«Hii, jiiiapoßirn wain m. .by brastus brooks. PITTSBURGH:: # FRIDAY MORNING, MAYfolffi rmssiaua Daht Oium i* published > SuSy, Tri-Weeklyi and Weekly.-—The Du2y isSeren Oollais per naans: the Tri-Weekly is Five Dollar* per annua; the Weekly la Two Dollars per amuus, tarieiig ■ f BbUce 'to AdTcrUaera. to secure inieraon, should be handed in by fiTeo-’elocklo the aflernooa. Attention M thif.ou the part of our eutocner*, would be produc ties of aainsl benefit. . FOR GOVERNOR, 059. JAMBS IBVIII, FOE CANAL COMMISSIONER. JOIAPB W. PAJTTOW, . (os cCTceaiTjsft ocgr) ’ BTATB CKSTRAL COMMITTEE. THOMAS K FRANKLIN, Lancaster Ciiy. JOHN'C KUNKEL, Dauphin County.. THOMAS DUNCAN, JAMES MARTIN. ‘ ** THOMAS C HAMBLY, York. WILLIAM M WATTS, Cumberland. DANIEL M BMYSBB, Adams. . . JOHN P WETHERILL. Philadelphia City. JOSEPH R CHANDLER, “ ROBERT T CONRAD. , “ THOMAS McGRATH, Philadelphia County. DILLER LUTHER, Berks: 1 ROBERT M BARD, Franklin. THOMAS M T ITKENNAN, Washington. ANDREW J OGLE, Botnerset. lIARMAR DENNY. Allegheny. RICHARD IRWIN, Venango. JOSEPH H KUHNS, Westmoreland. O J BALL, Erie. H D MAXWELL. Northampton. J B SALISBURY, Susquehanna. ELHANAN SMITH, Wyoming. SAMUEL A PURVIANCE, Bntler. HENRY 9 EVANS, Chester. ROBERT T POTTS, Montgomery. “tS**o«c«» i wbu, coosty nr eocnty, will assemble la primarr meeiintt. its litir jetarel Kin cion District*, on Betardey the »ih day of Slay, 1847, to elect two pertont from each district, a* -Detente* to • County Convention, to meet at the Coon Howe os Wed Deader the Sad day of J«»e, at 10 o'clock A. M- to pot ia Domination aaitable candidates to be MsponcdPT the parly at the general Cleetiea m Octo ber next. Toe Antmaeona and Whin of theiownahipa (Pitt excepted) will meet at the uioal placet for bolding primary * eetings, between the hoan oi S and &, P. M, and Ibooe of thd wards tad botoeaht end Pitt township, ÜBm " ■' "* *■ THOMAS VABNEB. Cb’mof the Com of Cor. For unn Commercial Intelligence. Dometue Mar kata. River Newt, Imports, Money Marker, Ac-, »« thud page. . 1 BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. OormpoajMßC of PlUtbarih Qaaerte. Cormpeodcactef th« PHabwjb Gantt*, v PatuouraiA, May 6ib. \ FROM THE SOUTH. NaW'Orieana date* of the 58th wen received toHtright from (he Sooth, bat there ie no newt boa Mexico. - The New Orittne mail of the 89ih wts doe ihU morning at Frederiekaborg bot wae not received. Xxclsuve Correspondence from the Souih. . W*ißiaDTo3r,Msy 6. No mail eonth of Weldon to-nifhL A morn* tag Orleans mail baa arrived, with later news from Brazos, bot nothin* important, and with la* ter news from the Capitol ol Mexico. Santa Anna bad left the city by port rehya when be set out on the road to Vera Cruz. .Tberehadbeenno field action between the troope of the two armlet, or any division of them, and nothing indeed more than a guerilla fight, in which thejkTexicane were fjfwt There had been a good many mamcree upon the out. akirte of the Army. The rumbra at Mexico in regard to the intentions of Santa Anna, 'were ol a moat contradictory character.- 'HU own coon, tryman were apprehensive that he was bent upon pacification. TWO WBEIS LATHS EEOI KtiKOPK. ARRIVAI. OFTHE STEAMER CALEDONIA MARKETS MORE BUOYANT. Correspondence of iba PttitOurjk Gaxene. Philadelphia, May 6. The steamer Caledonia, which left Liverpool on the 19th April,arrived at Boston this forenoon. LirxUrooi., April 19. State cf Trade among Manufadttriri - Loss'of Packet Ship Rochester — Parliament—Affairt of Portugal—Arrival of V. S . Ship Jamtf town—‘Range Imprisoned—Ajfairs in France and Ireland, 4c, 4c, 4c, There ii afl improved feeling io (be Mesafaeto ring districts of the country, and a fair businesa would be done •if spinners • and manufacturers would be more moderate in their demands and ex. pectaticns as to price*. i The packet ship Rochester, of N. : Y., (one of the finest ships of tbe packet line,) has struck on Bltckbealh Bank, between Doblin and Wexford. She immediately filled with water and became a total wreck. Bnt partial insurance on cargo and veael. The hniinire in Parliament since the sailing of the Cambria, possereer bat little interest, and the section will be wonnd op as speedily as prac ticable, and to prepare for the dissolution, which win take place in Jane or 1 Jnly. There is no pe riod in the history of the British Government where there has been so tittle party excitement, or so mach harmony between the great men and prominent parties of the country as at present. The incmat distrew of the country, occasioned by the fcw"* in Ireland and Scotland, has been the principal cause of this.- FROM PORTUGAL. The Revolution in Penmen, is approaching a eriaw, and fears have been entertained for the per son of the Qoeen. Her life has been threatened, and In order to break down those connected with the GoreramenV>nd opholding tbe Qoeen’e par ty, them are rirnse who are ready to take it. Even at Lisbon WrMajetty has enemies, which mikes her presence onsets tn the Capitol, and a revolu tion wifi be attempted in the very fata of the Pal* ace. The protection of tbe British Government -’hu been urgently solicited to quell the revolution and to restore order. Tbs collision so fax has been tut wen the Juntas and the Insurgents, and it is that the former will not be able to meet. . the emergency* FROM PRUSSIA. The General Diet of Proeia convoked by the yipg, wag opened at Berlin in person on tbe 10th of April The speech of the King »u long, no vel, and In some respects extraordinary. Reasons an given for the New Constitution so long prom bad, and only now granted to the people. FROM FRANCK. Tike kingdom of France is greatly‘disturbed, and thevigilance of tbe Government, of tfie Blending Army, and tbe Police, are fouod n*. i sssiTj for the preservation of public order. Dis- contests, discords, death, jahd attending ' evils, ire hourly increasing in all ! parts of the kingdom. Tbg Government has dona much to relieve the poor, and benevolence hse added largely to the contributions, notwithstanding which the suflering has been and Is very severe. The dread of the fatore, however, has-been tbe cause of greater ' alarm any present evil. The occasion, too, is improved to exdte additional furor against the Government. OOOR NEWS FROM IRELAND. Th« U. 8. Jamestown entered Cork on the ISth Instant with the stars and stripes flying. She -am* infos with provisions, the boontiful provU. ion of American benevolence. The appearance of this noble ship upon her mission of mercy exci ted Intense enthusiasm among the warm-hearted Irish of the dty and the country all around, The'etate of aflair* in Ireland arc f«st improving. The foot of the bill his been reached and tbe Irish are on the aseending scale again, though there is math suflering. Provisions were cheaper than they bad been, and contributions were com ing in from the United States. No more persons it is believed will die of starvation. w DANK OF ENGLAND. Tfce flank of England baa been drained of go much apada that it baa eauaed great alarm (be Commercial hooaea of London and gnj (bU alarm bad extended to The Bank has raieed the rate of inter mc, and i* endeavoring to counteract the rate# of Bxehaof* whlib, for *° long • time have bean advene to the flank. The Caledonia take* out a Urga amonnl of bollion, and every aleam paekat fbip adda to the drain upon the Bank. Philadelphia, i o’cJoek, P- M. : Caledonia armed •ifioatpa tide momsaf •fid f/luaieiifcj newt which hn cam* to tun'il. larztroOLv-Aprii-19. 1 Daring the put fortnight there he* been a jtea vjr ba*ine* dons io Wheat, Flour and Cora, and the deprtMUD which existed at the tailing-of the Cambria and Sarah Send* ha* given wav to buoy ancy and activity. Oo the sth of April, AmericanTburwat in-de cidedly improved request, bat good brand* only were saleable, at 37a to 38s per bbL ’ ~j la town'made Floor scarcely anything was done, nor wu there much demand for Norfolk Household, or other ship marks, compered with American. Foreign Wheat wu in demand during the week, and tianaaction* were 'effected on *d» vaocing term*. lodtan Cora wu held mote firmly ia eonaeqaeoce of more encouraging ec» couDUfrom the Provincial market*. > 1 Daring the bos in ess week ending on the 12th, irsosacUoDs were still on s moderate scale, but at improving prices. I Oo the I2ih of April wheat advanced one to three ahiilinga per quarter, and wu in excellent demand at full rates. Indian com was quiet and ateady in value. ; A further advance of one shilling a quarter an wheat took place on the 14th. j On the Ifilh, the’ London market waa the scene f much agitation,' and nearly ail the Wheat ut wu on sale wu eagerly taken on French and Betgian account, at a rise of price cqust to 2s per quarter over those of that day week. Under oth er ctrcnmitancei, such an advance would have made a favorable impression ou the Stock Ex change, but the reverse wuthe case. | Dunog the week ending the 19th, Indian Corn ru in demapd, but the irappliu were almost ex ltusted. The stock of American Flour wu so nnch reduced by the previous heavy transaction! hat prices of best brands were fully one shilling] >erbbL above the rales current on the 12th. |j The above is all we have yet received by Telef [raph, but it ti sufficient to show that B readstuffii tad improved in value. . . THE COTTON MARKET. In conaeqoence of later accounts from the Uni ted States in relation to the Colton Crop, and the faffing of the receipts at the principal poits, and in the aggregate crop, creating reduced etti \ mates of the latter, there wu an important and jactive'detnaod from the trade as well as specula tors. The news of the falling off in the receipts at American ports, and the reduced estimate of the crop wu received in Liverpool on the 15th by the Boston steamer. * The faffing off was shown in circulars from tha United Butea by compsrison ( with last year. An advance wu obtained on the 16th, of one eighth to one quarter penny per lb upou Amer- Tbe advance compared with those current a week previous to ihe tailing of the steamer on the 19dMhow three-eighths to one half penny on American and one eighth to one quitter penny on all ether kind*. Speculators have taken twenty-three thousand three hundred bales of American, and sixteen hundred and fifty bales of same were taken for export The market closed firmly on the 16th-at thi advanced prices. The demand for Cotton wu ranch more mode rate on the sailingof the steamer oo ths 19th.— Ba!es from 16th to 19th had seven to eight thousand bales, at prices previously quoted, which were 7i»7i<i for fair Bowed Georgia, 7ja 7Jd for Mobile, and ?4*Bd for New Orleans. Pri ces were receding oo the 19th—od tho 16th sales 3000 bales American at 6|a7&d, On the 19tb, notwithstanding the advance otr Grmin, the feeling in thejMoney market had im proved. . Nora.—The Telegraph reported nothing about Provisions tut night—wo nni in the English markets. The market rep-*' somewhat con fused, and the dosing qujuiiona fur Fioer nod Grain ate not given—a singular omission. We give all we received. KifluM're Correspondence of tbe Pittsburgh Gszcit NEW YORK MARKET. May 15, 8 P. M. A pretty large proportion of .the business done tovlay was for future delivery. The steamers news came on rstber Iste to shosr-its influence fully on the market. There- wore sales able in Jane at $6,2586,374, deliverable at the end ait May at $7,124*7,25, to the extent of 15,000 bbU. On the spot holders are 'asking $7,75 per Wsi—there wero tales this morning at .$7.624- — Bmail sales extra Western at $7,75; Uowardf^t. held at s7,sQ r _gsd Baltimore City Mills ait $7,75, w ithout isles of either. Cdrameal has advanced to $4,624, but nothing doneltn tL Foe Grain there u a good demand, and more bojere than seUere in market. Sales mixed and White Corn deliverable—Au|tut 10th, at 78c; at 89c deli*' , the Bth Jane, and 30,000 bn deliverable iej at 83i8Se. liveced on > in i ill Ur >iag io 1 let era. Flicluuve Correni mdet BALTIMOI ting i bare liUxk bi tff irda ricea ad* fowird nn». 1 nc»a iheir pri< ProTudoai. . Operator* are Nothing doi awtitiof thtir !Bee of the Pittsburgh Gliell IRE MARKET. May 6/8 P. M. Thia mumt re dm an active inquiry , Floor, bat the i living been reduced to i ve ry low point,' very little room fur a large baiineaa. PH (fenced 35c, and aalea were effected of He atreet at $7,00, and City Mill* at the a In (ha evening, when the tenor of the wee known, boldere imme diately put iL.. (rticee up to $7,50 tor both kindi—no aalea of either io the evening. Cornmeal baa alao gone up. Holdera are de« mending $4,75, blot without aalett A demand prevail* for Wheat—sales 4000 ba prim Red at 157at59c por ba. Of Coro sale* 4000 bu, White at 87c, and Yel» bw at 96c per bii. i Thera t* lea* inquiry for Provisions, bat no price*—draltn awaiting the Foreign new*. i EzHuiiv«* Correspondence of Q»e Pijtsbnrgb Gazelle. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. Mayj6tb, 7 P. M. Flour was an active demand ie the early pait ol the'day, and 2000 bbt* werejlakan at $7,00 per bbL The new* was received |oo late to show it* effect on the diarket. ] No change in provisions. j News it TBUOiara. —Oar riders may have some idea of the expense of thud machine to the Prvm, from the extent of oar.pntetfigenco to day. The price is fifty cents f<& fifteen words, and we fear business men, who receive much more benrfit than the printer*, tire hardly aware of the .extent of thl* expense to jus. The G«- ere sore, has paid more for new* by tel* egTaph the last five weeks, tbanjany two news paper* in tha City of New Yorju We incur the expense cheeifaliy in hope of remuneration from commercial and bovioees men. ppb- ‘ liah the tame news this morning, as appears in the Boston papers of to-day, and four or five days earlier than if ean be received by mail. If this were not.an ege of miracles jin science, men would see and reward an enterprise like this. Imsu Relief Committees for this city, and also for the city of Allegheny, rfre requested to close'their collecting forthwith,, aod hand the money over to M. Allen. Tie Fifth Presbyterian Charth, of this city, have given a call to Rev. Jobs VV. Rax, of New York, to become their Pastor. Mr. Ray will re spond from New hoik, and we hips favorably: Me. MAiriTT delivers bis lectors to-night on "Woman.” It is regarded we believe as one of hts best lectors*. . Ter Santa Haaxtnnrre have ratomed to town and will give a concert on Mooday. CAPITAX PUNISHMENT. I observe that your dtixen* are divided in opio- Uto on subject of.* Capital Puni&ment,’ and the conducing of the preu, have, asjstOth token Gifi frrent side* of the question. Tho matter is entire. |y practical. Iteoncemi us aO, for if the ancient tnd respectable State of Pennsylvania shall be be trayed into a grave error on tbis Subject, there is too ranch reason.to fear that Ohio and other Statu will follow the example. I, therefore, moatreluc. -Ufitly resign the prospect of a leisure and ease, in order to present to the public a few sug. gestions, relative to this important subject [ The opponents of the “death penalty,” u they choose to term it generally favor twopropositions. The one ia the mtir object of all homan punish meat ought to be the reformation of the criminal; and the other is that capital punishment, not hav. ing tuch an object in view, ia merely vindictive and a relic of baibarism. Both those postulates appur prominently in an editorial of the Commci ctal. To arrive at troth it ia necessary to make right beginning. Can any buman'Legislature rightful ly propose the reformation of the criminal, as the main design of its penal euectmcnt! Can any homan tribunal rightfully propose tho reformation of the criminal, u the chief aim of tho penal sen traces, which it pronounce* 1 Tho advocates for the abolitioo of capital punishment will, without the least hesitation, answer these questions in the affirmative. They continually assert the truth ol these extremely doabtfuLproposilions. In almost every essay, which they write, they treat them as unquestionable axioms. It might servo to abate their confideneo in these dogmas, il they would recollect, that ever; tribunal which has professed to proceed upou those principles, that ii'iu tcch nicsl phrase “for tho good of tho c(Trader's soul,** has in fact, been a horrid despotism. Witness the English Star-Chamber and tho Spanish Inquisi tion. From such disastrous conclusions we may suspect some fiitsouudnca* in the premises. From whence then arises tho right of tho hu- man Legislator, to forbid some modes of action, to visit them with penalties, prisons, chains, compul sory labor, and other infliction*. But one answer can be given to this question. HU warrant Uto be found in tho absolute necessity of providing for the safety and well being of society, and it is to .be found no where else. Wo arrest the horse thief as a mischievous offender; and *ha| him in prison to involuntary labor. The blasphemer may, in the solitary desert contract much more atrocious -guilt in (he eye af omniscience and may disco' much deeper malignity of heart yet as his crimes do not invade; (he right of other men, no jurat, do reflecting man will pretend to interfere, with or molest him. . . i To descent! from more atrocious to more venial >ffonccs. P.ublic drankanneai may be rightfully forbidden by the human legislator and-panhhed by the civil magistrate, for it is pernicious to soci. ely. Private drankennew, committed in the reces ses of a nun's own habitation, however, injurious to the individual, oogbt not to be animadverted upon by the civil magistrate. To do so would be to invade the prerogative of the Supremo Being; to perish for the reformation of the offender, "for the goaod of his soul,” and to tread upon unsafe grounds. Even in the case of the horse thief, it is not the mere abstract guilt of hi* conduct that we deal with. Werett rendered.perfeclly and infallibly certain that another theft would never be committed, we ooght instantly to discharge him. Tojdetaln him -under tmeb-circumstance* would be a mere wan ton exercise of power. From all this U arises that the true end and aim of Uws, and punishments, are to provide for the safety of the good citiztna, by the prevention of crime. As an end, subordinate and auxiliary to tbis.'the' reformation of the crim inal may well be sought after.. It graufiga our be nevolence, when it can be accomplish), .as a J means of preventing crimr; but the reflecting man { will find every other hypothesis incumbent with ! difficulties, and conclude without doubt, that the | true object of pQnisbment U the safely of the cit izens. To deny this would be to ptefer the bad I to the good, the guilty to the innocent, a few ofiirn-! ders to (be community at Urge. We will suppose.] that the advocates and the opponents of our prea-'i ent law, of punishment, concur in considering the ! safety of the citizens as the great object to be ob* I tamed. The qura'ion then is, bow shall we pre* { serve the lovely matron, sleeping in the midst of j ber innocent babes, from the dagger of the mid-1 night assassin,—how sbatl we prevent the ruffian, j who has robbed and maltreated the solitary tr*v- j eller, from ridding himself of a witness by murder- j daring his victim. Oar legislator says, “do not Qua or you shall be condoned to prison and bang ed by the neck until you are dead.” The legisla tor of our opponents says, “do not this or you shall be conducted’ to prison and compelled to labor.” Which monition will act mo'st~f.ircibly upon the mindrof the evil disposed 1 - I arrived at the era. ] tluatou that the former will prove the more rffret ual. The love of life and horror of death are in stinclive. They are implanted in the human breast by the great Author of-Natnre. Men have no choiee, whether they will feel their influence or not. TbU influence is in fact felt aUko tiy the good and the'had, with this additional circum stance in the case of the guilty, that to them death is clothed with tenfold terrors. The very horror which some of the benevolent tnd well meaning advocate* of abolition, express on tho nnbject of capital punishment, if rightly considered, «ffjid* the most cogent argument against the measure. The low and grovelling and guilty assassin j feel* the same dread and the samo horror, without j any of the • benevolence and conscientiousness which actuate many of oor opponents in this con troversy. Let it be consideredllhat all questions abeat passions, or human infirmity, or homicide, occurring in sudden affrays, or sccidentsl ren coontres, are to be laid completely out of the care. No one proposes to increase the seventy of our present criminal code. The only ques-1 tioo is, bow shall the hand of the guilty aasas sic, of the the. loathsome wntch disposed to com- ] mix the most etrodous form of murder, be most | effectually stayed. In such a caso, shall we not ose oor utmost sagacity to discover the strobg* eat instincts of (he criminal, and address our selves to them. Bhall we falter! Shall we not denounce to attrocious mind thus criminal ly disposed, the sentence which will be to him most appalling! Shall we weigh tho life and safety of the innocent, the generous end the, good against ths interests of snv number of atro-' emu* assassin*! Men .whose minds are consti* toted like the subscribers, would not sacrifice one innocent victim for the sake of any num ber of ruffians. I appeal to our opponents to say whether It is not at least highly prebable, that the prospect of death dues not convey more terror to the guilty mind riian the prospect o! imorovement end labor. The subscriber enter tains no doubt on the subject, but if high pro babitily be attained. It is ell that can reasonably be required, for demonstration is not to be ex pected out of the pale of pure mathematics— Boms of our opponents almost concede the su perior efficacy of the “death penalty” by siroply pleading the reluctance of juries to convict,which, as they affirm, render* the infliction of the pun ishment uncertain, and favors tho escape of the goilty. Is the law of Capital Punishment right or wrong! If right, we may lay ont of the case all consideration of the reluctance of ju* ries, and the .weakness and hesitancy of prose cuting attorneys to perform their duties. It is, or ought to be (he basinets of the public pres* to correct public sentiment, when erroneous, .not to (rookie to it. Moreover, very many re flecting men strongly suspect that this reluctance it only part and parcel of that maudlin sympa thy with the [criminals, and offenders, and de faulters, end dishonest debtor* and delinquents of every class enjl grade, which is fostered and matured by the wiaby-wasby periodical litera ture of (be present day. But have we eny greater certainty that the pun ishment of imprisonment end’labor would be uni> formly inflicted. Our candid opponents know tbst we have not To say nothing of the chances of escape, the pardoning power insures this result. If we have one elite opposed to capital punish ment, we have, as facts speak, a still more nume rous class opposed to all punishment whatever. It is highly probable tbst there is not a single mur derer in the Ohio or Pennsylvania Btate Prisons who has not bad petitions fat hi* pardon repeated ly presented, signed by regiments of sympathise!*. The horrid parricide, whoso crime was committed under.circumstances this most atrocious -and ap palling, forms 1 no exception to ibis remark. It is idle to talk ofjthe certainty of punishment upon either scheme until we go manfully to work and destroy that morbid sympathy with crime, which is the disgrace] and the weakness of the nineteenth century. r. -J-' • . There is still ono more consideration. Nowise legislator confounds the different degrees of guilt by denouncing the saq»,o penalty upon crimes of unequal turpitude. If we abolish capital punish ment, bow shall wo deviad a proper seals of pen* shirs fori crimes. Murder in the second degree deserves perpetual imprisonment and labor; upon, the scheme of ;oar opponents, wbal else shell we reserve the murderer in the first degree! Whit; punishment shell we denounce against parsons, condemned to perpetual imprisonment who mur-, dcr their guards and attendants! Again, wo now threaten ths highway robber with imprisonment and labqr; if We abolish capital punishment, have wo not reason to fear that the ruffian 'will balance the chances of : e longer imprisonment against tho hopes of to|st escape,' by murderiog tho witness, in the person of his victim. • Every vae which I have been able to Uke of the subject, shows the aboli’ion of capital punishment lobe uncalled for and inexpedient The Journal speaks of the intended execution of Raids) air ah act of vengeance sod s relic of barbarism. Ifthe principles Itid down in the foregoing part of this essay be correct, a capital execution ia intended merely for the prevention ur*niigtMayr Revenge is norths motive oflhe legislator who dcfioM the crime, or of the judge who proneoncea sentence. Aa to barbarian, has that editor read the history of oar own amcetlote; if be has, he knorir- that tight or nine'centuries ago -capital punishment did not exist amoogtt them; but mur der and asMsdnation did. And every man's ills i bad its price, from the highest noble to the lowest slave. This price was called were.gi!d, and was nothing more nor leas than pecuniary fine paid for murder, regulated according to the rank of the victim. Capital punishment is an after thought, an invention ol later time*. Is the nineteenth century less civilized or lers enlightened than the ninth! Or is homan life again to be rendered cheaper amongst os than in other ages andcouo triea! In conclusion, if the editor of the Joarnal will come to the point and show os tbst the live* of the good diiteo* will be more secure upon bis system than upon ours, we will listen to him with the utmost attention. Bat we listen'perfectly un moved and without tjxe least conviction to his an imadversions opon the impropriety of cutting a man off io the prime of his strength, tnd other common places of the samenstare. Our sympa thies ere entirely frozen up when we remember that tbs man in queatioo was a necemry sacri fice to the ou'rsged justice of his country. The subject to me is a painful one. 1 came to this city fur res>, recreation and repose in the so ciety, of relatives and friends. Nothing eould bare stimulated roe to write on this subject at pre sent, or to write at all, except that torture which is inflicted upon the minds of tho serious and re* flocting part of community, by the perpetual at. tack* of • portion of th« press upon the security of life, of property, of reputation, of ovary right that we holJ most dear, ezcopl “tho largest liber ty’.” And the liberty which nnny of these gen tlemen seem laboring to introduce, is so neatly of kin to utlrr licrariousueas, that il baa no value in | my eyes. I feel bound on all suitable occasions to endeavor to stem that torrent of uttraism and innovation which, unless vigorously opposed, bids fair to sweep away every thing in oar institutions worth preserving. This must t* my apology for troubling you on the present occasion. E. A./ Warran* I’lvrrasTiAßT.-We are glad to learn that tho number uf prisoner* in tho Penitentiary have been reduced from 170 to 117. The redoe. lion to the present number has been gradual, but constant. The number received at the prison last year were 60, and the nutbber discharged 64. At the commencement of tho year there were 130 inmates, and the norober in prison now is reduced thirteen. We learn from the report of the war den that the whole number received at the prison from ils opening July 1, 1826, upto May 1,1837 was 1176—992 white males.and 20.female*—160 colored males, and 33 females. "We have bad occasion to visit most of the pris ons of New England and New York, as well as many of the prisons in Europe, snd our convic tion is that the Western Penitentiary is among the beatcnoducisd we have ever seen. We have seen the “congregated” syalem in the full tide of tuccesaful experiment, and the “separate” system io its worst and best aspect*, from Newgate to the beat Penitentiaries uf the Uoiled Statre- We think the reasons given fur the “Separate” system are nut to be smwereJ, and .that while the punishment is as severe, the refirm is much great* The good order, neatness and economy of the J Western Penitentiary we have raiely aeen equal. I jed and never surpassed. We assure Major Bscs-' sax, the Warden, that be is doing good oer-j service to the'Stale and mankind by his efforts to ' temper mercy with judgment, in his superintend- | coca of the unfortunate men over whom he has 1 control. The success, too, which has attended the ] Libor of tbit establishment is deserving of all l praigj to the Warden and the officers under his di- ! rection. Ti e work of the prisoners would j do credit to soy class of workmen, add the fact! that an institution like .his, supplied with every comfort for tho prisoner, and every needful atten dance for his epiritnal and physical welfare, is pro vided without cost to the Stale, speaks more than words can do in fevjr of. tho Irisri'ulraa. The building and grounds of the Western Penitentia ry remind one rather of an European castle nr palace than a prison. Windsor castle docs no* look much better from the outside thin our West* sro Penitentiary with it* high towers and walls. The buildings are an ornament to tho Hfeie, and the whole arrangement highly cxcdi'.ablo to thoa* who hav* charge uf their management. - Tnt stobi or hist a vouxa ha*.—Wej have read with deep interest the report of Rev. J. j W. White, city missionary of Cincinnati, urging 1 upon the corporation to erect a House of (lorrec-1 tinn to take the place of a county jail. The coun-; ty jail of Hamilton,lr >ra wlut ihi* gcnllfmansays wejudge to bo no better than Newgate in Lon don. The jail is divided into two apartments, one for the chain gang, wt/o are found guilty of petty offences, and sentenced for six months or a year; to hard labor; the other i» the jail proper, where ail criminals who await their trial arc confuted. | Imprisonment in jail is the. punishment for' the smallest offences, and boys of .nine and fifteen years of age sro sent to herd with rogue*. Mr. While gives the following incident of one of his visits and it ia la introduce this that we make re ference to the subject. Speaking of ono of Ihe young men in the Penitentiary, he gives bis con* venation as follows: “I commenced my course by disobedience to ray mother in staying out late at night; Itezt I visited the theatre, and desecrated the Sabbath day. This led me into bad company. Hera I began to gamble and waa often stripped of .my last cent. To raiio ray spirits, I began to drink; and while on a spree ! committed this bloody crime, which will link my name with infamy— break my mother's heart-disgrace my'poor tia tere, and send me to my grave, with, a dagger in my aoul. I wish I could become stupid; but my corse is, lam obliged to think. ! wish for death, and yet fear to meet my God." Here the poor boy tankdowo upon his couch, and gave vent to his overflowing agonies in sobs and tears. Others there are who are hardened, wretched and lost. But, for the encouragement of paroQia, I will say, I have never yet met but one who had been blessed with a prajiog tnortiej,»bo would not feel and weep at the of her name. Bcottub Rslikt Comofraa.— Theeflorti of theso Gentleman in behalf tit the Two Hundred Thousand Persona, now enduring the horrors of starvation in the Highlands and olhsr portions of Scotland, are worthy of all praise, and we trust they will not be disregsrded by our sympathising community. While very large sums have been rais ed in all parts of our land in aid Ireland, pub lic attention aeema to bavo tr bspri«*£ut very littia. turned, to otber.nallona which have equal el.!™/ npon oar charity, and upotkwbom, ibis drcidfbr scourge,, has fallen severity. Sorely' the wants of Scotland, the land of the martyrs. 1 the birth place of Wallace, Bruce, Chalmers, Scott, Bums, Gifford and Wilson, bat the highest claims upon our remembrance and charity. Kev. Mb. MarrtTT, late of the Methodist con nection in this city, but who went to Brooklyn, and became a member of that connexion there, has published a kind of injunction to bis accuser* not to proceed with their charges against him un der the pains and penalties of slander and libcL-3 The Brooklyn church have taken noaction in the prosecution of the charges made againat Mr. Maffitt, on (be ground tbit it waa the business ol that at New York to proceed, if any.—A’. Y. Ex press. A Philadelphia journal states that three mao of that city have presented a petition to the Conference, asking that i. N. Maffitt be no long, er recognized as a minuter of the Methodist Epts-, ajpal Church. The reasons for this movement arenol given. We presume this is the old atory again which is doomed to follow tho Reverend gentleman wherever he goes. We have seen ranch of Mr. M. iopablic,—and without knowing anything of hi> personal character pro or eon , we have never seen any thing unbecoming a Christian and n genticraan. Wc hope ho is not to he hunt cd up aslbo xictim of aome new persecution. Mr. Melons, baa left Wheeling on his return to Baltimore. We suppose the next meeting of the PitUbuigh and Connellaville Rail Road com pany will reeeivssamc tangible and definite com munication from the Baltimore Rail Road Com pany- ! Good News— The Chesapeake, anil Ohio Ca nal —Tho rumor prevailed in town on yesterday, based, as we understand) on sufficient authority, that the.sum of 1500,000 had been advanced by the house of the Barrings towards the progreae£f■ thirwork. We may now expect to see this noble wojk once more under way for completion- Gevrgetoicn Advocate of Tuesday. the ontice ths rfeetase of Mrs. Hannah Emily Rose,tha mfrof Capt.F.'A.tßofe U. 8. A.— Mre-B. died ai tbeBu Charles Hotel, in thisdty, pn tto Afternoon of Tuesday, 1 leaving boa Aiid and a ha»bafld sorely distrtssed.by his irreparable lass. She died emong siren gen; but ell that a husbands krve and the kindest and most unremit ting attention could do, was doce to smooth ber dying pillow, and nuke her gentle spirit’* pas sage from esrtb to Heaven. Bbe was but 18 yean of wje, and' had been but 2yei tf untried. Bbe was a woman of great excellence—a de voted wife and mother. The patience and forti tude with which she supported henclf under the illne»s with which she died elicited the admire tion oj her Com. Jour. Rev. J. N. MAFFITT wt(l deliver a Lecture, in Soulb Common M E Churrh Allegheny, lh:s (Friday) evening May 7th, al 9 o'clock. SohjecL—Woman as the was t !rs, and ihoald be. Single Ticker* 25 ct» Gentleman and ladjr 37 t-‘i eta Gentleman and itvo ladies 60 1 r*. . MR KDtrOß:— Pl**<e announce ths name of JOHN J MUSK, of Veraaitlei Township, a ruitaole candidate for ihe Legislature. my*d&wT WILKINS ’. JOHN SHERIFF, of the city, will be supported by many Wh’gtof tho city and county for nomination by the Convention as a candidate for Ihe Legiatature. j uiy7diwT PITT! J W U;\XTK!l,nf the city, will bo supported hrftirr the Wh'g and Anumainitic Convention for nomination it* the rnndidate f >r the office of county Treasurer. mySJAwte SECOND WARD Mr. Kcito*—SAM’l, PALMKK, K*q. hax I-cch rpo kru-of hric «.« mi excellent and: suitable candidate lor the Irgisluiure I)y calling attention to the aliore you will oblige wny Wb<xso( the city. ltl)SI&.wlr COUNTRY, Kjcuxnos Uasx or PiTnascott, ) MaT*4ih, l&t?. { Tliis,Hunk ha* ihn day declared a Jmdend of three iunl a half per cent on iu capital stock: paysLln to »(ockbolder*,oi then legal representatives on. or a(W UieCli Instant TIIOS M. llOWK,Cashier, niy<d PifrinrßGit, May 4, 1547. DivantsD—The Directors ol\ihc Merchants’ and Maiioacluteri’Uhnk. this day. dfcUrerta .liridendof luur per cent on ike capital atocV, out of the profits for the last six months, payable un ci after the 14th in*t Hasten* stockholders will tic paid at the Commercial Bunk of IVnci»vlvaitta, in I’hiliutclpltiM. mySdlw W H I)KNNV, Cashier. Bam or PimsDsou, > .. May .till, IH7, S Thr President and Directors of this Bank hare this day declared a dividend ofllirrc and a half percent on the capital stock, for the last hi months; payable to Stockbolderi or their legal representatives , forthwith. mySdtd JOHN SNYDER, Cashier. W t invite lUa attention of our reader* to the ri iraordntarv eureaof Scrofula performed by Dr. CulUn't Indian VigttabU PaAaaa, which they will find record ed in another column of to-day’* paper. They are without doubt the most wonderful on record, and have •o heeit pronounced by many of our most respectable physician* The nlQietrd and other* imcresied, are re* queried to visit them at their several places of abode, and leam-ff'im their own Up* the wonderful effect* ci the medicine. The first one named is Mr Isaae tiiooks, who may lie seen darly, between the hour* of 9 A. M. and 4 l‘. M at the office of Rowand & Walton, N*o 370 ,Market si. Philada. (K tj $5,00. BOOTS 5,00. SO. 00 VOUnTH BTKKKT, CORNER OF POST OFFICE aI.I.KY THE subscriber respectfully inform* the public that he has commenced the manufacture! of timtiemen Fa»ki»nahU Boat*, of good material and workmanship which be will warrant-superior to any Bout ever made iu Piilisburah for llie price. These handsome Boot will bc.inaoe to measure, and warrant them e« reprr settled, attnn v. ry low price of FIVE DOLLARS CASH. Centlrmen are n-qticsird lo rail and riant nc them. iwl W ti ERSKINK. C7*Afler “Proving all things. Iu id (ait to that which i* good ’’—For the Piles, n will be found that I)r. t)|>- Bam s Vegetable Electuary, is the only remedy for dial complaint, upon which the.Mifferiug can rale with eou fidence—it ixndeed a friend iu the Utnr of need —**_ •* «*• nt« ...lie ui urcu U_/*r<utd, Wholesale and lleiail, by WYATT A KbTCHAM, IVI Fulton slicrl.New York. Wm-Tuoss Market street, und P. R. SiirTtk, SamhfiieiJ street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Price Sbpcr box. | w CT'lmporlant to Advertlaera.-The adver tisemcm* which appear in the Dsity Morning Uixctie also appear in the Tri-Weekly. Ilfu< receiving the ben efit nf the circulation of ali, w.diom nny additional L-haree. This is an advaniage moor adven;*n«. witliout any extra Advert.‘cm- also mHrrtrd it the * numry paper upon reasonable terms. GlQtcaff TininoM—\W Leg leave to callyNMic ettrutan ic tJie following, from Dr. U'm ! Doan, "of Witbanuville Clermont Co , ami one of tbe ver>‘BS»i practitioner* is the county iu tvlueh he reu.dei. ami late Senator in the ?iai- l.r?u!dlk-c' I; „ i herrm*: thu> to-cr Un-Lad. mg n»cn of Uic |./of u <Son, burkun« the Loud- of jHufcr atonal prejudice, and Riving ttent ila due: “Sir: 1 bmve jn.toy practice bevti using toneof you Ciaaen* Panacea] and, so far, am vreli pleuir'd in it effects in Cautrbul and ltronchial Complaint*. Pica* •radine half a dozen bottle*—put them *» low aa yo can; ai I expect if it ronliuura to render a.* general (at nueiion ."»« it h»» Srreto'ore. to keep it »on»tnntly o band- Rc.-pccifully, . rp|7 Wv TO TUB TRAVELLING PUBLIC. JOIIS HANDS. formerly connected with the well know Grin of Puller A Co., would rctpeetfully call 4hc atlenuon nf the Travelliug-public to hit newly open '“ff c»ta.Mishmeni, the ••Manmnn Home,* 1 which has been i titled op in a atvleof neautra* and comfort :titturp«»«- | cd by olher Hotel nfthe *sme ilncripiwui in tbe city ot | elsewhere The Maneion House, >o favorably koovra iin former days Fuler'a llolrl. is pleasantly situated j on I eunsylvaina avenue, wiuim a irw ro«l« oithe Trea i aury Department.»rnl ai a ro.>v-u.«ui <1 nance I nun the , principal Kankme houses and oibcr plarrs of hunucs. [ Person* having business with ihc Department*, will | find Una location kuper-or to any other Hi the city, while | in all that pertains to the comforts and luxury of the I table, tegnlarity of •iicudancr, and everything eaten i'halfo the well liping of v.Mjcrs.no expense will be spared to render the Mansion House a truly eligible plareof reaidcnee ferfa.mhei a* well as *.n*j e gentle- I men The proprietor wnuld espenally call the attrn j ’'oo of QUirera of the Army.aad Nary, to whom I Iheae localities Have always Iweh a favorite plaee of i tvson during ihetr residence m Washington. With a v.ewof deserving a cntuni'ianee of iheir favors manv • niproventent* have Iwen made, and new soutees of ; romiori added, to enable them to realize at the Mansion House all those rttnvemencri wlnrli they might expect in an establishment aniin.gto romUne Hie renuisue* of n 6m rate pulilie lioti I w.tli ihc.auraettons of a gen teel private residence . JOHN HANDS, Washington N H l*onen alw«) •u» attendance. on the arrival of the ear*, tneoavey baggage fteeof eliarge. myTtf Von, whose tenth is ibaLaiuLyellnw— Yon, wlio*e skin is dark and tallow— You. wbooe Hair is harsh and wirry. Ratty,dmy red or fiery— y*' You, whose d ite offensive breath Unpleasant it as putrid death— You coold have—boy, roan or girl— Tsaih at while at suow or peart. Breath a tpicy tweet, and curricle I'ore and white and tmooih and beautiful And hairioAi tiller, dark at tlae, B f reading what it taid below. READERS, any of you can have the above Ur (mind tbi« is nothing bat troth.) a*ing a3* boUJeof Jones's Co ral llalr R«»loratlve—a Si bo* of Jones’* Amber Tooth ' Paste— and 4* cake of the.rename Jones’a luJuui Chemleal Seep. |The articles com bat little, and too are assared that jthe following nre their real aaalitiea; The tooth pane jives thebfeaiba sweet odor, while teeth and preserves theieelh, Ac. The hair atulT all know to be (he mosiezquUite thing ever made fordrea sing, beaujifyingi and earning the growth of hair and the aoap, (get the genuine Jones’s Soap, mind) wlßeoVe ail eruption*, freckles, Ae.iand make dark yellow while.clear«od fair. All thcseihisn araaold(onlv) at W JACKSON|A Boot and Shoe slore and Patent Medicine Warehouse W Liberty at my 7 ~TuFOHIOI Sf AL OF ~~ SABLE} harmonists, BK«1 respectfully to announce two of their Unique Consent at (lie Philo Hall on Monday and Tuesday evenings, May ltoh and lltb " ’ During each evening a rieh and rare selection of Ethiopian mHodie* and Parodies from the g*m* of the moat favorite UpdrU will be sung. PprpArtieuUnrsee small bills of the Jay. ,-Ooflr*{opened fat 7 7 51, Concert' to commence' at 8 !- ■ ,v '' SPRING DRY GOODS. SHACKM-NT ,* WIUTb, No W Wood street, Pittsburgh. are new receiving lajnre additious-of lale and desirable style* of frcab-SprmjpDry Goo.li of recent importa'.ions and manufaciore, and are prepar ed to offer grean'indoeement* to cash or prompt pay dealers.' { ! Oar stock i« now very-full, and comprises many very i scarce add cheep good* my 7 FOR Srvl.K— Two good building lots, situated o Congteit A. each SO by W A. Also— l lot SI (l by IST. corner of Cangrett m an Penntylvama avenue. 1 lot Si by US ft on Prnosyl vania avenue. I lot ‘J2 by 130 ft on Locutt at. Term favorable, 8 CUTIIBKKT royfi Real EtiatfcOfEce, SOttailbfield si JCK CREAM FREEZERS—Just rec’d, a loge assort* 1 reent of Johnson’* excellent Patent lee Cream Frr«r aer*. suitable for Hole!*, Steamboats and private fa ft* lies, at JOHN DUNLAP^ DRIED PBACHKS-4(1 bos in store and for sale Iry tu)7 ROBERTSON A REPPERT “ tnj? _ No 119 second *t FKATIIRRH— SJ sek* Feathers, now landing from »um Union—for *ale by my? ' 1 DICKEY' A,Co. water A,front su C> OTTOS —3d bale* Tenh Cotton, uow landing fro / steamer Union—foi sale by IDIOKKV A Co SUNDRIES-* bbl« No t Lani; • ll «ck* Feather*; ' Ibx Peacock Flflinuhe*—to a my 7 I DICKEY k Co rive—for aalc by CIfNUHAM I.AWNB-One case of beautiful new t patterns, very cheap, just opened and for rale by m>7 ___ SHACKI.ETr A WHITE. LAWN ROHES—Senrinns rich, new and low priced Robe*. ja*t opened and for sale bv my? # BHACKI.KCrt WHITE. SI MMER STUFFS—A very large olmfaeaiof sum mer stuffs, for men or boy * ware, just received and fs?sale by SWACKLETT A EaRI.'TON GINGHAM—Oue care-spring style— fast eolot*. jiim received and tot f ile l>\ my 7 SHACKLETr A WIIfTK BACON -SGOOtht Bacon,ll R; for «sle by my 7 MfcJsMIAN ifkRRiNG-Sa bbl* No 1 Baltimore Herring; for TO, suleb> my 7 M A J BU)aN '.*o bl>U Soulh No 3 Mackerel; foi my? M & J H|,()aN Thimml ray 7 _ ID SHAD—iObbtsm storrM- (tit sale by M& J SLOAN FEE—3O bga ju*l rec’d, for a«lc by M k. J BLO\N 'BA COFFEE—IO bag. Laguayr linc'd and for iale by M AJfILOAN Laocai Coflee.ji ray 7 1 —B6 dot jutl rec’d and for aale low by OJtUM, McGREWACo No 8 cem aereial row liberty at gaoow 150 bbja Floor in autre and for aaie by M * i HLOAN, lilxrty A wood'ata, ~rß*i*TTlUo« raiSriiio oiSiaer* Tp'in «^iiir t ;cgin» ov-iqr orvics urn. , ft>W* arcoow; prepared loexoeote in * superior •ad cxpcditioas manner, all kinds of Jen" Pinmaa, sack as large Steamboat Bills, Bills of Lading, Letter Sheet Circalara, Handbills, Cards. Ae., Ae. hoot an ruraur nuriio to any extent executed in the best manner, and all kinds of Printing done with accuracy, and alike to wen ft**- IJ_ 1 Great Writers Bell flisgt JUBHtactonr, CINCINNATI, O. A GARDNER A Co., waaJd-tafoan tke trade that • they are now mana/actshog tke best Butt Hinge ever made in tke United States. As ikis is oar princi ple business. we intend to send otu ns completees ar tiele at can possibly be made. Those engaged in tke hardwate trade, we think, will End it to their isterest to see oar Btms All orders promptly attended to. mys A GARDNER k Co, corof Btk > main its JOHN P. PKRBT. [Late of the Arm of Malcolm Leech A Co 1 Wholesale 1 Groeor, Cammlsioa A Floar Hinhaat, DEALERin all kinds of Country Produce, Cop per, Tin, Tin Plates, Tinners'Tools, Zinc, Lead, Ruaia sheet Iron, Iron and Naifif While Lead, Dye fluffs, Couon Yarns, Salt, Ac, and Pittsburgh Manufacture* generally, comer of Liberty and Irwin streets, Pitifburgh, Pa advances, mCarh or (food*, made on con • iguraenU of Produce. Ae- mys BOOKS— Suitable for Common or 9, School Libra ries— Suudev Evening Convereatlcnt, Things by their right names; Juvenile budget opema; Jut. bud get reopened; Pictures of Early Life; Scenes in Na ture; Coiambus and Vespaeios; Beauties of Eng. Histo ry; do of Preneh'dp; Balboa, Cortes and Pizairo; Hut ton’s book of Nature; Praise and Prineip'le; Martyrs of Bohemia; Twin brothers; Chances and Changes; Means rod Ends. Tbe above, with a large variety ofethet books. suitable for the aame purpose, for sate by mys J L READ. 4th street DRUGS, DBUGB, JOKI. WOHLER, Druggist and Apothecary, N, W. corner of Wood and 6th sU, PitMiurgh, will.keep roasiauUy on hand, Drugs, Paints, Oils, Dye-stall*. N- B Physician l * prescriptions carefully coaipolaud ed (rora the best materials, at any hour of tbe day or oight. AJ»o, au assorunent of Perfumery; fisioToolh.. Hair, and Cloth Bru<he», Ae. Ac , whielt be will sell low for cash. may 1 HAVING received license fcs a Druggist of the First Wardof the city of Pittsburgh, to sell wioes and spiraea* liquors, "lor medicinal and sacramental purposes, and to be used in the artr:" I hereby notify all persons applying for the above, that they will be re quired to leave name, residence, and specify the pur pose Articles of superior-quality .can behad at fair prices, it the Drug store of the subscriber, No 67 Wood street. ra>d B K SELLF.Ort GOLD PENS—Jus* ree’d, one gross of Dismoad or ever-pointed Gold Pens, of the most appiored brand*. These are carefully selected and adoplod to every variety of band; their fine elastic -pnng, giving great ease in writing, and making cither a bold mark or* beautiful hair line, st the pleasure of the wilier. 1 bese pens are all warranted, and selling at ihe lowest price*. Gold Pen Depot, corner of 4th and Maiket su - myfl _ W W WILSON FIBS* KHOUVB fob IALB-A first me «d c<a>« Pint Engine that will throw two side and one gallery streams, with pipes aod-every thing ready for service. She will be sold low—for funhet panteulais inuune of W GORMAN, ADAM OETrY, i OEO WILSON; myO Committee ftLOVBB* nOHIERY-A fresh and wtllas vJF-sorted stock of white ami colored cotton Hosiery, for men women sod children, constantly on band Also—Lisle Thread in great variety; Bits and Linen do, spun Silk for children. tty Black and colored Paris Kid Gloves, of best quafty. Ptl EATON tnyfii No *3 market st A Pair of Uertu WsaUd. tTTANTED to purchase from tbe country .-a pair of VV sound horses, coming six yean old, from 16 to 16 hinds high, good in double and single harness, (or wbicb a isirpnee will be given. Datk colorpreferred Apply (if by letter, post paid) to John Gilt, hatter, 111 Wood street, Pittsburgh. my6dlw MORE CAPITAL WANTED—I have been authorized >o negotiate for the following loan*:--' At,OUO lor a years. , 93 000 for 6. years. BA.OOO for 6 years; fur which the best of se curity in the city will be given. All commaaicatioos, (•ersonat or bv letter (post paid) strictly confidential. Jot S CUTHBERT. General Agent. mys No6oaaithficld«t_ PRIOR'S INK—Josj received at the Pehm Tdrorr, Tt) Foanh street, tS kegs Proui’s news Ink, 10 lb* Sue fob ink in I lb can*—Also, a lul of Rod, Green and Blue Ink, Leads, 'newspaper cuts, brass rules. Ac., and for sale at tbe nfrnufacinrers* price. tny&llw A JAVNK9 A BLACKSMITH WANTED—A yoong man acquainted with Plantation work, can have per manent employment ai good wages, in a healthy part of Northern Mississippi, for funner information apply to GEO COCHRAN uichlgif - No 36 wood st BROWN BUIRTINGS-A large invoice of eastern Brown Shirtings—light, medium, and hea vy. 1 j»i received and for sate by my 3 SHACKLEITR WHITE IMO D VALENCIENNES NETTS-W R 1 Murpby has lately ree'd an aesortment of above goods for Capes and Caps,of new stylet and' beautiful patterns. Also; Laces and Edging. ' \X7AHTKD—A youuglhan somewhat acquainted » V wnh the Dry Goods business, and who can come h'gbty recommended for urbauity, activity and for mor al aiu indusuipu* habits, and wbo will be Contented with a moderate salary, may address Box *507, Pom Office. myS £^UGAR—7O hbds N O Begar, pan prime qeaiity: t 3 landiug from steamer Germantown, direct trom N Orleans; Ou conaignmentand for sale by ROBERTSON k REPPKgT mos No lM second st nLBGAKT BERLIN IRON BASKETS, Vj a large ns.-omnem of Berlin Iron Baskets, ot beau tiful pat-arn suitable fur parlor ornaments or for work or card basket*; for sale by {tty6 Pit EATON DRUGS-DRUOS— . Gum O.Mursj; Pcpenne; Blue Mass. Cafomel; Tartaric Acid; Hyd. I’oiaih; Coulee; Sennit; Sugar Lead; Syr. Liverwort, etc; just ree’d and for sale by m>,6 R K SELLERS. CHIC KEEPING'S PIANOS—Just ree’d and for sale, a splendid ro»e wood seven octavo Piano Func, manufactured hy Cbickeringof Uo-im. iu)6 _ _ J II MkLLOR,6I wood st Gt LASS-400 bxs exlO; r liO do. |oxl3; 100 ilo 10x14; I ino do 10x13 io Ha*/*; on countuaem and M talc I.y J C BID WELL mj« ' « water al.eet BllPlf PAP£B BOIKS-A lup assortment of Bad" Taper hoxes,'of ai.-wlcd sizes, suitable for •tort*. iceeivcd ibis day end for rale at my® F II K.ATOX’S MACHINE CARDS—Just received, a tre»b aup» pry of sheet card*, for wool carding machines; cnnib-plaic and card draper*, for tale by myS GKO COCHRAN, No W wood ft LARD OlL—ldUblaChevcr A Co'a superior Lard Oil, on consignment; for salfby J BCIIOONMAKERACO tnyJ •' - _ No at wood at COTTON— I*7 balctjatf rrcM per stntf'Union, and for tale by ; FRiENIL BIIKY ACo tnyd •< - No Sf water at SOLID BOX TIBEIf of various sixes; received on cooticniaeai from die manofaetarer. for Hie by mys v 1 1 • GEO COCHRAN DAPPLBIA PEACHEB-100bod Apples; . 30 “ d Peaches just rac'd and for sale by MYERS, lIUNTKR ACo my 3 No 188 liberty st PBH— 39 bbla large No 3 Mackerel; sdo do do 3 do; 6do small do 3 do; for isle hr ,-myS • F SELLERB LOUIBVILLB LIMB-SSbbla very whilejaxi rac’d and for sale by POINDEXTER A Q> myi No 41 water st SIIAOi Herring, Mackerel and White Fiah; con* ■untlv on hud nod for ule hy mys ! OILS— 4 bbl* winter Elephant Oil—blenched: 4 da do-Whue do do; fertile by my 3 F SELLERS, 171 liberty it KEG BUTTER—* kn in cood CflSMru*, now landing; for aale by i DICKEY A Co tays water A front sts BKAHB— Wbmmall White; far tale by WICK A McCANDLESS . ny3 . eor wood A water ata CIDER— 100 bbls. jasi received and tor tale by 8. F. VON BONNHORST A Co. mj-5 No yFroM at. CIIERBB-I4 bxs sow landing, farsale bjr myS . I DICKEY ACo nHY APPLU—IUQ ba«; for sale by rays ; 1 DICKEY A Co ANVILS— Wroarht iron aavils: farsale by my3_ CEO COCHRAN CORN— aOPO bus prime yellow Corn in tacks: for sale by ROBERTSON A RKPPEBT GtKRHAN CLAY—lncski and bxttfartaleby r myS ROBERTSON A REPPERT CN ABTOR 01L—35 ibis No I; lust ree’d and (or J sale by tnyft J KIDD A Co, 80 wood tt EXT. LOGWOOD—SOO lbs jail ree’d: for tale by myS J KIDD A Co SUPERFIKB BLIP. ELK—ISO lbs; far sale bv myS J KIDD ACo Cl DM CAMPHOR—COO lb« Jan rec’d; far ale by T myS J KIDD. ACo LRMON SYRUP. EXT. FHE-IB do* in •tore and far sale by nyft J KIDD ACo No 17niaikci at CHALK —5 ion* dry Chalk in esks, farsale by n.y3 J SCHOONMAKEK ACo STURPICNTINK —IS this m excellent, order .for sale bjr J SCHOONMAKER A Co V'ANILLXA Bl&A9S—prime and fresh; jotl ree’d and for tale by RE SELLERS myfl 57 wood a* CAMPHOR— 1 bbl jest rccM and far fate by myfl B E SELLERS OWAIN’S PASCEA—I dot. farsale by D jmy« R S SELLERS RH. HAWKINS, Attorney at Law, Grant at • Bakewell’s Baiidinga, neatly opposite lbs Nea Coart Heuc. ayfiwtat* LUMPER— BSOP8SOP ft black Walnut, for tale by _my« t C BIDWELL POTASH— 10 caskslataoru,jott rrcMaadfor aale by_ tny* J C BIDWELL BUTTER— 5 bbls fresh roll, for aale by myfl J C BIDWELL APPLES A PEACHES—ooo bn dried Peaches; 50 do do Apple*; n store and fat sale by tn>« J C BIDWELL tIOMBS 3B» gross No 3 Hood Combs, for tale low: / cnyn .... J C BIDWELL LINSEED OIL—JS bbls jait rec*d and for sale bv S F VON BONNtIOBST A Co 7 _ ro _y* No 35 from n DREBM LA WNS, for 131-2ceiiia per yard, at tk« north cast corner 4ih atrd Market street '"l* W R MURPHY OH UI ?L!< No 3 Mackerel, larxe, last rceM and far OU fide by ATWOOD, JONES A Co ”7* water A front at* T'OOACCO— 40 kp «twist Tobacco, far aale by A. “y*. ATWOOD, JONHS A Co HEATHERS-;* aeks-Featben, far aale by T myO ATWOOD, JONES A CO- CaAB CIDER—Ib bbla in store and br sale by ROBERTSON A BEPPERI SNUFF— l tirce Garret ASon'aScoik Saaiifar aali by nyO R E SELLERS Hutfion Balte' ; '■ By J«ha P. Psyls, AyUamter : _ Dty O—NXi- • - - ON Monday morning tbe 10 A inti at ltyeloek, will be sold far eaxh- earreoey, an extensive assonment of seasonable, suple k fancy dry goods, he. At S O’clock, -P. M. f . ; A large quantity of household fantf are, amoftg which are splendid pier tables; hareatts; fancy and’common chairs; Moeoa; bsJtioads* mark fc wasframsdh; tabioot* abqvel*_gl**sware; groceries, InmrUetng machine, Ad. ' At 7| CFCloekr P.' M. . . A Wgw assortment of ready made' efoiHhg; gold A rilwrwatehev; superior pocket A table outtleryi boots; shoes; hats; caps, Ac Ae.' my 7. - . • B Hartems nt AmetlWM -. On Monday afternoon the tOlhihit atdl-lo’cloek. on : boar A at the Monongahela Wharf, below tks mktnh of Ferry at, will be sold the steam boat Harlem, with bar furniture,uekle Ac,all of which i* tngoodordek, and may be examined at any time previous to lime of sale. Terms of sale will be liberal. , my 7 Lota Inliswrtarrvtlle. I ON Saturday afternoon the tSih last at 3 o’etoekjWiU be sold on the premises 18 valuable building lots of CionA venr handsoately situated in the botoogh of wrencevule, near the Allegheny ArsenaL Also—That beautiful private residence, formerly oc cupied by James Telford, adjoining tbe above, contain ing about two' acres of ground, ou which is creeled a good brick dwelling bouse and several other buildings. Terras: one-fourth cash; balance In three eqaal an nual payment*, with interest—to be secured, by notes and mortgage on the property. ‘m>6 Baildiug Lota on Po&m ati , ON Monday evening the 10th inst. at Bo’eloeh, at the Commercial Sales Rooms, corner of wood and 6th su, will bo sold two Lotnof ground situated on Penn rtreet below Hay stand lying oa each side of the dwelling boose of Mr. Mitehcltree,havinga front oT*4 feet each eitendittg back 810 feet to an alley 30.1 t wide. Terms—one-fifth cash; -balance payable in 5 years with interest payable sem’-annnally. • »)• D 4 Lota at Aaetlon. ON Saturday afiernoon, May Bth at 3o’clock, will tie •old on ihe premises 64 lots of-ground. very handsome ly situsied in the 7th wardof ilte city, nearly opposite 10 the residence of J D Mahon, a plan of which may he seen at the Anciiotrßooms. . . Terms, one filth cash, or approved endorsed oole at 80 days, the balance in four equal annual paymenlSf witb interest. Purchasers to pay expense of convey* aitcing. . ®y* Steamboat Areaa at Awctlaa* ON Monday afternoon ifie Iftth inst, at 4 o’rloek. oa board,tithe Monongahela wharf, below the raoulhof Market street, whcie.sbe be soM for cash hy order of Finlcjr, assignee, the light draught steamer Arena, wjih all her furnitara and tac kle, which is in good repair, and machinery nearly new. . . - myl For Cousin, Co.'d«, Aithina, and ConnmifUoi! mill: GREAT AND ONLY REMEDTfor CoUA l-Oatwbs, Asthma, and CONdUMPTIOW, AttfoHUN. QARIANRALBAM OF LIFE, dfoeovered bythoea*. bretsd Dr. of f Addon, Engtand, and uttrodßosd Mo the Dattad Btales under tbe lmmcdhiie mpomtaa*. of the Inventor. ~ The extraordinary meitaa of this medkiar, la the c«re of Pulmonary dlsaaaea, warranu the Amorim Atant In sollelUng for trsauoent the WORST POL ■IBLK CASES ibvt found In the remmaalty eaom thax mk relief ia tqhi DsA any of the commas ismnlht of tbe day. and bhea boas given sp by Uw ■MtttaOacuUbsd Pbyslelaiu aa OONPIRJKD AND □(CURABLE. Tb* Hungarian Ha team has earn, and wßeumtba MOST DUPERATE OT CARCB. Ufa ao quack amtrtna, but a atandard EngUsh madlnna, of knowa and cstahlUbsd efficacy. ■ ' Evarv fondly In ihe Unhed Staton sboold.be nnW wlTSshaa’i HuagarUn Iklmm ofLR coaaUract the consumptive tendencies of the amato. ■at to be need as a prsvauHfa- modklM la all caaaa of OuMa, Concha, Sphaagof BteoL Pain la the Sldc md Chasl, Irrhatfon and Moreneso of lbs Luags. DHUnbr Breathing, Usctk Pevar, Night Swaau, i-.A,L. ,mA Ocnaral pabdity. Asthma, laftusnta, n &SeL < si oar bortte, with fan diree ilob* fartho imtoratton of Ilaalth. i- . , Pmhfate, eontalnlng a mam of English and Amen* aaa eartttsatea,~aad other evidence, suowlax the in sanillsl asertte of this Gnat Eaglfoh RameAf* **7 ■* ' sfitibmil nf the ArenU. gratahoealy. - * ' . DAVID P. BBADLSR. seta Agaat far tho Uattal •Mm. Ilf Omrt street, Boauoi tIw.DYOTT A SONS. General WJmtaaala Agmta. No. 1» North Second atreac, PhOafalphlA. For tale by B A FAHNESTOCK 4c Co. eoraerof wood and front streets . my6_ Fresh arrival, of works~ai m a MINERTJ Literary Emporinm.' Was) ihgtwu and bis.Genersla flv J T lleadtey, au thor of Napoleon and his Marshals: The Sacred Moun tains, Ae. HCepuviiy of Napoleon at St Helena. By General CountMontbotan Paris aod6.; , ■’ r '.l < General-Taylor'a Lifo, Battles, end Despatches, with the only correct portrait yet' published; including high ly important letters Ac; aceoaots of tbo gtonom battles, compiled from authentic source*. A The ■faring of Pearls; by G P R James, E»q. The Mysteries of the lleattia'fresh supply. Tancred: or the New Crasaile; by Disraeli. Phelps’*Travellers’ Guide;accompanied with anew Map of the United States. A splcadid assortment of individual State Napa among which is’an improved u ap of Mexico. A largn-varicty of bandaomely brand Bongctara , a complete auarttneut of the Modern Standard Dra ma. including Feudal Times; ortho Court of James tke Third. _ For sale at : M A MINERS my 4 smilhfield st 3d door fromSdst NKW and MO*T EFFECTIVE REMEDY. I DR. WOOD'* Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry Blltarst fox Ibe rare of Ihe following | diseases: Jaundice, Liver Compl-riol. all Bullions Com-1 plumttiKk Headache, lleail Barn, Indigestion, habit* aal Cbstivenesa, Piles, Palpitations oflbe Ueart, ; Lou of Appetiie.DysixPsii.Nenrott* Irritations, Debilitated Stomach. Languor. Depression of Spirits, Chronic ftbeo maura, Cutaneous Diseases, Canker.Bjphiloid Disea* *et Berofola Imponues of the Blood, Pimple* and Fauates on the Face', Hereditarj Humor*, Cold Botes, and all disease* arising from an tnfrdiciosf ue of Mer est y. ' The aitention-of the invalid public, and of all those •filleted bv any of Ibe above cirearen, is respectfully called to ine menu of aeew.and layaJoablc prepare* tion from an original recipe of adistingoished physician, combining in itself ibe most active remediaj prone rue* of two oC die very first articles in ibe Materia Medico Tbe Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry Biuers wet*.in** traduced to ike poblie about twelve months ago,'and. daring that period their *occe*« ba> been ao great aa to. iodoce the proprietor i* offer them wiih still mote confi dence, in the foil belief that by entering into more ex tensive nee, they will prove a blessing to all those tsfferinx from tha diseases above ennxaeraied. Sold, wholesale and retail, bjr WYATT A..EETCIJ-. AM, general agents, 131 Fallon street, New York; W« Taoxa, Market street, a&d P. TL 3a versa, Southfield >iraet,fcttsbsrgh,Fa.- Prieoßl—Urgobotues-‘ • ""[From the SpiritW the TiaeaT* A FACT WOBTH KNOWING A gentleman of Scrofulous, habits, Aon Indiscretion. in his ypungerdars.'boeanieaieeted with Ulcerations, of the Throat udNo*e, and a disagreeable and troo blesome ereption of the Akin. Indeed, bis whole ifv tom bore die mark* of be inf saturated with diseaso One hand and wrist were so noeh aSeeted that be bad bat the use of the handover* pan belnr covered with deep,paiafU, and offensive Dicer*, and were aa bel low and poroai aa a honey-comb. li was at this mage of hie complaint,when death appeared Inevitable, from a toaibeome djeeaec, that he commented the 'ane of JAYNE’S ALTERNATIVE, and having taken eiz loon bottlea, is new perfectly eared. ; SThts ALTERNATIVE operates through the eireala non, aad {unifies the Bleed and eradicates diseases from the tysura, whereseptoeaied, and the übaensa ceres it has performed in diteaser of Skin» Caaeer, Scrofula, Goitre, Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, and other Chronic diseases, is truly astonishing. < For sale in Pittsburgh althe Fokin Tee 8lq», Ja..4th street, near wood, and siro at the Dreg Store of H f Beh worm, Federal »t Allegheny city. ayddfcwF BKIVBR, WABBEH * o£kVILAXD une of canal packets and stages. Assaa - _ 1817 jssßsdi W GREER canal packets telegraph s swallow, LEAVE Beaver daily at 2 o'cloek,r.tt, aller lha arrival of the netmbou BEAVER from Pi tub tret, and arrive at Warren meat morning (n searon fer Dm Stage* which reach Cleveland before night. ' Passengers will be receipted thr»ogh,secnTing bertha on the Packets, and ceaia ta the Stage, on application on board steamboat Bearer, (leaving Pitubargh at ’t o’elock.a. m,lomo the agents: • G M IIARTON S Co, Pintbtrrth CIJtRKBSCO, Bearer . JESSB BALDWIN, Yoaßgstawn >pls M B TAYLOR. Waireo v . ' To XrwTQllor— | '‘KXPREM PAST PACKET LINE*? EjaQKggSD ' for PHILADELPHIA AND BUVIHOB? IJEeclMirwJy Jvr Faaragsra) *“ THE Canal and Railroad being now in ejcceltest order, the Packeu of this Line will leave with pas* •engers as follows, every night at 9 o'clock :• • • do Lorjslana,Capt Thompson, Friday, Mar 7 do Kentacky, Capi Troby, Saturday, Nay 8. do Ohio, Capt. Craig,Sunday. Nay 9. If yoa deaire cheap travelling aid comfortableaccom* oodaiiona, leeare joartickeu at ihe Paeket Office, Moaongahcla (loose, Water street, or of - »"*» H LEECH S CO. Canal Basin MUSIC! JtUSIOI HVSICI • LEE A WALKER, Dmltn ia Swie siidSiai. /wtrewow, 1«0 Walnut Mtntt, PkUtkidpkia Hava jast published,—Friendship; or Scenes oTother dare may Fade. Le Petite Banseaset Vienno'tsei.by t{ Kettx. ' False Friend, W V Wallaee. ■ ■ Pas de Flear; Maretxek. .Giendaloagh, W J Lemsn. . Baeaa Vista Uarch. Radolpb Polka, CF Rudolph. i Ravel do M Keller. * ‘ Gea. Taylorii March Bnd Qeiek Step, &e: Ae. : *• They are contlanlly publishing and receiving all the oewmosle from New York, Boston, Baltimore, he) ' . Orders respoeifblly solicited, and attended to with panetaally. Always on hand, all ktndsef Mastcallwtroments, Violin Strings, Toning Forks, and all aroeles of Afati cal Merchandise, at the lowest prices. nyJdli Rich Dili PariiDriaisi QTTUATBD IS miles from Pimborgh. 3 *He* u Deer Creek LoeJr w on the north side efthcAllcghfcy river, containing abooi l? 0 aerrs well improved a good hoaao and bam, with stable! granary, -'spring boose,he he. A considerable poniOA leadia cleared and and ex good high stale of cultivation. ft i* well adapted ftdjratt trees, of which there in a healthy coediiioo; ihe isnd 'sof blaek walnat w». This farm has been ihe residence of IlearV Psrry, p — fnr *7 veers, will be sold on reasonable terns,' orexebingod tor property inorNdloWnf Aodty v . **{ Eoqa re of Tims Parry at No HO wood ll.PitU bahtb, or J C Parry si tbe lowa Foandry, near tie Gag Works. ' ‘ myddtm* obNGSIBT SAMCKL, LOVUU -, - JS AfkmetmtrsbnlamTVinxiar,. O,.wat*iroa well by Daylight? ( SlayingtheDser; i f •! ; > Ohl Splly Bawi, Widow Maehrem , .TJe low Lacked Car; The two Birds; .. Indian. Bammes*.. - syissss,, Angela Whisper;.. The Fairy Boy; , The Bowl'd Soger Bay; A Ja*i received and for sale by JOHN H MEI?LOR ®T3 - VI wood street NEW BALTIMORE HERRING AND : ri VHAP-39 bbUHemng; * M "96 do Shad; \ B IAo Kol« K k.„t I S * .. W • •! *hlfdo do do aowlaadingand ‘tl-’ U * * for rele by RBRCCF.ATo ■r» B ♦. -. liberty st opposite smltbliclil j . Eagle SAIsOON—ICK CREAtf-Thla popular * JW - plaeoofrmortwiHbe.cvenforihflieaaonirsevc- C ntna;Mayjro.l- , -• . ; . - <aT j y.' JZ QPABIBH QUIT ARE—A* new aad lam aaiort "7» * , * J H MELl.ite SCNDRIER- -Gioaad Pipper, fWrdim-a * J* Clove*- ’ d»r Qorm; Nurnw^v; 00, Cuumao; pTmSo! -Forsaloby mr4 ENoESII A BbßnETt’ 200 b S£ , dffffiU amend APay, Pinsbargh. Mackerel-60 bbu tanre No 3,800 th; I 50 hlfdo do do Forsaleby .- KDWD HEAZeLTON - fast isideof ibediamsnd Black lace fo» bis^Tu^ Scarfs for lisdioe—• eaareo anfok—* ni . rcocicod, Abo; Derege and Mk [Searfo—at the Drv Oobdrjkiasocf myd W R MURPHY 7 tom Ho 1 kb !lur.|t «„ k irou, landing frootsteamer American,and for sate hj “* M ALLEN A S rayi water A front ns pOTASH—>3 eska-sap, Pouuh, jest ree’d on rou. a singmentandfortaJeby ~ .. I MILLER ASICKFTSONB ”73 • No I7ollbeny street naASOKI AJHD UlO»>|fiO bx« ferule \J JowioelMceomwaawtit t>y ‘ T* ■, ENGLISH &-3ENNETT 90 c re king*, pdac qtalitf; t»t tale by ' PM "** • ■ . BNULISIIb BENNETT bblst erring; 6do Shad; * .<3O d< g»Maekerei; female by i * - BKNNF.TT -Qflft ? * bing l **' ** 109 (0 cton coattauaeat MiU by o»M • KXOLIgn , W bbU Ti oneia’ Oii, fer »ale torn by ' - a r < |»• KNQUSHfeBKNNRTT tt*r Hoc** Uolawes; far tale lew br * ENGLISH ft BENjU.TT skCandr; . euonca do, ferule low'by -• • ENGLISH k BENNETT « Wrappiaf paper; fersale lew by i* English 4 bennett 'Window Gtasa, jaet landisr and for *ale ■ \BP VON -BONNHORSr ft Co ; No 33 wood >t QBKJCjI myi R°H* L ' bbU Jon red'd aid fbr u!* A *l b * M>4 SPVONBuNWHOBSTACo B®AH **ek« Tenneure White Beans ' for tale r b 7 _»y< BPYON gONNHORSTfc CaT UTIBTB ®W SASH—IOJOO lights kitorttJ vxatt TV tan ale by S PVON BOSNIIORSTtGa "T 4, J ' ~ - Mfran. lt - AP*UtS—f*ea»k«{ - .. tthninOiU: for tale by 8 F TON BONNMOhCT l C. 1 for Me br IV MT4 ' BFVONBOWNHOaSTicCa SCUHEK SOAWU.iobe had of «ay< I- , ' I - w R MURPHY Qfl BA(>S Bto Coffee, jotl teeeired aad for tale br yU- - W4M MITCHSUHtEK 1 i * Wowiibctiy u WDAIaIS Havana Cofee, tot wla by «cr3 :••;RILLKft t- HICKStSOff t[ 80L8 Withe Be*a», jtut feeU cm nwiiaa - eat bod Un-aalaby-py3- JJILLKB ffTBICBEIffOW- HOESB|RaDJBII, filled and pu an in tiattlr for immediate ase, eeaiumJjr on band at ike Naiiaid and Spies factory, f 7 Fifthetreet «P» lr V RHODESfoALCOBN » OCORCB Mlilhi-|Qiib , i for aale by O my* | IWi OEBER,cor water and amtthEeld m ' ROLL bill froh roll Butter. for rale by teyft MTEH-S HUNTER &Co BXS Ciscianaii Soap; for rale by • O mrSv. . | • -W GRF.BR 4CSKB Salerauta; fo? sale by mrS " . I PKACHJCB. AHD AP£I.Kf-3»'dtifd i*eMh. ea, halves; 73 do da'Apples; ibr sale by : «yl - ' FRIEND, RIfEV ACo 1190 do Aapieoi. 1 DICKEY i Co, water * front streets Fat a*W by ap3D pKDAB, hW 80 V/ spaa . Cedar Lon for file by I DfCKKV k. Co SCOBCHISOS-3 Ton* sale by ip3U • j QUEIUTDS-a To&ai O tale fry • ap3Q ■ - [ ' first rort Beorrhii'r*. for 1 DICKKV-fcCo Raleratas. to arrive*, fax [ 1 PICKET * Go i pAVOUUPabbxa Citj i/ by • • - •p3O • : • .Dipped Candies, tor sale POINDEXTER * Co . •• *' -Wo4l wmterst CIDER— 1< bbla, in atorejand-fiir aale by »P» : E DAuZELL AOO.HI SCOHCHIHQB— SO-bbUiSoßTcljiDf*, Airealebv _JpW . ATWOOD.JONES &Ce BKAVR& BUCKETd-foldoxukiar ratoby • *'■*••■ *• £.-•->•••»PoaavTUfcfo . j»lt iufylwTi by ' ■ya J r ‘ roßavru &co Oft tO lb cuinmeC Mtnurd, te sale by.;., * ' 4*o efc». ■ • . », . • F*E3-i-*P«- ' bbU PliwaliooT' farnlaby. : f OESYTH fc Co HAMS, fte-lj Seea (idea, ion tee’d NO, RHKV fc-CO ; ■.gwtiw. •,. audfijx»i4*by «ptt- IBBL Fresh Camomile 1 for sale by' . B, spS9 pwerrlnm received and PAUIfESTpCX A CO IBUL Jamaica UtageriS saleby - aptS ; B| M.i«M ceeetead. nd for FAHNESTOCK ACQ, 0 BAGS Ginger Root, jas^j received aad for nle by [AFAHNESTOCK A 66 PIG. IRON-jkOfoos hot! Figlioa, in more aod fo apSj WILLIAM a| I and cold blast Mercer eo tfeeleby ]fc PILwQBTIT. wood M niUUBIS-8 caskAred V> b> ap2S~ iJAI dring ib i* day, aadfernk D ATWELL. X water h BACOW-4bbli II - i to[i and for Sale by ap »ra, lndtaff ton lake Erie JA DALZKLL Boi»k PQBg-mopi -udtsr Mle by ■ . f IHRKKDOIf«— ISJDQOniIs fJaaeedOiClxTcuk la ud farwleby 1 . J JORDAN k3ON *p9 • ! . : :iB-libgity;.trett • M BdlkßarAaowiaadieg [IBAIAH DICKEY *<X> ioo.ooo flsirs&{a's ,h^ ,i r tsoK [KIOTO Ci tsTreeeivedand far nl»br ~. ' tpM SHACKLETTt WHITE ■ - *wpe«n 4-Uwiam bbbHenmki . ■ v ' — prtM do. fttaleliy. - .. .. . ■P» ___ _ 3 3PEDAN A SON ElO IUHTAJ*—IOO too* Hot ul«bj . - tlfl» • FtIEWP. HHEYdr CO,«T imerit TV APfritßl—W"&.'fccl«W by f 1/. op* : • j jordan * .sow TYT£fc-«)6«ili» winter ftM&eTttlf ~ “ V 900 “ wbokr -' do - •pS7 O BACfflti-M ba dnrt Peacho. imt uccm r udfiKMUbr HUTCaWON lb CO *VO ■'■ • • ■ N 043 Wiltf, 4 Wwcod as O BLACKBITBN A CO iVTTEA—IS kep Butter. On nle br 7 > apt? : . JAfl DALZKLL Lard, fet wlrbjr UTOOL-4nch WdoL fcr sale by V¥ K# •- • JA3 P&UCSLt. in BALES Deer Skioe, Imdiic freer Miebi*u Ju»o, lUmjfcmtebr . JA* DALZKLL OQ BXS Exu Logwood. tw.«U by', ' ■ -i'BAPAHMWTOCKA Co wy3 ,-r j QOOBCBUKiS~«ee«ks pt«e, ree’d’oe eoo».r*l 0 meaiaad rotate by * _ CUNNIXGUAM A BONNER W* . * :m lihenr »t ,T\&T HkUtfP—23o l>«4 Applet, • %‘. ISO !•' Tiicm*;' (or ul« b; wya CUNNINUHAM A BONNER SULP. jiu received aad fer n»oby , . - J KtPP.Wwoedal I lbi Mult uttki.jtM Xj rcc«d and lot »e>e by • J KIPfIACe . ALCOHOL—IS bklt }mt received aad tornie by' ,A>pl» , . J mPPACojOtwcterw COOBCHUQI—Jut received andfer role tr wapift WICK AMeCANDLESB POTi&a—Pnflw FatroAl«t~ moved and (or tale by _ AMcCANDLK3B TBAD--6»ninGa)eeaLced,reeeiTcdper Meaner HUTCHI.HO.SjbO- Gnr^winf~tfM«-' 1 siiki iuttkaif wya***!*" BELLERA.S7 woodu ; |EP OIL— bill for*»!e bT - , ■ H K SKLLKEA.W eteod n YBUbOW OCBAB—lAWlbaUrt Freacb.ibi •ate by apl* K E BELLKEB,67 wood «t ' CtBIFPSD LOOWtfOlMohblibr‘uHV“ t ipIS - " * ** , 'K B BKLliKlrt S7»n«4,| t jLcO9~7 ,°CO tba, beg mad. ia fiora »od for role *y *«Pt> 8 A W lIARBAUGU Ugh proof, Jatircc'd and fee Mleby r J SCHOONMAKKK ACb •i 1 * 1 ? -rri’’ ~ ' ‘ ' - »<■«—*- BttLSUaeee* (Hi nxoodarder mmt eon-. hjf mi - ! *? -• itWHOONMA'rarig lB .... OH KEOSLbadoaMuunLfeiutaby 4\J ml% ■ - VB6HOOyjECAKER ACo APPLHtE—Atneaniele.jenr&’aner-' r a*apMWell«vi[J«,*adfor ale by r r A-W nABBAUCB - No » enrol «; tITHiVB BEAH»-ln acke,fe ( ul* by ''■ *F »ya : , : .fIAWUAKBAUOH rpiOBACOO-JI Ujb IM Wrapper. Jb nihra; L wTfeufe ittßunSuiiilu: ( ; 14'? bn Unfed Yimaliiferwhiim' l nnjk»e eamljoiteaf. jayO FOgaYTHACo • 100 aleby; , uji ; . AKcßgreON* 50055 fa J Staki"*“ , "'^" to “ “>* XIIXE* t WCKET9O.N W GREBE Voa*e, Mil tor .civrd abd iar SSOCK 4 Co k. wood lit liy Petrhm; pealed; DALZKLL
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