The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 20, 1847, Image 4

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Tut following excellent poetic advice we eat
frotß the columns of the Scientific American;
whether original in that paper we cannot «ay.
IWa a mountain on you frown 1
Keep at work
Ton may uudermine it yet
If you stand and thump ite base,
Sorry bruises you may gel
Keep at work.
Doe* Mis» Fortuoe’s face look tour '
Keep at work
Sbe may smile again some day :
If joo pull your" hair and fret.
Rest assured she’!! have her wa>
Keep at work
Are you censured by your friends
Keep at wurk:
Whether they are wrong or right, '
May be you must 'bide your lime,
If for victory you fight.
Keep at work.
If the devil growls at you,
Keep at work :
That's the beat way to resist
If you hold an argument,
You may feel his iron fist.
Keep aTVork-
\jt your tnleots viihfit-d
Keep at work
Greater tm-n than you are lifted ;
If you’re right ( then go ahead—
Grit will be appreciated
Keep at work.
Everything is done by Labor i
Keep at work.
If you would improve your elation
They have help from Providence
Who work out their own salvation
Keep at work.
The Shakers.
In ihe course of debale in a lale legii
lature ol Now \ork, «>n an applicalio
for hp'-cial grants of power in holdm
properly, made by the Shakers of At
Anna, in ihat State, the loUowinjj rul<
or orders enisling in ibat Society becau
pubic : '
Contrary to order for any one to wn
the urdrra „ . . , Dn W‘> Apotbnu,..
to order imfuire inro ,he
order ot other families. ,\ o w (bat Winter ts upon us with it* utlendan
Comrurv tit order tu inquire into anv tram of Pulmonic and Bronchial afleetmns Cough*
, • ... i • Cold*.&-c iic , wr would advise those afflicted i
barman that nte L)> aeons nave made. , , tu# to .make immediate trial of Dr.Swaync'*
C«!irr*irv to order to open your mind Compound Syrup Oi Wild Cherry. It will ne»ei »
**-• .; rrscressss Msss.
Cimir,ii \to order to expose counsel. lo bc p UI J O( ,J, gn( j er iu name; but the preparation •
or tell wilal Ute Elders i-iv. ot l>r. >w*yne. beside* being the first eser offered ,
~ ■ * m the public, i* the only one that can be reli«d on.
Coutnry 111 order to rucet'e or wn . p ha outer? miiiuns sold lor Wild Cncrrr Syrup,
a leor r, #n lioui the Elders’ perusal 01 it. ; Balsams, Ate., are all spurious and worthies*. and
C-«( "> «">« W «U. a book
OUi l*>i:ny • - i (*|i e rr>.
Cmimry to order to go out among the ' from the Springfield Kipreaa.
3 ,• . Oflhs thousands of purported curative nostnimy
nMirnl i»r 4<iiong< la nilius, witnout per , now be f ore the public, bot sery fesr are Inund to
tntsst'in 111 i tin Elders. ~ : pusses* the healing virtues tor which they are k-
Cti.nnr. in oid«*r .»>»«. any monoy I ;^Ltr ta |S“•
pfivaielv. ! : Cuiupuund Sjrupol Wild ( bony.. The afflicted
Contrary to order to shake hands with ; l 0 this arc beginning to uie it, and to ibeu
~. 3 . r , >o\ tbev find in its use their hopes based upon it*
& world s woman without comes ng • . re ’ cr , mnjeiM j 3 tions more than realised.. The afflicted
Contiurv '» order to shake hands with De ed notde*p3ir. While ihere is hie. there now n
Ihe world u»le« Ihoy lira i«»ler ih» hof. A cautio .n TO TftK PUBLIC.
band. [r7*Sincn the introducliou of my article to the
Contrary to order to play With 'logs or 1 public, there base a number of unprincipled indi
tt 3 ' vi.uiais got up nostrum* which they assert contain
calH - Wild I'herry.some arecailed "Balsams.” ‘BiUer*,’
Cou'rurv to i.rder lor a brother and fiven >,nip«f Wild Cherry, but mine is the
sigler In n<b‘ 1.-ellliT II- ii mason, milll- i.nfoal .ad'-oIT S««i»e ptfpai.Uoo lalmla
e n ceJ io the public, which can be prnsen by the puli-
OUt. company ! r Krr»rdr nl ihr t omront weal'll of i’enomyfvania
Cuiriurv to order lor 'l brother and : Th.- only safeguard against imposiUon if to see that
. , . ..Mi-utt- ;J iii.rirl. Viltlr '
•later to puss each oh--; on • .!<• ft-uf'i. - ~t l ,j vvV.WNK^
Contrary lO order lor a person to g<> . prepared «niy by p<. H. Swathe, at his i'nnci-
OUI of the door V'trd, after evening meet- . pal Odiae. corner ul hicHT and Race Streets.
n rtiihdeiphia. All *> ild t herry preparations being
iog. . ; ticlitluur and counterfeit without his signature, •
Contrary to order to have right and I K, w tale m Pittsburgh wholesale and retail h)
■ f. J ; W.M. THORN, 03 Market street,
ten snoes. OGDEN it J'NOWUfcN, corner Jodi Wood sts.
Contrary to order to pare the hed> ol , „ ,io\|->.*ISO Liberty strert
Hoes miller. J- fc. J M.-ei;-: ~'icey ' hji
, . , • , c,-o»,v ' <>., Bu'-ifr; V.i . ilt-(uls'»<in,Aler-
Contrary to order to read newspapers cfr Ni>rm#A ( alt . Jrfl , f M , .jjH-Burton*
l dwelling h'Hihds at anv lime, unless Co.. Krie; M'Kenni: & kiikeil, Cleielar.d; Denis
iduleence for ihiU purposeis sranled by ;
JO Elders ’ • K Easterly &. i>t. Luuis; J S Morris Sl Co ,
Contrary to order to iolil the lei* ' LoufsT.lle. R> i Andrew 011/er Co.. New Or
thutnb over tho right, in prayer, or when . |eanJ - > i
siandtng up in worship
Contrary to order to kneel with the
left knee first.
. Contrary to orde» to put the Mt boot
of shoe on first.
Contrary to order to kneel with hand
kerchief in hand.
Contrary to order to put the left loot
on the stairs first. whe ( n ascending.
• To open your miud, ip to eiproM your
grievance*, or confett your aid*. The line of
ordec-ia the elder* of the family.
General Scott at Church. —A let
ter written at Vera Cruz chronicles the
following interesting incident:
•*Easier Sunday.— On Sunday morning
Ust, we entered the churchon the Plaza,
and were gratified to see so full an at
tendance of our officers and men. In
rather an obscure place, on the left hand
aide of tho aisle, sat Gen. Scott and a
number of his friends. The General
appeared devout and pious, and not like
Ihp manv of us who go to such places to
p'aas an idle hour. The entrance of the
we are told,- created no little
astonishment amond the natives, and he
was readily known andjwbispered about
as the commander-in-ebief of the Ameri
cans "
S.I the old Romano used to pay groat
respect to the religions of the nations
the) conquered, and imported any num
ber u: strange gods for their own Pan
The letter writer continues :
“Hie seme in trie church on' Raster
Snrnlay was indeed one’of interest and
solemnity. Mmy who the week before
'were sending death shots at each other,
now standing and kneeling together,
communed with the same God W * ! 1,0 ‘
' ticed that much deference was paid to
our General, and that ho wan the first
One to whom a long lighted candle was
• banded. H« received tt solemnly, nnd
held it for a time lighted iu his hand*
Lighting matches one week. and. by
the aid or (Christian bomb-*hells. dcs-
patching somo thousand anuls to another
world ; the next week, lighting candles,
And aaying mass, we suppose, for the
spirits he had disembodied 1 What sort
of a God do “heroes’* worship 7 — Nat.
The Boston Olive Branch «ay» that
Gen. Scott baa recently.become a pro
selyte to Romanism.
Doino Nothino. —“He'made me out
a sinner for doing nothing!” This re
mark fell from the lipk of one who was
under conviction of sin, and of whom we
asked the question. How were you awa
kened ? It was in yjevival nf religion,
in 1832. He had heard a sermon from
the*Words, “Woe to them that are at ease
in Zion !*’ It was a new thought to the
poor roan, who had beeo comforting him
self with the plei that ho had done noth
ing very bad. But now he saw that his
greatest sin was tho very thing in, wfbic^
he bid been comfouing-hioiself-pt/ow*
nothing !
We were reminded of this incident by
meeting in an old religious magazine
with the following ingenious interrogato
rs on the words, “Curso ye Meroz.”
The writer says— .
By whose authority ! The angel of
tho Lord's.
■ JVbat has Meroz done ? Nothing.
' >Vhy then i* MeraaU)be cursed? Be
came they did notbiffgT'.
A clear conscience fears do accusation.
PB. smTIK'l
tk t grml JU4‘<J > ftr
Comu.upoon. Coogbr, Cold*. A«h®a Broocti.ii*, Liver
Complaint. seining Blood, Difficafty of Breathing,
Pam totbe dWe and Bum. Palpitation of the. i
Nervous Debility. and ml!
diseases of the Throat BrrnuamJ
Imap, tho awntjketaai aa(?
■p«edy cure ever known for
an; of above diaaase*,
Ahothek LiTiao witsess.—Read with sston*
isbmenl the wonderful cure performed by Doctor
Swavne'a L'ompoond of WILD t.'HKJIRY'.
raiLtUELratA, HHJ.
or. Sway no—Dear Sir. lo justice to yourself and
a duty l owe to suffering humanity,! cheerfully
give my testimony, and declare to the world the
moa*. n»tODub»ng c&ecls. and th« great cure your
( ompourd Syrup of Wild (-’berry performed on me,
under tne moat dnfavnrabl* nrrumaUocc*. i war
taken wtlh a violent Gough, Spitting of Blood,se
terr Pam in the Side and Breast, which seemed
•u> break down and enfeeble my constitution,S'i that
I mv physician thought my case bovond the power of
i medicine, and my friends all giro me up to die; but
thanks to you and tho effects nt your great discovr
' ry. I now feel tnysell a well uiaa.jad raised from a
. m ere t.krlet'tn to as tieahy and healthy a man as i
inve been for yean, and shall be pleased to give any
information leapccting my case, by calling at my
! residence. Mechanic street,third door below George
I street. Northern Liberties. Jacob Paiwteb.
! Trtlimony is now received from all quarters oj
the Globe.
The tallowing letters are presented with a view
«,f more fully showing the opinion* of Physicians in
relation to the MmJical value or Dr. SWAVXK>
Dr. Swayne—Dear Sir. Hating used your Com
pound Syrup or Wild (.herrv extensively ni my
practice, I was requested by your Agent, Doctor
Crutcher to express my opinion in writing of its
properties ns a remedial agent, i mo»l cheerfolly
comply, ija l feel by m, l will discharge a
debt I owe ihe community at Urge, and I’hysicun*
in particular. A* much as 1 detr»t Hoick Heine*
> die* stid Patent !s*wtnims. I was induced from
1 a lailure of the most potent expectorants, recoin
mended in our mal<-na tuedlia in some cases ol
i Diseased Lung*; to try .your preparation o1 = Prunus.
Virginia or Wild Cherry. It is sufficient tosay that
' | Wlf t o much pleased with the result of that and
►o tsequeut Iritis, that I now prescribe it m preler
‘ ence to all other Remedies where an expectorant is
indicated.* In thtf ranch dre.ded Pneumonia or
Diseste of lhe Lungs, m the alarming lorn iu which
it apficars in Kentucky, I regard it as an invaluable I
Kciuedr in the treatment ot that disease. To all
who know me I have said enough, hut as this may
, l>e men by person* oat of thevicimly of trankfort,
I will 'bneriy add, that I have been cr gaged in an
! arlne practice ol my profession ni l ’ years,sod am
is?- ' a Regular Uraduale of Transylvania, and tliu is the
IU , first Patrol Medicine I ever thought enough ol to
express an opinion in w riting.
| ’ i H. KLLtsoh. M. D.
I.'- Januaiv 7lh, 1»I7. Kraoklin County, Ky.
■ ; ' Kkakkfokt, Ky., Jan’ry lih, 1817.
c ' The above certificate is f*om one ol our Phy»i«
iIW ; qians living a few miles from here, he isduingg very
’ ' good practice, and is coWidered a good Physician,
' and stand* fair; he is. as he says, a regulargraduale.
IU Dr. W. L. Crutcher,
IS now universally acknowledged lo )>e the liS*
FALLIBLE REMEDY for Rheumatism. Spi
nal Affections. Contractions of Uie Muscles, Sore
Throat aid tyiinay, Issues. Old Ulcers,Pains in the
Back and Chest, Ague id the Breast .and t are J
To.itb Ache, Sprain*. Bruites, Salt P.heum, Burn*,
Croup. Frosted Feet sod all Nervous Diseases.
tended the application of this moat WONDERFI L
MEDICIN bin curing the most severe ca«ea of the
diflerent Ihtea e* above named, —and the lllLitl
ENCOMIUMS that have been bestowed upon it.
wherever it has been introduced, gives me the right
to call on the AFFLICTED to resort at one# to
ON. ,
[T~r*Thc faculty unite m recommending the cple
aled External Remedy, liunl'a Liniment.
'Roe - following letter from tho highly eemnert
Physicians who have been aftachcd to the Mount
Pleasant State Prison for many years, is the best
evidence of the value of tins celebrated Liniment,.
Sine Smo r Decemoer 56,1045.
My Dear Sir—l received your note of yesterday,
asking my opinion in relation to Hunt's Liniment,
as prepared by Mr George E SUntoo. Knowing
iu composition, and having Ireauentiy used it. I
Can recommend it to you as a sale External Reme
dy, and in thy opinion', the best Liniment now in
use. Very truly aqd respeclfuljyjourij
Col Piefro VanCortlxndt. Croton Manor.
1 fully concur ia the above opinion.
, Yv .\ BELCHER.
YoftKTOirp, Jan. 14, 1045.
4j,' f Jo reply to your lettei, 1 would say that i
have used your External Remedy, called Hunt's
Liniment, in my practice since you made me ac
uuainted with its composition, and unhesitatingly
•ay that 1 believe it to be the beat External Kerne
dy now in nse tor ihe complaints f»r whsefti you re
commend it. Yours re«peelloll£W
, BENJ d miller, m. d.
Geo E Stanton,Esq.
From the N Y Sun.
o*Atnoog the worthless srticles and
hambugalhat aro poured'forth it the present day
upon Abe country, it is really refreshing to tind
something of real practical utility, something urn
p|e7 speedy aod enectual in its operatiou, and tl
uie same time free from those injurious efiefcts
which generally attend powerful remedies. Hunt’s
Liniment, prepared by (Jeo. E Stanton, o| Sing
Sing, though it hik been but a short lime* before
the public, nis already obtained the confidence, not
only ot our most wealthy end influential eitixena,
but our most enpnent physicians. All ecknowl.
edge it to be a sovereign balm for many of the ills
that flesh ■■ heir to, soothing the aching limb, and
by iU genuine stimulating influence,banishing dis
ease from the system
Mr. Stanton —Sir—S eing jour advertisement
of llnnt'* Liniment, I was induced lo try its eflects
on my con. who had been crippled with a lame
oack from an infant-, and it it with gratitude I bear
testimony lo its wonderful healing properties. My
child, who is now live years (if age. is now in a fair
war of recovery, Yours,dtc.,
Po»TOrrKC,Town».RS, Putnam Co.
f certify that I am personally acquaint* d with
the above named child, and think the father would
be safe in saying that bis soa ia almost well.
1 JA* w dykman,
Nov 5, 1845. Deputy Post Master.
I*. S. I would also state that I have been for a
number or years subject to frequent attacks of the
Rheumatism, which in many instances prevented
mr attending to my business. Two or three appli
cations of the Linment invariably remove afl af
fections of the kind. In cases of broises, sprains
and sores, too numerous to mention, it bss in this
vicinity proved a certain remedv. iu value can
only be estimated by those who have given it a fair
This Lmimeni is #old at 25 and 60 cents jer bot
tle, by all the Principal Dntgg'rt* and Merchant!
throughout the country.
Wholesale Agent* in Nete York.
HOADLKY, PHELPS dt Co, 142 Water
. RIISHTON 4* Co, 110 uroadway.
AHdiD SANDS, corner Fulton and William.
ASPINWALL, 86 William street.
Orders addressed to me at Sing Sing, N Y, wm
be attended to. • GEORGE E STANTON,
For tale in Pittsburgh bp L WILCOX, Jr, and J
KIDD dt Co. Allegheny City, JOHN SARGENT
Birmingham,JOHN SMITH. feblli
THIS medicine is last taking the place of every
preparation heretofore used for diseases arising
froni Weakness or other causes. Alllhalis neces
garrto secure this medicine a place in the Domes
tic Practice of every family, when web a medicine
tineeded; it n trial. * |
It for itself—a innocent in its operation,
tad no inlury can arise from ft* use at any tine.
Wholeeale and Retail by ROWAND i, WAL
TON, Proprietor* J 76 Martet Street, Plu U 4 t
For eale in PUtaburfh by R C belters, 57 Wood
■trw»t: aaJ'Wm.Thorn,fizMartet*L_ oefidw T
nently dyeing Light. MO or Cray M a Dark
Brown or without dyeing or injuring the
skin. Sold with fall direct®!* Price 50 esnta, or SI
* fry-gd# by Wjl JACKSON, at his Patent Medicine
tvueboßM, 69 Lihetry street. head of Wood, ai the
■ign of ike Big Boot /**
|TMSG”R™» I, .*<Vna I twfwoo<l 3.r«K l‘hV 1847- j rfff&ljl 1547. JEaMbS^
K .delpbia. Al Uii. Mti&lntatM Jniy br(«inl ! J," SVIII , C f, SAL 4 HAtl.imAD I aESstSbl ;
thcjrtair-M v.n.' fun.-Jiic bfi.ili ul . i-vpiu. K I'lnT f IClim PITTSiniUUH MiU CI.VtISSAII .
I„, ‘.KILN KAILI.Mib u .1. Lnmd ,-uu. lu. LAML.*. I AeriALl.,. ,) A ILV LINK OF
wfeicklbc ntlen'ii.n ol Ibonc lb wantc.l any ue.cnp- j; „>, r .j }■!MI_ A LJA .... HALTIMOKK - irwipirullT PIfgPVrVK PIfKPTX
tion.and Mpecully lor Cnmetericu. u ptpticolarl; j 'MuiM.fctaJIACMFICKST FiSSiialiKh I'll.RKl*.
invited 1 ' ~, ~r. , 1 rriiilS «r>! known and popular Lmr >:ciimer*. bn«
Tke principal part o! all the liandsome failing* r IV-M, ru '* l,c B,P j iu,re-i K rrniv improve.HH.' pa*i v\ ncr. by ihr ad
, ’ , Mnmtmpnf ,mt other celebrated A will roinuieucr running on or about the Jnih instant. I, . ( vprl | „ r w and rut boat*, timli
a* Lw el Hill. Monument, and other ceiebraieii . cp||Ul . ui . lhfQUphoul Ihr -ca.oo The propurior* : ™ Vack. i Line, and-ihe m.ur .a
the citv and county «>l t bilaflelphia. , iapc Itow pluct ..t a superior class of Packets and Rati-j. **T r * ’• ed of -,-ht oi the iarge»i best finished ano
which have been *o highly extolled by the publu | roalJ ear* w , it,,. Wlt h extra accommodation*. . f ur „„ hr n to*i power'll] l-om* 1,11 lire Waici* of
prcii, were cxecnle’d al tm* ( which will give greater com fort to traveler*. , Wet Bverv Becomniodannn ih-f money wii pio-
A largo connected with the eatab--; \ Packet lloai will alwiy* be in port, and the t»iv* ; . ~P r„ mavided ‘or Ph«*ch- ••* mid tm pain
liahmenl where it kept eonaUntly on bund a Urge ■ chug p»Uie are requested to call and exarnttir them. • w)J . |ip . ( , ai( .d lo reader them condor.« Jit an.! ihe trie
■lock of ready-made Iron Ornamental Iron prev.eo. mmwto.^|u*w|te N « E A''lf *"* aacit,aV: ‘
Settee*. Iron Cbatra. new style plain aod oroamen- 011 , xhf . i*. r k.n. w,li leave the lnndmg.<oppc.-.te »«•* H ‘ 1 1 ’ A M
tal Iron Oates, with an exten*ivea»"«nrlmeDt ol Jr*>u , (lip ( «Jta'r* llntp’.i router Penn vtrret and Hi* .
PmU, Pedeatala, Iron Arbor*, &c; Al»o, m S i Can*:, -very Att*oV.:oek |
variety,WmuabtandCartlronOrncoiems.sutUblc TIMK4f DAt!*
for Railing.. Md olher purposes. , *' “mereStS” ‘
Tbe auteeriber would aino stale tt*al in Pat , H *‘ L j.}' ' eor Penn Mrm and Canal ;
tern and Deaisnins Department he ha* employed
,'m. !lr ,hrb.-.. ulnni .n.h l '™nnu.,»tn.n«n..ln| WESTER* TRASSPORTATIOS CO. !
altcniioo is aevoted to the bUßines't-formicg alto- S2BXt* i
gether one of the most complete aud .yUeiiut.e e». 1 IV.I 7, EQgm tSjgg
ÜblUhmetit* ol'll.e kind tit the I niou ‘ IJ * ■ ■ .Hr— ■«Jr ra ■.
KOBKKT WOOD. Proprietor. . ; p. UKKCII k CO»8. |
Hidje Hoad, abo»e Buitonwoo.l nlrcel. ; TRANsPORTAI JON* I.INF-
PbUadelphia, March ticrWKKN PITTsBUKUH i
ritfIBOtIEAPKST l»OLD VKR WATCH r.,„r \,of■!. ..I tl. c line coital* Of a double dm)
I KS U\ PMII.aUKI.PHIA. . I » ot IU .'* Ann Um« town, d I.) thc-rn.nve. ] ,
(Sold Lever*, full Jewelled, arr .it Rood ord*-r Ihe »u >»er.t«Ts ure prepa-
Silver do do 00 fed w forwurd n l.iree of Merchdinlirc and i
liold Lcp.nes, Jewellrd/ TO »*' Pmdur.- wnh rmainty and d;ip»iCL, j
«ilver do .do W I'jwiurenf M. rciui'-dt-e tnns’picd to tint of the un- j
Silver Qumnier*. fine .juai.t-. > l .' 1,0 Jfr«i*ued i«»twariled free ol any .'ltHfße (ur «-oinm.«- j
(iold Waiebes.plmn. U * ; oti of-tornvi-
S.lver Specivole*. 1 I fhli* Ln.l.-a iran-n. lied and -f uruetinn'pnnnf.l.) _
t»o!d Pencil*. ; ‘ ,l! 1 •ni“rd*-.l to j t
Gold Bracelet.. , ,< « ~ Tftr Uu-uir*- m tin* .* conducted on aWy |
AI»o on hand a l:*nre us»ornnen: of f.uld ar... Hu.i uai.i.s ii-k-rpnie pr nc.p.«'< Atdre*», oi npplj to
RracVu t«, ftiir.-r ring*. I.rca«l pin* btHJpem rag*- ?old ( D U'.KCM A C«. Propneiors.
neit», uiver -pooit«. *ug«r tongs, ihiii.i-l-*, RoUuirL. Canal Ua-iu. Pitt.huigt.
curt, and iob i tiam*. guard ke>» and <ewcir> ot evrrj lIA RRIS & LKK.t-11, I rijpr rior« (
drscnM on at coually low pr ce« .Ml l wnnt i* a r*\t! N., 1 tSonth Tit td rtretl.l litladclphin
townvinr.' customer*. JOS TA YI.OR A SONS. Agent*.
A I k.nd* of Wtttcl.e* nn-1 Clocti- rep» rrd and wnr- No I H North llow-uml ytrcei. lUlmnorr
ranted lo keep good mne for one yn.i. oM c»'d and »•!• . .. W H \VU>(I.N*, Agent.
vet lionght or taken in exchange No 7 V\ e*t Atr«t..Newnrk_
For/alc. e.ght dn> and m | T 'I'SHt llUtl POKTADLK U, LIMB.
• H 11847.
ir7 J Uve nitre m.d *„v.'t Lever* *nilfitet,prt , U)K !b - tr-..*por''a:ir..,«.fVfe lß | l i».eiwceri Pllt*t.tjr-h | ‘
than the al*ovr price*. ** and ihe Ail.,mi|« ■•« avmrt...* transl.iptnems .... iwket. «. ti.e, atrhr.r••erih*
jAWiTiramjijjTmMiCT-ACTws "i
i -*«*»••*
It* 1 f,.r,-e..i ...n» TAAKKK A OXONMIR ‘ ,' ot - ...IKIfT Ifi
may lie rotitrolleJ with the grrnteM eu-r nm.c th. ,> r nn Ull ,| Wat m ‘ts. Pui.hurgh RliOt UAll 3!OllNI«« l AtKKT J
bam met i. hi operatioii. and ihe liuntttu t ttiaf be .n n,i t\NOR A tV» .North stirrt. iinliimorc J. B I‘i A t ' I
stantly arrested, and •»i«pend*d nt ui«> hei«M WA l T TAPSCHTr. : j So-nlt *1 NV - i* R &1 n> new an t -nten. » . i..
1,. f,,.„ru.n. ...... Cb.. .......... V,n™.„u... I'V 'k« 1'r0,.,..ur- | Jfctlsfrf , • , B ,V*^Sk.„4
kind*, fiom 'he lanes; to itic Mnum -t. ui *>• t I"» r hsivp .. n , t 8 ,..| ntrnded their arrange i.nar. * »u«>, • - T,
hammer 1 .lur.uc the wiuhc. and atr now prepared to 'or- trip* ‘ 1 . * i •
|i* t*uupl.e,iy. Cotnparinr*. amt Uirapnr*- , 1P .., ~ w ., lt r vcul.«r-iy and d.spalcli un*ufpn«r« d Im.icli at 1* o cUrk. »m. an tte i v-i -u - » • •
h* AccesMl.ilii) u| a.: -dr S b, t;,e aorkm- -t ; 0J „ ~ „ r rtll . f i.,„u .jper.encc -eartUr., uni!* :h ’»V * .V' , v ». ,
All the hammer-are made Srll-Af «m« ' . ullM: , lr *„,.e»ioritv of ibe Boat »>tem. oal lUa:* dad) m ‘ .e.e.H.ui u . * n 'f"
The.ul.*c. her* continue b,ru.i' order- to. 1.-- , l \, pbrll> .„d « onvc, urn er of the ware- i>,r'.i..t ‘ ."‘V *;'! V • .u"i 1 X .
hau.mcre. oi all • re-. U|UU rra-**>uublL l« rn.* , h M ., u , rw( .|, rn d m tin- imp. are peculiarly calculn- I .i,. \n" ..rrvn ii'.'t • ' ' n ' l *• '.I 1, (
.For fmthe. pan cuUr*. tnmnrr of * , r d thepropr.e.or* io fulM.the-r cnKßgrn.em- | New ••aoie and \p | 'tl.'.o'ie A ' I’le- .
MI.KRICK A r • - • * n .i jr. on.tmxlaic thru customer eoiifidem.) nfler Mrninn - art r '' r i
A** gt.c« *at the Patent tortnc L 1,1 £• • ‘ 1 ~a kl 0 , (fuaruniy lor the tuiurc. the} n spfctfiit'v .-i .»>• i.oa* lie* .or , ' ' ,'. vc ,l 1 ,or
dcrfa-lr Xmlliwurk Foundry. Pltllwtl o. .‘ o „ l . onl ,7 luau «. p ;„ paironuge winch they now |v. . daily on lb-; -n •»« ••ran..«Mt Heave.
ML’KICI JUliklCl MUSIC t gra.r.ulit acknowledge . I■* li ‘ l " ,tKU M 11A R |(. S A C... I’.II-btlr*,.
lEE A WALK.KU, Aa.-rr,.a an.lA.u.. -j A || e„„.,gmt.-nt. n. I aalU A O l ouno _«, CI.ARKK AC» Hv-v-r
I . . «•».., PAixa.idiAia ....< H«eaail>oul charges l>m* oi at>H I
.a.; i.r..-i.-. ..«>-^...i ».> l.*«, i
a.i. m.v P«de. advanciig or storage Having no inierrst direr t.> or j l\ 1 / ,** tel- V*
11 K "“ i
ssxiisL- s-?4n * N r;- BVK, -T
Kud"*ph I'plka, C K Ruliolph * March I.JtdJ i tUar ‘ IV t' m \THKR “pm h. I'n I** ' ' \
Ravel do M Wellrr. ISDEPKSIDEST PORTABLE r r nV .iSvV „i;e * miw (« . prep..i*d m:r .n-f m
*e| boat line. ‘
18-17. rnrfl 1 !^'-. PIli e ; o , -.,au.,..-.« nm ( , luJ .:odb> U
punctually 1 OK PRIJIiHCK I „ ..umbers .-»nd ea,tac.t> of lloaf expe-
Always on hand. aJUmds *( Mwiral • TO A.Nf) FROM PIITH- t o “cipta.'t- uud pm.iipme-ot A 5 -t.t-. A •
Violin Strings, Tuning For** and *“ ,w * ,clr * IURGM. pIiILADKI.PIIIA AND BALTIMOKK ; .tnd «:«• vet d,- > ...«
cal >lerch*ndi/e. lowest ptic*-* ) jry- tViihnni Traiutnrincnt—ffl a COI ,|, fI .on w >th‘he m. amcr- f
DEKRV V|mcKBB»O.N. „ 'S2-J. i
iwaiM«r*«ii»6 BttTtims, i r "'' ■ ;
WAOOX »™^ “*"* A - J«£' "
■ • N0.31.»«0«5b Eron. ««•*• i «• ' .
Back of T. A. HiW* Cabinet Wore Mono; y a , a rge and pommod.ou* warphou-. ( f Waier rii'l i*iuiiiifirl.l
PIIIIsADKIsPHIA. ■ Wr are prepared 10 receive Ini addition to height tor..
ALL ord*ri left With S M 00.,, ai ofiice of the |l|lKnl | a | arir e amoanl of Prmluee. Ac .on Motage b 1 St 31 Ell ARU ASbF.3lli.bT. .
Merchaktt’s Motel. P.ushurgh. wll tm pr«mp«l> ri froa-nji C A McANL LTV AGo
I r;?4sL, liESw* I s -it-
TO WATCiniAKJbUN and UKAbKus. , ] 0 4 1 . 1 ■■■■■
I J, LAIDOMUSj , tyvm fsiVKJ V for the ifantponalioh of "Al JIOAiOSOAIIKbA ROUTE,
TMPOHTEU *‘l Watch. * u atchinaker » To./-, and IVfrkIUUT betaeei. Piu»bunrlt.Blair*viltc,Johns- • , ...
1 Watch MatermU. wr.t.evle and ret. t. .licon- ; Water MtJet, P«trr*b«.r*h nnd UR „*V .NSV4LI.I- AM> ~A|
flatttly on hand a large ns«or»m* m «.f Lunme. Patrut, . , T l MORI AMI PI I..UH l.llil \
flni.i Ola—. M...T-C 0..1-. W«rt • , P ,“" wc-1.0a.r ..fA V. Aaal.j . T „. - •
Hand*, and a complete i **orimetti of alllrw.u amt Ma : A r(1 i*. u «i,uuh. cv'ii dav. (exccpl Sunda v-.j '.imt * T i.dl'u f!' 1 '
terisls ti-longmg *r» the nid-; "ih a large ussurm-n' p _ p| J, J 0 * , rpend ini having thnr eoo-l* lot
of Gold and r-vrr.Leve •. l.ep.ite, and Pi. n AVs-.-i— w ..tout.delny ...d ut fa., rate
alt cf wh ch h? will gua at.iy li> -e.I si titr lowest Ne« % , WBa ( u iri»“d for '.he special •re<Mi.llii>*l:.i.«.n
Vork* a:: order innn me eoumry pannualh . P; ' n „ VTM v ~u . .mltbc prvpr.etflt* wpertuf.
eieeut-d. , , . si,me of patiounge ,
N. B—Tounirv Merc ! Jtiis jr .l othei. B f P united ><■ - fb-i r r„utr.
cal! and examine >*t the 01.1 SianJ. N.. ~.J Jftuiii.Foonh JonN pICRWiIRUI JOHN MILI.FU
■ sti*eL Pliiiadrlph.a )an£l_6m 11 RA H N ROIIKKT Will l !•*•
CARuiAURK : uii.i.i,oi run
irru. w.»f OC/.E. rfKIC/t .ISl>.tr ..||\ 'll;.KB ,'y .S i
M.IKF\-.y i . n 'ys *. S > , > [\ '
fmbid 1,.:. ... utt ot viwur 0.4 .05*4 . ,' AMeA N I 1.1 'Ai«. I‘ ‘ ..rgb ) , n.<*u-•> "• «'■«*■■ -
Wauoi. r*«pcvllu!lj fitfto. ] HIHNIMM ,bri.»..l rii.i* a v.». 'i. n* ->- •
the that he hai aod will keep ] J J \| r [Vv u. John I’aikr.. Robert NliX>rr, 15 iga .y . pirf. .i n ..n • :..* t >ui” «.» «mp.«
eruuUatfv oi hand and £ir •kr, * handgun* kMorlmenl -I p _ ' tn*tfi compel. 't.a! n.-Kpio.i- uieiil- >x ’>e>*. •
: '' LIRE ERIE MU IICUIIiM U*E. k!;..,
the eery be*l mim»er, of selerted materwl lefcO-ly I W |7 ol p.e **ur, h-1 •n»'> ' • f , ,fA
! R >m.ih w llag-iley WII \N Edward 1 • orSlu.n.«». between I :ln-t,0
SMITH, BAOALRV * CO., wbole.aie -I. ut- , |.„,e be os rotejw! m S cantiatat* Lake Er.r j P -v,,• i..'mr..e c r,i,e'., 11.. -*
er* tn tiroecrif* Ten*, hnd.jrn Ae \»?JI Vub l 1 B ..1 M• r. •*»-.. 1 -1 •'ce>, P :'*■ ‘'‘ ■ ‘ j ■ ’«KI MI S
GALLKKY. Hurd *trr-t. •rtjvtu'«n l'o«it tffirr
t>or*h. I'm.—Mb PORTER l?jom Haluranr**) f
•pectfollv mv*le« u’l’r ladi** ami cenilemeu of
mod the publir generslty. u» r«i) the :«rc>-
eolleeimo o< IJmtU'frroi pe Pmrtian* mi c,* (i*ntrt
The «pee,m- n* |.r»nlin*rd by Mr I*. for lw.«ui>.
ev. Ui«tinctne»». ami »ne of i olorns s'" rtot ■iirpn«»- d
S R InMniCUuii*. »pj'jrn.u« a-.<i iltmairrj.i
n »I.r.i tnodfreir. «’ !* I’URTKH
emraner t'l. lo U» l r 4;? ?•»»:• <n.
•’ir-et. r»e Po«l Office wj.W
vr.v OJ'KN -
NOTICK— Application h«» been nmJr for the re
news! of Ccitificaie No ITS. datrd January 1.1.
(HS; for tbtrty-*ix *hmrc* of the capital nifk o’ ihr
company lor creeling a Bridge ovrr the River .Men..:i
gahela. opposite •a.-l Certificate !■»*
been deatrwyed by lire or lost
U'INKS— X«jr e»k* treble grape Pori W«ne,
:j do of the celebrated Roneoa hr.uni.
5 Co Imndon Port. \ery old.
tO do different brand* and rinugr
3 or ca*k*,Li»lHin win*-,
] do do dry .Malaga,
i! hhdaaup Claret wiue.
- ............... —■ •
IX b*kt* »up crown brand < ham wm«
iX qr c»ka »up L M Madeira w<nr:
X oo do Pale Sbrrry;
i do Madeira vintage, IMA;
)1 do different brand* and viiitae*-*
X do e*k* *weet Malaga;
5 do do Rtd wine;
Part ©f-tbe above trmf* here ju»l arrived from uniter
Cu«tonr House I.oek*. in New Vork, person. w,-h
to poreftao, may rely on telling a pnre nrnri-.
quantities to mjiL For sale by PC MARTIN
spSX ’ cofmitbfielil and front «n
rTMIE greats*! and l>e«l vanriy ever offered mill - > 'V
J before—made on ihe rnoti approved Ka«trrn !«■«'••
and moat fofhionabiC Ka«trinpanrf<i« andcoior* .
or made lo order of all »ue*. and ai all pricet
Country Merchant* and other* are invited in n- ml
examine ibe above for ilicm»elve«. a* all wilt
wboletale or retail, and a liberal deduction tti*-'
wholesale purchaser*.
apldly __ A U
T« Printers.
A 1 JL'ST Received and for •
% from the Foundry of lien Brum
tnnt*of Type
*i| lb* l!ead«.
*j7i 11.. Minion.
Space rule*,
A I^o-For tale, a great
eiy of Second hand Type, from Nonpareil to 33 I ue Pi
ea. Flowers. Ornararnt* eic , which will be *oiil mw
mgb«7 ns Marten
. FROM the very liberal enconrage
- mentthe »nb*ertber ha* received <mre
OMCSaKT h* baa located himoelf in Allegheny.
ha* iaduced bna to take a lean-, for a
““fc"““®““teni» of year*, on the property be now
oceoptea, in Beaver street, inunedtately be*ide th«
Presbyterian Churrb. From ibe long experience in the
above bttatneaa and a de*ire to please, he nope* t>« mer
it and receive a ahare of publie patiohage.
Now on band and fintthmg to Rockaway ling
tie*, open and top Buggies, and every He*cTipt nn of
Camhre* made u> order, from uvemy-five dollar* to
eight ban*ret faetul-dtn . JOHN SOUTH
jm VININIi RIJHB*. .Monthly Hoar* and Ever-
Wfm green*. &c. suitable for plaining in Cemeiry'*
•••etn Ire famiahed on application at the teed atore.
fmu, Nurvenev'of Jat. Wardrop. Manchester.
No I3£ cm,wood and fliU »i* t
Gt ROUND ALI>FICE, Cinnamon and Clove* in
T bM«, boxes end amaJl packages, constantly on hand
and for aaJe alt he Mustard and-Mice P«cioty,97 Tilth
NJTTABBANTKD superior to the be*t F.nelub “Stour
VV bridge," on hand and for talc at the W«jrlou»e
"Sloan'a wharf,"Catial Baain.
A BOV WANTED—Wanted agood industrious Boy
to attend in a Gtpccry Store. The bent of refer
ence required. Apply o
apOlT F SHITZ. let Liberty .treat
‘ J ‘"l* I'" : ,L \ r , l',c i’,‘r‘a,’,*iVo.M»tr-' n «V.«h ' M ‘ lC
''CM ]&!*•• ijn-o' >n.n.!w.r and Vk..*l% | TO CLKVKLAXD xim. WAKItKX.
°"* o Navtjtanon id rarty Ffcicht and C u» ; * [ S"4 i •«on Ihf R;»rr. Canal DiH I-iikr* ’ ifiBSSI- * ' . T.;!
Mav n< «vriv fai .l i> /nr toinr|mi( ihmjlu and pa»- Tilllol 1.1 l IN H I liOl
trt.gri* w.<k and U.r Mori OA' nVrrilun **«a n« -.ryT* •'■•- ”
and <«-ptfin»i.> tn.c.i Hum Uim fr« ori* I »rr< \ oVJfM-k "vt . «fir t »>r urr v J
l,r (' r : r sr:i>-n!.j tU'ir paiioiiaiff. 1 moruins lioa- i'nm : •" vr air''
C M RKKI), Kne. I‘roptif‘ior ' t ,or ..., ih-Ma.. I. Smer- n
KKKIrS. I‘AHK!* i Co, llra.-r. **> • i| ir r- «'vi mi.l »f » ■' .. -1 n • ..- v
jtmS a OKiiIFV r. i.i. *!, .1.. *
(■linn llvu^r
tilth Tu
Wheeler, Cfß"ktt * Co Nr"* Vorl
4••-ii Huffn-o
K N 4.Co. Cle Trland
(*<■*> Mdcbcinr) n\ K*an«iurch. Pro..* AM) J'UKJl.fir 1.1 N f. Alt Anhiii. MuiiUuiwn, ( Jn .>rf*||l* I in-.•ot»*‘*l.i»* o: !'«• Kip t |l, l p-‘" t !*.»■ a
' ■ .<1 4 Acaer. Cifrrn»!tlr >i-< ■ 1 r! ,. « ,t: W n .>1 • > Jiir .!*r.- «r a ..i-i «-„
i rat* .V Krumpson. t :arW»vil;r. .In llrtvfi ir>l (ir-nn.iT I*4 r., wa ih i,. , e n. mi- p •
lla»* A. I’lsml> .*ti4rp«t»m«(i. Pa It ivreet. li.e m»«*l>r>-.ll* w r •••’ j-fi'mi 1 *
- a O Mo:m, ftnw. *>c ,• ,r,i*■ -U- :..w~t
K W,.m Nrw 0.. m».i ' ‘ IVII'K i AIICHKB (.rmn, Ir, An-
IKKLIA.ICB POBTABI.K BOATLISK. V" C a ilt.-l 55 A‘k n7.' uVV.\.: ' !'I
1847. islt a BBW9 ■
T.VIX.S “|*!ttVb? {jilli A.NUTHE KA>TEBN ( ‘ lYVn'i'.lllYi li “i-“n. , Z
CITII.S. MIIIIOLT TRllUlllPttLni: jDII.N \ l‘,\ I t» l tV.'l . corner Water arid Sit),tl.a, . •
TMIK •mpru’s. 0 rorll.<rf! ol rarry.nß uird l.» tin* ion* ’ 6 ' ' ll(r Mm.ol.fal.r -a Htni.r. |*.r»- nr K r.
J K4Uitt>«lird l-nc. .» now to wett known fiat do * 1 • • -
: .|>«.oii .• Ko«d« arenoi touchedonth- CITIZENS PORTADLfi I BOAT LINK.
iou<r, thrt« .11 tranth pirieni or extra baiidhn* >» aav. .1 | . _
; ,„TY'„ , Y-':.,‘Y%“ , ;;xr-. i .‘ ,, - u,cb! ‘•' rform ’ h "’ ! is-17. Hjfflßßß
Tne r«|ißrity at out Warehouse* euatdrx u« to »tore i ■ 1 “h » ■ ’JI il
| -
I Hpiic 1..11V >o mmktwle. of Produce, k, 1 AM KIND* OK M Kill'll A N DISK TP AND PRt*\l
• co«*.gnmem. of SeaETrliai j PMUil*l|>hl.. New York
1 limi-on. Lard Duller, Chrr*e.'Wool. Keathcr., and other * n " Boato*.
article-Jnr *«lc. on'wliteli lil.cral advanee* will t»c ‘ f|IHK encouragement lira line ha* receded .titer
made and other u»ual faeillTtr* afforded, pledging our- | JL Hi mmihenffmenl, hxa induced tbr propipc
} *e!xr« ihat any buetnea* emru.tert to u« iliall l.r a« tori'll’ mcre-iae the tlock l»y adding r. number of ljr»t
; promptly necuted mud opon a» (al» lertn* at l>y ati> c | au bnnU;-artd initcul id cmtitf rrrcipl* a» herrlo
o(brrl«oT. JNO McPADUKN A i”o ! fore will our own receipt* 1.-r
JAS m'oaVlji’a Co* UfR - .hipped by lh.« line
meliitf a&Rnd S3I .Market *t. Ph.ladn J ho bnala are all pi.rlaUle, f rijflit
J'S DICKKT 1 ia taken the wliolo doUnto wtlbnut tranahiptni i.t.
KouwiEDiitD i costiissioS IEEcotNT,;7.Jo“TC'^r
Eatt Beaver Piritit and Bridgncalcri i ( apUtn win. run* tbom, wbirh n a iulficicDi gun
9KiTEk coiTRTT• n., i Intro tlial tberc will an delaj mi ih« route.
Proprietor and Akrnt of aievneki j All Produce or McrcbanUiie con*iened to tl.p
>a fa fy I undereiar.ed will bo forwarded hKKK OK t’O.M-
I M ISsIO.N. for .idraocmg and forwarding, and •' til
be ibipped without delay at the luweat rate* fl
Ircigbl ’
AVe rerpectrully inlinta thare of public pair..-
nage WALU.ACJIOKI) Ac Co , *
f i , Canal Haain, Pittaburgh. •
CRAtO. Co.. Agt.
Broad Street, Philadelphia.
J V MU.I KK, Agent
Bowley a Wharf, Baltimore ,
Pitlaburgh. Kelt. 18.TW7,.
H >t„.- *
* >( A VV J. > ,
mf».i |>r ,oir«J
t.Mr.I orvl •'mil
LAW X!*,
mlKui’nl Ruti>.
: Tr|iel> A S ou l.
Joi ' de l.ft'XK*.
lew n.'h Dtbl>
s»t:ii **lnpe<l
lull ■»fcortTOriil
I D.iwi-rr
; R A V- A T S,
iew Vork m«<lr
Hill*:*. Ai
\V ll'iiAftßAßD*
i Ih- picpmrd un rarli'ai openingof ranal mv-
W iniion in rrrnvc proprrtv al hi* wharf l>oai or
1 in Wareliounr. for nil ponn* on Krie Kziennon, Crc*»
I Cal, and Onio Canal*, for all port* on L*kr. Kite and
; upper Lako».B»al*o 10 forward produce, I'cmt'a
Inproveniema. Apply 10 or uililrct*
<nl.«-dif ’ , , JAS ««CKKV._nfa*rr
1846. SHBk
M Clarke. 1! Hoop*. T. k rhmond ft Co.
Forwarding A Commlnlon Merchant*.
ukavkr. pa.
TIIK Agent* and Proprietor* o' thi* Lmr |*o favor
ably known ip ihe ), Will lie prepared on the
earlieit. opening of canal nui-igaPun lo rrrnvr prop
eriy ,11 Pni«t>argh nnd Renvrr, nnd drj.vrr die »nuir al
in) fxjinl on ini' <>h o < timl*. and itlxo on l.nkr* Knr
; ami Michigan, l)n* grrHtrtt de.jiairli and ui r<-a*-
i onable ran-*
The proprieinr* o! tin* Imp »o)ii ii the himm-.i of
their funner <*u»i»i:icr* with ‘'-onfiili-ni r. knowing dial
■heir farihtipp.atp •m-oiid lo nimr.
Apply !0 of. aildrr«*
U M HARTON. Agt. Piu.horgh
1 CLARKK A Co, Beaver
janW T RICHMOND A Cr f *^e!and.
I’HK Boa - mrn!i PoiUblc Boat I'nmpany di«- 1
mlvrd. the Company agam wrmnno article* oi Co- I 1
| ; TO thk K«»r nv daltimoiik and
! number of Boat* for the purpose of carrying good* OHIO It AII.R 0 A D .
! t ,,k vr n w i" |,m
-i— ** Jr; "-w—
-wVwoold therefore reaper,folly roll*,, . con,,no- I A’"”' ft™' 11/' 110 "'
. rr ',
| w £■) APW 1 A*he*. (P<>l| Apple*. Clier*r, I-lax-Serfl, (ila*». and
Bfeaesa 1847 rlrkirff I! c. per p«. n,.
I 9 • ;* Seed*. Wonl-tHlrl* per IW lb*
BOATU ARS’ LINK, ! Utctwax, Feathery, Fur*, Gnt.eng, mid Snake Rooi
Fort be iranaportaiion of I _ j’ju ri* per 100 lb*.
*l.l. BIRDS or MEKCIIARDtiE, TO AMP r.Roal All prnperly culi*ignrd lo rilher of the un«lrr*ignrd
Philaoii.rHlA. Baltimoi*, New You. axd Bo.rot will be forwarded wtihnui delay free of Comm.*«■«»..
SAMUEL WJGHTMAN A Co. 'ai above rate*. V\ H U.ARK. Hrown«vdle.-
Corner t.ibeily itrrei and Canal Oaiin. Pittsburgh HANNA A " A TERM AN. Pittsburgh.
1 A I. GERIIART A Co, nortWif *
. No X-t Market urert,Philadelphia NOTICE.
IXDKR,OKLBT<IN ACn. Agent*. FREIGHTERS and other* \vi*htng
,_.7LBaltimore, Md. , »«*®**Bl bare. Fire Briek. Prthloce, A»-_
•* REFERENCES. liiouelil to lid* place from Steubenville
PITTSBURGH—Ja»i MrCulty. Geo. Moreau A Co. | mtermediate landing*, can make
W MeCnliy A Co. B A Sampaon A Co, M Atlen'A Co. . at range mroi*. by calling on me, a* I
PHILADELPHIA—Mom* Palter«on A Co. Reynold* • h aV r a Boat tunning regularly between Pituhurgl
McFarland A Co. Fleming A Buihy. jvtrr Wrtghi A ! Steunenville. GKO. B MII.TKNBKHGKH.
Son. J Bitpham. Joaepli Gra:/. Sieamboat Ageni, So Water *i
NEW YORK—Goodhue A Co, Tbeo. Prrry A Co. ; ‘ - ftR W!K
DnaniN d (U i iintrf A o run halk.
CINCINNATI—Adam. A W W | »TS'tST.oiSm™. rTi "»"S
A M ‘' hi " i JkSSL
Nirri—All mcrchandi*e from New York and Botron, carrying freight and or ha*
consigned to A L Getban A Co, Philadelphia, wilt t* K«*‘ *
OJ= __ l.bia IP ~ol
liBBOH 4 OO'I . Warfa; and to a manof energy and buniir** bel«n k ihry
‘ Package Blprtlk to PtlUadal|.kla > ! offer greet advantage*. I can furm»h the le«»ee.. either
Hg m ■ THE Canal being now open, tbr ] on gale, or charier, my tow boat “MINER- lie can
Elpreta which baa been < *• i alto have on fair term* »ia barer*, three data, and two
laulitnea lor the conveyance of valuable package* of coal botioma, nxieen cara with rope*, fixture*. A«.,
merehandiae, apecie. bank note*, Jewelry, Ac , com- I made for fo» operauona. An examination of ibe e w
meneed running on Thomday. March IS. | uhli.htnenl la ineiled. Permit d.»po*ed to nrgo iaie
An IfianCBMTWIII bedlapatehcd Jauljr antiliheelow with me m reference to nny of the above particular i,
of the canalingaoa*on. may addreaameal my Office in Stuart * Uuildm. «4i
Applv m * DLEF.CIIAro .treet, Pi.r.our|h;or at
mc )Jli cor Perm ti and C.p*; .ng» THOU. H BAIRD
Tne MONON(* A lIKI.A. Cnpi. S'one, wili'cavr pi
I’oreh every Mondhy morn-ns al lit n> ! o-ir, Wheel
every Mon-lav evervng ai Id P M . ami C.neituini,
ery 1 hur*dav al 10 o rlock A M
- The lIIUKUNIrt, M> a. CnpL J KUn'Mw. w
leave Pitulnifgh rvfjy Tue»-ln> mo'imis 01 lOu'cln
Wheeling every Tm-dui eve.nn* al 10 P M . all
Cincinnati every Fr.tluy al llioemek, A. M
The NKW KM.I.AND. .NO i#, Cnpi. .*». D*an, ">
1.-ave i'iii«him;h ev-jty Wednesday »' !
o'eloek; Wheeling ever) 'V edtiewlay evemne al 1U l.
M ; a. d I'liM 'iuiaii every ?iaiur-!ay Jl lUoYlork A .V
The WISCONSIN. Cupl It J Gran, Will leave I*l
JJI. every n. lOoYlock; Wheel
Rverv Thur-duy ev. mna at 10 »*. M , and Cm-.m
even Sniji'm at l" n'eluek, A M
1 ri.H'l'l U.Nir a, l apt I'rook*. will leave P
i , (-l] , v j',„i.|) nii.iiimg nl 10 o'ctoek. W lire
• rvei> » a: ID P M , and l.’mrmnn. • ’
.MoiiUiij "i inn- ! <i'*i A M
! The M CujH will leave
. I.uifl, -v-U »f ''
cV e O Saturday •v. iuiir i.i H> I M., ami l. me.
every ai 1 0 o'clock, A M.
The ISAAC NKWI'OV C.ij-i A '• Mmou
I‘ni.l.m.ll rvrr\ N.1..1.V "i;! 1 * "I. "
Wheel v? eveiv Su-«lny i vemiif mlO I M . at.
SI;,, c;e,.AVe.l»eed.y.«t»o*Tk M -k,AM
1,,,. N i • Hi '
;| »■»:) T I Mm-* < l!»C I S I
Sf;K„-yx;.U,: ? >. -• *
COTh-"* A LKKr'lNtj " W «I ■ r ■. I>»1 >
RKM>. A • I--■» r ' '<«•“*
JOHN A •*A I ••lII.', .rou't W ,t er 4 . i ?
• P*«> Opp>*», le in • Mimiinc « r,*-’.i i l,*u *e i-f*
'TMIK »nn|pr«i(tnr.| «rr ri..iv lif-pand 111 fmwn r<l per*
1 ilurr. Ac . m ihr KaMrrn M»rk!‘i» ilurn* 1 On* ni»u
>n« W mlri. mi tlir mo.i fit\ • rlru:»«. I.y <M<-
•111 nu» rnuir
AH jiropprlV cnn*nn«'(l lo u» will Ur frmvnrjlr.l .>1 ih"
Inwrti ruir* "ml W'tn Jr^mirh.
Mnr lin ml'»n rrrnvr.l h) ihi* roulr )*rnni|*H\ li.r
wmnlrd J •- im>WKI.I„ A«‘t I* U»nnririi
a n- Cass. Hn.wu.viHr.
nn*!i? K KI.KRTOM A <’« l'unilmr Inmt
184(5 A*D; 1817
STAR COTTON MIL L , j SAND 8 . MEDICATED - LozEjySJwJofooß ji as
[Ncnht I All.'h,l>y Cur I ."“j 'mTu inaJ.. ...i, of ito ! ' PLASTER.
TJS.T'r:." ”j*%szv , £r. .tc;o»—j damb™**• «■;»«*.
I It. .v in ,ii .if no v i u c a Strn/uh t. ****■ ***?"'*', . *. 7- J_/ rlaiul, *m that chlldrvu •will tAkr it readil* ‘ . .
luloprrii.d' 11-t.iis employed (hr -rrv.n-a! <. \\ . A'rwroo**, £/***“* SL^J¥Z3snsl I -■**• Itol ki./«c*«n*lf U ifwitilreh I'. m'' '
lUrnv. a. V.innerr. who tins had All experience ol 15 fl««, Chtewr'C BCTS K**ff ,r * f "T • Kf . , foFof Tooth rtiltoo lire bKk of ,Ch m l '
year* o, ill.- pr.iir.|.M t urtonci ©i Allegheny City. Hurt EnUttgarmt and patn-tfike ?Jb BUI of Directions. h »*U»ur. »
itiry w „uM mlbmi .V.ichnm* ami Dritli-r« m er-n.-ra, Ulcers. SspKtlttte bymptemi,Saato or Lum . «nni\iivN rm-rn
Urn Uixy will I**' r «■» baud <Vum ».«»,and Oueauianrint/rpm •» tn/.rfmovj ■rat cf COLCU LOZENUES.
Vh,'h i<i all No* .Uutun**. Warp. and H»-vn >U,« u,, Auila or Drops*. Expeturt or Imprudence in These Loaengr. are the saTest, mostsure and cflcclus. .
oi -iirim rail' ; N VOK< • I‘LN A i'“ uf, X', o Chronic Conirduhonai Disorders. Vdj for coughs, rulds, eotsumptioii., *\p«,.> lllg t*»u=i»»,
-S II —(»rjf r* Mill, or At tt«- ..o.fof My. "TTS timely administration has been attended * I the ow,tightnessof the lungsut ci.cst,«t«,etc. Vu
rr- ll'i"i*t AOn , l»- l.'hr'y «!rcct. wk l>r prompt. > 1 happiest results id many anomalous affection*; bu i ha»«ser known »n where they tod not 6 «» r
luritaiUm N V ACo n .vcbirflv intended tofilUbe vbid which exist* between sausfacuun. Swttiwl thousand bom ha.r w«u wlc ,
■ _ .... . eathnrtic and aperient tnedicind*; hence it* wttdutep- ll ‘* **»')*«, restoring to health m almost ~.r v
PITT COTTON MILL. . an ,/, .umoi iui.*l»r«uve dtrecily-ind.KCUy. pro- J «,| rou.uraptiun t and uud„ the m..,uii,
m ATL'V'mr’L' up’ll \* ffl e= B gol.,.|ii S «w !C totheAt*te». • I'etdil* Thcydo noietieek *tii| dr* up iL»n.,.jh, :
li|j/\( KM Ul.lVl DCiljii ft. * U.I . li,,t, IK h|> coiteenirtted lor couven:eoeej«iHl porta- I but render u tuy, prornote eeyeetortiioo, ULy u.r ucihiAf
t'rrrsHl'liriH. PA • Inliiy, containing nothing but U»e expreweillesicncc, j irnuuon, uJ remote the prtitimaie or t»cm uc
'1 Mll< Manjf- C on liruif in fuli ond cnnpirl* opera- 1 and i« the rrp.e.*entaiive »i the S«r»Apacillat R«*U !»•[ *he) are made: troma combination ol a meat taluaUr. tree
1 1, ' ;, r'rUed arid n-nlurpil na Ihr.r Ma tbn earne manner a* Homine i*of Pentiari Bark,or j lonai,os cough mediciore, and are luidoutiuuU .wi.rJet^
ai ir.viiVir tip- i m tun vi njr.ii. ) mr mtw tnaV nc 1 Morphin'* ot Opuin. It i* an eataliliahed. lAC4 *hwt a ; e»ery tbiag m u»e for thorecomj.kiiijtj. liiuulreca ui.iu nuu
-4 4 Hrnv\ II **oreif!ir« hard ' frxv praiusof either Quiirne or Morphine contain* »U dredt olcerUficalri h»*< Iwea uffend of Uirit
uv'uc.l lian.l-oii.'r'rwe)‘ [hraiiJed Allreheny U.) and the medicinal value of a targe quantity of the crude tuet, trocnthcre «bn harebrenvited from Ulltltm!v _
T , , •„„f „f .nine title |.| thr coumry, i aubtioncc*; hcAcetbesuperiornj oflhowprtpjrations and re»lo*d to^perfect health hytutag them. .
U . *1 p*el >• r ill- nni s.irrin *n ; aud no invalid would detire 10 drink a gallon mixture Where there is much jam it. Ui* breast orslJejcnenfSi-,*,
!•" 'M i i iu" ' v "i-.isr our ciiv afr tv -rd in mi: ‘ when n half pun contained the umc medicinal value, maa’s foor Alan’s Platnrs (price only 15j ccuu,) .i,«n\ fc,
* ' * ‘‘ k lua i, nL . ounUa»e» Oriln* i The SarrnpanUaean he diluted when taken ag ret able applied over the part, and rro.n bit Mitred, ff aii.-*jrd
Uou, , a "» w piomrt:-. ...ended in and good* e-rr- ito the direction*, and made to suit the taste ot tbe pa- with cwtimwss, a few or Umtiv. kia*,^ „
f» V .'..lined Win, ordered feMMAwrhiiT licnt. " ~ ... mildealhartie medaiue, should be used a* oceau-w
- - ... - ; The following certificate addressed to the Agents>at SHERMAK’S WORM LOZE.\UES
EAGLE COTTON WORKS. ■ Chicago. fuin.«b*« conclusive proof of ns great value Tbes.-wqmfcatngeshare been prered | sau
PITTSBURGH. , meare« of Fever Sorer. I<ua ■ 000 re«» loir in&Uible; the «Iy reriaia wor»
tl/.STI'AI i:. , RK Ct;TTON YARN . \ medicine ererdixanered. A! an yd i*ta*r t «me» fi
C*n«lle»\Vlek, Dattlnc, Tsrlue, Coverlet ; Me>»r* >;ehb*n» « Reed—Oenu. tn Al >. l&»,l ot>- oceasioa k»r and inletmiaffcriiw. uuderen dnil. w.ii
. \H*. ' \KIT:r CHAIN. IVAHTS- Ar . a<- . • umcA A. r~!.*>« •ifA'^SI , 2SX? l 5S»1
ui. Ip which tor Intiuty and qiial-ty enunot !>.- rxrrlled j n o heMtation ut saving that Sund’s Sarsaparilla »uthe tuddrD .iniajMa,!»»{,. wither. hr ,K> d d -‘ l, '' rb,,J
liv mi, ..Hi. r make f.. cuntry Tli- Hii.-nfon of ! mcluM . under Trovidence. limb end j 4 «if* fererilhf.u^^b^TT'‘Sfa
pu'rh.i-r* -oi'cncd n> *1" einm'niit'oii. j dould not my life. I mo*t cheerfully recommend itia» hue,liis bad taste in tl.r m-mUi JirUch i ’.i • 1 4
P i..,.i id Irt-A wit KFNM I). ’ i ‘l'l l ns AVo I , h r be*t article extant for tbe purification of the food lht , tlo^ch «• LrT » l !'“6. !■*«•«• .
the aiuekaof dnea«e, and so frequently disappointed 9HLRMa.> 8 CAMPHOR I.OZF.NGE*.
m tiro nosed remedies, we curmot but look on the efforts J.T K u * f tmmedtate relief m cervuus or urfc Li»d; e !i»
! -ri,,, ~ ,rue ret-Wtiing jour vnloal.le preparation ol luthunmatory or poind «re tbrau, bowel or ,uJ..« r C .*V
- . Ii;’ 0 )u rX Tluvo l.cin *«vertly nfSieled lor ©year* !*««. "PP»«.kr. or a Kuveof «,kmg of »Te rb^
, 4 C ' n dirrare about vrbleh •‘ilocior’* disagree," artd eholte, iprav, cramp ol tbe stomach or bowels, hynericit
-- ,I|\V<W X ti.eir nre-eriplion* were .'til! more divor-e. I-tried ra- rffccuons, andl all nenou* disews, drowiiu«„ UmL, it, r
0 -JrJsTi v til r ou‘ P rri.T t lir' but found .to relief until 1 commenced, day, and wakrfijltires U.roujh the night; ebolirm ..I*!
illL. %noT exreliem medicine, at wbieb lime I was «r* morbus, diarrtnea, lassitude oc-» strur ofa.i-u.
Wlioily. my bed Alter using st a few mouths sons trtTetling or ktleuding brge jurtin, willfmu Ulf L„ u .
J a , n 110 A - |,|,| C to vva<K alKiii! ride out, and enjoy a com- gts really reviving, and im|«u-tiug Hie bu,naucy „f y ou il|; u«td
formblc decree of hrallh. v/iieh 1 attnt.ute entirely to *R*r diuit»Uoo, they willrrsiore Ore toueof the systeL wi>3 '
1) r 11»r 01 >4hd s >nr»«par.!l«. Please accept toy as- »rally, and remove »ti the iiupleasaut sjmuiom< inviniT iron!
• uniM.-' i;':it.;i.' , «' itiid regard. **** “ r “ , S: Person* who lute bern too high lu«n, aud
JOHN M NORRIS* sbandoitrd thrir dmipat<dUUu, uiU 6n<i ll.rwLoifucre*d-
Bemg per»nnui!y »cq minted with ilic above state mirable eomnorer* of the Derees. • " -
inrni I In-M b' ' •■tv. iliut the same is true. I SHERMAN’S POOR' MA X’S PLA*«TFIt *-
HKV.T M MERRIMAN Thebert.trengtliaingpUsuri^ tbe»«rU iidMuLrein
Faßtiiak Tb-UMoST “*•>« follow'’’* ex'iyci remrdy t.r iw.n., or wcfikar., i u the track, Toid'y. nJ f ,
irom 1 ■r-'-r .. ee.-.ed .rein Kev \N Galu.ha: >'iabs, josnU, rbramitssm, lon.bago, &r. & t . One m llioa a
. nttavtu**. Vt.,Oet T.M&W )’t-iII
I have been nftl cted with a severe ...gbefore.ppl«n s „. Warpmtea.
1,:.,,. „mt 'rill- nr'-i-.'.iiiied l.y h dncs-crl liver, for the for one qusrlvr the usual price, twk ins not ZT.
m-eim trnv sutrertng =•' 'ws what lnilßtt»*e 'lt cheapest jdsslte m ll.< uorij. It afford' rrlui aft J
wimitit eni’iki v f.ul -tnce laktna jour Sarsaparilla, l bouiv, and makrs a»tuii,King cures lew
liner been gieu'il' relieved. *o much so that I have been In l.rtr eompliiut and dj.i*p.ia, u .h„„ld u,* oto o ,^ r
ul.lrio uiten.l .0 my t.u*ine«s. -ml preach oceasionatly the it wi || afford retail
for the la-t fifteen mom!.*- 1 wlmlly-discarded alloilier aslou.diing relief. J... coughs, colds, asthma, dSlrof .
medicine, and gbly tncsl the Rarsapoiilii, which : breathing, opprrMiou of tie chest oe stomach, ll.t, wil/i^.
t con recommend ut truin and sincerity to all those wuo : medmtely sooth and greatly benefit the iwiirnl.
arc in an. wny utll etrd with any spec-enof scrofulou* -dratvy habits,or those obliged to stand much will rteiWr
comp There have been some remark.b e cures ; dec.drd su,,,a,r« from one oftf** Uo |y strengthriuLr I'lL
effected t.y If u-i.itt.ihi-Yicmliy. Ir »- *• Sfl . a T; ,y Ur. I kjsuriaiu generally recommend lh»® iu irreftretice to
,he u-< Ut six (KJl.lcs, win re«toted-.o betterheallhthan a'lotl.ere.hecwum the, .Uekoradherebrtur,and ,fford treat
.he hadlTinre r.yoyed tor ten j ear*, and Mrs. tts>o n nh*t lu ihetr.opmttdh, they are stimukot, t«,jl and
yen*, who had been severely toll.cted with the Krysip- anodyne. Thvy are eompuKd of catirely diflftreut lueredi
rlnii wn» 1 mirely cuffd by tbe u«e ol .1 few hollies. «nti Irom any odicr, and knowo.rrom th* canericßcr'cr mil. *
Your* truly. W.M. '{?!», U , K,) .%“!» “ W «U a* the united tr.liinouy s.f
For lurther parueulars aud conelustvu evidence of tU ail the celebrated and dutmeuiihed tlerey and physichm/tn
superior value and efficacy, *c< pamphlets, which may be jhe most useful and highly medicated plaster *
l,c ohiuiui-dxri Ageitf gnitf . • . ocvenl persons Late called at the to'.iprcv
Ircpuredandaotl.l.y A U.4D Dtuggisf, 100 their»urpnreandlbsnla,at lheiUmo,tmintubu»CHn‘.'thM«
Fulton-t cornerof William, New pUsters hate eflectrd.
Sold also by L. WJLCOX. Jr., i’ituburghj-11. Har- Diredioo, fortue are on-lhe back of each pU.tcr, with a
wood. Beaver; 'Wm. W.iwn. N.w Caillc; IL N. Rob- &.limile of DASAcrmn.nwt. Il i. SSrL.I itald
■ son. Hrownsvilk; A. Crcigh, H aslnujyon; and by always ask for SherminVPoor Man’s Pliter, aiid we that ,
Druggist* generally throughout th' United States. you t«t U« there are many worthless ia.itationv
Price 81 per bottle—six t.otlles for «. hawked about and sold Sir the true SUeinun’s Clasters, by
The puh.'c are respectfully requested to remember nnt.rlnctpUd dealers. —. , ; J
that it .s Sand's Sarsaparilla that ill* constantly nehiev, Sold whojeMe and retail by W. JACKSON at hi. Patent
,nt such remarkable cures of the most difficult das* of M«d««ae Wuebouw, No. &, Liberty ,u«et, S, t a of tU
, diseases .0 which the human (fame •• aubject; there- BJO BOOT'_ > • ’ 1
{ fore ujV for yun£sSar«apanila.artd take no oihcr__- T NEVER FAILSI
AS It TUB SUFFERER fjKRSONS alflicted with Scrofula Kite's Ftil
S >vJ F< rf« ! asthma • JT Er J«i|>cU., Old Sores, Totter
.. AWofrfo. iYrrroui Tre- ! VivAaliy of breathing, Cough and He ! i bl ( oyd . afo rcqueslid n> rc=J .
B a i n (n tke f'Aut and Sidr. ' ' w jfi (r || you a was '-tliei Olosaoaian,«r All- Ipuowmg testimonials, in prool ol t!:'t uytuler .
*<ie« of Hnxcu* *nd Pk-jiUaiKn i lUsline Bibam.” Ask the cousuinpiire ~ Ful properties til m-med mcdicjuc ;
.fill* Dlrit'RDKß* lit care* 01 1 what has allayed hit jCough, removed ( HEAD! : RKADI!
,> c p. .i. wii.cii 1* »uopl) a nervous dc- f ,h* run tu bis. Side and Chest, Wt the undersigned, having'visited V. .F • c
„Mi,11.;., t L.lkcd Brook,. Jr. u thh office nC-SUnn. iod
- • ?T m, £ e
V will tell you hw e n»*rt i*n»rkali|feune »»e Ltvt- ert r w.«.
/ sueRaUAN’S OLOSAONIAN, oeased or heat of.
*. n.vasu u H, “ d “ eas L - m SCROFULA, and Umt-le must
, ALIi-HEALING BALSAM. . have t-een h ( twelve years’ couflict witn thc rie
jour friu.dnf they ki.ow of anything that will so ape* strojer!
diH cure a 1.... R and tedious Coogh.lUiHng or Blood, Bren ’'HtsFaJale,' e entire roof of his month \c«e Up.
eh»u», Dyspeetie «,<>nnunpli<m, Hoapetwss, Influcnxa,, ssu per Lip, and lower Lid ol the Hichi I-x,.‘ii ..hris
■uhhe notice which ha. been productive of so mueh good UJ- aw o 1 *"® earned away. And yet we can
».i'tior: a »i*ac« of lim*. Read the following . dcscnpUon of his eaxc. 1
Astonlahlng Ctkrea. Mr. B. tnlurms us that in i/ahuarv ltd im. who!.
\Vm n'»n. ih- c*l*t>reted Bo.ictj cracker baker, w f a»- interior of his mouth, ns well t’c n ,, ~, r ar .
.... 01 el. Ui.-.U>l, »t»f* that hit wife Iws been Milled wja.i mass uf dttji and nnkfui Utf-a’ ’
« uu lbra> years, and eould col find pecmmient re- On the Idtli'of jinuae. In«t ill .. u
lief from the-best medical adrice which New V«k and n. '?*»,? l.?!' J ‘ '"“f. 1 { Ui’* C °?i n ,f, n «‘ , U^ l,V «
Brooklyn could pnxlncr, vrat induced to try this greatrems- .Hp , U V- V* i |*'*' , Ai\ \ FGh I AIILLJiAA A
Jv She i* dow tirarlv wrll His daughter who wts stiller- L LA, which chcCKcd the dtsesrc in a lew dnva. tins.
Ifle frvia the same disease, tried it, and was also cured byr ic rom that tune the cure hna progressed without in
Mr-> Bond is b»w so welUhat she is able to Jutlrda her , termission. ,
bed early’intbe morning and alleod to her ujualdctie* through • N'eW flesh has supplied the place of the dcen ul-'
o»>*oa-iwii bavint b«tu afßicied with the Avthma for more „ *® ,e axxurro Uiat in the treatment- r.f Mr.
Ihsu U'jean, aud was JO exhausted <>n his-arrival that he Rrook* ease, no Mercurials. Ointment* or < uukt.c
eoutd twit speak. He purchased aboule and rode home.— application* nave been used,—m fact, AiS/»-
Fuur d*v. afterward he walked from hu residence to 0* of- CLA ALONE, hda wrought Utis wonderlnl r hater
fice wilhout Cjlieur * distance of over two mile*, to tell of Qayid Smith, Buck* COUniv Fa "
the r »«WwWA h« had eipenenecd from. usmc rh „j ?i L . Ke^|)c ; nw| „ d c „ Pa _
“ ° & Couanmptlo'n off the Lmafi. | ®a». M wSouth etrect, F^ila
Mr. CohroßT, 35 white dreet.wa* «low in the math Jacob Lee, Fcmbcrlpo, NJ.
of December Lst. that he was Liven up by bu physician. Hi* E W Carr, 4-H) Pi Fourtli, above Foplar 'st, N l. ; .
friend. eclirUined no hope of Sis recovery. He was persM- g M’Uullotlgh, Lanca*lcr, Pa.
ded to try tbe Otovaooian, and to his-surprim ilha* *0 fiir R M Maddock, 28 North Eleventh it FiiiJl
restored hhnt. h.alihthai h* it now able to walk about the CW* Appleton, M D-16 s>omli *L iifu wife ofWm 11. Attrev,James Harman, l;^ d t W . e )*’ War i?, n CO. Millocrt. 1
Esc and Geo W. Hays, Esq. can all hear testimony from Daniel \eakelJLhcanut HlH.Phirudelpltia cJ»; Fa.
their own esperieuce of the healing jeoperties of this Great John Har«ed, W 0 street, Fhlla. —7
lui the ratoe* may not ic explained
s.iicr Uir.r tjfttu Hfc duly aacrruiuietJ.
| , r i uot delusion- prejudice, of
Mran> who-li. ilio' *.itiple. are by Heaven de«ignM
J n ulb v iilP thi- Jit of human k:nd "
NVrrM"n.i u>
'I 'HIS remit kaU>: invert on. wli.i U’ the
1 un.vfT«ul Mpprolno.ini of tin- |irnfr*»ion of
l, rr .,i lir.tu-t4 v<>int>r>M-< :m i-niirrK new applicationot
i.-itv jii.Mit ,i- u Tfiin-a a! ;ic?ni. li> uirtui* ->i wh'Chthc
»cu vnn.c lliuhti—.kleVtr.f mid Magnetic M»•
.■> At- hi'- viiurt-It 'lifw:tli. anti the my«te
power nftiiitvml.M w.thoai an', 01 the
on wi. i n :ut HiM-pnral-!.: trniij iiil c-im i-I i»"d«
now nu-r I'm- » du»—. an.l irracpi-iir*
.a wv<-li ti.i.vinioin '• appl-ed l»v tli- Mti'-ii-m-t. ha*
'd,rult’ili/"in]'uiioui uml i tvm »> remedy tin* in.hrtll de
lect Uml «... n-w ..pjdirai .ni w.i» jifi>;eci«l. »h ■ h. af
irr ani-e/i • .iv :«»■: hi. I i.rfrsc.-itnrc. ha* hern > • uglit
o i. j.o/ |u riW-iiC'ii The flo/ran't Hint*
I,r puipo-.- u( tl»« -M.-I cJKia.vtMa
flin-r.. ami .. n any rniirt utv nnt>‘>a/t nn,\
C 'T..’r u-cl mi i oihi-i non w.ll. thi-Jliaf
nrfr >Vt.*rj. ilu:- oiUidrutly recommended rn aUdttor
r/m tr>.i>A «tene from an tnJribM or unXtalthf ‘Sat* °J
ISr unvin or ritni lyirnn.. hill IliC.e col-ipi.iii.l* :irr
miKtiif Hi- mo*, pu-nnil and tin.'« wlnei. we hip
•uliM-i-l. The;. nr.** . Without u*i-* pi on. from chip ‘tui
pi. uiu‘t--a drraitcrine'iit of m-* .Srrvou.
ami ;l wm n in—.- r.i other -rcme.i.e*’ liuvhic
olirn tu.lrd B n.-w i.g.-rn w»* girall) m-rdi-d wlitrfi
t « coubdently lie I rV'-d, !ltl» l.rt'li found tt -ri I
The (islvumr have i«?rn u»ed with eufre rue
p'< mk n» tli«- iieml [ j«r «.i tiout. T~^-IFi!ortur.
TwtAaiAr. J\ro’>rJitti>. I'mito Amvw »r Snt HtadaeXe.
/»i'/!*'«{tii.-i. /'•ira/yxi. Foby. fj/i/rjiy. Fit*, t'tttmp,
PafihiUrn of r*. Jimrt Apcylcrg. Stijfntu <■/ Joint'
Spinnl Cun;j,Uh. l.nniKago, .YruroffVa, iVrrroui TV«-
nu/n, i>,oy in. /fra//, pain m IA« Chat and SiJf,
Iftiir-xti /ht.itiiy. Ibtiarnev oj A'nrotti jnd PhytUal kn
ng 9 .Hn4 ml NKkVlil!* UISORDKKt* In tape, yi
. liirfirnie.l l»)-i‘ep. wii.i li i.»iiOp!) a i.ttrvou* de
iHiiß'-ni- nt of i!ir dige.i- veorgiiii*, ihry have hetn looml > »i-e> e*‘tui T:*i-.r r *i: itorUinary effect* upon
'r-’.-cimtirn.leiT differ- n
•.. ne ina,!r i.i ati .t/« ►. an.l .n* orn.i
"out' to"".'c".-'-: tt n"'n?pL.eiK : e’ if :.m I.
Ui- »<-:i>.i o-i ; faili-r i.ei'-t-nt/r’.lnti i.’herwi«e^
Th<‘ («t>lvnuic Uells, Hrucelel", Bsodsi
Cmtir lot ay NocklitcuP, &c. 1
(„ „ imr rjM'i 01.1 Uir n-M'lr I-Imriu « i.altd ione
• iKii.tiliy. the [H/ner iippirti I-) the Ou'vainrj King-
n P • r,..
« IllOUt u>
.itprov-.l irru'itr i'
\ V V 'nr f - u-rcl m. *ccrn:-r t.-lllfll.ill P
|lf.»r .II • • s.T Vi'-i t <>'i« t.i |l.’- inrOJI '\ . ni-« '
r-ur- * oi V r\IV m muMvuh «t!m«-i uni'flMii
( lx Mii-’i Kluld
:t linl',l •
l> p-fr
riir.m nimlpfit »e.-iur ; In*!"’ 1
... tnnart |i owe! t>l rrniffHn* U
u '.ii Ilf ilillu I’i'-' *rui ol \l.
ip 't ari-1 |" !■», .m ii 1 (j.i.rt No oth' t
cin ni,‘!i » mo pui'lute iJie tsio
ur lo (he nrrvon*
'(•"(•'■I 'oral Kp|*t.ration H
v;:;;: 1 ;:. ':;4 -T-
,un i .1 .(i,- mi< aii< in pvny Wa) Jit: frcljy ham.
... t -, r . «i. .1 .r pr.<'-* v\ .t*|.•» lilt (curli <yi a|l mu:
« «..»!>■ • |T.« **.% 4ii.; | filtiAiiriit bcitellr
ChrtMic 9 (•alumic Strengthening Pla>-
'.'/mljN, U 'l.. l"'- s i.u ,ir lit ' a’’
or*. j<m ,'f :■». •aim: juil.ciplr, (■:
1..1 - ]■ .* 111. «i:ts .*i .IC -n-•'< (>• it Th<
nrr ••!*>.s* l .--fit' . •>•. o't!ii.-i:.l>il :i • ;< v jliml.ic addi; on .
;:ir •|.rr«l v i'if orK;k iiin.ii »i*i. unite or rJiroiiir: ■ n
n»-'-oniliiH .i.kJ'h* » pn»n.vr rcinniv ,» ia
fqiii n.K ... ih. ( Vcrer r.ari. jWu... i
St-fr. ... 4 >i.Knal>| turn. mr! 11. I Vttltfitsa or Opjrr
yf i.. Pultr.owt'i fW-tm lii Spmnl I'oiiiplii
. a/- <v l)ic m.<-t ilrr.rtrit ChaMclcr.und ih< )
-iici Of i!f Riralrst advartHß, .n Pa n» Bud \Y ensile*-
ui Ilir Kn-uM. and arc hiehly rrmimoiinied for mail) 01
U,n»v (.ninpiniul* to which fmiu'c* .lie r spec tall v liuii.c
A • an itfreluit. inrun* • lor slrcueihriiifi* the* .v»l,',r>
when flrbiMalrd w.lti i|i«rn«t m ii.lid fiilii. s; u* u (V i
m n a-ti ;n OviHiaitaOiixMyrakm-**. a* a I’rt•
lor tVds nmt ui! .11 »•! the Cllr.l. Rmctni'i
the tiulvun-c Sin ngthmuiß Pla» ft wsil by lound
nmi pcritinrirnl advai/iiiqc lit 11 few word*! -t
enit.iar-s all Ui*- v rlu< »vtl the bc*l tome preparation
n .th th' important n.tilct.on of the galvanic influence
h:» neither impn.rf'l exhausted. «!. ,n. ,ie.
jtir*- Iron. tlio«c obi-ct.on* whicu arc a constant sour 1
'of .on.pi Int w ifi> planer* incommonu»-
U 7" The areal ci Mirny and secessof thr*e urticb »
I teiM-il ilinit to !>e .•ounti-rtrilrJ by unpriltripl. •
I u*-i imposition. Hr. Ctiaisn.
1 t,«. i,m ..I.r air lib" ml i.a-nt •. each chv of dir Cmcn
I Thrmilvucrin ... IMuimmn. W U' WIIXJ.V
i,». tt.r Ii klt.i and uwi re-per m. character, areci
•taiiilv f"rind, recttrdnic ()<•' > xtraordinnry value
■lltd >urr«« nf the above artir i-s lII* believed that
in the my ot New Yoik alone, npwuril* of EIGHT
THOISAND PERSONS during a penodofleH*
a, have been entirely relieved of th.l innut pnm.iij
chrome disorder* route pt wlrch have completely .f
-tlrd all tonner effort* of medical art. Indeed many 01
! the fir*t phy *ic .aiv't of ihi» City. who disapprove of 'he
, Galvanic and Mnsnetip Mnrh nc*. vunstaiiily recoin
; met'd tin* anpltrntionhit their practice, and with Uic-X
-eept-on of those wh*. arc ton prejudiced to give n a ri
al, the invention has received uit*ninii"i« f.i\or n th
the man intelligent among the Amern iui Faculty I>t
Otiri'tir ia stall t’me« ready mid mod happy lu g .-c
evetv feriMy to nliyicnin*. and ull mlercstcif. for ten
mc liie t-uth 01 ln« a»wri..'ti* and Jlie efficacy of In*
• Onlt igenev'.ii Pittsburgh corner-ith und Markrl «t
*e|Vii!l» ' .
EFFErrtAI.I.Y and apeedily cured hv the user.
Ibt tlreai Remedy of Nature. AMERICAN' OH.
il tfltrnxl mu .tcu’ou*!)' reduce* Intlammiil.oii, und ey-i
-erjuenily '* wsrrnntril in n|l r»-e« it. Ir-nvt no ream « r
4rar in t|i>e Ue‘b
Sbd wholesale a 11J r-lmlby U’M J ACKSON. nl b *
loot I Stine S’ lire und I'nteitl Med.cine Wmrbou*..
v 1 l. belt) «ir-rt li-ud o’ VYcmiil, I'lti-di.trph Price SO
t en.« IHirl J*l prf l.Ci'llr
W Ji<ek-i)‘i l.r-nc the l'\rlu»ive Acen; W-Mern
I'enna; H.llO '. nine .• Rerm.iie but vvlia: i« .old by HIM
1 r Hl« appointed Arch...
N It A nntplc (1 reelmna. Ac
v.ilh thr Tiitiiica und udilrcM of the I’ropr •-i..t 11ml I'rm
1 pal At'-nt 1* riivrlnprd with wrnppi r oi'eaeli buido .
,iiimduiice of i eiufic-.IC‘ can hr •ecu nt |!i- Slore.
Eleven yrarr a««..tiiou» / d. voted to the..rud> ami
trrattneni of those eompl • r.t«. (durinj: winch time he
ia» hod more practice and ; a» «*t»red more than
can ever fall to the lot of a y private practniuner) am
ply qualifies him to offer «» Lrcticesof speedy.perma
nent and sotufactory cure * nltlicie.l with 'iihtau
diseases' and nil diseases art«infC therefrom
Dr. Drown would inform those afflicted with prfeau
diseases winch have become eh tonic by time or aggrsva
tell by thA use of any of the common nostrums of the
day, that their romplatni" can be radically and tbor*
mixhly cured, be having given his curcful attention m
the treatment of such eases, and succeeded 111 hundred*
of instance* m rnnnt person* of inflantat.Qa of he neck
of the l.litddcr. ami ktudtcd diseases moult
r.nn ihose case* where others have cunsiofed them 10
1 hi.jirlrs* despair Ho paiiicularly as have
! item loiigjtnd unsuccessfully treaiedirffyoihers to con
sult him. when every satisfaction wienie irtven them and
the.l caso treated 111 a careful, thorough and intelligent • r'lfltl*' NO piv
muiincr. powtted out Jiy Inniceiperieiice, study and in, : , fc.Jfrc , m ni . « i,A„,...„. „
vrsiigntion, which it is impossible for lho*c enjrnged ir 1 N VEGhPABLE
ertirral prnetiee of medicine to jpve any one c)a-i» o KEMEOY—Warranted lo cure, or the mon.
disease. ey returned. Thi» medicine ia prepared from aa In
ITT" Hernia or Rupture—Dr. Brown also in*. • • d, 3n Receipt, obtained from one ol thorn in the Far
per—iTii aßltcteil with Herat* U> c»|l. ■■ l»» P-“ J ‘ IVwl, »1 pelt eipOßie. TliOM *hO Klto btcl.
r^s&ss,^^. ™«s! “‘f
CborceaveiTlow. • .j do cure > enercJl without,the knowledge, ol Mer*
N. if—Patienti of either sex living at a dietanre , can, Batsim.or anything ©r the kind. Tho a*.
,by statitin their disease m wntinn. ffivinp all the »ymp« : dieted hate now an opportunity of being r.urcid
snzr&zsi j
| No. « Diunonjl .U«. .rr«”» “» W "'"' | b , ROWAND A. WALTON. .»d -old
“ I wholeaalo and retail, by J.T. Rowaod, 376 Market
rata. n par'
\\' DK*»*-r -ndg,|’J
\n,C Slxnod.’
own tmntk. - r „ .
[Lrtaedy in Coaiumbtiou of the'Lung*.
spitting Piootl* , -
Mr*. Tuoraocui*, 352 Monroe street, who t*» been
troubled for a great length of time be a WTere cough, and
raised ouanlitir* of blood, wa» rtlieerd by ooe bottle of lb*
Oloavnua, and dccUm il the remedy ts the world.
Dkkxm, 26 Wmr itreet, na also relieved Iron
ll.c-tamr cumjJiiot, although he *u eery much reduced
wliru hr rorameuced taking, it, haring been under the.eare of
hi, |.ti)tsraan during the pul winter. Although he coughed
cou»i»iitlr and » at rrrj much troubled with night iwcats, 2
b>ulc*«l the remriiy enabled him to return to hi* daily
■ »rk. H» wa* rntirely relirred. 1
l)»* tn Hrsoeasos. CO Laiebt street, Geo W. Burnett,
formerly of Newark, N. J., Hezrj Liibuo, 190 Biriogton
tlrc«t,and uuimrot* ylhrr jwrrcni liare been ipeedflr and
permanent!* e>rml of the same complaint by thb remedy.
Tbe Array of Kimu
which could he produced of iwr-mi who liare u*«d tbu great
rrmrdr waul/more than fill rrolutan. Amoog the number
WC are permitted to refer to A. M. Bininrer, ltßß*rel*7»« , i
Mr WiUrn of Iloboken; Mr* Bell of hlorrutowa, V J.;
Jamr. B Deroe, 101 Rr*dc*VS Mr*. M’Caffree,so Attorney
,l * K. Smith, Wd Third Astmuc, Mrs Wo H. AlUeeof thu
city. and Mr* Archibald,lß While »t
S>l4 wholraale. and retail be Wm Jack ion,"at hi* Patent
, Medicine Warehouse and Boot and Shoe Btortj No 89 Liber
: It ttrrrt, head of Wood stmt, TitUbugh. Tnce hot
For Cooglu, Mils, Aithmo. anil Consumption'.
Couchs, Aithm-v. atid CONSUMPTION. Ulhe HUN
GARIAN RAI.BAJK QK-LIKU. dlfeoveredby the «*■-
b riled Ur. lludttn, of I.n*3Uh, England. and Introduced
hno tha United Slates under tin; Immediate superintend
anc* of Uni inventor. •
j The eitruirdhuirv cuar«* of thb otcdleme, m the
turn of Pulutonjrv' dUeas**, warrants ithe Ametlran
Aeeut In snti.utirtr for intatuicnt tl»c \yoßBT'POa
sfm.r. CASES Hut ran l« IhuihMot tin} community
cases that seek relief in vntn from any qf the common
remedies of the rtav. and hive liecrr liken up by the
most distinguished I’hyslelan* a* CONFIRMJiD AND
INCURABLE. Tlie Hungarian Uslsatn ha* cured, and
bo quack nostrum, but a standard English medicine, of
known *nd established elßcncy.
Evcry ftunly m the United States should l*e supplied
wbk tfuehan’s Ifxinjariuu Balsam of 1.1 fa, not only to
cointeract the consumptive, irndenclas of the climate,
out to be usod as a preventive tuodUdne In *ll cases of -
X)olds, lAmgtis, Spitting of Blood, Pain Jn'tUe Side an*
Cheat. Irritation and Horenes* of Uw Lung*. llroncbitlA
DltDenlty of Breathing. Hectic Fever, Night Stvsals,
Emaciation and Genantl. Debility, Asthma, lnnaen**,
Uaeplng Cough, and Croup. . _ „ >
O-ScJd In lart* bottle*, al JI pel bbttle, with Ml dlrec-
Ilona for the roatcnUon of llautb. ' ■ .
Pamphlet*, ™<«t''i"r a mas* of English and Amen
—■ Miiiiu»tm l hilwr evidence, allowing th* w
equalled merit* of this Groat EnrUsh Remedr. ttaf «
I obudaod of th* AfenU-tnUultouJy. v _ . ,
DAVTD P. DRADLEE. *ola Agent for the UnUH
| States, 110 Ooun street, (laoum.
| tTw. DYOTT A 80X8, General Wholesale Agent*
, No. IJS North Second stroei. Philadelphia;
j For tale by 11 A FAHNESTOCK A Co. corner tf
I wood and front etrccis , niyG
LADIBB Who Use Common Prepared Chalk, are
often not awarcbow frightfully injurious >t is >o
’ ihc skin! how coarte, how rough, how sallo.t, yellow,
and unhealthy the skin appears* aher using prepared
chalk! Besides, it is injurious; coutainingalargequan*
Utyoflend. Wc have prepared a beautiful vegetable
article, which we call JONES'S SPANISH Ll!**
WHITE It is perfectly iiiuocent.bemepurified of aU
deleienon*quajiUe«; and it impart* to the skin * natu
ral, healthy, alfibaster, clear, hving| white, at the same
time acting us a co'tnci.con the skin, making itaon
and smooth.,
Dr. Jameo Antier-oii. Practical Chemist of Masta
chnseiu .ay: -After analysicg Jones'* Spanish Ltll?
White, 1 find it po«»e**e* tlie m-<«« beautiful, and natn
ral. at Ike same time mnoecni white I evereaw. 1
certsutlv'cnn conwicnuously recommend it* nsetoull
whose skin requires heauufyiug ”
fTT”Price 24eent» a bo* *
jM“jto!il by \YM. JACRBON, at his Boot and Shoe
Siore. tf> Liberty street, bead of Wood, at the sign of
the Big Boot , _ ... - : jttt
For sale In PiUaburgh by R E Seller*, 57 wood
•Ircel, and by Wm. Thorn,s2 Market at. odfclwT
William Sicelini. hfD, Camden, N. J.
William HaJe.-Siß High street, Phila.
J H Potter, Manufacturerol Wineralterth i'Oj -
Ninth street, Phila.
L A Wollenwebcr, Ed. Phils. Democrat N M
street, do
George W Meats, Brush Maker, 317 Market bU
Eire Carr; 159 Chcsnut street, t’luU. ‘
A D Gillette, Pastor M Eleventh Bapti-i Cr.urcl-.
John Bell, Kne Street, Philadelphia, (.V rth Ahier!
can office.)
Aaron Sands, igj Calßarinc Stlcct, Phila.
Daniel MeGinlcy, Kessler's Aliev, do
Andrew Camden, N J[
R-H-Evaiu, West Phila.
Richard R. Young, Gilder, -109 Market si. Phila
J.ohn W Aalimcad,6o South Sixth street, do
T S Wagner, Lithographer, |jg Chcsnut circuit «!o
B J Kensil, 123 Elefculh street, do
Peter Skcn Smith. Editor Native Eagle. do
Joel Bodino, Glars manufacturer, IVii.uriatovsu
N.J. '
William Steely, Farmington, Vau Rareii on. low j
L B Coles, M D, Boston, Albas.
Russel Canfield, Phisinlogist, Philadelphia.
Thomas P-S Roby AI D, Harrisburgb; Pa.
Peter Wnaht, 259 Market street, Phila. •
James W Newliu, 103 Filbert »t. tk>
John Good, 174 Spruce st. ' * do
William line, Pastor St. Paul's M. E. Ch. Catharine
St. Phila. ;
John Chambers, Pastor let fddep. (Church, Broad:
st, do ' =•
T L Sanders. Publisher of Pleiine and-Staudard.
Phila. , - !>
F P Sellers. Editor Olive tf *rch, iMviretownj
Bucks eo, Pa. i
"Wholesale and Retail by Rowand • Wailun, Pro
prietors, 376 Market St. Philadelphia It E Sellers
37 Wood it. Pittsburgh, Pa.; Wmi Th • ; hi :Ma»C
ketst do.; K B Perkins, Marietta, Ohio; :»ntoii it
Sharp,Marsville, K Y; John W Dnncnho ! rrJCin.,
Obio;Sidell & Reeves, Madison U;C Noble. Louis
'ville, K Yx Deverouck It PclJoux, St. Louts; Mo.
P M McGraw, Narcbex. Miss: llardav..> .viJohh
ston; (,'lnrlesJenkinj, New Orica n
. x *: . ' ! 1 •«*
J. BRY~A Blessing! A Miracle!! A Urudtr):
—To core Kruptionr »ml Di*figuremrni» ni' tl.c hkiii,
I'itrplrs. Freckles, Sunburn, Sole
Head*, Ac., Ate. <
four yean ft*o lost Aagu«i,ihe ; e;.pii>.'ol Pmucc
was astonished illcnnirqucnce of a ■) n.atfc hy
un halwu Chemist. Many dnuhted—:i »«?« uiril almost
an itnpos»ihility that anything raaoriij i.t>- liaiut*ot'
man.could have «uch singular p<v.vrt« n« <n»i t-lamied
by Antonia Vesprini for hn-invention. Man; c|n« etl
bim and bis invtn ion a* a humbug, -la*’ many
foolish petnons without tryn.q do"ihe ►* m-i now.) at
length, after testing It in the btupiml*. the .Medical So
ciety. of-Fkris [(he be»tchenii*i« in the wor.ljdeiivered
the following repoit to bignoi Vc<|>r n-.t -
“Wehave now minutely and carefully nuiii.'nci! the
• ingular invention of . Vcsprini. w c hnre d ii«
component parts—we have u»cd it in sever*. I anti
we hesitate not to pronounce it (the Imliwi t bentleal
Soap) as a great bleMing. and n uuly wonderful rente
dy lor any cutaneous eruption or iinfguri rifin of the
•kin’. Its inventor.we consider the true ph..'siiiliropist
of suffering mankind.
I'rr ilenl'
. From the inventor h’mtelf to the present Proprietor
Basis. Nov. t. tell)
-In consideration of lb* sum of ®3.6nu, I have'diriil
tedto Mr. T. Jonr*, rrsiding in the city of Ne-.v York.
N. A., the whole process of nianufaciunjpg, together
wiib a statement of the ingredients contpo«mg my Ital
lanChrraical r*o»p- He i« >o nraniifaeturc n inf sale in 1
the United Stiles only, and K* have the privilege of na-'
mineii*‘Jone* , ltalj*H Chemical N>ap.”
Witness: Hemy J-Holdsworth.
W JACKSON. -at li,* pnte',-1
V\ arrhoure, (0 Liberty >iitri l.eod of \\ »t tf.<*
ngu oi the Kir Bom.
The only place tu Pittsburgh where ibe GENUINE
can be obtained. All other* ore Counterfeit.
WHOSE meaunesscan equal ycur*? .Look at your
wryonng wife, with her bright sunny far< 1 Look
at yoar own, pitted with eruption* and blotches! Yet
joniaietpo mean to give fifty cent-.for • mkeof the
great Italian Chemical Soap, which would entirely fte«
von from them, add make your yellow tkm clear and
healthy. Go at once to Jackson’* Sttre, t-b Lit-erty si.
Pittsburgh, and get a cake.
VB Jackson's Ulhe only place in Piiirbaijrh where
the GENUINE it to be obtained. Beware of toanier*
feiu. * —-.
Big Bout stands in llie tWrway
MORGAN'S COi’dH BYIIUP- it uooid'be
published and made known io ihr public fri . This
was tne expression oi un old man who tried tl.o Syrup.
I’rmacman, February I, IS7.
Mr. Morgan:—This may certify that being afßicird
with a troublesome eoagh some time, I bought a bottle
of Morgan’* Cough Syrup, am! am happy to*ay,*ner
o«inf ii, ray cough is entirely :ored. I pronounce your
Cough Syrup the best medteinfc I hare ever n*erf. No
family should be without this valuable medicine.’
-• DAVID McBOBERTS, Allegheny City
ETThiit medicine is prepared wholesale and retail
atuie Drugstore of JOUN D NOBGAIf
Wood street; one door below Diamond Alley
cents per bottle. fcb4
vingOreas* spots, Stains, or Marks from Clothe*,
Woollens, Carpets, Arc., Ac.. gnd frnderittg'The: ipou if applied elear,-bright' new. end spotted*.
Pold wiih rut! directions Price SScenu a cake
|CT“fc»td by WM. JACKSON,® Liberty street, head
ofwood, at Fits Boot and- Shoe store. «tre of the
DooV Jll