The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 14, 1847, Image 2

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OV tiKA-il‘Ust UEOOKA ]
| PllT»»' UX D*ILT Gianrai* pat»H*h*<>
i Ttoir Tn-W«hiy. and Weekly.—The Daily uSeven
fe uonanoerannumi H»eT*iA\ erkly u Five Dollar* per
8 V.. annum, tite Weekly in Two Dollar* per annum, itncilf
I in -
| try jvuvenitciocms, 10 *erur* itiwnion, »hould be
I htntM *p by live o'clock in the afternoon. Auenuoo
t U) tin*,on lire pV« otour cafttomers, would be produc
'} ■ titeof «uu»n Ocuctii
; (or ckxtrb ournrt-J
) for Canal commissioner
I - , ior cucvrt j
I { tfifiTC ck.ntual committee.
i THOIIA* K FKAfckLIN, Lancaster Cn)
1 JOHN CVuNk'M. Dauphin County
, ‘
f Wil.tJAll-M WAlTS,Cumberland.
! . I).MH M SM*SKR. Adam*.
1 JOH 'l* WhTIiERH-L. I'tiiladelph.a Cu>
1 THOMAS NeORATH. Pblioiieipb.a County
! ROBERT H SARU. Franklin,
t. THOMAS M T M’KENNAN, Wa.fl.trston
*• ANDREW J HOLE. Somerset.
HARMAR den or. Al.eli.eny.
.. RICHiKD IK'VIN, Vcningo
JOSEPH H KUHNS, Westmoreland
O J BALL,Erie.
If D M-»X WELL, Northampton
9 J B SALISBURY. Saaquetmnna.
,*• ELOANaNS ITH. rtyomms.
I HKNRV S EVANS. Chester. :
I , ROBERT T FOITS. Mcio-tofTi-n
> A»*«)u» a c »*g T WH.O COffTY
L '«■ *'»
*V A. ft* '* P j... ~ llir crniral Kiretion iu OoW I
; EtfTffll ..5 wn,.
, t^ssxss^ssesssMA
•“ K ""* “■ ■ ' 'rHOMAS VARNER.
: &n*mi r.|,'m.»! iht I 'AP“'°..r.
ForUTUT C*:itnnß Mare
km. tbvcr Mr«i. impure*. Muncy .MarUtl. «-f,
third psge. ■ t
' The Wtr with Healer*.
% Ts**, woi'.anto, tec-— -A careful esti
mate of the killed and wounded in Mexico, m one
,*ear, among our troop*. h»* h«a estimated
»t 3,010, betides 8.500 who have died of the cli.
mate, and to tbit should be added for thaw who
bate conTiCtwi diseases in Mciieo, which yvill
produce ceitain death at homo. Jin the Gulf of
Mexico we hito lost two vessels of war and fifty
transports, and in tho protection of the war hate
expended fi:ty millions of dollar*. When we
connt up tho Glory let it t.e balanced by thb lo«
of life, the misfortune of wound* and diwasr.lbe
" expendl are of mouey, and abote ail the aad moral
example of a war of conquest carried on by a
pjw.rful Republic ogria.t a weaker and compara
tively defenccleat nation.
The aggressive rpirit of tbi* war with Mexico
U indeed feature. Our American troop#
at th'* moroenlare in posecastyu of territory cquit
lent Ur 800,000 #qmre miles, and atill we are mo
ting forward to the Halls of Montezuma, and to
what p ilot from ih nee no man can tell. Cocqueat
ia oor aim and end, no matter what the cos: of
life or id mey, or what amount of sacrifice in prin
ciple, or what the tendency of tho example. Alas,
that it abouM oter bd said of us. as it was of Rome,
tbit "when poor we robbed mankind, when rich,
each other." Other Republics we know from the
foundation of the world, have exhibited an ag«
grusire spirit, but we had hoped that our own
w.mifLb* free horn the oppression, feusded, as il
literally was, in the Blood of Martyrs who rctia
ted lha aggressions of tho task-masters of Eu*
Stop the war, we say, a» the Administration
can do and should do. Save the effusioo of more
blood Bring back to ua our brethren who are
■sut at the bidding o? the Executive upon a mis*
•ion as mrrrilesa as it is cruel. Let absent hus
bands and fathers their wives and little
-ones, that we may noSnore see men cut off in the
prime of life and tho strength of manhood, —our
fellow a.
. \ * tod ftftrd a* i*ur»*lTf«,
i Form'd «’«n like u», fi.r ♦om.w <,t Jbr juj,
Drnpptcf miwirurd iul.j « Knity gn»'.
and jcry n iib tli*ir«in» upuii them.
BnRM tome iiiit willed it "
Yft say, incn, sup the wot. Stop it now. If j
DB( J bo,—We’ ray if. for w© doubt th© need.—let:
■j., ,us retain potters on of wjiat »e have, and cease j
V> 'ty-ppvfr dor cneques's farther- Peace can as well j
b«tjlad«aljalapa 0B 01 Mexico, or at Monterey ;
- v ••• ai Luis. We possesii the Golf and Ocean :
• j r‘ border! of the eoontry, th© rivers, the bnrbcrs.tbc I
. • 'Sierra Madre, the extremes and nearly lb© very I
./•>-; heart of the land. The more we possess the far • j
if.' ther is peace removed from ua. We and this a |
ti . y ea r tgi, and older bead* laoghed at ua for the j
?’i- djltoi-tn, but older heada agree with us now, and ,
iomewaq believed in a short war in May, 1 646, |
l fear, in 1817, tbit it may be interminable. j
Frenchmen have aaid that the United States
. r hate found an Algiria in Meiico. We pray that;
•/.' it may prove oiheiwiw*. France, however, iaj
j'-'?*.'. gaining jurt such victories over Aodel Kader a*.
we art over Santa Anna. 7 he whole European t
i'v.i population in Algeria now amounts to 125.083.
o\ of whom only 12 00 Oare employed in agriculture j
• • and manufactures —the nr.iiAi*i>xa *ai cnnxn i
abub. So much for France, after a long, long, j
, long war. Spain fared not so well in her atrug' j
gieto keep Mexico in subjection, and we ask oar-'j
selves if we are not both Hind to our interests and ;
, . wicked toward* other nations, in further-prosecu-i
' tiog- this war of conquest. |
This war has assumed some features disrepute.
Me to our national honor. The aggressive spirit:
is only,a pari of it. It is now made a war upon
races. ' The Mexicans.—lndians, Spaniards,, a
mork nobility and a degraded peasantry,ignorant in
pan and Xevcpgtful in the whole,—must melt
away like souw in summer before the match o'
• our arms. Ii will, however, take eomelime, aa Mr
Pulk «■ now probably aware; successfully to cany
, on this war by tte Anglo Saxon tace tho
mongrel breed tho t bave found a home in Mexico,
a is, as General Ross slid at Baltimore in lftl4 >
“playing guineas against half pence” 4o aacrifice
Mr on oin such a war. W« have seen what the
«*orifice of life baa been, and shall begin to kmw
gDtntthing t.f its cost, too, when the tax gathered
begin to stick. like letches upon tbo body, upon our
puiaes and earnings. Once more, we say, then, let
there be peace.
Bines writing the above, we have met with the
follow.og kt'-er from Benator Corwin, of Ohio.
■ and the sentiments we subacribb to heart and
' hand. Mr. Corwin u vindicating his vote in
Lseaxos, {Ohio,) April 4, 1847.
1 ace tho ••OrmocrAUc" passes prate about' re
f,tying to feed and cUthe ib« brave men now in
the fi» Id- Do uoi thrso praters know that it wn
not for that purpuat w« w<«e atked for supplied
Didtbe Pr'.tl e t want twenty-eight millions of
IQyOv} and ten ivguoents more of men to bring
.{gou Taylor, back to Camargo? No, h« told us
be warned Ibem tor the purpose of further prose,
cation *h* *«• **e wanted to atorm the halls of
the MuntMumai! And for what! Thai question
be will*ot answer. It is for conquest alone. The
*re,t model R»public of the world make* war)
Span one: aft.t ter, n uk. away bar ,
tatiHorr aDd oittilj iitmj bn. nil bar IraJm, ;
man are dimn u> t*g S» » id cf K,n <‘ 10 P'"'"” ;
na. the Gr-at Republic, from r.ibbm 8 and mur. 1
dtrinl tboae wbo, a> -all a. ibaj know, how lodo
iLara trying to osiabluh free governments afte* .
oar example. lam amsted that a people calling
Itself Democra'ic— hating king* and loving free
government—should act ibue. What doea It por
.tendl I eon h«* it fide me witb melancholy fore
bjdtogs. I can honor the brave soldier who doea
bie duty la battle; but I despise the mistaken,
kicked policy that sends him to fight hi such a
war. Had the President asked for money to bring
tome our army sfter the taking of Monte/ey, and
to eend a commission of one or more if the first
n>eo In America to treat for peace, l would have
given my rote with more hearty good will for meh
a bill than any I e*« g»«> in >°y wh °i« public
fife. I often nrged this course in private ioter
vitws with leading men of both parties. But all
m vain. Further balile—more Blood—more lam*
mlk these were the intine and barbarous asplrp
tlooa iff own Who now hold tho power of a na
tioo boastiog itadl -tfan exemplar of Christendom;
▼sooting that it -asks fir nothing which w not
right/aod wit| submit to nothing which U wrong.
* . ; Very troly, your friood, •
- ,^. r telg^la|rorweiii*
■■ IfTßXr* OF TmC*Vt*»*C, tccJzJTh*
lean* Bulletin, ttyxtbere we Amakan
ihit city; about to lochia Jkini in ifrtxi* |
co, the pqsaevsion pftfokb baa batf cooaideWof
securing U» mod feasible
roota for ihe contemplated canal to connect the
Outf of Mexico and Pacific Ocean. -A topo
graphicaUur*ey of the eouotry is to be made, un
der the protection of a; large naval and military
! in regard to tbia Isthmus and the proposed im
provement upon i», Benjamio H. Wright, i geo
lleman of N. Y. p baa addressed a eoramaptoati° n
to the New York Conner, ip*whfcSTfirtays, Mex
ico has formally, for a term at least, conveyed a-
Lray her right over this channel to a British eom.
{pany, and this baaing become vested in oeutrala
to the commencement of hostilities with
the United Stales, i 7 will, it iatoppcaed. become a
qoeUionbow far the United Biates Government
; may interfere in reaped to rights and privileges
legitimately held and such as custom hitherto has
rcc*gnixed in at! international intercourse. If the .
work was already executed and legally in the poo
section of foreignera, through a regularly charter
ed privilege, no one would think of disturbing the
latter. Tee right is a* perfect now, although the
work is not thus advanced, ualeo it has reverted
to Mexico and been taken advantage of by the
latter on account of non*cntupliinee with some
of the conditions, working thereby a forfeiture.
It will thus be seen that our Government at
Washington ha* really taken measures for carry*
ing fin and extending the work of internal Im
provements in a foreign country, notwithstanding
the ownership is verted in a foreign power and
notwithstanding the Veto of important public bill*
fir the improvement of our owil Lake and River
navigation. Now in whnt a'dilemma does
this weak and wicked administration place itaelf
by such conduct as this. It deniew the power of
improving our own rivers and harbors, and claims
the power over improving rivers, harbors and
interns! improvements abroad.
We hope the convention to bo held at Chicago,
on the sth of July next, will discuss this question
with Mr. Polk and with such argument# as shall
‘Urgent public opinion to bear upon
re. If there U powerjin the Executive
•d States not only to make war upon
ig nation of bis own free will, but to
n&l improvements there also, let the
ae United States learn bow powerless
der the one man authority ofoor na
bring ati inlc
Iba Eiecuiri
of the Unite
a neighborin
make Inten
People of it
they are uni
(tonal atlmii
>rtaiil we lb ink tb.l PltUborjh ebould
ted at’ this convention and we hope
nay he appointed at an early day*
Ware glad (o learn that the above re
j n has already been complied with.—
,f Trade of the ci'y base selected the
i ntleman to represent the city at (he
io be held at Chicago :
be represent
Delegate* m
P. 8. \V.
Tbc Boaid
following g<
.EoiTW fbom riTTsacaeß.
na, John MrFaden, Jamea Marshall’
VASIA Militabt
ng are the ofßcets from this State nn*
j Regiment Bill:’ John Butler. Cap
>bus Bchoono«er, Lieutenant, Joseph
Tbe folio**
der the ‘T<
tain, HorJol
C. Wallae
iho third ri
In tbe 1
J. V. 8. Haviland 2d LieotenanU. in
iment ofU. 3. Dragoons.
ih. Regiment U. 8. Infantry, A. C.
jioncl, E. N. Morgan, MajoT. J.. H.
Bcoit," Assistant Sergejnt; Martin M.
i. Irvin, P. Waddell Lewis Carr, Pres,
jrie, Arnold Byherg, John Motz.Cba*.
Ramsay, 0
Nerr. J. D
Moore, X.
be N. Gut 1
11, John L Gregg. Franklin Mebaffy.
McCoy, Marshall Hspnon, Wdliam
•r.jamin F. Harley. Honce Hildemao.
IcCldlanJ, Weidman Fo»tcr, Andrew
Atonai loriug, Washington Meads,
:*er, AnJrew Ross, H. B. Kuhn. Win.
Richard H. L. Johnson, First and
T. Campb
Tti' inia F
H. Gray, f
lj. Tippin,
Mitchell S
U. Mury,
Second l.i
. In the 1
P. Ramsey
ith Regiment, U. 8. Infantry, Henry
,2d Lieut. In fpot Rifljmcn and Vol.
:arles I. Biddle, an I M. J. Bernard,
•f. ci. Ltu gneckcr, *' is. Cochran, G.
W. S. Lir tenants.
Coroners'# Inqaeats.
y of Fb&o'k. Booucna. of Ohio, was
ltd ay morning in the canal, just beyond
Allegheny .City, ia Reaerve township,
of murder were aroused in the morning
H of bl >o d on the tow-path,- upon pa
ling to the deceased, and also upon bis
k/whicb had been rifled of its contents,
officers of the city bearing of the case,
e canal, and by the use of hooks, re
!c body ol Mr. B. He wu discovered
J around bis neck, snd another around
i jd tn this position wu Evidently piteb
, canal. Mr. Boolmyer Wfs boarding
i ith’s, to (his city, and left bis boarding
10 o'clock P. M., saying that it wu
for him to vjait a canal warehouse.—
return, and bis body was discovered
morning. Upon bts person a wstch was
$l9 in lus purse. His pocket book.
iad been taken from his coat, and three
id red dollar* in money. The verdict
wu in accordance with the facts.
Mr. B. was from New Lisbon, Ohio. He
had addressed a note to Messrs. W,- dc. R. Mc-
Outcheon, etating that ie had $2OO in his posset
viou far them, and would call soon and deliver it
He left the tavern rather late Wednesday night,
and we have no doubt some fiend decoyed bitn
across the river and up the eaoal, who knew he
bad mouey in.bis possession. The watch
bad stopped at 8 o’clock. It is elcfr enough that
the robbery, sod no doubt the murder also, was
carefully planned, and deliberately carried out—
He bad a severe wound on the bridge of the nose*
and bad apparently been stunned by * blow on
tbe bead. Tho corpse is described tons by one
who siw'it, as a shocking sight His bat and
pocket book were found on the tow-path.
TTius, in the borders of a populous city, anotb.
er murder has been committed. We hope the
authorities will offer a reward for the detection of
tbe raorderers, and thtl more xesl will be display
ed in bringing them to condign punishment, than
in efforts to cheat the gallows of iu due.
Another inquest was also held upon the body,
of a womsn named Mary Richards, of this city,—
She was struck with apoplexy, and was an in
temperate woman. She and her buaband lived
in on the south side of the canal,
at the fool of Boyd’s hilL Her husband bad
beateo her severely on Wednesday night, and
there were marks ot) her body, but tbe doctors
said tbe bearing was not the cause of her death;
They lived very unhappily. Verdict according
to the'facts.
jmcaei.—The Whigs of New York
ig to set their new Judicsry system .free
jano of party politics, sod to elect Jodg
hey are to be elected, from emong men
issty shall be unimpesebed and whose
□doubted. It i» • noble enterprise, and
rill be crowned with complete success.
: r calamity could kef*) a country like this
lucre suspicion that tbe Judge* of the
ait hope of the country ia ell greet e*
capacity t
we tiust t
No grcali
than the
land, the
should become tbe erestores of tbe In
f any political party. An upright Judge
should be
public got
to one- 1
duties, no
iteemed es a great conservator of the
i. No office is more honorable, end
aithfol In the discharge of bb poblic
ie •• more responsible.
The President has given notice ih«* be intends
leaving Washington on the 28th of May. He
will be accompanied by the Secretary of the Na
vy, and visit North Carolina.
AtasaMa.—The President has -called upon
Alabama for five companies of Infantry and one
of Cavalry. ''
fG()V Bias ha* appointed O. M. Mitchell, Esq,
of Cincinnati, Adjutant General of the Ohio Mi*
fitia. -
Tux Legislature of Maine commenced iu an*
noil sew ion for 1847, at Augusta, on Wedneeday
last. ' ;
The Ba»is Hamxoaim positively give their
last ooecert this evening.
“ Wegivebdowjm»*"ca'a»rtn~W nx * u^’ r ‘
\hetm with we give it cfiaptM «td
As the’ MawyhtueUs Peace we
oforea fit* bngdwd saisr« fo' fl« **•» r *^* w of
th£War withJjfexid# we claim it far
j of the the Pittsburgh Gaxettj.
carTKB rrkrr.
Ist. And it came to pass about (be days offam*
ioe, when tbe sms of Sl Patrick were sorely op
pressed in tbe Emersld Isle, T>at Ja*w waged
a terrible war against the subjects of the Pope, m
the land of Uio andeot Montezuma*
2d. And it was injthiswise, Thai Jiitts, who
ia al» called Polk, sad who delighla only in those
who withhold protection to the'poor man's labor,
and who bold the sable sons of Africa in bondage
as eatlle. Beheld’the sunny country called Texas,
as thoa goest towards the Rio Grande southward.
And be said shall we net possesa it, and make it
ours by annexation.
3d. For Jobs the traitor (his predecessor), bad
before made progress in this matter,' being equally
zealous fur the extension of the area of Slatest.
Now the Mexicans are a weak nation, and poor,
and in the eyes of Jamks contemptiblo.
4tb. And the advocates of Slavery pressed the
matter. And lo* the thing was done by the Con*
gresa. and it was told to King James, and the Mon
arch rejoiced, Howbeit, the Mexicans, who are |
tbe rightful owners of the country, were displeas.,
fd thereat, and they said, but thou not dealt an*
, justly with as.
sth. And the King said to Zachary, the Cap
tain of tbe Host:—Gird ontbine armour thou son
of thunder, and advance to the .work cf destruc
tion, Shall a people who are weak, ignorant and
contemptible, (hue speak to ns of their rights and
our iujoitice.
Glh. And the slare holders counselled J amis.
saying unto him, “if Ibis thing is suffered to pas*
the negro will soon claim right*, and justice will
be presenting a plea foi the Son* of Africi! ' Now
we beseech thee, inasmuch a* have become
strong, rich, wise and exalted amongst the nation :
that sc hold thereto—Globr—by the'duiUueiion
of oar enemies and seizure of their poMearion*.
7ih. And Jimm forthwith proclaimed, sayiug.
‘And now became these Mexican* have opened
their raoutbsto impeach us with wrong, behold the
Honor and Glory of nor name ean only be vindi
cated b; the blood pf thsir men, their women and
tbrtr little om a 1 , khereforo, command our brave
Captain Zucbiry,. forthwith, to hurn their cities
and to lay waito their couulry from the Gulf to
the Mouniiins, and from the Mountains tu the
Pacific, until nur foldiery shall revel amidst tbe
M Beau'y and Booty," in tbe Halls of their ancient
Prince a. :
Bth. And Zachary, who is al*o called TATLott,
in obedience to tbe King, put the armies in array,
i and he slew tbeenemy before Palo Alio and root
| ed them in the plains of Keaaca de la Palma, and
beyond tbe Del Norte be smote them to ilatamo
raa, and pitched bis tenia within the walls of that
city, sb long famous for its commerce in Oxhidf*
and Skins.
9 th. And when ho bad laid the place under con
tributions, he advanced against the fortified city of
-Monterey" which be encompassed, and haviug
carried the-heights, and broken down the walls
thereof, the battle was from bouse to home wi»h
great slaughter, until the besieged capitulated,—
and behold, ZachtTy, so dreadful in battle, pt rmiu
ted bis prostrate foe to rcnpve their wives and
children to a place of safety—and did bind up the
wounded and provide for those that wero helpless
and submissive.
. lOth. And it waa whispered to the King that
this Zschiry was a ••Whig," which is a sect that
; 'ha King hates, because they differ from the King
in many and great matters—and who say, that
this c:ttcl war is unnecessary.
11th. And thf King called his Privy Comnae!*
lors together, and his countenance was troubled*
And he arid, 1 am in a strait, behold, if we coo
quor in this war, tuis 'VFAtj*' even Zachary, will
receive all the Glory—and tba pcopje will atirely
exalt him to the throoe, and we shall all be un
done, wherefore he must be cut off—even if tbe
arms fall with him—and the enemy triumph!
12th. And ••Bennn" answered. “Long live the
King," and a short career ta this Wh-g Captain,
behold, I'will put, a «&jff to motion,' 1 Appoint
me Lnutcnant General, and depose Zachary, and
I wilt olterlv destroy all tbe King’s enemie*; their
shall not bel-.ft that kicketh agjt'mtt the wall.
13th- And the King and bis Council were great
ly pleased, and niJ. thou ait a choice spirit, and
of oi l '‘EiMJii&tTu" the King’s oppostrs. Uu*.
belt, the King feared the m this matter,
for a tote of thanks was pending for Ztchary, for
his bravery in the war, and the King’s party op. 1
posed it—cuaingly—saying he was too tenJor in
sparing blood at Monterey.
Mtb. Now theKiug frared soother great Cap- |
tain who wgs also of tbe W/4ȣ sect, whose aur. j
oame was g-.OTT - -who desired to gi* out to hat
tie—and the King uused hi* tv.cri.vary to won*,
bard things to him, and to attack him -front and •
rear," if as be be could restrain him from gaining j
Glory also. ]
16lh. And the Secretary upd* his; front * attack j
when the Captain was engaged at a Wurcfy plate t
ofaoup " and he threw it at the Secretary and.
destroyed bis breeches, howbeit, “Marcy" was not
ditcomfiued. but as io times past, be charged tbe .
King’s treasury with the repair* thereof
IGih. And the King laid the “.•brine of Benton 1
anfullv before tbe Cougresa, But the Congress :
aiid nay, this thing must not be done, and thus :
they stayed the King’sdeaigr.xnd bebecame wroth ;
and anhappy.
17lh. And the King cawed Zachary’s chief’
troops to bo withdrawn, and raw tro-ip*. few in :
number, to be given instead, thereof and ordered
I him into the mountains and tbe cities beyond, to
| be cut off by the renownei Mexican “S»sta As* .
! **" and bis legion*.
| Igth. And when tbe people heard of tin* thing i
j —a noise and grett excitement prevailed—from ’
! Maioe to Florida—and from tbe Atlantic to where
I the sun goes dowa, one mighty anttbami waa.
I pronounced upon theKmg and h's counsellors,and ;
, the people wept over the fate ofZvchary and his
i citizen iDidief*; many duy» haring passed since
1 they were Cut off from all communication aud sur
rounded by a strong enemy.
| 19th. And it came to pass, in the midst of this
deep and painful solicitude, that a hrrtld arrived
from the army, and (he people ran together and
cried out, what news t What new* ! UZsebtry
and hia men safe, or have they been smitten and
fell! And the herald proclaimed: R-ioiee. R*j-iiea
and be glad ! ! For Zachary is »»fe! ' Mn«t iio
bly hat he defended himself against fetrfifl old*,
and victory has again (lercbed apon his banner!
20th. And the people shouted furjoy. and they
cried out away with Folk and his vile Counsellor*
—and give oa Zachary to- rule over us. Now
Zacharr was not only a man of war, but was skil
led in the King’s basiric** of ruling, of strong ro«nd
•nffgreat prudence, delighting in acta of mercy
and deeds of benevolence.
21st. And Potk and his adherent* throughout ■
the country, weretm'ated aud fear fell upon them. .
and said one tv what shall we do, for it
cannot be denied that Zachary has escaped by .
miracle, and now,the whole country is going over
to him. and be\will catrj the Whigs into power,
for ha beloogtlh tO; their party, and has been from
the beginning friend of old Harry of.Kco
tuck. ' • . ..
22d. And they met iu conclave, and sti-J one
to another, did we not make the people of the land
of Penn believe, oa a certain Umt* that even Poik
was a good Tariff man If Goto now. and Jet us
proclaim that Zachary ia a good LocoToco, of
our own blood and kidney, tod thus shall our par
ty claim all his victories. And it shall come to pas*,
that when the Whigs shall rejoice over these vic
tories,and witb bonfirrs celebrate the delivermco
of Zichury and bis men from the fate we had pre.
pared for them. Then let us, alio, burn incense
in our windows and in the s'.roeu I and shout ho
sannas to him whom we failed to depose, and
could not destroy Ml
23d. And the Whigs having only the good of
the country at heart were delighted, saying—even
our former opponents sre now with u«. and the
god Loco poco himself has beeo brought to.sub
mit with tho Mexicans to the great Whigrbamr*
24th. And the triboa of Calhoun of the Pal
metto; and of Can*, of tbe Peninsnla. and tbe Uu>
chanitev, of ihe old Pederal order, whose bojics
were destroycrLtogetber with the Pollutes and the
dwellers about Lindenwald.snd other clans ofdm
parsed Philistines and Sporis-bodten, were con.
strained, as of one accord, but with trembling
nefves, and lean in their eyes, to shout hosannas
to the conquering and victorious Whig! IJ
2Sth. But Ziehary knew none of then doings
—For be was busied with warriors iu the tentod
field, Baying, when Peace is restored,, and then
onjy, will we return to oorkindrod and oar conn
*7! ~
Kathzb Matth*w, not being able to attend
the poblit dinner at Cork opon the oceeiion of
the arrival of tha Jaraeatown aaot tbo following
beautiful latter
Coal-. April lfilb, 1847.
“Ciicumatances over-which I have no control,
place Insurmountable obstacle* I® m T participation
thi« yreoing io your delightful demonstrationa of
gratitode to the mao that firat opened tie viatato
a bliaafal acene of universal peace, by navigating
a Teasel of war, fro® tha ahoret of the jpeat re
public, into tha moat magntficientof British bar
bora,'on a God*likd miaaion of pur* humanity and
brotherly love. 0 may this awcet spirit 1» apeed
iiy difuieed from pole to pole, uniting all mankind
aa one family, making the wants of each individ
ual, of evfcry creed and every dime, the warm
concern cj[ the whole—aa has been nobly done
*inevoleot ciloens of Bpaton."
' i
.Oct 01
■xaso*.—LaalThar*Jty in* celebn*
laksgmng Day ia ttouih Carolina.
Scofft— ThTpositiooS now oceupied f by oor Ar
my are ofj H ;§reat itparest. Jalaps,.'upon tba
whole; i* an agrees Ue/positionilnt Parote, where'
General Worth is statueH. tiij the'reverse. It
ftfn'ri* at thedtstanoebf i few apes from the foot
of (hi* Coirs/and atthe height 0f7,700 feet above
: the ocean level. The town consists of low hou
| set with few doors or windows in front, extend
ing; for somo distance along the road, and has been
well-built,'though it i* now in • dilapidated con
“ditiofl. The town enjoys, from the appearance of
the people, the reputation of being the most vil
lainous spot in Mexico. The population is about
1,200, and a more miscreant set could not be
From Perots to Puebla is 67 miles, over a bar
ren country. According to a letter before ns, the
country between Peiote and Puebla the Pinal ap
pears to be the only spot ofie/ing) any advantages
in the way of military positions, and that may be
tamed by a superior force passing northward
through Huamanlla. Puebla is an open place,
in a valley, entirely commanded by heights, the
possession of which by an enemy would place the
j city at his mercy: that a very small number t>f
I men left there, with a few mortals and their ac
companiments in a fortification such as Fort
Brown on tbe Rio Grande, would preserve tbit
tranquility which ought ever to reign in a spot so
favored by tbe Celestial boat.
The Army under. General Scott, according to
the telegrs| hie advices, have advanced form Cerro
Gordo to Perolel which is a distance of between
30 and 40 miles.
Our next news will be a battle at Puebla, and
then at Mexico, and then, anywhere where thy*
is chance for a show of .resistance.
[Thenar spirit increaaesin Mexieoamidst.alldi*-
ra, iustesd of being on the wane. This wi a.
aide manifest liy the Proclamation of the mw
President, [which wo published yesterday. W*
wld, now, the- last words we hate seen
to the conslitaent Congress V
In the face of the nation, and oflthe whole
world, I have staled that I am detei mined to light, l '
iba usurpers of our aoil aa long- a* there is the
print of their foot left oo our aacred soil. 1 ' -My
sentiments, in conformity in ovary reaped, with
my pledge, separate me from tho govetnment,
and call ,me to the army, and in obedience
to both. I'have determined to march this week
to Verm Crux, to lake charge of the military ope
rations, under the belief that the decree of the
government, giving me the command of the army,
ia still in foise, but if it should have expired, I
supplicate most earnestly that it may be renewed.
To no man is it given to lift the veil of fntoiity,
and no ooe can say what will be the result of the
events which will pass under our eyes, bat favor
able or,lata), tbry must not influence our opinion,
which must be based oo other considerations. —
ifDmne Providence should have in store for us
more trials, if again our fields should be devastated'
,<Ol cities bombarded, our tillages destroyed, onr
brave soldiers should die in the 6«ld of battle,
and, eyen iffortone should be propitious, the ca
lamities inseparable from war would be terrible,
particularly 'when conducted whh the barbarity
and vandalscm displaced by the Americana, with
out any mitigation,of civilisation, and to the dis
grace of their arms; but fatal k as all these evils
might be, far more pernicious beyond comparison
would bo a peace forced upon da at this moment,
Peace, yes, peace-is what the nation wants, bat a
prace ib it must be won by our valor and constan
cy, bought by victories obtained by .a people that
detests oppression. A peace of tbisMrind will
save us, and make tu respected by the powers
that otoeryc us, and give as the place duo [o the
Mexican nation. If wo cachet obtain suih a is bolter to bijry ourselves under lbs ruins
of oureitfet, and belter to die than live without
A* to myvelf, t am determined in breast the
dingers ot toe campaigns confident that roy con
duct will gain the appmbaxion of OJ fellow citi
jjena If tam crowned /'by victory, and aucmd
in driving (he enemy from our soil, I shall retire
to private Hr, satufivd that I *hall have rendered
my country Mime service, or if the lead or >l*el
should cut tbe thread oJ my life, 1 shall die cod*'
leiUed. as I shall leave to my country an hoooia
ble memory, and to my children a name at which
they need never blush.
Ajttosio Loras Da Bim Ases<
Ntwi Items.
Hon. I)»vm Toni*. »b« newly appointed Min*'
iile;s to tbe Court of the Braid!*, arrived in New
York with bis family front Ohio on Tuesday.
The AaaatCiN Bsmsr publication Society
base receive*! $24,1177 for their last years publica-
The vt-wcca of deaths in Philadelphia last
week was 120,-68 of them children. ’
No less-than four different routes are either in
aperitioo, or in preparation from New York to
Boston as follows:
Via New Hsven, distance.
*• Norwich, *• 238 M
•• SUningt-in, •* 214 “
•• Kail River. “ , 241 *•
QToe passage on all tbetc routes is four dollar*.
laranvtxtvT ow t*b Osaoa.—The Warsaw
V isitor c-jogratulaUs the people of the south-west
on tli« decision of the County Court of Benton
countv, to invest the d-ntribaUve sbtr? of the sale
of the &00.0&0 acre* of Land granted to this Btale,
by the General Govcrorevnt. and also the road
and ('anal Fund of the county, in the “Osage
River Ascocistion," • company chartered at the
late session of the Legislator*, to improve the
navigation of tbr Oeige.
Hivoglib. —A .German whowsa whitewash
ing the cbimoey tops of the Franklin House, in
N«w York, fell from the place where be.was at
work, and tn bis fslt, a distance of 40 feet, broke
•even rounds of bis ladJer and landed on the roof
of the reading room. He was so little iujuml
that be wu enabled to walk to the Harlem rail
road on his wsy home.
DscuHTeas ur Misstosaaiu.—lt Is stated
that a pious and benevolent lady, in lha neighbor
hood of New Yotkcify, bu it in contemplation to
devote her time and property to the education of
Missionaries, orphan daughter#. And that' aVber
deceive the designs, should an institution of the
kind be established, ta bequeath to it her meins
snd personal proparty amounting to a few thou
sand dollars.
Thi. Dublin Herbld says that Lord Ashley,
Rev. Mr. Bickecs'elb, and some others, have rais
ed nearly $lOO,OOO for the employment of tepen
hundred scripture readers for Ireland. This ar
my of colporteurs is to be immediately dirtributed
'over tbe country. reading tho bible and instructing
tho people in thev bouses by the way-side.
Gov. Bubble states, in his recent message to
the Legislature of Connecticut, that the Btateprii
on supports itself, snd contributes a surplus 0f
53,472 12 to the trra-ury. This fund, arising
from the constrained Islnr .if the guilty, he advi
ses t i be applied to tho relief of the uaTottanate—
the insane, dumb ami the blind.
Gas. Kxibset, the Colon says, is supposed to
be on bis way home from California, and may be
expected some time this summer. Ha has been
authorised to turn over bis command to Col. Mor
gan. which was done on bis application of list
fall to return home from regulating affairs in Cal
A vote of thank* to Qis. Tat to* was brought
before the Louisiana Sonata on the 30th ult , but
■ votn of two-tbirda could not be obtained for con*
•tdeiing it Nine Whig* and three Locos voted
for it, but twtlce Locos roled against it, and ( so
prevented it being kakrn op.
A Maoisiitratb in Rochester was called upon
to sweat in a number of recruits for the army.—
He discovered that be had left his bible at home,
and on turning to go iur it, several .voices said *‘l
have one, squire.” It was also ascertained that
almost every recruit present had.
A* xxvAisira conaxwyT.— On* dollar bills
of the New Haven coanty are itsued, com*
posed of paper, made nf India rubber, which is
manufactured at Lisbon.
Kev. J.Gaostcur, a Baptist minister of OnU*
rio coanty, N. V., has been proeeeuted for
'■educing the daaghter of Mr. J. H. Wheeler.—
The case, which excites much interest. Is expected
to be tried at Canandaigua tbie we tk*-Roch.J)em,
Pacino Rsttaoin.—Resolutions in favor of
Mr. WbitnoyV Railroad to the Pacific have been
pasaed in botfebranebeeof the New York Legis*
latare by Urge majorities. In the Senate there
was but one vote in the negative, and in the As*
sembty 16.
Gsxat ipssd —The mail train was rim over
the Boston and. Providence Railroad, one night
last week in the extraordinary shprt time of one
hoar tod seven minutes—distance 4 l. mUef.
Sit, —a name distinguished it} British
snnalfc,—*nd one whose ancestors sent e Colony
to Conoeetieot, end settled the town of Btybrook
died lately in England.
Gaw. Scott’s last “Plate of Soap,".was taken
out of Baola Anna’s dish, the Mexican General
beirg entirely too “hasty” in bis movements to
wait io partake of it*
The Democrat of the Ist iqst, gives
retains of the election of 52 democrats and 45
whip and abolitionists, as delegates to the Bute
fflfttfpnijanal convention.
It wlO be remembered that Liaot was
put do trial.last month fist h» attack upon Alva*
rsdo»ia dtabbedience of coders. 'Theianlence of
ihe CJfturt trac 1
’Hal Liest* ChtdnG. Htioier, United States
Xtry,lj United Stales Home
Squadron, and reprimanded by the commander*
iiKbui«nWiueh reprimand .ia to bo reed on the
quarter-deck of «Terj| vessel on lha squadron, in
the preeeoca ofttte oSeersjaad crew. £
. ; VJ. bRYXN, J udg* Advocate; -
Commodore £eny| gave .the reprimaptfin the
following word* winch are.unnecessarily harsh:
Ust.ran STATaiFtjto Bnrr Miasiasrrrr, >
Anion Litardo, April 9, 1847. >
St*:—l enclose herewith tbe findings sod sen*
tones of the Coon MsrtiaJ, convened on the 7tb
iustant. for your trial, which imposes upon me
the task of expressing! in [he form of reprimand,
my opinion cf your dondhcl as proven before the
Court Martial. j! j
However lenient ini sentence iu your case may
seem to be, I have approved it,, as I can conceive,
of no punishment moire severe than a dismissal jo
time of wet from a nju&dron actively engaged be
fore the enemy. The [sentence, wbiloit condemns
in a most signal maEijjier, your conduct, cuts you
off from fbither association in this eqasdron..nith
men whose patient endurance uf the most tryii.g.
duties, tod whose character for courage, obedience
jVe won my highest approba-
and subordination,
1 How different bee been jour course! Scarce*
lj a day on the elation, and yon disobey order*,
arrogate to yourself! the duties belonging to a
camtnaoderdo'cbief,; talk of openiug; upon the
town, and of orderiug tbe troops to advance when
lyou btfd'but one guri, and not a solitary soldier,
|and "all Tor the purpose," (as you aay.) ‘-of secu
ring an umsolsted <|ntraoeo of ibo squadron into
theriier." j '
i It would Be diffiet
to another instance <
ebaritstde cocstrocUi
—that in the elatioi
bad truly imagined
mand of tbl nual a
approaching* end w
scene of your explo
(Signed) ■
To Lieutenant C
: It, if not impossible; to point
: f similar folly; and tho moat
iid tbst can he given to it, is
it of the first command, you
-1 yourself actually in om
, id military detachments then
> thin a short distance of the
its. With, due respect.
larlea G. Himtor.
os.—-The Virginia delegation
s will consist of the following
tho next Congrei
gentlemen* m |
Whig#. / I.oco*.
Jobo M Dotu, ' Archibald Atkinson
Wo L Gog gin, Ueniy Bedinger,
Henry P Irfiog, Thqa H Bayly,
Tho* 8 Flournoy, BTI. Beale,
Jdo 8 Pendleton, Joe McDowell,
Wtn'B Preston,, Kobe A Thompson,
Wo G Brown,
1 Fayette MeMollen.
A ?»caocy exiata in (be Petersburg District.
Certctpondißte of Fltlibureh CJaaeiie.
Tbs Telegraph wu out of order yesterday be
tween Lancaster and Philadelphia, from quarter
jo 10 o'clock (or the balauce of the day. We
am, therefore, without our usual commercial atxl
news correspondence from Washington and tho
caitrm cities. !
Pnooaiss or the Ami.—We aro indebted
to an extra of the journal for the facts in the lob
lowing despatch, giving news from Vera Cruz as
la'e u the 29th uh., and .vrv'rul day« lat»r from
the command.of General
The last news from the Army gives intima
tion of the occupation of Jaltpa and Pi-rote bj
our troop*. Gen. Worth is m commai <1 of Pi
rate, with seven pieces of eanoon. (.’analixot .1 1
ermraind of Perote previously, and uVand-uirv
it after spiking tbe guns, and upon the approach
of Geti. ScotL Jalspa'was quieter turrend* re.'
l>y a dcpulstitli o! the town, ar.d M'.i.m* tin.
d the city. .Colonel Child* i»
army bad resebr
Governor of thii
Sants Aana
way from Cerro
men, the remna
pured through Jilaja tin hi*
Gordo He bod with him 60HQ
t of bis defeated army. Wr
hi* strive] at ill* ri’y of Vex
ability. j> that ho woqU l»<i re-
have no ccwg c
ico, and the
nt. reported at Oriza*
>'rsllj ibe'army which setmrd
knee in thifir Commander
ed Anas bad !»<•«.'
Coward hy' his countrymen at
i Mexicans were ptrpenng to
, and 'the t*«>ncic»* to rejn^ve
turn for tho prese
bo. endeavoring l
to b*v(! lost conft
It w»s rtpor
denounced ss a
the Capitol. Tk
dfirDil their cit
General, hail »ci t
their place of
ammenger to the Coogre*. acknowledging hn
willmgnec* to make Peace, but ho answer bapJ
been received. ,'
The Vera Oiux Cbrociclo of 2«ih, say*. that
e correspondence ha» been n-js/tl by th.c Mexican
authorities, addrrsved by a c*«at pen.<nagc.
I'tne i* not given, to Seror lt«*j in. offering him
A certain sum to bring about a peace, and >'e
claruig a.'rraJttiets to place mesh* at ht*ib»p>
sal for the accomplishment nt that purpose.
Gen. ladao, the‘commandant at Pu>bla, u*»
fortif'iing that place, and determined to defend
it to the ilsat. \
Gen. pattenpn h»d neatly recovered frorniha
lata indisposition Gen. Shield* ..ill living,
but bia recovery waa considers! douhtfuL
Santa son is at (he hrad.of a matauding
party of ‘fajonlerer*, iafesting.lhe road between Ja
lapa and Vera Crux- v
Mr. Black, Isle American Consul at Mexico,
after being driven from the Capuo 1 , I,lok refuse
to TampiCo, and is new about uitumng to the
United States.
A .proposition was introduced 10 lotnove the
Natiooai Congress to Tafpan.
General Taylor was preparing to march on
Sen Luis. Tba disbandment r f vuluutecia tshofte
term of •mice was »»»*. Wa« rapidly dimint-bipg
his force-s The Regiments from; Indiana. Ohm,
Illinois, Kentucky, Mitsissippi, and Arkansas,
were abojjt returning home.
Poa rgi Aaav.—VV« have noticed the prepa
ration of a large number of 18 gallon kegs, with
etrong handles over the bung holes. We learn
that they are intendod for the use of ibo Army in
Mexico!, to transport water across the Deserts
Two, with other loading,"Will be the burthen nf n
male. A stroog strap, with buckle*, win be tm4
t> connect them across the muie'a back-
The slock in. tbo Wheeling Bridge has all been
taken, and the Director* weie elected yiaterdsy.
roiao 4tu»kt, coantu or rorr orricc sllct.
(jy-AV* urc rmw prepared in execute in aMtpcnnr
aad expedition* manner, ail kind* of Jot I’Ri.vri*.*
>uch «* larjte I’uiter., Sir.TiWul Bill., Bill. 01
Letter Sheet Circular*, H*ndh:t(», Curd.; A<*. *<•
rook iJro raaritLCT pais-rixw
10 any extent executed in the tint maunei-, 4ml ail
kind* of Printing done wnli accuracy and at tbe .owe*'
UgafWt Information—An important discovery
in'mcdteme ha* beernnnde by Dr. Upbam,— it consist*
ir’he happy combination of vecetabln .uli.i.tinT*, m
the furiaol an Eirewary, wb eh hateUenrd aurpriMnx
cure, i* the iQfl'l dittre.sms can*, of Hcr.'tiorrlniidt or
I’llri, tind for llm complaint hat been pronounced a. ui
fallible. .
tryPo'.cf, Wholesale and Retail. by WYATr A
KETCHAM, ISlVulmn *»ert, Sew York. 'Yw. Tnosv
MarkH rireet. and,l*. R. Stmthfileld »turi
I’lttsburghi l*S. I'rire *1 prr Ikjs myll lw
177" tVa invite the attention i*f our reader, in the r t
traordinary coresof tfrn»fnla performed bv Dr. CuU*n't
Indian Ftf'Ulidt Pn'vuio, winch they will find rrrotd.
rd in another .ccjlutnu of to-day’. paper They urc
wnhost doubt thpj mod wondcrlnj qii record, and have
•o been prouonueed by innny of »m mo«i re*nccieWc
pby.ioian* Tbejaniicird and other* iniere»|cd, aro re
qoe.leil to vi*it iliem at tbeir .evernl place* of nl~>dr.
Tind lesm ftmn their own lip* the vrondeiful etTertr nf
the medicine. The find one named 1. Mr Isaac Hinok*.
who may he *een daily, between rtiehour.of'J A. M.
and4t*.JU at thd offieeof RowaiwlA Walton. So 370
Market at. I’hilads. ".-fl
' • —*• ■—
Olnieni Panacea.—Mniai.
Taniwonr— Welhejc leave 10 rail public to
the following, from Dr. Wm Doan, of Witham*vi!lc.
Clerntont Co , add one of the very Gilt practitioner* m
thn rouiviy in which he rc»idu, and late .Senator in the
Staid l.e<i*{aturß. Im» cheering ibua {r*r- the lcti.l
ton men of the profetaion, burning (he bond* of profc**
■tonal prejudice,'and diving merit na due
“Sir: I have m in>'.j>racitce beeit nun* iommi jour
Uinapng Panacea, and, w far, am well plenvcd m .is
cffecti in Catarrhal and Bronchial Complaint*. Plra.r
•eadme half o dojeu bonier—put them n« low iu von
caiti m 1 ripeetif it continocato render a* general *ai
iafaduon ai it has heretofore, to keep 1( con»Unily on
hanfr: Rffpceii'ally, npt7 W*.Do*x, *. n
$5,00. 5,00
THE suhsctiixer respectfully titfonb* ihn public that
hc.kaa commenced too . manufacture of GrntfeWMv
FtJkivnabU Awb, of good material and workmanship
which be will warrant superior to any Hoot e*er made
in Pittjrbnrfh for the price. These handsome Boot
will bo made to measure, and'warrant *bem as renre
seated, attaa eery low price of JfIVE WLI-AllS
CASH. OfiUemen are requested to call and eram
ae them. |yiH \V U EJUJKLN L.
uaementi whicfeappear in Uw Daily Jiwaiaf C«zei:fr
•l<o »pt«*r in-tie Tri-HV'etklj, iio»Teecirtnyiic bea
efi i of the ctreaJaiion of aU,- witbom : aoy aijdiiiotxhl
chance Thu :*ahaJvauiageTooar o'|*cni»cr*, without
nity r .t«lvi-V:i*c.-neiin are m-t- m'tnet'
n llit. country paper upon reasonable ‘tern'.
Eki'UiOSS UASK nr PlTTVsC*'i»l, )
May <th. l»4? }
Thu UaoJc lias ihu dey declared • dividend 01 three
end • half per ccm dll i!*'•lnrk ;>.i)j'.l«- ui
iloekholdero. or (her Irtm repmentaiivc* ' : m n'W
the <ib uirtam THUS. M H»W K i xdi- j
wyM'd t'm*'''
- \v .‘Any 4t!i. It 4? ’ $
Th»- President and IJifrciijTa^jil 'flu* Bunk have Uii*
day dec tared a dividend of three and a halt' per teuton
inr capital stock lor ibr la*t t‘i month*, payable to
or their legal representative* forthwith.
in)sdtil JOHN S.N VUKR, Cashier.
IVlii: ami Jnli-Xusonic Candidalts.
Major JOHN '.VILI.OCK will t>c auppoited before tbe
Whig .nut Autmiaaooic Convention lor the office ol
county Treu*urer. FIRST WARD
Ms. Koitoa—i’leAM *uriounc: the nnioe ol' Major J.
M. RNoDORASS of Milßiti lowiuiiip. as a tiujabie
candidate to represent ibis coumy in the
in> KIA w*r LKIiION
MR KDI FOR:—Plea<c aniotincc ih? name of JOHN
J ML'SK. of Versailles T6wi»r.htp. u •tillable candidate
lor the Legislature myT.IAwT WILMNS*
Mi KmoR—SA.'I'M'AI.MKK. K»q. ha.l»en *[>o
ken of liete a» nit vxeel tmi nnd *uitm>lp camlt<lni>* 'ot
th«* irpninture Uy cilunj; mtrmiem In the m>ove yoo
will c.hiii>«* m--»tiy 'Vh oi tin- city
Largr Sale of Building Lon. in the Eighth Won!
of the City of Pittsburgh
ON Wednesday atternbon, the tfSUt itu'sot, *ll o'-
clock. l.u the premises, will be told: 146 very splendid
iiu liting 1.0 * of Ground. fronting on I'caosylrama
A venue (uearihe Court House,land streets adjacent
thrr<- o, cotapri*ing vrry eligible inflations for business,
ni.uiufat turuiff purposes and private dwellings—a part
of ihe *dme having* a beautiful view of the Mononga
heia river and the adjseenti'ccnex}*. , • •
A plan of t e Lot* nnv. •>*; bad at the Auction - Boom,
or oi! application m DaViD GREER, at bis residence
on IVnn street. Trims- { Ca«h: balance payable in
i'vj «ijnal nnnua! payments wuh interest, to l>e seenreo
L. notet and mortgjge—purchasers to par expense of
rouv'-yancinß. myt4 J P DAVlS,'Anct’r
{American copy] *
Lois In LattrsnserUlet .
0\ Suiunlny afrernoonche 15th iast at 3 o'clock,wilt
1 l>< sold on thr premise* 19 valuable building lots of
I Etound. 1 very handsomely situated in the borough of
I L**rei:eeville, near the Allegheny Arsenal,
i Also • Tliut beautiful private residence, formerly oe*
i cup.cii I y James Telford, adjoining the,above, contain
-1 m; itixiut two acres of ground, on which it ercctfsd a
| e'hhl i.rick dwelling bouse and several other buildings.
I T.irnus: onr-'biinb ca«h. balance Ih.tbree equal an*
1 mi.-ii p*vmeni.i with interest—to be secured by notes
: *nJ monguge property. ntj®-
DookS at' Anctloa by Gatalogns.
I O* s*.*tu»dir> evening. May 43th, at7J o'clock, St the
I Commercial Auction Rooms, corner of VVroJ and Stb
| .tresis, will t>e fold without reserve: A large and ex*
j colkcnonoC (looks, among which are elandird
Ma Ko’ nix - i',r„. e umir. me- thr name of CALEB | Work*, in ail the various department# of literature, by
U .i:. l>u .it ttj .my ii, s , Ulin „ norfoti tur«*pre»cm . Ca<aiogue. which are now ready for delivery, and tbo
ti * con*', u:n,r Lr«i*;-iutr nm 14 JAw] MOON i books will b-i srranged for examination in the afteuwon
* previous to the »ale. ®yH
JOSD'M Mi-cTLLOUI been of l v
*.un-r. nr.d I>i*iojj in every icipen bone*: and cap Abie,
Will l-e • uppoiied l.) iriciiu* lor inatoltcc briorr Hie
CotiTrniioa ni)|lij&w
THOMAS PKRKINS.of Lower Si Clmr lown*lnp.
•.rii! Hr a runilidatr for nomination lo ihe ofli.-- of emm
iy Cf>raun»«ion* r mj’UWAw
JOJI.N SHKItIFI'. 01 ilio city, will bo «upporied h\
mill) VVh'<> of ib« iniy and roonty for nmu.nation by
!>c Convention a* a earn!.dale for Hie Lrfmniure
JWIt \ X f K»{ . He i’.i)*, vvi.lbr Aiippane.l |,. foj c
Il.r Wjj 5 ai.J Atuitnu-ani.c Convention Kir nnni.titii.oii
Col W. j:<|»V nf Ij»«v C -M i-a r town*' ip xvi|i le
•uppone.l |iy many \Vlt:i?» anil Aifm*«ni;. for t:.c !»•:•
Liamture. in\ 111! > w t* m:\nv. >■{ si »:ikir p. wi;
1'- »i.|> ported i«y m.ipy »> «t:il AM-manm* for th.
niftt-toi i'ouni< roniiir'-mn-r
m.lMAw* i
jcm\ MOJiRI.-0.N.0i AIK-Rbcny. ..<• ‘upport
r<i U) ru:ili)' 'Vm*;. mid Ajilima»on» Wi mMiituation by
Uf Cuii. t u. .1 i-o:i«1 il.ur fur > oii:H> Ti«
•n\ I *d.v iv l F.O KTIK
>l(i Hnttes - l t.ilsv j>W*ure •« recommending 10 i . . :-.t
of sfw,Ann Ma»ou e and Wug Count* I KLIOIBLE ISVMTHMT;
"'ouvciinon, M a Rs>||Al.L Si;1 1 iVaKTZWLLDIIK. ! r'Oß^Al.H—The property ofWILLTOWN OP ST.
»:-q -a peui.einariATeliqualified mrrprc*"'mthi. r«»;.n- , r FBRDINAND, with the Mine* of Coal and Fire*
ty m the Smie A»*eciip!y Hi* nutmnalibn would grau- j Clay, and .the (aw and firist Mille/and other Implore
5 co) i till: w " l ' aSK'o'r'Tlti; f'.\ RTV ' '"rht., fine property camame-upwerdiofONEHUND*
. RED ACRES of land, beautifully situated on the welt
ri*«- nouuril bans of the Mississippi river. and only ten nulee al»ve
Co ““ c,l ‘ . , ii,». cuy of Si Loui» It bar » river-front of 1 <OO feel*
,p,,'‘retire ulenV» 'msrvV'Vfcreit» •*»suimouMingthebtot&wbich at ihltpoiatapproaek*'
„MJ,Tr!Tf u r- nor»». of .»r-«.l- '** within sOO feet of the rirer.Lcrtenda hack tor neatly
‘';«»»; i'roVr£lin™hn bodr to •TieHipßtV n U**‘i 01 a m> o««-» rollin?andwelllimbered eopmry. The
L.1‘,1 j itT In%V. n lLe £'e« of tWc lu.u.iwi * oil "of the beat quality for farming purposes; andUie
r"1 J |fo * ,crt *’ K*q , Jem ue* ci the ‘ , &» CTeb of bottomland. bare a level above IhatofmH
oid narv flood*, nnd are vve(t adapted tor raising *egc-
"• t tabl.'* fur ihe Si. l<ouismarket.'
Notice. [ •I'h,- biuCT contain* a vclii of coal, which has hern
t67-A\ t.i.our ned uiceniig of ihc stockholders of i!m j wroupbi ami found t» beofexcellent quality. Thecpeit-*uurcU and .Conucltivuie Ua<i Road Company uill i ,„u> u»c miae. preaenily in uae. has been newly titt- -
l«- bc-lil at I’ (full, n.i Wtdu -Ml-). iin I I'M n: May. i i.ei >nJ ami is sufficient lor srxTOCsns. There if a wood*
a' ‘l i.'rloet. i‘i M I cn railway front the isoiiih of-the mine to tb'h bank-of
ir.v I till U.M M.DARLINHTON, Scc' , h eriycr.
died. I Srr-Uncknof a superior description bare been. wide.
• ..v V . n ocvi-ni- I . IJ 1 Connected with the steam enginaua mU forgriodioj
A N.» Wfk.Dr J lilN RRV KRK >■ l-1 n,*u.*]ied ; , , , a<^o i o [ ng « re *Vdl, for the maou&etttre
jin»fe«*or in rirt ineJ-.-u: iirparimrn: ni lue Li::ver«:iy i t>| - 1 ® ■ '
uiihauM). Tiu-rr i» a Saw-MiK alsoinconncctionwrb the steam
At Richmond. V»..nn Thursday. of inflammation of 1 power, ur wfirh the demand* of Use district ami of the
th? bowel.. Dr AUIiUSTL H l- t'* aKNER, PmiVs.oi . n-c ii-oni'i? city will always find sufficient employ*
r>t S-irprrj .it th* .Med cal o: 11-uopOru j meul. ’ I
M-Jney ttopcpi-.. i -V Corn Mill was ente'ed U»l year, with oiie.ruu.or!
! «iou« r. uni so constructed as to adrairof a second rou
PIIII.O ii aL Li ' s bei *c added, whenever required. The elevators, garn
-1 Ml, ' u pri«ce«ofaCrm.Mill.w»tb
E\I RAfißlilNAlti mid entirely >inpn-ceJciited , l[lP wiiolc machinery. are euurely ncty, of the best hind,
i ••*«..» uii of rcirimfic illusion', conn‘tm tof va- ; nn .j working order. The steam engine is abon*
r oo» iurpri-ittg and *mu».ns etpe'-.inents m rhenrsuy, , ,j aill | y , up plied with water, at all season* by means '
V ' a-h-ad-pipe from ihe mme and tank.
PHILOSOPHY ASn MAGIC | 3c*-tSe* ilie iiiiillauiUimn.ihere aie OQlb* prenitKi •»
l.y Wi «»r« M’l iI.D mid A I.CKR Vl—for Hrpk l>welli»y llou*e, 40 by !6| wet, end
N-et.u.uti'). MouJ-v. Tuodsy J Wc*iu>.-*il»y. May : , Wl , floor*: ano re hdu*eefbe»rn lofa, filled in whh.
I7H| l» .»Id Ioiti im: : | l(Tl< . five loy hm». ai>lacfe«tnitb I »*hop, nod ««>e miner
Tu.**"- .nC'>m|Jfei ) i*i.«i’»ir crp<T'm-»i!« ;ir»* pi-ftountil . - An scitfard a nalfhtre been itif
wiih a mr**; and co«’-iy up|iar:t!o* \ , c- , f j r „
I ii- >:a;e prcH-nim* the tfrixnrsnre 01 n g-and J’r.i , Ul! may have also a mule, well broke
®c>* •>• KiWMintn-r.i ; uj, a Bg with a large number of coal weMrii endbqx
«Jf ii rinen*' 7 ic« n- r..-,-'*, 33 ct* , r „ „„ i unpicmem* for coni mining and brick making.
C'ii' iiieu mulfi to ?j | <]'*> Wwh*eir corn‘heller and cra'hcr,earl, audolli
, 1 li*ll'-pfl-i Cm ,*■ oie •«. **• at *o> lor I. . i ' a( > filiation.
A H tniil.i Mu*.r w!!W ni anm j nic ir.cti 1 *p >e nC ce«». both by land and water,i»Bte*entlv good
in) Mill* • __ _ ! a ».i wdl‘oon be g'enilyily improved. Th« BcHewntaitL
* v'iiM,'ivb'i i ti v v i.- f» 1 routl.wHirhlfßil* i" the property, will be macadamized.
A . ; I'.’r-t. vr' ,• ’r -i I [l,l * lance m Urn i» .■ in-mi it in a d.rcctioii which would carry,
r A R 1 p , t .u»; i.. mr*. The ledge tf rock, known *• the*
° AB *- *- “AMMU 17 I O *« - (irind I'iiaiH run* him the river about the centre of this
/ * \ Kr.iUi rven n« My 14. upon wiui-ii «>cra«um a j on which ■ pier could be »ecarely eooatruced
’ / ii-ir“'K Cl. i* »•., t.e Eivrn mr tb» i.< *< . ' ct'affsrduiffTr’landiDg'fof Meant*
I'mwa turn It i I.ApV Ci »NTHI Cl'TOR> ON LY. ui all »•«?'•» of water There ir, at present, an
in' fvr .-luid.aaie- lor .i.e I'n/e pv mrward , irr r!c «t landing about half a mil* farther down. "
mcir cnimiinr.ration*. ■•h!rrk«c<? io Fredi-r <* it Hunt.: lht . whole will t»e dupoted of on aaeh lentil u will
Hgeru oi c c con<pMii\ lo hr ie:: m ihe box '.{ u,e (Judy ) rn , u ; f an It nme:aie adeyuat-. retain forth* priee. while
iWgispn olicr r»u o. n< «m Cn.Uv noon • , hr . ~4 . l 7 r iheTaiue oflaotfin SpKerditjand toifti-r
l IIK uh>T CuSL NUKI'.M u> Ik; »eircnd by iUr-': vv _ i.oldioui the certain prospect olthe mreauoeiu'
Harmon m*. and nn-Ri:ti»-d lo 1 (.** i.ndiruce h; «'Um a ||i-:ny adv»n'si,<o Jl our.
I.v I'r.rn.,: ' , t \j; If f .Pi 1 1'R OSON. m ROBERT MATTH*-
|-..r |1 If.;. tuts *<r« - lir OH • - '* u; iii.- i! u , ,m urn prcini'C*. rlhihillhe mill*, 1
l)acr» iv" ■>' >’ coni-eri «• ‘ u’-vt. iml'i .andierm* of anle will be learned on wiplica'Km at
I\R TtIWS-it."* -1 rn I 'r li MAIM A • the nffim Of TAtWJR fc PERwUSONj ’.
<t<i|> nor to uj>> ' r» r. WOOD'S Strupullla HdWild'
purcui-, «,c'lei>itrg, at \J Cherry UlU«rs« for Ihe care of the fblkmtng;
’ 4,.ni.e». Jaundice. I.lvrr CorapNiot, »ll B : Illoo*Com*.
, . i? o: p|,. in ,. . lr t Headoch**, Heart Burn, Indigestion, habit*
u' - i rratt. ua l Coiiirrft'*", Pile*, I’alpiti'JioiU of the !!e*n,Lo*<
< in ii,e .\pprtit- D.«prr«lB.N'ffr»oa*lrrit»tion»,Detiilit«tfii
- ‘ • -- • sr-,«ni,: -tirocavU l.ioe'iiif Hrprc*sinitof?ptrii»,Chronicßheu
'_Li,r .v* mtV ,,„ «';i-3tic<>u« Di.-easea, Canker. !*yphilold Dieea
-7 > s.-rofuln Impuriiic* of the Blood, Pimple* and
tu>'*» on the Purr, lirmiitarj llnmore, Ctold Soiee,
it an «h*ea*<*» auxin* from an injudieioaatuieof Mcr-
ehr »,vr j> ea»a.i'rr. and'
Ii <*-.rr>- vom i
,ir • t -,i u- :1,.- f.a. -uf „
• .i>o* <>u’ :<>r Im-rsit«‘n» ;■« p«-r>uu« h;r»r
r.-p . j i.:f .a'*!* a-ill pji up m- >i n it.- -am- sbv ,
iuf- m s r To- To«. ,iucmu>n of the invalid public, mil of all thoae
l\,i «« - I-. II K ?>KLLFRV >ot- >«rt.t for Allrghmy .miicirJ hy any of the above disease*, is respectfully
pounti.J ■'>' Wood 'ir-i»'rm I'l'inl amLJ-Wrtti ' .-ailed to the mentaof a mw and invaluable prepare*
•is miU • non Hum an original recipe of a diiuqfuitked physician,
~ » viu i Vi) MyiiruTTi vatuUnuu? in itself the nw«i active remedial prepenie*
pO M tHCIIA> l h All), .iItiKCUA.NT ( ,<- lwoo | ibe ven first articles m the Materia Medica.
| hi .on-*--'<!»• ;«•'••• •■ i i; i ;>-»or.merituf.c«»r nnd Wild Cherry Hitter* were in*
I ■ x m, r.*. • :ti :« u *■' ;•-** iroiL vrr> iroduccd td'ine public about twelve months jigo, and
n w. m- Imu .v ; ' luruiij that period their success ha* teen so great as to
Mr-o'!.- ..-)•! t tx •- «n*t lue-. ium <;i!* in »•« , n iiu'-c ihe proprietor ts offer them with lUlftnoreconfi
i r j . <*%.ur:u«.-ni. boiii .Mailt urM uii- j rnrp< , iic ( B U bc'.ikf that t)f entering into KOtfteX*
p ‘ :i1 i u -‘ .... -n«ive u*eithey will prove a blessing to alt those k ■ h uhi-x *at n Ailju».:i>k MoeK». *udenng frubi the diseases above enumerated.
H...,* an .i .... da H<-« J**; sold, wholesale and retail, hy WYATT * KETCH*
- io, t , ... of ,\<.iti. -Hook* iL> r». ■ , ceneial urenta. I til Fulton street, New York; W*.
x.Mm, At-A--. ><u sain »• arc uisiuuciu* . r , lotXi Mur)U street. and I*. K SlWTU.Southfield
r.,r i.x ihv m-«nufacturrt * “Sf? I _ni Ni. -jS-wart ’ * lrcrU Pittsburgh, Pa. Price Sl-large bottles,
sirec.tip I.1)U ART) TuDl) mchtttlStn . *dp
“ vrn. , NOTICE.
|4 Y& sTRI'IIEXS of Wheeling. E. K. Sbeesber*
li,. psrW.Jooiata andjJ. A. Slockton of Piltibonb,
: irtx-c uvji d«r entered iij)oco*partaer»bU> uad*/style
iod (Sk* *if sßephenv 1 Shoenbergar t Co, at the
Auoblrlrpa Work*, Wheeling thepsrpoaeof
iron and nails <?f every deaenptun..
K v\\>teri!fs», E. L' J. JL &toc»tok.
iWj • WAeeungt Va. ‘
all kinds of boiler,'abeet, bariton and
<>:x.;c4&lt'kteel eiipue spriajrs aad axles Being eon
£h.>rnlier*eri Old Juniau Works, we ean
old' iiarticle of Juniata troa [branded Shoenberser]
•<tust in any made in the eoontry. Allofwbichwtllbe
Kiu«t>nrghpriees. warehouse of the Works
foincr ji Monror_and Water atrtets. mylt
. Arc the Links that bound us broken!
- Where are now the Uopes l Chrnshed!
_ J.V i r Tis the Hare in the Air.
13I9IICUIATGLY> ... He doeth all things well.
) LABORERS-Also. IWlSione - * Dresra* nf the past -
Niw York mid Kne Railfr-Sd, <*n : The Rose of Alabama*
ilie DtU.snrc R.c«r m * rcwurk- | Mury of Argrle. Thq&lolbdr.
ill:«ountry Tbe loßowing ■ : We meet at strangers.
**»>:... vi*: Kislit) -seven afnl u-j Tis MidnmgbUiaur. „
IJ-iMrd."» iwo Unr«i<,por >wtli . j Officer's Fuueral..-- The Old Church.
U.vVli) H i.OCK^IAtJr - l‘.«ll of VeraCrut; a descriptive piece,
mi K»v3tF *, Snll,mn eVjr-V >'U? V ' Oetelle Waltx..
fIOACII Tid 3kM iJlCS-rDieTui...„■ ■ J., r j ft ' i
L/ r.:evtvM»* J ctlen-ixe Msor:n»dn'> .»i Atlantic" do
U.sil. Tr.iumiii(tKf tte* )i»c?l -slVie— unionß wtfen * „™. - ' S -
BreeaT.o,A«Ll.kil.n?ifa' r %f ! ve > r bren kept • , &u R da
wtrch tts* > pichis nl the Kastrrn Manu* . - 22*
laciuiris, *i»d|Jtt3 jal'iji(lSwJ,k"a,* loxvias "Ul House in , PWi- • db'
«ti-4i;tf rm-Bo.ii A: in .i« ! Washington WalUcs.
,n ' '* —i J* • i . - - I- The above jUstrce d and for sale by.
INGOTS, ! niyl J • JUMKLLOB.eiwqotlit^
S'S! BlorntV, Coimieilor .and Gtitnl ittßt
iiiet’<imnanvtar*3-feMdJoi>.TlVto i.?. | \XT L. PRALL, tnforAi* his friends and ihq pub
(j p n>^?^{^ Kl ,1,-J rinipanv |vV , lie that he has commenced, the business of
rnt ti _ J,li fJgav iKiumii'e ‘ Agent «>r'i uyiugand selling rral^siatAln this city, and
. J)i_x “ __ I will djvoie a large poition of his time aud auenuon to
U r lIEAT .AND A D— llk- | lJu . i CJ »n, R . kuing und biting of houset,a;orea and oth*
»ult»ci.i-rrs will pT," nhri,-?. purr (or | rl t>uttdnia>;in cQ'lrciing and disbursing rents,audOth*
pc me Wiine mill R-rt Wb« I er claims aud d>-mAni|s, and in attending to Agency bo*
in\H lllHBtUO"V water st j ,mrs* gcnerollj. He will also engage in the aefpMia*
, T‘; T l -'- . ' | non olloanr, contracts; etc., and will furnish authentic
I >ACON- I)i » JI v v . ' information in le'BUoH to tie paying qualities and re
h* “■*. -"T-Tv' 1 ' > spnnsibilitiea ot trnsnis, Ac. tor which bis extensive
f ‘' A, ‘ , l Ul '"'V;;’• n J,,o , ,,\, w- i ac.innimnnceeinineiitl) cptaliEes hint. He outy be found
M KIIRIIH.K,v\ U>ON whir, m j ff , j c , ie e. No Hi Ailed sirce.l.umil 0 l*S o’clock
lOriSVILLK H.UE-*-uf liir/clt'fl the best i m the ntornim; and *Rrr 6 o’eiook in tho evening, aed
. ...,,I,Lmimi irmn • csiitPp.l.niiv Aivntn airl foi 1 '‘U other hours «i his nfficn. No tS) Chambers'street, tnd
• SIR ..X •' min I'mSIiH.iTKK fc CO . floor front room. NEW YORK.
- . [ BKFKRKNCEt^—Hon F A Tallmadgs.’Hon John B
DItIBU J*fiJACllfcjS •'•Up rathe*, I. w cr>u. lion John hfcKvon; Hon Ogden HnlTuian. Ah
♦fk* i,., 1 , 1 ?: ' dermsu Hglictt Benson, Aid. Wm V Brady. David
Li store mill lor .*lr l x fU $ ‘ (irahair, Ksq, Wm J-Kdome, Ksq. myl3d9m*
" ,vM sjnl iro.ii «h noOKH, PAPER Ac-Jo»trec*dTa'largeKTof
SUOAIt —i.r* Havnitn ISrddMf from -tmr ! Jj Itooki, Paper and J*lai;onnrr, eomining of all the
r ik id. rl.n-et Ojlerfii*. >n roi.« go- , rLlleteiu kinds of books used in
mmi anil for rule i j bnoss of all kinds; i, grtar varivy of cap writing
mylt acKKI PFR'T >1 Rup<-r nn<l quarto poit ruled and plain, wrapping paper
~ . .. a . .-pt'itH sues, wall paper, l>onneiboards*blank books. Ac.
C L(».\H P 1 *' , ; 1 Meribanis anil others wishing to parehase. will fird
ibin ' i’ 1 * >!?•' ''o’*? | avomplne aasoftmentof overy. a,tick generally kept
~i li'iylkM. ami mrsaie IjW th V- , u . rs , i/n br<ok siores* which we will selllow lor easbjoron
110 ,1 - 5 "• v,' ‘ “ - jracbaoeerpr ra*«. ’
'JvoDACCO—V4 i.x*Ji»i,usj;r’» Kxira/rii r In? Hie*- paiil.cations of the American Sunday
1 Ji) kegs by ( School Union, and the Aracrtean TroctSocietyi always
n.jlt j A If’FliOVD. IDtlJl.iir* fmi fnr sale oi the Soclciy’aprleca.
rjos-F. baimsii. I l J F.i.uorrf
II nnrnedißie ase, consiaiiil'ujon hiaml ay the MuMaril —.. . .. .
an<t Srnro Factory, T 7 Fifth street. | J j ./TOLD PKNH—A large variety of <lo!d Ken**®'
n ,yi i a. ALC'OnN VX , th> most appioved brands Thgse are earefclly
PSSi“T"r «S
my»« MhTwtrter. These pens are all warranted, and telling
f \ ROUNU tilNuEH— s) bI»H, suit HO kegs on band rjfete lowest prices.‘Gold PenDepol.eof“ff{
V r .amt inf sain by KHODFB A ALCORN st mytfl , W
injl t _ ' NjMS? Frfili street AND gEW .YOIUK' PIANOS—
/tltfiL.Mi IT.PPr'.H. iqTibis.iikegsTnnJ bon-», flesh üB/Just received, aud opened by tbs subscriber* the
VX etound Slid roiiMftntly on hind foVsnle.fe - 3slowijig elegant instrumeaist •' , .
b UHOUKsi A ALCDJIN . elegant Rosewood Piano Forte, frontlhe cclc
itivM , Ntfi?7 Firth'strcet!.' Sb,aud faeioosof Chiekermg. Boston.
—.-4- si-One elesanl rosewood Piano Forte.®! octave, from
DRY APPLES—-itiO bus. Apples ior by <■ nimmanulactorvol Munns A Clark, New York:
mvl« JAR FLOYD 'A clr-gant loscwood Piano Forte*.Cocuvo, by the
T' »>.” . ..1., '••ssrHS ~i
R°“T PO ' VDK «Wk.j' for .*lj| I^x h ’KxaIKH FOBSAX.B—AIm »,« 9d
—■} i-J , - JAR ’ire Kngineinat will tbrowtwosideantfone
MOSS—•) bales Wossjnifcrc and/or sale tuts, with pipes and every thing ready tor
1 BANNERS’ OIL— la bbls?n store and fo l *»le ' * " '^AI^SPoETfV.
HACON— b hhd« Jlnms, pfles. and Sbould*t*,to .4f£' : ‘ Camai»ee_
Inv|il ~ _ ATWOciD, TVOSBPIJVK-9 bhis of the verT best Qaalitr. A*
MOI A»WFS— 5ii I.M, M It in siore and lor salft-. by . BRAUN k BhlfSa
myJ? b aTWOOD, JONE 9 A pi. cor Ltbaitf and 9t Clair sUeett
■ rru l :•. ' • ■
.Vfruijnr K
O i:n> hrwtii lu.rnr N«-«v Orleans *u&nr.
It'. i»nt • n «i Vrllow llarmia .io
11 Jo fine While d.i «J.i,
Hp.'iurii ttiowii Lou-* ana a »r|>e
r.o r *'! etc foi fuin.ty o<e:
31 IWPucsr No. 4. r,a-i.l
4>l i.l> « ' l.iivrinn’* : ' rutelifuii-d fru.licJ arul |Aj]
v-n/eii Mi*ar-. ' \
A;!0 !>!•)• I lj;i’alTii >lola‘«r*.
lo t>bl. ilt»a»r do, Koranic Ik
~,ui * r<>_
I 1 OK HAI*K -< <<> 'U I.bihT I <vo ra>re* fmm ihf
* (Vy. anil mljom of Mii'iehe.ier. «im»i»Mp Tor-gar
«ler\. or jiriffale ir»idri|Ct*». 1 ,
fwo 1,0 *of Ac»* r » ruth,
nl » A* r«*« 1..
o;t'l - *.i• * A|>pl) lo
riIUKK l\ Kent K-olr Olfi.ref
No -VI f«itnth6f
Mik.iit, nn ill
lh« Kn* rm U-i.k .
atiK >r>'U
for t»it*
' xmica
s : r ii bß4kisos Vcp.i j
the 19th in«- at the Auction •lore
on BdcKiain'i whtrf ‘ * -
-4-IU'FEK. imposed in b *^ e L EMMON
Catalogue* w.U be prepared, and aarap’cs
»>- -Ur Mott the Ml?. toy!3
By John D. UaTia,_ A'«etio*ptsi] : .
I’eremptory Sale ofjiry- Good*. ’ 1
<*N Monday morning,(he lTlVmataiit, *1 tyoctoca,
w>n be «oid fonr wont of aihoruJi may eoaWTtft An
ji»?rimeiU of *ea«on*b[<: t :.*tjlpfp/na4fane.7
Dry <.ic*>j4. Ac v 'W"r l v
Ai 2 O’Clock. I*. M. ’
Two bdadreJ and fifty neat* band boxe*. with It#
qich !tcsi.asn&r\ui)'of groceries, 20 boiealeiK
•irangca-, gUaawarr, queentware, bed eorda, * ovela,
••j'pciinj, looking glaiaea. tram parent window sbadCA
«p!rD<!iil>'mai!tel lamp*, S day and 30 boor cloekaj'k
■:rc aromnent of new and second band honsebolil
furniture, among which are one pair Miboiranyplnr
iai i*< with marble lop*, mahogany droning bortaui,
fane-) and common chair*, bedateadt, dialog and break*
ia«; table*, feather beda, bedding, mattraaaes; engra
vin|*, ic
Al'o,—l cooking aiove', kitchen furniture, Ac.
At :j O’clock, P. M
A Urge mid general asrortmetu of new and good
<j'i,iln« ready made clothing, cerman fancy goods, gold
an.l (liver watcht* rifle*,-ebol guna, piatola, tue tabln
anil i*o.-k«t cutlery, a variety of Dry Good v fancy ini
c [«•«,' Ac oyM
l' mlr r the coal there i* a bed of fire clay, fromwbieh
•-D I"
1 and twilled, ia great vane *
•* ■"'*■ M Market at, Philadelphia
«»j»d6w •
U Wood »ixoeta*e,new troto Pioao Forte, m«au;«c»
laredliy ChicketiSf.W Bo»*on, will be opened for H i
onTfcewUj-.Muyllthbr JIIMELLO* <
_ißfll _ St_ wood Uteri j
I?O&>ALfi —UOcui purple tad yellow 5 double
17- comet cboine.- ISO doe. oeTerol iliei window
(fth. ‘ 'JOO ntaoned eiie wooden bowl*. White l-ou.»-
Tillo Lia?; boy fork* end rsJree; trnj«he*,4c
«jrt‘ __ __J _jMIA.RRIg.No 3Q ah «i
FUTIBED-< bble. Flweedr
... - t kfLard; —•
6 do Butter; on crmairnaetil urn)
No tM wood etreet"
MASPRE FORKS—23dot,<4 prong M Foil.;
13 .do 3do Jo **
of itwriot qoality, jmt ree’d tmlifor *ale by -
mjr|3 UEO-COCtlßAN,yt>trood »;|J
* SHlES— Scorched Pouah—a coaannt
ft tuDDlyon baud tod for aale by '
mrlJ cor wood tad watrr »i
t>HECM APPLES-U cake iait reii'd * n J* j»r
ny|3 s _ No33(toin »i_
BACON— l-iMk« BaconSidea in priaWorder.inr «*le
Uy 9 F VON nO.VNUoasT I.Co
myl3 No'SS from ii
for aaleby . 9 F VON BONNItORBT* Co
tnyia NvSS front »t
nOCKpoWDEB-SJ tr Kock hwd<r.Vii«l,
Uloi«aieby I DICKKV k Co
my la water A fiom »j<
LARD OIL—IO bbU No I !.*rd Oil. j«m rm* find
liortaleby F SKI.LKi. 9
~D AISINS —For •mle by • '
cor wuer ft 'rocd'-iS
LIMB— 30 Ll>!» Lounville Liar, on cOn*:pui»!rnl
,«ndfor Mist) PUi.\i)KXIKR& l**»
raylO No 4 l water -t
HICKORY Kt?TB-sbbU for »ate by
\.f~II«ITARY STORE* comer of Fount' am!
IVi KUrkei-oiwei. myl3 ,\V \V
IlCp—2s frci Corlioe Rice; for»«!e by
l - mr«" -in RFIOVI
boi Corn ic *>ore n&d fair Mie hr
my 13 POtNOKXTKHX i'n
ILOVKB— I{ bbU jail ncVl and Jor talc by
WlpFfcMcCA NuLiaS
CORK BROOKS—IsH dot for salelonr by
ay(2 FRIK.NI>, RIiKV A r«i
riOPPKRAS—«ObbI* formate by
KJ myld . 2l FRIEND, RHKY ICo
\7INEGAR— 'JO bbl* fortale low by
myia ~ - - ! £RIF.NJ>, RHEY
Buckets a tubs, t«*i ved and for i>
wyio j »•
BROOKS— ISO dot. Ipr t«lc l.y
«yw i'2_: tassey a rust
yOUBG-UVSQ&»feXsllBl hH eW. lowpn.
J. ecd ¥OOO4 llywo Teas; forsale by
«>8 •>• .] , ; SaQaLKY A SMITH
ciii Caeon Shoulder*, on ecii
iifnxoen! and for jaieftjy .*
P)» \,!' •, CARSON AMcKA Ifi lIT
I EMONS—By life boi', In store and lor sate by
■ myt • -j' ’> dor wood and water »i
CASTOR Olli—s bills superior Ca«:or Oil reeM ' -
.and for eale by 1 — i _ CLAKKE& THaVY "~
_mjB canal basin
POTASH— <1 cyk» Pore! landing eud for <a|r br
myll . . j» JA R FLOYD
faihfolt; for sale l»y i
■P r _ ; J_A • ,
TIMOTHY SEED —'is bus clean Timo:by-»reti
for sale by-'.y ayU _ _ JAR FLoVD_
CJOAP—2O bJufNo 1 Gtneinaou Soap,jam ire'd land
Oforaaleby Jinyll U B NILTKNBKRGKR .
SCYTHE jiIEXES —4 gross ius/iic'd'anii for
sale by »y>l WICEA MeCANJDI.bJJS
C "USER—A few bbla for sale by ' 1
STURPEMTI9E-S WLfablsjUM red'd nad for .
. aalebjr ■ \,u . . Bp.SELLERS '
piy? > !•, r ~i ■ ~ . . 57 jwooil t{
■\TITROITS ETHER-? carboys, for sale by
IX mjB J.-- ">■ -'K fi SELLERS
XK RUAAKHONIA FORT—a Icarlfoy* rec’d
;Xi.aadfcrsaJc by myb > R E SKjiJ.V.R?4;
h7ABIEGATED BOAS—4 Lxi ilulll SoiiK for
" V sale by .H»yS ' RESELLERS
R/TACKEREt#—l7U*bbfsilar« for
IVI salcby myg BAQ ALHV A frMITH
RIO COFFEE—934 barf prime green Rio Toffer; !
for sale by ayb . BAGALKY ASMini .
DRIED' Peaches and Apple!*, for sale by J
ays' _ MeOANDI.KBS_ . i
£JA DDLS Roim, Cor s;ile lirrby j
O Af\ LBS Pow’d Pumice Stone, for sale by ‘ . , -
FEATHERS —30 tacks Fealberr, for saie-by >
_ myl : _ATWpOoJONES ACo_ !
and begin prirtc order, for "site Ly ‘
T^ASSlA—4oomaitsjust ree'dand forral'eby
»-AJUTREOE-l esk for sale by
'HERF byihe'bbl, for sale by
-D myll WICK A Mc.CaNDI.ES3
U AUOB—For sale by
-D mylP WICK A IteCANPl.l'^B
SOAP— IWBxs Not Cinn.ifoap t ina»TeajMrorsale 1
by mylO * . WICK A ,McCAN>»i.E«S V.
r AS—lSOUlfcbcsuiretb Tea*;for sale by _
rpOB ACCO—IOO bis !■,£•. U AIC*. for sale by
1 mylO j ' WICK A WcCAMH.ESS
CtOPP&K— Rio, Maraci&;r& (jgnayra; for *ale
/ ty tnylO WICK fc MeCANDLgSd
MADDKR-Fox sale by
HKfIiUHG— {ikneked] in bx«; for *a!i hy . Z
aylO W|CK * MtCAM>LK»S ,
O ROT—4O krci aboi, SMor.rU Not; for tale by
ROLL BCYTBn—2bbl«fbr sate by
Jay JO. 2. L . TASdEV A. BE3T||
DRY JIPPLES-8 bbls super. artiele, tot tale by .
ayttf ■' . • TASSKVfcBEaT
CiftJQlEßlfr—W b*s now leading’ lor Min by! ’ “
> . I DICKEY* ,-
I \KT APPLKS—IOO but; for tale by
1/ mjS I DICKEY k Co;.
A ti VlLS—Wronrhi iron'anvils: (or sale by
Y*lORW—4OOO boa prime yellow Corn in tacks; for
pile by my* ROBERTSON* fc REHPKRT
CLAY—Ia c>k> %ad JX*i far ralehT
Gni GAKPHOR—GOOtbajUftrrc’ri; for»alcby' '
mji • . J KlUft&Co j
T khov syrup, kxt. dox-.i» .
La twewdfomleby - «a>s J KIDI) &Co • ;|
S'lHAJUK—«»M4tjCb*lklnc*kt I for*»JebT )
UfcTS ACo .
STCEPKITISK —IS bbU in excellent order
.ferule by mjT ‘ JWCHOOVWAKKR &Co ; '
ru HI PJBOR—I bbijaxi yVcM end for »*teW 1 ?
L/ mft■■ - bksellers ;
SWAIS’S PAJ*C*A-I dot. fbr bj
•fatT* .i- o’r u:t . R•{ sellers
L v ?rt**~'*” ,lt '' 1 * gt ''•'rsyguiu. '
IOTJUHHpeab r*o\lyjidJiJT^ale
BYJTTBS— 3 bbti freih roll, for sale by
myd •: . i cm DWELL
4"tOnBS—3OO now No 2 Hood Tomb*, for ♦*!« tow; •
mOßACCO—4ointl»talTDbsecoi forsaieby [
EBATHBRB-H »ck» Fratitera,for sale by — • ~A
_ro)fl ATWOOD, JONKS #C«_' J i
/ r 'IRAB CIDBR—IO bbls in store and for rale by 1 > ■ _
CHVFff-1 \iree Garret A Son's Seoik Saudi tor Mia -
& by~ . ct)6 . R K BMLLKRS
BACO7I— fIOOQ lbs Bacon,U R; for .ale by i .
my 7. ‘ ~ • MA J BLPaN ,
HKBaiWQ-aa bbls No 1 Baltimore llrrMJrfor
tsloby nt>7 31A J SLtMfi
MAOKBHRL -90 bblsSomh NoSJUtickerelifer
sale by ~ at? ■
mwiMWgn BH Al>—lo bbisin store,* for sale by
X my 7 iltJ gtQAW
FLOUR— ISO bbls Flour in store and hr sale by
ayT .AIAJ gLOAN.libcny*»wlm
200 h
10 oil - f "
40 m^r t "^^"S'dSmi'^Lrvr
'm^^^nsSssSr/aSMti :
ROI#Ij bUTTBB*4 bbls )asi icc'd and ipr.ale
br • n>4 EP.VONHOftNIIOHiTA.Cn-
BBA*B— a»cks Tennessee White Beans for tils
bzj, ayj_, » F VOM BOXNHQR&T »Co
ROilN-23 bbls N«l for sale by '
StMMKR 1 RAWLS, to be VTdVr
nyl -J- \v |i iiVI.PHT
T'll BAUO Havana Coffee, for sale by • i
«U nty3_ MIKLC-ti A rtICKETSOfI
6 BBLS While Beans: ja(t rr-cM on eenuen ‘ 'mi and
forsale by rnya MILLKB k
SCORCH BALTE—lObb’s for sale-by
~ r W- QEBBR.coc water and _
ROLL BCTTEB—n bU* fre.U. .f° f .-
taleby tnyfl - -MVER**, HUN rEH *Co /
BXS Cincinnati Soap; for sale by ,
<0 mra W GREER
4CSKB Salermtos; far sale by „.„W '
tnyft. . - , • W.GREER L
BEAVR R BOCKETS-60 dosen, fo r .ale by I*.
m T 3 . ; . ••■ PORSrTH ACo't
n op /^ aAS ~ 1 ' J '*'**• “ te *<v
25 -ge lo ' b *gs blZis
ro BBLS Linseed oil in rood order and sale
Xo bv ays j whooxhamEßACq •
io .c,