The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 13, 1847, Image 3

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    n • 30 da«*l*L..
S toil*- Uii*.
l*xi« sad 18x1* in »»®re ud par
«vto M!5i22L
*-* ! i*x Poeeek fly
Brn‘i>e», now Uudiog from Hmt Be* pj^^^co’ 7
picniiKD IVGUU-I* 'ti’lZiUil T
'"' d "f. miremSoN
mvIO _• An « Lmi»«M«r
In io inoa-sn wn. No i
\T Iron i»!uliuifn>«to»otf Co
v m 4 wuiftfloats.
rpoBACCO-lDlivf Robmll,fcllPbiwaMl“jK
I to do Jeu II»01 * J?r_
lOdoUwyn \ pl S
5 do Me fc Me - . p«ovb
..oro.ndfarwiiohi- nnli • JAKrLOVP
FISH— *sU>Ular*e No 3 hUfkeM
45 do 5* ‘ by C"* l
rt do d» I **■“• FLOYD
and iijr ««le by Wo 1W liberty* _
T T I9EOAB~!fI libl* YmwfW.i** 00 * **
> mo-u>w C>rra><^f^ M|LTErlß EKGEß
u w Ko 98 wM*» «r*et
Jyl ri y, .«.«.! •— [ - | ' | I . , gT,ff\ r m. Ha» At M.
O *•»!« I*> s * cor wood and w»te* »n _
o »ele low by I No <9 wood « _
Tobacco— 3 8 lw *“ Tobacco, *
rec’d*i>4 forrtlciuy
. . iwCH BurliDi, Miiu'jle (nr W i*l StClli AJ«O
40 KffKfiV. r‘ riS&Sjr
0t »u <■■■•>« A COjiBAD,
35 Marhet it. Phit»de!pM»_
Dn uo*—xm'ooi-r .
Gum Opiam;Tepenoe t ... .
ll 7 d. mIo
*J*. , Jc a g sELLKRa-
Jwrj2iiTi.f«turtd b y C^^CLpß,ei^rood*S_
isu'iU* ioxt*;
!“»£ !Si?»
tad for««>« b) ' water inert
c ?^ n *** *° d tIKOWCH^ w ■ NoS wl «_
No 1 lAni*
. ‘ UI T . rCTJ ° c * l'piCtKY h. C.
rite-lbr—le by
N«h»b- S »W'«^
S hlf«o 00 2 BRDCE k Co
< °o', , i' bT _in»M_n oygniM mliUtM..
gffsr ■
, du • QonH ”****s
oo C.«m«i
H'c far «vV
mtil m» drr * pp l ■
2U 4 U ssSrH&ssasßSM?
%** «id«of
Good I tloute of B 2?
TVoTASIT-wV.k. <cp, i«» *“’ d “
r .mfocnl »nrt for «mh- LLKR RICKBTBON
jj No miitonrftret _
« o bbl* (lerting; BJo **»•*; . , „
7 f ° , r souaii l ’l benwett^
Wbbks o*« for t»le by
4_, gp vns BONNUOkST & Co .
‘ 1 ~~ . ■ ..i J /v- m 1« h»
and y
—”1- .» ippL*»-3»diied Pe«h*
73dodo t Co
I-ofwoo'Kfe' » Co
rat ut fcrwood m
QOORCm!»GS-«e*k* prime, rreM bncoanpi
& m^andfor-leb^^^y^^^gß
tU liberty jL
DRF FRUIT—9SOtw» Apple*,
H« ruu* I® io PMche* for ■*»■ by
TMBH—3sbl.l» l»rie No3M»eb* re, i
F .ttAS*. ttfiafe.
pKiTBW-O ‘“ 4u, «
„ f r ““TiHcJeV* L>,■ramEfto-f*.
/ToTTOJI—3ft bate* Tain Comm,»» tenfttef M
l_/ cteaaer Unwn— ferine j djqKEY 4 Co
nii* ’
r iF. AD-y» p*. G.ta. l**t,
Xj CwnUfim *a& IorHUTCHISON kCo_'
•«le by
- —i»-A fine«ueleiJ“ ttrtC<, P eT
o^te«m«' v « l! * T, “ e ' f ”TW^TaRBAUCH
Np 33 •wood M
10 e1o»e coniimroent pj* ; rr.
inn BX-*Bto««Cl.i!ltaJII , e,,, „ d for
IUU wbx.Koi 4 ° Mn , L EiU EimEnsoK
«*le by ** a — 1 ‘
e lt lt KtAiS Jwiitf* I'M*’ w,v * r "’
OUU»l«*fc»«l» k T MIULHB. k, EICKgTBON
n'ASVEfU’ ouu-wubu i*n« n «*“•
X «npca<iii, »o 4 tor **>«iVwOOD, JOPTCS * Co.
water A fw»t ro
w. ,u^*srE&*is& n *a.
tay3 - ' *
200 pfi.worTH
JV tur W no wood »l
J bind Hid far Ml# by HQ wood «t
BiiiaH.-.xW'""" 1 * 1 " 1 - *" ** l,fc "
CUOAB-«*‘ l 1 * mclly
15 «le by t<S * No 30 w»ier«t
Liberty »i, iui»r Uw c«MI- .
t? «>1 o*l >"*• “ >"oi?i?“Ri?ED ”
Jj »ntl tor •»!«‘ oW b > >4 wood »t
T* 19BE“MVEMl'HUN^ Oo‘
Xj *?d for ialc l»f *»*“»> liberty »l
I/ B
..gland, and for ule l*y ** 17 liberty •»
|»OitKf PfMK— l t.ui. Of g! I uflfgjfrei’ “
K . p y fcT 1
PBPPEO-t cmc« Powdered African Cojeiw;
Pepper, )a»l received “* f °nßAU!<tgErrF-«_
RaToS W AVTKD—Coantry Mixed
e(J , lor whleh ihe U*tu P tic
Tim «ueeu below Mulctl
nVP ic R—Rawted Utovnd, lor ftwanbmu
fr„. NU'rtPltowted loftwoww, at IkeWMiir
*■«» FifI VSSS- E 3t ALCORN
Ij and for •*«*>/ No t> Fifth uieei
ftiuunoTkensK, i«
Or round»nd ronnnnllr
*" No 97 Fifth «itrel_
for Mlc br _■>*
fI«.EKDO. W » ft!g | S
_, N»9S frast at
LiffSSi <©» li
«)» - —■ - ■ 1 ■ ■■■—
3 le bjr rinut fc <ro*>t iu
T» '
BSEf*** o *?* * '■vpJSsazr
commercial Record.
!»nmnu »r
ton, Cn<afa» Lot. LiT.rprU. MAopA
CBmlnA, ApriM M;r I
CbMoblb, Lou, Apr 10 *l«r If
Hibenliß, Hpne, Mop 1 J“nr J
Washington, Hew»u, _ _ _
~ Orrics Pittsburgh Gaskttr,';
Thursday Morning, Ms y 13. ;\
Weather clear and quite wans. (livers slowly
receding. The Packets bare nodiffienlty in making
time. Ufhtdrangbt boat* plenty. <
Thera vaa a very active movement in the Floor
market yesterday, and all that ollered on arrival or
in store wan taken. The advance is eavsing Millers
and otbera to pnab their atocka into market, and
hence largely increased receipts both by river and
wagon. The market advanced Toll 10c yesterday.
A sale of £OO bbla,lo arrive on Tuesday nett, at $5,
10, and the rise in the market to that time. The
large majority oi the sales, however, were made at
gSa6fl6i, and in the aggregate reach 1500 bbls,
(K>me to arrive,) etelnaive of the 500 lot above
mentioned. Sales of inferior lots from store ;and
river at s *,B7s. Fine Floor is also in request, but
of this the market is quite bare.
A sale ot IP,OOO lbs Peariaab, to arrive, on private
term*, supposed at 6c ? lb.
Sal era Uu is much inquired for.
Of Cotton, a sale of 70 balea Fair Mitsiaaippi, at
Itje, on time. Bat litlledjiqairy for Teno.
500 lb* Deer Skin* in hair at M&c t* lb.
AH the oew -Gheeae arriving meet* with quiek
rile—loo bu in lota at 7c.
A sale 55 lona bbHRPg Iron at S&t c m 9 a -
Of Feather*, 2500ib* at 5 6fi27c, aa in quality.
SQbbla Hernngat £6,25 1
A'«al*/4f lOObbli Molaasea to the trade at 35.
30 keg* good Butter at*9<.
5 had* primo Sugar at d|e.
kome hx Herring at S* F b*.
/Lead ia arriving Ijeely, but moatljr fur Manolactu-
St looii, May s.—Receipt* ol Produce amail to
day, bonnet* limited. Freight* a shade higher, with j
at upward tendency at the] clo*e. Sale* of Flour.
50o£bUatatS4,«S4 p 624Jaod too bhls fine at S*
—demand steady. No change in Wheat. Stic*
8000bu,mo*tlj’ol the inferior descriptions, at GO to
95c. in «eks, and one or two lou were auld to] city
millers at 85c, exclusive ol acka. Sale* of Corn 430
•cka, at 32e33c, seka returned. Sale* of Hemp
comprise 960 bale*,** follows: Hi bales fair, in
loose order, at sls', 733 bdles good, in lot*, at £BO.
♦nd 114 bales superior, at £B5 f* tin. Saleol 13il)
pigs Lead at 53,35. Of 60 bhla clear Pork at £l5;
13 «tka Bacon at 4,54 and! 64c; for shoulders, aides
and bams; and 6 eak* at 4tisAc for shoulders and
hama. Freigbtato-djy,flour6ss7ocj grain IBa2oc
p bu; baeoa, lard, Ate, 30fi33 p 100 lbs.—[Repub
lican. ]
LouUTILLt, Miy 8 —(iotlon and Cotton Yarns
—Several sale* of cotton; amounting to iOl bales,
at 114, IS and 12Je, which appear to be the ruling
rates for fair cotton. Stock is fair for this market
A fair activity in cotton yirna—sales firm at 8,9 and
10 for the different No* and all brands. A good
•apply or Pittsburgh coal retailing at lijc P - bu ( del.
By the beat load, offered *t 10c Canoelton and'
Pomeroy coal 11c at - retail. Floor—s»le* from
store* *1 54,90055> retailing at 5.25. Wheat scarce
—last sales at 80c |* bu. [Corn—rSatca from wagon*
a137|040e. Oat* 30G35e. Sale* ol d Peacbetat
1,10*x1,25 bu. Of d Apple*, from store at 50n55e.
Good prime N O Sugar is! now held at 7s; inferior
lo ftir 7|e74c. this week 346 tihd*. |Mo
lapse* about tbe same—sate* 350 bbl* plantation at
34e,and aeviral smaller tiles at 35c gall. Stock
rather light. S H 42043 c. Rice is firm at
bv tba ire for new. Good! Cheese scarce at 9. Gin*
of B*lo at t» bi; Sod |lx(2 at
2 ,70*i 325 Sties of bar (iron at 34*r3]c; pig mctul
at 520*226 p ton lor c hj and p ton for
b b. Linseed Oil 70fc75 y» gall. Considerable sale*
of mesa and prime pork Tor plantation* at SIS<HIZ.
Yesterday same price* olfered fora large Inland
refused, taking 5O. Bacon materially
advanced Sales from wagons for shoulder*
hams 64*i64e. sides also heavy sales of sides
UB|6Be. We quote Iran stores sides .Hit 3J. hairs
qe7c, shoulders 5Jr. A nle of 100 csk» «u side*
at Bc, and large sales BQ.&[c. A considerable
sale of pork bouse and cant'd bams at Ca9c. l.i d
from wagons at 74&7|e I From stores nominal at
8884c.— [Journal. I \ i
•BROWNSVILLE PACKETS at P. *. m. ;nd 3
•BEAVER PACKETS at 9 and 10 a m and 3 ns
•WELLSVIULE, Wellsvdle,9 a k.
•D. LEECH A: Co’s. MCKfTT. Philadelphia and
Baltimore, 9 r. ■
•WISCONSIN.Cine nnati. 10a. h.
•NEW ENGLAND. Wheeling. 10 *. u,
•HUDSON, Sunfish, 4 r. si.
•BROOKLYN. St Loan, 4 r. u.
MA'RY ANN, Louisville, 4 f u.
•MINGO CHIEF, Zanesville. 4 r. k
■These are regular Packet*-,
nrrsuuKuii amh wnt.u.i-"' i ,\«.km
Tr«* ‘K'fiifil.l .<•••' '--*i »lnif
WHEELING—Per Hibernia—'l mt bbl*. J 'May «V4^'-a ya r, h : 'V IN * . »*7
-450 bbl. floor, 25 do tpplcn.iwcU n>«J«, 7 b.g. T U «d*y. Th«£jWrd«e*U.y «d
potatoes. 2 bsa do, owner.—6 bdl. paper, C !Ad?o- | ■|«*ne*»'n» w be-‘m« 5 5 \
cate—B do. Gatetle-33 tile, gobiosos * Mini". j ba« .-cm bo«u. -*p« for the
STEU&ENVILLE— Per Wilmington—J; hhd. I ; d *„! j rmv « .remsrly a«a».ove Isr frr. C hior
baeon,Jord.ii & Son—l9keg* lard «nd butter, Lam- t 01 . ,«. si a ci .o
bert tShiplon—3l *ck« peneher. &do ipplnx. J V . c V:a A A?
Pe.rr—l7 do cfromeM, tt..yd dc. bbl. j • WKLLSMLLK I»A1M PUKLI.
flour R Dalxell * Co—l bbl« flit.eed, I kef lard, . -{- ftr l)( . w Pir ,, a „, 4n ,t u-i Packet
Scbo&nmaker * Co—9l bag*,J bbl. and 2 bx« poia- l ‘ <w#J*|x u ELLtiVILLK
ine* 19 baea oau, 216 bbl. floor, owner*. \ . I (jg»UMg€V C. C.C»i.<i "•*"<'• »■“ c *
cINCIpf?iATI— Per New England Not—2 bbl. , Jggggggg pt*'H ior ib .ir..|e and «.:Mn«k«
lard oil. J Kerr, jr * Co—3l bale. .kin«, 9 do.fura. : ’!'<'* f, t w,i.« ~«•
W B Holme* * Co—l 6 bap wool, Clarke dc Th»w > Plu.burrh r»ery Tbr \ v ~j ni w »a
—690 d bide., S Wigbtmao * 1.0—30 bale. «kmr, Patent m-suVi.* Wmrr (iu«pc“ For frr-ehi
15 do bofi.lo robe*. A'Beelea—7 d«, 7 do jfora, 3 . ypp!> onboard '
cak. 1 bbl and I blfdo wax. I bbx, Bingham—« ir-j-A Kcc! boat ;» eoo«ir | iiii> a: »»»<• l. u- <<»\i ei»
bbl. molane., Wick * M’Candlw-3 bn.ll M»t- w ,reeve fcrsht. l . hr^ K c^^“VC cnt
cbell—l7 »ck« feather*.G3 hbd.bacon.H Grafl—s . ,p« it . A >«cH.\.>r,. Ageui.
hhd.augir.C.r.onAi McKnight-5 bbl. lard 0.1. K. ~ -- K y ACKI;r port WKI.I.HVII.I.K AND
c e ii e n—l|2 bx. aoap, b George * Co—3o sekt •o'KIUKSVII.I.k
r»ihet« Dicker Black • The new and Irehi diinicM nuir
i SotSS3rirsW»tal*«« oll.MiHertfßieket.on .jP®?-* I WILMISOTOS,
Soi-2 (JUrf OM 'w^UdVy
dt Co—l tre hominy, G R Matiey—2 bbl. lard otl. : ■ttHM l^p.'iTy- «* M-Ww
BEAVER—Per Michigan—l bbl egg*, I dobul- S ? ,ul V"P p'>X«c-* »pp'v o>n
JwßHay—sBb«.ehee.e,J C B.dwell-23dn, ?' m ° rt ° rk A ' M ' ■
sbbl.e«.,R Dalxell fit Co—l .ck rag*,l bbl but w , 4 r77rr;inTi iVi7C koii anu " iu.ku au
Twlerk^Beii-s£2 bbl. flour. M Allanifk Co-25 “ M,UABn " pacrCT.
dox handle., Day A. CrolU—lB peg., A Droro-di rjJ _ L Tl.r lc a Jl c . r n »cnil IA
Von* pig iron, L»ring.lon, Roggeni Co—tbbl.pca- ; - n , Uf i eommiucr
cbe.rG Hamilton —7 cks .corch.og*. Borbndge. • UluWfl rctular p.rkrt auouuhe
Wlleoo Ac Co—2 bx. drag., Reynold, dc h *e. ! 0111888 1311 l wtl |r.™i* PmrWrxb- ererj.
NASHVILLE—Per Bio Grande—.o b»lc. fur. d (. Itl } 3 y. a t igodock. A,M ,
and .kin., I «k w«r,55 *ck. wool, 39 do feather., e\rr» TueMl.y .Tbur*<iay .iidbaißr-
Butler dt Bro—3l do, 15 do wool. 9hbd. tob-icco, ' l f 9o ‘ c iuck.A M. For freight or P*»‘H‘ "PP I !
1419 pc bloom., Fomtb fle Co—24 ick. fruit and .
but., 6bbl. seed and lard, 18 »ck* leather*. Dickey • ..irrsBLRCiH aNU BKtiW.NtfVII.LK
i Co-33 do. 1 ck, wax, 5 bale, cotton. M Alien* RW.LLAR 11 pacKKT.
Co-38 do Inn and akin., W B Holmp* * Co—l SB THE «*» •^■aLEM o"’* 0 "’*
btle. cotu.., f bhd lolatto, W m
Jooea. ... , •_ jGaL, t .t«re place, ieA»‘i;3 Pjti.burah
'ST LOUIS—Per 8t Antbonr—l37 bale* bemn.D ;
LeeebfcCo—l2 bbd. bacon, Von Bonaltorat t£ Cn ! A . ,„d |lrown»v.l]e even’ Montlay. « tdne day
—I bxiXM«y-r99bale.hemp, Bingbam-450 ply* ; ao .i p t ,day. . llbo , fJ . *,■»
lgl H Nerin k Co—l bale rooe., Poindexter For frnghi or ,ia.»«rr apply, o» bo«ru.
feCo—>lObM«B»r.M’ClorkindtCo—lJSbbl.bani . xo Tr»»»'ltr<-
fUabonUer., BSrbfidge, Wltoon dt Co—l4odo L ..EXPRESS ya»T
dt Co—2o do Jordan & Son FOR ffiBBH
Per Nwtbtrotight—3ospig.lead,J Andoe—soo y
d hide., Biaghafli—7 bhd. bacon. I bbl tongue*.
Clarke dc.Thaw—2ols pig.lead,Ogden* Snowden
—l5 hbd. tobacco, 8 eek. wool, D Leech * Co—}
bale. lore. 6do akin., W B Holme. * Co—so bbl.
•and, MolTtoy JtLedlie—oo pig. lead.JohnJ Per-
brand* *ad
Per Wiscoiuin—SO bx« mtdi
cina McFaden it Co—lo do candle*. K Seller*—3f>
bbl* lard oil. CUrke&.Th»«—*2 trc» bam*. I bbl
do. Jordan ic 500—62 bbl* whwkey, Ido hanw.K
Watson lb Co.
WELLSVILLK—Per We’lMiHe-BS pea bacon,
Binaham—3bx* bacon, K DalteM & Co—3oo bbl*
Am? H Grail—l do butler, Lamberlic Shipinn—37
on bacon. 17 ieka corn. H Adama—2l bbl* flour.
58do coratoeal. Baek* corn.(lri*h Relief.) LTaafa
_3S p*** baeoo *nd pork, Rigvley & Smith—43*ka
com *H««*«7. Hanna Be. Co—l hone, McMaater—
-60 bbl* flour, C C CalUtt-6 bu apple*, egg* and
bolter, 108 pc* bacon, 10 bbl* eggs acj butler, own*
m do flour. owner. /
LOUISVILLE— Per Lady Byron—lo bbl* pork.
42 do beef bam*. 67 e*k* bacon, Wm Bingham—3l
ton* pig metal. & Loomit— ll9 bbl* lime,
owner—6 hbdi lobobaeco' 1 ba md*c, V Leech Be
Co—2o ack* lealher*. A>l Wallmclord—hbdstov
baceo.6 bale* akin*, 1b» fur*, A Gordon—6B bale*
faemo 29 bag* wool, 2 c*k» bacon. J liner—4 bbl*
lead drew. Ogden Be Snowden—l3 hh.i* tobaeco, 1
bido SM Kier—6 roll* bagging. Clarko flt Thaw
— 4obale* *kin*,'V B Holmes fc Bro—l hx fur*,
L Hnlchiaon—7 hbda tobacco, Atwood. Jonea Be. Co
—7 e*k* bacon, Carson Be McKnight—l7 ox* tnd»e.
bair.J MeFadeo & Co—23c»k* bacon, J
Joidim fc Son—lB bag* of bags O W Smith—lSW
bagged bama.l bbl do, 1 bi mdie,T*iTe AtO'Cnn.
* Per Mingo Chief—looo bb’a
floor, HCralf-6 do'd apple*,2do peacbea.» do
Z flaiaiwd, 15 do potatoea, Bxgaiey & Stmlb— 1 bx.C
- bu potatoes, owner*—l peg, Church *
Carotber*. -
47 ut *canT iV thk ch * *
Beaver, Hoop*, Ream-
Swatan, Clarke. Brownaville.
Michigan, Hemphill, Benrer.
Cooiul,Bowman. Brownaville.
Uke Erie, Ball. Bearer.
WelUville. Catlett. 'Vdlrr'lle.
Rambler, Haughton, McKeesport.
Hudson Ebbert. Sonn*n.
Monterey. Sedgwick, Frcdenckttown.
PieW England. Ebbert. Wheeling.
Clipper not
Lady Byron.
Mingo Chief
Crook*. Cm.
Mi’ler. Louisville.
Moore, Zanesville.
St Anthony, May, St Loni*.
Northern Light. Baird. St. Lorn*.
Beaver, Hoope, Beaver.
Michigan, Hemphill, Beaver.
Lake Erie. Ball, Beaver. '
Swatara, Clarke, Brownsville.
Conns). Bowman. Brownaville.
Rambler Haughton, Mon. <Ciiy-
Dontefc, NeT*on. Monongahela city
Wilmington, Steven*. Steubenville.
Hibernia. Smith. Wheeling ~
New England No l, Dean, Cincinnati-
WelltviU*, Catlett, Wcltwille
The elegant tight draught packet
Connollymasier, will leaveaa abovg
Tbarsday evening at 4 o'clock-,^*
1 royt-lg
J The splenpid fast manning steamer
Baud master, will reave for the above
iflHlßSßand all intermediate portion Friday
the l4th (Bit at 10 o'clock, AM. For freight or passage
having superior accommodation*, apply onboard.
. The suuneh and fasMovr water
Uaner. will leave a* abovd
freight or passage apply on board.
, «m!3
The new and splendid steamer ’ ,
Boies. master, will leave aa above
Thursday evening. May 13 ot4 o'c ock
iHHHi For freight or passage appiv on board.
The new and splendid steamer
Woodward master. Will leave as above
regularly 'liroogbout ;he iK-i'on Fur
frcglit or passage apply on board.
my >3
The line and ftauitrh light dranght
iTMfw h "tramer TRIUMPH,
Gaffr.v, master, will leave as above
throagbout the season For
freight or passage apply on board.
my I*
k The elegant and fast racket
iwSCpKMB Calhoun. mastn.wiH leave at above
■fiMCSSHregulnrly ibrougliouLllie yeuson. tor
(reiglu nr passage apply on board ° myt'J
- ts THE sißuncb and elegant steamer
Ctii .Sg?r»fr»ar Dcvenney, master, will leave as
above throughout the teaaon. ror
freight or passage apply on boa’d
. ~n-.-|w--'n s Ihe new and splendid s’cacicr
Lyons, master, was built expressly
sSSZE-ISXSxsBt for this trade, and willj leave rrgu
ill, ,uii uauv, ».,u - ,
Urly during the »cu*op. Her dais
will be advertised hereafter. j m>'?if
The new, light dtnughtand fust ron
ifL ning steamer EUREKA.
yOerfßEE* Crozter, njaster. willruninsa regular
l-*Mweeu Pittsburgh and Lou,»-
vilic. during the season. She leaves on Thursday eve
ning, May '»th. at 4 o’clock.
- For freight or passage apply on board. m>C
_ The iiabuJranehl andean running
I fCT” ft »teauil>uat MINUO CHIEF,
Moore. rca«trr. will ply la a regular
■BESSaEEB packet between ih» place and Zanc»-
vilie For freight or paaaacr apply on (•oatd or 10
my 4 (iEO UJI II.TKNBERt.KR. Aet
acgular Pliubarch' and ZwnesVlUe
X <39% The new and light draught uronirr
A . t Tj 1 COMET,
Jamea F. Boyd, matter, will run a« a
regular packet between Fitt«burgh
and Zanesville. Having had her cabin* fitted up and
fumirhed in aupenor at>le. the Cornet offer* the bnett
accommodation* to pn»*engerr , She w(!l leave on
Tueaday, May 4th, at F. M.
For freight or paaaaee apply on board, or to
_mnrl« ;• D WlLiKlN9,_Agt_
w The' very liishi draught ®nd •uunck
, steamer SWALLOW,
HBSSHSBm Wilion, mailer. will run t* above du-
ihe<'»rav>n, rtiakin* regular u;p«.
The S. draws only M inrhea water. Por fretghi or
pa-aa*e apply on board. ap3"
Rcsolar Pltubaiigh and Zaaeaslll*.
. THF. lighldraucbt aienmrr
UMMA 1 Hurd, Master, wilt make weekly mp*_
10 the above poit dtlttng the *ea lift:
Foi I'roitht or j.jB«a« apply pa bo: rd
or to t;.7 D WILKINS. Ageo •
Pittsburgh and Hunflab^Packct.
the nrw amHtne'»teaavr
- Hudson,
liUM» Elbert, miitrr. ha« rratitned her rrg
trfißWwßft ulir irip» amt will leave Pittsburgh
■IBMHtSak at above every Thursday and Mon
day at 3 o'clock, P M. For ftv.rfit or pu«**ge apply
on board _j.
McKEisri’tßT, i;f/z.uiirni and 'Kionhsoa.
- - k The nrw *:eaiuer
yPmH NcUnn ma«trr, will ran u» above, li a
■SHBSBBBviri; I*ii shurgb every Monday, W.o
mutiny aiid Friday, at y| o'clock. A M . ami Monuni a
hela t.ity every Tuesday Thursday and Saturday it fr
o'clock. A M For I'reigbi or pa**acc apply on l,(. .d
Allegheny Hirer Xratl*.
The fine ai'il fin Stenmboai
and Fmi'k'ni- For freight nr pif’-ttF'' appi) u« board.
OC«lf fc"
~ kkoclak packet Fqit Namivillk .
,/ps»*ik n,en " w WYokls«,
IJ|kbgp O-apt John F iloy*. win romttjenre
regular trip* t*> the aliovr port on
the ffSlh .n«iaoi. at Wio ctock,
* *„!•' or p r&%w , raw«s v.
Philadelphia ASO Baltimore,
r !* P*vt»gn* )
rrillF. Canal and Railroad l*eiti(? »°w 10
Tirdar tha Pack'.' of W,,h P “'
Mnn*Uy. M») 1 ?
t |^«Wfc2SB:«fc“
:i° SS'SJ.
£ ESSa--- 1
1 11-i.mna, rapt Thompson, t*orr>tay t May -t.
tin Moi „, K > a „u cowfonnhlp »«om
If yoodc •»*'*'”}• 7, ; k 5 !. „ thfi p.ckrl Office.
modaimii . ,£*!,? Walrr atrcrt.Of of
W ""“,0 ' |> UKKCH A CP, Canal Baam_
WiroaV’i... >.«» ?■"* »■“]'"
from»k Hoi J'l'l *"-"* ha , c mniiii.lic I a rrpuin
»« J klU< ailll , iti rmiHira
Ijoii !o"« »‘“ rt luf * . proved rfficarioui b»
lot cooxb* and cold ■'» r -JJ r,. p 0)l
V X «n. C !urg‘ a. Thr PKKIN TKA STORE
P ikhwan*, Knleralmrei. Allegheny ut>.
• P roi.o.»>- for Piu.lmrsl. Co+l
- IU T' rRB r; fuflll .|, Pl l on n. Lclnrc the
the of 1.«., >» be w „ k> .
fir«l day nf Chlobnr nel». ,
payment to be made upon aeli*rrj . Jelt .,„ rll
P for funhet patt.coUr* apj^'^ 0 M n A(;K £ N zt K,
tnyflfW* - :
Slw" wilt <'< l" li " ” r "'">'
"* , n ,b,. W JXv»L'l!'BOCK»‘*y, I*in£»
Noli «-ntnmfrcia^to vr - l'^ cT< > ,t ..
. .omuix cmvAinv. o,?
M C,|,t.,n F.rr.f. .i.J Tr.« m <>
Bncb'ilndi*. «cond rddio ‘
:„',v a"!sr
H rot of Market » ** *'•
* * A CARD.
HAVINU icceivcd
Fir»i Ward of lb* n«y ofiVnaburjh. lo »eU wine*
and apjntoo. liquor., -for roedicmat
- n j £> J,» used 10 tbe hn»." I hereby notify
all applyn* tor Ihe above, dial they will be re
n ,?«fdwlra«n»m\, rM.d.i.ce, an*- specify iU pur
** U L Articles of superior quality hud ai fair
P°.* e ~h Drua store of the «ab»erlt>ef£No S 7 Wood
pnee*. *1 >h° * wrc R.MKI.U-:aS
mpriso oav ooejwr;
t?£r j. WIIITh, No bb-. Wood street,
SIIACKLEIT addition* oi
pi ?3SSi,i; w‘«ft“" 9 f"?« Dir u«oJ>
laiepnddrtw I ®** . are jnepai
r""l" p “ r
i. „o* r»". «»»T«.r
•eaice and cheap jw*
V. S Mail Lint to Comt, BovThotnftaH and Brmun.
■vaCfcv' THE splendid Bcwaieamibtp WASHING
TOV.tTSO tana btmhen, Frederick Hewitt,
jggb coonuder, will atari from New York on the
l»i Jin.e next, carrying the United &aie*maiL
*he wili toceh at Cowea and Southampton to land
passengers and freight, and deliver the mail* for Eng
land, Fiance and fietgium. and will then proceed to
Brrmethuven , , ,
Returning will, leave Bremerhnven on the 85th of
June, and Southampton on the lat of Juty.wbere »he ■
will embark passengers and freight from England, i
France, and Belgium. Arrangcmenta have been made :
to Ibrwardjrood* from Havre up to the laaimopienl, for i
wh>eh. if deMred, bill* of lading iriit lie naged by the ;
agent at Havre. ... , ;
i Southampton connect* by Railroad* with all part* or
England, and by steamboat* with all the Continent
From Bremen access oaf be had to all Geitaany, Ana
ttia, Royia Italy, Switzerland. Ac.
' The Wa«hisgion is buillinUieatrongeat manner,win
a; view of t«eing convened into a *h»P-of-wai. aniitob
jeci at any time to inspection by officers appointed by
the President. both during and after construction- She
bu* iwoengineaof ICUO bone power each, and aceom
modatfona for UU firat clas*. andM second clue pas
**Paa«agß from New York to Southampton or Bramen. !
1 First data 81!£>
Second claa*
Pa«rase from Bremen or Southampton to New \ ork j
* Firat claa* -SISU
Second class, 60
Sh. will cany about 3W> ion* froight. which will be
charged according lo the nature of tbe good* offer mg.
All letter* must paas ’trough tbe Post Office. Parcel*,
for wbidb bill* of lading will be signed, will be taken
at go each -
i For pv»*age.or freight apply at the office of the Ocean
Aieara Navigation Company. 11 William street. New
York, or to the Agent* at Southampton, *
Bremen i C A HEtNKKKN A CO,
The Wasltintton'ss imended to leave New York on
second trip on the first of August next.
The second steamer of the line is in due course of
construction, and Will be m readme** in the ensuing
fail myldlm
Concerning sellers vermifuge.-*
*l* vial producing wonder*.—Read the following
from tbe Rev. S. Wakefield, l’a*tor of Lll>erty it M o.
Pill*bargh x March 9, 1£47-
Mr R. K Seller* - In* from a*en*eof duty, a* well
asrwitb great pleasure, that I hear testimony 10 the Ttr
turnf yourjustly celebrated Vermifuge. I procured a
tingle boait, and gave it to three or my children, who had
been ill for several week* The eldeit we*.seven
vear* old, the next four, end the youngest eighteen
inooth*. The first pajued fifty-fix worrar, the *econd
foitv seven, end the mini a cou'iiderahle number not
distinctly recollected. Since then they have hern doing
welt, and are now in good health- 2
Youn respectfully, S. Wxtartiut.
From the Rev. 5 KUalicOck, of the MelboJul Epirc©
na! Chureii. , ~
Mr. K E Client: ll n with great plewute l would
inform yon of the g«od effect* produced on my aon of
four ye«t» of age, ny your ju*tly celebrated Vermifuge.
After In* having cniivotiiona, 1 gave him three do»e*,
when' he pa*»rd an almoM inereditalde number, from
which lime hi* genera! health ha* been improved.
S E Uaicoea.
Rev Chntir* Cooke, of (ho MelWliM Etii*-
.rcb: • , .1
l’iii«liureh v I>-oetnhef 14, ISto.
Mr. R. K. Seller*: 1 u > mUe daughter {beturfeen
three otiil for years ol«y three i1om:« of Vinnifwge,
Recording iopre*crpnon, w'nh the huppo-at »ueee»i|
Thejtuibher of worut» expelled I iIJ not know ptecf*c
ly. bnl It wa* large. She i» "nw m pxiotion of wd
health. I think the medic-no nny he eonfideil in
great uuteaervednen. C Cooit
Atlhn Verxnifiiße list never bean known to £a}l in
any in«unre, wh-n worm* actually existed, parpnt*-
»h»uld eiv««t-in preference to sit ntben • •
Prepaied nnd sold by R. K. SELLERS, between 3d
and 4m. on Wood tpeeu
For sale by Fifthly art.
Yon, whose teetuta foul end yellow—
You. «U*n i* dark and aallow—
You. wl
rhoae bair i» taar*b aod wir**y,
.dirty red or fiery— -
■■•hote Tile attentive -breath
Unpleasant n as putnd death—
Von could have- boy, manor jirl—
Tejth si while a* snow or peart.
Qreath a spicT sweet. and curt'ele
t'ure and .white and smooth and beautiful.
And hair »ofL silky. dark as t'ae.
By reading whai is laid below.
READERS, any oi you can have tber above by (*nmd
i* nothin* t.ut truth.) u»utg a Si Louie of Jones's Co
ral Hair Rf 4 tnf jiiV' —a Sr box of Jones's Amber room
l*a«t<- -and 4« cake of the Rename Jones'* Italian
Chemical Soap. The nnitW cost taut fttile. and you
tire awurrd that the following are thm real quaMirs-
The too-It pa*le give* the hreaih • sweet odor, while
lecth, ami prewife* the teeth. Ae The hair stuff all
know tr» Ih* the mo»t exquisite thin* ever made lar dr»»
• me. Kauulyii p and causing the growth o> hair, and
the soap, (act the genome ioaes'* Soap, mmd) will cure
all rrapunns. freckles, Ac and mike dark yellow
wimr clear unit fair All these.huiga aresoMtonlyl
M W Hoot and Shoe more and Patent
Medicme-WarebouKe L'hcrtv at.
(From itie Spirit o* the Time* ]
A trcm'einan (if* Scrofulou. babul from indinereiign 1
mi hi« \«rr day* became affected with Wceralion. |
„f the Throat ami ,\o*c, ami a di*agreeol»'e and <rou. •»ome eruption of the Skin- lß<ocd. hi* whole *ya- ,
iun bore iflp mart* or hems «stnraied with ib.eaM ~
ttnr l am) aiul wtiat were *o much affected lhai ho had I
!,.*> the utr of the hand,even part bone covered wuh j
.lerp. pamfuf? add nffenuve Ulcer*. and were u hoi- j
law and porou* *. ■ honey•emub li wb» at Un» *t*ff* 1
0 i hr» r«>tnplai|tt,wkcn death appealed inevitable, from
a ln.vh*oiie r4i*efcw tbul he rninmeneed the* Die of!
JanM S Al.Tl (lAaTIVK. ami having taken »»I- ;
through tfce circa!* |
Hin. apd purfie.t the Bl«o.i a.tJ eradicate* diwaaea
■ n»n the «y»uin. wherever located, and ike numerou* |
cuiea >t ba* performed in di»caye» of Skin. -Cancer,
Scrofula. Goitre. liiver Complaint. Wy«pep*ia. and other
Oiroo'C d‘»ea»ee, ■* truly B»iot».lm-r . ' ]
For »ale in Pilliburßh at the Pekin Tea Store, 74 4th ;
Mieet. near wood, and alto at the Droit Store ollir
Schwartz. Federal «t . ra f* l A wF _
. . lIIAS Removed to the Uc.uee on Peot
itrert, three door* mt-e’raMand tticet,
"C, 'Z #
A, he <• ilrtunut of «e iia employed by none bat
it,o*e who wil.irtiko immediate paymeul witboiu the
i,e.-e**i,v Ou U * Jariof be would mTUepar
• «lf nlifin to the Iollc.vr.:i< trHO»: Ad bill* left
Lri.a.d at the ezp-ia'.on ol th.riy day*, will be rhatged
Wlo«ui(;i l J!r*-
Fnr I’.xua- vnr To ih. St
For Fill-it* now *•.’ io * 1 f-.r cavity
All o:h. r.. >ei«i ou-.n U.e .amr pinpnri*n.
All c«»e* >«t wtnudi e»taernient« are not columned,
1,,’). w.ii be com ideted due accuidittß to the above teg-
U *V°U '—Tnerr ue tho** indebted to h tn whose at*
■ |IU .fnt, pad r.nmcd aide, bo ptfcCrd in the
(.B-ulrof * proper n*cer [or « Olrvl-nn. •»rl3‘ > .{n»Wtfl-_
From MrV 'Clath-. Moiton. M.n.vter of. tK-Dapuat
C|i U rrh. \Vno»telr foie of A.k'nl’n’it O '!
Afe,.r. H Marri* A. Co. pror.r.eur* o$X Dean *
have Ironi tune levied the vir oe»oi F. Dean’.'-Uetnieiil
Pla.ier by u«.ng >t in »uy famdy a« a remedy for Rhen
mat »ra wrtlnrM and limcne*. of the back, iu“n •»» I
tie- -team ii.flwi.rmn of the throat aud cyer. m
me hicaet.’ Ac. and 1 take o’eanue in .ay n« to you »“« 1
; to .he public, that m every cate I have found |
•edlAolwliewfiibaiaaul PI •.•ter po.«.wa virtoea of
nwire than ordinary eharaeier. and Hint i **!'• perteral
tv he found a »u*creni lemcdy for tho»e difccaw* for
winch ui» reednunei.ded, and .. juauy emilled U> the ,
..(J;;-... I
W’no.trr. 0., l)ec 4" W- . , ~ Waad I
“ * 1
‘ r " io CarU'lTo" Pay I pTlaiV PUf* l
DIL 'Jack•otC* Fjnt.rncai*or... only foal ,
will cure tbiß m> veiyrommnn and tnjdWeaonie
di.ea.e. Itnolonly immediately allay* painoodm**-
.nation, .U.js'.!l •••
me nut effectually cure*, in a very «Uort lime p*r*ou»
wio»e live* have becu tendered miftciali.e for year*
In'application produce, no p»m. ,IUI
t.le and plea.a u .en-at.on l- *®.w ,
tali and hear of the Rreat uuu.Her of caw*
hern cured. tli-T will be»be4. A nntunan of
ihi* city, who tad been under the knifo of the
for two or lint c tune* wtibotu beinf cored, bu bjr n
ii • i bottle* of the Embrocation.been eradicaJlyeured.
I fr»- For «a e m Piit»burrb at the FKICIN TEA
Sl tIRK 74 rpurth utrect, near wood, and al*o«tbe
| D.n, S.orn offll l- Snb«.n» F.a.n.l 11
1*47, IBBtoB
LFAVK IJeaver doily at 9 o'clock.? W.. aiterlke
arrivalofibe *teaml<oat BEAVEft
ami arrive ai Warren next morning la MUM fortne
Bm*r. Which reach Cleveland l-efore.nighl. .'
I'awr n*era will l-o receipted ihr>«*b,aaetn*gberlhi
on ihr Harken, and -eat* in lb-- Stage, on application
on board atearaboat 11-.avr. leaving Pittlbargh »t *
oVtork i * lor to the agents : _ _
n M HARToN fc Co, Pitttburgb
CI.aRKK k <*», Boteer •
jKSsK UAI.nWIN, Yeaog»t*wn
a,.,;, M » TAVLOR, Wasren
Thud Street, next door to ibe Bank Of Pittsburgh,
ijji TUK undr ratgned, having recommenced bo*
ar MnC M. ha*. established himself ai ibe above
_n_ A Um i, where be will kept constantly on
BZBS band and for Kale, at reasonable puces, all
de.eru- ion» ol Kormtuce of the bell quality—inch a*
finrpr u* Bediieiiili, Chain.Otloroana,Sofa*, RC Rc
A'l b » furpitnre it warranted of the Ineil qaeii’y
and will be »o!d a« low at any ot the tame kind in the
<?l A few rood hand*, and none other* need appl\> Wlll
"’“''''m-kxandrr M-cuttbv
oosqh BY sAMURfj TiOVIJR
rN * A*k roe not whnt.l am TYlok' n C*
O. watrh yoo well by Heyli*hi;
SlayinK the Deer;
Oh! Molly Ua>n;
Widow Miehree;
The low Lacked Car,
The two Bird*:
-Indian Sommer.
Hnry O Monrr;
My Mother Dear;
Auks'* Whi*per:
The Fairy Boy; •
The Bowl’d So S er Ifeyi . rt _
"" jo,in 8 1 JKSS
iiiy-l _ _ ,
Diiiion Dimes,
tout. MOIIUvK. llruMlil », *» *
J,-.truer of Wood and stb *t., P..1.1m.*h, >\ ii U *««P
on.mmly on hind, Dr.**. t*« m*. Oa-, Dye-.tuff*.
*N B-l’hy*letan’,ptionae«refutl>-t'o«P*nnJ
edfrtim tin he*t material*. at any lionf ol the «U 7
mcht A'l-n. an ir*M»nmeni of Perfumery; hue Tooin.
Muir, and t-mh Br.i.he*. A.;. Ac, which he will
lowirrrca»h. m V
/-iCERkWiiIP WAMTBD-Km •' ’ i.iriomfl
1/ York, tfi years of aee; a *itu*tion iu «nif rf«p«ei*
•Me Commercial Fualiliihmeqi In Ike CUT . A * J* *
thedesireof hi*parentslha:hethoaldacquire*
Irdao of business a amall remuneration would only tm
for Ihr Cm yt.r. Bcfcrrnce m.y hr h. J “
Kitltorof Hatetie. >pal
VrAlßollNS* MIXTtfRB-Vauahn.' Vecrial.le
V Litborilhr.ptie Mixture for the cure of Drop*),
h " Iw2cWay ,
ip y«‘=" l ' - KSSIMbS
A. LBDOttX 4c CO» ( .J
4 GENTS for J B Atmant’s Rxtensi*« Steam *■*■»
A Rvfincrv Alway# on hand, a large #u>ck Doaf
pTwJered Crushed, Clarified and Bastard Sugars, In
T eTee» Vnd Barrels. Also, Sager House Molasses.
T Price# liberal and a fair allowance made on »»»■{«
„f„, a hove. SO barrels. “221 1
fj’W U i,. h.a latrlT rec’d na »e*otlnienl of •■“97*
»ni bTsXLoOS-ICF. CREAM—Thi» papnlw
E P “« » op«n &, .he «««•
..n£»l«rM- 7
C<m>aptlv* t <‘jCwMoUUM»
[vin weigh upon your hem?
Or puss afllifi roar btea*i *
Trf Dr. Owneajjl Jinling in.
And it will gits you ireM.
It clear* away the mistv flood
Disease spread* o'er the soul.
And whisper* through ihe gloomy fhrnud,
-Voor health roof yet he whole r
See yonder me of lovely bae!
Ti* withering with decay:
It teareely tip* the morning dew.
Uefore ■< fadr* away.
The Worm of Death wa» in the etem.
And ■trengthmed as it grew—
And when it bloomed, |a lovely eem.)
It nipped through and through-
Thai Worn of Dearbmight be defied
If Dr. Duncan'* art were tried :
And manj" lovely danmels taved
l*be fate of an untimely grave
Syeamotr meet, Cincinnati, Ohio; where hi* valuable
medicine 1* told
-Sold tn Pittsburgh. by WM. JACKSON, corner of
Wood and Liberty »tf. apiad*wT_
IMPORTER and Manufacturer of Cutlery, Surgiea)
and Dental Instrument*, Saddler* and Tinner* hand
tool*. Taylor*’Patent Shenraj Ac Ae. AJ*o manofae*
tore* Tru*»e*. Supporter*. Ac ,in great vanetv.
J, C. Manufacturer add Importer of Pen. I ockrt and
Tabic Cutlery; Rarer* ;Sci*»or»..F»le*, Saws, Tool*, Ac;
na* removed to ...
S 3 WOOD STREET, Pitubnrrta, *ccood door be*
lo# Diamond Alley,
And ba* lately received a laraea»vorimentof
Pen A Pocket Knives, Knlvti * Fork*.
Also Rodger*’ and Wboatenbolma’
Elliotia, A Butcher’* Ktuor*, Sci*!*or*,
Razor Stroo*. ike. DAnti*cui and Wire'twin
OVKS RIFLES*. AND pistols. -
Allen’* Coll’* and Blunt’* Revolver*. Powder r l*»k«
Shot Bell*. Game Bap. Walker** Coi* Latra Per
cumon Cap*. Bowie. Dirk and Hunting knive*.
Too!a.«uck a* Calliper*. Divider*. Plycr*. Nipper*
Hand Vice*. Square*. Rule*, Brace*. Uitu, spokq
Shave*, Stock* and D» * Wire and Iron Goage*. Math
amattea' InHrument*. Ac. in veiy great variety
Jobbing and repairing neatly and punctually
done. . a P®_
Sacccitora to lloldslilp k Browne,
Manufacturers end importer* of paper
HANGINGS. Now Wood street. Pittsburgh.
Tito mere Mi ax demand for American Paper hasinduerd
lliem to enlarge and tmptovcitbeir Factory, and thclyft*
eiliues for utiinufoeianng are imvr equal toany mute
eaaiera cine*. Having adopted the eastern scale oj
price*, they take pleasure fti inviting their friend* and
dealer* to examine their *li>ek, which i» now larger
than at any former period, arid may be found a* follow*;
Transparent Window Shade*,
Frrncn. American, Saun, Glared Common Pa
mper Hanging*;
Gold, Velvet and Imitation Bordersfl •
' Landscapes, Statute* and Fired-oarjl Pnnlsi
Curtain Paper, yard wide plain gtrf n, and ng'd;
Writing. Printing,and Wrapping Paper.
Uouuet Boards, Ac-.
Rags and Tanners’Scrap* taken in exchange at mar
ket price* tnchl~d3mawfimT
flardwar* Slora Removed*
ft X7UITMORE k WOLFF having removed from tho
VV eomerof Übcrty and St Clair street*, to No 50
Wood street, lltieo door* above St Charles Hotel, would
respectfully ask the attention of buyer* to their stock
per ship* Saranak. Monongaheia and Romm, direct
-from the manufacturers of England and Germany.
Also, supplies of American Hardware, from the print
eipai manufacturer* of the Eastern State* I
Their stock being entirely new, and purchased opoh
the bestterm* they feel great confidence in being abld
successfully to meet competition from any quarter)
whether east or west. • “
The Hardware business-will be continued at the old
stand. _.
PRICES REDUCED—Thomas Palmer, No 4? Mar
ket street, between 3d and 4 b street*, rr*p*cifullr
announces to the public that hi* prevent stock of \\ all
Paper ami Rordersof hi* own manufacture is very ex
tensive, and daily addition* are being msde to it. a*
, they are finished—of nrw and*pleudidpatier»s Also,
a well assorted stock of Frmtk Paptr and Bo'den
Having recently reduced the price* of the* at*ove
■ride*, (and others. In hi* tine, not enumeiaied,] he i»
prepared u> sail fur cash, cHaarta than arty e»tibl-.b
mentof the kind. East or West of the.tnouutuin*
ay3d3m . . _
Rn, 133 Wood streeti PHtmburgh,
SEVEN Dnors atwve sth. and I eoor above II
Child* k Co’* Shoe Warehouse Now opeuing aad
for sal« by RICHARD T. LF.ECII Jr. Imponrr and
de»l«r m Foreign and Domestic Saddler? Hardware A
Carnage Trimming*, of all desctiplion*. a vrn cheap
and well setee'ed stock uf Good* in bis line, all iresft
of me newest styles, purchased for cash, from tbr be«i
source*, and will be disposed of wholesale and retail,
at a small advanne oiube cost. Purchaser* are respect
fully invited 'o tail and satisfy themselves
Al.SO—Saddlers’lools. warranted. Deer and Curled
I Hair: Whips; Glass; Paper, Ac, always on hand, and
as cheap a* elsewhere. »P‘^
XJO 17 Market street, is now receiving hi* spring
1> stock of Hou»*-Far.iishmg Hardware, Britannia,
eonsisung ia part ai follow*-;
ti bis Japanned Ware, English and American;
4 bis (Jrnsntna .do do do,
V ea*k> Kugii*h Tinned Saucepan*;
l do Oval l*ot*; I ca*e Tia> • and Waiters;
■ l do Enamelled Ware;
I,do Pressed 'Vare: l cask Ought Ware;
19001b* assorted Copper; 30 plates Tinned Cop pel
tfiOO lb* Juniata Wire; SObxsTut Plate;
pa JOHN DUNLAP. 17 Market «t_
Wm P Young. C Ihmien. F Plunkett.
Yotrxo, itinsßN k pluskktt,
WAREHOUSE Water and U 4 Fintstrcei.
PltttburgU. TU.Ula** m»«uf«eu*iWHLy Xf t*-
warranted equal to uf.\m thc.eosti'ry- A.l older*
will rreeive prompt attention «nd filled on rcaumable
term*. Merchant* Jutd oiltera trialling (ho city are in
vlied tocall before pufch*«ingei«ewheTc. fehH
P MciioaV K. I.COLIC.
MULVaNY ft. LEULlKmanuiacinreand keep con
•umil.v m hant Cui. Vnu'ilnl ?ml Plain Ftnu
ttl.i*ewarr. m ail U* » »ne:ie*. lit the,* \Vatthou*e COr-
Iter ill Market and Water *Weel*. l'ni«l>ui*h.
Our Work* continue in lo!l opetnnen anil wc ate
rnn.un ly adding lo our rock, tvbirti rraMca ui to fill
oriicru wnh prompter*. ' Purcba'cr* are re»)>*ctfully
•olinted to call and examine price* and trtm*.
1 roylUJly
W ‘
Hf. WILSOXt Watch MuLrr k. Jetao'W.
« . corner 4th and Market m. A Urjrc an.l wed
•elected ftock of waicbet, Jewelry. Silverware and
Mditerv Good*. Alwaya on hand ond at retnUr ea»-
tern price*, Gold I’aient-tavcr, full Jewelled watcher,
low a* flu, Silver do wairhc*, low a» Cooper, Toll.a*. Jolm*on and Olhrr approved
ma*.- of watche* may h< had «> « ‘inall advance and
"pT't'ire watch work done in the very best manner.
L*dir» lad.e*. I'm aaiomtbed, .
When you know that you arc promised .
A natural, life-like, showy while.
That >ou wit' »i-U ux eoinmoii clui*. |
And look a deathly yellow frieni.
Tbe theme of laughtir and of talk
If y*» would u»e a box of JONK S Lill), a
woaU etve your Jkm an alabtmrr yet natural
Hi.d at the aade-Ufae dear and Improve il. fcctf al
JACKSON'S. M> liberty st Ffte •.'Scent*r«>
ti\i\ 002 Apple Graft*, embracing about forty kind*
|JJU of »«mu»er, autumn and winter varieties m-
Jecitf eiprenly l.y the subsoiber, from the celebrated
orchard of Ujo lion. Wallet Forward, for »J*le cheap
AU» grafting clith. * neat and convenient article lor
grafting" budding add coveting wound* on tree* and
"hrub* prepared bv a skilful amateur.
ap*> * SS wICKKKSMAkL cor 6th A. wood *l*
_Emc Antiquarian Drawing Papei, 3Lx£2 inches,
do Double Elephant do • do tUxHt
--do Elephant do do T»I-17 do
l do Columbian • «lo . do tSIiSI do j
do Imperial do do tflxtO do
Toaethrr with a larxotoek of smaller *ire*.
DRAWING PENCILS, of Cumberland and prepa
rad lead, of four, three, two. and one'll; a large supply
just received by’ F.LLIOTT fc KNcLlSlf
5 J apt 3 No fg Market street
►criber respectfully inform* hi* frtritds.and tbe public,
that hi 1# now-receiving hi* •pringjfb*oTtment of good*,
►elected by himaelf, ol aupetior quality, and reduced
price*. Person* at-ouifun»iabing tbfir bou«e» would do
well to call. a» he <• determined lo.rell at-small profits
fot quick return*
irj“Mrrcham* supplied a* ureal, wuh all tbe vanoo*
kiudtof looking Glasses, and packing carefully at
tended to I jbetal discount for caah.
T A HILLIKR, Looking G!a»a Manufacturer
.104 Wood rtreei.near oth
NISIIINU WaRKROO.M-No « Wood street,
tap Stairs.) Just received, and now opening a full a*-
voruneni or those very fi ’e and medium qualities Troy
manufactured Shirt*; Bo*oms and Collar*. Satin adjust
ing Blocks; llnrabaxioedodo Plain; r*atui Bow stock*,
plain; Black Italian Cravat*; F*nty do do, C.ura Bus
lender*. A. At-Ac. ~ ,
Jatl received from tbe manufacturer, and for sale at
manufacturer'* pnre. EDWARD TODD
„, y i Manufacturer a Agt.
Bdwtrd Todd k
VITOULO re*peetfuUy announce to tl»«* merchant* of
V> !'iit*l>u(cli, lia* opened a room lor tins anle
a( F>*lrrn manufactured gootU,«ucli a* Stock* of every
description: Shift*. 0o*oio» and Collar*. I>ut» Sit-pen
der«; North** Hookrund Eye*, Ac. for -ale ai inatut
facturer*' price*. Alio, « large assortment of Ulaek
and yaiirt Cravan for »nle. aiEaMern nr-cv*. whole
T No SQ wood aireet, opnatra
mehtt* ! ' Manufacturer*’ Agent
‘ AB'dreu Curd.
EDWARD TODD. Agent fot Ka*iern manufacturer
fur the *ale of North'* Hook* and Eyea; Gam Su»-
nend’er* of the RuMcll Manufacturing Co, Ct; Stock*
of every dr.rrlption; Shirt*. Uh*oni* and Onllar»,nf the
Troy innmifuctory Ac.; all of which arc for *ale at
manufacturer’* price*. whole»ale.
No\» wood tired, op •tan*.
Ordei* i-ceived for American Hardware. tnchttf
jrWi*B—A large and i.caunlul u»*ottmeniot Sat*
ent Solar lArtt L-tmV*- »Bttalile for Steamboat*.
Hold.. Church'™ end D<™llin|>, ""““Sl.t'LK’J* *'
,h. ...c pr.ccu
S’ ilOVßLß’and *^DKB—WalhngfonJ A
Co . »rsnt» for A l.amonCFave on hand an, acton
mentof Lamont’* superior coal, canal. Devonshire and
collier Shovel*, and Nn» 1 and a Spade*. nichiJ
LOOKXHO and Mahogany 1
Looking Cla.ic*. L. O Plate*. Clock*. Comb*, and
a general a**ortmenl of Variety Good*—all ai lowe*
r L
O 4XOO jo*t received. Alroon hand KelloggA. Titty*
*r’a Print*, and Pbelp’* Map* and Chart*
Merchant* and Pedlar* supplied at New York price*
cor 4ih and wood »t»
. Übmor, Pattern Maker. Allrßheny Cuy t>i( MiU
ha* the newect Patient* for Piove* on h»«U eilher it
wood or iron. MmGeinn|*nd*ilotherrM«n»Md«
to order. *_PL^L
—lOO team* Cap Writing Faper;'
SO da Letter do do;
9UO do S. C.Straw Wrapping dov
900 do Mediant do oo do,
100 do D. C. - do -do do;
tneb4 • _ C or iVnn aud »rwm «i
1 meal of Johnson’* excellent A«stcot fee Cre*m Free
Hop router*
and dealers in foreign and
Fourth i. near!y oppoailf ih*« B™* or Puwburgh.
CTRHENT MONEY received on Dcfxuiie—
Check* for *ale, and rolieetibni 'Bade on nearly *1!
irt»c principal point* in the United State*.
The b'fhe«premi«unpa>il for Korcijtn anil American
Advance* madeoncoaiißßfltentiof Prodnce »hipped
East, nn literal lerxnt. ; _ *‘-^l5
WM> LARIVERi •!!*♦» .
FOURTH Street. next door to Bank of
Banker and Broker, and Dealerm Exchange. Bank.
Note* and Coin of all draeiipiiona, *e. .
Selling Rate*. : M Bay-ng Rm-*
«» ._ \ _.i? t t»f. New \ ork, 1 dt*.
PhrtadeTpbla, (do Philadelphia. do
{.“ * 2 do ' Baltimore. 1 do
82EW* . ;'U "m+u It
AXiSSSJSSr *2 ??«SScK;; U
sft &
Browmville, ' ■
Foreign l
Bankers and •- t
and Bank Matea
KO. 55. market itbrrt, Pittsburgh.
Srilin* R*ie« Kxebenee. I Buying «•»**•
New York, i pr. : C.ncWu, * £*•
Pmlsdelpbie, J do * ««
(lalnmore J do • Si Ldllll, *
E, 14... Coid..
Inuien. ' i Relief Koie*. I'°
Kentucky. 4do PenimlraJH* Cy. *uo
Virrmie J doNew York do. id®
ao Wheeling, *do i New.Orlc«n», Ido
Tenne.see, 0 do ; Mery lend, * g*
•pstf _
‘ captrtacrihip.
JOSEPH 11. MILL. (tale of the firm of \\ m A.
Itill t Co ,) aad WJI C. CURItt ,»latcof Erie. P*J
have entered into CopaVinerahipl under die nume ol
..ILL * CORBY, for u>« putpcoe of carrying on ibc
Banking and Exchange bu«iue»» m all iu Lr.anchei. ai
No » Wood itreeL ihree door*[Lelo« f° a . r “v" (I L , J
aide—where they aolir il ihe cus,o ft ’.'ifjf nmi if
“‘S?" 0 e '° c *' _ Hvm c .'urrv .
JOttirU'!!. HILL. "L c - LUIIHI
No 65 Wood itreet. third door belt** Fourth. weM »ide
PAR Fundi and Cttmnerrecefved on Dm>o«im» nml
eollretinni made on nil the phnc'ipal Cum in lb*
*ElclraJ>re on Ualtiraore, Philadelphia, New
York. Bolton and Cincinnati conitantly Tor lale.
Ohm, Indian*. Kentucky, Virginiaaud Pennuylvanu
Bank Note*, bought and »old on favorable term*
Exchange on England, Ireland, Germany and Franer
procured, Ac ■ Ac- L. -•— -
BANKERS, exchange brokers
AN D Bi|£ C I E • ~
No 64 Wood Suiet. on* door abort Fourth, *«** ,M ”?
nHshlSI Pit t aba r* h «. i^^ w 2
' ' uedocedlrateb. •
OHIO, Indian*. Kenmeky, and I'enna. [and* '**•’
County andCiiy OrdtrapurcU.ri aireducedi'atf • NiHOLMrBasui»
itei __Exchanre Broker. dSMatkeiM
/Collections on Cincinnati! Loui«vil!e, St Lm»*
L/ and #» aecesitblepoiMia in fhe United State* made
oroaiDily, and upon the lowe«v tdnn«. by "
P P} N HOLM K 8 A SON, Exchange-Brokers
meMS i No S 3 Market tl^
Collection* oft Cincinnati. LtMtaville. 81 _Loo» ' »«*>
all other acceiaible pCmu m th« United Swe*,
made on accomtoodauniclenne. 'ULL It CURRA
np< l Wood »t. to Eagle Saloon_
meWli oa New Vorli, PhiJadelpUin, ogd UaMi
Ei more eon«inniJv for tale or HILL* CuKßlu
a p 6 Wood «t. pen door lo Eagle S»l«s_
C~ arrcncr or the Ohio Indiana, and Keniurli).
*• !*” l ;fs:i f cuEßv'- -
Bp C Wood «, nett door tn Eaglc Saloon
o'li'lO, Indiino, anT lfintßety'fiaHk
N 0,,, .l !o« MB) v SON
i No SS Market «t
City Properly for salajln Colombo!.. O.
TtlK ■uh.criber offe.sfor »ale »everal lot* i"
fS» adevirahle part of the cur. °a which an* iwo
■" *■ comfo-iabk brick dwelling hoo.ea.and I.U xe--
t-n«ivr Taontaff EUtabllahmeat, all >n Rood it-
P *ttav«ng determined, in cohaeqoence of inhrm age, to
Jt.roniinue tne tanning bu.inCM, » fane opening now* i.elf 'o any one wuhidg to carry it ou.
Columbia* tf probably the beat point in the State feu
procuring* ntufonn vupply’of lnd«(.
Ota-or botScTUie dwelling hou»e wilMk wld *ep».
rate from the re-l of the property tf devired. The on
dervisned will g;*«* any further mirirtnatrun relative .a
•* " pr, '?sS;*c taylor
t'KOi'KKi y IN V OlHf,
Foil NALK.
m Till', advertiser oiler* lor ».ile a «plrtid:d Brie*
dwelling ilou-c iituale on the North Eui comer
of the I‘unlie Square in Yoting»:«wn, .Mahoning
county, Ohio. It is large, cpamoiliou.. Bnt»he4in ex
cellent ttyle, and in ihe belt location m toungatown,
either for» dwelling or public hoaac; attached to it n a
yard, with water, (tabling, and all other convenience*
«» improving rt ry rapidly, i* »itnaie.l im
mediately on the CanaUndwbcn the vanousFuntaer*, tc., now being bum arc complied, w,u .
t,e the most fleumhing place m ilu* (ection ui °aio
V |i wilt be KCd ‘ow for cath. or oa time, or exchanged
.property in IMuburgb. > For particular* inquire i>i
Lj XJ V WICK, comer of'Uo.-K. and Water »>• > »u
r urgb^who will mfnrm.ii™ A -“ ** *"
T-Njonuanec of an ortfer of the O?•* four. r»t
1 Allegheny Coouty.l wi,l exprue to »’»le. by public
vendue or outcry- at the Court llu&«e i>i t)-e of
Piti«bur«h. on Monday the l»th day ef Mnv next, at
the hour of lb o c'ock. a * n e-,..,h Im' and two half
l<>'» o« ground l-eii-c partial ’he Coal Itul I Ot*. », U»lr
■ n Lowi r !*• Clatr ivjwurli'p and conveyed by J. H
I‘aee and Wife to Jntne. Muholland and D R Milhob
land and now the property of C. F. MiUi'dtanri, a miiivr
eh.ld of Jainc* Mithoiland,dec'rt , boondetf and
bed »« follow. v.« on ihe North by a tony tot «trret
- i |„,4 0 > riw on tbe haul hy lot. of h. Jour.
mud D ft M.ibollind, on ibe Sooth by the Pm.hurgh
-n ,t foal liiMTarapike Hoad, ar.don the Wed t.y lot.
1 01 Strnb M. Philips .nid IjOU being twenty'iwu fed
1 m and extend,ng back 10 theTumpikrKovdafure
>»d Hy orderol tl.rtlourt, CAI.EU FOSTfcK
• prt idA-wF I Outtrdian ofC. F Milnoliaml
lllcl* Hill P»rm for sate*
,1 ITU ATKD I S nines from liillsburgli. a mile* from
O Dret Crr*k Lock,on the nonh tide o*'the AHeghrry
nver. containing about 170 acre. well totpioved-agood
home and bam-With auWc. granary. *moke houte,
»« hoo*e, »e Ac- A considerable portion of the
iind !• cleared and under rood fence* and in a verv
l„ 8 h -tate of cultivation Jt i* well adapted for fruit
.re**, of wtnefi' there ta grnu variety and nbunitanee.
, D n healthy condition; the lird i»J>f black walnut *oii.
Thi* farm bo* been live ic«ulenceof Henry I arry
B*o. tot *7 year*, and will he *oM on rea*ouablc term*,
or oichanted for property in or adjoining the eitr
Ki-nu re of Tho* I'arry at No lU3 wood at litta
htirab or J C Parry atthe lowa Foundry. marlheGa*
Work*. :
r»v*i V'*TATF. IN TIIK COUNTRY—The sub
offer for *3loabou«c and lot ill »Ye« Miil
dlesex, Mercer cquntj. The house is well calculated
for a (tore aud dwelling, immediately on the hric Bx
i«n*ion Canal U a ilounihing village near Uy. are
pcveial furnaces fud in ihc in.dM o- a rich farming d.a-,
"'ai’so.u hoa«e andb»l m the floun-hihg village of Or
nngeville. Mercer county. The house is well calculated
for a tavern or store. ,
The above i>ropert> w.U be sold ac ‘
oornmodaung term.- liAlA^S^nUl._
A sale, a valuable
situated UO feet on Chesnut. t>y -0 feel on North. Canal
street, can bo divided and improved on either street.
Also a house and lot on Sooth Common, ISO feel from
Federal wreet-Mf >«t.« « feel try Ufeet, the house is
. good brick duelling, well arranged. lTtese proper
ties will be aold low,attd terms accommodating.
Alro ”*er« building U. situated on. ami near
Franklin streetl *5 fert by l*Tfeei; price. from U to SOT,
'««•. **o.« h.nd, balance n b 1 '‘S- CUT || B KRT
KVat Keltic Agent, SO tmnbficld st
■ pM -
R home and lit on Rom, mar 4th » reel The dwet*
Unsiii well ana&ged for rotn'or and convenience.—
Price and teiro* accommodating.
Al«o, a Rood frame dwelling horn* and lot. 21 ft bT
U„ «>inaird on Penman itreet Birmingham. rnce
g7.->lt. nan »u hand, balance on time.
Alao, a well.iap«> v cd properly on Tunm I. ““L" **
Ir- «treet,4o It from l>> "‘l'drrp I nee SJWtt,tennaae
commodaunß- S Ct:T.I B LR^«I
’ Valuable Real Kaiete formate.
ritHE andert'gnrd being -boutto
1 ,o the coaniry. olTer- for sale SIX. lIUII.UIM*
I.OTS on Second 1 nrret, between berry * reeiaurt lie
Iliol.l Alley. Kwh lot wiU be twenty ieel iront on - J
.tree, .nd eighty fcrtiadep.h The lo«. a«.
diigty or the whole together, bor term* ■ ppU u> t fa
»u».«criberon the prcmiac* JOHN CALDWLLI.
npjffhf _ _ . -- s .—--
UO« SALE-TWO ROO‘I •« "■«. ""
P Congreaa «. each Why‘J°R- . .....
1 •* ''" n 'rXrmJir
favorable. Rra , K< office.»roHhfier.Wt_
PKRSONSdrf<rou» purthaslnff Loi« in tLi* C«:me
ierv »re refrrml fol infnrmition w tl.e .. upruntuid
o>nnoth..pound.. oi>.oF- ■Rora.Dn.KHt. "»"«•
Prnn nod Hand ..tool.. l'«l. c ,. ISLKrr
-a. ■—viTr,r n u v^t*v'r^-
11 "apl "“**J wifr «nd front «t»
ES*or Rent.
A WELL FiniiOrd *ceond »«orr Rnom.wnh
. toi cowmc ob Market «r«t, at P re«nt oc
eupicd a* a Dagdcirean e»tal>li*nineni.
Ato.s UtituVoto.*! .»t,v M «u | ol!.l | ,
uid two well fmished effice. o»ct l ; ...
Al.O, the Koo„ e„det the jOgtet^*.
• sy 1 Mee.Msrket SI, het. ltd end l.h
R and lot cm~NVa*Uington ittfet, Allegheny City
T “Ali^ i iS b fne”o2e,.id J .leu.e,od Usoh uie,
"a&TbSIm 1.W..51 bf » fd«,oo Liberty street,
Allegheny City. A £ 5 1 ‘^ 1 .t,|uf.RT, General Agent
*" So » Stnithfleld ttreet
•p'Jt _ . _
SPOIL B AI*K— I Two lol« on l«l iifeci, new
d V l?/* neXl “ la ° ClOC * HKXRYWOOD3.
F 1 OR SALK—Som® nlubte Lotr of Ground. tituied
ob the bank of U» Allegheny Ri»er, eoaUggew to
Ike city The*© toil are inoit ndyaatageonily «tnted
FOB. lALK—A farm hoote and lot on Logtn atren
lot by 100- Alao,»loit«n the 4th atreet road,
»4 by #4, between Elm and Henry- Inquire at the ba
be,v; Liberty it oppufUe Smiihfietd «t. myiud2w —
TUB being Urn day the Spm.*
Haia will be introduced, hi the mott tajtij _
tollable c>taUiahoema ia New York ajul,PluJat.e!pb<a
the undertirned take great p eMore tn brieg eiiaww
to anwnmee to their nnme«>a«<riend» andibepubtie
that we are prepared to anpply »JI who ma>
lavor u* with a cal' with tile fAabiouaMefFlaljrr J“*
■riMa. ronipruutg Neutria*. arjd e-Xtra nn«
Moletkiu bilk llai*. either or j
natftf _ Por wood?tad 3U» *t*
. - _ BBSovaa.". ' t t«'
JQI S MCOfIF, Hat and Cap
di removed to No 75 W ood atrert- three dotfr* Li*i»«
Fourth «treet. Hi* arock counti* of every variety ot
Hat* atnl Cap«. made in the late* «i)Te* alto. 1 anatom
leghorn and Portal Straw Haul wnoieaale ar.d reuil,
at the loweat prirn ■ » 1 S MOOBK ,
apl6 ,73 Wood «uthiri<loor atoyo roaith
n DOl)oi.A8,
Jjj CONTINCIIS'to manttfarywe, and
eonatantly on hand, every|varrty of Hat* ,
ant) Cap* of the Ikteat »tyle. an«l price* very low at No
7£_\Vood rireei,>|aft«ule. £*T
Fall FaUilonrilUO.
i r Mi » ••Miwwi **■ *»*•
BEKUE* CIWTAKS Style Oeotlemen’pHai*
will l»c Introduced si KKEVIL’J# mi Tburtdey
Auj-uM S7|'U. benilcinen wishing ochetpi fa»h
• joiiablr Hatofl’iUJ'burj'hinAtiufarturt! ahead o>
fashionable Hat.« Impontd nil advertised by some 01
the trade. pirate .cull at KKKVU. h. Co 1 *
mutjiWtf 15a, bod of Vi odd *\
4 Spring Fashion Ar 184 T. M& £U
WOULD irt'orm hi*friend» and patron* *i **
lUotbe ha* now on band a Urrc »mck Of ihr
■ Spring Fashion of I lata and Cap*, which tvi'l hejiniro
dueed on Smuidiiy next. Those in want of a topenoi
article will cal) at
mch’J No W Wood atreet, Ea»t Bide^r
tangc, Cola
Fall Faihlon for Uat><
TllK subscribe! hn» jum received by Kxprr»>
hit sew Fall la*hion for Mata. Those id rire 10l
an extra fine IJalwill please call and exaram*
' ibi* splendid article. S.RJOOKE
•cp3 No. B 3 wocn :
HL-ILtPALMER offeia for sale on aij favor
S^^aliia jctjra* a* any bonae in’Pbiladrlphin, n
MHr cotnpleii eaaonmcnt of Strew, Horence, Rat J-
Sib* land, aiW a great variety of fancy breid ancl
cimp Boniteia,olthe atyle.
K ALSO—Palm Leaf, Straw and Leghorn Hau, !Aru £
tidal Flower*. mch3 ;
hide o f-jcnch Moleakra llaii. Fa!|
file low I-, . „ I
r No ICJ wood air i j
Fresco i
a superior ok
f»«hion, sod fork
scp3 _|
Carpet »ua uAuovd. ; |
NU 110 mfKt.T bIRLMy 5]
RESPKCTFULM Inform* hi* fiiendt and the
generally, that he i* now receiving I a Urge ■ nnj l
splendid a»*orunciH or New MTU Carpeting, Or-
Oloih»,*c. direct from the Importer* and Mamiiaeto-*
rer*, composed mpaii of IJj $•
Supeifuie Oru**el» Carpel.; i ;
Kxtraor Tape.try Brunei* Carpeting-, J,
Super Imperial 3 ply and Katra do; | .
Superfine Ingrain, Fine and Common Carpeting; 3j
4-4 Plain Venman C*rpeUn«-_ H
38,3-4»nd<-* Damask do «o;
5 8 3-4nnd 4 4T»pe*tryUo dn; t
Steamboat Trtrrrmngr. I j
Brown Drilling.; 4 4-B 4 and • 4 Shewing.; 647 *5
8 4 Talile Linen*; Linen Cra*b and O'aper.*
HockaUuckTowelhng; Carpet Stripe*; New *■<
ble Cover*; Oil from *7 mcliea to s»4 feet wide
cut to any «ixe;
To«rrHn with - —4
Rich Embroidered and Printed Tabtecnd Piano coTersi
Figured Floor Cloth*; J. '
Chenielle'. Brussel*. Tufted, and \\ilion Rok<
Tufted. Chenielle, and Sheepskin .
Manilla and Gra»» . , do a *'< .?
Bras* Siair Rods Flat and Oeal; N
Damask and Striped Stair Linen; l
Carpel Bindings; Jf
4 4 5-4 and C I Plain and figured Indian MpunjC
Colored Spanish Aiauing, Ac., fce- .
Pereon* filling up Hicambeaw Hbiet*,or Pneato Hon
«e«, are requested u« call, as Ue feels confident they wilt
find it to uirir advantage to do do before pargfaaami
dry goods.
He woalil also inviie ntuntion la hn extensive »locl
of NBW SI’RINti DRV GOOO3. [embrtr-ng ever)
ttui.r in that lwc.l now opemne’aUhe above *uujd.
■ - ir^-iwnn»l»rtri»n>»
NO 70 WOOO SI KBICT. l*mstta»LOH,rA •
\aNC-KKR * MAVBR. wtaolcmle and retail dealer*
in Eartern Reariyjmade Clothing, would retpeci
full take Hit* locltod of auliciimg the alien ion oi then
C'i*i6>nrr« and (he public generally, to the
u»ik of ibeir #tock iit trade end a«*ere ih» 10 ulao, iha
,bwill .<-11 a« cheap if not cheaper than a„v oil.e
r»ia(p|i«hmeni m ihc eiiv. Our f«dilit‘e» of purrh«»inr
and.nunufjcturinn jjooi*. arc »ocba* to cnaMc o» a
all umct to keep a fullai*orniwnt of ready made doih
uw. at le*» price* than they can oe ootamed eUewhrre
rbr prciciu fiock on liaud co..m*ui in part of ihc lot dc»crlptiou of *ood»: -
ISO black cytihdre** coat*, fr»ra Sill to S«0.
I'.li do dpFieueh do *-10" ”
7U brown add invisible green do >» *‘ *•* . .
iOO *ack coai«. aplendidiy made 4 oi good material.
l«o<> pa.r pantt, of all *tyie» tjualuea and price*.
tNUJ ve*i» do do on do
It« down Linen plant and »melicrflio«oiii»hm«i stock*
*cnrt« cravat*; collar* - , su*p«nder«: »ork<
drawerc.and under «hm» of creryvan. ty .all or
which bav* l.cen rerently parclia«ed aajd adapted to the
iire*em season Merchant* and’other* who are in
want of clothing, cannot do better than o give u»« cell
DIIY uoooa.-
S- lIACKLKTT 4 WtllTß, fV° W Wood
Diamond Aliev, are now prepared to oß
»Hauu a larrd ar.d deniable Mock of.
tf|jß|N t .DßYG(i
All of ihi* purchase—oi late ana deniable
»tyirc‘nnd aualitie*. ,' . . ,
Country vlerchanl* vi*iu»g or pu&tig thfouiboßi
cnv. will find it c.e»rly to thur advanuee to Rive o* a
call a* we aid determined to «rii m »<icn amall.proni*.
a, w.n make It greatly »« " Bake a bill*
wuhu*. ...
u ur Mock i* now. fui. J >"p Me, eomprtnm a
seneral a»*orunem of *utb gix.G* up are u»uailv kept
;.y dry rood* bouae*. ~* , '
\ ijod ftunplr ol hearyrand :.*bt brown Mte«ting«
a! wav* ou hand.
I IAIUIOWS *. TIiHSER* No 46 ftUrkei aircei.
LJ arc now receiving their »tock of Nc»v :>prm|
(•ood* and invite the attention of purchaser* to then
M.wtmrmof Drew (Jood*, whieh u particularly de.t
rable, Con«i*ling in part of.
Rich rmhm*.l«rrf l.u*-n—vrrychmcr l'Htirr.i«:
llicli Oißisi.'y |.awn»-l:»‘li.r.irttUc L—.v,.-. wi.h
4t»icrcol:.t» very !un.d*ciac.
Primed lavm>.ot different pattern*.
Rich California Plaid ty lc» very hamlaoaic;
Mattenor French Gingham—catircy ..eve and beau
jit-K patient*: one lot very bandaone al l®! eia.
Superior Mancbeiter GmjUaniS [warranted at JO
No 46 marlcct iifcct.3 doow above 3d
IVL W R Murphy hu» now open an 4»*onmemoftne
»t,r.7e com!*, all wool* including wine verv fine. Alw,
Mohair ,t« Lame*. tery *openo.', ptain mode enitfi*.
Al«» pUiit Drab Uaregea; pink, blur, and black do
Alw' Bnlxarinea. brown and fancy color*, wneti low
a » (»J enitu; and a large aiwnmeniof neweatatylea
dre»* good* generally, trcluding black watered, ana
fancy SILKS. of laieit nr.paruuon*, and at low pnee*
for quit).ty. Buyer* will please call and at N
E corner «lb and Market *tt. ;■
iry- vVholcwlc Room* to *eeond atory. where a very
choice dock can be »een fcy dcalcara ul low cai^prl-
SIIOUL.DER BRACKS—for cure of pam inihe
Breart, made pauerni.appro»ei! b> ihaTfeW
Ymk Bandage ln*utuie . 5- 7 -
Sa»nen4er«. 3u*pender F-nds and ebbing Sell
adiuMins eravaia; plain and fancy aatiaaioekai foe.
tbirti in great yanety; fhtrta and ahirt 06far»?ote>»
•ilk*; drab moreen; aea grata, AcAcu«> h*»d
talc by m>G r K » EATON
SUNDRIES - Bonnet Frame*, Tab* ana Roebe*;
Tonoiee ihell and bora, uiek aide and drereuia
comb*; mlaid/atin and roaewood hair bro»he«; tomb
‘nail, eorub. cloth ami hat do; carpal binding; bed Met,
Mown. Mack and white holiand; colored cambric* *Uk
mui 1 union galloon*; flannel binding; aafety envelope*,
note piper •enliue wax; mono witter*; Barnhm* »«♦
dehbie ink; pencil* and pencil point*; button*; piua;
needle*; tape* ; »pooi cotton, 4e. For *ale wfole*nlt
• 4ft ig‘“ ,, ’ hjr F 11 EATON, G 3 Market meet
IN die Worked Lace Capes-dewcM • IM
received thi* morning ■' ; I n
Ai*o. Chameleon Hike, a few pc» Chameleon Poult
de fik>i Dre»* Silk*—a beautiful article, andacaree—
—m ibe Dry Good* lloure of « K R J ‘
N E cor 3th and Alarke «l»
VV Murphy Invite* the ntiention of the L«die* io hi*
very mil ai onment of wbue good* tor ure*»rf, ct>u*i*-
un«Vs*wi«* and Scotch Mulls Nauiook and J«eko
lie* mu-lin' barred Jaekonn. i-uper Pain barrdd and
*irip'd, «oft fini'h do, 4c Ac. ,
A* there good* ate pcenced immedwcl) i cm the
ntHiiufaetuteri* agent* or importer*, HU'J can b.*olo
at ihe loweit price*. . . p
/Colored courterpaises-w i.m»
C phy ineheatbe auem.ot. .f h»u« *
D**ortment of 11-4 and l-McMoied; *
new and beautiful article, of different enlo a.
aniituncnt of white counterpane*, from loweaUofln
nolitr. Al*o; Llnett Dnmatlr fableUotha afu<lA:
of newett ptuem*. AL*o; Towel* and ToW
mt Diaper—aube ponhenit cotnerof 4ih and matk«
Ktreei* ;
ORR HEW GOODS —At XV R. Murph)'-
Urv Good* Houae, norlb ea*i eoruer or 4ift anc
M.rift cinett Rci'civtd je:lcrda>, ah a*»ornntn> o>
linen Tal<le Hiapef* fiom **-4 tn!: i, including * un ’.
Very .onerinr Patnnvk Alv», ClrtebfO-n.lonUle eb
r j l.irtrn ’.able clollw. tjual.iy. Al*o. Ab
n.. a "am! Alpaca l.a«r«f n Ai!i A»*).tmeai fiom com
n*u 10-vrly anperior, »®o pfver> np^ h
P 4e Tran«parcn> Window Minde*. ofl>o<h* Ine and
A.I in B«V t>f Mj and 'Mortal
‘ A.;, Venetian OiiVid.lof aborted ajtea.anif-erf.ora. (c
Fiimr*-. ii.etoJ.nß Kolb
ami lllimi rr|ran»n*»,a*.oneil _
F » pATON» ■ |
■1 nr r*pr>*«»th!« dny a 6nf _ni*op«newoi
in*; while linen amj.l.lnek filk'uluicr ci>:
ril'd KHrcr*; Soperflna.Bob*
ruidrriit 0 Lawn* .nrt (inietiamaJ lor sale
• u fr,n EATON
• Fancy and plain brad colored dfe»* Pfio
,uilta black «’o'i man u!a, polk* and chain
, *„d rolnred la>lchjo inmroinxt; black
, iatin iiolxm da; ju«i ice’d ai l
»p 9
MautllU Hut
rich buck fr
K r». nrn mu
ami colored
lY ASD YARNS— C*uoii, tilk and
llotr Aiui baif iioie, in *4*t«iy foi
ft. ami cUiJUiem Kniuin*Yarn* and
UKUif-l.eo t dyrettonand
IsifclWoislrJi.oiKl ir»m Si k».«-
JI79T Re reived'and foraale atihe reannfjcmrrr'i
Si.t ptc e*,a’lm ; ge invoice of patent Gttm Elattic
an>i JfUitjei Suvpencerv'of the Ru»*etl Manofaetanrß
00, Ct iFi it «ale by the Agent. No 36 wood atreet, »P
•laiY'i who raftle- EDWaRUTODD
meh'i* •'••. Manufactnrer** Agent
F; h BATOJk,
DEAtER iu Trimming* and Vat-.eiy (3ooJ»,Tonoue
Thell Ivory and Horn canb*, Woollen \ afu* *'*«
AVonted* Duuon*. Needle*, Pin*, Tanea, »<?•
No TO M irket 8l between Diamond and 4th »l»«“
Pititbts'rfqT ’ . . »«!»I
, incloaiHiTßoir french Cniau, far Window
» b« t™>3 u dr F RPII v
ft B cor 4th md M»>».
etuil.'ol new eiyle Spring Pfint£-an»t'_
L r ; e k Or*nge, Canary, Bott. Pmk*, Earniture.
£ l?S inn wei«*» ** I
f y C SHACKLCTr* WHllE,Wwood«'
BN PI*AHSBI«—I Ule iwilltd Gre«a
""‘"“tt&CILErTi WHITE
DR INGOLDSBY’S *■ bimil IW**
a certain aa4 rwdteal cm, whether internal, »
bleeding or blind, tin, far irritauoc of the kidney* «w
Jtr, paiaa fa* the lack ud aide, eorttfewei*,
*sJ after eawfiaeacst m often WohM
> with conatipaiicet of the bowel* dr ■» we« *****
,alea. la all tuck an the Specific.can ha takes whh
tel aafcry, end U a rrrtiia remedy Thl_?pecifie 1» ®°* *
p*rj*U»e, and p aa entirely eeeeiaM* remedy, witboot a
i»J« of gamboge, cokueynce or *lor»—pleaaaot to taka and par ,
iWtly bemScm in the neat delknm nm. 1 .
Tbit u to certify that I boon Dr. Pfl* Spe.ifi.
at* a certain cm and mSe rtpuJy. Having «*■ it* cfhet
;amer*ieaae*,auxmtitM fiwmlj «mne«ic«H in metal eon
armed and mere cam of the pile*, a here h made an eauia
terry cm, llCsftY WHITWIthD.
Near York, Mat, ISO •** S‘*V> •««*
I cheerfully gilt or imtimooy *»., to ** •*»,
«4<ag effect* ol Dr.ingoldab/i, Specific, Ml know it
£>m my own raneHSTanl obwrrauoo, to
lattng mo n umTwilb mere** ua *»•’**** “*VL?f
"MTfcrt.a.ftacL -
Mr. Beil*—DearSirt—l hare the ptauira to my, thW
Our retd icior, Dr.’*lHU*Spee«6ei>»»®*de*P«' j
rcf ciirw in the caw oi my water, and fnow give you my wyra ;
hat 1 hat. been aurpeiaed at it, a* it waa to mj «•?»•«• wa- .
oaaible taenre htr. However, 1 call now tentHy to t»
doe aa4wing Infallible, and do advite all other* who arc al :
Iktrd’iD the like manner, to procure tb# artkU,aa they may ,
tteprnd on a certain curt
Torn with Tevpeet.
Wnt CMw, fi. V, Mij 15) lMk
Dr. IncoUaby—Drar Sin—That you may benefit ««n
who may be aufUriug, aa wrtl aa to ripreaa my gratitude W
the benefit l have derived from the twe of your valuable Spa
eifie, 1 comply, with your reipmt, and naw do givy toy leati
mony in frtw of it, hat mg been cwred of a mere attack el
the htr* after haring uard ether rewedte* without tucceea.
Youra with reaped
Sold wbolcak u.d nail by WM J JfttOiCu b»
enl Mfdkia, W.nhouw, uid 800, a,d Shoe San, Ho. W
Lilwrly >M, bad or Wood, PilUburtb
|.r boi. - r_-_ J “~—
Jl IMLLS, for the cure or Liter L* tupleml, end
oil diseases arising from the Li»er.-Jn *'!?,. “* ..
ache, and as a purgative and Antßßihous r»H, «t>
patseo by none. • _ ’
Stmftoms or a Divxasxo Li-vr n.—loiUiu.
inflamation of ibe Liter, when not the consequrnee
n| an acute attach of ths diaease, begina generally •
wrtß*iywptom» ofa functional disoiderol ibedigea-
Site and biliary organ, and dyspepsia iicquerUy
seems to. Be the only affection present 'I be patient
•complains opirregolt' appetite and ii pa'red power*
ftFdigestiptff acidity, flatulence, slight,eholtc pains,
occaaiotfal nauaea and vomiting, and a aligns dull
paitPand weight are 'ell in the right aide, accompa
nied in tone case* with a dragging pain in the right
shoulder. Moat commonly, however, noj distinct
pain la expenenceiMn-the region ol the Liter,
Except when firm pressure is made on this part—
The Dowels ore always very irregular, coalivtnese
common in sonic instances with disrrfcoes. ire
-discharges scanty, dark colored, offensive, slimy,
igreenish or muddy. * One ol u.e roo.t contant aod
symptom* of Chrußic. Liter L*'Ui- ,
pit! t is a dry, haran. constricted state of the akin, j
a abort dry cough, with alight difficohy in breathing, !
ii a Jrequenl attendant on this diaease. . Intnr •.
chronic as in the acute form of tbie disease the pa»
tient can aetdom rest as easy on the Jell ar •«#
right aide. As the diaease auvancet, alight fevers .
come on lowarda evening, attended with a burning ;
heal in the palma orthe hands andaofra o| the feet}
ihe nights are reslUss, and wi en the inflimmation
terminates in suppuration. hectic and rapid emacia
tion consume the vital poweta.
Manufactured and sold wholesale and retail by -
JOHN D. MORGAN. Omggiat,
Wood street. Pittsburgh.
,AV al.LABl>l£ KAaiUV
£3IX LKC'I UR to on ibe t>&fc.So« THb LUMJS
J 5 Cauaei, Prevention and rare of Conanmpi on.
and Dlaeaaee of the Heart On ibe U*>
or Longevity, and mod* ol preaerring male and It*
mala health, eymnietry and beauty; fipoajng «“«•
and core of thoee diseases u>arp*i>dnce Cnniump*.
tioa. or ibotten life.ia Aflectiona of Me bain, ®P' D *»
•aomaeb, Bowel*. Kidney*, Liter* Scrolula, I’lle*,
(iravel, and Female- Complaint*,' It* -»
pracucal and pure, mnn a gu-de in perfect, healin,
and long Me.. S 8 Engraving* S*» W»- .*® cifc
Pontage 9* da. By hAMUKL bWtLOON
FlT< tI,A. A!-,M.U.)iti.KOAD*WAYiNKW
Any peraonremijting fifty crnia, free.willteeeiTe
•ibe copy, *>y mail, to any part. *1 be trade aoppUad.
r Ftb 10, 1647-dfam
Vy ftißicied with Olioim of. ih* Lunga*
—Thi« i« tocenify w UmecaflctrU wiih ilie fir»ipte*
,o^ UJ vorv symptom* 01 that 1 bare i*«B
laboring for aereral year* with a brnocai •oreneuoT. ,
f.e throat and boarcneM. 1 u»ett many medicine*, but
f .ond bo relief in any preparation of meoiemc. until I.
HtMEDY. 1 hare been o»iD*tbi* valußhlemedtcmP • H
for several year*, and »)*»>» find ino relte-re when. !.
eTfcr.l make u»e of it My occupation a» an Aocnon r _ , ,
cer, which keep* me almost conuutly enxiiged, eao*e» [
my disease, «t tijrnes, m become very alarming. when I
■i once pnwur*Tth<a oedicine. I therefore lake-plea*
•me in making thta pubUemiement. that oihera affect
ed with » diKaw of/hc lung* nnd expectorant, orfani,
know i)i<* ’Yinurn of ihu ‘all healing remedy,”
ondmaj be cored. I have recommended Dr Duncau'a
Kipecioraat Remedy 10 many of my friend/; aocno of
whom «wt their hvea to thia medicine
ruvui wfi wv«* - '
Somer»ei,Ohio>Oci. 13. tt4s JAMES lIEWIT . *»
The proprietor of ilie above medicine would, tlao
sler to the undcraigned peyaone, who reside in .Firry
nnty, on whom any peraon may call opon and be
nvinced that there are vinnea foand in the above
cdieine that cannot be excelled :
David Calbenean. Someraeij Dr B. Stone, do;Fran
cia Goliher, Jackaon tpi Mr. Larimer, do; Oco. Folbert,
B Siȣa , sgEa, iso bk
-smwSsK; « no™*.,
head of Wood aircct. . apl»a*wi__
JS LNG^—Scr.i ula in all it* multiplied forma,
whnher in that King’s Evil, enUruemcU o the
BlJnda nr umcjr.Gotttd; Swilling. Lrron.c
Uneumalivro.t.anscr.difcnsei ol the Sam or Spine,
or of Pulmonary Conrumption, .emanate from one
and the anme cauae, which ia a poiaonou* pruteip e
wore or leal inherent in the human ayvlem .Fbere*
fore unleaa ibi« principle can be destroyed,-no radi*
cal cure can be eflecled, bntir the principle upon
which the diieaxo depend*, i« removed; a cure
muat of necessity follow, no matter nnoer w hat lorm
the diaease ahbold mamleal it*etl. I M«. therefore
the rcaaon why Jatny* Altiiutive «a 10 uni
\rraally aucceaaful in removing ioniany malignant
diseuea. it deetroya the virua or principle Iron*
whtc-i thoee diseneea have theirongm, by entering
into the circulation, and with the blood i« convrj cd
to the minutest fibre, removing every p iticleor
diaeue from the ayatern Prepared and sold at No.
8 South Third Street. Philadelphia.
Sold at the Pekin Tea Store, No. U Fourth atreet
Pitubnrgh. .mchSU
Ptuk UUDY—Ii i*an eaialmaked «aci »bai a *cr)
lane cl a*' of di*ea»e» can o»i> beared b> «uch re»-
!*di't a< will Woodland e.rctimtr
:l ibioarh every portion of Urn body, lorooi) i»>‘bit
means can (he remedy be i»» imm* «)*>* con-
iecl wiiSlbe dl«a«e; mod WBTtmio lh»* «Jr»ir«'*'e end.
•10 preparation baa ever been »o omtormly euccraoat
uffjAlNt-SALTKItA-nVK mrfplw'
Kvil Cancer and Canceroue .Tiunonra, ''bile M»el
iinc» Enlaigemen* of the Bone*, l hnjb c Rbromatuun ! -
•nd Goal. Krupiice dl»ea»e*oi iho mdo*
.1 l.'lcer*.Uotirou* Swelliupteof the Throat.
•ored whh a certainty that h»* aitoniHieti e«ry »«•
bolder. U »• betidet one or the motl pb-aiam article*
inatean be taken intoibo«>«im operatm* *» a tome
mdicmomßf t)>*pep'lc and Ntfvoua aSeetiona.and
imparunjt a plow of animation and hea th
15 anr«Bn« in the whole Valeria Mrolra' Fur tale H~
.fe PEMN TU STORE, No M Fourth .trtet, near
Wood. - ■■»«***«*
R' OIE OIHTMBHT, for Tenor.
Pimpfeaon me Pace and oibet Ctnaneooa hn.|nrtt'a
IYiier», Rin*wornn. amt herpetic «ruptu<n» |*p«*i'ty»
, fe among tue reo»t tediona Md dtroneeceble affection* ,
" lh. from,. '• lioMe. Hi'
•ore. on the »orpo of nI.U! u w olaou inraoointo »
reach them by Inward runrtliea lienee lb* ifltfficacy,
of undereoin* * conrit of medicine,- «>r •ob/ccutp our*
tel*e« lothe oneorafonable .j.iemof did*, web
■nesnr by reducing the •>•-*» merely. p»ln«w tb»-
<>mpiom* while they are m p.aeiice, *o tecor
icmly. or more *O. when a generoui di.lU leiumrd UJ.
\nd\be generality of external appikation* hire nd
n.her effect fhanio heal the-JH=care w **
’^^atssaesz^i ,
... oppir’w “ ”•;> ft Co
at)l9 corCih and wood/it. and inurnl wood at
So Cure. So"Pay* ;
Dr Jaekten' W# Smbree«H».n l** w» Fidif
'TWfEKE are few iiiaeasea wore common or troo-
I bleamne thiu the file*, aiid jet. oi-l*itbttaiid- y
,ne reat'eflorU hare been made t» cute by the tree \
•pfollt* electuaries, Itnimenta, dec , all weiefuli'* • \
iadol 'little benefit. Now the BrajjlucaHon t* the \
•aly medit me u*ed. A perwm who In* been suffer*
•nz wit'» the ijilea .-f the wont bind ernte from
lem. New Jeriey, aimoal on parpoae to excrete hie
gratitude fur tile apectiy cure that thla medicine bad
effected in hia ea e— i hila. Sat. t'oat. >
iTTKot aalefin Pittaburgh at the PEKEN TEA
VpuRE. liTFoorth at.. and afro a- the Ureg Stort
H. P Sehwartx. Federal »U Allegheny City.
~ feb!BT • - _ •
VVuriut! W i>rut«. VVj u».
. LOvl*VlU.fc> AIITI< 18. IH7.
Kidd & Co, Uen.a:-Tin* »• *ocertify it>»*
& chi-d of mine waaafflcted wall VVoax». Iprocuied
various kind* of VernmußC. and tdmicuweted. '*£■».
•■ot watt no effect. I then purchased a vistoi Of
Lane’* celebrated Vermifuge and atier Riv.ns a M»
dote*, the ehitd ducherjed about » quart oi !■»*•
Voruut The health ot the child improved immtflt
atelr ' I woatd recommend Dr .MeLane * Vermifuge JO
.ne JuM.e, •• one • of the' moil wfe and
. jy .or vrorma now irinie. : * ion comer
Sold nboledale and retail,b>* J KIDD & CU. rornar
| <tood ft tomih ns ' •
Dr. McLene*a M»er • _
. -
hl »by >*»'••"*?; n JAMKS JONES T
itunk, will effect» core. Wilkin* TuwntWp
*i^ , p ‘ t|,hu gh --5
. Wtooi ß*A FAlSnSrrocK*st CO, J
. vp erected an eiien*i*c warehouse Ofl tnecofnClJ
c HrfwS »<: p ‘“ r •»*«** to wtuth tue > h,, r,
. * *®; e< j their Whotr*a!e buunerft, where they will
> 7way. bare on hand aa eneume UMitnstii vjU
Ujearucle* >» their line, to which tney invite the »ttta*
lU The f Dr« b#«ineM will be continued tithe ou> mad "••
Wrwlw. i . _ -»pr»
TatfNfcW HAIR toN lO^-AlUrptwe uu* article ail |
J trial, we unhtutatioelr pronounce it to b* what it •*
161— the- b«t article, wi&onljnT eawjiuon, ta m. hr** .
restoration and pmemuoo or Uie breaau hair* ” • *“*
Df neacrou inataaee* where hair hat tern mtcred to had*
2h!sFsl»ten bald tor year* and w. think we«a ado
treater &ror than to weottsuud to all our reader* who a*..
fSJffii, hair.toaake a trial o(tortc**ms*ii*Ulj
«»riki* t- »&»},*- .
H rc*wr»[i»c , lt ,:ior, w,«rß»hj - -
iJidi.loweH.liMf.rt.oyor'tao'i.McyMmJ. ,
1 'srrftsefl.^ae.::
(? Q(J rorllti«™i „0«3 *ndSll>