The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 18, 1847, Image 2

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'/ : : BV ERA3TUB DROOKa U w
. [p*Tn frm« sum Dailt Oaurnr >9 published
.DaUr, TriAVeekljr, And Weekly.—'The Doily uSeven
DoUaiaper.Anaußf cbeTri-Werkly is Five Dollars per
anaoui; the Weekly i» Two Dollar* per annam, stricily
in adnne*. J • ;
[ Notice to Advertisers.
fry* Adveresanenu, 10■ secure mrertioa, should be
handed ts by five o'clock in the afternoon. Attention
toUßtfOaue part of oar cntlomet*, would be jinxJuc -
qtc of mutual benefit.-
(at cxwras cocrrri.l
FOR CANAI, commissioner.
{or cvasa*t*rrD cocvrr)
Fagltim from Service.
Governor Shank hiring celled upon the Attor»
nty.Genetal of; the State for his opinion of the
lew in relation to no application of the Governor
of. Maryland, for the recovery of a slave, escaped
into the Sute, the law officer replies that fugi
tives from service or labor, are hot embraced, and
cannot be demanded under that claare of the
Constitution which provides for delivering up fu»
filivesfrom justice. That the rightful remedy of
the owner bunder that clause of the Constitution;
and the Act of .Congress of 1793, which provides
for delivering, up. persons held to service or, labor,
..and that no act of State Legislation cso evade, al
ter; abridge or enlargethe provbionsand remedies
fnntfinml |q the CotUtitUtiCHl tod laws ofthfl U*
nited States relating to this subject.
The : Cxccntive auiUlue thb opinion and de
clines to inue the warrant for the aneat' The
decision ot the Executive and law officer of the
Btate are founded upon the idea that the law of
’ Maryland, making. It criminal for a slave to escape
Without consent of bis master, docs supercede and
control the. provisions of the Constitution of the
United States, and the act of 1793, which afford
tool remedy to secure the delivery of fugi
from labor in the District of Columbia and
: tales of the Union.
I « Constitution in cases of concurrent author*
i s was.said by Justice Story, “where the la l **
e United States am} the State* am in direct,
i lantfest collision ou the same subject, thca.-
i United States being the supreme law uf the
, are of paramount authority, and the Statu
, so far, and so far only, as such incompaliiul
■ exbtt/must necessarily yield.”
s argued by the Attorney General that the
tuition which formed the Constitution of the
ad'Statc* had two dulipst subjects under con
ation hi rebtion to fugitives; the one to secure
ire criminals found in another State, to be de*
ad up, on demand of the Exgbative authority
of thl Slato from which they fled; the other to se
cure fugitive slaves to continued service, in conso*
' quanta.of any law of the State into which such
persons may have escaped sod fixing specifically
the cjode of obtaining them, by repairing that they
•hillpe delivered up on claim of the party to
y' : whom such servicb or labor may be due.
■.l Convi
.• iulpta
■4th . article it was never supposed gave a
.‘ namely to the master to recover a runaway dare.
-Each provision of the Constitution applying to the
•epai ito case* eft fugitive*, must hare ita appro.
priaU application! and the proper exposition ia io
be found in the plxin and manifest tbeaniog of the
termi employed by. the framers Jo express tbeir in
tentico. I
•T 1 le articles of Confederation are then referred
- A to£} (lie purpoJe of showing (bat tmder the*
thooj h there was power iu secure fugitives from
juatio, there waamorieiolwcure staves. Mr. Mad
ison m quoted who aays:
~; " Another clause, us that property
whiel | are now pdstess. At present if any slave*
to any ofj those States where alave* are
. - free, |bs. becomep emancipated by tbeir laws;
' for the laws of the States are uncharileble to one
another in this rejrpect. But in this Constitution
: , no person held or labor in one State
' -‘ ..onder.the laws thWeof, escaping iDto*nother.sball[
ia consequence of any law or regolatisn therein!
be discharged frota each unice or labor; but shall
be delivered op on claim of the party to whom
such service or lajroc may bo due. This clause was
expressly intended to enable owners of daves to
reclaim therm Thji is a better security than soy
that now exists. No power is given to the gener
al golrernment to interpose with respect to the
property in slaved now held by the States.”
Jodge Story held the same opinion and said:
; »Tbe want-otiiich a provision under the Coo
> * federation was feu as a grievous inconvenience by
the slave-holding States, since in many States no
aid whatsoever Would be allowed to tbo owners
and sometimes, indeed, they mr t wilh open resist
•V *«"*" “fn.facL”'s*ja the same learned Judge,
“U cinnot escape :lhc aitention of every intelli
gent reader that many sacrifices of opinioo aod
feeling areto be found made by the Eastern and
1 MiddieSutestolpepeculiariotcrestsoftheSonth,
This foinmno juitisubject of complaint; bot it
sbouU evef repress the delusive and misebievieu*
nolion that the South has not at all limes had iu
full share of benefits from the Unioo.”
To these opinions the:Attorney General adds
r . . thefollowingcontinent*;•
, > “The provisbalfor the removal of fugitives from
/ labor, contempUbjs; as it has been said, summary
' ; .ministerial not the ordinary coorse
- of judicial ascertain whether the
,**?"• claim of ownership be properly established. Inea-
V • rtf fugitive sJavta, primafadt proofs of owner
ship only are require] of ihe claimant, without
. putting (he party to a formal assertion of his rights
by asuit atcommbn law-j-3 8lory’« Com. pr 677.
, Actof IS Feb*, f+92, LaWs U. 8; Serg. on Con
stitution, Chap. 31. p. 387, Glen vs Hodges, 9
Johnsj 67; Wrighi vs Deteon, 5 8.4 R. 63
!'■ “The Coogresstof the United States, by the Act
-. oflSFebi, 1793,has acted upon the views thus
presented, and hak antborized the person to whom
the labor or service U due, or bis agent, to arrest
the fugitive, and take him before a Judge off the
United States, -or any magistrate of (he codoiy
wber*! the arrest shall be made, sod upon proof
gtvea,jeitherby oral testimony, or affidavit of the
obligati 00 to service, and the escape, a certificate
is given to the daiauat, which it to be a sufficient
warrant for removing the said fugitive to the Butc
from which be or she fled.”
§law of 1826 is'then dftcuraed, which ia
u “An Act to fire effect to the provisions
3©natitution of the United State*, relative
vesiOoo labor; for the protection of free
. peopiej of »lor, and to prerent kidnapping.”
Thia act, u is known, interposed a j odicial ofB
; cer between tho master and date; and required
the oath of the claimants, or his agent, before
•neb judicial officer; and directed a warrant to it*
sue, under his band and seal, to the proper sheriff
or constable, aothoriting (be arrest and seizure of
the foVitive.
The Supreme Court, in the due of Prigg, ac
cording to the Attorney. General drdded that the
legialatWof Congress, if eonititqtionoJ, mast su
persede all Stale Legislation upon the same sab*
Jeet, and by necessary implication, prohibit it, that
the State legislatures have no right to interfere,
? and as it were by way of compliment to the leg is*
lalioo of Congrcas to prescribe additional regula
.tions and what they roifor deem auxiliary provis
ions for the same purpossT The power in Con
gress as to fogiU*es from labor “derives its whole
yilidity aod obligation exclusively from the Coo.
atitution of the. United Stoics/' and the power of
Legislation oo this subject, thus derived, is exclu
sive in Congress.”
1 Other opinions and decisions have been of sim
itar effect,-and in the opinion of the State Execu
• live, and Hit law adviser, most be tba law of ibe'
lend: Aa the Constitution of the United Hates,
and the law of Congress, of 1793, are ample,
the Executive''declines to act under any other au
thority. What, in the-opinion of the Attorney
. Genera), a master may do here, is pointed out by
the opinion of Judge Baldwin, of our own State,
in the case of Johnson vs Tompkins and others,,
fully sustaining the master in his right to the ser
vice of the slave, and, in his authority to seize and
remove him, as any Judge of any Court far the
Union. He decided that the master may pursue
and take him without warrant, and use aa much
force as ii necessary to carry him back to hia res*
Sdence, and'he may be arrested, says the same
Jadge, on a Sunday, io the night time, and in the
- hooee of another, if no breach of the .peace be
* committed; and no peraon,'where the master baa
the right/can oppose him in reclaiming hia slave
or demand.ilwpmpfqfbis property/*
We ar« aorry thtl no reference is made by*hr
• Attorney General to the. (aw recently. passed by
our Legislator®, and which, was the of eo
Ign-h looint controvaray in the Court of th& dtj.
-r-T-Xvl -v3
The woederof etitern'men h«s been greatly
ex cited <-re now£y accondu efaems off ear west
ern Steamboats ojf such exceeding fight draught as
to run in 24,20 and ISixicbtsof witfT. carrying; 109 iocs pf-freight. • W'n confiras with'all
borfamilisrtty with the steamers on our waters, we
partake a little of this surprise at the astonishing
.regularity wjtb wbicbour msgnificient Cincinnati
Packets perform tbeir trips. Take, for example,
.the Hibernia No 2to leave this morning. This
Packet is one of the larged steamers in the west.
Bhe is 225 feet 10ng,.27 beam end pn carry 550
t m»J Her cabins arc 187 feet in length, and have
ccomoodatious fur 15U Yet this
* learner came up frum Cincinnati feet’to 10
iochea water in less than two days and a half!—
She makes her round trip of a thousand miles in
a week; and hex running time is net over four
days e-ud a half. If this is not near perfection in
the bi*uity of ti!ram we should like to
hear of cojnetliing that is. We question whether
—thr depth of waier considered,—anything like,
ii, can-be adduced from any other quarter, it is
the result of long experience iu River navigation,
and it a triumph equally shared by our naval ar
chitects and thn officers of our steamer*.
i be navigation of the Ohio by such Urge boa's
when the ttiga of water is a* low as at present!*
difficult, but the intimsto acquaintance of the Pi*
Ints with tbo channel,-r-ofien narrow and with
abort luma— and the great cate of the Captains,
often oretcomis all tbeao o.txleclc*. 3Vhat we
havoeaidof the Hibernia No 3 is applicable in
Ihe Clipper No 2, New England No 2; and. ins
m r.l; all thr packets in this nonpareil line.
Thr science of our Boat builders ItoS triumph
ed evrn low water. Oa 24 iuchts there are plen
ty of steamers that can carry 50 to 100 tons of
freight wilheut difficulty. The increase of bus!-
has grrnlly multiplied ihia clssi of hist* and they
arc now plrniy. VVeoo lunger bear of tho bigb
rates of firigbl paid a few years aic.ce in
summer. Competition ia so sharp it is difficult to
get them up nt all Steamer* are loading for St
l-cuii with dry gooJa and other light freights, at
; Title prr 100 lbs—or $ cent fur carrying a pounJ
<>l valuable ntercbaiidiiu 1300 miles! To Cin
cinnati they arc getting «'«w than 1-6 of a cent for
:ihc mmr set vice.
Wc shall, nadouiit, hear-a great deal from the
-bead of navigation,” about the difficulty of get
ting to Pittsburgh, but wo })ope travellers aod
others will not suffer themselves to be Impoeed on
by such talcs. A regular daily line of Packets
M ill l* kept up between thie city and Cincinnati.
No matter how low the river may be, regular
and transient boats will leave every day.
I Fisk iv Allkuuest CiTT.—On Monday af
ternoon a fire broke out in the steam Planing
.Macliiao Shop, on Sandusky street, and in ayhort
time totally consumed the building and all ils con
tents, and also a considerable amount cf Cumber
Im end around it. The fire was accidental. The
.esishliahmeut was comparatively new, and owned
Iby Messrs. John Morrrscra, Thoe. McCombs and
IK ,bl. M. Hied- The loss Is soma i<ms ffSOOO or
[more. Wc bear it was insured,
| The Cabinet and Furniture shop of of Messrs.
! Kidtili* A Wood ward, in the third story, is a total
qors, with all its contents. A klilF brerxi prevail
bd at the time, but as Uc building *{ooj
lother damage was dune.
Rev. Mr. Mafxjt'j Ibisr tscTuat.—Jifr. R.
H. Kerr, ibfurms us that the proceed* of the Ltc-
Jurr re SIGG, which wtll be appllied to pay freight*
on 1 lit- produce that our hurrunr* citizens have so
freely contributed.
, We have also Iwen iuforced that this distiq-.
guished divine will bo rrquevted to repeat his Ire
Jure at the R(V. Ur. Kerr** Chunk.
tiruoiM, the m&n arrtiicd on auapickm of be
lug concerned in the murder of Boolmeyer, has
l-eeu oxaminod several timra without eliciting
anything implicating him in that bloody transac
tion. He will probably be discharged.
Mtr.iT-.iar IT*!**.-—Sevpnf.v fire of lho Green
.Mucuio'.n lloys orm«:«l U ' : j 6 .st week m
route for the mat of wir. • .vL-.. i t from Connec
ticut. A drtaebmect of 240 left New York, 00
Friday far Mexico, and fire companies are must
ering into service from Maryland and Washing
ton. i
OrJcra have been received at Philadelphia for
six companhacf Uni'-ed S.itr* marines, number
ing about 600 men, uoder the command of Major
I- I’wiggs, to repair to jjin tb# army in
Mexico. . Eight addition*^ companies, under com
mand of Lreut. Col. Watson, have received pre
paratory orders, and will ahortly. follow the first
Upon their arrival ssys the North American at
Vera Cruz they will bo joined by all tho dispoaa*
bio force of the Marino corps now attached to tha
Gulf Squadron, and tbe wholo amounting to
about nOOmeo, will be formed into two rrgimenta,
(he first under-command of Lieut. Col. Watson,
aod the second of Major Twiggs, tba whole com
prising the brigade cf tha veteran Brig.Gen.HcD>
dervon of tho marine corps. - The object of this
movement we have yet to learn.
| Col. Doniphan has reported from Chihuahua to
Gen. Taylor at BaltilUi, and Geo. Taylor has open
ed a communication with Gen. BccU-
Will c rox tui MxxilakCbubib.—TbeOi
g«n of the Government it Washington gives
some warrant lor tbe f*cttbal the AdmioUtratioa
designs i war upon the Mexican Church when it
declares, as it don, that ‘fit may become a rotUer
hf grave consideration, if tbe church continuesto
oppove a peace'and furnish the fuel of war, wbelb
erthe immense revenues of the church in Mexico
skall be;left untouched—whether they shall be
fullered to renfain at the disposal of the enrmy,
and to be applied to sustain the wsr against ua— ;
whether justice and polity do not equally dictate !
that they should at less: be i:qu*jtrcd during the
continuance of the war at a legitimate means of
cutting off the enemy’s supplies.”
Fo-Riiajin* BCJorciVc oTKE Mb. Polk’s tab*.
irr.—Mf.Georgo 8. Wright, Clerk of.ibe ‘New
Orleans,’ which touched at Tampico on her way
hither, informs us that a ‘'great feast” had lately
came off there, among tbe foreign merchants, giv
en a« a way of testifying tHeuTjoy at tho.provis
ions of the nevrrMexicao Tariff, as framed by the
Administration at Washington.
Ttijs i*nsturaTrnouglu Tbe British House of
Lords |moled'Mr.*~W«lker > s Report in fsvor of
tbe British Tariff, andjbe English free traders re
joiced over its passage. 8o now tho foreigners
in Mexico are rejoicing over a Tariff made with
out law and in defiance of the Constitution.
Ma. Polk’s Piss.— The following is said to be
a copy of Mr, PoOt'a Pass, for tho admission of
Banta Anna through our blocktuling_j!eet, by
which'ho has been ouablod to take and keep com
ruand of the armies against os: . j
“The eotnnutjd of uur na*ai forces in the Gulf
of Mexico i* hereby notified NOTVTO 08--
STRUCT THE PASSAGE of General Antonio,
Lopts de Santa Anna and surf to Mexico, should
be desire to return thither. I
“May 15th, 1846. JAMES K. POLK." 1
AdxßTs roa PATtSTs^—-We call attention to
tho of Mr. Robins,of Washington.
Mr. R. has large expericoco in his business, and
we know him at one every way competent and
faithful for theduchargo of every duty which may .
be eommed to him. By letter, and tbe small re
mhtance named, gentlemen at a distance may be
aasurod that all business entrusted to him will be
moat promptly and faithfully executed.
.. Bain wont* Columbia Hoes*/—.This is one
of tho excellent Hotels of the Monumental City.
The bouse is newly Tarnished, and in every re
spect is a .first rate ifloteL It it situated in St
Charles Street In the midst of fashion and bosi
naaa, andthe guests may be assured of good ac
comodation'* ' ' • • V
Tu Bc*’«—A very remarkable andj diatinct
circle eras noticed ardund.the Bqs on Monday a£
teznoac- We do not remember to have seen bne
•owqJl.dagQpL «i-
-l -
t"r^sllP*S»* : W*iaaax*Tyat;^rTr-^-r--- :
;^f. r ' ~ ruruipuiiiijwe cfUwPSajbargfa
WjuiaiucTOK.May 12^1847.
’ Foil dsttUk of ibs recent glorioai yictory oh
IsioeJ by ftisjdrGeneral Scott and his gsUont ar
my at Ceraj Gordo, arc nnw being Merited, and
we have been peroutvd to penueaveryioter«stiag-
Is&etfiram sa’affiesr who took t disU&guished
part in the baule—be speaks lb glowing terms
of the great military science displayed by Geaeral
Beott, who, he says, has won for himself the af
fection and admiration of the entire army.—
Amonget other particulars the writer stales, that
the great lux* of life on oar* pati was mainly at
tributed to the unwise and rash course pursued
by two of our Generals—especially by Gen. Pil
low, who prematurely commenced the action, and
attacked the enemy at hie strongest point, against
the of his engineer*, who
had carefully reconnoitercd-tbe enemy’s position.
Gen. P. however wag determined to signalise him
self, no matter at what out, and the result was
that his antire command was neatly cut to pieces.
This offictr is described as being an exceedingly
brave man, but without the least military knowl
edge, having been bred a lawyer, in Tenneseeee,
'in Mr. Polk’s district, and wit a partner of Mr.
Walkor, the present private Secretary of the Pres
ident. He was as yon are aware recently promo
ted to a Gcocrelcy in the place of General
Cumcaingr. These facts are known to the War
Department bat will of coarse never be divulged.
Lieutenant Patton, who lost his right hand m
the actioo, is the well known “Army Poet,” and
distingoiahed fiicself in the Florida war.
Captain Armstead V. Mason,- cho also lest a
teg, in the engagement, was from Washington,
and ia the only son of tbo late Gen. Mason form
erly a dbtirguiabed number of Congress from
Virginia, who was killed in tbefamuns duel wilh
Col. McCarthy. following anecdote ia rela
ted in connexion with Capt. M. at too great fair
held here a year ago, Capt M. in company with
the present Secretary of the Navy, was viewing
tbo various specimens of industry and ekili there
exhibited, oben tjjey came across some wooden
legs very ingenioueiy cpniriv^d,— 1 “as you are go
ing to Mexico. Capt M.," raid the Secretary, “you
had belt* r supply yourself in time as you may re
quire one before you get back,’" this prophetic
joke of the Secretary’s hasbren but too paiufully
Flour ii selling at Monten-y at Fifty dollars the
barrel, tea four to five dollars the pound, Cotton
goods costing heio from 6 <0 9 rt*., at ono dollar
tho yard, (nd every ration isrut-J to the men co»t
the Government 002 dojlsr. Thin is certainly an
enormous expenditure, aod we ntay well pause
and enquire, whether if the Mexicans were dis
posed to give up to us the entire country now in
eur pos>eu,ioo, it would compensate in any de
gree. for the amount which this war before its con
clusion will cost us in dollars and cents, to sty
nothing of that drtadfnl oatpooling of human
life whirbno pecuuiary consideration can compen
sate for. Truly thif war is a dreadful matter, and
the weeping and wailing now from bro,
ken hearts, and des >la'e hearths all over our lan ,
calls in language but too painfully eloquent—'
what it has cost us.”—The celebrated Lord Sid
mouth one of England's greatest heroes, when sge
had given him wudeo remarked, “I used to con
sider all the sufferings of war !o*t in iu glory;
( now consider all ita glory lust In its sufferings”
—Well indeed would it hsve been for this country,
if Mr. Polk before ho came to the Presidency
acqoired the. tame wisdom.
Resolutions of Mr. Kennedy,
At a meeting of the Directors »f the Baltimore
and Obit' Rail Ruai} Company, on the 12th of
May, (be following isolations were offered by Mr.
J. P. Kennedy :
Resolved, That the Committee appointed to
confer with the Pittsburgh and Connellsrille com
pany be instructed to offer the following resolu
tion? as a basis for the negotiation for a subocrip
tioo nn tho part of this Company to the stock of
the Pittsburgh and Connellsvilte Rail Road, and
for the eocneOtcn of the Baltimore and Ohio
Rail Road with the taa*.
Resolved, That this Company will agios with
the Pittsburgh end Conoellmlle Rail Road Com
pany to mbseril* to the capital stock of the said
Piusburgo and Cocinelh«*iUj> Compaov, on tbo
following tetms and conditions:
That the city or ritixeos of Pittsburgh shall pro
cure the subscription heretofore made by them to
the Stocks of tho catd Pittsburgh and Connellsriile
Hail Road Company to be increased 10 the amount
of 5150,000.
That thereupon the Baltimiro snd Ohio Rail
Kot l Company will subscribe to thr* *au> Stuck
of tbr Pittsburgh and Connellsville Rul Road
(tompany a sum which ahall, together with th#
■ibscilption heretofore made by them, amount to
That the above rahscriptioos shall only be obli
gatory upon the parties re«pectively making them,
opon the contingency that the city of Baltimore,
or (be citizens thereof, or both together, shall sub
scribe or procure to bo vubacribed to tbe Stork cf
the rstd Pittsburgh and Coeni*y«vine Rail'Road
Company, ah amount which togetoe.- with the
autecripMons above mentioned, shall be sufficient,
according to the estimate of the Engineer tf the
Company, to complete tbo construction of the
road from Pittsburgh to Turkey Foot.
Tbe LaaisLATuaa of New York was in *cs
eion 129 days and passed 100 seta. Among those
of general importance were the following :
Tha election act, ioclaJing among other pro
visboa, one to prevent betting at elections. The
several acta for resuming the prosecution of tbe
Erie Canal cclargment; tbe Genorsaeo Valley.
Black River, and Oswego Canals; and tbe Oneida
River Improvement. The railway freight bill, au
thorizing the several rail road* t> carry freigMdu
ring the year by paying canal tolls. Tba bill
takes effect Ist November next. The' act provi
ding for tha registry of births, marriages and
deaths; tbe repeal nr the exriae law; for the en
rollment of tbe militia of the State; the act au
thorizing tha Jodicary; the license law. This law
was repealed by a vote'of 19 to —*in the Senate,
and of (8 to 66 in tbe House. The Anri Rmt
matters and the bill organizing Courts of condi
tion go over to the extra session-
lews Items.
The citizens of Clxvklasu, without, distinc
tion of party met on Thursday evening and invi
ted Dsnie! Webster, to yi»ii tbe Lake, city.—
Wfaeo will the Pittsbuigbers move in ibis matter.
Mr. Webster was last at Columbts, 8. C., thepri
-▼ite residence of Cul. Preston, (be ex-Benstor.
The bar of New York have nominated the fol
lowing lawyers for Judges of the Supreme Court
are all able men, tbe two first are Derar.-
crats, the other two Whigs:
T, J. Oakley, Hiram Kctcbum,
L. N. Bandford. Daniel Lord.
Toz LteisLATrazof Delaware, by enactment,
recently gave the people of the Slate the privii
ege of voting for or against license to taverni, etc
Those iu favor'of granting licenses have Meier
mioed to test tbe constitutionality of this enact
meot, and have engaged aa tbeir counsel th>-
Hou. John M. Clayton, John Wales, James Usy
_trd, sod William Rogers, Esqa., who are among
the most distinguished lawyers of Delaware.
Taa Delaware State Gazette asys:—The stan
dard of corn in this Bute, which has hereto C.-re
been fifty-six pounds lo'tbe bushel, has been tiler
ed to fifty-five, £t is now (be umo m, Penasyl
vania and New York.
A Ccsvzayioz was held on the 12tb ie«t..
at Indianapolis, Ipjth a view of producing concert
of action and determining on some plan for th
ceastruetion of b rail road between Cincinnati »nd
St. Louis. ‘
Tbz C'HZH&rzAKz Cabal is at
length in afsir way of being completoj to Cum
berland. Of the amount needed, one million of
dollars, $200,000 hare been famished by citizen*
of New York directly interested in its completion ;
300,000 by the State of Virginia; >lOO,OOO by
the District Cities, and tbe remainder by the Bar
ings, upon the litvorable reporl of Messrs, Davis
find Hail, of Boston, who were employed by them
'l6 examine sod-report.
Tzleori/h Lib is.— lt is singular that ihs
New York and Buffalo, New York and Bostoo,
and Philadelphia and New York Lines of Tele
graph are all out - of order—broke down in fact
bat!we ; hdptrfor a abort time only. Nothing has
bean received at Philadelphia from tbe eas’, in
that'way ejbee Sabbath night Tbe Great Weal*
am Lino is in fine order all tho whit?, a alight in
terruption only having occurred between Lancas
ter and Philadelphia. ..The Baltimore Line has
been in good order since jt was rebuilt
Tsx Sotttb p»y Txxxaßare.frora New Orleans
*o the Potomac will be. commeocedlorthwitb,—
Tbe Virginia Legislature, mboeribaa 130,000 for
the exteuaton of the work through that State and
the North Carolina Board of Pdbtiej Works ex-
Ut >* the rma through the old North Btalfc
Prnfnaeß Mtmmiu,will commeoce blecoorse
of lecture* .for IqdW at Jbur Vclodt.thbi ,af»f
w®" 44 - *- * ■ ’
•«1 the ®iate oflhdUna his berm; in the tiljr if] HV JL fll AiQrJMh Wk Vi
,Xtm ?*tfc*?*me U#«i.:wwTing from the ! y*:' ■ •Mk*
‘holderstfco boodsof the SfalauKT living la ex*! ’ • _•■ r~~“ —•*■'.-*•->-
chanit, under Uw> far of bts one half, \ ft. LATE FROM EUROPE.
rtoek S pfr ceot. : lDttr,«>. the first in- ; r
j ittlnient of 2pef..penti.js payable the Ist Vf July • -3' AuRIVALOFTjttR:
1847, the fond fjr which is ilreidy in hiod.on# [ A UTI>FD\?I k
per cent, iifanded to be discharged it some future l •- Uiijutti\l^\,
day—for the other half, with the 6 years hick io- j ; ——“
. teresL stock is given, bariog 5 per cent, inteiett, ' ■ dene* o l ilie P.tu?»af|%f3** e tie..
payable out of the revenues of: tho Wabtab and | TWO WEEKB MTER FROM EUROPE
Eri. VfaA Ti. 1800,000 wquiral tobo. u B- \ IMPORTANT CHANOES IX MARKETS
imbed to the cent], hiving been tabscnbeO, the ; U’* .• t r . _ ... _ *
irrangment for the issue of the new slock will t* ! y reat ™‘ irietar, J dtjfieuittes—Rates of interest
compietnn. On the first of July 1847, Indiana ' 1,1 England six and seven per cent,
takes her proper rank among the interest poping \ Great advance in Com on the
States' Cincinnati Gaiettc, - Continent, 4c &
Boston, May 17,11 P. M.
The Hibernia arrived at Boston thia alternoon
ip the'extraordinary passage of 13 daja*from
Liverpool. Her Commercial news Lsn»»timpor>
The sriAMEs Salcda iusk—The officers
of the Manona, from Missouri river, report the
steamer Saluda, Capt. Boyce, took to her moio
deck, ono aod a half mile* below Rocbeport—»
She almck a snag on Thursday morning last, and
went down in a few minute*. Her cargo—con
sisting principally of hemp and bacon—wilt be
saved, bat in a damaged condition.
The Salads wav owned by Messrs. King and
Fisher and the Clerk, and was insured for 912,.
000 in three different offices of this city. Sbe
was probably worth $15,000.-67. Isiuu Sac
Stkaxboat Diiavtsis.—The steamer New
Hampshire blew up on the Cth Inst., just below
Little Rock, killing 16 persona—both clerka
among the killed. The boat turned completely
over. The above information was obtained from
peaMDgera just from Little Rock at Napoleon,
and brought to thiacUy last evening by the Gen.
Pike.— Cin. Atlat.
Homicide —A 3/an Shot —About 1 o’clock
ibis morning, a fight, occured at tbe landing, on
board the steamer Palo Alto, which mulled fatal
ly to ono of the per«>ns engaged. According to
the information we have at this time, (1 i o’clock
Saturday morning,} it seems, had teen
previously quarrellingoip in the city, ab-ut some
thing which bad produced hostile feelings between
them. They retained to the boil and renewed
their quarrel. One of them, Wo, Craig, attack*
ed the other, Samuel Bredlinger. knocked him
down and commenced brating him; when the lat
ter drew a pistol and shot the former in the pit of
the stomach, killing him instantly. They were
both Ritf„burgh Pilots B. is now undergoing
examination before ibo Mayor— Cin. Atlat-.
Ths SoiuEt ScicsTividcr. et Mtstekiccse.
—Messrs. Leopold &A(b<rtiwil| giro their sc*
contf performance this evening. 1 h*y are skill.’
in their way, and can do more .juoei things iUaq
are dreamed of in philosophy.
Correspondence of flttsbarab G<i»aUc.
Corn*.«pondencf of tbe Pilliburgh (iiimt
May 17—G r. a,
Bv the arrival of the steamer J. L. Dray, arrivod
from Vera Crux at New Orleans, we arc put in
possession of late and important news from the
Seat of War.
Thv New Orleans Picayune hams verbally
that despatches bad reached Vera Cruz bv express
from the city of Mexico, stating'ihat a DEPU
This S 7&» deemed almost increditabfo at Vera
Ciux, ts it will be hers, and yvt it msy be, sod
from the authority given to the report, probably
is true. The citizens were fearful of an attack
from banditti, and some of them were appreben
>ive that the conumplatadi Gurnlla war woulj
prove as disastrous to the country as to ni.
The iopreAEion was gaintt.g ground at Vera
Cruz that there would bo no more lighting, and
it was SoubteJ whether Puebla or the Capitol
WouU be an attack was made, upon
Tbe continue their strictures
upoo A lochs’* ur
Santa Anna was repnhad U> have gone Suoth
from OHnba with the Attention of recruiting his
ranks, and had reached Oajare. He had not
shown himiell at the Capitol since his defeat, tl
was believed that he had projected au attack upon
the American wagon Irvins.
G*r. Sc>i»h*J not uvtved ! ■;* i'J hni nroulJ
do aj upon the arrival <<l wjpin train* from
Vera Crux.
It w%* his ititeotton to depend upin the coun
try for his supplies during the march- Tbe 13
taootlu volunteer* drtarauoicg not to
will have the eflbct of changing bis resolution, un
less, indeed, the proposed voluntary surrender of
the Cspitol should prove true.
Gen. Worth was vtrybu/ily engaged iu gath
ering supplies of-grain. All the bakeries in Vera
Crut were incessantly employed in preparing
bread and biscuit; for thi* movement. (
Gen. Pillow aod Lieu'. Col. Anderson arrived
at New Orleans from Vera Cruz on tbe Drsy.
We arc gratified to bear'tbat Gen -Shields is
recovering from hi* w«rond*.
< -•.'ic»(.aa*rf.rr o( ikr I‘itiil.urfti l/urur.
; WitmjreTOs, May 17.
Ihe Steamer; James C Dray arrived at New
Orleans on (beflOth hiring left Vera Crux on
tae £tb. Our information- here is that tbe city
of Mexico basTbeeu surrendered to Gm. Scott
but it neod* some confirmation. 7‘hc surrender
is said was tojGen. Scott, who writes that he
thinks the ended . «
Action oT the 31 cxican Congress,
Tbe Mexicans, unmoved' almost, have heard
of theTcrrible defeat at Cerro Gordo. When tbs
reaolf of this hjrttia was known at the Cspitol. an
extraordinary session of the Mexican Congress
was coDvencdiand afisr dolale, tbe fallowing de
creet-were agreed to by the eighty members pre
sent': The articles were subscribed to on
the 30th, wititfgrral unanimity:
- “The sorer*ign constituent Mexican Congress,
In uao of the full powers w,th which the inbabi
tints of the Republic have invested it for the sa
cred object of saving its nauonatity, and as a faith
ful interpreter of tbs firm determination with
which its constituents are decided to’ carry on the
war which the United Blsles are now making on
'the nation, without drafting on account of any
kind of reverses; and considering that, under these
circumstances, the first public necessity is Uut „'f
preserving a centre of union to direct the nation
al defence wiih all tbe energy that circumstances
demand, and to avoid even tho danger of a revo
lutionary power anting which might dissolve tbe
Nstional Union, destroy its Institutions, or con
sent to tbe dismemberment of tta territory, has de
termined to decree as follows;
••Alt' I. The Supreme Government of tho
Union it authorised to 'dictate all noccstary mear
urcs for tbe purpose of carrying on the war, de
fending tho nationality ofthe Republic, and saving
the federal republican foim of government uoder
which tbe nation is constituted.
-Art. 2. Tbe preceding article dors not author
ire the Executive to tpuke a peace with the United
Stales, concludes negotiation with foreign pow-
Otr, nor dispose, in Brittle' or in pm, of the terri
tory of tbe Republic.
••Ait. 3. Every agreement shall be null and
void which- may be made betwoen the Govern
ment of the United Btatesand toy authority what
ever, which, subvening tbe actual order or affairs,
should set aside or tako oftheiegaby
established supreme powers of the Union.
••Art. 4. Eveiy individusl it declared a traitor
kl him be a r rival* person or public functionary,’
who, either iu bis private capacity, or invested
with any authority, incompetent or of revolutiona
ry origin, may enter into treaties with the Uni
ted States of America.
“Art. 6. In the event that the actual Con
grew finds it imposriblo to coutiaue its sessions,
a permanent commiUco shall be immediately
installed, to be composed of the oldest individuals
then fouod present' of each deputation.
-Art. 6. Tbia committee. In tho absence of
Congress, shall perform the duties of a Govern
ment Council; shall appoint, iu case of vacancy,
tho person who U to take charge temporarily of
the Executive powers of the Republic; shall regu
late the counting and taking of'the votes in the
election of a new President; shall give prustwion
to the elected person, and shall call together
the national representation.
The Mexican Government baa also decreed
that every place in tho vicinity of the capita!
should bo fortified. General* Almonte, Brave,
Rincon and Ages were appointed to superintend
tbe fortification* about Tepozollan, Vents de Cor
dova, Tepetca, Bao Juan de Teotihuacan, dm.—:
It i* said that aoma of tiw*n Generali refused to
accept the commWoa, stating that tijey required
intelligent engineers for lb# purpose.. General
Almonte left on the 14th to commence 1 hit duties
by reepnnoitering the joadJcroXentYde Ccrdo
vmto Ban Martin Tcsmalucan.
C OTTOS— Prices on the tailing oi'the Cal-'
edonia'fcad a downward tendency and since her
departure have further declined and left the mark
ets quite flat. The amount ot sales have fallen
off, and speculators ate not operating. The ‘rea
son assigned for this decline is tbe restrictive rules
of tbe Bank of England and the increased rates
of interest. Tbe Bank had refused todiacoont the first houses in England said to
be engaged in the speculation and wbo, it was al
leged had been shipping Gold to the U 8 fi r pur
pose* of Speculation.
This ttringent movement had a most telling
effect upon tbe manufacturing interests of tha
kingdom and the Cotton market suQVred greaty,
Prices of American descriptions of Coltcn de
clined from the I6tb to tbe 23d ultima £ to J per
pound., Egyptian and Surat il> and
at tho close of the week ending tbe 20th, a further
decline followed of j to jd on American, and
also on all other descriptions of Colton.
On tbe following day bitter account* Were re
cei*cd fiom London as to the vtitcyof the Money
Market, wb : cb gave an improved tone Ip tho Cot
ton trade at Liverpool where the vales amounted to
about 7000 bales at an advance of } a £d dp
■imc (description*—lkero tbe’sale* on speculation
yrsUrrtlay declined in 4000 lairs it the previoua
currency, and finally the s|wculstive spirit declin
ed altogether and at the dose the msrkcnvns freed
from it.
Quitationa lor Cotton arc—fair to good fair
bowed Georgia G.j a C| d. Mobile GJ a 7d. There
wer*. however, semo fluctuations iu price..
Gbai* iso Ftor a.—Speculation wax rile
throughout the mouth in Breadstuff*, but notwith
standing thi* influence tie price of Western Da
nal Flour settled at 40b* per bid, and American
Red Wheat at U)*all*9d per 71) lbs.
White Wheau void at 12s to 12* :|J per ly 0 t
70 lbs.
Indian Coro rated at slsto r>2s jer 480 Us for
White, and Y ellnw at 52153*.
During the lari day or two Wheat has Advan
ced 2d |>er 70 lbs.
Western Flour advanced Is per bbl.
Philadelphia and Baltimore Flour advanced (><l
iu the Liverpool market, hut the demand was
Corn went buck a little in the meantime and
price* deebt ed 2* pet 480 IU; Yellow seceJed in
(he same proportion—2a..
Subsequently to thi* tho market* for Flour and
Corn improved again—an arrive demand sprung
up for Flour anJ Wheat. ' —
A rise <-f 2* per bbl wa* established on Flour
while Indian Corn improved very considerably,
and u-ss solJ at 56j to 58* for Yellow, and 58s to
60» for White.
Th? market* t'nord at these figure* firmly, and
a considerable huainea* *&.« dome m UrcsdrlulT*
The ruppln* of Grain sn.l Pr.)»i«fot,« «cr.t
from tl.e l t;, ;b,. , j the .!n
-viflg created on immru* through
out !retrod, and was tits theme of universal eu
logy. and the subject of warm aod ger.tron* sym
pathy throughout England.
‘The state of the Money Market continual to
excite much attention and ctU'-h appteherrioi .
Tho i oor»r et the Fun,'* iUt, irv '.be !*,. f ; ,c*
wa» stvadily downward. Ibv amount of Bui ioo
in the Bank of England wa»»«ill steadily *m ta
pidlv disappearing. The gie*' bulk witbdr wn
from It# vault* was on account if, »nd for * lip
meats to partus iu the Umi-xl States.
Hth. measure* adopted by the Director* tier
more stringent » *nj eri-st alarm sr*s
tell a* to tbs-ir f*r« Latte rrrutt* „
Tne Dirrclors' do not puldiriv m«ke ny ab •»*.
tioQi in their loane, but ore very careful a* to the
character of the pqper offered for discount.
The Bank Directo-v have done thit which has
acted on Mercantile hosine** with great »eve ;ty-
Thcy have actually declined to J-*couni at all
The Bruken-are demanding six and a half
wen acvcit per cent for notes and -Bills of •
dslcv.aml of first rat** efisrseter/and for Bills
oing till July they s*k «xven ami one eighth
The eflect of tl! tbi« fits niuuMt put a *top to
unen. There htve been trsussrlioji of magait
however, (luring the last ten d.ij* and tne Bint
discounted more Ireely. The effect hi* bee
improved feeling in tba market and Consols I
rallied a little. Thi* improved stole offoelmg
been further strengthened by an a inuancement
the Emperor of Russia had resolve I to invest t
(ban two Millions ol periodi in gold, in
English Funds'
With all these palliations, tho severity of the p
sure was only partially mitigated, *nd it is eri,
ron all the ftcis In the cw, that for umc t
to cumn there can only exist t very *tiio;
Money Market and a high rate of Interest.
Tbe effect of the investment of Rus<ian (
was counteracted by adrices from tbe Contir
wbete tbe price of Com had advanced p.rodigi
Tbe stagnation of trade in (be Manufadu
Districts baa also had ita effect, and Consols
declined one per cent, at the commencement o:
day. and tbe market doses heavily on ibe sai
of tbo Steamer.
The political news by this arrival j* of i i
Importance, nor is there any genera! newi
much intern*!. Tbe state ol the money mar
advancing priers of Bread stuffs staU-s i.f Tr
engrnitsed public attention very generally, to
exclusion <>f In** important matters.
Our despatch it unt very clear as to the cx t
of tbo advance on Flour, as usual, tbe clotingqt
tvioru heiiiß omitted. It i» evident, how}v
that there his been an important advance. T
eflVot rbown on the N. Y. Marki-t put
ces uj> instantly.
The news wo rcgarJua not only imj*ortant, bap
to somn extent alarininß. It wav not known,
however, when the Hibernia left, that Exchange
in Europe from the United State* ruled more
equally than for many weeks part, Tho tenden.
cy of this intelligence will bo to remove the panic
from England, and we hopo prevent the further
shipment of specie to this coantry, which ore long
mutt lipd it* way back to England.]
Elrlii*il l- l.'.rrrr-ftponilcncr of ihe fiitnl.ureh (sm/et(c
May 17ib, H P. M.
‘I he Foreign newi arrived too late to show any
influence on ihe market. I send you a report of
what was done jo day. _
Buyers of Floor were unwilling to accede to
the demands of holders, who demanded $8 for
atanderd brand*, when (be latter gene’ly withdrew
their stocks lor tbe advanco claimed. ' The sales
were 1000 hbls.
Com ha* advanced—-sales of prime YeUow at
105 c.
Oats have advanced to f»3c and sales—the mar*
et has been cleared far export—next arrivals will
immandan advance.
Government contractors are in the market for
Provuions, eaufing an imprSfcpd demand.
Groceries without change.
Kirlunvt Corierpondeßce of the Pilttbureh Gsxeus.
, May 17, fi P. M.
The market for Floor has advanced still farther
to-day. At the close Saturday night >8,12} waa
tbe current price. Holders have claimed a farth
er advance of 12}, god buyers hare purchased
very sparingly. The sales ol Howard street to
day rewh 400 bble only, at *8,56 per bbh—
CUy Mills 1 the aame figure it realized.—
Buyers' are very reluctant to pay tbe advance,
and are waiting for tbe tiietmer. . i
•.Wheat baa also advanced, and prime Whilo
pnm.:Rodtl 189.191 a perks. ~ ’ -.•„ . .syirtlonSaU«
ll ‘" TO “ "llinf M Sic fbr mime Moules of
hue, tod Io3i|oSc for toot denription of
b “-
ll,l> '"the' *U-
Tance. it in scarce and wanted.
There "ere 0 f j „ S I6J
for new Me,., tod $14,00 fo, 0l B ’
50 000 lb. ~ 7J.7i.f0, StaiSS.:
«nd 10c for H.m., .11 of We.<t,o cur ", ' j
Utl*« modertte of Xo. 1 Lin] ii 9J „J life 1
in bbi« ami kega.
Som« tales Butter on print* tetm*—the re
ceipt* are larger, arid prices rather lower.
T . .. . Me, 17,5 P.M.
Iha highest figure Floor realised on S*tur-
At , nol becD “"“toioed. Buyers cooteod.
Jr, m °?- f/ p „ rlCf ** aad ’ eftwic e to come into
inli * { lw Oenessee, succeeded in tin
eeulmg uu> some extent. The buiioeu done
nr f’ o '"common to chcicebrand*
t»f Corn /..It, 30*40.01 >0 bu at 96i97c for
and 9U93c for White.
n* U - a ~. wo,lb i SOaSIe, and sale* 10,000 bu.
.. 1”,7iLl “ "•**' snd fu " h " **'"
Whi.k,j- i, Mlliu, ,1 28J«S9jc per gull,
‘.nrnmeal m .ale. it >4.75 per bbl.
Mm lon, Majr. 17 —pr p_ 5]
pore eend.og you tb. t m d„,„, ch lb , m „.
ket ha. improred under tb, InUuenco of tbe
Foreign news, and ha* become boo,am *t sBa
$8.25 for Geneteec. There i. alw . n aetfo
demand for future deli W y, and con.ider*ble
wlt-s baTebeeu made at $7,75 for June, .t $ 7 .
o 0 for July, and at »7,55 for deli.ery in \u.
■ For Uorntnce! there is *q improved demand
at the price* previously current—sslrx .1000 btls
at $4.75 per bbl.
Rye Flour haa .dTinctd unJer the ntee
(■ .. not. held at >5.60 per t,bl_but no e.le.
or Cora the Hilo httro Inn l.ige. The m.r,
ket opened tbi. morning al Klilc for prime VeU
*' lb ' cl “ <? 'hii_e«em„ e , pric,, , tlJo d |
Io7allOc, rnorcmga con.ijcratilo advance. The :
sal, a al the advance pricea ward 40,000 bll. For lie- : '
liveerj in all Arigorl there have heenaaiea at 30c I -AT BARGAIN OFFERED.
Rye haa, gang up 3e per l.u—aalca 10,000 bu ‘ O I J,P‘ F ?. U RTH ° r ONE-HALF of a new, Water
at lUtic for export. : uiaji tamacc: that in to »•>•, the Bellow* 10 be
Thrmartror propelled Ur water power-now building in Mononaalia
tHe market for Colton ik very much afleeted. «;Ouuiy, Virgtma, wjihm 8 mile* of Morgantown! the
A perlect rtagnstion prevails. Buyer?, botbroio- i Co - um ? Sc ‘ t ’ a,,d on, y 3 «» « from ta-v riser.-There is
tier* tsiu) <• ioorter* h»vn nliKrlrar. t l ' no sucb anuation witlun S(Ki mitt of PiiuimwK. eaa i.a
w„. r ; p ° , Wlthdrawu ftom the m*|. hart for double the wot a-keT There is *0 Ore bank*
* I. and |.ric» sjAusl decline. -of rood quality and quantity within from on« fourth of
, a mlletottyo m le*, and good road*, in a fine fanning
fTT : TheTimberlanJ;:
Wills »n.i .Inll-Misonir Candidates. UV, l ?a^r^!dTr*^7;‘ ,^^l, a, fl s!
MAItMIALL rKiIUVAKTzf/lil)Th i o«ec lUb Shea, Sable, aSTa*'.
'’•'l * pent,eman well qualified lo represent thi« cor n’ " ll '’ * u H ,ace ca « be ready for blaM by the Ist of Octo
£ AMemply Hi. mminanon woidd -rati- i «f‘Ppheaikm be made soon—two-thirdsofthe
[ f nuin-i0... tiTitd. m tha; City and i price will be takeu tn A*«med Good*—one-thud in ONE OF Till' I'kriTV ! ca*h, as the work progre*»ei In one year the properly
t 1 I w*;l P"i' «*ery cent expended, and after that win yield
MOO per cent, profit—that will be given bv the present
proprietor*. Application* soon made will be attended
to. alic owners being disappointed in furdt due them,
t* the reason for (ailing. Should the person buying any
pari «f tbe wco'e wish vs se!>, the present owner* will
take it. and add fifty percent, to the eo«t. It is with
reactance the owner* would sell the whole, bntif no
ihmg else will do, rather than reta d thefinUhing of
the farnace they wiU do so, and, if wanted, they will
build and blow the furnace one year, as they ran build
her I cheaper than any bpdjr 91*0, being proficient at
the iiut<;ett for a bug time. Any quantity of the beat
<*•> close on ,he A line directed
to 7• A E S will be immediately attended to. Direct
10 Morgantown.
Pig Iron can be delivered at Pittsburgh for from $l5
10 Sid perton, -when it 11-worth from $9O lo *l5.
■ . , " w.*k:s.
IL> stone and maiertais to build on the ipot.
niylgUm '
JAMKA lIKNRY. „r lmn , s , Cl.. f ■„,«
! *T.'. 1 ''> "»")■ "I'lt* aiul Anffi..a.o«\ !'o,-ihe
f.ffii Coraini«*iunrr. i
-“. X will Oe
c ‘ hlK * Slld . A ] ,l:m ** ons or nominal ion liy
*' ‘ " nd " l *“ CO '""> F a?k"^K
I yl* i*]i D:THR r ,j anroaijcro the name of CAI.EfI
• *J" 0i n*a *uiiat>lr person to ro'.reirjv
1 l.rguiaiurc. {.nyU.lAw} itfujN
J^JS\ l : A f at r K trl - ? f M,,Htn *wn«K.p, w,h
■>t a iantl.<imc far Hie tubjecno me
.'■*' ,>n , “ r Anti-.Vlaaomc county Conrco
n . tnylMAwa
k!,T. J ?"a S ‘VIU.OCK ...i c.
f. ..V' An ' >| wa<M»iii! luitvtMii.on for tiic ottiee of
n “ sr »•*•»
... . Washington, D. C.
„ M “ Ximuunce the mmt o' Major J Z E f NAS C '
M a n( .Mifflin lownsii p, „ u ; Ajeonor ptojnni* Pweuu, wiTTpreparo the n©-
•c.niii.uair ; 0 fpre«rn: :tr» rour<ir itj tiir i l»ra-»n ug« and 1 apers forAppLcaQiaforPat
<"jrdiw*T ,ifrioi I ta ”' " ,,d ,r «n»«et ■» other Stultieai In (he tine of bia
MR vm rriD * MU * » piofeM.oa at-the Patau Offiee. He c*k be eoiuahed
i\i r* vu- ,V- , ir “ e •n««>unce the name of JOHN on nll qUeation* rclatina to the Patent and dsel*
«.rih "i " . r “ J,!cI Tow,,tbl P-* ,u,1,1bi<,,,ai "l'Kla>e ! ~on* 1,1 J b * United tftatr* or Kiyopa. Pa adn» at*
rin i. et»Uiarc. ruv.'d&wT WILMNS dietanee desrotu of hl7iU£ eiaminationi made al the
... ... I prior to making application for a patent,
ir. K0..0n- ->Ali'l, I’ALMI'JI. K*q. bi« ! «tn I way forward (po.t paid, enclosing a fee of five dollar*,
, u ‘ Lr '' *' i rxcehVniond suitable randidaie'for i a clear aiaietneauy their cuae, when immediate atteu*
«n«* e ff.-uiure i>j auent'oii m ttir »wvr veu ' uon wl ” br Riven to It and all the information thu
w "' "‘"'C' »n*‘i> VVU.j{i o! ihe cue. I could be obtained by a emit of the npnliiaatia person]
ni)uJA«i.' COIT.NTRY . promptly **'■
JINKI'H Mr('L'l I nut TTi i ” . i At: letiernbo buMnew. r-nui t* post paid.’aaj contain
i.- “ tt.un.ll fil' be;., spoicu of by , a suitable fee. where a wrliienopuiion ia required.
* • i’i a* foi County (iimimi , Office on F. street. opposite the Patrol Offiea.
«• >nrr. unit tir.ns in every rrspert li«nr*( and. Capable, J llehaa the honor of referring, by permission, to
V‘ * u r*~Uf'> i-v In* inc.iu» for ihm office before the Hon. c Edraund Burke,Commissioner of Patents;
oiijciM <• i _ _ ___ _ tnyllMA*.* Hon. 11 l.Kilsworth. late do do do;
Ti'MM.f* ..( r.'- H Knowles Machinist, PatentOfflee;
- ,i . in,' ,'v,. *.-,, • ’ , , 1,1 it'-'pe tlrniirn. Wa-'liinetim. DC;
. r,.*sn..» on. I > Hon. R Choate. MaftbnkusetH. H 8 Srr.iiie
- - mjlWAw | Hoa: 'V Allen,Ohio. ikt
*i l *KttlFF, of the cay, will lie eapponedby I- Hon. J D Bfltplin,MC, lltiao&ri;
ur»nj ' »li‘jj of tija etty mad eotuiiy fot ooaanatioo b’’l Hcil wfila Hall*Near York;, v
■no Onfirem.nn a* acandidair fertile Leriaiauire. " Hon. RoberiStniUi.Al . • •*-
myTrt\wT PITT | Hux S li'^SSeaaie;
iw nt vtl'u , ~ j list. Jl) BelCt, MC, kbiMtfii
1 1 U h- AA V'. K '° f <•»> • *npported before I Oapt. H M BhreTO. Missouri; -
.-•heeJLT C ‘ , " v,: “ : ' on rj; r “> m ' nati « n : Kfaiiai B robm. Erg., Ptttsb»r«h. -- mrlS
• .he emru(..t«.e i,.j office of county Treasurer. .“ “ ■—— ■■■ f 1
T) °2.?’ s wim
' *»• ' i.M‘\ t; «:•* t tcw-ju!.» wi:U* , Cftcrrjr BUUr** for.dvS cure of tEeVcllmrin*
■ jpjof,-,} : y mhny \Vb>z* o.hl Aintnuofi* forlb- I*. : “««*k Jaundice, L’«erCompUim'. *1! B : lliou*Cim*
.'a-f/o mylidowK JEFFKKjOX : P><un»»»*«k lleadaebe, lleatt Bars, Indigeaiion, habit
■ ual CgsiireueM, Piles, Palpitations of the Heart, Lou
of_Appeirte,Dy*i>ep*ia,Nertoma Irritations, Debilitated
Nomacli. Languor. ltepreoian ofSpljili, Cbraaio Hbea
raatisoi, Cu'aneoui nireaset, Cancer, ojpiuioii Duea>
•e» Scrofula Impurities of the HK>OC, Pimples aad
l’o«uilr» on the Face, Hereditary Huqjpff, Cpid Sore*,
and all (ii«ea»rs arising from as ityadicipasareof Mer*
£?*•'* *■* "uiiir.-i fnpri.Hjr n{ Hi- uockboMort of ;bt*
■ nnj t«iiinpl!«ri!]f ill.; Itoaa Coraumy wih
ri 0,1 sbe 13u« of Ml),
"M M. DARLIMfTOX, Seoreiarj-
«.efnl Information—A? .mpo.ttn. discovery
•> iv•<lu»:nt Ri» been made '.j Ur. L'p-lnai.— it CAitsit;.
• -i- happy of triable r-ibttuic'-a ’.•»
,Ur u,rT “ °t “« Kir-tnary. w.» ( eh feat effected'surprising
cor-, lit ihr m».t <l.messing ewe. of llmn-irrhuids or
;* UM* B>l " r ' a ‘ ''wmp'anu h«< bee a prnnouneed a* fn :
. .ILrJW. Wholesale and Retail, hv WYATT A
af.n.lMAl. |«1 I uttn.i »:,r, t. New York; H'«, Tuoaa,
meet. hn-t t*. R. tijvnse Sfuithfiield street
l. t< »o» ? . |J. Price tl prr not mylft Iw
l.!int ANDREW RGSS. of Cotcputv E. Wesnoorc
and Guards, SJ. Reg,mem I'cnoiyivauia' Volunteers
utt h.» passage from VeraCra* to New Orleans.
DR UALiGER triform* all pertont articled with tLs
Ji.irr.sinrcoraplain:. that having become tbo por
etutet of Ur lluritiuU'i patent "Oppcdatire Remedies *
or .t« cure w-tboul wearing Tranea, he isnowprepa
ini to eurr all »uch o» may odrr :n a very f ew ,
mulct th>* tietitnctiL Tba Faience by ‘v:
--warrant' that these remrdir-s when rightly
applied. w.ll wet: am pennoueniK euro 8 cisc« out a l '
Mi. oi t»:J fcnd young at they may apply, in 30 .Jnvt true
to vault Ren bamg enjoined VamciUra given
mi appln ut.on to the «unier<i<e.r, and Certificates of
•-arrt thjwn. UtCce. Dr. 1. I* lUU*« Drag Store. Snmli
henl ttrert, near L.brrty
For »B.*- the right of o«s nt the following Cojutit •,
vu Reaver. Washington, Greene, Elk, fc'cmrr.ct
- 'aiubr.a HnMingUnn ledtatin. Clearfield, ArmtUonu.
i’om-r. Cl.moil. Centre, and UeJ'ara
given mall eatetof disease J~R
my I *».rt vv > *
flmrlti Sirrrl, brlutta Market and Lomherii
Ntreeta, Baltimore.
MTh* subscriber having taken the above eitab
i.tlinirni. offer. fu» t*r«;v-a to the caucus anil
public generally, h it i-onvcittenilv situated u
regard, the Steamboats And Kauroad Depot—i. m the
niiiUt ol itie.mnrc eutnsite Importing Houses—and in
■act. the location offeri u those visaing the city, at m».
uy eottvauienee. and u« the other principal
***B j The home it now l.'-nig fitted up wih new furniture.
3ad |'* K OO,l u * ,e a, “ l *')■■«. »»d will be opeu to the public'
|on the il day of April. 1817. The proprietor tru.n tlu.l
iho lut u>irrmiu<ni> elT'ir »to ple4» >, will secure to him u
. portion of the public parronage, resident u well tu
»Dg transient W W DIX.
1. >tc of the film of Du A Fogg
lUltimore. April V jS4* myl&li'm
Rich Hill firm for Bole,
SITU ATI-ill IS mile* from Pittsburgh. 3 mile* from
Deer Crr-» l-oek. on thr north tide of the Allegheny
r.ver, eoniuin.ijg about 170 acre* well improved—o gooJ
■noose and barn-With ruble, granary, tutoke home,
.pring botite. Ae, Ar A con-t lr rabfc ponion of ll.e
i tod >t ( learvd and t’liilcf good fence* and in a vety
h gh state of ou!ii -."lion It it wnll.adapted for fruit
irre. of vrln.-h there is great variety gr,<i nbur.ilane«.
ni a heuliUy condition; the land i* of -black walnut soil.
This farm bus been the rerideoee of Henry I’arr),
F*<i- lot year*, and will he told on reasonable forma,
or egrbiingnl tor prepen; n or adjoin-ng IhVcity
Hn-j-j.rc <->l Tho* I'urrr ut No ttri stuad-tt, pitta*
burgh or J C I‘urr >• at ilw law a Foundry, nrar the Gat
Wt» f k' : raviSwfni"
ONl,\ TUKKI'uf ibute Cots on J nekton *treet left
Kikmi Iwit 1* »> b. 91 feet. I'uee MTS Terras,
.it hand, balance in «even
j.,ayuiemi. ai«o, mg l/>|snn Sampton street, Aliegke*
ny47ity, near the atiove. I'nceATii. Term* a* above
S CU THUKR T. Real Estate Office
juvl*_ •_ No3oSouthfield ttreel
JIRT RBOKlVKDy— Another targe Invoice of
tno»e Patent Gum Fla.tir and Hbfrreil Sntpendcrt,
in.-Jiorn qualities, awaufaetured by the Re«*clt hlnnu-
I'nctuting Company. Ct. nit.l fur sale nt factory prices,
by the ngent. Ni>*in Wood street, up stairs, who'etule.
myl? Agent for Eastern Mannfactnrer
(itnateil on Franklin Sirrei, Allegheny tTity.
Fnre SiiOO. Term*. in band, balance in 6re y.’nr*
A!*n, n corner IxhS3 by I*l Teel situated near (he
abore. I’m** •Odd, Term*, nmr a* abo«e
.my_JB -
H CUTHIIKRT. 60 Smithfield «i_
U—\V R Murphy hn« jo« opened arrii>*<muiem of
(•rat«hopper, Brazil. Vandvkr. China, Pearl. Split
Sircar, ««prr. ftotlatiil. and (Jimp Bonnet*. Ai*o, Kib
bno» and Flower*, in areal variety, at ibe Nonli Kut
corner of 4th and Maritas at*. my 19
TAMNf&R’S Oil*—MJlild* dark Drown Tanner'*
Oil. landing and foreale by
mvH BAOALEY A SMITH, 19and »0 wood et
- ,
A * ; • r M cask* Scorched 8«lt«:
For sale by 1 tnyis BaOALEY A SMITH
FISH-U 4 bbls No 1 Herring*;
550 bbls No 3 Mackerel, for tale by
T INBKKD_OIL-50Bbi, In fim-rare order'd
AJand w ll be wld tow to dote a cons'gnment: by
K oalwav
Bacon-50000 lbs-assorted City Cure?', for tiie
_No 4 Commercial Bow, Liberty it
LAUD— 4 Bbls and 1 ttand, now landing from stmr
Wyoming, and for aale by JDICKKYACo
"’T** SOsvaterand 107 from its
SPTB. TCttPESTINE-t0 Bbla jusireee.ved
and for rale by mylS BRAUNA REITER;
LINSEED OIL—U Bbla on hand, far tale by
pOTTON-M bale* Tenn emtc.fotule by -
\J mylfl . I DICKEY A CO
* nr -
BIFJf. 181101 * C*.
'P* WEDNESDAY,the IWj iiM,m ibeaticlioo r»re
on Buchanan’* wharf. ,* 1 t | ' -
FKE,-tappngd?in bargeehhaw* and brig
Catalogues will be prepared, andaadxplea -exhibit d
I.IH day before the calc. - ; mfl3 .
n r 4«ta D, OKTtd, lwttaiMr
ON Thursday, the 20th uwuot, a; ID tftjlotk, will be
** !< J : *n exienitraasaM-tmeatof eramnalila fancy and
‘<'P* drygoods,
At ».0»Ooek, P. M. I ’
°L *T? c ® ri «^K l *«w*re t (}o*««itrarr, eoal.
do ’* nt^,re * ho bed eordai sew and sec
«*«*! clocks, splendid mama!
£^Pi’.£i'and feather beds,
At TJ O’clock, P. M, •
A Urge aaaetuaent of superior qiualuy table and
[•orkrt cailery, gold and silver wateheaf rifle*, shot
jone. readr made elothmg in peat ranety, EnaahiJS
79,650 gpaalih Clgan>
Embracing a choice assortment of very aanerur
quality uoMiled Cigars,of the most highly approved
braids, will be sold cheap at private sale, loehwaa
consignment. JOHN D DAVIt*
royt® corner wood and fcfth street*
. Adjoioisg'ihe?il; \Yardof the Citr.oo Minetaville
rarnpike Road, at Auction. j
ON SaturdayAfternbotLtheflad intitet. at3o’clock,
will be*old, on the premise*:: seventy •& handsome
building lou of ground, ti mate on Centre Avcnae aad
xtreeiA adjacent thereto, a plan of which can- be teen at
the auction room, or oa application to James 0. Irwin.
Ter ■ s. one-flflh cash, and residue in foor a ntl wl nay*
ntcnir, with intcrtitio be secured by baud and moiv
m> IS# i © OAVI9, Anctbneer
Junr« Saieof Building I«ou. in theKrtihWard -
of iho Ciiy of Piitaborgh.
ON Wedneaday a'trrooon, the SUlh inatant, at * o'-
: “«•«" V" •' "ill l» Mid: IM vetr >plVQ<lid
imldiiig Lok of Gioiind, fronting on Pecaaylvania
Avenue, ( the Court Hou*e,)ai}d atreeta adjacent
iliere o, fompriMugeerir eligibleaitaationa<or buaineta.
ißanufretunng and private dwelling!-* Dan i
of ihe aaqje havmg a beautiful view of (be Uonenga-I
• j:I« river and ibe adjacent aceoery* i °
A plan of i e Lot« ran •** had at the Auction Boom. 1
or on application to DaVidGREER. at hi* midenee :
on I eun street. Teim»: -J-Ca*b. balance payable in
tuo t<titaLannaal payments wi h»niervU,tO bo secured
b) note* and mortgage—purchasers to pay expeaffeof
conveyanejc __myl4 J D PAVlff. AnetV
Tne ntirniioo of the invalid pijMip. «f all iboM
alluded byany-oftbc* abqvO'diieatca/U reapectfulty
ralleuio the merit* of a new and invaluable prepira*
tjvn from an original recipe of a distinguished physicists,
combining in itself the mo»i active remedial properties
of two of the very fir*t anivles in the Materia Mediea.
The Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry Bitters were In
troduced to the publie about twelve months m,
during that period their soecess hq* bees m neat aa to
induce tbc proprietor to offer them with still wre eooS
dence, in the tall btljef that by entering into more ex
tensive use, they will prove a blowing to alt those
suffering from the diseases above enumerated.
Sold, wholesale and retail, by WYATT A KETCH.
AM. general agents, till Fultonstreec, New Ycrfc W*.
liioes, Market street, and P. R. Sawvia, Southfield
'treoi. Pittsburgh, Pa. Price tl—large bottles,
I A ANCIfhR AM A VEIT. wfoie*ete sod retail dealers'
‘ ,*•» -a .Eastern Ready-made toothing, Wtfeh} respeet
: full* take Oii» method of •obcitmg the attentionortheir
• cummers and the publicl generally, to the Allowing
i:su os their stock in trade’ god assure them also, that
J :hey will sell as cheap if not cbesper than soy other
. •'siabltsbinenl in ifce city. Ujr-tViiiiHc* of purchasing
: and rjisnufsctaring goods, are such a* to enable os at
all timet in keep a lull assortment oficadymsde cloth*
me. a; Icm prices than iber can Le obtained elsowbeie
■ rteureseut iwck *a hand consists in part of the fob
! lowing description of geode;
{ lan black e>oihdrctseoais,tiMin *loto*3o -
l*M do do French do - 10 “ M
t" brown and invisible green da ■ 18“ 85
Vt» *ack cons, splendidly made A of good material.
' HHK) pair panic, of all styles, qualities and prices.'
1 iftuO vests do du . dp 4<>
lUO dozen Linen plain and stitched bosom shirts; stocks:
scarfs." cravats; bosoms; collars; suspenders; socks;
drawers, and ttnddr Shirts 'of of
winch V»ve been and adapted to the
present season. M ercnanta others who are In
wumof clothing, boner than togtvg ns a call.
; tiU.O REPUBLICAN, comsiniHg the Inaugural Ad*
' ■ dre*scs,and First Annual Messages of all the PRESI
-1 ! DENTS of ibe United States, the Constitutions of
; principal Slates in the Union, Ao . Ac- with elegant
1 I'OKI RAITSof ail the PRESIDENTS,and aviewof
the Capitol of the United Stales.
.) ,A beautiful book, of nearly 500 pages, handsomely
' bound, for only *l.
| with the Lives, Transactions and Sufferings of h»< holy
; Kyangelisti. Apostles,and otherpnmitivemanvrs.and
a .HISTORY of the JEVVP t brought down to ige pres
uuuim* A large octavo vo urae, tllnstrated with tS
engravings, ptiated on fine paper, qnd hpwnd in the
most substantial manner Price only 11 yt
FERED TO AGENTS Address,postpaid?
'■ w WM. A. LEARY
(s>l,tf No (57 Xoilh Second it., Philadelphia
Corner of DtlUmort and Enlav Streets,
111 : a A*’j ?c n?, K i.' iiSPii i (tto k .
THIS .pleniTid and spacious Hoti-I, clribly situated
fur botu imuuess and pleasureTravbrfers, i*so coa
diieu d us to eomblnc all the luxuncs of Use Lcsi Hotels'
with e!rgst,fe mid Ciiicf/U.
Cltoirp suiiraofnparuneqii are tu *ll seasons reserved
:or Uir iifi-otniocdatioii of transient greets, am] families
v..;i;itg tile city will find Utp Eui*W Hocsx a Homt,
umnrpa-scd[by any Hotel in the Union
I he lorsuoii it elevated and.salubrious, aod is a!*o
( Ouvrtiirm to lktpots and the'landings, at whieb r »be
coaches and I’ortrrs ot the House am at til times m
wsmiig to convey pssreugers and their bagnr*. frea
ot id n g; to (he Hotel • .
T»:sst—Jirmlenicn*’ Ordinary, *1,50 per day
mylT l.adiei' . do, «2,'U do. [stawa«
TRaORDINARY and enurely : 'tnpreccdentrd
J-s cxlnli:i< n of sciMiufio illusions, etfhititlngof va
rious surprising andamusingeifprimentsitiChemistry,
PiKiunttics Optics, a-atitrai
I n r ?. '; K ' U , 1 ' OL 0 ALDF.Rn-ifor Tbr,,
'V«d»c,« w ,.H. r
rf KSkSS."*
Gentlemens'Tickets, 50 cu. Ladles’ Tickets "5 eta
Clnldreu undet to, 85cen's. . -3 CU.
te rise at 8 o'clock.
- myHdtf Mowc w,u ** m «tendanee each'evening.
rSVounATION WANTk^-Aly W n,Jas.R
a >» necler.lep home On the elh instant, iaamysterioue
manner, ana from the best information I . can. obtain, |,
bc.icve he has gone down llie Ohio River, and to be aow
travelling in Ohio, or some of the Western States.: He
|> aged about eighteen years, and during the past winter
ha* been laboring under a diseased aiate or miad and
body. He leil borne without any money, and I amanx*
ions to bear frimt him. so as to provide hun with fluids'
to return Any pareon who will induce him to remain
at some place until I can provide for him, and will In
form me of his resilience, will confer a great favor upon
btssiß'cied parents. Plvase address me at Cincinnati,
up to the 1 7th of May. and after ihat date toKennedya
ville. or Bath, Stcubcu County, New Yoik.
GOACfI TRIMRHWI—Th shbscribers are
now receiving a largc cad extensve aasortmem of
Coach Tnmmlon of Uus_ latest liyles—among which
are vanoas article* that haveinever been knt»ere—
which they purchased for cash fp>m the Easts rnManu*
and are able to sell as'low as any. House to
New Yorkor Pnilaoelpkls. They wosU KiMstrnii*
mvire theatientioaof dtsden.' ' rc *P«Vfi n } r
myljdtm JONESlkOUlOQ^BosiAtsisu
>ug property Wo- Cwghaa, Esq., mnsmmff of
C^fJ ,Teo,ent j rj€k J ),r *W n f with inimble out
♦ntldmgs, garden, Ae- la aJifiirores.' ...
Also, eight cores adjo'alag the above.
S DOTH BERT, Real Estate Offlco,
'■ wyl7 •: • . - ' IiTNbM Pmuhfi«K*twt
"■£^ r ‘ b T ffß&p b
F^2SSK^ F S^^ ak " -
•*“••'• 1 kfLatd;:
■ * ssaafer*
No W.lrood ItrMt ‘ -
i-l fi^Mleby
arts ' *J: lc *M * Co
Si 2 1
r AllDOll*— l0bbf* No 1 L»rdOil. ",
U Cart tie by p
®y|o .•v^ Ku -KR.i
►AMISS—For ■tie by
WiCK * JtfcCANPt!>s»
No4t wnier n .
ifjyK n “y i »°s tbas-m h!f,„ r ;;:
t«l itioby x r
- >3 tfAOAL&f Jt SMITH
7 - MlfJVa*
-212! WILLEEittICkTOrtV
TTioSho.-t- mjller* mckk-i wrx ,
“ ~S lSSSA.!S3gr'i r- , w
--• fOfnet water and »oaJ «n
JAVACOPFK* on h.,J . nd 7,1,
i-aaj w£KAMcc"Mhss
° i! 00 hu,i •"<* to *teby
y AVICKfcMcCANni.p>H
T . OII»— 15 bbU No 1 Lard Oil;
SbblaNnV do; forourbifirry
No >7 Lihgny nrrel
ju»t received by
ay!7 .
H "gj d.j
--ay-• j dalzell. ai Wdtrf m
te.4pp.rj, jjjjjj, .jFWWrtjißoffi®
- _JV> S-Com««K;ittl Raw. Libmv «
•ibUt aefioed.for *ate ve-Vy to* by
No 9 Commercial Row, LlSnriv it.
jVTACAJIOIII-i ca»e /or«!e rrry low \>v
-■ass j&siSSSjfe;?;
--X j I*B warKoaian
T>AC<Ml_3hl|d.i Bacon Hwn* . : ''“"
. l ao Shoulder* iceeirrd in >'ore and
®ilf_ t. s ivatf:k.\jan
T Wa 7 rom ~rei»l kovr, Lit,env tutei
H 1 *UT*-sbbU&7i.le by
Mirwilfttl. myia W-W WU.MJN
T) ICE—2S Uc» Cerline Rice; fo* mls by
is gy |3 1 a/n n nvn
bo * Cora i E (tore end for wile h~
y -®y‘s I’OINOEXTKH \ Co
CKSe*-**** xeeM ,nd kf«!e!'T“ "
V m 7 l * WKSK*McCANi»:gft*
P®»* BROOMS —U4 Uoi hr wie lo'fvi*>'
V m / la ' rHIKXP.RMK'-l o,
riOpl>KUi»_»bbl. fot 'olc by : ~
HJi - "> l; * FRIESD.RHEV Co
T7TjIEG.AB—20 LbU for *ato tow by
teceiTed and ft* i,y
•M »r lO Tasbbv & nrer
DBOOHS-iSOdoz. fotiafely '
* y*»BV * BEST
*j>l rct’U
«d formal* by CLARKK A Til a VV
_____ cari»i I'aiin
4 Ppl ® bo«.W4 in iWaml
by ay|3 L 9 AVATEHIUAN
-k x jpyi-* • Ji» * j j,j oak
Bui?i^ S ~ 3D doaTcom Broom* iinFieM'd for
- ■ a «y»S . &QA 3 SLOAN
JT*- 0 bbU Ko 9 Stll, > '* “ora ud for. tale br
JJ A S5i? Humsbr itic br
*®° k ?C* Nail*,**«med«l*e», for Vale br
** «yU >.. .. y:: ■ . y^uaKKß*
!l<«U-«OCh',,.Tt U| jan prime, ferule br
1 *” l5 - IV OKKfeR
on bind mad for ante
® -SO t*j» Rio Cofee for Mle by
-”* l * AV GREEK
]U«IATS*VOOT Oil*—lOfablsfertile br ’
T i>bU in store «nd for •«]« br*
ra T|S • MVKRg.HUNTKfifcCfa*
1 bbl* No 3,for ule by
SH. XOLAUEI-no bbls in (tore and for sal*
•fey _•• ayl* JAMES DALZKLL
■MAH**—3ooken* Jamals Nails, forsslr by •
4-" nylg J OALZELL. M water „
BACON-, <> bbls Shoulders and Sides, just rec’
and for tale by '
niyld • J L BIDWELL,' Antiu, Wa;<r tirwt
pOTASH—SO casks lit sorts, Jim rac’d and for sals
Aby ayl* J C BIIIWKLL. Ajt
DMP C^IDSS —03 m store and for sale by —.
AJ mjli • • ISAIAH DfCKEy?* Co
r TSE A ?P®": Virt,m * M*naCKt«wdf«UaecQ,..ra-
brand*, oonitantly on band, ftir sale t.y
D S Ik BACHB * AND APPLES lor sale by
DKB—iuo kep tar sale low h£
M fe**«» Moss in store and for sale by ’ . -
TANNEEV OIL—IS bb!s ia store aod fo* >i|g by
D ACON—BhbditUtos, gjdc's. anddbould*rs, Cot ssi«•
Vf OLAfidGS—3O bbls 8. If., in store aad lorsal&fay
IV-L ; tnyil ACQ.
e,k * Fo're;iShdmf and tar safe: by'
*- w y»~ *? JAB FLOYD
pOTTKB»3 bbls freak toll; fcr sale bj
ISKO—S3 bus clean Tirooihy seed
faraate by myll JAR FLOYD
fe**N° I cincinnsti Soap,ia*t tee'd and
_feessla by m»ll oii MILTENbIIKUKR
®**f***A-« frost Jost ree'd and for
O sale by _ tnyil WJCK A AIeCANDI-ESS
/MOBS—A lew bbls for sale by
« "*’feßPEfl TI9M— A M bblsjostnea’tl end-tor
• sale by ; - R E SELLERS
„ ••»-.- 3? wood st
•- r*! 1 ? I DICAbY A COj wa’er aod front m
1)4009—9,000 lbs assorted Eicon, for sate by "
C*BOtT-SOO bus. Dried Apples, for. sale l.y ’
D B *?,? PKACHBB-IUO bos. for sal., by 7
j/_ • • K.NOLI3H ABK.VNr.Tr
B b OOJU—i«» do*. Com urooms, tor safe ly '
__ayl7 KNOUSH A BK.MNrfl’f
UKRaiJIO-U bbls Herrins, (at said by "
AA a yt 7 . . ENGLISH A iimNETT
.■DUTTBB-OO lbs Kef Dnifcr for tale bv
Ai ay!3 •. ~ :.r \Y URK£R >J
R*o COPFKB-wt bags prune preen UioCodee;
_ lor sale by wye -,' UAUALEV A SMITH
DRIED Peaches and Apples, tor sale ly ~~
RAIBI9#— Dox andltre w prate crder.'for stleTy
ayik - . WICK A MeCANDi.EaS
'MPBUUBjoU Tce'dßlul for»»!ely '
XIUTMBOB lc*fc forwicbj .
■*» . WJCK k. McCA.yPtgSS
OBBF byihe bbl, formate by
■P. wyll.- WICK A. MgCA.N DLEgS
BACON— For nie t>y - ‘
SOAP— IHJbx» No I Cmn. t‘o*p,in More «nu tbrulo
by mylo WICK A &ltCAM>i E.'p'
I ISA®—JSOUfcben* ir**b Tea«;lor salr iv "
oy'O JiVJCKjt fu.CAM.'. E>S
‘M ADD . Ba “ F « **Jo br !
Ift bx«, foctalei*!
A A _«ylO ■•■: WICK A .McCaNdl
I*B* *h«, amrtfd iVctj for nfe hr”' •'
t HUTCliltOpr.«on
pot* ■CTT*B^a ? bbl«fi»raa!eby '
FV&T APPIjKB—b Übl*roper. article,for iile bj
Lf nyltf • TASBKV A BEST.
UACOS-HOOIUs Bacon,H B,- for ufo by
•U By? •■ J at j sj oaN
II MHIBO-ao bbl» No J Baltimore Hemurr/pr
JJ. «ale by my 7. - -M k i ALOaN
M^r iu^Tf bbugo °‘ hN y,
TBIHHEO SHAD—IO bblaia more Afor role by
'-•‘V7 7: - t MAV BLOAN
PBOWUW bbU Floor iojioro aod for rote by
•g lf LOAN, liberty Awood *u
‘ wA^, t , «mrvo
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