: ' , 1 - ~ Pi P RICE SEVEN ...DOIiLARS AL>KIk GORDO*; Cwmmiawa and Kora-u.itn* Merebaot, M Waier and lUS Fronltta, r S h __ P» g A»— ATWOOii, 40J8B8 di Conunisaion and I’ofwanhuK l»a»« relumed lotheiroUl 01-I ki»d I'lOlll . OCgl_ A ICIIUt LEWIS, AlWey at Law. Fwmb . at. aniiie..ut Spamab *“j he eooues ltrtd**S «h«w*"g I’ooaceo, whole**!* and evatl. No. U*,-fh) rd rtirm. l , . . J** l . riniKmaisjui.-*. o*nEB*a«Tz»- BRALX db ÜBITBR, w > o(, ** ,e ..,* n , l>ruars, No.- s£d) Market »tre«. l»e -/ V al'mcAxl'LtV * CO., Forward!!* and Uvreha i-. Oanal Uu»m, F’UsWrL, /. oiILAXUO LOOMIS, Attorney at l*aw, of* \j. ficr on 4th stree i.ttl* vv SirlitliGeld. Win rjiteman Jutm if. Jrimme* Jat. \V. Hailmnn. tes^,rtw«agg «V,K, d »l'. oi.t-‘«"it A'l I Unite, Hotel. jaIUM u ... •, j.fcaLrolhera. (*','« U ici.".v OAU«T«BIIH. r!«*S«U SlfcllU"iVi fi M W.K7 iurf 115 I'roul crr», S - , 1 " | ‘ r .', n ..t <• t:*i.ui«;ii muimfaciuret, fto at*a|.‘i» us » • tii jwifi <4l l.ilirnv *•. * _ __ —. • -————- 'ti-*--- ■■* ~ B. J BCKSiaUT. #W«>OnV MrK.MUIIT, (*uccc»ora to 11. / 'A It.so \\ ti»lr«4lf »in^er*,Cummn*ioa Vy i nuiri c- I>rali*r' m Produce end ■ Ui! h.uwnr." ■ •‘ v j tl IwUrreli Wood n.id 1.,1«*r.v. “• 1 ,r s' j Uur< . - 2- ——r K'li iv-jler jn I'toitucr anil r«mU> D. k. >. “ ?£! £ m»i*™ «. r;,?,r net vf M.nV' t ‘i- *— " - - . j. UamMii Sewell. lioStOP 1 * HKWKtt, Ailotnty. " I-". hk-i-s-I) . .» SSTSSSST" * OEIIIIA.RT, \VT»le«l« Gn 'nWALTi * „,*.!„(■« junl IMuburgh raanulae l.a.Ay .u., IMuborji, P. feUP JAMD »• BLaSXTT. , "Z,.’, Ss’ t " UESSISTT, (laic Knsl.*, «*>• \\ ',. L ,lirocanr. Comnuna.On and £■ W“' r Wsiliani.. anJ I Wan in I’nJaaa and Voiw*ril»iiu. • Wood aired, between l’iU.bur*U Muiiuiu* Uut », .So- 43 V> 004 «Vrt«, Second and Tninl ..... , . gSt«3SSSSs£ - ~ Huev Jarac* Wooa. S' P.i>l. _ „ ... ‘ ■ _. f} , ' ,, - ,OUS *• fOMITK. ss^ftSwss£g£3S! J? MerrUain Batin* I'jttiburgN fce.A.r, No. i. *- , jrn y Rope, ic. mlway* on (N. B. Oakaro, J'-'ctt, Maniaa iwpc, my a) Ijr t «M ai»l CotiuwMiou Merchants, iu» u I’iusl>antb i’%_ p EO.A. BEER* U mnrw>Q I’liuburKh; | P.twlunth Minuimarg*- >« »» - ' • * ■ ■ *“■ . ij, O* Un)^®* ilico, VV Swift. ± Rrewers, MaUtcl*. 1 *4“ ss-; ericsPcrcn a»d Pnt«WW» . —— : ss uri'ft. I’liiiborc®- ii- ifnTn* l ivS imiNCT, wa-mfi"*S.CE*» eny -M Winsr und 107 KroiU •twW.l'»w>?W‘- I«»KIM1 KNOX, Allomer tV;ift , SS! , ln' LI i>. h» Uie practice of hi* P f ° ,e **~‘‘ £.*«*cV. No 7, « a * e " en ‘* fl ?j r W £ ,S j* ■>'■ Iruptrtl liuriM h>* ■»•■«»« h * f ‘ J ' S ,**l4.wtfF jChn‘U«iK*o r ** • ~ , 1 lAnv n MitRUAN. Whole**!* l)n»gp*Ji * na j°i;s^M"^^« s «s l sssrs& ✓NoUJi Wood »ued,«ne door w>*»u» oi y j >n i AJUCS K.KUIL Ji- *■ Cj. S'" o. Davi») Ship Chandler*,3o tV » ct* l- . (□'‘H“C* t*ou*M *> r Uirn_‘». ’ * i " ' V' BCII6d»MAKKR*CO.«toI~I* »•«• J. WNo.il »V«p4». Pill'ini'K'*- r - - J | ~re..J.M .VcrrlMii >, Nn H IMnIJ ">■ S»n<’i.fi«W«tJ^.Hi , P** ,nHMo 7’ -• ' JT' win I..■'V^, , ?.td A -C'SK ‘2sw" ■"™' uy -ssr: „tu«- aii]oim»« -.»<> Melliud..! lk»V< ‘SL. j rss»»« tons OBXKK, J ducr, PiiutmrxU numifrcuup*. Tm FJ*«. No «! ljlwny »L-PJtwburgh. - *- - - - - , ,-, ~ -HidioM Floyd. T t »vn. (U.o J. Floyd i Co.) Wboloolo Mirl > nil-ZELL, Wliole**le Grocer, Con «Jfr r B. WJITERMAH, .Tdie!s?ri«l-l>»l"‘'*'‘ SUMlkcl.ru, *■= ._N°; “ Water »*»*gf-tlV 1 ?- 1 --*- - —V" L... ‘ " John shiptpn. r 1 aSbKJIT & SHIPTOH. Wbolc«le Grocer*, Xj Porw*n:»n« und ComralMton Mf ■ n PfodureHiJ r.tl«l.»r*h m.nartcl 135W00d it »'VI" M-Cill S. H. Uu*li6«lt3. Ti 4’Glilis A nUSKFUCLD.CI M. mii'-.flii Merchant. No l!U Uibe t.orph. -\f "'.7r~NiroiciT vv-m. K Niraiek -* r & Co., Commi«*lon •f d t l ' ,or^vood M.. Merchtni*, WuwruodFiwttt^trelweenWood un.lM.rkti. -—£2s VITKUS UL NTKII. JtCo, Wholesale IYI-No/Ijift !.•>.,-ny «u . _ WK. KILL**. c. W. BCDCrtO*. MOiLEU fc IIICK.KTBON, WholeaaJe n»iwnhi.l , a ■ :Janl4 McCOItD A t£IKG, wholesale and retail Hat and Ctp manufacturer*. and dealer* in Fancy K»r». earner of'* ood nndFtfih tu. jun 8 Mtc J. BLOAN, Wholesale (nocere, Dealer* in . rriKlure »nd Sale and Forwarding and Commit* non Merchant*, No* 63 Lil»eriy and US3 Wood strati*, ]>,u«t,orah- ; iT HOLMES * SON, Ji« »MajUl«rMVKc* S.-affiSS? STJ^SStiSS^S, *** P ri ’ uiF* v.»»h»rrh. r.r.TTnn' T. LKKCU, Jr., Importer and Forcipi and X>w»aua Badaltiy Hard* BUSINESS CARDS. B. UrCK.jr. T. 6* BO&1SB05. RBBvvE fc CO,'Who!eaale opacer*, Comrai* ■ non Merchant*, and dealer* In Produce *nd Pin»bur*t» Manufacture*, Liberty *t-, oppo*ue Smith- Held «i, Pitubttjyli, Pa. ‘ ' ‘' royS RICHARD BARD, wboieaale and retaU dealer in Leather, Morocco, aheemaken’ TooUaud Find in)?*, Tanner* and Can ieta Toole, and Tanner* Oil, No. ICi Wood it. PilUbufgh. aeplS - R‘ tOBBRT -DALZELL h Co., \Vho]e**leGro cersyComcjiwon aud Forwarding Merckanis,dea to Prodace aad Pittsburgh Maoatacure*, Liberty rt, Puubargb, Pa. fob** , moBT. Kositov. B. *o»iao3r. R ROBISON *. Co., Wholesale Uroeexs, Pro-' • duce and Commission Merchants, aad Dealer* in Pittsburgh Manufactures, No. ISO Liberty street, Pitta* burgh. ra. JanlO ROB£RT UOORK, Wbolcule Grocer, Bcenftr ing DUliUer, dealer jn Produce, Manu facture!, and all kmdi of Foreign and Domestic Wme« an 1 Liquor*, Ne 11 Liberty *treet, Pituburgh. l IETN. B. On hand a verylarge rtookof eaperror Old Monongahela Whukoy, which will bcaoW Jow »r cajh. _ ■ •• mayg-iy L. O. Reynold*. ,/• ?*??• REYNOLD? * 8 BEE, Forwarding and Com miuiori MetcDaiu, for tho Allegheny Rtver arade, dealer* iuGrocerie*. Produce, Pttuborgh Manufacture* and Cbloridegf Lime. . ... . Tke higher-price,, In, euh, P«« •>. 11 • Coun'iy Rags. Corner of Penn and Irwmata. )an33 !1 c Shaeklett TkotUl While. OHACKIETT A WfllTSt IVm- O ter* in Foreign and Itotnetue Dry <*ood*j No w Wood at reel, F.tubtirgh SAW.IIARBAUaiJ, Wool Merchant*, deal-' . ere m Flour ami Produce generally -and Forward ioc and CommiMion Merchant*, No 33 Wood^aired, Pititbargh. J± n i.. .- SAMUEL pALKKR, Attorney at Law. Ofiee •n Breed’* building, No ft* Fourth «ue«t, between Wood and Srnith&cld. ~ novGdAwly STEPHEN BARRETT,ManufacturerofFan cy,Sharing and Toilet Soap*, Winter and Sommer, ..re«*ed LaidOtl, Ae. No 17 Fifth *l, between Wood um! Market »t*, Pnttburgh. Pa. ocJt o'p vok BOSSHORST A Co., Wholwale O. Grocer* c orwardmr and Coouniuiott Merchant*, Dealer* m P.ll«burgh Manufacture* and \Ve*tern Pro duce, have removed u> their new warebotree, (old eland) No 34) comer of Front *t and Chancery Lane. nov7 _ SAMUEL M. KfER) Forwarding and Comtais *ion Merchant, Dealer in Salt. Produce and 'Pm* burgh manufactured article*, Canal Ba*in, near ?tn *t . ittt , . - N. WICKBUMIIABIi Dtsler m Seedt.jFlon O* '(•. Flint Trre»,and Agricultural Implement*,Ni t a Wood t-ireei P!P tit w.WALLACilTMiU* wne »ndmill furnlsh- W « ing establishment, N 0.344 Liberty «tr*t, near the itaaaL • mart* I wa. m’cutchxos. , suit, a cctcbxox.l WA a. K'CCTOBSOSt Wholesale Grocers,. . and Dealers in Pittsburgh Manufactures, and Western I’roduce generally. No. LSS Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. _ _ ia3l I W' it n; aiTCHELTKEE, Wholesale Gro* . eers. Rectifying Distillers, and Wine and Liqedr Merchants, No. IGU Liberty stteet, (opposile’StZth sti) Pittsburgh ; msyttf-dly \\ O. 11. UODINSON, Attorney at Law, his V » , removed bis office 10 the Excbante Buildings, SiClairstreet.nextdoorto Aldeiman Johns. 1 ttpad3m I H. OhA&ARDi Dealer in Haney and Bta . Dry Goods, No TO Market street, Pittsburgh. rayrr.i.TiTMk a bn.W4>hfH t uisiaiiitbia W District.) Wholesale Grocers, are now located} Xo.Jie Wood rt, wberether offer for sale a large asso mentofGroceriesaod Pittsburgh Manufactures, at to| prices and on favorable term*. i mayKl W. WILSON. Dealer m W.tcßss, JewcifT, • Btlrer Ware, Military Good*, Ac, No. 57 Mir*' set street. i_ 00 .' r T \tj H, wholesale and retail dealef In VY .Foreign anUDocneslic Dry Good*, north snsiejor* ncrof Market and Foanhsts._! lITM, tfTlKWitr, dr.) ba* ng‘parehatod jlhe YV'Drugßinreof Edgar Thorn, cornel of Penn iud Hand street*, will seep.a constant supply of ibe lies; inieil«ines, perfumery, Ac. i [ PhyKcisn'* prescription* carefailjf eotojoandea.—. Medicines eu» be liadat all honr*of the nigbt fehlOdly* L_ JTM Walimsford. John P Silver. WAffUaoPOBO A Co., Commisivon and For warding Merchants, Second, near Wood street, PimUorgb, Pa. itTJI, JL DdBLIHOfONi Attorney at Lire W Pittsburgh, Pa, voinnti«sioiier to take the be knowledgiaentand proo of Deeds, leases. Contract*, Deposition*, hr anr othe- writ in* (nnoer «eat ernoU»® hr W| or Teeorded to the j State of Ohio. Ofieelon rbird street, above Bunt - t-etd. I VT_ W,C. AGUiiIMBACbu, Attorney at Law .Fifth street, near Sm.thfield. Collecting,Men eies and other bnsme** to with punctuality. Ilnraucis— . r . Dissells A Semple, Wm. Ctoghsn. F..q„ ii A Fahnestock A Co, John Herron, Esq, • Greff, land*«Y A Co, John W right, James McCully, E*q, Maj. WlUipui Unmer. jeiM-ly ; - J. BRTAtt, RECTIFYING DISTH-LERi AXD WHOtMALB DBALBB IX FOUSIUS k DOMESTIC WISES k IIftCOES, Hit. 114 Liberty tt n and S 3 Diamond. iiiiey, nrrsuußtiii, fa. iL i ?- d, r "oITH Wi I OLR» M ■ 11 Dealer in all kind* of or»,t««okinjt»nd Cbewmr Tobacco and Bono: IlmonitrefL Mnf the Diamond. .. WARRICK MARTIN A Co., Rtriken, Ikaitn •« KztkaHft, Bani *>•«*» and Ctn, Corner of Third and Wood *«rrei*, „.lUI, PU«borjrfcj_Pt_ || wVV Ilham*. . w ™ * M sh‘un [Surra** to Lovn* k - WILLIAUH k. »HIKS. attorneys AND COUNSELLORS At l V v OOOffice NorA »iile of Fourth *t, who*e SimthfieW-f® icbl/dAwlyF ' . wall»Apohi>& Co., .y..— SECOND, N BAR WOOD BTRttT, Ascm ro* Natia* * c ®;*,^ T “b Have on bud a (all •••onmtni of Oa*t, S«*a», feMS . Duttak and (j ttxAa Srro- . ATTORNEY and ConmtlOT »i Uw, CINCINNATI OHIO. Colleetionf in Southern Ohio mad in Indimnm C uni*, Win M’Knighi.Chureb k Cmroibeim, IT«Hmy«, bUq, Jtrnc« P. Smart. wiltock A D*ti». Oliver Bl « k g^ CKßDß j r^co, U ' WIIOLEHALK Gtoeeri and I>ealet» in Oils, Bwft •lores, end riustuirgh MancCicmrtai smelts, have on hand at all i.haft *>» and £-«■*»»■f (OPds in thflir line, Wawr nroei, near CfeerrrAHey, IffflflUllSK OF THIS JUJIUfI ttOffiT .' roa tbs t*t» or OOILE& IRON, BOILER HEADS, FLUE * .FIRE BED IHON. E. F. BHOENBERGER FITTBOVROU, PA* Having taken ike Warehouse formerly oceapied by near Emb'i Steam Wll t Will keep on hand a full 1 snpply of all sixes of Boiler Iron and Hesds, Fla® and Fire*Bed Iron r fltade fro® biafeor/anfata WooauJ which will be »IJ at ihh loweai market rates. Engine Builders andotliers, are myited o call and examine his stock. Orders promptly at ended to. Jy3l djy_ Toils' H* TOWHIEKDi Druggist and Apothe • I esry. No 44 Market at, Uiiee doors above Third at, Pittsburgh, will ba*e eonatantly on hand a well select ed awoiUnenlof the best and freshest Medicides which he will sell on the roost ressonabio terms. Physicians wndina older* will be promptly attended-to, and sap- Sllcd unth articles they »*y. rely apop as genuine. , P in-phrsician*’ Prescriptions will he accurately and neatly prepared from the best materials, at any hour of safe, a large stock of fresh and good *’«'*“* mery. —. L.— j. B. SWEITZEK attorney AT law. Office M it, oppoct. «• WSJ £S"«"r.',T:"“ 8 Retie to • j P.«,.b.^ ! D. T. Morgan ) 'TjoSfDIISLAP, . r aNUPACTUREK of Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron M rsfSM s!p«p iiEni.'re *•“'■' mem of Imported Uo«*e Fon>'** .. _ Bre , n »i I WhalrMle buyer* and lb« public generally, awn™ | ted to call. ,• , ’ " - - - uSkS* AN o HOJ'JEA LKRB PITTSBDEQQ AND POINT BRBWBBIBB. Corner Barker* Alley and Pann 9t, and fool of Pjllnt» pmibarih. ?*♦ _ J. sTConbnrti. ~ W. Bonbrfcbt. J. ». Aw. bonbiugut, Bnll ■AHBFACTCREUB OF STARCH, YXTARRANTRDoquil.ifnotraperior.to MT TV in MteUnited (hues, tad which will dl«poM of «t low Priee* and on food Tornu, odPlr* u, m KXUCS. I XtUOH. ALCX. MMIQ ■* H. P.-A S. »UOS * co“ »jf ANUPACTURBRB of HuuMred S'xrvela ud . M. Wml.logferiL ’ F. Singer. WAIiLIffQFORfI A CO.. OUMISSION A FORWARDING MERCHANTS, . , '' N “ntuLxx* w HEAVY HARDWARE AND PITTSBURGH HANVPACTVRE9, 1 TTAREIIOBSES Second street, near Wood, and YV r>n«‘ Basin. Liberty street, have on lmnd and for sale ICO,OOD lbs assorted Steel, viz: NayloyACbbCan.Shev, RH«»r and German t Sooth Wharves, and No 117 south Water si PHILADELPHIA? ruujAubii) uui. BEG to inform the trade and dealers generally of Pittsburgh, that they hav.rissdehacb arrangements with the -Virginia manufacturers and the Growers of the West, West Indies, fend other pUccs as will Insure a large,and constant supply ofibe foUowingde»cnp lions of Tobacco which will be sold Upon a* accom modating terms as any oiher house in this city or else where, and all goods ordered from them will be war ranted equal to' representation:— Havana; St. Donungo; Conn., ) _ Yarn; Pono Rico; Penn’a., J Seed Leaf To Coba; Igumij ‘ and Florida,) baei-o; ALSO—Branch’s celebrated Aromatic Slag Caven dish, with a large assortment of other popular bran*, and qualities of pounds. ss. hi lII* IC* and this Lump; ss6ss»&nd!os Plug; Ladies’Twist; Virginia Twist. Ac, sweet ami plain, in wbqle and'half boxes, wood anil tin. together with every variety c f article belong, ing to the trade. ictdnll)' ' J I) LxtiMxm, O W ahdsiuox. Late of Pittsburgh, Pa. Imte of Nashville, Tenn. LEHNER * AKDEUSON, Dealers tnUMton, Forwarding and Commission Meichams, No. 8 Front street above Broadway, Oiucinusn, Ohio. Run to— M Allen A Co, 1 Bagaley A South, > Piuehurgh. Win. Uiiictiun. ) Seay A Shepherd. } Moron A McAlister, i Naskv.Mr.Trnn. ' Vnotawn A Armistead. ) W F Lane A Co., l.ouii.ville,'Ky. ft>tln«r A Whiteman, 1 c.ne.nnaii, q. James Johnston A Co. } llcwctl, Heron A Co., New Orleans Miurtnat A Morris, New S ork. Duvall Keißhler A Co., Baltimore. Sniuh, Bagaley A Co., Philadelphia. Partial Deahon, Boeton J. (i. V jj a, W. LEFTWICH & CO., RECEIVING, FORWARDING, Commission Merchant*, , PLAQUKWINE, ha. PARTICULAR attention paid lo consignments of Sugar Mil!*, Engines, or other article* for <>pe'ou»a«, Messrs Sheffield AlJghllow, Mi. Tho mas Limerick; New Orleans. , Messrs. LunonA Uettenoo, Mr- Z. R.Slcrltpi urn* ,-tilesar*. Uall * Speer, Mr. Wm.’ O’Learr, Robert wighunan-Armstrong A Nicholson; Pittsburgh. Messrs. Revan,Todd A Co.; Cincinnati. Messrs. Hynes A Craighead, Messrs. Edward* A Wbiieall, Mon. Zonou Labaase, Hon. John Dutton; Plagocmipo. La- eclS-iy _ CRAIG. BELLAS * Co., FLOUR FACTORS AND PRODUCE COM- MISSION MERCHANTS. LIBERA cash tdrucu made on receipt of con iignmonu. Tliose •hipping 10 our address will be p«n> three-fourths value in advance in Cash, by apply me to our friend*, - Messrs. Wallingford ATaylor, Pittsburgh. Messrs. Thos. Bell* Co. Bridgeport, Ohio. Philadelphia, May#, N. B. All produce eon»igned 10 o* t» injured when in the warebouM of Wallingford A Taylor, Pittsburgh, or moor wore in Philadelphia. C. B. i to. KBKSH IMPORTATIONS OK HARDWARE. , LUCAN & KENNEDY, UII'ORTERSOF AND WHOLESALE DEALERS .121 HARDWARE, CDTLERT, Ac., ISA. Itffi Wood Street. P TTSBVRGII. ARE now in the coane of receiving Urge aldmons to iheir citcoiin stock of Hardware. Cutlery. Sail lery. *e.. which having been purchased on the mo-1 mdvantegeoo* terms in England, and direct from the Manufaetnrersin ihts country, enables theta to of fer .oods on termii surpassed bv none and equalled by few Purchaser* are respectfully Invited to call, let S 8 GEORGK COCHRAN, COMTSSION & FOKWAIItIiSG MERCHANT No 26 Wood Street, I’ittbivhgh. CONTINUES to Iransael a genera! Commission Business, especially in the purchase ami aale of American Maituiactu'cs and Produce, and in reccifiag and forwarding Goods consigned to bis ’care. At Agent for the MamHactarers.be will be constantly supplied with the principal articles of Pitisb&rgh Manufacture at the lowest wholesale prices. Orders and consignments are respectfully solicited. BF Conway. I, h B. F. COSWAY * COh PORTSMOUTH, übm, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, ahd Produce Dealcr*--«i»o to the Purchase, Bale ud Shipment bf Pig Iron. Coat, «c KErtK TO, Atwood, loaf* A Co Brown, Bailey A Co I,orrni. Sterling A Co Henry Gr»a\ Gtatt, Lindsey A Co D I.rech A u» Lyon Short) A Co , Clarke A Thaw roarlOJI) -dPtm* ti ? n ~*'. AUCTIONEERS AND (MISSION MERCHANTS; alexandeh levy a UKOS. CINCINNATI .& ST. LOUIS OFFER to sell at either r»iahli*hmeol. all hunt- of Mcrchaftdi»e *t the lowe»t rale* of Cotntni«.-on» anti ire always prepAierf to make advauee* The he*! of reference. given, if required. Letter. addre.'cd to either Hou«a will he promptly attended m. >* joTm a. RtcuAEDR, COMMISSION MERCHANT, NO 20 WATER &f.. OPI’O roa aepXS-iy _ N . WS. WATTKUSON, _ FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Redbank, Pn. HE advertiser would respectfully inform hn fr.cnd* 1 and the public that h* ha* taken n.e Warehoiue, formertr occupied hy 1 K Gould.. where he will Iran sacra general Agency. Forwarding ui.d t munut-ion bu*tne*v Particular aitennon* gurn to. all consign ment*. Chargra reasonable. maiUu Hedhauk. March I ■ NT t WALLISOFOttU k CO.. COMMISSION k FORWaROINO MERCHANTS, Second street, near Wood. DEALERS In Pituhargh Manufacture* and llearv Hardware—will keep con.inniiy u» hand ■ Mock of earri*ge*pring«att«■. GEO B. MII.TENIIEIIGEII, CO»*ISBrori%OB\VA\m|(MEECBAST, STP.»HBO*T^m!N^AND*OOHHI6BIOS MERCHANT, • MONOHOAHK EA pi BA, FAHNESTOCK iCoVWUIITE • IjEA l> WOIIKS.-rThe urulenigned have completed their new work*, located on the bank ol Ibe titer above the Aqueduct, in Allegheny city, opoodte Pittsburgh, for the manufacture ol a «upe norqujlity of white lead, both dry and gtound in oil* alto, red lead and titherage. Having ■**l^ .. *—-t .«f u>e rectal improvement* in »■ mannftclare, anitrectod the btnldingt on a very Mtanrive acaTe, tnd with capacity to tnako lead tn CTmiKU U„J -ill l» -bio to nrplj «ntot. atmnat any extent- < L ,, . * p . f - split Bimaii Bitwt P» PITTSBURGH. MONDAY MORNING. MAY 10. 1547. MISCELLANEOUS.. AGERCV KO&.PATBBtS. Washington, D. C. ryiiNAri C. ROBBING Mechanical Engineer and LA Agent lor procuring Patents, will prepare ibe ne cessary Drawings and Psper* lor Applicants for Pat ents, and itanaaei all other business in the libe or hts profession at tiie I’atrni Office. lie caa be cousulicd on all questions tclui.ng lo ihe Talent Laws abd dcot •itms in the United States or Europe. Pe sbit* afh distaucc desirous of havijig examinations made at the Palem Office, prior to making appltcaooa/or *• patent, may forward ]po« paid, enclosing a fee of fiv« dollars, 'a clear statement of their case, when immediate atten tion will be-given to it. and nlltha information that 1 could be obuiued by a visit of Hie upplicant in person] promptly communicuted. All letters on holiness rmrsf post paid, and contain a suitable fee. where a written opinion is requited. Office on F. street, opposite the Patent Office. lie hits the honor of referring, by permission, to lion. Edmund Burke, Commissioner of Patents; Hon. H L Ellsworth,late do do 'do} || Knowles. Machinist, Paiedt Office; judge Crunch, Washington, D C; lion. R Choate, Massachusetts, U F Senate! lion. W Allen,Ohio. . do; lion. J B Bowlin, M C,'Missouri; lion. W|]|is Hall, New York; lion. Robert Smtth, M C, Illinois, Hon. 8 Llreere. U S Senate; * lloa. J H Kelfe, M C.'Missouri; Capr. H M Bhreve, Missouri; Erastus Bunks, Esq., Pittsburgh. «pl JAMES W.WOODWKLL, riTtißunou ycßjriToaK vra&t Boosts, NO «3 THIRD STREET, - A LARflEaudiplendid assortment uf Furniture, suitable for Steamboat*. Hotels.apd private Dwcl- Hit**'.'ronsfamly on hand and made to order. . Theprewut nock on baud cannot by *ny manufactory in tho western country. Persons wt«hmg to purchase would do well by giving me a call, a* 1 an* determined iny prior* (■hall pleat*-. Fan of the stock &oSofa* with Flush and Hair-cloth covers; Vdoi Mahogany Nurse Chairs, 14 pair Divans; 1J dot fine mahogany Chairs; Id tuabogtny \\ ork tMandpt 3 dor mahogany Rucking Chairr; , 15 marble top Dirking Bureau*; > pair Ottomans; Btnarblr lop Work Stands; Is cherry Work Stainl*; • . , . Mahngsny. Maple, Cherry and Poplar Bedsteads of all descriptions; and u large aswiniu-ni o< Common Furniture and Chair*, too nunieruu* t» mention, mart if ‘ ; NKW ‘ H All 1» W It E II oust. , JOSEPH WOOinVKLL, • v Corner of Wood ami 3d its, PlUlburghi HA VINO withdrawn from ihe old Drtti of Walker A Wood well, „,» ihe l.i of January, .1W,.1 «bc pleasure in anttnunring lu mvffn iid* in the city and country, that I have opened m> new store at Hie above naiuedplacr. Having pure!*u*vd my good* for cam, and made arrangvoncift* with manufacturer* m Hit* country and in Europe to be « on«iantly supplied, I am fully prepared to lunii»h Hardware of all kinds. onas good tenas aud as low at any hou*e East or VA est- Merchants and others arc respectfully invited M cal and examine my stock, before purchasing elsewhere. Tbo following comprises o part of my stock. Steamboat and Saddlery Hardware. Gun Tnmaunxa, Files. Naylor's Steel, Cutlery, Edge Tools, Anvils, Vi ces, Locks. Latches, Sickles,'Scythe*, Butt Hinges, Screws, Union Factory Flanes.Saws Mahdganv hoards and veneers, and all other articles coontcted with the Hardware business __ melt lit* W i. O. Wil*ou (JAZUffI'S PATENT BBDBTKAD. NOTWITHSTANDING a n inunxtni opposition lotbiainver} \Ajgx9nsSw tjon of a F.tuburgh Mechanic,» m»- jorny of the Cabinet makeia ol tbu Asgg=W and Allegheny city, and iheirnamer ffSSSSS ''ou»cu*tonier*lia*e»howiithenUtelve» ■hove the vulgar prejudice again*! Aam* inrcuioiu,« and they give o««am> B.drtead tbe preference, timply titeau'ae it dntr\«t iL being the fell. urwigut, end nif tone eniou Bcduead in uae. The following leaumoniaJ * r Wc!the •uhtcnl.erit practical cabinet maker* of the eitie* of Viiuburgh and Allegheny, fa, do hereby cer tify that we have bought the right to eteada with Gaaxam'. Patent Fa.iein.tgs, the aarnr superior to auy fattening* with which we air "’rtSffu— **■ «w -t n YounriCo Rni.rtt t airman JR Hartley U »■" Jolpi Liggett. Jr £**l, ' "F fLA.'Tf? * Lowtie A aib.it Tboma* Farley H«*h It A '\?S ’ d f>«v:. wiftneniU bardtnrticK op all who call " * **** « oe autbonxed Agent Ail Icilcr* toouraddre* ’"TuUSrSw, m.miu.rn»c... t .rc*hi CISCISMATL BOLIVAR. FIKR BHIOKtt. EXTENSIVELY u.-«:ed and app-oved during tbe pan two year. b> tbe prmop.l iro.i miutufa;iorie»in (be weilc-n cottniry. and throughoat the interior of Pem.t Ifan.a. will be traJy for delivery an ibe oremng c( Nav igat oo ■1 be material on wbicWiteir durably ulid *'jlic»:u»'tv d< pend- i. •efecierl by c Jpcr.e.nci d tn'- ucr* brought tro.ii Murvuad. where the di.eoviy »»< made—ihe fumble mutter, will. wb-rh uiauaued- Jed. i» carefully' uepai a ted I bey wjlMw tboruugbly ' burned and company ptri.ed b> millinery, aad in.- nutr atlriit.ong.vi-n l.i Ylr-*t. llarky A Co tbe ort>- ppeu.ri. a.I ir-pcti. to ma.ota.n the.r acknowledged ‘“itrde.Vuc mm.l ~r otherwi-r. vr ll !*■ promptly ««tb. tc.i on an'i'.iilimi io J MIIW AIAd.AKK.N NBW POtIUTII MIIKBT UAKKUY, fo.NFKirnoNAKY and rutir st«hu--.«in op-n ..n MnndaT. April Sth. font door* frmi* WorJ «l. mod or it .lour to A Jayne. IV k.u Tea Jmo.c A *i»!ei*lid a*Mirt»iM‘iit of hat-C) ‘ ak*'. 1 oisicetioliai , i'ruil, Ac . trcUion the count. 11 very day, uuunig wb rt. :nc the lotiowmg 1— • . y, Ylnrxiom*, • I’oYind t*atc; lti*eoii. Jelly lli.ke, AUpond do. Muia-«-«l ‘ «*'■- . , . Fte.t) Dread. Twnt. Ho*k. Ac . nianulaeiiired rifely from While Wheat Flour, and lire Horn.lldn.gH rve.y uaoaing ANDHKWB SIIAVINU CltKA W ~ , * HKUi’CKIi all thowj now ?bavr who never Miawd befo/e. And thore wlki alwav- Sbavctiow BU-ve the more. IN offering U>i« virperor Sharing t\mipj»urw to the no tice nf the public, 1 can with .-oobdenee ray tUai the Opuivn of ■» yvlio have tiled U proaouaee it the m*i«l pleji-tnl eu*l>oiiiiOii that they bavr ever un-d, mail in oniermpl.ee ,l w.tk.f. the r«. h«f all. I have reduced iki price b»w ciougb m afli/M an opportunity to ever? uerwdi to give it a trial and juogc for llietiiaelvr*. ="». UcnDcmen. if >bu wi.h'fnr i rich. lu*ur.o«i» 'have, on with roar .having don’t be *c.< red- n won't coal much lofill'Uico; asd.if *tr nm ,• willl* returned SThlllKN HAKRr.I I Iron f’iij- Lard Oil Factory and Fancy Soap Work.. 3tb at, opponte (toil Citv Hotel Hardware, Cutlery, BaddUrjr,.*** JOtISWALREU, IMPORTER AND DBALKK n, Forr’rn and fomr-ae 1 tie Hardware, wsaM re»pectfiiHy mioim hi* frierul* *flrfU.epttbltO|ce«i«r»Uy, that he it now n-«.v3 Wood aUeet, which he wdlditpoae oi nii the rnnat reawmahle term*. He will be continually teeemn* freah tupplietdirer! ™ arc Incited to call and eaaroine t,ia «tock Wore pnrchannit c Iwwhrfc mara_ SJIEDLKYU MUCK PHICIM-A, >hc' kon Kn» now eotmr.encrd lor making Hue** in* tniiitiiber* beg leave again to call ihe attention of bnefcmaker* and other! m ihi* very ••eful laachinc.- Wo Will warrant ii equil if run »upemr to ■“? other Hrek Of >he tiimi 1 pflre. now m uie 11 \Ve have a number of certificate. of ilwir perform- Bfu-r, w|ueh occupy mo mack »pacc for advrrtinng, l»ul cun lie *een at our office. - lltiokintker» ate re*|-crtru!ly invited to give u» a rail Wr will give our owu tuarniime for the perloTißaner "< Bi *" oi 6 ” ,n ftnsfmlf jSSn 4 cb aplsdiwOraF . canal baiio & pean »i Copartnership. W'K the undcM'gncd. bavectiieied into Copartner >hip for the porpo** of transacting a I roduce, Cornmtaaion and Forwarding Imitneas the »ty.e 0( OUUM,«o«RBW*CO., and bate taken the warehouse, No 6 tommercial Row, liberty nreet, formerly occupied by Mt W U where ell bo»ine«a c.niru*ted to our charge will bo promptly and faithfully allcnded to. MORRIS ORUM. formerly of Philadelphia TIKI?* H MeORKW. “ Southfield, Ohio FItyDLKY 11 WcfJRKNV •* i’liuburjtb, March ‘JI. IH7. - Krott and P*;^*'! 00 (*"«ore. \vhulkj*ai.k anp itKraii. HO. 141 LIOKRTY BTRKET. BKNJAMIN IJOVVN would rc.per.fullv inform ..J old friend* and the puM.c crnrrall). that I»« *'»* ■(•in cmmr.nrrd "> the al.pv* t ' ra ‘ ,e '£*; l ‘ ell door u, hi* old stand, where he hope*, hykccjnnga ! 0 7Jt>"r*Ood.,“le:. selling low for r«fi. a«J P«»- in* aulct attention w hi. patron*, to merit a public palronagn. “ KI.BMING, Housk. hign anp dkcouative paintka. OLAZIKR AND PAI’BR HANIihR, i* now pie pared 10 undertake the above humic** in all » u l.ranrhei, "Mil wa/ntnt* to Rive •attraction m every re*oect. Military Standard llanner*. H»*». Ac-nami- S S older Odd-Fellow and Masonic Apron* klwaya on hind. Imitation* of wood* and marb'c* none in a •uot'ior manner. of rll kind* done at the shortest douce. JfpltUlm No4< !»iOlai r Pa inn non a>?NTß^sWxeu bags 100,01)0 for which the lughe*t price to CASH wiU be P *Alway» on hrnd, every description of WtiOng a"* l IVi.ppin. r r . •»> “‘»f“'.^ LDS tsilKF mcbl (lomer I’enn and Irwin *t»- I'iiflmrgh NKW SSNOIIA VTNCJH. JUST Received, a splendid assortment qfhngiisn ana French Kncravutg*. colored end plain, pf« areal variety of •übjrct*, suital.le/or Fram'ng. I oMfolio*, or Scnptfaok. T A lIIIUJUI • racWO u»l near sth Bl’ldli.1 5f TKA STOIIK, ! No. 7t FWU tlrrrf, near IToad All qualities of Ureen and Clack Tea* in quarter, half, and on« pound oaeka««, ran ging from &4e per !*««'» B |tti - A(t for Pekin Tra in nIcKERKb. aEUauio, SiLHOIIf ACi milF. tob*eriliei* keep an nasrinmant of Fiekled Flab 1 of Maa*arhn*etta and Halifax ln»peeiion ( for»ak In lota aa wanted at their warehouae, No .10 North W S55C‘“ , "’“ , ‘' JNO M KENNEDY A CO .iterary kstitdtions. PITTSBIIbGUEESUK ISSTiTDTE. THIS Institution, under the e*re of 80/; Cosuosk *3D Labi, tn which all tie «o*‘* *°® 9J natnenial branches of a finished education are taugnt is now open for the reception of pupils at ' Bfo. Sll, Irwlas Uow« LiMrtr Stroets between 3*l and 4ifa streets- The Second Session **4- commence oh Monday the 6th of Ftb'uary. and it is important that any who may desJrn er.tennu should hr present as fat as praciicaoteeiiber before or at that They have wcored the service* of Profeaaor RHO ROCK m teacher of Muii’c on ihe Piano and OoJtar, who too well known to need recommendation AU© the cerviec*of Nom.CABI.MIB LADREYT, aolhoroi “Cbrenomatblc'de !a Liltratsre Franeat*.I’and 1 ’ and other valuable achool booW In bU native lanjraage. Won*. L. ia a graduate of ihe Umvereity and JSormal s®“®°* of Pan*, atid eland* high as a teacher, TTioac who do* •ire to obtain an accurate and thorough knowledge ot the French Language woouldo well to plaeethemaeltea under in* mairnction. _ , For lenca, aee Circular or apply to the Principal. _jB7lf YOUNG IADIJCI'SELBCT SCHOOL, ALLEGHENY CITY. , eplUg limitation fam but recently been opened antfer A the tuition of Mr N. W.MeicaJf. nitho Corner of Sanduafcy end Strawberry «ti. The *ucce» winch ban than far attended ibia School, in iti eatalilinbmeni and progre**, ha* fojly equalled the ezpeeialioiu of it* Instructor ana Ptoprietor, and war rant* the hope that lie will be eurtained tn hi* effort* to render it a deniable Institution for the education ol Young Ladle* iu Allegheny anil vicinity. . The Fir.t tV.**ion of the next Academic jear, will commence on Monday, Feb 6th. . There are yet a few vacaneieeto be tiUed, but a* the tiuniber of pupi'* i* liinited an early application t« de sirable. For particular*. relative to term*, kc., eottvull Circular*or apply tolha'ln»tniftor. febgtf^ HOOKS, MUSIC, &C. VAI.ir.\III.E BOOKS-.Pnbli.h.d br J A & IJ P Jamcf, Walnut street, between ► oarth 1 at.il Fifth, CiacinnnU. , Guitul’s Utbbon—The history at the decline tod tUU of llie Roman 1 Empire By Edward Gibbon, Esq. A new Edition, revised and corrected through out,preceded by a preface, and accompanied by, note* critical and biftoricjl, relating principally to* the propagation of Christianity: by M. F. Gnirot, Minuter of Public Instruction for the kingdom of France. The prelace,notea and correction!, trans lated from tbo French expreaaly lor thia edition. With a noticed the Lite and characteror Gibbon, and Watson's Reply to Gibbon. In 2 vola. imp. War— Complete, I vol. imp. Bro.UOUpages. , . „ . ... Hallam'i Middle Age*, Chamber a m Scotland, Robertson's Virginia and New England. Hassell's French and English War in America, nod Ramsay's American Revelation. vol 4to. • Lttnryol American History—Containing selec tiona from the beat author* on American History, Biography, Travel*. Commerce, Statistics, Indiana, Revolutionary Battles, 4tc. dec. dtc. Alao, Anec dotes, Poetry and MUcellaaeoas articles, lllnatra led with more thanfiOO engraving*. lvol,impBvo G4O pages. . ' Universal Pictorial Library—Containing valuable papers on various subjects, comprising Niton! History, Natural Science*, Agriculture, Rural Econ omy, Biography. Fine Arts, toe Oriental*, Travels, Geography, Botany. Miscellaneous reading, fcc. die. I vol imp Bvo ,640 pp, fall sheep. Tbe Family: Medicsl Library—A. Treatise on the Prevention and Cure of Diseases, by regimen and simple medicines. Nsw edition, revised tod enlar ged With the addition ol a Vegetable Materia Med* ica, pointing out the virtues, preparations and dose* ofour most valuable native tueaical plants, and an outline of Anatomy and Physiology. with one hundred Engravings, six 6f which «r® colored. By J G Norwood,M D—B64 pages 8?o. American Flower Garden Companion—Adapted to the United Sutesjby Edward Sayers, Landscape and OroameuUl Gardener. 12 mo, third edition, retired, enlarged and illnslmted. Palmer’s Oregon, Rocky Mountains, &.c. Stc. Family Tesuroer.t. o«-uvo, with and without Polyglot notes,and Psalms in metre. Rice and Pingree.’s Debate. BaroVWorks Lady of the Lake. Ulla Rookb. More’s Private Devo tion. Juvenile Boaka. Cheap editions of various works in psmphlet form. 1 c>ch29 NEW BOOK®—The three Divine siswrs. Faith, Hope slid Charily. J _ i ,Tbe ©rja direction to HeaTen. BvKev Thomas Adam*. w(th an introduction l»y Rev. w. 11. " Mctnor* of Mis* Mary Jane Graham By Rev. Charles Bridget, M. A. Author of, Christian Win- System of Theology, on the bans of the . shorter 'aiechiMii Ky Kev. Alexander Smitli Palter ilAmenesn History: comprising hutoriesl sketches of the Indian tribe*: a description of American Antiqui ties, with an inquiry into their origin, and the origin oi the Indian tribes. , , History of the United J s Liles: with appcnpil showing ,«• connection with European History. History of the present British Provinces. History of Mexico and Texas by Marciud Willson. o Tk. .bo. ihe-r Itmtit N.tn*r.». and uiher .lories, te*. ! tile, and moral piece, in pro.c aifl v,*r»r; .electrd andi arranged irnnUi. wn;ing«t>i Mis'UarMuld. With a .ketet, of lilt: hy Mi*. S. J. Hale, I'hr Juvrnllc Budget Opened: being »elerlions from the wrung, of Dr.Jno Amn Hy Mr. Hale Directions lor Irtvogurtuing and Protongtag Life, or the Invalid*orach-. Hr Win. Kiickiuer,M. D. At. So tilt IViorial-Englitpil. : Zumirta'Latin Grammar, abndgeJ. For .ale by ,|,X J L READ. 4th near market*! POKTICAL WORKS— Poets and Poetry of Ain-nea. GiltcJge t*oe»« sod Poetry ol Europe; do -flu ' Jo do, of .Engiaud, do do Jo do of Ancient., do Jo Root of Hriush Poets; do do Uowilt. Milmen anil Heal*; do . do t'olei •Jjte.y'lirllcy and Keats do do Milttin,»oi*i'ff. Gray. Ueattie,Collins; dn ilo Grubb dirtier am! Pollock; do do j t'owiier and TBooipwn, do do t'amnbelpk PoeiH al Works, richly bound m white Call', i 0,11 Milton'a Poetical Work*; dd ileuian* dn do • do l.andou; Moor*!; Hatton. Hurnr, Hogg; Hood, Ac The above, wiih b large assortment of book* mall tr.T"" , ' w, "" , '' , au< t m r VK4ou»H'‘ market *t bet. 3d A 4lh *ts \;KW STOCK OF MUSICAI. INMTHU iN MKNT.d AM) MUSIC- lniln 11. Mellor. No tl tVubd sirret. between piumond Alley and Fourth'.,at. i* now opemcr, acd tor Halo at very low price*. an elegant assortment of Musical Instrument*, selected from tale importation*, consisting of— French, Italian and German Violin*, Very superior Guitars, >n rase*; Fjtglisli onditaiiua Violin String*; Frriich Areordeon*: Violmtello*. witKpUin amt patent Serewa; One very superior Double !U*t Violmrello; i’larioneu*, Flutes. Fife* and Flageolets; Trombacdio*. Trombooe*. and Trumpets; Frenchilotn*. Cornetts, Ophieltde*; Druid*. Tamborlni*. Ilanjo* Ac . sc.; • Kvery article m the. Mus e t.B*ine*i. MEDICAL WOnKB-A Treatise on dtscasei oi the alt passages; compriWn* an inquiry mi* the History, I’eifiokgy, Cause*. widTieaUneal of tho*t affection' of the ■ntroel called Bronchitis, Chrome I.a< ryngms. Clergyman’* Sort Throat, delete ; by Hor ace Green, M I). .... . Fame'* Insmuies of Medicine; Treatment of Insanity—bt Galt; Disease* nf Children - by Stewart; Majcndte’a ' Cooper’* Surgical Dictionary; Hooper’s Mettled dt»; Copfand’* Dict’y ol Medicine; .IVwee’s on Childicn; *F.berlej» Practice;, Webater'* Dictionary. '2 vol*., Pro. For sale by aplf J 1, RKAIMth, near Market at NEW WOUK—In Pie..-ll»tory of Men, co, her Civil Wars and Colonial and Kevolu ttonarv Annuli from the period ol the Soantah Connueat, JMOI to the present lime. IM7{ including an account ol the dialing War with the United. <«atea It* Causes and Mihury AchleTemenla. Bj I'lulip Your-g, MD. J A U P JAMKS, ■ l’nblubera, ClnciPPOti. New MUSIC BOOK— Pamphlet Form. —Tito Melodnos: a choice aeJection of bongs. Duetts, Quartetta, ttonndi, Waltte*. and Marche*} wilt, a Hutory ol Mu.tc, lUaitmted with oume?* out ensrnving*. Imperial octavo. Price 15 cent*. Published and for sale sy J A& U Walnut street, bet. P ourtb and Filin. Cioclnnali. March 55J.1847: . —. pianos i WAlfoin ITFNRY KLKBKK, Dealer,in eaitcin Pinoo Forte*, •j- | w Woodwcli I *, No, B{J Third Mreet. The ’lunnt may be oxamiued at alt hours, und the *ub»eii ber will l.c there from II to It. A_ M., and from 4 toA |>. M , uach day. IVttab’ff, October tt*, ’« We, the un'der*igncd, would Inlortn the eitixena of Pittsburgh and vicinity that we hare appointed Mr. IL Kisbvrsnle Agent for \ye*lern I'eiin*) Ivama, for the •ale of our Piano Futte*,from whom they may b00b ..... own [New Vo.kyn,.^ New York. Sep I. tftHS-ocfeldlf New Piano*. JUST Received and opened by the jmb*eriber, the following new Piano*;-- ~ . One ctcgajit Rose wood, Oocuve Pikno FortCjlFreneh 1 Rosewood,«i octave Piano Foile, with carved Gothic Tabkia-a splendid mattwneni- ■ Also one very good second hand I taito, muuo hf Ixiud k Co, Philada. HKNRY KUEBRR ; at J W WoodweU’*iBsThird st Map of THfc BKAT OF WAR IN NRXJCO, brine a copy of General' Arl»ia’« map, taken ui t«.*ara do la Palma, with addition* and «r«*tipn*. laibeliihcil wnh diagram* of the UalllciOl Bth and Wb of May. node apture of Monterey, with aiMiF>randa of lairc« rnraec't, reaulu, Ac- Ac t and plan oi.* eraCrua and Castle o| Ban Juan de triloa Ac. *«LA few coptcn Tor.ala by JOIINStON AihTOCKION myl cornar of market and Jd »t*. M plnDM* A LARGK and ■plendiJ a**ortnient nthseany and rotewopd grand no* II V I f •uonl'UrtO*, W'thnttuUic.ffinw* ■nd wiitt mil tbo latevi improvement*. which for durability, loiw and loach are warranted to be ejjml t» any made in iln* country. For *ale low for ea»b ti U door above Stli No 113 wood Tub book of comwkbcb, b\ sea AJ«D LAND; exhibiting in connection with Agti* 'cuitnr*, tbo Aru. tnd Mnnofr'ctore* Jo wluehi•« added • Mntorr of Coontree, tod *Chro»otorc»l •pH Book*«lJ*r,cprM*Tk«t.widM*tt D U Q- U E S N 1 Ei SPRING. AXLE, aTEtH/ &IRON WORKS COLEMAN, lIAILMAN.ACO., baving-tompteled their New jvotto,' am ngw-preftred to_maaafac lare esery description of Coach and Eliptic spring* Iron aile*, Atm*ieha : Btiu« T spriagaadploujh.tJ«el, and All site.* of small aqaare and. round Iron, whteß •they offer for aale on liberal tarmi. at'their-waesAsww No. 43 Wood atreet; wheyo.Uiey. alao keep on hand a ; camnleto and handsome aaaortment of Coafeh trim mings, Carriage hardware, malleable casting*, Nails |”3t CO,have made arrangementa withMeiir* Day h Crottr, manol>cui revs ol Shovris, Spadea Porks, Ac., and will keep constancy on hand «Wh kiltien,dtbrlira. "f.WfJ'fHSJS 1 ..' cited to chlLas price* and texns will ho madojiuyjLi. —i RtaaoAaUon, Vi‘; • ~ THE Partnership heretoford existing udder the Em of Marshall, Bradley, fc Co., wu oa the sth instant by mutual consent- The buameasofihe lateGrm will be settled bv MarAaLU Wallace A Me- Geary. JAMES MARSHALL ALEXANDER BRADLEY Wn. W WALLACE * HENRY MeGBARY. FRANKLIN FODNDRY. THE business ol the above Foundry will beeontln. ed by the subscriber*under the firm of Marshall Wallace hCo.,4n*U its various brttchea, vie: . Hollow Ware . Mill Gearing . RloveVhAd Stove Plate* Lightk Heavy Maeh’ry Wagon Boxes . Engiue* . Grates A Sad Irons Engine Casting* . Plough* Plough Castings, Ac Ac. Madeof the beat materials, and at the lowest price* Purchaser*are invited to call and erarame oor Rloek at the W arehouse in Liberty street No. 61, neat the b ..dorWo Steam pipe for heating Factories. Cart, Iron Window Sa»li, ami fiutcy Casting*.generally.—-: UrJers leR at the Warehouse of J. Palinerh Co , Lib erty .treet, will have prompt aueutioft- Ruil TO * Blackrtork, Bell A K Moorhead A Co., G F. Warner, -John Irwin A Son*; Pittsburgh. C C 4 J 11 Whfncr; Steubenvlllr. Jaitlßt• - r TnOS. A~HILt.IK*L ' LOOKING GLAMS MANUFACTURER, and fancy Farni*bmg Warehouse. No 104 Wood street, near Filth, Pittsburgh. Pa J \V bojesafo and Retail: Kngli.h and French Enrravingr; Japaftnod'Waliertmid'rroyajii t !*’ • linking tilas* Plate*, by the box or. single light; Table Cut'ery; Picutru tslaaoof all sixes; Britannia Tea Ware, inaetts or single pieces; Portrait and Pislute Frames; Fire. Irons and Fender*; , Mahogany Tkiilet 1.2. add 3 draw*; German Silver and BmanuiaTea A Table Spoons; Hand Magnifying Mirrors; Candlestick*, Snuffers and Trays, Gilt, Pier, and Mantel Glasses; Gentlemen’s Sharing Cases; Combs, Hatrßmthes, Ac, „ ft7-.Merehants, Hoiela and Steamboats supplied on liberal terms, and paekin* carefully attended to UlO; at discount for cash. lel»i< . ‘ALLEGHENY VENOTAN BLIND FACTORY. A W JOHN A. BROWN this method to inform his frien d * and the public at large that hit Factory ’iSa» in full operation, on the Eaat «ido otlbe Diamond, Allegheny, where a con| H|H| attAi of Btinoa, or variou* colors udoualitietfareconstantlykeptoii band, ’SKV* al» atNo.yWood*t,Pituhuigh,atJ-.A B 0;. H. Philiips' oil doth waieroom. Veuiti.tut Shutters made Jo order, in the best style. Blinds, repaired at the shorten notice. N, B. iLs Bliuds will be put up, without any addi tional exepnse so that they can be removed in a mo ment m cum of fin or for washing, and without, the aid of a crew dr e oei4dlyAwlaroly B«U and Brass Found- A er, has rebuilt and' commenced busineas at hi* old staml, where he wIU be pleased to ■ . see hit old' eustomera and friends. BaS Church, Steamboat, and Bell* of every aixe,.froo) 10 to 10,tXD poandk, cast from most approvcdtnodels..aad warranted to be of the best material*. Mineral >Vater Ptmp*, Counter*. lUilmg, Ac. An. ogether with every variety of Braa* Casting*, uretiulr* «L tumd and finished in the neatest manner.. ; • rT'A P- 1* the tole'proprietor of Baskt’s ATrr- ATTumos McTAL, tojustijr; the rfduc liun offtictioti in piachinnr). The Boies and Compo sited can be hadof him at all titnea.;; V: i janMf FRANKLIN IRON WORKS, Warthp%t*c coma of Wood end. Front atrtcti PITTSBURGH, PA. THE aubseribers having purchased the Franklin Iron Works, formerly owned by Messrs. J. A. Stockton A Co, and made extensive auditions to them, are now prepared to furnish to older Iron A Valll of all stxea. tsarrantad equal to any in the market, We'also keep ou han-t Sprimf and'American BlttW wt««lof (be best qualities. v- Oui fcieuda Viaiung this market will find u# prepared • supply them wiin a first rale article, and °* »» a -t4j c ‘° Wimim -a. Wl. ReCDLLY * C«». IMITATION CROWN GLABS. HAVING recently 'made eery important improve. nenuin the maßttfaetare of U»« above artlelOi and adopt? ' be late*l improved eaMcrn wheel oven lor I»t -len'me we ate nowprephreil to furni»h anarticleof t\ m dirw Ulae*. equal, if not eoperwr, to tinder, made in th«- l-mletl Sune»,*liil but little inferior to tht fcJi»li»M'rown. . , , NVe are alco eery exteawvelfefl (fated to the matt*- faetare ©fCommait Window Glaao and f?«h end £oalo of every deveripuon. Dealer* generally r invited (oeall and examine
B. I’enon* wishing. 10 pareha** Mantels, ; ate informed that if is hencetotib nnneertsary tor them to ro East, aa I aan furnish them with nnanteleia all respects at good, and U'reigbi; iottuance, Ac; eoMKler riSa* cheap aa they can purchase•them tor rathe Rau. Call and.»«*> : ■ I&a> COPPKB. HIIEKT AfID XW . " w'aKK MANUFACTORY.'- No 6 Market aircri, PiuMiorgb. Ponnt: *. rpHE “■ d sJESLk« P ktovv£ 1 in tlic* ?oti*truflion of tbeir CfJOKIMJ STuVFS. reipeeujilly l »vile perrona butMyig lMeain»*au to ««!» -aiidesaiuuie before purchasing, e» *f C* n •tipplyiMW w.th Deck Sio*e», Forge*. » nd every olbar kind pf Copper, Tin and Sbeevlam work neeroeary in fufTinb ina a Siraraboat. , , „ , Wo al«o make in orJer oa ibe ahoneit notloe B*l Tube* and Chamber; Copwrr work for tftenm Knginea “"SnSSwA-wniK BENNETT fc BROTHER,, UFEKNSWAKK MANUFACTURKRft. _ Birmingham, {near Plttaborgh^Pa. Ware/uruse, No. 137. Wood street, tUlgburgh. VWlLLconaiamly keep oil band a good a*»ori ment oi Ware, of oaf own tnanaikciure, and iupenor quality Wholeaale and country Afe»- chanti are reapcciAilly.mrned lo call ana ex imw for thermal***, :e» we are determined to Mil elieapcr lhan ho»e*er before beeiyofferea to the pub tte. * •' ' .... Sew Order* mu by mail, accompanied byUiecaahor sfr fence. will he promplly aMended >«•_ fcb!B__ r fEoTtlt Bp*3* and Pork~H«nnft»» IGRIFFITHB I DIXON, HaViNO eoomtneod'lbe-'manufacture of Spade*, Shovel*, Hay and Manure Fork*,Ac,e« an exten sive *c»lC| are prepared to fill alt orders for aueh arti cle* at Caitern prices. “ " . ' ‘ . for the coaeeflieaeeoflbetretmnmswanddealaram sasSiSiaai»»» for 1 the tale ofthelrtnanufaerurea. All ordertaddreaa* asjssss?” • , Pintlmrgh, July &—dlj ; JWO.O. aU.LßflPllil >* - \ No TO Wood Street. .. I } MANbPACTUREIW ofOiltind Mahogany Looking I Ulaatea, Importers and IWaICTs ia I Plaiea, Aocor*ron». JPercuMion Cap*, Clocks, I i. lbeir bQßincu, with increased foeiliuea m-the porcha*« of Domeiiic, and, the imgonauon of[ »amr .Forejia Good*,' they will bo able lo ieli at KdittrwpHtti. The? I reapmfully silicif the Attention of ' 1 COTTOB attd WPOttBH nnilE ■ubaeribera are now enlarging ibeire»»bli*n- J m ,ntand are prepared to make oIF ktnds of Gftttad and Woollen Maehiwy. on tlie»»ma*nablaleniis. Lacock afreet,- Allegheny Clif N Wifhun*a» Who baa a parent for a eery. Important improVerae ..ton tka Card, at»d who hw been --iiihllihment - jan«dly_ jonn IBKBIFV *' Cot, N«x.B3tudW FrpntW, Bum FoosDt«*«ndOA»FU- Tui; Btui or til itui en* . frtol tho liteii usprowed-Bitr tern* ind warranted - equal ; w mr' "AUo, Bti»» C«»iiiie*i ' fimkbed if ; ordert3, Gi« Pit. 'linftf pit np promptly md on kreirotubletenitt. , > t , "■ wm#dir ' ',[[ . v rraflUJiou-sTKEL works andsprjnu ' axlekactorv. .. ‘'• Iliic ioxii. ‘ • JOBS j. QCI«- MANUFACrURFJW of Ppiihr »w* Better-*“*’2 I PJoitb Steel, Steal 1 « j KlipUc Spmn#. Jlwnmered iron mSt i MkWbit c*»iiru*>_»rKi cowh Ts!“5"!C C? , ! T comer of Rom eni From ■ueeU,l , Jtt*bßiib, ™>-t * IHOM 1 WOJUkB* . : mnd Neils Shovd*,' Ac. (or »*ld et onr new IwLkli«,No. MW««r« »i»r DU,* «>» •* Kollial Mill, »li b ' 6111,1 p "”S I i*FP; LINDSAY A-<* ‘ - TACt ~ OAHPBBtL 4 CSElli KAjnnucrvttft* Of , FlNTBnlnd NAHA', HOOT HEAD BRAT*,; NAJts, Taitem Maker? Tainiti of every iekriptian. Ottce No. t SL make it a desirable home forTtav dlert'abd City Boarders; - . ' ' The Hotel is ipaeiousnnd admirably planned for con veuicnce, light and air, haring- a number.of parlors adjoining chamber, presenting unusual attraction to ; families, ; ■ ' ' . . ' ’’ ‘ . Tbe present proprietors hating had the expenencew : yean mVhiacity and elsewhere,hope they, wall be.able toVgWfrgeneral satisfaction. being determined to gi»e itnaiTtdedbUention to.lbe house alone. ’ Theloeauonot the Pearl direct J Ion*: u oneommonlj eligible, having fronts on Penr), a|i\ut and Third sis, withal it U equntly desirable in View of the conveni ence of business ntesorreiiretnant-for unvote boarders. It 4* nrar by the Banka, the.Pa»t Office,,the Masotuc lidJl.Odd Fellows Hall.and buloncstjuaredirUnl from Mgi;t »trret and two squares frornlhe CltY " hnif. tbo« dflemie the greatrst inducements, espeeisltv to country ragirbiMs and generally to n» pe j™^ T ftQßf jr DC “' Ttw, - . . JOHN * HtTDI.K r ' nOUKT.VERSCjW house, y Ml. 95 N orth SttanJ Slrttf, Philadtlpkla: ■ ;mUE subscriber* respectfully inform fh« Htlssas of Pill*- 1 buret, tod Western Peawytroaia, that they bate token the above bouse, where they ora perasred to areommodaU prrsuos rUiting the City of Philadelphia u> the best style, and ea' the most reasonable terms. Thg house iP within one square of Market street, rad has undergone* Ihoroagh reno folioo and repairs,,tad is w*U cakuUud to sewtanwdaU: person* who mar,»ror u» with aeiH. • . .... . . Oire uearaQ.md wefceleonfidentroowiUWealufled.- ‘ . SAMUEL A BRADY. Kcbruaij23 r l&t7-3iß tIUVEIyJI P PARKER. GALT lIOUAK, Cogrtor JHalB attd llHh; at*, Clnclnnntl* Tllllf establiebment is now In the best order (or tbe reception of the Traveling Public. Having under* rone a tbaroogh repair,during the past winter, and having-Ihg moat experienced ipea in the west* in the various departments. I flatter my*elf,that all will be pleasedwbo call;' Tbe foeatidn is centra], commodious andpleasant.. Fare•! perday.' • 1 Cinoinoati.March. . • \f.-s ! N. B.—Although not exactly a new Broom, ll I* the same— a new whist on theotd handle: ap^tf' o*r.JACKaox. ; a. cßurayoa. of the Astor House 'Of Pavilion, Rock away E l/T A W HOUSE. BALTIMORE, ; J ACicSON «. CR A N St ON, FBOrßirrons. Coaches will be in' readiness at the' DxrOrs and Laws? tms to convey Fai>iengeni, fn* of tXarjt, to the House. INSURANCE! Indemnity onlnat or Damsgs by Fire, TICE MUTUAL PRINCIPLE COMBINED With the additional security, of a-Stock CapiwL Tht RcUancc Mutual insurance C&, of rhua. CHARTER PERPETUAL. DtfcxcTo.ru. George W. ToUnd, , John M. Atwood, TtomasC SocUuui- ' Lewis R, Ashhurst, • % Wn. B. Thompson. , George X- Baker, George M- Stroud. ’ John J. Vauderkemp, George-W. Carpenter. • WILL make insurance agatnat Loa or Damage bjr Fire, in Pittibcuoh and vicinity, on Houaei, Stores’and other BuUdiDgs*4nii on unti* tore, Good*. Wares and Merchandise, on the most favorable tenni.- ■ ' ' i •* 1 ■■ The Mutual Principle, combined with a Stock Capital, and the other provisions nt tbe Charter of this Company, bold out unusual inducemonul both, of profit ami safety, to those, desirous of effecting Insurance, towhlen the Company ask the aUention 4 and etaoinalion of those interfcstcd. " ' ' Tbote effecting insurance with this Company Sava,beside* tbe usual protectiomegainat losgjby the ordinay method of in*»ranre, the additional advantageof a direct pa" ; -., m>j iu. the ftojiU of the Cumpvnv, tttlhout v -*> ■ ,ifiiy. (JEORCE IV. I‘Ol.vND,.President BJd'.‘HifcCHifi* J -&«retary; — 1 The rabecriber, who iu the doly authoriied Agent ortheabov&named Cptopany.it prepared to make insurance,’ at the Office of the Agency, in the Su Cba*le* Upte*; Third st n third door from tVood itredl. and will gree all ftirtber mlurmatioh desired mySMiy. • TilOSt J. ffAMPBELL. JOHN FIMEV, ait., • .>cc.vr *i ,ro* in*,, . DELAWARE MUTUAL SaTety XsuorsuaceCompssay ofPhUadtla, FIRE RISKS upon building* and merchandise of every description, AnaMAKLNE RISKS upon hullsorcargoes vessels, D)kea upon the mostlavorable terms. " ‘ . ; I][j* Office in the Warehouscn! W."B. Holmes At Bro., No. 37 Water, near Market atieet, Fitts* burgh. t- - i: , f , .! i iN. B. THr »ucce*««f this Gmnpony since theCstsb* lisbmento r the Agency in this city; with the fnmpinat and tiherebry with Vfbich every claim trooit them Tor loss bos.been adjusted. fally vitutg the confidence and piirontge of fits friends asfi die community at Tatge to the DelswareM. B. Ijisu? rantw.Company, while it has tbcaddiiiotUl advantaggs as an institution .‘among tue molt flourishing ta Philad'ta—us havthgshsmpiepaidlneapiing as vrrlcTing to • gch persoo insored bis.due share VE INSUftANCE. YTlHil’ Insdrince Company of North. America, 1 throQph its duly rtlhortrcd Agent,‘the eutacri : her, ©Sera to make permanent and limited Insor l anco on property, in thih city «nd its riciaity, and oa abromenta by lb< Canal and Rivero;.:l . - j. ' DIRECTORS. -v [ jYthhC.'ifnuth Krea’ti, Samuel Brooks, ... I Alex. Henry, “ ' 1 Charted Taylor, Sami; W. ; Wne», : "-* Sami. F. Smith, I Edward Smith, Ambrose White, I John Brown, S.+.. ■ . Jacob M.. Thomas, John White, J Johnß.J^a,, v - Thos. P. Cope, Richaihl Wood, | ~Wm.Wel*4, L . .ArtburG.Coffin,Sto. 1 Tbit ia the oldest Insurance .Company.in the I’Uniled States, hiTingbeen’charlcretJ Ta‘l794. Its ( charter in. perpetual, -and from iU bigh standtnff, I long ejpenencsj ample means, and avoiding, all i'Mki of an eitra harardoui eharteter, it may be =«.nc, ? » P U At Coufiting Room; of Atwood, Jones i'C©., i Water and Front streets, Pittsburgh:: i.apgg-lf - INDEMNITY -Ag dost Dots by Kire-TbeFRAWKLIN Fire InTO • ranee Company of Philadelphia, WICL makeUiuranee. permaneut andlimited, I onfttoribl, couphajt hu i pirpeWil c“mTM. KUNII,,SOO,TOO • r Office corner ol TbtMPmtd Market its,, r'itub'gh* WARRICK>*IARTIN, Agent.; INSURANCE, Anserlcwn irit'e : Xnaiiranee Conapway - OV PHILADELPHIA. Chaktx* PxtrrrciU Cxrtui. ms m. Office in No. 72 Jbalnut Sirttt ‘ — " WJftDAVIDSON, Prert. : Fusftucx *'ju£rr,See > r. THIS old and weU*c«tabh*hcd Company continue* id ■ intun Building*, and prop* .erty iwtof**! extra a«x4rdocfcstkW*«er,af»ii»at4o*f or damage by Sr**. - • Apphrationa for huuwnee* • m Tittiburgb and it* neighborhood, will bl teceiTedoand riaka mken -- ’ Agenb -.••• '..-i'- • No aflJVoaß_«l^_ ATT W. 'WItSOK, W ..corOft «lh Bud sltrkcivt. 1 selMteO .lock of w.'.chn, JetaalrT. MUiury Good.. Mwaya on ' lain pucea, Gold PamnrUrrai, /all ornlcMn, ’BSp‘n.>‘ rt *”* in ill. owyTiatt Igonnar. miiiKT A BEST—Wholesale .Grocci*; A T ****&»-. —NO. 234 VOL. • 1 LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES, STITIONBEV m PAPER BLAR& 80018 i rJich a loutrel* \ h WILLIAM NEW YORK; . n«IVC sow «m "boitll ofihefr own auu&cture, ncdta Hi nlct*_a**orUarot Jwiub, Da? Book*, [ln nkt BcMi.lCaA, Order and BjU Book*, ke, of rarioai »«e -and ttyles orbindior, (rain which kU of Account Boo** cat be (elected at rety fow price*; al»o nude toorder, ruled tn< brawl tonne pattern, ntobort brtke. : • ' j : I Foreign and Domestic Stationery. j ‘ l’n*. Black and AcdJok, . Vritinr Fluid, Lead Pencil*, Sole*, InkWnd*. Sand Boat*) BortCaUo, I’ihet-book*, Gold aad Silver Pencil Cwe*> Pn>•• laitn, Peal Rack*, Pen Holder*, Gan Ticket*, Playing Oard*, Backnma-.ja Board*, Clmimm, Dice,' IWfT Fouen, *faMrts, Heitor Stri>p«, Pink Tape, Twin* Reel*, Twine, la-\ <£a Ink, Parrhmeoi, Indie Rutter Ermr*. Sciaon, Shear*,'l Marking Ink, File*, Rock*. Dark* fcr lw, ddf anc* Book*. I Inter**! Tililnj Siih Book*, Tuiß, Er*h|* Tabl**, and j • *li-oih*rarticl«**old by.Matiooer*. , .| .1 i f Cheap Account Books.' • A Urge week ctjaftanllyoa head, auitabla'br fataH trade | and country] ntrchiuiti at ?*ry chap rate*. p ; 1 A Large. [Assortment of Papers. j. ; FooLcapJplain and ruled Xettir Paper, plain and ruled ’9Tote p|*ri Wrappine PopcPyßoanet Baird*,.Log, Cloth,' no*wry,EnelopeaodDlolting Paper Colored FaperkThi* ' .Frtneh f> wni, Packet axed Bank P«l, !nm« nd Copying Piper, Mtule Piper, Gold, Tracing, Enhoned, and e*ery qthet description of taper at rrty low price*. - • Gold Fens, Dtamond Point, ' ; Rieh k 1 oaticl* i, Bagalcy tad all other etle-' tinted r,-.t rn, in to (nit purchoien, at the rrry lowest man iCtctunlrU price*. Letter Copying Presses* •, Twenty-1* different price* and ityfe*—the Iran Copying prea*, wity btr and octew, tha most etp*ditio», eal, and *unple mode of taking a topy of ony teller or MS without wiitingHjorer again ...) In proved Manifold Letter. Writers. By wbic i the Utter and copy, it written at the one tame. The target t aworttnent ««*r ottered, and at the loweit price*. Pubtira Bn*, Bsnke, Irwurtnre Companies, Merchant* ood other*, CuTnbhed Iwith sets of Account Book*, ruled and jtioand to i by pattern, tf *hort notir*, jUo with tutiooery Of the beet quality, ' ■ . • i | J -I ; Notarial Presses, - ' i For tha a*'ofßeaks andCorpckotloos,tqafix theaealoT luch Bank or poraoValMs to their' document*. Tbit opera tion i* per orated by any cne.evra at fint trial ’ 1 Find Premiums - ‘ Award* I ton* by thnAnkrrican Institute, at the Utc Fair, - * . i bettßuled Blank Book*—A Silver Medal i beslManifeU Letter. Writers— K Diploma i otifal Cabbed Copying Prtac* A Diploma [ Pletu* Call ana Set foe. Yountlett . i Trade and Country Merchants Supplied. ■ ■ - RICH- * LOUTBEX, "• j of French and £nelt*hStationery, i nuneioelarcnoi' Account Bosk*, Moxu/bld Writer*. Fscebior, Blank and Camine Ink*, +c, will be Able to funuaHany article which may bo desi red. A supply of PJtftcs [manufactured in Europe,} k constantly on hand .from lAtoltt wire ruage. - ■ I GEO. B. WOREWOOD ACo Nosit4 and 18Bearers:, HRW TOBS. • The Pautu Right Cor.this article has been secured for the United States as welt asUreat Britain, andother European coontnea, and all legal measures will be ta ken to prevent any infringement by importauot broth erwiae. ' 1 - ■ i ; ocB7-ly’ Oentleraeiia FuraUhlngiKstshltihmant tIHARLES B HATCH, 97 William street, New York ; mliclU sllwtics to his aMOrtmeat of Ooou la tbs] Gen tlemen’i Furnishing Low, imported and manufactured *a premly for ths Spring and Bummer tmnoi. particular al» testioo is called lo the following artielew . 1 STOCES—SiIk, Satis and Bombasine, all styles and qaal ities. ■ • ► ; i •_ 1 0PERA TJES—TU,. WASH 77E5—Fancy CRJirATSJXDSi mat.': - . j . sa&PKA'DERSSi sad FtartLiaes do, to’ SHIRTS, bOSOHS <«t of tnfa ml quality. UNDESr iHIK 75 LiiU Thread, Ucriso,' manufacture, Silk, Cotton, black elated dd, JsptnneS DRksSOiCf GOtmi • sod twilkd SpitalMd. In dia Stoehew, roo*«, 4r, plain and Uncj Linen Csasrie, * C biIBREA£J3JUfD PARASOLS- A MU iLortacnt. CRJI VJITSTtFFNER3-\txv»a kind.. I - ‘ilsvnuH state Ihstba is now n*fng, is hi* SELF-JtB ■jUBTISd STOCKS. In entire diflwreat Spring from the i.ur ibmeti/ awd, nUkli Tender* them muen sore eomlar lakW and ease to the neck Ilian formerly. feb33-3a — CHE AP . • - ACCOUNT BOOKS AND STATIONERY*: FRANCIS A. LOUTBEL,77 Maiden Lane, taanafocto* rera bf'every description of Blank Book*, Memoran dam, Copland Paaa Books. Croton Ink, Manifold Letter Writer, Diamond Point Gold Pena, Ac*, &n-i and in porter* of English and French’Stationery and Paper. A large assortment constantly on handof the moat improved styles— Ink-atar.da. Wax, Wafer*, Slates, Pencil*. Steel Pena, twines, motio seals, ivory tablets, ivory'iblders, card*, rum labels, pen racks, card racks, tnfcpowder, black, bine and carmine ink, mien, gold and silver penrifcascs, quills,portfolios, copying pres ‘see, Ae;,Ae. j • ENYELOPES Letter a, Cards, Notes, Ac-, in gteat Variety. . . . ■ Letter and Cap Paper*, roWd and plain, at Manufac turer's price*; note paper*; tiwae piper; perforated board, bristol boards, bonnet board, colored papers, i T^£l i n^&! «*d! t Doeltet'-'and other books foi -Coomy Clerks, Coons, Banks,, Iwuianca CoojpanieSj-Mer cnanu, and others, eonttanily on hand, or. famished to pattern ai.short notice.' 'Warnauedtobesoperioi.nj quality aad very low in pnee. • : Country Merchants, de'alereano others wilt be-sup plied at ike very lawestpriee*. •• We shall constantly— nave on hand a large stock of Blank Books; Paper and Stationery; arid request the favor of a call from those who require articles in our line. a . , FRANCIS Jt LOUTREL Manufacturing Stationers, 77 Maiden Lane fiMdSm Stw Tork 1847. . \. LEE N 0.44 Cedar Yqrk. BEO IdTttoiiftni Mai m Dry (m that they bar* nttiietl. and ar* bow exhibiting,at the WAREHOUSE EXCLUSIVELY for. 'Primal Calico**, 300 CABBB, coapminc all th* Sew. Sprlß| Btylti, of Bdtiib, French ana American Manufacture; which, in ADDITION _ tolheir Bml*(ock,,T«Bd«n their aMortowetoMof tbeoMt beaniUUl ami auraetit* in lh« city; and hariagiut been par* ehmdforCASHAND SHORT CREDIT, an eßrraitly tb»*a®« tenw,at sadbtfowmttu lactam* pnee*.- in-th< ■..CaUWwM af, prices (cmm*cddaily,) an placed :■-j -liandicrouym. . nar. . FarehasrowiH inform (hemsehnof the (tala'of Jha, ket, asd be well re£*H for an ctasuaalioe, even if the' botpureha**.’' ||hr L, AB, hare pecalor sdvmtagts: for ranting order] ' print*, which an ropeetfblly (elicited. . wcha ! LEE fc BREWSTER, 44 Cedar Stmt " ' LdflPV. UUUAUObKS, , .. i- BALL ‘LANTERNS and CdNDELABRAS, for the SpriagTndr. DIETZ, BROTHER f CO.', 139 William Mnet, New York,’in,the WwhinjUm Block, are aanu&etarifig «"d hare alwip ot> hand a compete' amort - ownt of article* ta their tine, of the folknrfo* dcscriptMM, which they will acDat wholesale and retail, at .Um Price*, Cheolml Oil and CampHeaaLampa. : Bokr Lo»*, ,0 3t and Browed, utrrat variety. Oirendol>smionipatUrß» r yilt.eut«r*dorhro*ari., Soiwndin* Solar*, Doric Casphca* Lamp*, Bracket Mars -•-• . •■*»'« *» "• ■••••■ BoUr Chandelier*. . Bracket do Praetit Lard Hand Lamps, - Stand do Britaah Hind Lamp*.. Camphees Chandelier*,. SapcTtorCbcsial Oil, : 'PuxeSptmOil, do , Camphene, . . Solar and Lard Oil, . 1 do ’ Bunting Fluid, - Refined Whale Ojh' H Kew WarthetiM for Print* Oily. > . SPRING STYLES, 184T. LEE, JUDSOX{■ LEF., attWrtpeciou* five.atory Wsnban*e,No. hOGadar iL, New York,(lba of which hdevoted to the eihibitioo and mile oPlhiaung)* article,) offer for ink by the piece be pwkacvlQpO CASESof .PRINTED CALICOES/too (rUing aD the de*ir*bk--nrw styles, a targrprojiutMa of which hath* been eoatracied for before thaw* ri*e in the - market, wiuoefoU at leas than nMnafoctarm , ptnt pri - ear. M-i • -*-• Pnatcdli*t*ofnrtee»ar«potintothehaad»ofbiiy«r*. ; - ; N T LEE, late kblot partner la. the original firm of hMA.Brtvita, (m which he retired is IBts)jba* jdined the firm of Lee and Judton, and tolidu the patronage of hi* old friend*.: The bnism'b-oooduetcd coder the firm of February 33,16t74kagp LEE, JODBON ALEE. '] Wholesale Drag WarelioaM. IB THE CITT OV IBV TOCUE. B| A. KAHNBSTOTK fit Co., No. 49, Jobo at. • New York,'offer tor sate a large and general aaaoritnent of -.Dregs sad Medicine*, Dye - Sitiff* Paint* ,and Oil* of every description, wticb thfy ifa'piepitaraiid determined loaeil low. -Contry’Merckanuaed.Orbggiat* aro reqoeated to call end examine their article*. Order* elated 'with fnthfnloeaa'iod deaptich. • B.A.FalineitoeV* vVonniteeo eoealtntly on hand. • ‘ v • ' - B. L. Fafihcatock, SPitUbargb. :• ... g. W. Fahnestock.' V A. B. Hall.Naw York, , »pr£ PAPER WAREHOUSE- • mo; g’BVBLiBQ slip* sew yoUL (tVRUA IV. FIELD oflera for ante :nt>tbo lowest '• fiUnfcfaetnrer*’ price*, a .very extensive uaon< an•Sa of PAPER, eomprainf every poulble eanety, •iUptrd to thewaau of eoMWoeram all toeiioni of (bn coimtryC Paper of all kinds .made to order *t short .ie «tock of PRINTING PAPER ianannelly large ■ partofwhiebisofwetyaopenoreoalitr. . . PAJPEE JSAKEBv MATERIALS - .'‘ of every asscriptioo, impotted and kept eonsuntlr on 'haa>» visi FeUisga; Wire doth, Foordrinlar Wire*, Bleacbing.Powdcr, Bloe Ultramarine,Twine, Ac.. Ac. <1 .f-.-y, t. .n . . RAGS. - CnnT*a*,Bale Rope,Gras* Rope, Bagging, Ac., paielitsed.for which the hlgbeilprieeln Cash t»e pahl.~,t irZty ■ New York. J^i*ilßtB. NEAPOLITAN BONNETS-' - PAHISON, KOE & COf PATCStCU ASD KABOFACTtIOEBS, . p&Mf.anft, ««Tori ; \rrS