'HE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. BV ERA STL'S BROOKS. PITTSBURGH: jtOWPAY MORMIWO, MAY 10, IM7. OTTIi ftßUtua Dailt Oatcrrm >» puUiabed Daily, Th'Weekly, and Weekly.—The Daily ia Seven per annus; theTri-Weeltly ia Five Dollar* per annum; the Weekly ie Two Dollar* per annas, arietta ni l 'WoaU be prodae live of mutual benefit. . FOR GOVERNOR, JAH£fl! IEVIB, (or cTnrrti cocjctM / FOR CANAL COM.MIsfeSIONEB. JOISPD W. PATTON, (or ctunum cocsn) i ITATB CENTRAL COHSITTBK. THOMAS E FRANKLIN, Unca*ter CU> JOHN C KDNKIX, 1 Daopkm County. THOMAS DUNCAN, JAMES MARTIN, ** THOMAS C lIAMBLI, York. . WILLIAM M WATTS, Cumberland. ; DANIEL M SMVBER, Adana. <• JOHN P WKTHERILL, Philadelphia City. JOSEPH R CHANDLER, “ ROBERTT CONRAD, THOMAS MeORATii, Philadelphia County. ~ DILLER LUTHER, Rcrka. ROBERT M BARD. Franklin. TROMAS M T M’KENNAN, Wa*btn*um. i . ANDREW J OGLE, Soneraet. IIARMAR DENNY. Allefheny. RICHARD IRWIN, Venanyo. JOSEPH U KUHNS, Weatmoreland. O'J BALLEne. Ii: DM AX WELL. Northampton. J B SALISBURY. Soaquebanna. ELHANAN SMITH, Wjwajny. SAMUEL A PURVIAItCE, Butler. HENRY 8 EVANS, Cheater. ROBERTT POTTS,Montfonrery. ASTIMASOffIC AHD WHIG COUHTY COHYENTIOS. jin pnrwatfce af the established usages ofthe party, tin Democratic Antimaaons and Whig* of AJleghe nr eoaniyr will assemble in primary meeting*. in their levers! Election Districts, on Saturday the »Ui day of May, J 647, id elect tvropereona from each district, aa Delegate' to a County Convention, to meetat the Coart Hoom on Wednesday the 2nd day of June, at 10 o’clock A. to put in nomination tunable candidates to bo Apportedny the party at ohe general Election in Octo ber next The Ant.tnasons and Whirl of the townships (Pitt excepted) will meet at the aisal placet for holding primary a eetuiga,between the hoars ol Sand 5, P. M-, and those of the wards and boroughs and Pitt township, between the hour* of 7 and 9, P. at. THOMAS VARNEH, Cb’oo of the Gem of Cor. . For latk>t Commercial Inlelli(fence. Domc«ue Mai lieu, River Newi, imports. Money Market, Ac , te iturd page. See foortti Pave for HlieelUaeou Howe. SPORTAST DOIHOS IS CAIiIFORKIA. We bare been unwilling to be the mean* ' communicating to the public the mortifying, id disgraceful facta that have occurred on the kcific,,of which we have been apprised for tome diye through channels of private information from the Poblic service-now in Catifor*' nia. -Ths Government bars aimilar informa tion, but it has been deemed expedient to conceal it,fromthe public. A serious quarrel has arisen between Commodore Stockton and Lieut Colonel precmont, on one cide and Gen. Kearney, on the other. Gen. Kearney, it-.seems, carried out fall powers as Governor and Military commander of California, signed by President Polk, and revoking thoae previously given to Commodore Stockton, who baj previously been superceded as Comman der of the Nival forces in the Pacific by his se> nior, Commodore Bbubrfflk. It has been eonccal* ed from the American people that previous to the arrival of Gen. Kearney in 'California our forc es had on different occasions met with disgrace ful discomfitures. Captain Memos of the .Navy in attempting the recapture of a smalhvillage on the coast landed to orders about two hundred seamen and marines, without artillery, and was repulsed with the loss of fifteen or twen ty, killed and wounded by some 160 Mexican troops, who had two pieces offlying artillery which they managed with great skill, by the bad manage ment of Stockton and the Mexggani recaptured several places of which we had at first obtained pocsenion. It wa* only until Kearney, arrived that matters assumed a more favorable as pect, but strange to-say, on bis presentation of his authority aa Governor, Stockton, refuted to recognize it, and defied hit authority, and claim ed for himself that power, and bulked Kearney into submission. Freemont, at first -was disposed lo side with Kearney, until some difficulty arose wiwmrueariumerence m some improper, con dact of Col. F., and when Gen. K. refused to substitute Col. F. for himself as Governor, the tatter joined Stockton who forthwith gave him the appointment One serious charge egainst CoL Freemont we learn, Is making and in correct reports to the administration for sinister purposes. Gen Kearney we further understand is only awaiting the airlval of troop* to sustain fahn, and he will then very probably arrest both Stockton and Freemont, as mutineers, and ws should not be surprised (if Kearney gets the pow* ' eri to hear of their trial, and even summary exe». ration, as the most violent foelings-of hostility ex ists according to our correspondents statement and on which entire reliance may be placed. Why v /the administration have so seduoualy concealed 'from, the'public eye these important facts is a grave enquiry. >" Within the last five days' the Cabinet, wrare • • informed, (by our attentive and careful correspon dent at Washington.) have had two conclaves up on this serious tobjeqL The fear of offending. CoL Benton, the father-in-law of Freemont, and the infiaential and wealthy Commodore Stockton* on the one hand, and the disgrace of doing injus tice to the brave Kearney, and the consequent rep rsbenrionoftha American people on the other, is a fearful dilemma. Marty, itiis said, stands op manfally for General Kearney, while Mason, the Secretary of the Navy, deems it his doty to dphold the acts of . hi* subordinate, and Freemont com plains that the Navy has been made to play *fsec ond fiddle” throughout this entire Mexican glory dance.—Walker, Secretary of lire treasury, is af flicted with a serious complaint slid has notation, dsd ths two or three recent cabinet meetings. With out being til be is losing his voice and ia now scarcely able to speak even in a/whisper. He vis ited Baltimore last Sundsy, (our correspondent writes us,) for medical advice, and we learn that he is instructed not to attempt to speak a word for two months. If so he cannot plead the statote of “frauds and perjuries,” against any promises made to applicants for office doring that period, as they will all have to be made in writing. The feeling against Mr.‘Walker, on account of his opposition to Col. Benton's being plaeed in command of the army as Msjor General, after the refosal of Con gress to him the Lieutenant Gener alcy, is violeht on the part of the Missouri Senator | 'end his friends. We do not, as our. paper has . shown, approve of all of Mr. Walker's conduct as decretory ot the Treasury, but In this respect we entirely cemmend ba course. We submit to the editor of the Executive ‘Organ,’ (now thst the Virginia elections an over) that there can be no good reason for.the suppression and concealment of the possession of'the Govern ment in relation to be recent-disgraceful occur xsney in California. The people have a right to this information. Ti us Government is thsir Gov . eminent, those officers are their officsrs,and not Hr. Folk’s.' Mr. Polk snd Mr. Ritchie, end their Cabinet, are the first who have attempted to es tablish the doctrine in this country, that their is a ' distinction between the government and the peo pie, or th** the Administration should rule, gov ern and control, the latter, or that insubordina tion to its imperious direction is treason to the country. The unterrified commonwealth of Virgin - ia, has rebuked in | tones of thunder this arrogant assumption, end taught Meson. Polk, Ritchie dx Co, a lesson from which they should reap profit. If they have prudence and discretion, the Ritchie raised about the violation of the liberty of the pram,-in his own precious person, signally failed to scare any intelligent Virginian from bis propriety, or to produce any off# to cause a 'fine resolutions of offiee-bolden and office haoten to be passed, end to make him the laughing stock, even of the mass of his own dear ‘Virginia De nweracy.' ; We rejieal again, that as the elections, ere now oyer, Mr. Ritchie should tom his atten tion a little to the general Interests of the country* If be fails toeommuhlcelethe information cower sing the recent transactions In Califorala, until they are drtggsd forth by a resolution of Coagre*, both he and the Administration .will be held to g strict account. '£\ Tteßoid U llZieo. Ow last tkspiMcbes lift 6eo> ctl route for tlexuo, viaj£e dtj of Jal*p»» eily w* hivVptnlj dreeribed. Wi add Uda oonifif • for* ihre description of this dty and. of th? whole roots to Mexico 110 miles. Jalap i is very heal thy and it has been the intention of Gen. Scolt to L«fr* gp hi* line of march from this point to lha CtpiuL In the mean time it w>U prove the moat healthy part of the coon tty for the sick and disa bled among oar troops. .CITT OF IiLTI. Tbs city itself is upon a high kill —highest in the centra, so that the streets iodine consider* ably; ko ranch 50,4 that no wheeled vehicle can pase along any of them except the main street or road, which has a considerable rise and descent. The dty is surrounded by a wall, and has t strong* ly built church near the western gate, -which, could be converted into a dtadeJ. The streets are paved. | The booses, as in other Mexican towns, are ol stone, with fiat roofs and iron-barred win dow*. , Opposite the city on ths left of the road, ia a hill (fom which the road might be annoyed, and •bells thrown into the town; the rosd is a band* some and sobstantial structure of checkered pave meet, and must have bean very costly. 1 rxaoTS axd its castlx. At the base of a high mount, bearing the ism# name, some distance from the road on the left, is a duster of hooses with a" church, called Perole.— Opposite) on the right of the **wmon«Kwg it in every direction, stands tbs castle. It is upon s fist, sandy plain, strongly built of stone,, and encircled by a deep'dry fosse, or drteh. The mein entrance is by going over a chevouxde frize by a side, descending some twenty-five or thirty atone steps to the bottom of the fosse, and com ing it to the gates, which ire on e level with the 'Bottom. The population of Perote is estimated at 8000; it is afine little dty, the bouses are gener ally of one story built of stone end eovored with terraces; the principal street is remarkably fins, the others are wide and paved. On t market day, it is realy astonishing to see the great variety of the best fruits of Eutope, and of the tropiee, piled around the square. «On leaving Pcrole you pass through extensive plantations of Mague (Aloes.) r citt or rotate. This dty is walled end fortified. It it built of stone, end the streets ere well paved. Here wa ter is abundant, but from the Nodooal Bridge to this place no water can be o' lained the natives substituting puique as a beverage. From Jalspa to Puebla there are occasional heights pear the road, which, if fortified, might annoy, invaders.—* In fact, from Vera Crux to Puebla this la the five —the travel being alternately over broad, unob structed roads*and narrow pnrecis. commanded by heights. The road peases through Puebla. The Paeblanos have a particular character, they are cunning and courageous, and ths most expert rob bers and amattins throughout Mexico, where there is ho lack of such.. If an offender is brought be fore an Alcalde, any where else, and it known or ascertained to be a Pueblano, hie condemnation ie sure. Puebla b situated at the extremity of a ve ry latge plain, on the Vera Crux aide; its popula tion is estimated at 80,000 souls; the streets are parallel, and vary wide and well paved—the boos es, built of stnoe and covered with terraces, and two and three story high, are remarkably fine.— The public place would be admired in almost any part of ths world—it forms a perfect iquare; facing it stand the- cathedral; on three other aide* are magnificent palaces. There are many other ed* ifices strikingly admired for their beauty. There are lew churches io the world more magnificently ornamented than the cathedral of this city. All the chandeliers and lamps, which are in great combers, are of missive gold or silver; the dome is in marble of the country, of great beauty and fine workmanship* Thera are,ten chapels, rich ly decor*ted, and closed each of them with an iron gats door of vety great height, and of the fi nest finish. This church was finished in 1608, end is said to have Coat $6,000,000. There are also many other very fine churches. The Almeida, or pub lic walk is very well kept. It is composed of three alleys (of 600 to 600 feet each) of poplars and oth er fine trees, and is surrounded by a wall, at the foot of which runs a fine little stream of water. There are a good many fountains in different parts of ths city, and a few jeb d'eau, or water spouts. Pew cities in Europe are finer than Puebla; but much cannot be said for the popolatioo,whicb,sioce the late expulsion of the European Spaniards, who were by fit the mart intelligent tod industrious portion of it, leaves * curious contrast between tbe present oecapaQt* of public and private edifices in. dictatingthehigbertstateofdvitixstion. Thesims may be said ofthewhole population bordering ths road from Vera Crux to the dty. Time will no doubt correct this. A small walled end garrisoned town, through which the road passes. Beyond Puebla the road «• gvwJ ««tv incuts tbs n*«mtaia o( Cordova, about midway between tbe fon.it-r and the city of Mexico, where tbe ascam >• very rugged eod steep though witboot defiles. Near tbe road at tbe foot oi this mountain, passes the Rio Frio, or Cold River, which has its rise in tbe neighboring moun tain of Popoeatspetl, 17,000 feet above the level of tbe see. A work on eomeof the height* of Po poeatapetl would mmmsrwt the rosd. After leav ing the mountain of Cordova, the road is good and unobstructed, with plenty of water to the ci ty of Mexico. For several miles before reaching that dty tbe rosd is delightful, passing between pantile! canals .and rows of Lombardy poplars. This point is to Be occupied by General Worth, for tbs purpose of guarding the southern road from Puebla. This lake commences on the right of tbe rosd, near the dty, into which Its waters ore carried bv a canal, the Uiter serving also to drain ths gutieri; into the lake. The so-called lake is a Urge, long, and very irregularly shaped basin, shallow, and containing numerous small f«Undi>j and cov ered by myriads of wild daekt. Tbe depth of water varies with the sessao; in the rainy months the basin is filled, and then It xiaiumee the appear ance of a Urge lake. Being the ceceptaeU of all the drainage from the aty it ie very filthy. Tbe canal from the dty pueee through it, fed by its watero, five or six miles in a south-east direction to the small fort of Chaleo, st the extreme margin of the basin in that direction.' This «-«n«l is used for transporting prodace into the dty. and for pleasure excursions in gondolas, dec. CITX OI MEXICO. Like oil other Mexican dtiea, (his has walls and hooses of stone, with flat roOfo, See. It is well paved; a gutter four feet wide passes thioogh the centre of each street, covered by broad flag stones, removable at pleasure. AU the gutUrs are drain ed into the canal or lake. Tbe eity has many large and strong churches and other great build ings, eariiy converted into fortremee. If its walls were repaired and moantod with canseo, and well garrisoned, it eonld make a fonaidabU reexatance to besiegers. Darfng'the festival days, which are very nameroae, the haciendas for 20 or 30 miles around send into the dty not lea th«n 10,000 mounted peasantry of the better doss, moat expert horsemen. They ere courageous, and skilful in the nee of the Unce, Usso end nuxetfote, which U a Urge end heavy knife. Nothing more would be oecesrary than for the padre ir to go forth into the streets of the prisaptl eitiee, perticaUriy Pa ebla and Mexico, eUvate their crosses, and appeal to the bigotry of tbe popuUtioo, to rally an lm meow force of bold, active end desperate men, who would make fierce resistance to an invasion. And if invaders should force their way In, assoe sinitions, by the hoods of so many expert mur derers, would soon make fearful inroads on their numbers. PiBATi on PnivATosn.—Csptain Thomas Hooper, from St. Aon’* Bay, Jamaica, oa March 18, Ut 32 r 11, long. 72, saw a ship which crossed hUsrake, nearly within hail, and by a signal giv. ea on board supposed all was not right. At 6} saw a soil on lee bow, which immediately gave chare. Bbe proved to be a 4ew black hermaphro dite brig, with crowded decks. -She aUo appeared to be well armed. Tbe Ceptnin says be has not the Usst doubt but thit die woe a piratical veasal. She continued 6 p. m., when the vessel hove for n sjwedisb berk. Whether this ■traoge soil wo* a pirate, or a Mexican privateer, or , a vessel of war, it iwould be well to despatch a cotter in.pursuh of her. The eaols eatbeir:— I This splendid establish ment is now open for the season, and we take occa sion to call pabUeitUentioß to it. As a place ol .popnlir resort, it is not excelled in tbe eity, and we believe it is entirely ooique in tome respects. The beastilul Foes tain in its centre, is ■ novel and atri kiog feature in it* attractions. Tbe delicious cool nett ol the Saloon, and Andrew's Nonpariel Ice Creams, mast render It ■ pltec or immense resort this summer. It is rrequented by the most fashion able of the city. Parties of Ladles sod Gentlemen e’njoy themselves highly in tittle social circles around iu numerous tables. Ja short,»« advise sU who seek an agreeable and quiet, bat moetelegaet place of retort, to try the Eagle Saloon. Refreshments of all kinds ore slwty* to ba bad. Carnal Rail Roan.—Tbe second instalment of $6 per share to the capital stock of the Penn sylvania Riiiroed company-was required to be paid oa the 4lb of May. More than on»balf the amount was paid in, and the balance U coming in. llte Stockholders may fed emuied that the inveetment wHI meet ell reasonable wishes. The property cannot foil to ba largely productive. BY MAGNETIC.ITELEGBAPH. Csrrtipqalisce of pttubsrßhi Oasstu. Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gassue New Yobs, May 8. The reto* of Exchange continue very low in New York, and as they are, mart add to the im port of e large additional Amount of specie.— Capitalist* are buying Government stock on time, and Treasury Notes also at 4J premium. This Is in the expectation that Peace will speedily be mads with Mexico, in which event Mods would ron up to a high premium. The money market ‘is very easy in New York, business active. The New York Legislature refuses to pass tbe bill authorizing the deposit of United States stocks with ifee comptroller for banking purposes. This will have a favorable influence upon the stocks of ■ tits Btato. A great business i* doing in Diy buyers coming ia from the country are paying up old scores, and buying with cash. The Hudson River Rail Rosd have four parties of Surveyors out, end will make a Road to FishkiU, sixty miles, as soon as the Surveys are completed. A discusrion is going on as to the fact whether United Bi»tes Loans and Treasury Notes arc free from taxation us personal property. The legal opinion is that they are taxable. THE IYEWB FROM MEXICO From the result of a battle tike that which has just been fought, at Cerro Gordo, one might con clude,apeace lobe near athand t andyetitsoems to os as far off as ever. Santa Anna has*-done that, both at Buena Vista and Cerro Gordn, which mast materially' lessen all respect for the man, if indeed, he has ever been deserving of toy from bis countrymen, or from the country with whom, thanks , asked of Geo. Worth time to consider before be capitulated. General Worth gave him fifteen minutes, and he surren dered unconditionally. Haiti he not done so tbe slaughter would have been terrible. No one at present can estimate the lore of the Mexicans; they are scattered on the hills, in tbe rotds, eoery where. . It is now impossiMs Id name officers who hare distinguished themselves, I cannot, however,omlt to mention Cols. Barney, Riley, and Childs, of the regulars, tad Cols. Baker, Forman, and Haskell, of the volunteers, as every one is talking of them. • J *)da in great haste, and with noise, con fusum, and every thing tire around me. You eumoc appreciate the victory. To describe 4he gfpund sod fortifitwtioos ofjfcs enemy, the difficul ty of mating thehr.outer works, sod the toil and peril undcrgoaaby lhs troops were’impossible. " <* • Cabt st Ptxx dxl Rfo, April 19. pTherout of tbe Mexicans laat evening-wastr. ; tal. They were paraded within four miles ol J»- ■ laps by Gen. Twiggs, at which point there were ! none to follow. Santa Anna himself, instead of eolombiog bim-elf as ho threatened, escaped by cutting the saddle mule of his team-from the har ness of his magnificent coach, mounting -him, and then taking to the cbappareL His reivice of massive silver, nearly all his papers, bis money, every thing in his- carriage, qyen bis dinner was captured. / The Mexican loss upon the heights was awful; ‘tile groffod re places is covered with the deal!— Among tbe bodies was that ol Geti. Yss qoez, and near him was Col. Palacio, mortally wounded. Lieut. Derby, a gallant young officer of the topographical engineers, was badly but not mortally wounded while storming one of the heights. Lieut. Ewell, of the rifles,!* supposed to be mortally wounded. Thie regiment has suf fered terribly. Lieut. Dana, of the 7lh infantry, was badly wounded. CapL Patten,' of tho 2d, slightly. Lieu'. Davis, of the rifles, was very badly wounded in the hip. Major Sumner, of tbe 2d dragoons, but commanding rifles, is impn£ sing. The regiment, when in action, numbered leu than 400 men, and its -loss wav 79 in killed and wounded. La Vega was in command of the Cerro Gordo m the first day of the fight, but a deserter from >u; dragoons, a German, going into their camp it night and informing them that the main attack was to be on tbe right of their line—the work so fiercely, attacked by Gen. Pillow—he ' changed places with Gen. Vaaqtjtx. Tho Utter, killed. La Vega defended bis post until tie lines of the cue mywere turned.' Several MexicaoGolonel* have been killed. Aj brother of Gen. La Vega, Col. of artillery, was ‘mortally woumlni. Col. Chiidalcd orihts command on the first day until ho htd only some forty or fifty men with him. Capt. MsgruJer followed up a chargo*until he had but nine soldiers left. . The wounded are still along the roads for miles, although they* are bringing thorn in as fast as possible. The army io to advance towards Mexico imme diately. Gen. Worth's division marched this morning—Gen. Scott is to mtrch at noon. Santa Anna's coach is to be harnessed up for the pur pose of carrying on Major Sumner—better .use than it wss ever put to before. A hundred Mexican are around me, making out their paroles, while our own dead ore being carried by and consigned to their long rest ing place by tho road side. There is some hope for Gen. Shields God grant that he may live! The ball went through his lungs as he was teadiog bis men to storm the furthest work of the enemy. " Col. Baker, who charged tho last fort, lost for ty-fire men in killed and wounded out of only a portion of his regiment Lieut Cowardin killed;’ Lieut Murphy supposed to be mortally wounded; Lieut. Johnson woonded in three places, and thigh amputated; Lieut*. Scott, Froman, and Mallby wounded.—-V. O. Picayune. \ PRISdNERS OF WAR. The following Mexican prisoner* were taken in (he battle ol the IBlh, and arrived at Vera Crux on the 2l*l, under command of Capt Hughes, of topo graphical Engineers. AH ot theso ciptnred'ofSeers bare expressed a desire to he transferred to the U. Stales, and Col Wilson, Governor of Vers Crux, has acceded to tbeir withes, and directed that a vense* should beheld in readiness to sail, for their accom modation, tbe 15th of April.. They preferred this to remaining close- prisoners at the Castle San Joan d'UHoa. Jose M* Jarero, Brigadier Gen. Romule de la Vega-* Brig. Gen F Roisy Baranda, Capt ol Mexican Navy, com manding artillery. Vicente Argneltea, Capt Artillery. Jose Ma Mata. Capt. Jose Ma Gallegos, commanding,Greoadiers. Mariano Camacho, lit Lieut Artillery. Barthome Amable.ttd Lieut Artillery. Jose R Coharebiir. 2d Lieut Artillery. Jose de Latlor Bras y Sotler, Lieut Col Battalion de la Libertad. Jose Nanex, Capt Gth Rcgt lofintry. ~ ln»e Ma Mpreno. Capt Cth Rest Infantry. Gregorio del CaUejo.Capt Gth Kegt Infantry. Rafael de Berrabidas. 2d Lieut Gth Kegt Infantry Salveio Velex, Aid-de-Camp to Gen Vega. Francisco Fernandex.ilst Lieut Alexicxn Nt\^. GEN. scorrs PROCLAMATION On tbe night of the I7th General Scott issued an order for the Ittih, from which we make tbe following extracts. Tho position ol the PcnnayU vmia regiments may be known from thif. Ths second, (Twigg’s) division of regulars, U already advanced within easy toming distance of tbe enemy's left. That division has instruction* to move forward before daylight to-morrow, and take op position across the National Road in the enemy’s rear, so a* to prevent a retreat towards JaUptu It may be reinforced to day, if unexpect edly attacked io force by regiments—.ne or two taken from Shield’s brigade of volunte* rs. If not, tbe two volunteer regiment* will march for that purpose at daylight to morrofr morning, under Brigadier General Bhields, who will report to Brigadier General Twigga on gening up with him, or the General-in-Chief, if be be in advance. ISThe remaining regiment of that volunteer bri- Side will receive insUactioos in the coarse of this day. Ths first divirion of regulai* (Worth’*) will follow the movement against the left at sunrise tomorrow morning. A#already arranged,Brtgodier General Pillow’* 1 brigade frill march st 6 o’clock to-morrow morn- 1 ing along the roote be bs* carefully reconnoitred. : and (laud ready a* soon as be bear* th«- report of arm* on our right, or sooner if circumstance* should favor him, to pierce tbe enemy’* line of batteries at such point—the nearer the river the better—as be may select Once in the rear of that line, be will turn to tbe right ot left, or both, •ad aUaekjthe batteries io reverse, or, if abandon ed, be willponme the enemy witn vigor. Wall’s field, battery aod tbe cavalry will beheld in reserve on tbe National Road, a little out of view and range of the enemy'* batteries. Tbey will take up that position at 9 o’clock in tho mor ning. The enemy's batteries being carried or aband oned, all our divisions and corps will pursue with vigor. This pursuit may be continued many miles un til stopped by darkness or fortified positions tow ards Jalapa. Correspondence of ifae I'msburgb Gnctte. LATEST of the battle. Wasdixotox, May 9. The Union of last evening contains Genera! Beott’s official iceount of the Battle. Tho num ber of Prisoners tsken, as repo, led by him, is three thousand officers, instead of six. Seven thou-, saod. however, escaped. Our lots iu killed and wounded is not more than two hundred. Mexi can toss in killed, 350 [!] (our telegraph report say*—) but we suppose many more. All tho prisoner* taken were paroled by Gen- Seott. No farther resistance is expected this side of Perots. Gen. Scott will push on hi* columns for Mexico with all convenient despatch. Seuor Armijo ba* been elected President of Mexico over Almonte, and the office of Vice President ba* boon abolish ed in order to upset the expectation* aod authori ty of Gomer Farias. Tbe new 'President ur ges war to tbe knife, against the United Btater, and'active preparations were making for the forti fication of tho City, and this was the spirit of the people- Some were urging a guerrilla warfare. There were rumors {feat Santa Anna had been taken prisoner when tbe last express left, but they were not believed. '•There has been a later arrival at Braxcs, but no later newe from Geo. Taylor's camp. CorrMfwßtleact of Ui« Pittsburgh Uszrlic, pHtLAutLi-Ku, May 9(b. The Pennsylvania Regiments. Generals Patterson and perstfer Smith, we learn, were confined to their beds by sickness du ring (be battle at Cero Gordo, and were unable to go into the figbL The regiments were io it and the following wouoded: Lieul. Lindsay, Ist Pennsylvania Regiment Jacob Simons, mortally, Edjrinl Cross, Thom os Hann, John Chambers, the above all of Pbil •delpfagbßangera. eod Jamea Shaw, Abraham Rowland, Wm. Wilhelm and Frederick 8omer»; of 3d Pa., Regiment. Corrc«pond«jcoof tho Pittsburgh Gazelle. PnitADiuatA, May 9th, 1647. i.pr. McClelland a distinguished Surgeon died suddenly at bis residence to day of bilious cholic. Yesterday he ettended to btutnen. ’Csrrespoadaaee of ihe Pittsburgh Usieue. ; f BAiTui#Bi,.M«y 9th, 1847. Five warehouses were consumed in town-to day. i Also WilDams’s cabinet factory. Middle ton’s tobacco gtore, Ktman’s biscuit establishment! Ac. Lore $150,000. Insuraned here and in Philadelphia. ' Exclusive CorvespamJeses. of tbs PiuAorsb Gazeue. si; PHILADELPHIA MARKET. @ f.‘ f': "1 aU,Slk.7'p.M. '-The market for Flour hue been rather, scut* to-day, tf least so far as; inquiry goes. It opened this morning with isles at $7,25 and 7,375, tbe pretensions of Factors jnat-iii|!y interfering with busiutas. This advance was finally acceded to, when holders pot up their prices to $7,50 per bbl, which they ere now demanding. This put t stop to all farther business for tbe day. In Wheal very little was dope to-dsy. The last sale was at 163 e, but bolder* are now asking 17lc for prime samples of Ps. The ex ports for the week have been 40,000 bu. Of Corn the market bos been cleared by recent transactions, and the article is nowf acstce and wanted. Small stiles prime White at 100 c per bu. The exports of tbe week have been 60,- 000 bu. Rye Flour .has gone up to $5,125, and sales at that. Provisions—Not much doing in Provisions, but the feeling is belter to-day than immediately after tho steamer's news. Small sales new western packed Mess Pork at $16.50. New Prime u held at $14,50, without sales. Sales Wvslern packed Mesj Beef at $l4 per bbl. Bacon continues in fair request Sales (onlay of Western cure—Hams at 10c, Sides at 9c end Shoulders at 8c per lb. Tho market is at these figures. Western No; 1 Lard sell* at ioal6|e per lb. | There bavo been some sales of Cioyerseed at $4 f 25 per bu. Otherwise our market has not va ried to any extent since yesterday. Kxctuf.ve Correspondence of lie Pittsburgh Gaze lie. NEW YORK MARKET. Maj B,BP. M. Tho business in Flour to-day hts been to a moderate extent Tbe market fur Geneasee stood at tho dosing figure of .Friday eight, $7,87$ pci bbl. . Not much done in Wheat. A salo of Whits transpired at 165 c per bu. Of Cora there were sales to the extent of 30,- 000 bust 96c for White and 100 c for Yellow. Tho supply-is limited. Cnramealts in good demand. Sales lOOObbls at54,75a4,87J per bbl. . Rye flonr has advanced. The sales to-day were at $5,12 per bbf. For Provisions the ioquiry bar fallen off* since tbe steamer’s unfavorable nows, but the confi dence of holders does not seem to bo impaired, and they think prices must eventually improve. Tbe moderate soles making are at $16,25 for new Western packed Mess and $l3 for old. In the present state of feeling and dull market, quota tions could hardly be realised for Urge parcels. Of Beef, sales Me** at $11,375a12 ( 125, and Piimo it $8,375a9,12§ per bbl. *The ratrket is firm, the lost sales having been at outside figures. Hxeluvivc CorreApnn ' May 4ih, |6t7 ( Thi« Uank has this day declared a dividend of three and a balf per ceht on us e*piul miock: payable io • (orkholder*, or their legal representative on. or afirr the 4th instant. Til OS M HOWK, Cashier myMui I‘insßvaoii. May 4, IHT Diviufvd—Tho director* of the Meiehtm*’ anil M.inu mciuierr* Hank, this day, declared a dividend of four per cent on ihe capital dock, oul of ihe proGts foi the lasi six radnibs, payable on or alter the Hih insL- Kasiern stockholders will be paid at the Commercial llsnk of i’cmi-ylvaniit, in Philadelphia. myWlw IV II DRNNV. Cashier. V. Bass or Pirrsavaou, ) X I May 4ib. It 4?, y Thev'resideni and Dileciorsof Hut Bank have this day drkiared a dividend of ibiee and a half per cent on the capital stock (of (be la*t six raomhs, payable (o Shoekhol-irrs or their legal representatives i forthwith, my&hd JOHN HNYDKR, Caihler. Whig and Anti-Slaionie Candidate!. Msjor JOII.Y WILIXJCK will be supported before tbe Whig and Animißtomc Convention for the offieo of ' county Trcaaurer. FIRST WARD myodAwTv- Mb Kurfoa—l’lease announce tbe name of Major J. M. SNODGRASS of MKQin township, a* a suitable candidate to rrpreicnl this county In the Legislature. myWJcvr'T LIGION MR EDlTOR;—Pirate announce the name of JOHN J MUSE, of Versailles Townalup. a suitable candidate for the Legislature. myTd&wT WILKINS Ma. Kditor-tSAM'I, PALMER, E*q, has been »po ll en of here as an excellent and suitable candidate for the legislature. Dv calling attention to tbe above you will oblige m»ny Whig* of ;be city. fi my&lAwic COUNTRY JOSEPH McCULLOCH ha*: been spoken of by several gentlemen ■■ a candidate' for County Commit •inner, and being in-every respect hone*tand capable, will be supported by his friends for thatoOiee before iho Convention. t inytOdAw THOMAS PERKINSjof Lower St. Clair township, will be a candidate for nomination to the office of coun ty Coramissiontr. _ rayiOd&w On Suuday morning at half past lx o'clock, Mrs Ele ndr Holmes, wife of Nathaniel Holmes, Sr. Her funeral will take place this morning at 10 o’clock 2A M, from tho residence of her bnsband, liberty strstl. The friend*of the family are respectfully invited to st. tqnd. OuSunday eight, Clh inst Mrs Mary, eontoit of Ben jamin Weaver, in the 47th year of her age. ■ Tbe take plaee from the residence of her hatband, Merchant’s Hotel, on Tuesday mo ruing u 10 o'clock,to proceed to Allegheny Cemetery. At Cleveland, Peter M. Weddell, Esq, very sadden* ty; aged 50 years, and .'W yean a resident ef the tewa. “«mmw»T>!!SmT un» fob PBILAOBLPBU ABD BALTimw. fKrahavwfvr ft Poaaigvs.) THE Canal uid Railroad being now in excellent order, the Pockeu of ibis Late will leave with m •eager* aa follow*, every night at 9 o!e)ock :* Packet Indiana Copt. Berkry, Monday, May 10. do ' Louisiana, Copt Thompson, Tuesday, May 11. do Kentaeky, Capt. Troby, Wednesday, May 19. do Ohio.§opL Crmtg. Thursday, Mai 13 .do . Indiaa*,Cut. Berkey, Friday.Mayli. do Loaisiana, Copt Tbompsan, Saturday, May IS do Kentucky, Cant.TraSr, Sanday. M*y 16. do Ohio, Craw, Monday, May 17. do Indiana, Berker,'Tuesday; May 19, ■> do Loaialan, Capi Thompson, Wednesday, May 19 do Kentucky, Capt. Trubr, Thursday, May 20. do Ohio, Craig, rjiday, May SI. do Indian a, Berkef, Satmday, May 23. do Loaisiana, Capt Thompson, Sunday, May S 3. If you desire cheap travelling and comfortable accom modations, secure your tickets at the Packet Office, Monongohela House, Water street; or of mylO D LEECn 4 CO, Canal jUsin CONCERT AT NBB EAGLE SALOON. ON Mondayweniag, May 10th, by Mr. DYER, the Blind Vocalist, educated at the Pennsylvania In siiiute. who will make his first appearance at the Sa loon this evening. riMUkxi, Parr Ist—The Pilgrim Fathers. Rockeway. The Old Atm Chair. . Irish Emigrant's Lament. Some Love to Room. . - sounds the Trumpet of Joy. Part 2nd—l’m Afloat. / They have given thee to Another. The Old Church Yard. The Dream is passed Grecian Daughter. Fixalo—The Schoolmaster. Tickets 23 cents, which entitles the holder to an Ire Cream. my I OH TUB ORIGINAL BAND OF SABLE HARMON I STS, BEG respectfully to announce two of their Unique Coaierts st the Pbilo.llallon Monday and Tuesday evening*. May the 10th and llth During each evening a rich and rare selection of Ethiopian melodies and Parodies from the gems of the root! favorite Opera* will be sang. » For particular* aee small billsof the day. ’ Doors opened at 7 7-2, Concert to commence at 9 precisely / my7d4t TO nERCIIAFTS ABD MERCHANT TAILORS—Just received a fall assortment of those Troy made shins, both white and stripped, from very fine to medium qualities. Bosoms and Collars, medium qualities. Cravats —a splendid assortment, both black and fan cy. all qualities. Block and fancy Satin Adjusting stocks. Black and do do Bow do; 30.000 grots of North Hooks & Eyes; Gum suspender's, Ae Ac; for sale at the manufactu rers pnee, by the manufacturer’* agent, at No 20 wood street, up stair*. tnyio EDWARD TODD P. Mclvart. Janes E. Loulie FLINT GLASS ESTABLISHMENT. MULVaNY A LEDLIE manufacture tad'keep con stantly oa hanJ Cut, Moulded and Plain Flint Glassware, jn all its varieties, at their Warehouse cor ner of Market and Water streets, Pittsburgh. Our Work* continue in full operation, and we are coasun ly adding to our stock, which enables as to fill order* with promptness. Purchasers are respectfully solicited to call and examine prices and tcrmi. myiodly. SUNDRIES —SOObags dark green Rio Coffee; C3O bbls N O Molasses, 30 Jibds do do Sugar; 73 blfchsts Y 11, G P, A blit Teas; 50 fl A 3 IbbxsG P A Y 11 do ti cerooni J P Indigo; 7$ tixs Tobacco Si A 10s; In store and (or sole by CARSON A McKNIGHT mylO sixth street ,POR BALE—A form bouse and lot on Logan street i 1 lot 21 by 100. Also, 2 lots on the 4th street road, 34 by 01, between Elm and Henry. Inquire at tho .ba kery, Liberty st opposite Smithfield »t- mylOdfy Iren Cltjr HotcL MRS. PATRICK A SON will continue -to keen the Iron City Hotel, Fifth streewjietween Wood and Market streets, where they wiR be glad to entertain their cuiiomeri and the public in general. |mylt)w3m FISH— 24 bbls No 1 Baltimore Shad; 24 do do ‘ do Herring; for sale bv \ CARSON A SIeK.NKiHt jnylO • sixtli street W GLASS— 3O bxs 7X9; . 2>o do 9xlo, 30 do 9x12; M do lOxtX; 4'J do 10x14* with 10x13, 11x10, 12x10 aud 12x18; in store and lor tale by TASSEY A REST mylO No 33 wood street LARD, FEATHERS, Ac-6 bbls Nol Lard; It seks Feathers; l bx Peacock Fly Brushes, now landing from stmr Ben Ru*b; for sale by mylO I DICKEY A Ca Refined sugars-ilo bids Loaf sugar: 40 do erushed do Just rec’d and for sale by L HUTCHISON A Co, water A front st* mylO Agt* St Louis Sugar Refinery pOLDEN STRCP—2 hjf LWs Loosiana refined VJ Go’den Syrup, for sale by MILLER* RICKKTSOY ®)'l" _ _ _No 170 liberty at FISH— 33bbl. No 3 Mackerel; SO do No I dry salted, 13 do Carolina Shad; for ante by mylO MILLER 4_RICKCTdON_ COFFEE— 102 bag* Gteeti Rio, instore and'for rale by JAR FLOYD Jm.ylO No 192 liherty st LOUISVILLE LIME—Jim ree'd and for sale by ISAAC HARRIS _my«o_ _ No 39 fifth st CHEESE— 41 bxs. now landing ficusslmr Lake Erie; for sale by 1 DICKEY A Co- - _mylo *" water A front sts COTTON— 200 bales Cotton, in store and for sale bv L HUTCHISON A Co ' mylO _ No 45 water AW front st* ROCK POWDER-23 kgs Rock Pawder.Mituel, for sole by 1 DICKEY A Co _myis water A front st* LARD OIL—IO bbls NoM Lard 0«U tost rec’d and for ssleby F SELLERS mylO 17 liberty street RAISINS— For rale bT 'WICK k. McCANOI.ESS my 10 eor VeierjJt wood *l* Limb —J*) tibts Loauvillo Lime, oo eontiftiment ■nd for rale bv .POINDEXTER A Co mylO NoTi wttcr «t CIDBR —A few bblt for rale bjr myltli _ WICK A McCaNDLKSS BEBP byi for rale hjr m»tl __ _ WICK A MrCANPLESS 1) ACON— For"»«!«• bv O myin WICK A McCANDLKSS SOAP— ICO bx* No l Cam. Sinp,in «iore and/oreale l-v ravlo WICK A McCANW.F.SS ' r rBAB-160 h(f chests fresh Teal; for tale by 1 my 10 WICK A McCANULESS T’OBACCO—I'M bi» Is, s*. W'A 16s; forsate hr A wrio WICK A McCANPLK33 COFFEE— Bio, Maracaibo A Lagnavrni'for iale ly mylft " WICK A McCaNDLERS , M ADDER-1 •‘or tale by raylO WICKA^IcCANDLESS HERRING— (Hmoked] m bx»; for tale I >• reylO WICK A MeCANOLESS SHOT— 40 kegt shot, assorted No*; for tale by rayl» _ L HUTCHISON A Co ROLL QUTTEB—Sibbl* for sole by mylft _K) TABBBY A BK3T|J DRY- APPIjES—B bbli *uper. article, for*a!c by mylft . TASSET A PEST BUCKETS A TUBS, receircd and for **le Ly ‘ my H» TASBKYABEBV Brooms— iso dot. for tale bv my 10 _ _ tASSBY A BEST *° r Pittsburgh CcMth ROPOSALS will be received by the undersigned, aniit the first day of June, for the delivery of 15,- ' _ *du • Rich Hill for sale, SITUATED 13 miles from Pittsburgh. 3 milrsfrom Deer Creek the north *ide of the Allegheny nver, containing about 170 acres well improved—a good house and burn, with stable, granary, smoke house, spring houM, Ac Ac. A considerable portion of the laud is cleared und under rood fences and in a very h*. Enqu re ol Tbos Parry at No 193 wood st 'Pitts burgh, or J C Parry aithe lows Foundry, nturlhe Gas Works. myddftn* ftfISERAL REGION OF LAKE SCPE -IVX RICH—A few dozen (latestedinon)-of Haughion and Bristol's Mineral Region, accompanied by the map of die mure country; number and location of every permit; name ami capital stock of all; the mining com* ponies, result of the geological and typographical sur* veys; together with ill the etaUrticai information reta iler to the mineral region ofl.uke Superior, are contain ed in ih>* work. For sale by HAYS A BROCK WAY, Dropgista Nod commercial tow, liberty »t JOIIB F. PEURV [Late of the firm of Malcolm Lerrh A Co 1 Wholesale Grocer. Commlaion dt Floo Merchant, DISALBILin all kinds of Coinin' Produce, Cop* per, Tin, Tin Plates Tinner*’Tool*. Zinc, Lead, Huai a Fheet Iron, Iron mid Nails, While Lead,' Dye Smflt, Colton Yarns, Salt, tee, and Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, comer, of Libci ty and Irwin •ireetv Pittsburgh, Pa. ; • CJ7*»beral a(francei,inCa*Ji or Goods, made on con* siguthents of Produce.Ac- ; piyfi MODH.RB CHIVALRY, or the Adventures of Captain Farrago and,Teague' O’Regan; by II II Brackenridge, second edilionsince the author's death, with • biographical notire, a critical disquisition on the work, ana explanatory note*, with tllastratious from original designs by Danev, bound in cloth and paper. JOHNSTON A STOCKTON mp 9 ' • 1 • cor of Market a3d »m A CARD. . HAVING received license s» a Drogyiit. of Use fir»t Wardof Use city of Pittsburgh, us »ell wine* ud ijnritoa* liqoori, “lor medicinal and •aeramema!. purpo«e* t and us be uaed in the am:’’ ! hereby notify ail person* applying lor the above, that ibny will be re quired, to leave name, residence, and specify the par po»e Article* of inperior quality can be had at fair price*, at the Drugstore of tho Buhieiiber,~Nos7 Wood" itreet. tnyd UK SjiLLßgg 'aPKtHlolSHt goods., SIIACKLETT tc. WHITE,. No B 9 Wood (tree fmtbnrgb, are new receiving large addition* of late and desirable eiylet of frtah SpringJ)ry Goodi. of rrcent iraporu:ioaiend maaufaciure.amlare prepar* ed. to offer great inducement* to caen or prompt pay dea’erfc _ Our stock is now very fall, and comprises man; very scarce and ghevp goods. • my? GOLD PENS— Just rre’J, oue gross of Diamond or ever-pointed Gold Pens, of the most approved brand*. Then are-carefully selected and adoptedl to every variety oC hand; their fine points and elastic spring, giving great ease in writing, and making either a bold mark ora beautiful hairlitid.jiUhepleasure! of the writer. These pen* are-all warranted, and Kiting at the lowest price*. Gold I’en Derail, comer of 4th ajnd Market at. myO >V W WILSON FIRE ENGINE FOR SALB-A first rarefad class Fire Engine tnat will throw two side and one gallery streams, with pipes and everything .ready for service. She will be sold low—for further particular* inquire of W (.ORMAN, . ADAM GETTY,: GKO WILSON; j myO j I, Committef p LOVES At IIOSIERY—A fresh and. well as vT sorted stock of while and colored cotton ‘Hosiery, for men women omT children, eonstantijron hand Also—Lisle Thread in great varietr; Bilk and Linen do; spun Bilk for children. and colored Paris Kid. Gloves, of ben Uy. - - FH EATON myfl Nofil maikri st PRINTER’S INK—Just received at the Pek n A Tea store, 7d Fourth, street, 515 kegs pTtmt'l news Ink, to lbs fine job ink in 1 lb cans—Also, a tot of Red, Green and Blue Ink, Leads, newspaper cut*, brass rules, Ac., and for sale at the manufacturers’ price. _mySdlw . __ __A JAYNES More capital wanted-? have been authorised for the following loans: fthQuo ford years. *4 000 for 5 years. Ss,ouu for 5 years; forwbicb the best of se curity in the city will bcgivgn. All communication*, personal or by lctter7po*t paid] strictly confidential. S CUTII BERT, General Agent. my 3 ’ . -No SO smithfietdl ft |?OR SALE—Two good building lot*, situated on X 1 Congress *l, each SO by 00 A. , Also—:! lot aa nby 1517. corner of Congress st and Pennsylvania avenue. 1 lot 515 by 11* R on Pennsyl vania avenue. lloittsby.no Ron favorable, 8 CLTIIBbHI myO Real Estate Office, SO rmithfield >1 ICE CREAM FREEZERS-iusl rcc’d, a > B « p 1 ment of Johnson’s oxcolicul Patent Ice Cream Fret xere, suitable for Hotels, tai- J. ' • Nol?msrkctn_ A BLACKBMITU,WANTEI>— Ayoongmsn A seqos.med*with Plant*non work, can have,per muneni employment at good a healthy part of Northern Mississippi- For "^Ply Nf> V6jrood st DROWN SHIHTINOS—A laigo invoice of MJ eastern Urown Sbinines—light, mqdinm, and hea w. last received and for sale Ly • tny3 _ SHACKLETTA WHITE FIG’D VAIiENCIENNES NKTTB-W R Murphy has lately reb’d an assortment of above goods for Caries and Caps, of new etyleiand beautiful pauerna. Also; Laces and Edging. SUGAR— 70 hbtls- N O Sagar, pan prime qualm - ; landing from steamer Germantown, djrcci from n Orleans: On contignmesi and for sale by . ROBERTSON A REPPERT i»nfi . • .No 109 ac’eond st niCHBOBD TOBACCO—2BO pegs ss, 6«, ly,. 4l IBs and pounds of the most favonte brands; for tala by myl BAOALEY A SHTIIi EARD OlL—llbbls.Chever A CtyN sapertor Lard ■ 'S for mleby . J SCHOONMAKERACO b . -Ti ", No 24 wood« F *• W eOTTOB— 127 r hale»)ttst ree’d per srmx Union, and ’w for sale by FRIEND. RHF.YACo - - I tny3 i- . No S 7 water st }•* ; - SOLID BOX VISES* of vanous sizes: rererved w- — on consignment from the monafoctarer. lor •i I rb( - myS • GEO COCHRAN Dapples*. PEAcnKs-ioobud Arnies; # • 30 u 4 IVachc* just ree’d and for sale by MYERS, HUNTER A tfo 'jny« No 166 libeny *t FISH-35 bbls large No 3 Mackerel; ’ 3do do- do' 2 do;' 0-do small do 3 do; for aalc bv FSKLLKKg^ DRIED PEACHES—.4O bus in store and for solo by m)7 - ROBERTSON A REPPKVT No 109 second st FEATHERS—S 3 sci* Feathers, now landing from strcrJlmoa—for sale by m>7 • 1 DICKE\ -t-Co, water A from sis CiOTTON— 00 boles Tenn Cotton, now laadingfrom / steamer Union—for rale by *, my? J 1 DIOKEV A <« GINGHAM LAWNS—tfue ease of beautiful qcw pauerot, very cheap, just c-pened aud for salr bv my 7 ■ BIIACKLCTTJtWHITE . LAWN ROBES—Seasons neh,^flew andfew piieed Robes, just opened and for tale.br . ; c m>-7' BHACKLFNT A WHITE. ! SUMMER STUFFS —A very large &s*ortmfcn< of Ham mer stuffs, for men or boy's wareJiast rreeiveU and fur sale by tny? BHACKI.KTT A WHITE. PARLsTON GINGUAM-Ona hose spring *tyl£- Xli fist eolotr, just received and lor s.le cy m>7 ' SMACKLETTA WHITE. ' AOUATRA COFFEE—lO'btgs Laguayra J Coffee, just rec’d and for sale : ay?’’ MAJ SLOAN ~T>UOOHB— 2S dot just rec’d and for sale low by JL> _ ORUM. ftIeGRF.W4 Co , ®>_<_ No fi com nercial row liberty st CIDER— 100 bbls. just received and-for sale by • S. F. VON BONNMORST A Co. -. ™y*> No 33 Front st. r l4lBl E—23bbl» very while jnii 1-i rec'd «ad for «ale by .FOINDEXTKR A Co No O.wmern SHAD, Hening, Meekerel end While Fui, con ■umly on haml osd for tsle by reyS fkILS— 4 bbls winter Elephant Oil—blenched; 4do\ do Whale do do: for sale hr my* . F SELLERS, 171 liberty at KBO kgs in good coonerag r, now landing; lor sale by I DICKEY A Co . JRJI* water A front its DEASS—to batmall White; for sale by & WICK A McCANDLKSS _mys _ _ cor wood A water »ts . ' HBKBK—la bzs now landing, for sale by s ny* . i DICKEY i |\RV APPLKS-100 bad; for .ale by 1 m T s 1 1 DICKEY ATo A SVIbS—W raught iron anvils; ’lor rale by /*• m > s GEOCOChRaN CORN-jquo boa prime yellow Corn in i»cka; for tale by myS ROBERTSON A REPI'KRT GERMAN CLAY—loctks and !>x»; for rale by 'rcyg ROBERTSON A REPPEKT bb?l No '; Jim ree’J and fir O-aalcby NnyO J KIDD A Co. 60 wood il EXT. LOGWOOD—SCO lbs just recM: for ule by •= n»yS J Kipp a Co SUPERFINE SLIP. ELM-150 nmforMle b * myS J KIDD ACo GDM CAMPHOR—OOOI La just rac’d; fortale by »? 3 . ■ • J KIDD ACo . r BMON SYRUP. EXT. FINE-19 do* in AJ atore and foraale by royS J KIDD ACo CHALK-3 tons dry Chalk in esks, foraale by - J SCiIOONM AKKR A Co TURPENTINE—IS;bbIs in excellent order for aale by :m,S J SCHOONMAKKB ACo V^®?V^*AJBBANB— prime and frrtbrjuat rec’d Y, and for aale by R E SELLERS n» C J 57 wood a’ . /CAMPHOR—I Lbljuat rec’d and for tale by \J mo [ a k aEf.bR SWAIK’S PASCEA—Ido*, foraale by' m )' 3 R S SELLERS fiUMBER-2300 ft black Walnot, for talc by ■L* ra>" J C BIDWKLL pOTASH—IO cask* tiiaorta,juat rec’d and for aale _X by my 6 ; JC BIDW ELI. BUTTRR-3 bbla freab roll, foraale by _ iny« ; JCUIDWELI. COMBS —300 groao No 2 Hood Combs, for ra!e low; my?. i_ .. J C WDtVKU. rpOBACCO- 40 kgs 0 min Tobacco; foraale by* X myfl : ATWOOD, JO.NE3 ACo DEATHKRB ‘<4 fckr Feathers, for aale by r m>o ATWOOD, JONES ACo CRAR CIDER—Ib bbla in atore and for rule by tnyo » ROBERTSON A reppert SNUFF —l tirce Garret A Son's Scoth Snnff; for aale fay «yg ). R E SELLERS 13 AC OH—SOOOIbs Bacon,ll R; for aale by "_my? ] M AJoLOAN HERRING— 2J Ll-la No I Baltimore Ilemoc; for rule by - my 7 • ■3IA J SLOAN \if ACKEREL-30bbla Soodi No 3 Mackerel;for iVA aale by n»7 MA J SLOAN fpRIBIMED SHAD—lbbblain atoreiA for sale by 1 ny7 . -M A i SLOAN RIO COFFEE—2O bga just ree r d; for aale by my? MAJ SLOAN COLOUR—ISO bbla Floor In ttorcand for tale by ■T my 7 MAJ BLOAN, liberty A wood sta Of V casks Scorching*, prime quality; ter aale by my 4 • ENGLISH A BENNETT •Oftfi M Shingles; foraale low to close consignment •6UU by my 4 -ENGLISH A BENNETT • Mbbls Tanneta’ Oil, for sale soon by my 4 ENGLISH A BENNETT l A bbls Sagar HooseMolasres; for sale low by 4U my 4 ENGLISH A BENNETT 10ft R*“*'“Wrappingpeper; foraale tow by IUU m>4 .ENGLISH A BENNETT ROLL BUTTER-4 bbU jut rce’d and for aale by m»4 SFVONBONNHOaST ACo B EAHS—‘Jacks Tennessee White Beans 'foraale by my 4 BFVON BONNHORST ACo D OSIN—*9 bIU No 1 for tale by ■* my 4 8 F VON BONNHORST ACo SUMMER BRAWLS, 10 te-.bad of myl W R MURPHY *7/ \ BAGS Havana Coffee, for sale by I U my 3 MILLER A RICKETBON 6BBLS White Beans, just ree’d oh consign new and Jorsaleby my 3 MILLER A RICKETSON CfCORCfI~SALTS—IO bb'a for sale by O my 3 W GREER,cor water and smithfield sta BOLL BUTTER—IS bbls fresh toll Butter, for sale by . mvS MYERS, HUNTER ACo Try OXS Cinciunaii Soap; for sale by '• I *J nrS W GREER 4 OSES Saleraius; for sale by nyS W GREER CIDER— 14 bbls, in store and for sale by *p3o K DaLZELL A CO, liberty st SCORCIUN G 8 bbls Scutching*, for rale by _fpa> ATWOOD, JONES A Co BEAVER BUCKETS—SO dozen, for sale by my 3 POBSVTiI ACo COPPERAS— l* bbls, for sale very low, by mji . FORSYTH ACo On Sand 10 U» canisters of Mustard, for sale by AtO apgjj i fSKLLKR3 MOLASSES— 4CO bbls Plantation, for tale by my 3 FORSYTIPACo IBBL Jamaica Ginger 1 Root,just received tad for sale by ,ap*3 . fl A FAIINKSTQCK ACO 6 BAGS Ginger Root, just received and for vale by ap*S „■ ' B AFAIJNESTOCIC ACO casks, receiving this day, and for sale by aptW -JAM i)Ai aptf7 JAS LARD —4 ken Lord, for tale by , *p37 L. - _ JA3 DAL2KLL W'OOlr— 4 tacks Wool, for aale by apS? JaS DALXKLL ' irk BALDj Deer Skins, landing from Michigan Hue, *y and for sale by ■ , Jas DaUZKLL bills Fie*h Roll Butler for »alr~by apHF WICKAMeCANULEsS. pOTASH—Prime Pouab just received and for maid J-lby- IVICK A McPA.NDLKSS GIILORIDB Llliß—3 (Rikt foi tale by apl9 _ R K SELLERS. ST woods! FLAXSEED OIL— IS tibia for tale by apttt R E 3RLI.KP3.a7 wood at YELLOW OCHRK— Ib». pan Fitochffoi __saJe by apW R E SELLERS, (57 wood «_ (* SHIPPED bblt for"talVSy _;/ «ipU| R K SELLERS S? wood at BACON— 7,000 Ibt, hog round, in tiore and. tor tale by apl9 SAW IUKUAIOH TO BBLB Linteed oil In good order and pure, lor tale lO bv tay.l 3 SCHOONMA*KttACo IA RMS Wheeling Sand Paper, for tale by 1U my 3 ■ ,J sOhQONM aKKR ACo OH-KEGS Loudon Muitard. formal* by £\J m y 3 j SCHOONMAKER ACo WHITE BEANS—In tekt, for tale by * _ my 3 . ' ‘ 8k W lIAkItAUOII • Ntll.t. iso kegs, ataorted aixea, for. aaie cheap by - my 3 FORSYTH A Co TYOFFALO ROBES—IO bales for aale by , FOR.SVTII A Co SALT— Nel Salt, foi tale by j, , »y 8 ... WKIK*.McOANDU:?R nRKES APPEKS—SO bbla good order, for tale u by myB WICK AMcCANDLKSS POTASH— 0 casks for aale by _ , .-«y« FRIEND, RHKV \ / s OTTON—Iao bales to arrive, for taie by y “yk FRIEND, RHKV YX7HIT& BEANS—£OO l-irlnr tale by • vr °>yP . FRIEND, RIiKV A Co' DIG METAL— 100 toot Hoi and Cold blatt, for aale * by rnvl FRIEND. BUEV ACo fY OLDEN SYRUP—S.bJ»U for islebv an FRIEND, RHKV * Co DRY APPLES—In store and for tale by. ■ lay 3 SAW harkaugk Roll butter a lard in K'n. »m» r ■ale by r»0 SAW HARBAUtiU SEED —i7 but- for tale by X*',ap3o TABBEYABS3T LUM—29 bbltjutl rec’d and fortale hy npgS ■- J KlDDACo,corlth A wood at ittO tJo * a '“* on ,’» Blaelingjoat received IQU and for tale br ApSS J KIDDACO in f* o** 0 ** **l*s®’* Candy, jost rec’d and for sale 1U by apB3 t J KIDDACo OH ttfined SaibPefre, Jwt received and for OU aale by ap3Q BA FAHNESTOCK ACo 360 60 w ' D i t:il QCORCaiHGS- Dapl» rtec’d and for able by B A FAHNESTOCK A Cb sale low by r MILLER A RICKETBQN foil received and for tale by WICK A UcCANDLIssf W GREER