The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 21, 1847, Image 4

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    Coaipltiot Ptlmtttioaofibe t* o *’*? l ******* ' ! . fUilioc* 1 HP»E public »« "*£?DKon o» *bo»i thel«d» « w * diuon of «***»' »J?v“ U»e; 6 »n'l ** rHl,, f “
, iK - P^B»Mbe - !B isttted. _ /l •• o( 3 u the h*nd*ome jt*« l X «ilt co«»«n ce The prop*«riuf» elpfe »siy for the 1 Urnr«. beat fim»hed #no
n»hUitr. *nd »U | ft he pnaetpw p»'t _ m ._» an d other celebrated l throughout «' 0 f |> BC k e ta u>d Red* l w C i,djf>oMd *> f etgh l ?l- T , 11 i iJL* or the \Y»i«-»»o(
v 1,. 1 I»tUe el ” ,U ,V, , e u?“od eooMrol Tllileilelp?|*. ] «,w pleerf » ■W'"° wl ,J,*7 I ,„ . t co«n.oi*uon., “ I „„b,-ii, ™” ■2? moJ ii„,, ibni iooee) w.ll pto
- d 't*nßrt- the mo«t effeet»*l *nd . I >o lhe cl /. h .j -nollcd by lhr P* b,, . p 1 ro*d C»r» °!'_l h , ft «t e f co»foi‘ u> tra«*le»». the" r«»- Kt „ molded for l*»»»en/r-#, *ud n ° P wo
* lu L *?Sdjeuree<rer known for 1 which hate been *ohijy faCtory I which will * will *lw*i ,l>e ,n P®? 1 * * nd ,b „ ihem eure h»» been P T der lhetn comtonuWt *«d the
"»•». P Syof *boTed«aeMr*. I were eyecoied * t . U “V,”_: ele( i Wl th the e*t»h- K P«ke‘*J*■J ” to call *" J ,b w»« be ,^^7 | < * l J l iPi l |abßr*l»*ndC«ir»iin»tidi»i»>
■' - 1 -JKtf&JSswr *****"-1 „
■ - k “"
‘.-I atomebint ch.nvp«rfoiio»J lera .ed OeetjPioS UeP 1 "" 1hu ,5,«h0.e «1 &»'. |„v ri.i-l.en'>' '•"> », ,n 1- M . "'">
(lookup.) sjn. P c C ”'„m.u»ce.. 1 .u.e or ‘he to-et »>»>»■ ■■ wl - tg«g fjBlL I Wb.el.nt e.»v gi. A M
aoder tne n»«*t Bpr*»n»M* c of Blood, *e* 1 at icntum ** oevoted to the wy , >4 teinai«c **. lo ; M * * Ww= 1 c.uemnau rv«*rj t-f‘ Ja >
X„ -HI- « f,“ , j'lS.-l.‘=l‘‘e''“ d ps»r...»flke i »'“ , ' J, “ffii.,P.- aTo'S ».,o«MWV MCKM. ~
r 1 • -
sssfs. Phil w*--«-• •
ll U»»k»loy«**^s®?®^“ 111 - cflKAf WA'tVH | rpilK #«or* lowM a t.) tuCHSUAY PACKKT.
• i -rrfe i- TVw^sgr.v'sr.fSKssf« !^: ,|,
■- lli, lille reida’le eeatfl above ; . | "alt quart", »l\ !»« ’i “5 Et"®.™™.. ■»-' -p'* l ' P'“" r "M CI tP ,fg?!?AJ ,
. And looking upward e* be n *' I «—» "“"rt. Gui , k _ • U ‘ , ll( u „. K l ."-'
, . J T b .*«nf.inrnl P l.«Pr..hnn.. , Tbe -I" .rr-a- **•“' *' S ' „
■;. jof more fblly • value of Pt. S\» NV« • | * forß*' ml ,.,,|ooj*r#i i “#*• 4 > L ' ft “ al *! »m,«* 1 «AipUltDAY* HACKRT*
cTm^ 9 «'“ a .
• cbtrimetcial view j osl ;' f “^ Benls ilS elf | JL »l**“ “*Tfi.Elm»«,M. O. [ • p-™“«'”" ,, ' h “" , r.».t»nd. * ac. '■.»> «• .
The dueB’.ioo naturally presen _ t . tB4l Fnnklia County, M- d e cis-iy Its.-uaici ; *cin°v ''jFr.affeA orcoor wiiiberaeM clarkka to »«-..%
ei.en., ellowEnglenden wilh | Sd.s»d. 'of.WuWcl™, ; “\ ° I r„. U
■ ■"'■■>- i £S£ f g'ss-Sis! 4if■ E' lt~lL; Zgss>iCilSSm l
.Sjgfessfass'' ~:55S==^
-If the goods ,or * C ,£"ir C wny biibcr. i ! co-vui !'“,'''' j •'=«“- ’ ‘
‘ ~S WA »w irigr jf.
Ss ; r^f E V*4?f ,6 I
sS^wA- =tsSgsrci jjfeigg§g;gi;-i;i;i::,..,::;r ■
e SBFtttumw.” tJS-fiJSKiSS,
JS=?ftl Lw •••' ‘ SS|SeSS ; S#S3SS;
Jy •r« f **l & to " ff-'fesV" l —^"
well w "of «* '* ' , , J k 1 i
S^'iSTis: 1 ::^’ 1 iS55=::
n» preslm-bejAuiinsJ- j\* *£ ! ■^S.lUnvww-y,e~- •y®{?i fc ' i p/j-jiSiKKL.. ” P .W»«»“« “VTkJI 1
Errors of tbR j r- i * r ’' . . K
n^ ff^*.“”„ a , drai,ledd ” ,yfree ' »JtfHßi ' : S?ri ABl ‘pf B «aaißK . fetvF^ 2 *" 4 i I
rnwyet'lhs. were needed . & , 1 I «««««
d I 1 ,’ A " Cincinnati “«» j > B47 ’
I that in Ciucinnail pigs S*® *®* \ YoUKTOWB, Jan. I*, iw. N : n « w ®* of n,6 f*!Sih.? the’c»pu*l »tock or Ihr l aWandtlSl Iwrke «. , t tiken the who . a _ e f rom , rc quettt handling
X. being -rned on, .. rbe r. .of . «.- £3»SK | « BBCIIiST '
« roinule - S^SSSSS®
e |g ~r J —m
i ,s,t ” iC!= > 18 46 wul
but oaf mMt SS«r®b»V w.' M“ ■"■ 11 cl, ' ke C L aITk P E>. COm
the kev/jebcsalem.
- no* yhc oewian. t
fuMwitr- ' ‘ T "* n * iQ^l fi^«
Mi fe»yi ht'w.duirr*
' For.m'l who walk thy alceeU of gold,
*Are lb ibe Book of Life enrolled.
' Wum "““Wt o ''
Mmt wnh V» robM m while K “ ow
In Jem*' tiood, ita f»"» l ° f P*"'
; , ! Find pire, diupotUil rigW«“ M “'
' :Oh Lamb of God. my h«rl pfdp*"-
V-Tii ootor wilh I| >'’ ,,<,l ! r ,I " re ' . i
■ Aid write thine own opoo n» •«»>■
'• To him that lore, and tnut. the Urnf
■ And kwi» with patien' h °P-- U “ •
Th« Spirit will. hi. -Pin' b '""'
Sweet witnowt to hi. an.we.ed pm>'"
s'* '»
7*l HiVK y us|NO nIU
ovsSZs* KIPE b]!S-Uo .«”*V M S l „
B~r S»:-TVU «
u»l to 0» Sp~f «f ‘ ~ *..»* oH to
ward, -■ *“■*
,j»pl«tori •» ith „,too,.few, ■« >
tjUvf tony * toco®. „i,dd*tod d*" l '
tokk dork to*!*' Mr “ tnrairf ,„ or ~»'!
tar. Pwi»f *“ lm * *,. wt a*- for rat, wt»« ,
oikojto ■Wt*" •» 7, todL.-'kto.rtoop»"„ <► I
„ to* odldot. 1 mitoa !••»><« w I
o tritod rf ■»• * * .p-i. -I'n
**> «■» -*?•. ™!f «. «r >»“ » d
h 0,,, tod li*» it I “»
ctod»ao®to Jit^
u.jMU-..-' •---2* ,^, SS3 lt «dtotoi,
d,, doobluo-. Coik
r* 1 * r,lk . r ’ . to to, Ckr* Itoto* to* • n,w !
<»tot *• 1“ «.d*d * •**“■ ]
litouto drtojto, ’' Wk ”“ . o .kid. i* to ““7
•d"?** 1 ’ “ (op.ud. or 3 *®d Mto I
„U.dtot ,«oto»»d.d Dr. D~»’r E>-
<>“>*» ■« I —to , uiUJit „ to ,h Ml uoitodjd»KUJ
portonotßr^r 0 „ fc, to 1 koto toUtortod
*B4i»k**«l«r i ,r * f . thußxdkiaotpwwtt. for *
iU 'tb cu.. M, u «u«*jiu «
Jitotord Xrrd -H ** /_ J,, hto nrtot;
tod I to, to»Mto,‘ to. 0 to.*.
toot I tok. wkk “ 'T ’ Old. oT rolookl. j*nto* •»•»!
to koowto* torrr„_CONBUMrriON
.ito *“ jJTL poto,to toi. ~dki“ »
W.r. i. tod, FtotoM* , *“ lrt „„i,kl to rtodtopd tod
Itol, too,ilk..tod r.uuoo *P" to. «,“™
Wkito toUl *io* “•“! Til. to, •«»"•* 1. *■ Ck “*
ItokordotoTl^lklWofk, ln todoUd fitoto."d“,
,it. .mtfkto .
U< 1 " ,U
'>'“ l ‘SrS’ll!S£*dsto~‘'' to
to to.73»at»d,«;«“ ii2SS?£;ito.doto»»»
*J. inQ* l “? Nouus B*ow»«x,
«“■ dACktoiN.c^-'
i «bD.^*-»- : -Tsar f
i ® KRU 2J I |toKS!S!« D“?J”
■ ■; »i I«j£ -r 4 ■'■*"‘ ,w
4. i rtj* • '* •
\ \ t
4 ‘C" 3
■4* ; •
edge it to be**- the aching limb H *t»d
d '*
wui, . IBM
os my •‘ ,o ’ w . h ? A. _-d it i* wrU> gratitude I bear
*“* fr \°! w S r «»dMf»l h«n»i pop" l ".''
icftimony ip»« *° lge now iu * fair
child'. «h° >• “ <3W r,,e 7 yS»w; fcc .
way of recovery, p EMft joN C HIC&EKSON.
I certif, U>*l ' f mini li« rilh<-r would
the above named cn**u, jj WB U.
be «iJein**Ji®B lUa *J*SWP¥KMAN,
my attending j nT3 riably remote 'ail *••
cation* ol the Ü B, ” eD , Il , £ ue , ol bnii«*r
lection. of the it ha* in th«
fe»i4•n'M toooomeroua to o «tlue caw
lhjoo?><v«ul>« c °““'7_, jf m York.
Ab“ INWALI., Od WillB«i N Y
t. alleoded 10. ; K»I '|" oprieI ’ or .;
Kor alia in RitUbar|h b j J' •
”!■«" " «W UniU.-£>«•*•«>*!«
i.tioe<inl.'• r * ‘™",' ( _ i , jo.icmi iniu optutioo,
It «p«ik* ■»' ‘ iu , t 40 . Unto,
ud do hoWAND L WAUI
WholMilo iod BgJU piuuft!■■ ■
ton, SKTrwJnrf J?R E »•«“•- i 7
*£[ “li *m T&? ■« Md*d« .L T
l-MBtlf of
: &?»''’»; p" 1
■JSSSI«.’» UIMn ™*«. k" 1 oCWo«d,,*t »«
iiStfElfo 8 *"- ’ i
. **'* JUtfT^Recelved
' f f om^U.B,FDuudrj-^rOpo^ i^n''^
j^y 1 *
-/Tl lti» Mininn; Mimon i’«p«*
•isr- 0 "^"^" 1 rsssu
mejif —r ; " ( |. n Q
«»«•■ '» g"' u ‘ Fr"m'lh' 100 E
PreitrW^ auCbß j i» dlpiK'i be hope* U> n»rt
.live bu»ine»« and S MU.n.p. „ .
•-” 1 ' BOLIVA& bS! *ll “ 8 ""
“* w ”
jl cotamlaalon M«rch*nU»
, orw «dl«* VjvKK. l'A.
a P.oorietora of ttot* Ltnn'{*o few*-
rjIHE A.toi. *■ J b. intp.rTO TO 1^
1 ably Sn»«n J!V „Vi, a,iop to ntrri.o PW
earlle.t opemtia aitd detiycr the *omr M
Apply lo oi »**«• |JAnTON> Aj p, pitubufflr. *
riiHK o * l '” , rv Mn n*Hy a*aHt wentmio •Hirlr* of Co
-1 « J lYcd, , bo of (he -ijoauacV Unr;-
paiwrahip o,,det “I w re fi, ifaeHtock w»*tDli«« »
aw} likewm> ~u rPo.«P o.« ofc.rryin* gooU«
nomhcf of Bo*** “JL ",-hldaym with c*r«-my-t»nd
iluougb in lk - liViaitiy of l»l yrar 1 * polion
' a: w ** -”
•din«ye»r. . e re «pecifailr oolieit * comma
-«AsrASs-£-""’ „„„
urKCUtODIiE. to *>!• FIVOU
out ° r ,i “,;So“ t N«w Void, on Bo.n>».
rntMnnrmo, ‘IV-MUEh'VIOIITMAN * Co,
, i .v .tiVet and Canal Batin. fnubUTuh.
Co?oe» * t,MS ’ A |, GERtIART&Co.
No aW Mmkr«»ire«t, Philadelphia.
... ukb, u ELSTON 4 Co, Aftenia,
hl.ur.n. BnUimore, Mil.
PHI A - NTorri' PoUei»o.i>4Cu,R*-yiw U
ggSSB^VS-* w w
New York «nd Bn'on,
Nota-*' l A Co, PhllidalpUa, «m b»
r - kis
w>" 1 »“« b3kS*»«i J««raltT' ** • coro '
«j Ba,a *• eto r
of ike e»u*liij*«»w- D LEF-Cll* Co
AjjglFi® i eorPflon «,»*<» £«•*> '
COTTON MfliiS- ' MjmCAtt
\ - _ _L muanKaai an*
' 4WO 8 "SARS A PA^!J:hV I ft;-. * MEDJCI-tto WBStKOES, AND roott .MAV.
MSESS&Sfetipjtite a “tesr,«,«» •
Tf»r* in the priue*P al j Dealersm genetal Sa.Mom XJUtn, Jy* ft \ The*A*»*»*» *r* ,he **•*» B » : * t * u * **>d «•*«'•««* f *“
&ywould inform rfaft .uMr <?otio« ; 6a*t, and !>*-«« £™rS£S«sr i «j7£co3?«W»,
IbJ they' -«! »'-■>,'J,* w«n- ‘i bST-. DD-d" _ llhe i Si!SbS..t a*uy».«l«ft«, <-• n- r”.-—'
Yam*of «'l N°»-» R all l nß *» '* V VOKfiTLY A »'o Lift. A'w. Chrome C.ewyii'w W. I“*® I -? T *r known sa m»uoc* nbtr* tbiy. Onl not gm |>m>i
Jf JSpenor make „™5 «me of Al>- T*l4 urne* •tcCMO****', ££££*?*«*•» iboumid W, hare U«. W.. 1 -.tti,
N . , 8-Ortrt»le[ , » l l j ,e ’ »*»• ' w ,u be promptly I bappte.v to perw*» »lm«x *.tr,
EAGLE COTTON q 0R / s ‘ j
HAKu?»^RB«nTON^ i sii T . rl «. ssf-’
Canslle-AVleki B«ttl»C> ... . R pg .&, _ ami is 0* rep.c*ent*u uof Peruvian U»rk,or to ** t>t ? h inelfitf* filf Htmiimii uj-a. 1,u»,-
YARN. I’AUl’i r CIlAb 'the *»""' Vi sun etuablisWd'lkct, .lb*t » fift i (r ,ha»«br«.a&r«l afiLrij-Kw.arn-1 irr-
AtbS-Mw’* **nr.l I ? lorph “'' nf lnrtUu-o o’or Morpbum conum*all ,bohs.eb« «™d fiom*u uni .«wt> e .»r».
(*Becr"«or oIA Predictor* , f,-w R r of a larte quantity °f the crude l “"»*£ ed byturngthMa. -
juui _ -.-. v, , |Dm .medlertial rio ? lts Vlbr»«prepirtlKm* >""^ m V»»cbl*bi “‘hthrrw.crwde,«wof<Ke»
•_ cKI M COTTON M',L L • mWahc®*! „ij j* 4 , re ,odiittk'«f»UQoauxwre I A'"*?* jy lai eoiu,> »U«.:.i u*
i SSSSSI?-• W 4.» -■ 'S" «» ° f "* ■■•• toi^ 1 " 1 "''"
wsa, ■
MPTH r A I 1 *» V oq ' *“>I e wttbou» «lcep fot» *«k Joctortd lor
M L lIH A - i «a»lhfn confined wm> l »«*’’^‘“ rtl{U j, r ‘fever »oteot .aheuttny benefit; Ui *** Ul “*”
! ocrit&utucd by y >o!' e,l, .i, € MY p\jy»ician».»<l*i*eu ,~»d,ijfdrtiiirß. . . ..~ _ i;_b. . r. u
! CSKTJw .
V~N *~W ‘ uunl nearly three I fini>lie(l M of M *r Ae »»rface 4-itJie U>dj> re
Vi ; ni.f Uin‘ine k »> ttllll ..cvcrl hndheen- Ibnve er iap, beedkcfie, dromweM,. nmw,““ r ,„f
LrjLßr^ l ■* ,1,. \ wa» i*<* well nT >d *®J*” - «nd’«l5D*»P*DH» wltlhe drool*, Hidden Hirliuj in »lttp, wlllt frifhl I“'* «c» l 'is “Sj
■j i iLkefrilOtioo ineayii* A*l • „ wn #'my lifnb aud I Kaunirart a lrouUt>oCie cuugh, fr»»n*huM», Clnr.t, |-»' 1 ’“
3 'X\ l !„-....* 1 under l*roviJeiu-e, ... tera tnmcn<l ua* kue, 61*, bad tula ni the moutU, ditfieuli Lrcatlnnsi ‘
sbv VU| Ss ' ( ’ioi my li |? - 1 mi 2' Wood ikeVotnaeh of bowrU,£»tijut, a»u«,.«if»inolu:i|», ‘*ra, '
I .\rS\
M / U W ! 11 Yoari, H'O*' n--*i>eP UQi » MII-LER ,hoirtw* l**'“» “ »»iiou*i«rUorAe body, a «.«"<•
(' ' V cam i<ably another''link iu the o.«Bfmin6 wtk« throaVtlchioKoflUernuu. lonmrdi u> R lii, a
. Tke fi»Mow»n* cemfi»*W' l * . fluent dtwra ip pu»aowUao* Own U.t bowrli, an t ►•m«-
- PPMMANENT CUHK FOR ; tc „ lc Unmol tc.mitouy JSadlacbarr* *?*•• andmuciu.
■A POSITIVE* eßKMAftfcf' 1 «t -Stem lto}W»:'-£“kp«4 ■*.«•' CAMtUOa I.OEF.NOES.
ll,, .?£VrSui I cOMPLAINTS. Me*"r*. Sand— mid *0 frequently I Thfj |ite immedate r*li*rtuntnou* or wek ti.aJ-ehe,
I AND A 1.1. ,V no'l£. jilin-.i. : ,1.. .uuck.”f „,„»lSul look °S.5l™!? .Jj.ulii oflk. hart. k~o.» of Ik. ™rits J.-i-mOrt-y.
‘•Wha ithoußh ihe 1 m pn»po*ed remedte . j|fc j nJrte »i ai'd frtutoar rSf^ m>lol y of putrict tore A rail, bonel or iwMur »««•
i s,» t ..e Uieir tffttts are dul> ascertained, •, r r, U( . rc »*lnl jiraenunner _ a i ua t,te preparation of . , f.; H oppmiioe'of tumeof »iakiogof the «ti«l,
ll,: | not Jeludon. prejudice, or pud . ’. TUi« •» irwe re»peii'>'•* ) VTC rely alHicted Jor_OTye*r» cramp bfthe.etotiuai or boetb, L}.ird«»t —'
Indace mankind to ael the 'n ca " ,ic*i£n*'l San-apunUa. 1 “dcwtorHi di*afree. «nd serein* Jinn,,rw- c U iha
‘•; 1 Mean' whu-b. th« ‘ “fk ,d'• vcidi« di<e«*e , y mote dieer*e. ;1. UW «* d»y?aod wakefblntu lhitw 6 »i die nitht} ehdrra.o, ,Ul
Tn ulleviaie the ill* ofliuman it » • » \r> A 1 At*- , iii<irprc*^ - i | P ,l ? u w * re i nr , relief until I commenced J datrtiaa. Uuilude or a ttw of tdifiir **r
, OR Cliilnmi-r* «AI.VA-Mi: AND , SVmd.rAui Tmedicme ii !' ,me 1 ZV. 2. wld^ ««&*****■ 1-^'*
ll ‘ NCTJC ' L Jr,., , hl4 . tn-e.vrd the i u ., np your excelteirt med . fa faW ..monlb* renrioy, and impartoig the buoyawv ■ of youth; wJ -
IR Of-villS remark aide invent .m. • , ~rf e ».ion ol , wholly roiifined to * riJ P out, and enjoy.ncow* tkey will redore Uie toue oflhe iviirra 6*03
- . i umyer»al approbation ot he « edit .* I on 0 , . , ttin uo w aide low , .u’ribttie enl.rely «0 all A* uapleuanl arW irou
. ii,r.u «nm.n.runipM*e-»« winch the , fnrtahk de.ree of he.hh ; «h. eB . u ftcotpl m , a* lit%. ?•«»« trbi hTeUedtoo lnjh Imrs imi
' d «slvan.«n.W ««•"« •-' ‘rwre n. Z ! t „ VI koBRIS aba^SwWp^l*W«-,^Ufi««itb M «LM*«|«^
m.liimrytialvnincllut er -l u, ,be mync- ; .uran*--' «l Rr' »• JO ||N M WORKISS 1 . 0 f the nerrri.
cU.iir..Ae.Httcnurcl)‘li«peii e , 4 ull> 0( the ; . . „iw u co lamted with the above state SHERMAN'S POOR MAN'S PLAb CKK.
rion* |>ower of tialvanm'u PI |lie general mode ; Rcma person. 1 the i*me >a <rue- i the wu«ld,aoda »Aoer*iPi
, oniei'i on which ate m-eparn „ trcu l af interval* ' mem. ftirrct.) > KV T M MhfUUMAN I Cw SaiM.oe weakne** in the back, lorn*, Mile, seett,
S' O- •n,,M,'.0«' l ”’'V , ” , , -TO, Mlo-iok,- •O'*'”' n3.,WTt>.,o».'i“,, lunUyo, A.. »,. Do.
in which liaKani-nt if ai ‘'’ l ' l ,| impartial trial, to !«• F*arttgn r>tfT "'j 1( , mi Rev. \\ i' l ‘ at »c»r wiUtwtdipplj thedemaud. The) re4|Utrra huk Warw
t.i-y.i pronounced. H'tet a uir lhl , tadical ■ trout a 1 '* c i; K M*ntte. VuOe betbreapplWtoa. Warrahud .uperlor to alloiU»*,«el
tf.rM««y n,,d '^ a v 1 "; “J!»,, t ,.ieci rd .wlmh. af- l . I have U-cit affl etrd «“ » fo?ooe qturtci[the rntal pnce,aaktug not only b ”‘* £ ul
(~., ,i.,i (|,,A nrrr .ippltcnt nit w i i l,r#U|rhi ■ nRU • -.....-d t,v a diseased l.vrr, tor ibeiheapett tdwUr to the world. llaShnl* relief m - few
5 l i««lt, «od aif. ; , in my *.dc , met what nS.* uUnirhm* cure,.
,o >t« present ol P* efcpimit crrcitsivt Mu- ;I *t t«entV yeaf' . ® klo - )DurS«r*aportll i is Utiremnphuot and dyspeptia, it tlioutd bewmu o**r
nn*wer «H the. purpo-r* ol ll,c ’“ o aro nmre «tA * nd cannot roi.vey. huP ln uebsotltai l ha '?* th*%jionoftl.e liter or shnaS,aod it viill afford gremt taA w .«>• other «*pecj« «“ « ,or ' l.ave been pe»i«> preachocca. ona IT relief, la eoujh., cold*, a»U.n», dtflic.,Uf •>
etriatn in at coinp!i‘h'i‘« 'he dea rc W 1 ib the Afo*- aide to allend *0 '|"wholly discarded all O v breathior, orpreuioa of the tbe»l or stomach, they wdlim
i fiin«» a-cd m all di*r- tor 2Xef rrtaUy benefit tie i*li«.t. Nr—*.»»
nrtif Fluid, Bie rotiltdently rremaun lau t j and thoroußb Y { l 0 all tho*e «U kabiU, or thou oMictd to Uaad taoeh, *t t rtteirr
3£ trAfc* nriHfivm on are 1 cn « ipcC .e. ofscrofaW coeafim truly *im^ih«« C
' t\7 tin tour o’ ntol jprwm. an J “ wti,eh we ate arc in ?«>' " r '*X‘v ,J a v C heet\ *oni ft rentatkablec . jestraljfcmwomeod tbm, inprefrttnce to
Ninons the mo*' P*“‘ lul *' ,J a '“' n , )o n uom one *iu»- corop'.auiis- n»e rt ! ~ ~ Mr*. *: they JSkoradhertbelter,BJtdaflbedgrcU
•ircv. They »n«. Without eaecp jtj.ictn— i effected rtUOiedto b «» efh^^ '« le . 1 (r relief U tbelr openaion. they are •Umukat, touic.aod
•ui»c—n deruntement o' ; 4r _ me di P «’ havhtft I die use of *ix bottleu. w Kn I<ar *, nud Mr»- ”.wte Th*y«re comp»edof eoUrely dttffemd mgred •
-a* tu there caw* ercatly necdi d. wUict ,he bad before MBieted wilh the J y.uraiany <4ar. and iftom) from the eipertette* 01 mil
• led. a new B *? , V fonnd in the proper vena, who bad been »v 1 0 f a few J ikm* who hare used them, w well aj the unitod tertiunuy;uf
,l 5 t.i'ticvcd, ' da*, wa. enure y cured by WM . GALUSUA eeeUbr ,„udhuiwuidted einn ud pbj.ktu.*, to
appl.caTton ol nc . | -y o ur» irul) ’ , d rt nclii»'ve evidence ' of'»• 1 highly medicated pb*Ur.
~oie«n.'Hl.nit«h«"J«“-“^r * ;, s ur wl, e. »p- j For further whtehma, Llkd at the nitboum .!•«»«*•
m ail ru-e«of ‘•b ®* „100 I theirauipnuaodthanl»,at thealao*lmlraeuloiicurt* the*e
nl, ,yp infihe head, faca or ll ? 1,, ’ „ sf.t Hrada/Ae, be’oUtamedof Agenu s B & DSand»,DtttOP‘ u I l. 1 &r«effected. ~ ,
BroucSito, Yot\g9, > Ctomp, Ireparedan New York. .... I Dir*ct*oa« farm are on the back of each pi* titty
MZtstidn. ParaJfffi. Fohj. 7^V^ U qj JoinU, Fulton -1“ M &eijaUeof Dr.Shermaii ihatac. Il if mpoea»t3«
Po/ P .toi..u or*< H«'\ Ttf Sold also by UWUA.^^ w c*aUe; t>.N.Rob-l for sbermaa’. Poor ManV Pluter. aud tWa»
„,l ,„„r..(0l l'»" e, “7' I,.l'ivrJ. ■ml"* I ini, .Ofl, home !!•»«, H PrTu Eupß p AILS'
N,i Sj’f I i 7jfN > W, ctHEVS ismis tKcmttLK MiticEi - f
B ' HER *°uS?SS^® N . ,
® c,, t ihi.ii iii,- ei;*liie'i iiiconeenietiei • • a j raoM Mercnrial Diseases, or dny otber romplaipte arttinL
iu m ! oil itr*il'eraeieruMethan othetwise^ naj( ASTHMA faknhiedif- from impdntiea of the blood, are reqocitml lo read
Tbl Ivanlc Bella, Br»9Clel», whatlkU iad wflbeaii*-’ He lhe loHosliag teatimoniala, to prool oT tht uotidcr-
Recklocca, *c n fietdtjr “ f „ Olo«oiiian,_or, Ml- r«l BkoperUea of-the above named mcdtctbl:.
, 4 , e ,.o.avcrcwvrrccban.^.a«i ie *«L 5 A* the «*»*{« WP READ! REA Dll R£M>«! 'I. • j
e (kovrtr u* “fP^ 'f , 8 0 f diwaao and ’ H “jjX hi* Cough, renamed I undersigned, hating tinted Mr.-rHaae
rilV to arre.l ls ‘®, tuodificuuon , i oVi» t»Ua«d Cb«t. I ™ j r ;. a i tbh office of Uems. Rowaitd and
'ucetiwif Galvan'kni e*n HiSI BUK s His'disease ‘vraa-SUROKUI-Ai and terrible must
...ent'y K*.a‘.elc..orauypan j * H * B * o«_ _.-«*« ' hate \loen b . t*cite years’ conflict with »hc de
r L „jf”^.'yl ‘“ggrahu.- «Mlil«iwrrfU.w»d,,N,",Ur '
feSfiv»f ".•*'• •■"' r"»*irr,i.“l Sr#' wtf"ti.-u SLuoW,»e.n, «■.»u P , .„.ip=h»i«*. ,
j J 2“ lA „p „„J ptl-krfin -I'kk J" U InlSinMHta, In J.nn.rj lac. tlij- -kol.
W* I■■ »C I r a.w»i£»-« «"tr; wl „,» S. interior of b,, men,!., n. ..H-« »«• -"W
“ , r. l ’ f,en, »<« ••' ,lU * °' ' / il Wl c«*>o, the , rlrt.r»teiJ Lets'uSietrd „ ai a toasaur deep und painlul ulects. , . t
P.H.b thol'tel. h , r|l , r ; Ur„vtyv, ,taie*Utot»!»»«*“ fi 2^ ttWßt rt re- On the Htb of January laat.hc'
Mirmi 0 cn><-u -•“■ aeuawhy b '. 4 “ nf lllK k«r, ! i„f from the be»* induced to «T this great rtmr- f-t-A-hieb checked the dweofc in a letrdaja, an*.
•:•.b-s %* T tt»**Js££!3. ’TKXb-m. m »u«iu» « u»*«* *t ?
rr, vxzffzi vr'rt'-^Sr- 1 i ® cn”!TnSnV A w ****.*!•.
..1 roittam. n...u.n« c.,-»w« Li.lmat «) C.*hc&***«Z> aad hi. gencnl health i. restored. .
-, y opplM-a.too asreab r and I^.*,n V* Ja e»«w, h“misgiWlbol tfie aB « yo oMQrrt .that in the treatment of Mr
,, , , •*.l u 7 ' .l TI. 1 '•V lhr ~r,,f.r, ,r,,f . r with d.t 1 case,no Mcr.-orbls.OitttmcnU, ort.fcuatie
« f .L. r,i »"*• ■' '* ~'r^vil ) l.Dirii ui.»<-hi , i^>ethaurt.d on hts ar^T* 1 - 1 aß niieftliom» base Iteca uscJ,—hi fact, the l AfcA-.
” “ ' -,r;, mV." \v.»pn -n •••-‘bo, -Ham. I H.*pu«h M e* a ***"&£££:* CEA ALONE,has wronght this worththl tb**s*.
■ u " ’ .ruur.M K |1,1« u.a» «**»!«» ol j ,u» Hkneanl bt walked to t«n of I £»atid Smith, Boeks county, Fa.
« ja-'uvrfi-i 1 2nd p. rmsneni beiteliu 1 ► r a ttg«e;s dwtsbee from a»«* 1 Charles L. tiepfrand, Meadvtlle, t raw lord coFp..
«v»h«»« sWiwotoc «»»-■ s^. s g«» nd#ueei - l ' h,la •
„ .r...™ »!SK ewcS;lSalMmh,*i«wi’oitoiCN. 1- ■
«• .
the Moot r ‘'-*t‘'‘‘7'_ 01 -f IUJ U:m- 8 l enphvaticui. They i fd u ,ry th« aad walk about the (J \V. Appleton. 41 D4fiSonth-eU d»
*>■«•• *•'*• X linrm jr t ii-u rjluhbto addmon ,‘J i.iin «„ln»ltbdi»t he Timothytjaldwell,Manon CO. Missouri. - ■
, t ,.ttd-,.i•> re p nr-jif or i-tirouic; -u a l , H. t) an icl Vcaket. CheenulHill, Plu-adclpl.ia co. Vi. ;:
JTOS3S2Sstei e iit— -r— spi
iIAY.JI-tb-J^iTftSSS- I A DGMeIU,; Pnltor bf 1 Klc.cnU, liapli.l Hburc^,
?' Siil’biffcuM*- »| j ““bThtai John Bell, Ene.SlrMt, Philld.lpko, (yN'T'l. Amefi
<»vO“Jf|SsS! a^iSKimCMtaitaesuwcriiia ’
wli'Vh '• neilhir 'lj nrUr ir. wilt be found e.nurcly 1 numennu by this remedy- Andji«>«eaton, Camden, N 4.
linn mi' l nue». * 7 which are aconstant aource 1 eurvd of tu* *»®« *Wwu»ea 1R H Ltana, VVefli nila.
free (tom i l »o«e ou. ° rdi , iary p i ß «ieT* in cootmoniwe. Tb ? flint who hate m*d this p*** 1 Hicin'rd R. Young. Utldcr, .409 Market lhi a
of cmtipi-ohi , ca ut-lON. " , which could be Anu** 1 *• A«^ r 1 j ob 2 w A»bmea<f, GO South Ssiaih street, 4*>
_ -real celebrity aud seeessof these arue|c» rrmrUy wtmW w x. M. j’•! TS ! VVaeoer, Lithographer, 116 t.’bcsuut street, do
Mbrm to be couuierie.tcd hyunprmetph-d „ Mrs Beli I Hj'&euU 143 Klereatb street, t
„u,,.'yve®'7 d -/Xvr.?iiclev \ ‘ 1 - ' Fhiladelphta. „
•"V of New York alone, upward, of MOIIT .t« SCSm'PS Rdb* MD, naxTi.burgll, ra.
'T P ;X n W », h |t’L Sud.™, „r fW[. »®d Suadard,
every facility I * wmoil« aud the efficacy of lit* | u eo ft. . ' p_.
ine tttc truth Of b>a a.«-nnu : Wholetale and Retail bj Rostand WaJUin. Prt^
"'"iV " cv “ id,.,d_M-,k.'.' j *-&•* Kgsg; S5w!?tLV
»,d,n,ly ~-arruiu-d ,a all a*,'* » ™ f' f| co '„.. Naickea. Mim Haidawk, &■ Job*
2“SEfeS:S'S:HS "l=
° , N ,l V p K™ph£~aHi»™«“.f , ' d > clta °rpVi
N- U- Ai at p -Ajrest of tbo 1 ropnetor und Prtn
’ l4 | l lmTii r‘'**rd -Id, -i.pptr of »ark >,0,,1a
AKndS« «f ?Cd6a;« run >- «“ « ,U ' Bu, '°'
1846 - I ?J7 '
TO Tl ' b .i!IvMV 1 vMV ue » cOmbkbland.
«" w "
lowcf! ra»p. »«a dt j‘P b lh „ tout* <>romr">
Mrubi>m!«-« Tr j 0 |Ul>\yKI.U A*‘t . l*.U»bur»;l
wardc-1. f * tv caSS. llrowiUvilk.
WJFtt'l'ON 4 Co. Cumberland
•ol ■ and 1847
*^;o T “'A I T,u,Tr A " D
, -i _ n will rrceipl for the Jrlivcty <*f I’tn-
TlS!;;' °Xw"o.r by ,bo lS»,»n S .ko,»
Wlii»kf ’ ,I, d ~j Whent—bl cl« r«-r 1«0
A'} tfur* "***■ °
U n l i ll ' P| ‘- Wnui-imew t*" *** !]*'•.*. F U cH r (i».^«. B , and Bi,4kr Ri«a
nnltopilLp, of 111* uml<T»ignrd
AH ptppc’tyeoM F£ 1,1 » u of CommißßU*..,
Wl llb* forwarded
ai nho-ee rate*. u A fJ N " A \YATF4UIAiN, PiU*bur«b.
Hbrlcfc.' : ■ ' . '
FRKKiUTKRS fend oiher* wi»hinp
lO hare Fire Brick. Produce. Ae
l Uoosbt to lb'* place from Wieubcnnlli*
c “ n '”“‘1
■■■■■■anai.Remejti*. by caltin*-on «r, \
„ rMulatly between Pmrlmrßh mid
hare a Hoa» runtuiißjrflut u '> MILTKSUKR( a;R,
Sicabenville- steamboat Afent, 30 Water «
|in4 " SALK ’ "
THElitenmbont HAHLEto re] * lTrd
<T»""K end .tilted in hnndjont. «ylj
iJMmW now «t Ike wheel A"
JStSttfßa .he i. improeed .he 1. we|l tdejed lor.
Daaaettiet*i®rforto* ,n f' *b _
i£d eipSS "-1 powerf Any pe>»» J U "
lew^"‘jAgfiST He can
on tala or charter,my tow*»a flau, and iwa
alto hate on fairtamaalx fixture* A*
■ £o*| bcuctat. mteen e ezSfnation of thee*,
madti for fail operauoua. urKOll|lo
lablUbtßcnt itinriled. Fc t “n* p ßn i c ular«,
with «e to tefercncc to anygSoan't DuiUl.n. a 4«
Bay addrett mu toy ** n «r MonoturaheU city,
•treel, Pittthurih.orei Harlert.nMr^-"^^
1 aajtO \
MirnirAL AND SURGICAL o* - -
MEDICAb ? . 0 . ca DIAMOND
|,EY, a few door* bekm
’ H Wood ,lrce ’> “•
Jffi&fkl ““ ok. show*.
-now coiSinta bi»
for wbicb hi* oppor
uai,i '*
E«S. * hc ' I “ J J *? d
Eleven year* El *' d “°“? 1? f, (during .which he
treatment of a *° 4e ,f l^ B l T n( | a* c tired more pattern* than
ha* bad more practiceana ■ - n¥lle p r <iciiiwner) am
“f»f«>" «fa5W^«K
&K! attg£hSWSfcw,*W
ird by the u*e of a,l t °l "* ® b ,. radically -ml
day, that their complaint• ca t o c>re y ul attention to
oogtly rated,he k ‘*'{‘ n f *. succeeded in hundred*
the treatment of * Qf ” ™n* of i nflamation of he heck
of instance* In eonnipcrvo'i* wh , cb often remi'
of the bladder, nudkinotetl aw nptl ,j IMO to
IL tbo*e base, where ot * u have
bopele»* despair. ucul ed by other* to eon
beenlonnaud uii'Ueee.mult) |lbr^ vpß , hfn , #nd
•ull him, when every thorough and intelligent
their ea.e* treated ' n “ ipenence, Mody and m
manner,pointed out l) f foT Uu>«ef»ga*>d tr
by matin* thr.'r wiih fbfttie, by
s,.";,TSii»«”»“ <*>« ■»■ l *»•> ' wi '-
“ffitaNo-M D..TO>nJ .«*?. W°>»« > hr w ««?"
Itqaao. del*
c£S pirilM, ’bJS""cK” •'
hove from lime tested the etdf for Jlhee-
Pla*\er by ana* it "ft/"’** B * o ** e back, pain »«a
■K blea.t Ac; and 1 take ldea.n«e in *»y fo « ‘
u» the public, that m titty *•* ._!£,.««*«« vipae* °f
and I do believe that aaid * ene, feJ
W.K««To“!Di!,I &•>»* Co . corner Flnl » «£»>
Hold by B A pabneatock « lo tayldfcw
for Cafe. VoUli
mllE OREA’P- AX^ l cSsio2Sso>l.‘* lto#n H2'
«" "'/SS wwgjsys^
Sffir. O»*ES ?<“»‘‘K”,™
"““sSs .ft
«»“*** ‘L.iunto* El, * lUl ‘ '
Kowrftnd #»»Mib*d lhou tj bo *»N>Ned
js&sr «^«ais»saa^
rwiarf IfttUllna ®WB4 W’
{“S* .SfoiSklTtf&lr.' A^km V to »“ ,, “'
wood ami troni »uecu . A „ _ . . - •
wiim” 1 ! 1 '?« I
rat, healthy, alabaner, e, , eaT » I f l Thc**kio. « ,kiD * 1
nme acima an a co»met.c on ih • m .
•%rsst +*»*, rj^sKi^s^-
thaaeua- uatt J be*B'>i
While, I 6nu 1 l po*»«aac» “’vrTVwbjie 1 eT«r '.,
_• ■ . \ ,
W m»PriM*4«“!• jACEPONtat bl» Doo* aod
«Trtt* rt “*v nkiained JVtwa one of tbfctn is tba Far
tSf, “^So'lE^kno^hrXr^a^
, %A 533$
~ , MK noST ABTOCHDING ‘ *>«©pyr
i. BttT-A Uteifing! A Miracle !! A *; nd s£:-
JjTa F-rtiplion*, *nJ lh«£jiutftnenl! cfi).e«io, .
Pinrtri.TwAlH, Sunburn, Sail BUeuw, frcayys
i« l Aagou.lW France ,
„ |&ra OcauM. **>'T
sJbssi £& sa^sw
goapj** a «r«» hit ** “ y df-firun «>«>* o/ " r '
’ , *‘^S)” -iSorou)«>BjSSL»-.
From ihe inventor him»rlf m lh ISO' ,
]nwiiifa«ti«“> *£tff*&!*W* New York*
ie4ioMr.-T- J ***,*•.*
N.,,A0 the Hef
witb atUtem«i« or »r‘"*, oman nfarUie >1 lot Ml* i«V
ta»CtJr»c*| tfMP- ' ,c Md to baT.Uie pnvitf fte of na-.
«* v £2^m^' <^*w H 8 “ p " '
“WHW**v|'' flry J ~old,ir ASTOMA VKSI'BINf f
' ••' <®C*S\v JACKWNi at i»i» t’a'eni McCone*
l" "1 *'•*"* “*T ■
Piece in PittaMryh where the;UENUINE
ffiA&g.ri A.lMtew.gC.MMtyV 1
rov .ps*ii*a»wiob« scoubdkbM
W* me*nne<*eea equal year* ! at J°V
fair to eng, wife, wiifc li«r Lngbi*onnv Jart
mv .Thrown, pine*with .rromion* YJg
** - te im mctiv-to live fifty cent' fo'!e eeVeoi t*f
peailt*li»aCbe»ieal Jfokp, which uoutJt-onrely Jjo
fi-d mWyour, »k i , “l *'*V
bffilthy. iO* *tone* »Jfickeon * f**rty I
Uw GENUINE l«to-be obtained- Bewajr of t ounuj
W £-OBS»aiyE>bc »«bm «»«* "> !'■'
Vi-nflßXsVcoCaii syrup-- " ■'
M!U— “ Wiea'il.ePyrfip.
WM iT«P«'rf»S?i\ Kebntfify 1. »«r r
■ ».* rS £^^a&sa>'S±i
*£»& be without thia valuable medicine- J
ItaMirW'jgviD MoEOßEHW,Ane«fienyCijy
nj-TW orficii»u rnryf* -
" on door b-J»w Biaoai lltty
FrieWa cent* per bock-■ _jJ, £EI_
wintr »QAP-fttw
S*j3fflS#i: Ma£9oN,®Ub?ny •‘"'Ul
ijf Wbad.»Lhi» Boot *nd Bfco*