ihk mTsiiiiraiii UV UltA-'tO lIU<»oK> PITTSBURGH: 1 SATURDAY MORM.NO. MAT IV FOR GOVERNOR, jAJf-KR invin. (nr ckSTit# cor:vT> ) FOR CaNAI. COMMISSIONER JOHK P I* W . PATTON !or crx»TiiL»m) tV.tnrrr) FctLITMT C*iutt«rt »1 lmeli><er.c<-. Domt«n« .%!*»- 1 c* kci». h-vt-r -Nc«.»,iiaj)cr.3, .v.t.uv to»tk*i, it . '•ce , u.wD.u.nN’ rriwAi.r. m-iNr.voLE.vr socirty. T .. iCY i fcoarteenth An/iivt stiry. —Frcui : itio Re|w»t , „ liw Dll(clr , I , «|„„ ,6.1 .t,c ..!*>» ol Un. Tb* Po.tvali-r.esc.pt .»n«-3n>nifl*«lUi , . ls to rt f, rm tllfl Ma*dalrus of *® w letlo identityA in »i ci- measure {.ro.Mf.aiveUc i Yu|k . ~ j< deaiftimJ for the penitent, and uut moc.cj »»hU» <lv« A«>. •nx; iL, .h-.. »!>•> intend » ..»» ,J *° ° J J'vrrvthinu-false 1 tlitii navi. Ibe number during the r»»t > c * r Moptoa .. in J.r, bad »».. oiuii.ua.. under .to end -MW- • «.£*« >l» » n,IJ ' u " uh : >u p,,„i.n,i, of . .ptirran'e man and hit wife.- #l: f*U* aod tia-u» coin, is ' "■' "C"? rl ...... ..fi— ‘■l nn/aimcii:. Truth. upon the coi.lt.ij, will lie- , r1 ., 1b11 , g „,j tut.* dumr.uc labor, whicb poliahnalanding aH.hc hard natoraand hard Ido,. j ,„a, a. .i ve ,1 bi-nrfi'. Tno report c rntmin* a number of naidrii's illuatnlirg the s-jod wbich wa * accom IU-lieil !-V W«* ewlf'T ls, ‘ * p ‘ f Ut ! C °' C4 ‘ !i.„ tls/mlaiamn destroyer ol female character, ivub a colored d.->m*»iic and uteintercsting youth f.,l victims, were aiaeoibled. and all listened P»* ii*-ntly to Übrutiaii admomtion.and bowed them-. w-Ivoa a» petitions wem presented to the Throne of Grace on their behalf. In the group aat one. waa* ra.fnr, with a countenance marked with sadness, and with an eye overflowing with Brief. Sno waa once vi'luoua, teapccuble and Ufpny. but the crown had fallen from Ivr brad. She wm lost to virtue, a *itly and u*tiulue«a aud tru’y the slave of the seducer. But how could il.c bTMII? sihew*< informed of Ibta d.vlun and of na respccl««J nunageU, wh» wore f . ; | V i-e'ren i the uutcaat. The result wiiaLe .olo"manly r.paired to the asylum, and caimoue* u.-evnee itc smccri.v and fitoiuew* of her pur- Tl;«&K:ieiy b« t-»r its object the aalraimn .at 10,001) nohaj.j.y wonisii, who reside m full *.ew of lh«* chrunan city. it rosy receive-. NuW we me not a'nat t> siy that all '** co, ate Auti'Uentere, Ur i .a! w>uU be untrue, but map)’ • f the patty arc *• \ and the whole u-n -dfncytfthc ra nirru *locim,ji: i» truiuenlly rian and dtn-.uciivo. WnW than this, it is day by day procreating, Irotn bad to w«vr*w,mul now pre «eau itself m nil the pbas?**! the moon. Sometimes ,ou see it m tbo form uf a purse. prooi Aristocra cy, nud then it U known for iu high pielrn.iona and pia -dearat ort efroiup* >n what ti profets.s We bate wen tbe l>. mx-ecy of llond Street and Five Point- hand in hand u,jon the day cf elec tion. Hud H.Cj fo tbp ro<Uum previous Ulhcccv tion, but alter that they were w.iic as the polls aparu We have seen the g-iiile-nen oftho party who have made in ire Banks and Bank paper thau all parties pot w»g»t:.« turn the f lundaiioo of the government, band and giose tor a day, with ibo* wh**o cry the day afurbasbivn “r&ie thdacci’n cd B nki-ig Inadtutians to tbo ground and s'r.w ■alt their aama!” Wo have wen a purw proud Oligarchy dui-uncing the party wbeae aim was the weiUro of ibe people, and all ibis pawed hr Democracy.—hot «q Ion; a» «h? duptd, were wilting 10 be led by thoW, by thnr df ceivir* wc were conU'iil to rX(iose aucb hypocr ay K.i-->«*'vr Co»/r*f>oiMMiceof the l*iti»liursh (i»/ece and have men to learn wi»d..m by exp,«ienc«.: BAI.TI.MORE MARKET. But “Dtmicrauc pr-g/.-s >*■'* J Tha active inquiry for Flodr continura, and and too raiud not to b» exposed. It has g | pnnt bave fuilhsr advaoted to the extent ol 13 Ac yond the comparatively harmless priuciple of-butn* | j* r b y. 6,lc* to day of 1,000 bbla Howard at bu«m* •»»•*«*! > - «‘ J " afhwi Wilson, of (ancinuiti, followed with an «; |.l **- The same fi C ura u MUd J* CH, Mills, tion al.ks danpen.u-and alarming. pre.-.on of h.s approbation .«! the AUunce and at but U nominal owing to the want of stock “Rhode Island.” To d., you a. ,it in the shape of £ KS^fniTlSi' 1 * ~ ‘ * . ••Dirmra.” vndmnng i-v.ty aicredpnnnplo olfrin* were made by l>r Baird and Mr. Kirk. Wheat continual in aetiv* request, but there is chile, beaten ,1 the palie. a. t'ing law and orjer at SOCICTV. >«• he "' .’ TO 1?. Md •■teKiSJl- lo-aadamm-* wrry pmicipU .»f, inl ho. rtf. iC > „„ uu „. gi 7-9uB, n>>t including local ex-[ tied tbe m, eiinga ol u . h#w t d, tnec j_»hite sold at 93c aad are dv content that ln« mvj.f.y .UU *"««.«», M 4 lately .revived ol h.,4U0 T'T'k ' Yrf»» « Io3e per bu. y.tD.uo-r.cyha- ..mp.rere-d truf.'hem, fr-ra A reue, w.a read frem the hmg of tto Sandwich iv.fr,.|.iri.".c -<tb. j , p,„,i„o,>. nothing. of not*. Sale, future ’ “ “ «•"»»; W>«*«»8 N«. V..E, M.J ll.lfW. ! Potk „j , 6 50 foI Man. Of B.con „1..r,p0r. oao .lir,.odoi m. L , u „ r .er Ui.». n-ry. »> «'• De*l. "ho ■ rA , . Illumination—HuJmn Hirrr SUamtrt— 30 0 00 W.. 1, ,t 7),7jc for Bfcoul ro* ibore is a now iac-' r pai »»« th« mn • .;, 0 htthly c <ra.n*-r,deJ. The Kmg. *p >ke high- Quick Trip—(Uub Hvu*rs~Sttr Optra Hous- } . 9 fof . 9UlOc for Hams. and IOJc / V„. * h □!, «. S • Rctwmw n. I than sit our f.i1.., »OT. a, ,1. |„ rh. .u|Tr. •>'■»> ' '“f a "l , . ‘* 1 New \ lMk«l *> brilbaMty • A f 0 bbl. W*. No I Uni « He. Kc, *. .01 ».« i-M. -f JZ' /'TtM 0 ..,- ■ .Vou.b, All«,.p«Wi=! i. h.M .< Kio.>M .m.ll ..t« a.y .• ,h.l p.ri„u,only .hall l' •.oreor.r our Court. Jur,n g " the la.r 0". >««• <* . a “ M ‘- TUtaM-' V ' ‘ Of V L,*- 1 'V‘.-rru •*1 1 vltle 1 aura in 055. dwelling. «.re »pen I y - ere with one ' !' X clu,t'orrr.jyr.i.ience of lii. P.u.t.o.sU Cwetie “ „tL Ai. H.u,- V,m - fclmpire .rr J Titer. »ru no« 800 or 1000 |.i.'ur «a<.pt.t ; t. U.e P.r., ..a every ..Je, «ere,«oUtooe NEW YORK MARKET. Rom end me A,. H .0-, . =■ ' , u . 00 l) pu.u. and Hi. t.u uooom- | ... , w „ e.eept.on. ..oly, trrdU.nlly U;;t.tedfro» 13, BF. M. ab'n Club, to »»t mjo gv-i-- - 1 P l • ' I (J11(1 ,^, ru v , hear ,‘ V . racs -if p»av' r •“ ,l,e ,JM * 1 pavemen* t“ roof, while the sedate City Hall acud Tfafi bu , joeM jojpg j n Flour b rather Qwde cliqie or |r.r.T who were in,T im-'t.ul «n their e ; htpnHy M tl .n focus of this nui of Itgbt. and *eot .j- bp of canal reeeipu and the evatop. Go.ng by-j.md this be decrees that e'ery , A , er> . U , urt suiig addfrss was debrered by **• j t(ir |,a>i*lux|corrusci ,ousthat ilactually seem- ; 0 f tbe. Hibernia wub two weeks later n B.hill h» bii 1* be wdUoonitiet j j.., n ea. a trim, intelligent, and Inrdyd,diking | ajncio uwn bewildering rays. The Astor . Qe t»R, both bav* an influeneaoo the market Tha .TO, Q«« drill, iom ,J of tf.,3«i»« to u«« ®.o. »b- h.df„t.„ I „„o„. t 0.., m.d. a ut.nd dt.pb, i.. . .'«"•!; ..lee of Ctototo toJ.y TOT. 57.75.75J1 pet o '•etnßu..,a «t- miolgh ' ui lk * I >»'" ~U»«P«~o<i. , t! qO*H>7 « 9^»«e. Th.gie, ■ ereordiud ti ' f.c' tl.,’ a ...lor moy Ire *»'eJ- He h,J l.ft It- : Id.ck granite to • flaring ofligl t. The He 0 ! Oil. free ellc. aM9e per tm. wh » would not take a br.e. si 3 1 4 , 0 f impelled 10 go f-jrtb imo j 4 ij IB( t Sjo Innlddogi made a fine diaplay; also those - Kve aa,et aesemi tbouaand. b« at IUMIOIe. Bishop Latimer, ’.in- Ku>ii’» Bi-ucb. m England, j • ‘ J Aptrcb n { t[ , t . f.,;t u ne wf-ich is ever ; of q> uc -i 0 n Trkhonr*. Clobe and Sunday Salvs3Ul-bbts Whiskay 2>e pvt ga« tra* 00 belter in the 16th .- -nmy than , bench of j t . r . s y,, of ,11 y tuihfuldreeto. .nd «PJ ; Tl „,„. ~,th the., myrud ol ~ndo», .od .perm " ky "pmpl- ™'' -fhere .. o~*~ .«»«• | ’ru, u *- land,at a liter day, ‘*3 ik ' aw* * 1 , t ,| , it .! 1., Ui our lor 9 years af,crwatda. — much light ecnsnaling Jrom »o»* "Some dsmamd for Rfe Hour aad salts SOO.bbls because the? refused a fiif-. .\.>w, we tew, tue j, ' u . t . ni|t ft „ had seen death in l ‘’ ne,e * * .. ; f.Sisjo6i a red«l»«a. Ne* York D.'touer.ej. mhtch I, to I e.ery ,f.tp. ihe h.d t*eo h. the mo.l *”; <“ Q "^"d„ rolloniog the Bag, .1 hall nu.t, h.og- i Lr^Uh^i "••like. .10 note eery bu.lty etigt„cd, ™OI mah oh ,._ „„ .till grc.ter. Tit. ntor.l j c( ' t „etor,e., ,od morekeeo. !? u ,l ef rettegre.-.™. by becoming tot.m. of fhe h>J ... le|leJi „d he felt he hod been j„ „ the heart from the eery c<mt...t to to fonner 1 ... .r^ the r.tob.nfh «•**«*• niched ins eed of gtaiog judgment again.! the,, | f d,mn..r -t. And tor. .to | d.’d, .*l‘, S<.e»d..g M,y 8 o’c. . AM. ' ctime,. K.' vV". !'" 1 . ih ISdO. One i to‘he pre»i»u< friumpl.mit page.nlrT The merket i. .idl P<>u!y ejpptodmth Floor, Modem Demorw, tn thi, country ha. beron.- j mgototh.am | c J^ e °^od"k°ept“up-uhlp'nt. The f.rc to Al-, end the droood eeoSrae. ««*»•. in pntciico mure then an crcrcim of kingly po*‘ I ' : “ 1D dl , jlw J OB tl , c dl , iL i. no. fifty cent, po the to.t i ,„t. S.le, of good Cenroee brand, et **. lJ l* It m tlteu tear upon art..*.! -ill. bei.k , .', h ,c“.'eotml. to be thou raid, to g". on th.t Utoau.eto .omeare n.hotngfortnremy-fire. Ito I per bbl—fancy brand, btmg nrora. Sou Jl yehtir it both crue, and rorengefu, toward, .be , ! &S. ! p.iZ' Ura k^pcratodrohly. Bdtoof^ito. weak. IntSr absi»uce «*t all L-jnsatuUwnal p« j, J wbill he hed expected. tnJ from that day he ; Mce |f ,n f orm er rivals. For inauaae. her ■ .ampUa of White atHlalUe.an f et it tolerates the Executive | n '|* da»a w < swie rm™ * Plp>vi«hja Biaikc* ia 1 . : r rn:' t . int t the treteury of the United AN I'CYIS'ialESr. Nee York ra la.t atigmcnUng her club.and club- „9c perlb. sZe. T, II a P ,m, r can Z -reed by a ; Annuo/ »/ «e j ; Pre.,dent, what may »e not e.pcc. from «me Hn».c a_ f Sl ,„ nce t o the B-110-e. M i " d ( ‘ehTm cIS. to.'.to j I Cromwell, or B.mnparic. wh«, in some evil day ot . # wf lhal l 0( a C , orC of reform had maJe decid*-j -, orie- lB » .core or more of pshlie aad private Ut. Republic. m„ erne at the head of an army and : eJ , \ g ™,p the poner from the people. .1 the point of the rordmg to 1 „h' C b looked to a | lao. th.t it i. ab.olu.ely n.ee..a.y to beiTOj: t» a . bayonet. We d. modem Uemocrac, end Uttro . „ iop^ttt Z.be. proporad b, tbi. , ednh ... .hunt aI ' who peia/nify it in the present National Admims 6ocielT mor . , ( course eocotwter a pjwerfol «- , br) PP d : A |lotted to f«ahionabln lollies. «nd ; tration.no u.iusticc when we aay that U has done all , «d for a lon* lioa must depend for ttt j of llt predeewasrs. d,e irom nej-. this, and, that i>a tenJency .a to' ; proportion of the immunity he \ IC o ur write, in ao uokauwa hand Man Power, or at bc.t ati Oligarch. j he ii eTe j)werealready emyinreJ that Capital Pan- prom iieaos frequent commotnealinas. which ■ very miJ*t of our so called Kfpuh. c, r.i wi iou , |sbmt . n rf W aa' wrong; but the n»a*a of the pcop • . #ru |j -| l( j to receive. regard to our U</tiftitution which forbids ail such ! h , d fi^.a jj-ile attention to (be aubjvct. while the . , Kingly prerngktle** -moct , uh ' Br . SfSSfk Si Cb.He.loB, S. C : Indeed the whole tendency of Democracy et eatnratneu, that tho-aafety ef Society 4ntoj Mr. .Wooono. in • i*». contnracding, and , Loco FuCaum i" both AnU.Republican and dee- i [ rrqa , re the taking of life. i full-toned eoice, hi, noble and mu.tre -form end tractive It ie chri,tuned in out larger citie. al- ‘ The Annual Report »i. read and it ebowed,- manner ginng mingled dignity end Zt ..-Young France," "Young Ire,and,” and ! tb.t .be ’ I to bH epptorance. ,e-pandto re the weleum. ••Young Germanyand bcfor« tbr«4 Y.iUns'iiera. < * Lxwis <»f Lancastrr, Pa. was iheit io-: ha had received with eloqueoce aud leeling %a with heaiillcss chins, tnd in ouo ciUema like ihr tf) , he aaem bly by Mr. Oraely. He pro-- fj|low , ; ‘ { Mn , -.lUtca r .f Fmi ce. sni in the other like the f, c , «,thin his own expenencs as a lawyeri Gi;jrTLlwe , : ( t would be -of as great n Rmmmrlls or FalauFi men of Buckram, i a „d a JuJrc. showing the perniaout influeoco of owq (eeHog# M of iojuattce and B,u Bra(M « M«k» i .to death penal,,, pa.ncol.rl, m TOe.ntng the; u J th . toepiuliry of .to cl.ra.nv o old men sjroetims find “ ft * pr * n u • -uibv. , r L , Uharlestoifl if Üboald fail to expreaa my cordial exact respect even from their own fl?«h and blood. M * s r „ 0!l0 of Connecticut made a few remsrks: lbank- fa .ifcc welcome you give me in lhau be- We have -Y iung America,” too, and a ino« po- , B ,„ r wmcii the meeting adjourned. : ; htl| - and t 0 nciprocate, to you and them, my tin ten, power .. U. I aNtTZTv.rry cuarn : “^^“X;" h n 'trem.n, in vopprain, ••Your Kn ee /»*"■■» ' ■ n | „,vc« or. rvcnv.tcra nocoLive. that my purptoe. in :uoderllklng the tour which Reform-re," of -V.,!.. you., f* b arm gently. p) -ug'vaael.rbce.ved withunboonding vpplanve. h„ brought me into the mid.t of you. i, lo are Wtd man ol kindred fail). It n rjne day b tt, eipreaatng biajoy at being once' more lh „ „ ntl , , n d the people or the coonlry, end lo , h . a p.j„ the Bin!, end ne e.tvMlvhift; „ ,0,. pUtforni. »i‘b bl. old eo.opervrerv. He , heller end toller knowledge of both.— 7 r,b r v.-l end Faii.-y W.ig'tli.m vt.n- ; .lore,.bed .be etrcom.i.ncc. of hie depvrlure. He Hilberto [ hare not been . Trailer re f.rHoulh, f.ttof thola v.el.vno r. y • | htJ ftora vlvrery. He bad written a book and I waa unwilling, quite unwtlrtng, to be long other. pleading 'or that ■■larg.at h-eriy -tuch He h. 1 e«,|»rated alave.hnld- pervoovlly in tb. Southern Stale., j would make au equal diviainn of l.ro|oily once in , Haa.fe'y requiref hi. Iraeing. He fled to rh e ciuifo. of Ch.tleaton do me ut honor which „ lhl h t - - monarchiai England from dcmoc.auc , moll d , ly f.,1 .hen .they .ay, Ibrongb you. aeaen 0. thirty day , „ f ,p, . , d „„ .u. ,n,e lir.lJ, that he had come re tto h , h ha „ „ti,f K uon m meet.og ma at their . There are tbo the rend-mra. *»''•*«£" 7Z. He ... r.c.i.ed by .11... man. Thh wi , b to OTlto r aid. a,...able teaching, of modern Demtot.ry. Honer.t.ie ea - -, ba , tlo doga. the pig.of England Wkrn one „ made welcome to Ito home, of | CDiior-a .hero are. and •.u\j--»' “*7 U one “ na- teregt.iied him a* • mao. where.er to went. ob „,, MDt l, m quire ...re t 1... horp.lalily .ran J „ «. ,o.ak'ol tte wrong in the hope, that |f- w-uld, up.,it the prerenlaccuion, defend the „„ fßrttwl . b P i. i„. fle-tiot. and nSeelienir. policy and propriety ol mvokiiis Engh.haid. For L'ndouhtedly. gentleman, dilTerence. of opinion erpoaure may re.ul. in irfl. . . lull J|f|.. |„d no patriotia.o.for he had.no country 0 „ mlny , üb jecl. e.i.t between your fello.-tull preeet.tmg ,he ertene.nu of au rati alike ketel.cal iu lbc calimationuf the rahgroua and po- Ml]< in j mJ „|f, ,nd between Sourh Oaroltne >f itaelf and dengtruur t‘» tor' (Treernmrnt.whore llljc ,| in .t„c t io„, of thia country, a chattel.—the Mu , lcb „ret U: but how poor muat her hit in.litut 00. ought who p.rprutnu-dfo.ere.. pmpnly dl aome Sauthe.it .laaejtolder. Htaun- .pi.jw, .pint which I am .-repreTau uelthii „.. d „„ Democracy liar tv tna to thia land, then, were b« wtfe and famt- „p, in out of there « e complain, too. t ~1 m-d J , _ u ,d the alarety ofth.ee mill ou. of bla breth- iiSacnceli would extract caure of wjctal allena erucklrd rr all of ton innoraiioua ortho day. H. D. tion o. peraonal diereapecL What would bj the toa courted the Emigrant with no mote hearty ' | lav « an, prlri.diam for auch a H , n> of our pol.iical inßiluUana if men might c.vd will tJTard- tl-emigrant than U.o.c ~, r Hehadnotl He deaited to hare It orer. noI d iffcr on political queationa without .acnQetrtg honeal, g.ood m f blll b ,„„. lbI „„„ .. apewltly u poe.ib!e! The con.'llulion motu ,| „reem or drowning the rehre of common wheat word, may .ra - • 1 ,i,|„, country be ahirered into a Ihouaand piece., bloQre , boo d! We haaa diaera political renltmeou, olent act.ona much more,,, then behalf. Mral htn ,i„ a |d longer elwl! [»“'. hut we hare but one country; we may differ care ern Dem rcraey, too, bar done an immenae nation- oU „|, drowning the applaore.) Bnt p,,, of .erring and honoring that al cad in ita war upon Ihe lab >r and-indutlry of , h , dc „„„ nr ed Amcica. in what he bad counlnr. hat w. agrto that ato t. to to reraed by ! , Mr Walker at tht. moment ha. the „.d hefo.c Eugli.h and,cnee,. He wopld do it all with fllial reaerane. and jraU.oUcde.oton. I ihe coutitry. «'• w, “ „ n ih»> nrindolv 'hst alavcry and rt« toleia- . DOt t lways t»Jtnk alike, wa all We* ‘hat .Jtniration pf a Bim»h Hi>usa<» *, ur ami; b dvmtmling an vffartat irriu- much G ( ihe individuil happmeaa, M well the] that which ibrae act. Lord < and. all true cihaeu.. ,re„, ndcjol , u r-imution foritaeure. The chutch national renown, wbiatoiong. to to now. m may mnat regard a. hoatile lo the beat bureau ~f our <nJ , bo pditid partie. of the country had balong to to hereafter, doe. and will atUA to to, ( * Eren in the Mexican laiiU, l. , „„t th, moral power re overthrow Hirer,. The a. tto undirided, and I hopt S«ye too indmat own eouotiy. E ihp ,„ d , he goreroment were adaocaUng and mcra bera of the great AM ™*“ Which we hare referred, we . ! anting lUpplite. now, in Mexico, to cany.out and ~m It.pp,, gentlemen, if yoq think that, from Waahington. that Mi R'ftoid I akcuham. . (( J,,,,,. Under thia aiaf of thing., to wfcil , direhargin, the doueaof MStoto. tto B.iti.h Miniater, waa conaulud b, me Seer.- | wdeomwl Uriliah aid.-Britiah effort—Brttijh , regard lo tto I’""“*°“.°' ra! r .raw in framing thin obuoiioue | rf mouaUancra, —and hoped they would al to Id m , judgment, .bore tnrerewa.tm t„, of the Treaaory. r „ out in d,,„mi-' c mimmaT He had no doobt of tto power of Ibe i„ thentaelree, were connected with gram meaiure. All tin.. a degrading to our . „,p ub | ic , u> teraa, Iho atrongeit in«..ton h, atm.; of public Uw, quMtion. tonchingth. cnee, ont digi.ite. and falae toourinlcreata. Men (lul jt C a nn ot riabd Truth/ Kofoil, or rampart, of flag*, and the independence md e who ret up for the catabh-lmcni of aoch vogarica Ci ,clil he erected ationg encugb to reaial foteaer tbo at | it j of uatioto opan too ocean 7o ho mag e . to a. electinu oartlun Jodgca. and for , e r.t,m»i,l of otter larida. Before auth an influ- uitodeoftoerequeattlfnalcooMnottoinrenn „ free trade, a cl«..„g P"*'*’ • „ lld pr e,ljudic, again., color, [low. Itmto- Zle It-la tm. that they commanded i myuh moat of the modern no.trum. of ih. d,. m „ n , and conremphble, aa aueh a prejo. u—, attention; andif too reault haa toon[great iD their judgments, and we would,» wa eou . iJ|Ce eTen now diminishing in this ff f refdoOJ f fom mnoyanee; more Mcxtpty *ot b»* one of'olJ, "put a bttdln in thnr I>P», * hw* ,n D.mglaw wrnl on.to deny that be bad mis- r j t j n#r Mjts. and a geoeral ad«MC« }n m>»o their uore aud turn them hack tto way wither r ,. ( „ e re,.1e.l Amalia m England and to explain- t.in.nco of peram, and Uto Wandjy mtorMOrao cd their nore. . d that to went into the L.angeltcal Alhanco by Dtli „ni, lam bound to aacnto tola reault rattorto they ahould-an- 1- ,„.ii.ti-jii, and by public announcement. There „. ca ,,,ue, 'of fortunate drcumauncea, and lo l,e bad beard tto American praaotora apeak, but , b „ encooragimant and aopport of otton, than to ..)ing bottling of ArreneenSlarery. ability diapUyed by my effort.. There men were polite enough to hurt there, j ' „~ b , od cordially, |enlleman, to toe hut Iu thie country they would not hare touched muual intorcourwr alrengtoena him with a pair of tonga. (Laughter.) He had m| that toa more Hlttanu of dlf got op lo apeak in that conaeouon, notwittotand. fctan< pIrU of tba M unUy aee of ono another, tha ing it aery much draturbed tto equanimity of utoro wm raeperiliea boaoftened ami difleremiea .am. of the Amencaudelegatoi. who wimld.haaa iled iSay undertake to aay, for Mareacho to .it down. Buthe went on. Wherever to went, lb> at .11 Umea, to maat, atrd | to aeemed doomed to encounter Sl.eerji on board tb.re.pect and the hrwplrality of South the Cambria, going, and emung, io tha Evan- Carolina;aril thal aha remember, ancient lira of xcltral Alliance, in the Temperance Conarntioot , ■ . common Ikte, in a common coonhyt nilin codDtctioo with thia, baptinl«d DrlM&nb, P**n*TtTA*iA W#» in-ich h.>Dor<J by ih* '!• N rrrr^: Tilv U Iltl. Col. Kumtauel* t»J « h»oi»J!De in M. upp" "*-■*»« ,h.c«tof «m.»l Pcon.,l>.o,a (.U: » „ rimpiot. .h. pl™jb. -honf.-nd .h.p-.gncol enn.ma.co, .oJ m.nof.clorw) OT> *'-p]nnnl*«ni«.^““ l,l l ‘ f 3 rt ’ DC F "-‘ rttr ABkWlwnt*-' ! | : ' ‘ ■£; jjr **w ra*'r| ’ JT ' i TV pr.-fcniwcck has be«»jdfi»oie4jin New ■— ; Yo»k’V> tae aqnlvcisaries of.tiie pjoraUitcl be. nrtairnl ami aieieiietVpf itU cittnlry.— l ” 7 j. Vw ; occ.....u S'W« iflrrjt 11- . . 'lJiu*a nlljMe .cut »• delegate. «nd t> ihe rc^2* , wo.ciT.mu.it, B c,i!.llj. We .h,ll thereto,. - make mom fir lie mint inteteaudg of Ibeae e««i -.) ( Tr.e jjrjc**Jing« are coodeUfcd «• at J ' ‘ g f eai l.bit fo*m ruaur—tong reportsard address* COLORED ORPHANS. Eleventh Anniversary.— ttio Children num* l*-,eJ alK.ut 100, auJ presented a pleasingly, tidy „«d ordr.lv app.afauce- T\b o extreme* »n sing , geojraptiy. arthmetic, 6tc., wero mo.l credit!* i-.c ulrke t> ffa:her* end pupils. ■ n»- etT'cis i f mclioxh.biu-jn-anJ tbcagiuuon \ t »Lch qu-- f ii >n* —differ on different persons- 1 , fl;ic r, u! , u ur tu-emg all. slid another edrocstrs ... fi-'Unit sls*«"; hut ihi* imtitution admits of no ! l ti :e. lings,—'t< Man.ipcM feed thchflple<»cail jr, n wuum they find diatitute. sick, without any t • help them, and m the lading ot humanity they t»lte them up. and lake care of them. It t* an au ttu nitc tVi that a Southern gentletnau—a alaTe^ a fio, visiting this infUtuiion and soma of h • eihitmi m*. *>ute yejira since. was sj graatly influenced by what to that on return |lU, hiifirsi set was to tminuihit till ht» nlaret. atti M irying «r “T iiittlerof HmenSo U*"iy- *• u Ij*"*ler*hta represented all ant England Out w>e tie ironed bjtcbcamaunct* unotßf* “ AfSoliah It I'bu' be thanked God he had trodden on the hei.fi otthi. gentleman. and with emne • ,ti cere t- (tftoghler *nd eppleoae.) Mr. Doa glau then wound op with • declaration that he ■ bad alwaj. 0«d peac-argomenl.: if he tad no. been a pe.ci-m.il, be arowed Ihel he coold here ■ncceaafully erooeed England M come again.! thie go.emmeul »ith mm. io lh.irb.nd., loorer 1 throw the enormooe .bow. 80l elli hte weapon, were forged in the armory of lore, ate., dec, AMERICAN AND FOaEION BIBCE SOCIKTk The receipt, of the mdelj donog to. uooootrd to »31,739 91; .ipen3ilore.fs9.ls9 9l;b.l.nce oo h.od f 2,013 66. Incre«e of re ceipu doriog lb. put Jem »533 , 60 - piloting tiibbe f 17,665 86; ..lane, f 6,063 28. ..I.IJ of Secretary J 2.356 25; eipenw of teporl ,sl7o 62. Twenty different deacnpuoo. of Bibles nod Testaments ta.eo bceo pnbli.bed .inee the 1.. t Anni.er.my. Amongihi.ime Fmgr.pn B.bicerlhc Pica P.elm., icc-.dtc. rtufMlUr liom of the corieot jenr .mooi.t to 19,3.0 bi blee. .nd 26,200 leslmnenf.. Tpl.l 44,620, lbs whole numlier bilhetto pobluhed, 211,639 tol ume. Tot.l nuni er of ionre donog Hie put ,e.t 40,036 Voiu nc. prerented In ibe ■•lh»yj> 47—whole oombet op to Iho prewnl lime 1493. EVANGELICAL alliance KIK*T r ‘ l fretted that there waa not a larger audience jireaent. It waa indeed a fact that truth is uni a penaioner no the world, and not dependent upon uiajbntiee. in •ae acnie the Cnurcb ol CbrUl wu the aarne in at! placea and alt agca; in another it wai t helero .menu. compound. The onitj Chn.l I. • Srrat.un, .t .< doe with Chri.t. He wovi d e.k then it' thev never fell wounded at the stumbiing-Mocka winch clog the chariot wheel* of Umalwmty. r.v rrv Christian waa a brother to every other Chnatun in the world, ill of them loving God and each other, lie ipnkc of the privilege or attending the London Alliance. Some wondered if thia new movement waa of God nr ol Satan, but he Mt that it waa of Go i The beg.rn.mg ol it ta Hu. country waa un worthv of the American churche*. Ho •?*>*" in lur.li'tcrmvof tho ratinnalnta *nl trancendeinaltata who had taken upon tbcraaelves to condemn the cause, and he thought that they m.ghl gain much in advoc.t.ag Ctm.ti.n Unidn. He ften apoke of the evils o! aectarianiam. and wuhed t*> bo delivered fro'm anything of the kind. It wan yet to congee the pbiloaopheri, and help to promote Chn.Uanity. Speaking of thoae new boco pti.loaopbera who op pugned the Alliance on thejground thatUmon could, not in itself, bo an end. fai would let thoae he had alraoal said shallow Proie.(anuknow.tbataince the tune of Luther nothing had occa.toncd auch -tiara as the (Ecumenical tvaigelical AUiance. He thought that there might a* * Alliance aa there waa to Liauiwell.tl lmmogeneoua (*» riatiana would .mly cofeto together in it. » would remark that in organlxiug one of the greateat difficulties Unit hid met them on the IhreabotiJ. waa lh« atibicct of Slavery. He could not then go into such a iubjeCl, but he would aay. lhat their labor* during the w eek bad ultimated in aomethmg which would reuder the work of orgamialion pleaaant and Irtcittfan of the men or the dad* of ibis b»r •Uter State; and Oo wherei&i prmleoce of aura *W* P* o ** peril; tod distinction. -a Gentlitoen, I come among you.with my hotly, u traveller', bat ootUUogllut-wa axe eolirly strangers. I wish to attract oo ostentatious notice, bot devire only to be regard at * fellow-country* m»n u j fellow-citiaeo, anJ »« the coontry and ibe people without formality or constraint. Thanking yoa, and the citiaens of Charleston, | agiao, for the cordial welcome extended to me, it I rema s na that I offer you, .gentleman, personally, my high regard; and to thit concooraa of Toor fellow-citiaens, which now surrounds wboae assembling together «n this occasion, 1 regard a* •o respectful, and « imperatively demanding my grateful acknowledgments. I moit tender my ain »re respcts. Citiaensof Charleston, lam Mppy :o regard'you aaeoantTyoen—we ere bore to ibe um« irjhr r.Unce, won by the eame patriotism and ibe same valor. New England blood baa moist ened the soil where we now stand, abed as readily m at Lexington, or Concord. « Bunker-hill.— M»y it prove a durable cement of the Union of our respective State* ! AodT many generation*, now far off, find themaclvca, when they arrhre aa we now find ounet«*a, a free. respectable, united, and prosperous community ! I pray yoo, gentle men. accept my sincere good wi»hevf>r_TgT_all. BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. Correapowdenec of PltUbarah Gaaetlo. F.icln»ive CorrcaponArnee of the l’itubur«h (iazctie. PHILADELPHIA MARK ET. May 14th. 9 A. M. IS’o business hi* been done this morning to citab liah a price fur leading article*, and l aend you a re port of resterdny'a business." The mitket tor Flour hjM advanced atill more, and pner* are better. The demand continue* aery active, and some c<»u*iderableulcs have' been mace t.*arn«c. Ycs’.enJi) buyers took 500 bbla' good u estern at $1,574i7.38J, and subsequently whea li«ld< n put the pneo at SB, took S 00 bbl* more. T»e re-cipU are larger, hot *till far *h«it of. the demand—the market, in fact, i* in a lever. For Pro*l»t>»n* a fair, but solan acUve.demand prevail Of Fork «n«no new Meat at jUUIG 37J. J"Ac mote atked by many, and of old at slbal6A New Frimo i« Jit per bbl. Sale* 100 bbla Me** Beef at Jl l Bacon h»* not vaned—sales at 8, *3 and |oe lor Shoulder*. Side* and llain* t *»l'good quality Uirf sells at 9J»l01c in t»bl*aud *eg*-r-Mll No. I. A sale 20 keg* better at 13c l A *.de linseed Oil at 70c per gall i' jijlre 100 hhda NO. Sugar at ~|«73.4e,Credit In VV»ol there i* no ciunie. Sue*.limited Sale* a «> It** Werteni P*«lhsr* at 31e per lb. . Market fi»-*.'niton nqdtrt, and ailecuniorportaui. 1 100 bale* Upland «nld at 12 I iallc per lb* I Sale IUWIb* Yellow Beeswat at^le.caah. nTEBESTIIG PROI IEIICB. Intcresliru; and thrilling detail of event* at Ja lap a, Perote and en route between Tern Crus and I‘erote. Wn lie iudebted tu the expre»s of the Ball. »00, for: pirticalv* of the late motvmeoiiiof the Amy, and for New Oilesas datr# to «ven <Uy« lo PitUoLirgb, giving the following interesting Ut ter* trom the ectt of w*r. The intelligence before us w*« brought to New Orlewif, by the U. 3. transport steemship New Orleans, C*pt. Whigbt, from Vera Ciux, which port ebe left on tbe 2Qlb ult, end timed on lb* creniog of tbe fiih iueUnL Tbe l)elt» says: Gen. [Taylor htil succeeded in communicating with lien. Scott, ami the object of hi* de* ■patch was tbe formation of a mutual understand ing between them, with a view of joining their force* irepeiatory to a descent upon the city of Mexico] . i San'l Anna Iwasts that there is still toother Thermqpylw on tbe road between PuebU and Mexico. , . » Scot* poshes on without stop or falter,, tbe de {.tractive storm of Cerro Gotdo delays not e day or an boor hi* onward march; with a b ltd pee*, an energy, and a masterly activity beyond all paral lel, ho has pae ed through the considerable Uwd of Jalapa, traversed the dangerous and difficult road thirty mile beyond, and appears with the oU vanguard of the army, before the far-famed caalia of Perole. ~ ,* . . Santa Anna did oot paai through Jalapa, but, in compmjr *■«. Ampndi. .nd Ton-jon, wmoj off to the left at bta haciendj. and halted for the night at thp “nine mile piaa,” which was befog fjriified, but which, on second consideration, it wavdeemed prudent to evacuale. to the evening CoL HarneyV dragoons took poeeeasion of the Pass—General Worth follow mg in their footsteps. All aloof the road between Perote and Puebla, tbe Mexicans' here say we, will be oppoeed, and contrary to the general belief, it la said the coo* mander-in-chtef will shortly'/note in that dine tion. The list of killed and wounded, on our tide, i, moch Urfer th.n wu it Si* Mporud—lt li over 350. ». i JaLars, April Slat, 1647. Gen. Patterson has recovered hie health in a great degree. Two uf the Mexican Generals, priamere at Cerro Gordo, are now here. Gen. Scott baa hie headquarter* In a Urge house oo the principal street leading from the market. , Gen. Bbie!da, I have heard to-day, waa in a doubtful state,. and that will be good newa to tboae who have been advised that he *?& mrrtally wounded. speaking of Gen. Twigga, remind* me of a re mark made by an officar of the Mexicans. He ■aid that tbe bright of Cerro Gordo had been giv en for defence lo the second in command, and be had been told to pick the choicest troops for the ■errice, aa either Gen. Twitß* or Gen., Worth would Storm it. The choicest troop* were placed there hot they were of no avail The attempt was made, but there waa no giving back wbilat Twiggs Haroey. or Riley lived lo lead thevtoim. When ?anta Anna and Ampodia inglorioosly fled from the field of battle, they were ashamed to pas* through this place, but with their followers tookaleftlband road, and proceeded to a moon tato pats, nine miles trom hereon the rood; to Mexico, which they commenced fortifying, but which they evacuated this morning. Atokmel of infantry **?> that thU nlna mile place was *e- Ucted before the flght at Cerro Gordo, aa a good place to make a defence toeover a retreat, in; pae - thev should be so oofortanate as to have to gt»e badt. N? intention of nuking a stand, be *ays. was thought ofi Fran the V.ia Cm. E«flc of (ho SDib nil. W. nnJOTUod. tathtaita hal taco * lJ * l *P*’ ““‘2*i, W "' u> vj .k.»«n hit otitposte toward* Puebla* and S-'Bs&iKSSS =“»S‘-!S.»rK Wiwwgu nugm liiiialiwim\wwtMnK,;n Uttf -i ut inaQ last, and »• paUtsbad in this d»j'a paper. Geoerab Scott, rattenbO, Pillow aiqd Quitman were In http.. . Geo. BtueUf,auQ firing »• very doubt ful alt to in a hospital on ihebattle -field itCir.o -Gordo.- 'Rumor sayiihat Puebla will yielJ with out discharging a gun; if ao, they will show more imdoa than hat been evinced by aeveral other Mexican cities, -with hardly a hope of aocceu •gainst or. ' Commando/ the Mexican Army.—lt t* gene rally reported 1 that the Mexican government have removed Santa Anna from the chief command o! the army. And appointed Gen, Valentine Cans liz»a* hi* riiccwot.—l era Cruz Chronicle of the 28/A ult. ' ' By a person just arrived Iroa Onxo. we know that Gen. BanU Anna bad anived there with about 200 dragoons, and immedia ely commenced recruiting, having now coder hie command about 8000 men of the fugitives from Cetrro Gordo Jr. Lara. April 23,10 F. M. Aoexpreka ha* ju*tgot in Irom feiote. Gen. • Worth reached that town yeatarday, hi 11 o’clock, r A. M He Tound it completely evacuated by the soldiers of the enemy, and a Col. Vcssaet lelt be ’ bind to aurrender it with decency. An immenae 1 aumber of small inni, the big gun* of IhecuUeiMl • C jt* *nd ammunition were taken possession of.. It • was unfounded. Uie report that the gun* bad been I. spiked in the castle, they were found in eicjelleol Gen. Ampudia, with about 3000 eavalryT-in a wretched condition, was near the town whea our troop* entered it when be pel od. Santa Anna had not been in Perote aince tbe fight at Cerro Gordo, aid he issopoosed to be somewhere In the mountain*. ' JaLafa, April 3), 1847. • Vesterdsy, at noon, I led the encampment neai Cerro Gordo, simultaneously with lb<£ thousands of I Mexican prisoners ejbo had been released on parole and who were w ending their way to their different homer, or to »omc place from whence they may, an in be forced to takaiparmi against os. I be here ibeir line,extended as it was along the road, was Iqtl lire miles ini length. The Gnarda Naeipa ale wat the only corps that maintained any order in their march—the reaidoe'trndging along a# best IMJ could, and in moat admirabledtaorde'r. 1 We’rode over the road on which tiey roirebed with great(Kffieulty,; turning our horars’ heada twen ty diflerent way# in jthe apace of hall , an hour, to nvt'id rirfing them down. They were lc*a sad than men under similar circumstance* would generally ] he and cracked many a joke at their own expense. Thii.was in the eajfy pan of the march. But to wards tutiact. when they had mearered 18 <>r ilO tntlca'"f their journey—tnoal.of them in their bare feet—they became quite si'entand sad, and the ef« fccU «d the latigue]of the datr. combined with pre- , airuta privations, told acnaibly upon them I fj;lt j much interested injth« numcroos camp women— those devoted creatures who-follow them throdgh good and evil—and it grieved me to aeethem, wdrn down with ng ai a mail's apace, their heavy burdens almost weighing them to the earth. The wumauof sixty or more years—the mother with her infant wrapt in-her rebasa—the wife, far advanced in that state that wen.cn «nh to be who love their lords’’-f-Uie youthful SenoriU Inakmg alone with her lover's aomhrero on her head evert to the prattling girl who bad followed padre and madre to the all be aeenatono view moving along—slid bearing the hardships of the tramp, Brteonaeiohe of the existence of misery ml this world. | * . These women, like the Indians, are the slaves ot the men—a slavery they submit to under the sll powerfnl miaencp or affection. In audition to their bedding and wearing apparel, they pack upon their backetbe food and the utenaiis to cook it in, and worn oet as they are by the toils ol the day, whilst! iheir baaband or lover sleeps, they prepare bit re- Fioro the fool; of Cerro Gordo to Sant* Anna’, htrirod*. the road aide was lined with dead Mcx teaoa and horteei At or near the rancho where Gen- Twigga overtook the rerttating enemy, they lay thick around, and a more horrid eeene it would be difficult to picture, Mexican* lay dead in every direction; abms resting up agsio* ,r f c *- other* with lega and arm* extended, and occasion* ally a lancer laying with bis arm apon the char, ger that received his dsath-wound from the w«e volley that ended the career of his rider. Some of the prisoner*| passiug through ally halt to *iew-lhe features of the deceived, and then mending their gait, regain their pleee by the aide of those who were mote fortnnalo in the 1 fight. At the place alove cited waa to be seen all tor. property, other than muniu wv of war, taken (rots the enemy. In one plrce, airanged in good:order were all ib« pack saddles—theh the pen contain «ng moire—(he provisions next, coropnving rice, brane. bread, pepper, pil-xxtM. garlic, dtc, p'lrs of shors, knapsack*, and thd paraphernalia of a Mexican camp! The muskets taken from the enemy were l-etng t:fjkea on stone* »s l px»»e! ih» »pol where they were. They were of no earthly u*e to u*. and ; hence th* summary mode of dupoaing of them. j April lOlb. 1847. Them *• no W-w- - a*. «*» tsotiia toadvancs upon San Lula Potosi, so soon a> hs can obtain a sufficient number of men and of transportation for the enterpma. The diabandanment t>r the volunU-.v*, whose Una of service is shortly expuing. will leave Gen. Taylor with a very email force. Unless new (oreee are sect here; it if ecarcely probable that any active operations will take place in that quarter. [ u Camargo w:a!most entirely deserted by the Mex ican eitixena. But few, and those in the Gov ernment's employ, are remaining. The Mexican Coagren bad p*»*d » decier, which it published on the 10, to the foUowiog if fed: i,r ; la order to carry on the w*r, which oar natipe wtcee t*»inil lho United State* of the North, all the Mexican* ! capable of bearing arm* a»e. hereby •nmmooed to enrol themaelve* immediately. td. The Ooverameut will publuh the heceenry rule* and ibrtruetinna, m order to make elective tb« omaiMtion of the Nauonat Guards. according to what i*e*tabli#hcdin part XIX, article. iOth i the Constitution* M The Btecuiivc any dictate any measure* ! which m »y be eooaidereU oecewary in order to use i «li the *rms and ammunition whieh mty be in pot ■esaios of private individual*, and whieh may not: be employed by the I’ohee or National Uoard* also for the use or wagoo*. bigjage, ammunition and provisio**. et*i any other article* or uteneil* which may he necessary for the fulfilment ol thi* object, providing aiwayelhe mesn* ol indemnification &.C. A meeting of the principal ettiaena took pltee loa the Bth of April', when they unanimously •greed to establish the -guirrilla” ■yetem for to-, •istlog the North Americana. These resolution*! were*ra*de known to the Government aniPte and they had 'already commenced tha formalieo of the respective bodies in order to alert immediately for the mountains pa wee and cliff*. Among the pereooe signirgi the propoeitions' are the name* of many prominent lawyer*, miH Ury and other public men. 1 The paper* have before aooeanced.thu as the ' meane of earing tha nation, and tuilaioing Mex* If n independence. All the papera are filled wilh appeaU to the cit bans tod one of them trim—-Can it be poeaible that among eight millions of Maxicane' we can not fiad a (officiant number of patriotic and deter mined men, who will reeiet the enemy that it in vading oar toil without the kart regard to our tights." Ta* Bcrro«n Mc»p*i.— A Hi(|ini was arrested yesterday ae on suspicion of. boinf coocemetl in of Boolmyer. Ho ie » man of ml cliarscter, tarred and I: in Butler county for hone steolini been in prison for direr* offence*, ken out of both the Allegheny dty 11 witch house*. On bis pereoo, whei i found a quantity of eounttefoit an end a number of and tri be had no doubt stolen. Higgina i and.hu gained considerable celebi i and bad conduct. He waa locked i nation. • Tas Ba»t.* Haawosirre wctb a full and fashionable house last nif won the ailrer cup for the best cc Adelin. Hwtat, uwe beard it. 1 was: “Why are the Americana w ns Vista like Mutton! Because l Wool!" Who can add a lint (A Fubtkcs rao* Maxico.—A 1 1 'Cruz reports that Santa Anna had 1 that he had been executed by Got i ty Later advices, however, an i rumor is unfounded. Sty* the Philadelphia Inquirer: It ii reported that Joho M. Kenned; ia to l made Present of the Baltimore end Obioßi road, in place of Louie McLaoe. The Rer. D«. Coi, of N. V., ooe of the ableat diving in thecounUy, will preach in the 3d Pteabycerian Chorch, to-morrow. neetingof the-atoekboMara ®f tb* PiuaborelTand CoanelUritle Hail Road Company «■'» E u\d it Philo Hall, on Wcdoe®d/r, the l*th of Mar. ■ l m"lSia' k ' P WM. M. PARLINOTON. S™"'*'? OIKD* H W!ffi.KiaSB. , 2i!w^^sr Tired rontiendwithoat further aotlee- T ; iims sna ann-Saionte* CandidafaT : M*. Entrim:—ftak« nleaaure in fecommeadmg » lie Mem ben of tba Anti-Masonic ud WhrrCwiiity CooYentioc* MARSHALL >Cil WaRTZWELDKK. E*nl<r-« i{ealleniaaw*H qualified 10 represent this eoc ij ty mthe Sta'e Aaaemp’y 1 !!•« ncminniion would grau (y nsmeine* f.'cr.d* m ibc Cn'- «nd Ooai it tnjlWAw ONE Otf TliK PARTY HENRY LARUE. t*s. of Mifflin Township, will be B candidate for lie Legislatute, tobjeci to the nomi nation of the Whig and Auu-Mawh c county .Cnneen (ion. «u)isdhwt<. Major JOHN WILLOCK will be uipportvd bcfote the Whig and Antiotnooic Convesi oa for the office of count) Trenaurer. ' FIKST WaRD mytilAwT* Me. Eprroa— Plcaae announce the!name of Major J. M. SNODGRASS of Mifflin township, at a suitable candidate to represent thia county >u the Eejtislatore. m>N*w*T ' LEGION MR announce the name of JOHN J MUSK, of V«r»aillca Township. a mitable candidate for the Legislature. my'tlAwT WILKINS M*. PALMKK, K*j. b«» t’««n »P°- ken of here a» au excellent and (tillable candidate,for the lr(ji»laiarc. Dv calling attention to the above you wit oblige m»o> Whig* os the city nij sdAwir JOSEPH McCL'LLOCH has been spoken of by* »« ver»l gentlemen m» 'a candidate foi County Commis sionrr. anti being in every cr«pect honest and capable, trill l>e supported i) hi* menus for toatolfice before the Convention. mytOJAw THOMAS PERKJNS.of Lower St. Clair township, •rill lie a candidate for noun nation to ibe office ol conn' iy Commission* r . injlUuAw JOHN SHERIFF, of the ciiy ( will be supported b) many Wb'fi of the city and county for nomination by ■ he Contention as a rafid;date for the Legislature myTdiwT J, _ PITT J WIIAXTER.of taeciiy. supported before the Wb.g and Anumasonic Convention tor nomination as the candidate fur the office of rounty Treasurer, tit)sd&wic SECOND WARD Col VV. ESPY Of Lower St Cla r townsl ip will be sgpooried by many Whigs and Anmnasou* for the Le gislature. nijlidawK JEFFhRsON JAMES HENRY, of l-ower St Clatr township, will be supported l»y many tV Inga and , Antitna*on* for the office of fount, Coimm*nonrr. , • • • raytWfcv.-i —r- * Lola In £»wre«*TUl«. JOHN MORRISON.of Allegheny. willbe .upport , o.\ Saturday afternoon the ISA ta.l at J ® c » c l “»7 1 . r rd trt- many Whig* and * miuiuoni lor nomination by , IIC 0 a tl»e premiae. 18 valuable buUdtagloi* or ibeConvention a< a eoml.daie for Count) Treasurer. | , fOUQd . V rry b*nd.onieiy aitmied in lie borough Of rayl3dfcwT KAMulfh , J awrrnceviUr, near the Allegheny Arvenal. ' \ Aito-l'hai beautiful private fefidencr. formerly oc* M«. Kptro*: —Pie**e announce the name of CAI 1.8 *® , Jwne , Telford, adjoining ibe above, eonUin* LKE.haq..of Aiyity ua a •unah'r £:£•" 0 VlEo*" ! mg atari two acre, ot ground, on which!* erectedla >b>4 county in die l,egi»utuic. t in)HiAw| hIOON 5j hric fc jwellkOK bouaeaod teveral other building*. , 1 Term.: onr-foorh cath: balance m three equal an- I PHILO HALL! nuat paymenia with'hitere.t—o»be*ecured bynade* EXTRAORDINARY 1 and entirely uupfe-cdemrd mortgage on the propert]j. _ exhibit! n of ncierytfic illutiom. cwm-i .ij of va- Book# at Aoettom bjr Catologn«» . r.uu. .urpmrng and nmu.inr experiment. tti torin.inry. P , e uin«. May lSlb, at 71 o'clock, at the "7T^r^s^sr-SsrLssr^vSsts w.d„ ~,:u ;v eJ «,4. r I ‘*Tbe*e , |ncomprcbfn»ihlr- * ,c pcrformcd I— T,cw„. .X'W - aiiw outaevoav. Childien under Jo. to een<. . eil . T HARRIS ha* tUi’y about four ban<Dp engage ft to Door.open .thalf-pa.i 7—Curiam tc n«e ai P oclock. preparing for hi. new and Important work.ono A Hand of Mu».c will be m attendant- rucb evening. , , wo cine*—iWborgh and Allegheny, andl iinun«liav« royHdii __ __ , I neightorhood-and wi.hinfto make Ala, hi* fifth ed.- j\BK9B UIKOIIAMS-W R MURPHY a.k. j e'ltian.^’g^em'their name.,r« ; I* the anenuon oi buyer, to ihecho>ee.tyle> ..f ***« card*, and [if they have notyetj good, opened «h.« morning, a. wdla.- , thioogb bA agencor dilkLu. re Linen t..qgbam.i • L v calling at hi.offiee. And, at be i*an oldEaitorhim* Parred do. Iway. gtve* each Ediior of our city paper*. ! f ,en^^ W, l* n r. lrßj " r C *‘ 1 SJdSSme copy and notice, hejhopw.ther wiUfawr i ; him aid the public, by copying thia ooticc, ro that all Crape Shawl* alw to hare a .mtablcand rerpectable Needle wort Collars. Aaint \o caU Spoi Ac Wtaeaalc Mcrtbnm*, Mano- Bonnet Ribbon.j A** . «i Olr i Krepcr*. i""d Profadaional OcmU- Embroidered Mu.lm*. f«t Dre*«». ... t . l i l imore.'Philadelphia, New York.fcc , Ac., New good. wilM>e opening nearly every dav, for a = ,n •'f * f “ ”’ d oViim'im him and thamoelvea, by week to c«e.incl«dmgm«y..yle. of «.rcetu,dde- to mb.cr.be for. M,d lWr c ari^ room, op «».r-. * re » ,‘ uh^'n ? BUw?ofrtwl»bov* eittea, and iboae refclem.brd w.ih 4 large .opply of new «nd de .ruble f^®e Harrl.barg, Chamberaborg, Uolontown , glmda at lowra.h'j.nce. .nyl- j WbeeUn*. Cincmrtau.Udj iLLROURSycaUSTV,.. ~v.lle. Cleveland,. Ene, te A*d eopyiAc n. |.N the Orphan. Court of Allegheny county. ”• wnd a paper with u tome, will bare ae®pf *a« ibem In lbe;iuailcr of the Adiuunrtratmi* gf 4t*ilou»ly. . „ . ”vi®7l' ,n Aecounlof Thoa.llarailion and John 6 p,. and fVnum.non MCtcnaM _ »MIIAJWL McClaren, Kgrcuwm of the Eaiate of ■ BBasiilP HOTICE. Robert MrCt.ren d.. "B»ed No «, of Wheelirg. E- K. SboenUr- J;:"* A WI « 6 OH -E. LKuSind J.A. Pmiburgh, - - -• bare 4i. day ney for Exrrpiam.^ihe Coui. appoint cba J” f0 ® r % vmk. t Wheeling V?,for AftpurpOtOOf i C Darragb. r«s Aud.mr, .o reule the Aeeo.mrof the ma^faMnrjnf „ on and nail* of everydeaenpUon. | .... <«»" /ul|N , ol W .J. , §.* W &7im*x\ K- F Suoasaixoaa, J. A. Stoc*ro«. {rT-Frrwn. .niciv»;eJ .n the above will lake w>t>re STEPHENS. &HQBNBBB6BB & Co n w - W< X6*. ko. A B.teel etipur ««d ailea Betngeon- Thou N4LB-A ir»« o« J.4.,0 .unai* ... Frank »n w ..b OW Jamaw Works,'*«««« I Town*tn|>. almui i*Hw «•.«. from me n.y of A.- . offt . r , n an.cle of Juniata Iron (branded Bbwnbortari ir-theuy. r nn4 i: ,.,,*r,''> .rrr- j*.«i lain wWlwi: ; ()ll ,i. n yni,di.mibeeoanirr, Allorwh»chwiUb« tJrpd. a.»a Will t*e m*K cheap. T.ile .ml,-pun* £} Mb , ,t, c pnu'-urghpriee*. arehoa*e©f the .VVorlU l, r. ! 1 corner Jl Monroe ami Water_»tteeU. "Tll - wnVm ib wr ">e .'"O'e property w'll . — u tii«vnsK.\ L'S Co npound Extract of SAfISA* P c-».r call on JlMi* ROHKKrSON. »c»Mfce premi* ' |J I }, a S| LL a w.«wlm uvl Bh«U»* of the Age!! Wit.l JAMS A SHI NN. Attorne; *ni Lise, ; ff'AKIbLA- ™ in botHeUiatix ifeai I.„via«l.t.»T OJ.ce. Mh .. * :tz * : T^. ’* r plea.ar.ier. &d warranted taperbr to u } | Administrator'* Notice. IwM It core.w.tbon< Tominng, porting,airteninr,or VOTIH: >• I. t-y l'e'-"* ~.J. Vnd .oper.ot.tr of ihi» Sar*ap irilU J> i.- r.. a;e s.«,u r . U i*r *' Jl ' . _ ,*,-nidie. ... while U eradicates discaae. Aji.e*i»>*«y < ooi.lv, a«c U, io io»te .inmuilia'e poymeui, . ,’l_, ,h B body. Yt i. oaed inceeaarally In the ~..t .11 per~n« oaewi da.m. to prc,enuhem properly ; '< mu £ taX eure of %U di»ea*ea anting , uibe.H.rated !r.r .eillemeiiito jue ; £, ra tinpQ Ve Mate of the bloolor hnbil of the »T»* r— ~ k-. ' «*££££■££• in hr i.bl. Trimioct »b.d, Sm chutieb bow taue wnnra M SlwhS Fi»h; jin! rrccc J M fv*° KSK U.RIIS. I*'' 'J'V ? S lu vt •. V riKKKIt. for «4ie» orrt *irnii.GeM *!* ! " itreet, between Third and -fL, et itl j C oic. r »,M»nr very ui. quc and devirable for i> j.TO hhdt prime New Orleana ilc lrtf .Hr by US boxcabeM M)o* Havant ft i>'». - iWACSIXTTA WIIITK,M*ood«. » b Jf. „ E .* s "Ji tn. UaUtaV !«., A .»(»• F'Ott B.lLB— The unrip red i'»«e of a Mmrori*. r ior an *l® far family uae; ji.tr Home and I.o'. amintedon Uu«rry street. Flic Wf) , Lol f £ut»r, No* 4,7, and 8; . , cmnain* •> rooms and a fc* l <>) „t,!* ‘Lorering’s"celebrated crushed and pal S CI’THHKKT. General Agenf. rrrizeci M»ar*i *.li t No S*» street oiO t.hL PlaniaficmMolasrea; r»ni’U on IU-irocli ii)T |' J lbb! * Sugar Ho tsc do; ACO "A- "L^ "S'" ■>' ?«««•£££ %!35S;^3SWS No 50 Siauhfie'd street den* or private tendance*, coiuiot'n* of *T‘ 4 , Two,U'»af3A«e«eaeh; FISH— sob >i» Non Habiei Maekert.; One .. 0 f 4 Acres; j-.’l No 1 Herrings tun received and for T«t> u of 5 Acre* each; •ale bv JOHN SCOTT ACU • |b«c “ of rAcre. each; • myl.n No .Commercial Row. Liberty *t»ect Qne, ** of IS “ .. **’ BASK STUCK fur Sal K-0,,. «un.lrrd *«J w..iht»wmr«^ig“™j^g[^ oto rssffir •^asssstsaKS^ . ,iat,wf «.K*M..»g “»yiS *<‘l? ll'i er . >' Mrerl - "rirrsßUßG)! STEEP?WORKi ANDSPRING nOBIX SOAP—S'* 1 l*i" Cincinnati m*nafic!ure<l. AND AXLE FACTOR*., Ko ?s h.„4 ..S « ~H. HUMFRAO.. «“• AOSKS A ' nDBLAPS-9 ««•'* >»»y.«“ J»» An**' “f* K j or Woo! Sacking. iu« rtce.v.si and for sa*« by Hnmmered Iron Ailra. and dealer# In f\s& ABtinUS-1 hale very heavy Vi g.nia O.na- corner of-Rom and Ftohi streets, Pittsburgh, ra \J htinra. 1 n*i re»eiv«J and for vale by irhgS . —•'— roylS _ SIIACKLETTA WHITE, PO wood „»l_ rVp ACH TR twMlX ° s —The aabaeriber* are - ’HSMwaa. 3^jg^as£»”3lSS OTKUBKSVILIaE JKASB -a»‘ r„',o,=r;f. ■»“ ««p« i " i » oyl 5 fHACKI-HTT A WHITE.» M«, fojTpSffiPAtaß. ~H.tI of «•"> c Si* do t>il< do; elerfjcaan. iho l»*7«i'^®*^ , “ t^J3" Co^2«eial s c,,,IUK, i“: ' ■ itfjss. , «^is^KKsiissai 15 lil.l* Pepper; ' atibe lowest price*. Gold Pen C ?? , \vi» J»ON C.nuamun. CloVe-. Mare, and ail other Spieeiiorsale . M-ykein. wy!3 by «>»* ' V _C.RBKH_ , fLogiros A «D NEW YORK rpoBACC o-w baa Tobacco, \ B luu received, and opened by the aalwenher, Uta 1 ISO La# Price A Harwood’iSLump; • rollow.ng elegant mtraneata. ftoaihoeele -100 bxs Other Choice Brand*; . •. One elegaiit PiaMsForte, iromuie we- For »»i. Fy . »r« . . . w ..?*“B. i ■¥“:•' ,m “ guERATP^^^a ..... »4S*!RL , ! , !« ! ..mcAU.t. For..lc.teu«'7‘P"«Abr |tLEIIER LARU Oil.-, i' l '!'. JJ>' rr.-.,.. : d n:i.i lot .tiff .l a,, 10w... c..i P rl " , I ';r YS t Hrockwav . khohb fob balk— a im n» m m,U M.*Camnad BHPjAI-nv t JT... F.r. Ew««'»* , '" l i lhro * I £?*‘‘ l iSj‘fcs myls 7 No S Commercial Row, Libert} *i , inquite of a DAM GCTTY, SSS i amw B£® B . N« ■> fb>m<nernal Row. Li»»eriv_M_ — RKFISBD COPPBB IHGOTIt 1 SCOBVHI9O9-1A cMk« Seotrhwl ’*•*>«’ » i‘ r ‘ 1 . A , w ' SO sToay itttu Bafmw ,n,c.e. i««l receive m -ore -nO u,f "f * N ; - X»D COR*WAMBD-Tl. ra^l& . „ " ' «,U W the mtrkctpr.ee for BACOS— -i M»iS« Hoc&n Huiii'-i . «nr me White and ll?d **'be»l an t YeilrwConi* I do StooUo..; .rcc.-rd m(«we eiol ~, 1 ™ H aL «BKID'-,K. WILSUN *CO.»»«f« f..r-.alf l.y >«) » 3 l. !< W AU.iwia. - i the morder lotion*!; bad I gathered oma i [, and be b&« He hi* bn> n<) Pit sburgh i trteated.w** r\UIKI> IPPLWI-Ml.' , rr w»TV«°i*N°' 1 I * \J (or Mile by 111>I r _ _ I O; 11 " N ° l **"■ *" ’"m* 1 »to*N i foimviuii u*i«i Mmg of oaten good Bone;, Dckeia, which ia a raftsman, fy&r, ln ,_ Jfor ,., nTEAUDOiT poaSACB-KleTcit-'ilipciith* i inyll _ S c.r tf'c-ra o»i KINUKOI-L* l,r ! o EIG All—3'i hx» llay«nE»“*«- 1 * lrfm^f m ” *^" r “pply >1 reyliif FOKsYTU A fr t , f„„ |l **,, (rem New OMn (»»»'!"• BACOA HAM-I9i»k« linn., (otrelj : reriy . ( 0.1 frf rale by j,o B KETBON A REFPKRT q~oohcuTmob-» wti« »J|J *J R S ,I;AR -j? ImJtoj Km *nmu r a> 'ls - , ’ , rnN M>ffi AT AILB-2UO key* --"HcJ >11", AtWOOp.JONEBACe_ IN myls . rpoBACCO-S*bx« Wetaiart Ejlraft*; V®re’r MUb “" T r:!-'-^^““^ n «.« a,‘r*^Wo^^Ss nOPFßE-i« Uj* Rio Coflre I « J? REER l Factory ’ g Flf>J> . "“miODES * ALCORN O myl* ,-—- oil-»o bt/i» ior »»ic Ijt N“T* “‘Vkw.huntfkac,.; _ . 7 v".r*™txr , "r^B&'?ur , 1 \J andforaaleby No<7 FlAh atteet ■ : 0m»o Cj Rroaml and coo«ai*« 7 rj?ODEB k ALwKN . . No <7 Fifth meet mvi4 —■— —— ’ it; for rioting up for exami* velco met! with ht; u Adeline" oaundrnm, and I be conundrum rlO fell at Bae t te; died under i leline) to this 1 •Utr from Ven been ahot, and res Faria* par* ire ot (bat the M T^ Bgl r!‘ “‘""•ASVgpiULL sT“ r : ... ~ , BACOH-IU bltli Sboolden and Side*, juit ree’ and for ale by _ my is J C PI DWELL, Agent, Waicruro-i POT ASH—IO coke lit *m*, jolt rec’d and for nle J C DIDWELL.A*t **• 1 n«, .t bMd., c°SS^y ? b j| UICKEV tCo j M °L«HE3-abbU B.u*. ■ ofS No 7 UOonr toyli W""ilf"fsta*tura Bolts .’-i; rtii. LKiioi-ii-cf, ■ - BDCIIA.VAN’S WHARF, BALTIttORE. On WEDNESDAY, the 14hln«.at Urn «o»*ioo«W* Catalogues will bs prepared, *nd »®P M 4 t.. 8 day before the sale 7 By John D. P>tH, jattlMHwr Peremptory Sole of try Oooda- 10 „vlaik ON Monday taorninf,.ibo 17th UUU*t» M V »ri *lll be sold for aeeoant or whom It nay e»»e«ra An extensive assortment of aeasontble, »upt« no® fancy Dry Goods, Ac. “'At * OKSoek. P. M. Two hundred end fifty nests band l»oie*i with eerh nest. • quantity of groceries, *> boxe* lemons an® orange*- glassware, queensware, bed eoTOI, f&OTtvh carpeting, looking plasm.transparent window wane*: ipirndid manicl lamps, 8 day and 30 haur large ars-trimem of new and second hand houenoto fumiiore, among wbirh are one pair mahogany P |ftr tallies with msrble top*, mahogany dressingborean*, fsney and common chairs, bed«aada,"dtaiof and break* fs«t tables, feaiher beds, bedding, mattresses; eng»- ! vine*.Ac- .... . 1 Alto,—l cook»ng store, kitchen furniture, fce. ! At 74 O’clock, P. M. l nrfe and general assortment of new and good ovality ready made clothing. german fsney goods, gold inJ stiver watches tifles. shot guna, pistole, fine table and rojketeutlery, a variety of Dry Goods, fancy arti cle*,' Ac »* l4 Large Stale of BnJld<og Lot*, in the Eighth Ward of the Cny of Pittsburgh- ON Wednesday afternoon, the #Ub instant, at go* eloek. on the premises, will bo sold » 148 very splendid Pudding las of Qtoufld, fronting on Pennsyltama Avenue, (near the Court House,) and streets adjacent thereto, comprising very eligible snu.itons fbi manufacturing purpose!, and private of the same having a beautiful view of the Mooonga hsla river and the adjacent teenery. I A nlan of t e Lot* may *>e bad at the Auction Soon, oron P application to DaViDGREFU. at*is on Pun .m«: Torn..: »Cub him Wjjj* two equal annual payments wufa interest, to be secured by nou-s o rchmrs to pay expeweof conveyancing mylf i D DAVItJ, Auerr ‘ [Amertcan copy] ««.««* , mr y BffI J D«S. ir E .%IUSQN A CO, xnm n DUXBDt-PBACQBS —I CO bbti D. Peaches 73ack« do; •' |„by L 8 WATERMAN water aad iron! *l* tOiTOKK—Routed and Gjonnd, k/. , ]£SL®fsii> J hotel* and froccra, al tha irr,-J? mrl4 RH nnKS * ALW*« '■ ion*-* M«n» m *»* te»l,»lir ■■„•■, M nv?l ROBERTSON R KEPrEBT '^ B 8 BACON— 8 bb d» HMtf, Bider. wdSfooMt tfr for *»*« by «tI4 : ATWOOD, JONES fc<XL r*r S'" 'A(\ suitable tor Wool Sack* Alas 4U Grain hagftac. plain and twilled, ta great vane- ndind tor saJoby the bale. W* ROBERTS 4 CONRAD. 88 dflw' - .38 Market ft. Philadelphia CHICKKBIRG’S PUBOfi~An elegant rssr .wood six octave, new scale Piano Fonr, tnanufec* la red by Chletering.Vf Boston, will be opened h-r sal* on-Taeaday, Uay-llth by.. JHMEU.O* tayll ' * -ei wood street r'O&SAIiK'-JSOeau ptrple ud 3 <'oabtr I* earp't chain*. ISO do*. wretkl tiac* window tub. *» «**oned *f» wooden bowk-' wfanel.oul*- ' ' '«liragih,Jbr. _oy» « ( F*“ proof M Porks: do : le by l^ouuh—* c«isi»nt. jy«l and P SKLLKRS 17 llbeny ui.hi L for i«Je by myiO >*!« by WICK A McCANDLF.SS .. mylfr . cor water ♦ wood *u_ LIMB— 30 bbf* LomsviJle Lime, on consignment nndforrale by POJNDEX'IEKA-Co mylO Not! waters! HICKORY BUTS-dbbfo for rale by «y» ; 8 PVON BQNNHOUST ACo YfTLITARY BTOB£i corner of Fourth and__ XVL Hailtet street. my» W W WILtON RICE— 14 tree Ctrline Rice; for talc by r mr»3 . J&RFIOVP CiOKS-m boa Comic nore and for rale by. / pyia POINDEXTER ACo /~tliOVßS—tbblsjtui rec’d and for raleby v./ arid WICK A McCANuLESS CORN BROOMS— Lit dor. for rale loir by ayU FRIEND, RIiEV A Co COPPBRAB— 60 bbU for rale by myld FRIEND, BUEV A Co VINEGAR— 20 bbts for rale low by myia FRIEND, RIIKY & Co* BUCKETS*. TUBS, received and for tale Ly mylO TASBEY k BEST BROOMS— ISO doz. for sale ly mylU . TASSEV k BEST YOCTHQ BY SOS bV cbeil* to w pn eed Voting U>«on Teas; for sale'by a>S . BAGALfcY ASMiril SHOULDERS— tt csks Bacon Shoulder*, on con •ignmeut and for raie by m>U 1 CARSON k McKMGHT | EMONS—-By Uw boJC,in»tofe audfor tfclebv Li \ WICK fc NeCANLIUK£S \ cor wood tod pABTOB OIL—S bbla superior CutorjOil rec'J Vy and for aal« by ■ CLARKE fcTTIAW my 9, \ foal hatia DOTASHt43 e*k» Pure, landing add foraalr by if nyu \ j wmovp DPTTEB-3 bbl» fresh roll; for tale bf ■D mytl 1 JAR FL< &I>—!{sbo» tlf»n >yn Jfc H Pf.uVP rJIOTHTM) for tala by i OOAP—SObziNoi Cineiootu Soap, just \tc'4 and jjferaalaby wytl O H MILTE.NBKROKR SCTTBB XUFiKI-6tfoikiuii lee'd »n/ tot nlnby _ myllJ WiCKfo NcCANUI.KSS AIOEE-A few bTl* for foie by Q 'royiO . ] . WICK * MtCAXPLrS3 STCBPEATIIiE— i t'» bUt jatl red’d and tot . «lebr KKSF.IXKRS ,»y7 • . • 57 wood it NITaOVI KTHia-l carboy*, 6r tale if a T B j R K SELLERS kHVJL APHONIA eartjov* rpc’d xVaad tortile by 'ayfl ft E SKi.l-.EBS ROAR—4 bxi HulU Scm; Cot V >ale by mya RK SELLERS bbU lane No 3'Mtcke/el; for tale by • rayt HAOALKV t?Mlfll RIO DOVEBE—P34 ban prime green Rio Coffee; toraale by nnb BAOALEV ASMtTH TtRIED Peaebetand Applet, for tale by \) ny 9 WICK k McCANUI KS3_ fjf\ BOL3 Botin,for tale low by OIT nr3 MILLER A RICKEIVON C% Af\ LBS Pow'd Foalee Stone, for tale >•> m>3 BA FAHNESTOCK & Co L'EAT&EOS—SO taoki Feather*, foTtale by f myl • ATWQOI’. JONES &Co andkejr in prime order, tor safely myli WICK k MeCANDLESS pAHIA—IOO mail* jeat ree'd and tor tale br t> ayU WICKk MeCASPLBSfI JN o *- 1 ** to wte by ißEF'tiyt fonale^j JB A myi? J orMleby WICKk McCANDI.ESS SOAP— 100 bx* No 1 Cion. Soap, in wort and for cate by mylO . WICK k. McOANt'LB-* TRAS— 150 UfcAeau fresh Tea*; for »ale by s mylO WICK A McCANIjLESS , fIM>BACCO—IOObx* 1*,5*,1* k 10*;Ibraalebjr 1 mylO . i WICK A MeCANDLE3S IOFPKR—Bio. Maraeaibo ft. Lapi«jra;for »a!e / ty my to WICK k. McCaNDLESS M A g T ?»* l^r< " .CK * MeCANDLEga HKABUO-lßmokedl inbxa; for tale by l nylO; , \VI_CK A MeCANULESS •HOY—Wker*ahot,a«omd No*; for sale by J > 0 7 10 • L iHITCHieONjfc Cp ROLL BCTTJUL-S bbt* (bi aale by I~ . , mylO TASSfcV A BBSill »ET APPIiU*-Sbbl»mp«r.aniei*j»raaWlT nylO TAtiSEh fcßbiT bxi now landing, for aartiay. I iIMCKEY A.-Ca ivz ***™*-'°° f °' n'fe E v t u A ™ COCtIRAN COBH— 0000 baa prime yellow Com in tacki;ibr male by wyS BQBUTOON A RKPfbBT GBBMAM CLAY—In and bxa; Cor tale by mjS ROBERTSON A REPI'BRT CASTOR OIL— S3bbia No »; jou rac’d and lor talaby myb -} JtUM) * Co, 00 wood w (XT. LOGWOOB—Sob Iba J«m rac'd: Tor aaje by I myS J KIPP ACo ICFBBFIBB »ttP. ELiM-lM a.i i.l. > Ut mvS J KIDD ft Co —KXOX i»w, tXT. »unß-iii fw- * Wore and for aaie by it JiKlOPftjCo;, STUaPSCSTTinC— 13 bid* mereelieul »«ier . M'S™ m;3 i SCHUOMMAKERaTco —-n'K^.r CiHTOi Swaib* PAJJCKi-1 dot. W., mr* R-t»Kf.U LU»EXb-idm ft block Wclouutor talc bj | art j c muwKta^. POTi»H-10cuk.lil»r^jaarec'd.oJ(! t)T . Btkk ■ * C 111UW gCTTBH-5 bbUfralb " U ' fc "J’^ I, J IDW QOMHft-MO «toot No 2 Hood rtctot. tool; F , *I HM *- ! *' <ttr /Twoolk , j5N , ba r CttAß CU>BXt-lb bbU la Mor« *nd for «* aX - ROBERTgQN * RblKl- S HUPP—I urco GafreiASonUScoia Sou* by m>6 R»fc-L lACON— SOOOlb* Bacon, II Ki for bj; my 7 . M *1 ! * L as RRIHa—%> t>bt* No l Uitiimoro lleft t*Uby . mj 7_ M *.J.:ii \ g AO&KBBL-So bbl* Vi mto by . n>>7 ijißTitfntn ■HAP—m bhUm ttwrf fcr RIO COFFEK-SO bi* joMrce'di.for »*Je I_EZZ : .“r- Tt -*I,qUH~ISO bbls Floor iaatoreacO *llll7 i.miniM.nMTmWM. On cuk-Scorckinr. I»gg,W||UV*BENS &T 9m “"*gy r 0 b “;7* B ”'*'° i '' bknnktt 40 »%"*« 1(10 HSToush* tßD&Err n . - ttIT'TTKF —* bbl« jiti re«’d and fnt »*la '<>“• Ml ‘ »Fyos HUNXHOB3T iCo <>ck» Tciia-Mra Whno lJe»n* <or «■!« t-b» w>< S FVON BO.NNHOKyT fcCa > OlUf—V bull Nol br M)« bv 8 F VON BOHKHOR3T .V C» »lßAW«.»«b S? .fr u^aY _ BBBLS WliUebe*iUk t J#»tfeeH»oacoa«i|ii_ent<|* c tmleby- n? 8 , HIUKB 11UCKET*0!L SCOTCH »toT»-10bb , »fctwtel.y . miS W ORKER,ecf water md ■anbyjl**. 75 fc L ' " te bT w or®. 4 CSKA Pmlci«tn»i for**Je b T MT« ,BAVEK > mj3 —— QOPPHima- 1 * >m <■> ■»* "TuSSs'fn *c. *>h & c * l ' l * l ”* *' M *' u,, ‘’ *rjaUm [OLASSES-W »l. rs •" ta *v"« Mlgaseat and ' nn a [ud wat>r h ree d and? for HORST a U, Ns 35 (roul m leorder.'i.i ««V •lOR3T USa Vo S 3 from »i 'il Wkia i,ioi« IHOBBT & Co No 39 from u ['•wder.Mirurl, ICKKY * Co ucr £ from »• South No 3 Mack. .WOREEB
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers