PRICE PO HUSINESS CARPS. A»,K**>t»KK liOltOO*. -*nd I .-i- .m! \!cr.-bini,M WiterudlDSPwW, Pi»»‘mrj;ri L — — A 'l WOOD, JOSK6*C«^ Kor*»r.t.n* .\|r-r t J»aoU,h**e reuttMdto^ t r ® ld . •taii<). vv #;rf and Ftont «ieei«. Puitbgn. ocuj_ B WINCHESTER* dealer in all kmd*of lm . ponvif an<l W-..u- rc*ir»- s^“^!2d a M4 ' be eh<»<«-rM cb*«*ff Tortc«K "***£& rwii. No. N> Tin rd Street. F't , * h ® r & h - * ' -- i* ' ' ’ .cKaaeaaarraa. V. V*rk«M,t ) Jf-or«fu<m rhird- ii±?sss^s£&&3£ B- , ' c ;„ocnX * Commii»ion A. SAMPtsO, |. (ltt b Mannfac* lU( e*l !!!?”*”£> 1«>> <u&*S*!Sfe~2*£ IiiOiLEV t SMITH, VViioleaale Grocci*, IB 13 and au'V'oinl*;reri, PdW'trßh. ■ _ : »«>«;• S?aSSf5S^5: „ - ~_'A s in.'i'V Jir COn Fotwanlm* and ''“ih'f' rToKUiim' LOOMIS, A,lorwytL.w,of \j, &ccun4th >mc «•*> ■ve tfnuiiifield. _apiny_ \Vni Vo7rmnn Joltti K Jenmiif*. J»*. W. Hallmaft. ;st::r ( sr? xsai* ,t,i orrto<si<' -Si t)>ar!r» Hotrt ,1®”?* ““•v?.- *"' ----: - j.caroilien. caboti;^ V> rcr», Hni. >!c.i ■-'« til l r-Kluce, ■ na pmc Vill*t>iirgb MiiiuU. tuie*, No. t>* .*» «»■*■* •trr*i*. p>~ v j I‘tfubargb mani»i*cure*i No m * ur. i- < B, ‘“ ° ; janS 114 I iLprtv »*• lMt* , *t*rKl»- ... • . UCMIU9BT. ,i v 2"*us'js. J»Ir.K»IOUT, l»uccaw» » H- 1 ( > ) Whole.*!* Grocer*, Common a - M -r. luintv Dealer* m Prodace and saws "rrsriS* r*-r m r£s i oud 1-l.env. !*m»tiur|?u l _ ; VrTrTlfotlctTueuW ill rmiuM ••a*™'*- “ J. lUrrtxm SewelL , roehs-l>' '' '' ‘ '-’• JT^” —r7.T^r;"u,» n h*v7.KLTO?(, Wbo!e»leGrocer '...!» "I „,' U ..W, «“» d <>"' a 1-nn , t*itfUor<n - Joan •xmaa>t> t'W»LT. * OEBIIAH.T, Wboteto On **’ h * m fei»l? — JAXO l. IWMlt "**. . k «S, L '.“ bKSSKTT, (IfcUj Ensii*b, A no a?w*-w«.■»sr Bcrond »nd Third . _—- ■ - • • I 'V gpsi^, «™ et -.. . - ,-. • lane* Wootf F It Fnruit. fc CO..AVboUi*'<Cloicn, :btc >IK, .W 1* .-r in Mu»>cai ui*inimeuw, ii* "«« m * h .a FUUi : .! 1 —■ - tfiffii A. fOWTff. Miss “ I “ d H TitiSoS, licjlc/n. 1* . runcy *S . >p g I’Utii ufjjb. wiTllXiV ftLM' , moo, (jr .uj Commix ou Mnelunia, 1» piiwtjunjh l*» i , pEoT*rßßllllTf a ui.-*:on Merchant, and « p h . Manufacture* - -■ . M. B. Brown. Co, Bre«W MoWf”. efic ., l*eim and I‘ilt tireeW- — Geo. G Browne.” 1 l*»eee**o» to UoldikjP ttuTaßV BBimoT, WHITE * l "rus * U ‘l M "' h ”" t - “‘"“Li? fnv 4UJ O'lUfa «u-. l*mgt»ur<tu_ » \v “r «ud 10? Vfoßt s=!-- cup"-d dormjt hi* ah*eucc by T. J. Canine, -' ■'■* *—— No V;* Wood •’•reel, <m<? «°° r SoBUI 01 w **“ w • Jin i u ntmturyh- IHES kSBR. J»- i Co - wn Ph TOIIS 11. MKLI.OR, ■feslSC'SfS&l HVKai* or u«ea »p - r V HCIIOOS3IAKEBACO.wi»Ict*J^^<- , J . s ,«i*. No. ¥4 Wood H- • : .ygP—- / A 805, Coa»twwa»“ J Korward.i*Merthtnt*N*;M UM«rtf»Mopp©£ — -V iii ilir •Jjoiiimjf pnnn»c» _•_ . _ .:_ ._: r*"T7 •fonVo: DAVIS* AUCTIOSpB. «*» • 1 «>««i Wnml «u*ctt, l*Ul«Uargß —•—• 2 - . nortf __ . ' -- ' -~j "* BooSjeDf TOHSSTOai * *ToqKTOW, y-Sjbd*- J rruien end mew**™* I *' •**>• M i?s it,'Pit‘«l»iir<h. ' i _ T itninii Book. storr, Wn,•£ i»^gg!!^Jßl^BSg&.' •*». uSHU ORISBi Wholesale Grocer, dealer in Pro* .1“* Tm Pli=, No ita L.ben>;_»v_F*l“ l, "* lL - - r—r • , w _"bt- v j Richard Floyd x fc FLFI-OVD. (late j. Floyd 4. Co-T Whole-* «K Grocer*. No. 1W Liberty wtci. _**?* rimes nALZKLL,Whot<ualeGr*eer.ConTßi* b Jt* M*rThJm t lS-d.Jerm Prodoceand manufacture*. No *l_WMCT*t.P.nrtw»jh. ... •T 8. WiTEBMAS, Wholesale Gioeeft Fo;- L. arid ConuoiMion Merchain, flr*£*‘ n ! PuJburgh Manufhcuire*aod Produce, Noe. abater and r.J Fronl_H_* . ! LicWlS HUTCHISON A- ’CO*» ,V ? *?! Mlle <lmcrr». Furward'n* and Ccwumwon MerthanieJ .„di£S« i«*ff H,n«l» C u.n», if, \V»irr and 91 F ninl tit. __ . John Bhipion. r'SIJEUT l BBIPTO!l,Wl«fc~leO/ottrJ L Cowoun Sl.r.rtou, 135W00d *l r‘'U»->nrtti_ , - Jort M*,ii. . | i . B SI i I^i a 6.oroi“ i ;Eid M S raff end Merkel. „ ■ 1 X ’ y A VvKI«, HUNTER 4 CO, Wholesale G» cd* JH Nb. I* Liberty at . ——* w mcnzaoa f iJnSS JVL cer» end ConmuMion Merchant*, Nj l janH street- PmMmrah. >'■ . J —-H- M'“ cCOUU i BIHQt wbilCT»!» r '_ U 'iJK and Cap uanufaetutera, and de*l OT - ia Lni Kara, corner of Wood and Fifth rta. — \jf A J. SLOAN, WbcdaeaUGwcers, Djslerfcm iVL. produce and Sail, and Forwardinfandttwfl^ •ion Merchant*, No*?3 Liberty and T 53 Wood Vnubarjh. _ .... _ -- - -i-l-r - If— It HOLMES A SON.Ner» Marko iwrct, . ond door from comer DAlirt in Fp - im» «Sd Bwnertle Mill* of Eicbtnge, CerfcflcauM of oui lAr Pn'W fhaua *, • - MIiBPBT, WH.MS t W, WWgJI. •rn'tf . “JmSSiiin i STT«-* O' / Start v». * Wa»er«reei. . . .... r-T RII. lIAWKISS, Allomcy »I OJJS «, Dakewell’eUuiUlmge, neail} ®PP°““ .™ w Court lienee. • _: 11. lUWKIXB, Attorney ai U»i JjWtt lx. •Uakewdl'e Building*, nearly opppelw Coon Honer- ~.■■■ ** If— R’ OIJKHTSOS A UKPPBRT, Fwd«* . «>re and Comrueeion mrrehaais, No 10# S«< . -;i KJJSS'e.rtup rtl torpia JM , . ... ill Mf ir : '. ■ ''l ■ LARS Business cards. ' a. janes, J». *• 6- ao«s*oa. RBRVCS & CO, Wholesale Grocer*, Coitum* hob Merchant*, mod dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, Liberty it. opposite Smith* field »Lj_Pit*»bukb. Pa. . »£? BAUD, wholesale and retail dealer fcdoroceo, ahoernaker*’Tool* and Find* tdCuriieisToola, and Tanner* Oil, No! uaburgh. _ JfpW _ Richard! in Leather,! in as, Tanners ail UiTWood it, Pi| Robert d&lzell a whoir»»i®uro. cert. Commission and Forwarding Merchants, dea lers in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufacture*, L'o'pJ. •ireeiPinrtofjiKPa;.; *“* aoiT. Bo&uoir. b. bobisus. R BOBUON A. Co., Wholesale Grocer*. Tro • duee and Commission Merchants, and Dealers'i* Pittsburgh Manufactures, No. tBO Libeny street. * ,,lv burgh. Pa. f J"lL u - RODERT koOREi Wholesale Grocer, Rectify in*Diatiller«leaJerin Produce, Manu factures, and alilmd* of Foreign tujd DotncMic Wmcs Anl Liquors, No II Liberty street, Pittsburgh [O* N. B. On hand u wen - suck of surer or QjjnUquongmhela Whiskey, which will be so^J^ior i IJ KYHOLik* * SHEE, Forwarding ard - IV mission Mmcowits, for ihe Allrgteny River rradcu i deafer* ia Uroeiries. Produce, Pittsburgh Manufactures in «**!>■ p*; 11 ” *" lim “ i C&an'Tj Rags- [Corner of Penn and Irwin I*»-J. ' iff* HhJnklell! ThoS. R tthl.lfl.- 1 O HACK LETT A WHITE, I Ct ilsis in Foreign and Domestic Dry oood V Wood Street, PiU*burgh ... t,f S A W. hARBACUH, Wool Merrhania. dca * . ers m'Flopr and Produce generally and mg and Co«hm&«.an Merchant No J 3 U ood s rcU. ] i'litobtargh. ! 1 - J an ‘ - ■ SAMUEL PALMER, Attorney at Law. Office m Breed's iWldins. No iri Fourth street, between Wood and Smjthfield. iiovMtwl v_ TEPIIBIf BARHETT, Manufacturerof Fun ec.Shaving and Toilet Soaps. Winter and Summer pressed Laid l£l, Ac. No 17 FifLh st, l.eiwetn. Wood and Market Pittsburgh. Pa. _.*?**'* S'F. VOSj'BOHSIiOBST A Co., Wholesale • Grocers ’ c ]orw»rding and Commission Merchants, Dealers in P,tl«*»urgh Manufactures and Weitem Pro duce, have removed u> tbcir new warehouse, told stand) - '’‘Front slsrnd.Chancery im"- > _ v iUßßTForwardTirg and Corann* Dealer m Salt, Produce and Pm, •ucles, Canal neat 7Ui st iKIAUt Dialer in Seed*, Fibw ind Agricultural Implements, No lurch. . . sST—Wholesale Urocci* & hints, and dealer* in t“mauir — tuburgb. _ 7j r-, Lookin* Ul4J*» Manufactu » Clocks! Comb*, and Vnnn> l mid Fourth street* Jl°_ K J horsvth. [ 4 Co, Commission Merchants, amber, Urocerii**. I‘rodnce and ire* * Canal Basin, street, fablri P.titburjh l ___ . _ rp A. -RlfcLlEll,‘Looking Glau and Picture ,J. . FrnmeSlarflit'acUjrer, *ud Importer of Lookim Ulau PlateJTdtalrr In Ilou«»-fuiBt»huH Hardware, awl Fancy Goods, 1W Wood atrcei, near HfU». •pi* j /OH Hi WICK. »*▼«» * «**»}■•■ WICK • M*CAroifßBß» (*ucen«r* idl*t J D Wfck.HWboleaale Grocer*, and Cbmimaaion Merchanu. dealer* m Iron. Nail*, ‘*ln«*. Cotton Vattis and Plttabnrgb Manufacture* general!}, l eonjerofWi»d and ;W«.t •»». Piuaburch. tneMo WW.WILSOH, Watchmaker *ud Jeweller, , eoraerof M and Market unset*. aptd "irmte* the ta.-’ie* to call and time his stock of French Worked Collar*, a* S 3 Cent*. tne^l ' : * ;bb, Wholesale Grower, Forwarding ant! lOiMioa Merchant, and Dottier in Pruduce rctoßbuiftfaettrea, corner of Water and a. Pittahawh. Fa. n P'^ XTTpwkoM fc WOIIFPi Imfonrn and W ‘Wiiqiefale Dealers'in Hardware,‘hitlery. Sad dle*!, fc*,cornerLiberty and St. Clair Pitts burgh, _ | i i ,3°- Wit. GLEKS, Bookbinder, baa removed 10 the . corner of Wood and Third C. H bay, where be S prepared lo do exery descnptjou of Buhnj; and tfiodiig- . ■ - __ . •P sj . lirW* ttIiXACSi Mill aione amj nulllunmh 'W . irrf eatabliabrncm. N0.*44 Liberty ur i, near the A mar^ irx. XfCCTTHIOH. *O»T. » CUTCHZO*. WfR. SPCrrCHEOS, Wholesale Grocery . add Dealera in Pittabareh Manaf.icturrjr and \Venem|l*Todace generally. No. 15d Liberty sir«wt, Pittsburgh, Pa._ _ _ ,nJl ITT 4bflX>, WhoWalr Gro- W • eJn. Rectifying Distiller*, and Wine and LtjBOT Merchant, No-100 Liberty atteet, (opposite Sixth «-,) rinabtttS ; maylSilly • * ol u. IIOBUfSOS, Attorney al Law, hw Vl , ifemoaed hia office to the Exchange UuiUltn?*, >1 Clair tlreeVnezt door to Aldeuaau Johna. ’ japthjjm . yj T n*pnAim f Healer m Fancy and Maple • DryGood*, No 79 Maxktl aweei. IMMI-orjtb. _ ’ . llll.rAMM a. OiLWOitTH, ,ir»» Mu* tmini CLmcl.} Wholesale Groeeri, arc now located al No USfsV’ood »i, wliarethcy offerforude alaijcea*»on menlofCrocencß and Pmibutgh Manufacture*. ni low pricta and on favorable term*. ; nr \y. WlI-S ow t i*ealer in Waichee. Jewelry, j SlWy Goode, 4c, No. 57 Mar kctatr£l : • • n °'' ! ft r'ICTItmPHY, <rfu»!c*n!t aniTreua i!c:Uei .u ; V * .Foreiyn and Domcti e Dry 0>xl«, n-srili r-i-i , Fourth »**- * IA7HL V. IUWiS, Jr , htv lig.purchneed lb® *W dreg Store of Kdgar Thortß corner oi 1 enn and Jlandjetrecie, will eeep a coneiam cuppiy «f me i»e*i ttt Tiyi?tiatfep l re*cnpiione carefully compounded.— ens he had ai all houre of the u*gbL : . fehMty* - na'Kyiiimrferd. J° Un *■ s*i,nSrf .LIMGFOBP 4 Co., Comimaj.on and For grdinf Merchant*, Second, njar Wood eirret, |h. Pa. ,T&. DARLINGTON, Attorney at Lnw iUebnrgh. Pa. v otnmiee oner to take the »c- Igtceut and proo of l>eed>, Ua*c». Cooiracu. uencMirione,’or any other writing (under *em ornot,) to SffiKfmori- mThc Swte of Ohro. Office or. Thiri euoct.above Ann. he<d. _ . riix C. AVaaiBBAVOHt Attorney ei Law YVI# Fifth ptreet, near Smithfield. Col.rcnng.egcti ietjujd other hucncM amended to w-th punctuality. “ffiSuASetople, Ctogban, E«|.. U& Fihnettock fc Co, John H« ro,, « -GW£ Un<U*y 4. Co, John \% f-ln, >-*r|, Jame* McCuUy, Emi,* M»J. " iUiuto Lanm f. : • J. BRTAB, Rectifying distiller, ASD WEOLUiLI D*ilS* IS EBIGS k DUSESTIU WlNtB k LHUiOKS, fio, 1 H Liberty st n and 53 Diamond alley, PITTSBURGH. I*A rH-dly ! - 1 WARIUCK MARTIN & Co., B, idm, DmUn in ErtAangr, Mon* N*'« and Coin ' Comer of Third and Woodeucct*, .OTtiMUy __ J PtltebP-KN^Pa. .7 W WtUamt. Wm. M Shinn (S,mw<* I* Uteri* IFiliuimjjl -WILLIAMS 4 &lIINTI. , ,TTORNEYH AND CDUNSELLOHs AT LAW. North «»dc of fourth «t, ahoee SmilhfieUUCp jfaM7<4wlyF - ~A , K. J. lIBJiaT. • . ATTORNEY and.Counecllor all,«vr, CINdNNATIi, OHIO.* Collecti&ni itf Southern jPbto and m Ind an# ibid in Rentneky, promptly and rarefally intended, m* j REFER TO—Hon. HHchard Biddle. VVm k ;? l TerUl <s BLACKBimN . [TriIOLESALK Giooere and Dealer* m Oil*. Jim aioree,and Puubafeh Marufaciured an»e.M.ha»e l n hand at all l-me* a fulUnd geneml a*wrunent of , trode in their line, Water etrect. neur U,err> Alle), k iurl>erib. * HISHfinMTf fßr'JDHiiTi WOBKS, roa tbx balr op UOILXB IBON. HEADS, TLUKA KIRt E. F. SHOENBERGER PITTSBURGH, PA. Haring uken the Warehouse fijrmrrJy orrupied i>y M. V Rbey fc Co. I _ Water Street, near Bran’* Steam nil*, Will keep on hand a fill iuppljr of all »nr» or lloiicr Iron and mtd«. Flue and Fire-Bed Iron, made from htateif Juniata Mooitu; which will l»« *«ld "l the lowcm market rates. Engine Baildma and other*, are mviwd 0 call and examine hii'twck. Order* rrompliy ■> ended to. jHL rt ! v JOHH at TOWSSESD. Diuggiu and Apothe* Cary, No *5 Market *t. three door* above Third »l, Pitt*burih. will bm»e ewwtnntjy on hand a well *elcci umoi intent of the t»e*i aiin fre»he»t S!rdiride»,wb>*'b he will eeli ««t the me«i reasonable term*. Phy*jeian» tendinf order* will be promptlv atiendid 10, and *up plied with article* they m*y rely upon a* genuine rr-u>phyticinni’ Pre*cnptioi». will be m-ruratrly and neaiiy prepared from the be« matetial*, ai any hour o< ' b AHofor "afe,*a large reck of fre»h and goo.l Perfu mery. .. .J nn . , _ J. D. BWEITZER, attorney at law, omc. m St, «ppo*»« »*- nrlLts «l»o attend promptly to Collection*, in Waih I? inZton, Fayette and Green Counties, I’a Rtra to t l3 " | Pin,burgh. ’ D T. Morgan ) • —7JOIIH bifSLAP, MaWUPACTURKR vl Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron _ wl i? Market aueeL The *ub»criber re»prci ware, N ' the We.tern Mereha*:*, y . C ?<2L£m wdoSttS “> &*• ,af « e *! oclt of ,nan ‘ Coonuyoo«l« « »d Copper were, with ■ large u*v>it iXfftid lfwff yprniahiOK Hardware. "?i3S!-S >*> p“ b "' ■££. Ss*Sgf ; n ' . •—,— r\v. Boflbrrgbt ;;; 1 B * w . bosbriobt, »i»IIfiCTDBBBS OF BTUCD, of at low Price* and on good Term*, Tt, o'H'ri- “• a- r. iumcs._ a . H. P. AS. SBX.SOBT fc CO., . MANUFACTURERS of Hammered Swell *"d ftpadea, Hoe*, Ilajr and Manure Fork*, Ac., Ac. | WaWMW. N« It W»ait»tr»rl. P'l'iWtl- 8 TfcA aiutti., -r*\ KrS «r*c. IMB» W—d •** |2& frT* AII qnaliilca of Often and Black Te«» mL HTnjTui aaarler, half, »ndjone pound run FORWARDLNd & COMMISSION^ ---=== “rr;:" agkncy for' patents. a. M. _ Wathiugtan, D. C. • . ,' r C \H- : Kfl i A \T' r/KNASir. KWHIHNS. .Mechanical Kngincer and COMMI.*»SIO> A i-OKWAHIrING MKKCHAN r.. Agent uir Pateuu, will prcpure the ue iJ.vv ii D i A u l u\v aR K \NO pc.«ri Drawing* arnl Paper* for Applicant* for “at ' MTTSHCIIGn MANUFACTURES, "Tfe “wte Sl£to“ WARKIjGUSKS Second street, war Wood, a . PS« >"<• Pa-.rm Uwfand dco- CanallJaain l.ibert) ftreei. have onlißmlami • o jjf ~l r u„ ||e j of Kurope. Pd'«on< ala tale XfiO.pOO , German le -I <li*tnnre deanout of Sav,r s examination* made »l ihe Naylor AMV* «h»ter ami Owman ie i. m ah|ii|t application for a patent, Jane. ’An Hliwr Spring and fork r. r w«nl lpo„ t.a H. e, l mos.g a fee of five dollar*, 200 dot Shaver-, Spade* and tork, ; , thr.r case il.en immediate alien ' Carnage fprnte» and Ai.e«, i,ou will be given to n and all ihe ■infomatiou that ! AimU. ' ■“*'{ ' '' \ could he obtained by a v;»;i of the applicant m pet-*o.t| S. e dgea, tied** '‘ouidnCrowbar. pr mnpily communicated. furnace Kruger*. iJoniaia Iron.i AnViier* on 1-uMi.e** »mif U poU paid. anJ contain and Coal l u ka. lc f,. r w |, Pfr a written opinion i» required. A2e», scythe*. GU*. «hlice <>n V meet, oppose the Patent Office, fitc Proof •* ' , ||c Im. ihe honor of referring, by penni»*.nn. lo and; other 1 ilt*>hurgh Minofai tur. * »old at lb I *, „ on fjjmund Burke, Comm »«ionet of Patent.*- j - , iloll. il L tllawolliL. late, do do dP. C R i)aninhovver, J RertaMu Sauk. |( Knowlca, Machinist, Patent Office; CHARLES K. DASEXUOWERA CO. Judge (.'ranch. Washington. I) C: : I TOBACCO i Hon. K Choate, Maa*aehu»eU». IJ eSrnnte; | .COMMISSION aKKOU A S T s, • j|£ sVS?mc, ! No. SOSoullt Wharve*. and No 117 south Water « ||oi, Willi* Hail. New York; IMULAbTiLPiUA: ” iiou. Ro'uirt’sm:ih,M C illuioi-. BVi'r to inform the trade amt deal' r* generally ol }J(tJI s'u rrctei t‘ S Seuate; ‘ Pittsburgh. that they havdiundesiicli Arraugt.'imni* ; ||„„. j ]j M C, Missouri. - with the Virginia manufacturer. ami ilic Grower. of , II M Shrevc. Missouri; the Went, West Indie*, amt other (.luces u* wipjn«ure ( KruMu* Brooks, Enj., Pittsburgh, a large and constant supply of tiie folio wing d'.*i rip , « u ». wnnniv iai.l non* of Tobacco which will he .old ttyon a- acrom- , JAJIKB \V. WOODWKLL, modaiing i.rms u, any oilit-r liou.e m iln. <"y or , riTT.BUB.iU rcnJ.TUIII.WBBJ BOOXi. where, and all goods ordered irum iheru will he war; i NH 83 TIIIKD STREET) • ranted ciiual to representation:— • A LAR(!F.nnd»plemiid 4KZS?SE3SEiW» Havana; 1 St. Domingo, Conn-. ) | aitortmeia of Furnttufr. WSoMH Vara; Porto Rico; Pcnn'a. | Scedl.eal to; JL. soluble for Sie-mboau, Cui.u, Iguiui; and Honda.) barro; E5E33 Hotels, and pnvaieDwet- ALS)—Riuncti'* celebrated Afunutic Stag Cave n- constantly mi hand amt made to order. . di«h. with a large assortment of other popular brand*, i The present Mock on hand cannot he excelled by arty amt iiuuiiMew of pounds. 5* V* IS* tCs nnri 3d* Lump, , manufactory in tlic western country: Persons vri«anij Gs rs add J 0« Plug; Ladies’ Twist; V:rguun 1 wist. purchase would do well ty giving rne a call, as I am Ac. sweet amt plain, m whole and liaif U>xe«. wood . JUierinmed my price ishali plcn.c. Part of ms stock amt :m, together with every variety o l ' .triide hclong- 1 consists iu— tng io the trade. jelG-dly 30 sknu* wnh Plush and Huir-olmh cover-: - jO LiuiWui. c W AnueKMji. - xdox Mahogany Nur.c Chau*; Late of Pittsburgh, Pa. Lai- of Nash vine. I emi. . M pair Divans. - LKtIAICU A. ASDRttSOS. Drulrrx'iitsmen. 1-Jiluifinc mahogum Chairs, ForwarUmg und Commission Merchant*. No 8 PJ mahokuHy U ork ft-ands. Front stree.l, above Brosdwuy,Cincinnati. Oh o J dot mahogany ltockini) Uiairs, llvrca rb 15 mnrhle lop Dressing Bureaus, M *llen A i*o 1 t 1 pa it Ottomans; . Bagalcy A Smuti, J P usburgh. fcmatble top Work stand.; . S'A-Sherd 1 Mahogntiy^laplr 1 Cherry uml Poplar Bedstead* of* Manin AMc 'Mist'er. \ Nashville, Tena. •uU d«-er,ption«. and a large A**oninrni of Common t Veatroan A Armistead j . Furniture and Clm.r-, i.k. numerous to meanon. W F Lane ft Cu.. (.oiiisville. K>*. ruarihf . Spiicgcr A WhMcrnan. ( cmeinnaii o "NKW* HAHIMV A UK, llOlisK. James Johnston ft Cu. J JO9KPII WOODWKLL. Me.wett. Ileran A Co., New Orleans Coruer of Wood and 2d »!» , PUtabt»r**»» Magdrrcgor A Morris. New y ork. T T A VINO withdrnwn from the old firm nf Wmlkef A Duvall Reighler A Co.. Baltimore Jfl Woodwvtl, fin the l*t or January, I «“*« Fmii.Hagaley ft Co.. Philadelphia. ; »t announcing to m;. r« . ml* in the c-uy and Daiue) Dcshon, Boston. _ J“ nl ’ : country. that I have opened iuy new store sttheabove j" li Lcitwicb. W. C. WiHon nu.ned'plare.»ni..»'M.d my good* forcatih, J n W LEFTWICH 8b CO., • and made aiianpemem* Widi toanuiacturera in mi P* RTl AHl!'^r*"'" l ’"‘' l rt d i° and"Sinr m r FugarMflls, Hngtne*, nr o.he. ar. rirs for Ope ous*. n t J (ll| , rt .A a puno f m> »,ock. * lx.- l *V. Uc - „ , c Vt. Win (i t ,VV and veneerm. and all other article* eonntetedwih the sMessr*. Hall A Ppcet. Mr. \\ .n O Leary Koi.nt mehlUf W.ghtman. Armstrong A Nicholson; Pui.burgli. ; Hard* are business S ' Re\nn. Todd ACo ; Cmruinnu GAZZAAI t* PATENT BKOSTEAP. Messrs. Hynes A Craignrad, .Mcasr-. Hlwards A NOT W I TH HT A NDINC •Whtteall. Hon. Zenon Lahauve, Hon. John Dutton; ; , o n iiuercsud oppoatr.on tolhtainvenl Plaqoemmr I.n . , >ton of a IMtsburgh Meebante, ama — —-rr"; - IUMI or ,„ ,( ie Cabinet makers ol Una * CBAIC ( BELLA** A und Allegheny city, and their numer ' FLOUR FACTORS AND PRODUCE COM- fEjsmjj ou sei,*»?nershaveshowniheraselvr« MISSION MERCHANTS. | a i, o v?Ar.v U ’garpr e ;uUiceagainst hmti<nmtions.\ *nd T IBHRAL cash advances made on receipt of eon- d.ey give (;a/7:iiu"‘ Bedstryitt the pfe ctmiP L signnisms. nm« dipping m our address wtl be t ,e,-u„.e .. ictimoatal PAID three-lourth* value in advance apply cvncxtient Bedstrad m u s^s^i Bndt "'” , '' OL ' o mr - ; r ;;!rf ; N B All Produce consumed to •* is tn.tvrrd when .|ead« with t«nz/ain * lu’entea 1 if. • . . in the warehouse of Wallingford A Taylor, Pittsburgh, ‘ ihe same superior m anr tusiemng* wtth or in our »tor« m Philailelplna. C. B: A u>. John M’firew FHKSIJ IMPORTATIONS or HARDWARE T At.u Rohrn Kiumian l«II ANiKKN S E D V, . J « Jr s..' IMP-»KTKRS OF AND WHOI.IvSALE DEALERS ie A utl. .. ILddl.i A I.N HARDWARE. CUTLEUV, dtc., , Magi, II Wallace No. I’J9 Wood Street. hTj luiet Ruuiscy A M’ClellumJ p TTSUrUGII. iiilh wHllaec Mo<e* Bulluek A KKnoa-in the course of recriviiig large aldiliou. > David Lukcy U» ihej/ extensive stock of Hardware, l.uib-ry. ’ . n ... w make tml ne!! the alwve Bedsa-ao S«-t lery. Ac . which having been purcha.ed on thi , “ PiItI.NKZKK F UA/-ZAM. mo t advantageous Urm.m England, and d rect num n j Y ,- e „tcc the tlanufarturers in ihts country, “*ial'le* inern to ot - TKvav !' puidsiM UlllCK MACHINE f e , o<v]s on terms surpassed by; none and by > J „ l>! , l(lu .j „ patent. May 1« M.enwi •--•"I “*“• 1 .VKSiii.-k .1 ''«>■“« «r ?ei SI . . -. , i-1 •„• -ed its -Ut uir Vow prepared to sell ~ "(i KOHGK COCIIKAN. ‘'.'V ".'irae. .teiirer mu h-w* 10 any part nf rOAHSMON At‘K)KW.\KI i ><s .'•11.ID H\ M , ‘; a Ti - msehiiu «♦ designed -I. make No Si tt'iwii STKH.r. Pit i-hi ltd”- !; t r ; mnn enme ••:»>. “‘J wdl make. ;W.l»«l good CONTINI to transact a <;»iu.ii»>ir.i> f<rin u ,s* |-' d.iy s..di. enti-. |'" rJ '? *‘*7 “F Bubtacs*. csjrcctally in the purchase and a-ale ... u,r Xm. thu. a vo-dingthe t k j/fjer of American Alanulactu-Os and Produce, and in 1 ; : ‘| t . > tt’joiig.noi liabieto grtoul receiving and forwarding tiorvl* consigned tn hi* „ermstru- ird that .1 can be talon U> care. As Acenl for the Manufacturers. h.» »»H be • “ ,„b great laeilay.lhus render constantly supplied with the principal articles of ‘ ( We are «ww building*, and Pittsburgh Manufacture at tin: Invest wholesale 1 ca „ turn ,,hihem on short nonce Fo»a full dosenption pne!c*. Orders ami cotisignmcni* arc u spccthHly „,. w jij r toe msch'ite now i« ««««* “> joltVilrd. . m explain everything til F fouw*) * '• t«»u.;.n-i.i» ' ' ' , 1 w ,,s n;a nil vrho timv cu.l '"J c have Jt f F 11. F. CONWAY A CO., It ~o » u,l Agmt Ail letters 10 our address Purchase, Sale .tad Shipment ol I ;g Imu. Loal. Ac CINCINNATI. kmkk To, BOf.IVAIt KIUE UHICKM. -Atwood, Jones A Co j.rown 1..* .ey a to ~ VTF\"HVKI.Y tc»ictlaad nppnrvcd during the past lojfena. StM .ng ft t'n V, C ? f> *h f ? r n Lj twoyeui* uy the principal iron mnttufuctoricsin Oratf, Lindsey k bo D .. .„ rnuntry. and throughout the interior of l.yon Shorb ACo Clarke ft nia.' . t<> M readv >or •'rbvrry on thvopennii niaeio.' I■. r*'L;. - j .'y.,' | ~r .t» tin w U.cti tiieir durab.luy JOHN K. PKll.tL 0 . U |,.Vi.. ri i, d. f-ied'-v vxpenencsd m • ILautol tbc (11111 of Leeeli ft ' ’ , ' lt ' (o<l . h , M«r> Und. wh-fi the Owcovei) was Wholesale Grocer Commlilon A Hour .• ’ lf . . )u .,t,ir inuiirr. wuh wb'cb it is nubed ” Jl«r.l..'nl, x . , !;,.j n„y ».:l K .b.r.attly DEALEnin all kinds o' Coumr. 'op- , nlrllfu) al „i r „‘mp.*n.y pre.-cl by- marb'itery. nod mi ner, Tin, Tm Piute* Tinners’ Tools. Zmr Lend. »[,enti-.n gf ■■ *-v >!«*«•. Harley A Lc, the pro- R,i.U%eW lp.i. Iron and N-K "hue Iwt.rl , Su maiU uin their uckuowleJgcd D,c Srtulfs. lotion V*n»«. ! i n. Ac. and im«;’urv'i , «. inPI , O , ;U ; ' .tracts, Pmsburgh. Pa. , ,nl on tip,. ..ruMMi u. J ?HA" MAU.ARh ,S u.lvanrcs, in IV,.i, or Oo»l«. ma.le on rrn- maf ,, • krn»mgioii lri,n u urlc siptmentsof ProJnce.fte t’OCIITII STIIKET UAKfclilV, ' AUCTIONEERS * | and. .COM'ItpION MEBCHANTtx ■ A-t’pTrfx'nVß IP V V BltO* f' u i. \c . r.e »b on *ti** cmaiM fvny day; among wu.tli , ~0 d 0 of Ancient*; ** d» ALEXANDbK LbV >« U , U j! ~ . - wiowms „ Book of Ilriii.b Poe‘.» *• f , CINCINNATI &• ST. LOUIS i M ur . iro on., iVmJLV .-j Lemon «;««•«• Upwut. M Oman and Kept*. *>*v. OFFER lu «ll at e.ihe.r ullkimU of r<i.|r J , Spong- •!<- Fippcr Nu'*. , Colcndge. Shelley and keiit* *{“ • Merchandise Mine loweat rale* of *><d • JH!y Cuke, Almond do. , .\l©.a»«r« » «*.■. , Ml j loni \ OU n K .Cr»j.Be'Hltie.Collni«.do l^- »rcolw»y» prepared to make advance* Flic UcM ol ; iitnp -, N„i*. W«l« Jupib r*. Sp”'*- »* r 3 " Cnbb IM.rr aud IWel. ,0 Sferenrr. Riven, rf retjß.rrU Lvurr* addres.rd 10 Federal Cakt. A l"*. l L- „rv IVvper «»d Thompaom i . , Uo .‘W .. . e Lhet Hoo»e Will te promptly a‘ln»' r ‘l m. I mm-m for Ice Cream*. J'l'y. ‘ ak-*, J- an Campbell'* Poetical \V ork*. J'dbtj hound ill. hue _ . ‘ .. ... o[J . r , \ 0 .%«, , rxeeu.ed iu a manner mic* 1 i *«*l* - JOHN 31. ' ~un >d in <j.i.«ii y and lean!) M> onv ulher c* yjuton* Pac tidal jVorka; do COMMISSION MERCHANT, : “ftV.h b£m.'tw,m. b«». *V. »a...faw«aeti Lamlen, Moor* 1 , llarloit: Ilunia: Hogs? Hood, it" .SO. ao WATF Sa&x O,M S MTK CMKAFS.OK . = W hltt Wh,.t ; SSSRUtSttAj '‘“•■J'SOMPSOSI4 V BKILI.t T g \ '>;’ ll i < t*"» n "'' , "i^" tl n h '— np-nit''V, W ai*J lot*?.".- ai**crv to* ftrirea] an COMMISSION MERCHANTS ■ 1 £V«f*iUha« reduced in«».o»mw. -wf-M* And M«nuf*ctur«r* of Ll»»eed Oil, | rc ” * , Ml „,,|» every , rtH n we nr.pnru.noni. cona.Mmeof-' An. ‘JO Columbia Strrct, it,-prtrr low ' ,u * ' . ol ti'.-iti'civr* So, t French, lialian mud (.rrinin Violin/, Cincinnati, ohio. • r;;”;:;:,,;:,? »„.'h w« u-..m.i ,v. r~f, *’ • l "‘ n 1 . • „ I,r «r red! ;« won i roii i knenih i.nd lialian Violin Mruiß*. FAM. rna 'V'' 11 ,': , W " . 4.6e,1. .Sir rnmi- ! • F.encl. Aocordco..*; acp-r»-«y ." ,u 'a ' Mi.l’lU.N ! V,olm.c!lo*. wnh pi-in and pitrnl Screw.. IC,|| vviTTPItHU.V. I «... nil F-I.'ior-. ami Faniry So«l'' v, * ,k *> I f>«c vc.y *upenor o.>ublc Ua«» Violinrclm. FORWARDING MKIt'iHAST. ''- .'.th iioppo-iie IronCdv Hmei Flriie*. aud i IledUaiik, Pa. ;- Hnrdayarr, Cullery, N*ddlFry. *c. p Frcnch*llo!nf, Cornell*. Ophiclide*; 1 *nHKo<]vrn»er would reApretiuln inform hr. fr « ul* . JOHN WAIiKKU. _ I . « " . Taral-wlnei, Hai.w# A0..4c.; I 1 nnrt .he pnl.lie mat U* ha* tak.-n t:.e '' f MPORTER AM) DKAI.HK '" l l ,> ' rl s" *u‘ Kvcry art.cle mUic Mnrf l-L*me*». npK* ! formerly occupied t>y.J I. «.ou'd tvheir h«mlln»n ‘ J ,nnrrtw-ue, would reipedfol.y mfo.m ).*«y»n.c . r - . aact a seuerai Archcj. Forward..!- and « «mm a.n ( JlhrpilllllP p ,.neraltv. that he t« rmw f r re .'‘‘ n * J ' VJ-JIV WORK—!□ Prc**—Hutory or Meat* i iitiMnc**. I'anieular ..uet.i.on a. all con«.Kn- ; , f , anhe nlu anud\»« « M co her ,;j T ,( Wart an«U:uhmul and Herotu 'ment*. , No s*> Woo.l .ueer. whrrb he mil d..poie f , om thc p orio d o i tin: ftpaniah Bedhmnk. Mare" !. IM. - - 'of «he mnr. * doert L,.n«IUC«I, I.WO. lo the pro«m time. |»t7; WALLINGFORD A CO., ; Hr w.H l>«- ‘‘V, .e'.VJ m Kami.- rrnd tin* rouniry. as aceouDt ol Hi« Kxulinß' War with W United COMMISSION A FORWARDING MERCHANTS. : fn.iir uw* m iimi.' n.iU w.) r«W'l»* “rate, its Causes and Military AehieTcments. By T Kecniad Street, n*.r Wood. . rT‘J W•» . , I’hilip You- R. M - I*MMKS. ‘ i 1 ,u wceb.... »■■■ a, -‘' ™z M *•&* vm^,. ciueiimati, J ..da«!c..i.«me...e > ,,.e«.mi i h- \-Vf EW .MUSIC BOOK-Farophl.-t Form, lei. fire prool »afe», tuivd., v,.-e»« l,e ’ . s HHItK I Him'. n,irk« ilm ll —The Meiodeno: aclimce»dlectionofS«tig«, .jcd«c«.*c..A£ *o« hH* I»«w r«r.n.eni*ni ' , b< .'of HuetU, Q>iartBils, lUunda. \Valtie«, ami Mnrcbe»j malcoi.h ir Ki 11. juif PH « i ►►< *! , ' * ’ *. ,)„» very u*oful iua«-liu.r - wIIU , H.tlory ol Muaic. UlmlrilriJ with i.umer-, MALCOLM LKKCII A SON, ' r " *, w . lfra „, „ rI| „r,t ,i n-»y ruprr.or in any oilier oU< r-neratingi. Imperial octavo. I'nco ii cent*. LATE M l.r.KC* i f-‘> • '>.i.le (.riirer*. «•« ( ~r r. . nf ~I P prien. now *n »»<• Ful.lishcd and foraale by JA .tl'i' JAM. S. m.««k>ti i.nd Flo Jr M.r. ham-, dealer* in n. • . a numi.c. ol . .-n.lnatr* ni ‘her I’* ri- Walnut slrcetfßFt.Knurlh and (■ iflN. < Tr tr> iri*:SN.d:‘ ,, w : h,,w, " ~a Cincinnati.M«ch?3 t lBi7. , SiKiOViun yarn., SHU. 1.-,. ~,,.1 ' ';V;^;; , “ l led .0 u. aealt - - -piANOSI PIANOSII • iH.nre. MumUut lore, een-raily. So* OMr! and ul . u ,e,, U r mv.i ruarun.- for ‘he. ncriorcmnce rj ENRV KI.KBKK. Dealer ...ea..ernl*.nno Forte., lo tny Mfei.ont diair a n.v r the head of " 0 ,, d »if-'e‘. Sutu- nr Founty riehl* .m »..le H at j w Woodwell’a, No. 80 I bird MreeU The •ItSith P.« . JOHN MeFADkNA-CO nl( , v be e.xamiucd ul al hour* and Ihe auhicri 1 Hdvanrra. m or good*, mad.: on ro.i .. . ~t canal l.a*iu A penn »l |,er will be there from 11 to I'd. A. M», and from Ato 5. c„p.rin.r.h.,.. . STm .Ute,. • l M k. M, '46 "! llitßPltll, nnOT.IKRS i c “-> lb. »»*'-'«“•''>*'? * X-S’.,. unjet.ifin.d. »ould inlonn lb. e.iizrn. ol COMMJ SSION. M o EROH A NTS, WCg f l , Forllieaa .till I Boiucaß ) o 1 , H ’ 01 . v rt i. I’miiraemnl Row, .air of our Finiio F..rtc*, from whom they may be ob j;*r. A - D -ai . '•“‘te * PliUotlo, Iber.... W - - , oil 1 -“""'„Vu I fv »,?;;f.;..l .O No* l .m«-oe*Wl- n. w. w * *• p * Ttß - I pMnnpHy an* f j formerly of I’l.'ladelph.a . ' f N*«r#l»nM. MATHEWS dt PATCH, THOS U MrfiRKW, SmnhOeld, «)n.o yusT Rtcp.v. rl and opened by die lubarnhcr, the ' TOMMISSION BEKCnASTS, J o^'ri;o..-rri:i«..veei.»F. n ,.iF,e,,ci, .N„ : T ,. /( , r «7,r. Pruel-I"* ,hhi IW with Will ve pnrnc.l In i JU< nlinn u. the «'tlm« <d l*f N(, U j'i’l'iflUEHT V STUK F.T. c.rvcJ (iolldo Tabld»-a aplemlid dime.and U*urd. r* for purcl.u.mji uu'lN IIiMVN wouM re.pee..all. mi.irm br« Al*o one veiy * ep ?/li.fel" d K , P !?„?. , H lna C "5? * ' ~81-5,“-..lwj|s}is!sSmM.l Commission and Fonvardins Merchants, , JP * (i( ., " lUPI1 , l( „. i,.. pntum., .o merit » * hl, " e ' , hcir name*: Juvenile hddjhi open d; Juv. bud- ; NOS 93 &. JIS SOIjTH ar. • SCI. rr-opened; Piciure. of Early Life; Scene* in N«- , ~,, POWI INfiV.WMARF.UnItImnrB - *|* *w FI.E-MjNlf, tare; Colombo* and Ve«|-ae.ui; Bcaunoiiof Eng. II.MO - 1.0wi.i.-* - cm'D P'IVTKR, r\-do of French do: Hulboa.CarU* «n.l t*>x*iro. Hut TIIOS. J. CARSON, A Co* SIGN ?££P,h V «!i i*R ~'nawnrt- tanVliookor .N*ture: l*rai»« and l , rinc>j>le; Aiartyi*<»f- COMMISBION* MfiRCHANTS, < H (a.AZIKR and 114 vnnou. Bohemia: Twm Urmaerr; Chance* nnd CMn***; Me in* Ko« H and o Light St.. , »«ied ! ° tti»tl«=Ti»V«* »be ab. v.- buM.i. Min ov , Fjld ,, TUc ü b ovr . with x large yariei) of N H BALTIMORE. l.ra.!ctio.,niMlwu.rnnut.< r v ' l ''"’ ir . book*, .unable fur the *au.c putpo»e For .y Bj-C».U uJvurc, wiW bu muJt «.» «»»•«*»*»< “ *?'™' 1-f .«? - _JJ._RK*n J . i h« E i •''""oifeoN k MuKMIli lIT. S.X.I. . ~ bJSSS?"' ” “ ~ UKo;, 11. MIPTHIBBBWBK. . 'few. «< ■" aitrJleS!.^* COBiISMM fc" EOtWARPIM. SlltoASr, ..*, s£g,g N ?K/sju£Ros.wi*}' bus'irss. 5S^a A , s S. fSS '■* i 100J100 fe. Vbick b.«u*i “ s «*" u *• J,SRWTO«JOSBB iv , I P Aiw«ya on briMl,««ry description of Wrlunf ««»4 STEAMBOAT AGENT AN!) COMMISSION ; w.upping I'aper and Chloride l.rtnr SURE MKRCII A H*. ** r j , * . . i>iii«l..irrh MONO N U A H VI. A HOIST.. ntel.l ( 1 enn andjrw Pittsburgh. I*« __ WIUTMOUB A WOLFF, d'a' iWni&Yoch:'S c6 r : wlirfii t iMPoyrhia « ite and O* LEA.D WORKS.—The undertigned have Saddlery, No SO Wood *tf«*‘. completed Ihclr new work*. Incited on the b tnk ol ; three dooi* above St.. Charlc* the river above the Aqueduct, in Allegheny city, j Hotel. Pittihnrgh Fa., opposite Pittaburgh, r»>r the manufacture ol n eupe- ; . aprG _ , nor quality ol while lead, both dry and gionnd tn ' «PW~EiiaiIVVIHOB. , oil, iiw. n»l 1*“. *“. liU.«ri«. ll.Ttng “i ttlEnrli* nmj theanclr*. of ill Ihc recent imp.o,on,enu mIU . T.UST P p 1.,„, t.r..rc« mionfactUTß, anti erected the building, t.n a ««J J.Siublc let <* .virmaive tea e, *nd with capacity to toake lead in ”^ r ' c *»_^ k T A HILLif-rv t»i; l» IK “ »n , 'i *r,ff _ TOwood/'.n-S* 10 almost any extent. >pts MAC KKRICL, HERHIKG, BALMOW,*C* j * Split Ollnda. Smß.«hacribertkeepatiM»orUßeutof Fitkled F.ih _ T HAVE Received from Philadelphia a large aawrt. T“f Mj2Su«t» tad Halifax InipneM*** **LVJ- I mtni of Split or Cbamoer Blind, of .opener make i at their wartbouse. No 40 Nunh, and frnlah aui for Uphofterer Wtamj nuliWPLt. jpj(> * Co Opposite Mak of Pimbarib I SWa'urtlnn ALU. POfTtn. PITTSBURGH. WEDNESDAY MORNING. MAY 12 jv !8 ll MISCELLANEOUS. LITERARY INSTITUTIONS. PITTSBURGH FESiIK ISSTITGTB. ' THIS Institution, under the care of Be»- J- Uo'HoE.v aSD L*DI. in drhich all the solid »«J •» nauicuial branches of a fiuisltcd eddcanou arc unga. it now open for the reception of punil* at So. 5», Irwin* Hew, Liberty Streep between 3d and tihnreels- Thr Second ?*--Mion .f.' commence on Monday the fiili. of important that any who may dc*«pi , cr i c " n & 'ft h '. lw* present at far as practicable either before or at that have secured tbc service* of I , rofe*«oj’RjK>- BOCK a* teacher of Musie on the 1 I '*'» “ nd Go l™T' whoit 100 well known to need recommendation, Also Sr service, of Mon. CASLMIR LADKEYT, author o, ‘•Chrctoniathie de la tditraiurc Fraucai*. »udi otpf , .aluatile .chool book* in hi. .m.ivr laj* h is a graduate of the University and Normal School „f and .land. 1,; S I. •• • leulwt, , ™ jtt ‘ c } •ire 10 obtain an accurate and thorough knowiei‘‘s? ‘ the French Language would On well u» place s nn-ler Ins instruction , , For lerau, «c Circular or apply to the I nnctpai* \. ;«tf . . _ . s YOUNG ladies* select school, AI.IiEGHF.NY CITY. crtlllS Institution lias but recently lirrai opened umln 1 the tuition of Mr N. \T.Metcalf. , Corner of Sandusky and Strawberry *U. Tin- *ucce«» which ha* thus far attendee, tins in it* establishment und progress, has fnlly equalled thr. expectation* of iu Instructor and Proprietor. and war rants the hope that hr mil he sustained In his efforts to render it a desirable Institution tot the educauoaol Young l-adiri iu Allegheny and vicinity. • Ttio Fir.t Session of the next Acadrtn.e year, will commence oh Monday, Feb fih. ,• There are yet a few vacancies to be tiled. buta» two numbers pupi's is tunned an early application »t«-c -.lnltlrt. Fir pan,, rtlirliv,- lo terra., A-c~ Cjrculant or apply tn the Tn«tructor : ____^gg^ BOOKS. MUSIC &r. Valuable books—l’ubii.htd t. s a &: 0 P Ja'mis. Walriut street, between l-ourth ad Fifth, Cinciopntl. (Juwh’b Gibbon—The history oi .he decline! and fill of the Roman Empire By Edward Gibbon, E*q. A new Edition, revised and corrected throngb- - oal.precedcd by a preface, and accompanied by note* critical and historical, relating pnnc.paliy to the propagation of Chriatiahity. by M< r. Gnttot, Minister of Public Instruction for the kingdom or France. The preface, notes and corrections, trans lated from the French;expressly lor this edition. With a noticed the Lite and character of Gibbon, ud Watson’s Reply to Gibbon. In i vola. imp. Bvo. 1073 page*. . . .Napier's Peninsula War— Complete. I to!, imp. Bfo. 800 pages; , , „ . ... Hallito’s Middle Agrs, Chamber a Rehcllion tn Scotland, Robertson’* Virginia and New England, Roaell's French and English War in America, and Ramsay's American Resolution. I vol 4to. Li'raryol American History—(.obtaining selec tions from the best authors on American History, Biograph*,Travels. Commerce. Statistics, Indians, Revolutionary Battles, drc. &c.»Vc. Also, Anec dote#, Poetry andMiscelUneous articles. Illutlm led with more than MW engraving*. 1 vol.impbvo 640 pages. V , . ti Universal Pictorial Library—Containing valuable papers on various subjects, comprising Naloral History, Natural Sciences. Agriculture, Kura. Econ- ■ omy, Biography . Fine Aru, the Orientals, 1 ravels. G’eography.'Botany. Misce'laneouS reading. Ac. : &e. I vol imp Cvo 640 pp. fell sheep. The Family Medical Library—A Treatise on the Prevention and Cure of Diseases, by regimen and simple med.einea. Nsw edition, revised and enlar ged with the addition ol a V egetable Materia Med* Tea. pointing out the virtues, preparation* and doses oFoor most valuable native medical plants, and no < oullind of Anatomy aud Physiology. Illusjpitcd with one hundred F.ngravings. six * h,c " * re colored. By J G Norwood. M D—BG4 pages Bvo. American Flower Garden Companion—Adapted lotbn United Stales-, by Edward nayers. Landscape and Ornamental Gardener. IS mo, third edition. revi-ed. enlarged and illustrated. j Palmer'sOregnnrKocky .Mounfama.Atc. &e. I Family Teatamer.t, octavo, with and without Polyglot no|e>,and Palms in metre. , , , 1 Kiee and Pingree’s Debate Burn s W orks Lady oftheLake. Lallaßookh. More’sPnvate Dcvo- , lion. Juvenile 80-ks. Cheap editions oT tanutia ■ : works in pamphlet form. _. tDCh _— , BW BOOHS—The three Divine ■ Hope and Charily. . _ , ,-Tbe l.eaven: or a direction io Heaven. By' R * v Tito ms* Adam*, with ait introduction hj Kev. »> "• S ‘j£r»mf» of M.m Mary J " ne . By {V"*' Charles Bridges, M. A. Author of. Uin»|.an Mm , Ti*m.,-<r.wmof Theo-ow. on -U- »'*•■< -f tl.e shorter « awe'ln'm By Rev. Alexander ><unh I'atfi tlAmer'.can History. comprising histone*! *setc|.ri of ' Hie Indian tribe*: ■ description of American Atmqui ner, £tib an inquiry iota their and the origin of 1 lndian tubes. Historv of the United Stales: with appenptx show"* ! !«• connection with European History. Hi*t° r ) ° r l " e premht British Piuvmrea. History ol Mexico and •s ":“t« *, m ...o p.r.. .•». 4*e.t..oycju tiuorr* ENGLISH .P‘J» - VIEW AMD VALCABLK BOOKa-Thc 1\ Constitutional History t>i England, from tho ncces of Henry VII io ibe death of George H. By Hen ry tUllam From the fifth. London edition ; Great Events- descubed by dmmgaisUed histnnanv chroniclers, aurt Other write*#. Collected, aud m pan translated, by Fjanci* L'cbcr. , The Juvenile S*pcnker comprising elementary rules and exercises iu UeclainistUHi. wok s selection of pu rr* li»r pmcU c. It, l'lnini'i T Husm-I, m.irveioi .n Cocinti'ii at I’rnc. urn and liutgri.’ CoJig-s. Ac. th ugs by ihcr Right Man e*, and other stones, fa ble. mu! moral p.tuaa tu pro*)- amt vcr.c; selected and arrang'd iromUie wn;iur,*©( Mts BurbauJd. 'V IUI a .keichoflierlife: by Mn.S.]! Hale The Juvenile Budget Opened: bMr.a sclretions Irom the writing* of Dr. Jno Aiain. By Mrs Hale B.Teetumsior Invogorauiig and I’relnnting l.ife or the Iqvalulsoracir. By v\'m. Kiiekmcr, M U it- Nb’W Pictorial England ■JCumot*' Latin Grammar, abridged, sor saiei>> ap -5j J L UEaLI . 4th mat maiketst POKTIC Alj WORHH-lVn ®''d of Ainrneat Giltnko Foci* aud Poeto Euiopr, '[> do ,lo d> of England, do do STA'rldTffcKT-JuM received, a largo aupply 01 Floral, Silver-edged, EmboM-edfed, Laec, »£li and I'lam Note Paper; Nine ami Caid Envelope*; l> realb, Flo al Knot ami Motto Wafer*. Ac . for rale bv JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, Stationer* • ,psl Cor Market^andThilrd Maf of thh skat of war iS Mexico. Ik IC£ a ropy I»f 4iener*l Anaia,’* *n*lS taken at Hmara tie la f'altna with addition* and ior|ectio)i*. |imi'rli»hfd wi h diagram* iifibe IJanleaotj ?tri ami Mi ui May, iuidcupiure of Moniarcy, with amr.timranda ol foi«. - engaged, rriulU, Ac/4'c , andiihiri oMlera Cru* and Cattle 01 San Joan do Ulloa t>4 copie* foraale by JOHNSTON i STOCK I ON mvl cprrisr of Turkei and |3d_»t» ; _ , . Plano*. | -- - A LAROBand eplcndid ataortineM minogany mad roeewood ac* I] V y l*tioa Piatm, with metallic frame* and with all the latett improvement*, which for durability, . tone and touch mire warranted to be ejjual to any made in the country. Foraaie iow for ce*o kpqjr tnehlS No 119 wood *t U door Tula BOOK OP COJMIBRCIfi, BY SEA AND LAND; exhibiting U» connection with Ago apU * DooiaeUer, cor .Market and M *« MANUFACTORIES i DUQUESNE dpBiNG AXLE/VrEI'J. Sc IRON WORKS OOLKAIAN, HA.ILMANA .Co.* harm* completed L/ the it New work*, are i»w prepaid tomanaTae tote every description n/ Coach. and Liipuc ■P'[o*fc l tron axle's American Bli*ter, *pnnp n?M p.oeftb «**>, and aß*Ue* of amall «!«■« «ud rvurul lion, which Jk-j offer Ibr.aic on liberal term*. So whe'ctltcy aUo krep'Onttwd a complete and hand some of Ooach llitfl ttiaß*, Carriage; hardware, malleable caning*, NatU fc.\?4 Co , hnve made arrflngcmcmr'wit'i ?>ie**r> | bay ft Crotf*. nttimrfacton:r» o« Showit*. r- p ** Cs> i Folk*. Ac* and will keep constantly on hand ever- , hmcic made bv them. iWers arc rc-|irct ul> U J Cited to* priefc* and tesm* will l< nmrfr ! .p,, • - . < • •v^nrwi.j (ffi Hl£ I'antt’-fsli'T Utisolatlon. liojeioiota etmioj Tllk. j>« umlcr uiu of Mai'lmil. O.adleT. A ‘*>. wa*d'S-oteiil on ibe <slli infant liy inutuni cort»eiil. The linfineM nf Jhe luiofirto tw.lM.r <e«l«l *iy MawbaH. \\ «Uai:e A Ale- JAMES MARSHALL ’ ALEXANDER URADLM • Wm. XV WALLACE 1 lIKNRY WeOEARY FRAUKLITFOUKDRY. rpilK bu«me*ifo< iheobow Foundry wi<! be coriim J. eJ l»y the K9t>KTtbcr»iiuJci ibe hrtti «( Ma r*nall ■Wallace k Co .111 at! :is various luandiev -u: J' HoSlcav IVjitt Mill Gearing Sieves mid Stove Plate* L>giiWY Heavy .‘larli ry ■ Weron Uox** Engine* ; Orate* & Sail Irons • Kuguio Casting* Plough* Plough Cas;:ngii.*c Ac. Mctleof nie l»c*t materials. utul at the lowest puces Purchasers are mvuci' lo coil uml mmiw our M»c< bribe Warehouse in LibcrtjLjtreei No.-I,ucartbe h - 01 ,v “ rt Mrert ; ItKNRV:.Mr«KA«Y J nrr MACUINK 'VORKS and foundry, PITT*BCBUH. I’A. JOUff WUIOUT A CO., ARK prepared lohnilJ Cotton andL Woollen MnfcLin er? of t very description, suci'-aß—Carding ftla* chine.*. Spiiuimß Frame* Speeders, Dravng Frame*, Railway Heads, Warper*. Twillei*.Spoor s UreMilng Frames. Looms, Card Grinders Ite.. Utouehi lion Shafting tuned all size* of Cost Iron, Poftir* and Hanger*, of the lirtest patterns, slide and hand Uaiaca, •nil tool* of-ail km?* , , . „ __ Casting* of every description furm«hedl on Misti nn t'ce Patterns mude u> order for Mill Gearing- Iron railing,ke- Steam Pipe for boating Factories « a-M Iron,Window Sa_*h, and fancy Castings generally;*** Order* left at the Warehouse of J. Pufiner k Co.. I.iti* erty street, will have prompt attention Rarea to Blackstork. Bell k Co,J K Moorhtud 4. Co . »J h Warner, Joftn Irwin k‘Son*| Tltlst.oTgh (J O-fc 3 H Warner; Steubenville. Ja»l3 " " TIIOS.A. lIII^IjIKR Looking c*lias*s-manufact u«fr. anduncy FuTiy»Um» Wnfubouie, No mi Wood street, near Fifih. Piti*burgb. Fa ; VVholc*ale and Retail: KnuliKlr mid French KnjrraTtnß*: Japanned Waiter* and Trayr; : l<ookitt£ Gla*« Plate*, by the box nr ‘■nulr* Imbt; Table Cui'ery; Piriur*»»io*»of all nif»; ' Britannia Tea W are, in »ett* or ‘ingle pwci>s Portrait and Pi :nu«“ Franc*; Fire Iron* dud Fender*: Mahogany Toilet Ciia»«e«. with l.tbnnd jl draw*. German Silver and Britannia TcaA rabir spoon*, Hand Magnifying Mirror*; Candteii.el*, Snuffer* and Tray.*, (Jilt, Pier, nod Mantel Glaaac*; Gentlemen'* Shaving Case*; Comb*. Hair Bro*he*. Ac. , . • CO-Merclianl*. Hotel*, and Sieaml-cM* «up|dieilon liberal term*. and parking carefully attended to L »u -al dieenunt for ca*b _ . . _ K ALLfcIiHENV VKNItTaN BUND FA<TORY AU JOHN A. BItO>VN IBtaUU th<* method to inform hi* friend* BP and the put Hr m lifrge that bitFartorJ Bl i'iiow m fall operation, on the Ea*i *‘d'i Bl of Ibc Diamond, Allegheny, where a cob, SI S (ant »upplv of Blind*, of varion* color* ft amlquamteV, are cnnuantly kept on hand, 91 al*o at No. 5 Wood *t. Pittsburgh, at J A 9 11. Phillip*'oilcloihwateroom an Shelter* made » order in the bc*t *tylc .Ulmda repaired at th- shone*! notice. - N. D. Hi* Blind* will be put up, without any addi tional exe|in*e to that they can be removed »» n nio meni in ea*e of Greor for washing, and without the anl ofaerewdr e - octfillyAwlnmly^ A. |i , i/l*TQN,BcUaail.litu»* Found- A e . ha* rebuilt and commenced bu»ine»* at <rlb ' hi* old stand, where he will W pleased to .JEjA *ee hi* old customer* and friend*. BS Church, Steamlmai, and Beil* oi every JBsHL ~,f - , roin lu to U>,UU) pound*, cast from «s§swput>ern* of the mmt approved mode!*, and warranted to lx* of the U *t material*. Mineral Water Pumps Counter*. limbus. Ac. Ac 'ogether with every vnnrtv oi llr CiiMmg-, iin'ipi'T* ed. , ITj*A F l* the «r,te proprietor oi llAtnrTT* Anti* AtTUirMV w» juniy «;*-•:» :-i:»itrrr lor l, * r J*'-'’**’ 1..n0 / f..i-i-o- l in machinery. Hi-- Itojc* and Comro* ran t-e bad of him nt alt tun-*. J®? l -' >„ W5l. McCULLY A Co. IMITATION CROWN GLASS. HAVING recently mail*- very important improve menu ill the manufacture of the above arUrle. «na aJojwr 'jr latest improved t.uurn wheel oven s'rttaj lenina. nee are now prepared to furrti«h rut article of .» i-i* dow GUa*. etjual. 'I not eaperior to anyCyltmW made ... L Kiint sulci. *»•! J-ui l»Ulc mis..or to tin Kni;li*« frown \ Wc uieaUo v«ryexi.*t*ivrit in -the facturc ofCommott Wmdow Ola-* UfMRS'.'U jnd A'cUUj ot>»«r> dceenptton. Lvalvi* ne : invited toc*ll and nam-ne lor thcmwlv- .it mtr.A :.rc boii'e. No. !OT Wood-vtitet. IMrshc-th, I u ik-iVU ' _ - WT"W. WALLACE, PITTSBURGH t-TKAM MAKUI.K WORK>, Xot. *U;»nd m& Üb*rt<t utttu nror Mr Cano. A L\VAY!*oa hand and made 10 order, a large vane-/ A. tv of Marble Mantel*. Pier. Qemte Tnli e*. Mr«i S-one*. Monument* Ac ; all wturn, bema "if d»« choiceaunaiblo. and man«mc«mr.l principally bv machinery, wif.t>c *pld lot* ii*r iiuh N. II Perron* wi«hnif to purchase Mantel*. are informed ihat it.» henceforth unneenwry for them to n Enu, a* I can luntUb them with au amc.o m all reined* a* good, ami [freight, insurance, Au, con.vttler rd.) a* cheap u IhVy can purchaie them for m ihe K-im Cull and *e« _ COPPER. SiiBBT iHojr, AjID TIM • wake manufactory. .No 8 Market *trttit, Pilfhuxgh, Penna; rrsiiE »u'.»criber» having made great lra P r ?i^. r l l . l i i 1 m Utr «H>ri«rnrtion of ihnr CwKINO »e*prcu'ully riviii- perron* building Sieatnboau !© call and exumitic"brforc purchasing i»wi can *upply incm with Deck Stove*. Forge*, and every oihtr kmu nl Copper, Tin and Sbeei Iron work ntce*»axy m lunu«h mg a Sieambeau . u ., \Vt alio make to order ou the rhoncit nonce t**i Tube* and Channier; Copner work for Steam Engine* tS” •" ” “i'SifK* SUIRK . BENNETT 4 BROTHER, OKEKNSWARE MANUFACTURERS. Dlrmlnßhtm. |tt«u Pittsburgh,] Pm. Warehouse, Ao. 137, Wood street, I'ifUOurgh. keep e>!_hmd a good umn mtnt oi Warr, of our own nianoineture, .and mpertor quality. Wholctnle awl country Met chnni" no respectfully invited to call and, «*• .ml™ m » w» »" “,"S cheaper than ha* fever before' been offered to the pub "ot- Order* »eiu by ina*l, accompanied by the casho» reference will V |it«n»ptlr_»"cnileii 10 rely Xtw B'Horel, Spittle ah 3 Fork' Mannhe. torj. GRIFFITHS i^DIXON, HA VINO commenced the manufacture of Spade* Shovel*. Ila> and Manure Fort*. Ac,on nitextcn »ivc *rale. are prepared to Cl! uxl order* let *uch ar i ele* at Ea»ietn price*. - For the rnnvrnieiwcof tliwr crammer* and dealer* in such articles they have appomted ««**« O»tnmis*'on Merchant. No SO t\ ood *ttec» iheir A*eni (hi the inleoflbel* manufniMurei.. Alloruer*addresa rd lo bid wilt r-crivr n m ”P , 1 "]5j;:“' a ”'!.‘ b M,vnx vnm«**ouMcrm» (•Kit HI lIS A lIIMxV F tuburgh. July S—dly "Great Wnirru'Bnil lliaac Maualarton CINCINNATI,O. , ACARDNKR 4 I*o would inloim ihr irade that ihi*r are not* munufuf wring 'ho i>p« Hurt Hinge rvrrraade m the Untied **»««• A* »>».l i» our »mn«. Mr bu.mpi* we tiitend u> isiut pur «. complete an ar noimiicen io*«iUH-t.r nuwJe. 11w« .M.*a*eJ n> the hmrivra.r, we «W»k. will find tl to thou intrre.t 10 «r our Hutu All. >rder» promptly muciuJeJ to °“,i * «*«BNKII * Co. to. .fftl. . JSO. U. ttILLKSPIB CO N& *G Wood Street/ r *M faCTTV »I'HSo><ii!t»nd Mahogany cooling ll* Importer* wid Dealer* .iu I;Ook.HR (*laM l«-c« Acconleon*, l’crcu**ioii » np», Clack*. Comb", -wHrv anil > Goo*l»renrrally. . 1 lir ailvrfil*rt* -ire making Mime improvement* m then iiu«iwa».vnlU inereaaed fuciJiima m Jbo P“n:bn*e, nf Ikuaeai.c. ami the importation ef many Foreign CoodtXy «,lUc utile uAtU a. Raxtn* jlrirri. Tl.rv rc»pfctful!y *ilir.t Hip attention of purchajwira. COTTON and MACIIINICH'i THK fiuU»eTiUer‘ arc now ihm* ■neiii'amt me prvpitml-to make nd i»m/« of Conon .Hi Woollen .M:il'hil’Cty. ll.e mo.l rcnsc.l.ble |rnt» dnlpii udilrc-«p'l i° u* witf meet wall piompt attention (irtipi* uiM'c WUIUTMANA DAI.ZKLL Larork *trcei, All- RUfiiy, Cl,v N IT.—II Wightro&tn who ba« a pmcni fot'n ter) important unprovemeimn l Up Ca«U,nii«l who but i>pci rmraged tor Oie la«t fifteen tear* in «mne o. t mo» ••Tienmve ami *Beee»*ful l oiltm Fnciurip* «•! iliijwe*! Will «,vo lull pcraoiiJl attention lo putting up. to tlm ’«« *" ertitiliruitieuk . . • JOHN SIIKUIFF * Co., No* OJ. ami t>4 Front »ts |)u*< Focsouasaml UasFtx ikb»; Bcu.s of all »uct cart from the lnirst improved u»l -tern, and warranted «i|Obl io ■nv Also, Ilia*# Curling*, finished if ordered, Gas !•#** ting* pul up prompily un«l un t rca*oautile irrmr. • iiovlWly : PirCSDUBGH BTKKL WORKS ANDIJPRINti AND AXLK FACTORS. ‘ line i o \£*. ions r. vrioe. | t joires » uviac, MANUFACi UKKRS ol *|>yn* nnd h si *®7 Tln-irh J tefl. Rtwl Plnufil* " /• ■*1,,t l ,,t l h ar |„ nip UcWf.n«.. Hammered iron A.l- aud ** . j Malleable i:a«Ui«*,anil Fourli r innni'if K comer of Ronaitd From mrreu.l *«•»>«»*»* l “ IRON WORKS. TRON b.uJ N PSovrU. hr frtr «le «« onr nr 1 \V»rtlxMK, No- ** VVoier cU " car WlKKl ' ”2£ .. the .W .Ul* »>»““ «* •«'■»« *»»• ■ be filled r roral^p\ FF _ LINPBAV &■ Co. HCTOM. C/tWPDSIiL * CHESS, MA*icraci«anit* or FINISHING NAILS, HOOK HEAD BEADS, unißii d Coppcr Taolu, IRONED COPPE&BHOE NAILS, Pattern Maker* ’ Point* , of every dacriptioiu ones No. 4 St Charley Hotel, Third meet, frM "• Plttibmh. SPANISH GUITARS—A'new and larga assort stent of-very superior Spanish Guitars, hy the bei Faria mannfacture*,luit reeeiyed and for wle bjr HOTELS PEARL STREET HOUSE* Cincinnati, OHIO—The subscriber* haying patcbaf'd the en« lirtTmiertsiof Col. G r \yilliaffi*on,late of tin* well -known enallUhment, be* leave to fate to thnr friends ami the public generally, that. they bavojukrn this eoramodiSu-* Ifoiet ftr a *rm rtf year* and wd'exert ihcirUkicnergi'-eto maken Admirable borne lor irav* cllrr* JndCity BoarterSj , . The Hotel if Jlpae'oe* and mltmrably planned lor cou reniencc, light and air, having a number of parlor* adjoining chamber*, presenting uim»«u*l attractions w families. ■ . The present proprietors havin* had the expeneneeof vearam ihinciiy and el*ewber*» hope they. will be ablo In c»ve general «anMncti«n, bring deletiiUßfd w give undiviil.-il auenl'on to the house atoms. Tiielofanpnof the Pearl dtreelJlou<e if uncommonly clig.Me, having fruii'i on IVarl, >V.alnul and Third *l*. »« that ni» equally desirable iu viewot the convcn.- cnccof barin»*s tnepor retirement for private famfileTS. It I* near, bv the. Banks, the Post Office, the Maroiiio Hull,Odd Fellows Hall, and bntone square U'liam rrora -Main street ami two square* from the City Wharf. thus offering the grcaleit in-luceracnU, especially, to country niercbamr and scneially to all persons vntiine Clitcm* nati . JOHN NOIII.E mcljf? JOHN A DU RLE umicr the firm MOUNT VERNON ROUSE, ,Vo. 0j ; Xo'lh St'cnul Sturt, Philadtlpltia, ntHE fobwrtbm respectfully iuLnn tbs cititrn* of Pitts* 1 burgh and \V*»tcm Pentujlriaia, list they hare taken the alxne boute, where they are preparrd to fceoamodat* penouf tuitiog the City of Philadelphia in the best title, and ' ou the mo»t msoeabU term* The hourt b within one imare of Market ((reel, and h*» uodtrrrjoea Uwnriigh retro. Vatioa and repairs and t. well ealculaud-io aeedmtsodat* •iKrtou, who may nror urwithacall ‘,and February 23, U P PARKCR GALT HOUSE, Corner Mein jand SUtli «t*. Cincinnati* riMR:* establishment l« now 1 In the best order forth*. I reception of tho Traveling Public. undcr-l titjr a iborough repair, during thc paal winter, and having the mo*l ejpciienccd men in the west, in IM vnriou« depanment*. I flatter tnysell that all will bd p!ra*«d who'call. The locaitonlacefltral.cominod.oul and pleasant. Fart #1 per day. «, .i»„ Cincinnati, March 13. W«. W J. MaRII | N |i —Althoach not exactly a new Broom, it >»!»• same—a new VVbifton the old handle, apolf u. t. jAcksos. n. tm*geTo». i Late of the Afior House * Of Pavilion, Rockawoy EUTAW HOUSE. BALTIMORE. JACK s*o N A CRANSTON, FBOPRISTOan. Coaches will be in readmes* attbeDxrow and Laxd tics to convc>vPat«ngers, frtt of ehargt, to JT— -dly the House. INSURANCE! Indemnity against hois or Damage by File, - THE MUTUAL PRINCIPLE COMBINED With the additional security pf a Stock Capital. Thr Reliance Mutual Insurance of rhua. CHARTER PERPETUAL. IHKFCTORS. George W. Totand, Joha M. Atwood, Thomas C. Rockhtll, Lewis R. Ashbursv Win. K. Thompson, George N. Baker, George M Stroud, John J Vaoderkemp, George W. Carpenter. WILL Inake insurance agamst Lost or Damage hy Fire, in Pitt®bcroh ami vicinity, on Houses, Stores and other Buildings, pnd on k urai ture, Goods, Wares and Merchandise,on the most favorable terms. The Mutual Principle* combined with a Stock Capital, ?mi the other provisiona oi the Charter of Una Company, hold out unusual inducement*,.both of profit and safety, to those desirous ol effecting insurance, tuwiiiclt the Company ask the attention and etamination of Jhose interested. Those effecting insurance with thi* Company have,beside* the usual protection against lore, by the ordinay method* or insurance, the additional advnntagcof a direct participation in the piofiU of the Comptny, trithout an£ .lability. ’ GEORGE IV. TOLAND, President. ILM. HmcHMAjr, Secretary. Thesub*cnber;who ia-thodoly authorised Agent or the above named Company, is prepared to make insurance, at the OlEce of the Agency, in t{ie Su Cha lea Third st., third.door from VVood street, and will give all further information desired jnyljidiy. r»IOS. J.,CAMPBELL. JOHN FINNEY, JR iUKXT AT nTT»RCSGU FOR TUB DELAWARE MUTUAL Safety Insurance Company of Phllatle’la. FIKL RISKS upon building* and merebandixe of every description, sod MARINE RISES upoa.hullsurcargoes ofvcßScls, taken upon the moftlavorablo terms. (D* Office in the Warehouse ol W. B. Holmea &. Bro , No. 37 Water, near Market sheet, Pitts burgh. , , . 1 N. K. TV- aacrest of 'V- • -p-mv wnw ibeestsb lubmniuv il.o Agcucy • , <*. .ih ibeyrwnplmst 1 »„ l Wsr'il-ty O-lili whir- .<i. !-. ui upon tbrtn.lor m*« lit** been ndjosHi!. lu i> or.'funiil». - ogtinm in-- v:ii|ig itie roufideuee and y_iroi. -geof hi* iriend* and itnr cwnmanny ai laige lothe IMatvare M. S.-Insu-,. rnnr-c Company*. while i' has ihe additional advantages u att institution among lue most flourishing, in- Philad’ta—tsJiavjng an ataplopajldln which bylbeoperutioaoritiicbaxlertseonstaaUvincreajitng aa yielding to.t-ach person-insured his nuc share, ol th- profits of "the company without invohring him n anv -rtßponsibifily whatever, amt therrlnn: as •seving the Mutual principle divested of <:very oziout feature, an 1 in tU most attractive form. ,J - - ' - NATIONAL FIRE and marine insurance company, THIS well known and re*i»eciable company ia pre pared, ihroujh lhcii PITTSBURGH AGENCY, to -make in*urance of every kind connected with risk* ol transportation and iulandnavigation> to injdre against loss ordamage by fire, Djvelliug Houses, ft arehouseo, Buildingh'ln general, Goods, Wares, ana Merchandise, and ever y description of perrobal property on the taost favorable term'** . . Applications for Insurance attended to wuiiotit delav at the office, No 33 Wood street SPRINGER HARBAUGH AgH. AT an Election Irciil at the office tnN. Y., May 12th, ibe follbwing named gentlemen werecuoven Director* of ihn Company, for the en«uing year, via: Joseph W. Ravage, .Siephen'Holt, John Brouwer,, ■ John McChaio. WilliamG. fttart, /WillianiW.Campbell, John Newbourei Wilier, tTilliamS. Sidciim, • Marcus Spring, John F- Mackie, Joseph S. Lake, John J. Herrick. • And ata subsequentmectmgof the Board, JOSEPH \V. was unanimously re-ejeead Pres ident fur the ensning year. Win. JAMES BOGGS, jytS Po>i A Joarnal copy Secretary. . FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. T\HK Insurance Company of North America, through its duly autliomed Agent, the mbscri ber, oderalo make permanent and limited Insur ance on property, in this city <ind Us'vlcinity, and on shipments by the ('anal and Riven. DIRECTORS.— JortrH’. Smith Prca’t., Samuel Bronka, AU-T. Henry. Charles Taylor, N saint. W. Jones, . S#dL F. • milh, Edward Smith, — Aoibroae White, John A. Brown. Jacob M, 'Thomas, John White, John R. Nett,- Thos. P. Cope, Wm. Welsh, This ia the oldest Insorance Company in the United Slates, having been chartered ur|t94. Its charter is perpetual, and from it* lugh standing, long experience, ample means, and avoiding all r sksfran extra haxardnu-' character, it mat be considered as oflering ample security to the public. MOSES AT ft OOI), At Counting Room nf Atwood, Jones A: Co., Water and Front streets. I’iUsliureh. ap'Jft-tf INDEMNITY ... Ag instLosaby Kire—The FRANKLIN Fire lnsu> ranee Company of Pkiladelphia, WILL make Insurance, permanent and limited, on every description of property, in FJ’JTS* BURGH and the SURROUNWNG COL’NTKYj oh favorable term*. This company haa a pcrpelrtal •.harter. \ 1 In. COKTINUKNT FUND, $S00,«O - Office corner nl Third and Market at*„ t'itlab’gb, ap2B tf WARRIOR MARTIN,Agent. INSURANCE. American Fire Insurance Company 07 PIIILADi-XtMIIA. Ciuiiu PrarrrcAL. Camtal taibix- ■ Office in Philadelphia* Ao. 74 Walnut Street * ] WM. DAVIDSON, Prea’t. rpms old »nd wrll-cAiabtebed Company cniinuea 10 1 • iijurf Uu!!dincC-M<Tehonit!»e. Furnnure and prop erly BOioi an rgua iiuxanlooA clisraoiei, against io»a oi ** * ' v **» - lir W. WICSONt "’arch Maker * Jeweller. YV. corner tih and Mattel ««. A large,and wet Jl’cied .took of watehe*. Jewelry. Silverware and 1| Alwuya on hand and at regular raa- Si ?ncea, til'd Avnt J-evrr. full Jewelled a» low a« *W. Silver do wnlcher.aa low a* SI(J. Genuine Cooper. retrial. Jobn*±nand oilier approved way i»Vd « a.araall-advaner amJ wateh work done in ike very Wat manner. U- 7 : - ii- ~ .. *p7?_ Indies Ud!r..l’«n aaiom»l.fd. ‘ When you keow that yon are promitea • A natural.lifv-i'ke. enowy while. That von wi!> Mill are roramon chalk, And look a deothly yellow fright,' . The ihrind of laughter anil of talk- Ifvro would tint « box of TONE’S l.dly-wbite, It would eive your akta tin trisbaafet yet natural white, and ml tan *a«ric tlpe cfoar bird improve il. JACKSON'S, Liberty at friy* 45 qeutt per ***■ ittA DOZ Apple Urafta, embracing about forty ktrola lljll cf aummer, autumn and winter vaneuea. **- leeted expretaly by the aubaeriber, from the celebrated orchard of the Hon. Walter F.iward. for £«««** Al«s grafting ej.db. aneat and con,c ," l * ■*J grafting. budding and covering.wound* on tree* end •hruha. preparedby a akilM amateur. - , „ apa» N VVICKERBHAM>cer*«* wood »tt - a LBDUDX A'CO*,. NO TT-C VNAL ffTREBr,NBW ORLEANS. AmrNTSfdrJ B Anaant’* Fatenrive Steam Sugar • Always on band, a large awek of LJafi ClaritedendßaataW Sagim, in Tierce* and. Barrel- Alao, Sugar Route Mplgmea. p,;**. literal and • fair allowance mad* on all aalet o'tloratevo.go barrel*. ' 1 ~ mchll BABOON—ICE CREAM—This popular H. omee of reoart will be opfcrf for the teaton the cra ning. May 3rd. ■ >. 3 ■ * VOL. XIV:- YORK ADVERTISEMENTS AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE. PRICES. sTATiosBBf and paper blank books RICH U LOUTftEL* 61 WILLIAM STREET, NEW-YORK. DOW >w hand, of their.own manufacture, a com ! plete assortment of Ledger*. Journal*. Day Books, In* Voice'Books, Ca*h, Order WtA Bill lk»»k», tor, of various rite* j and,style* or binding, from which'arts of Seconal Itoks can be selected alter; low price*;,'aim made loonier, ruled and _bound to any jwtiern; ai ikon-noliet. _ •> J foreign and Domestic Stationery, j j Writing Fluid, LhcmJ Pencils, Slates, Inkstands, Aaad Bo***, , Portfolio, I'ochet-booki, Gold an J Silrer' e6cirCa*e«»;Peii* tui,,*, Pen Rack*, Pn, Holden, Qua Tickets, Paving : Card*, Backgammon Hoard*, Che»*»en,i}ie», Ivory Folutr*, ; Tablet*, Razor Strop*, Pink Tape, Twiue Heel*, Twice, In* j dialnk, Parchment, India Rubber Eraura, Seine**, Shear*, i Maikinglnk, Fitei > Rark* ] Diarie* (or ISI>, Hdtanrt Book*, -j lßlrrrTt Tsblrv Wa*h Boot*. TarifftrExcliangr Table,, and aUotlaraHklra*old byaUtioncrs. Cheap' Account Books. . A large slock constantly on hand, raitab!* for retail Hide ; and country merchant! alter; cheap rater , A Large Assortment, of Writing Papers. Foolseip, plain and ruled Letter Paper, plain and ruled .Vote paper. Wrapping Paper, Bonnet Boards, Log, Clot hi - . Hotter) , Envelope andßlotting Paper Colored Paper*, Thin : French Paper*, PMkrl Fou, extra aiuJ Bank Poet, 71mm and Copyiug Paper, Music • ajwr, Gold, Tracing, Embused, aud every otherdewiptian of|£p*r at veiy tow prim. Gold Pens, Diamond Point. Rieh.l *.oßlnrS*« t Bagalcy's, Brown**, and all other celt bra ted nuin, ia quantities fa* rail' purchaatrs, at the my . towcvtmaoaiacturcr'* price*: Letter Copying Presses. Tweatawi diflereot phccaand Iron Copying . Pro*, with lever and tetew; the matt expeditious, economi es^-and staple mode of taking a copy of any letter'or MS \ without'wriUng it over *g»io , I . _ .• - Improved Manifold Letter. Writers. By which the Utter and eopv b written at the Mint time. i . The largest aaacrtmeul ever ottered, aud alths loweat-price*. . Pnblie office*, Bank), Insurance Companies, Merchants and : other*, toraiihed with iets of Account Books, ruled 1 and bound to any pattern, at ihort notiee. jl>o with stationery : of the best quality.. Nbforia? Presses, For the use of Bank* to affix the toil of *ue& Bhnk or Canoralioii lojhetrdoeumeut*. TbU opera tion b performed by any .at Er»t trial ftrsf Premiums/ Awarded torn by the awriean ItutiUiU, at the lau Fitr, October, IB4J ■ J? • For the best Ruled Blank Books—a Slim Medal ' : Foe the best Manifold Letter Writtra-A Diploma; For beautiful finiahed Copying Prae*ci— A Diploma . . PUau Call and bttfor fouhi.wi rr>The TYade and Country tfrrchants Supptua. RICH * L OUTREL, ( Importers of French and English Sutiootry, j j andmansfocturersof Account Books, i_ I Manifold Writers, Excelsior; Blank "| ! . and Carmine Inks, Ac,Jrc.6l WllEimj i 1 one door below Cedar (tract, lx] T.! Jam V Rich, ( I - j ' M M Lorntlt y i , fetrH-'hnSp FOB BIICtlKli, WIMIOW 811U1TEBS, *t, - > | ■ HEsubsc libers beg to call ihc-attemum of nHlinma 1 interested in roofing, to tiicir GALVANIZER*’! IN PLATKi*. and to the many advantages which they po**cs* over nllmeiatic antfotherisubstancei hitherto used for this pur K o« ) po*actsiiign» I lhoy do theetrmg'h and lightness of iron witbout.Us liability to ru*i- having now been tested eevml) eat a. both tit this country anti in Europe They are also leaa e|ttlc«; umpanaum and contraction ripm sudden changes of the atmosphere than common Tm Plate, Iron, Zinc |*e ,ot any oikcr metal now used for roofing, and, consequent!, jorm .a much better and tighter roof, requiring far less frequent repair,' whilst the firli cost is but i uifle more. ’ ' The Jsubscribers would also c*l| the JticnUon of all dealers and worker* in metals, to ih4 mady oLberpur fose* jo which iron thus protected, ’can be applied.—* n general terms U is applicable to all article* of tron which,!i is desirable to protect the action w .the _atmo»phcre. And .they would especially call the at tention of those interested inTKLKURArHIC to theit Uoivunized Wire, which ih ijow.almost cntiro*_ ly used in Europe, and which, answers every purpose n* a conductor of electricity, costing only aboouusp. -half as moch as copper, aud po»xc«ins dquai durabili ty with that metah : . I H ' Having lately erected works in this cur for the pur* po*e of galvaniziug-noils, spike*, bolts, wire, te., they - will be able to furnislfaqy article which may ba desi red. A supply of Pities [manufactured in Earopei[- eon*tamly on hand, from l 6 to .74 wire ruage. _L— .. GEO. B MORKWOODiCo Nos. 14 andlfißeaverst, ’ HKW YORK. The Patent Right for this article has been secured for the United States - ** well asGreat Britain, and other European countries, and ail legal measure* will be ta ken to prevent any infringement by importauovoroth ’ erwise. .wp-\r ’ Grmlemen* Furutkltlng |j,»i«bit*binent YtHARLESB HATCH, 97 W.ilbam strrsti New* York, V *olicit* alleatioa to hi* a**ortaient of Goods in the. G*o 1 tlrairh’* Furniihing Lane, imparted sud ounufoctured rr preufy-for the Spring and Summer srawa* ~l'articular at lentun i* called to the following snick*. : . STOCJCS-J*ilk, Satin endßombaiine,all rtyHaadqual T7ES—Plain and'Fancy, light sad dark colon. TIES— Fancy Linen and Jacoaet, anew arlicU for summer wear. . . , i ’ ... CMIMTSAND SCARFS— Latest *ijk* n full a«worJ m<SraPZ.VD£RS—Silk ud Colton, very elutle Whit* and Fancy Linen do,to«ra*h, an eat ire newartiele ' SHIRTS, BOSOMS, AXD COLLARS- In every van* * lT twZEf£silr<i& AXD DRAWERS—Sitit, Cotton, L«*l« Tbrt*drM«riao, Woollen, kt . ...... 1 GLQFES— BIack, whiu, and colored Rid, of ths brat manulartun, Silk, Cotton, Linen, Lisle Thread, 4-e HOSIERY Silk, Colton,-Linen, .Merino, \c OILED SILKS—rUin white, of the vyry best qnaiityi • black elased do, Japanned ’ ( DRksSING COlKA'S—l'riuUd Ctlico, MoomUne de Plain and twilled Spilal6eld, ItK din SbchaF, Pongee, plain a&d foscy Liuot Cetnbrie, PARASOLS-K full aasortmsnt, • Cii-4F.4TST/FF'.V£/«S—Variuu* kiud*_ • ' t Jf« would »l»te that he i* cow using, in bt» BtiLF-AD- _ JUSTIXti STOCKS, an vutircdillerent Spring; from the one formerly used, which render* tliem much more eoofok table and eaiy to the neck Uawformcrly. fettP-Chn: ACCOUNT BOOKS AND STATIONERY. . FRANCIS A LOUTRKL.7? Malden Lnnc.maiinrjctu. rer* of every description of Black BooksMcmoian. dam, Copy and Pa»i BooksCrmon Ink, Manifold Letter Writer. Diamond Point Gold Pens porter* of English and French Stationery and . 7 - A largo assortment constantly on band of the most improved style*—lnk »t*r.ds ''ax. Wafer*, Slates Pencil*. Steel Pens_t»*nes mono veals ivory tablet*; ~ ivory folders cards rum labell.ptn rack*, card rack*, iuk powder, black, blue and carmine ink. rtilers. gold, and diver pencil cues quills portfolios copying pres Letter* Card*, Notes • Letter and-Gap Paper*, ruled and plain, at Manofac- turtr't prices note paper*; ii«»ue paper, perforated board, brutal board*, bonnet board, colored pafen,. Docket, and other book* for Comity Clerk*,'Coons Batiks, Insurance Companies Mer* eaants and other* condantlT on hand, nr furnished to patient at tbort notice Warranted to be iuperidr in qualityand very low tapnee I Countiy- Merchants dealer* and others will bo *up- . plied at the wry lowed prire* We constantly ' have or band a large dock ot Blank Uooks. Paper and Stationery; and reqord Oie'favor of a eail from those who require article*imr fine. , ■ ' " FM.NOIS i LOUTRKL Manufacturing Stationers 77 Maiden Land fatdSm —7- . New York TTHSTiTONLYPSPnING 8 IYIES.“ [mi I ■ BKfcffSTER, :*dar Ktrcrt. vork. □taler* m Dr; CK>od>. lhnr-th*; htva tlw csbibitißg,*ttb« tVABEHoUdC 1 Frinlrd ! aitt * , 30Q.C iw Nprlug Briliih, MaDuuciure; which, in ADDITION film their wtortacbiinMi vf tb«,miwt finlhecii;; and having imt breap'ir* b HORT CREDIT, are cftri«d by f the wme lertnt, at and below buiui* K«w York. No. 44 C< BEO Inn to inform 0 ' rectited, and are od EXCLUSIVELY fori eumprietog.tll the Na french «nd American f to their umal tloek, reii betutiiolasd aUraeiitJ chared for CASH AM the piece or package o i footmen price*. CtUhwueeof price baadi ofoujer*. Purchner* will inf r kit, and bEwtll rep; <i not pureluue. L. X B. litre pccu print*, which tre rr> mchS LE Richard Wood, Arthur G. Coffin, See. Hall lantfju Spring Tridr 1 WiUiamitrwt, St* minuCocturiEg »uJ ' utot of irticlf* in I fhieh ihry will ir ra»h: Girandole*, vario ''Suspending Solan, Bracket Soltrij Solar Chandelier*, patent Lard Hand L - Britasta Hand I amp Siijwrior Chemical 0 do Camphrne, do Burning FI fcb23-3a 1 J-500,000 paid -NOi 136 ! RIIHT PHOUF lUO.I LEE * (Corrrettd daily,) arc placed la the stn Oiesuelrwof the state of the tntr (id foran ttuniMtitm, e»ea if they do ir tdranUgti ’ for nrcolinj 'order* for wctfellj tolicital. 1 \ & BREWSTER Cedlr Street. »», UlK.tnUULr.>, XSaJCD CjNDE .-tURdS^-for-the DIETZ, BROTHER S; CO., \3J York, in the Wetbißg-tqn BISCk, tre art elwiyt on liend a complete euort \ ttr line, of the following descriptions, wboleul* end retail, #t Low f'rirri. 3 Oil arvi Cunphrur Laa{*. asd Droazrd, tn mat variety »patient*, gill, aimred or brooted. Doric Ctapbtbe Lamp*. Side do- 1 Bracket da' • Lamp*, Stand da ! x, CamphrM Chandelier*, DU, Pure Sperm Oil, , Solar-tad Layd Oil, 'luid, - i Refined Whale „Ou, ■ . jiprtn'd Chemit foUf L*tnp*» Oil .tcw W>tthon(e for I'rluoJtniyi SPRING STYLES, 1847. LEE, JUDSQS if |L£K, al (lie ipacioat par story 'Varehoti*', No 00 Cedar *t., New York, (the akolt of which i« devoted t«5 the nbibitica and sale of than lioale article.) oflirr'&r tale hr the piece or lockage, lOOtKCASES of PRINTED «-*LiCOES: com j>rmngall the detrable new it) let,, a large! proportion of which haring beei cootracted lor beibre he |aie rt*e in'the market, will oesoll at less than prevent pri Printed lists of wiees'arrf pvt into the hands of buyer*. N B—l 3 F LEI.. late senior partner in the original firm of |.eej(- Brewster, i Irotn which he rvtirtd in iSlsj Km ioratd. the firm of;Lce ti d Judsuu, and toUrils the patronage, of hit nld friend* ThJr. businra* is cohdorird under the firm of February23,ls47*lha3p LEK,JUD*OV * » »>’ Wholcialt Drug X* »r«ul»w. IS TIIB CITY OP* NEW jIOMK. V<. BA. KAHNK>TO<K& t'o , No; 49. Juba it • New York, offer for at e a large nn general assortment ol Drug* ami Dir Ijt ff« Pitot* and Oil* of evers description;. which th y are prepared and determines! to *«jll low. -,v.' Country Merchants and D uggirt* arc retreated - trt call and examine Iheir article*, Otters exmeteiT''"7V with f«ithlalntaa.and despatch. U. A.i- ahnesfoekV V'crmilogQ eonatanlly on hand. '• I • B. A. Katneatock, Y '/■ :r , B. L. Kahneaio k, . vl’ilUbcrjrh ’ G. \V. Fahnestock. j-l .. A. B. HolltNcw York, ' i aprs •■p': PAPER WAREHOUSE HO. 0 BVRLISU SLIP, SK« VOBK. (tYRUS IV, FIKLU offer* for tale rat' the locrcat 1 - '‘i’ * NtDufactpttr*'price*, a very expensive a**on> ' •$: in. -tofPAPi R. eomprirm* every po»*iMe r vancty,— adapted io the vxntrof eonatmwr* m all *cctn&apf ibr. - country. Pap ir of all kinds-made, to order «t abort . not oe. I •. ■£s - .crock of PRINTING PAPER Saunnaatllylarr* a pert of whic jitof very aupcrlor cualiiy ' . • PAPS R HAKERfI MATERIALS ofevery drK iption. imported and kept. conauntiy on ban , vis: Falling*. Wire Cloth. Fourd tinier W ira*, fiz*.■.*. Blad.’binrPoiwder.Blnr I" l **'marine,Twine, Ac., Ac. | RAGS. ! ./ . Cn>ivtt*,Bfle Rope, Gn.». nope, Baftfn*; 4e ,fcc-. ‘ • pnrcltaamLfor whjeh the hi«he»t price: m Caah will to ~'fe •’ paid | )tOt ' New Vork. !■'» W neapoutan BONNETS- ‘ PATTISON, NOE & CO, PATKST-EEB AHD nABVPACTfItSRf, , 2$ Iklanqi &tnst, tftw Yorh* . IMM--, ' If,/;-' !•; I -? I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers