'•«sss3£sss» EPICAL. DRjJIOBE»B • deservedly celebrated chron m THEBMEL MEDICINES. CONSISTING -of bia Prophylactic Stiuilc.'c r- Vy tun remedy for ail Corsdbftitc Scro u-1 too* affection*; Congh Syrop, tirosp. Srrap. C< ». i centnted ertnct of sStMpMiIU, dwkte, 1, npenorto til other eztnet*, WrUirgiTenrelel •hen *l] oilier, bare failed, being throjJhV nw I Pri*«» more concentrated than any other t' nr 1 ottered to the> publi«_ ASTHMATIC ELlXIrt, bannf eflected permanent core* of that stnbb£n dtseaee, when of more than IS years siandiif, bMee it aUgfU without a rival in that aoeh dreaded disease. j Dr. Rose's LINIMENT, for all cases of we4k • BMorpain.andacotDpletesiibstitdterorbUstqt. Dr Rose's TONIC MIXTURE, aa inlaW&i* . CT,re .L or ebills cod feren,« and indeed is more of a | all kiods than bark or Qsi- Dr. Roue’* INCOMPARABLE VERMIFUGE, where k bows , is used in preference to any oliter Vermifuge preparation. . Dr. RoeVs TONIC ANTI-DISPEPTIC. lor ftll - diseases cri tbetstonueh and bowels, Cholera in* feelione, feet Too high an encomiast cannot be passed on the merits ol this medicine, ia chre of Dispepsui; and all diseases that retail from weak new of ttomieh or bad digestion. Dr. Rose's FEMALE ti 1.1.3, a moat nluible remedy for those general complaints to which fe males are subject. \ Dr. Bo»’. TONIC ALTERATIVK PILLS— No pill over before olfertd the public so happily combines ihequlitres of a valuable medicine ju an anti-dtspeptie, LIVER or Stomachic pill, correct ing those diseases, and thereby preventing cop* sumption. a young Lady2s years of age/naribg a diseased lirer tor some time, her strength pras- Uated and appetite gone, was completely restored in six weeks by the use of the Anu-dispeptic mix ture and these pills alone. Dr, Rote’s CHRONO-THEKMEL STRENGTH ENING PLASTER,tor weakoeaeoi theback,aide, breatt.fee. • Dr. Rose’s SPECIFIC EPiLEPSY,the most cer- tain remedy for all icasea of fiu or convaUipds, whether in infanta or adulu. So certain a specific \isit for this formidable disease that the most «h stinate cases, and those too of long standing, bare yielded at once. Dr-Rme's RHEUMATIC MIXTURE—After many year* of diligent research this compound was diacev ered, and its never failing effifeaey places its efficiency abort all other* for the cure of futetuaatiast. Dr. Rose's ASTRINGENT COMPOUND, a certain reseedr for apUlinr blood, indeed for discharge* of blood whether from Langs, bowels or other parti of the Dr- Roao's SYRUP for Cboleraand Bowel complaints —Thismixture will effectually cure bowel eomplainu, Dysentery,CholeraMorbua.and Cholera. Atlhetiffm the Asiatic Cholera was raging m Philadelphia It «u round to be the most successful in arresting it, euiing nine tenths of all those who used it. What may be said of one of these remedies may bv mtd of a\l; their value will only be appreciated be those who try them. Letter* from those who have been eared of the various maladies that affiiet the human body, might he given, but we are willing to rest the matter on the merits of the compound*. We have s punaoea for Scrofula, in its variou* forms, so eondramd and efficacious that it* healing power hai astonished many. Aeaieof Cancer,occurring intho wifeof the late Governor of DeJnsdare, was completely cured in a few months The caneer had been twice cut oat by prominent Surgeon*, and renewed itself with Increased malignity,yet notwithstanding the debility of Coastiai uoo and removal of the soft puns, the use of foe Pro fjjfyfactic completely removed every vestige of foe Cases innumerable of the varan* eure* foal have followed the use of these remedies ere in opr posses sion, but it is not deemed necessary to enumerate thou as the use of them will recommend them to all. J. BCHOONMAKER, A Co., No 81 Wood Street Agents for Pittsbarah ’ kagMly «<| HAVA POUND IT."-S«nl*. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED BT ÜBINO DR DUNCAN’S EXPECTORANT REMEDY Cincinnati, 0., March 3d; IM7. Dear Sir:—Thu i* to certify to fos publie, particularly to these afflicted vmh s disease of foe Lugs, or Consumption, that ia the Spring of .IM3I wu sttecksd with s severe cold which hob became waled' upon my lusp, foowing »U foe •jfoptuwj oi an approeehiag Consumption. Myeoaghwas. .tight and troublesome, attended with copious night sweat*; 1 •pit np dally a considerable qaantity of blood, mixed with thick dark matter. My situation beeams serious and alarm ing During this time I was attended by two of our most foUful Physician*;' they did foe best they could for me, wnea at length they pve up all hopes of my recovery, infomiag ma that nothing more could be done—that my lonp were fo rally diseased, and beyood remedy-. I was then persuaded by • friend of mine to make a trial of Dr. DuneanS Erptta runt JUmaljf, which my Physician* peniitrd against, tayiag • that this medicine would do no good, and would still add more to my suffering. I told them it was my last and only hopej and that If I must die of the disease, (which was evi dent to me,) there would be nothing hat. So 1 seut io the Cincinnati Office and obtained S bottle* of this truly Valua ble Medieine, and commenced taiug according to the direr (tans, which, indeed of adding to mjr suffering, iomedialcly pve me relief at once arresting the troublesome Cough rasing foe- pain and tiptoes* in my Chest; giving me a new life and strength, which woo enabled a* to be about agam. This medicine continued its good work, *hich it so aoUy commenced, until I was made asoondun. I have since beta attending to my business, (upwards of 3 years) and tcel as healthy as. I wish. J bare jrveomaended Dr. Duncan’s Ex pec tonsil Remedy in many instance* to those simSariy afflicted ‘aod it has always proved successful so for as 1 have witnessed it* effects. My sister is using this median* at present, for a Distattd Uvtr and an Affution #/ foe Lungr, which she had suffered with for some time; she has nearly neovered , by the use of fob medicine, and 1 am confident the C bottles that l take with me to-day will entirely cure ker. lam sorry to know that there are thousands of valuable p-V wasting 1 away with fob dreadful destroyer—CONSUMPTION.— Wert it only possible for those to procure fob mediciae iifj time, before (t be too Isle, many lists might bd prokeqed and their families and relations again rendered! happy. This medicine will give instant relief, and at foe fr—« n~. am* the hard and painful Cough, remove the tightness in the Chest give strength to the enfeebled and cmactaud (mat, and in cases, 1 am certain, will perform a perfect cure. I ANDREW J. FELTER. J —• Montgomery, Uaaitioe County, Oh*>. N- B.—TLot whoMy not be wquisled with ms I refer to the UDdernned. citisen* of Moot joinery, Hamilton eotm »Ti o.,th*y win at soy time lobetutMte the shore stsiemt&ts DR. DUNCAN’S WESTERN OFFICE, UOSycama’c where thu valuable Urdieine can always be «**"■-< Sold in Pittsburgh, by WM. JACKSON, comer of Wood and Liberty sis. ,aprM-dAw CcmmapUTtfi Consolation. Doea sickness weigh npon Tear heart? Or pains afilietjonr breast? , Try Dr. Duncan'r Hmlint An, • And it will giro yon rest. It clear* away the misty elood Disease spreads o’er the seal, And whispers throegfa the gloomy abroad, “Vonr health may yet he whole.” See yonder roec of lovely hoe! 'Tie withering with decay; li scarcely stpe the morning dew, Before it fades away. The Worm of Death.was in the stem, And strengthened as it grew— And when it bloomed, (a lovely gem,) It nipped throegh and through. That Worm of Death might be defied, If Dr. Duncan's art were tried; And many lovely damsels saved V The late of an untimely grave* «?-DR. DUNCAN’S WESTERN OFFICE, No ISO Sycamore street, Citelnnaa, Ohio; where his vslash:# medicine is sold. Sold in Pitubargh, by W&I. JACKSON, corner of - Wood and Liberty sis. aplfldAwT •IUERHAfI’I TOOTH PAhTK a raavm inrraiei. THE best troele known for cleaning and whitening the Teeth, strengthening the cams, sweetening the breath, Ac. It should be used every night with a'atffl brush, and the teeth and month will only reqefre a sligh washing in the morning. VY'pt the brash with wvm> water, or eotd will answer, and mb it a few time* on the paste, when eaoogh will adhere for c/eaung the teeth. It leaves a delieioas taste in the month, and im paraamostdelighifelfrigrancetothe breath, lutands an rivalled "hs a pleasant, efficacious, convenient, and i safe dentrifice. it is warranted not to injure the teeth; but to preserve Ibem. By using it regularly, it will remove the tartar and prevent its accumulation—prevent the toothache . strengthen the gums, and prevent all diseases ot inets Chenusts, physicians, and the clergy reeomaend' it a dvidedly superior to every thing of tha hind in use.— Ask for Sherman’s Compound Orris Tooth Paste, observe his signature is attached to each pot Recommended by' Dr. Castle, 331 Broadway,ooe of our best Detuiets, and by most of the old established ones in the United States, and even -Xtentively used by the Nobility of England and Pr** r* A large proportion of thedisease.i hatafSiot mankind arise front tome derangement of thi stomach or towels, which h timely use of the Cathmic Lozenges would entirely obviate. Peraoni of biticus habits should al ways nave a box at hand, and take a dose whenever they feel the least derangement in their health. A jodl cions use of these Lozenges would prevent thousand* of cases. ■ - For sale at WM. JACKSON'S, comer of Wood and Liberty sts ■ deca NO cITRE NO PAY. : DR. CULLEN'S INDIAN vegetable REMEDY—Warranted to core, or the moo* ey returned. This medicine is prepared frotnao Id* than Receipt, obtained from one oi them in the Far .West, at great expense. Those who have been CtduJitrwiU) the Indians, know that they can ami dotenreVenereal withoutthe knowledge ol Mere ctuy, Balsam, Dr anything of the hind. The iL flicted have now an opportunity of bciu coral witapn uhe use ol Baimm. 'rhia medicine Is gteaiant to the taste, and leaves no smell oe the Prepared by ROWAND A WALTON, and sold wholesale nod retail, by J.T. Rowrand, 776 Market street, Pbilad'a. For sale in Pittsburgh by R E. Sellers, 67 wool street, and by Wn Thorn,63 Market sc ocGdwT CtOHSTiIiNO IN SEASON—We learn tha lj Dr. Jayne’s medicine, for the cure of the BOKK THROAT, has been doing wonders daring the late us pleasant weather under fuoL ,It .is better to attend ko Slight eolds in time, and to procere the remedy applied from akilful physicians, than from unknown and irre sponsible quacks. Dr. Jayne has established a repet* turn long sutce lor professional skill, and his fcsemiea far coughs and colas have been proved cfleieioe* bv the experience of thousands— sor.Ev.PeSl.' For sale ia Piituburcb, at the PEKIN TEA STORE 74 Fourth street, near Wood; and at the Drugstore P Schwartz, Federal street. Allegheny City. HmehUdAw • • • . Ur.TaeLane,’* 'Worn SpecHle. T THIS is to certify that, by taking one vial of Doclbr Me Lane’s Worm Specific, a child of James Shaw’s passed upwards of 70 worms; and by the use Of said medicine a child of my own passed 14 large worms.*— It is truly the most surprising worm medicine I ever seen. I mast have two mote vials. . WM GILMORE Wilkins Township For sale by J KIDD & Co, NotO Weod street! Fills btegh. - mebUO JONES’S GENUINE ITALIAN .CHEMICAL SOAP, lor softening the Skin,; eradicating, Fwtts and all Eruptions; (brhealingcbsppedbandsoreraotbd flesn, far dispelling freckles, tan. sunburn aad bldiM ■kin, and producing a fine, beal’hy, youthful planted . Price 3?| eenu per cake; The genuine anteld tsAr nlc by BA FAHNESTOCK A Co T apl4 cor In and wood sit and wood and ftb ■ PffILADI'ADVERTISEMENtSI ‘ ITEAH IRON RAILUfI FACTORY, IjIDGE ROAD, above BattonwoodStreet, Phil- XV adelphix. 'AttbtsestabKthßehtnnjbefoand Ihewreairot'vartetyofPlabsaed beautiful Patterns Toy IRON RAILINGSin tbe'LJmted Slate*, to which the attention ot those in want of any descrip tion, ex pec tally for Cetueleriea, is partieniat;ly invited. The principal part ol all the handsome Railingi rht Lae’el HiH.iM(il)UiittHt|acd other celebrated ;£emeterieeia the city and county o! 'Philadelphia, - which have been eo eighty extolled by the public press, were executed at this manufactory. I : A large IVaresKoom is connected with the estab lishment, where it kept eonauntly on band a large •lock of ready-made Iron Railing*, OrnamenUllroa Settee*, Iron Chair*, new style plain and ornamen tal Iron Gates, with n extenri re assortment of 'iroß Poet*, Pedestal*, Iron Arbors, fee: AJ«o, in great variety, W rougbl end Cast IronOrnamenU,suitable for Radian, and other purpoeea. The sobueriber!would also state that in his Pat Urn and Designing Departmfcnt be ha* employed tome of the best talent in the country, whose whole attention is devoted to the business--form leg alto* gether one of the mpst complete aud systematic ea. tobtishmenU of the kind in the Union. ROBERT WOOD, Proprietor. Ridge Road, above Buttonwood street. Philadelphia* Mireh 12. 1&47 d6mo* CHEAP WATCHER. THE CHEAPEST GOLD AND SILVER WATCH ES IN PHILADELPHIA. Gold Levers, full Jewelled, Silver do do Gold Leptrws, Jewelled, Silver do do Silver Quaxtiers, fine quality, ' iu-mj Gold VVaiebes, plain, IS 00 Silver Spectacles, 173 Gold Pencils,. 300 ' , Gold Bracelela, 4 Ot) _ Also, on hand, a large assortment of Gold and llair Bracelets, finger rlngs, breast pins,hoop cat ringt, gold peas, niter spoons, sugar tongs, thimble*, gold nerk, curb and fob chain*, guard key* and jewelry of evrry description, at equally low price*. All 1 want ia a cafl to eoavmce customer*. A" kinds of Wmebes and Clock* repaired and'war ranted 10 keep good time for one year; old gold and sil ver bought or taken in exchange. For sale, eight day and thirty-boor brass Clock*, at . LEWIS LADOMIm’ > Watch, Clock, and Jewelry Store. No 4131 M»rkc street, above Eleventh, North aide, Philadelphia. irT I have *otne Gold and Silver Levers still cheaper .than the above prices. jiwtm, NASHYTUtt PATENT OXBECT-ACTION vptllS Hammer possesses many advantage* over all JL other*—among which may be mentioned, Its Manageableneaa—Thcr*pld*itty dnd forceof blow maybe controlled with the greatest ease, while the hammer is in operation, and the hammer may he in Handy arretted, and suspended at any height ' fu Universality, or capacity to execute work of dll kinda,Treaitoetafgeii toithe smallest, utder the tame hammer. Its Simplicity, Compactnrou and Cheapness. lt« Accessibility upon all sides, by the workmen All the hammers are made Self-Acting. The subscriber* continue to execute orders for ihcsc hammers,of uUaixes.upon reasonable terms. . For further particulars, inquire of < MKRRJCK ATOWNK, , Assignees of foe Patent for the Uaitrd Stales, .deel.My Southwark Foundry, Philad'a. music 1 music 1 Husici * T RR * WALKKBi Jesigi in Mlusie mnd Uusi -3U eol Inttnmtiia, 180 ITitinu: strut, PkUvHphia H*v« just published,—Friendship: or Scenes of other day* may Fade. Le Petite Danseaan* Viennoiaee, by II Kertz. False Fnend, W 4 V Wallace. Pea de Fleur, Marelzek. 1 Glendalougb, \V i Lemon. Buena Vista March. Rudolph Polka, C F Rudolph. Ravel ‘ do M Keller. Gen. Taylor’s March and Quick Step, Ac. Ac. They arc constantly publishing and receiving all.foe tew music from New York, Boston. Ualumore. Ac. Order* respectfully solicited, aud attended 10 wuh punciuaily. , Al ways on band, all kinds of Musical Tnsirumenu, Violin Strings, Tuning Forks, and all article* of Musi cal Merchandise, at foe lowest prices raytldliu DERRJf &, NICKERSON, ' Manufacuirer* of AWMNOS, SACKING BOTTOMS, WAGON COVER* AND GRAIN BAGS nr ALL DKSCKirTIOBS .. Sfo. 3V4 lontii Frost lim( t Back of T. A. Vrilsxm't Cabinet Ware Manufy PHII.AOKI.PmA; AU.orJsn left with S. S*. Moon, tube office of the Merchant'. Iloirl, Pittsburgh, will be promptly 'tiieodedlo.' THUS. G. DERRY- replO-dly VO WATCHUAKKIU tiut DKALKHS, pMHJßTEßc^WaVchcPWatchmaker’* Tool*.and 1 *\ atch Mat,*ial«, wholesale and retail.audcon lum ronhaodaUrxf MMrtment of Lunette, Fairm, and Flam Ulais, Maan*prmffs. Vtrget, Dial*, Watch Hand*, and a complete aavortmcnt of all Tool# and Ma ‘rrmla Iwtonring to the trade; with a larje a.uttinrat of (.oJu and SHver lupine, and Plain Watcbe# all of winch be will fuaramy to fell at'ihe lowcat N ew tork price#. All onleri (rotnhhe country punctually executed. » • 3 N. 8.--Country Merchant! and othetrare invited to eall and the Old Stand, No. Xi Souih Fourth meet. Philadelphia-. jan2iero jrTLU.iil OGLE, CObSCli JLUUIESS MAKER, i« Cbnaut .t bte, of lixfinoof Orlr * Vvy W Weltoo. rctpcctftulj lufan bit inesdi 4nd the public, lhit he bu u 4 will keen ecMUfitlif on head sad £*■ nle, • haudtoex hwortmeafTf uhxmbbUrmp Vehiektof«llttyle»*nddficripti.>e. BMC lo order at the ihortctt powibte notice, tad neeuUd ia Ux eery best maaaer, of teiecled materiel ieUXMy ! R Smith. W Bagtley. W H Woodward SMITn, BAOALET * CO., wloiewie deal er* in Grocenit. Teat, ludrro *c., No'iai Market tirre:. below Sixth, Noilh »ide. I*', ladcfpbia. fjn ~ MISCELLANEOUS ANOTHER ARRIVAL” AT TJIE IBW YORK STOOIt—T9 HABHBT IT. —-n.'- —jT-rj-r. NOW OPEN— ~’'i/ MUHEMIr Anwber lot rich • JiH Stunner Good*. Rich Sprint iAWLs, lmerStL**, t new; plain 3d printed i R E G K 3, ited and cmb LAWNS; uroi'rd Roan; ich A Scotch a and printed e* de Lusts; ew nch Drab Jaurt Striped AUATAH” new. aJm. U assortment DOMESTIC GOODS; enUetoen*’ AVATS; ■* York made Saim, Ac flowers, cheaper . Meal ai wbnlewJe W II GARRARD ' Noams Buwnu, NOTICE— Apphcauon has been made for the re • news! of Certificate No 178, dated Januan- 13. iwa; for thmy-iix shares of the capital nock « jher eompaay for erecting a.Bridge. over the River Motion gahela, opposite Pittsburgh—which said Certificate has been destroyed by fire or lost. I Pcb3o GEORGE COCHRAN Wm P Young. C Ihmsen. P Plunkett. YOUNG, IHJUEN A PLUNKETT, FLINT GLASS MANUFACTURERS WAREHOUSE Noe. tt Water and 104 Firm street! * V Pittsburgh. The Glass manufactured by as U warranted equal to any m the country. All oidere will receive prompt attention and filled on reasonable terms. Merebanu and others visiting the etty are in vited to call before purchasing else where. febH HIST Received and for sate from the Fouodryef peo. Bruce K ~M A Co., New York, the following ■MCm fonts of Type: 4Cd| lbs Bourgeois; ' I7| lbs Minion Till*; 451 lbs Leads; 271 lbs Minion; ' 3 rbsTwoUoc Minion Cups; Rpsee rules, ALSO-For sale, a great vari ety of *«eoad hand Type, from Nonpareil to 33 line pi ea, Ffoweu, Ornaments etc , which will be sold low for cash.; JOHNSTON A STOCKTON —M* »Ma rke t st COACH MAKING.' - ' FROM the vary litoral encourage menl the subscriber has received since he has located himself in Allegheny, \T& " abas induced him to takes lease,fora “term of years, on the property be now occupies, in Beaver street, immediately beside the Presbyterian Church. From the long experience tn the above business and a desire to please, he hope* to me r* it and receive a share of public patronage. - Now oa bund and finishing to order, Hoekaway Bag gies, open and top Buggies, and every description of Carnages made to order, from seventy-five'dollars to QlrtiheaasvX fsep3-din JOHN SOUTH. ARM THROCKMORTONbegs to acquaint bts friends that be is again lessee of the GALT HOUSE, Louisville, Ky.. where he hopes to meet all his old friends, assuring Ibem and the public, that'no effort shall be spared to make aJi comfortable who favor Mm with their patronage. ianlldlr aVINING ROOEB, Monthly greena, Ae, tollable for planting In Cemetry’a can be furnished on application at the seed store, from Nurseries of Jis. War drop, Manchester. 8 N WICKERSIIAM NolOi coi wood anddtbsts T »O*T VORBITCBE. T "ere and for sale low— -1 S"J Meurasses; , £&■ fowwdon sccorasaodsUugl’.TWt. WM mtfftf Store,opposue the Banker Pittsburgh, 3d « /TroUND ALLSPICE, and'~CioTss In Lx bils, boxes and small ptekagee, coostamJ von and for sale at the Meiterd Faototy, XI Filth «««■__. , .r.P°_ RiiODEaAALcoBN CABINET DPHOLITiEBnA lAM prepared to.do all kinds of Cabinet Sofas, Divan*,Chain, Chair Bests, at 3w t *Sffi? ftden left at Mr. Noble’s on Third «, promptly attend- Ky Key airing of all kinns. TX7 A B RANTED rapenor 10 die best Eiitlisb “£lOOl *jLW!iSfiSsl£lt " ,a w 11,0 Wl,cbo ggW.. - v’J BHAW MACLAKBN. ABO\ WANTED— framed a yood iadastriou^v. to aae»d >* • Grocery Store. The ben of-refer ence repaired. Apply o ___ apßif : F SEITZ, m Liberty street TKAJitSfUKTAiIVJC^Iiiima. PKSKSYLVASIA CANAL A RAILROAD . EXPRESS PACT PACKET THE public are respectfully Informed tbatthi* Line will commence running oo or alibui thelflih instant; and continue throughout the reason. The proprietor* have now placed a superior clas> of Packet* and Rail road Can on the route, with’ extra setomraodaitoas, wbteh will give greater comfort to traveler*. A Packet Roai-wilLalv»ya be in port, and the trav eling public are requested to call, and examine tbm, preyioM to engaging passage elsewhere. \ ‘ FARE ONuV NINE DOLLARS.” Opeofthei Packet* will leaee the landing,(ophite ike United State* Hotels comer Penn street *n*i the Canal.every night alPo'clock. TIME.3I DA VS.. . For information apply at the office, Moaongmhola lloa*e. Water street, or to D LEECH k. Co meU3. cor Peon street and Canal “WljS'fSKrrUASBPottfATl"o3 _ C^ 1017 SSjft BSSssS 104 /• D. LEECH i CO’S. OLD ESTABLISHED TRANSPORTATION LLNF •"BETWEEN PITTSBURGH; ‘ PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE AND NKW YORK. THE dock of this line conrlm of a double daily Lineot Real* and Car*, [owned by iberaaePvel.) which are in good order. The *ub»cnben are prepa red to forward a large quantity of Merchandize and Produce with certainty and diapaten; Produce or Merchandite con»igne<l to any of the up demgnrd, i» forwarded free ol any charge for cornniU atonoratoragd. BillaLadiog transmitted and all 'instruction* promptly attended to. The buaineaa of this Line ia conducted on strictly Sabbath-keeping principle* Addreu, or apply to D LEECH A Co, Proprietor*. _• Canal Bonn, Pittsburgh HARRIS A LEECll,ProprictaraT No 13South Third ttrret, Philadelphia JO*. TA YLOR A SONS, Areata. No 114 North Howard itreet, Baltimore W B WILSON, Agent! No 7 Weat street, New York PITTSBURGH PORTABLK D.UIIE. M' 1847. BMB FOK the transportation of Freight In ween I’ltitburgli and the Atlauuc Cities, avoiding transhipments on the *»y, and the consequent nek of dels), dam.icc, breakage and separation of good* «*• Proprietor! HORDIUtXJK A CASH No 379 Market street. Philadelphia TAAFFK A O'CONNOR Cor Penn arid 'Vuvne su, I’ituharch O'CONNOR ACo, North street, Baltimore I . M(tJT TAPSCOTT, 74 South *i, pj y. \ Agent* Encouraged by increased basinets tbo Proprieiofß have added ip their stock And extended their arrange' meiiisdurtugthe winter, and are no« prepared totoE ward freigjt with regularity and dispatch unsurpassed by anv other Jiue. Their long i-xpenruec as carriers, die palpable superiomy of the Portable Boat System, and thogreat capacity and convenience of the ware house* at each end or the hoe, are peehliarlycalcuU ted u> enable the proprietors to fulfil their engager neuls and acrotnmodate their customers—confiOcuilyoffrring the past as a gatnutty for the future, they rcspcctfulfy solicit a continaaneeof that patronage which they now gratefully acknowledge. 1 All coattganttnisto Taaffe A O'Connor wtllbcrec’d and forwarded. Sicamboat charges paid »r.d Bills ot Lading transmitted free of any charge for Commission, advancing or storage. Having no interest dtrtetly or indirectly in steamboats, the interest of.the cousigtton mult necessarily be their primary object in shipping west, and they pledge themselves to forward ail goods consigned to them promptly and on the most advanta geous terms to the owners. March 1,1647 mntf STEAM HAM MLR. IiIDEPEHDiCSIT PORTABLE BOAT LINE. 1847.' FOB THE TRANSPORTATION OFPHODUUE AND MERCHANDISE TO AND FROM PITTS BURGH, PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE. Without Transhipment. _/TT Goods consigned toanreare will be forwarded with oat delay,.ni the lowest current rates. |l:l|» of Lading transmittal, and all instruction* promptly aitrndrd to free from any extra charge fur storagr or commission Address, or apply to i: A MeANULTY ACo . i Canal Ua*iti, Pittsburgh , STORAGE. Having a very large and commodious warehouse, we are prepared to reeeive Im addition io height for shipment) a large amoaut of Produce, Ac . on Storage at low rates.' imam] C_A McAMJLTY ACo PICRWQRTH A CO'S bniE. Stella 1 8 4 7. Jtnfni=^ Exclusively for the transpor'auou of way F E^2 ,,Tb * ,we V rPm * LaT * ~B ‘ a 'o vi l<«. Johns town, Holl.daysborgb, Water Street, Petrr<burjh and all intermediate places. One Boat will leave the wayrhbuse ofC A McAnalh ACo- Pittsburgh, every day, [except Sundays!] amt shipperscan always uepend on having ihcir goodslor warded witboal delay and at fair rates This Line was formed for the special accommodation of the wmj business, and the proprietors respectfully tolrcit a liberal share of patronage. A. C. NICKERSON CARRIAGES. i J MeDcrm, Jolia I‘aikcr, Rotten Moore,H»g*Jey t nxrfi LASH ERfEANI) JllCHlliAil L!»K. ' 184 T. fegasdS . T'Jlls Line being compwed of Sieamboata Lake Kr:c i »m! Micbigan« running daily t.eiw.y,, IW.uigi, and Leaver. freight uud pai.cuge, Canal'|w,*7* ranninr beiween Beoveramj Jrie arid mnnrctmg with C M Heed t Une of Steamboat Propeller* and Vc**el» on the Lake*, will be prepared upon the earlier open lngof Narigaiiou to carry Freight and Paa-engcr* to ail point* ou the River, Canai and Lakca 5 Karins facility for conveying freight and na»- •engera with ptomptncM and ditpaich, ih“ prepnetor aruf artnn reipectfully *ol«u from then friend* and he ptthlie generally their patronage. C M REKD, Kne, Proprietor FIELDS, PARKS A Co, Beaver,'Acu John a caubhkv. Pituii'rhJo Cot. Smtth&ajd and Water .t*. onpo.:,V ihe gmhrla iloute. B atren to Wheeler, Crocker A Co, New York <lto Dari*, Buffalo K N Park* 4k Co, Cleveland Ju A Armstrong k Co, Drtroit McClure* Williams, Milwaukee Bristol A Puner. Chicago •Win Power*, Powentown, frnm Ueo Machsltnyrc, Evansburgh, I’cnna John MeAnbar, lluntsiown, 'do 'Vitk 4fc Aeker, Greenville, rto Craig* Fraromon, Clarksville. do liars * Platan, Sbarpsl.uteh. Pa * B W Conninghtm. New Castle, do mar* POHTABLB BOAT LIVE. Porting* TWEEN PITTSBURGH AND THE EASTERN CITIES, WITHOUT TRAVIHIPaKKT. iojprovtd ineibod of carry in* used t-r (hit lan* A . l S uh l'» hcd ia now so well known that d«. acriptoii w onneceMtry. Goods are not touched on ihr •ooie, thus all transhipment or extra bundling is saved r The Boat* are of light draught sad perform iheir inp» m from *il to seven ilar* The capacjiy of our Wuicl.on.es enables us to store any consignment* made too*. Receivißf,notine, and advances fru of rharges. Being fully prepared to make tales of Produce, we respectfully aolieil consignment* of western Flour Bacon, Lard, Butler, Chee*e, Wool, Feather*, and mher anieies for sale, on which liberal advance* will i v made and olber utaal facilitic* afforded, pledging our selvea that any business entrusted to u« shall l>e a*' promptly executed and upon as fair term* at ».* » av other house. JNO McPADDKN *Co * Canal Basin, Pittsburgh JAS MDA VIS ACo * __mebllf *» and 851 Market si, Philada •I. I. DICKEY, - ' iOkWiRSIHO & COSfIiSSIOIi IERCIIANT, Eatt Beaver Puini and Bndge%odtr t hath cotnrTT, r*., Proprietor and Agent, of steamers ' tJSZLgfr Eg* rs IAKBBBIR ASD MICHIGAN, BAXLT.’ IXTVXU riTTaBCROB ASD BBATIS, TX7ILL beptepared on earllcat openingof canal uav. Tvligaiiou.to receive property at his wharftoator in warehouse, for all point* on trie Extension. Cross Cut, and OutO Canals; tor ajl pons on Lake Erie and upper Lakes.asalsotoiorwardproducc- Ae.liv Penn’a Improvement*. Apply to or address feh«-dtf _ _ JAS FSJCIJKY, Beaver PITTSBURGH £ UI.BVFLANiTMNE. 1840. 11. Clarke. 11. Hoop*. T. K cbmond &2o CLARKE & CO., Porwarrilßf k Commission Marcbants. BEAVER, Pa. T« Printers. T ,,, P. A^ enl •* ,,<, Pn »ot!etoru of this Line (so favor A ably known to the public), will be prepared on tin e«v , r. , |i < !Pi n " ,, l ° r 10 rerrivrprop *‘ ' U ' ,U T ■"£ “«■«'. d'•liver the same l °0 Ui«i Ohio canal*, ruid aJsoon Lake* Km onahteralEr"' W ‘' h lb ° ‘ rr “‘ e,t rfe 'paicU and m n?a«. The proprietor* of (Jut line soUit Uie business n their former customer* with confident*. knowing iha tUeir facilities are second to none. Apply u> or address T TO THE PUBLIC'. HE Boairaen’s Portable Boat Company being dis solved, the Company again went into articles of Co pamirrahip under the name of the “Boatmen'. Line;" and likewise agreed to refit the Block so a* to have a Dumber of Bouts for the purpose of currying good* Ihiougb In from six to eight days, with eerterniy-aml feel encouraged by the liberality of la*t year’s patron age, to make more extensive arrangement* for the en suing year. ■ * We would therefore respecifully solicit a continu ance of our fotmer patron*, and refer all new eattofricr* to those; we have done business for. fiasi 1847. mu mi BOATMANS’ LINK, For the transportation of LL XIV 1» or MCBCUAtIUUC, TO aju> krom rjUMDxtrnUkZiALTnuiix, N*w Voti, **& JJotros TSAMUELWIGHTMAN k Co, Corner Liberty ilreet and Canal Bum. Pirubureh „ A LjPERU ART k Co, Nb 363 Market atreei, Phllade phla. ELDEB, GFXSTON A Co. Areola, Baltimore, Md. - REFERENCES. PITTSBURGH—Jet. MeColly, Geo. MorrnnACo. W MeCOllyA Co, 1) A Ssmpeon A Co. M Allen ACo. PHILA DELPHI A—Morrie Fiii»<od A Co, Reynold* McParlupd A Co, Fleam* A Bniby. Peicr Wrtrht A Boa. J lliephna, Joseph Grau. NEW YORK—GoodhneACo, Tbeo. Perry A Co. BOSTON—Heed, Ilatd A Co. "■CINCINNATI—Adnm» A Cre.gb, W W Bcarbor FT. PLEASANT, VA-P A Mechler. NASHVILLE—T Fleming £ Nor*—All merchandise from New York end Boston, nonatfoedto A L Oeibsn A Co, Philadelphia will be promptly forwarded ./we of eommlMian. febis 'J T.WPUACT. M LEECH * CO’S . Paelum* Eiprtu lo PMlftdclft-bia* ■MBEEM| fUE Canal being now onto, tie •ESSBiaKJftabote Eipreta wbtch ku bean e»- 10f »fae conveyance of valuable packaeei of SsiK‘“ < ’- ■pecie.t.int nou., jcwdr,; Ac , s.m -“"'11 * »«ox PITTSBURGH to PHILADA. as* BALTIMORE ExiiitiMy fir Pouenftrt. Propntiort. JOHN PICKWORTH JOHN MILLER DAN'L H BARNES ROBKKT WOODS WIU.IA.M Fl'l.TY JOHN .'MII.I.HII'. Ho:ii<U>»l»ur?b ) R H CANAN. John-uiwn ] Ateui« C A.MoANIU.TV A Co. I’mtbutgb ) * RF.rXREKCtt. a.“nA!Ta: £rj’: 1u1, " ,u - T RICHMOND ft Cf r v»eliod. D LKFXJHftCo for Penn n end Cepel xttanoruttifljiun'-~ianE.g PITTSBURGH AND CINCINNATI daily line OP ■JCSIPICBSI PABSJSROEB P4CHEIS. .. . T!UI9 well known and popatarUa'c of Steamer* ha* J- Ven rreatly improved the pa*t Winter; by the a<J. duiori of tevrral new and micoJSceni boat*, boil! expressly tor the Packet Liner and the entireline I* now composed of eight of .the largest, best finished and furnished, and most powerfurfoats on the Watei* of the West. Every accommodation Ihatmoney will prt> enre ba * be * n ptOTided for Passengers, and no pain* will be spared 10 reader them comfortable and the trim agreeable. They leavePitisburriandCinemnatidaJiT and positively atlOo’eloek, A_Si. 1 MONDAY PACKET. The MONONGAIIEL A, Capt. Stonr, will leave Piu*. burgh every Monday morniatat 10 o’clock; Wheeline ■ eTe E. Mo^l *s>'*’ rcnin K a,lo * tM i and Cincinnati er* »cryThur*day.*ilOo*cloekM.AL ?' ’ TUESDAYPACKET. The UIBLRNJa, NO. 9, CapL /. Klinrftlux, will «*, Vc ~liuburB l' every Tuesday morning at 10o>clort; •• heeling every Tuc'dav eyeoing at 10 P. Jd ; and Cuiciiuiaii every Friday at lOo’elock; A.M WEDNESDAY PACKET. The NEW ENGLAND NO. a, Capu S. Dm, will leave I imburrh every Wednesday morning at 10 o’clock; Wher'rng'eveiy Wednesday evening at 10 P M ; and Cincinnati every SaturdayatlOo'elock, A M THURSDAY PACKET. The WISCONSIN, Capt. R.J. Groce, wilt leave Pitta burgh every Thursday morning at lOo’cloek; Whrclinr every Thursday evening at 10 P. 61.: and Cincinnati ever) Sunday at 10 o’clock, A. M FRIDAY PACKET. The CLIPPER, NO a, Capt Cropfa,will leave Puu burgb every Friday morning at 10 o'clock; Wheeling every Friday evening at 10 P.M.; and Cincinnati c*crr Monday atlOoVlocK, A. M. _ SATUBDAY PACKET. The MESSENGER, CspL Lia/arJ. will leave Pi burgh every SaiunUy pjorningatlUoYloek: Wheel every Saturday evening at 10 P. M.; iiidCincihi every Tuesday at 100-'clock, A. M. The ISAAC NEWTON, CapL A G. Jtfanm, - leave PiUsborgh every Sunday morning u 10 oVlf Wheeling every Sunday evening at jo I*. M.; and t eimaii every Wednesday at 10 •clock, A M. Oy* Hiere Packets will ije ai ihcir berth* at I'isotiuich and Cmcinnail, regularly, the day previon* in leaving each port, lor the reception of freight, and eniry ofrae lenxeis on Ihe Register. No Berth or State Room considered engaged until pmd *>*• _ febs REGULAR MORNING PACKET FOR BEAVER. |v The pew and splendid Mcamcr ■ LihuU ■■■ BEAVER, Hoops, commence* her inns Ibis day. leaving I’.ti* burgh at 0 o’clock, a. m ,*iii! Reaver afj o'clock, r si.,- connecting wr.li I’uubuigh and ClcveUud Line of Cud nal Bonu daily to Cleveland, O; Bearer, Warren and Cleveland Line of Canal Parket* and Stage Coaebrv daily io Wurrcnand Clevrlanu; Canal Packet Line* lo New Caailr and liicenville. Pa; Fine Flzieuaion Line to Mcudvillc and Fine. Neil, Moore A Co's Inne* of Singe Coaches for Cleveland and Wnorir t, leave Bea ver daily on ihe arrival of steamboat Beaver fiom PiUabiirgh Apply lo ti, M lIARTO.N A Co, Pittsburgh apU CLARKK A Co. Beaver UNION LINE," ‘ BMga-1347: BEPWEEN PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND. E N PARES A bo, Cleveland, O. ) R G PARKS, Beavet, Pa. {Proprietors. W T MATHER, Pittsburgh, Pa. ) - THE above Line ■* now fully prepared to transport Freight am! Passengers from Pittsburgh and Cleve land, to any point on lb* Pennsylvania A Ohio and" Ohio Canals. The facilities of said Line are not equalled by any o said Canals, in numbers and capacity of Boats. exp< nance of Caplains, and promptness of Agents, Ac. One Boat leave* Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily, rur mug in connection with thu Steamer*. I t . Michigan and Lake Rne, between'Pittsburgh and Bearer, and a Line of Grat ciaia Steamboats, Propel lers, Brigs and tfehooners, on Lake* Erie, Huron, Mi chigan and Ontario Properly forwarded to any part of the Union with despatch E N PARKS A Go, Cleveland, Att* RF.ED, PARKS A Co, Ucaver, Acts W T MATHER. Pittsburgh, Agt, i spit __ Cor Water add Smithfield «(reet» SUMMER ARRARGEBUSNTsI o .18 47, maa MONONGAUELA ROUTE, BROWNBVJLLE AND CUMBERLAND TO BAL TIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA Time to Baltimore- & hour*. Time to Philadelphia ..go [Only 7'i Aide* Staging.] THF!.*p]eitdid and la«i runningaieamms Consul, l.oa >« Mcf.ane and Swatara. have commenced making double daily trips. One boat will leave the.Manongu he!* wharf every morning precisely at 3 o'clock.— Passenger* by the morning line will arrive in Baltimore neat evening in lime fur the Philadelphia Mail Doai, or Rail Road ran The evening Boat will leave the wharf daily ai 4 o'rlock, rxeept Scndsys. Passengers bv I'm* boat will lode-on board, in comfortable »tnle ruotn*, leave Brown.viile next nioriiing at Oo cluck; rroti me mountain* mday lighi, rup and lodge in Cum berland. Thus avoiding mght travel altogether. The preparauoni on this route are ample, and the connection compleie; to that disappointment* or delays will tie un known upon it. Passengers cary-ilop on the mute and rrsome their seats again at pleasure, and have cho.ce of Rail Road or,Sheamtioai between Baltimore and Philadelphia. , Coaches chaneied io panics io travel a* they detirg) Secure vour tickets at the office, Monongahela House, or St Charles Hotel. J MKisKI.MEN feblS ' TO CLEVELAND rli. WARREN. 1841 THROUGH IN 94 HOURS. | PACKET Swallow and Telegraph lleave Bea ver daily, m 3 o'clock r »., after ins arrival of the morning Boa' from Pittsburgh. anJ arrive at Warm in time lor ihe Mail Line of Stages, which leave tmoirdi ately thereafter, and arrive at Cleveland ai SoYJoek. t y 1 . This routr i« lUe most expeditious and conulinabl one to llie Lakes. Ct»TKS ft LrFFIXGWKLL. Warren. J'ropr'. RKKD, PARKS ft Co, Heaver. Agents JOHN A CaUGHKY. comer WaterandSmithficid aur? ap*ljr Opposite tnc Monongabe'a 1100*0 Pmaliargh PITTSBDUGII AND UKKKNVILL.B £BBm& ISJ7. 1 PACKET ANfl FREIGHT LINK 1 WHltf I .me consisting of freight and puarager Pacl- A eta, will ton re*al.Hr during U»< Kwa Urtwecn Beerpr end Greenville, Pa . by wtncb fmgbt end tmi . wnn between the twopom»«. w.llhr earned pmtrir.t|T and at ihr lowed rates. ' * WICKft AKCHKa.Greene.lte, An. CRAIO ft FBAMPrr).^ 4 ;i,rUT.lfr ,io MePAKLANDAKINdTHigIIcnd ' do MAYS ft Pl.l/MB, Sbarp.iinrxb. * .in! W C MALAN. Hitt itm, j. WM. MATIIKWH, Pula.ll. ,u’ REED, PARKS*, Co, Deavr.. Jo' JOHN A CALGHKY.cnrner Waifi andSnu'iLSclJ su •pbly Oppoaiie the Monongahcla Hou.e. Pitm.nrab CITIZENS POBTADLK BOAT AINK.* 1847. mm& •’on the TRimrußTiTion op T,,.. “»«* Boalow.. Hh encouragement Uiw |, ne ha» received since ita commencement, has induced the propne wn *Ol eereaae the flock by adding • numbeVolDm rlaaa boat.; end instead ofgiving receipts aa hereto f"7 “* ei »e»tn. a uo our own P «cetpia or freight shipped by thu hoe. * ,?ke b V!I U “v , 4, ‘P ort aW'. cooaerjorntlr r.e.ght • taken the whole distance without transhipment .thereby pre.ent.ng daman from Indent handling «n the route, and aa each boat i, ..weed by »the Captain who ran* them, which ia a sufficient guar, antee that there will ba no delay 00 iho route. All 1 roduce or Merebandiee consigned to the M.'fcSKf d r W, l! b * F REE OF COM MISSION, for advancing and forwarding, and will lreUiL Ped W,tlloUl dela f * r R>« lowest rate* of Ise revpecUnlly solicit • .hare of public patro. n «ge- WALLINGFORD £ (*i , Canal Baato, PituboTgh. CRAIG, BELLAS fc Co.. Agt Broad Street, Philadelphia. J F MILLER, Agent , .... Bosley's Wharf, Baltimore. I ittaburgh, Feb. 18. 1U47, 184 b **» 1^47 ££St wsaenfla TO TOE EAST M BOSUSMBEU BOUTK, nnowNSViLLB & oumukhi.a.vd. I v h 5 ,e P«P*r*d to rotward pro in. W?n» * C during the en.u d"no.,. mu.r m ° r " T ° r,lj!e ‘ en,,, • b > »*■*• «P»- All property ronngnrd 10 ua will l.e forwarded utibe lower) rate, and with de.pairU. 184 U 1847 aSSSB* ■w-w-zaixt- TO THK KAST DV BALTUIOBK AMD OHIO lIAII.KOAD. T’RR *ub*r fibers will receipt forth* delivery of Pro- .^* he# ' L««d, Lard. Pork Tallow Whiskey. Cheese, and Glass—fc?| eta per 10u tbs ,to ’ Tobacco, llemp, Flat and Wheat—& cii ner ion li,. A.h.Mfc,| Apple., el„»«, F!.,.£,7 Leaihrr— loo ctaper 100 lt>* . wmaa, and OIK Bkm.. Seeds, Wool-110 cts per 100 llw. •“ d »«•»••*« -.li'L'BSMfsiss assasf at above rate.. WII CLAIIK, Browni»n£ ’ nnvtWH " ANNA * FREIGHTERS and others wl.hine J.® b *!° Brick, Produce, fte l y>BW brought to Ibis place from Sienbinv.lJe 4HMi ud miermediate landings, can make arrangements, by calling on ma a. I have a Boat ronning reiolarljr lietwten Pitl.bureh and Stear.env.lle. GKO, p MILTF.NBKRHW 4d )in4 Steamboat 6o_Water'ii FOR-SALEs ' j ygiIWWM now at the Monongaheia whart As I carrying freight and paaaengera; or for lowimrK, has fnißt capacity and power. Any per*©,, dTipoecd to purebaac will of course tuipoci her. I also propose to lease, forooe or more year* —i , . Wtrkr, andtoaraanof energy end business habits they “ offer peat advantages. I can furnish the leasee, either V oo aale or charter,any tow boat “MINER.” it- c .„ I , also have on fair tend* six barges, three flats, and two “ coal bottoms, sixteen oara with rope a, fixtures. At naade for foil operation*. An examination oft ha <«! tablisbracnt is invited. Persous disposed to negotiate with me iu reference to any of (he above particular < may •ddreta me at my Office in rboart’s Buildinj. a |«' street, Pitubnrgh; or at Harlem,near Mononnhel* cilv a«|«o XIIOB || AaJß|} * ’ tiuxij . TO THE SICK AKO . APFUCTED. ' DH. SWA VSK'n GREAT DISCOVERY. SINCETH E DISCOVERY OK DK.SW.UW KS » *luible Medicine,lhotuaoda have been resin, red lo perfect health who but by its iue would now be u the rilent grave. Akother living witness.—Head with aston iahment Ihe wonddrlol cure performed by Doctor Swa/ne J * Compound Syrup of WILD CHERRY- Pmt*DELrHia,,Janu.iry |»47.' Dr. Swajnc—Dear Sir: In justice to yourself and adntjr I owe lo suffering .humanity,! cheerful}* give iny Usttmony, auu declare lo the world the most astonishing cflects, and the great cure your Compound Syrup or Wild Cherry performed on me under tne most unfavorable circumstances. 1 was teken with a violent Xlongfc Spitting of Blood Se vere Faina in the Side aoi Breast, which teemed to break down aad enfeebleW couatitutiun a» tiia: my pbystcun thought mv the power or medicine, and my inenda all give me up to die- but thanka to you and the of your great diacove ry, I now feel myjcll a well man, and raised from a mere ikelelon to aa Seahy and healUiy a man aa 1 hire been for years, and shall be pleased to give any information respecting ray case, by calling at mv residence,Mechanic alreet,third door below (leorff'e street, Northern Liberties.- Jacob Painter 8 Testimony u now received from all ouarten of the Globe. J The following letters arc presented with a view of more fully aliowjng the opmion/of Piivaicianain relation to the Mcdicaryaluc of Dr S\V r AYNF , >< COMPOUND SYRUP OK WILD CHERRY ‘ Dr. Swayne—Dear Sir Having used your Com. pound Syrup of Wild Cherry extensively m my practice, 1 -was recreated by y«,p r Agent, Doctor Crutcher to erpresa myopminn in writing ofits properties ns a rcmedinl agent, I most- cheerfully comply, aa I feel by so doing, l will discharge a debt 1 owe the community at large, and Physicians in particular., As much is I detest Quack Rome, dies nod Patent Nostrums, 1 was induced from a lailurc of the most potent expectorants recom mended in our materia inedlut m sohie cases ol Diseased Luni;s to Uy your preparation of I’runu* Virginia or \V ild t.berry. 11 is sufficient to say that I was so much pleased with the result nf thaLand subsequent trials, that I now prescribe it in prefer cnce to all other Remedies where on cxpcclouut m indicated. In the much drn .dcd Pneumonia or Disease of the Luogs, in the alarming lorm in which H appears in Kentucky, 1 regard it .is an invaluable Remedy it* Uio Ire,-ittnnnt ol lint disease. To all "who know •me I have enough, hut as (hi* mat be seen by persons out or the vicinity of Kranklbri I will briefly.add. thal I have been ergaged in aii ictive practice ol iny profession of ISyosrs.and am a Regular (iraduatp of Transylvania, and this is tl, r br»t Patent Medicine I ever thought enough ~1 i,. express an opinion in writing. " U. j. H-Ku.iMifi. M. n Jinimy 7lh. IfilT Franklin (.'mini), kv > ham; nun. ky., Jan'ry 7th, IJjl" Die above certificate in t'on, u np nl OUf C| jyfct _ cian* liTlnj afewmiiesfrum hcije, Itr isdum"? »rry S'*"* practice', ami: ta cohS.lercla K o ; ,d Physician and stands fair, he la, as he nay*, a regulargraiiu.itr 1)11. W. 1,. L'RtTCHEB, l^ ru Sn ll and Apolhccarv. TuSimutriaU will never cease. . > rom ihc I cmpcrancc Pledge. Now that Winter is upon us with its atlcndan train ofToJlmonic ami Bronchial aflcctions. Cough* Colds, dtc. 4cc . wc would advise those affl.ctcd ur thift way to make immediate trial of Dr. Swavne’s Compound Syrup ot Wild Cherry. It will (ail t.» perfi rm a permanent cure. The reputation of this medicine has caused many sporious articles to be put lorth undents name; bul the pieparaiion of Dr. Swsyne, besides being the tirst ejer ollerod to tbo public, is thp only one that can bo relied on The other mixtures sold lor Wild Cherry Syrup Balsams, ttc., are all spurious aud worthies* and contain none ol the virtues of the original preparas lion, Dr. Swaync's Compound Syrup oj Wi'd Cherry. : l ' From UicJ Springfield Ksprp>s. Of the thousand* or purported curative nostrum* now before the public, but very few aro lound lo possess the healing (Virtues lor winch they are ie commended. Among the latter wo arc pieast d to learn none; stand a better tc»t than Dr .■'wavne'* Compound ;Syrupol Wild ( he.ry. The afll'.cted in this vieutity are beginning to ose it. and to their joy the? find in Hs use their hopes based upon u» recomißemtstions more than realized. Titc alll.cted need uotdespair While there is hie, there now m hope. A CAM'ION TO TIIK PUBLIC U’Sinee the introduction of my article to the public, there have a number of unprincipled indi viduals got up nostrums which they assert contain \\ i!d Cherry, some are called •• Balsams," "Bitten ' and even .Syrup ol! Wild Cherry, but mme i« the original and only genuine (.reparation (; m introdu cea to the public, which can be proven by the pub lie Hocords ol the t luniintiQweallh ufPciiiisylvauia. The only wlegnard against imposition u to set, that my signature ia oaeacli bottle. , OH. 11. .MVAVNK. Prepared outy by Ur. H. Swaht*. m hi* Pnuci. pal Otfice. corner ol K.niir amt lUtr .Street*. I hiladelpbia. Atl'Wild Cherry preparations being liclitlous and counterfeit mihout his >i<>iaiure * Kor sale I.T Pili«burgl wU*.!,!,. jl WM. THOltiN.it Marl.efsu.ci, } ' OGDhN Al SNOWDKiV, corner ,'nd A Woodtts S. JOiSES, li» Liberty street. Sold also by J Mitchell. Allegheny Hti; Hoyd Cams At Xlo., Butler; Weaver,*: Hmdershn Mer cer. Nortnaa Calendar, MendffJlr; J U Burton & Co., Erie: M'Keoaic &; Kaskell, ClcvelaLd: Deni* 6t Son, Columbut; Miller. Brownsville* Marsh, Wheeling. Va.; K B Hmman. Cincinnati, Ohio- Ur K Easterly A: Co.. St. Lou.*; J ,s Morn* Ac 'Co Louisville, Ay ; Andrew Oiuer .V <_n, New Or-’ .. a r 5 9TASTOXS KITKItSAi. UkSkd* - IALLILI ’ HUNT’S LINIMENT, IS now universally acknowledged to b« the IN* h ALLJBLK Iif.MKDY for IfUicumatum, *ipi. nil Affections, Conlractiuu* of the Muscles Sore Throat and Quinsy, Issues, Old deers, Paina’iu the Back and Chest, Ague in the Brc.-i»t and Fare Tooth Ache, Sprainr. Ilnmni, Salt Blieum, |j U rn* Croup. Frosted Feet and all Nervous Disease*' The TRIUMPHANT M l.'CKw which haiai. tended the application i*f this most WONUKBKI I. MKDKLNE in curing the most vevrre carr* ol'ihe difierent Ihsca rs above named,—and the HIGH ENCOMIUMS that have been, bestowed upon it. wherever it hu been introduced, give* mi the mrht to call on the AFFLICTED lo r. «»ri n oner to the ONLY REMEDY THAT CAN BE RELIED he faculty unite in recommending the crle aled Kiiernjl,(tcii<c«Jy, Hunt * Linuncnt. The rnllowinp teller from Uie highly ennner’l I'hvsieians who hate been atlarhed i» th'c Mourn Pleasant Mite Prison lor many »car« i« the t )( «t evidence oC Hie value »f (fits celebrated Liniment. Sisn Si,k., liccciuner l«» My hear Mr—l received jour note «.l ycsterdi} askinjf my opinion in rclati»*t„ Hum , Liniment •• preplied by Mr Hcorgr K Manton. Km.wii, c ’ iu composition, and having Ircrtaenilr used il I can recommend it t» von as « »j| r Knernal Heuie dy.and iu my opinion, the br.l |.i n ,| llcn , nl use. Very truly and respectfully vour». ' A K lIOF'KMAiY • ol I’ierre \ an* ortbnilt. <'roton A!in<>r ;1 fuller concur in UIC .lime opinion. W !\ UKLCHKK. i "HKIoh s, Jan. I i, 18-ki. Nr—ln reply to yui.r Idler. I would m* that | iiare u.cd your Kxterna) Komcdv, called' llunC, l.{tument. in rar practice tince you made me nc fjuamlcd with it« compeiium, ami ui.bc.ilatiniMt .ay that I bcl.rrr it to he the bet Kxlcriul He«e dy now in u.c lor ihe c.mipbintt f..r hLicli you rc eoinmeml n Your. repei-Uupy UEiNJ I) MILLKIt. M. p. Gro:K Slaulon, K.t|. From tic J\ V .'sun. {Tj'Amnnj; the ddm nf worthies* articles jm> humbug* that are poured forth at the present day upon the country, it ia really refrcsh.ng u, Hnd something or real practical pie, ;tpccdjr and cflectual in its opem.on, aeii d the >amo time Irce from those injurious- el|«ict» which generally allrud powerful remedies HuM’* Linijnent. prepared by tieo. K Maninn.ot J,n L ' Mn e ; though it ha. been but. abort i. mc hcLr the public, hu already obtained the contidence not only;ol our moat wealthy and influential citiaina but pur moat eminent physician.. All ackmlwl-’ edge it to bet sovereign b.ilm for many of thelillr thalflesh ta heir to, toothing the arhiug limb ami : by ii» genuine stimulating i Idu euo froui the «y»tem. * r 'Mr. Stanton—Sir—Srcn.g your advertn-enlent of Hunt a Liniment, 1 waa induced to try ,t. edicts on my' ion, who had been crippled with a lame back I rom «n infant; and Ui* wijh grjlilude I bear teatimouy to Ha wnnderfiil healing propertiea j,\u child, who ia now the age, ia now alfnir way ofrecovery, Voiira.acc UEMMuN »; iNIt.KEK.SON. . Po»to»ick,Townine, rutnaml.l I certify that I am personally acri.iaint. d wuh thoabrive named ch id, and think the ftther whu'd be sale in saying that hi* am. i. almost well 1 r ,o, t JAS IV DYKMAN.i ‘ Nor !&W. Hcputy l'o«t Mantqr, f. S I would a!s<{ atate that | have born iJ.r a number nt years subject to Irmjurmt attack, ol the Khcumntum, which in many in.Uucca prevented my attending to my busiucri T»« or three appli culiuna ol Uio Liniment inaanahly remove all a|. fectionaol the kind. Incases ol bruises, sprain* nod tores, too numerous to mention, it has in (hi* vicinity proved a certain rrmedr. | ( * ruble cm be estimated l>y thine who have given it a fair Thi« Liniment ia initial ‘”i i a ci 50 rent* i»or hot Ue, by all the Principal Druggiits and Merrlmuti throughout tlm country. Wholesale Agents in Sen) York. HOADLKV, PUKLPS A: | 4 « Walet KIiSHTON At Co, I 111 >.roadway. A H At l> SANDS, corner Fulton and William ASPINWALL, l«J William ilret-t. Order* addrcued to mo at Sing Sine N Y wo. be attended to. OKOKGE K STANTONj , . ' . Proprietor. Olttburjli b, I. WILCOX, Jr, and J KIDD At Co. Allegheny Cut. JOHN SAHGFNT Birmingham,JOHN SMITH: * folly DK. CULLEN'S INDIAN VEtil-V'i'AHLK SPE. UIKIU FUJI FEMALE COMPLAINTS THIS medicine ii tut uking tho place ol even preparation heretofore u«cd Tor di-cane* amine l>om Weakneu or other cauaca. AllUiatU necci «rv to accuro thu medicine a place in the Doom.- JlcPraclice or erery family,when auch a medicine woeoded, u a trial. |lt apeak* for iUoll—]■ innocent in tta oporaijon AndTto injury can ariadfium ita uao at jny.tlmd. ' \Vholcaale and Retail by UOVYAND St WML. TON, Proprietor* 376 Market Suoel, Philada. For aale in PitUburgli by R E Seller*, 57 Wood *3-r*t: aad Wm. Thorn.6* Market at. oefidw T Tub moorish hair dyeTp^p^iVV nemly dvemg Ligh;, Hedor Dray Ha.r n Datfc urown or Clack color, wiiliout dyeiue or injuring tin ikm. Sold with full direction* Price £0 ccm». or *L i boille. _ • JETSoId by WM. JACKSON, at bi« Patent Mod* me Ivartboure, K> Libelry «ircci, bead of Wood, at the -it the Bit Ueot. jgj BALSAM— ladox WiHar'i Oalmmof Wild Clietry Ju«l received and for sale by J KIDD&Cd No CP wood »ir»« VSAKTUN USD —7 bill* beat Kn<li»li{ | i do American: , For »ale t.y J HC|(<N>NUaKEK A cd; aps NoW wood iu^i TiPnuirji uir«^''.~ star qotton mill, [Near the Upper Bridge,-ARegbeeyClty ] l 1 f* ff praprietor * u l . he Co»on Factory rwpeet -1 iull> inform the public that (hey fen; now in sacc-asa mloperation. Hamgemployetttlie services of G. W. Baruci *« .Manager, who has had u experience of l* : > k * *S*‘ a !r p , r,n «V*l *«««•*■ of Allegheny Cny, they would inlorm .Verebama and Dealer* to general v ‘ h f/ »>M a!wsy» bare oa Wd supcrior.Viuor, Wmof all No*., Battings, H arpmind Drown ifu.liu* r of supenor make. N VOIXiTI.V A »'o N. U.—Orders left at the Jfill, or at the store of Jtfy. er*. iuri;er £ Co-t 18$ Liberty meet, will boprountty mien-ltd to. roehC&Onii N. V.iCo PITT COTTON MILL. BLACKSTOCK. BELL & CO., PITTSBUKGH, PA. T'HIS Manufactory being in foil and complete opera. 1 tiun. (having received and replaced aU ibeir Mi clutirry by the latest improvements.) are now makine a very 1. euvy aiticle of Brown &bertin», burtl iwuied, handsome goods, p>randed Allegheny!).,] an«f surpassed by none, of the same vtvle, in the country; tmeuded exclusively for the Wcn-ZB* and SocTuaaa trade. .Merchumi visiting our city are mailed local! m.d examine r-rerioas to’ making purchase!.- Orders from a di.tance promptly attended to. and roods care tuUy shipped wl„. n ordered. _ fetyMAwffmT EAGLE COTTON WORKS PlTTsßtio" I.ACT'JIIK carroN yarn. Candle-Wick, Batting. Twine. Coverlet Yarn, carret ciiaiR 1 . wTi"'. i, “ KING, PENNOCKft to (Sacceasor* of Atbucklc* 4 Asery,) _'" J L _ I-n>pnc»„ PENN COTTON MILL. i'ITTSRUIIUII, Pa. Tni-: al<ovc establishment being „ ow ;n iocce «fu] operation, we are manufacturing, very extensively .n.e1.0l tow Sto.iin.,,,.ll; Jlp 2d ...toSi ™S ( ° r ' r ,“ U '>' ““ c...„0i to e«,tocl S.rtoLS'S JP'.' ‘‘“•“""“t- .Til'"Wnl.cn cl purchasers i» soltciicd to «n examination. i KENNKDi CHILDH* MEDICAL. fCH RiSTi £ ’5 a A POSITIVE & PERMANENT CURE FOR RHKUMATPIBm AND ALL NKRVOUa COMPLAINTS. •'Vim uhougb the eau.tu may not be cxplnmed, Since their tffau arc duly Nsccrioined, not delusion, prejudice, or pride, Induce munkim! to set the means aside; Mean* winch, thn' simple', arc by ilcav’cu design’ll To alleviate the ills of human kind.” UK. CHRIST I K*S GALVANIC RINGS AND MAG NETIC FLUID. •• fpilis remarkable invention, whichfcas recehrcd tlie J. nuiversal approbatinn of the medieal profession of (•reat llritam,comprise* an entirely new application of Giilvaniem. hi a remedial agent, by means ot which the ordinery Galvtiinc Uaitenes, Electric and .Magnetic Ma chines, Ae., are entirely dispensed with, arid ihc myste nr>u*'powcr of Galvanism applied without any of the objection which are inseparable from the general mode now in use. The strung doses, and irregular intervals, in which Galvanism is applied bvtba Machir.ea, has beea pronounced, alter a fair and impartial trial, in be atetdtdijf injurious. and it was to remedy this radical de fect that this new application was projected, winch, af ter unceasing toil and perseverance, has been brought' to It* present state of perfection. The GaJtsnfe Ring s answer nllnhe purposes of the moM-expensiveM*- chtnes, and m many oilier respocu‘are moresefit and' wrrmn in accomplishing the desired effect. The Goltanir Rings used in connection with the Afag nene Fluid, nre confidently recommended in «U dtsor drrj tcAirA ariu/rtrm an tnfabUd or uniialikg stats ef o>t nmvui or vital stum, and these complaint* are among ihe most painful and universal to which we are •übject. 1 hey ansi., without exception, frfpn one sim ple cause—a derangement of the Nervous System— audit was in thc*e cjscs that,other'remedies l having ra often failed, a new agent was greatly needed, which it i« roiihdenUy believed, has been found in the pfoprr and judicious appbcuticn of Galvanism. The Galvanic Kmn have been used with emirt sue er«* in all ease* of KHrowATti*, acute ot chronic, ap plying u> ihe bead, face or limbs; Oout, TU-IMonux, TootAatH*. Bronekitu, Ttriige, iVsrrmu or Sul Hw/igwram, Foralyvfj, fairy. EpiUpt y, Fib. Cramp, £aipitari*n of U>r Utart, Apoplrtv, Stiff mu <ff Joints Spmil f *nylau\t\. Lumbago, tituraUia, Ntrrout TVs mars. Dtxttntu of Ott Head, pain in Us CAol and Sidr, Growl of Sen mu and FkgnealEn ■fKS Erut all NERVOUS DISORDERS. Incase* of confirmed Dyspepsia, which is simply a nervous de rangement oi ihe digertl vc organs, they have been fbund equally ruecessfut Their cxii aordinar) effects upon the rytem inum be wnne*»ed to-be believed, and as a • crta.ii |.icvriUive for the preceding complaints they are equally recommended. The Kings are of diffeteui pi.i-es, b.-.iig ntade ot all »ire«. and of vanoot orna mnitiil patierii*, apd can be worn by the most delicate female without ihc shghicM meonvenienee. In fact, the (eiitufinn M rather ufreesblc than otherwl«e, Tbo (.ulvonic Bella, Bracelets, Bands, tvarters, Necklaces, Ac. In some cates ofa vere severe characteJ,and oflong sundiug, the power as applied by the Galvanic Ring* .» noi .uffieienl to’orrr*t the progress of disease and Uii tnaieiy rc»u>;e licalth. The improved mndifiratiou m :t.e t.L-iv.inn' Uclt.i, Di.iretei., Ac., emtrely irttie ue. ib-. oi.jrciicni any degree of power that is reoui ml cati rdadiiy be obiumed, and ao complaint which n.e mysterious agent of Galvanism can effect will fail in .ur permanently relieved, These article! are adap ti-dju ihc waist, *nn», wrists, limbs, ancles, or auy pan •if the body, wiih perfect couvcnieuce. The Galvanic Nrrklaec* are used wubgteaier benefit in csk-s of Urom-h.tisoi uffcctions of the throsi generally; also la cures oi Nervous Deafness; and with almost uniform tucers« .-t* a preventive for Apoplexy, Epileptic Fits, mid Similar complaint* Cjirihiie’s Mugactic Plaid it used -n connection with ihc Ualvaaic Hingr and'ali tin ir inod,6cni;oa». Th.r eeinpoMiiOb hat been pro nounced by ihe French Chem sis .o be one of the most extraordinary discoveries of modem science. |i(,be- Leved topassfisthe remarknblep o wer oftmdtring Ik «srrr<* rraitoVr! o (aleanie action by this meant causing a eoiireniraiion of the mfluene. nt the* scat of disease, tnus giving lapid.and permanent ithef No other < ouposiuon m chemiMr is knnwiuo produce the same riirrt. or lo itupuris similar property to ihe nervous • jotcin.hv meiuisofun oulward local application .The urneii.- Hind coniamt nolb.n, capable of die aligh - c»i uuury.iit application is agrenblc, and it t» as Uairales. i-i its action as n is heneficial in iu xeaulu run explanations and directions accompany it The combined .nveni.ons are ui every Way perfectly harm f l ,lif i' ntT ‘ o!J ■« Pnrcs witijin the reach of all , nd the discoverer only requests a fair trial as a lest of ihe r surprising efficacy and permanent beaefit Christie a (.aivanic .Strengthening Plan. j Tbev article* form another valnable application of . ilic mys.cndu* influence or fialvnnmni They are an . ■dim.ri loilir C' lnnnc (ialvanic , -her mod.ficiuiou*, art n B upon the same pimciplc. but h«»irt!j the udvnntagr 01 mote local application. Tj, e * ■ arc confidently recommended a* a valuable addition jo the speedy cun- of Khcumat.*in,*cuteor chronic; >n all I ncrrauA<mmpiiiini«, and as u positive remcov in caw ; or Pam in* Wtnknm in t\, ('hut or Bttk PminiHtikt i Suit, m AMhmatic Agrttioos, and in PTtaknm ~r n.,.,.. ! *** ***”•»«'* O'*”' In PpraTcWnteT, di-it rtf, .-1% arc of the inrwt decided character.and they have oivm u«ed with complete »necej«. They arc ; :*iy>ot thc crpatcciadvantapr m Paint and Weaknc-n ' or the and irrh.gbiy recommended for many of ibo*c complaint* to which female* aree»peetalh- |, # fo c A * , r , tor ""•'Wbrnmg the system when delxlitaird wnhdmcav ormhrr cauvv-nva eei in Con.tiimian.l IVi-iilne... .. . ri.rani.;, for (onla. and all In affection* of the Cheat, generally the t.alvamc Ntinglhemfje Platter will b® found 'j great and permanent advantage. In a few word*: ji embrace*. alt the vi/tuc. of the l-c.n tome preparation with the important addition of the galvanic influence which i« neither impaired nor exhausted, while the ac tion continue*. These articles ifrijl be fonnd entirely Irer. l nun llio*r objection* which arc a eonsiant aoorrr 01 rotnpU.m with the ordinary plaster* in common ose CAUTION. 117* The great celcl.niy and *cee*sof there article* has C-Uird ihcin to be ccuntcrieited by unprincipled rcr-m*. To provide agnijiM imposition. Dr. CnttWtx ha. but one authorised a ß etu tu uach citr of the Union. Tins niiiyajem m Pittsburgh, W. tv. WILSON CERTIFICATES 2k TESTIMONIALS * ii (Do highest and most ropectaMc character, are con siantly received, regarding the extraordinary value atid successuf the aW articles. | t „ behaved that ti niwiVn ! kmc ’ of KIGHT TIKH.SAND I KRSONS, during a penMofl«»a-lhan a year, have been entirely relieved of the moil pafaful ehron.e duorder*. sotne of which have completely baf fled all former effort* of medical arL Indeed mior of the first pby.ician* of this ettv. who disapprove of the (jalvanic and Magnetic Machines, conatantly recom mend thi* application in their pracuee, and with the ex cepuon of thou wVj are too prejudiced to give ■> a tri al. the invention ha* received unanimon* favor with the rao«t intelligent turning the Aioericnn Faculty Dr Christie is nt all limes ready and moil benny to e.vc eve.i y facility to physician*, and nil interested, for tenf ■ng the iruih-nf hi* a***ru-»n« and the efficacy of hi* Only agency >o P.tuhargli, corner<ih and Market c trpixll v ntllilCAL ANI> »nr«lCAiroPMcK. No M DIAMOND AL kr.i , a Tew door* Iteiuw »>«*! Mrrct, towanla ui market dr. BROWN, ' Marine two regularly ed ucated lo (he medical pto fc»»ion, and been for *>uic lime in general praclice, \j now confine* hi* attention \ (o the treatment of ihoae Y private and delicate com* \ plaint* for which bisoppor tunnies and expertem-e peculiarly mialify him Eleven year* assiduous v devoted to the study and 'treaimeut of those cocipl * r.t*. (during which ume be lu<« hud more practice and i n* cored more patient* than carl over fall to the lot of u y private practitioner) am ply (juatifie* hint to offer at tmuce* of speedy, perma nent, and «ui*faciury cure in all afflicted witbdtHrtUs d>»cttM*v and all discuses anting llirrcfrora. • Dr. Drown would inform those atllicted with prit*U diseases winch have brconiechronicbytimeoraggrava i"'l hy the u«e of any of the noitrumt of the day, that their romplainn can be radioaily and thor oughly rured. he having given hit careful miention to the ireatment of such cates, and locceeded in iiumtrcdi of nuiunee* in curing persons of iriQtunallon of bo neck of Die bladder, arid kmdted diseases whtchaAen result rnm those case* where other* have consigned them to hopeless despair. He putticularly invllet.iuch at have bnrn long nnd unsuccessfully treated by olbers to eon-, tuli him, whdn every tatiifartton will be given them and in a careful, thorough aud intelligent nmnil'cf.jMiimcd out by long experience, study anu in vctUgaiiort. which it i* impossible for those engaged in Sencral prnctlee of medicine to give any one data o ; re ate. I£7" Hernia or Rapture—Dr. Brown also invite* peraon* afflicted with Hernu to call, at he ha* paid partirulur attention ibis diaeaM*. Skin Di*ea*e», alio Piles, Palsy, ete~ speedily eared Charge” very low. N. It.—l'ahenu of either tec living at a dianmee l>y aiating their disease in writing, giving alLtbetynmi torn*. can obtain medicine* with direction* for ole hv addrc*»mjr T. BROWN, hL D. po*t pa l and enrlo sine a feo. Office No. #9 Diamond alley, oppoiite the Wavenv llouae. ’ IPr core, n paV ,j cl 9 I IVKR CO«PLiINT-.Anolh7T7UFe*?irfornl- L^c^l*il{ ,U ‘ in * tJ ‘ C Pn,t,n,l,> on| y ln»e_ai,d genuine Aiunurt. Browacoonty, Ohioj > M ': R E t *T l,en,; f n April wajfaiiaekrd Wiih Liver Complaint, and had the advice of two phy sicians who tried various reraodie* with producing any IVrTi T JiT" 1 ' he V U of e *tehrated f.iver »!«. # uS 1 te K'V‘ he ‘ a * f * ,rtr ‘“ l - I purchased onv tmi of Mr. Scott. Aberdeen, and gar« them aecord iiiK to the dirteUnna, h> whieb the waa greatly relieved, i procured aaeeond box. Which entirely cured her, and ■heiipwenloya cxcellrnl health, i have naed them myacir, and pronounce them tho4>e*t family medicine I have ever tried* Your*, respectfully, ___ MASSIE BRABLY DT'Thete my,,} unequalled by any medicine known for the eureof Liver Complaint- * repared and sold by R K SELLERS •f»5 ' No 97 wood atreet BAND S SARSAPARILLA: For the reaovgl tad i «rma sent ear* oTaltdißcsmos - arixifig from aa unnar i stam of the blood ,' • orklbaof uei yatem -vtz: ' - t - Scnffula, giag*t JBtU, Rkv»i»fi'iW| Qbsbnaa CidtaMiu Erupbont, Fimmtm m Futbtluon tlu Foe*, Bbtd*L BUa. Ckormit flaw Byw.Rtng Worm or now, Sraii H**4, Enlargement m*4 pairs of th* Petm and Joint*, Stubborn XJlrn. SfpkQibc Sciatica or ZLuft ftago, and Dittata arising from an frynrfiricm tos of MeriurgiAseitmor Drepifi Erpotnrt or Imprudence in | Alto, Cknnie Cemdtuitonal Ditorden. timely administration has been aitcndedw. ithe happiest resulia in many anoidaliud affcctiofis; tm ' ■tiscluefiyinfended to fill the voidwfaueaexistabatWttn cathartic and aperient medicines; ; behce it* moJui ap~ randi is that of an alterative directly—indirect})'', pto viug a lasting tonic to the aystem. 'l >' • ; . J. 11 * h'gWy- concentrated lor convenience and porta bthty, containing nothing hot the expressed' essence, and is the.rep.esetuaiive vf tho BarsapianUa Boot, In the same manner as,Qoinine isof I‘eravian Dark,Or Morphine of Op ! em. It is an established feet, tlur a few grains of etthef Quinine or Mooihiatf' contaioa ill the medicinal value of a large quantity oftheernjfr substances; beaee thosnpvnorny of tbow prtparttfo** ■—and no invalid would desire to drink a galkm niSurc when a half pun contained ibe seme medicinal value The Sarsaparilla can Ire dilated when taken agreeable to ibe directions, and made to soil the mate ot thepk- The following certificate addressed to tba Arehis ii Chicago, farmabea conclusive proof of iu great valtie in com* of FevcrSorce. , j ' Chicico, 111. Sept. 18, tM6.j Messrs- btebbins & Reed—Oenu: In Majr, IMS, j ob tained *t you> stoic a bottle of bond's Sarsaparilla, anti was then confined to my be<f. without alcep for a weeli oeeesiooed by violent pnin irota aregulu fever acre df long Handing, on ray right leg. My physicianaadvisw me to have the limb amputated, saying it was the only means likely to preserve my life.. Alter using half tli bottle the rain began to subside, and by* the lime I hn used nearly three bottles, I was able to transact myreg ular business, and before I had finished the fourth bol tie, l#fa« us well and sound at ever I had been. I have no hesitation in saying that Sand's Sarsaparilla was lt£ means, under l*rovuieiice f of saving my limb ataFS doubt not my life, i most cheerfully recommend it b • rle extant for the " * Yourx.tann rcspcctft ly. i . j JAMES MILLER \ The following certificate is only soother Jink in thfc great chant of testimony to«it» meriit; T Sorrii HohTo.i, Canada East, Aprij , Me*«r*. Sandsi-Gentlcroenr Exposed is we are ip the attacks of disease, tad ao frequently disappointel m proposed remedies, wc cunnoi but look on the efforts of «tjereMtiil pmriitioner* with interest ard gralliudd This is tree respecting jonr valuable preparation df Sarsaparilla, I have bren severelyaJHicted lor 33yeurf with a <li>eaae about which "doctor 1 * anl their prescription* were snll more diverge. I tried v* nous remedies but found no relief unlit I commence) umna yonr excellent medicine, at which time' I waj whollycon6urita» my bed Alter osmg it a/ew months lam now able to walk about ride out, and enjoy aeon* fnrmtdc degree of health, which I hitnhuie entirely 16 tl r u«r nf Sand’s Sarsaparilla. Plrase accept ur a* surunre of gratitude amt regard. * ] | „ . JOHN M NORRJS I ur(| iaintffd with the above nuto ni?nt, I hereby entity Uiai the same r» true.i .. . RKV. T M MERRIMAN rAßitiffi ruiiausY.—Tlir followmp; i« jtn ciiirc from k Idler received from Rev. WilliamUalusha: .. ; , Vi_Ocl W.IW3. MrS'f*. Sund-: I have been nflVclcd with a fever ram in my aide, occasioned t»y n diseased liver, for Un *t twenty year*- suffering al limes what languagi cannot enuvey, hut since taking tour Sarsaparilla, have hcen greatly relieved, so much so that I have beet able to aitcnd 10 my business, and preach occasional!; for last fifteen months. I wholly discarded allotbc mediciue, and thoroughly tried the Sarsaparilla, whirl lean rceommcud In irmnand sincerity to alt iboir win arefn any way afflicted with any species of rerofuiou complaints. There have been some remarkable cure: effected by it* nee in this vicinity. Mrs. I. Shaw, bj the use of.six bottles, was restored to better healUtthat she had before enjoyed for ten years, and Mrs. W. Fte vena, who h%d been severely afflicted with the Erysip eias, was emirfely cured by the use of a few bouiea. >'ours truly, WM. OALUSHA. For further particulars and eoneiastve evidence oflti superior value aud efficacy, see pamphlets,. whichma. be obtained of Agents gratis. i , Prepared and so d by A.B. A D Sands, Druggists, KM Fulton st, cprnerof william, New York. : Sold also by L. WILCOX, Jr. t Piiulmigh; H. Har wood, Dearer, Wm. Wateon. New Castle; D. N. Rob i»on, Brownsville; A. Crtigh, Washington;..and by Druggist* grneraHjr thfoaghocu ih. United Stairs; Price'ffl per boule—six bottles for *£. - The public aie respectfully requested lu remembe; that it is Sand’s Sarsaparilla that it iseon*uu|]y nchier mg such remarkable cures of the most difficult class o diseases to which the human Irmneu onbjeeq there fore ask for Sand’s Sarsaparilla, and take no other. ‘ SHERMAN'S OLOSAONIAN ASK TIIE SUFFERER rtoa - ASTHMA i wbai has relicitd him ia such a short lima'frma his dift ; ftculty of breathing, Cough and suffocation? He }• wilt tell you it was “the Oloeaobian, or AH , ' Healing Balsam.’' Ash the eucsuatptm * what lias allayed his Cough, retooled rhe Pain in his Side and Chest; checked liisnijhtsweats.and {•taeed the ruse of health upon his cheek.’ aud he will tell you SHERMAN'S OLOSAONIAN, ALL-HEAUNO DAIsSAM. • Ask your friends if they know of anything that will so spec!' dily cure a tong and tedious CoOgh. Raising of Blood, Bren} Dyspeeu'c Consumption, Hoarseness, Infiuenxa. ana 'diseases of the Thnet, as the Oloaaoniau? and they will ted you—No. There uerer jet has betas remedy introduced ij public notice which has been productive of so mueb good ii so short a sjuct of time. Read the (allowing - j Asto&liblng Cures. .1 ■ Wit. Bu.VDj.llit celtbretcdi Boston cracker baker, 99 Nasi an street, Unxjklrn, stales that his wife has been afflicted with Asthma for 1m years, and could sot find tie unmeet res Ikf from the best medical sdviee which New York and -Brooklyn cogld produce, was induced to try this great, rt me! dy. She is now nearly well. His daughter who was suffers inr from the same disease, tried it, and was also cured by is Mrs Baud is now so well thal she h able to rhifrom her bed early in the morning and attend to her dkual doties throogH the day without any anooyanee from her dutiesvingmaladyt Haxar Jscxsos, I3U> street, near the Catholic Cemc try 1 came to the store for the purpose of obtaining a bottle of tn« Olosoauian, luring been afflicted with the Asthma for mori than 31 years, ana was so eihausled oo hii arrival tjtat hd could not speak. Hi purchased' a bottle and rode Four days afterward he walked from hii residence to the oft flee without fatigue, a distance of over two miles, to tell of the wonderful relief which he had esperienced from tainJ about nue half of one bottle. B j Conraraptiosa of the Lnacii ! Mr. Coktoot, 35 white street, was *6 low a the month of December last that be was given op by his physician. His friends entertained oo hope of his recovery. He ww persual ded to try the Qloaonhn, and-to his surprisa. it has so fht restored him to health flat he is now able to walk about tha steeds .1 Un Arraxx. the wife of Wm. H. Atlne,Jaaaaßarnaul’ Esq. and Geo. W. Hays, Esq. on all bear testimony from their own experience of the healing properties of this Oreai Remedy in Contaaptiou of the Lungs. . ; Spitting Dlooct. | Mrs. Tkooboukxk, 353 Unm street,>ho had bred troubled lor agTrat length of tim* by a severs rough,and raised quantities of blood, was relieved by one bottle 01 IM Olosaouian, and deelares it the greatest remedy in the world} Dkxjiu Kk11t,96 Water street, was also l relieved ln3 the same comptaiut, although he was very much reduce# when he commenced taking it,> having been under the care q his physician during tha |msl winter. Although ha coughed constantly and was very much troubled withadght sweats, 1 hotllei or (he remedy enabled' him to return to -his dail work. He.was entirely relieved. David Hshpmsor, 60 Leight rtreei, Qeo W. Burnell formerly of Newark, X. J., Henry Lisbon,'Tß9 Rrviagto street, aud numerous other persons hare, been ipredily\n permanently cured of the name complaint.by this remeur. The Array* off Name* whiebcouldbe produced of nrrwms who have used this rm remedy wauld more thiafill a column.. Amrag the numbe ■•are permitted to refer U A. M. Bininrrr; 1® Earclsv st Mr. Wilson of Hoboken; Mrs Bell ftfMorrfilown, N. J , James B Deroe, 101 tirade st.; Mrs. M’C«ffrre,so AUorae •L; K. Smith,® Third Aienue. Mrs Wm. H. Attrsaof th i • and Mrs Archibald, 35 White at. ... Bold wholesale and retail by Wm. Jackson, al. kia Patei l Mrdicms Warehouse and Boot and Shoe Store, NofiS Like: tj^street, besdof Wood street, 'Pnce Por CtfDfhs, Colds, Asthma, and CoMumplioa The great and only remedy &r cola Oaitfha, Afibma. am) CONSUMPTION, h tbeMUN GARUN BALSAM OP LIFE, dlacorered byttu «M bnitd Dr. Durban, Af London, England, »mt uttrodou beta the United State* under the Immediate euperiotinfl abm of lite inventor. , ] Tba •nnArdiaary-aucttu ot this medietas, ta in cars if'Pulmhnary dUcates, warrant* tbe'Anarkai A rant U •ctiehinj for treatment the WORST FOG ■IBLE CASES that ran bo Gvond ia tba community-] raaaa that eiek relief in vain from any cf tba w—d rimed lea of the day, and have been (iron a* by lid meet dJatlnruDhcd i’braiciana u CONTIRMED Ain INCURABLE. The Ilunrarian Italian) haa caned, an vil core, the MOST DF.3PKRATR OF CASES, ltl Bo qwaek noclrutn, bat a atandan! Engtiib tnodkiat, d kuwn and eeubllahed efficacy. } Rvary fcmQjr ln the United Btate* the AM b« soppllml With wMban’s llungarisn Unlsnmof ljfe. Mil onlym eeutwaxt the consumptive tendencies of the cllmati, lUIUW used a* a preventive medicine In an eases* OoJda, Doughs, Spitting of Blood. Pain tn.lhs Bid* at£ Chit, Irritation and Soreness of tbe Lunas, BraßcUtfe DtfieiUv of Breathing, Hectic Fever, Night Bwaatk KmaalaUon and Genani Debility, *«ihm» i Utopias Cough, and Croup. r OMdlnlartabottlaa,at#l oerbottlc.wtthftindlred- Ooas for tha mtoratlonofllsalth. ' { PanpUata, containing a mass of English and Ameri caa aartlfleaua, and other •vldenee7*J»owtng tha n*- euoalled merit* of this Qnat English. Rgnwtw. mar It obtained a/ tbt Agente, gratuttouiyT , •- DAVID F. BRADttB. ado Agtol for tba Unit* Statee, 110 Court street. Uoatcm. ' i T.w, DYOTT fo SONS, Ocaanl WholwlsTQSik no. 11l North Second street, ‘Philadelphia. T wS^'^,2« A .u FA “- NE?IoeK - 4 “-sri r 1,0 *® Uon uooo Prepares Ujaik/nL' ih^akhf» n hl>°i‘ War * h S w rrs S ht ™r injurious it \ £ „ h .° w how rough,bowtallou, yellow, S.i2r fc »L h J ih? akin appeara after tuieg prep*r|d Uisinjurms, ooutsmingalargeoesL lit? of lead. tVe have prepared a beautiful TvreiaUle \VH Tl^ Wh i'fi. W 0 r Ca i* JONES'S. SPANI3H*LIdV d.Vr.Tf;. 1 * u ,P?V fccll l r innocent, heiiurpatidcd of 111. V. Ku‘ <lo f , ! l,e ‘ i tnd i( »“l«na to the akin a i l .*. «.■ * “’faster,clear, living: white.-atiheatufce tod aSSotfi “ 4 coamene on the akin, nuking it Dr. James Anacreon, Practical Chemist of-Maata ehn**l®-aava; **After analysing done*’* Spanish-Lillv Whita, I And itpoaaeaaca the moat heauilfel and natp. ral, at the same time innocent.white I ever taw. j j certainlv can conscientiously recommend ila use to all whose akin require* beautifying,” ■ ■ IP" Price’BS cent* a Itox . QTrSold by WM JACK*OPf, at bit Boot tod Shhc Store, K> Liberty meet, bead of Wood, si the algn of the Big Pool •' .• . ._:r —> *~ w ~ No Car*, Wo P*y| Dr. Jarkum’ Pila £nbt»cati<n% Nmr FaUi! . THERE arc row di*ea*e* more common or troik bicaotoo than the Plica, BBd)rcl,nW.wiUii Und ine treat ctfort* h**« been made to cure by tbe ida olpilla, eleelnariea, liniment*, &c.in!l -rnim iniTC onl, A perapn -ho bu boon .“(fT. Ktle. Jc™“.°nJlX bii H' P a,, ° « lt * Or hfi Storts 'r.MOT W,rt *’ r*Aertl;,b Allegheny Cils? 4 S P .n?!* H a aapirior*rl ■„ # tJv ee ’ 00 hwtd andferialeby • ; f •P* o BMAON a setter HKDICATZD iozsaau, AKD POOR MAIL’S ' '- plaster. »;•! •; £T. £ ocL BUI of Direction*. ' **« «V*r, «*1 SHERMAN >3COUCH LOZEWn^ of^^orXSl^T^lS b » ,u * «*>- bn ww known hamaSae* whuwfO* 3Li **• r*«l*wtor 10 hni& J***»in ofroaumptwo.sßd coldj andcoufh.. Tb«7doßoti«3r^j^^^^ mM ?6 1 bunder .1 «r, rrao. JJJ JiffO; irnUUoc, tad rctaorr the pm.i~.. T J_ - /^*^ ckUa S*» 'mUj.co-'i “dSSttdSwrilfb. «r*fT ihief ta ok for those to . drees ofeert»fie»t*sh»Tebe«aofler«3oftl»elr'w< ) J?*'7i • ’ vatu freothoss who faMbrnml *«• •• w»££SL ?W * and restored to perfect balth by wine them . Wb<« Ihtrt hnothpainin o*ebrtmit mart Poor Nan's Plasters (prick otdy U» f"t, andtwo thfrelLed.’jf wuh cottitcao* t few ruhtrtie or htaura u-*i. Q ? lt4 tnadetUartK atdfci#*, «JwOd be tjcd M SHERMAN'S WORM LO2ENOES '• * medicinecrerdiseoicrtd, Many disoscssme* friSjf? •»!»««*; po*n person nn«J:, tflLruTwifl, them,and'a*deeded £ , w.tboot an/ benefit; «hn> ot» doss of the* iMmwaaU speedily cute then. . f ”• “ u Sgmpttmug Heraw.—lW in’ tie joint* or limb*, aflin *!I* bm f^P' Ua S“ ll *e otwe,jrindiajof tie teethtliifi*. Jeep, and tnittrs a (witness about tie lin*, with flushed cheek? «rfbt.toraib..» r 6< , o A| l . bod,, dijbtelun. of*, enagt, headache, drowsiness,' vertigo,' torpor, ‘ disturb* J "■rfCte; ■z^srES^ss 1 CV,rHOR, rH0R f-OZEWOES. ‘ «i“f M hwrous or nek btaJtehe puprttuea of the heart, lowness of the eoirit* or potrU bc ibrou, bo.?| JSS Naint, fouitinj, oppress or a Kajc of nokia'TfthTrt^ choie, .pm cramp df U« fbfcSi tfler dimijalil!J&« ttT.^SZ^SfKfjrtSjS abandoned theu-dun-tedhaWU, wfll find IhcMWnrasd minble composers of the netres. ***«*<«•« ... MAN’S PLASTER. r.jw. b r!i* lrrf,^*a,,,g^U4l " io the»orfd. aadawemien f“*f» or.weakiwn ia the hark lf.{ nt t (j t nt y baSSSijs^S^asss: s^r3pK=SSS3St STS^A^^ssEfaH ul theeclebraledand duunniahed I( ,j n t MTH'iiy of , b... .! id. A*bowe lh ' l ”, k .?f.“>> N«*.r t »iu, . .illr*t / r i? to “ a,IBB * 1 11 1* important you *i«al d always aik forBh«r**a>* Poor Maa*. M^m* l^ ~lev * lui ”^ il bf W.JACKBONat his Paum 810 BOOT K ’ Ko *‘ e9 « Libert ? »««». Bip "the —: jaa 14—dly. saceA blS'Cted with ScniTali. Kins'. F.vil old Spre *- lilc '"‘ T.Ubr, MercaruJ Diuuet, or an/ other compjainu aririw from ituponties of the blood,.are requested to letfl . °!li nir prool or the woodrr. fol properties ot Uie above nnmed mediciue ' ~ READ! READ!! READ!!! V\t. tie unaereigned, havieg airited Mr. Isaac Vit 1 * ° ffic ® ° r ' ftleuni - Rowaod end Walton, 37G Market street, Philadelphia,'consider SiSdir bwirf!"?"^ 1 '"" "» E ‘" hnSi“^"h e SCROFULA, end terrible «u.t atrojerT h " Xwelye * conflict with the de fw.S ? t«*l? l d’r <! * eß i i fC' f °ororhi« mouth, Nori, Up- ISiK&d^fo°r er LW °,' ,he Rl « bi Kjo bare been v.” , e calen U P. and pan orthe Ir^riii?rf n ? no * <w L lhat 5a J *au*Tj last.' (Lc whole { « f h 'r . moulh - M W *U “ most of his fare i ' n,? u° L f d S?P ond PW»W uleera! , • ; Drrn? ISiJete L“li h ® «°““«need taking i Dr. CULLEN'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PANA- 1 locked lie disease in a lewdajs, and tcraittion! lme * UrC hia P ru E re «H wUMnLinJ ' __ Wew t** applied the p!aea«r the dden r uli ShhiSSfi *&* .««*gqiSd, hfa lace is Jtifir, ana his general health ts restored ’ rS.?' 0 . um, i, u, ". i ‘ l tJ, ° "bbcatmenl of filr. Brooks care, no MereariaJ*;OinLmebta, or Caustic Jlea'aumf'K bMn > nl '“>. Uib i'ANA- Dand A S S«i."3lf! K! J Crawford cofa.. ja"b U?'p” m ST" 1 ,tre ' t ’ ■ iS'fEftL.S.f r ° p ' u “■ N - L - 1 C W AmlcS: MD « sSS" 11 “• T J ' ' Tiui.o'by‘-aidweJJ, Alarion co. Missonri. ' Daniel Yeakei, Chesnet Hill. Piuledeiphia co Pa. alreoi,fhd,. T ' ' Wi ltam SteeUna. Af D, Camden, N. J.: Witliam Hale, 5?8 Htgb street, Phila. : M ' i "' l T ' ,ih ' ws; - L A Wollcowcbor, Ed. PiiU. Lcmocnl 577 fi fid street, do S'”'?” dru.h Makrr, 317 Martel SL. htra Larr, la 9 Chesnnt atreet, Phila. * Pastor cl Elerenth Baptist Chareb, John Bell, Ene Street, Philadelphia, (North Amer can office.) .J. Aaron Sends, IM Catharine Slreet, Philai Darnel AlcGinlej', Kessler s Aliev, do Andrew bweaton, Camden, N J’ R H Evans, West Phila,- Richard R.Yoang; Gilder, 409 Market *L Phila ’?“ n ,W Aabmead, fiO South Sixth street, do ' T S Wsguer, Lithograpber, 116 Chesoot street, do UJ Keoatl, IS3 Eleventh street/ ' do PetevSken Smith, tailor Native Eagle, ' do Joel Bodme, Glass manufacturer, Williamstowii W.J. tt'iiluca s lerl, F.rmmgtoii, Van Boren cn. law. L B Coles, MD, BoitoD r Mui. Runet Canfield, Phisiologist, Philadelphia, piomaa P S-Robv. A! D, Hamsburgh; Pa. ; • Peter; Wncht. ia Msrket street, Phila. JamerW Newlii), 103 Filbert »L do, John Good, 174 Spruce at. do William Une, Pastor St, Paul’e M. E. Ch. Catharine SLPbila. 'John Chimbert, Pastor lat-Indcp. Church, Broad at, do T L Sandera, Publisher of Pledge and Standard, Pula. ■■■■■' F P Sellera. Editor, Olive U.incb, Dnylcstown: .. Beck* eo, Pa. i . , Wboleealeafid Retail bjßowandV Walton, Pro prietors, 376 Market St; Philadelphia: 11 E Sellera 67 Wood at. Pittsburgh, Pa. 1 } \Vm. Thi *t X. MarC “ .■ketati-'do.yE B Perkins, Marietta, Ohio: raloa fc Sharp, Mayaville/K Y: John W Oiarpho«er.Cia., .Ohloj Sidelldt Reeve*, MadUon la: V, Noble. Looia vtUe r K,Y: Deveroaek Si. i'clloux, St. Louis, Mo. 1 ’ P H McGraw, Natehei.MiM; Hardaway John «ton Vick*burgh,doj Charlc»Jenkina,-Kew Otltan - ' • ' ocS ” HOTEL -FOR INVAUDi: at pittsburgi!. - ’ T.,^. 1 ?® 8 - SPEER A KUUN." HE objectof thiseatabliabmcmis loanpuly a wan greaU? felt by re»pecubic trove Jetsoalour western mgpwaya—by. reside bu, .without family: uken a>ck— •"“-PI patients from the aurrouuding town* and counirv who.reaort to Una place lor 'relipfftwn surgical and other diseases. Such have often suffered from ?W want of the Tanouscomferuand aucnuoni so necessary and able to the a ck, and from careless and mifenhtul aura* it and beta aulvteled to heavy and mircasotial.le charge* Invalid* will here U provided with ccasL.ni.fa .(blot * i *; '* * teto « While the care'a/both physicuna will be extruded every variety of di*ea*c, it ia intended by Dr. Sr.eer gtveapcciai ouenuoa to oil. SUKGICAL DISEASES, .• . • FAtTTCtIJLatV TO • DISEASES OF IRE EYE. theM branches of hi* profession be ha* given a “*S® k b*reofhia attention lor the last iwmiy.Svr years, aad he will coatinuc to derate to them the experience acouirea by a constant practice dunngtbat Line. The Uotelfer Invalid*is natanexpanmcnl JueauM ushineni >• mggesied not only as necessary to supply an evident want in this city, in tbe enure abseuce of any rpecial provision for the sick, but Is warnnicd also by the success of similar institution* at Ctne.mnsii and New Orleans—the former under the care of Dr*. Taliaferro .Marshall and Strader—the I alter unde r that of Dr. Stone The balldutg selected for the purpose is plessanUysii uated oa'the north bank Wtbe Alleghany river, nearth • Aoueduet. (t is eosanodiou* and roomy, and furnishel with all acccmmoditions necessary for the tick.' , Applications for admission to be made u> the subscr bets, at their ofice on Penn street, Piiuburgli,or at ih establishment. - *, ITT Nocomagio**disease* will he - - •, - J- R. SPEER, M. oi H.KU||N.DhL^ TOC PVIILLAXUIOVg SCODSimEtTf SWJ , P Sfi “““tw** ton etjual yenrs t Look at roar “*J e 7®" yellow. *ki«tfeaf>amJ Boot aland* in the doorwayl Ibouitf L ivx published and made known tp tbe pubhe ’* Tlis waa the expression of an old - man wiio uied the Syrup. : 11 —— 'ftnutttsu, Februaryll, Im7.' Mr.JJorvam—This may certify that being afflicted with a troublesome coegh some time, i boutkl a beule of Morxait'aCongfcSyrup, and am happy u«ay>tter .usingit, my eonglr is entirely cored. 1 pronouaco-your Courh Syrup the best medicine I have ereented. No family should be wiibout this vaiaable medicine. - I . OAVJD MdROBERTS, Allegheny Qty (p-Tkismedidioe I* prepared wholesale and reiift itXhe Drugstore of JOHN D MORGAN | ' ■ . street, one door below Diamond Alley Pricey cau* per bottle. - i. : f e^ THB MAGtC KRAUVTIOAP-rbr vingOmn spots, Stains, or Marks from'Ctothts, 'vooifejtMmrpets, Ao» and rendering' tha '■ spot* w HW, !?* cl tor, brixhvnew, and *pod*aa?T sSsSo?}^.firildireetioiiß. >rieeßAeataa’nake. b ?; y y t - JACKSON, atre^be'to «TWood,-tt hla Boot and Shoe store, Ugh of Seß*» W ° V ' | :
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers