The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 10, 1847, Image 3
■*s■■■. *• 40 ■*"” tonModj <"• b>ai b| t OOSRAD, M Martel It. FHil*4tlph‘» rLKjQAST BKRLIB mO> BAIKI6T»* ]‘j a i«r|{e AMonacntof BeriiA lr®oß**keu,«f m* : iTfil pn.ern «uiUbte Ibrpirtor orn«m e nt»or <or wota oi':»rdt,»tkei«;for«l«J>Y , myO Fli EATO.^ DRiaas-DKUUB ’ (ium o,»tiußi Pepenne;. . i-IIUCttEPI^G’S ffcl«. « *ptetjdid ron: wood te-reß r, “® GiI«ASS-4uotix> sxlO, r ito do ion* !«£ !Su» “'»/ c » B rDwS3!”‘ •" J fy “!« kr- "* wMcronol B" DrfpiPEE BOIEI-A IW A'lSfl”'” of Bolf P«p-r lM*ie»,of owned > * atom, Kcriwtl tbudi)' »nd for **l* •* -p; ETON’S iJVi'SJKfASf&SjSSS "S f V‘“ “■* ■•"‘.ii'itK'Jj.iEAfi? i£a«-< « _ SUNUtUK»-« No lUnif 1 )**.« I DICKEY k. Co nve—for »*lc by .... MEW BALTUIOU* HEIUUBO ASD lM SIIAD-iJil !.W«ll«rnnp sdJ do s?b4J, 0 jo >o l Mackerel; sMfdo do ' do now landing■and * 5 buao R BRUCE 4 Co r Moppo»‘te tmiibfield SALOON-ICK CREAM-Tbil popular E pi«e of rr#o« win i»« op«« forlhe teuton it «e*e nin(r,,Bl«T 3rd. 3 _ SPABKftU OUITAttSrAi»«« and larjt a»on meut of vcr, -uper-ir ai»aru»b Guiurt, Le *' Farit maaafaeUirea, u*t received audfor S _ USiuUBB-Ground Pfrpper, Sardaiet; do AUpiees Cjo»e«, du ClovcS Nuitnefctj oo Cinamm; PimenW ~ ;>»** kSoESh * BR&MflrrL | £ For**te |>y ohn Appier 4UU Wdodo Penclic*; an do do Bc*[>V? r Z£l ,i mfi RViiLISII A Bi^^CTT,37woodM_ T7DWA.RO lIKAZKL.TOS, ill cast mde of *b« L».m-nom), **««<! «>oor fro ® “** •amond Alley.'»*ni*ttorjh_ ... -- n «i uvWtCIN!*, Attorney at R. Hirin’. d«iui»e.. ~**'r “ !,p “ ' o ; 3 J: w Court lleuw-. ’ - MACKKiIKL 50 bbU ian?e No 3, So«lh; _ Suhifdo do do .do; ; For.»lt bv 1S0»"D IIESZELTON, Black lack scaufs-a fc» iii»ck Uc« l'tii U*die»—a nrarce article—* few ton received Alk>. t>rv S e»nd S,H ‘muRP^IY Oooda_Uoo«e.r hi? 4 W K MURPHY POTASH —« c»k* aup, I’olaJb, juviree’d on eon r .ins «« .nd tor -1, L, iller t RICKBtsoN my 3 No l?u liberty,wreot OUANUKH AND LKJiaXS-liAllbi. (brut 1 0 bbl» Heine r. t> ilo Shad; ML»“ r; ksSu% a bennktt O' bX*KuelM’u.ul>; ... .... ""■> *A BENNETT 47S K‘ v'v;i.rnoNNi;f.*B“' 1 r f A £" ,*i Norwood *i GILKUN APFItoB»-»sc»rk«; • lii Ui» tn Oat*; Car ante by BJV« aSF VON BO.NNHORSr & Co A A BAGS K.O roßc-.jiiM received nnd for Mile hy Mf) DAU * \V4SI MITCHELTRKh mv3 No 16U liberty M H'KJ^.SS^WASJSfi - u»J«.toi«r,OWtt"'BimDESAAIJOBN ‘ f’isswsssg'' 9 my 4 DEACHES AND ADPLBS-MOdiiul Teh- P „ff to A Co BACON Is,«>u ll>- SboolUcr*; ” ~ is n »i hi* Hjih*. in *moke fo 101 " “ ArWOOD.JONhSA.Co. water A front«« YVnivom ha MS. ac-*i r>lr'Vetii , on Ham*: r*NlS*>M |IAM..,*C lacan •idr*.jo« rcc'd fkibn D, RHEY *. CO 57 walei «. ami tor *-Ue t.y A eat Ut & wood m tllll IRON-1™ “»• k»> * nd . c “f. d l ' 1 "' M "“' ' P.S‘ woiUL and fofjale by ®P.2. iJ andiorwcoi- • front.*- water »'■»■ rniS-gDOUMS®«*yjj feSSSIi «5“" JLj »ndfoi**lel»3r . ie . fKrTnnn li.. t>a«> ni jb« r s ccnflny {nm ,tnoke ‘ 100.000. to«. tor »te JORDAN A SON , apid XI He. Apply w* gpr ptnn k. irwio «n aplio ~A /* bbiTMess Potk; ' v 4b 11 ao !•"“« i °- F °' t SOS ate® - - --- - • Oll*S-COU ftiiw W»a«r bleavbei 200 ~ whale 5 bbts ** oil; do do O BLACKUCRN k. CO F^ C J?iSK" ■» ■t »nd for •*!« «y w«iar. * W wood «• »r"fr _ 9QB» F “ur-ood^fot~2l,Restock * Co for Ui fc wood.»« QCOBCHINOB— <9e*k* pritne, rcc’J on coongn- O men., *nd for « ,e & NNISG HAM k BONNER lU libcny *t my 3 1 —5 •fvBT b[ l., „ ra>3 CUNNISQHAM fc BONNER. TBAWip Galen* Le*d,««*™ d per .tem* J_l Cambria and lOT “IeWIS HUTCHISON t Co A.UCOBOt-10 66U 6 XX aale by J NoS* wood «t TmEEM fPWilt»-Ato« 1” (j .MiMrWdUTillc.mJto aRBA UGH No 33 wood •» lo e lo«e qaaaignnicnt rajJ . —*- I?|A HXi Bni»n Cb,llicc'i= eM „i lb, l' )0 _ *W..&AI"«ErSON_ j * ssirß * nr ° r '‘ n °“ “**'*““ O’ JU l ’ MILLERt RICKETSON rrSiSH? ou—w^ l * X lifßßciH, »n<* <OT * ,Ic a VwOOD. JONES & Co, ■ wiier h, front m w, ° L^ t y,s&*a aa , >c . 200 K^aawo.r,, p M“ST - myl r-t" —ITTg Blaiclt— ** Je 10 ..„'? * c»., * ftont... OUO*»-I°0*W. .m«>7 fcO?" O »«l* br Nn 30 wiicf »i ray 3 _________ fc Voon* Hywni I HywaSkinfcuunpowder, '^"^.‘"rvlbM^ANDLE®. •I 1 "’ cor wood *nd wtef*t» mnitiTO CATSOP-* c»*e* Tom*lo.C«uup T “**•'*. rcired ond l<n ** lc No 17 liberty «t Libenytf, ne«r the c»n»i. t JJ uid tor «*J« ><> w »y 01 wood *t * /«»«*«> ;. Lj and (or •&)* *>y " Ul>enr «i- - T'AKD per .i»r New . *H>,f *p SELLERS ' fot MIC m>t»eny n PKPPBR-/ cai«» Powdered AJh* an Cayenne aS?I** 1 **’ iu * 1 rctclTed “ d bRAUW * RPTFifr. R ; ' AOS WAS T KD—Country Mixed fSRJSd’ “• *'^ kt ‘ l P?f^, c “raLLW ’ a pl7tf Pint itrcct. below M«rkct_ COFKKB— Uoa»w>d Mad Ground, for Meanjboet* hotel* and grocer*, at ibe Mnitard and IC ® *l, * torv. Fifth »l aa» RHODES k ALCORN fS KA N U r?*—l Conned for cunwaen, at Ibe Moatar r«nd Since Factory, srt F‘fd» atreei. *22 P RHODES fc ALCORN SUbblt and litfkenon band RHODES k. ALCORN No 37 Fifth street G'l ROUND OlNtil f and for »m!e by f Ground PEPPER, in bbla, keg»andta>xea,fie*b .na coimuillr - ■*&„, - No 'ft Fifth atreei OJA LCS squltl., ]«• C ~ cor fiiat fc wood Ml SSI rfE»CHB-OTta« 1 ri 50 do do Appiei,- » re .nJ tor •»!« J C BIDWELL j isaBBD °i 1 *> 7 XJ No SS front it LA WHS* far 1* I*3 «e#» P« “ D“S”««' *"'“ 4 “"^TObphy mjO. OA BDWN^ Ov •*!• by wmter i front *t» lo"bbl» lwire««l»ed and for sale bjr ,pi? J UDDACd,*lwitMfl * PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRADB. j ~ 5 ri« ID im witir >. t uk cb.kbel COMMITTEE FOR MAY. ’ #«« 111 m. w*TK »« «» CBinm. T.S CLARK, R. E. tBLLERB, Movements of tbs iusaihlpi. . ; Steam, Las Liverpool. Lmt Antna. Barth Sands, Thompson,' M*r2fl ll*r 8 Cambria, Jndkms, April 4 Msj l ■ Csledonis, Loll, Apr 16 • May 16 ; Itfbentia, Ryne, W*y I , Jjof I Washington, Hewiu, - May I Orncs PiTTsauaoH Gazette,; Monday Morning, May 10. S Weather Saturday somewhat rainy, but pleasant. The River* continued to recede slowly—there was 4 feet Binebes water on Saturday evening. Floor has excited more attention sin£e the Steam* er's news, and prices have iteadilv' advanced.— 1 Saturday the market stood at £4,69c*4,874, and S 5 istsked by miny. Tho receipts having been bm* gre lor sevorai days, the transactions were mainly of Floor in store} oo Thursday evening alter the tenor of the was known, a round lot or 500 bhls* “ Bnfialo Mills/’with some privileges of freight, was taken at £5,25; sod on Friday 500 more oi same at same. 01 the 1000 bbls, 530 were delivered at Canal; and 650 at River. The sales Irom store Saturday were On Provisions the news jias bad but little efleet either way. No bbld meals of any kind on the mar ket. For 4>*eon tho demand continues brisk, and transactions include 40,000 lbs, at prices showing no change whatever. j Freight to go below continues scarce—freights OPENING PRICES OK FLOUR. * utter what the extent of the slock ol flour ii at the Kart, the opening of the State Canal* al« way* baa ila influence on price* below. At prcacnt the atock in Wew Yofk ia amall, more *o than for *»njr yean, and it i* alto believed that the Boato® demand during the winter abaorbed much of the flou_ vat os tale or stored in Albany and Troy, pre to the resumption of river navigation. Such ( at waa at hand to ship, bat already gone ird (rum those places, and has been pot on the market below. The appended table will show the period at which the Hudson river opened—the time or the opening of the State Canals—-together with the price ol wheat and floor in' New York at a cor responding period for a series or years . Canal open. Hudson do. Flour, bbl Wheat, bn 1839.. Aprl2o Feb *1 S 8 25fi8 3151 0)31 65 18-10.... •• 20 “ 21 5 8836 00 l 09c-l 12 1841.. - 26 Mir. 24 4 9035 00 943 J 00 1842.. « 20 Feb 4 5 26&6 38 1 2*127 1843.. .May l Aprl 13 5 1235 15 I OOfr 18-44.... Apr! 18 Mar 18 5 0035 06 1 0631 08 1845.. « 15 Feb 24 46884 75 943100 1846.. " 16 Mar 18 5333 5 44 1 223125 1847.. ..May I Aprl 7 7 5037 624 1 403145 —(Bofi. om. ‘ The principal articles that arrived at Cleveland, by way qfthe Ohio Canal, during the month ol May, are the following: Wheal bu 281,443 Flour bbla 87,48.) Corn 60,244 Pork 4,024 Mineral coal.. 63.450 Whisker 4212 Iran,nails..lbs 1,423,82? Glass, G Ware 190,511 Haeon *31,571 Lard 389 241 Butter 48£08 D Fruit....... 151,213 Pol and Prl Ash 16,217 Wood ..cords 724 HoiTO’ berchawts’ maoii»!»«, lor May, opens with a striking paper on the progress ol Wealth in Massachusetts from 1790 to 1840. The abrolute increase ol wealth during these 50 years, has been 5255,855,989 34, of which neatly three fifths have accrued within the last 20years,from manufactures Phe details of facts in the article are curious and minute. There are articles, too, on the subjects of Aonuities. Life Insurance, Jtc, on the vast Coal and Iron Trade of (be Ohio Valley; upon the late United Stales regulations with Mexico, and many oilier topics of special interest to the mercantile commu inly. 'The late Hichard Kicardo is the subject of the biographical sketch, and in the stitisticariables there is the same systematic and lucid arrangement, ntd the same abundance of valuable inferinaiion for which this magsatno has become world wide lamous. There are counterieit notes of £1(0 on the Plan ters’ Bank of Tennessee, in circulation, so well executed as to deceive the best ol judges—on the Nashville Branch*, vignelje, railroad can and steam • boat; engraved by Kawdoo, Wright. Hatch fit Rdson* New Orleans. The plate it said to be a genuine engraving, with the words Planter’s Bank subititn< ted (or Bank of Alabama. THE TRENTON. This is the name of Cspt J <i Woodward’s new tat, jest out, and,loading lor ber first trip. The T first class low water boat, fitted up in elegant •tvlc, and admirably adspted for a passenger Packet daring the summer. Thereat Ml the diflerence in the world betweeo boats of even the same draught. The larger and swifter a boat may be, tbe more comfortable will she be for travelleis in hot weather Roomy cabins anc| a swift motion both ereate and promote tbe circulation of air. The T bas peculiar advantages in this respect. Her state rooms are large, guards wide, and decks high and open. She draw* only 22 inches water, and measures over 200 too*, though in good water she will carry 400 ealily. She hat cabin accommodation* for ’CO passengers, and they are ol the best kind. Her dimensions ate —length I St ft; beam 2GJ ft; and hold, if remember aright, 5 ft. Dunble Engines—3 boilers, 24 feet in length, 36 inches diameter. Wheel* 22 ft, and 10 ft bucket. Cylinder 17 ioche*, and 6 ft stroke. Hull by Pringle) Engine* by Snowden. She was built at Brownsville and furnished. We commend the T to the public aa a very fine boat, staunch and well fitted up. The Captain is worthy of special mention as one of the cleverest gentlemen oo the River, and or great experience in hn bnvmcas. "No one w bo travels with him will him will have cause to com plain. Mr C Hay*, hi* clerk, ia a gentlemen to whom we are under obligations for bis oniform cour tesy and attention. Succcn to them. .'HieTleavea to-day lor St Louis. *. DOMESTIC MARKETS Ebis, May s.—Lumber and gram has come in pretty freely. We saw some splendid | wbitewood or which $ 9 was offered and refuAd. Barley is arriving by wagons, but is dull, and the price is fixed, generally, a* to the teller* necessity for moner.- Wheat—no sales of eonseqsence. Corn —1 iCW bu vellow, Crawford Co., told afloat fer Jsc Tor New Vork drafts. Coal scarce, the boats being engaged, wrineipallviin the lomber burinet*. bale* Saferd iy at S-fe'™ Monday at J-Lfi3. Freigbulrom here to Buffalo 20c V* bbl} ano from here tu New York but will be lower. By the canal to Pittsburgh 25623 c p ewi. BOAT* IiKATIHO DAY. •BROWNSVILLE PACKETS at B *. «. and 3 : >.». •BEAVER PACKETS at 9 and 10 a « and 3 r ■ •MONONG.VHELA CITY PACKETS, 3 r. » •WELLSVILLE, WelUvilfe; 9 a. m. •D. LEECH 6c. Co’s. PACKET, Philadelphia sod Baltimore,? r. •HIBERNIA, 'Wheeling,lo a.w. •WILMINGTON. Steubenville. 2, r. *. -HUDSON, SaLfish, 4 r. m. •MONONGAHELA, Cincinnati. 10 a «. •AMERICA, Looiitilfe,4 r. w. •TRIUMPH, ‘ « 4r. m. NORTH CAROLINA, St Louis. 4 r m. BROOKLYN. « •These are regular Packets. " IMPORTS or HIVKR, ST LOUIS—Per Brooklyn—2 »nchor«, J May -60 bate* hemp, 718 d hide#, D Lceeb & u >~ s b “; Tttle At O’Connor—l bx. Hanna At Watermao-t-IO pen peltry, A Beele n-l b*. 51 d hide*. J M*j-M6 kS feather*, Hutchison At Co—3B hbda I4y bbla pck.TG Odiwne—Soega.Liarka it THiw —S3* ions pig iron, Koapp AtToUen—2o bbl* corn. 3 do poutoei, 10 ack* corn, I; bill d tkioa, I hide, bi feoiioo, Poindexter At Co. WELLSVILLE—Per Wellirille—GB tibia flour S& W Harbaugn—9 do, Church At Larothera— y \ do, 50 aeit corn, (Inah Reiiel), L Ta«fe—Bl *ekt oaU, J F Perry. WHEELING—per New England—o peg*, 10 Mia paper, jII Meltbr—M bbl* flonr, W J Orum. MeGrew 4 Ho-5 IKS’,' IV Wub-. «001, VV Bi ogham—l cak ware, R Curran—Bl bbla floor, lot aundriea,owner*— I bbl md»e, A Fulton. NASHVILLE/—Per Ben Boah—7o ack* leather#, lbi 6 bbl* lard, Dickey At Co—34 mt bbla, 10 pg*. tj W Smith—97 bale# cotton, owner—l bi, Butler | At Bco—s ack* hog* hair, Clarke At Thaw—2 hbd* tobacco,’A Gordon—7 do, 13, bale* hemp, H Grafl— -10 dod *kin* *nfl lur*, W B Holme* At Bro—bbla bam*. Forayth &. Co—l 2 bale* hemp; Jordan At Son —3 hbda tobacco, J Maiurie—2s batea moat. Bur* bridge. Wil*nn At Co—l 2 bbl lard oil, D Leech & Co—s 3 acka leathers, 50 ,keg 4 *au#age •kina,23 hhda bacon, 4 balea wool, W Bingham—l 992 pi a iron, Coleman, Hailroan At Co. CINCINNATI—Per Triumph—soo d hides, 25 tret bam*. H Grafl—3? bx*bacon, 9 hbda do.Taafe lb 'O’Connor—29 do do,BobW« ham#, Bingham— foMatta collbo,, Bell 4 Co-« bbl. *"L J Grier—so do flour, F seller#—7 ackafeaih sriw-fw .»j» hbdi bacon, Jordan 4. Soo-= pep, A k olio., I .... i..,r Newton-10 bbl. lard oil, 10 do .inegar, ' %5£JSb» local, Butler 4 8,0-3 l bbl. lime, Poiodexter At to. WARASH RIVER—Per Db Kalb— II hbda ba *7l', 1.7 Vi hide* J Laughlio—2s hhdi eon, 3 bbla peache*. 5J nioea, ■ , ,i -l:-, j bacon, A Laughlm-H do **.?.,! 7d cak and I bxwax, 8 ack* **nf. ? %VU* raga, 3 do peaehea, 6 do apple*» a/co ham* At DUworth—2 bxa bacon, G Morg*n fc Go- I 0 bap raga, 0 bale* d *kin*. t *ek rettbera. Poiodex ter At Co—3st bbl* lard, 35 blf do, 1133 keg*, Me | Faden At Co. Ladiea, ladle*, I’m ailonltbed, > When you know that yon are promised A natural, life-like, *oowy while, That yoa will Rill usa common chalk, And look a deathly yellow fright. The theme of laughter and of talk If yea would »*e a box of JONE** Lilly-white, it woaMfWoTOurakm kD alabaateryet natural while, and at the aame time clear and improve it. Bold at JACKSON'S, W Liberty at. Pnct lift cents per box. njyS J JULtIIL. j ARRIVED. Beaver, Hoops,' Beaver. Swatars, Clarke. Brownsville. Harlem. Baird. Mon. City. Michigan, Hemphill, Beaver. Consul, Bowman. Brownsville. Lake Erie. Ball, Beaver. Rambler, Haughtoa, McKeesport. Monterey, Sedgwick. Frederickstown. Rhode island. Dawson. Sonfish. Hibermii No 2. Monongahela, Stone. Cincinnati. Despatch, Nelson. Monoogahela city Wilmington, Stevens. Steubenville. Hibernia. Smith. Wheeling. WelliviUe. Catlett. WclUtiUe. Triumph, Caflrcy. Cin. De Kalb. Johnston, Wabash River DEPARTED. Beaver, Hoops, Beaver. Michigan, Hemphill, Beaver. Lake Erie, Ball, Beaver. Harlem, Butler, Mon. City. Swatars, Clarke, Brownsville. -i Consul. Bowman. Brownsville. j Rambler Haujhton, Mon. City. Isaac Newton, Mason, Cincinnati. New England; Ebbcri. Wheeling. Messenger, Lmlord, Cm. -yMoqterey, Sedgwick, Frederickstown. American Star,Hanna.Cin. Gondolier, Lyons. St Louis. Pacific, Campbell, Louisville. Do Kslk. Johnston, Wheelitg. STEAMBOATS. LOUISVILLE. The fine and staunch light draught steamer TRIUMPH, tiafl>*r, mas H-rf 1 will leave as above Monde, evening, at 3o r e'ock,P M For freight or passage apply on hoard. __ ’ tnylO |FOR 9F LOUIS-DIRECT. The Dew and splendid steamer . MEfti. BROOKLYN, [IQLJ| Boies, master, will leave as above Monday eveninjj.Msy lOih sHo'olock frcighlor pajssge-apply on I mylir FOR ST. LOUIS—DIRECT. W MDBN> THE finonch and elegant • trainer I NORTH CAROLINA, Devenuey. tauter, will leave at Ljri.*jr?ysgJvw above 4 o’clock, Manila)’ evening. May 10. For freight or pa«*a*e ap ray 10 ply on board _ FOR CINCINNATI & LOUISVILLE. • opw The nannrh an*! fine eicaraer ftiiiLl jiij iDfj FINANCIER, master, will leave a» al>o»; Tuo dav evening May I lib at 4 o'cioek ntylO PITTSBURGH AND S»F LOUIS PACKET. . The new and splendid steamer GONDOLIER, fr!^*^rfT s 'irwy Lyon*, master, wit bmh expressly Tor ibi* trade, and will leave regu larly during the seaton. Her day* will be advertised hereafter. myTtt REOULAR UHjisVILLEPACKET - - - The new, light drought and faM run ■ rfv* A ning steamer EUREKA, iwGgrEglW Cromer. matter, will run a* a regular betweeu Pittsburgh ami Louis ville, during the tca'an. She leavci'on Thursdsycvr arog, May flth, at 4 o’cloek. _For freight or passage apply on Jioard. _ m>6 FUR CINCINNATI. nr . . k The elegant and fan Packet liEllA AMERICA. Calhoun, maain.will leave u» utmvc ■BMEISMon Monday. MaylOtb. at 4 o'cloci. F M. Pcrfrerglti or pnsaage apply on t>oard mys POR ST LOUIS AND iLI-INniS RIVER’ TUr new and splendid steamer TRENTON. Woodward maner.will leave a» übove gSUBSb on Monsay. May Hhh at U> o'clock A M. For Height or pit-age. apply on hoard. > my FOR CINCINNATI AND ST LOUIS. 1 he elegant and Maunrh Packet, IttSA ANTHONY WAYNE, UoH46£fltr Bennett. mister. will leave a* above. at 10 o'clock. Wednesday morning, May !>. For freight or postage apply on board. _ _ myii FOR ZANESVILLE. _ The light draught and fast running ~fL . . A stearabosi MINGO CHIEF. Moore, master, will ply as a regular jirlwre.n this place and Zanes ville. For freight or p***her apply on loatd or io - ni >l I l«EO B MILTENUKRtiKIL Act Regular Pittsburgh and Zanesville A The new aad light draught simmer yU| COMET, KuVcwSfM rrgalar packet b-twren Piiishurgli and Zanesville. Having had her enbws fitted up anil famished in superior style, ihc Comet otTem the finest arcontmodapon* to passengers She will leave on Tuesday, May 4th, afJo'eloek, P M. Foi freight or passage apply on hoard, or to mar Id l> WILKINS*. Agi REGULAR a'MTNNATi PACKET. The very light draught and siaunrh ■ steamer eWAl.[.ulV, Wilson, master, will run a« id-ove du ■QSXSCSS&Brung the season, making regular trips. The S. draw* only 114 tnche* water. For freight or pa»aage apply on ap3U FOR ST. LOUIS —REGULAR PACKET. w Tie splendid and staunch Packet , noacoc, Jarena. master, will leave at above, Saturday morning. Mty let, at I" o'- clock. For ircght or passage apjiiv.on lioard apV) Rc|uiar Pittsburgh an«l Zanrti lit* Packet. THE light draught steamer t iF 9 . 9 Jk NEWARK. Hurd. Muter. wdi make weekly trips the above port duttng the tea- on -i . For freight or passage apply on bos td or to ap7 . U 'VihkiNS, A gen Flttabargi) aad SniUUh Packet/ The new and fine steamer HUDSON, - (iUdiMsl El bert, master. has irsumrd her teg ular (Tip* and will leave Pittsburgh u above every Thursday and Mon day at 3 o’clock, P M- For freight or patsage apply on board. McKEE&ORr. KLZAHETH AND .HONO'CA HI LA CITY PACKET t A TtC neW DKSPATCII, v Nelson master, will run as *!>o*c. !• a Pit ahurgh every Alondav, • d nesday and Friday, at 91 o'clock, A. Al.. and Moootu *• be!a City every Tuesday. IJtiunnU)- anti Saturday. »i ► 1 o’clock, A.M. For ifcighi or pawage apply on taw- id iy?s FOR CT. LOUIS AND ILLINOIS RIVER . The munch regular lll'iioi* Rjvei racket COLCWDIA, UIMMBr O'Neil. ni>ir», will have at aboveoi April ITU.. ai 10 o’clock,* x. For freight or paoage •pl’lv uf tpIS bo»ri. __ • - ' AlU|hfar lUtclp Trad*. The 6i»e and fi»i Sieamboai conim „** lun ~ « R**ot»r F»ck*l tlo ring lliC ■ca«on between I’nubor** ■ndFranklin For freight or parage apply on U»nrd. octttf ___ . . _ KiUiULAB PACKKT Pok \aMIVILI.K The icsv iiramn WYOaiISCi, c*pt. John V !<■>«. Will con.meuee regular mp» w the abote port on Monday, the ana m»mm ailDorioeh., ••*-„!» ,M 7Wil SKa s*. ’ prrrsißUUuii and wim:kmw« packkt. The anlen'Jnl and f**t ninom* jbnr h f**pMP*Jh. HEW BHOLAND. P jrfll mT, r, ir'* : - ° K**« rl ' wlll eot»«*'‘ l,r • u« abore. on the *1 «lay ol irnr*m*mrm r- ■- ■-March, lea\ii>K Fiiiaharab «-»cry Titeaday.TbaraJay and Saturday, at tO o-Noek. A. M and leario* Wberlinit ecery Monday. Wedne-day and Friilar. at J» o'clock. A M. _ , The New Kntlaod ban been boußht t rprr«»ly for th' trade, and will lea re refcuiarJy a» above - lorjrei*t»ioi FI - ACK ' A r*“' " WELLSVILLE DAILY PACKET. - The new. fUxafli and f»*l Paekri I IMJP" fr, WELLSVILLE, ! [ifeadLfcMSl C. 0. Called wa« IjUiII M dk-.hlv for lln» li«ilr, auJ wiil makr g Bil » np# ~o rinpl , lir *.,*«. i r *..n K s*sBsß.tss? -Falwrr » Pa'.tui rnaßWWt lo, "£* b ' V " X ' : ?*" MPMk 11 "" lt wi£niMOT6N, |) m Steven*. mavier, leaves Pm* wmß.. bu( i h * v> , r y Monday, Wedne»d<»> SHbBBBB i?, |,|]« || 3o'clock, V. H., Iti*** nville ever*/ Tor«lay. Thursday and Saturday SSffi For fmchi«-»unße board Kami** rrmwgoirAiio wiiekli.n The Siramei /M»k > HIBKRNIA, f Samuel Smith n>a*t«r. will coinmfnee JCBfflL romiiim a. a tricolor parkepalioalihe *■■■■■» lnH.lra/nj IMt-burfh e»«ry Brwll Pnlur- P.. -V J Oil board. _ - • r rtoui-aii *niw«o"» B Ro W N.y..xr. ’ TUB nrw and fern running «tramer (***+ Ik HAULKM. U&J*ftta .will roil »« 0 regular Parket between j JKSS& the above place., leaving Hitt.burth ,«d«v ond Saturday,.! lOo’elne.k, '*"3 ■ T ;,“ U > ,™n°”n7c..r, iFiou) the spirit of the Tm.ce) . K FACT WORTH KNOWING, A M.til'eman of Scrofulou* habit*, from thdurre.ion ipm bore the mark, of twit* •» l «"S d * i^h.d One hand and wn.t were »o moeh h tod the u»p of the band.everT part being coveredl wti' deep, painful, and otTen.ive Ulcer., and were aii hob low P and poroua a. a boner-comb It of bi. eonjplaini.when deatb appealed lne I v,^ lr '” tl “) a loathaome di.e-wt. that he commenced l«w« Bl JaYNK*S» ALTERNATIVE, and having taken .tz teen bottle. .« nowprrfrrlly ewed. . —TI„, Af.TKRN ATI VK «.prr»ve» through «»* *'» r "** tion, and punfie* the Hlooj and eradien'e. di» • from tt.e .yftrin. wherever located. and the nurnr-oi. cure. »l In* performed in »lnta.e. f'< Skin. ! Scrofula, (Joitre, Liver Coropla.nL Dy»pep*i*,»t»d olner Chrome di.ea»**.-t. truly Mtonitlnng. ..... For »ale m Pituburgh atlbe Pek.n Tea Store, ri J'U ' itreet, near wood, and al«o at the Drug Store of H r - Schwam. Federal .1 Allegheny city myAJAwh SOMETniNO IS SEASON—We leant ih*? Dr. Jayne 1 * mediciue, for the core of ibe tSOKb THROAT, baa beenidoini wonder, daring (be )*lc on nleatant weather under foot. It 1. better to attend to •liaht cold. In time, and to procore tho remedy applied ?«.m.kitfnlDlir»leiau*, than from unknown and irre- auacka. DrVJayne ha. e.tablt.hed a repota- JP®*(jn e c (or prufeMconal .kill, and bla rcmediea Aland cold, have been proud effieac.ou. bv of tbotUanda—Sot St. Part SSiifln PUttalrnrgb. at the PEKIN TEA STORE JF-VrX and at the Drugstore n PSSaSS/Federal .treei, Allegheny Cty. HuwUWltw OCEA!f STBAS KAtIGITIOS COHfA.ft ." V. S . Mail lint to Covts, Soudttmpon anil Srrwtfn. THE splendid new tieamthip WASIUJtU fVj*Pi TON, 1750 tons burthen, Frederick Hewitt; £saa commander, will sutlfroin New Yorkogiflic Ist done next, carrying the United State* mail! _"y touch &l Cjwe« aad Saathampioo to^Jand (assengfers and freight, and deliver the mail* fof'.Eng and. Fianee and Belgians, and will then proceed to Hremerhaven. * x Returning will leave Brerierbavrn on the 25th of June, and Southampton on the Ist of July, where she will embark, -pa-sengcr* and freight from Englnt-d, France, and Belgium. Arrangements have been made to forward good* from Havre op to the last moment, for winch, if deyired, bills of lading will he atnged by the agent at HaVte. , „ . Southampton connects by Railroad* wiurall part* of England, and by steamboats.with all the Continent From Bremen access may be had to all Gcttoany, Aus tria. Russia. Italy. Switzerland, 4c. Tne Washington i* buiii in the stronger mannfcr.wn'i a view of being converted into a ship-of-war, and sub ject at any lime to inspection by officer* appointed by the President, both during and after construction. She has tworngineiof IOUi horse power eucb, mid accom tnodat.on* for 140 first class, and 44 second class pas senger* Pasrage from New York to Southampton or Bremen, First class *lBO Second cluaa _ 00 Pasrage from Bremen or Southampton to New \ork, ■ First class Slso Second class, She will carry a!>out 300 tons freight, which will be charged according lothe nature of the goods offering. AH letter* must pass 'hrough-ihe Post Office. Parrel*, for winch hills of lading will he signed, will be taken at *5 each. For pamnei* or freight apply ntlbe office of the Ocean Steam Navigation Company. 4) William «reet. Neiv York, or to the Agent* at Southampton, DAY. CROSKKY A ROSS. C A IIKINKKF.N k CO, WILLIAM I&KLIN The Washinjtnn is intended to leave New York an second trip on llie first of August next. The second steamer of the line is in tine course of construction, and will be in readiness m the ensuing full myltHm THE TRUTH, BY MEN OF TRUTH. (CONCERNING SELLERS’ VERMIFUGE.—A no j ule vial producing wonder/.—Read ihe following from ihe Rev. S. Wakefield, Paitor of Liberty «. M t. Church Ihllsburgh. Match 6, 1*47. Mr R. K. Seller*: It t» from a sense of duty, a* well a* with great pleasure, >bal 1 bear tes.itnony to the vir tue of your justly celebrated Vcnoifygd- I procured a lingU boiilt, and gave it to three ot mf < btldrcn, who had been ill for several week* The eldest was seven years old, lire next four, and youngest rnthfcii months. The fir»t passed fiuy-m worm*, the second foity seven, and the third a considerable number not distinctly recollected. Since then they have been dome well, and are now in good health Z Yonrt respectfully. P.'W*EXltt*t> From the Krv. S K Babcock, of ihc MelhoJm Episco pal Church. Mr. R R. SeJler»: It i* wub great pleasure I would inform you of the good effect* produced mi rny **>n c»i four year* of ago. by your Justly celebrated Vermifuge. After hi* having convulsion*, I jravr hint three doae*. wh'ii he pn**ed an almost-incrchitil-le number, from which time hi* geneia lirahb ba* been improved. S t Babcock. „ Rev Chailt * Cooke, m" ihe Methodist Epi«- trch: _ ....... lWeuiher 14. XstS. Mr. R. K. Seller*: f gave h ) l-ulc daughter (between three and for year-* oM) three do«e« of t our \ irmifuge. according to pie»< ripiton. w>'b the li-ippn «t *ucce»» The number of worm* e-iprttej 1 do nut know piecue. Iy. bul it was large. Stir * now in po/wmon of cord health. I ibmk the nwy he confided in with great uore*etvednc»«. L LootK. As tins-Vrimn'ugr bn* u--vr-r been known to fad in •ay miianec, when worm* actually existed, pj|ents should give >1 in preference to all other* PrcpateO and sold by R. K. SELLERS. Im-iwcch fid and 4th. on Wood street. For *ale by Word. »»»>'» ' DEAN’S CHEMR'AL FLAVi'KH. From Rev Charles Morion. Minister of tbe Uapnst Church. Wooster, Isle of Ashtabula, O . Me*»r* H. Morn* A Co.’ Proprietor* of L Dean* Chemical Plotter, tiruileinm:— For several year* I have fmiu lima leslrd the nnuriof K, Dcbq - # tlivmieol Plaster Iry u«mg it in my family a* » remedy tor llneu mut-sra; weakoeisand lamene«» ot the back, pam m tbe bieaoi. lOiUroanttn of tbe throat ami e* e». ague *t> ibr breast, Ac; nod I lake p!ra»u'e in soy ng anil to the public, that m every case I have found u useful, and I do Udieve that said Plaster pim«««»« yituie* of more than ordinary character and that I veil, general ly be found u sufficient remedy tor tliore disease* tor wbiebiii* recommended, and i* justly entitled to ute notice and patronageof an enlightened ronimnniiy. Vouro liuly. CH.iS MORTON. Wooster. (».. Dee.. »». i , Sold by U A Fahnestock ACo corner Fir«t A nod st reels. . J myldAw_ WM. A. WARD, DK.MTWT, HAS Removed in the hon*e on Penn A* he i* ilr*irou*«>i 'em* employed by mine hut ii.o*e who will make .mt/Wieir payment w.mout the nrcewny *>n h<* pan of rollecnnc he would invite par ticular attrnliou to the 10-lowiny letm*. A.l bill* let unpaid nt the exp.t*w ol thirty day*, will he rhar*r,| ai the following raw*— Fur FxiiscbneTeetli. SI • For K.tline t».nn SJ to S:l per cavity All other opeiat-op* in the .ame proportion. All care* in cnenjrement* are not continued, I.IIU will he considered due accoidms to the above reg illation* ... . • 1 t N «-There are lha*e indebted to him wbo»e ac i.(i-j„n ,1 not paid .nr-Hl-ntrlr. w'H be placed mtl.e o' a properlor r0.'rr1,,,. a-l 5-1 l.»w,fh_ . ‘ a» Cart! Wo «*•>•» PUeal lMleat T\R Jack •on « laid roei>-.ioii i« the only rnedieme that . l) wili cure thi* mi very <ommon uiil ttooblexXne di.ewe. It not only imrtird.eM) allay* P»m and intla mauon, .top* all bleedu-c. *m.due. that mtoleraidc itch ” rurtv m. ' "•» •>»" ' •?' I live* have been rendered m.*f rahle for year* . lu application produce* no pain, bni tather tn aeree*;- t>|e ana plemtant If per-om afflicted wul eall and hear of the errat number of c«*e* that have I hern cu*ed. they re..i be a«if>n.-l:r.l A for* wo*nr*ihiee nme* w.thoui lei.ctf earcd-La* by u • ( ,nroboule*of the Embrocation been erad.rally cured. & liTftAm? ! hJ •TIOKK%.* Kounl. mrn, neur wood, and alec at the Druß Store of 1! P Schwartz Federal »t UKAVKR. WAUUEX * CLKyKI.AKD LINE (»* CANAL PACKETS aNL> STAGES IS 17. fg^SSi CANAL PACKETS TKI.Kt.KAIMI A SWJhj.OvV | HAVE Heaver daily ai 2 r * !:f r ' b * | , » f , i*al o' the >teanit>nai Hh.A\ER from P.u*nur<t>. and arnvr at Warren next morning m *e«von for the tbarr* wb.cb reirh Cleveland i-eforemght- Patmur-r* will »*e r» cnp» d thinieh. vei-orm* berth* on the Packet* arid aunt* m Hie Mar*, on application on board »ieami*o«t Heaver. !>atn.g PiU'hmfh ai V i. Vioc k * X lor to the aarnt* <, M MARION A Co. IMs.burth CI.AKKK.V Co. Heaver JESSE n.Al.DtviN. Aonttguown 81> I . M 11 TAYLOK. Wairen PORTERS DAOt-KURUX PORTRAIT 1 GALLERY, rhird »t|r*l. ad.otmng pomlHLi-e t -\rZ bargh. Pi.-Mi PORTER I'rotn lurmnorc) _re- , .pertfulir invite* tbe ladi*. arid gentlemen of Pi;t»t*gb. ; and the public generally, to rail and cxanime the fotge j collection Ol Datuerrrot pc l*«rll»'t* at h.« (•»! • r> Tbc .peeimrn. produced by Mr I ~ tor heimy, . ey, di.ti«ctne»», and tone of coloring are-wt .arrowed by any >n lb.* count')' A numl« rof the tnma.i* t: f’ltuen* can b* »een at th* - (Jallery ( all and eiafmne | for your.rlve* 1.-krne»ae» takrn n clear or r|..u4) ; weaihrr. _ . „ . . I N. B.— ln«roctjmi».appara'o»aMd “f' * i Ol.tied. Term* moderate " s r>arur.rcotyp.*ti entrance Pb-to .Hail Stairway .3d adj.aimit«Vo.t Otter I CABINET WAIIKHOrsK, Third Mieet. next door to tl.r Bank of Piti«l>urgh «ng TllKonder.i*oed.ha*mcier.»BnncJiccd l>u 4na9bilW t.ncs ha* ealabliahcd hira«ctt at the at.occ band Wid for *a.V- ai rca/nnab.c price.*, ail dcacTipion. o' FuraiTOf" of thr b*«i a. Purer ua. Bedhead.. Cbatr.,Oi*om*r»a. Sola-, Ke Ae AH bta fura'iorr n warranted of lb* hnr.i qjal. y, nn>l will be «M aa lpw;.«« any of il*e rarae kind in the C< A few good hand*, and none.oibrra need apply-; will °“ ■'''"AUTtANDKR M-CUItOV W ‘" .1 do Ixmdon Port. *rry old, to .l<> different bund* ami vmt.fei. .1 qr ca*k. Li«l««n wmr; •j do do dry Malaga; V bhd* .up Claret wiur, IS b*kl> .up ciown brand Cliara. w*nr X <,r cl. »up L M Madeira vru.c; 'l ] Jo do Pale ShcM); 3 do Madeira vm-age, t»t«; t 1 do d.rfeiTPt brand* and vintage*, g do «i*k. *wrrt Malaga; 3 do do Red wtac; Pat L r.i the above w.itc. havejy-t arrived I tour .mdcf Cußtom Houte m New \ ..ti; per*«u» wj« i»pureba*e. may rely on actimg a Jf“/*l'lf-rI-M s o.-».».uv sA^;- ii i-^ , - Ti:nlin „ O, watch you well by naylißtn; Slaying the Deer; Oh! Molly Uawir. . Widow Marhirc. The low bucked Far, The two Uird*. Imlinii Sunmicr. • Itory (►‘Moore. My Almhrr Dear; Ati*e l « Whi*prr; The Kuirv Hoy; Tl.e Howl’d Siger Hoy; J n«t received and fur .ale by JO,,N fl [ l DIU OH, DUVUN. OKI. MOHI.BR. Dnigjti.l and Ap.>ili«cary, N. tv . cmner of Wood and 5tU aU . Pjtulmtgb. wt'l keep n.tnnily on hand, Drug*. I‘a:in», Od-, Dye-Mud*. * D Phy.ician’. preveription* cnrrfully rompomtd e*l from the be«l mnteriaU. at any hrxti ot the day pr night Al»o, an acMirtmenl of Perluinrtj, lm ** •'»» Hair, and Cloth Hrud.e., Ac. Ac, wairh "‘ # l V , luwforca.h. ’ tftrt DO/. Apple. (Inifl*. emhtaring about forty kind* 10O£ .X.,.rt and . winter Irrted eipre*.iy b> .üb.cidfor, rmm the crlebralrd orchard of the Hon Wallet l-.irward, for »ale. t heap, At*n gruditig c|.,lh. ■ item and convenient arnt-le for grafimg* l-addHtg and coveting wound, on Ireland ,(irub», prepared liy a •kilful amntrur. ap£r * » N tVICKKUMMAM, rnr *Hh A wood *i» A. LEDOUI A CO^ N«» 77 Ck'NAI. SiTREKT, NftW ORLEANS AOKNTHforJ II A>maiit’« Kzicn«ivc Sietnn >ugar Refinery. Alway.on halid,« large .forh oflxicf. Powdered. Cru.hed, Olanßed und ll.i.lurd Kopie*, >n Ticice* and RurrrU Alw, Sugar llnu*" Mo n*»c • Puce* liberal and a fair ullownnce mi;- ;"=' ,u *“! r * of.or above. 50 barreU. iu<!hll NOTICK. rriMK partner.bip eiimlng under the mle of Hamilton I;,r" in « ■’jSiWs' 5 ?a , i.-ss" ■ * ontea \; ROHKRTH STKRLINO. .. .h-U •»'"> * ,r " , *VJ'li'r" l “ n ' l,! " ,,hr ''‘ , ' , JOliNs‘n"illl.TON t tLKRICBIIIP WASTEO-For a la.lfmm N York. Ifl year* of B*e. ■ Htuavon in »oine reaped • able Commercial K*tabli»hrornt in ibr env A* in the tieiira of lit* rarenu iliat he »houlil ar<juiw a know ir«li*/Of huVineia a •mall remuneration. vroul.J only be required fed the fintyear. - Reference ntuy he hart to Eifhorof Catetic _ npiu «TAWTict» lO S5,«Xi ; VV on t notieue on City Property worth four nme* I the amount—naffer of lea»e for *l.0«)U per year, fen I the buildlap. w*H accompany tho n»ri*age. Apply at ihmOlEce. TrAVOIIM* «iXT^ittß- v «0(lh^• , VrreuLle -V UibonVhnpiic Mixwra. for ihe core ol Orop»>, <*.«>, *J-|. b«. I- W*v- Wholeule an 4 Re*** l A*enU for Alle|henr County ap» j No * Commciciel Row, Lioeny R PAPER, ' JOHNCABTWIIIODT,: IMPORTER and ManaCaentter of Cutlery* Sameaj shd Dental Instrument*. Saddierssnd Tinners’hand tool*. Taylors’ Pattern >hn*ra. Ac. Ae. Also manUfae tureVTtusses,supporter*. Ac .in *ieat varietv. ' J.'iC. Minuiar turer aud Importer o I Pen. Pocket and Table Cutlery; Razors. !»cis*ors. File*, Saw*, Tool*, Ac; ba« removed to . . 83 WOOD STREET, Pittsburgh, second door be | low Diamond Alley, A ltd has lately received aJarre assortment of Pod A roe tret Knives, Knlvea * Forkn, Also Rodgers' and Wbostenbolms’ •' I FINE CUTLERY, El ion*. RodgersJWade A Butcher’s Rarora.Sciiior*, Razor Strops, Ac. Damascus ami Wire Twin GUNS. HIFLKS, AND PISTOLS, Al en ? * Colt's and Blunt's Revolver** Powder Fla*k» Shoi Delis. Game Dogs. Walker’s A Cot's Kxira Per eusscoh Capa, Bowie. Dirk and Hooting Knives Tools.<ucb as Callipers. Dividers, Pljera, Nippers. llanA Vice*. Squares, Mule*, Braces, Bitu. Spoke Shaves, Stock sand Dies WireandlnmGuages-Mitli umalicii'lnstruments, Ac, in vety great variety 07- Sobbing and repairing neatly and punctually done. _ _ ap»_ j lilLli A BROWSE. [Successors to Uoldship A Browns. Manufacturers ami importers of paper [HANGINGS, No *7 Wood street. PiiLburgb. The increasing demand for American l'upcrh** induced to enlarge and improve their Factory, and their fa-- ciUtucs formsnnfuelunng are m>w equal to anf in the eastern cilir*. Having adopted the eastern scale ol pricey, they take pleasure In inviting their friends and dealers 'to examine their Mock, which is now] larger Ilian ui any forme} period, And may be found as IpIloWi: Transparent JVmdow Fbades, j Fjrrucu. American. Satin, Glared and Common Pn jptr Hangings? ' i j Gold, Velv t and Imitation Borders; Lund-cape*. Statutes and Fire-board Print*; Curtain rapef. yard wide plain green, and fig’d; Writing. Printing,and Wrapping Paper. Bonnet Boards, Act Rags and Tanners’ Scraps taken in exchange at mar ket prjee*. mchl7d3mAwflmT FRKSII ARRIVAL OF WORKS—AI M A MINER'S Literary Emporium. "‘til mgton ami his Generals By J T Headley, au thor of Aapuleon and his Marshals: The Sacred Moun tain*, Ac. PCap ivity'of Napoleon at Si Helena. By General Coom ilnutliolon Vartsando Gen -ial Tayln's Life, Battles, and Despatches. with the on y correct portrait yet published; iucluduig high ly imp >OBlll letters Ac: nernunts iff the glorious battles, compiled from authentic soutcc* ' The String of Pearl*; by l» P R James, E*q. The M> Meries of the Uralhs fresh 'apply. Tuocred: nr the New Crusade; by D Israeli. Phelpo'* Travellers’ Guuie; accompanied with a new Map the United Slates. J A splendid assortment of individual; Stale Maps among which is an improved t>ap of Mexico. A large variety of handsomely hound A complete assortment of the Modem Standard Dra mu including Feudal Tunes; or the Court of James the Third. For sale at M A MINERS tn)4 siuithficld st 3d door from 2d it Hardware Store Removed* tIfWT.MORK A WOLFF having removed from the » i corner of Liberty and St Clair streets, to. No AO Wood urcet, thtee doors above Charles Hotel, vrot/ld respectfully ask the attention of buyer* to their stock of HARDWARE. CUTLERY arid SADDLERY, rec’d Rer ships Saransk. Monongahetu and Russia, direct ’om the manufacturers of England and Germanv. Al*o, supplies of American Hardware, fiom the prin cipal uiauuiacturer* of the Eastern State* Their stork being entirety new, and parchawd upon the t»e*i tp.rins they feel great confidenre in l»cing ahle *ucve*»iully to meet competition fiom nny quarter* whether «fa»l or west. The Hardware business will be rout.nurd at the old •land. ; .• . 1 * *£s WALL PAPER AND BORDERS. .11 KICKS* REDUCED—Thomas Palmer, No 47Mar llteet street, heiween 3d and 4 h slrreM. rerpectfullv announce* to the public that bis prerent stock of Wall Paper and Borders of bis oten manufacture is very ex ier»Vivr,, I liiid daily addition* are being made to it, as they are finished—of new and *plend>d pattern* Also, a well assorted Mock of Frentk Paper and Borden. Having recently reduced the prices of the above articles, (and oilier*, in hi* line, nut enumerated.) he i* prepared to sell forcash. rnssraa than any cMabUh irirnt of the kind, East or West of the mountain* upirhtfni HADDLEHY HARDWARE IMAGE FURNITURE. No. i»3 Wood atrael* Pittsburgh* SEVEN Doors above All), uhd I door above Jl Child* A Co’s SJmc Warehou«e. Nowoprumg sad fur sale by RICHARD T. I.KKtJII Jr. Importer and deaiir <n Foreign and Domestic Saddlery Hardware A Carriage I'nmniing*, of all Je*cripi>ou*. a vrrj ebcap unit well selected Mock of Goodsdn Ins line, all fresh, of (be newest styles, purchased for cash, fiom the best sources', and wifi be disposed of wluile«j|e ond retail, at a *iunll advance on the cost. Purchasers are icspect fully invited to call and satisfy thr.mwtve* ALSO—Saddler*’ loot*, warruolcd, Deer and Curled Hair, Whips; Glass, Paper, Ac . always on hand, and a* cheap a* elsewhere. ajdJG JOHN DUISJiA'P, . \JO 17 Marie: sirm. i» now receiving b>* *pr>ng ; L’l stock of Hou»*-Fcni;*bmg Hardware, Hnuuma. i roA‘i»ung in part a« follows: e Las' Jnpnutied Ware, English aud American; 4 bxv Umnori'tt do do do, •JVa*k» English Tntird Saucepans, I do Ovul Pot*, I eaec.Tmysaml Waiters; I dn Ename led Ware, ) do Pressed Ware. I c ask Blight Ware; AleSO. l-Ullbs ae«orted Copper; 3Uplaie*T.nned Coppei IfitUi lb* Juo.ats Wire; 60t>x«T>a Piate; ap'd JWIIN DUNLAP. 17 Metket_*t_ Drawing paper and pkncils- Pinr Ani 'piar'an Drawing Paper. 3t x,’>3 inches. i! i llnubl'* I .r]n ml ,1» ito XT III) do do -Elephant do do 7'x.'t7 do do Coiuinbtnn >o <lo a3l do 'd.> Imperial do do *Jtz39 do Together wus slarge aioekof smaller sizes. DRAWING PENCILS, oi Cumberland and prepa red lead, of four, three, two and one 11; * 'erge supply lust received by ELLIOI I 1 A ENGLISH ap!3 ' No f< Market strret JUSTMIECEI YINa-LOohiNu GCAssEs a HOUSE-FI RNISIIING HARDWARE Thesub •rriber rr*pe -ii'ui;> nm-m* biMfrirnds and ibe puidic, ilia! he t» raswiPce. v,«g t.i* *pritig as*onmei>t of goods .elected by han«eU. oi saperiot <j■«-riL>. and rrduced pticca. I'rrsont a*-out (ufisbing tneir Lousct would do well to call, as hr is determined >o tell tu small profits for quick returns tupplwd a« u»u*l. wiih oil the vanoai kind* of Looking *•!«*»» *n«l packing t »rrfatly at* tended to. Liberal >1i»oouul >or cub. T A IHLLIKR, l,ook>ng tiiaM Manufacturer »p 3 •rrccr.near sth 104 Wno<i / •BVrLBMKA , !» WIIULUSALB KlTl \ f NI-l'INl. WARKHOI4M -No W.Uood »;r*ei. tj;i . «;f» I Ju«t rr.-c.vrtl ami nor* <’|>hiior a lull a»- *omnrrr of il>o*r vrrj a -e and medium Tray mai.uiaciured Sfi.r'.*, Itowm* a»d Collar*. Stun adjuai ,ng >:r*ck»; Hombar.w dodo (Maui; Sauit llow atocka. piaui. Iliark Italian Cravaia, Fancy do do, Gum Su*- pcr.dera, K. Ac. Ac. Ju»i rccnvd from ibc ni-tonfac'urci. and <or »aleni manufaciuirr * KDWARDT.GDD rayt ' Mannfapiarrt'a Aft ' Kdwnrt) Todd' ’ U7OFLD t' - »prpi , u!ly announce 10 the merphaoti of Pimhuißh.ibtii hr ha* opened • room for the aale of K»»tern mutmfaciured good*. *uch a* Stock* of every de*»'iiption. Shin*. |lntom« and Collar*, (>ura Su*prt>- der*, Nonli'i* Hook* amt Kyra. Ac , lor »a!e ai roanu fariurer*’price*. A!*o, »«iaire awonra-m a cut Fancyft'ravnt*, for *aic ai Kartern pnr»». whole sale ? / HOWARD TODD No 20 wood ureel, op naira tn.-h2* Manofaeturer*' A cent Addreaa Card. TOOD. Agrnifot Kaaiern manufartarri la lor llie laic of North'* liookiaud fcvc*j (ium !*ui pender* of Ihe Booell Jktanufariun&f Co . Cl; Stock* uf eeery de*criptlan, Shirt*. Oo*oin* and Collar*,oi the Troy manufactory Ac . at! «*f wh.eb arc lot laic ai manofaetnrti’**, wUoleaale. No 28 wood atreeunp ’Hair*. Order* r«r»:*r«l inr Airi-t'cni Hardware. mrhVA BOOKS— Suitable (or Comrooo or S, School Libra r.r«—Suudav E»etnn* Convertat-rn-, Thing* h> th?ii tight name*. Juvenile budget npen.d, Jn» bud get rr-opened, picture* of Karlr Life. Seerici in Na urc, Colombo* and Vcapartu*; Ueattbe* of Kng llmo ry; do of Frem-A do. Balboa, Cone* and I*.into; Hut ton’* Ixiok of Nature; Train l and Principle, Martvt* m Bohemia. Tw-nllirolhcr*. t'hance* and thauge*. Mean* en i Kmla The atKive, wiih a large. variety of ofhri lock* amiable for the aamc pnrpo** Fur *atp by m>o J I, REAP>4ih nteei . iircot Wtiltrn Jiutt Hinge"Manofaclory, CINCINNATI, O. \<jARDNFK A Co., would inform ibr trade that , ihey are tiow mamifaeianuf the b**»t Run Hinge evermadc in the United State*. A* tht* i* our pnnci ; pie Ituaini I ** we intend 10 tend our aacomplete an n* tide a* ran po**d>ly !«■ made. Tho«e engaged >n the hardware trade, wr think. wul find it to then nttereal. in trr our Buti* Alt order* tirnrnptJy.»<iended w ,nyi A fSARJJNKR A Co. rorof tub »■ main «i« STATION*CRY-Ju*t received a larjre aupidy in Fl<»ral, S.lvet rtlged, Knibo**-cdg«d. l-aee. Gilt and Plain Note Paper; Note aml Caid Envelope*; Wreath. Flo at Knot and Motto Water* Ac . Ac , and for **lr i,. JOHNSTON A STOCKTON. Stanouer* Coi Maiki-i and Third «t« NBW WORKS OF M F TCPPKR —An Author’* Mind, the Book «*l uTe pagr«, a hookful of Ixuik*. ot thirty hooka in one. Edited by M RTup nrr.k>i| M A-—i'luuKuriL* an aid to Faith, Ly the author of the above work Foi «ale by P|<K JOHNSTON A STOCKTON HEAULKYM NEW WORK—WaanmuToW and hi* Oraiial*. Uy J T. Headley, author of ••Naputeon and hi* Maraball*,'’ ‘ The Sacred Moun ia.n*."Ac Ac; 3,y01*.12 mu. Hlattniled With HI Pot mtiU Jn*t received and for rule by v JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, MiOn , ,Vo 41 murkfi »t • NOTHKRNKW WORK—Wit and Humor. i\ aeleetrd Itom ihe Toet*; wuh an iltu*tra uve t-n*av Mil critical comment*, by L* ish Hum. For ...iebv • np22 JOHNSON A STOCKTON fIUTPPBR'K PHILOSOPHY—A few ropir* ol I Tuiiiwr'iT’iofeflnat Thilo*onhV> Ui»l received and foriialuhy JOHNSTON A STOCKTON eormnrket anil 3d *i* WIIITMORB'A WOLFF, ■ ’ Mp n ßT|;ll, ‘ Dealer* Saddlery. No'fW Wooif tired, Ihree Charlea JOHN WALKER* |(|,ate Walker A Woodwetl) WOULD' 'nnnnunce to Ilia friend* and Ihe public thai te .till cMiiHtuee «he !J»rriware tuame** a the old -iaml. No -SAVood *treel/ He would rn.pectfully Milicl u roiiunuAiiee of the pairona*e herclofoie rn kindlV he.lowed LAMPS-A laric and beuunful a**prtmen« of ! at em Solar Lord Lurpa, att'iuHle* for Sieamtmat* Hotel*. Churehe. and Dwellin(C*, CS"*vv’' \<lu ‘iiW the lowevl price* T... corner I'h and Market *l* c.llOVtCi.* AMU BPADKB— A «ll.pgr>iil A & Co-.nii.lnr A. Lomoni. ha*. ; meni of I .nmnni'i ,upp,io, do.l, canolp on,! poll.c,, »>..! No. I •»* 'I Pp-lo" tookil LdOKINU OLAIISM® .nd M.hoj.ny Looking (iU...., L.II ! ,| «K".CtoeMA.Coinl;-; ■»“! a eonrrkl iuMjilmf nl of Variety (lood.-kll »1 lowo. Ji COLD AOKMCY FOH CU'RRf,™* I’j'lNT*;- O 5 000 |u»i received Al*o on bandKeltegf ATliay er’* Trini*i “nd Thelp’* Map* end Chart*. Merchant* and Tcdlar. . U ppl-ed mice. a| cor 4th and wood an C'TOVK PATTBUM FOR SAkLIC-’Cateii O bhiater, I’atieni Maker. Atlfgheny tuy Oil Mill, lint ibe neweit I’anern* for Sloveaon wood or iron. Mill Geatmg and allotber pattern* made tn order. ?P. t3lf . RITISO AND WRAPPING PAPER —lOO ream* Cap Writing Paper; 50 do Letter do dp.. IM) do 8. C Straw Wrapping do, 200 do Medidm do do do, ICO do DC. do do do; ICO do Teaßag do m>, On band and for tale by REYNOLDS A BHEE roe b4 : eor Pena and Irwin ataj PIG IROH-30 toot No I h b Roeh Pi K “ i'sxTr™ ■nffiss S's" wttar ft front'll* OTWKt, HANNA t CCS ItQilM, And dealers in foreig» DOMESTIC EXCHANGE. CERTIFICATE* OF t>B- POSITE BANK NOTES,' AND SPECIE; Fount «, nearly oppose kin-Bank ot Piusbarffe. CURRENT MONEY received oa Depoaile—9i*hl Cheek* for ;*ale, and collections on nearly all the principal pomtvin the United State*. The liigben premiampallor Eortipj and American Gold Adrmore* made on coaupnaießt* of Prod ace, rhipped Euu onjitxral _____ WH.'biRUUCB»Ji£; t . FOURTH Street. next door to Bank of Puubargb. Banker and Broker, and Dealer m Exchange, Bonk ■•ad Coin of all descriptions, Ar. Notes mad Com oi . . Selling Rules. Buying Raisa- New York, i pr- New York. Jdi». Philadelphia, Jo Philjulelphia, fdo Baltimore, do Baltimore, ido Western Currency, do estern Cur. 4do City ft County Scrip, do CuyftCo.Senp, fdo All good Currency fdo All good Cur’ev, \do Pennsylvania da, do Pennsylvania do, *do Tennessee do, 9 do Tennessee do.Jdo Brownsville, do BwwMTil'e, fdo Washington, do Washington, fdo Foreign V tils o Exchange procured. ■D’JdAwtm* ■ n.,hoi.iiks * jojiV _ . Banker! and Dealer* In Esebaß|e, Coin and Bank Bote*, NO. 55, MARKET STREET, PITTSBURGH. Selling Rales. Exchan re. Buying Rale*. New York, I pr. Cincinnati, *"*• Philadelphia, J do Louisville, Baliimore, St loots, o’, Hoyingßate*. BANKNOTES. Baying R«« Ohio, | die. Co. k Scrip Orders, * dis. Indiana. Ido Relief Notes, fr«»® Kentucky, IJo Pennsy Warns Cy. *oo Virginia, *do New York do, ldo do Wheeling, Ido New Orleans, *«J® Tennessee, a do Maryland, *do •P^ r _____ 'Copartnership* JOSEPH H. IIU.L, dale of the firm of Wm. A. Hill k Co,) and WM C. CURRY,,laieof Erie, P* ) hare entered inlo Copartnership, undrr the name ol ■■ILL fc CURRY, for the.purpose of eanyingoa the Banking and Exchange l>u*iness in all its branches, at No 65 Wood street, three doors below Fourth, west side —where they solicit the custom of their friend* and the public generally. JOSEPH lIBILU tnchlS WM. C CURRY HILL k CCBRT, BANKERS k EXCHANGE BROKERS, DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC TIME k SIGHT BILLS OF EXCHANGE, CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSITE, BANK NOTES AND COIN. No 65 Wood street, third door belov Fouitb, west side. PAR Funds and Currency raeciyed on Deposiie and collection* made on alftbe principal Cities in the United States. Sight Exchange on Baltimore, Philadelphia, Now York. Boiton and Cincinnati constantly for sale: Ohio, Indiana. Kentucky, Virginia and Pennsylvania Bank Notes, bonght and sold on favorable term* Exchange on England, Ireland, Germany and France procured, kc , kg. WILLIAM A. HILL & CO., BANKKRB, EXCHANGE BROKERS ASS OXALXXa in _ FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC EXCHANGE, CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSITS. BANK NO FES, AND SPECIE. Ns. 04 Rood Sfftft, on* door abors Fourth, £o*s m*, me hi *•) PI ItShttHh, P*» [dkwF Remittances go the “Old Country." MONEY sent to all parts of England, Ireland. Scot land and Wales, in sums ol £1 and upwards, to salt purchaser*. ALLEN KRAMER mar 9 - Exchange Broker, cor 3d and wood hi RKDICBD RAtek OHIO, Indiana, Kentucky, and Penn a. fand*i al»- Couuiy and Ctly Orders purchased at reduced riate of diseoani, by N HOLMES k SON . ,W£. Exchange Broker,MMaiket at Cvof 1 ectVona <u 'Cincinnati. Louisville, St- Louis / and all accessible poi-.w m the United Stales made promptly, and upon the lowest terms, by _ N HOLMES k HON, Exchange Brokers me.his No S 3 Market «t_ AND CAR. Collections vu Cincinnati, Louisville, St Louis and all other accessible pomti m the United States, mude on accommodating terms. HILLkCURRi Wood sunexnlooi to Eagle Saloon Exchange on New York, PhiladeJphia. and Haili iitnre constantly for sale by HIhLkCURRA . - B pfi Wood «t next doot to Eagle Saloon Currency of the Oluo Indiana, and Kentucky Banks wanted at very law rates of discount. lIILL k CURB* n|rft Wood it, next door to Eagle Saloon /\ HlO, Indian*! *n«l Kentucky Rani U Noie. pureh».c<tni low ft 80N meblG No 65 Market ft HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, &C. City Property tor **le, l» Colttmbo»» O. jLj TllEaubseriber offeis for **le several lou in a desirable pari of the ei.y. on which are two ■I * eomfo-ialitc brick dwelling houses, aud bis xe lenvive Tanning Establishment, all in good re lieving determined, in consequence of infrm age, to discontinue the tanning buwne**, a .fine opening now presents nselt to any one wishing to carry it on. Columbus probably the ben point in the Stale for procuring a uniform suppty «f bid***. ~ One oi both of U.« dwelling bouse wilt be sold *rp»- r«t<- from the rest of the .property if desired. The un dersigned wiU give any further information relative in y 1 on • pi ”"i"a°ac°t?yloe " ORPHAN’B COURT »ALB* IN pursuaneo‘of an order of the Orphan’s Court of Allegheny County, 1 will expore to sale, by public vendue or outcry, at the Court House in the City of Pittsburgh. >m Monday the 17th day of Mar next, at the hour of Ifto'clock, a M .aceiiam Loi and two half Lota o» ground- being pan of 'hr Coal Hill I-ot*. snoatr m Lower St. Clair Township, and conveved b) J. H page and Wife to James .MilhnlUni} and D R. Milliol land, and now the property of C. F. Milht>lian«l,a minor child of James Milholiaml, dccM., boondedand de»en bed as follows, via: ou ihe North by a lonyfsot street and lot* of Pew ou the East by lot# of E. Jone* and D. R. Milholiaml, ou iheSoutb by il.e Pittsburgh and Coal Hill Turnpike Road, nt»d on the 'teat by jots of Sarah M. Philips, said Lolf-bcmg twenty-two feat m front and extending back to afore said. By order of the Court, CALEB FOSTER apil-idAwE Guardian ofC. P.Mithollaud PROPERTY in YOUNGyiO.VN, OHIO, FOB SALE. , 1B , t mTUE advertiser offers for sale a splendid Bnex dwelling lloure situate on the North East comer of ihe Public Square in Youngstown, Mahoning county, Ohio. It is large, commodious, finished m el cr (lent-style. and in the best location in \oangsiowa, rtihi-r for« iwelling or public bouse; attached to it is a yard, with water, stabling, and all other convenience* "'•rhutowni* improving very rapidly,t*siiuatrdji*- mediairly on the CanaLand wbeulhe various Furnsies. Rolling Mill, kc., now being bunt axe completed, wdl be ihe tno«i flourishing place inthi* section of Ohio. h will tw- sold tow for cash, or on. tune, or exchanged for property in Pittsburgh. For particulars inquire of . LkJ I) WlCKrforncr of Wood and Water sis, Pitts iiunrh. who will give all information.. ocMbwlt RKAL ESTATE. IN THE CUUNTEY-Thc .ub *e?ibef* offer for aale a bon»e and lot in Weat Mid dleux, Mercer county. The hooae tf well ealcalved ior a aiore aud dweJlin*. immediately oo the Ene Ex tension Canal, lu a floonihlisg village near bj, are •ever*! funuei anU iu the initial oi a r.ieh farming die "aUo, a booae and tot in the flooruliia* village of Or angeville. MeicercoontyrThehouaelia wellealcilated wiUUi-M. «• ro m7j»a.iin,ic™V' | \LLKOUEKV dTY PkjoPßß.T»£Fi ; A Sl ie. a aatuable wni»pro»ed rirgpenjr.handaoinely i.waird MO feel on Chemni, by foot on North ttn»l «ireeu can be divided and improwfcd! on either Mreat. *l*o a bonte and lotouSooih Common, IM featWOßi (VJ.,.1 .inn-lbi te .. !B tol I.lMte* a rood brick dwtlluifc, wll arranged. Thcae pn>p«»- lira will l>e »old low,and tr.inw arcoounodatin*. Alao, ar.eral bmUlin* loia, aitaated on. and near Franklin aired. *5 feet by l3Tfee'.pn« from* to *VKH ...,» k.nd.LlU** ■» 5 ’"Scut, mER T. Till. 30 withheld at Real Estate A| Real estate. habket-E"' house and lot on Roe*, near 4th * feeL “be dwel hng ii well arranged tar comfort and; convenience.— Price anJ term* accommodating. AI >o, a good frame dwelling boose and lot,Bl ft by 110, litoaied on Denman aueei Birmingham. «nce *740; pan in band, balance on lime. Alim, a well unproved property on Tatmel, near Wy lie »irret.4U ft front hv sU deep. Price *SOW. tens* ae —«* SCUTHBEBT^;^;, Vainable'lteal Estate for »•»•. rplIE ui.der. gncd being aboutto remoteTann* rr 1 jo the eoarnry, offfr. for sale SIX BUIUWSU LOTS on Second .treet, between. Ferry street and F*; doobi Alley. Each lot will be twenty, Teel front on W •trert and eighty fceliadepih. TTie foU Will be sold singly «.r the whole logeiber. i* •utucnberon tbo prcmiws. JOHN CALDWELL . ■ P<otf ; ... COll H TBT RKSIDBHCMe «■ HAVING removed to the city, for convenience Ji&to torofi'Mional busine**, 1 wifirenttheManuon House, and na imified ate encloaare, siwaie on the bluff. •“ "" .*!*«» AUBaiIESV CBMBTBBT. PERSONS deitroa. of purchasing Low In UA. Cerae lery are refer mi for information to the Superintend ant, on Urn grouud.. or to E. Thorn, Dniggut, corner o Penn and Hand meet*. Pittsburgh. - By oidet ol the Board, J. CIUSLETT, Bopenntendant,_ REAL KSTATK m A Urgheny CilV-tteaobaertbeia offer for .ale a lot of ground in Allegheny City, 80 3S’" ,t wi " lr ““i»ssif n Dic“Kv»sr I*' 1 *' ; aVl* water and front its _ —•— fsß A WELL Finished second Mory Room, with JS&a nod entrance on Market street at present oc ramed a* a Daeuerrean establishment. AlL>. a Long'Hoom.Sd story, entranceat Philo Hall, R kal ESTATE FOR SALE-A goodtanse b,id lot on Washington stfeit, Allegheny City—, T Dwelling Houses on Bank Lane, A Al2?a nSlding Ut«,wby »fe*«,ALlbeny west, Allegheny Cay. A^ p [J L | , J„DKRT.GeM»'aI Agent tptl No do gtalthfiold »trcet VOR BALR On SXCIUHOB. A Lt»T Why US fret on the Muprmlle.Road,, Tib A Ward. Tberei»onlhelotatlb-«torybr«kdwJ wno«(. with well and cittern re the yard, rrait ch.n*rf fe, . ™.II F.rm, nc« jj R» ranSr”Front,b.lw..oJV~d urdMutolttL. t’ UTS FOH SALK-Two joiaon k^-iifAMriiaasia for dwellii g house* or loandltea. wTh _- 1 »o- *7iV Tbev wiilbe offered at public *ale«»Th«T*d*y,*7in dayof Maynext et IS o'clock, *L WOODS. ! apicDdtd ■ - i— .i. , JiIVKH. IiOTS* * _ FOR BALE—Some valuable Lot* of Ground, tituatea on the bankofthe Allegheny Riter, eonwoea to the citv The»o lot* are most advantage*oily stinted foi Iron'Work* and other large J£s?DEXftnr* lifhawßta. (nov7-d*wtn _ HABMAB DENNY. • ; yoniALßi • . FOUR LOTS—Boomled by Pena, Liberty end Hay ■ueeta.eaeb lot having ti.feel front, and extending back HO fret. Two ©f them are cornet tots, and the position of the whole pioperty it one of theaoat edvan» uureou* in the city. For farther Information epply to taeeou. u. gWARTZWELnKR, frank rt, oovstr between Wood and SmlihleW HATS, CAPS AP BONNETS. IROKERS, &C. A. hath asTsii a*T»; i . m ffifjgsaagawßSSg* toeabfe establishment* la Heyr York the andmigasd taka great *»«*»*• «•««*. to aaaoßsee to their nni«*ns ft leads and the pnbytf season, comprising Beavers, Neumas, and extra »« Moleskin Silk Hats, either wbel fle KING marfftf a cor, wood and Cth «a m ; —removal. jfc J& 8 MOORE, list and as removed to No T 5 Woaff street, three door* above Fourth street. HU stock ndsisu e>f evenr variety of Hats and Capa, made lathe west stylo: al»o,Panama, Leghorn Pedal Straw Hats, wholesale and reutl, at the lowest priee. > 8 MOORE gplfl ?S Wood sudhitd,door above Foarth TEifi»t» certify thallkaow Df.UjeUAySMa Spajj# tabcaceytawcvnudwfc rtmt&j. lUrinf am it* aßei ta itmil cum. aaooctt ay cenamou, is u 4 imn aw «( &• E***> ■l* l * wad* ta cslirc HtKKY WHtTBUJiD. I cbOTT&Uj t'nt wj iMdwooy “ ur ?* c V u “VL** ta^ s&e" N™ T»k, Mn. 16U. ’ISi^CERTIFICATI^^^ Mr. Bella—Dear Kb—l »«•*• P**”"* IgJlffiS 1 EG. aabeiMiafiaiiWc.anddoadtßiaU ***»" **°*** ** U» »<kfc,u J *»“ J will .-. ; • j. WaIChMUr.N.Y', M*y15,1845. ■ - Dr laraUrkr—Diu Bin—ThU J°o “J ™t«l "U. » will a » ■■["■ ■> .>«■;** , Ik. kadi I kit. jTS'ol froatbi .M of If*JS"SJ*i£. s^SHsaspss fcU»hol—t ai iUul bjWlTJlciSoJ,« kiFu at HrikbTwinluabßk 5,? Ukatj B»t, W-f *°<" ! . Pitukurjk rna^socat. BTEiW BOMBT ISD jHAT WiEßßOpli, Jj| f A WILLIAM DOVQLiIi A CONTINUES to mannfacilare, nod eonsuntly oo hud. evgry varety of H»« and Cop* of the latest style, Cad price* very tow ii «» W Wood street. Kastside. ' i rJT F&U FmSIMi 1»4».. it BEEBE A COSTAR’S style Gentlemen's Hsu be introduced at KEEvIL’B on Thursday August 87th. Gentlemen wishing a cheep, Cash- ioaable Hat of Pittsburgh manufacture-ahead of fashionable Hats latponed ind adyemted by romeof the trade, pleasdfeall at 1‘ _ KEBYm£.9? * TUgBStf { \ - 133, head of NV ood «t 4 S| Wx2IIAH DOUGLAS, WOULDUnfonn bisfrleud* and patrons ' * 7* tbatfae has now on band a Inge stock of the Spring Fattnon if Hsu and Caps. vhich will be intro-, ducea on Saturday next- Those in wui of a superior article will call at *• _ . meha No 73 Wood street. East side ■ Fall Fashion for Hats* THE subscriber has just received by Express. Us new Fall fashion for Hats. Those m nee 10l an extra fine Hsi willileasccall and examine ” jjii* splendid article. ' 6 MOOHE M pg No. 83 wool NO IS MARKET;STREET, PITTSBURGH. R. H. PALMER offers forsaieon asforor- terms as any boose in I Philadelphia, a mtr complete assortment of Straw, Florence, Rut* SOU* land, and a great variety of fancy braid and Leghorn Hats; Ani fieial Flowers. Ac- Ac. ‘ ! » ch * _ FBBHOB ROLKSRUI HATf-Juat rsced a superior article o htench Moleskin Haw. Fall WM. C. CORBY- Oarsst and Dry Goods WsrshodM, glO MARKET BTBEETt - BOBEBT D..THOMPSON, RESPECTFULLY informs his friend* ud ihe public generally, that he is now reeelvmx a large Ud sDleodid assortment of Nxig 8ttl» Carpeting, Ur* Cioiht, fce , direct from the Importers and Manulacin rers, composed inpail of Superfine Brussels CarpelK /' Extra or Tapestry Brussels Carpeting; Super Imperial 3 ply ud Extra do; Superfine Ingrain, Fine and Common Carpeting: 54,3-4 and 4-4 Plain Venetian Carpeting* 5-8,3-4 and <-1 Damask do do; : 6-8 3-4 and 4 4 Tapestry do do; gM—tlwt lVummag*. . Brown Drillings; 4 4, • 4 and-C-4 Sheetings; JM 7-4 8-4 Table Linens; Unen Napkins; Crash and Diaper; Hockabuek Towelling; Carpet Stnpes; New. Style Ta ble Covers; Oil Cfoiht from 87 inches to\B4 feel wide, cut to uy size; ' iwnau «.**•» Rich Embroidered and Printed-Table and Piano cover* Figured Floor Cloths: » Chenielle, Brussels,Tufted,and Wilton Rugs;, . Tufted, Cbemelle.ud Sheepskin DUr Matt*;. Ii Muilia and Gram - do do; Brass Stair Rods Flat ud Oval; v Damask and Striped Stair Linen; Carpet Bindings; ■ . i.. 4 4.6-4 and 0-4 Plain and figured Indian Matting; Colored Spuish Mailing, 4*-, Ac. ’ Person* fitting up Steamboati,Hptels,or Ppvate Hou ses, are requested to eatt, a* he feels confident they will find it lo tneir advantage to do eo before purchasing DEV O<J.ODB. He would also invite aueobgnto hi* extensive stock of NEW SPRING DRY GtRIDS, tembraemg every thing in that linej now opening at die abovustand.. m arlO<Utw3mF ’ ' IcrNoTIO Market street _ ' STAB CLOTBIBG STOBB, NO. 70 WOOD STREET, PIITSBWROH.PA. AaNCKER A MAYER, wholesale ud retail dealer* in Eastern Ready-made Clothfug, would respect folly take this method of soliciting the mention of their' customer* ud ihe public generally, to the following liitaof their stock intrsde. ami sssure iheu also, that they will sell as cheap if noiiheaper than any other establtshment in the city. Our facilities of purposing and manufacturing goods, are such aa to enable us ai alt times to keep a follassonmenhof ready made eloib* in*, st less prieea thu they eap he, obtained elsewhere The present stock on hand consists in part of Ihe fol lowing description of good*—. - ISO black ctoih dress cuts, Item *lO to 330. 180 do do French do ! 10 ** .38 TObrown and invisible green do 18 —45 800 sack coals, splendidly mane * of good material. I9UO pair puts, of all styles, qualities ud __ 8400 Tests do do]' do - do 100 dnzfnlancn plain and stitehed bosomehinsjttocks, scarfs; cravats; boaoms; collar*; auspenders, •«■*»; drawers, ud under shins of •zsnfjariery, all of which have been reeenlly prrQused and adapted to the preseni season. Merchant* and other* who are In want of olotbrng, et nntft do bettetlhan to give us* cell. DRY GOODS. SIIAGKLETT k WHITE, No » Wood street, above Alley, are now prepared to offer to mer chants a large and desirable stork of . ,• FJIESH SPRING DRV GOODS, All of this season’s purchase—of,laie and desirable styles snd qualities. - . Coen try Merchants Visiting or passing through our eilv>, will fiad ,i clearly to tfu >r advantage topic ura eal(. as we are determined -*ll*i such small profits, a* wilt magb ii greatly >- .•• •' imerettio make a bill Our slock is now foil and complete, comprising a general aswrunentef such good* as are usually kept by dry goods booses. .... , A mod -supply oJ heavy and light brown Sbeelinp alwayaonhud. ‘ mebSf_ B» imnwa A THRUM. No 40 Market street. are now receiving theirstock of New Spring Good*, asdiaeite the attention of purchasers to their aaiorunent of Drew Good*, which is particularly de*» rable, consiatine in pan of Rich Embroidered Lawn*—eeryeboice pattern*; , Rich Organdy Lawns—fashionable browus; with, jther-eblore. very handsome. ' Printed I .awns, of different patterns; Rich California Plalda—styles eery handsome; , Sopenor French Gingham#—entirely new and beau tiful patterns: one lot Terr handsome at IB| ctt. Bnpetior. Manchester Ginghams, {warranted] at » <C mch?* No 4d market street. 3 ddora abort 3d IflllLlN DE LAIREt, PLAIN COLORS— VL \y R Morphy has now open an aaronmentof the above nods, all wool, inelndinj some very fine.% Also, Mohair de balnea, very superio;, plain mode colors. Also, plain Drab Bareges; pink, bine, and black do AIM. tfaluri nea, brown and fucy colon, some aa low. a* 16| coma; and* larjo aaaojtment of newest styles drew nod* generally, meloding black wamred, ana fancy SULKS, of latest tsroonaSona, and at low pnc« for nastily. Bayer* will pleat* eall and exanune at N B eoracr 4th and Martel sts. . , . _ rrr Wholesale Booms in second story, whore a very choice stock can be aeen by deplean, at low each pn> cea. » *P l ° Ct ROUIiDEB care of pain in the O Breast, mads after pattern* approved bjrtho Wew York Bandage loititoto. •' ._ . _ _ Suspender*. Suspender Eads and Webbing; Be» ediosunc eravatr, plain and fancy satlp stocks; floe shirts in great variety; shirtf and shm eolars; oi'od silks; drab moreen; sea grass,.Rc Ac; on sale by : myd ■ _ r- H EATO.N SOKDEUBB— Bonnet Frame*, Tabs aw Roches; Tonoiee shell and bora, .tuck aide and dressing combs; inlaid aatln and bnuhes; too*, nail, comb, cloth and hot do; Arp* 1 . bin ?‘°r. J** ‘"“j brown, black ond white hollow: colored cambric; silk and onion galloons; flannel binding; safety note paper, scaling wax; motto waters; Barnhill a in delict# ink; pencils andpendtl points; bnu&as,pm*, needles; tape* 1 spoof cotton, Rb. For sal# wholesale j. H EATON, fi» Market street ItTRRDUB WOBKRIk CAPM-Rtch Nte- J\ dlo Worked. Laee CspA-nnwsai s yleo-a lot a few poa Chameleon Poolt jßo.Boi Drees Silk*—a beaaufalaruele,nnd scarce—^ apt* • i N K cordih end Market *t* nmiTK GOOD* FOB DRBMM-W E W Morphy Inviwa the attertiou of th* Ladies to his very full ns-enmehtof white good* «'***'*> ““‘J** ting of Swiss and Scotch Mofk, Nansnok net moslins. barred Jackonri, super Satin barred and Striped, soft finish do, *o Ac. a. Astheeo goods are poicbascd immediately f.omthe i tosmifmeUtrers’ agema or importers, they can W sold 1 at the lowest price*. OhORKD COtBTERPA*R*“' v RMnr* phy Invites the iiientron of hoose keepers to an assortment of IL-« and IM eejoird A new mod beaatiflU article, of assortment of white econierpspes, onml tv Also; Ltnen Damask 1 TableCloth*,m toil as sortment of newest patterns • Also; To™*** l£3& ing Diaper—at the northeast corner of dth and market I streeta ~ , M" OtUC HBW OOODfl —At W R M«pW» DrT Goods House, north east corner of 4th ond Uarketstrreu. Receivedyeiterdsy,an LiMto Table Diapers.'frow M,to 8 eerr aunerior Danask. Also, Bleaehed andnnble*c|i cloths, very low for S o * lll *- naeas and Alpaca Lustres, a fall as ■artoent, fion «>»- non to-Ttry •superior, including some of ' ,er y^ b l.ostreF • —— TIAIHTBO SHADE®* VENETIAN BUNDS, P*c—Tran*pareni Window Shade* of boibUlue mu • OU prepeiatiou?'n great wiety ©f "*!•L*2ls£2!faJ titeiK Venetian BUnda, of aaacmed "weand eotote, fer EEoncSSnteeten, Shade Fixtures, we laju>| Bolter.; end Blind Trinuniufa, aaioned WASTILLA BDTTOSi M br exore*. thit’dar a fine aaaerunentor Mantilla Batumi; white linen and Week aillr rich black frinie; eol'd dim Fncxea. Seperfine Bob: bina, Uwni md GtnghuiiObrnla F'Vwobmww asdliatii raw- MlNGS—Faney and plalnheadcolored dress Frio -ff nchmantUla black do: flin'Ula, polka and chain (tap* black and-colored Ufcrlan tumminn; blaak W *» i» M RATOpjtg QI1«BY AID TABHB—GultOfl, fUk end iwsriw Hom end half Ho*e, in peat ninety for I m ,b end children; Knitunc Yarns and I ffotw I *.oaoned,eo!on; raendm*indtidyceuiwafld »!:■»■» .i^ TCN<g JUST Received and fofheJe at the manaftrturert lilt ptiect, a law* invoice of pium Gran Elude tod Skirted Soaectuirn, of the Roteett Manatoetarlnf Go.. Cl Per mw by the Atent. No 96 .weed street, ej> i itair*. wbeteeale. fa)WARD TODD m eMt_ Manafactarer , s Agent F. B. KATO&, , _ TtEALEK la Trlmniiip end Variety Goo*.••*«»«« 1) The«, Ivory «ad Horneefcht,«d Wonted»,.Baueß», Needles, Fme, T» p« d *• : No 69 Market fit’ between Piawrsdend «£«"«*• Pituhetih.. ‘ —— — m Cnruiaj, to be fonad »l 4*7 * dod *w K MURPHY ft fi eorftfc wiMukrtiti fWGgSJSJKSSS whlek * r *,r, C jS5t-Ki.W«i mad for aateby ■wJUU «r lo f gfjffin-BTT fc WHITE, Wwood H rtnwKX i*j. u. mm* om G%»»«l,Jwi ft WHITS DRY GeODS7i MED. • D- ~ I pj-l-.eV R. JItGOLBSBT’B W- Spett.- a cartak aad wAial carat *m»>, bMbcor bUadiabo, br initatkm oftka dar.paliu ta Um bvk tad kda, habitnal«. jl f!lai-i *—'f,TT' —* * * { wife eoatfinlioa oT tb« bowab w coatmam, u j ptlaa. la all web ccaea Iba Spcofle caa ba takra.* • Hctaafttr. aa4 la a certain naiitr. Tba Iprik • pcmtiTa. and baa entirely referable remedy, witbwtf* , iH».rf|«»bp,taliqiic«iiriwi plaaatioUbwl Actly banalfja ia tbc aawt ddlcata cam. INDIAN LIVER for the cure of L»»er Compliint, and ling from tbe Liter. la sick bud* 3a£aiireaod Anti-Bilious Fill, sbt> ORGAN'S PILLS,i all disease* aril icbe, and u a ST»TTtI»* A DI.IAIID LIT**.—CHIUIK. taflamalion ol.thk Liver, when not IbecoDseqaroce ol id icnta MttS or tbo d«TO. S'"''*' 1 / . wilh symptom* of a functions! duorder ofUie dig*** _ live and biliary \organii and djFpept.a rroqnentJjF seems to be the,only affectionpresent. Tbepatient coiDplaina of irregilar a»eUie and mi pairedTSoweea of digestion, aeiditJ;flatnTooce, slight cbohcpsios, , occasional nsoseaaod vomiting, and a slight doll pam and weight are *eU in the rightaidn, aecamp*. nied in some cases with a dragging haw * B **•« ”«“{. . ah odder.' Moat commoner however, no diattnct pain is experienced-in tfie ( regioli ol *-*? er * except whenifina pressure is made on this part.— The bowels are always aery - being ecronon in some instances with diarrhoea , the discharges eeentv, dark colored,Jiffenuve, dimy. meSihor One of the nfost content and characteristic symptoms of Liver plaint is a dry, bank, constncted ftata of tM akin, a abort dry coogb, with wbretthißg, ia a (recuent attendant on this disease, lot be chronic's* in the apote form ofth >P dl “j^ t j£Ee tient csn seldom rest as easy on lie left u :-ga ijj rinbtaide. A» the disease advances, slight fevers come on towarda evening, attend*? "‘tb a borning heat in the palms of the hinds andsolea ®* ”• r JJ*» the nights are reatirsa, and when thennflammaUon terminate* in aoppnrauoDvhectiriand rapid emacia tion consume the vital power*. V Manolkctnred and retailby JOHN p.iMOBpAN, Diuggist, oeb3l Wood street. Pittsburgh. of Longevity, and mode ol preserving male ,*»[*• male hStn; symmetry and beauty; exposing <■«»« . M con of Iboao duenna Unt tioa, OI ihorten life.aa Aflecugoapriho Skio.SpiM, Slomtcb, Bogota, Kidoeja.Liafcr, Sciolola, nlea, FITCH, a;M.,M.D., at7o7 bRPAIMYAY.HbW YORK. . Any person remitting fifty cent one copy, by mail, to any part."' Feb 10, jo47«d6m __ 1 COHBOIPTIOg ABBKI •fileted wltts Dlsewaai ila, free,will receifo trade supplied. ITED-To tbOM ofthe Lbß|t. I with the Empre* n, that I have-been uronchi, aoreneaa of • aany medicine*, bat if medicine,'tuttil I expectorant i valuable medicine c d it to relieve when* tuon-aa an Auction* - j ntly engaged, cantcs. r :ry alarming, when 1 there fore take plea ins, that other* aflbcl -1 expectorant organa alt healing remedy,” mended Or. Duncan 1 * f my [cine. —Tbit it to certify to ibote aflictw ■wmimry tymptOlßt Of COMS®ptiO laboring for aeveral yeara with ml the throat aod boarveneaa. I uaed t found no relief io any preparation made b»o of DR- DDNCAN’Sj REMEDY. I have been sting tbi' for aeveral years, andalwsjsfio everT make'aao of it. My occupy eer, which keepa me-almoiteonau my ditease, at tinea, to beeome el at onee procure thia medicine, "1 core in making thia public aiaiem : i ed with a diaeaae of the lotga at : may koow of thia and may be cared. Ihaverecooi Ezpeeiorani Remedy to many whom ewe their Uvea’toibi* me< I Somerset, Ohio, Oct 13,18tf_ The proprietor of the above : reiier to the soderaigned persons coDsty, on whom any person eonTineed that there are virtue! that cannot be excelled David Caibenaan, Somerset; cia Goliber, Jnekton tpj-Mrrr' JAMES HE'VIT medicine,woald, also who reside (a Perry aay eall upon and b« , found in t£e abova r. B. Stone, do; Fran* Eey, do; Geo. Polben, UplJtp. OFFICE, 150 Bye ,qE&ON, W Liberty 7 | apl#dfcwT Sdlliek ip; JenodDaeisen, Hope DR. DUNCAN’S WESTERN 1 non meet. Cincinnati, O'* l ®; .. Sold in Psltsbnrgh by WM. JJ head of Wood street. SCROFULA AJ*D SCRUKULOUS SWELiU INGSu—Scroiala in ail lu mnltiplied form*, wheilier in of King'. Evil, enlareementa o iho elanda or bonee, Goitre, While Sweliipgr. Cnronic Rheomatinn,tinier, di»ea*e« of the bkm or spine, or of Pulmonary Coruumption, emanate from 000 and the aame'eauie, wbicn ii a more or lew inherent in the homan ajateo Tberea fore, anleaa ihie principle ean radi* cal cure can be efiected, botif the principle opon which the diaeaae depeoda, i» (removed,.* care muitof neceeaily follow, no milter onaer.whatlorm the dtaeaae abould manileit itaellf ■ Fhia, therefore it the rewoa why Jarne’a Altiiutitk w ab tuft vereally eoeceeaful 'in removing to many malignant n deitroy* the. Tirua or principle Irom wbicn those dueaaeTbave tbeirongin,by entering into the circulation, and with thq blood la conveyed to thn-minoteat fibre, removing ol disease from the eyetem. Prepared abdaold at Wo. 8 South Third Street, Philadelphia. ■ '. Sold at the Pekin Tea Store, Wo-TS Fourth atreet Pittaburgh. ! meb3L , THte hIiOOO AMP OLKAHBS IT THE BODY—It i» an established lact that * **n lam da** of disease* can only ba cored by wehrem* SB i ifl enter into «d wiih it thiocgh_*very pornoo of (bebody, fot MlTbTihi* eaa the remedy be brought into immediate con tact with the disease; andto aitaientlxis end. no nreoaraiioa bas ever been »o uniformly *ocee**fnl IS SKaYNK! ALTERATIVE. \ Strata., Krai* Evil, Cancer and Cancerous Tumours, 'Mmc oael* line*. Enltigementaftihe Bone*, Chrome Rhcomauim ISS CoS Eraptia. dlfcsse. of Urn Bfcin.old and indo lent Ulcer*, Goitrous Swelling* of Uie Tbro* l aw cored with a eenainiy that os* astonished every bo bolder. It is beaides one of.the most pleaiant article* taken into the system. opwemunc m* m tons* and moving Dyspeptic and Nervous *ffectlons, and imparting a glow of animation and health onequallpd bvanytbing in the whole Maiena Meoieu. For »ala *t tbe PEKIN TEX STORE, No 72 Fourth street, «ar Wood. 1' aplSdAwF ftoiE OUITMBHT, for Teller, Bigaworwe It Pinmle* otftbe Face and other Caitneon* E ruptions Teyers, Bin»worm», and ben*eiie eruption* *en*w»ly, am among tae most tedious and diso areeabia affcrUOM to which*tbe h«TP«g frame i* liable. Situated a* it were. on tbe verge of vitality it i* almost impoemble p» reach them br.inward remedies. Hence the mefieacy. of undergoing a course of roedleinej «r snb,ecting our* Mice* to the uncomfortable. «yatem|of •tncidicu *ach means by reducing the *J*’cm merely pallitte the symptom* while they are In practice, tO tecur a* t»- lenUy, or more eo, when a generous diet is returned to. And the generality of external application* have no other effect than to heal the dheMO. to one P>*ee, “on to show, itself in the sahae or another part. When all these means have felled, and in many **' re rc ca*es, iL nerteversaee for a short time in the Ointment has proved effeetus). cThere is no trouble in “**"■ '^J^iHßEsroiaf ac» aplB cor 6th and wood sis, and.ltt and wood »t T rEQETABLE PULMONARY B ALB AM V—“ About four year* »lnee I was aiiaeki-d with a violent ceogb. I tried eanoua retmoies,and conw.ted severs! physicians without rsliefWOn the rtcoaaen-_ dstfoa of a fttend.l commenced pstng tbe Vegetable Pulmonary Balsam,-and derved immediate rebel from it, and by continuing tbe used ub short time myeosgn , was entirely removed. I have »inee always taken U myself, and recommended It to others, when attacked with a cough, and never knew itiofollol giving Imme* 'diate relief, although I have recommended tt to many^ 1 can therefore, with confidence rtcooioend itjo the public. I J ITTIUNefc. B ¥S^° b 'r b " M bTfA..NE3TOCE A Co epU cor l«t and wood ns and wood and Btb *a - Worms; Worms! , Locumu.*, Aran IS, 1547. Messrs. J. Kidd A Co, Gem*:- Tbt* l* loeeniff that a-|h"d of mine wasafflietod with Wow*. I procured various kind* of Vermifuge,! and them, but-with no effect.. Ithenpurchswd * vialofDr Me- Lane’s celebrated Yennifeaefand aft** giving a few dotes, the child discharged about a quart or lame Worms! The health of the Child Improved immedi 'atelr. I wouW recommend Dq McLane’* Vermifuge to she public, aa one of ihc"mostsafe and • •"asTsssra^ibij wood A fourth stt A L p , 'HDr. ■eLtt«l tl?«f PfH** X ,TEBSaS.'J'KIDDi CO.—Genu: m a boxe«~of Dr. MeLeaeV L»»er Pill*. My w "® ba»B*ediwoboxe«oftbeDoc<or» , P»H« {“f!? j[®“ Utey here dofte her nan food Ikxn m h*»by two jeer* auendenee. A Vra JOMS * m»», Win «f..i. «... Up These Ttixeble Pin*<j» “!® b 7 J KIDD ;to WondwreorPiuibßrnh. _ "^-r?.SssitfassaK'«r^ xexaoTti their NVboteaaJe bnuneaa, wbei» tb«y w *' always hare cn hand a a «*««■** •«»“»*« ®JJL“ the snides in their line, to whieh they mnie the auer li TheDr» btuineea will be ccatinned atthe°p»t»od coTfceret *th and Weed «t*- i ' - Pt _ TITHE’S HAIR TOHICr-Ato S"”*? 1 ! A. J trwlwe unhsajlatiocly praoounee it lobswiutit f-iht best article, w»tt«iraay cwtptioe, « mtoralioaandpreservationor thehemaa hair. "•■■Jr' of aawsrog* iastanew where hair has been p»w»Ato **•*• whkhban beta bald for Jean} aad we tbiak wnojl d* ■, cmtcrfcrer than to rscnmmmd to.alT oar. reader* tssfayfrele mate a trial of this Toal£bnine<Httrlj *?o?£ta ffltabnrxb at tbaPeakia Tea Fonrth street* near Wood I jIXIR OPBBALTH. r«UT« in «U cue* wken ike uy of the otrmsieooeerscd a* ate dlwriered. ; Al«o,--for item HKAITMAir* *1 -1 A «Mv«rMl re*>o> ftssuobi ! is tk» dytecUva fsaetiaat fever awf «fn«,'lnwrmuu itee, dfeenur?, **; | - Bffld - twt«<ao4j ftTir, biUcru WW, ivu* T'WINESTOCnEi Co tjjiood aadtib tod wood M