The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 11, 1847, Image 2

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    i '
! *K«.ax condition, with politad t~«B
- rerolnttotw ewrfFWbmejtfe, brewl-.lnff.'Mgh.- Northward .nd paring through 1 enne»ee,
10- l». rrmi.tu'. Bxilt o.xrrr. t. pMdfehed i ca ,„ n c> depteci.tod, .tuftn.ny of tho poorpr poo- rrK |i CiociunMi wiKtiiiie m June. .
nffif. „ie xAactd *> begg.ry. Tl» <*«•“> *• V iita,,, • S«inno»iA» Irt.xtTtrr..-Tbeeutirelentffi
• tSLioherow. CO., of tb. J W -»>
arK-j&KS2^^^SM?«S»^ !, * ,,rt, ,iJ »aw«l outbreak WM« want of fond, to p.y‘he ta9 0 „ rhe front., tiling from 60 to 150
(b£* Ut os tc QeeetrV troop., Mid Ml .ppreheo.ioii (tat. Doon. (ert . The whole lo be Used «**"• * h f
' Sjain - A LAOr who had boated highly b>
' PMIJ of the good manner. of her Util. J‘" r,B 'J*'
dreie.l him with —-CbatUa, will jou b ”° “™
bean.!” -No!” »» tb. ‘“.rri'l,, -No
No.'” exrlklmedV the Mtoimhed mo her. .
what 1 " “No b*4**, nw," *aiJ the cbiia.
*is«—Th« ComtntMioner* on l “ e
pJLf Bbodo I.leod ...d m "»>«
bonndary line between the t»o Stale*. bee
..reed upon the line of diri.ion.
the .Miction or the two lc,.J.tare. h>
: bo confirmed.
Oua.o Stawcxox—On Frid.y or S.tu.d.j
1 • k. Ke.»*«,n tweniT Md twenty fi«© slave* be
-1 toeing to different pl.nt.tion. in Kurton county.
1 K. acrorolho, left for p,'t< unknown, m.
!hn «tAta of Ohio- WVleeralh.t tbe aggregate
, .lout of reward offered for their.ppteh.n.ton.
; i* over four ihousmd dollar*.— Vi rf. *M£*
MaM.ehu.ett. h.r 6(0 mile. of “'"S'- 1 J""
York upward* 300, Penmylvan>a 746. Maryland
« 32 Vireini* 353, South Carolina 205, North
CarofinX* floorfti. 352. Al.b*ra. 390. Onto
199 Michigan 325, Florida 104.
Tun »xo»o who committed ■ rope on . Cerm.o
wominin Frankli. couulyr, Mo., and
attempted 10 kill her and %chtlJ, bung: on
Tburad.y,' 15th. ich, by .mob of the etbxen«.
who fitted the jail, end dr.gged bun foilb to
summary puoUhmeot,
Ho>. J.coe WAoosc.t.LXn.St.le Senate, from
the Union D aiiict U dead. Our readers will
member that he aoffered a painful aurgical oper
alien list fall, from the effrtUof wMeh *ns
baa nertr been able to recover. Uw less ««'» j*
deeply felt in . community where honor, .nd^b.
world’s good repute have been for many y
worthily b» stowed upon him. .
Nesblt 800,000 passengers have been earned
otct the Albany road >inee « «•*, withoutlhtS .light* mjutj o' the low
of . eingiodrop of blood to .ny of the p.won
Tho til.l expense of ibe Go.emrotnt .UKC).
of count*, iu Gre *t Btttaiu end m
1791 to tho ptgscnt Umo is X 1.46»,« ;
X 607.597 in England, £817,512 in Irelan
£34,922 in Scotland.,
Tho Cambria’ sailed from Boat an for Halifax
and Liverpool, at noon oo Saturday, »uh «»*«J
meoso Bngluh mail. 113 P»W"- “ J **/“®
for ihe relief, of Ireland, transmitted by B«bo P
FilxpaUick. „ . , ~ ,
Tu. met ef the OU Colony lUilttad sold M
ouction, .1 Boston, on S.tnrd.y, « l
ie now no r.ilro.d tanning from l)o.wn,the Hick
of which is-bclow par.
Ptixe. were l.tely offeterl by Uie F”=“ b U “''
pmtncut Tor the compoajtiou of religious and mo
:.T«n;., .r,d n“cwC th.n 1700 competitor,
entered the list. •
The firmer, .nd throughout *0 rouA
of Ireltnd h.»o begun to feed then working bon
e* almost exclusively on bean*.
Fiva thousand two hundred and fifljrlwodo •
hra was the amount received for toils at
uu*BMurd.y, the first day of Con* bunoesr tht.
I year.
The MxTUounrT Mobito » gi'ing
Mr.wb.ny .nd kcctomd ~..uc.torM«moneyfor
chnrch purpose. The ide. t. bolh >m/-fnl Mid
o. of lb. recent ncro.iei m Moxtoo.
Hem ‘E. M. Ewtso has Uaasmitted to the gov
hU rei gn..ion ol the office of Chrof u.uce
of Kentncky, m uke effect eg U» 271 h ° f «*»■
u; u c CrsnasK bas been riectnJ ooe orth*
i Vice Pie*ident. ef ihe new lib r.-T ■■ WbtUingtoi
; Ctab” .» Lend n. ortgm.wd by Diugl.. J«r.dd.
i -I know* well rnnu*b,” «id a W*- w * ‘**[**2
fr«h fidl come. trum-hutwhe'C tbeJ "^
*ere fi.b, i’ll be hsnged if I c.u tell.
' The BoatoniMl. reMding in Mobile here pte
« D trd > beautiful cb.rgrr to Gen. Gnibrog.
A foMiicbeny tree wn ducoeered lately m e
bed of .andatene. in ihe I.le of Wight. 37 feet be
low the leeel of the eaitb.
B,overt the .letter i.; on Amenc. in
IrelMrd. epidng hi. enlcnMnmenU wllh negto
•onga. . _-
- FOR govkruoß. -
lor cutu CDCSH-)
-W. P*** o *'
p- - (of cc*»vtt*JO> eocsrf)
"TOttf POUfcIWN 1? t;WB.
w««....y '«'* *““'•« uf l “
•i si U.»ton, tot iba intelbgencs tecalecd •* “
fcta'iouMt.. W m««> mn»?r Mtr.c« «”
fo„t,nj utuala. Tma country, by nad* * nJ
„*«, and by amigralioo,.. Ncnming ao mited
la Europe, audVghihing end .team kc* bro “* '
0,.0 neat n,grih.r, U.. 1 riaeema oemertoßog
UnaioVa.aatron.iii. e.a.r.l (Vito" of tb. L
itaiitlautd*m< 91 the •i'r« n '“ ofonrown toon
fc,; •:.Tn.incr»«o(~m I n.rca,.na tb. ««uJ
porifion lb. .« .“*«** “r” 4 * “ Ch
Sir. dmrr. at u. at I&M. «tbful *«>»>*'•
if die »renl event. tienapiriot;'.round u».
of ohat la done npoi both ride* of Iho At-
WolM. •••:••’ I , .
handing of tb* 'J.tnoatown.'ic.
J-be Voi cent communicated by tb?
Caledonia on. Me appnrana n/ Me V. S. dip
gfawrefoua' Of Cor* tn fifteen d.y. from Beaton.
fj,Ver V. • public a..-el isot upon.more noble
mMua. Het bardcnweebiead’fot the hungry h.-
u.a if ball. and billet. f» an enemy. Her «.►
impb we.kVcb.iy over famine, and the moral of
her-iumonlbo biumphof ono of the belie*prin
ciple. of peace and good .Wltnonolo oar cba.
fiaertti,,on. Ou, reader. VII not be aurprued
to he.T .but the -Jameatown -aa mceieed "■*
•fhti fititig if gonVtbe "“S' l " 4 bT *•“,
lie dtuner .0 ti.ptaio, b, .peechea of-M
-com. and sr.t-ful aclnowledgemcn... end b, all
fi,u warm ihankfutoca. wh'ch ba. .... dull*
.ei-hed tb. fine Wei heart- Tb. lto(M<e of Ire
uitf yn-Amttnc.lio«i.Hvaf'oar Eagle may long
abide imougourSum." Worcpond with the -ub
Unit Atactica may forcer bo the true friend of
the acne of Ireland, wh.lber they remain npon
teiiwnffoebi.l. orcaattheirlotnpoD on. boo.
, pttml tborti.'
' c-.- The following are the particotare of the landing
■ of the noble veeaei:
- -At 8 o'cloclc. Dr. Part*. lurgoon of tie .cue!
UnSed etliovc, bearing deaptebe. forth' Lord
: ed- and at half-bait one o’clock on Monday, her’. ateamor ‘Aecngef* went ont to tow her
to. l ' Her a.rteal called Ciuh lb. li.elict wuc
iloni of J oy and grautode, and tbonaanda fijckeO
Diriric. Railway Com. |
mitteewaa held on the 13th. when a,on
Waa prbmp'l, pteptted, calling on the Meyol’ *»
■ ’aomraon .meeting of the crimen. to deroe
>,« mieiu of welcoming and ackoowledciurtbe
~ • Tie bed. of Sbendon. and of the Lethe
didlf ifitt-oin.led on'lbt e.emng of the 14th
**-Adeput-boi, of fil. gentry nj[ Co,k.b«adrf by
T>r MilUt*. J p • »»•>*««* lb« »bip on the lSih. md
td aitTutbe. with .o -d.l r ,tr Which
to replied it. a: i.ble and toochlng Aft r
Borne mo,, me depot.t.m withdrew, b«
fi g p„.Wly hi. t Forbea and office
“Lnni dmtor ou tie 13 b "'••.•‘ Coee.-brnb
the a.dint ganibman kindly accepted. Tbedin
tob wa. 0 re., epleudld Sflair, tod .tttnded by
’ ,1. m.of i. fl .enital . Iroei tn and around Co».
c'p. Fo'h e ... 'be h.tobf the day.and acquic
’ OntbeHb
. „ob ,e .oi.(<« held a, Ih. Coonty Ooc
H ‘u -e tio k. r-r 11,0 por.owe. f .returning
to C.pi.* 1 a d bil f»r»wec' t »-_5;
. eimpathy ’ h . bad ,h .on lowarda the arffcnng
. nopotatl n » f Ir land- ‘
Two Mtlluu • Of. Homan heinga, according to
ii, .DnMtn lYriion.’ aie. deatined to peri* by
‘ ,Ua lammu in Irehmd n popnlafinn anffi
dent f-r a Dowe.iol Stale—and twc-lhlrda of onr
own at ihe.t tie of our Rcolntionary at niggle
Tho mmd .1 u 'deta .1 Ihe bare contempUfitm of
the f. c: wbal | then mn.t ho tho feeling, of ih.
.1000.101. of the hotrlblo eaiamify 1
Tbu worat of tbi. calemily, thank God, i. oeer.
The 1 Itiah landlorda and Iriah peaaanti hate
ab.ken bantlr, and are aldington, miother to to
Ooetn the Und of tbeir common anceatry from the
. m'arty which baa n long coahrooded it. .Heert*
' h e» been mtdled that aremed not long ago aa hard
and aympathiei he. bean ctonaed tij.t,
ahould nevet die- E«o the leniblecil of ,
bai nct bten fwiilmoliita good open th. h.aHaof 1
“ - : inabktnd. We tead that the Grand Saltan oftha |
'l'tt i» i»*• h ’ g fi* e *® u,a, d dollftr * foT **“ rel,cf i
cl itefond, and Turk abd Cb.i-fian. JrwandGen- 1
~w Frte apt! Bond,-4yea, tb. «ry etoaee from
’ Xmancin planlationa,—ih,eo lakendelignt tn con
• inlUoo. for 1 Ih. relief of . Irelaod. Nor te thU ML
' By cemmen conaenfiand qnaoliclfed.thechenfie.
‘ a 0 r the Utiiled State, ndeebeen aent lo the Society
i if triaodi i° '"te 4 - fjr “ mm °“
Tiie-boic'of 0d .chtU.Un Mine he been . |
tolbS charities or Mankind, and the Qnn-1
kt4* if Irtfaid, —for Catholic, end Proteitinla B
:il,kk--ebce become the eimtmera of the princely
-"beoa.oleutc .of the world.
• Kmlgenwta, *« .
The total! nmnber of liiai who baae trrieed in
Lleerpoot ditfng the preaent year i. upwarda of
90 000. Ofthere abonl 30,000 ar. anpptwed to
h.,. ; imigraied tn foreign connlrie. tod SO.OOO in
-biro Billed fn Liverpool or to haee gone mlotho
' interior. Waningtnn and other town, within a
-modem!. Atone*of Li.crpool ... crowded -rib
|>mm. •!
. Thelem'oiel of 6m million of poo. "
’ recommended .t .a cepeore of 6v pound, ejudn
fIM. th»n tb. ennu.l eipenteof nmintiramg torn
. it homo,) .. . m.u« of economy “«“ “ ODO
' of eery f te.t phil.nlhropy. Tto foramen of. t>
.mi.reUm compinj b recommended *c «U
bor 100. 800. ot 1,000 action. ofpobUc lend, end
Ifl ,ll imtll pirC'U thereof •»? IwonlJ to mhnn
di,-4 motes eicli —to poor pereon. .t GmtmmeM
„ price./ ew.reinseigh.yaere.ont of etehMCtion,
b, to »ia»!«to ffico whkh tt woold be
jMtb *lwii »• remainder of the eectioo wa» «-
f. tbd «od cleared, nod thM raimbnrw lb. compa-
a ending her ear grant. to our
t ..aland.- Sun. of to. town, a...,
-fa., that He, wandering InlM. ..The
kr. U ar.U,.r.Hj crammed w H
p',i waiting Or no .'»«"• Xt;.«J»Wedtt«
jjO ,000 Germane wilt tbU ,«r. Th.
. Lr. 0. .0. *'•»*« elteoded todietriete to Ger.
i ffl ~-“ «■"" ‘“f"™ “*■ « a -““V
i “Z. U‘S* “ ld f " t "' B,, ° n V ,
politic* Europe.
oP.diMcr.” .aTi‘.« P ro '“'°’
h.* f llawi" anil *'■ la true, whether at home
: , in d.meeue 1* or in public.
I : Lib of tbl. pm.arb i.jnet now wen ■» “. R»r*l
boo—bold ol Spain. There aoemeto bea .
; ,1, between th. two ee to who *•« b" lh <>up
r i'pwiMitliVww «*! ''» P I,M * **. ;
i C.p.raod«ndo«,;tmnd and feeling,*.'^
' t to b, a moat couple. The
• Log. lik. • Cbtiaiian nun. retire, bennw. to th.
■ .yet log, and rleee earl. In th. rnomiog. Th
. 1 n -eh. herein th.r.r »f >h. morn
{•-Vditi* ’bo noon of dag -hm. fta r«*~
/". MaL inth..reo!n S .h. rid.., bnt nerer
u Vnb.nd 81* ruble* her own team, too, .
• : IT 1. considered "» M «“ «*!*•
' /uL-raa-edlof ..rr.nta- B°°* l ' mw Ac
1 'I
■% '
Bask of England*
The Back ot England on the 18th April bad
oat notes tq the amount or £23,236,340, nod held
tbe following for these liabilities: j
Gorernment dot*. 964 900
Other Securities Z’JR’SS
G»U Coin and Bolhou. 7 *^ s fU
flilm Bullion. 1,4*0.696
Total, W®-* 4 ®
The Banking Debt showed a buiinesij of £35,*
174,449- There hsd been a diminution in the
aotes circulated £318.300, all occasioned by
tbe withdrawal or coin. The public depositee had
also decreased more than one, million, (£1.017,-
The paper: in actual circulation, including the
otco day aod other post bills, had increased from
£20,818334 to £21,390,987, being a difference
of £572,753. Th? London Standard remarks
Tho changes exhibited in the present returns
are important, and significant of the pressure of
tbe Bank. As there had been no steamers 1 wme
United Statea within the week’s return, tbe de
crease in tbe bullioo rather exceedawbot was gen
•rally expected. The most of it has therefore
gone by tho psckel ships, and a small portion 11
accounted for by tho announcement of the pay*
meat of the ditidends within the penod.
Thf reduction of the roserre notes in, the bank
ing department clearly shows that the Bank bad
been, pressed to a poiot which cannot ba consider
od safe, aod botu accounts for aud justifies the
strongest proceedings the Director* haw ponwd
ibis week to rectify former error a. The small di
minution in tbs ether ifcaupoblic securities shows
that comparatively little of the.pafer under dia
count had run off,'while the other demands upon
them necorasrily reduced their rescue. The
meat curious and not the least important item 1*
an increase of nearly £1,600.000 imhe Gorern
mrnt securities held by tbe Bank. Under tbi
head we should certainly hare expected a deeln?
nd not an increase, but it fully cap&rma a rtp.'
ibtti has beco in circulation fur a day or lwo l ,as! '
that about two millioni of »uek bad been *>W l 01
lent to tbs Bank by the CommuiioDeraforlhoSa
aiova Banka. In no other way uit credible ih»
tfae B«nk could hive iccfCMcd bet public *eeo«-
tiea under ctrcumsUncee which required preawl?
.the opposite course of proceeding.
3 Foreign Miscellany.
Ws S‘ d the following miicetUneous items:
6om Alexis (Iris snnouoce thst, on ih«
22d ult, upwards of forty eessels laden withconi,
lift thst poit, mostly for Englsnd.
Mr. Aiken, of Aberdeen, bn takes out • pi
tent for the manufacture of iron coaebrs, Hu
trial omnibus, carrying nineteen persons, beside*
driver and cab, weighs only ele»en cwt
The Import duty imposed upon rico by tbo
States of the ZolWeteln, ban been abolished, in
consideration of the prereot high price of proW
-A letter from St. petersbargh. dated
the jd April,announces thattbe Emperor of R«-
tit is seriously HI, and that his journey to War
nw 1$ indefinitely postponed.
Great distress eootiooed to preesil smongst the
poor of Rome, in eowrqoence o.f the high price
of breed. The Pope, however, bed just ordered
the sale or wheat at a much lower rate than the
market price, paying the difference from his own
®°Sli Parkhuia.** plan of proptiling ttutla by
roeitu of ■ number of Tertic«l propellers. instral
of by paddle# or the »crew, ha# erery eppear»ore
uf being » m-*at Tiluable disco#ery in practical rue
cbaoicj. Tne rapidity of the ie»olutiur* is per
fectly asioolshing, causii g the water t> foam, and
almost boil, and. fr *m tha c-mstruetionof tbepro-
h *e*tns to be i;npo»#ible that they ciu
oteak wnb any amotiut of speed. Mr. Parkhurst
ealealalea on being able to cross the Atlantic In
tix days.
The application of coal Ur. which has in some
plaees been used as a remedy f*r the p« tito blight,
1 u aatd to have frequently destroyed thevegeUtire
I power of the teed. ...
' An officer in tba issaiJto bare
i partly loeeetded in grauuUtu. • innco' as
to produce a ipeaes of wW’s gunpowder.
The Botch sothoritie* iu India are said to be
-preparing a fresh expedition against the native*
cf the Uicnd of Bali, who lately made their sob
misrion, but have lately renewed hostilities.
Thera ia gTeat scarcity of breadsrafla in toe is
land of Madeira, and great anfiring among the
poorer inhabitants, on aecoont of the high pnees
of grain and four. . . . .
In Geroaoy, and particularly in Silesia, the
1 crops bear an appearance » promising, that the
t markets of the coontiy brgm to feel the
I effects by a sellable reduction »n price*.
1 Same tea which has lately been grown in the
Indian district of Kaosoor. is said , to be folly equal
in quality to the fioeat Chinrse tear, and itacolti
ttaioo is expected to prove pr-fiteble.
The Augsburg Gsxelte slates that a chemist at
Vienna ha* produced bread from oil-cake—the re
hue of tbs Cola* aeed, alter extuctrng the oil—
which is both agreeable and nutritive, and costs
only a halfpenny per pound.
The Saxon government has determened that
corn, flour and paisa, from foreign countries, pac
ing ta trana t on the Elbe to Saxony, ahall be ad
mitted, IUI the end of September, free from doty.
rVrrespondeaee of the Pin*lmrfhC»Kiir
From Waehlngwn.
Liiuxx or Comui, )
WssunsiTO*, Msy6tb. 1847. 5
Y oa .ill percciteHull dstemy letter from the
drreHttl hells of the C.pitol, whore I find .rayreif
ormoot oolilory end alone. What * wonderful con
trail doca lhie immense pile now present to whal
it did some sixty days linee, when your worthy
self, was present here, actually engaged in takiog
poles of thoeaylnp and doings, of ibe wise men
of the nation, then in Uooncil assembled. The
ahadow Of a somewhat diitinguisbed senator from
Florida, wa< fora moment thrown acroasme, as I
threaded my way through its noisrltsi galierica,
and wee the only risible object, calculated to re
mind moot the 39th Congress, oow among the
haUxau. and well for the eoontry would it be, if
the acta and the measures of that Congress had
no real existence—but as it is. it will only be for
hating parsed laws and sanctioned deeds which
am calculated to occupy in our National History,
a moat unentied distinction. Daring it. briefer is.
tones it came near plunging the country in a war
with England, whhdif .rtunaulykoweter through
the noble elections of the Whig* who ha.o orcr
been found the adsoeatrs of peace, was present
ed-the peerage of the mb-treasury hill, the alt
rogation of the Tariff of the defeat of Ut«
Wilmot protieo, and worst of all, Ibe approving
and supporting of the administration in the pres
et inglorious war with a sister republic, and a
few of the prominent acta which will stain its Hts
loty, and render it immstnorable through all com
ing time. Numerous others might be added toffll up
the catalogue, but I forbear todwell upon them -
Already think God. has the stamp of condemn
atioo been pronounced again.! the .imtotrtralion;
and the 30th Congress of the United Slate., teat
it the popular htanch of it, will find but few of j
th. promoter, of iho» measure, numbered amongst
itl member*. -
The admioiatiation are dreadfully annoyed at
the dtrpr stton manifnted ty- • P®"j on
Whigs to tun Gen. Toy lor for be
Union yon will hasepaicetsed,denouo*ed It roost
hoarser, is not calcolsted to dimin
ish ihe Omtrral’s chance, for It will he hrs osrn
fmnit if he is not Ptcaldetrt —oor will it *t *ll
! }s£,« if +*u «*!
fiuo do eo whenthey iwembto in * Mtionel coo* ,
rentioo, from nominating trim for that office,
i Tbe friend* of Gen. Cue ■raaleodrMdfuUy an
noted by the Taylor feser. It bed been M"** 1
I noon that Oen. C. ahould not return again to the
! Senate, as hi# particular ad risen wen wry ouch 1
' afraid ihit be might commit aome further blun»
dec. in hie «enetotUl cepecilj. end thereby lee
aen hie chances for a residence at the .White
That regret moeh, and they donbtleea
hate good reirn to do eo, that he did not radgn
hafore ho tree forced to record We tote upon the
wnmol Protieo Qutrtien, a hnhe. by that tot.
diminlshod hischencse fir reeelting tbo
~rff .ly, Northern Democracy.
"B* B«Xl U out in aeiolent
_r p-hi. children in Oregon, agaroet the Senator
fmm SoaihrOarolrat, end which is celfultted to
’res3%Mt of • day'e growth. . ~
of Pinaburgb ono of hi* “In* o™*
MlilTiKi.— Mora hoop. M« soil’s forwMil .
no. to tho MM »ny ono month I
for tho jeu P Mt. So.or.lcompM.ieo mn mooing i
front Ohio, lUinoio, North U.relin.,.nd
to fill up th. .k.leton regiment. from .11 qosrte«
nf Aelcountrj. C.pfin Oulti|i.'.
thlodlj on SonJoj morning Ri tho font. Nc
ton; Th. departure presented ■ oml oppcatonc.
t. thonj. Th. mother., ...a end children ot .
.uni. of th. Midi... «0.0 present, nod the.. eye.
nemed . of tee., u they took leave of
lthJMto.homthey.cro .inched by tho rtronget
bonds of affection.
General Ji ssup. since hi* return to Washington,
hM otdeted Oul. P. ' Smith*, ttllo “
1 ko'mounted ,nd to procure horee. in Mexico,
i The (ioxcnior of UMn h«
I f,« comp.nie. of infM>lrj M>d t.o or cMry. to
Mfn doting tho .m «ith Mexico. W. «
nothing in .11 thi. tbit look, like • “.hort ...
or a epeedy pecec.
8..1T1.0 or com*. —A melhod k» been
diecoreted of tmelting copper. by memo, of elee.
incilj. The procan cffccl* in two deye "hat non _
require* Ibreo week* In .ceomplirh. Wo ie.rn
tb.l arrangement* arc making for lh. erecl.on "f
building, for Uro emelung of copper tn line city.
Wc bciicrc from the eridcnc* ire hate "ten that
copper oro may be amcilcd by mean* if elecrncrly
arrd at all the rering of limo and cipen.o here
named, tiachancrentwjtprcdictedbylhe philo.
■nphicai Sorrmj of *omo year* gone by,
and before that lima it bad attracted lb* attention
of gentlemen in ibie-comitry. We beliere, too.
that the day i* not far diatenl taboo the rabolo pre
en, of Mining non in oa» and at auch enermooa
espenao. by Cling ahafla and dclring in the bovr
.l. of the earth, 'trill be metamorphnoed by the
pottetful agent of electricity.
Ilounar nattaean*.— Referring to tiie . lota
lion of Col. Cuahing to * Brigadier Gcneralihip.
without bating any mililaty eapericnce. the New
Meant Picayune thue lllnattalc. the impolicy of
appointing raw men to pom* of reapooaihility:
.General Pillow’* dofcnceo of Cemergo w«io
Ur. laughter of the In tbrowrng op m
treitcbtnent* he actually made the ditch on Urn
wrong aide— contorting a brtaatteotk deaigned for
the protection of the city into a contenieut cote,
for an aaaailiog Patty. Notethat ho la a Major UreeaonebU to etippoao that the nett
Ume he trite hi. hand at the ,butinc he will
make hi* dltche* on both tidta.”
Giant Thotourn reya that b,» wife baa leal but
. I lea apoon aince they hate kept houao and to thl* )
eatraordinary atateurent adda,—“l now hate a ltet
Ue apooua in my houae. and in dally .uac, whidi
I bought forty-five year* "go. end- **b'» 1
bought lh.ity year* ago—bul my wife ' alw.y.
counted them when they went into the kitchen—
had them brought up and put into her own har.da
—thu* we hate loot only on* ten tpoon airtce. w*
cocDOMncnl houiekeeping. j
Tea 'Cato.’ la in perfacl agony over the poa
aiblo or probable nomin.tion of Genar.lTeylor for
to, Preaidency. Well, Mr. Official, you ahould
not hate got op thta abominibie war, nor the war
upon General Taylor, after you got jnto the war
with Mexico. Your Preoideut mado the war, and
and the war may make you * Prendent
Tea Season. —The time of fbo blootoming of
fruit Iroeo i> * tolerable good lodtcalron of the
hl J than in 1845-end tr/nefuig/if Inin- than
tn 1844 r-BoitonJwr.
The Oor*»*o» « Convicncvt, in bl«
•l.mwwer.‘cppo« s the witlj Mexico, end
locate*, the repeel of iho. twiff of’lWS*!
fte* of Connecticut m jfce chief gloiy of
dw States md we ere fled to leern they pnaent
a noet proepwooa condition.
.Bf:SIAG|ETI& i jr —- .
Majltljh. TiVM.
' lie mtikeilrjr’FiouV cioeej onS.u,J.j night
with f» eumUnl fcufef?
This morning the adraace demanded *** *cee
dtd to by buyers, and some LQ*iceti wa* donaal
•7 et continuing ulmprcTe.oa.ei
were *ff«Md ■' W.6a&7,69j. rtafljT*f»~
p .-edthelrigore. .1 $7.76 perbbl .onJ
■idendda extent withdrew their itotdu (at the ed.
1 tance. ■ • «*«* • ..
Tor Wheat the mirket hai rpsinUipcd a ,rety j
uuiet appliance aud the sale* are small. The
r. eeipw are mostly used to fill time contracts now 1
maturing.' . < ....
Uurn haa gone ap. Tne ttocka are»ety light
—prime Yellow told to-day at U)3alosc per
Rye Floor sold to a limited-extent at JS.I2J
prr bM, and holders are now aaking I2sc per bbt
U wiling at $4,75i4.87A per bhU’
PtOTia o i market stdl dull. Sales to a reiy Um*
ited extent.
Whiskey in bits is held nl 30c—buyers ate on
tilling t>» pay tbit.
Nothing of importance locally. s
Ficlu* ve i'orrciij>oii<lrncr oi lb<* Piiubttrjfe Uaielte.
May 10, BP. M. ■
There has been a good deal of activity to dif
in Floors ami ptice* are a shade lower. Qrr>
«swe wld to-d«y 1(1 * moderate extent on tbo
spot, but the atock is light. For luturo d«li*-
cry salei 35,000 bids Gencesee at ?7.70i7,8ii.
Western sold at $7,565, and Ohio at >7.75 pvf
kbl. Southern i« scarce, and commands that fig-
ure. . ,
Of Rye sales at I00at03; por bu—an ad
; Some Yellow Corn sold at 99a 103 cents per
bu. "• -s
Of Rye Flour, sales to a moderate extent at
$5,124 pcrbbl. _ ‘
CoTomeal advanced today. Sales at 55,«5a
5,31 i per bbl t» extent of 1000 bids, 5
’ln Provision* not much doing. The sale? of
West Packed Poikto day wero at $15,0f1a15.37£
for’old Mens, and $16,23 for new. Of Pnmt*
$13,00*13.12$ for old, and $13,50a13,87$ for
new. . , . .
Otherwise little to notice totho market.
KxtU’-'ft ofthp «**»««
May I0:b, 7 o’c. P, M,
On Saturday tbi* market for bath Howard «t
and City Mill* Flaw reeeJed to J7.SU, buyers
being unwilling l» S >» oxtr t)x\t tigurc. I hu,
morning there were sale* if Ho*ard at at 57. ;
50, but City Mills wa* put op to 57,7 j, non*,
inally. The market kepi improving, however,,
and in the aftermwu llowaid aueel wont to 57,-1
I 73, and sales were effected to tho ejlenl of j
| 1000 bbla. C M alao went op «sc, and at the j
clo«o holder* were demanding jSperbbl, without i
finding buyers, except in a retail way. The]
market closes firmly. Stork of all description. ,
Tt Tke B alidi ef Wheal eery much reduced, and !
nil kinds are now scry scarce. Trine White ad
vanced to UUc, and Red In 173 c, with sales j
5000 bo. Tho market eloscs with an upward
tendency. ‘
Of Coro aalea 6000 bu prune » «»<>w at a tor
ther advance, 103a105c per bu.
To-day the market for Provisions i* u QUo
sod the aalea are to a very limited client. Al
ihnngk prices are rather in favor of buyer?, tbetc
is no decline nifficieotly marked to call for a re
daction of quotatiooa of Saturday bight. Bacon
• and Balk Pork’are leastaSected.
Among the piieanere tekea wee Ex-Preeidect 1
Hertare. Ho oil] oil'll Uto -United Sum with
L* Vega. Tbo liberty given to the Mexican,
prisoners is the subject of complaint in »ome of
the letters.
Tho amount of money found in the carriage of
SsnU Anna is variously estimated from 18 to
Uen. Morales, who so gallantly defeneJ Vera
Ciui, and Gen. Landcro, who ajfjned the eapltL
tation, were put under arrest by Santa Anna,
and ordered to Guanajuato.
Iu tho city of Mexico civillorder appear* ti!
reign, but the tone of the paper* breathes nothing j
but vengeance toward* the l>oitjed-State*. , i
The clergy of the archbishopric of Mexico j
hate bound themselves to the government for e
million tod a half of dollars, payable raonthlj.
The el-rrgy of the dtflVrrnt hiabopfit a are to Jo the
The Pennsylvania regiments were not only in j
the fight of Cerro Gordo, bat in the thickest of it, j
A letter dated the day of the battle, the IBib,says |
that our regimrnU wer-» iu the charge of the morn
ing with the Tennessee regiments and the rego-
Ura. The Mexicans for a lime resisted them
with great desperation, but I’nally the trouiptt
sounded a retreat.
There worn 1200 saldirri Vera Cruz on
the 21*t. The dead were but lew.
BaUlr of Geo. Stoll and Santa Anna, j
The following very interesting despatch from |
M»jor Gen. Scott was received at tho War Office,
by Friday evening’s southern boat.' We haslco
Ist u before our n-aden:
Ht*P‘tT’*»TKß« OT TH* A.VJft,
Plan del Jtio, 30 miles from Vera Crux*
April .19, 1H47.
Si a: Tne plau of stuck, sketched in General
Ordci*. No. 111. in l*»t evening's
-Union,"] herewith,* "W fioely executed (7 this
lalltnt array, before two o’eock, p.
j # \Ve are quite embarrassed with'Tße re
aulu of *irtory—prworjera of war, heavy of d*
oance, field batteries,, small arms,
cnen'S' About 3,000 meiuloid down their arms j
v<th the usual fief J and company
officer*; brsiJm fivo geherkts, several or them uf
great distinction. Pinson, Jairero, La Vegj.
Notie&o, and Obando. A sixth general, Va*qu. a,
was killed in defendiug tha nailery (lower} in
the rear of the 'whole Mexican army, the cap* j
1 tore of which gave us those glorious results,
i Our loss, though comparatively small iu num- 1
! bers, has been Brigadier 'Shields, a j
l commander of aridity, xeal, #nd talent, t», 1 j
fear, if not dead, mortally wounded. He is
eomo<*e miles from me at the moment. The
geld of ope rations covered many miles, broken
by mountains sod deep chasms, and 1 base not
a report, as yet, from any division or brigade.
Twigg’" division, followed by Shield I *, (now
Col. Baker's) brigade, are now at or near X**
laps, and Worth's division is in route thither, all
pureding, with good resolts, I learn, that part
of ibo Mexican army—perhaps, «ix or aeveu
thousand men, who fLd before our right had
carried the lower, and gained the Xalapa road.
Pillow's brigade alouc. if near mo at the depot j
of wounded, aiek. and prisancrv, and I have I
lime only t<* give from hiin thi- nanus of lti
Lieutenant Ft B. N*el« *u. aud 3d C. G. Gill, both
oftbo 2d TennrcMC fool (Haskell's regiment,)
among the killed, and in the brigade 100, of ell
ranks, killed or wounded. Among the latter, the
gallant brigadier general -himself- baa a aman
wound in'he arm. but not disabled, and Major
R Farqoeson, fid Tennessee, (fapt. H. F. Murrey,
3d Llontenant.G. T* Sutherland. I at Lieutenant,
W I*. Hale, (adjutant) all of'the asm© regiment,
severely, a»d Ist Lieutenant ,W. Yearwood, mnr
tilly'woundod- And I know, from porsonal ob
scrvalion on the ground, tbit Ist Lieutenant
Ewell, of the nflee, if not Idcad, waa mortally
wounded, m entering, awcjrd in hand, the en*
trenebrnrnts around the captured tower. Sec
ond Lien'enant Derby, tobographiaal cugineers,
1 also saw at tbu ssma place, severely wounded,'
and Captain Patten, 2d Uilitcd Stairs infantay,
lost bts right hand. Majir Sumner, 2d United
Siatca dragon*, waa slightly wonnde-J the day
before, and-Uapt. Johnatod, topographical engi
neers, (now lieutenant cofenel of infantry,) was
severely wounded some tlaya earlier. CapUin
Mason and 2d Lieutenant; Davis, both of tha ri
gor were very severely; wounded in storming
the' same lower. Oar total los», in killed and j
wounde.', may ba about ,250, and that of ibo'
enemy 300. In the pursuit towards Xalapa,;
(2fi mile* hence) wtf bdvc added much to Ibe
eoemy’a loss iu pfiamenj, killed and wounded.
I suppose his retreating army to bo disorganised,
tttd bene* my ha*te to follow, in an hour or;
two, to profit by event*.! ~
Brig. Gen. Twiggs, in passing tbe mountain
range beyond Ceirro- Gordo, crowned will? the
lower, detsfbed Irorn hia division, as I suggest*
ed tho day befirr, a strong fotco to earry that
height, which comtaanded the Xalapa road at
ibo foot, and could not fail, if carried, to cut j
m(T the whole, or any pail of tho enemies lorce* ',
from a retreat in any direction.
The jbrigade ascended the long and difficult.
flloptf’orGcrroGordo, withoutshelter, and under
the tWßWw° us 6 f ® artillery and musketry with j
tho utmost steadiness, reached the breastworks, ,
drove the enemy from them, planted the colors of |
the Ht artillery; Sd and 7th infantry- the enemy'*
As* Btilfllyipg—and* after some minutekof tharp
firin,, the cODqwet with the bayonet,
i 1, j, « man pleennf* du'y to ay th.t It. hisb
at Hiinli dte t» Homey, Child,, Ponton. Lo
rineAlexeiilir, theftpilenl office™ end men, for
Ihi. brillient ecr»ice, independent of Ihc poet re
al™ which won foliowefi.
; Warth’a diviiiodxflf laming *P »tA»,
fiSflfe deradwd Brevet litffc t*d. O. F Smith,
Iritbftfc UglrttatuSiffl, M*6jipo*<ih« ««»uh^ot.
unlime. !?Th#Genarel»*e*eBog the tower »
me, «nd 'obietnng MWI# I
flu divplsyrd from the nearest portion of the «£>
CTry-tmr«n!r ( thetutterie» MDt" Cola j
H.roey and Child# to hold e patley.* |
render tolidwed in en hour or two.« >• ;■ ,;± ;'■ j
fI«J. Geo. Pstieraon'left a aick bed to abare m i
.ihe danger* end Jetifoe*«f.4he nfter the
surrender went forward to command the advanced
I forces towjWaXelapa.. '
I Brig.- Geo. Pillow end hia brigade twicea«s*uK
i ted w.tlifeat daring tW enemy V line’of batte
: nee on bur left; and though without success, they
i contributed much tadistract and dismay their im
mediate opponents. ' " '
• • .'President Santa Attna, with General* Uanalixo
and Almonte, and aomeygiert eight thousand two,
escaped towarde Xalipa jdet before Uetro Gold#
was carried, sad b-fore Twigg’a division reached
the Keiionsl road abote. _
1 havrdetirmiped to parole the prisoners—om
cere and men—is I hare not the means of feeding
them here, beyond to-day, and eanoolafford lode
tacb ibeavy body of horee and foot, with wagoni
to accompany them to Vera Crux. Out baggage
uain, i though iocteariog, ia not yet half Urge
enough to give an assured progress to this army.
Beside*, a gtealer number of prisoners would,
prubably, escape from the escort in the long and
jeep sandy road, without subsistence—tea io‘one
that we shall find again, out of the fame body
of in the ranks opposed to oa. Not one of
the Vera OjU* priaonera is believed to have been
in the liars of Corro Gordo. Borne a.x of the of 1
fleers, highest in rank,retu» to give their paroles,
except to g » to Vera Cruz, and ‘hence, perhaps j
to the United States. I
The amall arms and their accoutrements, bemgJ
«f no value tj our-army heie or at home; I have I
ordered them to bo destroyed; for we have not I
the 'means of tiansportiog them. I am,'also,
somewhat embarrassed with the ■■ pieces of ar
tillwry—bronze—which w« have captured. It
would take a brigade, and half tha mule* of this
army, U> transport iht m fifty miles. A field bat-1
tciy I shall take for aerviee with the army; tmtibe |
heavy rneUl must bo collocled, and lelt here for |
the piejent. We have nor own siege-train and j
tho proper carriages with oa ,
Being much occupied with tho prisoners, and
nil the details cf a forward movement, beside*
looking to the eopplies which arc to follow fro™
Vrn Uius. I have time to add no more—intend
ing to be a* Xalapa eaily tomorrow. Wejihall
not, probably, ngaiu meet with serious opposition
this side of Pcrote—certainly not. unless delayed
tiv the want of the means of transportation.
IP.B. ! in»ita attention to the P'®***
Jcnt Santa Amu, taken in hi* carm|*; also to
hi* proclamation, in which be asyv: *‘U tbeenemy
, advance one step more, the-nrional independence
j will be buried io the abyss of the past.” ne have
taken th«t step. . ~
.) lam happy In learn that Gen. Shield* may sur
\ rive hi* wound*. ,
: f One of the principal motive* for paroling lb*
[ j prisoners or war U. to diminish tho resiitincee ot
J other garrison* in oor march. W.
Tim Baltimore Patriot annonncea the return
of the Committee from Wheeling *ithoat having
mado any definite arrangement.
A meeting is announced io thePelriot, held on Nicholas, Murdoch and
Canard .were appointed to confer with the PM*-
i burgh Company and to reperl et another meeting.
Inin RiLitr.— We are reqaeated to *Ute by
Mr. Atiu. Eaq- that 200 tana of Cera, Floor.
Cornmea! anil Rye have been received into the
warihouae of M.-AUeo dt. Co. within the tut
eight day*.
Shipment* made—Week before last, 30 ton*;
lut week, IQ2 do; engaged for the present week,
1 10 tins.
BiauTirut ricruas. —Mr. Porter, the Da*
guerrcolypul, ba» taken an impression of tho
country known as Orchard Hill, the Bluff*, and
’the beaoOfal views in the neighboring grounds
of JameeS. Crelt. Etq. The country itself here
about* present* .one of tho boaaliful pro*.
. p«ts upon which the rye* of ijisn’ ever rested,
| B nd the arlist ha* dono good justice ta bis subject.
GnuT mi at Coioxi>c*.-yrhe eastern row
ofahopsin thoSiaU* Pri*on we*. consumed on
the afternoon of the 7ih. All the machinery end
tjo!*wetc destroyed and a great quantity of atock
orThand. Lo*s fM.OOO. ImiUsnces»,ooo.
The Bablx Hittwosco-ve give a second Con*
cert to night. Tho andience ait evening was
largo and faihinnaWe and tht\«* itertainment gave
groat satisfaction.
A Mormon papci has been al Ycr*
ba Ba«ns, New Mexico.
The list Loauos Illc*t«4i ed New* may be
had at Mor«m\4Ui street.
U7-ne«. i. N-siaffivt w.»W« • Learn* >«
VV«»le> Ch*j>el,3tb Wnrd onToc«l*y
rv<*DUig, Wily IM>, al S ./dock. Subject-Eloquence;
Eloquence ol Nutufe; o t Public | AMcnbltci; ol ihe
lUr ni.d Pulp.iiat l.op*inu«. De.oor.benc* end <-*.
ccio; of ffu W .ti *:.d Ile&ty Clay, The Angel of El*
•..u-urr j
:nt!etfl*n and L«dv’* ticket
Sinjk i : ck«;u,V'> r»nl«. *»<:•
3; li. licii-Itmru and two l.aJsc*. &U cent
r««ful Informktlon-An jimnoiiant discovery
In m.-d.cnr 1.3* twen made >•? e ?" r, '“
,h c B ,„ r v rooihinatwn «i vccd-ble *uuetanera. n>
the form or an Kleetuary. wh ch surpriaing
e.irr* ill Hie inO‘l <l;*trc»«:Mg ca*n» of llv norThoid* of
uiul for Um complaint ha* l-irea pronounced a* m-
’•Vhnlenale and Rfijail. by '''VATT &
if£rrcn am isi KaliomtnxiijNtw V©rk;.Wu.TStDlSi
1 fiSSt url’cL .n“ P. n. sZwU Smia.6ieW .ue.,.
! »l per Iw* myll lw
fT7*TIIK Annual meeting of the Orphan Aaylum of
Pitwbuigh and Allegheny-veiM l>e held at the Uhany
•ircci Method:*! Kpi»copal Church. lhi« afternoon ut j
oelcek. AH the i-hitdren will bejpreteoi, and »t ‘*bor'
_i meeting wilt-proYo imetr«ling m the fr.eiid«and
£,m«* of in. Inal.tut'on ‘ The pul.Uc are re^c.mllj
ir>* Wk Itiv.te the attention of! our render* to'Utr el
traordmary cure* of Scrofula performed by Dr. tNilim »
| Minn Fegrtoif* PaMeto, wb.eb they will
i . d m another column of to-daV • paper- ™" r JT* rt
... Il(0 „i doubt the roott woodenul on record, and; have
pronounced by many of out mo.t
»hv»iridna JTt* afflicted and other* imereated, are re
ouc-tcd to viail them at their wicral placet of dbode.
and learn from their own lip* the wonderful effect* of
■he medicine- Tho fir*tone named is Mr uaae Uiook*.
he »ccn daily. betwee|i tho boura of 0 A/M
-and 4 P. iM- at the office of Rowaildi " atiou,
.Market at. Philada. ' 006
Ip-ImporUnt to Adf«tlMrir-Tltc tdier
t.»cmcnt' which appear lu the jDaily Morning Uaxetie
aim appear m the receiring tho ben
e(U of the circulation of all, jwithoul any additional
charge. Tin* t*an advanitgeiooer adeanuet*, without
any extra expen.e. Advertisement* are alec inrcrtid
ii iiin rinmiry paper upon reasonable term*.
thibu btbi»t, cobbkb ori roar office ailet.
are now prepared to oxecutetu u.uperior
and exp’dtliott* manner, all kind* of Job PautTiM,
»och a. large poster*, Steamboat Bill*, Bill, of Lading,
Sheet Circulara, Handbill*, Card*. Ac., Ac.
"book asd raamvET rßisTi*u
to any extent executed in llte bett manhei, and all
kind* ot Printing done with accuracy and at the loweit
(ST-Balter a Qlnaenf; Panacea. —MsorcaL
Ta*nxo3T“We beg‘leave to eall public altent on to
,b.roil.«t«.f">" »'■ !«““•»' WllhuMTilte.
Clermoni Co , and one of the very Hr at pracltuoner* in
the county ii) which he re»:de*. anJ late Senator In.the
Legiilawic- It la chewing thu. to *ce the lend,
„i S men of the prnfoitton, burtttng lb. bond* of profe*-
a onal pr-jndiec, and giving nicrit-lta due:
‘•Sit' l have tn ray prarnce beeit using aotne of your
Ginseng Panacea, and, *o far, tun well plenaed in ita
effect* in ('utarrhal and Hrot.rhial CompUnd*. Plea*
*ead me half * dnwu bottle-put them a* low ua you
pan; o* I r jpeet if it continue* meander n« general «at
i.facnon ** »t ha* herctolbr*. to keep it cojuUtnily on
hand. Ilrepeeifully. a P I7 Wit. Doa«, M. a.
So, oo. -COOTS 5,00.
1 UK‘uhscriber rc.»|iceifu|ly inform* the nubile that
hctia* cornmciiced tho .-nthnufueturo of Grnl/.Dte*
FtttKioMbk Boon, of good material and workman«bip
wiiieh hr Will warrant superior warty Uoot ever made
in lMn*bur«h for the pner* Theta hundaome uont
“a u r l *““wß ""‘“"■''wTerlkln"”
Kicnanoa U*SK or PirraunaoHi f
i • | ;May4th, ItH. J
] myMtd • •-' --•
PiTTi»t?*<”»i Mar 4, t^4T.
Dtvmxao—The Pmewn of: the. J n 0 d f
H.»u «ia„r.'.JU»k, ihU J.», .‘‘JSS h!
four pet com on the capita »tock,oul of Ut P mM .
the iV.l.ix montb*, payable on or after
Bittern Mock holder* will he pa'd al'h
Praa.ylvan'*, in 1 &NNY, Cartier.
Uaik of PirrawMJl*')
M»T ( V.
The Pr».ld«m Mi Direcßn °f ufMrlnaln
c*!"’* l Jviu.t.llinhwjik.
waKfc Mw<ne4Mb • u*;
Co ”^“S^ald“
.&>- -i'i-
Mi Knrro*—PltiM *aooßCCa'Utrj>OM aiiiataK
'Mi’SJtOCORAWorAIiaiB lownibip. n» a *uiuMe
candidate 10 represent Uii» county in ihc Legiiliiorr.
«>W4w*T _ _ UGION
AIR EPJJOB;—Pteoteanoonncelbs name of JOHN
J MUBK,of'Ver»«lto*T«w^i^«#»ablee^tdjW l
fofgiir a Lgjq!itßr»r —WlyklNs
••. RALMWt. 0* &b'
ken of here uu excellentaad •uunle cnndulnte-ior
the Irgi*luure. Dy-enltinf mention to Uw-nboreyon
will oblige mi»nT Whijc*.or «h«.city. -
D)SdAWIC './*•’
JUSEPH McUULLOCH hae*. been. spoken of by
several gentlemen u a candidate tot Co only. Comm/
•ioner, and bemgln every respect boad»fw>4 capable*
wUI bo supported by bit ttipnat for that office before the
Contention. - ;;v .a»>-IPifc»-
Tllo»AS PERKINS, of LowetSt- Cltut lowaihir.
will be n candidate for nomination totbe office of coon*
iy (jkitomiMiomr. ’ _1 . JgyiMqw
JOHN 81IERIPP, of the city, will be supported by
many 'Whigs of the city and county for nomination by
the Uonvemtou as a candidate for the Legislature. _
mySdkw f i PITT
J W BAXTER, of the c«y, wttl bo supported U tore
the 'Vb'cand Amimasonic Couvenuontor nomiaaluut
at the candidal* fur the office of county Treastlrer. ■
myftd&wtc ... »KCON 1) WARD
Col tv. ESPY of Lower St- CU’rkowjisl ip will b*
mi poor led |.y many Whiff* mild Anliauuobt for the Le
gislature. mylidAwF JEFFERSON
DIED, ’ i.
At 4 oVloek ou Monday morning Mrs.Margam.Mdw
ry, consort of John C.Mowry.
Toe friends andacquainiaaeosof family.are reqi ert*
ed to attend the funeral at 4 o'clock tbit atumoon, Uu>u
the residence of iter bnabandon ibe North Cotnmou. it>
me city of Alicffheny.
t Academy, Fayette Co*» Pa<
*tol.Education! Boarding and Taitio
iijr BafttOfer 5 month*.
New Hnreia
Great advauugci
THE coarse of instruction. - io this Institution'is a
thorough as in any other In the State. It embrace
me following branches: •" ; .„ . ,
Languages—English, French, Latin ana.Grcck.
Sciences—Mathematic*, Natural Philosophy, Chets
istry. Astronomy, History -V
Accomplishments —Mus.c, toca* and insirumenli
Eoeanan, Botany. _ .
Special attention given to Readmg, spelling andGiat
The teachers wiM always be with the ycholara an
ng with them in tuetr plays, and paying great nltei
lohto their personal habits and moral*. '
To those who wish io become traehertlnlh!* oiut
i reduction will tie made Inlh* abore term* Addfci
N MERRILL, A B Prof,of MalheOUtUt*,
niyllwtiF Cpnneltsvijlc, 1 «■
EW. STEPHENS of Wbeelirf. E-.F. Shoetibcr
* gorof Jumau ond f. £, Stockton of Pittsburgh,
have uis day cutered into co-partnership under style
and linn of atepnen*. Snocoberger A co,-at the
Anchor lion Works, Wheeliuff Victor the purpose ol
manafseturmg irouand uat>s of every description.
E. \V. Sncriittu, K. F Siiox-voceaE*, J..A.,Stocxiok..
. ■ " ' Wfruting, Va. ■
Manufacture alt kinds of boiler, sheet* bannm and
nail*. A B steel efipnc tpriogs aud axles iicnig can .
neeted with shuenuerget's Old Juniata Works, we cant
: offer un article of Jauiata 'ron [branded StroenbergerJ
• equal to any made in the country. All of which will b«
Hidat the Piusixirgh prices. Warehouse of the. Work*
cornerjf Monroe ami Water street*. mjH
JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT-We invite MieniiOßlo
ibis admirable remedy for Pulmonary uffrCLons
The principle there announced of the morbid character
of obs'rucitons— its tendency to originate in&amutlon
of the Br-iucbia, and consequent visitation of tbonara*
rat bunto » —is, beyond dispute, the troth itself." toe.
only practieaotcjaodonf removing *ueh obstruction,!* .
bv moans of expectoration, a result which.we are con
vinced can always.he obtained by a judicious exhibi- 1
uou of the remedy of Dr Jayne-—[Phifi. Spirit of the
For sale in ritubargh at the Pekin Tea store, 7d <lh
itreet. Dear wood, ahdulsaat the Drugstore oflf r
Schwartz, Federal st, mylidAwF
BEG- respectfully to announce two of their Unique !
Oonsern at the Philo Hall ou Mondsy aniTucsday
evenings, May the lOih and lllh
During each evening a rich and rare, selection of
Ethiopian melodies uud Parodies irora the gems of the
most lavoritaOperaswillbe triing.' ..
For particulars seo email btlUol thediy.
Uoore opened at 7 7-x, Concert -to cwnolenee at 8
precise]? - J _ «y ? d4>
SECOND HAND PIANOS—Ao excellent *=*
rono hand Piano Porte, made by Dabvr* A Bacon*
New York, with six octave/, iron piate, a«J in good ot•
C /i six octave second hand Piano, made by Clemcnti
>oo Lo.iUon. For sale low for cash by
* mril jOIIN'.H MKLLOR
C" lIICHE RING’S PIANOS—An elegant rose
wood *ix octave,new scale PiaodiYmc, manatee,
tured by Ouckeruig/of Boston, will be opened for sals
ou Tuesday, May .Uth by J It MELLOK
, D j it _ / _et wood *Ueet_
I'OBACCO —lO bx* Russel A K({jiH«on, ft lumr;
111 do Jcsk Uaus A do
IU do ImUttts S plug!
5 do Me A.'tc «5 .do;
iu «are and far sal* by myll JABFLOYD
tad •ptritoa* fi<jnor*> "for 1,,*. no^fy
5,i=«,«U,. Dws»torcol H» ‘•“KSSr
r- 'ttu.lXu' ÜB.«“«W>B!iV~ | -
SC»5 C » V»npJi> Miccmenw ».«•* or piompl P*l |
"'or.!°rf I. —«7W. “ J CS9PH-—JJII
*c»tpc tad p*» l * .- : ‘ .~
I VTOI.O PKNS— Ju*i recM, one gr 6« of Diamond
7 'oUISVILLiK b^i- L J'r' I'*’ 1 '*’ I d* aw* wAii&MA to
m - - ; ; j »pnW. WW*™?™*':.-??^pte£.areof
T»OBACCO-3 jnpOtwiai Tobacco, a food article *i* o’d^,k 0 ’ d^,k^ e Vp«£'are «iU warranted, and wllinfE
1 I gr Uo:dFenJ)^ c r^Ug^
l a&ws dKa&ggft?
tnqmtcoi aDAM GBTrV,
-gSUbU large-No 9 Mackerel, -
_ «5 do do I Uomnc .
\fl do do l Hhad, landing by. Canal
and for tale by S *£?[’LOyD
myll m No iMhbejiyat _
VUSEOAB.-T<i LI»U V.negar,. a good article, foT
mv ll No 5a water airetf
» «ONEY WANTED— Wtntrd to lorrow,ou aecu
iVl ruv, «Ter«t *nnif*, from Bi£l to fliW. Apply i*
, n) U 1 HAKtQB Ait<rni, No 30flu> «« -
OCYTUE BNEATHS—SO dot.jn note and lor
J 5 rate to VVICKAAicTTANpLEeS
cor xro<}& and aTuern«
OCYTIIE BNEATllB—*t recManfffer
b;.»lc»w..y ' Ofc|O # CDCUttAN,
nlflt >0 =0 wood It
POTAhH-41 c»k*ruie,.lan<JiocaoiJ &» «ali; l>v 1
my 11 ^ Yl>
BUTTEB-3 bfalsfrcibidli; for «dle ty
Oiyll : ,J « & FuO\U
riUMOTHY sIbBiS-SS ou. rleanT-moiby wtth
X lur »aie i»y orylt J * R FLOi V
SOXP— 20 bxa No I C.iiciiinaii Soap, i*‘l «ecM awl
MPYTUB aiPLKS-3 ;u*l »ecM:*oa for
Sg. jy WII wftjvt McCANOI.ESS
-Tolok7l ftYBCP—3 fair bbt* Loa»;ana rciinwl
U montisinr.
n> .j n ’ - | N<H^CKiberiv_*t
F' ~»isH-;Wbl>l#N< , 3W* , - , Wfeh
09 do .No l dry tailed, . . .
15 do Carolina Sttad; tor tale by , N
ISK-JmU«eiwi * l ibfrfei
fcr:t.lo MU» “>““ , *' ,u " r ji?"S
U yiJ 1 w -_.——— i '— * 1
myw wnnECAPWAI WiSTBDrI >» f eke
(-joPFEEf-io, ( M -'^'“,"sf'L*;' : ‘ i,r ‘ 1 '' f 0 *r
m» ..... . •..., for«bict .he6«tU».
_. . ; -
C URESES <1 bx». nn.w Inuriing rtemannr Lake ■ mys ~.' n .JT~
““"rot ..lehr I BICKER Co I U». tot f™*? <”"■
... viler & front «u IW ®3O l«bi*-N O Mol»«*e*t
J X J . <w hM» dp. Jo guian
t ' 7i hlfehw VH. o Tn
’ iO H ibbx»G l l ’4 Y>i■ ■ ib
* o eerooo* J P IndißG; :
73 bxiTobaecoJW & lot:.
In .lore and (ot «010 By CiBEoS i
giyiu ' ’ -_-- ’ j——p-
ayll) No 4> water fcfltt front«»
riDCK POWDKE- SJ kg» Hoek Ift" *«•Mitucl,
__. . . I^jg‘fli.*£
ITaRD OU.-Iobbl< No l -nJ
jiiim»-F«"'i> b, w ; cK t HeCINDIBSg
*myl& *■ corw»terft^c<K»d*ft
f" ini-m bbi. Loo'»nll? ,y,SS' n °ItT?KRS“?J”'
‘"""Si’S, 0 :
B A^°?~ F °' *” WICK fc H.CAKPLKSS
T ,6 “r'”
, r u °^ CC^'Mb " l^ci l a fKAinL& a
B^“i^oK i «.c A Nra.E S s
g‘'«T u - ui k "- ■H^ l ssasafta_c._
K c r T T eB t BFj<n i
B U SSb“ T * * TC °*' , “^l^Y‘°rmj.' : r
K“gSy*~‘“ '*’ ““ i r AB3EY t BEST
TrODHQ HYSON TEAS—MhIf ehcsi* lowpn
\ "'' *"■“« " 1 “" T “ ,i u'.*OAl%y*.gMlT ll
L'HOCiiDKUS —M c»t« Baron dl»uMer*,©n con*
mT”* 1 *“ J “'* “Sa «30S > McKMCHT
*■ t-'iifiNH Bribe box.lßttot*andfor •aleby• ’
I UHI.W ay in. wiL'lOc McOANDLESS
in\-8 ,• cot wood and-water »t
7i abtc«u oiß-i bbi. 1
it TtmPKSTIME-51* bliUJanrrtHl *nd for
Q£r«r .:„ ~ - RL «!^.t
A «VA AMJIOSI4. FOBT-i c.tljjr.
A»ndfor»atf br ">*9 ‘ R^Bg«XK*g
AIUBO&TttD fIOAF-4bX« Hall * »Ss £•*
~«le bT' »T 3 R h 8EI«
lor t»le by myb _.
APPLES t>r b *" , !^sc" *HtCiNDLEMj'.
cpr«.B ■ " pCTior ' ,nr
b «t, umt Mil tor ** ,e^ AirNt reJTEB
M xaam -* • p
ft - ' l?Ss :
Dry Good**'*-' ; _ '
. ssKSSSSIffiS WS&&SE&*.
Among«rttcbare-feBhKBT*M y* , <lBtMlT>
bold rornitnrc embiaring wwly
weiUed byhotueaccpert and' Whet*, tookiffS I 1 ***®*
mtflteL deck*, uan’et ta'mpi, Ac., , .
At ?i O'clock, P. M., ,
A aiwrt'ucut.of>hc*ji carp«n’ei*,lo<>!«,_V>-
j.fhe* with * quantity of bon«i eaVpemer*
RScty: watcfca tauicapa, ready made
clotting.**- " ■ - 1 •
<;.ri.»JOr»KK> »AE« OF -
* Lot* urDawTeneerlUe.;; ; ‘ ,
n»«rtta Alle,htnrArreul. _
mnd mortgage on Uife property. . ■ i^_—_i—
sSSSsSSew PW3 sy’sftSf'KSfl&Sd
.F* £rrmola. Impormt* w w» ?Jip<w» r«npi®»
Pa*tn!e« wliKe ttpwji SiSIS"
and *ll di«a*M*ri*lnff from •n.luitfdjeioM e*eo« Wen
" 3& attention oMhe MfpMfr 1
afflicted byanyof iJ»e .al«»e diecaae*. J« wepceuujjy ,
TMStmolnltoMdWiHSfcrrUT Bmeta
SWnii f«m '*•» wVATT e 2'tCErCH*
*T^TAILOttS-Jottrecoined.*fullaweniiieiun(thoie ;
tV tirade «hm., both while •>* S"!*
fine to mediOfti qialiue*. -.'a. 1 * ‘
• <“•
Satin .
Black and do da- Mow ,:i - '-. f
itreet, up ttaira.
’ —T_., . '."T~ , JamktE. LxoMX-
Mliriteit »ac*il*»<lex*PW>epnM* wiia#-*—- *
! wytwiy
-v-iTTBMiof the Q»»L*fhi Commute^
ed in thu work. E£yS* UROCKWAY, Draniw*
MTSdlw * fomin<rci>l row. iibcrty n_
' mnS ' AflfOfMuktl K 3d »U_
myti . : ——-—i
do ti^Ul«ck k n f nd'’Slo«‘l_ Part* Kid
qualiiy. '" * KoMaiarkeitl
w»l<t • - - - • ■
Iron CUT Hotel* I
MRS. PATRICK * SON wmeoMiaoclokeep
Iren OUT Howl. Kl» ma< 'fa*
Meiket *treeW, whet* ihnr wilt be sled tojntrt
their ceromef end the pubtie m <«»cr*l. ItnlylO^
11 '-' nn - ,,,0 s sjnsr, iSSfj" -:
jC sh«i do ■•doj-j- • .
■' • SO bW»creoe d« I «or «Uo
jihb itn et
raac IKAS-jY II T«-> itfjilf ' I H
I* IraperUl .Tt:*in hi/ekeM audits*
V lowdcrdo do , do. . „ doil«‘‘
per >hip> Tonquin, V.onloock, ond R *!"“SpjjE??
* tm»
SEX DIllE5—"0 tibia S FFloun jil ■
C c-k» eouniiy cured Bccohi
STO b'J» tl Apple*; . 'l.l
lifi) Jo d Peuchr«; fi>r«alet>ri
„ iq -t<O.U&WOO4il
Sugars. moi.assbs*. iuce- | •
•£On.bli<i» N OSugat,
RO bbU plantation Molsm<*;
*5O «lo alt
“ ua ftmli R.«i fct .J|. IJjv t SMITH
mv9 Ny at .
TCE CREAM FITOEIM« w; i .. i i. l «L , ffi;
1 mmt It lohmon’. 'XttH'M rmut t/T,
,r„, .'lpM' (o, Mo»: r ,-SKMto«. 0 «»J IgJ"
"mjV r K»47 mti>ei n. •
; l> P»W«P unjeAriToige ot
Morptiy h«. IwMtimM- “»■
. ,oo.l> tot cirri m 3 n«» •JJl'. *» d "* oul
pattern*. AtW Lncb* andJßJgtng- — r — >—■ —
; nrpGAJl—7o- fcMa N : 0 &«tV> P al *
. O laodin? from •t-ijner:German^«o.< 1 ‘ fee ,
j f1.1a.3 0.
| . nos ‘ 1
R 15. wirt poandroT the a LkY fc 8»I fH
V„ i-irii Itanglt* Bittkl'if
PIO IRO!*— e ‘ r Aneric»nJ m«1 for ■*'.«
Iroa.- landini^ rota He*®** ALL>KN &Co
wttr<fcfro9> wi ;
bbl ‘ Herrinc; forwle U
V- - CABSON A SlcKNlUllt
- --^ixihlflreet
V: ’ * F f-' '
* T • do Ml*;-, - • _L ' •
' , . • -gg d) lOxlr, . ! ; ' '
t'4o-dolOxH’ wlill-10*15, [41*19,
ifitCMd-lttifclu «to« wd lor «te g b^i ;jt
> ■■■■> , 'So aj~wood ,ireel
t =• '• _‘ ' •'" Ibr Peacock -F[r
*■»!*** *W*BB£S&S&’-
I;-wtio •"-■■-■- '
iJLw** Ob,
I mvio 1 Agw Urn*9u«*t R-iaeTT
, i^r*S'igssMai»*c<>i. g . -I-.*"
Notiwtwd w-3—• Kj ; . •** _
- ■ U-,f
:ins . . _ _ _ (tiQwiwß ,
SOLID BOXTIIKI, of nnou ti»K rrc«*i*ed
os MiinaHt from the wathttwct/farrait by '
; m s vT; I \i ,K OKOCdamAN
i • . .. - - v. -. OD.".dfTVeM
t tmM aliuffiif n& or' UTKiS,HtStKS* Cfe
jvs i. • •■■. ■•■ ’ Noi« bbeny m,
BicOH-mpM lb« lltuc, Bidn u 4 Steepen
pwtia euviu, fcf p { , .
- . »t9~ j '••’ ‘ '«» mt'
Wft MUKTOT kr wtprcM tbi*
• ajomtaff.alot fte*t:«7t«cfe«*|» Fur) Baft*
n<tßittx>a*. - ' m 8;
TVIV ymivedbr eiprcee u Uw soft* e*x corner
J. ilk uni Bertel *o*ei, eeewnpphr needle woit
m11»h,- '. : - '•••••" • W'fc MUKFIiY --
\TKffgßHßiro“l» bU» jaw ittfj end tu
wtV'V-- "• ' ■ eor water tfead cherry eHr»~
Ibes—ietmi neb,
It opened and town t»r •■■*'.
gy7 . _
SUMMKBBIPFFS— Awrr*««e uwMtwnjyftw.
ner «uHa, for men er bort wwjslMt n«lWd «td
fertile by. >• my 7. •■? BHACKLhTf A WIU.TH ,
feti eoteii, Jn*ue«eiw4 ®y„ :
PT7 I .. '„ . BHACKUBIT4 WJtfTR.,
LAQVATSA btf* ta«uijrn
B“° v^^^ggstjsiSSF^
_rojT ' , /Ho 6 com gerci*! row hbeny**
S'IIDKB— IO6 bbte. joit memd mod tot t*W*>T .
eus, Nog FrontX.
LOVISVILLB X*ims—SSbbU <rerr irhiiejau
rtcM Bod tot by I FOINDEXTEB *0» >
• n>‘4 ' 1 ~ Kb 41 wittfW .
S!UD| Herring, UMkerci *nd White Fi*h; coo*
•uut/dabudßQdlbrMiebr .. ;
niyg , 'lj' . 1 , •. W OBECR
OILS*-! bblawiaterEfephafaiOU-bkached:
4 do do Whole do lor eel*
by myS •: F 6KLLKH&, |TI libtrtf H
KKU BCTTXB—a kjt in p£wim «nr.
leading: for Mle|>7 , IWokEVfcCD
ttjS 1 • ; nut?h front it»
mya ‘ j: ~; ;-- f ccr »ood fc water Hi
iUfiEBE~U bz> now i
'■ myS l .
n s^ a - vmgu "'“sa cfe&us
tORS-£SU bom prlmeyrllow-Oorii'm tabkfttfar
/tale by ayft BOBtCttTSON A RKPrEST
GERKAHCLAY— is eiki andsjx»;jfartaleby
CASTOR OU*— S 3 bblt No l; ion fet'dand far !'
tale fay «oy> J KlDDfcO>.W»wi« ■ i'
•XT, LOGWOOD—SOO IbajutneU: fartaleby
t a»yS- • •. • JKIPPfcCa
i (7PRRFISK SLIP. SLV-KO Ibti far tale
>bv myS - • - JEIDPACe
GUM C AHPHOR-600 lbs }«t recU; fortak by
■«ys JeIdPACo
Leeds syrup, ext. «ka ia
ttore and far tale by ' gy3 ~~ J-KIDD AOp
BALSAS tODJdry Chalk in etka, fo»*ale by
S TURjPJiSTXHK—IS bblt u excellent order
, for tala by m,S : . J SCHOONMAKKB ACo
IAJSPHUR—I bbl Jut ree*d andfeTtak by -
f ‘o)6 * B E BE FjLRHS
•WAIN'S PASCEA—I doz. factale by ? '
TUHBER-ttOOft black \Va!n«t,far tale by
jj nya . J C BIDWELL’.
POTASS.— 10 caakt lit tona,iiut reeM tad fw nle
by oy6 - J C BIOWELL
BUTTER— S bbl* freib roll, far tale by
nOWM nw fRWt No 2 Hood foab* far »ak low;
t i . myS. ;■ —-. . ‘ ■ I C mPWBLL
rpOBACOO—4Okw 6 t*i»l Tobacco; fartaleby ;
j. myfl 1 ATWOOD, JONKa ACo
/"IRAS CIDER—IO bbta la wore and far r4le by
SXVPP— l tiree Garret *Baa'tSco& goaf; fat tale
by • • tayfl - ■ BE Byj.LOM
b a £s*— wib^,e °? ,WRi "htnuoj*
HRRRIXG-90 bblt No 1 Baltimore Hrirmf; far
•ale by my? —. .MAJBCOAN_
MACKEREL— BQbil« Sooth NoS Usrkeraltfcr
tale by m)7 MAJSLOAN '
UIIMRD SHAD-10 bbUtn ttoriflAfar tale by
mj7 . HA J SLOAN
RIO'COPPBB— 20 b|ijtuiire*dj fartaleby •
■LOUR—ISO bbl* Floor in ware and far ttle by:
, ay7 MAJ SLOAN. libertT A wood ata
H ““ t ““"Exg&M^SS&grT
inoUi BVTTE A—4 bbli lul kcM ferule
11 by m>4 > g FVONBUNNHOBBT*Co"„
T3BAHS—2*ek* Tennewee White Beanaforaale
DOSllf—SbbliNo lUn ulebr . „•
It mp 4 SFVONPOWNnORyrfrCo
S ria>.EA»L.^>ff i|n|rrtlf ,
70 “"“^‘‘gfaS&VWr.oß
ti BBLB Whiteßean*, jottretfd««AowUtaieMarid
) fafutebv mT3 MILLER & EICKETBQN
QOOBCtt IAA.T9--10 bb’» for ule by
O myS W UftKKA,eoT water and aanhaeld «».
Rnr.i. BUTTER—IS bbla frwb roU Bcticr. for
wlehy -reyt • .-MVKBB,MUNTERfeQ> _
BX9 Cincinnati Soap;
t O mrS " ’
4CSKS BaleiUMi for «Je- by
CIDBB— U bbh, in non *nd for Mile by ■ 1 —.
,j>sa I E DAtZELLJt CQ. liberty »i
S C ?5f IU "° g ~ iC Jo?« f aAj»,;
k f!°‘: F^ RAS - |abl ' far “*
2 s‘Om” of »<***>% s?xuZm» -
bt!. o
fi BACS OI V " R°"'
i*> I /'\HEBSR—B ciilrt,rtCeiria* ‘J*!• ■ wl
| iry l ' • JAtf UauZKUji 14 w
t‘^^ T *F«ES“iuSv“2WS?^S,.
T:**^^ 1 i&ai.
L PAiJta.l.
ite Ift BALE 3 Bta Skim, Imndia^
ud Ilf by- JAI P*w»*
Pg? A * B -Sr° '
pi-AlikED ow^^sas&^^iji
fft BUL3 .!■ in
20 “iff L °’* a * O.
ri ■ 1 | "* -
C M.T-K« 1 s * B ‘ li ’^**w7cli;KcdLSDl.EW
pOTAW-’ct. ,ifa^
-r, o^*-' 50 n, * Co
“** M =^asmia£y>A-
proMtTJU^ 1 ■fe^coia.b^grgu
G* 10LDER *YBUP-4.bWifof»»JobT , _
r mi ; ..fbiknd. BHtX-tcg
DRY APPLKft-lo «ore mod far/tleby ' -
ay a - pAWMAttRAgCH
A I.IJM—SfI W)Ui«« rwM *nd to i»le by _~V
A >p» J KIPP A Co, ear 4tb 4 woc4 «
130 a by «fe_ *££-
in sir c °°* l ‘ c r" , ’ > ' ! ''"?lwDi r £'
nmum*** ■•"y^.wssagtc
~T LCOHOL-io bbU )*« reeaWed tad for Ml* by
ASplf IDDDkM.wUeiN
■loobad Applet
y. form* by
sy ■>