The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 22, 1847, Image 4

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    ' MEDICAL. • ’
.. theruel medicines.
CONSISTING of his Prophylactic Syrtp.a cer
uio rcmedylorall CoirsvarriTe and Serofu*
lon* affection*} Cough Syrup, Croup Syrup,;Con
ecatnled extract of Sarsaparilla, dectdedly
superior to all other ex tracts, haviog giwo reliei
wnenall others bate failed, being through * new
proeearmore concentrated (has ant other ever
offered to the public. ASTHMATIC KLIXIR
having effected permanent care* ol that
disease, when ol more than I*? year*
hence it stands without a rival in that ca u
ai Dnßooi'. LINIMENT, l' * l '
. Js substitute for blisters.
YB. TOV^ ,IX T UttK ’ 8U . iQfallibb
fop/hit „ _„P-icver*, and indeed is more or a
’kiwi. U.« bun or Qoi-
““JTICok’, incomparable vermifiiuk,
known, is used in preference to any other
Vermifuge preparation. I
Dr.tto*o r i TONIC ANT -DISPKI’TIC, lor all
diseases of the Stomach anil bowels, Cholera in
fections; dec Too high an (encomium cannot be
pained on.the merits-ol this medicine, iu cure ol
Drspepaia, sad ail diseases that result from-weak
nets of atomichor bad digettion.
Dr. Rose’s KK'IAI.E 1 l)8,s moat valuable
jemedy (or those general complaints to which fe
males are subject.
No pill over before olferel the public so happHy
combine* the qualities ol a rajuaole an
antl-dispeptie, LIVER or Lmmachie pill, correct
ing those diseases, and thereby preventing con
sumption. A young LadyiS yean of age, having
• diseased liver toreotno Luc, her strength pros
trated and appetite gone, wis completely restored
in six weeks by the use ol ho Anti-iJispcplic mix
ture and these pills alone.
akncMnltbc back,tide,
breast, dte. .
:*1 LEI’S Y,the most ccr
of fits or convulaiona,
. So certain a specific
tease that tbe most ob*
3 of long standing, have
lain remedy for all 'caac;
wbetberin infanta or aduii
ia it lor thia formidable di
atinate eases, and those to
yielded at once.
• pr. Rom's RHEUMATIC
year* of diligent research t!
ered, and its never failing el
above all other* lor the cure
MIXTURE—After many
.« compound wudiaco?-
icacy place* it* efficiency
of Rheumatism.
Dr. Rose’* ASTKJNUKh
remedy for spitting blood,
blood whether fromLang*,!
dr. Rom’s SYRUP Cor CbLer« and Dowel complaints 1
—Tbismixiurc will effectually cure bowel complaint*,
DyseOlcrjr,Cholera Morbus, aud Cholera. At the time |
tbs Aatatte Cholera vu raging m Philadelphia it »» 1
foahd to be themost successful tn arresting it, curing
nine tenth* of all those wh> used ;u
What may be said of one of these remedies may bv
laid of all; their value -wilt only be appreciated be
those who try them. Letter* from those who have been
cured of the various maladies that affiict the human
body might be given, hurwe are witling to rest the
matter on the merit* of the compounds. We have a
panacea for Scrofula, in its vanou* forme,so condensed
and efficacious that ill henliug powerha* astonished
many. A caseof Cancer,occurring in the wife of thr
Ul'iOovcmoT of Delaware, was completely eured in a
few months The cancer had been twice cut out by
prominent burgeon*, and renewed itself with increased
malignity, yet notwithstanding the debility of Constitu
tion and removal of the sort pans, the u*o of tfie Pro
phylaciic completely removed every vestige of the
T COMPOUND, a certain
indeed for diachurge* of
DwrU or other pam of tbe
Cate* innumerable ofihr various eare*.that have
fallowed tbn use of there remedies arei" onrposses
sion, bat it is not denned cccensajy to enumerate them
as the use of. them will recommend them to all. '
J. 9CHOONMAKKR. A Co.. No “I Wood Street
Agent* forPitishurih mgBHK
Ctnannati. O , March -id; ISfT. {
Dear Sir:—Thu u loeertify to the public, particularly u» j
those afflictrd vrrtlt a dims* of tlie Long*, or Coaiumptiou, *
that In the Spring of IS-43 I War attacked with a aererc eold ]
which «A4J bream* aralcd upon my lung*, showing all the <
•japtomsoi aa approaching Consumption My cough w»* j
tight and trcublesom*, attended with copious night sweats; I
•pit up daily a eoauderaMr quantity of Mood, mixed with |
thick dark matter My aituation became serious and alarm
ing During this time I wa« attended by two of oar sutt
■kilful Physicians; Utejr did the beat they could lor me, wnen
at length they gate up all hopes of my recovery, informing
me that nothing more could be done— that my lung* were Cs
tally diseased, and beyond remedy 1 wai then persuaded by
a friend of mine to make a trial of lit. Duncan'! ExptfUi
ronl.Krtnejfy. which my Physicians persisted against, nying
that this medicine would do no good, and would still add
more to my suffering. 1 told them it was my last and uul)
hope, and that if I must die of the disease, (which was evi
dent to me,) there would be nothing lost. So I sent in the
Cincinnati Office and obtained 5 bottles of this truly Valua
ble Medicine, and commenced using according to the direr
tiedu, which, instead of adding to my suffering, immediately
gave me relief, at oucr arresting the troublesome Cough
rasing the pain and tightness id my Chest; giving me a new
tile and strength, which soon enabled me to be "about sjun
Tbit mediein* continued its pod work, which it *o nobly
otnatnceil, until 1 was made a sound man. I hast since been to my business,-(upwards of 3 years) and fret at
healthy at 1 wish 1 lute rrcumuirndcd Dr. Duncan’s Ex
pectorant Remedy in many instances to those similarly alflicted
and it has always proved successful so far as 1 have witnessed
its effect a My sister is using lias medicine at present, fur a
Diuoial Liver and an Affection t>f (As Lungs], which ibr
had suffered with for some lime; she lias nearly recovered
by. the use of thu’mcdicinc, and 1 am confident the C bodies
that I take with me to-day will entirely core her. lam sorry
to know that there are thousands of valuable person* wasting
away with this dreadful destroyer—CONSUMPTION
Were it only possible for llune to procure this medicine m
lime, before it be 100 late, many li\r* might be prolonged and
. their families and relations again rendered happy. Thir
medicine will ghjl instant relief, and at the same time uni
the hard and painful Cough, remote the lightness in the Chest
give strength to the enfeebled and emaciated frame, and in
most cases, lam certain, will perform a neifect cure. ' f
" Montgomery, HamiUoo County, Ohio .
N D.—Thus* wins may not be acquainted with me 1 refer
to the undersigned citizens of Montgomery, Hamilton coun
ty, o.,they wulat any time subslantiste the above state meats
NotMaa Bxowwctx,
Carr JpSagata..
street, where this valuable Median* can always be obtained
Sold in Pittsburgh, by WM- JACKSON, comer ol
Wood and Liberty at*. aprH-dAw_
PILLS, fof,tbe cure of Liver Complaint, and
all diseases anting from the Liver. In tick head*
ache, and at a purgative and Anlivßiltoua Pill, *ur
patted by none.
iaflamation ol tlie Liver, when not Uie consequence
ol an acute attack of tbs disease, begins generall)
with symptoms of> functional disorder of the dige*
live and biliary orgatu, and dyspepsia frequently
aeemt to be the only affection present. Thh patient
Complainrof irregular appetite and impaired powers
of digestion, acidity, flatulence, slight cholic-pains,
occasional nausea and vomiting, and a flight dull
pain and weight are *ell in the right side, accompa
nied in tome cases with a dragging pain In the right
shoulder. Mott commonly, however, no distinct
piio It experienced in the region ol the Liver,
except when firm pressure is made on this part.—
The bowels ore always very irregular, cottiveneta
being eemmon in tome instances with diarrhoea, me
ditehtrgea -scanty, dark colored, offensive, slimy,
greenish or muddy. Oneol the most and
characteristic symptoms of. Chronic Liver Com
plaint it a dry, harsh, constricted-state of trie skin,
a short dry cough, with slight difficulty in breathing 4
it a frequent attendant bb this disease. Inthe
chronic at in the scute furm orthit disease,jthe pa
tient can seldom rest as easy on the left aw on the
right side. At the disease advances, slight fever*
come otf towards evening, attended with a burning
heat m the palms of the hands and soles of the feet;
the nights are restless, and worn lhe( inflammation
terminates in suppuration, hectic and rapid emacias
,tion consume the vital powers. 1
Manufactured and sold wholesale and retail hj
JOHN D. MORGAN, Dioggist,
inebSl Wood street, Pittsburgh. _
INGS.—Seroiulv in ail it* multiplied form*,
whether in that of King's Evil, enlargement* 0 the
Hands or bones, Goitre, White Swellings. Cr.ron-.t
Rheumatism, Canter, diseases of the Skio or Spine,
or of Pdlmonary Consumption, emanate from one
and the same cause, which is a poisonou. pnocip e
more or less inherent in the human system, a htrp
fore, unless this principle can J»e destroyed, no radi
calcure can be effected, bet if the principle upoo
which the disease depends, is removed, a cure
must or uecesaity follow, no matter uDder what lorm
the disease should manifest itself. This, therefore
it the reason why JaYße's Ai.tkrative is so urn
versally succcsslol in removing so many malignant
diseases. It destroys the virus or principle from
wtaiei those diseases have theirorigm,by entering
into the circulation, and witli the blood is conveyed
to the minutest fibre, removing every p-rticle of
disease from the system. Prepared and sold at No.
8 South Third Street, Fhiiidelphia.
Sold at the Pekin 'Pea Store, No. 74 Fourth street
Pittsburgh. t° c h3i.
[From uie Spirit of the Tiiuc* |
A gentleman of Scrofulous habits..from indisrreiion
m hi* younger day* became affected.with Ulceration*
of the Throat and No<e, and a disagreeable and trou
blesome eruption of the Skin. Indeed, hi* whole *ys
icm bore the mark* of Wing saturated with di-ra*« -
One hand and wri*l were *0 much affected itisi lie hsd
lost the u*e of the hifttd, every part being covered wi>h
deep, painful; and offensive Ulcer*. and were as hot
■ low and porou) ns s honey-.omb li wa* at tbn *iagr
of his.complamt.when dratli appealed inevitable, irom
a loathsome disease, that hr commenced the ere of
JAYNE'S ALTERNATIVE and having taken six
teen boiUes.i* now perfectly cuced.
—Thu ALTERNATIVE operate* through the cireals
r£n7 and purifies the HlooJ an.l diseases
from the system. wherever k«i«l, and the nume.ou*
cure* it h»* performed m diresre* of hkm, Caucer.
Scrofula,Goiiru, Liver, Dy»pep*.a,and oilier
Chronic diseases, i» truly n *' o, ‘’; b I '’" J 4lh
For sale m Pittsburgh at the I ekm rea- lore. .X <i»*
sheet, neai wood.aud al»o nl the Drug • l ire
Schwartz. Alleghenynty
“ 'Dr. licLane'i Worm Sperlfle
rnWB is to certify that, -.akimf one vial or jtaetor
1 McLane’s Worm Specific, u child of Jiune* -haw "
na»«ed upward* of 7ti worm*. *«d J.y the are of **td
1 medicine a'chihl of iny own passed H laiye worn-*.
It it |roly the mo»t surprising worm medicine l ever
,«». I moat have l—o .Dole (? , LMORK
« Wilk'int.Towrfhip
For **!e by 3 KIDD A Co, No CO Wood street. Put*
lurch. . mcli.u
roirK'8 1 aoßNOink Italian chemical
J SOAP,for lotiemng the Skin, eradicating Pimple*
and all Ktuplioos for healing chapped bandsor cracked
S«u, f» r ditpellin* freckle*, tan. aonburn and bloicbed
akin, and producing a fint. bcal'by. youibtule.c*rn-a».
p. M 371 cent* tier cake. The genuine article for
. B \ A Co
«P?» cor »*« and joyUj*and • _
TAYNE*S HAIR TONlC.—After ptioc Uii* artiel. a I*l
J Ui*l w* oahwiauiiglv proooanc* it She »h*t it
L. ii.. article, withoutaay encpikOß, » u»e, lurlh*
mtoratioo and prvtemtion of Iwt henaa hair. We know
of amwroii* inrUoce* where hair ha* been. rc*i°r*d to Iwad*
we tkink V“ b# l 14,#
r*Mt*c faror than to recoonwnd to all our render* who ar
■ ggfirtlr hahvfo make | Inal of thi* Ttticfanwdtauly
"‘KT.StaJwLw. « H.« T» SW »• ™
•ggs c r^ssi^ JCTED
aRE NL r S« ERY -
Vh?ssS?«rf HreMt. Palp.tat'on if the
11 Throat, Nervosn Debility, and all
of the Throat Br< astatic
lamp; the most effectual and
speedy eure ever known for
mayof above diaea»*»,
AnoTHEtt LlTiac wiT*E*«.--Read with salon
iahment the wonderful core performed by Ooctor
Swsyne’a Compound S»nip of WILD Ctfy.KKY:
I'KiLsurLPHts, January
Dr. Swayne—Dear Sir: In juatice to yourself and
a doty i owe lo suffering humanity,! cheerfully
give tny to*timony, ana'declare to the world the
moaV astonishing effect*, nod tbe great core your
Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry performed onase,
under ine most unfavorable circumstance*. 1 was
ttkrn with a violent Cough, Spilling of Blood, *e
sere Pa'D* in the Side and Breast, which seemed
to breakdown and enfeeble. uy constitution,tutbai
my phy»icun thought my ease boyond the power of
medicine, and my fnendsall gave me up lo die; but
thanks to you and the effect* ol your great diacore
ry. I now feel mytell a well man, and raised from a
mere skeleton to as fleshy and healthy a man as I
have been for year*, aud suall be pleased lo give any
information ictpocling my erne, by calling at my
residence, Mechanic *(reet,tbird door below George
street, Northern Liberties. Jacob Paixteii.
Testimony it nuw received from all quarters oj
the Globe.
The following letters are presented with a view
; 0 f more fully allowing the opinion* of Pby*icians in
relation to the Medical value of Df. Sw A YNE’5<
Dr. Swayne—Dear Sir: Having ujpcd your Coro*
pound Syrup of Wild Cherry extensively m my
practice,‘l was requested by youri Agent, Doctor
Crutcher to espreis iny opinion in writing of its
properties as a remedial rtgenl, I iiosl cbecrtully
comply, as 1 Teel by 10 dying, 1 wilt discharge a
debt 1 owe the community at large,;and Physician*
in particular. A* much as 1 detest Quack Rerae
dies and Psteul Nostrums, I was induced from
a failure of the most potent expectorants, recom
mended in our raaicna medlta in some' cases ol
Diseased Lungs, to try your preparation ol Primus
Virginia or Wild Cherry. 11 is sufficient to ssy that
| was so much pleased with the result of that and
subsequent trials, that I now prescribe it in prefer
ence to alt other Remedies where an expectorant is
indicated. In the much dreaded Pneumonia or
Disease of the Loags, in ihealsrmingtorm in which
it appear* in‘Kentucky, I regard it as an invaluable
Remedy in Iho treatment ol that disease. To all
who know roe I base raid enough, but as this may
be aoen by persons out of the vicinity of Frankfort,
I will briefly add, that I hate beenjergaged in an
: ac tivQ practice ol my profession ol I. am
a Regular Graduate of Transylvania, and this is the
first Patent Medicine 1 ever thought enough ol to
express an opinion in writing.
J. H. Klusos, M. D.
January 7lh. 18-17. Franklin County, Ky.
Fuarkkokt, Ky., Jau'ry,7tli, 1847.
The above certificate is l*om one of our Physi
cians living a few miles from here, he is doing g very
good practice, and is considered a good Physician,
and stands fair, he is, as ho says, a regulargraduale.
Dr. tv. L. Crutcher, ,
Druggist and Apothecary'.
Tatimoniab will never eta»e.
From the Temperance Pledge.
Now that Winter is upon us with its altendau
train of Pulnwuic and Bronchial afleeiions.Coughs
Colds, &c Ate ,wc would advise those alßictcu n<
this way to make immediate trial of Dr. Swayne's
Compound Syrup ol Wild Cherry. It will never
tail to perf< rm a permanent cure. The reputation
of this medicine bas caused many spurious articles
to be put forth under its name; but the preparation
of Dr. Swayne, besides being Ibe first ever ottered
to the public, is the only one that can be relied on.
The other mialurcs sold lor Wild Chertr Syrup,
Balaams, Alc., arc all spurious and woc|£m*. anu
contain none ot the virtues nf the ongiiSJrSpsra*
lion,' Pr. Swayne’* Compound Syrapot Wild
From the Springfield Gzpreu.
Of Uie thousands of purported curative ooitnii
now before the public, bat very few ore found
possess the healing virtue* lor which they are •
commended. Among the latter we are pleased .
learn none stand a belter tot Ilian Dr. »wavn
Compound Syrup ut Wild Cherry. The affiicted
in this vicinity are beginning to use it. and lb their
jo) they find in its u«o their hopes based upon its
recommendations more than realised. The afflicted
need not despair. While tbere is lile, there now is
(O'Sincotbe introduction of my article to the
public, there have a number of unprincipled indi
vidual* gut up nostrathi which they assert contain
Wild Cherry, some are called “Balsams,” “Bitters,'
and even byrupof Wild Cherry, but mine it the
original and only genuine preparation evtr introdu
cco to the public, which cao be proven hy the pub*
lie Records of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania „
The only safeguard against imposition is to see that
my sig.iaturj: is on each bottle.
i DR. 11. SWAYNK.
Prepared only by Dr. H. SwaVltc, at bis Prih'ci
ral Office, corner of Eight and Race' Streets,
'hiladelpbia. AH Wild Cherry preparations being
fictitious and counterfeit without bis signature,
Pur sain in Pittsburgh wholesale and retail by
WM. THORN,33 Market street;
OGDEN SMOiVDKN,‘comer ‘Jnd Jc Wood *ts.
S. JONES. ISO Liberty street.
‘Wild also by J Mitchell. ”'~heny City; Boyd,
Cams Ji Co., Butler; Wea* < lienderabo, Mer
cer. Norman Calendar. M« .... >; J H Burton &
Co., Eric; M’Kencie& Kashcil, Cleveland; Denis
A* Son, Columbus; Miller, Brownsville; M&ith.
Wheeling. Va ; E B Hinman, Cincinnati, Ohio; Dr
£ Easterly At Co., St. Louis; J S Moms ic Co.,
Louisville, Gy.; Andrew Oliver At Co,, New Or
leans. __ a*rs
IS dow universally acknowledged U> be Hhc IN'
FALLIBLE REMEDY Tor Kbeumaliim, Sp:
nal Affection*, Contractions of ihe Mmerea, Son
Throat and Quinsy, Issues,Old Ulcer*,Pains in tin
Hack and Cbeft, Ague is the Urcaat and Face
Tooth Ache, Sprain*, Bruises, Salt Rheum, Burn*
Croup, Frosted Feet and all Nervous Disease*.
tended the application of this most WONDERFUL
MEDICINE in curing the most severe case* of the
different Ihsca-es shove named,—and the HIGH
ENCOMIUMS that have been bestowed upon it,
wherever it ha* been introduced, gives me the right
to call on the AFFLIC TED to resort at once to
ON.- 1 L
OTThe faculty unite in rceomuepdingthe cele
aled External Remedy, Hunt’s LiflimenL
'Fbe following letter from tho highly eminerl
t’bysjcuns wbo have been atlacbcd to the Mount
Pleasant State Prison for many years, is the best
evidence of the value of this celebrated Liniment.
Smo Sing, December 46.1845.
My Dear Sir—l received your note yesterday,
asking my opinion in relation to Hint's Liniment,
as prepared by Mr George E Stanton. Knowing
its composition, and baring frequently used it. I
can recommend it to you as a sale External Reme
dy, and in my opinion, the best Liniment now in
u«e Very truly and respectfully yours, ‘
{'ol Pierre Van Cortlandt. Groton Manor,
i fully concur in the above opinion.
Yohktown, Jan. 14, 1845.
Sir In reply to your letter, 1 v odd say that t
have used yoar External Remedy called Hunt's
Liniment, in my practice since yo 1 made me- ac
qiiainted with its composition, and unhesitatingly
say .that I believe it to be the best 1 Uternal Heme
dy / now in use lor (tie complaints C« • which you re
commend il. Yours respectfully,
<*e«» K Stanton, Esq. .
From ,lhe N V Sun]
(Tj*AmOQg the maxs of worthless articles and
bambuga that are poured forth at tie present day
upon the country, it is'reaily relreshing to find
•ometlungof real practical utility, something aim
pie, speedy and effectual in its operation, and :t
the same timo iree from those 1 ijorious eflects
which generally attend powerful r« tnedies. Hunt’s
Liniment,, prepared by Geo. E sjtanton, of ‘ Sing
Sing, though it has been but a shirt time before
: the publicLbisalready obtained the confidence,not
only of oup most we«llhy snd-inll lential citizens,
but onr most eminent physicians All acknow).
edge it to be a sovereign balm for nany of the ills
that flesh is heir to, soothing theaibing limb, and
by its genuine stimulating influent }, banishing dis
ease from the system.
Mr. Stanton—Bir—S cingyou- advertisement
oniunt's Uniment, I was induced to try its eflects
00 my son. wbo bad been crippled with a lame
pack from an infant; and it is with gratitude I bear
testimony to its wonderful healing properties. My
child, who is now five yearsofsge, is now in a fair
way of recovery, Youre,
Post ks, I’utnimCo.
I certify that I am pcrsonillv acquaiatid with
the above oatned child, and think the father would
be sale in saying that bis son is almost well.
Nov 5, 1845. Deputy Post Master,
t*. S. I would also state that I nave been for a
number of yearssubject to frequent attacks ol the
Kbcunivism. which in many instances prevented
my attending to my business. Two or three appli
cations of the Liniment invariably remove all al
fediont of the kind. In cases ol bruises, sprains
and sores, too numerous to mention, it has in this
vicinity proved a certain reroedv. its-value can
only be estimated by those who have given it a fair
This Liniment is sold af 25 and 50 cents per bot
tle, by all the Principal Druggists and Merchants
throughout the country.
Whalaale Agents in New York*
HOADLEY, PHELPS Sc Co, 144 Water
A 0 SANDS, corner Fulton and William:
ASPINWALL, 86 William street.
Orders addressed tn me al Sing Siag, N Y, win
be attended to. GEORGE K STANTON,
For sale in Pittsburgh by L WILCOX, Jr, and J
KIDD Sc Co. Allegheny City, JOHN SARGENT
Birmingham,JOHN SMITH. febUJ
This medicine is tut taking the place ol every
preparation heretofore used for diseases arising
from Weakness or other causes.. Alllfiali* ncccs.
tary to secure thts medicine a place in the Domes*
tic Practice or every family, when such t medicine
is needed, is 1 trial.
It speaks for itscll—ts innocent tn its operation,
and no iniury can arise from its use al sny time.
WholeoJeand Retail by- ROWAND L, WAL.
TON, Proprietoni's?6 Market Street, Philad’a.
For sale in Pittsburgh by R E Seilers, 5? Wood
Wm. Tharn.s2 Market at. ocSdW T
neatly dyeing Light Red or Gray Hair n Dark
Brown or black color, without d/elng o* injuring the
■kin.-Sold wilh fdU directions Price 00 cents, orffl
* by WM. JACKSON, »l bis Patent Medicine
Warehouse, 9 Libetry street, hesd of Wood, at the
sigo of the Biff Boot J s ®
RIDGE ROAD, *bo»e Botßrewood Street. Pml- ,
aderphia. -At ibi* establishment mny be found ;
tbeureaieut variety of Plans and beautiful Pattern
for IRON RAILINGS in Urn. UmUd sufc», iu
which the aUetPion ol those in want of any descrip
tion,and especially for Cemeteries, u particularly
T ho principal part «l all the handsome ftailuigi
at Las el Hill,: Monument, and other celebrated
Cemeteries in the city and county of Philadelphia,
which have been so highly extolled by the public
bre*s, were executed at inis manufactory.
A large WarcsKoomit connected with the estab
lishment, where is kept constantly /On hand a Urge
stock of ready-made Iron Railings. Ornament*! Inn
Settee*. Iron Chairs, new style plain ornamen
tal iron Cates, with an extensive assortment of Iroa
posts. Pedestals, Iron Arbors. Ate: Al«o, m great
variety, Wrought and Cast I ronOroauirnts, suitable
for Railings, and other purpose*.
The suoscrifier would also stite that in his I at
tern and Designing Department ha* employed
some of ihe best talent io the country .whose whole
attention is cevnted to the business —forming alto
gether one of the roost complete aud sj Hematic e* •
tablithments of the kind in the Union.
ROBERT WOOD, Proprietor.
Ridge Road, above Buttonwood street.
Philadelphia, March li. isn ofimos _
Gold Lever*, full Jewelled, J*
Silver do do r! ~
Gold Lepiner, Jewellrd, 30 w
Silver do do I 3 w*
Silver Quartier*. fine qu&iiiy. 10 to
Gold Wmrhes. plain, 15
Silver Speciacle#, * '*'
i Gold Pencil*. “ *s*
; Gold Bracelet*, ~/ ,W 1 ~
Alvo onband. a large assortment of Gold ami Haji, huger ring*, brta*t |MU*.houp rui ring*, gold
‘ pen*, silver *llooo*. sugar tons*. Humble*, gold nerx.
r curb and fob chain*, guard key* and Jewelry of cvrr>
r descnpKou, at equally low price*. AH I want 1* a call
lo convince customer*. •• -
All kind* of Waii-be* aud Clocks repaired and war*
ranted to keep good time for one year, old gold and uW
»er l>ought or taken in exchange-
F0r..... c„Mlay -„d .h.rrF^mjr^r-.^CTjj-k-,,.. •
Watch, Clock, and Jewelry f*tore. No 413( M»rke
stnet.uOove Eleventh, North »i«le. Philadelphia.
H 7 1 have some Gold and Silver Lever* «ttll cheaper
than the above latflj <»rn
steam hammer.
t pms Hammer possesses tuny udvaniigrsoTer mil
X others—among which may 1-e mentioned,
|u Manageablene*.*—Therspidaity amt forccof blow
may be controlled with the greatest case, vrlule ihr
bauimei t* m operation, and the hamrier nmv be m
suntly arrested, and suspended at any height
It* Universality, or capacity to execute work ol all
kinds, Horn the largest 10 the smallest, mder ihe same
hammer ,
It» Simplicity, Compnctnew and Cheapness
lt« Accessibility ujioirall sides, b. the workmen
AII the hammers are made tfelt-Acting.,
The subscribers continue to execute ordrrs lor thev
hammer*. of all sizes, upon reasonable terms
For timber particulars. Impure of
Assignees of the Patent forthc United hiui>-».
declS-ly Southwark Foundry, Pmlau *•
KK t iviiL H.K It, "lUaUrt m Jtla*J
j tal [nttnnrunß, I‘JO H'ainul itrttl, Pkiiadtiyh «a
*»e jn*l published,—Friemisbip: orScctir*oi otbrr
day* may Fade.
Le Petite l>an»eu*e* Virnnoi*e*, by It kert/
Fal.e Knead,,VV V Wallace
Pa* de Fleur, Mareizek. j
UlenJalougli, \V J lim»n. !
Buena Vi*ta March. ‘
Rudolph Polka, C F Rudulph.
Ravel do M Keller.
Gcn.Tuylor’* March aftd Quick s»ie|i, &*• A*'-
They are eoitManily puhlithinft and receiving A" >"*
new Biuiic from New ork. Do«ion, Huliirnore. Ac
Order* reipectfully tokened, attended te with
PU Afwa*r« : on hand, all kind, of Mo*iral!n«irumt it*.
Violin Strioß*, Tuuinß Fork*, and all wucle* of .-Ju* l *
cal Metrbamlirc. at the lowcii pnera luyMim
Manufacturer* of
wagon covers and grain bags
No. 3H4 Sonth Front Street*,
Rack of T. A. WU^n’a Cabinet Ware Manufy
ALL order* left wiih S. S. Moon, ai ihc oflic* oflbe
Merchant’* Hotel, Pittsburgh, will t*> promptly
attended to. Till*. G. UKRII)
neplO-dly __ A. L. NICKERSON
PIPORTERof Wmchr*. Watchmaker'* Tool’, and
Watch Material*, wtmie.mlp and retail, and con
stantly on liand-a large BMorimr.ntof Lunei'e, Patent,
and Plain Gia«s. Mainspring* | Verge*. Dial*, Wateh
Hand*, and a complete a*H>rtrat}M,of all Tool* and Ma
terml* belonging to the trade; tpitli a large aiKmmrul
of Gold and Silver l.ever, Lcpinc.lnnd Plain Waichc.
all oCvhich be will ffuaratff loWfl at the lowest New
' All order* from ibe country punctually
executed. '
N. B—Country Merchant* and other* are Invited u»
c a|| and examine ai tbe'Oid Stand, No. .1} South Fourth
•tteeL Philadelphia; jant» dm
•TRBy H.inXESS SLSKEiI, VWI * •l.r.nut >l, :
PhitiuJttpkia, lute of the firo of Ogle S;
Walsaa. respectfully informs Lu friends
the public, that b* has sad will-keep
egoiiyiljj on huil nod for itk, a hinlMDit assortment of
aihiooable Carriages V thiejes of *ll styles aud descriptions
made lo order at tlie shortest possibte notice, and esreuted in
the *trj beat manner, of selected material. febil-lj
I R Bmttb \V f Dagnley W 11 Woodward
SSHTfI, DAQALET dfc CO., wholesale deal
er* in Groceries. Teat, Indigoi Ac . Xo&U Market
,trrr!. Ixlow Sixth. No'ib ride, Ph'tn.ielfihm t tel
GALLERY, Third sircm. adjoining PoatOffice. Pitts
burgh. I'*.—M* PORTER (from Baltimore) re.
spectfully id vile* the Indio and gentlemen of Piitsb’gb,
and lbs public generally, lo call and examine the large
collection of Daaurrreol pc Parti ait* at In* Gallery.
The *prcim'-n» produced by Mr. P., for beauty, bnlliau
cy, distinctness, and Ipne of coloring are not .urpastrd
by any in tin* tommy A iiumbir of the Portrait* of
Citizens <an be seen Hi the Gutter) ■ ('all and examine
for yourselves. Likenesses taken in clear or cloudy
u._-Instructions appara’u* and all mairnal* fur
nished. Terms moderate W S PDRTKR
Dagxierreotypisi, entrance Philo Hall Smiucay. on 3d
street. «djoininsJ*o»l fHßee. _ V .
A inrrW. Ch
Summrr 81 LZ v,
and primed
.printed and emb
IJonnef Rihl>on*, Bonnrt Silk* snd Flower*. chra|iri v
than ever Mitlinrr«*Uupplird a* u*uul nt wt olrsale
pnee* eplS W H GARRARD
\TOTICE— Appin otion In* t.eeii made {or Uie re
i\ newal of On.hcaie No tW, dated January I'U
I Mi, for thiriy-vix *hsrr* of the espiial stock or the
eompany forcreeting 1 Uridg* overthr Kivcr ilonoit
gabela, opposite which *aiJ «Vnificaie h*r
been desirored by fire or lo*t
canal Jackets telegraph a. swallow
LEAVE Braver dmly ol U o'clock, r M.. after the
arrival of the steamboat OKA VER from Pitt<l>urgn,
and arrive at Warren uext rooruing in season foi ibe
Siege* which retch Cleveland Iwfoie nighl ,
Passenger* will be receipted ihnugh,securing
on the Packet*, and *e*t* in Uie Stage, op appiirti nn
on board sieamboat Ue«v«- r. UenvH.i; Pnt*b«rgh «i ?i
o’clock. * H.lor 10 the agrnt*-.
(i,M HARTON A Co, Pnishiirvl.
CI.ARKF.A Co. Braver
JESSE BALDWIN, koung*to»-n
apir. M U TAYLOR. Warren
r plll-'srrate«tßn4i beat variety bveroffered mill 'r
1 before—made on thr moil approved Ka»teni pi >" • -
and o»o»i farhionable Kaiiem pattern* and roior*. f •»>
or made 10 order of all *iies. and «i all price*.
Country MrreHanli and other* are invited to call -<>i!
examine the above for ibem*elve«. a* all will be »i>i«l
wboieiale nr retail, and a liberal deduction made to
wholetale purrliaaera.
T* Primers.
JUST Received and f.»r t.*o
from the Foundry of o<r>. Ui-.ce
h. Co , New York, the lo'-lo* .hr
font* of Type:
aU'J lb* ltour«roi».
J7t ll.* Minion Title.
•J3f lb* l,eail*;
271 Ib.Minmn,
5 IlinTwo Line Minion Cnp*;
Spare rule, etc,
' ALSO-For »ale.minrat tun
ny of Second hand Type. from Nonpareil to.llS line f*i
ca. Flower*. Ornament* etc . which will tie .old low
, mch27 _____ 39 Market »t
l! PROM the very liberal encourage
meat the «ob«riber hax received since
OBV*fl§VT he ha* located himself In Allegheny,
b*( induced him to uk». ■* lea**-, fur ■
Jlit—Ja—tetni of year*. on ihc properly he. now
occupies, in Beaver street, immediately beside the
Presbyterian Church. Prom the lon* experience in ihe
above business ami a desire u> plenae, he hope* U> mer
it ami receive a share otpublie pntionare.
Nowon hand and finishm* toor«er, Roekawmjr l«ug*
vita, open and lop Buggies. and every description of
r..d. u. •'"Wfe'Jf.'.'K; “
O'fhl hßn*r»» Iwp-t-dlfl JOHN WUI TH
SVi.NIM* UOSEs*. Monthly Hose* ond Ever
green*, Ac. aatiahle for planting iu Cemct.y’s
can be furnished on application at the aeed store,
«“ »f“—' Ju * ' v 3 fi'
raeb'JJtf No l£i. eni_wood,anil Oih »t>
/TSoDNOTAIJiU'ICE, Cinnamon and Clove* In
\J b'lli, boxer and small packages. cnn»lantly ori hand
and for at the Mu*t«ru and t*picc Pnctoty. 5f7 Filth
•ttrrt ' -pD RHODES A- A ECORN
TXTARHANTED superior u> the beat ivicHsh “fro or
• V timbre.” on hand and for sale at the Wo.chouse
••Sloan’s '* hurf," Canal Basin. *
OP «apen<ir qualnv. lorbian lonadrrt' and mano*
fiM-mrcr’* o*« ( of the tnakeor ihc Baltimore
iog Company, are offertd for talc by
'V If McKIM. Agent ter ibr rVnnpanT.
SOS Oay tlfcet, Baltimore
8E61 1847-
KXPREod Fast packet
#ux >
Extlusmit fvr Fauenftn. |
THE public are respectfully Informed that this Line
will commence running on or about the 16th instant
and connuue throughout the season. ITte proprietor*
have oow placed a topenor eta** of Packet* ana Rail
road Car* on tbc rouie, with extra accommodation*,
which will give greater comfort to traveler*. !
A Pocket Boat will alwaya be in port, andribe trav
eling public are requeued to call and examine them,
'previous u> engaging passage rlsewbeie. !
Our of the Packet! will leave the landing,(opposite
the L'nnt-d Stax* Hotel,i corner Peun strtet aud the
Canal.every tngbtatUo’eloek
For information apply at the office, Mowngobela
ll«u*e. VVaicratieei.orto U I.KECII ACo
mebU cor Penu street and Canal
UICJII* . ul ■ * —•
11817- Wm-mk
»muk of tbi* hue consist* of a double daily
1 Line ol Koala and Cur*, (owned by themselves.)
which arr m good ord-r. The subscriber* are prepa
red to forward a large quantity of Merchandize and
Produce With certainty and ibspatcu;-
Produce or Merchandise consigned to any|of the un
dersigned. is forwarded free ol any chuge for commis
iioii or Moritge.
llilia Lading transmitted and all instruction' prom; ll>
Mteudrd to ,
Thr bu'ine** of thi* Line i* conducted on a-.rietly
Salibath-krrping principle* Address, or apply to
I) LEECH A Co. Proprietor*.
Canal Ha»m. Pittsburgh
! HARRIS fc LEECH, Proprietor*,
No HI South Third rtrecl. Philadelphia
No 114 North Howunl street, Baltimore
W B WILSON, Agent, !
inthli So 7 West street, NV.w York
aaMa 1847. g«
TJtOK the transportation of FreigbvbrtwcedrPiUshureh
17 and the Atlantic Cities, avoiding transhipments on
ihc way. und the consequent risk ofdi'luy, damage,
breakage and scparaiion of good*.
No V7e Market street. Philadelphia
Cur l’rnn and Wayne sts, Pittsburgh
O'CONNOR ACo, North aiicel, Baltimore 1
WA 1 TTAPSOtoT, 75 South st. NY. J As - S
Encouraged by increased business the Proprietor*
have added to their s.ot'k and uxteuded their arrange
mem* during the winter, und are now prepared to tor
wuid fre g it' wnh regularity anddispateh unsorpaisrd
by any other line. Their long experience as earner*,
-ihe palpable superiority of the Portable Boat System,
and the great capacity and convenience of ibe ware
houses at each end of ibo Jmo. are ixculiarly calcula
ted to enable the proprietor* lo fulfil their diitagemein*
and accommodate then emt timers—confidently offering
the past as a guaranty for the future, they respectfully
1 solicit a co rtf nuance of that patronage which they uow
rra'efulty acknowledge.? \
All rousigmninis to Taafle A O’Connor Will lx rec’d
and torwarded Steamboat charges paid ar.d Bills ol
lading iransraiHed free of auy charge for Commissicm,
advancing or storage. Having no interest directly or
indirectly in ttramboats, the intrresf of the consignors
mu«t necestarily be their priinaty object in shipping
i wr>i and they pledge themselves to forward all goods
! consigned to them promptly and on the most advanta
-1 ceous terras to the owner*.
Marehl. 1&47 m . artl ..
SftsdSa 18 47.
||j-\Vnhoui Tran»hipment.«£U
Good* consigned to ourcare will be forwarded with
obi delay,*! the lowest cuirmt rates. Bills of Lading
transmitted, aud aU instructious promptly utirml.dio.
fiee from any extra charge for storage or romtnis*ion
Addrei-s.of apply to L A AIcANULTY ACo
Canal Uasui, Pittsburgh
llnving a very large and commodious warehouse,
we arr prepared tv receive (m addition to lieight for
shipment! a large amount of Produce, Ac . onStoroee at
low rule*. (main) C A McANLl»Tk_Ai^>
1 8 47.
EXCLUBIVKJ.Y for the tiansnonatioD of. " aY
FREIGHT between Pittsburgh, Blairavtlle, Johii'-
town, llollidaysburgh, Water Street, Petersburgh and
all roteimediate Places
One Boat will leave the warehouse cfC A McAnnlty
ACo., Pittsburgh.every day. [except stuiidays.j and
shipjxrscan always uepend on having their goods for
warded wiibout drlay and at fair rules.
Tins Line was formed for tha special accommodation
! of the way bukineas, and the proprietor* respectfully
I Milica * liberal share of patronage.
JllilN ML.LKIt, ilo'lida>»l*urgh 1
K-11 »:AN\N John-nrwii VA^cni-
C A Me AN L LTk A Co I’iust.urgh)
J J MeDevitl. John Parker, Robert Moore; Dagaley
A Smith Pituburgh- . . ...
ef'Hls l.ine lielng eomposedof S ramboat*Lake File
1 and Michigan, Piuning daily l.ruvren Pittrlmtgb
nud llciv. r, am) uml j.a*-ni(tcr ihsuni Una-a.
tanning brt*eeu Bruveraud l.f.r uuij rotllleCliirg With
C .M Reed’s tJne of S'.eamboal Propellers and Vessel*
on the Lakes, wilt be prepared upon the earliest open
ing of Navigation to carry Freight and Passengei* to
all poiniioaihe River. Canal and Lakcs^
I laving cverv facility for conveying freight and pas
fengers with (iromptne'* and dispatch, thr proprietor
and agent* icspectfaliy solicit from then frttml* and
he generally their patronage.
C M REED, Knc. Proprietor 7
REEDS, A Co, Beaver. Agts
JtMLN A CAUGHKV, I’illsb’giidri
Cot Smithfivld and Water sts. opposite the Mominga
goheln House.
fc»:>'EK TO'
Wheeler. Crocker A Co, New Vork
Geo Davis, Buffalo r'
E N Parks A Co, Cleveland •
J*i A Armstrong A Co, Detroit
McClure A Williams, Milwaiikic
Bristol A Purier. Chicago
Win Rower*, I’owrntown. Penna
(ico Maclidmyre, Kvunthurgh, Henna
John Me Arthur, lluntsiown, ilo
Wick A Acker,Greenville, do
Craig A Frampion,,Clarksville. do
Hay* A Hiucnb. Sbarpsbargh, Ha.
W c Mulan, Sharon, do
R \V Cunningham. New Cattle, do
TMIK unproved method of carrying uicil by this long
KAUbltshed Line, it now so well known ibai de
setipnouts unnecessary. Ooods are not touched on the
ioute, thus ait transhipment or extra bundling <> snvrd
Tbe Boat* are of baht draught and perform their trip*
in Itotn «u uneven day".
• The capacity of our Warehouses enables as to store
any consrgntnt-nts made too* Receiving,storing, ami
advaners free if charge*.
Being fully prepare*) to make sales of Produce, we
respectlu’ly solicit consignments of western Flour.
Uocon, l.ard Butler, Cbre«e, Wool. Feathers, and other
articles for sale, on. whteh liocrai advances will be
made and other usual facilities iHorded, pledging our*
selves that any business entrusted lou* shall be as
promptly executed and upon as fair term* as by any
.[her bouse. JNO McFADBKN A Co
Canal Basin, Pittsburgh
tdtf and tCI .Market si. l'hiladn
that Beaver Point and Bridgetoater,
Proprietor and Arcih of steamers
IX TILL be piepared on ear!ie»topeningof canal nav-
VV igaiion to receive property «l hi* wharf boat or
in warehouse, for all nomu on line Kitenwon, Cro-»-
Cut, and Oa»o Canale; for all portion Lake Erie and
opper Lake*, a* aim to forward produce, IVim'n.
Improvement*. Apply u> or addrer*
letitfl-dtf JAS OILkM . Ileav>r
isw. last
II Clarke. II llodpc T K chraond A Co
Forwarding A Commission Merchants.
r pilK Arentt'and Proprietai* of this I,iue (ro favor-,
1 ably Slfown to ihf public). Will be prepared on the
emrlieii opening of canal navigation lu receive prop
eny at i’ltlthunrn and (leaver, and deliver the «nntr at
any paim on the Ohio rannla, and alroon Lake* Kriq
and Michigan, wnti the greais*t de»patrh and mtrrnv'
onmblc rate*.
The proprietor* of (hi* line rolled the businei* of
their former eu*tomer* [with couGdcnte, knowing ihai
their faoiliiie* are rorontl tn'noue.
Apply to or nddreia I
U M HiARTON, Agt, Pitubargh.
CLARKE A Co, Beaver.
jan« T RICHMOND A Cr '
IMIK Boatmen's Paitjible Bos I t'ompuuy lieing div
solved, the Company again went into article* of Co
partnership under llte name of the “Boatmen** Line/’
and likewise agreed id relit the Stock *o a* u> hove a
number of. Boat* for the purpo-e of carrying goods
through in from si* to days. with errteimy—and
led encouraged by the liberal'ty of la«i year'* palroii
agr, to make more eiiefisive arrangement* for the en
suing year.
We would therefore respectfully solicit a continu
ance of our former patrons, and refer all new customer*
to those we have done business for.
For the transportation of
PitiLAtiiUHrs, naLTiMOKE, Naw Vo«g, ssp llosro.t.
Coraer Liberty strfcetand Canal Basin. Pittsburgh
No 3M Market street, Philadelphia.
Baltimore, Md.
PITTSBURGH—Jaa. MeCully, Geo. Morgan A Co
W MeCully A Co, B A Sampson ACo, M'AllenAtV*.
PHILADELPHIA—Morris Patterson A Cb, Reynold*
McFarland A Cp, Fleming A Busby, 'peter "Wright A
Son. J Ulspham, Joacph Grntr.
NEW YORK—Goodhue A Co, Tbco. Perry A Co.
BOSTON—Reed, Hurd A C*.
CINCINNATI—Adama A Crcagh, W W Scaibor-
°tr. PLEASANT, VA—P A Marshier.
Not*—All merchandise from New y ork and Bodoti,
consigned in A L Gerhart A Co, Philadelphia, wtll he
promptly forwarded of commission. fehtS
Packtgt Bipreii to Pbll>dtl).klii
mm M rllK Cana) beiug now open.-the
Bxpresa wbieh baa been e»-
iablimd "or ihe "conveyance of valuable package* of
merchandj»e, *peeie, bank notes, jcwrlry, Ac , com
menced ronningon Thursday, March is.
An Iws CnztT will li« dispatched -Uily nnhl rlore
of ifae eanaling *ca«on J
Apply w»
THIS well known and popular Lmc «■ Siearaers has
been greatly improved the pu-t W> ter. by the ud
dilion of sevetoJ nrw and mugniGi nut loau«, built
expressly for the Packet Line; and ihe •entire line is
now euinposed of eight of the large jl best Bmslied unn
fumi'hed, and mosipowerißl l-oat* on the Wateia of
the West. Every accommodation thru money wij! pro
cure has beeu providetl for Passeug-’and nopaiu
wiJl be spaieil to reader them cnililon j de and the trips
agreeable They ieavoPitisboixhand Cmcinnai,
and positively at IP o’clock, A M
The MONONGAIIEI.A.Ctfpi Stent, will leave Pm*,
borgh every Moudoy monnnt: ai lb o’cioek: Wheeling
every Monday evening at 1» I*. M ; ami Cincinnati ev
ery Thursday at lUo'clock. A. M.
The HIBERNIA, NO. X, Capt. J. Klin,(>ta.
leave Pittaburgh every Tuesday mormug at HJ o'ciin-k.
VVhe.-ling every Tuerdav evening at 111 I* M.. and
Cincinnati every Friday ai 10 o’clock; A. M
The NEW ENGLAND, NO 11, Capt. A'. Jlean. w
leave Pittsburgh every Wednesday ai r *
o'clock; Wiiee'nig eveiy Wednesday evening at 10 I'
M ; aud Cincinnati every Faturday at 10 o'rWic. A.<H
The WISCONSIN, Capt R. J. Groce.will leave Piiis
burgb every Thursday moymtig ai IUoVIot-k; Wheeling
every Thur«dny evrnilig lU 10 P. ,M ; and Cine.aii.nt
every Suuduy ol 10 o’clock, A. M
The CLIPPER, NO H, Capi-t'raotj.wril leuve I'ilti.-
butgn every Friuoy morning at 10 o’dock;' Wheeling
every Friday evening atlOl'.M., und Cincinnati weiy
Monday at U*o’clock, A. M
The MESSENGER, Capt l.infot'J . will leave Pm*,
burgh every' Saturday morning at lOc'eiock; Wheeling
every Saturday evening at l'> P M.; anu Cinc.nnat;
every 1 Tuenlay at lOo’clock. A- M.
The ISAAC NEWTON, Capt .4. G Mahn, will
leave P:tt*buigh every Sunday uioriiim; at Hi oj-lcck,
Wherliug every Sunday evening at HI P. M ; and Cm
cut'iati ever)' Wednesday at tOo’clock, A M.
Og-rhrtc PacU-.» willbr aliherr berth' u: I’iH'hMgli
anil Cincinnati-, regularly,-the day previou* to having
rncli pott. lor reception or' freight. ami itniry of i’a*-
*en«r«o» the UrgMti r.
No Uerthot State Room con»idcrcil engaged uniij pvd
■ Iw The new ami .ptendid .leather
t ft I, f .|fp DRAVKH,
: l^^gfimSlXipt. Charles Hoop*, cowncnfc- htr
trip* ims <luy. leaving l*iti
burrt at« o’clock. *. u ,»'iJ Uravet «t tl o'clucl, r m.-
rannrctmfS with Pittsburgh -ml Cieveuiml IJm<| of Cud
nal Boat- daily to Clcveluml. O . Beuver, Warmi and
Cleveland l.incof Canal Packet-ami Stage Coaches
daily 10 Warren ami C evelnmi. Canal Paean Line. to
Sew Caailr and Greenville Pa ; Krte Kiicnnou
to Mendville and Kne fc Co'» Line* 11
fitnec Coaches lor Cleveland ami Wnosur. leave Ben*
vef daily on the urnval ol ►icamlHiat Ueuvcr fioiu
Pittsburgh Apply i"
* (. M lIAKTON AOn, Pittsburgh
a| ,l4 CLAHKK A Co. Heav-r
~ "c’.si ON LIN K, '
■Wteag 3 "-.* 1847. ? JgL-J 1
RKnvKKN rtrrsuuucii and clkvklamj
K s PARKS* Co. Cleveland. O 1
K 11 PARKS. Uenvei. r- } P.opr.e oc-
W T MaTUKH, l*in*l>orrli. I‘i 1
fpHH above Line i- now tuiiy prepuml io uniitpon
1 Ft rig hi and Pu«»eneei» lituti P.ti-huritli nnd cm vr
land,to any point on the »*eiiii*y Ivama A I i 11... amll Him
" Tlie fumliiic* of-md Line are noi equalled by n»i «n
.aid Canal-, in number, and 'capacity of Uout*. ripe
nenee of Captain* mid ptnmplties" of Agemv. Ae
One lloal leave - Pill.bO'gh and Cleveland d-.dy tun
mug in connection with the Mi oiner*.
Michigan and luike Kne, Utw.imi IMct.i. all mid
Heaver, and a of first «»*.« Mrunit-ia--. I'mp.-i
Iris. Hng» and Nchoonci*, ..n Lake* L" 1
cbigun and Ontario , .
I‘ninrm forwarded to any pari of me l n .»n will
dr-nule li i: N I" A IM»S A t "n. I 'level :illd. Ad*
RKKt>. PAILKSACo. Hravet, k S i-
W 'l‘ MATHKK. I’liiabtitjih, Agl
apvi <7or Water mid Stnnlifii Id Mreei.^
•dEsa hit.
Tnve to Philadelphia I'*
10il!yriMil.- Stngi..e !
rv run tplendid and ia*i running »>e«nin i -Ocn«ul. Ui
X is MoLune and Swaiaml have rnintoeneml m-ki l
double daily inp«. One Ixmt will lenve the. Mpiunig
l.ela wharf ever* iminm-g.pieosrly ai.** uflivk.
Pa«W‘liger» by lh' rooming Ini’* will arrive ■!> I.ii-imm
neat evening »» lime lor Ibr Philadelphia .MudUom,
Ka.l Hoad ear.; 'The even ng Ibtat wii! leave t
ivlrul dail\ nl 4o’.Vlt.e'ie.-M *Wto>* P.i—nc
l.v pi,.' 1...U1 w.ll lode- on i-ltd nut t.ifiimr *tn
Ctos. tnc* m day bah'.. ren uinl imlge
beiland. Thu« avoiding innht travel n.together n,
preparation, oil ll*i« rouie are ample and Uie i«» inriM.o
conipleie; «o that d.*uppo.riu:rnt» or .leluj - w.i. be in.
known upon it ...
I'liUrncrti ran *lop on Ibr and te.unie ihci
•Mi. Milll. ul pleasure. and have elm e. nlj Hoi
or Sienmlioat between Had.more and Pti ladeljiliia •
Coache, ehartcied io pailie* I" 'f"vrl u» t.iM d«‘< TT '
Jkeeutr t our t’ekcU «' the office Monn'ipahcla lloa*.
ors, cL,le. Hotel. * Vl. „S IC!M V-N
1847. m IN '** lIOITKi*.
PACKKT Koai* Swal ow n.KI T.-‘'Rf-<p-. leave H
vrr daily in .'.•lock p it.. after thr arr; vu, -r
rooming Uom* liora uu i a't.vr ai Wurr. i
lime 6.1 lh>- Mail I.! "P Of Slug.-. wll- 1. IrBV.-
airly ibcreaflrr anil urr.vr nl l .rveluml n: Joi i. c.
v ~ • i .Ml* ar-j
Tlu« rout'" in,
one 10 Hir l.ukr».
con-> ± " a " t "-
RKKI). J’AKKSA**. Itrj rr Apemi-
JOHN ACAU.HK* .pi.r«»r W-«cr*n-i , SiiMht.-l.l i
apfily Op(>o*ilP ihr Hou*«t I Uigurs
1847. ErnSrtffTT
w,m i»“'"Khn mnk.
r]l|||£ Lille ronsi-i'llgof Ire-gilt 40(1 pas-rng.-r Pa
1 n«. tri'l run regularly duriij: die muon i<ri«<
Beaver an-! (iieruvil.’r. Pa . b> wli-ch drub! uu-' r
Krugers!.* l wren the inro j-o-nU. will j.erai no! promt
ami al ilie !i)Wr»t ruler.
WICK ft A PCHKR. Greenville, Agi-
CRAIC. ft FRAMPTON, Clark.v.l«!.
.UcFARLAIMD ft KIM.. Hig;Bend. a-
II A YS* A PLUMB Sii.vpaijuub. <n
\V C MAI.AX. Sharon. . d-
W.M. MATHKW*, Pulast.,; <><
IIKKI), PARKS ft Co. Bcnvri . «ti
JOHN A CACOIIKV. corner Water anil Smith Irei.i »:«,
aj.fily Opposite (he Mouongabe'it House. Pitisburgh
JOL.4JZA 1847.
Philadelphia, Ballluinra. New York
and Bouton.
f |IHK eneouragemeut th‘» line ha* received since
1 jtt commencement, has induct'd tho piuprio
tun to increase the stock by adding a number nflmt
class boats; and instead of giving receipts as hereto
Tore ns agents. «e will give our own rcfeipla lor
freight shipped by this line
Tic host* are all portable, cnnscfjucutly ficight
ii taken the whole dixlancc without transhipment,
thereby preventing damage from lrc(|ucnl handling
on the route, and an each boat is owned by lln
Captain who run* them, which is a sufficient guar
antee that there will br. no delay on the route.
All Produce or Merchandise consigned to the
undersigned will be forwarded f KKK UF COM
MISSION, for advancing and forwarding, and "ill
be'fthippcd without delay at the iowcit rates
We rcanectfully solicit a share of public patro
nage. W.M.UNGt-OKDA: Co,
Canal Basin, Pittsburgh.
CRAIG. BKM.AS& Co . Agt.
Broad Street, Philadelphia.
• J F MILLKK. Agent
Uowlcy's Wharf, Baltimore.
Pittsburgh, Feb. 18.18-17.
IS4(j AKI > 1847
eilHlv undersigned ore not# prepared n» foi .vnrd p»«»
i dure. Ac .to the Ki**tern]MiHkei* during die rn-u
-n- W liner, on tin mo*! I.ivojiil.h- li-rni*, by ll.i- ripe
ililion' route
All property consigned to ns \yill lie forwarded mitre
lovvfcri raun anil with despatch
Hrtcliantlise received t.) dire loute promptly for
warded. J *- HIIH\ H 1.!.. Ag’i. I'iiMnurgli.
(i tV CAS*. Brownsville.
no*V7 K HUKUTON ft (Co,Cumberland
rji||K subscribers vrUl.receipt (oribe delivery of Pro
1 ducr lo Baltimore by ihc
at the lollowing pricrs.-
ytsbrs. Baron, Buiier, Lead. Lard. Pork. Tallow,
Wbiskrv. Cheese, erd Gla*»—?T| els per itui lbs.
Tobacco, Hemp, Flax and Wheat—lH els per 100 Mi*
Ashe*. (Pot) Apples. Cheese, Piax-Seril, Glass. and
Leather— HXlcis per 100 ibs
Oils, etfcuis. Seeds. Wool—HO ct» per 100 ibs.
Beeswax. Feathers, Furs, Giuteng, and Sunke-Koni
—I'JO cts prr 100 Ibs.
Ail pro|icrty cunsiglied in either of die undersigned
will be forwarded wilboul delay, free of tVnnimrtioii.
at above rates. W II CLARK. Brownsville.
' HANNA ft WATERMAN, Pittsburgh.
FREIGHTERS and others wishing
, to have Fire Bnck. Produce, ftr..
bioughl to tb's place from Sirubcnvdle
intermediate landings, can make
by calling on me, a» l
hare ft Boat tunning regularly between nushuigh ami
§!*.tle. Ui«l. U MJLTKNUKKGKK.
Jin | Steamboat Ageul, A 0 Water si
„ a . j. THESteamboai HARLKMrc| aired
■ (Crr t * and refined in.haadsomo style and
now at the fdonangahela whan A*
she is improvedsheis wrlladap'edlor
carrying freight and passenger*; or for towing sh has
great capacity and powet. Anv person drepo*. d lo
purchase will ofcourse-mspect her
) also propose to lease, for one or more years my tool
Wotkr, and to a man of energy and business halm* drey
offer great advantages. I can furnish die lessee, either
on sale or charter, my low boat "MINER." He cun
also have on fair term* six barges, three flats, uud two
coal bottoms, sixteen car*-with ropes, fixtures, fti.,
made for full operation* An examination of the es
tablishment is invited. ‘Person* disposed lo negotiate
with me in reference to any of the above particular i.
may address me at ray Office ... Smart’*.Budd.ii. tU
cur Penn »i anti l.'mral
(Nearihs Upper Allegheny City ]
THE proprietor* of the Aar Cotton Fae'erv re*pe« i
tull\ mlnnn :ne put lut ihultl.e) an tu-w >’i 5U'-««-»
fill operation « n.ployedtt.c ♦civn-r*OI <». k\
Barno* a* A/nna«rr. who It** had an experience oi 12
jiin in the principal lactotiv*■ of Allegheny t\iv
they would luform J/cichaul* tuid Dealeti m genera:
Hut they will olwu) * have on hand superior Gotten i
Yam»t'f nil N«>« • Batting". 'Vnrps.aml Brown Ml*< u
of •upifior make N' VOKGPi.k .\.t‘i ,
N H—Older* }rrt nt the Will, or ai the .-oi* of -Vy
er«. Hunier A Cn , l?> Libe'ty elretl. will bi-prompt.')
ntiet, ti C in njfh'JifUlm N V ACo
mam-KAtrrjHK curroN yarn.
Canille»\V|rk. Battlnc, Twine, Coverlet
YARN. CAKl'irr CHAIN, WARP!*. 4r.4c..
(Successor*, of At bucklcffik Avery.}
ia»a 4 Eropnetei*
Till, uimve eMul»ij«timeat being now m »ticces»i..t
opr ration, we nre manufacturing. very rxten*:vciy.
an an.He of heavy Sheetings, well adapted to the ret’t.l
trade, which for beauty and cjunlity cannot l»e rxcH W
l>j nnv oilier mukc m lhe country. The attention ot
i. a»i,cited tn an vxtitn.niii'tru
irt.lliUo'A wit KKNNFD • »:nH t>SACo
•‘Whu jUiougb the rauaei may not he explained,
Store their tftets are duly ascertained, _ •
Let not dclu»ion. prejudice, ol^pridc.
Induce mankind to set the mean* aside
Mean- which th»' simnle. aru by Heaven design'd
To alleviate the ills of hurotui lotid.'’
'tMtlS remarkable invention. which har received the |
1 universal approbation oi the medical pii>;.:»-.ou <•! | Itrium.comprises an entirely new application o j
Galvanism, a* a remedial ugrnl, by means of which the j
ordinary Galvanic Batteries, Electric und Magnetic Ma- i
clones. Air., are entirely dispensed with, itnditie myste
f.ou* power of Galvan.‘in npplird without any ot the
ul.jecl.on which nre ir.nn the general mode
now in use. The strong doses, and irregular intervale
tn which Galvanism is applied t.v llr- M.iielniieA, has
been pronooticcd. titter a rair and impartial trial, U> l.r
dieuhdly mjunrui nud it was to remedy this radical de
fect iltai thi" new w.t* projected, which, af
ter um-en>iiic n»>l isii-i j-er*overnnce. liar l.eeu brought
.oil- preseii' «intr of prriVetio'n The Gairank Hingi
answer nil the puiiM.-c". oi the most expensive Mn
.•hiiiri. ami in many other respects are more saft ami
(rrlnin inarcoiuphuliing the
The fiafranicliinfruvil hi tionneciioti with the
ntltc Fluid. me cotilidemly recommended in off disor
ders \fkieh arise /torn a.i tnj'etbltd or unknUkf_ tlAli oj
Oil r.rtrouj ot ciul tgtlm, all.l these eoinptAinU are
utnoiig ilir iiio*i pamtnl utul universal to winch we air
subject The) arts.. without exception. Ir«.m one smt
plr cause—n derangrineiil of the Nervous riystem—
and it wu* in ihe"e case* that other ‘remedies' having
m> often failed a new tigrnt wiu greatly needed, which
it i" confidently believed, has been found in the proper
nnd judicious upplientirn of Galvanism.
The Galvanic R.ngs have been used with entire sue
e. «. ni nil enaes of FtIlfcLJS ATISM, BCUIC Oi rhluli ' , tip-
plving to ibe head, fare or limb*; GouL_TiX-lJ.4ur.tcr.
Tout-'uicAr. B'unshuii, Ttrtigo, .Vrrrui/s or S!tk iitaJaekr,
Irvligntion, P.i.a/ysis, f‘al\g, KptUptj. b'iO, LYmny,
Paipi.’uk'e.i ot Hr limn, Awlct y, Sbffntst qf Joints,
Sy'mal Complaint*. Lumbago, A'ctirafeta. .Yerroui Trr
rnori, Dfssfnrr. of Iht Hta.i. jain in tht Chtu and Sidr,
U'tinaL.UMlilu. Urfuitnry of AVrvotri and I‘kvtieal A’n
<tgV all NKRV'OI'S-DISORDERS In cum-. oU
mi dinned Uyvpcps.a, winch !•'imply ti nervous de
rail geinn.i oi ilie ilige'iiveorgau', they have been found
rtjually sue.-er-ful J'lie.r ext,uordinurv elTvets upon
ilir «\*teni must 1..' tvilne—rd to l.e l.elieved, mid nr U
cerium pT.'v.'Ml'Ve n,i H»- prv.'etlmg euni|.lu.iits the)
tire equally rcromnu ud.-d. The* ore of dilTeicn!*,' made ni nil »./.•*, uud of various orna
mental pat'ern., a".l .'.in In' worn by tbe most
trmnie wnliout tl»- «i.gbie«t iiieonvcincuce. In tail
tb>' *eti*nti»ii it rather nKreeul.l- ihun oihcrwi*c,
Tli*> <inlv«»ulc Hells, Hmcelels, Hands
<>uitcrK, Necklaces, &c.
In nonir ‘\<»r- in ;i ver<- -cvrrr cliuraricJ,and ol loiif
Maudlins. Urn |W»rr a« applied l>y llic (ialvuinc lltttgs
ulutnaii'l) rv*lnfr Tin*- improved modification
;IlUm- fialvniuc Itrlw. ISnu’.letV entirely lemr
di<*« tli’- oiiji rtion; miy iltrgrrr of power that ureqtn
rrd run' rrndi'y I"' oMa.nrd. mid no complaint which 1
to !’«• |w•tniaiiotiil' relieved. Vlie-e ariiem- ufe adap
ted mill.* wa.-i. uriir*. wn«i». liniP*. biip!-* or uuy p.ut
ol ihe l.ody. w vii p< fii’i'l convenience. The Galvanic
Nerklacr» ule n-rd vvitlni rater benefit ■ n t-a*< - ol
Itmntlnli* 01 .iITV-i Hon-, onu-’ llimat Rsncrn'iy; ui»o in
eni’.*n ol .Ni-rvou- In —. amt wnh aimi’-l uliil'orni
MH-cc a-. J preventive tor Apoplexy. Epileptic Fit*.
Chtixlic’n.'Utisnctic Field
i« u»rd n runnrptioii wnli ilip Galvanic Hingr atnl.aU
ill.-.r niodiiU’:ili<>»«. 'Hu. priii|-«i-;tn.irl.n» l> .li prf*
noinirrd by tin French • 'iiein «ir n> lie on.; ot the mo-'
•- xirnortli n ii . d.*n>vnof mod. .n <•
! "v. .1 so ~<».»'• f.-ii ~i «»('*•• ;• him r-.idr'i-S «A
wtiWo.t o iulvimt ai.tun i>) tin- lm ali« aa* n.
•i tilrui'on ol the mtliiciir. m the m-ui ol disea'c,
llit,< givi.u; ia|nd and prrm.iii’Mil iei:cf . No Oil** T
compi.-.i on .u {-lirmoir i» knowiiin procure ibis .»nii
etfirt. or i» nupnr's -imilnr property lo dm uervoo*
ugimbc Fluid con'uiiM noltiiii- capable oulic *!jgii_-
r-t injury. it' application n> asreutilc, and it is ;u
liuriiil'i-- i■ i i;« action *• it .» beneficial in .U fci'i l :-
Ku'i rip.’:! iiiuoni- am! diret lion-accompany it T. •
•i Wav prncobV ,sarin
n 'hr T-KcllO. «1! Ul .1
ihr T »uTprti.'rig clllCfeih iui<! |‘crui:ineiil I'dieSl
ChriKtie's tinMuoic Strengthening Pla»-
f«rrn j£ii*jin.-r v.tlunlle application
li.i- nr. '••llucrrc ol <;.ilv.iui«ni T»ry arc .1.-
inil'nf.mii B.ijotti ; m ihc nr (JnJv;*uir Iting*a»<l
<lir>< nio<t:iiLai <>i.« jci nc upon ii;c (ante piniciple. hut
having ili'i ag.- of inner local application. Tin...
arr confalrni y rri ninturmird :i- it vatuaMu ndtliliou .u
VOIIS «(,|T,i.r:u...s :*•>•: nfrn •••
ni fam nn<l IP« in Mr I An/u' Rar*. fain 1.1 i?.
SiUk i». AuhTrtm.r Ajftct’urv. ini-l >n If toknnt or Opprtu
mm of IA« Pubrv'narf Orgitnt In Spmul Complain.'
.lirir <-:li ct- arc of the mnsi ilri idfd ehainciur.nitd thi >
liavr oi'ieu tiren »;»ol wrb cfuuplrtr »ucce/s. They an
also oi th« greutr-t Jiivanl.->K-: in I’nms and Weaknc-*
of tiic llrcasi. huU arr luzhty rccommenilrd for many ol
thiiv* i'otii|ilitini* lo which i**ntalr« are r*p*cmlly linblr
A- mi (drcma: mram u.r the *ysn-iu
wiicu i'r led tv:til oi o.hrr ca.scs; as u cc.-
:u:n a-* 1 iii CojiMiiuiiomil Weakiie**. as «' Preventive
fur Oil!.!* rtiid ail in afircluxi- «>l Ihc Cues*, general:) .
ihc (iaivamr Sin iigiiir"u>a PluMcr will be found o'
gic.itjuu.' prinuttiroi advuiiigft'. In u few words; n
cnil'rartt's ai* Hit v.rliir* of the hot tonic preparation.
M'lth thi: impifrt.uii Hitdition i.f itic gulranir tudur.nrr
wtnrlijr* nriilicr mipa.ri'-I nor rlbauMrd. while theac
iiii’t r&iitiirue*. These article* will he found enuici)
frrc iAim !lit**e otijection* which arc n constant sourn
of conipi.unt wuh the ordinary plnsteri. m common use.
[IT* The great celebrity and access of there artieii*
h*P caused th»m to be counterfeited by nnprtneiplcc
persons To provide agninM mi|>ua>tioti, Dr.Cutusru
ban but one authorized agent in each city of the Union.
The nnl> agent ;n Pittsburgh. W. Vv WILSON.
t)i the highest und moM re»pectuHe character, are con
Plan'!)' rcceivtd. regarding the extraordinary vulur
and suci e.»« of t»e above article* It is believed till'
m the city of New York alone, upward* of EIGHT
THOUSAND PERSONS during a period of less th-in
a year, have been enttrely relieved of (he ttiosi painful
clirninr djsorder*. some ot wh'ch have cnmpiciriy baf
fled all former eflurti of medical on. Indeed many m
the fir-i paysinuti* of Una city, wbo disapprove of ill*
Galvanic and .Magnetic Machines, constantly re cone
mend tins application m tiieir practice, m»l with then
erpiion of tbi*«c who are mo prejudiced to give it a in
nl. the uivpiiiion Im* rrcnvrd unanimous favor w.ii
tlic miH iniciligeiH nntong fir Amcrn.nn Faculty Hi
t'bnanc i* nl all Mine* mid inu-i happy to g Jt
e.veiy facility m |ihy•iciinia ami uII uncreated, lor tc.t
me ihr iratb ot In- :»«-rto -ii- and the elticncy of hi
Only agency m Piit-buigii comer Ith amt Market m
UL’llNs AND .*>(' A L.L»h
17FFIHTI A1.1.Y and .peedtly lured I.) the u>r Q
Cj till. Gout Itemed) of Nature. AMERICAN OIL
It nliunat urn jcu'ou-ly i< .luce* liitlMimnutiiiii, uiul run*
in Ibr llr-sli. ’
Sold wholesale and retail by IV'M JACKSON, at Ins
lloot Store and Pulrm Medicine Warehouse.
«!i Libctf? street, head o' Wood, Pittsburgh P SO
rruM Hint Si per Uutlu
W Jackson bring the Exclusive Agent fur Western;.i. none i« gcnumr MU ivloti.s sold by IIIM
or HIS «p|Huio.d Agent*.
N It A Pamphlet con: ■ mine ample d rcctions. Ac.
Willi the iiauie« ami addic*< ot the Proprietor and Pi in
cpal. Agent. r« enveloped with \vinppi,r ol each bottle
Aliundani col cnithcatcs e in !,. .ecu nt the Store.
//s-'A No- t*S DIAMOND Ab
I.KV. u tew door* below
vtSv-*'V Wood »treci, towards lit*
•sf'if <’■'*. ' i«' market.
m't. BHOWIf,
jjTw;Jr|j|fc Mh'' r^dlral’p^'
to the' trcatinciil of tho e
plnutis for which Insoppor
— > pccuhaily qualify hint
Eleven year* assiduous / devoted to the study and
treatment of thn»e rompl • r.l*. b'urmg wbiub tune he
has had more practice and as cured mote patients than
can ever l«H ui the lot of * y pnvuie prarUlumerj am
ply qualifies him m otTcr us . re.nccs of speedy, penna-
JlCtil im.t satisfactory cure •• nil BlHiClcd with ItittaU
discu-e* and all dneir-en arising.ihrrvfrom.
Dr. Urowit would uiforrt those ollbcied with privntt
diseases wlucli have broomc chronic by time or aggravn
ted by the use of a’ny of the summon nostrums of the
day. that their complaints can be radically and thor
oughly cured, he hnviug given his carefull attention to
the treatment of such ruses, and succeeded in hundreds
of instance* in cumin person* nl mflamat on of he neck
of the bladder, and Imidted diseases whichoften result
mm those cases where othet* have consigned tlirm to
hopeless despair. .He patucularly invites such as have
been tong and unsnepessfully treated by others to con
sult him,Whcp every sausfaciton will be given them and
their cases treated m n otirrfttl. thorpugh and intelligent
manner, pointed out by long experience, study anti in
vestigation. winch it t» impossible for those engaged in
general practice of medicine to give any otic class o
IH7* Hcrma or Rupture—Dr. Brown . also tnvx i
persons allhcW with Hernia to rail, as be hus paid
particular attention this dtseate
Skin Diseases} nlso Piles, Palsy, etc . speedily cured
Chargcsverylow. , A
N. u.—patients of either sox living at a distance
by staling their disease tu writing, giving all ihe syrapj
toms, can obtain medicines With directions for osc, by
addressing T. BROWN, Ml D. post pa'l and enclo^
(Office'No. to Diamond alley, opposite iW Waveny
rrr cut«. n p*v; .iho
From Rev 'Charle* Merton, Minimer of the Baputi
Church. Woo«er, late of Ashtabula, O
Afe**r». 11. Horn* A Co, Proprietor* of K. Penn'*
Chemical Planer, iimileinrn;—For several year* I
tin»o from lima tested the vinuesof hi, I)t#n - » Cllo>iiir»l
Planer by u»ihg it in mr family a* a remedy fyr Riieu; weakness and lameness of the l>ackpi>am »n
the hiraii, infatuation of the throat a:ul eye*, ague in
the Incaxi, 4c; and I take pleatuie in ray ng to you nod
to the public, that in every .raw I have found it u*ciu'.
and I do believe that said Planter po»«*s*«* yirjue* oi
more than ordinary character. and that it will generai
ly be found a sufficient remedy for Uiore di*ea»e» lor
.which ill* reroiwner.di-d, and i» justly eutiUeo to Ue
»•' 1 '•* "° ,n " f “2,‘uSSr'
Foriuc rcmpval *»<» tennanenveare :atan4wue*
ax uapife ml* of tbO tlood
ortsb-ttrfSrOrflrti Tt*: ,
Scrvfutn Knfi ikS, Eta.*wW», Obunw Cuarntrui
S&priww, ***** »
BiJ. c M X+*. *&££
Hia-f, Eniarrnnrtiiand wri" qf At B*no **d Jo***,
SroMorn UUvn, SyrfiCtfTsiriiipi^fiWa**«*'*•“*; [
bogo. and Diseasti arinntf™** an intuditws uM ef .
&!~tvTj.A*iu><r Dr*T*y>
j..7>. A'w». CkTtrnit tWtfruttenof JXmVm.
TTS timely mlmmistratwa bu bceuaucndcd w. tuse
J. happiest result* so many anomalous aaec|iQfl«» aa l
iti* chiefly Intended to fill the void which exist*, beroea
.•nih.Tfuc quxl aperient medicates; beweoil* •"“**!*•
tanJi initial of an alterative direetJy—’indirectly, 9™"
vtng a lasting tonic to the system.
In* highly eoiiceiiinttrtl lor ronvenieneeaadppfta*.
containing nothing but the expressed essence,
and .< ih»rep.c*cntstive •!'the Sarsaparilla Root,i»
the «ame manner a* Quinine it of Penurisn Balk,or
Morplnu'* of Op um It i* an established tact, th*l *
few grains of either Quinine or Morphine contain* *ll
ilia medicinal value of a large quantity ©(the erode
subMaucesj hence the superiority of thoae preparation*
—and no invalid would desire io drink a gallon aixture
wbeu a half putt contained the same medicinal value*
The Sarsaparilla can lie diluted when taken agreeable
to the direction*, and made to suit the tastb of the pa-
following certificate addressed to the Agent* at
Chicago, furnishes conclusive proof of it* great value
m eases of Fevertfore*. • •'>
- Ciucaoo, 111. Sept 12, IMS, '
Mc«<r*. Stehhiits i Reed—Uentsr In Way, Ibtfi. I ob
tained at youi storeabMileof Sand’s SarsapaiUla.aad.
wa» then confined to my wruboirv sleep for a week,
occasioned by violent pain trom a regnlir fever sofeof
ioiic standing, on my right leg. My physician* ad Ttsed
me to have the limb amputated, laying it wawbeonly
mean* likely to preserve my. life. After nsing half ithe
bottle the pain began to subside, aadby the use I bad
I 1« J nearly U.r.-« toillc,lrtle 10 ITOulmf re,-
u'ar business, and before I aad finished the fourth bot .
tkt I was as well and sound as ever I had been, lhayo
no hesitation m suviug that Sand's Sarsapyt lla was ihe
mean*, under Provideuce, of”** l1 * "W »wb *n*l.l
doubt not my life. 1 most chCerffflty recommend a 4»
the best article extant for the purification of .the blood
Your., mo.. mu,*
The following certificate is only another link in the
erect chain of te*limouy to its merit*:
Socrru Uotaos. Canada East, Apr.l 18,1H1.
Messrs. rvuids—Gentlemen: Exposed a*.,wc are to
the muirksof disease,' and so frequently disappointed
m proposed remedies, we cannot bat look on the e»ru
of succcsstnl practiliouers with intcTesiord graltlude
Tin* i* true respecting jour valuable preparation ol
Sarsaparilla. I have been severely afflicted lor JByearis
with a disease about which •‘dociot’l disagree,”, and
their preseriptitm* were Mill more diverse. I tried va
rious remedies but found no relief until I commenced
using lour excellent medicine, at-which t:rae I,was
wholly confined to tny bed Alter using it a few months
1 am now aide to wata about ride out. and enjoyaeom
foriHble degree 01 In aith. which 1 attribute entirely to
tl e use of band's Mutaparilia. Flense accept my as
surance of gratitude and regard.
n*-ine pcr»«»r.iliy i>c.| minted with the above state
n,.,it I iirrtbv <enn» that the same is true.
Faethcr Tr-iTtvoSl —The following is du extiaei
trom u letter received from Rev. WilliamCalnshm •
.Uebkbmbc. Vi.. Oct IEA, IMS.
Mi ssis. Puud*: ! have been all! cteil with a severe
nu.n m my side, occasioned by a diseased liver, far the
I m twenty years- suffering ut t rors what laukuuge
cuimoi convey, hut since taking jout Sarsaparilla, 1
have bceu gicuily relieved, so muclisothat 1 bayubeen
able to alien.! to my busincs*. and preach oeeas wialty
for the fittern imotth*. 1 wholly discarded allcnher
incJiciur, and thoroughly ined Uio sigrsapaiUla, which
I con recommend in null* and sincerity to all those who
arc in arty wny afllie!ed with uny spceie* or acrofutout
nomplamts. There have been *me ««arlrable curoa
etfectcd by It* use in till* Viemity; Mr*. I. Shaw, by
the use of six bottle*. >va» restored to betterhealththaa
she hud before enjoyed for ten years, aud Mrs. W. ete
veil*, who had been severely afflicted wuh the Krysip
‘etui, was entirely cured by the usenfa £ Willies.
Yours tnily, ,♦* M. HAMIsUA •
Forfuriherpariiculnr*aitd conclusive evinenceofus
*uix«R»r value audeflicacy. see pamphlets, which may
be obtained of Agent* gratis. _
J spared mid Uo d iiy A.R. k D Sands,Dntggm*, 100
Fulton *b cornejof VN illiam, New York. ,
Sold also by J. WILCOX, Jr., Pitubaigh; 11. Har.
wood. Braver Wm. Watson, JVew Castle; D.N. Rob
-190„, Brownsville; A. Creigh, Washington; -and by
.•Druggist* cenerlilly throughout tb. United State*.
S Price f 1 per ijotth—six boulcs for *3.
The public ale respectfully requested to remember
that n is Sum!’* Sarsaparilla that it t* constantly Bchtev
me such remarkable cures of the most difficult elas* of
diseatrs lo which the human tnuae « sabjeet; theto
foi>. n-k for St»n<P*Sanuparilla, and take no other.
shermaTn's OLOSAONIAN,
JIU* '
i him iu »«Kh a short time from ho dif*
c .tiling, tk.ugU and luSbesiiou? He
nuilttu “the Olotaoolan, oe• AD*
m_ ! ’ Ask the cousuntpUir -
fiu allayed hi* Uiugh, removrd
.'Pain in his Side aud Chest, f
checked his night nveals, and
plactil the rasa of brsllh
uuou : ,hi> check? and
he nill UU you
maiAN’s obosAoaiASi
Ask your friends if they know of anything that, will » spec
dily cure a tong and ttiliou* Cough, Raismg of Blood,-Bron
chilis, Dyspectic Consumption, Hoamuess, Influraia, and
dixioe. of uic Throat, as the Olosaouian.* and tl»«y will UU
tuu—No. •Tl.err ucrcr jel lias been * remedy introduced to ,
public not tea which has been productive of romuch good m
*, ,i, u( t » j.bcc of lime. Read the
Astonishing Corea.
\Vx. Bond, ttie eclebreted llosloneraeker baker, 88 Nat
■au .U.ct, Ur.iokUti, Slates llial his wife has been afflicted
„iih Aiil.u.j for iu years, and cvuld uot findlpermauiut re
lief from the best medical advice which Raw Vcrk and
Brouklyu coutd tiroduee, was induced to try thisgreatreme-
J.y She it now urarly well Ht» daughter who wasjufler.
ioc from the same disease, tried It, and was also cared by it.
Mr, Liiul i* uow'so well that she liable to vutfrom her
bed «a.!> in lbe morning and alUud lo her usual dirties through I
■hr ilnr without any annoyance from her distressing malady. |
Ua'sav Jacxson, 13th strest, near the Catholic Cunetnr, |
fame to the ilore for Uie purpose of obtainiug a bojtle of the
Obixwiiian, having been afflicted with the Asthma for mow
than ai V ear*, and was so exhausted on bis arrival that he
rOuld not speak. He purchased s huttle aud rode home.—
Four days afterward he walked from his residence to the of
fice without &iieue,a distance of over two a ilea, to teUof
ihr wonderful reUef which he had e*perie»«d from using
about imt half of one bottle.
Consumption o t the Lungs.
Mr. Conrorr, 35 White street, was so low » the month
of December last, dial he was given up by his wyswan. Ht»
friends eulcrtaiucd do hope of nis recovery.—Be was persn*
ded to ire tlie 01osaoniau,-and to his surprise it has so Jar
restored 'him to health that he is now able to walk about the
lto Mn Amur, the wife ofWm 11. Attree,Jamesllarman,
Ewi and Geo W.. Hays, Eaq. ean all bear testimony from
their own experience of the healing jeopertie* of this-Omt
Rrtnedj in Consumption of the Lungi.
- Spitting Blood.
Mrs. TnouaocEJie, 353 alouroa street, who had been
troubled for a great length of lime by a severe cough, sad
raised noaatitics of blood, was relieveu by one bottle of Ibe
Olusaonian, and declares it the (iqlat remedy in the world.
Damns KxLtr, 26 Water sUtet, was also relieved trom
the same comphint, although 'he was very much reduced
when he commenced taking it, haring beta under Um care of i
his piiysiciaa during the put winter. Although he coogbed |
eonstantiy and was wry much troubled with night sweats, .
bottles of the remedy enabled- him to return to his daily
work. He wu entirely relieved.
Dario Hasocsiots.6o Laight street, Oeo W. Burnelt,
formerlyof Newark, J., Henry Lisbon, 199 Biyiagtoo
•trset, and numerous other persons line been speedily and
MrmaDtntly cured of the same complaint by this remedy.
The Array of Karnes
which could be produced-of persons who have used this gml
remedy would mere thanfill a column. Amceuf the ntmber
we tre nermitied to refer to A. M- Biranger, 103 Barcayst,
Mr Wilson of Hoboken; Mrs Bell of Momstown,«, J.J
James 3 Devoe, 101 Bcadest.; hlr*. AUctoct
,t.;F. Smilh, 03 Third Avenue, Mrs Wa H. Altreeofthw
Cilr.snd Mrs Archibald,3s Whitest .
Sold wholesale and retail by Wm KUPsJent
Med icine Warehouse and Boot and Shoe Store, No O lijm,
lj street, head of Wood street, Pitlsbugh. Fne* £W bot
nbattui r<.ltcvt4
. furull) of Urrl
will ull y«f
.for Cousin, Colds, Asthma, and Consumption!
CVju-U*. Arttmn. ami CONSUMPTION. U the lIUN*
GAUIAN lIAI.HAM OF LIFE, discovered by.lhs eAe
brated Ur. Itnrlwn. nf l,oiuloi», l‘ngl**d. und.lstrwlaevd
bno the United mate* under the immediate mperintead
an® of the Inventor, • J
The extraordinary *uw.*m of UiU medicine, ,tnitae
cure'of Pulmonary dU*OM*. warrant* the American
Ateot tn tollcliinv for trraimenl the WOIIBT POS>
gfjlLE CASES that eau l«e-fanml to the eumamtutjr-r
caie* that »««k relief in vain from any of the cannon
reaedta* of the dav. and hare b«ajMjen
Baott dkthisuished Physician* a* ANU
INCURABLE. Tim nunjrnrton Italwiid bn* cured, and
etißcure,the MOST DESPERATE OF CASES, - lib
to rpjask nostrum. bnt a »undani English medkine, of
known and ertablUhod cilicacy. , ' ...
Erery family In the United State* should be supplied
with Buchan’* Hungarian Ualsam of Life, not only to
counteract ihu consumptive londenete* of the tllmate,
mtt to be used a* a pretentive medicine In all case* of
Cold*. Qmgh*, Hpliltng of 1110*4, Pain In the Side and
Cheat. lirlUllmt and Sorroe** of the Lungs, Unrachui*
pnwiwiiv of Breathing, lleelle Fever, Night. BwsaU,
EmaclaUon and Cltusnd Debility, Aithm*. lafluenxa,
[looping Cough, aud Croup. .
t> Said to large houlei, at #1 «r bottle, with rail direc
tion* fbt the restoration of Uealth. '
Paxaphlnu. containing a tnaaa of English and Amen
catt cortMcatas, aitf ourer «vid**eo, ebowla* Ibo un*
eq halted merits of this Groat Baalish Remedy, may bt
dotalned of the Afttniajtrnnltocriy. . ,
fAVID F. BRADLEE, eo4o Agent for the UnltoA
tea, 110 Court street. Boston. ; , '
T. W. DYOTT ABONB, General Wholeeale A|*nu,
No. la North Second strart, Philadelphia.
'or ealo by B A FAUXEBTOCK-A Co. corner of
unod and front streets myG
U A DIES tVlio U*e Common Prepared Chalk, 'are.
often not aware how (rightfully injurious it is to
tb? akin! how coarse, how rough, how mI!o«, )ell©<*v
and unhealthy the skirt appears after ostnc prepared
chalk! Besides, it i» injurious, coutalnitvgaTatge quan
tity of lead. We have prepared a beautiful vegetable
article, which we ciilrJpNES’3 SPANISH ML)
WHITE! It i« perfectly innocent, beiiurporified of
ddeteriousqoaluieii and it imparts to ine «kin a natu
ral, healthy, alabaster, dear. living whiw»‘'*«**®*
tune acting ns a cosmr.t.eon the *kio. nthkiagiratul
arid nncoth. ‘ . _ ... „/■
I)r. iamc* Anuer*on, Practical Cbemiiiof Ma
ehosett* sayi: “After «JJu
whn., i a„j. p,1....-,, it.. t*” 1 ;';',..”;
ral, at the ramo lime utooccni W "J*® ~ ,««n
certainly can conacwanoMly. recommend its «se toall
who»e stin require* hcaanfyug- , - • ,
• WM ,I ’SaCNWN, aihi* Boot and Shoe:
S KTw Kbcny .ircet, head of Wood, at the .!« of
the Uie Boot- ■ I . . , •
19 rkmHDV’ —Warranted to,cure, or the moo*
cy returned. This medicine is preoared from tn In
dian Receipt, obtained from one ol them ft the Far
Wot, at great expanse. Those who have been
familiar with tho Indians, know that they can tod
do cure Venereal witliaut the knowledge ol.Mef
cury, Balsam, or .anything ,pf. thp kind. The aJL
dieted have oow an opportunity of being cured
withou ithe use oi - Halsam. This , memcioa isi
to the taste, tod leaves no soyeU on .the
I Prepared by ROWAND &. VV r ALTQN, ted told
wholesale r'nd retail,by J.T. Bowand, 376.Utrkel
street, Philad'a. ;
Fur sale la PjtDborsh bj.R E Sellem, 67.. wood
•ifcrt. utdby \Vm--Thorn,62 Mirktl.tU- ocfidwT
T"\a. SIXERMAN hasdwcfrrtfij I«jrb oufc t mn.’,. ,j
XI it rsadtly ,
nan. S«* tbm kafattimUrit irmnt r*t, bvi uf i '
ofTooUFuteoa the bnrk «f tick fWr, Lu
rack ltd) 0T Owtiiau '
SHERhUN’S COUCH lozenges
These U«C»M the **d sffeel.d •
cdj for coughs, colds, eussuapootj, Whoopjurcou-t,.
nia, tightness of «fa» longs or Afrt, «te, *xc.
never known nu insuuce wb<« they did bot r „,
Mtisfrctfon. Several thmnom* bon* haVe b« n £ ,
thsamyw T restoring to health pcrwia*l» '
ofcon*u<a|AMß,bs4 those Wiring undtr U» r ■ttm di.ii,-*.
eUd*aadMt£h*. Tlwyfc.botcJwktoddfyup u, r , v<- ,' >
bstreodvrrte»fy,prc€noire*pectof*tios,a!i,Y theiwu,,- J
irritation, ami Twxr the protim*l« or eieiihigtauw _
•fUty an mud* from a qf a Aotl taituU.»», ’ •
tonal,or dwk wdnudanim *®*wb<e<U» *t,t*r*.rto
«»«7 h»«*fortWcompWs. Handniu X* , *
droll -QfcrrUEoLM hare bean ufl/rvd oft!,.;, lul
! lun, fromtlwiewln) kateWtaiaffdlromaa umlaut
and restored to perkctheallli byWng t Urm. • '
IThtrt tbm p much pun in the breast or lUf.oot o f St.rr
nunS Poor ftiau’s Waste* (price only Uj cents,) aiXu
applied otrr U* fart, and »o.u bit rrtiotd. lfaiin.j,j
with costivcness, a uw cathartic or. laxative Icerago ~r 4t„
mikl cathartic medicine, should be usedai occaskw i,',:,*,,,'
These wormloßStgahirv beenproved inmorelhea 1,100 "
OOOcases tobe infallible; the «dy certain, wuna dmimi;
medicine ever discotrrrd. Many diseases arise* iiutnwoim*-'
toil occasion long and iolttise suffering, and r»tn death, wttii
out their tTcr bnu; suspected; grown persons |r« eCrj u il«a
afflicted with tbea, and are doctored tor various
benefit; when one dote uf these Lae/age* w UU !J
speedily cure them.
rj Homs.—Pains in the joint* or limbs, oCta
sue Umlh, picking at the oort, grinding of the teeth during
slcrp. aad at time* a (nkncsi about the lip*,with dtuhed cheek/,
bleeding tube nose, agtsaw tar sensations! the stomach, dash 7
• cs of IkbL over the surface ot the body, slight chilli or shiv
cruig*, headache, drowsmew, vertigo, torpor, disturbed
dreamt, sudden Karting in sleep, with fright and sci-nuning,
aomebiMia Ironblcwsw cough, feverishnem, thirst.
hue, fits, bad taue in the mouth, difficult brcalhfag, -loinjn
the stomach or bowels, &tigue, nausea, sqcamiihnese, irV}
oous ippetiU, leanaese, itoaach or lunbs, grtpiuSr
•hooting patns in.tarioui part, ofthe bodj, n etaie uf eome- ■
thing ruing ta the throat, itching ofthe anus towards nieht, a
frcxjuail dmre to pan something from the bowel*, and Soin*r:
Lmca daesargea of slims and mucus. - • \
They gtte rmmedute relief in uerrous or sick hradsche, .
pJ|ul»iiou ofthe heart, lowness of the apiriU, demmdinCT, ;
indiuumaloT7 or putnd sore threat, bowel or summer coax’-
plaint, &iabng, oppression or a sense of staking of lti* chest,
cholic, spasms, cramp of the stomach or bowels- lmurial
aj&cttons, and all nertous diseases, drowiineeslSro'ikKhUie
day, and wakefulness through the night; ehokta or elm) ‘
.era morbus, durrhma, lassitude or a sense uffrUgue. Kf.
sooy Uatclling pr attending large {wrties, toil) And the Lcx*n- <. .
,gesr<aJly rctimg,and imparting the buoyancy of youth; usad
afl/r diuifuticc,lher will restore the tone of the system genj ‘
•rally, and remote all the uupkatwtsjmptonii arising irons
tpo fret living. Peraocs who has* been too huh biers', and ' '
abandoned their dissipated habits, will find these Lus/Dgritd- t
mirabto compMcrs or the nerres. ?
. The besQitreagthAnihgplaster in the world, anda sovereign
nmrij jbd pains, or weakness in (he back, roins, fide, seek,
luabt, minis, rheumatism, itunbago, Ac. lie. One tnlllidna
* 4 * r aTe 'VPP'I d ***» d * They require'aliUle warm
ing beLrc appltcKwa. Warranted superior lo all others, and
for on* Iht usual pnee, making wtouly tk* best, but
dieebeapert plaster m the world. It .fibrils felt/f m a few
hours, and make* BsUatahtng ettrts.
In breretanphini and dytpfak, it ihonld U worn user
the renon of the litre or stomach, and it wil) afford gut and
aituniusiag- relief In coughs, colds, asthma, dXrdlty uf
bnalhtng,op{w«sion of the chest orstomach, theywarim'-
medttUJy sooth and rreaUy benefit tU patWu P.rusn* of
•sedeairy hahiis, or.those oM^edto rtanTmurh, Will receiea.
decided support from one of these truly strength ruiug fla*.
ter. Physiemns gtneraUy recommend IhemTin tu
nlloUura,tNcaimr they stick or adhere bett/r.andafford Crest-'
er relief. In their operation, they art .timulent, tecic.and
anodrae. TUy are eoono*«4 of tnlirely difl&mnt inXdi. -
ents from any other, and known ffca-ihn rinerienee uTmll
l'“™*ho 1 _ h L » T *« ed , ll ' , ». M wkD al the unitrd U.timouy of
all theceUbratrdand distinguished clergy and tdiyiiVoat ta
be the ment useful and highly nudicated ptastrr''' ■ i
have calfrd at the. warehouse to n&rese
JbKen^ , Tß^£ltjiS nk,,m ‘ thc<llßU4t>nin < uL > u '' u <-etihtsc I
Dirertfcnu forw arr en the back efeacb* ■
be simile ofDr.Sben&aa ename. itisimportantiJushoulJ
always ask foe BhenaanY Poor Man’s Pliter, and srf. that
you ret the genuine,as there ary many worthies* imitation
hawfcod aboutn4 sold for the true fiheiman’s
ub principled deakra. .
r ' by W. JACKHON'aI )»i» Pairot
I *"*“***» No - Liberty slreet, Sign of the
’ BIQ BOOt » jin It—dl>.
dnculleT's wuiimomlitifi'Asii'.EA
PFJISONS alflicled with Scrofula, King'n Ktil
• Cancer, Erysipelas, Old Soren, Ulcttn-, Teller
Mercurial Diseases, or any other complaints'ariiiou
from imparities of the blood, arc requested to-rcati
the following testimonial*, in proof oV the wonder,
ful properties ol the above nunied medicine?
BRAD! BEAD!! HEAD!!! - '
Wi. the undersigned, having visited Mr. Isaae
Brooks, Jr. at thh ofEce of Messrs. Kowand and
WiUoa, 3*6 Market street, Philadelphia, n*»dei
Kin case the tm si remarkable one we hate tnrmi
nested or.beai > of.
His disease was SCROFULA, and terrible must
have Ken h i twelve year*' conflict with the de
stroyer! '
HisPilate,f e entire roof of his mouth, K**e, Up
per Lip, and lower Lid ol thp Right Eyu )u«e beeii
destroyed, his Face nearly eaten up, and pail cl thc
Jaw Bono carried away. And yet we eat. give-Ub
description of bis case.
Mr. B. inform* us that in January last, tlir whol*
interior of hi* mouth, :» well a* most ol his face
was a mass-of deep utid painful ulcers!
Vje Hlh ofJanuary la*t,he commencedtakin*-
CLA, whichcbecked the disease ina lew days, aiu. :
, rom that limn the cure his progressed without in
New flesh, has supplied the place ot the deep uli
cer*. and though badly dtafigured, bis face is sound",
and his general health it restored.
VVc are assured that ia the treatment otMr.
Brooks' case, no Mcrcurii!* ( <JinUnenu, or L'auslic
application*'nave hcen fact, the PANA
CEA haa wronghl ibis wonderful chance
David Smith, Backs eoonty, Pa.
diaries L. Rowand, Meadville, Crawford coPa..
J W Jones, M I) Sooth Second street, Fhila
Jacob Lee, Pemberton, N J.
E W Carr,44oN Fourth, above Poplar st.N. L.
S M'CuUough, Lancaster, Pa.
K M Maddoek, 28 North Eleventh sL Phils.
C VV Appleton, M D 46 South sL do
TimothvCaJdwell, Marion co. Missouri.
Daniel YeateLCbesnutHill,Phiiodcfphia co.Pa.'
Joan Haroed,3yOHigh street,Philo.
Williun Steeling, MD, Camden N.J ,
\glliaia HaleV37B High .street, Phila.
JTrPoUer.Manofactoreroi Mineral Teeth, 109 S.
Ninth street, PhUa. - . r
L A VVoUe'pwober, Ed. Phila.'Democrat i*7 N-3d
street, do.
Ocorae.W Ment*, Brush Maker, 317 AJarkct St.
■ tun Carry IA9 Cbeatut street, Phila.
A D Gillette, Pastor of Eleventh Baptist Church,
Pbun. : '
John Bell, Erie Street,Philadelphia, (North Atucr?
can office.)
Aaron'Sands, I&i Catharine Street, Phita.
Daniel MeGtsley, KeaslePs Aliev, do
AodrewSweaton, Camden, N J
R H £vans, WeatPhila.
Richard R* Young, Gilder, 409 Market *L Phila
John W Ashmead, 60 South Sixth sueel, do
T S Wegner,Lithographer, 116 Cbesnot eUcet, do
B J Kensil,l23 Eleventh street, do
Peter-Skea Smith, Editor Native Eagle, do
Joel Bodine, Glass-manufacturer, WiUiamstown
Wi'liam Steely, Farmington, Van Boren c». low-*
L B Coins,.M D, Boston, Man.
RunelCanfield, Phisiologist, Philadelphia.
Thomas P S Roby. M 0, HarrisborgJb, l'a.
Peter Wnght.2sy Market street, rhtla.>
. James W Newlin, 103 Filbert *L do l ■
John Good, 174 Spruce «L -- do s
William UrieJPtstorSt.PauPsM.tC. ClnCatliirine
St. Phila. *
John Chamber*, Pastor Ist loitlep. Chvrch, Broad
st, da .
- T L Sander*, Publisher of-Pledee and Standard,
F P Seller*. Editor Olive U.-t ch, Dojlratnwn;
Budka co, Pa.
Wholesale tod Retail by Rewind '■ Walton, Pro
prietor*,376 Market St rhiladclt>hia-R E .Seller*.
57 Wood .at, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Win. Th > '‘,.*ls Mar
ket at Ido.j'K B Perkins, Marietta, Ohio; raloirAc
Sbarp;MaysviUe, K Y; John W OaueDlm-er,Cin.,
Ohio; Sidell Sl Reeves,Madison la;C Noble, Louis,
ville, K YtDeverouck 4: Pelloux, St. Louis,'Mo.
P,H Mcuiaw - , Naichea, Miss; Jlardawav Jk John
•ton* Vteksburgh,do; (,‘harles Jenkins, NctV Orlcan
I* ' , ■' nes
-1 ERYrA Blesaiiig! A Miracle !! A\\ ouJcr Ti
.—To care Fruplioni anJ Disfigurements of the Skin,
Purple*. Freckle*, Sunburn, Sail Rheum, Scurty.Soru
Head*; A^.,4c. . ~~
Four years -ago lan August, lbr cspiuitoi" Franco'
war astonished in consequence of a CuM.-orct) made by
ajt Italian Cheuust. Many doubted—Hserund almost
an impos*ibiiiTjr that anything made by the hand*of
.uitn.'Could have such singular power«a« <U»>claimed
by Antonia Ve*prini for bis inveuUou. .Muny <-la**eit
him and his inveuikm as a humbug, land. aia»l maujr
foolish persons without trying do ihe »amr now,) al
length, after testing it in the hospital*. the .Mi'.iiical So
ciety of Parislthr besichyiiiisi* in the uorldideJivernl
Ike following repotl to Signoi Vesprin? • s
“Wt have now minutely and carefully examined ibe
singular mveutionof Ve*prini. We havr'anhiyxcdit*
component pans—we have used nin **ten.! ■ and
we hesitate uot to (’ronouuce it [the Italiani.'bemteai
t*oap]'aa a ({teat blessing, and a truly wonderful reme
dy lor any cuancoua eniptiou or disfijmri rni-ru of the
skin. I lia inventor we consider the true, philanthropist
of suffering mankind.
i .President*
Proa the inventor himtclf lo thejresem rropneiqr.
_ pre*fnn.w,
I " ' , ;j1 Paai*. N0v.4,1H0
In contideraiion of. th«.r*m of HOW) I b#?p d>vut>
red td Mr. T. Jonea, reridin* in the ciiy of New York.
N» A\, 0»« whole proeewof ruanurociunn*, together ~
with a •Utemmfof the ingredient* Compo.iu* my lut- ;
imn Chemical Amp- He it lomanufacture it lor Mle in
the Utaited Htate* only, and to ka*e the pnvilrgc of na
rain. li-*Jonc»-liafi.n Cimraicnl Soap." .
.—Wime*»: Henry J. UoUUwonh.
fl>Soldl»y W JACKSON, at hl» Patent Medicine
tV arehotuoi f® Liberty meet, bead of M cnJ, at iba
ai«iof«beJli|fllooi. WC
Theonir place 10 Pnubvrgti where the GKNUINE
can be obtained. All others are Counterfeit.
WHOSE BtUMticin equal ycrni! (Aik « roir
fair room wife, with her bright tunny fact! Look
at yonrown, pitted with eruption* and bloielira! Yel
->on.a»a too mean to rive fifty cenuJo/ a eoknoflfce
great lialiw Chemical Soap, which would entiruly-free
roa trocn uetm, and make your yellow »kit> clear and
bealUiy.t Uoav«aeeia Jaetiton , « Sure, w Liberty ti.
-Pitubiirgh.and |ei xeake.
, N it tbe only place in Pimburgh where
ibeGENUlNEi»ttrbeobUiocd. Beware of Connler
feiu. • i •
Big Bout ttandt fa the footway.-
. »ch 3 . _ _
published abd made known to ibe public* ** Tbit
wat lhecxpre**tonof an old man who tried Hie Syrup.
Ilmecaau. February 1, t&47.
Mr.Morgan:—Thit nay-certify that bring atQicied
with a trouble tome cough tome lime, t bought a boitic
of Morgan'* Conab Syrsp, and am happy to uy, alter
uditgitTmy cough if entirely vared. 1 pronounce your
Cough syrup the be*t medicine I have ever ured. No
family tbooid be without thU Valuable medicine. -
DAVID McRUBERTS. Allegheny City
[pThia medicine la prepared wholesale and remit
at tbo Drugstore of - JOHN D MORGAN
; Wood all eel, one door below' Diamond AUay
• per bottle; ■ feb*
glngOreate ipota, Mark* from Clothe*,
Woollen*, Carpel*, Ac- and rendering the rpou
when it ia applied clear, bright, new, and apodeu.
. Sold with rati direction*- nlc» cent* a cake.--
tfraoldby WM. JACKSON, @ liberty atmt, head
of wood, at hi* Ihai and Shoe iwre, a>ga of the >BU
Boot, • . iriT;