The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 12, 1847, Image 3

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    _ _
"‘.IS 5*
- 7 toe:aoo
1 f>rnrlt'
Sa'rmu*- •
Brittle*-* *
America «•••• #
Superior? • X 5
Beaita—lP ko»* .-1,
Brattl Whii«* <71.00
CommouA mix'd*- M| *• 67
Suck it* —f lo»
?. -01 tt
Bloomi—f ton..
Blown* iWHitoTO.u
Broom* —r
Merchantable t* • • “*
Shaker US**
Barki—f cord
CbeinotOah- rrf“
Black Oak-- ?r—®
Cool-T baahol,
From w»*on •••
CotiOO—r lb ~,-w
Teim’w and Al*i>’*; J»»*
ctoc..‘.>-7» “ a „
Nnmber 1 • __t* gj
Cboca. prcp“r»o -•• • • ~
Cmndlea—T *» jj
City dipped *.m*
Piu»bur*b HtaJ •; •
Cincinnati do---*’* >i
■fc-SSS* :-S.
. ib r»Zi
Famac* . _ gg&n
■«* ‘
Cotton Tforn*-
Short fcel-Hf **>■ ' A ,g
No.s »i»#w -S s
Increasing) |®lctnl V lb.«>
Long i<*l—* dot.
.. §£:::: -» «
600, KM, I.OOU- - 69 7
CovttlrlY.oilb ---;-® g
CirpciCtifiifl***' ag
Canon » l 3
Candle WilS. •• • ® w
Codec —11j hi® 14
J..., oU.wO.u. • ■ '"SS
Hi. Uora'^C 1 * •••'."
; ;:" ei g ti
' _3_
Havana ' • ‘ ‘ v
Copper-V A-
Brtaioti Sg
g.chmj. J J
0\ coilP'h
2 ;*
'Tkrccd V Z 5 ■
P«k'«y.n.,o..= J
•» common-• • —** •
lough Line* • 75
6 thread '“22’S
i»e» —® * a
Oomeitlc*—^T afd -
Thiaile, Naiha*.
Appleton. Ire- •*” ?_
3SL.[..elAi:fm«Vk- 9|o 10
PeitnSht’g* A.No* £ “*
Sle,f n ,? E;
Monmtook TL ,
Allegheny V* T*
Light 4-4 hrowu- *
iVuvtle fcGr’t F*U»H® «
N. MarketF* W.hh'n-J-
Bteaebed, |©4-*'- ," ,5^2 15
F.ll HlUmi't’naUing—2“
do —P— 1
. -0-
J We»t Branch-
Brown drill*
Prim* — f _ ...
Common •••**» -.l*
Good Madder 9 gl*
Mer'i'fk, F.l riv«-r Ql’» lOJOl2i
Drags—<*■ [»*-
A«faiida *P ®®?
Arrow Ro-m
Borsx, retried-
Movement* ef tl*e llinaihtp#-
Stown, Curim L«« Uwrporf. L*«” A™*;
**r«h S«nd«,Tbonp»on, M* r ® *{*> •
Cembrlt. Jndkin*. Apnl « May I
C.Wom., Lou, WL'f j“" 'f
Hibernia. Rjmf. • , M * y 1 »r“ i
Washington, Hewitt,
OatetK Ofllee,
Rtr«v of tkt Maikrt/or'tiu vex? ending WWno*
day Merninf -MtJ IS-
SriTK or TRAUt. —Since the date of our lut
s " report, business ha* slackened oft to lotae extent,,
and is comparatively quiet et the dote. With tome
tection« ol the country it i* «till aetire—with other*
the spring trade if oter. The aggregate business
thus tar, has been larger than for jearapast. It has
mainly been of the most desirable hmd,a»d to an
anotusl extent for cash. The heavy *toehs laid in
to meet the anticipated demand, haw meltedawiy. J
In the height of trade we louod nearly all the prin- j
_ crpal houves were behind with their orders, some!
iwo week*, and even three—for want ol a forte or*
Clprk» sufficient to keep up with burioqs*. There,
i* little ilimonilioo in the amount of freight to goj
east, but the receipts have fallen ofl
and thi* will give the carrieri a good chance to get j
clear ol the aurploa. Produce of nearly every kind ;
hat continued to meet with a very active demand, j
The product or the Hog, of the Dairy, and Bread- j
■tuff*, generally, have all realised very fall pneea.
The Caledonia's new* gave a strong impulse to thp
, market lor Floor, and \i bis materially Improtedj.
the difficulty ol shipping i« n«J less than a dollafr
agaimt a hbl ol Floor. Proyitioni are not much
aflreted, hslderi being confident of ao ultimate j
improvemint both in demand and prices. Ttp
1 tale pf the Money market io England at the da p
of tire Caledonia’* sailing, sets men to thinking >1
the prbbabte effect of Up atriojent measures of Up
Bank of England.
The feather haa been pleasanter than we with
for rajn i* very much needed, and we have t pr< s*
peel of it now. Good raio* would cause a rise in
(he flivbri, apd facilitate bqsinere Tery tqncb. Thpre
it an abundance of light-draugKfcboat* in port, thd
no delay whatever, can occur in travel, or tranaitjof
good*. There waa4 leet water at dusk lastevenitg.
ASHF.S—rThto market baa been quiet this
with moderate inquiry and moderate sales. Prides
have not varied t to any extent. Fbe sales noticed,
reach 20 tons io all, at *4e4Je for Scorching! acj}
Pot*, as in quality and term# of payment. Tbemar
ketis well supplied for the present. 01 Pearls there
are none—no receipts. - j
ALE—Demand good', and ©rices steady. [
"BEANS—A few sales, in all l? 5 bn small Whitf
frotp 51 P ho.
BUCKETS—SaIes noted of 100 do* at 52£0&
2,26, which are the current rates In this market.
BRAN*4>aa not varied, in price, 150062000 bu
■old at Be lor quantity.
* COTTON YARNS—The market is, notnioa ly,
Uie same, the Mill* alt asking 101 l quotations (or
their Yarns, Batting, dec. The sales of the wuek
past are not large, but lair.
COTTON—We are not advised of any transac
non* this week worth notice. The stock has been
increased somewhat by recent receipts. Holder*’
J| demand 12c for goed Mid quality Tenetaee.jbut'
without finding buyers, or even inquiry worth then*
CANDLES—The market has sol varied. Sklev
jsn hi* city dipped at 94c, 60 bts Mould at lO^i
and Pittsburgh St#r at 22623 c p lb. J j
DOMKST.C HOODS—sheeting* of City manu-
V faclurea meet with S'** l demand at the redoeed
price*. Otherwise there baa been no ebange.—
• Several other qualities ofeity Cotton fabrics attract
attention,and meet with ready aale. "Home Leigui
Shming, Apron and Furniture Checks,” quoted a ..
H»Ju |Boj and •• PsnUloon Plaid* and Stripes,? a
ICtv.l2c—both well finished and desirable goods. |
Dometilcv— ' 1
' Penn A Nn't 69$ | j
Allegheny 1V( —69 I •
I Oregon D . 69
Nonatook . _ gtj j
DEER SKINS in hair—lest arriving this weei—
■ale* of some 1600 Ibt at 14ct!5e lb. |
EGGS—Sale* by tbe bbl at 64e do*. They
'plenty. _ j |
FISH—The sale* are lboot 200 bbls, Hemngist
56.4566,50. No 3 North Mackerel at 56,75657,and
South at $7.7568,25 P bbl. Bo* Herring at
FEATHERS—Wohare to notice an active inq'si
V for Feathers within three or (oor days, and sales
fceTOOO lb* at2lii23c.W in quality—goed Feather*
V at Sf»e. Mf**t of the receipt* are to be aeot forward.
' t KRlUT—Green Applea are becoming scarce]—
Nearly oil coining in are of the better kinds, which
have been caitfultj preserved. Sales in bbts at l£s
63,00. arid in bit at 51,6062.60, in VtXB ( fitc. lln
bad order alatiy price. Foreign FreSta are plenty
Orange* and Lemons tell at to 4,60, a* in order.
Peaches continue dull sale, though there is ilidre
inquiry— nbout 160 bo told, in lots at'si,2s@l;3li
—lou ot size can be bad at 1,26. Dried Apples dre
ioftir demand, but the nock was moehredaeed-f
Silos at 504i 604c bu. Marketwell supplied with
Nuts, dec- Sales soltabe|led Almonds at 17c, hard
at 14c; Filbert* at 9c; Grooodauuat $1,2661.374
Vhu* Raisins—Salea SO b»et quotations. - |
FREIGHTS—Out quotations for Canal freights
ftatwsrd, art *UU nominal, and it is impossible to I
flaW Pen-1—
I do lopaT^T*—® #37)
Ur nnae «4 • ft
Cunpbar, relied—*-40 030
cSondei.'mA cask—7*o 8
a Oodtsaa: I,BSO£U>
CreaaTarae- •* 0»
u&r.. ii mi
Gain » 033
Goa Arai/e- f®
- Copal—
- TrEaem* *•••« 0-7|
* Sheliar- 1® 0£
« Mufle LSI 01.-J®
Ipece 67 oL*«r
1 Jalap, powdered- ■ V^jyj
I Liq nonet* Eoot *2 ? *
fjqoorieo Ball J* 22
MagaMiaCarb f £37
Madder, Uabro }f
rfadder, Coomoo—l4 ®lO
«TTTh.‘tarter 2.22
gSSI -3JOO4X*.
Letaoe- -*■ ■ ■ 1,4>0J.7ft .
•Pc poem ti I.7JOIJV
Qa on# SAfWtj*-
Rba *rb, root v*M 07®
Sal Aooaac 8° o®®
SaUoda »0 • 1
Sena SO 030 I
Tana.ic Acid-* 4® 030 I
Vilrio ,‘Blue —lO 011
PyeWoad »lb.
Caawred* * * • -510 7
Fuuio 810 J
Uorwot I, obipptd -••*!*» 3
F«a«*Mrs-HFlb. <
JCenlackv -86 089 ' :
OhioA JVaafyivania-S* 089
Rralt -
Almond* •hail'd 90 033
Soft 17 018
Hard' 13014
Carranu. Zante 1* 01®
Filbert*"- ®
Groaadoau 1,3$ 01 JO
Fi|«,Turkej 130 14
ililaca-. 12)01#
Haiti oa.Jin*cai — o— ■
Ul»«—0 th. ! Halting fork. Wool—»ih
ri*«b.-joauaer 11 013 ;No 1 Foundry 03500 I Primp •..Til
• —03150 Ik.,blood
4-bi fcl 06? i i 7fc*iuu«/. l ! | b'ood- •• •
I\e*.«oeomb,oll>- I*l 01® {Tennessee 03000 I i |>L*»i.. .
Tta.jtJf •• .:.-.-BJ»OtI.M j Mahoning Cc. 0. Comnm 5
1U49»-ott>. „ I^^wndrjrPig • .29,00 0 30,00 HeeUfiS _.'.
Muaom. 70# | Forte do -- . 0 _l_
gp«.«h 1« 0I« I Planter Paris—o ton. 1 Shrrr . .'. .
Ifc.^tcd-j Plaster Pen. lO,l©0l2,Ot.! Slab
PojcipfaF shin—l,oo 0152 ! Provision— Krel C ht—oH* ]!..
4 , BaC '° , > m * 7 O To C.nt.nn^T
lb ' a- • , fthotilder. « 0 «*; Dry G00d....
AKy 0 4 . Side* ?10 8 ! Heavy-..
o a* I Hogroond. city cure-- '.\o "■ \ To Uuitrilt*
t*on*-olb. i country do- .710 71 Dry Good*-..... .
r -r*'**» -1210 »# • Lard, No. !. in keg*. •0 8* Llleavy •• * ...
IbUlto-bypaekHm . " Ziukw-0 - FrJnUunr.U'too,'
Sf"* ; u “• » I- m bbl»- -710 H Dry Wood* .. ...
®F«—•* 1J»S01»2U llmier *• I mkrir.- e 010 Heavy •• .. .
Wan.\ WO|,OO - - l mroli - llfiiai T ALloum
Iron -0 b. Cbeew. W.K. 610 e >. Dry Good*
B«r,iun ala 3|o 4 '• Go»hen —0 10 ■ Heavy -
Com.on- J 0 3| Crackers, Pitiburgh Ws- | Tk Clnrland and Erie
2{ Bss** : -
% ,!• - •*
**• d- Plb. 'Coontry railed 310 9) Dry Good* ....;..
Mt»> «iii Pig 3*o 4 -d>o. rood wbitr 4(0 5 Uenvv
Bar #4J ; Rice—pill. Ti ww™,
Co unon sites Pipe bid® . Rice 6)0 C Dry Good*. *’
S ect -0« i Beeda-Pbu.hel. ■ H-avv
Leather—p lb, | Clover 3 5003J5 2b ienaeiifr
dole, Baltimore 180 20 Timothy 2.60&2.25 n...
New York 150 J»i Flaxseed 1.00 wi ui u * . ..
Damaged 130 14 i.\lu»»rd 2,00 & 3,0(1 "li 1
Slaughter 160 » ■ Bpteea-p lb n r< ’.™ n -
SkirtitJ *lO 33 | Clove* 31 03« Dry GooJ*
lltmeu, black 100*1 Ca*«ia, in Mai* 22 020
Bridles, black, perdox Ginger --WOU iDywOrlwm.
aides 30,00035.00 | Noimers 0173 : »«e**y Good* Ah 0 -5
Rsssei do. 38,00044.00 ] Pepper 1010 11 i ; 0
Upper fiuisbed---.*3.OOo*S.OOlAUnip e -..... . ..13011 I »***» *4 Frv»f*i on Uu Ptnntfhvnta Ca-
Kipe, finished 24.00035.00; Bnakerool-p lt>. > mat and Ratln*b.
Calf skis do * -13,00025,00 Virginia —0 TO faiUkPELruiA a* Limns
lace Leather ie,OOo I Seneca —0 _ Apple* and green ftun per 100 1u.75 «-t«
N. EnglandSeatinr, • Boap-HP 11., j Ashes, Poland Pearl, do CO
No. t. P dor. 45,000 Pittsboich No. I 1105 ; Butter and Bscon, do 70
3. do 35,000 I Cincinnati 41®*. • Beef, salted hO .»
3. do *SJ»O i Steel—P [b. Foreign. * i Balnropeand Bs*g<n S do f-Tf
Sheepskins 2|o 5 Cast A Shear 16 017 ; ri V *“l*
Jbamber —Frompile, *Do single 0 10 B riillc *i •**
01000 feet. (Best German —0 n Brooms, do l .51
Pine,clear,inch-- 020,00' »♦ Eagle —0 u ! Cheese, 10 *5
Common *• - • —OlO,OO i “ Hoop L —0 13 1 Corn, l| o 561
Clear, 1} •• -030.00 i Pittsburgh Manufaetttre. *!"
Com’n 1| - 015,00 German sure! —0 « 1 Chilled Boiler*, vdo ».*
Clear, * - —040,00 Engliih bli.icr jjt JDrugsand Medicines, tin
Com*n * “ —020,00 (American blisier —0 4»^£ T F?? >d ' 1 °L*
Fioor'gci'rl'iu. do—o [Spring-, 510 51 1 Dned'frult, /;®
1 in. —OlB,OO Bptrtta—o gallon. 1 : P our ’ ,„ . pcr b nvln'®! T?
Oak do do —0 —| Bran Iv, Bordra-j 2,00 02.50 : and Peltries perlOOlbi.l ..*
PineBhmgle»olooo 1,750100; Ho:h-He-.-.2,00 02,50 1 ‘{“ | \ J ,
Lath*, sawed. 100-!.*501*« [Ra , a oca4ibpU.SU 01,75 «*:? r “ , *? re » “ 1 r?,
I*lt® Block—otooibsn‘t. I •• 0100 d ? T'*
Beeves 5.0008.25 i “ N. 40 050 l £!«». nidow pei hx M»
Hogs 4J005,f0 :Gin. Holland .... |, 01,50 jGmseng, per 100 lbs .j
Cows A Calve».-..6,000ie.00 ; Sugar-0 lb. Groceries do ,0
Sheep N O .imme, hbd « OSJ .Hardware, do «7|
Hclaasca-0 gaf. j •• /m.r, nhd 7*o7| ‘ , ao J? 1
Sagsrhouse 44 045 1 llavsnua, white, lb.. •90 #1 i»i J np \
S. Orleans 35 0 37| [ Braiil • !b.-1010 11 ! H'des,(raw ,s«*, dr) *l l do 125
HavAl Stores— ‘ j Pulverized, Philad-- -0 1 Le*lher, do a
Rosin; 0 bbL 15003,00 Balt—obbl 1 , , 5-,.*^
Pitch No. I. afloat , BOOM L*®, 1 ! IMi 1 Mi L, * r,l °‘ l * d 0.00.4
Tar. Allegheny —o i. instore-.-. 10001,121; S'. 1 ’ < '** ,o . r . , d .°
“N. Carolina 45C04.7S Table, doz. box , Oils, |ex. Lard and Casior) do So
Turpentine, gal £0 065 Bhdt- ! C° fk > 1 , " bb1 ,-“ 1 ‘ 4 .
W ‘*"*■“ ss£s?^- •“«»» £ a s*
lOo*Od Juniata--.- | Tobacco— 0 lb—{lo 0 cl. j Allow do 76
80 9d A.75044)0 1 off for cash for manufaclu- , Tobacco. I eaf do 75
* W l£f,i,»rt .O 73
fid . *•- *—45004,74 ScgarLeaf- 40 5 Wheat. do 60
4d “• •• Manufsctured do 110 9 ] WOOL do 01,121
3d u 6,000555 Ladies’Twnt 9 0-10 Whiskey perbbl. I'SO
Spikes olb 410 41 j Plug in kegs- 0 6* f" “'“**• per ®“‘
** Pressed 6JO 7 ! Plug tu boxes —0 14 To tAe Ea»t via iUonomroAt/a
- a r .»T«y.. 4|« 7 : Shdtwatir.
•» Ph ' l N v
otl»-0ga} j M J : Cheese, Pork, Tobsc-
Linseed ..-58 0 70 I*. _ ~ i’ M t b il,w w m>,.
] Pru., Blur M Ol.tio Tlnpl.l.-y box ] HopOM.o, loo K Kl.x, IJS
Lftnpblack-• 510 7 , Bancs Block —0 '
Span. Whiting*.-. 110 3;| X 010,75 - Marine Insurance.
<W Ka M T.llow-f lb , Raw of Insurant! oo oargoo, of Sit,.
“* ellow Nol J 3 035 I Rendered —0 & Boat* 5
n’‘ I N «*®s 89 i Rough —0 51 From Pitubntgh to Wheeling, V. »0_
«S 2 2i f^. '.; 4,0 5 * “ ■ ioA frotn Cincinnati. O|o
1 White ,ufy 610 ®1 i V lees—o !i>. Loonviv Kv • Idi i
“ ■■■■—O- ■ - Si Ixim*; Mol■
i “ fto.l"-.|...—01.35 : Mines—o gallon.- t • fLvi*viii». ,i., ..!*•.»
Red Lead 540 8. L P Wadena 2.00 03,00 " Independence ll®*»
: Yellow Ochre S(0 3j L f Tenentfe • 1-U) 0| an - .» •oS 111 .llot'
I VtO. Red 4)0 6 ! Lisbon 75 0150 I•• - •• Memphis Ten IS
rw!R«a# »-.-3 O 038 j Dry'Malaga 65 070 I • “ - N (?rlean* 102
P !tli;t^ l “^ ,on ’ Bm - £>S v, Wtel i,' “22t .FrrnnN.OrWau.toPimbutTh- 102
' , AUtfhmf. Marseille* .0 075 i •• *t, ... . .., a
N»a. Foundry:. .3060031 AO Poll-..' IAO 02.00 i Cfaargeahy good Flat Dost* J al
1 “ Forge-3050031A 0 {Calabria-... 070 I loNewOriemn. (• • °
Bunch'- - -XSSO3JO
Bloom, old —o—-
Cruilxrriet, 0 l.®o
Lemon*. Bic ir, bz ■ '3.00£J4,50
Orange* dr
Peach*-* ry. bo-- *U® P *
Apple* dry 2.^5?*
Applet, green bM- I*2® OJJ®
Fir# B» UHR M „
Bolirar o®®-®
Common 13,00 0 15 -°°
Floor bI»U
Exit* on nds* • ••-3,t80A,35
Fine** -r®
By« fl none
•• bC-bbU -a—
B'Xikwbett,? ib H& 2J
•* h£. bbU
P*«d-l v bubal.
Bran •
Shortly • • -
Fbb-t bbl
Meekerel, No. I-■ 0
No. 1. kbbU--- 0
No* 4. 0*
No. thf. bbl*.-.-^—o
No. a *,•* *V»
No. I.kitt* *^o—
No l t&OUO
No. I —Q
£elnon, No. 1.-• • • —0
No. * ®
Shed -iitl.CO
09d.01b.~-* 1-310 4
. Part- i , ■ ,
Bed Pox. Not. I—4r«fc
“ “ S I—o
Kmkm i*lo» W
Rneeoon* —& *5
Mink 0 »
Deer *kin*oib.-.--14 0 13
Un»rt,o|ro*9 —0 ®.OO
Pint, do * —o 7 >°°
Mxde’xwine,M>®ftl-0 9,00
Iciarai,? jrro** —0 9,00
WiodowGlai*, 0 box—
Citr bread*.
Bxlo-. W»» 3,00
10x1* 3JSO 4^o
19x10 • -0—;
Pateal dck, 10x14 to '
10l*4 - 9
CoaitirT band*.
Silff- oajis
lOjl* 0*&
Gunpowder—f kij».
FFFO ' 5£5 tfSJO
Ea*le,<H)b» fi*4.oo
Do. dot 1 lb tit 7,00
FFFOdo. »*,«>•
Essie do. in peperv— 68,00
Book powder* •••• 33i5
Groln-HF barbel
Oaia *s«[4o
Corn *
*3J what pneet really nrp. 'The Transporter* are
unwilling to receire anj Ifeight and receipt immedi
lately, and quotations under these circiiuutanm«
would be otcful only for present engagements. | »
the North our quoUliona arc the currentratcs. The
amount ol mdte tad good* going belnw has (alien
oft, and freight* continue low. but firm. All the
boats in the short trade* are doing a very light boat*
Some shipments of llaeon, Butter, die. are making
via Biownivilleat9oc f Hemp at £|—time to Haiti
: inqrp tendqys. VVe understand that a good deal of
flour Iron the neighborhood of Brownsville u going
lo Cumberland by wjgon I
FLOUR—>La*t week’* report left price* at 54 31$
| vi 4,654. and tailing 'The Foreign new* arrested
| this tendency, and sent prices tip until tftey have
. reached a* the current price fur good brand*
i The business of the week baa been large, reaching
10.000 bbls, of which the principal part wa* instore
1 The demand continues active at 4A7j<rss. a* ex
-1 Irenes, and from store at sbft&SD t* bbl Several
: parrels with freight advantages, changed hu*.l« >t
, 5-’ *'*■ The eastern m irkets arc all unusually bi'i :
| of stock, even for the period of the season.
GERMAN CLAY is selling it £3O f* toa.c*»h
| GRAlN—Wheat is quick sale at 75c bu. Oats
j h i*e not arrived Ireely—tales 3000 bu at d£rr3oe
sBc. wL Corn is' in active demand—
| sales ot 1000 bn to arrive, at -10 c. Barley—market
: rteady—prime realizes 40c on the spot. Rye is in
good detnaqd at 40c. but the receipts are umm -or.
tint. ,
[ GLASS—Tbe market ha* been steady and qu>et
1 through tbe week. The *nppjy on hand i* suffi
jcieally large lor any prevent demand. Ol country
brands, aale* RiIO at $2 374, and in a small w«v.
; alone, at 52,40—0 f 10*12 at $2.b24'. Occasional
sale* at some variation, but these are the current
rates. No change in city mike.
GROCERIES —su tar—We have not noticed
more qnietoes* this seasou than the present werk.
Steady sales are making lor the supply ol Uie trade,
but nothing like speculation afoot. in small
lots ol 40650 birds at 74684 c. as in rjuihty.
Molasses—The market hat been (J jII and heavy
thjougb tho week, witli sales only lor the supply ot
Uie trade. Some street transactions, including 40Q
bbls, on term* not-adaqtung a quotation. Large
parcels ean be bad at a shade or reduction Tne
.anil lots selling are at 304 a 374 c. SouicS >1 at.
(.'•flee—l|>e market haa been quiet but firm,and
• now better supplied. Ssles 3jo«i WO bags Hib
Coflee in lota at 84&9e f* lb.
HAV—Tbesqles tbit week have been at g'jfi II
k* ton, net, qs Ta quality.
LUMBER—Nearly all the e Lumber in market
hi*. Sean disposed of. Sale* 500,000 ft Pine at 7iO
©7,7i10r Common, and £is3£l6 for clear p M ft
There are BOW no Shingles attne River lorsqle—m
(be yards stfiQ it aaked. The market ia now nearly
or altogether bare of aesaooed piled Pine. and our,
quotations are entirely nominal. Thefewill be an i u t
advance or at leaat £2 P M ft. | 'BEAVER RACKETS at 9 ami lOiu and .Ira
MAJ;T— $ariej iaaellingtoaeonaideTableexteni 'MONONGAHELA CI TY PACKET* Ira
“onh'6«t in ' “ ,,1 ‘ ~T “ 15c ' M *' l " ' •'•WELLSVILLIi, Wellaerile. HA. M.
METALS—The market Tor Iren Ini continued ‘ D EECII ' V ‘' IMCKKT . Hhilidelj.!... and
quite actiVeaince the date ol our last report. The Baltimore, 9P. u.
Mill* are universally running full time, and the pro. 'HIBERNIA,> a. m
Joetion xa large, but doea.not more thin equal the ‘WILMINGTON ibenrill* i■ r u
demand. Large amounts arc going Northward.— n,„w*rivv .
Pricea of all deacrtpUona are firm and full. Nail.; 81.00K1.A N. at Loun. 4r. a
are selling, geoeraliy, at £3.75 lor lOd, &c. •FINANCIER, liouiaville 1 r. s
Pig Iron—Tba stock on the market hat been to , ’These aro regular Fackrii
much reduced aa to afford very little material for: WHEELING—Per New Englim!—7l* tlour.
operations. Of Allegheny there is litile or none oo • McFaden & Co—l' In, J id Mel lor i.i blits ft ,ur.
sale. Of HR, moat of the receipts are to fill con-: <) fU(n> McGrcw ,V <«—l tcalo, It A >amp«»n At
tracts made for delivery— h b at £35 t» ton, usual | o,_i hello »«. Login &. Kennedy— ‘iuo pcs lur.on,
credit, and to the extent ol 150 ton* in all. A Jew 1 joj tsbl* floor. li t-kt hutki, I; tibia cider, own,te
llies Mercer Co Pig at £23 and £23, ln bdla hone collars, M’Clorksn X Co.
£25 ia generally asked lor thia description bf Ale-
Blooms—Some prime on the market held at £79 ; PORT OF PITTSBURGH.
P too. A sale a few days amee of Tenrsee dt | - - i -- -- : —--
and.a lot of the tame at Wheeling at £63, on time, i .j rrrT , ViTtll ~ tiik CHiKngL.
Tin Plate*—we chasge reported in the : ; _____ .. _
market. , , ARKIVF.It.
Pig Lead—The largest transaction ol the week- Beaver Hoop i, Beaver.
W»a a sale of over 11 ton* on the wharf at3jc, cash. | Swalva, Clarke. Brownsville.
Small IoU from atore at 4c. I Michigan. He nphill, Boaver.
OILS—We beer or. To* ole, Lin.eed. and ,1 !
“I?'- l h ” “ 6rn ' *“*' win.;; Z\ S iiL We i„in,.
maintain. it* pnee—7sc for NoJ hammer. , ~e,p Jtr .,, N„ arm.'.Monongahel, r.t, .
PROVISIONS—The demand which we have no* i Wilmington, Mcvnnj. .Swulwitv.iu- ’
liced for several weeks as being active, still cootin-, Hiberm*. SmAh. Wheeling,
ues. 'Hie receipts have been light. j Rambler. Haugliton. McKec*por«
j Bacon-All the lota of country cure Si riving, meet 1 " isconsin.
! with ready sale. We have noticed sales to eitent of | V DKIAKIEI)
; 50,000 lb*, in variooa lots at GviGJ and 7*iBc, lor :_ Beaver, B i e ‘|* p f r -
Shoulders, Sides and Hams. Sides with the rib* 10 | Michigan, Hemphill. Beaver
at 7c. Clear at 7JtiBc,aa in quality. The inquiry j >s* E* l * o Eric. Ball, Beaver.
I fortbisdmcriptioaeoatinuesaeiive. Ofcityamoked ; S.watara, Ctnrke, Brownsville.
1 and eak meet lb,re here been ,1 6atiJ and | j '.!■»,“L Bn*n>»n. Br..«n..iMe.
7128 c for Shouldert, Skies and Hams. City cured ,‘j Rambler Mon. City.
„? that cored b, eit, Pecker., i. lire, at fij&G..-j No 2. Klibefrlter. ‘
CB. and 8581 c, for the several descupuon*. VVhan | • |^ cw England. Ebbcrt. Wheeling.
okd cakaaro mvanably paid for. Some entire stock* j Newark, Hurd. Zanesville.
are held out ol the market, and of the bulk Pork . > North Carnl.n*, Dcvinney, St Louie
received here on Packer* account, a good deal Wat 1 Trenton. Woodward.
been chipped eiltward. , _ v Amerma, (UlTipun. Cm. _
Lard—The market i. qnite bare et Lard nt an, I—Th.' a.l.rr .
blew* Th# No I amvintr from the country fetches, 1 „ , ..
StidAc in bbt* and kef No ronnd .hipping | -b.rl, appra, .bn Dad, >l.r.„n>f...etlr
hare come older oof eotice. »'•» ■l'l’eer ia(I.M«Bt. the. mrri.,ng the l.n 7
Better alio CObUnne. acaree, aed alt i. ' 6| »( "■« of all. aailbnel any .daman. ,
Picked op for abipmenL Ordtogood keg ha. .old , rbargn Th.. loonredarltiama. ,
readily at sft lOcj some pkd « bb‘* of good quality, any Advrrti*eaieni» are olso inserusd
10c. Roll aetla quick «t Iott!3c. aa in quality. \ i ihifroiimry paper'upnn rfAionahlr.
Cheese— New Cheese ja coming i i and finding r.
bare market, *ciU quick at ’Hie supply **
•till very light.
RAGS—The demand is far greater than the inp
ply. Sales of 25230,000 lbs at quotations—a-me
to arrive.
RICE ia selling at 6£&s}c in tres, some prime *t
SALT—A better demand ha# prevailed, and pri
ce* (float are a ahade higher. Sale* 5a700 bbl* from
boat*. From (tore, delivered, near 1000 bbl* No 1
at 90c the set bbl.
HALKRATUS—The market bare o! thia article,
and it I* much inquired Tor.
'TURPENTINE—Some tale* Spirit* to the trade
at GOc—reaaie* at 66c.
TAR— N C U rather acarce and in demand—aalea
' a t 54.30. aid even at 2>.c more — tupphe* expected
; soon.
TALI.OW—The n.i.ket is hire of rrmjr.-i-i It
fetches Kc quick Ol Kougn riles at pjr.
the onl< di'»cnp' 10.1 s now c-ming
in are Coni aud Pulled bates .’>ooo Uw at 2» nij
WHI>KKY—Verv little received hrre for some
days. C.-nfmon wo'rUrlftc, and Kecutied isaellmj
at JOc t> gal.
We perceive-nn relief m the market since h.t
week The daman s slit] large y *s,-c«-.t» tnr ►u|-
]>ty,and the ottering* ot p.iperin tne street.continue
large. Hie Banks are. perhaps, doing more ti-an
last week, but are still compelled to tlm>w out a
good deal ol sale pap< r.
Unccrronl Notes are scarco and in demand—amr f
so than last week. t»i>od lot* are b-iught it 4. and
other* at J t* cl dis
the aupplt oo the La«l ■« pkntilu! \\> »pp-ml oi*r
l ablc of buying and aelltng ratr
Bomn & N York »*,
>•*•11:,,; ralrf -
IVnl JtD-:’
f»ir i?| prrm
- m -
.Ut'-r.i oJ
I *> ri 4i«
l </ ;nl <>J
r.O ,1,
Lou,» kSi Loa.a i *.flu
• « ••
NOrir»ni »rl*ir.e »t?hi
• 61* day*
I a .1,1 of
a I pre-n
Tnc market thi* week has been better attended
by tbe Drover* than tor tome time prrvutua The
ottering* were, in itl. atxiur 250 heU driven in. but
a number laid over ontold. Tbo Drnv«r* contended
lor taut wee*’* price*. 5 _3?4 P 100 10* gr«*»*.
equal to $5a6M net. but buyer* demurred paying
them. A *pleo iid ‘ajiow' Heifer weighing liya* |t»*
wa* ml ]at a price equal'to about jS V 100 lb* nr:
—■it coet JIOI. Thi*. o! rour*e, wi* a fancy Beef.
, aid a fancy price. It will be roid iu the city mar
ket on Saturday
Of sheep and Lamb*, 125 head «*e,o in the v*rd*
aid told—the Lamb* at s*. and the Sheep at
<22.50 t* head.
jAbout 10n head of were .inven in n 4
brought s\ r *)Ons?> 11*0 tbi net
I are becoming plenty. vu»n3sheiJ » id
at gi to $5 f head.
•NEW ENtiLANp No », Lmrinnsti, 10 « w
•BROWNSVILLE PACKETS at 3 a. u. and 3
... (B7»W» are now prepared to-execute in aruprnor
and exprditiou* maimer, all kind* of Jo* Putman,
«uch ns large Po*icr», Strirnlxm Uill *, Dill* of Lading,
Lelirr Sheet Circular*, Haixlhill*, Card*, die., Ac
to any extent executed in the beti manner, and all
kind* of Printing done with accuracy und at the loweii
KS| HAVING removed to the cuy, for convenience
JS&to profeMional buiioet*, 1 wih rent the Naimon
lloo«c and n* teamed ate cnelo*nrr. vitnnte on the bluff*
P*'I*’ 1 *’ *I?MW 78i*pr
A* The ttanneb anl fine ateamer
Jg§2Z2s=3»K°umz,. , cs»W t w)ll leave u abov
*,«SsSBi'£W.Wcjl< l evern..* M V I'iih at
' myJt
- Tl.e nrw »nj tnleodld aieiuoer
UmMB I “■««• will leave ** atav
nednc*du> rveinnj} M»y |ju4u'i-IV
freijbt or pa*»U|je .apply <m l>oari:
• - I 1 • "‘S I<
w The new and »p!entfid •learner 1 i
wliJrTOm.' •» ondward niaatfr.wtlltejveii abnv •'
■brougbout b- **a«n. F© •
fr Cigiitor pAeaagc apply on
The line and Maonrh light dranir
1 . ff®® I ***, Mramer TRIL'MPjI,
LlfciiyuW f-*tTr.y mailer, will leave a* .In,
: rrtaUih- throughout the »ra«on ,Ft
apply on board. •
: 'v myl2
£ - ; FOR ci.VCINNATI. "
iMwk!’ The elegant and fait Packet
ifk r- rtf „ AMERICA,
4ggjfSjjSMCqlhoun, otaftiei, will leave ae aim,
throughout the trkton. Fo
10f l’**" o ** apply on board. “ myld
£e *inundi ar d e'rgam ttratner
j~lgr .—ft NORTH CAROLINA,
< SS£j£w=g7 Devenney, mantrr. will lehve *'
~ V "” ® alxive throughout the iea«on. Fo
freight or pa<*«ge apply on bond.
t> 4 im /iU< UJL The tuunch and fa*l low waiei
-A^ I>ackrt - MAKV ANN.
ft Peutron, Matter. will leave.a above
“rstissaailiii evening. at 4 o’clock. Foi
freightor pn«tagc apply on board'
wn I tf
»- » The new and tplendid aieamer
r I.trj /y GONDOLIER,
i^L-jgi7i» l H‘r'l H for tin* trade, and wi r l leave* rrgj
l.uly'durmg ihe scatou. Her day*
will be advertised hcr.afier. my?ir
k The new, light draught and fa«t ron-
Il L i~ nJr nmg » lfnmg ' kUrkka. at
Croner, master will run a* a regoltr
between Pittsburgh and Loui»-
viHe. during the »eu*oii. She leaver on eve
nmg. May ttth. at 4 o’clock
For Irrig'itor pn«»ace npply on hoard. niy«
* ifWw< w The light dr-ineht and fast running
iteambnot MINUO CHIEF,
_ teyyiSmCl Moore, master, will ply a* a regular
hciwe»n Him place ami Zauer
vii r. ror freght or pa*»agr apply on board or to
?>>'< ('• F() ItM[ I.| r KNRKRGKR^Act
Regular Plttihnrali suit Zaueavllle
t [ , Pnekrl,
A The new and ! : sh* draught (’.earner
jwi Jamei I'. Itoyri, master, will run i« a
regular packet li'iwren l‘ttt«burgh
and /anerville ' bad hi r cal>m« Curd up and
larnMied in »uprror |i> le. ihu Comet Oder* the fioett
Jfcmnmodntm,. m pa--e n <er» She will leave on
Tuesday, .May 4rti/'£tL , o>Wlr', l* .\|,
hot Height or p»Magc apply mi Iroatd. or to
_™’ 10 / 1» WILKINS, Agt
ti The very light draught and Mauncb
1 lemt, ma*ier, will run a« above <tu-
ihc-»<»*on. making rrrulur tnp«.
The S. iliawa only 14 inche* water. For Ireight or
paraage apply on bonrd ap3l»
Regular Plttaburgb and Zanuavllle
ana nk THE light draught ateamrr
Hunl, Matter,wdi make weekly tripi
HSBMn IO Iho above port during the at- on - i
For treigln or paoaee apply oo ho< rd
n, Ji . „J»P7 D WILKINS. Age,.
Pittabnrgti and kunAtb Packet.
Hie, new and fine •trainer »
,/M—>|t % HUDSON,
(.«» - , (JibsMsSßß’ Ft-t-rn, master, ba« tt-sumed her re*-
: ular in ( .« and 'tWlirave I’iitri.'irgh
: »* a!>ov every Thursday »nd Mon
|;t»n day st 3 o'rtoek. PM. For itriglii or passage apply
, "ii tioard _ ' ocas
I'll »lmrgh rvrrv Mosday. \V« d
on,l Kr.,lay. »|!)| o'clock, A M . oml'Mlaoni ►
I.ria Lay rvrr> Thuraday nrul Saiurriny n c
nc W It. A M I'ur Ur Rhl or pii**Bp«, apply on Inir i d
Allefttieuj- lllvrr Trade.
Ti»c bur unit fan Stmintoai
6 , r I’ff ')’<■ 'Mwn liriWTrn Paiel-urgli
' nJ n I'«r xrpiglu nr pn»«»rr ripply on t oortl.
■HMh 1 :!' "« ix»t.oi,
Mr., ta . . W.r 2V::i .u.-snj Tt |[) <j < L,
*M l\.| '
m.-ii;? i u' nrn.m.v into *,,,
l > :n>UL'Ul>H ALNiJ U'llltKl.l.M. I’ACKKT
t* rry* r n k-u a vd! f,:mr
a < i XV Ki.rrt, will i; eminence
itawng l‘ii-.»l»on)i rrery
TureJay, Thureday >M !**iurtl*y. at 1 tj o'clock, A. M ;
awl Iniv ns Wbrri.iif every Monday, Wrdtrerdav and
.« » A M
Lk duly pxokkt
cl'itm.i 41,0 fan I‘orkrl
It" tor thr« trtilr. and w.'!
1> p. 0ut.1, 8 Hie *M«nn. irj, "*
.ie»; W »>ln* k. Btt.l U e! i r
~.k IHr U t-.r..--: -., I „
h. «»U4<».' For I’fr ilr
nu 4 f W"u
r.- p4*»as- aj'pn o-i 1
lb-a Kre; u->n
\VUrf >i> p'Ci ir: If.
- TJ.
nt <v mn>! 1 ’cM HranirM *|mr
Hi. 1.-i.vM P.ll*.
. u-ih r X .f> Mon! H Urd.v-,j,y
■ iH'lj'i -day »l 3uVus>k. ** \l . loavrt
J*tru:.roi Hr every Ti*cir**Ji»y iui.l fst'iiritay
ai ? oV.ih-1 a. -'I Hor c.r pa»*«Kc on
k'WjLXaK‘Y ; i fTNU tt‘»H aSu « lU.kI.IAU
. - - TU 2
yeM(sfiS' Sanjurl ronun-r.i-r
KinDmc 4.. ■ r-tular
J’iiit m»i , leaving cvm)
Monday. Wedny*<U) «i.d I’j.-xy. m ll)o‘c:o«*. A M .
’i •*» y« Wiretnw r\' r> , ThuMday an<! Siiur
’,|u i>i - o'clock A M- Fi*T Ur fht nr [•a»««gf
rkoulafi pirrsurjK.ij and ukownsville
TMK new mil l’n«! running siratocT
■GtßßßV>lbr klxwr [• »■••••. 'Mr.nt I ill*t>ut*B
every fundai. rh»rk<t.«v and at lOnVircfc,
A M. mid ilmwnWiilr every Monday, \Vt‘«lnr’dajr
«i«l Wiliiy. ai e k.
For *>• ,->««««** apply .mi l>r>ant .
To| Travrllcrs.
I run
[Erxiufi-if for VatMxttri }
• IMII' *'-*-ml m<d lUdrnad i.em* now m rireilem
1 order Un* Pa>'krit t.i th.« |,m? will leave i»nh paa
fc-ne-r* «» 1...10w5, rjery nijftil Bl V o'clock :
I’nckei Indiana Capl llerkry, Monday. .May 10
do Louioiana. Ca|>l Thompson. Tuesday, May II
do Keomeky. Trut.y, Wednesday, May IX
dr. Oh. > Capl Cum Thursday, Mm I I
do I t>.l ■mi a, Cspi iiJerkry, Kr.tay. May 14
tli i,ou,*:airi. Copt Thompson. Saturday, May 15 '
do Kentucky Capi tm'iv, Sunday, Mai 1C
do Ohio,l-rsif, Monday, May 17
do Indiana, ll'ikj-v, Tuesday, May le |
d.< (•, l u[4 Iboinp*n,i. Wr.lac*.!-jy, MsyllU
do K'liiucky, Cuji'.Tiuhv, Thursdij, May 1.11 -V
do On o. Cta*. f-piJrsy. Mfl. St.
,Io lii.l 4'in. ll*-ry- Snuid/i)'. Mav •.“i
do IfOU-nna. Cn >i Thompson, Sunday, May JO.
If you (lr»irr ftVrllini' Hlid PODlflina 'lfi BCCO>n*
td-il ■ .on* »rr"- vijri rkrl* «l the I’arkrt Ulfir«*»
Mrerl. «if «<
„ n :u I 0 I.KKCII & CO, Canal Ha* Ip
a.lpnning »*' Mrtfn nf SunktnrMt. The *ub%cntirt
u*|r f' M.> »ii-Hu- j.J..|irfiy well known *• SLACK’S
Ii.MI |)i W*. > uiiv". iu »t about • ■•van'nriraof I.anti,
til .•ii'rlt.-m iji.ii.. i > « .'ll Houif, It ai ti Hoike,
ftr iin Mir iill.nt >• a common
duio* l*f.rlc l.ii ’tlmi*. y» nh »unal<le nut hou*r» at m
On tli* prcini-r* >■ H iii-v.t failing spring yield. ■'* a
ml. lul «u• >|>ly ui iiiqm r scrllr nt water, from wholi llie
•|i(ui( .a a :ni<r *jii|.t-t>iit<.«'id:iui« Itau.inj; House, m't.
• tone* high. wuli |Kirtb«'«, oiiJeoninm tit •rvrmt aparl
me.lll m t.. it,V i.ath moms Tim l.unl.n .«
jllf> s o'ln--r n.[..M'or iu nny in . Ii * sect toll of the country
ami .itxiun.!♦ with tint en<ncH*t IVun trc«-« »f a ii.osi all
kn.ilfei* well n* w.ib l.ra.iiilul ami turr Shrubbery anil
Punt* The rlr valril positional Ihe *anlen».ovrfloolt
me and ar.!iguou« to me city ami tt.r Ohio nver. whilst
at iim *»nir tunc, il.r( are an canly m-rc««lblr:. render
.ir.-iii peculiarly stslr a» 4 te»nirncc for a private
fnm ly. or lor supplying me f"V with trunk and vegeta*
The tt rin«oi »aie ni all ihr at'O're property, a« «•> price
ami rrmlii. l,c i l-t-ral Apply 'o J l> M*<-k on the
i, rr , n( , r , „ r c spk.vkh.
J! r J’-rM.n. .•> i'lii'liurgli indium* u> purctn.*;* can
li.ivi- • inorr foil il.’«.-r,ptmn iif ihi* location aitdtjf the
aim re property, on ni»jilu a*iOn to Mf Jotllt A tt ll.*ov
oi no- lx u «r .»i .MurpNt, Wil-on A Co.
Siriibcnviltr. April at. IHT dVawwdl.
[ From tiif? Sptfil of ihe Time* 1
A Cemlcmnn ol Hrriilulou* habit* from itiducrctton
in In* youngri day*, became adericd Willi Ulceration*
oi theTftioai and .Vo nnd a disagireablc and liou
ble»«me eroptir.ll of llic Skin Indeed, hi* whole «y»-
tern hore the murk* of J..:inc *aiuinieit wuh di*eo«e
fine ham) mid vvn»i were <■< mui li affected Unit he had
|.»i the u*e of the haml.everv p-tn tiring covered w nh
deep, painful, ami offen*ive l;ir>-r*. anil were a* bul
luw ami por»u* a* a lioiiey-ooinb It no »t ih * *t*g°
o< In* complaint, when death appeared i la'i.e. from
h Inndieome cli*e»*«. thin he cormneiiecd the u*e of
: JAYNE'S ALTERNATIVE. amt having inkcu «tx
: leen Imttle*. i* now p-HecUr cur ed.
. ALTKRN ATI VKoperate* through the circula
tion, and punfiea.ihe 8100-t ami ’eriidiriitc* digram*
! from the iy«u hi, whefpter located, add the numerous
cine* .t ha* performed in direnm* of Skin, Cancer,
1 Serofdln. Goitre. Liver Complaint. Uy*pep*ia, and other
i. truly u.tOTii*hing ■' -
j Fn' ‘air ni Pnnliotgh ai ihe PeLin Tea Store, 71 Vh
! ttiee.t. near wood, amt olm at the Drug Stoic oi II P
Scliwaru. Ferieial »t Allegheny rity mrt tAwp
Ur Jnyn'e’* medicine, for the cure of the SORE
THROAT, lib* hern doing wonder* during the late un
plea*«nl weather under foot. It II bettor to attend 10
flight cold* in time. and to procure the remedy applied
1 from »kilftil pliyncianf. than from unknown and irre-
I *pon*ib(e quark* Ur Jayne ha* cuablithed a rrputa
i non long tmre lor profmeioual tktll. and hi* retnedie*
• for cough* and cold* have Keen proved efficaeioa* bv
I tb« eiperienre of thoo*nnd»— Sax. Er. Foil __
For Mb? in Pittsburgh at the PKKIN TEA STORE
TJ Fourth »trn-t, nrar Wood; and at the Drug Store
P Srhwitru. Federal nreel. Allegheny City.
flaehl-MAw- _ ;
DA ULILS No 3 Mnekerel, large, juat rce’d and to*
OU rate by ATWOOD. JONES It Co
myfl water A front IU
U. S. Mott tint to Cora, ScuiMowrjmn otf Brmun.
_TtlK splendid nuw steamship WASHING
XxXRy TON, 1750 iotas burthen, Pradtntk Hewitt.
Janefa commsnder, wiUstarlfromNew Yorkoa the
»*t Junepei^earrjincibeL'nile l ! Statesman,
“*wi|| isdcbit.Cown and SotulunpioD to lud
r****"**™ nd freight, and deliver the mail* far Kne
lino. Fiance ud Belgium and will then proceed to
Returning will I care Brenerharrn oa the SSthof
Jonw. and Southampton oo the latofjnly. when ibe
**" embark passenger* cod freight from Bag!and,
r ranee, and Belgian. A r range menu hare been aade
!f I™r,w*rJ 1 ™ r , w *r J *«*• from Jlavre-up u> tbs last taomesi, tat
»bieh,if desired, bill* of lading will be tinged by Utc
ageniat Havre. - * '
Southampton connect* by Railroad* with all part* of
Mgland, and by iteaaboaia with all the Continent
rrore Brcm-n access nay be bad loallOetnaay. Ana
in. R„.„. |^, r ,
The Washington ir built lnthe«trongeai manner, wit’i
a view of being consorted into a shirH»f-war, and tab*
iE C i.? ,1 "7 19 IMP*®***! by ofteers appointed by
Uiell resident, both throng and after construction. Bhe
baa twoenginesof ICWD horse power each, and accom
modations for 140 first elaa«, and 41 second class pas
senger*. v
Passage front New York to Soatbamptanor Bremen,
Flm class gtso
Second cl*aa 60
I as*age from Bremen or Southampton to New York
First class giSD
_ Second class, go
She will carry about 300 lon* freight, which will be
el| according to the nature of the rood* offering.
AH letter* most pais 'broogh the Post Office. Parrel*,
for which bills of lading wtll be atgned, wilt be taken
at S 3 each.
Fur passage or freight apply at the office of the Ocean
Strain Navigation Company. 41 William street, New
York, or to the Agents at Southampton,
The \\ ashinslon (« Intended to leave New York on
■econd trip on the first of August next.
The second steamer of the line is in due coarse of
construction, and will be in readiness in the ensuing
‘* l ‘ • myldlni
Concerning sellers* vermipuge.—a sin.
J gls vial producing wonders,—Head the following
from |h« Rev. S. Wakefield, Pastor of Llborty till h!
_ „ , Piiuburgh,Mareh6, 1P47.
AIr.,R. h Seller*: It is from a sense of duty, as well
at'wiih greet pleasure, that I bear testimony to the vir
tue of yourjnsily celebrated Vermifuge. I procured a
singlr,herds. and gave it 10 three of my children, who had
been ill for several weeks The eldest was seven
year* ‘old, the next four, and the yoangesl eighteen
months. The first passed fi!iy-nx worms, the second
forty seven, and the third a considerable number not
distinctly recollected. Since then they have heendoing
well, and are now in good health. g
Yours respectfully, 8. W»»r»m n
Fiom the Rev. £ K Babcock, of the Methodist Eoicco
pal Church.
Mf. R E Sellers; It is with great pleasure 1 would
inform you of the g«od effects produced on my aon of
»X r * !*'* *<** Q y your justly celebrated Vermifuge-
Alter his having convulsions, I gave him three doses,
when he passed an almost inereditable number, from
which time hie geneial health has been improved.
_ , _ 8 E Riscocx.
From the Rev Charles Cooke, of the Methodist Epis
copal Church:
PilUbnrgh, December 14» 1843.
Mr. R. K. fellers: I gave n y little daughter (between
three' and for year* oldjthree doses of your Vinufuge,
according to prescription, with the happiest success
The nutnberof worms expelled Ido not know precise
ly. hut it was large. She is now in possession of good
health. I think the medicine may be eon&ded in with
great utirescrvedneas. C Cooxx
As this Vermifuge ha* never been known to fail in
any instance, worms actually’existed, parents
stioold give it id preforeace to mll other*
Prepared and «>ld by R. E. SELLERS, between 3d
and 4m, on Wood street.
For sale by Dr Catael, Fifth Ward. myl
Yoo, whose teeth '• fool and yellow—
You. wbe*eskin is derk and sallow—
You. whose hair 1* harsh and wirey. f
Kutiy,dirty red or fiery—
You, whose vita offensive breath -
Unpleasant 1* a* putrid death—
Voil eould have— boy, manor girl—
Truth as white as snow or pearl.
Breath a sp ey tweet, and conic)*
Pure oud and smooth and beautiful.
And bair»oft. silay, dark a* slee.
By reading what is aaid below.
READERS*, any of you can have the above by (mind
ibis i* nothing but truth.) using a 3« bottle of Jones's Co
ral Hair Restorative—a *j box of Jones's Amber Tooih
Paste—and 4s cake of the genuine Jooea's lialan
Chymigal Reap. The article* cost but little, and you
are assured that the following nre their real qualities:
The IOQ.II pa*te xives the breaih a sweet odor, white
leeth, snd preserves the teeth, Ar The bair stuff all
know to be the most thing ever made for dre*
sing, beautifying, and causing the growth o' hair, and
tha soap, (get the genuine Jones's Boap, mind) will cure
stl eruption*, fteekiea, Ar and nttke dark yellow
whde, clear and fait. All these ihings are sold (only)
at W JACtCSONM Boot and Shoe Store and Patent
Mrilicinc Warehouse *4) Liheny sl my 7
From Rev Charles Marun. hlmisier of the Bapliat
t'hurcb. Wooster, laie of Ashtabula, O
Mesar* il. Harris A Co. Proprietors.of E Dean’s
Chewicat Plaster. Gentlemen;—For several years 1
have from time tested the virtues of E. Dean’s Chemical
Plaster hy using it in my family as a remedy for Rhea
mat ru, waaknesa and lameness of the ,back, pain in
the breast. rofltiuation of the throat and eyea, ague in
ihe tiieast, Ac: and I take pleasure in ray ng to you and
to the nublie. that in every ease I have found it useful,
and I do l>elieve that said Plaster poaaosaet virtues of
more itian ordina'-y rharaeirr. and that it will general
ly t<e kiuml u sint-cietii remedy for tho»e dlica-es for
wh'eh r is rreommended, and is justly enmletl to tne
Honte n.iC patronage of an enlightened rommsmty.
Vnur. truly. CUA» MORTON.
Wooster. 0., Dec. ifO. 1h42
by U A Fshnesinck k Co. corner First A Wood
street*. myldAw
It AS Removed to the bouse cn Penn
airret, three doors above Hand sueal.
wr.ere h* may be found from 0 o'clock,
Af 1-e !s des roa* of t emg employed by none but
ihoM- wlitt will make immediate payment without the
nri|c»*nj on h>* pastor' rallecting be would invite pur
iicbtar atirnnon to ihe following terms; Alt bill* left
onpsidat (he ezpus 1011 of thirty day*, wilt be charged
at the follow,ng rates—
!. t thr
* lOf <r-
' JOHN n.ACK/A^nj
For Kiirmriin*TeetU. 91
For F-ll nf (tom Sit to 91 per cavity
All mlir r opecal.on* in the »an»e proportion.
AH rare* tt which ■>• not rootmoed.
h><U will hr ronvili-ir.l Jue according is the above ref*
A »• Tb«*re btc (June imlrlitr,l to him wbo»e ac-,
rtiui.t*. it not pan! immediately. will tie placed in tbd
luriUnf a proper nfii-er for coftretion aplWhnwtfF'
Bt'.U P.U.f.i.rph
u:i,s it,' Burnt atwtt)«on ujr
A MrIUNK. Agent.
No Caret No Port Piles I' Plica t
DR. Jickron'* Embrocation i* the only medicine that
will cure tbi* *o very common and troublesome
d.seajn. lieotooly immediately aliny* paifcood inda
laanon, »u>p* all bleeding, lubdUeathat intbleiafUe Urh
me. boi effectunUv cure*, in abort time priVou*
*loK live* bare been rendered miaerable for year*
It* application produce* no pain, but rather an agreea
ble and plea*ant »en»aiion If perwmt afflicted wnl
rail and bear of the treat number of caaet that have
bf- o cu-rd, they wni i>r a«iom»heit. A gentlemen of
■ hi* c.ty. who bad been under ibe knife of the turgeon
lni;wiiu( thire lime* without being eared, b(i« by u .
ing 3 bottle* of the Embrocation, been eradicaily cured.
Ii Kell* beyond precedent IJ—[Pb.l. Saturday Courier
For *a)e m Pmabargh at the PEKIN TEA
S'lllJlK. 73 Fourth «tre«t, near wood, and aifOßttbg'
U.ub Store of ii P Scbwaru Federal »t Allegheny eT
i* -antiTtlAw
1847. tißftid
canal Packets tklkcrapii a svvaLLxjw
LEAVE Beaver daily at 9 o’ektck.E mAer the
ariivalof the iteanjlioai BEAVER frtn Pittihurgb,
ami arrive at Warren next morning in Kuan for the
S age* which reach Cleveland before night.
I’a**<.nger* wiU be receipted through, reouring berth*
on the Paekru.and aenu in the Stagß, on application
on board •teamboai Beaver, ('aavit.g Pititbargh at 9
••'dock, a. M .) or tu the agent* t
ii M lIARTON A (Jd, Pittsburgh
CI.ARKE A Co, Beaver
ap|3 / M 0 TAYLOR, Watren
GALLERY, Chml ureet, adybuimg PoatOfice.’Pitu
luinh, Pa. Mr. PORTER (from Haliunore) re
•peetfoliy invite* the ladii i and gentlemen of Pilifb’gh,
and ihe public generally. In call and examine the large
collection of Daguerreot pe Peruana at hi* Gallery.
The ■pecim'-n* product d by Mr P.. for beauty, brillian
cy, disiiiictne**, and tone of tolorutg are not *urpa**ed
by ajiy m tj}i* country A number of the Portrait* of
t'itixetrvTan be teen at the Gallery- Call and examine
for ynuiaelve*- Likeneaaet taken in clear or clorrty,
weatheT. . J
V. U.—luilruetion*. apparata* and ail material* fur
n>*'ied. Term* moderate. W S PORTER
f)agoerreoiypi*t| entrance Philo Hall
»tieei. adjoining Port Office. apw^
Third Street, next door to ihe Hank of Pmiborgh.
THKundcraigned,having recommenced bo*
»inc**. ha* c»t*bli*heil hira*elf at the above
Hand, where be will kepi conitantly on
hand and for ule, at reasonable price*, all
•Ictcnp ion* o' Furniture of the betl quality—loch a*
Burn ua. Bed'tcarii, Chair*, Onoinana, Sofa*, Ac Ac
AH li*o furuituie ■* warronted of the finrat quality,
nnd will be »blil a* low a* any of ihe lame kind mibft
A few rood hand*, and nnne other* need apply, will
find rmnloymeut on application.
WINES— gqr r*k» treble grape Poyi Wine,
:i do of the celebrated Roneoa brand;
5 do Port, very oldj
10 do diffeient biaml* and vintage*;
’ 3 qr ca*k» Li*l>on wine;
‘J do do dry Malaga; t ,
•2 hlul* *up Cjarel wine;. '
la b*kl» *up crown brand Cham, wine
•i qr c»k» *up L M Madeira wine;
a do do Pale Sherry; '
3 do Madeira vintage,_lM6;
13 do dilTerent brand* and vintage*;
•J do c*k» *weei Malaga;
‘3 do do Red wine; ;■ «•
Parfof’the above wtnr* have ju«t arrived from under
Oumoih Hou*e Lock*, in New York; per(ona,wi»hmg
to purebaae, may rely on getting a jore .ariiele. iu
quuntitio to *uit. For »ale by P C MARTIN
npW cor «milhfield and front ata
A*k me not what I am Thinking;
O, watch yoo well by Daylight;
Slaying the Deer;
Oh! Molly Bawn;
Widow Machree; :
The low backed Car;
* The two Bird*; ;
* Indian Summer; V
Ron- O'Moore;
My Mother Dear;
Angela Whivper;
The Fairy Boyt
, The Bowl’d Soger Boy;
Ju<t received and for tale by JOHN H MKLLQR
m>3 HI woodftreet
TOKf. MOm.KR. Druggiit and Apothecary, N. W,
• I comer of Wood and Sib »ti, Pitt.bntgh, will keep
eon*ianily on hand, Drag*, Pa ml*, OtL, Dye-*tuff«.
N. B Phyiician'f prrtcriptionaonrefuUy rompennd
ed from the best material*, at any hobr of the day or
night. Alan, an nttonmen! of Perfnmary; fine Tooth,
Hair, and Cloth Brushes, Ac. Ae , which he will *el|
low for ea»h. x may 1
CLK IIKBHIP~WANTEdXfor a lad from n"
York, l® yean of age; a »nuat ; dnin *ome reaped'
able Commercial KiMbltaoment in the city Aa it i*
the deaire of bit parent* that he ahoald acquire a know
ledge of buaineta, a amall remuneration would only be
required for the firdyear- Reference may he had te
Erfltorof Gaxetta. • aptlf
'yAUGHNS* MlXTURE—Vaughn*’ Vegetable
V LiUnnihriptie Mixture, for the euro of Imp*),
Gravel, Ae—t) bxi juat received and forule by
Wbolesile and Reuil Agents for Allegbent County
•P 1 ™ No < Commercial Row. Linertv at
■cquatnted with Plantation work, can have per
menent employment at good wage*, in a healthy pari of
Northern Miaaieaippi. For funner in formal ion oddlv
nchlW No 91 wood n
A splendid assortment of individaal State Maps
among which 1* an improved >-spof Mexico.
• A large variety of handsomely hound Songster*.
. A complete assortment of the Modern Sundsrd Dra
,m«. including Feudal Times; or the Court of James the
TT7IHTMOREA WOLFF having removed* from the
/J* corner of liberty and 8t Clair streets, to No SO
Wood street, three doors above Ft Charles Hotel, would
, respectfully s»k ihe attention of buyers 10 their stoeh
per ships Saransk. Monoegshela and Russia, direct
(ram the punsfacturers of Kuglaqd and German*
-Also, supplies rffcmeriran Hardware, from the prm
einai mahafsemrer* of the,Eastern State*
Their stock baing entirety new, and purchase»] upon
the best terms they fcel gicst confidence in beatg sble
success folly-10 meet corn petition from any quarter,
whether east or west.
PRICES REDUCED—Thoma, Palmer, No 4? Mar
kn street, between 3d and 4 h sjreetv respectfully
announces to the pubffe that hi* pretent nock of Wall
Paper apd Border* of hi* own maaafhetar* ii very ox-
and daily addilion* are beinf made to it. a>
the; afe'Snished—of new andsplcndidpatierns Also,
a well assorted stock of Frmci Strdtrt.
Mavis# recently retimed the price* of the above
■meU*, land other*.ln bialirte. notenumerated,} be i«
prepared to*«ll for cash. cnaira* than any establish
ment of the kind. East or Wen of the mountain*
In. 133 Waadalmti Piltikarahi
QEVEN Door* above 3th. and 1 door a Dove H.
‘o,Childs A Co's Shoe Warehouse.. Now opening and
jfef Ale by RICHARD T. LEECH Jr. Importer and
dealer ia Foreign and Domestic Saddlery Hardware A
Cuma*# Trimmings, of all deacrijttiDß*,* eery cheap
and well aeleeted nock of Good* ia his liu, all ftvah.
of the newest style*, parr based tor rash,' from the bon
touroes, and wifi be disposer* of wholesale antPretuil,
st small advance on the cose Purchaser* arsTespeci
fully invited to call and satisfy themselves.
ALSO—Saddlers' tools, warranted, Deer and Carted
Haiti Whips; Glassy Paper, Ac, always on band, and
as cheap a* elsewhere. apSB
NO IT Market street, is now receiving his spring
stock of lloui a -Farnishlnf Hardware, Britannia,
consisting in pan as follow*:
‘ Sbxs Japanned Ware, English and American;
4 bxs Dntsnnia do do do,
, 1 catks English Tinned Baueepans;
I do Oval Pots; 1 case Tit>sand WalteTs;
I do Enamelled Ware;
1 do Pressed Ware: 1 cask Blight Ware;
AI.SO, .
JOHN HANDS,formerly connected with ih* wall
kaov ina of Feller A rol l; lespedtfollyeall
the anentioo of the Travelling pah be so h a MWtyjcpcn
«d establishment, the “Mansion Boa*t, n whfefcfcasbeen
liued op in a ttvleof neatness «ad eoaUbrt ahtirpg**
ed by other Moteloftho same description ta the city a*
elsewhere. The Mr .ision Hoase, so favorahly known
in tanner day* as Fuler’s Hotel, it pleasantly thnnied
on Pennfyivaaiaavenoe, within a few rod*orthoTrea
sury Deptnam. nod nt n eoovemoot distance from the
principal Banking booses nsd ether places of basinets.
Persons having easiness with the Departments, will
tad ibia location esperier to any other ta the ditft while
in all (hot Pertains to the eoafavts and Idihry-of the
table, regelarity of attendance, nod every ibfag essen
tial a the well being of viriiera, do expense will be
spared to render the Maaaioa House a truly eligible
place of residence for (ami lies as well as single gentle
men. The proprietor would especially eall the auen
too of Ofiecn of the Army aad Navy. id Whoa
these localities have always been a favorite place of
jesort daring (heir residence in ‘Washington,*^.ljVitha
view of deserving a coatiasmace of their favors rntay
improvements have beta made, aad new-soiii'ees of
comfort added, to enable them to realise as the Mansion
House all these conveniences which they mtghi’Cjrpecl
io an establishment aiming to combine the reqaisitea
of n first rale public hotel wiiblhtiunet»natifi,agea-.
teel private rendenee. ' I' i'.'Xi
vein attendance.oo ibefomvtl
-«c fieeofchanr*,!* ••’•aiy7tf
N 6. Ponm»lw»v»...
of ib« e«f, to convey MJtgagc
Does sickness weigh upon i
Or pains affiiet your breast t
Tjy Dr. Dwussti ifimb'ag Art,
And it will give yon rest.
It eleara away the misty cloud
Disease spreads e’er the soult
And whispers throngh the gloomy thread,
“Your health may yet bo whole.”
See yonder rose of lovely hue!
Tis withering wuhdoeay;
ft scarcely sips the morning dew.
Before it fades away.
The Worm of Death «u ia the stem,
And strengthened u it gtow~s
And when it bloomed, (a lovely gem,)
It nipped through and through.
That Worn of Death might be defied,
• If Dr. Danean’s an were tried;
And many lovely damsels saved
The fete of aa antlmely grave
Sycamore street, Cincinnati, Ohio; where hit valuable
medicine it mid. ,
. Sold in Pittsburgh, by WJJ. JACKSON, comm of
Wood and Liberty sts. apiadAwT
IMPORTER aad Manafaetorer ofCutlary, Surgical
and Dental lastremonu, Saddlers and Tinners'hand
tools, Taylors’ Petek, shears, Ac Ac. Also mannfac
tares Trusses, Supporters. Ac, ia great varietr.
J» C. Manafactarer and Importer of Pen. Pocket and
Table Catleryi Razors, Sciuor*, Files, Saws, Tools, Ac;
na* removed to >
13 WOOD STREET, Pittsburgh, second door be*
low Diamond Alfey,
■ And has late! 7 received a lane assortment of
Pom A_ Packet Kalni, Halve* A Tmlu,
Also Rodgers’ and Wbostenbolms’
Elliot! *, RodgeraJWade A Bute bet's Razors, Scissor*,
Razor Straus. Ac. Damaseas and Wire Twist
Allen's Colt's and Blem’s Revolver*, Fbwiltr Flasks
Shot Belts. Game Ban, Walker’s A Cm’s Extra Per*
cession Caps, Bowie. Dirk and Homing Knives.
.. Tools, eaeh as Callipers, Dividers, Flyers, Nippers
Hand Vices. Squares, Rales, Braces, Bins, Spoke
Shares,Stock*and Dies Wireand IronGaages.Maih
onaiiea' Instruments, Ac, in vary great variety
09* Jobbing and repairing neatly and panels ally
done. _ _ r • apg
■mcceaaors to Hold skip a Brawns
jand .Importers.of PAP.EB
iVI HANGINGS. Note, Wood street. Pittsburgh.
The mereasingdemana for American Paper haslnd seed
them 10 en targe and improve their Factory* and their fa
cilities'formanufhctanng ate now equal” toiany in the
eastern eities. Having adopted the aasient scale! of
pnee*, they taka pleasure-in Ihviung their fronds and
dealers to examine their- stock, which is now larger
than at any former beriod,- and may be found as follows:
Transparent Window Shades, * ' f ) ' *
. French. American, Satin. Glazed afid Common Pa
per Hangings; / ■ u » 1
Gold, Velv. 1 and Imitation Borders; y. >,
Landscapes, Statute* snd Fire-board Print*;.- I
Curtain Paper, yard wide plain green, and ag*d;
Writing, Priming.and Wrapping-paper .•*
Bonnet Boards,Ac. ’>■'
Rags and Tanners 1 Scraps taken in'exehange at mar
ket prices- ' mchl7d3mAwomT
MINER'S Literary'Emporium.
Waslingtoq Sod his (funerals . ByJT ligsdlcy, an*
tbor of Napoleon and his .Marshals: The. Sacred Moan*
tsin«, Ac. ' • -
-GCapuvity of Napoleon at 8t Helena. By General
CoumMomholoa rand and 0
_ General Taylrr’e Life, Bailies, and Despatches, with
the only correct portrait yet published; including high*
iy important loiters Ac; aeeoamtof the glorious battles
eompiledfrom authentic scarce*. ' *
1 The Siring of Pearls; by GP R James,,Eaj.
The Mysteries of the Heaths fresh supply.
Taneiyd: or the New Crusade; by Disraeli.
Phelps’s Travellers'Goide;acrofflpinied with a new
Map of the United States.
amithfield »t 3d door from M «t
Hardware Iters Removed.
The/Hsrdware business will be continued at the old
•tabd< ' apt
apl3d3n> _
IWO lbs a*aorted Copper, 90 plates Tinned Copper,
I SOD lbs Juniata Wue; tObxsTia Plate;
apß JOHN DUNLAP,I7 Mai let M
Drawing paper and PENCIL A—
Fine Antiquarian Drswing Paper, 71x53 inches;
do Double Elephant do do 37x40 do
'do Elephant do do *lx37 do
do Colombian do do 23x34 do
do Imperial do do Slitt do
„ Together with a lsrre stockof smaller sites.
’ DRAWING PENCILS, of Cumberland and prepa
red lead.of four, three, two. and one II; a large supply
just received by ELLIOTT A ENGLISH
■p!3 No'gd Market sired
scriber respvctfaily inform* his friends and ihepublic,
that be is now receiving bis spring
selected by himself, Of sapetior quality, and reduced
prices. Persons alioat furnishing uteir bouses would do
well to call- as he i* determined to sell at small profits
for quick return*.
supplied as usual, with all the various
kinds of Looking Glaisea, and packing carefully at
tended to. Liberal discount for cash.
T A HILLIKR, Looking Glass Manufacturer
tp3 lot Wood street.nearSth
(op sisirs.) Just received, and now opening a full as
sortment of those very fi-’e and medium qualities Troy
manufactured Rhiru; Bosoms and Collars, Satin adjust
ing Ptoeks; Bombasine dodo Plain; Batin Bow stocks,
plain: Black Italian Cravats; Fanoy do do; Gum Sus
penders, A. Ac. Ac.
Just received from the manufacturer, snd far sale at
manufacturer's price. EDWARD TODD
myl Manufacturer's AgL
rrtpeetfully announce to tbe merchant* of
. VV Pin»bar|b,that be nas opened a mom for the sale
of E*iirm mansfactared goods, tucb *» Stock* of every
detriiption; Shine. Bosom* and Collar*; Cara Barpet».
den; North'* Hooka and Bye*, Ac ; for »ale at mano
'aeturer*’prieea Alto, a large auoruaent of Black
md Faoey Cravat*, for tale at Eastern once*. wbole
tale. - EDWARI) TODD
No W wood atreet, op stain.
Maanfaeturen* Atent
Address Card*
TJ!DWaRD TODD. A (teat fot Eastern manufacture!
Ci for the tale of North'a Ilooka and Ever, Gum 9u>
pendereof the Ba*aelt MenafaetßringCo.Ci; Ptocki
of every description; Shirts, Bosoms and Collars,of tbr
Troy nuoafactory Re.; all of which are lor aate »
manafaetnrer** prices, wholesale.
No *6 wood street, up stain.
Ordcra received (nr American Hardware, mcMS
LAHPS-A large and beadliful asaoruoetu of Tat*
cm Solar Lard Lsmps. Bailable for Steamboats,
llotela. Churches and Dwellings, eonaiantly on hand at
the lowed pricer. W W WILSON
tt>l9 corner 4th indMarbet ata
Co* agents for A. Laraont, hare on band an assort
mentof Lataoni’a superior coal. canal, Ifcvonsbire and
collier Shovels, and Nos I and 2 Spades. meb23 _
LOOKING OLABIkI-Oilt and Mahogany
Looking Glasses, L. G Hate*. Clock*. Combi, and
a general aaaortment of Variety Good*—all at lewesi
taiea—at No 62, comer of 4lh aad wood street*.
ap j _ TH OM A SJC EN NED Y ,i r_
o 3,QUO just received Also on band Kellogg A Thay
er’s Print*, and Phelp’s Mapa and Charts.
Merchant* and Pedlarslapplt^d^a^ewYorkymeea.
an* cordtb anTwoodsts
labiater, Pattern Maker. Allegheny City Oil Mill,
baa the sewed Patterns far Stores on band either in
wood or Iron. Mill Gearing and ail other patten* made
to order. '.aplStf
—lOO reams Cap Writing Pa pen
80 do Letter do do;
900 do S. C. Straw Wrapping do:
, too do Median do do do,
100 do-. D.C. do do do;
too do Tea Rag do do;
On hand and foraale by REYNOLDS A BIIEE
neM Z3*er Penn and Irwin «s
-aDUBTf CO., !
Foanh 'ft, nearly opposite tlte Back olfpiilsbargti.
CURRENT MONEY rt*eired <ja
Check* for .tale, ud collections ;madeo«r aeirfr all
the principal poiatdiathe Ciutad Sujte* .
Tie higbestpremioa paid for Eoreigajuut American
Cold. , ‘j
Advances made on of Produce, sht ppt&
Ea*t,oaliberal term*. K _ m . J. aichlS
WM. -ssfrj ; . ~~
pOCRTU Street next door to Baaa'of Pittsburgh,
■fc^MMax^ r icr cl, "' r,B “ k
Selling R*i»». i . Baying Rate*.
fifTl?? 1 '!!' P f - New York, *dis.
Philadelphia, Jo Philadelphia,. do
Baltimore, do / Baltimore, do
Currency, do . Western Car. do
*.7- 9^? n,ysScr 'P’’ d® City* Co. Scrip. do
All goodCarreney, -do-'- AllgoodCnHcr, do
Penntylrani*.«U, do. Pennsylvania 00, Ho
Tennessee do, SI do. Tennessee do, 3 do
Browasniie, * do 5 Browasvii'e, * do
Washington, sdo Washington, Jdo
Foreign Fills*? Exchange procured. ~
ap9dAwla* r
. t a. HOlilfSS A K>«,
Beaker* «ad Dttlm (a Exetuai*; Coli
■■ . «■< Buk ■•««•,
Betlin» Kxehenn. Buying Bate*.-’'
2*77®*.. ,; - ,fpr. Cineiiraen, Idle
Philedelpliia, .v .'ldo LoalmUe, |do
B*U«TOte,. Id o 8» Louis,'’ |do
Bnyiiwßete.. BANK NOTES. Baying Bate*
idle. Co. fc Scrip Order*, i di*.
Inw«g*. Ja* Relitf • , Jdo
Keniacky, |do Penney iTgnieCy. Ido
Virytm. *do New York do, ,|do Wheeling, Ido New Orleen*, jdo
Tenneuee, 3do Mery lend. ido
•p“u; . - *
i|ePß ** c -‘
H. h££, (la*?'the arm of Wen A.
O H(n & Co,) aad \VM <1 CURRY, dale of Erie, Pa )
hove catered mto Copanaeribip. undrr the name of
CI7BRV, tor U>e purpose of carrying on the
nnk inr and Exchange bailneM is all lu branches, as
No 65 Wood street, three doors below Fourth, west
aide—where they aolielt the cos tom of their friend* and
the public generally. JOSEPH II IIILL
jnehM « _ ’ WM. C CUBBY
HMt H, HILL. «rn. C. CCRfcT.
No IS Wood street, third door bclo* Fonith, west ode
PABFaads sod Cureoev received on Deposiie nod
collections Butde on alt tbe principal Cuics in the
United States.'
ttftat Ezebaan on Baltimore, Pbiladelphia, Nei
Yorf. Boston and Cincinnati constant]y for sale.
Ohio, Indiana. Kentucky, Yirfimaand Pennaylvani
Bus Noies,boo*tii and sold oo favorable tennr
EiehsneeonEnjiand, Ireland, Ceimany and Franc
procored, Ac, Ac. mcbU
* an tuuu ta
N*. W Rood Stna. *m dtut abot-e Fturti. East tUt,
mchlßl ' PlrtsbTgh, Ps. JdAwf
ukiwcicu urn.
OHIO, rndiuii, Keataeky,. •ad Pcanu. food*; ti>
County uri City Ordtrt pnrebiMd u reduced r ati
*f dijewnwby H NOLMKStSON
Biebinn Broker. Si Multi #1
(joUeetTona on Ci
Md all acecuiblepoMa in iba United State* madi
aptly, and opva iba loven term* by
N HOLMKBASON,-Ex.-kanjro Brokers
ibtS _ . ; • Noil Market at
Cioeinoui. Looi*Tiil<*. 81 Loan an'
•J ail other fcc&Mible poinu io iho United St«te»
udeoa aeeouuaodtuof term*.; HILL ft CURRY
»P a • »Wpgd » ncll floor 10 K?I ; e Saloon
•xehango on New York, pfriedelphi*, aD d Kalu
* more coontoilY for »*le by < HtLb ft CURRY
tpg <Vood it ncgt'door to Kegie a«loon
Cwnaejr of the Ohio Indian*, end Kemuckj
Bautfc* warned at renr *«w raid of di«coant.
si. next door to Kaglc ?*-*loon~
Ohio, Indiana* mad fhatuky ban
Note* purchased at low r&vt* by
j No M Market at
City PrtMrtj> ColnnbßwO,
THE saHscriber offeisfor*aJe several lot* ii.
* desirable part of the city, oo which are two
eotufo table brick dwelling-bouses'aud bisvxar'
irnsiveTanalag Katmblfehment,airmru&drt
Having determined, in eonseq hence ortnfirm age, to
diicontioce the tanning business. a fine’opeoing now
presents itself to any one wishing to rarry it on.
Coloabos is probably the best point in the tittle fo«
procuring a uniform supply of hides.
One or both of lbs dwelling bouse will be sold sepa
rate from the real of the property if desired. The un
dersigned will giye any further mfonnaiiqn relative 10
said property, terms, 4e. on application to him.
IN pursuance of an order of the Orphan's Court of
Allegheny County, I wilt expose- 10-aaie, by public
vendue or-outcry, at the Chun IJpase in the. City of
Pittsburgh, on' Monday the 17th day of May next, at
the boor of 10o*elock, *. »,a eortaiitLoi ana two half
Lets of ground, being part of 'bdCoal Hill Lots, snnate
in Lower ft. Clafr Township, and conveyed by J. H.
Page and Wife to James MUbolland ana D R. Milbol
land. and now the property of C.P MilboUand-atuinor
child of Jamea hfilbolland, tioundednuu descri
bed as follows v>»: on ih* x b l-y a forty feorstreet
end iou of Pew 01 • .1 i.y low. of E. Jones
and D- R- Milholland, ou >hi oouib by the Pittsburgh
and Coal Hill Turfpiks Road, and on the West by lots
of tiarab M. Philip*- said Lots l«*ing twenty-two feet
in front and ex tending back to theTarnpikr Road afore
said By order of the Coon, CALEB FOSTER
apSl-idAwF Guardian of C. F. UilhoUand
a THE advertiser offer* lor sale a splendidßnek
darellm* Hoo«c aitnate on the North East corner
of ibe Public Sqaare in Youngstown, Mahoning
county,Ohio. Iti*largc,commn<ln>Qs.finished in ex
eellent style, and in the heat location in Youngstown,
either for* dwelling or pubfie hOasc; aiiaebed to it is a
yard, with water, stablrag, aad all other conveniences
at hud.
Tbie town is uaoratlng Tery rapidly, it sitaated im
mediately on the Cuat,udwnenthe various Fa msecs.
Rolling Mill. beingbailt sreeoopfeiod.will
.be the most flourishing plaeela this section of Ohio.
Itwill be sold low far cask, or .pa ume. or exchanged
for propeny in Pittsborgh. For_p*nieuWs inquire of
LAJO WICK, earner of Woodaad Water «s. Pitts,
burgh. who will give all Inforwariott i ocPdAwtl .
Rich Win Par* fbrial*.
SITUATED 15 miles from Pittsburgh/3 miles torn
Deet Creek the north side oftke Allegheny
nver, containing about 170 acres wall improved—a good
boose.and bam. with stable, granary, amoke house,
spring boose, he Ac. A considerable ponioe of the
laud is cleared, and under gooA'fences and In a very
h<gb stale of cultivation. It ishvell adapted far frail
trees, of which there is gnat variety ana abundance,
in a healthy condition; the land is of black walnut sot*.
This farm has been the residence of Henry Parry,
Esq. lor x 7 years, and wilTbe sold on reasonable terms,
or exchanged far property m or adjoining the chy.
Enqare of Thoa-Parry at No 103 wood 'at Pius
borgk, or J C Parry at the lowaFoaadryvm arthe Gas
Works. -ri • I mv4rt9m»
scribei* offer for sale a house and lot jn *Veat Mid
dlesex, Mercer county. The boase is well calculated
for a atom and dwelling, inuaedJaiely on ibe Erie Ex
tension Canal In a flourishing village'near by, are
several furnaces and in ths a rich farming dis
trict. •
Also, a bouse and lot in the flourishing tillage of Or
angeville.Mercercoanty. Tbehousdie well calculated
foratavemoratore. . . ■ >. • ) .
The aoove property will be add cheap and on ae
eoouDodatieg unna ISAIAII DICKKY A Co
ap!9 .-.water and front at*
T LLIORHir 61fT JaoP«BT»^;.
A sale, a valuable hiudsoa l>
aitaatrd 110 fee ton Cheannt, by E 8 CeeioaNonb Canal
street, ean be nivided aad improved on *-tthef street
Also, a house and lot on t*oitihpoimaoe,lo9 feet frotu
Federal street—the lot is 23 feet py ba feeu tk# bnu*e is
ageodbriek dwelling, well arranged. -The** proper
ties will be ao*d low.cad trrmsarcnmwbdsiiag.
Also, eereral building fa's, . situ* led.Od -and near
Franklin street 23fa>tby 123fec*; pries from 2 to •'*»»
terms, oin band b lance in 3 year*. .
ap26 Real F>uto Agent Mnnuhteld «t
boase and lot on Rots, n>*arhtb a rest The dwel
ling la wcUarianged for com or*, and convenience.—
Price and teitns accommodating,
Al'o. a good frame dwelling bojsn and lot. 21 hi
110, situated on Denman street; Birmingham. Price
s?&>. pan in hand, tislanci- o-t time.
Also, a well improved prop*rt; on Tunnel, near Wy
lie street, 40 ft froui by Hid* rp Price S9QU) terms at
eommndating. BCUTiIBERT G.-u-rai Agent
opTO N.iso «m- bR-iA si
r Yilushle Real Estate for Mir.
THE onders gned bring about lo remove bi»Tanner*
to the cournry. offers for sale SIX.; BUILDIM*
LOTS on Second sure i. bet weed Ferry a’rert and Rr
dooht Alley. Each lof will be twenty feet front on 2d
street and etgbiv feet in depth • The lots will be solo
singly nr the whole together. For terms anpl' to the
subscriber on the premises. JOHN CALDWELL
aptWtf ; •
r>R BAI.E-Two good building lots, situated on
Congress »t.eaeb2Ub)-M ft. ; 7
Also—l lot 26 It by 127. corner of Congress st and
Pennsylvania avenue. I loi'lSby 112 ft on Pennsyl
vania avenue. 1 lot 23 by IdO ft'on Locust *t- Trim*
•favorable, ‘ B CUTIIBERT
myfl Real Estate Office, Mfcmthficldat
PERSONS desirous of purchasing. Lotstn tlris.Ccmc
tery are referred for information to the Superintend
ast, on the grounds, or to R. Thorn, Druggist, corner o
Penn and lland street*. Pittsburgh. : v-•
By orderol the Board,: J. CIIIBLETT,
decft-dAvnf ' _ __ .Satwrintendmni;
Rkal ESTATE in Allegheny City—The subscriber*
offer for sal* slot-of ground in,Allegheny Cny, 30
feet by 293, fronting on Canal street and clleodiug Uack
w Liberty street It might be subdivided infofaur good
building Uts. i
The property trill be sold cheap and bn aeeommodm
ting terms. ISAIAH DICKEY A Co
ap!2 . water and front sts
a For Rrssff-
A WELL Finished second story Room, with
a good entrance on Marketstreeli at present oc
eupied as a Daguerreau establishment..
Also. aLoog 800m.2d story,entrance 'at Philo Hall,
and two well finished offices over Philo llall
Al»o, the Basement Room under the Gazette Office
a good stand fora Bather. E DTGAZZAM
marlO Office,Market at, bet 3d and 4th
and lot on Washington atreet. Allegheny City
The Lot is 20 by 100 feet.
A 150,2 good brick Dwelling llooses on Dank- Lane.
Allegbenv City.
Also, S Building Lois,23 by 73 feetrWLibany street,
Allegheny City. Apply to T
8 CUTHBBRT.Gcneia) Agent
apt! , No 30 Bmithffsld street
Lot* fob sale-two lot* on m*********
Smilh&eld st directly oppAiita Lyt»n, SborbACo,
40 ft front by 80 ft to depth, These lot* arc well-situated
d *4s»d“* yM,t * t>!i<> * HENRY WOODS.
* ' RIVER lot*."
Fnw SALE—Some valoablcLotv ofOround, sitaated
aatbc bank of the Allegheny River, contiguous to
ihaTltv Tbesa lots sro Bwstudvantageously anaated
Fob SALE—a farm boose and lot oa Logan Mrs*
lot 2« by IQO Also, 2 lots oa the 4th strset road,
•4 by 94, bstweeff Elm tad Hdsry. InquirVat the ha
katy, Uoeriy st eppoatw ffttlVifield *t‘ mylOdlw^
, u _,
cife JL\l) BONNEI& l I *
beiag tbedat IM Fkahiaii of^A.
au •?« be iotrvdueod. by tbr m6»l <»*b~
>te e«abl!akarsi« m Jh«irVorfc-tttd Philadelphia :
p eaiure to being enabled
rrooa rrieuda and 'be|poWie
JtedtOMppij »tl wouttaf.
ibe {uhionatwq Hat thrlibei
r*(- Neairia«j'aadexttk part
J ' ~•
.:. eor wood and xta ata
<YX£>- ; w
t-*sp AJaßafaetßf«r#l»
1 #« tow three door* a dots
coit»i*u of every ramt) of
laieatnyte: aico.Panama,
lUta> wboloaaJeand retail,
third doer above Poaith
massikeuin, aeJ
«Tonr*»f ! tiy '
.siJprieefTenrfewitNo *•
-! ■ - :• • • ••:• • m
Rw Ceaticmra’* Hats
I EEfiVjL'B oa Thursday
:nwn wishing a cheap, £ua«
iigh naaaflutara ahead of
nd advertised bjr aotne or
1». bead of Wood *;
-«m for 184 T. A
i DOVGXiAI, .!-'■&
hui'riena* aod patrons
.<on hand a Urm'atoek of the
D tUw, ir‘ l4 **3 *adCap*» wbieh will beiatro
dnetfon Somrdny »«il- Tbne in nu of,. at nor
article will call at j- . 1
- ncl * iNo 78 Wood street, Eati aide
Fall Pathlta Ibr mu.
41 TUK ■5 fc !*! jb ?T k *f Jiti ftffM by Express'
fris new Fall ksluoa for llata. Those :nn?B lof
u extra fine flat will ptense cell and : examia e
this spleodid fcrt&le. 1 SJUOOKE
»ep3 I _lj_. No. 63 Wood
1 R. H. PALMER offers for saleon as faver-
terms as say hooae la Philadelphia, «
jeompleul assortment of Straw, Florence; Rat*
'land, anil a great variety of fancy braid ami
gimp Boaneu,ortbe style.
ALSO—Palm Leaf, Straw and Leghorn Hats; Arti-
Sciat Flowers, foe. te ... pchA
a superior article © htencb Moleskin HsivFalt
fashion: and for sale low l-y S. MOORE
1 No 83 wood llr. t
Good, WanboaM.
RESPECTFULLY infonatbis friends and fhe'pahllo
lh generally, that fcb is now receiving a forge and
splendid amortnent of New Snu Certeung. Or-
Cloths, &e. direct from the Importers and Mauafaete
ran,composedinpattof. i: •
Superfine Brussels Carpels;
Extra or Tapestry. Brussels Carpeting;
Pupei larpenal 3 ply and Vxira Or>^
Superfine Ingrain. Fine and Common Carpeting;
5-F134 and 4-4 Plain Vemtian Carpeting
-5 8,3-4 and *-t Damask do do;
fi-B|9-4sod 4 4Tsnestrydo do;
Stteewsai xhnasrfafj. -
BroWn Drillings;'' 4 4 04 aud e 4 ftbretings; 6 4 7 4
8-4 Table IJnrns; Linen Napkin*; Crash and Diaper;
•oekahuck Towelling; Carpet Stripetr New SijJa Ta
ble Courts; OU Ciothi from tl inches to 04 feet wide,
ent to anyaize;
I Toexxasa w<n
Rich Embroidered and Printed ! able end Piano coven
Figured Floor Cloths;
' Chenipite; Brussels. Tufted. and Wilton Rugs;*
Tufted.Chemelle, and Sheepskin Door Annan*
Manilla ttid first* * -do: . du; •
Snsamair-Rods-Flst and Oval;
Damask and Mrrped Stair Linen;
Carpet Bindings; : 1 • ■•.
44 %4 and 0 4 Plsiiuaad figtirvdfndisn Ma-ttitg:
CblaredSparnstr Viaiting/he i he.
Perm-fitting ep£tcaiai«-«ti Uotela,cir Private Uoo
•ea, are requested to call. as he feels confident they will
find it to Uteir advUhtage to do eu before purchasing
He would also invite autnnou in hi* extrusive stock
of NEW SPRING DRi (JtKJlis. [ealitwnt every
thii g in that line] now opening at the a'-ove -tend. .
mnr»oiawrtß>F CJ* No flu Atsrkei street
i hi AR CLOTBI&G hi OBR,
\ iIINi'KbRaUAMIK wbol>*»slran<rreiaildc«lrrs
.» ib Eastern-Ready-made (lotting, would nspect
•nilr take this tnetnodof soliciting the Himi ionut ibeir
customers anil the public gem rally, to the following
isubftheir stock in trade end s*»urc >h to also, I bat
ihey wiltlsellas cheap iTnol cheaper than ti.t other
.'•siablubpent in the ct:y. Our facilities oi purchasing
tend manefocturing goods, ere-uebas to enab'e u> at
ell times in keep a tall assortment of teady made cloth
ing. ai less prices than ttei ean ue obtained elsewbrio
Irbe present stock on hand consists liipart ofibeiol
lowing description of goods;
isn.biaek efo'h dress coats, frum *IU to fro.
fjt> do doFreneb do .10 “ 3d
70 browo and invisible green do IS *' *3
♦OO «aek eoati, aplendlfliy made & orgood material,
tsuo pairpaau,or all atytea quaoieaand prices.;
9400 Tetia do- do do do
luo dozen Unen plain and towns shina.
■carta; cravau; toaomt; {collar*; suspenders; sock*;
drawer* and adder «hirt* of evert vanrty, ail or
which bi»e been recently psishaaed aad adapted to the
preaem scaaoa Merchants and oibera who are in
••antof clothing, cannot dej belter than to give naa call.
id be.
r& No 99 Wood street, above
oobr prepared to offer to o»r>
■tile stock of " *
reease—of late and desirable
laiur- - '
a |th(
DRY b<.
Diamond Aliev, are now prepar*..
chants a large and desirable stock of
All of Utis MtNo'i purchase—of laic and des*.
styles and qualities
Coonur Merchants visiting or passing throughout
city, will find it ciearly to tjhtir advantage to me asm
call. as we are determined ko sell at socn small profits,
as wilt make itfreatly to khitr interest to make a bill
with us.
Our stock is now foil and complete, comprising a
general assort meat of sack goods as an usually kept
by dry goods bonaea.
A good supply ol heavy and light brown Sheetings
always on hand. mehB7
B ARROWS A TURNER, No 46 Market street.
arc now rrceiving their stock'of New Spring
Goods, and invite the attention of purchasers to their
astartmentof Dross Goods, which is particularly deal,
rahle, confining in nsrtof
Rich Embroidered Lawns— very choice patterns;
. Rich Organdy lawm-foabtonablc browns; wfth
jiher colors, very handsome. ,
Printed Lawns, of different patterns;
Rich California Plaids—styles very handsome;
Superior French Ginghams—entirely new and bean
tifeVpauerns; oaalotverr'handaome at Ifificts. *~
Bopctior Manchester Ginghams, [warranted] at 20
mohafi No 46 market street,3 doors above 3d
IVA W R Murphy has now open an assortment of the
abova goods, all wool, including some very fine: Also,
Mohair de Lalnea, very superio*, plain mode eolera.
AlsOi plain Drab Baregds; pink,bine, and black do
• AJao, Balsarioes, bprwn'and fancy colors, some as low
a* lfl cents; and a large assortment of newest styles
draas goods gencrnlly, including black vratmff, and
fancy SlLKfis of latest unponauons, aad at low prices
for quality. Buyers will please eall and examine at N
E comer *th and Market six.
|]7 Wholesale Rooms in second story, where a very
choice stock can be seen by dealeen, at low cub pri
ce*. • ■ aptu
CJ nOULDEB BRACE*—for core of pain m ibe
O Breast. made>after patterns approved by the New
York Bandage Institute
Suspender*. Suspender Ends and Webbing; Belf
adjusting eravets; plain and fancy sann nocks; fiat
shirts ia great vari-ty; shirts and- tblrt eater*; oi ed
silks; drab moreen; sea grass, Ac Ac; on baud and for
sale ay m>6 K H EAT PN
SUNDRIES Dotmet Frames, Tab* ana 'Ruches;
Tortoise shell and born turk'< tide and are**ing
eoadtsi inlaid satin and rosewood, hair brushes; tomb,
nail, comb, eloth and hat do; carpet bind'Og. twet Nee;
hrown. black and wbiie hollun'd; colored cambric. *tlk
«nd union galloon*; fltan-l bindleg; *aret* en*rtOpes;
note paper sealinc wax. motto watrr»i Barnhill’s m
detmie ink; pencils and ptnril point*; bottom; pint;
nredlec tapes, spool cotton, Ae for tale wholesale
and retail, by
•p 9 F H KaTOM. R 3 Market street
Needle worked Nve
dic Work'd Lfice Ospts— uc»e«t e yire—a lut
received this morning.
, Also Chameleon -i>ks. n few pusThanielron Poutl
'e Boi Dttvs tblks—a beeaufu! article,
jjpen this aaotnlbg
Also,French Belzarines; a few nircr*. rboire styles
—at ibe Dry Goods House of u K MUBP i
aptS N E cor 4ih sun »‘»rkf»ts
iffTHITB GOOD* fOa DRE.v.KS- »: R
Tv Murphy Invite* the •tiemiox of tbe Ladies ie >,s
very >ull as orunratof whno gootls u.n'-is
lingof Swiss and Bcoith Mulls, Nau*<wk aiu! jaeko
nei mu-l'tiv barred Jackoort. taper gate bsued and
•trtped, soft finish 00. Ae *«■ *
A* these goods are p..cii*‘tfd imraedia'ely fomibe
manoftwturer*’ agents or importers, iney ean be sold
■ l the lowest price*. apVl
phy iiiTiie*'be uueit idn f huuve k-ep-rslo an
pssariiTieni of 11-4 end l*’-t co‘o(>-d ottnurpsu'*: A
iiewand beautiful amcle of different cdoA. al*o an
•tsortreeni of white counietpanea l'r> m lowest to fine
Also; LnenHamast I able t Lm&s afo I as
sortment of newest p<i<erns. Alro; To<»c * and 'fi.w I
tng Diaper—at tbe nonhrkst Corner of 4<h and ma krl
streei* m>4
LYI Dry Goods Mouse, north east comer of4lh and
Market street*. Received ye terday, an asror-mt n< of
Linen Tabic D'apers from *-4 to a 4, including Swrae ■
re;r superior Dtma*k. Also, Uletcbeo.nduuble cb
rd Linen table cloth*, very low tor quality. ’ Al-o. Al
pacas aad Alpaeb Lustres, a full asso'taenl from •rom
mon to very superior, ineluding some ofvrry hgh
■ Lustres. • . anti
Ac—l rmjMparvni Windoa f*bsd«*,ofboih>.lue end
Oil preparation, in greet variety of «t> la and assorted
sizes; Venetian Blinds, of assorted site* tad colors, for
ilc on Commission, Shade Fixture*, including Roller*;
id Blind rrimminga, assorted colon at
ap9 F H EATONT *
-IVI Received bv express this da* a fino essoriincnt of
Mantilla Buttons; white linen end black silk Daisey do;
rich black fringe; eol’d dress Fringe*; Baperfiae Bob
bins, fur embroidering Lawns tnd Gingbsm*, for. sale
by my< F II EATON
r MINGS— Fancy and plain head colored dress Frin
ges; riett mantilla black do; insn iil*. polka and chain
gimps, black and Colored Lolensa mnunings; black
and colored satin ribbon do; just ree’d at '
•p 9. . F H BATUN*H .
irTOBIERY AND YARNS—Patton, silk and
'XX morino Ho»e and half Hose, in groat variety for
men, women, misses and children; Knitting Yarns and
Worsted*tassortcd'.co'ors, iheodingsndt ayeottunand
manufacturer*' Worsteds,and ) ram 8i k* at
JUST Received and foryate at the oanufoeiurrr’s
list priee*,aUrgo invotes of patent Gum Ktasiic
and Shirred Suspenders- nf the Russell Sianufaetariug
Co., Ci For sale by tbe Agent. No 26 wood strreu an
stairs, wholesale. EDWaRD TODD
mcb26 Maaofacmrer'a Agent
DEALER in Trimnunga aad Variety Geeoo,Tondiia
dßhell, Ivory aod Horn combs,Woollen Varna and
Workiedi, Bottona, Needles. Fins,_Tapes, Braids Ac;,
No 63 Market 8t between Diamond and 4ib *tro«u
Fiasburgh. -jy26d ly
CURTAIN MUSLINS, oi a great vanity of ~
nyfca, including Buff French Chunx. for Window
Curtains, to be found at dry goods boose of
I apSOdAw , N E eoMtb and Market sta -
New style spring prints-iq am
of beaaiiiet new style goring
which art.rieb Orange, Canary, Baa. Pinks. Fcrnitnio
and lata atyle'fanciea Jun received tnd-far safe by
gt? 3 SHACKLKTTa WHHE.t2wewdat
GREEN FLANNEL- 1 bale £sr twillvd Grcas
Flaaaal,)mit rwefvtdbr