PRICE SEVEN' J)OL Ul SINESS CAROS: ALKXAniIKK'OUitDUX. CdmnmiOO ««d MnrVlianj.M W»tef and lUS Froot«lf, i. FlttM.afjjb. . . r t • ATWOOIt, JOXESA COq Ooo>im*Au>n and j »r« -«r.! 115 M.-n-lianit. haeo returned totheir old tund- Water ».t.l Kroitt *t»eei». Pnulmrch. octal _ T > WIMCiIBSTBiIt dealer in all krodaof *“>* • 1). an l Inr.n.i/- i'effar.- 'Sfiaa&h Lea/. and lie Lin I*ont jrirewin;! Touaceo, whoiewle and etmi, \i».iu ‘tin nl Sjrw. I’it'»l»ufgb rßhJtK * a uxac.v . *«>*»« jESsr: 4«1 Mifket rh - ,‘J 1 (.'AiiNFSTOCK d> COt ttholwile fc iriuAl-KV A SMITH, IVhoWU. «™», 1S ; __ _ .« f cv A. COm Wholesale) uro> BJIITIL -Market airefU bo • '•“■ r***r- ■ Pa. _ t 77“nilLA\Do LOOMIS* Attorney at Law, of ('. Mirt t.-t' Tf aeuihfiald-- »pi7iy_ -A- VCI • J. Carolhera. «a"n\ CABOTUERd, Wlujlcaale Gro /■UiLKVU i»rnduce, and tu all artic£* of uri-f:*. jan’-f kvTa"’n z;.!Zusi *f" f .V’.'ltlVj v'i. MrItIGQUTi (»ufcceiM» »*H. f, A -i«.) WLdleralc tirocers, OoranuMtoa . - a \!-nla»i». Dealer* tu Produce and ant. .., U L* Sixth itreel, betwtcu Wood, Piiipi-ufßu m ~ (l [.j oetH , .v,i. •.••«dh •»- »»«•* “»«i »“ r UMOT jja*i ■ bar*i>. !*•' _ --t - .11.1 •f'.n ik-jler <ll t'roduce ana ramiiy 1):'" N. « •.■»,» •■,«*! Ov.r£~- j. Harmon Sewell I_**<-»- ■ , 00 , is£- C- .JiVIT A OKUUAK.T, d» ■ L, “A* “ ,„.i:,.uJ .u„ Pufciirjb.J’* ———.. .t. Akssct.- JfSi/, isii! T UKSKKTTi n*fc W l<b « HS pi A U (jrocer*, Commiwon ana Serc.uJ niiJ *w. .■. i .. -- .niiiw i 31«lCai01lT,AIM»nicJ*aiUw. M *® IlA ' V . * ,| u .rvr Coo n uearcf »U«t, Al ouift i*. l.ak-**"'* <»■' »<nu«. “ ' T7t ; ..,, .. -iv AUTZ IVBLUBtt, Aiwt- IMHLVVAUO^SWA'ITI^^^^ »> IVuii ,|rt ' •• 1 l * vcr 1 “ 3 apMf Kljrv. Jane* >V«ml. 1' «' ‘'Tv.* riiiKV &, Wholesale Cirocrf*, T , , ; ,, E Fon« Hnnor.ct»r«t<uu>'!«J; . ' jqUX A. rUMITH. i Vj*i?sYtVi'a. Co, Cominuvon M»l IT t y„eW.n?* fc.WVwrrh.,Pi>»I«S&LJW«J Y 5 :!■X»«*«»«-.•‘•gy ■“ ti&Ail F. l*i»i .urgh. v ViTtkXlX FILM* !• / “KoSSSSaoimwi * «». «g^SSi (jr eer. ir.i.l i:oui»i»»'»a I°. ” t „ SSS Pun'-untii Mnuuia<.lure*. \° l “ * "Jj, B. Brown. > ,SV» w“2aIITB i Com Brewer*, Mdjlert, GlS'dSin P-.rl.urel. .>..■« »'-• erM -.i’ennaad l*;«u. • ii Ueo.ltl Urowtier trM i UROWXB, t«uece**ol* to lIoU^. hl P lITccI, l*i»»btUgU- - jjvvst ua. Jti mefciftl Bov/, i. lucb'ii Ally HILAB.Y B1UJ»- Mamifacmrer- iTirnt rny and O’Hara >Ui i *U»» l/cxiTi ; TSAIAtt’DICKET t A X- Com>niuw« Merchant* and l y. 1V..-. An:i Hj7 Kront Mfgeu. > Ch ri *tto» j. . •. - n IdDROAS, Wbole»ale Dn)gp>l> J® 22r®i iW V^r^Ac, No W* Wood attest, one door i«utb oi Dtamoml.Ad T. IMfi-urg*. I r: —TTv f * CO. «hale.»l. Dr«- TIUKPII JOaPAS i. SOS, ComnuM«*i*“| «•!<*■■“•• ?*• ■*» . &!«•«*«£»■*•_. ~~~ Wi 1..' OAUAIB. AIJOJMJ’ « ;LuUbX“"rap.^ J Mid WooJ wceuk j“s»iasssvfeas?V®^^ ♦iOTW ‘, —— : ; ft i * ■I V.IUNBTOS «. HTOIOKTOB,: Bookrclkj. J ?"«!*« *»j f»P-' No. 44 Mate st j*,«»buy:li. ... \ . - ~ . „ ».»_l U.abat T‘ L. OS4U'K Book fiiore, J. Clfc4*icftl.TUeotu?Kal, H:»;orical, MM** l ' 1‘ook» ngd Sttnortgry. t mu. IIODEUTfION A-CO* Bmlmwand E*- J .change Broke**, r umcr of Wood and Third ftreel», IW-rch*.r!’»llov‘ Buil4.ii**,> I\tutmr*h, P« * H y Currency parchwdatlhe B*U*l TVf*- • ocll^ IOUK GUIKO, \VhoU»»J«tiroc<f,d«lermPro jSurr, I'ltuburgh lnsutatoelurrt, Tio. *£*,s*’ N»> -gJ l.ibcnyjit, Pnulxirjk. _ A _ ...** ,L * i JO T uTpLOVD. ilate j. Ftoyd fcolj WkSLifr J. O'roff*- MAjwjjbgprwrect- • * A-Mieft DAI.ZKLL, Wholesale Grocer.Con«i»- gjSctm N- * Wawr *• *'}#«!&■ -J??£ L « utaTKEMASi wjjole**l« Owee*» Fof A*™* •"U Co»m?..ioa MetrUm, £■£»« .. .«bu«sli Man>i'MWrtA»nd IVbdoce, No». -I ■ ltd o'2 *l* _ -•— . Etfl's lIUTCHISOS A Co., Whole**!*- .Vui-X- in I'ilwl’iifsh Water anH Ul * rom »i»- * ■ Jotn Sbipion. ."i'iWnK IT A gUIPTON, Whole.mleCroocn I |.v<rvan!inf and Conirsiiuoo Merchant*, D«U<r» rr»“ n...fcn«». N-g™ 1 &. Grocer*and Cun* *aJ Market. _.. ___ —~~.~~Z . v t VKUS «USTBR*C<* Whittle Grecer* IV l No. lift Liberty **• \4 IML.KR .V: IIICKXTSON* ''YHi£?Lil2llT JYJ. cer* «c 0 Comuiixion Merchant#* NoT?®- ' MrCOIIU A. KISU, whole tale ami N?** 1 * -anti Cap mairafaetarert. and dealer*,- 10, “*“*7 Fur»- rorn**i of Wood and Fifth »t*<. , p - M) J. SLOAN'i W'holtiale Grocer*, Deale/* in . l’jo<!utcumif*»U. and ForwardinaandCoaitm** «io,t Merchant, No* 53 I.iiieny anil Wood *treU*i Pjiuburgb. _ V,, SL NiIOLSIKK <t BOW* No, UNirket#tß«t. «c* . oml door Irocn comer of Foorth, Dealer* in»For. * *,*n a«d Dwn««j# Bdl* of KXebange^Cehificatca'of f n?iw»it. Bank Note* and Specie. . J• - • / l il-t-CelUtiientina4***»U>toP*i*c*rat*P*tkn**k. ..lib K.,iM " J ' *?» , « L'KPH Y» WfLSOX fc CQfWhelemie ©l7 No. 6 Wood *>reeij Pnubtdgt ,_ —^ a W I‘iilndr iter. "’ A Oufbellion C 11 GUtR ’L,,.amirVTKH * Co« Wholewt'.e Grocer* P^dFomlrdl.,Nereli»nl£N6.,l \V*ief*trvet - • — 1 Vi 11. UAWKIRi. A«on<r*tidir, OtiJU? R. "akewell’* Building., neatly ®PP?*f*; Court Heu*e- } Vi; il. nAWKWd,i«MB« at *l, j\. *Bakcwe!l'9 Uaildinjp, nearly opppaxt* limit*.i •6!r25-.. court • p —-—r——-• TtniißßlfSGS dc pa Jl «S Commi«i« merchant*, floffig SevrnUl, Pimt-meh. *• _ - _ y/ 1 .1 . 1 ' ~ 1M VYood itreci.PitUborgli. • - ' .f>iV-T ■ ■ - - - - ■■- 1 - '•--■■ i -~- ■ -'' •■■•;; ; ;i : /;'---- ~ ' "'• -• ■ . ■ ' 11 ,I,ARS. Pll TSBURGU SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 15. 1847: - BUSINESS CARDS. i FORWARDING k COMMISSION < *. \«aic*. jr. r. a aoatsvts. R pHI'CK k. CO. Wholesale Grocer*. Corami* £on Merchaott, and dealer* m?Prodnc* and Pittsburgh Manufactures, Liberty Smith* geld *L. Pittsburgh. P«- *?>s RICHARD BARD, wholesale and retail dealer in Leather, Morocco, shoemakers' Too!* aud Find ing*. Tanner* and Comet* Too!*, and Tanners Oil, No. im Wood «t, Pituborgh. septu R' OBERT -DAIsZELL A Co n Wholesale Gro cers. Commission and Forwarding Merchani#.dra* Jets tn Produce and Pittsburgh Manufacture*. Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. febSH noBT. Boataorr. ss*’i. ». ruiiwi. R ROBISON * Co* Wholesale tiroeer*. Pro • duce and-CommiMiou Merchant*, auJ Dealer* in Pittsburgh Manufacture*. No. Iso Liberty street. Pitta burjh. l»nlU . ROBERT nOORE, Whole»«it «rocrr, Rem/* tng Distiller, dealer in Produce, Pittsburgh Manu- ( factum, and all kiuds of Foreign and DomcMir* • an 1 Liquor*..No II Liberty street, Pittsburgh. IETN. B. On hand a very large stock of superior j OidMonongaheU Whiskey, which will be sold low for cash. tuayS3-ly _ , "lTo* Reynolds. ~ ” J I*. fh**’- RKYKOLDP 4. BIIER* Forwarding ami Coo* I mission MeiCUkSta, for the Allegheny River Trade, j dealer* iu (Interne*. Produce. Pittsburgh .Manufactures | and Chlonde of lame. 1 The highest prices, tn ea*b. paid at -all time* far | Coan»ry Rags Cornrt m' Penn and Irwin «is. jairtl j j modatitig term. s«any other house m lit.'c. >ei e.»J- j PITTSDfHOII I'I'B.'HTC&C WAttt BOCJCi*, U C Sbacklett Tlio». R While, where, uud all good* ordered irotn them will he tvi • I • gg THIRD STRECT, SIIACKLETT t WRITE, Wholesale Dca- i rauira;eqonl ior«-pre«;niatioii:— I A I.ARGEnndtpleudid *Wat_ leu in Foreign and Domestic Dry UooA*. No 8? ; Havana, M. lWt.g«>; Cnnit.. ) LmSplr aconmeni of Furniture, fiSSSjgS SgßT' Wood ureel, P.u-burglt Wra; lounJLco; I enu *. | >cedl.ea !\> J. miuMo far Fie«mhoui«. St W HARBAVGSi, Wool Merebutu*. deal* Luba. ' uud Flonda, J bfcvo, 1 ESC3 I Intel*. and private Dwel . er« m Flour and Produce generally amt Forward- oh * celebrated Aromatic - ta< Laver.- | i( constantly on hand and madeloonier, ingand Commixion Merchant*, No 33 Wood wren. d:«h. with a large assortment o. oil-ett f>opula» hrar.d , The present Mock on hand cannot he eXorile 1 Pm-boreh. J«»» Ir! S .VI- S 38,1 if*"* ' 'manufactory m the western country. Persons to; .U O :u. Urccd a builJmg, No ei Fourth street. between , ,ud an. togeibrr im.-ry •at:d> o' artieie belon ;* |(>|> _ J 1 1 Wood and Smitlihcld. nov3dAwlv_ 1 tug in;‘iicmule. jeltt-dly iivaofaa with Plu»h and Huir-cloih c6ve STEPHEN BARHETT, Manufaeinrerof Fan I J. D Lwiimsb, OW AtioxaMn,-' v ador Mahogany Nurse Chair*; rv,Shaving anil Toilet Soaps. Winter mid Sommer Late of Pm-i urgh. Pa. La'eof Nashville. Ten i. n pair Dtvars; l<rcf*cd I-aid Oil. Ac. No 1? Fifth at, betwctit Wood | 1 EllMKlt &, AJfOEIISON. Dealer. nCotieh, , pj dot fiuc mahogany Chairs; Hiid r Markei *U. Pittsburgh. Pa. ncTI tLi Forwentnig ami Merchant*. No w ia mahogany Work S'ands; . —r —' .177"; , 1 Fiont street,al>ove llruiidivi.y,t\nc.unni' Oli.o. | 3 dox mahogany RorkmgChairs; (h K.-YpH.-BOaNIIOaST t Co, f, j ,j „,.,bl. u,? Di'o.nit ll' »p.Grocer* ‘■'orwanlma and CommiMioui Merchants, \ m .\lienfo. 1 a i,bit Ottoman*; llealris iu P.lGhurgh Manufactures and Western l 10- j Uigalcy L Stmtn. } !Mi»!.ui?i e marble top Work Stand*; ilLcc, have removed to Uieir new warehouse, low aland) | Win. limsnam. ) , i» cltrrry Work Stand-*; \V pS, comer, of Front «t aud Chancery l-an*-- lloV, __ | Scny A >urp!»eid. J I Malingaify. Alnple i.'liniyand Pi.vlar Dcu, iiAntlEL M. KIEH. Forward;nr and Cotoim* 1 Jkn.iU 'it.v.w. ; Na-!>-■.!>• • T*n.i I . all d-;.( riptiona; aud u iurgi- a«onui-nt of v !> .io„, m Kill. I'.oSocc >/.J I’m* | v K . 1 h “'"3.";' i.urgli laanuractured aruele*. Canal lia'tn. wea> "ih st- JiTm.iLanJ marfif .... ^ —_— IMI ! Spotwri 4 j o | fcKW HAKUWAUK IIOU;E. TT S~*UVICI£ISIIS,IAM. m'ccd*. Flow . 1.-rul a .'« U \...v JOSEPH AVOODAVKI.I., N. r r-. Ffuft Tree*, And ARriruUurat No ; Mi C fr A Mu:, - >r- \ lit. »VWs? l 011 “V** firai'o^vSkFrfc •I IASSET * . BEST-1Vta1.,.1. Crocj.. A : " »,» ! .. unnounciun to my frrciiili in Hip City and L Cvmmi«a.on Merchant*, and dealers :n 1 rodure . i?!. .. -- • - , , | . tMimy, that I bav* opened my ww atofe at be al*ovd Nd 3i Wood slice;. Pill»Uurgh. *l'" , J- G. W. u C. »> d*on i named pltu-r. Having puirti.i'cd my goodi for ca«h, rnitoi'KTNNrDY’jr l*okin- 'uimi. Manofaetu 1 J. G. W. LEFTWICHA C 0., 1 '(■ and made atrangemeni* w.ili loaiisfeeiure ■* w■ «|j« l ~a /n nT»iM»i n «■*»«.ta 1-Sm tm. and Variety ■ RKt’F.I VlN<i. FX)KW AROlNt*. . 'fre-mmry and m Kuropn to *c cnn-tautlv rupnlcd, lam ”{»' And Commlaaton MmUsaU, luily prrpaird iolof.i!«b Hardware of alt kiW*. on a# t.ood». corner of Wood jib P£.A«tHKai!!BK, La. x f c oo.l terms and as low a* any bou.« Hast ojr West—’ TPForavib RJTorsjth. j |>ARTIt't'I.AI<- attMinoti panl to eon»lEnmrtll« , oi VMrir liani* and oilier* an: rr»pectfully invited to cal % TP. POHSYTH t Co, Commission Merc bant*, i ji ufar m,h,_ F.neuiv. nr cAVi ar'ieie.for ope oa*a« .j*nnd ristnnje ray stock, before purcbiiiug elsewhere. • dealer* in Salt. Lumber,Groceries. Produce and ' , nt j Atiaknpa* |l he following coin|tri«ct a (tarinf my stock. Pitlsburfh Manufactures, Canal Ua>in, L.iberty street, rkpph ni— Me*sr«'Slirtfie!d A LuMlow. Mi Tim- £ Steamboat and SadJiery Hardware. GunTrtnnumra,. Piutburrh. _ ma*l.imrr,et New Or>a«’«. f Files. Na>tor> Steel, Cutlery, Tslre Tool*. Anvils, VI -1 sFrome Manufacturer. llanlwair' lIJi A <pcer Mr Win O U-ary. Rolen j and veneers, and all oilier nnleJes connected wub the apO 7 ‘ J ' ,M ‘ i { . rv -*’‘ ‘‘ ■. sV'.jl'j’, *•!«,«,.!. A UAZZAM S PATENT BEDSTEAD. JOUS U. WICK . PAY it. * IAtIU-f-RS \VW.7!. lie,'.'"/n l(l ri ,:, U'.nutr. Hon John Hutton j ' aß^JUK^M^llnuUuionitS WICKAU’CASDLESS, (.Mcr.-ora to LA , a . La ' , ."Jl'L J D Wick.) Wholesale Giocer*. Forwar iu« an . -- c BKLI.AB &■ Co., Jonty of the Cabinet tnakers of Uua ; FLOUR cirrous AND PBOUITOE COM- ; J&a. i; *J2S comerpf Wood and lYat*r*i*. I nist.ureli. mihlj . MISSION MEUCHANTS. ' „i MIVr ,t„. vu t. ar sgsm-t AemruiroUions. uud it* w. WILSON. WaichmaXer jrnil 2cwei:«. . t H}F,RaI. r*sti uJviuh-.# made on receipt of con- , hr .. e ;, r ij aM am** IWsirnd th- prefereitce. »irnply : YV corner of 4th ami Market aifeef. apld La s.rntneiit' Thote satj.pmr taooraddte** will be t; erßU se ,t JoerrM « being the txu. and ami VV , eratmtoe Lts «uxkoi French Worked ; * W aU.n<f<Jrd A Taylor. PnMiurgtL ; 1 \\> i ß t- -n -e»s. praeuckl rablnct makers of Uie ‘owe us low as c«tnt». j j 5551- Messrs. Tbo* ibtli ACo . Urldgejioru «*1..0 rl(Jfl „| rmsburgb and'Allegheny, Pa., do hereby ccr i'l / GREER, WholesaleGroe-r, Forwarding and | Pbiladcitjlua. MaySrtnli. ’ «•*> l!ia: wc h »vr. bonejii die njclit . Commission Merchant, and Dealci in Produce N. 11 AH produce W' 1 jj” 1 . I »leads w ill tiazrani • I utriil V* '" K • . ind Piitsl'urgb Manufanaret, rumer oi Water ami .n Inc Warehouse of W all:ngu»rd A Tu»>t. l|>(l , ao i#- -upenor to any fastening* wlh which w. are wmithfietd «tA Pittsburgh. Pa. »i‘' s or n oor .tore .« Pl..!Hdei,.a.». •*’ u - A '«■ Bi nuamtcd. J„un > 'Grew ■«i r IIETSXORE dt H WGIiPP« ImjmnFti and FRESH IMi’Oin’.VriONS OV HXRDWAHK. T , U < "Vaui» 1 ' , 1. , 0«> Koi>en Falraan |W' Wholesale Dealers in Hardware. f.rMeiy ; S.d- LUG A !i <fc K K.S-JI KUV j ; JR Hanley James D . j .Hcry.Ac.coyner Liberty and St < l»u ‘ IMIMKTFIN OF AND UEAI.IIRS • • .John L-ggett. Jr. ! • JBr S h -. - - IN HARDWARE, (T'TLEUV, Ac.. Uw*.* h «**• •• i*,±b ii W^ru^ i rcrut.E \\r W. WALLACr.. Miirsipneßiidlmllfurnish- ; ■*-' lrr "; w j a ».‘ J d'rr.n'i'r.m. mplrto KmiNBZKR F G.vZZA-M. W . ing establi.limctil, No.’.M l Liberty stn. tietir the i,* Xtu£:* nt b.s uemU * deelO . , --«n»L - . roarij _ OJI ~.r ill. i, y L-ue n;,d .ul.-,l by f)ATKST PH; ESS "BRICK .MACIIftTE gy, M'COTCHIOS. HOST. M CCTCBEOir. ‘ Purrhutcr'are r-siiecuuu) .1 to ca:.. l i r .oli-eritier* havng nliSnned a parent. May 10 W4t R. BI’CUTCIIEON, Whoiesnle Grocer* , l-do.i i j l*ir.-« 111 • t Moet, m- s;>d natlngsince then . and Dealers in Pittsburgh Mauu-'acture*. nnd , GKOllGi*: FOCIHIA N. ’ I 'iwu ,-bi .• tci-.d ii» we now prepared to *e We-teni lVnduce gencnlly. No. Ui !. i ■ •••’*<', , ,)\i ir-.-H* ».v MHOV \Ki I v<. MV.IH'H \}*'T, ' R' :l * *' l! • ;i •' Pitt.burgb, Pa * B, ‘ . , ,N„ X\\ m»„ M i.. KT. It ir, i.i nr. H . 1 . \.r ~'d“ w‘ n'maae iar'.liu good . , n si nnni\snv 4 ,.~, --~j; ?earc. As A. cut lur the Mannucturers. fe will »« outaf repa.r. and .sronuniricd ibut.tcaa be taken to V\OIJ!?.4ASWA#^B : a , e Du. d.nsa, ; et , tolai . l | % tu|>|l |i, d Kl th the principal Articles uf >w and put icgcthei *nb <ieat faeiluy.ibut render ™%S£ K *’“ I,:J ” , ’“ . I | .'ti»r«u«, ~ u.E io.c »hoic„,. : Z’^L7.SStiSSSZ VV . W Market wtrrt. P.'rt.w!.. : l-JL. . Mi’l.... i '.Jjw. ih ; nav!3*dl v IS F • u-r v:o s. I. imm.n-on. .‘rec:. where u-e -ii.dt im- iinpr* ei,.,|,h every >jing —r.l I I «Tlm •iif • vlTj ii(Ti« -h u , tt i ! u: F. CONWAY *. CO., . . r onn w.ui tu, ad »rbo may caH i..v» a) t 4/ U.1a1A219 k. UIXjWUUUI, ilroiq tue Ourut I *>,,1,-, v\|,,i-t i 111,,. ,„n ~m. l' v.-it ne orewiil ru> Au.b-rued Agent AH cHer» to mtr .<dd ecus VV D-incU Wholesale Grocers, are now Incatrdat :P' tt- *-«l-o i T.r.U to ibe W-il l-e promptly attendld to No. lIS Wood «. wberelhey offer for Ule a.argeassmt- , f nnVuiof Pre Iron (*»»: 1.- 1 CULBERTSON. McMII.I.KN A Co.. nientofGrrKerte«nnd Pittsburgh JkUnniaeiuies. si low ; • c - - *■■* -nd ••“ * * _ , CINCINNATI. .f.t.anJoDX.TO'.bl'’ icn,.. ”! 1! Aimml. Joor. ,cl ' llr’o.n. Ihil’rv Ifo •' UUMVAII riHE jIKICM.; ~ lUircnr Mi rung A To lleerv Graff XTENSIVELY tufted and approved during the past ' Graff. Lindaer \ Ci> |) l,i»rhi I’c J 4, iwo i>ai* by the prinijpal iro I magufuctonesin ; Lynn \o> i. Ft,, a t 'be -acte.r country, and througboul lb*» ulterior ot msrin-Hx \ ds'u • «'•«'•* '• »M a. w .IJ t.r lesdt fur Jel.etir'«!'heopen na •lirltN K. PKKIiV. -,;id eiifivriKfi'r dep« n.l*. I* selecteU t>y eaperieneed iim |Late iu ihr.b.m of .M*lnura 1.-eeti A '.n i „ rf . ~'iousbl i'fom .Mai)laud, where the (SisCuTeiy was ! Wbolc.nle Uhocer. Com.mtatou «Ss r Jour f)IM _,h P fu.lbte matter; with r.-b'Ch h is'imbrj. , , JH«rrb*t»t, \ -■ . ; eajefuw* •epaia'-d TUv will l- llierjughly DEALER, in nil »-nd« o. t ouir.i. CrcUre. Cop- ■ , d Bril ] C( urrserd I.) mschmeiy, and uv per. T.n, Tin Plate. Tiai'cr*' I'wo 1 n af.enrtoue'V'-ift'V Mr>»r». Harley fc Cc. the pro- Mini Iran. Iron and Na.:-. Wlt r ad. . orif .. ore . in 4 tr, e .nrus to maniuiu their ackito* leilged Oy, A.-, U.,1 V.„, S,I l ; i; . \lituti(Lei;ire» r-neru- >, ivd.ii •»' I. •»"•>;) ah lli w.n . i »,j t . r , j.y m „ k ; nr otLerwire, wdl bo promptly tleeu* •tfecti. l-:ti*.«ufcb. I*4 ■ I CI J otl liLlOO l 0 J FIU W MACLAHKN«! adsa-ic... m Cad, maaco.-ieoa IIWr *j I run Work* i-.pmeiilA OfPro.luce .4 e _ <“>•> • K w |eoU«.T«i~»TKEKT DABEIIt, -AUCTIONEERS ‘ 2^'S^: ! AM) COMMISSION MERCH.ANTS; | ALEX\NDER LEVY 4t UKO«. I'n.t. Ae . ftr.homhe counwrcvcry day: among winch CINCINNATI & ST. LOUIS ,fe Macaroon.; Pound Cak-r; Irtinon lliscyt.ti 1 OFFKK Ut rell *1 cither csublishuien.. all kindr of Pastry; gpoiyre do, I'eppur Nut*, j Merrhamloc at ftte lowmj rates r,f Fouuu.r.ion. and Jelly Cake, , Aiiooifd da, Mola-irs P. Cake, . are always prep, red to make udvauct-,. The be.j oi Ginger Nut*; Wafer Jumb’rr; Fp-mge llncu.i, i rafereneea gtvei .:I rcguirrd. nddreaaeil to Federal Cake; A.PVj Sugar .In; e-ibcr House wd I,C piomptly attended t>.. j . Jtvlly Orderi for Ice Creams. Jelly. Bnd-V take, Fatter ■" “ in’ll U u" VVf II 1 U ii K kWnfeetiouary. Ac. Ac., exeeu.ed -n a one i JIIu ij iU • tk I!/ U n ft U « quailed m iiuai.iy uuil besuty by anv oltcf c^ CO M MISSIO N ME RC HAN T, | e,.i. »., , »w, : NU UO WATER sr. OSPOMTh t Hl.Al rsiUl-. . f Oi e Wheal Flour, fiarualldrug/.every BALTIMORE, wu.ran.g. «p 3 ; ANDREWS F'rljwf"’’ I> ' I ''' 1 Fn ‘" I 'SHAVISO «<BBA«-ftUCK BKOUCKD ..d.,,Lrt all those «o\v ffhave who never Mt»»ed befo.e. Ailvaurri maoe on c G And ihoao wild ahsrav-Shave now Ritatfe the hiore. erence ,o ttnwe anrtre.s "k , - - o ff elma iy,i« superior Shaving Compound lo the no -1 i ee of the puljtre.? can »illt ennC'lence .ay that the ppmon of ail who have tried ii pionouncc is the mo*t ulej.-nt i (>a|i„4i«;on that diey have cvr.r u«ed, aud m order to plaee n WHhtn rbe reach of nil. I have redacted the price low ,:eugh to afford an opjamun-ty to every person tn give if a trial and jadgeror tlirmsclves Ko. jou wtah for a r.ijh, luxanon* rhg»e, on r: wTnSuouf shavillg cop*, don'l be »c red! it wout rMi inu. ii'to fill theiT-l ar.d, if yos b»enot »atuAed. ibe mon ey w.ii bt- ic'criUd. jrrKl’llßN BARRETT ! t ,,n i’itv Ijird Oil Factory and Fancy Siap work*, p-bll j iih .t.opi'oiue lrott_Cit» HouH__ Hardware, Cutlery, RaddUry, Ac. JOHN WALKBRv IMJHIRTKR AND JIEALKU in Foreign and Domese tic Haidwarr!, would rcspeetfully inintm In* friends' a.idthepobucgeoaiaUr, that bo {* now rrceivutg his 5,,r,«- j>|>]v of! Hardware, at th**, oJJ siund of Walker A Wood welt. No to Wood .iieet, which be will tl.rpo*e oi on the must reasonable tertnr. .. | - He ivirt U eoiliiitaully reeeivinf{:fr••' , item the .Maanfactarera iulKurvp'‘l tv 11 ,b will enable him to rninpi te mem. edher Fast or West, i , We-1.-M, Merfhanis air invib-d tn •nwk le-forr jiurrhli»iiig el«ewhe. \\r \V. VVILHOK) Dealer in SVniche*, Jewnry, V\ • Silver Ware, Military Good*. Ac, No. 57 Mar- ti' tt."MI?RPIIY. wboletalt and rru.l denim .r. VV .Korr en amt Doweine Dry (»<yvl*. rr>r: u .>a»t ’•t r urn.i Market ntul Kocr.h 7 i*. ""L-'l \XfJl.*>rmWA3l, Jr., lit. i.n.i-tirei....wi d.r \\ DrugStoieoi Kdgar Thorn. comer ofPeoi i*np Hand rueeu, will seep * eonauut *u?plj of ll*e l>c*t ruedicme*. perfumery. «c. I’hyvienn’* p«»cnpJion* carefully compounded.— Medicine* can lie budai all boar* of the night frUlOdlv* I ' A M Wallingford. John f J*i:i^ei. lITALLISUPORP A C 5.. Cctcm;*. - n and her »» wardm* Merchant*, Second, iwar « ood Mrert. Fimhargh. Pa. WJX. 3t. DARI*INOTOS» Attorney hi Uw Pittsburgh, t'a, -onuni*s>oii?r u» take the ac knowledgment and proo of Deed*. l.«*a«*r. Cnuiract-, Oenoaiuon*. or any othe* writing (under eeai or not, 1 to hr u*ed or recorded in .lie Slate of Oj,.c> Offite mi Third ttmel.alarveSmit Ickl. WC, AYGUISBAUGII, Aliorury at Law \ • Fifth •trcct, near iViiecimg, agen- 1 cie, and othe; l>u*uic** aiicndcd to With punctuality RxrKEKKcn — B*«»ell* A Semple, W w. Crogbar.. I O A Fabricator t A Co, John llrrron. Graff, tand«ay A Co. . John Wr-gt.i K-*'). 1 June* McCuOy, E*'j. Maj. William rn-i **»ir • J. BUY AR> RECTIFYING DISTILLER, ASP WHOLUALK DlltlD IX FOREIGN k DOMESTIC WIBItS k LIVUR*, ~ No. 1U Liberty end 53 Diamond allry, PITTSBURGH, PA. lr»Hiir_ _ ' WARRICK MARTIN A Co., Bvdun, Jkaitn'in Eitkangt, Bank .Vwi and Tsin, ’ Comer of Third and Wood meet*. noalß-dly PHUUigh, Pin >U W William*. W ®- M [Surcasor U Iswtu WiuiamiA WILLIAMS t ailiMSi,,,,, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS Al LA'V. (J(VGffiee Norh ride nf Fount. «, above fehlWAwlyF B. J. lIRNRY, ATTORNEY and Counsellor *1 Law, CINUINNAII. OHIO. Collectioni in SoUtbein Ohm uml tn Indiana and In Kentucky, promptly and careful!/ intended 'o. KEFKK TO—Hon. Hiehard BiddteT'U m Hell A Son. C urtl*»'Wn»W , Koight f C6urch a tTarml.r’r*, Irinlla)*. K*q., Janie* I*. Sthan, willock A llan*. J)*- 3 *.. *"bli*er Blackburn. ' th-orec »• Jtmc* O pLACKRUUN i t O, WHOLESALE Grocer* and Dealer? 1.1 On*. U*i ■lore*. and rittalMirgb ManuiaeiurrJ art.clr*. hav>- on hand ai all nine* a full and funeral *«*oruueni ot food* In thair line, Water uteri. l'licrry ARry. Pnulrunh. _ ,nn . IflSWltlCsFOl' TUB JUMATJ ttUKKS, IQB TUB SILK or BOILER IRON, BOILER HEADS, ri.l’E A EIRE DEDIKON. E. F. SHOENBERGER YITTBBUHGII, PA. Having lakeu llie Warelou*' furmrily \>y M.U Kbcy A Co. Water Street, near Evan'i Steam Mill, Will keepoii hand a full • upply of ail »irr»«.f Ik’i’cc Iron and Flue and lirc llcd Iron, made from biifcut-funic** ibstnsi which Will be *old at ib« lowc*j market raJt*. Engine Builder* and other* ore invite I o eali and examine hi* *u*ek. Order* promptly w ended 10. - - *** V JOII9 SI TOWNSKSD, Otu.egi-i and Apoihe- I cary. No Vi Mark«»t ihice door* above ThirJ *u, ; Puwbur|;li. will ha«o couoiautl) on band iwllkleel- ' cd aaaortroentof the t»e« a««lfre*he*t.Mcd'c:<ler, winch j i.c will *eil on the me*t rra*onal>(e term* Phy«iciun« ' »endin< Older* will l-e promptlv aliemled to, utid *tip ! pliediinih article* they may rely upon u* uenuin* HjTPhyveian* 3] will be uecuraiely and Ready prepared from the beat rhatcrial*, ai iuij ln»of «l ibe day or nighi. ' .L. . . .... AI»o for *»Te, a lafg« *tnCM»f ire«Si and Rood IVrfo rnejy.. : . I**'* . J. B. SWBITZEK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, omu 3<t «pp»,n« pi. WU.L il*oattend promplly toCoHcction*. nt 'V a«b | ineton.Fayette ondOrrert Pa. \ I Rjfk**tol . 1 , - Chureb AOurwher* { I*iU«biirjh D T. Moreau f , _ ?■ n **- —"Tjtmrt DUNL.AP, MANUFACTURER of Tm. Copper, and Shed Iron Ware, and- dealer in Brtiauma and Japanned tv*M NA 19 Marknl «>eei. fTite tulncriber re»pcet- SuTcSf. il" ««"»»« or 4i.'V' ,rfn cSm,;?dealer*, and oilier#, uf his lnr« »»eli of man- SteSSrf Tiß iad Oypper Ware, wdhalaw a»*o.l - , B r imported iloute FornUhing Hardware. • VI&& ta?,™ •“< Ip* l * ■"iS‘ le^H e * ll --.._ cr i Wi gjaiTU *. Co, ' 1 BREWERS- AND GEALKRS FITTSBUBGII AND POWT BEBWBRIKs. Corner Barker* Alley and I’eU St, and foot of »'*» * l tuubnfib. P*i„. rnrSuSStgu f wCßo«bn|b»- sintJncTßitEitS of stabcb, 117ARRANTKD rqaal, if rJot roperior. »o any made * V, in me United State*, and whieh they will di»pO*e of ftl low-Fricee and mi jnod-Term*, oeSO lyr . j. Bearer. Fa! • u. t. sxLaox. . : « »»l»os. «i.u. roettst. H. P.&S.NBLSOHIeCO., Manufacturers of Hammered B.w*ei*i and Spade*. Hoci tray and Manure Fork*, ftc4 Jtc. , Ware boo »e. No mart^ 'jawa BfjiitULftOt'JfiA BIUUA, ] RBW ffr 99- Fnrd ima, «u«r [. .BsHlg •' [JT ADqtaliliVi of Green and Black Teat dSeop ibqpaherAalf, end onepound eackaeea. ran Hgße pera JAiVKat : B .frio .A Af’t for PekinTetCd \ | A. ill. Wal.ingtoid. Ji>« F. Siugei WALLIXGFOUD A CO., ’ j COMMISSION A FtIKU AKDI.Nfi MUHCIIANT?, i ncairr.* ts II r. A v V HARD w ark and PITT*BUKGH JIAXIKACTI'RKS, p 11 fA KKIIOUSKS N>coi:d *Ueel, near Wood, anil V V Canal )ta»,r> Liberty no-ei, earn on hand and for (ale 100,000 lbs j«»oned Strrl r:z: I Nnylor A Co’* Ca»t, Shear, Uli*ier and Oernun ic 'j, June* A Olios'* Am H';«tfr Sjinm; and Fork 3iW dot Sliorrlr, spades andiork*, | "pune* and Axle*; | AnViL. {mouse bole.) Vire», (paUnl Olid rmnmnn., | Slrdjfc, JAiedge Mould*.Crowbars; 1 Furnace Ringer*. (Juuiaialron.] MallocW*. Clav and Coal l*<el«. Ale», Reyihe*. S.el;l-*. U>« Chain*. Ac. \c.. J2r“salatn»udeT Fire Proof Safes, lion. Nail*. *«!*> • and oiter P;li«i-iiT*dh Mnnii'acium *uld a: 'lie lowe i prieeß.| .frills 1 C R llaorniiovvrr, i itenuido Sank. CiIAnCKS U. DA.NKSIIOWKU A CO. TOBACCO [ COfl MISSION MHKCHA STS, ' , No, £!> Souili WliiiTvrviuul No 117 *ouih Watei «l I | niIL^OF.U’IUA: | T)F.n 10 >l. orui (tie tiniie and dealer* generally di j 13 t*ili*t>urgh. Hiai they hav'm ote r.i<-li arrangement 1 M'liti llje Virginia mauutaciurvr* .iml ilic (irotver* 01 ' ihe \V(it. \V e»i Indie*, nin! oilier place* a* w.II insure I a laryn and rottM.ttu »upp!y of the ioi!ow .np-dr.ertj • , l;on* of Tuliure© wlurh w.t! !>e »<dd upon a« accottt* ,e * *cp»MV , AWW , Tlll i w, I!. r«Mrvcu. THOMPSON* A. CAMPBELL, COMMISSION MERCHANTS And Manafkrtnreni uf Llmttd Oil, Am. 20 Cultimbiu Street, CINCINNATI, OHIO. . r*io‘roß rLAXiit*o^PD 'v WM WATTKRSOX, FORWARDIN'* AM) COMMISSION MI‘.JU*UA*NT, ‘ [{rilljinti, Pd. f w.Wrc'j'-'i ;A]!iy •n'onn ti * u -•»Js 1. wilt] lln* pul’lir Ih lit Up liu■ •tk'-li U.«* U'itrrlioii->-. formerly fH C“p‘Cti Iji J K Could wliejr wll trmi (a i l a Afcncy, I'i>f *»» mid C©rotni»*>oii tmtinCK Ramcolar Bttcm;on fwn :i' ! r»n».fii iupiii*. Chafer* tir'jMjn-!..’- niarllll H> dlionfc, Martli I. I '•l7 ___• __ _ WALMIttiFOUU k CO., IXIMMISSIGN * FOUWaKDING MERCHANTS, Street, near Wood. DFAI.IX3 . .1 I’llisl.nrf.b and Hravv Uaid-4nrr- Will irrp ci.i'i*i*nlly on Inrtd n *L»el ..l . arrifißf* *pr;us«and a Ur* tiinin ♦ -rylhen ami ... k Iri. fur proof «3»ru, UfiVtG vice* t.Hurk> *M.l<*«* bctlow'. *|.i,lte*. Ae .Ar j**rJ»tf #_ lii.col.U' l Kitcir. jn*»:m « I.UUI 3JAUCOU3I LKKCII A HON, [' ATK M LKKCn A C<l. Wl.oi. talc Grocer?, loin [J ,„,il riujir>!*. drairf. .■• ■'! k)n>l, i>nmtry Pioduit*. f,.i»pcr. T»n, Tin I'iuir.. r>iuic<- 'oo', lr.»n ami N'a-i*. /me. While Dye Stull«. Ic'*.3 Sheri liuii, Head. Wnmn Varn*, Sail. kr.. aud • itrhur-n Mnnoiai 'iirc. r/-i>r-,nlly. No* UI.U-I.nnJ 1M ..(•criv »tl“cl,onr rl.ui, U'eivr llic Head ill Wo>nl HUrrl. '{ldier*l*advance*. ;n ftarh or ROO*L, made on con liiiiueul* of (irmlocc. A A A p. _ j aiKitcKii, yrtoTUKUS A Co., * COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ! Forth* *a!r 01 I’R'tuccx xcneraliy, PHIL A DEPUI A. cnl adv.nn <** made •>» .•ui.->*i»,irntj. < nl itillnda, Hceemi.r* « urm .... it. w. *athxws. w. r. raTcii .MATHISWH db PATCH, cosaisstos 51 EBCUAiITs, So. Water Street, 'ST J.oriS.MO. •Yili pumcular aiwnt-m 10 the ►•■l!:it« of I’m •r .a-id hi ordnilor purer,u«iint taren to—G«oti;e Moraan A Co.. I’ati'iorih, ra. o*H .. nhn M i*n:!ourh. J M'Krehan. O DCulberiaon. JOHN M CVLLOKKI * CO. Coinmirsitm /ifirf Forwarding pterchanti, NOH. 0; & 05 SOTJTirST. 'uii , j7iv p r.nwijiNG'v ivii\ni'.qniriniQre TIIOS. J. CAUSO.Y, A Co* COMMISSION MBROHANTB, Koi, S nml 0 Light St, f TiALTiaioaE. in7*Ca«h advance* will be made on cinutgnmenHn CAUHON A- M, KNIO lIT : K,I*M ; _ UFO II JIiFTEMIKHUKIt, STEAM BOAT AGENT, COSIJIISSIOS k FUSWIRBIHG MEBIIIiST, FRUDUCE k MERCHANDISE BROKER, aoclU tiri.-e. No 36 Water Sircet, IMubargh I a. SEWTOft JOSRB T AOKNT AND COMMISSION , mkkciiant. MIC.NH N(i A M I I. A HO 1 Si.. Pit tktmrch' I** rill,*....**'* ■ ■ BA. FAIINEHTOCK <sTL’oN. wiiitk ■ • LEAO WORKS.—The uoilcriigncij have eompleled their new work*, located or lh« bank nl the n«er. above the Aqueduct, in Allegheny city, oppoaile pilUburch, for the a »opn* rtor quality °f ’•nde lead, botii dry add grOiittd in oil* al*o. red Itail and lithcragc. Having availed the'meelre* of “H *bo recent imprnvonionU to ill roannfactnre, and erected the building* on n very estcn( ive«cale, and wtth capacity to mako load in. Urge qtwntitiea, they will be able to *ujply order*, .nalmott any extent **;•' riTOVII PATTKKNH FOII BAbK-Cal-b S libUaer,Faitrrii Maker. Allegheny Uij- 0.1.Mi11,. ii™-rt.* neweM Pavem*- (or Bio»r*®n hand either m i”d „, iron. toartrr 1 MISCELLANEOUS. , AGENCY FOB PATENTS. J). C. ZF.NAt* C. ROBBING. Mechanical Engineer and Agent lor piocorinz Patents, will prepare the no* ccr'ary Drawing* and Papers lor Applicant* for Pat* ini*. and transact all other ‘msines* in the line of hi* profession at the Patent Office. Mr cts be consulted <»n all question* relsuug to the Taunt t.awa and deci> »ion» m the Untied Siab-s or Europe Pe »on.« at a ili»iaocidf.*irou* of having examinations made at the Patenc'pffiee. prior to making application for* patent, icur forward (po« paid, enclosing a fee of fire oollat«, a clear atuieuient of their ca»e, when immediots area* n«ji will be given >o .it. and at) the iitfortnouoii that could he obtained by a v.m of the applicant iu peieotij promptly communicated. AH'lrner* on bonnes' waist be post paid, and contain a ‘amble fee. where a written opinion i« required, ttificr on F *trert.oppo*iie the Patrnt Office. He ha* thr honor of referring. by permusinu. to' lion. Kjltnund Burkr, Citmiii t<innrr of Patents; lion. II L ElUwonh. late do do do; >!. Krtowlo, Marbiu'«t, Paient Office; iuda'S'Crnncli. \Va‘hington. D C: t iiomUf Clioate, .Ma**achu‘ctt*. l ( S Senate; lloiii W Alien. Ohio. do; lion. J U liowlin, M C, Muroun; • Hon Willij Mail. New York; Mon.. Holier! Smnh, M C. ilj-.ntu*. U Senate;' 1 Mot ij il-Hr.lte, M 0. Mirroun; f*apt. II M Bhrevc. MNeouri; Krdstus Brooks, K*q.. Pittsburgh. JAMES W. WOODWELL, ! t'VmeOJL£Yi , 8 QfllCKjpit.l .euhicnliff» lw* leave offiin wei | liiivimuilrd and oilier* IV ibp.vef) ;'\Ve Win warrant ll equal H •ti t'ffM, ofalie »thjc prira. no« ! We have n iinin!*-t <>l" r/runrnU 1 jutr**. wli*ch ocijupf.iuo much iptcr can I'C Keen AttiurulErc. Rnritmaierekr** »**«p*'cnft*ll y* Invt ;V- y»ii| s,er oiii own cuar&nire.ft r;- il'i* *<’ tftate nr County fielii t f. .Iv . .JOHN. JiwW e»IM [ Copartlidrahl] : 1 xri; the niic ‘ ?V «tiip far tli- purpoKc of trim Comm.MJon anti I'orwnrdim lnt»inc OIU'M, MeOUISW - nil it have'iakeii'Ui»wi»n;lioo«e. No i l.a.ciiy Jttret, 6>rmc<iy occupied t>] { where all l*u*ine«a ciiiruMed to ( I pnrapi'r nod faithfully auetule-J to MORRIS OIUIM. forltiorly TIKW H MeGRKVV FINOI.MY H McHHIIW | I’liuhuffb, March tfi. IH*.. ; Tea, Gmc«rr, fc'rulland I WHOI.KHAI.K AM) i SO. l«l LIBERTY I HKNJAMIN. down would ret old friend* and th- puNie err j cotoinuteed Lu*inc>» in it>os dl.qr it) hi* old muid, where he raopply of rwharuclei, •e1i;mrlo» in- Mr.-c dtt'HilKN! 'o h:i'p4tii») i iM.i.'.r paironajr- T. S. ri.EMiNfi, HOUSK. {JfGN ANl> nK<XMIATIVF. PAINThR, (.I.A/.iKR AND I , AI , F.IUI..NUKR.t* now pie pa tr.l 10 un.WuU t».«* nl.ove tumi i<t« i» ull iu vanon« tifunclie*. mtiliwarraiii* u» «i*<» »ui*<iu , non in .ewy rr«pecv .Mifitnrv Simulant Rniim r«, Flute*- Ac-paiiH" rd logiiler Qild FrllnA am) Mni >nir ontt'iixl liniiaisnn* of wood* ai d done in a Jrr*Si*ii« n( r II tumlt-don** m 1 r »hoiu«t nniirp. 1 No 14 Si Cl* r *l, I\u*liur*h I* RAGS WANtrEb. innmm lbkoountry mixkd Ra«s warned, lU'mUU” fcl which the higbeM pnea ill CASH Will be 1 aivt»)-« r»n Jir ii«J, every de*cn nioa'of Wrttinjc and ... ocrmnou Wianf-me Piper and Chloride Lime Pl ! R&YM)LD»&*fI6B i,l Cnrnrr prnn and ijwin M«. frmMirU WillTJiinuSTWoCFr, IMPORTERS uuil Deal*.'* in Hardware. Cutlery, and Saddlery No SO Wood meet, ihraedoer* aliove Pt Charle* WBW KXaiIAVISGS. JUST Received, a apleodtd ux riraenl of KufWthand French Engraving*,, eolared and plain. of « RreM ;*"«t" ,Slii _ ' wood.t,l.C.rju. MACKKKKI., lIBKHIM.I, S»I.WIW*C. fin IK >ul»cril>eT« keep an M»«r *eulof Pickled r»»h I of Maiwclweiu and ftalifai lnipection,fof»al« in lot* u wanted at their war rhoase, Np « Worth l KSSNEDV^CO LITERAI 11 FEDillj IfISTITCTE. PITTSBII BE ] qifflS 1 J,. Uohior* asd I naiiienul bmnrhrt i it now open for th* i PFo. 59, Irwl between 3d aud 4iL commence on Mot important tbnt any be present at far a i,'under the tire of Rev. J. ."9 Labt. it* «rhtch nil the; tolii and oi of a fiutihed .educator, ate laughl reception of nuiitls at -\ ». kb ttowt Liberty Street* ttreeu. The Second -Sernon will, day the tth of Fefuary. and it i» who may design erteriiig should i piarticalileeither before or althai :d the* of Profraaor RIIO of Mus'c on the !‘ia:t> and Guitar, - Thy have s?cu:: BOCK m tenehrr i «-Uo i» 100 well kuc < the service* M°'' M Cllfe*;ofh#tlli•: dt raluahte mliool l«> > L- tt a graduate of i of I’iino, iuid eiaud I >ir£ lopluain an oc the Frritch l.&hgUa 'itm'er hi> inttraclir .a ioneext recotaihC'idaiion ~A!*o (CASJMIiI LAUKKVT, author x>i a Literature Francot*.” and other * In li<« native Utitrnaffe. >e I'ntveraity anti .Noiatal School tigh a* a teacher, Thope vrho de late and ihorqugh oi jwoutJiSo wc’l to place theat«elve» ular or spiilytothe Principal For .tern:*, »ec Ci _ 7 YOUIfG LADIES* SELECT SCHOOL, al.eoueny city. TMIIS !u«titution hoi recently been opened under lirt luition of Al r N. W.Metcalf, utbe Corner ofSauduaky «nd Strawberry eta. Tiic mcce«» wlucli ha* thus far attended thi* School, in it* c*tal>li»bmeut and prt>Rrc»i', hu* fnjly equalled the experiatioiff of it« Inrirueior and i‘roprietOT. and war rant* lUr hope llial h- w: II he raatsined ill b'» effort* to render it a desirable (iitmution for the educatiouof Young l.adieaiu Allegheny and viejuitr.. _ The First Sc«*ionof the next Acaceraie >car, srfU commence on Monday, Feb fcth. , Tnere are yet a few vacancies lo be tiled, but a* the tiumberof pnpP* i» limited an early application it de sirable, For particular*, relative to tenor, fee., contull Circular* or apply to tha Instructor. fcbSrf BOOKS, MUSIC, &u Valuable BooKs—pubiished by j a A U P Jarne*, Walnut aired, between Fourth and Fifth, CißCln<U* Ouuui’a Gibboa—The history ol iliC decline and fa'l or the Roman Empire By Edward Gibbon, I'li-q. A uew Edition, rented and corrected throngh out.preccded by a preface, and accompanied by uott-a critical and hLtorical, relating principally to the propagation of Christianity: by M. F. Gaizol, Minister of Public Instruction fur the kingdom of France. The prdaco, notes and correction*, trans lated Iroo tbe French expressly lor this edition. With * notice ol the Ltle and character of Gibbon, ar.d Watson's Reply to Gibbon. Ini tola. imp. Bto. 1073 page*. ' Napicr’a I'eninaula War-Complete. I tol. imp. Bvo.,BMU pages. \ Uallam'a Middle Aura, Chamfer's Rebellion in Scotland, Robertson'*Virginia SfIJJ New England, Russell's French and English War in America, and Ramsay'* American Resolution. 1 tol -Ito. Li - »rarynl American Iliatory—Containing selec tion! from thd best author* on American History, Biography, Travels. Cormrerc*. Stalirtic*, Indians, Revolutionary Battles, Ac. Ac. Ac. Alto, Anec dotes, Poetry anil Miscellaneous article*, llluolra ted wuh more thansoo engratiogs. 1 *ot,imp3vo G-tO pages. ' > Unirersal Pictorial Library—Containing valuable paper* on taiious subject*, comprising Nitoral History, Natural Science*. Agriculture, Rnral Eeon i otny, Biography. Fine Arts, tbe Oriental*, Tratel*. I Geography, Botany, Miscellaneous reading, Ac. iAc. I toI imp Bto, 64Upp, fell sheep. . f The. Family Medical Library—A Treatise on the j Prevention and Cure of Diseases, by regimen and ; simple medicine*. Ns* edition, revised and enlar i get! witxi the addition ol a VegrlJtdn Materia Med* ica. poiuting nut the \ irtuc*. preparation* and d- aes id'our tuotl valuable native medical plants, and au outline of Anatomy and l‘by«iol<»gv. Wusfcalcd with one hundred Engravings, sit of which are colored. By J G Norwood, M L>—pages Svo. - American Flower Garden Conipamou—Adapted to the United Staler; by Edward Sater*. Landrcapc and Ornamental Gardener. • 13 mj>. third _ edition, revised, enlarged and illustrated. ■' Palmer's Oregon, Rocky Mnuntaioa, Ac. Ac. Family Tesuaieit, oclatu, with and withoul l'i>|,ygldl notes, and Psalms in metre. / Rio; and Pingree’s Debate. Burn's Work* Lady ofthc-l-ahe. Lalla Rookh. More** Private Devo tion. Juvenile Bonli.. (.'heap edition* ol varo-us works in pamphlet form. _ n»cblE)_ NEW BOOKS-The time Divine -riier-. Faith, Hope aid Charity. * .The Ix-.avm. or a direction lo ilcuven By Rvv Thoms* Ad»n.t, w.ili an mtroduclui.. hy Rev. W. II Slowest _ „ Mcinon cl M »* Mary Jane Crabaru By. Rev Uiarh-s Rt.dre«, M- A- Auib'f of ObriMian Min • ». i'l TJmmU'C) . a:i ih«* *••»••• Oi SKti,~A'|.\l. ' , llAmrfexa ir..U»f> t<».<iar:*.nß U.»;o{.c»! -Utauo* ol tie ladiim tribe* a iW&npi'on of Artrr.can Anuijni »U-t. wish an iiHjoiry rata tb;:r ar gin. anJ tie orR-n 01 tie Jnd|»n irilM-t lli>;of> cf t/nard !“Utev with ap;*enpix showing nteaeni l»m.*b Pronnde*. ll<*iory of Mexico and Teiai by Marc mi \}\? I \TKW IXU Xt Li ComUOUonAl Hi*: • ion of Uenry yil to ib> ryMel'um Prora Ihr ( Uresl Even:*. descri! rhtntt <jirrr.,*fldolbrr x rrmrxlaled, by Franci* Tfce jovetlllr t*prakr , and csrmsca in Drvla icv ■ :a;j|.rari>et. By 1* lt< « i.y ihf-u H.;i> b!r» aipl moral p.n-e* ■ arraugrd Irani Itr writ skrtcnof kerl ft', by M ThrJnremle Budge ibe writings of Dr Jrto Uieciuw* ;o; lovoS' iljp Inralidiorbcip. H No si* r.riont! Fug I Zumpl*' Laiiii <•»»<» i •» ,W . : ..J .J 1 ; t)OKTICA,L Wt ’ 1 Anuri^a, ! Fori* anJ IV*lry of OO do 01 i Book of Urili«h foci j HowiU. Milontii and I rolcu.lfc. SfVUry a Wilton, Vooflg.Urs; j Grubb Helm aud Ip Cowprr a:i*| Tbompo > I'ampbcli's Fucio* e*:r, j i Wiiiou't lWlic*i \ i llctnan* «b> , Moorr; Bar I Thd above, wnu .■ j d« pAritAcni* of lilrrs very low. 3[P-J) New. STOCK MK.VTS AND S Wonfl »irwt, bctureer .■ now opening, and] elegant asrortuicni id iroin late imporiuiiori French, Italian ni V. ry superior <*ui English and liuli'i French Arcordcoi iViolmteHog. with] One veiy mnerioi Clanonciu. rlntel TfomhaeelU*, Tit Frrne.h Ilmtis.Cci Drams, Tam borne Every ample in u IV£W WOUKt 11 co, her y linniry Annals, frni I .‘n'nfjocrt, liiO, to the prcxeht litnr, IS 17; including an account of tint Ktiiling V'ar with the United Matee. its (au;ri abd Military Arliicvi-mehtp. lljr Philip Voui g, A 1 l)i iJAiii' P JAMKS, _m ehiy j Publish imj Ciucionatj. [\t£\V MUSIC IJOOK— Pamphlet Form. i^|, —The Melodcjon; a elniit e selection nr >rfng<, Duetts, Q'iattetts. Bounds, Wiltici, aud .NH?elic»} with a History of . I 111 slratcd witll numer ous engraving*.. Imperial ncli vn. Price 23 cent*. Published and fur sale toy J A A - U PJ AM r'S, : . Wnlnut street, bcl.l purth anti Fifth. I Cincinnati, March 2J, ICI7. : I : ~ ' I'iAifijsr Pifiitoiiii * ,-«ti »unpl : ***»lir*"ri null tin* counuy, rilh any f*lsbl ib- [mil a.i<l examine ],■ mhr9 SI—A» the »cu Hfirk* the It-Iho attention of o*oful imcliine-—. ipriorio any other 111 IUC- , i of their perform lor advertwng, but pit lo give ov a rail r tbe performance > for »a!e HI'NRV KLKUlila, Dealer ii at J tV tVoixlweli'*, No. t*i«im« tuny t>c ejanfinedat all her tvill Im there rrtnu It to lit. I*. \J , oarh day. I l’h JcFADKN&CO ha-in & pVnn •! cil into Conuitner ruling t> Produce. to, under me *ty.e * CO., , i llomnw'H»l Row. Mr. W V. Pu«cy ur charge will he inform the rliizru* ol avc appointed Mr. 11. *ehn»vlvama, lot the I'.botti iliry iuuy be oh ..iUNNS A CL A UK New Tork, JV|> VV*. ihr cmler»t*ne<l, -would. I‘rubuigli ami vicinity ibat wc Ktrtwf »olr Agent i'of 'VrMeill •ale ol our I'iuhu ►'••tie*. from v taujci] ut uurown (New Yorklj »i Philadelphia S,mil,Grid, Ohio JITj'T Hprfl.’rtd and oprnedl ■follovrinp i’ian(»»:—* I On- c Icgau} H»*c\\ood, 0 <k w 1 ' 1 Onu Rotfwool. f J of ) rafvrJ (ituli'O TaMrU—* •(•Ini rovielon Stole. ort'Aii. Aim. one vriv good i-cand him! Piano, raa.l*! by Uiud t To, Philada lIKNK* KLF.HKR meH«4 *iJ W Wjoodwetl'*,«Thitd «t BOOKS— Suitable for Common er 8. School Libra. nr*—Sunday Kvriimjf Oiuver«am n- Thing* by Ui(t<r Jight name*; Juvrmlo bddgeiopen <J; Juv. bud gel fr'*openril; ptcluic* of KaHv Life; Scene* in Na loiv: Colombu* and Yraparid*] lleobue* ofKng lli»io ryj do of French do; iluJboa, Uoritt.nnd Frzorto. Hut ton'* book of jiaiuru. i'raiic and I'nuciplei *orm* o Itohcrtiia: Twin'brother*; Chatter* And CTungr*; Mean en'l Kmf*. The sbave v witb A Urge variety of othe book* »uttdUla for the nine pifl>o*e.> Forme by - " | J L READ. 4ih »trery pevitiilly Hii'onn hi* erally, ihol he' ha* hove branehr*, neii lope*, by keeping a ■ for ea*n niul-pay to incut a eliarwpf uiclrSt Emlxjit <u aoiVCjii Wafer*. T ;i ; no 3 SIA.TIO^ ; STATION KilY—Jut! re icivcU. a lar*e »upnl> ot Flo,a), Silver efljfed, Eml«t ia-edpecli Lace, dill ami I’laln Now Paper,'Nau acute ird tuivelopovr Wrralh,- Flo al, Knot ami Mouo Waftjr*. Ac-, Ac., and for *al bV JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, Siatienm afrtt ■ -.Co Market and Thin! »'f AP OF THE SKAT 01 IVlirtftpjt m copy of Getirratj ttetaea <t« la_£alroa trithad KinlicUilicd «ri b diagram* of oij Mny, and capture of Montrr I'm pc’ cnjtiprtt, r<-auti>, Ac. A and Cattle os'tfatt Juan <le UU for tale by. , JQIIN . royl • cofliar ■ . Planet* A LARUKbnd eplesdid awrimem •( mahogany and ro*ewood gtind «c -. 11 •< I I ■ tioo Piano*. WiiA.weullit frame* and with afl the tatem Iraprovemei u. which for durability,, tone and touch are warranted o be equal lo any made in tbe country. For tale iow fyr^ntbb^ J NoUgSroodn Jdioor qiBB: BOOK OP COKHBBOE, -«V SEA 1 AND.UAND-, l exbibitin*i« caoMct*u { uri\b Agn- Collate,, tbc-Arta, and Manufacture*. To wfiieb are added a llFitoiry or Commerce, and oTTftron»k>*iC»l Tabt^JiJaßritedVt ferula by,. 7. JUHNSTO*\A.arOQiJOIV . ,_ Cook»ell«r, cor NtrtjiaEti W tti MANTFAU2ORIES. ■UTIONS. DU Q UEB NE SPRING, AXLE.TSTEKL IRON WpRKS COLEMAN, havioc coapleiod their New work:, are now prepared tnip every dertPption of Coach asd ElipUc apringa Iron axles, .American Bitfrer.apripß end plough Steel, andolisizm* of amall square aiut round Iron,, Wnlea they offer forsale on liberal tent*, at their Wtttow So. is Wood atrret; whe*e they a'.ap keep «al«d • complete and handsome aarortmem of Coach triio* mings, Carnage hardware, malleable coatings, Nails and Iron, . . C. H.fc do, have made arrangetnems wuhlttaam Day k Crotti, manufacturer* ol Shovel*, Spades Fork*. Ac- and will keep constantly on. hand even aritVie made by lliein. Dealers are an* ci:pd to valLa* prices and M>nJ will lie made liberal r tvaH-dTwt DUsoimton. . , - THE Psnnerulnp heretofore existing under the firm of MatilnU. UiaillrV, 4: Co , wa« di»*oir«j on ibe isni try mutual co»«u»U- The ’ bu»ine»» of the n will Ue aeilied br Marshall. Wallace fc Me- JAMES MARSHALL ALEXANDER BRADLEY Wta. W WALLACE HENRY MctiEARY. FRANKLIN FOUNDRY. THE businessol (lie above Foundry will be con tin ed by ibe subscriber* under ike farm of Ma raltali Wallace! Co-, in all'll* various branches. viz: Hollow Ware Mill Geariug Piove* and Stove Plate# Light 4 Heavy Maclt'ry Wagon Uoxea Engine* i_ Grate* 4Had-lro:n Engine Calling* _ |»l*ugh« Plougl>CaAimg«v*c. 4c. Madeof ike beat materials, and ai ike lowest prices.— Purchasers are invited to call and examine our Htock a( the* U ar'ehouse in Liberty *treei No. 81, near the headof Wood »treet. JAMES MARSHALL • . Wra. W. WALLACE JIKNRV McHEARY PITT MACHINE WORKS AND FOUNDRY, - PITTSBCOOU, Pa. JOU9 WRIOUT dfc CO., ARE pienared to build Coiton and Woollen Machm ery of every description, »ucb aa—Carding Ma* ehinci, Spinning Frame* Speeder*, Drawn* Frame*, Railway Head*, Warper*, Twillers,Spool- ",Brewing Frame*. I-ootns, Card Grinder*, 4c., WjeogUi Iron Shafting turted all *ize* of Cast Iron, Pulliea and Hanger*, of the Intesi pattern*, Hide and hand Lathe*, and tool* of all kinds. • Casting* of every de«cnption furnished on snort no tce. Pattern* made to order for Milt Geanug, Iron railing, Ac. Steam Pipe for heatihg Fnciorie*. Cast Iron Window Fa/h, and fancy Casting* Order* left nt tha Warehouse of J. Palmer 4 Go-, Lib erty tireei, will hare prompt auemion. Run to _ Blackitock, Bell 4 Co., J K Moorhead 4 Co., G E Warner, John Irwin 4 Son*; Pittsburgh. O C 4 J II Wantei; Slenbenville. Janlß^ TflOS. A.~iULLIRR. ' " ~ lOOKINO GLASS MANUFACTURER, and fancy j Furtii*liinx Warehouse. No iO4 Wood strert, near filth, Pni*buigb, Pa ; Whole*ale and Retail: English and French Engraving*; Japanned Waiter* and Tray*; looking Gla»* Plate*, by the box or single light; Table Cat'ery; Picture Glass of oil aize*; Britannia Tea Were, in *eu* or single piepes; Portrait and Pi rtuie Fra tie*; . Fire Iron* and Fender*; Mahogany Toilet Glasses, with I. #. and 1 draw*; Herman Silver and BritanmaTea 4 Table Spoon*; Hand Maguif'ing Mirror*; Cnndleiiick*, Snuffer* *nd Tray*, > Gilt, Pier, and Mantel Glu**e»; Gentlemen's Shaving Case*; Comb*. Hair Ora«he<, 4c. , , fty-Meteham*, Hotels, and Steamboat* supplied on hbtyal term*, and narking carefully attended to U»n si discount fer ca»n. • fer*»« A Lt.IiGtIKNY VKNITIAN BLIND FACTORY. JOHN A. DROWN tins method to inform hi* friend* and the pa!-lie at large thm hi*Facto/7 'i*n(nrin fall operation, on the Hast »ide of the Diamond, Allegheny, where a con* •tant supply of Blinds, of various'color* and qualities, are constantly kept on band, also at No. S Wood *t. Pittsburgh,at J. 4 11. Phillips'oil eloihwaieroom. Shatters made to order to the br*t*tyle. Blind* repaired at ike shortest notice. N. B. Hi* Blind* will be pul un, without uny oddi nonal riepn«e »n that they can re removed in a mo* nieut in cas- of lire or lor washing, and without Ute aid of a crew dr e oclldl yAwluwly _ - - a _Uell nndTira** Foutidf Aer. ho* relmilt and commenced busine** at bis old stand, where he will be pleased to *ec hi* old customers and friend*. Chnreh. Steamboat; and Bells of every size, from 111 to 10,00 pounds, cast from pattern* of the most approved model*, and warranted io be of (he Le«t material*. Mineral Water Pump*: Counter*. Hulling, 4c. 4e. ogrjbcr with cvciy variety of Bras* Castings, if requit ed, turned and finished m the r.eute«t manner. , IF/-A. F i* the »oi- |iropr;vmr of U.iasrrt Awn- Anr.iTtus ,M.,r*U *<’ ;u.*t!y celebrated fir th- reJuc i,i ir.ruuri ii> tii.vMm.-ry. Tiie ISoxc* and Cuiupo* can be hudof him utuil nines. . janl-ly WM.acccuLx.Y db Co, IMITATION CROWfj GLASS. HAVING recently made very' important improve ment* in the manufacture of the abovo-artiele, and adopo* balatest improved eastern wheel oven for But tenlna we Rteoownref meed to famish an article of Win daw Class, equal, it not superior, to arty Cylinder Glass made m tbelirued Fuile*, ami but little inferior to tin Enali , h Crow n; ' \Vr ar.-ui*w very irxte.tiiveh engaged in the manu facture of Common Window Glue* an*i IVuyg.-:-’ and of every description. Hea!ei*c» - i:en.,ly ait invited to call andegamine for tl,r.m*elve*.*t our ware bouse. No. 139 Wood street. Puubnrgb, P*. octtiM ■ • i! a: the ISoo* nad !*•< [**■ fmu Kl I.iOIT A KNi.I.lMi LIIADLB DOOKS-ii irv ot England, Iroin Bus nrcci : dealt of Cieorgp 11. By H«i fib London edii'nn. td by dift:»gai*tipJ ni*tnrian men. Collected, iiTd mpa .;iber. PITTSBURGH STEAM MARBLE WORKS, .Yv*. ‘J4I and ‘did . liberty Ursvt, -ruar i At (’an of ALWAYS on bond and made to order, a large varie ty of Marble Mantel*. Pier, Centre Tables, and oui can Top*. Tomb SiuneJ. Mnnomeuta. 4e ; all which, briii? nude of toe choices! marble, andjmauufnclured pnnvinally bv machinery, will be sold law for cash. N. IL Person* wishing 10 purebaae (Mantels, are informed Uiat it is lieocelortb unnecessary for them to go East, a* I etui furnish them with ah article iu all respect* a* good, and {freight, iniurancc, 4c, consider ed ) as rbcup a* they can purchase them for In the F„»tl Cull mod see.. >ct9* cotapririiig elementary rule nation. wun a selection of pn son* T Ku«*«t. iMiruLior i iru! Uu*gef»’ Foilrffrf.Ac- Nnt«p». mid btlier »:orle«, !> i pnne and verse; ■elected an se« or Alia Barlmuid- W,Ui :».&J.tUtp. I Opened) toing selections fro Aikia. By Alt* Hale raung and I’mitineinr l.jfp. r Wui Kitrkmcr. M I). Ai. U4(l nsevabr'dgc-l. For »al* by L BKAD,. 4lb hear mai ket »i copper', sheet ihoh, and tin WARE MANUFACTORY, No 0 Marker street, Pittsburgh, Penna: I'HE1 'HE subscriber* having made great improvement* hi tbe lonsirnctioii of ibeir COOKING STOVES, respeenully I'lvite p< r*on» building S-ieumtioau to call and ciiifiiut before purchasing, a* we can supply them aKS-IVli and Poetry , li.Hedge Ku'o|ip; <!•> do England. do do & AtiC'Pllts, dO lio i. do do Krai*; ; do do id Kr*>» : do do . Beanie.CollrAa; do «hi lil-ick, • ,! do do *on, do do Woiar, ucUiy boomi m wii r'ork*; | do do : do Em: Burn*. llaod. Ac rge aitotloaeili ot txwka m ure, ;u«( reeeivrd amt for • KU-lUTT & KNULISi markeroibet.34 A <th »l with Deck Fioves, Forges, and every other kind o Copper, Ti;i gud Sheet Iron work necessary lu furnish ing a Fteataboat- VVe also make to order on tbe-shortest notiee Sa Tube* and Chamber; Copner work far Steam Engine* and every variety rf work in our line, felift. , SHERIFF 4 SHIRK BENNETT & BROTHER, H PERNS WARE MANUFACTURERS. Blmlttfbao, |Mar PUUb»nli|)P«< HareAouye, Ao. 137; Wwdstreei, Piiltlmrgh. Mwr\Wll.l.ronetaml7 keep on hand a rood as*ort- or Warn,'ofotir own-raanmaciare, and •oprnot<juaJ'l> ;,Wbole**le andcountry Met* ebanii arc* re'*pecUully inViied u> tall and ‘e'Z amine for tbetnaclvea, iAve are dciertautod to aell cheaper titan harvver before Luca alteredto the pub- or nvMioAb iKßxai'- .USIC-lolifi II Mrltor, No si Diamond AUry and Fourlb *l. jtot rale atkrry low prim, an j AlancaJ lnairu>n- r *&tiH itlrcinl id Cr rmait |Vkiliji«; [TJ- Order* sent by mail, accompanied by the cash Of r'ir rrfrrrni-e. wiH I** proaiptly attended in- fetal# Nn* AoTctt njad Pork Mena&o torjr. , GRIFFITHS & DIXON, ! HA VINO commeuced the manufacture of Spades, Shovels. Ilay and Manure Forks, dtc.ou an egirn live scale, are prepared to fill all orders for such aril; eles at KaMrttt price*. For the conseuience.of their easterners ana dealery in such articles, they have appointed Uoorge Cochran, Cnmcuisiioii Merchant, No "Jb Wood »treei. iheir Agent foi ihefnloofihe.r inmiofactures. ed to him will receive prompt attention, on the most »d vamagroo* knni , GRIFFITHS *.■ DIXON. IMistiurgb, July S—dly pi • »ti and (1 Double U> . Fifca and ml<onr(. nettr.Opbl liauioa, e Muv cbi ]»tent Scypwa; l»« Violmrello; I Klageolett; \ I Truroprl*; lelidew be., Ae^ ]rine<a. apt (—ltUlory of jlonial and Kcvota iod ol the Spanish limit Wulcru Butt llinse Sanulsttory, CIXCUI!«ATI,O. AGARDNFK & Co' would inform the I’radeiliat . they *re now m»«ufaeigrinjc the best-Butt Hinge rvemtade m ilia Untied t*tatc«. lAi this i» our princi ple business wo mleitd 'o ssud out oj comply!* an nr licle as can possibly bn made. Thole engaged in the hardwiiie trade, we think, wM lad il'lo their-interest 10 see our Hull* All order* orotnpilji attended to. m>i A UARDNKR A Co. rprof C)H * roam »»• a f AM-FACXURKRSoiOiltartd.Mahogany looking |VI Glasses, Importer* and Dealer* is I .do king Glass. I’Ute*. Acronlwn*, J’ercusmn Caps, Clocks, Combs, Jevrrir/ and Pdi.ey CooJs rriiefally. •| | lr nr<- making »onie improvement* in tltr'i iMismiii. with increased facilities m the purchase of Domextio, -und die im|witaUon of many Foreign floods, they will tie able Jo sell al htutrrn psicr* iThri respertftiUy • *lnSt ilic attention of purehusnr*. \ janlSdli . . }- COTTOA and WOOLklflK MACIIINI&RV r|i|lK sulNcribrr* sue now enlarging their esia.bii.h- I raent. and ate prepared to make oii kinds of Cotton and Woollen Machinery, on the mosteeasouuhle term* tinier, addressed to us will meet with piompi attention WIGIITMAN* DAI.ZKI.L ettucru Piano Forte*. 13 iTinrd Street. The tour* and llic .olucn- A. * and from 4to 4. •i.’p, Onobrr •.% ‘l6 Laeork street, Allegheny Cltt N n— 11. Wighiraan, who hat a puirul fo; a eery mporiant unproverpe i.i on the Card, and who has t>cen tieafird for ilic la«i fifteen years In some of thi-i most and successful Cotton Factories of iheAvest, till give h'* personal audition upollin; tip, to the sa; sfacuonol those concerned, all nucUjncs made at this •sLihlishment. ianWdlv o*. byj the »uli*cril>er, th« ic PianoFone. IF, lave Piano Forte, iit id lumumrnt. \Vtrt P Yottlg. C Utmsen. F PlunketL VOI’HO, tIIMSKS A PLUMKETT, -F t LWT ULA 8 S.M A N U K A V.T Uft£RS, WAHUIIOL'SENos. S 3 Water and IW First street, Pittsburgh. The Glow raauofacturrd by us is warranied equal to-any in .the country. All oiden will receive prompt attention-ami fifldd tm reasonable terror. Merchants and oilier* vinlius the nlty nre in vited 10 cal) before purchasing elsewhere. fehl« JF WAR IN .MEXICO. AtiMn'* map, taken at Imanf ami correction*, iie lialilc* of frih anil yth r :y,|st-itli a mrtitafmnita oi .:. and planof Wm Crur I, i|t fco.ftc A few (topic* : SION' A STOCKiON r and 3J nt«. L.IPPISCOTT IBOS WOHIU. IRON and Nail". SliOrrU, Ac. far tale at oar ne- Warehouse, No. SSI Water aired, near Wood, mi tusew Front. ~ ' 1 , v. ». • Alao, an at the nld •tapJ,.McMa*l Row, laberty atreet. . _ ... Ho-ain* made *fbat addition* to the Rolling Ml order* can Iks tiled promptly. , novtJO GRAFF. .Ml BIRIIIIGUAjr TAC& 7ACTORI. CAJEFBBEtI* 4 OHUIB, MASCVACniIUK OP. ; FINISHING NAILS, lipOK HEAD BEADS,. IroH 'ABd Oomtr Tack*, ■" -r IRON AND COPPER SHOE NAILS, U 9. Pattern Makers* Points, of evay dacriptioru OAee No. a SLCbatlea Hotel, Twnlstreet, .. fr-M ' . - - - .PltUbiUh. SIPASIIU OCtTJUUoA I arte anon> I. roent of very wpenorSpamifc tiaitar*. t>r ike !«•( T»tl* ttaiiufiiitures. lull received idd ferrate by AMBB* a f J H mello* "WALLACE^ JMOi QILLUBPIK » CO., No 10 Wood Street. JOHN BHBRIFV * Co*, Noi.Wnuii !*1 From «u, Üba«« FatsDui and Ga» Fix* Tt**; Bell* of all rite* cart •front the. laical icnpioveiluqt tenia and warranted equal 10 any Aho, lliaa* CaMiutt, finf»hed if oiderwd. (lu Fit tings pot op promptly and on krea*oiiDble terms. 9 novlMly HOTELS. r* TO THE TEATELLUO WBLK. ffttlM HASfDS. formerly connected with the well J 1 know «rm of Fuller A 'ttawetfolly eall •the attention of the Travelling public to J)ii newly open ed •rttbtiahiMntiUie “Alans iou House," wfcichia*, -*en fitted op in a style of neatness end eontfoll unsurpets edhr other Hotel of the same description tin ihc ciiy or elsewhere. The Mantieg House, w / IT *fr£ r wS n farmer days as Fuler s Hotel, is pleasAmly situated ow Pennsylvania avenue, within a few rods ol the Trea sury Department; and at a convenient distance froro too prinetpu Baokiog houaea aud other places of boaiue*#. Persons having easiness with the Department*. will find this location superior to any other in the city, while iu all that pertains to the comfort# and luxury or the tnUc, legalajity of attendance, and every thing rsren limtio the WelU’cine oFvi'ilen, no expense win be wared to render the Munson House a trolveligtbW place of residence for families ax well as single grßUe rpen. The prapnetor would especially call the atten- Jon of Offieers'of the Army and Navy, Jo whom these localities have alway# been h favorite place of resondoring.iheir residence in Washington. »Vtib a view of descrying a continuance of their furors, many improvement* have been -made, and new sourer* of eonjtort added, to suable them to realize at the Mansion House all those convenience* which they might expect in an establishment aiming to combine the requisites of ti Cm rate public hotel withtheauractions of a gen* ted private residence. - ; JOHN HANDS, Washington. N 0. Porters always In attendance, on the arrival of the car*, to convey baggage freeof eliarge. tny?tf PEARL STREET HOUSE, Cincinnati, OHIO—The subscribers having purchtuud the en tire interest of Col.O I* William*ott. late of this well knowu establishment, beg leave to state to their friends and the public generally-, thai they have taken ibis commodious Hotel for a term of years and will exert their be*t energies to make it a desirable home for Trav eller* and City Hoarder*. ... , . - The Hotel t* spacious and admirably planned for con venience, light and air, baying -a number of parlors adjoining chamber*, presenting unusual attraciious to "■fir;™,,, proprietor* biting hid the expcru-nceof year* in thiseity and eUewhere, hope they will be able to give general satisfaction,beingdeterminetl to gi*e undivided attention to the.ljo«*e alone. • The location of the Pearl Street House tiuncm .noniy eligibl-, having fron'h on Pearl, V\ mJnui and rmrd sis, to that it Uetjaally deanable iuviewof .ite conveni ence of business menor retirement forprivate boarder*. It Is near by the Uanks, the Poitllffice, the Masonic Mall. Odd Fellows Hall,and botoneeqoare distant from Main street and two squares from the City W hail, thus iffering the greatest inducements, especially to roan try rhanis and grneially to al» eeiaonj^TMgmgCtnei'f JOHN A DUDLK MOUHT VKRSOH HOVOB* So. 05 fiortk Second Sim!, Pkiladtlphui. THE wbeeriben mpeetfuJly inform the eitirwu of Pitt*- bareh aadrtt*e»len{ Penney trania, Out they here taken the short bo cue, when they srt perjured to accommodate twnoo* ruitmx the City of Philadelphia in the best title, and m the moatretwosbfc tens* The hou»* ie within one * square of M arket itmi, sad ha* undergone a thoroufh reno ratioa sad repairs, ud w well calculated to accommodate pmon* who say ftror in whhaeaD. , . Gi»e ui a call/and we feel confident you winbe»U*fied. i * f SAMUEL A BRADY, February S 3, IMWU. OLIVER H P PARKER- OALT HOUSE, Corner Main mod Sixth iU, Cincinnati.. embliahmehi U now in ll»e betl order lor Ute 1 reception of the Traveling Public. llaKtfg under rone a .(borough repair, dnrmg the paat winter, nod Eaviur tike meet experienced mea in die west, « lie various 1 flatter myself ibmt nil will be pleased whd call.' The location is central, commodious ad pleasant. Fare 11 per day. Cincinnati,March X W R MARII N. ll AjihooabioteXariliianewUroom, it u the -a ncW Wbi»i on the old) haHdle. ap^if - - . i u. cAAirrruM. I use jo/ Pavilion, Rockaway w house. iTIMORE. N A C R A N t STON, rnoFßtcTons. iadtnes* it the Dkfots and IaRO- Pu«*engerj». fnt tf charge, to the House. A CAbld. MORTpN l«g* lo aeqnai ii again] lessee or the G. I«, Ky..where be hope* to ok inog them and the public, tl i to puke Oil comfortable who najje. j janl} IKOCI that hi Louisvi! ids, IN >e spare eir pain NS Ul( AN CE! ty tnluit Lpu or UaiaKfie by Flr£ MUTUAL PRINCIPLE t.UJIUINKD >■ aiidiuoisul Sfcanky of'» Stock Cbj hi r nee Mutual Insurance Uo , uj 1 ’/< CHARTER PERPETUAL. DIRECTORS. V. Totsnd, John HI. Atwood, 3. Bocttili, Lewis U. Ashhurt: . Thompson, George N. Uaker, 1L 9irond,. John J. Viaderlfei Canwuier. l.makeituaranr' i.tLoaiorE Eire, in Pr - ind vicio Stores and ot; . . ...iga, and on cda.AYares ami .Vj - > rr'.itdiae, ol th - term*. itoal frineiple, combined with i i ttd the other provisions ol the Chi i wnj, hold out omuual inducement i ad safety, to those desirous ol ief i ,towhieh the Company uk Ibehti i ination of those interested. rOecting insurance this Ct i Jet the usmil protection against l tay method or insurance, the ad< ; tof a direct participation in the f> I itny, tnit&ouf cm* .tabilitu. GEORUE W. TOLAJvD, President iifICHKAN, Seeretjry. TheM Capital, a this Com ol* profit i iniuruici wcriber, who is tho duly Agent t o»e named Company, it prepared tp make t, at the Office or the Agency,)in the 1 >• Hble* Third at., third door Froth Wood n iwill give all farther information desired 1 y. THUS. 3. CAMPBELL. Them Dt the at mturanct BL Ch*r) ■tree t, an myiW OHS FIHHEY. JE., sscrriAt mmcaaß roa tbi ; DELAWARE MUTUAL lafttp.lararaM* Canpup of PtaUode’lo* FI KB RISKS upon buildings and Merchandize of-every description, end MARINE RISKS ■port, hujlsorcargoes of vessels, taken: upon the moat favorable term*. Office in the Warehoused W. B. Holmes it Bro. ( No. 37 Water, near Market street, I'itts* burgh. • l ~iN. B. The auecauo/tkiaQußpany aince ltfpe*iab- livbtueoio*' the Agcne? in tl)i* city, with ibeyrsatpnioJ and libtralitf with- which every claim opion ibeih for lots ha* been adjusted. Dally warrant tba agent in in viting the confidence and purenafe of hii friends and the community M large lolhe Delaware JU. S. Insu rance Company,' while a has the additional advantages aa an institution among toe moat flourishing in Pbiiad’ta—a> hiving an ample paid in espial, which by the ope rationoTitachartemeo os lastly increasing aa yielding to«sch person insured his due share ot th* profits,of the company without involving him in sny responsibility whatever* and therelorc a* possesing toe Mutual principle, divested oft very obnoxious feature, an I in its tnoet attractive form. no/4 NATIONAL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, Sew York* , rrt||lS well known and respectable compdny it ore . . pared, tUrough tbelr PITTSBURG 11 AHKNCY. to make insurance of*every kind connected with risk* of trati»ponation and inland novigutfen; to insure against lota or damage by die, Dwelling Moa** t, Wareboutct, Building* in general, Good*, Ware*, and Mctehandite, and rvet y description of personal property on the most favorable - . ApplicatiotJt for Insurance attruded to trilhcutueloT at the other, No XI Wood MrreL SPRINGER lIARUAUUII Agl. AT an Election held at U>e office ttt N.Y-, .May 12lb, Ihr following turned aeatletnrn were chorcti Dureioth of ihi* Company. for the en«uiug year, eix: 1 Jo*ephtV.savage, Stephen Holt, John Urvuwer, Jo£n McCbutn, William U. Ward, •Williato.W^Catnpbcll, John Newhoufe, Jacob Miller, ITilliain 9. Slot am, Marcs* Spring, Johu'F. Maekie, Joseph 3. Lake, John J. Merrick. ■ Andiot a rabaeqaent mr etmg of the Board, JOSEPH W. SiiVAUK, Esq., w*» unaniuwasly re-elected Prr* ideutfor the enming year. .With JAM MS BOGUS, }yt® 1 Foil A Journal copy- Secretary. * FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. yriUE Insurance Company Of North America, JL through ita duly authorised Agent, the subscri ber, make permanent and limited Insur ance on property, in tbit city audita vicinity, and on ahipnesta by the Cana) and Riven. : DIRECTORS. John C. Prea’t., Sautnel Brooks, Alex. Henry, ' Cfcarlw Taylor, Sami. W. Junes. Saml.F. huulh, Rdwayd Smith, Ambrose White, John A. Brown; . Jacob M.Tbomaa, John White, . Johnß.Nefl,, Thom P. Cope;- . Richard Wood, Win. Welsh, ArthurG, Coffin,See. This is the ohleit Insurance Company in the United Stales, haying- been chartered in ITH. Us charter is perpetual, and from its big!*.standing, long.experience, ample means, ami avoiding.all r ska of an extra hagariloq* character, it may be considered u oHdruig ampleneeiinty to the public. • • MOSES. ATWOOD, . At Counting Room of Atwood, Jones ft- Co., Water and Front atrtets, Piuiburglt. INDEMNITY « Against Low by, FRANKLIN Fire Insu rance Company or Philadelphia, WILL make Insqnuice, permanent andiimited, on every description of property, in PITTS BURGH-and tha SURROUNDING COUNTRY, on favorable terms. This company-bat a perpetual charter. CAP1TAL......... 0400,000 paid In. CONTINGENT FUND,. «500/V0 Office corner ol Third ami Market sts„ f ittsb’gh* . «ptBl-tf WARRICK MARTIN,Agent. INSURANCE. &m*rlcb* Fir. I*i«r*»« Coinp*J>» , 10 17 PHILADELPHIA. Cittern Pstmeat. Office in PkUadebkio, No*. 7* ValpxU Street yjjux w davidson, p«aY euntmae, w enr ISSSmliiii* ■"**'*"* »taro»r, Uu or 3Sw* esatittnL&g VOL. XIV: —NO. 239 N. YORK ADVERTISE! • jfT THE LOWEST POSStHI.E PtiICKS. : • mTIOSKKir A,HD PAPlill BLA.tK BUUtsS RICH & LOUTREL -61 WILLIAM STREET; NEW YORK. fljftVE new on hind, of their own nmuu£*rii.r* v » «\.m IIJ pi* 1 * kDortmcat of Ledger*, JourtuU, U»y ILs/k», lit : »oSJ« Booki, C*»h, Order tul Hill Bwkt, kf, ul v»riou« mm* and Njfe» ot binding, from which »«t» •>* -tecouiir Uouks on be selected At tcry low price*; at«o OliJc tjurdvr. rulrj ao.t bound to any patient,** ihort notice. Foreign and-.Domatic Sfaiiouni/. Quill*, H'tfen, Sealing Was, Pro*, Ulm:k »u.t AVd Ink, Writing-Ftaid, Lend Pencils, ftlalro, InLthmd*, S«nd Lo»r«, Pontfulw, Pocket-book*, Gold tuid Jjihrr, Pencil C***-*, Vin kiiTres, ren Rack*', Pen H-dJer*, G*im TVkri*, Put in; • C»rtifß«ckg»mmOT Board*, Clie«m'ii, l*W, liury FV-hirr*, Tablet*, Rxxor Strop*, Pink Taj«e, Tnn.r 11-rl*, Twine, In dia Itik, Pirelment, India Robber Kra'ar*, .'•hear*, Masking Ink, File*, Rack*, Uiarie* Co IH7, rid**'*.-* I tilrrett Tahir*, tlhsb Bunks,Tariff', Ktehsnge ju t ■II olberarticleiaoU by italiouers. Cheap Account Htxiks. • A Urge stock coroUctlyon band, «uitald«- fir retail traJr and country merchant* at rery cheap rale* . 'AyLargt Ainarlment of Writing Faprrs. ' Foolscap, plain and ruled Letter Panrr r pUin ruled Seta paper, Wrapping Paper, Butntcl lknni*, L-ig, Cloth, . Hoiiery, Eusetipe and Blotting Paper CotorJ l , *|*-n, Thin Frevh papers,.Packet Pu»t, eitra >ixrd: Bank P*»i, JWar and Copying Paper, Music Pajier, Gold, Tewing, and carry other dtaerlptioo ol paper at iriy to** pnera. " Gold Fens, Diamond Foint. RichA Lnutrrl’r, flagalrj’*, Brown’*, ami all other erlr bra ted ip rn, in quantities to suit purchaser*, at t(tr very lowest tnanulacturvr’s price*. Letter Copying FtC-ixcs. Twenty-** different price* and Ryles—the Iron Copying Press, with lever and Ktcw, the ino»l eip.dil.oii,, economi cal, and simple'mode of taking a copy of a<>) ' letter or M S without writing it over again Improved Manifold Letter■ Writers. By which the Utter sod copy ii w rittrn at thr same time. The largest asrortmeut efer ottered,and at the lowest pore*. - Ppblie offices, Banka, Innirance Cutnpanki, Merchant* and Other*, furnished with art* of -Account Doukt, ruled ' and bound to any pattern, at short tastier; /tl«o with stationery, uf the best quality. , i AVario* ’ 'esses, For the use of Banks and Cor,..ration*, to affix the seal of ao£b Bask or Corporation ta their document*. Tim oj*re tioa is pcHuraed by any one, ercu at first trial . 1 First rremiunis 1 Awarded to ns by the American Institute, at the late Fair, bet t> her, l&tt- For the be*t Huled Blank Books —A Siher Medal For the best UaniioM Letter Writer* —A- Oijdoun Fur beautiful finished Copying Prrof*— A tbploaia Pleas* Call ana See for You’&lrti CffThe Tirade and Country Merchants Supplied. RICH £ LOIITKKL, Importer* of French and Euglisli BtalK>nery, and mannlncliirenof Account Bw*.ks, Mantfild Writer*, Kictluor, Ulaiik and Carmine Inks, A-e,d-c, til \Villium, one door below Cedar »lrrtf, JV VI JaMcs V Rtco, Wm M Ucmt Ulittl* PROOF lltON FOR COOPING, WINDOW SUOTTIiBS, ke. r pilE«uWciil>er(i beg to call Uir uttemion of all ihima 1 imare<ted in roofing, to ibcir (IAI.VANIZKD TIN. I’ItATPiS. anil to'tlie litany' advamagea which they* possess over all incialic and other culistunrea biUterW used toi this purpose, possessing as llicydo, thestrrngOi uud lightness of iron.without its liability to tuxt. Uaeia* Dour been tested eerentl > rats, loth in this country and in Europe. They are also Icm subject to expansion and contraction from sudden changes of lire utnursphete than common Tin Plan*. Iron, Zinc, Ac , or any other toetal now used for and consequently form a joucb better and tighter roof, requiring tur lm frcijueni repair, whilst ibe first ro*t is but u triflf more. ,The.subscriber* would also cull the utieunon of all dealers and workers in meial*,. tp the many otlicrpur fo«es lo which (run time protected, ran be applied.— n genera] terms it ia appliral.le to allarlirks ui* iron' which it is desirable lo protect from the action of tin* atmosphere. And they would especially call, the ot* tr.nllon of those interested inJ'F.LKUR A I'HIC 1.1 N liS. to ihert (ialvanizcil Wire, which ia now almost entire ly used iu Europe!, and which nnswers every pur|<ow* as'a conductor o| electricity, eo-unx-ouly ulioutouc half as much n.r copper, and ritual dtirubJi ty with that rnetoli . Uavmg lately ejected works in ihu city for the pur pose of galvanizing nail*, A|>ilr», t<olu, wire. Ac., they wilt be able to furjmsluiiy anicle which innyhede*:- 'red. A supply of I’lftrs (mnuufacturrd in Eur»j*e,l constantly'on baud,from 1C in Ih! win* guafp*. j tiKO. 11. MURKWOtjI) .V Co Noa. Hland 1G Itcuver *i, NKW VO UK The Patent Rirhl lor this ariscl.vhas br rn secured for the United ?tat« n* well ns.tir.-ui llritaiir. and other Kuropean nml all 1.-gal uieatur/ S-NMll lie la* skt-u to prevent airy infriugr.meut by inijKirtutioi orrOh* erscire. £ m tfT-ly ■iDl h'« SALT icrt ail that no o favor Idly OKttiUraeui KurnUtiliitt Katnbliatiincut /UIABI.ES 0 HATCH, in William street, New York IJI solicits aiteutniu 1o his usurliiirnt or Goods iu the t,‘i n tlrmen’s Furnishing Line, imported and uuautarturcd ei ptulj for the Spring and Summer kasuu particular al leiitiua is called to thr following articles. STOCA'S—SiIk, Saliu aud U<.nib:iriiic,atl stylet andqual OPERA TlES —Haiti and Kai Ti-y, litU >nd dark culms. IKjIS// ai<i djcoiirl, a ikw article Car summer wear.: CRAFAT3AKD styles a full usurt rar&t. SUSPENDERS— SiIk and .Cotton, irry clastic. While 1 tad Fancy Linen do, lu Wash, an entire mk article. I Sii/Krc, BOSOUS,AND COUJIRS-lt, errry un til ofatyle and quality. UHDEA-SBIUTS AXD DHAn’ERS— Silk, Cuun,, Litle Thread, Merino, Woollen, Ae. CLOI'ES— Black, ve and cuhrtd Kid, c.f (hr lx,i manufacture, Bilk:CotlMi, Linen, Lisle Thread. lIOSIER K—SiIk, Cotton, Liam, Merit*., Ac. OILED SILKS— Plain while, of llir >cry U-;l ejmlitj-; black elated do, Jaramird Muslim, d-c DI*ESSISQ GOH'-VS—Printed Calico, MiniMtlinr de Laine, . , HANDKERCHIEFS— PIain and twilhd .Spiuloid, In dia Siacheir,Pongee, plain and fancy Linen Cumbrie, — A full assortment. CRA FAT S77W.VEJ.’S—Variuua kinds. He would .lair ihr.the n i..rr u »ni h ’, in his SELF AD- Jt/HT/.Vlr STOOLS* au (liliiTtlilltreiil Sniing from the one formerly used, which rtnJ. n ll.rm mud. more enmfor table-aud easy to the neck than formerly. PttrXfdhn ? “• c'u¥ap IXCCOITNT BOOKS AND STATIONERY. FRANCIS a J.0UTRE1.,77 Maiden Idin-tniunuiactu ‘ rers. of every descriptiou of Blank Books, Mctaoitui* dure; Copy and Pa§* Hooks,Croton Ink, Manifold I.oiler Writer, Diamond Point. Gold IVtia, Ac., Ar ; and im porter* of English and French Stationary .ind Paper. ▲ large aasoruneni coiisiamivoa hand of the most Improved styles—lnkstands, wax, W'niers, Slates, Pencil*, Steel Pens twines, motto reals, ivory tablets, ivory folders, cards, rum labels, pen racks, card racks, ink powder, black, blur and carmine ink.-roler*, gold and silver pencil cases, quills, portfolios, copying pres aes,Ae-Ac. > ENVELOPES for letters, Curds, Notes, Ac.', >ii great variety. Letter and Cap Papers, ruled and plain, at Alanuiar tnrer's prices; note papers; tissue paper, perforated board, brutol boards,' Unmet tsourd, colored pat er*, (snapping papers, Ac. Deed, Record; Docket, .andother hook* for County Clerks, Court?, Banks, Insurance Companies, Mer chants, and other*, constantly on band,'or furnished in pattern at.short notice. W arranted to Lc superior rn quality and very' low in price. Country Merchants, dealers and others will be sup-' Eliedatthe very lowest prices. U’e ►hull cuuilautiv are on hand a targe stock of Blank Books. Paper and Stationery; attd'tcqursttlic favor ufu call from thifa who require article* in our line. ITIANOIS A MMXCfIEI, Manufßcrunng Sutmn.-r*, 77 Maiden __fa«dam New York PRINTS ONI.V-SP.ItIMI STVLRS. mi.- LEE V IHIEWSTEU; 90.44 Cedar Strtrii,-New York. BEG leave to inform Dealers m Dry < K--!*, th:<t th.-r | n »r received,and are nuw ilir WABEHOUttE EXCLUSIVELY for I‘tminl Valiev, AOO CANtCM, comprising all the New Sisrl Ug* Ktylea, of Brilrfli, Freach sou American Manufacture; which, in ADDITION to their usual stuck, renders their assortment vtie of ihr m.»t beautiful tad attractive in the cilj; and hating ii.»t been nur-‘ dsawd for CASH AND SHORT CREDIT, are <,Qned by the jdece tor jackage on the tainr lernii, ;it auibrtwiv tnauo tacturm prices. • Catalogue* of price* (corrected daily,) are'* pWd’iit the hands of buyers. Purchasers will inluhn ihrmsclres of thr stair of the mar ket, and ba well repaid foe an rtamitialiun, tttn if ■ |, r) j., not purchase. Ciß. have peculiar advantages for rerouting orders for pints, which are mprelfully solicited. rechS 1 LEE A BKKWSTKII. <■< Ctdar-Street. LAIU'S.uIItAAmiLK.-, Hall lanterns and CdNDKt.dßiias, r„ r n,v Spring Trad*. DIET?.,, UROTHFJt J- CO.. |:y \V illbm itrcvl,' New York, in the Wadiiughm Qlc-k, nr* rasnufscUirin* and hat* atwa}« ui IwjJ i ciuiplrir n*v-rr unit of orticTrs in Uirir liar, of lli> toll.,wii,g dfxri[iti.ni7. whicb-tlicy will s*ll»t wbolrMleand rcthil, at-Otr i'rtrv,, ftir cath: haprutrd Chemical Oil and C«iipt,nir Lnmjn. Solar Laa|*s Gilt aud Ucotizrd, in grrul raiwt; Girandole*, mioiir |qltrrti*,gill, tiurrtd of LroiirJ . Suapcndiiw Sobrt, Durh'Caoirdirnr Bracket Solar*, - Si.|« J,, Solar Chandtlitr*. brackrt- do Palrsf Lard Hand Ijioip, .Sunil d u BritaoiaHand I amp*, -t.ajiiphrnr Chan.M.'cr*, Superior Chcniral Oil, l*nre Hwin Uj| ’ do Camplitne, S.,l»r and Lard 0.1, do Banung Fluid, Hrr>if*-.l IV |, a |» 0,1 - ' frijQ3-lkn' . ’ *«w Wwreliouae for f*rlui.-i Unio OPRING STYLES, 1847. J.EE, JCOHOXI I.EF., P at the ipackrn* fire ,tu,y Wartlum*.-, N.» I-t> t.'cdir ,t New York, (the whole of which i».!mul. .1 1,, the,.m and rale ofth»»iiicl. article,) oQVrIW rale U tl,r i« t ur p*kag»,iooo caseso/ i hinted c.iu(.iies.,., U i. pruingall tba drairahlr hew at j tea, a.larr* pcwpMlim vf* which haring been ccnlrmcted tut I.Cm-b the ’ale ri*e ta the . market, wtUneaold at Ir-.’ihati tn.uufacturrr** jrrtwnt pri I Priolrd liati of price* are pufliTto llir h«nd> r.f Imjrr*. N B—B F LEE, Ute»«oior rwrturr iu the original firm «»f I.e*Aßrew«cr, (from' which U retired iu )»£.) ha*>4»rd the firm of Lee and Judaw, and Kdidb the nalr.utar* «.f old ,Ltendt. The btuiti**, u conducud uudtr the lirm-i-f February 3J, tW’-tkirtp J.KK, JUUSO.V 4- LEE ' Wbolcikle Urns \Vitrrhou>*, ’* • IS THE CITY «>►' NKW VOUK. BA. KAHNKSTOCK & **«., -\<>. •»:». Jo»u. *t • New York, offrr lor sVe .1 larj;*j»»J aonrtmeql uf Drug* ami M<<Ji< im:rvJi)r M; H-i Pilots and Oils of every desorption, ivj,irli 4h y are prepared and determined to •♦-if l< Country Merchants and 1>- t- ; Co tall amir la mine tlieir aitir!*--. (Jr with faitbtulnes* and de*pJlrJ» -H.-i. Vermiltije constantly on Iwn.d. It. .A. Fa 1m PvlorU. ) IM-r.-Fahnentrr-k. M’ ; U. W. Kaimrstax k. S A. K. Hall, New York PAPER WARE HO RO. O.DUIILIKU NKV’ | IYRUS \V. I'llll-D otTcr* for Mile t I • Manufacturer*’ prlfrp, * vrry ex t ttn inof PAPKR. eorapnriin tyery po adi.pted coUie wain* of conmruei* ui at! i country. Paper of all kinds m c uo*. *•«.• - stock of PRINTING’PAPKK i* n arurtof which it of eery ■ unrrroMiy.i! i PAPER MAKKXI'S WAT* of c» fry deferiptton, impoitrd nml kep: halt » eix: KflntißS. Wire Cloth, loin 1 Bleaching Powder, Blur Clionixnitc,'' RAGS. Gmvao,Rule Rope,(trait Rope, Dm < punltaaed, for which the highrel price i paid, ~... jyOy NeWVor s Neapolitan bo* PATTISONi NOE l PafENTRES AND nANI'FJ 1 m'i Ddtxncy Mrut. iXtU 1 fckSJJw. - mp'UeJ Vr< i t«-i ol«-<t . 'diru.'.'titck"-* at ilw* loai’ii riMirr awiil sildr vartriy, eceitun* wi i!ir •mlrr at *h«r'u USlfaulij t:i*«c ctiiwiani'y on lrilii'rr V.'ircs, 'w(ii.~,Nc. i .Vr. ii.CmiJi will l.r -m; - ■ CTI’UERff. Yirrk. l '\
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers