The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 14, 1847, Image 4

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Mast had9little iamb,
• Its fleece was while as snow.
And every place where Mary went
1 be lamb w&a sure to go*
It followed her to school one day.
It was.agaiQst the rule ;
It made the children laugh and play.
To aee a iamb at school.
And to the teacher turned him out,
but *ti!J he lingered near,
Acdjwaiit-d palieuily about
.Till Mery did appear.
And then he ran to her aud'laid
Hii head upon her arm,
Aa if tn say, “I’m not afraid,
You'li keep mo from all harm.’
What makea the lamb lore Mary so
V The eager children cry ;
Mary lorn the Lamb, you know,
The teacher did reply.
And yon each gentle animal
To you for life may bind.
And they will follow at your call
If you are always kind.
The Oregon Missionaries. !
Some mttflliKPtice has been received \
of, though not frnm, the missionaries
(brothers Roberis and Wilhur) now on
their wav to Oregon, who sailed from
New Ymk, near tbe close of November,
in the bark W hitten, Oapt. Gelalon. Ou
tbe luurteenih day of their voyage, they
were twenty-seven hundred miles from
New York/ and the captain hoped to
make the passage in lour and a half
months. The passengers were all very
wick fur the first nine days. Tbe latest
account of them was on Christmas day,
when the ship was in latitude .5 deg. 30
tntu. north, and in longitude 22 deg
weat; or about 700 miles west of Libe
ria. Tbe temperature was a little differ
ent with them Irum w,hat it was with us,
at ihui lime; the ihermometer standing
at 81 in* tbe shade, and rising to 100
when exposed to the sun; while the
passengers were seeking for shady pla
ces on the deck, in which to lie down.
They had prayers on board, morning and
evening, every day—a prayer-meeiing
on Saturday evenings, and preaching
twice every Lord’s day. Tho captain
(who is a Methodist) speaks of the jnis
siorurtes as being zealous to ,do good ;
and at least one seaman had found peace
in believing. Should the captain’s con
jecture, as io the length of the voyage,
prove correct, they must, by this time, be
S ratty near tbeir destination, and we may
op*-, in the course of the summer, to
receive in'eHigencc of their safe arrival.
North. Ch A'li'.
English Me i Human* I’he Metho
dists t'n England are an active and be
nevolent people. Tho sums of money
which tbe Wesleyans raiso annually for
religious and benevolent purposes, are
immense. And the reason is, “they aTe
all at. and always at it.” We see they
are not behind in the good woik of fur
nishing aid to the suffering Irish, at tbe
pri-aenl time. Already they have made
large collections through their congrega
tions, and have transmitted to a central
committee in London, thirteen thousand
pounds sterling. This liberal sum has
been distributed among different associ
ations, nn the truly Christian principles
set the Inter to the British As
sociation, accompanying ihe money, viz:
to secure to of every class and
denomination a fair share, in proportion
lo the amount and urgency of their dtj
tress; attention and relief. This shows
the true spirit of Christian liberality, and
it 'Worih a thousand times more than
long .and solemn prayers, which go ho
farther than “Bo ye-warmed and be ye
‘ fed,” while the bowels of compassion are
closed against the needy. The religion
of Christ is not only “to be good,” but
“to do good.’*— Olive Branch.
Glass —lt is difficult to foresee to
what perfection the manufacture of glass
may be brought, 'and to what purposes
tbe article may yet. be applied. The
balance spring of a chronometer is now
made of glass, as a substitute for steel
and (Misaeases i greater degree of elasli
city and a greater power of resisting
the alternations of beat and cold. A
chrunumoter with a glass balance spring
w*s sent to the North Sea, and exposed
to a competition with nine other chro
nometers, and the result of the experi
ment was a report in favor of
nometer with ihe glass spring.
{••I HA VK FOlMti IT."— Eureka.
Conbumpt on i:an becured'hy usijtq or.
' Cixonui O , March -id; IW7.
Drv Sir:—This i* to certify to the public, particularly to
those afflicted nth a disease of the Lungs, or Consumption,
that ifi the Spriojof 1043 1 waj attacked with a eeveraeold
which aoou because seated upon my lonji, showing alt lb
symptoms ot an approaching Contusiptioa. My cough teas
tight «»d troublesome, attended with copious night sweats; I
•pit Bp daily a considerable quantity of blood, mucd with
thick dark mauer My situation became serious and alarm
ing During this time 1 was attended by two of our most
skilful Phyeicians; they did the best they could lor me, wnrq
at length the) pse up all hopes uT ay recovery, informiug
Bi that noUiiug more could he done— tbsi my lunp were £s*
tally diseased, aud Myuwl remedy I was then persuaded by
a Irtaad of mine to make a trial of I)r. Duncan's Srpteu
▼ant Hmvay which my Physicians persisted against, saying
that this medicine would do uo good, and would stjU add
more to lay suffering. J told them it was my last and only
hope, and that if 1 mdii die of the disease, (which was evi
dent to me,) then would be notiiisg lost. So 1 seut' to the
Cinrionati Ofirt and obuiutd 5 bottles of this truly V alua
hte Medicine and commenced using according to the dirve
tkma, wh>ch, instead of adding to my suffering, immediately
pn a* relief, el oocc BireMmg the Iroubicaomc Cough
caaiif the |»iu wd iijbtn«»» in my Cheat; firing d« a Be*
| Jif* aud atrrpgtb, which eoon enabled nr l« be about again.
| ' Tbil medicine evmiuutd it» good work, which it *o nobly
I amMtuced, until I »*a» made a mimd man. 1 hate aince beta
1 attend ng to my bu»iuee«, v up*ard* of 3 yean) uni feel u
‘ | kaaltby u 1 *ub " 1 hate recommended Dr. Duncan’* Ea*
• ‘ paeuiraut Remedy in artsy inilautei to tboaeaimilarly afflicted
and it hai alwtya proted aurroeful to Car u I hate witnrmd
itaeQecta >iy titter u uiuig line medicine at prearnt (or a
Dit-ajtd Lit’* and as tjfrchon cf tl\t Cungi, which the
badau.lcrad with for tome lime, the baa nearly reeorertd
by the uae of thi* medicine, and 1 am confident the 6 botilea
that 1 lake with am to-day willtnurtiycur* her. 1 amaorry
to know lhai there art thousands of raluable penoat waiting
awaywi’-b thi* dreadful deairoyer—CONSUMPTION.—
Were itosly poaeible for il.*j*e to procure ibii medicine in
time, before it be 100 late, many lire* might be prolonged end
their Camilica and relation! again rendered happy. Tkia
medicine will gi»e inilant relief, and at the came time arret
the ha*d and painful Cwugb, rtmote the (igbtaeaain the Ckeit
give airaogib to the enfeebled and emaciated frame, and in
Boat Cax*) I dm certain, will perform a perfect cure.
Montgomery, Hamilton County, Ohio
N R.—Thcea who may not be acquainted with me I refer
totha bademgned citoen* of .Montgomery, Hamilton cous
te O tbit wulit any time lubatan'iete thenboeeattlemrci*
• Noawae BaowntLL,
Ctrl J. Setpaa.
whe _ raluable .Medicine can alwayi be obtained.
JACKSON, c™,., of
Wr»l *<" nprM-Ofco.
THE heat article bnowa for cleaning and whiteaiuj
the Teeth, /trensthenimc the «iuo«, “j!
breath 4c -St itaoutd be u*ed every.night mth a »ufl
bKHh the teeth and «ou,h wllloniy
_«,h[,n rn iho morning. Wet ihe bruah mih wvnn
Wa. "r vt cold will aaawer. and rub it a few umea oa
•he oa»lf. wnen enough will adhere for e/eamng ihe
t**th It leave«adell<fo«n ta*ie in ibe mouth, and «m
Dana a mon delightful fragrance to the breath, lutandt
. Bnriva'lad a» a pieaaaai, eflieicioui, convenient, and
safe d*-amft* e- It W wa/ranuyl not to injur* tb* teeth,
hattA orr*arvetbetn .
'uTuvinf » regularly, it will remove the tartar and
rjtttmt i>a fcre<imui*iJon—- prevent the toothache
•trengrarfi the jf-itne end prevent all di«ea«* trftuem
Jw£\ P-nk*"* and the eleryy recommend. it a
ii«3edlT wpertor >o every 'b'nit tjf Ore kind in u*e.—
{£L ft.? JberoTiti’* Compound Orri. Tooth Patte, and
sT«rv* bia e-f nautre n attached to raeh pot.
fl>rfxn»r>«iirt.d LAbr Card*, J-l Uroadway.oneof
aJtKM 1 Ike'ntir.a.rad hy mort of the old embhahed
Paraona of bUka* babua al»)d aJ
-I*l7 abof at baad, and take.a dotawhioiw
u 7 fai ift*f derangement m their health. Ajodl- ,
*£*• tttW* we*Mp«*ent tho^d*,
Sia*t WU JACWON*, comer of Woodand
Whtltfdt* j
Ridge ROAD, above Buttonwood Street. Phil* \
adeiphia. At this evttWiabmentmav befrwnd
Use greatest <aanetT of Plan* and beunifol Pattert*
for IKON RAILINGS in tfie Untied States, lo ;
which the attention ol those to want of any deacnp*.
Uon.aod especially for Cemeteries, is particularly
,B The principal part ol -aU Ibe.hßfldsome Railing)!
at Land Hdl, Monument, and other celebrated
i%metenc«in the city and county ol Philadelphia,,
which have been so highly extolled by the public
press. were execilted at this nwnufaetonr.
A Isige WarevKoom re connected with the eatsb
• hahment, where i« kept constantly on hsnd a large
■lock ofreadv*made Iron Kailinge, Ornamental Iroß
Settees, Iron Chain, ndw atyle plain and •ornamen r
tal Iren dales, with an extensive assortment of Iron
Posts, Pedesuls, Iron Arbon, die: A!«o, to great j
variety, Wrought and Cast Iron Ornaments ;
lor Railings, tnd othor purposes. . u .
The subscriber"would also sute that m his Pat
tern and Designing Department he has employed
tome or the best talent in the-couotry, whose wholo
atteritinn is cevoted to the business—forming alto
gether one «»r the oiori complete aud syslcmalic es.
üblishmenu of the kind in the Union.
ROBERT WOOD, Proprietor.
*• Ridge Koad,abo*o Buttonwood street.
IW7 d6mo*
Gold Lever*, full Jewelled, * W* 00
Silver do do 50 00
Gold Lepmes Jewelled, 30
Silver do do 1* 00
Silver Quortier*. fine quality. low) |
Gold Watrbea. plain, ** j
Silver Spectacle*, 1 ‘3 I
Gold I'oncil., J “j
Gold Bracelet*. 00
Altooabnnd. a large a»*orunent of Gold and Hair
Bracelet*, finger ring*, breaaj pin*, hoop ear ring*, gold
pen*, tilver *poon*, augar long*, thiiuble*. gold nee*,
curb and fob chaiu*. guard key* and Jf **•*>'
deaci’iption. at equally low price*. AH I want i* aca
toeonvmcocu»ioroer». • , . , .
All kindtof Watehe* and Clock* reputed and-war
ranted to keep good tune for one year; old gold and *u
verbought or taken in exchange.
F “.l*. r.«bl.T »"«
Watch. Clock, and Jewelry Smr*. No 4I«H Marke
*treei, above Eleventh. North *tde, Ptatladelphia.w--
fl-y | have tame Gold and Silver Lover* anil cheaper
tbau the above pricey ,m
'PUIS Hammer pooesac* many advantages over all
.lrrn hers—among which ro»> Itemaniiooad,
It* Manageablene**—The rspid:my ami larceof Wow
may t>e controlled with tho grealcstrfasc. while ih«
hammer i* in operation, *ad the baQimer may be in
•tamly arretted, and suipeAded at any height.
hi Unirertalny, or capacity to execute work of all
fcmdt. fiom the largest to the «iu*tle*l, fu.dcr the aame
tiammer. 1-. _
lr* Simplicity. Compactor** and Lheapnesa.
h« Accessibility niton all sule*. b. the workmen
All the bamrarraare made Self-Actiag. '
The subscriber* continue to exectnolorder* for ihc*e
bammert. of alltiiea. upon reatonable term*.
F " '“" h " ■'■""“‘‘"ilfficl ATOIVNE,
Awigneea of the Patent forthe United siatea.
deelMy Soathwajk Foundry, Phllaa «•
LEE *. WaLKKU, Denlrr* m klunc and Mus
cat Inttmmtnu, HU) Walnut itrta, pkUaddpkta
Kara just pubii.ned,—FneiiO*nip: of Scene* of other
day* a»*y Fade.
L« Feme DatucuAus Vlennoite*, by 11 hem
False Friend. W V'Wallace
Pat de Fleur, Marelick.
Ulendulough, W J Leman. ‘
Bnena Vi*ia March.
j Kudolph Polka, C F Rudolph. ■
Ravel do M Keller. . .
liea. Taylor'* March and Quick Plep, 4c..4c.
Tney arc coaiuuiiy publishing and reaeinng an the
new muatc from N’ew ork.Bo»»n. Baltimore, sc.
Order* retpecifully *olicUrd, and attended to wan
? on -hand, all kind* of Mualeal Increments,
Violin String*, Tuning Fork*, and all article*
cal Merchandise. at the loweti pncr£ myMim
_ Manufacturers of _ *
wagon covers and grain uacs
' or ALL OEaCKirriOIIS
No. 384 SouUa Front Street, (
Baikof T. A. Vt ikon's Cabinet Wart Manuf y
ALL orders left with 8 S Moon, at the offie* of the
Merchant'* Hotel, Pittsburgh, will be promptly
attended to. THUS. G. DRRR\
IMPORTER of Waichea- Watchraakcr’* Tool*, and
Watch Material*,.wboleiale and reuil.andeon
tianilr on hand a large aicortmentof Lnncne, Patent,
and Plain Glass. Mainspring* Verge*. Dial*, Watch
Hand*, and a complete assortment 01 all Tool* and Ma
vriili belonging to the tradr; wiiim large u*«ortmem,
of Gold and Silver Lever. Lcptne. and Plain Watehrs.N
all of whieh he will guaranty to *ell at the lowett New
York prices. All oracr* from the country punctually
N. |i —Country Merchant* and other* are incited to
eall and examine at the Old Stand, No. XI South Fourth
meet. .Philadelphia - jantMdm
. H.WXESS U 4CER, ±-0 Clifinot *l,
PPVw 1 Pktlnd/lpkta, late of the firs of Ogle Sr
V * Waljoa. respectfully informs hi* fiwndt
the public, that b* hai aod will keep
coosisntJy 00 hand and ur tale, a hsndsoms aatortmect of
ashionabU Carriages. Vehiclca of all stylo aad docripOoas
Btade to order at the shortnt possible r>otvx, aad eireuted to
the eery beat manner, of (elected material. - febSMy
1 K Sm>'h \ v lias* ley Wii Woodward
SMITH, BAGALEY St, CO», wboleeale deal
er* in <»roeerie», Teas. Indies At . NotSll Market
« rrrt. be'ow Sixth. North *idr. ' {'23
GALLHRV, rfaird street, adjoining PostOffee. Piio
bar*U, Pa.—Mi. PORTER (from Baltimore) re
spectfully invites tbe ladirsundgentlemenof Piush'gh,
and the public generally, to call and examine the large 1
collection of DaguerrcOl pe Portraita at hit Gallery. J
Tbe s|xetm>-ns produced by Mr P.. for beamy, brillian
cy, distinctness; and toosot* coloring are not surpassed
by any in this country A camber of tbe Portraits of
Oiliie’nscan be seen at the Gallery. Call and examine
for yooraelvea. Likenesses taken In clear or cloudy
N. B.—lnstruction** apparatus and all materials fur
nished. Terms moderate' W S PORTER
Daguerreotypisi; entrance Philo H«U Stairway, on 3d
street, adjoining Pott Office. apt!o
NOTICE— Application has been made for the re
newal of Certificate No ITS, dated January IT
IH&; for thirty-six shares of tbe qppital stock or the
company for erecting a Bridge over thr River Monon
gabeia. oppo»te Pittsburgh—’which said Cmifiraie has
been il»«trored by fire or lost.
•• ANOIHKR AfUUV/tl. , ’iAT TllK
■other lot rich
jnraer Good*;
Rich Spring
3 II A W Lb,
inuoer 8 i l k ■.
tie new; plain
and printed
inted and emb
abnji'rd Roac*;
'reach A Scotch
lain itnd printed
'*>ca de Utnii
few neb Drab
Satin Striped
'tie new AUo,
fail aturtrnent
«Vw York made
Sfliara. Ac
>wer». cheaper
I at whokajle
IX7IXES—<qr csks treble-grape Pen Wine,
' f V 3 do of the celebrated Roncaa brand;
5 do London Port, very old,
10 do different brand* and vintager;
3 or cask* Lubon wine;
8 ao do dry Maltga;
8 hbdt *up Claret wine;
18 bskts sup crown brand Cham wine
8 qr csks top L M Madeira wine;
2 do do Pale Bherry;
5 do Madeira violate, IMS;
13 do different brand* and vintage*;
3 do ciksfwect Malaga;
S do do Red wine;
Pari of the above wine* have jail arrived from under
Cunom iioase Locks, in New York; person* wishing
io purchase, may rely on getting a pore ariicle, in
quantities to suit. For tale by PC MARTIN
ap33 cor unilhfieid and franiats
TTLeft)ft—made on the tnoit approved Kaitern plana—
and inntt fashionable Eastern pattern* and color*. Al*o
or rpade lo order of all site*. and at all price*.
Country Merchant* and other* are inriicd 10 call and
examine the above for ihem*elv©*, aa all will be told
wholesale or retail, and a liberal deduction ‘made to
wholesale t>areba*er*.
•pldly A wn«TKRVKT,T
T* Printer*.
JUST Received and for tale
from the Foundry of Geo. Bruce
A Co . New York, the following
» font* «f Type:
•jr/lf lb* Bourgeois;
• 17| lb* .'Union Title;
. 'asj lb* Lead*;
271 ll>« Minion;
5 IbaTwo Line Minion Cap*;
i*nfiee rules,
AI.SO-Fnr ssle. a irreat vari
ety of S« oad hind Type, from Nonparei I to 35 line Pi
c«. Flower*. Ornament*, etc , wfcJeh will be *old low
meh77 SPMarketsl
co a c H
FROM the very liberal eneosrage
mem the subscribes has received since
KEXZ9£ he has located himself in Allegheny,
Vat “ tW has ihdored him IA lakei a lease, for a
“ years, on the property he now
occupies, in Beaver street, imniddlalely beside lbs
Presbyterian ChuteET From the long experience in the
above business and a desire to pleaae, he hopes to mer
it and receive a share of public patronage.
Now on hand and finishing to order, Itockaway Bug
gies. open and top Buggies, and 4very description of
Carnages made lo order, from seventy-five dollars \q
eithi booster faetCMifl JOHN BOOTH.
VININU HUSK*. MoniUjr Koeee and Ever-
green*, Ac . imiabje for pSmmg in Cemetry'a
*■*“ean be famiahed <*« application at the aeed atore,
from Naraerieiof Ju- Wardrop. Afanehetier.*
No 132. cal wood tndftih ala
/"I BOUND ALLSPICE, Cinnamon and Clove* m
VX bMa.boxitsandi’mallpaekagef constantly on hand
tD d for sale at the Maiurd and i*pire Paetorr. «7 Firth
tJTTARRANTKD eapenor to thabeaiEnaitah "Stoor
tV bridre,”on hand andfor iaJ| M the Waiefcoa**
“SJota’a Baain.. < ‘
o rtt 1 SHAW MACt.AWWV
TttoV WAhWEfiGWiiiied a «ed indaatrioo* Hoy
to attend m a Grocery Store. The be»t of refer*
•ncer*auired Apply o '
•pW F UEITZ,U4 Liberty fltreet
jSntnriunioiiiu * bauboad
Ealuiizdy for PaM«g*rx.
THE public ,rc re .pcc,fall, m(»n»cl,b.,, h i. Lin,
.-ill commence minim, cm or oboul the
and comiuuc ,hrou s bon, Sc P™'''i'”?
Have now placed a aupenor ela»* of Paeketaand Kaiit.
SS.dS.rn mlhc •>>.«, » ut «» •cc.omod.lmn.,
which will give greater comfort lo travelers, ,
APackefooat will always be inport, and the t**v
eiinn public are - requested to call and examine them,
Oiwof the Paekeu will leave the landing, (opposite
-the United Stales Hotel,! corner Penn strict atlil the
For information apply at the o ®“i..?j®^ r n SX JC ‘*
House, Water street, or to D LLhCH k t-o
mebl3 cor Penn street and Lanai.
4 CO'S.
°*- D ota “lw“n T^^u°l”'uh loN ' L,Nt;
r»i||K sleek of ihia line cousisib of a double duly
1 1 ine of Posis and Car*, (owned by ihrmsrWeft,] are ,n (food order. The •uUacr.bers are prepa
red » forward a large quantity af Merchandize and
Produce with certainty and dispatch;
Produce or Mr-rchandi*! consigned to any pf the un
dersigned ia forwanled free of any charge lor coitions
*ion or storage. ,
transmitted and all instructions promptly
attended to ,
The business of thia Line i* conducted on aincily
I Sabbath-keeping principles. Address, or apply to
U LEECH A Co. Proprietors.
Canal Basin, Pittsburgh
HARRIS & LEF.CII, Prepriew^,
No 13South Third ttreet. Philadelphia
JOS. TAYLOR fc SONS. Agents,
No 114 North Howard street, Baltimore
W U WILSON, Agent, .. ,
No T West street, New iork
gfgjggii 1847. fijaiißslßß
t'OK the transportation of Freight between Pittsburgh
1 and the Atlantic Cities, avoiding iratirbipmenii on
the''way, and the consequent risk of delay, damage,
breakage and separation of roods.
No'.To Market mrset. Philadelphia
CorPtnn and Wavne sis, Pittsburgh
O’CONNOR A Co, North street, Baltimore { A _ enU
W 4 J TTAPSCOTT.JS South *t.N Y. > AK
Encouraged by increased business the Proprietors
have added to th«r stock and extended their arrange
ments during the winter, and a>e no* prepared to tor
wud freig it with regularity and dispatch unrurptuird
by any other line, their tong experience os camera,
the psipat'l* superiority of the Portable Boat System,
andjbe great capacity «qd convenience of the ware
houses »l each end of ihe lute, are peculiarly calcula
ted to enable the proprietors to fblfil tbetr engagement*-
and accommodatetheii customers—confidently offering
the past as a guaranty for the future, they rcspectluily
•olicn a continuance of that patronage which they new
eraieiully acknowledge. • ......
• All consignment* to Thaffc A O’Connor will be rec d
and forwarded Steamboat charges paid and Bills ol
Lading tranMaincd free of any charge for Commission,
advaneing or storage. Having no interest directly or
indirectly in stcamboau. the interest of the consignors
mu*l necessarily be their primary objecl in shipping
west, and they pledge themselves to forward all good*
consigned to them promptly and on the most silvanta
reousterms tftthe owners.
March 1.1&47 __ *lll^
Without Traa»bipaienj..£fl
Goods consigned wtooreare will be forwarded with
out delay, at ihe lowssi current rate*. Bills of Lading
transmitted, and all instruction* promptly' aliedded to
free from any extra charge for storage or commission
'Address, or apply to LA McANULTk ACo
Canal Basin, Pittsburgh
tmiRAGE. !
_ Having a very large and eomropdiou* warehouse,.,
we are prepared to receive list addition to height for j
shiDmonti'a large amorfnt of Produce, Ac, on Storage at
tow rates. jmart] CA Me ANULTVfc Co
\ pick.WORT u * CO’S LINK.
gfaagg* 1 s 4 7 .
EXCLUSIVELY for Iha jrauspot'atmn pi WAY
FREIGHT between PtUsbargli, Ulair»?Hla,Jolmn
town, HoUidaysbatgh, U'aier Street, Pettrsbargb and
all iiueimedute places *
One Boat will leave tbe warehouse of C A Me Anally
ACo., Pilisbargh.every day. {except Sundays.l and
ihipperscan always cepcnd on having their goods fora
warded wnbout delay and at fair rate*.
' Tfc.s Line was formed for the special accommodation
of tbe way business, and the proprietor* respectfully
solicit a liberal *hare af patronage.
JOHN MILLER, lUllidaysburgh )
ft II CANaN, John»wwii j Agent*.
0 A McANULTY 4 Co. Pittsburgh J
J J tlcDeviu, John Parker, Robert Moore, Uogaiey
4 Smith. Pittsburgh. . ““J"
' USE BRli iSflillCUlGlS LIMIS.
f Er~fi IM7. ism,^
r I'MIS Line being composed of S'eamboao Lake Erie
1 and Micb'gau, rtn.a:n o -: dally between P.Usbutgh
and Beaver, ami height acd passenger Canal Boats,
running between Ueaveranil Erie and connecting with
C M Reed’s Lute of Sieamboat Propellers and Vessels
on ibe Lake*, will lx prepared upon the earliest open
ing of Navigation to carry ‘Freight and Passenger* to
all [wmis art the River. Ciuial and Lakes.
Having every facility for conveying freight and pas
sengers with promptness sod dispatch, the proprietor
anil agents respectfully solicit from then friends and
he oatilie generally their patronage.
CM REED. Erie, Proprietor
REED*. PARKS * Co, Braver. Agt#
JOHN A CAL'GHKY. i’aist-'gh do
Coi. Southfield and Water sis. opposite tbe Mornings
gabels Bouse.
axrcß to
Wheeler, Crocker A Co, New York
Geo Dari*, Buffalo
K N Park* A Co, Cleveland
Jas A Armstrong A Co, Drirou
. MeClare A William*, MUwaukie
Bristol A Porter. Chicago
Wb Power*. Powerstown. Penns
Geo Machelmyre. Kvaniburgh, Penn*
John McArthur, llonuiowo, do t
Wick A Acker, Greenville, do
Craig A Framnton. Clarksville. do
IlaysA Plumb, Sherpsbutgh, Pa.
W C Mulan, Sharon, do
R W Cunningham. New Cattle, do mars
THE improved method of carrying uted by thu long
Established Line, it now »o well known that de
(cription ta nanece*»*ry. Good* are not touched on the
route, thus all transhipment or extra handling it saved
, The Boat* are of light draught and perform their trip*
In from *ix to *even day*.
The capacity of oar Warehouses enable*'ot to atore
any consignments made lout. Receiving,•wring, and
advances free of charges.
Being folly prepare)! to make tales of Produce, we
respectfully solicit consignment" of western Flour, r
Bacon, Lard. Butter, Cbre*c, Wool. Feather*, and other
article" for tale, on which liberal advance* will lm
made and other usual facilities afforded, pledging our
selves that any business entrusted to ut ahall be as
promptly exeeuimt and open •« fair term" a* by any
pther boa*e. J NO McFADDKN A Co
- Canal Botin, Pittsburgh.
mebltf atg and gJI Market *t, Philad*
jrs. dickey;
Boat Beaver Point and Bridgewater,
Proprietor and Agent of steamer*
WILL be piepared on earliest openingof canal nav
igation to receive property at hi* wharf boat or
tn warehouse, for all point* on Erie Extension, Cross
Cut, and Ohio Canal*; for ell port* on Lake Erie and
upper Lakes, as also to forward produce, Penn'a
Improvement*. Apply to Or address
(eliW-dtf JAS HICKEY, Heaver
1846. shu
11. Clarke. 11. Hoop*. T. It chmond A Co.
Forwarding A Coranataalon BSorebanta,
r T I HE Agent* and Proorietora of thia Line (to favor*
1- ably known to the public), will be prepared on the
earliest opening of canal navigation to receive prop
erty at Pittsburgh and Beaver, and deliver the same ul
any point on (he Ohio canal*, and alto on Lake* Erie
and Michigan, with foe greatest despatch and atreaa
ouaole rate*. '
The proprietor* of this line solicit the busine**''»f
their former customer* with confidence, knowing that
their facilities are second to none.
Apply to or address
G M BARTON, Aft. Pittsburgh.
CLARKE A Co. Beaver.
Janiß T RICHMOND A Cr ' •‘•eland.
TO TUB PUBLIC. - ' . "
THE Boa'recu’* Poitable Boat I‘orapany being dis
solved, the Company again wemitno article* of Co
partnership under the name of the a ßoatmen’* Line,-'*
and likewise agreed to .refit the Mtock so as to have a
iximber of Boat* for itte purpose of carrying goods
thiougb in from six to eight days, with certainty—and
feel rncoorngrd by the liberality of le»t year’s patron
age, to make more extenuNe arrangements for the en
suing year. 7
Wa would tbetefore tespeeUiilly solicit a continu
ance of our former patrons, aud refer all new customers
to those we have done business for.
fi&SsM 1847.
For the transportation of
PsiLAOKLrniA, BaLTiMoaa, Ntw Yoax, anp Botros.
Corner Libetty street and Canal Basin. Pittsburgh.
No X-' Market street, Philadelphia.
Baltimore, Md.
PfTTSBUROir—Jas. MeCully. Geo.. Morgan A Co.
W MeCully A Co. B A SamptonACo. M AIIenACo.
PIIILA DELPHI A —Morris Paucrsoo A Co, Reynolds
MeParlaod A Co, Fleming A Busby, Peter WrightA
Son, J lliipham, Joseph Grata.
NEW YORK—Goodhue A Co, Tbeo. Perry A Co.
BOSTON—Reed. Hnrd A Co.
CINCINNAjrt-Adara* A Creagh, W W Scarbor
"ft. PLEASANT, VA-P A Machler.
Nora— AII merchandise from New York and Boston,
consigned to a L Gerhart A Co, Philadelphia, will be
prompUyVotwarded /w of eomml*sion. frbls
Paclu|i Bipnli to Ptillad«lj<feia»
VBKJM M PtiE Cacti beinj now open, the
Expreaa which hat been e»*
Übinbed tor urn conveyance of valuable package* of
merebaadjac, specie. bank noie*. jewelry, Ac, com*
me need ranninf on Tburvday. March IS.
Aa l■o>CCBT.wiU he dispatched UiljrniUjl lhteloag
of lhaeanalintaea«on
Apply to
for P«nn at tod Carai
THIS well known and p'opularLine of Steamers has
been greatly improved the past Winter,.by the ad
dition of several new and'magnificent boat*, built
expressly for tbe Packet Linepand the etatitc line is
now ruoiposed of right of-Use Jargess,best finished and
furnished, and most powertu) troais.on the .Waters of
the West. Every accommodation that money will pro
cure has been provided for Passengers, and riO'pain*
will be soaicd lo reader them comfortable and the trips
agreeable They leave PittsburghandClnelnnati daily
and pontively at lOotolock, A. M.
The MONONG AllELA.Capl. Sionr, willleave litis
burgh eveiy Monday mowing at HI o’clock; Wheeling
every Monday evening at 101*. M ; and Cincinnati ev
ery Tliur«day at 1U o'clock" A. M.
The HIUKRNIa, NO. 9, Capt. /; Klintftlut, will
leave Pittsburgh every Taesday morning at lOo’olork;
Wheeling every Tuesday evening u HI P. M-; and
.Cincinnati every Friday at 10 o'clock; A. M.
The NEW ENGLAND. NO.!*, Capt. 5. pron, will
leave Pittsburgh every Wednesday inoming at 10
o'clock; Wheeling evety Wednesday evening at 10 P.
M ; andCincinrtaii every Saturday at 10 o'clock, A - M.
The WISCONSIN, Capt. R. J. Grace, will leave Pitts
burgh every Thursday morning at lOo’clock; Wheeling
every Thursday evening at 10 P. M.; and Cincinnati,
every Sunday at 10 o'clock, A. M
The CLirPKR, NO. 9, Capt J>ooL,will le*ye Pitts
burgh cvety'Friday morning tft H) o'clock; Wheeling
every Friday evening atIUP.M.; and Cincinnati every
Monday ailOoYtoek, A. 81
The .MESSENGER, Capt lAnfortl, will leave Pitta?
burgh every Saturday rooming at 10 o’clock: Wheeling
every Saturday evening at 10 P. M-; and Cincinnati
every Tuesday at lOo’clock, A. M.
Tbe ISAAC NEWTON, Capt A- O. Mason, will
leave Pittsburgh every Sunday jnonrnig at 10 o'clock;
Wheel,ag cvrry Snitaay evening at 10 P. M.; end Cin
cinnati every Wednctday at 10o'clock, A M.
Packets wiliim attheir berths at Pitubutgb
and Cincinnati, regularly, the day previous to leaving
each port, for the reception of freight, and entry of Pas
sengers on tbe Register.
No Berth or Slate Room considered euguged onti^jtaid
jmm* k. The new end splendid neamer
1 l*i~li nJ DBAVSR,
Charles Hoops, commence* her
rreu ’ ar i n n* mi* day. leaving Pm*
hurah at 9 o'clock. *. Bearer at * o'eloek, t*
esnnecime wi:h Pittsburgh end Cleveland Line of Cad
nal Boat* dail> to Cleveland. O ; Beaver, Warren and
Cleveland l.rne of Canal Packet* and Sure Coacbev
daily >o Warren »nd Cleveland; Canal Packet Line* to
New Cattle and Lieenville. Pa-t Kne Kxtescion Line
in Meadvtlle and Erie Neil. Moore * Co 5 * Line* of
Stnire Couehe* fcr Cleveland and Wooster, leave Be*,
ver dmly on the arrival of steamboat Beaver fiom
*PRIr »„ „ AK TOS ICJ, KiM™,*
nni4 CLARKK* Co. SeSv-r
- - “lOfi, ,
® H, °
** K N PARKS 4, Co, CUveUt&i,o, }
JIG PARKS. Beayet.l’fc.T • j Proprietor*.
\V T MATHER, Puuburgb, Pa. ) .
THE above Line i» now fairy transport
Preiibi ami Pa»*enger* from Piutbarri^aodCleve
land, to any point on the l’enniy I vama A Ohio and Ohio
of **ld Line are not equalled by any on
•aid Canal*, in number* and capacity of Boat*. expe
rience of Captain*, and prcmptne** or Agents, Ac.
One Boot .leave* Puubtf«gh and Cleveland daily. run
ning in connection wilb the Steamer*.
Michigan and Lake Ene, bvtween Pittsburgh and
Beaver, and a Lit;* of first ela»* Steamboats, Propel
ler*. Brigs and Schooner*, on Lake* Erie, Huron, Mi
chigan and Ontario , v ~ . .
Property forwarded to any pan of the Linon with
despatch E S PARKS A COjClevelaml, Agt*
oeapatca PARKS ACo, Beaver, Ag»
W T MATHER. Pittabarch, Ajt,
i ,pji I Cor Water and Swtnbcldairtcu
bummer arrangements
JESS 1847.
" ' routs,
Timato lUltrroore--- M hoar».
Time to Philadelphia M
(Only n Mile* Staging-!
T* ME splendid andfa»tnjnnlng*ietrwr*CoE«ul,l«oiH
1* Mcl jne and Swatara, have com roe a cod making
double daily trip*. One boat will leave the Mnnonga
bela wharf everv morning |>reei*ely at
Pa*»en*ers by the morning Une will arrive iiMUlumoro
next evening in lime for the Philadelphia Mail Boar, or
Rail Road ear* The evening Boat will leave the
wharf dad} ai 4 oVloek. except SumU> • Passenger*
by tin* boat wi>Ued;-oo board, ui comfortable »Ute
rwm>, leave Brdivusvllic hex. morning at & o’clock;
era** toe mountains in day light; «up and lodge in Cum
beiland. Thu* avoiding uighi travel' altogether. The
prepurauPn* on iht* toute are atnple.'and the connection
complete; »o that iLtaf poutfmepu or delay* will be an
known upon it. , . .
i'aiianger* can »top on the touiu ojd resume their
»cai* agaut at pleasure. and hove choice of R**l Road
or Steamboat betweeo Baltimore and Philadelphia.
Coaches chartered to parties to travel a* they dernro
Srcuic 1 out tickets' nl the nflii e.,Mofiongahcla House,
or !*i Charles Hotel: J MESKIMEN
feblO „
TO ciTfilViaLAaD rim. WAKREN.
£=££■£ 1847- ftp
PACKET Bov* Swallow and Telegraph leave Bea
ver daily, at 3 o'clock r *, after the arrival of the
morning Boa* fromP.U*burgh. and arrive at W arren in fot the Mail Une oi Stages, which leave imraedi
aicly thereafter and at Cleveland at 3oxlock, r.
* Tb.» tome ■« lie most expedition* and oomumabl
one u> the
COTES ft LRFFING WELL. tt *r;en, Fropr**
RKKD, PARKS A Co, Braver, AganU
JOHN A CAL'GHEY.comer Water and BraitliQeld at
apAly Oppofite the Piii<liurgli_
THIS Lin? con*i»tingof freight andpassenger Pack
eta, will run regularly during the ecaion between
Heaver and Greenville, l*a b> which freight pn*
aengera be tween the two points, will be earned promptly
and at the lowest rate*.
<5 WICK ft ARCHER,Greenville, Aft*
CRAIG ft FRA.MPTON. Clarksville, do,
McFarland ft KING. Hi* Uend. do;
HA YS ft PLUMB. Sbarpsburth, • do;
tv c MALAN. Sharon, do;
WM. MATHEWS, Futassi. do;
BEEP, PARKS A Co. Beaver. - do;
JOHN A.CAUGHKYjContor WaterandStnnhhcld in,
apfiljr Opposite the Monongabc'a Home. Pittsburgh
Philadelphia, Baltlsnore, Sew York
and Boston,
THE encouragement th'a line hat received since
ita commencement, hit induced the propria
tort to Inerejte the atock by adding a number oi Seat
clan boats; and ioatead of giving receipts as hereto
fore as agents, wo will gue our own receipts tor
freight shipped by tbls’lino.
The boats are ail portable, consequently freight
is taken the whole distance without transhipment,
thereby preventing damage from frequent handling
on the route, and ns each boat is owned by ike.
Captain who runs them, which it a sufficient guar
antee that there will bfi no delay on the route.
All Produce or Merchandise consigned to the
ondersigeed will bo forwarded FREE OF COM
MISSION, for advancing and forwarding, and will
be (hipped without delay at tho lowest rates of
freight. " ____
We respectfully solicit a share of public patro
nage WALLINGFORD it Co;,
Canal Bane, Pittsburgh.
CRAIG, BELLAS it Co.. Agt.
Broad Strcel. Philadelphia.
. J F MILLER. Agent 1
Bowlcy’a Wharf", Baltimore.
Pittsburgh, Feb. 18,1847,
1846 j 1847
M&zm- sSii
THE underpinned are now prepared io four aril pro
duce, Ac ,to the KaiternMarael* during Lbe ensu
ing Winter, on the moil favorable terras, b>- this expe
ditious route.
All property consigned tons will be forwarded mibe
lowen rate* am] with despatch.
Merchandn-e rereived hy th'« route promptly for
warded. J C lIIDWELL, Ag’t. I'insbnnh.
C W CAHB. Brownsville.
E KGERTON ACo.Curalierland
a»d ' “1847
THE.vobscribers will receipt forthe delivery'of Pro
duce to Baltimore by the Menongahela SJaekwatcr
at tbe following prices.—
A«hes, Bacon, Butter. Lead. Lard, Pork, Tallow,
Whiskey. Cheese, and Glass—F7| ct* per WO tin.
Tobacco, Hemp, Flax and Wheat—9l els per 100 ibt
Ashe*. (Pol) Apples. Cheese, Flax-Seed, Glass, ami
Leather —100 eta per 100 lbs
Oils, Skins. Seeds, Wool—llo cis per 100 lbs.
Beeswax,Feathers, Pars, Ginseng, and Soake-Kooi
Ail property consigned'to either of the undersigned
will be forwarded without delay, free of Commission,
at above rates. W II CLARK. Brownsville
FREIGHTERS and others wishing
I i° h# Z e FI .T l ? rick : Produce, Ac"
UHM' brought to this place from Sieubcnvj]| e
imermediale landings, ean make
arrangements, by catliu on me, as I
have a Boat tanning regularly between Pituhnrgb and
Steubenville. GKO. B. MILTENBERUER,
jan4 « Steamboat Agent, fifl Water st
for balk.
r-ir I — m THE Steamboat HARI.EMre| sited
i H-~.: Mtd refitted In handsome style and
aow . *} Mononjahela wharf As
she is improved she is welladspted for
carrying freight and passengers; or for towing; sb has
great capacity and power. Any person dispcnd to
porehase will of course inspect her.
I also propose to lease, forone or more years my cool
I Ttkr, and W amanof energy and business habits they
offer great advantages. I can furnish the lessee, either,
ro sale or charter, my tew boat “MINER." Ifc ean
alio have enfair terms six barges, tNree fiats, anil two
coal bottoms, sixteen ears with ropes, Axiom &»' •
made for fall operations. An examination oftbaes
tabllshroeni is invited. Perron* disposed to negotiate lorefesonoe-to-anf-aMha- above partiroftti,
may address me at my Office 10 Staan’s Buildings 4s
street, Pittsburgh; or si Harlem, nesr Monongaheb! city,
aogilO THOB. H I&aIRD
Medicine,thousands b**e been resto
red to perfect health who bat by its uie woalcfnow
be ;in toe sileot grave.
AauTRKK Livmo witaeu.—Head sslnnr
ianment the wonderful cure performed by Doctor
SwayneV Compound Syrup of WILBCHKRUY:
FuiLAiJiiLratA, Jannary 23, Idt?. !
Ur. Swayne—Dear Sir: lo justice toyouraelfanri
a duty 1 ‘owe to suffering humanity, I cheerfully
giro my testimony,, and declare lo tbo world the
most* astonishing cflecU, and the great euro yoor
Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry performed on me,
utder too moat unfavorable circumstanced. 1 was
taken with a violent Cough, Spitting of Blood, se
vere Faina io the Side and Breast, which seemed
to break down and enfeeble my constitution,-e i that
my physician thought my case bofond the power of
medicine, and my friends nil gave me up to die} but
thanks to you and the your great discove
ry, 1 now feel mysell a well man, fend raised from a
mere skelelon'to sb fleshy and healthy 3 man as I
hare been for years, and shall be please’d to give ouv
information respecting my care, by calling at my
residence, Mechanic street,third door below tieorge
street, Northern Liberties. Jacob Fainter.
Testimony u nou> reMtvedfrota all /piarters nj
Ttro lollowitig letters are presented wiihaview
of more f«U; allowing the opinions of Physicians m
relation .to the Medical value ol'Dr. SWVYNK'S
Dr. Sir Having used your Com.
pound r»ynip of Wild Cherry extensively in mv
practice, l«wa* requested by your Agent, Doclo'r
Crutcher to expreaa my opinion in writing of iu
properties' as a remedial agent, I mint chce/luiU
comply, «a l feel by ao doing, l will discharge a
debt I owe the community at Physicians
in parlicoftr. A* much aa Idetesi Quack Kerae
diet and Patent Nostrums, 1 was induced from
alailureof the moalpotout cxpecloranu, recom-
mended in our materia medics in-some eases ot
Diseased Lungs, to-try your preparation ol Hrunov
Virginia or Wild Cherry. It is sufficicnlloatiy that*
I waa so much pleased with the result of that and
subsequent trials, that l now prescribe it in prefer
ence to all other Remedies where an expecloraut is
indicated. In thn much ilrodcd Pneumonia nr
Disease of the Lungs, iu the alarming lorn m v. Inch
it appears in Kentucky, I regard it as an invaluable
Kerned!? in the treatment ot that disease. To all
who fctiow roc ! have laid enough, but us Uiia may
be aaen by persona out of the vicinity of Frankfort.
twill briefly add, that I have been ergiged in an
active practice ol mjsprofeaaion r>| 12 year*,and aui
a Regular Graduate of Transylvania, and this i< the
first Patent Medicine l ever thought enough ol to
express an opinion in writing.
J. H. Ellison, M. D.
January 7lb, 1047. Franklin County, K>.
FiiANicroKT, Ky., Jan'ry 7ih, IW7.
The above eertificato is f»nm one of our I’hysi
ciana living o few miles from here, he is doing g very
good practice, and is considered! good Physician,
and elands fair/ be ia, aa be say*, a regulargradnate
. , Dn. W. L. Crutcher,
Druggist and Apothecary.
Testimonials mil never cease.
From tbe Temperance Pledge.
Non that Winier ia upon us with its atlendan
train of Pulmonic and Bronchial alicctiona, Coughs
Colds, 6c c dec ,we would advise those afflicted in
tins way to moke immediate trial of Dr. Swaync’s
Compound Syrup ol Wild Cherry, If will never
latl to perfi ru t permanent cure. The reputation
of this medicine has caused many spurious articles
to be put lorlb under its name; but tbe preparation
of Dr. Swayne, betides being the first ever ottereo
po the public, ia the Only one that can be relitd on.
The other mixtures sold lor Wild Cherry Syrup,
Balaams, Ate., are all spurious' and worthies*, ana
contain none ol virtues nf tbe original prepara
tion, Dr. Swayne’a Compound Syrup of Wild
From the Springfield Express.
, Of the thousands of purported curative' noalrutm
now before the poblic, but very.few are found to
possess the healing virtues forwhich they are re
commended. Among the latter we are-pleased in
learn none atarjd a better test than Dr. Swajnci
Compound SyrrepAil Wild Chcrey. The affliclec
m this vicinity afe beginning to use it, and to their
joy they find in iU.u«p ttypir hopes based u(ws iu
recommendations more than realised. The afflicted
need not despair. While there is hie, there now t*
tO*Since tire introduction of my article to tbe
poblic, there have s number of unprincipled indi
viduals got up nostrums which (hoy assert coutain
Wild Cherry, some are called Balsams." •Bitters,’
and even Syrup of Wild Cherry, bul uimc is the
original and only genuine preparation cur mirodu
cert to the public, .which can be proven by the pub.
hit Records of tfiecommonwealth of Pennsylvania
Tbe only safeguard against imposition is to see that
toy signature is on each bottle.
Prepared only hy Dr. H. Swavjti, at- his. Princi -
fal Office, corner or Eight and Race Streets,
“hilade'pbia. All Wild Cherry preparations !>eing
fictitious and counterfrit uilhoul Ins sigtaiurc.
For »ilc in Pittcburgl wholesale and retail l.y
XVM. THORN, 03 Market street. „
OGDEN dt- SNOWDEN, corner 'Jod & Wood *t*.'
S. JONES, ICO Liberty street. «
Sold also by J Mitcnell. Allegheny I'itj, Boyd,
Cams dc. Co., ButlfeY; Weaver ot. HrnJcison, Mer-
cer; Norman Calendar, Mesdviife; J H Burton A
Co,, Erie: M'Kensiedt Haskell, Clcvelar.d: Denis
6c bon, Columbus: Miller, Brownsvillr; Marsh,
Wheeling, Va; K u Hintnsn, Cincinnati. Ohio; Dr
I! Easterly A: Co.. St. Louis; J s Morns A. i.
Louisville, Ay ; Andrew Oliver »v i_o., .New Or-
Jwu. arrb
IS now universally acknowledged to be the IN
FALLIBLE REMEDY fur Rheumatism. Sp.-
nsl Atfections, L'oalmclioiis of the S<-rc
Throat and Quinsy, Issues,Old Ulcers, Pains in tin*
Back and Lbcsl, Ague in the Breast and Face
T'Kith Ach>*, Sprain*, Bruises, bait Rlicuui, Burns.
Croup, Frosted Feet and alt Nervous Dmcase*.
The TRIUMPHANT nUCCKsfji which hi* at
tended the application of ibis mokl VVO.NDKRFUI
MED*CJf)Ein cunng.lhe most severe ca*r» of the
different llisca as shove the HIGH
ENCOMIUMS that have been bestowed upon it.
wherever it has been introduced, gives me the rigid
to call on the At FLIC FED to resort at onrcS
ON. i
D*l7ic faculty unite in recommending the'celc
ated External Remedy, Hunt's Liniment.
Toe following letter from the highly eminort
Physicians who have been attached to the Mourn
Pleasant Slate Prison for many years, u therbest
evidence of the value of this celebrated Liniment.
Siho Sine, DeceiDDer Sfi, 1215.
My Dear Sir—l received your note of yesterdav,
asking my opin-on in relation to Hunt's Liniment,
as prepared by.Mr George E Stanton. Knowing
its composition, and having frequently a sod it, 1
can recommend it to you as a talc External Reme
dy, and in my opinion, the best Liniment now in
use. Ven - truly and respectfully vnurs,
CoVPierre VanCortlandt, Croton Manor.
1 fully coucur in the above opinion.
; Yorktowr, Jaa. 14, 1846.
Sir—ln reply to your letter, i would snj that I
have used your External Remedy, called Hunt’s
Liniment, in my practice since you made me ac
quainted with its composition, and unhesitatingly
say that I believe it to bo the best External Route
dy now in use lor the complaints for which you rc
commend it. . Yours respectfully,
Geo E Stanton, Esq.
From the N Y Sun.
c Qj*Among of worthless articles and
humbugs that are.' 1 poured rbrth at«tlie present day
upon the country, it ta really refreshing to find'
something of real practical utility, something aim
pie, apeeoy and effectual in its operation, and tl
the same limb free from those injurious effects
which generally attend powerful remedies. Hunt’*
Liniment, prepared by Geo. K Stanton, of Sing
Sing, though it has been hut's short timo before
the public, us already obtained tbe conlidance,nol
only ol our most wealthy and inJiucotia! citixcni.
but our physicians. All acltnowl
edge it tube a sovereign balm for many of the tli>
lint flesh is heir, to, toothing the aching limb, and
by ita genuine stimulating inllueucc, bamsliirtg dia
ease from the system. *
Mr. SUnUro—Sir—S-eing your advertisement
of Hunt's Liniment,! wu induced to try' iu cited
on my 'ion, 'who bad been crippled with a lame
back from an infant; udilismlb graiiiyifeil bear
testimony to its wonderful bcaiing propcrtiCe. My
child, who is now five years ol age, is now iu a fan
way t>rrecovery, Yours, &c
PosTO»-ricx,Totv«i ns, I’utnamCo.
I cqrt-fy that I am personally acquaint'd with
the above named child, and think the father w ould
be sale in aaying that bis son n> almost well.
Nov 5, 1816. Deputy Post Master.
P. S. I would also shite that I have 4>unn for a
number of years subject to frequent attacks ol the
Rheumatism, wbiefi in many instances prevented
my attending to my business. Two or three appli
cation* t*C the Liniment invariably remove nil at
.faction* of the kind. In casei ol bruises, sprain
and sores, too numerous to mention, it has in tin*
vicinity proved a certain remedv. hs value ran
only ba estimated by those who have given it a fair
This Liniment is aotd at 25 and 50 ccnta per hot
tie, by all the Principal Druggists and Merchant*
throughout the country.
Wholesale Agentt in Sew York.
HOADLKY, PHELPS Jt Co, 142 Water
RUSHTON 6l Co, 110 uroadway.
A B <St D SANDS, corner Fulton and William
ASPINWALL, 8G William street.
Orders addressed th me at Sing Slag N Y win
be attended to. GEORGE E STANTON*,
For sale in Pittsburgh by L WILCOX, Jr.-and J
KIDD 6l Co. Allegheny City, JOHN SARGENT
Birmingham,JOHN SMITH. Irbl3
THIS medicine is last faking the place ol every
preparation heretofore used for diseases arising
from Weakness or other cantos. All that it'nccca
■ary to secoro this medicine a place in thr Domes
tic Practice of every family, when such a medicine
isneedrd. is a trial.
It speaka for itself— is innocent in its operation
and no injury can arise l:om iu uie at any tune.
Wholeaale and Retail by ROWAND &. WAL
TON, Proprietors 376 Market Street, Philad’a.
For sale ui Pittsburgh by K E Sellers, 57 Wood
strr*l; and Wto. Thorn.s2 Market IL ocfidw 'f
MOtly dyeing Light, Red or Gray llair « Dark
Brown or CJack cdlor, wiihontdyeing or injuring th
skin. Sold with full directions- Price 00 cents, or VI
a bottle. | .
ETSold by Wll; JACKSON, othi* Patent Medicine
Warekosee, W Libetry street, head of Wood, at the
sign of tbe Big Boot. r&
D jkLSAM—HI dpi Wisiax’s Balsam of Wild Cherry
«p 4 77 . f No W) wnod virre
BVBTlAhTltkl>— 7 huUJMsUkUghsb,
’For sale b
• [Near the Upper Bridge, AUegbenyCrty]
UK proprietor* of ihe Star Cocon Factory rcupect-
J. fall) Inform me paMic thatihey use now m surer.*
fal operation. Having employed the service* of ii. W
Barnes iu Manager, who has had an experience of 12
■ye»r« in the principal lacuric* of Allrgbepy. City,
.they- would mfaTya Merchant* ami
tfsl they w-tHtihvny* hare on hand •upejxtrt'.Owoh.
•Yam*of allitS’o*., Batting*, AV*rp«,and Itiovt-n Katina i.
of luprrior make. IV LY \ Co
N. B.—Order* left at the Mill,* or at the siuie irf My. •
ef«, liuiucr & Co , l'* Libeity nrett, will he promptly
alien Jt dto nich2sd3ui / ; X.V iCo
i , nrsiiL , KfiH. pa
r l 'HIS Mamtiatiory being m fall and complrte opera
I lion, ihavine received auJ replaced all limit hi a
ehiitery h) ifir lnr«l iniprov, nii'iit. l are uow
a vrry heavy aitiek of 4*4 Brown Sheeuucs, haul
twirled. hami«nr»e good*. (branded Allegheny D.,] and
«urpa.»ed l.y none.of the same nvle, in Ujo cwttrjr,
intended rieln»rvely tor the Wkvteki
irmle. Merrlium* visiting our city are mvflcil local 1
uml prcviOtM to making purchases. Order*
from a di.inner promptly attended to, and coods care*
folly ihtppcd when ordered feMMA'wlbnT
Candle-Wick, Battlne, Turin*. Coverlet
\ ARN, CARl'irr CHAIN. iVARTfiC Ac . At*?,-- -
(Successor* uf At hackle. & Avery)
jan2 -Proprietor*
I'lrTsßuncti. Pa. ...L.
rj'llll above establishment being now in ruccesrful
J. opr muon, we are manufacturing. very ex irnsivply.
an article oi h-avj Sheeungv, well adapted to.tlie mail
trade, which lor hruuty and quality cannot begxcrllcd
hy nnv oiher make in the muntry The attention of* i« soliciird to an ciumiiiut'on.
f-Midin-Awti k’PWfn rmr.npjhro
“Wha ithough the eatura may not be explained, their rffteix are duly ascertained.
Let not delur.on. prejudice, or pride,
Induce mankind to set the means aside;
Mean* winch. th<>’ simple, are by Heaven design’d
To allrvinte the ills of human kind.”
THIS remarkable invention, which has received Ihe
universal approbation of the medical profession of
Great Britain, comprises ar. entirely nen application of
Galvanism, a* a-remedial agent, bymeart* of which the !
nrjuicry Galvanic Us times, Elect r>c and Magnetic Ms
cltinca. Arare ,-ntirely dispenser) with, ami the myste- |
rmu* power of Galvanism applied without any .of the ,
object.on winch nre inseparable from the general mode :
now in use. The *tri>ng doses, and irregnlar.iniffvaJ*.' :
' m which Galvanism is applied by the Machines, has 1
been pronounced, alter a lair mid impartial trial, to "be
(Uddtdif injun&Ht.mnil it was to remrdyjfats tadira!de
fect tint t)ii* new jppliration'was proje&ed, whah, af
ter unerasing tad and iin*everance.h*s been
iO >ts present state of perfection The tiofcanle Atnffl~
I answer all the purposes, of jlte most pxpeosive Ma
chines,anil in many other re-pects ard ’moresq/i and
certain in accomplishing t|ic desired effect.
The (Jaivanie hingi used in connection with the Afog
nrfte fluid, arc conhdcntly recorotaendedla Mil ditie*
dm ickxdi an** from an tnfttbUd or urUuah*t snu* of
tAe umui or ci t/Q system. „anii these coinpUinls are
among the mo-t paintul and universal to which we qre,
subject ! Thrr ajisc. wilhoot exceplidA. fForn'ooelim
pie chu«c—a derangement of the Nervous System—i
and it wu« in these cases that other ‘remedies* having|
ui often failed a new agent was greatly needed, whieli
it is confidently believed, has been found in the proper
sod judicious application of Galvanism.
The Galvanic liinjrs have been used with entire suc
cess ,n all cases of Kukcvatisx. acme or chronic, up
pl> mg to Ujehead, f*ca or iirahny (MutttXlt*D*kinuz,
ToatAacht, Hreruiitt*. Ttriigo. Serreiu or Siti Htadarht,
/«u/»e»«tfen. Patalpsi*. Pel «y. Epilrpt*. Fit*- Cttunp,
faipua/isv) of On HarL Apoplexy. Stiffi set <f Joina.
Spinal Cwnywau. Lumbago, A'rvra/gifi, ATsriotu 2Ve
' mart. Diatinnt of tht Head, pain in It* Chat and Bidr,
l Oinerai Udiilup. Lkfl&tnry of Nrrrou* +nd'J‘kyti*al Bn- .
cm. and alt >IKHVOI> DiSOKUUKs. iln case* oil
confirmed Uyipepsia, which Is simply a netvou* de- (
rsngeineiii oi the digestive organs, they have been found ,
rqu.iity successful. Their exniuirdinary-effect* upon •
ir.e svsiciu must t»i witnessed to be believed, and ns a !
certain preventive for the preceding,complaint* they .
sreeuuu!!) recommended. The' Ring's are of different. I
piii c», Uc.iig made of uL) sire-. aim of various orna- [
ipcmal patient*. and can be wert; by the moM delicate']
Ipoihlc w-iliout the lightest, inconvenience. in fail. ,
the sensation *t rather agreeable limn otherwise, i
The (•dlruuic Bella, Bracelet*, Bands,
Masters, Necklaces, fire,
l.v mmr cukes ofa vets severe rimractei.and oflong
‘laiiiliiie the |ww«f a, a|yUr«l l'j Hie Galvanic Rings
not »nific.ciii i<Tjrre»: the proerc-* °* di*ca*o ami
«.i..:natv'\ rr*i.,.-. !i. n:h ft,. iii.prur-tf noiSificatro"
j tbol!’ii. any u! ,’owcr tLai .» retail- i
nil mn rrudih tip 01-is:ueii, nnd no complaint winch 1
Hip i!i>,tpr on*’ai’i’iit of Galvant-in cau effect will fail 1
lo i»- pr-nmi'ip-nii/ relieved, ' article* are adap
ir<l to Ui- ivhim. anril. wr;»ti, liuilm. unrlra. or nay part
of the lusty, .vuS perfect convenience. The Galvanic
NetWare* arc u*cd wuh benefit in raw* 0<
Hronj.-ii:ti* ot utf. nionv of the throat gailerally; al»o in
cure, of Nervous Deafiic**. anti with nlmo.M umfuira
•m-a» -» J jnevcitt. vc fi-r .\pop!e*y, Fpler-lir **«-*•
unit •iili'ii"
Chii!>tie : s.Uaguutic Fluid
i« u»-<1 iii roiiitrriion wirn 'ho Uai vault: llht(jf anffall
' ih'-ir jnodificuiionv. ‘I In* * eiiij-osinon h«> pro*
iiouiiri-d hy the Kii'iich Cn-in ,i* u> i>e one of the mo*t
piiruort! nary itiM-overics of titod'-rn science. hl»Vfc*
hr veil to jio»,c<* <nc rcmarli'atitrp ower of rendering (4
: 'irrrri ununr-i: « tofr*i«tr arfion hy th.* means cuusnu
it co.iC'-otra.oii n| the mtluftf.the' seat of dlS«»»C,
the* giving tapiil and |i< iii.uiirut illjpl' No other
r ortipo*i ty>n rticnii*tr i* kii'jvvnto produce the same
etf< rt. nn-) .ii.pan - r prop.-riv to ihe ncrvou*
ii.tiit't.i- I'.im; ci.ciii u» tioniti.-; ctpnhie of ihe
r*l ;ujur>. Hr ii|i|i| tjtil.n ;• apictlcr, unii it I* a,
uarn;|r»« ri .t, action *.s it ;» t'Ctirficiul in .1* result,.
Fu.l rJtplu.iui:on* and d>ri Ui<m> arroropany if The
cnmhuW in ventiona are in evety'way perfectly harm
lea*, tiny are sold ai pra-c* witrpii the reach Of nil and
tbc"discoverer only rcijurii, a fair trial tuaknd
. thnr surprising rflicocy and [Mtnuarteut benefit.
I ChrUUee liuitnoic Strenglheolug Pias-
These articles farm aiuithrr valuable application or
the mi'ifriouk influence 01 U.ilvanism They are an
:nitK>nant adjunct to the g>-Mu;tu'Gr.iTanie Kings and
itir.r modification*. act r.« upon the saute piinciple, l.ul
having the ndviniiag'- of more local application. They
are confidently recommended n* n valuable addition in
thr speedy cure of ÜbeumatiMn. acute or chronic; >u all
nei vou» coirptnimj, nujl a* a positive rrmeuy iu case*
Ol rain and ITritnc* in Mr Chat or Back, Pain in tkt
SMt, in A.M\mot*c Afftetiom. and in IF/uk neuor Oppras
»ion of tHt Pubr.onarf Organr In Spinal Complamu
their effrei* art of the most decided cliaracterand they
liaveoflen hern u«ej with complete «uccc«*. They arc
also of the greatest advantage in I’auis and Weakliest
ot the ItrraM, and ar? highly recommended for many of
those complaint* to which female* are especially liable.
As an rffrciuul means tor strengthening the system
wlien'ilcbilnnietl with disease oroibcr causes;ass cer
tain aid in Constnutional Weakness, as a I’reveulive
for Cold*, and all in affecuoas of ilic Chest, CCflcrallyi
the (ialvamr Strengthening Plaster be found of
great and permanent advantage. Jn.*a few words; it
embrace* all the virtues of the licit lonic preparation,
wth ih- important addition of the galvanic iartiniT.eo,
wttiph is neither unpaired nor exhausted, while the ac
tion continues. These articles will he found entirely
free from those objections which are a constant source
of complaint with the ordinary pla»ier»in common use.
E7-Th- great celeUr.iy Ami »cccssof these Articles
tins routed them to be counterfeited by unprincipled'
l-ersons. To piovide agam>i imposition* Dr. CnasvTU
bo* iiuton** auilianzed agent in each city of the Union.
The only agent m Pm-burgh. \V. \V WILSON.
Of the highest and moKi retpermWi; charueicr, arc con
stantly received, regarding the extraordinary value
and success of the al*ove article* his beiieved that
<0 tha city of New York alone, upwards of EIGHT
THOUSAND PERSONS during a period of less than'
a year, have been entirely relieved or the most painful
chrome disorders. tome of which have completely Ir»f
fled all former effort* of medical an. Indeed many of
Uie flr«t physicians Bf Ibis city, who diaapprovc of the
Galvanic and Magnetic Machine*, constantly recom
mend tin* application in thor practice, and with ilie ci
cepiionof loose who are too prejudiced to give n a tri
al, the Invention ha* received unanimous’ favor with
the mo*l intelligent among the American Kurulty. Di
Chruue i* at all tunc* ready and moM-bappy t 0 give
evny facility u» physicians, and all interested. for leaf
ing the truth of his a**rrti';n» and the efficacy of lit*
Only agency in Pittsburgh.corner hh and Market si
«rfi‘.{Sdl v
LEV a few door* below
ncaird to the medical pt«-
now coniine* h<* attention
in the treatment of those
i. ntnitiee anil cgpcrrrn-rc
Eleven year* assiduous / devoted 10 the study and
treatment of thohi' comiil • ci*. (during which tme lit
bn* Imd more piuencc Aid • a* cured more patient* than
etui ever fall to the Hit of a y private proetuioncrl am
ply qualifies him in offer as un-no-sof speedy, permit
nenl-and sutiMbetsry euro v-nM alD.cied with -i/Jtcotj
di»eo*r«. end nil diiassc* .lris tiff therefrom.
Dr. Drown would mfunn tlio» r ujiliateJ witli privor*
disease* which have becomerlirou’e by timeor agirrsva
led by the use of any of tin* common nostrum* of the
day. that their complaint* eau be radically mid thor
flugfily cured, ho hnvitiggtvrn his carelul attention to
thf treatment of such cure*, and succeeded m hundred*
of instances in eur.njt persons of iiilUmaum of he neck
of the bladder, and Studied disease* which mien resuh
nun those case* whcrootheis have consigned them 10
Impale** despair. He particularly invite* such us have
been long and unsuccessfully treated by other* to con
sult him. when evrry-aatiaiuelton will be given them and
their ca«e* treatrd .n a careful, thorough and intrllire.-n
manner, pointed out by long experience, study and in
veaugauon. which it t* impossible tor ihn*c engaged o*
ircncral practice of medicine to give any one class o
ID" Hernia or Rupture—Dr. Rrown also invite*
person* afflicted with Hernia to cull, as be hat paid
particular attention this disease.
Skin Disease?, also Piles, FhJsy, etc- speedily cured
N. B.—Paiient* of either se* living at a distune?
by stating their disease in writing, giving all the tyrap;
tom*, can obtain tncd.cmes with direction* for u»e, by
addressing T. lIKO'VN, M. D post pa l and enclo
sing sfec.
Office No.-U Diamond alley opposite the Wavcm
irr Nnru*«. f> pav'
BURN# ANb'»CALT>!ir-
EFFECTUALLY and speedily cured by the use 0
the Great Remedy of Nature. AMERICAN Oil.
It utmost miraculously reduce* Inflammation, and con
scijuenily is warranted in all cases to leave no team or
scar in the flesh.
Sdd wholesale and retail hr WM. JACKSON, at his
Hoot and Shoe Store onn Patent Medit-fae Warehouse,
st) Liberty street, head o' Wood, Pittsburgh. Price SO
crnis aud ft per battle.
W Jackson being the Exclusive Agent for Western
Pennsylvania, none t* genuine but what 1* sold by HIM
or HTB appointed Agents.
N. B. A Parpphlet containing ample directions. Ac.
with the nances and address of the Proprietor and rnn
cipal Agent, is.enveloped with wrapper of each bottle
Abundance of oQttificaies .t'Jtn to.secii at the Store.
A.»*LLIAOn.AAB-pr'ni e
» aud for tare by ' « fc SKLLfcKW
myd 57 wood*'
5 rf do American;
No 'J4 wood street
Uvi _-r J x
MEDICAL* -> >; i ■ • > vi'i
fior the removal and i eiwaocnt eara.of'all diitun
ari«r»t'Rt»l id ll»pftre -
' * brb*l>:V&rt!««T**ta ifc" ■ ' " v '
SergfbU. lMrt LVC,
J?«a< Bulargtmttrt and jtain qf (WSiitO Jinnfe,
SniW«f>» CittrtsSfpMliac Sciatica w-Lstu*
l«gt>, and Diuout eriring/roCia* ntt V
• Mtnury, Ascimor Dropi* Bxfetutu* htprudtnut*
Lt/t. X.M. Ctotnsc CwutfrwftWlJuTttos.
‘ FrS timely admioistniuonjiaa been mended »._IUUi
1 happiett revn!l» tn many anotnaJooi nffecuons; on t
n i* chiefly intended to fi|Htra void wiich.ewabetween'
cathartic mid aperient medicines; benee its vtorfw vf
rat'd •* that of ah alterative 'dtrebtfy'“-lndireeUy,' pto
vnm a la*unf tocie lotto* syrtna. .. . • >| • ‘
It is highly concentrated. loFcor\ven'QQOO And porta*,
inliry, containing nothing eMeoct,
and is the rep. rtenuiive *f.ibe Sarsaparilla Hoot,la
the mine manner as Quinine is of PcrvviaA Harfc*or>
Morphine ul Up-om. It i* an established' Act, last a
fnw gram, of either Qitlmnoor MotphUtat contains*U
the medicinal value of a large qnaputyofthe omdo
fi«b.<-Unces; benee the Superiority of tbdae'prepnmioni
—and no invalid .would uewre «, orink a gallon sgiuara*
when a half pint conialued the tsmg medicinal value,
Tbe-Snreuparilla can he diluted when taken, agreeable
to the directions, and made to suit the Uate of tbe pa
tient. i _ ,
The following certificate addressed to the Agehu at
Chicago, furnishes conclusive proof of its great value
in cases of Fever Sort*.
•’ Cmtaeo,Ul.SepclCjlSU.
Mcmm Ptebbin* A Reed—Genu: in May, 1844,! ob
tained at you' store a bolile of Sandhi £arsapanl]f,abd,
was then cohfined to my bed, without steep for a Week,
occasioned by violent pais Ooa « regal »r faveraonof
long standing, on my right leg. My.phyticiansadviswi
tue to have the lanb amputated, saying it Wa« the only
means iifceJy to preserve my life. -Aftat using half tbd
bottle ibe r.aitt began to subside, and by,the time l had
used nearly three bottles,! was able to transact tty Teg*,
ular business, 1 had finished the fourth bo*
tie, 1 was os well and sound aaever! bad been. ~1 have,
no hetltatibaln saying that Ssud’s'Safsaparllla was the
moon*, under Providence, of saving my limb aod I
doubt not my life. 1 most cheerfblly recommend U as
the bed anicle'eitsnt for the nunficstioa of the blood
Years, moat respectfully, ' •' ’ •
The following certificate it only another link, in the!
great chain of testimony to its merit#: -' 1 ■ * '
Sotrtu Bowes. Canada East, April 16,i84&
Messrs. Sands— Gentlemen: Exposed aft. we are to
tlie nuackft of disease, and so frequently’disappointed
m proposed remedies, we cannot bol look oaths ttfon*
of successful practniouers with intercalat'd gratitude
I Tins is true respecting johf saleable preparation of
Sarsapardlo. 1 b-*veb«n«rerely efßuaed ior3Jjrc*»
wiibn disease about which “doctor’# disagree,” and
their prescription* were still more diverse. 1 tried Vd but found no reDef until ii<onunenced.
using your excellent, medicine, at whieh time 4 waa
\iiiolly confined u» tey Ited. Atter using it a few month*
| am now able to wAiaabout.fideoui.and enjoyacom
nirotl.le decree of health, which 1 altrihute entirely 1,0
il r use of hand's Please accept my aa
suranre of grautude aod regard. - • ■ >-
Being personally ac<rtalntcd with the above ktate
jncnu-lhercby cctufy thw.the aameia true.
Faetheb Tiamaow—The following is an extract
from a letter received from Bcv: WillajaGsluaha:
, , Bx&xsmax, Vt..Ocl.£t,JiBi4.- .
Messrs. Sand*: 1 have been alßcted with a aetfett
num in my aide, occasioned by a diseased firer, fey the
-1 n twenty yean- suffering at. Maea .what language
ctifinot convey, but since taking \6orSarskpaiiflft,)
have been greotly relieved, romuensoUjat. I have been
able to attend to my basinets. and preaeb occasionally
for the lax fifteen months. 1 wholly discarded all other
medicine, and thoroughly Uied tho Sarsaparilla, which
I can recommend in truth and sincerity to all those who
are in any way aflfteieff with day species or scrofulooi
complaints. Tlterc have bden aome_remarkgbtaearef
effected by Us use Mrs.l. Bhaw, b|.
the arfe-of»itbottle'*,‘WW-Teitofedtobetterlte!ilQitbfcH
she had before enjoyed fatten years, and Mrs. W. Ste
vens, who had h.nei»-aeTcrfely.*fflictedWuh tho Ery»p*i
. etas, wns entirely cured by the use of a few bottles. _
Your, truly, i WJU. GALUSHA.
- For further particulars aid,conclmve 'eTideneeoflU'
superior value andefltcaey, sec pamphlets, which.nwy.
beobminedof Agent* grate.' -• • ’ • ’
! repared and aod by.AJfl* A DSacd*J>racgiSU,loo
Fulton at,cornerofiltiam, New York.
Sold also by L. WILCOX, Jr.-Pittsbargh] If Hat
wood,Beaver; Wm. Wauoo. New Ctotle; U H, Bob:!
iron, Brownsville; A. Cretin,, Washington; .and .by.:
Druggists generally thfoughonttix United States:
Price *1 per bottle—fix DouJeaJet’M; \ -
The public ate respectfaily requested to. remember
! that it is Sand's Sarsaparilla tbaln is constantly ocuev-
I ing such remarkable euros of tto fitostdjflenlt-daaaQf.
diseases to which the human 1 rente is subject; there*;
• fore for Pand'sSartAparllla. and taYe no other.
ksf;HM4 ...
whktliu rtlicrtd hfroln'mch g short tpae from hi* di£ ..
fieultf of brttihl^rpoa^-tiW'•ofofktinrf H*' M
wifi tell Qinnntjiin, or _ AU-.
Healing Balsam. 1 ' Ilk (he eoofutapUrc
whet has allayed hir- Cough, removed
the Pain in hi* Side and Cbeit, .
cheeked hit night nrcalt. and
ptooed the erne -of health
upon hi* cheek.’ and , . h
he wifi tell von
Ash your friends if (hey kuowcfahjthing IhalwiiJ'sofpe*'*
dily cure a Ling ami tedious Cough. BalMhg af Blood, Brea- ■
rliitK, Daspectic Consumption, H*V*£?**» Jtt#B«»»i and
Jiwun uY the throat, aa the OUwioniftn? and they will tel)
jon—No. TherennerjTVhajbeehatrnrcdyiolrddtteed to
public notice which-lias been produclire of to much good in
••• short a spacacf time. Read Ibe following
* Antonlahtng Cure*.
Wm. hnao, tiir eelebreted Button'cracker baker. SS‘ N as
■au street, BiuokUn, tute* that hi* wife has.beta;afflkied
with Asthma for du.yean, and could not (tod permanent re*
i lief fnm tlie br*(| in ad ical.-adrice which New ' York dad
. Brooklyn could produce, was induced t» try UsUgwatf* l **-
!dy hfve it now nearly well. Hi* daughter who «a* loEcr;.
| u’s from the same disease. tried it, and «U alia cured by it.
I Mr*. Uutid i> now *o weU that the i» able to /ittfrtm H**
I bed early in the muruiogaaJ attend to her usualdetit* through
( H,r Jay without >ny annoyance frets her dbtraising malady.
! H*\nr JAtuoa,l3lh street, near the Catholic Censetiy,.
' to the store for the purpose of obtaining a bottle of the
; Oto*uaniu, haring been afflicted with the Asthma Ihr wore
; than ai year*, aud e|h*umd«op -hi* arrftsl tb*l:b«
could nut speak,. He purchased a hotUr and rode home.—
Kour day* afterward be walked frtxa hi* residence to the Oh
ficc without fatigue, a diatanewotf orer two mile*, to tell of
the wouJerfu! relief which ht had apemaefd - from using
about cue half of one bottle'.
Consumption of tile Lnßtih'
Mr. Coxrorr, 35 whit* street, bras so low in the menu
of December last. th*t he was gireo up by hisrhyuciaa. His
friends niteruinsd no hope ofnis reeorery. fls w» persua
dej |o trj.the pimoaiaa, and to bn surprise tt.basgo.fiu,
restored him to health that bcijnuiv »Ue to valk about the
streets • ' ...
■ Mrs Attxbx, the wife of Wa H. AUree, Junes Harman,
Ksq and Geo W. Hays, Esq. can all bear testimony, from
their own experience of the healing properties of this Great
Remedy in Consumption of the Loop. . .
Spitting Blood. :
Mr*. .Tnooaootat, 353-Monroe street, who had baca
'troubled (or a great length of_lim«f by a serara cough, end
raised quantities of bicou. was rtUrrci by one bottle of tbe
Olosaotxiau,aod dsdarea it the greatest remedy ia the world.
Ds.xxts Kelly, 36 Water street, was also relieved iron
the same complaint, although he was very much reduced
when he commenced taking it, hating baca under thsmre Of
bis physidan during the past winter. Although hoeoogbed
eaustaotlr and sras rtrj much troubled with aighlsWeaU, 2
bottles of the remedy enabled him to return, to.bis. daily
work, lie was entirely relieved,
OavtD Hbxpersox, CO Laighl slrfal, Geo W. Barnett,
fotmeriyof Newark, N: J., Henry Lisbon,' 199 RislflgtoO 1
street, and numerous other paraooa have :baca spaadßr.aafi
permaneally cared of. the same complaint by this remedy.,
The Array of llamss
which eouldbe prod need of persons who hart used
remedy would more than All a column. , Among-tho. number
we are permitted to refer U A. M. Bimcrw, 108
Mr Wilson of Hoboken; Mrs Bell of Morristowa, N,
James B Dcroe, 101 Rcadcsl.; Mr*. M’Caflree.SO Attorney
st.; F, Smith, 93 Third Atrnoe.Mre Wn. of this
ritT,andMrs Archibald,3s White si t; i .■ 1
Sold wholesale and retail by Wa Jadtaoo, it' his fateat
Medicine Warehouse and 800 l and Shoe Store, Ho 69 Liber
ty stmt, head of Wood street, Price J 1 |grbot_
Pc. ... - .—j- - - ,
Tim great and. only SEkEDT-far (Ggtft,
Umto. Aathma, and CONSUMPTION.I*II*IIIII*-
OARUN BALSAM OF LIFE, dUcoWrtd tftba &«•;
muad-Dr. Buchan, of London, EnfUad; lad-fcliintfi l
Mo ttM United Staten Bader the bn mad ti to jitparioMnd
anco of Ifco taeento*. - '» - . •v-'-'T.i
Tba aitnordlnary iucuu of .this medieton, ita .tM
corn of Pulmonary diseasae, warrant* tha AjMney
Arant In notldllat for treatment the WORST POS
SIBLE CASES that can be fonnd in the coaraamOJ—
caaafthit n«t relief in rain from any of tha cranmob
ramedtei of the day..and hand be«i
moat dkttnnlahnd Pbralctana an CONFIRMED. Aflß
INCURABLE*' Tte .linnnrUui Balaam ban cared, and
■o quaah nostrum, hut a ntaodard English tnoaletee.or
known and aaiablUhed effledejr. ! •
Seary.thmUy Inthe United Sanaa should ba auppßdd
Wbh Jhraban'a Hungarian Balaam of Life, not only t*
counteract the ecMUiiplJva tendtnalas of tha *1 baste,
uatohu-uaed an*BWoailfa .jaadltoJilrtLcateLpf
Cold*. Oourhi, Spitting of Rood, ran In
Che*. Irritation and Sgroimua of the Lttwra,
DlfflenUy af "Droathtaf. Mettle Favor; Nl|ttfifl#adU,
Emaalatmn and Ganarul Dabllity, Anthtna, InSuenu,
Hr bottle, whh folldlrec
dona for the rattoraiioh of UaaJth.
pitapblau, contatnlnc a naan of Engtlab and Anveri
«aa cartlilcaisa, and other eridtnea, sboyrtM tha u»
equalled marba of itria Croat English Remedy, may m
Obulnad of tha A fonts. rratattoudyi _ . .
DAVID F. BRADLEE, tola Af«t for tha United
State* 110 Court streat. Bottom ,
T. W. DYOTT A SONS, Guml Wboltsala Agent*
Ho. m North Seeoudatraet. Philadelphia,
Fo- «ule by B A FAHNESTOCK A Co. comer of
wood and Iront streets mjC
LADIES Who Use Common Prepared,Chalk, are
often not aware how fnghlfally injurious it is to
■he skm! bow coarse, bow roujbj how sallow, yellow,
and unhealthy the skin appears after using prepared
chalk! Besides, it it injurious, coniaJningalarjrflquan
nty of lead. We have prepared'a beauilfot vegetable
article, which we call JONES'S SPANISH LILV,
i.W HITE! Ui* iunoeeni,beinrpuri£rd 9 f ■*'
deleterious qualities and it imparts to the skin a nalp
ral, bealiby, alabaster, clear, bring white, atthe'kame
time acting as a cosmetic on she skin, making's! aoP ,
and smooth, . 1 #»•
Dr. Jantes Anoerson, Practical Chemist »* Wassa
chusetu.' says: “After analysing Joaea'sSpaaiah Lill?
White, I find it possesses the most beautiful, and .natu
ral, at the same feme innocent white 1 ereraaw. I
certainly can conscientiously recommend 1U use to all
whose »«in requires beautifying-
WM* JACWOW. at his Boot and Shoe
Store. £0 Liberty street,- head of Wood, at the Sign of
ihe Big Boot. - - •
no CUBE NO pay'
REMEDY—-Warranted locor*,orUia moti.
er returned- This medicine ia prepared Dow to In
dian Receipt, obtained Dorn one of them is the Fir
West, at great expense. Three who hare' been
familiar with the Indians, know that they can and
:do cure Venereal without the knowledge of Mer
cury, Balsam, or anything ofVthc kind. The af
flicted hare, now an opportunity of being cared
wiihott tthe a*e_of fia(Wm. : TfaUtneiueinh'U
gleasant to the Uste, and leaves, the
Prepared by BOWAND AWALTON, and sold
wholesale nod retail,by J/TVftowand, 376 Market
streetjttil!id , *i u ‘'* v «
For sale in PtUabnrgh by R £ Sellers, 67 wood*
street, tad by Wm. Thorn,6l Maikat at. ocMwT
. m Oft- 88KMUIV
' i BLASTER. < ■ '
DR. SHERMAJS IKdMmJa »« to ,U. msdUiui'
• P k » —at * remSrmudro { '■
«**•' B**'!*** V&*""** * erouml each boa of Lt’-e
the fait l* health perm* ia aJsmrt nerr stage .
«rweMmpti«,attd thorn laboring under the momdiurmS J
cold* awl cough*. They do not check and dry op iherouTh
bat reader tlea*y, promote eapectoratim, tiler u£ Ucklin/J
imtabott, awl mwire the proiimale or earn tint _
fhey w* m*de» combmalian «famort Taluiicmic
meant, or cough asedkiaei, and ag|;UhdoubtedlT sntwrx'r
pain in the breast or side, one of Sfcer
caViPoorAUn ! * PksUraJpneccmlrLJj lbimW
applied war fhojwl, and-wo-B all rthertd, JfamndeJ
! acitbnrtmami r a tew calhartieor bxatiie knet«e*.'orui '
should be used at oocasto? reouirr*
ThMawaVwibcceccaharatea pramTianotethnol.-toO
COO macs to be in&Utble; the only certain *una'«r»ue»itt
medmaeeterdjscotered. Many diicaicjartMa &««*)» >*■
and oecaikialoef wJhiUaaeiiißCTiaj, aaderro Jraih: »iti, >
out their mr bung itujwctrd; grown ptnou arertryuQen
aflictxd.wilh Cheat, tad are doctored for mriotu eomi.ium,
without any benefit; when .one dear of these Lwore* would
«pee«illf °'
cfSfmfiowut-j Wonnj.—Fuinnin the yunti ta
tire tenth, picking et the MM, grinding of the teeth Juris* r'.
»l*cp,inil u ite* • pakncaa ahuat the lip»,wiih fliuhed cheek*
Utedihgat the Mae,afaa wing testate:at the tugßsch,Urth‘
* na P» headache, droaiiarat, vertuo, torpor, diuarfatd
dreaat, aoJdtn uartieg is ateep, with rrijht W Kfraauc;
Maedaeaitnuhlewa* cough, fcresuhnae, thlrti, rathd .
h^’L? I ** ****• “.‘hentouth, difleuh brealhiafc-tahi in-.
lh« •Um cr bowels Aliguc, aeatea, tyaniUineti, voraN *
cmiu* appetite, kaaorta, bhuUad stanch or baba, griping*,
■srsssvsrsafi" fc .ss& u -
They p.euaaeda.- relief fa aerto® or a«k hraJaebr
tepiiatMoof the heart, ’mewof, the »pir»{t, dc.j.e.drocj 1
“NWWWIWnI -lt threat, ha«£f or auaLar cute
jJauit, fciaoey, oppreew,« oeaanaeof aiaktc, ot th. chert,
•» A-n-s
aiMtuaiu, aw aU aerroat duruu, drawtiura through the
cf * aortet Mrtiw, lamtedr or a M&M ofTniigu*' ‘ •?«■
*"»• * iU Loeca-*
ra really rarrnaf. im tapartiaj the tmoj ux-y of joutl.: u*«d
aflerelteMtioD, thet wilTmtorc the tout of the mtea rea« -
the««pWa*at .ympta. nrSn* sw?
!?®l: • ?***» »W haw, tea ton teh lmc*.ta
tendourdtbardltuntcd habit*, winded tte?U*^[r»l2l
rattteera oflhe wjtm. ‘
**• *° ,u > «•» ■ «««!«*
reatedjC-fcrtoejorweaioewia the back, loin*. tide, acek
theefafiapeat Artec «the world. , IrSKmda relief in ?<•»-
P ’!iL t “ d t. won)
SfJ3i£fl&t!g' I, . tr * U **y h . >■ -)H ,n.i nd ■•
gjgSM.'jyS l . i* .“"TH-MM., ..n.«r, diKtnlij of
BrertatDi'y'oppmafojf of the cheat or atoaiach. Ihrv wOflm " *
to.«.d.rS!sc K^L"f
Tfefijf W«* W« <«» tha e*p«rieMr of »iU
Ldaawho W tea,« wtU the taltWieitioouTof
adj theeeleteledaßd diaUaruuhed dervy and phjtirfS, to
b °j h€ °? tt f«f fal yd highly 1
"fj** wwhote.taeipm.
rt,th,: * fa °* t «tf»edo | t>< t tfcaU > e»e
‘ h«k of each plaafe/j'wlfh a ■
'frf of,Pr.Bhmaaa^fcaau, -it it laportanTjou .SouJd ''
vorthlew iußatusi
mßrindpWdSu * 6W frf «he true tQieraaa’i Piaitera, h|
affssg.^r ,^s - k - l “~* ■
HERSONS ifflicted willi Scroluia, Kine-,»-E*il
li< ,
• Mercontll niMtnc, or BAj-oihet campUinti
mHD'tapSntHi of the blpot), are rrquestrj to rc-d
the toilowiag tPtUmoDUlt, ib prool of the wonder*
f«L propeniee ol the ahoee named niedttlne.' - -» i :
[ READ! BEAD!! - READ!!!
W V th « ■o*srwijotd, baring mited Mr. luac
fbilid.lpb.o, coonde. /
u ’“ .""‘l '••nu.kibta one wc Eire « re , wit.
neaeed dr nedi ■i of7' - • -
, His dtsfaat wu SCROFULA, tad terrible nun
hare heen h i twelve jew 1 coeflietwith the de ;
■trojrer!: 1 w u-* •:•*> ■
; fWlff rpPl df bi»Di«itb, le'&nayU&r. :
perLip.Apdlpneertjioi lhe ft)gsiE,eha»7been l ‘
de*Uored,hu Face oearijr eaten tip, and pail oTtbr ,
Jnwr Bone earned nwnj. And ,eiw« e.
djeaenption of bla , )
~!% B. ipTornja.w in Januan-lait, tAe whok
j. iblertor at hn month, a. well nn met of bin flee
i waramaaa of deep ahd paihro! ulcera'
! °*l**| 4U ' orjnlrottylutlhe eommeieei uilie i
LbA> which eoecaed the dircase jo aicwdaVa. av<
v fiw fleah baa rappHpJf tie place or the deep'd!*
i lfcel ■ thp tfeafßPßt c/ ftlr,
QrtMND , 'Caac.nfrUereuria!t:OtDurenU,'orl'!itnV{e ,
lh« I’Afi'/kV
‘ l *f wro “8!lt , 'lhii wonderlul cbasoc
Dand Smith. Backs county, Pa.
Clmtd. L, Horned,'MwAill.*,'l'mrloid eoPn.i' ,
J W Jonca, M D booth Secodd atreet,’Philo'
Jacob Let, Pemberton, N J.
§ Foortb, above Popjare«-N.*t/,'' .
3 Lanca»|er,Pa. y
5 MMs*teki.?C'.NprtLlaiianiaaLPhiJi.
C W Appfeion, - do.
Timothv CaUweU,i Mariow co. Mimoori. - 't
Daniel « r e4kelfX^eadetHU/ r Ehii«deJphia co Pa
Jofrß Htrned.39Q High atroot, Ph,i».
William Steeling. MD, J. , <c ,
William Hale, 378 High atreet, Phila •
4 H Potter, Manu/nctorerof Mineral Teeth, lta »•
‘ NhrtbelreetiPhUa. ' '
LA WpUeaweber,£d.,ph»U.D«mocraL?n.KA! •
; atreet,.;;do ' )
George IV Menu, Breab Maker, 317 Market St.
A tkgiatU,.Pjutor°f tJcrenth Bapilti C.harcK,
Jobp Erje SUcdt, PhUadelpaia, (hlpnh Amar!
. CandffiCe!) ~
Aams lfil CiMhiriMiStreeL i
DaiuelMcUtniey, Kealer's Aliev, dn
Andrew SkeatopV Camden, H4* : .
R HEvaM,fti£tPhila., -
Ridiard'K. ifoung, Gilder, 409 Market at. Pbila
T S Uh Cbcwuil cUcrV/ do’
B J.Emuil, 123 Eleventh atreet, do
Peter Sken Smith, Editor Native Eagle, . do'
4<« 'Bodne; Williamstowp;
” i ’ i ■ *
Wt.Uaa Steely,Earmington, Van Boren co. Inwa
L B Coles,'M D>RoatoD,Muaw
Thbmaa K S Roby -M- D, namiborgh. Pa.
Peter-AVnehli Sfiß-Markel atreet, Pbila.
Jataed W.newttrl,'lo3 Filbert at. ; ; do •
J6hnGdotf,T74StuilM sL" . . d» V '
.VVitliam Une. Pastor St, Panl’aM. E. Ch.Caiharinn.
J “ ’ YT ; I .* * ."7“ • TXVw - 1 /
. at,,, do ~ t .,- f h
TL Sanders, Publisher of Pledge and Standard,
F P n 1 ;'
. Decks co, Pa. ---
• ,^ r hpteaaleand.lUtkilhyßc?w%Bt'\ rt Wk|foh, ,
MkfkefSt Philadelphia- It ESeUer*,'
£>l Wood ettPlUabergh, Pa.j Wo. Tb * Mar.
|ke<;>EßVetk»r, Dbiof -fiibn-’fcr
John W Danrahd'' er,Cin.,‘
Ohio;SEdeU&Reeve«,Madi*on la; Noble, Looia*
E-YiDeterooek 4C'PeJtactt,<Sti ! LcArirfiiQ l Ta'
P H McGfaw, Natches, M kae: Hardawav & John
stctt ! Vtdtfaigfc,do;L'bhrtts Jenkins, New Oirlean
•• | tarn aww aiwuusbiivu uiivdVi
i 1 AWetamg! A Miracle !!_A Wonder!;
— Tb : tore 1 Eruption* and Disfigureraenis of thefkin,
Fqtr. years .'ago |Mt,!ApgusL the eapiial of' France
; was astonished in eonseqaenee ofa discovery tnsde by
UP ItalianChomrst.i Many rkmlrted—itaaemed almost
an impossibility .that anything .made by-tha *
;ma&ioosl9bh««;saebsiegatar powei* as Jhaiclaitned
,by Autonla yesprini for hit lovetujon. Many clawed
him'add'hhr Inreriikm as h humbug, [and-alsi! many
6ollah>er»dat-inth«tTrfing do the same nnw,] at
length;'afLertubitgiiln the bewpiuil*, I the Medics) i*o-
I eioqr at ftMipJlbebMUeheJttiauuiibp wmidjdrlircmd
the following repeil¥> Sigma Veaprini; . .'1
“W# base now AfWtely and carefully examined the
singular intention of Vc»prini- W_e have analysed its
eompooeiit part* l —we bare used ti In ae**i*lc*se»,*ad
we hesii.atc not ur.pmnouaceit (theliatianChemieM
Soap) Us t great blessing, aniTa truly wonderful reme
dy lor.any cutaneous eruption or dsrfigujrmenjiof the
skid, Jts,tAVeqlor we consider the' true phllantnrapict
ofsuffferiuf mankind,
, i’neaid«u B
'J. „‘i .\i± -V.RBADTUIS *i i
Fmb the inventor himself co the present Proprietor.
; - Paaui.Not.4,jmo
1 In consideration of th*'fntß'®f •Asoo; I favcdivol
sed lo’Mr. T.'Jones, ke»iding in the eiiyof New York,
N.' A.i the' 1 whole process of.ruanufaclumig, icgeiher
wnk a lhf ingredients i tompo-ini my Ual
lan Chemical Soap- IJaisio manufacture u/or isle iq
the. United States only, and to have the privilege of na
mm* it‘‘Jone*’ltalian Chemical Soap." *
Witness: Weary J* Ualdsworib. .<
. .(gigaed) -.ANTONIA VESPRINI
flre-Sofl W* > W-JAUAHON, at his :Paient Medicine
Warehouse; » Liberty meet, bead,of W oodrai the
sign of the Big Bodt.'•' >» '
ThepnlrpNec in Pituburgh where the GENUINE
caabcobtanicd. AJlaihers are Counterfeit.
,\SsiJo ,^¥<W Wy ,W SCOPITDRELI ’
at yosrowuyptu*d wtib erspiions and bioiebes! Yet
ZSL.TCiR'A***- “.C*® ceni * fo ' * wuofihe
gwatlialiaoCbeamal ttaap, which would entirely ftee
V*”*’ and por yellow skin and
■Sfik** , Oo * l ' ,riCelo ' , * ck,on ’‘ S »re- WLllerty «
inPi».tibd]gH where
wftA»BNUINB ta to bombtamed. Beware of Coanter?
|PjjOS3ERVE the Boot stands in the doorway.'
IlsoßClXaScbCaii SVrttpfetniSuTi
ITX puMlkbed and madeknSwo to the poblic ” ' This
was the exprtirbnof isn old man who tried the Syrup.
a» 'aV [^WtlM^Tsbraary,
Mr. ilorgan.-—Thi* ?nay cenify that being afeM
wUßaJJOwmwiaieeoMhsome lime, I-bMaataoScUe
of Morgan's CpeshSyfup, and am happy to say, alter cocgb Uemlraly sored.* 1 a*em«reoa«j'oer
Owgb the brer bediclne 1 have ever aied. -No
family shoaldbe without this valuable oedieinei - -
, JiAVin &I.BOI1EBTO.*»«*«, o*;,
medicinefaprepartiwßolesale and rdtatl
at the DrtcSttraf tT *'■JOHW D MORGAN ’■*
sheet Jone doer below Diamond AllcV
onßE.‘NUiGlOkkljkllTX WAF-For r'et&d-
Xrving Grease spoUrStains, or Marks from Clothes,
• WdoUcaat-Carpan;dTeJto- dad jaadonag iha.spoa
wber»it«aoMUode2eas,J»riKbi. new,and spot i
>§Md whh toll directions, rnee
BT’Sold by WM. JACKSON,* Liberty;street,Vu
of Wood, at hia Btmu ted stare.' sin of the Dig
Boot. .1 ym