The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 20, 1847, Image 3

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    SmrDIUJBft— *00 Mft dtrk rns R»CoJ^;'
830 bin* N O MoUne«,
75 M chi vTy H.'a v, 4Uk Tea* 1
SO C 4 3 lb bu G P 4 Y U du
5 eefooat J P tndico;
75 Lx« Tobacco, 3< 4 16a;
In »'•’« and for uie by CARSON 4 McKNIGUT
ii :u sillb «trrrt
I - i.OOKKIES—-10- bar* •'to Coffee,
\J U pep VII (IP* Imp. Teas;
100 bull N O Molasses:
61 hbds prime ft O Soft/,
40 bx«s* idsaiid lb lamp tobacco;
50 kga No 16 iwm do
»v bags Pepper.
75 hula assorted No* L Sugar;
IV tierce* Rica; with a general •»-
sonncm of groceries, for Mle low by
ni)'t! No 5’ water at
suitlhs—l= sckt Feather;
O V bbl* Fiax-eed;
i do (.aid;
1 l.b! Fallow;
« neks dr> Pescbes,
H do do Apples,
0 do Gtibci Peas; ... _
V do aoft shell lltckorj N“«i "® w
I an i rg from steainr, Kio Grande, for sale by
__n >i j ' 1 OtrTKKY A tfc, water A_fr»nMj»_
l « aiijTVs iTmoiTassks—
lO iJi> b'idr pnme N**w Orleans ‘iigar;
i 4, i»,*. *ti «i Yellow Havana do;..
VI do 6t;e Willie do do,
- o -U He med Jlrown Louisiana Sugar, » »«pe
ro n-i cle to* Until) use;
35 bh's l u*i iu**r. No* 4. 5, and ~ . .
10 ntils '-t.n»enngV celebrated crushed and pul*
vt-'nzcd >ug«r*;
CVO bbu l , l*tuat.oo I wo:a**e«; .
„ r<iwf UKXTtfI *. co_
Spanish cioaiis- •
it I Wmoitijjiun Regaha .Cigar*,
3: j bx« La Slioeiva da do.
3>4 Lit tvtr r nia Cnzadoies Cigars;
l* J mis j a Hat do;
1* i nss Iw ft m«.rr* do;
|-J | nx* Ju-.<15.,./ Pr .M-.TS do;
11 4 t>ii M :t!ai on do. do, .
For .ale by niylT I«aIAH DICKKYfcCO..
7'’i < A»9—in* Vini •
Vj i'.l Aii lilt •: do,
s>l do uxu lilt;
ao ,tu 7x*.t do, For sale Uv
m)ls_ W CHEER
-1... U .al.-pire.
IS bids Pepper; , ,
Cinuataon, Clovet, Mare, nno nil other Spices tor Mle
by to) t 4 WORKER
[NISH-SHI,»H NosVa'.faX Muckenl,
r 30 bbu No 1 Herrings, ju«i received and for
vale r.v JOHN SC»/TT A CO
_rn) ij N.. T Commercial Row. Liberty *t'«et
B' ASK STOCK FORSAI.K-One hundred and
.i.iifurn **liui > , -rci.Mi -Kirltangeßankof Ptus •mt.eirt.) AH KKS. Hl'NTHti Co
,5 ’ No 1--Liber y»treet_
o t-roi V .....I ill-»ttub n «iyle* of sprmg .nd
tu i.iii r tgmrd *o.i j>’*iu licit et utd Cap ribbons, just
.^.r 1 ' rhacklett a white _
CIIICKKtUSG’S PIASOS-An elegant rase
«*oo>t -i* -,*-.i- new «*.«■ Piano Fone. manufse
taint I.) CuTr-k*- ring ”oi IV»-toy. will l»e opeurit for sals
ou 'l 4f»ti») , M«> ittiib) J II MhLLOit
ai } il si wood sited
H '“SACCO - -i*i l.xaTot-ero. '
X i jti i>gr Prior A Harwood’s 5 Lamp;
HHI bgs Oilif r Choice Brand*; ■
Fot »»ic l-y myl.v * W GREER.
FX,-*X»KBD.-ii*l> F.JJ.rrf.
I kg [.aid,
• 6do Butler; on consignsnen aufl
frk , lp , v ■ JSCIIOJNAI AKKRA Co
f °n.Vi3 J 1 No V 4 wood street
TjAimss-r by u - ICK t mcCasdless
"* n»s 10 ror wood st»
Limit -in i i,u tj,u will” L'mo. on consignment
’ Noll water st
I,'OCaNG 11V SON TKAS—l>thlf chesulowpn
\,r **“!££>• .
ftr»h Sicily I.emou*. Ju« fecM
J mu./.kr a. ricketson
l.i, ct>il»‘gltlUCut *l>|
in) I* !
i' o;d liovem«f nt J«»a
" VJu'.Eß'ik lIICKimfON
bI'CAB- 21
mi r rrivn) and for tale by
n, i lot ol No l Alletheny, for
ebrnrr water and wood M»_
<lll band ami (ox »ale by
V\ Havana Sjgm
my 17
JJIli lllOJi A
rev 17
0"|> 0..0
mj 17
tnnd'nul ur **!«■ by
EtlJ*. Ac— 6 bbi» No 1 Lard;
> 11 *ek* Feather*;
1 bz Peacock Fly
„,„o iimr Iko
\UB-I'« bt.U Loaf Suhar
to Jo crushed do
,IAoN A Co. water A fiWt *t»
,i st Lou-* <u<«r ReCnery
Jut! ICc'tl and ( » r ‘ •■•*[
L lit JCll
r«» ilui'el A Rnbm»a,s lompi
d, j e> * MUU4 *bo
jo-i.oi ur* •* p’“r
do Me A >‘c _ ~“,.a . ?L
,y myil J A RJtb'l
i" <j
n» .1
in ‘ tore »n<l f" r <:> ' e '*
ra;ia 0 -Jo, f ' laudm- trout Heamer
IOW »^r A CO
gUUAB—I*C 1 *C hhim
ech-iyum.biid K>r««.<
1 by
myll J * B H-HY »■ lw .' -
.«* S^ice rti'ory.fl Flllb mc alioDESfc AS6QRN
JTI'o,«KE-niil-W nnd'around, for ixemmtojolf,
Fl«ii_-2i L.b « larre No 3 Mackerel.
do <!o l Herrin*; , _ .
,s >o ‘”i n .T So?r
and for tale by |>e« liberty at
rayll - --
Fish— ioo 1.0;-. ncrnnjr; . >.
5n iihi» *,*o A South Mackerel,
, 5« bf ht.N Trimmed Bb*d,
.VMiI.H Shad; ~
14 Hi* 'Vbua Fi»h;]o« received »'
my il \V (JRKER. cor •aier amt rmilbfield •!*_
*J .. No M Froiu tirtej
mvis .. - -
•f ARO OIL-' rrcrjved w»<l'or *»le *»
1j .be lo«rp*»e»*»iP»“*«' i , J^ VsB BROC KWAY
inxls 9 fVinim—rci»l K,.0. ««_
re .c.™i p- *'•«
* CO.
t nmsVILLK LlME—liti J** 1
jLy.iii), ’ e "f!rHNnfex°/Ki< i co
T\RIED PKACIIES-1U bhl.'D. l’,«h«!
■ < nJ “'• R(in:;nTS<iN AREPPKRT
VJ in i r.ii W No jl Pina «U*et
iSSw'F » ““f-r"
,LJ «ro..„J aoJ i.n»i»o'i> ™ UOEg t MXXIRN
t , No -/7 F|flb»ur«t _
■|}ac.»N- ;, «' 4 ' “•‘“‘j c . 1
clo'pcon* !
i . v(i <0 iow priced Kpk»u»,
lUou-i ► f« I » nd
, <, r 1 * MILL.BR & RICKETK)N
tof»ae<>> N o 1“d liberty »«
•no»lV»67\l*-J“‘ 1.7> Cincnnui m.naf.cmrrt,
K W> **•«• ' VivilßS. HUNTER fc Co
tea; mm- d and (ot -al- 1 > p |j r a xON_
. n nM< T-. Tn: i iri«i« IHoorna for **!<■ low to
I.OOMS-1JJ0... “'■t ; M.INUL.VACo
' lr> ‘, ° ■» ennaFLaain
M -I 'lll-.V _ *
; " r ..i:\rilKK BAfKEre-fcr 1.-
Cl market n
f, -Htr Green Tea* of various quail
•t. Pf era, |o*i rrc’d and for aale
• P vvnV k .McCANnLKS*
>,'fi rTO\ V A.U*'*-.<5,000 lb» aawrted No* Cot-
WII V carpet chain and batUflJ,
for**' '■« ntaouheiWM. 1 5 ££ y BM K. Y*_Co
P' ntvUBK k: 1 rowder,
OVVOKn jo Ula.tin* do
... .„ ■ FRIKNU. KHKY kCo
IiLOU.’ISwi • , ‘ r :3 " J "£‘psii°OKNm?RGP.R
■YjW 91 neßf »H«T
i • color
' ‘■*’ : %HAC«uK'rr iVIIfTK
N„ M w<yv* M
G"~hi:-:n i'lsint
nr«e-i ?r*u.'
['2 ' . _
m:oo:L chintz. -7 .«.*»■
;,iM s^Kl£r‘W|llTK__
/viUA cas - i»i.i;-"-i.‘«i • , - 1 K “* f
y m \r- 10 "* RifJKwoN.
VV. ca '* VH *- 350 bx SuS&B
myia »tW»t
GULUKN ftVUVF-'i Mf hoi* firfine4
(io d-n ?v l( .;i,i'or»aV |,v
(^imiilHK —tl lu», now lurintK firm atm' Lake
; Kneifonalehy t DICKEY ACo
ibtlO water Je front ut
OTTOS-* U Lalr» Cotton, m store and for sale by
taylO N® W »aier_fcW_fro«it
FjjjU—vl l>ni» No I lU.iiroore jibsdf
vt *’o •>« Herring; <dr«al« t.y
„ li; |0 ' »iltb atreet .
FISII-34M.1. No:» Mackerel;
'69 il.» Not dry ««Hed.
15 Ju Carolina Shad. for sale by
C -tun" Mid- i.i* Uirou It’o. m »tor** and for
V**-. » • J*BFLOVD
{ -0U.5V.1...K
• ? 0 No 3P fifu» *t_
wCaoa WAN TKlj—Country Mixed Bar* ■wanl
-1 r .a. for nieh **
. .. » Firat atreet, Market
p R aTclukS^I''* 1 ''* c,.b
low by cor tmltbfield and frontal*
royttf - .
—oivnes& LEMONS—7* bxaOnroxea; ~ .
KAfwfc- da Lemon*. aft prime
far ..<» h, «"»■« rrMAR-fiM*. WolnuiaTand Filbens. juatire'
! ' ! J rtrT 9 IS. WATER BT THE HErtL HARK.
T.i. cLa«E. R. K, SELLERS.; Beaver tioopr, Bean r.
' Michigan. Adam*. Beaver
Summer*, CmpUini. Lc»»« Liverpod. Lr*»« Amenc. (.ot.hul,Bo«raan. Bro«vn«»ilh-
HiUemia, Kync. May I J«ne » : Lake Erie. Hemphill Beaver.
Washington, llcwill. M«jr I Kambler. Haoghton, McKee»po/J.
. I--: -- Louis Mcl.ane. Bennrtl. Bruwmivilie.
OrncE Pittsburgh U*7,ETTr. / Monterey, Sedgwick. Frcdenrkstowi.
Thursday Morning, May 20 N Clipper So 2. Crouk*.*Oin
We.ther .irm .nd .er T <irj. There «. 3 reel ‘ iSc. En ? l ; |,d. tbl.crl
v .. . . .. . Hudson. hbbert. Sunb*h.
inches wtter at dusk last evening by the metal mark. Wellsv.lle. Catleti. WelUv.llr
The marketforFlourweotupyesterday, Ttyfcijc j j (‘nuenden. Uratl. m Lout,
p bbl, Tally. In the morning buyers were nut early, American Mar. Hanna. Lin
and picked op every bbl ou vale, at ss r sGs'<ts,Bl4 > Anglo baxuo. I rice. Illißui* 1,1 •
bbl. Toward^noon, Ike wharf being cleared. ! Beaver. HnnjJ’l&ver. '
there was a very active inquiry for lots in store, and [ Michigan. Adam*. Beaver
■ considerable amount changed hind*—loo bbls at i Lake (Inc. Hemphill. Beav. r.
53.574. 500 HI 520, IfO at the «me;so at 5.03,400
. *. ’ Kjinbier llaughtmi, Mon. C itv.
at o .Si). Ihe market continuing to \itnprove, there j , lim Me Lane. Benr.cit. llruwiut ,;i«-
wore sale* 1800 bbla at SG, in lots pf GOO, 500, and I Newark. Hurd. Zai-esviiie.
lese, besides some 1000 on private tefmv. Over 56 i despatch, Nelson. Mnnnngahela <iv
_ . . '■ , .1 Wilmmcinn, Sieven*. Steubenville.
»a. p.iJ 10, the Prantpo-leri receipt! .roee er t.o , Hlb , r „,' Wheel,e*-.
parcels, in the afternoon the Floor brought by two | Rho,ic Island. Dawson. Sonfiih.
boats then arrived, changed bands at j New England N 0.2. I>«an, Cincincr;
P bbl. The market Closed in a very feverish *tate j J|“* l | n B 0aU *
anj quite uuettled. Freights wavering between I hchu)lkiU. Ar.drcwr. N. Orleans.
1,75ap bbl. i —^————
A sale 150 bu OaU it 28c bu. orn t? * 11 1> a »r n
Sale 9 bales mid Tcnn Cotton at liJJc- credit. ; uIY Ji U\JAI , Ot
• aale 300bo Peaches, a mixed lot, at ,1»4 V 1 roll Cl NCI NNATI AND •»r I.ol'ljv
I*o* . I j|—iTi~g tw. Tlic elegititi and »tuunr.i l*iick
The col. tell —This is the name of the new j |fL 1. J J. CKITrKNDK.N,
•learner boilt by Capl Mark Sterling, under a con
■jacl wiih Ihe Quartermaster General, and intended
lor service in Ina department on the Rio (mode.
She is one of the strongest boats built here lor
year*, beautitully modeled, and altogether a very
superior craft. Length on deck 151 It; keel 146 I';
beam 31 ft forward of, and 23 at the wheels; ft
UoorandClt2 inehea hold. 272 lona, Carpenter's r(|R CINCINNATI
measurement. Boilt by Pringle. Two Lagines— The staunch liebi draunhi * ram«
.1 boilers, 42 inch, 26 ft length; Cylinders 20 inch, j IUTTfTJ SVNDSaM.
tt atroke. Wheel, II dmnelcr, LI !l bucket; bbill |
by Snowden. These are beautifully finished, and j *'or or t\n«‘:irr snii'v nn i n"r.i imvn
are ol superior construction. The cabin is small, J REGULAR CINCINNAA II I'Ak'KKT
having aecomodationa for n limited number. As she i jasmin The clrpini an.l •iium'li I'm-’.-i i
is lu cross tho Gulph, her peculiar model is necer* | Mnrlcnn Vitn^ijtviiu''vV n ,
«ary; and the Lrge proportion of power is requisite ' rvrr>»Tur*itav roonnr.c
to navigate the swift Rio Grande. 1 , ,;,,c *•»•* •i-c j
• ni 10 ii clocl. a. u For ;>.noi;e imm»> <m
This fine boat was built a:d furoisbed oat and out | imniij \ mviM
in the abort space of t>b dsys—her Kngines were ] KKt.l l.Alt CINCINNATI A-to l.oi l" I’Ai'KIT
completed and oo board in 47 days. This beats the j sggg-a* a lhejt<*w noil r
time of the Louisville and- Cincinnati builders ail j Wnodwanl muirr. -.v ,11 v«vr u|,
liultotr. The contractors who bailt in those cities j j ryVh houril
had three months start of Capt Sterling, and yet hi J ! S nr
ready nearly as soon. Gen Jr sue was aaionished at ; poR CINCINN ATI A CoI'ISVILJ.I'.
the rapidity with which ahe waa built. She leaves j "'^STMrVpii 1 !
,-o day for New Orleans, wheic she will be delivered G iffr. j, inn»i'i* w.!i;..i\< ■*» al-ye
; to.the Government,and takes with her a full loadol ! fru*u'il *' f
1 •luartennsster’s stores. 1 1 ml';
Import* into New Orleans from the interior,From j FOR CINCINNATI
IstSeptember 1816 and 1343. to May.Bth. each year: i . Ttio ei.«oiu^n.M«^P*«-kn
This Last I W,M* Calhoun will l«-*ve :»• above
aRTICLF.S. Season. Season. j liimujhout u.e •rmnn For
llacoo hhd. «:!«> :B«J I (S**”' ?■”*'' V l * ™ '“"S' l "’l''-
Bacon, ia bulk Iba 249793 333000: FOU ST Mil’isjDtHKlT
Baggios pc« 341ti6 70654! s. nauiick-nt r-rpitm Mmiarr
Rale Hope coil* 37097 40148 ! £X^d.J—„ NORTH CA Rut.lN A.
Beef trca and bbla 4fiiCl - 57210 . vrn ';Pi ' “ V< 'i'*
Butler kega and tirkina 30791 .10465 I I'fruM i>M*>{«*.aBv ni'lil oii*i*o«'ii °
(Louisiana and Miu. ..bales 394186 72.606 : m>i-j
/ Lake 1711 13322! ' i*| rTsfiUHUtl AN H .-lii.Ul if* IACKI-H .
O N Alabama and Teno 205032 19173 b . -fiaum . »y iui rr
r- J Arkanaaa 57016 . CW22 ; GC|3f DtiLIKK,
- Mobile 10013 4101 ; _ I.von*. iimjier was > u:li caprrs.lj
371 W 3518 : . , . . u r fl >/’““'I i be -“
Corn acka and bbla 2355211 / m 5 ' ,d,r, t ,nl , r jl
Flour bbla 1247322 674007 kw-luh wU-Jt
Hemp .'... .bdls 35673 22372. <£»*»- fc f
l-ard bbla 110227 95136 , Cwi«/em.frr
I.ird keg* 239196 SIKW9 j ~viwe t „
Lead pigs 250774 110702 ! v«lte, Uuri-i* the n*a*nn. r*be }n
OaU bul* and ska .375667 150417 ] u-n*. May till, at 4 o’ciork. »
Fork bbla 273677 35141.9 ! For frr, C hi or passage *rpl>?o>
I'.rti, m balk Ib. 7TB2U WWii.l 1 f™*;'' 1 !'
IS 2S! dg££ zzfhil-
Wheat.... w bbla and aka 389711 180009 wS3£S&!&3 ? »Hri t.ei*eVr
Whiskey bbla 97042 00192 i vit:«. For ircetu or p«.-ac- *
RIVER NEWS. , ™' 4 • ' iM) " '"'i
„ „ . Recnlar Pl(t»liurcli>
Ssscold—The fine ateamer Eudora.uut with ParUetl
an accidental Millikeo'a Bend. When under way, Tv ii'-v aiit
•nd in the main channel of the rirer. she encuunt* . r. I’oi
rred a Pulk»alock, which ripped up bei low er guard, ; sSypSSr'SSSr
• ntered her boiler deck juatabreaat the clerk’a office, ; "□rn:ehid*»’ n’lVrvr.'uio
and patted through the hunicane root, carrying • aeemmnodni «>n» t» i<n■»*»•(>«•-i
-_ . - , • Tuev)*v. Mbv till, ai ‘.‘(ir.iii '4s i
hoards, canvaae, &.C., before it. No more damage ji (>| ,j. i,
done than the carpenter eonld repair. N.i person £
hurt. KKCI LaR , '!.\ci'fX *
Lanai freight.—The ateamer Falcon arrived , , '** *•
*e<terday Irom Hock laland with the following cargo. i.,
108 caka. 2067 pea bulk bacon, 154 bbla lard. 207 no ■KBOBSSsai.ii,' ihe m *-.r
dour, 106 do pork, 2do and 2 acka bean*, 2907 d. 15 <!•>. w» nnh 14 n.
Libl* wheat,297 acka oata, 17Jdo corn.9s d 0,57 ohla P a ‘ ,n R" “Pl’ 5 01 ‘ hoard *
oolatoea, 100 rcke barley. 189 hidea. 2 ackajpgard Regular Plttaburgfi i
■ale fuN, 4 skin*, 1 corn-tbeller, 2 peg* md*e.~(M ! nir • ’tV
Loun New fclra. ' •% ? " {XI
The-Kr**ay»: Otficeri of Uic ateamer Whirlwind «
repoit that Capt Boyce enterloina great bopea of *“*■““{Vr*,'r' ■
raising the Saluda, conk on Thuraday Jut, In ll.e or io ap7 I) ■
Miuouri river,a lew mile*below Hocbeport. When Pittsburgh mil Sui
the W left, her officer* bad ncceeded in building a •%. n ''* ""lli
tiolkbetd around the leak, and had commenced KiiVn. mu:,i
pomping the water out oi her hall.
DOiIKSTK- MABKiriY. ds>- m 5 o'.-w*-k. I*,M
on board
St Locia. May 12.—Sale* of Flour at *} 4.<5.1 >5, sieKF’t-‘l*'»K t M. /- \ »>. t
aod' SOO bbla Union City mills at Country ' ‘ jjj j,,\ ri j y ri.ii r
br*»da heldat 55 freelr ottered at lhe k. Tho ..r»v 1
close. Wheat—Sales over 20.0U0 bu—in , fC*,. .Jj DKisPATCII
irom 83 to 964 c. Corn at33c without teks—held at J’' l *’''; cn»-sriU r
35c. Hemp—sales ol 10 tons prime, from store, at " ' u ~ v\ r « y'
and 10 tons do. at $B5 t* tun. Nothing in ,^'vrrv'tl.i-k-‘'.'’tVJr-.L'i '
Pori. Sales of Bacon 9 c*ks; Side» at 74cj 4 cats cl<)<;k A >[ F..fii<- ehi <n ,
-shoulders4Jc; Hams 54c; Sides 7Jc V* l‘*- Sale of :
5U bbla Lard. 7c; 10 bbl* go«»d, “4c. Freights 1
icmJsj. lor flosr Coe; corn and wheat ISH 16c; hemp .
jll —jKc publican. ' ,
•BROWNSVILLE PACKETS at C i st. and 3 1 * 3r=s *»
•BEAVER PACKETS at 9 and 10 a u and 3 r *
•D. LEECH Sc Co'*. PACKET, Philadelphia and
Baltimore.9r. m.
•WELLSVILLE. Wellstille. 3 r. w
•WISCONSIN. Cincinnati, 10a. m.
•NEW ENGLAND. Wheeling. 10 a.
'SUNBEAM. Cincinnati. 4 f. «.
•J J CKrrrENOEN, Cincinnati, 10 a. w.
"AMERICAN STAR, Cincinnati, 4 r. m.
COL. YELL, New Orlean*, 10*. *
•Theae are regular Packet*.
WELLSVILLK—Per Wellavilie—3o9 bbla flour, ,
H Grail—ll 3 tlo.T Little—loo do, Bingham—lo
■'oaff* rye,C C Catlett—3l do, barley, D MeOooald—
lHO bbl* floor,McGill. 4c Buabfield—43 *cko barley
ind rye, G W Smith—lido bran, l Murdock—3 «1»
d fruit, M'Clurkandc co—2 bbl* pork. I keg lard, 5
net tacos, SO bbla floor, Church 4c Carotheri.
ZANESVILLE—Per Newark—2oo bbla flour. A
M Wallingford—23o do, H Grail—»» Midi bacon,
Taafe it O'Connor—l2 do, Bdo tobacco, D Leech
St co— 14do,7bd1n leather, Bingham—3l do, J Lig
gett—2 bzs and 2 jara lard, Jordan &. Son—ll keg*
Jn, 5 hhda baeon, 5 keg* butter, 1 bbl egg*,2 hhd*
bacon, 3 trea do, Bagaley it Smith.
CINCINNATI—per Friendship—62 bbl* whiskey
; K Moore—l2B6 can baras,Taafe it O’Coimor —10
i 6dla old iron,3 bbla scrap do, E Kvana—2odn luma,
! 00 bxa pork, H Graft—loo bbla whiskey, A Ucelen
—l5 tops pig iron, Allen it co—l bbla beane, Wtl*
liam* 4c Dilworth—B aeka do, I bbl ltaiseed,9 do
potatoes, Church & Carolhcro—2l ark. rag*, Geo
Morgan &. co—la htid* tolyjpco, J A Itne—3 do, K
DaJaell it co—2 do, Clarke St Thaw—ls bbla pota
toes, (• Dolf— 21 hbds tobacco, D Leech it co—2lU
bbla flour, Tiernan 4c Jones.
Per New England No 2—l-1 baa arm*, itc, J Bir
mingham—l b», McDonald 4c -Beeson—3 pega. JI)
Mellor—7do,43 bales hemp. H Grail—l 2 baleadn,
Clarke & Thaw—s peg*, owner.
- Per American Star—Bl. bale* cotton. Atwood.
Jones At Co—l 2 baa candlea, Wick 4c M'Ondle**
—lOdo. Spang 4t co-r-2UO d bides,T G Odiorne—
-23 bbla alum, C Ihmaen—P23hhd* bacon. Jordan 'it
Son—67bb!« whiskey, J .Parker—3o do, J4c J Me-
DeriU—3o do, K Wataon 4c co.
BEAVEII—Pei Lake Erie—22 bbla flour, 21 ica
bacon, 18 aeka d apples, L S Waterman—lo bbla
flour, R Watson 4c co—l 3 bxi cheeae, Kagslcy &
smith— 2 j'Cgs, G A Berry—2 do do, Kay 4c co— 21
bile* hay, 1 do blankets, J Kichardaou.
SUNFISH—Per Rhode ’aland—3l pea baeon. I
hhd do, 2 do tobacco, J A Roe—lB do, Uingham-r 1
do, R Daisell it co—3 do. D Leech 4c co—3s bbla
- tl-ur, Wallmglurd—7 aeka apples, Painter 4c c<£—
> X 3 bbla flour, (• A Berry.
STEUBENVILLE—Per Wilmington—lB bbla
flour, Allen it co- 90d», Bingham—l 32 do,T Little
3 lc ka wool, Jordan 4c Son —1 calc bacon, Iba, 3
ken lard. 2do batter, I sek wool, Bingham—l do.
H Mitehhell—3o3 bbla flour. J M'Cully—s aeka
huaka.J P llanna—llG do, 32 Jo apples, 27 aoka
oala, li t sundries, owner* aboard.
I sT LOUIS—Per J J Crittenden—c*k« baron,
| H Gralf— Bo do. Bmgftam—9 bbl* potaah;Church 4c
|•BroU^e^—ls hhda tobacco, Hutchiaon 4c co—B do,
W B Holme* 4c co—l bbl sugar, 1 dy» hams, WaL
], nJ rord-l» fti- le,d, Poindciwr U co-lfi ~.ek.
■bra and tkioa. A Beclen—4 bbla collet, ( nrling,
ttobertnon 4c eo—33 treahama, *2 baa. 1 bales woo*,
t ctk bacon, I peg, 300 4 hides, 10 hint* tobacco, I)
Leech 4c co,
BROWNSVILLE|-PerLoui»MeL«ne-C> bbl.
6our„F A Kooni—s9 do, owner—72 tars iron. J
kegs nails, E Kenan—l3 aeke oat*, M (.Uiikin &i co
—231 bbla flour. 1C bis gist*, o»oer»—3 bbla Hour.
| DO aeka and 2 bbla corn, relief of Ireland.
1 Per Conan'—lo mt csia. Miller <!fc KirkflJon-•
lb*. A Vankiik—37l bbta Ilnur. bbla appleajOwn
-1 era.
NoPO Itbrny V
ROLLSTOWN— Per barge—l3o i>bla flour, 150
bo eats, to master.
ILLINOIS RIVER—Per Anglo Saaoo—l3 *ck«
wool, Forsyth 4c' co—9o bbla hams,<i caks bacon,
Bingham—4B do, 93 Uca do, 15 bbla b latlea, li do
oil, 36 do hides, 299 Bailed do, R M Keer—34 hbds.
"baeon, 420 pea balk pork,owner aboard.
ICR CREAM FREEZERS —Just rac'd, a tage aasori
of Johnson'* excellent Patent lev Cream Prrr.
len, Mitthlk for llote'e, Sleunboau and private famr
oy7 N«P market ai
tar alt. in.t»" :. will l-tivr h« n'-mfui Tlinr«iJnv tror in ng, May •JO.
For Or >1(1.1 or par***.- apply on lajanl.
. Tiie litbi dr»uc'>' I’nekn
ifigfe... *^*s
•ih.T. lav r>r„ '-U
Forfrc:glit nr 4ppl>„ou t.ourU.
L».f. Pa.kkt
i diaufilii and tu»i run
w,|i run as u frei.lm
ftlsburgh ami
vn on Thur-dav eve
1.1. K.
nlvol U.Ttnl
KN'IKHiM! a-.m_
irut Zminvllkr
.. Uii m\s c
i! f.\t si'i
Allegheny Troiie.
! an>l Fronkl-n I'ur »t ]>,!•
ai«n .
"it K UH<». «
* m: For ir> ißhrot-pu*»>.s- api'i t J" iirr
*•■«! <»*l running «H
jKXtilj A.\D,
pirr>uu»;u ivxu "mi., Th»r~i.iy ami !«aiJt*Uf
■ndlWvm* hcl:tu •'*/
PriiaV-«* 1* o'clock. AM. j
T|.e N<*w rii«l:>n>l im4i'er:i|
p«V«R« apply on Itnard or in
apply oil Imarxl or in j
Wft " w]»vn'i-K
evrjrv e»f«i■>« ■$ ° Llork . l , u '* '.’ V , .
• Filirr’* Pairnt ta»cori,< H »ii‘f <.uasr- K»r I" *
Ot ha«»nge upplj un
jV3» a U* ,al i' c«»n<i«oi!) at ilir 1 .I*l.
WlTxif to fcc< ivr uc.fcbl. *'i{ lli" »«'-1* ! nlwu". •on m>
Malt V A McBA.NK. Agrnt’Vackct Kurt ano
j srKtnKNviu.K (
l, 1
1 Vor ir-'slii
" KilO Ul.Afl' ri l 1 I SUU RUIJp A NIVW 11 KKi.l N(i
TliP Mramur
■'*■ '""’"'..“-.'i
L< . >r.
J 41 11J0Y....-L. A *«
. U'r> m
lutlS KI.ACK. A rut
A M.; mid Drown.ville •■My Mon'i-i ." • • i«?
and Friday, .»t “ oVlocl .
l*uf frrijtlJt «.r »jO , '•/. l '^ nr ' l - ‘• r ' '
so tt <• vnalj\ nkw orlfw*
\ .iKNT* i-rJ II«*. »;»tri.«,we 5ir.,,,, ►us»t
A Refutrr) . Alw-y ',»'**• ' 1 m
I’nwilered Cm.hrd. t utt.l Urt-tnrt* >uciur. m
T?rTcrw..J «-.rrrU • Hou.r > Mol. .y.
Prior, irtiotnl and « fair ullnwunco made on all «alr«
nf.or alxive. 50 barrel*. _ niriill
OKCOKD HAND IMANOh-An eaeelletn *•
o «.«•! hand l*.»o» *-»ne. •«*<»- **' •* * l, ‘'
New York wnli •'! o<-lav<-., :rwu a-m m i-o .i.-r-
JC A ..i m uvr •rroml band P"*no. »->' flrmerm
r " " lr "'l®
|.**c low. r ' WC
MANUFACTURERS or Spriii* and Uli*iri Sserl.
Plo n»i"S tool. Slrel PUiugli W mg*, '.nai l, and
Klipiio Sprin*.. Hammered Icon Aklr • and dealer. m
Malleable Ca*iin<«, and Coarh Tiinwini'K' I' 1 '"* 1 ')
i-wni’f of Rom and Frnfit I’lU.lmrtb, I a ■
. Irtntf ’ _ .
(NOACII THIJIIMINGJi- Ttir . u U.n' .r« are
./ now r»rr a lnr*e ami r ti--.i*;vi- a.-munr..- <>l
O.arb Tr.iininnf * ■»■ ilic Ulr.l M> Jr *~ himhiik »l . n
arr wst arl.i.lf* ilia) have newer Ihtii fcept'jre
which limy |iJiclm.rd for c»»b from ihe En*ier:t Mumi
faetuit'*, and arc ablr in toll Sit Imv •• any llou*e iu
NrW Yoiknf I’hitadi Inina Tnry would ri »|»rrinilly
invilr tlir nUruimil */ dealer,
myliiWm JONES A tjCH.U. for Ilot« 4 l»i
$5,00. BOOTS 5,00.
THE tubwrfihcr rt*pcctfully m<urra» ibe public that
keW eommcnccd ihc manufacture of Gtnthmtn
yXnabU Rwti.ofpcowl malrrrnl and wo.ktmm.b.p
f £hirli he will warrant «P*Tior in »»>' -*» < vrr made
inViUuborih for the pni-r. 1 Th«*c bumlttiiiie 1.001
,n .„_.A in measure. and warrani ihcm a* repre
,il tow or I IVE DOLLARS
cash. O.H-.1. *>; '''''“ftromr
o, Ikfo. )«> nHKRSKISf.
1 HARRIS ha* dacy about four u»nJ», engaged in
• prepsrtngH'.r hi* new and important worts ooocr
twoctnea—l’litHiurgh and Allegheny. and namrdiatc
ttetghhorbood—and *:-lnngto make this, |>U fifth ed.-
non and ‘D-rcrtory. a« perfect. n»j»p t te and o**nut a*
pa«*iot«-. withe* me entien* to g'-*- m ihetr name*, rer-
U-i.i r*. bunnes* and card*, ami (■<' they hate not vrtj
iA •ulivrnue tor the work. nthur .hiough lit* agent.or
li> c tiling at bit office. And. at hr it an old (alitor h;m
-•ell. an.l iiiwayi give* eacii Kdnor of our.dty paper* a
j smlaome copy and notice, tie hope* they will facet and the public, by copying tli.» untie*:. ft. that all
may re-.d -t.
lie < x.iren at«o, to have u *u.labi* and respectable
Agent locnliupon the VViinteaale Merchant*. Manu
facturer-,. I loir I Kerprrt. Ac , and Professional (ientlc -
men m H.-iltirnore Philadelphia, .New York. Ac. Ac,
to -uliscrbe lot. and patio me bitfl ami them*elvc*. by a ropy of the work and g.nng their eanlt,
names and »ijvrr«eineiii< for n.
V D ~A.I ih- Kd.'ors of tii-übove eitic* and tlin*e
n. Lancaster ll.m&burg Crumhc rsburg. IJni.'ntown
Hrown»v:i:e, Curntx rlaad. Wheeling. Cincinnati. Lou
• • v,..e. Ctrvr am!. P-rtf, Ar . mat eoj>y the above and
«eii't a paper w:h :o me. w 1! Lave u enpv tent then:
er.iiuir.u-:>. ISAAC HARRIS
im!s A/r ii’ ar..l Cumtm»«m:i Mcil.m-t
Dili WOODS Sarsaparilla and’ WIW
Cherry Bitters. b»r tin- cure of tli- fcHowtne
disease*: I. vrr Cnmnlunt. all U a.oo- Coin
pin. Head ivl,e. H>ori Hunt. Imbgesi.on. habir
ual Cosi. v - nr-*. Piie-, Palpitations of the Heart. Los
of Apt.-t-te,l)y«pcp*:a. Nervous Irritation*. Debilitated :
Stomach Languor, Depression of s-ptr:!*, Chronic Rheu
mot.»m. Cu’aneou* Ui*ea*c*. Cunkrr. Syphiloid Ditea
-e* Scrofula luipurnt- of ih<- Il!«x>H. I’.mple* and
I’u• rule< on the Face, HcrcdiMr' Humor-, Cold Rote*,
and n! di-ea-rs ui.sini; frotc hi injudicious use of Men
Tu» att-ni.on of t!.e puM.e. nnd of all lbo*e
uilln-ieil tiy any oi the above Unease*, i* respectfully
cailr*t 10 the menu of a nrw ond'invaluable prepara
tion limn an original recipe of a disungiiKkrd physic ian,
emu.. g in it-elf ihe innsi ntiire remedial prone rtto.
oi t.vo ot the very hr*i articles m the Mktena Medicu.
Tl.e f-nrs.inarillu and Wild Cherry ltitjer* were in
trotliiccd to the put.lic about twelve months ago. und
dur ng thul per od their sucre** ha- been ho great u* In
;nr!.i'-< ibc ptopi ictor t» offer them iviih still moie confi
dence, in thr lull belief'mat by entering into tnoreei use, they will prove'a i>le«eri.g to o!> llio-e
suffering from ibc discuses almve enumerated.
bold, wholesale and mini, by W\ ATT A KKTCH
AM. general agents, 121 FultonMrrei. New York; W*
Ttiiinv Muikrt street, nnd l*. R RiWTKR, Rmithfield
strret. Pittsburgh, Fu. I'nee SI —large bottler.
meh'.-tMAn ' V,l|. '
Charles .Street, between Market ami Lombard
Streets, Baltimore
•"fi Titc »u''«cr li> r having lu«--ii the above citab
a I -liiifrit '’e-ffer* Ifr -ervir-«tti the and
P'lnt.c geiieru'ly. It ,» ronven'riitlj situated us
uniM- Hie* uitd Knt.rvad Depot—:»m the
iii..:,i ol the more egir-risive Imimri ne Houses—nnd in
iai*i, the lot ai on otlr-s t > tln>«e vhilieV.ty, u» ma
ny . ruiven.em i s amt comforts u* the oiber principal
Hut i* 1-
i'nr i,(iG»c is no.s ]>• ,ng hncd up with new furniture.
• n imod t ««te at.d style, and will he open to the public
on ili-- tfj'dav oi Apr.!. t»J* prnprift >r trusts that
Iran ."cut’' '" C ,>J '' ' ' " \v\v MX.'
1. :• o. f'.e n■ ul <* i Dili Fogg
I’nilmnre. Arnl V i- t! tuyWhtn
Curlier uf tiallimore and Fulaw Streets,
HKNRV F J.M-’KhO.N i'Uoi*lUrrOß'~'
r plllS spieiid d in..! Hi.’- . •i-.-n.y stuated
1 tor both tinsine-* Mild p • -..ri- I lave !. r«. i‘ -»cqit
li i' i’ .I as lo rorni in- » • i:i- '.:tur Ltuf tnc best Hotel*
Cun er suite*o' «partruer.t- -j-e >n ill yeuaons reaerved
..-the ucrommodutiou o. tran-.eni yuesn, und fam’l.e*
’-it.i'g the < :ty wht f;ml ib- hrr*w llorsi a Homt,
va«urpa*»rd by a>.y llmel ;n ll.i I'imhi
i iniv- mem in Depot* nml the l.amlmc*. <*t wliifb the
t'narbe- and <n the House are at alt nine* m to convey p*»*eugirrs und their baggage, free
..• era «e to in- Hcngk.
Trsv—tiemleniens’ Ordmaiv. I*l Ofl per day.
mvlT I.adie*’ do. t-t.W do tiuw2tn
lIKHMA, OK lllPtl'KU.
DR ItAI.’OKK inform* a'l peraon* *tfliclcd with ib:»
di«!fr'«»mjf complaint. ijint harm? become the pur
. . iM-i of Dr Hurll.un'a pat--ni ‘ Keniedie* 1 ’
i..r i.iurr w tlmul wearing Tni*»r». b.-i»nowpt»pr«-
r. A 10 Cur.; a. -orb U» m*v offer i.i B very few <Jay»
..hIM Ih'. I'rvm.,;l T»> rate-arc b) ariirle of
«<rr-ii.rn! ‘ warrant* that iftr»e rrmeitie* when jighry
-ppl w II vvr . am prnnarrnilv rurr “ r«»e«o>rt oi
11. u • o | | un ,t r.uiic «• i!i - > in.i > dpp‘v. in r>« rlur* time
. :.*,• lte»; 1 c.n* Purtmilar* given
mton to the »u-/-cr t-rr. and crn.bea'r* of
wu Off,.-.l)r I r llall** Drug Sinre. tb
it *iferi. i -or | r'V
0.1 npi>! l -
Fur «u.r itie nghi o; n*- m ih<* t»n.r.*.i>i{ Count.?*,
v.i I'.-avti U.►U.ngior,. t.rniir, KU, i*om*r*?i,
>'ju,iir... Iluia ncito:) la.t ann, ClrfltfitUl. Armstrong.
Attention given .11 «l. c»»ei«>l J S~l
At.- l..n»* Hint U.un.! it- l.«k.
I>'c4in •«.( *h*- [> i*i
T ■«!« i.flit llt-ii
iiSf,,-, Kntr*n:
« r *•* r
.i.'i .!;’•> I W r da'-v' k. . I
,Ki K.-iUj. rrul>v. til H-.U’. Ml> -JI
■l.l <'h o. Cja r. J-'i.Jw.. Min vl
do InJ-ina. It.rWry Saturday. Mb. «. ,
J„ Lo-j-.mvii*. C;«pt 1 h.mif:.on, , f»Uy - .
iUuil .''it l-.ckcl U*cr
.Mouorcabelu Hou—. V\ u;«-r *lrr. t, or o'
my lo 0 I.KECII ACm*! Baain .
I.I.M.OKCAN.M. I aTK Itl !* AM. -JTaMS *«' , il chmp b.i-J on «
1547. z&
iCA.NAI. l».\'*KirrS TKI.KJiMAI’U k SHALLOW , , I|o LANUS FOIL KAL.K - l*' >■< • »>' hue
I | KAVK Bca.rr daily m o rloch. rM . a'.ler ihr ■() , “V itinrfii Uc H .r. -on . .!•«.. in (to
L arrival 6- the Meaialioai HltA VKR from lMW.ur*h. t Mes ri, It. , . .... un
' n-.d arr vc .1 Warm, next in ‘eaten Ibr -Ur ; '“"’“,'“"'''7 ',£'** „ rr on „.r nr.m 4o«r!:>'>«
. S.afrs which reach Cleveland hrtore n.ghl ; ' j aic V barn* w.ih good i< i c.ii* nnil iicver-iaiW
1 I’hik iiK-’f* will l>c rrr c .pird tbrjujli. »cctmng .•■rih? ' “ ig J V* Or-Id for itnry
.on il.t I'arfcen and •-»H m Hi' • tor*, oil application , « hßlllJrri , drill*/! or J r drd io Mid nuicnaicr*. Ti
*« '* .!£*"s.-.nirrU. p-.v».-nta ...ay »e to mi., and
V J[ A « K . T( . ,N n ' ‘’ l •• u,vn rfcr’Vf “' r """ ad TuAii , loN ,^MrrUA*o° n
i i AKKI. A ' ««. Iknvcr I * ,« w.*ul »u.-i
JKOK BAf.inVI.N, Vourn-a-An ' 1 ‘ -
jiueraejr. *&riW 1
...... i,- - nil i •:■— ’n •’ -n I i *i «"'•« n- i ... pjt ALL, inlornir in frsrod* am' 'be pub- ' Two lu» » oi' U Acre* each.
. .-i- c,n.- i.o-.i .. ih- <>i. ..'I now , „ MlB , (l , h „. rommen,-. d the Il.u.iur*. r.i i>.,. - „MAck-;
;; i-. ■rjii • or more ot H»” r«->Tii - lal<». It/ Arm' (••r 1 ..y ms and real coialc m th.»Cii‘ - arid Two *• of 5 ,Acrr« eftrti;
. --eii.' iii >■ i»r‘ a...! dur :i/ ir.c pH«i i» ■ n-' r - a largr no.non nl" hi« i.rae mid ancui.ofi m T lirrr of n Acre* e*«-li;
■ ■ ’ 'I"— 1 ' i... ... Mi... .«J b,.i.|.l 1 , 0 „ - - ■■
..I. lit -.11 l..»mc w t.»?ui -ii) mu' r> anJI *ro*rl , <tf r^itpi.„B ...,d di*i.or>n«; »ci.t«.ar.doil,- U ... i„ lcrm- Apply 10,
, . ’ri.iii hiur. *‘ t.» i-r.iv. t.- him won ruin rf < . a ||(4 and and ... Atc..c, |.i - , y* CtTHBERT. Kcal h>tntc OiTicc
/• n ' i.r« \' i jt'mjii »»'i-i w iun,« •• imn io rernam lie wd al»«> n. iht. , r(V j.j N’,» So Suntl.field mrerl**
.-•••Ii -•-• l-r. in*. 1 , .»a-ta.i«l.«• l. r c ..1.i.; , ..U’.Ui.i I die. i-,,.,,,:.. Ac .wlnr-ti In.rnniV.,
« • r,. 1- .» May ..:-d .irtr tr. - iia.e u. K.!i.-v« V ‘ m.tiiance rtninr ,br. Dm. He rail Pc l..urid
, ■ 1•H. h. S'ei.-r.' C...inrt. N.-W A «•> h ,* r -..dcncc. No Hi A?ru ..rinunai 9l dj o'clock ;
JO>M M "H1.1.1.V.t i ,hr nrortini<«nd after t; t.'rlorli i.nbiievcnrii*. »nd
A CAItU. ' at oilier boor* at ln«officc. No -jo Chntut-era itrect, ‘.'nd
IJAA I N < i tree vrrt l.ei n*r- l>r nrc -t, “I 11 '‘ ! from room- NEW t'OR K.
I'l |:r.i ‘.Varda: the .• i:, of l*ni*”urtti u. •• 1 1 « 'i'• p KFKR KN Hon F A rallniadj{e,l lion John Jl : >i r ;ui.« 1 ijU'ti., *'.or ricrjirnial aa.l .<*r .irrrrn j! . Hon John VrKr-un. Ilotl (Jjilr-n llatfilian. A‘* j
. m ...I -a i-c u*«-d in ibe mi*: I !•« ■ r >-1 ■ > u.-i.iy . ,|,.(njan Kft'ien Hen non Aid kA m \ Brnty, |Li val •
... i-. r-nji* Ifpi-, nr or lUr* abort w.Mt rr • ( t, ra |, a ii , K*q. \Vm J Koorot. K»<) tuv llldliin l
-.V 1 Ar'r ViV'Ta»JT*«i‘ l u ,, u^'H"*aw ! bc Yii-d'a! \ bLEUHKNY COIXTY, 88.
. . .Jill . ... ».„ \o S 7 Waral .*x IN tlio rtrphait* Couii of Allrrhruy County
*' , ‘ h r- wfM.KR* In the roancr of the Adtnmiitraiion
riri-.-i y u) < _ • —— ! A-hfinißßa Account of Tho*. l|am;l:oii ajid John
nOLD PKM-A Urcc var • iy of t*old leu... of JUcClarrn, Kircnlora of il.c ,>im. of
(j t,.t lda-,.:. j K d■ cc.aicd. No ».
«-ii. ru- .» « Jr f l, *" s - 1 "“** i c Darra ( U.E»q. Aodiior. to .title the Accouni oMhc
•;; i&z-j:xz.ZJZ Ir-*—- u > -« v «
n zfc'** ,v " ■ r *' •
.. r t f.-.|i. ful I% . iifnrln* h, • I'mn.H und iK'public.
It nt tit .» ra.vr rtrcvinp bi« »pf:HK *»*Otl«nellt l»f H««od».
1 .... Ir ,| 1.1 h, rilin' i.l «unrr'Ol Ati.ttnv. and reduced
: I’.'t-on* iii.niii lur-'.-liin* il.cir liou.rt would do
I *.<•.. to ,-ali «• i.r i* derc rrOpiinl u.rrll nl »mall profit*
| ini -juick return
1 J 'I M KI.:.<IK. “1 wood
|\i:’ru’'' N M". ' * SAR*A*
1J i’AKII.LA Won«lrr mi-i ot The Arr V
rr. r.x’rn' • m
,!.M .. , ~.-4.- • • --'l' ' '- r •• fi S
. . . I . Jr . v. • ,-ki» n S .or
Vw."u*.-tl «.. , rv»*;u'iy 11. ibe
• ;> 1 an*in*
House and lot fok salk-i wilt mii
o very handsome Home, Gni.ljed m
, modern *t. !<• with about one acre of Rround, *ituated
: on the road to the Ar.entl in the borou.h of Lawrence,
j *;ifin. Terms mode.ate. lIKNR\ KAHL
] tnylUJlw NofiTMajk^imr-f^
RKAL KSTATF in AUecbeny Cny—' Thesuh-cnbers
offer for ».|e a lot of Rfomid in Allefheny Cuv, stt
Tret I.) *>s.lroniicg on Canal »>rrct and extending bhek
io l.ibert|- atrect ll imgbt be subdivided imofour food
r.-cn-if .uppi-cd a-u‘ual,w.ih all the ''■J 10 * 1 ' . will besoldchrnp and on aecommoda
«•' Look. UR and parltn-fe i«refull> •>' ."rms ISAI *H DICKKY A Co
in I .ilifnil rtt'i’minl *or rn*li * u watrr amt front s|t
f a l>xikinß 1 K.[ \V,«r*rn*m. F. F <noa-BK««»:a. J A Snrrxtoi. “ For Rent. " ‘
srEP S«S iro "
...1 w.n.lier under f**n. It It l.mer to aiiritn t M.nnf.irture all kind.or toiler. *heet, bar iron and , weJ | Hm.bed ollirr.ovrr Fhi'oHall
•••-'< ~;,u '*.* pt° , u "‘ 'X ,r " 0E ,, P V„!. ! A U »teel el.ntie *|.rinß. and Bile. iemgeon „ u a .e,h,m Room under the fiarciie Office
le...,, .k-irn pb>man iron. ,“ r « ! necled w,.|. Sln.enUgc.'* Old Juniata Work*, we ran * f „ f n Uarll „. K D (iA/.ZAM
. r .„..|..e.,uark. Dr Jsyne j>u« <-■* *'"'*he > a »rput offK , u[t « fll , ; | e 0 f Juniata <ron {branded Shorntieiier] * ~, Office. Mnrket si. bet :bl aml4tt»
> iH'r mr pftii.-.. ion.. >k'i.. nod b>» rrnir Hr. .. Bfjy m it,e country. All of which will be “ -•**
•n cossn* and cull!" ,uvr l« rn provedefficacious * j lllr |'itt«burfhprtce*- \Vairbou«eofihe Work. \T ALUAULK I’ROfFUTY FOR BALL Id acre.
•1.-. A' fei . ; ,1 Mon.* 1V.1., ....... mylia V„i V. 10.1.1. l»nd.|«.l»l«™ U..m..t«b.n,
». WJK ARa- a i«o-e.H.
HOOKS, PAPER Ac—inn rve " ••'J ; ortnid* A Co> Shoe Wat« bou.e. Nownp. himr and • T uTS FOR SALE—Two tola on l.i street, near
Hook*, t .peftitd Btaii<ina<y, ri»n.i*tiuf of * . |or 4B | r t, r RICHARD T. t.KKCH Jr. Importer and T . a—;,hfceld »1 directly opposite Lynn, 81)0rb A Co.
il.iti-ien! k.nd.oi luxik* in t übtic l ’™ > ' ' drclerin Foreifd and Dome.lir Saddlery tlsrOwarr & | by SO ft is depth'These lot. are well lituated
o! an h.iul-, n ftt i nsner <'<rna«r ! ninnuofit. of all dn»eripnon«. a vrr> cliesp t • dwellir K louse* or ’oundries : i •
J.,;. r lied .juafto |<o>: tuled und ■'TJ*? 1 , * k P S r . . and well m-lrcied *lnrk «iT OooJ» l.i hi. line, alt irr.b. , TJjbt offered at public sale OtlfnmrtiA)f|B7,h
...; «./e*. wiill p.ip-tr. boinirt la*aru», b , 0 f tbr newe.t riy lr»,. jmre|ia*ed im coth, ftom lb* be»t . Q t *i_y neZ | ,j| jjj o'clock/M.
Mo. ii..nit end oiiin* pureba.e w. I bj>«t an<J W| f, , >p „f wbolr-tlr and rrtail. i C p >* HKSR V WOOPU
1. ..,.n|.lr' U tutoi.iiieui lifev't). 1 jh *, wn at a-mtll advance pn tlt.-toM. I , iurhfi».r- are rc-pcct- | COUNTRY UICSioEN!Cfc.
1.. <>k -Hi"". fully invited 10 c.l mid vjii.ty thcin*elre* RH n \VINO removed to the city, for convenience
r«, ii.ii u* hi riu • . American Sund.n ALSO—Mtddb'r* - 'O il*. woiramctK Deer and Curled ( pro fe»«ionßl -l.ii.inei... I wtl* rtnt ihe Man.ion
I in-a ! j, tiricet. ia< cheap a* el«r» bete. _ . ... n P.®_ < n{ ,|, e Monone-tbrlii. one mile almve Pmstiursb. .
..ii h ind .uni ir .1 at b • . . kNULISH : n Mtut't J»mk» I- I.kolie . . nut 13 awtr JAMKi* t* CRAFT
11 • ' ' \>l I 'LV AN V A I.KDLIK manuiactitre keep con- •
linnlwnre Mora KeiaoTed. iyl M11 ., ;v «-» t»,i l Out, du.utdrd and flam F! nt
ft ' Itl r.M< IKK A WOLFF haying r.-triovcd from Uie ;'* il(Wurr V in n|| ”„ VBr „. llrr , „ ,heir Wnrehoifr co.
> > roi.ti-f cl Lib. r't tud St .* d |, nrr nl Maiket and Watrr mrrrt*. f ili»burf;li.
Wce.d nreei.llm-.. .Inin-übov . . t'lurl* 1 ‘ . ' . Our 'Vork« lonlmue in full u|>eratum and we nte
re.jiri tfully a.k Hie itttentioii of •'l*'*’ ;' I 0 t Y , Jv ,e, d ron*Un It .ddme to onr «torV whi.-h ennHe* u. to fill
of HARDWAUK.OUTI.fcR> " , ' J SA . D1 D )l J. h “ ', ofer- w,ib prompinr.*. I'urchavr. nrc re-prctlufy
per 4h.p" Suranak Monongabet t mid d,,t he.i-d-o t-nl! mid rxmn ne price, und trrtn*.
fr„„, :i,e -,f CticUiid and Oerroan*- • . ..
AI.O •uiipbri n Anienran HitfiJururr. fnmi Uiejinn- _ la. ■ • -
mmiuiMCiuter-nl ilte Fa«-iriit Stale- I IIT AV. WILSON, Wa-ch Maker X Jeweller,
Tbe.r .melt l.einc entirely new. and pui'eha.ed upon J yy t to rnri ilb and Market *t4. A Urse and well
the be.i irrin. ibey leel z reut confidrnee m liettiß able M .| PClr< | ot watebe-. Jewelry. Silver warn and
•uree—iulh to nieei rbinpetitioii fioin any ijuarirr, l.otnl*. Always on band und at regular eau
«-|.e-li-r i-ii-i nr »ve»t tern price*, Hold Fatent Lever, full Jewelled watrbe*.
Ttie Hardware bu*nic"« w, 11 be romittued nitbenld B ,| OWB »si«, Silver do watches, k. low a. SI-.
, lnl]cl a P° (ienuuie Cooper, roh'U*. Johinoit anil other approved
f tKNTI.KMKN'k \V HOLES ALE Ft'H* uuikeiil' waicJw* may be had at a -email advanre and
( i vuiuyii tvAltrKiKHI —Nn tat Wood street, warranted.
• I. I 'ju.I menve,i mid iiinv oiuMiu'it a full a*- [E7“Fit)«* wßfpb wo» k done is th* very belt manner.
very <|«»»»'« 7"?' {’ . - * pW
inamiiaetured Sinn*' lto».nn» and Co'lat*. satin adjust. Propotaia for Plttabatffh Coat,
me I.tcmbii/ni'- dodo I't nn. Snim How .locks. |j wilt bit received by the undersigned,
nl.m Itlaek lihlmii Cravats, F.ney do •!•-. l»uu> S“*‘ i until the fir*l day of June, fur tbe delivery of 15.-
nender*. A Ar.Ae. 11*0btuhel* oi Pitubur*b Coal, of the best outSiyioi
Ju*t reeeived if mu ilte nunufaeinrir unil ‘or sale at ,he-f«bricatlrn of Oak, to be furnished on or beloie the
mantifinnurer « price KDWaKDTODD I f,r»t day of October next, at the St, Loum (Ja« Work*.
, nv t MmtuiucMjrei » Aft _ pjivmeut to be made upon delivery. j
VITANTKUHOON- flares niMorei. warehouse. For further particular!.apply «mthe i.
VV .Ve. for several good book keepers, salcs-inen R KNNETH M ACKfM
warehouse men. laborer* and boyk of different age* my Mlw rhsinnanof the tin LitlH « nmin.iiy _
Also, wan ed fur several respectable private ‘“**£ : *' niRRKNGINE FOR DALE-A first ram tM
hoi* Ae. s»-veral food rooks, l.nute firls. ehamWT- |s F , rc Kngine mat will throw two side Biuffaue
un-lb tind „| |, f-tllery .treums. with pipes and evert Hit* ready foi
A*’ kinds ..1 Ace n< ie». aIK nde.l m I ie« •**••• ,wi*u-e She will bn .old low-f.r lurihei r-aHwulars
I HAKRIHB Agency n( - \V (.ORMAN,
NnPi. finhsi t - aDAMS GtTTTV,
iml'i - I
MUUIVKM oi u.r- a .vr.uufc. Oj I
Caiiuin Karra** and Teapir O Be»an, b) H II
Urat-kenntlKc- p-rcotiit edition. «mer ibe author* dealb.
, i l( oi;n*ptiic4l notice, a rntiral di«qot*iuon on the
»vnrk nnd t-xpl*»atu<y nnle», with itlnatrauoa* I*°™
or’ininl de*is»» ••)' I>arlty, hound in cloth and pap*f;
orjiiißl ue»i» i» ) k. STOCKTON
• cor of Market * 3d_»«_
1 \f)R BAL'fc—P«TP le " n^ ye* l ‘> w t> d0 “ l,le
r 'caro<-t chain*. ISO do*- »e*er«l mr» window
*, h a « w ried mo wooden bowl*. w b te Loon
't imp-hav fork* and rmkeii bro»he»cAr.
myl’l - I HARRIS. No 3J sth-t
b;>o*a]lon» Blenched Bperm Oil;
O i (WO " do Natural Colored SlpemrOil,
do Bleached Wi-tcr hate Otfc
tb‘;le Lard Oil. ]b«l rec'd and for lalebr
AND OEAUSH3 in foreign and .
! »»»>*"•• raauKdfcoEOTincAWOP l *.
fisaC com.risi.der, will .pmfrom New V..V01. tl r I‘K*ITE BANK NOTE*. AND M KCIE;
Ist Ju.iK next, curry mg ihr L'niti-d Smte« mu.l r«,urih «u nearly nppo»nr the Bank of Pmtburgb :
J*lie will touch at Cjwc* *nd Southampton to land • rri i ai?% ' r moNKV rece.ved on pepoetie—Sight
pa**et»rer* and freight, and deliver the rami* for Kr»g-. LIKRrAr MUAr.i w ‘ 1 *1
wod. Fiance and beigiutu. and wiil thru pio.-ieilto Cherk* ii>i »a'r. and tol-ecnoni .wade on nearjy all
Uremeiharen * • , , 1 the principal point* in the Umird Stale*
neiarinhg will leave Biemerbavrn on the iMu of —. , L* n ,,i, n >itd Ammi'M
Jaw. arid Southamptonon the i.tcfjuly. Tbe>e..pre o ...«u pn-d .or Korngn and Amen, an
will embark pauenger* and freight from Knglar.d, <»o!d
France, and Belgium. Arrangrmeuta bate hern made Advance* made on rooMgnment* of Produce, .hipped
■o-forward good* from Havre up to the la«t moment, for c- ' . . t . rm . lar bls
■' W.M. LIUIJIHI. JH. '»p»;'.o™«.b T «i.b .11 pD.ol' FOURTH «lldoo, R.,jk oMMub™b
England, and by Mearaboam wuh all die Continent - . f Banker and. Broker, and Dealer in Lxchnnge, Bank
From Bremen occei* may be had toall tieiuiacy, Au»- Noim and Coin oi allde.enpnoni,&c.
tra.Rn-ia Italy. Sw upland. 4c. Selling Rate, -**>♦»* ‘ ? idm
Tne U’n-h.agion i* bu. t iitthe*ironce.':i manner, wit". ; New }" T s< j */' phiiart-i,,],;- jj n
a v,ew oi Leiug converted into a ►bip-af-wai. and ,ul; I UtlaJe.pb.a, 1‘ ytuhi.nore II
ject ai any lime to mtpeclion by oflierr-appointed by Baltimore. | XVe.iern J’ur Ido
the I’lCAideni. both'diimi, aiMl alter run.iriirM»u She U c.Kfn Currency, i <»" », vp *lf™ 1 l, “ r {,
bn* tbvo engine* ot 1000 horn; pour, r tncli. nnd accom- City ACouiiljLSrrip. i tj*> Al?«ood < CurVv' Ido
SSS" *' •» 6f ” 5 2°. 1 1
„ r , d " ,1 u *-j&
Second clum v 6O ! Washington. Ido Washington. }do •
Pn-nge from Bremen or Southampton tn New York. Foreign I ill* ot Exchanrc procure
- F, f „ f | at , glit' □pS.lJcwtm* . ;
Second e!a«». t . «* n , 1 K, UObMfiß k SON,
‘ •‘•l't-will carry aboot 3utton» freigut, which will l.e - Banke __ ani * T> e »lera In Kxclianff*. Coin
charged according loth# nature of the good* offering. | a Bank Motea.
All letter* mail pa** • trough ihr Pom Office Parrel*, ( ... htrePT PITTSBURGH.
r.“*.“ L/b".":
For pvoage Ot freigh' apply atlhe office of the Ocean [ ' ° J | do
Strain Navigation Company. 11 William Mreei. New j *»; adelphm. . . * (do
V"?'" * *•'“* DA v“c k RSh"f:V A R.W*. ! ItaflSYi. »*;« ••«»"»• ' Wt »•«;
lUrmcn r A IIEINRKK.V A CO, | b». ! „ li.
Havre WIU.IAM ISKI.IN Inuiarta. y.o tMM nmr*. .
* The Wufhineton i« .ntended to leave Network on Ketnuikj, j! 'V York' do Ido
•ccond trip on the fir.t of August next. ''do Wheelme Jdo New Orleans, ' Ido
Itte *econd Bteamer of the line i« in due course of 00 “ cl A . Ido
cmiMruetion, and will be ,n readme.* in the ensuing Tnuicuer. ddo Maryland, *do
iV! mvidltn '■P* ll -
1 «»J Dml lumumrut.. S.Mlcr..nA Tmncr.M.snd •' *«■ ,1 .ml ' »'' ,“ K ' ■X r 5!/Mme rf
J. C. M.nuf.c.uVtr >..J Imporir, of IV,. l'ock=i ,„J “""‘‘"R?" J l ib!liU Si "Ml
(13 WOOD STREET. Pituhurgh. second door bo- Bie public general.). w\l r rL’RRV
low Diamond Alley, rocrtlu WM C i.vnni
And ha« lute y rimved a large y**orlinriU of josirlt 11. HILt.. WM. C . Ct’M HT.
Pen 1 Pocket Knlvea, Knlvca A Forks. Hll*L A CORBY,
Al»o iiodgrrs' and Whoßtcnholms' BANKERS A EXCHANGE BROKERS. BKAiJiRS
, CUTLBRT, ,v. piiueiiju a\l> DOMESTIC TIME A SIGHT
K)lio<t*.RqdgcT. v ‘Wade A lluteher’ii Karnr*. Sei*«or*, ; hUKKi t a ,> A t> lAr.b ,. r _
Razor Stropi Ac. Duiiubcu* and Wire 'I w.'l HH,I*S Oh EXCHAMjK. t.tjbjTlt' TE.
APc.i'.Goli*. uni) Blon.-. Revolver-. Powder Ft.*k- j Nfl Wood „ wr> Fouttb. we-l mde.
. hoi Belt* (.wjjc Bag*. \\ alker *A Col » Extra I er- Fu „ Jg an ,j on Dcjio»ilc and
euwon <-ap*. BnWie.Dirk and Hunting Knive*. I .. , na the pnlictpal Cm* » in the
TooL.-S 5 ca.'SrV.rK.'K'WJSi.'Nilvft* ,V? i'S.”?.' '"‘V*• ,| ’*
llii.d '".cr*. Squire., Bole, Uroe«. 8.U., W*' V-iVI/*..*.- oil lUllimorc. ri..loJ. Ipli.o, New
Sb.v,. Nork,o„d D,r. \\ lie and Iron (juuy.*. M.lli- J H0.,0n •'il. roniionlly for *»l».
| o.l,ooioou,to."ive ! utoot.onf'y , Keniotk). \V»mi. n„d I'.mii)
(t?- Jol.bioi ~,4 rcpoimik nrotly ind PioiMojßlj t „„ f wwo»»l,lw i-n.i.
< * ollc- ' * _ Exchange on England, t reland, tin many and France j
WM. A. WARD, DENTIST. „ « Ac nel.U !
Jk. HAS Removed lo the house on Penu K ...... , A m. a u . » i », Art
street, three doom above Hand "it eel, \A/ ILLIAIVI A. HI LL \U> vUij
umnm Where he may be found from 9 o’clock BANKERS. EXCHANGE BROKERS
_ ‘~ J -U_Lr 4 M UIIII j 4 P *, XSD oxaLXU is
A* he ii .desirous of being employed by none bpi FOREIGN AMI DOMESTIC EXCHANGE,
ilroee who will make immediate payment without the CERTIFICATES (»F DEPOSITF, UaNK NOTES,
nece»«ii> oil in' patlof collecting he would invar pur- AND 9P ICC I K .
licu'ar aiU-Htioti U» the following terms: AH hills lefi | y a Wood Sinn ent door abort Fourth, Efi'l
unpaid si ezpiia ion ol thirty days, will he charged j D , c i,l-| Pttcabnruh, |dA wF
“*'SS:Si»k«. BEBBoipiiTSr r-
For Filling from StMoVJ per coviiy- , /\lllO. Indiana. Kentucky, and Pemta. fond*, *Js
All other operat.on*in tbe »ame proporiian. U County and Cay Order, purchasedl ni.reducetlj-ote
All caret in which engagements are not roiamued, j m discount. by lIOLMWA »w
lulls will he considered due according to the above teg- I "Vri Exchange Ilroker. 00 Ataue
ula'iou*. / votlectlona 011 Cincinnati. Louisville, M Louis
NU those indebted to litrn whose‘ac- j *,,<l all urrcss.ble poi-t« at the Untied gtn’esmade
counts if not paid immediately. will be placed in the \ prumpny. and upon ilir lowest terms, by
liaiiilmf a proper officer for collection. aplSd'bitwtfh 1 ft HOLM KS A SON, Exchange Broker*
HILL A BROWNE. | NoM Market si
Saccesaora to Holdabip At Browas, ;
Manufacturers and importers of paper j
II A NO I N U 8. -No < Wood street- Pittsburgh. 1
The inrrcasingdemand for Atnenean Paper has induced j
ihem to enlarge and improve their Factors, and their fa-
Ckinie* fbr manufacturing arc now equal 10 any in die
eastern one*. Having adopted the eastern scale ot
price*, they liike pleasure in invitmg-ll.eir friends mid
dealers to rjtamaiß ihcir slock, winch is now larger
than at auy former period, and may he found a* follows:
Trunspareni Window Shades.
Frenelt. American, Satin. Olund unJ Common Pa
per; Hangings;
lii>:d, Velv t and Imitation Holders;
Landscapes, Statutes and Print*,
Curtaini Paper, yard w ide plain green, and Gg J,
Writing. Priming.and Wrapping Paper
Uonnet Boards. Ac. ,•
Rng« and Tanners'Scraps taken tn exchange at mar
. ket pneea ) mchl?*nm«wtt/nr
To Traveller*.
• /> pau*mr’t\
rpilK (tonal ami Kanruaii l»cni* now .u en-^itru:
1 order ihe I‘j.rkel*' m l!"» 1..»r Will leave w ib [>»S-
,i(r-1. at iV.ilow*. c*«-<> !.•«'*' s> wl
Ii(«»:an.« C»t>i Urrk-Mont>). M»> |C
«lo l»u.»i*i,a Gael Tli'>«iiji**'i-,. Ti.evJa', M«) tl
do Kraxit-ki Oaj.- Tmb>. .U>, M„)I* .
do < >i. < i'*|H IHM! r:.m*Jay.Ma- u
il:i IttiluiiiM, Capi. B«*»Vry. Fl <1 • y Maj II
do Ij>u-•.ana. Oi|*i Tn.i>n|>*ori. MdinUf, .'la.- f j
do K> -Horn C.1J.1 r'U'iv . "•••li'luy M«} I’’
V Mo, r 1
<U .->»■! t .'U.
[£7“Per*on» interested * u ,be a,>ov<? ; Wl!i u,ijc IMllcc - ;
that the under* *ned wdl attend on the tli.h ni ;
May, iiuiaiil, at |U o'clock A- * at hi* office. Mmthfirld
tired, for the porporc of hi* arpnimuirni
mylMim . I* DARIUt.H. Auditor
EW. !<TKI'tIKNB of Wheeld*. F. F. Shnrnt.rr
. (ter of Jott'Ala and J- A fftocktdn of t*ut«bur*t\
h4vr tji* day enured into co-p* rtner»hip under *i>lr
mid firm of Stephen*. Shocnt-er*er A (V>. nt the
Anchor Iron'Work*.* V" . for the purpo'c of
maiiufatlurui* iron and nail* of every dctcnptioii.
OF Mipcror qoatiiv. lor l>ia»* founder**, and roono
faciuter’a me, of the make of the Baltimore Smelt
ing Company, are offered for *ale by
; W II McKIM. Agent for the Company
rortWaw fiO&-<»** alter-. Watunwe
—lMreauaCop Writm; Paper; }
60 do |.oner do o®i
300 do ft. C.Stravf Wrapping dor
400 do Medium do do do, '
100 do D C. do . do do;
100 do Tea lt» do do;
On hind «nd for uii Ur REYNOI.IW * «IEE
oich.4 cor Penu and Irwin at*
j mch‘,’3 __
Clolleetlonsoa Omcmnoti. l-oui»vnl»*. Si Louwaud
j all other aier**ible |>oim- in the United «ue»,
I made on aceommodaiinK term*. HiIX&^URRi
j a|*« Wood-»i. nrii door 10 hjglc Saloon
F'xcbangc on New VorW. I’h ladelphia, and Haiti
j m>rv constantly for *u!e bv &. CURI^
| U |,o Wood m nrxi door u> >*l«on
! / ’ urrency of tit* Ohio l»d>nna, and Kemuck)
ajifi Wood *i. next
OHIO, TndUnii, VutlTCeniucfcy Ouuk
Norr» purctj*»*-d el low r»te» l<v
No 55 Marltrt
mTHi: ud render ortW* lor. »olc a rpiomliU Unck
dwell 112 ||ou*c v.iuaic on llie Norib Ka« corner
i>l ibe I'uolic Squure m Younmnwiu Maliomnpt
enuniy. Olnu Ii ii !ic*r. tommnJ.ou*. finijlitd in cl
(-r.lein »n)e, amt m lhe best locaiioii in » oiuißtlown,
■• for - J»rlln.i{ or public »>uure, attached 10 a ■
yanl »nh wnici. -uWoir, ami aii o'.Un convenience*
utbami ,
town Vimpniv n* verv i- ‘iluati-a
Hoi'lir.c Si,II. Ac.. »•».» l>c,|i s ' I.u' i arc completed. w.ll
;.c ir,c ii io*l f100r,,;, n- pi-.-r >n '■ « •«« ■«" «' <j*‘ o ,
h wll lw «nl.l fw (Vr r a -ii or j-.- lone. or eld,anted
r,.r p.o t ..-rn ;i: l‘ -ir?-, 1’...- p.i ..r. n
1..\ J! > Wirtx - •• r>r‘ * u
Rl-At. «:*TAtK IN TMl r . t'Ot'NTKY—The *ul»
M . r ,i e»» fi|T"( for *»!•' » hou*c imd 10l ni A*e»i M.J
-.llr“«-x MenT c«unt\. The h«u»e t« well rnlrula«<*d
(i. r ■» auU .ivr. iiior mmr.iu-U <’tt the Kre F.J
i>-ij»iou lu ■ d->iu»hinij villaxe ticnr l<y. nf»
U 'a;»o. a fcouip and 10. in the fljurtthißC v.U.e* or Oj^
Valu»ble~lleal RiUte for Kale.
' F* HK iio'te* cn.'d bruit about to remove In* Tinmrv
1 m the jgSmry. offer* for sale SIX BUILDING
LOTS on Ss-cond street. between Ferry »tre«t and Kr.
tlout.t Alley Each lot will be twenty feel front on 2d
tu ,( r t j!,iv feel iu drpth The tot«“wiil l*e sold
• ,n»lv *•» tt>e whole together. For terrun applt to the
.uil!«er.l.*r on 111- punt'Se*. JOHN' CALDWELL
■ pAM _ .... . _ _
FOR Sal.K I wo toot) hoildmg lot*, situated on
Congn •• •■aeh tiO by W>ft.
Al*o—i I*' n t»y ls 7 eonterof Congrei* it and
I'rni'nvivii.'.ii avenue. I lot 45 by Hatton Fenniyl
v .»ij Bvniiir l lot &'• by Ufl> ft on Locust *t- Term*
fa.orut !r SCITIIUERT
, nvl l Beal Kststc Office, Sfl iraithSeld >t
allbohb’bit CMKTBtti:.
PKRKUN»ilr«irou* of purchasing Louio thi* Ccmt
fry are referred for iiiformanon to the Superintend
an l , oil Ui< grounds. or in K. T„orn, Druggist. comer e
IVnn and Hand *treet«. Pittsburgh.
_ By order of the-Rnard. 3- CMISLKiT,
dertl-dAwif Superinienrtant
1 MIR SAt.K—Soinc valuable Lot* ofGround. situated
r on the bank of the Allegheny River, rnnu'etiou* to
thrri'v Tbe*e lot* i»rr iiiom advantageously situated
f,» Iron W,,rk« .ad oilier large mnnuii.. ‘arm* J«ab
"..hmenl*. InovT-dA wit) HARM A R'DKNNY
FOU SALK —The «n--ip red i-m*c ul' u-comtortn
hlc Hou»c and I ,n\ *i"m-ed on .{uirry »trect The
I bou‘c contain* 5 rcorn* and a lull ’ •
l 8 Cl/TIIUKKT. General Arrnt.
I m «is . ' No in Bm:iUßeld »lreet
ONI V TIlRItKof ihu*. ! J»t* on Jackwn street left
Fault Ul 1. *» l" -1 f«l- l*' “ «*» , Term*,
one-twrlfdi in hand, balance .n «even eqoa. anno-l
nnvmeiil*. Ai*n. ►•X i.i»l* Sampled street, Allege
.V fuv nenr itf. nl*'»e. I'rrrtAtt Term* a* above
* •’ « CI’THRKRT. Kepi Kutnic Office
, J|S No in Smithfield street
CNHEAF BUILDINGLOTS-I l ot 23 iivjffi ;
rfert. •itun'ed on Franklin Nmc. Allegheny t-ny.
Pnc .• SSim. Trim* S-ii in bund, l-nlaiue m 4ve y**««
Al*o. n corner Ui Si by fen .nuaird near the
l r ' C,:e3<;o ' S~iTL'TintERT. «t
A" HXNUSOMK RESiriJNCE h*»irt,SALE.adp'n.
,„v property of \% m Fxj • cinn»t‘"tf et
. convenient Mirk Dwelling Mm.*, with .unable gut
building* B»nfen Ac m «'l 9 “ rr '".'
Alio, cub! acre* adin a ntt lUe above
A ■ K CI ; T»MT.KI\ Renl I.MA'eOlliie,
No JO Sm tbfield »irerl '
ptyj. ......
■ri" l '" »■' . 't 6 ' H CDTHBOT y
myfs Smithfieldatrtet
FOB BALK—A farm ho«»e and lot on Ugan atree
lot 21 by luO Al»o. S lull on the 4th itreei road,
44 bv I*4, between Eim and Urnr> . Inquire at tboba
kery. Librny it Smllhfield »t. aylOd.w
FOR SAt-E—‘A two itorv brick houie and lot ntua l.ib*rtv. Tbe*hou»e-eortttlm 4 roomi.
The lot t* M hr 10" *>*o a largo liable on the pro
,*„r. r„™
v<yl3 j fiOaotithfieldat
FIVE LOTS on--J»ckaon*trret neir Federal, Alle
gheny eit\*. SO by S 3 ft. Priee A&75 >acb One
we fthut harJ ,'Litanee in icrrn equal annual p»y
ctu Uiyia u S CVTHBF.RT
TIU3 being the day the Spring Fashion of
- H*U’«rtllb*il«rw<h»co4,bs; fatfc
locable establishment# ia New York and Flulade (phi*
ibe ont!n»iga*d take great p.fa»«*Ju brjjf onaWcd
to announce to their itameroa* friends and-ibe pul*lic
grneralL, that we are prepared to supply a:l who may
Favor u» with a cal' wiib-ifie Hat fer ‘he
season. comprising Beaver*, Neotriaa, and <*tt« B,lf
Moleskin Sith liai*. either whol«»dtt or retail.
matfitf cat wood and Mh eta
8 Mt ORK. Hat and Cap
a* removed to No 711 >V opd fttctft. three door*
T ourih Ntrret. His nock consists of every variety ui
Hat* and Cans, made in the !ate»t style: alio. Panama.
Leghorn and I*e«tal Straw Hat*, woolesale'arid retail,
at ihr lowest price t s MCTDRK
aptG 75 Wood *t. :Und door above Fourth
CONTINUES to manufacture, end
consiamiy on hand, every Hot
aud Cap* of the late-lstyle. and prxr* veiv low at No
7.- Wood *ll, el, Ka.«t *.dc T-3T
Fall Fashion, 1846.
4BKKBE 4. CO STAR'S BtyleLeailemen'* Hat*
will be introduced at KKEVIJ/S on Thursday
Augu»t STtb. Gentlemen wishing a ebeap, fa-h
-ionable Hm of Pittsburgh manufacture*.! of
fa\liionab!e Hai» imported- tt.‘ ■tdven.Hil-by »omroi
the nude. pleu»c callm KKhVII. A t o »
huiYAlf I V, head of N ood -t
Spring Fashion ffok* 18*7. '
WOL'I.O m-onu hisfnrnd* andpatron* “ ***
that he ba* now on hand a Hnre »ioek of' tbt
Spring Kmbioii ul tibia and Capa, which will be intro
ducetl on Saturday urxt. Those in want of a superior
article wiiicall at
rach’J NoTS Woodjirert. F.ast *ide
Fall Fashion for Hat*.
aw THE subscriber ha* just received by Kxprr 4 -
JU hi* new Fall fashion fortln’*" Those :n nre 1 >■!
49 an extra fine Hat will please call and esumin*
(hi* splendid article. S MOIIKK
tepS ' » No. B 3 wood _
A Jt |i. PALMER offer* for sale on a* favor-
terma a*;any house in I‘hiloirlph a. n
complete assortment of Straw, Florence. Rut
a*M lona, nnd a Kieat vaneiy of fancy braid and
gimp Bonnet*, of the style- *
Palm Leafi Straw and I-eghorn Hat*; Arti
fifinl Flower*. Ac. Ac. _ ra l h5 _
I FRENCH HATS—Just rered
1 a superior artirle o t”cnch M o)o*k ini |j" *• ** *
fu*hion, and for talc low '•>' .. “
NoP-t wood *lr- i
DR Y (H) OIjS.
Carpet autf liry Ouotl* ttarenouit.
RESPECTFULLY inform* hisfiietltU and the public
generally, that be i» now receiving a Urge auu
•plenaid assortment ol New Situt Carpeting, Or-
CJoihi, Ac . direct ffoiti the Importer* and Mhmtlnciu
ter», composed inpnit of
Siipeifinc Hru»*el»-ratpei*i
Kxun or Tape»uy Bru«*el» Carpenng;
Super Imperial 3 ply and Kxtra'do;
Superfine Ingrain, Fine and Common Carpeting:
5-h, 3 4 and i-4 Plain Venumii Cnrpeim*- .
3 0,3-4 and '•« Daioa.k do , do;
5 S and 4 4 TnpeMry do do,
StamliMt 7>tm»m*g».
Brown Drillings « 4.5 4 anti 641 Sheetings «4 7 A
8 4 Table Linens Linen Napkin*; Cru*h and Diaper.
HoekahockTowelling; CarpetStrij**; New Style ta
ble Covet*; Oil Cioth* from *7 mehei to tM feel wide,
cui toany»ite;
Toairox* vrrrn
Rirli Embroidered and Printed Table r.ndPiano cover*
Fißnred Floorcloths ..... „
Chenleile. ilroascl*. Tufted, and W iltnn Rug*,.
Tufted,Cheinelle; and Shecpeim Door MattwJ
Manillaand (iraan do dn|
lira** Stair Rod* Flat and Oval; t
Datnatk and 2‘iripedSiatr Linen; -
Carpet Bindings .. ..
4 4 L 4 and 6 4 Plain and figured Indian Maying;
Colored Hnanißh Al atting. A e . Ac.
Prrton* fitting up Stemmboau.Hotel*,or Private lleu
*e* t «ter«}ue*ied to call, a* he feel*confident they will
find it to.ureir advantage to do *o. before
rlrewhere __ . _
He woulJ a!*o invile aisennon tr» hi* extenaive sock
of NEW SPRINti DRV OOODS.lembraring every
thing in that line.l now opening at the above »t*nd.
tnnrKMAwilmF ’ 11° Market ureei _
the attention of buyer* to iheeho.ceHylei-of above
good*opened thi* morning, a* well**—
Silk rv Linen (jingbatnt;
Barred ' do;
French Lawn* at reduced pree..
Gingham Ijha qb;
Neat at) le braire*;
Crape Shawls;
Neroie work Collar*;
' llotmel Ribbon*, -
Embroidered Mutlia*. for Ure*»e*, cic.
New good* will be opening ucurly every day, lor u
week 10 come, including many styiea of *curt e tutd dc-
-.-ruble goods.
UyTnr wholesale loomi up *'air«, ate nlsn being
replenished wnh a large supply of new red dr*nai.l<- Jowrea.h prior* ./ . myJ5
PRICKB IlKDDt.'Kl)—Thoinu* l?ulinef. *Vo 47.Mar
kei *treei. beiwecn 3d and 4 b siren*, ir«p"i-'Hiilly
annoußCr* io the public ibat h'* present * oi k oi \\ ml
P-jk-i and Border* of hi* <ne» inunufacmre if very
icif?@, mid daily uddninn* are being malic t»:n u
iliey n-e fiii V tl-W an-Jspb-nd cl pat er- « A'»o.
■i \\-i; a-. *e.t-tni-k r-f Frrnri pjft* ait'i Eorttf*
l.av,.g . t , nlh tr.lueeil iht. ptir f nl tlic >'-.,rr
Anirl. *. i-’id o betF.hi h « npi m Jinc-iuie.' ; i-.< i*
i.repori-d i« *ell for co*h. uiiaarnx tbaii any e*t;ibl »!i
-memoi ihc kind. Kan or Wr>toi the moumuins
I'AILO I *?—Ju»i received a lull a-*onmeiurol ibo»e
I'M*.- .n.idr Bbiri*. I-Jih while and .imped,. fr|m-verr
hut it tnedmni ij'iab'ie*. " \ .a
HoKMn* and < fine . >-n tjuahiit|*.
r> ntl’rjUll; 'C«. _
'liUi> huJUtiry u '
IIIKkBIIIJ do dj b«
■J iUv| grotMil NtuUi I'm k« 1 1 >-JKt
».ÜBI tuppemler*. At Ac; lo»»».<;’al-U.«D»anui*«*tn
••f* nfitc. t>y tUe inßutfuclutc! » nljeor si Norwood
m>'l4 for E.t»irrro Mmtif iciutt-r*
V ry lull a.vortniejit .mail Tereiand yariyiv r.-oui.
• uchai flT»dujt*d Sitk !J.ttotii,!i>r I-n.: e*
Ho do ,0
Paury »ilk gunp. ainl f
HoukvA K>c* |imi. ilii<.ad>.' bui-ror mu! Uj >
” Collar* and eollarett* '
“* in great earn">. \
* (loner)' oi ail kind* ;*. •
t’uit.n an.l Sdk rc*ta. Ac "Ac., idiot which
»-ili he >old low. _ B.4ACKI.ETf A WiliTK
IQ>l4 . "19 wped it
SHOI’LDKR BRACES—fop cure of pain I'l tbr
Ureait. made auer patterns approved b> the New
York Bandage Imutute ""
Bu>pcnJeri, Surpcnder Krtds and Webb'itg; Sell
uiljuumg r.avui*, phtm and fancy satin rocks; fine
►hut* m great van-ly; *Um* snd) ibirt lv.Ui*; oi e«l
*itk»: drau moreen; sea era**, Ac hand and for
.alehy mjf- K H EATON
GLOVES* fmhan.rwellas-
Mirird rock of white and eo'oreJ cotton llotierj.
for men women nnd children, con»ianiiy on. hand
A!*o l.isle Thread in great varieh; Silk nnd l.tuen
ill*. *pun Silk lor Children ’ ‘
[T/'Uluek and colored Paris Kid f»love*» of !-•*•.
qualtiy. ] F H.KATON
in.* ; No M market it
.Murphy invites the atienyeu of the Udies to !>■*
very lull as unneot of white giiotfsJhiMlresAes, tou-i*
ungofSwir* and Scotch Mullij Naniookraiid jocko
net mu-hn* barred Jackoncl, lupir Satm Wrred and
•■riped, wvtt fsiti«h do, Ac Ac.
A* these good* are p*ich**ed toimediately font the
manafaetorers’ ugent* or importers, they can lap *old
at the lowest prices t «p2t
SHACKLKIT a. WHIIU No W "ood street.
|‘,tt«Mugh. nm new rrccivU g large uCdtiioii* of
late and drairaldc style* of fresh Kpring Dry Uno.t* of.
recent importation* ami manutaeture and are piepm
ed to offer geeat inducement- to c«»h or prompt pay
Odr atoek is now very fall,,and comprise* many very
«caice and ch.esp good* . ray*
nhy Invites the Btirn ioii - f house keeper* io an
assortment of IM and t;-l cntoied ounurpane* A
new and hiautiful article, of difforcnl color* A I*o. an
assotunem.of while roun.erpaife*. from towel to fine
oualty. Also: L nen l.sma-t Pnl.le t. loth*, a fuil a»-
sortnte'ni ofbewe-t piiiern* Al-o; To and Tosvel
me Itiaorr-a' ifte nor h-a*l-wril-r of -l:h ami market
MOIIE SKW GOODS-At w ’ll Miuphy»>
Dry Good- llou*e. noiih « u»t comer of -lih and
Market *;rerti. Received >o trhiay. wn n«-crin. mot
Lmcn Table Draper- Item f-4 to h I, uiclud-us ".-me
verv superior l)ani»«k. Al-o. Bleached «udn:.lilc, ch
ed ijnrfl table cloth*, eery low tor ijunlitr. Abo. A.-
pavu* and Alpaca Lu-trv*. n •». , wro»-
man to vety superior, wui* ol v.rj I k.gta
Lustre*. : nt> 3 .
Ac—Tran*p*ren> Windo w Suades, ol l-oih '-lue sad
Oil nrepataiiou, m great variety, of style and assorted
*izr'.; Venetian llluid*, of*»*orifd t.tus and do or* for
.ale .»n Comnt:**".on, Shade Fiitur-*, including Roller*;
and Blind Trimming*. «• orted coioryt pvro?rsl
Mantilla* button's - a. fuingk.m-
Ri-cetved bv erpre* thi* day a fine ss-ortim-nt of
.MsntiUa Buttons; white linen a«id l.i»ek *ilk Dai*e> do.
rich black fringe; ol’d dm** FrTgc*; Kuperfim- lh>h
l.itiv forem' roidcrttig Lawn* did (iinetiain*. lor taie
by my« t-.lll.ArON
r MINGS- Fancy and plain hU-.i colored drr»» him
trs. rich msnnlia blselt.lo; msn ii'ft. polkv an., e,
gimp*, black and colored Ulen »n itiuinmig», bl" k ;
and colored satin ribbon do, ju-t i« j.^ TON .. s |
HOHIKIIV AND YAUNK-G'non. ‘"k and Hose and half llo*C. m great va/.ety lor
men, women mi»ic« and clu dtrn kti-ti.i'g > urn* and
Jlj>T Received a.idltor.a.e at the tui.iibfartujeM
list pi ice*, a bilge invoice of puirnt tti'iii l.’nn.c
and Shirred Bu»pcn.i-r* oi tbi-Rf»«‘ell
r., t*i For -ale hr the Agent. No J« wooil »irc,',. up
a,'ri wh.dciaie ' • EDWARD TODD
**jneh-'l* Msnufanurer’* Agent •
{ F. H. BATON.
•yvFALER in Trimming* and Variety Goo..«.Tortoi»e
V 7 Tbetl - Ivory and Horn comb*. Woollen Yam* and
Worsteds. Button*. Needle*. Pill*. Topee, Braid* Ac..
No 61 Market 8» 'between Diamond and 4th itreei*
l>,tt-*t>ur-h. ‘ - >.
fI'IVKEDSf-A vciy Isige ni.orimrnt of 1 4 and .
1 C 4 Woolletnnd mixed i wecli, ot j»*«r«at>a. .rty
ol *:j lei andjj'jlors. loitK very, unique and d«.ruble tor
ihe citv trade. tu»t received aad fjriale hy
my 15 SH ACKI.ETTik WHITE W truqd *t
BfRLAPS— 3lia!e* ei.raheavy,4o inch Burlap*,
tor Wool Sacking. IUH rcccvni and for salc t»
m> 15 KUA»"IU.KTr.fc WHITE. P 9 wood »t
ORSADURGS-11-alo very heavy VI gimaOsnV
burg*, i tsiie'rivr i and for tale by _.
KHACKt.Err A WIIITE.fIO wooff*»_
CURTAIN MUSLINS, 01 a greai vn^, eT I, ‘! f
nylci, including Uufl 't'amu. <pt ' v niJ “
.Cim*uj*,tobe_founil at dry po°d* ho
«pQMfcw . y B cor lib an' l _M«rkeUl«
VBW STYLE «priiaOPlU*’*-£ i J* ,c ‘
jN at bcae’l.el new itl«
arbieb ate rich Oraafe, Caniry, Baa. Pmjej£TO"?{
.na lye .lyle '™ft»„^ , ytvi.lTKW.r»al ■■
*" J fn a'l‘ll»l.ETT *. WHITE,» frooj it
rtTKCBisVILI.*. *a lp/oic* ol
S bSS*j«“ # ' i** l 4^4od {ot ,ile b * |ow
! m roy[‘ rla,rr :K^T * WHITE, Wwoad'n
aaictMt will* Dliumi of tba ta*|**'
—Thi: is b certify to those afflicted w;ih tha first pr«r r
mcnlu ry symptoms of Con*«.n<ption, that I hake been
iabon ig for several year* wiih * bronchi, aorttte** off
ihg tb i oat and hoat->ene*«. I «*ed many medicine*, hot
found to relief m aey preparation rtf medicine, until 1
REMEDY. 1 l.avr been iu."* valuable RtediClDo
far »r i-ui year-, and nit n * find >tto relieve when*
rrrr I itiakr dm- of 1 M\ -- npstiun »* an Auciion*
rer. «y uch keep* me. almo*ico»»tHmly mgaged,cause* .
iny di» **e. at time*, to heeome very alarming, when I
at oned;.* medic.ite. 1-tbereforo take plea
*ute m making tbi.« public M-iiemotil. that other* affect
ed iv.tli. iLsease of the lung* nnd expectorant organ*
may know the v.riue* of thi* • uil healing remetty.”
and maj l,r cured. I have recommeiblfd Dr. Dune*n’a
Expeeiorant Repiedy io many of my tricad*, aomc oi •
■ Somt r*ct. Üb,o, Oci. 11. I'Ji JAMES li'KlViT
Tlr- .proprietor or ;no above meUifine would, jilm’i
re:t-r to lire under—enecl pi-00r... who re-iOo in Ferry
■ Ouniy.'Cii whom an} prison may call upon and bn
CouvhhVi! tiiai liirrr arc vinui— fdlind -u tin* above
l)jv,.i Somci*crt. L>i * 11. buwe. do: I ran
« * t.ol I rr. Jock-on ip. Mi. Lni.-io r, do, Geo. IVlbcM,
.* am e'kitp; Jr nod D,i v <r o. .Mopi-wrii »p
DR Dt N>'AN> W i.sihH.N <»I FICK 150 Sye
rnore *ii* et. Cnu' nnn::. tin hi
you ;Ji I*lll.l.tirgb ~\ VVM. JACKSON, ft* I.ibetfy'
beml oi \V*ynt -if.-. ■ apt9dAwT
iCnn.nmpllvc * Couttolallou-
Ikies «icki vjs wr-gi, I.pu-. Jt-ur heats 1
Ur pJiu* i-dl yt >our bi.n*-. ’
/--Try Dr Duucnns thaiing ,M,
jknd ii wui give you icm.
It i-ienrs away the m:*’.t cloud
i)!«cla*e -preud* o'er ike *Oul,
A iti* whi«pcn through the gloomy kl.roud,
; t our briiitli may yet be whole."
S. i- ynndi-r ro*r o: lovely hue ‘
•ti* withering with decay.
It Icareely sip* thFmorning dew.
Before it fade* away.
Tlir Worm of Death wa* in the stem,
Ami ktrrngtheni'd a« n grew—
And when iibloomcd, (n lovely coin.)
It i..pped ihrongti and through.
~ Tilul tVonr of Death might 1-r defied.
Ii Di. Duncan'* on wore tried ;
Aild many lovely UitniseU saved
The fate of an untimely grave
*trert. CinrinnHti, Ohio, whrre hi* valuable
rtietlicmß i* *oM.
Sold in Pittsburgh, by WM. jACKstiN, corner of
Wood arid Liberty.«t«. oplgdAwT __
Yon! whose teeth i* foul and yellow—
You whore »km i* dark and tallo>v~
Y'ou whose hair i» bur*h and wirey,
nut y,dirty red or fiery—
Yon wbore vile offensive lnriiib
Fnp easant i« ** putrid death— -
Youkould have- oo>. man or girl
Tevyi *» white a* snow or pt-url.
Breath o *piey sweet and curtide-
Pure and wtutr anil rrooolb and beautiful,
Audi hair* off. milky. da> k a» *lae,
By rfcadiiig whai I* paid be'ow.
READKtttf.any of you can have the al ovo by (mind
thn I* nothing but irnth.) u«mga 3* lotile of Jones'* Co
ral Hnir Restorative—a V* box of Jone*'* Amber Tooth
,l*4*ic—and 4* cake of the genuine Jone*’* Italian
ChemicalJroap. The nMirh-acoM but little, and you
are assured that the following nre their rent qualuie*:
The tooilv pa*te cive* the breaih a sweet odor, white
ieeih, and preserve* the leeth. An The hair stuff all
know to be the mo<U exquu.te thing ever mode for dre*
»mg. I.eßuHlyipg and causing the ctowth o* liair; and
the *onpj iget the genuine Jone* l * Soap, mind) will eure
all eruption*, freckles, Ac nnd in ike dark yellow
wfi-te. clear and fair. All the*e-hing* are sold (only)
at W JACKSON'S nooi and Shoe more and Patent
Warehouse -9 Lllirnyst mjT.
THE BODY—It i»oii established ibci that a very
large cla>« of dil-caM-* can only be cured by snob-rein
r<li'-« as will en:tr mio ihr IHo-id and circulate with
it tbiougb every poiuwn of the body, tor only bv this
mean* dm the remedy be brought into immrdiate con
tur i w<tb the disen-e, and to a'lum thi* desirable end.
i.o prrnafanon ha* ever her n ,n uniformly succetiful
a* DR.JAVNI-rs ALTKKATIVK "Scroftila, Kings'
Kvil Camer and. Cam-srous Tumour*. White SweK
Img* Enlmgeroeni of the U<;iie*. l h»on c Rheumatiam
and Gmil, Eruptive discuses o' the Bkm. Old anfl indo
lent Ulcer*, Goitrou* Swrllingsot ihe- Throat, Ac., are
cured with n certainly that hus a>tonisbert every be
l-«.ldcf._Lt is be»idr» one of lire* n«jst pleasant article*
that con be taken m-o the s> rtcrtr operating a* a tonic
and removing Djspepiic nr.d Nervous affection*, and
nnpnrtiiiff u glow of ai-iuianon nml heulth unerjuallcd
by anvihina in the whotr 'inter a Mvoirn For sale at
ih>- P'EKIN TEA STORK No 7'J Fourth *treet. near
Wood apl^AwF
ROSE OINTMENT, -nr letter. Hinxwurnc*
I'.iiipb-.00 till -Ene-sod i>tb>-i Cinaodou. Eruption*
Tctreti*; Ringworm*. :utd hctpi-uv. trupu-n* generally,
urc among itie irn-t tedii u* uni >tj<ogrecub]c succtiona
m wiimS th- human frame i* bul-lc Situated a* it
i A ,. the verge of it i* n!tno ( t impotfiblo to
r*-;»c-h litem by inward*. Hence the inetficaey
of uriitergning n euur«e of mril.cme, er subjecting our
jn th,- «\sl:i,,f *ir>ct diet; such
.n.-an* bv i-»d«.-,:.c :h-' itit-rely piflliote; thß
•jmpioiii’-r \Mi-h-. tuey are .it pr.ici.t*. to recur usvio
t-iitt) i t more »«, v.-iim u gmercu* vitt i* returned to,.
Ami the generality m ext-.-rua! applit-ationr have no
inlnT eff' rvthan tn deal the di-carc :n one pluce, soon
to *limv n*c'i :u the- -ant- nr antvhi r part. When all
these mean* b«v.- and ;n rcanyjscvcrc cases, a
[««-r»overai»cf for n si.on unit in tlmfike of the Rosp
i) in ;, bn* pn<vrd ellcr'tial. 3 here :» no trouble in
u.-inic it, apply mg it every t.ipht, TTir *nle by
a[il'J t*i fita and wood •'* un-!’lM and wood SI
L’anree, Freicntion anil Cure of ronsutnpton
Asthma, and l)tscaic« of the Heart. On the Ltw«
of Lonucvitv, and tniitii- ol prc-turving malt and fe
male Health! symmetry -and beauty; expo»iDgcau#e*
ond edre of those disease* that produce Conaump
liOH. dr shorten Afluctionnur the Skin, Spine,
Momivch, Rowels. Kidney*. Liter, berolulu, I'ilca,
linrrl, .ii.d Ft-ui.ii: I 'nr-ip'- n•: r. Its rulcß.ciay,
|.rre»ic:.l and pure, mriti i gu d- In pcrlect iitalth
amJ Ring Inc. SS Ei.grai-ogs papea- *0 «*»•
|’.i*D.fic «>A cu Uv nAMUKL SHELDON
FITI H, A.M...M.D j'atTui LKO.UKWaY, NEW
Auji person remitting fifty c« i.ts, free, will receiVe
me copy, by mail, to anV part. Tlie trade supplied.
Ftb 10. lB*7-dom ’ -•
From Rev Charlc* Motion, Mintsier of the Bapuu
Ch.ireti.WooMer. late of A*b»abula. O
AfrH«ri. 11. Horn* A Co. Proprietor* of E. Dean’s
Chemical I’laMrr, lirntleinru.-Pur several years I
tiavr from time tested Oie virroe.sol C, Dean’sChrmical
Plaster by using it in my family, as n remedy for flhen
mat sra; weakness aml lameness of the bock, pain in
llir hfrasi, mflsmation of the throat ami eye*, ague lit
the breast, Ac: and I in »ay ng to you bud
to ibu public. that mevny case 1 have found it useful,
and I'Jo believe ilia' said Pls*b:r po*se**es virtue* of
morr tlian ordinary character, and that .1 will general
ly heifoiiiid a •uiT'cicnt remedy for those disease* for
Nvhici.ii i« reeomrdeoded, and is justly entitled to tbe
iiu ii-b and mmonuge of an enlightened eomtnnnity.
f ** Vour* Inijy, CHAS MORT&N.
\V6o»ter. 0., Dec. sO IS3.
ft-ilit ny U A Fahnestock A Co. corner First A Wood
streets. mvldA w
No Cure I No Payt Plica 1 Piled
DR. Jackson's Embrocation t* the ouly mtomnethst
will core this «<> verv lOtruntfn'nnd troublesome
diiraar It not only ioimciiiat.'ly alia} * pain and infla
iuaiion, slops alt hles-dif g,«.mduci* that intolerable Ueh
-ing but effectual'v cures, in a very abort litre ptrson**
tvbO'e Irvrv have been rendered miserable for year* —■
Its application produce* no pain, bin rather an agreea
ble and pVcssa:it~»rn>Ri'on If persons aillicied wiil
cal! and t.ear of the great nuinhvr of cases that hart*
been eu r rd. they wi-1 be ii«it»nishvti. A gentleman of
tin* City, who bad been under the kin'o t.f ibe tutgeoa
fur two or tlnre without beh i: rurcrt*hn» by u- -
i .gU bottle* of the 'Embrocation been eradu-ally euted.
. 11 .e!|» t'ejond precedent[l’lnl Saturday Courier
gfp* For sale m l‘iti«ttureh at the PhKIN TBA
SIoRK- 72.Fourth.atrou. bearwood, and also at tbe
• Drue Store bf H 1* Federal ►! Allegheny cl*
tVi ■ an'JTrAw
No Cure* No f*»yt
Or. Jaekwn' Pi!<r EtrAmeatinu AVrrr FiUt!
rWTIIKUE arc few disease* more common or troo
it blcaoma than Ilia File*, mid yet, nnlwitlntncd
ing ..real efforts lure been mallet., cure by the nan
of pill*. VlfMoanfir**., Arc , all were. Intitc
and ol inti*- bi nclti. Nw.- the Embrocation ia the
only mctlk me used. .A person who iias bean suffer;
mg w it. the Piles of the worst kind caMc from Sa
,P«u. .New J.-rsny, almost dn purpose to express h*r
gratitude f.r the speedy euro that this n.tdicma l.r.d
offer ted in his ca c—Hula. Fa*. Fosi.
fO»F()r*alo in Pittsburgh r.l the I’EKEN TEA
-STOKE. *2 Fourth st.. and also -v the. Drug blare
I! P <chwartx, Federal at. Allegheny City.
lAY Mi S E.XFKCTORaNT—W.; invite -mentionto
this a l.mrabie remedy (or t’uimnintry nIT. ctions.—
Th- principle mete am.iourc <t of th*; murMd character
of obstructions— :l» trnJenc* to originate ir\tlnmai>on
of the Hrjncli'ii. ami consequent viMt-uion'of the natu-'
fa l 4_,.. luyond- dispute.,tb< ttuili itself The
i..iU tuinlc uf removing *ueh obstruction,it
t.v iur in* of .•»p-.Moiai:oii, u r*-• u i wtrch we arc con*
v need can slu ut» b - oi.tamed by n j.idicious exbibi
ton of the teiiH-dy of Dr Jayne -[t'h.U Spirit of tee
Tunes '
For rale in l\H‘t.urgh at the Felpn Tc.i »«orc. *2 4th.
,t*ee|. n-nr '.v.ukl, .uid at*o at lh>' Drnjr Suite of II P
Srhwin/, Federal »i Alieah’-nv >’itv. mvtldswF
.Worm*: \Vuntie: Worm*:
Aran. 12. IS?.*
Mesrr* J Kidd A. Co, lieirat-Tlus i» to certify* that
ii di .it of reu'e was nillicted- «nti neats. I procured
various kinds of Vermitugc. and arlm'm , »fered them',
-Inti with do effect. I then purchased u vial of Dr Me?
Laitc's reli Vcilliiftige. hod after giving a /«W
ito«e*. true child <f.«ehatg«:o al-c.ui u tjUart of largo
\Vucin«* The health ol’ibc child improved imrnedi
'at'.ly l wnnl«i recommend Dr .McLane'* Vermifuge io
I ih" pu1.’...-, nsone of the imm and effectual kcbc
nv i.,r now in „«• J It CUTTER '
' "s«>.il no!c«ji<? ami i;iu.! try J KIDD &. CO, corner
wood A fnur'h »ls ap<2
l. nip.'* iadie*.l'ni aiujinvtrul. _
Whm yo’i know iliui }ru» are proca.«e.l
A natural, life-like, rnowy white.
That you will stdl u*c tuici.-on chalk.
. And look a detuhly ychoiv fnchi.
The theme of laugh.rmnd of talk '
If y»U would use n U.I ..! J«»,it
«.aflri».\oii..k.» «» eS’e.
aiv. n. Ihr nine U3'« ii ..I ..nv/ov; il. Vn.d 3t
JaOKvO.NV -0 1.. ...1. Lx-t
Ur, Mchsiit's L.iver Pllla.
\ f E'vSßt': J KfU.r A CO.-fivme I'inise in nir J»i*>o
\i •/t'Oxes of Di«’» Inver. I'ilt*. My wi e
1..* used two iHixesof the U.cmis Pn.t l asiirc y<u
tiev have doae her .more goo-i than my lannly* R
! | WO tears mtetidauce. Two nddioonal Iroxex, I
ihiaW w* ll *ff«ct a rufer . JAMFS JONES
,U ‘ a '' Wilkins Townrijlp
These valuable PiU* for sale by J KIDDACoNo.
roi Wood street 'Pittsburgh. •* . mrhttO
'Wholsiale Ueug srrnuass nciuwVM •
HAVE erected an extensive warehouse on iliecomir
of Wood and Fiur street*, to whieh lhey have
removed Ibeir Wholesale businesi, where they will
;alwayx have on hand an-extensive assortment ofall
ilhearuclea ia their line; to which tecy invite tbeatten*
lion of the publid. . '
■ The Dreg business svljl he continued at theoLOXtana .
comer of .Aiband Wood nsj »prd
JAYNE'S HAIR TUN.C.— tfti. «nic,r\.'>at
trial we nDhesiutiocly prononsec ti to be wul it profess.
best article, wtlhoat ur excsptioo, ia km* forth* '
restoration and pmerratioa of tlit hrmsa hair. Wi Imw
of numerous iasuneei when hair hss b*rn restored to luKda
.which base been haklioryearai tad wc thiak scacsnitda
rrrattt Ntur than to reeammind to hf) our rtadrrt who er
lotiug their hair, hr make a trialof thUToKielmaadiataly —.
Bu*u* W»iL | i -.
For sals ia Pitubargb at the Fcakia-‘fts Slafe. {To 7B
Fourth stmtyacyr.VVood-M sarddfcwT