The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 14, 1847, Image 3

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    SO hhi* do 4« B«j*n -
73 klf eW* Y H. 6 Kfc btk Te**;
SO ft & 3)bb>l<rP lY II do
ft eeroow J F Indln; .
75 bjcoTWaceo 6« * lft«:
n.> re «wl for ule by CARSON Jc NeXNIGffT
mvlo_ i sixth «ueet
G K,K -
>:RIR3— iOSbagt «to Coffee;
:fpe« Y H. O P i lop. Tea*;
HO bbls N O Molmmi:
M hfedA prise If O Bojar,
4<l bx*s« Ids and lb lamp tobacco;
» kg« No I# twin do
.*» bogs Pepper.
TS b>Te assorted Not L Sagar;
l< Deter* Riee; with a poenl u
•omu'jit :«» fiorere*. for sale low br
rn-H 1 KoSTwaterct
SL’>Utitt>-ls »ck« Feather;
•J bb&Fi*X*eed;
S do Laid, '
i firkin do;
t bbl Tallow;
h tt La dsj Peaches,
M do da Appier;
t> du Cubcr Peas
'i do soft shell Hickory
, i*nJ i.g Korn steamer Rio Gtande; tor sale br
_my KJ _ I OICKKV A Co, water A front »i*
riNE KKKMI PICAS-Y H Tes in hir ehrfU;
X* Imnrr *' T<-s in hlf chests sndbz*;
U Powder do do do do; jnuree’d
per *lnp» lor.<;o ; t Wnntaurk. and Rainbow, a eotn
p'exr miofUßeni aftrrsiitrdnew crop Teasfor
SUJIDnXEB-;&U!*dFKk>uri *
tS c*k» couuiiy cured B»con; •
‘•f-0 bu* d Apple*;
luJ do d Pe«ebei; for »al« br
nil :- No 118 wood 11
OU'iAKS. MO:.A?*HKS* 111 C-
E vfln hhdi N GAJjar.
bUi i>M« pUmanon tfolane»;
iwdo mi , «*-*»;. .
34 tic* fre-h Rice, for s*le by
N'o< I*l A ‘JO wood st
BACON A i.AKU— jk» Bacon llof Round;
41 lib)« No 1 Lard;
'i'kco do do;
•JO in>iK do; for aalc
■ixib wwi
w QLXi*S-3» i.z« 7ii>;
VV . *o do exto,
:u do sn*;
ot dolOxlX;
40 do loiU with 10x15, 11x16,
Uxti. »i'J lifil"; m ‘tore sod lorrsle by
tnylO No 33 wood street
II rcka Feather*;
1 bx I‘eaeoek Fly
~->■» u„.'..,i g rroro atinr Pen Ko»b, for u4e by
O) % l0 . 1 DICKEY A Co
RKFISKD M.*«ARB—no bhl»Loaf Surar:
to do eniibed do
Ja«l iec'«l *■ 'I »•»!« b) . , ,
I, IinViUMI.N A Co, water a front *l»
my io Agt« ?1 Loan Sugar Refinery
(f TOBACCO- in lx* Rttt«4>i A Robinron, S lampi
X M> do Jtts Ilia* & do
iu do Lot;ura 6 ping;
i do Me A Ate 5 do:
imli'xr >il< by myll JAB Ft.Of D
FISH-sitibu large No 3 Mackerel,
■iS i)S -do I Herring;
*0 do do 1 landing by Canal
and for sol*- t, J & ft D
aj) ]l No Itt liberty a»_
rrsmsCap PaperJ
jo <)u do plain do;
xs «La do counting boose;
luu jo do letter; on hand tad for
| «*;* *ery lo * for ea»u. o« exchanged fot^mgi^^by^^^
first street bel. market
BAUoN~S.OWiUft Haas
i KU Oq
I U)J do ranvA««r<l Has**; for tale low 10
<► rloircon«ii{nin«ni »)l< PC MARTIN
niyAKS-a Uu Kcnoke Principle, Juuo Sue
V_J i IM) Jew priced fUftliai;
10,000 #vpcr*or Havana: jest rac'd add
lor rale by MILUaffcIUCKKTSON
mj J_S. Noliberty «
DAGVEURIAN STOCK—A freih aapply ol
qeanrr audTO*dtani ScorrilU 1 bell plale* and e'a
»ot; rer d ami for •*!<? by
•QLOOajS-l* ton* JonimUtoosu. for**lelowu>
' Jj coo *i guinea!. C A MeANULtY A Co
m>l*<Uw canal baain
die* and erntemen; on band and for mb by
in) t 3 63 market at
r I >KA»—«WMjX* freth tircrnTeas of ▼ariosaquali-
X iiri and at ration* nriee*, iuit fre*d *nd for aale
l.y my i a _ WICK A MeCA.NDLKSS
CQTTON VABKS—,43,OOOIb* auonedNoo Cot
ton Win candle trick carpet eluin and baiting
for mcu manufacturer* iovcft price*.
T)OWDEKA—£UO kg* Beatty l * Rifle Powder,
• l iuq do do Blaaditf do
fjrnklv mvi3 FRIEND, RHEVACo
T>LQOJIS—3O ions pure Jnniaia,tor «alebr
n.yld yter »> near redoubt alley
GitEEN PRINTS—t case until figure, fast color
green prim*, just opened anit fortale by
u»yiS ' No W'wooii »t
RED OIL CHlNTZ—very (mall figure—brilliant col
or*. tun ree’d and for tal* by
OIL A CANDLES-Lard Oil and Star Candle*, to
■rrire to-morrow, for tale by
Tit* GLASS— 330 bn.ranou* aiiea, ‘orsale b)
myl3 water street
GOLDEN bYBtJP—* blf bbla Loosiana refined
Go. Jen £yiup,for*ale by
mvlt) _• No 170 liberty »t
CHEESE —<1 bn, now landing ftoaatmr Lake
Erie; for rale by , Co
itjvlO J w»ier A front »l»
/COTTON—£ u bftL-» Cotton, in wore and far itJe by
O L IiOrCHWO.N ft Co
ovtCi No 45 water ft 09 froai m
FISH-tK bbl* No I Baltimore Shad;
*4 do do -do Herring; ferule br
myiO tillhmttl
FISH— 3nbut* No 3 Mackerel;
59 do No 1 dry tailed,
15 Jo Carolina Shad; for tale by
t'IOPPEK 1W bar* Oreeo Rio, m ttore and for
j -air i.y JAR FLOVD
myio No IW libeny »t
LOUISVILLE LIME—Jo*t reeM and for taje
myio __ No 38 fifth ai
LA (ID OlL—lSbbltCherer A Co’a attperior L*rd
On, ou eomirnmenu for *ale by
m \ 5 No <4 wood at
COTTON— I*7 baietiuii reeM per atmr Union, and
f„t .air i.y FRIEND, RHEY A Co
m >6 No 57 water «l
SULIO BOX VISBt, of vanooiilick reetind
on ron«>rnaent from the minnfactnrer, tor tile by
in> s , t.EO COCHRAN
BACON— W,u« ll* llahi*, Side* and Sboatdera
nan in rnnva**, foriale low by _
m y« eor tmnhfield A from «u
U* - K MURPHT baajttM rec’dbr expreai lhi»
« morning. • lot of new nyle cheap Fancy Bon*
nei Rimmii*.’ m>s
JUST received by cxprc** ai the nonb eatt corner
tin ami market .tn-et. a new »apply needle work
collar* roys » H MURPHY
-t ’INKO aR-tC bbl* Vinegar, a good article,fot
*V imle low for e«»h oi barter.
myll NoSS water atrcet
MONEY WANTED—Wanted to borrow,on aecn
ri y, tcveral iomi, from S3Q to S2ot)o. Apply ta
ft)yll I HARRIS. Agent, No 30out at_
SCYTHE SHEATHS—SO doz. in tioreandfor
iftytl *• cor wood and water an
SCYTHE SHEATHS— 50dox.joat ree'd and for
aieiowby GEO. COCHRAN,
inyll No M wood it
rpOB ACCO—3 kef* 6 twin Tobacco, a good article
RAQS AV AHTED—Country Mixed Rtf* want
N «W-BMS.>O^l«bJl.|» S gJ S -to g U !
mr s eor water »t and cherry alley
Lawn ROBES—Seanona neb; newandlow priced
SUMMF.O STUFFS—A very lux* M»onmrnJCfiuta
mrr atoff*. for men or l-oy * ware, ;a»l rreeivcdind
for *ale by tn>7 StIACKLETT A WHITE.
EARI.'TON GINGHAM—Oae eate urlng *4yle—
fa.i eolorr. ju*l received andfortaleby
n ,t7 3HACKLc.ri A WHITE.
f AOCAYBA COFFEE—IO bag* Lagaayra
Li «=«.»! br MtJBU)AN
TjaOOMS-i <»•
- No B com nercial row liberty «t
CinUH-iiyi bbls. ju*t received and for aale by
OHAuTTlerring, Mackerel tad White Fiah; con
-15 »uutly on band and foriale by GREER
’&sr l
by ro ys V sFJ.LKRS. |T| l.bertt at
KEO BCTTBR-8 kgi 1“ S“ w
land.mii lot talc by IDIukEYACo
unj water A front ata
!•«*! TOjgfe *s^ NDLE js
uiys . i eor wood'ft water ata
CRAH CIIM'.K—3 bbl* roperior Crab Cider, for aale
low by* P C MARTIN
myia cor laithficld and front *ta
ORANGES A LEMONS—7S bxa Oran***;
115 do Lemon*, in prime
oriler aM for *ale bv nitll . PC MARTIN
X* UTS—Almond*, Wainata. and Fiiben*.io*t retfd
i> an t for ».i:r i.-v WICK A MeCANDLFSS
,».yr* . eorjaiirr and wood
210 c
myl cot fitat A wood *t»
A fiI’LKS ft
J\9~ to do d a Applet;
□ Tiore
Y ISSEKD 01L—36 fable iu*t ree'd and for ula by
nyd No 35 front it
tSHESS LAWNS, fortxi-s cent* per yard, at the
1 f nortn ea»i corner 4ih and Market iirert.
On BtILS No 3 Mackerel, tarn, last ree’d and for
• tayd water ft <rent »ta
Hj place of rraon wiilbeopanforihe aeawnib aeve*
atfif. May 3rd. my 3
T. »■ CLASS j f p K. X.ULLIU
Kovinwu of ibe lutaibipK
Stamen, Captains ’ Lon Liverpool. Lnn Aornr*. ,
kerah Sands, Thompson, Mar 26 May Oi
Cambria, Judkins, \ April 4 May l ron inrtnvn i v
Caladoma, Loit, Apr IG May 16 t 1 lOK J.ui IovILLE.
Hibernia. Ryrie. May 1 Jane 1 Ike clegnni lighi draothi packet
Washington, Hewitt, .May 1 RIO URaNDK,
* . yflaajMo Unnolly ma.icr, will leave a* above.
Orncc -Pittsburgh Gazette, / ISHHH^Lf 3,u^ Dy eve,im * * l * °‘ cl °ck- for
Fndij Morning, M,, It. I (rtigbi.or piu.«c . PP I> on Imnrt.^.
Weather clear and warm. There wa* 4 leet 7 FOR Vr I Ol'is
inches water by the metal mark at duck latt evening, a The onjenpid fn*i runnuiuz «teamrr
ibowing more than 4 feel water in the channel. ! it,,,* LII, * ,T -<
• . _ 1 ißaner, will leave Inr the above
An active demand prevails for Oils.but pncee ' all inirrmediaie portion Friday
•re lower Sole. Jeeterde, TOO bo io 4 lot. >t 2Gj j i.rtii .op", 11.1" ?co“.L''.
j myt4
Of Corn. 150 ba at 40c. wt ' FOR ST I.OCISr-RF'OFLAR PACKET
About 400 bn Wheat brought 76c. . The new and .plendld «iM mP r
The demand lor Flour waa exceedingly active j I i-.....,,, UK !, A ,‘
, . ■ ' l UfcwtdiwP l or») 'h. tn&i|er, will leave s* al»ove
yesteroay, ana severe competition rusted among 1 Saturday mormnr.May is at lOo'c ock
Uyera. Prices improved 10c further. The receipt* I For f,p 'S h,or pss.sge apply on hoard.
to be tent forwaid are quite Urge, reaching some : bki-i i «n i'ivnvvnM . m >l4
hi .... “ ■ HKiit I.AR CINCINNATI 4 ST LOUIS Parti-p
SOOUbbla, and there is a considerable amount no the ! j.i_- „ w The new and «pi*n<iid steamer
way. The eitreme prices were $3.15,20. butthose j f frulr*- ay ■ ■ . , THKNTONT
who asdontooit the nurkn rr.lil.d ’liyu'a) lor "'T'*
their loti. rrcuhtoi passage apply on board.
Country cure Bacen continues in request. Sales 1 . —— —*l^*
yesterday 9000 lbs in three IoU, at 6, 7 ft 7J. and 7J t
68c for Shoulders, Side* and'Hams. A sale of [
4COO Ibe Sides, riba in, at 7c. Sales 23.000 Iba city
smoked and csk meat at 6J,73<ißc and 2c.
Sales 10 bbls Egg* at f* doa.
Of Hagai 5000 lbs at 3£ and 5e for mixed and : Ftftß CINCINNATI
White. 1 Z«r»r*» k 3 hc,el« gnm 3ml fa.i Parkn
Sales 50 bzs smoked Herring at 51 p hi; 10 bi* 1 »*!» £i VP asabnvr
Oranges in good order at 54,23; 40 bbls o Appl»s in ! throughout the »ca*on. For
* * Irriffhl or pavaare mfnii i„„,?,|
good-order at SVOSJ,7S; Urt bxs KtlO Olim ai - • - . *2-' “ ,l - - . ,n > u
$2,374; PoUah and Scnrcbicg* are offered at 4Jc, ■ j* 11 L»U>—QIRF.CT.
without buyers; sales a tew csks new Cheese at 6|. NOKTJt **a RmHNa" r,mr,
40 bxs do at 7e—still scarce and wanted; a lotSnf ,^ rveill|r V master, will leave n<
imme Blnom. at J70,0n limp; 20 lon. hhII II rig * ,
Iron at G mot; 30 bu d reaches in two lots at
2O bxs 51 R Raisins at 2.25; 300 kegs Nails at
3 75 lor Iod, at the starling price.
20 bbls Molasses at 36c, and some to the country
at 37«J74r; receipts of bx Sugars rather Urge—salt s
10 hbdaJV O ai for good fair and prime; little
| doing m Linseed Oil; nothing ol enusequener;
J Cherry and Poplar lumber scarce, especially sea
j soned; sales Shingles Trnm the yards at 52/0 \> SJ ;
Louisville Lime ptentier; Hemp plentier than it has
been; further receipts of market dull now;
nothing more i&Cotton;continued and active inquiry
Tor Butler.bni the market is to say bare. Roll fetches
3 to 13c, keg 84*t 9c; Lard equally scarce and worth
Sfiiye; of T'llow, therc-ia none; a small common
Whiskey at IDc; Potatoes coming in ptendluUj and
market dull and tres Rice nl l* bx*
PilUburgbSUr Candles at 22c. some Mould at IOL
20 pegs Tea at about previous prices.
Business generally modertte.
Money market tight; I l» cl a month, paid in the
Few Treasury Notes of either denomination afloat
in this quarter.
Freight! for down the Ohio anything but plentT.
Letters from Kurope apeak of a large' amount' of
American Stocks on tbeir way here to be sold id N
York, to prevent the further exportation of Bull i<
from the Bank of Lngland, and it is understo
that a considerable of New York Stale and <
Stocks, and of Ohio, Kentucky and Tcnesee 1 * h;
come out by the Caledonia. The Bank of Kngla
it ia stated, refuses or discourages slmoit all acce
modationpaperfounded upooAmencan Iransactio
The Bank is, in its alarm, exercising all iu v
power to contract the circulation, to knock do
prices and to compel the sacrifice ol goods :
produce, in order to save its bullion.
Tent ol the Andover Bank, altered from a bruk
bank, have just appeared. They are from the pi
of the “New.Rngiand Bank Note Company," *igr
Francis Cogswell, Cashier, Samuel Farrar Prctu
The true notes ol the Andover Bank have the clu
plate upon the back.
Tbo amount of specie brought hr the Caledon
which had been entered at the Custom House
$2,542^69—a larger amoaot than was ever befi
entered by one vessel.
r. m.
■BEAVER PACKETS at 9 and 10 a u And 3
F 11 EATON 1
•WELLSVILLE, WellrTille.H a. a.
*D..LEECH &. Cu’f. PACKET. Philadelphia
Baltimore,9 p a.
•HIBEFLNI A, Wheeling, 10 a. *.
•WILMINGTON. Steubenville. 2. r a.
•CLIPPER No Cincinnati, 10 a. u.
MARY AN.N.'Lnoiarine, 4 p a.
•MINGO CHIEF, Zanesville. 4 p. K .
•HUDSON, Sunfiah, 4 p. a.
•Tbeae are regular Packet*.
WHEELING—Per New F.ngland— !obUl*paper,
J H AlHior—l bx. Young. Ihmien A: Piunletl—
bbl* floor, M’Clorkan A Co— iln, J* |i e ii^i|—3
dn, to muter—H bag* Iced, t! on rag*. U hm.irn
maaa A Son—lo biga flour. 11 bdti lealber. lot chair
•Infl, ownerv.
BEAVER—Per Lake Eric—ll. gun itocki, G
IVianei—4 bxa and I hh<i bam*, 18 oxa ciieeie. 2
etkado; Wick it M’Candteta-rti hbla butter, 14 c*ka
icorchingi, own> r*.
Par Michigan— sl bbli Hour. L S Waterman—lo P.ii.lmrcii rtery *l H I ■> k ami " > M«r lie
do, S Wlgbtman— 23 do, Taaln 6l O'L'unnor—iiiik* » r-vi-rv t vr-umr at l "V'ik I 1 b-- W ‘ f>nn wult
oatf, 4 bbia flonr, 5 bag* meal, £do d apple*. I keg I Fairer** P-tmt maanet.c W-tn tJu-s- * Tor Irr gh»
hotter I bbl W .W fle M Vutcbeon-IJ bd'. ; at .hr'.fo.rgb
piper, LLoomu— l2 do, II A fahnntock Ain. . Wuarf to reet.vr ir. the asm- ulWB) * 01? .be
BROWNSVILLE—Per Coniul —2 peg*. G A : ‘Pbt- A MrKANK. Agent
Vidu bbli flour RUUlurkan & Co-46 bdla | kk«»i)laß PACKET AND
iron, E htrana—l3 bxa glau. J Gner—Bs do, lObbl* 1 _ STEI DKNVIM.E
flour, S Kyte—-27J bza glut. W B 11 if* & Co—j Th<- >k w u»d i.kHi drxupur ».iar
nl« floor, 231 d>i iboveif, owner* and order—'Jt ' , WILMINCTOX,
bit flour, Rootrtton & Co. . O M. Su-vri»» ; mt.i«. Wrr* P.ii*-
J, • BHMBSb rv, ' r V MoikUv. U^!ii'.Hl*>
Per SwaUra—2 balea radio, J C Hid ■•ell— 1 do, - *i loYiin i,.»' m'.lcmvc*
C Yeager—oo bbla floor, Robtrlsun A. Keppcrt—B sirul.ennllr every rur*d-iy. Ttnirnlin anJ S nurdny
d 0,43 do apples, owner# aboard. ai-o’clook A. M l’«*r frcglji or pa** ter app.i .» n
WEST NEWTON—Per 2 baige«,l7.i bbla flour,
iOObu oata, IS bbla whi»kej,loo bu curo,2U do toei!, ■ rtwru-AK t‘i * * J *|»\i'fc,Vrr A , '* l * "
owoen aboard. ‘ Tb NriwV
ZANESVILLE—Per Zanearillc Parket—Ll hhda 1 . A lIIBKRNXA.
tobacco, 10 do bacon, 2 bbla d 0,32 Ufit lard, 10 bbla | UfcIVJPM 1 S : iiu.i--I SirnUi im«irr. w.ii
do, tdo butler 74d0.00rk, 16bdl. leather,:bn do. ; rum..ns
2 pegt.Si bdle piper, D Leech &. Co—2oo bh]» flour. I **'■’ 1?',! Krui’liV'.i io a ,\i
A M MI. paper, JII Mali..,-si ' e;e“i ie"Slv'.Teli“-iJr.»-Li
bbla corn, Bingham—9 hhda tobacco, R Uslxell A ! j,, a ,A M. LoMmittii <>r apply
Co—6 do, J A Roe—2 do, ‘S bbla rerap*. Church A oiiimhnl >*i»H
hiPerComel—2 bhd* tobacco.2oo bbl* flour. Bing-
Atm—73o do, H Urafl—Js tons pig iron, ILraptuu
■ Smith—2 |«e* rag*, J U Williams At Co—M In
DSCOO* 1 .kff. w& R M'Cutcbeom —i ick< rag*, 7
do frait,l bx, 10 dot broom*, J F Perry—l hbd * io
1 bx bacon, 2 bbl* beam, Church 4z C*rothers—6
hhdj tobacco, D Leech Ac C 0—260 band boxe*, 152
bbt* potatoes, 1 do egg*, 2 bx*, owner*. /
WKLLSVJLLE—Per WelliTille— I9»ck*b*rley.
R Robison Ac Co—3oo bbt* Roar, Bingham—2ood«,
W Gredr AtCo—® do, McFaden At C*»—s4 do J
M'Coliy—9 do, C CCaUeU—363 d 0,5 acka do,«un
drie*. owner*. .
SUNFISH-P« hbd. lohaeco. I)
Leech Ac Co—IS do, J A 2 bbl* d *ppl m,
Ido peeehe*, R Dtlxell Ac <’o—loo bbl* flour, A’ il
liogford—42B do, Robison Ax Co—lllf do, B A baoi p
*oir At Co—49 d©,42doappl««, owner*—lo do me I,
J F Perry—7 *ek* scrap*, BIA Fahnestock At Co
3 bale* sek*, M Leech At Co.
ST LOUlS—Per Cambria— 5 bale* wooI.AOO d
hide*, CUrke & Thaw—2 p :gt, 10 Ire* hams, 27 < o
D Leech At C 0—122 bag* r« ;*, Pier* At Collin*- I
bbl buna.3 peg*, Forsyth k. Co—looo pig* Id I,
Bakewell, Pear* At Co—Bsl do, Ogden At Snnwdc >.
CINCINNATI—PerCiIiiper No 2—50-hhda bi
coo. Clar eA. Thaw—B bef n hemp. V'oo Bonnboi «t
At Co 36 bbd» bacon, II C« aß—2halc*»anapirit a.
H Smyaer—3 kega tobacco, Church At Carothers
1 bx rag*, 1 bbl egg*. Johnson At Stockton—Cbxs,
Ibnuen. \
NEW ORLEANS—Per ichoylkill—4 eaka mpA,
' G Ledlie—47 lihda, 17 bx* «nd I bbl sugar. Atwood,
done* At Co—l SI bx* do, P lindexter At Co—l2l da,
Miller At Ricketoon—62 dof, Robertson At Keppert
—3 bx* and 1 hlf bbl claret, iMyer*, Hunter At Co—
I bs, W At R Haya. ;
Fimatreet, below Market
4 rear water istukchodei.
Beaver. Hoopa, Beavrr.
SwaUra, Clarke. Brownaville.
Michigan. Hemphill, Beaver.
Conaul, Bowman. Brownaville.
Kne. Ball. Beaver.
Rambler, Hanghton, McKeeaport.
Harlem, Boiler. Men City. •
Comet, Boyd. Zanesville
Rhode laland. l)aw»on[ Sunfiah.
Zanemlle Packet Gijligher. Zanriville
Mevaenger, Unlord, Cm.
Wilmington, Stevena. ptcubcnvillo.
Hibernia,Smith, Wheeling.
Cambria, Foreyih, Si Louia
Sebaylkill, Aadrewv, f . Orleans
Prairie Bird. Smith, U uiaviile.
Beaver, Hoop*, Beave'.
Michigan, Hemphill, lies
take Krie.Ball, Boav>
SwaUra, Clarke, Broe
C.,njal. Bowman. Bm
Rambler Hanghton, M
Hetpate'% Nelaon. M<
W<?ri»ville. Catlett. SS
Harlem Boiler, M<>n.
Wiacoofin. Grace. Cii
New England. Kbbertl
Brooklyn, Boiaa. M. Lji
Ac, for several rood t
warehouse men, laborers an
Also, wanted for several rei
hotels, Ac. several good eoc
maid* and nurses.
AH kind* of Agencies at
wylt •
D condkand Piano Forte,
New York, with nz ocurti
A six octave veceod bud
A Co, London. Foe sale low
1 ti The eumneh aod fim tow wuec
jjiii.<u.l. 1 JZXjN NAKY ANN.
Duncan, Master. will Imre »< above
| rt»U>i«- emua;, u 4 o'clock. Foi
frcijhioT pa»«*f;c apply on loan).
on 14
Thr fin: and maunrli hght draught
, /«•' Ik aleamcf TRllMl'il.
UfiaataMK' (,uT L*'- wtairr. will leave hi uiu ve
n pula-lv throughout tbe •enenh For
ireißhi nr p*».age »ppi\ 0 n board
j f* •f**ftß* jl Tlio new stid *nlrndi<t
, j.*J .JS OOHOOLIKtt,
I l.yon*. maMrt. wai r.xnrp«*iv
• * for ili» irmJr.aml will rr(tu
I Url) «t 1111113 the »en*on. fltidn)*
i w. I l.c "Jvfii *eil hcr.ui'cr iii)7u
VI.V, <till. .IK -If «PH-Ott. She re.rr" o'n
naig.. Mny nth m 4 n’ehtek
For t'reiglitor paaingr apply on hoard , n yr,
rfkfvt»« »v The light draught and f».i running
JCSJffijfll Moore, roa.ter. w.l! ply a* a rrgu'ar
betwe-n thi» place and Za n <-.-
vi,l e For freight or paitagr apply on I oaul nr m
- Uegular PlUaburKti.'and ZaiiearUlr —
A - The new and light draught i>:ramer
«3fSss3 regular packet between l’iu»hurg£ ;
and Zane*v.lie liar. n,» had hrr entim* fitted up und
lurni*acd .n tupenoi »iyle. the Comet oiler, the fineat
aconmiuotlaiion. to pattenger. She will leave on
rue*day..Ma> ttti.a- joelock, F M
For freight or pa*»age apply on l>oai<l. or to
regular Vixciwati i*A« Kirr
iWc»* (v The very lirlm draught aml rlnuneb
, «r™r' SWALLOW.
„jO I tl»on, mukirr. w>H run »• nhnve du
. i lhc *r«*on. making regular trt>«.
Od. ! The 8. d.ew. on )y U lnehr , wllPf y 9 f frt . lt . h , l nr
Uy ! ■rr'V on t-oard .^3,,
le R«C«Ur Pitnbargii and ZaucMlll*.
t Mank TIIE [igii! draught ateamer
t Hurd. M«M!er.wili make weekly trip*
' [l > r . al'qvr post dunn; she ten-on.
,»t | *°r »rri(thl or |>a» anplv on Iku rd
or » . *l*? 0 U'ILKINS. Ajre.t
! PltUbargh and Bunlth Packet.
f- 0 ‘ l lic~new and 6nr ticamer
I [JhyUgMO Kbheri. raaiU'i, ha* n-taacd her rcr
en i ulur "M l ’ Mil will leave Ptti.l/Urfh
,i e | a» above every Tburaday and Mon*
! day ai d o'clock. I*. M. I'or Irrigbt or paaaege apply
c>» , otrUoartS. _ ociH
ififKi* k Tti? new *teame t
tjh In ,f ag DESPATCH,
Nfflion matter. will run at al>o*e, It a
Pii »l.urgh evervlMondav. \V» d
newtay and Friday. hi «| o'etock. A >1 .and Monont ■-
he.a t.ny every Tuesday. Thursday and fhnurdav n *•
° rl *S" ' r frc b ' OI P***®!!' apply on 10-id
Allegheny Hirer Trad*.
fa 1.r3^ aP j arrow”' ' oal
r I'S -hr |';i:ct. u nrri
anil Frank :n For rreiijM or p.»-»a-«- tipii.y on ; ..nd.
Tilt: r.-vr
Capt Jol:n K !»«)• will commerce
Kcr reg'ilnr u.p« • ii*«* sUvr port on
.MonU»> . UiP n 1(1 i.
* V. Ijir :>• .gijt or
in;i<*-t J buti.i u ‘ i:o a<’
rirr>uFßGH and papkki
tt * r ' C^^ l ksalA.m"
l. P.n.lmrth .very
Tu**dav. Thuraday ajul Saturday. m |u o'rlnck. A. M .'
and leaving U' every .Vi>ud»v,,U'«dhe*day and
Friday, m 9oV«>rk A M
Tuc.Ncw I iidaii l '..i'
tndc. iind <v H ;.•»* ••
paj.nge apply cn
I'LAI'K. Ac-11l
AVfcXLsk H.l.i: DAILY l-'VCKUT
Tin* view cl'-gaM *r.| i.i»t Packet
a ii« ,'y l> f tie '’ll - *-a*n«. l-BV.iig
f PAt'KKT.
L T.lli new nnii lasi running steamer
, ff- ' HMtLEM,
win tun as n regular Packet briweea
ilie above piacr». leaving Pnislmrvh
ever>- r<ie*<lii;. I'ljur*dn> and jtiociock,
A M ; ii ml jllrownsville tvi ry Monday. W i‘ilne»day
a,nl Friday, at c oViock
Pur (rcighi or pnssaße appiy mi l oard. dccO
To Travellers,
Jt5 c #*f1 q
. , I ErciUiitr/y /■•' Pajlrnjrr, j
I rpilF. Canal and Railroad being now in eaeetlent
| l order the I’sekeii of this Line w;II leave with pas
i Hungers «» iollow*. every night at 8 o'clock :
; Racket Indiana Capl Bcrkev, Moniiay. ilsy 10
0O Louisiana Capt. Thompson. Tuesday. May 11.
i do Kentuek , . Cnpt. Trutiy. Wednesday, May IV
do Olii-* Cnpi Craig- Thursday, Mnj 13
■lo Indiana. Capi. Uerkcy. Frday May 14
1 do |<oui.*iaiia.Capi Tnompton. ttttarday. May 13
I do Kcufuekv Cnpi Tru*»v. bund.iy. Ma> 10
' dn Ohio. Crsijr. Monday. May 17.
do Ind.ana. IWse\. Tuesday, May lc
do .mu. i'hji! 1 honii'so i. Wcdnesilat, Mav 19
d.. KcnUic»y. Tiu'.V, rbursUuj. Mnv VO.
i '»•«, Omo. I'ra'S. i ndnr. May Vl.
; do hid .v IJerkry Saiuidny. May 2V
i do U»:ns :ma. t*.«pt Thompson, Sunday, May‘.3.
If you dcvrc the*]' 'r.ivrl'.Mß and comfona'-lc aeconi
intyi.Mioii*. «i‘curr >our nekeis ai die Packet liiTice.
1 Miino"Ciiti ,- !;t I louse. Water street, or of
| , nv io It I.KivCII A CO, Cana! Hawn
Ur Jayne'. -cuk'. lor the cure of the SOKE
. THROAT, hu* been do ng wonder* daring the late art'
I |,Uj»«uiu tvrather under foot. It :« belter in attend to
1 ilißbi r«i«!» hi and 10 procure the remedy applied
' from aki'iu’plrveicmtu, than from unknown and irre
: uponvliie i[:i.ick< Or Jayne iia» e«tali!i*hol a reputa
j non long »i.i r e for profetr.oiial »kHI. niiri Ina. remedies
j for rough* anil cold* have been j r»iv- -| etficacious b*
I ib" experience of iJiou.and* - Sat £r Potl .
i For ihl« in l’im«burxn m '!••• I‘KKIN TEA P*TORE
] 72 f'obrth »lf«-i'l, Wood, ntnl 31 fItUR Slrtre
j P I‘c-ierni ‘ire-1 *\!».;»• *. «-iiy
1 llstchUdiw
PropoaaW for Pltlatmrgl* Coal.
PROPOSALS wili be recrivnl l.y the umlm.ieneil
until the 6r«t day of June, for the deliver; of 15-
ObV lm«nr|i Oi IMM.uirU Foul.of file L*e.l ouii.iyf.'J
the übricalirn nt (ias, in be furin»ii.-d on or before Hie
hni liny pi Oi toiler next, at ilie Sl Lotus On* Work*,
p-tymentlo be made upon delivery.
Fur further patl.ct)l«r» npi>!y rn ihe undersigned
-tnyW.lw Chairman oi ine <»*• l.'idn I'onnn’iiee ■
Mineral region op. lake
KlUii - A few dozen (lairM ediuoiii of Ilaugbton
and IJrKtft!’* Mineral Reg nu. accompan rdby ibe map
of me entire country, number and iocaunn of every
pi rmrt. name and capital stock nf n:1 Hie mining com
pailie* trsiilt of Hie geological a»d typographical nut
»ey»: together wi'h all the »iati»t'Col tiiorruat on rela
live in rheminerul reg-on of l.akr Siprno-. arecontain
ed is tbi* work, lor nie by
HAYS A HROCkW A\ , Druggist*
No 2 poiii'iierr'iii row 1 *t
MOOKRN CHIVALRY. or ihr A i»miure« of
Cnjitini Farrar- runt Truur O’flrjun. f>y H H
Ur»rkrnr;ilßf. .croud rdn on .oice the author’- death,
wth a biogr-phical notice. a cf'lir.rl ilmjainunn on the
work nnd expiiiiii'n - v noi* *, with illuttMtiout from
dr* .<7ll. :.V llrul-\ I *>u’d .ft • loth mill paper.
jiM-.Hue. i ;ki"\
. „ lfl - m* n»• M.«rV-i * M *ts
a nsTille.
> arnsTilt#.
il on. City.
i hongahda Pit?
t clhvtltn.
. Oily
HAVINIi icreivcd license a* * DrqßgiM “f *be
First Ward of ih« city of Pittsburgh to »rtl wine*
andsniritoas liquor*. "foi tnrdictna! and taersmemal
purpose*, and >o be u«<*<! in ihr art* ' I hereby m*nf>
all prr»ons applying fur the above. that they will be r *•
quired 10 leave name, residence, and specify the pui
powt Article* of superior quality ran lie had ai U<r
nricet. At the* Drue store of the subscriber, No 5? Wood
mytt_ R RSKU.KRS
aces in stores, ware hou,e»
ook keeper’s, sales-mcn
jbors of different age*
pectable private families
kt, bonte girls, chamber-
;n ded to. PleiKealUv
I lIABRWS Areney
No 30 fifth M
M' 088 CAPITAL WAKTRD-I have been
authoflrpd to negotiate for the following loan*
*2,000 for 3 year.
82‘WO for 5 years.
for 5 yea**: tor which the best of <e
curiiy In th.eity will begin*. ■«»
m y 3 c SO ifflitb£eiU a;
,BIOS—An excellent »e
-nade l>)* D.ibors A Haron,
:ron plate, and in good oi-
piano, made by Clemesti
for cash by
U. S. Afar/ Line a Corns, SevtAmvtytef* and Brttnent
THE splendid new otearaship WASHING
TON, |7fitt too* bqrthen, Frederick Hcwnt,
»rr commander, trill New Voikos the
lit June next, carrying the.U tided State* mail.
MWill touch at Cowes and SoaUiuoptoo to Jand
P®” e ”*«r* and freight, hud deliver the null to r Eng*,
laud. Fiance ami Belgiaut and will ibcu proctedio
Reluming will leave- Bremerhavcu on lit** SStkof
Jonr.and Southamptonou the lit of July. where shd
will embark • passenger* and freight from England.:
r ranee, and Belgian. Arrangement* have been made
to forward good* from Havre op to the last moment, for
wh'ch, if desired, bills of lading will l.e ringed bv the
agrm at Havre. |
Soothampton connect* by Railroad* with all twin* of
England, and by iieamboaia with all the Continent
From Bremen access may be had to all Get many, Ao»-
■rta. Russia Italy. Switzerland, fte
The t\ B'btugton i» built m the strongest manner.witS
m view of being converted into a ihip-of-war. and sub*,
ject at any time to inspection by officer* appointed by
the President, both during and after construction- She
baa tnoengineaof llfV) horse power each, and aceotn- !
moan. on* for MO first class, and 41 second class pa*- 1
aengvra. 1
1 a*«age from New \ ork to Southampton or Bremen,
First class s)«>
Second clt.M Go
l’av> age front Bremen or Southampton to New York.
First dais 9101
Second class, GO
Sin will entry about Hod ton* freight, which will be
r , ' r l flJ * crof ding 10 the nature of the good* offering.
niu«t'p»,. 'hrough <he Host Other Parrel*,
Kugfa-lucii buUof lading will be signed, will be taken
ftftS each
'Tot p*k*age or freigh l apply at the office of the Ocean
Steam Navigation Company. 4< William street, New
* ork. or to ibn Agents at Southampton.
Bremen C A HF.INEKEN A CO, 4
The k\ asinnvlnn is Intruded to leave NewvYork on
second trip on the first of August negt.
The *erond steamer of- the line is in due t-oorse of
coiinruciioh, and will tie in readme** in thei enauitvg
•“'f. nivlriim
.the truth, by men OF truth' •
Rl* viai producing wonder*.—Read the following
from the Rev. S. Wakefield. Pastor of ldbenv *t. M FI
iTiurcb: ,
~ . Pittsburgh. March ri, 1647.
Mr R. K Seller.: It .* from a sense of doty, as well
a* with great plfcn<ure, ibht I bear ii'sumony to the vir
tue of your justly celebrated Vermifuge I procared a
*"Hf UbettJt, and gave it utilizer 01 my children, who bad
been HI lor several weeks The eldest was seven
veurs old. the next tour, and the )ounce.l cilhlecii
month* Th- fir«t passed fiuy-.iz wormr, llin sreond
lottt *even, Mini the third a considerable number not
distinctly rrcollected Since then ihcy have beru doing
well, and are now m good health •
\our« re.pccnull). 8 \V*a gngt.p
Fiom ILO Rev. f» FI Babcock, of the MrlhoJtsi Kpivco
pul Church.
Mr. R F*. Seller*- h i* great pleasure i would
inform >ount the good effect* produced on rdvsonof
four ) em • of Nsc.i.y >rmr ju.tly celebrited VemiifoVe
Atlet 111* having convulsion*. I li.m ttir»*n doar*.
whr-n he pa**cd an almost .m-mMuM. numii.-r. Dom
>s h eh tune hts genet*, ties.'lh bt«» been improved.
_ SJfc! BaSCocx
From 'be Rev Choric Cooke 01 the Methodist Epis
copal (-hurch *
I ittd'urgh. December U . 1543.
Mr’ R F. Seller*- I rave n y bttir daughter ( ictwe-n
three nml for year* nidi three dnv* ( >: *our Vi rnjifuge,
si-rording top,c*. vr-ut It,. n»pi„. .1 su.-eess
Tin- number of worm, eape'ieti I do not know piecisr
') hut it was later She i« m>wJn-pi**e*ston of goc«l
hea th. 1 th<nk the medicine m'«* tie confided in witJi
great unresrrrrdnc** * CftxiiE
A. tins Verm,iugc lias never been known t> fail in
any nistanre, ,wl»-n worms aciqatl) existed, parents
•Imuld give it ,11 prCereaee to all oilier*
Prepared and sold by R. K. SELLERS, between 5d
and 4th. on Wood street.
For sale by Dr. Ca*«el, Fifth Ward. tnvt
oil. whose terth is ibul and yellow—
a Von. who-e skin is dalk and sallow
\ 00. whose hair u h«' *b and wirFy ,
Rusty,rimy red or firtr—
% ou. *Lnw vile offcm iv» breath
Unpleasant is. s% putn J death—
Von could have - boy, manor girl—
Te.nti •* wh.te a* *uo4r or pearl.
Breath a »p cy sweet Bud curt cle
Pure aiid white and smooth and beaulitu.
And ha r > oft. silk v. da>k a. slsc.
Bt reading whai is saf] helrrw
KKaUF'.KS, imy of you fan h»vr the ai-ova by lojind
'hi* is nothing but trutls.J u -mg a3* bouleof Jooea’s Co*
rai Hair lte*loranve— a '2t l>og of Jones's Amber Tooth
Paste—and <s cake of tic ccuuuir Jone.'s Italian
CBetnical-Siati. 'Hie arti, , l'* cost but J.ttle, and you
are assured that the follo ving are their real nuaittie*:
The looih pa*te gives thr breaib s tWeci odor, white,
ireth, and preserves the teeth. Ac The hair staff all
know to i>e the most eiqun te thing rver made fordres
• mg. beauutv mg and cau mg the gtow-ih o 1 hair; and
the *oap. ■ *-1 the genuine Jones' 't Soap, mind) will rure
a ! l eruptions, ftccales, Ac ami in ike dark yellow
white, clear and fair All these’lungs arc sold (ooiyj.
at W JACKSON'S Boot i.nd Mioe_ Store a«d Patent
Medicine Warrhnuse -f> I iheny *t' my 7
IF'iara the Spirit at the Times 1
A gentleman of Scrofulou* habit* from indiscretion
in hi* voungm day* berarue tffected with Ulceration*
of the Throat and No'e, atnl a disagreeable nnd t'/6o-
Memrue eruption oftheSk-n. his whole sys
tem tKire the mark* o' being saturated wub disease
* ’tie hand and aim vyrr* so mueti affected that lie.bad
lost the u*e of the band, evert |un being covered With
deep, painful, ami offensive lLeer*.‘oud were as bob
fow and prirou* a* - •. omi» Ii wa* si thu siage
f h-s 1 ,>mplain’ « hen rirn'vh apprareif irrvtmlile, from
a fon.haomp d »e..i- ilmi h-- lomnienced tbe O*C of
J.WNF.'S AI.TF'H.N ATI VFi urn) h»v>ng taken »ix-
ALTF.RNA I IVFI tpersie* tbrougb the
t-oii, und putifie., thr Illiau and ersdica'rs diseases
Irom tt,e *j vti m. wlirrest r Ji-catrd. and ihu numerous
eures it ha* performe-it m diseases of Skin, Cancer,
>*c’ofula. Goitre. Liver Complaint. Dyspeptu. and other
Chrome disease*, is truly astonishing
For *ale in Pittslmrsh ai the Pekin Tea-Store, 71 4'h
*ftert neai wend a.i.t 5!• yat Urn f>rug Siore of II P
.“liiw.-vrt*. Federal st A'.rgUvny c.ty tn>4JA»F
HAS Removed m the imiise oil Pena
wneie ne may tie found from 8 o'clock
A* he it dr* mu- nt I'C'iiJ employed by none hut
ibu-e wbo w,ll make immeitiate payment without the
n<-r-"iii> mi In* pan of roilecuac nr. would mvii- ptr
ri i'j- an-ni.cii to in** i 'ilo«ui( term* Alihtilt left
- f o , J Hi til* ejp if .<l*l ill lii'm d-Y*. "ill l-r rharcrj
For I'A'ini. i nt T« •'h *1
I'nf Filhnc 'rtmi'Tr to *.! per cavity
AH ottit r nprtai on* in ihe *»ni" prtiporticu '
Ail oatrv ,ii wlnrh ei.gugernrn;* are not continued,
!• will tic rtnMidrrrdiluL* according U) die above re*-
N ti —There are ’l.nsr in him who-e ae
rouji'* ,f not 'riiiiird atr’f. w.K he placed m the
hn'ti!• iH a proper oflb-cr for rolled,on apl&dJmnifP
From Hi-i Cnar'c* Merton, M.nxtrr of the Pnpntl
(’buret). WnoMer, leie of A’htab'ila. O
,lfr-<«n u. litre* A Co. Propncne* of l* Dean's I’iiim-t, <irni!rtn>'•»».— I'nr *'venl year* I
Imre from tone ie*ii*tl the virtiesof 11 Dean'* Citmucal
i’l.ieter In using n iu my family si a remedy for Rheu
ni it «id. meaknet«an(l lameiire* of the hark, pain m
the «rea»t. inllamanon nl ihr throat a;t,l ryes. ague in
the iiiciM. Ac. and I take pvnunr in say he In ) uu mid
lei 'he puh'ir. that m etrrty cate i have found a «*eful.
and I d'> hel,eve that »aul Flatter po»b»*'r« virtue* of
more ihftn ord:nar> chtracter. and linn I v. il *enria -
i\ he l.iand a »'jif'Cicnl remedy for lho*e c.tca»ct fur
uliH'L >1 i* recoinincr.iled. and i» jutt'y CMi.lled to
iiovr* and pairona*eof an -nliihirncd i‘omtniiiiiiv
V.iur* truly. CHAM MUKToN.
Wootier. 0., Dec. ii) lr*l3
Meildhy IJ A Fabnraiock A t'a curuer F:»«i'A Wood
btrrett. niyldivr
NoCarel Ko P«>l Pile*! Ptlemf
DR. Jackton’t Etnhnicanoii i* ihr only iiicdii'inr that
will cure tlii* to very rouimoit and irouhle-icine
•I *ctte. It ttru only immediately nllay* pain nnd inrtt
•uaiion. atop* ail hlei-dui*. ui.durb inn inliite a'.le .I
ini* Pul rfiectuailv cure*, in a *ti «imrt tare p*r»on»
wi.ote livet haw hern renden d iu »eratuc lor year*
lit apppcaiiou produce* no bui lather an a*reca
hlr and I'lc.Vii’it tenrat.pu If pcr»on* adlictcd wul
rail and hear of the *rr*t nnuiher of c3*c« ihat have
hem ro*ed. they wul he o«toii'»hrO. A crnileman of
tin* city, who had I’cerj under Uie knife ol the tut*eon
for two or ihte.e ttene* without I'cinß cured bat by u •
ii E'J lion too' iLc Kmliroeanoit hren rradically cured.
Ii »nl* iiey onri precedent ll—(Fbil Saturday i niuner
For tub* n Fititburch ut die FEKIN TKA
Sli'HF. Fourth tirect, ucur wood, and al*oatthc
Urue Mtore of II I* Schwnnz Federal »t Alieghcny ci-
canal packets telkgraph a swallow
IEAVK Ceaver daily at 2 o'clock, k M-. alicrthe
j arrival of ihc 'leam'-oat UK A VRR from PiU'l'urßii,
a»*l arrive ut Warren ncit mormngjn «'ca»on for ihe
S>a*ea which reach Cleveland licfnrem^ht.
Patacncert will he rrceipird tbr*ueh.srurinj li-rlb*
on Ihe I’arkett and teatt in die Stage.application
on hoard tieumhoat Beavi r. (leaving nttahwigh ut 8
o'clock, t X ■] or lu the agrnl* :
' H M HARTON A Co, Pntahureh
Cf.AItKK k Co, Beaver
BALDWIN, yonngvtawn
apli M U TAVLOR. Warren
Third Mi reel, neli door to the Bank of PituhurgK.
THKundrrsuned.havinif recommenced hu*
pa. ettablitheil himtep at the above
tiand. where be will kept constantly on
hnml and fur tale, ai rra*onahlc pnro«, all
dr-»eri|> ion* 01 Furr.itureof lite be*t quality—*«ue]i ay
Burn us. Bed*te:id«. Chain. Ottoman*. Sn*,i*, Ar Ac
A’lh*t furuitute i* warranted of ihc futrtt qujli'y.
and will l,c told a* low at any*uf the tame kind m Ihc
A few food hand*, and none others need apply, will
find r-mployiarnt on application
A*k me not what I am Tlnilkin*;
*• l>. wanh you well by Ilaylißb'l
Slay inf the IVrr;
<*h! Molly Pawn;
Widow .Maebree:
The low bo-ked Car;
The two Bird*:
Indian Summer;
Rory O'Mnorr,
My Moilp r lleai;
Alige't Whl»JKf.
The Fa'ry Hoy
The Bowl'd Soger Boy;
Jn«l repr-ivrd and fur vale l,v JOHN II MKLLOR
rn> 3 ’ SI wood *irei't
JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT-Wr mvi'r uiirmionto
-1 tin* admirable rcnirJy for I'ulimnnfy efT-ction*
'I Ii- prior,ple tlir.rr anununc ‘d of the morbiJ rhtirncier
uf irt,* rut ti>i'’»— ut tendency in nriginnle inflainat*on
of the PrimnU<«. nixl eontequeut' vxiiatinn of the lialu
rnl hi'iuu *—!*• bc-vomt d *t>ute the irutli i]telf The
o,ily praeiirablc mode of reinovm* ■rrh r>ii«ii'*iriu>
i>\ inc int of etpeoio'»*:on. n re*u.t wli • : v. •• arc con
v nerd can alwavi h obtained br a j elhibi
imu of the remedy of Dr. Jayne.—(Phi.4 S t »,rii of the
Fur sale in Pittsburgh at the Pekin Tra Horc. 72 4th
•trert. near w>uat, andaltaat the Drug Store of H P
Fchwartr, Federal ft Alleflienv rnv. mylld'wF
Toni. MOMLFtt. Dm«i»t and Apothecary, N. W.
rornrr of Wood and Sib au . Piil*horgh. wi l keep
roiKiiiuilv mi fund.. Irrugt, Pa nt*, o.l*. D>'-»tnlT*
N IU 1‘1.>,.r...n • prptrnplioni rnreliil ) minpotind
cl froiuAbe be*t iiiji» r '■!«. at any-hour of the day or
n<chi . At*‘S. *n ««**oniTiriii of Perfumery; fine Tooth.
I lair, lirul C rt»?r'llru*hrs Ar. Ac, which he will tell
low for rath. may 1
nLRRKBItIP WANTED—For a lid from N
' V / York; Id yenrt of aae. a siluat'oq in some respec'*
a'-le Commercial Kitablisbmrbt in ihe city -- A* it) i*
the desire of bi* rarem# that be thoa’daeftaire sbnow
ledge of bittiness a small remuneration would only be
required for the Grit year. Reference may he had to
Ivlitorof fipxettr. ap2tf.
A. LEDOUX A C 0.,.
A<;F.\TS fur J B Armani's Extensive Steam Sogar
Refinen'. Always on hand, a large stock of Ixrof
Powdered. Crushed, Clarified and flaslJrd Sugar*, in
Tftce* and Barrela. Also, Sugar Hoase Mohisses.
- pucrt blierxl and a fair allowance made on all tales
o! : or above, Wb*n*i*t mehU*
OoaHiiUra. '
Dnns sicknett weigh upon poor lieerf/
Or puma afflict yoar breast T
Try Dr. DUncan't HmUng A<~..
AmJ ii will give you if’i.
li clean away the tnixty cloud
Dnetue i-preadf o'er the *ool, .
And wlmpert through lie groom*/ >hron'i,
‘•Your health may yet be wltolr.'*
See yonder rote of lovely hoe,'
Tit withering W(th decay;
It teaTceiy «tps the morning dew,
Before it fade* away.
The Worm of Death wax in lie firm,
And xtrrngthrnrd at it grow—
And when it bloomed, (• lovely gem/
. it nipped through and through.
That ""ora: of Death might be defied, c*
If Dr Duncan's art were tried ,
And many lovely damsels saved
the fate of an ootimely'grave
Sycdmore street, Cincinnati. Ohio: where hie valnuh’e
medicine is sold.
Sold in Pittsburgh, by kVM. JACKSON, eor«-i nf
Wood and liberty *t* aplVilftwT
IMPORTER -and Manutncturrr of Cutlery, Sargicai
and Dental InMiumcul*. Saddlers and Tinners' hand
tools. Tayicrs’ Patent Sbenra. Ac Ac Al*omunuf:«c
tore* Trusses Supporter-. Ac , in gieat vartrtv
J. U Manufacturer and Impmter of >Vn Pocket tml
Tallin Cutlery; Razors Scissor*. File*. Saw*. Tool*, Ac,
,na»e-!iuivrd to
SB WOOD STREET. Pittsburgh. «rcond door l>e
law Diamond All< >.
Aud ba* late y u eeive.t a larec n**ortment ul
Peo A Pocket Knly.s, Knives A Porks.
Also Rodgers' and Wn. Sirnbolins’
Filiotts. A Hun-her‘* Kayo/H. Si ,s »or<
Razor Simp*, Ac. Iktnuuru* and Wire lvvi.t
Allen'*Colt's ano Blum’s Revolver*, Powder fink*
Shot Belts <>amn Bag*. Walkrr’sA Cox's Kura Pyr
cus'toit Caps. Bowie Dirk and Hunting Kmve*.
Tool*, such a* CoJlipei* U.v.der*. I'lyer*. Nippers
Hand Vice*. Square*. Rule*. U*nc«*. Buts, .-poke
.'Shaves, Stocks and Ibis Wire and I run tillage*. Mailt
mnatica' ln«trumenu, Ac. in veiy great variety
Jobbing and repairing neatly and puucloally
done. ap-jp
SneeiiMiri to Holdatilp A Browne.
MANUF-AfTTURERS and Imforicis of I'APFSR
HANGINGS, No -? Woo.) street
Tti'i ii’i-reating demand for Amps enn Paper bos induced
them to enlarge and improve then F'acmry. and Uielr ln
oiline* for manufacturing arc now equal to any in the
eastern c.tie* lluvuig adopted the eastern scale of
pru-c*. they take pleasure in inviting their ftiemls und
dealer* to examrnh their stork, winch H now larger
tltaa at any former period, and may be found ai follows:
Transparent \\ itulow Shade*,
Freneh. American, Satin, Glazed and Common P«-
per Hangings;
fiotiH Vetv land Imitation Border*;
Landscapes. Statute* and F'irc hoard Print*;
Curtain Paper, yard wide plain green, and Cg’d,
»»riling.'Printing, and Wrapping Paper
Uonce't Boards. Ac
Rag* and Tanners'Scraps taken in exchange at tnar
_ __ incbl7't:imA aftatT
MINER'S Literary,Emporium.
T-eUaicr cure in Chronic Disease: an exposition
01 ’he cause*, progress, and teraimatinhs of vanou*
Chronic diseases or ihe rtignnive organs- Long*, • erves
Lunbt and Skin; and of their ireuitnrni by water, and
othet Hygienic mean* By dame* Mauby GullM D
The Secret Band pf Brother*, or tbe American Out
law BvJHGteen.
ffamblmg Unmasked, or. the personal experience of
J It Green
Taylor and Itu Generals. A biography of Majot
General Zacbiry Taylor: and *ketehe* of the livraof
Gencinl* Wonh'. Wool and Twiggs, with * full ac
count nf the various sc’ion* of ilirir divisions in Mcxi
eoup to the present tune, together wnh a history of the
Bombardment of Vern Can, and a sketrlt ofthe Life
of Major General Winfield Veott Flmbelltthrd with
portrait* and r ngravtng*
The Mefion or Cutler of the Ocran: a sea siorr
of the days of 1
Chambers'* Cy c’opa-dia of Flnglirh L'lrnrilre. No 9
Chambers!* laionnit.ou. No 10. a hieh eotnrietr the
Gotubey A Son, No 7
Illustrated Memoir of Father Matthew. t>e great
Champion of Temperance.
The Dutchman • Fireside. By the author of he Burk
The King'* Highway By O P R James. Flvj
The Huguenot, by the same
Castle o< Fihrens’ein. by the vairti-
Fanny Csmpbell, ibe Female Pirau:
ForaaJe at MA MJNKRB
myl3 iiuilhdrld it 3d doof front id *t
Hardware Htors '
TITBIT,MORE A WOLFThaving removed from the
M corner of Liberty and St Clair streets, to No 50
Wood street, tbtee doors above St Charles Hotel vrouid
respectfully ask the atien'ion of buyer* to their stock
per ship* Saransk Mcmoueahcia and Ku**i*. d.f., i
frcuii tbe manufacturer* of Fatgland uud Germany
Al*o, suppiieaei Atoeriean Hardware, from ibepr.n-’
etpal manulariuiers nf the Knstem State«.
Their stock being entirely new. and purchased upon
the best trnns they feel great confidence m aide
Successfully iu meet corupemion liocn any quarter,
wliciher enstor west
The Hardware bowii--'* w.d be eorii-iiuFJ nithroh!
•land. - » .ipii
PRICO HKLM riton>3« Palmer No 47 Mdf- !
ket ureei. Ntiwrrn *1 and 4 h •ir’-ri*, rc*pe rl f u || v j
announce* in ih* paMie In* s-i* k of Wall
P*perahd Border* uf h'« «m manufacture ti <rry ea- J
lermer, and daily m-dmon* are lirmf* mnt<- io u. a< 1
■ hey are (ini»btil—or new nr»-r J jnitifr- » v*t>. *
a well ar'orted »n>ek of »e*tea Paper onrf Bo'tlr~i
m Having r renil} reduced ihc price* ot ihe a’ov
perparrd io »el) fur cii*h. c:uun iliati any c-t-i-! ill
RIAGE KlltiflTt RE.
Sn, 133 Wood Fiinbtirght
OEVEN Doom *l«n Jm. «n<i I . ojr aoove li
OCTj!i«!» A Co'» Shw W'(ifrhf»u*c Nowofxnirf «*rt
lot <a:e !.y RJCmAKP < I.HKCII Jr. In:i>o:.>-i ana
«V«l<i >n Fore'fti end l>omp«iip HatrtwArr&
<.*.irn#<p of all n vrjs
»fnirrr« nr<i w.fl l>r di-piMn l i.l »h<ilr'i<lr rrt'! frtjd
.‘.Uly ifiVi|r-i1 10 m:! «'>d •uli.f) ni-ra-rivr* *
AlJ*f> r«ad'llrr»' ux»i«. wmKii'ni. Iwr omt I'uriMl )
lUtr; W|ilp«, <>')»»» i'uprr kr , alvrsjtnn ;inil
a* rnrap »* el’aewficr* a|r'<>
V'O II SJitkr. turn. >« notr rpfpiriiijj h.» •
ix vmpk of Hoa**-Pof:.l*l»»rn tlarUwaiP, Br-ti<niii:i
ron« 'lin* in pan n» ml low* :
P6ii* Japa.ior't Wu/«.'£n;!'*li i.t.J .AfDPi.oati;
I ''i« BniPlunu <U> tUi tjn,
V ca«k« T;nilP-1 Suli ppniii,
I .In Ovtfl r<»... |r»^T
I <to Kname’l.-I W j< rr,
I rs.k I’.r gill AVjf.
I li.i . l’rr»«rd Wnf
1 r<* n<Mvi'il rn|.p»t, :» T.nnr.l (\>pjv i. i
1 Juinaln, H> l'k«T * l’i*n . !
-|i«. JOHN DUNI.AI’ IT Muikri ~i
Win l* Yoon*. C lhm*p;i F I’innk.-u
V 1.1 NT li LA S S M A MTAI'T U|{ KKS
\* r ARKIIUUSb.Nu*. .VJ U'airr «'i<f lIU FrM «irrrt
VV The ti!:u» inaiiiilavuirr J ).* u« >■
wariatnrd ritual to any iu ihe roMinry oilier,
will receive prompt n!i«ntu>n ami filled on renonablr
AWchmils ;mJ i»ih«*r» r.«; !lie <;,n an- hi
vlied local! before purr•n»«inr cl**- wtirre. ir>>|4
l*. Mciravr
Ml'l.V.vNY A J.BUI.IK lu-tuu.-'CMirr a.i ik< j. ron
riani r oi halt I Cut. “OuiU.l nn-l I'mn I'l in
(•laoware. in all it* vancne*. at tneir WarrtienM: cor
nrr or' Muriel and Water wrc-i», «t«urcl>.
Our Work* coi.unii" n tint ami we am
<-on«Un I) adding to our *iock wli,*h ri :iHe« u« in.Si;
order* with j>rotnn't»r«» Pureha»rr« me re«|>eet!ul.'y
mlipited io call aitlf exam nr prer* amt tr nn*.
\I," W. WILSOX, Waili .Maker a JewViU-T.
» » • corner Itii and Markm »t«. large and nr l !
♦elected dock of watelie* Jewelry. Silver ware amt
Military (rood*. Alway* on liarut and ol regular e:i«
tern Price*. field Patent ia*vrr lu'l Jewelled ur»tfhr«.
n* love a» SID. Silver no trairbe*. njoa a* BJ>
tJrmimeCo. per, Tobia* Joimtun and other approved
niakeoi* watches tuny l>c had at a rmall advance uml
Ohio lands koh i.«-
inr CJ I-. on lit* h..i«r<t»:i ilv.-f. m C,.
I<«I1>I> ]• Men;» Cil. O.IKI i:|il i-'ra’f > imlm
i ruii.v I'rti-rc- an: on »<»«'.(>•• ru w» l clw« i;-i c
hnu«c». 'i turn* n lih Rood r> i cm* ami tirver-futl.
I*v • luiiulrcrl rfo'llir* nr il". uni j<> • n,t I••
I. RUMtiivi-e.t |in\ in-mu ina\ In* m:irir 10 mi
DT?*Fi'Mf watch work done ; n the very be't manner, j V -11 > . l 7-)' n' ' }j'V U T X‘u* *'
l.atii'*» ladir* |'m Q«'om»lied,
When you know tint >»u arr ptomi-ril
Thai voti.wli «t II u*e cmnrr.nn i ha ,1 ,
And look a deathly yel uw (right.
■ The themo oi Isugh-er and of u.k
If y-u would u«e a bo* of JU.VI 'S I. ■ . wS.o-, t
woulJ give jour »km an uinb&ster yet nn'U'.i]
and ni ihe onif thne cjrtit mid •mpinvi t sdJ oi
J AOKfON’:*, rD Liberty *t. Pr.i tJS cum* j< r * ox.
' HOUSE-Fl KNlSill.Vti HAUDU aIU' Thcsut.-
senher respei-ifuily ,ufoim- hi* fiirruls ond tin- pul-in-,
that he i* now In. *pui>v asMiruicm ol good*
•circled by b.Ri«clt, o< s.opcr.oi ijti.iiili. and reduced
prices Persons about fur<islrtng iheir houses would do
well U> rail as be is determined 10 sell at small profits
Ini Quirt returns
li /"Merchants supplied a* usual, w.iL all 'hr various
kind* of 1-ookuig (iia.<rs, and p.idmtg carefully at*
tended to liberal discount inr ra»h
T A lill/I.IKIT. Looking <«la** Manufacturer
Itpll' ____ Hit "'nod itieri, rmr Jit,
VI NICHING VS annttiH).»l —\o ‘JG ttoud «irrc
(up •istfs.l Jusi received and now opening u full a-,
-oruaenlof iho«c very h -e nnd medtum qualities Trov
initinlßctured Slum; ISosorm ti-nl Co lar» Sa<m adjust
ing Hmnhnrinc do do Plain. r'aim Haw stock »7
plain, lilai'k Itnltsn I'rAvats; Fancy do do; (ium sm.
|M*nden. &.. Ac. \r,
Jo*: received irmn the in-uiufscinrej and for sale at
matiafac;u , er'j price. KD'Va.KO Ttll>U
myl Manufacturer's Agt
V\TGITLI) respectfully announcr to the merchant* o'
»V Pittsburgh. that hit has opened a room for llte sale
of Ks-tern manufactured goods, -no a* Stock* «>' every
drseiioliod. Sinn., |l,i«nit|. and Collar., lium 9u jn i.
tiers; NonU’s Hooks end Kyr«. Ac . lor -hie m inanu
factutcr*' priers Al*o. u large a«snrtfnrni uf lilto’k
nnd I miry Cruvan. 1.,r -rile at Ka*v m pr.r*« who fa*
•ale. i:i)SS'Alll> TODl)
No -Al ww| •tn-ei. up«iH r».
_ __ Manufacturer*' Agent
Ea AUdresi Card. ~ ~
DVS'ARD TOIH). Apintloi Eastern manufacturer
for the «#!r .->{ Nona** (look* nnd K\e«; (lum Su*
prndri. of the lln-srli Manufacturing Cli. Cl . Stork*
of every description. Shuts Uo*r>m* BtidCollar*.of thr
Troy mannfacory Ac : all of wb ch arc for sale at
Manufacture!’* prices, wlmfasale.
No •JO wood street, up stnrr*
.Orders r.f»ivril far American *'rir-Hvarr mi-bvf.
ln-nier, I'utirni Maker. Allegheny t ity 0.1 .Mil.
has the neiVvxt Pot erns for Stovr« on band eithrr ui
word or if Oft. ‘ MiMiranng ami all other paiiern* made
> apl.'df
• » —IW reams Cap Wrimig Paper,
M do I eitcr do do;
fßai do P C Hirnw SVrappmg d-t.
•JDO do Medium do do do,
ItJO do D C an dn do;
11)0 do Tea Rag do. i do
On band and for sale by RKVNOLDSa r»IIKE
. tncbl _ _ _ cor Penn ard Irwin M*
ICF. CREAM FRP:FZKRS—Just rcc'd a lage assot'-
ment of. Johnson’s exce’lent Patent IgeCrenm Free*
xcra. suitable for lintel*. Steamliut* and prva*» fstnt JOHN DUNLAP
my 7 No i? tnstket »;
TTAUQUarS’ WIXTCIIE-Vsti.h.l*’ Vegrtahle
V Lufxinihrptic Mixinre for the cure o( Dropsy,
Gravel, Ac—e ha* tiisi rreeivcd and for ►a’e by
wholesale aul Retail Acents for AUcgbrny Count* 1
P2U No tf Commercial Row, Liberty *4l
•Cm T GE-^fiOKEfia : -M^-
»' • iimmcT.BAnaA j
Fourth (•■•jriy (•jipo'4,l. tlir Until* of X'itMlmrjrh
Cl HCFAT MO.NUV received on Drposite—Sight
Chcrk« ht «n’r ond i-ni crt-on* on neatly nil
the ,-«inbia (he ' State*.
The h.glH'Mprrnutmi paid for Foreign nrt<l American
Advance* wade on conkiqnweiil* of Pioducc, flipped
E»*t. on liberal term*. (razbift
FOURTH Siteei nexidoor lollu.ikol Pttiaborgh.
Ranker mid Broker, and Dealer in Eivliai up. Hank
Noiea and Com of nil dererip.ioh*, Ac.
Seilifiß Kate- 1 Huyn- Ru-*
NYwkork. Ipr N> tv \ rrk, {<Ji*.
I’li’la ielpha, |do I'bilndelphia. fido
Rail more, {do RaTinnre, I l,: 0
We»tern Currency. J tlo Weurnt Our j ilo
Cv.y A Cuuui) Scrip. {do l\iy ACo Sr»ip, fdo
Ail cood Corrency, Jdo All *ood Cur'cjr. ids
Pennsylvania dn, {rt > Peon*) Ivnnm da j <l o
TrnueMPe do. aj do Tenite*‘cr do. ddo
Uiownjv.lic, .{do Rfowu»vlr, ] Rr>
Washington, '} do 'Wr|.|iint;toit, Afiio
Forprun 1 ill* O! hxrhnn»e procured. !
opMAwim* • - ~ ; .|
Donlteri and Denlera In EicUnni;*, Coin
mid Divnfc Suk>,
Kai*-«. Krein'ir-. tuning Rale*'.
New York. {pr Cir><'nn*’i, | di»
I’miadripb;.*, * do T<om»viJie, I do
RiJrmoie, j i'o Si Loan, j tlo
Ruy tug Rate< H \ n K NO'pKS, Huyine K« J .r»
<11)10. Id. > A Scrip Order* | t|i»
| ilo Nome
Trttn*> Ivama Oy )
do New York
on \\ tier!.!]#, ldo New Oilrau* Ido
T« iuir»*p' - , .'I tlo Mnrvlnud, |do
“I’ -i'
)OSKPH 11. illl.l. Itj'e m Hie firm of Win
.1 I till A Co .) and \V w C. crßKV.iiMieoi Knc. I‘■ !
linvr. cnieted iilu Copurinernliip. ui:]i*T ihr riujnr o'
11.1. A CUHRY. lor tie |>urp'i*c ol'cun ug on tin
<’it»ki!ic and l.l'i)9iH,"' l-u-.i.r.-* ,n all :t > Ihh.i- 1., , u
No if) A 00. l Mferl ill fee (Inofi below- FoUMh.-Cvi *i
•idi —where they aol.r.i tin- rustoui ol Hirir mend. and
ilie puMir gnieriill). JOSKI'H II HIJ.L '
mcnlS \VM rrntßV
JIWS.tMI 11. 1111.1. WM. C.CtKhT.
hill £ct iuiv.
. rkpositi:. hank notks and coin.
Nu rj Wood ureut. Hi.rd door be'ov Foimli ivr.i .dr
PAR Fund* amt Currency ved or; Repr.»,'e mi
rn.l-rion* maile on nil ilie principal i*;ii» in u.r
Ulilted Slltlr*.
Sig'H Kldiftiiße on BalDrr.ore.J Plidadelpbia. N< »
Vora Romoii mid C'nrtennii ronVanil> fur tale
Oii:o, luiflsiia Kri.iurk'y, Vr»jr nui aii.! IViiuM-lvinidi’
Rank Note* NiUgM nr.d •nul oil fi leuii* /
Fii'li.i'ipe on hjitflnnd. Ireliinrt, (Jerraany and Frhiltr
procured. Ac , Ar. *" mmli
AM) ntALth* IM 1
ckrtifica ri-i of ukpositf., rank no rids.
AND Sl* !•: r I K
,V» 04 (food S:mt out ijiKt nbarr Fourth, Ert't zi-lt
mclil'i Ptit»burt*h, Pn.
. hkducko kTtXs \
QltlO. Indiana. Kentucky, ami I‘cnuu .fund*. nl»\
Count) mid Cu> Order* purt-im-ed m reduced r air
*< d.«coum. by - .N MOLMKS i. skiN
f'Behanec I&•••<(cr it Mmkel «l
Ciollmiom mi < mcminn l.oui*villi\ >(
' Mild Hll ■irrrxiltirpoi in the United Stale* mmlr
promptly, mid urt.n (he !otvv»iirrm« liy
N IMJI.MhA.ji SONt'Kii-hanee ftrokrr*
mi hOi- _ Noii MarV'i m
Clollect lona mi Out .nrtnt: Lmi">v;il". Sr Luui» nr.' 1
/ all o<ber arcft.Wr point* m the United State*,
inttda on aceodttno’latmg term* lill.l. & t’URRY
ap* Wood »l it'-xt Mow 10 K»C'e S»inoit
Exchange on New York, I'hiUtMphx. ami Itiilu
in.ire voumutiU iur tiu' tiv lUI.I. 4 t.'LBKV
apH •» Wood m next duoi to Kj«'e >.<lomi
f * arrency 01 it.r Ohio Iml'S’in. mid Krututk'
JUnV* »\ jnted ut very fniM pi »ii*c<vini.
upti Wood «i, n<*ti «i«mr id Knei* ■vilfKin
O flirt, Indluua. knU Kcniucky Uunte
purrhuccd ■( low ime* i-y
N HUJ.MK-* • S<l.N
tarb'G Nn 55 Markrt «t
HOim LOTS, falLms7 &c.
pity Prpperly for »nle in Oolnulmi. O.
MTiir! •u*»»«?ni»er '»r *ajc »eweml lot* a.
a dr*if»i'lir pal iol lßc C'.j, Otl wVeil are laii
roinf'o laiilr Ur,c* 3'rf|:inu bcm-rs nml In* if
t-n«iv« Tonnlng al. .n it
itavinc determined. ,n coiHK|ueiice nr' infirm a;e. lo
diteOHiinue the in/inum Im inner» »- tjne.opining now
lire«rn:a n»rll loan) one w.rjmg .onurrj non
CoiQ’ttiiu* i« proi-»'iiy tiir '•«•»! m ihe sSiaio ioi
prScUfinfa mnluilM Mjpinl ><l .I
'w.-li'iti* !:rn*« will bi *old »r-pa
me pinf-er . .1' il<-..Te-l flic un»
.;.*1 J I’v VUiK
lill'll.ilil l\ l"| I ~
Ti I K i»*i. -Mi*rr od'-r* 101 <« *|>irnihil line*
•j'Bf iln-p|l *v< (iti'j'r on iJu- Nnmi K:i«f ruriiri
ffcul’ Hi- 1 1 i- S-iuwtP in S ouu(>,'i\\ n, Mahoiuii*
rounly, < ■» n It.pUrgn io.iiii)ii.'ioui. is ci
rrllcni pi> ir, and hi me *><*•»■ .i-t-.ti.oii uv Vf»anu r »niwn
•'i-hrr for «. .J-rnii.iu; o.- e Ix.u-r; :« it .•
i > or»l. » I'll w ulcr .in:! •!ritipt ci'i-'.-'Mriir
. at hull.
Tlnn town .* f:i>i•'■ >• . .**v. ■. ».h.(up.i- .
oupha.\*s coi ur
IN pnisu.uire of .in or.'n .'i ibi O , .m.i I l'o U ii ir
A■ !**j.*ii***•> I'nunl'.l i to s.n.c. bf puWic
'»'nijr of «• u«-rv ji t .r 111'4‘c in ine Cny oi
I •• IT*ll--- t»i‘t ll »J* < •’ M-|\ ul
I'li-r a .'id W,i- • • Jwe» m' Ii .:iwn<i »-,«/ D K ’\l ( :t*<*i
in i I. >•» i'.. f-i-- «>> t' P Mn|i..liß,i.i. ■ m.nor
-I. .1 J vj ..i-i.t. ure'.J . luiutiiti ■: an.; .1,-.,-.
i i* . i. . Vi* nn me Norui by a >nriv t«ui nreri
:,;nt I' 11 »!.■<»>' till-1. oil I hr *v>utb t>> l lie l*itt*|.ii ir 1! . : ' 1 Koad. anil on the v\ < ni i. , in,.
I> *.ir :i 'I P*i t,i. .aid Lot* tir.Mg twenty-ivro i>-r
-,n f-n • -H. ; An •• ■ t -inek in ihe l iirnpike hoidsi'orr
• s ! P. ~r ri ~| i*. • Court. <;.\i Ktt FUSTI'H
s; Jt ~\*l (JuHril.r.;, or C K Mm-ol.'si.,|
lllrli Hill Pnrtn fur >sit.
L>itl ATI-li i.i in..-, fr.mi i-.ttsi.u-gii 3 miles from
>’ lif > I i--V l ork o-l i nr north write o' ih' A "-egLei t
*.'■ » r rnnt.t.,l li' oul I ft' |,-re> We!, tllpl.iv-.i u >•
i.iMi«- nti! 1..,rn w i t »lar. (i-i.ntry. smoke hou*’-,
• ;u .-ig I <■„ we, A t* Ac A i .in i 1, r :iiil- pm lion nt H,,.
'■lifts elriwed aittl under a,-m.t irnc« tnd in n vn
h go Hair ol i iiliivnttoti it iiiv»:, mlapied i,<r iru,
'rce«.nf which there is ct H *t varteiy luul ntmn 'aticr
II -• l.ftu'tli) r on-ill mi, ill- :i.-i,) IS lit Ill'll k s übiilt *Ol .
Tit • inriti his N- ii the rrv.di' o| He;irv I'nrr)
"TTv^'i' 7 w.i n ('Tii! t
:11.rv i <■! J C I'.ii >■ <; i!.<■ loa ;t I iiiimln . n, nr the f,a»
Work. m «-'y>ti*
RKAf. IN jr.UK. i l»r N J K\-Inc Mib
~-t ■!. mi-i :o. . i•, i:,.u-e t <t lot in .Ve*t Mid
i'jes« i V< rrer loiiiii . Tin'.tioi-w i.wett enlrnlateil
•• veru; inn s mni ; a nch iHrnmig d>»
A I*o. S bouse U1;.l ;.i! II lire ii •Uf-hillC v Huge of Or
nngcvil r Mcreerrn. iiv i'lir hoi.s-.4 ivel "'ll i-ulßln
tor n tavrm nr siore.
I hr n prop, rlj w ,! lie *(ihl elir up m'd nil ae
ccirnnu'ila'ing li tn.* I'AI.UI Dlt'liKV \ t\»
ujll 'l -v iii-r nii.l st«
tv *o*l»!rrri
Valnnblr Ural UtiairXur Salt.
'I ’ lit uu'li i» surd 4! 00l m> (i mi in- :i,- Tanrcrv
f TO lt,r luuiL') (. r -i> SIX. Ill'll. l'lM.
I.OTS on Sfi-nnil lirovr* - ?! IVrry » r mil Hr*
ilmiM Alley Karn 'ol'wr’l !ir ll rl from on l’<>
•trori and fi«-i,ud.p:h Thrift* wilhe*o?
•ini;iy *.r t'T wNoIr ti thrr. {-'nr t**ri.i« !?|ip'> ttt 'lit
MitiM-r ihrr on tin? |n in>.-> JOHN t'A I. DWELL
raiaat'tC* _
FOW SAI.K— r»i) tiuj.ln.t; lula, iituJleil oil
fn'tffrr-s «*a**l. -J.l l>y !>i :i
At-o—l l*i V>- itli. 1 •.« ri.MMT n f t'inic'«’*» »l an
'f’crtinfylvniua hvki 1; l lo Why ll.‘ lion
v.iiiU avenue. I : !*v l ;t) i: 01 Trim**
(.IVDfrt! |r. -i iMITItm'RT
ini n P 1 nl f*ir . u • rm'titT* 'il .1
j) KRS4>N> d« A - lull* ill' pnr<*n - l*..lii;« I n . (Villi
ant.on lh'-i:i'uin.:» 111 inf. ct'fnrr r
Toni! anJ ll.iai! *'-.'.-1* I’.v-'utv
By.m'rrcf it.*- jTfat.l. ''niSl.iriT,
drrl 1 -it&ur" ; >Jt '•rittrmiu’ii.
RJ’.AL I.M aTK n v ;ri*vi:v *iil»*<*riher»
olTri ii>r «;ili- y ;■>: I.' A lr;ii»ny 4*uy. 311
frrt lij 1 iron ■>•; on *'.»?. « •■• • l ?n. 1• 1 t***i. , *t.p fnelt
10 Liix-ti) »trr*A 11 mv" >"• ‘.i'i'l.v <t. i| i,i ofi.ur gt-od
| JAINTKI) MI.VUKf, VI.N.-.ri \ x.--
I A !• 1 r.iii*i>-ir> if U'iinto « * of •>ur»m >
1 ! ■n.Ert oi‘''"nr cy of *ijje> n <;t »««»n •«
. r\. Vi'll«-Imn 111 "111 il, of 11%-n'l* ■' •,/<•* s>l if. Co lor a Ini
:i • i‘'•mm »'MiitrJ*iia i, r’-* i tci.iJ.f.i; Holler*
« In rn’rl t’> nji nr. nrrnmT'xJa- •'* •>'* * r'itmin R*. ;)• m:nlrMiir ,ni J.
i'Aloll'l.'lKVAi’i. B PS
•* 1 t'«»r Htui>
A U'KI.I, f .• 1 cn:-<' lti
a» n l>ue'irrn.*ii *li<t t-nl
A<«n itUme liwni *1 . <'iur.inri «t Chito lltll,
Bt>d ’wo wrll uvc r ril ’d MjU
•f dir Olfirr—
Aim inr il»«i in- nt Umm i;n
a gou t *tillil.' no i lJtirl-r.
- mnrin ua.i#- Ma»k«?tiv ii-t Wn.a-lifi
ll.\V|M! irimi.v.i hi i'i' r'h im , onvrn'cnrr
u> |. ■o <■ - • i mu. i,u.M.«« I -.4-: r-iiiih
of il>* Momvk'lii ill, o:«i’ u; x u*>nv« *Vt*iiur,:li.
,anU _ _ J VM>-*S f* ■MMFT
V'AI.UAUI.K I'MH'f R nrrfi
nt va’ttiM* Ur I. .ni' 1 •«!:«> ■«* II fTßV'*n'««i *itumett
tir’wri-n th« »ur>• i• • <•> "I ih<: Mo- • r -v» r, •oil*
fcli'c !ur ••• »»■«■. i<*ilr r« r. r icftf
I OTS FOR ri AI.C- »•) .<> •on l:i
[j «u, .hh. lu .1 «!,».. t\.l.
IO Th»v«. lili.Vi v: h
~r n .M.
I'VINKV l\ «i(i(><
-lai ..f Mi.v t»•• 11 mt:
f[%OR ?l , I x.iii- vul.i’iMr \x\-‘ of <*ro«ri'l. •itlintru
1 on ihr t.«•.*»»■ till- A < , i*b* , «v R:vei. coiiirtuo.i* io
ll’fTl'V !>.••• :.••• «:.>»( .v!v#Ulnß«-«lU*l> «0»lBWl1
f,n Iron Work* an.l mh« inr*- manuiMriurir.g e*iai.
I>*hiiiriil> ;novT-.IA .rifi UAJtMAR I)FN*VV_
FOR KAI.F- A fu;ir. In >i*e mil Ip: on ?yic»u nr*-0
!oi VI i> • h«l A •<>. 'i to'* o'! ilir 4 111 ►UeniOlJ,
I \ yl. iifi«n-i l'.m »ii>' llir.i) hi tli. j.«-
kriy. l.iiirr > n i "motifi. i| h. oiyli'i’Sw
FOR j*AI.K— A t«o *t<‘»y itncl bourn 3n«Uoi*.ioa
iedin'i-H»i I i!>*ny To* hon«»* pom»l> * 4 room*
The ion- 0 • i'i 10>' irci; el«t a. Ihi(i ►ialhp on iLc pio
nc’itv, Trite iuwon4 irrnu ucctmwl»iu'g
my |1 . 6ft «mnhfif’rt at
FIVE lAlTt* on Jarkaon atrrM r.e.r Alle
city, S»'liy K 1 ft. I’r.'M STTS rarb.. Ooe
iwr’fth in tiaml, balance in seven equal annual pay.
tMTSI ifiTan HATSIt ; Bt
tbeSiy'rtte Spring-F«ahionef.gsL
Hat* iriH 6« introduced, by the moat fash* t n **
wn#bl«'c«Uk6n*bßrni» iu NencYork ami Philadelphia
the like jr«?#t ft ea*orc in (*[&£ enabieii
to announce to uutoerc-j* friend* and >be public
generall*, st|at we arc prepared io sfupply all who' maj
lavor u»-.w»lh a call wiih the fasanaiaWe fiat for thV
»ea*on.comprising Heavers Neutrta** aiulexira fine
Moleskin Si!* Hat*, either whole*i»te or retail.
mnrfiit cor wood mid-»tn “t*.
•'* Mf’ORR. Mat And tap
n» removed to No 7S \% Pod street three ooor* ai»-vt
t ourth street Hi* stock codmk* of every variety u;
Mai* and Capa, made iu me latest stylo: niso. Panama
I eslioru and Pedal Straw Hail, wholesale and retail,
It Ute lowest price , S !\l'>OH K
aplO - *5 Wood *t. third door ttljove Fourth
CONTINUES 10 tuanufariurr, cp<|
consinmly 0:1 hand, every vitr-eiv I tat*
and Cup* of the laie*t sty >4, and price* vetv !:>w at'iNo
?i Wc<-J ftr«-n.l r n*t«iee . ' jtsT
Fall Poatslcm, IMO. ‘ t
Rlil.'lJK& CttpTAit'S ftyi« totrtiernenN lin t
will tx* tmrodtif i-d cl KKKVU.t* on Tl>ura«ia)
Aoju»i V7lli tiehttemtn vtrisliur/a cl.caji ts-ii'
roiiut'ie itai of I'liteliuryli rmini.ltrlurt ..uett.i t>
in>h»ni-iiiie iJata iniporied nd aUVcti.teo t> n>air tn
the n.><i“ piexsr c*til Ht KKKVtI. A t. o’* .
uurtfiu 152, Iteati of v\’i>od -t
fK *|trlne Fn*hlun fur 1547. 1
XB williau butidLAh, yßfi»g. i
" f)l I -Lt iji ortu tnstriejiu, Bint patron- " * j
ti:»t be ii« 4 now on liai «i a l«r»e tiocJ of iht' i
Sf.r ng * tt-hwn of Mate and > »p« m inch will I r in ru
iiu' - ' iron Sutui'Jny neat Those in wan* or .a tcperim I
ari-f e cull ot . .JJ
_ N’o T* "’txjd snret. MnM side
Pal) Vailtlon Foi* Hal*.
jfg* TIIK «un*"r, ita-. >u*t reeoveu by Kipre*
1&B it.* new i aii Hi-ti.oii tor Mai*., 1 tto*«. .j, „!•«.!
un fitru fine llm w. l l pli*s*eciiii artd cjurmni
tin* »|) nri.eii . & ArOllhK
Nit. irjwuui
R. H- I*AI.MEH offers lor*aleon fufttior .
Jg^&* Mr ternih n* on) house in t'biin J elphia a
complete Bs.tonni’-in ol Straw, Kforenee. Knr
£l “ n land, ainfo Rreat tnrtety of.lafjcy Irani am
•tnnp Hounen.of the sp mg style
ALSO—J’alm l*eaf. Straw nnH.Le.rhom }ln'. r ; Am
*ir*ni Flowers. Ac tcc mrhS
t* ,i •up**noi artirle o I enelt '.Moie»»m Hair F:i.
histnon. and for sale Inw i i S MOOfIK
*er-> No U’l wmrxl sir »
tiurp* ■ uuu ui) ituvu* W »■ liiuusc.
Nn ItO • A ItKrl SI KFlit .
1) F.SPe.CIT L l.L\ mfurinabi* ftieini* uud the Jnibln
1 geHertiily. that lie ts noiv receiving a l-igr eu.
Ililrliun] as.onmrnt of iSKW CHiprljlip, Oi
•oin*. Ac Oirrri front the lioporier* ami .Mnnufanu
it-ts, eitinpoteti m pat I of
Supeihne tlrussefs rorjicl*;
Kri'a or Tapestry liiu*»cl» Carpeting;
super Intperiul ’J plv unit I lira in* 4
. cuprrhue lusiani. Fliie.oiiO Cnninmn.Oarp- t.n*;;
&- K . 'J 4 nnd 4-4 Flam Vr-tii an 'luipmh.v
ft ~. 3 4 ittui *' lluinnsli do dt-.
5S a 4 nnd 4 4 Tnp> *tf> do ' do. * *
A'lroinhpoi 7Vrmmings.
llrown Dniunss 4 t A 4 unu b 4 Nu-curiß*; n 4 7 4
-4 I nii.e I tin n*’; i-irt*-|w- Noi’kin*; Cfa»ft and Hiupe< Carpet Stripes: New Style ta
hit Oil Lioilt* from d? nivlies to «l fe-t wrue .
rui to liny *,ir;
Un it Kml>r«>lilered an • Fnnicii Tubletnd Htano covert
Figur'd Floor Ciolll';
t.'liniieiic. Uru**ci* Tuiied. and Wilton Rog«:* '
■fuflrd. Chrrnehe. and M«fCp.*l in Door. .'iallKj
Mun.ilu mil) tiias- do <lu;
Mrit'S MH.r Rmla Finvand Oval;
ll.mnitk and ciripird Stair L.nrn;
Xiupvt lliutling*:
4 t J-4 nnd 0 4 I’tain siid.f.gurfd Indian Ma png',
Colored Spanish t'aitifig. Ac .Ac ‘
IVr*oji- fitii.n* upStpauiii' at* Hotels.or I’rivate Mou
•r*. are leijuoicd to cun tis he Ice is c<mfidem ihey. wn
Hud .t io i.irtr advantage ludo tu l-etoic puiehusiiu
tl»evt here.
Ik- would also invite aurniiOti to hi* extensive Mnct
of M;t\ M'IUV. Hill t.OtikS leii.hra.-lig ev*.r.'
fit r, 'i> that fine | now opening at the a'-ove *tund.
tiisf ib ‘A w iniF *.No I lb Alar Lei sireei
NO. TO bbbitSlßt' I' riiTSOlliOn,!'*
» AN' KI.R a VIaVKK whnl'-»ai»-niitl ri , tail’cie«lri.
' in Rr«iiy made i luilitnk. would resper.
•ui; laWc tin*' mrC toJ it 1 Mrliriiti-3 lilt ;t'{> u top pi ilien
c i»li>itn.-M end the pul-lie ipmli ly.lo the toi.nw.iti
-»l- ot ihe-r .tuck in uu le ut.d a—me li in al.*o, dm
T.ey rtien,i M not eite.*rrr .h«n. a..\-nii '
•»ni*>ii*liinr.iii m ibe fi > , (>ur im in c* ot'|<-i,a.!ii;
smi m m-.fucfUfitiK s>*»ls are -ocb a* io ctiuli'e u* a
ail iiutra e* Seep « full a*snr--nent o' irady muite e‘Oih
i.c. at lr>* pr Tti than Itle' cxn nc Outuhicd n,>.ij M i
i ' he pievriii Smrktnt hand cunstSi* in part of thu for
lowntg desurtpiion of tuud*t
1 A ll Inaok co l h Orcrs cogts, fi m Slii to S ; 0. -
IJ(J do do Fiencn do IP --
TO tiowit amt USV)••Isle- green ilu 15 ” t:3
;(X) -«c» co tis. spleuditiiy made A <■- gooj'i3tiier:al
<0 41 pair pains, nf all • ij tt» i,*.4 .tirs and price*.
•J4bU ve« * do Co do do “ '
lu' tjozt-n 1. 1 ten piani and ‘tnciicil l.o*.un *TTiru. mix k
iiii-i;*; mil ni -t mi •p'-udi.r*. S'jilc
irnw-i t« iijitl si..nfc m ever: vnr,. ly, ni- u
* n:i 111.. been rec<-.i>lj (•.ifcliu»ed i, .id nnni'leil to tin
'ii-l'iil •' •••<■. ' M-Tlnml' mi! r* Who Ifr .>
is-'li- I n rg CiiUnot do ti-trr m-jr, It. -:*e 'l* •• ml-
DK\ (iUUttS.
A Witll’L, An VJ *VooJ street. t*la>vi
L*ian»oi.ii Anet.arr now prepared in o’llcr wntet
- uiinL- a i.iree and di-snabie •nx-k ol
ri»i>n sftc.Nu dkv Lcmi's.
.ii ui ilu* sm-tin's p.nciißse—of iaic uiiik'dr»tt»ii.i
ijhs iiu.i ipialit’C* -^SS^
iJnuii r> .leii-boui* v» . <** !-s-«nij tliidn.-b oui
» s-'oU of anl I‘fihi brown Mv
*•«>■» <m band. _JL ni
HA.ItIIOWS A. Tl RMili, N.> 40 Unrk-ri- rel
ate itvw r;cciv.»g -htir i-uti o'l ,\r.> ?|in.i>.
anU .ii.'.u: :hc a.trn: * u m pa»rhiiarr* 10 ilrc.i
Midi ; fTnu«i.iirn;4 l,o* a* —vriycli-vcr pani-fiis
Kivu Oijen-iy l.*wn«—ft.*»;c r»;Ui
i'h'fcDlors very hru.d»-.m<“
i'iumpil l nun-*. {»( iliUcntul pctcnii;
<v U tli Caill'.jrniu —-iyic!> vc-rv liand^omp;
Kr*'.'jfti (iiiigfinm-—ru'Te ) »«•«• sad L'Cnn
»•.. pa'lerus: r*ll>- lot viy r-an'l<s>'iip ut ifl}
■“•ipetinr Alniidieai* r l» it-jl-*•- {wariiuuedj ru tfi
N» 10 market -irr« i d dr.nrr shove 3J
V'AKIKI'k \VI» FaNC\ GUI). v\ c hu/r'd vi .
» -r> n/i ■win mill \at-fi>' gi>o<Jt,
-|'U« Hruiluat. i| miit Uittonft.fnr L|tr)iet.
5 UIIC> <<o do do
Fu-ici tGk gimp* amt f. inget,
Tln.-A«AKi pun*. ibtrad-*, bunoae on-1 tap •
I'cil.nrt-amJ coUarrii» '
<«iuv-«i.i grrui vnrciy.
ilo-ir'\ 01 B>l kuid»
i'oit .11 and Silk V0*!« frr Are . all rtf wh'fli
v\i.i i.p pom low sjAOUJ.trr * wh. i j:
*”> l - W woed *t
Bit ACES— of pjnnnibi
Hir,i«i. .ii'ifr patiornt approved iij taoNctv
' ink Hull-luge ln*i-t ,tp
!4 "*!‘-:i li-fJ t*a-|*rnd"*i Fmli* and WeDG-ajp Sell
• ni; ca:«i«; plain umi fancy.’ t.n.n tiocKs fine
• i« :n tjivan i> , • rt* ami rhi.-i .•umi*; u;«.».»
• nil. isr.ii. ni'ir i-n, tea gra.t*, Ai- ise, on litimi iin-i |..r
'rf'rh. m> '• I'tirKi'lON’
( 'LOVES it UO-IKKV-A Ire-h amt w-lla-
V* m>i ,«*.J -nick ni wlple in.U co med CO!:u|l
or umi women and children, ennsiuiili) on 'ttniiJ,
ilia—l H «.p Inrrad in arctij.variety; £>flc and l.inen
•in.‘pun r<i)a tor i-niidren.
IL/'lUai’k unit co'oritil Piiris Kid Glove*, nf W>
"‘ ** NoM market *t
1, lii.fc. O lOU3 eOit DitEs*ES-\V K
Alurpiij uviie* i!i-j •tuiiuon of llie I.ailirx lo Ihi
i-.-i y iin *« iT iu'-nl of while good* irf «rr»te*,i ch«t».
• lit* in >wi*s am] Scott h Mu'i*. Nautook ami jncko
an idii-liU* Imnril Jncki'in-1, super Satin hatted attJ
• r-i H-d. mm Cni'*h no. Ac Ac.
A- uib« ; ; goml» ate piirii».'j imineit'.a'i’iy ( ora th.
niiiiu;aciurctp‘ upemt or nnjiuricri, can he «ntu
■ l the iowr*l price*. ' aj.2l
spiiuiu i>7iv - aooDs. ~
Jk *V HI I 1.. *lO *3 " . »|ir*rt
I-.I- T,..l .!• -•l'.ii.l,- i J | p . r,e«h >{|,||.|; IJr> <;«<•••»• 1.1
r••i ul inp.'fli nti» li.r.i m-tla iiC lire uiiil.i?e ihrfun
Our *;npk t« now very (at*, nt.; compr,'t' mam v» i)
r u **<l i'hi*ip C'‘i d. * n»>.?
• -•.•etiiieni (>i 1 1 ■ I umi I -i rii'Diid iijim i|iau* » .1
,-w 11--. I l.vaui.m anii'ii- o> .lalcn r> o -<o'« .vi-n a,,
mm (mi-ill nl nli'i»i eoiii .t-.’ pi u.« iflivr.t in tn
•on( ty rt l«o L in-a 1 tin** n 1 nine > I nil* ato I
•nr mriit of |t-p • - :r-i. AI I'u »k * u...| ')'« W •
• ’.''iiper—a: lUc nor h »•! I'Oicriui-liii umi mu W- .
•itreeti • «nj 4
i It)KE NEW -GOODS —At W R M.iiph)*-
*i Dry IJoodu Hoo*«r, i:un:i cm corner of -Ita am
-larkei a;r<-H*. Rrccivnl yi- rpr-ia>. an «<•«>s tut n «
i.'iion Tithle lliapers iiom 1 -4 10 *d, iacludm? toipi
v. rvtnpennr Danm*L. Al*o. lifrarbm -oriu.ilile ci>
i l.inru lulih-clotlit v»irj low Kirqu’il ly - aI-o. a:
at and A Ipaca l.:i«ire». a full n>torticenl fmm roll
-■ni to rery ‘jprnor, includm; torao
l.ottrea. '
|(. ~ .v, 0 •• ■ j-r- •*I. I- il-a ,I. itrtc I <■•<•>.lll.-..1 ~I
I:ti •i.'i". « Li. • .M I, j.hl -ilk Pi..f y <:
iin.rr c'-'iS i'.--' I'' ■ *'w->"l>«.- II 1..
r Mi I'l ’ ■ »■' < • <-r* u ill---* I . i,
.'i.nj* ' l»U i. «’i i* 'iiianiiPjl, 1.1-j. k
II0»1KU\ .**»> a.ik mu!
11 Hi.'i.ou Li...r v •• 'U crroj *a».«rjr'fo.
[ t-fl «u♦ ii kii>nui;r Yurnn in,.’
i »•♦». m<*iulinc "rJ t U> roltui am!,
V\ '-IM r*UiS,k>. at
-F t< Kvruv.ii
il a J i:.e Riaituirt: ,i»*rr •
. . ala*- iJ;- m K.;i. I'
i.U !*u*i*iiV •jt "f Sue Ku«« 11 w
■i. «'i Kw wic i>y Me A£cm. !WWi* wood nif oi
n,rf wl.-vr.nv KU*l .IAU -I'llDi}
nr'i '<• Agroi
< t i’M«rBT
I »1
P. H K ATO2\
Ul'Al t'.U m TTiuiiumir' unu V;«nei) (>ooOsTorioi‘<
• '! Ivoij Mini Icouii." WfwtlliTi % Lit*ii> n i
Wnrtjw!. I'uilou*. Nf «l< v IMi. Tiiiir*. (SfHuU A. ‘
’*• i.., M'lrk-I Si ti-i-rren UimuonJ aij»J -I'Ji Mfrct-
/ II’HTAIN MUSLIJVS, ot a (ire-*) enririy ol
y'•»)!?♦. <nc!niil. f? trench Ft, m* inr W "mJiW
Cdf'.a iii, lo be fuunu m Ur j giud* btm»c of
apVtMAw N K.coMili nod-Marketst*
1.1 <)(} new Mjlc S|.inif; i rim*—proo.ii
which ate rich Ot-pp-. Cannrj. hud. I’ink*. Formulae
ami Uie style inncir*. Jn«i frcened-and fa* by
mid suaCKM-IT a:\VjillE.bOweod «
I 1 ttui;v<i la* tau-lt »*n atHittujrnl of «!invr,
eood* lOf Cnpr* uni! i.'ap* of new style* atid btaaiiio
pHlcrnn. Ai-n 1-nrr* aini Kd/ing.
C’ IttCKN FLA HiIV ICL 1 l ole fine twilled Green
r Vintw*!. Jv*> reiei»ei» ny :
. n®-«
XJ tetr
Uctdiof o
j£tr, [uai
(mm, dec.
will* CMIII [
CU*. in d
II Mltl),
prrj;»n*c, I
lk.'l« of (41) 1
i«cilv Ji«ru I
.Xt» Vo
l cSerrfv
him*o)j o
uO limalc.
iV*t» Voi
■»• a I
tient cm
right tit
heat in tr
the ni«hti
> UHTk.
our ci.j.i
V) crr-ii'y Ifi ih »C
•n'*niiort Vyitipionj# w Con
1/iU'nng fdr kerrrsj year*
I >c threat &\id Ji'oar'enes*
t uu<l no relit/ in nny pr. p.
m-r'e DM-lef DU. I)UN
KfrMEDV. I biv«- Preii ir
'or aerera! years, and .•!«
over I main ute of it Mj <
eef, krept oic tUiiiu-i <
my ilifra'c. at time*, to Im
4imive piocur.u Un« nic-iiio
••urc i:t makm;- iLi* i auhc •
itia) know the Vij.yi-s 0 ;
cl nu; lie cuird. I h.iv<
Kipcciurma Hnii-d) u> tn
crbom U'c lhca f.vri to *|ui
l.'i, |-
The proprietor or to- nt>.
rcier.l** the und<-f»ij:i:ed p- r»
county. on whom an> pen
convinced lliui lhi*ft a:r v
ui 'licne Hint tin-mi t.e r»
Onmt Cuif'»r--r >o
Ci» 001-'."-r. Jack-on r;i,
“».!l ck p, D•» i
j 'tc, cviopi;*m< i>
.Ci* H'*'* l - aru lf»u:ii;v-L' (•:
I>R |). Xi‘A\',' V\ | S|'
•oij in i>) \\
nrjrt oi IN one’ »irc-t
O IN‘ r -’ln ii. .
h .• in "'.ai tif i
or of Fuinfunari t ;'u%uiiii»
nmJ toe s.nmo caufc « Imli
more or leva inherent in li"
-ore. unless title principle c
cal cure can be • itoneil, b
wh-ch the d--e .»•• <n pei.t
inUxtol uecc»»iti -ollm*. n<
'■lie iliie-se should m.iiiilr.
I- Uo reason vtl't JtTX.V
iprslllynirccvrlul jnifiiii
i'i*ca»e». it «le*itc)n the
w hic . those diseases li ■ v*-
mto the circulation, .rnd hi
to the minutest fit-re,»co
niseare from the sis'cin
H Smith 'riurd Stri ct, hlnl
S'M at the Pekin ’l ea .St
t l ilt-. ItUIA -In- u■<
lar;c clov* of t!i*ea«e*Vsn u
*-.lip« a* wilt rut- r .mu to
•l Ihtotitfli eli'li |>*itii.oof
«•’« W.m <l|*C4*. . II |. 11 111
"0 pr- |>a-ft..oii h<* rier I.*
•i* in: ja s \i: - .m, i kk
Kvit I’mecr a.ol Cniifiii,
I •!»• Kiii»rj-rnn-ir oi ,hr It*
mil Gnu! truf.i-vc d--e*vr*
'•n|Uer |i :♦ l.e»:d v
i .mi ran he >asr» moir.e .
• id' r moving l*> ►p.'|.,ni. bi
nr.p-in.oi: u jio'w ./I m mm
am-liir* Hi Or Him* '
-tie t'r:» iN Tl A >iOi;K
|)OSK Ol Si TSI K.%T
Ll. l‘ llrp.p* 1%, lII*- I *(• ill.l
r. 1 rf». Pa gjiui.i.* nil. ...
tlr Vint- l{ li j- mu-1 l< ii,.'. I
,i> wlne'i ih; h iiim ri.t. J ,i
IIC 111
•il Ih- Jtf-' r-ra;
. a . i si... ..
D r Jntiu9.t E»‘i
I>ftr.Ki; B -e «* ■ i.< -
IfirsmiV tlui. ii.c i '"'
, rc;ll i| h .‘f titf ■
. ••t'piilv i-lifi-Ui ifipj, Ini i:r
: HI.) .>t ll'tlf h'MfW |N«I\
■ nlv meilkjnr u*Vd. A |»i
,og wit- tif Pile* f-liic <
»yn< mi»>i ■
udr f|t tilt 1 ci
t. il cj e —! h i
'TDrtK.7? Fourth rf . t.
H ** ■'rhiartt. Federal «
febIST 1
MA L.M i c> ,V.° r
a rh. .1-01 if :je w«. urfj ctM
<nin>ti« o’ Wmihiui
r-ui »-.ui m I'flr. i J an.;
ai'od A t«
■ ' 2)TT3ut^r.7
\ 1 l-'Mma ) m u . a C- >
»1 -J ‘.ojjj.i ur' Hi it
lilt 4 il'ril '.ill lH> lr« til tor 1
, :tir)' inter if l -**' liri >n.»:* r<-
| 'iiiiU. w pi) ffu»: n cun-
I Tlii-.'v vS iaf ,l r‘ l't"f rV.r
WtluuJ u •/. •*
~ D A F l lI.A *.•
HAVF i-nc -X --
ul IV, bo .oi l «»r
r nlloV**lf I!l‘ l' "
iiw. a - • h»\+ <ni !•**.«•! a i c
I.un iM Ul* pul' l <■•
Hiii l)ru«;■»**• ■n- ** «’'H .
,) Uid «c unhet.iatti.jily mi,
<t-iht licit article, «HiVj',
rratoralioii icJ pmrrva'nn. |.
of nuintrouk iattai.c*. wh.rt
which liatc btfi. bil.l (• it j «»r
uniter Giror than tti rccvi.-n.-i.
loainj their hair,to uiuti ir
Beaton jM»iL
For rale in PitlaliurjS at t
Fourth aired. nrsr ' *»'»l
HBTsTiiA>i> m
. \ u«t»r* r*ti*re*>oi
l*o’* "!*• I »v«r, or
w tn* nmctmi'
ie*er*'» l «rT. i
dice, oiort, fci'
bUMl l aln ) tar
to Utc bock tad
before and mfte
paUtio of the U
JJ stieb coxe it
, and it a ctftmi
lud mu cotirclj
i bogt, eulmtyirct
leas ia the mot 11
li Certify tbml 1 ki
1 no cun mod wife
*e», ainnugit u>;
k, May, 1945
Ij gut my- tctlii
ji ui Dr. ibgold
ru ekprrienc* i
it uHd with ibO
k, May, 19-15
—Deep Sire— I
it. Dr. Inguldab
r teen J a
cure hr r. Hone
i ig iiiUJllbUy-ainl
1 like attnurt, It
\ W»>| c i
d«by— Di»i 9n
lute di rued n.
!, with jt.t.r m
■' , ul ’!» 1
r lntiiij untl >i
WanbobM-, al
Inj* t, hriij ol Wo
\i\ 5 t. h'LKIi
L>, l«T (i f lU
: a 3ll»l|lg Itl.fJl
•»[a pu'gallM:
r >«5 or k l>»
) l Ol the Liuir
! biUrU m th
I»RU of it llllic
tiling itrL.ii >
i* The «>ni) i tft
oj irtejiuH-I*|
D CCIIIll), fl .u
; ii.tuatn ami
• eight' are 'e|i
n< ca»e» w*ih
Moat c- rum
cpi-tii'ficed in
eu Sim prritbi
la uro aiwa)»
im«Ti in tuu>e n
i ■cant}', duk
ir muddy Um
Irrulic ►vinpinaii
(a a dry, h’or»h. r<>
idrj- C>U(.|l, «in> •
Wueni altsm'nn
\aa in f
■seldom real as
As tbo tl<rr:
nft-jfd» evcitui),
pnlrti* oi li.c )
' ar» fS, a
Hi bUfjiurniion
IKJ lliC xil il }>•
red unci »o'd
'l AliLls. 1- A X
l.i/l l.KKaui iii
i ifC». I'lenn'x'n a
i and Ui»c»>e» of
iCMijr mil ii-nilf <
iltli, t) mu-clrt an
I «-f l(•••Bn
hoifcn Alli
I . b*'Wpli. Knf> ■ j
tnd Kem-le Lon
• I iiuC i>utr. i*'Mn .■
9-i cu H\ "
r»nn rrtiiiCit g Bl
. » n.a-l. i<> ..iii
.-180-CI in
CIC«I Mrllll Dl.
nl- |i 1 a *!■<»'■
•£• prnvr-i > ll< <•
ilj-nic ii r\ ■