The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 21, 1847, Image 3

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    100 bbU N O IColftM**! *'•
01 hkda prime WO Sugar,
40 bxaSaldaasd lb lump wbaeeo,
SO kff No 1 6 twin do-
IV ban Pepper,
?S bbi» aaeorted Nos L Bonn
19 tierces Bice; arilh a general a*-
aon-n;m of crocene*. Car aale low by
o.y‘9 No g* water at
SL NDiilbS—ls ten Feaiber,
V bbta PUxseed;
'2 do Lard;
I firkin do; *
1 tbl Tallow,
8 aeki dry Peaabeo,
9 do do Applet;
I doGoberreakf
V do aoft shell' Hickory Nuts; now
lin J -< * uiim «mioer Hio Grande; for,sate by
myij I DICKKY A ttn.wnerA fnw«
I'Jt hhd* puroe New Orleans rf u*ar;
MS bos, • Ihh Vellow Havana no;
~L. do Cue White do do;'
*i ÜbU Re&ncd Brown Louisiana Sajar, a supe
rior art cle lor iaouijr use;
:-1 bill* l.o*f Snesr. No« 4, ".and 8; .
411 t>bla ’« n celebraied embed and p«i*
vr«2cd .'uin;
m ' Vo sav t oo
O .19 1 bj« Washington Ree*' l * C.gan,
■St } bi» La AJinerra do «°i '
:M 4 bia La CeielmlaCaradoteaCigars,
19 l Lit# I a Bamnro do;
tV * bis La l‘rima*er» • do;
It | ux» Ju«>o Sana Prme Ipc do;
rJ'JX; ;»&■»■■ DidWo
IT 60 do' 4l*«'2 do;
SO do UII9 do;
V 0 do Ti'.t *lo; For tale hr
_ m) i* :
SrSDBJKS-MJi.l.i- Moinwi;
{ e b!.l« At.-pice; •
IS bbl* IVpper. • • •
Cinnamon, Clove', Mai-r. aj.i ail other Spice* for me
by in; io _
T*~ANHICR'S OlL—>o bbli dark Brown Taaaer’a
Otl.landing uitiiioraalrby . .
myl? BAG A LEV A SMITH. 13 and 90 wood at
POTASHES, Ae.-'Mea'-li Potashes;
3| casks Scorched Salts; ..
For rale by m)l J j • UAt»ALLY A SMITH
FISH-1M bbUNo l Herring*; . , ,
VSubbla No3‘Maekercl. for raje by
INSBLD OIL—SO Uhls in fir»t*rate order, ree’d
n «J " " l - ■- 1 ''»” »• TSalwly
Bf, 00 *- 5 ' SE«Jy“"
|nv ,\o Row, Liberty M
Lard-1 Klr!« mill I stand. now Undint imo atmr
IvYomine. -• ~le br I DICKEY ACo
mil a 6*. waterji ttd'JO? front su
LARD Olt»~l3bbUNo l Lord Oil;
■ 3ui4tN»* do; machinery,
No 17 l.ilirny »iteel
ju*t teemed ;.y
nt) 17
HKRItINU AND g|IAD-n«fi«i»< ib;» day
irota Canal, a. a 'or '■nte- by
my 17 J UA LZELL, 21 water H
STBAJIBUAT FOR. BALK-FJeeeo-sixteentli*
of ib<- a-r-» «»»t KING(itJM> For ICTOV
Ac . upp yai mj Isif Til.A DUNCAN’S
LEMON RTIU P-VrrjTfine, jcal received mud
tor *a!e ti\ HA VS A BROCKW AY .
m\ts No 2 Commercial Row, Liberty »i
BACON— is c»K» i;acoQBnJee in prime order, for aale
myia L_ No AS front H
LOCISTILLK L.IWB-fcO bliU L While Lime
tor vale l v S K VoN BONNHORBT A Co
my id i N 035 from »t
ROCKFOWOEtt— 23 kevUoek Powder.Uinei;
tor .a.e i t 1 DICKEY A Co ,
mV jS water A frent-tte .
LARD OlL.—l«> hbl* No I LardOiLjan rec’d and
loiiwleby F SELLERS
myio 17 liberty atreet
OAMPHOU—Ibbi Uebned. for tale venr tow by
‘m IS, No 2 r<nn , nerci«l Row. Libertr;»t
MACAROSI— l cb«c lor «ftlc vrrr low by
N’o 3 Commercial Row, «t
mylS . -- _
SCOItCIUNGS-ir ci»ki Sfco'ched Salt*, t prime
BACON— 3 hbd* Ititcon Hun*; . . ,
1 Co Saonldeti; received id More tnU
for >ale by my 13 ' L 8 WATERMAN _
PKA NUT# — Koiiird ior«a<noraen, «t the Muttf
umi Fstii/fv* J 7 Infill CtftCt*
„“ iv . RHODES *ALCOBM 1
FISII —SO U>l« Mackerel;
bbi*Nu l Herring*, )»« received and for
,-Ie i,y JOHN SCOTT fc CO
raj is
ASK STOCK FOR Sal«K—One kindred and
iourircn Share* Mock, in -Exchange U«nhof P«ui-
*oiccoi new and d«*ir*bie ixyin of *pnnjf ►nd
iurrmer figured ami Jdma Uoiuet and Cap ntibon#. JP«>
rtc'd and lor tale t>
shackmttt* white
wood *ix octave, new «a»e FianoFone, manufac
tured by Cbickeriti(r*of Uo«toii. will beope.jedi for i wie
onTue»dny,May llthby • J H MELLOst
myl l " 61 woodmetU lie Tobacco,' 1
l»l>x< Price A lUrwoodHSLwnp.
j CO lx ♦ Oilier CLoiee Brand.; I
For ule ly mfli W GREER
F'IAXSBRO-A bbl» FUxreed;
1 kg Lanl; .
odo Duller, on*n«nen and
mvl3 No 24 wood Urt«l_
t KMOSS—loubx* fre*h Sicily Lemon*, Jun ree’d .nd n | CKETf OX
TAVA^O^’ s '®^ -25 Ij>l* Old Go*emmelt J«t»
iITHITK H.mSA~SUU Att r lil l.» Wty.
W *“* .
P& a '- x «?M^N i D ]3g r ’ fc '
nw *
0^“ P ' '“\vjciKciWeB_
s°“H?a; ; sisJsw. ~
Mi.,ik.iu.d «"■»'*'°»j;)r WOOD . JON Batco , -?a^.“jr^:
ri^OBACCO—•JJbx* Webiter’a Ria»#«; owner*.
I 0 30 k T. N S 'nnYlTlM'lMholT B rerUjmil—Spcffi, H O VicLrey—o t>l»U Hour,
myH * * -f- owner.
Horse radish, gratedfiJTJ.VWiuVd new castle—Per c B-scob« .«», w bn*
unmeJimieoMT, eonrwmlfoohan n Un*eed Oil, 23 do floor. 10 lon* rye.
and Spjw Factory, RHODES A ALCORN _ WHEELING—Per New England—2 bbl* baron
«t.J Ground, fcr«w»»3 : j DaUell-103 bdli paper. Hill At Brimne.
O hotel* and ffocer*. *t P^ IUIJ Per Hibernia—G carboy*, B A Fahnetlqpk Ai cv . k ,.'i hs-Tui iLc
££,«? Fifth »t. myH SLMiDe»_AMA««2_ ke g,AOrrtco-l bbl.J Park fc co-J» bbls ‘
*-*tiait-»!Ubbl« taree Nn 3 Mackerel, door,to muter. i . i? ' a/Jti f.'il-iv. ail" u'clt* k. .A M .
F *3 ‘lb ih«d i '’jindm* by Canal BEAVER—Per Lake Erie-: scorching*, vl«Wn» * .T»-cr»da> ar.d Sator
so do d* I Shad f£oYD Wick At M’Candlew—2 crates rag*. Reynold* 4: j' a f- a M F<" < l ' - :«**! ~r ,
and for *alo l*y ** o IW libeny at . ; Shee— 3 bit anil I bbl bacon,6 dox broom*. I b«. J O 0 hoard. - —'
myl ‘ r Uidwell—669 pHi, atoh* warc.S Cooper — H bx« jVbia:i.AK ,wUM *
FWtt- chee*e, R rilaefl & co—• 7sdo, Dickey it co-lin _
do, WickAt M’Candleo—2o do,J Oricj—lo e*k« k iiaULKM,
nearlasb,' Dickey fit co—9 bag* meal. J Cooper—'- tt s , w . (1 ll|lin ,, f , .w«.n
kega batter, G A Berry—22 bcla paper*L Loomu— „ n
9 do; L Harper—4 <ck* and IbW rap,' Kay At co— J™ VuMdny, niur..l.<> umt *ai..»di- *■ ■». u “'
53bblaHoar, \Y Dyer.- a. m.; «md Hi«wn«viiie cvr> m.«.j.». '• ' >
_ an ,l I'mljy. aS - o'clock.
For frcieb! or pn««»RP apply on hoard. doi J
• 100 bt> * llerrinc; ,
!W bi.x No 3 Hooih Meekeiel.
50 U tiUU Tnm«ed Shed;
5 i i.i.,* >h»d; , ~ _
11 iu< A*hue Fifch, iWt , I '
»ay!s W «;KF.ER. to / W4,er ,nd J milb& J — -
S« i* eßATtiit—H Ton* 10 err»*e. Jj)'
15 NoMFforU^rtei^
OIL-4 W»j*> jttit received end fer wie *1
Xj the lowe« c*»Bpnce,by k BROCKWAY
15 NoSConmcrciel ttow.Libcrty «t_
gicos-w...«««> per
*■°°' - ,l
LtHE—UO bitreU or lU be*
„IKD PKACIIK V-100 l>M. l>- P '^ e ‘'
~ jjy .nJ <b> by | i'tS T .Lt. N .U
.„|«.fr« r -bV"j „„„ FBT g ON I t REP PERT
•,! „ V x»
I lU.I »»•■■•■■-i ItoSWiKfl
toCNU »>»> k '«! “‘/“S' < ”* k
! No« Piftb tffrt
jon«i<ntnr-.| m;ia _J————
„ m •i Sr ' L »^rK , "K^" d
leby * :Nomjil*rty •(
I SIN 80A tlx* Ciociaowi qunaficiorrH,
( nb iud an i for.»l* HUfrTKR * Co
3 mTOCB -A freA wjpplf «*
««oT»ill.'J b... PU». .«■«-
; ree'd nad for *atn l>y j y|| BATON
lJls fllHurb«nt_
KA»-«Obr»7re« h Green Te** of
. tiet and ai tattoo., jo*t ********
myi* *Wltflt * MeCANPLE3g_
I OTTOS YARSS—,4S,OOO lb. a*»on*d I!*©■Xei
ton Yarn, eaudl* wiA carpel eh**a and batunj.
“,5 - b 7ig.»r.y * Co
OWDKU-awi kpi Uc.njr'. Kifle Powder, .
IUO do do Bta«tio* do
„ letl v nvyl* FRIP.ND. HIIKV A Co
lairi*ta.fßT ulabr ’
wiier »t near »edo»M alky
I,oo3lB—ion. P««
fcnvFN PRINTS —t ea*« wnaJl *»«
'lj ED OlircilijiTjS—Ilerr 1 lerr mull fijmrc—C*!
Ja "«'i ir>a for »jj * - » White’
ijl/'fc ,;iSDI.r.«-;iirj'O.T[«i»l fur CthaiK, io
.*ri* • —r . ,
W “■SJiSviuS' ddncaK;
» ’ •« . ... 1 wstrr «r*et
'SV'AOM WASTED— Uoumrr Mixed wxot-
Rti, <or U.. U»<« Pjfjj" ft?*'
Fim itfftet, beknr Mttkrt
'IJUB 010kV^ttto^«^ : C»b|McjRjgf MW
h * carkfsiik&eldandfrwu»u
gg ta iajmme
mil for »tle bi
r. r.. seller*,
t *. am,
Hotcucßli of (be Hieoniablp*. ,
610 am, ' Captain*. Leave Uverpool. Leave America. ,
Hibernia, Kyne.M*jf l J*w* 1 1
Washington, Hewitt, ■■ - May 1
OrriCE P»TTiBUROH (jtxmt. /
Friday Morning, May 21. \
Weather dear and warm—streets and wharves
There waa 3 feels jncJiea water .
by the metal mark, at disk last evening.
Tbe Coopers are doing a floe bu.ioeaa * There, u !
a very targe demand for their work, ol every descrip
tion, bat a scarcity of hand*; aod ■'difficulty in get 1
ting materials (or work. '■
All kind* of Cabinet Lumber is scarce and wanted. !
Fluor—Tbe market war in a very feverish slate !
ill of yesterday. A lot «>f34 bbls sold on the wharf i
early at $Gs bat more was generally demanded, nnd
6.23 was soon established as the receipt price. At .
this a sale of 300 bbls, 233 in several tots, 183, 29 at j
sime; and 230 bbls which had been aui.k aod dama> j
ged at 56- From •to'e 200 bbls sold early st $6.23; ;
300 at same, bat holders soon put up the price) 100 I
bbls sold at 6,374; ISOat 6.40, and for Transporters
receipt ol 100 bbls ncrwailoatat waapiid i
Tbe wagon price opened at SC, but advanced with !
the market to 6,23. Throbghoot most or the day |
holders, steadily rejected oflera of 6.25 for lota in j _ _ .
receipt., ex |
cept from the Monongahela, have fallen otl very j ft “ jaMKRICA.
mueh: the entire transactions Wednesday, including i JjgSgjfi Csihoon. maj;.-.. wiiu.-nv.- a . a |«v.
those on private terms, were full B.WU hois, yes- . or p«,,a ?o „p,,| v <»i j.pard my!-.*
terday, owing to the atiffnes* ol holders,less was j .j» (* T j^c(l* I)JKFv»r
done—sales aboul 4000 bbls. j k s Tlt K ul5 T, ‘ ,- :,n r '
Cheese is comiog in more freely—isles new at j ivvrnnrt.* mam.' v. :i.“iv
10 eaUnl-30 bis. ; -«-i2feT3 aU-vr ihjoi’Rfit.ul tiu-l-'t
Corn ia in very active demand. Sales 2COO bo very [ fr*• kht "t'P l ' on
prime Yellow from 2nd hand* at Gor; 200 bu at 30c, J'llTMiL. Htiii A\i» ret iaiUik r acKK'I .
acme from the river at 45e. I 1. '*"cSoS'd'oTiGu!
Sale 130 bo Oats sl 28c f bu. l.vo->». n«'in. » aM-u ii.
Linseed Oil is dull—quantity la not worth over . , or IU * ir,,!,-. mi.l i i<-u»~ <> v»
6.1 c in Ist hands. Single bbls aie selling at 73iu3c I vv>l | i,! r.'iiiv”: "* ' •' .nvi'Y
Sale 30 bbls slam U the city trade at 3Jc.4t»o» ; j ku.ii.aK i.ul'idVii.i.K r.«» KKT
to do to cane at tame, c.uti. j ''''VrHr k'x^* 1 n '"
A»be* are doll.eicept Pearl*. uf winch there i»
, ' 00 *" _ • viik-. «!uri'i* ilif •fu-it.i '“»r -•<»«• of lt>uf«s« • ••f-
Silentu* continue* very icarce, amt i« worth <c. ’ n in«. May on. m l oVn"-k ;
()l Rye, tale* 100 hu at 40c. wt. , _ Vut a nlVvi, ' ‘
Sale* 20,000 lb* Bacon at prerion* price*, m tor : __ 'iv i (niiirintM a-o' n,mult
eity smoked for Sboalder*. 7A«;i:c tor Side*. MlM.o t un f.
and the use for Hams. City core—lbs cat » ol th.» ,
dencnotion for consumption, arc rat'.er btj*k at 64 ! »il> For ireuthi or pn**:»f- "i i-h "■< iwiJ ••> '«
. » r ~ r , . . ; mu fit-n H JIF. M- MtfKr.rn
4. t> ,«d UMjc r..r the .'"r,l ptm. <-.t. ,r. ,n . „ CRllllir pmnhiri;ll iif—
variably paid for. Pnrjirr.
The Foreign new* and tbeefleel it ha* had oo tbe , Tin* m:«f
cutern market*, has rather a dampenn;; effect on the i _*^svx?£l2~j 3 '' Ff r« i>t. . w ( ~n -\
Provision market. Holder* appear little tnlluenced 1 \ \Tvr' h< ic- '•'•'.'"'t - .L.i'Jj U 'i f/-
and are, apparently, confident t-l price*leing main- : -n -n|--r or •,.> i*-%r*i.» otlVr* im- m
Uloed - !
Rircn sr. hwrehce. —At tbc lateit date* the { p 0( f rr -i.i or > <>:> »t
St Lawrence river *n* atill eloaed. rendering navi- ! _ i l> tWI.K i Nf, a, >
gallon on that channel than it hi* been known before \ ***'TitV v.'jr^i^i'•utiurt
[ lor upward* of 20 year*. The following übte nj the j ■ ", Mrau->i-r( r-WAl.l.nt' .
i date in each respective year, *ince 1823. at which J — | »lon ruat h'g'rr/u-aVu^**
i the ice broke op and phased the current St Wary, ; The S. ihk«-« „«tr u mlir*-* •.* r*ioru- nn
i will be interesting. Very frequently people croised j l ,ft ' ,a B c a I ; 5’ ) u " ‘'oar*' )
■on fool oo the ice the *ame day it left the channel: ] nebular Pltttlmr
! |n 1324 April 10 In-1836 April 2:; j Tilt-: i: S i
1825 Mar lb 1737 •• 13] rfr^=*jW
135 C April 11 -1838 - ■jßSSc'
1C28.“.”."Mar 2) . 1810.... i.. •• 4;
1829, April It 1841....... - !J or
Ji - 1842 Mar 31
|K3I April 3 1843 April 2:> '
1832 I‘i 1814 •' Id •
1833 “• 4 1345 “ S r . t
183* Mar 29 IMS ‘ 4
105 April 3 1817
Owing to the failure of this bank to meet the pay
ment o! ila drafts, maturing in some of the Eastern
cities, it is nid it* notes ba»e for some Hays pa»«.
got into partial disgrace. Tee dticount is now about
60c on tbe dollar.
r. as.
•BEAVER PACKETS at 9 and 10 a m and 3 fit
j *D. LEECH At CoV PACKET, Philadelphia tn.l
•'.NEW ENULVND. Wheeling. 1<) * u - itfi i..s;; r \ \
•J J CRITTENDEN, Cincinnati. 10 a. v. *
•AMERICAN STAR, Cincinnati, 4 e. a. »> * )•<■■■
•WILMINGTON. Steubennlle. 2. r «, j u V«- • ■
•CLIPPER No -.Cincinnati, 10 a. h. j * m !\<t fright «.r t*a««'«r -.j ■ :>• -tj: ••••
AMERICA. Cincinnati, 10 a. n i 1 U 1,1 '
*Tkeie am master racket*. ! rtrrsßUif.ll
«, | t . ' sc\v KNUI.AND.
CINCINNATI—Per Palo Alto—36 bbls lird uil, :
Cla-ke Ac. TUaw—Sfcldo whiskey, Ogdcu At n ! ”
—1« do, R Hill—l‘o do peanuts. J
bides,order—l3 pen, ,‘jOack* rsgs,Re» wolds &. Shnc
■ -g hbdatobacco, Bingham—lo 7 hnds bacon, 1 tre
do, Lippencott 6c. Son.
Per America—so hbds baron, do,
ttbbhlard oil, Clarke 6t Thaw— »<3 do wtu*key,
R Bell—so bales cotton. I dr* sampI*-*, 1 *-*, .M \on fitly
—33 hhd* sugar. 3 bb’s L do, jt) :as ruu.ut-, £ bid
‘ almonds, 4 do syrup, J E Breading.
Per clipper No 2—Spcgs, Bingham—l 2 do, Nich.
olson dt Armstrong— Si do, H Graff—6 do, Whit
more 6c. Wollf.
i WEST NEWTON—Per barge—l3l bbl« floor
Joobo oau.loOdo corn, to master.
Per Flat Boat—3oo bids floor, A Vankirk.
Per barge—2so bbls A >ur,to master.
3>BKT 5 l». WATKR'*T THE MKT 11. niRK-i
Beaver, Hoops, Beam.
Michigan, Adana, Beaver.
ConmT, Bowman. Brownsville.
Lake Erie, Hemphill. Beaver.
Rambler, Haoghtna, Mcticcap<ui.
Loots McLane. Bennetl. lirowiumlJr*.
Messenger, Ltnlord, Cm.
America, Caihonn. Cin.
I'alo Altn, McDonald.l'sn.
Despatch, Nelson. Monongalia Ci y.
Wilmington, Stevens, Steobcnville.
New England. Kbbert. Wheeling.
Hodson, Ebbert. Senfith.
Beaver, Hoops, Beaver.
Michigan, Adams. Beaver.
Lake Erin, Hemphill, Reaver.
Consol. Bnwmaq. Brownsville.
Rambler Haoghton. .Mon. City.
Monterey) Sedgwick. Frcderickstown.
Ssobetm. Cochran. Ctn.
OocoU, Way. Wellsville. •
, ANCKEU fe MAYKtt. wholesale and retail deAlrrv
A in Eastern Ready-made Clothing, would reapoct-
A.I), D| ts mrihod of taliciiing the attention of their
customer* and the public generally, to the follow-ng
iisu of their stock in trade, and assure also, that
they will tell as cheap 1 if not cheaper than a»v other
establishment in the city. Our facilities of purrhaihit;
afl d manufacturing foods, ate «uch as to rnab'e us at
all umes U» keep a full assortment of tcady made cto’n less prices than ther can be obtained else where
The present stock on hand consists m part of the fol
lowing description of foods:
ISO black c'o’h dress coats, fnra 810 to WO |
do do French do . 10 •* , !
70 brown aadinvis.blo green do 18“
800 aaek coats, splendidly made A of good material.
IQUO nair pants,of all styics. qualities and prices,
oyn vesta do do do do
Linen plain and stitched bosom shirts, ‘lock s;
searfa: cravats; bosoms; eoUars; su-pe.tder*; sock*:
!*~-»ra. and nnder shuts of even variety, mil of
«W?hh4V« been recently purchased and adapted to tlie
Merchants and others who me m
g5B cknh-r*. caoirol «lo better than togivo us a call.
lIWBM.’S 3irci>:CAL, COMPANION -T..c
cui l.’o.m'Jinon. or f !'.•> S
lodil cam. »t i-ui.-* -«d i««f•!>■:■> <'• fifvcmav.m. cum,out.
cu%-.-» m fcuifi«-ryi ** '• <: ' r ,K '“'' r K,i.
TU-- urtWipmem wl . i rh-i ,
ilrrn. Ail »i.di<J*iofy i... J/ 1 ' iv rl ; ,
<i»J u *■ v l . l , v . i u . |
arc a*W«d. a l-» • * ‘ » ,{, j i
jinn ' ’r. „ ,
K| «jj»nas<-j. :mi ’ r 1.. , '. t
„f luortviMi; [..-•* i‘i u ;i'iu iut > i 11
Aincr'.-an po.miuf! .
dee* of our p’lvm* ’ j
«ic>«g >:• J’* . ...| vc ry rutn.dcrublv :nt
cditlOU remod, crU.V d. -»•'
rr «v«d,eW*»af‘iß « '"‘c U> j .V,
palhy,ui)<i iltc J \imm ,N X >TOCICTmS
uitd lor sun- t*, JW ‘ -:i ~r y.rt . :i' ! I -i
AT CINCINN A 1 1- Inm uait-r^*-' ln ‘ i *' , uo'«C"°«
COLOMBIAaOVjSB. 1 j ’'‘l^'vAK'oVcKANljH
rharleiKlreeti bclff«aMarket andLombud j » y «dkwi ); M-- A, ’" ,n, > "[T
IBflnH lw *7 Mi B«lllm«re. -o 1 l/INK POGKKT rom
- TmJlierfcfrWlßf »«*"«»- * SevprM,,, ;i r prew PenUive*..R©g«f» «. *. *n-H Made do, « *•-
HtUmeau eoe «n,venu*oilr *.tu»icd ■» t Rlwf ?ir „ p , ;il .j n 011 r... t«U > Oujlcn. m ►nu (?i
and IWhori Depoi-Hi m ibr s » a .. lw wWn.. of 0.-
fSlSSfitStlw Ifcportin* Hoß»e*-Mdw | n .»u«r»«ar.- .v,.,y w-nc- . nc-I Ur>
oudttor*Mmart ®»“ n !«.«—s»T«ii!nr *heear.k«< a,. Si p’T*-r./•• .. f’i • -•<« lire* £c.
t|| * «jhorprincipal i Kor *u:>- i.y W\V \VIU-ON*
"lil’toiPt li no< Slifj »r ” 1,1 “«X- Oru« \v..r-t. II >■!»■<••>
li.SLiiMe.i.l ‘ipil »'ll « '“ lh ■ B A MIISKSniCKACtI,
KLu pM '‘ .""wVdSJ <
(TSDtlwsU i. of ih« fiimof Di**.F«pf i their I'mr, to wli:rli u>r>- my.tPtlu- uiirr-
Daltituore, Afnia, IM7. i Utus to«inr«« will h c eont ; nu.-*J at ‘.nnd
1 ,Ar?rt of Bthaad Wood.*. I *-. , . "l ,r s_
. No oa n»i n
irnnMAß KBRKBDTi JR** .
OF tbs-late firm of * K<nn .f d >'- I ' lM'** ladle*. I'm »*»'»".«•
Gliii M»ttsfactuf«T o*” 1 hosier iu UorkstjOsmbs, Wh-nyon know that you air promised
and Variety <lo©d», k«P* con* laniljr c □ hand, of bn When* )tf c .i,ke,»now> while.
**" m»nuf«ciare. evert oeaenpttonoi GOt, Mahogany l rnll wiii «nll oie roaunonclalk.
ssffiSS&«■* c, "rtL jw.v.ej***""'
S.leu* plain and ornameotalport.a.t ftatnea ; S?r:S,?L, iauehier nnd of wlk
Jkflklrma of Clock*.Tray*- and Waiters, In *eti« or The lhe«n« o« *• R „f JON*S l.ii:>-wh>ie.
Comb*. Thread*. and a general natonmeni ->f If yw *° ulrt *£? „ „üba*ur >ei natural wb.t*
i pane*'Goods. wbolaaale, at a tmall advaneo op com would give >on f » k ‘" . Bll< j ; Ilip ,ove n sfold «'
pSSotS other* aappliid wub Pttrlp** Chart*, Curl ‘‘‘T, ltlfin .1. J*r.c Si cent* r«f l* l *
ritrN Print#. and 10 by U frame* al New_ \ork pricea. JACKSON *,-9 re yd
mfSOtf No 6i, cor wood and *lb at*.
‘Tbs l.rtt drABcM ■’id elegant *li»r
F«'«li*\ morn ns Mai
Fof fieijhl or o;-p;> n ( r«4i«l.
jJJUt.ZKLI.. j
twySl .
POR CIN'CIN.NATI—HKi.t UK i A>.i>i:i
ain - Tbc rlrsa-t.iikl.:
n- .Max -21.
c't ?*>***? apply 10 l«.»r <
ror^re«|fb^i or pa*«-*tr»‘ apjut
_ 111* « .rCfcl.l mrd rl-l'Hi.-li I’a.A. t
JgSjg^jgjg^; "veiV'r.jci.Jay’ii.'r.j.r,; du
“"V, ffc.;]'it'' '^.*r 11 V»- -”upc ‘ n> ->i
ai 10 o'clock, a u
KMiI'LAK Ct \V| > N ,\Tt * St 1.01 Is i'ALkKT
Th vr v j *|' v '^'' !;,, * ~ ' a "‘" ,
i otf fl N r-.| N A A rf a| l.otisvn.l.l
Pittsburgh am
I rliv'tie.
1 day at 3oVkwk. P M. or i-n-icc
!on board. _ _
1 r, i:i.V..\TiV;tir vMi <.a
11; J-A CITY
u«*»il:iv 8i..l Kr . av. 31
hvla t'.sv i Vt-rj Tno»-(.n
o'clock. A V r.f r- ;
Tu’*»dav.'Vh-i , *'J4) at*.:
and Ira'v.ut 'Vhi-.-iins ritt.
Fri’ny.nitto'i'lor’* A M
TUf New > nslant na* '•<•
tr*d<“. anJ w !i lei vc r<.'K«i 'it
pa««Bj;e ap;.!} tn ‘.<mrd of
every m"r-!»s
rvry rvi-nm* at’t «
-Ka».cr-« tWr,i
ot "P P I> «•' 10:1
VTT A tier I IV’-'i •*
Wflitrf to receive Itr gli
! KKfiIM.AR WKKT F«»K \V 1-1 .1.5Y1 U. F \M)
! | sm i;i:nvii.!.k
'll,- n. w ui'.l ! tU !>if
' I '■ 1
! •*lru!M , nvi»p pvfry TliofMh' «•*-• kpil«>
, .H-oVloek. A. M r-r fr-Xl.i "f ""
i IiWu'LAK l'i l WMC^LIAU
i . 1!l J *""'“ , '®® ns, 'V
THF. K-»t .tntflfkuowji («r clt-uMiguml w'uu-irnf
'iVfjh, ‘tu*n«iseninc t!«- .lio
-J hn-alti Ac It UingM be m'u 'l!''J''.T:rr'n“!*‘cf,
hr.i.h niul thr irr-tf, aciJ *v»uih « 7; n / ri r \ |IJ v 7 w ‘m
I«c'!“»r cold' '“'’.'V 1 JJMJJ'Jg
t... u.,,«u..
’"*?sw«t'swjr. *»» •mf'SXXt
prr.-n i-> I"-'*'"! ,”i «m
mir.-n-ibrn tii" cum*- and ptc' •*• • u ' ll ’ °! . “
S'l.'T.oaa 1 '- Compound <»rrm I "<ih i’a.«u*, Jt.t l
• ol.v-tvc lii* » J* T-i 'll.l.j’al/ ’.v. .<:.<• u t
hr**. i>y •«>•« ‘"V;„,i
S one. ->n t., i*4 M«W. and u
by.tic-L", Muflfet mankind
A Tn , P o7.hi.tomachorU.wo.*.
■ M*r ir«ni JJi tl.r l l.{.At-Ilp-? WOUltl
'; r.-r-on* Of t)i:icJ» habit* U.oultl u\-
»mTUvJ «itix «t U.imi and take a do*c tvbcevj-i
twfeeliV' icaM 1 1.-. a. LcaUU.
«»o or H.r«s !«2ch K p* wojW prevrirtjhoutwnd*
°^ror»*ifW.M. JACateO.V*, rnrn-*t..f Wpt>d _■<»!
i,i».eiiy»o ,;"V
ONE-KOUKTH or ONE-HALF nf a new, IVatrr
Bl**r Furnace: that i* to aay, ifce BeHow».t« be
prr pellet* by water power—now butldi--R in Monongalia
! County, Virg n a, wilbin-fc Bilrn of Morgantown. the
County Sett. a«.d m'r 3 mi'ci from !i uver. i*
I no inch ■mi mot whinn 3*o mile* of iMttbutgb, can l»a '
lia>l for duuh r Ihr «nm a»krd There ‘a WStre banka
| of rioJ quality amJ'naant'tv vciilmi from one fourth of
j a mile to two m In, amt good 10 id*, m a One farming
| eountr)— *ojipl:e« plenty and chrap. ‘f heTtmt*cr!«na.
I aay too nrrea. jnod any quantity more afjoimng tnai.J
, will rn: to t cord* of wood per ncre, c o*r_ to Ute fut
! nice. One four-bor*e tram find a ol cattie 'nil*
l nock the Tamam Tweniv acre* clear land, meadow,
4c , 4r. Ilcme*. Office. An th Shop Stable. Ac , 4c.
Tn<* tumm-e ,-an ! r ready for Mn»l l«y the l*i nf Oeto
iirr next if ippltcai.on be made toon—two-ibudsol th*
pr.e«- \r.i! hr uken |u Aborted flood*—one thud til
ca»K.a*itn work prngre***-* lu one year tlicpro|*citv
wilt pay every rent expended, and afier that Will yjeld
KHlperiem profit—that w.ll be given by* tne pten-nt
|. p? r . u-i* A|ipli<-aiioii« boon made w ill be attended
in The ownn. being di«ufpoii'tcd m fui d« due them,
! •tli~ rriiron for *ellniß Should ’he perron buying ony
. par: or Hie wl»-> e wt*li to *fl r , the p|e*etil owuria'wiM
i n«kc il. and ud.l finy per cent. in the port. It i«wttli
; icinria'iCe the-owner* would **ll the whole, but if ne
• :lnns e sc w,ll do. tamer ihnn rent d tin" lifli»btng of
| the lunm e they do »o, and, il wanted. they «ul
; loi.M nnd blow the furnace one yejr. a* they can bmld
h-r . cheaper than run body c *e. bring profi. ieut at
W p'iki* by nil Hi- fretm*«-i. A hue directed
in \V AK S WJH l>r immediately •rtlemled l<> Direct
M.irgui mwiC
I':;* Iron canJ.<c delivered at P.llfburgb rbr from SIS
to Sin prr ton. when il i* ivoitU from s#l to 4^15.
W. 4 11 8.
[; r*Smiir mill material* to build on the »pol.
ilAlllllS’ DIKUCTOUY. .
IH.\UKI> hag dai'y about four hand*, engaged m
« tor li.* new and important work on our
two ciiirj.—ruuburgh and Allegheny, uml immediate
neighi iitl.jro I— and «\i *lnng to make itn». hi* fifth cdi
t.on a-id Directory, complete ami u»eiul n»
pti»»ii.ic. wi«hc* the citizen* togtvr in their name*, re*-
d. me*. :.ii»;ne-* find card*, uml (if they hnvenot >« tj
ui *iil>«rri'.e I-.K the work, eillier ililougti in* ttgri i.ui
ti ; r alt'm; a; bi» office. And. a* he ii a-i old b m
•elf. ami ul wav* ricc• caeli Fdili-rol nor city paper* n
: nmUome copy and notice, hr hope* they will tavor
li:ii* i->d the pul i:e. !>) copying tin* notice, »o that uil
he , iprct* ii I*o, to li.tve u *u tabie and rc»pectnble
A Rent in raiKuprfn the Wbnicfile Merchant*, Maitu-
(ii, laier.. ||„i, i Oeper*. Ac . and' l > rOie**innal <>cmle
men in Halt.inorr. riiiladelpbia. New York. Ac .4c .
iu -übM-i lic tin. mnl pmw.n/e liiut and tlieiutelTC*, l<y
gcit.iic a copy of the work and giving tbcu card*,
mum * and adv-m.rmcni, lor it,
N 15— Ail the lal. or* oi the above cilic*. and lhe-r-
ol'i-I‘tcf H.iir »l uie llhaitrel*t»nrg. Dnmninwn
Uro,vn*v.l:r. Cumin Hand, Wheeling. Cineituiftir.Loo*
i-vii> Tier. 'amt. l.ric. Aci that copy the above ami
.. :id ;* paper w. ,h. H to m», W'll biw a copy »cul th*m
KMiuimn*ly. i ISA s VC HAIIKIB
nn !•' Agent ntid l'umtn,*«i(iti Metel at t
Washington, D. C.
OKNAMf. KOIIiJINS. Meehamctil Fnr‘«c*r nnd
/j Agent tor privnnnc I'atem-. v.if prep-irr Hm nr
,.....ri1v !)• jn.iK> and I’eper* for A|*t.licaitl* '..r lat
. m« unit 'rnn-uci a" Kilter ‘nt* ii' - " :n ilte line of hi*
p.mi ...mi nt •.»••• I-.,-.m «l(Tnc He run be consulted
• 01! m I'll- I'-n-.-.l -(:.••• nr I' Ptf «0II• nI !»
;t,«i..iire ( <|...,fti,, i,j )•;, . | nnl n* made at lliC
I'liv: ' uiiT' pi oi iu ~|v!“ lor a pn’rtn.
a I-:- i r liiii-ni'riit m n,,r ,i h' n .luiricitiate alien-
,Vl uni ,ni iju.mi--- i.-imi |ui.l pal,! O.HJ conta.
, fee Wheir n w r.ltni Opiturtit >* rei(Uited.
I'd- nt K «tf.-n, .in- i’atcnt OtSi e
lie ,i .• me iicmor iii referri m! r . tiy_penm**>on. 10
Hon II I. I .i.wimh late do , do C..,
II ICnowle*. iMurmm"t. I'atent Office;
J adc- lifi.nrh. W'u.fcingbm DO:
lli.n H Clin tte, 'lii**acttu.cii*. 1* SSi time-,
Mur.J I! lionl n.M f. M.mui
Hon \> ,il,. Knit. New York:
1i,,.,. Itn .en onnih. M < . .In.iO,
! inn S Hrrr.e l.’ S oenale,
Him J It H-'t. M 15. Mi»M»uri;
fapi H M Suteve. Mi-*nun.
Fft*’ii* Itronk*. l iM«i-urßh
rp»> oml Zatiid lllr
Ct*.i\ci.HMN<; sKi.i.r.r.s- vKR\UFi:tn:.-A *.n.
> e * v-a- I'lti.iiit-i.ig'iviiudrr-. Kra i me lo lowing
•mu i e Itev J*. Wakefield, Pa»lot of l.lber'y »t. M 1.
" r-
,pvr pot> .Ini
' " h u' ii s'i
tVt»:i»rcti. M <rrh r Jr-T.
Vf n K Sr! 'r- It.* (fn-11 » VM!*r o! ituiT, n» w.
.1. »v i»i etui p PH-iif**. ilia* I l>ear»r»;nno»iy io U*r v
Ujß.'t oml i;oic >: in ilifff o : in> < hil«!i< n. whi ha
i.p.r ill fur several .The cUe*l w«i» now'i
sear* 01-J. lor nm tour and the \oun{e*l cUbieei
~n. , nrn . 11 T>l i:ir t edii«i4rt«l>ie number no
•.vr.l. am! an* i-uve m nxn! liralit)
it Suuflih Packet
ii :n} ' .1 run
: Utrcr Trmle.
■a \
.... u :.l s v< i )•:* " ren. '
«ied a id M,.«t uy II I. >K:.LKUS
l:h. on Wood *!■ rci. i
- <•••. ” C. • i r.'-.U War-’ ; __ r.vt
VKVV IMASU ?jrsie--
iN Arc t-=« L.n** '•*> trvltw*
U -'r-C are 11.. W Mtr I l Ur I. • I.M*
I .« ihe Harp n il.' A.f.
11.? ai <h ns*
Drcii.* «■: .I*.- j- i-l
i t>ll \ r I.AOi AC-
P Ml V t’V'Ki
V. 1 •- . ! ?-»
•k •»>..• .w •
• \V•’;■ I (. J!»:
,\ Mriiwi:. \r.'iv
r»» .1 nvt r-< n u.i*- *"’ r • > „ .
J *1 kIKM.HR.-l wood *r
nil TOW N-t'N . - •omul •'( ?*.\U-A
I’AHIU.A U w'lm irJ 111-nj .a Hip Ah
li,. r.rn.i pul .(> -i <}••««• l-oilit*-.• *<l "11,r.
pn. pi: a. urul WKrrantt.l »i }> i •('
I’,.*- p •• !' .*ni! ►uperioi'l l ' <>< lb-* ‘ •"
<>■■■-1 nl iU*.rr i<- indi* * i*, wlnie it rradijaw. «ti-« u*<-
i n . .^i•! n. < ilir !>u>l y ll .« u«ml "■ »«
f-inovßi nml prrmntrm turn nl i»l) (Meat*’* «n*m,
fn'iTi 4ii .mpiirc ‘fate of ill- lilinil nrimh'l
' mi or I'H.l:iii' in ' -!'■ p>(*■«'<>' P rf ‘» ,n * b '’ v '‘
rrnird orr label*, an.l put u|»ir.r<l.eii.c tn'tne *aw' *1»»-
{.cd Umlc*. See. ihai. »un 1"l c ha* the wr.liro »S"»
lure of S. I’ Towuieuil
I I. ... - I", it KSKM.KRS,US'"! fur AUai.ri.y
. ;,r \Vond «'rfrt. between ’l'i i*t! arid • oopli
n.) 14
' A CaIIIJ. * , .
I 7A\l\li |.TPIPr(I liem-r rt» tl l>'bjt;.*l “« l “ < ‘
1 1 WaiJol ili r 1-ity I.f I’iu-' iiTK'i i.» ‘ft- .
ilr , | u< i ipinu. -mi ’n »1 ami ncramrma!
pnrpovr-, untl 'i» bo u»ed in Utearw I berrhy not ik
4ii nrr-uii* niiiuVins loMhp ain.Jr. dial they 'em be re
•U -ml m I-..V*• „jin.\ jreiilrme, ami ip. nl) lb- pul-
Arm ir. of ~.p«-r;or V i..|.t> i-u ‘-c had -Hair
-I ilir pr. 1U .|or. iM'.he i.ber..Ni»4. Wood
inv , : n k <vu.Kn«4
PKJfS —A l.uj’i- of 't.oiu'l pmTT?
V T me nm<i Jiniri.vml hrninl* Th-*c are careful!)
...Up’r.i mill ai»rpir.l tl* * very .V4»T.»iy of ItOfu l . The
r erctromt U>- lu-«*>er. ihr ui-iir'uutn anil ever)
m a-r>i rrmiirii- a *tnr«h>. uniform mid rotnniefenl
' l)( . . UIU i Tlinr cUktii-ir nmi line point*
«"n «•••• m »""»=■ «»•<*•«•« •
imbt mult ora l.e»uMul lin c line, ot the pleasure of
t* r wrier Ttf*«p pert- an- t.l! iwnrrunlcd. »"o
V 1.. »r«t price-. (iold I’en Drro'- corner of <**»*'’"
*;.,Vt m inylJ W WIKSON
I usr «;i.ASS»> A
.< Til.l'f te»lm .llulij h * M'lm!* Mini pt'bi'C,
t. a: now ircnvuiß h* ►pfitu ••••'it m-.i"'- a llo '. 1 ;
~'• .•1, 1 i.yl. 10-rJf. "I *u|«-i.«r 1,1- ' I.- -J r-ljir.l
ilf . | , .t*o!i« a' out f'irmivh'iu:' •• ■''"‘'uiu no
■dM|Uii'li return*.
Vjp.elVu.l";.*;'L I'R i-atcfully ut
'"Tfniun* I.oik.ii iil.-i Manufmriorer
„.,a HH’U itod Mrrri. near &th
PAt»KU io-Tu.i ir'*!j), » nw* 01
13 n«nfe«. Fu|MT«irt(l *tnt'cnnry. cam i;i*f R-linr
.1 n k'U't* w( l.ooituinli;! iV.iil' cU»«>
.ll n er.a- of «wrmnt
r ,r. . n.-J ij-inrto p..M rut. .1 n,. I wn>l'i* "9
..t it.! - it-* waH l>.-p-r. (jotitie! t.Unk t.0.,k .
[,!• .. li i.u» ami u» will b-d
i i-n”- nwoMim 'll i.l f'r»> ml ele |eiiflf(Uly.»Tpl
>. ;• •'<! I in->u. anil ln«? Tnn'U'oi''f'y, hI an; »
™ »','-f '!■ K.v.uslj
llnnlware Smre llniiovril.
\ h U - >J>K ilnvin;;td from »I.p
'iV 7*v.v , w.« bo
line" al.ovr :-l *r:.s»r*«# lfo;«l.Wouul
fiomiJi" ui-innf.i of r.itfUml n.i(H ; *;inr ,, >* f _
‘ '.-k l.r'iJ: .'m'.’,e'iy nVwNu'.t parr ■ ITfl"
•’.'iri'” eTi *,n t V.ii.on liom BI, T <iu»rtcr,
W Tie** will lie ro:uitmf *1 atlhe-M
•iamb n: '''
m».nKT«pO IN SI3ASOX^We f
•I .illllATj''*. Iwm «'.r« S \ k vs-V !;‘ !C
, ~„• •• • f'l-f un.ii-T ''-l! it l> t-'l-'r l> '-’Mill If
■' I. , It., at... it. i ib-aic the tem-dy op'dird
fx.r^k.'tu-i.M-Him. in«n im«triow.. nn-J :m-
UM.Mbir S ., .-k* ' t»r. Jhyne ha* r-ra'f
i.o.i lo.i'< -tic- for .1 *ki?l anti bi« t-utfl- ‘
c.r enuttb* and eo!ct« htivp l.r-it* pu>';rd -iVucous l
ih* -meretH - - of iheu»nnd.* —Aar. Lr / < >
r„r L - 1.1 I*..ti-l.urrh. at tbePF.KIN l-\ ~ r.jtlK
?•» Kounh ttr—l. neiir VVoo«»: and at ti e Dias S*U>r
1’ *rhwarlt. Federal street. Ahechen> City.
Mar'll'U4w . - .
Or. MeLoßf’i Liter Pill*.
MESSRS. J KIDU&CO Cent*: plrn.elct ra« have
•i boxes of Dr Mrljtne’a Liver PiR». My Wllr
k„. n *rtl two tuixn of the Doctor*’ Pfl* I a««are you
■ h-v have done be- ttu.rr rood than n»v lamtly pliyirrtan
tr- I«vt. 'l'teiidanr-. Two o.Mit.nnal Imir*. I
Will rrtetta rare. jAMCSjONh*
■‘ ,l " ’ Wilkin* Towittb p
Ti|p*e valuable Pols for sale by J KfDDACo No.
to 'Wood -r-* P.H.hunrh. .. ,
Mtmr.UA ciilVAt*kV. oru.- AJv.u.«ur,- of
Cat<"*‘" I'tniie* *nd Teague O Reran: by H H
pkrt.n.iue >e< ond edition amee the author’* death,
l.iocfsphie-*' notiee, n entieal dtwjniatt.lon on the
nnd e*plaitn»o»y wo«e«, with illootranou* from
;«?de.Vne by Darter, In rktth and r«P«r.
onrnaldetuneu> & HTO-KTON
cor of Market «3d_m__
IYY nTt S *BD e
W i" *for »everal keeper**, »a!ewnen
warehouse me.', laborer* and boy* of different an«
a?.« Sr™ for several resectable private famtlte.,
hoiri'.Ac* teteral good cooks! boose girls, chamber
mU * it*kl nd J* nWfonc •e* attended to Please call at
Alt kind* Of Aftnc.e j „ ARRlg * Af eney
No 30 fifth «t
S «'»V.I KI T.
> I. Med.o!i«i
i ,« wil ftn-ai plf-ssarc I woub
•f* rd-r.» (tr»d 01. in\ «nn c
> ...i; w»iiv rr-l<.|.|.n«-d VrrtUiJotr
V~.iv- h m three -lose.
• mi.'-: mi.> number 'tor
’ ' '?* h! IU»f.K-«
r ( ;H. rvrcml.ffll IMI
vr I v HltV daughter I'.rfW'f'
•}••» 't .itii ni;III Hum
I *:t.: . r T::.- I>:.J 1-i.uft li
r. .) .m
P IVI. -■r.l-V- f
oceax sms .shigitim coipasj.
tr. S. Mail Lint io Cains, Sau'htwpton a*J Braruh.
+j£3t\ THKspletxlid tie w *iea»i*hip WASHING
TON. i73Uwo*burthen, Frederick llcwijt.
commander, will «t.*tl irvm New iinkciiil|i
Ist June next.currying the I'nited State* wail. t J
•lie will looeli ct Cowe* and Soalharopwm to land
fatsenrcia and freight. and deliver ih* mail* for Kng
md. Pianef and Belgium, and wilt then ptoctml to
Urrmetbaven * - . !,
Reluming will leave Brrmerhavrn on the aatnof
June, and Southampton-on the lat of Joljr. where she
will embark pa«*engen anil ftelgbt front r-nglaru,
France, and Belgium. Arrangement* have been made
to forward good* from Havre op to the last moment,Jor
which. if de«lreil. bil's of lading will be ringed by Jhe
agent at Havre.
Southampton (onnet-t* by Railroad* with nil jrarf»* pi
ILigland, and by sleumboat* with all the Continent V-
From Bremen aeeea* may l>e hnd toall Gewaany, Au»-
itja. Rii«aia Italy. Switzerland. Ac.
The Washington is built in the strongest manner, fc’it'i
a view of Wing converted into a e!iip*of*war, and sub
ject at any time to inspection by officer* appointed Itf
the Pfeiidenl, both tlunug and after couitrncliou. Sue
}ia*t»oengineaot ICUi borro power eaeb.aud aecom
imodation* for 110 first cla»*. and ll.aecoitd Shu* pas
senger*. ■ •
Passage from New York to Southampton or Urempfi,
Firat c!os» j Sl® l * • y
Second clm*» i b°
Pa«*ugc from llrmien or Sotjthnn.p'On to New i or\
' Firat claw ( • RlW*
Second cln««. !
'Slit wdl rarty about mo ton* freight, whirh will he
charged nrronlmg io the nature of the good* offering.
All Mirra mu*i p«a< 'hrough *be I’oM Uffiee Paieel*.
for whirh bill* of Incline will be atgned, will be token
ut Sf» each
For p«»«ogr or freigb’ njiply nl the the Ocean :
Strain Navigation Fumpany. 41 William »treet. New
Yotk. or to the Agents ut Southampton.
Bremen C A HKINKKKN fc CO,
The Watlnnaton i« Intended n» leave New \ork on
•ecnttd trip on the first of Aug.tat tint.
The second steamer of the line in due course of
eonitruciion, and will be iu readme** m the enduing
tall, mvldlm
IMI’ORTKR and Mcnuiacturn of Cutlery, Surgical
and Dental lu*4raincni», Saddlera ami Ttimer»’itaiid
tool*,Taylor*' l*ain»i Shears. Ac 4e AI«o munafoc
tore* Tiu*si-t,Supi>oMcrs. 4e ,in great yprietv. •
it C. Manufacturer and ImnpitcT of Pen. Pocket Jito
Table Cutlery; Raiors.SeissorsrFtlei, Shies, Tool*.4c;
ha* removed io I-
S 3 W<tOl> STRF.F.T, Pimbutgh, »priiiid door be
low Diamond Alley.
An.t lia* la'c. y nrcivrd a largea**nr:in<-wt of
Pen A Pocket Knlvet, Knlvc* * Porka.
A l*o Rodger*’ and Whestrnholm*'
Klliottv.RodgrrOVndefk llutrhet'a Razors. Sci»«ors.
Ksuif Sirnii*.&c. Dam.t*eu* nnd Wtre'lwn-l
Alim's Colt'* and Ilium's Revolver*. Qbwdrr Fin*k«
Shot Hell* (iame Hag*. Walker I ** Cox'* F.xtru Per
eu«>ion Caps. Howie. Dirk and Hunting Knives.
Tools. «och ■* Callipers. D.vider*, PI) era. Nippers.
Ileii.l Viee* Squares. Rules; Braces. Bins. S[“»kc
Shave*, Sioeksand |).t s Wire and IronGuiget, M«th
amniira' Instrument*. 4e. in very great variety
Jobbing and rrpair ng neatly and punctually
done. _“P®_
t i »>. HAS Iteinoveil to ihe house o:i Penn
streel. lliree door* klaiVe llmnl »iteel,
As lie is desirous of being employed by none bui
'!.b»e who will make immediate payment wilbout the
isrre*. n> on In* |iaii of enllectmt he would invite p»r
t.eiil>r atn-niiuu to the following tcims; All Lilt* left
unpaid m the exp.ra’iou o! th.gty day*, will be ilurgvit
at the fnllowing r*te*—
For FiimctingTc-eih. SI
l or Filing 'mm 92 to 5 5 per euvny.
AH other ..pera» on* in ihe »au* proporl^n.
AH ease* ,n which rngagemeni* are not eouunued.
bill, will l>e considered due accofd>ng to ihe almve reg-
N U—There are those indebied to him whose ac
count*, if not paid immediate)), will be placed m the
hands of a -proper officer for collection- nplSd h«wtl>_
Harceiiora to HoldahJp & Brownr.
\ IANL’FAtrrirRKRS and Importer of I’ A l’ K It
tVI II A NO I N OS, No *■? Wood urea. I'ntabuegh.
The mcrei-in* demand for American Papcrhaetr.duecil
lO enlarge nnd improve thru Factor*, arid thr if fa*
: edme* for manufacturing are now eijunl 10 any m the
' caftcru en,* , » Having adopted the en*tern *ra f e nt
, pr>ce». they take plca»ore tit inviting their menu* mid
,;ralrr* to riaimli' lhC■ r »lock, wtm n•« now lmc»r
tiinn o: any former period, and may be found a« follow#:
Transparent Window Shade*
• I . Krenrsi American, Satin, (Har'd end <\»mnum l
, ' ■ Hanjrn&a;
a (} u rd. Vctc t and Imitation Border*:
. 1 Lu;ia»eupe», Statute* and Fire Imard Print*.
thiriaiu Paper. v»rd •vide plum and &g\l;
*en i Wrtting. Printing, and Wrapping Paper,
' I Uonnet Board*. Ac
... Bag* and Tanner*’ Scrap* taken in exchange at mar
: ket price* fneW7ri3tnlw«uiT
" To Traveller*. v
ajggjg F, _ ,n
[Ertiusir'ly f»t raiu»[m \ j.
rpii).: Cnml ami Ka.'ro**! hem* now tn pjcnltn:
1 ~I,'rr u r’r». irlK.I t'«i» J.rrwr will li*«»*■ w.lh pan-
w., Ilj ■ rx] '.v*, or V .KRIUUI U ..c.<.ok
Irvl'ari.i Ca,n U« rkrt. Monray. M«y 1°
co Cant Tuo»tp<on. T«c*iluv. Msvlt
,'o KnrttrUk.rpp. Tfil-v. W.. 1 rvl-y, fi
,to (>!). > Curt '-rus Ti.uraday.MtM 11
do J.t.i-am.rsjM• Bx-Ury, Krdny M«y!l
, RM3 Tl‘Ollip«>*l. Slltlltdav. Mf- I-
**v' w.« my/Vt
1...- .1-. ' •> , . MilV I '
.! . U.u ‘. I U.|>< t >- V\ film-?
it., K-n,ur'*r.«- J !-L.'hlt*’>, I .
ilo Oj»:o, Ct- *. i . A!ay -1
Uo ly.u.»iaiji, f«t»i Tliiir.p*oii. Sunday, May -i.
If y«« deeiro cr.r.j. ifuvri in* and cotnforla.dc arrow
no.Ui>o.t«. m'cu.c yoi.rt.cVci.. at «:.v i/mkrt Utftcc.
MonoreaheSa lloutc, W nicr *trc»;l. or o.
njyjO l» I.KF.CII *t CO. Canal lUa.n
Altoriify, Vonimllur and Crutral torn.
U' L. PRALL. -liioni.,' a * (rw-ii.i* “'-I 'i ,r I •.
• ~c that b- i. ** ejimiacn.-i •! th- bu<.ne»* <>■
A cent for ' uy mg and rcnlc»:atr. in lhi»c.iy. and
will •l-.'voie j iaier pomon t>f hi* time and atieiii no in
lh« lea*i|tf. Ir*l' MiR und lnlihß of houses. a.nrra and t.lli
rr building*, hi CjilrciMif and di.l.ur'ii'C rciir.undotli
•*r cla m* and dcmaiul*- and i.t atteuduis to .\»r'i«*y 1 t
*inr-»* generally. Hrwiltalvt elijaß- m llte
urii at loan*, runtrao'.*. etc . tuid will lurunli auii.eiU'c
inuiini liifo in iriaiidli io ibe |.3) ms ijutl.lie* olid re-
'‘i,.'.'i“ir r ..!'-'Tr. , * l T J . 1 NKw"vonK.‘' > Lt,l,n ' r i
I»il'mi F A TallmaiVe,' lion Jnlm U
*> rn ,i |i„n ; o |i.i Mrlitou. lion D«d<-n lloffutaii A!-
il'imii l 11.-n'uti, Aid. Win V Brady. Dav,d_
t.iaKait . K tj. Win J Kooir.e, Kay. • Hi) ItH.'lm*
IN «ae Orphan* of Allfßhmijr Cniinty
®ln the mallei of ih«
MeClaren, Kxitcuuira of ih- K*taic of
K.d.crl AlcClareit. d. e-*a*id. No. JS,
MarebTe.ia IHT
Ai.-i "o'*, to wu. April C,1e47: 011
motion of W. O il. Hoblnmn,' Attor
ney ful Fxceptaitta. ihs Cour- appciDt
f D.iria;h,E»rr. Aodi'or- to *etiJe Ibe Account of the
Kirriiturr "tty the Coon.
* JOHN YOl Nr;, Jr. Clerk.
fry*|Vnon* inter-. led in i!,e atmve will Hike noli—,
ihat the undere.Rited w-11 auend on Pr-dny, the tS*ih *><
May. jnaiant. at lt» o'elork a. t* . ut bi» odlce. Mnilbßeid
ilfeei. for the nutT”>' - “* I"* oppointmeiil
mylSdlW - .IWRKAOII.AutIdor
CO-PAUTSKRS hip notick.
EW.STKI'riKNSof Wbeelir*. L- F. Snoenber
• cer of Juniata and J. A. Stockton ol Pauliurab,
have lui* day entereil into et»-pniliu-*i»hip under rtyte
and Crtn of StepbetiM Shinrnl-ericcr * tio. ut the
Anchor Iron Wotk*, AVjierlm? Vu., fot il.e purj ote ol
tnaifcUlVulurior .roll and mu'* ol evtry dctcnptiaii.
K W -urutsi. K F SiioaanKanr.*. J A Sroraxos.
Manufarturc all kinds of bo.ler. rbect, bar non and
nail*, A U steel etiptic rpr'me* amt mb* lloiiijreon
necied wnh Sh Old Juiiiiu Winks, we ran
offer an *rtirlc of Jonrita ’m i (i.randed >.irenbei k crl
m-jbl to any made ill lb« er.ur.iry. Attof whi< liwiit lie
sold at lb- Fiiul'iirjtb pnrea. Warehottscofihe V\ork»
coiner *f JWtmroe u»d Wmcr »ir—l* my ll _
Nn. 133 Woodalrcei, PUtabarcb,
SF.VKN Doors ntovr sth. and I i’oar above 1J
_ rhllds A Co’* Shoe Warehoure Nowopcninc and
for sat- by RICHARD T. I.FKCH Jr. Importer and
dealer in Foreign nnd l’oA.e«iie Saddlery Htudw nr- k
Carnage trimtTU"ij* of nl' d-*criptioit*. u vtryrheep
and w-ll r-lerietl Mbck of Cowl* i 1 hi* l‘ii-, -'j ir»*t«
of the iiewc‘l m pur-lin‘eit forra*b, from tljr h-*t
sourcer. and wifi be di*i>oke.* of nn.l retail,
ai a email adtanc-onihe co*t. Furehasrr* areierpcct
fully invited 'o rail and »al'*fy then rive*
Al3t>—Suddier*’tool*, warranted, Peer nnd Forbid
Hair; Whips; Gla**; Paper. Ac, always on hand, mid
as eheap aaelsrwhete. _
Wnrmal Wnrmil Worma"
l,octtTiLi.K. Arari. IV. IM7.
Meatrs J Ki>M JtCo, ••eiitr.- Tin* 1* loccjttfv ihal
a child of mine silt etrd with Worm*. I procur* d
vnriou. k.».1" 0. V;|r. ...J »dr„..i..,.r.l il.r.n.
boi with ito eif-i-l. I then pureba*. dit vial of Dr Mr
Lane’s c.-b l.tnie* Veitmfuac. and doer aivmg a tew
dose* the child d.fcUaicrd about « quart uf large
Wonni' Ttiu beutlh Ot lb- child improved immedi*
ately I vv.m d le. ommrmi Ur McLan-’* VrranuKe to
thn iiu'.il.r a* one til tire most safe ard effectual mne*
v .or w?M-r* now in u«- 1 “ CUTTER
W |„,|p.aip and r< tail by J Kli>U A CO, corner
w.tod k foultb -is - U . 5H?3_
UT W. WlL>Off, 'Va'tli Mal-r A JcwoU-r.
. t l n uii.l Market st*. A large end we!|
•-lecird »'oeV of watrlic*. Jewrlry. Mlvtt ware
M inarv fioifd*. on bam! anJ ul rrt;.iiai t-a*-
'rri> prices, fill'd Pr-tent Lever, fill! Jewcilod wuu-hcr,
n. low H* a* l»s. .Silver do wfttebe*. its tow n« 31
• Firf.p-r. tob ft* Jobitmi! ar.d otherKpprovrd
nmkc.i will i.,;« ( t,ny be had ot a intuit ailvuttrc and
It/‘Fti.e waie'a w.-rk done .11 the very licit manner
“*■ *pV7
i>ro|>t».aU for Coal.
PllOiM-AI.S V.,11 1.1 f,-.-PlVc-l l V Ihe
LU-.1l till* lir-i .Uy of June, for me delivery oi
oooliu»l>< I* >;> I’m-t.ritpti Co»1,of ili«* be.hi quiiiiyfoj
■ lirr f ibri-miiun or Un*. m l*e funmlir.l nil or Lemre Hi*
«(ir«i day o! Or ujlw* n-xt. I*l llie St. Loin* «. n «* r >it*
CtmlunannT '>« « : »J 1.".-li
l.Uttl'. KXCUKK POIl»Al*K~A li *i *.M
L K>»* Ki>cmetii»i will »•* *>*•<*« n» J «>/<<•
qalli-iy •trr.uiit*. wnb |'in.i»ai»*l rvcry Ihirif ready for
Sue « >l* l)P rolil low—li>f | nr'iculdi*
iitit'jne of W WIHMAN,
1 ADAMS GBrrv,
cii-;u \vii>on,
V V lIHJ jpami Cap Wriling I'apcn
CO do I eiicr dt> do;
3W do 8. C."Situi« Wrapping op;
l'-O .dn Medium do do ‘‘o,
W) I*o D (!. Co do do;
• HU do Tea Rag ‘ ,O
o n hnnd and (nr *alc Up RKYNOLDs* * SUIJ-.
i„ i 4 rot IVnit n«jd tr—'OJ 1 !'
l-l rt>lsUi»;il Si'ICKL WimKH A'D^WNU
joaes t nirica, _ ,
MANUFACIUHKKS ©fspnng “nil Bitter Steel.
IMuigh Steel. Steel Plough Wing*, Coach w»J
Eliptie Sating*. Hammered Iron A*l*-» wt J oeatfi* jn
Mallrat® Catting*, and Coach Tiiamung* gea«'“ ,l >
comer of Rot* anil Front »treeU;« *UM>urgh,
fehSS •-
COAOU TRIMMINGS—The tubtcnbert are
now receiving a Urge and eatmttve attonmen ti>f
Coach Trimming* of the lateit *iylf*-*»nmig whlcli
are ration*, article* that have never been kept l ere—
which they purchased for ea*b from ih» F'** , s ,n *“ *
faeuuere, lad areaMe;o*etl a. low a* anyHon«* "
New York or Philadelphia Thr> would rctpeetniliy
invite the atieunon of oeaier* * ......
mylldSro JONES A Qt;U*C, cot Rot* * l»l«»
and dealers in fobfjqk and
n»sm: hank notes, and specie
I'uudh »l, neatly opposite ibc Uanfc.ot P.itiburßh
CURRENT MONEY (ccrivci an Depoaite—Sijlil
Ciiceksabr sale. aud collection* "made on nearly all
'the principal point* in the United State*.
The"b>the*t ptennnfn paid for Ko reign and American
Advance* ma»te on ron«ignm«“m» of Prodaci*.
Kant, on liiitra! term*.
Bankers and l>calers In Exebangf, Coin
and Bank Hotel.
Selling Rale* KieUonßr. Boy mg Rale*. .
New York. i I'f Cincinnati. I «U*.
I'ntladelptiO. i do Uuiavilk, Ido
Baltunoir; > ' l do M U««, Jdo
Buying Haie* BASK ,W. Buy ing Rates.
Ohio. * id'*- Co. A Scrip Order*. J die.
liiuiur* Ido Relief Noir*. I *'o
Krniu.-ky, IJo Pcnn>yl'»"‘« C> IJo
Virginia Ido New % ork do. Ido
Jo Wl.rHmi:. IJo Now on™*. . IJo
Trnne»-rr. 3do Maryland, ido
Coparinershll*. .
IOSKPII If. HILL. (law of ihe firm of « «n. A.
J Mill ACo ,) ami WS] C. Cl’Rß\ tl UieofKnc. 1•* 1
have c-nr-.-ed min Copariner*lup, under the name ol
• ILL a Cl' RH V. Inr the purpi.*e of carry'"R on d'l
- and- Kscliange liu»me** in all it* braneno*. i
No 1.6 Wood ••.reel, three door* below l-ourth. vee»t
side where ihry iol.rn the cu*lwnol dim* * nd
‘S' l% M c".:“»liv
No 05 Wood »ifpri, third door belov fourth. weal *idc.
PAH Fund* and Currency ri reived on Depoaite and
collection* made on all the princi'ial Cuita in Hie
Untied Stair*. .
Si|{iii Exchange on Ualtiraorc, Philadelphia, Near
Yora. Boston and Cinrmriot; constantly for »a!e
O.'iio, Indiann KcnWLy. Virginia tutd I’eiturj Ivania
Hank Noici. Uiucbl and »<dd on fnvorablr It rib*
Exchangeon England, Ireland, licrmariy and France
proeutrd. Ar. Ac. _ _
BANKERS, kxciianue brokers
'and SPECIE.
tfa 04 flood Sfrrrt. one door abort FevflA, Ea** *“&
~,,•1,1-1 Plltibwrßli. Pa. Id&wh
OHIO Indiana. Kentucky, and Petma- fuudi; aki
County and City Ordt rs purchased at reduced r»aie
•>< d,.count by N HOLMES* SON
.Gri Exchange llioker. 53 Maiket *t
(tollectloua on Cuieinmiu lxiui*vi)le, M l-«uja
J and all orce«»jble poi-.t* in ilte United Sia’t * mai.c
promptly, and upon the lowed term* by
N HOLMES A SON, Exchange Broker*
ni f t,us No 55 Market *t
(Tolleetlons on Cincinnati. LouUville. St Louia and
j nil other aecc-tuhle point* in the United State*,
tnadr on aecoininoJaiiiig term* HILL A CURRY
31 ei U *t. nerrdooi io Kagie Saloon
Exchange on New Yoik, I'iiitadelpbia. and BulU
in,,r .m-ianilv for sale by HILL A CURRY
a j,(, at ncxi clooi to Eagle Saloon
Currency of the Ohio Indiana, and Kentocky
Bunk* m anted at very '•** rate* of discount. .
it; r, Wood at. next door Id Eagle Saloon
( \ a 1 U,lndl*n*, and Kentucky Bank
U Note* purchated at low tale* hr
mrhlfi N 055 Market n
V He taicn tf SunbtntuU. The tubtenber
oiTrr* |nr title the property well known at SLACK'S
GARDENS.<on*i»iing of about erven aerraof Land.
.»i'excellent quality, with Dwelltng Hou»e. Baib Ho>a*e.
Green Hou*e, Ac., thereon- The UwcMnu i» a corotno*
dmu» brick huddtug, with aaiialtle out house* attached.
il„ tb- pr.-mi-e* is a never failing ipring. J ieldi'.g a
P rimful -upply O' moM rxcrlte ot water, fmm which the
Gniorn* a"! irrgaicfl by tn-an* of ppea Near the
•nriug ;• a large -nd commodious Baluing Houae, two
• turiet Inch, withporcbc*, and coniamtnc »eve-al apart
meuM m addition to ihr bath room*. The Garden i»
aliwenhcr *uj*eiior to any tn thi-reciionof the country
and abound* with the choiee«''Ft*iit tree* of mlinoat ail
kind*, as well a* wiili beautiful and rare Shrubbery and
Plant* The elevated poatl.on of the garden*. over'ook
ma and uc.tte-.iou* tu the City and the Ohio river, whilat
at tfie rauie time, they are *> eas.iy accc**iblc. render
them peculiarly dea.rablc a* a fe-rdepj» for a pnfuie
fan, iy.or fur aupplyme the ciw with from and vegeta
The 1-trot of *a!e oi all the above property. a'to price
and credit, wt.l be l.bcral A-pi'K '<> • D. S.ack on the
premwe*. or JOS C SPENCER,
fry- reraon* ;.i Pittsburgh inclining to purchaae can
; have airoure fa:i .It-«ei.pnon pf tlr» location, the prnpenv.oii arpitctt'iou to Mr Jons A Wn,«os.
. of ihr l» u*e oi .Uurnhv'. Wibon .VCo
SiealK-ir.-il'e. Apnl it. I SI7 dt’aw* It.
I poll RALE.
—r4 THE ad-. rr. »«r otf-r* for *al« a splrndMTlriel
riwan ne llntr-e . ;uuir on the North Kn*t ennier
i t.e t u t-:Sjuu.e hi Yi,:ing*iowri. Mahoning
eo.iiuv ttb,o J; i* ;-rge-coinmodiou*. f»iit*hed in ex
celienVui V.'at'd in the brat location in Yoongatown,
euhet lor.. dwelling or public house; attached to it i* a
j-.if.l, wr.ii water, Viai-linß,ar.J all other convenience*
tt ' fb!» iuvrii .* improving vrry rapidly, i* ntuaied nn
ujedmiely on die CnnaLatnl when the vnr.ou* Fc njee-.
Rolling M ■ ; l. Ac., now. betu : ,' or,: conir'nrd. will
„e Pie 1110*1 flourtahiitg place m tin* *eet:<*ii of <Mnn
11 -v :. *n d 'orv tr.r ca*h or mi ntnc, or ••xelianceil
forpri.i-er-y i'gp i‘». ;t..rtirultir* mqutrc oi
I.& JO WI.X. i-t.rnernf VYrvui and W,l*:tt*-
, urgli- who wtU if ve nil mlti.nnv ,o.i. ..elMAwi*
Rkai. estate in tiik t u't: vn,\ -The *ur»
»»« oiler liir »alo a Uou-e aril b.i 'i Vt-»i.M.d
dieecx. Men-, r roanty. t-w' 1 c..Vql«ied
for a »iorc and dwr’ltm. eiv « n •<■■■ Inr Ex
i>n«,on C.iml lit a i.enr l.y, arc
rrvefnl fun acc« »n>» m tbr iu iH a r.-uinnninff d.s
"‘aj’.o a house ami lot tn the flaun'hinc village. of Or
„,jrv.:, r M eirr ,, „i> r.v. The miu«s i« c-eli.calculated 1.0 »o!d cheap and on OC term* I*AIAH DICI.KYtA Ui
water »ad ftoni *t* ■
Ohio por
l.nnj* for *a>r, Jvitie on Biff Kaecoon t**er. In 1*
lußihiß u«wiisiii|i Meg* CO, Ou.o 130 cleared and on
*lrt cultivation. There arc on the prem *e* 4 dwelling
hou** «, *J liiiecbarn* with goodfencingand ne»r|.mil
uc water. The whole together will be «old for ibtriy
fire hundred do.ltin or div dert to «ut narcborers. Ti
t'r guarnmerd; ps\ment* may l«- made to suit, and
ri,> f »<-»«-on ever. immediately For farther i»fnnt.iion
enumr- of HaMPIOX, SMITII.ACo
„. . wood street
FO|l KAl.K—Good Land about two mile* from the
Try, ami iidjoiu.iiff M anebester, suitable for gar
dens or private residence* consiM'ttr of—
T«d Lot* of U Acre* cacti;
One *• of 4 Acre*;
Two “ of 5 Acre* each;
Tbr« e u of fl Acres ea-h;
0"c ** of IS “ a
W .11 be soiil .. ( favorable term*. Apply to
S CUTHBKRT. Real Estate Office
«\l4 No SO Smithßcld meet?
Vnluable Real Batata tor Sal*.
rpmSurniera t:ned being about to reirwje hi« Tannerr
1 to the country-otTers Itr sale MX UUILDINU
I OTr* o »Second street, between Kerry street and Re
doubt A.'ev . Kucli 10l will be twenty feet front on 2d
Mie«l usd etffltiy f4*ti»depib. The rou_wi:l l*t »old
mtaly -r toe whole For t-ntmappit to the
«i&'r,bVt mi ilie pr. r»:*r* JOIIN^i.DWEI.L
I'OH SALK—Two.rood building lot*, situated on
Coiterc-s s>. each 2 1 ! b) !XI ft.
Ai-o—t lot AJ it by ;•*" corner of Congre** *l and
Pennsylvania avenue. I lotSuby 118 ft on IVimiyl
enuc l lu’iu’i'.iv 13ft ft on l-9ca%t*t- Term*
favorable ~J ' ' WCUfIIUKRT
„n 0 ’ Peal K-iale f'lftec, CO stnllhfieM >t
" 'alLbghesv Vrmbtb'iu.
PERSONS desirous of purchasing Ixn? in tin* Ccme
tery aw rgforrr.l mr information to the Superintend
ant, on the ground* or to E. Tuorn, Drasgist. corner t
penn and Hand street*. Pittsburgh- ,
Bv older ol the Board, J. ClllhLts i'r,
decl 1-dAwtf gqperintendaot'
vt .,y handsome College Home, finished in
uimbrn «l»lc. with about n:ie acre of ground, sitcated
on iW mad to ihc Ar-ena. .n tbo borough of Lawrence*
v.iv 1 Teims tnour-ate. IJFNRk r.ARL
m>U>llw_ _ No «7 Market street^
\'\I.UA»!.K PROPERTY IDR ?.\LE-fJ acre*
V of vetucld.* land, just above Ibrimnehitn, situated
iw-uvren the turnpike and ihc Monongnbela rivtr, suit
able for eountiT re*idcnce«. For
r OTS FOR SALK—Two lolifcbn l»l street, near
j Stntihhuld n.duectlf opposite Eynn, Shortr A Co.
4'| ft ttent by.o3 ft In depth Thf»e lol* are well lUotled
•Hiev vridl.o offcml al public salepo,Thurtiay,*T.h
.tdc of Mat* neat nt IJ o’clock,.M. •> •
urV-Mbl _ ••• Hi;\RV WOOD*.
cOtiHITKY Ul&SlUKftCh,. .
Plssi II \VINt! removed to the eiir. for convenience
JPjELIo profess'cnnl l.u*iue*«, I the Mansion
I louse mid til imnicd ate rnelosurr;, filtm'eonUiehlullt
..f lh-!,', one »'S® I'it* I ™"!*..
tnnll U nwtf _ JAMr.t* ?» TKArT^ LOTH.
rnuß c-Al.E s«utc vaiunlde Lou of Ground, situated
£* on -b'- bank of the Allegheny River, contiKuou* »o
u e ci’v Those lots urc most advantageously »ttuaicd
for Ir-.ti Wnrk« and other buyc ftemufneiunne c»iab}
b.hmcnts. iunv7-dA.vlf] BKNNY.^
CIIIEAP BI’ILDINfS hO’fe-l lot 85 l v Itrt
/f. r < .iiumed on Frj.iklbt *r-£t. Al fgheny City,
p,'... v’-nio Trim* Uti' 1 ,n7mr.d
Al-n'n corn- rI oi bv )Jt te*? . loatcd ne«r the
ni .ive Prices'll* l ’l'-nn*. *ain?» aliovo
, r , llr . S tTTHIJKftT, 60 *i _
A inc property of Will^con«i*Uiiff of
* t . o( vc,,lent Buck Dwellinff with *utiahj! out
b-.i'ditia* L-rdru Ac.. 'l* nil *r acfgk
\-o vetu uci. * n.'jo n Hie tCmvo.
* p i IJTItUKAT. R.-al KsinreOtfit e.
m>l ~ • No|6o Sm *liseld street
I N MAN CUES I'l'.lFT bill SALE-1 have f.,r -ale a .
1'...1.ut ful Du..din;: t.ui ii. MmWt.‘ter,nearumFe'O
f r t fioui by lA' ft*et deep, lfcwifl be fold low, , and
r.n ueermtiKxlaiiuc lenn-. IV.if.* u/*iccpt»n*ble.
in y 10 J AM US ’Beat I^tatu^Ageot
NO 7 7 C \ N Al. s riII'EIV(k’E^ORLF.ANS
* t;r\TS for J U Armani’s fjttcn.ive Steam Pufur
A Rc&nrrv Alwavson huuil».ttlarge»ioek
Powdered, CrusheJ. 'CUr.fieti if & Ha-tard Sugurr, tn
Tie,rev ami Barrels. Also. Sughd .House Mo.a**e t s.
r pf >e. bbcral nnd « fair nllovctiiee made on all sale*
of.or above. 60 barrels. £ mehl !
rvser’OXti'liAND IMAJfOS— An exeellehl te-
S*emrt hand Plun>rFnfteOmui}e by Italxir* fc Bacon.
New York, vrt'h *tx oci'iv> ,4 ,'ttin plate and iii good or-
a six octave recond hand Piano, made by ClemetHt
* <v» For sale low f<sk ea*h by
T«OR HA'Lii—xaicuu par&e'inrt jel-ow oOoobtc
F carpet chain* 130 Jni Jcvenl tires window
>a«h vnO assorted site wooded l-owb,- ks’bteljHtis
vitte l.imr; hay fork* aud rake*; brusbc*. - ' '
my 13 t No 30 fltb st
jobs r. qtnoo.
FSILR Blcaehefl BpetmOil;
I, roo do 9penn Oil;
. euo ■ do— Winter Whale Oil;
bttbls Lard Oil: yastret'daad Garaalalrr
ICE CREAM FRKEZERIMjaaI iee'd,a lage assort
meat of Johnson’* cXCelleiU_Patent Ice Cream Free
zer*. suitable far Hotels, and private fami
ly, al • JOHN DUNLAP
my ? •" No 17 market *t
THIS <3»K Lbe Spur! .r*sbwuol^«
Hsu will iumdsced, bjr « r**it i»b- ,
tooable e*ubliafcawm« is New VoiMmi Pbtladelph '•
the andcnigaed take (teal, p’eMSW-tuiletpt en«bie«
td announce to their nomeraue.fyetHl*:*®® »»e P«u»«
gcoerallr, tfcat.vre ere prepared to upp4’ *>• W *? M ro ®*
utoru with a coi’ with tho fathuMuW* Harter 'be
•ea‘on. oompriamg Reavers Nemria*'. and rltra 6''*
Moteekm s*ilk Mata, either wboic.ale-or retail.
. . cor wodandStk *u
A RBMOYAt. fT' " 9
8 AH'ORR. (Ut «jid Cap Mnabeiurer
U reraored to Jfo 78 W ood »treel, three door* auove
Fourth airecl. Jit* tiock conMMtof rVfliy variety ot
Hat* and Cip*. load? in me. later; nj.le:
Leahoru ao<! IVdat Straw Hat*, wbolawlo and retail)
at the lower; priee. ‘S MOORK
apj6 . ' “5 Wood «t. third door al.ovi* Fourth
Awilliah oovglad, g-ffin
CONTINUES H> manufacture, and Iterpjgß
cotutantly on hand, every rarely «>' Hau •
and Caw of ibe laie*t *tylc, ana price* very lew at No
7ft Wood urert, " JIST
Fill Fashion, 1*46.
REMBE A COSTA ITS Style (.'entlrmen'* Hast
Jm wilLbe intredDced at KKIiVIL'S on Thursday
Aoguit tlJih. Gentlemen wuhing a cbeap. «'*•&-
ionable Hat of Pmcburgb nano far in re uhruJ of
fa.bionnlile Mata impoicicd I'd by ‘tan: oi
the ptenie call at KEKVU.ACo'*
aur»lf ia. Bead of Wood »i
fiurine Faahlon for 1847. 459
Jm wiclum docglas, fsa *k
WOULD Inform Ui* friend* and patron* • ~~
lhaihe ha* now «n_hand a large «!ocfc of the
Spring Fa«lnon of liata and Cap*. which will be mini
duced on Saiuiday next. Those in waul of a superior
anicle 1 will cjII at
. rochS • . No 73 Wood meet, Fji*i side
Pail Fashion Car Hats*
W*. c. CUKEt.
THE subscriber has jutt received l>y Kxpre**
jm hia new Fall fashion for Hata. Those .n nee I of
an cxira fine llai will pleaaecall anil examim
ihia splendid article. S MOOKE
W p3 _ No. V 3 wood
r. ||. offer* forsaleou a* favor*
U»«lile iero» aa any house in Philadelphia, a
mr complete-assortment of Straw, Florence. Rut*
3Bd» j mn d, and a great variety of fancy braid and
gimp Uonnet*,of the sp.iug style. r
1 ALSO— Palm Leaf, Straw and Leghorn Hau, Aru*
fieinl Flower*. Ac. Ac- , ..
PREHCH UOLk:&lB : HATB-Jb« rtttd
1* a *operior article o Nat*. Fait
fashion, and for sale low »-y ■ sWOORh'
iep 3 No OT wood sin-, t
Camel and Dry Uooda Wartbouie.
RESPECTFULLY inform* hi* ftiend* and the pnblie
generally, that he i» now receiving a large and
•piendtd auonment ol Nxw Sttlk Carpeting, Or-
Cioib*, Ac . direct from the Impomr* and Manaiaetu
rer*, composed inpail of
Supeifine Brussel# Carpels;
Extra or Tapestry Brussels Carpeting:
Super Imperuiaply and Extra do;
Superfine Ingrain, Fine and Common Carpeting:
£4,3-4 and 4-4 Plain Venitian Carpetme
-68,-3-4and*-4,Damask do do;
5-8 3-4 and 4 4 Tapestry do do;
Brown Drillings; 4;4,5 4and li 4 Sheetings; C 4 .-4
S4Table Linen*; Llneti Napkius; Crash and Diaper;;
HockabuckTowellihg: Carpet Stnpe*; New Style Ta
ble Covers; Oil Cioth* from ttinches to *l4 feer-wiue,
cot to any size;
Rich Embroidered and Printed Tabletnd Piano com*
Figured Floor Cloths;
Cbenlelle, Urowei*. Tufted, and Wilton Rug»j.
Tailed.Chemelle, and Sheepskin Door .ManaJ
Manilla and Gras* <l°
lira** Stair Rod* Flat and Oval;
Damask and Striped Siair Linen;
Carpet BiudingK • ~ ~
4-4. &-4 tutd <M Plain and figured Indian .Mailing;
Colored Spanish Mailing;4e., &c.
Person* Suing op Steamboau.Uotel*,or Private Hob
*e«. are requeued to eall, as lie feelseonfident they will
find it to Uieir advantage to do so before purchasing
lie would also invite attention In hi« extensive slock
of NEW SPRING DRY GOODS, (embracing every
(hire in that llnej now opening ai ibe almve Hand.
marHMAwqmF jpr No 1 10 Mirket »lrvc»
Dress gihohahs—w. r. murphy a»k»
ihe attention or buyer* to the choice style * of above
rood* opened «hif morning, aa wet I as—
Silk Losire Linen Gingham*;
Barred do;
French L>awo» ai reducedppees
Gingham Lawn*;
Neal style Bruize*;
Crape Shawls;
Needle work Collars;
Bonnet Ribbons; ■
Embroidered Muslin*, far Dresser, etc.
New goods will be opening nearly every day. for a
week tocume, including many style* of scarce andde*
•■ruble goods. , . - '
in-Tiie wholesale rooms up stairv,, are also being
replenished with a large supply of new-and desirable
goods. at low cash pnecs _ •_ “Y*® .
WALL paper ahu borders.
PRICKS KF.DL'OED —Thoxnat Palmer, No 4? Mar
ket ♦nee), between 3d and 4 b street*. rc»p**cirolly
announce! l 10 the public that hit present ttock of Avail
»*i.per and Border* of bit own jnanufueture it very ex
iccivc. aud daily addilion»,are beiny made toil, in
ihey are finished—of new and splendid poueri.t AUo.
a wiriUr-.TlcdMockot Frtnck Paper an l Bordirt.
Ilnv 111! r ccutly rrJucrd the priert oi llie a!-ove
amele*, l-md others. In hi« line, not enumerated.) Us i»
prepared to sell for cash. cheapM tlr*u any embl'»!.-.
ineuiof the kind. Hast or West of tbo mountains.
apl3d3m .. ...
TAILORS— Ju«t received afutl assortment of ihote
Tn-y made shirt*.' both. white and jtii|«cd, from vety
fine u> medium qualities. •
Uotooit and Collar*, line a" 1 mm qualities-
Cravat- -a splendid wi-' - .•:}»• l.ltrk nml fan*
ey: ull ijnali'ie*.
Uliu k aii’J lanry Suns: , i'otk*.
lllnrk and do do l'u»' '*»•
Rrottof North Ho; kt A: l *•«*;
t,i,ni -uipenders. Ac <V«:, ior»k.e*at the tnr>n jfaelu
rrit price, l»v the mane factored* ueenl. at No »> wood
••reet, up Maim. KDWAUDTODI*
my(4 A*ent for Eattejm Mmiutactuirrs
VARIKTY and FANCY COOI-*—Wc haven v« -
ry full a«»ontoe'o1 nnsll -»are» and mnny good»,
•ueh u. Graduated Silk Unttoaa.for Lad<e«.
IWy do do *!o.
KuncT Hlk gimps ami i'i ingrs.
ItooksfcKyes puis, itiieads, buncnr. so l it)
Collars and coUareti*
Olovenn kreat variety.
Hosiery of nil kind*
Coiuncml Silk vest*; Ac Ac.; nil of winch
will be told low; SHACKLE Tl* & WHITE
tqjia !U woed« |
V.J N'lstll.NG WARKKOOM—No 80 Wood meet,
(up *i«ir».) Juh received. «nd now opening aiulla>-
wnment of Uicmc very S’no and mediant quaiuiei Troy!
manufactured Shirt*; Borom* and Cpllar*. Satin adjust
ing Stork*: Hnmbazinedodn Plain; Sami Uow atockt.
plain; Uloek Italian Cravatt; Fancy do do;' Gam Sot*
petider«.;A.'Ac. 4c.
Ju»t received from the manufacturer. and for tale at
manufacturer'* plice. EDWARD TODD
myl ; Manufacturer *■ Agt
SHOULDER BHACKS—for cure of pant in the
Ureast, mode pattern* approved lijr-lbe New
York Bandage Inilitale
Bu«pender», Surpender End* and Webbing; ’ Self
adjtxting oraYatt; plain and fancy taitn nock*; fine
<hil* In great variety; *htm and I thin colar*; oi'eii
ailkt; drab moreen; tea graft. 4c Ac; on hand and for
tale by myG ~F H EATON
GLOVES dt HOSIERY—A fre»b and well a«-
Ktrted *tock of while and co'tfred cotton llottery.
for men women and children, constantly on hand
Alto—Liale Thread in great varietj; Silk aud Linen
do, spun Silk for children ' <
(TVUluck apd colored Pari* Kid Gloves, of l*et«
quTiiiy. ' FH BATON
njid NoH market«t
Murphy invitet the aUfnuoiuof the Ludie* to hi*
very Aill at unmentof white’good* for creftet,coniit
tmgofSwiM and ScotchMulTt, Nan sock and Jacko
hetmuOint barred Jackonrt, toper Satin barren ana I
atriped, toft fini*Vdo, Ac AC. . »
A* ib etc-good* are pateba*ed Immediately f.oro the
manufacturer*’ a gen it or iraponer*. they can be aold !
at the loweit price* . .. B P*» \
pitt«>nrgh, arc new recetvirg .large addition* of
late and drmable style* of fresh Spring Dry Ooedt. or
ncent importation*and manufßCiare.andare ptepar
ed u> offer gieai inducement* to ca*h or piompi pay
Vtock j* now very, full, and'c’bmprlxt* mtusy very
scarce and cheap goods . _ mJ _-
Dhy itititea the aiteinwir« f boute keeper* to an I
aatorunani of IM and 1M colored • oußtrrpanc*. A |
new and beautiful article, ot different colora.
aifonment of white coon.etpane*. from loweit to One
ouatiy. Al«o; LiuenDamark ThMe Cloth*, a fail w*
ntincnl of nowo.l pnlcrn.-i l>o| T »* n j
ing Diaper-attha nor.hean corner and market
«traet*. - ' my • ■
No SO smithSehl at
WORE SEW GOODS—it W" R Murphy’*
jVL Dry Good* Houte, north ea*t corner of 4H» and
Market meet*. Received ydrterday. an
Linen Table Diaper* ftoraMjo a 4,
very tuperior Dama»k. . Al». Blefchrd .ndunbre cb
ed Linen table cloth*, very wwtotquality. Al-o. Ab
paeut and Alpaca Lu«re», a full attortmenl. ftoro com
toon to very tuperior, including tome of very
Lunre*. " - •
J^^ e _*y ra n«p3rtni W indow Shades of both t.Jur *n<j I
Oil preparation, in great vatlety “s’* "‘."L, n ,'t° Vnr I
t i, r .- Venetian Ultnd*. of aborted »ize* and cotora. for
.aleon Comm;M»ii;Shade Flmrfc*, InihiJug Roller*, j
arid Dtind Trimming*,aborted EaTQNV
rT'h. B ATOAi"! {
DEALER in Trimming* and VarietyGoo^*,Torto l *c
Thell, Ivory and Horn crntib*. Woollen Vara* and ]
Wonted*, Button*. Needle*.!•«»*» 1 ane*. Braid*. Ac., |
No 04 Market St between Diamond and 4u »ueel*
Piiuborgh. —i l-yr”.V
rnWEEDS-rA very Urge ii.aortpfrat of 3 4 and
Io 4 Woollen “‘id uiiied I w«ut«, a great vanciy
cf • i le* and olor*, «cme very unique and de.irable far
,i.- /nr trade.- ju»i received arid rbrm’eny
mtl3 ,J SJM,PKLVm'AWl«riElri)wood.t
BURLAPS— 3bale*OX ineb llurlapi
wool sucking. }u‘i necixrd and for*aJe by
,“i Sii'VLmtWHßr.s.nA
OSN ADUttGS—I bale very heavy Vi.ginia Oran
burst, J «»i re'jfivo t and fot*atc by
myls yfllACKUcrne-WlllfK,9l* wood «t
CVUnTAIN MUSLINS, ot a great variety'<
j itylca, mcludiug Uuif-Frsticl) Chuitx, for W'udoi
Curiam*, to be fountf at dry good* houte of. .
N B cor <lb and Market.»u
XN of beauii.ul new. ;»tyle f*pnng L'iLm*—Jtnorß
which are rich Ounj*,.Canary, Uuß. Pink*. Funmuic
ao<l Uie »iyle fonclrt. Jeri received end for aale by
rora : ftHACKLKTr&WHIIRtOwood»
IANVA'U AHD PADDIKOR-4 bale* of ft
j perior, toeaay, Ra**lan Canvitt and radtfinjr, Jui
ttetvetland forMlc by. . • -- -
in;«3 »U ACKLETTfc WHITE.M »c<4 «l
food Bine Jtans, Jo»t recrired and for **le i*«iow
mwiafacarett'-priees. by
my»S • gllACKLElTfcWmTEtWaoodat
l!iie*. Black and Colored G»aßaalgdBilk Bauoti*, Cro
chet Bap, tfitk Pm tea. ke-Jnit received and toriuk
|,y • •" • my Bo F II KATUN
hr wide Lace for hfaiqoh* Net*- Linen aad Cotton
DieU Frinxe<T Bltek and Drab Moroeeofor Skirts;
%i tiring Cap* and Lisle Ribbons, for sale by • A __ M
n jftl F H bATUW
ii fdiaOlTO IHTTMOO, M Bmrr*dMo*<jßi»
XuNeti*. a yood artiele and fenjpieee«-HuMreoa»f*d
ud for aale by ' , .
~ r upr*“
P I’L E 8•-
INOOLDSBY’S Mb&sific.«» uurwirm**j■
±J a cntu and redkal etn, whether WMMi **”
IMittsr br iniwia tf W MMl*.** "**
tier, put in' tad side, babftual
tfourte. * . ~ . .. I 1 :'-,
Fttala btm n 4 tfler mncactl in ite W**
with coMtiuatfoo of tbs hawk enJnm<;asjowl ■* «*•
nIo. Id all inch ewe* the Specific on ha takas
fret safety, tad a a certain remedy.' / Tha Spadie w —»*
pergatitt, and.baa entirely reettsMswmnly, aitlMtiM
tickof|aabcft,ttikicjactacilf]ii wiimiiUhlHWifti
fectly hinalem ia th* most delicate ewes. _j
Thi* U to certify that J know l£. IngoUtoy’s fikjtfd*
to be a certain cars and mJV itwdy- Hating eatt ha swsetj
m tettra! raw,, amongst my family eocoeikejSjUieTtrsleoa
s^^rMfcSr 1
New York, May,lMi. X 4 &****? t^_
1 cheerfully fire my tfstimooy a* ta tha certain aadasto*
hating wen it used withsoccew ta ret*™ cajeiea Ma
and feataSe. GEO MILLER,
New York, May, 1S&. 3M Sixth *!»**.
New Tort l n*liW*‘
Mr. Brel,—Dear Sir—l bara tha plcasure to my, that
Jour mrUicux, Dr. f eipiaiby’s Pika Specific, ha* Bade a pee
fret cure ia the ease of my uitcr,aad 1 aotvgivay—mj *** •
that J bate been jurpriwd at it, a* it n & ®T o P** fl> B‘
[<u*iib!e tocore her.; However, 1 <an now taatify to thawaw
t.-ine u being is fallible, and do advise all Other* who wn' ai
dieted in the like ina&oer, to procure tha article,a* they B*l .
depend on a certain ewe.
'Yoon with respect.
Wot Cheater, K. Y n May 14, IMS. J
Dr. Inrukbby—Dear Sir:—That yon Bay benefit dwn
»bo nuy be suffering, ai wcllu to exprew my g«tf»tnas fo*
tin benefit I hate dented from tha usa of your ralnahla Spa
eific, l cbinply with tour rrancst, and new 4 "r T,l ?_r:;
moot iu Ciror of it, tiating been cured of a wears attack at
the Pile* after bating turd other remedies withcai success.
Yoon with respect, j.
Sold wholesale and retail by WM. JACKSON, hi his fit
enl Medicine Warebonw, and Boot and Shoe Store, No. *
Liberty street, bead of Wood, Pittsburgh. FiitJ, 50 i*ato
pcrboL janld-dly.
t toarsuMPTioN abrksted-To th*»«
* afflicted with Dlacaaaa off tit*:La>f*i
—This'« to ccriify ». those aJfiietrd with tho fir*t p»*
moftiioiy symptoms of Conraraption,**
laboring for several years with a bronchi, tottawof
tlie throaiand hoarseness. 1 n*edmanymedicines,bat
found no relief in any preparation of medicine,, an til 1
REMEDY. I have been using this valß*hl«n*dicuw
for several yearn, and always find ifto relievo when*
ever 1 make use of it My occupation as an Aacuoa
eer, which keeps me almost constantly engaged, cans**
raydisease, at become very alarming, when 1
at once procure this medicine. 1 therefore flake plea-
sure iu making this public atitement, that olhera afieci
ed with s disease of the lungs and expectorant organs
may know the virtues of this ' all healing remedy,?
and may be cured. 1-have recommended Dr. ponean l *
Expectorant Remedy to many of my friends, aoa* of
whom awe their lives to this medieine.
Somerset, Ohio, Ocb 13, IMS. JAMES. HEW IT
The proprietor of the above mediclnewonld, also
eler to the undersigned persona, who reside ia Perry
oumjr, on whom! any person may call upon and b*
onvinced that there ate virtues found la the above
icdicmc that cannot be excelled: i
David Culbertson. Somerset; Dr. B. Stone,’do; Ftu
cisColibcr, Jackson tp; Mr.Larimer, do; Geo. Polbart,
Saltlick ip; Jerrod Daviien, Hopewell lp_
more street, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Sold in Pituburgh by WM. JACKBON, Si Liberty
bead of Wood street. ~ .. aplßdtowT
DR. WOOD’S Sarsaparilla and Wild
Cherry Bitten, for the eerii of the- following
diseases: Jaundice, Livrr Complaint, *ll B'ilioosCom
plaints, sick HeAdaehe, Heart Born, Indigestion, habit
oat Cosiivencss, Piles, Palpitations of the Heart. Lees
of Appetite, Dyspepsia,Nervous Irritations,Debilitated
Sunnaeh. Languor, Depression of Spirits, Chronic Rheu
matism, Cnianeons Diseases, Canker. Syphiloid Diada
>es Scrofula Impurities of the Blood, Pimples and
Pa«tales on tbe'Kace', Hereditary Hamorv, Cold floret,
aud all diseases arsing from an injudictoas aseof Met-
caiy. *
The nueniion of the 'invalid public, and of all than
afflicted by any of the above diseases. it respectfally
called to the mentsefa new and invaluable prepaxa
tion from an original recipe of adistingnishod physician,
combining in itself the most active remedial properties
of two of the very first artietejraa the Materia Hedies.
The Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry Biaers vrero lo
trodaeed to the public about twelve months and
daring that period thpir snceess has been M great as to
induce the proprietor ta offer them with atilt mors confi
dence, In the mil belief that by entering into more ex
tensive use, they will prove a bleasing to alt thoae
nuffcrinrfrora the diseases above enameraied..
jtoid, wholesale and retail, by WYATT A KETCH*
AM, general agents. Utt Fulton street, New, York, Wa
Tsok.v, Market street, and P. R- Bawt**, Southfield
street. Pittsburgh, Pa. Priee Cl— large boaiea.
•ngh33d3rn 1 W
Cr -wmptl Co- \ttr—
Coniompttv, . JDiOUtlMi
Does sickness weigh upon your hewlT
Or pains afflict yoar breast!
Try~ Dr. Duncan'i Htalitig Aft,
And il wilt tire you fesu
It clean away the mistv cloud
Disease spread* o’er the mb!!
Ami whisper* through the gloomy abroad,
“Your health may yet be whale."
See yonder rose of lovely hoe!
*Tu withering wtthdeeay;
It scarcely rip* liie morning dew,
- Before it fade* away.
The Worm of Death was in the item, •
Atid strengthened as it grew—
And when it bloomed, (a lovely gets,)
• It nipped through and through.
That Worn: of Death cnighLbe deiied,-
If Dr.•Doiicen’* art were tried; •
And many lovely damsel* wired
The fate of an untimely grate.
h>'cumori* rtreet, Cincinnati,Ohio; where hia valuable
tnedicinc is sold. . . ‘
•«o!(l in I’ittalmrgli, by WM-JACKSON,earner fff -
Wckl ami Liberty cpiad^wT
You, whose teeth te iodl and-yel^ow—
You, whore Imit is harsh and wirey, ,
Rusty.dirty red or fiery— • '
You, whose vile offetutve breath v :
I T ur»t«-fl'Kitn* n putrid death— ;
You eojldliave-bt.j,«n»noi girl—, ■:
Ttviti »► white ;i* enow or pearl— ; ;
Hrvath a »p ey sweet, nnd curtlcle
* Pure uml wiute andsmooth and beautiful,
And hair tofu silky, dark assise,
By reading what is said below. .. • -
RKAUEB3.«Mty of you can have the above by (mind
this i 4 nothing but trout.} u*ing a 3* Lottie of Jones’* Co* ‘
■ a | Hair Restorative—a'** boz of Jones's Amber Tooth
l'a«te—and 4s cake of the Rename Joses'* Italian
Chemical Soap. The articles cost bat link, and yaa
are assured that the following «Lre their real qnaitnee:
The tooth paste Rives the breaih e streat odor, while
Iceland preserves the teeth.4e. The JrtirstuS'aH
know to be the mostezqaisite thing evertnado for dree
*inr. beauufvirr. and causing the fTOwtb of hair; and.
the wap, (get the genuine Jones’s Soap, mind) will e»t*'
all efuntiont, freckles, &c. and make dark Tellow;
white, clear and fair. All there thing* arc sold (only)
at W jACKSOfi’i.Boot and Shoe .more and Patent
Medicjne Warehouse 9 'Liberty »t- toft 1
lo Causes, Prevention amlCure.of Consumption
Asthma, and Diseases of the Heart. On IbeLawi
of Longevity, and mode ol presenting male tod fe
male health. symmetry and beauty; esposing canoed
and core of those disease* that prodece Conmmp*
tint), nr shorten life-as Afiectionsoftbe Skin, Spine,
stomach, Bowel*, Kidney*, Liver, Scrolola,Pite*,
tirarcl, and Female Complaint*.. lureles.sssjf,
practical and pure. I'nrtn a guide to perteet health
and lour life. S& £ngrafinn/324 page*. : fiO.etfc.
FosUire 94 els. By SAMUEL SHELDON
york. • ' !
Any person remitting fifty cents, free.WillreCerra
oaecopy, by mail, to any part. The tradoaopplM:
Fth 10, ia«-dCm -i. : 1
DR. BADGKR inferrte aB poraont aßieted with'tfila
di*irt*fmrcorapUifll,tbai having become the pat*
cbaaei of Dr. Murlball’t patent “Oppe native Rentedtet"
for it* cure, without wearing Tnutee, be it now propa*
red to can nil nch na may offer in aeery few Raya
under-thi* treatment. The Patentee by article .of
iagreement 1 warrant* that there rrmediee wheq rightly
\apnlird. wtllwell and permanently core Scare* out of
lm of old and young a* they may apply. iaWday* thpo
[to each rate." Rett being enjoined, I’erucvlar* gitrif a
'oil applienuon to the and ctrtiCcew# of
-t-urcr *hown. Office. Dr.!. I*. Kali’# DiogStnrejffmi*-
fie.'d Mfert, neoy l.ilxrty
For »ale the right of ore m the following Coonuet,
rix: Beaver, Washington,' Greene, Eltc, Someraflj
Oambri". tlnniingdon Indiana, Clearfield* Arnutrong,
’•oner,Clinton.Centre, and tted'ord •. . \"j
irT’-Aiieitiiongiveu malFcoteiof \ • -
wylSd-Jw* ~ ___ • _ • V-L
So Care! So Pay.* PIU»I PU*»».\j|.,
DR jackMn'a RmbmcsWoait the only medicine that
w'll eure-thi* so very loramon and troublesome
disease. I« notonlj immediately ollay* pain mbdinfU*
matinii, stop* ail Weeding, subdues that intolerable Uchr
nut rffcrtaallr cure*, in a very abort time prison*
whose live* have been rendered miserable fer yeaiaM-
It* application produce* no pain, but rather *a wnwaA
bleiuid pleasant sensation.- If persona afflicted .WiiJ\
tall end bear of the areal number of ease* that karat
been eared, they wid be astonished. -A centleßaa|of\
ibie city, who bad been under the knife of tha Rigaon V
(at ivoor tbiec braes without being eared,baa byk** \
i-gibotilesof tbe Embrocation, beeneradically.euwd. \
It sells beyond precedent!!—(Phil. Saturday Courlei ' \
(vi-For *a!o tn Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TEA \
STORK.?? Fourth street,'near wood, and alaoai’Uka \
Drue Store of 11 P Schwcux, Fed:ra! si Allegbenyci* -4
ir. ’• “ • « • 1 apgdAw |
' Wo Cor*, Sio Fojrt ; . v •
Xh. Jotksen' Film £«6ron*ti<M Nmr FgHt! ;j :
arc Te« disease* more eommers or tiw-:
-J. blcsnme than the Piles, and yet, notwilbttand^ ;
ing. crcat cflbils have been tnado to core by tbe.aae */
.ofpill*, electuaries, lintmenu,‘&e.. all wereilnite '
and of little benetiu Now the Embrocation
'only medicine used. Aperson whofcisbeen **«*{
m# with the Plica of the worst kißdcracfremS*-
Icm.New Jersey, almost on purpose to «ipr*», bis
gratitude for tho speedy cure that this medicinehad
eßccitdmbiaca'e.—rbila, Sat. jL.
I f£j»for sale in Pittsburgh at the FEKEN TEA
I STORE, 75'Fourth at,, and also at the DnigMor*
H P Schwarts, Federal st. Allegheny City. - ’ "
feblST •• -11. ~
i iFrtiia m* rs>mtof the Time*-!
A gentleman of SJcrofuJoa. bsbin,. f«m iadUerf.Uoß
i„ ms rmmg-rdar* became affected wim Uleeraboo*
of the Tnmai >nd So'e, ami adiugreeahte aadiroa-
Olc»n>» erajHkm oftheSkin. In-Seed, hi* who!e[«jti_
kid bore the mark* of bent* *ama>erfwhb diacMt ~
( , M kind and wrtM-were *o mock mfffeted ibnt behad
laiitbe a«eo£tfie hand.eeerypinJwinjreoTmdwfth
drfp painlal, nd offeMite Utcere and »*fo t* bob
tow un! poron* a* a honewa* alibi* »ta*e
or hi* complaint,wbeu deaih appeared laeuublf’kfnm
a toa'htonu di*o«K, thai he commenced tbd-flf* of.
jaYKRS AI<TFRSATIVR,. iftd baring' lakes'tir
reen bottle*. i* «»• cored. '■ ; \ -If -
i -Thi» ALTERNATIVE operate* throagh ibacirealt*
I i“ n , ardpan&A* ihe-BJo»J and en<UcaiM:diaea»e*
| from the ijiu’n, where?**r Ideated, udiho asowo*
r.ure* it haa performed in Ui»e**e» of BkiD v .C*Be*r,
Scrofula, Goitre. LjeerComplamr. Uy»pep*i*,aadOUwr
Chronic dt*ea»e<i* truly MtMUMHtf-' Uv •
. For *al« In PUubureh at the I
itreet, near wood, and alreai the Urn* Store Of»l r
Shwartz. FedetalM Alleahenre<tr m*4«UtwF
/AYNE'tf KXKfcCIUKA.YI-«eiarn««iteftUoß»
admirable remedy for Pulmonary aftetfcefc—
Tfce principle there *mv>oßcr«J oftbemotbid ebijlMo*
a(«b«rflcuan»r-lU'4endeßei> io orifwM 1 IrtlrtnaiHiO
at the B#oneKia» end eooaeqaent rifcietioa of UMtsM*---
rtj hoinoi*— beyond dUpove, lbs intb itasK Tbs'
M i« practicable aide of marring each ob*in»ttlo«,U
bv meanaof eipectoratioit, ammi wkiefa-wvmx* e«T
Tiaeed tien alwaya Vi obtained by • JndiciooeaikiVi
tinaef.tbs maady of Dr, Jay»e.*«ri| of tbo
T For rale in PimLnrah atibe Pjbie'fenjtort, '
street, near wood, nod also at lbs Drag
Bcbwara, Federal at Al<*S»«°r c»r» m jW