The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 20, 1847, Image 2

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BY kra&tus brooks.
nrTwrtniMUii Dail» o*zrrT*i»:poWuhe*t
ImSt, Tn*W«rckly, and 'V eckiy. — 111- Daily i» Seven
iv,H«natrtflaiim; meTn-Wcrkly t» Five Dollar* par
rn the Weekly is Two Dollar: per annum, uncut
in *tlnrmr* '
ftotiea to AdrcrtUcra.
VTT Advcruteroenlv, lo »erure uiArrtio.i, ►bouul he
landed mby Eve.o'clock m the afternoon. Atten..on
to Ihta.Oßtbe pari of our cu»taraei«, would be proOue
tire of taatual benefit
(or cc*bi*i.*si* ‘ *
THOMAS K FKANKLIN. Uutcnurr (*.-> «
JOHN C KUSKEL. Dauph.n Ci»»ui> ,
JAME» MABHN, v . 1
THOMAS C • ' ork
WIILfAM M WATTS.Cumberland. I
toils P WKTiIIiKH.L. Pnilade.pU.a I i>
-ROBERT M HARD, Fr»uJ?..n .
THOMAS M T M’KENNAN. Wswr.ei.ii 1
ANDREW J OfiLE, somefei i
JOSEPH II KUHNS. Westmoreland ■
o J BALUEr.e. j
II D MaXWKLL. Northampton
J B SALISBURY. Su*quel>au<Ti«
fxhanan S' mi. >'>«»»* , .
,a“fiS5S^ , 'A2SSS!;‘^
county- will asaeraolc in pumary tnertme*..iniilic.t
aevenil Election IhMnctvon Saturday the -iub day of
Mar. 1647. to elect twopeiwn* trom each d.tmcu u»
(Vitiate- to a County Convention, to ineetat the Court
Houston Wednesday the dud day of June, at lit o clock
A. M-. to nut tn onuunatinn tunable candidate* to in
auDttoittd oy tbe party at the enteral Kieetion in lum
ber next Toe Antmason* am! Wl.;qt of the tovvti*bi|’»
(Pitt ezecptedl Will meei at the >i*uai plan »for boldini,
primary ,i eetinifs, between tltc hoar* oi - and o
and thoae of the ward* and borough* and Put inwj>b'p.
U.„e.n «. tar. of T »• AS VAKNKR.
aplDdAwul Ch*mnf the Comm Cor.
For latest Commercial liucHtßeiic*. Domcuir Mar
kets, River News, Import*. Money Market. A<-. »r<-
thirthpngc. _ _
Sse fourth PageforKUccUaucoui Mewl.
Adjoarned Meeting. j.
- The Urgest meeting of Stockholders ever held,
we believe, were present yesterday, and the gen
eral attendance and great interest in tbe proceed
ing*, were indicative of a deep feeling on tbc part
-of tbe Stockholder*. Tbe Hall, during the after
noon, from three to 4 o'clock, was -full, and con
tinued so for the three hours the Stockholder
were, together. The debates were conducted with
. solo* feeling, though in perfect order, and with
good temper to,tbe end. There wss, however,
divtrsity of opinion as to what was due to the
Baltimore and Obioßail Road Company, what
to tbe Centralßaii.Road Company, and what to
the proposed Western Road. The majority ol
Stockholders, as will bo seeo, deemed diserttior
tbe most prodent course, believing it wiser to dr.
Isy final action, than to burry, wl cn tbe mort
haste might prove the worst speeJ.
From the proceedings of this meeting, we arc
convinced that wo shall have a Rail Road between
Pittsburgh and tbe East,—if not by Baltimore,
then by Philadelphia, aod probably by both cities,
as it is undoubtedly the interest of both to estab
lish a communication with tbe Ohio at this point.
raocainisos or MF.msu.
Tbo officers of the previous meeting presided
William Eichbium, E.q, in the chair, and L)r_
Gtzxam and Wm. M. Darlington, Eiq., acting as
The President of the Rail Road Company read
extract* from a letter of tbp Hon. John P. Ken
nedy, of Baltimore, exprcMiog an earnpit con.
vtelion that tho people »i Baltimore were in
favor of the Pittsburgh connection and that they
would insure tho connection. AUo requesting a
delay of tbs oars, in order to give further time
to .Baltimore to act definitely opon the pendiog
propositions betwren the two companies.
Col. Roiixsorr stated, after reading the letter?,
that bo had no recommendations to make for fur.
ther action. The whole subject was before the
Company, and they would act ss in their judg
ment they thought best.
A spirited discussion arose upon 1 tha question
of delay, several of the Speakers regsrdiug It u
disgraceful to bold further communication with a
Company, from whom, s? they r*rt< emed it, noth*
tng but acts of hid faith had bten received.
Wilson rfeCandUss, Erq., proved to cut off
negotiations with Baltimore at once, and introduced
Resolutions to tint riled. He hid reason, be
•aid, to be disgusted with the trcajr *
and it ' was time for Pittsburgh ti
her determination to be do longer!
wero just ts well prepared for actio
would be ten daysbence. He pro
Company should withdraw from the Baltimore j
line, and unite its energies and de> links with the
Commercial capital of our own Staley Mr. Cs-
RuTHxai was in favor of arWesUrn Connec
tion, and introduced Resolution designed t? far.
ther this enterprise.
Hon. J. 0. Plcmsb expressed great toi*
prise at the disposition to cutoff all communi
cation with the East, and st jhe hot hssto man
ifested by same gentlemen to undo all that bad
‘been done. In behalf' of his constituents he
protested against it, and it became Pittsburgh
to know that thero were other places than LATKH FROM BALTIMORE,
this interested in an Eastern Road. We kart, that it was Mr. MeLane who offered
He hoped thia city, indeed, was not about to a Resolution declaring the Pittsburgh r»s >!ve* in
distinguished herself by that auieidal policy which adrai-sablc and. that this was agreed to tu above,
■o many time, before had rtgulatcd her course of, Mr- Kennedy offered a suWtitnte which v
action. Let not the golden moment be lost sight , supported in a speech of conaiJerablo length,
of. More money was wanted uJ aecurethe eoo- 1 Afiersooie remarks from other nrin'Mis -.1 the
necuon than had been subscribe)]; the people of I Board, the vote was taken ou the substitute. an.l
the country would contribute their full share and jit was rejected—ayes t>, nays 19.
aor. if requir'ed. It was abwrd to Ulk of mi.; We .ball give Mr. Kennedy-. Resolution to
ting a Western Rail Road now | when the ware j morrow. The eourss of the Baltimore Company
boo stain the city would not hold half of the pro- j on Monday, we think closes all hope of successful
duce seeking an outlet at the East. Mr. Plumer I negotiation with us.
laid be was no enemy to the Central Road. He
wanted both, and believed their would be business
for both. Nor was bo an enemy to the Western
• Rail Road, but an Eastern Road should be built
first. To build the road West first would |>e put
ting the eatt before the horse. ■
: "h
Mr. Tott*» *w eurprised at the disposition ul j I
(tntlemtn to change tbtir minds •• frequently as I *
they did. Ail was known a year ago that was I .
sow knows io iegard to tbe Eastern connections, , ,
and yet gentlemen were (or at once undoing all j
that waa done a year gone by. Wo knew the iro- i 1
pot lance of a Philadelphia connection then and i
decided upon Baltimore. Wberefeie should we j j
change. Baltimore bad subscribed liberally for a
connection with us, —abe had made a road half 1
way. She bad proposed $BOO,OOO, and only j
aoufht to expend her own mocey in the way she ,
chose. Mr. T. aaid be was the friend of the We#- .
tern Roadj but it waa Decenary to make tho Eas
tern connection Aral. Thid done we could afford
to eubacribe double the amount wc now could.
Rit.Cuablis Aykbt was for cutting off all
communication with Baltimore at once, and
thought it would be dcgradlbg to Pittsburgh to
hold fuither communication that city, after
the treatment wo bad from her. The
charter given to the Baltimore Company would
Deter have been signed by thi Governor of the
Hlale ifhe bid known—
M*. Cbaio.—Tbe Govcrno never kww whit
waa In the cbaitrr until after re signed tb® Bill
(laughter) Mr. McCs-idlim bought differently,
and waa diapoaed to defend his friend at Harm*
burgh. 1
Mm. Caaio'replied lo Mr. A Very, and referred
to the Legislative acte which bad pawed. Balti
more, be aaid, bad expended several millions to
CamherUnd, and if shews* willing to build a road
lo Ttt.key Foot, from Cumberland, aoJ to aid ua
in making a connection East to Turkey Foot, no
oUuocUon ought to ba thrown in ibo way.
- Oassam epoko with warmth of ihe die
pwWonwith oomo gentlemen pramnt to act rath
«f a Ugh auto'of frelieg, than with mator#
' tqiigTTT*"*-' frb*r» w#ra pt i w>» here wUCs*. to
’ipAmtU > Bill .Bad'** the Ml«»ippi from
who irprM, wnnerti* wiiJllil-•
Umbra half completed *»chimerical. tt« »|?P eu ,• inihe mouth of Cu»ii
the impracticable would gi»e w» the practica'.; p fom lhlt ll? putaburgh. 46J
We had gut through the praamblw of oepiia-j paw through the rich m
« - . ,k. m a i,f roraiiplinp ' liicoO'<*r \ allev, end thenco t>» * n
U ,:, ,u« .k» u F n "» «™ - ««*'“» .he K-i
*UUe 1.1. .r .(«««■. «•'" u, T l IWajlrau. Th.til *..mJ *
'* B * ,d “ <wmm«ci«l metigpol'* >be »=J»
delphit, lilt 4<io.lion «ould *At gt . COUI.IIJ; • l*rgc Of *»«
, 0 P p„ tt ~™,gb.o VVIjM-lingi W e t ,„,,U.,
.be would uof, and we wauled Baltimore to tonu CompaDy w , uIJ ba , e tb e beurfi.
here in order to prevent her Irom peeking » j n connection with the Chatnbti
Urn lerininu-- Once here, she would reinain .nd ratlruaJ. from thence to Pi
tere,go .uh «. Wc. Again. -«W W
adgjpbia open la u. the rich Commerce otjUie . JbqJ ht)^vrt on thjo route.
Cheaspeakc Bay. She could oat, and it therefore |h( Company, .he privilege of
behooved us to be careful ho* we *e«.*red »Wb ! through their land* without any
t > t ' t he same. Each person that wt
an important connection. ; of * ? eing, .ig.u-d the
Mu. JacKsov spoke ul the Cenjral hat roa , r lbcro we have not yet seen,
and the wilhiigofss »l iku* t 'ompaiiv to wope-; , ieVB lba i a large amount of sH
rale wuh us m making a road at once, and man,- . „„ the t.,u'f.
pany were willing «>' put l-» mih« o JTM'fJown, ' Jfl
once under contract from ihis city. John Hill, K -
Mu. flutwiu »ji»l be wss authorized lbs»y ; J l) Maihiui, "
that lbe Centre! Rail Hj»«1 Company wnc mux- ; * *i
iou» tnnptn Bonk* atooje iu tbiicily. Sit hun- j .NaugU ' Expl6>
dicJ thoui'uiiJ doUarshid been :pj;t tn lot the ■ q„ molloJl| the Report was
prcneruliun of the Centml K-udgand an dher in* ; ted, nn d ordered that the Prim
.Ilmen, wonll l« .emvejin Uel«l.««d | a cop, .h«ml .oth
, : •. ... Board »'! Dftecims of the I .11
now what he bad bcfoio some doubted, that 1 ,
the people ht I’hilalelphia -were resolved upon a 1 On m’/tion, John Covode'. II
Kail Road conneitii'n with this riiv. and that the | Karlnnd. Capt. Jaimes Clark.
, I ; und John T. McGowan, wee
Road would tic made. . , ...
i 1 mtttee to eornspond with ir'
Hon. V.Stkwabt, o! I ninnlowa.jmado 30 * M id Kail Road Carapar.y, ujhj i
aide and wdl i-insideri d speech, in hehilf of the i Me unbraced in the -aid rep. 1
IMiolursh Connection with Baltimore. al one nc- Cll in-it.un—it we* re*d»« 1
" ~ J . me* ni tin* meeting be publis
ai-aty and most important l) is. He rjubmitted p r .. Kli . all the psp-rs i
that to close connections now. would be /insulting Umie.l Slate* (lazt-ur, L l'ln I
to Hallimojt' She had asked more time, only ten PitblHirgh Gazette. Ai'piun
dave, and the answer proposed by soon* gentle • '
men here, was that no more lime should be allow- M • 1 * , • miry. *-<0
ed. One tiing. to hi* mind, was very ceitiin. Axri-RavTtsx i* N».w l
The liaitimoie road would either terminate here, , D , >r | ca ” organ of some 1
or it would leinunote at Wheeling. \ irguiia g riH „; Te g £ . l ,t t y,we hail oceasi.j
would giant no othrr Right id Way thaa the one ( , f day, declared sonic time aj
ulready conceded to the Baltimore Company.— t j„ , 0 q„ii“ to all landlord*, ll
Tin rcloie. if we drove Baltimore from this point | R ,’j B houlJ he recognized ai’l
we dioTe her to Wheeling, and conmbuteJ to cao py a dda to thi*, that ••huißcUu ii-*«.-e w«s gi>
build upa town thcie-wbich would injure thebua* f[l to the termination oil that year, that the
litsi of this city. To shut the door against fur- | e c i s i mc d their own ; whoever has moru'pv
(tier negotiations fruto pique, nt feelings of any j a knowing ol 'hat c laim, is tie •w.*m! kind > f
aori, was, for the people beie, suicidal policy. ihnf. and ehoulJ be so used arid regarded.
Mll. Uanair. spoke of the liberal chiitsr grant- i j., n j owner* in Penns/lvani*. beyond one
cd to the BalUmore Company by this State, and u( ground,”—l few acres wc «up[nise in the
of his unwillingnes* to wait one day beyond that j ~ house room in'ihe cby.—* tU take nc*
named by «bc Resolution pending (the lOihinat.) | !iM anJ a: , a .. a , f j u , B l y . A peaceable and re-
Mr l.ooxiswaa against farther delay, and thought 1 ,p ec i a^|c community like this will lurdly believe
the company had waited long enough upon Bal*. anv >u ,. u fanaticism has nny where found root
limtre. He did not think that even Mr. Kennedy j America, but we arc sorry to be compelled to
meant us, for if he was to form an opinion by the 1 | nfyrn) a <j VJI .; y person*. that doctrine.? like there
leitei published the other day, the object of that ] nyl uu jy preached but practictd- i‘
leitri was lather to secure a road to Paikertburg | p: pon ttlf j a> . (1 rt ie of |the N. V
lb au one to Pittsburgh. 1'idatun'. a int!ii!»r said. ;
The ••nutation" wae n>w lodiy called for on ( . jj e j J3l j ihit an cutbn
all hands. >eveiftl rcaolutions weie upon the la- '• curred m Columbia t'outily last Salt
1.10 ,nJ » Report (.cm Mr. in frror o( a A. |*.«al>l- faintly «f"J i-.i.1r.l ■
• .‘ I our l ullots «eie louiid iiHhe slecpiii;
Westcin Road. All these were bv! at , lr6jliCt .. |
ihe following Ris'lution ctTered by Mr. t raig,. which wnrrsnted ui:n in nsyii
adopted: , ; was au organized baud ot agrarians i, That in compliance wiih the earn* si : ty. who onty waned ihe ddjiurnineni id that zealous triend cf the Pittsburgh', i-lau rs to d.ive law and 0 Jer l..vmc j
coin i tinui. John P. Kennedy, tae tStockhoUlors , their Urnis. Ib«« we:el magsziniH
do now adi-iurn to uictt again at this pi ice on the ; •mniumtn.n iii t v*nou* par s ol the c
•iuth instant at 3 o’clock. P. M. “.ndk of thc»c lawless mfu; and in
. , , , .ill soOiethine was not done immi'uiat
The resolution was adopted by a very large enau S c . fjr Jt WO snottivU- |J
majority, though with earnest opposition. mf ' n would permit these acrarians
The adjournment took place at sit o’clock. from their homes by ' iolei.i mean-
■ mg.
Ualti mohl iSB Ohio mimou* K-jcctum Hiram Wheeler, of i* ushkanic.C.
:f Ihf yUUbttrgh proportion —At a meeting of {y n , 4 Jo ojllj .foro t L»a Rue »r,kr of
ibo.Dticcon cf-the DalUrnorc and Ohio Railroad, ro jj n ,ght ou the Blh’ mst., wbila
held jwtefdajr, the following proportion from the ( an j j J(J , B(Da t| children, hired roan
Railroad company.waa rejaited. wiih ' wcrc m bed, »'»roe periotic ui>Wr.o«
ha nne dtH-cnung u!f r raid premia ai: i di‘Charj.*J $
Fir»t, the stockholder# »l this, company "ill a- (hr I'du.m; d the depifiitni. i’liot :
!■" «■'» "> U ' C ,Wm •“ C ““ tar - ! ,„i*J .hi. ikpoUDl f.
land ahall he left opeu for further examination ; aia ' n,rs *
and future dccuion. , ** "«**»«* selling up when hu
■Second, the stockholders of this company will ; T ; <e j h.ia to remain quirt as a txtw
open their books fir further t-übscriphons at Pitts- 1 jn about half an bourn ,
*#**-.,-: x. v.
15a .i«>.«r»« (• ..tpii.* Ii iw n * rjfiti..i» uj>.-i t.i i:! I“'s -■ •"f •* 1 • * tb *! pr.«l.-.ial/ that not !»••* linn t*o ihnu
-11 • ichi i.uiulk.i in • and will use •/ 0 il-hrce Aw rhildnn aid hi'tdgirt rlrpt 1-j *ec i 0 < ateiijing twemy p»r cent, bas
“J ‘ , ’ ,he I they bwl been injuriu); lb. Jrpoueill fuoii.l near rfne< in tbe Uk« Sup.
siib-friD'ion in Western i eun#j laanie, to tbe a* _ , . ,i,:i,t r *n ./pllr n had hull . .
nioont uidicated in f>nnci communications to the ,n ' L ' A,, ‘ 4 ‘ J;' . . rhr minrs.ihouch uot tq.ore than tight or ten com
nlTiir OoalpaA,. »•««* /»>“' l lh! “f: *! *™" p.„u-. ba.c br, „ .. I. i. -bp.
Tbiril, lb» .UickboMct. of thia w.up,n, will a: .j nt„r the ltd in I rhuh.tht r.nldrrn d lm) con , pMlir , „,n be at woik bjlhelMof
require a anrubtian «n the pan of .ho B.ltimor- n . r „ j Thc „ m „ „ mp , nit . s
AH .h~ -.c. .10 *«W 4, o.b„. .»J .„ k ~r „ f u „. Uk . „ hc „
pcraUon, or peis.-nr, the con.-Jructioa U any mil- y« t they a/«- perpetui < -A wi » "*? J 1 c ( . om „ r ,.-n»rkarly rich Veitu of metal have t*en
road iradmg towards tbe Obt > river. below Pitte.- j, ke New York, and t!ie s.uvhori. ••*.these outrage?., , q ni .j q« fae It . L . fallowing specimen' of weather I
burgh, until a railroad connection is .completed . M(1 fl . u | doctrine ».k.««tcd /by »T »“ ofl si lhe Like Super! »r county .
thal „„ , <fce l u ' J b c !««.• «> >-t* P*”* , U “‘ s„„w ha. fallen on K<«*baw Poinl anJ, v|.
Ji«riminaHon .hall nan, la. haria*.. b. mad- ; c.iacn. . f Saw V .fk will not ba c-mpaßaJ. nn- c|uilJ lL „ Jppll , , b ~ f „,, „„dc,in g lorn
be tbe Dsltimoro Company, or any t«»d over | hv public authority, to enf.i: ce tbe lawr and motion *ery ditficult. and transporUtrou well nigb
which it may have control, .agaiusl the road from 1 bcir uWn rights, out if they should, citr.l war will imp.«« ; ble. At .be date of our a.t adners.
P.,,bn, g b ,n*,land. - i C ., TO ,„d4 and npon lhe («-* tZ waepfDeum-U.p-J an ill > g J t},-* 8tal« will rest the fonts «i'Kt>ee» ot the rnmi- bf - n hardly a thawing day sinco Nofeniber.
tions with our*c<impany. The I'utuot accompa- 1 ni .,j ecl c f a HJ lemn public dutv. though tbe cold bad not been intense, being tem* report f.f thte proceeding- with the follow* to ha ,„ r „j * th e parcelling P‘-rrds.ytbe victnuy of -he great Lakes, wbhb
• ataipment - r . , , x,-,, L.. k v owing to its »a»t depth, never fren*. nicept for«
! i* ■■ ..P~»4 that there •»« "" m „. o, ,w„ Iron, ,b. -here. I. W.. - „„
Will i made, at tbe ncit meeting of the Board ; bat the Umansm of Lng.and u ..rough almost lhr 7 th ult.
of Directors, a distinct propositiou to enter upon .to our o«u tl.wra anJ that, too, in the middle of the H| , au t , , llir , ILLIIW tD roraans caauo
the omsiruction of the road fro.ii Cumberland to uini ~.c nt b century, i bis i. rnderd a |.r.*r,*Mv,- \ 1l( , TntAL —lnstructions base reached Mon
the Maryland line, which wpuld take it about fifty ' lrrl j f ro m the Commissioner, of tbe Brin*h btu
five miles further west. Whilst lhe road is tng ur\. ihst .*> long as the existing suspension of fhe
thus made, negotiations may go no for it. further N*r,g4t,o n Ac's in respect of vc«sels engage,! in
exicesno we*t, to some eligible point on the Ohio ihc'c'orn trade .hall remain in force, foreign »es
[l is believed that ihisdisunct prop.wiiion will re- an . la ve , miHe ,i lo Brt in |.alla.Ht ap the Si.
cei»e lhe sanction of the Board of Directors, and Lawrence to Montreal, and thence-carry down
a* an earnest that the road will s<ior: bo extended r.rn and flour consigned lo.antr pmi in the.Uni* I
to the Ohio, will meet with the In-arty concurrence , r ,j Kingdom, on first nbuiung a I ecu" fjf that !
■if the public generally. purjioto from the principal ofTic«*r of Customs at
at Quebec. *1 his concession will greatly fact!*
.i'.itf the (hinpuig businci" of the ?<t. Jviwrctjcs.
Hitti, rl.i tl >ur c iul,] go to Montreal in Americin
barges. »ud Amrrican ships could ro to Quebrr;
but t'Hween the two ports there was a great gulf,
which mule an expensive transhipment iircrioary
Nor/A Atner . *
acitt received,
i make known
duped. We
q now ai we
>oaed that the
Rail Road meeting at- Llgenier.
The citixena’of Ligoniet held * inciting on the
Hth instant in reference to the route for tbe Cen
tral Rail Road. W* give the report of proceed
jogs below:
At a meeting of the citizen* uf Ligonier Valley,
l,rid ogrceable to adj-urnment in ; Ihe Irorough ol
Ligonirr, on tho Mtb day ..f May. 1817, ou the
subject of a route for the Central Kail Hoad, Maj.
Johu Hill resumed lh« chair, and Hugh McCrea
ry was appointed Secretary.
Tbe Committee appointed at tbe last meeting,
made the following report:
Your Omroiuw rt.pccifully iubmit Ibe follow.
Yh.Tlbly bare ci.roiucd and rurroyrd.a roule
(ruin the Soulb Brnd of (loucib.ugb Rirrr, at a
point India, by «uy of 'Hondnrk. C,„k
ind Updrgrafr.’ Ron. to Lilly'. Summit—throw
down Hannah'. Ron ind Mill Creek u Liguiucr.
and find the di.taliee Rom the to Loyalh.n
na by Ibi. route ui be II mile, and S5l perch...
the ground eery f.enr.U. for locating a R.d
Hold upon— being marly all tbe way along tbe
valley. of small stream*. They h**« hke»i*e ex
.mined a mule from ihe same point on the liver,
to the mjutb tf Coalpit run, about 2J rail a west
of Ligonirr, on which they base thia report.
Tbi« survey begin* at the river, and passes
through the lowest and narrowest point of land,
running between Cooeraaogh ■’and Tubniill.
with a deep cut, not over 50 perches in
length, to tho Valley of Tubraill, immediately
above its junction with Hendrick)* Crock, and up
the latter t» the mouth of Updegriff* run, and up
it to Blair’s Summit, and there passes into tha
valley of Coalpit run and duwn it to its mouth.—
The distance by this survey is l;i miles and 233 I
perches. [A diagram of Ixith routes is hereunto j
annexed ] • i
The valley* «' these two streams are extreme* 1
K- favorable— being cf easy glares, and the
sireama'W small that t-ey -will preset no great
difficulty in the way of racing a straight road
along these valley*. .
y o ur committee, for want of time, has not
been able to explore the contemplated route along
ibe foot of Laurel Hill, and down Mill Creek to
Ligonier, but believe it to be practicable, and may
be aborter—but probably mow expensive lo grade.
, Your committee wofcld give it as their opinion,
that should the Pennijlvania Railroad Company
lfacir Improvement with tho Allegheny
Portage railroad, that the LigooUi Valley route
would be the best way to get from Johnstown to
Pitlsbargb. The wed would be at short as by
- - -H I.FSS™
it. 11J mile* — Minister to -France. U among (bo BUtubft win CairrespbUtleniee of JPUtabnrcfc C»a«tt«. nexi Monday afternoon, Uw ttihUtaum. at 4 o’clock,
~ *rw», .< ‘ r,., v • .• • K —— ■— for ibc'purpOMof tnviiincUila treat statesman to visit
mile*—i nai u b*»o engaged pksaagfl t:t the steamer Washington , fc•> correspondence ofthe PituWjb Cantu. oar city,on kl* return home
:,°“ l t h7»^,b f ' r “* »- Y »' k - - I r ■*.»»• / BSJBS, . "
il Tiit- citiicni>il A U g,. l .-.0..1»».r« l «.Wl. [Hr. Ill, A Mnoir.n ' m M«m had| '.<J :
:me u oif »*u tha u OJU Dmiel \v« tutor an iit*itau.’«i to ; ■nUed af N«» Orloaoa, ini •Utod tbal Ibc A- John Sbirinn.
U «»i- region of Bi the our-- nf the city. ' i moricnf weic dotolood o* priaonors when he Wt { M^Vffiritagtna.
\ «»u w fiuJ » * u 3 - ,h- Canitol. Thoma* Sleek,
r, .that when ihe A ikiihii ioi ictt ha* been formed in New | * _ Morgan Robertson.
* completed, the y o ,jj j 0 j> off, if potetble the laoi) sharks from K.xrlu«iv< Correspondence of The t’ij' -burgli (lari'lie
of the use of U. , Qtimau emigrant*. Tho emigrants are beset : BALTIMORE MARKhT. « r. swk*.
reburah turnpike .. . , .... .... .[ May 19, t I’. M. . Cha* bryan.
iladefihii while hy rqnnrrs flic moment they land and it tataui that I Robinson,
one establishment has paid thiso runnerss43,ooo j{
.M I* Morse,
l.eo Singer
Jo.tiua It '.ode...
M Hniiipion,
'Vm Mag It.
i-' «• riiiii'-<Bii.
.1 li Irvin..
John Caldwell,
M Swartzwrl ter.
Jam>'« (S Murrn),
er report. That m om- year.
tdie rch-anod t» Mr. (axihd his puhlwheJ a card inJ»r>ndon,
making the ruad . r
compensation for concluding as follows :
e bate had an °P* , “No one can regml more Ilian ldo the unpleas
clease. Some few j ant rircumstouci s inspecting Mr. Douglas’s pms«
Wo Itkiiwi** he- I ago but 1 can a-sore you that nothing of the
k would be liken t kind will again take place in the steamships with
: which 1 am connected."
ies Ulirk,.
i M'Farland.
i' Pollock,
>t Graham.
ii Graham.
«•*. Johnson.
i'lg Committer.
unanimously odop
[lent of ihf inerting
s' IVcldmil of the
iLsrlvania Railroad
i;s.|..trol. John Me
, t.'yi. J. D. .Mmhiot
r • appointed a com
h i* 'President of ihr
j it the (hitlers which
i J, thVl the proceed
sad nr the loonier
i i (inen.burgh. the
iil.ult Iptiia. ’ and tho
'•ink.. Vi-ung A
Id the icii pro
ri to r» f.-r to the otb*
lut no monojiolf ol
\-r ISIS. It v*r
n*k bad oc-
Chlay night.
i: n*>ai*;#ud |
t chad !
ii g tbattheie !
ii that coun
ii uf the L**g
fitizrnx fraai
•</.>! aim* and
:iiunty,jn the
i hi* o)>mhc,
ly, cml war
cauint-d that
a ilrivL'iliim
itbo'it r« amt-
rludson, that
hinwlf, wife
tnd hired girl (
!>o noise ol (be
im sleep, and
iieil man ad
lischargc wa"
farther firing
t.'prtrapon'leuce «< li; I’.rtburslj Im/citr
Ctsci*.v* m, May 15, 1817.
A great tire took placi; hero tuii night. destroy,
ingrhe large foundry and machine »h»p of D.n.fa!
A. Powell, beside* several dwelling h«.u«c». Mr.
Pow+ll’s I'** I have hoard fitnnal-d ot fitly
thulia-ind dollar*, of wb'ch one Hind was insured.
It it said that SO finrilica have been turned out vf
hmisiuand home. The deatruru-m ot such an rs
tdbliehment is a public calam.iy of great tmgiu
ludc. a* hutidtr daore depende ut far the time being
upon their prosptrity.
A murder took place fast uifthl also- The Pi
lot of a steamboat shot a gimtder through the
heart, faith Whom he lisd been playing card*
The gambler. Craig. Ji.d imro.diaU-lv. f h-t
disputed, fought, and the gambler »#* about to
kill the Pilot, who *b >t him in si If-ifafane,’.
A suicide niiotook place Hit* rrnrniiig at Ih >
Mayor’s office. A man who had bren shut up in
the watch house, u|n-»til tin; vur.* of Iwlh h«
arm* and hied to death, or at lof-d lb' y -upposel
liim dead, when he w >a lemoerd
Mrs- Mowatt has. by her ch'irmtng actir-g snJ
Ix-au’iful private character as a lady, rolled out hc
,li(jr,r«s at the litllo Alheri.rum, who pi..(-,«ldy n. * -
rr wi-ro seen ollcetejJ at the Jh*-:tir« U-loir.
The most fastidious critics find her pcrf.-ct; and
1 she has beer, vir-iied and called Uf«*n at her r jo:i -*
by a polished cirdo of nufa and I-male ciux-w*.
I who have tendered lief "the fanpitufav J th.-.r
bonus She is a member ut the New J.-rtistlrM
Our Aatrouonur. Orm»i>y M. Mh« hrli. w.m y.m
know i* a graduate .of Wc»! Point—an rurom
|,halted officer. and bravo fallow, has far the lure
descended from the • stars.’’ In ibu ‘stars ami
striju s,” ar.d has planted hu luml rs ami smin.l* i
I hi* trumpet, t.» rally around him the K> c
! ment—having been oppoinud Adjutant fami-rat
! of Ohio-
A VISIT TO Til a Pit csrnssT. — A plain tin
man farmer, from Lehigh County, being in W ash*
ingtoi) the other day. called upon the President „f
the i;wiled Stales. Mr Polk learning the t-reu
jationr-fthe vi.der. 'asked him how he liked hu
Tariff of Mfl, andihehigh prices it had produced,
and if these high price* did not offer good evi
dence of the real value of the act! , “Price* ars j
tery good.” raid the farmer, “it i« trueand add- !
eJ, “hut you, being a learned man, Mr. President,
and l-mottling but an ignorant farmer, will i /on
be so kind ash inform nu how the Tariff of iH\c> I
prodded the* high prices?" The President j
1 piaaed. hemmed, ami finally «i.l, “./ «J difficult
la explain how it is.",, Now Mr. Polk bad
the conacieucf, or rather lb want of conscience,
wickedly to impofe upon the judgment of a plaio
J farmer, who asked him to explain what bo awert.
I ed to be u fact, but *bat be must have known to
be untrue. We aik what *bonld be the judgraent
against a roan,—and he the Prcrident of the Uni
ted Htatea, —who w,ould impose upon the creduli
ty uf *n inquiring citizen, and who would even
avail bimntif uf one of tba Providence* of God,—
the famioc in Bnto^e,— to bolster op hi* mi*era**
hie Tariff uf 181 C.
The public judgment ought to put it* seal of
reprobation upon aucb an act, and yet deception
like tbia la necessary to bolster up a party like
that now in powrr at the capitol.
A T'MI \ i. strike — During iho thamlei gust
tail week, says the Cecil Whig, the ligbtuing cut
si me strange amici' at tin railroad depot at that
place. It >;>lit the pump s'alk in tile watering
l loolif ra n the telegtaph wire and down
»L-Teral »t the poW, tearing them ns it went, and into the ten pin alley, made a tivctHf *'nke
with or.e mil, knocking down alt the pins aud two
of the i| layers.
Nodi'* E not* —H->n. John U. Thompson of
| HarroJ«t>u'gh, and Garnet Duncan ol Louisville,
have been nominated hr Whig Convention* in
their respective district* in Kentucky as candidates
for Ikmgr. ss. Mr. -Thompson ssiTed with great
cre*lii m Gonarr** mmc yean ago. Mr. Duncan
is a g' nt’eman of great eminence at the bar, and
equally dtJiuguidied f r t.ia noble personal.and
social qtiahto-x. Tije nominations ore both admi
Ca t. Metrirk >1 ihe Voltigeura, before sailing
from New OiUaus hod a difficulty with Captain
Inm nl the infantry, which resulted in a chal
k-nge to fight u du.i. Uapl. Merrick wan arm**-
nl bv the police, when through the meditation of
Gen.' Cadwalla.U'r nnd Gun. Urooke, the mutter
was adjusted, and the pailns agreed, instead *.J
killing e ich other. 1 i try their hands on the Mex
ican-*. (’apt Irvin t* tmm l*a.
A Nash'ille paper say* that Gen. Urrea.tiow
in the Mexican a-mv.'» a native of lennersec.
his real name being Vry. He was a will, roving,
deviUmav-rnre sort ot a fellow and about twenty .
or tweniv fi*e Tear* ago s-rayed oil * ro:n l' a *
ternal ro. f and weut 'to Mexico.
Kixxthix (liixxi'ms- —A woman was tried
on Monday before Judge Kelley, ot Philadelphia
(or being n common sc-.ld; which in legal parlance
is known by the word* which we have headed this
paragraph. She was convicted but recommend
ed to mercy.
The cutar Po«T*i»r srsreM is Jemmulrntlng
its uldity and realizing all the predictions rbsdehy
ils entiiral.friends. ‘Tbs cifnj>a*i*on, in tha re*
ccipt*l * nne tiny offices, indicate an increase of
the retermes i f the department for the year 1817.
o»er of the rear 1810. "f a little mvr 17 j-cr
iB John iTrisn** company ol rolun*
on the UOtL u|t., for Old
.r l&nfort. where they would embark fer the
RL Rev. Bishop Jimsh hi* dechueJ the Presi
de,>ry -t Win. and Mary College. in Virginia.
<•tv.lnv i* in >he opinion of some ot the 1.0
co Focus proses is nut popular with his own par
ty. If the Loco Focoe can draw any consola
lion fruui such an opinion they are welcome to il I
and it they arc content with his want of popular I
ily. we are willing to abide our time, to lf»t it be
tore the people, Genera! Irvin l* known to the
ptviplt! of Pennsylvania, and to very many beyond
our State border* as possessing all ilia requisites
for the high office which the Whigs of the State
:r.t-»d he sVall fill. Ht* is accomplished as a 'gen
tleman, public spirited as a ci'izcn, humane a* a
: man and distinguished Lr all those c*.urtes;es ot
! [jfj whicli dignities miuki,ud. If those be the
1 tests t »f ar-titt© popularity there is n> roan in the
j Stale more popular. We know him to have the
llj . 9 [ interests of the state at heart, and aa a faithful
i representative r»f the interests in the Congress of
the l.'nt ■•.} S;U\- f «•} nv ni'iy ceitiiu *•!
j his cicciuu, because. of his' tried, intelligent and
l known ability tj recommend and enforce meas
! ures necessary for the public good. We defy a
j moral and c Htscientinm opponent to say aught
j against the man.
W utters Pass*Ttv*M* noartTtL.— Wear*
inf, nu-d that (.‘o'. Jam** Anderson of Mancht**-
lu, h»* made to the Msmgrrf of the Hospital
an-illttr tiuly mumficient. offer of a tile. j Tbo
Cjlunel pr,ip '*4-* to tell them Ins bctuiiful man
, i,in and ••'vm arm of ground iu Manchrslor
»rcrl,K,king the Ohio River for flfi.OOU- One
thousand dollar* of which he will subscribe at a
donanon min- and eight thousand five hundred
ifallar* more at ihodcalh of himself and wife.—
I. l ’other word*, he w,ll tike #8,bl)0 paid dovyn.or
ecu ed to l>* puiJ at sum-' future lime, and the io
-1 >-fc-t of $4,500 dollaradunng bis and Ufa wife’s
•crpoclive live*, far the properly. The mansion
i,i Urge and »urroumfad hy every convenience and
A-i|i an-wpr allt’v' present nrce«sitica nf tlielHo*
Tut K*i*i.r. s*loos. —Thia magnificent es
labliahmenl is doing n very large budne**, espr
t-ijlly since AnJrrus engaged the Sable Hfitunn
i«ici to give r mccrla lh» re every rroiung. The
lidica nerd not fear mieting wi»h any thing <n
-Hl .-rnl Strict propriety. Ii n now a very faihiunn
i,l,i place ol i«s ut. Ilclwcrn the Muair, Ice
i 'reiirns. Foui.lam. crowJi are attracted tu it.
’l*iik ( i.vnuL k*i l un*i>.—We lea'll that no
fa«« than seven parties are un the road le'weru
Harrisburg and Pittsburgh engaged in survey*, —
three cast uf the mountains and two west. Thi*
l»-,ka like being in earnest and we hope ihn work
c-minetieed will be prosecuted with unllsggiog
Taa Oldsk Time, far April ha* been iuued
hy the puhtiiber*. The memorial of Olden Time
continued liom a previous number and the papers
are of gieat intoruat to those who would seek ac
quaintance with sirae of the extant of (he Brit
ish and French Courts os identified with our car.
~~ —_ j
ed. Tbo invited guests alone died of the poivon
leuviug the briJc groom aDd family uninjured.
Tho bride was an orphan girl and a disappointed
1 tvrr bad done the deed, byadmiuistariog tho poi
sin io the cuffs® or food.
Mn- WxßSTea-—The gentlemen or the Bar
at New Orleans and Moliilo have Intiled Mr.
Wcbtter to viiit these two cities. The city authori
ties in both place* will probably participate in the
A ruu occurred-lo Frederickatowa Pa., or
'sumlaj morolnr I** l . * °’ clo ' k -
Hoom. ona ,le,m Oilil Mill ,nd t„o Sior.i
»r,c Jt.irojcJ. Amount oflon oot known.
The matkel tor Flour has again advanced- The
stocks are very Irghlof alldnciipUot.4. OfHow
ard street COO bbla ncru taken at sB,7fia9,Qo, the .
hat site being at the outside figure. City Mills
aUo sold to a hraited extenl at $9 per bbl. The
market it in a very feverish condiution—operators ;
ora anraiy at the rapid advance in prices. '
Of Wnrat sties of the best samples of Red !
at 198a200c pet bu. Buyers purchase sparingly [
at Ihe prices acked.
- 'l’he advancu on Corn is notsusuinvd, and | ri-.
cj*s have gone back some c«nu. Sales of White
of prime quality at I03ul(l&c per bu, and of
Yellow at tOHc.
Further sales of Oats at CBaCOc per bu— ,
mi'ket not fully supported. j
Whiskey in l>bls has advanced still further— ■ j
tales U>day at a4*c pei gall. j
Conum-al is cheaper than yctlerday by file—j
tba sales of ibo day were at per bid. I
' Provisions—The newa bn* had ati-nufivorsMe I
rfTect, anil Pork is lower. Sales new \Ve*-j
tern pkd Me»« at slfi.l2j ilG,37} per bbl. and of
Piiinoit) B7s pet hbi, ton moderate
Sereniy-*ljc Buttdinff
\dio.itme dio ?'l> \v£ti of the City, on MiaeisVille
Toropikii Road, at Auction.
".IN Siuur,Ur Af'.ruion, ll.r 2*l ao"«toc*,
, will lie Mill, on the hrtniifp-: *eventy-Mi b«ndwm»
lioil.lmz of ground, «i mate on Centro Avenue and
1 . irrri* uJjacfiil llitrcio.u plan of which can
1 ,n- auction rootn.or on-application to Jaue* U- '"'";
IVr * one-fifth cash, t*nd residue iu four annual ps>
1 imini*. Witli Imcre-t lo be secured by bond and moil
i „ o i< J D DAVI!*, Auctioneer
i i i L-,i,.E5% COUNTV. a*. Large sila of Build-in l*l*. in the Eighth Ward
Non-I.b.,rt„ .0.11 I.N. O-. .0.1 «tor~ ; . I ON
*.nt conc. mrd_ iUm• iJ««; , t-u i ling l o h of G,o..nd, fronting cn ]\.nn-yl*ania
1 t ™‘“\ '\"i u,- .ci oific,. *.(• .a .1 t'ouiuy anJ A>vi.u- , incur the Court Home,) and street* adjsoeiil
Allium, m u- *;*•*•“£. for Ut.-ru ... Umpiring vert eligible ..tuationsfor busme-s,
ii.u iiir> will te | r n • V manutactu’ins purport i ani private pan
confirmation mill u.lowanco mi Monday .ib«* «•» tl.i. ot "J®,,,. „ MuU view o'the Mononga- next, vij . ... -i« it ti n . m -,» ' river at-d the adjacent scenery-
■ss?»-V*r“ “-'“V.■*•<• »<; jxz&xs
: l>«.u. J.U «••*.«, Btoei. , _ “V" . _ jULE'^ I • A “ cl ?■
1 rZH\T to“" Jo “ : 1 K “ nl ‘''”' l ;''“ l, " l ‘ will, nnd * Anti-Masonic Cnndidalti.
r.nil A -rniuit' f( Jam. Co.lioun, »«*•'»'»« bircuu r j.- u laK; _pl L a»e announce ibe name of JOHN
r.r J«* K. M i-i l.t la rof Kiuai.aU. rownibip. dee d. * - t r o>o .ieliof SUrpsburgb, aan suitable
Sup Aeeoi.r.i rl Urn Brat.. AU.mni-ira.ot o, the h- * ; , it,,, cj.n.-lin Hie l.Ugi.l*«ure,
* ,%• AiSj Vl JoU A "lim"! SJLSSL - -to , M«- ....aito to. C. SNIVIILV.
l-.i .ir „• p„ , „ VV.II ute of Allegheny City, ilec’d. i «.f Township, wdi be supported in Ihe Vkb g
veer'll-! 01 Airx fli.ilJs tu»d Rnbt. Hindman, i on J Am-Ma»ouic Convention. a» ••unable ewjdfoaic ,
l i-. B uf*oi il.f K.iun- «< Rom McD.iniu-l. iW'd ; for the Leculanirc. and oblige MAN\ CITIA»-.>^
Sup and Kmal Account of And- AtcCli*ier,*- ; in> If* .. I
Un orm 3.1* Koiii-S. Kit of P-rnHeyTown*h:p dec d. M pike pleasure m recommending m i
Ac.-ojii: *-i And McC.uier, Adminutmtorcr i .mlna Ill<rr , Anl.-Mason c and Whig County |
for who wm Admunsirntrii .if_lhe hmie r.f Join. ,' oI , veIItIOJi .MARSHALL SWARTZWHLDKR, JE»q. '
l-o,!.,lateoi P-ndvv Tow-'»hip d-e d. • gentleman well qualified w represent this couu- j
; Sup Account mMn beri O Uym*. on-, of th-i-t*-. j : jjiate As-empty. His ncmlnanou would gran-I
. ( Hi.- I’ u.i.ura'i t-antt- j , .r. of ilm K-tate of Tlio*. Jones, late of Pif-l-uigh, ; - anie , ou> f, ic ,idt Hi the City and County. / • I
BOSTON MAKKEI-. . p<| | . >•>-*» I (ink OF THIS PA»TI
Th. .«**.* -f Hour iJ* i S KK&J ' h '
and since the Britannia - news, prtcca have gone ... » ;™ j U [ ££ l A ,} a i n ,Writer of the r.ta e 1 nfireof Count, Commi-ioner. jpetFß-mX
up largely. Trf-day »le« Wte'ern at *9 00 per m A &re 1-tr v.f Frankl.n Township. dcHO .»vi:w*wr | JF.FFF.RSON 1
barrel. I Areount of Hector Soil.erlana nnd Jos " '»drr-. Kx- JOHN of Allegheny, will be support- .
Corn has advanced very cmsiJcralily-iaU- of; «-»« »*.of in- >.-ta.- of Jan., <«t e of Fm To . , fJ m Whigs and £«"«“*»£&;.fSfSSS, Y
~rim» While a< 12« c pe-’b,.' j 1',.,,. -be K- "““.SSSS" **** “^"'^Erffc
Tin new. 1.. J „„ p.r.,eal.r effec, on P.nTO-j ~ie M-. M«. .'mto.: to ol CAI.EB
ions and prices arc the same as previous 'he l!lc f >l3lr 0 f It. v John Dickey, la eor i.KK- t.«t( of ih-.scnv as a suttaliV person u,T *P^** al
stosiuer’s arrival. * ■*• i u'i Town»h-p, de. M. ' t .h-. tj mthc l.egi-iature. tmyUdiw] MWN
, r i Sup. and Final Ai-.-ount of Dr Ja* Caiothers ar.d .
vu/xm Mi.'Ylf-n - Dus I i.v.d-oii. Kx. color. ..f the K»ia.e oi John 0.1.- > hkNRVI.ARGF Kr«t-» of AJitfiin Township, wijl ■
IHU u jii.ailu •, luif 01 l*ceb!e« To»vn*b.p dec’d. 1 ho u caodldaie for ihf L< *i»!a'ute, subject lo the noon* ,
Tin- Aintncan wag m trains me already ann.’J* i >,i|. Ae<-ou. iof Win Ai-imr*. »«rviemg Adin.n . D f tho Wh'g and Ami-Masonic, county Convert
* , ira.orof Uu- b>iale of Salomon Becd. In;.- of Indiana f myt3d&wtc
c-J in Mexico »nJ recently SI Americans were Trtrt . : „ n ,p. ,|. r -.i, , '
.. i„i »«f .|t_ t (inripnl Sulnr :, Jo*, ir-.v.n. Admnmrmorof Jos .Dow- M»ior JOil.N WILI.OCK will besuppotted before the
acen oil the roa.l to JaUpa. a ktllrd. tveoeral. slot , Ult , wr ,> ll „t, urK li. dee d. _ Whig and Anltmasnntc Cohvent.pu for 'be office of
has raised a corpt f.«r a (iuerdla Wurefare, wbure sup and F.nal ® f J **- s A, !- n }!!!!t!!’*K* eOU,lI > Treasurer FIRsST \VARD
“ ' K ..... , . . ; toroi Ilie Kstau-of M.l* oiJiUsbh myc JAwT*
molt - is. -war without pitv. A deiiutati-jn u#u . .j- - - ar-b.* t
. i ’,. |i, _ ; Vr count of Ai--r Young and A Potter. Kx*. utors of. Ms Ferron—Plea#c umioonce the nnmc of Major J
cone from the camp.demanding that .Midshipman t . *f.‘, j* hl , Y out.v Ui- of Fuyeue Town-lop. M SNtiDOKASS df Mitllin township., as a snitab'e
>» —I « • - , j lob,, Or , ®SBT
In C’n-ftl'Jeurr of eirkners, dea'b, ar.d loss in ! A ,i ln r; the Kstatu ct Tho«. Dreunen la.e «>■ MR fUlTOß—Pt<a‘e announce the name of JOHN
.h« m n . -v„TT to.! •>» , C!^u^ toT^W‘"lu^iaSS, t
W. in hi. .„n 7 n.OOU rffrr.i.c ton -«n,b. I** | «f to E.S. .f W. \ I>n. b» b-n «.
turn .-f ilia volunteer- who*e tune shortly expires, j v:‘k ih Ist- «-i si V «*f fownsh-p. «J-c -l . k^n Q{ ) i>rc a( a|| e , ce |i rn t and suirable candidate for
.„JwhnU,.„. t0.1.«urn.1t0...0 | >';-^ ns S\ *T
. niun. Ol 111,- .e.rn r.jimr.iU, he -=.«■ nnt . ! o( Wm Nd- „, -t. tom. ’ "•!*»•“ - COLNTRV
_., m , ft „v Will U<mam T | nnn 'oi U.-- K» au of Joun A iken late ui tfo.. To*n- msi'i’ll M--:t' hi>* t>-e«t spoken of by,
' 1 ,1 M .,_ )lrc -,i „',. ra - i-'. rn-..-: * n cundid»le foi CiUiliy
M ji.if tir-iieril . I.:-1 t-er I'i-sr* i sfe a* j “J j| A ' l .,.„ lJl|l Air i |.«i:gii< n Ki-i'.i'-i n. tl.e (j C iug in evert respect UoneM and ca^-able,
•i Stam.i-lLoga-i.ilet-'J. • .. • ' v .|| t.c .uppoi.ed l.> his friend* for that office before the
Account of Rouen Vouna and Wm Mtrnson. Ad- j _ myUWAw
T'" ° y ' THOMAS fnnfe, Of Lowers*. Cla^'townslilp,
Vceouni'of'kot.t Robh and Ja^Gray, 4th si. Kxecu «.il l-e ncand.itale for nomination loihe office
of the Buaie of 3 Moielan.’ late of ite City v»- fonuaiM.ontj .. »?»«»*<»
P is-luifKii lrmiiV'TS JOHN snnßlFF*of Urn city, will be supported by
i.LARmAN ACroLNTB maiiy Wi. g« of ibe citv and county for nomination by
Account o Wm. Hoitnes, (mardian of uhl-K taie 01 ' A . M . n rnft A.d4ir for die
• i:,.„.,r 'r- nof Oe,» M H-.d-li .nvtdV.vT FITT
... G Im-ir., .AI-- v of Fa>e-le
Uacnn U also a abide lower— aim Weitern at
f,f ShfUW* n>, and of Sides at 9a9J per It).
I.atd i* u irifltJ cieiper—*i!e* N'-> 1 Western
•*iln*ve l\»rre'*pomieiicr lit 'he P.ttsimrßb (Jan-ue.
May 19. 7 l». M,
'There lia* not been any coiiKiJi-rable.movement
in Flour in th<« market, an«l pnci* have not im
prnvfd sinco yesterday; The sales »f (Jem-wee
to day were at $9 2*>aB 31J per b l »l.
Of (Jorh prime Velio* sold at 101 c per bo.
A demand h:.* sprung up ho Um-f at alvaucid
piicer. Salt? old Mea* to-day at $16,125,.
ft Correspondence o' the I 1 irj>:« G-ireirc ,
f May IDili, 7 P. M.
Flour—Th« l'U«i6e« done to-day is trifling.—
Buyeva were »till c-«htendiin*. ; thruui;hout for a re
duction. bm aome holder* h.iv.- put up their fic
. ores-H'H U’gher, lh<- utreme nskm* prices I'»r
Standard Western and iVimsylvnuia brands being
ft} rfis9,oo prr bbh N'osah-*—>»'nek light.
Kjc Flour ha? advanced eonaiilenbly—mode-|
rate sales to-day atfa.7s per bid.
Of Oornmeal the -»*h> t-> day «erc at fn.2A.but
mo«t holders are demanding fb.dli per bbl.
Wheat—rhotec samples uf While snIJ to-dny
ut fJ.IM per bu. and same quality nl Red at
Jalapa on tho 2Sth April. The movements of 1
the army, to ys the l nion, depend c?n* cir'eum^tan-
New W«tvAvs. May lO'.h.— An alarming cre
vasse ha* occurred, in Algif*>, at the levca oppo
nirN,*- U.h.rv 'lt- '.".-li in« 2<>o fet-l in
iai Jill and tin- water »». through in a
current 4 fj*t drop Several hvi* lost and where
th- levee wa* n:i the 9ih there nan 100 feet of
Water on the Uhfi. A los- "1 many plantation#
was feared.
A letter I'toro New Oik-nu-. dated May loth,
sta'e* that pr •p »-a'« f.rr-pi are had bom received
from Meiic.o by CJineta! Seott. and that comntia.
sinner* would be appointed uiah- a peace.
Anemia destructive Are occurred at I'incinoa
li on Monday morning. Badger’s Saw Mill, and
Jenk’s dt Kline’s Puneing rsraMi»him*nt. and ►»*
blc. with the Washington Brewery viable. wtr*
burnt with other properly.
Mint t hvtki in- nuv.—Allegheny county
»!ons will contribute eighte.-n or l.Tentr lhoti*and
dollar* lor the icliel of 'ho Jri-h.
PIT TS 8 I B (ill tt KE K 1.1 UIE T T E
Mar '-b— rosnsT* is rnit
RfcLMiiut* .-\ v * i v r.ns* utin —Of 'he American
Bible S.iciclj; of the American and Foreign Br
hie S-jcieiv; o f the American Baptist Homo Mis
sionary Society; of the B.iarJ of Foreign Miaiiunr,
uf the Home .\li.»ionary*f<urici); American Traci
Society; Ktangrlieal Al-iatics; ot the American
Seamen'* fiiend Society: of the \««‘vi'ationi»i*;
New Vork and American Sunday School Union;
Colonization Socu-tj: pf the Anti Slavery Socie
iy; of the American and Foreign Anti Slaveiy
Society: of the American Tempuranc* Union; ol
ibu New Vork State S.»firty far the abolition of
Capital punithmenl; of the Magdalen Society; o.‘
the Colored Urpban Atvlum; uf the 'American"
Female Kefarin Society; of tl«- Anti-Capital Pun
i«hnnnt Society.
MisccLi-ATtuco Late and highly interesting
iotelli’rnee received during <the past week from
our armitn m Mcnct ; more of the great battle ol
U.-rro (iordir. Late intelligence from the army un-
Jcr Gen. Taylor. Gen. Kearney and Cora. Stock
ton; sentence o( l.u-uL Hunter; npinion of the
Attornry Genual in rvgaid to fugitives from *er
sice; The Hill Knad qtns.’it.r.; Intcrhal Improve
ru«o'; Foreign mLcellany; Au«erir.U"> in parly
ood Araeririn* in principle; Progrr*«ivc Democ-
racy, JC''- & c -
History «I^'Hie war with Mexico chapter and
verwj—Lrt'eca fmm Washington—Murder and
•mcido in the cify and ncrl^aa^ooj—A defence
of Mr. Maffut h>‘ his churrh frir-ii\„Ac., AtTr
cart fully c mipili-J Review of
the Market* far the pa«t wcuk; The price* in lh»
city inarkc; The Cattln Market; The prices ol
American Produce m v.Trinu* parts of tlic Union;
The London ond Liverpool cotton mariuta; The
Krtrop-aii markets gvnetally for products; New
Vork atork'* and Money Market*.
Fohi iov News.—Tte ainval of the stcuinci
Hibernia, with dales to the dlh of May—from
Bnglaml, Scotland, lirland and the Continent
grneratl*.; Late and interesting from Mexico; Late
from ihu Wr-nt Indies and British Colonies.
Fur sale at the de*«, aingly or in wrapper*,
price fi rent* *ingle copy.
Sub*rriptions two dollar* a year in advance.
Useful Information—An miporuiu <l.»cov<-ry
in meihcuie ha« l.ern inad*- l»y Dr. t.'ptuun,— it consul*
,r lim llßt>i<) KOlllOllttlil'.l of! »Illl*l*llC*-«. 11l
die form of no Fieciuat) . wh cb ha» ctfaeie«l iuiiirisuig
cure* m Pit ino*t di«itT«»inu mk, uf* or
Pile*, nnd fur iln* comjilaiiil h*» t,e«-1 pronounced n» m
jjT-jiold. Whote*ale nnd Ueinil, by WVATT A
KkI’CIIAM. IVI Fulnnfc*iu-rt, New York; Wst. Thors.
Market nreri. amt P. R. •‘awtt.e, tfaiiihfiieM Mtert
I’lUsbuix'i, I*4. Price SI pcrliox. myl? 1w
rmßi) btrci-t, roaKEn ot po»t orrict ii.lrt
are now prepared io execute in aanp'-nor
and expedition* manner, all kind* of Job Pattetiao
■ueh n« birx* I’otirr*. Hieatnboat Dills, Bill* of Lading,
Letter Sbeei Circular*, Handbills, Cards, Ac., Ac
hook axn peufulit pjiixtixo
nimm .
io any exicut cxecuicU In ibc be«l luannei, and »*
kind*of Priming done wilh accuracy and ai die lower
rate*. .
nylapartani to Advertta*x*»—Tbo adver
d»cnient»whteh appear in the Daily Morning Gazette
al»o appear in the Tn-Weekly,thu* receiving tbo ben
cCt of the circulation of all, without any additional
charge. Thl* i»»»advantagetoouradvcruaen, withou>
any extra expenae.- Adv*n.««nenW are aUo fawned
.nibe country fiaper upon rea*ouable tenqs.
J*:dney Strong.
A 11 t’orlinc.
Win J Ilowan
*Jlobi M Kiddl.
John Hippey.
R 3 Cassatt.
J C Hussey.
<> Adam*.
A W la>omi
\V I. Adam
.M F Eaton.
tletiry Campbell.
Wm M Hrrib.
Wb’K Hart,
Wnt R Rhode*.
C (> l.oom:?.
Alfred F Ansliuu.
T J Bingham.
Alex \V M.Her.
James M ClirJ'V
C Dtrrngh.
Thomas McKee,
J*« W Bailer
II W William?.
Chas B Scully
[:y-kalt«r'* Qlaieng Panacea.— Jl*uc*b
T*.»i!mi»y~'Vi- t'ci; leave m call public attention 10
!(,. i.Miowtng, irnm Dr. Win Doan, of Wilham'ville
tVerin-ini Co . aiiJ our of iLe very bin practitioner* in
.ll wb.< b be reiulea, and late Senator in the
Sinii- Uiji.lMuii.' lu< cheenuK tbu* to vee the'ead
:r:jj men of ibe proiesaioa, bur«L<i|c tbe bond* of pn»fr»-
» mini pr-judo-c, umt Riving merit il* rtoe •
"S:r l have m ioy jiraclice been using AOUleoi your
(•inve-iR t'annrra, and. to far, am well pleased in it*
ci!r.-i* m Cat.trtltu: and Complaint*. Pk-aae
vein' iio- nml a dozen Uoulrs—put them .«« low a* vou
>-an. IS l eipei-i il com.iiufls 10 render n« Reue.rat >m
,-tact.on a- .1 lin< heretofore. to keep il rt.,i,iani)y on
linin' Kr*pecMuNy, nptT tV«. lfoas. *j o.
I’U.-J Mni!*il'«lieU and ei.-j«l*iil gentleman Will, Bl Ibe
re pieai of tue Kehei Cominmce. repeat bis ‘-Lerinre or.
tie-land ' on Fudny Migbi, at s ii'i-luck. ntibe Her. .Mr.
Kui'i Cmireli. Cib iirceu Ticket*, *5 cents.
Ip7~ i ti- llo*|i.isl Uonrtl wilt ineel ai ;i>e It ink o
Pm»bur*b in-da). at:i o'riork myVO
m r.'i-a- Saylor, Ooardtan of the Estate ci
Plxt-hc- Jchn anJ Jane, minor heir* of Joseph fitbion.
15 ti'roini of Archd.a d (’ook. <utardian of Mary Aon
and Arrfn’- i.d li mw, miiru h-iri of Ja* Udmore.
oe.• d Or one of ti » Kie<-ii,or«. .1. tm’Cool. Jr
,n ’oiiiu-I'T PA W A Dl'.llt A.Ueg'ster
Vii I'LO UAL. I*l
],v.\rRAt»RDINAKV nnd ruiueiy unprecedented
nou. *urpr.* hr an-l ■niu«ingex|-cetmen««isi Cnenn*iry
i,\ Mr.irs J.FdJPtII.D anti ALCERTI—ior l'lip-e
N'irhts Only. Mond-V. Tu.-s<liy a d Wednesday. May
17 its | «iti. tind I'.'th I -4'* . , .
These mcomprebensrh.. experiment* are performed
«--tli a mn-i corceo.l- and cii«-iv npparatn*
TneXm*. j)rr»eni.u« me uppearin.-e nt « Rtand Pat-
M adin.soon -ja e-m*. w:tlto-M rega.d to a«e.
.. >t ha..-past 7 i 'ut'Biti tv rce at e o'clock
.1 Hand 111' Miis.r w.ii be u intendillCi each even.-C
luyltdu _ . ;
IXril.L .kl.vcr • Lecture n> thr *raotfieW •! M. K.
V» Ohjir|i l‘iii*t>uron Tiwr»d*y creumj M«)
1 0 , » Mhll n* b« «'»<, •«, *«il
W.U. 11l
-lnmWU . .
T «•»«• » *J.i tphl*—(•m'l'mvi unit i*ailv J7J
C T rkrf hi t>< fiaii si ihe l)ni< Su»r«- of John Mitehoil
i..t Iml tnf i*nor >«t-oi John rarkrr. AHe<hony C.ty
s'hv at ib<* tn>n Cuy Oil Su.rr of J l> Voitnifoii
*-m -irri and :tt Methodist HooV Stott, <th m« »»*
ni ihr door tnyVOU
Or Kj* la:*- fi.m of .Oiilo p'e A Kennedy. Uwkinj,
(i'j.i M»nu:»riori-r and dealer in Clock*. Combs.
U hU Vaf.iv Hood*. keep* ron-tautly on bond, of hr?
v ,„ munuurrturc. ever. detertpnoii oi Mahogany
nnil Common l»» (•!«»»<••. I,‘J I) 4. »ud j d>uwr i
jVlt-r* pla.ii uiiil n*iianieiu«l port a.l flame.
A.i L iid. of Clock*. Trav. o .d Waiters, ::t •«■»* o.
c,. ii'j».Tnrrad». ami a general assortment o
Cirto-I*. whole.a'e aim .mail idvauce on com-
I’tf.l'ir? nrul other* supplied with PhelpV Chart*. Cor
iFrtni* andM>><> 11 frame, at New Vork prior
invtuif Noia, cor mxi a«d nir •%*
IAYSK’S IIAIR TOXIC-W. comment to th. .
<J nu.Mi'.jn o; i:.w .le.nou**»t reU.iuiig their Ua.ruf ,
~r.proving i-uuc.. »«► li*.« *• ••T"..' preparation «f ,
... ar.t every where highli «P“kc am! e.peciallv bj !
u,„.r will tI4VV m»iu 0»c 0! it. 0* greyly <* *«''■*<• nu » ]
... '«r,<nui uni* tht growth of the l.m.r. and preventing i
unit i-ufii muni affectum*OMlf *kin tl* virtue* arc j
manly anil • urtieirmiv proved—A’. Y Svn .
F r »»k in I’ltuburgh at the I’KKIN TKA STORK.
-1 Fourth .iren. nr*- Wool. amt uiw at the Drug Store
>1 P Schwartz. Federal «i'Ailcvheay C-'»v nuJO .
con mission kr op dbkds
T CINOINNA T» —I am authored l»y the Governor |
/Vof |V»i«rivinu to lake «ri,u,.afcdfm-nrj n» all in- :
airuinctni o' writing, *l*o fljMariii and dtpcMtiom of ■
peraon* in Ohio, to h* u*rd or recorded in IVun«jlvu
ina. Ovr.CK, tJ doom lb»»l d the .Mavor’* Office, l in-.
nnnnii Ohio EDWARD I* CRANCH -
mytiftlAwM* _ Attorney “?
*I—TAKEN EE on Wednesday,tbelSth tn»l. (
f M 4 „ tlaj-Coi’. fttmul one ) car old. with a’mall j
~A <|»l. "Inn .pot on the iunrhead unu uo orlivf ;
riu-w. Toe owner I. f*qur»ird to prove property. pa}
ft barge, aud take the Cult away. JOHN BAR R. '
L mySOd-lwliP'• At the Ma>or_« nmce_
• I ' lx"lfi - POCKJSY CCTLKRY— com .
T i.te»* IVnknivra; Roger'* I.Si, and -1 bladedo. "o»-
nmhol.n « Ktiivv. n**nr»e 1. I(>m» of « .uperior i)uih
i\ Hn/or S.<v>l>* and Mruto-t Table Cullcrv. m *ctt» of
jV n.ccc. ,»■*.» ,n . nHc do/c.i» of the t.erl Atnci.can ,
in imi'nrturr n.u! Ml b.i-uer nnl<(«. Steel Key:
It K.-f K.- . Steel T.vr>--i».‘3oi*T». B*c« *e.
For «a:c l • " W WILSON
„,y ai i/nrnei Fourth and Market*!*
Tje*-*. Black ami Colored <li tv In iteJ S,lk llul «»:t», Cro-
Ch-I Uae» >. k Eurae*. Ac—uil received and for '«!«
m,•.»() V H F.ATON_
11NI0X BOBBIN EDGING*: Egyptian Lae-: Ex
jnn wi tr Late fur Muwjtum Net* Linen nud Colton
ttrr«- Frm«e»; Black and_Ural> Morocco for Skin*.
Rror ii 2 Capa and l.ialc Ribbon*, for lain hy
nu .j, 1 F It EATON
MOSU t; ITO NKTTH-hW, ■‘•l Barrel Moduli*
Ntit*. a good article and piece*—jn»t tcceived
■’.’'l '"I ‘" lr WjirTF.WI wood ;i
PAPKII rmae White, Black. Pink,
B:ue a id Sime colored Paper Mutli.u, juit opcatd
*‘my A WHITE, 19 wood ft
Ct ASH tl KRETTKS—I ea*e heauttful Black
/ t’»«huieieltn'. iu«t oprne t and I'f aalo hv
utvvd SHACK!.Iirr A \\ tl TK. 09 wood «l
HKniUXOB— VI hbUNo 1, Inapected; for *alr hy
Ka»t «ide of the Diamond
Oold and
Blue Banner«o«. with T*»ael« and Corda to
match—received b> Kjtpret* and for
mvVtl r 11 EATON
1 I’PRIIPIXfC BIIIRTS.of laten'ttrle and of
N I( ., U ||„ nire*.'from No t to No G—jtm received and
fo, m.. 0 I." my»» V It BATON
PAXT STUPPB—A very latße aaaortmem Rood,
ii w itvle Sammer Pantaloon Staffs rfn hind and for
FtRIONCU LAWNS—A Rood arwrimentof de«>-
iHtiic mj tr* and la e p.otlcrtu and impor.aiiona, for
• a'r cxtrctnclv low hy
SHACKLF.TT t WHITE, f» wcoi -i
ITT ANTED-A Competent Book-Keeper- Addreai
W Hex a«T. I*o*l Office _ _ jarjRHPhL.
kTAPLK s6uAß—]sbhlaBunr for sale by
M myvQ ’ F.W’U. HKAZKbTU^
f~fcA|>-a3crVi|rrdalena jtt»t f-cetved »ud
L*for tale by I’OINuKXTI.rt 4 CO
mv-Al No 41 water atrr»» .
i/l Ai>Utsitl—For tale ity ea»fc or"ary n*
iVi mylti k RirhFTSQN
by mylD MILI.KM a HICKKTBnr.
i.uuo .
auction sttlts
ily JehM Di Davis* AacWwnsr
Land for Bale* ■ . .
Valuable Unds, within U miles of Pittsburgh, •< *■§*
ton—ON Tboj«4»y eveuinr. the Wtb tustafli. «l
nock, -t .h/co&.eroal Auciio.rJlomaFeorm-. «
w 00.: and Fifth sueen. will be ?o‘4ux beMUful toU
or piece of lam], aitaate in Ko** Township, onUif
Franklin Hoad,four miles from the euy of Adegbfny,
«u’int>le for country seats or gardening patpo***- *p • ,
•> -vlncli mar be seen ai the Auction Room I • .
l be above propeny i» very desirable. and
exarumed at snynme previous to sale. Title Uldispcta
i Ir and free from all incumbianc.e*- .
Also, ihat valuable lot of ground, situate on
ra.t *idr of Sixth'street, near Grant, having *7 leci
from., and rxieudiux bark 100 feet, oo which is etected
a three «iory brick Dwelling House and a small framfl
lucid ng. Term* ai ia‘c, JAS. BI.AKEI*^ i, , .1
Attorney In fact of I*. MitebeL , |
Ujylt) JOHN D DAVIS, Auct’r -i
ON Thursday, the VOih instant, tit 10 o'clock, will be:
.old - un citensive assortment of seasonable fancy j'hd
.tapir dry roods, urabtf Us*,parasols, 1<oot» and shaes.’
At 55 O’clock. F. M.
* A quantity of groceries, glauwate, queen swan-, coal,
cram and de.Ton.hirc ahovtl*, bed cords new and ire
omt hand carprtlng. mantel clocks, splendid mantel
j-inip.. wire sales. fenders and sieves, feather l*eda.
iiiattrasscs, engravings, looking glas*«i, Ae.» together
a-i,h a large assortment of new and second hand boose
hold furniture, cooking stove, kitchen utensils, Ac. .
Also, 100 ucms jand holds
At 71 O’clock, P. M.
A Urge rt*.oriinriU- of, super'or quality table and
ro-ket cu'lery, gold and s.lver katehet, rifles, shot
suns, ready made clothing in gieat variety, fine shirts.
With linen bo-omi and collar*, a quantity or german
uucy ifooda, hardware, Ac.
79,630 Spanish Clears.
Kuibracing a Choice assortment of very superior
...1,,, Uinn.**jlie m°*< .fpiotrf
>v.ii t. wtorta.. p;;”- 1 '•
cmnmSMk comer wiqil .ml •>»*»
J W H.\XTKrt.«n" lue city. Wi.lbe *ui»port«l before
iUc w& e tud a nuoumjdu* Convention for iw>pnn*tioo
,«ike rcndidaic (->r «Le.o3»ee of coantvTietjnier
noSdiwts &hU>MD WARD
Col W »:<PVof Lower St Cla:r townal ip wil* he
i.) -in,.. ...J
.Inturc myliJavth JfcJ-F^tpVN
* t\CKKK A MAVKK whole.alc. and retail dealer*
;\ in Ka«te»n Rcmty-made Clothiog, would reapeei*-
■ull I take ihif method of aolieitutß the attention of ibeir ■
i ...uunera and the public Renerally, to the following
~1, of ioch v tock m trade, and a»wire thru *Do. that
iiiey w,U *cß a* cheap if not cheaper than any other
.•■tablfhmeni in the env- Gur factliueaof purchaamg
;«nd fiianufuciu'iu* food*, are «ueh a* to enable os at
ill iimr* In keep a lull a«*onment of leady made eloth*
i.e. at le»* price* lhan they can i>r obtained elaeWhere
The preaenv ‘lock on band comitl* in pan of the fol*
ii»wnie'di’»< riptionjjf aoods.:
litil.lack i-'enhlire** coat*, fr.'m SIOtoBSO
ja) do do French do ■ HI *“ 34
;n uimrii nnd mvi*.Wo (freen do IS u 45
*uc» coat*, tplrmlidiy made A of good material.
!!»«> pair pant*, nl all *ljt!e* qua'.itie* and price*:
•jpu ye*t» do do do . do
It*, doreit l.'Oen plant and «inche*l Li(i«om»hirUi»lt>rk*;
-cart* iTuva:.| t.n*oin«; roitora; »u*p«nder*; aock*;.
t'ravrrr*. hud miyter »hirt» of ever) variety, all of
•vl-ich have been rrcrntly poreha»ed and adapted,to the
1 I'.rerent *ea*oti Meichnnt*- urtd other* who are tn
w a-n ~f rimbmc entinot do be ter than to give o* a call.
IliMmltcal Companion.or Family Fbyncian; treating
ii m- «ti«eA*c* of the t'mied State*, with theit *yrop
,tl ,ajM, .-ure» .md mean*of picveniaiioiii common
s ! .«•-« hi »uig« ry, a* iracturrf,di*:oeaiion», Ac.
Tit • m tnucpinciii and i!i*ea*e» of women and.cbtl
..rni' A dippcn*»!ury for preparingfsrtlily medicine*,
.i .d n s <•*«»»>•. explaioiug teChnieal terins. To which
ire added, a brief anatomy and phyainlogy of the ha*
lain «htiwiug. on rational principle*, the ca«*e
.i.utcarc of diieawt*. an c*«a> on Hygumej on the art
|,f U .. (ving health without the atd of med.einei an
v nen-nn Materia Mcdica. pointing out the virtue* and* of oot medicinal plant*. By Jome» Ewell, Pby
, ~,51, Washington, formerly of Savannah- Tenth
~,1,1,011 rr*i*ed.enlarged, apd very oontiderably im
•r.ivcJ. vrukraetit* a matiac on Hydropathy, llamas*,
i.nnv n»d the Chrono Thermal Syateut Ju*trcceived
m corner Matkcthnd 3J »«.
1. ISAato Juatn Sanx Prinetpe Cigar*;
UMKiOVd quality do da,
3 WO Regalia do;
‘i ’.Sou Sen! Leaf Cißtf*.»«hole*;
Ui hi* RoWletl'e C» FlurToUhcco;
sbx* llewleil’a HD. Lump do; j ■
Jn*t received and for sale verr lowbv
SUGARS— tScaaea Levering’*double rcTd Ixtaf, •
It* i.hi* Lovcring’* eru*he.d Sugar;
4U libuLouitiatm Refinery Loaf Sugar, No 7i
do do do do No 4;
.jui,i,l, do do I’tilverited Sugar, l A 8",
Sli bid. St. Louis do do do, No 4;
j b«, do do «h> do, do;
For *alc by my 10 MILLER * RIOKITTSON
wool, wool: j
'PIIK liialir?! piice in emitpaid for all ihc different
1 ■ )'««.«*» oi tlmii W.x'htfJ Wool, by >
Old wool warfhruws, cor L’bcnral and Cecil** alley !
IN \l NCHKSi F.K FOB PAL.Iv-1 fmve for *mle 1
Uu.iding in MancUrsier.neßT (be Ferry.
•„"! f, t i.nni uy iji irrt i!ci}>. Ii will t>c *old low. and
on arcoHimodatin? 'fnn*. Terra* unezrepiionaMe
mvifi J.VMfci* BLaKKLV. Bc»I Ktura A<c«it
F\|3ll_?o hi' lilil* No I Trimmed tfbadj
a) btiii do do i’o, ln»pecieil.
Miliiui No 3 Larsc .Mackerel; fnr»aV l y
myl'i ■ Kamidcof thc Diarcond
I |HI ! GS—U«»oz. Milptiaie'Quinlnr;'
11 -Kct II) d roiawa;
jn or. Jndjnr j
S’l r/ l>iuo;c Acid;
X oi. Pru*>ic Acid;
muz lodide Iron: Jum ureived ami for
J scudonmakkr&co
No 24w00d Mrcet
Acids, Ac.-uii<*T»n. acm. ]•
. :t l>x» Sridliu Sliiißff; i;
2jtx> I’ulv. ttochtllr; !
keg* I’ulv Sop Curb >'o4a; juM
rrn-ivril un.l li>r »ale hy -•
itiviD _ J SCH< UN'U AKKRACtM4 water «
1 It. Murphy lit* Juu received a uVove cu*>o*
~i' nupcrior onke, amt ni very low price* lor tjoaluj •
v rood* bou*e, N. K. comer nf 4rU and Martel ***•
AND LINENS—W. R. Mmpbf hM now open*"
ejecileul n*iorin»e»it of above Rood*,"ill * oW ** ,
price*. .1 ' ___ ' —♦ ——
SALAD OIL-15 bbln llordcMX Salad Oil, ju«
?» d , /wr “ alc BicKgreoN
QFTrTTO'PKi'TW*r*».' reCeiV " 1 0D
OconMgnment and f*t * ,^ r , t } o xv DRAVO, Jr.,
lllJ _. * * Fifth. near Market meet
RIJ 1 Jd*il —— l *" 1 1
rtOTTOS, *c.-J per K,„
Al^ EN ‘- C r°-
P- nm.iosb TEA—SO if eb«s»ts ‘CkuUn”l*ou
-o®C*}” n o* laiid.iw and for tale Uy -
ebon* le*. » . MILf.KRA. lUCKGTSON
myU l _
H si bbl* No I.BaUaooroHemn*; .
* iSWiI* No I Shad; for aalcby
W ♦ub*erit>erv will par lie fcigbeii market price lor
orimo Wlmeand Rrd \\ beat and Yellow Corn.
P nil4 llUßnulPliK, WILSON AOO.wnerat t
LiaUOMCB— 3ea*es’Lfoiiee Ball, small ttiekt
ft bale* do - do, Root Frttk;
For eaic by milt J SCHOONMAKER *OO.
AngßHiC —1 keg Powd* jou received and for
££?, Ml*"'' > BCHOUKMUKBJtCO
WOOL— Sea«k» on eonslrnnenb for
myl4 I * R FLOYD
i wool* BAGGIHO* •
3S MiTfcet«. Philadelphia
•TOST RBCBIVKD—Another large Invoke'oi
Jlhorr Potea* Gurri Kia»U.e amt >tnf*c<* Suipei- 1 " m,
mfiJlmn qualities, manufactured by the Hu*r«i| .M- i
thewtme Cotapany, Ct, and fo« «ale *t uctory j>. i-e«,
br the agouti No ttC \Vo° d •»«’• *P **■•**• wholc*«i.-.
ra ylP | Agent for Karlcrn Manufacturer
_.\V R Morphy ba« ju»t opened an aaninment m‘
Gran-hoppet, Uraxit, Vandyke- China, War!
*iraw, anper. Rutland, and Uunp Bonncia. Ai*o.
••hon» and FloweraTTn great ranety, at the North K«1
corner of 4ih and Market »t». n l .
rpANSKR'S OlL—*©M»l» dark lttown Tam:- r’»
I Oil. landing and foraate bp 1
pyU HAGALFY A bMlTll. vrc<M' • t
51 oa«k» Scorcb«d jh.h;
For fate brj_ mylj
lTTsil- lM bbla No I Hcrrm*K
H *iso bhlt No 3 Mackerel, for *a <• Lv
1 |9 _HAOALBY4tf«mi
Y INSKKD OIL—SOBbIa in linmit order, »n\l
Land Wli It »U low u> M a
nACO.V—SO.OW Urf as*i»ited Cuv £^ r {^.£y* J,e
jjfyjr* No 4 Commercial Row,, Libtt'.vM
LAUD-MBbYaiul 1 »l»nd, no* hagai fom
W>oming, and tor »*lo by I
i Dr 5 _ai water rnd in? front *:*
SbbtaNntf do; for machinery
No 17 l.theny
ju*i received by
myl? | .- -- -
HKHRI3GAKD BllAJD—RffCivti.s ilu* f
(m iu Cauml, and for »aie by
tuyiT J J DaI.ZKM.. iM
of Hir,'Mrjra Ofct KIMJUOUU for *»l*. Kot i
4c. appeal _mylStf - FOKSY.TIj A V*
LESION SYRUP—Very fine, jasi reccivnl 'ar.d
for »ale by IIA-VS 4 iIKOCRWAV ‘
rnylS r NoSCommereinl-How, l.ihrriy •!_
BACON— 12 e*k» ltarouPiilcft in prime ordcr.foi
by S F VO.N * I'n
mjrl3 NoM fii»m m •
LOUIkviLLG LIMK-M bbl* L While I. n.e
for ralo l<y S F VOX BONNHORST fe Co
my 13 j No M front «l
ROCl£ POWDEH-W k?» Rock Powder. M.ton,
for rate hy l. IMCkKV k r*
my|h ; wain A from «i«
AttD OlL— lublib No I Uni O;!, ju*t rrtV at,A
icrralebv -p-SKI.I.KHS
mylO i 1* hbeiiy *irrei
ReßneU. for »alc very lott by
m\l3 : No 2 Coromerrwl Rorr, r.inmv »r
MACAHOJII—I case formic very low l*v
No S Commercial How_ytwTie »i
SCOIICHINGS lfica*k« Scorched Sail#, a j.f nm
article, ju«t received in more and for ■•ale l"
mj-u: l s;
BACON— hiid* Bacon Ham*;
• ‘ - l do SlionlJer*; rceei* ed in Mure and
ioryalehy mylS I. 8 \VaTKRM_aN_
PEA NOTS—Kpancd lor customer*. nt the Muitsr I
and Spice Factory. v“ Fifth «trcei.
RIO COFFER-3WI bag* prime Green Bio Co Crcf
forialeby JOHN SCOTT ACO j
mylSj No 7 Commercial How. Liberty M»eet
H‘ IckoBi'NUTS-ibM.forTa.cby j
MIIJITARY >TORE| corner of Founli and
_Maike_t eireei. myU W_W
CtPTB. TURPENTINE—IO Uhl*. ju«t n reived
&,mdabr »■!« *«y royl* BBAUN A BJ-iITHR_
LINSEED OIL-15 IU>I» on ba»d,for»aViby
tele by . • mylS . IIRAUN A BKITEK^
COTTON— I}9 baler Teiinosee. for rale t-j
i 'MS. _ 1 DICKEY A CO
CiakKSE-70 bozre Cbee*c tor cale by
_j wylS • - _ ‘JCKKV »fo
ire* Cariine Bice; for rale I>y -
! • m yl3 . J A RFItIVD
CORN— auo bui Cent in itore «ml for axle i.y
('tLOVES-H bblvjurt rte’d ond for »a!.c by
, w IClf fc McCASeI 11*3
nORN BROOnS-lB dor for rale low i.y :
C 0 ePB f *.-^'' b ',ro V[^Dß |„ :v
V 'f‘E#:® K«F.v * c=
BUCKETS a TUBS, received ond liir talc U
V jroylO TASSfeY A
BROOKS— ISO doz. for tale by
I «ASTGR Oil*—s bbi» tuperiorCacor tM. recM
U and for rale by OLARKK.VTMA'V
D 1 RIRII APPLES—ano bu* ret-’d in tod
for »ale by my IS _LS tv ATEKM \N
L'ALT-li'J bids No I’Siili, fur «n!e by
0-(ni>lS .H Jc J SLOAN
BROOKS— dor. Corn Broom* in •tria aud for
Sale by my 15 M»fc J SLOAN
CrXl«T—lObbla No 2 Sail, ii» *iore and for tale by
0 ftnylS _ M It' J SLOAN
L> ACON HAMS—Hi tank* Hums for sale by
D j myls • W GREER .
CCORCHINGS—*J3 casks S. Salta, for sale by
0 I iny!s • _ W OHKER
NAILS-2WI k«* NuiH, assorted sizet-, for iale Ijy
. my IS w_ii»t:Ka_
-'ilkAH—SO*Cbe»teTear, part prime, for sale; by
j my IS \V tiKHKR
SURAH— (> hhd* Sugar, on bend and fur sale by
I »ju \y i.RKtR
a;OFFSK-W lm*» Rio CoHec for ia'i- by •
my IS W (iRCER
\fBATSipOOT - CTllii—lTTtTl»l* for Mile bv"
i\ mylS _ MY BRA IUJNTett&Co
r JIKSBED OIL—SO bhl« in *u>re and for *ale by
OOpFEE— SWJ ban receivia* from Canal, and for
aale by my IS JAMK3 lUlj.Ebl.
| fCKKHKL—2S bbl* No J. for **lo by
Su. MOLASSES— *1 tibtsin »iofe artd for raV
, by my IS JAAIKs DaI.ZBLu
AILS—SIU kea* Juniata Nail*, for sale by
HnylS J DaUU:LL, tHwamet
i mIaCOS—IO bbl* Shoulder* and Side*. Joet ire*
D and for tale by
ihylg J J PI DWELL, Agrm, n n-er »ircri_
niOTASH—IO ca»k* I*l ton*, just rcr’d and for aale
Jtjby my IS J C UIUWK.L. A*t_
■ iISBF HIDES—Oi m *tore and lor Mic i»y
Jo my'ls ISAIAH WCKKY A l*u
t ITOBACCO- Virginia Maanfaclured Tobacco, va
, A riety ol brand*, contutnily on band, for »rrte i-y
KbY PEACHES AND API'I.KS for tale by
MOCK POW DEB—UO kr;, for *ale Üby
X\ m yl4 J A K I U>\P
I OSS—2 bale* Mo** m ilo.e and (or anile by
HaNNERs’ OIL—IS bbl* w •sore'ind (o .ale by
i) ACUN—Sbkdfilam*. Side*, and Shouldri'.for »ale
Pby myl4 A'l WOOD, J»Xt> ACO
a ! a QLASsES—SU bbl* 8.11., in store aud : (or »a!« by
DOT ASH-4) e»k* I’ute, landing and for »ali- by
r my 11 J* R I‘LOYD
BUTTER— 3bbl»fretlno!l; for»*let»y .
my tl J_A R I LOVD^
TIMOTHY' SEED— SSbu* clfan Timothy feed
lor tale by myll_ JA R I’l.OYl^
SOAP— 90 bxeNo I'Oiaeinnati*l ircM and
lor *»lc by myll - li n MILTK>bHKH ER
S' CYTHE BIPLEB—S grox Jim nc'd and for
*a.eby niyit WJCK fc WcCAiNDI.IvSS '
/'SIIiEB— A few bble for »ule by
Ji X VRPKSTiaiK—4 l-J bb!*ju»l icn’.t and for
|uiyf ' 5? vn>od »t
'i'UttKlfli £MOKtNt> TOBACCO for talc by
X myl? . j.DlCkt>Y.fc CO, >i-d Itoni M»
>ACON—UOOO lbs nYfoned Bacon, for tale by
► tnyl? . KNuUSiI A BENNETT
FRUIT-5200 bw«! Dried Apple*) for »a!e by
,■ my 17 __ E.H«»Ua<l A BENNETT
|\RIEU PRA'CHBB-IIW bu». fur **tr-by_~_
|/ypiyl7 , . ; j KMil-ISH & HK.-s.Mrrr
• . «
Corn llr-wm», lor tale by
H‘ KIUIIBIQ-15 bbla Herrin*, lor *.iie by
m y»7 KMiI.ISU A Üb^MvjX
► UTTBR-FCH lb* Kig Bu\v:r icraalcby
Him,l3 W ÜBW-.K
blO COPFEK-UM b»*« prime. *trcn t'Dffre;
XviOr*»lcby_ BO? _
**&&“*’ m^Wess
B A S??~ F ° r '*!! l) WICK j MeCANDLKSS
u*» * Cum. tomp,in »toro aim j,.r »at
S"y ig».. •*!«« jumbumux
, nEAt-l»hli cbr*u r'r-.l) T<a*;lnr «Al*s by
1 m>i«' "UK it M.«:ANLI.y>S
ri'OBACCO—i«J bx» A in*, forialehy
I tuy .i, WICK A ttcUANDLL3S
CtOPFKE— Rio, .Maracaibo A Lagoayn.; for talc
MADDER— Fui tale by
mylO WIC K >_M rCAN Ul .KS3
II EURlBB—lPn»ke<n in bxaffar »a!c l y
tl roylO WICK A .McCaNuLFBS
i HOT—III ktr* kboi.auonnl .Nc*, lor aalu by
ROLL BU.TTBR-aibU for rale by
roylQ TAStfEV A BK3T
ORY dkPPLEH—B bblaauprr. article, torvale by
nym tasm.v aj .i yr
BAOOS^-StOOlbfcßacon. it Kj formic Lv
my? _ cLUaN
H~ BRRIBQ-UU bbUNo 1 Baltimore Hrnmjr; ioi
- «alo by m> 7 M A i SLOAN
MACKBREL-OT bbla South No 3 Mackerel; for
«»le by m>7 MtJ »MMN_
rpRIIIMED BHAD-10 bbUm«ioret ibr**<«by
X my 7 MtJ oluaN
HIO COPPER—JO tat jtm reel* fof**leby
my 7 * M*J ftLPAX
ir<LOUR-130 bbla Flour ia »tore and fer «a!e by
1 m>7 ; MA J ILOAN. liMny Araood at«
D B ?,* PPI ' E *~ !IM wl ?