IBCH iffi. i r , CONRAD, ™£..t«i n. IVUAfrWA I>LI£O4KT BBBUB IBOM BAIKWIi it Atafjeaaaonaeni©fß«rli»l»* B ****“£**2i£ M'gt pattern auiubla for PwJor «««*««* oy""*" uT card buketa; for »le &T *»jfi F H BAW» DBVQS— DHUO*- CJum O lima: Fepenge; , Ilyd. P««»b;Coo«rf; Jenna;^o*»jLe«A J?r, LlrrrwDn,« = 7-tUICKKPIHGU P«AHO»— JooltooVlo»« tor U , .p’ooOid n»o wool •0000 ooU'™ rim or ■■ /'tbAll*-luu(jrf 8x10; , \J I&o Jo - lOxift ij. j - lim do ‘10x14; . .ABiirtoeni !UI V.IUU 10 ■<«*,^bdwEli. *[>J for J v £ii, r meet myC UtFB D of Bjf l’.ptr of ••toiloJ mow, recei»wJ lfci»«lijr «W lot**™ || VficiuHC ejß S*E 3 sS^Si^k i ”“i •IVJL p y ol «)u«t |. hv <dm~ juu o3a WqM"*” l " SuHuaiß,-, t.iji. No broobeo —» of ' IDICSKY t Co lira— for«>ky _ MBW BUTIBim* HKMUSU *»» Wum’-JlJi’S' ,W«9 <-« g BRUCE* Co liwnr »ioppo»‘ tc,a “ lhSc .! fc 7 nu Claris*;- Nottne**? * uu Cinwai Pnafß'®T to Oraner Jv&iSSrrr ujj 4 F.JS G Ufllll^BbNNETT Ftif »»-'e by v . - — ~ £ll \i \ bu«drv «>* —!i^H—^ 3 riCKEOKL'CObbUlauc No 3, Sooth} M . *“'&?v^&TON. aide of tho dinaotKi Liflß 9CAUFS-Afc* tl»ck Laet tor Uadi**-* «» K received ' Atwy Deface *nd R^TuBPHV fiaadi Horn r>f tnTV * —S U OTi*U-»l «k. «ip, HOI-A i“* •* c “ t «ingffle_nt “" jb "* l '% li . E b k RICKBTSON . No t?o liberty «ugei /'.BANUKS AAI> HSKOS«-lW br.ro. «i. U W« 10 e»'e tjENNETT U » m-■ »!«>■■«'; ‘gjg£S , n fc beskbit bhnnett^ XTSW™** iay4 br ” Wo 35 wood »t n»B E » fo[ t V* ft p VON IK)NNHQB»T It jo Q. , UAUS «.» Ml* CHH.“aS WW No ICO liberty »’ iov«* £<i 8r i« r .c».ir,« ,lr gi t m nEsAAU:oßW my 4 iYbACIIKS ARD APPLKS-MOd.ied Pe.cb P t*, h»lvct, 75 Co do RiIEY |fc- Co " ■ water*. fr»hf'i« _ StiWißi* Y : 1 FEIEND,RHEYiCO 67 waul tud for sile by opW 1 ,ÜBL FwhO—il- /"Sl/aScBi'dS" Aforaaleijy '•• UA eor-lal & wood >u ■pifi ■mu IRON-UO »n. ho. .ml, cM blut More., m iw.. ■«km^ogrujmrfjL tnd for «*>c 1; - J j Mil for »» lc I*7 r° ffpnt t watet »u- T ‘S«KBD-br^ssTiSir^3oi.i”o>“' 0 >“' Jj Kiid far Ulr l*r . t 9 i,betty *treet iptf ' ' ww-i'Tinn "u» ft °“ “” k ' IOO.UOO tow- F “'“j 5j) B DiN ISON •pss UOB.B for Apply w cor penn fc Irwin «u 46 ll t io M PnlM do. For II J P JORDAN i WN O,LB-0 ,L8 -S t 'S'"Si“" t ‘ td °| 5 bbl. " n m.mmiiPßH *CO 1 far *** e b y j^ 0 II M wood «*_ 29 ““SfiSKiS & merit, uvl tor , *" !^ SN BOSNEg T)** f,fe fc, »U: by rV i' ni?NNIXC»AMfcbONNbR- tri*»-» 3bbU la ,T £® a M “ eV e ' 1 H sdo do do * fo »»!§ j, v * odo 3 ■ *' F SELLERS • Jny7 ■pJt*.TßKk»-«3 *ck* F " lfc ” r *’ mw F fn*»•»» U “fm?KKY»^«!!iiS»si" my —— OTTOS-W bnle. Ten. COTO "* L/ ■teaawrOmon— ter»*«ei»7 i DIOKEY kCo (j pattern*, 'cry cfteap.ig* ffffjgrr WHITE. L, CMBbruwd HUTCHISONS Co i''lCOHOL—lobbU A«**br J cCilou * G VV eilnlllc. »»> f " _ 1 Na a wood ,l _ 15 bi*E«r"'"BlßSrrHtCo to clw con»i|mrogni ro ? 3 .- : ' I>lft BX< IlrownCbiUibuibb SjjKj mJ fa. IUW «bi.N"l ll °„„ ~Kgtßl'-KETSOH ■tie by niyl . -nrrEEssT lsl^*^1 " «■*•* ‘ ,r *" to ' OUU.i»*fa'“ l,b > r MiLLEUkHICtoSON my* mUMEM' Oil—VJ M.U Wl**""* 1 o» eoo -1 .ipuwn."> 4fc '“H!ftvo6D.JONEBtCo, witff fc front «ti , 200 ssa^atusst&mm XI nowoodw _«TI x* Mad ud {of •■»• by * HD wood n gyf - * 1 t'IBBTBIOK-WW *” *L" *<*■»«« «/"51g? D &T Sn3o wmtcf «_ 18pr.1.11 "mindless, *r® , tat wood *nd wueffM _ TO*EtffSSS weired «hd Wr** l# So tfliben? *t_ 40 n u 7 £» —SPJSSi.""" “v * «aTUcb •OAatf***7 5 ' s ”“ HSJSi.tp'ggJ'gjjglS* jJ »nd iot Kl* 1 l° w b 7 91 wood it X ljlMO ““^JySwTHOIISiKco 4 JL/ -ud foi liborir «t. f?*b Kr|Uod,«twHbr*»!e‘*r ltltbcrty «t TjBFPBtt-* tV«e« Powdered African «> c Jr l*«pp<t, j«t receded ‘° Jto ßßAU«lt»gg»- Plm «ue«(, below /NnVVKt-urf Clovis, far ntwtyM- C ■Bragir w sr mr c»«o®er«, at .Um Mwim P and J*P'C e Factory, *7 rifl VlfoDE»t ALCORN *P*L- ,i,.7r rß an*HOfcaf»aafcand f\ bounpßhodes »au»*n VT aad tor*alr>l>T h 0 fj Fifth »iim G¥^"KSsS i 'S^Sw®I -k Kn IT Fifth mwt ■2®. 240 uc^n.1>..-r7^^^ l >..- r 7^^^ d f c lS-, t . IS D 1 1- I PZXhXSS"**"* ""{yysSEPHY QfiSL*S»3 ***l it front«» COMMERCIAL RECORD. i Orrici Prfraicasß V.‘ ,E 7, T '' i ‘ TaeaiUr Morning, May 11. 1 j Tba w«aUiereantißaatlplesasßt,thoDtfilhreat*D- ! ißf rain—wo oaly hope it Buy cob* boob. [ TB, Riren coßtinaa low.bnl thoy a,« awelliag a | little—aot CBOOgii to dj noch good. Low wawr i boau BfO plenty, Bower, and there ia oo difficl.y whatater io ahipplag BVjiylhiag to go below at low j Iroighta—>o raet.aßipmeßU ate acareo, and carport i there haa h.en a good deal of actitrty. j Sawrday and Monday the idee Irani ttore reach j 3000 bble »l s4,B7i©S4 * bbl. Oq receipt the i extreme price* ere J4.69e4.90 bbl, end on Monday ( •dee of lOOOtbU ip ell.! Towerdevening the mar ket wee eot eo active. j Since writing the above we have en offer made of J&2O for a lot of prime Floor in etore. There ia macb better inquiry for Feather*—quite active indeed. New Cheese ia coming in. Sale* 39 bxe largo at 7{c, end 50 ord aiae at 7c f lb. 'Of Com, a tele 300 bo ahelled, to arrive, at 40c ** Aahes—*Selee 6 tone Scorching*, et 4J®4Jc P lb. We yeeterday noticed e hoge «tone, weighing at ieeat 60 Iba, taken fromie ctk of potash. Sack ro guery only injore* the irede, generally—makes city deeiera *oipiciou*. Ol Glass, aelet to ajmoderale extent at former P Sale 7000 lb* country core Bacon, bogronod. at 7c, 3000 Ibe at 7se} 2000 In* Side*, with riba in, at 7c; 2000 Ibe Hama at jje, 1000 at 8c; aome rough inquiry for Pujhea, bat we bear of no nice r importance. Nothing doing in Sn| pi worth notice—market for >U olfering the trade on bet\ Molasses heavy, and I A aalo of Oita at 28e 5* bu. RIVER NEWS. The lowa struck a bluff bar, on her trip op from New Orleans to St Lonia, by which she aolfered considerable injury. She will probably go on the dock*. , Tnerewaa 5 feet 2 ioche* water in the canal at LipniavUle May 6, T. «. The Cumberland was rising on Monday with 5$ feet water oa the shoals. The Illinois, Missouri, and Misaimippl were also tiaieg. DOMESTIC MARKETS. Cixcikxati, Mi? 7.—Floor—A fair demind.- Saleaoo lh« *pot,2sCO bbls, principally at s4£o© 4.81—296 from river at 4,7 ft—two amail lot* rrom .tore at 4.33f14,874 Of city mill. 2000 bftta wera coolneted, deliverable 10th to 20th Jane, at s6. _ in mill: alio, two daya sinee,9Qo bbls do deliverable in 10 dayi.at ss,del. Proviaions-Market rather qoieC Sal» W hhde Shoulder* at 6e,pW;SM pci common Hama country cored, at 7ic; 20 kegt 6 bbls food No 2 Lard, actual tare, at Bc. Corn—bale* fck?bemp, aisoc; in balk at 44fi45c; id ear at 40. —{Gazette. . Naibvii-li:, May 4—Cotton remain* ai at our laat auotatjons—we heard of bat oee «ale yesterday, wbleb W*a elfeeted at IOJc, fine. There were aboot 15 hhda Tobacco told yeelerday at price* nniaf from 41,10 to *s—the lowest pne* for very inferior —the highest very good. Cera from wagon*, loo*e ai23e. and in gunny bap at 40c. \ May 3.—We are *orr?to have w*puee another break in the Wabuh and Ene canal, whieb will prevent the arrival ot beat* below tt.aome day*. This break i* 8 mile* aboveUfw*pt*rt.*«d9«» r red in what wa* conudered a well consolidated bank We learn that the pork.on LaJayette w *ll on hand to be shipped this way. Much of the door ha* gone “ N " 6,l T.'r t; KORKIUN NEWS. We aro in po»*e**ion of a Circular of Brow*, SairLtT Si Co. Itcootain* some important item* of information which were not transmitted hr Tel egraph. Of Cotton, we had the leading facta. It i* qnoted aa follow*—fair Upland 7|d, fair Orleana 7**l, and (air Mobile 7|d lb. The stock in Liverpool wa* 498p00 bale*, of which 345,000 were American. The Corn markeuof France, Holland and Belgium, after a temporary depression Ji*d rallied, and are decidedly advancing again. Within a few day* presoos to the 19th, purchases of Corn for eiport 'were I ,retained. The demand forfoieign Bre*d*tufi* Thi* land the cootinned drain of Gold for eiport bad ..wap/mneb Urge? thin it had been anticipated.— produced great atringeney. The Bank ol England ntd not only advanced it* minimum rate of lniere«t to 5 V et, bol virteally,by the stringent regulation* U has adopted in ha* made the general rate equal to<s V cl even on Bill* at two mootb*. md decline* altogetoer to'discount paper maturing tfterihe end ol June. “There ha* not yet,” «ay* 1 the Circular, “been time to *ee the 101 l effect* of; thi* upon the Froviaion market" Thi* last obeenra- ■ uoa de*erve* japecial attention. We append the P Sto ibis circular—it contain* important information. Floor, it will jbe *een, bad touched 42*. p. S MantJar, 15Hh April—The money pressure ha* been mudb more *everely (ell to day tb*o pro- , viouily, and pa* thrown the Cotton market quite aback. Thespeculitivedemandiaquiie suspended, aud though 3000 to 4000 bale* have been *old, price* have given way about *d P lb Iromtbe highest rate* during the excitement of the pa*t week, after the arrival of thi Boston ateamer ol l*t mat The Corn market* on the other band, continue to .look op. Western Flour having f »ld at - ll* ( W to 42* P obi, aod : Indian corn may be quoted 53*e5U 6d rV* ' Linseed Cake waa very abundant and cheap, ■ lie «tSI wa* sufficient to laat far into the ne«t aeaaon Woolhad improved. The amount ofapecie brought by the Caledonia waa £491,517 iterling-cqual to about _ L L»v«RPOOLIiaRB*T t April 19—Iron—There ha* he« *e*tceli any variatiolT iu the quotation* «nee -tne sailing of the l**t packeUordera are plentiful and price* jwell sustained. The rate* of Sunn the i**t lortoighi have advanced tomltoU Jet which would have had a considerable elfeet To pnee*, had any weakness existed in the Uade, .nJ "«««, Iron t. Cu-l* •.'TU S w IIU, April,6&4o 10.. i or pop of hnnl w»th ait refer* to the perfect glut of wheat in the markets of the Rnrniao eapitol. There waa on band a ■operfiuity of supply snffieieDl to load 900 or 1000 veaMls In the market* ol Ruasia foreign order* to theTxtenlorspOOjOOO hectolitres had been ezcculed Navigation was still impeded bjthe presence of the ice,and the utoiosl anxiety for iU break up was ax lrtter* from Alexandria ol the 29tb ult, ■"* ' Dooace that on the 22d upward* oMO * e ?*‘ , n l ? d f ' r with corn sailed from that poit,mo*tly bound for EogUnd.'f *«ri LBiTUO THIS DAT. rNSVILLE PACKETS at 8 A.«. and 3 •REAVER PACKETSit9and lOaßJod3m •MONONGAHELA CITV PACKETS. 3 r. « «mgtT.BVILLE. W«llr*ille, 9 A. ». iJSII i Crfi. PACKET, Philadelphia and ' Rtltiaore.9r.li. *NEW (ENGLAND. Wbeellag. 10 a. ■- NORTH CAROLINA, St Looif, 4 r. *. BROOKLYN. „ ■ *» •TRIUMPH.LomatII!*, 4 p.m. . rt 4 TRENTON,CioeiBBtIiandSt Look, 10 a.* ■NEWARK. ZaaewHle, 4 r. *. •Tbete tie r«*Ur Pactau. IHPOB.TI »T BIVKB. STEUBENVILLE —Pee WiUaiegloa- Ihhd bacoa,Spaßf A. Co-10 bMatar.'lWjtlot; U3do do,ll do whiabey, 1 docheeae, baja oau, °^WIS^P. P ,M'Xl'.lu>d-13 hhd. tobacC. Bi.riSo-Id6, D Leech A 00-U jalXfACd-1 bi, IVUliama A Dtloorlb-11 bxa I r i *?(?HK£LING—Per Hndson—B biiradee, I „ f n in K5l, floor, Clarke St Tbiw—-GO do, f?M*v2mnglord-2J bhd » tob,ccb * bb &s£WiSo'k bKO», I? McGrow k Co—2o«ck* np,F«r.k Colli.*—l* SbU coopom, GO do. bro.m«,o»ncr»—l bbdb" o ” Chorcbk Cirolberl—l cnU Shiploo—lOObbli coruac*!,(ln,h K*lioO. » ». £o_3 keil lord, M ClarMo k Co-31 «“ «■ i masl.J Po,*ld*o»—!lttbbU floor, to m»*ler. ; st *I«U£ , SS»o^;. J -| 'asssstStSAS«s=r^ ieutfc Semple-1 bx, Clarke fc Tba«-JL, d< °l2 Birmingham—33 hbds bacon, H Oraß—4s bbla do,, JordsnfcSoe—lshbdedo,T«irefl»OConnof— 10 , bb U)m"'v I LLS-?er Fin»ocier--41 bap pwLonli, 1 Forsyth St Co-40 bales cotton. 50 b«a AiJZS. Jooee fc (Co— 34 hbde bacon, HOralf—tO . 7~?i sno -TQ bbli baste, 27 bis bacon, I BoUcrlk Bro—B pep. :l Kll te “ lh *l*’ \ WlBh ,V, —Jr2 Co- S 3 ircifieo., 10 bbla do, Biofbuo—lB \ So. Conor., J fcri«well-7 pop poccrle., L S Wcurau—X pep, O BUekboro—lot old mccbißU j XStKJT dTKlltoo-* Mila .crip iroo, L,”". bbl. ~;k. 181 do. .cjlb. ....lb., »& D .^ h o St ?tnm ilfi bbla sebrekinp, 19 ecke and XA floor, Binfbe»~T» tobacco, u S Waterman—s bble & »Ppl**-Pi 2O dot brooms, Choreb St hbdlb*coo,lddu*«^^ CMi Jordank Soo- Carotbem—l yw ead j 0 wJe#f jdo egp, »«*r * 6b do, t bbl beam, owners- , MneßS jjiaek- EV'ANS.VII.LB-rl’er RioggOl^AP***^^, ■ bant- bx «q tal k Cb-2 bble worebinp. Hampton pic iron, M’Carfr- it Loomis—lo M“" Clarke fc^Tbaw—ll pcpmdte.D 10 ecke feathers,o pep mdse. H Cralf—6 cakeeorap* 5 pd« »Uel,sboeoberpm—Sbaeke fesibert, M AUea 4t Co—9oB bales cotton, Blackstoek, Bell fc ''•'Tj bhde bacon, 3 kep better, 3 do lard, J A Koe—»• 1 bbl«Hnte.sdon«U,l32dot brooms,owner*. 1 Comal—4*aheetabouer iron. Borbridce, Wi eon St Co—IT bbU floor. F A Koone—Specs mdse, J C BidweU—l do,GQei|le7 11 bxs fir«, R Dal tell fc Co—G27 It (amber, A M^CotcboOfl—l do, M'C.rdj k LooaU-S do, A L McluX-ISMd. floor, <>»»«. PORT OF PITTSBORUH. 4’rtKT uiet nr the ch*e>iu •ARRIVED. Beaver, Hoops, Beaver. Svatara, Clarke, Brownsville. Michigan, Hemphill, Beaver. Consol,Bowman. Brownsville. Lake Erie, Ball, Beaver. Wellsville, Catlett, WellivUle. New England. Ebbert, Wheelint. . New England No 8, Dean. Cincinnati Rambler. Hanghtno, McKee*port Newark. Hard. Zanesville. Ringgold, Hay*, LoniaviUe. DEPARTED. Beaver, Hoops, Beaver. Michigan, Hemphill. Beaver. Lake Erie. Ball. Beaver. MonongaheU. Stone. Cinemnati. Despatch, Nelson. Monongahela city Wilmington, Stevens. Steubenville. Rhode Island. Dawson. Sunfiah. Swatara, Claike, Brownaville. Cunaol. Bowman. Brownsville. Rambler Haogblon, Mon. City, tludaon, Kbbert, Sunfiah. STEAMBOATS FOR ZANESVILLE. The heht drambt f»*t running *irar NKtVARK, Hold, inner, will lea»e loribe above MMHBBW and all mtennedia'e port* th ; a day at 'i ■HHHm 0| clock, for freight or pe*u«e apply on royU D WILKINS. Airt. REGULAR CINCINNATI PACKET The new aud aplendiil aieamer . iPO+" Hfc TRENTON. LHnIMgP Woodward muter.w.U leave a« above Taeaday, May Itih, at 10 o'clock A in place of Hibernia No 4 mytl • for;cinctnnati a Louisville. The fine and ataonrli h*ht draught aM»k cteamer TKIUMPH, IK. ■■ .Ar:.ffr.v. maatrr, wtU leave a» alcove Toeida» evening, at So clock. P M-—- For freight or paaaage apply onboard. FOR CINCINNATI. J The elerant and fait Packet * . “.AMERICA. ’•< JJ£dv|(B Calhoun, maaiei, will Irsw tiaborr H; Por freight or pa«i«re apply onboard iny U _ FOB BT. LOUIS—DIRF.CT. THE mooch sad eirfint sirsmer ft jj '■ NORTH CAROLINA. ' Dtrennry. ms»irr, will lesVe_ s« fjjgggSxSßlaa slmve A o'clock, Toeuiiy exrmnt, M*f li. For freight or pa»»«e sp ply on board. FOR SF LOUIS—DIRECT. The new and aplendld tteamer BROOKLYN, Boies, matter, will leave as above yWHß_Tuetdayevemng.M«y UtnlaUo clock ■■■l For freight or paraage apply on 1>0,,d myU for Cincinnati * Louisville. , ana The ataunch and fine •tenner k . t flu ' FINANCIER, *?gfggH i y^H*Jg^ n ntT. ma«ler, will leave a* abovj Tuo<day evening May Hth 4 PITTSBURGH AND ST LOUIS PACKET. The new and splendid steamer ft I GONDOLIER, L ■ ' Lyon*, matter, vu built e*pre**ly tSSSSBSiSBEm for this trade, and will leave regu larly during the *ea*on. Her days will be advertiaed hereafter. rap'. REGULAR LOUISVILLE PACKET The new, light draught and fkst run i fETTJI nine ateamer - EUREKA, UlgMB Crosier, maater. will run aa a regular JWLpuk;, between Pitoburgb and Loom ville, during the aea»on. She leavea on Thursday eve ning, May 6th, at 4 o’clock. , ‘ . For fmehtor passage apply on board. my?_ —FOITZaVesVILLK. . „ The light draught and fatt running , i> steamboat MiNUO CHIEF, UPflVpffg Moore, matter, will pty aa a wgular between thta place and Zanei ,i£t r »' B«cnltr PltUbursti and Ptek«t> . The new r.ea i«mn F. Bned. rattler, will ran _ _ J&mBESi SB regular packet between Pituburgb and Zaßeaeliie. Haeinghad her cabtna fitted op and ftirniabod in taperor style, the Comet offeia the fincat aeeommodationa to paMengera She" will lea-re on Tueaday, May 4tb, at So’eloek, P. M ™, W'’ rwiLKWS, >„ REGULAR CINCINNATI PACKtrr. The very light draoght and staunch .tier's unnw SWAIXoW, Wilson, mailer, will ran a* above du ■^WK^Banne'be kuod, making regular tnp*. The 8. diawa only 14 inchc* water. For fr«i«bi or pataage apply on boanL _ *ai'nla> - PUUbarKh and *aaen lII* * Packet. T,,K '■scab's: UhMV Hurd, Master, wili make weekly trips above pod during the sea* on. * freight or patMn apply on boi rd or to ap7 D WILKINS. Age« PltUbnrgb and Bnuflab Packet. The new and fine iteamer HUDSON, i . . A Ebbert, master, ha» resumed her reg yMmi alar tnp. and will leave Pittsburgh A i above every Thursday and Mon. d.y .13 o'clock, P M- For froisM or on board. _ mTKFESPORT, KL dAUCTH AND MONO\GA- MeKt.fc-ruK»j t LA aTV PACK> ;r. . _ . _ The new rieamer (P#** I| DESPATCH, ÜBuVilfiK Nelson mailer, will run av above, U a mSmbSßbv'RX Pii ibnrgh every Monday. 'V > d o’clock. A. M..and bela City every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday « 8 o’clock,*A.M. Forfreighi or passage apply on bo*-id IT* -p • AllegHany RPror Trade. • The fine end fa.l Steamboat riivtlic kind between Pituburgb aod Franklin. For freight or parage appfy oe gj**UU'& PACKET FUK NASHVILLE” •*“" The new .icamer MBk WYOUISO, 1 iJyiMW Capt. John F Hay». will commence regular trip* i» the abore port on Monday, the anlfmiianu at 10 o clock, ■* For <*=.« - p V\y c n‘ > ,r'r( r KR l A*imu r S*. PITTSBURGH AND WHEF.LINU PACKET. PITPM»u»u.i 'j,* , p)rmJ ui tn d fait running «mr l. gEW ENGLAND, Pl«l -Jae....i. U W Ebert, will commence 'SBSLsSSS ”.*rr-9i PM“J* *PP ly on b ° ald - ° r I °JOH N FLACK, Agent ‘ WKLLSVILLfi DAILY PACKET. __ . •">' "'^KfLiviYLK c. C. Catlett, maiter, w« Lnill ex- JKEK- preMly for Urn trade, and will make daily tup* during the *en»on, Pittsburgh The W ’i.“?arni.bed wtth CM." r^'/sr «fc- -I-'^“*ri!SaMfrSev_ gj 5 H5T5a Sg^wff -«LU« ...» JJiriMff '‘""'Cl"; inJ Fi>d»y »i3o’elock, p - M~ !«*«» a ... _»»r» Titetdny. Thttr*d*y aaJ Bnard»y SSKlfi*? bevkif *“•«• ■ffiif" beard. IIKKLINU~ I Mon<l»7,W^j|JJ ! ” t “Tn ■" < 9 * l"'- » r.< A< °< on board- REGULAR PITTHBUROHjANU BROWNSVILLE yu ?S3 4 SfelsKn'V “.w ü ß S»rwwi«ri.j AHI» BALTIMOUK. PHXIiA * rdw|w , r f„ pamnttn ] TK£SSS^’“ *° n r liV rkry, UonOy, Mny 10 p«\el lna.;n» Cjp' o 0 , Tu ’„j.,. Mny 11. 5° vSi'Sr’ clpl Tratr'' , piln««l*r. “‘r ‘A I SS2Sa.!inf»~. tah. A «tnil«B»n of Bcrofuloo* uiewelion ble*o«feroptwn oMbaMkin* »« d ' wUh diaeeee - tem bore the mark* of bein* . g ib«t bo bad On. h.nd nnJ .r»l “"I‘SJornml «l.h lotttho ote of ibe band.eterr P»rt wer „ tl M . deep, pejnfol, end oß®a*i»® n this ate#e low end porno* »• • bt> s®i!?^-, Bre *|*e*iuble, from of bia complaial.wben deaih ibe eae of SEKi “• tton, end ponfir* the BlooJ * n ‘ s or^‘ d .: Btto ioim« from Ibe lyaum, wbrreter United, end »bo » cancer, «urea tl baa performed in diteate* of Skin. V«nco • Goitre, Liter Complaint. Dy»ptp«a,w«J °‘ he ' Chronic dueatet, 1» truly Mloniihing. w<th For ule m PtH*bor*U et the Pekin Tee Store, 7)M«n aueel Deer wood, end alto el ibe Drug Slow of H r gg.ISL Federal aiAlltrtentcilT _ OOBBTHIBO IS KAWII-IV. S nr Javne’» medicine, fur the care of tbe JKJKti been doing wondm during the 1«W »a- Tv®?;; leather under foot- It J* better to utiend » p in lime, end «» P»cor« the remedy «ppl»d Ann from unknown and irro from «k »■* P T nf/Jayne he* e»t»Mi«bed «repute sffJ^ato?sr&3= , tt E«i ! "4lr.xroSSiN p 'fe» r o*E Djof Store » fSrt2«*. AilegbefT City. Ha»U«d*w MECELI OCBAS 8TBA»1ni?lGW108 COIPASI. V. S. Wat/ lint to Ce*c«, S«<tAa*ipioa and IjSkv THE splendid newsteamship WASHING TON. 17ib tons burthen, Frederic* Hewitt, saae commander, will nan from New lorkon ibe l*t June nezuearryinglbe United States mad. •he will loach tt Cowee and Southampton to land paaeeneert and freight, and deliver the mail* for Eng land. Fiance and Belgium, and will then proceed to Orrmeihaveo- .. „r Reluming will leave Bremerhareit on the Wih of Jane, and Southampton on the l*i of July w “ er * *"? will embark paWnger. and fieigl.l from England- Prance, and Belgium. Arrangement* have been made id forward good* from Havre up to the last moment for which, if desired; bill* of lading .will I** *mged by the connect* by Railroad* of England, and by *teamboai» with all the Co f^‘‘ e " t From Hremen acee** may be had to all Leiinan), Am ina. Russia Italy. Swiuetland. Ac- The Washington i»buiU In the strongest manner wi ■ a view of being converted into a sbip-oi-war. and •ob ject at any time io inspection by officer* appointed .) ibe Piesioenl, both daring and uAef construction. She hat ivtoengiue*ot 1000 borne power each, and accom modations for 140 fir*i class and 41 second ela»» pa»- M pa**age from New York lo Southampton or Bremen. First ela»* •**° Second cUas „ w ,. . Passage from Bremen or Southampton to New 1 ink. First claia * l £ Second class, . w ... , Shf- will cany about 3»0 ton* freight, which -wtU b« charged according 10 the nature ® f All letter* mu*t p«s* •hroogh ihe Post Office. »arc . for which bill* of lading will be signed, will be taken Bl Pw e p«a«|e or freigh* apply at the office ofJj* °«»» Steam Navigation Company, tt William street, i e V 0... or « A- Agenl, . RO9 , Bremen C A HKINEKF.N * CO, ll,err WII.I.IAM ISKUN . Tha Waahiiuton i* intended to leave New \ ora on second trip on the first of August next. n r The «eSnd .Irnmer of Ik. line .. i.li »“™ ‘> f con.lroeiion, .nd will ke tn r,.dmt.i in lb * * t .ll THK TRUTH, BY MtfN OK TRUTH. Concerning sellers vermifuge.—a rlr vial producing wonder*.—Head the from the Rev; S. Wak*fie|d,'Pa«or of UUny »t- M K Church , Piusbargh. March 8.1H7. Mr. R. E. Seller*: In* from a sense of duty, as s with *rea\ pleasure, ibaH hear testimony m the jeof yottr justly celebrated Vermifute P*?* h»d rinrif bottlt. and »a*e it in three ot my children,'bad been ill for several weeks Thr eldest *»» •* 1 vear* old. the oext four, and the \onn»e«t e '* hl ”'! inonih*- The first pn>»eil fifty-*.* worm*, »he second fimy seven, and the-iblrd a considerable n ® mb *sJ ,®J distinctly recollected, fcinec then they haviM*ecndoui« well, and are uow in rood health. w.lenau Your* respectfully, S- '* *aariiui Fioni the Rr?. S £ Babcock, of the Melho-li*lEpitco i tW Mr b R r< E' Seller*: It i* with *reat pleasure I wo “ tJ . inform you of the ynod effect* produced <>" ro f four yea.* of Me, by yourjurtly celcb^J' d i After hi* haline convulsion*. I gave aim U>«c oc*e*. when he paf*ed an almo.l incretluable namt-er, from which time hi* gene.*! health ha« beeß^Fg, ”£ CK< From the He* Ch.tU* Cooke, of the MeihoUl»t Epis copal Church: I’.iitUurgb, December U. lb*s - R R Seller*: I c ire n >' l.Ule d«u«hicr (between health. I think the mcd..-.ue my be eeafided l tn with Hre»tnnre*eTTeJnc<». 1 A* tins -VenH'Cujie hat never been known 10 fa<l »n ■hould ci*e inn preference lo all «Hher* ?„pS«S »nd .old Ur R.E. SELLERS, !*>»"” •“> and 4th, oiu Wood »ueel. , For »ale by Dr. Ca*«eU FiAh_Ward. _ myt YoQt wboae teeth ia loul and y oHow— You who*e akin »a dark and aallow— You, whoae bair it harah aod wirey. Rutty,dirty red or firry— You, vrho*c vile offenaive breath Unpleaeanii* a* putrid death— You could have—toy, manor girl Te.-th aa while a» anow or pearl. Breath a fD'ryaweei. and eamclc . Pure and while andamoolh and beautiful, And hair»oft.adky,dark aa »lae, bSdV'r&S'oV; ™ t ,» .i. v rai Itair Re.iorativr—a?i box of Jonea • Amt>er tooin Patie—and 4» cake of the genuine JonCaa Italian Comical £»p. The a.l.clea coat but hule, and you are aaaured ihai the fallowing are their real qoaM.e». The tooth pa»ie a«vea thebrea.ba i at W JACKSONS Boot and Mine fliore-and Patent [ Medicine Wareboute *0 Liberty at- Zaneavllle DEiN'S CHEMICAL PLASTER. . Fra Re, CMmon, Mralcr of ikoßmpu« 2SSI2KMSSKS:if;.WSfe Ess,*K3K.ai£ss.“-an? j“ s SJm l“£f.V™ *ha« possess : mu»e. of fhan«ml".ry chsraeier •'■H ll.il t Will general- J™d a iuft.cn. remedy for tho" *•<*«• for wh rb .l • recoffimci.iled.wd f justly entitled «o «» ~r r: «f .(■ “'■*“ , siinssßs.v. fKSbj B A'nSomi?'* Co. rorntrE.'MA WooO " WM. A. WARD, DKBTIST. | HAS Removed to the bouse on Penn street, three door* above ll»n'l * l, oey whete b* may be found from 0 o clock. m. until fir *. t° . Jt.To" k ■ '"f collocnnc ho would i0»,.0 p-. at Ibe follow.R| rates- For Extracting Teeth, PI For Filling imto fid to pvr e * v,I > • All othtr operation# in the »«Bie proportion. All CJo.ii which o«f»omoi.l. .ro 00l ooouoood. biih will Iw con.iderrd due Acooiding i» Ike uluwo rou ™l. ir£. r,>- T»t" r iU» be .A«?»SS ««»i T U ih,^o r^*y°.Viiiinnr, o a l nil ßl irou C bre»omc «aimn.«tnp.ullMecUmf,«a u shfcft U|M p , r *on» wLi?o“i.«rila« been “ Hi application produce no pam. but r f, wiU Mem*. er«rn«i..cr of°U«r' that »,-« bMn’cti'cd. they will be thli city, who had been under kiu'e ot >ne a for 'twoor tb.ecfme.wtilK.nl hem* ' ««* £«cir"d Fourth meet, near wood Drug Store of II i* Scl.waru, Federal »t A 1 1 BKAVEU, WAttUBS * CtßyKLft. LtNE OF CANAL PACKETS AND .TAC.L^. - 1847. s CANAL PACKETS TELEGRAPH A 9W ALLOW Lp&VP tVi««r daily at lofloti.f efriee'lof He .leeml»e> BKAVKR <™» l '"‘."'jf; end etnee « Wiree«elli»mi<l« ««■ “ a,,.,. w ki#h reach Cleveland befott in«bt l*a»«ii<r* will be receipted on (be Packet*, and *e»w in the ***•• S on board .te.mbcat Beavrr- penvu* I lUiuurgn at ©’clock,a - '"'"*' l S^S , irf)XkC..P,u.b.<«li CLARKE .A Co. Beaver JESSE BALDWIN, >oong«nwn , p j3 _M HJTAVLOR. Warren POaTKRS DAOtIKUUIAS f\ ALteKRV, rblrd »tr«», aif/omm* I o.t»>®ce-« nu (r bank Pa.—Ml- POKTKR Ptom pilunara) " weifolPy invite, the Isdi.iami jentlemenof Pii‘»*>■ She puWle dteereUr. cell .»»l ««*»'»■ colleelion of DMOer.eo. “ iei ?.S»'«• for yoartelve*. Likene.ac.uken m t» cer or C ‘ OOUl '"T-.pp.nue. .»$ ni.heQ. Term*moderate. ,»'!i «,!«sa£o« W Daifoerreotypitl; entrance Pb.lo 11alUi»«way. meet, adjoining Port o®ce. r CABINET WABKHM I '*®*, F . ;a i£.sr«s i* £2BP ™»?£ ”Srt hlUfif *• rr ; "n“ wtict. be Will kepi ™ EZBI band and foraale, at rca*onahi« price*. alt '"I few «ood !»»*•. “i" 1 ”" 4 " pp ' r ’ wl " find unploTHfen! n" “ ppI j e SAJIDER HTCURDV. ra^3VSiK“«sSSU’*onci'i>' p «--i f¥ 5 do Port, very oWj 10 do diffetrnt br»nd««n»t vintage*. 3 nr ea»k» l-i«»*on «lne; •j Jo dodryM*l*g*» KJu:Sp c ™w„” ,^c l ,..»..in. S Jo 'do Polo «»>T! 3 do Madeira 13 dodtffererihrand# and vintage . 9 do c*ka** cc * M** fl f*» ““pT,,!:™ 1 -I"hv “.««■»« * rcMART'N 1 " q.,»W,ei „ .oil. For *""jj p „„|it,ld oodfaw.iM»_ rjOSOS.BV : , o, watch'you wellbjr Eayliaht, Slay in* the Dern Old Molly oa>»n: Widow Machrte; • The low harked Tot; ♦ The two llirdai Indian Pummrri Rory o , Mot*»e; My Mother Dear; n Angela Wbiapen • Th" P» ir T «„„• The IlowVd V, yrr tn A *- Jg«i received andforiale by J° «!*,»!£'! -Vre^ - my 3 ; __ id * ' r nniinfl. DRUGS, DBtOU.DBUOS, N U. TOEI. MOIILEB, UniMirt «nd r.. J comer of Wood and «h •». Uye-«tlitT«. coß»tintly on hind; Druft, Taini*, u ‘‘ • > *'ji.jj Pbyiician’* prrK-riplion* c " re l“'L T jTor cdffoin the l>e*i material*. *1 V/ r fJ£, cry; T *th. low for c«*b. ' ; rr —.« viiuiHlP WASTED—For a led fro nr» pisPsssg {Httorof (Jaaetta. _ _ VfcSSsSk'ffiSS i fr£«^“ 0„«.. BROoiSA’V «- “ a I ASSa.IiSfT33S’ ap*o ■ - BESSES'- V. fVsssHKif* to No9>wood«t mchllif MISCELLANEOUS. TO THE TB AVELLIS6 PDBLIC. JOBA HANDS, formerly connected with the we knew firm of Fuller * Co., would rapedtfaUy call the attention oflbe Travelling publ.e-iohie newly open ed establishment. the “dlanr.onHon-c.” which has. cm Cued oD ! ia« otvleof ncaine»s and comfort unsurpar ed by oi iet lloltlofthe fame desenpuon tmheenyor cl«ewbr r-. The Mansion Hou»e, *o favorahly known in form r day.ai Fuler*. Hotel. is on Pen. sylvinia avenue. within a few rod. of •urv J> jarttnent. and a. a convenient distance f«®“ Banking honfe* and other » Pernor.* harm; bo.mcM with the iJepaflmenls. will find tl.it location euperior to any oiher in the t■ £»" b *i® in mil that pertain, to the comfort, and >■*“7“'“ table, it-gafariir of attendance, and erery thuig e«*en tialto the well being of ruitera. no eipmie » “ “ .pared .o render the Wan. on House a place of residence forfamilte* as well as single pntie men. The proprietor would especially «■» **•«*£ ion of Officers of the Army and Nary, “ (hew localities baTe always been a favorite place of jesort during their residence in Washington. ‘lb view of deserving a continuance ot iheir fators mouv improvement, have been made, and new i , °“. r ®T* „ comiort added, to enable them to realize at ibe Mouswn House all those conveniences which they in an e»iat.li»bmtni aimmgto combine the requisites of n first rate pablic hotel with the attractions ot.a gen trel private rc..dence. jonN |IANDBt W asb.tnron, NO Porters always m attendance, on the of Ihe.i-ar*. to convey baggage <je_e o f charge. my .U ConauraptiTc'a Conaolatton. Does sickness weigh upon your heart* Or pains afflirl your brcasU c Try Dr. Dutitan'i Htalint drt. And it will give you ie»t. It clears away the mtsiv cloud Disease spread# o’er the soul. Anil whisper# through the gloomy shroud, “Voor health may yet be whole-** Sre yonder rose of lovely hue 1 Tis withering with decay; Itacarccly sips the morning dew, - Before it fades away. The Worm of Death wg« in the firm. And strengthened as it grew— And when it bloomed, (a lovely gem.) It nipped through and through. ' That Warm of Death might be defied, If Dr. Dunekn’s art were tried. And many lovely dam Sela saved The fate of an untimely grave (Vj-DR. DUNCAN’S WESTERN OFFICE,No 150 Sycamore, street, Cincinnati. Ohio; where his valuab’e medicine is sold. Sold in Pilulmijb. Sr \VM. JACKSON, con*. "I Wood and Liberty «■- apUh»wi_ JOIIB OAETWBWHT, . TMPORTER and Manufacturer of Cutlery. Surgical 1 and Dental Instruments, Saddlemand Tinnera Wd tools, Taylors’ Patent Shears, Ac Ac. Also mannftc m2 Trusses. Supporter., Ac , In v.netv, J. C. Manufacturer and Importer of Pen. Pocket and Table Cutlery; Razors, Scissors. Filet, -aw*, Tools, Ac, CK)D°STREET. Paisburgb, second door be low Diamond Alley, And ha. late, y received a Imne « 0 - k » Fua A Pocket Knlvts, Kaw* l * Koriza. Ellioil..KudF-rAS''»'>”SßulrhcrtHu»'- ; Bci*«>». m re rou« cus.ion Caps. Bowie. Dirk and Hunutw Knive. Tool#, such as Callipeif, D.viders, Hand Vices.-Square», Bale*, B . r, l CE ‘* r D 'l*', Shavea, S.ocksnnd Die* " ire and IronCnages.Mawt amaiica 1 Instruments, Ac, in very great wietjr r^'j. OQh Jobbing and repairing neatly and done. _ -i BILL 4BBOWBK Boeceaaora to.Uoldablp A Brtwne. Manufacturers and importer* of fa» e» HaNGI N o S. No K> Wood itrect. Fuuburgh. The merea.mg demand for American p “Pf them to enlarge andimproee their Factory, and ihelrfa cilmei for are now equal 10 “T *" ematern cine.- the ea.tcrn pca'eo! price*, they take pleaaure m inviting their dealer* to eiarame their aiock, which 11 J“" fl**' than at any former period, and may be found as follow*. Trau.parent Window Shade*. . FreneL American, Satin, Glaxed and Common Pa per Hanging*; . • , Gold, Velv I and Imitation Border*; , Landtcape*, Statute* and Fire-board rrint*; Curtain Paper, yard wide plain green, and ng o, \Vriling. Priming,and Wrapping Paper. BonnetDearda, Ac. Rag* andTannar*'Scrap* taken m****“l* *|JS“ ketprter*. mehWgmiwdmT: Fresh arrival of works—ailm a ' MINER’S Literary Emporium \ \Va*l inpon uno hi* General# By J T He»<llcAaa- ; »bor of Napoleon and bi» Marshal*: The Sacred .Mu&n-' rCapuv.iy of Napoleon at St Helena. By General CoumMomholon Pan* and* GeneralTaykt'a Life, Bailie*.and Dfpaicbe*. with the only eorteet portrait ycl ponliiiccl; .ncludm* high ly important letter* Ac; account* of the glortou* bailie*, compiled from authentic aoarce*. The String of Pearl*; by O P R Jam**, Erq. The Mfiene* of the Heath* fre*h»upply. I Tancred: or tho New Cro*ade; by D Hrarii. I Phe'p*** TraTeller*’ Guide; accompanied with a new \ Splendid airoruncM of Individual Siate M*P* 1 "T hilmlwmrlj'i'oued Sonfricr* ! a cSrw m*onm*nl of the Modem Standard Dra ; ma including Feudal T.tne*; or ibe Court of Jume* th. I Third. • For talc at m>4 M A MINERS *railhfic!d «t 3d door from 3d »i Hardware Store Removed. WHITMORKA WOLFF hering removed from ib* M( ,h.pi Sertutak. Monongelif!" *nd Re»«u. dircei from the mannfueiureit of England and Oermanv jSso eoooliM of American Hardware, from the prin cipal mahutaeiurer* of the Katieth -jaie« being entirely new. nod parch*ted upon ,h« ben «»»iterfcbl «T-I in teinj: «bl. tuerrstfally to race' competition Trom an> qutner, W Tbe Hanlware bu»ine»» will be continued at atar.d. ------ ' wall PAPER ASO BORDERS* nRiCf" RKU* cku-rioma* I'ulu.er, No ««m- Pki. .ireci, between .Id and 4 b »'rrrf. 'e*P"C;>i;ll) announce*to tbe public that h.. pretest rockof Waif ?• "Tr and Bonier* of h>» atm manufacture u eery ex enlTve and da.lr motion. ere be.n* made to tt a* thevare finu-bed—of new andapleod'dpallern* AI»o. Laortert *tock ol Frtnek Pa?? and Bardm llaJme reduced the price* of » h « » l ' oTr .mele* land o.heta.-hi b>* line, not rnime.ated.j be u nrecared toaeil forca»b. CHEarta than any e.iabl.ah meni of‘be kind. Ea*tor Weal of the mountain* • p!3d3m ..- -- - * ——■ »«^arr!K™" D CAB * Ke, 133 Woad*«reeti PUtibnrabi SEVEN Door* above s»h, and l< oof anove 11. ACo’iShoe Ware boo *e Now opening aad: C i. he RICHARD T LEECH Jr. Importer and r.muS Tiiniinlt*. of oil de-onpioo*.» i _-•« selected atock of Wood* la hia line, all frc*b. noweit *tTlev, poreha»c«l tor eaab, from th* beat Mufcca7nd w.Y! br 5,.p0.cd of wijolcaatc and retail, Ti e-muU advance on the con. Pu'ch«er. art .cpcci* «'*** Pop*r,*c, «lw«I»o» a« cheap n* el«ewheie.__ £ JOHN DUNLAP, x.to 11 af*rk« «tree(, i* now receirin* bi» *prin* N P »ik ” !Urdw*re, Bmeimi*, -4 1)1* Bnt»onim do do 00, 2 cMk»Knfliil» Tinned Soucjppon*. T do OTil Pou, » c»»e t do Enamelled Were; i do rreewdWnw^lcMkOnihtWnfe, i»ibi w Ss' , , ,r T 1 ipr.'i Copp "' _ n * WIISQ PAPER AND PENCILS— DKwi»> *•£’• S‘“„ ’ I r sssl?" ss 3; s;s s; £ EKT S 3° J? 3». i» Toreiher with a lar<e ttock of wnaller ■'***• PENCILS, of Cumberland and prcpa- I ju»i received by No S<s Markr.i »treet I a P irt (iLASSES Ik \ T wi'HNI«UHNO HARDWARE. The«nb -10 c»H ft* be >1 deierunofd ® * ell * »* 4n P™* l * forqoiek tetutn*. • , WIIOLKSAtE WR- AVAKEKOOM-No 20 Wood nrcei,. j.,l received, and now openm* a full a»* “S.milw.V ii>o«c «en 6 >® and medium qaahltea Troy wnmeni of 4 CoUor«, Balia adutl ctedo Plain; Sal... Bow ..ocM. riS.'n; WukYuliu F.n.y do Jo; Com 9u.- ... M.oof.cl.rr.'. A.I- VtCdnud TodiT : WOULD .cporlfully »"" f“? r 0 ?' k« b.. openei n-{ J”; lit Eo.lrrn Bim/MflPtol afm So" tcS <■-. ;.i« ■fe'sfteSD' 101 - wood *ire«i. np*wir». Mannfuetiirert' Agent - - x Card. „.,»feut'.'. p.*~. „ P mir.. . Oidtrp r-00,r0,l lor Amonr.n "irt wrr. . Motel*. Ctagrchc* and Dwelling*, e \VHJ<UN ‘J" 1 pr !“‘' _ »J M.rtct... COLE AO*SC» FOK b s.ow lu.i imra( A."«» WiM 11 cr’> Prim., Hi FWIp». M»p. *nA Merchant* *nd Pedlar* *upplted /t., >n4 coP «ih and wood < apa . , -- a'rsssT^^j^sssss woodoriron. UUlOcmibi«n<4•« olbcrp4lteT Sp W ,r TITBITIiq IID WB*PW*° -W —lOO tc*m» c«p w niinr 300 & I°. g.a‘"4°« £ j OokuS’.ndiirMtby t bomb*, h AaBA > BAHKKHS. EXCHANGE OBOKKB*. ■ ASOOiOaEMINFOBEIQJTANT' DOMESTIC EXCHANGE CERTIFICATES_OF OF, pOSirK. BANK NOTES, AND »PECtE, • Fourlii m««f OTN-i'T >•*”* "'“tlL CURRENT WONF.V receded on |)epo«!W—e»f»i Checks for.»le,aad collection* :m*d‘ oh nearly «H the principal point* in the United State*. Tt* bigbeMpreraium paid tor Foreign trad Amcnean Gold ‘ .'I Advance* made onetmwgnment* of Produce, *h>pped Ea*t. on liberal tem*. J . “ cb »- FOURTH SlieeL next door to Bank of Ptmbarih. Banker and Broker, and Dealer in Exchange, Bank Note* and Coin of alldeteiipii©B*>Ac. / , Selling Kate*. M “W* Rat? ‘ dj , Kewtork pr. N«-w\ork. t »'*• Philadelphia, do Philadelphia \<o Baltimore do Uatliioorc, \ i ce > VVi«Mrn i‘n rre ne v do Weilere Cur, ido SgsS* iS a&sfcss: t? aS.Br fc S Brownsville > do BIO*««Tll,e, *ou WaThlnKTO, do Wi*hragton, Ido 1- til* at Egchanae procured. •pMfcwlm* sThOLSIIC* & SON, Banker* and •“ Co •Dd Bok Soul, WO. 55, RARR6T STarr.T, HfTSBCRCH. Selim* Raie«. Kxetuwte. Unying R*ir • N'evr York. * pr. Cincinnati. * " l ’- Pailadelpbia, J do Uoliville, !S° is”-- »4 ©• is \i & Wheeling, iJo New Orlean*, Jj° Tenneaaee, 3do Maryland, *«° *p«*tf . " Copartnership. JOSEPH H. HULLOau; ofibc firm or '' m p “: J ||itlACo,).ndWM t.CURRV, I UiPorEr | e.P- _ h.re uh.rred into Coputnsrhhtp. ondrt " „TthJ • ILL a CURRY. for lh« purpoie f"7‘"' h 0 , n . ' Ruktot.ird Eich.nj, lia'intu >”*{■" No 65 Wood lireeu three doors betow Frwrta. we« aide—where they solicit the eo.umi of the » u Sill n* P“Vs c cVVmilv JO*lpVl B. HtLL. ‘ C ' CDKbT ‘ DANKBRS * DEALER? IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC TIME A SIGHT bills of exchange, certificates of DEPOSITS, DANK NOTES AND COIN. No 65 WooS eireet, third door »>eU»w Fooj tb, weoi otCc TIAR Fond* and CurrencT rtcelred on X collection* mode on oil the principal Ciura m the U sis ftdwa B.ttimore, Phil.d.lphi.,-«r- York Boston an 3 Cincinnati eonttantly for »*«• Ob.ojndiann. Kentucky, V.rx lo m«nd Pemr,y),.nU Bank Note*,bought and *old on favorable Exchange, on iStgland, Ireland, Geiman) and procured, Ac, Ac. . “wTlliam a. hjll A CO-i BAS B E BR, EXCIIANOE BBOBEBS . FOREIGN ANU D TOMMri| CERTIFICATES RANK NOrES. ass RBDUCKD'RATKBi Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, and Penn*. *1 County •" Exob.nSa“tH^L" Taollectioai on Cincinnati. Looisnllci ** all accewiblepoi-taln the United State* made pa.apUy^d.^.bolo-J.^m.iS, - -niehSS S2Si!_ Coll.otloo.on Cincinn.lt. Umlli, * .11 other .cecible point, m Uio Unllnd mode oo uc com mod tone,. HILL A cU^-Y Wood *u next door to Engle Saloon SSh.»i. onNt. Vorl. Fha r d«lphi.,-nd 8. 1 Ei'.inore coimaflil? for «le by HILL • v'JKK* •j pS Wood «t nen doot to Eagle S^ooJ namur ° r » bc ohio ,ndiMß * ,“? d Kef ! ,Qeky « «*» r^ f c d tT ß “v' . iD e \Vood»t. next dw 7\|lloV(ndi'«aa; and Kentucky Bank U Non. porrhu.d .1 lon j, t „ k so,, No&a Markup sHOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, &0. rl ,” PHinarlv for Ml*, IB Colwubiu, U< P offe.* fr» *H« *erreral lol » ln fiSv m desirable p*fi of ihr cuy, oa wlueb are »ws conifoiltMe brick jvrcliinn bou«?*.iiud hi* xe irntirc ToDaIBK K*t»bU.hl*i«*t. .11 .ngood rr- P cSbw?isLS*th» »*« p° ial lulb * Slalefc ' ;spu, •» TP"-rAC tavlur ORPHAN’S COt : UT SAUK. r\ oui«o»nce of an -order of the Orphan sCout I N AOe*heny County, I will eipow to ** lc ‘,. b /P“^L ErHSiSb.-p» UU of |tround. bein* P*« * f ' hc ,i^Lev e^by n j U Vf mod » nfoDeny of c. F.Milbollnnd.a mmor :;5 “tSSST.. 80-- »■"“>" >- W"'j? ft; of «mrab M.Phtlip* |»n«j twenty-two »••«» m front Bndeitendinfjt.eckto “:USS«r f ,h ' ****».£f FSOPKRTY N, OHIO, offers for sale a splendid Bncfc | dWeMml Ho"«“.itu»»r on the-North East eoroer RelWcScjumre in Yountitown, Mahon.nr ,iA iJuto lyis I tree, romnodious, fitnyhed m ejc* » “» ,u Vo«u«-wwn.. frk-?Vo»L!l*«llinc or public house; attached to it is a “JIS. 1 *»•' ■“ “ b " “-rw.'tm.mmprooiw"'? npidlT,'• • i “* ml tTufah. who W.ll gr* ell Information ocOdAwll _ "Rich Hill F»rmfor.»lo. . OtTUATUD 15 mile. fnin. ‘•‘“•M’.iSKiS? N fwr Cre»k Lock on the north »ideo«ta* AMeßoerj to ““ T’MSEC SS?.“U irtJSifilSrf to* EkmoSumm- »nn will bo .old on re.»nnb[. «nn.. borin'. orJCll.ry ...bo Io«. FonoJo, Work*. ” vtTATE IN THE COUNTRY—The «uh R Offeror S“uI.W sgStessssa fo Tbe^Bhoye prop«ty *iU h* gj “* commodtung lermi. I® w *ier nod front *U -f p , , V cnl i*!i,*-oi*r _ P*iopßßTi r -Ffr '^j^'sa* , K®?sS!slas Frsokttn br l*rfcwpra« f»»>« »»W IMOi, B*o in tanO.bnlMM l ° sl g’cUTHBEKT s 0 Rcnl En»u*«»gl.M‘° i 'bfaM«‘ _ comraodtun*. ” No-50 tmi’hfHd w ®r&S3 17OR BAI.E-TWO good boilding «* naleJ 00 sscsrna i, .» A f *rnya ble ’ Real E*Ulc Office, 80 «mnt>6Hd *\ • i.LKOIIBTTr OBBKTEttT. • n frsONS de«irou* of purchasing Lot* in Urt»,orme ®^ir.W.RSsffsssi building tou. w chfap and on aeeotnrooda. The property will bf i3 A |aH DICKEY *Co tingterma- water and front at* apld ... =r— Ea wrli, Fn-m'-mee o "'! • l °n f , £*Jeomne, on M.rk.l Mott « *"">• M ‘ copied to >S^*JA'Si r l ‘Sr r ,MC « Philo mu, o«co- Al*o, “• f" - K D GAZZAM “SSIS Office,lilolk.l».bcl. dd «nd»lh_ - . - —cctiTE~ FoVsaLE—A nood boon R*£moJ“ wiunpo. .U.. 0, Allo,hcoy on, - T Dwellin* Ito— <■"^” k *tts bEX, ui.,53 hy « fe«,on Libert, ■»« Allegheny- Cuy. A E. p U,/r. ini'RT. Geneiftl Aftnl Kn 60 SmtikMd tutel l J *p2l —— _ voR BALK—Two kit* on •*•*•*’J l *** oa XhanM3«y,ff7& d*r otM'T naxl «**ocloc > U H E a RY WOOP3, r p.KMirl f *' OIVSB LOTI< ; Am eixr. Thete lou aw mort «4?*mi|*«i!7 situM OB I&LE-A farm howe ami lot 6a I*cas vre«t lot9* b» 100. Al», t lota oo ibo 4ita rtiaeW®*** MbyOUWtwtenKlo^odilZaty. i kary, Llbarty »l oppguio SmftMtld »«• m > lc ®** WmistgSf^S^ lie ■ndcrtign'*d lake K T ** l J’ *‘ , ' l ." d » public to announce to their n?meroui* u, _» ..ha tour generally. ihmt vre are prepared *« 'upp>r'?M£r iK S«or «. «iU. . cl'' —II. 6m season. compntm* Heavens I *j*® l P l * 1 -.—i]! . Moleskin bilk Hois, either * KIKO «L —-ftMMoVSC TTI J% 9 WrORE, Hal and t*sp #■* lo No IS W«xJ .U«l. lhn-e Fourth street. His nock cons>«i».of *vrry vdTtetF HaU and Cap*, made inibc laiest uy! e, a»o. r«n»m*- terhcra mJ Pedal Straw Hats, wholes*« ■&!? * -? P r 6 tew "^^^Hd^^k A WILLUH CONTINUES » manufactory ■ndkeep»» constantly on hand, every var'ety of H«‘* 11 aad Cap* of lb* 7 latest My le. and pnqes eery low w£o 78 Wood street, Kastside. i 1 i<yl ~ PallFaihloßi IHH* ; ,„ . HEEBB*COSrAßB!*«yl«U«tl e ®« n,l . ,a, V jS will be introduced aV. KEF. on Thursday - Auiuil g7lh. t.enilrfWn- wishing a ebcap^fa*n ioriable Haiof PiU»bur*h manUTariore Hheadol fashionable Hats imported «d ■^PKtni'Vc^ ,lc .lS2ff r '""! ” ’ 'u».-SS"wS" 4SprlniP rutin f»r lin. A WILLIAM DOUaLAS, WOULD nrornibi.fn.nd.Endp.iron. * that he has now on ki>’d a large Spring Farlnon of HaU and Cap*, which will be urro duced on Saturday next TUnsc in want of a topenoi article will call at • ~ mchS No 78 Wood sltcct, Fast side Fall Fashion tor llata. THE subscriber has Jolt received by Elpreg l bit new Fall fashion tor Hats. Those m nee lel an extra hue llaiwi!! pleasccall and exusunt this splendid article. S AIOOICE sens r No. 03 wool BTEAW mm AND BAT WIREHODSB, NO. *5 MARKET STREHT, PITTSBURGH. J* R. 11. PALMER offers for sale on as favor ■Mgible terms as any, boose in Philadelphia, a Sjr complete assortment of Straw, Florence. Rut SOU* land, and a great variety of fancy Lraid and “Hiratf ’&&'SS L«toni Ani t,i;iFU.h.te ■: “ eb> . WaW B "S? > .f, fc , DRY 800 PS. raraei and Dry’Ceedi Ware'hoase. , c »ia«kctctaect. ROBERT D* TBOaPIOH, . RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and tbepublle veneralty, that he i* cow recetvropLa Urge and splendid assortment ol Nrw-Srrt-* Cioib*. Ac • direct from the Importers and Mtnufaciu rer», composed inpaifof l?T™“^3SSSSffiSc«l«un ß 4 and 4-4 Plain Vemnan Carpeimi 5 8,3-4 and Damask on ooi 3.8 3-4 and 4 4 Tapestry do do; Slsoitaai JVmonrax*. . Brown Drillings? 4 4.44 and 8 4 Sheeting*; 8 4 7 4 S-4 Table Linens; Linen Napkins; Crash Hockaboek Towelling; Carpel Bm k^’ „ N t,de' bie Covers; Oil Cloths from sttioehe* to A feel wide, cut to any sise; .«, Tn wiavtim vent Toorrusa m*u Rich Embroidered and Printed Table and Piano cover* • SESIISSSii'LIM. M 6 WiPon Bp«< TnAed, Cbcniclle, and Sheepskin Door Mausy ! j Manilla and Cress . do. do, : Brass Stair Rods Finland'Oval, Damask and Striped Stair Linen; P^.SS!ww"»2lffiiwHLto,orPH«*ll<«: set a7??Mnesm4 to eall. a* he feels confident they will find it to*Uieir advantage to do so belote purchasing elsewhere. . j>HY OOODB, "fes' “!£ast CLOTBUIO BTOBK, NO 10 WWDSTREh-rPI'rrsayKUH.PA. £S' : xs«issis= assx*s!'G&g3£s ■mstsmiss ino lack co.i.i .plendidly ni.dr A or ,ood a.l-K.l l£2 “»> - KS. , Li.opl.l»»6.6Kj«AbMM»kW 5 ««k« CSSS SSS.S k i"&.“» ■ DRY goods. , /-*it»net KTT A WHITE, No 89 Wood street, above r^Sßb » seY'ssrJ •;• - *«“ general as-onmwuof such gw-s as are usaauv «ep “a 1r ssniSira kp«w “6 "«k> k««* »s£p. al arav on hand. - -6- ■ - linn ' w a * TI'RHEBi No «>Market oreet. Rich Organ**? bro»n*. with Mher color* very hnudaome. . > Primed Lawn*.of different pattern*; No 40 nutfcct »trecu3 doo T » above 3d HH®T^SSrt2Eiss “ffiPwiSteSSl toS?£Ve»»a «orr. «l*ie . ~rr dMlMr.. «to- ..Jbpn i cc«. - ” r\ nOOLDBB BRACKS—for ewreof p«u»" Sbiwi. p»*d* »f‘ w P»^ enu lppWYed by NW •ilk* dt*t> moreen;*et iu * c: jJgATOS° r **!e by or* —7— OCNDBIBB -Bonnei Frtmct, Ttto.JM ] feassvriSril: i”mrsr^7£i^«^^;ss, e K needles:, tape*; *pool cotton, *«• *■«* **» w "° r «J" !l * n * by . F_H EATON,OJfcrt««reti_ ■.SSSSSssSssSste -fg> »"■»■»*,, AUS TTTHITB GOODS FOS DBSSIBB— W R W itdrehr joelies tfcs attention of the Ladteatoh » sisissis “ JtitSSSf'ZJ ■>' *£* , u the lowest price*. : ■ ~ j - |*ajr w™” '? .... i eoUwed. founterpanM A Kai^ -“"i'KSS-i c 0 ,5, .r«k .04 “Jj" litreii •'•'•••’ p’xl’sTKD IS Oil prfn»t»«.«*»**7.*nf UN uU iiui and color*, fot »nd Ulind Trimming*, aiwrted p O' EATONS _ Uw,. .nd C-g-yj^fc AND SATIS TRIMt » nd P ,Bln *'•£ colored drew Ffin «?neß n>anijlli» bl«ckdo; t inan:llla, polka and chain .«d «*towd Ulcnan mmmlngH b>«V Scored -tin iiblxm do; )n« too EATON’S ttoBISKT ASD Y ARMS—(S'lton, *Uk and H. nerino Hole and half How, m iffav taneiy for mer . woman.raiucl and children;. Ktutynt Yifrsi and Womedi• auoned cohort; (ncodL&K aftdl'dycotton aud m.nar.rmi«»’WomeJ>.«»Jll»ni|i'kt>4 TON , B JUST BeecHed and foriale at the" man*faetarer> lilt price*. a lanc«.ln*oice of patent Gum Elawie ~nd sjlkd of the RuSmII On-Ct For aale bribe Agent. No W wood atrwk *p ■uitrt, wholenle,: KDW ABDTODD . M*nafactßTc r ,« Ag*?L DEALEB inTiinmilnp* uid Womedt,Battow,Needier, ttncXM No 63 Market Si between P*an»»«« n “ 1 P'm»b«ni>- c \» "Si I - ->tt _ fj B eet Wi M*rket*t»_ ■ 1 imnawiiinn- i l"^ N*W »’*”**“.» StU Spnng P»uu*-*wonj of beW'i<u> n ®* wbieta »n ***£££?' jSit *nd fer late by indljw «T te * »i”kuWT AWHrtßWwood at FiiiUßl—l UI.,«M»U>a Onta G »■ white t\r inoolmbW Wflfewii!SriSSSt : i r Sssssasssss:;*. ''yjSi Uto aad aflu mutmi—id an , 5 efth coMtiPtfioa of tlx bowah | •? Srt »fctj, red b » eerttk f»«4T Tk« *J,‘ I I, prrtmtw*. and ure entirely ergeUbb WI 5 jfiwnuetrteeeM** J £ ftelly Wmlra?taibccaw*. • ..,.,-jjj * i.jj •»!">*££££j!3£*;"“y£2 : 5 '"^SkfTA^SSSf” . 1 1 . lB*- »«**«"* 1 l . , . red tewata. • _*' 38*6ixth«z*rf. . t . s,,!r “ l ’A“!»S T 4^* 11 T | £rt wtatba««©i«y«**"»*H*“ i«aSLli> - '\\ that Ibare beta aarpnieAat ll ! “ ***“ SJffc ; acreibbtoeareber- Hgwmr, laa |w af £*« übtinrhrfUttW, and do adowan *»g* JSS»» T V’ gictad faHhruka ataur, b» p«en« *« «***•■ *7 "H ti depend oo a certain cort .. • '.• ? , « Tom wok iu(M* i IM , ; > <. -*• ffm u»w., >. >.. **T)*t , r -Dr-'/IftroUbbT—Dw Si^—That >oo w*J £»***”“; j f> wb?rewtaaSrii«,a»weUßa .. tibSkl taredSe* fttre tb. « *i J nil .tolnJ. kJ nail by WM JlCliioN.u |_ Liberty b™i, bnJ of WooC, ruubwgb f . . . . . ■** ' ~' • fT-p.. • j ■.b OKUAN’S CELEBKAIEDINDIAN LWER | l\l PILLS, lortbo pure °f.V.?,'l ell "vrrttrt anting from Ibe 1 - , ” r ' ( ,. ( . !>,], - iar , f tcip.bh.Hu.uporj.Uyuun.) Aiu.BUWonH.wi I P “Sl?t.«%r A DI.IT.tJD infla tuition ol the Liter, wbinno! | rtl jin scute utucb or tbt btreure, bejt';’ JJKJJy I ' wiU, aymptnma or. luncootiat m»rorrolttaoijM lira and biliiry organ., .»a t «e«ma In bo tbu Only iffecllon P”?? o*' 0 *' A. £L e * complaina ofirregola'appetiteawH !>**•*?«; 1 ofdigcation. acidity, fljtnience. aligMchojepaiM. | occasional usni and edmitbg.aad'• •*£«*““ ! pirn and weight are ‘elt in the t‘ght « d «* I , nied in «ooe ewe* w*th a P«‘ n ,D j ahoolder. Moat ommontj, h*»e*«r, ao o«tmet, ptio if-experienced in the tegion ot-tha. UWi; ekeept bhen fiim pmeore »a made on thta p*»«-| rbebbwei. ire flwiji rerj »**&}**' pkina cemmoa mioiDeir>eua«*»i^^ dlacbareea nctnlf, dark colored, i.ffenaWe, ■llmj* ffitwniafdr muddy. One «1 b e mo*t »«4 «Ttnpt«»Bie.of Chroaio dS t?idry,tint.crinetncted iwe.ol taeAU, i abort dry congb, with alight,dificnltj i. V7«oaent nttendaw on'thi. dwewe. Utbe c the acate form of g, tieot can aeUiom .reit u eMy on tbe‘elt re Ma Um A» the di*e»»« come on towirdi eTtßing, 11 te.* STriTf, but ia thep&Jnza ortheoiatti andedeejl the feet I S * righu iH rertlre.; and w» eo the OfiunM i imuMtM in auppariUon. hectic tad rapid *® uett ‘ ton coMome tbe fiul P?**™- . Miaaractnred android »hrdmlewd «w»J JOHN D..MORGAN. Diaggiat ! - Wood afreet. PitU^ ot pre**maf gtlfr*" **' i healthfiymmetry and fcietyjeipwpi**”? cam of U«M dl«a*e* that P'?**® or thorten life,** Aflecuow of *"*&•%& ucb, Bowel*. kidney* Liter, SerotaW, rel; end Fern tie Complaint*. IttwWjW. tieal tad port.mrm• gade l * *****gfiz long life. 23 OTeLDOW i Pmlin*9i el*. By SAMUEL SHsIiUU j FITCH, A?M., M. D., at7o7 IROAD'WaY,HEw V reuniting Wlj emu, one eopT,b»miil,t©Juijp*rt. Tb«trwi*«|JM»- Feb 16,1847-dSm • ■ ■ ■ Is'IONMinPTIOS »I1K1!ITID-T» lk«M |U afflicted wlfb Du™ "f lhl "**•** —ThU ie'lo eenify-to thou rd'C.'-d wtdt the Bm.pre meniioty .eympioint of CoiAiopiion, Hot l b»*« : “•» Inborinj for eererel yeon ” ill • i,n ” cld -J°™f* K “ me throetand hooreenefi. rotedinnnynredlclMfcbnl (band no relief in nny preporuiotl of "““i!!:?” ™ nude MO of DR. DUNCAN'S EXPECTORANT REMEDY. 1 hove b«° *'»•■* tbJb * W# m * dl * mo for *eve’ral year*, and «lwi> i find it «> relieve when ever I make o« of it-' Myoceppauon ai aa Aaetmo. eer, which keep* me almo«t constantly rnr»ged.caß»e* my’dueaae.at time*, to become -very wheal at onceproenre thi* I therefore take pled tore inmakingthis public eutement, ibatotkera affeel ed With» disrate of tbe long* and cxpeeioraai organ? mar know ibe vinoe* of this ‘ all lujalbg remedy,” and may be cored. IhaveteeonaaendedDr Dnnean’* Ej pec want Remedy lo many of «r fnend*, *ome of •whom owe their live* to thi* medieiao . .- | JAMES HEWITJ The proprietor of the abore medicine taler to the undersigned pervons, "bn. retire la Perry county, on. whom may. peraoo may celt upon and bo conriocod that there are rinuet ft wad ia the aboyo medicine that cannot be eicrlled: David ColbenMn Sora »**r\ cie Gol'ber, Jdekioo tp; Mr. Lanmer.do; Ueo. When, ...8,0- | Itwwaifty' l bend of Wood creel. OC'ROFULA.AND SCBOFUL.OUS- SWK£^e. S inus.— Scy.nU in .11 He muliipjed forfft, i ,'t _>k.i „r t?imp’d Hvii. eaiariteßiente n in# i oiamie or White Swrtlinpi. Ctron.C dieeam of the I nr n r Pftinosarv Consumption, toanite fr«tn oao i *ndthe same cadre, whicn «» * poisonoa pHeetp • more or leu Inherent io the bomen *>!"3 SmT r.m oblcss tbit principle can be de*trt»ed.»« r^°*_ S&SSit. eVfri; but if the PrinfU"' »f™ which the diseue depend*, ia reoveved.aeiiril r.tof aecenity follow, n* matter linear * the disease ahoold manilest JL* U. U the ronon why Javna ■ AloTntAUt* »a »otmi veraaily anceetarai in removing «o many maligaaßt it deatroyt the virus or principle Irom ih!e?tho2 dieeuee here their orijini by entelin, ’owlbe circnlttion. end witlilhn blood to the retente.l fibre, rdnre.trJ orer, Pj«*Jsj“ from the ~.;r; P'rpereu end edU ot,«»• pisssss.3 s«s»Ta;sSK5 i|fes=syg|| d&TSSSSS|Mi= *®J” j. .. KMidrv tme oi the meet pleasant article* Sre™*inj3*r£SV.7S;^Hiu«' Wood. - 1 " _ • „ _ niiWBlT. for Ijiirf.. fessSsSfi^Si®-' reeeb'ihem by of antiergoln**«wi»eof «■■«»•» ?JSsSmA •elvesw iboHWecotfbfUble ej«ea^w«£®“*^s gp*i^ otiag ii, £ ^AHNEST OCK ft Cfc co» Oik »nd wood **». J"d >«t t»d wood n ——r-rTgj om, fto-ipuT . ni, iuimMil ggifrnraJtew r«HEßfis?f«» 'ii**"*'»°J* coomoaortfOtt i£ .reeleßoitt bite bee#medei!» '! rft>sH», eleetoanea, hmmebta, fite ,t!l Jo”|® \ „Sol little benebt. No« the -- medicineneed. Apereenwboheebeaiteßner ,o| «itn tbe Pile# .d tbe wont kind eene from Be- lem.New Jeroej,elraoet»n porpo~ W "P.??Ci3 petiiode fertile epeedj enrethettbm nwljeiiie bed iffjciidlo biece •LjMdL.Sat m irrfar sale in PiUaburoh at Ihe FEKrJi TW CTOBE, 71 Foorth at.. too al*o at Utf' l/W» atow • H.Tpfscbwutt.FederilateAUiegkaflJ C«tj. r , feblST 'T' 1 --- -«i-J - - -yfatjmH Wonai:Wo«lM!. . _ u.i fr » J Kidd A Co, Ueni»;-Tbi* l»»eeitifr.«ha« ribtpilS. Wa.affl’e^wJ.VWjßß.^prodWd tariofa kind* of Veiraifaffr. and l E£ km JAit no effect likes poiekued a till of ur. we* udi .SbEIl VVMT" 4 do»ei we Child «T»»ehiTfcrt abom.a of UtP W omu' The health 01 the child ttd# l wo«td recommend Dr WoJaWic, mom ofxht “WtSSJnISS&i »yf moii CO,gmer wojd * fourth »ta ’ _ -y-ri “ fesfessg* V i*** tdatble Pi”* ** •»«•**'* CO Wond»»fee»-Pi»*he f «w _i_: : -- ■ their Wbolewl* im*iJe«*. wh«tr W «s>w»i«a SJlmcMta'tolrlim, u WHICH Iber »'“ ®T¥* f ' , "°TI. f m.c“S&«« «W b. .cnimudKltoon "g* TiYKMBiIR mb* !«• >**««*< 1 irlsl t-t i’»i i"flf iniMwimw Uto WiWtol M Tdtontioo tad uituiillaifl IM bw , t . szLrm jz*s*>*v ten bMn tali tor l"'i**XSr mSSKI O-'-K* ***»&?' H. —i”"””* 1 <«««»«■ w olrCOWrtW-JbJ , iiilk, boweir. Um, or UT •* •SSP’B •' »pao'• !' . .1' - i
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