jiEDfCAL. DR. ROSt’S . DESERVEDLY CELEBRATED CHROMft- THERM EL MEOICINEh. , 1 (xONSISTING of hit Prophylactic Syrup, a cer- J taut retncdylorall CorJstmrTtVE and Serofu. lout affections; Cough. Syrup, Croup Synip.Cun ‘ceatnteU extract or Sarsaparilla, decidedly .superior to all other extracts, hating given reliel when allollters have failed!,being through a new! process more concentrated than any other ever offered to the public. 4 ASTHMATIC ELIXIR, hiving efleeted permanentjrures ol that stubborn disease; when of more than It jears standing, beneeil stands without a in that tuueh dreaded «disease. I Dr. Rose's LINIMENT. for all cases of weak ness or pain, sod a complete substitute for blisters. Dr Rose’s TONI*-' MIXTURE,.an inlallibia cure for chills and fevers, [and indeed is more of a - specific for fevers of all kinds than bark or Qui n*Dr. Rose's INCOMPARABLE VERMIFUGE; ttbereknown.is used in ijreference to any other Ve i)l“ l llS f ." : foNl°“AS 'l-DlSl'El'riC, lor oil diseases ol the Stomach and bowels, Cholera in fectioiw, dec. Too high ai encomium cannot be ou the merit* ol ll is medicine, in care ol uiepepm, and «H-diseases tiiat-reaull fnun weak ness of stomseh or bsd dij esiion. Dr. Rose’s FEMAI.E i 11.1 S, a most valuable remedy lor those general -omplatnls to.whicb fe males ire subject. Ur. Rose's TONIC ALTERATIVE PILLS— No pill ever before oll'ei ed the public so happily combines the qualities ol k valaaule medicineman anti-dlspeptic, LIVKK of Stomachic pill, correct ing those diseases, and thereby preventing con sumption. A young years of age. Having a diseased liver lor some [time, her strength pros trated and appetite gone, was completely restored in tix weeks by the usf ol! the Anti-dispeptic mlx toreindihesepillsalone, j ~L„, Dr.Rosc'sCHRONO-THEKMLL STRLNGT H ENING PLASTER,|or if eakncssol the back,side, breast, 6tc. ... Dr Rose's SPECIFIC EPlLEl'Sk,the most cer tain remedy for all cases of fits or convulsions, whether in infants or adulls. So certain a specific, is it lor this formidable disease that the most ob stinate cases, and those tboof long standing, hare yielded at once. _ . 3 Dr. Rose's RHEUMATIC MIXTURE—After many yean of diligent research ib.s compound was discov ered, and its never failing efficacy places its efficiency I above all other* for the curd of Rheumatism. Dr. Roie’s ASTRINGENT COMPOUND, a certain remedy lor spilling blood] indeed for discharges of blood whether from Lungs, Lowe!# or other pan* of the b 0 Rosea SYRUP for Choleraand Dowel complaints riii*mixture will effectually tute bowel complaints. Dysentery, and Cholera. At the time ihe Asiatic Cliolora wa* raging i l Philadelphia a w«» found to he the most successful in airesiing il, caring ' nine tenths of all those whi> used »t. What may be said of onbef there remedies may l>* said of, all; their value will only be appreciated be . those who try them, letters from those wno have been ' cured of the various muladies that a®i« ihe humau body might be given, but we are w.ltingto rest llie matter an the merits of the compounds, we have a panarea for Scrofula, in iri various forms, so condensed and efficacious that it* bfalmg power has astonished many A cateof Cancer,Occurring in the Wife of the late Governor of Delswaic, ura» completely currd in s few months The cancer |»ad been twice cut pul by prominent Surgeons, and renewed itself with increased malignity, yet noiw.thkbunliug 'the debility of Couslihi- ItOD and removal ot the ufl parts, the use of the Pro .phylacuc coinplrtel) r> moved every ve.ny* of the • disease. \ . Case* itinumershle ol the varuiui* pure* that have followed the use of tbes* jteiuedie# are i» onrpo«*r* eion, but It is not deenns.l rtecevsaiy loenuoteisie them a« the use of them will rrrommeml them to all. J. SqiIOONMAKER. 4 «’u.. No el Wood Street Agents for Pitrsbursb sogßdly «I HAVE FOUND IT.”-Ewmto. . (ionsumptio.VTan be cured uy usinu nn. l DUNCaN'* EXPECTORANT remedy. Cincinnati. O , March It-*' Dw SnThis is to certify, U O.'f public, particularly to tboscndicud with s disease: of the Langs,or Consumption. »hat in tlit Spring of IW3 I was attacked with a*e*ere «>d which soou Ueum* seated Spun mj lungs, showing kit U.t symptoms ot an approaching Caaiumptiua. Mj cough »» light and troublesome, attended with « «.piou» pighl I •pit up duly a cbusidtrttLlr qnsuiilj of 1/Laml, oiurd »•'!> thick dark nailer Mj .iiluu.n b'csuw *eriou« and ilun inj. During this lm.» I «*» sihuded Lj two-f-»r o»-' skilfulFhysiesaas; they d.J tU ten ih*y rouUbt at length they gate up »l( -f my reeorery, uCmnibg or tUt nothing more couM U Joor-iUt aij lungi were ti tally diseased, and beyend fmwdj I »»* IU» |*r»u*Jed b* * tnnd lifeline to make a iiul »f lh. Duncan * rani R*m*d*. which toy phyunaut persisted against, ssyiug tut utediriu* would 1 d» ua gwul, and would itill add ■wtt to a) itt&ribg.- I Md ‘h*ui ii «*» mj tm at*l oul> Up«, and that <1 l luull itir 1-f the disease, (which Was n. Urut to me,) there would U boilnugUal. Wo I *n»f to the Cincinnati OiLre and ohtaiord !> UJtlctjif lli“ tftly Viltu hie Madicise, and ruomiurhl using to the dirre ttuw, which, instead of adding to uiy liiffering, immediately gate sac relief, at tore ane.iiug the ln».Uttoc»e Cough eating the pain and lightness iu ay Clicti; gif iog w* a new life east Mrenglb, which sen snablrd Bf to be about »ja»U. *fH> imili • - In. -—.l wuxko. »b«ch_it to nobly bmaenced, until I war thade ax/iind nan. I hiuiuactiw'iW attending to uij bu.incsf, (upwards of 3 yean) aud feel at healthy *1 I with. ] hair* r«-.»uiiwu«Ud Dr. Danean’s E»- l«ertoraul Remedy iutnaJy initioccslu those similarly afflicted aud it hat alway» pro*edjtuceessful so Ctr as I hate witnessed it*effects. My sitter »[nti£ this medicine at pnracot. Cir a • DiuasoJ IJrtr anJ au [ Affection of the Lung*, which the had suffered with tir stoic time; the hat nearly rtmtrrtd by the use of this medicine, and ( an confident the C bottle* lUt I take with nr will rati rely cure her. lamsorrj ' to Loowthw there are thousands of taluabla perns wailing away with this dreadful Ideslroyer—CONSUMPTlON. Were it only potable for 'those to procure this medicine in tune, l>< £>re it be 100 Ule, many lint night be prolonged and their families and relation* again rendered happy. This ineJkiuc will gjic instant relief, and at the tame time arret the hard and (aioful Cough, remote the tightness in the Cbr*t gilt streugih to the enfeebled and t mart* ted frame, and in most eases, I am certain, will |>rrfcnn a perfect cure. ANDREW J.FELTER- Montgomery, Hamillrm (lowly, Ohio N- D.—Those who may not he acquainted with me 1 refer to the undersigned, ritixens of Montgomery, Hamilton couii tv, o.,lhey will at any lime «üb*t*nu»lc the abort statements ' Nouiax BaowattC, ' Carri. Sdioan. DR. DUNCAN’S WESTERN OFFICE, 150 Sycamore 4tr*eU where this ra!liable Medicine can always be obtained. Raid in riun'jurgb, by \VM. JAChSU.N, corner of Wood and L»l»cny at*. ; • aprM-dAvr . MORGAN'S CELEBRATED INDIAN LIVER FILLS, Tor the cure of Liter Complaint, ar.tl nil Queues arising from the Liter. In sick, head ache and a* a purgative;and Aati»Biliooa rill,*ui'» passed by none. • Symptoms or a Diseasid Litaa.-Cwi.bit. inflamaiion ol the Liter, when not the consequence ol an acute aiUck or the disease, begins generally with symptoms of a iunctiooal disorder of the dijc« tite and biliary organs, and dyspepsia frequently oeernt to be-the only affection present. Jhe paUent complains of irregular appetite and \a. paired powers ' of digestion, acidity, flatulence, slight cholic pains, occasional nausea and vomiting, and a alight dull natn and weight are tell iu the right side, accompa nied in some cases with a dragging pain in the right shoulder. Most commonly, however, ao-dxstioct pain is eiperirneed in the region ot the Liter, *i»ieept when firm pressure is made on this part.— *l*he bowels are always tery irregular. costivenesi heiiur ccmmon intone instances with diarrhoea, the dischargee scanty, dark'colored, offensive, -alimy. greenish or muddy. One ol? the oust coolant and characteristic symptoms oi\Chronie Lifer Com plaint is a dry, harsh.cooslneted state of the *im, a short dryfcougb, with slight difficulty in breathing* is a frequent .attendant on this disease, lot lie phrenic as' in the acute form olthts disease, the |«i. (ient can seldom rest a* eaty *<* the left as the right side. As the disease advances, slight fevers come on lOwirdsTrtenine. aUcpded with a burning heat in the palms orthe hands and soles ol l tie Tret; the nights are-restless. and when the inflammation terminates in suppnration. hectic arid rapid emana tion conrume the vital powers. Manufactured and sold wholesale and retail by JOHN D- MORGAN, Diuggist. Wood street, Pittsburgh. ■!IBftO[AII , l TOOTH PASTE* A fYKVira owrrairic*. mjlE belt article S-own for elcawngand whiietung 1 fce Teeth, MrengSbww*** wm ** S Ueaih.fte. It •houMWU'W/■»«/! ft'gbiwiili a «|< briub, dud the teeth and mooTh wtUty?!y n*i»irea»ligii iufeng in Hie morning. Wet ■J™" T .i cr , or cold will answer. and nib H. * “ na .,. when enough will adhere l«r e/eamng ihf leetlj! It leer e* a cMicfoui lane ,a the w“'h part* a nvon delightful fraeianee in the birsj* J‘ L “ unrivalled a* a pleasant, edi C aru.u«, <<wee/.euL*d tafedenui&ce. It ■ * noim mjuw the bdltoptcscivelUeoi- . Uf ouugit regularly, <i w.il r.-nwve »he iana« a «1 prevent its iweiuiiuliuum- -i.inrem ihe luoihacb' strengthen the gurus, aud |.n*vm« all di<va»rs t‘hemi*>a, phyairsan-c. and U.e * terouiueiuy u J tffeidedlr superior u> every ibing ni Hie bind *n u>e - Atk fornberman** Cmnpouiul Orriy Tooth PaMe, and obvsrve ht» aigwaiure »• attached id ra«U pot. Recommended by l»r. dal Broadway, one of our Le*» Pentiat*. and by «aoM of ihe old established anea in the United Ruins, und even menviveiy u«ed ay the England *“<l P«''• ' , . A large proportion of ilw? iltorai*. i hataßhet mankind • fIW f r oia mmim* derangement of iht which a timrlv ««e of ihe Cuibat Me lumenge* would entirely ohtiaie. Persona of hilicua habita abosM al waya havt a box at hand, and take a doae whenever they feel lb* lru»i derangement in their health. Ajudi ooittu«« of tlieiuj Imreitgea would pfevent iliouwndi ° f Formate a: \VM. JACtCW>N*S, earner of Wood and Liberty »t« _ declO . SCROFULA ANN SCROFULOUS SWELL INGS.-—Serolala in ali'iu multiplied forma, whether in Out «f King’s Evil, enlargement* r» dm I olamla or honta, Goitre, White, Swelli'ga. Coron:« Kbcuuatiain, Censer. d»*ea»ea of Ibe Skin or Spine, or of I'ulruonary Consumption, emaoite ftnm one 1 and the same came, wtfcl. « a poisonwu priM.pl® I mots or lew. inherent in the hnine. >X>teo fhere. I fore, onlen Uri, principle enn bcrtatrrrjed.rio ndl ) cal ear. can he ellccted, hot if U.e pf.ne.ple open which the rliteiae Jependa, M. ,e "?' c l’ | *.JJJ™ thuetot neccorit, follow, no mailer oodcr whatlom the rlireaac alnmhl manilest lUell. , 1 ht», therefore 1, the raaaon why Jam o’, ALTrthTITI « «o om vcrmtly sueeesaiul in removing fo many malip>*nl dticaae*. It ilealmya tho virna or principle'from wbic'i those diaeaaea have their origin, by entenßt into the circulation, and with the blood la conveyed to the minuteat fibre, removing every partlcleof diaesie from the syatem. Prepared arul aold at No. 11 South 'J-hird Street. Philadelphia. ’ Sold at tbc Pekin Tea Store, No. 72 hourtb street ■ PiiUburgbi : mcbgl. ■ _ *~ r 'DfTilthsna , a Warm Rpeelfle. •■'mills i*«o certify ihsi, by inklngone vlsl of Doetor I Mef mne 1 * Worm Speeihe, a child of Jane* Sbtw a nmVaed upWarda of 70 wnrma, and liyaheweofaaid -ffidnc P a child of my own H Ii ia duly the u»»t aurpri«ing worm afeaiCine I ever aeeo. liowo hi«. two «»><= GILMORR 1 Wilkma Townahip ■ For.ale by J KIDD A Co, No« 0 Wpol FreeuPlll. hargh. i ■ ■— GENUINE ITALIAN CHEMICAL : V n?r C T “ V X <V ' ' **ipl* r cor Ut and wood »l* and wood and «iha MiADA ABVEBTKEMESf& ITXAH l&OB BAIiIHO VACTOftT, RIDGE ROAD. above 9u*et. PhU^ adejphia. AttMACTlablUhmeat may be Toeod the greatest variety of Plans and beantifsl Patters* for IKON RAILINGS in tbe Doited Mates, to which the attention ©I those inwantof any descrip lion.and especiallyfor Cemeteries, is particularly invited. . The principal pari ol all the handsome Railings a t Lae el HUI, Monument, and other celebrated rieurftrries in tbe ciiyjand cooaty ol Philadelphia, irlfirh hare been so highly' extolled by (he piMie press, were executed at this manufactory. A large WarevKoom is connected with tbe estab lishment, where is kept constantly on band a large stock of ready-made Iron Railings. Ornamental Iron .Settees. Iron Chairs, new style plain and ornamen tal Irou Gates, with so extensive assortment of Iron Poets, Pedektals, Iron Arbors, Ate: Al«o, in great variety, WroagtH and Cast IrtmOrntments, suitable for Railings, and other purposes. Tbe subscriber would also slate that in his Pal tern and Designing Department lie has employed, some of the best talent in tbe coobtry, whose whotr attention is devoted to the bttsiness^-fonmngalUr ge tberone of tbe most complete sad iystematic es ublishraenls of thekiod in the Union. ROBERT WOOD, proprietor. Ridoe Road, above Buttonwood-street. IS, 1847 JSmoy CHEAP WATCHES. . TUB CHEAPEST GOLD AND SILVER WATCH ES IN PHILADELPHIA. v ’ Gold lasers, full Jewelled, Ml 00 I Hilrer do do Gold Lepines, Jewelled, 30 00 Silver do do ISW- Silver Cloaniers, fine quality, 1U tO 'Gold Watches.plsin, IS 00 Pilver Spectacles, t “5 _ Gold Pencils, U 00 Gold Bracelets, v ~ Also,on hand. ■ large assortment of Gold and'Hair Bracelets, finger rings, breast pins,hoop eat rings, gold pen*, silver spoons, sugar longs, thimbles, gold neck, curb and lob chains, gusrd keys and jewelry of every description, at equally low prices. All 1 want is a esil to convince eustomcr*. All kinds of Waichet ami Clocks repaired and War-; ranted to keep good time for one year; old gold And St I verbought or taken in exchange. f 1 . \ For sale, eight day and thiny-boor brass Clocks, at , LEWIS LADOMU&* Wsteh, Clock, and Jewelry Store. No dli|, N*rkei street, above Eleventh, North side, Philadelphia. * 117 I have some Gold and Silver LererstlsUeheaper ihaiTilic above price*. SASaiYTH'S PATUSTDIRBCT-ACTloa STEAM HAMMER, 'T'IUK Hammer possesses many advantagti over tl 1 other* —among which may lie lu Manageublenesa—Tbermpid'uhy end force of blpo mar be caniroiicd. aritfcibc-grcatcst-.cMCiiwhiie .tb« hammer t» in operation, and the hammer,may .be io stonily amstinLand suspended at any height Iti Universality, or capacity to execute work of al kinds, ftotn the largest 10 the smallest, aider the *«m. hammer- _*' | lit Simplicity, Compacinet't and Cheapness. Il» Accessibility opou all aide*. l>> the workmen Allthe hammer* arc made Self-Acting. , The subscriber* eontinne to execute order* for ihes hammers. of all aizea, upon reasonable terms. For fuitber particulars, inquire of MERRICK A TOWNK, Assignees of the Patent for the United Stairs, deelS-ly _ Southwark Foundry, Phllsd'a music: music: music: f ER M. WALKER, Drobrri* Utah mnd Muu* 1 j roi Instrument!, P.JO Walnut street, FAUaiMyAta llawe Just published, or Sccnesof other days may Fade. Lc Petite Uanseuse* Viennoises. by II Kent Kti*t Friend, W V Wallace. Pasde Fleur, Mareixek. Olendatoufb, W J Leman linens Vitta March. Kudolph Polka,OF Rudolph. Havel do' Al Keller. < 1 G*n Taylor's March aud Quick trtep.4c.Ac. Thry are constantly puMbbing and receiving all th* new music (tom New \ ork. Boston, Baltimore, 4c. ! Order* respectfully toliened, and attended to with punctaatty. Always on hand, all kinds of Musical Instruments Violin Hiring*,Tuning Forks, and all articles of Musi cal Merchandize, at the lowest price* : my3ditn DERRY A NICKERSON* Manufacturer* of AWIIISGS, SAU&IHQ BOTIOIS, WAGON CoVEHS AND GRAIN BAGS or ali. dksckiptioiis No, 3kl South Front Street* Hath of T. A. Wi/mn'aCabtnd Wart Manufy pniLADEIiPaiA. ALL order* left withS. H. Moon, al thebftee of the Merchants llnirl, Pitt-burgh, will lie piornpiij attended to TlltiH. G. DERRY wplbdlv . A. e..NICKERSON ; TOWATCII Bl A MIC US and UKAtiKttb, J, LADOMUS, . IM PORTER of Waichcm. Watchmaker'* Tool*, and Watch Material*, wholesale and retail,and eon* stantly on hand a Urge aasoruerntof Lunette, Patent, and Plain Glass, Mainspring*. Verges, Dial*. Watch Hands, and u complete asternarni ofall Tool* and Ma tf Mali belonging to the trade; with • large assortment oi <>v>|dand Silver l-erer, l«pine,and Platu Watches,’ all ot whi<-]t he will guaranty to sell at the lowest New York pi.ee*. All order* from the country: punctually cx'-cuted. N. U—Country Merchants andotheia are invited to call and examine at the OIJ Stand* No. XI South Fourth wieei, Philadelphia- jantfm CA&RIAOKI. . WtUJAM QOLRs COACH AND - MTt g V HARNESS AMteER, 9UQ Chcoot *i , Watson. mtntUoift inform**£»» and lit* public, ttsfbr has. rod win harp constantly ou hand and tie ask, a bsndscn* aiwrtmrat of aihionahtr Carriages , Vehicles of ali Myles and description* made to order at the shortest poswbkaouee, tod escorted it the very best manner, ofselccted material. . fidzß-ly I R Smnh. W liasaley." " Wll Woodward SMITfI, BAQALEY * CO., wholesale deal er* in Groceries. Teas, Indigo. Ac..'No :NI Market «irrei.l«*low Sixth, North *hle. Vtt'adelphia. . lift MISCELLANEOUS. POUTERS DAJ?D|£jmXAS PORTRAIT G< ALLFRV, fhlrd street, adjoining PpctOfiee. PitU r burgh, Pa.—Ma. PORTER XUpfa Bflunore) re spectfully invites (be ladies {tndgentfcsperiofFiufVgh, «anJ (lie public een<iralljr t '(o call ud exaxpine the terse Collection oi* Dagoerrcot pe Pertiaiu at tua Caller/. The specimens produced b/ Mr. P.. for beauty, brilliaiK cy, distinctness, end tone of coloring are Mt surpassed by any iu ihi* country. A number of the Portraits of Cniien# can-ta seen at the Gallery. Call and eiamiue for ynanelee*. Likeneraea taken in clear or cloudy wraiber. X. appamna and all matcriala fur aiahed. W S PORTER Dagucrreotypiat; enlrunce Philo lUII Suirway. on 3d aurel, adjoining Poal ORce. *p*jo , NOTICE— Application h*a li«pu uude for the re newal of Certificate No ITS, dated January H fHJ; Ibr tbury-ais aharca of the capiul aiock ot the cofflpauy for erecung a Bridge over the River Monoii gabela. oppoeita Piit«burgn—which said Certificate baa been dealroyed by fire or loft. me Up OEORGE COCHBAN ANOTHER ARRIVAL’* AT TDK YORK STORK—I» If ARKKT BT« NOW OPK.N— liuxber lot tieb Warner Good*, Bicb Sprint lIA \V LS, imerSitta, ' newt plus 4 primed R KG K Si ed and easb .AWK*j li’rd Boast; chfcSeotcl. 1 and printed ie Ltina; ' nch Drab an Striped iWATAII,’* lew. Alto, 'MtorUariit Doiiiitic WODft eoUejnena’ A V A T H; York made tars. Ac ..n.cbeapri •cual at wboleaale W II oabkakp prices __ _apU It.'INRSt-tijr eolw treble Pori WJar; TV J do of'lie crtcbhliea brand 1 do |,ondon Pori, *er7 old; 10 do digerent biandeaod vintage* 3 or cktksLiabon wine; 9 do do dry Urligt; 9 hbdtaap Cfsrei p-iiie; Id bakts sup ciown brand Cham a*me 2 Y ctJts tap L M Madeira wine; 2 do do PaV SJieiry; 3 do Madeira vintage, IHdj >3 do diderent brands and vintage*; t do ctkeawee! Malaga; S do do Bed wine; P«il of the above wine* haveju«( arrived from under Curuxn Ifouae Lock*, m New York; per«M< Wiab'ng lopurtbaae, rosy rely on gening ■ pure article, in quantities to »uit. Koranic by P C MARTIN aptti coraaithScld tod front m —; * T« PHutm. ' 4 4 JVS T Halved u4(xi«l! (tom lb* Fomtirjof (»eo. Brw< e , fc Cto., New York, lb* followii* 8 . font*of Type: ■ w m j6o{ !bt Dour*epJ»; I7| Ibtfttio ion TUtc; . S7I lb* Minion; * 5 ibiTwo Line Minion Cap i; Mftee rnlM, elc. Af£o—Yor uW» pett rtr'i ety of B«road band Type, from Naapvptl lo U lineft c«.Flower*,Ornament*,ere.{Which will be >oU lo r ® r _ c fi- JOHNSTON h HTOCKTON COACH MAKING. I • FROM the vary liberal encourage received h- has located (umsou ip 4U*fbeair t WW or has indued him to taka a lease. Air is “■""“wim*f year*. on the property ha new ocesiues, la Bearer street, Immediately beside toe PresbylenaaChuch. From the leaf experience in the above basinets and a desire te jtleue, be hopes to mer it and receive a share of public patronage. Nowon band and finishing to order, Koekaway Bag gies, open and top Baggies, and every description of Carnages made to order, from seventy-five dollars tp e'chthsfMnt ti.nWin * JOHN ROUTW.T , ViNINO HOSES. Monthly floses-and fcve£ ke , suitable for planting in Cemetry** be famished on application at the rood store, from NdnenesofJa*.Wartrop. Manchester. i t§ N WICKERBItAM ! n-wwtf. ~ • NolJa. cor wood aod 6th sis ; e ROUND ALLBFICfey Ciiuawi aod CieVss m bbls, boxes and small packages, constantly oo hand and fer sale ttUroMostard and stroet ? '>!>-• ■- , RHODES* A LOOBNi W lifid.e,"on litfld «n<l for ule U Hi! W.,ct<nK maCT-aben A BOV WANTED—vVwwJViaJuidwinoM boy id attend ro a Oteoery Store- 1h» best of ton eneo required. Apply o • apOtT FSEiTZ, tMLibsnynrost ’ffiANSKimTION LINES. 7 pSISmVAfIA OASAL k RdlLßOd D; EXPRE33FA3T PACKET raott PITTSBUROH To PHILADA. in BALTIMORE. 1 ' Ezrltartdf far hwaim. • THE pablie are respectfully Informed that this Line: will commence running on or about ihelOih iostanL, and continue throughout Ue season. The proprietors have now placed a superior class of Paekets and Rail road Can on the route, with extra accomtoodatlboa, wbieh will five greater comfort to traveler*. ' A Packet Boat will ahraya be in port, and the t*av eliog publie are requeued to .call and examine them,:' One of the Packet* will leave the landtng, (opposite the United State* Hotel,! corner Penn airtet and the Canal, every night atPofoloek. TIME 3i DAYS. / For information apply at the office. Mcnohgahela Hoose, Water street, or to D LEECH 41 Co ; mebtf ’ cor Penn atreet and Canal. T^sfEaST&Asa>oSfXflO!n;o. rank. j&&4 ion 199 198 154 f * njjHiP timyl' D, LEECH A CO*B« OLD ESTABLISHED TRANSPORTATION LINE, BETWEEN PITTSBURGH. PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE AND NEW YORK THE stock, of.this line consist* of a double daily Line of Boat* aod pars, (owned by themsrlvea.] which are in good order. The a übsenbera are prepa red to forward a Urge quantity of Merchandize and Produce with certainty aud dispatch; Produce or Merchandise consigned to any of the un dersigned. is forwarded free ot any charge for commis sion or storage. Bills Lading tratumitted and all instruction* promptly attended to. The business of this Line ia conducted on strictly Sabbath-keeping principles. Address, or apply to . D LEECH 4 Co, Proprietors. Canal Batin, Pittsburgh HARRIS A LEECH, Proprietor*, Nol3SouthThirdftreet. Philadelphia JOS. TAYLOR 4 SONS, Agenu. No 114 North Howard street, Baltimore W b WILSON, Agent, ntchld No 7 West street, New York PITTSBURGH PORTABLE B. LINK. 1847. fijjSBPMF _Ii*OK tWtranaportaiion of Freight between Pittsburgh F and the Atlantic Cities, avoidjng transhipments on the.way, and the -consequent risk of delay, damage, breakage and separation of good*. Prvpriettu BORBRIDUE 4 CASH No 3?8 Market street. Philadelphia TAAKFE 4 O’CONNOR 1 Car'Pcnn aud Wayne »t*, Pittsburgh O'CONNOR ACo, North street, Baltimore } .• W 4 J TTAJ*SCOTT, <SSouth si, N- Y. S AF^ Encouraged by increased business tho Proprietors have added to.iheir stock and extended their arrange ments during the winter, and are now prepared to for ward freight with regularity and dispatch unsurpassed by any other line. Their long experience as carriers, the palpable superiority of the Portable Boat System, and the great capacity aud conveulencp of the ware house* at each end of the line, are peculiarly calcula ted to enable the proprietor* to fulfil ibeir engagements add accommodate theif Customers—confidently offering the past aa a guaranty for the fature, Ahey respectfully solicit a continuance of that patronage which they now grateAilly acknowledge. AlkeoaaigiuDeutstoTaaSe 4 O'Connor will be rec’d and forwarded Steamboat charges paid ar.d Bill* of Lading transmitted free of any charge for Conndiiston, advancing or storage.' Having no interest directly or indirectly in steamboats, the imprest of the consignors must necessarily be thpir primaryobjeclin shipping west, and they pledge themselves to forward, all goods consigned to them promptly and bn the most advania geoos terms to the owners. March 1.1M7 marS _ lIDKFEHDENTPORTABLE BOAT LINE. ' &b| a 1847. flßtaaS AND MERCHANDISE TO AND FROM PITTS BURGH, piiiMDKLPiiiA and Baltimore. (tT'Withom Tratuhipment-«QJ Goods coosigned toouresrr will tie forwarded with out delay,at iba lowest eurrent rates. [Uills of 1-aiting transmitted, and all mstrucuoua promptly atfciwkd to fiec from any ntrm charge.for storage or commission Address, or apply to C A .McANULTk’ft Co Cans! Ua<in, Pitisbutgb STORAGE Having a 'very large'anJ commodmus warehouse, we are prepared to receive Ini addition to height for shipmenil a targe sunoant of Produce, Ac. on Storage al low rates. * (mat*! C A McANULTV4Co PICRWOUTII 4t CO'S LINE. for the FREIGHT between Pittsburgh, Bisirsville, Johns town, Hollidsysbuigh, Water Street, Petersburgb and a{l loteimedUio places. ,One Boat will leyve die warehouse of C A McAoulty 4 Co., Pittsburgh, every dsy, (except Sunday*,] and shipperican always depend on their goods for warded without deiay and at fsjr rates. ,This tune was formed for the special accommodation of the way business, and the prsp/irtors respectfully solicit a liberal share of patronage. JOHN MILLER DAN'L II BARNES WILIJAM.FULTY JOHN MILLER, Itollidaysburgli 1 ’@>‘ll CANAN. Jolni-town ] Ageni CA A Co. lMtsburgb) J S MeDeyiti, Jojta Parker, Robert Moore, Bagalry 4 Smith. Puuburgn. J_ garf lUB S|Cjfllii* LUK. ■ f 1847. tfgted riiHis Laic being composedof SiearaboaisLakeF-rie X ami Michigan, running daily between Piuvbuigb and Beaver, sod freight and pa»«en;er Cun si Ifoai*, nuiuiog beiweeu Beaver and Hne and ennocciing With C M Reed’s tune of Hirambom Propellers and Vessels on the Lakes, will be prepared upon tho earliest open ing of Navigation to carry Freight and passeogezi to all points on the River. Canal and Lake*. . Having every facility for conveying freight and pa** -aengen wnh'pn»sptneu and diipaicb, the propiietor and agent* respectfully aotieit frocs tbeii friends and be pobhe generally their patronage. • ,• C M BIKD, Erie, Proprietor DEEDS, PARKS * Co, Beaver,A*i» JUU# A CAUOHEY, FitlibvVdo Coi.Smilhßeld *nn W ater *u'opp;rie ;be Mononga gakela House. uni to Wbeeler, Crocker 4 Co, New V«wk Oto D»*t», llaffklo i KN Peril 4 Co,C3evrUnd j ]u A Anniuonf 4 Co. Detro.t ( McClure 4 WDliem*. Mtlwsukic i U'iool 4 Porter, QuufO i Wa Power*, Powerttowo, PeimW Geo MacbeUayre. Evatulmrgb, I't John MeAiihar, llaautown, Wjek 4 Acker, Greeu»ilte, Creif 4 Fi'empion, C!=rk»Til)e. Iler* k H«4b. Wiirpslittfri, Ps. I W C ~ * R W Caontayhein. New Ce«tle, I RKIiUICB PORTABLKBO BfejjHßß 1847. £y l Will uU.*«PORTfNU MEkTiiT TWEEN PITTSBURGH AND TH CITIES, WIIBOOT TBinBIP TIIE improved method of carrying a*: Eetabltabed .Line, ie now to well lii aciiptionunooceeMary, Good* are no mate, tha* all iraaahipment or extra hai The Boat* ate of linn draught and pci in (na ti; to «e«cn dava. Tie capacity ©,' c zr WmieUoiwe* ena any eotuigiiineiits ttatle toua i L advance* free of charge*. Being felly prepared to nuke aalei c f Produce, we reepectfolly aoficit consignment* of 'reiicru Hour, Bacon, Lard, Batter, Cbceae, Wool,Fee ben, andoibcr article* for ulu, pn which liberal ad< ancee will L-e roado and ol&er atiial Ca»Jit:e* afforded pledging <*ir aclvc* that any tuiinet* entrusted u «* •lull <>« »• promptly executed and upon a* fair t riot at bjr ar.v otixr bouse. JNO UcfApt EN b Co Caual Baa n, Pittsburgh J^MUAVIItCo mehltf 80 *ud USf Mark et at, Pbilada : arr«;tnoukr: mWiRDIHB k COMUSIM ISBCKIHT, East Beaver Point and Brit geioeter, / •sets* cocxti, fa., I Proprietor and Agent of atei men J sJS£b£l !Jsh£ t3y*EaiB iso Hiciiuair, dailv arrwxiW 'nrruuaao exp fSAt*», IE7ILL be ptepared on earfierf d#enn gof cabal oa»- TT igation to receive property at hir wharf boat 6r in warehouse, for all point* on Erie Kxien*ioa, t.*ro»« Cat, and'Qaio 'CanpJ*; for ell poneonjLake Erie and Upper Lakea.aiaTab tdlo.rwanl prodacej, ftedry Penn'a Improvement*. Apply to or audreae > <eb«-dtf JAb BltoV, Beaver ; 'PITTBBPIUJII * i:l.fjy?I.AND USE. ' 1846. Ittaw 11. Clarke.' 11. Hoop*. T. fc/ckaoad k Co. CLARKE £ CO., Farwardlag k Cooualaaloia Bcrcbaata, UEAVEtL PA.I r|i|lß Agents and Proprietor* of tbia Line (to favor* 1 al4y to the public), prepared on the earlieti opdnlh* of etr,al navlgitiob to receiveproji ertjr at Pmahurgh and Beaver, aud di)iver the tame at any point on the l>hfo canal*, and station Labus E,-.e and Michigan, with the greatest despatch and afrea* ’ onable rate*- \ * ' Tl}* proprietors of tbialine aolicilltbe businesa of ' j Ibcir fbm**r customers with confident*, knowing that 10 their facilities are aecotj to none. I , Apply to or addreAk G M lIARTON, Agt, Piusbargh. ’ « CLARKE k Co, Beaver. ° Jang T RICHMOND kCr :<* veland. - "rFSBTHiiIIs; TUB Boaimen’a Foitable Dost Company being di»- aolted, the again went imp article* of Co partnenhJp under the name of the “Boatmen’* Line;'' hod lijrewiaa agreed Ut refit the Block: »o a* to bate ■ number p{ Dgau for the parpoae of tarrying tool* thioagfc fnw •«> ip eight daya withioerfiniy—and feel eneoeragwl by the llperaw pf la*l year’* patron age,to Ja*|e more attentive arrangement* for the en suing ytrj, We troald therefore ratpeot/ulljr aollplt a ronjttno toeeof oar former patron*.and refer all new customer* to thoae we hate done bualnea* for. ' DOATMASI* LIHK, forlhe transportaikm of 30 Markets! | ALL KIR Da or MKacgAWfiptß, TO ARD IROM PniLesomu. BaLtnton. New Vou. add Boarea. SAMuraTwiguTMANYeo, Corner Libeity aireet and Canal Bum. Pittabargh. A L GERHART It Co, No 963 Market atreet, Philadelphia. EfcBER,OKLBTONtOg*ijn» d . REFERENCES. PHTBBUBOH—Jm- McCpUy, Geo. Morgan * Ca W MeCelTyACo. B A BaapaeoACo, M Allen A Co. PHILAOTXFHf A—Morrii Patter«on k Co. Reynold* McFarland A Co, Flaming * Ruby. Peter Wright* *m. J B lap ham, Joseph Gittx. NEW Y?)g|?-«ocdhse * Co, Tbeo. Perry * Co. ROSTON-Reod.llardACo. CINCINNATI—Adam* * Creagh, W W Bcarbor* "B. PLEASANT, VA-P A Msebier. NASHVILLE—P Flaming. . • _ , Nor*—AH merch indite from New York and Deaton* consigned to A L Gerhart*Co, Philadelphia, will be promptly forararded /haeof cornmlaaioa. ' gb >* • • - LBCCH * coni Packan Knrm U Phlladilphla TWE Canal befog now open, the Expram which baa beat ca mwlSßTofTSe eooteyanee of valuable package* of merthAfadHe.-anacle, bank note*, Jewelry, kt, «ont «anee4numla*oaThßraday, March 18. .. . An lUKCruv will be dispatched daily *nlll tb« elom of thacZiuUfif aeaaon. Apply IP . D LEECH *Co , tSeUP cor petin at aad Car'd! USES- ' .tfiSSl nSHEi 1847; ! PITTS boro u iiDcnaum •j . daily line of i : IAOSIPICBST PABBBHGEB PACKETS. THIS well known and popoinrUoc of Steamers has been greatly improved the paitWinter.bythead f4itioQ Pf:geyera) oew and magnificent., boats, built expressly for the Packet Line;.and lhe[enars line is •how cwapofcd of eight of the largest,best finished and furnished, ,and most powerful l<oais on the Waters of iiheWest. Every accommoduian that money will pro cure baa been provide*] for Passenger*, and no pains will he spared to reader them comfortable and the (zips /agreeable. leave Pittsburgh aed Cincinnati daily j positively at ID o’clock, A. AL ! noiDlT PACKET. ' The MONONGAIIELA,CapL Sissr, wiUleave Pius* bnrgh every. Monday monjin* tt 10 o’clock; Wheiding evprv Monday evening at 10 P. M ; and Cincinnati ev eryiThunday at 10 o'clock. A. M. ’! ! TUEBDAT PACKET. T>e HIBERNIA; NO. 9, CapL A KUneftUtr, will leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock; Wheeling every Tnordav evening pt 10 P. M.; and Cincinnati every Friday at 10 o’clock; A. M. WKDBEBDAT PACKET. The NEW ENGLAND, NO. a, Capt. S. Dan, will leave PuUburgb every Wednesday morning at 10 o’clock; Wlipcbng eveiy Wednesday evening at 10 P. M ; ami Cim innetl every Saturday at lOo’eloek, A. M. THURSDAY PACKET, The WISCONSIN,Capu ft./. Grow,will leave Pitts burgh every Thursday morning at lOo’elock; Wheeling every Th'dr*dayevrnmg at to P. end Cincinnati even Sunday at lOo’ctock, A. M ■ \ FRIDAY PACKET, The CLIPPER, NO. 9, Cspu CroeAi.witi leave Pitts burgh every* Friday morning at tu o’clock; Wheeling every Friday evening atIOP.M.; and Cmeiunst} every Monday e ; 10 o’clock, A. M j SATURDAY PACKET. The MTSSENGER, Capt. Linford. Will leave Pm*} burgh every Saturday morning at 10o’clock: Wheeling every Hanirduy evening at 10 P. M.; and Cincinnati every Tuesday at lOo’clock, A. M. ’ The ISAAC NEWTON, C«PI A. «. Mason, will leave even-Holiday morning at 10 o'cfock; Wheeliapf every Sunday evening at 10 P. M.; and Cin ctinali every Wednesday at 10 o'clock, A M- Packets will be at their berth* at Piitsbutgh and Cineiiinati, rrgulsrly.'lbe day previous to leaving each port;] for the rrceptiou of freight, and enir? of Pas sengers ot» the Register. No Be nil or Htaie Room considered engaged arfGl paid for. .] ' L ' fchS . RKGULAH morning packet for - | BEAVER. 4WM9* K The new aud splendid steamer 1 fib If 1 fl J BEAVER, Charles Hoops, commencet her inns (his day, leaving Pius burgh*al li'o'clock, *. u , snlßeaver at d o'cfock, t w.,- counscim'pwidi Pithburgh and Cleveland Cad ml Boat*!dail> to Cleveland. O ; Beaver, W«ireu and Cleveland. Line of Canal Packets and Huge [Cooehe* daily io Warren and Cleveland; Canal Packet!Lines'to New Caslle and Greenville, Pa.;. Erie Line to Meadyitle and Erie. Neil. Moore 4 Co’s Litres of Htnge Coaches for Cleveland and Wooilir. leave. Be aver diulji on the arrival of iteamlioai Besvet' fioin Piinliareh Applytn GSI IIARTON 4 Co, Piuiburgh spH: CLARKE 4 Co. Beaver / ' ; “ UNION LINKI ! ' - YY IT 1 "! 1847. *nv OHIO ckhau,: BKHVEEN PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND. K N|PARKS4Co,Cleveland, O. 1 i-r , R O 'PARKS. Beaver,Pa. [ Proprietor*^ W T MATHER, Pittsburgh, Pa. ) "'f), THE above Line i* now fully prepared io_tr*n*ppn Freight and Passenger* from riusburghand.devr> land, many point on ibv Pennsylvania 4 Ohioand Ohio Canal* . *-< The faeihues of said Line are not equalled by-aitToa said Conk's, iri numb;pi *nd eapaeity of Boats, expe rience of Captains, and promptness of Ags-ntl, 4e. .' One Boat lesvev nine in bonneetion with ibe Steamers. Michigan and Lake Erie, 1 between Piusliursh mnd Beaver, and a Line of first clast tHeamboai*, Propel leu. Brig* and Hchooner*, on Lakes Erie, Huron', Mi chigan and Ontario _ I'ropenv forwarded io any part of ibe .'Union' with dcspiirh K N PAkKH 4 Co, Cleveland, Agis KRED. PARKS 4 Coiltcaver, Agts o' W T MATHER. PituUrgh, Agl, apJl Cor. Waier aud streets niIMEK AKaAIioKMEJITH. 1S 47. ffiffllflifll noaoiroAiiKLA roctbv/ v ni. '•e / BROWNSVILLE AND CUMBERLAND TO BA] 1 TIMORK AMD PHILADKLV»Kt: Time to Ualumorr • bouf» 5 Time lo Philadelphia ' --(6 *//' (Only 71 Mile* Staging.) , ‘ Till!? splendid anu fa«tnmliin*s»e*iirrTy Consul, I.ou» i* Mct.ane and Swatars, hoVe commenced making double daily tnp*. One boat will leave the Monnrgn beta whan every precisely at Pa*aeuger«by ti»« morning bus willarrive mtWumo re cell evening in iUqc Cut the Philadelphia Maiflloat, or Rail Kdadvar*. The evening Boat will leave the wharf daily at 4 o'eloekreibept Sundays; iPSssciißcrv by ibi» : booi will InJgr on'.U'iarii. in mom*; Iruve UrownrviU** morning at b/fcluek, cru»« ine inouiUa.ii* m Jay I jrHil -up and hcilanJ. Thus avoiding night navel altpgejbgs;; The 1-jown jipon it- ‘ 1 ** I‘ni.Jnj.nfin mpon the fouie and resume tnerr aeaia again at pleasure, andliive cho.ee of Bail Road or Steamboat brtweeo Baltimore and Philadelphia. Coachca'ctartelfd to panics to travel a* they destrty Seeuievuvr'lifieo at (he office. Monohrahelalloeae, or St l'hbrlr«-Ho:r! •' J MESKIMpN feblGj-, ■~T-. .. TotciiKVilLASD y|a. WAOBES. cJ&> ; iB47. aakrtca ROBERT WOODS THROUGH IN R 4 HOC RA PACKET Boh* tfwaliovr and Telegraph leave Bea vek'daily at 3 o’clock r u , after the amy»l of tht monitor Boa* from Pltisburfb. and arrive ePWarrep it time foi the Mail J,ioc of Stage*,'which leave itomedi •tely thereafter. and arrive at Cleveland at So’clock, r * Tin* route n ibe ruosi expeditious am! eorafonabl one io the Lake*. OOTKS-fc-LEFFINGWEGL, Warren Propr’s REEU. rABKS A Co, Reaver, Agent* JOHN A C4p;HpY. copjrt Waicr and Smitbfield »i ■p*ly Oppo*it»t thejdonongaheia Hoove Pittsburgh 'PITTSBURGH AMD OBBBRVU***® 1847. FttFJOIIT I.INK lJne consisting of freight and passenger Back- A eta, will n»«- regularly daring the season between Uearcr and Greenville, I*4 . b> which freight an-l pn» sengcr* between the twopomts, will b{ carried proinpih ■ud at (lie lowest rates WICK fc ABC)lKR.(imorill«, Arts COAIO ft PR&MFTON, Clarksville, McPAKLAftD ft KINO. U<( Ht-ud. do; HAYttft PLI/MB, Stharpshurgh. do. W C Mftl.AV. Huron, do. Wil. WAI UKWtS Pal Mai. ' do, * v BfclKD, t*AKK3ft Co, Ueavri. do, JOHN a CA UtillKV, corner Whler and SoMb&eld sts, iffily Opposite (h« Motwugabeia llogic, I'itul.ofgti AT LHIC, IDt»V ttf i KAbTKKN lIBT. fd by tbia lanf uown iL»t de touched o» the dling is M'cil. fora tbcirtnp* CITIZENS POnTABLK BOATbIHK. s&asi )547. afflwp J4cj ut ttriiere ’'Kg.iioriag/aiid FOB THE TIUBsFOItTiVrOS fiT . . ALI. KIND* OF MKRCIIANfcISE TCTAND FROM Philadelphia, Baltlsaovo. Sew York aud Bmloi. THE eneaurjgentdhFOi* line bat received since its comoionceuieol.baa ladaced the proprie tom to increase the stoek by adding s number oi first ciaas boats; and instead ofgirmg receipts as hereto fore as agent*, we will give our own receipts lor freight shipped by this lin^. '1 he boats are all portable, consequently freight is taken the whole distance without transhipment, thereby preventing damage from frfecaent handling on the roptp, gods* eaep jfpoa! ip twned by the Captain who runs ibejp, wlnefi jg A sufficient guar* ante* that there will ba nn delay oo Ui'o route. All Produce or Merchandise consigned to the* umJersigred will be forwarded KKKE OF COM MISSION.for advancing and Forwarding,and will be shipped without delay at the lowest rates of freight. t We respectfully solicit a share of public patro nage. WAM.INUPOKDdc Co., Cancl Basin, Pittsburgh. CKAflj, BKtLAS * Co.. Agt. , Broad street, Philadelphia. J F MILLER, Agent Uowley’a Wharf. Baltimore. Pittsburgh, Feb. IS. IHJ7. 184 G *»p ’■ |847 TO TUB EAST BV fiOHONGJUIELA ROUTE, VIA UKOWNHVJU.K ft ctfutIKKI.ANP. ‘ ' PIIK undersigned arc now prepared io forward pro i- dure, 4c , io the Pastern Marinis during the ensu ing Winiri.on iho in<>»i faro table terms, by Ibis expe ditious route. All property r-oDiigned ions Willie forwarded attht lowert rates and vitU dr snatch.. Meirh»mli*e rtceirrd' lor *ii«* rcu:? promptly for wmnliHl. J C UIUWKMi, X*n, Pliuu««h U rv CASH, UrownaTiilfli E EfiKm ON 4 Co,Cumberland 1847 j£££ ftftM TO THE EAST BY BALTIMORE AND QJUO ttAn.pOAB. TUB aobacribera will yecelpt fortli« delivery of Pro dace 10 Baltimore try ibc ManenfihWa Slackwatrr at ibe fallowing pneet.— * A the*, Baron, Butler, Lead, Lard, Pork. Tallow WUtkey. Cfceej.c, ard Otai*— b?| cti per IOU lb« • ' Tobacco, lleojp, rUfjnjl \yhefi-W eta per 100 Iba Aahea, (Pol) ApplfliJCheere, flaj-»c-d, Ola.*, and Leather—loo eta per fOO Iba • Oil*, Skint. Seed*, Wool—HO eta per Itt) Iba Beeawax,Pealhert, Fur*, Gotten*, and Bnake-Rooi —lWcitper lOOlba. All property couaianed to either of the utderaicned will be forwarded »iihout deUy J free of Coomitiion, at above rate*. WII CLARE,Brawnaville HANNA A WATERMAN, Pit'uh«r*h. roEJOMTERfIind others wishing bsre Fire Brick. Produce. Ac! JMHV brought to IhU piece from Steubenville |MH|HBhead Unenocdiete landings, can make arrangements, by calling on me, as I bare a Boat riming regularly between PiUsburckand SteaurnVillr. GKO. B. MILTBNBKROtffe. Jan< Btcsmbft ? j4 C nt, M Water st FOR lAbK.' ~r— a THKHteamboiUlAßLEMrej ai.rd ,n * «Citodlarbasdioma style and Jfflß. a ° w . *f th ® Moeongabela wharf As she is improved sbe a well adapted for carrying frcightand ftir towing-, sh • bas great capacity and power. .Aar person divpos, d to parebaae will ofcourse inspect her, 1 also propose ip teaae, toyono or mors years' mi esaf Wtrkr, and to a man of business habits'they offer groat adv»fiUf es. I can famirh the lessee, either on tale, or charter, my low boai u AJINEB. n He can alaoheteonblr terms six barges, three fiats, and two coal bottoms sixteen; ears with- ropsa, fixtures. kt mads far fail oMyatfaniL Anegowpatioo oftbi es tablishment l* tdviude rerami* shipand to -negotiate With Wainrefereneefa any of tbs above particular*, may addresa tma at iwpOAca to BUkaa’s Bufldin. s 4s sum, MonoogsheUciiy,' GREAT DISCOVERY. fciIKcETHE DISCOVERY OF DK.SIVA YKE’3 O Valuable Medicinu,thotuaud» have been resto red to perfect hniith who bat by its iim woold sow be io u» silent grave. Asotbcr UTtao witxisi.—Read with aston ishment the w.ondertul care performed by Doctor Ssrsyne’s Compound syrop of WILD CHERRY: PaitADtLPHu, January iS, IBd7. Dr. Swaync—-Dear Sir lo jatlicc to voanelfiad a doty I owe to suffering humanity, 1 chcerfaJty give my testimony, and declare to- the world the most astonishing eflecU, and the gnat core your Compoond Syrup of Wild Cherry performed oo me. uoder toe most unfavorable circumstances.* 1 was ttken with a riolent Cough, Spitting of Blood, se vere Pains in the Side and Breast, which seemed to breakdown and enfeeble my constitution, su that my physician thought my case boyond Hie power of medicine, and djr friends all gave me up Lo die; but Uunks to you and the effect* oi your great discove ry, I now feel mjseJl a. well man, and raised (rum a mere skeleton to as fleshy and healthy a man as 1 have been for and shall be pleased to give any informatioo respecting my case, by calling at my residence,Mechanic street,third dour below George street, NonhernjLiberties. Jacob Fainter. Testimony is rjoic received from all quarters oj Tbe following teller* are presented with t view or more fatly ahowiogthe opinions oT Physicians in relation to the Medical value or Dr. SVVAY.N'K’S COMPOUND SYRUP OK WILD CHERRY*. Dr. Swayne—Dear Sir: Hating used your'Com poond Sjrrap ol Wild Cherry extensively in my fractice, l waa requested by your Ageal, Doctor Iroteher to ex trie** my Opinion ia writing of it* properties at a remedial agent, 1 moat cbeerlully comply, ■■ I feel by so doing, 1 will dubharge a debt 1 owe (he community at large, and Physician* in particolar. Jumuehaa I detest Quack Herne diet and Pater t Noatnima, i was? induced from a lailure of the most potent expectorants, recom mended in oar matena medlca in some cate* ol Diseased Lungi Virginia or Wtl I waa .so much aubsequent trie ence to ail o'lbe indicated. In Disease of the 1 it appears in K< Remedy in the who know- me be seen by pen i will briefly a i active practice < a Regular Unit i Brat Patent Mi < express an opii January 7th, The above ce ciatis living ali good practice, and stands fair; Now that \\ train of Pulmo Colds, &c &c this wsy to m. ke immediate trial of Ur. Swayne’t Compound Sytop ol Wild Cherry. It will never (ail to perfi rm a permanent euro. The reputation of this medicirie has caused many spurious articles to be pul lonh! under its name; but the preparation of Ur. Swayne, besides being the tint ever oflered to the public, is the only one that can be rclud on. The other mixtures sole! (or Wild Cnprry Syrup, Balsams, A:c.,[are all spurious and (worthies/, and contain none dl the virtues of the original preparas boo, Ur. Swayne's Compound Syrup ol Wild Cherry. | „ Krom the Springfield Kiprcts. . Of the of purported curative nostruuti now before ibe public, but very few are lound to possess the healing virtues lor which.tliey are if. commended. Among the latter we-are pleased in tearn none stand a belter lest than u/swaynii'k Compound Syrup ol Wild Cheiry. The alilicled in thii vicinity are beginning to use itjnd to their joy they Sod i i its use their hopes, baaed opon ils recommeodtinns more than realized. The slfhcled need notdeap: ir. While there is liie, there now u hope. - A CA 'TION 'lt) THE JWBLIC. o*Since Use introduction of toy article to the public, there iiave a number of unprincipled indi- j viduals got .ufi nostrums which they assert conUin ! Wild Cherry, some are called “Balsams,” “Bitters,' I and even byrhpof Wild Cherry,'but mine is the] original and 01 |y genuioe preparation ever introdu j ce« to the put lie. which can be proven by the pub- I hr. Records ol the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. ' The only safeguard against imposition is to see that my signature Is on each bottle. v OK. H. SWAYNE. ohly by Ur. H. Swats*, at las I'noci ‘orner of Eight and Rack Sliced. All Wild Cherry preparations tieiDg epunteffeit without his kigealure,'* Pittsburgh ntiojevaje and retail liv ’..VrA3 Market street. SMJWDLN. corner JiiJ-A. Wt-od .u. I BO Liberty street. by J Mitchell,'Allegheny City; Boyd, i., Butlerj Wcsvcrdt Hecd<?rflne(|fc}t-r -rt’Kensiedc Kaskeii]Tlle*elard; Denis > lumbar, Miller, Brownsville; Manh, s ; K B llinmsn, Cincinnati, Uhio; Dr & Cu., St. Louis; J S Mums & Co., Ay ; Andrew Oiivrr A. Co., New Or »t r 5 Prepared < pat Office, rhitadelphu fictitious an For tale it VVM. THO UUDKN At S. JONES, Sold also Care* St C Co., F.rie; St Son, C< Wheeling, *E Easterly Louisville, leant. I H JNT’S LINIMPNT, IS now t niversaJly acknowledged to be' the I ,\\ FALLIBLE REMEDY for Rheumatism, Sj>i nal Affections, Contractions of the Muscles, Sore Throat an 1 Quinsy, Issues,Old Ulcers, Rains fu the Bsck and (.'heat, Ague in the Breast and Face Tooth Ac ir, Sprains, Bruises, Salt Itlirum, Hums, l.'roap. Fr wled Fuel and all Nervous Diseases fbe TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS which ha« si tended th< application of tins most WONDERFUL : MEDICI HE in euring the most severe cates of the different Kncstt above named,—and the HIGH ENCOMIUMS that have been bestowed updn it, wherever l has been intmdoced, gives me the right to call on the AFFLICTED.to resort at onre to the ONL I' REMEDY THAT CAN BE RELIED ON. , [ JEJThelacultr unite in recommending the ccle ated Ksternal Remedy, Hunts Liniment. The following letter rrotp the highly emine/t I’hyaicuns wbo hare been attached to the Mouhi I’leaaant Stale I’nson lor many yean, is ibe bcii ertdeni'e of the talon of this celebrated Liniment. Sisc. Nso, peeeuoer tb, My'Dear Sir—l recetted tour note ol ycsierdat, asking.uiy opinion in relation to Hunt'* Liniment a* prepared by Mr lieorje £ bunion. Kaowinq its competition, ami bating frequently used it. I ran recommend ii to you as a ' ’ ~~ dj.iod >n iujt opimpn, the bpit Liniment noj* u. oat. V'cr/ Uni/ and r£*ja:cirully yuua. A K tiOFt'MAft. Col I’terro Via CortUmJt, ("rolon Manor. % i ftilljr cuncur in the atove opinion. VV .\ BELCHER. Yore town , Jan. 14, 1840. Sir—lo reply l«» jour letter, Iwooldsay that I have uaedjonr External Remedy, called Hnnt’a Liotmeut, in my practice aince jog made me ac quainted with ila composition. and unlieaitaUnglj a*y that I believe it to be Uio beat External Heme dy now in uae (or the complaint* for which yen rr "commend ». Voura rdapectluliy, (»co E Stanton, Eaq O’Auong the ma\» or worthiest articles and huinbun that are poured forth at Uie preiem dai upon the country, it * real!; refreshing to bud something or rpaf practical utility; something aim pie, speedy end effectual in its operation, and it the name time free from those injufiou»-«a«i» which generally aUeud powerful remedies. Hunt'» Liniment, prepared try Geo. K Stanton, of Sine •Sing, thouffb it has been beta abort time before the public, has already obtained the coutidooee,!)"! only of our tubel wealthy and influential cilsaens, but oar most eminent physician* All acknowl edge it to be a sovereign balm for many of the ill* that nesh is heir t«, soothing the aching Jimb, and by its genuine stimulating iftHueiir*,banishing dis ease from thesyMfcm. Mr. Stanton—Sir—S. eing your advertisement of Hoot's Liniment, I was induced to try its cflecu on my son. who had been Crippled with a lame back from an intent; and it u with gratitude I,bear testimony to its wonderful heating properties.' M » child, who SB now five ytarsdl bge; is now m a fait way of recovery, ” Yours, fitc. p£MMoN C NICKERSON Post o>ril»:,To»n.» lit, I'uinaml.V I certify, that I am personally acquaint, d with the above named child, and think the father would be sale in saying that his son i» almost well JAS WDVKM.AN, Nov 5,1815. t Deputy Post Master. I*. S. 1 would also state that» have been for a number of years subject to frequent altackaif (he Rheuoutijtp, wldch in many instances prevented my attending to my business, Two or three appli cations of the Liniment invariably remove all af fections of the'kind. In cases o| bruises, sprain* and sure*, too numerous to mention, it has in Uut vicinity proved ■ certain remedv. Its value ran only be fjlinulcd by tliose who have.given it a fair trial. This Liniment is sold at sA and SO cents per bot tle, by all the Principal Druggieuiand Merchants throughout the country. 1 . Wholesale Agents in fieto York . HOADLKY. PHELPS & Co, 14£ Water RUSHTON&Co, UQ ABkD SANDS, corner I'ultanahd William ASPINWALL, Hfi William street. ? Orders addressed to me at Singling,*N Y, win be aitf nflctf Jo. GgpfttiK ANTON, Proprietor. For sale in Pittsburgh by L WILCOX, Jr, and J KIDD & Co. Allegheny City, JOHN SARGENT Birmingham,JOHN SMITH. febli) DR. CULLEN'S INDIAN VEGETABLE SPE* CIFIC TOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS. THIS medicine is last Uking the piece of every prctnralio'n'beretorore used forjiseasea arising Bom Weaknesg or otbpy capaea. /AH thstis necea aary to secure this medicine a piece in the Domes* tic Practice of every family, when such a medicine it needed, is a trial, • It speaks for itael}—is innocent in its operation, aotbto injury can arise liom its use at any time. Wholesale and Retail by ROWAND L WAL* TON, Proprietors 576 Market Sheet, Pbilad'a. , For aale in Pittabn«h by R E Sdlers, 67 Wood *y*m._Thsrn,WMarketsL oc£dw T 3nUB BOORUH Lncntly dyeing Light, Red or Gray Uair a Dark town or s*l.aek color, without dyeibg or injuring the shin. Sold 94b fall direction*. Price 60 cents, or VI a. bottle. ErSold by WM. JACKBON, el hii Patent Medicine Warehouse, to Libeuyatreei, head of Wood, at the tiyn of the Big Beet. ' 1 ’ . . j~JS noticrl BALIAJH-1S dos Wistaria Balsam of Wild Che try Just recoiled and for sate by , J KJDDEQo NoW wood st ree . (KTiIAN ÜBD-7 bbls best Kuglisb; f , • , . a ' do- -American; ,„ v Fpr sale b i sjCHOONhrAKICajtC*, i ap£ No aM wood sues l c the Globe. ,lo try your preparation o| Prunus Cherry. It is sufficient tosay that ileased with the result or Hist and i, that I now prescribe it in prefer* Remedies where so expectorant is Ihe much dre<ded (Pneumonia nr ings, iu the alarming form in which nliTcky, I regard it a* an invaluable treatment ot that duca»c. To all I have eaui enough, hut oa Uii* may onfc out of the vicinity ol I‘rankfori, Jd.that i have been crg-iged.in an ol m y profcsiion ol l-ytar»,and am uale of Traniylvauia, and this i* the dicine I ever thought couigh-01-tu- ion io writing. J. 11. Ellisdx, M. D. 18-17. Franklin County, Ky. KANKronT, Ky., Jln’rjrlib, 1847. irtificatc is Nm one of our I'hysi ■w miles from bere, lie is doing g very ind is considered s good Flijiidian, be is, os lie says, aregulargudusle Dn. \v. L. Ckutchkr, Druggist and Apothecary, 'niorzlfaii trill never cease. From the Temperance Fledge, inter is upon us with its alteodan lie and Bronchialafleciiont.Coughs . wo would advise those afflicted m OS'9 A^aiCMKDI'T C4LIV.D ' cquv . tare Literaa] (letoc- BKMJ 1) MILLKK.M 1) From the N Y i>ua. STAR COTTON; Ml LL' [Near the Upper Bridge, Allegheny CftjfJ THE proprietor* of ibe Star fegpe'rt* full) inform the public ibatibry Sfanow ful operation. Having employed the service*or ti \V. Bantei as Manager. who ha* bad an experience of tv yews in the principal tactoties of Allegheny City. they would inform Jtfeicbont* end Dealer* in general that they will-aisvay# have oo band superiorComou Yarns or alt Baitings, Warp«. and Uronn Afu«i of superior make. N VoSGTLYA t’n , N. B.—Orders left at the 3/iJI, or at the uoto of MV era, Hunter &Co ~18S Liberty street, will be prompt!) attended to. rachvtSdSni X V & Co pTtt cotton mill. BLACKSTOCK. BELL & GO., PnTBBUKT.iI. PA. . : /-V r I*HIS Manufactory being in full and cnmplci* opcra i non, (bavin* received and replaced ail ihe.:r Ma ebinrry by the latest improv, ranus.) are now making a very hearv aiticle of 4-t Brown b.iri twisted,handsome goods, (branded Allegheny D..} and surpassed by none, of the same style, in the country, intended exclusively tor the Wc*ters and Bmrrnsa' trade. Merchsma visaing our city are Invited lo cal and examine previous to making purchases Orter* from n distance promptly attended to. an-i goods carc ftUly shipped when ordered. fehl3d&w3tr|T EAGLE COTTON WORKS. PITTSBURGH. MANUFACTURE COTTON YARN. Candle-Wick, Batting, Txrlne, Coverlet YARN. CARI'Er-CHAIN, WARPS, Ac. Ar., KING. PCNNOCKi Co (?ttcceay>r» of Aj buckle? A As.-py.) jan2 Proprietors PEN N COTTON “Ml LI.” Hittsbcmigii, Pa. THK above establishment being now in aocceasf'il operation, we are manufacturing. \ rry ciicnsiVcfy. an anirle of heavy Sheetings, well adapted to the reta l trade, which for beauty and quality cannot Ikj c ic-lled by any other make in (be country, fix- attention of? purchaser* is solicited to an exara>iiHi-no. fcblliHm&wlt KHNNb I) ■ HiH.nS A/V? MKDK'AL. . «C'HRls^if-5 ■>• A I'OSITIVE & FEKMAsInt litlflß-Fon, s— ILIlKt£6l ATfIS AJ . + AND ALL NLRVOqg 'CO.M^L'A’fNTS. “Wha Since their aaecrtifcfiSd, -T.. ' Let m>t or fvtjiiL 'ZV Induce inankiii(£kaset4ii: ; 4if * Mean* whiti:-iliu v «imp!ct?rr hyrHrijvrn i!c<ii££',K ToallrvialcWUL of human ktuyL'i*" 4/ DR CHRISTIK'SfIAiA'A-NfeßJit.'a AND MA<»- . Mtnc ; THIS remarkable universal approbation ir.tfifcpl profea*ion ol (•real llnntm, comprise* an epiire|)^ti£rft.application o> Galvanism. a* a remedial agdnt, by ii&ni* ot winch the online ry Galvanic Badertfti, Electric rfudjiiagneijt; .Ma chine*. Ae., are entirely di«pett*eil with,'Arid thciqyste iiou» power of Galvaifyn-'ajijniegferitliQyr any ot' ilie objection which are in'enambpj-front to-Vritr rat mode now in ute. The tm»npdp*e*iiiit3 trpgpiliir interval*, m which Galvanism letalKi Meri.ii.ei, La* been pronounced, after a fair trial, to be dteidtdly tiyun'oui, aud it wa« to de-'“ fed that tin* new application lt, af ter unteu»iug mil and r-er<cveru'icr.ihju Ukyu brouglrt ion* present (talc of perfection., ‘ntpX/a/partie /Urtgi answer all the pn rjio»e* r . of-t(ic.ino*! expensive Ala-, chute*, and in utaiiyotUcr re*i>eei* are more «*/« arid attain hi accomplishing tfic tlc»ire<l eject. / The (ialcunit Kinf* used ui cqiim-cnou with the Mag nate Fluid, me confidently recommended in all disor der! t thick ariit /rent an fnjafyltd or vnhtaUhyJtau oj |A< nemmi or eital tytUmA uiF>i these cnmpl.iijit.* arc among the ino*i pumlul unj} mill'eft aI to which \vc ate' - *ubjcri They ari.<t. witbfnll;.«!'£cepi>on,_m>in Jll5 mrt .ple eau*e—a deraugetnerit-'i|l tiic Nrrvoti»"Sy *tj{rt-7 9nul it wa* in tbe*e case* Jtliat oilier 'rttmedie*’ .>0 often failed, a new agim'UaSgn-.uly iicedcdl %?freb -tt i» I'Oltßdctill) hi* bien found HMiio'l>rujK ( and judViou* * - 1 The Galvanic Kmp iiavu*(<<?eii used with entire me cr*« in allea*e< of mtKH**i|*Si. oeuie ot cjifbuic. ap - plying in the head, turn »r 3iodi.v (ioi/(~7V-lv.Vtux, TuuOtaehr, Bronchitis. Tttttgc'Nfprotti cr Hitk Umidthf, lnd.(e'Uan, Puralyiit, J , ul*’j,' l ilpitq/it ) i-VbWf'rSmj'. Palpitation of On Heart, 'A}‘Jplixy,tid>Jfi\til3j£ Joint' Spmali'-ompUiinU. jr», KtrSoufTfr •non. Vuxtnt*s 0/Oit llead’, pain in tie C/t<3l '4ndFulf. Central litbilily. Dtjutenry of iVtrmu uini'AAyjifaf tvn rrgy.and ail NKKVOUS DISfJRDKItS n< (oufinnehD)"pep**a. which 1* simply a ii*rniu« -It rangrinriiTlJl the digestive organ*, the) Slave liicn found - equally succenfu!. Their cinaurdmiity t,ireei* upon the system must be witnessed to he I.ellcVcd, uud a- j certain preventive for the they areeqtiall) recommended- The King! are price*, being made of nil «iir». ami o:,varil)u» orna mental pattern', aid can he worn hy Ihcrpofi deficJh femaJr tv-thout the Ihc rrnution it rather agrcaal-h' than o<heray].*e, The (inUonic BcUnj IlraceleDtj^Baods, barter*, Necklace*, icf 1* *ocne C4»c» of a,vef<irvcrr rlianietivCaud of tour, •landing. ihe powc'j a*. aj [.!ieO i.y Hie (iu'vumc ‘iifficicin: iirujir** of d;»ra*o am. 1 utiirtiilrJv re*liirf'sii*ii!i)i.'-Tluk miirofriJ modifies.:**!. .n.n.r Craivjn r It-' .. n.'X, , , !r iy •Xir.iij- ut.;- • -iiun .-;n >• »:i »*■ i:i.l * t rua can readily be obUpifed, ju tilO q»n>i>iiiuil ivii.cli the ray«»tiou*.acriit of fl'alvaiu«nieffect will tail to l>c permanently' relic vjth arc aJsip ted to the wjftli. o»auy port Set-tit^*' Hrouchili* 01 affection* of the llitMji,Rtffi:rutl) ; a'.n> n. caie» of Nrtvou* Dcafne**; and flJltfclißost auUnttn ■ucer** a« a preventive for Apop)ijjFy,,Kjn!rpti«.' K.;> amt‘.m.iur coraploint* _ \ v Christie** Ffoiti u ci»riiii.-r;~»iT wi.h ;l*e t/wiymiTp ltin£Tand\v.i their modiGcation*. 1 In* rrii fhi"l nn J.o« !'<>n pro nounced by ihr I'rencfi Cheat »:*'tn_tjje one of the tnoM extraordinary discoveries of modeni<jteience It Is be lievrd topo»se»? the rcnvarkaltlep o;ver.of rentfin'n* C* mrrr* »*j<rtctt o f oinnti oditn t t y thi* means csuftin * canceiiiraiioit of >vt the' »eat of di*ca»e, thu* jpvinff iapid.aml ytci.iTMurlilt>-l : ef No oi*t«r competition ;n cbeni-«ir*» "krijiurtio produce the turn effect, or To imparts tiiaiiar-properiy to the nervou' •yatero.by mean* of mi oiiu\ ardifooat application The agnrtic Huid cDiilaitu aotli nc'ccpalile of fue align • e«t .njury. it', application i» ußrcuu'e. uml it la liarmle** n it! action atlit i~ heucljciul in ,i« rcft'lltn Full explanation* and directions accompany u Tht combined invention! are in every wav perfectly harm. Ie«; they are »»id at pricfcs wi|||:m the reach ot all'and tbe’diK.oyerer only rrcjurnu a fair tri.il a» a leu 0 i their Mirprifinit efficacy ajid permanent benefit Christie's Galvanic Strengthening Plan- Tbe*e anirlesTorm aAnrtitr valuable anplieatio'noi (be mjricriou* uiQucnrcjui (jaivatu.ni They ate an important adjuun in the 3jrumn(. C*lvnn!Kßin£t'ai«l ibeir modification*, act tin, »arae piincipic, t<u> bavin* Ihe advantage oi niorc iocal application The) arc cimfidrully iccoiotucntird u» a valuable addition in lie speedy cure of Rheumatism, acute or chrome; , n ai: neivoui complaints, ami a po*n>vc remedy m ciwr ol Pam ami BYahnat in ti&H'Mrxier Back , Pain in On SuU,i* Ankmmac Affrtdrm. nn<t in BVahneu of Onto tian if lie Pulatonarf Organ* In Sp.iui ComrHainu their off*, cl* arc of the most dretried character, and ihcy have often been oseil with complete »ucce*«. The) mi* alsopf the gr eaten advantage iu IVu* Biid,\Vcatnr»v of the Breast, and are hiclit) recommended Tor canny m those comjilamik to which female* ur especially lial>tr A» an eflecluat mean* lor Mrrngtlwiting the syrlrm when debilitated with disease. or oilier '•■use*; *»a eei lam aid in Constitutional Wealners. as a I’reventivi lor Colds, and alt iu affection*<il the Chen, generally, the Onlvainc Strengthening l’lanier will be lound of great and permanent advantage lu a fen- word*; n embrace* all the virtue* of the l>c*t touie preparation with the important addition of Ue galvanic influence which i* neither impaired nor cxh«o*ied. while the or noncontnmr*. Tbe*e articles witl.be fog ml entirely free from those objection* which are a Cottltam source of complaint with theoidinary piaster* in common u»r CAUTION. ETTtac great celebrity and <cee*s of ih«e article* ba» cauied them to be roanltficilcd by unprincipled person*. Tuj>ro«ulc tt*ain<: unpotnipii, Dr CuauTit. has but one authorised agent Io each city otUie Union. Tbe only agent >» Pittsburgh, ’VV w . CERTIFICATES & TESTIMONIAL*] Ol ihr highest «inl moil n**!>«•<• mi.-.'e character, are con stantly received. rreardmg the t-xiraorduiary value and sucres* of the #love arnclc,. |(it believed that in ibe city of New York alone, upward! ofKIOIIT THOUSAND PERSONS dam* ■ period of lew than a year, have Ik-cii entirely relieved of the most painful chronic disorder*. same of whlebhave romplctely baf fird all former olixii of medical art. Indeed rnaiiv of the fim pkysieian* of ih<« city, who disapprove of iln tialTanio and Magnetic .Marlnne*; cotiMantlf f.'ertm'- mend this applicmioii in Hum r pntciice, and witbibeex* ccpiion of ilu>«e wb'i ate u*> prejudiced n> ve u B In al, the invention has received uuaounim* i:iv ( u with the moil intelligent among the Amrncan Furuliy. Hi Christie I! at alt tunes ready aud_tiio*t happy in jjivr. eve'ty facility to physicians. and all ntirtencd. for leaf ing Ibn intib uf bis I'lmmin aud the efficacy of bn discovery Only ugcnc) in Piiitburgh. corner lilt and Market «i sept&dly MKim Al. ANI) SUKUICAI* OFFICE. Mreel, toward' ll« du, mioAy.^L U> Lite treatment of ibote plainia for which hit nppur Eleven yeatr^a*»iditloua t devoted 10 Sic study and treatment of those compli ntL (during which tunc he baa had more practice and t.tt« cured more patient* than can ever fall to the tot uf a y pfivijlc practitioner) am ply quali&ca him to offer a* urnnee* or speody. perma nent and satisfactory cure '.>aU-.u!Hi«'ied with Itlienu disease'. aud all diseases attains therefrom. Dr. Drown, would inform those nlfilcieri with pmmb ‘diseases which have become chronic Uy limeor ugdrivti. ted by the ute of any of the common; nostrums of the' day, that their complaint! can tic raflirally mid ihor ougbly cured.be bavin*given hi; careful mirnnop. to the treatment of.suchcascs, and succeeded m hundred* of instance! in curinf perrons of inSainulUm i>fhe neck of tbe bladder, and. kindicd di«en*es winch aiii-ii rrsuli rom those carer where olhetr bays consigned them to hopeleaa derpmr. He patticularly invites such u« have bcenlnitganu unsaccernrully treated byoihci* io con sult him, when every ratisfaetjon will be Riven tbeir cares treated in a careful, thorough and tntclligetv tnunnet, pointed cal by long experience, rtody and vestigitian, which it is impossible for those rngajvd $• general pntctipr of medicine to give any otic dlaMjb disease. A I [£7“ Hernia or Rupture—Ur. Brown also fcy/et person* afflicted with 11 emu to call, .as ha ha» v paid particular attention this disease- V Skis Disease!)also Piles, Palsy, etc- speemfy cured Chargesverylow. N. B.—Patients of either living at a distance by stating their -disease ib writing,giving all the aytnp-’ toms, can obtain medicines with directions ibf use, hi' addressing T. BROWN, M. D. post pa i ami enclo sing a to*. ' Office No. W Diamond alley, opposite the YYsTeii* House. CTT **" rut*, n naV dHB BURNS EFFkXTTUAI.LY and speedily Lured by the use o the Ureai Remedy of Nature. AMERICAN OIL it almost miraculously reduce* luQammaiion, and con sequently is warranted-in all cases to leave no seam or scar in the flesh. Add wholesale and retail by.WM. JACKSON, at hi» 800 l and B«te Store and Patent Medicine Warehouse. & Liberty of Wood, Piiuburgh. Pcice 60 cr {U* ~ n” ** P* r ksottle. W Jaekaon being tiro Exclusive Agent for Western Pe £Us r,,fllßU « DCn ® I* genuine but wbalis sold by HIM or appointed Agtnii. N. n. A PamphlßtconuiningamplodiiecuousJke. with the names and addrfes* of the Proprietor.sad Pnn clpal Agent) ia enveloped with wrapper of each bottle Abondtnceof 4ertiftcaU*can be »eenat the Store. , foh»7«Mm . . ■ •. • r., kV<a» tL<lslA ugAJts-prime and Keihrjar teeM iV :iuml.tor.sale Uy - ~ R K SELLERS , rayC - 5? wood i* t SAND S SARSAPARILLA! / "(-v - OB.BMUUMS<S no™*™ Sm/wU. Ejkfl C*£akna jyCaitmVlX UwfelroJ , jirteTpa. - "~.-4 . t,a{v,and Datata arisinfjrvma* inpldlcwa wtf ... . SHERMAN'S COUCH LOZEKnra lltrnrrr. Axiom Dnptf, &rwnrrr WJmrnUmmt* Them lunges «r*ti* n&st. meat tart nadTrL., , Lift. A'so. Cknnie Coru;ttut£n*lJ)mrita*~ • ; '.. ' «Jy fcl»—~ a - > - | —nrnantaaii rec ~ r'Sumely milmininriiion baa been attended w. .uhe ma, tightness afrfcelsiqpor thtsLue: “ JJl ' ’ happiest results nt many aooonlaet »fiecti*a*; ba t hasesur known no iansoe* -«u—t* ai* chiefly intended to fill the void which txuta btwetD satisfaction. * * “tiimiil *"* . * " r,c "" cathartic and aperient medielne*} beneotita *«<«**?• theUMrrer.restariat to health bwm. ■•- * > * tbta randi :a that o( aitaltenuivo drTeelly-M*dlrtetlF, pn> ofc«Uiam{**cm,si>d Umm laboring aadcr them!!* u? ***** ’ ving 4 lasting tonic to Ihe iTSiem. ■ j It. . tuUa«adcwach*.-TfccT<ioitot«a*ri f .^ lirT )i >» Uglily coucemrated lor convenience and porn* but raider it t*sy, promote tipeclaraaco mlbroS.- htlity, containing nothing bat tiff cxpmMd'eaaenee, irritation, sad rtaim the prokußst* «• mL-hi^T' ■** wr ’ atu! i< tlie rep, ereutaflve- •( the SawuJrilla Boot, ix They art Bad* from a combination «f. r^JTTT B *. the »aioe maimer ST Quinine !* ofTenirian Bark,or toraat,'«r cough medicines, and are Storphm» of Op-urn.- It Uan establish-ea fact,' that a every thingiause forthoseeomplaiat*. ■ Ml i* f>or tj few grain* of either Quinine or Morphia* contaiaa-all dracs cfrertifieaUs bare been offered of V* 1 * tho medicinal value of a large quantity* of the erode tues, from those who hart brea sated frr»» ~, ,*^ t> '' , 1 rl ' jl * ir ' rebalance*; brace the »ap«r:omy of ibow preparations arid restored to perfect health bvldlUnl!!^ 1 unlt * lrl .’rretr. —tuulnQinyaluJxvotiWde«ireto4fißk**a|jqami*tare, ? WherethcrtMmathpalaintllTw.^._■ ■ - . \ wlitrti a halt pint contained the Une medicinal value, man's Poor Mao’* Pla*t«M(prke «dr lit The Ssttr»apar.lla can he diluted when taken agreeable ajmlkd oW lh« jurt, and .ore tiU reli£d’ , , l --’ direetmus,and made to urn the taste of ihopa- wiLh costircnres,* few eaUurtir.of I <mirli t-The followingcertificate addressed to the Agent* at >. WIQ -Chicago, furQ)*he* coneltmve proof of tuareat value _ ’ B U*ftMAfly WORM LO2EKQ£y of FeVer Store*/ ‘ *. Cmcaao, lll.Bept. lt, 18». »»■<*«« to t*,u>&llibkt the odr rertala . ~ A. Reed—Oenta: In May, 160,1 ©b- trtrimcortrti. Many at youi Alore a botile of SaniTaSartapaxilla.and andoccauool»jaodiolaiwinflcring, and»t«jdeath ■»,h, w'4»ibcn confined toray bet|,witbottv atceplbra week, '7.?,r“S rtapectrd;grown prrxxii arx»tr»u/v -occaaioaed by viplentpain trom a rvculirfeyerarneof *_7* l * < ! rnUiti«m,aadare docuavd k# vanuu*cue>iii*ii,i, long standing, on my right leg. Njr pßyviqianaadvlaed “f h««£t; whta co« dap of ihe*e *uujj nje to have the limb amputated, aaytnf tt-vraa tbeonly **”*“??; mean* likely to preterve my life. AAersaisf half the . a iviptoatr Ifomr.—rainr in the joint* «limlw, o jjt n -bottle the ro‘nl»cfft*tj to aubridi, and by the lime 1 had _wvath f piehing at thencue, grind iac of the teeth doru»» - used nearly three bottles, I wee able to tranaaetrayreg- £y*P’* ad “. Uae * ■ paleae* about the lip*, with fliubd rW,CT ular busiucss, and before 1 had finished thefbimhbot "“?!"*« thee(omad>.Oath’ Ue;l vras aa well andeoond at ever! had been, lhave ory Meeurflfaolthe body, slkhtchin* it «hir m> hesitation in saying that Sand’s Sariapariile waa the Y"*** Jt"f wn f»» ; torpor, o>ttoH»d i, means, under Providence, cf Mving my limb and l mslesft with friahl and f^.^^sssssws^as ftSSSSSf®Sfitessf^jsito MU.I.ER. ® ; Tltc following certificate is only another lint In the ' .rrcatchhmoftestimonyioiuinenis; -A-I^SlLSL7.^**’‘^tnrfftheMu*lomnhnifh! a - jfc Homos. Canada Kast, April 18, lf4®,. faa the bowels. an+SjLV- ‘ “iwpsgrib Sand*—Gentlemen: Exposed as vje are.to ““v o **™'*** o *““««admucus. ' liieiitaCXsitdiscasc, and so frequently disappointed i SHERMAN’S CAMPHOR inrrvm-c remedies,wo cannot but look on j|ie efforu ; Thcy.pre uamedtua relief b >j. practitioner* with palpitauoo of the brmrt, kiirseis hsadschr, . fuO'tMtrUe respvciing jour valuable preparation of inflemmelory or putrid tore thnwL bnJ?Fz! ° c "l x «“ j l? c 7i rfarsutjfljjjo- I have been severely ufflic led locllyear* riaial./atoltt*, oppressiou orTeS T°T with «ytbVWne ahoni which •‘doetor’a disagree,® and tparws, cramp of the ft. .V Uieir were sidl more diverse. _1; tried v«* Affections,and all nerrous ,f found no relief until I commenced ,day,.and-wakdalnem thrmvti th« dsh l^', e urtnr medicine, at-which time I waa era morbus, darriwea, lassimdeoe »!Li 7?7?™ V J c ~ ol Svvnvty ronCjtcd a> tuy bed. Alter upmg il a few months *»s atleadiug lam parties. «tt» V ?rr * Xtmi now übie to w.ttK about, ride out, and enjbyaeew- uapamngthebu^Ten^nf^.rT^ ' tunable degree of health, which 1 attribute entirely to AfUr dmipaikm, they wilfmiore tbs toubfth. ,ta *i tl c use of Munir* barsapariUa. rica»e accept *»*:■* :mljy, amlrtmoTe all U>« uupkuut symptom suranuc nf gratitude and repaid. too fiee Persons wb£fca TC - ; • :• JOHN M NORIUS 'sWanedthSirdmirw^dw>i^wiU^d^K™*iil"™’ • Ueing persodnlly ac»nnintcd withlihe above state- mireUt ccaposereoftba berrea • Loreagesad -theni, I licreby i-rfiiiv tliot ihc same is true. SHERMAN’S POOR MANre or 10-n-n V * REV. TM- MKRRIMAN Thebrti.irtngtlaaiiHr rdastVb, ih™w . / Faj;tu£B Tqmstoxt.—'The foliowing.ta ad extract remedy (or paias,or wtlkMm ia theWK ? tfoot d'Jnirr ttreived from Rev. WilliamGalusha: limbs,joints,rUomatiua, htmbam.' Ac a, r? , ,, n- ’ Messrs, Samis: 1 havetern afllcted with asevetr mg before afpUnQoa. Wwrutrd Wmf ™j pam in my sidf. occasioned by a diseased liver, for the for ooe quarter the usual pi-ice I st suffering at l-mea wltal language Iheeheaput phster in theworffjßSgfKK cannot convey, but siucetaking tourbarsapartlla, I hours.aad makestitooiihior cures 1 * ,cw , have becregreatly relieved, so mucbsotbat I have been In iiTereenphmt and dnwnu ii.Li.u u_ able to attend to my business, and preaett dceUlonally the region oftbc liter ur months. I wholly discarded all other astouiSiiag reliet In cou»h«. T!. I **!*? 11 . thoroughly tried the tiarsaparilla, whirb breathing, of th« S‘,i - l?- 0^ lean recqpurmltnuuthandsincerity wallUmre who mSB bu2fiiW3£2l a/rJniiiypAVflV afflicted -with atjy tpeeies of scrofulous sedrataryhabits, or tbeS%li«.d u> sUni^St crtiuplarnsr, There have been <6me remarkable cures decided suraort from oes oftSesettai* t* ■ mth.-diclnity: Mrs. I. Shaw,by Ur; PbyiSimgnw«%!S£S{ h^ , SS , tbe ate et*fex boiites, waa restored to betterhralththan VI utbers.because tlwy «*fi^ ftfK «i. rrth tf^“ , <t> J tf y cr s aCTt . u sbeflatifefore rmnyed for ten years, and Mrs. W. Sto- *r relie£ la tbeiropemioo. UieTare ~ ,i Vk™ l : badWteverely afaictedvrtth the'Erytip. aaodyw.. Tlwyart by tba use of a few bftUli eau from any otbre, • . WM. GALUSHA. Ucm who to* RpmmherpeTOclalar* and conclusive erldenee of it* all tbe cekbrtted spd dWißrnkhtd rb ■, , lc *V l P o>, y °j | whiebmm/ be tbs most uwfolimdl^hßnXall3^X^ , ‘ I be oWarned-of'Ageiah gratl*. f . ! Srrtrel persons hats called *1 ik« , r.- hairedaniMJfijy A-B.iDSandl.Dlßgai*U,loo theirsurpraeandthinkaf»iih> . lj “{f®** New York. plaaUrs Gre ib»« Jr-, Pittsburgh: I!.' liar- Plrecifasu for m ... «« .i. i u , . w^?B«wJ?rr. , Wta. Waupn. New Castle; fc.N. Rob- &c simile ofpr. Shetmaa « amne llk f l2^^ a i ,,t,, l ,,h M‘ iHd?;-HroW7i*sAU*»; A. Crcigh, Washington; and by always ask fof Aheinaa’i Pcwr M»a». 'hnmgbounht United Stairs. you rrt the there are iSA ? *■? SI per Lotllc—«, ooulc. .for JS. . U.lrf J«sLijiu «XW|'S'”.r,' U 'T aXtie public ate respectfully requested to remember aapnacipled dealers. ierman > flaum, bj UiujU is Sand's Sarsaparilla that ilia constantly .achietr- r Bold wboUwkud retail bv W J»nisn*.,i- - . remarkable cures of the most difficult class ot 'Mrdieioe Warehouse No » r’iw, **• » d.«eases _ to which the human Innne is subject; ibfcre- 810 BOOT.; ’ * U6,rt y fore ai»k for Sand'sSarsapariHa. mad take no other. • i» l+— SHERMAN'S OLOSAONIAN, ASK VIIG SUFPKRKR raon ASTHMA whsl hu ielietcd liim ia ujek • *bort time frees his dif ficulty of breathing, Cough and auSbemtian? II« nil] irll you it wa* “Ure Olomaotan, or All- Healing" BaJiam.” Aik Uu ecosuaptire what bu albyfd hw Dough, removed the Pain ia hi* Side and Chest, checked bit night sweats, and placed the ruse of hearth upon hi* cheek? tad he will Ull yon .> SnGIUIAS'3 OLOB4OKIAV, ALL.HEaLINGBAI.BAM. Atk your friend* if they kucw of anything that will to epee dily core • long and trdiou* Cough. of Blood, Btoo chut*, Dyipeclsc Consumption, lioanenrt*, lollartwa. and Jiteve* of the Throat, a* the Olraaneiian? tad they will tell you— No. There never jet ha* beta a remedy intranecd to (■uUlirHiotire which hi* bees productive of *o much good in t.i ,lmrt a 'poet of time. Read the following Aitontahtnff Cam. Wi. Bn*n, the celebreted Bostoncracker baker, 9S Nw •ju tUetC, Uraoklyu, »tale* that hie wile lta* been aflkted milt A.thma ioc la) yean, and could not find permanent, re lief from the beat medical advice which Ji«w York and Urouklyn could prjdact, «u induced to try thi* gteat reme dy. Site i» now nearly wclt._ Hit daughter who was reflrr. »Ljftrmtlte war di*c*«c. tried ■ .Wcnred bt lt. bed »arly in Lbe morning and attend toherrm the day without any annoyance from her distressing BtOUJy. Hekrx Jscgsox, 13th street, near the Catholic Ceaetnr, nun. to the ;tore for the purpose of obtamiag a bottle of the hating beets afflicted with the Aithma fegmotr than in yean, and wa* h exhausted on hi* arrival that he eoold not apeak. He purchased a bottle and rode home.— Four day* afterward ha walked from hh retidence to the of fice without fatoue, a thsianco of ertr two nilem to.ttU. of tlic wonderful relief which he had experienced ra oia{ about one half of one bottle. Conatuuptlon of th« Xujp.- 1 Mr. Con roar, S White ttteet, wai ao lew tntbe mdxUi of December last. that he an eilen hp by hiipkyaieiaA. Hi* friend* entertained no hpje of hi* peoyery. H* Wat perxtsa-' ded to 'try the Olotaonian, and to hi* surprise it baa ao far restored him toLealih that he know able to walkabout lb* street* Mr* Attru. the wife ofWm il. Attire,James Ilarmah, Fjcj and Oral W. Hay*, E*t{. can ail bear frMiaxnwy lha their odh experience of tha Healing pvopertie* of thmOrin) Remedy to Consunption of the Lung*. , kpitUMf Bltod. Mr*. Tiiocaocuts, 323 bloom atmt, who bad beta troubled for a great length of time by a amn cough, and raised quantities of blood, was relieved by onr bottle or the declares it the point remedy in the world. Damns Kctxr, 9ft Water *treet,wia also relieved irces the mine complaint, although he ww very aneh-ttdwcd : •lira lie eommeneext taking it, lurviif bees under tba cart of ] hi* physician daring the past winter. Although be coughed cotnlantlv and wm very much troubled with ught sweat*, 3 boltlesor the rtmedy enabled bun to rtlnra to hisdafly work.' Hr wai'cntirely relieved.' ; '. 'Divio HvnniKos.M Lairht itnret,GeoW. Baraelt, formerly of Newark, N. J.,. Henry Litbun, 199 Rrvfngtoa •trrct,sad numerous other [>erwo«have been Speedily and permanently cured of thesame complain! by this remedy. The Array of Namti • w Inch could be produced ilf i*r*oa* wbv hata used this great remedy would mere than fill a column. Imnor the number we are permitted to refer to At M. Biningar, IQdßtftbyst, Mr Wilma of Hoboken; Mr*. Dell of Morristown, W- J.; Jsmr* B Drvoc, 101 Read*kt; Mrs; M’Caffree,® Attor*«r *(.; F. Smith, 3d Third Avenue, Mrs citv, mud Mr* Archibald,3s Whslg it S..IJ wholesale tad ntlail by \y« Jaekioa,tt' hirjfatant Mrdkiac WnrcEotue and Boot and Shoe Store, Wo ED Llber tt itreel, head of Wood itreet, Pittebugh. Pnca^l^wbot Tlin TSt\EAT AND,ONLY REMEDY fot CoVd*. Oxicbs. Asthma, and CONSUMPTION, tattmUVN OAHr.VN BALAAM OF LIFE; discovered bvtha e*fe united Dr. Ilnchnn, of Ismdon, England, and IntfoduKd tnao the-Unbsd states under the immediate topcTifttend anoa of the Inventor. Ths eitraoriUnary o< |||la atedjdne. In tbe cure of I‘ultunuary diseases, warranu toe Amarican Agsiit In sotldtins ftir treatment tbe WORST POS SIBLE CASEA that can be found In the community—, cases that' seek relief In vain -frata any of the counnvii remedies of the day, and lave been given Qa by tbs' most 'dlstlngulihcd Physicians as CONFIRMED AND INCUUAiILE. The Hungarian Ualsant bay eared, and will cure,the MOST ULAPEBATE OF CAfßd. aa quack hnstruui. hut a standard English badlcrod, of known atid urtubUslied-cflkaey. - • Every (jtqiily.ln the United States should bn •waprilad with Oqehan's lluroptinh Ualsaw hot oc|fy tit counteract tbe consumptive tendeaewa of tha ycUaOtf. out to be used as a prsvenlif e niedidae In ah coses of Colds, Cohghs, Spitting of Blood, Pain In tbt Blds and Chek, trrluilnn and dunums of tbe Lungs, DrvactittK Dlfficalty cW UreMblng. Uecllc Fever, Night Iweats, Emaciation femt'Oenaral DeUllty, Asthma, Ladaensa, Uoaphis Oouglvand Croup. s>H<Jd in luge bottles, at 81 per bottle, wUb Aill dlruc- Ucai fitr the rastonUon of llavtb. • > Pactphtau, eonuJalnx a maas of English tad Ameri can ccrtl[kalis, and otbcLevldance, showing the ttn equalled tniriu of this Uraat Bnflhb may to obulnad of Iba Arenta, grataltMtuy. ■ ’• -: »'A DAVTD P. IDRADLEE, SoU Agtmt fcf UMiCIBWd States, 119 Quart street, Boston. . - T, W. UYOTT A SONS, Oenml Wbolmlt Agenu, No. m North Second street,.Philadelphia. ft> «leby U A hAIINEsrOCK A Cunnio wood and front streets • , Ladies Who vtv€mtmTtniHsissgi r kxt often not aware.bow 'fnghtftilly . Jt Is lo •notlnnLhodr«o*rse.boufropgb,]»w a»llo*r Jj jeJlow, and unhealthy the after uiing prrparril chalk. Besides, it it injurious, coituunirt* aTarge quu tity of. lead. W» bavb eriparod a beanmul vegetable we call JONESPd HPANJSH LILY »> lUTL., it is perfectly innocent, being purified of all urletcnoits qualities) ana Uintpana to tnoskiaansto tal,*healiay, alabaster, fiving white, at tbe same time acting as a cosmchcon the skin, making it sort and smooth. ' Dr. James Anacreon, Practice! Chemist of Masia chased* «arK “After aualysing J’ones'aPpaniab Llllt 'Vhiie, I find it possesses the meet beautiful and aato rat. at the same lime innocent white I everaaw. I certainly can conscientiously, recommend iu aae to all wbate ssln requires beauofj'ing,.' 1 ., JCJ* Price ti cent* a box • [j3"ttold by \VM. JACKBoN,alblißoot and Shoe Store. W Liberty street,, bead of Wood) at (be tin of the Big Boot- NO CURE NO m: " DR. CULLEN’STn Dt A N VfcUETABLK REM.BDY-Wgmitfd-U»«a^iKSwu ey returned. This medicine tstwepared IWaa In dian Receipt | obtained from one olAhflmjtiUte Far ,at great upeDse. nrbo bam bMi n>nuliar wilW Ul.tlht, or.Ue kioj. The tt -I‘iiSiJ. t *;° »0* cored Ererth^ 1, r-W -I 21 -®' tlMi oo «oc.u<>o the liyitoAta) i WAtTOlfci& * h °loMlo o,jl rcUil, b,: J. T: Row«kl^s^iu»et; ■ireel, rnilaq a. . 'r Foraale in PtlUburgh by R E Seller*; STkood tlreet.and bj| Win Thorn,st Market it ocfidwT- t —-Ikff MEDICAL. J«n ■ JtRSONS afflicted wilt Scrofula, Kina’*. Evil! k'j.jpeKOld Sorw, UJcen.. Tetter Mercurial Diseases, or any other complaints arising from inipunUes of the Wood, are mqicstr d u, reed tfaa Joliowing testimonials, in prooVafHW ni»nUcr-' Tbl properties ol the ahoye twined medicine: .*! w .n B £ Ali!J HKAfHH -i -i U^s^' b3?m g »i»»ted MrMiaap ?v??.if«:‘fer*ii U, L °rMw«rs.;Ho«r 3l ,d aud Walton, 57G Market street, PhiladelaM?, ( unaidet *?■ ’?* ten*!, owt hate been fa , twelve yoars’ conflict with the dc strojen ?tfnPalate,V eentire roof of Ms mouth, No«, Up- S!l.mf^ o ht ,^ ,erL,d °, ( lhe Bighl tje b«e been jfSfW* nearljr eal e«> »P, and pet ofthe Jaw Bone carned awajr. And jet we t[u t ire nt description of hit ea*e. L " *■* taat, iln. «hol» ; mtcnor ° r fa'« ®oolh, 3* well as wo*: Ot iih Tace I wasa n»a or deep and painrol ulcen<! !n, /m??i wST J ™?w * . h «ebounenced-iakin. Rf; CULLEN'S INDIAN VEGETAULE PAKA* LEA, which checked IhedUeaie'ia a ley days, | tSmiSm2 Un * cart' ha* progressedwillful ii,| land his genersf healtluj restored _Wc are assured that in the treatment-of Mr. Brooks case,no Mercurials,Ointments, orCatistlc ?^A C lV^ ! a^ ebee ° JhePANA p-ha f wnwghl this wonderful charge David smith: Bocks county,'Pa. 6 ISiiliiSW Mead.Ule. Crawford coHa.. . ” PSoathSecond street,'Pltila Jacob Lee, Pcthtenan.NJ." - ‘•• «ab?T e Poplar at. &. L, S M'LBliougb, Lancaster,-Po. • ?- ■ • t-. e R M MaddJcl, MWonl, Elfrenli .L Pi.Ua. CW Appleton, «; Sooth «. do TirJo!h»<,aid»cli. Manoo CO. Miucuri. i Hill,Phil.delpMa co. Pa. John Harned II S9O High street, Phifa. ~'• - William Steeling MD, Camden, N.J. . ’ WiiliamHale, 3TO High atHwrt,Pftj|i, ]•• ? H l’oUer.Mnroractnrerol Mineral Teeth. 109 «. r Ninth atreet, Pbila. .1 1 L A. lVoileaweber, Ed. phila.Democrat 277 N 3d i atreet, do Alette, Pastor‘of £leyc&tV Baptist Lturd-, jWflftjgb Street, Philadelphia, {NfuiWAmerJ ‘ Aa>ph Sand*, 164 CalharineStreet.i’biJal Dame wJcOini*jf,dtea« let's Aller, do Andrew sweaton, Camlea, A J' R Wert Pbila. J . - , PelerSkeaSniiih. Editor Native Eacii • da - ‘Pf o PWWPr7‘%ia|patp«? • sr ~ r " S^^ B rbUadelpMa. pmmaa P.SRobr M D,mnWwrgb, KT Peter Whfflit. 23 Market street, Phils. JaibesWNewUn, K&Fllberttt. -do John Cood, 174 Spruce str- do iWUhff'^Urte,ttoiorlSt.rtol>M. E. Or. Catharine ; at. rnila. • ■ ; JoßoChaMbctl, Paatot l.t Indcp. Chila,, Broad iiljftr -"do.-' •• • . i-TL Sandef»,Pnbli«her of Pledge and Standard, Pbila. • ... „. . . FJ» BeQen, EditorDtive B.incb, Dnjleatown; tad Retail bj Rowand \ IValton, pr«w MarketSL PHibaelphU- Tt E SelWs WWood aLPitttboriib,fa.- Wp».‘Thr^, •# Rja,: :k®» do.j E B Perkins. Marietta, Ohio;— ratnn i {t Vjiohn \VpanenhpWer.Cin., <«roj SMeir* Reeves, Madison fa; C £o«i*. vilie, K YiDeveroapk APellpuk, St. Lpoia. Mn. -*Tf* Hardewat 3t 3ollp •ton Vtcksbargh,do; Lharlesjfnjiins; Nc«.o{lp|n . - ' r»cs 4 m»cuv ' WeesingJ A Miracle!! A Wonder*' D‘ , fiffnremems of theb'kin. Kb™®, Scurvy, Sari . Four, yegra. ago Inst August, lie capital of France wajastentibedmpontequcnceof a disrovert ciiadebv ' an Italian Chemist. Many doubted-.t iee,pcd alouKt . Utatnuythiag-midel.y tl!eh»adilf mag, could bayo aoeh slniuiaV poweis as’u,*, erdum'd hjjAmonia Veaprml fcfhfa invention. M ohj clai.ed inveajion ak a {{utpbug, I«nd;-alav' mafiy - trying do tie same now.) at U ia the'boVialv, lhe l Mr.We*fk>- C £S irtilie wpndjdWlfcred .iv®“ Te TO? quppipTy.apdfurafuljy tip IWWWfiliiWSli yevpfini. »Vy have mgryaitl ,l » component pans—we nave used it in several rises, aud w* hesitate-Dot 'to-pronounce it lthe liaiisnr&enLieal Po*fl a* a great bleaslng, andatiely woodsrful reme dy!mr any cotapeonaeruption or di>figuniarmofihe skm. (la inventor tare consider the truophilßnibropist t of kaflhring mankind. ; (Signed)' LEOPOLD DL’PREV.. i Prcsulent” A - : . : . Tills . Frarataonranipr hnoaelf to.Uie preaent Proprietor. J. c . v P**jh, Nor. 4,1H0 fa conaiderarion of ih* »otn of I have dial led to Mr.T. Jo«»a,re»»i«jf rnibo city of nVa- N.l A.) thewbcte proeeatof btutafacturiiig; ipgeuier with a atatenentof iho irtfredianu cotnpo»m* my h*l tan Chemical tfoap. lie ia to manufacture u k»i ule in (lid United *Ute> only, Md to have the privilege oTna aibf umoaea* Italian Chemical Soap.” : wtniaar Hanry J*-UoWawprth. Tqu_pu*n,i 'KLfIKIfiMFM» SSSdrIS KWi!S!S£ b *^3f 41 *£■* w * ,ieh wouW* wiwtT frte K&SETnXi:* -4 mkeyoar yeltowr »kiir«lrtr *iml w»Jtty. »Jickto n *« Siore, f* Ltt-«iy. f J- Dost aland* is the doorway, • J.TX Mbiltfced and made known to the pcblir"?. This Wta the cxprcMieaof an old. nan who tried UjeSrntp. L •' i*nT<*ctaß,February 1, 1M7. • Mr. Morgan;—Thi* may certify that being afflicted »iih a. UOBble»aje coegh aocaa tine. I bonghi a Louie pfjliorfaajaConghSyrup, and ala happy toaajr,alter fa entirely ;are& I pronounce your 5 Gdeghpyrvp the beu medicine f havecreramd. Mo iaauly aboeM be witbeot this saleable medieme. 1 :: OAyiD McROBEKTS, Allegheny City CyTbi* medicine t« prepared wholesale aad retail atTbtDrajrShoraor . JOUN D MOBCAJf ; ' L, 4 J° #d * ue * t > oa * door below Diamond Alley Prieo;» eeata per houle. faM ?flB K MiQUUIRAIITX BOAP-Fer rent- JfevuVGreaaaepou, Staiaaor Marks from Clothe*, Woolka»,Carpei», 4c., he., tad rendering, the ypou eiear, briAfc Hhv.-e*i *potl«H«; '‘fold wtahAtirdiraeiloei Beeinaaeake l •.. jCTfloldbr WM. JACKSON, 69 Liberty *lie cathead of Wood, at aia B>«i and Shoe More, Man <ST the Big -Boot ’ _ 7 •«»* -i • .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers