The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 06, 1847, Image 2

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• rrTw trtmtwm Paitt Otrnn i* pablohed
■hiffi. Tri*Weehty, *od Weekly.—The Daily it Seven
ffiuiiOerutMm; iheTri*Weekljri» Five Dollar* per
Weekly is Two Dollar* per annua, ttritil f
•■ia'nrffw*.--'' ' " ' .
(or nous copwtt-)
. : Co» cnmXLAxn cotnrrt)
; . ok tc
THOMAS E FRANKLIN. LtneMter c,l » ■
JOHN C KUNKEL,Daaptun County.
JOHN P WBTHERILL. PhH»ilelphi» Cit>.
THOMAS County,
■ ROBERT M DARI). FrunkUo.
JOSEPH H KUHNS, Wettmorriaml.',
' d J BALL,£rie.
II D MAXWELL. Northampton.
I B SALISBURY, Bu«qaehannm.
Samuel a purvUnce, Duller.
HENRY » EVANS, Chencr.
ROBERT T POTTS, Montgomery.
tU’/.IuSI Joinufi Whin of the
kiss. “ 4 ~i" ” w p '
between the Uoi.e of ? end 9. VARNER.
.p*7dAwtd Ch’m of the Comef-Cot.
B«« ftrarth Faro for MUceUmncouJ Newi
For iatx*t Commercial Intelligence, Dorateuc M
keti,River Newe,lmporu, Money Market, Ac.
third page.
Ae New York Ueomothingmore th»N. *orh,
pgr K, M John T,l.r woild esy, “ 'h« busroe..
ud population of PKt.bu.ih no bul half ennmoi- i
nod in the town whoro wo ore. What Brooklyn. I
Juu, City, end WiilUnuburgh no p. Iho com. ,
moibui emporium of iho east, Birmingham, Alio
,hsny and Mencheiter no to the Iron City of tho
wwt. Wo n. but tho centre of the greet whole;
the foche of the trade, business, commerciel end
eoeiel life which it eo prosperously flourishing ell
joond os. The more we eee of Pittsburgh. end
the town, which ere eo doeely linked with ue,
to become a pert ofourasltta, the more we wonder
at th. rceonrcee of thie old and noble city. We
feel sore, howrrer, that eten the beginning of the
end i. not yot eoen. Whet Manchester end Bir
mlngham ere in England it i. not extraeagent to
entieipelo Pittiborgh end the neighboring town,
mey one dey become. With tributaries like the
Ohio, the Monongxhelt end the Allegheny, wit
Cenele to the East and the L«kea,-wnd ere long
we hope, with Beil Rood, diverging In ell direc
tione—it ie not eeey for the imegioation, era
with wings to gnide ita flight, to foresee what
extent of business one dey or soother will b«»e
grown np on the heed waters of the Ohio. We
think we ere not extreeegent in this, though
seeing with e etrenger’e eyes we ms, eee more
then older men around us. But stranger things
hare happened at home end abroad, end whet has
been- may be again end again. '
We spent some few hours in Birmingham the
other day *nd ere reminded by an interesting arti
cle i n ihe Post, of a promise made to some of the
citizens there, to communicate to oar readers the
resultofonr impreseioos. Weere anticipated in
deed, In much that we intended to say,bat eproe
pering town and an industrious people offer mate
rial for more than a single editorial chapter. Be
nicies our subject ie nof so much to say any kind
words of Birmingham as to give our readars some
idea of the basiness of the town. To that end we
have asked some data from different gentlemen of
the principal manufactories of the place.
- The Glass and Iron works form, perhaps, the
important branches of business in the Borough,
and first of these we note the following:
Make annually abtut
—&,«00 Boxes Window Glss*,
6780 packages Vials and Bottle*,
Number of band* employed, 63
Amount of fael consumed, 4,800 buib. coal
u u 500 cord* wood
Material* nied of Soda and Potash 90 ton*
of salt \] *OO bbU
Sand tc Sand stone 400 bush
Boards 150,000 ft
' ThU establishment employ* constantly through
t he yen :
19 finUhing Glass Blow*rs—average wage*
per week, * l3
6aaiUtent, - “ *
13 boy*, ** **
3 do, i" V 3
3 glata packer*, f
3 do cotter*, . ** 8
3 Lead Maker*, _ “ 6
.1 mould and mettle maker, “ 10
1 assistant, do ** 6
• 1 engineer, u 7
: I box maker, ®
3/uraaeemen —each, .. M
1' store man, “ M
4 laboring men,. “ 4 $
3 clerks and salesmen, “ 1°
Fuet’co warned, 80,000 bush coal annoally
Anneal ProducU of the Establishment, *68,000
The eatabliihmet of MctraJiT 4c Lkdlzt i*
engaged in the eame bomneeand is one of the
mosterte*si*eandproaperoo* in the State and
coonUy. Some sixty or seventy hand* are em
ployed. In hoth of the above eeUbliihment a vast
amount of rich, beiutifal and itrong work t* tam
ed oat. I
Amount of coal and wood consumed in
Window and Vial Fietorie* yearly, #3OOO
Amount of labor for men and biys, #22,553
Number of hands, T&
.Amt. of coal consumed in bottle Factory, #2,489
AmL of’ labor for hands,
Nnmbar of Hands,
The above amounts ate merely the co*t of mai
ufaeturing in wood, cgrfl and labor.
Hands employed, 35
Amt«of coal used per annum, 26,000
Value of feood* manufactured yearly, #lB,OOO
Hands employed,
Kegs of lesd manufactured about,
Gallon* of oil “
PotUble amount of Pig Metal rousora-
ed ptr annum,
Portable amount of iron manufactured
\ 4000
per annum,
Number of hand* employed, HO
Portable amount of coal consumed
per annum. 320,000 bueb
Portable amoont of alack consumed
per annum, 50,000 boah
Portable amount of naiU manufacture
ed per annum, 17,000 keg*
Thia catabliabmont b one of the beat arrrangrd
we b*»e erer teen, and employer" and men gite
evidence of peat aoccesa in bu>io».
Tttk* rattle io a week in each of ISm*
For Übor yearly,
Hod and W* •“P l ®** l,
Tbeaa arabtta put«ftta pal who!*. Aj
Brick Machiaa of bate Gna * Cu baa joatl
bob bail!, whan, x my tomtation of an «*ln» |
tncuen brickaac*dainij and bcantifellj mod*,
si* men bee* c*a toaka *5,000 brick* in a day, j
Thia ia ona of tha mapy macaalloqa inaantidoa of j
| the again which wa lira. Another U tha Planing I
I Machine of tha —»oa fiem, whara 3500 feat of
plank are planed end grooved In the wovUng boon
of the day.
Thera* era also Urge nw mills, tanneries and
othar of a kind, bat ail in*
dicatiog that thrift and prosperity which U the
reward of well invested capital and persevering
It U pleasant to remember that in the
millet or all this there are churches dedicates to
God,-—school homes foe the young, and many
other o£»tboee moral social blessing* without
which riches woold be bat the mieeF■ curse, and
„labor only the poor man's oppression* .But bare
Labor snj Capital ge hand in hand, and both are
blended in tbst noble harmony which makes ths
one by common consent, as ihty are by common
necessity, the handmaid of the other,
Birmingham is united to ns by ferry, bridge
and omnibus. The communication la tasy and
without delay, either upon the excellent ferry
boat oT,Dr. Force dc or by the omnibus line,
or by foot. The three thoosaad people already
there, will be eix thousand in a few yean, and the
music now heard from tome dozen engines will be
heard from' a hundred. There en elements of 1
prosperity here not to be mistaken, and to men-cif
bard Labor and of Capital, and men with lands
and houses, and to all men, we bid God speed in
the good wofk of laying bare those mountains
and valleys, every acre of which will prove of
) moie value than mines of gold and silver.
We bed supposed tbit telegraphing, es practised j
on the line from this city to Philadelphia, tu es
neer perfection es the science would admit. The
writing by telegraph, es is generally known, is oo
ft slip of paper. We, saw, however, the operators
si this office lake off neer ISO words on Tuesday I
night,- of venous tnesseges from Philedelphie, by
the ear alone.' The Instrument et this office we* 1
broken, end it was necessery to remove end repair I
it, but by the slight Hick' of the magnet every let
ter was distinguished end every word correctly re-, I
ported on Tuesday night end yesterdey. By ft* I
mitierity we heye become so eceuitomed to the I
telegraph es to look on it, es we do on manyother I
extraordinary things, Without wander. Theeend |
ing of messegee, however, by sounds so similar
end so slight, ise new thing under the eon. We
question whether the like has ever been done be-1
fore—most assuredly it was never excelled. Mr. I
Brooks, the Superintendent here,is a most eccom*
ptished operator, tod Mr. Btager is tlsq,veiy sue
leessfal. We have seen many feats between |
Mr. Brooks and Mr. Lindsay, the principal opera
tor at the Philadelphia office, and they baveirane
i mitted news for us through storms of lightning and
i rain that would have stopped any other line in the
1 Union.
We regard the working of this tine, since
was opened in January, as demonstrating its so*
p'riority over ell others in the country. With e I
few trilling exceptions it has beorin operation to
fitnea**** over the worst route in the country, and I
hence to Philadelphia in general, it has bad fewer
and shorter interruptions than any other tine in
the Union. The stems which prosirjuejl other
lines did but little damage to this* Mr, O’Reilly
may well be proud of this triumph of jibe great
model tine of the Union. s
Our Cincinnati friends occasionally cavil at the
errors which sometimes will occur in thw-new*
transmitted by telegraph. This is es often the
fault of others as of the operators. We have
only to say to them, wsjt till the-tine is completed
to your city, and we shall see whether you do any
From the Telegraph.
Mr. Editor: There are many Antimasons and
Whigs who tegiet the attempt made by the Ga
elic to produce an impression on the public mind
in reference to our appr.*ac* nominations.— I
Editors, as individuals, have > .ndoubted right to
entenaio their preferences. nut surely they ought
to leave the people free to act as they shall think I
fit *in their primary meeting*. They should al
ways express the wishes of the people and not
seek to control and direct them as to the persons
on whom they should bestow officer I
There are other individuals aspiring to the sen-'I
atonal nomination aj well as Mr. Dairie, and their
friends consider it unfair, u it U unprecedented,
for the organs of the party to throw all their j
rweightaod influence to the support of Mr. Dame,
to the prejudice of others whose claims and quali
fications they think equal, if not superior, to those
of that gentleman. . Jarsaasoe-
The Gazette baa attempted to produce ;do im
pression upon the public mind in regard to the
nomination*. We have no candidate for any of*
fiee, but the candidate of the Whig Convention,
aod he or they,—Mr. Dame or any other good
Whig,—»h»ll receive oar ear nett and hearty Kip'
.port. The Correspondent of the Telegraph does
injustice both to our remaiks ( and our motives. We
covet no position of control or direction,—*tt no
m&hVman,and seek only to follow where the Whig
prty leads. W. fouod the Whig presses in the
neighborhood aod city speaking warmly of our
late Ben*tor, and in the short acquaintance we bid
with the people, wc thought by endorisng. these
opinions we were acting in harmony with the
Whig sentiment of the eounty. As we grow
older, we hope to become wises and to learn at
least to speak to, that others ah all not charge us
with assuming any control or direction of the
Whig party. We hope atleaat not tohenusunder»
stood now, when we cay that the Gazette has no
candidate for any office new preference for thy per-
Officera created by th« lele Congress.
Humber, Place, Salary,
5 Treasury Department, $BOOO .4.
4 Judicial. 3,800 and fees
\ 2 Lsnd'office, ,'•== not named
| 1 Comptroller, 1,300 I
2. First Auditor, 3,300 1
i i Second Auditor, 3,300
4 Fourth Auditor, 3,000 j -
2 Pension Office, 3,000
11 Sob Treasury, 9,600
16 Surveyor* and Deputies, 4,000
19 Assistant Surveyors, 13,360
6 'Register and Receiver, not named,
Besides these there are e number of nnscella
neon* officers and an increasapf pay for nine clerks
in office. *
Msjor Generals, *
Brigadier Generals, 3
Adjutant and Assistants,; . 3
Paymaster and Assistants, 13
Captains and Lieutenant# of Ordinance, 13
Matine corps, 1
And all the appointments under the
bill for raising ten regimenju of Regulars. It is
thus the Loco Focos in a season of leas than three
months created officer* and multiplied the Uiee
of the people.
Jlffc/JoaiTio* at Lowell —The Lowell
Courier say# that tha manufacturing companies of
Imwell have resolved to allow the operatives, after
the Ist of May, three-quarters of an hour for
breakfast, and the same for dinner. Heretofore
they havo bad three-quarters of an hour for dinner
daring the months of May, June, July and Au
gust, and only half an hour during the other eight
months of the year, and half an hour for freaks
fast the year roond.
' A correspondent of the Cincinnati Atlas nomi*
nates Gen. Winfisld Beott as President, aod John
J.' Crittenden as Vice President of the United
General Scott is warmly supported by fee BUo*
benville (O.) Herald and the Harrisburg (Pa)
Mr. Clay's claims are urged with seal and abil
ity by the Augusta Cbroniel* and the Southern
Miscellany, published in Georgia. -
Eeioaaxta—The number of emigrants who
mired at New York in the month of April were
31,893. Six thousand German emigre*** Utaly
passed through Cologneoo Ibsir way to the Uni
ted States.
CormpoeAMce of tbe' Pittsburgh <2neue.
- A. - "WameoTQtr. May
Irartant for
"Amang'tbefifty wraral intentions which have
bean patented’lot affecting this purpose, with re
gard to steam-boiler and other large furnaces, very
few art suffideutiy economical or eflective.
j The first person who investigated this subject,
I in a truly philosophical manner, was Mr. Charles
I Wye Williams, managing director of the Dublin
and Liverpool Bteam Navigation Company, and
be also has had the merit of constructing many
1 furnaces, both for marine and land steam engines,
which thoroughly prevent theprodoetioo of smoke,
with iir— — l ** energy of combustion, and a more
or lea considerable saving of fuel, according to
the car* of the itoker.
The intention for which he obtained a
patent in 1840, eonaiau in the introduction of a
proper quantity of atmospheric air t* the bridge*
•iwt flame bed* of the furnace*, through a great
number of email orifice*, connected with a com*
non pipe, or canal, who*e area can be increased
or dimmiahed according a* the. circumstances of
complete combustion may require, by mean*, of
an axiemal valve. . . ,
The operation of air thus entering in mall jets
iota the half burned hydro-carburetted gaasea oter
the firee, and In the fini flue, i* their perfect ox
; ygenaUon, the davelopemenl of all the heat which
that can produce, and the enure prevention of
I One of the many ingenioua method* in which
I Mr. Williaroa has carried out the principle of
what he justly calls hia argand furnace is repre
sented in fiigure l, where a i* the ash-pit of a
■team boiler and furnace; b, ia the mouth of a tube
which admit* ’the external air into the chamber or
iroo box of distribution; c, placed immediately be bridge g, end before the diffusion or
filing chamber/.' The front of the box ia perfo
rated eithor with fouad or oblong orifice* as abown
in the two small figures e, e, beneath figure I; d is,
the fire door, which may have its fire brick lining
i also perforated. In some cases, the fire door pro
ject, in (mot, and well as the sides snd arch
ed tops or tbs fire place, are constructed of perfo
rated fire tiles, enclosed in common brick work,
with ’anTntermediate apace, into which the air may
be admitted in regulated quantity through a move
able valve in the door.
.1 have seen a fire place of this latter construc
tion performing admirably, without smoke, with
an economy of seventh of the coala formally
consumed in producing • like amount of steam
from an oidinary furnace; h is the steam boiler.
Very ample evidence was presented last session
to the Smoke Prevention committee of the House
or Commons of the successful application of Mr.
Williams 1 patent inventions to many furnace* of
the largest.dimensions, more especially by Mr.
Henry Houldswortb, of Manchester, who, moun
ting in the first floe a pyrometricalrod,which act.
ed on an external dial index, auceecded in observ
ing every variation of temperature, produced by
varying the introduction of the air jet* into the
oaa-of ignited gasses, passing out of the furnece.
He thereby demonstrates that 20 percent more
heat could be easily obtained from the fuel, when
Mr. Williams’s plan was in operation, than when
the fire we* left to bum in the usual wsy, and
with the production of the u*u*l volume* of emoke.
It ia lobe hoped, that a law willbe enacted in tbe
next session of Parliament for tbe auppreaetoe, or
at least abatement of this nuisance, which so great
ly diafiguree and pollute* many part* of London,**
well as all oar manufacturing town*, while it act*
injuriously on animal and vegetable life.
Mach praise is doe to. Mr. Williams for hi* '
defat igsbie and diiintereited labor* in this diCcul
enterprise and for his forbearance under much on
meritad obloquy from narrow minded prejudice
and indocile ignorance.’' DR RRR* f
Fig.S repreaenta another formof Mr. William*
argand foresee.
Either modification ol Mr. William* furnace,
will produce a perfect combustion of coal. wiU
prevent smoke, and cauae a taring of about twen
ty per cent in the amount of coal eonaomed to pro
duce a given amount of heat.
After yeau-oLpalieot ahd laboroua investiga.
tion by comnutteeCtEeTJHtiah Parliament became
■o thorougly convinced that amoke could eaaily be
prevented by the adoption of suitable furnace*,
that they have passed declaring amoke pro
duced by manufacturing establishments, a nuis
ance punishable by heavy fine. In your public
spirited city, qowuch law, I am sure, will be re
quired to remove the dark cloud of amoke that has
ao long liko a faoeral pall overshadowed it. All
that it wanted is to inform your manufscturcshow
eaaily and aimple the pioce** is by which smoke
can be prevented, and Pittsburgh will no longer be
denominated as the dingy, sooty .smoke enveloped
Mr. Williams’ “argand furnace” has never been
patented In this country, consequently all of your
manufseturere are at liberty to adopt it,—as they
undoubtedly will, when Informed of its principle
and merits. „ „ .
Respectfully Yours, Ac ,
Attorney for Patents, Washington, D. C.
Exclusive Corretuondcnre of the Puutmrgh Gazelle.
May 5, 8 P. M.
Tha firnraa to which ihi* communication re-k, A belter feeling i« noticeable in the market for
meoguree w wnrcu r fre#r . Tcvday buyer* took 2000
.J^lbbi-Howard at at *6.75 per bbl, while City Mill* 1
ject ia deferring the cemeal cenaideratton of those #tood tt wilb 300 bblc.
who woo Id with either to aave fool, or what J To-day salea 3000 prime Pa. Red Wheat* at
•hoalif bfl regarded u eqasllj in. portal, tie pr«- j 160.1C3e per bu-.howta, en .J..nee,
erretion of the eitj from the clond. of Book, -hich | P n “' Ye " o ’ “ 95c b “—"
rest upon it like an incabo*.’ Think, for a mo-. 3(K) bbli commeal aoid at $4,50 per bbL
ment, of a clear atmoephere over oar head, a clear J j n Provisions Lot little change.. New Westers
«m a eloadleas sky, the moon and etars in full! Mess Pork i* nominally held at $16,00 without
• T-k, , n A . brighter dav We •»!«*• sold to extent 200 bbl. at $13,-
»iew, a bright e emng & * ' |5O per bbl. At $l4, which .omo eonteqd for, no
aeenre oar reader* the thing may be done, and we i nlea< gf Western packed Mew Beef sales at
j think oar Correcpoodent prove* jt to the just cal- end bidder, ct $l4 without sale*. 60
I iaftclioD of even the hitherto unbelieving. j bbUprime etslo. No 1512a12,50 pcrbbL,
Btcon continue! in active request. Sales Wes
tern cured Hems to extent 10,0001b* at
an equal amount of Sides at BJa9c, aodabout as
many Shoulders at 7^a7jc.
-No alteration from yesterday in Lard.
Beef Cattle continue scarce and in demand.
To Ike Editor of the FilUburgh Gazette, j 1
The Tnrget of War. ; 1
In wandering through a grove at Saratoga, the t
viritor comes to a Shooting Gallery,! in which is 1
the full length figure of a man, made af-tost jron
•The heart is painted white, aod when hit by me
bullet, causesthe arms to toss wildly in the air, as
if the victim were io the full agony of a dyiog glad
iator. There was one in my compsny 1
a rifle standing by, and levelled it at tbewmric,
then turned away his aim, saying he could not
■hoot at the figure of a man, at a human heart,
though it were only painted.
Buch was his auperstition. 'My friend, poor
fellow, ia now dead. But I have often thought
of that little incident, and especially during the
Mexican war, in which* one ia reputed to have
even tried to atop a trace, that he might have one
more ahot—end at whatl Not a cast iron man,
but a living, thinking, emotive immortal being.—
I have bied to imagine that figure at Saratoga to
be changed from iron to a very man; as my friend
was Aiming at it. I have fancied that it became
flesh and blood, with all the nerves | and muscles
•ndqaick ofhumsnity. The eye becomes light
ed up with fire and intellgencc—that painted
heart begins to-beat, and to be the! seat of a hu
man soul—“than which,” says Augustine, ••there
is nothing greater bnt God.” Let him be invest
ed with the several ties of boo, brother, husband,
father, citizen, friend,—let him be also made an
immortal, having eo immortality of joy or sorrow
before him, and let this bang upon the life that
now is, as probationary time—and who then
would shoot at the target? Sore 1 am be would
not who would not eboot at the figure of iron, but
tamed sway his aim, as the banter who dropped
his gun from an eagls, in which bs saw an em
blem of Liberty. Yet man. a being ‘•made a lit
tle lower than the Angela ”is the coveted target
of wer. - ! J. W. R.
. Thb “citizens Aceomac,” we are sorry to
perceive by an account of their proceedings in
the Richmond Chriatian Advocate, are behaving
very badly again. They seem determined to
coerce the Methodists of that county to join the
Church South; and propose carrying the matter
to the ballot bo*. They talk as if the Method
ists had treated them.very uneourteously in not
changing their cbnrcb relations at their dicta
tion ; and warn them “that a-further resistance
will be met by such action as is prompted by a
due regard for our preservation.” Alas, what
fantastic tricks some men cut before high Hea
ven! If we were there, with all our peace
principles, we should either fight ot run! We
could never acknowledge the right of the world
to decide for us in such matters. Death or expa
triation first. Perhaps the best plan for those
whose tastes or consciences 1 disincline them to
the Southern Church, would be to leave the
eounty. “When they persecute you in one city
flee ye to another ."—Christian Advocate.
Hews Items.
A sailob’s is the custom of affec
tionate wops**, when they go on a long voyage
la government ships, to leave a portion of their
wages to be drawn by their wives. The paymas
ter here thought a while ago ti»at a certain wo
man came often for the domettic ahare of her hus
band's wages, and on an examination of tly mat
ter, he found that *he was the wife of no Ires
than five different seamen. Whose wife wdl she
be when the ladiea’ Hospital is established! for
she bad as many husbands as the woman of Bj
earv—Jour, of Com. \
The great problem of agee,!“Can a Woman
keep a secret!” Is bow about to be solved. A la*
dy has been made operator in the Bpringfield of
fice of 'the Boston. Telegraph line. AU the busi
ness of the line panes under her eye.
The wooden pavements are to be taken up in
all of the streets of London.
We learn from Michael Allen, Esq., that over
twenty-two hundred bushels of Giain arrived
yesterday, in this city, for the relief of the starv*
lag poor of Ireland.
Bang* oTWtmtwr Lov*r.
<Tb« Katie of Lottr/embrtciDg tome of the
*«aeust *ong« tad billtdt now tang beta* th*
jmbUc of in the ptrioc, m*J bo found it John Hj
Metloia, 81 Wood street. Amoog these ir« No.
•* of the Songs of America, called Slaying lb*
Deer,—the Ballad of ! “Oh watch yo well by day
light” “Widow McCre*,” Ac. To those who
have heard Samael Lover, we need not l j com*,
mead his masic or his words
Tbb Chronicle reminds as that it was the Hoase
of Representatives and not the Legislature of Mas«
sachaselts, which passed the Resolutions approv*
Ing and commending General Taylor. So we
ought to bavejaaid, an the Chronicle ought not to
have said they were defeated in the Houss of Rep*
Lm or tbs Rtsifi.— Mr. Bowden, M. C.,
in a recant speech in Talladega, Alabama, called
Mr. Polk “The last of the Romani.” The Mont*
gomery Journal oo the occasion expressed it* de*
light that the breed was so near run out!
The City of Boston is advertising for a loan of
$1,000,000, at live per cent, interest The mo*
ne j is wanted for the new water works.
The Baltimore American says that the aasossa*
ble property of the city will be about $77,500,000
for the next year.
Correspondence of Pittsburgh Garnett*.
Exclusive Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gazette.
May Sib, 7* P, M.
The stock of Flour in this market continues
light The demand continues good, and ’price*
are well About 1000 bbls sold at $7
per bbl.
The market lor Provisions is not so active t>
day, but is more settled after the flactuatiens of a
day or two previous, most in feeling however
City packed Men Pork sells to a \rry moderate
extent at $16,50 per bbl—Prime is held st $14,50
without sales- City packed Mess Beef sells at
$l4. New Western Mess Pork is held at
end Prime at $14a14,50.
Of llacou sales Hams Western cure at *OJc,
Shoulders tt 8«8je, Sides st 9c, and Canvassed
Hams at 13sl2|cpet lb. The sales are uniro
porting but prices %ro firmly maintained.
- Prime Yellow Beeswex realizes 27c per lb.
Some sales common Western Feathers st 29c.
Pig Lead has sold to some extent st4js4|c per
Primo keg Butter sold at 14c—it is scarce and
thje receipts are small.
No local news worth telegraphing.
Exclusive Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gazelle
May 4th, 7 o’c. P. M.
The stock of Floor in this market has been
much reduced, and it precludes Urge transactions.
A good demand prevails. Sales Genessee, Ohio
and some Michigan at $7,87557,98j per bbl—
Supplies will be coming forward in a few days.
Sales to a very moderate extent of prime Yel-‘
low Corn st 103 c, tDd White at 93c per bu..
The market for Provisions has riot varied in
price or demand.
I {Sales 600 bags Rio Coflee at 7sc. and 200 St.
Domingo at 6Jc, all 6 mot.
Exclusive Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gazette
An improved demand has sprung up for Flour,
but the bulk of the sales are for futare delivery.—
Of Genessee 3000 bbta on the spot were taken at
$7,26*7,311 —for future delivery talea 12,000 bbls
et $6,75.' Of Western, sales on the spot sls7,*
121 P* r *»d Baltimore City Mills at $7,00a7,
18 j per bbl.
Of Wheat bu prime White for de
livery in June, at 142 c.
Com is in demand. Sties today 17000 bu
prime Yellow at 94c per bu.
1000 bu Rye sold at 90c per bu—t concession.
« Whiskey In bbls 29c—supply small.
Of Cornmeal sales to-day at $4,50a4,&64 |per
Some Rye Flour sold at $4,87 J per bbl.
The expected arrival of the Caledonia bos
caufri a decline in the amount of sales of Cotton
in expectation of later advices. Prices are the
The demand for Provision* is less. Western
Met* Pork is $15,00*15,874 for old Mess and
Prime $l3 per bbl, and lew sales.
Sales prime rendered Tallow to extent 5000
lbs at 9c.
Lxttee >'boh Hox.Joas P. Kza*xpr.—Tb# j j
Baltimore American of the 4th h&sati interesting i
tetter from Mr. Kennedy, in reference to the Bel- ,
timore and Pittsburgh connection. Mr. K. aayr: j
I bave no doubt that we, may obtain a speedy i
and profitable connection with Pittsburgh. In*
deed, I have rcaton to khow, from direct commu
nications to that effect, and from the most authen*
tic aoorcea, that the community of Pittsburgh, as ,
well as the Pittsburgh and Connclbville Compa
ny, will negotiate with us substantially upon the
basts of the resolution submitted by me to the
Stockholders of the Baltimore and Ohio Compa
ny at their meeting of the Ctb of April.
Thoee resolutions proposed in effect—That
Pittsburgh should furnish seven hundred and fif
ty thousand dollars; and upon hex making that
cootribatioo, that the Baltimore and Ohio Rati
Road Company, and the City of Baltimore, or our
Citizens individually, should, together, take the
Charter into their own control —and make tie
road to Turkey Foot; and then, under an express
contract which should give them full authority for
the parpoae,—continue the road from Turkey
Foot to Cumberland when it suited our own con*
venienee, and by such route as we might select
with a view to our own interest. In other words;
Pittsburgh wii to give tu $700,000, and we were
to make the road on our own terms. With a view
to this arrangement, the resolution further pro
posed that the Baltimore and Ohio Company
should subscribe 800,000, and that the city or
I our citizens should furnish the residue.
Mr. K. supposes the road to Turkey Foot would
cost $2,000,000, and that Baltimore and the RaU
Road Company will subscribe $1,200,000, which,
with the Pittsburgh subscription, would carry the
road to within three miles of the National road.
If Pittsburgh will do this, it is suppeaed by Mr.
K. that the city will resume negotiations at once.
JJAltersome speculation as to the tmde-and-bu«
■iness on the road, the building of rival roads,
the importance of a communication with the
Lakes, and a bolding on to the idea of a Virginia
right of way some day or other, Mr. Kennedy
goes outer asy:
Tbe completion of the ro«J to Pittsburgh would
raise our stock to par, bj giving ua & permanent
six per cent, dividend, besides greatly enlarging
our trade. Until that stock goes up to par it will
be hopeless to ask for subscriptions to the, new
stock, which will be necessary to construct tbe
road through Virginia. Neither Individuals nor
the city, 1 presume, would be willing to pay one
hundred dollars for • new stock, whilst tbe old was
not worth more than fifty. Our dependenco for
funds could only rest upon tbe expectation of loans
to tbe amoant of the six or seven millions necee*
•ary to .complete the road through Virginia.—
Whether tbe Company could ever obtain such
loans, and if obtained wbat would be their effect
upon the value of tbe present slock, are grave
questions fjr our people to answer.
Give os the road, however, to Torksy Foot at
once, and that at a cost entirsly within the com
paaa of our credit, and I shall not fear,—first, an
increase of the value of the stock, and with it the
means for new eodeavorr,—second, a great in
crease to the trade of this city;—and third,—wbat
I deem of the most essential importance—a posi
tion, in reference to our future actioo, which shal 1
secure to o> the best route we can deaire hereafter
through Virginia, on the best terms*
Brieia. —The amount of specie entered at the
custom bouse by the Cambria was $1,771,061.
Tbe Sarah Sands brought over one .hundred snd
eighty-five thousand po.unda sterling; mnkiog by
both arrivals two millions and a half of dollars.
J W BAXTER,of wi,,be supported b'for
ih* Whic and Amins* oo '* Convention for eommsuo
,or u " °®" of T^HTSTrd
• : saeswii *»«*-o4»-W» nwiun,' ui<' u— t«**
-ken of tore as en excellent and’.satiable candidate for
the legislature. Dv calling alien don ts the above you
" - 'Excqabuk Bask op rrmursotri l
May 4:ti, let?., i
Thia Bask this day declared a dividend of’three
and a half per tent on ns capital stock; payable to
stockholders, or their legal representative* on. or alii»
the 4th instant. THIW. M. HOWE. Cashier.
I’n-rsBOBOH, May 4. IM7
Dtvtusso—The Directors of the Meichant*' and
Manu’scturers’ Bank, this day. declared a dividrnd of
tour per cent on the capita] stock, out of the profa* for
the last six iwouihs, payable on or afttr the Hth. .n*t
Eastern stockholders will be paid at the Commercial
Bank of Pennsylvania, in Philadelphia.
niySdlw W l< DENNY. Cnsliier.
Bs’ix or :PmrscßOtt, )
, May 4th.D47, ]
The President and Directors of this Bank, have this
day declared a dividend of three and h half per cent on
the capital stock for the last six ninths, payable to
Stockholderaortheir legs! representative* | forthwith.
mySdut JOHN SNYDER, Cashier. •
tT7* After ‘‘Proving all to that which
is good.”—For tbs tiles, it found that Dr. Up*
barn** Vegetable Electuary-, is ibe only remedy for that
complaint, upon which the suffering can rely -with con
fidenee—it i» indeed & friend inthr time of need.
Wholesale and Reiaili by WYATT A
KETCH AM, I‘Jl Fulton street. New York; Wvt..Tnoa,v,
Market street, and P. R. Sawtxb; Smithfiield street
Pittsburgh, Pa. Pnce St per box ap3o Iw
mvtte the attention of ouf readers to the ex
traordinary cores of Scrofula performed bv Dr. CuUm'i
Indian TtrtiabU Panaeta, whidh they will find record
ed in another column of to-day's paper ' They arc
withont dohbl the most wonderful on record, arid have
so been pronounced l»y many if our mo<t respectable
physicians.. The afflicted and others iiiiwesiei), urc fe.
quexied to visit them at their several plners of abode.,
and leant from their own lips the wonderful effect* of
die medicine. The first one nnin’-d is Mr Isaac. Iliook*.
who rosy be seen daily, beiwrrn the hours of U A. iM.
and 4 P. M- at tiic officeof Kokand A Walton; No 37(1
Market *L Phdada. j ocG
(Kj-Wl arc now prepared to execute in a superior
and expeditious manner, all kind* of Job I’biktijiu,
such as Urge Posters, Steamboat Hills, Erllsof Lading,
letter Sheet Circulars, Handbills, Cards. Ac , Ac.
to any extent executed in ibe best inaimci, and i
kinds of I’nnimg done with accuracy and at the lowi
Qtj*Bsllcr'> Ginseng Panacea. ---Mentr
TcvriMoat —Wc beg leave to cull -public iiui-iinmi
the following, from Dr. Wm Dvnn. of \V<t|iam*
Clermont Co, and one of tin: verv (iinl |ir:«<-titioiir,L
the county m which be n.-*<o*:«. mid Imc Stnamr ki 1
Stale Legitlatuic. Ii is cheering thu* in »rc their;
mg men of the profession, buisung the bond* of proi
sioual prejudice,and giving meijt ns due:
-Sir; I have m my practice brim using Miint iu y
[•inseng Panacea, and. so far. riiu well pleased in
effects in Catarrhal and Bioii'-bial Complaint-*. i'lr
scad me half a dozen t*mlrs—pul them a* low as
caru os I expect tf it continues lb render as general
isfaclion as it has heretofore, lo keep it vojiMuuil’
band. Respecifully, apt? W'u Doav. *
FOR SALK—The property of MIM.TOWN OP >T
FERDINAND, with the Mire* of Coifl amt Fire-
Clay, and the •* aw and Grist Mills, ami oiht-r unpiove
This fine property canmin* upwards of ONE II L'N D
RKI) ACRES of land, beautifully siiunicd on the west
bank of thO Mississippi river, mid only ten ruilrs above
the city of St Louis It has n river-front of I luO (ret,
and surmounting the bloff.lwiurh at ihispoim approach
es within BUO feet of the river.) extend* back for nenily
a mile over a rolling and wellmnb<*re'3 country. The
"soil it of the best quality for farming purpote*; and tbr
25acre* of bottom land, have a ievn above that of a l
oidinary flood*, and are well adaptrd for raising vrge
tables for the "St. l-ouis market.
Tlie bluff contain* a ten of coal, whmli but
wrought and tbuml to be of excellent <;uamy. The ,
tug >aio the mine, presently m u«e. ha* be«-n ninvl)
be red. and 1* sufficient lor six room*. There n u\i
en railway from the mouth ot the mine to thr bun
the river.
Under the coal there isa bed of tircelay, tiom wh
fire-brick* of a superior description hnvr,breu mi.
Connected with the Meant engine i* a mill lor jjnndi
iheclay, and adjoining are alirds, tor the iiiunuiacii
of the bricks.
There it a Saw-Mill al*om connection wuh the •:«-!
power, for which the demand* or the .hsirci am) ui t
neighboring city will alwa; * lind sufficient emph
A Corn Mill wi« rrror l I ,-t year, with nnr run
ilonri, but so conttiucted n< in n.lmn ot it *'.-1-01111 r
being added, whenever ii.-ipiitrd The elr? :uor*, p»-»
rr*, and other usual ttppuileiiiincr* 01 :i CVm Mpl, w
the whole machinery, arc entirely new. ni |.ie l-r»i t> l
and tn good working order. Th>- Mcipi nimne 1* aht
d tutly supplied with water at all by mean*
a leoil-pipe from the mini' and lank
Beside* the mill buildings, there are on the t>rrimw
substantial Urick Dwelliag House. 4<> h) ItiJ'leei. ii
two floors; a ato re. Imu*e ofhewn logs, filb-d. m w
lune; live log huts: a blackimtvh'* simp. and torn-- mu
election*. An oeie and a mtlfhave been tenerd ;■>
a garden
The purchaser may have alv 11 mule, well brnki
mining- with a lurge number of 1 iml wagon* mi.l
er. and implement* for coni mining amt lirirS
Also, log wheel*, corn shelter and ct usher; cart,
er ehaiUes, at valuation.
The access, both by land and water, h jtrc«entl|y g(
ana will soon be grcntlytly unproved. Tl;e 11-ll* mil:
road, which lead* to the property. wil I betrtncudjtmii
ihisyeaj for more than hair the distance, a id >t InUbt
proposed to extend it tn a direction which would ra
itcufM by tha nulls. The ledge of rock, kuowil ti*
Grand Chain, run* into the river about the c-ntnl of i
properly, on which a pier could be sccurdlv cuudtoc
at small cost. capalde ot ad-irdinc a landing lor »tr:
boats at all stage* of water There i». at pr«-*cHt.
eiflelleal landing al>out half a mile further down.
The whole will be disposed of on suck term* a* ’
ensure an inimeiatc adnjuatn return for tn« price w
the yearly in ihc value ofland .n St Ferdinand w
ship, holds out the 'certain prospect ol the mve«tn
proving a highly advantageous one.
KWSS, on the premies, will exhibit the null*, build'
Ac tand tenns of sale will be learned on applicant)
the office of TAVI-OUA J'KIU.I’.ON.
irydeod'Jw No. AO South Fourth *treet Jt l.mi
Great Weitera- But Hiage StoDfutloi
May 6, 7 P. M.
A GARDNER A Co., would inform the trade that
• they arc now manufacturing <he )''•»< Bull llmpt
ever made in ihc United Platen. A* this i« our jJniiei
nle buainesa. we intend to send out a* complel* kn ar
liclc ai can possibly t.e. .made Thn*r e»caßctfin «!■»
hordwate trade, we lh>nk. wnl find il to their mtcre*
toaee our Butt* All order* promptly alt.nded in
iuys A GARDNER ACo.cprbr »tb a main «■•
HAVING received licoi«c as a Druggiu-nf the
First Ward of the city of Pittsburgh to •'•11 wine*
aud apiritouv liquor*, "for medicinal and *ucrs*neiual
purpose*, and 10 be used in the art- " I herebv I)
all person* applying for tin* above, that ib-y will be n
nuircd to leave name, residence. and .specify the. pm
po»n Article* of superior qualitt can tic had at fair
price*, ai the Drug »l«rc of the *ub»c nlicr. No 57 \\ nod
K.* m>« __ .. R K BKI.I.KttS
G“* OLDPHNS-Juii rcc'd. one «n« of Diamond
or over-pomied Gold I’en*, of the mo»t apptoved
brand*. These are carefully *clectcii ami adopted io
evriy variety of baud, their fine j*omt» ami e!a«ne
•nrine, CtvuiS K'e** ca "" in wni'ns, and making either
• bold mark ora beautiful bmr ItmN at the plcaaure of
ih« writer. THew pen* are nil warranted, nnri selling
at the lowest price*. Gold Ten Depot. corner of -Ith and
BJK">I rntt . «y.w W11.50.-v
ipIRR KNCINK FOR SALK-A fir*t rate 3d
. Clara Fire Kngme that will throw two mdc and one
rallcry »lrejiins,with pipe.* anil everything ready for
aervire. She will be *o!d low—lorlunher particular*
iiiouiicof W GORMAN,
"“ l “" C ADAIU tiKTrV,
UFX» Wll.fON,
myfl - Committee
G"TIOVK& db HOSIERY—A fre*h and well a
f sorted Jock of while and colored cotton Hosier
for sud children, constantly on hand •
Also—t.isle Thread in gtemi variety. Silk and Line
do, *pun Bilk for children
Io*Blaek and colored Pans Kid'Gloves, of be
n .. 1,,, t ii bAiun
<l m yn ‘ I No S 3 market si
SHOULDER BRACKS— for core of pain in ihe
Breast, made after patterns approved b> ,the New;
York Bandage Institute-
Suspenders, Suspender Knd» and Webbing; S:l(
»JJu«u»g cravats; plain and' fancy satin stocks, fine
ihiru in great variety; rlnrts ami slim culsrs, oiled
■ilks -drab moreen; *ea grass, Ac Ac; on band and for
laTe i.y . »>«.!. .. . . . * »J; ATON ..
BUFF PAPER BOXES—a large assortment
of Buff Paper boxes, of assorted .sizes, amiable for
.tore., received tb.sday and for sale at a
m>o _ ?■ 11 ETON'S
i Vantxlla buttons a fringes—
M Received by exprea* ihia day a fine assortment of
Mantilla Uullonsi white linen ami black »ilk l>ai*ry do;
rich black iribgr; col’d dress Fnngei; Superfine Bob
bin*, for embroidering Lawn* and Mmghnins, for sale
by m>d 11 KATON
A large assortment of Berlin Iron llaakeu, m beau
tiful natiern auitable for parlor ornament* 01 for .work
or cilrd basket*; for .ale by inyti KII KATUN
Oatn Opium; Pepennc,
Blue Mat*. Calomel; Tartaric Acid;
Jlyd. Potash; Confce, t*eima. Su*ur l«ead;
Svr Liverwort, etc ; iu«l rec'd uud for sab
by _m>6__ . .
CIHICKE PINO'S PI ANOS— Ju*l rer’d ami lb
j talc a splendid ro*c wood seven m-tavu Pmn<
GLASS-400 bxs axlO;
ISO do 10x12;
|UU do lOxUi
100 do 10x13 to 14x20; on eon*igum>-i
and for .ale by .JCUI DWELL
myfl . . w -t ,r r»i»ec
l UKASB r P , ,.T ami .jc'J
V and for *«lc by 4 « »• ! * r t l * Lh 18
myt _
IAMPiIOII— I bill ju»i reo’J nml for **!«• by
R K liKblihnl'
S WAIN’S PANCBA-t do*. &» »»»«■■/,
R~ " 11. HAWKINS, Attorney at Law, Grant
. Bakewell’t building*, nearly opposite ilu N'
Court Meuse. ; jnyOwtfm'
LUMDER-ittOO f! black Walnut, fpr »alc Uy
_my« JCJHtWy
JoTASH —10 caika lit niiiWor
BUTTBII— 5 bbl* frt»h roll, for »a!e by
tnyfi J C K
APi’LBS & PEACHES-" 300 bp dried Pencil©*,
50 ilo Jo Apple*; _
* n »torc and for tile by my# J. C HlD'' KJ-
QOMBB-3W gron No 2 Hood Cornb.,’biijWlX(T
LIIfSKKD Oil.—3b bbl» ju*i rec’d and for »«l* I
myfl •*
DBKSB LAWWB, for 121-2 cent* per yard, al tl
_ °“' n “ 1 "‘ ■°' l M,, ‘v l R m'iRHIY
30 S, N ° 3 M *' k '"Jf, l K‘o o c.i“Vo'"^‘«;^ 0 '
ra «6 W»ler k. Honl iji_.
y,84T00-Wkp 0 •X^^soNlSS%
C^° cIDKa —
S !, b” FF “Jr«'" U,rt " £sELLEKs'"
For C'onshs, (Ms, iithma, anil ConsnmpUon
TViL,S£“Li‘'.“ coNHusffriux A &!
Jt to itie United Suic» under the immediate roperietecd
‘ mcu« of tbl.
kPm P that ran be found In the <obubu®RJ
?Li* “-K .™“m* -I" i-” “”'? r ""“s-s:
,«m..11« of t!» <« b . “' W' ‘’VSJKImKAnB
Bioit dullneui.hcd Fhvaletana aa COKFIE«D AWM
,n V«« k ' no.uum. but ■ .tun Jard En|liuh mudietn,. of
‘"w ",v*?omX a K' a u'S.“ J K.U. .holds. .PPIM
.STiSI Hunfuritn feta* of Ul3«i]|s»
B,^"u’s! OTT’i'"™"?a m i w»s An«
For .ale by » A FAHNESTOCK A-Co. corner of
■ woo.Und front .trcels t2fcߣS& “>*
The new tow nreraure rteambout
l Onni. K. U Ward, will leave Buffalo |
Evening. May 4 h. and Cleve
land Wednesday, May 3th, at 4 r. v. .
and Dctio.t Tbumtay. May6th, at* r M.jfor the above
L p WARD i« 4» mn» burthen, rn 'rely new. of
o i.eM rirauahi. and ha. « powerful Fn S me, harm. two of
tt»nr ►' l fr [tsial*, and <• not ►arpaaea* for anted or
•• l.s c ..>• ».y»«»v h rj;:;ror , U ,,cUk, ‘ B '
l or Ifnitlitor |>a*si»KC »PP^’ ™ pARK V Cleveland
p J MYERS A Co, Buffalo
'• • J KKI.IjOt»(», Erie
.. W T MATHER, ruub’inh
iti’Jl li Cor Water and Sraiihfield streets
ITT* The kiatiiick hu! 11. low pera-urr *teasnb®*‘
i'IIAMI’ION, Cap'. tl.CoircM. will leave Clevelan^on
Monday. At*r‘* 86il», and Detroit on ruef.lay, April .'ih,
for the Sault. , ,
Fo,ft t „l„.rp.»»,= ■■'f!y" p I ASSorc. t l.nd
unk of canal I’acki-tts and stalls.
t *^E PA^«^SiSJ.b’- A a5S
L amvalof the steamboat BF7AVER Iron PilMnjrjrh,
ami arrive at W arren neavmornin* in «a»on for the
Singe* which reach Cleveland before m*bt.
I'«v*«.n*-T» will be receiptedthr»agh,*ecufin«; berth*
on the Parkei*. and seaia in the Stage, on
on board iteamboat Beaver, [leaving Pitub«rgb at 9
o’clock. * M ,1 otto £ e N J f [, n “R TON k Co , p,u»bur*h
CLARKE & Co, Beaver
M B TAYLOR, Warren,
Wholesale Drag Warehouse.
BA FAHNESTOCK*. Co., No. 49. John at..
• New York, offer lor tale a largo and general
assortment of Drug* and Medicine*, Dye Stuff*
Paint, and Oil* «r every description, which th»y
are prepared and determined low.
Country Merchant* and Druggist* *re requested
to,call and examine their artielfe*. Order* eaeeuted
with laillilulncs* and despatch*. B. A. f ahnealock *
Vermifuge conitanlly on hand.";;.
11. A. Falmeitock,
U. 1.. Fahnestock,
W. Fahnestock. y
A. 11. Hall, New^Yorh,
$5,00. _BOOTS
.» K N K K O F BOAT Ob PICK A I*l* *■*' •
TMK -uli’-cr.l.crt rr»pc<lfully inform* the public that
nr ha* cintwimrcd Hip manufacture of (JcnUflu*"
Biou.uf *onJ nmtrrial olid vroikman*h|p
wlm h hr will warrant Mipcnor to any Uool « ver made
ji I‘nu-tiurxh iliir the pnre. Thr*c li«nd«i>tue Boot
L 11 1... mnJ- u> mcu«urc, and warrant them a» repre
to. |...~ U ( 1-IVK DOLLARS
,*><■l (’'.•in lr inr a nip rc<iur«ipd to coll Slid eiam
■ i* iti' iT! jvjl W H KK^KINF^
ll.ate of llie finn of Malcotra Leech A Co J
Wholesale Grocer, Commlilon * Flour
~ Slcrclient)
T\KALKRin nil kind* ol Country rroducey Cop-
D tier Tin, Tm Plate*, Tinner*’ Tool*. Zinc, Lead,
Ru,m *hVet Iron, Iron and NaiW, White Lead,
Dye Sniff*. C-ouon Yarn*. Salt, Ac, and Pittsburgh
Manufacture* generally, corner of Liberty and Irwin
Mre»l«, Piil-burgh. Pil , '
(jjKLn.eral ndvam e*. itita-h or Good*, read«on con
signments of Produce, Ac. j _ :. W?_
BOOKS— Suitable for Common or S, School Libra
ries—Monday Evening Conver*»l>cn*,-Tbings by
tin-:r right name*; Juveuile bucket opened, Juv. bud
act rr-opened; Picture* of Early Life; Scene* in ,>*•
lure; Columbn* and Veipaciu,; Ucautie* of pjtg. Hlsto
ry; do of French do; Balboa, Corte* and Fizarro; Hut
ion’s book of Nature; Praise and Principle; Martyr* nf
Bohemia; Twin brother*; Chance* and Change*; Mean*
end End* The above, with a large wiety of othet
look * suitable for the *amc purpose. For late by
m) 5 » J I. READ. 4th street
MADAM BONNaFFON rr»peetfully inform* her
ln*iul« and patron*. ibat *be will open, on I bur*-
day, ibe 6th matjttr moM eitenuve waortmenl of Fau*
i y Bonnrm nr her own importation, ever opened m Un»
cily Together with a choice aawrunent of fancy aru
cW, Md.-mtid ribbon* flower*.
-AlN>, Araw Bonnets of ev.-ry variety of *tyle and
... "ihc store on Market *t 2d door from Third
•Irecl. ' ra >' 4d3t
authorized n» negotiate for ihc following loann for-1 year*
SJOOO for 3 year*
A-'i LOO fur 3 year*; for which ihe be»f of »e
-<-unty n ihr'ciiy will tie given. Al! communication*.
orf«niia‘ nr I'V litter port pan!] *trictly confidential.
r S CUTIIBKBT, General Agent.
ni ..j Noso»imiili6eld*l_
A Pair of Horaea Wanted.
WANTKD to purchase from the country, a pair of
wuii.l hor*e», coming mx year* old, from l«u> It*
hand* high. good m double and single harne»*. to«
which a lair price will be given, tfatkt-olorpreferrrd
Apply (ifby Inter, p»«: paidMo John Gill, halter, ill
Wood *:rcet, Pittsburgh. myjdtw
PRINTER'S INK—Just received at the l ek.n
Tea -lore, 7S Fourth street. Si keg* Prout’s new*
Ink. JO ll.* fine jol. ink in I 11. can*—Also, a lot oi Red,
Cirern and »tiie tnk. I.cnd«. newspaper euf.
rule*. A r , for *alc at ibe miiiufaciurcr*’ price.
liil.Vlliv • A JA i o*2*
ar(|uinnled with Plantation work, can have per
manrui employment at good wages, in a heallby part of
s-"""" v - '“T^sscußiiir v
No SlB wood st
Biiown shirtings-a large invoice ci
eastern drown Shirting*— light. medium, and hea
vy, in»t received and for sale l«y
Murpl.y has lately rec’d an assortment of above
,ood» lor Cape* ami Cap*, of new atylca and beauufnl
patterns. Al»o; Lace* aud Edging.
1 *7"ANTED—A young man somewhat acquainted
VV wiih th*J>ry Good* oa»ine»», and who can come
highly recommended for urbanity, activity and for mot*
al arid indoMnoua habit*, and who will be contented
with a moderate salary, may addrea* 80l 507, Poet
SUGAR— Tti hhda N O Sugar. pan prime quality;
landing from steamer Germantown, direct irom n
Orlcnn.; <>„ fa»l. JV RE ,. pERT
, m _s No 109 aeeond at
MACHINE CARDB-Ju*l received, a fresh anp
i,*y of «hrei card*, for wool carding machine*,
rnmti-nlaiu and card cleaner*, for tale by
mya GKO COCHRAN, No* wood «
LARD OlL—WbbUOUever A Co’* superior Lard
'r«»N»I*KKI tt CO
,„vi No M wood*..
,n>u__ ' _ NoSTwamrjt
Solid’ BOX vises, of various sizes; received
„™ - , ™'“ ""'"’-'gaVMRAff
D ! APPLES*. PE ACHES—IOO bu d Apple*;
fto*‘ d Peaelie*
ju-. 'ree d and for sale by MYKRS, HUNT™ *°°
mvs No ISb liberty si
Y.MSII-JJ.'Vbbl* large No 3 Mackerel; .
A* sdo do do *d do; ..
small do S do;
Louisville limb-25 i>i>u «nr whitei )«*t
ree’d and for *nle by POINDFJtThR A Co
,ui f» No U water si _
QUAD, llcmiip. Mackerel ■ml While Fi»h; con
»l4ihlv on liaml ami for «ale l»y
KKO BUTTKH—S kfi» »“K OO ? I ?SfSKS!Si , S? W
landing by IDIcKhkACo
uiys water fc front tta
]1 KANH 60 "'.CaWr-S
mvs . cor wood k waiM_*u_
CiinlClt— I<U bbl* ju»l received and for sale by
rats , No 35 Front ■
U H S? 8K "‘ V ‘“‘“‘i ucSy’* a
CORN— '.’OOO but prime yellow Corn in noka;for
\ILS—4 bbl* winter Elephant Oil—bleached;
) ■ a Jo ' do - Whale do do; for «aie
y m yi F SKI.LKRS, 171 bliertv >t
GERMAN CLAY—In c*k« and bia; ferrate by
/tAHTOR OlL—tßbblaNo I; JuM rtc’d and=fot.
b tale by rayb i KIDD k Co, W wood »t__
'I7XTLOOWOOD—4OO lb»Jo»trec’d:for aale by
Jla myS J KIDDj A Co_
Ibv ayS J KIPJ
COO Ibajßfl recjdj^or
l_j iiore ; and fonalr liy ...
C“fjf ~ 5 ' on ' ir> *Co
* • 'v'tottum Balts
Bp Jofeta D. Patlo, Avactf»—r
Lsti tss Lswrsnetvtllt*
ON Saturday afternoon the 15th inn at S o’cloek.wiU
be wld on the premises 18 valuable baildiug font of
ground, very handsomely situated in tie borough of
LawrenceTiile, near the Allegheny Arteaal.^
Alh—That beautiful cnvateresidenee. formertyc*-
copied by Janus Telford, adjoining the abbee. WMatn*
ing about two acres of ground, on which is erecteo ■
good brick dwelling house and several other bwldutfa.
Terms: one-fourth cash; balance In three *s®** JJ"
nual payments, with interest—to b* seenred by
and mortgage on the property. B ”
[American Copy!
Building Isbta ou Psnniti
ON Monday eyenisg the 10th inst at 8 o’clock, at the
Commercial sales Rooms, comet of wood and nth «»,
will be Hid two Lots of ground situated on Penn street
below Hay stand lying oa each side of the dwelling
house of Mr. Mitebeltree,having a from of 84 feeteaeh
and extending baek 810 feet to an alley 90 ft wide.
Terms—one-fifth cash; balance payable in 8 years
with interest payable semi-annually. my®
54 Lots ot Auction.
ON Saturday afternoon, May &h at 3 o’clock, will b«
Mild on the premises, M lou of ground, very handsome*
ly situated in the ?lh ward of the city, nearly opposite
to the residence of J D Malion, a plan of which may
be seen at the Auction Rooms.
Terms, one fifth cash, or approved endorsed note at
00 days, the balance in four equal annual payments,
with interest Purchasers to pay expense of convey
i A
Dry Goods.
mointnr. the 6th inst. at 10 o'clock at
Sales Rooms, comer of wood and sth
ON Tborsdi
■is, wiTi be sold an extensive assortment of fresh am
seasonable staple and fancy dry goods. embracing i
well seleeied stock from a large retail store. Alst
boots; shoes; umbrellas; parasols, son shades, Ac.-
Al S O'clock, P. M. . . ■
A large assortment of new and second hand hoase
hold furniture, among which are mahogany drea»i»g
bureauiqcommon do; French, fancy A common chain,
hijrh 4. k»w post bedsteads; ladle* work elands; w**h
d<£ settees; rocking chairs; tables; mahogany hat raekli
feather bedsJbeddmg; mattresses, looking glasses, man
tle clocks, Ac. , . ttC ~.
Also: Cooking stove, kitchen utensils, fc. n ox*
damaged Oranges; glassware; cjueensware, groceries
Ac-Ac. !
WILL be added loihe sale thi« afternoon
at tl e Commercial Sales Room corner of wood and sth
sirccis: wbbU White F*«h;
4HOO Pressed Havana Began; to close a
At ?* O'clock, P. M.
One che»t ship carpenters tools, embracing
assortment Joiner*' tools; liatdware; fino table and
pocket cutlery; gold and silver watches; ready made
clothing, staple and fancy dry goods, Ac. my 4
Steamboat Arena at Anetloa,
ON Monday afternoon the 10th ittM, at 4 o'clock, on
hoard, ai the Mnnongahcla wharf, below the inoolb of
Market street, whcic she now lies, will tie sold for
cash by order of Levi Finley, assignee, the light
•IrnugUt steamer Arena, with alt Iter furniture and tae
kle. which is in good repair, and machinery nearly
new. , - “T 1
Second band Baronehe,
ON Thursday afternoon, the 6th in»t, at a o’clock, in
front of the Commercial Sales Rooms, corner of wood
and sth streets, will be sold one handsome and substan
tial second hand Barouche, with falling tops, cushions,
Ae. in good order. __ tay '*
Valuable real estate for sale,
aJvUi+flUtoumc/SunUnriU*. The subscriber
offers for sate the property wdll known as SLACK’S
(JARDKN3, consisting of about seven aeresof Land,
of excellent quality; with Dwelling House, Bath House,
Green. House, Ac., thereon. The dwelling is e comoo
4ioos brtek building, with suitable out house* attached.
On the ffremise* is a never falling spnng. yielding a
plentiful supply of most excellent wiier,.from which the
Gardena are irrigated by means of pipes Near the
spring is a large and commodious Bataing House, two
stories high, with porches, and containing several epart
merm in addition to the bath rooms. The Garden is
altogether soporior to any In this section of the country,
and abounds with the choicest Fruit trees of almost all
kinds, as well as with beautiful and taro Shrubbery and
Plants. The elevated position of the gardens, overlook
ing and antiguous to the city and the Ohio river, whilst
at the une time, they are so easily accessible, render
them peculiarly desirable as a residence for a private
family, or for supplying the city with fnutaaud vegeus-
tr rms of sale of all the above property, a* to price
•nd qt-lU, will ta litenl Apply »I. D. St«k OJ to
premises, or J*?® C. SrENCEH.
ID" Persons in Pittsburgh inclining to purchase can
have * more full description of this location,and of the
above property,on application to Mr. Jobs A Wilbob,
of the bruseof Murphy, Wilson A Co.
Steubenville. April til, 1947-dfaww4L
MINER'S Literary Emporium. ~
Was! ington mod hi* General* ByJ T Headley, au
thor of Napoleon and hi* Mambali: The Sacred Woon-
BCapUTitr -of Napoleon at Si Helena. Bjr General
Count Montboloit - P*ns and 6.
General Taylcr’* Life, Battle*, and Derpatehe*, with
the only correct portrait yet pobltshrd; including high
ly important letter* Ac; account* of the glorious battle*,
aoupUrd from authentic *ource».
The String of Pearl*; by G P R James, E**.
The My*terie* of the Heath*; fresh supply.
Tancrcd: or the New Cm*ade; by IH*rarli.
Phelps’* Traveller*’ Guide; accompanied with a new
Map of the United State*; , _ i ..
A splendid assortment of rndteidnal State Mapi
nmoue which t* an improved tlapof Mexieo.!
A large variety of handsomely bound Hongjtei*.
A complete assortment of the Modern Standard Dm
in* including Feudal Time*; or the Ctfurtof James th«
For sate at
my 4
amtihfield at 3d door from 2d at
Dr. WOOD’S Sar»»p*rlll* and Wild
Cherry Bitten* for the euro of the following
diaetuo: Jaundice, hirer CooDlaim. aJj B-lLoa* Osm*
plaints, »ek Headache, Heart Born, Indigestion, habit
nml Coatlveneis, Pile*, Balpitaaonaof the He*n,Lo«
of Appetite ,Df »pen»ia, Nervosa Irritation*, Debilitated
Stomaeh. Languor, Repre*«roti of Spirit*, Chronic Rheu
mauim, Cutaueoua Diacaae*. Canker. Syphiloid Duea
.«• Scrofula Impuriue* of the Blood. “d
Pu«tule» on the Face. HerediWtj Humor*, Cold Sore*,
*nd all di*ea»e* arising from an ityndieioo* B*e of-Her
'CU«rVe atiemion of the invalid public, and of all those
'afflicted by any of the above diaeaaes. it respectfully
called to the merit* of a new and inraluable prepara
tion from an original reetpeof adisunguiabed physician,
combining in iuelf the moil active remedial properties
of two of the very first aniclea in the Maiena Medic a.
The Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry BiUera, were in
troduced to the public about twelve months ago, and
during that period their aueeeaa ba» been to great aa m
induce the proprietor to offer them with etill mote confi
dence, in the full belief that by entering into more ex
tennve uae, they will prove a bleating to all these
■nflerine from the diaeaaea above enumerated.
£ld? wMeaale and retail, by WYATT fc KETCH
AM. general agents, fit Fultonatreet, New York; W«L
Tuoiui. Market atreet, aqd P. R. Sawixau Southfield
ftreet. Pituburgb, Pa. Price Sl— large bottles.
meh‘£M2m ;
[From the Spirit of the Times J
A gentleman of Scrofulous habits, from indiscretion
m hi* younger days. became affected with Ulceration*
of the Throat and No-e, arid a disagreeable and treu
blesomc eruption of the Skin. Indeed, bis whole sys
lent bore the marks of being saturated utflb disetae
One hand and wrist were so raucll affected that he had
lost the use of the hand, every part being covered with
deep, painful, and offensive Ulcers, and were as hol
low’and porous as a honey-comb. It was si this stage
of bistfomnlaint,when death appeared iaevnablc, from
a loathsome disease, thai he commenced the use of
JAYNE’S ALTERNATIVE, and having taken six
teen bottles, is now perfectly cured- vv
—Tins ALTERNATIVE operates throogh the eircala-
Uoii and purifies the Blood and eradicates diseases
from the systrtu, wherever located, and the nuroetous
cures it has performed in diseases of Skin, Cancer,
Scrofula, Goure, Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, and other
Cliron c disease*, is ttuly asionwluog. -
For sale m Pittsburgh si the Pekin Tea Store, T* Jtb
Mreet, near wood, and also at the Dreg Store of II r
Schwartz. Federal st Allegheny city. myUAwF
188 dt WALKER, Dtaltn in Afitfie and Musi
i rai Instruments, 130 Walnut ttnO, Fkdaddphus
IMv* just published,—Friendship: or Scenes of other
days mar Fade.
Le Petite Danse use* Vicnnoises, by II Kent.
False Friend, 'V V Wallace.
Pas de Fleur, Mareuek.
Uleitdalougb, W J Lemeu- .
Duena Vista March.
Rudolph Tolka, C F Rudolph.
Ravel do M Keller.
Oen. Taylor’s March and Quick Step, Ae. Ac.
They are constantly publishing and receiving all the
newmosie from New York, Boston, Baltimore, Ac. .
Orders respectfully solicited,'and attended to wit
PU ANray» T 'on band, all kinds of Musical Iniuuments,
Violin strings, Tuning Forks, and all articles of Mnsi
-1 cal Merchandise, at the lowest prices. myjdlm
To Travellers.
for* HMfiiU
lExduJicrf|r ft P*w*ngrrj.]‘
rpHE Canal and Railroad being now in 'excellent
L order, the racket* ofthia Line will leave with pa*
wncers ns follow*, every night at 0 o'clock:
Packet Kentucky, Capt-Truby, Monday, April 98. -
do Ohio, Craig, Tuesday. April S 7.
do Indiana, Berkey, Wednesday, Apnl S 3,
do l.ouiaj*na, Capt. Thompson, fhnrsdajr, Apr.
do Kentucky. Capt. Truby, Friday, Apnl ao.
do Ohio, Ctaia, Saturday, May I.
do Indiana, tferkey, Sunday, May 9.
do Louisiana, Capt: Thompson, Monday, May 3.
do Kentucky, Capt. Trudy, Tuesday, May 4.
do Ohio. Capt. Craig. Wednesday, Mai 5.
' do Indiana, Cent. Berkey, Thursday, May 8.
I do Louisiana, Capt Thompson, Friday, May 7.
I do Kentucky, Capt Tiuby. Saturday, May S.
I do Ohio,Capt. Craig. Suuday, May V.
If you desire cheap .travelling aud comfottable. accom
modations, ►rcuro your tickets at the Packet-Office,
Monongabeld House, Water street, or of
ap V6_ __ D LEECH A CO, Canal Basia
Rich IHU Farm for salt.
SITUATED 15 miles from Pittsburgh. 3 mile* from
Deet Creek Lock„on the north side of the Allegheny
river, containing about 170 acres well improved—a g*>d
bouse and barn, with stable, granary, smoke house,
■ prior house,&c he. A considerable portion of the
land is cleared and under good fences and in a very
high state of cultivation, ft is well for fruit |
trees, of which there it great variety and abundance,
in a healthy condition, the land is of black walnut soil,
i This fann has been the residence of Henry Parry,
Esq, for 97 years, and will be sold on reasonable terms,
i or exchanged for property id orJndjolriing the city.
Enuu re of Thos Parry at No 103 wood «•?*?*'
| kurth, or J C Parry at the lowa Foundry, near the Gas
I Works. _ my«d«m*_
N OTICE—Mr. John“F. jettOiDga having-disposed
of his Interest in the copartnership of Coleman,
Hailman A Co., ceased to be amember of the firm on
the 6th ultimo. ~ , .
The busineal is continued by Coleman, Mailman *
Co, at No. 43 Wood street, where &ey have ■! iffe
atock of Kliptie FpringSrHamM Axles, A B* and
Steel, together with a general assortment of eoaeh mm
i -ssr-tM. c°_
TOE!. MOni-.ER.
t)comer of V\ood ana Sin «w,
ctbstamly on hand, prop. ?***< ° ,ta ’ ***** "“*•
Mi o _pkT»ici»n’« prescription* earefallyeoaiponnd-
N.B—Physician p i #lM boar of the day or
ed fror} tb« ***•* rotn i of Perfumery, fine Tooth,
*«.T-bi.b 1WW«I ..II
to«r foreash. ■ - *
S o ? o.:bv
. O, watch yob well by Daylight;
1 Oh! Molly Hawn; 1
, Widow alacfcree;-
\ The.tow backed Car,
: The two. Birds;
1 Indian Sommer;
: Rory OTtfoore;
My Mother Dear;
Angela Whisper; ■
The Fairy Boy;
The Bowl'd Sorer Boy; _
Joit received and fpr aate ojr JOHN II MELLOR
i m/3 W wood street
STCHPIiNTIHK —IS bbU in excellent ordci
, for talc by myS J SCHOONMAKKR ACo
niww-” n*nft»ao'
* IHiIKX bbl* Hemofi
|8 do Shod;
8 do No 1 Mackerel:
i hlfdo do. do DOW Uudioc and
liberty -«l ot>po*iie tambfuU
EAQLS «AX.OOir— ICE CREAM— Thi* popular
place of reaort wilt be open {bribe aeawnib i ere
nm t. May 3rd- uiy3_
S PARISH GUITAR*— *A new *od Urge a**on
meni of very superior Spanish Gniur*, by ihr tr»t
Pen* manufactures, iust received &n«] for isle bv
roy3 «■ ZJ 11 MELI.or_-
SUNDRIES— Ground Pepper, Sardine*.
do Alspjcc; Clote«;
do Cloves; Nuime*«;
do Cinameo; lP>mcn:o. .
do Ginrcn Pep. Sauce;
For ule br m]
OAA boadry Applet;
Z\J\J MthfcdoPeaehet; *
30 dodo White Beane in More anti for «ale hr
my 4 ENGLISH A. BESNKTT,37 wood <i
'j caft aide of the Diamond, aeeood door from- Din*
tamed Alley. Pittaborgh. i -• mr<^
MifgBRBL-iO bblilarge
Mhlfdodo do do;
east aide of the diamond
FjACK LAOS SCAUPS —A few black l.ter
Scarf* for Ladies—a scarce article—a few juu
received. Also; llerage and iU pry
Good* Monte cf ' my* " R MURPIh
PIO IRON—SO tons No 1 h b Hanging Ruck Tig
Iroar landing from steamer American and ««.*!«
n ,g water A from it*
POTASH— *3 ctks *up, Potash, just rec'd on con
prya l - __ No 170 libeny street S
"TRANCES AND LEMONS-100 bz* fpr ulr
J low to close consignment by
Qfk casks Scorching*,prime Quality; for sale by
■jrt bbt* Herring; 6 do Shad;,
1 & 30 do S* Mackerel; for sale by
OAA M Shinglesf far sale low to close consignment
£\)l) by my* r ENGLISH ABENNEI*T
bbla Tanners' Oil, for sale soon by
in bbla Sugar House Molasses; for sale Idw by
7 bzs Bock Candy;
9>bxs assorted do, for sale low by. .
I Aft Reams Wrapping paper, for sale low by
iiwn bis Window Glass, just landing and for sale
4*o by 8P VON BONNIIOBtfr A Co
ray* No US wood »t
25 bx* in Oats; for sale by
)OLL BUTTER—* tibia just rec'd and for sale
tv by my* • S FVONnUNNUORBTACo
ißAHS—‘.'seks Tennessee AVhtte Beans for sale
. > by ray* S FVONJJONNHORST A C 0 _
WINDOW SASH—IO.OOO light* assorted sirs*;
for sale by S F VON BONNIIORST-A Co
my* 35 front st
13 OSIN-29'bbls No I for sale bv
SU AIMER SHAWLS, to be had of
ftA BAGS Rtb Coffee,just received and for rale bv'
U>y3 No ICO liberty at_>
rff \ BAGS Havana Coffee, for sale by
6 BBLS White Beansi just rec’d on consign «cat and
for sale by my 3 ; MILLER A RICKETSON
HORSE RADISH, grated and put np in vinegar for
immediate esc, constantly on hand at the Mustard
and Solee Factory, *7 Fifth street.
SCORCH BALTS—tObbls for sale by
mys W GREER, cor water and stntthfirld sts __
DOLL BUTTER—IS bbls fresh-toll Batter! for
, sale by myS MYERS, HUNTER ACo
3BXS Cincinnati Soap; for sale by
mys _ _____ W GREER
CSKS Saleratus; fo
cs, halves; 75d0 do Apple*; for sale by ,
BACOB— Shoald«r>; *, j
J5.0U0 lb* lUmt, in tmoke Vou*p, and 'c
neater & front *i«/
tie by
S'BALES5 'BALES Velvet Uoltle Cork*, just •received nud tor
■ile by B A FAHNESOC.A A U
a p3o cor fir*t A wood »i
P BACHES k APPI*EB—OOObu* dry Peachr s
3 do praW;
150 do Apples
1 DICKKV k ft,
} water k front street*
EDAB LOGS—2O' (rood Cedar tor »Hje by
ap3o i _l DICKKV k C i
SCORCHINGS— 5 Ton* fir»t»ort Scorchiiif*. for
■aleby ap-hi j 1 PICK.BY kCd
Ton* Balerntw*, to arrive. Tor
uleby ' apOG <. 1 DJCKE\.kC>
C~~ABDI»B8— 30 b**lcUy Dipped Candlet, lor »W
apX • No 41 water
For file by •
CIDER— 14 bbls, in (tore and.for Mile by '
R DAL2ELL &CO, liberty
SCOROHiaaS-SC bbt* Scorching*, far rale by'
BBaVRR DUCKETS—6O down, for »*!e by
COPPERAS— 12 bbls, for sale very low, by
Sand 10 lb centners of Muruid, for *£.ll£rS
MOLASSES— (00 bbts Plantation, for sale by - 4
VENISON HAAIS,Ac-lbx Venisoa.Hanu:
1 csk bacon rec’d
and for idle by FRIEND, RHKY A CO
apiS . 37 waiei M,
IUBL Ffeih Camomile Flower*, just received ami
ip23 cor lat A wood *l*
IBBL Jamaica Ginger I Root, jnst received and tor
wleby a P 23 B A FAHNESTOCK A CO. -
6 BAGS Ginger (loot, just received and for (ale by
JIG IRON-100 ion* hot and cold blast Mercer co
Pia Iron, in (tore and for sale by
nUEEBB—B casks, receiving this day, and for sale
by spas JAS P&I.ZELU tH waier *t
BACON— 4 bbls Hams: , . _ .
I do Shoulder*, landing from Luke Erie
and for sale by ap*JB JAS DaLZELL
Bulk PORK—sUOO lbs Bulk Pork, now landing
and for sale by ISAIAH DICKEY A CO
ap£9 front A water aul
L” ISSBEDOIX^IiDOOgaIIs Unseed Oil, in store
and for sale by J JORDAN A SON
ap 26 ; 18 liberty street
IDA AAA Lbs bacon, just receiving from smoke
IUU.UUU house. For sale by
Merino cassuikrbs—i ease <?r i*uu
ml rood a for Summer Coals, juai received and for
tale by ap3l SUACKLETT A WHITE
HORSE FOR SAJLB—Yoon*, sound end ten
lie. Apply lo REYNOLDS A SHEE
j ■ cor penn A irwin «u
A ’fZ bbls-Meu Pork;
410 u do Prime do. For aalebv .
IQ' METAlj—lOOiona Hot Blast. for sale by
apS FRIEND, RHEY A C 0,57 water »t
ApPLES-80 tin. for sale hy
. aja " J JORDAN A SON
ealU winter bleached oil;
Lf SOO u whale do
S bbla u do
ilh t p97 0 BLACKBURN A CO
F BACHES—300 bo dried Peache*. Juil received
and for aale by HUTCHISON k CO
No 45 water, k W wood H»
BUTTER— 15 kega Batter, for rale by ,
*p37 _ JA9 DALZIJX
W°?Ar <~ct,w ° 0l '‘° r "' , K3 DAI^KM.
1 n BALES Deer Skint, landing*, Tram Michigan' line,
IL/and for talc by JAt JDAI«/KLL
O ft BXS Ext. Logwood, for tale by •
my 3 cor I>l A wood u»
QCORCHIKGS— SSceka prune, rec’d ouconngn-
and for ,B,e £g NN , NQIIAw k ooNNER
juy3 144 libeny «t
DRY FRUIT—dSObua Applet,
ISO do Paucber; lor tale l»y
my 3 CUfrNlfttmaM-*-bONNER
SULP* 4LUISISB—SO oz! ju»l and for
aaloby apIO J KIPP, CP wood »t
' UAUORICB ROOT—34O lb» tmall tlieka, ju-i
. j rec’ii and fortaic by J KIDD A. Co
ALCOHOL —to bblt ju»t received and for tale by
,plB JJUDO A Co. SI water m
SCORCHIKGB— Jan received and for rale by
BUTTER— 4 bbls Fretb Roll Boiler for sair by
TIOT ASH—Prime Pouah juat received and for aale
KAD—SOO pip Galena Lead, received per tiramer
j Cambria and tar tale by. -
CHLORIDE LIMB—3 catki (or rabfby
mIB R K SELLERS,S7 wooJ «t l
T?LATS BKP OIL— ISbbl»for'»alel.y
J4, p ,p RKaELLKRH.S7wia.dM
Yellow ochre—i,sbuiba. pan t-vnch, lot
aale by tplO R E SELLERS, JT wood »t
CHIPPED LOGWOOD—3O bbla for aale'by
aplH 1 R E SELLERS, 67 wood »t
BACOK— 7,000 Un, hoc round, in tiore and for tale
by iptft S A; W lIAHUAIiGII
ALCOHOL— 10 bblt hieb proof, joat recM and for
•ale by J SCHOO.NMaKKR A Co
my 3 i No 34 wood ti •
BULS Linseed oil mgood order and parr. tor ».
1 A’ RMS Wheeling Sand Paper, for rale by
O A KEGS London Uniiard, for aale bv
GREEK APPLES— a fine amcle,jutt ree’d per
neamer Welltville, and for tale by
No 33 wood »t
tW-BITK «kj, for Hie kjj
f f m v3 oan hahdAlull
TOBACCO— 11 bbda Ky. Leaf, 'Wrapper* A Filler*;
14 do Tens do fine nunuftetoruir,
IS bxa Eaitera Virginia; for tale low
jo clou contigntacnt ay3 FORaVTH kCo
inib BXS Brown Chillicolbe Soap;
]U" 40bxa No 1 do do; joat rec’d and for
aale by ny3 , • MILLER A RICKETSON
NAILB-SSO keg* auorted ai»t, for aale cheap by
CflA KEGS Jumala Nailt of variona brand* and
vUu aitea for tale by