The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 07, 1847, Image 4

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DESERVEDLY CELEBRATED CHROKO— l y HXJK HUAI*, iboie Buttonwood Street. Phil*
! TIIEU.VEL 11J2DJCINES. -XV mieiphia.- -At thi* establishment mar b*?foard
; or.hinPfaptylaeiiaSjrrup,* ccr* the greaicet variety uf I'l an* aixi beautiful I'altcm*
and ScroTo* tS*r" IKOrs KMI-INC* io the United State*, to
lOttiiaßeCtleWij Sjwpj-t’roup Jfjrup. Con* which the nttcn'Min of those in want of an? dcscrip-
f extract' cT * Sarsaparilla;:: decidedly Uon.andlcspeCian) for Cemeteries, is particularly
. jHipcrior to all .other extract*. rclirl invited.
wjirp.alloiJicn; have failed, being through a ,new The principal part of all the handsome Hailing*
b<> n —. T n
-procost: more concentrated tbanauv.cithrr.eTer at Las t.I HtU. Monument, nnd other celebrated
offered public. ASTHMATIC* f'J.IXIR, ■ rcmclenrrm tho city and county ol Philadelphia,
fttfingenecledpennanem ot tb?rt etatibnrn whichhave been ro highly eitnllcd by the public
<J«e*re,'when ol ‘Trvn-c thud "'it jeinr'etandinp, proas, wfm riecuted ?t thisiuanufjclor).
hence it Standi *Hthnut_3/lvil fi that mucti'dreaded* W Ware- Kdnnris >sonntetr.d with the csUb
djßCase. ' kjrsbment. where is kept constantly on hand a large
Ot. Ro*c'l LKMML.,'T, f..r .U-cavcs of. weak Slock ot rendj-nimtc Iron (tailing*, Ornamental Iron
neseor pain r aad acorttplr w-- ~«i«tjuiUj fur.bhslers. Settees. I ion Chairs, new and ornamen
: l)r (Umq's TOMC r-j:\■ iii.s'-v an inlalhbi-i tul Iron f lute*. with an extensive assortment of Inn
care for chilis ob<! fovrr<s -ffrt irftflore r»f a 1 i'otlt. I'cdcntaU, Iron Arbor*, Ac: Al»«, in great 1
.specific for fevers- <■; • n’birk or Qoij ; variety. Wrought and Ca»t IrortOnicmeiHF.amiable
“iune. ", '' for 11-ilmgs, arid otur.r.l>urji</j( , .f
* ;Dr. ’RbseV INCOi‘.", J ;■ VI.r.MUX'Gi:, ‘ ,TJ»c tubtenber ooultl tide lli:,l 111 Inn I’al
uss;d‘;« , .. .< in uny Ollier -irfn ami Dungum;* l>C|iartu*<ul •<« employed
Verttifuto itri’Vramlio!' . . cruse ol '.be b-M tnlr-ru m llinmiuutry. sytioai* whole
Dr. !<«*'» TOM' \.. dTA'I'H-Vt«.» all ; altent.-'iti k :irv.:n! bovinew—fnristms alto*
dijeacci ol the f'b.-le-rr, in : r m.c- i.I Hwt oi«*t eurnplulc nutl eyatriu-ilrc es.
-Too higb.-, •.*., .lam i;atnul be bibltf.lnoriil* ol the kind in the 1 oi“u.
paMed.bnthd’ u.-rjii.c, iu cure ol IiOBKRT WOOD. I'ropm-br.
blfrwwia. *nd alliueakes I i-1 »• *|;!i from weak-,! Knljjr U'wrf, above nrcrl.
oC«s*of •tptnirboi bid digiii i'u. j Philtidclpliin* .March 1-. ll’i" tiGmoi*
! ;I>t.“"Ro*Vk KKMAI.ti cm! i mottl valuable ' CIIKAP WATCIIKS.
remedy for thneerene—rl ntm-l- ■ .•» = \t> which fe . > jvuK I’HKAI'KST CJ< »I.D AMi -H.Y IK WATCH
rattles arc Kftbjfct. , • • '■■■■. , i JiS IN I’IUL vl»I-.I.I'r«
:»r. Kom.-« m\m u/ifn-r.-K 1 . »«•"
N‘(l pill ever lii‘f»re oilc/eii LJ.d, 'i.f "O li;ip[u!\ ■ '• 'f;"'. |i j,-wr".-,i ”aMX»'
•combines the quaiilte* Ot > v;.hmo;-i [ T.-T’ -In ,i„" 15 im
•*B*iedripCJJtic. MVhU cr hi--u..ij:Mep4ll, correct- s’ivst tluatn ip. fin*, ijua! ;y. 1" M»
.tn{j.there iltsc.vrrs, and-lln-retiv .».-revmtififfeon* \ Coni Wnirlir*. plain, i 5 no
stiuiption. ' A ToongT.-.dy IS yri'w 'rtf. age.’ having i v s h-t >p«-« I “5
Acpisciised livc'r |'tie.<* > her strength pros- I Cniri * -W
troietl anil eonc. vvjs crenplotr-li restored ! <»••.>! Uruc-rbi-s ’ ~
,* . S . j*. ,_, _ ii luiiir ii*.uxini< , iil ol liulil uni) llu<r
in-cut.weeks by iba uw»-m. Urn Anld-dupepUc »n- , Ul4Lc ; t ., , r .a H -. i,„ .-t ~.„* i,uu;.r„i
turoaudthesepillaalone • ;;; . , lc u*. ...iwn-. , oK ur *«<... urn.!.!.-*. neck.
* pf.-ftoVC'sl •H'.iO.'SO-i'HI.R.M F.l jS J KhNO 1H- 1 ujiC mil ria guaril kr> » a:ni >rn-eir> of Cvrry
J PUA'-TKl'. J --r v •-ii-M she bick.'ido. • ,h'*.-n J it.on. .a pijuunj 'o-*- i-i i. * Adi warn it a cud
b/roai.i.r. vim
•' i)j Rfj-jo'r spi rn ITn.lP'r'V’llir jnoulrcr- i All kiudiol Wmrbo uwl.Cl»c*« ropaifrd ami war
lain rcriirdr f»r«ll rate-: c-f fit* <>r rimviiUliir-B. rnim-.l m kr.hoc mr .u-t- >«■«, old R oid au-l nl-
Wl.etl.uj ij.trir.uu or .. So corui.o » spccilio , ' c f" St." «luji
in it for tins rdrirmlahD i’i*r o e that the most <ib- ; J.luU'IS I.AUOMII&’
Htjnatft cases, ami thov long have j Watch. rVok, ami Jr« rlr> No 4Mt Msrkc
ijeldcdnt’pnce.' ' *tr*-ei. IC!«- North ‘id'*. J‘hi!ad<-li»tna.
■Pf.RnreNRHHr.MATir .’.JI'XTntR- AiW main [ JJJ i tmvr totur tmU mnl Slrrr Uvcrr •ullcheaprr:
years of diliseni rrrrnrrti ill * . oii.-pi-imil tra» i!i«rnv | than the alKivr |>riri-*. rtm
"• ®“"» - !E 7-Y r*W" ! s \S3IVTirS PATEST OIUKCT-iCTIOS ‘
kborc nil oilu’t* '.ir ill* t-iifc. w llheuauiijeia I u*rL-i\« tit a Klt'it
:. ; te i K,„,N'ASTKIM.I«T. rmPOUNl...rrro„„! (|| , s
lor .pil.ine blu.l, .n.1r.0l lor .l„..|.;,rgr. o, ] h . „„„ 11, oi.onon.'.l.
bloodVhoihttlo>.oJ.oi«r,l,r.,«ho , oU,rr Ho- j -Tiro,oAU«of Llo»
-ji.SII.IIS,, ~11,..,;- h0.,1 ™,oj,lnin.. !j ,1 '
M«k iln-i.vrl r.o 0n..,.,; u,j.E r U „., r 1 --oUjU-.0-1..,,,.» .u or.ln. ibe
sim v trittU»of .oimoM- wW. # •* li Mmpor .y. C.«,.a-..,. > m.d «.*il-a,.n« r*.
r .'yh«unmy l.e ,a ;i 'm oar nfihcrc rrm. d.. s mnv U . \ *, * ta vvorku „. n
vAul of nil; inof vain- v.- n oiil)-l«- ajipr>-«; at.M I.- . ( lra ,j r Self- \rltitt;
ihnjie who try 1.-H; r; fro^Hios^vlici have t«-e«. ! Ur( . lor xhr „
'i'‘r ; '*«i .1.i.i........
hotly might l«»* «;ivriA Itr.i w»- .we tvdlmr n» rr.»i «tn : , . t t
mattrrmt Uf imm* f*’th.v enmpom**'-. »'« bar* » ' '' '” ' ‘.MKHItU'K A TOWNF
• .»« Mr KWU,... .1. or..*•*' - A Ul , Il„„„| M.r...
...A 0ir..0, ,1... £>, ... ~.rrnt 1... .JM.. .. ;S™U,w.,t Kno.lJ., , Pl.ll«.l’«.
nuiny. A ra*i , iM rran'-rf/'*' I'ortnig »t* the ni .:,r l
laiyiOijvrrTior of Di-la-.rar'-, wn* cnaipl'-lrty eutfd .it n B*I‘KASI MAKUI/K \VOItKS»
fetr riimlh* • The rnnecr hnif l>ren twire rtil oot In ■ ahmrr Spting llarttni PAitixd#lj.Aia
ptnranien?Surj7-on». n-u! r<mr*-e«1 it*elfw«Ui ißereasrtl : 'l' lit** r«iaidi«hmeiti i» erected on all improved plan.
40»iigTii|y,yrUu>ta-iiCisi:iiwmi' tiirdrmlii) or Councu 1 ~i„| i,j i|,r» a.l oi l’«»i r in;mut3«-lure* all
lifl't and rr-movaimf liic m:i iue. ovc of ;ihe r«'»- ' ».n,i* i,i Mar .:»< Wort In a supi-nor «tj lr, and ai*dir
phylacu>.coiupi''i'.-l> every vru*ro. r.i tie j u.m-npr.i-r* tori'a-h.
divcx«c. . .... , Th*’ lanp *t and In st a»‘nrinieni of Marble ManivU
Cases' inniirn-rat.i.- oi ihr var:ne« e’i;r*-s iha: bsr< j ~ver heiorc oiferrd to ihe pnhlir mty he «een airhi
followed the u*e ( ,f die*e p-meibe* are ” Mr • Witr.- K.v»ttt. to h-Jjirh the alleuno.i of purrha«rr« i»
»io:>, hut it i» n« t de.-im**l :iee<.t«aty m eiremerate dx*in ( r e* ; - r'r m\ u«-d.
•n« dm U*iof them trill rfrt.mmrod them mall. I-nj ini (■'aru>-n and Va»e« of Ihe mo«i
1 J. tSCIHX>NMAKKIt, A o»>.. No Wood Sirrr-t ; ami patterns made or ihe finest ami
Acmts for Pitt«t>urjli , . sac&tlv i,, *i .Ir*er:pt.o'i m Italian Mnrh’e; Tile* for
' . '
CONSU>iI’TION C\N Dfcl CUUKD It V USINci I'll. |' '.* \| aride i*u'i.-i - eun (>«• supplied »t all time* with
JOUrrcASTS F.XP^!brWRA.NTnr..MKI>V. , . m u.w-hed ManirSor Table Tops, m re
- I ‘ ! Cintinnat;. O , March "J;IS4T I <lo«;-.i-a imh-ai.-j.ree«: and the Trade will he»urni«he«:
•“ i*“-.
tnor* afflieftJ wr.h » .n«-a-e r.f the Lctigj. or 1 'nnruinpti.Ji, JOHN BAIKD
' that fn the Spring of Itf-tni «»» attacked with a »erere e-.1l Rtdge Rnnd. at»ove Spring Garden *t
nhtch toun heeirar seated trjw>a rny lunjr, showing »tt th« ® i'l'j. r|Uiw.Un_
lytaptotdi nl an Comtnuptioa. My cough wa« DERJiV 6i NICKERSON,
tight andtmohlrsecie, attended wKh rr.j.irnis tngVil «wiV»: 1 Manufa-lurers of
•pit up daily a eamidefable s.f bl.-v-d, tnitrd with SALRINII BOTI ÜBS,
thiek dark ithsllcr >\y ritnatewi heetuae »criini and alarm- WAGON COVKRS AND GRAIN HAGS
‘During this lime t was attended Lwttrn r.f r ( ,r mmt . or ALL hEStTUPTIokj
, ..... . No. 38*. houOi Froiat Street,
•kilfol riryvicturv; they did thr best thee e.n.!.f for-a*. warn . . •_ .. ... -
7A - nd ”"i
a.OstMlui««»<«nU ko«~«»tm; 100,.. n s s Moon, .1 .ino«,mo(.h.
UUydHeaeed, ar.d beyond ' E wa» then j-snovdea 1 y J\, Vit-rchnm'« Hotel. I’iitshurgh. will he promptly
kirieasl of mine to mtfkr a trial of flxcnsi'r £r>-.‘et.* ailrnded to. THOJvti. DF.ttKk
Mnl-Renre hj which or'Phyiu , agaiuri, earing KepltMil, A _G__NICKI-.Rr.ON—;•
that that enedietns wuulj, and rwinM trill add
mare Umy MifiVring. I ,tnf3 JhttfTit my lit? ar.d ■’•air i
hope, WnJ dial if-1 mu-t .!ie*of the disease, 'whieh was e> i- j
drat to me,) Uitfr would be Si I amt n th.
Chi.nnu.iti Office and 'ibu-.ia<*? ' h--':!r» .T th.iv irdls V>ir-,
bk Meilieiner. arid ctranr need mi; g ir«rdi;.g u> ithe dinr
•lioOl, which, iasieaii ef niiix. - :..y «.rfT-rir.e. irf.tcedulrij
use relief, at milt srr- !;• .• t?.'a’.:!er.;jae Cuvgfc
eating die paiVtsd iijht:..,- ■ i r— ' ae'-t: riejr-' - -
lifc oud atrergth. wkich *-rr- • ’
Thu luedteine if
eammraerd, until I w\» r,
attending to my Imutnt-.
healthy U i vi-.'i 11.!W :
l"-ca.'f3iU Xl« lacdy iuu.?.-rr r.j : hat aUrayt [■roi o>! t
Mr sister y ■'
iJitratt'.t Lit’r aaJ an fif?t .
had tunerr-J uith frr so.a* t.'u.s, ..urlv tirttri
by tl.c um of lliit muisciiKj'Vi.u 1 • ihe 6 Ls^u-.
that I Uke attdt me 10-day wifieni! t: vrnre i:-zr. i iuunssry
to knotvilsat there are tb.auar •!» «l‘ * . '.l. .'■• fvrwwit » aslnsg
away with tliia rlreadlnt >'■> t' c !iVl-TION
Were »t cttifj*p“tp>!*- for (hi (.■ —’ A,. R-.rsiicire i
- time, before it he ton late, hia:,y In ■ .J-" •pri.J-'n'i,; 4 i,d
'tbeir faniilitt and frlaii.a:*- isgau. > Ti..t
carsliciut n ill gitc tntiaui is.l.«f, a<,v 1. s Miar lust arrt*
the lard and fapnful retLni* tire Itghl’ Ctt m Use Lh*-.yl
gilc' atrvegth to the *rwiat< i fr>jo*. acl ii.
inort c*se», I xn» eerlaiti, wfl! p/=ir”. a ;*r{r't
-e \ • ry.Vtsrdil'jTO County, Ohio.
N 11.—Tin*** Mhttmay not uijuaf.iinl mkl, «u« I ref.-r
to Um tmderaipjed nlurns of r Hasuttun tout.
It, O.,llttj will nl ai.y tunc >iiU|UinU>ie il'.t pttatcAcmt
r !. .Noavtv Übosvwku., .
'« ; ■ . ' r Cerr-J.SxthcK. ’ ' '
slrvet, where lliit 1 valuable Medicine can a}te.-y « br nbuisrs)
. Sold in' I’lifi'.iuntn, !>y W.M. JACIfIJoN, cnfiter «tt
Wood tmd Lu*rty »:». a^r!4*dAtv
ConaiimpflYr's Consolation.
iWrs wcifli ii|>on year lirsJtt
f*r painn alllicl vour,l>n art '
.Try Ifr. lltftiits ,A<L
Atwl it trill »!?■! yi.o fp»i.
It rlears away taorininv rtrwJ
, Di*ea k r»pa-a«l.*o>rU»r *oul.
Ami ’»in.‘p«T' Hirouch Hi- p!<->rny r>i»n.ii<U '
‘Votir health may yet he tihnip
}i*-r ynn-l-r ro«r i«l lov.-ly imp
' vribepng writ decay;.
ft aearcely sup* th** morning <|evr,
Before it t'aric* aivay.
The Worm of Death to in ihs •jem,-
Ami ftrtnfilv as it grew—
•Alt'! when ■< lovely rent,}
. It nipped ttirn'igh'nrx! through.
Thai Worm of Death might l,r. defied,
/f Di. Duuc»n : 'art werojned;
| And many lovrlj <lanr«cl!i «^vrd
\ .The fall of an untimely grave.
B)»C4iitorfl»trm J Crn<rinnHti,<lh:o; where bit volnM.’e
racdiciiif Ls Kilil: . -
' Sold ui.rm**ti, l.y W.M. JACKSON, corner of
y/eoTnmrLJ.eny il«.' . • , kplttS&wT
• A I KUXX Dt.TTamea.
THL hot article known foe cleaning and wUittamt*
the Teeth, <trmKiii«r.:nr Urn ■’urn. nweetciunr the
breath, Ac. it >houid he use*! every night with a-oit
- Lrsib, and tiic teeth itnj kaoaib willonly require a-dish •
washing in the morning. Wet the bro«h with wVri»
] water, or cold will arfawer. and nib tt a few urm on
tba ptue, when enough will adhere for e/cantur ibe l
trelh. ,itleavc#a(ieheioD»ia»Unn the nw«tb T atwun 1
parua moat dclightfni fragranceioihe breath. lotanC*
unrivalled i.lea-vom, elhcarioui, convenient. and
*a.fc denlriSce* It i» warranted not to injure the teeth,
hat to prrtervetbera- ,
•Uy twin* jt regularly; it will remove the tartar and
prevent ate aecnmuiniion—prevent the toothache
i tircajphcn the gtira*, and prevent oil dunaei 01 mem
Chetnieu, pbyriciaas. and the clergy recommend' it a
decidedly superior to every thru* of the kind luii»e.—
v- A* tot (A erman's Compound Orrit TooUr Paste, and
. I otwfTTc'tttv'Cfr.anjrc'JraiiAchcaM'AacbpoL"
! Kecoramciwed fry Dr- Cartle, TiT Broadway, one of
J . oar 1»«m DcntirU.ami by mmt ofth-- oM rriubiisheJ
one* Hi the tnitedSni-rv. and ever JCt.eosivcly tuud
bythe Nobilityof l’nglgnd and Pr? 1 r»
A htrge proportion of thed.f.ea»r.i bstftf&ictniankJiid
ame from *wmederaegnn*:in ofiht ijnmnchorhowcr
wluclt a -ttewlv u*e of the Cvhti .tc Im*engv* would
tnlirelr obviate, ’ Person* of b;’jr.u bahij, at
way* have a bo X at hand, r.nd hiV- a do«c whenever
theffeel Ue; lean derangvinrnt .nthdr health - A iudi
cxmj* use of there Lozeng-ta prevent tliou«;irtd.»
of cares.
tytfdesr WM. JACKSONS, roructof Wood and
REMEDY— \\ r* -
ey .returned, This r.icd'u;,-. ji • •, j red j'toman in*
<Juta Receipt, obUinc j i:. ■*i ß the Fn»
Vital, at great -vh-> Jpt c tisen
fainiljar'tojlb tho Irdut”,• tiherean and
do cure Venereal ' : • of Mer
cury, Hatton), or anyth)-:'- ’.The af.
Jure'now itu 'r.;.»0i..-.fauna cured
wHlioU uve ol_, ~ it
plensaht to tbc tasdc, and .l te.ell’on the
Prrpared by ROWANfi ‘ <V< and cofd
wholwjTe'n'ii(fretail, by J. V. ho./rtn ;i7fi .Market
street, Philad'o.
for sale in PiUsbunjh by H P
street, and bj Win Thorn, j.! \!
Dr Jayne’* nitdeojr, :'*>r cu* '-d" tV SOUK
TtJEOAT, bat been <Jo:r.p ■•;r.<r«-.* lute un-
J.tca«tmt'te'<aihrf urwW timt. It ;« ! »;i-r :a annul to
cold* ;ji i,m-, uml in ju.imir**i *»•— applet]
frotnAfllftilj'Mwritut*, Irian fruui ijsiti'i* ;i .ayrt fTtr
> qlrilfV*. • Dr. J.'ij'iic Jib-V iA ripuM
tin Y loti* *.ure far :>rr>fi>'.,r.iiiii /t.};. nmi'liif 'rcjnorlir*
fVemjgb* and roid* have beer. dEcacion* Lv
liir'rtr/nnienct cf ibou.ruid*- Vu;. 'fir. frit •
tar **t*'iu i'iljt*liufg! £>< I’llKlM TiiA STORE
Fourth street, ntarWooJ, and ai.t.‘.v-.Dios Jstoto
P'Sfhwarli, Federal Mfn-i, AHi-irbcnv City. »
IlraeblWAw '
• l|r» Mc| ( aiir'i Worm i4pecin«» -
f| 'ltiS i/jn eu/iii’;; i!»at.y vial of Doctor
X AtefawHAVami a '•fnfrt nf Janir* Mtintr’*
paJMKt vpwanlf of 70 worm*/mid Ia- the of rslil'
medicine a rlrrld of my own 14 l«rr»- wornn.—
It jalrsly tho trio*! inedinne I evey
I roo*i b«yp i*«> more vftitr. •
- . wm
,r,t -, Wilkin* Township ■ ’
Fhrta'e by J KIDD*Co. No ro Wood firm. Put*
VIOPAX. VAllNl*»Td bbl.'jquuW Ho %,Hew
Irte nmek drying-Vurnuh; it do Hrowa Japondo;
l'CSj«bilo! fcrnWr J HCItOON.MAKF.RaCft
ajij. ... - . v. • . sNoSI wood Mrant l
B' A£l|A2l—Jlfdnr" W’'rt*f’« Htdfiimof WrtU fcb**?-'
ry.’JiiiH retired and by- ' -' J -
•p!bi;Tc» i KIDJ>*Cp, OOffoodaC
T’MI’OKTF.R oi V,*a-cl.-». WnrrinnkkcVa Tu>:..u n i}
1. V‘i *m'v •.▼ho nn<J
♦t-vu'-r i>r» iip.r»: a ■■■.t-z’- m-.jnm mof I.Li.ruc. Paii-iu,
-»•>■: f •> i; :<'f-<-:n*r« Verrn Wmrh
rr.'llj'li'T a««nr\nifUt or lii(Tr«H a:, i Mill
. .!'• i to :!ie U.nlr; with n jU?“p u>*Ariuicr>i
o <mh>. nn:i l.rvvr, Lfp:nr. ami I'lam WaicLr*;
•.» • «i wh’rli h- win jraatasity :o »ril ai t]i- Wr-i New
Ye:* A ! ! ori*.-r« from i.ip rouirry j>u:ir;ii4Jj;
N —fV>a'itn*'! tcH;'”'*-ip.l prhn* ar<’ •,»
«i )O.U»> *bi! Jctl J.'
- : l>. Doaraa'* K«-
'.T-.ituly iJi'.L'to:
. ! hjir t» itn'*«rtl
•. -".l j>rtx!it fi.T »
'• ; ai.icTi »!:t
HARSESS-MAKER*;**) Ch~nut a.
/’Vi.j U:« .T >li« I'ir-r of (>rlr <t-
_ W’jtwn. mtaitfulh juli,r:n« t.i> frim.l.
1 . »'i'J *!.« public, that lu. will k,,,,
cvn'nTttlfVn l.xnd .i.lthr Wr, s ha...: swirtnirtil .of
.ibi.r.:,!.!. L*nu-.« Vtlnclei cf ill • .Jr* ami Jcm-niai,.,!.
ii,a.!p t..«.f.!rrV ll.t .tMV.r . • -, j „,r.,>d lfc
.1. e nuty.. !’ •' f-lfSl tj
i i: H u iv*. ;v II WoixU-aui
OfllTII. IMCAV.t,'. . . * .. ,tvV-a!,-
I ’ •■r*illi|.-i‘t.ivV.j. \r, Markrl
ih ,N«>-1 h * i<-. Pinij u:;>li a t
H>. R*.r«iifil:r ft.
\NurUi-.H A Kill V A I." A r TliK
• r . - Mr-V Oj*KN
v> «• f AntMlier ,!nt uch
-1 Summer Oooilr
... --V-i.'* Itie'i Spru-r
•'.? i >; , 1 mu W |.5,
>' • • '—t- ,"i - -.’Y ; Summer S 1 n «
i .V '■ v notr; plain
• • < *•• »nd primed
.■*» -V* It A K Kti Kt>.
; - pnntod and mat.
>■ • •''*y.AT/ihhAuD <9| I.AWNS;
• r -;-r r rmlToi'nl Roac<.
'i , .• .W'-'.yV'i Fr-nel, 4 fVotrh
h r nWi^xT"-’
llr>nnel sUk* ami riower*.i lieapr i
tinn ffrr.
[.rice* apli tV H OaKKARI)
NOTICK —A)»jiliranr>n lm» t.*f« matt* for !ti* r«
ipfWil Nr» I7fi, daW January It.
IrJ5; Uii ilitrty-*ii ilisrr* oi ijt* «u>rk m ih,.
MitnpanT inr ••fruits t 'nvrr ih* ITiTrr AJunon
fnhria «>s>|U)..t* |* ii-l utfli- winch rai.l Ortibrair b«a
1,-»-n .l*«irnVr<) Iry-firr Or U<>«t
u k<»ju;k jroriiß a n
Wm I* Ynttn;' C th,n-n " F .J 7 lunk7a~
K 1.1 N T <• 1. AS r> MANI>KAC T M K fc K S ,
WAiIKUOIISK No* M Waitf amt ItH FirM*trcei,
iMitliurgh. The Kin.* inaairfnruirrd liy a* i»
warranted equal lo any tn lOe country. AN Order*
wii; receive prunipi attention and fctlcd on rcatonslile
irjmr. Mrrrhxnn and oiberv visum? ibe city are m
•/fled tocall l»c torr purrlia»mgc l»«<rhf re. fcl>l4
I before— made on (lie moat approved Harlem plan*—
uiid nv>»t farh:oti*lile HaMem paiirrna and colon. AI«o
TIIK Qiir.Al* ROI.U or DOSTO.V BLIND, on hand
*>r modi? w order of all and m ail
Doumry Merchant* and other* are invited to rail and
ciaminr the above Tor iheinielvr*, a« all will be told
whoieaale or retail, and a liberal deduction'mad: to
wliole«ale purcliarcri l .
npltlly A 'VfcSTI’.RVKI.T
Ta Printer*.
i A j| JUST Received and for tale
MUB|£ from the Foundry of (Jeo Itrncr
Jt Co. New York;the following
i»7l Miiuoiij
rr 3 ItaTwoLim*Mni'onCepnj
a I.W)-Vof , «alr.a%rMl vari
ed of Senorfd bund Type, from Nonpareil to fa line &
r<r. F!Awcif,<)rframcm* nr , winch will lie .old low
FRO.Y the very liberal encourage
mom the rubterilmr baa received since
baa t'X'a'rd bim*clf in Allegheny,
m Inis induced him to ul<'* Jea«c.fora
of years, on the property he now
• in Heaver street. immediately beside (lie
l , r.'«|.ytrnaijCsiun:li. From the loop experience tn the
above bnuri'i*. nod n d< »ire t» please, he hopes to met'
it and receive a share of public patronage.
Nowon taafiisl and ftnirhlng to order, Roekawny Hub*
r.ri, open-hjid irrp Haggles, and every description of
Carnapes nutria lo'order. from seventy-five dollar* to
e IscrA-difl JOHN SOOTH.
I . A CAKIi.
| \RM Til IIOCKMORTON beg* 10 acquaint bia
] that Jin is again lesrec of the O A I,T
! , , ??' • kouMvttlr, Ky<. where Iki hopes to meet all
!• .r , t o**tiring ihern and the public, that no
1 ort i.iall |,e spared to male all comfortable who favor
mtn v«,th ti.-.r pulrnnngr JanlJdly
VlNtNi; Rfinj-ts, .Mj>nii,iy itoM-s uiiil Kver-
I ■iCLKrcciis, 4c , suiuhjn for plajitin- in CcraelryV
from VurV !? '“'“‘‘heil r'ii unjiijcuiiou at die seed Stor'dT
from Nur.'rr'cao/ Jan \W.r-1.0i., Mnnrl.cMrr.
**’. - No IT. I , nil wood hmjflth sis
r lIIVK , Au Bt f AT
T HAVh It. swreand for , o lc low
k Hnnk Frames-, MuitrtiMes
j£f}W Ccn«i' _ ’
Sli. ets: and Trimmings of all kinHi- 15
And otloMicr articles = n niyt„, c w f
lowandon eeetimmodaiinßiciins ■ \VM Noni is *
mia.f Smre. opjiotiU: the Hank of
f UjOUND AUsKPICK. Cinnamon and
it b ilj.lx.xr, j>B.kag.K,coi].u>nUy on band
slid for taloaltbo M**iardand unice Factor* Jt erfLu
ftrerx. .pft RIIOOK3 AALCORN
IAM prepared to do all JriniJt of Cabinet Staffing
Safa*. l>jTans,Chair«, Chair Beat*, ot abort notice
Orders Irft at Mr. Noble’* »t, promptly attend*
llTHepslriiijofnil ki ms. J T STUART
• ;• ‘ • • r: -
' 7 . mivAu mßiiuiiukji —“
\\T AKBANTED wpf nor to the beat English “Stour
v* hftdre > ~o n band and for sale at .the Wa.eboqse
“Sloan’* Wharf,rCaoal Ha*l».
»«0* >
Extiutnxlt ftr Pasitngert.
IMIK public arc rcspecttaily informed llmitm* Lute
wilt coiDiiuulcc running on or about ibc IGlb instant,
and roiilmuf 'broughoui the The propuetor*
.have now placed a superior cia«» of Packet* and Rail*
road Ihtr* on ihe route, with extra accommodation*,
which will Rive greaicreuiufoit to travelers.
A Paekei Root will always he m |K>rt, and the trav
eling public arc requested to call and « xainmc them,
previous U> engaging passage elsewhere.
One of the Packet*, will jeuve the landing, (opposite
ibc United State* Hotel,) comer Penn kticd and the
Canal, every night at 0 o’clock
For information apply ni the nilire Mottongahelu
llou*e. 'Voter street,or to •!> LrIKUH ACo
raclild corjlVun «wcei undCunnt
hktwkkn m-j-.'iiL'itiiii
rilHli »w>ck of iln. coiim.ia <>t a duuld. daily
1 Line oi Coats und t.’ar>, I'iwi.rd !•;. 11.. niw ivrs,)
Which are in gobd ord-r ‘Hie *uh>eril.rr* are prepn
ri d to fonvunl a large rjuunlity of M« tehandiic and
Produce with certainly and dispatch: ,
Produce or Mrrclnindi'C i nnegned 10-uny of the mi
dersigued. is lorwsnltd tree ol any < buij;*' tor voirttnu-
liill* Ijjiliui; iranincUol and all u-irucl cilu proirtf tl)
anemled lo- |
The bu*<ni**«* of lln* Line i« cuirdurit-ij on ►'nrlly
SBl>tvillt-ki-«|mig I'fimiipl-K At'drr.., <>i ii|i[iiy to *
D Ll-'.KCH A t'o. i'mprii’ioriu
I Canal i'iiuliuieti
lI AHKJS A I.KKCll,l'mprinar*.
No 13Siuib Tlnul • tr* , i. I‘lnluilclidiia
No 114 Nfarth Howard itrrrt. Uullinorc
\V 111 \VII.SON, A Rent,
I No ? Well »UecuN« w York
piTTsucnoii Portable b. like.
JgbSSSi 1547.
1?OK llm irSDSponsixm of Freight If uvtcu Pittsburgh
. and liir Atlantic «‘4.ri. uvm.lnig lr«ii>bi|inirnl* on
the way, and the consequent ot'dria,, damage,
breakage and •epniotn n of good*.
Propritlcri .
Nn‘i7t Murkcl Mrerl. I’inradelnhia
O/ I’n n ttiul Win nr Hv I'm.liurgb
OVONNOU A Co, Ni rill «u<*rt, Baltimore ( .
WA J TTAI'SCOTT, «sSouih *t. N V. \ A K eI "“
Kncouragrd by |iu«lue»* the I’ropfirlor>
tinve ndtlni to their Hack and extended their arrange
menu, during the winter, and are now |ifr|iur< d lo tor
wa'd ireg it wnli fi'uinr>n and dispatch miMi'pa.M d
by any other line. Tld-ir long ■ X|«*ttrtire a* carnet*,
the p.ilp.ilile superiority ot the I'oriulile Hoot Si Hem.
»nd the great i d|'aiTli uiid tnuveuieiW-i-ol the ware
house* ni earlt end ot jhe line, are jieeulittily eali-uln*
led to eiiulilt- the proprietor* to fultil their engagement*
and accommodate llieit i UMumor* —eolihden:!) littering
the paM as :» guaranty i for llir future. rlu-y re*perttuit)
solicit acnnimuiineeof ihui patronage which ibey now
graiciully uckauwledgC. *
All coiiMfliiniiiu to TaaffV A O'Connor will he rer'd
and forwarded Steamboat charge* jia.d ui.d Bill* ot
trailing transmitted frey of any charge, for tV>rami»*ion,
advancing or Murage Having no inter.•<! directly or
indirectly in steamboats. the intcreH ol Utc consignors
must necessarily he their primary oliject in -hipping
west, and they pledge |heni*elre> to forwnnl all good*
consigned to them proinpily and <m the'moM advanta
geous terras 10 the owner*.
March 1. ISO mar?
mmm is-n.
U7”\Vnhoai Traiutiirmeni._ril
tooureare will he forwarded wih
out delay, at the k>we«f eurrent ratex. Bili< .it l.a.i,n<
transniitied. and all instruction* promptly intend'd to
free from any extra charge li>r storage ur rouiiti:»*mn
Address, or apply to L* A -McANULTY ACo
Canal Busin, I’.ttst.urgh
Having a very large and commodious warehouw
wr are prrparri] to receive (,n add.tion to Height for
shipment) a large ainoant ot Produce. Ar . on Storage a:
low rates. [rnar-j 0 A MeANt'LTY h Co
EXCLUSIVELY for the tta.t«por'«t,ort ot VNaY
KRKlOllT.hetween Pittsburgh. Ula-r»vi!le. Johns
town, lloUnlttysborgh, VVaicr Street. IVter*t.ufgu and
all intcitnediute placr* -
One Boat will leave the warehouse of f* A Me Anu'.i)
A Co . Pittsbaigh. every , day. [except Sae.dnjsi 3...
slupperscan always ccpcnd on having their goods <Ol
w aided wiitiout delay a ill tit fair ruie*
Tb.i vrt< foirncd tot U<e rps-.-uii x coiuniodai or.
of the wi) Lm»me»>. and tnc props.cior* respectful: i
solicit a liberal share Of patronage
J J Me.lVvm. John I'mscr Roi-cri
A Sni.ih. l‘il!‘l.ur-,-h iu»ib
UkK EKIE HU -Jill'lll li l t USE.
' I 'lll> I .mr in me rempon d of S eaiul.n*:* I,m« K, ,
i ai'.d M.'-h'ita..,' dn- 1 , l*.n*lswrg;i.
mu,i.»4 lie! a cei. lir«» -. r and If.-. uu,| r i.r>c w,'l«
C2J Reed'* fjiii.- 01 S.i-omifti-ii Propellers and Vr.f*.
on the Lakes. Wi l l.e pr-p-sr. d upon the . aii.r •! .. ( -r;i
leg of N iv.galiiin lo «• ar 1 v I'reigirl a til I' ♦ u.
•tl*on the K.ver, amt (^ike«
lUflu;tsff) 1 m? frr.chl *i>J Ji*«
tctlgrir urilC>*'-' 4»*‘ . !!>• i*r*-pimli i
• iij a<ct:i« fe*fH-cuo'J) Horn ipi.r h m*:» mo:
kc pa!»l:c (•viitrstly Ui*-k tiulirnvgc.
I- M KrlKlt. Kr;r. J*tojit i -or
UKKi>r', J*.\ HK> A •«», nmi.t V;
JlliiN A C.\l.<WH'.\ . v.. <■«.
Cot rimlaSrU anJ U out k:». i, ; Hi*: Mi-.i'>ns«
(okrla Houx-.
r.» ru; m
Wkecler. Crocker A Co. Sew Vurk
<j«;r> L>»vn, Uaiiio
KN Park* A L'o, Clcvi.|
Jn A Ann*:roui; A C»> Dnro.i
McCluie A \V,ii;*nu. M >!wjulic
1 4 I’onet, Cb:r»*o
} Wm Powpr*. Powcmiowß. )Vt.n»
Oc o Macbclmyrc. ETuiut'urgb, j'cima
Joha .M«\eihut, llutiuiown, j t ,
' Wick A Acker.tJrecnrtilc, Jo
Craig 4 Frampton, Clarksville do
flay* 4 I‘iumb. Sharptbuigh. Pa
w c Molan, -baron. .lo
K W Conningharo. New Castle, do mar*
25fi88a,1847. Jsom
M Rt™ ia V|i|“ .’’jiiT s
THE improved method of carrying utrd t.v n. ; . tong
Katabluhrd iuoe, it now to known that
•criplionit onnecetsaiy. Goods arr not louebrO »n the
route, thus 4IJ uaosbipinent uirnn handling .« ss*r<J
The Uoau are of lielit draught am) p. rti)nii tt.sir ;r<|>«
in from six to e««eB tiav s,
Tlse capacity of our Warehouse* cables ti« to «iore
any eonsignmcnit tua'le to u«. Kr<'«sy;na. ssormc. and
advaneea ft'e of rbarges.
U-ung fully prepftrnt to male sale! of i*r»lur«. we
respectfully solicit rensignmenis of Hour.
Uocon, l*ird. ilulle.r, Cb'esc, Wuol.Featlwrt, and other
aniclrs for tale, on which liberal ndvaneri will fw
made and nlber ufuil fariiltu s »(t>r<lrd, pledging our
selves that, any t.g.mrs* eiunmt'd in u. sluil ur a«
prornplty executed and u|Kin as fair terms as l>> any
Othert»ou»e. JNO McFAUUKN'4f<.
FORWARDING k COSJHIKBION BKRCIIANT, lltavtr Point mid Bridgewater,
'ntl Apr'
l‘n>pnclor om
daily arrwxx* nmßvuuu aid skat an,
TXT ILL be prepared on earliest opening of eunal nav
YV igmtion 10 receive property ai hi* wharf boat or
in warehouse, for oil point* on Erie Kxien-ion, Cro»*
Col, and Onto Canal.*, for nil portion t.«kr Krm and
tapper Lakes, ssolsoio lor ward produce, IVmi'm
Improvements. Apply lo or address
fci.a«-jif_ jah n:cKE>\ n>»'r
1846. Steam*
11. Clarke. 11. Hoops. T. K chmond A Co
VorwardJng A Commlulon Harcbaata.
BEAVER. j'A. ’
r PHK Agents and Proprietors of this Lin- («© famr
-1 ably known'to the public), wilt be prepared on the
earliest opening of canal navigation to receive prop
erxy at Pittsburgh and Heaver, and deliver the a ante m
any point on die Ohio canals, and alsoon Lakes Kr«
and Michigan, with the greatest despatch uud at reas
onable rale*.
The proprietors of llna line solicit die business at
their former customer* with confidence, knowing thai
their facilities are second to none.
Apply to or address
TMIE Boamen’s Portable Boat Company being dis
solved, the Company again went into nrtirle* of
partnership under Ihe name of il,<: llouiinrii’s |.i n r;"
and likewise Agreed in refit the Stock *o a* 10 liave a
muxibcr of Bout* for the pur(x»e of tarrying g»od<v
through in from sii to eight da>«. with rerleint)-end
feel cnrouragid by the liberality of la» year’s pairon make more extensive nrrangeineiu* for the en
suing year.
\\a. would therefore respectfully solicit a continu
ance of our former patrons, and refer all new customers
to those we have done business for.
Fortho transportation of
lLltimobc, Naw You, aub Hosrov
.. Corner Libeity street and Cnnnl Da*m. Pittsburgh
A I. CHItl) AIIT A Co,
No 3M Market street, .Philadelphia.
ELDER, GKLHTUN A C«, Agents, i
■ • Baltimore, Md.
PI t i HIIURGH—Jas. MrCully, Geo.'Morgan A Co.
\V McCullyACo, II A Hainpsou A Co, IU AllenACo,
PHILADELPHIA—Morris Puuer«on A Co, Reynold*
MeFndand A Co, Fleming A Busby. Peter Wright A
Son. J Oispham, Joseph Grort.
■ NEW YoßK—Goodhue A Co, Theo. Perry A Co.
BOSTON—Reed. Hurd A Co. '
CINCINNATI—Adams A Crcagh, W W Hcsrbor
“ft . PLEASANT, VA—P A Maehier.
NAfiUVJLLE—p' Fleming,
Nora—All merchandise from New York and Ilosion,
consigned to A L Gerhart A Co, Philadelphia, will be
promptly forwnrded/rss of rommisatoo. febls
Paikagt Kzpreaa to PUUo^alpbU.
THE <?ana! being now open, the
Express which baa been e*-
ctmveyance of valuable package* of
specie - notes, jewelry Ac .com
»" Tkorri.,, Mii.h IS.
■rtSS llr l“ DLKECHiCo
■ ckU * eor Pena stood Canal
imr.HKT woods
wili.ia.m ru.ry
JOHN All;.l,r.|L. tin .uunji, 1
C A Me AN C I.TA A < '<>. l‘.ii,Utiiu )
itr.rEX t.M > ■
ciTUa, without 7K*snitrni»T.
Canal llasiu, Pittsburgh
319 Market <l, Pbdada
ifcnt of Biraiocr*'
O M lIARTON, Agt, J’ittsliargn.
CLARKE A Co, Beaver.
T RICHMOND ACf r •-eland
'O 1547.
' immbwSs
HIS well known and popular Line of Steamers Iras
X hern jM.-niiy unproved the pa-t Winter, by the ad
dition 01 several new and magnifier!!! lxmi«. huilt
cxpte.«if i«*r ilir I’aekct Line: and the eutitc hue,H
now r.tinposed of eight of the liirgrst, best finished iiiid
famished, uud most powertul lout* cm the Water* «l
the We.t Kvery accummodaiioti that money will pro
rare i,j« |..-i-n provided for I’assengcrs, uhd no pain*
will ‘.e spaird in reader them cnntforu.Me and the n ip*
ngret uhir They leave I‘mstiurgh and Cincmnoti daily
nn J p.-'invely at Jt> n'clnck, A -AI.
Tin MO\ON<* MII-'.I.A. Cupt £tone, will leave I’m*-
hnrsh every .Moudav moniintf at 10 o'elrsrk; Wheeling
Momtu) rv.*r 1 tic at 10 I* M ; and Cincinnati rv
erv *1 InitMliiv ul 10 i> ctiK-k A M. •
Tin lIIIII.IIMa. NO 2, Ci.pi J KhJ’.lir’. will
ha \ !' 1 -i.i.'gb ev.- 1 ) Tuusda) illuriiuiß a! 11l i-'cio -k,
VA in 1 l.nij ..very Turxlav evening ul ID I'. W ; and
Cutciimaii evetv Friday :il lOo'iloek; A. M
The Nl.w J!Nt»I.A ND, NO *4, Capt. ,S. ihun, will
leuve IMi-i.Liqli every tnornn.c tit Id
n'< 'm-k. AVlii-r'.nc every W.diirxlay evening ul Id P
M , and 1 'ini- numi: > \ ei y Saiurdii) .it 10 n’cluek, A- .M
The W isrossi N Cupt 11. J. Hr are. Will leave Pi'l--
tuirgh < vei) i'liur-uai mormiiyj ai lUo’eli.ek; Who.-hng
evei*. I liu 1 -da) .-v-iiiig al Iti l‘. .M , and Cineiinull
ever ) Sine.l:. tat )0 n cluek, A. M
The <*l.ll*l*l K, NO 4, Capi. Crooij, Will h-nve I'.it—
Imri;li > vef, I'ri.un inuinuic nt lOo’eloek, Wheeling
ivir, I't nlay i-v. ein" in |o P. AL; uud Cinemuafi even'
Moiidu) lit lOuYhvii, A. AI
To. Al' sSKNtrKR, i.'upt. Liujord, will leuve
hurgh every Saturday mornmc ailOo clock: Wheel, hr
every Saiurdai 1 veuing al 1U I*. M-i Biid.C.ncinnau
every I 'n -day 111 10o'clock. A Al.
The ISAAC MIWTUX'r Capi A. G. Afoson, will
leavr I’.ii'huißh every Sunday ntornint! ul 10 o'clock;
Wheeliug every Sui da) evcnuiß at 10 I*. M ; aud Cm
cmuai. ever) Wednesday at 10 o'clock. A M.
OCf* These l‘ue k el* wnl be at their berths at I’iitshurgh
and Cincinnati, regularly, thr day previous to leaving
each jMin. lor the reception of freight, and entry of Pua
seliger*on the itrgi«li r.
No He nil 01 Stale Ruoiq considered engaged until paid
lor. feliS
iftfO* rv The new and splendid steamer
[JL-tjartK s BEAVER, Ak,i Charles Hoop*, rtelimenre* Wif’
H _iAliK, h .|. ulll( inn* tin* duv. leaving I’.tt*
hurgli ui ooh-loek. *. sr .and Heaver rtl £ o’clodk, r M .-
c»rtneriine iv'.h I’.it-Imrrh end Cleveland Line ot Tail
mil lb- «-* 'la'L i.» * levetmiil, O Heaver, Wrnrrn uud
Cleveland lm< 01 >‘.in-tl •nrkrl- ond Singe Conches
daily '» W arren ;ntd C'evrlan.l, Canal I’neket Line* 10
New I'n-'lr Slid (iiieitvtllp Pa, Krie !-‘vten*:on Line'
tn Mm.lyille and Krie Neil. Moore A Co'. Lines nt
Mage lln • inr Cleveland an.) Win,*t. r. leave Ilea
vi r .laifv »n Ibe arrival of Meauihnat Denver from
Plll-h.irgh Apply to'
(i M HARTON ft Co, I'itfhargli
uplt ChAIIKK A I n, Reaver
UN foN il HE , ’
dki wi:i;n i*irisuri»in and Cleveland.
U' N PARK** Co. Cleveland,:o )
Kg. PARKS, llesvei. Pa- I Proprietor*.
W T M ATHKK. pihsliurgh. Pa )
ritHK nUi-.-e lane •* now fuliy prepared 10 irtinspr
L Freigh. Pa«»eii<er<'lroia Pittsburgh and nrv
luml. 10 mu p.j.t.< on il.e Peun*ylvanm * Ohio nnd On
The oc me* of *ttid Line are nnteiiuoUed by any ot
«unl Cana!* -n number* and" eaparity of Homs, erpe
riein-01 Cupimms nnd pmrnpinrss'of Agent*. Ar
i 11,., post leave* PiU*hu'ch and Cleveland daily run
nine n> eni-necimn with Itie Mrvnrr>
Mict:. v *«n u.ld'Lake Krif. tiulwretl E'.Usl.u'fh anc
l»» .1 i'd * 1.-neot f.tsl en»«s Stenmlmats, Propel
lets Hr.** and Schooner*, on Luke* Kr e. liuron, Mi
tnga>i ami * t.-itnrio ,
Pri-p'-ot lorwtttded 10 any partof the (,'mou with
-*,> T. N TA RKS 4 Co. Cleveland. Ag'.s
KKKD, PARKS * Co, Beaver, Ag!«
W T MATHF.K. I'ltuborgh, A^t-,
4 \vl Cor Water and Sniithhr.ld sirrels
IS 17.
Tune ai 11* a, more •••• 'Ji hour*.
T.isr :-i Ph .nb-Ipbis 40 “
lOm, 71 M..v» Stag ng !
1 1' IIK sp.cna. d ond running sirsioiei • 1 onuti. hr.
X•» Me I .ai.r miiJ >w*uu have < runmeiiccU rnnki
douh r J*..; <’.(>« One toul will .rave ihc Moytoiig
he,a wharf even mr>ri..»g piec‘»el> al 3 nV.oek.
urn rvcu ng .11 um. hn iCe rtiiia-lelpn-ia Mm I«>mi,
Ha. fluid .j:. Tie eveiinc final w;i. leave ll
w'.r .«: 4 n'. u,ck . e *.-ef I >a>i.:a) x Ihr**. hjjt
. -m --,*l dtiMppo Miucntsai ■'•.•!«>■> witl lie.u
“pr.'.'.t.l-i.can err Ihe MrUfe an I rr-onir His
,J 3,- .1111 <l*.: ‘.rlvvi-re I,J■ tam.rc and |*i|-.lrtstclpl.:tt
1, i.« • -lmririr.l In p-vilie* tn lravs'l M* the* dr<
.nr ... krf. .11 in. i.di. .- Mni.Mi-tM-rlslL
- », 1 ■ i Mt.SklMl
1*47. &ssisS3
PA<-Kf-TTtlfi ajj.l Trsv“;n p -%h Ifnvr llr*
vrr «■ ; «v... i r * . mi'f 'I c.arrt*■»* >■: :u;.’ fina' 'turn I* U:i.' J'f **■ <•! Wait, a .
t iim- for ih- Mr . l.tnc <»( Sijj.-''* ws‘» & *<■«*’■ •"iwfl
a i.t-.mN<<\yl'.t.f. 'v*rfrn >*n?pr
ItKKII. I’AllS'A I'o. • ' ,\nr;:n
JOHN A L'Ai'l •111.'. . ci<i|f r U'mci-i uml Bitt4!!it- !.l *l
• jrAlf Oppotitr .;ir \ioiKniifxh»'ll£MJ<r.
THUS Lm* co—..i 11* m trr and Port
1 eis.wi'iru-1 .-r*>- dur>n* tv ,<•»«„, brlwcc
fleam ami t»racnr:Mr, l*i l>) wh,rti freight an<i pa l
•engvr* tur !ao paints. wi!J t,c c»f no! nramp:l
and ai lh' jiwr.l rnlre
WirK * A«CHFR.<;rmm!b-, Ajn.
CH AUi A I SAMrru.N. ('ini*.v‘li P do.
Mr KAMI.AM) A KIM). ll,* Itci.d. dp.
lIAVN4 I’I.L'MU. Sbarp.tiurib, <lo;
W t' MAI.AN, ehsroa, do;
WM. MA rm’.Wj*, tin.
KKKI). I’AHK." 1 AC«», Itrnm. .to.
JOHN A l*A L lillK) , rortm Witrr vulSoilu(i«.|il «u t
ajXij' Hie Jtlanongalie'u Hoo«c, I‘ilm'.ur*b
is i 7, mm
»nn Till: TClHlpuliTation or
am KINU-* or m*-:hi.iianj>i.*kto and froai
Philadelphia,-1)«|| I.nore. Net* York
and Uoiion.
ri-4HK encouragement tli»* lino hi* ret-cited rm*.
1. it* commencement. ha* induced the proprie
, tors i.i mrreaae the stock by adding a nuintwr id Hr*
boat*; and instead of girmg mrelptn «* hereto
lure as agents, »a will gi»e our own receipt* to
freight flopped by lint hoe.
*1 he boats am all portable, consequently freight
i«.lakeii the whole distance without transhipment,
thereby promoting dnmlmc from Irequenl handling
on the route, and a* each boat is owned try thr
M who runt them, which is a sullicienl guar,
antee that there will bj *.>delay on tho route.
AU'l'riiifuce or Merchandise) consigned to the
'{ndcrsigrcd yrill be forwarded FKKF. OK COM
MISSION to* advancing and forwarding, and will
be shipped Without deity at the lowest rate* of
freight, •
We respectfully solicits share or public.patro
I‘,'anal U.i*in, Pittsburgh.
( KAKJ’ BELLAS 6c (■»., Agt.
Broad Street, Philadelphia.
Rowley's Wharf, Baltimore.
I’lttsbtfrgli, Feb. fli, 1!>I7,
; IB4ti' ' 1847
m3* sSHBgaa
'•PIM'. umlrr*ij;ncd are unxv t, f f.,„, f rd Infoiw.ird pro
-1 i.u<t Ac ,u> the IjiMern Markri* during the- cusd
■ nff »• inirf, on il.t mast favorable Icims, by ibis expr-
AU pinjuiiiy t unsigned lu us will he forwarded auhe
lowci rut,-« mill with iWpairh.
) leir|mml.»? received bj’ iln« r'uiito promptly f„ r
warded. J 0 UIDWKJ.I., A**,.
(» It OAf*S. Urow.isvilln.
novo; K lllilvlUON 4 Co.Cuinlicflnnd
1846 . J 847
r IMIi: subscribers will receipt for the delivery of J‘,r>-
I t»' U 7krr* ,y ‘ ,W Wo, "'"* aliCf “ Slack water
Av*'**''- nu ‘ Ufttj'hork, Tallow,
V\ hi.try ( hcc*e, and e7j els per 100 lb*
Toi.m co. Hemp, Flat and Whem-!H cm per 100 llu
A*lir», (I'o.) Applet, Cheese, Flax-Seed, (111,0 ,2'
leather—loo cl* per 100 lb*
Oil*. Skm*. Seed*. Wool—llo els per 100 lbs
He*, wax. Prathers, Furs. Ginseng, sud Snake Hoot
All properly consigned to mher of the umlersirord
will be forwarded wiihoul delay |Y C o of CouiniinSujn
at above rale*. WII OLARk ; ,Urowiwivi|fa/ ’
t {if ' HANNA A WATI-:RArAN,i'iuih un ,|,.
,1 „ . . HII.I«MIKKSnnfI other, ni.htrj
ilr*?7A ° “™*. rro<i»co, ic'
ÜBullllUß' I'nyn l " » lh ■ f'w r;p»n<icot,o,ii.iiie
HBKOIm" 1 mlitrractjisltt Ituulin,., can inako
mianm-meiil. hyrattinoon in., a, i
huvn a Boat funmug reeulariy between {‘itisbureb ■„.)
Sieunenville. UhO. U. MII.TKNURKDKH
lint Sieurabooi Agent, SO Water *t
K T^ E UARLRM re. altrd
Lji. iMitf aud r ? £i I llc - t L iu I |OR J*oai« stylo and
fagggflSat DOW ot (lie Mononjahela wbarl As.
■■■■■■■■ '• iinpraredsbeis wcllodapmd for
carrying freight and puMengers} or for towing: ih has
great capacity and power. Any person dispos, d to
purchase will of course inspect her.
I also propose to lease, for one or more years mt e#aJ
RMt; and to a manor energy and basinets babiu they
offer great advantage*. I can furnish the lenee. either
on ealr or charter, my tow bos t ‘'MINER.* || e eaii
also have oh fair terms six barges, three Oats, oo'J two
coal botioms, iixieon ears with ropas,. Axtum. ftr ■
made for ftlll operauono. An exonuoation oftheav
tablisbntent Is invited. I’erfOtia disposodto negotiate
with me in reference to any of the above particular •
oiay address meat my Office to Smart's H u iy, n . ,4,'
street, l'di«ourgh;orat Hatlcm.nearMoneugoheb env
augtf) - THOd. i| BA1R1) '
jVaiuablc Moilictnc.tiiriutauda have been ream
red to pcrfcci health who but bj Us u<q would now
be in the kilcnt graye. ' f). .
AnoTIIER LiTISO UtTM^a—KtCli with aslVm-
tiliiacnt the wondcrluJ cure perionued by Hociur
Swayno'a Sjrup of WILD I,'HKKHY:
1 j PhilahElphi a, January So, 1517.
Llr. Swavße—Dear Sir. In justice to'ynuraelf and
a duty 1 owe to euflering humanity,] ciiturfyUy
{jive my testimony, and declare world the
umi'. astonUhiog cJlccU, anfl Uic great euro your
C»ut|MiUiid Syrup oT Wild Citcrj-y (icrformed on me,
under tnc ttioul unfavorable crrrumstanccs. I was
tuken with a rmlt-nt t.'bugh, spitting of Blood, t-c
-vere I’a-ns in the Side and Breast, wJiteh eccrncd
tn break down and enfeeble mv constitution, a. l lb;, 1
tny jdtyaician ihouglit tu> case boVoud On: power «d
m’cilici.uo, and uy Ihciuii all g iro mo up to die; but
llut,k» lo you and Ibc cflecu ol your great d»rprc
ry. I now fed niyacll a well man, add raivrtl front a
mere skeleton to a« fleshy and healthy a man ax I
have been fbr'yi arts, and shall be pleased to give -it)
infurmatiort te»pectmg my rase, by calling tit nn
residence, Mecbajuc *» reel, third um>r below tieorge
Htrcnl, Norihc-rn l.ibtrlii *. Jxcoh I'aimfu
«' «"«' ireetcttlfrom all ytturhrt tj
the Ulubf.
The billowing letiefu are prtacnled wuh a view
I' morn fully allow ing the opinions of Hi,v.inrim tn
djtton to tho .Medical value ol'Dr. SWAYNK’S
Dr. Swajnc—Dear Sir: Having tt»cd your Ctitu
poiimi Syrup ol \\ ibl (liierrv extensively in hny
practice, I wax nqveMed by your'Agent, Doctor
Crtibher to exj.rci* m> opinion in writing of its
prdpcrMcx ax a remedial agent, I moni cheerfully
comply, ax l feel by so doing. I will thbchargc a
debt l owe the community nt 1 irge, and' I'liyatctmib
in pariiculsr. As tiutfiluM l detest Qtiack'acme
dies ami I’.-ttnt Nostrum?, I tvaj tutluccd from
adailureof the u'<stpoteui cxpeclorantx. recom
tnemlcd in our materia incdita ut mine cases ot
Diseased Lung?, to try .your preparation ol
Virginia or Wild Cherry. It uauiUcientiouy that
l wax so much pleased with the result of Utat anil
sunequent inalti, that I now prescribe it in prefer
ence lo all oilier H< mndies wnere an expectorant rs
indicated. In the much dre ded liieumosiia or
Dixcßko of the Lungs, in the alarming loriu in which
it appears in Kentucky, 1 regatd it a* an invaluable
Remedy in the treatment of that duuase. i'o ull
w!to know tnc 1 have said t-umigh, Imt aa this mav
be xocti by persons out of the vimmly ol Frankfort,
i will briefly add, that I have been orgugcd in an
active practice ol nit prnli Rnoii ot li years,and am
n.Regular firailuato of Transylvania, anti tfn* is the
lirst I'atonl .Medicine I ever iLoughl cuungli t.i t<>
express an opinion in w riling.
J. H. Kt.i.unjr. M. IL
J jnuny 7llt. IUI7. f rank lot t 'minty, Kv.
Khakki-okt. Ky . Jan’ry 7rlt, IHI7.
The ahpvr: rertdirate ii. I’nni >»nr nf our I’fiysi
cialt" living a.few mile? front bcrxi, he isdoingg tcry
good practice, and is considered a good I'nvsic.ian
and -Uamlii fair; he ts,lu he say., a reguhrgradualr
Dn. U . L. t ‘it utc It t: it,
jj Druggist nn l ApotlieMry.
Tr.iUmupiali ici/l ncrrr crasr. '
f ram the Tempcmnce I'ledgc.
Now lliat YVinter tit upon u* with its ullrutlao
train of I'ulmomc aiiddlnjiiehial allcettons.t 'nnghs
Kolas, <S*c Atr , wo would advise thtue afflicted (n
this way to mak« unitifdi.ite trial of Dr. Fwayne’s
< btinpound Syrup cl Wild Cherry. It will never
latl to pr-th rin a pcn:i..n. ut ctre. T-lte r.-putalion
oi llns inediciLc has causcil utauy spunocs articles
lo Lc put lutth under itx name; hut the preparation
of Dr.' >wayuc, besides being the Drat over ofWrd
lo iltc public, is tho only <>ne ti*nt can be relit il nn.
The r.»ihcr imiiuns sold lor Wild Cherry Syrup.
Bilealh*, *c.. are all spurious tu.d wonlijcs*. and
cuniatn none ol the tjr'.aes of the original preparas
iton, >Dr. Swayno’x Compound SjVup ol \V»:d
From tho Springfield Htjjrc.s.
Of U*e Ihonsnncs til.]> jrpurtcii rurMite nostrum*
uuw before the pubilic, but irery lew are found to
poise** iho heating Virtues lor whicMfier are t(-
comtpeuiird. Among the latter-wc are pieaitd to
learn none stand a letter test titan Di.Swayne'*
Compound Syrup td Wild Uierj. Tfic afflicted
in tins vicinity arc beginning to u*c it, iod u> tbcir
jot they hud in iU u«e their hopes ba*3tl upon its
recotmticmuuoiis more llun realized, 'llric articled
nerd nut despair. While ihtrr is life, there now i>
. HT~I"CC tlie i;itrrt.luctiot, my article to \he
(jultuc, there tiav.j » tiuiniwr .if unprincipled ind.-
get up noatruun which they s*»r;n contain
•UVei«’hefty, *<mi« affc called
an%f«!vro JMiupnf Wild t’Kerry, bm mine lr the aml only genome <-v» r mtrtvu
cc-i lu U <• p’llilic. which can hi- prt>»«.-ij by tiip jnil*-
,li«' Kircntdr the l i-lnmonwcalU. nl tVnntylvania
l l tio only talrpuard against imponttiuni* ti> see that
ni' fiyi.aluri'is *>[i b* ttlr
- I’n-jUMii on.y hy !»I. * J . at b.i frnici
pn llilut. cornn I.biir autl Ra»l. Mrrct*.
1 la: uluii-Ina. All Wild I herry pirpiratiiii-.a being
ItclidiHi* md ctiufTtcitMt y»»lht ui tin litgr n!B>r,
h »*)r it. I'.lUiniegt --n~ relm! It
tV.M TIiUW.V n> M I rt> ,
(K.HKNA s NOtVl>h.M. corner inilJk. U\>«>d*li
S. JUML S , lr.() Liberty *li«. t.
also by J Mi’cfirii. Allegheny i ilij Ugtii.
f irr*& fn . l)c!i<*f| \\ «■vt r»VI ii , Al« |-
rcr, < ’alnwlar, AJcmiuJU-, J H liauunli
ho., At Kt:i]«ii‘ i Uctu
«V >uD, t.'.latnhua; Miller, Marsh,
\Viier lire. \ a : K H Hm.iii >p. « •nrinii li, I »hi«* pf
t. t A. • ,'t>. M tir.:r»; - J S Mf»rr'n <V *’o,
l.iMisvilit*, ; AfJ«v«' t,'!i»Pt (i. ‘ii., AcW I);.
Ir.iti*. ' a ri»
STA NTOVS fc:X l ib.ltA.\^
1* rm» ui:m:r.,uiiv;.xc-U. > »»*icdt!cd to he too h\»
I M.1.1b1.K i.t.Mi.irk 1 .*r libruuutiin . >|>r
tul AiiccUun*, l unitsoi’ot’r ni t::c .Mufdc, S .r«-
I hrual ami . Issues Oiu lil<<.,*.l';in* i„ |), r
Lack and i beat. Vjjn.. in U:» l?rr=»l juJ F*rr
Tu..U. Ac-b. , sirra,.,. | xdt Kl.ciii:.. B«r,U'f
t ump, tripled If'! i-d-.MI Nrr»i«v* Ib.cssro:
ilic 17411 Ml'M \ AT "l<f w!,nWha,ai.
icml- ii the a;.;d.Cain»«■ of U.i* OM&Ht LL
MF.HII l.\L in U.c iuo»l tmcrc cate* <■{ dir
ddli-reol I'lK-a c« jt*»e nmued —and Uic HK.H
K.V O.MH M> that have been b, st^, d upon It,
wlierrrr.r it has been tuir»«l«ri (i, citcs me the rf»i,l
to rail 011 Ur AHI.H‘ I'Kl* l«» r.-rort it once**' l
11 ,V •
|J f'l'Pclacoltr unite tn the rtle
jted Kitprnal Rfmcdy, llant's Liniment.
I'ne letter rtoio u.c ft.gtdy rmin*i t
I’hvsict ms who luce been attached (•• the -Muuni
I’leojtnt Mile i'runnli't many ycanr. 1* i|,r4ir*t
evidence of the tilun <d~tbi* eeIHiTJU-d i.iimii«-n',
«MC-.Bts«, Decciutur 4?,.
My Dear Mr—l nf ycflcrda),'
asking my npin-qn in relation to Jln/u * 'l.miineni
a« prepared by Mr K SU’.um.' known...
iU compoiition,and jiaviiig li(qbrath usrd h. T
can rrcomtucoO d to you 0* a sale Kiteraal lleinc
dy. and m my ''ptoioa, the best-l.imment now in
usr. Vrrv truly and rcsjiecifiillT vour*
ik itiimiAN.
('ol i’irrrc \ an f'oitlaindt. (Vulon Msm.r;
I fully concur tn iLc oplmim. ‘
w n'hkwher.
VoßtTotvs, Jan. IJ. UJia. :
Sir—lit rcj.ty tn your letter, Iwonldfaj t J,xt l
hare u*cil>nur External Ktiuedy, railed Hunt's
Liniment, in my practice since you made mr ac
i|uaioled with its composition, ami unhcsitatincly
say that I bclu-re it to be tlm best Kltcrnal Reme
dy now in tisc Inr thr;cnn\plmnt* fur nhich veu re
coownend it. Yqurs cc*pectfully.
(ico K .Sunton, Fjq. - •
From. the N -V ban.
s ITT Among the tn»«i or worthli** articles and
humbug* that -nr© poured f»ft?i at the present day
upon the country, it'-ia really refreshing to find
Biimclhmg ot real practical utility, Mrmelhtng nm
plci .»perd? amf efleeteal in lt< oponuion, arid si'
ihe »int# time tree front those injurious effccli'
which general Ij attend powerfab remedies. Hunt's
Liniment, prepared by lino. E Stanton,«| Sing
Sing, though tl ha* bdeabul# ahurt time before
the public, has already obtained the contidencn, out
only cl our moat wealthy and inllaentmt eitiaent
hut outmost eminent physicians. All acknowl
edge it to ho a sovereign halm for man? of the ilia
that fTeah is heir to, molhlng the aching Jimb, and
hr ill genuine stimulating inMyi'ucc.bsnisliin'r dn
emrufriMn lheayatem.l n
;Mr. Minion—Si(-~S k eing your advertisement
of II aril's Liniment, Lwu induced to try iu-'etfoeta
on niy son, who hadibecn crippled with a Janie
bac* lirom an infant; and it ia with gratitude I britr
testimony to ita wonderful healing properties My “
chijd, who ii now lircjycar* ot age, la now in a fair
waj of recovery, ' ■ Youra.&c.
Post OrriCE.ToWNiRa. Putnam Co
I ccridV tlut I am'personally acquaint, d with
tho nboronamed child, and jliinE Uie father wou'd
he anic in laying that lisi son is olmiMt well
Not 5, 1815. deputy Post ftlastri. 1
S. I would alio state that | hove been fur •
number ol year* *uUjoci to frequent attack* pi the
Khruuiaticm. wbioin many - imuncca prevented
iD/iatlcjiding to my buaincM. Two or three nnnti
ratiu/ie 111 the Lmmgnt invariably remove all a!-'
faction* «»f the kim In c.l3cb o| bruiac*. •[•rain»
nml sure*. 100 mitnrjrpua to mention, it hai in this
vicinity pruTcl. a certain reinoiiv, Itß-vJtie can
only bu Mitmated by Um»c who have given it a fair
trial. -> 7
This l.immenl is sold at S i»d 50 cents per bot
tle, by ail the Principal Druggists ami Merchants
throughout ltie country.
W/mloaic AgpUa in Hew York.
lIUAOLKV, PUI}LPS at' Co. I w Water
KUSUTO.Pi A ('<«, 110 » roadway. I
A It A: D SAPiDM, corner'Fulton and Wiilian/
ASPiMVALL, I>C William street.
Orders addressed In mo at Sin-; Ship, N Y rru,
be oltcmlidito. OKOKOM i. STA N'lttN, '
, .! ... , Proprietor.
I’ltt.S.UTgh by L WII.COX
KIDD &. to. Allfghuny l.'liy JOHN SAKCjKNT-
Birmingham, JOHIYSMiTH ' ''fc&isj
rillHS medicine is lasi taking tho place of evert
JL preparation hcrctol'oro used furdUcasca arising
Ironi Weakness or other causes. AJlthatis neces
sary let secure this medieinVa place In
tie Practice or ertry Inuiily,wlicn such
itncedi-d, is a trial.
It speaks Tor itself—U innocent .in iu. operation,
and no injury can omoiliom iu usn at any limo
Wholesale and BcUil by KOWANI> A. W%!.«
TON, Proprietors37C Market Street, PJiiUd’a; . .
For laio'in Pittsburgh by ft E Seilers, 57 Woolf
strerU and AVo. Thorn,fit Marketst. neSdw T'
qiiiK Moqhlsu uAiir nvKTFJr,,™'
Xnemly dyeing Light Bettor Cray Tlair a Dark
Urown or Alsck color, without dyeing or lujurmß the
■km. Sold with (uIJ - 4irtcti9nn. i jl f noß W «ems,.tir*k
s bottle. ‘.-it
by'VM.JACKSO.V, at his Patent Medicino •
Warehuuse ffl Libetry street bead of Wood, at ih«
Signnfflte Big Boot, ' . jtU
BALSAM— id dos'WisutrWßpliamef WrW.Ckeiryj
jud received and for sale by . J KIDD ACo /
1 ' Nn Cfl wood firce , .
VJGNICS'IAIt, Ul£D—7 "bbu l>c»i Kn«li»h;
_ 6 do A«terlesn;>.
For sale *<y. J SCHOON&IaKKR XCo ),
icf A R't'csST*T O N MIl'L,
•i (Vearihe Upper Bridge. Allc&benjCiiy}
•M r MK proprietor* dr ilie'Star Cotton Factory roped
1. lull) inform ttie public IbaltJiey are now in »uccrt>«
fulaperaiion. Itarjuir employed the fcrviccsofU. W
llornc* a* Afaim-rr. who fax* had an experience of 13
>«*r* m the principal lactone* of Allegheny City,
in-y would inform Afeicliauia and Deulerf in gi-nrrnl
inai they will nlway* fcave bii band luperur 'Viwti
\ .irtn.i‘l nli No*. Batting*, Warp*, and |;-own lfu»l.n»
.1 . U p^no r make. - N VOKIiTLY i «*o
N' H—l 'rJcr- h'ti at the JT<U, or tt ilie *iorc of My
it-, Hunter Co., las Utheriy aireet, will he nromixiy
atten 1< iltu. mch'iMJru N.V.fcCo
I'jrrsnußoif, pa.
r | 'llls 'UoofJctnry beinj;in TußamlcompletenpctlT
, „ ... ana complete.
* i »;i. thuvmjrrcceivctl uml replaced nil their M»
vliuK r) tiy tUo.latest unpravi mrim.) arc now mak:rq
n v. ry licuvy wuele 01 4t* Brown Sheeting*. han't
liaml»otun S«»ixl»,il-/aude4 AUrjheny D ,J and
• urj>:i•»(•(! i,y none,of ilie ruraCMvlr. in ilir couitiry.
iiiu udt-'l ' iclj«:vcly for Uio Wt*Ttß3 an ! SocTiiEir*
u.nlr M«-|r|ianik vi»ipnj» our city arc invited u» cal!
ai.d rxaniinr |ire«u*u* lo making j<urcha»r*. Order*
nc.n ■.< i>romp'J> aiicmlnj Jo. und good* carc
?iiH» *l. »•!(• tr itritrml. |rl,|;kiAw3mT
CAinllfWlck) Batlliig, Twine. Coverlet
J AKN, I‘ARWrr CHAIN, WARI**, Ac. Ac..
(9bccc&»o» of At buckle i&A very. I
.. .
PllTfißUliUH, Pa.
ul ovi: rttablt'hniejil being ni>w in ■occc*#f'il
A «l‘'-r.iuon.\v.! op- inuiiuracUinim, yery cilcnuvcto.
well 01)3,11.1! loil.c feiai)
Ifiitlr. which ibr bemny and quality cai.nut lie rici-llcit
l.y nii> oUicr mule 1 ■■■ • Uie country- The attention of
puirha»cr» i» folicticd in an examination.
fi-i.ll>KniA wll KKNAPP » CHIP'S* To
.‘iCH RISTI £' o
“Wlia iiliougli ilie causes may uuibc explained,
Sinre tlirir fffects are duly uin-criaiiicd,
l.*-t not delusion, prejudice, or prtdr.
lmiucr*.JEOi>kin<l lo »M ibf ineaii* aside;
Mran* which, itio’ simple, arc l>y Muttvcn Ucstgn’J
Tu aJI<-naii* the ill* ofhumutt kind.”
Nbn’ir KI.UID.
r l’llli> remarkable niventiusi, winch bus received the
i. universal approbation of tbe medical profession of
Otimi Kriiutn l ru>iuprW* an entire!) new applicationo(
Galvanism. a* a remedial by mean* ofwtMehlhe
nrdinery Galvanic Uarerir*’, Electric and Mimetic Ma
chine*, Ac., ure entirely dispensed wiili,*RMd the ntytte
nnu« power of Galvanism applied without utty ot llie
j* l j'Ttion watch ore inseparable from tbe enteral mode
•iqw in use. Tbe strong dose*, and irregular uitcrralt.
m wh>rk Galvant'tn ■< applied by lb- ’, hat
h«*» pronouuccut, otter a lair tutd impartial trial; to be
ifccittoO|f m/usteus.and it or at to mmi-ily ikt* »nd mat dsw
feet Uu«l tin* Dow application was projected, which, aft
t'-r inti and perseverance, bar been brought
ioil» present matt of ;h rfr-citon. The Galvanic £utgs
answer, all the purposes of tbe most expensive Ma
chine*, and in trnnyuther re*pect* are moreiq/iund
~rrri<tin m accomplishing tbe desired effect.
| Tbe Ooicaisie AiagJjJted in connection with the Jfttg
p*t>e FhtiJ, are isabileiitly recommended m auditor
dtrt srAwA oriss from an tnfuUad or waAmbAir rtatc rtf
Ms nervous ot citai sjwkws. and these" complaint* arc
among the mn*t immlul and universal to which we ate
•nlijept They arise, Withourexreption, from one Sim
ple cau»e—s derangement of tbe Nervous System—
and n wa« hi these.cases thui other 'remedies' having
*<» often ftish-d a ftrw agent was greatly needed, whicu
>t is confidently believed, has been found in the proper
and judicious application of Galvanism. : ; u
Thy Galvanic Rinrs have tecu used with entire sue
ee«« in alt cases of KuamaTisx. acute 01 chronic, up
pit .rg u> the head, fare nr inabs; Gout, IU-ibhrmr,
TooiAadu. EnneJt ms, r*rtfgo, Amsw or Suk Ktadarkt,
lnJt{f'iion t l > *r*ispisi iPalij/, Epilep if, >\o. Cramp,
Palpitation of (As Heart, Apojdexp, Sti_fntu of Joina.
Spinal Complaints, Lumbago, HtHralfia, JV*re«ttf 7>s
mort, Duzittat of ih* Head, vain in iis Choi and Bide,
(itntral /Jr6i7ify, of Nenous -ond Fkytical En
ergy, and all NERVOUS UISOKUKRtv In cases ot
confirmed Dyspepsia, which 1* simply a-nerToatde
rangcintjn of the digestive organs, they have been Afttrid
eqo.iJ'y successful. Their extraordinary effects opoa
the sy*!--m maslt'C witnessed to lie believed, and«f a
cepirn prevent vt for the preceding complaint* they
arvcrjutt'.t rceotximcuded. Tin-Riur* uro ol different
pi • ■>. l«*>aß made of n!i *rxe*. and of various orna patterns, arul ran lie worn by the must deUcste
ifuiHi- W'lbuoi the aligbtr.t ineouvcmeaceC' lo!Jkct,
um *rit‘<'. no n rather ucrcealile than otherwise,. •:
The tittlvunic Bella, Bracelets*.Bk&4*r
Garter*, Necklaces, Arc.
I* some c«tci of a vcrc severe charade.:, and of long
'iniicir.e tbrpoweras applied by the Galvanic Kfttg*
.snot suffciru: tourr. tin; proper** of disrwso and
■ nr.Ttii'y rc*v>.r health. The improved modification
• ~ L-ivn»w Lots. Ar. entirely icmc
d..-* tin* oLjtrnon, auy degree of power that ta requi
t -Jean rt-udUy be obiamtd. and wo coutplauil which
in.- it.> strr’iins agrnl ol tlilraiit-oi can effect will fail
in r ; •irtOHnr.ntiy relieved. 'n«r*c unifies are adap
ted to thr ortc», wrists, limb*, ancle*, or uuy pan
i.t tin- body, perfect conven!<-ncc. 'llie Galvanic
Nt-rit:w«-s urr u*otf wnh pn-fttrr Ixrnrflt in case* «<
llwiifliiii' ot utTei’lions ofibe throat groenJly: aUo do
cm 1 :* ol N'iViß* Dcnfiic**; unit with alnuot unifnrm
MK-i-rv ... .tjin-sr.ii,,,- (~r .tjxipiriy, Kinlcrue* Fit?,
'Olii ill ill’s 3lagmctie Fluid
it ih coiljfption ibc Galvanic Riiigf aiuTatl
Uif.r uiotlißraf/oiriL 11><»- f •inpitmoii bat Ucn p'ft'-
iiuauiM a uw tii« Frcitrh Ciicra #iv ui he o»te of the aoM
iti*rvkvene*ilf modem science lusbe*
.irv?irftop**«>«;e*tlte remark nliirp own of rtndirmf th
rtm*v hnjb'nxl *tUe* Itj- lhi4 iaean» cautmi;
t.c.r. uifd..on ni liit- .uilucnci c; the' scat of divufc,
uw. «.vi.i{ ptniiducit! Itlief. No other
% ' <‘>u[ti»! M eficntinr i* tii'iu'inaproducethe mint
c-|-.r t.«r :u cipuria niuitur property to iho nerrnt#
»»«;< tu.i'V imautof an vunvunt local opplicfctioit, The
‘t£o’'u» I .mml rnnij.itt i.mlun;; of ihc »ligk *
(M injur, .if application i* agrrabtc, and il.itiu
Ua uiict» i ,i« acuou ■« u it trctiracinJ in .1*
Jul pip! \ in]' and dirvt iinn* iiec-otnpaoy it ‘i*hp «i inventions ate to cvny way perfectly harm.
i. t». il'.ey are sold at prn e» wiiqiu ihe reach or all and
ih- d-K-ovcn r only request* a fair trial as a teat of
jir-r .urorivirr efficacy ami permanent benefit.
Cbristiir’h Unlvanlc S.ireßgtbeniog Plas
lens* .
These ifiici'c* (Wiu another valuable application of
the uo titriout influence oi Galvanism Jfrliey are in
I’inponaisi uiljunci to the grmpne G*lvanie Ring* and
iln-Jr nuxliliration*. art ng upon the same piiuciple but 1
having tho advaniagi' of more local application. They
arc confidently recommended a* a'raiuable addition in
the ■peril s nixr of Hbecmuiitm. aeotc or ebrooioi in ail
nervous complaint*. amt a* a positive remedy f ritci
nt ftii« on U HWhtMS m iti ftnttr Eiuti, nh% in ikt
ildc m J/srjwwiTond in Waa knot *r Op m.'
nan tfiU FUrxmait Off* ** In spinal Complaint*
Him rfr«ri*arr of the rooudecidciicharacter,and they
iMvcnfir.ii liccw uacd with complete aueces a. They arc
:i;«. OI the ? ryaten advautng,- I'a.n* antf Wcafeaeas
ui thr Urca<t,*iiil are highly recommended for many of
ibotc r.ouiplautu to whicbfciaaies arc especially ruLu
A* un tfleelual mean* for strengthening the aynem
when tlcbil'iafod wnb rtirca*< or other causes; as» cei
mn. aid In Weaknr.s*, a« * I'rcveniitc
u.r t,nMh.aml all In of the Chert. Generally
thr tinlviunc Strengthening Plaster will bo fo uu 4 £}
prrai und permanent advantage. In a few word*! It
cml'Titpci aitthe virtnet ofthe bett tonienreparaiioo
with the important addition of the ffalyaate .taflaeattl'
which I* neither impaired norcihauaictL while (hear*
»"ii crAitmoe*. Tlirar arnrlei will be found entirely
irre from Un>*e olijecixon* whirh are a constant pourcc
»f romplamt with the ordinary plattent in COBtSOnasc.
BT Th«* great celebrity ami sccessof there articles
In* cjuv-d them io be counterfeited unprincipled
_j-«Ttf»n» To provide agnin‘l imposition, Dr. Cuamnß
has bat one authorised ugrm JB each city of Urn Union.
Ttu-Milrngent in PittMmnrh, ,W. W. WII.SON
O' the lushest aiul tno*lro»p«-ctnHe character, are con*
-Manny twelved, regarding ibe-extraordlnarv rahn
and success of the nlxm- articles. It is believed tkal-
In the-city of New Yoik alone, upwards of RIGHT'
<SAND PERSONS,d«.ins » pcriSloTlSlXS
a year, ItaVnl-ccn entirely relieved of the most paiafat
whrtmir disorders, some or which lave completely •
ftrd .ill format effort* of medical arf. Indeed many of
tlr firnphyaTctmni of.ill* city, who disapprove of the.
<saivanioc;aml M ague tic Machine*, constantly re com
•neiiil ihi* ooplcatiwi Itubeir practice, and with ibecx
rcpuoaof those who are too prejudiced tQgivaitauV
ol; die iureiilioa has received nnanimaaa
the most iuteilqteol among the Atnancan Faculty. Dr
4-lin*t<A ‘s-faiiill limes ready and roost happy to rive
cveiT fsPiTrtjr to r>hys>ctaui,aitd all interfiled, for te.f
tug the truth of hi* akserddm and the efficacy of hi*
direovcryv:-’ 1. . -
• fri Pittsburgh, cornrr <th rind .Market it
.. no-.m diamond aI
kEV, * few door* below
ft '* low * rd> ‘
du. nttdwif,
Having been reguldrlj ed-
BcatetTlo ttie-nedteaFpio
reriton, and Icon for some
me * n £ ,ne,m - rt “ cli . ec ’
. 10 *** e treatment of those
yr private and delicate com*
ww P hunts for which blsoppAi
Vy • ~s- "jyr tunnies and experience
Eleven, year* assiduous v devoted to tiio sitdy and
tr.aime'nt of those com pi i fits, (during which time be
ha* hod more practice and t a* cured more patients than
can ever fall to thu lot of a y private practitioner) am*
ply (jnnliGe* him to offer'nt cmnectof ipeedy, perma
nent .ami satisfactory cure v ail afflicted with (Uiitau
discu«c‘, and nil discuses arising therefrom-
Dr, Brovina wo ald infbnu those afflicted with prtreis
itt«ca»cs which have become chrome by time or 4ggr* vs
led Uy.tho uao of any of tic common nostrums of the
day. that theif cpurpiaitua-can l.u radically ateT thor
oughly cared, be Laving given his cutufalattention ip
the treatment of ouchcases, uul*uccecded m htmtlretU
of instance.* in curing persona of itiflttjnatfon nffcenecfc'
ofthu bladder,and kindird disease* wbicbpllgo.TCtuli
:rout those cases where othcis have conaigrtgfl ; UviA¥>
hopeless despair, lie particularly invites*ncb
horn long arid unsUcer*.fully treated by pthcra k> <wti’
hull him, when every satisfaction vrillbegivcii|fi?ro awl
licit' cast's treated m a careful, thorough sud
m inuet, pointed ijut by king experience, study and in
vestigation, which it is impossible lor cnragcdiV
griieral practice'of medicine to give any one m*mo '
: H r Hernia orf Brown alao-.tuvucs
persons alflifl W-With Henna to call, bJ hc-JiiU paid
pnnicularattention this diseft'e- i. .
Kkin Diseases; also Pile*, Palsy, ete.. speedily cued
N. ll.—PaHcntsureither rex living at a distance
by.stating their disensc. in writing,giviftg ail thogpupl
tniu*,enu obtain medicines with directions for ate. b*
uildressuig X. BROWN, M.- IX post, pa'.i oral -eoeltJ
•mg a fee.
i Office No. M Diamond alley, opposite the Wavenv
.Moure . - * i’
ItTt' ,i ‘»vut«. r» nav' • '';<<* ,
t iVhCU COMPLAlNTVfUtoiirrrbro perten-
Livir pill 7 ' , * ,n s lho ori P nal i °nly tnie and genuine
Tl? B -r l,e ”i ; ! n ' A l ,r ! ll **l™y''wifcwM 7 iiitiekcd
with blve*Coßjolaint,ani bad the advice of two pbr
sicilufwboxifcayyanmsTetßedict-wiib mdaeincany
good eflajtu’. fDving heard of yoar-oetebrsted t.irer
1 nD»I coaclodedto give than a fair trial.- 1 purchased
Bcott, Aberdeen, and gave them accord*,
mg io me dirteUoßi, bj which ahe’was kreatly relletid,
i vmctrred-u second box;-wirieh entireft drired her, and
•lenowenioyssjxeellehrheanht 1 have aaed'
myself, and pnmooneetheihnha best family mediemd i
Pills stand uneoullled by any medicuw,'
knnwn fortbe cure of Liver Coroplainu
Prepared and sdid by RESELLERS
ap&-. Noff,wood itrecr
Forth* removal and lermaneut ears'of alldtoeasea
. :r-1 ari3irgtomuiiirm«.*utßortm>lo*<» ; (
• .-. or tabued" the systetn vtzrl i
Sm/iils. Xm**i Sadr Okmvuitiim, OUamut Cs&Msmi
Eruptions, Pfanda W rnslulaod'tks Fat s, Rbtftka,
Rfiq.Chraaie An Epw.Bmg.Vorm ir nur.SeaLf
Head, Rklargtmtnt aad pain <f tk* Bona knd Mtus,
Stubborn Viters, BfpkUitic Sfmptaea,S*iaiica §r ls&*
bafo, and Dtstasts arising front an injudidont ttsr >/.
M&cury, Aieita or Hwpif. Erj>o*art srfnyuitfiiHta
Lift- A)x>, Chronic Constitutional Disorders. !
TTSumcly adiuialsirunon has bccu micndal w. Itbc
1 happiest results iu many anomalous affeetionr, bu;:
tii'icUiclly intended lo fill tbe void which extats beiwecit
cathartle and Wpeneni bctfCc its fnodus op
randi i»thatbt anatierapve directly—indirectly, pro
ving a lasting tonic to the system. I
Uls-higlily e6neentnti-il tor'eonveniened and porta
: bitity, cuiiimuing nolbingbut |lto
ami i* ttic rrp.tfemative of the Root, in
the mi me manner as Quinine IsofPeruviaHllark/bi*
.Morphine ufOputu- It non tswblisbgil., tact,, that a
tew grains of cither tiuimiie or Morphine contain! l .ail
tbe medicinal value of a large quantity of the crude
aubatances; hcucu Utc superiority of thoaq pnparatwor.
—aud no uivultd would desire io dtitfk a gHlloninizture'
when a half pint couianieii the s*me‘medicinul value.
The &>r*aparil!ucau br diluted when taken sirtuble
to the directions, und made to suit the taste ol the pa
tient. I * - :
The following certificate addieued hMb« Agents at'
Chicago, furnishes conclusive pioof'of itagrcal valuci
tn eases of FcverSore*.
„ CuttASo, Ill.'Sept. ri,lSls.
Messrs. Stcbliiita a. Reed —(mm*: In May, 1M5, 1 pb-'
'mined ai you' store a bottle of taudS >-arruparilla,and'
woa then confined toiuy bod, wiibott* sleep tor a week,;
occnstonrd by violent pain irooj a refill ir fever sorcoi!
tong standing, on myrightlfg. My physictansndvlsed
mc to have the limb amputated, asytng It was iUc only.
uicau* likely to preserve oiy life. After using half the
bottle the pom begun to subside.nndTf tbe" time I had
used nearly three bottles, 1 was able to itstiiact my reg
ular buMiien, mid before 1 hud finished the fourta Lot
tic. I wo* ns well and tosml-at ever I Lad been. I L'uve
no hesitation insaytuglhul Sand’s Sarsaparilla wns'thc
ineaus, under I'ruviuenee, of saving my limb and 4
doubt not my life. 1 rooM cheerfully recommend it a*
Uio best article extant for the purification ol tho blood
Yours, most respectfully, . .
The following certificate is only another fink in tbe
great chain of testimony to its merit*;
Sorru Bolto.v. Candda East, April 18, IMS.
Messrs. Sands —Uentlement Exposed as we are to
, the attacksof di*etue, and so frequently.disappointed
in proposed remedies, we cannot but look on the effort*
of soceesfluJ pncuoouera with inteyest and gratitude
Tins to true respecting jour valuable preparation of
Sarsaparilla. 1 have been severely afflicted for SSVeari
With a disease-about which “daetorhi disagree,* l and
'their prescription* were elill more I iriejl ya-
I' rioa* rentedtrt but found no relief unlil t comihertcea :
using year excellent raedicinp,.at which time i wi6
who!]) confined lo my Led, Atier util-git a few montha
1 am now able to watr about, rideoot,and i*iyoy acorn
i'urtablr degree of henlth, which I atlribuld entirrly to
tl c u*i- of band's Sarsapartlja, Please aectpj niy as
surance of gmtitudr- and regard. • ;
Reiitr perwinnlly ucqruinted with the above state'
mrnt, l hereby certify that tits same U true.
Faituib TuTiMortr —Tlie following is on extract
from a letter rcceived from WilliamGulusbs: >,
jMlssi*. Sands: I have Ixeii atH cted with a severe
r.uin mmy *iib-. oceasimied by a di*ra*Cil liver,'for the
I st,twenty year*- suffcytng at votes what tnhgu&gei
cannot couvey, but, suicu taking toutSarvapar.iUo, 1.
have bej'n’greatly felievcd.'sontireutoUjal I huvelieen
able u» attend to my busings*, find preaclfodcavloUally
for the la«t fifteen mouths, vj wholly discarded all other
medicine, and thoroughly irltfl the Sarsaparilla, which
I can recommotd ia.uatn and sincerity to'all there dr bo
are in any wny afflicted with any species of ycrofulous
complaints. There have been some remarkable core*
effected by ns use in ibis vicinity.' Mrs.'ls Shaw, by
the u*e of six bottles, wtv* restored ip better health than
she Lad before enjoyed for ten years, and Mrs. W. Ste
vin*.whohad been severely afflicted with the Eryttp
elast was entirely cured by the use r.f u few Imtllea •
. Your* truly, • \VM. GALUSIIA
For further particulars and conclusive evidence of its
superior vnlitu and efficacy, sec pamphlets, which ipav,
be obtained Of Agents gratis.
I repared and so d by ; A. B. A D Sind i, DrafgiiU, 100
Fulton n, corner of William, New York.' . .
Sold also by L. WILCOX, Jr-, Pittsburgh;'lt. Har
wood, Heaven Wa, WaUon,New Castle; D-N. Rob
tson, Urownsville; A. Crctgh, Washington; and by
Druggists generally throughout th< United States.
Price 81 per botlJc—eix bottles for 85.
The pubiic are respectfully requested to remember
that it is Sand’s SorsapariTta that'll is constantly achiev
ing such remarkable euros of the most difficult clawof
di»ea«es to which the human frame >• subject; there
fore a*k for Sand’s Sarsaparilla, and take ho othrr. '
what ho* relieved himu> such aihort time from his dit
fieahy of bmlhing, Cough and ’saffocatfoa* He
will tell you it was “the OloMoaian,or All-
Healing Raima. ’’ ' Ask the caosumjptire.
what hwelhyedht* Cough, mpored
the Pais. is . hi* Side aod Chest,
cheeked his night sweats, sad " . ,
placed the ruse of health
upas his cheek? Bad
he will tell >'au
. A*k your friend* if they kuow of anything that will so spec
dily cure a laag and tedium* Cough. Hailing of Blood, Brest '
rtutj*, D)*peciie Couiimptiou, Hoaracacsi, lofiuem* and
disektea of the Throat, e* the Olouontkaf end they will tell
)ott— No. There i>eier ytt has beers k remedy introduced to
public notice which ha* been productive of so much good is
*<> abort > t]ace of lime. Read the following.
Astenlkhltig Cures.
Ws. Boxd, tbe ctlcbfrud llo*Uit> cracker baker, 9dNo»-
•aii ttrret, Brnoklrn, lUtu tliot lu* wife has heeu afflicted
' with A*thma for® yean, ud could not find permanent re
lief from the best medical advice which New .York ud-
Broyklth cuuld produce, we* induced lo try lHi» greet reme-
i* laow nearly well. HT* dtuglilcr who W*J Vuflcr
lUC £tuju the one.disease, tried'it,kod vrw kßp.cared by it
-Mrs Hi-ad ii row iu well thkl the it able tc jji<|rom her
l»r<l early in tbt morning and attend to her uiiiiddctiesthrough
the day withuul any aaaoyvre fromher.dbtreamnguishkiy.
IlssaT Jacxsu.v, Kith itreet, iwar the Catholicl>metrj,
earn* to the virrrr for the pnrpmr i.f obtaining a bottle of the
Olusaaimm, having becu afflicted with Dm Asthma for aura
than U> )fan, and was so exhausted on his . arrival that he
conldjtiot rpeak.' He purchowd a bottle and rode home.—
Four (lay* afterward ho walked Cnna his itildaw la the oft
fire without falicue,a di*Ut>ce of over Iwo.mOeKlO tell ef
tlw wimderftil relief which' he had experienced Irtla using
*buut,cne half of ooebottle.
Conaomptlon of t|>e Lnaei.
Mr. CoaroXT) S-whiU street, wai so.lovr iu the month
of December bM.that he wtt rivea up by hisphyueua. Hi*'
' friend* eutcrUiaed uo hgpe af nil prcoicry. Be vw perrua-
Hed to try'the 01-aeoninn, and la hi* *urpriie it h* l .* o fer
rwtored him to health tliai he b sow able to vrallr about tiff
Mr* Arnii. the wife of Wn 11. Attree, James Hamas,
Ew'p and Ucu W. Uayt, L*<|. can all hear' testimony from
their own esperienee of the bealmg ptoperlica of this Orest
Remedy in Consumption of the Lunp.
SpHtl&'g Blood.' ",
Mrs. Tuooaoeasa, £1 Moore* street, had 'been
troubled for a great kwth of tima by a sever* coogfc, and
raised of blood-, jraj anabotll* ofthe
Olortotjtan.and deelarrs italic greatest remedy ia the srorld.
Pmu iUut; ffl Water street, was also rtUeved trota
the same cnejrplaiat, thho&h hr w» very muh if'dueed
when he commenced basing been oader the eareof
hi* physician during the pasC winter. Althoogh lie eoorhed
constant!* and seas scry‘much .troubled with night ■*•*&, S
bottle* of tlie remedy enabled him to return, to 1 hi* duly
work. He was entirely relieved. f l . •
Dasrtn HuDiuoa.M? Lairhl street. Boraett,
formerly of Newark, N.-J., Henry Lisbon, 193 RWngtOO
street, and numerous other persons base beets' Speedily and
permanently enredlof tb« same cosaplaialby (hD remedy. '
Tbc Array of Bamtt •
whtch could be produced of persons who liarc need this great
mn*dy would more than fill a column.' Among (be number
see are permitted to refer to A. hi- Bfniagtr, lu3 Barth* *l,
Mr. Wilson of Hoboken; Mrs Beit oflklorrUtowa, N. J.t
James B Dcroc. 101 ReadetL; Mr*. M’Caffree,SO'AUoroty.
it,; V. dmiih, SI Third Atenot, Mr* Wm. IL AUieebrUm
citf.aad Ur* ArchtbaU,3s WhiUst t . i
Sold wholcmlcand Jsekaoa,at hisPaUat
Medicine Warehouse and Bout sad Shoe Store, N 069 Libo-
Street, hfad of Wood streetPiUsbugh. Frsee^l^^bat
X ER.V—A Blessing! A Miracle!! AWooder.'.'
—To. core Eruption* soil Disfigurements of the Skin,
Purples. Freckles, Sunburn, Sail Rbcum, Seurvv, Sjoro
Head*, Ac., Ac. ..
Four yearn ago 14*1 August, ike capital of France
wps aßUMn*hfdmcoa«eqocnee of ■ diicoveryitadeb)'.
nfi Italian Chemist. Many doubted—it seemed almost
-dr impossibility that, anything' made by
man, could have such singular pa wets as ihaielaitned'
by Antonia Vcpiiniiorhis invention. .&laayglassed,
him and hi* iavcniiod a* a humbug, (and.
footisb prisons without trying do the same. nowJ at
| length, after telling itinibe hospitals, the’Medical So
ciety. of. Fans itba best chemists iothe world] delivered
the following/rj*sn to Sirnot Vesprini:
I* We have now minutely and carcfally exaqfilfledlßc
singular ibrentionor.veiprinl. W* hare ahtdyxvß Its
component parts—wehaveused it itt several eases,and'
we hesiituc. not.ia pronounce it-fthq Italian Ckunscal
Soap] as a great blessing, nod a duly woniUrfUlmao
uy tbr any cutaneous eruption or. dM£gurc(nentci£tb?
Skill. Its inwutol we Consider the lruA philaiuhriftpUt
of sußcfhtgmankind. ►, * —• ‘ ■-■ rzT
From the inventor himielf to theprcwntProprietor: •
, ... , v Pai»*,Nov,4,ls«H
Inconsideration of thr turn of •Moo.Lbavr-divoh
trttpMr.T. Jonc*, redding In the ciiy of New York.
N. A., lli® whole proceo of manafaeuirlng, together
with a italementof the ingredient* eorapoilneioy lt4l
»aa Chemical Soap. lie i* lomanafactnre itforaaleln
the Unned States only, and to have the privilege of na>
rainr u“Jones'ltaltan Chemical Soap.”
Witneu: lleary J. floldiwortiiA• ' :
<It?-SoWby XV JACKSON, Patent Medicine
Warehouse, SI Liberty urect, head of \\ ood,' at the
»ign of the Big Boot.
The Otilr plate in Titiahargfc where the GENUINE
cjui he obtained. . AHoiltomareCounterfeit.' /■!!: *
EFFKCTUAtLY.and ipfedily cured by theuaoo
the Great Remedy of Nature. AMERICAN'OIL
It alnioft iniraru.'oufly yrdijcli* Inflammation and eon*
•cijaenily i* warranted iit all erne* to leave tie team or
•car W the fle*li.
Sold wholesale »ud retail by WJJ. JACKSON, afjii*
Root and Shoe Sioru and latent Medicine-Wnrehouie,
to Liberty atreet, head o r Wood, Pitubureh Price : 30
cent* and SI per bottle. -
W Jack»tm being the Exclusive A gem fat \Ve*t«rn
1 c ‘7!y lvan ! a ' "«!« Reauinobniwhal it told by HIM 4
or Ilia appointed Agent*. v*.**..
_ A Pamphlet containing ampledirections, Ac.,
with the names and address of'the*Proprietor and Pria
c *f ** a * cml ' ’* onvckjped with wrapper of each bottle.
Ahunuanecof certificate* can be icenauho there.'.
T A piES :\Vbo-U*e Common Prepared Chalk, are
4-J• olten tiot hware limy. frighttaliy tiijarioM tt -ia- tot
Utoskmijhowcaanw,bcw.foogb, howC»illoir»jeHew, :
akin.appeara.aiVi am*. prepared
deieicrtoß* qtulibei; and it inpan* to Oie ikin * n*tu--
ral, bcnlihy, a!al>a»tcr, clear, hying while, at the came
am**nrtotf a co vseticou the ,»kiiyntakipg it *afl
I>r. Jamei. Anderson, Pri«lic*r'Chenjlft of. Maria-'
rhuMli*. c»v*; “After analyaing Jone»'aP|»ani*h'LlHT'
White f I but) it po«te**ciHiic m<*t beautiful nau>*
rnlj at; ikarame tlmeliumcent while’ l ever »aw.. L
cettninlvean coitaclentronsiy rrwjnttttcmUu owtball
whofoakiu replies beautifying "
■ {DN-rictfiiJeemaatxix'-> ' • •' ‘
l0*:8oid by ,WM.JACKftON,»thi»Bo«>< attd She
Bu>(ol£9 Liberty street, bead of-Wtxx), at iha«ixa<
thePiylW. •: . - - . jets:
&o Cor#, So P*jn
Hr. Jaebon' Pilo Embrocation Enrr Failx.'
THERCarolew dUeaiea more common or troa*
blciomo thin the Pile*, end yet, ootwithtUnd*
inj treat cflorU have been .made to cure by the bae
of Pill*. electulrie«,'l ininenU,-decl. nil '• werefatile
and of beoebL Now the-KtsoroctUor iathe
only medicine oaed. •Apenonobohasbeeeaeffer*'
ingeritb the Pile*of theworatkiod cant* frtnnSaV
lorn, Near Jeraey, ahnoetea>purpose to eipteae’bi»
gratitude Tor ibe epeedy cure that thia tsbdteme bad
effected in hiaease.—PhiU. Sat-Poat.;: . ■ >.
•CTPor aaie in Pitlaburgh at the PEKEIN TEA
? l .*yj iS! Jtofe
H. P 'bctiwsoti, federal aC Allegheny City*
ftrtrtS'l* *; J - v~
jbCllßa—ibblitNt Aacrinair. ..
mv . . .. PLASTER. - s .' : J ~..
URL SHERMAN tub discovered a way to make medicine I
so tkat eklUrw, w jlj tahw it r«di!y and cry f »
"°"*p ,Un M* ‘I box uf dt !
■ *** »*»«, «w*t sure andeffreiuUrtm-
of tu 1
(hel»ty*V,rest^iagtohealthperwa* ia aluawt*„ r > *tJ3
ofejmwmipOoo.aad IW labonnr under Ike moUdatrrwiw
cold* and cvuglt*. They dokot cheek and dry up theeo'iul,
but render it eo»j, promoU eipectoratkm, allay ttre- licklinc w
imtaUtm, and remove the prosumte or exciting cam J.-t
Tlwy at* madeifh«,i eomWioo of a snt valMbWespre 1
tofaat.«cough medwtnes, ud art undoubtedly sujwrkJrlo
cverTlhlagu.Uscfor tliOKromplaluC*'' Hundred* u,.* hun-
have been offered ofg>eir w.uiduful vir
tu**, fh}» those wly hate been saved frSjhM un timer, -rave
and restored to perfect health K
Where there amtjeb pun is the hreaitor salejooeofShtr
man’. Poor.Alaa.’s.Plastcra (j-nee only 12* out*,) ,h,.u« be
apphed. over, the jwet, and wo.n uU relieved. If ailcadtd
with sosUycacss, a/few caUiarhe or laxative haeiire*, or u ,
mildcstharUp should be used as requires
• Tlioe warm Jraroret have been proved Inmotethiij J-wo i
000 coses to be ioLlilhit; the only certain worn dutroyin* 1
mctlimtercrdacoTrrtd. Many diseasessrises fromworms ’
and occasion long aad intense tullcring, and (sea death, with
imt llteir ever being suspecled; grown persons are vrn oftca
. afflicted with them, and are duclorrd for various roinidainlt ’.
wiihiHitanj benefit; when one dose of these Lcoenrc* weald
ipeedily'eure(htsi. \
.-b'kmpcnmrrf (Terms.—Peius in the joints or limts, offen\
•use breath,picking at theiKve,grinding of the itetli durit*■
tunc*a pakoest about the bps,with flushed chScks
bleediogatthe coee,agoawinc senAtioaat the sUxbocli, flash’
es of heat over the surface oftlic body, slight chills nr shiv ,
..* ,MI Pi hsadaehe, drowiineas, vertigo, torpor, disturbed
dream*, sadden starling in sleep, with fright and xrtoiAine;
f®“*cough, feveruhnw, (hint* pktiLl i
» u »kadt*rte in the mouth, dilflcull najn m *
ek.u! t i’S^ii‘i» o^t b 0 sqcamuhpes*. ' ora
“* nni ?'» fc Lileel stomach or nr*,
shooting pains to vanou* part* of the body, a tc&2 or * nt
««towards niglt,.
ft sl * >mtntd:»te relief in oerrous err sirk I.eadacLr
l|Uat,*la2 B «rS«Sa or.wlirfSi.icET
ctob., m ™. p of 1, „ h„.V ] .ttdto
afl«Uofti,iad all oervoui dl*rams.drowmrt»«ittoi.l?A.
day, and' throogh .the night; cholera or chM*
w»morbus, dmrrhcaa, lamitudaor «m*eoffotbue Per-'
son* travalLng or alt ending lajje parties, will
ft “ rtMjnrrruif , and itnpartinj.ihe buoyancy or youth; u*d
after diminatson, User wiU restore the looe of the sjttrm ren*
! , traJ T» «<1 «»ore all the uople*nnt symptom, arliw Swi
; too tree, living. Persoae who.have been toohigh lii.r*; tod
i abandonedUtcu 1 duacatsdhabits, -will find
SBireble composers of the nerves.
! Thebesutrengtlaflingpluierhi Hi* world, taJ* IV.erelfu
|reiMdyforp.m i , OT . wei k aeMin the back, loins, »»U., iecl. X.
- tc. One millW a ;
lla ®‘«PP*J‘ l «*m*»d. They require a little Warm l -
| }?* Warranted superior to alloihtrsLund"
for one quarter the usual maltiug not only the best! but
:U/*cheapest ph*le, « the* wor’ld. It aflbrd. relief
lltonrt,and makesastoouhbig cure*. w ' - !} • .
*** tl >‘P*r~L it shtmltl be worn love/
stomach, and it wilt alford freafand
*»a«!;aiWy rf
breathing, oppmsion of the chest orstomachrShey wißio
mcdulely sooth and greoUy benefit the pffS'nt. IVreKf
decided MMurt from one of the** inly s'la*:
M r, -iV-*tl.**, iS prefereilce to
er-rellcC la their operaUon, they are stimSlenLtUfl aid
anodnie. Thtya« cobbokJ of entirely dilßereutWJji: _
entaihiaany.othcr, and known from ik- ..rf
two* who hare used them, as wtU as the »ilCiTSyiy 'r
oU lheeel*br»tedand dtsUugtOshed elergy etjphrtkiaa?u
be Ihsowtt useful and highly “T* *
Sereral persocj have odUd at the wnrehjw* fo „ ipeil
DiretUowJiaseareM the bmkofeaeh piaster, Jilh 4“ '
always ajk foe Sheraan’, Poor Alan’s I’kLiL*, Jd , hl t
there are many worSlmimllktioni
hawtedahout and iohl for llie true Sheimin’* Plastere. by
jwnpnacipled dealers. f . > /
Sold wholmkaadrebil by W. JACKSON"*! hts ralroj :
*<* S'' if'■?> '“fo.« p y- ' ■ •
Ur. CDLIiBN’SIXUIdN ftllliTtßtm SJEEi
PERSONS alflicled with Scrofula, Kinya Evil
}JL Lancer, Erysipelas, Old Snrci, lilccra, Tetter
E Mercurial Omeasca, or any olher eomjvfarols urisiiti
majmpantrafrSPthe blood, are rfqbestril til fc-. 3
te touowing testimonlala, jn prool if ibe fvolidcr
il propertte* p! titeobbtenutfied racdiciue
; - -READL/READ!! REA 011!
W*. ibe uooereigned, haring wished Mr. Isaac
°® ce °f f«CBßrs[ ilowasij anJ -
fajton, 376 Market street. Philadelphia, consider
is cose the mr st remarkable one we bave ever wit;
sssed or heart of. ?
His disease was SCROFULA, and terrible musl
ire been h :t- twelve yeara’. conflict with the de
airoyeri ' • "
I Hi*_Palale f l ' e entire rotd"of bis mouth Nr>j«- Up
per Lip,and lower Ltd ol tbe Right Eye have bt-cn
gestroved, his h ace nearly e?ten up,and part Of the
Haw Bone carried away. And vet we cahinvo no
Jlcscnplion of his ease. - i . B
! Mr. B. informs •*» in ti.i whole
interior of hta month, well as.moet.ol* his face
Wax a man of doep and painful olcerkl
L its ,^ J "' ar y commenced toline
LEAj Whicit checked the dtiense in a lew dais, and
|rom that unc lpx prugretsjed without iaj
f New 'fiesh has snphlied the piaec or the
isra, and,Uion ? h badly disfigured, his face is wrotfif.'
amf hts general health is restored, f *
i -Wo-art-assured Dm in-lho treatment of Mr.
Urooks’ case, no Mercurials;'Ojnlaienls, or Cadstic
applications have been o«ed, —to fter, The PANA--
LEA ALONE,bas wrought ibis wonderful chance
David Smith. Racks County, Pa. ,
Charles L.l(owand, Me*dkinF, Crawford fcdl*s.- j
J W-Jones, M D South Second street, Lhila '
1 # Jacob Lee; Pemberton,'f
E \V'CarT,+lo W.Fpflrtb , 'abo?e Poplar at, N. L.
S M'l olloogh, Lancaster, Pa. 1 • '
H M Maddock, S 3 North Eleventh sL Phila. *
C\V Appletou, M D46:Soutl»sL- do
‘ TitnolbyCsidwcll, Marion co. Missouri.
Daniel YeakeECHasnatHiH,Philadelphia co Pa
John Horned,396 High •
iVjlliaim Siecliag, MJQ,‘Camden. N. J. *
tVUUaaflile,’37B High street, Pbila.
H Potter, Maonfacturerol'Minertl Teeth JOBS
Ninth street,Philo. •:
*.A VVoUenweber, Ed. Phila. Democrat iTT'N 3d
. street,': .do-’ 1 ' • - .
Ceoree WMentx, Bnuh Maker, 317 Market 5iL
' pmL’arr, 159 ChesnoLslreel, Phils.
A D Gillette, Pastor of Eleventh Baptist Uwrch/
Phil*.' '• ' t - r ',
lobn Bell, Erie'Street, Philadelphia, (Nonh Atuer!.. *.,•
Lar6o]Sand#, ie# Catharine Street, Phils. •
Kessler’s Aliev, do
Indrew Sweaton, Camden, N J?
\ H Evans, West Pbila. 1
ItehiriJ'tt; Voung, Gilder, 4®-Market fft.fPhils
olta AVvAshmcad, 60 South Sixth sUxct, do
; rS WagDer.Lttbographer, HSCbesaut street; -do*
. - vJ KeQiil,,lS3 Elevctitbjitreet, . du ;
’eter.Sken Smith. Editor Native Eagle,! do
oel Bodine, Glaas minulicturec,‘ IViiliamslowp
N. J. 7 / . '.. y i»> ,
\i'lum.StMlj,Fanaingtoh, Von Buren cn. lowa
* B C’oics, M D, BostonjMass. ,
iussel Canfield, Phisinlogtst, Philadelphia,
rbomas P S-Roby. M D,j narrisburgb, ra. *
’elec; Wright, 539 Market, street, pbila. ;
antes W.Newlio,.lo3 FilbcrtuA. do
ohn Good, lit Sppice sL do ~
ViUianUlne,; PastorSt,P3aPsMitS.Ch.Catharine
SL Pbils.
ohn Chambers, Pastor Jst Indep. Chorrh, Broad
sf,' do'" ' 1 •’ - *
T L Sanders, Publisher or Pledge, and Standard.
PJnla.-T'.' . • ; -
r P Sellers. Editor Olive B trch, Dovlestnwn;
Bocks.coj Pa.-;."!'* r ’’r'‘ i * 1 ’ 7 - ■ ; ,
Wholesale snd Retail by Rowand v Walton, Pm
rictora,376'Market SL-Phdsdetpfaia* It k>Selters -
1 Wood it-Pimbergb/Pa.; Wm. Th > -,M
:et«t.-dori K BPerkus,eMsrieUa,.Ohio; ; <-atos>tk.
- ih£p',tM*yh>ilte^KiY;John W Danenho»er.Cin.,
IhibjSideU&Rcevcs, Madison JafC Ni>blo,isoats-.
' illej.K ViPMfcroaek icPrlloo’r. St. Louis, Mir.,
* H.MeGnw, Natcbet, Mjsst-Hardswav .V John
tO'n ; V!tckibutjfi,dt>j Charics Jenkim, New Orfeufl .
• v: ' ''' ' 1 ocS*
i •■*
J - « D-R8: iBI>.S«iUKUKVnN i :<
fTfHßobj«cto/Gus<ii*tabltshmentil to supply a wan <
LI. prutly fell by respectable traveilrrson our Ui*trrn
highwaya^-bypreside au, ■wilboot • family, ut>a%iclt—'
tiuLby p alien isfrom the sunoniuliof town* mid toaninr
who resort to this place for, relief from sargiOil au&ethet
. ci selafcal; Bueh have oflea sofictcd from die w-jju of tie!
'▼anossesmfertaaad-.aueaiions so necessary and
able to the itch, andiYbra careless and unfaithiul nurses: '
iad been sabj wed to [heavy and onreasotia’ilc eimrnst
j lntajidi will'here be provided with euiPMi’t.iutitiA •’
and comfortable attendance, and at a ra o tuaUi below'
me tnalebai£es. ! j
| .While the ctreofLOlb physician* will be extruded
iver/ivnrtetj.p?ai«a*e,iUsi(U*nded by Dr tfpi-er • '
fiTesprtlalatirtitrtnUrr all ' » '■• "
J To these branches of hi* profeaeion he has gVerf a
mjceibajeofbjs attention fcr the bMitwenty-fivcyearv
inufafl will’coatiiiOe jlo .dcvoie to them the rxprncnpc'
icqairedby ft coolant’practice, durinfUiat Utoe,
! The Hotenbr InrjUidsl* netaA experiment. lu estaiii
6»haeni,UjH)ge»tediyi.oply u nee/-Maty to «ujiji]y an
evident want in thisottr, in tho entire absence of any
racial provision forthe:lbiek,bftt ie warranted aleo Ly;
Ihe'McceMoffcilfiUatjuMftilfiliacu et Cincinnati and New-
Orleans "the former under (he care of lit*. Taltaierro
Marshall ftnd S*trader--*ht.lulter .under that of Dr. Stone
] Tbobaildutf selected for the purpose is plcao.etnlysi -
batedPQlhn-poflh AiJegbeny river. m-.urth•
fcgOtdotL it- i» commodious and toomy, and. funiithe I
With all aeecmnmdationfc neeeseary for the tick,
j Applications foradmishionto lie made to the'suhrer
betiu at thtiroficc cd Thun street, t'iiV i sl>arj;b > or'ai ib
inahlwhment. »i--J ■•>..••.? . . ..
j tr7»Wdwa»siott*difeaaoa vyill be admiatd. - :
: -I R KBfIN.PM.
i V jrifcitfhlt herbngtiicunny fact! ‘ Look ’
!f" SlTTccnUb-arakrorthß,
i?S^ e^ t *^ r^w “ ich w o«l‘» free
t iftJC? 0 y!* tn * yellow tkm clear and
(“uteb C !sSf°Ss^‘ w ’“ vs “ r “' » L “»"r •>-
li.rVft^nSS?®^H^T?“*>‘P l#cc in pl, l*bur C l! where
bi«loUt*UjDcd % ilewnrc ofCountrr.
| (be Btußoonund* m the doorway, i
3T,f OfiifiS’rcli &ti iiT\ ru p- ; u kllbilld tie
IYA Jmbitlbcd andsuite known 10 the poblie.” YblM
hratlaocxpretcioaof aablii man who tried Uießyrup.
‘ ''•'•-•••• |l*iTTiac*aB, February l, 1547.-
t Mr-Morcaiu—Thi» nay certify that being alD»ct»!.
with a trooulcMßie couth mow time* 1 boutot • boulr •
Of Martxn’i Conrptjywp, and am happy to aay, alter
uinfit; my cou*o u entirely sored.. 1 pronounce roar '
CoitchByra>Uie,bfextmedlciae I hfeveevernud. No 1 .
faßuly tboaldhewilbOßUhls vitaabie reedicme.
J ‘ DAVID MoEOBErK, AJlejthenr City
• <DTTh>«medJ«tM it prepared irboiomle -and retail.
-tihcDTT.eSiere.of , JOIiND MORGAN. ,
! ThS
Tg E - ,lMa «MtMra mr-iiwiM.
"T/ffl- *dACEBON»® liberty meet, head ;
etoe More, tip pf the Big
... -'-5 .i...; . -
'<sSS3BSSslsfl^^L' ;