- - .MEDICAL',T J “ DESERVEDLY CHROOTr : * THERMJEI* MEDICIKRS. :: ■ ' ortu Eropnjlactic Sjrmp,» mi* ' / 'vy;.UmretaeJyTDr»U Coirji;«rTiVß »nd Scrofo. •r-t, ißMallecUoafjt^agli^ywp.t^oapSjrTip.Coo ceatrated eitrtcl ot. Stmniula, decidedly raperierto ail other wrtncta. tMTiaggireareliel . wbeaaU other* hive foiled, being throngh a new ■ procrtt. more. concentrated, than *ey other «»« ' offend toVthe pobUe,; ASTHMATIC EtglN baring eflected permanent cere* ot that .■t®”?I'* 1 '* dieeaM, nbee of more thao l*- year* heae* it «t*wU withoot ariril io M>*t machdreaoed .Row’- INCOMPARABLE VERMIFUGE, where'llDOWD, i* m«l'» preference to «nj othet lot all AlMun ol the Stomach and bowels, Cholera in* nLitioiM dec Too high an 'encomium 1 cannot be oo the merits ol this medicine,.w core nl *od til diseases that read It from weak. o««o?etom»cnoityd dJgc«U«». , , ~ “ Dr. Rose’s FBMAl.fe. _i .»1 S, amort remedy lor those general complaints to which ic “&* ALTERATI VE PILLS- No pill ever before olfered Uie public so happily ■ comUnetlbe pities of a valoao\e med.ane^aa ifiled and appetite gone, was completely restore ' id til week* by the nsa pi the AnU-dwprpue mix " ‘r STRENGTH .£NiHG rL.AJsT£R,lorw9akßesaot Uie backside, I>r ßj t lto£’« SPECIFIC EPILEPSY Aha moalcai- ULO renredr e.re. of St». nr coi.vol.roto, wheiberiojnfanii or adulu. bo certain a specific U it lor ihi* formidable disease that the most oh . itinate case*, and too of long standing, hare ' ,i mRoIi'."RIIEUMATICMIXTURF T Afltr ««■/ rrtiriofd'd'teut research th.s compound wa» dipcov . eredtnadiis noser (ailing efficser places inefficiency .. .I n.'m»ilv tor spilling blood, indeed for discharges of . . Jl£d whether*Tram Lungs, bowels or other pans of ih? Rose’stiYßUP for Cholera and Bowel compl*uni» »»« Mid of .11; ibcit »•If' ,S,. beco OiorewhonyihoiE Uutreß»®' l " >^-V“ h hum ,,, cored of th, «noo. nrefedle* ,br bod, mirtl l>oS l T en ’.J«t h.vc . ?S£» >“Sssts £2 ' . and efficacious that Its healing . wiJ - c0( -,h P nuy. a case of Cancer,oec or d • lew Governor of «» out by ! few months The cancer twic^ prominent Surgeon* and renewed itseu Co|| , ulll . ..Lli|gj»,y*l «*•>*•»>•*»•; oflho. Pio tion and removal of the soil P»rt»>u»*. 0 f ij, e phylactic completely removed every .3 r disease*:. .. • , fK _ --non* cores that have • » Cases innumerable of the vanouseu. •sra &sr£X?s ! 3S3r ,he ” Agents for Pittsburgh- • _ : L ---- ioHAVSTUVHD IT.”—Kurd*. ’ Cineinnan, 0., March 3d, W«. D,„ su—Thi. U toclrtir, >» lb. fublit, prtkol»lf>“ ■ B db—oflktLo»n,orCoo.Bi»l»io". Oct in tb. Spria, of IM3I wb. nldotod »'“P"’“ . Diltaud Uttr »d m d. l-OBt’, . toddtlrrod ditb Lr■ dw« w ,d. I tik. di'tb'mo UodoVdideßUrtly ooro h.r ld , oorf ... . ”w thdf toftoo'tod reUUoo. W » ~do»> k *iw ™* ooddioo dill ,i.. iiodbt retor.*»l|““'A“'fr' ■ ’ tbotordoodpdoWCoojh,rro»v.d<.ti,bdd»»lf ■ - .orerh lo tto od-bl-J «l —*3' —“-'.f CAVT-J.satnaaij ■"s&VrSS*: f A f su i-,.|s' and Li belly »!»•_ ! — u ■fIfSKKS? &*>*“"• 1 ~n'n ' “ iothmation °J be jir.« [eneral "w? is»V ’ E* SSSrtJSK»Jfg KSUSJSJi's fcr-!SKfl*Sas'/s pain U eipeneocedrn OD # ai ■ : ss duwwp* **“*£» of pie molt cc nttnt SsrMjJ-iidk 1 »'Wi2LSS%Su»* “H *“■ d , i “ l ‘’• ,1’ •v jr2rSth«*sSf"“wuiM'iMj«.“« ctoomc u “ euViOO the Hit •• •'» right «d*. A * i bum o ?k°™toi andtoleaii lh ' r< t«t inthoprt^f"*“ a "" ien , hc ,„,immiL abdrarul e»>e tioa counmo the "..“Je.Kboleaale aod etui bj 'Maanfactaied android yoBGAN.Di ispat, Wood arcct. Fipabor jaaai «»™p A *i rE 1 ifc*Tee* ■ breath Ac- J* iSfifldSSh «Wwr *}•«*■•• brtufc. and dw *e*»J"*® oB^y el brnaK »nh w *' •water. of cold for tram* *« tba n*au, wbeo u>« n*faiii,aad tf» [ilenTefn debo®"*** l * breALb- lt»u*«; hlt%£‘ fi^rrSSf»» » “4" "“ ■“*■ sssf prevent t» ali d»MrJ*e» of l,,fia - sS^^K&assarti, - *fS&.i WH, JACKSON’S, eon>«.f litem ft* ' swi-ttm'llLA *ND SCROFULOUS SWKLL- in .lUU molUplid torn. S,i«StlolSKin£ , « E*il,«nUipm«nU" the mm., GotoS, Whit. a»dy»p. ' - <>!•“«• ” rih ' 8 V" ? r Sp '"'j ??3 ConMtnption, mu*. froo om poiupOM pr^cipt. 'nimlMtoriMipl.CM h«'dMlrojed,no n.j for., P >5 b r thnJpnficipi. up® which the “ bo milter uglier w tut l„ l* J .■BDD*^W««f-^raft“ I* t 5 ft r-s : mad *U Enqrtion* *>uufbani «ad bbfoMd •y' te±, for dwptlUa* rwrtWW elonw*. : " •£*»** P»4* ,in ***Sl ,h T^e b K«BlJW»«lcte II for _ PriMStt «■“ p" «J'i FAiScrrpcKtco - ] • I! > PffILADJLADVERHSEMEm MBmTjassa, OVK4V A RAIMkOAD * kxpju2»W3t vacket PITTSBURGH to PHILA,T>A- a*» BALTIMORE. Exdusktli/•* Fcusmim. TIIK public art iMpecifillr talimri IhMlto Ij" vrill comtaence runmOßjOnor aboriUbe Ifoh.Uitunt, J continue tbrougboanhd «**«“•„ T l ** propiiew* have now placed a aupenorcliaa of Pattern ,*n*»H give gt«>eicomwM lo.traveler*. . . A Packet Hoar wIU alwayabe lapon, and the ir»v -rt{;Sßc airrtq« c.ll»mnd:».x«ni«r them, B S•o.ien/lbePtckei>«m lut.u Ite Urn L’nued Suit* HolaU comer .I’cAP ““ Cui.l.every nigbi «!• ok*k ,- j, ’ For .oronna.i. vpr'v «*• ! Fcif*{s“ 1 * "ncU3 U " lr, -‘ trr ''o'''° 0 '''° c». PcSiSeT." "WKS’fKIkK TIkAASPOirrATIOK CO. 1547- D*bKECU A.CO'S. m n vsvTAHI ISIIKD TRANSPORTATION I.INF, oi.p ESTA }{yv\vKPN Pittsburgh. IMIIUAUEU-lIIA. BALTIMORE AN l»-NKW \ OBK m»F. atock of this line «>n*»M* m a double •»•*.> ... j . THVUBDAY PACKET. , *s*i forward* large -Quantity 01 Metchandue *"j j WISCONSIN. Capi. « J- °^*T*b’^whXHo* Produce with certainty and d“P««>- , 1(J ~ rVBt) Tl.ur.day morn.uKnilCocnrk^h^S aSK «~s ass ssotjm •M -"KEISw *. „wpffigffg3SSt ...PRO. ' " l ' lUI j MG1..1.) mllluvkck.A.M „ 11A R lll s * A LF.ECH, Pro|in«-iat». saTITIDAY PACKET. * • . Not:}South-Hurd rue. . I h.lud. li'b n- Tl> , MESSENGER, Capt. Ww-L w ' l ‘!'?vfi ,4 - JOS. TAYLOR A I.urgh every Saturday «i»r.»ingail «o*-yckj '• ‘ No 114 North llmv.rdnreet. Bull morv | h u lliur day cvv.m.g at »«»•»•. »».« 1 ,nmn W H WILSON. A * cn, - Nrw y k j''every TucUt uMOoVU.rk. AM. ‘ ntcMS ’ 4\c*i*>*c l. • ‘ \|.\VTOV. Cant A f« Afo»e«. will "piTTSBUBOII PORTABLE B. , v h , r I' u-i.t-rytlt <-v.-ry Sunday morning at 10 oVlnek; 1847. • fiM! ™.i! ! j w , r; - - sss Suss *' : ; BOKB&BOK A'CASH j Roomroit«»dered.uiß.g •d?dNl«rket meet. Philadelphia , fot. -- - vwiT* - TAAFFEA()’CONNOR ‘RKCJt'LAIt WOKNIfiO PACKET FOB Cor Ft jin un.l Wayne *t*. Piuiburgh BKt-t isitn. B g AVBR . O'CONNOR A Co, Ndnh ftnri. Bolnniote I Agr ., u j The new tin' «plen.L» j ..-eR l»«~ ~L>«!«sl222_ ‘ ' »BRHRRkRR»ORHRBT,„ iawvalcv. b A McANLUTk 5_ /MJWaJb , Q i » aßfcS^ D 181< ' -rtmTfZggrff***"*"* j fl&B 2 'JHra I T?ON O *uW A RORTR, PIPORTKR of*WmcLw. Watchmaker’* Tool*, and FREIGHT bjtwevnF,tuburyn. Bla.r.vine. Johii*- VNSVUj |, k aND CUMBERLAND TO BAl^ \Vamh Material*, wholesale and reuul.nndcon- JC,,. HoUidaybrirgU. Water Street, Pcter.bu.gh and , BROW >»}“£ t r K AN() rjhlaDELI HI A nantlv on hand n large a»»oriincniof Lunette, Patent, j .n'eimedtate p ace* -.. u . ; Tiuw to Bainmorv • ■••iWhonr*. Plain Olaai, Main« P ring*.,V«ce*. Dm *, '' *«h | one HoaiwiU leWve rb« wawhouae of ; I” 4 „ pndadrlph.a «* Hand*, and a complete aiMrunrnt or alllool* and Ma* j A Co.. I’uttl.utgh every duj, [exc«-pi •U' > 1 i lOntv n Mde* Scagnig.l '® the wade; wilh-a large.a*»onmem • s, jppßMCn n .iwaUcepend on having .hwr good* nu- M,iPnd.d.i.dia*irun.imc*’c«mA.U)ttvul.Lou nf Gold and Silver Lever, Lepide, and 1 lain Waietu - *, t wei {,i e <} wiiliout d/lay ondar futr ra.e* , | ■ v*Ji and swatara. have commenced making sif» ass;, F< ~wio< -. rtIIHUMM WILLIAM r |l, .l' * J ,r di lv»!V «•:> tvoulit. *' l,, ‘* * l -‘, OCAE, CO.ICH JtSD\ ’ • JtMJN MILLER. l'o:.:.l*J'. • liekl loutn.iig ai«» «>«•••»*_. a ■> MOjettSS It-'itTß 9—o f~t>*«Dut U , K|l l-ANAN Jol.s-.ii«i> i ' ' .unumaift*ut day lipl't, ,U P *°d •oda'- 111 i. PkitatttlpMa, late ef thv'T.rti uf OgU * i C A McAN'LT.T' A ‘-o l,u R * L-iUnd Ttm» avoidtni; night travel altogether e Wa»Sl.fSielfunf iaform. hi. frW. ’ it,,., n I n2n\ru t .nn, , n du' rou.e ore Rn.p.'e.un.l W W"*JdXhepjublieVlhat>L hw *nd-will kwy j j McDevill, John Faiker. R.huT. >M->te. ag* .> ; r ,b s i di*nppo on-rlay* vt.tl be UD .-<«itst>tlr hand and fcr «ale, a. handtoa* tivortmetii uf Ifc Smith. Pituburjn. .. . I known-upoii >t. , i..;., '• 'Ui'B BWB MB Hitlllbi.x USB. . .1^“ \\ r 'HiralfT. wII Woodward 'SB I Coarhes ri.«tvte4 to pari.eV »o.rav« > a M)tu>r OMlSrt, **»»!«.* CO„ wl.oiv,«lr dtU- U.. vomiu^ ,> ► I V " J ViRSKIMI.N S ,e«; n rtfocrma.Tca«,tn«T • .%c .No SR Market }_ SB d M.eh ga i, runnu-g •« • > '■ 1 Ijjf,?' 1 ,or ‘ l.«'*• > i',uu.urrh and orr.ve at Wan-ea '» *« I SESBt.~ "V’cf"i.RFFiMiWF.v.u «■».'»" W‘ - ’ ‘l’.TT.oraon A h» oiwa-W;*.* •- -.r. VOTUF.R ARRIVAL-* AT the . • Wml’owers.roweratown. Irn.u |lißTnni»msv FKKIGIIT LINK ,*«.• vnM ITOWvIS MARKET BT, | Geo MacbaJmyre. Kv.n*i.u: e h. le.m* . irr.gbtind pJ .*en B -r I'aek. •NBVh, YORK « . NOW OTKN _ John’MeAllhttr, Huuwtown, ■ ■ 1 1 nrun "eU.arly darn* U-e *ea*on between S,"5S5r SSSSSi 1 ?Q/i 1 f AHEOKB; io4 /. 'i W A! MALAN. Bhan»>, d« nted and crab M' - . . WM-MaTHK'4 S, I alaan. > «»• LAWNBi -rvA-V'EN FITTbBURWI AND THh RAsIKHN ; REED, I’ARKS? A Co, Reave.. , '.roi'nl Ro.o; ri ' l ,|,K.UT J,H IN Ar» COIIRV, cy.n.v W.,n ...» ■BB& -s^:=^; 1847. mvm *‘ n aitenew. Ala®. , » , dnl fall nMenaew X* 1 * made to u« Receiving.Mon..g, ami ; roB THE TRagaroßTATio* or mpa? f Do »»**tic any lonugmn* a *1 I KIND'* OF MERCHANDISE TO AND FROM right GOODS; fI J, T prepared to make tale* of Produce, we ; A phll«delph»n, Baltlsnoi*. Mew York linel Genilemen*’ ~e‘ "* A ;«!r’-Ztie.i conatfnmeoia of we-ier:i Hour.! r "*‘ ** w d Doiton. , ! 4r«r t V^ T 7’ lUron lanl Butter. Ch«-e»e. Wool, Feathef* andmlier ; cncnungemenl ih'a line haarecei*ed atnee trl- e K. % *Sc! on which libera! ? dv-n f e. w.iM-o .5 r.mnmencement. ba. tndaend the propne •DC«a jwe" cbtape r made an/otl.er “ t ‘ M l , 2^ ed ”LV r J*,£d » uf Ihs« le as lor. to mcr««e Ihe Hock by adding «l oamber ol fira^ »,U>e oMial at wholesale *elv«* thit any »“* n#n f>ir lenn . a , i, y any claka bonla; and initead «^f giving reeetp » limy, „. a W II<»ABRARD pmaipiiy eiciuied- <1 upo M fore a. agent*, we will givo our own receipt* lor land P"l v fo. r,; c 7« other t.mi«e. Canal I’uuS-urgh freluht .hipped by thit IH>C. i , . ;om- V OT,CB r^ PP r Ca V° d*"d J.nual) IT J ASM LA VISA Co batunre oil con.cqoently ftcighl .kin, rirtSSS. -? ihreJpS iSS ot ii meW .f *»» » nd ***•*«*' „ uken the whole dl.u'dco without tran-h,pm«t ling* ,&tsi a Bridge overtlir R>*er Motion J. g. DICKEY, „_ niini ... ibereby,preventing damage Trom Irequent bandil g 't"«, p 0 k COHMISMOfi BERCfIAM, „„ u , e ™«,.«s.. OEOMKCOTRRAN | Birt Btmtr r*bd «***&**“* ! -.11 b,!.. tb* eitv and pouniy ol which bare been to highly extolled by the public preM,fr*ece -executed at thu maimftctory. A large i> the etub liihmeat, where i* kept eoneianily on hand Uarge atock of ready-made l£a Bailies*, Settees, Irda.Cbairt, dew atyJe plain andornitnen tal Iron «ata. with an ex te M lT = nl :”J Potu, PedetUlt. Iron Arbora, dte: AMo.- in greet variety, Cart-iron Onmmenta, amiable -for Railing*, and other porooaea. Tfife anbecriber wonld alio atatw that in m» riil tern and Dcaigning Department ho hiaeraployed iom. ..Ml. bt.t ul.nl attention i* devoted L' the wumeea-rformtng«|** selber one of tbe ino*t complete aud ayilemalic ei« Übliahmeata of tbe kind in tbe UdK' u - RUBEKT WOOD; Proprietor. Ridue Hoad, above Buttonwood flreet. Philadelphia, March Ig.lStTdfmos CIIKAI* WATCIIKB4 TIUiCHE.VI’KSi' HOLD AND 511.% l-.K " A f» Jl VS' 1W PHILADELPHIA ~ . ■ Gold full JewiMtnl. " Stiver do do - ‘~P Hold Lepiiw*, Jewelled, Silver ito do Jf “ Silver Quarter*. line quality. • *“>“ •« .Hold \Vtttrin*«.plain, t'-i Silver SpectarW * Hold IViu-iK* . |U Rmr.1.1., fin,.. ni'K*. br.a*l pinMWI -*j* , r .n.. .ll.Vr ?,««», .up. ump.-Uußf*-. .. J. | "jaWES •ratnrJ to keeps***! ume fo* o«Ocar, °-‘ 'f ver bought or laketi in exchange.. . pwkeiat 1.-P,■"-> Watch. Clock, und Jewelry * ,fcrk * ....... ktiove Kierefiili, North tide, Philadelphia- v * jjy l have tome Hold and Sdver than ihe above pnee*-. *““ i V Slllrm" I ‘ilrt-nf *li I t&JXZtetot-p"*' “ ul " ,he """ Contpacinrw and Cheapness. It* Acceaaibilny upon all » dffi S,*" 0 .Ml the hammer# are made Self-Aciing- . Tbe aubkeribera coauuae to execu e older* for »*»«: hammer*, of all*ixe*. upon reasonable lenn . I>, t TO wsa dcClMy Southwark >ocndr>, k'*‘ l i»“ •• ; '^J^susßSsxLi^^ L“* Have juarpuldiahed,— Friendship, or *oi Lel4ti”lLn»eo»c» Viennoises byH Kert. pll« Friend, W.V Wallace. • • i ' I'aa do Fleur, Mareixek. ; . Hletidaloagh, W J Lcmtn- I Huena Vina March. .. , Rudolph Polka, C F Rodotph. j Ravcf do M Keller. . . r AllSjfon -II Violin fctrinn.Tanin* ' ‘" d ,™ ''™ T Mlra cal HftchandUe, at the loweal pnerj ’.-••• DERBY & MCKESSON, j IWSINGS, SACE.ISG. BOTIOSB, wagon COVERS* and grain bags nr ALL. DLSCKIfTIOW Ko. 384. South Front Street, < r - - 1 - ■ 11 An i. n Teft with S. 8. Moon, »1 the oftc® of U*o &■%***••"+ pu “thS9 , .s u u;ur‘’ “lepHHllV A. C. NICKERSON ‘ 1 'iqr *rap* r«n W me, j 3 do of the celebrated Boneoa brand, .3 do London Port, very old, . J 9 * l > in do different binnds am! vintage*. 1 ,n :i qrcarttlailxiairijie; i ! >a- Jo iioiiryM»|aca *i bbdaanp Claret wjmc, l* brtu «op crown brand Chaff, wine * qr eiki .vp h M Madeira wine; h S do do Pale 9hatr*... r 3 do Madeira vintage, I*W. 13 do different brand* and vintage*, 3 dp caka *weet Malafs; eair.g 5 do do Red wina; . M the Port of the above waiei have jaM arrived from under Mi|ta to parchtM, »», rely of j retlini i MARTIN >«**»"* •'"'JJSK'iWjND' »H *.S TUP CHKAP ROLl« or DPSiiwn pw»w. wbo!>*»l« pairkM'-.n. _jpUly f 0 prtml*r»- JIJKT tUMirf l .«n«J tor from i!k« of 0«> Urt'" , Jit-0 Vwik, ifc« ft/lowtiu > fonUOfTlP*' I7| . 'JS| I*/» «> ■ »*.-~ mebSfttr No ill cot wood andfllb »t» i# lever /TboUND*”aLLBPICB. Cinnamon lindCiove*. In - “7 WARRANTED MPCnor ko the beat Entiish “Stow br>drt, w ea'luarboaie " '' h,rf " c “* l b maci.asp.n £^S?BS^nHSSg Ap, ’ ,, f gBT £; 1M Liberty elite. POMtipy LINES. ;■ LAKB KttlK ASD MICIUQAH, lEorrmron. Apr>». pkpv 'PITTSBURGH &■ CLEVELAND UNE. 1846. HI noT?!: 11 »“>p* T - h i*""'""' * c °- CLARKE A CO:, Forwarding ”" c, “ ' "ti'c p™";,™- or ll.i. 10,0 «,;k',i tie h.«~" "' iheir fennel tu»iou»rr« will, ronfiilmrn, knnwt'R i!»~i | ihelr fcciUtf** ■« weond * 'w“ r " App'r««o* *u? t m*harton, A*t, riiui.ur«h \ CLaFIKK it fin, Ilni«r. ' ! i all g(j T RJCMMONI) h. cc •-••[■nJ j I fI'HP Boai»orn’» Ho»l »'ompony !»»• I '*■ 1 I mw.il, ll« Oomp.ny IT.SiSIS; I „ " I rSTii Mrl 1 /’.'. s:i,f3i?r*"ri.“"eSr-»3 iSlB47.fi^ LtlfK* Forth* ir«mp«‘*‘"»‘ »« , Bn „ .il Klfflll or ■r.HCMAPUU*,- To »*!' KnOM I'll'i-*i'*Lruu, N vnTHTMANA D ■; Coro" *" c " T , i-*«kkh‘a'ktaC" i No 3M Market »irrft, I'liilulelphi*- r F.M)B«,«KIXIONtCXA«MU«. , r ‘ ,, ‘ ’ _ Baltimore. Md. A-.WKHTP.Byia.T_ (>ii«mnl!nuil—JaV Me&Uri l* o Mori:*" * £?• JS!fe!lSt »"“"f-""""'* fa fi^ D *' co.-rieo I’etiy * “fir. PHEASANT, VA-I' A M«cliter. ■- - - LBKOB t taerchtodiMi »p4ele, bank n««' , J®?£ lfy ‘ “ ’ , mewed numinf ofiTkurwUy, »]««" » ... , An laosCustTwill be dl»p*icteil Jal y oni.l the tune of ~\EECH4Co TRAijW'^'nQNjLKP;: IS47> PPWBP AXP CISCISJIATi DAII-V USE OF BIGNIFICBST PiSSBSGEE PACKETS. Tins --it knoirn and popolarUnC of Steamer* Bo beenrt rally unproved the paM 'Winteri by lb* **j' /TaSHI ntw and ma*nlficem boat*, bcilt Packet Uue; and the entire line m 85 exposed «r eight of Ibe iMffOt, beat *“? f j£»i»he<£*nJ mow poweriol boats on the " *«»*<« KTfiy accommodation that money will P.n> i££ bl'twar"”** r “ f»N“V •ntt oopmo. wi”bc spared iL readef them comfortable and tbettipa I urrLcal'lc They learePiiubnribandCinemnandailr j and positively at 10 o’clock^ A. w- MONDAY PACKET. The MOSONGAUKLA.CapL Sum, bunib even Monday tnonun< m 10 o clock, W> heelmg cr«y Monday evenfn? «l 10 »*- M i and C.acinnwi «v* cry Thursday ■» > R o'clock. A. TUESDAY PACKET. The HIDKRNIA. NO Sl. Capt. J. every Tuesday morning »l lOoclo. «, w".',!.",«V'g/VV-- Cinrituiaii every Ynday ai 10 o clock, A.. 1. WEDNESDAY PACKET. Th«- NEW KXOLAND.NO.a, CapL S. Dnn,*i leave i*.tiU.ur*h every Wednesday «#»'« " Ij," oViock. Wheel,ng every \N ednesduy « , ve«i.ng ai Y »Y- M ; BinlCinemnuti every, Saturday at 100 clock, A. M. a! OWwl TO THE EAST BV HUSUNIiAUELA ROUTE, VIA BROWNSVILLK A CUMBKUI.AND. CTMIK umlrnignctl are tinwr rif-|inr«>J to Iniwa' 1 1 dur/* Ac u* ihc hailcni Mnrtriailunnß ttir ■„ K WiniVi, qii Oic- liw-'i fiivonAlile iertu», l>) u.. Milton* mute. . . , . • , All pro|M-rt> ro«..|i.ird lo u» w.lllir inrwnhli" Iowp»1 ratra anil wilt up»paich. M^*rlmiuliftt received *>>' On* foulo prompiiy for ” tr I J C UIOWKLL, A*Y. IMi*bureh. • [ U W brownivilk. nvl/7 K WSKRTOS & Co,Cumliprlnntt TO TIIK KAST DV nAI.TIMORK AND OHIO RAILROAD. milK subscriber. wjII receipt forth* deliver}- of Pro* 1 due* to n.lnmoro liy the Monnugahela Slaekwnter Laid, Pork. Tallow, Wh"*kri. Cb«>*, *K.I Cl.wr It* 11,. Tobacco, Hemp, Fla* and Whoat-91 rt» per 100 lb*. (Foil Apple*. Cliee»e, Flax-Seed, Ulan, and 10* ri» P**r 100 U>* Oil” Shni». Me«d«, Wool—HO el* p>r 100 ll,t. Pce*wax,Feathers, Furs, ftiu*cng, and Bnake-Rnoi —IW et» per lOOU,*. _ ' , . . Atl oroDerty consigned to other of the undersigned forwarded without deUy. freo bf Commission, Ti .hove rate*. IV II CLARlLBrovfnsvnif. * ' MANNA A WATHRMAN, rm.l.u,«h. FKKIOHTF.R.S and other. wishing AQO*|L to bare Fire It rick, Produce, Ac., [Lmw brought to th<* place from Sieolicnville intermediate: landings,-can utake arrangement*. by catling on me, •* I . HV . . iiogt tuimind regularly helweett Fituhur.h and S.Jnvtlle |OF° »MILTENUKRUKB, | Sioiubout Atenlt_sfl Waters! FOR BALK. - THE Sieoraboat HARLEM re| ilied (fw* 8) .gnn refitted in handsome stylo and lAgmllH now at the Monougakela wharl A* i shfci. Improved she i*welladap»ed for carrying freight and] passenger.; or for lowing} «b «“• mat capacity and power. Aliy period dupostd to norchaaewiH ofeourse inspect her. i. •* i-tgo propoteio lease, for one or more year, my wLfa. uid u> a maaof energy .tfdbuiineas holms they »‘"«*i«»• ‘'- r ’^;xiTTA<’RD y ' aogttO D L*w , cor Penn iinnd.Ctpnl rMMICAL. * ' " COTTON MA& " • - T THESICK AMD: AFFLICTED? j STAR COTTON Ml LL, 4 * “fv DBi KWATVK**. ' J • •.! . (N'earthe Upper Bridge, Allegheny City 3 ... , ••'** '•’ GREAT DISCOVERY,. r,rnjlKr.rcwieiDr««'tlieSur Coi»oa -Fje.orlrespect: _ T^LJ!5pifL-ni>to»u Tl ' ftWr TktgTtalßeHKtltJvt'' , ; 1-. A (uu/htfjjm the jmblieJhutthry are uow tn «*?»*•• Pit&Mla on , a* JFf. Jli»>lii I', Cantampuon, Coughs, Cold., Asthma Bnmchrtts Ura , tt j. O - fiallßnH .Iforid* employed foe veiviccspr o*A> #!*Tt!L2%?Sw •r^Sur r £dU ComßUuni, Spttungßlood, Difficulty ot BresHung,» j Barnri tk Afonager, who bssbftd an IS - Bdn, c **7?fSmMlUtfnrf P* 1 * af** Smo.mt Jrfa*» , rnthe Side and Breast- Pslp.taiion of ihe 1 yf *rs in the principal Factories or Allegheny Cuy. Urn*, ■ iwiwi|lscikfc«orX : ! !letrtjßflßeax*,CroDpJJrokenCon»utßUOO, I Ley would inform .W*tehsnl* and Dcaim m Kp" rr “' . Sftfobora in lire Th.
    * Lunp; the most effeewal end i of sunnior make- ft-VOELTL\ &.Co .. : Uft* A-«» 7l?!u«Uiiflnha»b«eß*lteßd«3 w. fcthfl speedy eure ever known fw N. left at the Mill, ox at '!"■ *;orr ofAL- nnccialOTt awetioos; b«> say of above diseases, • eM , limiter A tV, I9* Litoity stfeet, will b* promptly 1 happiest "***£VJ} voidwhlch Wr£» k*W?ea i» DR.SWAVM7S , tocbMdta - N. Y.ACo- ItiaebießrintcodediSfilljMlw^".^ = rpTrrcofToiniinAT" ~ efiPvSS?*-“v« H tisr blackstock, bell rco,' *l^Sssffst^s^ rsssssiss-^sagMA^ uoder tne moat’ uaiavnrable circumstance*. I *foa mimied exehisn-ely for the " **?*“* ti i«caJl {when ahalf p:nt contained the s/me mediCoW_?»|«d'; irWen with a violent Cough, Spitting of Blood, to- wade. hforrtoni* vvntmg our cny ife iuW"* *««| T“sT»aparOUcanl|ftCi»d«d:*tßtakeirilWrtbl* EKE ?« the Side acemejl rtTgSJttE S&**k»* ****** A" l^* to break down aad enfeeble mjr cpnstlfoinin.su L»«.1 * ti ., v ahipw . d «rh P en oAered. . fehlM*w3reT ue “‘-_ »!£ addiewed to the Aganuat b». eagle cotton works; '*!*"?'**., ; ’ »AN^&f«sßBfv*^ irt ?lcUin UK t £S^'i I =^» . w.r« .b>ilb»Pl.«....g.vc * Ai!v r*Ri Lr OHAiN.pj.ARJ c„ inrurtnaUon respecting t&J caw,by calling .n wj . - (Soree««oraofAibuHtlea A Avery.) oremo nedor^^T?hK-MypVyaician.advM teaideoee,Mecbanie«trect,thiril ds»prbelow i*eorge _ 4 . . . l , «*?r,fio.a_ JSwpi^.»lW«» •treet. Northern Libertie*. 1 ai>t».ii. p c pjjsj COTTON MILL. liVelytbjtescrve AftepaatßrWOba. Tw/imtmy. .> now T'cmtdfr o m all oj PENN •• y , S»iU. l£«»«rip the Globe. ■ rpitr. ifoove ecabhihiacnt bemß TfftSnc«i^^Sre l lhSitn? ,h « d ;Uie The following letlera arc preaentetl with a view | j. ..perH.ioiuxve are mauufacium.g, very ki^fllandtO«dMdfrerl Kadbeen. .Ibave SHSSS^g pound S,™ p ..r Wild Cherry o«.on>,«ol, ~, ~.) | ' ' Y0.r.,m«l " , f"“*%’xilE3 MILLER . ~ praclidd. 1 waa .retailed by your Agenl. llnclur UPllll' AT- Th , foilowial ccrtiEcala iaoal, MOrhar link in ibe l.rul.bar, to orpreaa roy opuiinn in nriling .if da , Al CiUll'ALlr „si c hli«’ tv. I'mcl .o iu miriw ■ •■•■ nroporiia. ,a« « rou.ed.al again, 1 uijxt ol.oorlullv - —— . cll g,„, ip, t , o a, Canada Eaii, April ‘ comply, as I feel by ro doing, I mil duebarge a I lC H F-' iST IE ' ? J1...,., Saildi-Ccnlleimau.ElpoaM " wdira lb debllowo ibc community al large, and I bync.am T — V. ' 1 ihc allacli.or d.ecaK,.nnd ■>.>»’CiCi^ffJlSS fan, liculir. A. roach a. I dole.. Quack llcnc-| -SKrCi I ,h t-rAporcd rcmclica, «n. SlfSto and P .tcur Noilrun... I wa. .odneed L C J ;of .ocro.inl pracin.oncraaalilt InrcTCMac lgraulu.la i lailurc of lhc ruoal potent clpcclnraati, re. om- ! \,'fraA SlbiJllSST t®?SSi JJenHT JiwSi B»jem mended in our .materia piedlia in Mime caici ol ; J ' t e 1”" a d'reL» M.oal which .-dbeWtr. dluireey’knd o,.ea.cd Ln|. ? ..tn Iry your preparation oil rtinu. I g 5.., p .e.cNpiioae.«erc«illmored.e«r.o. Luiedvo. Virginia or Wild Cherry. Il i. aiifficinhlloaay u,a A H . .. JSH? . Jft . I Hna. remej/e! bui fcaad no rel.er nmH t comßene^ cnee 5. all other Hemcdie. .vne.c an e 1,,«... .» {> I ~ ii : i^”^, “ r"e»Ub, ? *?4ll,h lO indicated. In lhc much die .del I neon,uni., ... i „f Vlca« accrpl my n» : , . Diaeaie of the Lucga, ru the alarming ton,, in a Inch ; posrnvE & PERMANENT CURB'KOI. I ~u r ani-e nf gra.l.ude and regard. ' it annearg in Kentucky, I regard it a* an invaluable .- v *»' •• r JOHN M NORBiS Kerocdv in the irrataent o| Uut dwpaio. ;i'<> all \ aI.LNKKYOI'S COM|’LAIN"rS. Ueii.s neieonalty :i^ u ? bOYC ,Ut *' who know me I have raid enough, but as tins ma> ; » sviia nhou«h ilie«t<»« may not, lie explained * mmr, i hereby eerufy .l.auhe »™ MAN he soon by persons out of the Timnit) ot trjitkrori, js.ncr tbcif tffttn are duly a.wriujiinl, p.n-HKP Ttgimoar —The following is an exiracr 1 will briefiv add, that 1 have been crg.gfiJ in an t |. e , „ 0 i .Irln-tnr. prejudice, or pr.de. . , nceived from Rev. Willi»».G«J«uhfc ■ctiVe practice ol.mv ptofetsion ol I'ijcars,and am ; Induce monkuniio set the im-aps Ilr ( VtljOcl.W, IMS.. Graduiteof Trangjlvama, and this i» the M e ,»s whul. .ho by I •* M t.ir-, Sands: 1 h.vu been afllctci wuh .«v«e SXd Mrf«in. I ever thongbt: enough ol ~, AM. MAO i express an opinion iu writing. P»CTIC FLUID. .. * * lwe * J i ul gmee iskine youf J J.11.U1.i«,»11.U. , emus remarkable iii.eiilton. which l.a. rece.ve.l the e.nno|'c“S, “SMkiI.B 1 ha.ebccn January "lh. 1&I7 p rankhn Loiinty. Ky. i jj u , llVrf .),| B ,,prol.aiioii oi ilje inedicul proic»*-on of nute l*en‘ J”* . hßg inc,si*ndpreachbceeslonnlly i y • .Vraukkokt. Ky., Jan'ry 7tb, l»W. r*e,“Vr'.. «.i-u.npr» a„ entirely new uppUcauo.o< diseased .all otUef, i The above herti&cate i* l-om one ul our Hiys;- liolywiiwu. u-iy^J;*|“^^J;S'M«pn^c h SU- ScSciue.ond thoroughly tried the I cians living a few miles from here, ho . jdoing g very i i v dwiiS w.ib, and The oyster J can recotmoCtAin irulhand ‘^fujlS [ good practice,'and is considered a goad l hjsicisn, j chn r - uf (ia | vnill ., u api.Ucd wulmui wy of 'be * rc ‘‘\^ ,^W^mrc C haveb«n*oi««“4 k,lWe eat ** 1 ind funds Ur; he is, as he Mjr*. a rcgnlargraduaie. ; N : , n^f larable from the fi-in-nil mode corapln,n*,Wc £»«• *”" lnUy . larsTTl, Shaw. by. i UK. W, ie. t.'KOTCHKK, ■ t ::z\ n z; The strung doses, and Irregular miervais: effected «»s| _ to i Druggist ami Apothecary. ; Uaivamwn >• apphed by; the ?' wuLfore >cars, and Mrs. W. He- I TefUinoniala ivitt never cease. i hero pronoimceU. artcr a lair and ‘ r »htlia*,Ji^a»de. v-n^who tod been severely^ afflictedwiitithe Erj«'P- From the T'ompcranc. Fledge. ! La./oa. ■ nu.ely cured by lhc g?,^. Now that Winter is upon us with its sUeiulaD i unfra « lll? , 0 j ano perseverance, to* been br-csbi and concfnsi ve’evidcuee of its 1 train of I’ulmomc and Bronchia! aftcctions Lougbr ~„«■« «tatt of perfection. The ff«lgpii«c.<»m*» !SSST*e*T«»phtet«t whichtney' ! (£m, ic Mr-, we ■would advise those afflicte.ni. a „ twi l f Bii lho purpoae. of-the most eifen/.ve Mn- npermi valpeandemoacyjsw p p t . Unt wav to make immediate trial of |»r. Swajne’s chmc-.and in .cjinyoihrr are more»»/« and be ,° r i ared by K A. W. & D Bands,Dtorgists, 109 - sr “sr's I ~f Dr Swayne. be»idcs being the lirst ever ollcn-d aino|lC thr , no ., pmm iut and universal to whtc,.t »« « Dr ,,K«*l s ner»KrlUe--six B bOttlet for «. ■ ; to the public, is tie ouly tine that can be relwi on. , .ui.i-n. Thry arise, withtot execpboii. from ULnubnoare iwbrttfutly.reiifttoted lo remember The other mistur.s s.ildior Wild fncriv Syrup., , derangemen oTJ* “ng foam.?SanV»S.rsapVnllathatUiswn.®* llll ; 1 Balsams, &.C., ire all spunuu. and worthfc .and , -Keh ! contain none ol the virtue. «f the ongu.sl prepara. -® r « , ‘ fi XST.beUe V ,fo b«. i-een found mthe,p duea.es .0 other. Ition, Dr. >wayne « ( o.npound J»»rnj» "t " 1 d | , nd ju.itcous appUcat.c, o/lJalvanlwa. lor .and a»wm»ami ’ . " | Cbcrrv. ThcOalvamc Rinvtbave been iwed wilbentire sue- eu rB U iM ( $ ~OLOBAQNIANj i From the Springfield Impress. • ; c «« m all m*** of Uuhv.uatuu, acote oi ”ER * gDPfBBBtt Of the thousands of purported curative nostrums , ply im: io ih.- hcu.l f«*« or liiims v ABK-Tl ,fo* „o«hcfb“lhc:pnbl,o\bm:»oryfcwarclon,,hln i ;^tt^E,.^proy s . • possess the healing virluejiJor wlijch they are ie- i § Joint*, I , wtot lia* «limdhjoia«hia^«t .umtomh*** commended. Among ihe latter we are pleased bfa.eheek? »4 A .(‘AIiTION TO TI.K .•FttLlf. i .. , l fTTMticc the mtroducliou «»t my aiticle to the , m r r ,. u-.ng mat'e o: all of vasnous 1 ui«al INO BALSAM. I Wild Cherry, some are Called Balgams, Hitter*, (* n | va nic Belts, UWceleb*, Bands, | Dj»p»r£e G«iM»fJ»oB, ‘tf^jnlun and even Synxp.nf Wild ‘ berry, but mine is the ,* he t.mvuu.t p &C. ! JivA.,V. Thro*L.ssfo t .01o«W -d original andnnlj genuine pteparaUoo ev. r minxlu ca(r J«fa v’err *Wfc.ctor»ctcJ.««.» ofh.ng ■ L. ecu to the p*Jblic. which can be proven f.y the pub- JXg. tto power as tberogre*» m di«a*e «nd .a .jw« , The only sa.cguard againa impoMU.m is to see that t ., , V|l . myeigouiureivoneAeishottl.-. V' VIYZ- J,‘a‘. deer-m ver ;b:.t | ~« JJ«s .*.«« thathfc^tfj£jSSS L , ‘” r i 1„ rV.jlk i.e ui.it.ncd mU no complaint which t with A*thm» for bO ytarstttdeouldtotuadpJWMK Prepared only by Dr. H. Swititf. at his l nuci- , |T‘ „ „ pp „. If Ualvunt«facgn e*c| will foil ; u,f from the bwt asdlmJ-aa^wh"* pal oW. corner «.f KIOIIT and lUtl. Mreet. 1 relieved, are adap- ; Bn>.khn«uJd jrfoduce, ['hiladeiptna- All Wild Chen? preparations hc.ng 1 3 rm>. »r,.iV,luiih«. anrb-. or nay part -Ay She ii now marly wcO..Hu dM^tsM^Ovnuisw^ tictUious and counlerfnt without hi* s.yaalurc, „Mllr inwv. w.th p- rC-ct couvcutcncr. Ik Galvw i=.r for Kor sale in IMuburgb wholesale ami retail by ; Necklace. alto in j WM. THORf»,b3 Market street.. i lf ?'TorNrmn •- < m,d with snaosi nniiorm . i!> day without soy aanoysac* from djstwyatapafctfyv OGDRN & SNOWDf.N.corner -T.d .V \Wd.U. 1 wteiy, Fpilci-«;c K.u. S JONf>.!BO Liberty street. . a. * prevent.vc tor Apoj *j. ,i ' .he store for.ibc P-rpo,. pf €*tamu«a>tll«fW Sold also by J Mitchell. Ml.< S i ie :n ■ iiy; iti ; ;.l, ; ’ l- ht Musnctic Fluid ‘ Otoow.iiu., h«»in K >eu i*«ted* -tL^£fci^sto I irarus A: t.« /lldtlcr: VW.wr aC 11. M.’eUn, .Mer- , u _ (l ~ Jlllt VA“fo.i,«f!atvan.e Rings aadail j u«n » {H ZI I'eer; Norman Caleodar. Mradv.lir; Jii Burton A , ;, r -| h- evtapo- n-oi. l-»' i-cn pro- i wald aut - Kmc; M Kensie A: k.iskcll, tJlevc)and ; Denis ; ■,) n,e French t neua run u< be dim of foe rposi LFourtUvisfUrMrA . . ■ T --e‘ ,v A Bon, J.b»iup»hus. .Milkr. Brownsvill;: 1 7 A jyf*i7jl»ri:o»f‘efal«*« t< « e ’ fv » n^f **7 tßrlin ?• u ren»tti«pttoß Of the.La»|»; . '"sTASTOS-R KITEHSAL IAKMEDV. 1 £; | HUNT'S 1 LINIMENT, ; rT^Y- in!?. ATmM»^gvr- ft « nu« auvmalljr .icka....kil;.d i„ l.r in., i\- «»J ai,«„L„.aet»i«|,inV •• Ti,- ; UmOmt. 1 KALLIBLK Bf’.MKDY for Hbeunwnsm. sp,. J“ nl>lll ,, l j , 11VP .„, ul)f ~c eyny way perfectly tor,a- , of tto l£*sT' . X£7.z\^z : r.iist : • ‘ Ti,.* A .££-.-k b leaded ill. aj,...li c aunn..ril„.m...t WUNIi t' “anir'KaCT,: I'S.SZSSSotSS'hajiagl MKDIUNK in curing-the most severe o.r softie , m |n , K ,. 6e^Ml „. a etinrr upon the sane p.inc.piejm' »,itphy«i« dur»g foe Alfoo^Mto^^, diflerent Due* e* st>o»e named.—ami the Hi'.Hl ~r ailvaiuac ..c,i morelocnl applicaorui. The) usd .was yer7 much Muhl daily, whereTcrii has been lotrnduct-d, give* me tU rigtU i thp ,,, c ,.iv . m-oi Kheutiwt-sui. s.-u'e or chronic; .n al. , wrrk> ID wmsentiWy rebeved. "o 00 tne .U FLU FED to resort '>, ncc to ' ne.ivoußr-tMcpU.iu*. nml as a : D ‘y“ i J l ” ptt f o,^ 60 j 1 W^Rmagfon Ute U.NLY RKMKIH TIIAI'(.\N BK KL - . | n fTtaMsmtor Oppm- \ numcrotrl olbrr perwcsJ^ebtaa^^T ON- . 1h „ r , -twnVtD t'utmonar, Orfint In Spinal Copplamu } r , rßaßeil il, cured of fo« same [TT'l’bc laculty unite .n recommending the c« Ic- , « * l% ari of vhe nKI . ; decided character, and ibex | 1 The Arr*y of L ated External Remedy, lluut . I.tnimcitl. , „ |V!I ~r rn u

    Faina and Weakne**' l'bvatcuna who have been atUclied n» the Mourn o ahc llt.-avi. and -re hiehly recommaidcd formatyof we KrmiWedlfo«% p “^uu«f®r*«aSlw •* 4 Mv Dear Sir—l received your note ot yesterday. » nM t ,| a tf«t.on«or Hie Che.t. generally, j ft«vi wiudwshand reUR by WmJfoekMjto asking mr op.n on m ruUl.oo to Hunts Liniment. lialV!UllC sirengtneutux Plaafor will be found p . M tdieinsW«eb*«e«d Boo* nrenared b> Mr (seorx« K Sta-ilon. Knowutc : B , pcr muneni ndvuiitaije In a few words, it , y it mt, head of Wood itrta»,P*UsW|b. met^ipw ssasMts; I %jr.|SsaS!s'== ‘ ■“ —^ dy, and irrmv opinion, the beet Liniment now ,n , «fotchu T| 7, P rtrU cles will be found entirely [ use. Vefjr truly and vours ■ ol )e c, ;or ,s which are aconsta.it source , A K HOr i MAN. ~r CO ntplumt w.ih utr onlitiury plaster* mcommon o»e. Col Fierro Van Cortlandt, Croton Manor. CAUTION* ' I fully concur in the abote irr The xrent cclrbruy and seceMof there aniejes W N BKL< HKR. haTt-u-rd ihetu in be counterfeited by.unprincipled YoKKlown.Jan 14. KDo. rPrK ,it» To provide agum*i impostilon. Dr Clinton*' , k',“.h7u P camp"i;,'a"' , ? „7 .£, “HjKSIS"; ' ia. thal I bailee ,1 tn be Ihe be«t L.lcraal Remo «■■!» ; c iK... af„ele. I, i< bel.ele.l lhai dy now in use lor the complaints f‘T which you rc eity of New York,alone, upwards of RIGHT : commend H. Yours rcspertluWv, THOIisANI) I'KRStINS during» period of less than BKNJ D MILLKK, M. D | * ypJ JN, aV r i.ccn euuraly relieved of the most painful «*" E SSi the N V baa. . an" 1 m-Amaag the m.-»f. ™,H». »«■='« I hambags that are poured forth »Hhc present day n j lSli , A pplicaatfoa mfoeir t>racuee, and wuh the ex uivoq lire country, it is really refreshing to hod f whn mrr too prejudiccl u> K .ve i. am rimelhing of real practical utility, aomcttnng atm ft[ invention ha* received unanimous fovor; witu i ulo •needy and ellectual in its operation, and ct ,he most tnielliKcni among the American FaCuliyx Ui the’same ume Ireo from tboso. injanous edcclv Christie >s at-11 nines ready and most happy to give ftYiss^p-etr-YJ Sing, though it has been buta-short time before '’onlvaxcncy in l*ut»burgh;eoroerdth and Market it the public, ni»already obtained lho confidence,nut .^pgidiv only of our mdsl wealthy sntL inlluenttal ciUxens, but our most - 'eminent physicians. Alt acknowl edge it-tobe aaovereign balm for many of the tli» that fleah is heir to, soothing the aching limb, ami by its gonuine stimulating inllucuce, biiiuihmg dis ease from the system. Mr. Blanton—Sir—S.eing your advrrlisemenl of Hunt’s Liniment, 1 was induced to try its rflccl* on my son. who had torn crippled wilh a lame back front an infont; and it is "Ub grUitudc 1 bear testimony fo u* wonderful healing properties My child, xvho is now five yrnr* >.| age. i* now m a lan war ofrecovcry. Yours. Ac. 7 ■ DEMMoN «: NICKERSON. Post Orrict.Toxvs i ns, I'uUiam Co. I ccrl.fy that lam personallv aeo attended to. CKOKIiK E ST A rsTO>, Proprietor. Koranic in Pittsburgh by L WILCOX, Jr, and J JUf)D St Vo. Allegheny City, JOHN SAKOKJ'n Birmingham, JOHN SMITH, I*^ DR. OIII.LKN’S INDIAN VEGETABLE, ifl- CIKlt: KOR KEMALE COMI'LMNTR. THIS mciiiciie ia laat taking tlm place ol preparation heretofore uaed fortiiacaaea arUlnp from or other cautea. AH that ia neeea* I tnry to Una medieine a place in the Domer | tic Practice oTcwy lamily,wneo «uch a medicine iaoecdtd.ia a trial. . It apeak* Ibr in it* operation, and no injury can ariae Iroin it* u»e aranr time. Wholesale and Retail bsr ROWAN I> «• WAN TON, Proprietor! 37G Market SUeet, t hilad a. k'or «al* in Pituburgh br R feller*, « Wood •trwt; ted Wm. Tbwn. W Nlarket akin. Bold wiih fall direction*. Price M eema, ot SI a bottle. iign qf dby \VM.JACKBON,»IIujPuenI Medieiu ", J 9 Libeuy «in>ct, hetd of Wood, njhe e&ifßoot. Bl'llNS AND SCALDS EFFECTUALLY aml •I'eedily cumlby th« o»e° the lireat Remedy of Nature. AMERICAN OIL Ii abno«t miNif u!ou»Iy rrdure* Inflammation, and con sequently u warranted m all rm-e« to leave 110 *e*m or i» Hoot ami'‘lice Store nml I’flir'tl Medieine W'-irrbouse, ■V l.ibeny street. head o' Wood, I‘ntfburgh I‘rtre 50 ceill» mill 81 l>er liOillc. ... W Jm k*ou brin* the Exclusive Acertt for W '■tern l’eiin»> tVau, 1 • ..cute i- Rettutnc bat vvl.au* sold by HIM or lIP* Appointed Agemi. N |J A I’mnplileicotiimninc ample d rcctiott* 4C. with tlte name* awl' Q.l SURGICAL OFFICF No.'CS DIAMOND At. I -** frwfdooy* below ! -jMj;'.-. ‘A \V'(kkl Mreet.’lO'Tard* lilt ji"v? ll b? R jd- (jf thot.e ... » devoted l the study und i tr!\umciit of those cotnpl • nt». ldunn ß which nine he . beUmorc tp»lt , : |-. r«n >nlo by. 11. A FAHNESTOCK A’Co.'comer of wocdaiid front *trceyi, ..< .!■ • | B V" ‘ T ADIKB Who, U*e Oommon Ptepeted CkalkJ «« Jj ofien.uot aware bow frightfully iinjariooi tt J* *?- ilie skin! how coaiae, tow rough, how »allo«hI*l‘a«i and unhealthy the after -“•‘"f.f.TSSS chalk! . Beaties it HuydfioU*. my Of lead. We hare P«MS^* b 2y?s l , jS|*|j£v, article, which wo calf JONES’S S£Aj>jKS M* • WHITE’. M U perfectlyM‘«*« nl ’ b^, fe B B klraa«SK deletenou* qualities and itimpan* ‘®A? a r?toMse ral, healthy, alabaster, cle *^ hteft tune acting a».a ; cpM«t.coo the «“>» t s"!° B , and •mooih. -->i,v t iV*l Chemiat of Mam* Dr.'Jarae* Anoeiiott, r«rwa , «So*ditbLillt whose «>in require*heaunfjlug. ~ 1 ... - lESrh? W»l/JAJDKW>lf,« W« 800 l UdlUtf. head of* Wood, at ">lloot- ' , r •.■*” WO CURE NO PAY. ! - ' • T\B. (/ULLKN’S INDIAN VEGETABLE J f RKMEDY—Warranted •otu' eyre tamed. This medicine U prepared fropi tn In dia© Receipt, obtiieed (ton e&e ovthetn itt the, Far WeaVit 'ftot expense.' hire £ee« taniuar wiib the 1 1 ndUm, fctt&w.thit the/ bat*' ted do cure Vewml srhhout the'Mdirtedee ol Met> tntji ßattaayor-t&jlihisg of theklod. afc Bit led hftTe-'BOw iut J 6mrti;aitv'ofbeiin «•**» withoa tth© used JJeUim. '-.ThU nedleina.ft douant to the uite/aodlearee ntt smellj oa u* Pnmmd bj ROWAND t WAMOIOmJ Mlj Wboipnl. «ni reU' l . Pr J - T- Ro««M, »}«*«*; I- IKor’nlo'in Pitubarghby R 6 rifii'.T’ f rtrect,andby >Vtn.']rtora,C4M*iWt et* *ecWwT , -MEDTeAL. 1.-y. -j-Ki - ML CT«igP»B Wm ~ -I UDOJrOM,'XJrD fOOR $ Jo -y. *4 DR.-6REEMAN has &»W» m to Balt audkta {fcmwt, so that ehiMzea will taka it readily and cry f . ■oK.~S««tMthb/iaraßtU» MsoklMckbotoj'lMt y-. 18 gea,kPßtofTaothr«tteuntbabaefcßfeacb Plaster,»»d' 4®. .oiea BQbf Xhnetmn. "Z*l *HERMAS’S COUCH LGZENGKS. . '' y.H- . f :TkeMLc«rate*arathetrt*(,martianaadeffcctualr*a- '/• 7. **lOp« L h^if!2> Bo 2 , ‘ ,a ?f? a “* ,lCT * t W* i UifcA ‘ • Mtittettpa. SeTtranboaaad baua have fern t>M within. tUte Jtw, ratona* to health pereooe ta tlsu.l „trr lt*r* ■«* ;■ « OfeaDß«ptfcß,M4 too* »i* j«ott ttecouh. hot render.il easy, promote t& uuJj Mtolioa, od rmo'tbo fmiayo or cteitiiir nu* ~ g>oyanmadrlromaranMoitiMi oCamom valundcespcc - tora?t,orcough rad Who*, tad are undoubtedly aapetwto * Hundred* afcw he*- 4w*i of«trufie«toWf WaofcndofthtU wuodinolnr id ;B mV roof IffOf* ,?* -*»ft tttw&wd. If eroded • •witfceoifcttae«,a'frw cafhartsa or Win imp, 'atßdcathhiticardieatt, should te talii pewm uirr* .. SHERMAN* WORM LOZENOCS 1 rTl^wom*«wto^U«j^i BßO( , Ua#M oo .flMamatobadaAlSUrjtho culj m*. wm mtd» HU ■»i»i.—?t»n»ia lhejoat*orlanh»,uffen •ivebreathipiekiafatlhenomjfrmdiajof thaUcthduriug r steep, ted at Usama paknern about the lip,*ith Stated cteeki ’ Uanliarat the HM, a pawing stntotioo at the stomach, fash' c*of beat ortr the aumee otlb* body, alightchiUs or shir •rise*, teadacte, dnenawt vertigo, torpor,, disturbed **- dreams, sodden starting in sleep, with fright and tenuutt; I somrtlacs a troublesome cough, Aeenshaaa, thirit, pelia \ hoe,fils, bad taste in the mouth, diflcult breathing, (win in 1. i the stomacher bowel*, &tign».:p>aw, ayaraUhiw, von, , ejoß* appetite, Icaucm, bloated stomach or limbs, giipingi, . > r shooting pome ta various part* of the body, a ten*, of tome- Ihiagrusigm the throat, iteking of the anus toward* night, a frequent-desire to pme •«»«■*■ »»g from th* bowel*, and uu* -; time* dbcharges ofatime tad mucus. ' - j ISHERMAN'B CAMPHOR LOZ&NpES. , They (ho rnimrdat* relief la aerrau* br »ick lindsche, •' palpitafiua oflte heart, lowtw** of the tplriu,u«*|iobtieoe) < , wflaßsatory or putrid tore throat, bowel or niountr cobk phiat,lhiBuaf, opprewiaa or a Kueof tixtktag of Jte ehtit. i eboUe,'ipaea*) map'of the etosueh or boweli, h)>tcrint ' \ and all aerrou* diaa*e«, drawiiuro tlir da f, and wakefulßeta fitt oi{ht; cholera pi chol, diarrheta, haitudaor aaea*dofbt%ur. ? rr . toßUnnaaf or atlendiof lar|CJwrUc*,.wtll Sad the Louo* 1 get really minsf. and iarartuE thcbt*o)-a&ryt>f)ooih;tt*cd %fter~ di«M|»atinß, tiny wilfreetore the lour of the jyitem 1 rraDy, ana remora all the aopkaaaat eymptom* aruiog inwi ; too trae Peraoo* who hut been too high litre*, and ebaadonrd their diwipaled habit*, will find thoc Lctmget ad- i Binble coapoten or the ncma. ' . . 1 < BHERMAIf»9 POOR MAN’S PLABTER. v * \ The beftjtremthatuncplaaler to tha world, anda*PTtraitß remedy fcr paid*, or weahnete in the back, loin*, aide, oei,. ; limba, Joint*,rh*ea*U*tß, lumbago, fce. ltr. OacmilUqaa. 1 yearwiUnottupply thedenaad. They reauire a little warm* • mf befcfeappUeatwa. Warranted wpertor to ©there, aad ! fareeo quarter the n*ual price,making bo* only lh« tetij bat Lteebempcit pkmter mthe world.: Uaflor*T*lt«f in a few hottn.and makes aibnuihing cure*. >_£_ •la “ter complaint end dyspepsia, it thoold be worn orer S i r«»iooofthe > lmrorttoaach,aad It will afford great and ;aa«ahin( relkt In eoujlia, eoide, aathma, diflleuUyof ’ 1 bfedthiu, oppmuoa of iteeheil or stomach,'they will ua-, i mediately aooth ahd> greatly benefit the piatlent, P«r*oM of 1 : ardenton babiU, or thorn obliged to stand such, will receive decidediapport from ewe of them Irttly etretetheninr fUv ; ter* Pbyaicaiantaarally reecmacnd them, in preference to - a'lotheftjUatae they *tiek or adhere better, an© afford mat* ‘ rf "It* 1 ? operauon- they are etimnknt, tonic, and anodyne*- They are.coaposed'of entirely different ingredi toita Iran any other, and known from the estwrience of mil- * boot who bare ueta them, at well at the oarUd teatimooy of : < ell the cTkbrated and dittmwuated ekrgrand pbTiician*. to Ae-thc mart iitefttl and highly nMdiealed^atter. Scfehlpmoai hara caUcd al tho wanhom toespru* Ibeti; Muwme and thanke, at the almoctainealoua cure* ibe»e . plaitera ban cflcdtd. ' . p&eetiooe for tf*e an on tin bvk ofeaeh piaster, with a lttfraportantyousteold always a»k for fiberman'•Poor Man'a Plaster, and see that l { you get the genuine, a* there an maay w&rtble** imitaUun* ■ hawked about and aold for the tree bhermaa’s Pla*un,by vpnnd]Sed deakra. U • retail te W. JACMONat hbPaUnt r Medieine 'Warehouse, No, 89. Liberty' street, Sign of the ] HQ.ROOT. jtn .{ - ITNEVERFAILS! Dr.CCtLBN’* IHDIIH VEGETABLE P ASAUEA PERSONS alfijeted with Scrolala, Kirgs .Evil,' ‘ Cancer! Erysipelas, Old Sores, Ulcer*, Teller Mercurial Diseases, or anj other complaints ariiinc, - ■fhain imparities of the blood, are requested to r«nd thfr 10l lowing testimonials, in proo! oT the wonder- t fdt properties ol the above named medieiue. READ! • READ!! READ!!! 1 ,'\V» tbe undersigned,*h.a?in*-»isited Mr. irsac Jr. at thh office of Messrs. Kowju.d and | Walton, 376 Market street, Philadelphia;.consider 1 hls’case the mratremarkableoae we nave ever wiv nessedorbeateof. ' - His disease was SCROFULA, and terrible rauit bsye Ken b i twelve years’ conflict with ibc de ' alroyerj . ■ HiaPsUte.tt-e entire roofof hie month, Nnc.Up -per Lip, and lower Ltd of the Right Eye have been 1' destroyed, bis Face nearly eaten op, and part oT tbe Jaw Bone carried uuy. Andy'etwa can yirc na deicnplion of his cise, - * Mr. B. informs »t that injanonry last, thiTwhol* intertpr or hia mouth, as welt as moat of his face , was.a mass of deep bad painful u|eern!'' .On the 14th of Jsananr last,he commenced taking ,Dt. CULLEN’S INDIAN VEGETABLE PARA CEA,•which checked the diseue ln s lewdaya, an^ : -romthst time the care .has progressed without in ; terinjstjon.' '■ ‘ ' New flesh has (applied the place Of the deep uU j' eert;»pd though badly disfigured, biaface is sound, and his general health it restored. ' ' .Wo are assured that io the treatment of Mr. Brooks’ case, no MprcurialTDbttaents, ippltmtinns nriTQ hnstt wr/i ■ l'CMrlds~L'J|lowand, MnaavUie, Crawford coPa„ * v WJ6nea,'M.pSouth Second street, Pbila - JaeobLee, Pemberton,NJ. EWCarr,44ON Fourth, shore Poplar it, N. L. 8 M’CuUoagh, Lancaster, Pa..' R M Maddock, S 8 North. ElevehUr »L Pbila. C W Appletoo r M D 46 Sooth *t‘ •.' do Timothy Caldwell, Marion co. Missouri. < , Daniel Yeakcl,L'bciaßtßill, Philadelphia co. Pa. 'John Harned,39Q High street, Flnta.*"^ William Steeling, MD, Camden, N.J. ; Hale, 378 High street,Pbila. ,4 H PoUer,Manuractarer of-Mineral Teeth, IWS • Ninth street, Phils. . |.L A'WoUenweber, Ed. Phils. Democrat £77 N ’ 1 street.', , dot George W Menta, Brush Maker, 31? Market SU Ears Carr, IS9 Cbesnut street, Pbila. A D Gillette, Pastor of Eleventh BaptiitL'linreh, Pbllt. John Bell, Ene Street, PMladslphla;(Nonb AmerJ e*h office.)-* Aaron Sands, 164 Cathie Street; Pbila. Daniel MeG.uiley, Keasieris-Alie/, v, do Sweaton, Camden,NJ. ft H Eras*, WestPhila. , . * 1 -■••• Richard R* Yoong (i Urlder,.4o& Market st I’bila 'John W Ashmead,GO South Sixth street, do T S Wagner, Lithographer, 116'Cheioul street, do BJKensil.l23 Eleventh street, , «l rt Peter Sken Smith. Editor Native Eagle, do 'Joel Bodine, Glass manufacturer; WtUiamstown WPIUm Steely, Farmington, Van Boren co. low# L B Coles, M D, Boston, Mass. Russel Canfield, Phisiolcwist, Philadelphia.. _ . Thomas P S Roby M D, Harrisbtmgb, Pa. Peter Wnght. 259 Market street; Pbila. Jaoes\VNewliq, 103 Filbert at do< John Good, 174 Source ft. —do < William U"*, Pastor St. Paul’s M. E. Cb. Catbanae j John Chambers, Pastor Ist ladepV Church, Broad T*L Swider*, Publisher of Pledge and Standard, ""Pbila.-' ■■ i F P Seller*. Edilbt’Oltte’ B itikh,]Doyle«town*,,_! Backs co. Pai> ‘ '7* . ' • ■ ■- •> v. 1 Wholesale and Retailb; Rowasd \ Walton, Pro- ;-< £rietore,376. Market SL Philadelphia: K E Sellers, . * M Wood it. Pittsburgh; Pa.j Wav*Th »; *, Si Msr kMeiUo.i E B Perkins, Marietta, Ohio} eaton & ; fibarOVMaysville, KYj John W Daneulio-* er.Cin., ; .Ohiot&ideUdt Reeves. Msdiso&tsjC Noble. Loui*> 5 ville, SYt Deveroock da Pellost.- St.. Loon, Mo. • 4> McGrew,'. Nstnhex, Mlar. Hardtwav & John t I »tbo Vickshargb,do}CbarlssJenkißf,RewOrlean f I . . n, .. - - „ PCS j rriHß HOStrl ASTOUBDMO t DXBCOV- ; XbrY—Aßleasiog! AVlrulel! A* Wonder.. * ; —To eor« : P.n*piien* isd Diifi*Bte»enii at ibe«u>i < Pimples, Freebies, Balt Shewn, Benrvy, Sore | last AagasMbe capital of Prance I ; was u Mushed In eooseqaence of made Ur j ■fUtsliftnCheariL "Many; doubted—U teemed almost \ •aimpossibility lhai anything made by ike hand* of t man, coatd hare speb singular. poweiaa* m U*s‘ clstowl ; VafprinifaeiMS invention. Mam classed : bftt and bis in«em»on,ef a humbug, land.'sla*. many , r&iolith persons wirbotfl trying do the sane nnw.j ar; •Inralar tnvenlioaafvesprmi- WehaTOuaiyiidlts . iiaurnrirnir-l i.«?» «*v«.rhl eases, snd ■ ■ wo hesitate not to pronoaote it [the Italian Chemical r Soap] as a great,blessing, and * nMhe « . READ THIS ;. * • • \ M««id*r*tioi : rtr ibW so* of 93A00, Thavi dival- < riMN#** i, 4s" 4 “the whole proeess of aanofacißntrg, logetber^. wiib a suabmsnt of iM ingredieats conponog my Ital* ; 1 Soap. He istomanafaetnre it for salem .. It-United State* 011J7, and to have the ymtlege of n»- i i.ijcaea* Italian Chemical Rood.”. ■ ; [ rStocamHmwr * -• i. (sJrnrf) ANTONIA VEBPRINI- * MAMOW&y W JACKSON, at his Patent Medicine i Wart borne, fc# Libenjr street, head'of Wood, at the-; lira of the Big Boot. Jt® . £ xbe only place is Pittsbargb where the GENUINE. eabbeobtttoed.tAirbthera-areCoaßterfeit : ■voDPjmiiJUaißOD* gcooaoiiEi' ■ ■! NZTliOSEmeanneaacaaeqoal years! Look at year [ •'YV.‘Dtif.jroaß*-wllpiwitbberbrigbt«BßnTfae*- , L s®* - at yoor own, pitted with eraptioaa andbwebrs. ret - ■you are wo mean to ffre arty cent* for aeikeofihe . greatltaHaa Chemical wapvwhich wooldcn'irely free , yoaftbttthms, and aakeyoor yellow akin c>«r and . Wealthy. Oo at once to Jaebaon'a Store,,»_Hwrty «. j lb. GENUINE blob.oM.fned. Born, of umnar- , fc B:, Boot Kindi 10 ibaiiwr..)' JVI pnbllihcd sad rude l;dsi» fcSSasfcJS! 0 f Mcsgaa'aCbaghßyraPi asd am happy “aay.^^ nsiafil.my congals enurely sored.. Iprenpaace y*J* SSSK™ißba«aadlciw I N... fhauy a&pwd be wlthoot this '?W%5S^S»*aEa^J -PrfcsCOecanpeTb^lte -jta&fesmgstef' PooU .