The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 12, 1847, Image 2

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“tt7T u ;"rnr... “»;F« v a iSray “. b l£i™
Ditiy, Tn*V. «u;> ,»r.i *rU).
OKS, un£M IttVtW,
(or cianka corwtJ
for cc*****-** 0 *
,«. fourth P-g. f"' »•**■
A N.uonil CoLVenliou of 'll" N"U"e Amen
con. .ppoinled * f«" “
city, oh Tuewl.y the > >“* * n ' l
„u, p,,Kr>l. org.nixcd tbctMeWe. yerterd.y •>
the Court Honee. • The eflendeoce WM rtlher
numt rot.., ami the member. preKUt ™ry barmo
„„„ to their .cion. There tetri-,, del prt irt t Item many If the Slate, and
from point. ■■ ditlanl a. Maw.ebuaetU an ■-
note. 1 hetc tea., el.o, a good de.l of dl "
played in the«.ion«, and the eaineit feelmg
mahlftsted in of the peculiar ptiocipleeof.
lb. party generally, ahowed great tincerilf among. |
,J " Ut. Speaker*. Th. two *»•> “> I
tb. auuel .h.ta of comment and reproach,-lh.,|
gentleman indolging in tbi. kind of d«ummn ,
not being a. eh.rit.ble to other, a. they «ould
ht „ other, bo"toward. Ihrmfcleea. With «>n,e
of the orator., mo. there w». much of that phy»l
-„l oral, which, in term., i« neither according to
knowledge. nor ... manner, in accordance with
the iriee in.lructton of H.mlct to the player*
DiKtetion, too, tee thought, wayheenting in opin
ion,, but it ia uot out tu.ineM or. dt.po.Hion to
bo critic.) in .acb millet. In common cba.i.y,
ho tetter, tee a.h the Nallte American patty m
remember Ib.t there are «nme tteo million, of
Native American, in the United Stele. who are
neither of them, nut among them, end tebo ere
jaitee bnne.lin their opinion. ..gentlemen tebo
. ,eek to build up .pert, b, pulling . p.»y dottn-
The Whig petty can reform th. enormon. ebn
«. greeting out ef the pr«.'»t “ f ,h '
neturelitetion i.rt., end rvooid b.t. done to rre
tbie, bed they mcehred r.tber . kindly co-opere-
Uon then e repui.i™ re.i.tanee from .11 true N
-ri„ American.. We .bell, boteeeer. bee. occe
,ion to refer to thi. .übjrct agein.
Among the Betolation. edoplcd yeelerday tea.
one declaring that them ought to be a tax of fui
' upon eeery anirlog from Europe. Tht.
w» deemed too much by one of tho.po.k«.,nml
..broted gentlemen, feering the i-u. before the
poople.pTopo.rd "a auitabl" 1...” Bomelbiig after
Nfie plan. tee eappnae, of thoM who ,denote “•
Judictou. ...iff-” Mr. Ucein. M. C.. pr.porcd
..tweoly-one dnll.r. .ud twenty-on. yeary which
excited . .mile. Fifty dolla.. we. il*>
rad rejected, and the twrnly-fi.o doll,re Bn.lly
: .greed to by rcmlutton. Some other Ire. epeolic
reeoiutione were adopted..od tome, famed
. for today, in the expectation of a fuller Uoneeo.
don by tb. airieoi of Deleg.te. from New demy. and Maryland. One of lb. pnoetplo
generally agt'ced open *... that non. bu. Net...
born eitilfqe ehould enj y nffice—nd. fur the fu
tore, none but N.ti.ei'eilixen. tb. privilege, ol
ftauebi*. Tba following "ere the
oincaae or th ronvivTion.
President —Ur. Wm. )• A. BIRKEV.of Pa.
nee Pree.Vmf.-J • U. D.t... of bentoeby.
Pbilip Hamm, of Pa. '
Secretaries —Philip Jo-den, of 1... V ork.
’ George PiCrap, of Pa.
i ' The' following gentlemen were appointed to
prepare a Report and Remlution./aod topropo»
meaeoree for tboorganrtition N.Uvu Amc -
. icon p.rty throughout the country.
A. B. Ely, or iff esc; Uewn C. Lctw, of P«-,
jVm. L. Pralt, of. New York.
Bridges nod Ferric, about Plllabargh.
Is nothing os. the at, of Pittsburgh ,
w . within . fe- iU “““* n Z ■
muntatlion rrilb die populous neighbothood-ths
city, boroughs end ..lLges-whieh line ibeoppo
rite effcrr. or the ISO rises. O.rr the Allegheny
Uttte ere throe splendid bridge., and eh Aqueduc
without. rival in .to coualr,. which >e elm need
by foot piweng«r. sod bo,.enter.; end on the
Monong.hela.the megoiOceul euipeniloo Bridge,
or. cted in place of the one burned in the gleet fee.
These local end ...octore. we doing
. very Urge bu.ino end here race then real,led
the expenditure and expectations of tbo« e.ecunl
them. jPtrries there hare been, of cooler, a
other pointe, and it i. to the recent mere
•hrB3 we call attention.
There are ffl* I'mnf* befe who btTB
not noticed the mode of.feirisg. in rogue a. re
cemlr aain 1845. The principal Ferry then had
two boa’s propelled by fen. blind Horn. f«h.-
Aod thi. «.» " grist i.nprorement on fh. «•<
fcaf pnrhed acr, se lhe steam by polea. I
® Within two ye..., east imp.o.emenU Kite-'
been introduced, and the bu.inea bn. grown in'
proportion. Steam ha. .upended
borae power. II should bo mentioned, indeed,
eb.l ■ were made yea,, ago w.ih team,
but the ferries -ere ~ badly located, and pe.h.p.
managed, and moreoetr, had to cooleod with
mth eeefro competition, aided by more ad.anU
geou. petitions. Uni the experiment fsiled. See
oral year, intereehrd before a reennd experimem
wo.made. Tha Brat boat wurauto Birmingham.
» distance of about three.-quartern of a mile up Ihe
Monongahela. -So .ucemeful h» ihi. eslabllrh
ment been, that the proprietors bseo placed e
Urge end fine boat on the line, and a ecconj bool
1 is kept in reserte.
Tbo next was at Manchester, where there me
' now two Steam Ferrirs crouir.gto Baw Mill Run,
ona above and Iha other below its mouth. *Mours,
Jours, .1 the foot of Liberty street, followed, end
they base now two Urge and fine,boats employed.
Recently another, ha. been .tatted, ronniog from
the Point to a landing jo»t below the Glam House-
Another experiment has been started. This is
. VSteamboat Omniboe.-rsiher than a ferry, run
■ niogfrom the Point to M.m-b.iter— a eort ofog.
position on water 10 tbo Omnibus Line, on land
through Allegheny eiiy. EVery town along lb.
ibo riser will base its regular Pittsburgh Peclct
ltK ,rtly—just as ail the bill. town, up the llonon
“f B „ now base. On this Liter riser Ihere are
steemem plying daily—one to; McKeesport, iwo
tb Monongahela Oily, three to Brownsville, (ms
king double daily trips.) end one lo Frederick
town, abose Browns-ille, besides some half dozen
or*more Tow Boat., plyiog as high op a. Lock
No. 3. . . . ..
Wo now bear another scheme breached, lo wit
in build a light draught Packet lo run between
tbl. and Sharpaburg. 11 may yet be carried out,
' onght lo eiiceeed; fir althoogh the Canal
JUO. through that Borough, Ibo celerity of lb.
' rieamboat woull alwajb gieeit the preference with
P whcecer ha. etched the oT Bridge
Fcniw, anil Packet tinea, during ih. fi.e yea..
p„,. Wat admit that F"S"’’ “ nJ
pTenu .re making in end .bontPi.tabmgh. There
h „ i»en nothing like . .tand-arill Tr.wl.Uade.
gnd aoci.l .inlcreourae, have kept P-c «tth .m
-preyement. end are h... .hewn only one of the
meena. Not- long, ago, wo bridge, and .parcel
of fI«U were more than enough t> anewer all »b*
vantaof iheeomcnanily. Omniboms are rather
• nan thing in thia region.
gojj* jgjtcmaa»T« calling thcmaeWe* A»n»r
-oi*»» bat diihoDoting their ecuotry and mankind,
• kilted twrniyfour Mexicant at night at
Gnalapf*. They ftrat made the men prUjtier*,.
•■r them together aod then ahot them in the
I wad. The rourJera ir«* auppoecd te baTo Ucn
' committed by part of Col. Mitchell 1 . comm.nd,
■ ~ firet Ohio regiment, U. 8. Dragoon, gad Texen
1 Bugera, but net yet proeed. Taylor t* det.rmin
od to bong ell arbo participated. Thu pl«e i«
'«■ ' m,; Cbing .bd the magietratM of the toran toed,
to complelot to Oenetal Teylo. .1 b(. crop lut
month- «
KThe maceJM reU ortbl Uren t th of «bu pof- of right miffionapf
Itei of rtinto, Ann., tl #» mo»; « „ e ui. effort.
y>pi.ed we iire at ABtriCa ßi, .hen oppoaed by thl.fiol U< m
I j a ,,ie, „ a**, time: I
retwbicltremhl bare Meßj.iUcUJ. enJ in allfe-, • «•• Uo ootT.dU.te between
t pecu the Mexico. .ere w. II ported. The point P_ b ,.„ rJ . , nt ] i( the enemy coquet, yon
i.dneJ by our troop. -re W! irvciphoo. ridge with j , „ iu . be heroiam of your rreirtauc.
fortified *troDg»y. HanU * nn * **" ■ 1 MUod.d lb* approach! Awaken’ A
bjthe ablest General*in iße«ei»iceof hwcoqo- opeQj( , t , cUr f ee t! Conquer a Uuicltoi
try and with, body of lbMNation.l Guard, and 1,, mit ,
th", he.. Infantry from theLpitol. '«.£*- The o.tmu lort *-uU« ( I
„er who led the vanguard uflG.nerdT.llg. to , f J unu ,imoua ami .i»«r. deaira. on yonr par.
cd the atronge.t po.itiou. | three fort, which led , (conil m , de.irert H.ppy will h..e been, athon
the way to Cerro Gordo wire * u * rk ' J * nJ ..nd rimre h.ppy the uulurtunale eeent rt Vet.
point .her point -re lyken with re much -owl- Croo, Maaican hired lb.
f.Mnere reel ee'n.i.l, re ifa.ldreo of men ■£<* W .enirou. ardor of . no. patriot'
.nil monnuin. were to be rjmo.i J. On. regular.
.offered met in the a.t.ek,; and m.n, of the rank M , -red; to. if the counuj .uccumh wd
, 0 J fi,. .ere found -trmwoflj o.e, the field of bat- beqoealhbre tj dlfa n J b,,-.<
gallant charge. tiJejun. hi IS.hwerenn- h ° r ndliuanLr I
d„ General. Twigg.. Wo. h. Shield., and Pillow- M.,i„n. '• T»ur fate •* 'be fate ° f “J
.Nothing could bare Men Jre.uecea.ful man the No. Ih. America,,., btrtyoo. *
»bieh they nwted umard. It wre in the „ r her ui.honi.r I
faceoflbow charge* thitjSan'a Anna, and bia LOPEZ DE SANTA -ANNA.
Secretary of War. C.naiizj. made their recape by Mlll co, March 31, 1817.
«,mo by-path to the Capitol. It wa. here, 100, ibat
General Vreqoex. I bt.viy|fficcr, who had aeen
aer.ica in the Spaui.hw.ri, and who commanded
the rcati.e al Bnena Vi.t, fell. The following
letter add. «omo intcreatin; itenrt of thu bloody
C.nnb Gonoo, April 19th.
The boiilioo occupied Illy the enrmy were a. re nature, combined wilh art. could make
them*.,lll could yuo but Ur , ihem. whlbt reading
there line., you would woullcr al their .uirender.
The Cerro Gordo. ihe mo. prominent of the do.
fence, comm.nd. the Jalap, road for two n, three
mil., and a herey baltcff here, m the band, of
.kilful men, would keep, in army to check for |
min, a Jay. if not "»*'l !««-> >“
The importance of tbi. pot ,1 wre aoon mini, ap
parent u. all; and dad nil ht about 13 o clock, a
Lee of cannon wai banled upon a nr .ghbor
i„. eminence, which, after .ending .undry .hot
..ifon the enemy was bum. of Ude m*«U—*nd in
i,a morning the Cerro G >rdo wm stormed end
carried; m>U bciote the cnmmendfr-in
chief of tbe Me*i*»n« bet ercorfd bimeelf e wfe
retreti, by filling back will hi. body gu«rd «ver. j
al miir. npoo the Jel.f« load. I
In the mean time, the «ther dcrcncra were be-.
i„g alotmed h, o-Shttoop; Three
nearer in our camp, and' ipnn three height, adja- |
cent in each other, oach rommaodmg the olhere.
were the object, of attack; and Ihe carrying of them
waa the laak of Iho the r lunteca. ceotreof
ono or there f ,n. lun. fi.thcr in 1h.,. ihe inhere.'
and thia being the object of .torn.. tbe adtan« «f
ihe stotraera had b. undergo tha'fire of the tight
and l.fl. and ihe centre; the latter ol which pro
dcnliy withheld 11. fin until our- men hid ap
proached within forty y. da of ihe gun. and then
tbe deg. of war were let lucre with anch-fnry Ibat
carmen wcredriTcn froir Ibei. pnailion with great
•laughter—tbe 2dTenni|.iCc.n., who were in the
ad.ante. Icing a largr number in killed and
wounded. Before the hHnnreer. h.d nme w
; new the altack.tbe eneny bad
! „ ,hcy h.d been from their f.vorile pomlion o
j Cerro Gordo.
' The Moxicins canno
1 Croz. that we stood off
1 thtm with aui>erior gon
the bunne«» beie—4id
bera, asaiaud by all the d
ble of affording them, i
Oo the top of the G*ro Gordo the acene wa
truly horrible—from lb t Jalapa road, dead bodir
of the enemy could bf on e«ry tp)t where
the eye wre directed,' loul they literally co.cred
,h. ..cent to the bcigii - Thera i. .boot half an
acre of leccl gruond on the top ol the mountain
and here wre collect iogeiher the wonnded of
both armi.a, and the itead of our own. Sid" by
, : de was laving the c U.bled American and Ihe
Mexican, and our aurdcor. were bo.y *j»P ul ”' ra '
and Ih.woonl. ol each—lotting them
in lurnr. nniere ihe icute pain of renia aofferei
furthar along cured him lu e,y out when he
would be immediately attended tc. |
The pioneer partied ol oor man wora picking
-UP thc-woonJrd and liingmg them in fiom every
part of tbe ..cent to Ihe height. From tho aide
[award, the river, where the .terming qmrty ot
Gen. Twigg.'. divuio l mmle tha charge, moil ol
our men auffered, and many of the enemy mire, tor
ihey made a ...nd; but whan they gave
way ond atarled' in eonfu.ion down th^dpll.
ihe lime Ihey moat auffered, miny o. them rcceiv
jure th<* ball* nf >O f ' n r ' '" ,ck ** \ .
Toe charge on tie ro Go.. • • - one h\ three
cool,yet determined me,. , . cha.acrenaucf Ibe
American aoldicr. {.om the time thalnui troop,
led the hill neirertli.t promioeol height, the fir,
wa, incereent. and if -y had to fight tfie.r way .fool
by foot, ontil they gi ined the aommit, from which
place tho eucrty giro way, after a abort re.t.t
auce. t
Tho flowing i*
CipUio/N*ayloi’« Cl
say, as ihey did at Vera
a long way and whipped
e, for tbo email arms did
it agaimt superior uum
lefeoeca Qatnre was cjpa-
from one of the officer* of
itopsny. We copy from the
\l RtOJMtST.
ipany A. (Pittsburgh Blues)
dangerously wounded; David |
. Sutton, wounded »n the
lon, iu the left side;—will pro-
Woo morn —Cat
Henry Liuhart;
Lindsey, mhgbtly "
Company U—
rid*; Richard Sbel
hably leave bis po®
■'Company O—£
dcd ic tbe bead.
Company K—J
K, (1
.lightly wounded.
cnj. F. Key ter, slightly woun-
imes Shaw, lost a lioger.
luquejne Cir. yi.) Lovett
3 P*. Raot.wasT.
.■ oho Smith, mortally wounded.
--Edward Cruse* dangerously;
t f Baltimore, dangerously; Jscvb
oagh the left shoulder; Jacob
i • others with slight flesh wound*.
| «og well I deem it unnee»*«ary
f Company C—-«
Company F-
J>»hp Chambers. t
Hann, shot thro
Simms, mortally
- There are mao;
butaa they are d
t > mention them.
letter from Lieull Col. Black, of
uldretsed to his wip, on the 18ib,
if battle. We copy jt from the
The following
Pittsburgh, was i
from 'the fold
nf our Regiment was highly grat
>nds. and in mil respects worthy of
conntry. » do not think meu
*ed belter. Cspt II >ffmin and
tis m iming to take different posi
•n wi»hc* fjr wives aod children
it we meet with warm cnogratu*
inds abroad. Tbe pleasure of vie
seakened by the groan* of the
ihtt preparation for Coal repose de*
d. Our srmy suffered heavily, so
enemy fortified, and tfefr slaughter
legions was \ <>u
official report tbe number ol killed
□ the Ist Pennsylvania Regiment
lylvtnia Regiment suffered very
hi. I don't tbinli toy one is hurt
wi l have not lime to write more.
, jalaps f.nthwith.
rulj, HAMUEL *. BLACK.
The eouduct <
ifyjng t> fo*
ihe state of the
c >uld hue b*h
myself parted it
lions, with war
at home, to-nig
lation* for hut'b
lory i» sadly
wounded, and t
r ,,ted to tie dei
wtli was the|
amongst the S
will see by Ihd
and wounded :
Tbe 2d
much in tio fo
• horn you km ’
Wc row on
Very t •
j,.t. Iren Cltjr of M.ilco (
Tho folio* ng Uo tiomlolioD of the mo.t m- i
territiag doc imeot which h.. recently met otir
„,e—tho tr» .Ution «nd origin.l b«r» been uni
,o u * by Mr. (endall. Conic: the mognificienf
proraiueof Sent. Ann. with ■•• he lu» end im
potent concujrion" preunt.d by hi. per.on.l
prowei. .1 < erro Gordo. .
, , ■ Santa Anna. Prendent adm
\t"i,n nf.thc Llf:xtcan republic, la hn eampalnale. Vei. Cm. i. .Irody in toe power
I ,h„ enem r It hn. .uccombed-not under the
f,ur own ih crminablo d;s:erJs.
The unit i> due to you from the gownm ml.
you ere thfi arbiteli of lh« f*t» f ° U '
If our code try is lo bo defended, »t w«ll be J ou
who will at .p the trumpbem march pf the enemy
•bo now t eeopies Ve.a Crux. If the enemy ad
reqee one .tep more, the n.Uonal independence
• ill be bu> od in the abyi* of the part.
I am t.«ol«ed to go out aud encounter the
enemy. Whet i< life worth, ennobled by the ,
national * alilude. if the country auffera under,
a censure he atain of which will rebound opon
the f rebei d of every Mexican!
My dot' ia to sacrifice myself, and l well know
how to fulfil it! Perhapi the American boats
1 may proti. ly tread the imperial capital of Axteca.
I l will nmer witness *och an opprobrium, for I
I am decide J fire* to die fijhring!
' Tin no cri-i* h»s at length arrived lo
the Mcxian republic. U ti «s gloriooa to die
fichiing us it ia tnfainoua to dedart curself con
uored wit ttout a atrOffle, and by an enemy whose
rapacity iiesfer removed from valor as from gen
You ha'
fa£y ! i 1
liberate |
muat bp I
God app
be app<
of our
1 0$ ! yon bt*e * religion—protect H!—
, g honor—then free you«elT*s from in- :
h on lore your wire*, yonr children—then
hem from America brutality ! But it'
y tcion—notby vain entreaty nor barren
rith which lhn enemy’moit be opposed,
onal cause is Infinitely .jtui although
vs to bare deserted us; but His irs will
ted when we present, as an explanation
rots, the sentiments of tzne patriotism
Ofrapocdeo*.- of ihe fitubargh GwW
From Washington.
NVabbisotos Aprils, 1847.
Vcu ate dooblleesly long ere this retchis Ji
in pnsessioo o[ the glorious new. of Ihe Baffle i
•Gcno Gordo.” Alihough we bed ren.n to en
ucipete the euccene of Gen. Scott. eiill none we,e
prepared for Ibe intelligenee which »aa recei.ed rn
thiaeilj yesterday afiernoon. and which produced
in lao ('[.tins comrnunity Ihe meal prolbund feei
ng, of aa iafaction and joy. h iaihebailie of Ihe
umea, and will add a glerioua addition u lhal
undying cbaplcl which already encircle, Ihe
brow of the Hero of Chippawa and Londy'a I.ano.
The plan of altnck aa promulgated in Ihe order,
before the uighl pr.viooa lo Iho action eicrle uni
eeiaal aeclamalron. They ate briel and comprehen
ei,e, wilhoul any “ Coroner held an ioqueit yeMerd»y_
tend'"end’knew they’would errry out hlaplana H* 11 8 PM- ' • • l " irl Jisl,nl!< ’ J '"'” lh ” 0hb ' b “ I P ° f '
mlho mlerincit, and he wa, not dieappolnled.— | - PnlLanaLHia, May. 11, Br. » , D „ jd Kane, a young nnmatried man. aged -1 |
Gallantly did Twigga, Worth, Shield,, ™h".| The brutul prize-fight arranged eome time go »ho fell oET Ihe iteamer Hudaon about »
and. boat of othet. execu.e them. Gen. Scoth! Yankee and Voun, J,owned. Verdict in accor- :
kn.w he waa to win, or be would noser ha%e little j f r <lOOO a eide, came offto-day, near ,' *' . I
mnnounced. by cencfil order, bin full Gatin', i_*r S IWUW ..... d»ne« with the facia- i
rmght'niturally' e'apect would
coL divulged to the enemy, whote -pie- roun di onlj , am ] bruiwd and mangled honw at l'htlo Hall laMe« mnß , and give d|
n„, l ,i„ga,aobd'b,n., v Su. i On. m Mm.l. f rc.«.nd yic[or- CencerUe-nigbr, w.lh a change ofjoece.,
liberation was divulged, previou. lo the Utile be- j Wc hope thrift ratealamay he imprisoned. Tbe-Mxxieis Gebebalb bare reached New
i, , e commenced the n.gbt before the B.ule of PaiusEirsu, Mij U. 9 P.M. ! Orlewu ssfrriwner* of war.
Auiterli>z, Napoleon announced to bn auny in Tbtf Soulbem mail at Wa.hington bnng« i
Jeiitl bia imd«. of aitach. and Gen. bcott, wao Q . napera, but they contain no news ' Kobsbt|)wks, the visionary Reformer, is about
srsusiisjssr l ? “,“-rr=
fecasion. Each Gorp, and Regrmenl knew wba. T „„p ico . I, wee eeporled .1 T. that General | onc ol mo.l egree.ble
poaiuon they were tr occupy aodlbu. pnedH dledefthe wound, recced at the i . D j tpirited writer. of rhe day, ia Sarah J-Glarlie.
pray will be the b.ltlo of Gerro Gordo. I “ f r,, ‘ bp g' N ' Y ’
fins! battle we .hall to record, aa It hardly . Maj Gaineaand hia men whowera aurpn I D ■ «ip , b r R p U IV K K K LV GAZETTE
~m.poe.ibto that the Mexican, can mat. any c , ure fi i„ ,be .alley oftbe Rio Grande pre.ioo. PITTSBURIaH WKKSLI .
further show of defence. Il eo lo Scolt wlUbe- the blttlt 0 f Buena V„ta, had been liken Co ihe j Mat-V3>e-coitTti.T. i» raar.
tXZrZZ -».< Mexieo, and hem impriaonedio *, , I
Motion'Ta^ueJ!S hZ, c'ZZ'ZL «my “to e'ri'ie.l ha, nothin, further rel.ti.e to lb. I Dem.iption of iho rout, from Vor.'
we are grinned to think, Ibat it ia a wat for which bo( Slnta Anna—il waa mere rumor, and , wo—lmportant news from California—uau
there .mud,. ono from.hichW bM. ' ibe treubl. beiween Kearney end Siocklon-1
; nothing in gain and »>“■* might .Mlly hate been ; Trouble at Wa, Ann. » la.t proc-1
'.■"“r. i. a gieal diapla, of Breworka, thi. ..en-' MARKET. ; Umation-All ,h. new, by iho —» Oeiedo-,
iM at the Na*y Yord, m honor of ocr varioui Hay 1 t>h, 7-P. M. : n ja—Landing of tbo ’JamiaUiwn Queen o ,
weroriee. Mid an dluminalion of the city, the pub- Fbm u heW dimly at $7,75, and .ale. of: s fl KMei»l diffieolliei— Foieign mieceli.ny
lie buildings are haudaomely decorated for ihe oc-I >un g„j Western brands at that to the axtenl of u ur , moeementa at h-ore and in Mexico—
CMioo. and. tamieome triumphal arch is thrown, 0 „ ~b |i. There ie an aen.e inquiry and ml- ’ Rail Roade-Rittuborgh a.
acre. Ibe A.enoe, A salute of 100 gnu. »•« | b in ra „ k „ fill old time oonlrad.- ; Inierrallng al»oi lb. Rad Road, r, e ,
,l„ 6„d Ibis morning in honor of Scon a »rcu>- ; Tb« , re limited compared wtth ' jt „„ an d i.-Iwller. from Waihington-ltc
You would bo much amuaed to find bow | ibe Jcmind I ,iew of the MarkeU-Eoreign and Domcahe com-■
mao. Scott men hare been created .race the -uo j No .natmion in price, or demand for Wheal— , u „ iea _Ri„., „„wt—Tclegrahic inlelli
rose yeaterday morning, many of whom | fi, e „ i, i„ fact .cry Imlo doing, partly for want: Fa,tern dtira Ac. Ac., Ac
loudinlhcirecprcwon.ofconlemptofhim.few! o(>u , gence from E.,tern dr,.., «c„
month, eince, end who onlyispoke of him aaSoup i „|„ R,e Floor at $5,12). and moro , For aale at rha deea. one’) or in »i.p|ie.,.
, Scolt- Truly whal nlrange change, in uur npm-, twlltb ; Piice 0 cent, single copy.
'.tone do Ihe circomei.oc.e of a day ofieolunej | Conl 'ii .ready at yeatarday’a pncea,: Suhaalptiona Iwo ..year in ad.anco, '
produce- The President, lad erenmg, waa m j a aale 300 bbla Gorumeal uwlay at : I , _
I moat joyou. ip.rite, and b-rug reception night, Ihe , ' Plo , i<lQ „, continue qoiel and market dull—; " ' ~(j. j n , oD j c CaildillnUl.
While House wa. crowded, all ccngialolalmg haUkii fum , fiowe.ei. Small Mlc ncw Po k Wile w brfcl ,
him of cent.,, en Ihe Scolt .ICtory, ; $1 6.50. Prim, at $l4BO. Some Mcu B«f, ™ tk. oEc. of
i 0,„, feam are entertained o( th. dealiechon ! » p , ck ; d> sl ,„. Bacon .lh,MB, 9 and 10. c n**T Warb
on this eide of the mountain, of the grain and ,c-| || c ( ot Wratem cute Shouldeia, Sideaand Hama, mjcliwl* , ,
ceteblecmp. W. h... had no rrin fol forte Bl |, sn „,Bu.l.r rl He. - Ma Krnioa —P,ea*e aoisiinicc .he nanie.oi Maidi J
dav« with ibe eiception of a model,to run on The metket coounuie quite bam of Hemp. ' M . gxouoRASS m MiUm wwiisaip. es a sm-bn
Sunday laat- ' Sale 100 hhd. N. O. Sog.r at 7Je, on a cto- ■ esei'^^r'P''” 1 " lE:oii>S
Tv the Edi'or n f fA« PilfrAorgA GazttU. ; dlt p fM sje. Pith. 3’a Maekeioi at $5,60.6,00, | M(l |- D | T oii;-1',,,r.„u,0,,eL-- ';'r
Me atleotion waa called lo a communication of, some Shad at s*d" • 'VII.RISB
J P KenoX Esq-, in a recent numbs, of th. A mle 300 lh. erode G,n«o,. 10c, 4 mol . io, .lie Leiprisiaie.
Baltimore Ami'rican, in which he gie,. mm. ea-| A aale of Urmaed Od at• 73c. M a. Rnwea-SAM-L PAI.MKR. K«i he-1'
| .rets.
«''^OM“deTn < iwly'on h thhieeiii queation-; BMe 50001 b. ,** ’ 7 %, .eftno ' tv t S PV o'f Lowe, a, cia , iew, u iw » u
10 ■ -Km 1 i r =»•• - '
t“‘ . “ili tbe' coet of tran.porta.ioo o, Sale. R,c. at H 85.4,75 per 100 Ibd k '
i,m‘ rmm hsre.o Gnmbe.l.nd much. . No,hmg of importance locally. ,
if any, from Ihe route now tra,el!eo. There la
the one numberof le.bipmenu, and eemml.non.
to pay. The same unceiuuniy in nme and pnte ol
I wagon freight that now «i.t«-and the and ,
, route for the final connection left entirely with
i ihe pUa.nre or the Baluawre and Ohio
of sufficient importance to Pittsburgh lo
~™n. hello .be Expendiluie of $700,000-o,
eeen th. amount of lb. ptemot anbecnpll..i--
G.n w. pay that amount and ascuie a n
Road befote ris.l loolia base duel ed the tiads to
olhei m.iketa by which eeen tbie improaemcnl
would isndeicd |o a great degre. unnccruaiy.
If aot we are aanifiting oor beat mteita a to an
idol. We bace no precedence for inch expendi
tures. All our Eestem cilie. Mo employmg all ibe'r
energies lo reaclt the Woe,, while we weaken our.
for a contrary objeci or are .pending 00,
ti.tiog— refoaing al one meeting loaccccij
terns ptopoeod, and gieing aa wo alßimed our im.
ly term, of connection —reconeidenng It at anoth
er, and authorizing ihe Director, looped oegoti.'
lion, at a tbi.d or meeu.ig-arid no.
we learn from ihe communication, referred lo that
lh. President hae aignified bis unwillingnes. in
effect logiee op aU and aurrender a diacmtmn lo
Mr. McLane'a Bril and umformcondiLioiia, 1 here
ere many of the Stockholder, bke your corre.pon
denteolirrly in the dark and boat they m«J'
informed m time for r*S«Tmo befo . Ihe n.M
meeting, when I trn.t that all msy be prepared
ondeielendingly lo decide ibe whole qoeauoo.
A BfUBCHIBIi* TO Tilt P fit C. B. «•
Uto»o« C. Dro'huuole, Ule Membir of Con
pew from Virgini., wa. SO ye... of »'
waaliorn M.J 15. 17»7, «nJ ««" lb" J oun «”
child of Uev. Edward 1 Dromgiole. Ho
th. Nor* Caroline, amdird law ai
William *nd Mary. -a. admillod to iho bar in
1820. war elected to ihe Hooaa of Delegalea in
1823 acted three yean, and rear Speaker three.
He tea. ioCon?reaa from 1835 to 1847, erilh the
exception of one aeaaion. Ho died a eiu.m to
intemperance. God had endowed him with the
higher! abililiee. and the ioeeoUon. of man bur
tied him to an untimely pace. Mr. Droragoole
was conrcioo. of t ia condition in hia lart mo
menu. and hie word. wcr. Ih.fh.had fault.,
Mid he knew it; but ox pro reel the hope and -l.h
that they woull lie freely pardoned and ftrgiten.
MrxITXET. The wounded at Buena Viataare
all doing well. The Mexican lea. in thi. bailie
„ 138 killed. 1.500 wounded.
! rraeth, wounded at Vet. Crux, w. learn that,
man, were completely pw-tralwl. a=A
with diaraae, and ihe n.lnr. of the climate i. aneb
„ to make a change abenlutely uecewarj to.beiug
them up again. D.achargca ate granted in eery
cnao where the e.fc» of Iho phywclM... gl
en tntbat effect. Seacral. hundred. bare already
been «nt home, and, too n«ny.;of .tb. xolontotr
officer, ue retiring from aereice beeane. of ,1,
health* ■ ' _
The Mexican port of Toarax waaUkwr by
Commodore Perry on the 10th AprU. The Amer
ican loaa war trilling, nolwithalanding a warm ro.
aUtance by tha enemy. CapUln T«lnall wit
aligbtly wounded, and Blent. Paikaton Mrrerely
The enemy loot many priaoneta. and finally apihed
their guns.
—OoF of dw' • A N.W Di.«cTOXT roii Pin.»c.o«.-Th.
hi„ hid occaaton to Mtawing communication will git. tbo mitf
*'“»* point*! ttmmptaw. liin b.O ocow. „ f eilJ of p iuAargh and
mm, a da, i.ft» ° n ‘wW**-* In Ih. opinion of aom. of ottr in.
od ,h. ann.xa.ion of T.xa, from Ufa M wtnlJ Utoowmi W. com
"9JSr«; -1=5 —- -
Koco «-*» who may .
be nominated. J •j B 0 f B b,>at fire miles around Pittsburgh,
Mr. Dof» bn alia bsen . conrtant fnaod of tho !In jooiooo inhabitant,, Tin
1 Protect!,. Policy. Though li,ing in Ih. ,ety M- . .14,000 to 15.000
tr. of defection, and abmmctm., h. La. triumphed ; German. *“ s “'“^
and with Lira a groat princ pi. of right. If Vtt- , gnjjhjA. *'™ u
ginh was ble»»cd with a full delegation of soch . Welah . 4,000 to 5,000
men in Congr... and in her Stale ah. ; r , 400 to 500
woold derve to be called -the mother of Slater ; N.tire American, 55 000
im.n,'-whe.ea.,.hch.,of„ r d., : ]
mother of a brood of mieerable abitracttoii.. We | ■
lut. in our mind*, eye one other \ irgioia Whig. . \yohin the circle of Geo mile, arountjeour old
not eo true upon the Tela. ijue.tion, and the | , nJ [,» o rile city of Piltaburgß“«bei. :po bar.
Tariir eud though l,,ng in a dnu.m -h-an fat* noa-ly half
out and out Whig could bs elected, ha , with as many Sabbath schools* anil about
left at home. We conclude, therefore, in fetor »! i (2ft c i erß ymen of the various religious'ilerfominc
bjth of tbe old maxims -that truth u mighty nod 1 tioDB _besideß a number of evsngplicali Iperary. ,
will nreTail” andlh*t‘*liOQCSly, , *P o, > lic4 U a,lthe ; benerolftit, and other usiful Bocieiiest—aW". a
P ' ... ,k »-» » nnl'm ” The ' largo number of schools, colleges, theological in*-
•ante as personal.••isalway# thebest policy. , new# ,, a pers, bank*; insurance companies,
dominant party were successful in ibe freud i physicians, courts, judges, ittoinies at law, officeis
they practiced in this State, in reference t > Mr. j u oUet j a llU s, State,county and city couru,
piL*. views upjifNhe Tariff, but it was an ill j religious, moral and political societies, *e. c, ,
Polk * views up , hope to record in their proper place and
pined victory, and one that ought to make UM f u [ WoT fe; Also, the numerous
perpetrators of tbe fraud ashamed to look an hon ( mlJlo f > ptnHng, commercial and mercantile hou-
Mt min in tbe f»cr. \' * E s, and business departments, under their appro-
““ priate beads. We hope the eastern metebant*
and manufacturers in Boston, Providence, Hart
ford New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Hams'
burg, Chambcrsborg, &c. &c , will feel interest
enough in our busy cjiy—as well as our mends
of Beaver, Steubenville, .Wheeling, Mayiriue.ij
Cincinnati. Louisville, Nashville, Vicksburgh, N-
Orleans, St. Louis, Cleveland, Erie, dec. dtc.—to
subscribe for a work embracing so much useful
information, and all for the small rum of One
Editor and Propnetor.
Correspondence of Gaaette. |
W*Hnix«Tos, May 11*
We have return* (torn the two doubtful !>»►
tricis." We lo«a Fulton, Whig, by one majority
qoly, McMullen, I*. F • i« elected, and elect lr*tog
by only foot raaj wity. The delegation will be
Whig*. I*® lo Toco*.
5 9
, Utefal Information— An important di«co«ny
' ; tn'medicmc lib» been mudr. by Dr. LpSim.-ii coii.m*
BALTIMORE >i tt ‘, lUl l,emoMili«ue««m* CM*, of n««orrhe.d* Of
Mat'll, 7P. M. for thiecomplni.nlh*» been pronounced** in-
The stock or Flour in tht. m.iketii low. end , ww***!* *«i Be-n.l, by WYATT A
receipt* moderate. Flour has been little act *l7 . K g^,, AM > 1 K tt j loll .tr< e i;New\otkrA% *. Hio**,
Z price, remain ...» the -B*- fuSt *««. ***£»+*****£*
Howard »t «t $7,75 per bbl. .Of City Mill* ibeie \ Puu;iiur«h. I»• 1 nee ft j r.r box.
i« too little on *ale to admit of Ihrge transaction*, j
and holders are above buyer* jn their new*.—
Consequently noibing,done.
There w »n aetive inquiry for both Md ond
P* Wheat*, but of either there i* comparative
ly little on rale. Small aafc» While at $»,-
78sl8lc, and Red* at 170*175c, a* in quality.
Sales 1000 bo Yellow Com at 103e v -
Sale* 600 bag* Rio Co flea at 7saBc.
A (mall sale of Clorersecd at $4.75 per bu.
Ha'ra N 0 Sugar moderate at s6Ja7|c.
I notice *oroe «slei Bacon to day at about
previous price«-7sa7jc for Shooldei*. Bi*9c for
Hides. and SialOjc for Hama. A continued
and adiee inquiry lor Butter—very •miUrecetpl*.
I.ard quiet aod *tendy at 9§aloc. Aeonawcra*
bio sale of Bulk Pork nn private terms;
A small lot prime Cloverseed told at $4,25.
Market without much animation. VeueUare
plonty, aod freight* to Europe about the *ame.
WismuoToir, May 9—G r. w.
The Southern mail.ia in and bring* farther
iteme of the battle. The enemy'* low in kjllca
>r.d weunded i> equaKlo oar own. Bome of the
Mexican officer* attribote the dtfcsl to the cow
ardice of Santa Anna-be had 8,000 men tn ime
•nd G 000 outside the entrenchment*. Some o! i
ibo brave Mexican* tbit ioUghCat linens Vtata .
were al*o in the fight at Cairo Gold* and sever
*| officers’ -released by Gen. Scott at Vera t>rox
without parole, were found among the hilled and
wounded after the fight.
The Bull« tin ot thi» morning lay*:—“Oeoera!
Shield*, we regret to learn, died of hi* wound* on
the 19ia.” We piesume this moat be an error,
at least that there war no positive foundation for
,bc statemrtt We can hxar of no new* from the
army,although we have made every inquiiy. later
than ha* been received at At our last
account* Gen. Shield. wa**tilUUve.
-The Mexican officers, on their waylo the U.
States were sent over to the Castle of San Juan
do Ulloa, on the 21et aft. They were in fine
,P Se™esnt Tueker, of the 2d dragoon*, was *hot
at and wounded in the hand while nding an ex
ureas from Gen.-Scott to Vera Crux on the 20th
ult On the 2l*t a leamxter was picked op on
the road, having been killed by some, cowardly
MeT.noe.ei— I'be Picajooe
lh. 3d in.tenl bee > copy of Ae American Fleg,
oflbe "tit al'- Tbj following ll Ac mn»t impor-
tant porsgiepb in A
Hawn upon them..— Wo elelod not long ego
llut (tea. r»jlot bid ceeoleed on • reguintloo
noon Ae SUlee of N«» Coehuile «nd
TVmiollp«-.»' indemnificelionibt deetroction of
1 property of ObW
in thoee deperttneote ofMexuro. Since then 001.
CaAini bu reccl'® s *“ Atetliog biro to
cell up in A* Alceldce of Ai. pi** .ml will «-
“j in ,l_ bis respects to therr honors this
B ,. rn The proportion of this department is
STfiOO* indici ta Hqqidated in males at $3O
! » 10 - of 0010 f* r f an ’
* ° /ii.pu. bnshela.) The Alcaldes here will
e nith the aolhorities orotber towns &a to
confer w i. taxable property in their aereral
«*« ">• ptnporl’nn
JS“n, qo.rtennlKer here will receipt for
ell that may he “forked o*er.
rrr U*b the attention of out render* to the r*
traorJinarr curt.-* of Scrofula performed by lU.CuUtnt
Indian tVfffaW* Panaetn. which they will &»fl record
in another column of to-<Uy’» paper
.. ,|oulii the tnoi-t wonderml oti record, anil hov*
« been rronouuccil by many of om mo«t lemrctublc
H.v.w-an-1 Tho affi.cted and other* miere.teti nrc re-
Le»ie*l u> them at their several place* ot utiodc.
and learn from their owo l>P* the wonderful
the medicine. Ihe firM one nanied ii .Mr l‘ anP tl ' ook .**
who may he * een daily, between the hour* o( v_K. M.
, ,nj 4 I*. Mat the office of Rowand i. alton. >o3TO
| Martel »i. I‘hilada.. ; ort *
Crj-SaUera Glnuaf Panacea.
Tt^iaonT—Wr bcf lc»*e t° e«H publie atienian
the following. from D.. Wm Doan, of Wlthtmwlle
Clermont Co, and one of the very fim practitioner* u
itir'ftiuniy in which he re»:de*. and Uie Senator m.thi
Bi«ie LrS<»!at u ' c It t* ebeennir tbiia to «ee the lead
in* mm of the profession, l.ur»Un,< the bond* of proie*
SIOHB | prtjudiee, and K'vmg mem it* due
••Sir: l have in my procure been u«mg *omcof you
Gm**nß Panacea, and. so far, am well pirn«ed m n
effect* in Catarrhal and Elronchia! Complaint*. Plea,
i »rnd me half a doren bottler- put them »* low «» vo
! can; a* I raped if ‘t continue* to render as ffrneral “•»
iifacuou a* it ba» heretofore. 10 leep it constantly c
| hand Respectfully, apt? W«. Uoas. H n
S 5 00. BOOTS 5,00
oil R N l'li 8 2/I?.V?T T S K^l
Tin? «uh«onber inform* ihe piiHic ihsl
hr hu» commenced lW maniHariurr 01 OrttlWn
FtuhhntbU Boou, of Rno.l n»trr»l and
>«Lirk be will warrant rupcrtur to an> llooi f ver inuJe
m for .he price, Thee handle 000.
jjjgf *l5 ''"“""'"wiS'kiiskin""'
F.iihaso* Ua-m or Pittabcrou. j
Mar 4ih. IM" !
Thu Dank hatlhl* day declared ft dividend ©! lit
ana • half per cent on iia cjpiial «lock: payable
nyfh'id a '
PfrT»»caoii t May 4 ( I'*",
• nivi»sw»-The Director. of the. Merchants’ and
Mann acimerr'Bank. thladay, declared a dividend ot
lour oer cent on ihe capital atock, out of llie profit., fo
ibe'laitaix rnontba, payahteoo or aftertbe 14th -
Kaaiern stockholder* will be. paid at the Coramcrtinl
Dasx or I'lmncaGti, f
May 4ih. 1e47, f
The I’reaidoninnd Directoraof Una Bank fcpvr ihia
■lav declared * dividend of three and a half-f er rent on
fhV cafb.l »!ock for the la.i ..X mnmba, «>
DIED, , ~
On Tuesday morning ail* Mi o'clock, Mr* Hatmy, m
|„,l, .l3o', «k, I' M / on tarK“J«“yjS *“•**.?*
K**t i.ine, s few dooia north of Ohio »> tnu
friend* of-tht family are rcaprctfaHy tnwed_tP_atie«d-
For portico Ur. .ce ™*in.‘l'*o 71
V of T.lo*blt l“ 4 'l““ I !j , ff 0 S;SS!l» rlrer, .oil
baiweenlhe turnpike*™! p or teiw* apply to
able tor country residence*- ror CDTTSBFJIT
j No CO .miUtfiald at
mylt '
JM • Are the Maks that boond ns brtkea.
* Where are now (he Hopes 2 ChensMor
*Tis the Harp in the Air.
He doetli all things well.
Dreams ot the past
The Rose of Alabama.
Mary of Argyle. The Mother
I We meet as rnranger*.
'Tss Mldoinght Hoar.
Officer’s Faneral. The Old Church
i Fall ot Vera Crux; a descriptive piece
I Geselte waits.
Midnight do
• C) press do
Atlantic 0°
! Morning Star do
Linden do
] Francireia do
Fairy do
; 11 Fen«ero»ae do
Washington Wallies.
J “V" MELLOR- S. .1
. .4. IN the Orphan’s Court ol said Contttr
»» the maiier of the petition of Ro«
jffffiip- Forward, elde>t son and bnr at law oi
Chauocey Forward, deceased. for 1 ar
•Vn&jlS tition or Valuation of the R * l *. lBo i*
Chauncey Forward, deceased. No 40
December Term, 1548.
All persons interested in the estate above
will tube notice, that by Tirtoe of a writ o*VPa™u°n
or Va'uauon to me direeted, an inquisition will be beta
on the premises its the city of Allegheny, on Monday
il.cilsiday of Jane i o'clock, PM. " heu
' and where you may attend, if yt'UM’* ,-<r
, mrll»lwP J<MIWFOR^-rw.W'-' ir -
Boston and new yohk pianus-
Ju«l received,' and opened by the aubacriber, the
loHovein!; p|r(tant mswuments:
One clcrbui Koaewood Piano Forle, from the ccie-
Stall'd r'acioi) ol Checkering. Uo*iou
One elegant ro*ewood Pn»n« Forte-f*} netavc, irotn
- tli** roannthctorv ol Munna A Clark, Newark-
One elegant tu.»ewood Piano Fone. i> octave, by tn*
nine maker. For »ku amain l"' c " I I ’> KLFI , ER
at J W Woodwell'i tO Third »t
It 74 pcc» H. <• P i Imp. Tew,
lOObbla N O Mota«a«f:
1 lit hhtl* prime N O Sagar,
10 bx«S» 16*aud lb lump tobaoeo
30 k(r* No 1 8 iwiai do
TV ljig» I'apper,
75 biifs Mtoficd Noi L ?•«*«»;
IV tierce* Bice; with a geoetal '
of *">««=<• to' RI|EV k c,
No 57 water »
n>y!S_ . „
tVaRIKTT AND FANCY tiOOIW-We have *_.<
Y rv full ttiu>rtineni aroall -ware* “"d ’ant-tv *•*«<
»uch «»• firaiiuaud 3»lk UuUona.for Ladie«
.. Pancr do do do
Faney atlk jimp* and f. mje*.
Hooka* Eye* P‘n», thread", button* and lap
Collar* and collarrtta
' <il..vr» m jreai variety .
Ilnmeryof all kinda . ~_K
Coaou and Silk *c*u. fce Jkc-. « li
«.11 l.e *nld low SH ACKLKTT
| UrANTED ROOS- Place* m wafchouie.
VV *c, for ncTcrai jood book kee P er *' _
warehouse inf", Üborern and boy a ot
j l^r^.VoLd C irt», chamber
I !n A;',\’:J.":'r A v,,.c. ■ , ;f A s- Bl S">w*
I So :» fifth «t
PAPEII-IW rram« I'op P»P«;
50 do do plain do.
•>5 do do coaming hou««;
100 do do letter. on band and foi
«„■ low foroto.
fir*t iifff-i bel ma^fcft
f) 'voice of new and dcaimble eiylea of apcmg and
Moon”, Spared and plain Bon .el and Cap nbtona. in.i
r-r’il and lor *ale by
m> I a
toco do Shoulder*; , .
1 (JQUda p«nvfc*»eJ n»rn»;for ’•/Jn'v
dole eon»i<Gmcni_ _®f 1 -'—
CIOARS— 20.UW Renainn Prmeipee, Ju«o Sani,
H(«0 low priced Regalia; .
HUM) aupenor Havana; )&« r <£ *> * nd
No 176 UL*«r«y *l
for talrby
quancr and medium Scorrill*' b*»t piatea and ca
«c«; rte'd and for • n!e.l'y
OtOOMS-U ion. J“n i, £ I BI M-'iNU°'rYi”£'°
mS”"”'"”""' clil to..
L dL ...d oo k-d AAd fo,
O3 market *l
r..KA»—Ml'I* f.c.U fl.renTea. of ‘‘“Hi
1 fe. ..da, ratios. r&tfSA'Si&g'
COTTON V AttXS—,«.oo«. lb. aborted No* Coi
(J iou Vain candle w.rk caryel chum and batiinf,
‘"TbAK riieV tce^
TJO WUBII-tA kg* Beatty’* R' flf Powder,
r 100 do do BlaUing do
..]rj_, ;=?■* FRIEND, >?llMt_Co_
JJDOOMS-dO ... p.~ J “A I p e,'fo^NHEßfiea
~j »i near -edamln »Mey
/«. iu*KN I'IMNTS—t ea*e •“*•!» G*“ p f* f «*‘ • olor
lr i\ v ,inE
.j, NnW*oo^t
RFI) OIL CHlNTZ—very »m»U figure—biilliant col
_ w -d ..d t WH , T5 _
Vx||, 4 C\NDLES-L*rd Oil ami Star Candle*, w
taore... „ mrKCTPON.
- ;U.M, CIDER r bbl. c'tab
ni . j-j J cor »milbfield and front «t»
OKA.M.KS\ LKMOXS--'•*» Umiutii
•jfl do L'-moni, m pun
or ,l P r *,lrl.v ,»vls_ p OMAWTIX
I OL ISVuTIK LIMK-hi L'Vlme !•>'»=•
I . i u i,.. s VON J{ONNHOR>T ACo
li-i 1 So33fff.nl_.l_
VI’TS- AnnonJ*. \Valmii> uti.l F. I>*i:»• ju*i
lS ami u*r ».< e i-> WKK& MeCAMJLfc&s*
n«-v • U cut wairf mini wcod
RAISINS-Uoi and knj .11 priue crdei
i»isi A— 4fXi rn.uin iu*t for »al? hy
SilZf 6 *-' MtCANDLES.s
r,h. !> ;., naooag:; ' it ,I yK. f &"'imEvi c
*s ttC * L ‘ r ''" C lt ' Cr ' fa, ”‘jt > BE»)VU
pOTAS'r-TVV.k. l'u,,, l»nd.n, .M :
( . u^ n
rpIMOTHY SBBD-'iibg* cle Vi r^vn d
1 lor .ale i-> _ ««M1 JARFLO\U
S'S'tettf m
S*”,!** “‘r ßB^iS"
/ IOLDBN STBVP-V tlf bbli Loaiiana refined
U«» «» *. mCKBWbV
. NoiJOlibcnyM
/ UIKKKK-tl lii»- nuwlinil'iis finnMpr L*ke
O K„citof ..Icl.v 1 ■“’■W.i S
niylO _ _ . Homier * (»«!«•_
>,OTTO»-™b.l«Co.R,n.ij, u .»ri ) .ud ) (=>»lj < l.y
*>-10 No 45 water AW (teat «'»
fr: CK . , T VDEn ~ i3 ‘'‘
c ' water A front »>«■
jfykttD OIL—III bbl* No I l.ard
l^rir 11 ' 1 ' 5 17 liberty auect
b) rt . (CK
■* —..IQ cor water A wood »t»_
I A”Ni."r“iSߥcr'
~,‘■7 __. -1”
‘Z “jSS? IftMrw*-
B“sf. M_.CANJ.UiW
i ,^®r ,s “ h,fch " , \ r, wiS“ ;^c“i ' N bV?i.
•**-• wtes?# assrsasj&s.
C“v FB ffi _^“’r '“ ,,
M tot »alc b) cK A HcCANULRSS_
kr 'i C«_
R°± n^ B,M 6 f*^ r v« IIESTJI.
D“»Tv A^ 1 i ES " s '*" HmSS' S'bSt
|3 U *■ t,:,,8 ““L
ATOUNG HYSON TBAH-SUilf chcit. lowpri-
V »"“* T “ ,! A SMITH _
SHOULDERS— 13 c»k» UaconiShnuldera, on con
...mttro, ... far..." W. ARSO S A McKNIUHT
»o»«*___ -7_ _ j
L EMONS—Ur the box.fmforc and for »*leby
nn y cor wood and water *t
/ «ASTGR OIL—S bbli rureriorCartor Oil rac'd
L and for -ale by CLARKE ATHAW
..... cfinalbaOn
STOIU*EST7SB- 5 l-S l>bli}n»t red'd and for
. ‘ aie by fL K SELLERS
7 - 57 wood »l
Nitrous btiier-tj catbovß,foraa!e by
AtIUA AMMONIA FORT—2 carboy*, rec’d
mid for talc by my B RE BEU.EHB
ffXRIKOATKD SOAR—lbli Hull*Son* W
V **io by my 9 R K SELLERS
MACKEREL— ITU bbta lance No»Ma*|2s!j i tor
-ala by rayß '.DAOALEV i
RIO rtjn
_tor.Mcby f *” -■-
t)RIEDP.~. c h.....>p^^^ Kl , LlB 3
60 “»ff “°‘ i °’ li ‘ r " >l A RICKETSON
240 tw^aro^*c
Bo Jala p» P»w*«t AMIIMWf V £
Dry Goodfc Q
• on t»«*»
be .old as eiteauvea«erunea»ol
*dl», Ac |
At a OK3oek, P. M. . i,...
Gmcur.* khiaeiold **£ young byuou ‘fEKrk.U.miw
ground pepper,r*C«f sb«co.
[anLiiee^molawe*.cigar*, tad
AtiO-aUrre quantity of atnre r«« ■»
queen*ware, kc, from a retail grocery- _*®4.
* t A , Urfe luononi of new and wcowl k»4 J“®*T
hold furniture embiaeing nearly ell Ik® ,
wanted by hoiwekeeper* and other*, looking giaiaa*
mantel clock*, mantel lamp*, Ac.
1 At 74 O'clock, P. M. —'
A geueral asrortment of cheap carpenter*, tool*, to
aether with a quantity of hoo«e earpenter** tool*. Me
euniery, watebe*, boot*,thoes, hau,eap*, ready made
clothing, Ac. _ "* M .
xTot* In LawwaaTlU*. . jT
ON Saturday afternoon the 15th mat at 3 o eloek.wpi
benld on Ik. promise* 19 euioeblo ba.ldlug lolt of
round, Terr bondeomely .Hunted m tlia Imeagk of
Eowteneeeiiie, neartko AllegheoT Areenal. . _
Alm—Tk.l beautiful prleute residence, formerly oe
oupied by "ante. Telford. the iuboee, oouudtw
in* about two notes of ground, on v<ll ' cl ! ’*
'rood brick dwelling hone, end eeyeial other bulldiitge.
‘ Time' ono.fonrhra.hl b.lence m »
n..'™rme«a with iutereit-tn be teemed i,W»
and mortgage on Ike rr°reny.
Saw Horen Academy, Fayette Co-i F*.
G „a, R»dm, »d Turnon
roe., ...d In.lrtt-knuU
E^r.”'.S J «n“»r«nBBoad.»««'«“' IO> *”-
EW. STEPHEN B,of Wheelirf. E- F ; ***"£l’
. gcr of Juniata atid J. A. »u»ckton of
bare t“ entered saw eo-panncr»hm.aider rtjio.■
and Erin of Stephen*. Saoenberger A Co, at tta
AnchorHron Wort., Wheeling Va., fer the purpo-e of
laanufacuiring iron and nail* of ererydeieription.
kiuJ. Of “„ 4
T>oy made ihiri*. lmihwh.lo ">lw« d . “““"P 1
&nc 10 medium qoalmei. • . •>
Bomim *»d Col Ur- til-
Cra*»n -«ipleadld aoonment. boa
«I 1 qomliiie*. ,
ren price, s>«®“ afaet “ rert - 1 ** eat ’ * Notsw ®|
street, up ■»*"• EDWARD TODD
rayto -
tA.YSE’S EXPECTORANT-W« iwritoaitoouoit#
»f abairueuooa —it* tendency to OfijiMt®
Tl For .ale ID PiiuburrU mAc Fekia Tea .tore, '
,t£ /near Sr£d“ •Jim A
®SV , wasEffissffit s
««.«»u ■«“>«■gfidS!? SrSStf.Sr
order.withprampioeM- .Parctarer* jrerwpt®”" i
Veiled loeeJland examine pnee* and tome,
P" . i.w.iimi Jnef Jouiforiuß dellTtrj of 1®»
J&Ci.rUof PiMbotih
iheubnc«ucnof<iM, 10 l.« rMnitbedWOf W«te «•
firii day of Ouobei ”•I**
nuvmenl to be nude upon deliwir* »■ nju «
, P ?.,f u nte.p.nic«l« , l[^ji“ I *>jgssSSS B
Chtirntmof the Ga* Light CofWttt* |
aogj jl
'■“ iM
* , I g^%OCXWAV,%4I)»
my&llm NoB commercial tow.bbe»ty «
"I'Y anS ciDUuaiort iSttf, Wilh lUMtrtooa* *««
o ,^CT.»ri>«ig.“sgjs^ , S®i}Brf
„ it>a eor of * M >U _
Article* of »operior qwliiy
SS«». -‘ *?*?*•«« **• ,ob * WsnSiXa
—SiUS(rDlOr“6'o®®** . ,
rrcem frapottaiionMud matmfaejnre. and arepwp«*
10 offer pen idiuccraenu 10 eaA «r prettpi P»T
11 OuVl'tock i. now very fu!U«d coopjl«« »«r«o*
*c»tre and rheip coed* I - I
OLD PEHS-JuH recU, one po«a of Da™®"* j
(j or ever-pointed Gold row, of tko mow «PP , °T'^
■, Tlieoc are carefully »elecied and adopted to
ianetr of UodTihe.r fine poiU and elude
s 5 :
p,^ UoMI ’ c ‘‘ D ‘ p " l ‘w’wtsor'
nmK KSOIN’B FOR BALSf-A fir*T rate 24
F’“Jf, Eniinc >i*> *‘« tlf* »”*°»'
. inquite of aDAM tiETrV,
_ a • j Committee
<! ualitr. Noe 3 nwijtettl
ri niXTBEL’S ISK—Ju»t received « \h« Pek-n
PTrtSSrTSPflßfth tireei, MkVP««i’”s!i
Ink 10 lb» fine job »ofc inJ lb can*—Al«o»• Jo^ of .
iJrten mod Slue Ink. “"W «** b '“»
rale*. tot trie «tte mwwfrttMWii
, r T&Jlvr I - .
r.ftnß CAPITA*. WAHTKD-I ban been 1
M eutboriied m negotiate bribe following te*w:
for3 jegr*. -J
SsJaS for 8 fOTwhiekihel>e*t«f w*
canty io thecJty will beginn. All eommanleawme,
»'“»*>" bl ''“'^B^DL-STfoISS*SS
m 5 No6Q»mltbteld»t
SOUDBIKB-S® but dark preen too Coffee;
w 830bbfa N O MolMtee,
50 hbtU do do Sagan _
* TiWfehwYll.QPJfcbtkTea.e;
. soS*3lbb*iOP*TH do
0 eerooai J P Indigo;
75 bjlTobacco,s* s 10*1...... ■
In atoro and for isle by CARSO fi * McKNIGHT
OBOOSB HASD PIA»OB-An excellent ae,
S MrtJ band Piano Forte, made Uy Dabora A Dacoo
•Jew York, wiihaix ocuve», iron plate, and in foodor
’‘"'lixott.Teiecondhana PtomJ. mide by CtonKnu
*0,1.0,..t0n, For.,to tow to. mel „,r
Iron City Hole*. : ' . '
Mrs. Patrick a son win ionium* iok«p »•
Iron City Hotel, Firth meet] betweea Wood »hd
Mmiket mrecti, where they wtß.be jltd to emertiOii
their curomcr* tart the public In tcnerVth' aylOwSm.
BACON a LARD-10,000 lb» B»cen He* Baond; ■ ■
A 44 bbU No l L«d;
tttkex* do do» , 1v
20 bblt «feuc d« M tor Mtt
Fm 1C PBBBII II Tea ia blf «hnt*i
Imucri*l Te» in klf ebe»u and bis *•..
G rowder do do do do; ju« ree’d
perthips Tooquin, Moniauck, and oiV!.uR
p1,,e.,.0,imcm-w.r,..u.d “’J
CiIICKBBiSOI elegant me
wood »Vx octave, new aeale Piano Forte, tanmf*©-
«tr« 4 by Chlekertng Af Do*ton, will •» •Kjgltt,'?*
„» T«.4. r , IASSSSZ
0 elks co un! ry cored Eicon,
400 bo*d Apples . w
Sugars, molasses a rice
ml freib Bled A BMITII
No* I 9 *l__
-1 tnent oi John*oa’* c p hftJta prrrmXe f*au
t«M, tollable for Hotel*, Bream jqhN DUNLAP
Itet, at | No 17 market at ,
F Murpb, bit Intel, rac'd “> nesoiwnl of nbora
i~li 6.7(inoi end Cipi, of no* itlloi.nnd bcnnUfnf
eimrr.l. Aim: Lncol nod Edging.
SUGAR —70 bbtfi W 0 Sojnr, put prion lidW
lending Boa itcnmer Oermnniowß, dlrocl Bora N
Orlenni; On conEpmenljcd by WBpregr
*fWkft • I No -HP —coad«
A p sj“^ ,hcb,r ”w°« iktecikNbLEsa
ilßdtioM« Sb»&
do • Herrier for«*le by
tilth tuect
_ ) 30 do Bxll;
SB do 10x1%
, |-. 40 dalOxli wiUi luzli, 11x16,
innu<iixu!ii>n> “■‘“fSs&v » or.-rr
’ Btll v: ■ • i Wb 05 wood mrttt
L- ion: WATHBRg.fa-«bbi»No l l.ard>
! nKktFe4ltcff .
• i ( ) bx'Peaeoct fly
Bnaknin USji»f f>M> .u»:Ben Bjjfc for ....iby
• ’•.,■•■■ I ; 1 myfct-i «*■<>
RCfUED SUGARS —ICO bbl* Loaf Sogar
<0 do crashed flu
Jon*ae*4 & Co, water fc front tu
mTIO Ayt« glLoauSugar RrSncry
PIG UtOJV—M ton*No Ihb Utogiog RockiPift
-tron. landing fromtteamer Amene»a,«ad foi m!c
M JiUiLb a. vO
I waier ft friwt »ts
10 do Je*« Uau 5- U»
10 do Lounn S plug;
10 do Louun
* fdo Jdc&AJc J Owi
°y U — J -*JSX^JEL
' “•‘“"‘•'ffg i£o‘S‘ 1
nndfortnloby No t„libcny .1
By 11 • - ’ e.
YriHBOAB—I6 bbla Vm«far, »F»d
V »«*, '"‘ h «■ miltenukkoer
~ No 66 water meet
lONET WANTED-VVoottd to t0r0«.0..
L tiiy, wvetal »om., ffo« A J P |
ly u > H AttKiS Afrot. No 30 StttjH
SCtTHK ISBiTUB'6O dex, in vote Mad iot
"by WIOKt.M C CAM>t.t;S
niyll - . cot wood and wtict.i.
SCYTHE ®BBATHS-»6o».jn« Ked ? *u“‘‘ ,f
•ml* low by UEO COCUKaM
ay n t No *6 w.».J
TOBACCO-3 kegiAtwiat Tobacco, ■ food article
FISH-36 bbla No 3 Mackerel;
SO do No I dry failed,
15 do Carolina Stud. Cor iale by
arid MILLER A. lUCftg
COFFEE— 104 bag* Ureen Rio, instore oniTfor
aate by J * R FLOY D
mrio 1 No ifla luicny at
_ _No»6ob«
—— r ,
LAUD OH#—lUbblsCbeverA Co 1 . .npeftor Lari
Oil, 0c.«..ip.«0v A C.O
„.5 Non, wood II
b, '' ,,a " BHEV^‘
mrs No 67 water >t
BOX VUES, of various «Ue« received
tifnntenl from tbo t~«»j«£.c a/o, .a^l
r» 4PFMM* PEACHES-™ tad Apply..
jert rec’d and for .ale by MY ERR H U NTEK &■ Co
nyS Noise liben> ai_^
iCOK-tO,OU) Ihi Ham*, Side* and SbenUer.
pvt in cnttTtti, (ortolc low by p c M abTl?l
(gyS tor smithfield A from at*
WB, HCRPHY ha*ja«l wc’dliv expressibis
* morning. a lot of new .lyle cheap Fancy Bon
act Ribbons. - 2SIL-
JVBT received by exprya# at the "?“* e *'‘ c *£rZ
■ dth.nd.ul.'
NEW HBHBIXO—IO bbU joti rce’d ann for tale
kw»wuh»w o BW ckburn aCo .
m ,<} r ■ eor water at and cherry alley
LAWN ROBES— djeanon. neb, new and io -v priced
jn»lopcatd *“ d s g” r * K ' L g rt 4 J vmm :
dUMMER STUFF#—A very large aaMrtßenlofamnj
s .t ? iy
EABLbTON OINOHAM-Ono cn« .ptin; «yle
."”*Si frrttOTAWHITE ‘
r AOUATHA baf*
Li Coffeejon rec«d and for .ale by M fcjaLOA j<
my« . \ ■
■ IBOOHi-a do*i... SSj^aUllT^,
7 No 6 com nercial row libenf at
CIHT.H— 1” tibU. jo»t received and for »ale by
. * No 35 Fiont »l-
T OCUTILU I-IBK-Bbbl.vttywl.noii,.:
SHADt Herrinf, Meekerd *ni White Fi»h, eon-
Mintly oo band *ndfor»deby
b £ £‘-' ~e' S"L....
t V „ T j V ..
KKO OCTTKB-Skß. in go odoOofi!i«',no.
n*ui-«i»u»« SSj&dless
„,. 5 _cor*ooiS«J!SL>S
prrtßElK=isMVip- l.ndmlj &
■ \BT AFFIXES— IW» lm«i
It myS __
A ** T ''f;EO c«:hb*n
rsg&rjs 1 ’laagaggAgfe*
fTiITOB No '■ i«5
CirillT, J Hippy CD, to «oo4«l .. --
,L,P - •*’**!&'&»
qoh q&nmosr-m ib.iutmjjj fcj
T *jp>» BTHUP. EXT. • rll » K .T' 9 r) J“’
b,b. dr, <*>*;■■
TT ipnaPKHTUTK— m eiceUent otcl.-
wi«iw «“,■* a^Sfajg
Ptaoet-lio. VS&.kbb
J OHBKK-3MO(IblK» W» | n«.fct [ »iW b^ L
P°y* ga mA° C^"“^^cC “ l ""° ErL ‘^
■ b ' > '• f "'“ ' o "’^‘ f ‘j l Q^alDWELL
non Ko a BbbJ ELK ;
T°g.y co ~" »«• • aasgt
f! B fg
gtCOM-^Q°Q lb,tUo..,UR,
HBRRUIG-90 bbU No l Boliitnore U"”** *>' t
wle by bjT _? i A J v s =* OA "
M A^fbfaK^7” 1, “ 18011111
r£HUI*UU> IHAD-ia bblwi to£d«|w
R .*oO„g«-» bi. frn rii&U
- OWHJ|L—ldObbl# Floor Inrvorenud for
J 4 Mfcj aLOAN.hbenrAwood m
*£»*»«*** p^SSIMbWp
■gsaffig; BENKtrrr
100 to™™*** >‘B%fts£t Whrnwctt.
R°g' , ST^^BMS^tg te
T S3SS,SiSr? “‘;
H°“?- M bb " N S FVo“'uONNHQItaT *Co
h HI,
BXSCmemxni So»pTto** ale J bT WjQREER
CSKO Saler*uw> b *
%£{!& t c
”?S&. t c.
gs^ ii> a " ; ""“.*° f M “’ urt , | ° t ; ajg&„,
. .OLASSKS—4I* bl>U I’ieniaiioo, for nle l.jr
M m 3 rpttsiEWAS!.
rrT BBLS Liueed oil la'sood’order and pore, for ttle
-lo br n»3 J ttCHOONMAKKKA Co
IA -BMB Wheeling Sand Paper.for tale i>y .
10 wy3 • ■ -) WoHOQoMAKKR* Co.
KhUS London Maitud. foT tile by
WBITB BICASS—In rek», for rale »>v
-w?3 : HtW llA»UAtOn_
XTAIER-WOkeM Maeried for rale eb*»p U>
ny 3 roaSYTU & Co
r aut- k .i BcM ■ DLKj! ,
Greek appi^bs—so bbia*o«j order, for»»ic
f. r^^ ?KNp „, Evt Co r
C OTTOS—130 balee lo arrive. for by
HITS BKABS—6OO bo for **le by - - |
Em HBTiL-lM innt Hot mod Cold blati. for tale
br •mT FRIEND. RIIEV 1 It Co
GOLDBS RTKUP—AbbU for raid by
myl' .
BELT AFP!***—la wot* aod for ante by
ITtEß'k' LARD in Kc«t, and fa
b)3 3* W UA&BAVCH