-A? cctnoon ial tm cyi •*•**«* we hiTejo'l receded iiiid Ur*ti *eeJ More- »t«a 8w w iw»g*g 40 «r*U f»W« MflwUWUjirj 1 M w * •V. •»>•■' CONEAD, aa. M.rkrt 1 Philadelphia •pSCtli'tv V\« . JOtt d« IBlll* an do ,iO«Ms • •„'» vim t c. SKO AUH-Cakt / Ml/ J*p«n»»b dor- /' : . - , Y^VrM^DLESS mAKNEUS’ OIL-HbM» ioaiwol" 4 on coa -1 -ltmm',,l, ».iJ tot •*'' tS VOOD . JONES k Co. TJIITTKH * “JJ" 1 B - is-aswtt&r ■35 wood meet POTTOS -rAna, Vj C«pctCliam«rCouo»Twi w » t "® n rjjEY fc-Co Tor »*lr i»y mfl ““ 5 -TANDS l’iirti. ■“\v[ck”a Wandless co, TOJ a «* d ii„.ue"»ndN. Orleww. fer «)e M“y “pj - Wl OKjk M cCAN DLKSS T[ICE-in.»rr .« to, MeCANDI ,EEB S”°nJ? l-L ”* f ’° i C '“*K** WiANDLESS T o J[ - ; y..w. t.». c-yaaggfeT 1 Wfil.AHd —«-•*» Lose* 6x10; . . JJUFFALO RUUtS-U. ■>•*• t C jIAVANASKOAn.-b.-^.r 200 !i;i-J:w...^;p l h ?v, f ;ii-A 1 "D,Worth XV Curtail- !•)• f UQ wood.» rafelf ii-Eit* "" VKMSrSsSs-i. i-=j“ViSiSaT&>““ 1/ baH>i anJ f<»i >i*'o t»> . HO wood pTEACn av.cj X <-lo« toa«iKooieut, No 31 water »t i my’ DACON-3 , p.nn nmcK-a)W>.l««nia»li'y,fot .»lelowj gLo 'Vh°KVn Jl ß°l'y> iCo. «"«»* frol "*“- 'OTASU-llcl. '“»'t-ifea RIIEYACo <>TT°N -ISU b.lrr U j. Co eudt-44 N i\r e,vcJ p<r Me “ n " b J J fo« «.!*-• b> UTC|USON 4. CO ±pjl - " niu mos-*u» ; . !»<!•■« f 7Sj“ D 'IS ; Il k ' JT Krir. a'** l « w»l»T »l Ol Hill;* 1-i""* 1 °''' '“imlF.Ki HICKCTSON *JI W)J J si# SH gAI-T-Nt 1 S.ll, lor ‘» I ; V^KM cCiLNIILEg3 g«|«* 11SD OHASaBA-100 bn. 50 o' L,';r h ' , °' I Kwu^“S , NEn J 5L«~^!' JjnV APPI.KB->» ■ l °’Viw o H"MAH£!i noix buttell t *.*S» w '"us3S*'ffSH* It«ale»iy _ «n>i 7751 ruTdAB-IOOhW., «ricUy ©«deby Nft a> water it my 3 Li- APP>F. ® gQTZ, W< Liberty ureet A iiTLßaoS—l C+* be«. Sicily; -bi'- * pJ * IT — »* lEAS—liywn *y°¥ l ( RiJj??2j er L Hy*on Skm A t »? 0 P 0 T^I» Kr „ ■P‘” cor wood and wa»Cf»w ceived »nd forttle by JJo 17 liberty «1 ■4 ~ AT~i»hi m Piaster Pam, for **l° *? rtl^£ rtl ?.'2 400 T-ggimr- ?v s?'"^“ PALM'SOAP-g»V»|»g M d tor Jr do do Com,, j%i|c>ONMAKKßiC^ ,*ale by No S 4 wood H ■ SXbvtkJj »«■ *"»>“■S" 1 Jj and for »»le low toy i**g| wood »t „„ B bL3 Sit'd Cidtr, os cossissooat; >ZI jSTSrSs^TsrStair T>Xcis-»M lb. Botoo/o—wed, J«« rmeiTrf J 5 ond for Mlc by g p „ nM nONNIIOMr »; Co . jg-» , •p*jy FIHH— M»ck»-ret, l>tl» . . ■H“““"j"*»WWSmA' n tt Lf AKCWgg ’ f) r£cA!.°r.F33 o ,^a MP ' Wh *H' “^nX^sg&S jTTvCUM n ior »»'• >•>' *P” ~ t 5 &oa-so .aw ii.. KCo -P_!P» —— 100 ggJg»-r»,.^I.BgS «*•'. IlKt *vaa ; Midi**?’ 4, i»rf> 1.1. U Hour; »P.. naooMß-»«». J 5 for »»l« I'V ~ 81 ,u " No 33 front» uXi;->T,in»ibr feT “ fe ¥a»BV»BE3T LAX VBKO-« >»• “i" A VsBV i BEST »£H) A ,r IND SOK S.WP-S ■W SM.".<“'.'* l :' br 1 bchoonmake»*«> T Is# KK D J L ~® M b V Jj ant) for **!•> by • ’ w,,k liberty «L l/* 1 ' rB gj^s» Ki.sV»mJ ( enil.for «l<r by 17 liberty «g*« 10 l " 1 "timoi*' cVPAKlftlt VrillTlirO—ttbbU, * ' L T "" to “' , a»ni. *. xrjrrji i) Jkk I*l* Jl Ulc i>; op2o C— » bbU of Dm verv bo*t W» braun ic aerr&it tot Ltb»ttymi>4B>CUlr<UceU .P,7,r H.;h« \j JiowU aad *rwc«f*.*« ,h gJjoDKS A. ALCORN «.»«*« PSi i>p‘« k»cio»r.» r ’f u iffioßra*_*>£ 0 !!!L, IT Mdfor«*leby , KHWII iSgiy pitih meet <• “ ll 1 f G •S«»"“‘” r ;%{SS l gfL*J&jjaN , • Nogmftii«Tcc< . A< *y COT lm* wood »» 360 ** COMMERCIAL RECORD; : PORT OR PITTSBURGH. PITTSBURGH BO&BD OF TRADE. COMUItTEE FOR MAY. 1. ULLtM. • f,D*LtIU. T>».CU»». KonnMti «f ib« ■ L r* £•: Ckabrn, JndhmaV *P nl ,l m!v. ii Celsdotua, U,U Apr*; «• Hibernia, Bjrne, M »T 1 1?“ J Wtahiagton, Hewni, ” ,y 1 OrrtcK Pittsburgh Gazette, JB Friday Morning, May 7. \ i The weather cooiinoe* beaulilul nod pleasant, but diy. The Riser* bare scarcely varied lor nearly a week, more than three or four inches either way fire is the most—the general stage has been/t* fcti This is water sufficient for the Packets to run on sad make their tine very easily; but the largest class boats cannot carry foil cargoes. • Boats of me* dinm site hare no difficulty, whatever, with all they can carry or get to carry. The Packets in the short trade* are doing very little business. Hon —The announcement early yesterday of ne Caledonia haring been Telegraphed at Boston created a deposition to bold off onlil the tenor of the news waa known. In consequence, the business done was moderate. Prices, too, were rather unset tled. From (he Wharl, sales at s.l,Sofl4 i GB3.from •tore at 54£2t&4 1 63 P bbl. Prices went up nool* ntily when ihe news su known, but nothing done to establish a price—it being Iste. Pig Lead ia in demand. Several sales have been I made nnder eirenmsUnccs forbidding tbeir being I considered a criterion *1 the market. Yesterday a I Min of 23,000 lbs on the Wharl at S V 100 ,bj » cub. Butter continues very active request lor shipment. Good keg realises 9c with facility. Roll iaacarce and mneh wanted at lOfiHe.as in quality, order, dtc. Tho market is equally bare of Lard, and it is muA inquired for at Btt 84c. The demand for Bacon is not met by an adequate ripply. Country cure la quick sale on arrival. Sev eral lota changed hands to extent-20.000 lbs si 6it *J» 74&G, and 7<tBc for Shoulders, Sides and Hams City smoked is In request, but the sales, though ■umeroai, are not in Urge parcels. Prices are firmly maintained. The tame may be said or that in the bands of eily Packer*. We understand IhatlbeCanal Commissioners have O'dered the Collectors to charge Bacon Tolls on i all Porkpkd in cured with Salt and pkd in cits cod bts. This ought not to be endured. The Trans porters contracted to cany it as Pork, acd mode tbeir calculation* 00 tbe Tolls charged on that arti- cle, but aince they are charged Baeon Tolls Uiey are I compelled to pay some JS6 more on each cargo lban would if it were rated a* Pork. Such vexatious I and unjust discriminations against Diem are sbame- I ful, and injurious to trade on the Public Works. I Hour is taking the F.rie Extension joule to N. Y. I *Fhe Hudson left 1098 bbis at Beaver on her trip Tbe poblie money on deposit was held 00 the 90th rI April and 291 b of March. Tbe total deposits to April 30,57,767.820, March 29,55.579,173. Atseven leading commercial points there is locked up and lost, for all legitimate purposes, 55.333,892 At present this hoarding of coin has but little effect upon the money markets, for at present there ■» an i sveraopply ol coin, and more than the banks need I or ean keep profitably. Coin, beyond the neccaaary amount, beeomea unprofitable to banka, for they ake money by Us activity, and not by keeping their vaults. RIVER NEWS. The Beaver Argus sets our friend of ihe Eri« Commercial right, abonl the Bar at the moutb of lb< Beaver. There cannot be more than a loot.aayi tbe Argua, lew water on that Bar than there is ihe Shoals. This obstruction it confined to the Beaver, and is certainly a serious one in low water. The new Packet building for the Pittsburgh and Beaver and Glasgow trade, is rapidly advancing.— Her machinary is partly up, her cabin* nearly fi .-.i»ha ed, and tbe will be ready in perhaps U or 10 day*. >e heard of yet,but the devervea a pretty one, wilt be a handsome eraft L and fast She is a threeboiler boat. The competition In the Reaver trade is pretty se ere at least, for passenger*. A sfor freight, it is 10 abundant, especially lb the Lakes, hardly enough ; boats cap be got to cany it off. The price ot lowing ihas also been redueed considerably. This if an off !set to the increased rate ofTolls on the •Cross-cut' ; nr Pa. and Ohio Canal. The Nashville Banner of the 30th it our authority ! f ltt tbe following:—"A break in the Ohio dam above ; the month of Cumberland has soalterod the channel the river 1 , that boats Tor Ciucmoali and the up ; river town*!pas* on tbe opposite side of the island om Smithland, an>J dn not touch at the town. There •o little water on the Cumberland Bar, that Tears im entertained that the Dick may not be able to ■etop to Smithland. Ui« hoped that n 3 time will elapse before the breach in tbeObio Bar It repaired, utbe water all paaiing on the other aide of the ■land, ia eery detrimental .to boat* wishing to enter •be Cumberland nver. Tb* following regulation* of the Monongabelt Wharf, were recently adopted by Council*— I. The month of Try and Kom street* Tor the landing of lime sand end brick flat*.' j. Grant *treet for the Birmingham ferry boaU. 3 From Grant atreet, to withio 100 lecl ot Cherry *Uey. for Steamer* Out are engaged on the Moaoo *4. From lOOleelabove Cherry alley tn the bridge, for keels,flatsandflit boala, and canal boat# when ° e | e Trom the bridge to Wood atreet, lor Steamer* and their tow* engaged in the trade with Beaver, Erie and Cleveland. g From the apper aide of Wood atreet, to the lower aide o( Market atreet; lor Steamer* engaged in the trade on the Ohio, (below Marietta.) and Miaatotppt Rivers. The Cincinnati regular Packet* to eeeopy that portion at the mouth of, and neat to. Wood street. •j, From the lower aide ol Market atreet, to short ■treet, lor Steamer* and their tow* engaged in the Usde with the port*below Bea*er,and not brlew the Moiiinkingem river, including the Zanesville Packets.' 8. From Short street to Liberty street, for Steam er* finiahieg, repairing, end for sale. 9. Mootb of Liberty street. Tor Jones' lerrr. 10. Fram Liberty street to Pena street, lor floating *u!Vrom Penn atreet to Allegheny River,** much a* BUy be Manchester aad Glaaa Hoaiae ferry boat*; ”S The Wharf Mastef will enforce the general pro visioaa of the Ordinances against the Oonert, Mi*- uraor Agent* ofStefcra Boat*, (tc. that may violate the above rales and regulations. Correspondence ol the , ' CiaciaaaTi, May 3, 12$ r m.*\ The new* by the Sarah Studs, received yesterday, tend rift strengthen the Flour market, and there are beyera »H»* morning at prices which they refuted to pay on Satarday- Ttie sales reported this morning Inelnde 1000 bbls city mill*, deliverable Ist Jone. at <425: 200 do on the Spot,at 420» 450 do, country brands, at at 429- Cora haa advanced in consequence of "the “ Sands’" new*— IGOO bu in bempacks,sold thii* rooming at 55c. Oats remain dull at 574 c. in sck». Whiskey ha* iropiovcd. Sale* Ihia morning at 18|®lS4c. . In ProviaTona, 1 notice sale* ora*? bbla very role •ior Lard at 6ie. 15 caka Bacon Side* at Bc, pkd; 10200 lbs do at Bc, net. 100 tret, connlrv »ugw ired pickled Hama at 8c; market firm No new* an the Weal, nor of local character worth wnliog. Yoon. &-£■ * **• BOATS LBAVIBO THIS DAY, BROWNSVII. •BEAVER PACKETS al3 a. *. and 3 r. m. •MONONGAHKLA CITY PACKETS, 3 r. * 'WELLSVILLE, WelbviUe.9]*. ■ ■D. LEECU Be CVa. PACKET, Philadelphia and Baltimore,9r. *• •HIBERNIA, Wheeling,lo a. e "WILMINGTON, Steubenville. 2,r. M. ■CLIPPER No Y, CineioJhtl, 10 *. u. NIAGARA, St Loom, 4 r. ». ilar Packet*. HITS BY EIVER* Per Zioeavilla I'reket—4s l*h**a ioap, t keg# lard, 2 keg* Urd,s bbla land), 100 do pork. Bingham—2 bse Son—2 kegi lard. 12 bhda bacon, oabam—7 do, I bi bacon, D L«erh lor. S WMtmn-l bbl i.ed, 50 bbl> aeoreningi, Bigtlej * »»>» bd bacon, Church 5c Carolbcr*—l2 ’ Bidwell—Bss pc« bacon and pork, o—t bbl cgga, C Gailighar—9o doa ileboae* and Imba,Slaton* old iron, Kb d *P| .1 bdl/u keg* bot»t M r Clark» broootfj I' order. r Hodibn— 1* hhda tobac., Clarki flour, owner-vJUctiargad 1003 di SUNFI fltTb**- floarst II ST IX bbli lird, A Beeleo Urd, 1 hi bt,WW { ikina.D I I Wiliioct 1 F 7 ciki t 1 145 bhla jpm t Tlglaoni—33 crka bacon. B 7 •fe Thaw— 23l pcks bnflaln robaa, d hkle!;Wigbt»Vn tc Co-I W bbl. ta Graff—W b«l« hemp,J Gtier P ii< i«t. <1 ' v ,-!" k r n -f-u j o< l bbl hama, 02 .Midi bacon, f O laid, 13 keei Odiorne. Per Norik Carolina—sT7ptgale»d, LS WaU —3 bale* ak>aa,2 pega, lObbds tobacc*,2 bbl»U«r 1 5 ken do, D Leech Co—l 9 kega tobaeco, i^urt® I 6l To*w—iOOd hidea, S Wigbtmaa d&CO—6'bhd* 1 U 6M t o*atN | *8 do tobacco, A Gordon—3 do, J A Masuria—£l to ouster—2B Kki hair, z bi», Bingbam. CINCINNATI —Per American Star—96 bWs 21 bxa pork, 5G hbds bacon, Clarke do Thaw r |4« tree pork t s7 orbblado.O Leech ACo JO Able lard oil, BoUer in Bro—4l balea bemp. H Graff —BO bbla base. 1600 cao do, €6 bbda bacon, Taafe x. bWa bams. Jordan A Son—2s do tinedir, Atwood! Jone*&• Co—2o do alam, C Uun bbdl tototco, owner. 5 TEST WATER U> THE CBtSSEL. ARRIVED. Beaver, Hoope, Beaver. - Swataia, (larke. Brownsville. Harlem. Baird. Men. City. Michigan, Hemptiill, Beaver. Consul, Bowtnanfßrownsville. Lake Erie, Bill/Beaver. Despatch, Nelson. Moeoagahels city Wilmington, Stevens. Steubenville. Welisville, Catlett, Wellsviile. Hibernia, Smith. Wheeling. Rambler, Haughton, McKeesport. 1 Messenger, Lmlord; pm. North Carol.na, Devipney, St Louis Taglaoni, Perry, , “ Zaaeiville Placket. Johnson. Zanesville; American Star, Hanna,Cin. Trenton, (new). ■, Shipyard. DEPARTED. Beaver, Hoops, Beaver. Michigan, Hemphill. Beaver. Lake Erie. Ball,.Bearer. Harlem, Boiler, Mon. City. Wisconsin. Grace. Cin. Swatara. Clarke, Brownsville. Wollaviilo. Catlett. Welisville. Consul. Bowman. Brownsville. Hudvoo, Ebbert. Sunfiah. New England, Kbbcrt. Wheeling. Rambler Haughton', Mon. City. Eureka, Crosier, Louiavillc. Sunbeam. Cochran. Louuvillc. Comet, Boyd, Zanesville. Robert Morris, Campbell, St Louis. STEAMBOATS. i PITTSBURGH AND ST LOUIS PACKET. —Mat The new and splendid sieamer r LvO OOHDOMER, tci^. Lyons, master, was built expressly •wSkSStgifflr I■ for this trade, and will leave regu larly during ihe season. Her day a will be advertised hereafter. my?tr FOR NEW ORLEANS—DIRECT. jaamsA THE new and splendid steamer TAGLAONI UiPdrqgffjgy Perry, matter, will leave as above luTi rrßßcgßWhis evening, MayTth. at 4 o’clock P. SJ. For freight or passage apply FOR ST. LOUIS— DIRECT. jMOMkTUE itaanebtnd elenm ttraner F |J NORTH CAROLINA, Dereßney, mittcr, will le»»e u at 4 o’clock, Friday evenm* M»y ?th. For freight or p»»»a*e *p* my' FOR CINCJN ATI—REGULAR PACKET, > THE eJcram and faal Packet tt f Jn*\"A AMERICAN STAR: i, . Hanna, matter, will leare a< above rsK3g«B?u** hl-.„ FriJ«y evening, May 7ih, at 4 o’- clock P.M. For freight or pa’tage mv7. apply on bail'd. . _ FOB ST LOUIS-REGULAR PACKET. i Tbe new and •nlcndid tieuner NIAUARA, Jocob»i Mauler, will leave aa abort. Frid*r mornJnjj, May Tib, For freight or paanga apply on boaid. REGULAR LOUISVILLE FACKET The new. lijrbt diaoghi and fan ran* » nmgnearer KORMA, Crotier, manter. will fun u • regular ■■■BSBBBpaeket betweeu Pimbargh and Lotna wille, dating ibe *ea*on. She Ijnvea ®*> Thursday eee* atng. May Oib. at 4 o'clock. • ® For freight or paaaagcjpply onboard- FOR* LOUISVILLE—REGULAR PACKET. The moreh and fine Paebrt b PACIFIC, f* Law ~fw Campbell, manor. will l«»»e a» a>>ove, Friday morning, at 10 o’- — clock. For freight or parage apply myfl on board. . "fo'k #r. hGUis-iMRBcr. The Sianncli and fau Paekel CKIONi Greenlee. matter wilt leaae a« aha*e yiWWM on Friday morning. May w 100 clock HHBBRaM. For freight or pawage apply on board. _• ?>«. POR ST LOUIS—KRIIiA% KVfcMNO. ■ IhcncwinH elegant »t»«ner 1 oOSOAUEBi Em it niiljnjl. Jiii. mower, will leave »» above on fr»' , »,V-f^ £ «BSgFridiT evening May 7th,at 4 o’clock. >arTararwtTtp or freight or pa»*age apply on board. m fp The twill and splendid Packet ,/«*■» lA CIRCASSIAN’. Llfaetoae? Cox. roaster, will leave Thnrtdar JAWilLmomin K .Mar<hh.aitO o'clock, A h(. amm For freight or pauage apply *hi board. ntyO FOR CINCINNATI AND LOUISVILLK. The new and aiaonrlr Packet HUNBKAM. ' IJLmV Cochran, matter, will leave at above Thursday eveuing. at 4 o’clock p M. For freight or pauage applv on k~.,i “1° FOB ST- LOUIS DIRECT. _ #r . r . The splendid, w<l swift P*“*“*e* , packet- ROHERT MORRIS, Ufri AhlfcML Canplwll. n aster. will leave a* above. lDo’cloek.TburMdsy timnmg. May i Forfreight or on l>c,t<l - m FOR CINCINNATI AND ST. LOUIS. The clrranl and naunrb racket, JB00". ANTHONY WAYNE, LlgjMfQSy Bennett. master. will leave a> above, o’clock. Wednesday momma. May 5. For freight or putt** apply * ' myS "FOR ZANESVILLE. tai** ZH _ . . _ The light dranrht and fast running < steamboat MINOO CJIIKP. Wate-SprES Moore, leader, w.ll ply a« a reg* l ** between this place and Zaaat* "ik F "; Recalar Pliuharth and EaauTllit Packet. . mm The new and light draught steamer A . t COMET, r Jnme* F. Boyd, master. will ran as a J&JBU—*Sg» regular packet between Pittsburgh anaZaneavitl*. Having bad her cabin*‘fitted an and furnirhed in superior style, the Comet otTets the finest accommodaitons to piwiigers She w,! ' ***** oa ; Tuesday, May 4th. aitf o'clock, P M or P--IO .pplr «■ " REGULAR CINCINNATI'PACKET! K The very Ifcht draught and sunneh r steamer ' SWAIXOW, Wilson.master, w.ll run as above do- HgSSiiSSEnnf the season. makm< regnlsr trips. The S. draws only 14 inches water. Per fre.ght or patsage apply onboard. *™.. FOR BT. LOUIS—REGULAR PACKET. Tae »p!endid and waaneh I eeket i BOSCOB, ' UfiaSRK Javen», Bauer, will leave ai above, Saturday morning. May tu, at 10 o • clock. For ireiglrt or pataage apply on board- «PJO Rtiaiar and <ases«lll«. .iiov-a UUMgI Hard, Muter, will make weekly »npa JUaUULto the above port daring the iea- »“ ' freight or !/•«»»£* eppty on bo» rd 0f l 0 ep7 _P WlljlW A**'! .... pitubnrib and Bvniih Paekit, The new and 6ne ateaaer HUDSON, Ebben. matter, baarewmed her reg iiftPWff «tar tnpr and will leave Puuborgh MBHMBB ai above every Tbnrtday and Mop day at. 3 o'clock, V. .M. For freight or paaaage jMgly ° D ~~lriQR "CINCINNATI A LOUISVILLE. The Mandeb and fine ttemraer A . FINANCIER, <'t master, will If*/*** Friday morning April tU, MpKERSPORT, EL dABETII AND MONU\GA- MeKK^f jil LA CITY PACKET. -’J- - w The newateamer DBSPATCn, •UScfant Nel«on. matter, will roo aa ehovc. J« a JSEaHgSkvjng Pit «bvrgh every Monday, Wrd ■»®l o’clock, A. M.,and Mononta bela Oty every Tueeday.Tharilay and Sa l lurd **\*'/ o'clock,'A. M/ For freight or pawage apply onboeid IT* 5 ! . - FOR OT. UIUI! AND ILUNOIs RIVBR Tb« atanneti regular Uliimmc Rive W Packet COLOMBIA, . UMMV O’Neal.ma»ter,w»Uleare a.*bov»o April I7lh, al |0 o’eloek, ‘ For freight or pa*«age ■PP’T 0 board., _ AlltKhenr Tr*d«, The fine ■r^l^w^tJMnbeKt f* Capt Jamr« Alkln»on, will c«— . dp to ruu a* a Regular Packet <ll r j |j, e kudo between pittebnrjb and Pranklm. For fre.icbtor pn«**ff» apply on board. ~‘SKuTiLAk“l i ACK,.T fuk mashViLLE " • The new •learner /nawk 7 wYomsot [iClMf Uapl. .John P- Ilay*. will commence her regular U'P» u* u« ■*»*« port M Monday, U»e »th iowant, ailOo’efoek, * r "' i * hlo ' p "\r H ‘M£R l £pßo'*r. imWA SEW BHOLASD, r li*l iirTi*'' , ~r'* ; " u w will conunenci mnninft a* above. onibotd day o a*** l l ' r "M»reh. leading Pmabnnth every Tnptdav Thuraday and Saturday, U 10 o'clock, A. M., end Iravin* Wherein* every Monday, W cdoewlay and K lic T Npw ?ln«l*nd ha» been rjpreialy for the »*’”«' •W l ’ °“ U ”" > " “JOHN FLACK. A«.M_ V WKLLSVILLK DAILY PAC&ET. *'! The new.elcrnni and fa»l Packet WEUI.BVILI.S. IIUMV C. C Catlett. marner, waa bait) ex pre»»!y for thi* trade, and will make dtHTtnpf during the triton, leavini iSwVfamwSlwrtb “JRWtSr'K' « ,b f »POt lArtM®* wXrfw an H*Fiid»y mlSo’cloek, ETfifeJS P » «gg lt " | be*rd. 1 KKUULAK I mam- K Tl - at *Sr, , Dßß»i*. lULimW ftaiuurl Smith.m*«er,wille^nmetjM . MBL irtrKSTMSS??? I," , ?? For freight ot p»l> 10 oa oa*j?- WolcM 1 • Driß I THB CITT OB nm-W YORK. %%» mS»N B>TOC» t No. «, Joho tt. I Tt York, offer loraale a targe and gtnent ."LSTofW *** Medicine., Die SUIT. KSJTwd witch ihrj Vemllop } BLW»"' k ; JPitfb.'lk. O. w. t'ahnertoek, 5 A.B. Hull, New ¥orh, •P* 0 MISCELLANEOUS- 1 OCEAN STEAM HAfIG&TIOH COIPAJU* U. S. Hail Line la Cotea, SoulkatnpUn and Erontu. THE »pl*odlia«w«e»m»l«ip WASHING f S*p> TON, 17» ton* burthen, Frcdcnek He* iu Milfc commander, will startfrom New Ymkaa ibe Ist June next,earryinfihe United Statesman. fhewin touch it Cowe« «nd Southampton to land passengers and freight, and deliver the natU for Kny* land. Fiance and Belgium, and will then proceed to Bremerhaven- .. -t-v . Reluming wili leave Bremerhaven «n U»e «Ut 01 Jane, and Southampton on the let of July, w here _, c will embark passengers and freight from Eng . • Prance, and Belgiom. Arrangements k* Te ***■*"“*£* to forward foods from Havre up to the law moment, for whieh, tf desired, bills of lading will be ainged by the Southampton connect* by Railroad* with all part* of England, and by *teamboet* with, all the C°n u “ e "* From Bremen aceeM may be had to all Get many, Aos tna. Russia. Italy. Switzerland. 4c. . , The Washington 1* built ia ihestronge*' manner,uni i a view of being eouverted into a stanSof-war, ■ n *J* ob * jeet at any tine to inspection by officer* appointeei uy ■ the PieCaent, both during and after construction. one has two'enginesof 1000 horse power eaeb, and accom modation*" for 140 first elas«, aui 41 second clan pas- from New York to Southamptaaor Bremen, Ft rat elaaa Second elans 00 .. . Pasrage from Bremen or Southampton to ne* * r “’ First class ,* l “l ■ - Second class, . w ... . She will carry about 300 tons freight, which will be charged according lo the nature ofthe foods onentig. All letters must past 'hrough the Po*t Omce- F»*rels, for which bill* of lading will be signed, will be taken at >5 each. , , _ For passage or freigb' apply nt the office of the Ocean Steam Navigation Company. 44 William - street. New York, or to the Agents at Bonthampion, DAY, CROSKEY A FOSS, - Bremen C A HFJNKKEN fcCO, * Havre WILLIAM I9KLIN. Hie Washington is Intended to leave New rork on seeond trip on the first of August neat. Hie second steamer of the line it in due course of consmsetion, and will be in readiness in the ensuing fall g r UHm_ THE TRUTH, BY MEN OF TRUTH. Concerning sellers* vermifuge.-* im glevial producing wonder*.—Read the following from the Rev. S. Wakefield, Pastor of Liberty *t- M b. Pittsburgh. March 8, liV- Mr. R.E. Sellers: Ills from a seine of doty, a* well at with peat pleasure, that I bear testimony to the vir toe of your justly celebrated Vermifuge. ' I procured a tineU bottle, and gave it to three of mf children, who bad been ill for severe! weeks Tbe eldest was sevrn years old, the next four, and the youngest eighteen months. The first fifty-six worms, the second forty seven, and the in ini a considerable number not distinctly recollected. Since then they have beendoin* well, ana are now In good health. . £ Your* respectfully, 5. WaxxnxbD. Fiom the Rev. S E Babcock, of the Methodist Epirco pal Church. , ~’ Mr. R E. Sellers: U is with peat pleasure I would inform you of the good effect* produced «m my son of four yeais of age, by your jostly celebrated \ ennauge- After his having ennvulsious, I givr him three duscs, when b.e passed an almost incred'iahtr number, from whieh time his genetsl health ha* been improved. SEBsscoci. . From the Rev Charles Cooke, of the Methodist Epis copal Chareb: _ I’IU-burgH. December 14.l**S- Mr. R. E. Sellers: I gave n y little daugbier (between ■ three and for year* old) three do*e» of >our Virmiftige. according i©pte*cr»piion. wiih ihe happiest success H,e number of worm* expelled l du wit know precise ly, but it was large. She .■ now inpostession of good health. I think themediciue ussy be confidedl iii-with great nareservedness. U Coos* A« Uua Vermifuge hat never been known to fad m ■n]r instance, wh**n worm* actually existed, parents ■boold rive um profrreace to all others Prepared and told by H. K. SELLERS, between *d and 4lb, on Wood street. For' ‘ **" Caa»cl, Fifth Ward. at t*le l>y Dr. " DEAN’S CHEMICAL PLASTEK. < From Ret Charles Merlon, Minister of the Baptist Chureh, Woorter, late of Ashtabula. O . Jfestrs H. Hern* A Co, Proprietor* of I. Dean* Chemical Planer, IJentletnen:—For *« vcr * l J e * r * , bate from Utne tested ibe virtoesof K. Dean aOiemicai Plasterby name U In t*V family a* a remedy lor Kueu maurar, weakoes* and lemene»» of the back, pain id the breast, infiamaiion of ihe throat and eye*, in, . tbe breast, Ac; and 1 lake plea*me in ray t.g w>o« and to the puMte.that in every caae I have touud it metul. and I ao believe that raid Planer possesses virtue* ol more than ordinary character, and that n will general' ly bo found a *u®eieni remedy for those disease* for which ill* recommended, and i* justly entitled to tbe “ j {rs,"' “ “"’“cSsa. Wooster. 0., Dee. 50.1M2 • ... Hold by B A Fahnestock A Co. corner FirstA Wood •liMl ■ "T»»» WM. A. WABO, DENTIST, • it aS Removed to the bouse on Penn ilrrrl, three doort above Hand mftl, wbeie be may l* found Tfoa 9 o'clock, T-U * m . until S r n. I A* he is deurou* 01 being employed, by «’» r b “‘ who will make immediate payment without the necessity on hi* pan of collecting be would invite par ticular attention to the following term*:, All bill* lefi unpaid at the expns <on ol thirty day*, will be chained at the following rale*— For KltraeiingTeelh. 81 For Filling, irom •* to 81 per eavuy. AU other operation* in the *OlOO proportion. AHeafei.n which engagement* are not ronl.nued, ; liillm will be cotuidereddue aceordiug Ijlhe above reg- uiaiiont. .... . . , 5 B—There are tboee indebted to him whose ac count* if not paid immediately, will l.e ptared .lithe band* of a proper ofliref for rnllrclion ael ji* •■"win- PORTER’S DAOUBURIABS PORTRAIT GALLERY, rtnrd »ireet, adorning PetHKKce, Pnu bargh. Pa.—Ma. PORTER <*om Baltimore) re aflMiruiry invite* the laditsand gentlemen of 1 ui*h *b. and the ooblie generally, m call and examine the large collection of Daguerreot pe Partiait* at hi* Ga *ry | apeeimena produced by Mr. P-. for beauty. briUtan- . ev. diitiocme**, and lone of coloring are not surpassed br any in thi* country A number of the Portrait* of CiUxen*can ba.sern at the Gallery- Call and etamine for yoonelve*. I,ik*ue**es taken n clear or elncdy msbed. Terms moderate. \V S 1 ORTKK entranee Philo Hall Anirway. on 3.1 M>ret. adpiaior Post Ofice. "P* o Third-ikreet, next door to the Bank of Piushnrgn. STHBondr»»ianed. having rer-ommenerd bo sine*#, ha« eatabtished himself at the alw»e stand, where be will kept eonManily on hand and fc»r sale, al trasonnbi*- price*, all desenpions of Faroiureof the I.eM •ia*\n)—wb a* Barer os Bedsieaß*, Chairs, Ottomans, Ho.as. 4c t« AuErKriwiet. warranted of the fineji tjaalry. and will t>« sold as low as any of the same htnd in the few rood band-, end none oibere need "PP I >'» Wlll 6 “ioS» °" ‘"ffixAspra m;curdv 3 do l<ondoo Port, *ery old, to do difTeieni blind* end vintage*. 3 qt ca*k» L»rbon *ut; 9 do do dnr Malaga; 3 hfadawipCferei wine: jy b.ku »op crown ItibO wine y qft»ki»Ml.MN»<l«iii»'n«; y do do Pi)« Shctffi 3 do Madeira vjniage; IMfl, 13 do different brand. and amuse*, 9 do e.k. »weet Malaya; 9 do do Red wine; Pul of th. olioro Hoojul Comooi Hook Look*, m New ktfik; peiw»o» »'*k "8 » pu.eh.~i. mu, rely o» yeu.nj • f ■lVrjfJf,'," X. Omni P»T' «•“' I DR. Jockeoa'* Feubroennoo i» the.only medicine Out will cart thi. »o eery tommoo and iroob.eeowe t«m ll OM only i»«.J.hP;I» hll.y. P“» matioo non. «JI Meedmg,eubdue* iiahniole*nMe»«el» S'SwtKeieallTtww, «h<m u* *£««« ! w!L>m beat haea been tendered taiwrable for Tear* |iaapp|icalioa produce* no pain. bo. talbrr *a »f«ce»- l.te wd piaa..nt wn.anon H per«a. call and bear of the great number ‘fef * c ® been cured, they wn! be a«u>ui.br»i A etnilfinin oi ' ih.« cily, wVo ba*d been under tbe kmre of the fortwoor tbiee lime, wliboui being J^i?d .«»•* bouk. of ibe k-mbroeniion been cradieaH) eureo beyond preeedrjnt'—{Pbil. fO-For aa»a m Pmaburgb •« ibe PKKIN Tt.A KTORB.?3 Founb etrrci, near wood, end el*o «i ib« l>ra« Store of il P Schwartz, Federal «l A ** SIBDLKVI BBlCliPEIt«l-*» «; ■on ha* now commenced for making B*irka ih j.eiibera beg leave again to cail the attention of briektnakem and other* 10 Ihi* very a*efol*mach!ine \V« will warrant it equal if not inpenor to any other Rnck Preaa, of the ■aw price, now m u»e We bare a namberof eertiheatea of tbeifperfor®- anc« t which oecapg too roach ipacrfor advertming, but InyipJ lo ~«»■ ’.Ve will giro onr own guarantee for the performance of the « 6-»J %SSJJdk.V *CO «p»dkw3mF canal barm A penn_*l Bfoilea* , WUK&KA*, L*ite« Testamentary »•** IT?" cramed to the undersigned, Kierutot* of the |a»t will and wetamant «f John McUaaina, deeea • Uie of Plumb TowtwUip, AliegUeny County, nouee riven k» all person* indebted t* the rotate u Sid lecedonL to make r-Apuent; and to tho* bajrin* claim* against the aamo, to present them dnlv ncaied for settlement to eilherof the under*ni* . • RACHKL McMASIWW. Rxeeuiri*. THOMAS MeMASTKR?, ) WM LARIMKR, Jr., ihrecotor*. lIDKIJIO, . > Piub'ah. April » d‘*w4i r r . —.- rmuyn- *p»n y ■ - . ■na doZApp>« "«»*&«. embracing al-oai '® f ‘? lU« of ittromer, aotumn and winter * are V ~d lire led eipre«»lr by the*ab»rnber, from celebrated orchard of the lion. Walter F.-rward. for aale Alan. eraAin* cfoUi.a neat and convenient article fo * rafon* huddfng and covering wumid* on tree* «nd •brobt, prepared by a skilful amateur. ... BN WICKKUfIItAM. cor Olh *■ wood ■<■ NO »» NBW - bw.F.»NB_ PowderedJ J nulled, Clarified and ll»«wij- • Xificei awl Barrel* Al*o, Ku«t.r Ku ’*^h. Price* and * Mr allowance made on all re, 50 barrel*- .t BOTICB. ~ THE p»rtiier»bip eiiMing under the title of ,ta ™‘ lon l sCrlms i. Ibi. d., " J iS»S» ?i”Eb.tnc"*Ui. , “ cn .. ,h- o.d .u.,d b,- »v£ yr ■« d^d “‘ |d . J ";i™v^: Mll . To N rOBES B (iENUINK ITALIAN CHEMICAL J SOAP, for tofienin* the Skin, erndientnif and»!l Eruptions forhealm* chapped band»or cracked flrM for dimlliDK freckle*, tan, «unbnrn andbb.ebed S,” tod imUi • fi«. b«i'ly. TO. b■«! Pj, r n «„u per d.bd x I | S g^■c“ fo, B pl4 enrltl and aunnri wood and dth_* nLCBSIBIP WASTED-For a Iwlffom N I# York, W yean of age; a •ila-u'on in acino »«l* e ** 1 •hie Commercial Kflabhabment in th« eity, A* *t fbo Jew re of hi* r«™nt« that he ihonl.d acquire a know ledge of bo»ine»*. a email remeneraiion mooM only he reoaired for the fim year. Deference, me) he bad to Effiorof Oanlta. _f?5L TATIOSERY-iid received a large atipplj' Of floral, Bil*eredred, Emboaa-edged. Laee,<*Hl and jin Note Paper. Note and Card Knaelope*; \> realh, I Pto.il Knot indHottoWafen. Ae-Attend foriale 1 jnilNOTONfcFTOClCTON.fiiaiiqncra nrd iu W" IHTCD TO BOBHOW-««,3C0 m tSjXD Z," morunur on Ci-.yil'ropert* wonh four Uino* JS£S2SKf .r of leu* for •f.OOO per yur, tor £ b.ildi«v .m U>« monpie- Apply ■» thi» Office- id- gQBWJI *.»»,o' ■*"^n L b & *. RICgCTSON PAPER, BOi ! JOHN CARTWRIGHT, IMPOSTER and Manufacturer of Cutlery, • urgieut and Dental Instrument*. Saddler* and Tinner* hand, tools, Taylor*’ Patent Sbrnr*, Ac Ac. Also manufac ture* Trui*cs, Supporter*. Ac i in great rarietv. /. C.planufacturer and Impoiierof IVu. Pocket and Table gallery: Raxor*.Scitw«i Fdea.s?awi. looH.fcc, **B3 flft Pittsburgh. second door be ! | low Diamond Alley. And ha* lately n**eived a large u**orunenl ol Pan-A Pocket Knlve*. Knives * Porka, Alsdlßodgrra’ and Who*tenhiolm*’ t PIKE CUTLERY, Ellio ts, Rodgera:Wade A Bbtehet’s Kaxora. Scusori*, Raxor&tropa, Ac.. DumoKU* and S GUNS. RIFLES, AND PIsPOIA Allei’s Colt’s and Blum’* Revolver*. Powder Ha *» Shot Belts. Game Bag*, Walker’s A Cox’* 1 cr ' cusiio/j Cap*, Bowie. Dirk and Hunting Tocps.sueh a* Callipers. D.vider*. Flyers, Nipper*. Hand Viee*. Square*. Rule*. Braces, But*, e ; Shav is,£:ocksand Dies Wire and Iron Gnages,»atic *• Instrument*, 4r. in very great variety obbing and repairing neatly and l >u,,c J j“Jj| * HILL A BROWSE. Mi!ccea«ors to llolditliip 4 Brotrne. UFACTURERS and Importers of rAI BK t NGINGS, No h? Wood street. Pittsburgh, easing demand for American Paper haamdnerd :nlarge and improve their Factory, and ihelr m 'or manufacturing arc now equal to any in »e elite*. Having adopted tlie eastern scale 01 jcy take pleasure in inviting ibeir fiienU* unn to examine their atock, which ia now |-* r f fr my Conner period, and may be found as follows: ispttrent window Shades, _ „ ten. American, Satin, Glaxed and Common l a r Hangings;' 1, Veiv t and Imitation Borders: ilscapcs, Statute* and Fire-board I rmt«; ain Paper, yard wide plain green, and tig d, iting. Priming, and Wrapping Pop*'', net Boards, Ac. ind Tanners’ Scraps taken in exchange at tnar mchtTd'tmAwOmT UOOKS-Thc three Divitic aimers. Faith, e and Charity. _ „ raven: or n direction to Heaven. By ' Rev Adams, with an introduction by Hev. •«. sof Miss Mary June Graham. By ** r,r ‘ Bridges, M. A. Author of. Christian Mm use System of Theology}, on the basia of l *' e ‘atecbifiu By Rev. Ajfxander Smith Patter •.an History: comprising historical sketches of' ;it tribes: ■ description of American AnUqoi can inquiry into their origin, and the origin of ; n iribe*. . Hi«4rv of the United States: with appenpix shoeing it* eintJection with European History. History of the preafcng British Provinces.- Hisiory«sOf Mexico and Texkftthy Marrius Willson. The hove just received ai the nook Papcr siore off El LIOTI A ENGLISH a jUoj 57market at -1 |p A PER WAREHOUSE BURLING SLIP, HEW kORK. i tfRUS W. KIEI.D offers for sale at the lowest A • Manufacturers’ prices a very extensive assort- Im -’itof PAPER, comprising every possible variety, I to the want* of constuncra in all sections of tue eoii'itr' . Paper of all kind* made to order at short '"lue’iockof PRINTING PAPER is unusually large a pnriof which is of very superior ‘|B“liiy . PRPEn nAKER'S MATEIIIALS of evefc- desenpliou, imported and kept constantly on han , ’ ic: Felting*. Wira -doth. Fourrinnier Wires, Uldnebing Powder. Blue Ultramarme,Twine.Ac., Ac. ©.mass. Bale Rope. Grass Rope, Bagging. Ac., Ac., pun-lts wd, for which the highest price in Cash will be paid! jyOy New York. Js!rAlM&_ : Hsrdwars IMors Removed. WIIITMOKK A WOUFF having removed from the c irner of Liberty and St Clair streets, io No 50 Woodliireet.tbiee door* aliove St Charles Hotel, would, respectfully a»k the attention of hu>-er* to ibetr stobh of HARDWARE- CUTLERY and SADDLhRI. rac’d per ships Saranak, Monongabcla and Ku*si*. direct from the manofaclurcn of England and Germsuv. Ai»o, supplies of American Hardware, from the prin cipal maouiaciurer* of the Eastern Stale* Their stock lieing entirely new. and purchased upon the best lenu* ihey feel great confidence in being able successfully to meet competition from any quarter, whether east or west ~ The Hardware business will be continued at the old ttaml. "P* WALL PAPKH AND BORDBUS. PRICKS KKDfcCKD—Tboina* ralwrr. No 4. Mar kfti meet, betwreii tM and 4 >i .uert-, announce* to ilii* public that hi*‘j>rc'-ai *hk k <»i N all I'tinrraijfl Nordrr. of b>* •«*•! nianut'nenire i« wrry ei ter-.ivr, *»d daily addilmu. are be.UR in.de w-t.«« ihey are fimrhed -of »r« “'id d pattern* Al»o. a well aborted nock of »meA Pojht and K*rdu». H«*tnr.rec«uil)r reduced tbe price* of the «niele. v fsmi other., in I- Ime. nai euuwriated.] hi* u prrnarctl to «e)l for cnrh.. i Htiroi than any e«tahltih stent of the kiwi. Ea*t or We.t of the mountain* apl3d3tn • ftADDLBHY HARDWARE AND C*R. RIAOR FttRIVITI’RB.. N«*. 133 Wood ■ircet, Plttabnrgli. SBVKN Dnor* atiovc sih. ot»»1 I t'oor aOov II I Child* A (V* Shoe Warrbnu»e Now opening aid for *»le bv KICHABI* T. I.F.KCH Jr. Importer ami draler in Foreign ami |Jotne«iic i*«drtlrr>- Hardware ft Carnage 1 'rimming* of all!de«cripnon». a vrrj cheap ntid well velre-.ed no» k uf Uond« u hi* lute, all trrab. of jhe newc«t purehawd for ca»h, fioaj ihe beat ♦Qurcea. and will br di»poae«' of wholp.jlc mi«l reintl. ataamatl advance on tins co«. Fun-haw r* are reaped fulls inviwd wcnil ami aaii'fy thcm*rlve* ft LSO —Saddlera' ioaU. warranted. Peer siiJ l urled Hair" b<r« <•!«••: Va,.rt Ar . alwny.on band, and a* cheep a« e!*«wbeie °P-'_ JOHN DL'M.AP, NO II «w«t. hn-koC llo.i*- - V ..li ron»i*un| **> P**' a * . . , Mix* J*pa»iucd W*re, Kncl'»h «ud American; 4 t<i» Britannia do do do, 2ca»k«Kn*h.hT«nurd S»o«-ei*au»; 1 do l>*al Pol*; 1 e«*e Ti*)*a«d \\ »iler«, 1 do Wait, 1 do I'rrwd Warn l < a*k Rn*»u W are, \I.SU. #'»crlr.l Copprr; :»pta?e< Turned Copper. jr "A <ss&:*&««_ DIlV&IKli PAI'SII ANU PKJICILB - AU.BIUHUI Ut-jr.n<|-A|.r.. ».>? •to IK.ul.le Wepl.uai rto .to do Ki-pk.m ,*• *!‘£ H; do Colnmb.au | „ V 1 do imper.il do U? Silt® Jo Toreil.fr wits » !»'V ot ••*«•». URAWIMi i’KNCilAof Cuuberta.iJ awl P«P»- ,rd Ici.t.or four, lurre ;wn atflio:*- U. a *»*« iUpply J „., vr ,etu&yjj-**"!* JUST UKCUI VJW4»— 4 HOUSK-KI'UNtSUINn It A Kl>" AltbJ •Iheinb *rfil*r respectfully intomu bi« intnil.* «uJ , J ,e /“[’ llc ' that he i« ttow nreeinny M« »pt,b» nasonm-nt of joWi, •alerted hy bim»eli. oi »«pe»“»r •i««n«y, ami reduced pneea. Terhon* ai.«iuuMn»«hmc their hou»e» would do •■ell to call U lie i* deirrm.ued to cell at rotall profit* io. (ja.rW return* . ITTMcrehani. n.pptieJ ** «»uai. w.tb *ll the. «;««*<»• ktnd*of Looking Gia*re*, *nd pafk..* careludy »l tendrdto Liberal d:*eoont <o< ea»h. ! T A UILLIKR. Uwh-Da GU*. Manufacturer p ,,3 ipt U ikh! 'ic»» 5'S \1 Al* ormK"«KAT -OF WAR IN MKXIVo. tVhcirß a ropy °t «t*nerml Ar.wa** m»p. mkrn ui lirun .|i» la I'alina. with odd lion* ami «uf »UnbeU»hr<l *i h -Jia*rntn» *'f ‘hr of Mb »'»•« ** SK;SS^^j3Kw3?^ , -3ft- J “Sr | „' t > roroor nf-..krt .nj 31 /lIITLEIIEI'* WIIOLKMUf Ktß (j NIBHINO ’IVARUHOO.M-So 8C Wood aircei, (ap«i*ir») Jbu«fe'''r*l amt now epentrp A futl a*- llumrn. of *«ery ft- an* »“■*«« quaimr. Troy minuiieinrnl Shim; BoKim* and to. far*. Sannedja*i tititfMek.; Hnml.at-Br.dod.. Plain; Sam. Bow .Ml*. I.latn; Black Italian Craaas.; Fancy do do: Hum Su«- lb. '“‘“'"lViVvißnTODu"' tnnnufaeiurcr a price. MHVAKM uuu Mimif«e>uf«-i • Akl rtMIE BOOK OP COMmIcBCB, UV SKA 1 AND LAND. rihU. tinK"" ronnc.i'on with A«n roliurr, ihr Art., and Manuiartarr. To wb>e> are added a lliatory of Commerce, and a t-bronolc*>c»l « a i,t. Itlotiratcdl-y a Mopaml outnrrou. rncr**tnn»; T,, .ale hr * JOHNSTON A STOCKTON ‘“mil. . Hoof.lltr, .... M».k.l .11J U .1. , I Bilivard 'fodil tITOULD respectfully announce to ike merchant* ot YY PmafaUlKh. tl»t hr ha» opened « rtwnt for tbu »ale of B*Mrrn munßfaci«red«ond«. «urli a* Stock* of every deaciiplion; Sbifl*> Bo*om« and Utllar*, Gum Stt'pcn iW»;ls'onh'» Hook, and Kyra. Ae , for .ale «. ««»*• fartJrrri’pner«. Al*n, a »ar« aaaomnem ot Black', ~d Fancy Cara,, for -ale 1 r ‘ NoW wood »ueri, opaiam Manufacturer.* A<rnl Addrru Card. ADWA.IIII TODD. A (lent ftn Kuaiern inaiiuuriuret it. for ike «le M Nonh’; Hook . ami lw«; «- rnder.ofthy ttti*»«rll Manai»cHinn« Cu». O. . . i<*ka of eery <le«cr:ptton. Shin*. U»*om* ami t cdlaie.of the Troy manufactory Ar ; all of which arc wr anir ai nianu-acliifrl'* price* wlintcMle. ntattu »c. | Nf> ijfl iyri , t UJ| MBl „ Order* r-re.rrd fi.r Amer.ean Hardwwtr mchOfl Nifw OF M p TUPPKII-An j Author'. Mind, >h« Rook of nth* pagr* » ?MSttMSSMSS Z&XU&Z ’ JOHS«TON'*'sypCCTOV_ HKADLET K NEW WORK-WmiMtiir and b’« GtiM t*t.«. lly J T. Headley, nu.hur ui -Napoleon and hi. Monhallt. -The Stncd Mouii lain*.” Ac Ar. t! vo>» l‘J mo. IllutHaled .villi 111 lor- Ju« STOCKTON, No 14 unuket M- ANOTHKII XKW WORK —'Vn .ml IlmnoT, •elected iiom ilie Khrli-U wiU nn ' ,lu '*!;*: iivcruaviml ir.tieul comment*. I>y L* f «Vet.r ' ap ii JOHNSON k sIOiTKTON rinUPplEß’B PHILOSOPHY— A lew e-.jiic* <.t 1 Tui’per’i Protrerliial Philo»opliv.|u-l rrerierd atul ■\vr f l t ,aiottß k wuliWi ~ IMPORTKKS and IVale'* lliref door* Chaile* JOiIN WALKBUt [Late; Walker fc V>oiHljry. 1 WOUI.D anuouncc to In* fir»!P*»*aiMl«lw.P u ' , “f l »"' IvT-tHI continue* .be llnrdwaw .«««»« p ««‘jj old -mud, No >6 Wood -.reel. »« elicit » continuance of the peironafttf hereu>!orc e kitwllv I»**mweil , T AMPS-A larpt nml Li rnt Holar l.anl milhWe far*|e*wbu»ii . Hotel*. Chorelie* and Dwelling", roii'lnntlT''^'» the lowett price*. '*. > M nrkri'te* ! rorner <‘h an" Mnraei HiIOVEIaH AND SPADKB— Shovels. OOJ iio. 1 00. l ‘J Sp.Je«._'__2!2“, L Intuit Ulo.se., 1..0. rtaio.. Ctoeto. po«*J-«™ « general aaaqrunent of Vanety Gnod*-nll »» 001.35 AGENCY'FOR OC««b»*J , “! i S»r O £.OOO lax received. AI»o on band Keliojsg * *““7 er’* Print*, mnd I'help'* Map* * Chart*. Merchant* and Pedlar* •apt : cor STOVE PATTERNS FOR liiHiter, Pattern Maker. AUeßlieoy 1 ha* th'e : ndwesi Pattern. &r Stny*»n 1 wood or Iron, fklill GearinM ol ? * llolher BP i3if | loorder. CorMmrfcH and VirpJTIHO MD WRAPP«!«O PAPER VV —loti re»m« C*p Wrinng P«P« f » ‘ SO do I.eiter do “°> , . 3tX) do B. C. Btr»w Wrapping “®« SOO do Medium do do 00, 100. do DC. do do do. 100- do Triton do' oa'hhkE • On bind and for by N .*■ ■ I oc n cu , Penn nnd Irwin «»j ’ BANKKItS, EXCHANGE BKOKEOS, AND DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND . DOMESTIC EXCHANGE CERTIFICATES OF DK POSITF„ HANK NOTES, AND SPECIF, Fuvrtb *t. nearly oppo»itc the Hank of PiU.lmrgb- CURRENT MONEY receive*! on Deposile—bighl Check* for .**le,*n<l collection* ;m*de on nearly all ihe principal point* in the United Stale*.. . The highest premium paid for Foreign and American Got] Advance* made on con*:gmneni» of' Prod nee, .htpped East, on liberal teTO* : , — YVM.LAB.IMKU, t L FOURTH Street, nexidoor-m Bank of Pituburgb. Banker and Broker, and Dealer in Exchange, Bank Note* and Coin of all derciipuon*, Ac. Selling Rale*. . .. Buying Rate*. New ! ou, 4 P, r - SwT j Ij‘ ’ Philadelphia, ‘ 4 J® t«° Baltimore, Id° Baltimore, *do Wc*tera Currency, ido We*tern Cur. 4do City A County Scrip, ido City A Co. Scrip, 4do All rood CarreaCT, iJo AH «ood Cqr'cv, \do Penn.ylvanltda, 4do Penn.ylvamado. * Tennewee do, *4 Jo Tenneaaee do, .1 do Brown.ville, 4Jo Browoml'e, 4J® WaTblngum, \Jo Wa*hin g lon 4do Foreign L : ill* of Exehao*e procured. apOdAwlm* . N. HOkBKB A SON, _ Bankara and Denlera In Exckoßfie, Coin and Bank Noiea, 50. 33, MARAKT STRKtT, PITTSBURGH. Selling Rate*. Exchange. Buying Rate*. NewVork. - * 4 pf- Cincinnati, I^- Pnilu'delphia, 4 J« Jmuirr.lle, * Baltimore. * do St Louis. J«° Buying Rate*. BANK NOTES. Haying Rf* 1 ? 0i,,0 4 di*. Co. A Scrip Orders, 4 d'*- Inuian*. \ 4do Relief Note*, {‘!® Kentucky, ' 4do Penn*ylvama Cy. 4do Virginia, 4do New Wk do, 4do oo Wheeling, 4do New Orlean*. 4do Tennestee, 3do Maryland, 4do . _ , Copartnership. JOSEPH n. UILL, Bate of the firm of Win. A. Hill A Co ,J and WM C. CURRY,ituieof Erie, Pad have entered into Copartnership, under the name of ttILL A CURRY. <br Urn purpo.e of carrying on the Banking and Exchange bu.ine** in all ha bniMbM f at NoW Wood ttreeL three door, below Fourth, we*t •ide—where they solicit the custom of their friend* and ■tap;;"b y JOitril H. HILI, • Wk. c. CUItRT^ HILL. A CUHHY, BANKERS A EXCHANGE BROKERS, DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC TIME A SIGHT BILLS OF EXCHANGE, CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSITS, BANK NOTES AND COIN. No G 5 Wood-street, third door belor Foaith. we«l *ide. PAR Fund* and Currency received on Deposits ana collection* made on all the principal Cintn m ibe Highl Exchange on Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York. Bo»ion and Cincinnati constantly for »ate. Ohm, ludiana. Kentucky. Virginia and Penn.ylvama Bank Note*.bought nnd .old on favorable term. Kxehanee on England, Ireland, Getraany and. France pjocared, Itr. 4c- _ . . «•*“. WILLIAM A. HILL A CO., bankers. bxchanor drokkrs AST) DEALKM Itt FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC KXCIIA NOF-; CERTIFICATES OP DEPOSITS, BANK NOTES, AND SPECIE. ,V, 04 Wood Sirtft. on/ door abort Fou «A, *«lj mrhlfl PlUabnrgh, Pa. J d& ?f RimlltMcc* to thc'-Old CoMtrjr.’’ MO.SKV »em to alt part* of England, Ireland. Scot land and Wale*, in *um» 01 £1 and upward-, to •uit purehaarri. J ' AI.LKN KRAMLR mirf Exchange Broker, eor 3d and wood m EKDDCKD XLATK9* - OHIO, Indiana. Kentucky, and Fenna. fundaj a«i County and C,i> OrJrr.pprcha)«l atredawdriate of diieonm, liy , N i lo^' « £ Exchange Broker, £5 Matket ri rtoiltitlom on Cincinnati. LouUtilfe, et Uooi* L/ and alt ncce»«<bl« point* in the United State* made nrommlv. and upon ih« loweit term*, by P PX N HOLMES A SON, Exchange Broker* No 55 Market »l Cloliertlons on Cintimwii, Loaltvillo, St I-oui* »nd j oil o'her ncccMihle point* tn the Untied f»tatP», made on meoimnodating trriu*. HIM. * l-UKU> aprt Wood »t. noil door to .Fogle Nitoon Exchange on New York, Philadelphia, and BaH> „ u ,rrM for .ale hy llll,LfcCUßß\ ,p 6 Woml n nnt door to fcngle »ajoon_ ; lurrrucv of ihr Ohio Indiana, and Kentucky L ....r, i f cUBBV‘ B po. Wood ai. next door to Eatle S*lopn_ Oil IoV ikdlaua, and Kentnekjr Bank n„,« .. A son , tr No &5 Market »l HOUSES. LOTS. FARMS, &C. City Properly for eale, In Colombua, O. MTIIr subscriber offei* for **le severe! lot* in a.h-».raUe part of the cny. on which are two comfo.iat.le linck dwelling houses. ond ln« if irn.ire T«onl»ff Katabllalnnent.alLngood rc- determined. in consequence of infirm age, to discontinue the tanning bu*>ne«», a fine opening now in.m tiic '«-l ut the prop.-nv Tfde.irrJ. Ilie on- I i*rr«-*ued w .If J a,, y luritier mtomution relative to " VKDI’KKtV'I.N YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO, FOIL BAL.B. 1J „- . mTUK advertiser rvtferv for «al«*a splendid Hnek «r»»^Tsaswis& "i rr .or - dwell..* or paU.r to n .* * yard, mi:, water, swM.r.g, and all othr. e.invemenrc. - ,l Tb!» a uiwn i» improving very mp.div. tsftuaW im mediately on the CanaUmlwa.-.nbe. vuriou. t urn-re*. Roil.eg Mdl Ac , now l.e.ng l>u.it>re completed.w.U Ue the nu>*t flourish. *g place in 'hi* °*“® . I, Will 1.0 sold low lor eu.il. Of on time, o. exchanged burgh, who w.ti B>vf ■lMiiiorm-joi’ now rrceor.nc h'* spmif Har.lw.irr, Britannia. uUPiIA.VS COVIIT »Ai.K. niii.c»nrr of lan ord-r of the Orphan’* Court oi lVeaUei.y Count), I will expose to »* ,e ' ‘ * ?“ U ' c . v.TiJtu or-Ju'crv, at the Conn House •« the Cu> ot l‘,« .iur<h. «.t vloftday the 17ih day of May «exc • •he hour of lUc.e’ock, * tt accftam r«ol and two hall pan »f'he Coal lltll l-ots ««»»«■ n I awrti'< Clair Township, and conveyed by J. H rr nml Wife to James MUholUnd and D R JOiihol /*, IM>W ,|,e property *< C. F-Milboiland.a mmot i ■ i i.i Jm«je» Mlihollaud. decM.; bounded and desert I L‘!i .. in!iosr» V.x: on the North by a forty f.ot street ol Pet* on the Ko*tt'>* lots of h. r 01 1” and U R Milboiland. on the South by the Pittsburgh _*£d t'oaLllil! Turnpike Road, and on the 'Vest by low ol Sarah U. Philips stud Lot* being uunty'two feel Ta SS'aatUlWwftfjr l-ck » Si,- By order Oflhe Court. OALKB fIWTE* • ap'M-tdlwF ‘ UnardianofC,r.MiUu»llanfl nkAI IN THE COVNTRY-The sub R“ l„. <*« for ale u foa.« «"J lot <i> Wr.l Uid- Mrrrrr <*>«»!.• Tte h»»« " c t& L S' ll «r » store oud dwelling. immediately on the Erie Kr ren.ujn Canal In' ■ Roariahing village near by, are lereral fuinacca afrd in the midst of a rich farming dm- «Wimr>dßi'i'* »'»«” water Bud fiont «l* IUkonBRY CITY PnOPKRTY-Forl A Vale. B raluHhlr ummprcnfd-t>to?fny,ha" d .* r£}]\ . nit on Che Mutt. by feet oit North t-aa»l •'",s“£Sa‘®J« TSSKA FisnUm mj<ti tffWthy ItTfre.: pnet from ‘1 in *W, k*nd;bßl»iiee»ouy«»M. cu - T||ll|SßT Rr»t I'jtiio Ay<nv. Sb «*pnh£eVl «i_ apiO r>FAL K^tAir. market—Fftr mU-a i. R hop'c and k>» on R»«s n-ar 4tU • "* l n J b ; *„ c line I* well arranged for ronrorr and convenient Price and term* ncrointmidating. . v . V.o, a ,opa frame dwelling boaie V-V.^ ** Priel jin, •itnaifd on Uenraan iircel Birmingham. Price •■lui. nan in hand, balance 01 time* ... Alia*! welt improved property on Tunnel, near Wy^ * * * _ No SO amilhficifl »» Df “ Valuable lieafKaiate ftr B»U> tr m-urrders R.u-d brin* about w removeh.«Tannrrv ito the country. otTera for »*le x JJM'Sr beiwtren hriryurtr land Kc r r o £maMs?. opiUtf ... . . r mCODKTHY KKBIDBNCB. HAVING removed to ihe city, for convenience to profr annual t.u*iu««, I will rent ibe llnu«r and it? iminc<l atu enrlorurc, iituato on the bluff* .iin.iAimKf*ju niui mile above PiiHburgu. ° r i!ml4.'fcn"^ b * ’ 7 JAMK-* K_«RAFT AbbßonES -^ CKBKTKRT. n BItSONS* dcairoarnf purchasing l/Ol» in Ua* tomr P tel* are referred for mionnaiion hi Uir rniprrmanJ « » « TTS~Mi.-0.-IW***- • ,v ‘ST J.'niisurrr. Y)F.AI. lan-ATK.uAli^Uriij.Vy-Tbe.ub-crih-r. IV utTrr lor .air- > 10l of ground m Ailuclimr I n). M feel l-l- ■l'-'i froming on Ilnnnl nirnil nnij (■gioiulu.gt.nrk wLilicir >i ■"•«!•> <* nubdriridrd ..non,nr good building i** l - j.i i' 'J j cininp nnd on aoconinio' TUn onl'ln mOKKV A <’ is!"- ■ir" Kor Utnii .f£~' ..‘or Utm. . CSO A WKIil. Fiinobrci »econO ’•■‘"’V Room, with £&. (mod «■>•«« «« I -11. ' :l. «• K»"» "■ "*"• „„d i«o Wdl 6.ii*bcd *<■ 'ifiL * r-’fll "mcc.Matki-t...be- 3d and«h_ ■ERTATK SAI.R—A Rood b«b*e Llraua lot on- VVa»litn*'an AlUthrny City Tl A',io J :‘4»-l' , f.n , S Kanina Hdd«.»» Bank U«*. * A&a bKi.*- In««.a br« Alldhcnr CilJ. A W’!VJ lluK ßT.G«m>al Ap-al No 60 fMttilhfield »treM FOB BALK OR KXCIIAKOK s. IOT friliy tl* febl 011 ,hc Hoa - A w.rf %ere Uou Ac 1«‘ 1,f, 7 k r, u SS-fjHfSsi'sSiVSj comfimßMe place. WiiPh il ec j,y. Fot panicu ebamcetlferaMaalitMMi ncar \^ M {j. gCAIFH ‘Tu.ST 't HTB POR SALE-Tvrolot««n l*i near L £.iWeW*vd,rec.i*^ « n fro... Ur » <l'» «*?"•■ /."V *” . I fe vi"S’* “ dnyof M«y BOX' BIIXOBBick, IIENHY WOODS. «n£MtH .... ' " bitch lots* , . nng «... B_«c»«T»lu*l>leLoi»«fOreond,uMiate4 E^^n?jsss3jaa» voa balb. FOUR LOTf*—Bounded br Penn, Liberty and tfay •trMU.earh lot bavin* *4 feet front, and eitefcdin bark no feel. Twoof ihero are cotnerlW*, *na the potiiinn of the while ptoperiy )• one oflbemoat »d«n; ■W««mß4n the eity) Far fanner Information apply to w *'°° M. 9WARTZWELOKR, Foanb «t. 1 between Wood and BntiibfieM EATS CAPS AND BONNETS a HATS I HATSI* UATHIJ: rJB THIS being the day the Spring Ka»Uvon Halt wid be introduced, jooat to** unable establishment* m New York nodPhul P. . the ondenigned take_g»eat p'fuan w to announce to their noraerou* friend* andf |*.P • _ gem-rallv. that we arc prepared to *n p p > j l ®J* tarot u. with a cal' with the fashionable Hal for tee searon. comprising Dearer*. Nett trial, »nd ex Moleskin bilk Hat*, either wbo, £*cOßD kKING maiCtf _corwo»J»sl^***. b ' BSMOYAL. ■ S MOORE, lUt end Cap Manufacturer aareniovtd to No t 5 Wood atreet.threc d«.r*am.ro Fourth *tre«t. Hi* nock consul* of ,*‘ M, Y T *^'l_® f Hats and Capa, made in the latest Mjle: ® Leghorn and Pedal Straw Hat*, alike lowest price. L . ‘ 8 aptfi ’i Wood <fo°r efcore Fonith^ 'b ‘ WILLIAM DOUGLAS, H CONTINUES to manufacture, and keep^^B constantly on hand, every wrtty of H*i» .7" and Capa of the latest nyle, and prices rery low bUJjo 78 Wood street. Kasjatde. Eli— B KRBE S * le Gentione n ’» Hat* will be introduced at KERVIL'S d Aoaust 27th. - Gentlemen wishing a cheap,,faeb ionable Hat of Pittsburgh of fashionable Hat. Imported ndii«niiedl.r "W®' the tr-de. please call at KELYIU A to>» aumtftf ' 1». head of ood «t •■SS&KSSS&iiAK’- WOULD inform hisfrlendaand patron* • that be has now on hand ■ large stock of the Spring Farhiott of Hau and Capa, w hich will be unre duced ou Saturday next. Tho*e in want of a lopertor No 73 Wood meet, E»»l tide Fall Fashion for Hats. 4THK subscriber baa just received by Express his new Fall fashion for Hal*. Those m nee lof an extra fine Hat will please call and examine “i. .pl,ndid.,Uck. _ « MOOKE No. 81 woal STBJW BOSSET ASI) BAT WABKEOIISK, NO. K MARKET STREET, PITTSBEROH. R. H. PALMER offer* for sale on as farot- term* a* any boose in- Philadelphia, a> fiF complete assortment of Straw, Florence. Rnt*- 31a land, and « great fancy braid and Leghorn Hatr, Ani ficialFtoweraAc. Ac- , I . ' T-iKENOH MOLK.KIN UATR-Jii.l DRY GOODS. ranl .i in d Dry Good* W»reho««. c,rp '‘ :n«4RK CT otrect v noBEBT D. TIIOBPSOa, RESPECTFULLY informshir-fiiend* end the public cenerolly, that lie i« now receiving a Urge and tnlenHid awonintni ol Nrw Ctrpeuiip. r* Cloth*, &c . direct from the Importer* and Many far to rer», rompoird mpatlof Superfine Brow!* Carpet*; Extra or Tapentry Bro»*e[* Carpeting; Superfine Ingrain, Fine and Ownmon Carpeting: s*, 3.4 and 4-4 Plain Venitmn Camel.rw 58, 3-4 and , ** Daxna«k do do; 5 9 :i-4 »ud 4 4Tane»try do do, Sun etiooi *Vwwn*f». rtr.iwa Drilline*; 4 4,9 4 and 6 4 SbecUng*; 64 7 a 8-4 Table 1 .turns Linen Napkin** CiaxU and Hockalucfc-To welling; Carpet Ptnpea; New Style Ta ble Covet*; Oil Cloth* from *7 incite* to -* left wide, cut to any TOAKTHEI WITH Riok Embroidered m.d Filmed T.Ue md Pim* “*'» SSSfirSt»£SiT«tol.»»!> ’SiJS'JSHi?- Tufted, Cbewellr, and Sb*ep»k'n Door N*u*, Manilla and Graa* . *° Au ‘ Bra*» f*lair Rod* Flat and Oval, Uamatk and Striped Stair L* ne ‘ , i ; aitdC-Ypiain and figured Indian Maiunr. Pcr«mi PrivateHon ,rp" ?cqup«cdu> call, a* be feel*confident they will find <i to tiirir advantage w«lo *o before purchating ehrwberc DRY COODS. r would nl*> invite attention In Uw ctunwvf »toek 1 t NEW SPRING DRY GOODS, [embrariny every i'hi'-r in that line.] nowopemnyaftbe. »l*ve«ttad. j .narlVtAwlmP l>o Market atrcet i fiTAR CI.OTIWHO KTOKIC, NO *0 WOOD STREET,iPnTSBOKGH.PA. a aNCKER * MAYER. wholesale and rcW.l dealer* A in Eaiiern Ready made Cloihiny, would reipeet full» lake itn* method of aolieiliaft the ■istnmer* and the public ««ierally. to the follow n« m of their -lock in trade. and anute ibrm alao, that • v will *ell a* ebeap if not.cheaper Vban any other iblirhmem In the cm*. Our facilities of purehaainf .nufanuringiood*. *re «>*cU *» to enable M U ktep ■ (ullaMonmenl of ready made eloth unce* Ibao iber can be obtained elsewhere ni mirk on- band conaiu* iu pan of the to .criptionof aood»: •k c'oth dre»» coal*, from SID. to *.>U do Fieuch do _ .. 70 blown nud iavinble RTe pn do 18 *•* , WO «ncK coair,.pleadidiy made*, of good material. 1000 pair panu, of all »tyle». qo*j*U** * n< * — •JIK) veil* do do do do . LUO doxe n htaeo plain and aiivehed bo«m» ihirUj.*loek», ~f Y , eravai*; b»iwm»; coHan; anapender*. ao**** rower* nnd nmto *biru of wery wirtyi«U ol vbirli liiv l»een rerenily p.rrhaiwsd and adanicd to 1h« tr «-ut ..3*oll Mt'cHant* and oihets who. am in 4 31.1 >.f t Uh;r* cornua do Iwtier than w gi*e tan a^raU. UK? GOODS. ' ■ ONACKI.KTT* WIHTB.WO W WpoJ O Diamond Alter. are ”«» prepared to .•>»« “ ' »hre and deairable *u>ck of • riiKSH 91*R1N« DR\ tJOODR, Coumry ‘Sirctoni* *'•'»'“« er P««wn« “ fmdi.t dearly to »!»• r •• K1T«II« .. • .ueb »»*U profit IU-ltißfcaU) ■ , .fr.noUiakß.bi '’’A J 'ko'S’''ipp'ly”i b«PT -nj l'tbl t " ow " s s"."£P alw»y» on b»n«l. Q..j— f—~ ' \iRROWB & TtBSBEt No 4d Market iireei. ► are receiving their *iock of Now Spring (Sod*, and invite the attention of purchaser* » the" a.ortmrulof J>re*t GooJ ‘- » k,ch ‘ l » particularly de*i rable. rnn«nil>"R iii pari of . R.cU KmliJoMtenHf U«-B*-«ryekoiee puU C i>.«, Rich Utgfndy Lawiir— fashionable brown*, wuh iibcr color* [very handsome. Printed of different pattern*. Rich California PlaM*-*iyl«» wy bandrome. Superior F-rench Gingbarai-ent.rely new and beau tiful MUern*: on* lot very handaoine ar I 8» ci*. 1 Snpeiioi Mancbeiter Gingham*, [warranted] at SO “Km j No <8 market .treet. 3 doom above 3d "nfUtflAH DB IjAIBES. PLAIN COLORS- M W R I Murphy hat now open an aaaorunentof the atwve condi, ail wool, including name very *» p - Alan, Mohalrde jLaine*, very »upeno% Alio Plain Drab Uaregca; piuk,.blur, and black do At#o. ftalzarine*. brown and fancy “2." a* IS! teat*; and a large auoruaentof drc»* good* generally, iceUdtng: W»*tj;."*£**' iancv b SU rK s ni latett importation*, and at low price* K corner Uh and Market *ta.- in- Wholeiale Room* in aeeond atory, where a very H.oicr nock can be *een by dcaleara, u law eaak^n- rt UOULDBR BBACKS-for cure of pain inthe |N Breait. made after pattern* approved by the Mew K.* Wd.bi.B *■» adjor&ig tiraeata; plain and •bin* in great variety; *hm. and *hm Col«r*.oiied .ilk.; draf;nwrern; *ea gra»«, kr *c, on h “* "SAJ 0 ' •ale by_ ' royC £I»S!K22L Stl’fDßlKS— Bonnet Frame*, Tab* ana Ruche*; T.”o“.hr» in* ho,n. comha; inlaid *aiin and-roiewood ba r bnndtee, «««, '* n »p9‘ B ‘r br ' F JIKATOS, 63 Market atreei VtBEDLbTwORKBD CAPKS-fcch Nee. IN die Worked Lane Cape*—newest a ylea— a, lot •TSStiSSSSSISw- • de 9oi Dm) Bilk*—a beautiful article, andacaree Up A^Sp^Sftil»riMr,:afewi^eeea.eWg«'«ylea WIIITK OOODSVOR DBKSBBf— W R Murphy invite* the attention of the Udie* to bt* very full avofunent of while pw!« for «*#«»• tingordwiM and Scotch Moll*, Naitwk •*”* ftrt mutlinv.-barted Jaekom-t.auper S-tin barred and P «cKwd js manufacturer*’ agent* or importer., they be aold at the lowest price*. . ■ p -__ OOLOnBDCOItIITKBPAJiKB^VIIM-r; L bbyiinviicwih* auenuon <-f hou*r •“ nnorinwHi of IM anJ l’-'** coloreiLVoumttpane* A new ipd beautiful arl.flc. of «liff«rewt “;srt"ta’b~rsirf.baw«te “‘ , *ORE NEW GOODS—AI 'V K i "M. Dry Oooda Home, nnilb cast corner ® f f IplgsgggS?. E'* ,^r^^ p ~7rV^ie^ , iS■SSS'S^'^!S?^ P i *”" i^SS£ n A®S 1 fte—Tnunparen*'V snorted 0,1 prr-p a y j cotort , fc , *nd Hlind rrimmn>E*,a^o-Yirdrolot^at ( EATO jr? op 9 1 ■ YTASTiLir* HUTTOM * Receive >'Y 1 *P r . -,.j t.iack »itk Djiier.c'oi MwtilU Uu-ion»; »b. « yfifUZS'i **!*'&** **• -I‘l.l.ck Inn** «> « «. Uhio«.-tof ule f ir»-m h roiucnßS uawn” «•« p jj k^oN uptt .. . ■- ——•-- - H- OftIKKV AID VARIH-Oaiod, ailk nnd ’ Moan and half IlMn, in «I»M »>"«!? <«' "man. laiaaaa and cbild.ani Kninin Yama and Worfiada, mendinß andndy follunand niaiiufanlumia' Wnin.da.andlr.andh.^l:^^ Jiryr Kro-ivrd onU rof«««e »t l bo noimilf tarort 'i*t mirfu. a laifc* invoice of ptleui Otim.ElMl’* iimi Miirfrd SusponOel*. t>( the Ro»*ell Moflufieuirmj! c£ ,c‘ Formic l.y lh e A Re nwNo» -ocd . P doin wboU-imle. hDWAKuTOIW mchifl „ ' Mwmfaemraft F. 11. KATOV „ DKALVUI is Trieumns* and Thell, Ivory «uui»iorn Sr»wT*«-v. Wornedt, Bauon*, Ne«dk», P*»*vW?V *ueet* No 63 Market 8l between Diamond *w» fr&dly Pittiborgh. ' pUH*Aia^iJ«.>**L^srtowia^ v tncludm* boose et Curtauu, io be found Bt drT.l®°' 1 g MURFIIY m.K eor 4ib Ud Muketftt moVikw - ■view «»d uir-tyi* 'JjfJfciaETr* white, **' m ‘" ri (t Funnel, i»« WHITE ay3 *f MED! Dil mooLDsaya. terras «ad adfcfl «?»» bkcdiaf « UW,dn, ***£“»£*? 5222? SSt iTiW taek ad rid* toh»B»Uoitm*p, »•#* »Cr nii*n M» «ni liter taoSamtA m **** ’' s2. e^rs^s^sr^ SiK - _. . tok. »»««««• ■»« 4 HtNBY WHITEHEAD. itodS&S' pr. ” lilSSk* I il SSk* gMrjßKHss®!£&“• K^teSseaSSSs&Sg' (hit 1 h»r« bMfi «rj»t*<lml *» on fctp. Howrttr, I<u »ow i«luygn»M CDT; «»ddoidraill*thtf».wWiif if ,flj«Sd ja&ftika maser,toprecnw tk«wUd«»«»tfc«7"V Wot CboUr, W. Y., M»yI5,lWS.^ Dr. bfoldrbr—Dear Sir—Tbit ye« *7 whoMebiiSrinf,t*»tll«» to t*fnm mj F»tttafa fa «* olrarwl«»U.»P« -M.-BSStI3aCKSSiWaB • . ~*.n WWM JACKBOW, tt hte Eli „SwtoTwStoTS to. .Sr-J* ¥ sto* «m<, tod rf *to, r.tuto,k JM-jJJJJ* Hit ORGAN'S CELEBRATED INDIAN LIVER — M PILLS, for tie core of Liter ■II dteeun ui-inj from tho V'"'- {" ache, and at t porgtUT* tod Anli»Bdtoo« Pill,*or» P *”niFTo«s C or a DntAStD Litfb.^Ctnux*. infia nation ol the Lirer. when not ol an aente attaek or th# diaeaae, begin* with aymptona oft Inncbonaldiforder ortho algM* tire end biliary organi,.and dyspepsia IrwpwnUy iudi to b« the only affection present. Ibe p»«*al complain* of irregolar appetite and u> paUtd ordination, acidity, flatulence, alight ehohepKiM, occasional nanaet and .fomiting.and a alignt doll pain and weight am *elt in tho right aide, accompa nied in tome caaea with a dragging pain in the right ■boulder. Moat commonly, howerer, no distinct pain la the region ot Ibn Liter, except when firm premom n mode on thla part.— TbeboweU am afwajXrery irregolar. coaumn** being """"" in some initancea with dJanhoet. W*e diaebarge* scanty, dark colored, offentite, allmy. imeniSor mnddy. One ol the moat content and ebancleriitie symptoms of Chrome Ltm tom plaint i* a dry, baiah. confine ted atate of t» uln, l .hortdr, cough, with .light ir i frequent attendant on thi« direure- Inthu chronic u in the ocole form orthui direue, tho p<- lient cut reidom rent u e»; on the i" l * light .id., A. th.di.eue •d..ne»,.ligbir«rul« come on towtrda evening, .trended hent m the point. of tho hutoi and aolei of lb. reel, the nigbre ore rctlrre, nnd when th. Mt*™— tnninatea in auppnration. becti? and rapid etnana,- oa contnme the tital power*. - - • ftlsnafactnred and sold wholesale and retail by ft, i jOHN D. MORGAN, Dioggitt, Wood atrect. Pitubcrgli. ABHK»TBD-To !*»•*• \.f •flleted wit* Disease# *>t tlie —This'i* to certify to those sAcied with ihe fitatptt* monitory symptoms ofConsamption, U»*»I have *>«“ laboring for several yew* with a bronchi, soreness « the throat and hoarseness. I o*ed many medicine*) b* l no relief in nay preparation of mwlcine, until 1 ntie hr of DB. DUNCANS EXPECTORANT •REMEDY. I have bean using thin valuable wddiein* fcr several yean, end alwayefind itto relieve ?*«“• ever I ™» v - u»e of it. My occupation aa nn Aucooa eer, which keep* me aln»*lconKanUy engaged, «#*•• ay disease, at time*, u> become Very Manning, when i at once procure thi* medicine. I therefore lake pick* *«ie ut making this publio statement, that other* affect ed With * disease of the lat** and expectorant organs may know the Tinncs of this ’ all heating remedy,•» • end may be cared. A hare recommended l)r Dancan 1 ! Expeeuraat Remedy to many of my friends, aomo of whom awe their lire* to this medicine Somerset, Ohio, Oct. 13, 1844. JAMES, HEWIT The proprietor or the above medicine would, also reler to the undersigned persons, who reside In Perry county, on whom any person may call upon and ba convinced that there are vinuea found in the above I medicine that cannot be excelled: ' David Culbertsan, Somerset; Dt. 8. Stone, doj Fran* eisGoliber, Jaeksontp; Mr. Larimer, do; Geo. Pctben, Saltlick tp; Jenod Davisen, Hopewell tp . - DR. DUNCAN’S WESTERN OFFICE, ISO Syc wm. Jackson, ai uanr bead of Wood street. _ apIMAwT S" CROFULA AND bUKOf ULOUS SWELL* _ INGS.—Scromla ih all its mnJllp.ied forms, whether in that of King's Evil, enlareemuutJ o the elands or bone*, Goitre. White Swellings, CJtromc Rheumatism,Canser, disease* of the Skin or spins, or of Pulmonary Consumption, emsnsts worn one and the same cause, whien le a poisonou* prmcip a more or len inherent In the human system There* fore Doleaa this principle can be destroyed, no tudi* caTchre can be afiected, but if the principle upon which the disease depends, ia remosed, secure must of necessity follow, no matter under whst form the disease should maniiest lUeli. I bis, thcrelore is the reasou why Jatux’s Altirativx (a. *o uni versally successful in removing »o many malignant disease*. It deatroys the virim or principle iron wbicn those disease* have their ongin, by entering into the circulation, and with the blood i* couveyed u> the minutest fibre, removing every p»ritele ot diseue from the ayeiem. Prepared and sold at No. •8 South Third Street, Philadelphia. . Sold at the Pekin Tea Store, No.* Fourth street Pittsburgh. mtbSl ,wv«i.UABLK FABtlliY OOltPAHipJf . LECTURES on the USESnI THE LUMJS O Cauaea, Pretention and Core of Lonaumplion Ifthma, aod OiiaaMt of Ihe Heart. On the. Lawa of LoneeaitT, and mode ol preteronj mile and le male healin'ejmmetrj and beautj; eipoaioj caoaee and cote or Ihoao dlaeaiao that prndnee Cooaomii tioa, or ahorlen life,;. AHoction. otiheSkin.hpine, stomach, Bowela, Kidntya, Lirrr, Scrolola, Pilea, “[£«£%» b7”aJuRL nTJ5,A.M.,M.D.,*1707 bRQADJVAY.NEW reauUiog fifty os« copy, by miil, to toy part. The Wide lopplied. Feb 10,18V7-dfijn_ IStJMVY Tit® M»OOD AHB CLBAS»* tTHK BODY—It i»anwubliihcdlact that a T«r> large cla»« of diaeawacaij only be cured.by jueh' edlr» a* will enter into it tbtooah every portion of the body, for only by tola the remedy be bmoehi tern .mm.ot.rn cee tact With the iliaeate; and to attain thh deMr»>>le end, no nrenaration haa ever beta rouniformly uccea«fol “ 5k JAYNE’S ALTERATIVE. ««s[}»»*. Wap’ i? T ;i Cancer and Caaeeroaa Tuoonrt, Hblic 8t»el li'nS». Enlatgetnent of the Boner. Chron C and Gout. Eruptive dlteaaet oi the Skin-old and tttdO lent Ulcere, Goitroa* Swelling* of the eared wiih a certainty that. ha« artoniahed every.be* bolder. It u be*ide» one of the nioit pleMantenJcle* that can be taken into the eyitem opeminß rn* aionio ■net mmTini Dv»peptic and Nerroa* afleettoot.ana a alow otwilmatioa and health unequalled the whole Materia Mcoica For ailu at TKA !m>HE, NoriFeer.h.tree.,M« Wood. apiaoawy 088 OIBITMEBTi (or letter. *£*•*.»!*• Pinpletoathe Fece end olbei Cmtneon»En.piion* Truer*, Hingwonn*. tnd herpetic eruption* ‘ ere en»ng Ute nest-tediose end oiroKreemljleeireeUMM lowhichlh* bumen freme U litMc. Wo*i*i “ « were.on the verge ofTUelity it it elami wpewgdß.: reeehiken bf inwenl remediee. Hence '£? “?****£' of aaderroinr e coem of medicine, or lobjeciiEj o«r 2lwi«F3w Meoßfcittblr. eyeteovof •"*'**'>*»* other effect then to heel tim ell to .how itwlfin {MM , * U»e»e meen* bevelled, warn i») oJ Polt SSSSSfiifSSA roßUrla oring it, epplytng »«•.«]»“ fc~Co «th end wood m. end >W »M* **« 6 K ip|2 . bycootioßin# ibß #»« o> »l*‘hoit time my wsrt Ju entirely Ttmovfd.i I h»*e >lnee mlw»j» liken It mVielll ««<t rcfommended it lo other*, when ™ub »coo«h,anil neter knew il w Wlol »"i"K Jw»* IVu rJuJ? •libooth I *,• ittoonnealri »■» ■ Ku therefore, »ui '"’’J’S'jlisCE^ ”““JrUrb;“ b,r rß* 7 F*HNESTOCTt c O i ,pH cor l« end wood n* »nd *°o'' * ttd ** h w> - Worm*' Worm.: Wo.m.'. I Locum!.*. Arm. I*. ww« -Bleitrt }■ Kidd * Co, Oent«:-Tb'» U tooentf*.iMU ~ t child of nain* waaarfeted wiih U * P r ,°?£. , l { * klndirof Vermifofr, tad h n . w uh no eflcet. lihen purchased a »!»• o* Br *»£ _ KeSlcbraied VWnM-afld after rfr®*'. doM*. the eWM diiebaTfed aboni * aar *. * r l ff Woinu! The kealtk OJ the ckUd Jlw*edJ attly I woaid recommend Dr. p ih.p.blio, ..on* oflhe 00.t..r0 to. I «;.r.ss, nv J «nA4 wood A (berth Mi 1 l^seSmj^SfSSSL I ha* B*ed*wo B y fuzuly phy»-«t»n they haredene ber Two • h«*by iwo year* T jXmFS JONES _ •\hiak, will effect • <?««•; \Viiklits Toweafeta . t..- phi. Wide by J KIDDfcCo No. ' -=S2_ J ?*. ’fntAoot any «K*p*»Oß| i* uw. fiff'he • "~ lb *. W^!r^7Arr^iWof’h. human hair. Wtknow whcr* Wr ha» b«o r*u«»d : ** tlt **' in mnmmiH 1“" —**— A.m. ’ make a trial of th& Tcate . , Wlnlnn 1 * Drsf Wuchoua E*m«T*4. - A VAUKEaTOCK * OUf _ " HAVR erected to «r»n*iTe warebww on W«wj of WooO'«ad ttwr ureeUjte whteh %L®£m their-Wholeuto hu»tne«*i where they will oaffi u exten.i** ewottmem of*U She inUei in their line, to which taey uriie th* «WO* i *i» b « c^tmMdettheow^aA Wood- •«*- Litnm BLUtltl-OP inal r«»r»tive in nU csw« »ten tat. 'f*'- HftSiwtaw tot ttfud « 004 %MWi wtoi «*%. . —A worn m tke fcvtr*ad«C**i , ■■■■■
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers