• o«.m hor
iM-.g1.l oi p.i*»«<e on l'<•»'«!.
t’HTMiL' Ht.ll ANU M t.»»l r~ I-A« KK'I
,w>*. v Tl.e "«*• a-i,l -earner
'• f f (tO.VUDUKII,
WV | y'.l lit . r»e ill.- •• ***'ll. Iln;i:i'i
i*in l»r advf«t;»e>l !.• r. hi rr . ii)'7:l
K> >• l’l AH t.t »i it*Vl 1.l l\ I’.m hKT
Tn- i > iv. I -i.t .li i... m a ..I ■•■*•
, ,, 1 ! “’ K \.
... Iw-.l IV *' -Hi., -i.i.' <'■
.'P.rton-r me mi.-ou Ml- ..-.v* «•-.'lm.i-I*'
n-. Mjf, al -t ii'r ort
l'<»r freight «.r |.a»»sge app*> nn ' •*
FOR Za M >vit.U
The lißb; dr loybl a.d s > -i miriing
*'e*inUiai NtlNi.i* CHI! 1 .
bewr-r. t*. • p:«n- /on
t.l e i For ire ebl nr pti**ae- nppl- 1 ’- ; ‘id
It ri; ul*r I’ui.liurytl mill /..t .»«••* Ills
Ti.<- n.w dinl I .'!<!
ii mn-Ni
.*. .* .* JjlH'* 1 • t **»•. (■
»* :••.'u...
ui.t X«n«<> Mavtiii! I cm'.ti. h'lr’.f' »•••;
urtli«ln-it 111 ‘Ullfff'Ul *1) !r. Ihr I'lrlH I* ' •* n ' 1
arr-uuttnodntiou* '0 Mr- vv ll !•■»*'
Tu'»da>. .'lay 4th. ai'.’oViiK-i, 1* M
rn*'' hi' ° r ‘ ,M ’l' Vv;|' lJVv V
Id t.l i. \ i; « I\| I s(11! i *»!•••'
' , r ' ' !
Tiir S ilii'W* only It iin-hc* *.v.,fe'f 1 **r fir.Bht ui
|o-.»nze npp'y on t>oard l l' - 11
tlc|;ulur Pltl.bnrqli mill 7.anes« tile
Packet, j
.... . THE i --M.ltaiKhi JMi-r
ÜbMNGSV Hurd. Ma.irr.AVih mukt VrrCv i. p-
Id llie lllK»r pod d'HIIIK th-- -r A 0.l
For irr lent nrpa»*.ier upplv mi !■* >•'
nr to ap7 D Wil KISS Aer..
PlttaUarglt and Hunflali ‘Packet.
TUe new and fine »irT*nir*
rank HUDSON,
f r.hhen. ninaier, ha* rr.umrd tier rr"-
ular irip* and vdt I- are IMi.lnnan
a. nbovr every Tlrir-dnv mid Mmi
day at do'clock. I* M. For freigliunr pi»s-nge iipply
on l<©ard. V.
iir i. a city PAOKhrr
‘ The new .learner
Nelson mn'ler. will run iin-l'O'e. !• a
!’>< 'burgh every Monday. \\>d
nemlay and Friday, ni'Jl uVioek. A- M .nnd Motu'iun
hela Oily rvery Tuesday. Thiir-Uy nut! S.r.uritay. r: f
o’clock. A- M. For freight or pa-sa-e apply on ho: id
Allegheny Hirer Trade.
Tiie fine uiid fi«i Siean»l>oat
ring ibe inrau heiween I'iit.burgti
and Franklin/ For freight or parage apply «n board.
oc‘-£hf .....
The new •'earner
,iP9*»|k WYOMING,
UUM 1 Capi John F. liny*, wilt commence
regular inp« Io (he atrovr port on
Monday, ihn 2>tlr in*ianL atlUo'clcKk.
a X. For freight or passage apply mi troanl or io
•” meb‘J7 J ' v HU ri.KK A IIKt». Agi*
prrrsoUKGU and wiikkislnu facket
__ The spleiidid and f»*i running strnr
n iS 'V W'erl. wilt romineiue
“‘' r ’®Mareli, l, n\iug |’ii!«tiur« li every
Tuesday. Thursday nnd S.iturday. m ti:.)Vt.,ek. AM .
and leaving Wheeling every Moiidsy. « rduc'da) oml
Friday.miDo'el.rek. A M. I
The New Knglnnd Im* itch tenjctii rxpn!«‘.y l -r i.rc
trade, and will leave regularly hor irr.gtn or
TblS" ° r " joHN I-1.A.-K. J,..:
TIIP lir », rl. i'anl ami |.i«t I’U' W.-t
iim>«. o. • <
prr-.;) forltairß.l.-.amt link.
tluily »ti|>< dunne lUe I.'in mi
P.u.burnU piety «»»<■»"*»« V r ‘i tl *v* k ' V.n.'iirpd wli!
rvery rvrnin* al -i i-'clock IV .V i..n
•-F«l>er'» P-Iphl imew-m 1 U ui«-r buJ,*-. * of r r ?
WUrf u. rrrciwc l***™
Skmulak AN
new am) I'clii '-inf
IiUMA* O M vrn*. I'u\<-« I'iU
*b 'V. O M..,,uv U.Ju-1.,
uii'l ; M .t.-.iy
.18 o'clock. A. M 1.., cr-jl.i ..i ;
„h,ui.aii nrrsur.Bii.ii_A mi um.n i.m.
<u„iu«.l Sniilh " '“’ r
ruuimU as it rffiulnr iiaca-M aiu.ulibe
ISill lli-I i h-uvoi- l'iil»l*ufnii every
day. at »• o'clock, A 1 * F M „n
SelTulah nrluui'Hi.ii am* *>•*■*« 'avii.i.k
I A* hl-.r
tiii.' ~_w rtlL.I fart nrnnrni? steamer
n,h * " rW „4itLK.n,
UfeateCsT will »«» »»“ fe" lar |,Brkr '
■SBnbll.c ul.nvr |.l»rr«. I***.**...,
e.e.v Tuc.iUy,**!**! "*'*> ' "'Jv,', C.'j.V
A M; and Ilrownavdl* every Monti")* d«>
and Friday, at ft oVlmt. ...
For freight or pontage apply mi hoard.
~no cuke no pay.,
RKMKUY—Warranted to core, or tl.e moo.
ey returned. This medicine i« prepared from an In*
dun Receipt, obtained from one <>! them in l lie ear
Weat, at great rijirn»c. ‘l*ln»»*» mho hare been
familiar with the Indian*, know that they ran and
do cure Venereal without ilio Knotvlr ’go ol Me*
cory, Balaam, or anything «,l the bind. The at
flicted have now an opportunity of being ru*ed
wilhou 'the uae ol Balaam Tin* medicine >■
ole»«ant to the latte, and leave* n»> boiell on the
piwred by ROWANU4. WALTON, and *old
wholesale nod retail, by J. T. I’.owami, 37b Market
* l F C i'«ilc ,l |n d htUbnrfih by R K Scllera, 57 wood
X and for aale b> |.i)-r.y and m I'la.m.
L/ty. juit received and for •» k u £ Ai; iV 4. R ciTKK
ONE-FUUICTJI O' ONI.-tI.VI.F of 4 near. Water
Ulaxt Furnxrc: Hint i» in »»y. M.« IWiw iai«-
propelled by water power now bu in Moniitigoua
Courtly. Vug n a. wilbiM B milr« o’ Morgsitinwii tie-
Cautny Seal.and « h!y- J iMles from I. • nver. Tie re i*
no »u' b "itti tt'O" wiUim JxtU mile* «t r'lli-buißb. eaii let
bad fur doub'e il,- <um a-ked Tlierr i. vii Orrtianki
oi Ron I ( t u.iiiiy nnJ cjuar.Mv vviilnn 'nnn one luurili ol
a mile 10 Ivvo ui le-. anil Ruud ioidii. .» j bne lanf>rnc
country—*i pplte* plriiiy nrd « l|ea;> 'I I'rn' e.r Ion 4,
«ay ilki acre*, land any (juantily iu 1 "" aijO-itiiiß ilut ’
will <ul tin cord* of wood per -nefe c «>••• t.i llie ’ot
lure Hue l'imr !ii»«e team add a p-i.r M eattV «i I
•lnrk the lurnaee Twenty ui fe- laud, meailmv.
Ac . A e 1 inu*e >. Olhi e, S.n.tti Stiop M i'-" A r . A r
Inr- iiiri.iier can t r wad> tor l»la*t l.y me l-i •>( Oi-.n
tier next it npplicc.i'ii br niildf «.sm 1 vvi.-llnn't.(d Ibe
pro- will be inkrn in A>-uiled l».«odv—one tn
e.i*b. a* to" work progie-»e* In one year lliepropeilt
will pn\ evert rent expended, and idler Ihttl vv.ll t ie;d
lob per I'rm piefit— inai wdl in* given bv tin- p , '**n;
piiipr.eiora' A ppi.erii.on* *in»n ma lr \v . I i»e 'uien led
in The nwnei . I.eui* iti-nf p.iii. led <n for.l - dn- tl.r in
.. liie leti'i.n **•!-• «• .1 iii(? Mi'.uii! •he pM’On buy leg any
-pin or I l|p .wh-.i C»-»kn *el'. the pi--en - OWne i • tv. I
lake :l. and add h*i\-per e«i:t loibeen*! I' mv'li
telueinnce tlm owne.* woo'd *ell Ihe w imi. . but o' no.
ibiliß ei*r \e,ll do, ratlin <hiSn refi d lie- luo.litnc <>•
the tutliare they Will rlo *i» mid. I wjiu. d. tli-y o:H
build anil blow the Idrnm-e onety, a» 11..-\ i an l.u i.i
her j cheaper than nit . body 4 *e. Irtt».,|i t m
the oo* ne«» lor n loi y litne. Any nnjniii)r.M : ■!>«
Str.lte l'o:il.e'o«e In on ibe preiife*. A I dir.etr.t
to \V AK S be ly tiuen.b d S.> D u
i« Moi jantown.- ,
IVi! Iron rail be deb vrted al I*.it*! malt. :•>> [“’Hi '>!.'»
to •slil prr loti when .1 i * Wintl. limn 'r’!b to S'lS.
|J'/*Sinne and nttiirrial* ,o bu VI on i lie -poi
1 MAURIS liu* dtu'y about four bntnt". niguKiat,
• ptepunn* for io« new uild nn|.oil4nt work on on
IIVCI e.iien I‘.ll*liUfith and AHey,lii tiy . and
llelßhlodiooJ mid IO nuke llii" w ln* Ill'll "d
1:011 and I'ltevtorv a * perlrel, eoinpt. le and; n
po»* bie the emxen* 10 yi'e :ii i l.r.t nnllie* ti
drill ••• bn*.Or** Slid Paid*, till.l [it IbeY lltite not I
in *ub*erjt e tar the wot k . ■•• Ill - I iliiouk' l 11 ■* tig. i-\. n
b, v lilimt nidi.* And. a* bv >• :i i let! 1!-.t. t
•elf, and tiiwa; • Rice* rarti Fd of m "Ui eny pap.
litindeoine ebjiy .»s i* I no’ive. be biipe* they w.di
lim ti-id ill- jiu- V,- l.y eojUii'i; ib.< no'ie-. -o U.a
may read .i.]
lie i Xiieeti* a.-o.' have ami table and n ettil-
Agent to ea|l upon tin* V.' iiuli-'-:: le Mi nbn d- Mn
to. *. Hdn ! Kee]>eT*. A e , iind I’ro.i "lurm, l.eti i
me a • Hal more. rj.i,;|.b :i. New Voik A-. \ ■
yeiiinx a ejpy ol tl.e woifc nrd g •. U|T t-ic.r .
name* ami hin -rt.*eiti. nt* )oi :t
N ll—At the r.l -or* o: life :i .oe.
o' l.uiea»:e . Ilarr.*t.uii! i',i'-ef»|.'.ig. '
llrowii»v.lte Cunii-. rdm.l Wli. '-me ' iieuiiii. la
•end il pope' w lb I lo llif. W.II b • • • n e >pt • rl >’
-l.iiu.tnu*:> lr*A M* i'AHHI'
un lA Ari at ntii! *'• ’• 1 • ”
III!.!, &. BItOW.NK
1 Siirct»or« to Holilaltlp A Rrotvtif.
Ma N L'KA'TC HI 'll m ii ml inpo'iei* o’ i-At’K
II A Mi IM.S, No *7 t\ 0.. a *tr- . i I’dl-buit
I Irr ,iiprea«iris drlnatn! lor Amer-i">a I’ ip.-t !■-' | l| l“ r
them IO en 'tli re an- mpiove the : | o or \,nnd i to It •
deu i-r* h> exanone
than ul HU > tnri:i-M'.
Freticli. Amr: . -
liotd Vi *'■ -i!
Curtain i!’-I 't<•it •- > J n green, atnt hx >’
'VniinS. Vr if . ui.d ia.pp.nß Fap.-r t
lionnrt |-tnt>nl* A e
krl]ire.» f melilTil In,A wbrti
DK TO\S\-K\ - < •.ui|manii Kiimfi o' S.M<r
I'XHll.i.A v. , t.ii »:
Tl*.* Kxunfi i« pul ii ij
Ciicupff pipU'DiiTr. an<l warruriii*!
drljilutu njt'lhr pil.tiH
I'nr jri-'i! I>rsiu'\ .Hill ' tv r»!
nvi »;| ollitff max'.' ♦* •'
IjV.L ou; I»> : <■- :>*'
«r- !•' ?i I' T i.-» ..1
I rl;'K l •** 1.1-1 OS
111-1 »t>ifiluU« ' i"
• anil "> I"* n*»'i
t.tjjirr.o-i* k;%-\
l rs-'r inccKi vimi -i'Hmm,
,1 ( i.M- I
H7*'t' r»«."»!»
i>' l**ik he;
|r,.JrJ»o I *'
T A nil. l M U. !jH.k
M .:i i l ' i " <--i
»yr. >.
III i Vil >ti l < " • .!
| t.r I *lo^k
Tu- H«r.!w«r,- i'U'iii'
I»KA.V> < iil.M l‘ U i l I 1 t
I'fMl.l Hi* ‘‘'Ul -•
.U«—r. li t
i ,i \•» \iol;TnS
•- r o”. IW ]-!•-•
• > It A I'li :.rt- -;.x t \
no to wood r. 11 i d\
I ANt k.»-R A Ma% l-:«t wm*i l - : -
\ r-xit-u. -imJt >?.
: 1 wr» 11 ...,Kcw..! 1 .;_ "» ..
.oi ilic r -'o<A i'i iru«l** -n:D
, wiH «ri:a* if mil f it
.mi! m»:i ilaelur mg g«.nl
•i;f. tit te>« pr.-p- than litre can up
J n-l>rr*rtit “lock on lianJ fo:i‘ «!» •• P*
lowmg dr-< r.pnon oi good
lMi idfct c cith drr*» com.. '* m ’■l" to *.n
)js> <lo do Ftcmti do
“iMuown ami invidttilp i;fpp'i <t«i l* "
•„ui »ac« co n.». *plc»i»iliUly mudr .V <* ni.ti-t .*1
pair pain-, of nil Mjir- s'* 8 '• » lld 1 1, rr * .» . YI, IKOtf HOKItTS,
,;i: mit, , ' i'mi.ADEu>mA
rrav.i.. i.oao.oa: (din*. -m' k \ 4 Welded WrouglU Iron Mites,
drnwrri. nn.l under »h.n* p< ' rvro v:»r.« *> . <■' i 11;>| r aUI.Kfor I jvomoiivr. Vann-, on.! other “cart
winch li-ivil.. -n recently ppsrlin—.t ~'i:ipi> Jl > ,l - t ' O I‘njin- Ho-1.-r*. from Uto ■’ mehr. ilmm-tri A.k
pren-nt Merchant- :i;m " h.-t* nun M' m |> lor«i»* Snnu: nrul o'li-ii |>ut po-e** >•* " :l
want of cloth :•?. cannot do I- 'l-r t" t.> -x e >.» n c»< • mr ll vd>aunc I re*«r». l .»'»'■« nir 1 otnpi
‘T-* U 1 S|, „.n Kn« n.-*. A,c.
H v.
l.ite« cxroHmi'iM. *<>r— nr l>< ,li. dd< a pt.t-nl* true* rb..jdclph‘“- . j . **
litre*. iitllamcil pm* limn in).m*** or iioin j| ht W Klil*Ji W ASHINGTOS lIOI'SK,
ChrMnt Street, I’ltilailtlpliin.
tovl.m hr a lit afier r gtr,i-tnin nl i*«-tli. -or- n-fP r *. . JjoVK Seventli nil err. ticXt door to ‘Muionir Hull
rorn*4h-rrcrupiti)t«.(l the hr.i.l -km m warm water. ( * r ii hniAi > .••tah!i*hmrrt l>«* t-rmtly hern
am) in a'l c l-.l* .irisiwt lioin ineetiniiieal HMurir* I fr „,; y en lu/ltcil, nnU 8 -eli.'y mul cim’i ) limit-lied. It »*
Two I-* ..pootn fill! to Im cut m a t'tmMcr halt mil o' I ► f., r i.,oiia‘.l« part m Che-nui Arcet/
watrr. urid the pom lO he halh-d w.|!i th- M'lui-On Ire- I (|| l|(fl . mnl , d, a ij‘ v cuntv «n .the p*lhl e place* <>:
j.i-ntlv. ni ei*c apply a rag wi I w:U ill- -am* to the j | t u . prupticior, grn'-fiil for the v-iv iilir
.t/p. l-.l pjtt , . 1 r ,i| iiTinige liPrr nli j e lic*tn" pil. will tp.ur no pff..rt*
In all cue real iiijuriPß to An.nriU part rtt ntu nor- , | |( \<wnv Pgree.ililr to hi* cii-«t
-c-*., .1 cap hr umil to ailvanUK- .i‘ nhove 1 w .,, -.mis.- 1 in .-.’l .:iujw:tm
P ro""'aip iTtlie U»i-ikitore mJ d 15.\( K-TKN Id- ' . r w . ti h Mnk-r i J.-wcllrf.
*C MBPPII near Sin-tuhcid .Mpil--"- ,! " Xr il ' y." ' j '* - • i-rm it . a-. I Mnyi-K uc'liml
liea-hhHtn! U-. ml K'ullm i Vl’m,Vv (!■«.■■■ " aUv.-)’- n.. hand -ml uiy g.itui pop-
J .. .r .... ..., T („.( watche*.
n> il.iaiWr.lT ' irvi *. .1 I rV. l,
I i&rg^S&E^sss
1 ~,[.... „■ .. .1 veilin' Oil, CUilllUOll WJ'l.ll'l c , ........
>"'* .•««» ', <■ im “J'“!;* j' Af. ' J-.. M.. eVV !•« rf«-.nk .Sir..- .i: Sic very l.e-l m-inrer.
11l - iniiriaseinenl 'iii'l of «<'»>' •• n,l ‘* ‘‘l' ll - I . > ....
If-n A i|i>j>en-aIiTV |ne| I -in l> iiinSri'l**. , I*r«»j>.»-»uU fur IMItotHU Rll Cool.
u„< a i;'ii »..i.. '• Xj»‘ rm- 1i» - miop»-A! S V.- I > -li- im.»
in- u.tiled. ,i 1 fie] mi iijinu »:nl :'l.y 1,1 l”i- J . : »*,. ..<-i ilny <>t |,-r »•*- 1 »• »> 1 I«>.-
, Mlt'ea.i |.| ,nr. t .l. •>. ill- r:itl-r I.elil.i-ue.. ... I'mi*.; .I’Sll <•' l.e*' UlllSiyMJ
"'.li ire '•( ,],*«• i .r* ~ P .. , . l ie, nil lII'- n l l ,i ~ , j. f „ , it , „ (>i ~,, * i.e |'nr in-lieil on e 'ln
M-t'-!' IS- v liln-l.e m-i.lpi'iHi; iW »<■!!• ,
. . r iSI 1r •, -li '.'i.n-‘. I!. J.ini- : I r..i /'iei 1i.nt4..l ir--ivnlv IO lluvnml'Toitfin-il
."nnioii 'I. -: & V.; 1 Mr,M -‘ " t KKN-SKHI M VKltNZir
i'.l<i'.«iii mvie.l eel-n-n. Mi' v,--Mi •> ; '■ •< Omi rinrwi of il,e (Jml.'plh nnmti.'
,11.-. U., i ti," • 1,.-... TI..TW •' * •- in Jr' '' v
1 „ ir „,ir I.y . i,v .v >T< t
,uv|!i ri.'.i- r '1 >n ■*«'* ■' •' ’ i
Vr.KflllC'l (il'. -
Mr K r. I '• i-l aV‘»*' >’ •
<> malr im.Tlt.oii nl '.H II ’u' , *'i^
Ivr I *■< 1. I t.itlvfl v\ ii.ii.i,’-; - '' I
, himl h-- C'l. i- m ' l!i«-£ * 1 i 1 • *-* '•’•V '•’ '
i- ,i 1i... :n. ■ «-,!.] n >/*•' ' 1 , ,
wuVim't'i'' *" i ■ **» l- ;■■<! n -1 ii-t •**•■
w.ii.i v-'H* 11 r:'•in'ini uimk* wi'.^rKiNi*
ir< I '' 7r ' ' ' ’’.‘V. V-, >•'"> ■ ANDIAM.K rAt*n»UV.
•’ >..!,! c.v 1* * , -.j ' i>* \<- J, mx K yri<v>».
i.y I» M «!>■"•. J ,I(IKKS /.
,i«MKTI!IJitt IS rtKAKOX A,• I- Uf*. . x \( i\\, *l t .n.;
Slt J•<••«••. V. It «••* , M I-:..,.-;. -i VUun-h 11
1;.,,,, rj.i.i.... ....-I u. ; .« * r.. -
\. t u.w a Ttmv»iiv..-N -.n.., ~
; i ™i.i> - .v , is „ „.d r.i.-.....-
.1 »-t i-I*i l i*iii*i* lII' ll»i«il«iiml- Snl Kr i’i.T 1 * *i If min. mu» 0) l!l- l.ill'M *1) l< • '* w
' r..r llll'.i.i.Lrrt. u . .1,.' im;kin i>:\ * L„, M..
--I Tnuiili‘lfi ft ueu Wimkl umliu tin - Uun'Hiofi: ifwt.-cti lII' 5 juirii-rn-.! mr ru«h Ifom >l"* "" •
'* I- Sfhwiiru.Vril.-ral ►u.-.i. • My. • +K; ,r ' u T- *' “'"‘.."T '*l?* ,0 £ " M^.MV-ciT.iU
\ otmir I’lnliHr’iihiii llir) vnutil
~i u-« ..«.«
I, ~ 1,-, !«••» nll-nchtlirr '|\\o ii'Mit"" ' * ' I ■" •* t» .m.l < m tin * vr. u-'-Ixil in >• lm
iiimk will cifm *» mu*. JAM tCS JH.M-S I U-•w, il winr.iui ii Vr t nii ii nut *'* unj - oinrr
1 lownnuif* fe Urtrk i.i Itic k'lnii-nrili-. miw nt i**f -_J .
Thr* valiidt.l. IVI, (or .»!. I,j 1 jKI D 1) i'<l N” f « |„„ „ .-..nu11.-,... wn,lir..iv "t
00 WfKwl *ir , f > I’iti»liur<li. i rnrli- 1 ' || t «Inch tim mm Ii -par** '"f a-lf l rti»nißi **'“°"“
I TAVI* .■nTi«*Juit*-Jia.«.vf. warHiott»eon tt*e«»»•“' '-V- will cvr ourown cii.runW r,, f ilio prrlonnaiKf
Hof Wooit anJ K.ur to wh.. h U,,-y hove „i iikl-.ih, n C(J l.tti, »
""fu"' li l M,« P 'l'a'mvV ■»»'“ “'f ““ ".“S' 1
I*oll, vr hi rihainJ "*' * l *- - .
rtAPBR MUSLIMS—I CB<S |l|nr - lt **' n *
' Pitw »Si “-•« <-»loreJ PJI-r Mu ju.t open^
“my?i Sll ACKLBIT 4 WHITE, W »«"> «
omsTsTiUS SMiluil'lS CMNRI.'• | uu^SS^SiSuSSmSSmmm^
, s <.». ... 5.™.,. - lll!AU n» ~N KOWSIBK AND
! nonn-sm- r.xe.iAN«K cKunKi.iA-rKsorim
jgAggl !, wnl ,\.-w Sink fin n.< I-11.'.l I K ISANK .Vlll-S AND H’KWi,
•• n. li.c- ...f lilt- jru.K'.t >uir« ‘ t'puri'i *•. nrady il.c- Dunk 01
•*l>ew.|| tout-till '.i«ri anil >oultiJtn{n<.ii lo land , w . v
ft,;,. In. mlddH.vr. IIK iunl« tor K US - lU’rflthM Mi)NM "fivcd on
land. Fnim-f- and IsHg and wilt llim |>'o«-<ril u. , ( i,ri L« for »»!«*. unJ < oll«-ct<on» .idjiU l on nearly alt
tlirincli iv> n ihr .h.iiilniii |Kr l nurd
Ki*iiirnin" wni Iravo Itrrnirrbavn on ttir oj >ih . , .. . . . . „„„
S<>iilli:iii |<i«>iri>ii:ttkr In of Juiy.Vbtre the n.c j.a.d for fc»««Rn .ind Amrnran
will mil.ark |>n»riii;i imd iir.Rt.l from Krijtlat d. liold
Kmnof. nrnl Drlsnim A rrmip-nirnii have t.rrn rnadr . Advonri** (nn<lronrori*ignmriil* of I’rodurr «li ppod
... ...... Don. Iltvir up m ,!,<■ la.. m.Hn'.ii. , „. lm , .>1.15
. ». mum a m*. s
"p.mi.1unr...... l>v Ra.l.onA. will, all pan. 01 . Banker. ••>d_l>»lera In EnUap. Coin
'•v uik wuh all tlir 4 ' ,_ ‘
r-u:l:»i).l, an.l I.)' wuh All tlir ♦'unMir-ni - ! B»t»k Kotea.
J’uHtt |l,rm-ll i.uiy b- Irul l<> nil (ir.i.iaut . Au»- . so .tl. MAhKJT nmn, fiTr t iiLlU,K.
ii-n. UU-..4 |ii»!.,,Sw-t/ rtamt.Ar j S- mu l!«ir‘ Kiiliane.-. Uun .hi; Hat. *• ■
Tli> - ' i* l>u < tin - -.irnrige*' inaimi , <. wild ] Noiv Wik. I l ,r ♦• ,on
*\.rw „i raivril. il itiln ii »hi| -..1 w:.r and »ut-• 1, ' i <••• l/'un.vUlt. ‘ }On
jr.-i m au> Inin* 10 imiir rlioii !•> .ilFic t* appuniU-d l*y i B-illunrin-. *.i*° °
ili<- Uiu. l.oili iluiu jj r*.i ini- r ron-iiur-iion ?*hr ; Buying Itai.-* I J A Njv . Mm 'in: Hair-*
Ii <*. tnornaiiiraoi IMN) I or»e pow.-r «ui-1., into u.-t-om- j Ohio. i <>'* ‘ ° •' : 1 '♦O'-i*. i O'*.
111.1dm.orn for I4H f, r# | I- 3d., ami tt ‘r.-oild ria«* pa*- | !do **••1 Non—. ‘ °
.nuj.Tft., i J<* IVMifylv.-ui.ul > i.o
I’ iimuer .Nrw Y >|l In Souiliain|nnii or Hrcm.-ii. I Virginia. J «•'* N, cW * Jo - •
K.r»i »• a** ' ?I'*m I W'*. 1 l( o Now Orl«-oti». lup
Neon. rl.i»» ft.i ! T. nue-«ri-. :J .to Maryland. . J *l«Vs
Pjs'ngr ifnin limn'* i Br:S.*uil.amj>'Oii lo New York | an-ii
F.r-t «
Mi» w il crwiv aliniii !llMnnn« i‘r.-i"l.:.\vli'< Ii "'ill l.r
rliarijril <,ri iiriiin<: lo ih.* nainri- m ilir >».hkl» oll'rnnr.
Ad i«-li«-r* imol pas* -lim-jpli llu- I‘<nl l*-u.-rl*.
lor n li.t ii In-:' nl l.iilnn; ti > I! In- »igii>-d » :l I . inkr-n
I '«<r pi-«jgr nr iff'ii'i' oppl '• H 'hr nlTu-r of tin* ( Vroti
Strum .\hv ■".t*:nn <V>lli|l:i.ry. II UMtuiiu »tn*pl Nr*
York, nr i<> ti,r Ami:> ;it Souii.ninpii.n.
Mirinrii 1* A ItKI NKKI' N At'«>,
Havn* W 11.1.1 \M IsFl.lN
Tin-'.n .» .-il>-Jtil<<l X. imir Nr* on
* nil ii.p on itu! fu*. nf Aut .I*l inn.
'am i N r a K’nv ui i> 11 t
IMl'im rill ri.ij Ma.iuftinnrrt of «Wry “u’X im:
1 mill I'l-iiml l:i*!ryn.-i !• lin-l Tninrr*' limnl
H)..'*, J'.iy lor*’ I'.ilr HI .-In-if*. A r Ar Af<« ini.nuf.K'-
J. (' Mmiulviufr ri'ul luip.i. iit'ol I', n. I'oti •! -mil
P-it'll I ■mlrry, Ha/ufi Sr,t*nf*, F:!i * Sinv*. Tnol*. Ar,
sn u out* sritr.J r, ‘rconJ .Wi i»
I7.jtii.rv-1 M..\.
Pm A I’lii’krt IviilVf*, Itulve* dt Fork'
A ‘a lxt«»*j!**»<** ninl Wlii.tlriil.nlm*!'
r..:ir:i*. Rii-icr* 'Wi,,!.. A Ilu l r in* i'* Krr/n' * *< ****r
Itn/iir Mt.T* .in.l 'Vir.- I iv
(.1 NS. ftiri.l s. A Nil J'lsTOl.S.
n-l:. *,.11111- I!ii;..\V;i in'.A Kxira l*cf
ru-.,0n flip*. 11,.-.v .• !lir* n-i.| Hunmi* Kii'vr-.
Tiki'* *m-!i -.l* I'.llliJM-IS, n I* r*. l*l>rr*. NipJW*
Hnn.l V.i-r. Mjiinr.-*. |<Ln». llnir.-., H-ti?.'.“i*»*r
Siiavr*. S.u tt, nml 1 1 . f W./runJ linn (liiaic"* Ni.■ tii
jmarif n* lii'ii uturjit*. Aji . u urn vai■nv
IJ7* J„ .1, n-4 ari-l m- a r.iu in-:*.!)' un.l [iuilOU.** 11>
iliiirr. ’ ilf, 'JJ
\VM. A. WjAUD. dkxtist.
Mri-.t. n.T.-f *]'•"* s»Ni Vi* I lii'id «IH-i'l,
• ;» :»..•« t»i tr.'ne i rnpinv cl li>‘ non'* I'UI
i,» w .1: • pauurnl willioul llic
> on II » [..1 < 1 til riili'Minu: !.<■ iwmiM lijvm* |‘HT
•J'll'il il :il lllf>;i lit 111 ft) il.i> « » -li I'C rliJtl!'*'!
alltic 'iitf
T*"i I i 1 1* mSsin * f prr eavny
A;, dll' I 111 CUM -line rtl'lK* ]'< Ill'll r'.« 11.
r,-,l Jue an-.inl.nx l<> »!;>• al-ort irt
N i; •• Ti.rrr thm- •:.<)> »•;-«! to li-ia nUr,.v n<-
rtlJ ir. , n->l pa,.i n.i.rU:. I>, l.t: p!ar»-d ill the
.mucit' .1 pro|«*f ..(ii.-n ti'f colit*cii«jii. aplM iiiwf*'
.Ulurney, Counsellor and (irnrrul Ageiil.
1.. i.|.<Tin- ti «>• ell'*- Slid 'll
11.- Ira* m: *ml ItilirC .
„■ «: l: » 0i1.,-, No VU- Xuin'-i'J« .lieti tfn
« u oi irvol fix'll!. M.W l «>HK
::j:FKUI..V»-' . 1- A IV in «*'k« * ll«n J«>»m
-« ..1., Itoi. iolin VrK. -ii M-.;i I HnlTiiinn A
~,, n ,, >'■ \V 111 V Hr ~»••• !»|\
. K A 1.1 i h< i->'- I '■[ ri|>l.l::ui»
: \ U,HiiilK\'. l<>l XTV.m
VV l.s 111- 111 I'll t* « » *.|Hl «’ A'l'ctr-ny Oilin' v
• , r (-1 ||,X lI.J'. I*l ll* AillTll'i.'lf.'l <•
ro l*.\U I M'.KMtll* NOTU’K.
U >Tl'[' iKN* i 'if 1 * ,r f,, ’V
Vj. .ep.f Jjr.i, :,.!■( -mm «( IViM.ur*’!
( ; An-’hiii Irun v, \V|... \ |>u : i'-*- i
M'LPimy ViiiihMii*km:k i io:
AN. iivK iill'N ulfKS
u.wiuir. I'o.
C.: J...
isSfc ;i;:?
1 rtN A srm’KTON
r> M :if Vr l -I
Worms Worms' Worms:
1 " |,m I'Ul.i.K. Amt IS. 1 c l?
J K-.M A i w «. Tli•* .* in rcn.i'v ilia]
! ;x r-.1l ii Ilf m in- "I" n!llirii»i! ;v.tli W ».SM* l pflK’UT' <1
' Ui!) n-'!in mi'ri.Vr I I llirn I-rlfi l rt'i-.l ;i v.ll nf t>r 'le
l r-|.!.iair< VJn»n'ur«* Hinl HUT t-Vili! a ‘rw
| in.- rluM .!■■< !inr<*-J nlmm a cjusm .o' l»*r*i»*
\V(.«ii'i. Tire lira'll «>t iln" i-Mlil uoprovr.l immrJv
| wnn'il fp. nihui.-ti l Ur MrLsnr'-Vrrmil'ußr in
• ilih nuU:-.- a* cm*- n< 'ln' mu*' *ale mill rlfnruml M ror •
: ‘ “v'.rrs* .«.« .. -I*l- jII CI'TTF.It
«-ln>l**»J'f ami rt-!:»il I’V J K!Dl> A CO. ro ”* r
rr.| I 'lllli K.\UJ N K Kirn ** VI.K AWI rat.- -J
| 4 ,; , -l-',.- I• • ij.- n,.i' \v. .i jliimv I unci on
i 1 1 .1-1 % '. f tier Merit ;.nrc.rulll'
■ \v I.uRM I\.
<.»: I*l V.
(,|.u Wllc-^'N.
ilny •» l “l*- \
,1, -uni til**
.[.lot )«.r *( I’|l I TI ,'<i (• \Wi \VU.\PI*IM« I'AI'KH
UUWMI, I U l-ai-r.
an sV .-»W VVi
3 *
MUOtUtN CHIVALRY or t!.- Advc.nirn ?{
Ci'jH'im Ft(rr«» and Trjßue <> R, # ' in ' r ‘‘ r .
ItruckrurulKO. »c<oml nLi'Oii moc* lb* - aulliwr 11 “ •
w„h . ......ral on Ihf
w.,m -nd 'i P 1«,..0.r »!•', ,m. lron,
onpnnl D..I»T, wujl.n M
lOSKPII 11. HILL. llJir <•' U.f firm oi m. A
,] 1 1 1 : i\ t i mid \V \l C ri'Rin Krii\ I•* 1
ii:ivr ciif/t-il mi.i l'ojinrim-r»liip- undt r ilir naiii. 1 u:
11.1. a <TKKV. inr ii.i* purpn*ooi ram me on iiir
fiink.i.K and l‘.*« 1 i” “ ,1 1,1 J.-rnn.-hri. :ii
V. u'i i\ rxi.l «inrt Hire** door* bc!mv 1-uurth. wrM
«i,ir* wlii-ti* ilioy -m e :’. Hi.' rtutnm of tlinr inrrnU nml
lb- j>ulilir ?i ii.-fii!U JOSKI’M H; Ml* l,
mml.'. W M C TURK>
HILL A. criuiY,
mi.i-s or KxriiANor.. i*krni'icati-> <»»•
No Wood «irr«-i, llnul door Winv Fottnb. wol
PA It rinul* nnd t’liirrm-y ri.riwil or D.-po»ii«* mid
roll. I'l nni'mail,- on nil lli>* prnicpal I'll,** in >)ir
I'm!' <1 >nro*
S.g'ii Kxr liang'' on RalMiiore, I'h'iuilrlpJin. N. w
Vor». Ito.lon uml rnn-ninai, rnnfi:uiH> l'"r •«!■•
(»,,o. Im! ait i. Kr'iinrk >. Went 'i IVrrn.y Ivunm
Hunk Nolr-s nml on li-vi, _
Kxrliangf on i Jiglan.l. Irrlnn.l, Unman. anil Fntin r
piorim-d. A> . Ar int' l 1
tn urirnwn* or ihipositk, hank noik>.
~ A N I' Sl’ Kl” 1 K
,\J 04 lloo.J Strut, an' Uao’ aUtr' Fouuh. Kail tut'
PH tiburQh,-l*n. U'A * I
OHIO Indiana. Kmnurky. ami IVnna fmiiN. nl<
( ui'-l I’.tj Ordrr.parrhi'-'-'i a> minced l «ii!r
«( d,.«»»m.1.v N -IIOI.M K> A >''N
U;'C»um. i»> i *
Irr- KjirlnnSf llrokrr. .Vi Mu In - ' *l.
tiullri'ltoua <»■ I'.i.c.iiuuii l.r n.-v'. ". >i I on
t>tini;;.lh !i!lii lt|<.;i ill’’ ln»r«: li-nii- !■)'
N lim..Mi:S A SON. Kx* l! inc<* Oful.-r*
No A» Marl.r: ••
(lollrctlona on' imiiiii. I.oui*vu>. Si nr
j a!l o'liCT m'Ci'»*'Mr pomi* .« itic * in'Ci' Mnl<*
in .ul ron niiOill modal nfi tnfiri*. lil 1.1. A; l' tlt 1^
Wihml -t if SI il.x-i 'o K«R> <*> r ‘
t’urrenry o< '!>«■ Ol;<o InJiuiHi, ami Kentucky
/ liMili. watiteJ »i very 'ow> '«!«•* of «li»Ofit!nt. -
mu. a. t:r Kin
„,.f. Wootl at. next ilnof to S.ilonn
OHIO, Indiana, kiiil Kentucky Bunk
Note • nurctid'cil at low ta;c» t>y I '
No S 3 Mfirk.t «t:
V <t,l;c<n>ng l*» loien nf SttnVrnril't Tli
„tvr« ~,f »:,>r Uir ;>tu(,rr(y V.HI lfiiO»'lT 4» M.ACK>
i,AK!'KS> < •<!< ot-l.i.ui vrii nrir-> •>:' IJ-.
eK'' ’i r.l >juani) w ,!U DwrJJillg ll»u •<% l'4.''
ii-np 'n A: ■•i’> >
Hu inr |.n iiu-c* .« a nrv'-r liui.'ii! > •• i.i »; ;
;i n-.l lul ji|>l) m n.o* l « *rr lit m wutr r. i>-'in vv|i'-'li lln
i i tiill'll.* afr If cin d bi 111 •nil* «| p I'f* N'-iif 11 1
.j.fii" i .i Ur(i- .<nJ I'uin.bml "in Il.ii.inf llnuit*. mi
>|||| I. I. i'll With milt ro'i!»■ Hill? »>!*'■ ' n.-Ui? M'•
hi addition II» rhr I.4th room* Tim; l.u-drn.i
al-Of.ih- r Mjpr imr to any !*• tii.- *rci*ni, *»l dir mu*nr)
mi.; ,« mind* w.lli t!.r ■•lm rr-t 1‘i..,l if'-e* •>' n iiio-l a .
I nd». a*, wel. u* w"h t.e .U and r.rr Slmi' t-rf) unit
I't ..nta. The elcvati d pa-i'e’i nttl"- qnu.'<-i" oviffHik
• r.< and iMfiiiuiiii r'iy md trie Oh.n t'Pr wlnUl
ill icjr *»m;• t-oic. tin** if '■'< I>'•!tv »• nilpr
I", in )ipri»l'«rly <’*•* mWi' :i« -I
K.n ly of lor **vf*pl j mp llic r'V
The I* nil* of *a-r <>t i!.p al-\vr pr.i: niv :>• In pt Iff
m. 1 cut* t wi.l In: Ant'i' m i l) S *-k mi tii
,,, ~r ... J<»< 0 Sl’h NCKR.
/" I’frM.n* i t l , it:»t.iirj;li 'ndTi i'C .<> purcn..*** cm
luvc » iimtP lu'l .Jr.'-fi't-in r.l -I'.* n.ennon an.) cd the
*l. .v- prnprrtv, "n •»"" ’ u * l ' Jo,,s A U !L * os
of •!,-• U u.vot M'lr.-i.v. W.:-cti tV.
-i-.ik.iv.lir, April SI. 1-17 .t.'r,ww4t
Voir, s*n m;. jr <
rnoi'Ki- i v in v>.
rjsi'.x 11. *n T'O ' >■* N •
• i<—o. V* '*■ '• *'
nd :j •i'i"*' *iini . \v* 11 1 1 i? iii•*
I'aTinl In a 11-i-i i i-!i i. 1 -
OHIO lands FOR SA*LB-4-i.»crr«.>f full!
1 -11.1- 'nr e. n it-« i'll H<(f Ujrew.ll iivrf. ,n 1.0
mil :ii :i mt> n» ti.p Mc*S* CO. Oil.o 1 30 fl-Atr*.' am! 1.0-
1.1 Timli There air .ill in •* * 4 «I*.vrllt.*fi
!„m.. -. IT ;.-.»«!• haril* \v11!l p.od an,l nrrri-li:d
lit wilier inr whole tn«eil>er will he «.>M
1,..- lijinlifl dull <r« or d.v del in *iM j.uii’i.ascr.. Ti*
i .i- glial juiced, payment* mu)' he made io *u t. im.l
n,...r>>i»u eivt-i: iinnicdialelv l;i>r imliter 'i.fniina ,on
' | •, wood »treel
I’wol’.i'm* M .u ..I. t'uf
Foil >4 ALK- I*oo.l Land :.'»oui twn Hide* from the
r„y, mul udj.l-11 lII* \|a:tclic»lrr. •u-.ul-ie [1115:1!-
11• 1• u t iinvili- rp-i.lencea ron* *t in? “I
Two lx> » of :l Am * riir-H.
On- uf 4 Acic*,
fw.* *• ot‘ •** Acir» eu<’lil ►
'I lira e •• of $ Acre* cu-li;
O.H* “ l»f l‘J “•*•
IV, I In- mii«l on favorshle term* Apply to
S CUTUIIKHT, KealK»;ate Office
„n U No iO Smithheld meet™
allkgiikny ckmktkhv.
Pl'.itMtN.-d.-.foi.a of purchnairtß l*ot*in ihi* Ceine
l-ry are referred for information SO the SupocintenO
am «m ti.c pound*. or to K. Thorn. DnipS'sl. corner f
I'rMi and Hand «trrei« l , i*i«l,tusli. ' , ‘
ily outer ol the Raimi, J- CIIIS'LKTT,
d-rli-htwif SMpcn.,»n>._
Ikl » ralh saw a a. a
** Al.F.—Some viiaJ4lde 14*1' of Uronii-.1, -ilnated
" on tbe* I'tinV oft'-- Allrglii'ny Uivcf. eWilicuOlUlO
iLt-1 .•) li,.*.* 1 uia lire m»»t jdviiutageouvly «ilualed
f.ii lm:i WmL* .»:t<l oilier large nianufnriurmc e«tulij
Wh.m’nt'- (nnv7-d.V»vtf] NIAUMAR DENNI.
' Valuable Ileal K*tnte far Sale.
I *7' UK under* B««l In -homm remove hi* rnnnerv
i 10 the routon. oil r* mr sale srX RUILWNti
I OTSon Second Mr.ei between Terry ‘’reel anil lie
: doul-l Alley. Kiel. loi Will le 1 warily feet from on *-d
; *tr-i| «mnl eightv fa ei m ilrpili The ltd* wi.Hie «oIC
»iuely*.r H.e wbu'e u.-. iher For term* apP l ' »lt«*
tulf.rnljer on the |,rtni,«r* JOHN CALDW.KLL
- r npSOlf
1-at)tt SALK—Two s*k>«l liuildiiig loia. ntuaied on
* Fniigrr** «i. enelivii i<y I'd fi.
Al-0-1 to! Vti tl liy is*, corner of Cnngrr** »t nu-|
|Viin*y Ivamn ova 011- lloil'iny llii It on IVmi*> I
> |m ,j ‘ Urn' l’.*tnie OfTiee. CU innlbfield »l
H 1 OtSt: AND LOT FOR SALK-I will *ell
a very l.aml»«mic Unek Cmaer ll..u*e, fipi.lied in
- iMidern itv le w.Ui a.ioul on- Here of. ciouml. vluaicd
!on tlir romi to die Ar*ei,al <n llie Imroiißti r>( Uwfcnee
-1 I vdle. Trillin tnodr»aic Hl-.NKv l-.AKIa
M myllMlw * Not: Market*ireet
S \'M.U.Ui|>: l*KOl’l It IY I t»K SAI.K-Id urn*
| \ nl v.l*ll-1 lil- land ju*t ntiove iCirm 1 ti nn. «uuuit-d
i.riivet-n Hie lumj.ik** and i|,e M.iuonpiliela nvrr, .im
| nl, ,* tor ciiuttii\ .m -.n-. v l-«r .erm* to
• : No.'n •aimihfielil *t
1 OTrt FOR S\LB - 1 WO lol* .111 |.t ureal, near
I J }*m lUiel 1 *1 d »ei ily o|ip*.*rlu I.y mi. >li<yl» A * o.
•11l 11 iroul lr) -41 N in depth Tlii’*e lot* arc well -itunii-d
uir dwa 1111 e .aa - nr *i.undue*
Tliev wi-llie niter* d .*»! pulilie ealc OH Thuradny 1 VTill
“ > ** lf Wiltipi:
SJ:T] II \ VINIi it* mu veal in the city, for convenience
p'nifr-monal l»u«inci«, I wit. rent the Man«>on
llmn-e. igAJ n« irnmed ate rm'lwure, mualeonUie Ululrt
..1 lII.* *{Snon*-ilicl'i, nlie. m<le aHovc l , iii‘tur-li.
JAMKi* >iilArr
/•RIBAP MUILIMXO LOTS 1 lot !i l-V t.>"
( I I nil l-'l ...kl .1 S*»e,-1. Ailfphein !.!>•■
»rr Ta-on- I*l li md !* e ill five y.mii
rnru ri<n S> I*V * m*H' «l lli«
at.nv.i l*.iff ff.hll
4 II VMISOMF HK.-li KvFK l‘"'l >AI.K. niij un
A .ngpmj.enynf Wm tiiurfha,.. Fm, . «
a i-nnv<*iiu'iil Itiirk I>W. I'j.itt Mi-n»e. wnli mualili* ou
|.ml.ling* c~r*l'*n Ae. *n " u.Tf*
, i... . >*li. *..-.. * .n'-fl li e— ill*.- n. ove
S Cirtm.l-iR r. Real F.-uilrOlliie.
.. . No M) Sin ihfirl.l *lrert
j'ftl.jg ,i.. -t
-i.v i:i-:%>> .v siikk
I N MAM’HKMI-.'l »<W f^Al.K—l huvr Mr J*tc n
. ~ ~r , .r i mow !>'* *rnns
N ‘ I,'Jk '*< llr.Hnrnn.
.. ::p plme-Tinned f'oi’J"
n|i> J JOHN IUIM.M*. )7_Muikrt -i
nitroso ||A”Nl> l*i*AXOS—An cjeellrm 1
lunJ I’ii*no Fmt*\ tnadr l.y 4 l,a, <
Nrw Voik. with mx ucmr-, ironplatr un.i ut good
‘ ,cr . «n t>i mvt •<*iori-l luml I’iann. made by Clcmcnti
a. Iv» i «■ iLtlon For ► .»> tow for rath l.y.
mi l l JOHN U MK.I.Um
/ \ 11*8-*0 gallons Hlcnehed Sperm Oil;
IJ |mm do Natural Colored Snrrtn Oil;
-tii do lilraclied Wtnler Whale Oil:
b Utils Lard Oil: toM rec'd and for talc tiy
lliy n» Mll.l.Kß It- RtCKKVSON
IFF. CREAM FREEZER*— Just icc'd.a la*«* a««»r
1 rnriti of John»on’t clceUem Fairm lee Cream Pm
yrn, -gitnhle for' lloic't, StcamUMt« ond pr vu<<* f.*m
m v7 No 1* mukcl n
N, tv \ ork. Hi l|'U:a. ami Halt:
, lir .1 r in- III!.Li A CI.’KKY
Wikilii n/n door lr> K:iglr Saloon
.-row n. onto.
Ifl Jin' !«•»<' !«>•"»! W'l '<> \‘*un«»luw
.v,-iin< or i'uM.f iit/iin.-, Btl.irlifl u. n ■ •
iif*<;i*'i:) w.ft i"- 'o.ii i '• -Hid
. i 1,,. 1- AIAII DU KKS A
sui thfiriit't
4 l.i* IlfilMnma <li* 1,0 ‘ t ‘ o •
I <(.| rimnM* !,, ;‘l "
i iio r«.i«a >\
J < .«i>k HncKl 'Var'
Hat* will !»«• _ .n.v.
'muat.lrV-laidi»hionu* in New Y?WL"T£. h t*T . .
liip trmlrr»'*iiP(J take great p f*de f, * I
1.1 an.hum,re l„ tj.-.rnann.-feu* .nmdT-Wfc™
genet ail •. that wr urc p.cj.nrrd to r»ir^w^! Uut ' f J
uviii u» w.ihn rul‘'wiit» ihc UHnormt.le llat7oHs**J
ira-mi. ('iwnpriHii': Itravpr*. Ncuirta*. suiFrittn utM
Moieek.n Snl Hutu. either waole'ule or trial!.
MiCOIU» *|KlN<.
maiGtf cor wood and Sth *l*
S Ml HRII. Hat and t-'ap Manufacture!
iii removed to No 73 tVowl »treet three tltaii* anovr
ttiunii-t'fft Iti* unfit ron*i-!» of ever) vain:> t»i
Hat- anil Cup*, tundr in the lair*! *t) tr • also. I'n mama.
Leghorn un.t I'p.lal Straw Hm», wttolr*.th* and retail,
ui ihr lowrtl prior S M"OHl '
t apli. 7.7 Wood *l. ;hi»«l Uut'h
K*H Ki*hloi>.'li*4(li
IIKKISF. A. COSTA U S .-tyie t.risiKn,.«’* llm*
JS W.ll i«- Tiitn.<l...r.l ui M'.KVII.'S on«ilay
<SX Au;'ti*i STtl. t.rittl.-lilrii vM-h'U,-. a ffu tip tt-h
ni’ ltat of I' lt-t.ofi'li mnni.l.TrlUf Ol
fa»b.nn:tMe* itn|M’.t. d ml •i.tvpii'-j il l.y rpnir oi
tl.r trade, plr t-r f.iii ut KI-KVII. At.o »•
aueStiil IflS. lirnJ ol Uofnl-t
Spring Knaltlon for
j wot I.U ill onn l.i»fr:.-ml» mid patron* *
llm | lie tmtjurw <ll. hand U Ureo *l.«'l of tbf
S»rniß K.finon oi Hat* ati.rt’ap* wlnrh w* l ' he tturn
dupriJ mi Su'i.'d:i > in it Th'*«r ui want nl a •upet'tn
ar.iftc « ill . ii at *
inch - Not- W,*lJ ••!.•»•!. I'3l«t^;.lf_
Jfg. CIINMMI S n, uianuni.'uirr. and
■*“* rotiariittly nti h ind, rvriy vi.r i tv t.f Halt
ltll.l l'np» 0! tiff t.Hr-l M> Ir. ail.l pi.ft- W* In* It Nl»
> W’c.rnl *irrrl.l.4‘l-.dr _j*»T
F»ll Fnalilon for llol*. lit.* ju-t rrcfivcd l.y Ki|>pp—
In* new r«l. la-h.nti far ’i ho-c luni-rtni
mi--xiru fn.f Hit. » ill pirnv call and •■iani:ii<
U„. -plcml.J ini.i'ir S .VOttKk
•cii'l ' V No.-rej woo.
SO. *Jj MARKKr S'l'ItF.KT. m*I>UL'K«SH.
K- H. I'AI.MF.H otfrf* for-»alf f*n i<» iu*or
term* a- »uy li.ium* it; I'hdadrlplna, «
.nnn-nl pt Slrn IV, Fior-nr Pi-Kill
land, i 11..! H vrrni v-ira-li t.i turn) t rn.d and
iiiiiii. iionnetp.•'! lit*' *V ma »tylr
\I.SO-I'alm la uf. Siiaw and I eyliorn Hat*. Am
ti.ial Floor,* A 1 Ar_ ... _
I lIKSCII .tiOLn* lilN lIATS -du*! n f
I l-.ITrr.UI nf'l'lr l> Mlllc'killl Hilt*. UI
* * , / >u : ( . ,„ vv . , S Mtrt'KJ:.
4 ‘‘ ’ ~V.I 111 VVQ.nI »lr. t
( Hrnrt »»*U l)ry (.'oml* \V«rcliuu»e.
\t» no .w MtKt.r sruKirr.
|)i:sri.i-m l.ln.lnnn* h- 'liflfl- sitnl the put.iif
l\ ?.'HiTail) hr i- m.'.v r.criv n-; a !..?= and
ai. n«.oilin-M id NklV MtU l -jf p* inis'. <o*
t. Ac .|:i. .1 |: mu Inc I mp.ifft • aiid ,MHi.ui:n-tu
n i * . ..ini*»*rii • n p;*« 1 nt
Mipt-t Inn- Hiu->rUiVrpv!.;
Kii.u or—l’upp*u> IJ.u-H-l!. tiarpr:., *.
• Suimt hopcrun :i plj'ititd l iuu dr..
Sun.-rlinr h.-riant, hitr and Uuiiini.n t •arpetintc:
5-s. :l 4 und 4-4 Haiti VcmUn ‘•art.,-: nt
0 -, i Und •*! l>a:na«k dr. «hi;
3 -:i i ana 4 1 TutH -tiy do «*«*,
Suamboat '
llrow-n Ur Ltnqs- 4 4 5 4 and 0 4 Mirrtmg*; <i 4 7 4
“ 4 Tiitn?’ t,iti« n*; K.nrn Saphii.*; t'i.i*li and lhu|nr;
KofWut.'uck f.i'-vrli.ii-, Carpet Sinpr*; Npw_St)|f l*a-
Cover*: Oil Cioih* from S 7 to S 4 terl wide,
cui to any sis-*. *
K„'h Kmiiroiii'-rcii tui-i I’ntiu-J Tal*ic taal Ratio cover*
• I'l'urrd f-'.oor Ck-iti-:
CUfiii'-Ut'. I { ru»*« !#. Tui:«'il, and Wilton Ru;;<;,
Tui'ii <l, Cli<-mr 11,-. nn3 St.trp«kin Door Man* |
Manilla (iia«“ <i» d<»*
I!ra*« a*i.-i!r Hod- Rat owl Oval;
* Damank owl Sin; edSlttir l.inrlli
I'arpel iliii'lhie*:
I 1 j-4 i11,.1 li -t riam an I fieun a liulinn Mudinc;
t'olor-nl S,hijii*li Maltin'. 4c .4e.
fm;::* up Steam: out* Hoirisor I’nvjile Uou
»e» a«e r-nui-teil to rail. n« lie t«:el« confident liiry will
fi»<i ,t :n ineir a-lvuntnae u> do »u leiotc |«urclin»iiig
imv kooks.
,i- m».ic auVnt-Mi in hi* tXtPUMvr «iock
SrUJ.Mi UK* liOOUS: [ ever)
HI l.m- : ii'i-.v ai uc ii!.;>vc M*nd.
•u:ir!o !.V w'lriil' IT"'' ’ r ' ' •*’ Market * lr f'' .
ihv uU'*»'iimi oi '»uVH< to 'll" riiotCcfiyle-iM abovi
!•( nj-.t 9 o|*cllr«l ill'* iTiDruiliC. na wt.ltt—
Maul'd <!o;
timphutti Lawn
,Nr:>i .*• llraue
• ra','l' slum I
’.V: ;>*
Ni t-01-; work Ciilldr.
i:„..ncl H
-KniSro \|u‘lw‘. for Drr**e'
N-w n'<od* will It 0,-rn'iiK ncnrly rv
w-rk :«> llir.uililiS tiinlt j :!jtf«Ol
Kj* IV- wlmlf ml»' ioo.i.* u;f ai<’ u ! -'> lirm
rff4Tlfli;Mic (I ’.Villi Xl !iir«:- »U|>i>ly of »r.v It'll Ui;>*r-*lil
rri.MN »')>•»
PKICI'S IiKJM Tlioiii:i« raimff. No 17 .Mm
...i w,-..-i. ii-'.••••• » :i'l urn! 4li ir-n**riiuil'li. - [ij'.l..- il-.U In' i>c-<. i'l ''ix-k<»i " "
... :,tr !•« ..(• HI ..I- It. 11. U.
,ii,i*-iI-:.-I .l;«i!--r * '*>o
j k f.
i-nr-'i »> - !■ "" ■ '-i*. ii-oij ati) i »!i
1 i'Al 1.0-S- J..-I -r-l'r-lVC.j'3 lull Ml
l \ H.LJr fltif *■ I' •il B-st! vriy
'"ll.cMiti* n.r.l
...til. :.-*!: :iu! l.ut-
iulrr- : . Ac. i«l If.c inuu .-.--.■in
■e I.' !•><• uia ur uifcxl
HU"'»Ht> iul'h
\ ami kan«’\ u e i..., e * %•»•
V . ,|i j.-.-ii in i.i-ci i'i •varr*u* i »I var.eij good*
■ ar< .id I c.otlnrrli*
(....vr» hi *cr«-iii vatn-H
Jlooriy in ail kind*
Co-.i it aiiil ti-h vv*i«. Ac Ac., nil r.i winch
wilt l>“ *«!iJ low StIACKI.MTr. ft WiliTK .
Ojl-J lllworj-l
VI NtViINC vVARKKIMMt -N<* -<• Mood -irrei.
(U|> *l»ll* 1 Jll«l 1.-.TIVr.) mill HOW Opening II lultl
-nritn-.-nr «i' » cr. ti *e uml medium <|u:«niie« Troy
nutuiaeiured Sinn*. Ih.-smi* ami Collar*. Sana u.'ju»i
inf Suiekv. 11..ri,1.a/.ii«* ttnilir I‘ln.ii. >uim How slocks.
|ila n. iStoek lulmu Cravat*. I'-incy do do; t*um ?*u»-
ur-niter*. it Ac. Ac -
Ju«; ie.Vi.-d from the manufacture? uml'or *a'e si
manufumiiter'* P ncc. I PWAfIU TODO
. ,„y| .MiiHiiiirrium » Agi
Snoiil.mcil mtACICS-ior cm--of pa.u inibe
|lrcj«*. inmlr .U’ci imiirin* u|- P rov. il 1., the Acw
York llartiliiffr ln"iifno ...... .. .
Su«pei>:lrr«. .Su»pcn*ler Cm'* nml »\ elx.iing;
,i.!ju»ii»i; ciar.u*;*|*lnni and luncy sum stocks; fine
shirt* i» grout varu t) ; Ouri* ami »l.irt cnlnr«; oped
mile l.y niyll •' MhAIO.N^
/ i L.OVICS «fc IIDSIKUY A fresh nml rwll
Ij Mined nock or white- ami .Vortd romm IWiri).
for men wonr.i uml dimlm.. con-iamiy on hand-
A l«o l.i*le Th re ml m *re.n vnrri' ;-S!!k uml l.mci:
>!h. spun Sdk mr chiMrrn ... . .
(Vydllluck mid cniured Pan* Kid (nov*
tAOUK KKW t.'OODS -Ai W K ; Mu.|>l»)’»
ivl |) r vf;.io<l« llau-e. norih e:r*l eomn of 4th oml
Market sired* Ki r-.v. dJ O irrdn>i. nn i»*»orim ill oi
Liuen Tnl-I-Diaper* from Mm s 4. mdudmr ‘mne
vert »ui>cr»r Duma** A’l«w. lUehclir.t amlunhk cl;
ril 1.111.11 tal.lo cintln ver/ toW lOC .|oality Al*o. Ah
nuc'i. and A !jiuc:i l,u«lfx ►. a full .»?»OfliUeUt rioiucom
iiiou tn very superior, including some oi vorj h;gl
Lo.nW _ »eL
\\ Murphy flivne»\h ■: .mention of lire Ludie* U> 1"
rry full a* r-r.iueiii of while goods t<*r tlri:‘«e»,ion«is
ng of Swi«* mil] Sirmjli Mull*. Nnnsouk uml Jack,
id inu-liM l.nnvil Jtickmin. super Salui Imiiedat.
iriped, *oil fm:*h tli>. Ac 4r.
A* ill"*.- C ini* are jvMeVi«.-.l f. cm 11.
iinu!ac;m'-,-- or .inivrier*: 'oey can he *ol
,i the lo*«•*( ]<r cc» _
spuiNt; rn'iv c;oi»ds.
QllACKt.l'lT A 1111 1.. \o y.< "m*'* |l ”' e
'p 'Z'^"SS'ttCiZSl' '
tmramJ d.-'K... .e -.yWn. (m ' * 1
recdil>iu 'IM« Hint ioami.aC.urt. nin. ir
rf ... S- a 1 ..11“'--..i. nt- 1.. .»•!. ...
*SS"WI .• .»■«• vo 4«i. »Ml »« ”'
e.itpfi uiiU rh«*a|i p“h!' • '
/ hv inv H>c I.l'rii‘ 01l li'l Imurt krfjirl* »• ®"
of 11-1 1--' .1 A
_ ■lilt'd' :»i In'if. nt till rnlo r ». A .i-0, ■!>
.linm-m <* v!."- » iii.iiii-!|>i'ii'-* ;r«n
; ,l xv a!»'«-. 1. ncn Cuiju-W I nMc t Inilii. 1 •*
•til of ti.-wi-*! in'wn- Aim; rowf'* a»\l In" 1 '•
• hriin-f -all.V not lr CM tmniT of -Jtli :n'<l mntkrl
trrcl»- _ ■.. .
lUI.VTKU MIAOK*. VK.NI'.IM\ lil.lNn-.
iil r»r«*p'tt••.'•■'• >y ”
i /i rj: ,, v -'-niti'ni ."s h..m Vr»
uni ISiiii.l rrmiiliiiß*• ; i - ml- |: a tonn
’ , •
Unll'"' v Kt-iVrr* whii'k i» *.»i •>
A‘->;!'.V:r» l .\. wun’h, w w«.iWi
•: v.r> 1.-avy V, G “- >»•««
I.) ..
NiA'ui.rn'.v wiirn .H'w<Ki.ut
CIJ-KTAI* ••MtiM.l.N.s, oi vanrty oi
\ !'• • i.>i lii'ii'i;; I ’Htlll/. Ini W In.nW
urt:i .n . i .
\ K n.f’.ili uii.i MuiUl *l»
Vt;\V STVI.IC Sl‘HlNti PHINT»-l'!fv< *
1--.iu i.ul i.«-w »i>lc Spruit' J-tml—Jim.i.r
winch me ncli Oni't •. o»nnf)\ Tuil. I’ink-i. FowJn" 1
oii.l !*»••; ny k fancies JtiM rcccivnl ami for »« : c I'V
myn ' MIACKU-riT A Will Ml W wp»M ’
/ lASVARB AKD PADUISOS-J imlr* «' •«•
V / |irini{. heavy ILiviaii Canvu>i Jhl rui'J’i'rl*- J-‘ 41
•iri.C<| :t 1 111 lor >hl>* ’ >
mvir. sn ai'i.i.ktt a. wnn>-w»^i"
O gnmi »lhc Jrun». jn-i •! ami n» •> |p
inmiutaotuicr*’ mini.. l»y .
■nylS iII.MIKI.KI-r 1 lVlllTt.^«~d«_
T-M.KCTIIO l‘!.\ rKil 'I HIMKI K'., lUa.Milln Frin-
L,..., m,rl >n.l n.» 1... i-l !Kll[ Hullon..C™-
cli.l llis., »lt 1.0-.«.*c-.n« ..M»l , f " r
l.y my-.n) ( 1-1 rA _ _
LISICN r.omilN KDOINO* K*ypi'«H J.acc- l-i
-ua wit.- La-.-* lor MuMjM.ioNet-n l.tnen andCoiioti
l)rc»» 'Frintfc*; Mark mnl Oral* Morocco for !**,H*.
Rcmmi Cap. u ' , ‘h, m* ' f ‘,M ß J ;r , , ;
MOSttUITO NKTTfi-ittioTs-l lUrrolMifijui'o
»U*. a g«»» article, mol p ccr.-juM rrrcued
‘ln/Su'‘'silACKl.KTr.t \VllllB,w«o.l-i
iu.«y iii &*or i»f it, iiatiiig o—
(be i’ilrs xftrr liatine u*d olhrr mneilit* without
Youri with wprct
Sold wMr»)f »nd by WM. JACKSON,*» hi. P*t
ent MnliriW WiKlwtut. Uli Boot IM
Librrl) tlrrtl, I.rud of Wood, PilUburjt
'l'J'- I'cM article known forcleantr
J Cic f« •trrngtlu.'iiutg llif <urai
‘>n*uth. kc 1 It *bould be u»etl eyet) i
nru*b. and the teeth and Month
wa*hm< ml the morning. "'Vet the hr.
water. «-r cold will antwer. and rub it.a
llii* pa»lr. when enough will adhere for »
teeth. It leavena deliciou» ia»te iu Ihejuwt
pan* a ino<td<-li|;liiruh'fjgraiice to the lire*
unnvallrd a* n’|i!ea*ant, efficacious, cont
<u!r drntnfk-e. It it warranted nol to liijl
i.iiito pit-.crvetlieiu.
1»>- u»ing it rejrularly. it will remove thi
prevent it* accumulation —prevent the
strengthen the gum*, mu! prevent all disea*
Chriruftt. ji«y«ietiiii*. and the elerry rerun.
dUrideilly -tiprnor m every thing of the ki
A«k for Sherman’* Compound Orri* Tooth
ol»crve In* t.gnature it attached to each pot
Reeoramemtrd by Dr. Cattle, dsl BroatT
our he*l DemiMt.-and by mo®! of the old
one* <n the United Inline*, and even *tec
hy the Nobility of Kngland'anil Krf*
A large proportion of tbe disease. t kataluit
ari*e from rotne derangement ol th* aiomaeho
which a Uroe!v u*e of the Cathttue Loxenn
entirely obviate. Permits nf bilicus habits ala
way* have a box at. hand, and take a uo*« wn.
they fed the least derangement in their health. J.
cioiit'ute of iho*e Uiengcs would prevent thousands
at \VM. JACKSON’S, corner of \yood*n&
Liberty str Jecg .-
J sUßleted with Dlieaiei of the Loaffi
—This ii to certify to those afflicted with the fini pr«-
monitory symptoms of Consumption, that I b«fO _
laboring for several year* with * bronchi, aoreaeaa of
the iltroat and hoarseness. 1 used many medicine*,
found no rctiei' in any preparation of medicine, omit l
REMEDY. 1 have been using this valuable medicine
for-eevrral year*, and nlw»)* find it lo relieve when
ever 1 male ure of it My occupation a* an Auction
eer. which keeps me almosiconsiniitlyengaged, cauaea
my disease, at time*, to become very alarming, when 1
at mice procure.ibis medicine. 1 therefore take plea* making ibis public statement, that other* affect*
ed with k disease of'tbe iut,g* and expectorant organa
««*>• know the virtues of this ‘’all healing,remedy,”
and may he eured. I have rreommettded Dr. Duncan’s
Exnectoraul Remedy no many of my friends, some of.
whom irwe’iheir live* to'lhis medicine
Somerset. Ohio, Oct. 13, IMS. JAMES HEW IT
The proprietor of-theuhove medicine would, also •
reter to the undersigned persons, win, reside In Perry
county, on whom any jwrson may eall upon and l»«
convince d that there ate virtues found in the above
me-liciiic that cannot he excelled ■ '
David Culhcrisvn.Soinrtsct; Dr. U. Slone, do; Fran
ce fioliber, Jackson ip; Mr. Larimer, do; Geo. Folbert,
Saltl-ek iti; Jerrod Davisen. Hopewell tp
more-tree', Cincinnati, Ohio. ; .
Sold in Pittsburgh by \VM. JACKSON,’BI Liberty;' •
head nl Wood stitto. _ - aplM&wT
.rr> day. for •
I *c:m c iiml d<
You. who«e teeth is foul and yellow— / . "
You, who-e kkiu is dark nnd sallow— /
' \ ou. whose hair i» harsh afld Wirry, i' <:
Hutiy,dmy red or fiery— / \
You, whose vile offensive lirenth f .I.
Unpleasant i» o* putrid droili— ‘ . ;
Vi.ii roaki have-boy. tnanoi girl— '
T«-oih o* white n.» snow or pearl. “ ••.. > i
Uremli a sp ey sweet, anil curticle
pure and white nnd rmooib and beautiful,
And hurl oft. silk V, dark a* »l«e,
|tv rrli.l.i'U irlmi i«'*Hid [below. - '
UKADUKS.iui) of you c.a)i luvetbe alove by (mind
ill.. M noth. Its but truth.) u-higall* biottleof Jbnea’a.Co—
iai llair Ke'*toixiivr—a Vj l«ox of Jones’s AreberTooth
I’lisii— and 4s cake of thi genuine Jones’s Italian
Chemical Soap. The uiticle* cost but little, and you
or,-n«urcd that the following are tbrir real qualities:
Tim tooth paste eiCvs. the breaih a j sweet odor, white
iceih.und pie«e»Vr's the tee(h, 4c.; The hair stuff all
k row to Ik* the most exquisite thing ever made fordres
-uig. hraiiutyirg. ami causing the growth of hair; and •
ibr *nap, (gel the genuine Jones's Soap,mind) will cars
nil eruptions freckles, Ac. and make dark yellow
white, cleat mid fmr, All these things-.are sold (only)
nl W JACKSON'S-, iloot and Shoe Store and Patent—
Vedicmc; Warehouse sfl Liberty st. _ tafl
CouianptlTe'i C»niolation<
Dot-* mcki.r»« weigh upon yourheßtt’
OrjiainnalllictyouT hrcusiT
Trv l>r. Duncan'* Hulling Art,
And it will tire you n’M. .
li Hoars away the roi«tv cloud _
Ili ca*r >pr»- id-«»V-« iV soul, .
All.l \vtu»u»<» t!it(i»gi» <!.•■ gloomy *hroud,
'•Your lii uiil. ii.») yet l-e 4hf>le. v •
cdeyohder rose of lovely hue!
TTi* withering with decay';
It scarcely »ip» the rooming dew.
Ucfur'e it fudr* away.
! he Worm of Death was in the Mem,
And strcngth-ned a» it grew— : ’
And when it Doomed, (a lovely ceuO
h .upped through and through. •
•I hat' Worn of Death might he defied,
If Dr. Duncan’s an were tried; -*
And many lovely damsel*aaved . •
The fate of an untimely' grore j .
Hycrttuore street. Cincinnati. Ohio; where hi* valnablo
medicine is sold. *1 •
Sold in Pin.l.mjh. t» " M JACtSUN, enre-i of
Wood and Liberty »«. " apVMfcwT
Jo Causes, Prevention and_t*urc of.OotnaniptiOß
Asthma, »ml Uisea*es of the Heart. On ibo Lawa
of Li>ngcTiUe_aml mode ot preserving inale and fe
male health! symmetry and beauty;exppsingcauses
and cure nr tl/ose dtseasia that prodece Conxump-'
tinu, or shorten AfieclionaoflheSkin,Spiß«,
Stomach, Bowels. Kidneys, Liver, Scfolola, Pike,
(iratel, and Female Complaints. Ita rules, easy,
prae'ical and pure, mrro a guide 10-poriect health
and long life. 28 Kngravuie*. 324 pMes. » cti.
p.istine" 9A cts By SAMUEL SHELDON
FIT(’ll, A. M., .1L D-, at7U7 BBOAD-WAY, NEW
VOBK. I. . • ' , W,.
Any person remitting Bfty;ccpU, tnw.^lHrerttre
niif- copy, by mail, lo any jfcrC' Tl»e trails *oppll
Ktb HJ, 1817-dtim. ■'M ■ ■
iiKnwiA, ott'iiuPTunß. 1
DK. BAIXiKK inromiM 81l perron* afflicted with thia
disire»*tiißfon»plainic«ba« having becoroe.the pw
cha»mof Ur. Hurlbuu’a patent “OppeHativeßetDedie*”
for it* wctirlug ,Tnii«e*, hc i»nowpiepa*
id to cure nil *ucha* m«y totftr in a very fear, day*
under tl>i* treatment. TUe : Patentee by'article of .
aercmetn • warrant* that the** remedie* when .tightly
applied. W.ll well and permarehijj; cure BesKtonlof
-10. «f old and young *■ thry may apply, th UO day* lime,
to ••uch ca*c.” Kelt being ejljomed. <1 articular* given •
on application m the numr-riber. ami certificate* of
rure*«li.»wn. OiDce. Ur; I P Uall'a Drug Store, Smith*
fie'd ritti t. rear Liberty. 1 ‘ , ’ . ‘
For .ale the right of me in the following touniic*,
vil Beaver, VV nrhincton.: Urceiwv W‘i Semerret,
irambrni. Huiimpdm- Indiaus, Clearfield, Armstrong,
Pirtier, U nion; Centre, and Ikdfoul
tr>-Attention given mall cn«e«of direaw.^fl
ni)iSdU\v* : _ I
I IBoCurel So »»ayt piles! Pllsa! -
]\ll Jack»oir*» I-4nl>rr.eaiion i* the only medicine that
} will cure Uti* *o vriyiommon and troublesome
didcr«**>. If not Wily immediately u)l»y»pam and iulta*
miliion »t"P' all bleeding.subdue* that intolciaUle Iteh
nti l*ui rtlrciuallv cure*, m a very abort time peraona
wiii*e live* have been tendered miserable for year*.—
iJgpppcation produce* no pain, hut lather an screes* n:,.! p!ra*ant *en*ation. If perron* afflicted vriil
■ all heat of the great number of case* that have
(*«-*•!« ru'ed. ib«*.y wnl be »»loin»be<K .• A gentleman of
l >|.U city, who ln»d been under the knife of, the totgeou
...| twiibr tine: time* without being cured,baa bys*-
! i,l.diilr.of the Kmbmeatum beener.ulically eured.
i ItVolti. beyond precedent!’—U'lul. Saturday Courier.
(XJ- For *:>!e m Pittsburgh at the PKtCIN TKA
S t ttl! F„ 7‘J Fourth «tref l. neur al*o at the
i Drue Mote of H F Scbwunz I\drrtil *t Allegheny Cl*
• t»- • aptffdAw
No Cure, No I'ayl .
th. Jrirku,!*' f’i/o £»i6rocorws Jftttr Ftil*!
rjtHKKK are few. tlikeuci more common or trod*
ft bltsuntc than tin; I’ilc*, and yet, notwilhilaod*
ini' ureal L-linrU h-ttc been tuado to cure by the use
~l electuaries, liniment*, dee., all were (utile
little b*M>ebl. Now the KmbroeaUcw lithe
only iiicilii me used. A |*r»«n Wbahn* been suffers
wit 1 ! the IMiißi.f Uie wunt kmdca*ue from bt
l«*m. New Jersey, almost on purpose to cipres* h**—
ji »\iiiude lor the speedy cure that thin medicine bad
cller.trd sn his ra c.—rhila. bat. J'osi. •
f£J’K«>r sale in IMtsburch at the PEKLN TM
S'i\)K!'., 71 fourth ut .-and also al the Dreg store
| 1! V SchwarU, KeJeral »t. Allegheny City.
[ iidiinr
:| 1 nml
i K r. 3-
i ml l.»f
■\ I T HOMK me;*mteA*e;»n «-<jual ycota. Look *\ \ <wt
W fair vour*, w.rh berbf*hl «unny face! ; Look .
. ui r otv.i! Ituiril with eruption* and Llotcbra! iel
* ',j Molmi-an to Rive fifty Crnl? for a ftakeot the
rfrat lml«« Cl»"» cjl *>ap. wheel, would entirely ff« .
?on from rliriw. »<’d make your ycl.ow *km clrar sad .
i ”aiuT «•»»«*»««»*»«.» L^fl y M.
1 F J«A'~r>ti> i* ttip only place in IMiutmriWlrhere
ilip fiKSUINK-ralobti obtained. Beware of Counter. •
Bir Boot atanda in the doorway. v
meb3 _ -. j :
TAYNB’B HAIR TONlC—Wneonunend to tbe.
«l attention of them' dr.riroua of rettocing tboif EmTr or
i iiKiipiviny n» beauty, to thi* elegant pteparatwn W*
brant cmv where buhty rpokennf, »mle«pec«Uf hf.
ati tho*e wlio bare maria «*»• ot it, «u greatly efbeacioM
in Htiiuulatiitß ih-* growth-of tl»n b»it, aau prrrrntun
tt'id curint many affection* of th- ‘kin It* Vinaca ar«.
T> Fourth Mreet, near »VpoJ. and al*o at ifcc Drag atoro •
uf II I’ Schwaru, Federal at, Alleebcay City. loydO
IA VNE’rf HAIR TOXlC*—Afi«r 5 mar thla article a b*‘
J trial we unhewUiinriv pronounce it loha what it prwfca
r .-,hrb«.t article, without any ticepUoo, ia wa fortha
realontM* and peewnatioa of dtt krma hair- ' V
of-uuotroo* inrtance* where hair hu beam colored to
Hliirh haeaheeu baW lor yean; mad «• think wacammed* •
rrt-a(<r C»»i>r tliaa to recutnmtnd to all our reader* who M ] •
* r.rtini thrir hair, to make a trial ofl h h Tooie Immediate 1j
1 D-i*>ou Mail. _ , _ _ _
Kor rale to PitUbonfh at the Frakm Tea Store. Wit 7 )
y urtlirtrret,iie*r Wood •***ddw*.T