‘■“s^^wraasßSsiifs&ift . - . r - 85 M«te» «. Phtt»4elpfc»» T7LUUT Bnaniißoa lunni L j A ur*e n*»oruncoi of Berlin lroaßa»kel*.*fbea«£ c.'ut puiem suitable far parlor ornament*or forwork ct card t>a*k«»; for ante by \ nj9 P R EATON DBrOS-DRVOI^- flora Ojlrnn; Fej'enn*', H!ae Mata. Calomel;Tartane Arid; liv'd. rcMtih;Confer, Senna;*to*ar Lead; Svi. Lim*ofl, etPi jwi »«4 fcf i.y ujv& i. »« ttKLLFA-S C" lUCKKPISCPSPIAXOS—Jaatrce'dandfor a rpiendid ro*e wood aeTen octavo Piano l one, manufactured br Caiekerinf of Boaton. myC , J l ll MfcLLOR,BI wood*! (1 LA93-10U l>x* 6x10; X t!A) Ao ton*-, Undo |oxl4; ■ tmi do 10x15 io UWD; on comirnmen • mI« i.y - __ i¥ J c BIDWfcLL myC __ - water mw.L Buff PAPica iwia ““if'®' of U i f u»ir», of aawried »i*e*»»**tool* 10 iecet*«J iriaday and foruila at KAXO> y Maciust a •Slt.fK p y of »hfcl card*, for Wtfol rardlßf OfoeWßC*, r»m>>-.»iaic and card rteai**:f?.*for aalapy , mil _ utu.cocinuw.H" 811 * 01 * 1 " ■ SUNUUIK*—'! bbU No 1 Lard; vr/vsssv .. 'mV /DICKEY ICQ_ New daltimobk hsbiuwo abd BUAD—bbt* Herrifiri tfl da Mud, d aft .No * Mwkerti; . i h!i d» do <l® bow Ifcßdififnur >h “ R BRUCE* Co «toypo»iw uaitbfield EAO&E SALOO.V-ICK CRKAM—Thupopolat plice «f rrwri w.ubo «P«« for the aeiwalh »ere r.u, V» 3rd. m r 3 SPiiJISH _ OI'IT*KS-A new and Urge anon* amt of eei/ »up-r or Jtpamih Gtmar*, hytte t eJi r^ m ™ r ‘ l “” ‘ J M lUEILoR, OCSDU.IKH—Ground Pepper,. Sardraaa; O do Alaptce; Cloret; dw Ck)rc*i Nutmeg*; do Cinamoo; Pimento; do Ginger, Pep. Sauce; Forw’c by _ tny4 ENGLISH k BENNETT OOn »»U»drv Applet; &\J\J Co do do fricbei; 30 dodo Wh tr Bean*; in tu>re and for *ale bj my J . ENGLISH & BENNETT,37 wood *t Ebw AllU lIEAZKLTOIf, WholeaaleGrocer i can ».do of tite Diamond, lecond door from Dia nna ad Miry. I'm»burgb- _ R 11. HAWKINS, Aiioirtfjoi U», Grant*!. . luhrwe]i , « Hui'lding*. neatly cppo*ne tho new Court llru.r Oj6w3m« MACKEUKb-soi.bUlanro No3,South; . Suhlfdorii do do; - J KDVV D HEAZKLTON. east s'.deof the diamond Portale !>j n»y« BLACK LACK bpAKFS-A fewbliek Lu< Pearls for t-adtos—a ttrsrce article—* few idii rrcmved Aim. [lcmgeand Silk fSearf*—at ibe Dry Goods House . f my 4 __ W R MURPHY DftTJVSII-vi e*kt «op, I’otuh, jatt recM on eon l liiipncni anJ tor rale bv ? MILLER A RICKE7TSON ntyl • No 170 liberty meet OttASUKS AKO LBMOIIS-tn bxiforHlc . low la ciuar roaiienment »»y uiy< KXOLISH A BENNETT 1*) bblt Henins; 0 do Shad; lit 30 Jo ?. Mackerel; lor sole by . n>v3 ENGLISH A BENNETT. 7b*« Rock r*unc’y; Cub.Ta B».onr. 4 tlo, Tor tale low by (ni».< • 1 __ ENGLISH A BENNETT /IT'O bn Window Clau, juu landing and for talc ** / O t.y S F VON BONNHORST A Co my< No 35 wood «t GUfeKX AIPLKB Isca*kt; , a 3 bxtia Oau; fer tale by pyj a i- VU.N HQNNHOBgT A Co fiv\ BAGS i<>o Loffctf,iu»i rectived and for tale by yu W A M MITCHELTRKE rny3 '■ < No 100 liberty at HORSE' KaDJSH, graced and pot n» In vinepr for itnm’rdiHie u *e, couMaDlly ou liana at tbo Mallard and Sui"-’ rnc«ar>,t? Fifth tirert ; RHODES A ALCORN t’»TlND6W“SA>ll—tu.uoo light* aaiortcd »;xe»; W Moruleby S F VON BONNHORST ACo tuy4 35 front at P 'BACHES AND APPLiKS-SSOctiied Peach et. 7>do do Apple*; for tale hy . r.yi _• FRIEND, RIIEV ACo PCON-ISUJOII.. Sboalderi;' ’ ' i.tf' n !&• lUm<. in trnoke Voate, and for Me fay \f\YOQD, JONES A Co. a'fitU water A front tit VENISON HAMS, ic—l bx Yeniaoa Hantt: 1 c*k bacon aidea.jnit ree’d FRIEND, RHEY ACO and for *.alr )>y J2L IBUL Frcfeh Camomile Flower*. jurl received and fertile by II A FAUKEBTOCK A CO ap<3 cor I«t A wood »t« 1 PiU ICON— lt-3 <cm Lot and cold blatl Mercer ct. jl'i* Iron, in iioro end-for tale by t «,.gj WILLIAMS A DILWOSTH, wood »t T>ACON—4 bbl» llimc . , „ n 1 l do Shouldert, landing from LakeEnt Sqforitle hf * jAS DALZK.LL BCIjK POBK-VWb lbs Balk Perk, now landini and for tale by ISAIAH DICKEY A CO ap« front A water eta. L“ ISSBEDdIL-liWnlli Unteed Oil, In turn and for aaie by J JORDAN A SON apao ) IS liberty urcet , lOO.UOO “” k ' T. ■ -.J JORDAN A SON • ’ ’ coy penn A Irwtn su "s <* bbl* Me*# Pork; 4»n do. v««jYJ BDAW>M> s OILS— flOOgoiV*winterbtesebed oil; •* whole • do t liL’S 1 do tp *7 O BLACKBURN A CO P K o* c "fJtrr 1, “ EutchilSnT'cS'’ \ ht f No 45 water. AM wood st. OG BXB Ext- Ugwood^fow.fo i by EsTocK fc cor Isl A wood^Mi pn«e, rec’d oncoQi.sn f°r’“'cLnOTNOlUH t MNNBR ml 3 1M libtnr «_ Dill FIUJIT-SSObu. Applni ISO do i’uebe*; for ule by lU> 3 JMNNIWUHAM fc BONNER T BAl>—SolM*'K*Cilea»i<e*4,TeeeiTwlp<r*ieaißei Cj» i ri..nd»r~i^ sa? n^Hiaomc, A^°-“ loibl ':°ci“ J NoM wood n TVItEBN A A Boemniclcjm recupej (j «ri to fj.^, „j 3 Noa»ooJn TOBACCO- 11 bbd* Ky. Leaf, Wrapper** Filler*) 'l4 do Telia do fine manufacturing; IS bx« Eaatem Vincnln; for sale tow t N clow con»i»Ptnen» * FOBSVTB *Co in A BXt» Brown CbilliegtkePoap; WO *«•,«•' I eV ,s | KfaUs’Juaiara N«d* of *anotu bread* and MIt ,. FEA mctCTaow fIUiUTKBf 1 Oil*—l2 bbl* inn received on con i ~p« *»■! (»' • ,I ' A b T \ VO OD, JOSES k. Co. „,1 „ t from WOLAStJ—V* boxes 8x10; , 13 do loxl'J: for tale by £ PQB9VTH*Co df\C\ Hus JrieiJ Apple*. 2UU ,» -• ‘■^^^I^WORTO OLE BUTTKtt—Receired ?" “"‘‘/JH'? 1 '*“' JDVMIXIXMS^O. Fawni.v limit—A primo article alwaj* a y Fibs BBicK-3Moo,i»e*t«i«*i it yi fer *» , ® low toctow eonrhgumeot. bv mil FKiF.NP, BHKY ACo. water A front *t» : '"“KSsJtm fc&“ r ' J No 30 waier «t TEAS— Hyson a Young Hyaon, Hyson Skin A Unapowder; Intm?ii*l A Black, for aelebr ‘ «d2J WICKAMeCANDLEBS, ' eor wood and waiew* - TOIXATO CATSUP—4 tti» To»*lo Cauop (T I) SnMh, I‘uilodelphia, ralaaffceiarer,) iJe reire4mndi6n«l« bf „ F „ , pV y No 17 liberty »> A I l<l~BßLs'ru«ier fe» **l* «« lte pll “ bo 4UU Fri-.ul. llur Mill rone Liberty >l, ur« tbe canal. »> w WAt.LACti TjAavfks-i ma> u«iriei,or i ior io- by . v . r gr> OIL— 3O bbla Lin Med Oil, |Mlrw’d MVKRS, UUNTJRIkW ■n'/4 7 ard oiir-sUjTpfoi, iulf do Kogland, and for *»le by Oil; do, ree d per tunr Net FSELLERS Wlibcrtyst cor r.ibcitr anfi St Clair streets hOn£T?*« A »ale hy TJBPPEIt—* p»*e» Powders* African Cayenne -ST’"’ r ' uJ “ Jf BBAU% ABETTER Ritas WAXTKD— Cooniry Mixed m ««>i >b, hickcu ppfj&'ftysiKr Pint ireet, faetew Mertel COFPKK-llM'ied* nod Uroand, lot aten«D©M» bowl* and frxcets, at ihe Muiara and Ppjcc Injc tory.gr Fifth *t a»0 RHODES* ALCORN PEA fit tor customer*, at Uk Nnaiar nod Spire Factory, X? Fifth street, nptf * RHODES Jt ALCORN GROUND —Mfabis tad HO ken on band aodforMleby RHODES * ALCORN ap9 _ No<7 Fifth street CtROUND PEPPER,iabbla, kef«andboxes, fmh T rttiond end ronstantlyonbeod fofsale.by 1 , , RHODES* ALCORN No <7 Fifth prcf t 240 FitiNFMc * C, mvl • eor first fcwood bi APPLES A PEACHES—XO ba dried Peachey , 50 do do App^w; n store nnJ for sale by to? 6 J C BIDWELL INBKKD OIL—3B bblt ln«t rrc*d and tor aale by. 8 F VON BONNHORST * Co mvO ' NoSS front M DRBIS LA WRIi for tS 1-2 cents per yard, at the ... ."° nh ~‘ 1 r "'" r,M “‘w’^MURPHY 30>S r N ° 3 : water A front eta LCOHOIj—to nala Ja« feeelred had foTsale by l HDD It Co, »4 water «] PITTIBCBGH BOARD OP TKAOS7 ! 5 VIR 10 ll.'itm » rvt CHtmi: COMMITTEE FOR MAT* - tux. luiißi, j iiimi. Kotibuiii of th« Ittuuhlpo. Shoam, Captains Loot U<U|wL Lnti Anrria. ■ Sarah Mir *# May «! -Cambria* Jndkuts, April 4 May 1 I Caledonia,' Lou, Apr 10 May- 16 I Hibernia, Byne, May 1 June 1 • Washington, Hewitt, ■■ l iMay I . Ornca PirmoßSß Gaxktte, / Saturday Morning, May 3. t - Weatberdear,quite warm and vary dusty. The Riven hav'e receded rather rapidly—there was l Cl 10 inches water at dusk last evening. The news has had the effect of sending the mar ket for flour op, bat still prices are unsettled, and it is difficult to say what the market it. Oa Thurs day evening before the news was known 630 bblg was so!d at £4,564 •* *love. Yesterday there wen* sales st £4,75, some asking '874, a °d even more. The news took most persons by surprise. It was ealenlated that there would be an advance on Cot ton, and a decline on Breadstnffs. We bear of nothing in Couoa. Holders ol good Mid. Tenn are willing to sell st lie, but there arc no buyers, apparently, in the market st present Provisions stood at former prices, nothing having been received of the Steamer’s new* m relation to them. Holders are confident that prices are fully maintained. Bacon continue* in active lequest. Sales 15,000 Ibi country cure at 6 sod 8c for Shoulders, Sides and Hams. Of Hotter, 40 kegs in several lots at 84«i9 Lard continues scarce and in request. GoosPC’heeac is no plenlier—that ii,lhe market is bare. Of Ashes sal|t 8 tons Pols and Seorcbings at previous prices. Ssleratns is very scarce again.and moch inquired for. Some No I Summer Lard Oil at 75c. 25 bbls new Herring at £6,25. The receding stage ol water makes freights to ports below suffer, but no positive advance. At present the amount going below is rather smaiL Treasury Notes hive sold in New York during the present week at a prem. of 44 or 104$. The bostocssof the N Y Custom Jlouse ior the month ol April shows a very increase on the same month of Inst year. Tho increase in Imports Is over 100 f* ct} on Exports 40 t> et; and on Duties received over 50 p ct. The'lmports were : Total £6,440.815 £13,723 526 Increase ......£7,382,711 The tree Imports have isllen ofl, and of the inc. £3,291,000 is in specie. The amsunl o( Duties-re eeived, was as annexed : April, 1816...£M73;753| April, HH7...£3,109,405 Increase £735.653 The exports have increased nearly 100 ct in Domestic Produce,but other articles have fallen of!. .The Tribune remarks :—" The amount of, Duties received hkfbeen less than last year, until the large amount of goods taken out of warehouse thiaimonth added to the immense importations, has carried it beyond the amount of last year. j The receipts of the Erie' Riilmad lor the month, of April, 1847, were as follows : freight £12.305 13 Passengers and Mail 6,773 5) T0ta1...,,,. £49JXnTfi4 Same time Uktyear..., 15 476 We find in the Banker's Magnxtoe fur this moq,h | (published by J Smith Hominsat Baltimore 1 ,) a table ; of (he debts of the States copied from the American ! Almanac of this year, which we transfer to our col - ) ams. It is vouched for as accurate, beirg compiled | almost exclusively from official reports made Dy the I Treasurers and Auditors to the Legislatures of the several States about Jan. 1,18.16. DEBTS Of THE UNITED- STATES. From ike Amch*<tn Alpianai. I >(?. Absolute Contingent Annua! ml Slate*. Debt- Debt. Totul Debt on abso lute debt. Maine 51.37L255 81.374,355 fTC.457 N. tlsmhsbiia .none none Vermont 'SXIfiOO %, 279 BSU ifl.TfW Ma*saebn*eus 1,030.215 85,00,530 U,(*? 771 50.33 S (Ihodo Island 153,719 153.719 9,163 Coimeticul none non: New York- 23,575 570 1,714000 1,391,90? New Jersey none . . none j Penns’lvanie 40.WMM 40 9sU7a 2,018 220 Delaware none uo-e Maryland U-MW** ILSVICTC 055.421 Virginia 7,3i1.7V4 1,470 285 Ti1t.740 N. Carolina nine none S. Carolina 3,«N>3 2,0p0.0y0 52M.5W ITOTIfS Geinria 1,337.780 ’ 1727,760 1(0,990 Florida 3 OUJIKO 050 000 4,570.000 2M,0n0 Alabama 0,207,55# 4.425£2S 13,640,078 557,746 Mississippi 5L2?U,707 5.U10.000 7,271.?i.7 128.1 M) Louisian* I .ROJO# 14.657J&5 HLSiiai . 7R914 Arkansas 2,670 COO 1,044270 372UJ70 100230 Tennessee 3d»»,417 3,251417 173,319 Kentucky 4.413.456 -I.Oa.tSU Sir-Tit Ohio 19,251,160 J‘UstOn> 1.140,707 Michigan 4,39**14 ‘ 4JW 510 IflVl.un Indiana 115 072,0:0 IJfcO.OOO HUC2.U6O , #07,77? Illinois 14A33 9G9 333 Misrouri 6S4JOT ? 66*407 ' 73.100 Texas 4353u0l aJU4,<O6 0440.03? 3G0,000 , - Total 8179J335 02* 44'38e>05 224023,8x7 ?,830~U52 •A rreari of imereti due Dec. 1,1645. ! tlnclodin* 82.777 220 arrears of interest up to lan 1, 1940, and 81 jbt.TCO of domestic debt, for which treasury nobs* beaming interest are now outstanding. The total amount of the dehsof the State in Id IC, according to the American Almanac of that year, was £198,118,736. So lhatthey hive increaaed since that period almost 26 millions—but that to be sure includes a debt of aboat 10 millions st the charge of Texat-rwkleh wete not taken into gepqaat in the previoos estitn|te. |t also include.* for arrears of interest about 4 millions. VLOORIKC MILLS 1* WESTERI* NKW YORK. ’ The Rochester Ucmociat furnishes the following sUtement of tlie number of flouring mills in each of the principal grain growing counties of Western New York, together with the value ol the raw and manufactured articles. Many of of course, are mere grist mills, and flour only sufficient grain to supply the wants of the immediate neighborhood: Value or Raw Value of man Counties. Mills. Material*. ufae’d art's. OswegOY .‘...44 £1,547,203 51,667, 735 Wayne 32 348 698' I37fi>B Seneea 22 3*8,455 .T815.*9 Ontario.... 48 483535 368,317 Livingston 36 392,949 426,170 Monroe 45 2,290 408 2539.687 Orleans 119 421.113 416550 Niagara 14 706,842 776,148 Genesee 27 219,602 212.377 Wyoming 26 174.9*1 196,893 Erie..... 43 338,633 1,016,62* Chiouuqua 48 288,256 315,989 TB* COBS ASD »*AL TRADE. for the benefit of those dealing in corn and corn met), vis transfer the following suggestions of a correspondent of the New York Tribune to our .gotanns. The letter is written from Scheneciady: I have bad much experience in the eorn trade, and in order to benefit those engaged in shipping corn, I submit (be following facts: Corn taken in the win ter season contains from sto 15 ct water and oil. Tttejffegentfesson is rather more favorable, but it muarcobtain from sto 8 ct water The warm weather is approaching, when corn must go through wbat is termed a sweat, and if it is not taken good earn of, will spoil in a week. I have koowo corn to be in good order in the spring, sod when the warm weather came on, to be in a state ol fermentation in three days. With the vast-amount to come to your market,collected through the winter season,will it be safe to ship it without kiln-drying T ShoWd it be shipped in a damaged slate, the consequences will be injurious to the shipper and also to the corn trade. There will bestill more danger in meal that is not kilo-dried, as it contains the same amount of moisture and not an cqaal chance in bbl* beaded up tight. »Aa to tbe amount to come forward, it muil exceed 2,000,000 bu, on or before the Ist t-f June, from this and (he western States, which is. but a small proportion to go to 'market. After com, is thoroughly dried there is as much safety as_iny other grain. 57 water at IMPORTS BY RIYBB. BROWNSVILLE—Per Consol—9 peg* mdse, A L PaJmer-J do, E Resle fit Brn—2 do. j Richards —l4 bbla Soar, F A Room—s do, G A Berry—4B bse gUis, M'Curdy fit Lootnir—64 do, B A Fahnes tock fit Co—l2s do, J C Bidwell—ls4 do, Taney fit Beet—l bt, A Gordon—3o bza do, St Bt Conatil —ao do, order—334 bbla flour, 4 kega batter, 1 bbi lird, I bz aenUon, 9 c«ks, owner*. _Per Swatara—s3B bbla floor. Bingham—B peg*, H G Vickrey—4 do, Foraylh fit Co —Z do, P R Sawyer —4 do, J A Caoebey—4 do, J K Breading—lo bdls iealber, 69 bhl* floor,owner*—37A bza gliai,owocr. STEUBENVILLE—Per Wilmington—2 pegs, W B Holmes fit- Bro—2o bbla flour, J FPerry—fido, Allen fit do, Orum, McUrew fit G —73 do, J M’Cully—23 baga bran and aborts, Boyd fit Nelaon —3O bag* oil meal, S Wright—2 doz collars, W K Mackey—l crate ware, Dickey fit f'o—l hhd do. Hopkioaon—l do, J Kcrr.jr fit Co—22 bags oala, 17 ba poUloea, owners. CINCINNATI—Per Metacnger—2 pern, J H Mellor—3 do, 16 tree pork and beef. Clsike fit Thaw —1 bbl hama, Bingham—3 pgs, W F Fahnestock—l bz G A Berry—39 bales cotton,. Atwood, Jones fit Co—| bbl .hominy, J Kcrr.jr fit Co—3 hhdabacon, 11 bdlabama, owner. B— 160 Q bu oats, R Brace & Co—lot raffs, fitc. BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY. •BROWNSVILLE PACKETS alBa.it. and 3 r. x. •BEAVER PACKETS *l9 »• «■ ""t »'■*■ •MONONGAHELA CITY PACKETS, 3 r - •WELLSVICLE. WelU.iUO * « •D. LEECH & Co I *. PACKET, PhiUd*lphi„D<l ' Baltimore,9r. X. •NEW ENGLAND, Wheeling. 10 a. *• •MESSENGER, Cincinnati, 10 a *. TAGLAONI. New Orleans, 10 a. ». GONDOLIER, Loaiaville, 10 a. LEAVING SUNDAY. •ISAAC NEWTON, Cincinnati, 10 A. M* •BEAVER PACKETS at 9 A. M. and 3 P. «• •BROWNSVILLE PACKETS at 8 A. M. and 3 P.M. •DI LEECH fit Co's. PACKET. Philadelphia and ■Baltimore, 9P. M. *Tb«M tre regular Packets. ARRIVED. Beaver, Hoops, Beaver. Swalara, Clarke. Brownsalle. Harlem, Baird. Mon. Ciif. Michigan, Hemphill, Beaver. Consul, Bowman. Brownsville. Lake Erie. Ball, Beaver. Rambler, Hanghton, McKeesport. Monterey, Sedgwick, Fredenckstown. Rhode Island. Dawson. Sonfish. Isaac Newton, Mason, Cincinnati. New England. Ebbert. Wheeling. WeUsville, Catlett. We!l**ille. DEPARTED. Bearer, Hoops, Beaver. Michigan, Hemphill, Beaver: Lake Erie, Ball, Beaver. Harlem, holier, Mon City. Swalara, Clarke, Brownsville. VVellsville. Catlett. WeUsville. C'idsdl. Bowman. Brownsville. Rambler Haughton, Mon. City. Znoeiville Packet Galligher. Zanesville. Wilmington, Stevens. Steubenville Hibernia. Smith. Wheeling. Niagara, Jabobs, St Louis. Union, Greolee, St Louis. Clipper No 2. Crooks. Cin. IITTSBURGH AND ST LOUIS I'ACKI-T is f*****,*. The new and splendid (learner L, Jtid «, OONDOLIKR, r Lyon*, miner, was built expressly for ibis trade, and will leave regu .. . larly during ihe reason. Her day. will be advertised hereafter. .my?u REGULAR LOUISVILLE PACKEr / i Ttje new, light diaoshl and fast mn- LWi .Urf.sP nlng steamer EUREKA, . Croxier, master, will run as n regular between Pmsburih and |2,a,«- vi»e, during the sen*on. Phe leaves on Ihursdsv eve ning, May Olh.st 4 o'clock. uurvu.j eve For freight or passage apply on board. my# FOR 4\ACK*n\’ . The staunch and fine Pmckri Campbell, ma*tet, will leave as aBSBS&SSBBV Saturday morning, at 10 o'. <mto.nl. ' cl0 “ k - rtaunch ard e'etani steamer f* LW NORTH CAROLINA, Devenney, master, will leave as wawttiaabove 4 o’clock, Saturday evening, May Hh. For freight or passage ap ply on board. mjg FOR CINCINNATI. 1846. 1317. £2 2*3,878 £1,987,1)33 106,514 3397.064 4,105,393 3 339.429 /Wtfjra* W The elegant and fist i iCWgUjjl Calhoun, raasiei.will leave a* above Monday, May 10th. at 4 o’clock, f ‘"7. o £s"«ssge_«pply on board. my 3 l-’OR ST LOUIS AND ILLINOIS RIVER ■ if”—a ne “ w ". 1 r i „-f:SnV ! ' I “ r jffiH Woodward u.sster.will leave as above ALinsay, May IPih, ai (0 o'clock A boord *T ‘ ‘fC'Ahl or passage, applj^on TOR CINCIN ATI-REGULAR PACKET, k» elegant and fast picket r f.cJ AMERICAN STAR* ,,aJln “- nsster. will leave as above ofCT^'*‘*|,ri Saturday evening. May 6th, ai 4 o>- • clock P. 51. For freight or passage apply on hoard. _ . .. FOR TjE\Y he new and splendid steamer rlifl- TAGLAONK | w i?r' u Perry, master willleavc as abovij lvg>Wt *«»s«iJeihii morning. May Sih>i 10 o<loe’k . , PM- Fif ([eight nr passage apply on boerd. * r ■ w^{j FOR ST. IXHJIS—DIRECT. Tb« Siauneh and fast Packet UNION, LJkfMWiMI Greenlee, master will leave a* above Friday morning Vay“, Fo r fr:i2hl or iittsaae annVr a» board. 1 ’ myc ' For sr louis—fiudav evening. i mma, Ihe new and elegant strainer GOIfDALIEfI, *l-r°ns masir-r, will lee.ve V* aoave on Friday evyai.-.g May 7lh,at 4 o’clock freightorpauage-apply on board- ' _• * _ my# FOR CINCINNATI AND §T 1.011(3. ' r.,-,1 _* . Tbe elegant and Maunrli Packet, 4l!Tl!0N-Y Waynh MBSnBEmF Bennett. wa-ter, wtlUe«»e *< above. 10 o'clock Wrdnet<t*y morning, May 3 For freight or pastage apply inin r» The i’RM drangbi and fast running Lit it. rJc * !eam!,oat MlNuo chief: Moore. master. will My aJ a regular ■9S£&£sfss9pa''kei br*.w<*«.i ibis place hml Zone*, vll e For i;e> ta hi or passage apply on board or to _mV4. ; <JKO [I MILTESBKROKR. An Regular Filtiboreh and Zanesville ' jacket. TT A *'®**Ti The rj«* wiJ.i.m draught steamer '•- w y wssp2S*S££tt roguV pefcii.t t>~twerfti Pittsburgh atjj ZancsytHr. llivinu bad her cabin* fitted up and furr.tiWl In superior style, the Comet offers the bunt acccrntoodni'OiM to pa**cuger» SHe will leave on Turidiy. SHr 4th. at'Jo'ofock, P. M. For freight or passage apply oa boatri, or lo mat >° _ D WfLKiKS, A«i REGULAR nKCJiWKATI jfqftow t The very tighi Qraugln ahd staunch • • tjL jf.M stftamcr KWALLmV, • kSP-ftSlWff 1 \ViKon,'roa»irr, Will run 3* nbpyr da. ir* l ,* l . "Tffl ,| "g 'bn »« 4*oll. ri5 % .114 lrijn. The 8. throws only li ir-cuc* '«alsf. For ki or pa*iage apply ou board FOR ST- LOUIS— REGULAR PACKET. m.’ The splendid and staunch I'ackei |p. , J ROSCOE, Javeus, nuttier, wilt leave ai above,. tOK3H Saturday morning. May lit, at 10 o’- or passage apply on hoard. aplfl Regular Pittsburgh and Sanei* Uls~ “ S!C„i*et. TIIE-Lrbittrnseht «iea}n«*r I N« W ARK, tpjWBBBy Herd, Master, wdi make weekly Inpi the alxrve r>ott dotbyr - • For freight -<Jr imsxare'apply on Lot rd orjo_ _ apt “ a WlLKlN'k Agen PlttaVnrch anc| SanQati Packet: The T\f.vt cud fine steamer .j«ne*tx HUDSON, Ebben, maner,ha* resumed her rec ui-.if trips anil will leave Pittsburgh a* above every Thursday and Mon day ai 3o’clock, I*. M. For freight or passage apply on board. ‘ _ _ _ or*? FOR CINCINNATI A "LoyiSFlLt.ii. a *o9*% The ;:anjch and fine rft earner ft%'i'iT/L-Sa*>Kauniz. master, will leave as abov.- F'rtday morning April sCd, at 10 McKEESPORT, AND .MONO xGA- UM# A CITV PACKET. ‘ f . i- r, - w . The new steamer , fTTTJfr DESPATCH, master, will ran dfc above, j< a ■■■BEalHßvinx'Pii sburgb ‘every AlomUv. W# d nesday and Friday, atOJ o'cloc*. A- ill-, abJ Monoo; a bclayity every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. it € o’clock, A. M. For freight or passage apply on l«wi d JT*S_ For st. louis and Illinois river - . The siauneh tegular Illinois River Packet COLOMBIA, LMmMSS 1 O’Neal, master, will leave as abort on April l7th. at 10 o’ctock, a. .x. For freight or passage apt ly on board. ____ >pls Allegheny River Trail?. The fine and^t^^^^boai y Capt. Jamejpkittfon, will eontin p gra»>^JjgL | ue to. run aHplegular Packet du : ‘ r j n g |j, e teasAi between Piftsburgh and Frankhn. For freight or paltage apply on board, octftflf | V : REGULAR PACKhrr FOK NASHVILLE .. _ - The new steamer WTOBUfI, UkalMMp Capt. John F. Hays, will commence her regular trip* to the above port on Monday, the 20th instant attO o’clock, a X. For freight or pts*nce apply on boaid or to . mebS7 J W BUTLER k BRO. Agis PITTSBURGH AND WHEELING PACKET. Tbe splendid and fast running atmr K rtWMA NEW ENGLAND,- J~ Iffii vrtnpmin r> w Ebert, will commence as aliove. on the W day of ® ,= * fi^E * as=a ,Mareh, leaving Pittsburgh every Tuesday. Thursday and Batarday. ml ill o’clock, A. M.; and leaving Wheeling every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 9 o’clock. AM. , , . The New England has neen bought expressly for the trade, and regularly asabove. Forfreightor P..J.JC WIT on PEACE. *p,„, _ WELLSVTLLK DAILY PACKET. The new. elcrant and fait Packet . WELLBVILLK, ykaAMMEU C. C Catlett. mailer, wa* built ex pre»!y for lhi» trade, and will make daily trip* during the »ea»on, leaving Pdtrburgb every roornmgai »n’clock, and Wellaville every eve».! •>3 c.'eloek The W. is ferai.bed »uh “Faber'a Peteul ratgnetic N atcr Quage.” For freight or pa>*afe apply on bonrd . *5 7 ”. fry A Ketl Boat l» conitantly at the Pittsbnrgh Wharf to receive freight, and (be agent * ! ? # V on A MeBANE. Agent. AND Thr n'w and liirhi draught ftmr a iWSO»)L WILWIKOTOW, O. M. !*u-ver>«. ma.ier, leave* Pitt*. JEEuSSBSt* butpb every Monday, Wednesday and Kriclay at So’cloek, ” M.. leave* Sltubrrnville e.rrry Tnr:*lrty. Thonday rmJ Sairrnl.y .ISo’clock.A. M. For fn-ighr or P»>irr*o ripplyon board. REGULAR WHEELING -The Steamer HIBERNIA, “Samuel Smith,mawer, will commence runninga* ■ regular packet abouttbe lSib in*l i leaving Pnuburgb ever) d.y.m "o'clock, * M. For or pc.jc^.pp ly on board r - REGULAR »=WK,ii(* and fasi running ueamer . (r*~K \ IIAU|»E!II, Ugbtaftgt will ran a* a regular Packet between Uie a bove placer, leaving Prttiburtb every Tuetdny, Tbur *d*y and Saturday. al lOo'clock, A. M.; and Brown, tile every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at BoYlcck. For ige tte " ’ f A FACT 1 emleman of Sr fc oungrr tiny* !■ 'troal and N n ro pi ion ol it - mark* af ■1 wri»t w. ' the hi nt ndefe Mb ■b\, {From ihe Spirit of the Time* ) A FACT WORTH KNOWING A gentleman of St rofulou* habit* from indl*ereu<m m In* younger ilny« l*erain- nflrrtrd with t Iretatinil* of the Throat and No e, ami a diaagrceaMe and trou blenome eruption of the Skin. Indeed, hi* whole ■>'*• tem boro the mark* af being *awtate<lwiih dt*vaae One hand and wri*t were *o much affrpied that he had , lo*t the ate of the hand,every part heme covered wnh deep, painful, and ekTeninve uiceri. and were aa hol low and poron* a* alboney-comb It waa at thi* wage of hi* eomplamt.whfn death appeared laeeitable, from a loathaome diteWte. that he eommeneed the. awl of JAYNE’S ALTERNATIVE, and having taken atx teen bottle*. i» now perfectly cired J * v Tbn ALTERNATIVE ope rate* through the cirenla-i t!on. and punfiealhe Illood and eradicato* diveate* from the ayairffl, wherever located, and the nuraerou** eorev it ha» performed in dt*eaa«» of Skin, Cancer, Scrofula, Goitre* Liver Complaint, Dy*pepvi*,ana o'ber Chronic di»eaae*. i* truly a*tom»hing. F«Mlom'Piß*hurghatlhe Pek.n Tea Store, Tidth nemr wood. and al*oat the Drag Store of H f »,m.F STEAMBOATS. FOR ST, LOUIS—DIRECT. FOR ZANESVILLE. CTRL’BBNVjLKK apply on board- OCEAS BTEIM JAnCATIOX COSPAM. U. 8 . Mail Lint la Cava, •fej|=*ifcv THE splendid newsieaaibip .WASHING ‘ iXoafy TON, 1790 loos burthen, Frederick Hewitt, «fiif7l6 commander, will run from New York on the Ist June next carrying ihe United States moll.' ' *hewil| loocbst Cowea snd Southampton to land sad freight, ind deliver the mails for Eng n d ‘ Fiance and Belgium, and will then proceed to oreaerhavea- £ .***• Keioroing.wili leave Brcmerbaven on the 25thof Jane, and Southampton on tbe Ist of July. where she will embark passengers and freight from England, France, and Belgian. Arrangements bave_bcea made to forward goods from Havre op to tbe last moment, for wbteh, if desired, bills of lading wilt be ringed by tbe agemat Havre. Southampton connect* by Railroads with all parts of England, and by steamboat* with ail tbe Continent From Bremen aeeet* may be had to all Get many, An»- ln i’ Ro**ia. Italy, Switzerland. Ac. The Wa«bingienii built m the strongest manner, wit'i a view of being converted into a shipof-.war, ahd tab*, ject at any urns 10 inspection by officers appointed by tbe President, both daring and after construction. She has two engines 01 IUXJ horse power each, and accom modation* lor 140 first cla*«, and 44 second class pas sengers Passage from New York to‘Sooih»mp.Wnor Bremen, First class BISO Second class 60 Passage from Bremen or Southampton to New York. First class 8190 Second class, 60 She will carry about 3U) ion* freight, which will be charged according to the nature of the goods offering. All letters must puss '(trough the Post Office. Parcels, for which bills of lading will be signed, will be taken at 85 each. » for passage or frejgh' apply at tbe office of tbe Ocean Steam Navigation Company. 44 Wiliisni street, New * °tk, or to the Agents at Southampton. DAY. CROBKKY A ROSS, Bremen C A HEINEKEN A CO, Havre WILLIAM ISKLIN- The t> aahinaton is Intended 10 leave New York on second trip on the first of August neiL. The second steamer of the line is in due course of construction, and will be in readiness in the ensuing fail mvtdlm THE TRUTH, BY MEN OF TRUTH. Concerning sellers* vermifuuf~—a sin gle vial prodnemg wonder*.—Read the following from the Rev. 8. Wakefield, Pastor of Liberty st M.E. Church: Pittsburgh. March 8.1H7 Mr. u. E. Sellers: Ins from a sense of doty, as wclj a* with great pleasure, that I bear testimony topbe vir tue of ynar justly celebrated Vermifuge. I procured a unfUbquit, and gave it to three of my child ten, who had been ill for several weeks The eldest was seven veara old, the next four, and the youngest eighteen months. The first puaed fifty-six worms, the second foityseveu, and the third a considerable number not distinctly recollected. Bmct then they have been doing well, and are now in good health. “ Yours respectfully, S. WactrtjUJi. Ftom the Rev. & EBaboook, aflho Methodist Epirco pal Church. Mf, R P Sellers. It is with great pleasure 1 would mforsi you of the good effects produced on my son of fourycais of age, by your justly celebrated Vermifuge. Aftei bir having convulsions, 1 gave him three doses, when he passed an almost incrcdnahle.Rumher, from which lime his genet*! health has been improved. - ' SEBabcoci. From iho Rov Charles Cooke, of the Methodist Epis copal Church: Pittsburgh, December 14.1845. Mr. R. K. Sellers: 1 gave n \ Mt!c daughter (between three and for years old) three doses of your Virmifuge, according to pret< riplion, wnh ihe happiest success The number of worm* expelled I do nut know piecise ly. but it was large. She >• now m potsosion of pood health. J think the medic.nc may be confided in with great unrcservediiess. • pCe?(K. As this Vermifuse ne*er beeq known to fail in any instancy, whAt actually existed; parents should gi v< ft 10 preference to all others <- Prepated and sold by R. E. &F.LLERS, Uctwoeu 3d and on m street- fj_ For sale by Dr. Ca*«jfg£ifthJVanL myl QKAN’k CHEMICAL PLASTER. Ftqmtlev Charles Motion, Minister of the Baptist Church. Wooster, Into of Ashtabula, O Messrs 11. Harris A Co, Proprietors of E. Dean's Chemical Plaster, Gentlemen;—For several year# I have from lime tested the nnaesof E, Dean’s Chemical Piaster by nstng a in my family as a remedy for Rheo msi.snJ; weakness and lameness of the Vaok,* pain in the Wreast, inflamanqi; t*e inroaf ahd eye*, aguo in the btca«i. Ac; «ntf i lakh pleasuie in sty ng loyou and lo tae publie, fhht in every case 1 have found ii useful, tnd kdo believe that said Plaster possesses virtues of more than ordinary character, and that ft wi(l general ly be found a sulfeießttremcde iM>re.diseases for which nia and'is jusily e'oiilled to tbe notice aai pitr«n»ge of mi dnltgbtcned rotnmnairy. Your* Italy. " CHAS MORTON ooster. 0.. Dec. vO, 1542. fttldUy B A Fahnestock A Co. ?o>(,cr-First A Wood streets. ■- myldAw wui A. WARD, DENTIST, ajwjjfc HAS Removed to the house on Penn- RmßSk street, thrre dour* above Hand stieet, wr.eir he may be found from 0 o'clock, a M , until Sr m. As be is desirous of being employed by none bst those who will make immediate payment vy.iboat the nrressity on his part of eollecting U» would id vite par ticular attention to th; folowinjC tfTtns: AUVtlit left unpaid a' the iipn.:ion 01 thirty diyi, wilj be charged >1 ue fbllownfg rat As—• Fof'EjfrocttngTeeth, 81 For F.lUng irom 8 * to 4p t*er cavity. Ail other opsiutAiQs >u the' same proportion. 1 AH ea«c« -a VfblcS engagement* arc i«it rontmaed. bilU v,-,U be coaiidetcd due aoouidiug to the above reg ulations. N fl.—'There are those indebted to him whose ac counts. if not paid iinuied-aiely, will be placed in the hand* of a prop- r officer for colWtion aplSJlmwtfF UEAVKU; WAIIUFiN *b CLEVELAND LINK OF CANAL PACKET* BTAGEB. ’ hl7. . CANAL TEI.EUKAPM A SWALLOW LEAVE Beaver daily nt S o'clock, t j*l. iftejlhe arrival of the »leaa;l><yit front and arrive at tte*t morning iu season for the Stages which'reach Cleveland before night. Passtpgers will i-e receipted thr»urh. securing berth* 00 the Packet* and sent* in the Siuge. on applieatian on board ne*ml.o»t Reaver, (leavn.g I'msburgh at 9 o’clock, a x .] or 10 the agent* : G M HARTON A Co, Pittsburgh CI.ARKE A Co. Beaver JKKBK Baldwin. Vwiug*towa »pi;. M B TAVI.OR. Watren To Travedrri PillLADELpillA ANP QALTIMOUE. Jot Patungtrj j-. r Tt||F. Canal and ltaitn>od tu-mg i.ow in -excellent JL older, the Packets of this i.lne will leave with pas sengera as follows, even night at 9 o'clock : Oo l#ouUtana, Capt Thompson, Friday, Mat ?. do Kentucky, Capt Ttoby. .May 6. do Ohm, Capu Craig. Sunday, May 9. If you desire cheap travelling and comfortable acoom modaiions, feeure yourtickeiv at il,n I‘acltc, Monongatieia House, Water street, cr ap-JO l» 1-EUCII CQJ Canal Ra*in_ PORTER'S UACiI EUniAN PORTRAIT GALLERY, Third Street, adjoining pQsiO]lice, Pnt»- burttfa. Pal—Ma. PORTER (Amo Dalilinorel re spcctfuliy tavitc* the Icdlri and gentlemen nf Pittsh'gh, i at)d Ike publia trenerally. In call and examine the large , collection ot Daguerreot pe I’erttaits at his Gallery. The ipecimrns produced by Mr. P.. fur beauty, brillian cy, distinctness, and lone of < oloring are hot surpassed by any in this country A number of the Portrait# of Citizen*can be seen atihe Gallery . Cnll eremitic for yourselves. L'kenesses taken iu etc*; or cloudy weotber. N. B,— ]tis<n M cUoas. apparatus and all materials fur- Terms (uoderate. W 8 PORTER 1 Daguerreot;pi*t; entrance Philo Hall on 3d stieet. adjoining Post Olficc. upkb CABINET WARKUUUSR, Third Street, next door to tbe Hank of Pittsburgh. THE undersigned, having set-oinmcnced bu siness, ha* establulied himself nt the above stand, where be will kept constantly on hand and for sale, at rct**cmalnr prices, all desertpiions of Furniture or the Ur*t uuality— sueh as Buresua, Bedsteads, Ciiuirx.Ououittia, Sola*, AC Ac All tia faiuuuic is waxrsnted of ike finest qosll'y, and be sold •* low as any of tha same kind in the city A few good hands, and none others need apply, will find employment o« application. #pS3dlw ALEXANDER MCCURDY. WINES— 4<jr csks treble grape Port Wine, 3 do of tbe celebrated Roncoa brand; s do Port, very old; 19 do diierent brands and vintages: 3 nr casks Lt*l>on wine; 2 do do dry Malaga; ‘J hbds sup Claret wtno; IV bikts sup ctown brand Chao, wine -2 at esks sup L M Madeira wine; 9 2 do do Palo Sherry;. S do Madeira vintage, IMS; M do different brands and vintages; 2 do esks sweet Malaga; .5 do do Red wine; Part of the above Wmr* have jilsl arrived from uuder Custom House Locks, in New York; persons wishing to purchase, may rely on gelling a pure article, in quantities to suit. For sale hy P C MARTIN ap22 • cor amithfield and front n« No Carol No Pay I Fllesl PlleaJ DR. Jackson's Embrocation is the only medicine that will cure thi» *© very common and troublesome disrase. it not only immeumtHy allay* pain and infla manon, slop* alt hleeditif. subdues that intolerable Itch ing. but effectually cores >u a very ebon litre person* whose live* have been rendered miserable for year* it* application produce* no pain, but tather mi agrees lilc and pleasant sensation. If person* afflicted wiil call ami bear of the (rent number of ease* that have been cured, they will be astonished. A gentleman of thi* city, who bad been under the knife or the surgeon for twoor thioe time* without being cored. hn« by u*- ing2 bottle*of the Embrocation beencradieally currd It sell* beyond precedent{Phil Saturday Courier (C - For sale m Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TEA SIt*RE.TJ Foorth street, neAr wood. and also at the Dru* Store of II P Schwaru Federal *1 A4leghenr ci iy. ' • w - DRUGS; DRUGS, , JOKt. MOIILER, Druggist and Apothecary. «, W, cprner of Wood and sth *u . Pm.butgh. wilt keep eonstantly on hand, Drug*, Paint*, Ojl", Dye-stuff*. Ike. N. B —Physician l * prescriptions carefully.compound ed from the be»l niulerial*. at any hour ol the day or night. AI«o. an a.Nornnent o r Perfumery, line Tooth, Hair, and Cloth Bru-hr*. Ac. Ac , which ho will -sell low lor cash. mn DIHC Apple (irtth, embtacing about forty kinds of suiuwer, autumn and winter varieties, *e» leeted expressly by 'he subscriber, fiont the celebrated orchard of the lion. Walter Forward, for sale cheap. Also, grafting rl-.ih. » neat and eonvement article for grafting, budding and eovermg wound* on tree* and «brul>*. prepared by a skilful amnteur. apW 9 N WICKKRBIIAM, eor Clh A wood Ms A. LBDOUX A CO., NO 77 C\NAL STHF.ET, NKW ORLEANS. AGENTS for J » Armani’s Extensive Steam Sugar Refinery. Always on hand, a large stock of Loaf, Powdered, Crushed, ClariGed and Uustard Sugar*, in Tieices and Barrel*. Also. Sugar Jlouse Mn'nses. Prices lilieral and a fair allowance madi- on all sale* of.or slmve. SO barrels. mebll THE partnership existing under the mte of Hamilton A Sterling is this day diraivi d by mutual consent, consent. JOHN S. HAMILTON, ROBERT B. STERLING, Pittsburgh. May 2.1^10. THE business will be continued ai ih- old stand be tween Wood and Smi hGrld, on Fifth street apMdtf JOHN 9. HAMILTON CLERKSHIP \V~ANTKD-Fora.kd front N York. 18 year* of age; a ntuaimn in »omc respect- Commercial Establishment in the eity As it i» the desire of hi* parents be should acquire a know ledge of business a small remuneration would only be required fnrihe but year. Reference may he had to Kmmrof Goxeita. . ap2tf Wasted to to w,«» on a mortgage on City Property worth four tinms the amount—transfer of lease for 9l,OGOiper year, far the buildings. will accompany the mor/gage. Applyjnh'sOffiee ap9tf VAUGIISS* MlXTURE—Vonthns' Vegetable Lithonth/iptie Mixture, for the eure o( Drop*)> O'*" 1, *'- S b ” 1 “" r "’,KjB*I?BROCn9 r *Y Wholesale and Retail Aganu for Allegheny County tpao No f Commercial Row, Liotrty *l ' JOHN CARtWRIOBT,' TMPORTER aad-Maanfaciorer of Cutlery, Surgical A and Denial fastrumentt, Saddlers anKTiaaen' Hand Ioala»Taylors’Patern Bhcar«, Re Ac. -Also saaoufac turc* Tnmea. Supporters. Ac, ia great variety- J*-C. Manufacurer and Importer of Pea. Pocket and TahleCailrry;TUaor> ( Beissbrt.Fi]e<,Baw*,Toolt,Ac;. ha* removed to ’ 83 WOOD STREET, Pittsburgh, second door be . low Diamond Alley, And has lately received allargea**aruaen!of Poa k Po«k«( Knkvtt, Kalvu A Forks, Also Rodgers' and Whoatenbolms* FINE CDTLKRT. - Elliotts. RodgersJWade A Butr bet's Uaxort,Sci**or*, Razor Strops. Ac.. Daioascbs and Wjre Twist GUNS, RIFLES. AND PISTOLS, Alleu’aCoil’s and BluntTßevolvers, Powder Flasks Shot Belts. Game Bags, NYhiker’s A Cox's Extra.Ter: eusiionCaps^Bowie,Dirk and Hunting Knives, f Tools, such as Callipers, Dividers, rlyere, Nipper*. Hand Vices. Squares. Rules, Bruce*, Buts, spoke Shave*, Stocks and Drai Wirt and bon Gunge*. Hath* amatica' Increments, Ac, in veiy great vaneiy \ 07- Jobbing and repairing neatly and punctually done. ap39 HILL * BROWNS. Successors (o Holdahlp A Browne. Vf ANUFACTURERS and Imponers of PAPER XvA II A NGI NQ3. No b 5 Wood street. Pittsburgh. The increasing demand for American Paper hssindaerd them to enlarge and improve theit Factory, and their fa* eiliues for munufaeinnfig.are now equal to any in the eastern cities. Having adopted the eastern scale of pnees, they take pleasure'iu* inviung their friends snd dealers 10 examine their stock, which is now larger than at any former period, and may be found as follows: Transparent Window Shades, • French. Atneriran, e'attnj Glazed and Common Pa per Hanging*; Gold. Velvt and Imitation Borders; Landscapes, Statute* and Fire-board Prints; Curium Paper, yard wide, plain green, and fif'd; »»riling. Printing, and Wrapping Paper, Bonnet Uo&rdi,‘Ae. Rag* and Tanner*’ Scraps taken in exchange at mar kei price*. 1 mcblTd3mAw6mT - FRSSII ARRIVAL OF WORKS —At hi A AliNLß’s Literary Wa*J ingtutt ano hi* fienerals By J T Headley, au thor of NajHiieon and hUM*r<bals: The Sacred Moun tam*,Ae. J Captivity of-Napoleon at St Helena. By General CoumMontholon Partfi and 6 General Taylrr's Life, Battle*, and Despatches, with the only correct .portrait yet punltahed; including high ly important letters Ac; uceoantsof the glurioas natties. compiled from authentic soarces. The String of Pearls by G P R James. ,E*q. The Mysteries of tbe Heaths fresh supply. Tancred: or the New Crusade; by D hraeli. Phelps's Travellers’ Guide; accompanied with a new Map of the UniteifStatcs. A splendid assortment. of individual State Maps among which is an improved' »ap of Mexico. A large variety of handsomely bound Fongrler*. A complete assortment of the Modern Standard Dra ma. includiug Feudal Times or the Coun of James the Third. • M A MINERS jimithfield st 3d door from 3d st Hardware Store Removed* WHITMORE A WOLFF having removed from the corner of Libert) and 8t Clair streets, to No 80 Wood street, thiee doors above 81 Charles Hotel, would respectfully ask the attention of buyers to their stock of (lARDNVaRK. CUTLERY and SADDLERY, rac’d per ships Saransk, Monongshela and Russia, direct from the manufacturer* of England and Germauv. Also, supplies of American Hardware, from the prin cipal manufacturer* of the Eastern State* Their stock being entirely new, and purchased upon the best terms they feel great confidence in being able suc*et«ful!y to meet competition from any quarter, whether asst or west. The Hardware business will be continued at tbe old stand. npQ WALL PAPBR AND BORDERS. PRICES REDUCED—Thomas Palmer, No47Mar ket street, between 3d and 4’h street*, Tespeelfnlly annoanoestotlie public, that his present stock of Wall Paper and Border* of his etm manufacture is very ex tensive, and daily ndditinns.are being made toil,a* they are.Gmahed—of new and splendid patients Also, a well assorted Mock of Frmek Paptrand fvAn. Having recently reduced ihe nripes of the above articles,(and others,in higlißf, nolenomereted.J he is prepared to sell for e&ia'eHUrn than any establish ment of kiudrEast or NVest of the mountains. ytlSdin ~ • SADDLERY HARDWARE AND CAR*. RIAOK FURNITURE. ff". 133 Wood itrHb Fluthargh, SEVEN Doors above fith. and 1 door above 11. Childs A CoS Shoo Warehouse. Now opening and I for isle by RICHARD T. LEECH Jr. Importer and devtcr m Foreign nnd Doiuenlc Saddlery Hardware A : Camag>* I rimiQings, •!' nil description*, a very cheap : and well seieo’od stock of Good* ia his line, all fresh, of ibii nsweit styiee, parrhswd for gash, from the ben sources, and will be disposed of wholesale snd retail, at a small advanceonibc co*t. ‘Purchaser* are respect fully invited to cail and satisfy iheratelve* AL9o—Saddler*’ tool*, warranted, Deer and Curled Hair; Whips; Glass; Paper, Ac. hand, and as cheap as elsewhere. aptW JQHN'D'UNLAP, ~ NO IT Market street, i* now receiving hi* spring stock of Hdas*-F«irni»king Hardware, Bnunma. con.isting in part as follows Bhx's Jspajine'd WsrCiKagUsh and American; . 4 Ins Bm*ania .da do do, tl egsks l do-Oval .Pont I ca*e Ttaysund Waiters; I dp Kasn*etle*l Ware;- I do Prcsrcd Ware: 1 cask Blight Ware; ALSO; 1800 lbs a**ortrd C-opper; 30 plate*Tinned Copper; 1500 lb* Juniata Wire: SOnxsT'it Piste; apB JOHN DUNLAP, Mai kei at Drawing paper and pbncils- Fine Ur.iwingPapei, 31x93 inches; du i\>alftc Elephant do 1 do tpxlu do do Eii-phaui --do' du k»x37 do t'y Columbian do do V3x34 do do Imp-ritt\ da . do ?>xS9 do Tpsethri with a large stock of smaller sizes. DRAWING PKNCIIJj, of Cumberland and prepa red lead.of four; three, two. and one H; a large supply just received by ELLIOTT A ENGLISH »pI3 No id Market street TUfitf r HJ&€EIVIN&—LOOKING GLAtiBUB~£ J lIOUBE-FURNIBHING HARDWARE. Tkesab senber re«peciful!y inform* his friends and the public, that he is now tceei virg hi* asrorimetit of goods .elected by al superior jjiMliiy, and rrdured price*. I’urMis nlmui furnishing tlieit Imturs would do web to call as be is determined to rel) at small profits for quick return*. r supplied as lisual, with all the vanou* kinds of Looking Glasses, anjd packing i-arefuilv at tended to. Ijberal discount for cash. T A IHLLIER, Loosing Gla«» Manufacturer ap3 H»< Wood street, near SiH /iRKTLEJHK.I’B WUULKKALR pt'R \ I NI*HIN<; WARKKOO.M —\n a Wood Jiittpl. (up I’atn ) Ja»t »ercivrd r And now opening a foil at- Mrunem of tho»r very li 'c.nnil mediant Troy manufactured Dorotns and Cellar*, Satin adjurt mg blocks; Bombazine duda Plain; !*aun (low atocka, plain;'Biaek.iul.An CtavaU; Fancy da da; Gun Bni pended fc* 4c. *«. Jy»tr?,cei*e4 front the manufacturer. and for rate at manafaoliirrr'a pnee. EDWARD TODD myl ‘ . Manufacturer'* Agt Kdward Tod< TT7OULD respectfully announce to the merchant* of i v Piuibuigb.lhat be bat opened s room for the eale of E»«trrn manufactured good*, tucli i*Biock»o/evrry detctiniion; Shiti*. Bo*om« and Colins; GantMu'pctv dert; Nonb’» Hook* and Eye*. be ; Ur vale at mans facturcr*'price*. • Alni, a large auonment of Black and Fancy Crnvan fox *a*e m Eastern pncr*. whole talc. <' i EDWARD TODD * No Sit wood ttrdet, up tiaira. mea'Jd iManofacutre r*’ A*en» Addreu Cardj EDWARD TODD. Agent fot Eaatent manufaeiurer for the aale of North’* Hook* and Eve*; (jura Sit pender* of the Rtuvell Manufacturing Co. Ct; Stoek* of every de»cription; Fhitu. Do*om*and Collar*,ofthe Troy maoufactory Ac.; all of which ate Ur aale at manufacturer’* prieet, wbolerole. No SO wood iireet, op stain. Omen r-eeivrd for American Hardware. . mebafl DQQKS~-Smt*bln for Common of fij. sfchool Libra- O r>c*~Suudar Evening Cnnveraaiirtl:, Thine* by their right, names; Juvenile budget openld; Juv. bud gat rv«opened; Picture* of Early l»lfe; Scene* in Na irn; Qiltunbu* and Vetp.actuit; Beauties hf Eng Hino ry; do of Prencb.do: Halboa, Cortr* and [ptzarro; Hut tou’a book of Nature; PraiM and Princiree; Many;* ot Do hernia; Twin brother*; Chance* and Ctf*nge»; Mean* ent End* Tbs above, with a large variety ofothei book*, tultable for the tame purpose. Hor aale by , . J_h REAP 4th «treet Great Western Bolt Binge fiafanfaclory, CINCINNATI. O.T A GARDNER A Co., would inforniiho trade that • they are now manufacturing the Ural Butt Hinge ever made in the United Plate*. A* thti it our princi ple bu*ine*t we intend to lend out complete an ar ticle a* can possibly be made. Thoje etigated in the hardwate trade, we think, will find it 4'heir imereti to «ee our Dutta . All order* promptly attended <o.! mys A GARDNER A Co, rornf 9tb * main ft* STATIONARY— Ju*l received a large supply oi Floral,Silver-edged, Eratwaa-edged, Lace, Gilt and Plain Note Paper; Note and Cpid Envelope*; Wreath. Flo-al, Knot and .Motto Wafer*. Ae.. Ae.. and for *ale by JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, Siauouer* ap9l Cor Market and Thin] *|* New works of a f tupper-ah Author’* Mind, rhe Book of title page*, a lookful of book*, or thirty hooka in one. Edited by MjiKTup per. E*q..M. A. PaouaßiUTtn an aid to Faith, by the author or the aliove work Foi *ale l»y _ap!M j JOHNSTON A STOCKTON HEADLEY'S NEW WORK-Wa.iuxotoh and hi* OatititAL*. fly J T lleadlef, amhor of “Napoleon and hi* Marshall*.” ‘The ftjered Moun tain*,” Ac Ac. 9 vo!». IS mo, llluatraied with HI per -traits. Ju*t received and for *ate by JOH NS TON 4 STOCKTON, ap3o No 41 market n_ Another new work —Wit and llumor, seteeterf from the English Poets; with an illustra. live essay and critics! comment*, by Leigh Hunt. For sate by tinJN \ JOHNSON A STOCKTON ’ T UPPER S PHILOSOPHY—A few copie. of Topper’s,Proverbial Philosophy, JuM received and fur sate by JOHNSTON A STOCKTON spirt 'cor market and 3d si* WrflTtfOft JC. A WOLF? 1 , IMPORTERS and Dealer* ' n Hardware. Cntlcry, and YlijMHJf Saddlerr. No 50 Wood street, three door* above St Charles HoteJL Fittshatgb. Fa. ~ jouFwalkrb; ~*~— (Late Walker A Woodwetf] TTITOULD announce to hik friends and the public that VV be still cooiinucs tbellUrdwtrc business at the old s;and. No Wood street. He would respectfully solicit xr continuance of the patronage heretofore ot kindly bestowed Jautft LAMPS— A large anil beautiful assortment of Pat (tit Solar I jrd Letups; smtable for Steamboats. Hotels. Churches and Dwell ngs, constantly on hand a: the lowest price*. W W WILSON ant* 6 earner 4>h and Market its' Shovels and spades—w*tiir-gfoid & Co., ag?nt* for A Lanjont. hare on hand an tsiori men! of l.amom’* • unerio' coal. canal, Dcron«btre am) eollier Shore!*, amt No» 1 and 8 Kpadc*. raehiTJ L' OOKiAG ~b LA. BBE S— Gilt Vnd Nehofauy looking Utaiaea, (*. <3 Plate*, Clock*. Corah*, and a general aiMrunrnt of Variety Good*—all at lower iaie«—at No (hr, corner of_4th_a«d wood airee?*. •P- " THOMAS KENNEDY. Jr SOLS AOENCY FOR CURRIER'S PRINTS— -5.000 )o« received Atra on hand Hello**JtThay «r’» Prime, and Phrtn’* Map* and Cfcarta.' ' l. • • Merehailltand IVtHara tupplied at NewYorkpncn T KENNEDY, Jr ap? cnr <lh and wood «U STOVK PATTERKS FOR SUt'Otiei Whiner, I'aiiem Maker, Allegheny Ci.iy Oi) Mill baa the neweti Panama for Bto*e« on band wood or iron. Mill Gearing and ailotfaer patten* raadi lo onlor. * i tplOlf WBITIHO AJID WRAPnSQ PAI*KB —too ream* Cap Writing Paper; I SO do Letter do do; • 3no do 8. C. Straw Wrapping do; 300 do -Mediomdn t!o Mo» 100 do D.C. ido do do; 100 do Tea Rag do do; * On hand and for tale by REYNOLDS ft SIIEE mcb4 ‘ tot Penn and Irwin m PXO IROS-40 tons No I h b Hinging Rock Pig. Iron, Uuling from «ieu»er ABwririn.ud roc *«le U ALLEN ft Co . wait rft front au BCUKT, HAIVi'l cO., BAJTKmm*, XXCHAKQK B&OKKRS, AND DEALERS IN FOREIGN AS& ' 1 DOMESTIC EXCHANGE CERTtItCATESOPDE- POSITE, BANK notes,-and specie? : Fourth u, nearly epporiie the Bank of Pittsburgh. CURRENT MONEV received ou Depoaite—Sight Check* (bt ;»ale, and collections on nearly ai) the principal points in the United State*. Tbehlgheupresuampaid for Foreign and American 'Geld Advances made on consignments of Produce, shipped E**h on liberal term*. . _ aichlS ’ * WM. LARIKER. J&, " Ij'OURTII Street, next door to Bajik of Pittsburgh, f Banker and Broker, and Dealer in Exchange, Bank ■*? Coin of tildereripiieois Ae. ' BeU*»* Rates. Buying Rate*. I pr. Now York. 4 die. Philadelphia, do- Philadelphia, do Baltimore, ido Baltimore, do Western Currency, 4do Western Car do City A County Serip, do City A Co. Scrip, do All good Carreney, do All «nod Curfey, do Pennsylvania da, do Pennsylvaniado. do Tenrersce do, S do Tenneuee do, 3do Brownsville, do Brownsville, Jdo - Washington,, do Washington, Jdo roreiga Fill* o Exehanre procured. spMAwlm* H, HOLMES A BON, ~ Bankers and Dealers In Exettaagt, Coin and Bank Kotos, KO. 65, MARKET STREET, FITTSBCROH. Selling Rues. Exchange. Buying Rai<*s. New York. I pr. Cincinnati, 1 di*. Philadelphia, . J do Louisville, Ido Baltimore, \ do St Itouia,' Ido Buying Rates. BANK NOTES. Buying Rates. Ohio, l dit, Co. A Scrip Order*, I di*. Indiana. - J do - Relief Notes, J ilo Kentucky, |do Pennsylvania Cy. ido Virginia, {do New York do, 2do do Wheeling, l>do New Orleans, Ido :Tennessee, Ado Maryland, 2do •pW . " C onartners hip. - TOSEPH H. UlLIi, (late of the firm of Wm. A. J Hill A Co,) and WM C..CURRY,,lateof Erie, P*. havirentered into Copartnership, under the name o' MILL a CLKRY, lor His purpose of carrying on the Banking and Exchange basinet* in all iu branches, at No 65 Wood street, three door* below Fourth, west tide—where they solicit the custom of their friends and the public generally. JOSEPH It HILL _ PChia WM. C CURRY JOSRFH H. RILL, tnr.- C. C9RRT. BILL A CURRY,. BANKERS A EXCHANGE BROKERS, DEALERS S*IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC TIME A SIGHT BILLS UF EXCHANGE, CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSITE, BANK NOTES AND COIN. .No 65 Wood street, third door beta* Fourth, west side. PAR Funds and Currency received orf Deposits and collections made on all the principal Cities in the United States. Sight Exebanxe on Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York. Boston and Cincinnati constantly for tale. Ohio, Indiana. Kentucky. Virginia and;Pennsylvania Bank Notes, bought and sold on favorable term* Exchange on England, Ireland, Geimany and France procured, Ac , Ac. mchlS WILLIAM A. HILL * C0.7~ BANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS __ ...bill La FOREIGN AND DOMKSTIC EXCHANGE, CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSITE, BANK NOTES, AND SPECIE. No. 64 Bead Strut, ono door mboro FsurtA, East rid/, nchlfj Plttabnrgh, Pa. jdAwF RsmlUancsi to til* “Old Country.” MONEY sent to all part* of England, Ireland. Scot land and Wales, in sums ot £l and opwardr, to suit purchasers. ALLEN KRAMER maiS . Exchange Broker, cor 3d and wood tis TOBWicfi rAT-ksT I'VHiO, Indian*. Kentucky, and Penn a. fttod«j all- County and City Order*porefcaaed atredaeedriate diKoaatt by N HOLMES & BON deei RxcUnic Broker,UMnkei m 'ofleetlona on “ /Collection* an Cincinnati. LoniiTille, pu Labis w end ell accessible points in the United Slates made, promptly, ud upon the lowest term*. by N UOLMBB & SON, Exchange Brokers mchad ; No u Uerket st Colleetlonnoo Cincinnati, LouisTtile, Bt Loan end ell other accessible points In the United Stales, made on accommodating terms. HILL 4 OURRY Wt»d »L next <Joor to Eagle Saloon apfl 'E'xebango on New York. Philadelphia. and Balii -S-i more eotmamly for tale bv HILL k. CUURY _*p® Wood »i next door u> Eagle Saloon Currency ©f the Ohio Indiana, and Kentucky Bunk* warned at very l*w rates of diacount. lIILLACUKRY Wood «i, nert door to Emlb Saloon 01l 10, Indiana, and KeatHeky Bank Note* poretiv«d at low rate* by N HOLMES ft SON No B Market n HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, &G, City Property for n)e, In Calnmbna, O. M Tllt (iihwriber ofleia far tale aevcral iota in a deniable part of the ciiy, oa-whieh are two corafoitable Lnek dwelling hotuea, and bit xe- leniiTQ Tanning KatabQalunent, all inpiod re pair. Having determined, in consequence of infirm age, to diacominae the tanning liunpeit, a fine opening now preaenta itaelf to any one wishing to carry iron. Columbu* ii probably the beat point m the State for procuring a uniform sopplyof hide*. One or both of 'he dwelling bouie will b( aold aepa rate from the »r»t of tbe property if deaiml. The uo dermigoed will give aity further information relative to ■aid property, term*, 4c. ou appiießou to him. j aptrt isaac taylor PROFKKTY l.> YOUNGSTOWN, OHIU FOB. SALE. a THE advertiser offer* for tale a splendid Brick dwelling llou«e situate on the Nona East comer of the Itililic Square la Youngstown, Mahoning county, Ohio. It it Urge, commodious, finished In ex* eellem style, and in the best location in Youngstown, either for., dwelling or public bouse; attached to it is a yard, with water, stabling, and all ether etmvealutco at hand. A . This town is improving very rapidly, is situated Im mediately on the Caiial,and when the various Furnace*. Rolling Mill. Ac., now bring built arc completed, will be tfie most'flourishing place utihls ueetion Of Ohio. —v*4 uourubinrpifc. It will b« toldjow for um<*, forpropenvin Piiubunrh. FW kirtirulura ItJflnir* of LtJU WICK, corner a t Wood ind Wttrr «u, Piu»- burgh. who will fiv< ■!I Information ocM&WU OUPUA.N’B CUDRT MLS, IN pwuianre of an order of the Orphan's Court of • Allegheny Count)', I will expose to sale. by public vendue or outcry, at itie Court Moose in the City of Pittsburgh. ,«n Monday tho 17th day of Mar next, at the hoar of 10 o’clock, a. jb, a certain Lot and two half Lota of ground, being part of 'he'Coal Hill Lots, ai aale in Lower St. Clair Township, and conveyed by J. H. Page and Wife to James Milhollaod and D R. Milhol* land, and now the property of C F. MilhoUand, a minor child of Jante* MilhoUand, dec’ii., bounded and deacrl bed at follow*, *■>: ou the North by a’ferty (hot ttreet and lou of Paw on the East by lota of E. Jones and D- R. Mithalland, oa the South by the Pittsburgh and Coal liili Turnpike Boad, and oa the West by lou of Sarah M. Philips, said lx>l» l*mg twenty-two feet in front aod extending back to the Turnpike Boad afore raid. By order of the Court, CALEB FOSTER a'p2l-uJ4wF Guardian ofC. P. MJbolland REAL ESTATE in-THE COUNTRY—The sub scribers offer for »ale a bo ate and Jot in West Mid dlesex, Mercer eoomy. .Tha house U for a store aod dwelling, immediately on the Ene Ex tension Cana 1- In a flourishing village near by, are several furnace* and in the ttudat of a richfanning dis trict- Alio, a house and Sot in the flourishing village of Or angeville. Mercer county. The house la welleaJeulated for a tavern or store. The above property will be sold eheap and on ae* eommodatingterms. IdAIAH DICXRY A Co apis water and front ata A LLEGRESY CITY T , aOPKRTY-For A tale, a valuable unimproved property, haodaomely situated 110 leal on Cbesnut, by £4 feet on North Canal street, can be divided and improved on either street. Also, a bouse and lot on Foulh Common, ISO feet from Federal street— the lot is gS (eel by 06 feet, the boot? Is. ! a good brick dwelling, well artanged. These proper ties will be eotd low,and terms accommodating. Alio, aeveraj building lota, sitaalcd on, and near Franklin street. 25feet by ISTfeei; price from 4 loßVtr, terms, WO in hand, balance in 5 years. St CUTHBERT *p4B Real Estate Agent. 50 smithfield it REAL ESTATE MAHRET-For sale—A brick house and lot on Ross, near 4th a reel. The dwel ling It well arranged for comfort and convenience.— Pnce and tetma accommodatibg. g Also, a good •frame dwelling house and lot, 41 it by lift, aiiuaied on Denman ttreei 'Birmingham. Price R7SU; pan to band, balance on time. Alto, a well improved property onTonnel, aear Wy lie sire e 1,40 ft from by hit d-ep Price 82000, terms aq eoramodating. 8 CUTHBERT. General Agent upTU No 50 smithfield tl Valasbl* Meal EiUts~for Salti TIIE oudcrrgned being about to remove bis Tannery to the country, offers for sale SIX BUILDING LOTS on Second street, between Ferry street and Re doubt Alley. Each lot will be twenty feet front on 2d street and eighty feet in depth. The lots will be sohl singly <>r the whole together. For terms apph to the subscriber on the premises. JOHN CALvWELL Bp«tf_ ; a COUNTRY RESIDENCE. HAVING removed to the city, for convenience to professional business, l wilt rent the Maosjott House, and its imreed ate enclosure, situate on of the Mononrnbrla, one mile above Pittsburgh. Unl4 3tawlf \_ , JAMES S CRAFT; T ~ ALLEOHRRY CEMETERY. ’• : "" PERSONS desirous of purchasing Lots in tlA* Cent* tery are referred for information to the Superintend ant, on thn ground*, or to E. Thorn, Druggist, center 0 Penn and Hand street*. Pittsburgh. . By order o( the Board, J. CHISLETT, denll-dAwtf Boperintendanb - REAL ESTATE in Allegheny City—Thesobrenbers ; offer for sale a lot of ground m Allegheny Citr, SO feet by 253, fronting on Canal ctrcet and extending back to Übeny street. It might be subdivided intofour goop building lets. The property will be sold cheap and on accommoda ting terms. ISAIAH DICKEY A Co . tpia water and front its M' For Rant. A WELL Finished second story Room, with a good entrance on Market street, at present oc cupied ss a Daguerrenn establishment. Also, a Long Boom. 4d story, entrance at Philo Hal), and two well finished office* over Philo Hall. Also, the Basement Room under the Gszeite Office— a good stand fora Uarber. R D GAZZAM marlO \ Office, Market tt,be'l. 3d and 4th : REAIT ESTATE FOR HALE—A good how and lot on Wasbing*wisireei,AllegbcoyCiiy The Lot is 20 by 100 feet. A1i0.4 good brick Dwelling Houses on Bunk Lan*. Allegheny City. , - Also, 9 Bailding Ut*.«by ?5 foci,ott Libertyufreet, Allegheny City. Apply lo '' l * - H CUTHDRRT. General Agent ap4l -No 50 Smithfield street ’ FOB .ALB OB BXCH&TOB. A LOT 34 by lIF feel on the Muiersvilli* Road, ?t Ward, litere isoh the lot atw-story brick dwe ling boase, with well and cistern re the yard. Fruit Trees, with other convenient fixtures, making a very comfortable place: which will be sold for cash or ex changed for a small Farm, near the city. For oanicu larsenqutreof \VM. It. SCAIFE novtadH Front,between Wood and Marketsts _ LOTS FOR 8 ALE— Two lots on Ist street, bear Smithfield st. directly opposite Lyon, Sborb A Co. 40 ft front by ft) ft in depth, There lots are Well f Stealod for dwellii g bouses or foundries Tbev will be offered at public sale on Thursday, 47th day of May next at 14 o'clock, M- ___ * . apgSdtd HENRY WOODS.- RIVER LOTS. FOR SALE—Some valuable Loir of Gnmad, aituaiod on the bank of the Allegheny. River, contiguous |o the ci'y. These lou are most advantageously aiuawd for Iron Works and other large manufacturing estab lishments. InovWAwtf] HARMAR DENNY. — _ '“ j ~fOiCb ale“ ~“ FOUR LOTS—Bounded by Penn, Liberty and Hay •treeU.eaeb lot bavirtgM feet front, and UXteadiax baekllOfeeu Two of them are cornet lot».%oad the position of the whole property t> one ofthettoti advan tageous in the city. For further iefomationXDhly to M. SWARTEWELORB, Fourth it, nov3tf between Wood and Smithfield - HATltr* n being the day tie Spring Fashion of .Hi ibe «»« fadt- T** nnabie rsfhliihmr nia in New York and Philadelphia the undersigned take great p’enjore in being enabled to announce to their wunerou* friends nod the publte generally, that we are prepared to supply all who may tsror u* with a cal 1 with tie fashionable Hay Tor 'be •eaaoo. comprising Dearer*,' Neutriit, and extra fine Moleskin bilk Hat*, either whol«»ale < or retail. McCORD ft KINO ■ aaaitttf _ eor wood and sth sis. A“ bjehoyaL" 8 MOORK, Hat and Cep a* removed to No 75 Wood street. three door* kw«e Fourth street. Hi* stock consuls of every yanciy ol Hau and Caps, made tathe latest style; also. Panama Leghorn ana Pedal Straw llau, wholesale and reuil, at the lowest price. , S MOORK *plß 73 Wood »t, ;hitd door above Fourth AWILLUM DOVGLAB, CONTINUES to manufacture, and constantly on hand; qvery variety of and Cap* of the late*! style, - anti price* very low at No Ts Wood street, East ride. ' jgri' Fall FaaNlon, 1840. 1 4 BEEBE A COSTAR’S Style Gentlemcn'sHati will be intfodored at KREVU.'S on Tbarsday AogiMtSTtk. tiemJdpienwishingac beap.Csrii ionable Hatof Pittsburgh mantfarinre nueadot fashionable llats imported i>d advertised by'sour ot the trade, please callin' • KEEVII, A Co’s atupiffif ' 189, head of Wood *t' Sprlag Fashion for 1807. jWSv JM WILLIAM DOUGLAS, Ifigg WOULD inform htsfirfends and patrons "« .■» that he has now an land si large stock of ihr Spring Fatbion of Hals and Caps, which will bo intro dueed on Saturday next. Those in want of a superior anlele will call at ' JdchS No 79 Wood street, East «ide_ Fall Faahlon <br Flats* THEsubscriber has justreceived by Kipre** his new Fall fashion tor Hau. Those in tire tol aa extra fine Hat will plcaseeail and eiurain* this splendid snide. t 8 MOOKE •ep3 No.-« worn- STRAW BONNET AND RAT WAREHOUSE, NO. M MARKET STREET, PITTSBURGH. B. H. PALMER offers for sale on si favor- term* a* any house tnThlladelphia, a complete assortment of Straw, Florence, Rut' land, and a great variety of fancy braid ana gimp Bcnnets.of the spring style. ALSO—Palm Leaf. Straw and Leghorn Hats; Ani .ficisl Flowers. Ac. Ac mehS FRK9CH UOLhsHin MATBrJut reeeo a npenor article o hi each Moleskin Hau, Fab fashion, and for sale lowri-y ', S MOORE sepfl No P 3 wood sir- t DRY GOODS. Carpet and Dry Goods Warehouse* NO 110 MARKET STREET. HO DEBT D. TBORPfOS, RESPECTFULLY' informs hit friends and the public generally, that be it now receiving lr large and splendid assortment ol Nxw Style Carpeting, Or- Cloths, Ac. direct from the importers and Alano.'acui rers, composed mpaitof . t Bapcrfine Unueels Carpet*; Extra,or Tapestry Bnuoels Carpeutig;. Super Imperial 3 phr and Exua dr>; Superfine Ingrain, fine; and Common Caroling: 54,3-4 and 44 Plain Vemtifin Csrnetiiu -5 8,3-4andLi Dsmavk do do; 543-4 and 4 4Tape«try do' do; Stmauoai Tnmminft. . Brown Drillings; 4 4, 5 4 and 0-4 Sheeting*; 0 4 7-4 fM Table Linen*; Linen Napkins; Crash and' Diaper; Hockabuek Towelling; Cablet Stripes; New Style Ta ble Cover*; Oil Cloths from 27 inches to 2t feet wide, cat to any site; Rich Embroidered and Printed Tgble and Piano rovers Figured Floor Cloths; - Chenielle, Brussel*. Tufted, and Wilton Hog*£‘ ~ Tufted, Chenielle, and Sheepskin Door Man*:; ' Manilla and Gras* 1 do diq * Brass Stair Rods Flat and Oval; Damask and Striped Stair Linen; Carpel Bindings; 4-4.5-4 and 6-4 Plain and figured Indian Matting; Colored Spanish^!tiling, Ac., Ac. <? Person* fitting op Steamboats. Hotels, or Private flop ses, are requeued to call, os he feels confident they wtil find it to their advantage 'to dev *o before purchasing elsewhere. ' DRY GOODS. lie would also invlie attention to his extensive stock of NEW SPRING DRY GOODS, {embracing every thing in that line.] now opening at the above stand. marl<MXw-tmF |E7*wo lIP Market sirrei STAR CLOTHING STORK, NO. 70 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH,Pa AANCKER A MAYER, wholesale and retail dealers in Eastern Ready-made Clothing, would respect' fuUr take this method of soliciting the attention of ibeir customers mud the public generally, to. the following lists of their stock in trade, end-tsssure thru also, that they-will sell as eheap if not cheaper than any other establishment in the city. Our fhcilities of purchasing and manufacturing goods, are such a* to enable n> at all times to keep a lull assortment of ready made cloth ing, at less prices than tber can be obtained elsewhere The present, stock on hand comma iu part of the fol lowing description of goods: 150 black cloth dress costs, from 810 to 430. 120 do do Preneb do * 70 brown and invisible green do VOQ sack coats, splendidly, made A of good material. 1000 pairpants,of all styles, qualities and-price*. SMOO vest# do do do do .7 T 100 down Linen plain and stitched busom shirts;stocks; scarfs; cravats; bosoms; collars; suspenders; sock*; drawers, and under thins of every variety, all of whicbhavr been recently purchased and adapted to the present season- Merchants and others who are in want of < lotlnr.g. cannot do bettor titan to give u* a call* ■ apBB DRY GOODS. < v - SHACKLETTA WHITE, No Wood street, above Diamond Alley, are now prepared» nflier tosner •bant* a large and Desirable stock of ' FKBSHiSPRING DRY GOODS, All of this season’s purchase—*of late and desirable styles and qualities. - Coanuy Merehapta visiting or pauing through oor city, will find «t clearly to ih> >r advantage to give ns a call, as we aie determined —, -H *i such small profit*, as will make U greatly -t.- - uietc‘l in make a bill wnhu*. Our stock ts now full (.rid < • injilite, comprising a genera! aaaoruneniof inch goods as are usually kept ny dry goods hoaoea.. A good supply of heavy and light brown Sheeting* always on hand. ' inebil? ir exchanged B ARROWS A TCRSKR; No t(f Mark'! street. '•re bow iVckiYitTjtbeit stock of New Spring Goods, andraaite the attention of purchasers to their assortment of Dress Goods, which i* paniciisrlf den ' table. consisting In part of * Rich Embroidered Laem*— reryetioice |.sttern>; Rich Orgsniiy Lawns— fashJoaanle browns; with ether colors, eery handsome. Printed Lawns, of different patterns; Rich California Plaids—styles very handsome; Sepenorjfrrneb Gingham*— entirety new and bean* tifol patterns: one lot venr handsome at 16| cit. • Superior Manchester Gingham*, [warranted] at 80 cents. ' ’ . “ ■ ■ i ' me hSB No M market strceu3 doors above 3d kIVILIS DS X*AlHßßr>l.lhlN COLORS— LVI W K Marphykasnowopeataastbrunenioftbe' sboregof>di,mll Also, Mohair de Laines, very ewperio , plain aode.eolors. Also, plain Drab Bareges; Woe, and black do Also, Baharines. brown and fancy colors, some aa low as tB{ cents; and alarf* assorxmentof nearest styles dress good* generally,, tacladiitf :blaek watered; ana /ancy SILKa, of latest nnpbrtauons, and ot low prices for quality. Buyer* will please eall and examine at N E corner *ih and Market su. (r~y Wholesale Rooms insepdnd story, where e very ebotcestock can be seen bydealcararat loureub prt* SHOULDER BRACES—for cure of pain in the Breast, made after patterns approved hr.ihe New York Baodage Institute. ' < Suspenders, Suspender Ends and Webbing; Self adjusting cravats; plain and' fancy 'satin stocks) fine shirts In great variety; shirts and thirt colors; oi eu silks; drau moreen; sea grass) Ac Ac; on band and for ■ale by myC f ■ Klj EATON SUNDRIES- Bonnet ‘frames, Tabs ane Roebro; Tortoise shell and born..tuck side and dressing eoihlisj refold sutin-and rosewood batr'brashes; tootb nail) comb.cloth and hat dm carpet binding; bed Nee; brown, black and white Holland: colored earabrie; r *ilk and anion galloons; flannel binaingi nfety envelopes; note paper, sealing wax; mono waters; Barnhill 1 * in delible ink; pencils and pencil points; buttons; pins; needles; tapes; spool cotton, Ae. For sals wholesale and retail,by • ap® F H EATON, 53 Market stftet CAPBRf-RuAtNre-. i.v 41a Worked Laco Cspcs— lot received this morning.- • ■?' '.-V r Ateo. Chameleon nllk*;'* few 'poi-f'baioeleba PonH de'6oi Dfesa Silk*—a beautiful anielo,*Bd scarce — open this morning Atso,Vreneh Balsarinet; a fcwpWaa.'ehoieeityles Dry.Goods llomie of ' .' -W’ R MUBPII A. spiff ' rCßcor 4th and Market sts WRITE ODODI PORI DRESSES—W R~ Murpby invites the attention of the Ladies to hi* very foil as oninent of white good* for dresses, cons is tmgof flsriss and Scotch Mulls, Nanmok and Jscko netgtnshns barred Jsckonet, super Satm barred and striped, sod finish do, Ac Ae. As these goods are patebared. immediately f.om the manufacturers’ agents or importers, they can be sold at the lowest prices. apffl COLORED COUNTERPANES—W R Mur phy invite* the attention of house keepers to an assortment of 11-4 aedi;-l colored ‘fonnterpanes a aeW and btautifal article, of different colors. ' Also, au assortaetu Of white counterpanri. dura losvajtt to finr qnil ty. Also; Liaen Damaik Table Cloth*..* foil as sortment of neweatpauerns.*Al*o; Towels and Towel ing Diaper—at the northeast corner of 4ih and market streets my 4 MORE NEW GOODS-At W R,-Murphy’s Dry Goods House, north eakt corner of 4tk and Market streets. Received yesterday, an aeaonment.ot Linen Table Diapers.! from P-4 IoS4, includiug sume yenr superior Damask. Al»o, BleachedsnduubJe cb ed Linen table cloths,’very low for quality.' Also, Al paegs and Alpaca Lustre*, a full Msoruneni from com man to very superior, including some of very high '* ■ ■ -- ! ‘ - tp , *3 PAINTED BLINI'tH, Ae—Transparent Window Sbsde*,of both Uloe and Oil preparation, in great variety. oL*ty)e; add assorted sites; ,Venetian Blinds, of«**otttd|sae»*ail colors; fei tale on Commission; Shade Fixtures, iucluJtng Rollers; and Blind Trimming*,assorted colon, at spg F 11 EATON’S Mantilla. buttons* frisgks- Received bV.'espreas thisday-AfiSe assortment ot, Mantilla Buttons; white linen andldaWjilk Dstsey re:' riehbtaek fringe; fcot’d dress FnrgeiTVapei&ne Bob bins. for Ginsbaint, lor sale by m}ff .^- L . TmsNOBa t oiflira avd satin trik- I* MINUS— Fsney and plain bead.eotored dress Frin gtss; rich mantilla black do; man»it|a, polk* and ehain gimps; black and colored Loieriaa trimmings; black and colored satin ribbon do; just t*«U at Sp» ' F >1 EATON’S Hosiery and yarns-c..t»n, ~ slit : and taeriop Ho*e and half Hose, in ’great variety. J'm men, women, misses and children; Rnittinr Yarns and Worstorjs, atuned.cofore: mendingand tirfyrottun and maaufprlurer*' Worsteds, snd l ram Si'ks. at »pv ; f h batons; JUST Received and for.sale at. Use inanafxetureria list piiees,alargn invoice of .patent Gum Elastic and Shirred Suspender*, nf the Russell Maanfaeturinx Co., Ct Focssle by the Agent. No V» wood street, ap stairs, wholesale.. ... EDWARD TODD ; . mchdff Manufacturers Agent; , ■ P. n. BATON) ln Trimmings and Variety Good*, Tortoise 1J Tbell, Ivory and lloracombs,.WoollrnYam* uud Woreteds, &man», Needles, Fins,.T*pes, Braidt. Ac.. No 83 Market-8t between 'Diamond and -4th streets Pittsburgh.' -• • • jrMdty • CURTAIH';RUILniB t «l’a greai vsnetr of •tyfos, meludiag Buff French Ckmti, for Window Curtains, to be (bund at dry goods boosu of • : B AV & MURPHY .. apaOdAw N E cor 4th and Market sts TYTEW STYLE SPRING PRINTS—I 3 ewes Al n*W- “/>» Bm>2*- Prints—among yvhich ate rich 1 Orange, Canary r Bufl. Pinki,FuroUuie and late'style fancies. Jnvt received and for able by ■ wy3 hhaCKLETT* WHlTE,»wood»i ■ GREEN FLANNEL-1 Laic fine twilled Greet^ Flauasl.iun reeeivedby . ' • _j wy3 BRACKLETT A WHITE flt £ J |- •’ PI LE 8. r\R IXGOLDSBT’S T»br» Specie, m btental UL# itmnud rvikal arterM, 1 Needine or for irriiHioo ©flit kMaCji and hlati* ‘ :dcr, pust m th« tneksad eid<4 habitant eaurrtaa*, arad i Feaalaa belbra' and liter MtdiMiut *ra tfia Innhkk ’ iwitb eoeeti potion of the bowel* or cottieenaM, an* elite the - etk*. In nil *uch enter the Specific era he ttinw-with sirct aeiety, and it n certain n>node The ,Specific iaaotje pi'ijntiTe, and lien entire!} ttgcitbtf remedy, without iftl • tick of gamboge, cokeysce nr aioet fknmal to take and par 3 fo(ly;tara2min the ecetrf«'<«kte casta, ' | • Tbii ato certify that I kii v » Or. Pflt Spwifi to be a certain , cor* and aale.reMdy., Hiring a**o ia taanenlcaw*,aaK9ip(a)' iya ity eocnerioea, in lentil coo firmed and lever* cixt of the pika,' wbefe it made as entire csraisererycaM. HENRY WiItTEHEHh I NHrYorfc,M«y, IM53* Sritk I eheerfitUy (in bit testimony a* to tlx certain and mUxl . whing cfiKt»ofJ>r. lAgoldibyS f flee Specific, a* I know it firea.ajr.oini experience, and ;©beerm»M», to b* infallible; harinr ms it taed with inecc** a rereni cam of cakt. asal* and tenak. 5 ‘ o£o SIILiEK, \ Jiew. Ywk, Mat, IMS. SMSiath *»*•*. * LADIES* CERTIFICATES ' ' • -i '•• • • v Km Terk)Mtj)lM. Mr. *D«al«—Dear Sir—l hat* the pkaewt* to mj, that roar io*dieia*i Dr. Bp*«i6e» ha» atd* apa fact ear* ia lb* care of ay akur, aod i yon «J word «ial 1 : hare beat JBrprmd at it| ai it «w m ay optafat **• pcwiibk to'car* her. However, i can non teaUfy to the B*t> kim ai being infallible, ini! do adrue-tll other* woo an af dieted fa thrfike manner, to procure the article, u they ntf depend on a certain eur* ■ v Yoon with ropett. -t- Weu Üb«*ur, *V. k May: 15,1845- Dr. IneoUibr—Dear Sir—'That jow.may benefit other* who may be lufiering, a* well u loeapreiamy gratitide for the benefit I hare denied from the me. of your TaluabJe.Spe etfic, 1 comply with yoor request, and sow do git* ay teili- . aoay in faror of it, haring been cured of a ecrcra attnek at tb* riki after baric; u*ed other rtacdiea without aweeaa > ,Town with mrect- > •. Sold wlwViak and nail by WM JACESON, at ; bi* Pat ent Medicine Warehcme, aod Boot acd Shoe Store, No. (0 Liberty rtrael, head of Wood, Pittsburgh' Trice, SOceaU par bos. J*a l^-dly. ,ORGAN'S CELEBKA‘I BO INDIAN LIVER ivl PILLS, Tor the eureol' Liver Omplaint, and all diaeues arisiog from lhn : Li»er. • in kick bead* ache,amt aa.a purgative and AiilinßUloo* Pill, bum, passed by cone. I •Sfrftoms or A LiTrR.-CB.vbK. infiamation ol the Liter, when not llic-conseqnence of an aeute attack'of thi disease; brgii.s generally with symptnmsofa functional rnsmoerol the diges tive and biliary organ, and .dyspepsia tiequmtJj teem* to In* the ouly afffcrlrm present. 'I be patient 1 complains orirrepnlv* apprtiic and I- pa ; rert power's :of digestion, acidity, flatulence, slighrebnlic pains; ! occasional nausea .and vomiting, acu a alight dull' paia and weight arb.'ell in tlin />glu side. acc«mpa* | nied insome oases w>ih a dragging pa mi iu-lheright shoulder. Most T“-rn*r ,iKt f, m«. Jmisei palnit experienced in tiiQ rrgioiral the Liver, except when firm prereure l* mode cii thls part —\ Thebowets.nre aiwajs very irtegoU’r. ensitseneaa being ccmmon in arime instances with diarrhoea, the discharges Aftaniy,. l daik cnlorrd, <iS*nri»e, alimy.l greenish or muddy. Oneot ti n most coolant anal characteristic symptoms of .Chronic- Lifer Cnm-I plai-tj* **7. harsh, constricted state ut tneakioj a short dry cough, with slight diffienliy inbreathing, it a frequent attendant on yds disease./Inthe chronic aa'in the acute form of this disease, tbe pa, lieat can seldom rest as easy an the ielt'es on the right side. As the disease aorsnees, slight fever* come on towards evening; attended with a borning heat ui the palms nftfce hands and soles H the feet ); the nights sre rest!.’**, acd wl.cn the ffifiVmtriation ternunates in frppuration. hectic nnd rapid enacts. "on consume the vital powers. Manufactured and told wholesale and retail by JOHN D. MORGAN. D.upgist, Wood street. Pittsburgh. COHSDUPTIOB ABBBITED. To lhpi< afflicted with Dlitaici the Lifflgli —This is toeenify to* those afflicted/with-the first pre • monitoo* sympfonts of Coniart'pilon, tliot I bava.brcii laboring Tor several year*with a bronchi; sorensu of the throat end boareenes*.—Fused many rartlicines, bat found no relief in any preparation of medicine, sontil I mode nae t>f DB. DUNCANM, EXPECTORANT REMEDY. I have.heen uai/ig this valuable medicine for several yeari, anti always find it to relieve.when*' ever I make uae of it. My occupation as an Aucuon* eer, which keeps me almostconstantly engaged. can tea ray disease, at times, to become very alarming. When I atonce procure this medicine. I therefore taka plea* aure inaaking this public statement, that other* affect* edwiib* disease of the lutigs ami expectorant organa may know the virtues of this ‘ all healing remedy,” aod may be cured; ’ I have recommended in Duncan's Expectorant Remedy to rahny of my* friend?, sent* of wham owe their Uvea to this medicine. “ &omenel|Obio,Oet.J3. lr«W . JAMES IIEWIT The.-proprietor of the above medicine would, also refer to the undersigned persons, who re«u*e .in Parry county, on whom any petaon msy.call upooiodbe convinced that there are virtues! found ifutho ab«va medicine that cannot be excelled: . : . . .' David Colbenren- Somertc'j Dr C. Slone, do; Fran* claColiher, Jackson ip; Mtv Larimer, do; Geo. Folbsrt, Saltlick ipi Jerrod Daviseu, Hopewell ip DR. DUNCAN’S WJ'STKUN OFFICE, 180 Syc* more street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Sold in Pnubuigh by WM. JACKSON, 69 Liberty bead of Wood street. aptOd&wT • Scrofula and - Scrofulous swell* INGS.—Scr« ula in nil its multiplied >orms, whoiherin Uist of King's Evil, pnlargenureta «\ the glands or bones, Goitre, White K&tlluips. Cr.rnn.C Rheumatism, Canter, diseases uf the Skin or Spine, or of Pulmonary Consumption, eumnate from one and the same cause, which i* a puitcDou- prineip o more or less inherent in the bunun system There* fore, unlen this principle con bo destroy ed. nu r-idl* cal cure can be eSocted, but tl the principle upon which the disease depends, is reu>o*€<l, a euro must of necessity follow, no matter unden » hut form' the disease should manifest ihetl. 'Ft is, therefore is the reason why Jitbl’s Alterative i* m bci vertallysoceeasiuJ in removing sn many malignant diseases. It destroys the . virus or principle (torn wbtc't those diseases have their origin, oy entering ' circulation, and with thi;.blood is conveyed to the-minutest fibre, removii.gi osdry particle < f dlseo«e from the »y«*rin prepare,; and sold at N<, 8 South Third Street. Phihdcfphm. Sold at the Pekin Tea Store, N<>r7s Fourth stree l Pittsburgh.- mcfrtl. 15VALtABLE FAMItY COMPANION" SIX LECTURES un the (>bKS<il I HE LUNG r C’aures, prevention of CouautnpLob Asthma, and Diseases of the Heart. On the Law* of Longevity, and mode o! preserving nia|£fnd fe* male health, symmetry and beauty; exposing cause* aod core of those diseases that piciluc*Cimsump' tiou, onhoilcn lile.as Aftecuons of the Skin, Some, Stomach. Bowels, Kidneys, Liver, Scrululu, Piles,• Gravol, and Femklo Complainta, its rules, <nsy, practical and pure.iorma gufoe to perfect health and long life. 28 Engravings pages. fiO ell. Postage 94 cts Uy SA.M-UEL SHELDON FITCH,A- M., Ml D-, at7o7 IHOAIMVaY, NEW YORK. . • | An*' ' ‘ '■* --'lvr Amy person temitting"Bfly cents, free, will receive one coot. by mail, to any part. The trade supplied • Feb 10,1847-dCm ' _ PCBiPY* THE BLOOD ANITci.E aAbb: THE BODY—his aimstabilshrd mpi ih«i a »rifj large etas* of disease* can only be cured by such rem edies As mil enlerinto the iltcjbd. and Citcu'tir with it through every portion of the body, scroaly l»v *hi* mean* can the runedy .be brought iuto iram*aui« ecu iact with the disease; and to atiuto tiii< dcwrauie ei d, no preparation has ever been'‘ouniformty scccet* at a* DR. J A SKS -ALTERATIVE Peioful*, Kin, ;t‘ Kvit Carreer and Cancerous Tumours, White b» ri ling* Enloigemen'oithe lionet, ihron C Htuumsti m and flout, Eruptive dtscusesoi tbe Skin, old ami imo lent Ulcer*. Goitrous Swellings of the Tiiruat.4c, ire eared wiib a eenaintythat bnt-aiteaishenevery to holder. It )* beside* one. or ilte most pirsgsi*t true es thaicanbe taken into the sy stem openrung a*ft tonic and removing Uyspepiio ami Nervoax-*ffeetioii«. * id imparting a glow of animation.and hcs.'fb unequalled by anything in the whole Materia .Viairu Fui .sic at the PEKIN TEA STORE, No 79 Fourli Vreri. m»r Wood. i. ■ > ____*d‘-'rtA «. p' ROSJB OIfITUK&T, Kir I e>.« r u ! Pimple* on the. Face and other CU'Sitcou. Ln pm Trtiert, Riugwormi. and herj-etu. *ruptu.ns. grneit I are among tne mnit tedious and ofscgreestite adeem. to which the human from'-, it liable. Minuted ai 0 were. pti the verge of. vitality it i* almost tmi-r--o-ii.it retch them by. Inward rcmediei. Hence the mifficii of undergoing a coottc of medicine, «,j •ulijecui.-g'o i telveaio the uncomfortable system of »tr.c dio; m mean* by reducing the system merely palliate i symptom* while Urey are in practice, to-tecur as vt Irmly, or more to, when a generous din is teturnrd i And the .generality of external applications pure ; other effext than to heal tbe ditea.e incite place, *• to show itself in the same or another, pan, When ; these mean* have failed, and tn many severe carer, perseverance for a short time in d,« us# ot the R j Ointment hat proved effectual. Ibc're.is no ttoubl using h/apply'ng it every night. For tale by it A VaHNESIOCK A Co apia CO' Cth and wood tis. and t«t*»*' « mi TTKQKTABLK PULMONARY BA l*±Aai V —“Aoout Lor years vmtv I rosiut s. a siiih a violent I tried variousremmirs, tud co»su led several physicians without relief On tli» r« cun,men* dation of a friend 1 commenced us ng the Vrgoatile Pulmonary Balsam, amt dcrvHl immediate relict from ir.and by continuing theu-coi it a ’kctttmir my poojh was entirely removed. 1 bare »jrtce aiways'iaWrr. it myself, and recommended it to o;h< is, when aitm ked with • cough, and nrver knew it tofaiirit-gnritig iri.me ditto relief although t have n-cotMnendert it io many. 1 can therefore, with confidence recuntri-rm -no ihe pablie. _ . J D PRINCE Botros, November®), 1F47. For tale by B A PAHNESTOCK ACo ap!4 cor Ist and wood «»» and wmVr- «i> Wnrnu! Worms: Worms! LovitviLL«,.Asan. id. HH7. Mesirs-J. Kidd A Co, (jeutsi-Thia j» .6 Certifv ibst a cbi.d of mine wa« afflcled with W o«s*-. I procured various kinds of Vermifuge, and adinimsieiol ihem, bat with no effect Ithen parebtied a vial oi Dr lUc- Lane’aerlcbrmted Vermifuge and after’giving a few dotes, the child discharged about a quart of large Worms' The health or the vbitd improved iti-’raeci* _ately I svouidrecommend Dr ftlcLane’eVerrmfvgcto ~ib« public, atone of the moatsax and rflcctuai rttne* <ly lor worms, now in ute. f l{ CUTTKK 9oM wholesale mad retail by J KIDD A CO, corinr wood A fourth >ts ’ • : npv{t Dr. Uetaael t-lvcr iflU l/r, MVUUT V UMCr 4 11..* hCESSRP. J KIDtS A CO—Otru--: pi- aseferae bare ' IVA 9 Imice* of Dr. MeLane’. Liver Tills JLy wj.a. has used two boxes of the Dttciort* I’Lra t assure you they have done her more good than my family pby*-eisn has by tsro years snendauce. Two nddiboisai boxes,'l think, will effect a cure. J< i N .. ~ Witkiaa Township These valosble Pills for sale by J MUJH * o S~o. 00 Worvl ilrrer-piltsburgh • w«ve JAYNE’S HAIR TO.ViC.— Al'tr gtsiog rhisartrcla alu trial »• aabvsiutiagir prenntntce it io o. »hsi it pruirx. ca— On bvstertkle,. without anv eirepiiws, t« me f;ribe Ute'humsu hair. Wakmw «f aamrsiKn ihsbmces ahriv hair his been restored to heads srhieh has* been baU (or jeafs; and sr* think weeaneot do a t miit fttor than to rseomlatnd to aQ our rradcr* who arv PaiM thssr hair, to sa k a a tnal of t h is To a ie imowdu trlrr— Bat 100 Jtfsit- - •••*%»?. For sak in Pittsburgh tt theFnkin T.a Ptors, No. 78 Fovrth Wend -■ . 'wtrvwr WtxolCMtl* Droji Warehouse fUnovtd. B. A FAIDISBTOCK db-eu > HAVE ejected an VXieiisire wme|jou‘e iiQ toflcorocr ’ of Woejr and Fitar street?, to wluch they have yeasbved their Wholesale business., where they will always havo on hand ao extrusive aiMitmcnt o< >U 4he articles in their line, to which (tcy. invite the silt n* üb«t of the public. ; , * Tbaprag bustadts will be com naed si the ols oand flthsnd Wood »ts. ~ ■ sprf H.BABrJSAN'M KLIXifI.OS! HBALTI * • —A umvt r*sl restorative i<> n|> c**r# « stSBAoh, pavrell. liver, or an> of ihr < rgsrsgiescen'd tn'tho r d>X’ktrve* fußci-ons sic (bsod'-iMI. Abd. or fever and ague, Intermlucnt fever, Uilioos rove/.i»ca* djce.dyaeinerT, Ac. For sale hr. t&j ........ B A FAHNESTOCK ACo . \apSO wood sod9th wood apt Tfc
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers