■r**£-' MISCELLASIT-' • ' For lbs Fittrtwirfh Christian Advocate. *• I yi doer* of ike word, ted not kesxere on; ly, deceiving ycurOtenieJees.’’ * rton rn s ouiik or lumLoctma. <*i am a CbrUtiab,” dart thoa say 1 He U Who knows the Lord: Who thus professes should obey In deed is'wetl tLS'Word; Whatever is the Lord’a command, This must thou gladljf do. Or in bis sight convicted stand,- A. boaster, vain, untrue. U I am a i^oa **? f-'v If this thy nome/may be, Then shouldst thou practice day by day. The works of pigly: Who lores b* sins can nerer claim With truth the Lord to lore; For though he bear the Christian name, His works his faith disprove, . S~ “I sm a'Christian,” dortthtrii sayV.,, .“Redeemed with Jesos’ bloodv . Baptized and taught the beUer way, 1 Within thelcburch of God:" ' "lie well; yet ptove thyself and see, If'thou iitb.firee good will,. ' • And hating base hypocrisy. Host all thy rows fulfil. t f “lam a Christian,” dost thou say ? “The means of grace Inset I hear the Gospel pablicly, ' And privately penise Tis right; but erer keep in mind, What God’s own words declare,' That only lhoae.a blearing find - i Who do as well as hear. “I am • Christian “ dost thou say ••I all my Bins 'confess, And at the bleesedupper pray, 1 Tor God's forgiring grace Good-; but let all fhy conduct shdw, •Through’Christ’s redeeming might, A heart by grace dirine made new, After that holy rite. “I am a Christian,” Smi thou eay ? •“All grieroo? sins I hate, And greatly lore to sing end pmy— Marks of wy gracious state jl Praiseworthy all, and meet au«l right, But see that thou within, As well as outwardly to sight, Art. freed from every tin. Wouldst thou be truly Christ’* below ? Then must thy sense and soul, The Saviour** heavenly impress show. And love thy heart control ; When this pure love thy boeom firee, Yet makes thee meek and mild, And turneth Godward thy desires. Then aay, “I am hb child.” But If to worldly lusts thus long Thy,soul has been a prey. And thy proud heart and slandering toi Tempt thee full oft astray,— In thee no Christian gentleness. But envy, bate and war, — Alas I most certainly, from grace Thou art as yet afar. Then say not thoa in joyous mood, “I am Lord’s, the Lord’s u Until thy life aod ;works make good Tljifse comprehensive words: ’ The name alone will not suffice; The Christian must appear ’ Before the world and God’s owu eye* Worthy that name to bear. The Lord bestow the strength I need, That I may truly claim To be an Israelite indeed, tf or merely bear the name; For they who have the name alone, £ior deeds therewith combine, Shall never siog'betore H»s throne, tf or in His Kingdom shine. PROVIDENCE CONFERENCE ANTI SLAVERY REPORT. The following Report of the Commit' tee on Slavery was adopted by the Con ference: ' ' , Whereas, The great evil of slavery still exists in our country, and to some extent in our church, we feel it our duty to continue to lend our testimony against it, and seek by all prudent and lawful • roes ns its entire extirpation. We hail with gratitude the growing interest in the subject, both in the country and the : cborch. While we deprecate its exist* . /ence and its extension, we can but:re joice to witness the. indications of! its. . growing unpopolarity, and the measures ' taking for its extinction, and ultimate overthrow. We. most earnestly recom mend all our minister* and member} to ; ' continue their supplications to Almighty; God,.and the use of every prudent mean* for its utter extinction.' ' ’■ •'> We recommend for adoption by-the, Conference, the following resolntioos : * Resolved, That the Conference are as much /s ever opposed to the great evil of - American slavery; and;bound in •conscience to continue to seek, by all prudent means, its extirpation. Resolved, Tfaatwhile we honor those ' border Conferences of our church, for the noble and manly stand they have taken ’ against the encroachments of slavery in r the Episcopacy, we-do look with confi dence and high expectatioti for their continued exertions, by every lawful and prudent means, to secure its entire ex- j pulsion from the M. E. Church. Resolved, While we thus deplore its existence, and are encouraged by promis ing indications, and the fidelity; of oor brethren who are more immediately eon t cerned, and pledge ourselves to continued exertions, we would maintain the same conservative and trne anti-slavery ground by which this Conference has already become seduced by flattery,) nor deterred by threatenings or denunciations, from pursuing the coarse of justice and humanity. ERIE CONFERENCE RESOLUTIONS, f Resolved, That while we approve of the principle* involved in the resolution from the. Erie Conference, we deem it bot expedient, at the present time, to ' /adopt it; and therefore cannot concur ip . it.— Zion's Herald. ' Thf. Letheok end the Bees.— A novel (application oi the Letheon is re cordell in tho Boston Transcrip:, which is this described by a gentleman who assisted in the experiment. It appears V that a friend who had neglected last fall to take the honey from a beehive, re soiled to obtain what should bgjeft, and the procedure in the case was SS follows: •T''-e-A&fa fros. ’ ' 'wATabom sunset, (says the writer) we repaired to the bee-house, taking with us - aomi-highly rectified Sulphuric Ether. , " Thefbees.had,just retired-. Welting a spoige with the Ether, we throat junto i the liive, filling every part of it with the ~, fumes if tho gas. The excitement and —" bulling waa intense for a moment; the next ell was still, calm and quiet. Now " is the time, whispered Tom, as opening the live we speedily secured tho honey. -The beeja, were scattered about in every direction, dreaming, 1 have no doubt, plea- * ' ■ saniaid. delightful things, and sesfng vt • etona-orapple blossoms, 1 roses, andtan in - -tenhinaljle.flswp.r garden jn the distance. ' A sliahtl bnizing warned us that we bad -. . bather depart:' Closing the hive, we re . ‘ - moved the apohge, and in ajesr minntes ' thn whole air tsas’arive witlf bees, dart ’.. ’.ring out and in, bver aod aboulour heads, mnd.w;*. ourf-position iifiK-tr)9k up, our “line of »««•>. with 8 ‘" J ' abonVthe a ante speed as die 1 Mexicans 2". : -'j(o < -wSii i, old'Hough and Ready* is after ihaa.” PBUiAibi khVEH'MiatfiNTg. for TrON RAIIIiNGS in the United “ which the attention oi those m want of any dwcriP* tioSand especially for Cewetenes, la particularly '"r'htnruieipelimrlot 111 the bend.ome Railing* ffoonnunt.nnd coOeteric.in the city and county °l 1 hdioelphu, eh™ bite been hijlilj eilolled bj the public prei>, were eteciiled el thu mambclMj. P * huge WareiKnora i. conkected with the e.Ubr lishmeDb Where in kept KmeUnll.ro, bend «1 jrje •lock ofreadr-raede Iron Railing!. OrnamenU) Iron Setleea. Iron Chair., now iljlc plain “ d ui Icon <»atea. with an extensive auortmeot of Itou Poet*, Pedestal*, Iron Arbor*. St c: -AI«o. 10 variety, Wrought and C**t Iron OraeroenU, suitable fdr Haitian, tad other purpo.es. . Tbe tubccriber *ould sl«> «t* le '*•** tern aod Designing Derailment lie h»» etnplojcd ■SS/Sitoblsle.ll. therouolrjv-bo.c whole attention i. oetolcd to the tiu.mm-fo ornii alw aether one of tbe moat complete nod systematic t« LbliahmeßUofthcbindinthc^iiirm. ROBERT WOOD, Proprietor. Ride* Road, above Batwnwood street. Phibtddpbiajf Mareh V£. 184? dfimor-c rriHECIIKApSriuOLD ANESbVKB ftITCII «g Silret do do g “ . Gold Lcpmei, Jewelled. f> r • hiker do ; do };* Silver Quartern fine quality. }'* {'“ Gold Watches, plain, i >5 Silver ' Gold reset!*. Gold Bracelet*. \„ A ,1.1. AUo.on b*nd. a large assortment of Gold and liny Bracelets, finger ring., breart pm'-hoop r. l ring jtfj 1 pen., silver spoons, sugar tong., -wm curb and fob'chain*, guard key* »od <*/ description, at equally low prices. Alt! want: “BS;. .nd dock. «s«g d *sr:r. ranted to keep good time for one > car, old gold an verbought or taken in exchange- rwk». at For .ale, eight day and 1 Watch,Cock, and Jewelry Biorr. Nu «4| M»*« I than the above pflece. _ .—— ■ • I aASJTVTirSPAT'KKT DIJftECT-AC TIOA 'steXm hammer. r THIS Hammer po«c*»ea »«>* advantage* over all s sS£* - * j ftomthe io'bo 'nmHe* l , miter ike •«'»' * hlstalpltellT. CooiF.etoenCbe.pne.j It. A«e»ibilny opon »ll k> Ike “"'‘“e | >ll the hammer* ore made SeH-Aciißf- Tie .ob-criber. coMinoe.lo exeeo.e .ri™ lor ihe.e I huaner»,of allaircN upon rea»uabl«; lenns. j Fer ll znherp-n. C ui.f»^«»^ TOWN^ , EE rTwiIEKKR B^''- - L®®rSrn«Kni,iS PTolniK O.M. P'iSeiteW'f.- lU..,?JE2V-Wr»«'l“ •■ Se.oe.of j i JSaSSSSSte Vtete-teeAbp'n *»»•• -> 1 Kiwi Friend, W V Wallace ** : Paide fleor, Mareizek. ' Glendaloogb, W i berwn. Bnena Vi«a March. ! Radotph Polka, C F Rudolph. Gea/TaTlor’a March had Qai*T &»*.«* euemled lnf* Verer«,l)iß *, \\ aid. I Hind*, and a complete a**ortnirnt of all Tool* and Mi i#r.ali belonfioK to the trade; with a larae ujjir.roem I 0 f Gold and Silver Lever. Leplue. and Plata Watel.n; i all of which he will ruaranty to «i! at the lowest New Vork pricer. All order* front the eoutitry punctual e *N C *lk—Coiuttry Merchant* and olhet* are invited «<■ eaU and eiamine at the Old Stand, No. 21 South Poonb meet. Philadelphia; iH"™?- CARRUGBS I IVILLIJH OGLE, f-CMCH ,V*D . U.iRSESS ST.iKFJI,!*} Ch„ B ut ,i, ngJOr PkilodripH*, l*t. of the fir« of CMe f IjlpJ L. HP* WiUou. mpcrtfull) inform* bi»Cn*»d» the public, that fce ha* and will keep eoaautlv oa bind and for *»le, a httd-xu* ,*»»rtßKni <*f Mhiooable Camaee* Vehicle* of all «tjU» and dwenpli.*.* nad* to order at tae ihorua po»M* nouca, and cmaird to the very bwt manner,of«material. _ ““t *.. fa - Smnh~ w Hartley. W II Woodward SmTTJ/B VOAIaEY At CO., wholeiale dral* rfi in Grocen» *• Tea*, llidcc » 1 r • No S 3! Market 1 etreei.helow Sixth. N’oith a*de. I ndrlpti'A. r IS! > ffISCELLANEOpS, _ N~ OTlCB—Application bat been made for die rr oewol ofOMtifieate No IT#, dated January »* teas- Cor ihiny««L* abarta of the cap.ul »tock 01 Mr computr for ereeling a BnC*e peer the R. wMonoi. nhela. ©ppoatte I'ltwbanjH— arbieh aatV HGARRARD Wm P Young. * C Ihnuen- F Plonkeu. TOCHG, UUUfiS A PIaUSKETT, l* . i}f T C L’A SS MANUFACTURERS, I*7AREHOUBeNoa.S3 Waterand IM F.MtHreet. W Plaibarjrb. The Glaaa manufactured by a* t* warranted equal to anyun the country. AU oident will reeeiacproenpraueiition and filled on reasonable term*. Merchant* and other* « he eit 7 * f . e ' n ' yltedtocallbeforepurehanntrenewhere. • lehH VBSETIAV BLINDS. 'TMIE greatest and best variety everoffered in ibis c>ty I before—made on the most approved Eastern pian*-- •ud mo« fashionable Eastfuipatierns *n.f coiof* Ai*> THE CHEAP BOLL, or BOSTON BLIND, on hand or made to order of all sizes, and at at! price*. Country Merchants and other* are incited to rail and examine the above for lherawUca. al b « “jj wholesale or retail, and n liberal deduction made 10 i>Prrh “ gr *- ' A U-r^F.nVKI.T- T« Printer*. a A JUST Rrcetvrtl an.l for *al« from the Foundry of !»«>• niucc t Co., New Yoik, ibe following fcmuof Type: - V 9 ■ 'MH 1U Bourgeois lal 17* Its Minion Title, !15| lb* Lead*, ■OE3P 5*71 ll>» Minton; I lip 3 il«Two Line Minton Cap*; Spare rules, etc.. ALSO- For a ety of ffeeond hand T> j>e, from Nonpareil »« >'■* *• f; LT"’°T‘ , “ n * 'ccTacTh makin g . PROM the very liberal encourage ,fnrp« 'he subsenberha* received since ke baa locatrd himself in Allegheny, has iadored him to take a lease; for a su£— W na of years, on the property be no w ocean tea, in Bearer street, immediately beside iba Phvrvh. F,0.» tin leaf above business and a desire to please, be hopes to mer it and receive a share of public pwtmoauce. : A CARD. ’ , A BIS THROCKMORTON begs to acquaint bis A. friends that h* is again lessee of tho O A L r HOUSE, Louisrille r Ky.,where be bQP«‘}? »«et all his old frienda, aasunng »hem and thepubltc.ibaiTO effort shall he spared to make nit comfortable Whofaror him with their __ _ • MB VININO ROSES'Monthly Rose! «nd Ever greens. 4c, loitabicfor planting in Cemetryng *ean bo furnished on application at the aeed: store, from Nurseries of Jas. WanJiop, Manehesicr. S N W.ICKFRSHAM rocb3stf _ No 134. rnr wnod andfob sts ~ CANAL. BOAT F UUNITOBLR. I HAVE in store and for sale low— • Rank Femmes; .Manraise*; Cotu;, Beds; Pillow*; • Quilt*; Sheets; and Trimmings of all kind*; - And Mother sructeam my line, which I shall sell low and on accommodating term*. W.M NOOI.K tnlStf Store, dpposito the Hank of Pin*burgh. fr! *1 /GROUND ALLSPICE CtnnanidtL and Cloves in \T bsts, boxes and small pa ckagesscnßiiaqily oh band and for sale attic Mustard and Alice FhcLoiy; T 7 Firth S&eet. _ *P? . OABIMBT UPHOLSTERING.' TAMorepand u> do-all kinds of Cabinet Stuffing X Safas. luraAS, Chairs, Chair Seats, at short notice Orders left*t Mr, Noble’s on Third si, promptly auend- TO-Rcwlrißg'ofilfkibo i . ,J T STUART. ' Stacif • i BOUVUL FIBB «UJ;M K ..IB».j S . |W WAOt-M ,tN BiJr'VaNTED—W*nsd ■ good ij>do*trioo» Hoy to ttteaiut »Oi6e«rjr Store- IVI bcoi 6<| onceroqttlrtd. APfly » aErr z t m Liberty *r«t TRjMgffilM*LßES L . Sranivuu oisAi. t oailuoad KXPREBi FACT PACKET 'PITTSBURGH toPJIILADA. a*» BAt/TIMORR. Saltaktlv'fif P«m«**»* TSS C«r/on ■!« re""' « llh ““* ■ r 1 c “““' 1, * !0 ” ' wb»eb will <»e«t *r**tor comfort to trarelera. - A lfoat will otwayaUs «a port, and the nr li _ ~ouiio arc requested to call and ixowae them, r&4&rSU!raGftffiE&»" On, or the Io»«o S '“S'; »he United Slate* Ho«U corner I'entt atfcct and the „cn-„^.. ii »o^k Ay3 For mformation apply at the o|l.c e . Wwonpahd. c»' Pon“^.“«». L -WESTIffUJf tIiAXSPriaTATIO!* CO. ; 1547. Jl^-Jll: D. LEKCU & CO_ *B. _ TKA ?? «. S ,0> UNK- P.IIL*DKm.II*'SAbTIMOHE AND.NKW VOElt iTt?tt?ss«BsA? t& 1 V- t «• n foo.i order. The • uto.cr.bcr* ate prfpa- Edtt forward a quantity of Mccl,aml,rr>ml Produce with eenalniy end dupateti; j Produce or ilcrchandt*c tonwgiied w i»n> of tl|- un derived t. free oi any charge tor cowrit i lladinff tn»n*n>!itc«f end all tinUTieurn* promfciJy^ of tbi" Lino t* condae&d on *tneily Sabbaiti-keeping principle* Addrc**. or «‘PP I > to »»buam *” **d LEECH k Co. Proprietor*. Canal Piu*burgh HARRIS k LEECH, Pn.pn.ion. No USouth Third street. Philadelphia JOS. TaYLOR-A- SONS. Agent*. No 114 Noith Howard street, Btilutnofc \V 0 WILSON, Agent, No-7 We«t nrcei. New % orb "PITTSBURGH PORTABLE B. LINE. fe&giUl 1847. Bjagy^. , njR the transportation of Freight between Pittsburgh V and the Allnnt.e OitlM. avoiding ®? the wavi ami the consequent n«k of delay. .wtnace, breakage and »epar»t*oii of goods. Pnpnttgn BORBKIDUK * CASH No 27b Market street. Philadelphia . TAAFFE At M'CONNOR Cor Peua ami AVaync «*, Pittsburgh O'CONNOR A.Co, North atrrtt, Baltimore ) WA J TTAPSCOTTf7stiouvti*u N- »• \ Eneoaroged by increased I.uuocm the Pro P™ have, added to their *ioek and «*ie«aed ij*w «rowgB -d S f?r“g"f wub'reCTl’Juy tilid dispatch on.aip»««J btuSVbt line. Their long *gp«i«M t il »rt mra, due palpable aupanorny of the I onable J aiultbecrrai capacity and Convenience of the ware Sou«e* at each end of the tine, are pecohAtlrcalcoli- Md\u enable the proprietor* to fulfil thc.T eneagcinem* ami aecorareodais tbcu cuttomer*—confident! yoffeting themaat Mo.gaaiamy fee the nuure, they rc»peaiul) *oticiiaeunimuaitccof thw patronage yvhtch tbc> now * f Allco ( n*'P I ™ lllß lo*Taaffe k Q'Coiinor wiII b« « e d and toiwarued Steamlxjat efaarge* paid nul Uilla of Lading umnnaitted tree of any charge advancing or (lorage. -Having no mtcreu directly or indireeuy tn steamboat*, the inters*! of the cotuiguora Su»l necewartly *-« ibeir primary vr «i. and they pledge themselve* to ferward a! good* Smaigaed to them promptly and ©a tb» most advanta -1 geou* term* to the owner*. ... 1 * sunk l-I*o . - *Tsi>KP®BiD fiSMT PORTABLE boat, line- „ *BURGM. PHILADKU’HIa AND BALTIMORE irj” Without Tr»ovtiipiiieiii.«Ajl Good, coined lo our cure w.lVOe ouulel*)\ni the lo«-c«i.currrm rate*. UdH «* l f iruosmiurJ. and all loatruetnwa promptly <£e fro* any rxir. charge for ,'»'**% °''°**£*‘ 0 * A.Wr.-.. ornnplyio OA McAMLT\*w ,P> Cauii Butin, l’ltt»hurgL PICKWOKTIt At CO'S LINK. IS4 7.:3SBa^> f or jbc trt>ni{v»nstion of "'AV iS'FRBIOHT beiwrrn Vi:i«A>'nrgh.llluir»Tillf,Joho*- £«n.ltalli4»V*<'™K*-'V»irf £»«**«. I’etmbarjb tmd “'onMmfwiM te»£c ine •jrnrrhau.c of 0 AsMcAnuUy 4Co l'stl«huißl>,eTfry day. {*ond»}» 1 uud M&v can *•£»> « cepend on. h»«n* Am *-*»• fur watJpd wi'ibout delay nn*J at Cutr rate' Thi» l7nr wn» lo.m-J for the ap-m! .rrommodatwvn I Oi'in’ruuj iiuvucti. ■id ii»«- pn’j'rirsora reapccUuilT ; wl'Cita |;’>era' *hare os'patronage Propntten __ | JOI N PICK WORTH JOHN Mll.l.tß ! ff- S V ; UARNKS ROOKKT WOODS J WILUAM FIM.TN ' JOHN MlU.till. Ho"'.Jayl'UTgb I ! R II i\\N \N John-town ' Arc«a* i C A McANL’I.TV r. Co. IMul ursi.) ; I ntrtatsc**. , | J J MepeTdt. John Parker. ttohen Moore. OD 31ICUIUAS m’ : is-17 .■■■eaa&& cotnwedm S eernSont* Lair Kf e 1 ofi.l Mieh jan, ronn.rg da.-ty \w~trj, «*ft ■ud J ptver. .1.. J Nn-I |>.i«-p>««v*r.t;.t 1 r.- »t»J . e rg «*m C M Hee.l'a l.nr of rvcamlio.-tt-l'ropeiiera itrul Vc».eU on it* • Lake*, aiil I* prepared upon the f arlte*! opeu- In-.F rrurr a , ph.u’uon the KiT-r Cutul aial t.ake* 'iWemtrererv faeil-ir for eon-reyrng freight and p#»- reuiert *nh proepioe-a and Afps-rh. lit- pmmieioi • lid agent* ffpeciiuUy •niiflt Itotn then fr.ead* •»«. - ■ ZUBSSS;. RK.KOS, PARKS A Co. Beaver. Agl« - JOHN A CAIGHKY. Pm»'.;sh J-> Simthheldand W»tcral». opporne itw M.uionga lUjjf. • 5 ’ tO til T<* Wheeler, Crocker A. *%>■ New Yor. lira Da via, UuS*Jo ' K N Parka 4c Co. Cleveland | Jas A Annauon* A Co, Detroit McClure A William*, Mdwaukir Bnatol A Poncr, Coicap> Win Power*. Poweraiown. Penaa Goo Maehelmyre, Lvanrtutgh, Pciiim* John Me AH hut, Jlanwown, do Wick & Acker,Ureenwße, dp Fnuupidn, C?Brk».Tllle. eo liny* A .Plumb; .. : "irOMuimivffliiieii, do 1 R W CnnnnighnnL New_Ca«i!r l do . m»r? BKLIAJSGE PORTABLE BOAT LISE. TW'EfclN PITTSBURGH AND THk fcAMLKN • CITIES. WII MOOT TIUMHIPkIKT. '• THE improved method of carry ing oard by tb<»long K.tald.ahed Line, i* now to well known that do ♦erlpiion ta o»neeea»«ry. Good* are tonte. tbue all transhipment oreitra bendluig a aaved. The Boat* are of light draught and perform theirinp* in from »ixtO*eTen «»•»• ~ jThe capacity of our Watehoote* «n*bic* utjfi More aky oonaiguincnu made to in. Receiving,Morfng, and alvanceslrre of charge*. . _ , Hang fully prepared to make late* of Produce we r<:*necifuiiy aolicit cousigmncnia of western Hour, b aeon. Lard. Butter, Cbeeso, W 001. leather*. and other aWle* for aale on which liberal adraurra w»l be JXade ami other usual fae-linca afforded, pledging our that aa> l.u»inc** eiiirnaiud u> «s alialt ne as fax.:””'"' -vs?! 1 mckaLLS' ? I Canal Baiiu, I’niihurgfe JAS M DAVIS A Co Imehltf 2J9 uml 231 Market *l. Ph.lad* h : - “jrSi DICKXY, - IoBWiBDING k MMMMIOJI MBBCUAMi East Beazxr Point and Bridgtwala-, bxatkb cocbtt, ri., Proprietor *nd A*«nt o( Mcamere_ _ ky__. _ySp£ LAKES ERIK ASD WICIIIGAJI, iAltf IKTWUN PITT»M?aoa *»D IITILI. be pirpared on eorlieei openli'f^ r " ! “ l ~BW * \V' Irftiion to teeei'ir property ■« h|« wharf <*oai or h warektoo**, for aH point* on hrio Kttrn-ion, C.o*. Sot, tod Omo Cannkfor ■(» port, on I.»kr Kne n..d fpper Lak»«.o«al«ototorw<»nl produrr, fce.hjr Penn a. ■sy A PP'y or *JS , *aCKCT.,I w~ PITTSBIjIIGH it CLEVELAND I.INE. iB4G. mam Vl^TnrkrT"" I! Ilooj.v T. K cJitnond * Co. CLARKE & CO., rorwftrdlnx A Oommlulon Merchant*, ' , HHAVKK. I*A. TVIJK Actuuiuid I’roonrlor* oflhn Line (» favtjr /I al> ly known to tb* public), willhe prepared on earliest opening of cmiiml navigation Ui receive prop enj-m rumburgli ami Elrnvrr. and deliver ib« wine «i any point on the Ulna canal*, tuui also on Lake* r.r.*: and Michigan, with the greatest despatch and at reas onable rates. . , , , The proprietor* of Ujiilmc when the Inkiness «n Iheir former’cosiomers "With confidence, knowing tti«' Ibeir facilities nrc second to none. Appl, u, or ■"';f„ AKTONi p „,. b „„, f CLARKK Bl Co, Heaver. Junlff T RICHMOND *• yt - ♦’eland I TO TUB PUBLIC, THK Coß’roen 5 * Portable Boat t'onipnoy l*cn>e m*- wlfi-d, too Company agmn wentmm oi partnership under the name of the *!•»»•, ■ml likewise agreed to refit the r*iock »o **’» tm»e n ovniber of Dost* for the {nirpoeo of carrying gfio*G through in to eight day*. with ccrtelwyt-and feel rneoumgrid by ihf- liberality of l««t year • |>*»n>«- ■gn, ut nuke more exteii*»ce arrangement* lor the en *UwVwould therefore aolieit a continu ance ofbur former patron*. and ** fe * al - ,,cw customer.. to thoae we have done busineM _ _ .«k#QHB47;njdCa SOATSABS' LIBEi For the traiuporuwin of all. xi’itpt or nrnctiAHPi»r, to ah» mo* c«,„r iJtaj,.««*; a I . c^;i“ A , |frtrr" h No 305 Market street; Philadelphia. ELDER, UELSTON ft Co, Agent*, _ Baltimore, Mil. ' REFERENCES. • PITTSBURGH—Ja*. AlcCully. Geo. W MeCullyftCo. B A Sampson* <-9. MAllen A Co. PIULADKLIMIIA-Moriisj>ttcr*opACo, Reynold* McFarland ft Co, Ftemmjc ft tfuxby, Peter w nr t “ * Sfe.TPl.e-.Perry ft Co. . ft Crctgli, W W t«cmrbor °°f*T. PLEASANT, VA—H,A Machier. ; \ NASIIVILLE-F Fleming. IWuTtl l Nora-All merctwndrM from New \ ork and U<*‘wi, comlgncd to A L Gciban ft Co, Philadelphia *dtl be promptly forwarded frit of cocntniMion- _ ! r1,, T.. 7*7””- LE ft CO’B ~ . . Package Bspreaa io PtolUdel^U. nmm rmj TB THE Canal being now on«n, too jW-W-WMIB-sbove Express which bae been ea iaw.stied.tor itra conveyance of valuable packugraor merchandise, specie. hank notes, jewelry, *e, com menced running on Thursday. March IS. An I*o* t-a»et will be dispatched laily until tho elose of lh« culling aeovml Apply to ' ’ ( mcb» TRAJiSPORTATM LISES, i t.fc i ' 1 viTT "PITTSBURGH ASD CIXCtSBf ATI DAILV line of . MAGNIFICENT PABSBNBER PACBETS. Tins well known end popular Lino of Steamer* ha* been greatly unproved the p»*t Winter, by the ad* of M-veral new and magnificent boat*, built eiprwaly for the Packet Line; and the entire line »■ Sw cutiipo*ed of eigbi of the Jarge.t, bc« fimweil and funmUed, and rao»l poweiiol boat* ou tUc Wnieiaof ji.. \y.jt Kvr.ry nccwurnodauoa that money will pro* cure Ua«'l»e-n provided for Pa.veuger*. wul no pkm» will be apaied 10 render tbtin comfortable and the tnpa ■ «reeable They leave I'ituburghandCincinnati daily and po*U«veiy ui Wo’clocki A Si. MONDAY PACKET. The MONnNGAIIEI-A.CapL Stone, will leave PUta* tianh every Monday morning at Jt> o clock; \» heeling every Monday evening at 10 P. M ; and C.neaman ery Thurwlay at 10 o'clock. A; M. I TUESDAY PACKET. The HIUEBNL. NO *. L’.pl J «.U Inava Puivhurfih every Tueaday mining at 10 o elo-k, Wh*el..i« every Tuerdav evening at 10 l . M.; and Cineumaii every Friday at 10 ©clock; A. M WEDNESDAY PACKET. • The NEW KMiEAND. N 0.3, Capt. A. D*an, will every Wednesday morning ■« 4*eloc\; WHePllngeve.y \% ednendiiy evening at 10 1. !M ; BndCineliiiau every Saturday at Ioocloc-k. A M. THURSDAY PACKETS 1 ’ nc- Capt. R. J. Graft, will leave Pitta* j JS ".rfriianS, ™,»m B .. ingctocl. Wk«l. ; , Thnrvduy fvrmng at 10 I. M.j and Cincinnati every Smvlnynt;oo'clock. A. , PACKET. ;. 'FbrVIMI'PHK.NO. !l, Capt-Grook*,wiH leave 1 Uh*- burgh every Friday morniHg at 10 o'clock; Wheel..,? e«ry Friday evening at 10 P. M.; and Cmcinnau every Monday u« HI o'clock, A. M SATURDAY PACKET. , The Capt. wilt leave I ilt*i , i .vrrv Saturday rooming at Hlo clock? 'V heeling J“7rv Snla evening at To P. M-; anJ Cincmnat. Thh.hhy ..lOo'clock, A. M. The IBAAC NEWTON, C.pl A 11. leave Pituborgh every Sunday rooming at 10 o clock, Wheeling everv Suiuluy evening at 10 I. .M-i and tin* etnoalicScry Wednetday.i 10.-clock, A M (tt-Chcwe Packets willtie ulthcirbcnhs at Pittsburgh. armCmetmiu... re S olarly. each port. lor the reception of frc*ffht, and entry of l a* Berth'or Slate Room considered engaged untun'd f RBG V IaII MqRPiiMO Vackbt fou BIBAVKR* rv The new awOplcndid atearaer . | UK AVER, commence* her | V sulaf inns ibis day, leaving I UU SfKffilh » cS"lfn.l. o ; llc.vtr, W.„r„ ™J rSJSTnd l.ui« «r r«kti. .nd ?••«> u«cmi S'lv oW.mn »nd Cl.wl.otr. C,n»l r.c.0l L.nj. to ea.ilc.nd Greenville. ; Ei« Elt.n.»n Ln.. ‘ N a* and Brie Neil. Moore A Co's Line* of to Mcadville a Cleveland and Wrio«tir leave Bea »«7aSj? orf the arrival of. steamboat Beaver Oom Pittsburgh A rT lj (^*M haRTON A Co, Pittsburgh! — ‘4^£c*£F L —- IS47. ‘k=§Ss£ Tfir **l> OHIO MMU, - BETWEEN PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND. v m PaRKSA Co, Cleveland,O, ) It ti PARKS. Ik-avenPa - } Proprietor* tv T MATHER. Pittsburgh, ra. ) Line «• now Mir prepare *® ‘?ciJ?e I Fre.iht and Passengers from Pittsburgh and Clo ve land, to Ut A. Pennsylvania A Ohio and Ohio imeio&taid Line ate not equalled by any ®n AaTd Cana£ m numbem and exactly of Boats, eipe «n..p of Contain*. and promptness of Agent*, Ac. r One Boat leave* Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily run- j , n poimeclion vtitb ibe Steamers. . Michigan and Lake Erie, between Pmrburah and despatch REED. PARKS A Co, leaver. Agts \V T MATHEK. PitUborjb, Agt . Cor Water and Southfield street* SUMMER ARBASOBMKSTS. l est 1 3 47. HI . MOSOSOAIIELA B,OUTH, nmmWll.LE AND CUMBERLAND TO BAI<- " •VIMOKK AND PHILADELPHIA T.mtiolUU.mo.r » Tii»f id I’tnl.delphia ....... Itt (Only “ I Mil* - * S-Ufin*.) _ .. „ M'llK »plendirf mid.fart running ecam'-riCoiuul ■!**• 1 .. Mclaiic md commenced making | dc.aMrrf.iiy mp.. Onebo.lw.li M™** l ’*^ | bel# wbnr/ errfv «of««c i bv Ui' nofn.DK line .ill .#t.ve in . : !a& S-**- •» ,: .r TA.. .«".«■« , ' l < 1 “ "V'i TO GLBVELAKD ,u.WARRBS< 1847. ; THROUGH IN ** HOURS. ittly lAcrcalici. >oA arr*. *> Dra«.UnJ .l.orl«-k. y Thu roatr * -lie mn« und. roiuforwtdc o, ‘" KS A LEFFINU WELI- Wartcu, ITopf* PITTIBCROIi ARD OBBBSynj* | 1847. AND FREIGHT LINK. ! rpiMH C;tn« con«nmcof freightand passenger Pack- I A ets, w)ilnin regularly dunug iho Ktion between I BeaVer and tirrrnville. Pa . by which freight an-' pa* •eiiger»l*iween the twopomi*. will b*carried pmmpih and oi the k*wr«i rale*. • WICK Jc ARCW-.R. Greenville, A(H» i.'HAlli k FRAMPTON, Clarksville, do ■ McFAKi.AM> k KINO, Big l>ud, do : MAVrt k I'Ll!MB, Bharp«bursh. do; W C MALAN. Sharon, do, IVM. MATHEWS, I’qlhh. do; : REED, PARKS k Co, Beaver. do; JOHN A CAUGHEY, corner Wmct ondSuuiliSrlil »t«, apßly Opposite the Munongahc’a Hoaie, Puutburgh - CITIZENS PORTABLE BOAT LINK* TTfi! 1847. roa THE TKIIII’ORTATIDII OP ALI. KINDS'OF MERCHANDISE TO AND FROM PUlladelplilai Baltimore. Hew York and Boston. THE oncooragement lh : e line has received since lie commencement, has induced the propric* lyr* to increase Ihc itock by adding a number oi Grit elasa boats; and inatead of giving receipts as hereto- Tore aa agents, we will give our awn receipts lor freight shipped by thi« line. The boats are all portable, consequently freight is taken the whole distance without transhipment, thereby preventing damage from trequent handling on the route, and aa each boat is owned by the Captain who runa them, which is a sulficicnt guar antee that there will bs no delay on the ronte. All Produce nr Merchandise consigned to the undersigned will be forwarded FREE Oh COM MISSION. Tor advancing and forwarding, and will be shipped, without delay at the lowest rates of freight. We rnvneetfolly solicit a share or poblte patro nage. i WALLINGFORD Ac Co , Canal Bastn, Pittsburgh. CRAIG, BELLAS it Co.. Agl. Broad Streci, Philadelphia. • J F MILLER, Agent i Rowley's Wharf, Baltimore, j Pittsburgh, Feb. HI. 1547. _ P f. 7“ an jN bum /'jaraanXL TO TIIBi EAST lIV MdNUNUAIIKLA BOtSTK, VIA fIHOWNSVII.I.H A CU.MIIKRI.ANn. ri>j|K undersigned are now prepared 10 toiwsrd pro- I dure, Ac . injlie Fn‘lrrn Marfcrtß during llie ensu ing \Vintr>,-rnilhe mou favorable leim*, by Hu* expe ' * AuVrupertyconsigncd to us willl.e forwarded attbe lowest rates and with despatch. Mpk hnndiefl received by iln* rouin promiitly for worded. *J C IHDWRI.L, Ag’t. Pittsburgh. t» W tlAf-S, Brownsville. n0 ,.»7 KKGKRTtJNA Co.Cuinl'erlond iS4I) * !SD 1847 jtaa TO t'ffß KABT BY DALTIfIIOBE AND OHIO rf.AI iiltOAl). rp JIE subscribers for die delivery of Pro -1 ducc to Baltimore byithe Msnongnhela Hlackwater si ihe following prices.-* Arlics, Bacon, Butter. Lead. Lnrd, Pork, Tallow, Whiskey. Cheese, ar.d (Baas—K7| ei» prr|oo lb*. Tobacco, Hemp, Flaxy nd Wheat—lH cn per 100 Hi*. Ashes, (Poll Apple*. Cheese, Flax-Seed, titass, and leather—lCO Cl* per lbs ' Odl Skins.Heed*. Wool-110 ci. per It* |t». Beeswax,Feathers, Furs, Ginseng, end Hnake-Root —IVOei» per IOOJba- All property consigned to either of the undersigned will be forwarded without delay, freo of Commission, at above rate*. * WII CLARK.Brownsville, ,1 .bovo run. (|Anna a WATK.RMAN, ruul.anb. novtPMlf 1 .. _ ~ ‘ NOTICE. . FREIGHTERS and other* wishing have'Fire Brick, Prodoce, Ac., hioughl to Ibis place from Steubenville ' intermediate landings, can make by calluur on'iso, a,* I ■ B Jsn? * Bteomhoai Agent, M Water *t_ FORBALK. 1 _ THBSlcaaboel HARLEM re; alied ft and refitted in handsome atyto_ ami LiMwsVnflMf how attho Monongahela wharl As she is ißiprovcdsheiawriladapiedfor carrying freight oiid passengers;pz for towing; *h has areal eapaoity »nd power. Any person divpos. d to SaTrehaM willWeourts.iwect her. H I also nropow to lease, for one or mom years my (Ml Vari*- and to V ntknof energy and business habits they TV, ’ ads'anugo*. l.canfurnish the leasee,either jf".K*7dffiSr. “MINKR." 11.c.n i— ul.. no fair term* ■** bargee, three flats, and two 25. SSS. «s 5» rtr - r 1 *'"*".»«««: *■ •. fkll operations. Anexamination oftbees- ZtJua«-ntU Valuable Medicine,thousands have (teen re»tn red to perfect liealtto who bnt by its use would now be ia the silent grate. AROTHCH uviro withesi.—Read with asion iibment the wonderful cure performed by Doctor Swayne’*'Compound Syrup of WILD CHERRY: I'ttILAPKLPim. January i 5, I&IT. Dr. Swuyoe—Dear Sir- In justice to yourself and a duty I: owe to Buffeting bumanity, I cheerfully ffire my testimony, and declare to - the world the mo«: aatuoiihtng effects, and the great cure your Compound Syrup of Wild, Cherry performed on me. ueder too uiobl unfavorable circumstance*. I was liken with a violent Cough, Spilling of Blood, se vere Pam* in Ihu Side and Breast, which teemed to breakdown and enfeeble ror constitution,*, tn.ii my physician thought my case beyond Um power oi medicine,and my friends all gave me up to die; but thanks to you and the effects ol your great discove ry, I now feci myscll a well man, and raised from a mere skeleton to as fleshy and healthy a man as I have been fur yean, and shall be picased to give any information lespecUng my case, by calling at my residence, Mechanic street,third dour below George street, Northern Liberties. Jacob Faiktek. Testimony is now received from all t/uarters tj i _ the Globe . The lolloping letters are presented fedh a vicyr of more fully showing the opinions of Fliysicutns m relation to the Medical value of Dr. SiWA\M.> COMPOUND SYl'l)!’ OP WILD CHERRY. Dr. Swayne —Dear Sir: Having used jour Com pound jSyrup of Wild Cherry extensively in my practice, f was requested by your Agent, Doctor •Crutcher to express my opinion in writing of it* properties as a remedial agent, I moat chccrlully comply- afl * feci by so doing, 1 will discharge a debt I owe the-comtuunity at Urge, and Physicians in lufrticnlsr. As much as I detest Reme dies and patent Nostrums, I was induced fr.nu a failure of the most potent expectorant*, recom mended in our matena mcdlna io some cases ol Diseased Luogs. lo try your preparation ot Prunu* Virginia or Wild Cherry. It is sullieicnltosay tint I vsasjso much pleased with the result of that and wj'ur.quent trials, that I now prescribe it in prefer ence to all jollier Remedies where an expectorant is indicated.! in the much dreaded Pneumonia nr Disease oftho iiunge, iu the alarming lonn in which ; it appears in Kentucky, I regard it as an invaluable Remedy in the treatment ol that disease. To all 1 who kiioW mo 1 have said enough, hut as this may i be seen by-persona out of the viciuily of Frankfurt, l wil( bnctl* add, that I have bpen erguged in an 1 active practice ol my profession ol 14 years,and am pfhmANENT CURE FOR I a Regular Oradu.tool Transylvania, and this i. the A POSPHYb & PEKMANbN 1 CURL tun | first Patent Medicine I ever thought enough ol to ANp A , le from ihc geiiciat mode Col{ls, Ac 6ic .wo would advise those afflicted in now in ut( . The strong do»c», ami Irregular miervals- I this] way to make immediate Inal of Ur. bwaync’s vrb'u-h Galvanism is applied l.r the Mnch-nes, has ! Coilipound Syrup ot Wild Cherry. It' will never bem pronounced, alter n lair and ‘•»P ar,ia * ) ria1 ’ J? , e 1 tail to perf. rm a permanent cure. The reputation rf.odntfy injursou*. .and . mL. nr Ik. alisUM tioUy Dr. -Swayoe s Compound Syrup of Wild j ihe.c-cornpU.nn are Cherry. , I jmimr the ino«l painful"and Uliivertal lo which we are from the Springfield Express. ; « u i,j t - c i. 'Hu y arisi. without exception, from one sira- Of the thousands of puq»orled curative nostnum J j,| r ,-au«c—a deruuaemeni of the Nervous Syriem now before the public, hut very few are Jound to j ami it w*« m ihc*e cases that oiher‘remedies imving. S**y4 Li«hv»r coinmendeß. Amnn,. ll.n I.Ucr wo are plea.. dlt , ‘ " o[ i;al.-a,M.m. ledro oone stand a better lest than Dr. Sway He » j Thetialvamr Rmc« have been used wil>ite-.: Compound'Syrup <>l Wild Cherry. The afflicted ! rr . R *n ~x , c , 0 ( Uukcxutixm. acute upv j mithia vicinity are beginning to use it, and lo their; ni> .ng «> ihe In-nd far.o ur lnnh»; Ge/u 10 » they find in iu o»e their hopes hasrd upon Us TboUiaeiu. BroncAitU , r«ni appuud l>T the Gulvnme llu.R* 1 •» -.ifficieni lr> arrest tb- prn R rer-» oi ihseaso and • niuniu'e.y rrsu* e h«-a:;li Tin- uiiprovnl inodifipai.tm , tiii .-an-tu linn '^'y ... ~n. an > u-«r-c »•- i-v..r ih- rwpsi ' . . f.-n.- -. b<- oiiianind. umi »ocoir.|«amt winch .U imstcrous ncrmoi tJalvniu-m can ctfect will fail in i.c nennanentiv relieved. These arneles are mlap ■ ird to me tvu.-u. urru*. itmli. limbs, anclcn- or any pan | oi ihr l.o>!y. w.th |« rf--ci conven.cncc. Tue Galvanic Nw, are used withcicalcr benefit in cases ol i i;r-.iiii*ho • or uil-m com of me throal xenerarly; a-*o in I o' Ss-rvou* Deafne**; nnd with nlmosi uniform • a* a preventive lor Apoplexy, Epileptic F ,l *i CUiiitic'sMnsneUc Flatd ~j ,-i, ; ,iir, i.on •> .'b I e li-alvuinc Ring* kiuiau : :lii-i( i.ovtl.bcai mis. 'll* « eem|.i.>,i.oii lm> been pro nouucrd by ihr French Vncm *<» u» he one of ibe m®** • ri'ruotd.narv d.sioverie* of modem science- lit* be liev—l 10 no-**'** ri-mai kabl-p pwci Oi mdtnng US „„ , tn „/,r»i o (ti'-inir artinn by lhi« means causmc ' » .-ftncriitra rtiti cul applicauoii. The . Msn-'iir fiiii.t nrinmiM r.iitl.io" c*ipn!'lc of ihe Fpghj .-i .cjurj .i Hppt-cuu-a i- nmcr.btr. Und n i* n, I i,nrinlc«» . - .!» j.-t'on ■» il i* l-rnrfseial m.l* resu'ts. Fu’l expia »'ioii» and drrrrimns aecompaliy ii The combined -nvrupons urc in evry way pertecilyTiaria ’ lo—, they arc ii!-' . a fair lliaj Asatcaiof 1 ibeir vcrpr -n'S eihcair) ami permanent benefit ; Christie'* (>Aiv»nic Sirengthcnlng Plas ters. These .in'cl-'s term itm>U"*r vaiual-le application ot the rni-i-.r oos .mluciiro ol tt.»lv.»m.«sn Thry arc an important adjunci io the p- -m iu* Galvanic Rinßs and i ihe-r mo-l-ftculion-. act n« uih-ii Ibe same piniciple. bul i fcavineihc advun..ig-ol more lopal application. The) arc couhdcAl-) rccirmmcndc-l m aykluaWc additrou in ihr speed) cure of Kkcuinati*ili, urulc orchronic; m all tirivuu!* cornptnuu*. and os a itoipuve remeuy'iu coxes ! P | fain a>ul JF*.«l»i«j in Vxr ( hitt m Back, fain in tic S.dt in Aitonatte Affusions, am! in VTwintti or Offrts ' n»n of tAr ruOnonoty Organs lu spinal Comptnmu I Ihc ii rfli cl* urc of the moM derided rhnracfcr. and they i have oiien been used wiih comj>lrte success. They are . also of ihr RfruirM advaniugc in Bains smd Weakness I p f ihc llrra-i. am! urr biehty rrroinmemlcd for many of i iho*e complamu to which female* are especially liable. A» an effectual tneatir lor etreuglheninx the system ! when drhih laird with disease or oilier causes; os a cet ; tain aid m Constitutional Weakness, ■, a Preventive ■ for Cold*, and all iu affrciicm* <»t the CbcM. generally.’, ’ ihe-Gnlvaiiic Strcngllietiing lMuslcr will be found ol I rrcat and permanrni advanlacr. In a few words} il ' einlirace* nil the virtue, of ihe bc»l tonic prewiration’, With life important addition of the galvanic influence, which ia neither impaired nor exhausted, while .he ac tion rom.nues. These ariicle* will t>e found eillitcly Trrr from thd-c olijeci:on« whii’it arc a constant source of complanu wish the ordinary plasters in common use. CAUTION. [0“ The great celchriiy and sccesaof there aniclc* liu* csuied ilieni tube cnunlcririied by unprincipled persons, lopinvidr agniiist'imposinon, Ur CllßiVTis Im. l-ul one uniluirned >f which have eoraptclely baf flrd all former efforts o! medical art. liulecd many of the fir-t pk) Fictans of this city, who disapprove of die Galvanic and Macnetlc Mncnmo*, constantly n com mend ilii* npplK’niioif m therr prncuce, and with the ex cepnnii of tho*c "h’> are un prejudiced to give it a tri ll die invention has received unanimous favor with ihe most intelligent among die American Family Dr Christie is ol ml tune* ready and mom bnppr to C-ve. > evn v facility to plijra-eian*. and nil interested, lor te»f ynx die truih of hi* u«ser!i in« and ihe elScncy of hi* * m Pnnhurgh corner4ih and Market r*t _ _ Hj*i»inct)Ttho introduction of my article to the public, there bare a number oT unprincipled indi viduals gut lip nostrums which the; assert contain Wild Cherry, some are called •■Balsams." •• Hitlers,' and even fey tup of Wild Cherry, but unnd is the original snd only genuine prepjtaliun evtr mlrodu ceil to the public, which can be pro»en by llie pub lic HeconJi o( the Commonwealth of I'cnnsylv-inia. The only svleguard-against imposition is to tec that inv signature is on each bottle. T \ 3 * DR M. SWAYiNB. i I're pared only by Dr. H. SwaVirx. at his I‘nr.cujj pal (Mice, corner <>t fcioiiTand Hack feirectiP I‘hil idelphia. All Wild Cherry preparations hc-ir-g fictitious and counterfeit without his signature, ' Kor tale in I’lttsburgl. wiioler.ile and retail !•) VVM. THUK.V .N 3 Market t. OCDKN A. fe.NOrt IJK.N, corner i::d A Woo*. Os. S. JONl>, Liberty street. “ Sold also by J Mitcboll. Allegheny < ity; Bold. Cams A Co., Butler; Weaver At H»;rnle»«oti. Mt r- j Ccr; Ndrman Calendar, Mcadvitic; J H Burton A j Co.. Roe; M'KenwcA Kasltcll. Cleveland; Dens ; Ai Snn ; Columbus; Milkr, HrownsvilD; Marsh, | Wheeling, Va ; K B Hmman, Cincinnati, Ohm; Dr ; K Kasttrly A: Co.. *t. l.ou<*; J S Morris A, • u , | Louisville, f>»Andrew Oliver A. ' .0., .New * *r [pans. -* «• r 5 ; HTASTOSH KXTKUNAi. UKUtUV ~ HUNTS LINIMENT, 18 now universally acknowledged to l»e the IN* FALLIBLE REMEDY lor Rheumatism. “-pi* pal Affection*, Contractions of the Muscle*, >"rc Throat and Quinsy, Issues. Old L'lrcra, Pain* in Uir 4tack and Cheat, Ague in Uie Breast and Karr •I'TTulh h«*i,c l __Spram» Bruise*, Milt Rheum, Burn*. Croup, Floated Feet and all Nervous DiwaM'. 'l'bc TKICMPHA.NT >I’CCK>B winch has at- tended the application of Ihi* moat WONREKH I. , MEDICINE u» curing the most »c»cte cases of the diHerent IHsea-e* above named. —and tbc-MMC KNCOMILMS that have been bellowed upon n. wherever it lia* been introduced, give* mo the right to call on the AFFLICTED to retort at once to the ONLY HKMEDY.THATCA.ViSE KKI.IEI) ON. * (Jj^flre faculty unite m recoinmcnditigthe tele- Med External Itemed*. Hunt'* Liniment. The following letter from the highly cimnri t Pbvsicuns who havo been attached to tho Mouui Pleasant Stale-Prison lor litany year*, is the. best evident? of the value of this celubralcd Linitncn: Sitru Sims, December 2b. RJ4-*. My Dear Mr—l received your note of yesterday, asking my opinion |n relation to Hunt's Liniment, as prepared by Mr, George E Stanton. Knowicg iu composition, and having Ircqucnllj used 1 1. I can recommend it to you as a sale External Heme dy.and m my opinion, the best Liniment now in nse Vcrv truly and respectfully your* A K HOFFMAN. Col Picrrjj VanCorllandl, Croton Manor. I fully Concur in the above optuinn. \ \V N BELCIIEK. & ■ YoKKtoivsr,Jan. 14, Ullu. *,, r |q reply toyour lettor, 1 would say that l havo used your External Remedy,’ called Hunt's Liniment, in my practice since you made me ar quainted with its composition, and unhesitatingly say that I believe it to be the best External Heme dy now in nse lor ilie complaints f"r which you re cotomcod ii. Y’oure respectfully, ' UKNJ I> MILLKH.M. D Get) E Stanton. Esq. From the N Y Sun. JU*Among the uum of- worthless articles and humbugs that arc poured forth at the present das upon the country,.it is really refreshing to timi something of real practical utility, something sirn pie, speedy and eflectual in its operation, ami rl the’ same time tree from those injurious eticcir which generally attend powerful remedies. Hunt's Liniment, prepared by Geo. E bunion, ol Sing Sing, thoughil has been hut a short time before the public, has already obtained the confidence, nut only oi our most wealthy and influential citizens, but our moat eminent physicians. All acknowl edge it lobe acotcrcign halm for many of the if is that flesh is heir to, soothing the aching hm’i. and by it* genuine stimulating inllueuce,banishing dm ease from the system. Mr. Stanton—Sir —S-eing your advertisement of Hunt’s Liniment,! was induced to try its effects on toy son, who had been crippled with a lame back from an infant; and'it is with gratitude I hear testimony to us wonderful healing properties. My cbilJ. who is now five-years ol age, is now in a f.m way ofrccovery. Yours, A:c , 1 DEMMON c NICKERSON. Post Omi K,Towsi us, putmmi Co, I cert-fy that I am persnnalh. acquaintid with the above named child, and think the; father would be safe in saying that his son is almost well. JASWDYKM.VN. Nov 6, ISIo. . Deputy Post Master. I*. S. 1 would also state tfiatl hare been for a number of years subject to frequent attacks ol the Rheumatism, which in many instance* prevented my attending fr> my business. Two or three cations of thb Liniment invariably remove nil af fections ol the kind. In esses of bruises, sprains and sore, too numerous In mention, it ha* in this vicinity proved a certain remedv. Its value ran only bs estimated by thnea who have given it a fur trial. This Liniment is aotdat ii 3 and .50 cents per bot tle. by alt the Principal Druggists and Merrh mt* throughout the country. Wholesale Agents in A etc York. HOAULKV, PHELPS &. Co, 115 Watct RUSH'J'ON fit Co, 110 l. roadway. A B At l> SANDS, corner Fulton and William ASPIN WALL, 86 William afreet. Order* addressed to me at Sing Sing, N Y.wu. be afteuded to. GEORGE E STANTON, Proprietor. For sale io Pittsburgh by L WILCOX,Jr. and J KIDD At Co. Allegheny City, JOHN SARGENT . Birmingham,JOHN SMITH. IcbU) DR. CULLEN'S INDIAN VEGETABLE SPE. \ CIFIC FOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS. THlS.roedicine is fast taking the place oi every preparation heretofore used fordißeases arising from Weakness or other cnußcs. All that is neees •arr to secure this medicine a place in the Domes' tic Practice of every family,when aucb a medicine is needed, ia atrial. It speak* for itself—is innocent in its operation, and no injury can arise from its use at any time. Wholeaafeand Retail by KOWAND &-.WAL* TON, Proprietor* S7G Market Sueet, Pbilad’a. For tale tn Pittsburgh by R E Sellers, 57 Wood *tra*t: aod Wm. Tharn,ss Market *L ocfidwT mug nOOIiISH 'HAifi _ 'Dl?B-Kor prrma JL nentlr dyeing Light, Red or Gniy Hajj n Dark Brown or Dtack eolnr, without dyeing or injuring tbr skin. Sold with full directions. Price 40 com*, or Si * ETSoid by WM. JACKSON, at hisPaient Med.dne Warehouse, bD Libetry street, bead of Wood, at the sign of t{ie Bis Boot. : B — ALisii-iiidoiWimr-l niu.mof Wildl- er«. Mmner A Co . I?" Lihe ty wed. w:M be promptly aiieiHrilio metiSW-'lm __N _V A U> PITT COTTON MILL. BLAHvSTOCK, BELL is CO. PITTSBURGH. l’A. r* 'Hi** Munufiu tor/ being in full and complete opera l ion thuviiie receded and replaced all their Ma chinery h) thclau-*i.iinprovemejii«,) are now making a vrri liravv uii.cle oi -*-* Brown Mieeuiw*, hard twisted bandMiiii*-good*, {branded Allegheny D.) and •urpa.ved by none.of ibe .ame stile, intbe country; intended riclyivcly lor the WxsTlfßS and Socthsk' trade. Mi-n-hair.s veiling our city nr* invited locall hoc) fwmuit previous to making purchase* Orders from » distance promptly attended to. and goodneare* folly shipped When ordered fehlSdA w3fl» T EAGLE COTTON WORKS. PITTSBCROII. MANUFACTURE COTTON YARN. Cmndle-Wlcfc, Butting* Twine* Coverlet Yarn, CARPET CHAIN. WARP*, &e Ac., KING, IT.NNOCK A Co {Successor* oi Aibuckle* A Avery*.) jan* _ Prt»prietora_ 'PENN COTTON MILL. PITTSBL’HGH . I*A. TIiIK nlmvit establishment Wing now in successful (I |,rrunon. we are manufacturing, very extensively, nu urnrle of heavy Sheeimc*, well adapted to the rel.ai) trade, which for beauty and quality eanni.l be excelled by any mtn J r mnae in the country. The uttcntiotfo) nurcha*er» i« solicited to an examination. * P frill hHroAwlt KKNNKI) « CHII.ItSACo MEDICAL. ..cani'.T 1 • , jtIKIHCAL”"aNM SUKUICAL OFFICE. No. G 3 diamond au LKV, a few door* I.clow Wond streui, toward* the irtfj,;* /? market. DIL SHOWN, wrjp) Hav-iiK bceu regularly *d »c*jX\ nettled to the medical pro* ic«oon, and been for nnc -* in general practice, y\ now coniine. In* attention >la to the treatment 01 those * private and delicate com} i plaint* for winch l-.is oppor ’lunhicP and experience peculiarly quality linn.— Eleven yeiire nMiduous t devoted to the study and treatment of those eompLuJit*. U»urmg winch tune be ha. had more practice and . a* cored more patient, than can ever fall to the lot of a y pr.vulc practitioner) am ply qualifier hint to offer a. „r«rire* ol apeedy. penna item arid «alj»fnctnry cure if * !l afflicted with JtlteaU a,«ml all diPcawi* ati.inS therefrom Dr. Drown would inform tho*e alSictert with fn M« rti*eu«c» which have become chrome by time or uppra va trd by the u«e of any of the common nostrum* of the day. that their complaml* can In- radically and thor oughly cured.hr having g.vcu hi. carcfu aiieni.on to the treatment of inch carers and succeeded in hundreds of instance* in curing perron* of mflaraat.on or he neck of the bladder, and kindred disease* wh.clj often| rwnll min t1.0.c caaea where other* have ronaigncU Ihctn to hotwlna deppair. Me patucularly invite* *ucfa a* have bcttii hmg and an»oece*«fully treated by other* to cun tuli him. when every ■nii»fwuon willbe givcn them and thtfir care* treated in a careful, thorough and intelligent manner, pointed out by Inn* experience, atody andlin vcMigation. winch it I* impossible for those engaged tp ectieral practice of medicine to give any or.e c!a**o dl |D-Memm or Rupture—Dr. Drown *l*o invite* person* afflicted with Hernia to call, a* he ha* paid ‘oanieuUr'aiienuoitthi* di*cn-c- , Skin Disease*; ut*o Pile*, Paliy.etc. Ipcedily cored Charge* very low. .. ... i - N U—Pauema of either *CX living oljo distance by ruling thru disease tit writing, giving all the sympj. tom*, can obtain medicines with diretuoh* for n*c, by • addreaaing T. M. D. post pa i and enclo "tffficc No. 83 Diamond alley, opposite the Woven* House. it PUT* x \ DUIWBAW ~ E FFECTUAI.LV and speedily cored br tbe dico the Great Remedy of nature. AMERICAN OIL. It almost miraculously reduce* Inflammntiobt ami con sequent!)' is warranted in all cases to leare no seam or sear in tbe flesh.’ _ > .. Soli wholesale and retail by \VM. at hts~ Hoot and Shoe Store and Patent Medicine Warehouse. fcO Liberty street, bead of Wood, Pittsburgh. Price SO ceni* and #1 per bottle. , .W Jackson being the Exclusive Agent for Western Pennytvaoia, none 1* genuine butwbat is sold b> him ° r N! I B. BP A PainphfetCMiaining ample & with the names and address of the ■*"*'»»» mdPria clpal Agent, is enveloped with wrapper of cut bottle Abundanceof certificates can be seen anbe Store. _ myfl 1 ? ° r 7 37 wood I* " "SAND'S SARSAPARILC-X: ? & »r«Ma rm j • . | laftK, e*4 Dutnta aratng/rvm •* W****** im V D ”W- le T?*? 7 £jE£^ Li/,. »!**%* _ j-u. , TT» been 1 happkst result* tnmauy unoniatou* j ii is-eUtefly intended J caduuue ond aperient medicine*; b f“? \ Hindi i» that oi an alterative direcUy—indlreeUy, pf° 1 vine a lasting tonic to the system. ■? < ...,1 *U*ta.'l hi* Uglily concemraied lor convenience ana pen*- b.lur, tonUimof nothing but the depressed and •« itie rep>e*cntative «f the batMpjUilU Boot* I* the t&ine manners* pwtt.t my life- Allot u*m, b«lf.lbc hoojc’lhe r oin bmtoo to toboidc, Pod by the moo l.bad So«tff ibiotflwltb I waßobipw raw toy t«J -8?'iSo" oHi W b J‘ b*” v-oot., moot tonm«fpl'lj AMEB MItLEI( Tbo foliotoiog ceriificoic ioonly onochct little m the Messrs Exposed ns we *® theaunckaof disease, nnd so frequently dUeppowmA «SS3s?3s«^ ttc^xAfflEgy-n-S :ati2kS»ira:#lsB>»s. I am now ablo u>waisnbout.rideoul,nnd enjoy aeeut. fonable degree of h F alib, which 1 attribute «"“£&« t) c u»c of Ssnd’e Sarsaparilla. ricase accept my os* ,o,o„ytof l toli,mlo»n.Ut(mtb bHN NORJUg Be : nc personally acquainted with, the above state fomtby bttiiry «j. «£ft gjfoj, A N Faßtukr Tmnsosv.—The following is an extract „„m . Itott tcceiveii AIBU- Messrs. Sand*: I have been affl eted.Wilh a Severe pain in my aide, occasioned by a diseased liver, for the I s twenty years- suffering at t'ines what language ore “a Joyvray oiilltlod With ony tptc.o. oT *cn>Mooi comploim*. -fboto hove l, t ™ «.me remort,.ble com. rt^o^ofLybSB%AwMt»mioj\otole^beoMi*|m For further particular* and conclusive superior value and efiemey. see parophlets, Which may % A D M DOWW® Fulton st,comerof William, New hotk. SilwbyL WILCOX. Jr. Pitubnrgh: H. Har wood Beaver; Wm.Wawon.Now.UuUt* I) * N - A. Crtigh, •|! d ' by Drucvists generally throughout U»* United State*. Price 81 per bonk—six oottle* for 85. *’ ._ h _, The pubuc ate respeclfally requested to rememher that it is Sand’s Saranpanllm that ills contunUy nt such retoarkabk cures of the most difficnll class of dieases >o which the humsit frame is Mbjeci.-Ahere ‘-re ask for Sand’s Bawpanlla. and take 00 other. _ SHERMAN'S OLOSAONIAN, ASK THE SUFFEBER ram* ft ASTHMA. . . , ■ nL.t 1,. r.to.d in ~*1 .d*rt A. b fealty of brerthmg, Cough and He i -iQ Ul) yuditw** “th* Olo*vxu»a,or AU f. Healing Balmm. 5 ’ Jbk «Jw cooiuaipUTf what ha* allayed hi* Cough, removed the Pais in hi* B*4* *nd Chert, cheeked hi* nifhtiwerta.aad planed the ro*e_of health apes hi* ebcek.’ and 1 1 SHKHMAS'S 1 ALL-HEAISg BAlifiAM. A,k jour friend. if they kuowfef anything o ’£*, dilyWrv a bog *ud tationi Cough, Hawn* cliitii, Dy.pectie CcwumpUon. Ho*n*uev»,lnfluetmL, *“£ d, w r. Of the Thryat, M. the Uw^iU ei/u—Xp. Thereover yelba»Twnam^ymCroht ot fire Without &tj»ue,a dUtanc* of oter two afe*, to < UI of thejpiwlrrful r*Wwhich he had eapeneneed, iron wing about one half of e«e bottle. ’ ' ■ I ConaHmplloia of the liimf** A | t »Whitertrett,wa*iolo« | £^»^ of December latt. that he wa*g.T*a up by hia^jwo*^* friend.eutertaiaedno hope of W» w»|«»t» ! ded to try the Oloeaocian, and to- bl* “ r P n “J* haa *o 1 rertored him to health that he i* now able to walk about the I “’Mi’. lTH.Mh.wir.ofWn H. A«tn,Jin.Hmn, ih«if own .iperiww. of th. hnlin, p«p.riiM of thu Oml llemedy in Coa«imi*»ou or-lhe Lw». Llrt. THtre»od2£ , ’«ho<*«“ tXbled for a great length ef.time •*! M e **^f5 > PWS" nUd quaatitiu of bkxrt, wa» rehcTed o**|“ Oloeaonian, and declare* it the greatert remedy in the world. DdSia Kcllt, 96 Water w«* aim rlmvH 1m the nine complaint, although he way-very much ifduead When be cuoanead taking if, having bettnunderih* caTeof hitjihyiieiaa daring the part• wmler. Although ha conjiautlr and wai very much troubled, with night *******, I boule. of the remedy enabled him to return to hU daily | 'work. He in* entirely reHered. I Davm llvuDßMon.fiO Laight rtmti Oeo _W.Burnell, j (shnerlyof Newark, N. J., Henry Luba®, » Banngtoo ; >irrel, end uumerouj other per*m» nave been .peeddy and t permanently cured of the *ame complaint by thu remedy. 1 r ’ The Army of N*men which could be pnidoeta of per*ou» who bat* Wd Iht* g«at ! rfmedy waalditno 1 * than alia column. Anwg the amtaWr i we *« prmiued to refer to A. M. Bmmgw, 1« Bandar rt., I Mr. wlboo of Hohokem Mr*. Bell J feme* B Derc*. 101 Re»de rt.; Un. STCnft^,l“ I »«.; F. Smith, w Third Avenue, Mrr Wm.H. Attrteoflhi* I city, and Mr* Archibald,3s While «t ' ' . . 1 Ik d wholeeal.and rxizi) by WeJriioi,rt hu Medicine Warehowe and Boot and Shoe Store, ho® Liber -3." ' Por Conths, Co’ili, Jstnma, unu —. tpu> tin United Bute* under the Immediatetttpirfc«na snce of tho Insentar- . ... -. i_ f tn ih» The eMraardluary auetete of thli gtfdlctee, to w etfM of Pulmonary disease*, warnntt tfi* Am«£fcM L„ i„ (nllcilltif (hr treatment tbe WOBBT. lw nfni p CASES that can be found in the calamity**: SnSNiS £w «»;»•»»»'f "g. SgS^affiSsSvS'Sßgijfi ■O , ««■£ " , T I^ I Dv‘SS‘i , "oN I ?^ m .Vr K ,U«H. WM,: No. I3t North Second ttreet, PWladelpnla. J Fo tale by B A FAHNESTOCK -ft CoVcomer of -wood and front atrceu ®y#s LADIES Who Uk Common Prepared Chalk, ale oden not aware how frightfully injarioo* it it Jo | the skin! bow coartc, how rough,how tal‘pw, )elloy t : anduobealtliy ihd »km apo«»ra oflei stini.prepare chalk! Beftdea, It ivinjtmotit, containing aiarge quarv liiyof lead. Wv have prepared a beautiful vegetable article,>bieh we eaU-JONES* SPANI*I» ULh • WHITE! It it perfectly innocent, heimrpnrified ot«H deleierioui quintet; and it impart* u> u»« t* l ® l n * IB " ; ral, healthy, alabaster, clear, living white, * t *“ e **f’® time acting as a cosmetic on the ikin,_Dtaaing HiOlt: M Dr? Jaraei Anuetton. Practical Q^i* l a^i chafetti tavss “After analysing Jone»>Bpaui»h Lilt? - While, I fin] it po««Mc» 'lie fiw»t "‘f-w f. rat, ai the raxne lime innocent white 'ever *aW.l «rtn?nljcan contelentioofly recommend ttt ure tofcU •who»e fkin require! beauiifyiog ; '^awd’by-WM 1 . Store.!® Liberty ftreet, head pf Wood, at the •ran.of thfe Bijg 800 l l* 9 n‘6 CURE NO PAY. V-vR. CULLEN’S INDWjN VEGETABLE" J_J R.EMEDV—Warranted lo£iire,or the mon« e y returned. This medicine is prepared from an In dian Receipt, obtained from one pi them in the Far West, at great expense. Those who hate been nmuliarwilh the Indiana, know that they ean and do core Venereal withont the knowledge of Mer» cnry, Balsam, or aojrthlng of the kind. 'The afr fijeted hate now an opportunity of being eared withoa tthe nso of Balsam. This medicine'is pleasant to tbo taste, sod leaves no -smell on .the A WALTON, and sold wholesale i*nd retail,by J. T. Rowaad, 316 Market atrect.Fhilad’a. ... ■ : ' Tor sale in Pitubarghlby R E Sellers, ' 67 wood street, and by Wn. Thom,6s Market at. ««6dwT - 5 -.. I * w ■--- ‘ ->DHi sHKimAZf’s '!. - ;m«. DEDICATED LOZENQE3, AND POOR MAN'S V • FLABTER. . 1 : ,Jt DR. SHERMAN baa Utaccrmtl m my to makr jdiJlcjh okajut, to that chiUrcs mil tak« it rvadilj awl«rv f ' norr- See Uut bit feu limit It arouad «*ch bus of L.i rn, a Tot of Tooth Pane or lie back of «ch Pfcutcr. in-l - wh BHIof Dimtwe*. „ EHERhUPfa COVCU LOZENGES. ■ Them-L««ape an thaMfcrt* neat Wire and effcekudnm i edy | u, litfktM *( *« luqpar cbot, eic,etc. Tt» woitwioj 1 didWt prf icifcct I miieiaeUcfe.- Bereral thousand boat* bate r-itd nutuu the Jut )tai ; rrttonn* to health J*nua» is almoatrrrry met ofcan*ujnpt»aß,n»d iboec iabdriof under Ibe MMldiitmaiu? cold*andcougfca.. Tbry do notcheek and dry up ihecuuch, but rtiderilca*J, promote etpretorauau, tliay ibt Urkliuc „r irritation, tad raac*c Uie pruiimalc or ctetiiar m« They an made, from aeo®b«»l»M of au**t raluaM* tvpec lnr»nt,oreonjb mediant*, and ire undoubtedly Mptn-'r t.» mrythiojia ** for then eompiaiaU. ' Hundmlaupoa bun dredi pfcertificate* has* beta offered of time woadsrjul rir tut*, from tb»*e who have txra rated from an untimely rrarr.C and mtond to perfret health by raing them. Where there m maeb pain in tbe btti»toe*ide,ene ot'Sbei oan’i Poor Alas’* Pladere (price only 12j cent*,) »bouhl b» applied over t|>o part, asd worn till rtlined. If uiruded with cotliteoeea, a fine cathartic or Usaiita luacngt*, vt ma\ _D»idcaib»rtic,medicine, ebould be u*cd a* ocemiuu rt'juirf* - bhek.ma.N’B WORM LOZENGE* These wnem fatengw tare been prosed in note than l,#x> 000 osc* lobe iafolfibki ihe only ctrfnln wm destroying medin&ecrerducoeerod. Mast disease# arise* bomworms snd occasion long and intense inilrriiJg, uni even dealt., with , oat their erer be tug suspected; grown persons aro Jirj oftm • . afflicted wilhlhra, and are-doctored for rorieu»cam|iiamit j . withoutany benefit; when one doae of (brio Loteage* wouU; ■peedilycurethem. ’• •) SyvipUmttf WVtrj.—pains in the joints or limbs, cflVnV kite broil backing aflhe dost, grinding of th* teeth duritig 'sleep,and et times* paleness about the lip*,wilh Hushed cheeks j, bie*Jiugaltbc noaa, a gnawing seiuaticn at the stomach, fiaih: ,ts of beat orer the surface olthe body, (light chili* or shiri cri*g*,' beadaefae, drowsiness, rrrtigo, torpor. disturbed dreams, Bidden atartisf in (ken, with fright ana (creaming! sometimes a troublesome cough, frreriihness, tliin), pallid hue, fils, bad tele in the mouth, difficult breathing, t«iu in the.tfotnarh or bowels, iktigne, nausea, (oeamahnem, rers, • cinu* appetite, l*vm cm, bloated tidesach or limbs, eriuings, . thooung paw* in earioui parti of the body, a mum t>( some thing rising,mthc throat, itd»ing«®ftbe»«* toward*night, a frequent d««r* to pau-aomelhing from the boweU, and wroe i times discharge* of slims andgpueiu. SHERMAN'S CAMPHOR LOZENGES. They giro immediate relief in nerroui or aick h.adaehe, palpitation oflha heart, lowness of the spirits* detpuudeaey, Inflammatoij or poind sort throat, bone] or summer cotu« plaint, £unuag, oppression or a enueof sinking oTThe cheat. ehoW, ijatm, cramp of the stomach or bowel., bsstericsl affections, and all nerroui dime*, drowsiness through the day*, hnd wakefulness through the nifcfit; rfioJera or rhot era mhrbua, diarrfaoa, huiilude or a acme of fatigue Per iods traveling or attending large parties, will findthe. Loun ges iwallyrnieinm and imparting the buoyancy of youlh;u»rd afterdiulaatfobjOieT BiUmtort the tooeofthc sjitemgen* •. trolly, ana remote tu the unpleasant symptoms arising irou too free tiring. Penont who hare been too high litctx, ami Abandoned their dusimted habits, will find throe Lon ages ad mirable enftpoaen of the nme*. BHERMAN»S>OOR MAN'S PLASTER. ThebeststrengtUmiegptasteriD the world,andarorereiga remedy for pains, or.wnknnt in the back, loiiis, anlr, ore*, limb*, joiuls, rheumatism, lumbago, kc, fce. One million • year will nAaapply the demand. They require a little warm - ntg before application. Warranted superior to a]lother*,anJ fiir «oe quarter the usual price, making ootooli the best, but Uieehtapeal pUster in the worid. It afford, relief in a few bouts, and make* astonnhing cures. In and dyspepsia, it should be worn orrr the rtgw* of the liter or stomach, and it.will afford great and asumhbing relief: In coughs,. eolds, mthma, dimroUy of < breathing, oppression of lhechest or stomach, they will im- I .mediately smith nod greatly benefit the ratirut. Penea. of sedentary habits, or Jhose obliged to stand much, will rceeirr decided support from one of these truly strength ttiine.plaiy' 1 ter., Fbytietus general!}'rteomae&d them, in preference tc. a't others, Weauae they stick oradhrre better,and aiford great er rtlieC la iheiroperatioc, Ihey are stimulrat, tooie, and ' anodyne. -They are com wed of entirely difSercnl inned'i? eats from any other,and known from the eirerieucc of mil-'' Uoni who hare,sued them, trwt lias the united leitiaxmy of all the celebrated and distinguished eJergy and physiebns, to .he the moet uefol and highly medicated plaster. Several person* hare-called at the srarrbouae to,express the ir surprise and thanks, at the almost miraculous cures thew pUslers bare effected. . • . Direct i/m for nse are cm the back of each plaster, with a Etc simple ofDr.Shemiu sname. Uis important j»u should alwap ask foe Sherman* Poor Alan’s Plaster, and see. that Kuret the'genuine, as there are many worthless imitations weed about and sold for the (rue Sherman's Piasters, by | usprinripled'dealen, Bold wholesale and reteil by W. JACKSON ah his Patent Medicine Warehouse, No. a). Liberty street, Sign of th* | 810 BOOT. , J ; jin iT-dly. IT NEVER FAILS! Dr. CDUEHVINDIiR V£6lSTdfiLß i'ASAIHA? PERSONS alßicted with Scrofula, King’* Evil; Cancer, Erysipelas, Old Sores, Ulcer*, Tetter Mercurial Diseases, orany other complainti arising from impurities of the blood, art' requester! to re.id the following testimonials, in pro'ol of the wnuder* ful,properties oi the above numed medicine. - VmEAIM READ!! READ!!! ’ W*. the undersigned, having visited Mr. kaar Brooks.Jr.tt ibh office of Messrs.- Rowaad and Walton, 375 Market at reel, Philadelphia, cnneitirr hi* eaae the meat remarkable one we Ime ever wit heaved or beat • William Hale. 378 High street, Phila. j J H Potter, Manufacturer of. MineralTcetb, 109 >. Ninth street, Phila.; ' I L A Wollenwebef,jEd- Phila; Democrat i.T7 N-:W - street, - . do' ! Georoo W Mentx, finish Make*, 317 Market St. Ears Carr, 169 Cheanut street, Phila.. A D Gillette,.Pastor of Eleventh Baptist Church . ' Phila. ••••}:■. .John Bell,.Erie Street,'Philadelphu,North AoierJ can office.) .Aaron Sands, 164 Catharine Street, Phila. ■ Daniel McGmlejr, Kesslers’ Aliev, do ' { -Andrew SfteaUnr, Camden,-NJI •' R H Evans, WestPhila. ' ' Richard R* .Young, Gilder, 409 Market si. Phila i John W Ashmeid, 60 South Sixth street, L do TS Wagner, Lithogtnpber, IlSCheinut street, do B J Kensil, 123 Eleventh street, . do Peter Sken Smith, Editor Native Eagle, \ do Joel Bodine, Glass manufacturer, I WilliasnsinY:** . n.j. - : Wiifiao Steely, Farthlngton, Van Buren m. low.. L B Colei, M D, Boston,Mare. - Rqsael Philadelphia.’ i ThomasP SRoby. M i), Harriaburgh, Pa. v Peter WnghU2£9 Market street. Pjula, \ ' James WNewlin.lOSFilbert it. jdo •' John Good, 174 Spruice st. \ do , William Une, Pastor St. PauPuM.-E.Cfo. Cat ;suPhiit ■ !!' ' ' I •tohnChambers, Pallor lei lndep.l Church, Hri»fi|?uti7JieiH* of ilirPkiii? }Piaplc».Frcekk«,SMbanj,J*oU Rheum, Scurvy, Sno ,'Nead*, Ac.,A<. '"J I . , • poor years ego ,lasc Jknga«t, the, capital or 1-raiuN ’wiß a»toni*bcd in consequence of ajdi«ovcr>'t»:tde iiv «p Italian Cisrmist. Many doulned-rlt seewrd almost an impoMiHiiljr that 'anything modediyitUc • hand* of man, could have such singular powei«a« by Antonia Vesprini for m* mveution'. Man j'Clivrrl Inni and hW inveu'ioa os a humbug, {nnd.nla«; ninny.' foolish prtMfnt without trying do the; (th« besrcheniist* tnthe world jilriiyrreil Uia following repot t to tfixnoi .Vr*|ir imi ' “\Ye have (now minutely and carefully examined tb«i •IngufonoWntlonof Vesprini. We ban* nnaiyred it* Component juris—we have used it ill several cat.e«,'and' f - wenesitate loot to pronounce it (the Imlian I’l.emirai Soap] os • great ble Ming, and a truly wonderful teme- Idy lor any (cutaneous eruption or di»Cgurrihent of the *kin»- Its intrentorwe consider ihc'tiue philanthropi-t of iuffertag nankind.' IBtgwd) i ' LEOPOLD DUPRF.V • ’ president'* ' • READ TIIIBI From .the inventor himself to the present Proprietor. • Pxti*. Nov. 4. irtti oi the rum. of 9CL£UO, 1 hav<* ilivul ledtoHr-T. Jones, residing in the city of New York. N. A., the! whole process of manufacturing, tngeiber •with wsthtAnent of the Ingrtdiem* composing my hml iait Chemicu Soap.' Me is to manufacture n for sale in the United Bute* only, and to ha*» the privilege of na mine it M ioßes’ltsJi«a Chemical Soap." >.■WUnaistlMenry J. iloldswprth;* . . n . (Signed! . ANTONIA VESPRINI ';®?*ofIhyJV;JACKWN ,‘af hisTaient Metl’citie Warehouse, HI Liberty street, [head of V\o“>l, at the sign of t|w iyig-Bopt • ; ' • j-Jfi Theonlyiplaee in Pittsburgh Where tbd GENUINE ean be obtained. All others *r«| Counterfeit. . YOV PVULLAnnoUB BCOIiiIDREb f WHChJßmeannessean equal ycuts? _Lo©k at your fair Jonog wife; with herb Hr' 1 ■. runny race! Look at yourtmn,pitted with enmub snd bioichre! Yet you atu wo. nets to give fifty t* flic great Italian Chetsicat t*oap,v could entirely (tee you from.them, aad make yot iw skin clt nr and healthy.., Goat ooea to Jack! ire, H) Liberty m Pittsburgh! and getacske. : ■ N~B'-* Jockuoafs istheeplyt .the GENUINE is to be obutne foilS. .’ H-’ ; ' C7“OBSERVEI he Big Boot mch3i J . Tt TOlffqXN'S COeGU . J.VJ. Tmlitpbed and made knot waa too expression of an old r S' . PtTTSit m—This may cr reomecougb son Songh Syrup, an ough is entirely the hem medieit I be without this , DAVID MoßOßlu tedicioe is prepared v More of JOIII od saeet, one donr belt Prie«>g cema per bottle. THG HIGK} B HABITS SOAP-For re mo vliwOitMe ipeu, Bttint,or Mart* ftea CloUiea, Wool 14m. Oupettl Jrt., Ac., and rtnderfnf tka »pOU who* il a appliad oiaazv bright. m£w", anAapojto** . -BeMajiluul 4ifeciion*. Trlca*3oonl*» cih ■JCfWdMr'WM. JACKSON. m UlbertT luni, bead •f wood! at ntf Boot «U Shoe- Kero/ alga of the Bit ’i. .1 ~ ■ m ptictae •> jAy tent* , which w( oar frelldt itonfa ;place in Pitubutgii where, icdl Beware of,C'»iinic4J k at uanda in the doerwajj. sylitir man wl aciau, h’ , efitijir t| and litm hi i valoab. ,B -TO »)rt>u!d i»r the public ’ This rhotncd the Syrup. February I, 1i?47. that belnr aJRicW >; 1 boottht a Uotllo happy toMy.aiier ; I proaouoce your aaveever ukJ- No table *»•*"*