PliSßTs.—Ottr evenings just tow af of *• »wo brightest of the' planeU, Jupiter and Venus, both in the western together with a most; brilliant portion of the sidereal Jupitcr has for-sereral months nS j°? acroBs constellation whilh -ml'’ ?° W *PP™«Wng Gemini, L „ V* h " pUco nelt y*«- A. inu time he occupies -bat would seem, rather » cmical position. He is pre-, cue,ly between the horns, nos.®f a dilem :“*> bot >"e horns of Taurus. We have no apprehensions, however, for his ssfe •y. A few days ago he wae just half way between the stars Aldebaran and Auriga, but we see him now a little sooth of that point. Venus has recent ly entered Taurus from below, or from *» now near the cluster £ a e r ldc T- She >• making; her way. bard after Jupiter, anil will-overtake lam xo about two weeks. The cohjunc tton of those two beautiful planets will Phenomenon. Until theA it wm be. interesting to the admirer of neaven s works, and the lover of sci ance, to observe from evening to evening their motions. ; In.connectiori with this viow of the two planets, we have also before us in the southwest, the constellation Orion,! which is acknowledged the most beauti ful cluster.of fixed stars. A little to the left, ora little west uf south, ia Sirius of Cants Major. This is the brightest, and supposed to be the nearest of the fixed stare Somo principal-stare form an out • Una of a .large ftenu-circle, covering, ; ibe ' western horizon. Commence with Si- hira is Procyon, (Canis. Minor;) then higher up. and further north, we find Castor and PoUnx (Gem ini;) then towards tho north-west are Beta and Capella of the constellation Auriga ; and below, near the horizon, is Perseus. "Within .this semi-circle are the two planets above mentioned, and seven stare of the first. magnitude.— Theaa are Sirius, Rigel, Capella, Aide, bsran, Procyon, Betelguese, and Castor. The view we speak of, is ihsd earlv in the evening, say eight o’clock. “Great and marvellous are thy works Lord God Alntiehty.”— West. Rk. I— “ Ireland.— lilt) icpuris of ihe ravages or larotno and fqvor received from Ire' lanu aro snll more appalling lhan any that have yet appeared ; for the deslitu ildn is hourly increasing, especially in isolated rural districts, and the wretched people, wasted by long suffering, sink under the first attacks of disease. The peoplo are dying by thousands, Refer ring to accounts from Macroom, Skib bereen, Castletownsend, Kenroarc, Wa tergraphell, and other districts, the Cork Jaxamtner says : “If ibstant measures be not adopted to relieve our people, the whole south-west of Ireland will become one huge grave-yard/* The Waterford papgtjgporta inquests on three persons whtf died olliimifSi 1 There are fourteen deaths from destitu- j lion reported from Sligo, nine more from Mayo, five from Galway, seven from I Ware four from the neighborhood of Ballyshannon, and as to the ill-fated Sklbboreen, Bantry, and the extreme south ofCoik. it may be observed that the deaths are heyond all calculation. The Waterford Mail says : “It would take up our whole paper to particularize itledcatbs by starvation, robberies, and tilling or sheep and cows, robberies of flour, Ac.,-murders, coroner’s inquests, Ac. Ail descriptions of the distress fall .short of tbo reality,, Thousands die ns well from want of sufficient covering as from want of fond ” . Lite*- . literary Items. —An elaborate cri tique upon three American writers on . Philosophy—Prof. Uphim, Dr. Schmuc her, and Dr. Tappan— appears in the hebruarr number of the British Quar terly Review, in which all arc highly spoken of. Prof. Upham’s philosophical works arc praised iarhe following gen erons manner, whiclyjforms quite a con trast to the usual greeting of an Ameri .can work in England: "The works of Upham form, perhaps, the most consist ent specimen of the application of the inductive mood of investigation to men tai science, in the language. Free from the trammels of sects and systems, im bued with a disposition to seize upon what he conceives to be true, wherever he may find it, and directed by such a portion of theoretical design as serves to give pertinency and scientific accuracy 1 ,lo his inquirictPhod reasonings, he has i produced a book that displays great la- 1 bor m the collection of facts, patient and comprehensive habits of ihought in their i generalization, and clear scienlific ar-' rangement in ihe • combination of the ! whole into systematical form.” ! Prof. Uphatn’s philosophy has mei with.such approbation in Germany, the land of metaphysicians, that it has been translated-into their language. Professor Napier, editor of the Edin burgh Renew, and also of the last edi tlon of tho Encyclopedia Brilamira, died at Edinburgh, on the 11th of February i aged 70 years.— Zion's Herald. j S idiso'il Plowing. —Tha editor or the Faraiar a VH'tor says that by using the anbsoil plow. h lB crops of potatoes were increased at least one-ihird—the „ me kind and quality of manure being used in both-cases. This dilTerence on an entire farm would, in twenty years, a rooont tp a large estate. «, ’ - . To Travellers* “EXPRESS PAST [PACKET USB" I for .PHILADELPHIA ABU BALTIHOBS . 1 order, the PaekeSortb* Line will "a?e asitn u n*h, at 9 o'etoek 7 P Packet Kentoekf, Cap;. Traby, Monday, April 28 £ feSRSEftS?,^ Jo Ohio, Cr»!f, Ktinrday, M»J 1 y ' Apnl M do- Indiana, Herkey, Sunday, May v do Loaisiana, Capt. Thompson, Monday M*«- •» •Jo Keoioelry.Capt. Traby.ToeadSfSiyJ y 3 do Obio.CapL Irai*. Wednesday, Mar « y do Indiana, Capr. Ujrkey, Tbuisdar, M.V 6 do Louisiana, Capi Thompson, Pridav M>. \ Jo Koauwkr.Oipi Trobihffio,J«r»l«L do Oblo,CapL Craig, Sunday. Marß " If yon desire fcheap travtJlinxaqd comfortable aeeom. .toodanoni, »c<*are your tickets at ilte Packet M. 0./, °®"' “L«L: _ If I.KKCII i CO, Ctmi Buin FOR rule SAB* ~ ~ JIK SAULT STIC HARIS “ ud Detroit Thondoy, M.yflih, titr S tJ.s,boT e pert * Tba WARD I» <» u»n» banhen. entirely new of I light draatht, end be* a powerful Engine, carries two of I Francis'. LiT« Boats, and a not serpsssed for speed or I taepaiaodations by any Boat of her rice on the Lakes 1 • For ft eight or pi*'ir« apply oa board, or so' • K « PARKS. Cleveland i M VERA A Co, Buffalo • J KELLOGG, Erie W T MATHER. Puiab',,* Cor Water and Southfield streets ,ow prearare steamboat CHAMPION, Capt. 11. Cotreil, will leave Cleveland on Monday. April Sfltb, and Detroit on Tnesday, April ??th, ter the Saalt. - Ferifreight or pauage applv on board,or to ■P>»f ■ K_N PARKS, Cleveland ’ I FAYI?» warrb'j a. clevkland . PACKCTB AND STAGES. Canal Packets telegraph a swai iruv f SAVE Ret«r, daily nr 3 o*el«£ * Sg?Si arrtvaiof the * team boat BEAVER .and Arrive at Warren next morning in season fer i£.’ Starrs which reach Cleveland before nights W V. PmsaiUtrtr* Will be receipted ihr»o*h,«eenriog berths oath* Packets,and seat* in tlic Stage, on application ca hoard -tteamboat Beaver, {leaving Pittsburgh ar g o'eloflr, a. *t j or tn the agents: O M H ARTON A Co. Pittsbunh CLARKE A Co, Bearer JESSE BALDWIN, Yotmgstawn tplS t hi B TAVLOR, Warren A. LBDOCX A CO„ . NO ft canal street, sew Orleans . A' GENTS fat 7 8 Arnani’a Exietuire Buua Scrtr lil BUKIT, . AIW»Tj on h*ad f a laiya aiaefc "/fiffflf PewtfatedrlCrufced. Clariflod and Oittard Bonn, la Tiareei and Barrel*- Also, Snfar tlou»e Molatse*. Pricai liberal and a fair alJorranae made on alt uiet *f|Crabore,9obaml*> mehu I MEDICAL: CHRONO- THERMEL MEDICI IVES. fIONSJSTING orbit Prophylactic Syrup, a enr \J laiaremedyJoraUCovsovFTiTS aad Serbia loo« afiectionsj Cough Smp, Croup Snap. Cos. cetfrated extract of SamnariUi, decidedlr toperiorto all other estraets, having girea relief when all others have failed, being through! new pieces* more concentrated than any other ever offered to the ASTHMATIC ELIXIR, i baring effected peroaneat cureaal that stubborn disease, *ben of men Una It,yean standing, heece it a Uadi without a rival la that saeb dreaded disease. Dr. Rose’s LINIMENT, for all earn of weak acn or pain, and a complete eubetitute for blisters. DrRRoveM v e TONIC; MIXTURE, as infailibta eare for chills aad fevers, tad indeed ia more of a rpccific for feren of all kinds- this hark or Quj. Dr. {feme's INCOMPARABLE VERMIFUGE, where knows, is used in preference to any other Vermifuge preparation.! Dr. Hose's TONIC ANTI-DISI'EPTIC, lor all diseases of the Stomach aad bowels, Cbiiemn fections, dec Too high aa eaeoaiumcaß passed on the merits ofithis medicine: iu esre-of Dupemia, aad all diaetm that result from weak ness of stomach or bad - Dr. Bine's rg.UAI.EI ill S, t moat valuable remedy lor those general complaints to which fe males are subject. Dt Rom'. tonic ALTERATIVE PILLS— No-pill erer before olfered the public K>* comWnc, the Wlltm ol • uulotolc medicineju.i Stomachic pill, correct ing those diseases, aodjthereby preventing cos* aaapuom A young L*d> 85 yeir/of ugejLvX ?~S I*e^ 1 * e^* ,T * f '* 0r * 0,a ® her strength pros trated aad appetite gone/was completely restored uAl.d'i’Eilirr., 01 -* breast, kc, ’ Dr. Rose's SPECIFIC EPILEPSY,the most ear tain remedy for all eases of fits or convulsions, whelhertn infknts or adults. So certain a specific ia tt for this formidable disease that the most ob sUaats caus, and those too of long standing, have yielded at once. Dr.Rose;* RHEUMATIC MIXTURE— A Aer many years of diligent research ibis compound was disoov e®*«T ptoees *W efficiency abore sll others for tficcurc of • ’ Dr. Row's ASTRINGENT COMPOUND, a certain remedy fiar spntm* blood, indeed tor discharges of Wwd whether fromlmnga, bowels or other ptmof toe Dr. Rote's SYRUPfor Cholera and Bowel complaints —This mixture will effectually core bowel complaints. Oysemery, Cholera Morbus, and Cholera. AtthsUu toe Asiatic Cholera was raging m Philadelphia it was (bund to be ibemosl succ3s£l la arrestmiiL cjj£ nine teniha of all those whs n*»d it. ’ “f •W. 1 ” “Md of oan of these remedies may bv tKI. wi« U .' tk S r TaJ ? e Wlll on, l r ** appreciated be Hi££i!!r?k trr tte 2l k*A er * from those who have been varbor maladies that affiict thehamaa PT eB » bat .we are. wUUngio rest toe r ***“«/«• ?f the compounds. W> have a f®* SefOtola,uj iu various tonns, so condensed and efficacious that iu healing power has astooiahed Sf«/i«.^Vl?r£f nce,, ' oce “ rrin * inlho wife of tos "® T tJ Delaware, was completely eared in a The cancer bad been twice cut aniby prominent Surgeon*. and renewed itself with increased malignity, yet notwithstanding toe debility of Cotmnn- Uon antl renwrai of toe soA pans, the are of tbep£- “““Pktely remored every vestige of the ° r T * no “» Cttte* tbit b&TR P **•■• wmedfe»»« in oarpowef «*on, ban! U net deemed neceuary to eauaerate them will recommend them tonll. *iSjS^ ER ' 4 °°" N ° Bl w^‘™" i I “• BiTKFOOHD IT .--Sunt, ; ttSSSKSfgfi^SSSSSSJBK“'“- I CinnnMii, 0., March 3d> IST On, Str:—TfcU uto certify to tb* public, putieukrir to •homelliieled rwh edimn. of the Lahore nnonJoo, .b». »a, Spdnp.f Mo, „ ua.irf „* , ta«mW opo. m, dowin, .11 a. rmpiua. ot u >w>Ai H Cocmmpiiim. M, tJftt ud Iretdlceme, encoded tria eopcoor nipht rweetr; I ‘f “f '“I • “■‘“de'eHe pentil, of blood, mired .m HyritwUoa become redone and ctrrin », Duri.p Uib time I m .Heeded b, two of our a, Iww Urn, could tm me, “ kopd Ik., pf , np faj h opn of OJ rTOm7i me thet nolhiap morn could be dime— thet my limn were V mill dircemd, end beymid remedy. 1 m tkea fterctmded be elr»«lofa«>,. Aiwmbbne r»«l Kaool,. which my rbj.icieiu penimed cpemit, Ikal thu medidac would do no pood, end would Will odd moeelomy mfrinj. I lold them it ww me leW uad uolr hope, ud the! if 1 aurt di. of the dimne, (.hid. „i -dtot lo me.) there would be nothing lout. So I rent |o the CmommUOSn nod ob«ie.d 5 boltln of thi. rf, Velum bk Medwum, end udn, nccomli., In a. Jira . Hun, which, itwteud ot woo tnniti Dr. Doneaa’* Ex- F«*toteni Remedy in weuyioWeneeetothoeeeimilerlyelllwtrd ud .1 he limp prond luccerefu! „Ji r „ , h,„ iu effect. Jly cuke u rninff thu uwdiein. .1 pnwnt, fe, . •Duouul lueniu iffMieni/U, .hid, d. ud coffered w.lh the enow lim, !.. |,„ uecri, reeonnd • uwffdeut tL S boClln Uu.ltch.»dh«ued„,dlu,u„l J c«hn. I cm earn to boo. aw Own cm aoumnde ot aludd. perwnuwmdZ mjr.wiUi thu dreadfij - , t“ iU * <* <» procure ai, nrfeme'a ,me, krfcr, i, a too hu, nun, lim.ipbt agnSonped end their lemilie. uff rdwioo, cpdn itudnd rn.dwiu.rf pice indent edict mid nt a. nan thee u, the herd end (winful Conpb, rtwm Ihe tiphtnem m a. Cher ptce ctrenpato ihemteblrf end eroecieUd fa,, rf , mow am., Iwn e«wdn, .a perfbnt,, pdld cun. ANDREW J. FELTER. s *X* s**^?*- ®f uagssgsiig^ l^ 7,0., tfcry Will at any lint MWtantiautiMahm . NoutAX Biowxkll, i)imcAWs wiW^n& B £ BTtttttr . w k*r«Uu* rahubW Wedioae.eaa alinyi bt w la<^'. w jsk« c< 'onattmptlvc * Coamlmtlea, ***• ucknen weigh npon yoarhean? Or pains affltet yoar breast’ Try Dr. Avium's Asa*** An, And It will giro yen red. It clem tw»r the nitty eload !*•«**« *pread» o’er the MuJ, And whiepen ihro«*h U* flamy ihrtwd, “Yoor benlthmty yet be whole * yonder row of lovely boe! . Tit withering with decay; It veareefy up. ibe mo ruing dew, Before it fade* away. Tire Worm of Death wm* in the stem, Aod «reogthened ai a grew— Arid when a bloomed, (a lovely gem,) it nipped tbroogb aod throogh. That Worn: of Death might be dated, \ ff Dr. Daneaa’« an were tried; And many lovely damaela Mved . rbe fab» of an amimely grave ' 07-DR. DIWCAN* W>3TE*fj 199 Sycamore atreet, Cincinnati; Ohio; Where hi* valuable medicine It aold. SoM ,n kV WM. MCOON, e! W ood and Liberty ill. »MW**T BHaMUH'I TOOTH PA«yg. T u _ . a ttnin snrußn. HE **« *nie!e kaewa for . , aa:-~S P « ! .-. r .:rjs l * h , f « | “u«”i,iss^kss d?nt3s“ * Pje«*tm, eJßeaeioua, convenient, and w«r«n«, not lo lajsrethe teeth, -rerelnrly. K will remove the unar and **'«“«*" >°n—prevent the touche the nnu, and prevent «i| diKaaeabfth/m ttemuu, pl.y«jei*n», and the rferyy «wo££e£*?, ? Am forSberaan a Ceopoand Orni Tooth- Pane • and obeervehi»*ip«t«reie attached to eachnot* * Recomneßdrd by Dr. Caatia, 38t Broadway one of oar beat ItenUßs, and by moat of the old ..til?;?!!- 0 ! one* in the United State/ wd arep J2!?® by the Nobility or England and Prr «-e < f a * T ® l7 *“** A iaiye proportion of the disease, t h«l afflict Mankind aruefnua •otoo derangement of tin atoaachorbowaU. whieb a tamely jmo of the Caibinie entirelyot>vtaic. Peraona o( bilic» babUaSabfiu way* have a box at hand, and lake a they feel the I emit deranfeaentui their ° f * to,eßr! * wonM P fe «“‘ i^andr WM ' JACI ‘ goN ’ R ' “™"”f D' SB CI/HE Jto PAV: ‘ N A N VEOKTABLK RKMEDY—Wamntodtoeuro.orthe non. T E! , "*2 l iji” P re P»'»l fron in In. tvi. ? pl ' ofcls “* d rma one ol Uiom In tin far J£?,V « «™« «P<»ao. Tb<*> who haro been jaoujiar with the Indiana, know that ther can and ?“'“ r 5, v '“" 1 l without tho knowleduo of ELTi, ° r “J«Mn* : of tho kind Tho at ;»« to 7* no* an opportunity of being cured SAsiSi h.i-j'S ™=SS£sSi.Ka:Mja rtSL'SS'i W « Wood lean, ,h. tflßlMT.baa b.SdS!S!’ w^d 'i! ?‘3 "* ■»«! p^^ssfcj^-iaWsaa ' Ike experience ®f theito*iid»—ai? r ?* d «** c * ei ® B » k* SkSt&SJfe*" T i U " iwl X tdehaaet Worn Specibe, a efiidof jZZff £“22! **•*“* Upward* Of TOwem*, «od by ifc e mtfxiae a child of fay owaputed 1/ JaJla^lSLl** l (1 u indy ibe moat wprtwifiromawdiLna 1 Jlf~ •wo. I mut hava two meravtaU, . oaJarar W« GILSTOBE t Fo, m'o by J KIDD 4 Co, No j fSSSSSgSs w,. ut .,Bfflsr.vwliluw Dry, Jut rreeivad aad for saleby* ‘K* J KIDD A Co, W wood u FHILABA ABYEBTIB] ITBAB IROfl KXILIHO FAOTORT. RIpGE ROAD, above Buttonwood Street.-PluJ* Meiphia. At Ihia emblUhment mar be loand ? a CH*®?* * nd beaatifal Pattern* RAILINGS in tt« United Stale*, to wniehtbe attention of those in wantof any drfcrin **pccia?ly for Cemeteries, u particularly Tie pnhcipU pan ol all the handtoioe Railing! it Im el Hill, Ribaaaent, sad-other celebrated the city and county o| Philadelphia •bich hire beei »ohirtJj eatCdJedbj. the piSfr JW weraeiecuKdaftlm raaaa&clery. “ kff* constantly on bead a large ,ro ° R,iUn f’'Oratmeatallroa °* w plala aad otnamen .w# u «*ten*ire urortmeat of Iron S£; P £s,' Iro »iA*o«, &e: AI«o, la great fa?nlAi roo * b . t l “ d Cart Iron Ornament*, suitable rorßaiiiap, aad olhar.purposea. i„VL® wdaldjjsq aUle that in hia Pat E?«^fn? C^P^ B ®. I)epMl “ eat h ® b “ employed •one oftheiitt talent m the country, wboae whole “ o®foted to the batincM- ■forming allo« ptner one of the tooct complete end •rctematic tn tabluhmeau ofttekind in the Union. ROBERT WOOD, Proprietor, _ .»*«£« Road, abore Buttoawood etreeL . March IS, 1817 dCmo# GoJd,L«Ter»,fo»Jewdlrd, - Hi 00 enter- do do m Gold lupines, Jewelled, 30 00 “ ver d* do isoo quality, 10 m Gold Watches. p» n , • is t» Silrer Spectacles, *? 2 . Geld l»eoeila, V IS Gold Bracelet*, 4 £ Hrtitn’Ti 1 e*" 4 '* IWK8 .** ,onia u* e»IJ' ! |JSfS ,l A*?i b “' “* on “'“' of Morblo Uaomla P“ blic “*>' be «eo““bo re,p^,te'„S,el b ‘ Cb "" >• • * rdea , Sl * nsar T «<* Vase* of the most .n^Kote^'^ro^.^o^.rls « the Th °n e *? Je ?noc, i *“ d U*e Trade will be^raiahed ■SoSr. sesu !U ■ !,bl ' , ,o BM _ , ' JOHN BAIRD Phllod'o., Feh, , :.r r o li^ ,,, ” !| ' nn « °SJS2 derry * nhjkerson, AWJISBB, SICIISB BOnOJl!, wagon cover® and grain bags 3M hath Prmt Itral, Back of-T. A. HUton'i Cabinet Wart Mamtfu . ~ , , A PHILADELPHIA «>1” “«<■" of >»« r.Jidis» p,M isSS' ,’r‘ l !,hi?" pllT AXMcSS TO WATCHK AKBtta „ d DKAt . K R,. «uii, w "'“ executed. J. ,n,m *“ c ♦‘“‘Wry punctually e»‘ll«uj7^^ncwiheOUsi nd |°^ C 'V* re inv,l «l w *tieeu Philadelphia- * iUUMj * Fuunb ~ JaniS o ' 3lriped iATAII,'* flew, Abo, I »M«nineqr Douiitic GOO 0& r. Gemlenxn*’ CRAVATS; New York made Sbuto, ftc - id Flo wire, cheaper compear far erecim* • n r i r- ae ceptiel axoek at the ni>a*.ipp«sSpl!ls,*sEi'! h °r k ".“;«°™i. “'» _ OEOBOE OOCHBtIM w " *■ Y °“r ' cubwi FFiSii. MJWKS & PLPMKPTT. ««J ®LASS MANUKA('TURPtt« Sftsstssigips wboteufc p,nh£!,,™ “ r irf«c»»i aul; » —ip'd'y 1 imamm.r \ ■' T* " ■ t s®***”* * nJ *>r ul« ' frora the FognJry Dj- Geo. Bmcc *®l Ibt }lotir;roi<; T'tlc, 5 Il»«Two Ijiie Minion c*n», nan ?P»ce rale*. etc . or of aaetto4h7rurr vn r Vrn™~»i * 4lf -, a j v« r (- •■ _'-t~ ®W»rkeJ»i co A making ~nf2“ X"i>, i HMxSRk hiatfelf in AlIe K beuy Mr V *“**“«< hifluotake* Jenifer. ~C.™ j,„ Bcinret “* Pr..i,rit,i,„a, o ,eji. FKH»a.StogjSJ r i22ff..t ■gSSS-SK-™ Sg ? 3T-«asi AqgT.HKOCKgOBTON tll “,r' ■ J ' aHSf*®*®*' 4®.' WjUble tor pitaimg fa CeaeirvV . ewib* *pplie*iionanK« e »j. v .JL from NsnenMof JiTwX, Mwh«Ser ’ mMj , . w -'VICITKB3IIAM __ Wo Ija- ro. wood KTld&bltl If cXTOTboat FUHiriWqg T utotortßitd ftf-Mle low— -1 £S£ F '"“‘v , ... q«kn of»U kinds i ■??■??? >« ®jr Jiao, which i.hmJl Uj °B «Q****, •waeoaUßae Uroatboetue feaiioa. The preemun J“*f ST*•. MpenST eltM of Foekcia nnd HnU* Wttte t-4 il >» extra tTtimnimnOiriniii. which win fire rrctiereoAfim to traeelenL^^” 1^ ,A °* will thnjjra bo in port, hod the tr*». eknf pobUc Are requested! to enJl tod txnaine then. prenouiß enfocin»p*»»iJrfi eUcwhne. “PAHE ONLY NINE DOLLARS.” T lll i“ TO *•» ltndu»* (opposite _ , ,t:mr afDAys. n_ ' , ?i orrn,,lofl *Pplr Al lbs sacs, Üboonsslisla “55is “"‘"“•"“I n.uaaniSSn . me *» a *9f Penn atreet and Canal nnestuurfSii/uieiii^Binar 1847- D. LEECH L CO>l. OLD ESTABLISHED TRANSPORTATION LTNP BETWEEN PITTSBOROIL * ■ * PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE AND NEW YORE r PJ , . B ~oek t »° r ,l “* llne conuiu of * doobUdftDv A Use oi Boata and Cara. lowned by ih»tr ITT i rt . wh'ch are In nod order. The xebeenlw aSmSS! red 10 forward a luge quantity of Merehandixeind Produce wuh certainty and ditpalch; * Produce or Ucrcbaudiie couaigned to any of thenn izr.L'g!""*' I *s .i-wLyss, of tiia Line ia coadactedon urietly Sabbath-keeping principle*. Addreaa, dr applets * D, LEECH A 00, Piaprimra/ ° w b“w/Ssb 4 ;®™’ W B WJLSOff, AgOftt, No y We»t etreettNewYaHt ■■■Hl 1847, FOB Ib<> inuponoiioo or FRitliUmwaa Phutmli onJ IM Itluuc Clues, «»oi3ui, oani.o oopieoym n»k ordoUyioiinL breakage and acparauea of (ooda . • e » PreirMWo - BOKBWDGK A CASH .. No TK^dK;i N f a^* , '*“ O'CONNOR , WAJTTAPROUnVMfcoiiSICTf* j A genu “*«“•<* baaineaa' tk» Proprietors hate added miktiiaiock and encoded theirarraen menu during the winter, and areaow prepared to lor- '3F l f"!> r “ illi *P«‘'li oy any otter Une. Their long experience aa emiera. P ,i' P^. to .“ pen^"T ° rt ** Portab»* Boat fti tm,' and the great capaciit and convenience of thewmro? ,,D ®’ *7 P* JB,i *' , ) r eeJenla t*d to enable the proprietors to faIDJ their >"nrnftin sS£BEK^2s*rtjesss' ißdirecily-in steamboat*, the inirraat of the ceeaiftform mn*t neceMardjr be their primary object inaWnrtnr west, endibey pledge themselves to forward all raod* consigned to them promptly and on the moat grans term* to thhowners.' “ MarehMSW. „ ■ : . M 1 BDE|>EIDCITPORTABI.|K , _BOAT i jH&flEnoft 1847* . THKTIIAKSPORTATIONoWSoBUcR AVD MERCHANDISE TO AND PROMP rrE*_ BUROJf, PHILADELPHIA AND B^TTWORK 8 " IL/”Wntooi Tr»a»li]Nnt»|. /-Tj t»ood* consigned tooureare will be Ibmrded ».it, 081 delay, at ilje lowest earntn rate*. iJilTof Ladin*- Iran Knitted, and ell instructions proiimtfj amended u 5 ft “s™ tny «xl„dinlir MmSvSSSSS^ ‘ «pply to 0 A McArftJLTY*ci Canal Basin, Pittsburgh „ storage. Trry Urye and commodious warehouse.' T® **® prepared to feeeiye (in Addition to Aei»h‘ fei £p*e«) a hup, amoaul of pwtei,tevoosEKie J, C i£, ! * One am will »ea*e the warehouse ofC A UeAnahd SSSz£Z&*' Wa ' d "7* (except Sundays,) and shipperscan always Cepend on haring their nods for. warded without delay and at fair rules! "*1 This Line was formed for the special aceomwodatfon Sfflntisaistaar 1 -" fflivsHas? I wILLMH FUI.TV. } Aseo „ c A ; MeANUI}T¥ A Co, Piiubsrgfc) f _ M BSFiaMci. tini.Ku f, * ,k ' r ' *£}* fug fa‘B «CHjurtUttr:l '‘iffTT ,* 1847. ra K;i£j',ssr3iif/ ,! £SHRSS .mi Be.eer, end freight Af svmsatresih. ssjassst-ssraS^Sf •llboiouoo \ht> Rim, Canal Sol Luket*** 1 *” * lUnnf everr facility for •engera w.(h pmapcneta urf djSSVUttMSri&S' aiuf n«enu reipeeiTollr •aiieii ftwntheiHiSEL VS* be public generally dwir ***? isrz* to K N Pvka 4 Co, CUv eUod fe^KS^^Sgs. ** OW £? tOWn * ** eonl C« MtebeJayre, Eraiu)i»r f k Wm.« £ iSSSS&SffiKfc.* £ Mr -■*- Hfeauk TWEENJPtTKBSSSg '•*> ‘“i adr»n«i?r«eorch»jW **«r‘"°l.*ion»f, u& satit? sawsfa^BsH^sJaa o«ta >nd other owilSiKuoT"MU promptly executed ud bm*iTiWr JSI. ¥ “*“ “*“• jWSrSgS*“op “7 FOSVifiDiSB fc GOAIISSIOi IBJICfIJSt, Barf Beaver Point and BridreumXtr ****** *ke * ,M * t,>^onr * n> SS^^^r E p? n n"? Apply to or arfireaT* 7 Peaa T ftbU-dlf jr JAB OiCKKV. Baav^ nrrsßUßOH'^c^PCXpiS^t jjgffll, 1846. ItigggU ‘TcLARKE a T 'co“° 0j *°° ! *»wwrf*f A Ocwulsalom mJL.. lfc . .: ** r ® , r^*4 THkiff 6 ” 1 * *® d froorietort ofiUsLijie fia £»•».[ giffirfi-afiSSSsSsw “«d ei !, "it ”•*'““ *ef r frdlltie* are »Mcrrf k,ww,n * ,h « Apply to or addreaa . _ otSu®?Sl'SsS'«««k -is?? T RICHMONn'tO? »nd likewise agreed Vh« rL.T 0 " 8 * 0 *I*L*n*f 1 *L*n*f o«mber of BoaTO V JiSSlf2?, ,o **> fc «*» ! through in from «ix i© erel»fdM? e Jifl.^ , l-“* •® B * feeleneomrrdby Ihc IlKtiSfy »«*«*!,. I Peru* transportation of 1 ALL KIJTDa or ■KBCHAPOIIK to . p r™ «wfl:fflsß!Sr , »ass&* h : jmwwo4S®S^in^ p^SSsitnu4-»^!S lSS^^^»*)|j fißafesass^^itar**: CJMcnnun-Ata, * •■* W Wlr ...ii ib..!^, oA?. 1 ' “ D LEECH ft Co tot (W n ud Cun , TRAKSPORTATibN LI JESBL PITTSBURGH AND ClfcOtMATT^ ..DAILY. LINE OF. iirjLU k. UILBOIS packet ■JMIWCHT: rtMgMß* NtUn. JSBrtiKSfs^is r° w W o *^ * e, * tl * *« £nffiJhed?nd ranxuhed, and a»«t>owerTnl <» tb e W«!cr? 0 r tbo Wwt, iiTery accottatodatiat >-■..- ° care kaaibeen provided far Pwrtrnrrr. ro ' i will be .p«Md ,0 re.der Urew eorefaSbtiSd"/;'" 'WniDAY' PACKJB'T.' aT ccsdaVpic k ict. B&NIa, MO. Si CapL J. Xlnufttur wiU 6 5l r *7 BC *^“ y aofnlay ailOo’eloek >*ery Tanadar evauin* uI9:P ALtand *ery Friday «ip o’ck>£k;%. jjJ W 4 ““ rjSDBtSgDAY PACKET. t KHQLAUDj'SO. a. Cant. B. Dtan, will ■anil every Wedaeadar mernin*™ in U — »WB?tJ?n“q p M.; uJ OtaciMWi.wnrto.rt.y aaobvl^k,VM.' ■ TanublT packet. Tfco WISCONSIN,CapuA/. Oreft,will leave Pitta. i bar»k moraia* at Wb« L* •very l>ttr«tay 4Temar:w4o P. ALs aod CtJtfauK everySaaday atlOo’eloek.A.M mna " ’ FRIDAY PACKET. TheCUPPKBj NO, #» Capt.Cn»Ai.witii-fl.- b * r * ll »3S nr Vr '^ r D,ornin r»‘ 10 o'clock Wbecilnt _ - ‘[SATURDAY PACKET. sa^aE ; ;£ *? - J «-£a & ~ c -- ■SKtes^^ftfeiS'ESas L‘^^' h R < ' t^:‘»" ofr '"""' ■“ «'T Tl* 16 Bulb* Bui> Bu cnuidtrrt .ofjrf „m »«; d , !■ libs ““fra|«cKKFpa . K| ne * «plendid iicamer UMMK „ BEATER, Hoops commence* her rejnlar Jtipi tbti day, leaving I’iu* bttff b ««oVloek A. H , tni Beiitr «4 o'clock r v . coaweuoxwcb Pm*boT*b and Cleveland line of Cad nal Boat* daily to Cleveland. O : Beaver. W>rr»> m~t Glmlaad.A4n»of Cuai Paokei»M«t«nge Cteebev S?* 7 £'Y* r "? *" d Clavelanoi Canal Packet New Ca*tl«;asd Giccnrilla, Pa i Erie Eiteuta.TL. to- Meadvilic ud Erie. Nell, Moore * Co'* Line* of Stage Coaebea for Cleveland and Wootter. leaveißea- v Miwrtnasr -- JBmEU 1847. g- ft OH THK fS*KI»LrASU'4Mj oHkTcaSl^^ BBHVEKN PJTTBBURGII AND CLEVELAND. K N PARKS k Co,Cleveland,O ) W l V l M^TOkt“";torl l , r.. )>"**»"■ ciiniu•* nT P ° mlCin ,h * Penil, T lf «"* AubisaixtOhio .J?p.W^ of V* L,nc equalled byany on >aul Canal*. In number* auJ eapacjiy of float*, eapc ncnee of Captain*. iad prompinwr of Ap-nu. Ac. One Doat lr*»c» Pituborjh and Cleveland daily run nmr in connection with thoStcalncr*. and t«*ke Kne, Utween Pmaliurih and .*•*&“** c 1... Propet ler», Bnpnnd Schooner*, on Ukra Eric, liunw, Mi chigan and Ontario ’ Property farwjwded to any part of the Union wnb W T MATHERiPHo’ »p3l Cor Water ti*’ BCMMEH AOBiSOI ' .HOSOIIQAUBLA BBOWNBv£uue AND CUMBKRLAKD TO BAL TIMOBK AND Bill LADBLPfIiA. Timeioßjltimore..-- .. i. -i-tear*. Time to Philadelphia j........ jq « . (Only Tl Mile* Staging.] 1 • »/ p . did ruining aieanwr* Couiul, !,ou *»« commenced making One boat w,)l leave iße Mononaa hela «h«rf drery ‘morning preeiiicly at a o’clock.- 1 **■*«*«• hj; the norninc line will arrive in Baltimore «®^i l o Ve “.' ns ,lm £ forihe Philadelphia Mail Boai, or SEL/Sh.*?.! ,T he u / venir ’K leave l the ,*"*r d * ll J " * e*.«pl Sunday. Pamnirn bo “ l JT 111 lod K e ,f»'‘ t»oard, in I' „i., e room*, leave morning at fl o’clock -25* *s* jnday ilsbi; «ap and lodge m Cum.’ benang. Thg» avoiding night travel altogether. The Prtpamwna o n *, t route are ample, and the connection complete, •otbaldiaappoiuuncnuor delaya drill be on aaown upon it. . era can flop on the room and reaome liheir *eau again ax pteaiurc, and have choice of Rail Road or Steamboat between Baltimore and Philadelphia Uoacbea chartered to panic* to iravel a* the% dfiiro, or fifrL* 52S r ii^ k i' U lhc ofice ' Monoiutahela llouae, fcbl? H I,WeL ' 3 WKSKIMKN TO CLBVRLASD Tim. WAIUtETW. 1847. TUBOUGH IN S 4 HOURS. I I pACBETBoata Swallow and Telcgriph Have tea -3^g*o6**06* *“ *i after we arrival of the p,tab °nth. and arrive at Warren m awlv Ll . r ” s * which learTiramrdi imriy thereafter. and arrive at Cleveland at 3tfeloci, r. onTteKui' coiLfon .11 KEE^PA I Sfl N r t S U * ' V “™' *W '• JnilN ir* Co ’ _ -2ti- A CALCULI .comer Waieraod Smiibßeld ut *P**r OppQilte the ftfonoagthcl* Home. Pitubnf^h PITTIBCttOH A STD OBEBBT^Lb' irnrfi 1847. LB*J' . pass? p s^iasisi^ CITIZENS PORTABLE BOAT LISE. BbSSSI 1847. acwaagßa 3S9SS9C clan boats: sod futcxl a *? tt,n her °l first for. .Twnu „»rn r “'ip“ *• berclo freight shipped’ bj ibis Uae Ur °* D reee, P til *°r there b* preTestfar dama™ trana ?'P inenl > tipUiiwhofaoeUiem.whShis 6jr lbe •litre that there will bt m del*?„V.h - Cnt * uar ' ■Saar* * i,ho “' JW £»" . . im.sxassi'ariei I'nubi.fgb, >,b. la iV*? 7 ’ 1 WW ' Bal, "”» re - T 8 TAB EJBT| BI Ho||9llQj]tK],i diiiitk . 1 rtuee, *e., to the; E»*t^K{?t7dur‘l n f ff n 3 pro ‘ a&S'ssr"» ~"'"”»wc sf s°. sje .HereliandlM received bv «* with I w* t hoy i 1 e *»^rmabthe feuee,eiib«r SB *»?*■* tbwe flata. and rwp v S.j£au2JSssJ2? I^mSILS^TL 44 - I > .^Fuu^o,.,. A POSITIVE ft PERMANENT OURE FOR aasmma «vv?® NERVOUS COMPLAINTS. '' ha liie «vwtßu« AMbeaxoliined Smce their aTarju are rtoly ascertained • ’ &IS&; DH. GHHISTIE-a u'AI.VANIc mWS AND »lAO- kemarkable intention, wkiehhai rtteited the Cre« Brit^* l i££ ro^’*lioa #f lbß pwfcttmnor *« -pBKSSSS after a f£r and £S? sKsia!iarssSsiS?s - *hmel, r end iaoM ex P««»e^JS Ser* ** ■? ;Lj f ?«r»?entent of the Nervous a-~— •AirSiSl'tP e “* li *‘ ° 4 " ‘ r '«wii's J k*iui« '■sf*«S3s3Sg'«i£ ' "tZZg'k&g'ZL B “ d *’ ultimsie'tjp restore*health* The'K a* “ d SEEKS JHfiSgTKsSS^ £S’rterrs*^ “nd'.'wr.‘,c^.?„t' 6r Al "» l “* *W*pi. r? Chrittle'iJliiiiieUe Plaid Jicvcd to patten the remarkSjepTJ^o&fi^S &3^^’SZZS&3rs£?s2i Christie , Ul.anlc^reoethSS^p,,,,, , "Pke*« smcles form another vulaable •nniu.-.i . Ihc mysterious influence ol Odvarism fiS* lrionof important adjunct to the fenaiacci^nii h B?l* W! *5 tNir tnodificationi,.oet.oit open the • •?* bavin, the advance oHnSretoSS a«. confidently rtrtonieXSfi'*;. *«7 the speedy cure of Rheumati JT JJSSS»« nervoascomplaims, andaaaootiti*- ®[*“ronle;inall* ot Pain *»*• ’.**'* it *** Puhwnerjr Organs | n g?„fl I ,r Pff*- 1 Jhctr effect* are of ihe'o*md!^edesSwia?? ( S*!. ~u I have often been used with coomlc*ie*u*£?J? *r£* ***7 for aids, and all in affections of SbC?*!, F i? re “i ro 1 the Galvanic Stre»*heni£l ffreat and Wmianem advuta^} n ,"few £S3i « embraces all the vinues of lhel>c*ttonie rsT.^^ l U I which is nei.her impaired nor exhausted. wtniTTL*®*®’ l non continues. These articleswiUhl fiZTSi ,il ? V' free from those objections which are ca *l | *l7 of complsinl wiH Ho ortin.^ ___ 4 CAUTION. celebniy and soeessof th#»» .«t » has caused them to b« h. „!L° eajsasa,tisy®S3S : and sncceseof the above artiefe/ I V?u r £iiif r3r V4,Be in the city of Wew THOUSAND PERSONS. a year, have been entirely reliev«^rfL 0 " or,e ‘* than chronic disord!” "meo/ which h-^ ; flcd ail former effqn* of art ESH't* *•£, i the fir»t pbysician» of this eitr JtZTjt-*** *‘**T of ,M M.roillc UuliZif , "ff. r S TC ,la mood ■b' l opplicauon ip Hc„ K>?f,^?i" r k p crpiion of thou .bn p„ pSiSSSftf VJf ?•«»■ A l ’ ,ht 'Prenuop L» ntctind SSSSU /7° " * '• ,1 ‘ the most intellijcrnt amona the AbJhp““? f *7 or Wllh Christie is .at aft ready aE^?L F * c,,1, r- Dt. PVPI, fjoiliiy u> Pby,ioi.n.,i«l S'2 i«sr'.™ or 6, -ISSfSKSJ’Ir'sS L 1 | n l*'"*botßh J cornertib ,»d M„ toll 1847 hboiqai; -tfpiue. It pa, BBOWJV, I'Y""* b^ n sassaasasic H^S^sss to the treaunant o t delicate com] platnu tor which his Mm Ireatracm of those eompl» at’, (dormr which ■»• b* non pre*. .»d U Mcu n ,dX,^mr» m "fkJ; can ever fall to-the loi of a T private or«p-mi^l.iT* n nl Jr t , “* , i 6w H ral ° ° reT M ontnees o? speedy perawi .“7 f !i c .v ry cßr ” »•“ «o«i*SS!i2JSS. “S? Bnil arising therefrom. Bro *P would mromthose afflicted - J -‘i rthiti d'.eaae* wh'ch have becomeehrenicby UmeoraJE™? aLV' , l**?* * “»i <* tho cotntaon noatnualwTk? .Zz.t 1 * 1 I^tc i r . cqmpmmu can be radically and tbor. hl * o*mrul ancmiolri the irttunentof such case#, and succeeded m handled* 5^51 m of the bladder, aadWred diseases wbichoAea ,£L, mm thoae cates where others have consigned iImS hopeless despair, lie paitlcaltiiy invites nelt as h*Js • been long and unsuccessfully treated by others to when ev s r T ; * e,t cases treated irfn earefnl, iborouftfaud tSimJS. manner, pointed oet->y long eiperienee, stodr •estigaaon,whichjiit impossible for those gMenripracuce of to give any JIKfEi £ ITT Hernia or Rdptare—Dr. Drown perwms afflicted with llenua to eSI/a* fifLa*!*S pamcoiar attention this disease • “® ■** >aid p ““’ "** I**", "Tea N. tf—Patients or either sex Uvinr « a Aim. by stating their disease in writing, rivfna’aU twlS?*.' totn*,ean obtain medicine* wuh di reSn s addiyising T. BROWN, M. fc ?,&**» .•iny ', p*-i and encln. Office No. 43 Diamond aiu» - , .. • Haase. “ 7 ’ ®PPo«»« the Wavarry ID" ears, n par* Led by Ming th*» c **» periona- I Liver PiIL. a "a^j-anty—u»e ami genuine I Aiudiq, BoincMiiif Ohio/ sieianrwho trie! wskS?i£f&fe °f »wpphy- P-XWfi?s^-sswaasa: ■ Pnemi .JESS t! ,ll "£ »« nlim, • she new enfa,^ 11 ® oared her, and mys£!FaM?, e * ctllcnl *“*»£ * «■«* them • rwai ' 7 BediCinB ' ■ . m r rt,™. P„u „„' J = : known for the eareof LiverOuajilalnt. n *’ t , ~ 1 1*? red *nd sold by B\jß SELLERS • *** No 67 wood t»wi ABTD. ' committer STAR CO T.TO N mi 7 rn'|iE Ne * r ?“ UppMjbM «*» I .?■ F'W in i£^££p£i££ t 'l* ibey would infiwa^rduau CltY : blackstock, bell & GO, Ti?“ *"* "Wra intended ezelntrvpi* fc*Jw? ,a coontrr; e a q le.cotto^works. RN. VABN, CARI-’kt CHAIR; WARpS’ S?*?* I** 1 ** _ * ,NO .>ENNTCic*A < ‘6b ' (Sacceiu<> of At tackles A Avery,} Proafietott ' P E N.N ; COT TO N mTTT miiP , Pittwhob, Pa.’ M 'pup. above wtahhaluneoi bein* Ma , s_ Jl operation, we are manofaeiarhw an articleof heavyHheelin**, weUaria w J r,_ Hade, which for heaair amf2oZfiV„* d * ~led P W*« bl w oU.."mVk, X, S £.“«?“• «“»rt ‘TuiTl"*’ f 1 '“i«d to m .i.mi&uj" * tw,u »!! »f KKNNKD. MEDICAL. -rftilUAb OFRCV Ng- « DIAMONB Al , {&* fcwdoora below ' ” O WjaMßffilCAtufl * M J&SSj&S^SS Jfjftf^iPg-'" 1 f*****/* I "** u-«at V •ra^r4Um«^tSSlS?s£^SSSs^f SStessne&g md u the rtfUaeaUiuVe .f d« BimSfflr l^ssßastiisS^pSl sibmhees; heice the sspenority •«**•. ■{bSS'^^: I *f Ss?^ The &riowinf ter|uie«ii td(lre»»eij ia ihiaitaiV./ S-iSSfelfc"" »«£&sgS; tamed ■( jTrtTjuoreVbWjle brB*ttdY|l*ri3n3rWit Jns ' booJ«U , gBainl)«t»a , .iqti | fr«lde t Kndbr»>«ftiB 1l | klft . mwdnearfytlire# bonlss,! wassbtetoWossetarres-* ’ -alar burner, ipdbeftMjk*dftoi«a6dib«fcS!,b2r | il«. Iw«* MWell Mdjooai«e*erl kadb«eir.' , l|s^ noheiitsuofl ItiMfiM ih»jSamriBarcan*rina*»ith* ' means, voder; Providence,, of having«f"K*b tad i 1 doubt not inyllUe. J rtost'efaeerfanv recoonsesd itar ! Uje n«£lKw?r“ greetchain Of Iteituaoar ioit* merits? *'. , “• ».. ra Ssas‘* i ss«v the attacksof d'jicaseLaddsbfrequently- rffcf nfolirtrt ta proposed remedies/wvcanaottootiooe-dtrSoefforo' W**^ l *"" *hh httttfft Od-tTsutrta S«Ji^°M ,pccl i p * ,. ■"•,• u ,‘ iwnt, thereby eetnry tbit the line tv trv«. -• -2 , \ _ ‘RKV. T MMKRRUfAN ■ -. i^issrsaaasiu SS^y»^£asfflfflE h*w.boeospaie msarkableam* eaeeted by itrase iathi* vtemhy. Mrs. J, Shaw. K* boU . «* better Jirsith tUn edited tor.ten years, andttch-W. ft*. trau, who bed been severely afflicted wtihib* Errsio. ! eJss, was entirely ioredbythe ase of . few battles. . WM.GAI4JSIU. : erUtste ofita KXw iSsS'S&r fere.Mkfer gswfsthirtipsrins: BHERMAH-8 OLOSAONIAN, , ; .UH TIUJ IPPfEaKH - ’ - > .Uw Sidt^Sd Chart, ei^elid - twtaii, *sd* • pitted Urfiwc of bctftb. 1 - - Spaifctft cbeek? ud -•- ht.’wiß icD jd« . .* Hncßß AaHOLdiAQjllifjijy, ALL-HEAL3SoBALSiIt v :. A»k yourfrkndi if tbey bov ofutUum that WiQ v> nm j~»ofKm^srEciSlSS£SiS •o thort a ipact of tuac* • b»j the feOo«W'-' -■• *.T7 f - I Tr* . i ß| *£? ««Uk«t«d Bovtco crackerMkcr. SB Si*. **** *** *“» •**'k*» “■ be«kSited lT?r *T, *3* * ad ««** • 4 **» ISl^ggg £^^«S?#St M _ c «*B*u»ptUm «r the x'auttJ’i ,?• «rSwSStat £s&** ■*2*»»“«iSKfe* .mui Bendy HsSSSfflSasSs^B kupbjiidM, dart, ttTSlV i „s*^S^¥£t3?i“ “-Kffi&J ftisassassaas dSlsz TS£»*?SLj“ too, ™W<* ! TO(COV. "Sasas^Mßajag ;ifes3-S§gsg . sr.aysßrsSiSSSS'Sa of luffm'm mankind* ° m **® ep iTfs Ehiltßlfrrepbi 1 i , ; LROroLD DI'PEEV: 1 .. ■ . READ THIS F»» U.»m,.n ttt u»«D wthefrapap^—l In contidention of ihr .um (,(*!***>*,V: 4 ' a ', 1 gr^^-i^gfagJtes^ with B-u»imtn> nl nf ih^fa?i?r ltt f aa ** qBr ° I *‘ -Ofether I inn Chemical Soap. HeliK«SKr ? ? ,pori< y*y Jt » l "' Use UnTled Btas&t?tiV?'?¥ ia *“ ,B « »t»* tale in wisintwj, bW.*^:..._;. > l»4Ssby’w-jackson^!?m' ,, » E ®* n * 1 ■-a^jig^-^SWSSjg a^s^ffls^wwESSrt oSHStStSS S> Liberty «trert!^?tdf^f I WoSl.^ cenu and«l per boitie * Wcod * ; friee 60 SpS^S^KfflSsa m*"l& £*«•'» *aauiaJ and uts-’ - *~j **, *Uiß'lHßi4fnio(Yßt T wMHri-eveF-a«w. 1: con apical mealy fecnniw< itp,-B»Mi«n ' "jwu« require* bcaatiljiny." |D“hiM S 3 cent* a bor 'V •’ ‘V* .larva; ETSoWbr Wkf. jACEtfON, at Us Boot not «k_ S air ß S' n ' °f Woat ’ * ' te f*«» of 2 . ...... 1 «' • ■ * Ho Cow, pan" ■>< iiif i Wrtone tUa tb« Hite«; uirW. KtSffifiSj iv itfert eflortabtfebeta^gySSSj^S^ *7W «lecuurie* »*»■*' ‘ H"«BS94Bn»| —' i ’ ' : MfiJCAL.: 'ssSsss&£&Bs&. ’ ‘- •SS^SSftsraSSssss'..- BBpag£3gSS: SB ?Asy, .-■»SP? rt *? i< ' , ’ , " ! ” k*«*«r»a. jgSeK£@&* t term'Mriom-.,- „_,,, _ ***P ro ?np«*ed wilhout ini' -Jtow flnpk • 3 , fJ^': r ’*<>; .? r;,T-. &sSaS3@Se^^i; : gta£S4@!s^ (SMG£PB3is£r; : 1 ii ■*lgffl»>»H,'grt»Mfthii ll a l Bapu,,; **burcli, . {"-*• w nSSSSSrfSJ I rSft , -?K** , ‘ J ' J,iJ »- i • ■■■■■> ffIgWWP •* . ligasssn^ B— ™. >- > SBIK^ W 1^ • «* ‘wLJ. $»($•*« b * v WJt.Cpro tftg?,.B* M«WBt HiiJ»Mftfa. K G SkuE? 2li?sj ft***-T».., 1, mm 2; JlglSllr : .SSS-S| - in ] g> * ad '” * 'm «-«w J5j“?*C«AJlT'rO “t - - DISEASES OF THE -EW.-. \ « ? srw' s:ss^!s^ ew ” i pa&fflitaa twwece«ofnailmfin*tia«ioni»/Canemn«f «im wil ' SS&SSS&G&SZ aaayaJgs; iw^SSwJ2!^s; i ®f“, , ’»ssEri; w-wrSJ'aSS 5 1 « Ji r 4S?2L ,t Hy* rt >»* :^T« gr** t»DjS«S*tSe*i%l,* fi jl? 6W cakroftkr yoi.fw tbwa, m*i m*k?t£}* il „'* o * l ‘ i *«Ur»ty fwn - ■'MSwS: • :jBWSSBE£aES^J^'-»^K I Vr.MnM^tWiSPS^.^ b nwfri ( <47'> « **PP7 t»*>r»*n«r SSift ‘£gj* l ""S’} 1 * ’**• *K*i | u 4 8to« MBS) sfcß'Oftfec^Bi* _J