The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 11, 1847, Image 1
' 1 ; ; LLARS. . ■■ • ■ PITTSBURGH. TUESDAY MORNING MAY 11. i 847. • ‘ " PRipEJ^tE^.^ ~ , ~MXESS CARDS. J GORDOS, Commission ind ii FWwsnMtg MerekealtM Waiermnd K>» Proms**, riiuliurgh. T ■ ;«“*** A TWOOP,I#Oag» fc‘t!o^~Cc<Bßii»««f n and /X F©rwarifmg'Sl«rtrh*nt*,hare reiaratd inkirald stud, Wm*i w«d Front atieeta* Ptlttbargh.- wctl B~ WI3iCIIK •'potted and Segara. , Ppaiiish Lean and heebowcMVißdsQefYliewingTWacco, wholesaleand awil, No. 60. Tht rd tfareni, Fumhargfc. - * )e*l/ »*io£iurt Wiirrfc T aiosfiaaxrrax. BBIUH A BEtTEO, Whofcsale _aad Retail Dnngi*i«, cerwrjof L«beny and 9u Clair naeu, Phtshcrgli. Pa!. _ 'l [. _ HiBROWIt A'TUIISER|. Wlaieult and Be- X> tail dealer* ... Fancy aud Staple Dr* Goods, No. 4d Market H. 3 dour* fjomThmJ. B. A. PAIiinCBTOCK.* CO, Wholesale A t rcta i j UmgyJt*. t; on tec Wood and Bit at*. jyt BA. BAMPFOK A (lom (intern, CommUaion • Merchant* in PittsburghManufac* tnred articles, No 1C X.ibfrnt street. PutAißrgh, • octg BAQALKT a KMITII, Wholesale Grocers,lB •ttdgO Wood Mreet, Piu*borgh. TaUTUI DAO ALET A oft* and Produce OenWi. No ao Market street be* weraOtto’anddih. Nuntijr de,l’hi!adelphia- novS C.A* MtASCLTY A CO., Forwarding and •Commission MrrohMU, Canal Uaain, Pittsburgh, pn. - -■•••'- ' _ oekS fVORLAKDO LOOMIS, Attorney'at Law, of /• lice on 4th nirM.alrrc Smith&cld. J aplTly Wm; Coleman. John P- Jennings Jaa. W. Hailman- CIOLKHAN, lIAILNASI A CO, Manufacturers / of Carriage sfpiingtanri Axles. A. U. and Spring ateet. Bud draJei, iu Con. h Trimmings of every de** stipiiou,niaiiu&iciory on rtu Clair at, Warehoused >Vw d»t opposite fit > .'ll teles Hotel jatnß Samuel Cinirra. - J. Carothcra. rautjaciuiiiti CIHCRCIt A CAnOTnERS, W-icleial* 015 / eers, and dcaiers in Produce. and in dtl hrticles of Pittsburgh Manufacture*.. .No. G 4 Water and 115 Front tireeta. ja.rJ _ CUNNINCn Alt A IIOIfWISR, Wholesale Oro per*. CotituiMtum- and Forwarding Merchant*, dealera in Prodm-e *od Pittsburgh manufactures, No 144 Liberty n- l**»»bijrtlb : l l ™ . sous cjustm' - a. i. acuiutT* /Parson a McKNIGHT* (suecenora to 11. O a ».u.( Wholesale Grocers, Commission and Men hanu, Uealexa in Prodnee and Piu*burgb \tnriufi>riurea. Sixth street, between Wood and t Jbcnv. PiKalntrgh, Pa. OCtl4 . Ct YK AUER, Importer and wholesale, and retail f .dealer M*J-’aiuy and Sufdc Variety Goods, sinter tbe.CUi Comb, to- MtiTket street, near Liberty, Pitts burgh, Pa. • * ' c oc^ DH. FKALtCII, Dealer in Prodoeeand Family • Brian Grocer, No 40 Liberty at, next door to cor ner of Market iu ' j!8 If • James Du.iton. J. llanlshd Bawell nUBLOP A SEWELL, Attorneys at Law, J J Oflices >iu ?in«tt6el<L 3d and 4tk sts. - mckd-iy _ ; " Jl_ EUWAUU HSAZIfiDTOa, Wholesale Grocer, r oast side ul the doar fton Uia amoad AHev. Pimburgs .. I®?*. a -awALT;' : • /'iobiUUUIT. INWAXiT,; A UEDUABT, Wholesale Gro Us eeiA dealer? m produce hnd Pittsburgh ctannfac uirrn, corner oi Liberty' and Hand suL, Pittsburgh, Pa < frbir - - wx. a. tsat-sii. ’• iaw® t. unnerz^ EBOLIBU & BEHRETT, (late English, Gal* Uah'tr A Co.) Wholesale Grocers,ComaUSroa and Forwarding Merchants, and Dealers In Prodgee fnd Pitiel.urgnMajiuftieiurr*, No. 37 Wood street, between. Second and Third »t*. * ' • it f AGB.AW k MeKBIIOBT, Attorneys at Law, iV* O&ee teioovrd a few door* nearer OrhM strecu Ai fourth to Uckrwrll * Old house. aoidlnr FOBWAUD AfWAitTIWBLDEB,AI»r* |/ur>» .a Law. bate rrmoved their office to the south tide of TiiuivJi street, brtweeu Chetry Alley and Grant street. . _ ; : .y*£ gTrici.'di " ~ Geo. Hire?. Jaj«es WoodT LXKNO, BQEY * Wholesale Grocers, ind OuinhitsHien.Merphants, and Annufor Brighton jj, ya;i;,'Ncs Wgipf |nd 103 rrojtVSi«fl» Pms. burcb, id. _f • ■•••.-. Ie FBLUJIK, Piano Fone Nanofactareranddeal .er in Musical instruments,*ll* Wood street, near Firth. * pchC _ races roasTTir.' - - ioot a. romru. FORSYTU A Go. Conmytsioa and Forwardtng Merchants. No. 30 Water st. Pittsburgh, may 14 FRANCIS SEILKEB, Grwer, Merchant and dealer in Produce, Cordage, OUs, No- 17 Liberty si. near Canal Basin, Piusborgh, N- B. Oakum, Puck, Manilla Dope, Ae, always on ,bc4J. .. bjp’ m nnrf F*~II. EATOS, Dealer in‘ Gloves, Hosiery, and . Fhncy aLdSibple'rrimmincA CO Jtfaiket stirtt, Pm»bargh: ‘ *l* - tito. woaoaa. ▼+TEAXAK ama: »• GiBORGS UORG&a A CO , Wholesale Gio f cer* and Commission Merchants, 105.\Vood street Pittsburgh Pa _j *°g»_ nEO. A. BERRY Ppe«jadCom* (jT mistipa Merchant, gtid Uealer In Produce and it rgh 1 tß Wood n. piififagigh. Geo, W. Smith* M~B* Brcwtu. GEO. W. BlflTH A Browers, Malstera, and dealers ia Hops, Pittsburg!?**! Poiai Brew* cries, Penn and Pitt streets. L y ']aa< Coin mlsstoo and For r warding Merchant, No. 2S W odsuect,ritabUfgh. mayH __ —.. . ■ -o-J -fy "iiiiL Geo. O. Brown©.. TTUiL A BROWBB, l«ueccs*pr» Ui JJotdrh'P |j A Browne,! Importer* and manufacturer* of WaU tmJGeneralTaper Warehouse, No. S 7 txjgt. Ptttchcrghr ‘i ? lIAV9 * mOCKVATtHninisi?, No. a Com t| merciol Bov.-, (tea: Uis canal hucai, Puuburgh ncMi'diy , _ T7ILARY BttUSOT. WHITE A lUuDIXAD H MaanCacrarer. Paint AOil Merchant, corner ofiib «rty and OHltra sts., Pittsbargh. fettia _ IS4IAB DICXXT. »o*tßT DtCXJT, J»* ISAIAH DICKEY A Co, Wholesale Grocers, 1 Merchant* mod dealer* m Produce, No* 9d Wateraad IOT Front streets. I‘ittshargh. nore TOSEPH KNOX, Attorneys Pittsburgh, J Pa., bos reaaioed the practice of his profession in ris offloc.NoT,-Uxfces?eU’» Bcildxoga, GranlttrMl. de famed donngihia atAeae© by T.-J. Uipbadi and J.. CbVistie,EMrs. ; ‘ - • gadAwtfP^ JUIIS D. HOBGAS, Wholesale Druggist, and dealer in l)je 8to?s, Paints, OUsi. Vurnid©* Ac No MJ Wood street, one door South of Dtamohd Aljef, Pittsburgh. : • ,Eal KgRR,Ja A Co. {successors to Jowph tl. Davis) Ship Chandlers,3B Water st- oe3l TOHB IE HKEEOBs Wholesale and HeuUiwJ- J erin Music and Musical Initraiseati, School Book*, Pst-cr.blaiei,Sice! Pen*.Qtrilli, SLitioncry gencraUr. ‘No. 61 Wood st, Pinsbaitb. Hj yßags liought or Uken in trade. - *cP*»-. t ‘ SCfIOOITMAKEtI CQ. whofesalo Dfag ,l. cisis,Xo.«jlA'oodrL rualjurgh. ■ •. Kpw_ JOSEPH JORDAN A SOS,, Commlsekini And Forwarding Merchants, No Id Liberty StO'ilificM ml Sampson's Row. ■!*” 1 JO UN L. OiUiLATIB, Auontejr at Law. Office 4th sit, between Grant andSnmhntld, sooth side, Pittsburgh, Fa. Will also attend promptly tobnsinem : ntha adjoining roomies _... JOIIS D. DAVIS, AUCTIONEER, earner Ftth and Wood suecta, Pittatmrgh oc ”; JOHS C. BIDWfiLL, Wholesale Gro cer andc«mni»sion Merchant, Water atrodt, 2nd 4.-07 chore ifce Wanoonhela Bridge, Pmrtnrgb. / jqw Iron, Nail* Glass, An. id BjanoraWarers’ pnee*. i nova • • * * • i. ' •• - rouarroji » btocktos,- J primer* and Paper manufacturer*, No. 44 Mince ' «i. Pittsburgh. - frr: J’ 14. HEAD'S Book Sort, 4ih, neir Market a. . dumcal/rowlogiciij UitwncaJ, Mi*:el~ lltffcoo* sad 'Meibbdtutßdoe* au3 Euitlonbfy, 4pE: J vv. übBEaTSOB.k CO., Wwn«ot Bl •change Brokers, comer of Wood aid Third street*,' {Merchant** Hotel OsiMing*,) Ptitiborgh, Pa. 1 parehMod at the aw a) rates. octll. JOUS OBIGH, Wholesale Grocer, dealer jo <loce, PitubaifhißKaDfieurer,'Tlß‘"Piftv t «.«< . ' ' JohaFlcTd. Riehard Ployit; T &K* PIOTD, flue J. Floyd A Co.] Wholeteje J , Grojb«T*. H!>:t»LtWy ■■- teptf': J#WE»DAIjBLI«| WboleealeOrocer.Conmie* hon Merchant, sad dealerinFrodaeoand Pittsburgh manufacture*. No Water tu CiUsbQTgh.' J«nt» f •< WATKBWAW.r' ,wl rt>lewte ; Gioerf, For- I ». Mtdmi and • Commission Merchant, Deafer in .Miubarck Manafactaraamßd-Produee, Mca 31 Voter •and At Front«>■ »• iSi. t \r. BWU IiIUTCUISOBf * 0»N Whole* aie 1 1 (jnxers Forwarding and Coemiwion Merchant*, to-I dealer* In Pittsburgh Manufactures, Ae., t 5 *..- iV«i«»ratidgl_lroai*W • ' - *°g» - ttPim Latibert. • John ffluptoa.. A iSIPTOI, WhokdleCjQoeni, Forwarding and Commi**ion Merchant*, Dealer* c Produce* od I’ituburgh manufaeutre*, No* 13 a»d IS*Wood ’..! i £H£±. JohiTM’Otll U. Bath held; . %4’OILI'S * BOTHFIEtp/Oroeemtod&h- M ®u.xm Sti'fruu, No ISI Lu*fur . baigb. _■ \ .' --- ' r 1 i i. 1 ■ ' M.. Merchim*. Water *rul Front it*, between Wood end Market __ ~ MT KUS, UCHTKII A Co, iVholetale Cweer* No.itttHteny > • - J -wn.ym.Lax • c. w. ECgwaow. Tt.fH.LKU A RICKKTSOM, Wholes!* Oto iU car* and Commission Merchant*,Tlo 17® ldbanjr «j 1 m. P*, •'. jaal» • McCOUD a KUO, wboleaale'iod retail Hal and Cep manufacturer*. and dealer* ip fkn*7 For*. comer flf Wood andyifthat*. - I '. •« ; jaa t t?' BL,OJ \?»,Wb°le*al e Ljoccrt,. Dpalerciu • Prodace andsalL aodForwardlof eadboaunl** *lnn Merchant*, No* » Liberty and *» Wood at reel*, Piil«burgh. • <U aT IIOLJIKB <t>'SOV» No. M Market aireet, aee- X\ . ond tkpor from eoracr of Fotmhj Jkalera: in Fon «icn and Dom**i*c BUI* -of Exchange, Gcrtifieaie*-of Deposit. Bank Note* and Speeie. . ~fh r matron oui rt* Truitt P**m* dee>7 M'tJBJPBV, WH.IOS A Wholesale• Dr» Good* itcaiert, Na. ® Wood awwt, P<tuhar(h *e r- . ■ ■ \ ; * 1 .■ - ■ » jrW"« : omde'*fr. ; 'A'CethcttM-M. •- L'HOrenl TIOISBBXTEB 1 00, WWeaald fitoeer* t nd Comraitsion end Forwarding Merchant*. Noll Waiefttreet. . n Attorney at Uw, Grant*'; tt. BakaweU'aßaiidia**, aearlj* oppoahe. ihoNaw Court H*a*e« RII, niWBISI, Attorney .at Law*Oram at, . HakrweH'* Bui|Aa*-, nearly opposite Ip'New <Vjon Home - 1 apHhOa^__ T) OBEUTBOH A BBPPSET, PBodoce Deal- K >r< and Coui«i«tx» merchantU» % B«e«tdat> .Fiu»Va>ah. . - . R - *" lODABD Ti hEKOH, lmporter and Dealer in Foretra and Ikaae*tie. B>d<ileiy Hard* ware, and Carnaae 7rnnmiPta,of,aU dc*crr|>tioa* l _No j» Wood meet,KtuhwfV ;.. *P* BUSINESS CARDS. R 1 *E SS& * Wum«o T |^iSSi non Merefcaata, nd dealers ia Piodaee »M Piuaburrh Manufacture*, Liberty it oppoaile Smith field «t, Pittttmrfh. - RICBAAO BAm>, wboiemlc aa&retaO dealer ia Leather, Morocco, abeemaken* Tool* aqd Plod i,.fca c S' lT ”'^> m y pOBEST DiXZKLL * Wholesale <?»• . WtJi'fcnuiHSSUHi and Forwairdiß* Merchants, oea lert m 'Produee and FTustrargh Manatee Uaes, Liberty wreetj Pm*borjto,j»». feiiX BOBT. BOBUO*. , *AX'I»,B.;BOBiaO*. D BOBXSOH fe Wholesale Uroc*r*t Pro *V, w* and €bqmu«tDa Merchants, and Dealer* in Mtnafac tares, No. 1W Liberty street, Ptus* , p OBCBT HOOBX, Wbolenle Grocer, Bccnjy XV inf Distiller. feeler ta Produce, Menu iectort*,«nd all Kind* of Foreign and Dome sue Wines anlUqoon, Ne II Liberty street,Pittsburgh. CTN. B. On hand arery large stock ef superior OldMonongabela Whiskey, whichwill be sold low for cash. - * 1 - - mygnj L. O. Reynolds. ■ J. L> Shoe. RKTSOLDT * IHU, Forwarding and Com miuion, for the Allegheny wver Trade, dealers iaGroeeries, Produce, Pittsburgh Manaiac tares and Chloride of Lime. The highest prices, in cash, paid at all times for County tags. Cornet of Penn end Irwin so. jan33 B C Shseklett •• Thos. R White. SBACEtETT k WHITE, Wholesale Dea lers m Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, No 99 Wood street, Pittsburgh ' . feb!7u Si W, HiRBAUGII, Wool Merchants, deal' • era in Floor and Prodoee generally and Forward ing and Commission Merchants, No* 33 Wood street, Pittsburgh. lent QAJXCKL FALSER, Attorney ar Law. Office O >n Breed’s building, No 9t Fourth street between wood snd Smithfield. wrMAwly STEPUES BARRETT* Manufacturer of Fan cy. Sharing and Toilet Sous. Winter and Sommer pressed Laid Oil. Ac. No 17 Fifth st, between Wood ■rad Ms rket ns, Fiitsburgh. Pa. oc3l SP VOH BOSSHORST X Wbolenle' .Grocers forwarding and Commission Merchants, Dealers in P.u«burgh Manufactures and Western Pro dace, hare removed to their nsw ware boose, (old Band) No-33, coruerofFrom st and Chancery Lana. dot 7 SAHbItL JR* aiBB. Forwarding and slon Jderehant, Dealer In Salt, Prodace and P ius burgh manufactured articles, Cans! Basin, near 7lh bl dai SB. WICREMIIAM, Dealer in Seeds, Flow . er*. Fruit Trees, and Agricultural Implements, No Ul Wood street Pittsburgh.- febl T ASSET * BEST—Wholesale Groeeia A Commission Merchants, and dealers in Prodoee.— No 33 Wood street Pittsbergh. apM Til OS. KENNEDY, Jr-, Looking Glass Muefteu rer, and Dealer'in Clocks, Combs, and Vastety Gbods, corner of. Woodand Fourth streets 1 j!9 •R J ifonnh. TP* FOBSTTH X CO( Commission Mereoanls. •dealers in Salt, Lumber, Groceries, Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, Canal Basin; Liberty street, Pittsburgh. i feblß TA. HILLIER* Looking. Glass and (Fictara •Frame Manufacturer) aod Importer of Looking Glass Plates; dealer in House-furnishing Hardware, aad Fancy Goods, 104 Wood street, tteur Fifth,' apg, • _ s joaa ii. wick. navis jc casnuas IX7IOK # ■’C4BDLKSS, (lacetuxi to LX YY $ D Wick,) Wholesale Graders; Fqrwardißf end Connnission Merchants, -dealers ia Iron. Nalls, Glass, -Cotton Vatns and Pittsburgh SdeuofeutnrM generally, corner of Wood aad Wst-Tsts. Pittsburgh. mehli WW> WILBOI, Watchmaker and Jeweller, • comer of grhandMarketstroets. apM tXf 1L HVRPHT inrttes the ladies to eall and Tv • examlmehisstoekof French Worked Collars, some as low as 35 cents, rngfata WORKER, Wholesale Grocer,-FUrWaidlng aod • Commission hjeyehant, and Dealer in Pyodaee and Pittsburgh Manufacture*, corner of Water aad fetathficld sta. Pittsburgh, P*. apis IX7BXTMOBK * WOLPPi Importers and YV* Wholesale Dealers in Hardwace, Cutlery, Sud .dicry, Xe, corner Liberty and Be. Clair streets, Pitts burgh. j . upas Wtt* .GLENN, Bookbinder, has removed to the corner of Wood actd-Third ate, above & H. Kay, where he is prepared to do every description of Rating andßindiug. _____ syaCi WW.WAtLACS. Mill sum aad mill famish • inf c ttsMiWimsnt, No. Ml Liberty suH, near the eaanh —• ••• ■* -*• marg wit, Jg’CtrTCHSQH, IPBT. X CTTCBSOK, WX &• • add Dealers In PituGurch Manufactures, and Westenl Produce generally. No. ISi Liberty meet, Pittsburgh, Pa. mSX W 4 2L SIITCHELTBEE, Wholesale Gn> • eers, ReetilyiM Distilien, and Wine andliqoor Merchants, No. 160 liberty street, (opposite Sixth bl,) Pittsburgh. HtayU-dIT U O. B. ROBINSON* Attorney at Law, has Tl •'removed bis office to the'Erehauge BuiUiggt, St Clair street,' he«t ddbr tq Ai4eio2n Johns. apMuat WH. OA&RABD, Dealer in Fancy end Staple • Dry Goods, No 79 Market street, Piusburgh. poriS-dly miLLUJisfcm'v/aafßi'iiM me b«ni YY District) Wholesale Groeera, are now located at No. 119 Wood st, where they offer for tale a large assort ment ofGroeene* end Pittsburgh Manufactures, at low Ww. WILSOH, X>e*ler in Welch**, JeweJry, • SilcerWare, Military Good!, Ax, No. S7M*r> kcl meet- • bov7 TV •Foreign auo DoinertpDry Goods,norlbea*lcor* nerof AKiirYsnJ Fourth_Um. ♦ _ *wrtl WM. #*. IttWhS, Jr, Si«» os.porehiurtJ ibe Drag Bun of Kdgar Thorn, comer of Penn end Hand tireeu, will ceep a eonmni lupply of the bert nedielnea, perfutaerj* ke. Phyaieiin'* prewhpttoiia careftjlly etwnpoended.— Medicine* tu be bu tt all boan of the night. feblOdly* A M I John PHi -infer. Wn.T.mngnßP &. Co., Canusiuioa end ror wirdini Alerchenu, Second, near Wood meet, CUubcrgfr, Pa. feblfi \%TB. Kf. DmiSQTOS, Attorney at Uw TV Pittsburgh, Pa, \oqmiuioner to take the ac knowledgment add proo of Deeds, Leases, Coo tracts, Deposition*, or any ©the.* writing (aoder seal or not) to be used or recorded u> the Stats of Ohio. OSes oo Third*«trtct,iboveßent held. WO.'iVQBIISACQB, Auorner at Law «FUU> street, near SmiihfieW. Collecting, agen cies and other business attended to with punctuality. Biaaella A Semple, Wrn. Creghan, Esq., B A Fahnestock A Co, John Herron, Esq, Grafli Lindsay A Co, John W right, E*q, James MeCnliy, Esq, Mai. Wjllipm Larimer. fcaH-ir* : 4. BKTARf RECTIFYING OIBTIU.ER, an VHOiuats Dtatn i»- FOREIGN 4 DOMESTIC WUIEB 4 LIQUORS, So. 114 Liberty «L, and 59 Diamond alley. PITTSBURGH, PA. WARRICK MARTIN* Co., Banker, Dealers in Xzelaags, Sml Nista and Cabs, . Ooraer of Third and Wood streets, novlfrdly - PUMhargh, Ps. H W Williams! Vfi*. M ShTnn. [Buttaueri* Dawns A ViSseotsJ WILLIAMS VIHISV, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW,. (W-Office Norh side of Pourih tt, shore Smith fie Id feblTdAwlyP ' ■ S. 4, BRIRT, ATTORNEY mad Cdsttaelldr at Llw, CINCINNATI, OHIO.- • Collections in Southern Ohio and in Indiana and in Kentaeky, pranroilf And earerslly attended to. Buefacrd Biddle, Wm Bell k. Son, C artta, WmM’Kaight.ChorehfcCarothers, Fmltaya, Ksq., James P. Btaart, Wißoek A Dans. ly» Ceorrr B. Jones Oliver Blackburn. •O. DLACKBUH* 4 CO, WHOLESALE (imtn iMi Oetlcrt ia Oilf; Beal sibres»and PiuetMrgbMat>afaciare4aniele*,baTe on bud ai all -i>net a fall and faaeral aMoruneni of aoodain their line, Water atreet, near Cherry Alley, Piosbanb. lan 13 UfAKIjjOUIB Q/ rp JUHIiTI WDtlt, ‘tOB TIB IA LI OT BOILER TRON, BOILER HEADS, FLUE A FIRE BED IRON. E. F. BHOENBERGER yittsßOTHWi (Timur taken the Warehouse mrmerly Occupied oy W. B~Rk«r A Go. Water Street* meer Etbbl Steam Mill, Will keep on-hand • fall ripply of ell nui of Uoiler Iron and HeAds, Klee end fire* Bed Iron, nude from tuMbttfJmnUuwtmr, which will be sold el the lowed 'market rates. Engine BaUdert mod others, era invited o cell end examine kit stock. Order* promptly at ended to. * : Jyfldly TOliß K TOWHSEBD, Dncygitt and Apothe* *1 eary, No U Matkel it, three door* above Third n, Piusborgb. will have constantly on hand a well select ed assortment of the best eadfresbenMedietde*, which be will self on (he most reasonable terms. * Physicians scndincotderswillbe promptly gnended to, and sup plied with articles Pwy «#t rely tapots ar genome. Prescriptions will be eeeeraiely and ne&lly prepared from the best materials, at any hoar of the day or night. Also fat sale, a large stock of fresh and good Perfs cwry._ __ ; M , "4. B. BWEITZBR, ATTORNEY AT LAW ± OfTlea 3d St* appeal iO St* Ohsrlts Hotal, PITTSBURGH: rrr|T.T. also attend promptly toCoHeciiont,in wash Vt ip«toa,Foyeue andOreea Coauiesr Pa. Rota to "t [TO* Black stock. Bell ACo ) f - Charch A Caroiher? IPiUsbargh. D. T. Morten > 1 oelSdty M —: ! pom DUBKjAP, ; ANUPACTVBER Of Tin, Copper.aiuJSheel Iron Ware. and Bnunnia land, Japanned Ware, No 17 Market street. The snbscrihcT respect fully etiti thn auenlum of the Western-We rebsats, •factored Tin and Coppersrare,:Wiin * isrg* a**oti meat of Imported Haase FnntUhlailJilardware. Wtwtrsaie boyars and the pahlto genermUy, are Inti tod mcall. • • ! ’ "**- BBBWER&^SaLSTERS PITTSBURGH AND POMT IRKVBRIU*' Corner Barkers Alley and P*air*R» «Bd foot of Pill St, • ____ pittohwnh. P«» J. A Bonbnfbt. ! W. Ponbrigbl. - d.l.* W, BOWBBIGHT, ■ ISDriCTDKEtI or STIBCH, TAT ARRANTED «j«aL if dm superior, to any made v v in toe United State*,and which they will dispooe of atjow Prieeaandos good Terms,* Bssvsr. Pa ** r - to £ i, d . .'*£?>*• *Ltx. rosTLXt. H« P» h I, RILIOS t CO N MANUFACTURERS Of Hammered Shovels and Hoes, Hay and Sdajjsrs Yorks, Ae. wnrahoase. Nell Wpad stract. wnirlS «>Maia TAaaiuaa,, . ; No- It Fv«rti rtratf, mmr Waed (|T AH pslilita of Ones and Black Teas avqeamr, half; aadoao poe&d packages, ran jgisf Aon M o per poasd to Bt,H a JAYrsVflv * . Ag*ltorPsklaTWOo. FORWARDING A COMMISSION. A. M. Wallingford. Jne F Singer. WALLINGFORD.A CO., COMMISSION X FORWARDING MERCHANTS " '/HEAVY HARDWARE AN D Pittsburgh masihmctvrbs, 1 TXTAREHOOBKS Second street, near Wood, and ■V V Canal Baal a. Liberty street, have on hand and lor tale IBOyOOO |b|>«uK|lliitel. rtn Niylor h Co’t CuuS>eu t BJiuet and Ctnua twl; Jones A Qsin'i Am. Blister Spring aod Fork STOdox Shovels, Spades and Forks; Carriage •'prior* and Agio*; Anvils, (mouse note;) Vices, (pauat and common;} Sledges, Sledge Mould*, Crowbars; Fomaee'Ringera, (Juniata Iron;] Mattocks, Clay and Coal Feks; Axes, Scythe*) Sicklra, I Lpg Chains. Ac., ic.; nyiklißtnfei Fire Proof Sales, iron. Nails, Class and other Pittsburgh Manufactnres sold at the lowest prices,-; febtS _ CKJtepcßbotrei ———J Renaldo Sink. CHiBLBS JU OAJUCXHOWBE * CO TOBACCO .COMMISSION MEECfIANTS, ' N*. 3)Sooth Wharve*,aud No tlTsoulh Water si PHILADELPHIA: Ep 10 inform the trade and dealers generally of Ural they havo aadetaeb arrangements vtu the Viirraia manufacturers and the Growers of me Wen, Weil ladies, and other place* as will insure a large and. constant supply of the following desenp- Uona of. Tobacco which willbesald npon aa aecotn* roodatinf tcrina aa any other homo in (his city or elte- and.aU gootUorderedttom thei»wiii»o>w»» ranted equal to representation. l — ’ SuDotmngop- Cork, 1 Varaj; Porto Rico; Penn**., j Seed Leaf To _ raomii and Florida,) bacco; ALSO—Branch’* celebrated Aromatic Stax Caven dnh, with a large aaaortment of other popular brand*, and qualities of pounds. U 8* 12a 10* and 32s Lamp; Sa 6s % and 10* Flog; Ladiea’ Twist; Virginia Twin. Ac, avert and plain, in whole and half boxes, wood and tin, together with every variety of aniele belong, tng to (he trade. jeld-dly . J D Luutai c\V Ausaaos, e^ t £PL.P' nst,Qr Kh,Pa. Late of Nashville, Tenn. T KHMER A, ASDEHSON, Dealer* inCoUrm, JLi Forwarding and Commission' Merchant*, No. 8 Front street, above Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio. Ron to— , MAUsnAOo* ) Btgaley A Smith, J Pittsburgh. Wo. Bingham. ) Seay A Shepherd, ) Martin A McAlister, [ Nashville, Terra. VeatmanA Armisiead. ) * W F Lane A Co., Louisville, Ky. 5 stessra \ c.»=u.„u,o, Heweu, lieran A Co., New Orleans. Maggreggor A Morris, New York: Dnvall Keighler A Co.. Baltimore. Smith, Bagaiey A Co.. Philadelphia. Daniel Pcabon, Boston. jank J. «. W. Le.iwich. W. Cl -Wilson. J..G. W.X.EFTWICH & Co., RECEIVING, FORWARDINU, 1 And Commlaaloxs Mirtbanti, PLAHCEMISE, La. PARTICULAR attention paid to eoaaixnmrnu of A Sugar Mills, Engines, or other articles for Opelousas and Attakapa*. REFER TO—Messrs. Sheffield A Light low, Mr; Tho mas Limerick; New Orleans. Measrr. Lunon A Betterton, Mr. Z M.Sherley; Loa tsviUe. IjMeatr*. Uall A Bpeer, Mr. Wm.' O’Leary, Robert Wighunan, Armstrong A Nicholson; Pittsburgh. Messrs. Revan, Tbad A Co ; Cincinnati. Messrs. Hynes A Craighead, Messrs. Edwards A WkiieaJl, Hon. Zenon Lsbauve, llun. John Dutton; PUqocmine, La. eclMy CRAIG* BELLAS A Co* FLOUR FACTORS AND PRODUCE COM MISSION MERCHANTS. LIBERAL cash advance* made on receipt of con signment*. Those shipping to oar address will be palp three-fourths value in advance in Casa, by apply lug to our friends. Messrs- Wallingford ATuylor, Pittsburgh. Mestti.'Thos. Bell A Co, Bnigepon, Ohio. PMadeJphia,Msj»,ls4 ' - “*Y**-tf ■ IS. B. All produce consigned to «s is satwnrf when in the warehouse of Wallingford A Taylor. Pittsburgh, or in oar store in Philadelphia. C. B. A Co. FRESH IMPORTATIONS OF HARDWARE. LO6AS & iKNNKDT, IMPORTERS OF AND WHOLESALE DEALERS Iffi HARDWARE, CUTLERY, *c, 50, 19 Wood Street. P TTSBCaOB. ARE now in the coorse of receiving Urge aldiuena to their extensive stock of Hardware, Cutlery, Sari lenr, Ae., which having been pulchaseddn the mo* i advamageouk for>hs'iD%ogtghd, and direct from the UannJhcrfcrera in ihi* country,'onabiei form to of fer oods ou termsfutpasted by fjme and equalled by few Parehasert aje tstpesutuly invited to call. ■ei 9> , , , ; ‘ QEOROK COCHRAir COM ISSION At FORTY AUCI.NU MERCHANT, No. 26 Wood Stklbt, PtTTtaoßcii, CONTINUES to transact a general Commission Btuiaeas, especially in the purchate and sale of American ManuticLu*** and i'rodoep. aad in receiving and forwarding Goods consigned to hU care. A* Agent for thg Manufacturers, be will be constanUv supplied wUh the principal article* of Pittsborgn Manufacture at the lowest wholesale prices. Orders and consignments are respectfully ; jS7 S F Conway. , lT; fomi.uKui. ' B. F. COSWAY A CO., PORTSMOUTH, Ohio, Comimasion and Forwarding Merchants, mnd Produce D«*leifr—also attend to ibe Purchase, Sal* sad Shipment of Fig Iron. Coal, Ae. Ktrtß TO, -Atwood, Jones A Co Brown, Bailey A Co Irareu. Sltrling A Co Graff Graff; Lindsey A Cp ' D Leech A Co Lyon.BtsrtiACo . CUrkeAThaw marlOdly dfimis Aflmss JOUSF.PKKRY. {Late of the fiim of Mrfleulm Leech A i>> I WhaiitMli Grocer, Commlsiom St Floor tttrehaat, T}KALKRin all kinds of Country Produce, Cop* U. par, Tin, Tin Plates Tinkers’ Tools, Zmc, Lead, Rosia Sheet Iron, Iron and Nails, White Lead, Dye Staffs, Cation Yams, Sait, Ac, and Pittsburgh Manufactures general!), corner of Libetiy end Irwin streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. ; .W-Li beral advances, in Cash or Goods, stadsoo «©rt~ sigumentg of Produce, Ac 1 ' " «njs £ AUCTIONEERS AND (MISSION MERCHANTS; ALEXANDER LEVY A BROS. CINCINNATI a ST. LOUIS OFFER to sell it either establishment, all kinds.df Merchandiser! the lowest rates of Commissions arid arc always prepared to make advances. The best of referenegs given, if required. Letters addressed'® either House will be promptly attended to, jj-OWly joh.i «. sicqtßOs, commission MERCHANT, NO. 90 WATER OT.. OPPOSITE CHEAPSIOK BALTIHOBE, TX7INDOW Glass, Glass Ware, Dried Frail, Bees- II wax,hndCoamry Prodoee. Advances made on consignments. Satisfactory ref erence to tboae addressing by mail; sepD-ty* THOMPSON A CAMPBELL, COMMISSION MFRCHANTS had Maaaftetarsrs of Ltmaaad Oil, So. Rty Columbia 4Zrefl, CINCINNATI, OHIO. pais roa rxax*g«f.£D sepg- ly _ WH. WATTRBIOS. forwarding and commission merchant; Hsdbank, Pa. J - THE advertiser would respectfully inform his friends and the public that be hns the Warehouse, formerly occupied by j E Gould, wheye be will tran sact a general Agency, Forwarding and Commission bastaess. Particular attention given to all menu. Charges reasonable. raarlltf Redhank, March 1. IM7 __ WALLINGFORD A CO*. COMMISSION A FORWARDING MERCiIANTIV Second Until near 'Wood. DEALKRB in Pituburgb Manufacture* and tlearv Hardware —will keep eon*i*nity on band ■ of carnage inrinstaod a£le«,baj**«,»«yth**ai»d aiik-ji lea, fireproof •&>«•>movil*. airet li:ai:k>rmibt'bellow (<’4 atcdgaa, _ __ " M4UOLI LKXCII. [ JoatPH j, l.nciK}- MALCOLM LKKCII A SOB, LATE M. LKKCm * CO., VVholritle Grocer*, Com ouMion and Floor Merchant*; dealer* to alt kind* Cbsnirf Proder.e, Copper, Tin, Tin Plate*. Tinner*' Toon, Iron and Nail*, Zinc, white I#egd. Dye Staff*. Bumib tfbeel Iron, Lead, Oouoa Yarn*, Kali, Ac., ana Pitt»burgtj Manufacture* generally, No* 81,01, and M Liberty »lreel, one door abovetho bead of Wood it reel, Pitubergb, Fa. Liberal advaneea, in caab or good*, made on eon iigomenu of prod ace. Ac., Ac - rocblO MKUCBB, BROTHEHS A Co* COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Forthe »tle of Peodcci generally, a PHILADBPIII A. T advance* made on Fallndn, December w, dCm _ ." ■' w. g. raTcn. O. V. MATSIVt. MATnCWB * PATCH, | COBBIISION HERCHAHTS, No* <9 Water Street* i st. louis.Mo; Will give particular attention lo tlie selling of Pro dace,and taordera for pureUaainr. King to—Oecrfe Morgan A Co., Piuaborith, Pa. Mill j__j _ ' iobn M'CaJloorb. J~Si ’Keeban, CiACnlbenaoii. JOUB n CVLLOUGH A CO. CfOBOUHtM and Forwarding Merchant!, NOS. 93 & 95 SOUTH ST. * - jtnffnr* POWMNfIU WIURF-paltlpiora ”' THOS. J. OARIQIf i * Co* COMMISSION MERCHANTS, [jjTCaab advance* wtllbe made on consignment lo fee above addrede, by lanffly CARSON A McKNIQ IfT, Sixth «t. GEO. B- BULTENBRRGER, STRAW BOAT AGENT, COMMISSION k FORWARDING MERCHANT, PRODUCE A MERCHANDISE BROKER, QUffli Ogee, No. BO Water Street, Piliabnrgh Pa J. KEWTOB JONES STEAMBOAT AOF.NT ANDfoOMMISSION MERCHANT* : MONONOAHELA iIOUpK, __ Plttabnrgb, P«- ArP*HSEBTOtIf5 i Co’i. W lIITE o LEAD WORKB«—The undersigned have completed their new work*. located on the bank ol the river, above the. Aquedocl, in Allegheny city, rail* PitUbnrgh, for the raanoJaetare ol a tape* quality of white lead, both-dry;and giound in oU;*M«o. red lead and litkerage. Having nailed tbemeelw* of all the recent improvementa in it* taiohfaetor«,»bd erected the building* nn a very extensive acale, sod with capacity to make lead in luge qosetitiee, the* will be able to. supply order* to staeet tay extent. * o t& * . split Blind** I HAVE Received from Philadelphia a large anoti< mem of Split or Chamovr Blind* of ropenor nuke owk» , Opposite Uwtk of Puutonrgb ; MISCELLANEOUS. . LITERARY LNSTITI ... PESHB ISSTIfi ZENAS C. ROBBINS, Mechanical Encmeer and f T ,,l { s Inautuuon, under the care of. ! Agent foe procuring Patenlt; Will prepare tbe'Yie- * Gosuoas asn Last, in which all the j eerrary Drawing » ana Taper* (or Applicant* for Pal- namemalbianebraof a flmthrd edecatfo i enu.'and transact all other huiincaa in the line of hi* ‘•nowopen for ihorecapiiopof ponila at I profcYaion at the Patent Office, lie cai be consulted 80. S 3, Irwins ILow* Liberty on all qiteationa relating to the Patent Law* and dec I- i between ad and 4th fireeu. The Second : moot ia-tbe United States or Europe. Pe *on« at a commence on-Monday the6th of Kehmr distance deairouaof haring ciammationa made at the jmponant that any who jraay design,erl Pateot Oifiee, prior to making application for a patent, ~ P«*ent as far a* practicable either mar forward (post paid, enclosing h fee of five aoilart, bine. ' aekaraouemantof their case, when immediate alien- „,£5 ey “* Ye * ocor c d ihe aenrjcea or Pro lion will be given to it. and all the infounaiion that *• teacher of Movie on the Piano eoold be obtained by a visit of the applicant in person! wb ? l * 100 wcll “own fo need rceommctd promptly OOtmnnßtcated. the service* of Mons.CASIMIR LADREY All IcUcraoa basinet* ntiuilrposc paid, and contain "Chreatomathi* de la Literature Frafccair • r . < naule school book* In »>•. —• a (citable Tee. where a written opinion is required. Office on P. street, opposite the Patent Offiee. . Kehu the hoftor of referring, by permission, to Hoo. Edmund Burke, Comm-ssiooer of Patents; Hon. I! L Ellsworth. late do do do; II Knowles, Machinist, Patent Office; Judge Craneh, Wasbingtoo, DC: lion. R Choate, Massachusetts, U S Senate; Hon. W Allen, Ohio. do; Hon.J D Bowlin, M C, Missouri; lion. WillisilaU, New York; Uon, Robert Smith, M C, illinoi*. Hon. 8 Qn-ete, U » Senate; * lion, J H Relfe, M C, Missouri; Capu H M Bhreve. Missouri; Erastus Brooks, Esq., Pittsburgh. •, apt JAMESW.WOODWKLL, riTTfBCBOU rCRSITCA* WaEX R 003(1, NO 83 Tillßti STREET. A LAKUEaad splendid assortment of Furniture, nflB&K for Steamboats. IBSS9 Motets. and private DweN lines, constantly on bandmid mode to order. - The prtsent Mock on band caunol beejuclled liy any manuftuptry in the western'eountry. Persons wishing to purchase would do well by grvirg me t call,'as lam determined my prices shall please. Part of the stock consuls in— wiih Plush ood Hair-cloth covers; *J doa Mahogany Nurse Ch3irs; 14 pair Divans; 14 do* fine mahogany Chairs; Id Mahogany W ork S’ands; 3dor mahogany Rocking Chair*; Id marble top Dressing Bureaus; . 8 pair Ottomans; 8 marble top Work Stands; 15 cherry Work Stands; Mahogany, Maple. Cherry and Poplar Bedsteads of all description*; and a largr assortment of Common Furniture and Chaiw. too numerous to mention, marihf . "NKW ' H ART) Vi‘ AH K HOIISK/ JOSEPU WOOUU'ELL, Corner of Wood and ad sta Pittsburgh, HAVING Withdrawn from the old linn of Walker A Woodwell, on the l«t of January, 1847, I lake .pleasure m announcing to my fri'iul* .n tkfteity and country, that I have opened my m w store at tit above named place. Having pun li4*ct! ray goods (breath, amt.made arrangement* with manufacturers in thl* country and in Kurope 10 bo constantly supplied, 1 am fully prepared to furm«b Hardware of all kind*, on a* rood (anas and as low as any Kou*e East or West— Merchants and others arc respectfully invited to cal and examine my stock, before purchasing elsewhere. The following comprises a pan of my stock. Steamboat-add Saddiery Hardware. Gun Trimmings-, Piles. Naylor’s Steel. Cutlery, Edge Tools. Anvils, Vi* ces. Locks. .Lalfbes, Sickles. Scythes, Butt Hinges,' Screws, Union Factory Mahoganv boards sod veneers,.slid sll other articles counseled wuh the Hardware basinets raehliif GASK4JTS PATENT BBDSTEAD. . NOTWITHSTANDING *n tHUradfS opposition to j£iiio*epJ ttHjßfi&K tionoT aFiusburgb Mechanic, ama jority of the Cabinet rnhkera of this and Allegheny city v tad their nattier SS9 . ou* customer* have shown themselves above iLe vu'gxr piejudice’again*i fawutnrcntteiu. and they (ire Uaiztuo’a Ucdxend the preference, simply became it dom-es it. Lein* the but. itrntgui, and ami convenient Bedstead in oae The following testimonial •peaks lor Itself:— We, the. subferilxr*. practical cabinet makers of the cities of P.ttiaburgb aod Allegheny, Pa., do hereby cer tify tbaiwehave taught the right to manufacture bed stead* with tiazaara** Patent Fasieiungs, and consider the sazoetßperior Wany fastenings with which we are acquainted. / James John AJ’Crew T B Young A. Co RoUeu Fairman J R Hanley Jamef U lUit JobD Jr. Ja». Lown & Son Loosec-A. arbm Riddle A Drennaa TbomaV Parley Hurh H Wallace DdcfiH.dlrer u Bu®*cy A iTCielUnd llnglU'aUae? A Moqc* JButiqck 2.- . Lakey -• • Forlfotis to make rid nil the d}*ore Redstcad* apply tp',- F.B&NK2KR F GA2ZAM. .'oectO-v v Patentee NACUEVK i-'Ti e'subseriben having obtainetl apatent, May Id 1848,1 ra Press. Brick Maen'nr,-and haring since then iboto igblr tested its ability. are prepared to sell rights and contract to deliver machines to hny part of toe I utril States. The nrarb-nr n de*igned to make Brick from crude elay,.-aud will make 3U,U00 good •mod firmbnek per vaff(Ci;Rilv w«rd to Hack op <n toe kilu, ihui atu<iiia;tUecxpcnte and labor ofpro- EariD t the I4»y,dryin( attd'hattdhns >he btiek alter erne noulded jt tssiraple, »irotigitat liabie to geiout outoT repair, and I* constructed that it can'be taken to picce««iid ptu tojretber with (real facility.thus render ing It .flrtalile. We arc now building naacbines, and can tat tosh them on abort oouce- - Fora (ijp description we w aid refer to a machine now ur>u<'ce»»ful opera tion cj Mill creek tatmoij near thc-We*t end of Eighth street, where we »holl ta happy to explain everything connected drith it tn all>itO uiay call Wr have at" present be anthemed Agent Ai Metiers (q our address will be promptly aiiendrd to X aep«hf . ' " _ CUfOINNATI. . V HOLiVAU FiRB DklClCB. EXTENSIVELY iKstedpadapproved duriugthe past tsinjyeafs.tiy toe principal iron tnanufacioriestn toe wf»je:u ioumry. jtnj| throughout the interior of bn rifsdy for deli very on the opening of Tb*- itußcnal up which ibeir durability and J»"jr •tiecied by eapcr.eut-ttl im ner»6nslrlTS"-}£(fn£ Mtiiyfiiid, u-Urie.the oiscovei} wan f,i *t midt— fusii'ic'-.ioattcr. wnbiwbich it is imbed ded, burnrd{amJ^mp»rtiy'pre»»eUJt) machinery, and mi j tfv Messrs Harley A Crj. the rro- I pneiort. hi aij te*pec'.« to mamU-.u-. acknowledged ! coperinkTiv/W-, 1 i i ", ()it34rn uy; fca»i ur oi«crwtit>, v?»l ta promptly rircu- , Jit-lIAW MACLAREN I ' ! Kensington Iron Works 'fli-E YV KOIRTiI CTKKKT UAKhilt I . ?fT'CQ.\FF.cmON/kKY AND FRUIT J*TORF,win c»peh ott Monday. April Athi fodr door* from Wood si, 'aa&Dejt door to A JifyneVfVkm Tea Sure. "■ A splend 4 C.Ur. Cimferiionary. Fruit. Ac . fresh on itaf; couriiererery day; utnoiig which are the following:—^ Mscsmodi, Found Cake; Leruon Biscuit, . Pastry; hponge do. Pepper Nuts, -■ JeilyCake; Afmoml do. Moiassc* 1* Cake, •'• linger Nuts; [tVafer Jumb’er. Pponge Bucon, • Federal iA Pti; bbgar do; Orders lor Ida Cfeaus. Jelly. Bribes' Cake, Fancy Confrdternary. Ae , Ac , executed ia a ruYnner une qualled in quali.y-aud beauty by any utber establish | ment in this city , ' | Fresh Bread. Twist, Rash, Ac . tnanufselured solely : from While Wheat Flour, and free from all drugs.every momma. ’ ap3 aNGHK'VS ■HAVINO CREAM— t*JTICE llWOcfili Lei all those who never Phwed txtore, And I bo sc who ilwav- bhave new Shave the more. IN offering this superior Shaving Compound ;□ the no nce of ibepublic.l can with aaytbat.the 'roinion of all who have ;ri;d it prunouuce it the most pleasotU that ihe) have ever used; tad in birder w place it withm toe reach of all. I have reduced (be'price kiw • uoagb >o ifloN «n opportunity to every ugive itauialaud juiige lor themselves. Ho, Uentletnen. if yoo wish for a rich. lusurious«ha*e, on wrth yoar shaving cup», don't lie »e. rrd! it won't cost toorli to 61) them; and, if y«a are not rat ified, ihe mon ey will be returned. STUI‘IIK!\ UARRETr - iron City Lard Oil Factory and Fancy Soap Works, £ei>ta fithSt,opposite Iron Cilv Hotel ■f Hardware, Caitiry, ■•eldlprjr, Ac. j 1 JOTIN WAbKKR, 3MPOHTRR AND-OKALKR in Foreign and Domese lutjlafdware, would respectfally Inloim hss friends 'andilmjpaljlic generally, that bo is now receiving hi* Hardware, at the old stand of Walker No £4 Wood street) which he will dispose of &;g£ : mo«l reasonable terra*. {jtjlxklß-bo edttiinaally reccivibg fresh vanpliAFdireet in Europe and this poantry, jsDtiilt vt'jtl'enAble.him to eompHte w,ti any esiuhl stv- Kaat or AVtii ‘, x Western at* laviirnl to call and examine LVisertutV uctore puh-batma elsewhere mard l ikfz?*- B BRICK PItKBB-A< *»■• ’y39 l ' h** now commenced for making IJnck* ibr ' •eabafcfibcM beg leave again 11 call the aut.Dtton o( ami oibrra iu itu* Trr>u»c!ul warrant ii rqual if aui tupnior la any oiber Ur ck I•»«*»«, of ihs tame price- ln u*e U'c have a numberaf prrifinatra of ihdr perform ance, which vcrapy too much apace for oilveniainf, bai can be aeen ai our office tine treater* are fe«j*ectfully invited to give as trail '.Ve will give our own guarauire for the performance of [he frr««. Stale or County fi«bt« tor tale JOIINMeFADKNACO ■ptMd&wtbnF canal harm & peon »t Copartnership. Uf & ihc undcr.igiwd, have euleird into Cnpaitiier •Blp for >he purpo«e of tranaietinff u I’roduce, Cornmiiaion and Forwardmclmaiiiraa, under [be *tyle of QUVS| t AIfiUUCW * CO., , and have tafcfn 015 wsrrhouae, No 0 Commercial Bow, Liberty nrrcl, fomierlyoeoupiedby Mr- 'V' II l*u«ey— wberc-'all bueineas entraated to our charge »■■■ he promptly and faithfully attended To. MORRIS ORUM. formerly of Philadelphia TIIOS n McORKW. mniUifield, Ohio FINDLKY BMcORKW.*' PitUburgh, March !M, IH7. Tea. Grocery, Fruit and l*rovlalou Store* A NO RETAIL ISO. 14L LIDERTV STREET. , BENJAMIN lIIIWN would respectfully inform his old friends awl Ibc public generally, that be lie* train eommrnred busine** m thu alxive branches, next door to hi* old turn), where he hope*, by keeping a supply of good article*, telling low for ratb.and pay-, lue strict aitennou lo bit patrons, to merit n sham of • politic patronage. rnfhSl - ’T.'IS. FLEMING, House, sign and decorative painter, GLAZIER ANI) PAPER HANGER, U rtowpre pared lo undertake the above business in all lit various branches, and warrant* to »iv«i~*aii*faeiina >n every respect (Urinary Standard lianncrs Flags. Ac., paint ed to order OdJ Fellow end Ma*omc Apron* always on lmitations of woods andiworbles done in a superior wanner. ir7~gi»a> of nil kind* done at thc'shuii »t miticr. aplldlm No 44 St Clair st.’Pituhurgli la RAC3B WANTED. 1/m AAn LBS COUNTRY MIXED RAGS wanted, IUiIjUUU for wlileb the highest price in CASH will be paid. ‘ Always nn brnd, every description of Writing and Wrapping Paper and Chloride (.Into: REYNOLDS A SHEE mchi Corner Penn and Irwtn »t*. I‘ln«burrh " r WHITJIOUIDT^VotPKi 1 tmm IMPORTERS and Deal"*; in Hardware, Cutlery, and SaddleryNo 50 Wood Street, tltree doors above St Charles Hotel, Pitisbatgb Pa. aprd ", •i WBW KHQRAVI9GI. JUST Rbealred, a splendid assortment of English and FrtaeS Engravings, colored and plain, of a great variety of anbjeeis, soluble for FTtmirig. PonfoliM, or Scrap'Book. T A IULUER mcMO _ 104 wood_»t, near fiut BACKERKIb, BUWIXa, RALHDH.AO, THE subscriber* keep n umwm of Ptekled Fish of Maaaaebasetis and Halifax Inspection, for »al* In too as wanted at their warehouse, No 40 Worth I W SSSl£ al “ !, ' |,kU ' JNO M KKHSSDV.Co valuable »chuot book* In hi« viative linen kc- Mon*. L. it a graduate of the University and' Normal Bdiool of Pam, and stand* high u a teacher, Tboie who de sire loohiain an accurate and thorough knowledge of the Freucb.Language would do well to place under hi* instruction For teres, »ce Circular or apply’to the Principal. j*7tf . _ _ _ • [ TOVIfG LADIEB' ftELEOTSGIIOOL, AI.I.E<»HKNY CITY. j THIS Institution has hot recently been opened adder the tuition of Mr N. W. Metcalf, atlhe . Cormer of Bandniky.and Straw berry’eta. The success which ha* thus far attended this School, in it* establishment and progress, has folly equalled the expectation* of tu !n<traetor and Proprietor, and war rant* (he hope that be will lie sustained id hia effort* to render it a deurablc Institution for the education of Young Ladiea in Allegheny and vieinity. The Fir.t Session of the next Academic year, will commence on Monday, Feb Bib. * '■ . There are yet a few vacancies to be filled, but a* the number of pupi's i* limited an early application i> de sirable. For particular*, relative to terms, Ac., consult' Circular»or apply to the Instructor. ■ fcbStf BOOKS. Ml'iSll'.JfC. VALUABLE BboKS—Fnbliihed b/ 3 A A U P, James, Walnut street, between Fourth and Fifih. CiDCinmiti* Guam's Gibbon—The history ol the decline and (liM of the Roman Empire By Edwin] Gibbon, Esq. A new Edition, revised snd corrected through out,preceded bjr a prerace, and accompanied by notes cnticalaad historical, relating principally to the propagation of Christianity: by M. F. Goisot, Minuter of Public Instruction forthe kingdom of France.. The prelace, notes nnd corrections, trans lated from the French expressly lor this edition. With a notice o( the Lite and character of Gibbon, and Watson's Reply to Gibbon. In 2 vols. imp. Bvo. 1073 pages. Napier's Peninsula War—Complete. 1 »01. imp. Bvo,B-X)pages. i - ilaliam's Middle Asea, Chamber’s Rebellion in Scotland, Robertson’s Virginia and New England, Russell's French and English War in America, and Ramsay’s American Resolution. 1 vol 410. Lib rary ot American History—Containing selec tions from the best suitors on American History, Biography, Travels, Commerce, Statistics,lndians, Revolutionary Battles, Ac. Ac. Ac. Also, Anec dotes, Poetry and Miscellaneous articles} llluitra led with more than 500 engravings. 1 vol, imp 3vo G4O psyes. Universal Pictorial Library—Containing valuable-! papers on various *ubjecU, comprising Nstursl I History, Natural Sciences, Aericolture, Rural Eeon- \ omy, Biography. Fine Arts, the Orientals, Travels, i Geography, Botany, Miscellaneous reading, Ac. Ar. I votimpSvo 640 pp. fall sheep. I The Family Medical Library—A Treatise on the Prevention and Cure of Diseaies, by regimentnd simple medicines. Naw edition,revised and enlar ged with the addition ol a Vegetable Materia Med> ica, pointing out the virtues, preparations and doses oi our most valuable native medical plants, and an outline of Anatomy and Physiology. IlluHfated ; with one hundred Engravings, six of which are colored. By J G Norwood, M pages Bvo. American Floyrer Garden (.'ompaetoo—Adapted to the United Stales; by Edward Sayers, Landscape aod Ornamental Gardener. 12 mo, third, edition, revired, enlarged and illustrated. 1 Palmer’s Oregon, Rocky Mountains, Ac. Ac. Family Teaumer.t, octavo, wijb and without Polyglot notes,and Psalms in metre. Ri - ~ ' . lice and Fiogree’s Uebato. Burn's Works Usd}’ 'or the Lake. Lalla.Kookh. More’s frivate Devo -1 lion. Jareoile Books, (.‘heap editions of variuas works in pamphlet form- mebS NKW BOOKk-Tiie ibrte Dnrine sister*, Faith, 'Hope at d Ctiahiy. * . ,TUe Lesveir or a direction 10 ilraven. By Rev Tbocnat Adam*, with an imrodnrtion li)' Itev. W. If. Bto well. lltnon of Mu* Mary Jane Graham fly Her. Chmrlri Bridges, M. A- Author uf, Ckctsuan Mm utty. ftc. A Concise £>-»><-«•. at 'fUauloiy. i>n the bans of the Stoner I'oiechmu 11)' Rev. Alexander Smith Tatter con, A M. ||Amcr-cau History. cu.npiismg historical sketches of •he Indian tribe*: a <le*criptiou of American Antiqui ties, with an inquiry into their or gin, anil the origin of the Indian iribes _ ' llatory of the United Flaws: appcnpix chawing it* connection with European'ilisiorr. History of the present British Provinces, Mrsiury of Mexico and Tcxa* by Marcme Willson. ■ The above just received si the Hook Paper stored ui txuurriENuusH »j»SV it? msrkei «i. VKW AND VALUABLE OOOKH-n- Is Coticututiennl History of ting land, from the acces sion of Henry VU to the death of George 11. ty>* lien* ry llatlam From the fifth London edition. Great Events, described by distinguished historians, chroniclers, and other writers. Collected, and in part translated, by Francis Liibcr. The Juvenile Sneaker comprising elementary niks 1 and exercise* in Peetamai’on. wall • selection of pie* ccs for By Francis T. Hu**H, matruriur in Woe jtir., si Pr.i.Cfict VI..J P.urg-r.’Co'iesca.he 11 rg, t>> U..:ir Ui;bi Name. »nd oitscr sfof,**. fa ble* anil moral piece* n prc»c tm.i verse; (elected and arranged iroialhe wrings of Mts UarbautJ. With a Sketch of her l:lr byMi».S.J 11%]*. .. . ,«». The Juvenile Budget Opened: being select.oos ftom* the writings of Dr.Jno Atkin. By Mr* Hale. U-reciions for Invogoranng and Prolonging Life, or il»e invalids oracV. fly Wat. Kltek-mer, M l). hi. No V*J Picioria! Eng lard- •' * Zuitipis' Latin Grammir, abridged. For sale by sp'Al J L iRFJkD, 4th liear raatiei si POETICAL WOH.KB—Port, aTd lv~,7o! America, Gill edge ! Poets and Poetry of Europe, ,1 > du ito d > *>i England; ; i)o do ! do do of Aupenur do do Book of Bruiah Poeic .do do Itowil'., M ilican and Keats; Jo do - • Coieinige. Hhelley and Keats do do M ltoti. Young, Gray. Beattie,Collins, do do Crabb llel>er sud Pollock; da do Cowper and Thompson; do da Campbell's Poewral Work*, i.rhl) bound in while Calf; Utli Milton's Poetiral Wotks, do lleowns do do dfl Laodcu; Moprr; Union. Rams; Hood, Ac. The above, with • large aututacat of books mall departments of Itteraiyje, just received and for sale i very low 1 KU lOTT A ENGLISH gpA I market n bet. 3d h 4th »u VKW STOCK OF MUSICAL IKITRIL i\ WESTLAND MUSlC—lohn 11. Mellor. No PI Wood streetJ between Diamond Alley and FoaribsL is now opening, at.d.for sate at very low prices, aa | elegant assortment nf .Muvicti IntlruwrpU, selected I irom i*te imbortaitons, consisting af— ; ; French, liaiiso unp German Violins, 1 Very superior Guitar*. >a cases, English and lialiatf Violta Strutga^' French Aecordeon*; ViolmteHu*. with plain aitd patent Screws, One velfc superior Doubleillass Vioniteello; Clarmnalts, Flutes. Fifes and Flsgenlfls; Tiotnbaielli'S, Tiomlwoe*. and Trumpets Horns, Cornetts, Opbtclide*; Drums. Tambortnes. Banjos. Ac.. Ac ; Every Article In Uie Music hesiness iptt [MEW WORK-In Pren-llAforj SrMcsi* 11 cn, bir Civil Wartknd Colonial fhd Revolt! - nonary Annuls, from the period <d the-Spanish Conquest,-II.VJJJ, to the present time. 1017; melndiog an accothtlnf the Eiist/ng War with (bn Untied ‘slates, ilt pauses and Military Achtovrtneali, By Philip Yodi g/MJ>. J A it UK JAMES, mch?9 ' | "-C Publishers, ClßOiDQall. NF.W.iltJ.Slfc lioClK-I’nioiilrfFori. —The Melodcotr. a fltojce select lon of Songs, Dactu, tjaartetts, Hounds. Walnes,'and Marches; with a History of Mbaic. with nntnar nus engravings. Imperial octavo. rhcoSA cents. Published and for sale by J A All I’ JAMjyS, - Walnut street. bet. Fourth and FrflS. Cincinnati, March 29, 18-17. .... PIANOS l ~ PIAKoin HENRY KLKRER. Dealer in eastern Piano Fortes, _at J W Wood well's, No. H 9 Third Street.. The I’iannr may lie ciaminednt alt hours, grid the subscri ber willl**- there fiom II ip 12. A,.Si., urulfrom 4 l<>s. P. M , oneli dgy. I'Atsb’g, October S 3, ’45 Wt,ih* underlined, yvoald inform the cittern* of Pitutiurpli and vicinity that we have appointed Sir. It. Richer *«jle Agent for VVe«tern Pennsylvania, for the »«le of oar Pibou F»tic«, from whom they may he oh' tamed at our own [New York] price* NUNNS ft CLARK New |,tM(J-oc«2dif «; S«\v Planes* r and oprnvd by-tbe tubacriber, tbe fo!ir*jt new Pjano*.:— OneVlyijani Rn*ewood,6ocuTe l’ieno Forte, (French Pattern One elegant Rotimutxl, 6| octave Piano Foite, wilb TahWr—s’ iplrndid intuumcnt. AUrtone very good arebnd hand Piano, made by Loud> Co, Pb.ludu. HKNUV KLERKR ueh*t j ’ at J W WoodweU’s, 85 Tbiid si ■JOOJtH— (ur Coniioon or S, School Libra- O ries-j-Suudav Kvriititg Convcrsslifn?. Thing* |.j their right tramcs; Juvenile budget open, d; Juy. bud*. , ye| nr-ojiened; i\ctuie< of Karlv Life; tfeenes in Na urs; Colatnbua and Vr(pacin*;J>eaui!e»or£af. IU»lo ; ry; U» oCFreneh do; lljllxia, Cortes And Pizarro: Hut umUbookflf Nninre; Praise and Principle; Alaitvrsof Bohemia; Twin (in>Dier«;iCharier* and Changes; Mean* enlßnd* The above, with-a large variety of ether hooks. suitable fur the fame purpose. For aate by myS-l J I. BEAU lih street O'^ATlomlctlV—Jo»l received, a large supply ot O .Floral,'Silver-edged, Eabms-edgtd. Lace, («llt and I'iaiit No o Taper; Note and Caitl Envelopes; 'Wreath, Flo at. Knot and Motto Wafers. Ac., 4c., and for tale by - JOHNSTON 4 BTOCKTON^tatiener*' ap9( ; | • ' Cog Markcjittd Third *t» AP OF THE SEAT OF WAR IN MEXICO, bcirira eopy of General Arista's rasp; taken at Hessen do Is Palma, with addition* and corrections, Kmhelisl ed wbh diagrams of the Battles of Hh and Oth' of May. ifnd rapture of Monterey, wilb a raemeramla of foico* engaged, results, 4c. 4e , and plan of Vera Cruz and Casi e ot San Juan (la Ulloa Ac.ic.A few copies forsale ny '■ JOHNSUON 4 STOCKION myl cornar of Tarket and 3d sts. , g , ■ Plan cm. A LARGE and splendid assortment ouhoesny und roeewdod grand ac* ll* I lotion Pianos,with rtetallie'frames and with ail the latest improvements, whieh for dorabilitv, tone.and touch are warranted to he equal to any made in (he country. For satelow for cash by i - F BLUME « meblS No >l3 wood at 3d door aboteStlr The book of counKRCK, by sba ANU LAND; exhibiting Its connection with Agn* culture, the Arts, and Manufactures. To.wblehare added a History of Commerce, anil- a Chronological Table. for talc by . . JOHNSTON A STOCCTON ; '* “ Bookseller, cor Mirket and 3d sis MANUFACTORIES SPRING, WORKS COLEMAN, (lAILMAN, A Co~ having their New works, are sow prepend to lure ererjr description of Coach end EJipiic tnrim Iren axles American Blister,eprinf and ii'liMilwijl. end all site*. of small square and roand lnMi wfci«h the; offer for sale on liberal terms, at their IfanfimM No. 43 Wood street; where they also hiked a complete and handsome asaorSMat'of iCaoe! tram ming!, Carriage kardware, malleable caaibuf, Nail* and Iron, ' . • _ C. H. A Go, bare made arrangements wtb Messrs Day A Croua. manufacturers. of Shovel]*, Spades Forks, Ae., and will keep eon*|antly.on band evert aniele made by Him. Dealers are reapenmlly sol' etted in ealLaa prices and term* will be mada liberal. : . ■ .1 . IrfenlTwi DUaolQUoa. P THE Partnership heretofore existing'e fina of Marshall, Bradley, A Co:, was diarolveid m the Sib instant by mutual consent The basinet* of the laiefirm will be settled by BlirsbalL' Wallhee 'A Me- Geary. JAMES MARSIIALL ALEXANDER BRADLEY , wa.Av -Wallace HENRY MrGEART. FRANKLINFOUNDRY. ;, THE business o( the above Foundry will >t edatlo ed by the subscribers unde? ißefina'.of Harsttmll Wallace* Co., mail its various branches, vie Hollow Ware Mill Gearing ' Stores and Stove Plates LlgbiAHesTT Mtfh’ry Wagon Boxes Engines Grates A Sad Irons Engine.CaaUni • Plough, PloogVCasung i, Re. Ao. Made of the best materials, and at the lowest prices.— Purchasers are invited io call and examine i ur Stock at the Warehouse in Liberty street No. near the headof.Wood street JAMES MARSH ALL - WmJTrWALI ACB , HEN'RV McOKHRV PITT MACHINE WORKS AND FOD? DRY, PtTTSBCaoH, P*. M “V JOUI WEIGHT 4 CO I ARE prepared to build Cotton and Woofler Machin ery of every description, socb «*-*Jai ding Ma chines, Spinning Frames Speeders, Drawn| Frames, Hallway Heads, Warpers,TwiUers,Sfjooi •.*, Dressing Frames, Ioom», Cird Grinder*, Ac- Wroi rht,lron fbafting turird all sizes of Can Iron, Pa Hies and Hangrrvof the latest patterns, slide and ban t Lathes, and,tools of ailkiudi. T Castings of every description famlshed on short no-' tice. Paitrm* made to order for Mill Geiiriag, trim railing, Ae. Steam Pipe for beating FaeiorTfcst-'Casi Iron window 8a»lil and faney Castings generally.— Orders left at th 6 Wareboaseof 3. Partner A erty street, prompt .attention. | Blackstock, Bell A Co., J K Moorhead A Co., U E Warner, John Irwin A Sons; Pittsburgh. (i C A J II Warner; Steubenville. jadlfl ' THOS. ATiniURR. V ms. i ruTK.„ Rev. J. W *olid and 01 i .are laaghl 'Street, kitiion will riy, aiul it i, Uving should Hljrc or at that jfessor RIIO s I find Guiwr, jktion Also' rtT, author 01 uLoand«tber LOOKING' GLASS MANUFACT URER, and fancy Furnishing Warehouse ..No 104 IVood street, near Fuih,Piii»burgh, Pa ; Wholesale and Retail: English and Frenrh Engravings; ' Japanned Waiters and Trays,' ! Looking Glass Plates, by the box or single light; Table Cut'ery; Picture Glass of alt sizes; Britannia Tea Ware, in setts or single pieces; Port-sitand Pi Mure Franes; Fire Irons and Fenders; 1 Mahogany Toilet Glasses, with l; 8. and 3 draws; German Silver and Britannia TgA A Table Spoons; Hand Magnifying Mirrors; Candlesticks, Snuffer* and Trays, Gilt, Pier, and blame) Glasses; Gentlemen’s Shaving Cases; Combs. Ilair Brushes, Ae. C9»Merchants, Hotels, and Steamboats supplied on liberal terms, and packing carefully attended to Usu «l diseoom for cash. febl? ALLEGHENY VKNITIAN BUND FACTORY. JOHN A. BBOWH TAKES this method to inform his friend* the public atlarge'lhmt bis Factor? 'i*now in full operation; on the East «ide ■6391 of the Diamond, Allegheny, where a conj slant supply of Blinds, of-various colon alas at No. 5 Wood at, Piusburfb.ei J .A .ll. Phillips’oil cloth wareroom. Vennmn Shatters maae to Order in the best style. Blinds repaired at the shortest notice. N.-B. -Hip, Blinds will be pat up, without any addi tional exepnse tn that ihejoean be removed in a mo ment in ease of fire or for washing, and without the aid. of a crew dr e . octldlyAwlamly ■“ . " ~a7 er, has rebuilt aod commenced business at hisoid stand, where ha will be. pi eased to see bis old customer* and friends. Church, Steamboat, and Bellsofeyery size, from 10 to 10,000 panada, east from of the most approved models, and W""' warranted ta be of the best materials. Mineral Water Pump*. Counters, Railing! Ac.-Ac. ogethfir with every variety of Brass Castings ifreqnir eu. turned and finished in the neatest manner.) , IfTA. F. is the sole proprietor of DABBtr’s Arm- Artantoa Mctal. so justly crleluau-d for the frduc t'on of fiietion in machinery. The Lose* and Compo sition can be had of him at all times. janl-ly WR.UeCniLY'4 Co. IMITATION CROWN GLASS. HAVING recently made very namrtfutt improve. menu in.tbe manufsciore of the above article, and adoprr * ha latest improved eastern wheel oven for Hai ti: tuna, ere ate wawMepsued tofuntisbahaniclrof Win dow Glass, equal, if not soperior, to any Cylinder Glass made in the Uaited Slates, and bdt lime lofvrior to the English Crown. We are also very eiicnjivrly engaged in the manu facture ofCommon Window Gloss and Druggists’ Tints and Rsulsjof every-description. Dealeisgener&iiy aic invited to eall and examine for thcmsclvrs. at oar w-tre boose. No. 139 Wood street, Piustiurgh, Pa. ociX _ .1 wXllace- PITTSBURGH STEAM MAKLLK WORKS, -Vat. 9H and 24d Utterly Ukl, aiur Ui Canal ALWAYS on hand and made toorder, a large varie ty of Marble Mantels,. Pier,Centre Tables, and Bateau Top*. Ttsnb R'ones, Monuments. Ae; all which, being made of the (luicest matble, and m*ndfnctuied principally bv machinery, will be sold low for tush N. u. I‘etsons wishing to porehasc hlanula,~are informed that it is hencctonh uoucceasary for ihrtui; to go East, as I can furnish them with an article mall respects as good, and (freight, insurance, Ae, consider ed.) as cheap as they can purchase them for in the F-i*L Call and w** _ jagg SHBKT IKON. ANU TAS ware manufactory. No B Market street, PiU*bargh, Penna: THE su>>tcnbeia having made great Improvements in the construction of iheir COOKING STOVES, respectfully nvne persons building Steamboats u> call and esamioe brforr purchasing. a> ws ean supply them with Deck Stoves, rorgrs, and every other kind of Copper, Tn and Sheet Iron work necessary in furnish ing a Steamboat. we also make to order oa the shortest notice Sal Tubes tnd Qiamber; Copper work for Steam Engines and every variety of work m ear line, fob* SHERIFF A SHIRK BENNETT & BROTHER. qFEKNSWARE MANUFACTURERS. Dlruilßfhaa. (ataar PlHshurikiiPa. UorcAotMC, Ab. 137, Hood ttreei, rittiburgk. v^BOWILI. constantly keep oahand a rood assort- Ol Ware, of our own. manufacture, and supenorquality. Wholesale andeoßtltry Met chants are rcipectfuHf invited to eall and ex 1 same for tbenuelves, as .w« are dstsrtnined 10 sell eheaprr than has ever before been offered to the pub lic.- : P7’ Orders seat by aikil.accobipunied by the cash or city reference, will he promptly, aneaded tn. febXS fftw Ihavsl, Spsls akd Pork MaiamfliicV 1 GRIFFITHS & DIXON, HA VINO cemmenred the maaufkctuTe of Spadea Shovels, Hay and Manure Forks. Ae.on an exten sive scale, are prepared 10 fill all orders for such arti cleaat Eastern prices. For the ronvemenreof their customers and dealers in neb articles, they have appointed George Cochran, Cnarmasiou Merchant, No 80 Wood street, iheir Agent for the sale of their manufactures. 'All orders address ed to him will receive prompt aueniion. on the most ad vantageous terms. GRIFFITHS A DIXON. Pittsborgh, July 6—dly Urtal Wnltrn Butt Hinge SiMfattorj7\ OIMCISSATI.O. A(>ARDNER ft Co.. would inform the trade that « they ,ro R * w mantifaetaring the t>e*i Botl Hinge everotad* iu the United State*. At thi« t» our princi ple Uu»me*« we intend to tend oar ai complete as at iic-tone can poMiblyibe made. Thote engaged is ike bsnlwaie-trade, wc think, will find it to their'iDtercit to *ce oer Uutu All order* promptly attended to. mys A OARUNER. k. Co, cor of Pih * main ala JNO. a. aiLLBSPIK 4 CO., • No 18 Wood Street. * € ANLFACTURKJWoIGiItand Mahogany Laokj&g iVI Ula«*e«, Importer* and Dealer* in/LookiagUlaa* |Maic«, Aceordeon*. Percaoiofi Cap*, Cloek*, Carat*, Jewelry and Fancy Good* araerally. Ibe advertiser* are making tome improvements In eir busratu. wuh increased facilities in the parcbase ’Vmeft'C, and the importation cf many Foreign '•y will he ablet* sell mVEtUrnfrkm. The? • ilreii ihe aueaiion'of purchasers. Roodi^nr mpectfnH* jantSdii _ cdTfON wboLOCK liACiiTNklt rpllK now enlarging 1 heiretrab! jib* J tnent.and ate prep&ml to make-aii kindtaf Cotton and Woollen MocbumjNbJjihemott jeaKuiablc term. Older* addre»eil to u* will unit with niompt attention A. DAL3ELL I .acock atreoVAHegheny Ciif N n.-H Wjlghiroan, who ha* a patent fn; a very important imnroeeraei ton the Card,and who hat been engaged for toe lan fifteen yea™ in tone oNhr moll ez>en»nreand auoceuful Coaon Factor ie* of ihksweM, will give bi« personal aiteniion to putting up, toihehat iifoetion nl tno«« eoneerned.-all machine* made at ihiih e*l»bli«hmem. lantKdlv J&L JOBS SHERIFF A C®., No*. 03 and 0i From »t*,' Vfl Uuii PbOHDkusndOAi Fu* rui, Utui of ail »iie» c*<t the lateit tmpioted nu.: ■ leraa and warranted equal to L anV Al*o, Uiao Caatlnra, defatted if'ordered,'Gaa rit* pul up promptly and on reasonable term*. notrlWly ~. PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS AND SPRING •and axle factory. . Uaafl TOSW- , < , • _ jasa f. qum. j6ski k aviao, MANUFACTURERS of Spring. and Bliaiet Steel, Ploigh feieel, Steel Plough Winga, Coacb ana Eltptie9prtn|».lla|omerey Iron Aile*. and dealer* in- Malleahie Caatlnavand Coach Tituminga generally corner of Rom and Froift aueeU,Pituhurgb» ra ■ febgg _____ . - LIPPUCOtT lEOH WOBHV. . IRON and -Nail*, Skorcls fit. (at ante at oar new WartbocM, No. 59 Water iireet, near Wood, ran* Dintto Front Ai*o, an aMortmenl at the old (land, MeMaiter** Roar, LibeOf wreet. i llano* made rreataddaiOQa to tba Rolling Alill, all order* ean be filled ptn»pthr. ' nor* , GRAFF. LINDSAY 4 Co. BIRIIKCSIH TICI FACTOKI. CAHFPEU. * OBB», ■AKcfACTCtifil o» ' ‘ FINISHING NAILS, HOOK HEAD BRADS. Ifta «ad Onptr Tiekii IRON AITOGOPPRRRHQ&miLa, Pattern Mgkcn' . of every deecription. Office No. tStQurUi Hole!, Thirdiml, ' ' PlUHnurgiu SPAHIIH now tod lam Moon* nasi of very hmilpi Spaniib Golim, hr ihoion yarti wttiafkrtarea,ißitToceTTed*odfi>r«ate by 1 • J H MBULOK I' : VOL. XIV: —NO. 2; 1 " .HOTELS, it P“ BARL4WET ROD«S <k 4)l4ebmaUr OHIO—The aubeeribrn having pneuaed the en tin Interest of Col.O P VYdliamroo, kstaor this -well known establishment, beg leave to stata to taelr friends and the .public generally, that they have taken this nsmodtoui HofolM su ttrm oCjnm and will exert their best energtbh lb mate liYdcrfffcMe home for Trav el lers and City {Hoarder*. __J - ■.- U v The Hotel is spacious and admirably planned for con venience, light And air, having a ruuober of pallors adjoining chambers, preseutfcg otmsagl autacooas to families. The present proprietors having had the cuEpenaned of year*^atbi*city and elsewhere, hope they will be able to give general satisfaction, being determined u> give OMiTtAed-’enetHiea to the hocae alone. ,!wh»gho« of tko Pearl Street Housers nar ranliwcly eligible, haring frou>* m Pearl, Walngl tnd Third srn, “WXJirD equally desirable in view of the cooveai f.°, “ oasjtaaameaor relirvnM'nt forferivatahoarders. •i n *** ®tutk*. tha PostOfiee, the Masonic. HallrOdff Phuows HalL and but end Square distant from Majastrcataad |w*Ma*rm freiqibe City Whatf, thus offering the greatest inducements, rspeeislly tfftountry merehaats and gene ally toMl-pe rtons- wsi tla g'Cinrttf JOHN NOBLfe - , ••• ~ _-V JOHN-A DljBLE' —*.■ l: J ifibrari'' vibsos nor»K7 Jse. as AertA Second Street, Philadelphia* V,. IpHE sufoerihers rwptetfully inform the cUbams Pitu -1 b«gh aad Western Penwyhinla, that they have takes the sboT« bouse, wbsrs they m : msd to persons Tailing lbs City of rbtladHphia ta tb« b**t styk, aad oa the most reasuathat IrilßS’ Tba-bdtiss fi vrftjiia ooe square of k| srket street, aad has undergoes.a tboroagb rt*>. rotka and repairs, and is well calcubted to aim<2aodaU pttsan oho taay favor as with aesJL •L ]. , Gire usaeaD-aad wefeelMofidealjuu wiUbesstwird. - ' 1 -SAMUEL A BRADY, x Primary 23, ISlXriha - OLIVER H P PaRJCCR. GALTHOUSE. T'i Corner Sals and Sixth ate, Cincinnati* r T\lih}4>ubtiiluneiit It now In the beat order for tbe X reception of iLu Traveling Public, HaUmg under- Ebne a Iboronjh repair, dormjr the pan winter, and ■ting the moot experienced mm in tbe watt, in tbo ranou>i department*. I flattermyiteif that jail will be pleaaetl who call. The locttion-UcentraWeorimodiou and plra«ant. Fare 81 per dir. ’ ‘ Cincinnati, March 13.1H7. N. U.—Although not exact 1- •ante—a new Whiaion ihe ' 8. T. JXC Lite of Uie Actor Uoa*e EUTAW BALTIMORE. | JACKSON A CRANSTON, FxarmiEToai.l Coarbe* will bo in readme** at the and Lasb iso* to eoavey Putcnren, ft* <tf\ ekarrt . u jjTtWly the ttoase. •• ! /.• [* INSURANCE! Indemnity afiiut Lou or Dtnike br Fire. ,: I . P * ,„Tl' I l 5,U X UAL PHINOIWJJ COMBINED •wiih the additions! security of e Stock Capital. The Rehanct MuiuaJ Innmmce Co 4 of PkiTa. CHARTER PERPKTUAL. i DIRECTORS. .1 Sr*^ 0 • JAha-M. Atwood, C. Lewi* R.A«hhtuV 'Vto. **• Thompson, George Ni Baker, George M> Btroud, John J. Vauderkiup,' .. George W.Carpenter., l - I WILL make insunncoagaiost Lena or Damage by Fire, in Pittsbcroh andoricioity, on Uotnea, Store* add other Buildings, and oa'Furni ture. Good*. Ware* and Merchandise, on the moat' farorable term*. : j The Mutual Principle, combined < with a Stock Capital, and the other precisions ol the Charter of thi* Company, hold out nnuaoal Inducement!, both of pro Stand those ileiirourefeSecting Insurance, towhienthe Company tak the attention and examination of those interested, j •: • Those effecting insurance with-this-Company have,besides the ntoal protectiooagainsl lotsjby the ordinay method of insurance: the additional adcantageof a direct participation in the ptofiij of the Company. teilAovi an*.tahth/*. ' I • GEORGE W. 'INLAND, President. B-M.-HiMcnilAN, Secretary. j - aubserher, who is the dal/ authorised Agent or the shore named Company, is prepared to make insurance, at the Office of the Agenty, in the SL Charles Hole* Third at., third door from Wood street, and will gire all further inftrmatiin desired T«IOS. J. CAMPBELL. JOUM FIBSET, afe * WOT AT rITTUTWa rORTUK . DELAWARE MUTUAL Safely liunranceCoiapaay ofPhUads'la, FIRK RISKS upon buildings' and merchandise of erery description, and MARINE RISKS upon hulls or cargoes of teasels, taken upon the moalisrorable terms. * i O* Office in the Warehouse of W. 8.l ftoioes dt Bra., No. 57 Water, near Market street*-Pitu burgb. \i ... . i \fi. B. The soecess of thi* Company sioee rhe estsb tuhmenlo'rbe Agency In*!, i> witblhdprow#*w» and ÜbrralUf with whi> • claim upon! tbem for loss ba* been adjwtcu. mil, triurantlhit agtniin in citing the confidence sml puroxaae of hi* friend* and 'ho communuy at Urge io the Delaware 5L S. Insu rance Company; while u has the addiUoual adrantages as an institution among tun.most floorisbrag in PhiUd’u—as banogan ample paid in capiml, which by the operation ofits chart* r\iecaauntlYincreising -as yielding to each person insured hit due share ol th« profiu.of the company without' inrotying him in any responsibility wbaterer; and therefore as posscaiug the Mutual: principle .divested of erery obnoxious feature, aa J io its niostslUactiveloru. no*4 '• -I • • NATION Al- RE T AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY; SewiYork. 1 fTMIIS well known and respectable company is ore. A pared, through theit PITTSBURGH AGENCY, to make insurance of erery kind connected with riaks of transportation and inland, nawgatloo; to insure agaiast loss or damage by fire, Dwelling Bdlldings in general, Goods, Mares, and Merchandise, and evei j description of personal property on the most favorable terms. . u . j Applicauon»,lbr Insurance'atiended to without dclar at the office, No X) Wood street. SPRINGER HARBAUGti Ag*tl ! AT ah Election held at thepffice ut N. Y., May 18th, ihe following named gentlemen were chosen Directors of this Company, 6»r the ensuing year, rixr Joseph W.bavagCf , Stephen Holt, - John Brouwer. .. John McChatn. William G. Ward, * William W .Campbell, John Newhoase, Jacob Miller, william 8. Slocum, Marcus Sprier. John F. 'Mackie, Joseph P. Lake, John J. Herrick. ] And kt a iniwepicnt meeting of 41m, Board, JOSEPH W. SAVAUU, E*'- ; - i|deni' — v - --- rntHfc, Xthrong.. ber, ofiersto ». . uce on property, io this city and its vicinity, and on shipments by the Canal and Brora. DIKKCTORS. / John C. SmiUf Prei’t./ Samuel Brooks, ? ' Alex. Hoary, ,-Charles Tbylor, ' Samll \V. Jones, Sami. F. Smith, ' 1 Edward Smith, - Ambrose White, John A. Brown,.. . Jacob MVTbomu, John White, 1 JehnA.lfefi, Thos. P.Copa, Richard Wood, Wm. Welsh, ArtborG. Coffin,See. This is the oldest in the United States, having been chartered in 1794. It* charter is perpetnai, and from its high standing, long espcrience, ample means, and avojdjngui, risks ofan estra hazardous .'character,, it may be. considered as ottering ample/security to the public. ; . MUSES ifrWQOD, At' Conoting Room or Atwood, Jones <fc Co., Water and Ffootstreeis. 's ap2B-«f INDEMNITY Y Ag ioslLoaaby Fire—The FRANKLIN Fire Joan rance Company of Philadelphia, WILL make 1 naunnce, pc Aaanent and limited, cm even description of prcpeityein PITTS.: BURGH and tho SOitROUtyDINU COUNTRY, on RiTomble torma. This company has a perpetual charter. - • CAPITAL,. £400,000 paid In. CONTINGKNT FUND........ foofro - - Office corner ol Third and Market ala,, Fitlib’eh, ap £3—U~ WAKRICJC MARTIN, Agent INSURANCE, imcrUu Fire laattreaee Companv O? PHILADELPHIA. Cnuni PxutnraL. CamiL t&Mno ram ui. Offat in Philadelphia, iVd, 78 Walnut Strut . WM. DAVIDSON, Pre.-t - Pnstttn Fnaurr.'BeeV. TUIS old and well-established Cwaptny Cuntinaea to insure Baildinrs, Merchandise, Furniture and prop. >ertynetoran rrtraharardous character, syninst toss or damage by Sre. . .. ! AnMicatlons for insurances In Plilsbnrjjb tuid its neighuoThMil. will, bo received, and risk* taken cither perpetaallydr for limned periods, on favorable terms by \ GKO. COCHRAN; Afrm. nnvl« . No «H U‘wd »t. Ww. wilsoK • corner 4ib and Mata. »elm«d.«iock of>4rairbe*t Jean, Military Good*. Al*iTi,Mbuttv trtn price*. Gold Patent I>vcf, full Mkiwu#4o; M*erdottuelkt,itlow^. (iesaineConper, robia*. JobmonandoUteya. mekeof watchee may be iad at Warranted. “ watcb wirk daoelnika »ery belt-manner Wrch Maker ft Jeweller, •i «<. A large and well IrftJWTer ware and ■nd Uftlulai eat ■ell wwaidjet, JMB. ’’ iprofftl ILadiea-ladieajl’aa'dto&iihed,..'. • ~ When j-aqknow that yon are pjooiMd • A natural, life-like, inowy whu?, That Toa will 'ftill oie common chalk. And look b daathly yellow frtelu, ’ The theme of laughter nod •( uuk. ' Ifjrw woald uu » be* irjONE* Ltlly-whiie, it •wwkJ five paorahm bo .-aUbacier-yet natural while, V** •‘l®* improve it. Bold ai JACKSON’S,Mi }PnccS3cenup*rbox. "myrt IAA D 92 Apple Graff*, embracing a bool forty kind* .W'*,®* autumn end winter ▼arieue*, »r* ieeiedexpreuhr by tha aabtcriber, from the celebrated orchard of the lion. Welter R'rward, for aale cheap. Alan, grafting clulb, • neat and convenieol article, for grafting, budding ana covering wound* on treei and ahnbl.piepiiedlrrajkilfelaißatcßr. = apa, . ,S N WICKERBU AH, cor 6U> A wood m . .A. LBXHItfX A C«K» NO T» CVNAL STREET, NBW-pRLEANS. A GENTS for 3 B Annant** Rxtesme Steam Sugar : A -ReAnery. ‘ Alwayajoohand,* large *to<Jr of Loaf. Powdered, Creaked, Ohrißed and Ba«ur£Siigir», in Tietcea and Barrel*. Alae, Sugar Ilooie Molmiwa. Prieea liberal and a fair allowance made on all talra -Vl : • ] mckll CREAM—Tbie popular ptaewof *eve rung,(May3rd. .... . K - V/.“J* . t N, YORK! ADVERTISEMENTS < AT THE ZOtTEST. POSSIBLE paten; ” STiTIOSSSI UD firn BUM BOBU , RICH a COUTREL* 61 WIMjIAM STREET, NBW YORK.- HdVE bow cm had, ef aaufoctnrv, i«n fWt* lanrfmt of Ldm, Jgunik Dar-Booki, la »<** Book^Cnk,Order and Bill Books, Ac.afnriouricß •M «yle»orku»diMj, from'which arts 0/ d«e«aat Books cas -f* *» ««»7 »» price* abo made to order, ruled tad bond to uy petton, u sheraaMw*. . (.v - Foreign ondDowotie£tatiancru,i ~ *2*s* SUt «* tilewk-Jud Boo* OoldaaJ saw*FritfCmO? “s“’ **«■ HoWen, Own T*k*v«»>a* CwdsajekpiMOßßowd*,Cbe&ea, Dice, l.orrFaliW all otbrr articles sold by ataiimwn* ** | . '■■■■ CheapiAeeountßookx. • . Ai«n**torigeMHtlj’oalMad, mteblafiir nuiltrato. tad country metthaats at tety ebeap retesf , A Large Assortment vf VfrilingPaperV. VJ pfadfTiad; r»W Letter Paper, plain mid nkd iljgffrgfr 7"PP“kP^*f»Bonnet BearS/Log, Ckttt, Kodary, Corelope andfafoSfeg Paper Colored FmvTU* Htcktt fat, ctti» need-Bink fart. TWew tad Copying Paper, Musk l aw, Gold, Trecte/rteteiwil, tadertrj wtherdtocriptsai of peper tt retyfow prfoev ; v . Go4i /'em. Diamond taint , ;' Bagalty-*,Bretm**, endtQ otbaf’flll*- . J"™ ‘•“Vjb ***«*«•*» to nit parefcaatn, *t tb* m> town* meouJicturtr’i pom. Letter Copying l Prtaet. - • '“•4 J differral prieaud etjk«—U« Info Gwytef “{***> with Jorer tad anew, die moot eipedltioa, ecoeomC - ”7. **?. ”?!*** * od * ut *»*“«»eepy°f any Utter or Alt -■ without writing it oyer tgti&. , ■ _/f n f ,ru * f <j SIW/bU 1 heller* Writer*. whfeh th, letter tad qyy -fo written tt the ttsttfae. • «w«d ? nad tithe-lowest wm mLeomewj&nke, inßtrtnen'Coinindts Merchant* and " ,l "'—»• ■"» !**“*»«» ' . Xularud Prtufj. . _ nee ofßnka aadCcrporaiicc*, toafii the adaief rachßenhor Cwyontln hifcSdSau. Tfcfc epeea twa U performed by Mty pew. ena uintttal ; Firil Prtmiusu'' ; i ' * An ® fci “, l « ai^*t fehtentr, For the b*«Huledßltia Bobfa-j( B2*r Medal -l •* >«r thebcrtafanlAM Letter OitdM . For btaaliTal HaUhed Copying Pren A pffS ; J*m* Cdt and bmfir-rmrukm • Trade and Country Merthant* Supplied*. •■ *' ■ ■ rich * IOuTBn, ■ • er ißpofttnof Feeaeh aadfqrialiStßtmßrT.- - tadwtns&etar«rtof loeomit Book*. Mnifcld Wfitoi EiwhKaTSnk • udCtnaiaela]ta 1 *e»4«.61 WOliM. wuMlcpnti \ • j • ~ flhit“afp KCBT Fiibur I&6H 1 "r FOK EOOFIJG, WINUOW JHUraiS, to, H 1 HE eubictiberi beg to call the aanntion of all thoaa' 1 imeretted in yooßng, to their GALVANIZED TIN PLATBS, and to the many advantage* which tber poMenorer allmetalic and other eubtianeea hllhaito «•«>, tAI» parpodh,>ouctting a» they do, thotoeflflh and lighuteet or inn without in liability to nut, hiring now Men tested eereral reatti'jbothmihisceßStryanl. inEanpe.- They are alto lea* suhfret to exptnaloa 1 and coDtraeuon from sudden chanreaofthe unoepotr* I than common Tin Plate, Iron,3sine, Ac, or any other metal now-aaed for roofing, mod ranthquently ions a ■men better and lighter roof, reqalrtngrar lew ftegnanx T *£? ir ' the first coat la bat atrtfletnore. • 1 ,The:Mbacribeia would alaojeali the- aUenUoaof aU dealera and worker* in aetala, to the many other par* ootoieto which Iron thu protected) can be applied.—' M> term* it w applicable to all article* of iron wmen It it daairable .to protect from tb» .actioD of th* atmoaphere. ‘ And they vontd etpectally call tbd at* waUnoof ihoeeiatereatedinTCUiGßArUiC UNSCL I to thea Galraniged Wire, arhieh.ia now alewn aostf* lydied 10 Earopc.and whichanawera every jarppaa . aa a conductor ereiectrietty, eoeting only abotttOM I halfaatnoehae copper,and poaaeaaingearaldaitbiii* ty withthatmeuL : < .■>■ 1 < Haring lately erected worla in thta. city foe the par- PPM of gilranlzing nailc, apikea, bolta wtra. Ac., nay - will be able to farms Any article which any be fed- A tapply of Pttei (manofactnnd In.EonpeJ ~ cormantly on hand, from 11 to 33 wireroage. -1 ; OEO.D. MORE WOOD AOo I -1 Nob. Hand Id Bearer at, NBW TOBK. ■The Patent Right lor due article haa been tcear*d for theUnued Btatea aa well at Great Britain? and other Eatopeaa: eetmtnee, and all legal meatnrr* wIU bO la- - kentopreyent any infringement by iapotrauo 1 erwtae. : j • ~ wtl it Oratlcmoßa Pnrnl>htD( KitablUbnaat CHARLES B HATCH, 9t v\ iUtam itrat, Ncw Terh •elieitaailentwa to hiaawortmantef Ooada iadw'On tVwKa’a Fureubing Lina, imported tad maaafiwtand an prenly for th« Bpnflg and Bumaar wtaort.; i-arikdw W> tentioo la eeDcd to tb« following articles. * . STOCKS—SiII, Batin aadßcwhwiar, all Ma ad call itic*. • . » ; ' ~ OPERA TIBS —FHin and-Fascr, light and dark date*.' * WASH 7723—Fancy liars and JoeoacV m arw aetida for auawer wew. c*- . CBAyATSAND SI stent. - latyka-afcD anon- SUSPBRDBB3— BiIk ad Cotton, rtry tlmtk. Whha . sad Fancy liaca do,towa*h, aaentiraoaw article . SHIBTC, BQSOMS,SirZ> CQLL4S&-U amirut ctrofatyfo tadqoaiity. -F . ! • - CXBER. '.WHI9 Aim DJUUFSRB-BKtCotHA. Lair Thread, Mtriao, WoaUra,fce^ OLOFJSS—Bfoek, white, and eolorad'Kid, of tb* hea* munAetere,Bilk,Cotton,Lines,LUa Thread,d< HOSIZRF- Silk, Geuoa, Linear Mariao, *e . - OILRD BILES— Liaia white, of the rtry brat .qnabty; black * lewd'do, Jaaasard Muib'n*. Ac~ IJDSBSSIIfO CdIFNS-Friatrd Calico, Uddadtee de | ItJuDREBVRJBFS— Fhia and .twjllrd SpltaNeid, In* diaSiacfaew, Pongee, ft; plain and hiKy.Liom Oamaric, e , CHA PAT STIfTWERS-Variouj bind. • - Hr woeM itetr that he u now uiisg, la hb ilKßiin. I ; Jl/'BI7.YG STXICA’S, an 4afimtiS<r*at.gpriag foot th* J oar fonaerly ut«d, which reader* them suien more eaafor* i' table tad raay to tar Back than formerly. - '.tt tAMm | ___ : ... I ACCOUNT BOOKS AND STATIONERY* ; ’ FRaNCIs* tt LOirFRKL,77 I NajdealAßo,mnQnlhctn} rert of every description of Blank Booka, Umornn* dem.Cepy-tnd-Paaa Booka, Croton Ink, {Manifold Letter Writer. Diamond Total Gold fem,kc.,Ae.v anditn- , poncraof Engtiah end FrenchFationery ■no'Fnper. 1 .-A large nerertmeni conauntljr on band of the moat. - v ImprortU atjlca—lnk aULdi.'Wax, Wafer*, Slltea, . . Peaeilt, Steel Pena, twines, mono aval*, ivory tablet*,’ . ' .ivory folders, cart*.gum label*,pen nclra, card rack*, ink powder, black, bine and carmine ink, ruler*, gold ana eiiver pencil ease*, qailKportfolioa, copying ppaa *ea,hc-hc. , ' -ENVELOPESfor Card*, Notea, ingrtsv - ( variety. . - - i Letter end Cap Paper*, ruled and plain, at Iltnsihc- V| tarer'q.pxKee; note ptperi; tiiane,paper, perforated board, bristol board*, boanet board, colored papers, 1 I wiapptngpapen,Ae.. Deed,: Kecoid, Doeketi and other book* for Coehty Clerk*, Courts, Banka, Intnnnee Companies, filer* eaanta»and others- eonaumiy on band, or fanuahrd to pattern at abort nolice_[ Warranted 10 besoperiottn . qtainy and very lowinpnee. „ . Country Merchahta, dealer* and others will be tap, E lied atue very loweatprirea We ahall «onataotir - aye ob hand a larje stock of Blank Book*, Taper and ■ Stationery: and reqoeat the favor of a eail from those . who require anieJea in our Ime. • FRANCIS A LOUTRKL f filannfaetnrmg Stationen, 77 Malden fMdSm —7l Blew York " PRINTS SrYLESr' : 1847. '' , LEE «c BREWSTER, N*« 44 Cedar Jttrectr-lVow York* §EG ken to inform Dealers m Dry Good*, that they have reeetecd. and are now exhibiting,at the WAREHOUSE iCLUSIVELY for Print# Coftew, 800 C&81CI, coaspriuDg all the New Bprlng Htyles, of British, Trench and Amnieaa Masamciore; which, in ADDITION to their umal stock, readers their anortawatowof Itemoet • beauttfolaad attnetirabi theeityiaadbarinriast btenver* . ehased for-CASH AND e'HORt 1 oOneiby the piece or jnekage on the mme torma, to aad hater maau* fiwtarar* pacta.’ ■ ; • ; i.•+ > of price* (corrected daily J arc piaccd il fh* TurthMrrs will inform thessrlrtaof the *CU* of Oh atari krt,*nd be well repaid for kn examinetioa, 'era if theyde- BOtpurchtt*. • ■ ,i -'Cab. harv peculiar edraatagea for exteathw order* for print*, which are mpeetfUny aoliefted. ’ jnchH LEE-A BREWSTER, 44 Cedar Stivet LAUPS, UIItAaUULKS, ' HAIL LANTERNS AND tba Spring Trade. DIETZ, BROTHER f CO., 139 William*lrerf,'Jf«w'York,in lbc-Waihiaftoa Block, in ma&ubctaruf and bare on hud a ,co<BpiaU amort Beat it irticfei {a their liar, of the which the; .will wU at-whom!* and ntailfti .Low Prices, lor ct*h: Imjrpwd Chemical Oil end Camphc— Lamp*. ' Sour Lamp*, Gilt am! Bfo&xed, in mat variety ; Girandole*, rmrioo* palters*, aifmador brootad.'' '* Su«pndi«Bohn, : I^ricCuapho# BracketSaW Sid* ; Solar Chudebcn,- Bnck*l~do - •_••.• ~ j Patcat Lord Hand Lamp*, Bland do " I Britani* Hind I imp. Cinfknt ChaadtHmi I So-rior Chemical Wl, - KuSpS.^** + do Camghene, Bohr and UrdDiL • Fluid,- Befiaed Whale . . Move Whorehouse for "L'rlnia tJnkv-” ' i . OPRINO STYLES, 1847; UtE, JDDSoSiJ LSK 2 at lb* »paeioa» Are tlcry »V art bon* ,No jbCcdir at! - « «w 1 orb, (the whok of jrhleh i» devoted to the exhibition and nk of thb mnrieattkl*,) ofer fo-afe by thc efae* a? inckace, 1000 <?ASE3 of MUTEDC ”ICOOS£ prafayall the toirahk new etjW, a bmprojbrtU-or which harma beta contracted fcr_bffore he ua rut b the . 'market, wtilMsold at leu ibaa<muabetsma* orascat ari j- i.-. Pra(rdJi*U ofpeiotaara pot into the hand* ofbottn. '<:■ •; V«* Brtwjter, (from whkh he mind in (645) ha* joined ■ the firm of Lee and Judioo, and aolieiu thapatredan’Shli February 83,1 &t7-&a2p LEE. JITOSOW *■ rjlß.- -v , w Wp. n,u>l * Ornß W ar(b«M.r. ; M'THB CITY OP SBW lOßfc , T 3 A. YAH N K>TOOK A I’o, No. <9. Jotm at. 1 -U• Now York, oflier lor aa'eTlarge aQ'TYtrtral' anorttaent-ofi'DNp VftcfMeifielaet, DveSt fl*i or tteij dyecrjptidoitwoidb ih-y ; are prepared and determined to roll. Jew. ' Country Merchants and Droggfstt airs relocated and euroin* their.irtidei.' Order* *x*cqis<l i witV(aith(aloaaa ar-d derpateh, B.A.Kabneflock’a VemrniM eoeatanily on hawl. : . u Fabt«ilock, ■: y - B/bv,Kahneaio-k,. ' vPiuthttrsb. ’ 0. W.'Pahncitock', \ ' # • »■ A. B. HoliyNew York. ' apjft PAPER WAREHOUSE- - ~i- NO. onnUilYO BLIP, JtKW YOAK. (t YRllo tY. YIELD offer* ferula at the -lowest * * 1 • Nannfaetstm'.. prices. a reryifexusaiv* aawi wntof PAPER. compriiinf erery powihle variety, adapted to the warn* of coaweh rg all aeOticw of the country. Paper of all kinds made to order at. abort ncH .'O. . ;■'*.•••• l.unockefPElNTlND.FAPEßiauisiiallf Jam n a partof whlehleof yenr superior cnalitr ' PAPER KAKfeBS lUTEBIAU of every deaeripiiott, 1 imported and kepi ecnitaaUy ©n han Vlt: Felony*. Wire Cldib, Focrdrinkr Wirea, Bloachm* Powder, Blaa UhraJkarine,Twine,Aa^Ae. 1 u Rags. * -Outra*a,Bale Rope,Gnu* Rope, Buying. pon;ha»cdi for which the highest priceTn Ouh wiUba p*m .i irPr. -New iwa. NEAPOLITAN BONNETS-’ PATTISON; NOE k CO, PITESTKKB AJ,D MumMIUM. IkkriUy Stnrt, Xtu Y*)n , ' fcMM.