ihe Nationalra.. ,» , .!■ | U’ I fito"' "ah 1 pixraßUßtiH to fhi|-ai>a *>»^ aLTIHuKK j AAtiSIFICB IT o^e^Sls h»» ■ ‘.„«nci« fi' F«»‘" ied b y *“ Unlo P - !i”SAtefAisr_,*. «ypS". »<«-•“ ••s>vS.*2™. -ei”i£f.s" »*>«»~<»»»«»“• “ J 2?s •S out /e«tLwithout Stint bo W ! temKmm^m ingat the aame oiomeill under the o setw*.»>«• twa l '" n ’"' Tfr MoNusiiMiKi-A cet.^TvS^viir.i'S ««M« nf i*n direct amagOOJ 9lB » .‘ J °' c uilroo <«alei. with aocilon i# great C«.na». every al 9 0 k t. n «i, rrny Mondaj »norn»nij ai »• oj “r « iSaKrttW-^ug.2Sfet«s3a3S su~~si 3a -j£ J other. hbw ntuA that image ■* «'«“ “„ e „ r lta t»_.l u *». »*%Z£2£ mimt .n 4 . ~ . - 8B& EBS F* m the »a ? fountain,' proceed ,«eet £»*.ut-«c _ INII ' Sgt^Bt taseU u ,.„ , P*rKainent, to notice the charitable more- /ji'Si. tu. tsn enmu, ... „»Kf?S»2nM««»t aNVNK'v souk -.2*3® United State’s, as foilowa: ttt» ■■„f Wish to take this opportunity to say,,. , lu., tU .»c,-..i ;; ; for the aatiafaction of.my own feelings, ' l> Uo a f ljon “V . ~,,„„ j £g. have observed with p ea.ure! «<, aem , •*&*£ig g^ZS&£2. ' ;,he noble and tnunifieentaubscnpi}onaij_ t« JJ «S; t . nll . r.»» r ", ' the United Slated of America,Tor the le £ o u'v.ubc.pi.oi. ,5 'd,u.i^'"s'™’' , "'"''‘*" , '“ af.fordi.tres. in Ireland. tltOudche«e.] I'-thlnk.il.in "yX 01®?^ SSuwW.mindful' of . lam extremely, B*. of-the curb aadfob|cnaui*.|:uardke>».»uiiK * , gatl . jus •i*AYW)W * SONS. Agent*’ • ourcommwt origin, the people % of .toe J ta « pr.ee. , i Vv iff** *£•'.* met, «■»»—« ?? . J c...i«m »re ftiaking eXCTUOn*, to a toeoturincneiaoraet*. ciook* repaired uad *«»• . W U WILS(», Ae«*ni. • r as. i aasas. i .s ..Kripiiona for this object, lure F.rSte.»,«.wt "“"^Siy , 1847. fif*™™ tV-'cws. aat great pobHc meeting, held in City , I %%£ "’Vf^’ ss^sis^f;» si 2g :; • -Rcolred, That., orerpoweredi with OWSS o« l As ™" <fg e»- ft . n» ..«* ° ’ -heartMt gratitude atthe.prompt, dec,.... *''l ■jtigLt££S£ . .nd t-nerefttc benevolence of the people I “*' .«“!» >»po"'» l »; ,T^,V lU „~.ws.T« .J »«.« -ta of-'ho U«iw* States of Atnorica.mt eir >ntl ch«P n «*| l «?dTrr^”t*w-aut**»^*»* ,r - w , iptmtsiieou. and "'"fT i .“feel l.n- i“ i S “A”,, • - *wor pcaaanliy of Ireland, we feel lau AlU s, ft u«f e M«^»^ xefUie “.arra for be RrPo , .capw-m { caklllll . f« ,vut V-.-. r.r.r : be inadrqua.e >0 fife- eip.es- ‘H J too m our gratitude to that noble and in-1 F „, funh „ p.««h»jjggSgcK „,e "■•™™”«;», , ; i 7 r?™& •“ '"" . dependent people; betokeotng.as tt • . A,„.0e0.0r piSSiti'.Puilee.s- _ jffi.E* .e«eui.u»ii«w u.»ir«itoiw» ues ■e» '"• „en An.'r '•' „.e RI on Lrijr‘"h it&«sss • Ireland, and the admiration of the world. ■ S”i, llo “.HiU*»J.Mj2‘» l fn^« c „tnaeius.| i l' „, HM ..„ V „, :&g!ss22X rr* i-ssstoss--;;: ; : ss;sgiHi;s:i Uie .~® . , . n f .I tt I pur.etuaHy all km«U of Inbirotnctiits ( AW O >iKtU-H ANPl^f- 1 . .vjj baLTIMORK- I f o, k Itoai !f»vr* 1 nierß ! “The! accounts received hero of j u “ h^; n jVork* and all > « ußa,, '^WuK'Vrai«li. r menr -£3J • . J. llh . 1 nine in ‘•on»r t 7 n unv«u a,,J ‘.‘efTorls made on your side, to re ,eT ® , -a. Mrichmdup, ,l ■ , f Htii“oi C i.«'<>'s I -s " S|?sss? !^a r - r ., jfift n 47, Irand even ready to lend .old.er. and _£ J 8 4 1 . norra. tSo's; but. hey have neglected to send to wixcua.wgu .»o P«tA^ K K». BIMN n ■ tb, ,se , iND to uai, ,oa a- grain of corn, when they see that w >s*P»jBjKßrt SJfSSSKXw*"' s, "“’ ** i * m ‘ *“ 4 I S, Ttst6«ft and piitutmiUtHiA^ our people are starving. It remain I w ,„ h Murriji*, S„we, p.,es,, o *oeguiepi«“ c *BeAns"i,, 'T«>;g5 l ;, w - for the Unite 1 States to make a 'Sltn.pnns.. Vsa,.. dwk '»«'<* R ?J! nl'*wse.»’"f "«'• t '“' p ' 1 u>"‘> r 1 N, '‘" 1 1„c0....Ua»- • holy holy alliance of good will r °* | and a « ra P le^l^ r, “^/, m^’l ,Lipp<jr* c *" oI ®yTnj^t'i'l.rr""- f ' | ' T' !I co^ h^n I ? I ||I l ,J|^ rherbood. and, by.the spnntaneoua char.. j | ‘“i VX* n ■‘^SSi’KS.w«-* rsja^s?"!-• ,=,|ES3£ ; ns the following letter feam Fathef M.- j —• ‘ A . Ssga* wuS..W*» fcn » j J McDct.U. JoWrwkcr. Uobc-i , , S w„ 1.-i ii h ANU.tm'lll'vU u i fi ' ' LAIIK BKIb a.^U'«l»B« .“ d •23Sf," i l M 7. onm, BAoafcEV t co. ; nWv.si■ .Vn -■ f.vj.SiVr.'Ks-:' - —=-- • *te,.«vvi;.:!;: T . w 1 : fhqiifipaii Baled January «n<f ‘ ' j SS^opp^i"'»id CcriiCc.K- i... “011X4 / bee H de*OTycdbyflreorlo* l -_ [; . OBnK coCIIRA%‘ i>t s-ainih&slJ u.n«’- '• *’-'•• nt a*w> . ■ - c ,lirla lloirte Conic, March 31, 184" tijlfy Dearest Friend— The magnificent! humanity evinced by out beloved broth ten in the Stales, for the suffering Irish has inspired every heart in this island with ardent gratitude. **We shall ever regard America as our deliverer in the hour of bitter calamity. The Immense supply of Indian corn wafted into tho Cove of Cork the last few days, and the free gift cargoes daily expected,.have, had an unexpected effect oh P lhe corn market. Matxe baa Wien from £l9 to £lO tho ton. •" the dark • eat hour of calamity wo should not de 1 anair. The mercies of the Lord are above all his wondrous works lam re solved, God willing, to leave Ireland for the States next summer. It shalf be my constant, .anxious prayer, that the Lord maw remove every obstacle, and allow me to indulge this darling desire of my . 6 “as soon u the eipected breadstuff -ill arm. in Cork. I .hall ha.o the pleasure of writing 10 f u “ *B“ n ' L, ‘ all roy Trieude, l haw the honor tojbe, dear Mr. Weea, yours affectionately, " - . ‘•XBtoeat.B Mathcw. Douglaaa Jerrold’a Weekly Newspaper he files of American papers last re ceived Show no flagging sympathy for 'ho-miseries of the Irish. But these trans-Atlantic sympathies are not, as Ur. J0b.,.0n said of the easily-movedl he p.oropt in tears, the victims of sensibility. Went with feeling.' No; they rehc.c is freely-as they sympathize. In all the large towns, from Now Orleans to Ban gm in Maine —from Philadelphia to the west of the Mississippi—meetings bate been held and subscriptions «*«» ' and' liberally Supported. MoreL**" / the best spirit has prevailed. There lias been little or no declamation ; nothing about • Saxon hard-heartedness, ‘ wound ing England in a vital part, and the like, such as we have read of when ropeal was to bo encouraged ; no glowing quotations ’from Moore, the misapplication of which Jnnst often have knocked against the ' ba IrishConfede,.- tion have addressed Mr. Daft. in a let ter of thanks, from which we make the following extracts: ‘'Aidnss of the Council of the Irish Con, federation to the Hon. George H. D^- ■ las. Vice President of the efiAsnerica, '.-Council Roomi of the Irish Confederation, H '*9 D'Olitr SL, Dublin* April 3, IB4<. S >‘SIR - The last American mail con veyed to us the intelligence of the el fens on behalf of Ireland mow being made throughout the United States,. a*! Ihhrecommendatioii of the great meeting convoked at Washington, on the 9ih of February, over which you were chosen 10 “This intelligence lightened our de nnndencv Wcsaw the greatest of the » P ew naftons of the earth moved by . no,- rersal 1 andmiwties, co-operating in giving effect 'sfes-ssrss is hcaniness with which the second " citizen of the Republic led themnk. of your our miecor. “We cannot, sir, avoid this opportunt - , y of-commending to you. and through 100 to our generous American friends, ' S- Uish emigrants who. during the seaeon. will bo landed upon.your ''l theiradopicd coumty. . *1 ■ ■ Suits O’BrJSNj : - , ;l‘,i : \4. ; * V*i- •; - v»- •• iADVERTisMiST& PELAbXI MISCELLANEOUS. ANOTHER ARRIVAL” AT.THE ; »BW VOBK .T0U8,,. "j | A : r>:gp nich spnnp jfe? BII aw Lb, , ! ! 535 Summer Sil * ». j tcS“; I ih*n t**t M ' PPU W H OaRRARL ' c 'to*** ’ * ~,unVu mtTARKHOUSENM.S}"'otPt«na IM Fir«*Wr«t, — ■*shs ; ?iL-:= snesaigi-a." .-•iciiy T. l, ssSS3llMii«!jst*pp»Vrf'K..iempi«»- “g?;. “ , '* n ‘ l i or niftde loonier of *’* arr mriied to c;N «nd Coaniry MeTcb»nu iind *rr - be wld SKSS® *«*»“» »».- - I whole-uie |iurrh«»er*. WKSTTF-RVEI.T | ■pMly T« printer*. * . JUST Received and for »ale from the Foundry or Gao. Brace A Co., New loik. ibo following . j-, |b» Minion Title; aij |ba Lead*; 371 lt*a Minion; 5 jbiTwoLtneMwionCapa, Space role*, etc. AI.SO-Foraale,a2re:u rt y of Second hand Type, from Nonparr<» w-,or ““" ars ™" 4 COACH MAKING. W FROM the vety liberal encourage .huiih the aubacriborha* lecciyedamce baalocaicd bim-elf in-Allegheny j baa tndnerd himto take a -eve, rf ” * Si—jfc-tenn of year*. w>«•'« property be now lit end receive a P £ J rirr ffckawny Has- Nowonband wtdfin..hlngtoor« v r, ry de>cfip(loll nf giea, open »n<f *° p JtJSS? from reventy-five dollar* to Oamaffc* made u» orderfrom rc^g„ N | eight Hun*re*- ~r! A cahd: bm wilt their paironMC P —-_.- - --- KuBKtf, Monthly Ko*e* mjl Lu' ■*- Nfir«n« of J- 1 No IM.«m wood »nd Bill *«• | “”“c AM AL BOAT F UIUIITCiIK I HAVE in store and hr «*le lrtw~ Bank Frame*, Maina^-v 1 Calls: UcdSi 1 PiiSwK Quit*; i Sheets; and Triwmnn o( all htiid'i And all o'be* nniOf Jin my I>«c, which » *J» * inland on aecommodsung leimv WM .M)ut«r» I ! "riff Amro-ori”*'""" Ifonl of AI iJ L th. -M>a(KCT UPIIOLWBRIHO* T- rS .hPtompily auenl. ed lD“R*p*«' n * of **' kinft ’• bolTivau •’Slotn’* j SHAJ'' MACf.ARKN jfesss^^'ssT"® ‘Kbtbjo^' 4 - Appy FSB2TZ, Libtrty»CT|«: oirKfi’i-w--* 1 5i V' v ?£? '<&!>**•’ -- nTTSBIKU.. IS4 i. AM' F»K'""i; I4XB. rr*IIW t nrccm-.M'URc.f’fir.rbtanJr-''*' 1 "?-' l e „. *,-j *» • t>f*"V 3, ‘ ; ...mo, will .... cmt «:>l Prilllip'l - • * M 1?T 13Sh£■: z. Sfesiii M» i JMHS A 1 ‘ >»“«BOAT «**• 1817. WMBB ,n TM^apMHyofoar' Tlir. TRAWnATATm* hi; m»k« *.alc» t/Prod-c. XV, j *' V€»r U' iohci! f j, , (K f nroUTaj *oe*lt“S l U."'ha« r.-t c.v.’.l >-...« tora2“onMSbTrl. Wra> "••• '' T.* r,.«m.enW"‘. I.m induced lH« P^n- Mde an.?»ih’-r r»ntiii-« afforded, pi-*** «» t „ „ c trut Ihctl-K* tiv adding a number nl fiM S:vv« dial «Jiy l.u«.nr«« entrusted uj' ' * ' J ,', ' a „, 1 r i,.« and instead iifgiring receipt <a* lw>rcw promptly rlrrulr ' l • l '“ 1 , u^o' MrFADDKN iCo ion. as-ituoti. ,-«• v-iti give «ur own rrroijiu i-r olhefUou-r' - o‘u|lll, 0 ‘ u|1Il , n n .,n. IMt.lurr.l. . freight "hipped b> Un- (|i , ... JAS.M IiAVJS&Co The boats arc all portable, coust-rpioutly tici|j->i urn! '4ol Market m, Hi.:-'-, j u^cn y, e w |,<>le distance wUhoot Iracshiptni nt. - J. K. DICKKV. [ thereby preventingdamage I'roo !rc<iuo»t handling timUIM. k COUIUIU MEMiM.; 3SLAZ East Beater Ponit and lirtdgnculer, I ao , ce u>al there will h: no delay «m thr. mute. IiKAVKB COUMTr. PA., All Product! .if M.-!fcl,an.l..e r.in.s.gno.! to U.e Proprietor ar.d Apeot of - ' aadisnigtcd will -be forwarded * Rtl. Ol ‘O.l - |«M b bSI- I Ml-'SION t«ir ad»anci(|g and forwarding,and .nil Mgggg, I t* dipped trufanal delay at U.c Jjwetil rates of I '"iffS'iospcf.U'illly .ol.Ti'a Jb.ro of jubj.o pol.o- W MM bgTgl*! K»,oi.-«m. Cro.. 1 CRAIG. MXLA< fc <:•>■- Air. S.rdd’oS, C.olC«« »“ l»™“» 1 8r0.,1 *"*'■ l , b‘ taJe 'r h!V Impro.em"".- Apply »or | j U.mloy - . Wharf, B»ltnn»™. (ebSl-dtf - j -.-vjTT*T7\P I'ttubtirch. Kcbj 10.1M7. "pm'SßimoH sl clevplanu une. ; Wheeler,Crocker A. C.« Nrw r i »f« I OsolUv.i, Uuffilß KN l’erk» A Co.CicecUnd ] Ju A Atm*»o««K A Co. U. in> ' ! McClure A M'iwauk ■ Bn*u>i A- Toner. Chicago Wta I’oweo. Powemown. IVr.na , Geo Manhelmy re, t cm. John .MeMihui, »lont»u»«n» uo | Wick A Acker,Greenville. u«* Crm* &■ Framj.ion. Cmrk.r.Hr *• |Uy» 4, Plumb. Pnafl'kbmgh. 1 “• W 0 Motan, Sharon. « R W New Ca«'c.. 1846. ESaßsa ■SS™ II H»P“ T ' Jt “ hm " ,ia “ 00 ' CLARKE & CO.i I rorwudlnK 4- CommU.loß B.rcfr.nf. JgjJ g iS f gy MUKOHGAUEIA ROUTE, iIKAVr.LL PA. 1 VIA, nImWN-W11.1.H 4CU V IIKIIt.A NM). miFictwuiTarriWf of Ihi. Lino (K, fovor- I F r ,, E^„dc ,. ie „r,l or. »■” f'-f”"'“ T .biyK“oihepot,He),wini>c ,„e,..,0d0i, 0.0 i ,1K-,„ ojill,* of OOMI nnv, on,o . has W.n10,. o.' ..»■> foo.irol* ,0,10-, I.) »"• «!“• sg; w. k, - oo^i.-a ... ~,i. 00 ,0.«.,d 0.1 o„i,o . , b0*...-** of | * j <l. i:if»\VK!.l.. A*'«. I’.u-.mnch. ■ "* ! i< Uiciifaciluie* are»«:eon4 lo none. nn *z7 t.tMMtv. Apply u, or •4J|'"| A|[ToN m , ~..,„i,o„0 . | tOAK ASO 1847 CI.ARKH ft. Co. Bravrr < lO'-tV . .: i ® IMIF. Boa'tnfn’* Po.ublc Host ‘.'omi.any W.»R ”' , JfnmLljlfci : ■ " •oWcJ.tl.o Company a s*’ n I <ri» THE EAST BY BAI.TIMOIUS AKB *■? ■ 0 il 11 AH*KoAD number oMb.ai* for the ° 1 C “"V j M|K , Hirrib ci. vr.ll ncmpl forth* .1-I,very of 1».« ruiinjeof- , f .„.Hv .nhrill rO.ltOUf ! ivimlpi' Chcr-ati. au! l»li»«* —r#l «'l* pcf lUt* lli» \V« Would Ou rrfofC rc.|.u.itull> •" ' •• ! ?.* \ / p ilix „„d Wiicai-tfl cl* prr lilt* 11-. . DOATMAMB- bllfK, j -i-.oruprrlUHl'* , , . , , | For ibe uanejwrianoii of . „ pft)|W . r ry cun.ifii'ed ,*7"' r i .° l ‘«e i-nd.-r ~m. 4 , L „. M -vs?! lar^aiST - * PiiiLAi'Ki.rilu. A Co, HANNA A W ATKKMAN. I’ui'l'iircli | .( fr el and Canal FiUrburcli n<i/*J*dif .... *.orrrr A l. (iKRUAirrtCo. " NOTICE. No 5Vi .\Ja»hel**" r| i I’KilAdelj'ln”- , |'Kt'>KHiTKRS and, ollisr* wldluug HI.I)KB.<»KU r *' a N * r " AgenU, j hare Fite Hnck,’ Frodncr, Ac-., _ JljlmnDrc. Mi' lnougliUo il»'» jiUrg from Sieubeuvilln uiicrraclialr landingr, can make bycnlljne on me. «» J KUM.It. OII,I s-euynlwai Agon', •« 1 for bale;• T|lEStean>l<oni lIARLF.M rr| atied _R| .and refit!cd ia band»oinc »iylo and " now ni tin- Mcmiing-iti'-iu wharl A* »)ir ■« iißptov-d *li- ia well adapted for , s ut arnl pa»«en B ei*ior/or lowing; ■!. bux «a» oWciir •M»'P» W « I - A J l,r IVCf ‘ a " , o' fuchate will inrpcciher •’’ 8 J «.i?l,ono#e in lca«r.furone ormor-ycari my nal AKKii* l cncrgynnUluamraAbabitA ibey troru, an . , | r.tn funntb ilir le»*en. either offer ««*» p * ,ow boa. “MINER,*’ He eau a?«Thi*e OTfaiMer«i/»l* bawea, three flan, and .wo .VV. HI. ...ii-mi ran with mpea, fillurek. A.., coal Iniiio • iwl „, A*iexamma6on ofibrr*- rtm>M diipotedio nrgona.e w,,h .arOlErt in Smart'. Uuildir. .4* may acldre * || ar | fm . nearMonouealie_L- c-liy, .ireetJPiM‘pMTjM. or ai»» T „<*. M UaIRD aagW rkfkuknuks - tK-rrauilßriU—Ja< McCu Ijr. Morpui A C*» McFailan.i k Co. FlcmmK*- lluz>). » «« wr ’*' l * Son. J Ui»rli»m.Jo«J'h <*'““• SK'V YORK—(JuodlmefcCo, li.rn « r “> BOSTON—Fred. Hurd A Co , CINCINNATI— Ada»*i» 41 Lrrnßt'. " ' v “S-, PLEASANT, VA-T a Mitlucr. promptly foiwariied fut of cotnywyn. J T STUART. •f *:££*£*""*”' » LEECH tL Co f c eorPMnttMdCtri • * 'WA^TOR^ATION; TI'KSDAV PACBKT* - TJic HIHKKNM, : ivvdnwuav packbt. tt ess*."* TIII'KSDAY packbt. TI„ «'l*vs*s <>i» * ' JSSSH&XJZ insjf.v. “V.fi ”! 111 I- M cl ('•,n'uilli*U Jn in |» o'vionk. A. M FUIPAY PACKET. |lj|W TW^UITKR.^ 0 »* j mo’clocW, Wtierim* }“««»' ' ulult'incuiiiuii .-cry Vl.'rrl.iwt A. M SATI'BDAV p,„,» in , s „, 1.1 r. a 1 r '4«ml •>' ' . ..kvki.am) -;s: ~'i. »..J i Afr.w »l "“f rr " ;" »>■'•* I,Di ' 1 « ii.cH lr»ve imm- 't ■ ror i!;t W- 'l- " **' 4 .vl r 1 • 1840 i t y|22£ TO great- ;discovery. C-»INI’KTHEDISCOVKRYOV*£)K-SVVA\NL b S i P«i t£«k «*>.“'■ b, iu a.a would ». br i VV,r7" » ,t b us.-Bead Witt •«»»- SlTua^^ **“• rmt.sUM.rHiA, Jaonary ■», mi. Dr . wa . De _l. eß f Sir In'justice to joorjell and }, ‘ , l we . , 0 suffering humanity, I cheerfully J »v tSnny and dlcUre to the world the mos'Vstonishing cflecti, and the mncun Tuii.our d S, rup of Wild Cherry performed on me, t " < , in* mrnl unfavorable circumstances. I was » kin Utb a violent Cough, Spitting of Blood.se- Grants in the Side and BrcaSt, which teemed in break down and enfeeble my constitution,*, thai mv nhysicisn thought mv case bovond the power n medicine, and my Incmisall gave me up (odie; but !h .nks to you and the effects ol your great ditcovc „ now feet niytell a welt man, and taited Trom a . tkcleton-lo as fleahy and healthy a man as l r.vebeen for Tears, and shall be pleased to give any ...formation respecting my cate by calling at my . rMidencc Mechanic atreel,third door bplowfacorge - Chicago, 111-bepL lv». tbjC. I, u,n L, burlier A n-.d-Uruu: I. M.yaSUu'lob /™ m »'f'/»»r ,tr * "1 J* U I „*SSSS. . Ihe Globe. \ waniben , • n 7mni a rrr>l >r fever wreoj '''Dr'.'biatnc-UaarSir. Ha.iug ujed yuar Cum- l ln.S'ou'rt-'JX'fouBU W 1 nouuU Strap of Wild Cherry e.Uuirvulj mmy „|„ Iru.irmn. *»d c „,l had bteu. lb.tra pracliuc/1 was raqaratcd b, your Agcat. Dacia, da. .»»•*• 'f rurSur SiuJ:. Sur-puriU. f rutdier to express myjopin.nii it anting of its aohcsiiatioaui l h>‘}Hj“ ce c f Having my Inab «nd I nr.Siei a« a remedial igent, I most cheerfully inran«, VSrtriwrrfcUy teeommend t« a« SSft i 1 r«l by .o d.*,.,. I will dmuburgu a Sfl£f.SStSi| fur « ““ *•*, Idebl l'owe the community at large, and Physician* me vouf*.mfl«t re«l , ectfuti>* junXER ' SifAi Krai! E "'rram ~ ~ .. ,„ . Tk , ...a,y aaarha, „ab In » ■jjas s & ssrsavstsss MIG A I *o much pleased with the result of that and of prae-'i <«•» r a !ual>U- prepataimn 01 1 ..Sequent trwl*. that I now prescribe U m prefer- Th-« ■« . Merely tdUietcd lorSJye-u* 1 nnce In all Mother Remedies where an expectorant is TWJJI, -sirmpHril.n. I h-iv*• n«' disoctee,’ «M | i indicated ; In the much dre.-ded Pneumonia or I wi.li a d ‘‘ r3l, 1 , \ lllk W nreettU more diverse.- I UI«J. V P* | e ofltha Lirngr, iu lha alnra.mglt.rat ia j-l.icb ’fc't >“-at foam! rabaf anal I cu^raaajJ Kanlucky, 1 rcg.rcl i, a. ..raral.aW ,1 I tgtfSZ'AZtl Kc.ucdv ib tho-IrobUncol al lb:. rli.c:r,o I a all wholly aoob.iaau. *"d „aoy aao (r -who know have said enough, l»ui as this may ! I mu now uh.o to wau. { aunliute eniirclyp be Itcen by persons not of the v,c,nicy ot tranklon * j lVare uccept my i- I hnctlv add, that 1 have bccnfergjged in an TWf r7,_ .. .. ;U r ukb ot Winds - s-hr I j active praaitca ol.tny (iiorcision irl ill yaarttanil atn POS , TIV E * PEU»tANBNT 'CURB FOB ! ••..ra-ar,-,,r a* 1 "!? £4 «£?m* a Kegalar Orarlaate af Tna.ylvaaial aarl Uui l i* llr A POHUHr j Ilc,„g ,»rM.raii> acay.a.rea •rab.jM**" finrt f'ataal Mfrlrciae 1 ever llioagljt rar.agb "I l" . AND ALI. SBRVOUa COMPLAINTS. m ,ni, 1* her. 1.) f'‘"i mkrkIMAN eiiiressaii utiinion iu writing **\Vha ttbou£»i ibe no ‘i „ -ri,.'Uiowiiie is an exuad express a r . J. H. Kt.Lilsow, M. D. si„c .luly wrenained, . r*HT«rR Tvst«»««“«« bwnUwn ««lusU«: Janunf W - 18-17. Knnklin County. Kv. not delation. prrM-ce. or pridr iron a Miet riceivcd I 4 Vt..Oct.‘-% l«3. KkaHKFOKT. Ky., Jan’ry 7th, 1817- ,„doee «.«ki..d to -h Je means »£ ; bav/brett iCU«cd a/sejete T, IL . above certificate .» I'Vra one ol vur I'hj.i-* Mean* wh-rh. ih« ““"P “ C m mv «de «el”o..«l by hseKtotJe dan. living few miles rrom here, t,c 7; MAI.vVm«: AM> MA<- f » lK J iy *! 1 I cood ti’icuce, and is considered A good Physician, UH. muu. in _ SbTTlf- Fi.Ull) • Jwf>d lhe c ann.n eouv.-i'. ( t»« Jmeebeen and sUiuts fur. ho »«. hr- say-. a tegular graduate rrt|Tlt< le.nurkafilr winch ho« ree lave I.cmi S''- u ‘‘> > preach occasionally V I>R. \v. L. CiU'TCHrn. I Uiv.t.nl upprol-a; ./.n i.i Ihe wd.eali»mfes«*ftii« ab(r to mj all other v Druggist an-J Apothecary. (ireatittlii'Hn,:Tsnpn«R ; Jauniurcl) n«i»spp forthe-labtfifideirumii • • j^o^arsaporih®.wlneh r,.r,',„a„;aia wtftntter «£. I tom the I cliipersnie Pledge. B rAniirH vrrtb. andtlif m)»i* ai6 , n any way alllictrJ »*«h P reiarkatile cnrii*. Now that Winter is upon u* with its ro^,\^fWP ' r ol - li.itvarfiMn npplitd wiitumi eomp.mii* Iber.* has* beo e J([# L bjj, aw - by , r aia ol Pulmonic ami Bronchial ailectione.r«ugb« oU] Jg u m rpnruW uJrr. effcvirJ hj. ris , to »^wbetierhraiaA«* r,,ld. &«• Ac .wo would advise tnmo- alll.cirJ in oow ll.r >m.i g 'in*'- aid .he n«e of «**«’' XKn ~-ars, and Mrs. '> U llB wav to make immediate Inal of s, 6 wiyrh ~a!v" 'l l,' ‘‘ '* ..Jparuai uia 1 . u- '^ bod t-cin «*s<relf P (\uupound Syrup ol Wild Cbcrr,/ U mil ;»«« Wffl »« »•“: 1 rt*Cw£?«m.n»lr b T »gX£slSliA! U.i to p*-rf‘ rui a pcrmauenl cure. The reputation dt" w app , c «i.uu wn. prweeted, which, af- Vours truly, . tooc £uir evidence of h*‘ O-' tins mcdiciLfl lias caused many spurious articles u „ c t**m« n„l uu perseverimce, nn* been h»m R ForfuiiUeTparucmarsaj wbichoiar -S^vTfei7^i,%.sjt! 1 lii.n Dr. Swayiie's Compound Syrup ol Wi.d tUal tjtuwi, and ihwa eampU' Druß*'**? Si - | r,M!,rJ ' From the Spriogfield Kipress. ™j ;SHERMAt£S olosaonian, Suouad Syraprf IV,Id Cba.ry. Tba f .l#st.d _L„,„ .11 ca^.o 1 - -■ m tins vicinity arc beginning to use it, ami U» theu,. «t, mR to ibe br*d .•. Vfreeur er Air* i/mder* 4 * i ASTHMA. , .. ... need not desp«r. V\ hile there is hlr| U.«;re op » % Sr ,* 9 tCmrUi* fSfkkSZ* Sid,, A*k ; the coSuLpbv. h ° P T ACArT.ONTOTI. E ri:gtILV;-_£ « - *>" S ' s^ferrjsrftsi. .. I original and only geouir.q prcpaiation ever oU«»» ameiMW- o.da- t «E.\LLNG BALSAM. , ll huladelptua Ml Wild i:her»y preparation, | jt not , lJ6ritll ur ewe-t tie PW n erackcr Ukrr,» > hctitious and counterfeit without hi* signature, - u :„ m «tHr rest « hf*Ihb 1 hb - ’ lc w *• ® n i®» “J ' ! -tli»t W» «‘fc ll »i beta !>r,ale ... IMuburgl wt.o|cvh|c and retail h> .= i. •..< Osivsn W'M TtIOU.N Marke t .l*cCt. ! ' r '‘ rf ‘Ja,T rvuii. ybe obtained. «nd ■oeompimM ’ w web |w J» ffi , m , h , wt mtJbcsl rmtrtm<- , OwDEN &. .s.SUWDhA,corner dml i. NSood.U. J ssentor- ‘J.up! Bmokljm co.ld S liy; ByJ, i r..„„ba.t J.UBL e-e.;. l- ' \\ lutlmg. ' a •r. t» tt.i.m v »‘n auJ c ‘"tda.n• i.' , i„i,| 1 yiteoaiiisn, “***“< .»k»u»t«i! on U»» smvsl that hr L^S? VXS:-^’ ' C i r TANTO.V» KiTBKNA-.. It KM K.D V, j £ b, W ”ae,4 fc. -S. HUN Ts* UNI MEN T, ’ , » J* \ as a.,..ru11. a. at,a. leGartl la be ttie Ib- ; ,» al ! ttofe» f «< I' t M LUILI. HKMKD\ lor Übeomatism. vpw u, a . «--v>n< '[>«,**<>pioducothe somr , no hops offiw rwovrry *, vl«;Ln.. . on.r.rtion* of the Mosclc*. > ; .rr | romp.iv.t.on U V r & u. ,U nervous JK ’ltirwat and (Jumsy, Issues. Old t leers, I an--. • i l-.c . |o an outvranl local opphrat.on H | rretored bid, luhtallii tl«st h* ** ®*. It, k 3rd Chest A true m the Breast and r arc * p, a i | CO iitnTi« retkinj capil- ro' •!>'• *-K•- i ,tr*rii —r . w '.t *ur,«. Jimts n*rman, „ ,U, \cl,- -U,G. Hr; ~ t. ball 111,ca,„. Buy.. N”Uo ' • W*r ‘ t" 1 tat I' M ” MlbSl irabaa.. V.UT CAN BE BEL,EL .u.ararr '’'gj' : n.olat-allr aaila ta rrcamattaJtl.g tba Celt- ‘ iSJiicMlSf'tuS b JrtaiKf LtfSllJ I-| , ,'’;Srl“Ltri'r. , 'n l i" n '"^ C Tr'"‘. 'V'tl* bf.l | j I •" il - £: I My Dear Sir—l po'e ol w.ih ennplete swews.> hey arr wk>h Among thi ajrabfr c ,” ' 1,;„ upiaiun, tint best Elaimaat anw lb , Ju.a Jrl' l,ntt«l tub *«■>“ "{*‘"l"'7£‘ ",, Mr. ArcbibiaiffljVltilr b 1 . u ' k ‘„ PM.il 1 • W A BKU- HKH , ra portan. addition of the gilvamc |. - Vonktown.-Jan. 14. IHk-». i whir h ,« nntl.rr impaired r»r exhausted, w6iletbc at - j v In roi.lv to vour leitifr, t would say that I , io „ com our*. These • j 1,-l.c u*ed vouJ External Remedy, called Hunt. Uteorwnonu.r. I L mment .« »T pracl.ce rmce you made me ar of eom P smt with the o. JP j o,’ 3l „tetl with .u rompofil.on snd uohcsitntingly j . ?rHt eeSbt.iyafid 23r«of .here'ari.elr* ! ijt- Hint I iiel.' bt- .: ty he the best Kxtcrnal Remi j LJ V,l d.etu 10 be .-oauieifvfied by unprmcipU •» i ... u „. for the cobtiniauitr r-r u.ic, ya- re b»- ~H . rHuIM „n«.» iio... l»r Cumtsn* I d> n»w in us, V(mrs „. wpP ,.ti U i:y, ! r* r r*r; „ P fceot.«-«r m v*™- , co.umc.d ' BKN.i DMIU.KR M D | rern in P ushurpt,. Wi w \VI|>ON 1 T cERriFICATEB « TESTIMONIALS, h «l>est and nwi re-penatfirrbarucusrjsrc con n.lt- ieeivnt. retarding iheieitraordiuary value ii- ,s* or the above uriich s LisJmbjWjl 'h^ ilin c IV of Nevr k oTk a10i.1% npwams of EIGH I tOI> A ND HERRONS duni* a period ol le«» p.»i| ,u *1 • 1 th«»no*t pmniut > completely t>«i l.idee.d many «i daapprovf of die irmin , and vcitf. ihe ex- Cd to glvs it s in- Imons litTOr with ?iw Faculty. n> • i.iu •• sjut rrwm , %r , „„.r» o. Kj „ ,J I’li U'li’p! , rt ir-> v' ; ts:«i ,#.•«• Mntiorsali' - ' 1, j MKSKI riro T. *unlon. b-e»l -the IS bun. j or. [TJ'Arooug the ma-.e| irl.clca and ! Jmtmg. Ib.l are poured lurll. .1 lb. prceot day Z n |L m»ur, 'I '• t- bi.d m l of real praetmat t|W.ly, .opieUdng *'m J" pie. .peedyundellectoal min opfral.on, Mdel •» , ’ Siiro lime Iree from those. injurmu* eflcct* ~1 .cb i!cncrally / aUr»d powerful remedies. Mum . ll)( . Liniinuulj prepared by Uco. K Stanton, ol bmg ~jm * ‘ though ii baa been but a abort time before pri the public,li. already obtained the confidence, pot reP «ni* OI oJr mss’, wealthy and inlluenlial cituena. •>’ ', T mo.? omlnoot &»»=«. Alt .ckoo.l. £ edge ,1 i„ 1.0 a .o..reign b.hn for man, of 11.. .Hr llml noil. i> b.ir 10, .nothing 111. nphiog l.mb. and by .u genuine .tiraululing .nlloeuro.baoiil.in" d,i a, ca ,o from tbs - . Mr Stanton—Sir—Siuiug yo«r atlycrliscmenl _* of llunt'. Lmimopl. 1 waa tnaucca lo try .la .licet. n mi Bun who bad been crippled with a lame - hack‘from an infant; and u,a with gratitude Ibcar testimony to ill wonderful healingpr.Aperl.flf. My child, who is now five yranoj age, «• now m a fair way ol recovery, KUfKKRSON. PosrO»'Mcr.,Toty«i its, Puinam<o. I cc-*‘V that lam pcraonalh aCijuaiuti d with I the above named child, bed ttenSlather would u_ ' i t , , n aavini! that Ins »on i» almost w«.IJ. be uk in aayint, Jas w OY KMAN. Not ft. 1815. UcpulJ IW ~ s l would also stale thal I have beeu lof a number ..(years subject to frequent attacks nl the | Rhco.natUDi. vshicj in ,n«., a.aprc. pns.c.iwa mv attending tumv busiuCM. I wo or three «ppl> «r thb Lmnnent invariably remove all a!- fectionml llie kiml. Incase* ol bruises, sprain* too numerous to mention, it ha* i« Hw virmilV proved a certain remedy. Its value nan onli I»j estimated by those oho Have given it a lair , Ul This Liniment m sold at 23 aori 60 cents per hot tic by all liio Principal Druggist* aud MerflnnU | throughout the country. XVholuiilt Agetita m new \<>rh. , HOADLKV, PHKLPS A: Co. 1 12 Water IU'SUTONar Co, lie . roadway. SANDS, corner Fulton and William \srINWALL, William street. orders addressed to me at *ing bug. N * . ~r led to. CKOKOF. i: rTANTON, Proprietor. I or sale m Pittsburgh by I. WILCOX., Jr. ami J KWH'* r... Alicgliunr llily, JOHN SAKIH.N H l rm.n ß h»tu I JOHX l > SMITH. D 1! IMII LK.N'S INDIAN VIMiKTAIU.K SHE. (MKIC KOK FEMALE L'OMI’LAINTS. medicine is last lakingithc place ol every I nren.iration heretofore used fardiscascs arising from Weakness or other causes. All that h nceea sarylo secure this medicine a place in the Domes* iicPractice ul* every lamilj.whcn such a medicine ianecd«d, is a trial. * ~ ] It sneaks for itsell—« innocent in its operation. ahd no injury can nriso l.om Utilise at auy time. Wholesale and KeUi! by HOVVAfiD 4u WAL I’ON, Proprietors 37G Market btieet, Pbdad a. K«r salo P in Pittsburgh by H fc. Sellers, 67 W nod *..«< Wci. Thorn. fri Market et. : Aft IUE aiOOR I si f~HAI n. DVK-Fnr perms M nemly dyeing Light; Kcd or Lrajr Heir u Durk 4^ l)W ,i o f r/uck ciilnr, without dyeing or muring the hkin. Sold with lull directions. I rice 50 eeiiw, or ? (rS&W 8, ITU J ACKSON, .1 hi. hw *M*gJ * Libclry • !(«.■> IK** °< » “»*• *U" sisn of the U** wont- _ . ■ — T 5 Al.B AM-12 dot Wisisr'sßaf'Hm nOVild Chciry B t«.l (»'*"> «ml for •.!•<* W , J „ ■%.**• "»»»■•■ 5313 U, % - j scitOb.NMAEKRfcCo No M wood street For »a'e by •P* ' ""T'J STAR, cotton mi fSemrthe Upper Bridge, Allegheny City ] THE prof rietor*of »bt Star CoLou Facwiry fulh Intortn »c imliUc jhaiUieT *n-'“^v P Yarn»rfallV*-l J »* Ufl * , « *» v VObui’M •' <•' PITT COTTON MILL BLAI'KSTOCK, bell & CO. PITTSBURGH* F-A; - ... f I'HI? Manufactory ln full ®ud o|’ a2J Si.™, ”K 7j e « , ji».“v 0 *■< w*Je. Merchant* vi*itutg °“ r . c “ i, a4 -*. I rider* ind craniHie previooii U) tn“ k »'£ [ foo d» care fmm a iliMunc* promptly unendcd t 0 ? e hltldlw3mT folly ahipprdwhenonlerert. ,C 1 - EAGLE COTTON WORKS. tftULt pfTTBBUB Gll . „ v . MANUFACTURE cotton 'ARV (Bocce*»orrofAU>ucllr»A Are');' jons ... . . PENN COTT O o N MILL. i'ITTUBt’IICH, Fa. -•■ . Til a.- qliotc Wine tww in »uccc*si SBr«s?u. * ; “w.S“Fn“ <°ii».natr._ j>raciiti«*ifcr) am* ”S P ™e.!» .(»&*» “ P”.J“> di«MC- RiifJoTP—l)r. Brown alw> ‘invnc» JE i . S«i .Mi«"‘! '” "”i " ,hr "*’ ’’ J "! s“!CK7m”orfci>i>«f V.* "«'W:«s?’""', iiv ntaiinx ihcir diaeaae hi wriiliiß. ait die »yfflPi nm. riTu ohtam medicine* wiih d.reeHon* for a**. L'J SddiiwingT. BROWN, M. 1) pa'* pa l anU-encifr *‘<Se f eNo.« Diamond alley. opposite life Warreiw ** |t-T»* Se rof*> n t*aV - BCXINB' XT*JO 'BO AtIFS EFFF.CTUAI.LY and «P«dily tnwH h L tlw e»e o thr Gre*t Remedy of Nature. AMERICAN OIL D almost miraculously rtduces.lnflfitnmolion, and con* •diucDili* i« warranted in a|l cases to leave no •«■«» «* * C Hold wholesale and rftail by WM. JACK JON, W b‘* nool and s&hoe Store rail Ffclent Medicine aiehoo *• *0 Libetiralreet, twadiof Wookt, I’ituburth- Pace rent* and Bl pel boillq. i J. t , iveiiain W Jackson belay iMT K*cln«ive AaetU fcr w« « « Pennsylvania, none i* genuine bui what i» *° l ’ or lUB appointed Agent*. . , ~-f - .u o oa.ftc. N. B. with the name* and address of »ii« * *“ P /L> ca ch bouto eipat Agcm, i. enveloped Store. Auuiidancnof eeiU&c*lc» can be »een M.iMHm v.• aaii!LtA BtcAn*-r" m<>a £ d l d V • ftittj lot *ate br • 57ir»4 s‘ my# • fCTCt! r ' sAN °,§jfSSSi£££!. r °' ««'°<*i blooJ . -., LMaxitimtt Cyfgmwm . Stubborn Ulnn.SH ituttdtriottt im rf - c^r!^2ittl P «i , X««V t o H ying a-»«■*** »“*« -‘l,^!,f^"o n and W»* I l.ilay. eontam.ji* iu)th'n* Bool, U [ and .*■■«« »cp.««-n«..ij>c *£*?;?',.«£»»•« U»rk,«r ■ the V. *»,, »«wM*l.ed /actrtJut a I nni ‘ Morphmc contain* all fcvrara»n>sH f :lh ,;'‘ liice quantity of thn erode tbe mcdxNnai u_ . tbo »e preparation*.! he e« ,o f.. F * « t ink agalloCimxtUTe e"-me medicinal vice, when a !>“■' P' l, ‘““ h- o jj ut when taken agreeable To s.n«l»t.ll» ;»» £ •" o| tao lo the direction*- «n<» ,n “ lt tient. rto _n,. CPll ,fi,-«f niMiryed w** Agent* at ill c»*es of l-*e\etSot< -'; Foi Conehi, Co!iK Asilimni iuiil Cansbrnplion. niHF. £»t i Wv’nvESi ilj JJKlVdiiov.i.i b» GARUN BALSAM ;?■_t.i..* !kn A Introduced: cun -of rulutnnary Uto <»*«*. "V*?£.^WOOff?pW mmwwmSi mgMsmss •ftlb INiCtrtn * Uuu ' s, ‘\" irntlenclM of ihc <llm»te, ea»ium« ;»« e < , ' ,^" )y ew dirlnc ln »U ta«»o( “k^^^esa e "=s ■ .syssa'^ts!,s3^‘,^w‘F . Wp'gr'SSSSiISSSUj WWtoUAp**. ; «>«*. ruitfeipu*. ..- yo tale "by B A- FAHNKHrOiJK A Co.'corner 01 . wood *itd front «trcct« ■ • jM happy n» S ' r uirrfutu. lof lc»! ibe rffirai-f of b » lilt and Alaikel il ;al t OFtick, Ul A .NKH'ii* Ahe t lew dijarv-t'Clow' mtel, VOW*fU* it* . enow*/ i l*eeu rfgaUtl> «*!- io the medical |*to , anil l"**” Cut *«n;C ' true*(H< |‘.iartic«‘i ireaundit of ibo-c «nd delictioitomi &r which Jn««*pp»-r • nn.l ily quality Unn,~ to uic mudy and up which tuna he Minm pitnenu then L" Xilfgs Who il loCommoa Prepared Chalk*. are oftemtot aWare how frightfully nynneut tt » ,u the *klrt! how coanc-how roojh, how Mllnn, Jfllow. and unhealthy the *hlt» agents’after . u««f olialk! Bealde*, it i-> 'njurtout, co.nu.pm? aUnrjl«»» tit>* of lead. W« have J*™pared a arti;lo. wbieh-.we call JONKfc , o( ,u WltlTJ* it ** tunoceiit, ,* « pfllu ilclcie/totis quAlitiefj nnd aimiwrt* »« w® ntihe«u®' e ..I, Ucnliby. nW'.Mcr, ttnfc acting &* a omuet-e oil tin and iraooKt. ' . ' . of hfa«*f Dr. Jeme* AnueffMt,'» reettea ebaretu »ayr: .“Alter ai , *ly^»S J * u ,land natu vWUite, I find it powe*-;* d '° Jt, ll( ri ever *avr. 1 ral, at the same ll . mc l ' , ‘"°f: i v Cof amrnd U* u«.e ■« “ ,! ccrtamly.can confc*e»i>ou»'». ,r "” urho*c fciin require* bettoyO 111 * <> jn-Priee 23 ceni» a oox h - «on» aad- Slt« br W.M.■ J I A f*JJ > #w£hl, at-iheArti o! s*i&S.Wimberly *Wr he * m , fpN the Uig Boot < obwi.cjrra.n one of .tatnn 4. .' S Sf great ctpcnie.' ‘J'hoae who hate beta rareilkr with thd ;inJiap« f know tbatlhe*can *nd dn cure Venereal without tho. knowledge..,®! M«* eur», Balaam, or apjtbing or U»e.kind,j3.be «* (lictfd have, now .an opportunitT-cif being epreo miliou -itho' iue o( Bauatm ; ' ; TM* .mewpine;,»• i plejuinl to the taste, anil {eatee. no, *mel| on uie 6jTtOWAND i WM.TON7M wholesale and retail;!., J. T. llowand, .wuMsiSrl "FhlsajU'ij 1 P<(tsbdr«li hjRX SolUss,;?. «»* j ltloetj Sndby Whi..Thora,hl,MaAcl su ocfidwT MS: : IEDICATtD LOZESOES, AKD POOR MAN'S ' ' r--'V . k-aster. 'TvIU SHERAIAN Sw iwwtwrt » «i;. to mk* »•-$«» » 1 I tK«i <itH at* it rrrfljitft tifv t •Ttmnd.ncltfe* nt'l.U !n. , ofTooti) rut* CB tbt b*rt of rich Pta>l*r, *«ni ;siek Bill of DifteUw. • r SHERMAN'S COyCH. LOZESQES. - Thr*« L—’T’ 1 >R the ek>l nit *b4 cffrcliat rrm* „u fercougba, coU*,connunpAwtu, whuopmg tvugn*, uth »ir>»tne«l Ol itx lump or chg»t»«tc. *l*. Th* {MoJOtlor Ba*nf»er known an h»»u&« where they ilnl aclgit* I*l fret aalia&cUoe. Beret*! thuniand boat* Kite been tuU nuhiu (kcU»t je*r,r*»U»ruiJt to health j» ilmoil ertrj itag* «fic\miu»pi»a»“ri tttfas laboring oioitJkii-rmlßg eeUamadcoogha. They do aot riwek aiW dry oj* thrcoagb, bul render pconwte **pecU**acm,«U»T the Uekliag or irt»sati<»t and remove ibd proumale or cmling came.— nre made from • combination of a Stott, rtlnble npcc toraot, or cough medicine*, and are Undoubtedly ispsrior to eterr thing in um ii>r Hundred* U|«w huu- Jr«d» ofeertificalca hare been offered of their womkrfulrir • tm», from thb** wboTiare beta asied from an uslinxl* grave, redrtihrred to perfect health byuring them. When there i» much pain in the brcaator ude,oo« of£h*i r «'. poor ilan'a riaalcr* (price oniy 12) ceuti,)-ahbuld be apidkd oter tha fcrl, and worn till relmed. If attended' • Wiih nwtlfenena, a few ealhartk or Usalir* laeeagca, oranj miidcalhartic Bcdihinetfhottld be.taed Mocesuon rt<juim ' SHERMAN* WORM LOZENGES i . Tbeae warm toze^Ceehare been proved la mete th*i !,40u qqq oairs to be ia&Uibiet the only certain worm CeMiojicg Taed»cmaee*rdi«n*red. Many di*ea»«wi»« &waworm* and reran on tong and intrnaemffering, and etea d*«lh,wuh out their eter being impeded; grown per»»» an tefy oftwu. afflicted with them, and are doctored for varum* complamt. n llhoQt any benefit; when oao dote or Ihrie LozcwgU would iiitdilv cur* them. ... _ ‘ £,My*wwtf ITofWM.-to». thejmatior UdH,n&n ►ire brcalK, picking aUhe no**,gnad«Bg oMhc iMthdanag ,l««P,and at uanapalenwAbdut the UpsfnUifltuhed cheek.. bleeding at the note, a gnawing aeamtioo at the atomic!., fla»h e. of hut oter the aoriace ol the body, alight chilli or ihir cring*. headache, drpwtincw, vertigo, torpor, disturbed dreams auddenjtartinginaietp, with fright and acrramiag, sometime* a trimbkaomc cough, fereriahaesa,'thinl, JwUid hoc. fit*, bad Utlc in lb« mouth, dificolt breathing, 'pain m the stomach or bowala, latigue,-iihu*ea, aqeamishi***, fon; aou* appetite, leannem, Moalcd-almaach or limb*, griping*, •hootum pain* m rariou* twru of lb* body, a *eo»e of aom* thing roing in the throat, itching of tha anu* toward, night, a frtuncntdnirato passsomething fromth* bowels,xud wJmr tiiaeaduchargca of dim* andmucut. ■ i ’ SHERMAN'S CAMPHOR LOZENGES.’ •' They give relief in nervous or aick headache, ndpitaikm ofihe heart, lownam of the spirit*, dc*t<utuic&cy, indjunmatoTTor putrid *on throat, bowel or aujumer com* plaint, tainting, opprewion or naetueof linking of th* cbraU cholic, ipasma, eramp of the stomach of bowrla. hjaterictl aJcctifP-iand ali nerroua diaemea, drawtinem uniugh'the dar and wahefulncM through the night; cbolervor chol. era merbu*. diarA®*, Uaaitndeor aaenae of faOgua. -?er ■oo* trafeUing or atUndmg largtffartte*, wfll find iheioan get really mi ting, and imparting the buoyancy of youth; tmd sn«r- Uiey y»iu rwlorc the tone of the tyitem |«1 eraUf, andrrmore all the uopUeaant aymptoma artdbg ««a* .too bee liriag. PeraOM who bar* been too high Inert, ami abandoned their diminatedhabitt, will find Ihrm E«et.ge* ad • wirahletfannpomrjof the ncree*. SHUMAN'S POOR MAN'S PLASTER. The beat atrengtlimiiigphaterin the world, and a aoyerekn rmedy fin- paini, or wtaknem in the back, louul tida.BeeV, limb*, joint*, rbcumatiam, lumbago, kc. me. One nullton a reaperuliDOlaopply thed.mand. They requirealillie warm tug betbiwapphcatioa. -WarraatedaoperMr toaUothtra,mid forooe quarter th* uaua) price,makrng not only the beat, not tbeeheat*»t plaalcr in the world. It'aflurdi, relief in auw hour*, and make* aatcmiihtng cure*, in iWcr complaint and dj i[>ep»i*, it thould be worn oe*r U« reramofthe liferor itomacb, and it will afford great and a*to&Q ing relief : lo cough*, cold*, aathma, diScultT of breathi w, oppreriioo of the ebe»l or ilcmaeli, their, will 10 medial ]y*ooih and greatly benefit the wtient. P«wn»oi wdent re or thorn obliged to tland much, Mill rectif# decUe 1 ivpport from one of them Uuly «rength«ung Ph»- i> r 'kyiunaA* generally recommend them,inpndmnrc to .•lutb r*,became thev (tick or adheye better, andafiord great cr re if C la their ojwtiinn; they are chmurmt, tonic, and anodise. Tluy ire compiled of entirely different inffedi euia bom any other, and known from the experience f* «*! Uoo* trim hate u»ed them, a* well a* the united teillmcny ol , ou thecclebralcd and diuiwubhed clergy and physician, lo ; be thk moft naeful and highly medicated plaster. I Scfcralpenona.haee called at th* ware home loyxprea* [ iheiij»urpri*eandtbtuks,at liea!mo»tmiraculou* cure* line I nlitltr* bare rScctcd, ' l 1 olrtdioß* 1* n*a arc on the back of each plaster, with a [ feeitaflaafPr.Sherman aname. It blmportantjowihoulJ linn nk lor Sherman’* Poor Min’* Platter, and »ee that 'Tovcet the reunice.at there are many worthiest icuUtKaii I hawked about and fold ibc the. true Sherman’* 1* tasters, by \ GJrioHpW dealer*. - ,j • . Isold whole**)* and retail by W. JACKSON at hi* Patent Medicine Warehouae, No. tP, Übrrty atreet, Sign of th* BIC BOOT. • i*—dly. Dt. NiCEA; I BEBSONS alSicltd with Scrofula, Ei"l'«' ETll : , 'Cancer, Eryaipelo*,Old Sorer, Ulccn,'l^Uer* I ifkijercarial Dtaeaaea, or any other complaint* anting Trlim impuntiei of llte blood, are request* d to rend / 1 J e loilowtng tntimoniaft, m proof of thoYtoud*': 1 fjl propertiea'ol tbe nboye nntnei ilibdicii.p. * - T“ v READ! HEAD!! READii! I ■' \Vt> ibe underaigned, bnVing viailed Mr. ltdac brooks, Jr. at thh office of Metan. Rowand'-and I vVaiton, 373 Market atreet,* Philadelphia,- conudr.t his case the wtat remarkable one we hate e.tct?wn -1 nested or heart of. . • ; i Hia disease wasSCROHJLA.aod terrible musi, j have t een h ; twelve years’,conflict with the do ‘^HuPalate, 1 i e entire roof of hiririouth, N«se, llp- Wr “Lip, and lower Lid ol ihe.Kigbi fcje have been [destroyed, his Fnre'hfcarly eaten up,and [.UfoTtky Jaw Rone carried sSvay. And yet w'e 'can give no description of hia cate. - L . • Mr: B.inlorma til thal. in January lastilnß Vbol* interior of, hi* mouth, as well as mori of J'ia face - v.-as amass of deep and painful ulepra! . ( On the Mtb oNaonary last,he commenced Using Dr. INDIAN YtGETABLB PANA CEA, which cheeked the disease in a lew days, and. “rom that time the cure has progressed without it J tennirsicru v . • , . ", New flesh has supplied the place of tho ueep.ui* ■ , cers, and though badly disfigured, his face is sound, aird bis general health is restored. ■ ' We.are a«urrd that in the lreaUnent. ; of Mr. Brtioks r coße,no Merc aria Is,Ointments, or Caustic applications have licen u»ed,—in fact, tbe PANA CEA A LON E, has wrought this wonderful charge DaVrd ijtmth, Bocks county; Pa. ~.. v C harles L. Rowabd, Meadville,Crawlord.eoPe.. 'S k _ J W Jones. M D South Second street, Phili;.;,:'.,, Q v JacpbLee,Pemberton,N Ji . ... -V E W Carr,44oN Fourth; rfborc Poplar tt, i.'fi \. -y >S M’Culloagh, Lancaster, Pa* ' i ' R M Maddock,2B North Eleventh «t. C\V Appleton, M D-16 South «L do Tiuiothy<JftldweH, Marion co. Missouri. -Daniei Ycakel, ChesautUill, Philadelphia co. P». John Horned,39oHieh street,Phils. Sieeling. MD, Camden, N. J. • 'Svilliam Hale, 373 High street, Philo. - J‘ : U Pott«,Manufacturerof Mineral Teeth, '. street, Philo. __ L A Wollenwcber, Ed.' PhilaT. Democrat 277 fs -U ' street, . do ’ ■ '< George 'V MenUi finish Maker, 31 jj ?dai*et Eora Corr, 13Chesnat Phiia. A D Gillette, PastoYoJ.Eleventh Baptist Church, John Bell, Ene Street, Philadclpbii, AniarJ can office.) . Aaron Sands, IG4 Catharine Street, Phda. *DonielMcGinley, Kessler's Alley, do Andrew Sweaton, Comden, N J- i I r |j Evans, WestPhila. ' Richard K. Young, (iildcr, 409 Morkel »l. Philo John W Ashmead,GO South Sioth street. - do T S Wogner,Lithographer, 116 Chcsnul strFat, do BJ Rensil, 123 Eleventh street, dft ' Peter Skeo Smith, pkJitor Native KaH?, da*. Jbel fiodine, Glaoo ' ' -I v -vi. Wi'iiam Steely,P’annington, Van Baren co ion . L B Coles, M D, Boston, Mass. .• -RnwelCanfleld. Phisiologtst, Philadelnhis Thomas PS Roby MD, Harrisborgh.Pa. / ; Peter Wnghi.tSO Market street, PhiL - James WNewltn, 103 Filbert at. do John Good, mSpruee st. do WiUiarn.Unc, Pastor St. PooP»M.E.Ch.S:Mltar‘}‘» Johri Chambers, Pastor Ist, Indop. Cluuch, BtoiJ t'l .Sanders, Publisher of Pledge ami Suad«J, F Editor: Olive ' U 'rcb/tDoylcstowc,; Bucks co, Pa.- — Wboletale and Retail by Rowarul U aUnn, Pro* prictors.376 Market St. Philadelphia-1\ E Seller*, S? Wood st. Pittsburgh, Pa.j Win. *fb.*r-,ai Mar ket st’ do.-, -E R Perkins,; Marietta, p|uo; *A?h f Sharp'; MayaviUe, K Y} John 'V Ohio; Sidell it Reeves, Madison lift. N«d*lc, Loot*- ville, K Ys Dcverouck &. PcUoui, Ss.Xo»ts,.Mo. P {) Mcuraw, Nstchcx, Mias; Hardav.iv A. John xton'Viekaburgh.do} CbartciJenkins,Nrw.Orl^ .i»UK iW MWWUISU illftCOV -I'KHY—A DlcMingA Miracle!!. A Wondpt.! —To care Eruption* and Wcfi*umne«t*of the Sk»n» Piirplra.Frackie*,* ( «“ l,un, i' { * all 'R br#m ‘ . ... a«tom«hrd mconwqaenre •< » dlieoyrry msae-tf W Italian Cbemirtt $U«y wu:i«l a!mon an impo**»bility that anythin)- made by the brad* J nun. cottid ha*e «uch nrpfutor power? w-4» t*ftf™ by Antonia Vwpnai for V» invention. Many clawd *btitn and b‘* Invpa'ipn v * tainbag.lund^WMl fiftllah penon* without upng &o \Ue »am*i&Xft!* l o mrfcirtfuily examinedthe ,ax«lar mreulionol Vr.prim. V\e bmvr ‘ cSponrat pan*-wab«« wed « «j *«»•£££* *1 wa betuaie oot to pronounce n*ftbe l«*t«»nCb'-miea Soap) a* sryrru ble*»)ng. and a u«ly dr-duf any «qi*neouicropvetvorjdi»Cci»rrinciH iff 4»io»«t»rwe eopW< t>ie i.«c pndamowpU tisrotoSfe. : , k . o f f *a«u,l bare diVul* Tn tonudentipn of tb V^n»h/ertrof Nfc* Ypt*. «4.0 Mr T. JMM. .«V5.« TO Wimer.: Ilrn.y J- A VKSmNI «~JO!»I!bvW JACKSON, at bia Patent '-Medicine n^rebotoc/^ 9 Liberty Mreel. bend of Wood, at the piacelii I’H'idmrgb where the UKNIHNK c*rt l-r ° !,|V ?* U L. AH other* are Counterfeit ■ IJ . Vt>r PDSILLASIMOCS SCOVSORBLI * WHOSE Benimeuoan equal ycui* *. Look ai yonr fair young wife*wiih her bright aunny fact! ; loot ~ st-voorown, pitted wifh eruption* and blotches! »et you ate too mean tp give fifty cent' for a cakeof the crral Italian Chemical Soap, whieh would entirely free tgo troorthem, and make yoar yellow skin efearpnd healthy, ffoatonee toJackaon.’* Store, H> liberty »t -i Pio»ln.ftb,ettdgetacake. ... , . . X' B Jackaon’a i* the only place tn r»4*b>*rdo where iheOßNUlNßlilobabWained. Beware of Coaster* Big Boowianda in the doorway. nch3 • SYRUP—"It Mould be iM pabUtbed.and made known to ihr pul.br Th»» wa*mo expreaajonof anold —an wboti»ed:iheSyrup Pirmcaan, February 1,1*4*. Mi* Mortan.—Thia may certify ih« bei« atfluted with a UpaWeaome cough tone time, I bought * bottle of Morgan** Cough Sjrrop, and am. bappy •«» tay.atier o«ininMoy iniirely :«ed, I pfoncauco your CtoafbSywp thabew medicine I hare etef u«d.- No f»m!W *noaJd be wiihootlhi* valuable med cure, h«jROBERTS. Allegheny City • irrThl*medieine I*. prepared wholc«aie! and.fjeuil 4itoVDr**S»ret)r . JOHN D MORGAN -'Wooda;ieet, one door below Ihamond Alley I Pricottf eenu per bento. Ki. BAOIO ERASXYE SOAP-For femo : X ringGrea*e*pou, Siaina,or Mark* frtwa Clothe*, Woo Ik as. Carpet*, So., Ac-* and-reaflctiTtg the *pou where it iaappliadclear, brijtla,new. aad »po«Wafc ' i SeM with fall direeiion* Price 20 cent* aeaha : tTrSoWbyTTM. , ef3Voo<Lnii*llr«t and Shoe *tore,,i»ia;cfy*hhßt| ' '■ -v
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers