.. I fe^ga'*«- vir" •>;% • ' ilflE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE,? f ttw j 1 -. i;i PBiiikSturai*, ss47* . ■ ; - ' w£iiv« hftd «;no»t A. ' V|.v;':-' PITTSBURGHt \) b»«U*isoft amfSpmaerJfb.a«idth»AneUTtjw■ > BAfnRDAY MORNING, MAY 1 tern ciWdcJ wtS l tiji't ’ —" ~ |! fcUoU.tti».Gde*atti*u .afj4fjia ■| tho nrvr Ac*d«n? of Dtaiga, l(« fiCiOft* anJ ftyb.:U>wa. * milT. and >\eekiy.— iac Daily °* *'n-We»my • »-i«e S' 7 «iM>a*«-U« Weekly i» I wo Dollar* per annuo, liuetlf \i‘ l * .. —-w~— l ' ll /*• to mjcure iiueinon. *hoovd l»« bauded <0 b? Ate o'clock ia ik« oliera-jun. AuenaoM uibi> t oa be penot our eu*uwn:r*. \*«iid t>* P nH,tt ’* utooT«mi«l bene&i, ... : for governor j QKX..:jUa'«'« mviK, FOR CO JOBJC PH W.iPATTOS, i - \ j tfTATft CENTRAL COMMITTKK. THOUArt B- FKANKLIN. l^cu^ifC.i) JOHN CTCUNKKLI Daupbm county. THOMAS DL’NCAK, ~ JA.UK* MAKiIN.j „ THOMAS C »AMKD\|Wk- WILUAM M WA,rr»,Cun>-j«rh.oJ. DANIEL M SMVHhR, Adoma. . JOll » P WKTilßklLL.fnilodelphiaC.iy- JOSEPH B CHANDLER, - “ ROBERT T CON Ra D, “ THOMAS MeOßAfm. Philadelphia County OILLKII LUTHER, Uerka. ROBERT M UaKO, Franklin. THOMAS JIT MIKBNNAN, Wa>oiopmt ANDREW J-OHUK, Bonertei. • HARMAR DBNVF. Adeflirnr. RICHARD IRWIN* Venango JOSEPH .11 KUHNS, We«moreland. O J BALL, Erie. H D M A X'V BLtl Northampton. J U aALISBUKYt Su*}ueh*n«s. ELIIANaN 9 ITH, Wyoming. BAMUKL A PURVIANCK, Butler HENRY S EVANS, Chelicr. ROBERT T POTTS, Montgomery. For utter Commercial Intelligence. Domestic Mar- Ne*»»|l®P®n*> Aloney Mnrk"l, Ac, *ee third page. I M , _ / ! T« W*«it Oiirrrs, offiUtarday, will'be fs ■oed tt lO Vtiock (hu morning with ntw< Veek* - j _ ' | RtatTr f, T«* A»tx . /tea AOAia.—Thu New Yirk Anil Renters, borrowing an idea from olden lime, an decimating tneiwelves iuto ctani for the p_»r poM of carry ing out tbeu iuiane war upon law am) property. An Aamciation haa been formed, of which one Calvin Pepper,—no doubt a very tpicy gentleman,—i« at the head,and which 1* Jc ■ signed to do mtschitf generally. The Awocia tion it to bo made up of tens, and ofio of tbo l- Every ten aeo thus elected ulobojhe represen tative of a elan of 100, and evrry Leo represent tag of 1000, all to bedividod and subdivided, like f the banditti of Spain or Chips. The systeof uf ootalion ia to go on without limit.' His first amoaation of ten repreaentihg one thousand men, we oro told, will agree upon principle! and measures to he binding upon the one thousand , until each time a* th-* next higher daaa of ten tlhich organised representing ten thousand men Lball revise, amend or supersede. Mr. Pepper *»J* that the plan lias been exttn nnly and enihosiasvically adopted at larg? nuet logs of the people of Colombia and Dutches Counties. Probably, the outrage* at Tajbkamc are the fsbt dawning* of the new syitem upon benighted landlordiim. It is understood tbit de pots of fire arms have been established by the Aoli Bsotett i.f that vicinity, and it is quite lik.- Iy that these “arsociathns of ten/’ representing hundred* and thousand* of the prople, wil be called upon to tue them. Toe principles aid Oeasart* adopted,'it will be recollected, arc to be binding’. We hope' there is enough of “law and lordi r” lithe B»*nf N»w Yoik to bind-Mr. Pepperaud it* e>mtW«a'e« orer to keep the jiesee as soon ax hi enter* apon bis war upon the property of the Stale. We ere both w<-ary and fearful of th.s Tc&eaUsm. the tff-ct of which »# to overturn so ciety. In our country fat-aiiciam lit* become a plant of «ucb t#| id growth,and we have so.much of it «|t ero'inJ u«, be Jrom 1,000 to 1,20.0 Th* following ia given a* the position of tlje % .enemy at Cerro Gordo: • T&* lierra talitnU, or low le**J, termini'esst thesiteofthe American camp.from ‘ «bkfa the toed ascends immediate'y in a tongcir cait among lofty htlli, whose cjmioacding poiu’s bad all been fortified andlgairisoned by the enemy. 0b right, entrenched, ie»ted on ■ precipice over, banking ao iropaaaable rapine that forma the b-d of tbe stream; and his enircncbtnet.ti extend-ft continuously to the rou3, on which was placed a formidable battery. -On tbe other aide, tbe lofty . and difficult bright of Cerro Gordo commanded tba approaches io all direction*. The main b ,ily ■of tba Mexican army was encamped on level pound, with a battery of -five pieces, half a mile In rear of that height towards Jabps. Reaolving, if powlbje, to turn enemy’s left, •od attack in rear, while menacing or engaging bb front, I caused daily reconnoirean *• to l>e poahed, with the view of finding a route fir a fore* to deboneb on the Jalap* road and cut off , retreat Early on the 18th, tbe column* moved to the general attack, and oursucccia wa* speedy and decisive. Pillow’* brigade, smithing the right of tbe entrenchments, although compelled, to 1 1»- tire, bad the effect I have heretofore stated.— Xwigg** d'vwion storming the strong and vital point of Cerro Gordo, pierced the centre, gained command of all the eatrenchmedta. aud cut them off from support. Aa our infantry, (Col. Riley’a brigade,) poshed on against tbe main bxly of the enemy, the guns of their owe fort were rapidly tamed to play on that f tree, (uoder.ihe immediate command of General Siota Anns,) who fl«d in . eonfusion. Shields’* brigade, brav.ly. aaraulting the left, carried tbe rearbittery (five guns) on the Jalepa road, and sided materially in completing the root of tbe enemy. • , ■ , The moment the fat* of the day was decided, tbe cavalry, and Tejlor’s tod Wall's field haue* _ ric« were paebe#on towards Jaispa in advance of the pnratiing columna of infsntry—Twigg’s divi moo cod the brigade of Shields’, (now under Cot. Baker)—tod Msjw General Pattermn was «c»t to take command ofthcro. In the pursuit n»&y Mexicans were captured or stain before' our men and hornet were exhausted by the beat and die. ' rbote proves to have been complete—the retreating aimy, except a amall body of cavalry, being dispersed and utterly dworgaoued. The immediate conaeqoenees bavebeen pur possewron of this important city, the. abandonment of the works and artillery at La Hoys, the next form-- dable pase between Vera Crux and the capital, ‘ and the prompt occupation by Worth’* division of the fortress of Perote, (second. ooly to San Juan ffa tHloaJwitb its extensive atmament of sixty air guns and mortars, and it* Urgt aupplie* of material. To General Worth's report, annexed, I. refer for details.' I haw heretofore endeavored to do justice to tbe aklli and courage with which the attack dn tba height of Cerro Gordo was directed and exc caui. Dunin* Ui,ic«lm«ni. nw.t Kul lhdr coramendere, under lb, teed of Colonel ’ - Huner. Lieut. O. W. Bmilb led the enjiocer uuhrl of the etormmf force, end hr no* ! gff&SiteUot.. WINFIELD SCOTT. Vnicn «, B»uu.-It will bo.ewt tlnrl th. : W* one of aw, ,»tnilM »*« h,rn “P* 5 ** 4 * h», M to «a ioereoedd price of BtM. ;Tht c.- ua ludio,., ud town. io the.ndi*!ibo.hood ' o, crowded with Boor, .od jet ihe price idnrr- never should hive bai my .saving* inflicted opsn you, for if report Speak* true, your Gaaelte t* staid and muter of fact, a character which well,be come* it, considering itr'ag* and standing eavt and wc»t of tbe Alleghenies. Tbe steamer's nows reached this city yesterday afternoon, and was st an early boor in an extta But|i-tin« the proprietor of that paper r.'crrvmg iro.o N«ar__Yirk by Tslrgraph—exclu sively. The.. It&'df the news wss a very deci ded uue upon our commercial circles. There was an immense call for rxtya*; indeed in the busi ness portion of tbe city you coaid hatdly meet a man wb-> had not one in hi* hand. Flour and g'uin uf all kind have advanced. Cotton, as a matter of coot*;, is flat. No sales have been made to day. Tbe twenty-third anniversary of the American Sunday S.hiol.Union, .was celebrated U«t night at Mineral Fund Hall. The room, which js one uf the largest in the city, was^ crowded to excess, and with,an audience, the majority of whomwere ladies. Tbe service! were very impresnve. , Ad dresses wtra made by several distinguished cler gyiorrt, among whom Rev. Mr. Malcolm sod Rw. Dr. Durbin, of this city/ wtie most happy. The reiMirl of tbe Union for the past year shona a v.ry gratifying slate of thing*. You ntll find it m the city paper* of U>diy. Tbe new* from Malic/ today, announce* that (ten. Scott is m ivirg on tbe cspitol! Purbla bnv. ing capttuUud Tue impression in our city now is, tbat peace will soon be announced. Santa Anna is evidently broken completely down; and *i'b Ins fill may be ehuuteJ undoubtedly a lOb- mi*.ion on tbe part of Mexico. Gin. Irwin I* in our city at Jhe.Columbii House. I understand tbat a large iinmberiof hi friends have already called upon bim. He is pop* ulw w.tb all classes; in .fact, ja»t the man to be ibn next Governor of this State, which I presume it ii ttr.w g nerally conre-Jed he will bo. Tbe Democrat* are disaffected towards Shook. He will oct bi-gin to get tbe party .vote in this city.— It wus only tbi* morning tbat 1 was conyersiog with an old Democrat, who expressed openly b’B dislike of tihonk, and who said he would vote for Irvin! 1 Y»u have probably seen the announcement a contemplated movement io Cubs, against tbe Spanish Government. ThcreJ* more iu this than at first appear*. I happen to know that plans are now cor.c uing f«>r a decided stand s tun, cn Sunday nigh*, in twelve and half day* from Livftpo >l, enable* me to spread before the -eadeisof tbe Gaxette, fourteen days later inte'.li g-nce from tbe old. world. In corncqurnco of the pincityof discounts by the Bank uf England, and tbe exaction of art and •me quaiUT per cent, on 6-at dais short paper, arm fight per cent, ou other kinds of g*od paper, but tons of all kind* has been aomuwbst aflreted. U.uton baa declined, in a measure, iu Eox and as a consequence here, while breadstuff* sr s trfl* higher than at tbe T departutc'of the lss< steamer. The Brinnnis has on board £200,000 in ape. ci.-—abrnt $1,000,000. Upm the sul'jrtt’in which Americans are mori d*i*(ily interested. I-will quote the fallowing r m tlif last Cork Examiner received here : «\Ve this day witnessed a most horrifying and vt i'idiua spectacle, at the Abandon guard heute n.-ir tin* f*ct of Mallow lane. Under tbe shsrta tua.h - t to that budilpig, lay soma thirty eight ho inau beings—old aod youog, men, women, chil dren, and infants of the tender**! age • all bad died together ontbeground without at.y other eo*- e ing than tbe rags on their person* and come in tie |a>t atiga of filth and hideonsness. There ih-y, Uy— aomtJ dying—soma .dead—and gaunt and yellow with (amine and disease. We have ■evri many sights of hotrrr -v'lhin lh-3 last month hut ii-rer anything eqnil t '' -congrcgstadmais uf husian debasement -Tne amel'.that came from the sufferer* was of fonaise In the extreme, and sraa sufficient of itaelf to' propcgate, disease. Two of these wretched pcofi-r died mi* tnoming—a man and a'child.” • H'iw rn*ny will follow them before evening. l« thrlr home of eternal p?ace, we may not cat cu'atr. In the pailih cf Cuacbford, with a pop elation of s x thousand. the average number of death* is fifiy weekly" - I m .st st 'p here—to enter more jn detail is un riecei#ary and revolting—the sufferings of the Irish aro too deplorablo, even for narration. Tta grat ifying to the feeling* of the American people, thai they base most generoudy eon'ribaled to the al lesiation of .the wrctchedoet* of tbj* down-trod den race,, whose degradation, and anguiab, cannot be t>o highly colored in a representation of their real condition-' “Asiiimoosplotto raorJer the Pope has been discovered hy the French Aroha*sador. and many tires** have taken place. Hi* H ilineaa published a circular on the 19:b of April in which an inri litioo i* extended tj tbs different proviocra to •end Representatives to Rome, toducors with the Government roesfore* for the improvement of the local administrations, and to aid io improving the position of the population.v In Paris the news of the victories of General Taylor was received with marked and lively sat* isfaction- The reply of Old “Rough and Ready” to Santa Anoa's aaaKDJns to ni'reoder, is greatly admired uu.accohnt of its noble simplicity; and lt will live in history like Na pol-fw**ippeal to hi* so’dtar* at the Pyramids, or like hi» «p>rit.»tiring address on seeing tha sun rise at Aoslerlitz, Respectfully. &c. J. B. Interesting Correspondence. The correspondence between Mr. Bancroft and Lord John Ru'sel upo.n the subject of tha Louis tana donation to Ireland is here transcribed from Wilmer & Smith: ••Mr. Bancroft to Lord John «u*i?//. -go Erros-i4—The people of New Orleans, &3cued by the ecaronU of the disUesa from faro ino iu Irelaud, came together in a public meeting on thfl sth of February la*L .Mr. Johnson the Governor of Louisiana, prwidiog. and Mr. Clay, of Kentucky, taking part »n. the proceeding!, and mide a volunUry contribution of 6fteeq thousand dullais.. This offering, a committee. conaisting of Mr. Grossman, the Mayor of New Orleans, and of ill molt respectable cilixcni, have placed entirely at my dtapwal. with no otliei restriction than that‘it be applied without the least pwaible tlalay, in order to alleviateia tbs most general and *-quitaU!e roaiaut the aufferioga of the peopla of Ireland by the purchase of food for their relief*—— From yuur Lordship'* position in the Gofcrnmebt y.,u best Lnoje where relief is moat urgently de* minded, and bow it can be applied without waste, without expense, ao>t without interference of oth er arran;emeot*. A* the surest method of carry, ine tntoVbVet the writes of the citixens of New Orleans, I IheMoie brg lease to plaee their on tnbution at your Loidship'sdirposilion, requesting you to exercise in its application the tame diacre-' which baa tieen conferred on myaelC Perhaps, I should aay no m>rr; but I am impelled U> add, that tho sympathy of tho people or the Uniled Sislra with the sudden and orerwhelmiog calam* i y which has befallen Ireland U earnest and uni' srrasl; and that, mindful of their European ongio, thry share In the sections and rejoioe in th* prosperity of the nations from which they sprang. I Mi, my lord, with bikb oniideration, sery faith fully your*, GEORGE BANCROFf. •■Lord John Rowell.*’ » Lord JJut Rasrtlltojdr. Bancroft." -29tb April'lB47. “Bii—l bsrereceiTcd with ranch gratification your letter of yerterdty informing ma that the people of New Orleans, assembled at * pobltc meeting (Mr. Jobnton.tbe Governor of Loutsiana. ptesiliog,) made* voluntary contribution far the relief of the distireie In Ireland, to the amount of fifteen thousand dollars. I have likewise received a draft for the amount, with your request that tbo suns should bo applied where relief is most ur gently-demanded, without waste, without expense and without inlerfeience with other arrangements. I feel highly booored by the confidence you have placed,in me. It appears to.me that the best mode of dispensing of thi« rosgnificient eontribu. lion, is to transmit it without delay to the Central Relief Committee in Doblm, presided ‘over by Lord Kildare. I- , shall accordingly send th# a roouot to him with a copy of your letter. With reference to the latter part pf yottr .letter allow me to add, that ibo Amsst and universal sympa thy of the people of the United Btatea with our distressed countrymen io Ireland, is most gratify. iogto Use pehpra .of G&Li Hfitafi) and r Ireland, and that her Majesty, the Qo*n baa neea wiib ibe highest sstisfsctoo the manifestation: of gen* erodty and 't&JfaW. ;a'Batieb spnitig' from th# same origin as oomlrca. .1 have ins honor lobe, with lb, (iMlntinped,,«!..«.? WJfally. -; *'J. HUeOfiLL* k. co£ i«fcTo»AT'Ho mmM fH«=fiii. tijwgmnM I ]}V MAG?IETIG TELEGRAPH. J\ Benton u al&omv in St, Lenlajart now, - at g: • , . fi_~ fry-,-——^—- ■•■ ■ ■ a he i» ? ,*» faaod, Using'* haute the iapUrUnt Hail Rapi'movemenU | c4gjr«*pMd«B£eof Gazette. large family io Cubing- oftte day£ir*, eaUittetitlon li^ite. Showing j ro- j :ifr*rre*ooodMee of the Pnu&qh G**tiie ! On lbe.fi 3tb he delivered a »pe«’* to hi*; cdtfinßt of|iCor|»anti»n lnffiiotpoli*. on ■ :i , >*i:oSl THE SOCm.- to.it*.of liegroai ti*pfci of the Qie'teiblttst -'- 1 - Piufciiswiu* May 3tsh 1847. ' day and bt/arb aa audience, wkomcu: j iVfsw/cni—Vulux* Ea»*,oLObu. . hate the New Orleans paper* of rite l&tb ri „,u r ***.» * mtn * *»« j „!“/£",£ '“-"j r*£ XT- *tT tear bin*. The Sanator bam* introduced to |. yjjio, Samuel A. Verbrike, Jaeob D. Early) N*- command of CeperalBe©t. or Tati, . , , I- . *uemWj n»'Jditef>llo»ing Srxtcu. eteUtMcCany.oflodiana. _ JTbe fiojni* Canale* tea Issued a «**»ialoij He raid the Vat! fa* year* had Keen occupied Secre/ortci—Dr. JB. Bobbf, Piter Daggy,'of proclamation, commanding the rosisacre. of all by (treat questions, of a pubUcoature, and requi- ..Indiana. j < - Araericanslin reveoge for the masiacre Jif Meat. Tb. Orr g ,D qaeiuon Th. Wlowin, rclouon, «r. mlnxlaced by Tbi, .h» ..cinj prcicl.m.lwr. .f it. bad during that period, been settled, and upon Judge HunUngtou, and unanimously adopted: .... •- , , V . . . .. . ihit subject helatatlsi hi# own courts to bare been ‘••Whereat, public attention hat of late Ueed kind which has just now been uaucd.by a Maxw clear since He opposed the treaty then ne directed to Jtte importance of eotsuucting a rail- can commander, the first being for “war without gaiaUd in regard to that territory, and lime bad >af .between ibe city olSu Louit, on tbe Miaei*. „ abown that the article* written by him then, io eippi river, and Cincinnati, on the Ohio, whereby r relation to tbi* sabjeet, aod published in tbi* city, in course of time a continuous railroad cammu-. w«re co.rcet do tteir vWws. Fifty four forty waa nicaiion «Ul be formed with the Eastern Atlantic the demand rjatio of England, aud t car wa» her cities; and whi rcaa, the right of way for mch pur •newer. He had alwaya euntended for forty-niue pose* baa alreaJy been granted by tbe State* of u the diridirg line, and thii-npuyan be made Onto and Indiana under liberal charter*, paaaed known to the Socrotary of State in Apul, 1845 their respective Legislatures; and wbereta, tbe Ho felt it hisuuty, when the qoeation cams op, Terre Haute aod Richmond Railroad be the consequence* what they might, to breast created under the charter ol the hit Legislature the storm'of public opinion,and save tbe taro ciun- of Indiana, has already been organised, be it tries from a disivtr.iu* war. He. did take h'n pc “RaolczcL That iu tbe opinion of Ibis enliven, eilion for forty-nine, and the line wai carried; the tioa aaid road through the Biats of Indiana • eooeeqoencoj i», E-igland aod America aro at when constructed, should connect it the eastern peace, ami #l, be was happy to add, were himaelf line of the State with a railroad runniog to the and hia cooablnwiia. dty of Cincinnati, and at the Western hue of the Amid thaj calamities of a fanrne, Amrrica is Slate with a railroad from that point to the city of now suecuri ig Gie.it Britain, and ahe returns to St, Louir, on the. Mississippi river, us across th i ocean her strain* of gratitude. •It is “Repaired, That in the opinion of this conven a war of bei tevolenee on one aide, and gratitude tion, *tepa should ba immediately taken the on tbe otbe . Thank God, be added, that such director* of said company io the State of Indiana, is the resu f, and I thank my eonvtiuents that, iu open 6hokg for the subscription of stuck to said j though ai first opposed to my course, they hare road; and that they are hereby requested to do*o, j appreciated my motive*, and now spproie them at the earliest pncticable period. On the subject of Texas, be remarked that te “Retolud, That it is also the opinion of this bad pursue 1 but one course for thirty years. He convention, that } steps should be taken in the. denounced the treaty which ceded Texts, jmm a - Slate of Ohio, for early action in thi* important diatelyafnr it* conclusion, sn l had ever since improvemmt, thst concert of action, on the part been in fa ror of iu redemption, but not «t tbe of 'he States iuteiestcd, m*y be licured." , price of v ar. .Mr. Clay? who was at thst time A committee, of which Gov. Bebb was chair- Secretary of Stale, w.s in favor of regaining it; man> appotntoJ to draft an’ address, and pub *o were A idrew Jacdson and Martin Van Boren, ..... , and recently be had learned that Joho'Qoincy ,s 11 lu P 4m l* e orm. Adams bal voied against the treaty. After the , _ ' ... ol _ ** u nTIT.,.. \ bailie of San Jacinto oflfers wero made, but the Ttfriblt SICQIDboQt Bil<Cr. war still existed, and the cabinet desired a peace We derply regret that w« are colled upon to before the r entered into negotiation on the i uhjcct accompany Ahe glorious tiding* to-day from the. C.'uld thi: i have boeu brought about, the territory *«at of war.with a piece of local mU-illgence— of Tex a i w.m'd fall as eas.ly into our arms as Eve truly heart-rending. \ esterdiy rooming about 40 into Ihe-arius of Adam! At the conclusion of Mr. mile* below this place, ihs steamboat ?aew Ham?. Van Bun n's administration, he said, none con* white, jia? her trip op train Prow Oilcans, had dernned him for refu»mg Texas at the price of sapped *t'a, waod-yarJ, and on shoving off—it warTli was under Tyler's administration tbr.ngW being about 4 o’clock,*, xt.—her boiler* barat. a negotiation privately got up, and for. unworthy cautiog a complete'wreck of the wholo boat, and pnrpoae* that tbe mischief was done. He bad killing neatly all ter officers. A great portion <>f opposed bis treaty, ahhough he voted against tbe ooe of ibe botleis was ihrjwn. a considerable dts* wishes o ’ bis cju»titucnr«-Ter if they de- neat it. Luckily lb* passengers were iu creed it. I He thanked them for appreciating bis 'heir state-room*, else the low of life must havp niiti.e,. He ..id be considered hi. mn fate ft* keen mu* greyer. A feh-ntl h., furnUhed nothing when weighed against the prospects of with the annexed list of those *t | l®di Of musing: ruinous war. He was in favor of negotiation, in Killed —Geo. I*. Allen, Aral clcik. hopea li overcome tbe objections of Mexico; but I Mining, ana tvppostd to at mllta— H. B. in the agonies of Tyler’a expiring administration.; Guppies, second ctsik; Alexander McKinney, pi* the nrßolialions were wrested from the national ' ol 5 1 1 engineer; Jamea Van Dik«i matt; council* and the deed was done-* resolution up fjUr b,ack white; sreond .ateward, on the aubjectwas parsed, and war waa breathed. one cabin bay; t bss. Ratcliff, carpenter; Mr. At that time negotiations for tbe recognition of Barinda. cabin pi*sengcr; and one deck poisen- TeraJ were under the mediation of Francs and; i* r « namsnot kuown. . i ; EngLnd. Our arniv and navyat once proceeded M..B.*hop, ooe of the paaaeogeraoo this 111-fs* j to take the war iff the tends of the Texas Govi *»<* steamer, describes itio explns.on as one of thi) ernment. V most terrible, perhaps cver.hnown. Ao iron safe | By negotiaii.ini, aaid Col. B , it was not only « ‘he distance of some hundred yards j bop-d that we would avoid tiose disaatrons con* broken to piece* by the concussion; amt of f 3,000 , ..quencs ofjwtr, which flow from ihe-loas of ® balfraglea which it contauicl, a good many, life *«-d dS- ucrion of pro| long would be detail. In all ca* sea victory has been oars. But tboag'a continu ed victories might and must bring peace, policy might have dono bitter* All must wjh fur pcaco.but not sorb a peace as font may exact. Cat. B. spoke of the mix ture of raevs. interests, and political indinings existing in Mexico, particularly cf tbe priesthood aod the army, who eat up the people and keep down the true Republicans; yet the Spanish great characteristic of pride is well known—history il lustrate* it, and this pri.c it a point of union for all. Unfortunately, too, this war has placed in power tb»t Party ro-'sl inimical to the United State*. In negotiating a peace which cbootd not be a hollow {truce, the Mexican p unts of charac ter should be understood. Io oppoaibg tbe United Stateeall parties anile —even tbe iron Republican*, those wbn adoptrd our;constitution and have fought to meintsin it; tbeae will be tbe last to make a peace which com promises Mexican honor. The speaker remark ed that be spoke of subject* which be wse not p r mittedao ui.fald, (jf tbe conduct of officers ]b nja’iera forward. He would bate accepted tbe Lieut Generalcy, but to make arms mibs-rvient fo poltcy.:ood the rank would baveoutrag-d no pio« prietj ji»r it would hmertmottd no Gcncrul.— The public will yet see that if be had token the office, Taylor would have Aad2o.onf).men at Bu*> eot Vista instead of 5,0n0 while Scott would; have found the road open tn Mexicn; nay’; both General* would have been in a situatiou t » hove : entered (be city together, for ministers-of pra e would hove been along. to - conciliate and wife mxiteri. “Tbese thing* the public yet will see ’’ remarked tbe speaker,‘•nor will I nor tny friemla hive cause to be ashamed ” Cob B.now touched upon Oslboun resolutions wiih regard to alsvgry. He way born, and lived io & slave State, and'saw with eitrra such new and ruinous doctrines brought forward. Slavery wav to be extended to Oregon, and every compromise upon tbe ■uhj<'ct |was to be considered as a violari >n of the con*ti lotion! Such was the doctrine, and northern friends were lobe “knocked on the head at (he first lick." The speaker Wuujd defend slavery aa it it, but ted no idea of being treated as a aubvr r ter of the Union if he refused to extend slavery to Oregon, against tbe wisbra of it* inhabitrnTs. Calhoun's resolution make (how who will tint r? > their whole length sobvrrter* of the Union. It i* r« his fate to g.yoverboard he was ready f»r it. C -I B concluded hysaymg that he hod on this occaei n. a. gathering of all parties, aa he aoppneed—lin i ited himself subjects of general interest, in lire proper place bn ws* always ready,Vbnwevcr. to disenra party subjects. • Tjie presrottime vn - a critis, and;he wished to be allowed to ;*petk o. a man who felt for his fellow-men. NBW BOOKS* j. U ReuJ,4lh (tract fees received eeveralla ge packages oPnew books fro.n.the Harper*,ol New York, now the rmsl'prolific book pablubet* i i ihc Union] 1 Amooff them u Jared Spark’* “Weabioßtan," • oaf* and valuable edition of the life of a man whom We all delight tj honor aul of whoec faiatoiy ere cahoot know too much, ami by one of the moet eoecfufui and able author* in the country. Field's Scripture Illustrated Dy Rev. Che*, ter Field, with, notes; a highly interesting work. ••Omar,” By Herman Melville; A narrative in •two part*, deacriptive of the South Bet. Thi* work has attracted roach attention in the east, and ia regarded ae a very intereating book. Pictorial Hutcy of Eng/tznh,No*. 31 and S 3. The namber* completed doao the firat volume of one of ableet and moat inter eating Historic* of England which have been issued from the preaa. Mr. ! ReaJ, ae will be eeen by his advertisement, baa elra received a large nomber of other new hooka Which wawould call the attention ol the reader^ Saiix or Mabooast akoTixbkr' at Oihcjs* »aTX.-pW# a*k atteatton to an important eaje at Cincinnati oo Wednesday next, of s valuable lot of Hoodara* Mahogioy and other woods.— For kind of' wood and terms aeo advertisement. • Ta» Law* urCaur*.— on® °f the bar*; barimia laws cf the “Celestial Empire," Hwan?, | the distinguished Lieulenaat-Governorof Kwsng- \ ling (Canton,) province, bat been degraded, and j sent a prisoner to Pekin. Hi«_nl3enes if, bavicf,: when recently providing ar There u< ao Icm than 19 aiuia I»r divorce pcnJitg I » rT -r.it gentle wp» u* ri raodidatr lui Cntumy Comm;. baforo the Cojihoja Coin of Commoo Plea.,«lj thie »P*»ion of the Court. - t Convention. toylOjiw n m | THOMAS PKRKINS. of Uiwer Si Clair io«vn»hip. Job. M. Dot r. 1... Utm. nomlu.icd u Spi A, r "■» b “ *. c "" dld * u ' f«' u ike ufa.ta r (v Comß>>*aioiii_r mj-UMAw of the noxt Hooie of RspretenlslitM |o »eter»l 1 quarter*. Tailoblamd 111! CisStBALI.—W« IIJTP ie cei*cd, by mail, (be Biography of Taylor tod hi* Generals, which contains not only akeiehea of the lira of Woiti, Twiggs, anil Wool, bal.of Gen. oci.tt, with an account of the Bombardment of Vera Cruz, and the vtmua action* of the Divi’ •inn* in which ibc several General* have cum* maodrdin Meiic*. Tbi« work baa been publnb* rd by E. H. Butler dc Co., Philadelphia at 25 cent* a crfpy. AsKßioaH Journal, (SilUmnn't) for May. 1847. Thu ablo work deserves particular »uf> port in.a State and tieigbbpih>od like tbi*, dm* imgaishcd for improvement* both in artf and *«• emv. and abounding in thorcvaluable resource* an important to the developeraent of Ibe treasures beneath .our soil. W. W. Witaon, corarr of.4th and Market street*, agent for the work. Tax New England Regiment will.be under way directly fir Vera Crux, witnin a week from tbia date. All the companies, so far as we have heard, are full, or very near full. Gen fierce and suite, will be at G»n: Seuti’a htadquarlr ra with* in thirty days. \ , Toe amount of money .received by .the New York Relief Committee to this date, is $144,000. The number of vessel* despatched by the Com* raittee to Ireland, and their cargoes, ia t#o barka, •ix brigs, and five ship* from the port! of New York alone. INVITATION TO XfU WKBiTKH- Tee friends of the Hon. Daniel Webfter, new on hi* Southern Tsar, are reqneslr.a lo meet ftl tbe CMi-on, on tiexi Monday afternoon, the Mlh instantiate o'clock, lor the purpose of Jnv.ting ibis great statesmen to vimt our eitr.on hi* retom home. D N Whlir. Sidney Strong, R K Seller*. A B Cir»ling v • U I, Ring«alt, Wat J Howard, John Sheriff, . Kobt M Hiddlr,. John Shipion, 1 John »WT. ' Joshua lianns, » R B'Cawau. Wm M Darliugioo, J O Jlauey, > . • Thomas Steele, G Adams, *=, Mergaa Roberwon, B B Todd,' , CBM Smith, AW Loom.*, O Metcalf, WLAdama, Y. Brooks, , M V Baton, , 4 Cha* Bryan, Henry (^npbeU, John Bobinaon, • Wm M Ifrreb, W B Krskue, Wo K Man, . R R R Dontais, . Wm R Rhodes, XI P Morse. ‘ • C O l-oomts, »;.?»>'s • •So Singer, Alfred prAwki*, Jothua Mode*, .•\ £ J BmAwin, -■ ■ . ; M Hampton, . AleX W Miller,. WraMtgdl, .r. Jaoe* M Christy, Y C.Flanagan, C Darragb, •.. J B Irwin, TSomaaTtfcKee, John Caldwell. .. ,f» W^V ler . , M Swarixwelder, !i> Junes B Murray, Cbt* B Scully. UorrvrpoodekCe oflbt Pittsburgh Gazette. ‘ LATER. A deapatcb from cur Correspondent reached us last night. It is osfollowt: 1 I Canales bad declared Martial Law in ihti Val ley uf the Rio Grande by Pruclamit t oa, and or dered all Mexicans capable cf bearing! arms,- to take them up againal the Americans. Hs iosisU d that do quarter should be abown them under any -pretense whatever iu relalialicn for thejmurder 0 Mexicans. . ’ Even the clergy were not exempted in this sin guibary Proclamation and urged to ostial in tbe extirpation of cur forces. order was addressed to the! National Guards. ‘ Whoever refutes to obey it it to be shot aa a traitor. tesH«i«ivc Correspondence of ins Pitubargh Gatciie BALTIMORE MARKET. Mot 21. BP. M, There hashed) hit little change in tbe market f,i Flour since tbo close yesterday, and tbe bosi neta done baa been to a moderate extent only- The want of stock oa tbo spot restricts!the cxietot of sales very much. Of City Mills tho market has been quite bare for sometime. The tsansae ttous iu Howard sb to-day were at tbo prices cur rent Tburrday evening, $9. City Mil|e is held at $9,25, without sales except in a rttail way for The market for Wheat has advanced. Bales to a raoJerste extent of prime samples of While at -212a215c per hu, and of equally good Red at 2Q4e. i PITTSBUUOIi, JIAV 80, 1847. AT it of ih>* llnw Baker* of ibc ciiiet of t'liltborKli and AHrKlienbold at tb" houioof John Corn—The rairkel has .till follhlr tlrclineil o>™,ck.on(lr.ini.ireei,.>«uissl>o.«iUh>.ii.li.kr.mo . . . 1 , oontideraiinii ibe propriety (it rrculiunx the nner* o' Within Iwo day*. rc-day White soul at 99»i02c Bread according to the prr.tr.nt i.igh price of Flour:— ‘ami Yellow at 103at06c twr t»p/ ; The meeting '.on* organized by Jabo Shepherd taking S,U. if Whisker in t>bl» si 31c per gill. °? There b** betn an improved dtmand.-for To»| Kcwlved. Thai the price of Bread iroiu lh:» date, bacco for export and rricca have slightly advan- ! »ba)i he five and ten cent* pa loaf, eicepiotheiwite ... atreed upon hj-the Baker* pieacnu cea ' 1 ()u utoiion, ibe me«iing adiourned to meet unTbur*- For Pro*i*ions eomeibtog of a demand one ; jay eveniii* neii.at the *aroe pUee. ip u n » up, but the sale* «how no change in price* jllllN SHBPJIKRD. Prra't from thJo l&U quoted. j , Kiclua.vd Correspondence of the l’iu«l>ufgU Oazeue. NEW YORK MARKET. ; May 21, 8 P. M. The stock of Floor on tale in the city bein';; still quite small camjiaratitely, Urge buyers are-in the market fir future delivery. There were sales to* day of 20.000 hblt Oene«see, for all June at-$B.- per ! I>J. Some sale* of Southern (Howard e 1.,) oo the spot at $9,00 pet hhL i Buyers are also making contracts in Wheat for | June, a sale of 10,000 lm. prime White fsr ihst I month at 200e,' and 2000 bo. on the *pji at 203 c. | Cirn has gone Up considerably. Sales 20,000 I bu'a prime Yellow at 107a109c. For drlivery >n ! August sales of 110a120.000 bus at 100c—sli ! Vclluw. RICHARD T LEECH, JR., IMPORTER and Dealer tn Sndillery Hardware an>l Carriage Trimming* of every defcripiion.Ne 133 Wood tired. PitNhuigb; oiler* 10 container* and deal i er* a splendid clock of geode in hit line,, at eattern I 'priee* ll,» litppltetof l.ace*. Hand*, l.atnp* Knott, 1 Ac. *e . are from- tourer* hnbeito unknown m ihi* market, an I ao*urpa**ed lor beauty. quality, nr ebraf* ’ IK*i. j l.igbi and Dark Coarb, Brown Japan and Leather F.xrluiivr Corretporul.-nct- nf tb* l*iu»tipr»h‘ Casein Varnuh.ai*-av*on Kami. A *uper,or article and war- PHILADELPHIA -ill b. r May 21" t 7) P. M. Vi,l Ip- . nyM HolJrrs of Flour am wry Qrtn thin morning., tit ANTED TO BORROW—Several *um* oi and at the dav advanced rucc-cded in get ing pri- VV from 15u to Btw>. *SSO. «DOO, 8000. tttoo, Ac., on ce* up a hove' anything y*t. The, ulti are not' goo-l »•*«»•«>• for one »o fire year* Wanted, employ. • i . ; rnns.diiDi tut i.. ,k _ ! men t m *'ore«, warcheutet. Ac . and in *owu tad m tbe large and |9.ooas9.lßi per t>b| In the ; COlll ,. r} . for * mm-ber of boy., clerk. at.rt yourg men, morning ptirf* were sB t 7fi*{9 00. and tot o number of laborer* and farmer* Tfte maih'ct f.r Rye fl.mti* atetuly—further J fTT-AI! kind* of Asr-ncie. aticuded to promptly tor . . . u»i . moderate rasr-e* l'lea*e ejll »1 rales 6 per bM. . . I ISA AC HARRIS’S Boyer* bare raccccdrd in getting a etneeuion, Uecrr* l Agency and Intelligence Office of I2je per libl on Cornmeal—«jle* of the day at ®'*-* n ’ , ? r - Vooi> _ S 5 U 5 per lb l nBHSRO SUGARS- The a on WW I. fully .i.t.ined aaJ ' « *£• C 'J“" l °“ u '.“ ra "" ! s J* ,r ' prirc* are Terr full. Sale* White at 209*21 Ic, i ■.*! t,i I* !./>*< N’j •.». and Red-at UOfiaiOTe,—-all priUM. *■ For Pnmrioo* there is lew demand than befit* :,oi>m* *• No 6; , —orote moderate sale* and War Inquiry* but hold* , litvi* Powdered, on band mod for*»le by era maintain ,beif Ml..nspria.t 1 A , cm . £'.lv"Sp Whig Hd Anli-Susonic Camlidaln. ' | , WM. A. ni-RCHFIVLD. of Ea>t Liberiy, wiilt.f ; Ido Dry Pcaebc*; i *Dii(v>rted in the Anh-Mavintc and Whig Convention l do Fl»X**rd; for t\»u..iy rou.mi--i». u'f TV d.-u.ei in wi-eh h- 1 do Ilee»o.-axi .nominated by tbe party nw *i .1 ortirr.: hi I'cpm n> • .'M.aic*■« parked Cotton, .mtaMc iot. ! nijal fica’.ioi:* oor randidaie wtll eomJarr vf,n an* ! CpholMerer* nr Ratting Manufaetnrer., to'atn»e, :'or : altewiicte. . . J'KEULES TOWNsHIP ’ i .ale i.y ISAIAII DICKER ACO rnv.'ldAwte* my 22 vrat.r and front *u . Mb. Fk.ij* !’le«*e aniKinuee ibf name of JOKN MILLF.K.of the Foroni-hw’ S*n*’p.i.ur|rli, a»a*alt:iMe candidate K> rrr Tf »cni tbi* cJatiiy in lUc Legmlnure B.ylßjfcTT* BALDWIN Ms. t'oiiaiPtea»e in -•ou»re ifcai t\ SNIVKLV. of WtlkttH T(i*r.*.‘i p. wf. t.c Mippotifd n ib>- VVt.;| ■uJ Anti-Ma*tu:c Con«nuron u* rim.lirt.iT for 'be ai;d i-bligc MANY nTIZKNb my is Mm I’tnoal taie pl*««ure m recnintnm the member* of iUc Anti Mm*on c and 'Vi )> Conrenl»:i. MARKHAM. SWARTZ VVKI,t>K —• pentieroan wr!i - many fcigt ud Ant(uia>on. tor i oificrcof t'oun'j Cntnmi«rionrr JOHN JIOKHI.-O.Voi' Allegheny.. will l>c tupport cd by oittn) Whig* and * nutnaaont fot nomination bjr ibe Convention bk a cuud.dfffe lot Courtly Trearutcr. B .yudA«r r FAVtrrn: M*. I'mtob —l*ira«c unnoonce the nwne ©I CAl.l'n I.KK, E»q. of thi* city * •ultaMr prri«oo to irp'e*eni iln* county uiibr I.cgi»!*iure. {myt-HAwj M(K)N HENRY LARGE, K»q, T>f Mifflin Tbwiuhip, w::l be a candtdatr lo< me le-gt*laiare, *ubjeci to the oorni uuuortof the Wb'B end Aat|*Uaaoinc county Conven* ion. —«j>4 i WJflMAwtc Mijiii JOHN WiU.OCK w.il tip tupporicd before the Whig ami /, ntiaiiMiiiic Convention ipr tbe office ol count) Treasurer FI.KST WARD tnytjdAwl* Ma Kiitro*—rii «*c/»tu-s of Mifß>n_ townctup. at a autuble candidate to repreient tin* comity, in tbe l.egi»initjir iuv Vdi w # T ’ LEGION JOHN SHERIFF, O! the city, w.ll be tiipported by many Whg« of the city and county for nomination i.y die Cnm'e'ii’ori a* n candidate foe the l.rgmoiure J W HAXTE t, of me city . will t»n ««pporled b- fore tbc VVn c Aittimn>t>iTTfr Convention' for nomination nt ibe eaimlidnia I>i itie office of county Trcuutrr. al CONI) WARD Col E*PY of Lower 5t C!a r tqivmd ip will be monor.ed try many Whig* and Antiiuaaort* for the L— fit»:u.arr royIHRwF ' JKFFKRsON GAZETTE JOB PRINTING OFFICE, TOIIU KTBKET. COBSCR OK rCKf OITICt XLLtT. fc/»Wa arc now prepnretl to cyi-utp m u*»ip«r,..i nntl expM.i.oa* manner, all kind* of Job I’BinTt'*- , Ul l, ai bircc I'oMctu,StramlxiM tblla, II:lie of La tmj;, Letter Sheet Circular*, Haudbifl*. Cards, Ac., Ar n HtK i.tD rawriiLCT rßittrini to uny extent executed in the be*t manner, and nil k.m.*uf t’rminiß done with accuracy und nt tbc loarctt Useful Information— Au important discovery m rricdirine ha*been made bygh. Upturn,—it ron*j!« i, happy combination of vegetable; #>ib«tancr«. m ilie form oi an Kirclu-uy. sth'ch hat effected surprising corr* in (lie most distressing Lasts of HaimDrrkoid* or Pile*.'and complaint hat been pronounced aa in n-7-*iold, Wholpsalc and Retail, by WYATT'St KETCHA.M. ItH Fulton street., New York; Wh.Thorm ■ Market •tied, and P. R. street l’iu*tiu««li. Fa. Price SLper box. inytS Iw . |JJ“\Vk invite tho attention of our reader* to the ex- i trantdinary curetof Scrofula performed by Dr. CnJUn't Indian I Vfi»wW* JVnatra. which they will find record- | rd in another column of 10-dny't paper. They arc I without doubt tba moM wonderlul on record, and have j *o lircrLpruumiuccd by many of out most.respectable j pliy»irimt* Tlie .iftlii'ird and other* interested, are rc- ] IjueMed to visit them at their sevcrul place* of abode, j and learn flora their own lip* lire wonderful effect*,t*f ; ihnmrdirine. The first one nnihcil i» Mr Lime Hinok*, who did) 1 lx l aceit daily, lieiweeu the lioar* of 9 A. M. and 4 IV M- at tho office of Rowandfc Walton, No SJ?burating the bonds of profc** tonal prejudice, and giving mem its dp?: ••Sir: I h*vo mmy practice been usjng someof your Ginseng Panacea, and, so far, am'well pldasrd m n« effecu in Catarrhal and Bronchial Complaint*. Plcav: aenime half a dpten bottlea—pul theta. ** low a* vou can; a* I expeet if ii continues lo readirtU general sat. isfaetion as it has heretofore, lohecp ll cdnwanily on hand. Respeeifullyj npl7 Writ. Doan, ir. d. , MARRIED.; On Thitraday evening, ‘Jfth trtsiani, by Rev. D. EUioi, \V. * mackintosh" .VI of Wellsvilte, Ohio, to Mlu MARTHA H-HART,of Allegheny Luy. . $5,00. BOOTS§ 5,6b.' KO. OO FOURTH ITfIEET, f CORNER OF POSTOFF.ICE ALLEY. . Tllb *uh*ertber renwetfuHy inform* tbe publlethat be hag commenced the manufacture of Gmtfttnm Faiiionabl* Boon, of good material and workraanahip .winch be will warrant superior to*any Moot rtvrptxiir tn I'.tinbonrh jorriie pner." Tbrai.* listutM.mc* tool vvtit be made to uieu*ure, and warrant thetn ns repre •erued, uim eery low pnre of UVE DOLLABS CASH. Ccmlcmen ace re.quevted io call and exam nettie.n. ivil W K-ERSh'INK MANSION ROUSE, Formerly taller 1 * Hotel, Ifashinslou, D. C. * JOTTN HANDS, PROPRIETOR ' 'FMIK proprietor formerly «j*oci»ted with the well 1 known Im of Fuller k. Co, leg# leave to call the tmeniiou of per*on*. vi»tiing ibo Capitol, whether on pleasure nr bupiuen.io b a newly opened ciiaMisbntent ■hi ".'Man»ioi« ltou»7,' wlnih fra* been fitted up in a atyle of tom'urt and aleaancn un»nrpa«»ed by uny other Hotel in tbe nty It i* aitaaivd at the we*rern end nf IVmiayUbin* Averina, and in the immedtutc vicinity of Hie v'ariuo* Dcpartmeataof GuvcrnmenißDd ibo PiendenvU House. ILa tali* will alway# be aupplied with all y tee fit to honor >t wiih tbeif patronagn. The proptt : tor would pametilarly rati ibn attention of tbe Odtecr* of the Army and Navy to hi* Hotel, to •bom >t jtas.svrf liecn a ta verity plant of reaort. NU Porter* alwayafn ouendßttre.on the arrival of die cor* l . io ronvey barfcxe fteeof ebargr. my.'Jtf I tINE DIAGAZISICB llereivedat M A Miner'* tJ.Ladtei National, lor June—Fathion I’ln'r. Gnley’# Lady'# Book for J,une—cmbclb»bed with a poriiaa of Stepaen Girard, ol»p. an' nf Ira Orphan College, and an nttercating account of bltnretf. The Count of Motion.or Woman 1 * Revenge. Trana lated from the Preneb of Frederick Soutie. The youth of Shakepcatc; by F. Williaipj. Kiq , nu ihorof "'Shikrjtcarcand bn Friend*” The Quadroour, or St Michaot'a Da) | by the nuibot of (.ariltte. TbeCoanicMof St Uerani translated from the Fie neb of Alexander Dumaa 'I he ViciitQ of Intrigue, a talc of Durr 1 * Conspiracy; by Jotnc* W. Taylor- Tits Hidnry of Daniel Hvooe, the fir*i white man of the Wc«L Taylor'* Gold and Silver Coin Kxamicu-r. Funny Elton'a Comic World. Life and Public Service* of Gen. Z. Taylor—fre»b tupply. Fur talc at M A MINER'S mvil * ' SmitbCeld street,3d door fram Vd POSITIVE SALE AT AUCTION, . OF FIFTY HUILDING LOTS in the eih Ward of the City of Piuthargh, near the new Court Hon#e Tbe rt]l>*ertler will offer for »a!e. at public auciion, | on the aremire*. on Saturday, of May. J&4?. 1 at 3 o’clock in 'he afternoon. 50 beautifully located 1 Building lt>eriy iireei. Pitivliorgb: An •xterraivc a»*ortment of French China. Flowing Hoe and While Stoneware, with a great variety of olhe/ pattern*. Dinner Tea and Chamber Sett*, Freneh and German Mantel Ornament* Ae. Tbe above good# will be told a great bargain, in Jo*# to *uit the purehaaer* Storekeeper*. Hotel ProptiMnr* and other* who want in purehate will do well to call before they buy. and examine _ • > ' myTAlfn*^ SUGAR— 14 M.U I'ulren*' <1 Sugar; 0 bb!« C|U«hrd do; •l tre* ClAr,firii do; l> bird* N. O do; rayW For *»lr hy_ J_ I) WILL|A OO f kI'ILDING LOTS FUR SAI.K-Four Lot* on Jjtiir 4iha!>n:l Road. *4 I y 9ii Jeet each. A>k». *■ !.«:» n, or Uiv 4ib « ret! Road. ?4 by UU feet each i’i.cc9l&i. Terixi».6*o m hand, .talince ill *ijt S C CTIiIIF.RT, Gene ral Agent No 50 Smithfirld at I'JiLI'ABLB BUILWMS LOTS for aale, in dV V rrrClt »itO»t'nn* in I'lruburgh. Allegheny City, Man e.!f*irr U-rrmnrham. Joi.n'town, Freedom, Fretpcn. New Itnehwn. tvd-nVi'xh Ac. Ac S CUIIIUKRT. Krai Eataw Oifflce FISH— Aotd.u Nf aMutkcrcl: SO bit* Not! .do; M t>za llerrmc; tor aaie by , mySC WIP.K ft MeU AS PLIES'* cot wood ft water *i» JEFFERSON JL'ST reccivtd frotn the Menufacmrer. a few dozeno’ iSo>« her W'llion and Btu*-<.“l Carpel Ban*, (or *Uc b* ilie- dozen at factory pntea by tile agent, at No •£> Wood ii'fe'i up iU'm KdWARD TODD m\Vr Agent for KaMcrit Manofacinrcr FIBH-10 I.w« Not Bm.lt. llcrrinr. No 0 Larjre XUekerel; 10 hf (Alt No I do; 10 kills No il tin, Fot «*le l»y J |) \VILI.UM< &CO ra>*J CHEESE-MO 1U superior \V. R . SO Ihi San Sajo; for «ale by my« i O VVH.I.IAMi* i CO JlO.wooO »t BROOMS— 140do*. Fomeroy'aEitraUilt; OOdoi do Co -mon: formate liv tnvW J-D WIU !AM'ftCO_ MuLASSKS— flu l.blt N Orlrana. It} bbl* s*. Mtuife; for talc l>r m>s« J P WILLIiWSiOI WmrKL^AD-aokcc^Poip; 50 or **lr Uy > J 0 WILLIAMS 4 CO Sit. MOLASSKS-A few l-bl« on band nnd for . »alr to cluac a conaig.iuient. by myil I.KWm:TCIIIS »N ft •”«) Equatiak MULTI FI.ORA HOSES— Jrtwiol ili . r«r.' Slirc'i. ju«t r,ceiTr.| for rale by inytW ISAIAII DtCbEV ft TO MANILLA lIRMP —lO bale* iu*t received and for iuv by np-jj I. HUTCHISON ft CO Ci lIEBaK-li'i I>i« Large Ohrr*c m *iorc and fbr 'aale by mya WICK A McCaXOi.KS* BRANS— 50 Milt in good nnler.'for **le by m> 1 WICK k MfCAXIH FS LEMONS- sl.in.pp.l (M for Ml. i'.y rnyW WICK A .MeCANni.ESS \ I.I’M—CO M.l. Alum for -air low hr .n) *< WICK ft McCANPI.KS-S i*K A —mo |(i i hp>t» Kn'*li fiireuTea* for tale hi rujd _ WICK_A MfCA\oLVa**_ MAPLE SUGAR—Ij bhlt Sugar for tale hv -rajCl IiVV'D. HKAEKI.TUS MADDKR-Foi sale by ca»k or keg bv njyj _ MtLLKH A mCKKTSON I.'LAXKKKD OIL-t.hilil.h iji core and f-r »al«- r bv_ _ npga MILLER ft HICKSON CIANTON CRAPE Htl AWLS-Ju-n rec-ire.' /a large a*«oriniet;M>f Rich V' hite and Co'nred Car lo.> Crape bhaw I *. at the New York Sto»e, TV ftlmrkci •t. mv.’l W 11 tIAURAUII SUM. If Kit SHAWLS—Now open a full aatort_ in-m of Rich ?*umnirr Shawl*, ut theXcqrYnrk~ Siorc, T# Market Siren. mytil 'V’ II OAKRARD T AWNS, GINGHAMS AND DAHEOES -1 jibn piece* ju*iopcn <>t the Above goodi, ►j.lrnJil new |>4itrrn«, and very cheap, at the New Yorkshire. TV Market atrret inytM W IIUAfIR.\UI> Mantillas and visittks-a further supply jum ii-cclved, new pattern*, at the New York Store. TO Market Muet inyUl W >1 <•' VRfIARD nj| AD—2sbhi» No I Ualtiinnrc, rcc'J and (or « JOHN F FK'tKV MACttJClllfil*— lU> l.bH No 0. Large; 150 b/ bid* J-ii to arrive, and/or my.ll. ' JOilN V I‘KRttV RYK— 500 bn* Peniisylv juris Rye for rile I n mySt . JOIIN_F PERRY DRY APPI.ES—Co Inn in Horn nod for ■iileby JOHNF_i‘j';n.a_v BEANS— 3 l.bl* musll Wii 1», in storo and for sale l.y inyVl JOHN F PERRY SALT— 300 bbls No I Allegheny; 60 bbls Not! do; for ante by myii ’ JOHN F PERRY GRKBN APPLES—bbIs. Just received and for *ale l.y raytH JOHN F PERRY. . rroBACCO—4" kegsHtwitlTobacco for sale by 1 WICK A NOANDLEBS mjtfl cqrwood »nd wairrst. ' I 'AB—IO barrel* for *ate by I mvCl, WICK & M’CANDLFSS DRY I'KACUBIAITOAPPLBSin aood or der for sale by (tnyta) WICK ,A M'CANDLESS OIKR'S AROMATIC SALTS. always on hand ir.4 Olorssle by my?l QRaUN A BEITF.R Louisville lime—jnn r*c i d*ndfor sale by ISAAC HARRIS mylO No3o 6nh»i O' ROUND MUSTARD—4O keg* superior En r«li*h» just received and for *alfl by __ HR ACM HF.ITKR PILLB-M bi. Gaiiim. (ienaui Ktf-1-n and for ,ale bv IIRACN A KWTER aygl cor Lllwrty.Md St Clair *l* riALGINRD MAGNESIA—3 cm**, beat quail- W , u ,‘ reived and tor fl- frfi" salts •'■lt'-'1 jD'i.N'dliMifil AUCTIO!* -WCtES. 'g BtjfunSE, B^BEAUjkwawjg^ncgjp " mAßdoanv timbek I 'ii Volk. RrashearaAltewscß oo WW-ifgfT .moru»ofpiUyi#li*aill.o:efock.paji« ley«*:PPMy?. the Mabmaty ?*aw Mill, of Messrs-- H. Albro* P>** Cinc’nnat. . f. , 1.,1> l og* of Huy of Honduras Mihwmy-Jt Tanoa* i'rgth* so,l diom-tres,iquaiing from lit to W 18®**”! >iie whole loi containing about 4M>OO fret, superacltl meoa-r -, with sjarrc portion of tMtded.-'W'w.,.*®*. ciotrhc*j>rfaii'toils. , ' ■ Toe above ttrabrpsput upiniolaofifiva tyg*, nnd. roeu*urrd by U*e befd sawyer of Mottff. H«n of each lot in partlculht. ' i emit of isle are 81W. and underv**ah;Bfoolo#3oP, 00 day*: 8340 to GO3, DO days; SSOO and opwuils,* month*, for approved endoried paper. ,A diaeoantor 21 percent for ca*h will be made on all parehate* of 8000 and upward* YORKE, BRASHEARS A REBROV, my 19 - - ' ■■ . Aocnastraa. By Jolisi D« Ogvli,, Awctloaeer, DRY GOOD*. ON Monday morning,.the 24th instant, at 10 o'clock, will be told: A large and general assortment of well ictfctrd ttnpTe and fnhev Dry Good*, Ac. At 2 O’Cloek. P. M. A uoannty of new and areoad bled household farnl* tore, embracing nearly all the variety of article* ttsaally wan ed bv hootekeeperr; groeene*,aaaanaware.glass ware, looking gla«sea.mantelclock*; lamps, eogruvraro, carpeting, wire fenders, mattresses, bed cord*, * hovel*, wire • iere* band botes, eooklogstove and kitchen fur niture, Ac. Alto, H Hag* Dried Peaches. . At 7* O'clock, P. M. One cbcstearpenler’s tool*, tool chest, AC-i aqosntity of very «upenofq uality cutlery, now and aeeond band gold and silver watches, ready-made clothmg..nne •liirt* with linen botom* and german ftney good*, Ac. “7» l band for Sale. Valuable Land*, withm 4| mile* of Pittsburgh, at Auc non—ON Thursday evening, the S7th instant, atfioN dock, at tbe Commercial Auciion Boom, corner or Wood and Fifth *ireet*, will be Miff six beautiful lota or piece* of land, titnaio in Rom Townihip, on the Franklin Road, four mile* from theeityof Allegheny, •unable for country teat* or gardening purpose*; a plan o' which may be seed at the Auction Room. The above property j* very desirable, and may |>o examined at any lime previous toaale.. “ille Wdiipnta ble mid free from all ineumbiance*. . . At*o. that valuable lot of ground, situatn on the aorta eu-t »idc of Hixib *uect. near Oram, having *7 feet front, and extending back 100 feet, On'whieblaetaeted a throe »tory brick Dwelling Hoo«e and a email frame I building. Term*ai*B/e, JAS. UI.AKKLk, I’ Attorney in fact of I-. Mitehel.. ! inyiU , . . v JOUN .D. DAVIS, Anei’t 7 5,690 Bpantab Clgara * • Embracing a chore ossortmtit of very superior (•uality imported Cjgurf.of.the moit highly approved brand*, will be told cheap at private tale, to close a consignment. • JOHNiD DAVIB: . comer wood and anh street* Seventy-six Bnlldlnf Lola, Adioiriirg ihe Tib Ward cf-ibeCjty,Ofl Minptsvills Turnpike Road, at Auction. uN Saturday Afternoon, theMd initictul 3o>eloek, will be told, on the premise*; seventy-six handsome I building lots of ground, tiiuato onCentre' AVcnue and puce)* adjacent thereto, a piano/ wbicu can be seen at I ih-auction room, or on application to James D. Irwin. Ter s.one-fifthcm*h,andrwiidue rafonrannaolpaj * ment*. with interest to he secured by boud and moil j gage. rails I ID DAVIS, Auctioneer - 1 Large Saleof BuFding Lots, in.the JEigtoh.\Vtrt ' 1 of die Ciiy of Ritibarjih.' 1 "“ i t- ON Wednesday n'tenoon, the »Ut instant, at*o'- clock, on ibe premises, will be sold: 146 very splendid - | t'uildinf'Lois of- Ground, fronting on Pennsylvania Avenue, inear ibe Counßou*a,)Md!*tim*ndjaeeaV I there o,«ompri»iog very ei situations for iDaußfactnrtng purports, and private dwelling*—a pan of the *ame having a beautiful view of tbe Monooga*. beta river and the adjacent scenery* A plan of t e Lot* may ’>e hod at the Auction Room, or on application to DAVID GREER, at hi* residence ; on Penn «t. Teims: Onelhin! ea»hlb*lancepayabl« in two rqtul annual pajmehtrwf hli.Lre*i,to,bß secured' bv nolesand tuingage—purchasers to par expense of conveyancing. myH •*J D.-DAVIt*, AnciV H" ARPCRfI SEW FOBXiIOATIOSS—J»ft received and tar sale by J L READ,4th street/ near Market. . , , Onioo; u n*rratire of adrenture* in the South' Peoa• By Herman Sleeville.aa-borof “Type*." ‘ ; First and Second Vol* Life and Wriling* of Wash iugton: bv J. {ipsih*. • I • . • i;J -1 *• >• . , Mullier'* Universal HiMory, from the raruen period, to the yearof our Laid ITSi. Sae td Philorophy of tbe Seamna, 4 vola Live* of Eminent Individuals, celebrated 'in Ameri can History. • _lL' The Pursuit of Knowledge under difficulties, tllnstia* led by ; Aneesote». vriih ponrait*: revised, Ac., by.r. Wayland. D D I’oicv'* Natural Theology, with supplementary ui*- ■eriatious, Ac., Ac llUioricslTa esfrr Youth. Sciipiure II u«iruetl hy intereiliug fact*, ineul«ntf : and anecdotes; by Rev. Chester Field, with an intro duetion by Rev 1 Todd, D. D. ■ . The Ch'ld'* Friend. Ila- kley l * Algrbia, cheap cdt.ion. Ueomeuy- Elements of, and Couie Seetinns; by Elia* Lcorai*, A. M. £iory on the Constitution. . _^rr% Harper’s Fireside Library. Alice Gonlon.oni Arthur Marnm nfr*t TINCTURE:. Good for gouty and iheoraauepaln*' and stiffness, wounds, blows, eontosiops, falls, sprains, biles excoriation*, sore* of bedridden patients,frae-. turcs. boil* stingt.'inflaoed eyes from injuries or from anything In ihrni'afler its extraction? bleeding of the note, cracked -lip*, ebapped bands, in man* eases of looihaclie and after cxtracuon of teeth, ibrtore nipples, corns ader scraping off the Hard *kin in warm water, and in all efferta arising from mechanical Injuries Two tea-spooii* full to bo put In a Uunblar half foil of ]' water, and the pari* io He bathed w,ib the solution fre -1 quoitly, or else apply a rag,wet*wtih the saras to'tbe affected part , . . . . • lnatl exierhaUniuriesto Animals,particularly hor •es, it can be used to advnnuge prepared aa above 1 recommended. j For sale at |he Bookstore of J. G. BACKOFKN, Lib* j eny street; near Samhßeld. Medicine'Boxes with i llenng's Domestic Physician Gtololo*, always on hand. i .hftnnea : Dr*. Rcichhelm,Bayerttndanffner. tnyStd3twitT • • STAR CLOTHING STORK, SO; 70 WOOD STREET. PITTSBURGH,PA. AANCKRB & MAYER- vrboTe.ale and retail dealer* in Eastern Ready-made Clothing, wonkt. Teepee t-' full r take iht* method of soliciting the attentioo of tbeir cQttomrrs and the public generally, to the following lid* of their stock in trade, and assure them altof-that they will rell a* cheap if not cheaper than any other sstabUthrecut in the city- Onr facilities of purchasing sndraauafsctarlng goods, azc*ucbas to enabled* at al! time* w keep a lull assortment of ready madeclolh - mt, at tea* price* than they dan be obtained elsewhere The present *;ock on baudcontifts In pan of the foU lowing description ofjtoodai , 15» plack c'otbdTess coats, from 810 to SSD. ' . ta» do doFrench do 10“ #l. 70 brown and invisible crern do 19“ 85 VOUsact cotu, splendidly made A of good maieriaU Hkt) pair panw, of *ll style* qualities and priees. •J4UO vest* do !do do ' do luo d in »infled jj|BCHOONMAKEEfoCO yy.wii on eotUigiuiiem^fof.aafo|i^^p/ \l7 ANTED-A Competent Book-Keepgr. Address YV; Boxt47,FostONcr- , .■ pyEdiftf OiflTßl talo by my) ißST—Spot*McAHUtpr’* Oiotaeat for myl9 • J SCHfIONMAKKBfc CO i nn/vwooL sacks, .ItUUU, myJpdfcwtfT . MURPHY ALEE VTCTMEGJ, t’KHTER AND CLOVES, 1b» ncU lNttffeMafeb; ttfir MILCERASICAETSOPi baggisg. Tdi IHt;ffDnrl*p*, witable for Woo) Back*; Al*o 4y Grain Klny plain and twilled, in gnat vatic ty?e*ostamlyOßhaad and for sale by the bale. lr- ROBERTS A CONRAD, . ap«6ddw r~ 39 Merkst it, Philadelphia i WOOL, WOOL! ! 'PJJE higbrit prirv in c*»h jva'd for all ihe iLff-rem 1* graces of clean Wa*hed " col. by MURPHY A LEE. - v'l - HH»ACCU AMP moARs -1 v IROOO Xusto Cigars; . 10,000-Jd quality do do, ' - . ’ &000 Regalia do; Leaf C?igat»,tn qr boxes; 10 hx* Rowlesi'sff*- Plug-Tobscfo. 9 bx« Hewlett’s |Ca Lump do; Jnst received and for sale very low br nyl» MILLER* RICKET-UN SUGARS— 1* OKI LoTeiiM*»sDobie TeWLoar. ID bbls Lovcring’t embed Loaf Soft* - ■ 40bbl»Loaiii»iu»RefineiyXe«/S}a**r, Not; SObbU do do *JO| , flo <; • gubbl* do do l*tt!irfemedSeMr,-| &*j *1 bbU Si. Looi* do «<* do, f»M, fibx» do •do • do --‘do,- - «2o; Tor wtle by roylfl MILLER AKICKKtdON MILLKM«^„ J'fgT RF rßlv^P —AnciTtr largelnrotte or Um« Pateoi Uin Eta»lie and *Nrted Sa»f*n«!m, medium minJlwea, maaufaeiorrd by! ihenafwU Mann* factatinr Company. C*, aud fa• «alo at taclcr? jiiifcav b, ,bo Morn, No * Wood ««g i myia Agent for KaHera Manufacm/er . BOSNKTB, RIBBON ABO FLOW*:BA —\V R Mmphy b»« jn*opened as auoruneui of Gmwhoppcr,. Braul,, Vandyke, Chios, £pl»t Straw, taper. Rntlaujt.'anduitap Bonne**. Al*«. Kit* boo* end Fiawui in great nne!y, at the North Kim - cornerof4Uiand Market>U. - FISU-70 kr bbU No 1 Trituaed tfhftd; Xbbta do do do?. IsipefinJ ' SO bill No 3 Lanre Mackerri; (at *a> i y EO\V*U HEAZL.fc.TUN aytft fcjimdc ofjbe Dian.omJ DttO©tt--luiox. Sulphate Quinine; ’’ ‘Oox. Hyd PnitHa; • SO ox. lodine: SDox. Betuote Acid; SDox. Pnuaie Acid; 1002 iodide Iron; Ju*t received and Sot J SCMOONMaKERAIO Nodi wood meet Acids* *c.—3bx»Ttn. Acid: 3 bx* Seidlitt Minaret - • bxa Pult. SaV Rochelle; _ 3ke*s Polv Sap Cub. Soda; ju»t receited and for rale by tnyiP J SCWONMAKERACO.a* wmm TRIBII IJNCNS ANDSHIfCMNO MUSLIN:?—V. X(L Mbipby hu .ißSireeeivcda aopply of alove good* ofanperior make, and atvery low prices for quality, at dry good* bow, N. K- comer of 4th end Mortem*. WIDE SHEETINGS, PILLOW CASK MUSLINS AND LINENS—W.R. Mmphy fans noW open an _ excellent Assortment of-above jood*; atlowert ea»ta. price*. - ’ - ■ wy»B SALAD OIL—IS bbla Bordeaux Salad Oil, ja«t, received and for sate by my 19 MILLER ABICKETSON SPTI. TCBFBHTUIB-S5 Bblt received on consignment and for ante by ANTtiONY DRAVO,Jr n tpyl9d3l Fifth. near Market street C OTTOS* Ac.—S bale* Tennessee Conon; ffaackaGmtcng; received per R*o Grande, and for aala by mylO M ALi.E* * CO. POCCftONG TEA—SWhf.chean “Chulsa" Poo chon*Tea, now leudinx and for tale by' - mylg A BICKETSON Hbbbißg abd buad- Z 5 bbla No 1 Baltimore Herring; , - ISbbls No 1 Shad, for xaliby • mvlB • MILLER* PICKF.TSON |*it) iSwlfSEE—3i»bt*aprime Grreu Kto Coffee, JV.foraale by' JOHN SCOTT 4 00 - : aylS • No 7 Commercial Row, Liberty «ueci . HICKOJIirkIITS— Sbhlsfor»aiet.y, r " myli , S .F.VQN BONN Hotter ACo VfILITARV STORE* corner of Fourth aru! iVL Market street. my!3 WW WILSON SPTS. TUBFESTIVB—IO Bble. just received and for tab* by mylS BRAUN A RKITKR tISSEBD OIL—Id Bbla on hand, for *■!* br ayiS - __ BRAUN A REITER IX7HITIHG—3O Bbla of a superior dryquaLty, Cat Waalc tiy mylS URAUN A RKITKR C OTTOS—3O bale* Tennessee, for tale by • mylfl , I DICKKV *CO boxe* Cheese for anle by L/ nrytS ■ I tICKF.Y 4 CO RICE— 89 tret Carline Rice; for sale by ratio - JAR FI.OYD ("IORIV— 300bos Comic store and for sale by J ' «yl3 POiNDEXTKHACu GLOVES— *bbiajast reeMand for aalely ntyia WICK 4 McCANdLISS GOBS BROOMS-ttt doa for aele low by my in FRIEND.KHKVACo COPPERAS —OCTbbt* for sale by •" myl- FRIEND, RUKV4 Co VINEGAR— SO bbla for sale low br myia FRIEND, RIIEY 4 Co“ BUCKETS 4 TUBS, reeeived and for sale by nylO TaSSKY 4 Htaxf B BOOHS—ISO dor, for tale by myXO • TASSEV 4 BEST ■ bbla raperior CaTioi ’’titlTeetd ■ for sale by CLABKKATIIAW • tn ff / eauH bdafc; APPLES—3OO bus. reeM in atom and TPforaale by my» L 8 WATERMAN ALT-U 0 bbla No I Salt, for sale by - ■ mylS M-A J SLOAN BROOMS— 30 doz. Cora Btooms-ta sic re and br sale by ~ myld Mj4 J SLOAN T i ALT—dtbbl* No 3 Salt, in store and for tale by ) mylS -... . ' M 4 J SLOAN BACON HAMS—I 3 ttuka'Hams foraale by_ aylS W OBEEB SCOBCHISOS— 25 casks Si Salts, for sale by : mylS i W GREER NALLB-SUO k»t NaiU, moiled (ixea, fejaalehr mU WORBKR I BAS—BDCbeiuTeai,-part prior, ferula by - tayis . _W QUEER SCO Ab—9 hhda Scnr, on hind ud for rale by nylS W CREEK COFFBE—SS) bag* Rio Coffee for rale Ly myli W GREER NBATR-TOOT Oil*— lo bbla for ralebr . Mjrtf . MVEBS,HUNTTtH&J^^ LUIIBBO on*— SO bblr in atore nod tor rale by. nylff MVKEiMiUNTKBfcCo COFFEE— 00 bue receiving fraaCauad. and for .rale by aiylff ' JAMK& DALZELL, -85 Milt No 3, for tale by. JAMES DAMELL SR BtOlcASSßtl—jObbUinitore'and lor rale ,by .: myia J&ME& DaLZELL NA1I»B— COOtetaJlB . —, ■ \ ISAIAH PICKEVACa i ROOKFOWDK&— lbOkmWTSateiowhy ■ • B»yU Jtll frLoYD MOSS— < bales Moss ta «uk# and (or sale by -; myll' ROBKRT&ON fc KKi'PEBT IIANNEE*’ OlL—Ubblsin iiora aad-toi rale by ; nyH ATWUOU. JONt-.Sa.CO j BACON— 8 fahdj Haas, sides.and gaoaldcis, lor sale by myl4 AI Wool), JUNKS AOO MOLASSES— &> bbls S. 11-, in Store and lor sale by rtyl4 - ATWOOD, sONES ACO POTASH— 43 csks Pine, laadmf and Tor ale by myll J A it IXOVD BUTTKB— 3bblafrcih»U; for sale l>> ' ' ~myH JIK FLOYD TIXtOTHY MUep-s*4bua eleinT.t«Mby wed lor iiiai>y B)U J & R FWyD_ bxc No 1 Cincinnati Soap, jtnt ijeM nail WnofMltPY - myll o>» MIUKiMjEKOEE , SrYTB-B BIFLKB-3 grora juql .< cM aodfor-r aalebjr myll WICK h MeCANOLKSS •.■ CIIDBEI— A few bbla ior Mle try ' ; • i J\ myltf • - WICK «c McCaXDLESS J STCBFKIfIUIK-S t*3 bbUjan red'd and l.jr : : X myl? I DICKC.Y A CU, vra'efrant front M< : ; j BXCOZV— -3.000Ibtiiisortni Ilaeon, (ox *»le by -f*- : ayl7 ' __ KNuLteti A Bfc.NNKIT IT'RtJIT— SCO but. Dried Arp!e*» for Mt«by : ! , ntrl7 K.V.|.iS,t*Iu:«.NETT D~!aiKO tKACIUCS-lWho*. for anieby , myl? ' F.NOMSH ABK.^KTT B BOOJSS— IK) «kjfc Com broom*.ror *»lr If j B»yl7 ~ ' ~ ' KftObtg'H fc BKNNgIT i HB&BUICH-1& bbi* Uerrinf, tor iaJe by j tnyi7 KNOLIBH fc UK*NETT] BVTTK&»HX> lb* Keg BflUti ferwlr b) ' ! tarn ■ ■ -w t;aKEttj nft CO>FBB~*H b**« pm mj green E» toffee; Ajornlc by HA(»ALKY t^mi ])“»,“ r “ cb " Ap tei°! uss N r ?” gG »- 1C ‘ t “''wCK^McCAMti.ESSi BKKF bvtbe l>bli iei *ele by mtll y .WICKa JieCANDLESaJ acOß—For »ale by * 1 «*IP WICK i MeCANDI.KSS, ■ vum. eoaw iu note aim tur aa|e J 5 lir mylO 'YJ*;* McCaM*LP>S; /|M bl/ cbcaitireafa Tea i: Tot aale by X aylO - ■ _.. WICK t UcCAMLESA I'OBACCO— jflO bxa I», a*,i3 Tie*; fertile by wy.B WJCK ,j MeCA^liUas eOPF&K-EUo. Maracaibo A Lageayf*: for tale ty mylb ,WICK C aTcCaaulessi MU)PXn-F» taleby ' ~ ‘ . wyio , •• . wick;, t McCast less 11 BHBlB&—lYmofcttillnbxi ; (or >ale t y Xl aylU . ■ . AvICK >lcCaNm^T^ CUOT-4B keg* abot, aaiorwd ? ot; for ante i,t Q ayli , , Ml JICHIfcO.N *Co RO&Ir BCYTKB—Sbblafer Bate bv ". ~T wylO ; _J A: ItFST UQY' APPlj|li-8 tbit «up( r.lfTicle, tor ule by • ■g>yip-' ••• r >•-•.-■ rAaaKY ahebt _ BACOS-sMol&»Bacon,H Ri for«olebv py7 . MA J sLOaX HBRmao-%) bVu JffcTlf B itiimoreHehtar/foi .taJcbyv m}7 • f 31 A i ttLOAty MACKBBBI*— Sbbbl* Pom iNo 3 Mackerel; for me by ro>7 i Hhi BLOAN r(I|UIIHKD ottorei- for Hie by X_ay7 r Mti ploan , niO COFFKIi-tObgtyoiu fer tale bx. • ■ttrey? - ' ~ ■■■..=• M a Jg-LOAN ,Ct|«Ol!B>~l3abbl*Ffaar.'iano •eacd for tala by ; I?, ttyT MA/TcDAN libewyfeiTccdtt •~T\>V-AFPl*lBl—BObaa.Ajpletfertale by -!• AT- mrii - ■ i*. a rLOYfI i Walerttfett