TH] ■ 1 OF <"V s* AsUee * ». , Fou ... .i j I Bn'ui Pern- * • do Coparvn-*~S»O37|- lßro.njpe- « • 5 f*i malw. rm *■ .. **4d 090 Urn .Iknmr, • ■ i-J-, Cofpm+f—r >ls* v. '; ■■’X mtty Gum'Arat*--***"* fo I - Cooal'**—'*~>o» l?Sraelii*-S •*» ' Sbefiae 1 a Maatic -1.ar01..& • tpeenc-*---•••••• - «• j iaUp, powdered- • • -«®g l * Utharge Liquonct'Bcoi or ball' J# 03® . LacDi*e----- te 0« 3lTgi2,s.C.rb --•£ Madder, L'mbro tft 017 tladder. Coajrooti M ejJ# tlyrrb. Turkey «® *•«, Vitriol- •••• I*** Xasaia ~«O044* Oovea--- •; — 'Lemon-*- *• ‘ Penperm nl* • • •:3.7503.t , u Op, im.Torkty —474 OMS Qa uae dt£io*.73 I Kim »arby root* -075 Sal Amonae 90 043 Sal: odn -ft 0 fi lUUln*-*V • • Soperof. ■ •* , cooumn * p.ll Beau*—f.tiui. Bm«U WUhc —*M,OO . Coiauwi.i. Wi«-' 87 , .... ;..... >9129, Vellow Bloom*—V' ’ . " Bloanu 90,W>3»?a,t» Broom»-f «L>* Merchantable ••• • <5 Wafer I,?M»J,T.. Barks coid _ ClitKuu Oak--• —• Blspk Oak — '-9 Hemlock *••••:•• 8* Coal—p lmaliel At llte Rivci i'tom trs^oti Cotton—|Mb- Tenn’ee and Alab'a* i®** Chocolate-* <»* Number I ii l.*boc a. prepared ** Candlee—*lb mm Pitialmrgh Si»> *5 *} Cmmnnan &>■■■■ • Sperm,bell brand* “ Coating*— .. Found .Hoi. Furnace ,** '’~£m Tea kettle* r*>* • “ 2,0 i Wagon bt*r ib-.- r—® « Coo!»ier«e»|rhi*^* 1 7*2 , Sadiron** lt»- on- -4*o & Bean 10 030 Tmnn ic O5O Dye V«wl-f lU. Comwvod- S|o 7 I Pittite -s|o J { Loffww ), chipped-"Si*4 3 F«ot*icra-~F lb. • Kentockt {6 o*2) Ohio&Pk'irefyivuua-tM 023 Frail Almond* »Scl!’d 30 025 IS 017 Hard •• f. 13014 Currant*, Xante 1*10134 Filbert* ft 0 9 Groundnut* 133 OIJO Kp.Tatke} »0 U Malign --•lv'iol6 Jtuiaiu*.flu«eat —o— xpMV* Bloom, old —O— _llr anbefr ie 0 1 50 Uaoot. S«riy,bi--3J*'34ou Orum dr 3,0004> PeacSra ry, bo.**!33 0 I **74 Apple* drr- 3005df Apple*, yrrro bbl-13502,50 P|r*Bil*h-f M •. Bolivar 2^* 13,00 0 15,00 Cotton Yaru*- Phert reel-HNb N 0.5 loioiris------ —» «* :: lif.'?.::.:::. = SI? Increasing |olcenl lb 10 No. at. Long reel-HP dot. _V, No. 6CO —0 H. - 600-- 0 it' >; 700........... —0 "4 “ dUO, 00(1, I.GWI- ■• Ml " CorerlatViimlii • •—0 «• Carpel Chain' —*o S 3 Cotton Twine 0 £ Canola Wick - «* 19 ' a CoAaa~^4b Java, old wrlnui ■- - n|o ia i 3U Domingo £“*"*: Havana —0”” Copper—lh Braricr* —-0 tra Sheathing* * *—o W On. r iso 90 Caouui' Plonr HP bbl. Eltrt bn ad* O*,TS Soperfn- Pioe-tf- - —«KW Byefr*r none •‘ f hf. bbl* —•— il> 1)0 Si u hf. bbU PiedHl' bu*bot Oran Short* FUh-*bbl 1 Mackerel, No. !• • O i No. 1. hf.bbl*--. 0 . I No* *- » i No. * bbU.**»—- Si— No.'S P,«l* HA’ No.l-Vitu — S*— I Herring, Nol &&&&,!S Salmon, No. t • —d—— *No.S Shad —Oll,OO CortlA“-a—bv coiipih. Uamuv •••• • * '»W v*a> -W-. 0 m ,Tartrd — v —0 • Park 5 * yam, ine —0 6 •* common*** —0 •■ Hemp BedCrria. f dot Extra Long -f*£o _*)*»■ •- • ■ ....... • 01,75 Common —oldtf tough Lines —0 *5 •nillaßed Cord*— & do*. Qthrvud- - .•• ■— 03|40 do 1.40 o*,» me* —0 W Domeatlca—Fyard. Colloni— Thistle, Nashua. Cod. P lb.- pint*— Red Fox. Not. —.O «* “ “ » -0 »§. - Mu»krat 100 t* I Spike* P lb- Rumor —St 25 1 ** l*wi««d iMink*- ••••—0 93 I Bailer Riret* ' Deer *kift*Plb.---.l#io 15 ; OakutA—Plb. QUu- ; Pittsburgh ; *.♦ —0 7 Black Bottle*. i OJU-# gal Unart,Prro*a ~0 9,00 i Unaecd! 70 0 “4, Fiat, do —*o 7,00 [ L»ni, City • 075 MaJc’awinc,s,6'Loj«l-e 9,oowmU“, P boi~ I '' unbleached- • —0——■ City brand*. Pallr 99 0 6xlo - 8.650 XOO Whale 700 75 iOfctt- --* 3,«0 Tanner*. P bbt-- 13,00029,00 19x18-* 0- 4 Palnta-^pik Patent do., 10x14 to * Prui, Blue' 75 01,00 16x34 -—0 (Lampblack ’••■510 7 1 Country band*. iSpan. Whiting---* l|o 3 I Brlo- 0X35 [Chrome fiseen 35? 0 53 I 10x13 OAflO “ 35 Gunpowder —pkr-. I ♦* ’• No? 35 085 FTFG -5,33 6?5J0 0- 30 Kagl*,6Jlb* 03.U0 6| 07,00 “ oil,ptre, kce--—01,05 [ PFFG do. - 04,00 , “ No. I —01,35 LF-jflf- 4a. inpaperS'— 00,00 Red Lead 610 6 I Rock-powder**•— OXi5 Yellow Ochre - • *-2fo 3 I Grain—P bushel. '< Vea. Red 4)0 5 i Wheat —075 Verdigrie-.* 30 0 38 ;Bye 37040 i Pip Metal— Pion, 6 mot Oat* 2-030 JJUfhtuv. dag iteming Uif ft. J State or TKiDL-No particular ‘point* 1 have beea made in the movement or Trade this week to', call for special commeaL It ha* been steady, acute : and in the aggregate, heavy during the week. Such aaenoa forho«ne*i ha* not been enjoyed before Jcc many year*. It ia healthy to a degree, ififpirißg universal coi&denec. The country ttade hay largely and what ia touch belter, pay up well. The ooly drawback* to this proaperoua state cf thinga are the 'extreme acarcity of money, end tlie difficulty trf getting Produce carried to Ibo past- Tfao Utter b 10 a coniiderabie extent the cauae ol the former Anamount or capital blocked up Produce lying inactive, which, U realixed from the proceed* ol sales. would supply n currency, perhaps, Tally equal to the reqairemeuta or the ectire trade now m progrets. The embai raaameot on the public in good part, *rom an Important change in one article, vit: Pork--To meet the ‘tastes’ ol Engliah market*, a large f ropqrtioß ol the Pork for jhai destination, baa boon pared end plul in d ball, meaka and bxa, chiefly. The Southern mote l* too liaaardou* for auch! an ar iclcj and it ha* come on our public work*. :The learneu of Floor caused by tne speculative deman 1 in the «*t for expert, bat drawn an unpreceden ed quantity ot this article ,n the name direction. T lehunaea* ol the week is mainly with the country. • i ‘ Tne weather haa been ; letsanL The difference in ihe stage of water bele ten thia and last week i» 10 inchei—for four daya it ha* beeo nearly on a •tand. 4 Teet 11 ineboa water at dusk laatevening JOSHES— The ourtet baa been rather qoiet, and price* uniform -through the wepk. Sale* ate not heavy For consumption. about 30 ton* Poll and Scordbing. have changed band, at 44©44<-, mo*tly on a credit 0r.4 mo*. The stock in tat hands ia abundantly \*ff for present demands,and prjcee fo r the future will probinly turn on the receipts. No J’parla fjn the mirWet—none for the pail week—laat sale oolanding at 6c. ALE—Demand good, end price* steady. BEANS—S< roe inquiry, tod sales noted of over 100 bo small While Trom store *1 £l, and pay lor RBTS—The salel'inade were at £2,2062,25 tint for the only site ndw coaaufsclured. BRAN—No change: W fer,mutitj, and 9e in a retail way. an? the price»\from R»w. . • OTI’ON YARNS—We have no change to noliOjC—demand active—larW vales—price* firm.- CANDLE?—A good demand prevail*. City .dip* ped are not plenty, .scarcity of Tallow. sale* at preriou* prieeeAieotatioM., COTTON—The martet has been quiet this week. Sale* of 20 bale* lljc. Soiqc lot* arrived yesterday, and are held at 12c. DOMESTIC GOODS—The reduction on Sheet ing* I art week bs* created an improved demand— we append quotation*! Several other qualities of .city Cotton fabric* attract attention, and meet with 'ready sale! “ Horoq,Leagne Shirting, Apron aod Earniture Check*/’quoted at l(4©lßcjand tUuon Piaidf and Stripes," at 16618c-botb well finished and dd*iraWegoodi,«»nof*etared by Ham ilton Stewart fit Co. - ; - '.... Domertifis— ' ; ' ■ ; ' - * i} Peon A No I Allegheny Di 9 OregonD ‘. . ' ' “ Nouatook , ■”' , . . . DEER HR INS—Price* have vined a good deal depending oa the quantity nod quality, trom 14 to tr. ICc—rate* some 2000 ib*. FEATHERS—Tbe receipt* are rather large, but. ~ iao*Uy to go forward, iale* 4©5000 Ibe at 23a28c, a* ia quality and quantity. HiUlT—The aukil hu been Mimilia. T!» i tales are aeariy ail.lor conmmptioa, ( of green.-' Mach 'ef the stock is in bad order, and • relt* at any price to get rid ol iL Of Apple*, tot* • and bbla .sell ,at 75c to £2,50, aod 4|©s bo c«ka | Romaoite*4l£3,so.' Orange* and Lqmoaa plenty ' —in good order they tell at £3,75 to 4,25 4* nx. D Fruit- (*'iQ moderate request. Peaebe* continue dell. The tain are 400 beat £l2s© IP bo. D Apples aell rather freely—upwards of 800 bo were ; uken, mosUy to go out of (he market, at 50556 c. Of Raixiu*; 100 ox* at quotations.. Not* are ia good request • 1 ■ . •• • s ....... FREIGHT'S—’The difficulty of ahippiog bytbir Canal, owing to the accamaUuoa of Produce at this point continue*. Oar quotations are entirely nom* : inal. There is stlll.a scarcity of boau Tor Cleveland and Erie, and the advanced rate* 45c oa D Good a and 15c on Iron arid other heavy good*—are firmly maintained, earning-West on. the Pa.Canal,there _ is no difficliy or detention, whatever. Riverfreigbu * • am scarce , bcvfivtn from rather lew water. TeN , o 75‘00 heavy good* T 100 lb* i* **ked— refused. In all the shert trades freight is scarce. FLOUR—Gor lut week’s report leU the market at £4,50a4.73. Subsequently, tbe unravorabldadvi . ce* w the Cambria,.caused a decline, aodalthough all oflered has been taken tithe current raleu lrom dty to d*y. the marital hao declined aboet In the weckftn-dxj'v tnuaactioe* as the eitreme price*. Tbe aalue of the week are not heavy: (be balk of the receipt* bate bets to goforward. Very little doregia Fine, Rjr*,fite. , GERMAN CLAY ia abUlng at £» T iofi^egih, * GRMft—No change of consequence in the mari keTtbe put week, wheat realises 75e. Oate 28a JW, Rye «cf B»riey ?WWe, mi» PRtef)! MARINE IM SO R ANCE, FREIGH ii A *'' * i Pcib-jonaon 'll 013 U*Bey- Lttv...... • SI OS7^ Wo>.*tn comb,4Mb- 1S101B; OIBAUC —9—- n« r • ► ton or sdoo To.*.* •• «.■.»* lUdj»-91b. MU*oa».•»»•••••• •**- * 0 9 gpa;.Hb« •••••• •••*•• *l4 019' Uo.«*Ju.-d o—' J\J ifipjif f «bio—l,oo 01-62 G rtn 0 4 llcmp—? lb M.-wo-mlKy.. Has IJow- lb. rm *W... 19J0 16 ' Iv.Hko-by package. BeuH_ Tb,--- - - 1^001.75 3«rJ*i U&9l#o aiul’n -0301,00 Iro* -Jf ;b. Bar,Jat .iU • ; 3)0- 4 “Comti on •' -J 0 31 Sheet 5)0 1| Boiler r.aiei 6 0 64 Nail—:..-. 310 « Pkugb vrin-*-- 3 ** K'vbV---••••• 4 0 4| Reuit. shrei 0 15 a* rib. M«» AJIIPIg Bar Co t.moo tizt* ripe- S eel 'Lemihcr— W "'t ole, - 15® 20 I fTcw York--, 15®.Hi Damaged----:-"™® 15 81angbier 15® 20 Skirting .♦• 21® 23 j Harness. UUck- .-t--10® 21 Bridles, black, pcidoz , sides .••'••30,00036,00 Russet do.- .36,00042,00 Upper &nisfaed". *23,00029,00 Kipi, finished--• • -24,0003W® Calfskin do- -13,00026,00 Irnce Leather 18,000— N- England Seating, No. 1. 0 dos- 45,000 i 2. do 05,00® 3. do---- 25,000 Sheepskins •••2|o 5 Lumber—From pile, 4P 1000 feet. Pine, clear, inch —020^)0 Common 11 —OlO,OO Clear, li “ —030^)0 Com'n 1) “ 015,00 Clear, 2 “ —040,00 Com'n 2 —©2o^o Floor’* c'.’rl in. do—o l in, common* —OlB,OO Oik do do —0 Pine Shingles? 1000 1,7302,00 Laifa*, tawed. 100-1,250I 1 50 iav« Stock*-? lOOlbtn’i. Beeves * >50006,25 Hog* 05.10 Cow* &CiIYCB- >6.OOolg,U> Bhee]> fcSO2,U) Ueliuet—? gat. Sngmrbonte 44 0 45 N. Ofleaas 16 0 37|' Koval Store*— B«m,f bbl. &5Q03.00 Pitch c 3 0003,50 Tar, Allegheny-'-- 0 u N.Carolina 4 5004.75 Turpentine, gal 60 0 65 Varaith, Copal 1,7502,00 - Hall*—? keg,lOOlbi, (ea ting nalla 1 cent advance per lb.] IOO2U JuiiaU--• 00 M —.3.7504.00 »* 4,2504£0 -,....-4,5004,75. “• •• - 5,0005,as «,O80«,85 •410 5} •6 iO 7 —0 7 GLASS—TI}ft lor plus hai sleadv 1 made, tl cannot bcd'ucoenled without great ditlicul throMfib the week. Sale* nol *o britk. Some 300 y. fur want of means. so of other* It tolly to C " J «•»« »*< •"< «W« »»'•«■* *«- GROCERIES-Tlie ietnnnj Tor Granule. la. «■> «•<> je*» '•«“• « *•'- ’ lic(i) tclir(|(oJ i}.e kale* large week put. Quate (or the tranoction ol tt* present enlarged mi SugMrTb® market ha* been eery brm, and ptieea rapidly increasing commerce. The profit* of toe .reo. .hjd.rulle'. Snlc. “I>"m hhd. ™.U, in ; iw j„, e , lcJ ij, 0 u, O p , ldlcU „ r lot®, at 7|©Biefor fair to prime. Moderate tale* ..... . . - . . of Loaf and Brazil. stockholder*; but Urn. Principal cannot be made to Malta*®*—l'll® market ha* not been actite. Sale* 1 J tc,J ra ® fC extended benefit*. Wc want an addition J45c. employed m other Hut rri|uin dto I act!- Cojee—Market kij Irm, and .ale. iutc bead. It is tube hope! .nothcr»..ucr «.ll ; •*«*“«• “ r “" P nce e Sialic for Rio n. .o quel- „ ilhou| „ bUinc , Tele—The >.!o. here been !.r s e. Wc notice » P“ u ™ “ i l "' “P" jl i ” 1 ' 1 * '‘“P* “ , ' r “ l “> about ISO peg*, tuottlj YH. > tb® community. HAV hi* advanced to 5108$ll net lou of' Our notice ol a Counterfeit on the Jcfier»on Co. Timothy, del. ‘ ! Bank, Watertown. N V, Ins cauvd the detection of 1. DAL2U.L. , LUSIBER—TIie of. Ike week, have been (urge, fully a million feet ol Pmc (rout Halt at 7,75 \ to>s3 nod S 15,50 a JI3 H M It,common and clnar. 1 Shtnglea have bees and are yetsciree. Sale*6a7oo I M from. Rail at S2ft2i3—from yard at S Some M ft Cherry, seuoaed, sold at Stave* ! a&d Hoop Foie* continae scarce. M ALT—Barley i» selling to a coosuJerablefexleot; al7oc, and in a small way at 75c. Rye Mall is; worQ] 62^e. METALS—’The market for Iron has continued ! Juite active since the date ol our last report. 'l’he fill* are oniversallyxßnmng full time, and ibe pro" daction u large, but doet not more thin eqaal the aeoand. Lk r B e ataoants are going Northward.— Prices ol all detcnptimia are Brm t and full. Nails ; are selling, generally* *1 53.75 lor lOd, St e. ' Pig Iroo—The boiinea of the week from the exhanaied aiate'of stocks, baa been limited. Tbe axles are not over 400 tons at tbe price* current last week, for No 1 Allegheny. 535 for II R,aed £25 for Mercer Co. Of the latter stn .H •ales. Tbe receipt*are larger, bat mostly to previous epetract* - Bloom*—Sales 200 tons this week, Primeininti taming previous prices, S7O, cash and 4 mo*. Some ; interior at £5O to $6O. _ ' | Pig Lead— Further ulea SOO pigi aj fjc. j OlLS—Linseed has recedod a shade—last sales j at b9Q7Oe go extent GOO gal*. No change in Lard j Oil, and ule* 1000 gal* No l at 7c. j PROVISIONS—The.demand continue* very ac i live fet nil deveriptions. All arnviqg is readily j taken up at the eurrent rates. i Bacon —The sale* thia week arc rather larger than \ the.week preyioua. We notice iransacuon* to the I qxtentof 150X100 lb*,including a good deal ol coun try care. Pricea ranged as follow*- Shoulder* 6alci lbs si 25. - WHISKEY—Common is worth 10»l8Je, and Rectified i UATTTLE MARKED |’itt*bpkoh, May 4,evening. | The market was better lopplied with Beet. Cattle tbit week. Near 200 bead were driven id, and-aii «f this kind. We that of The paper based oa sale* ol Pig Iron Is A No I re character; and yet became custom, ,f|rf to some extent, perhaps, necessity, ha* imposed 6 mos as’ the cuTrest tlme*t Which it ij y ~’ I- ; •BROWNSVIttK FAtiIiCTS at a’i. B and ITS,? AC \'jfc*lincB»tk. I - Wool-J-pfl;. No: t .Foundry-- -34,00035.(10 Prime -- Purge • .70,110 035,00 .2. Tearwoer i- , f blood . T«me»*ce---- rr 030, C0 .1 bfeod---..: AttrttrCo. J£bJood • •-- .. Poundry P.iff ■— — 0 23,00 ts*forob..< J Baers Hans ”O tj [ To C’tnci.nnoo. “ Shoulder*- -- • 6 0 Ci| Dry Good*- -i •••• •- ** Side* no h I Heavy - -i [HcqfTognd, cuy cure-•. 9)0 S j To Isubnlu. *• 'country do- JIO “1 Pry Good— JLard, ffo. I. m keg*-. • O rl . Heavy •• • i i u 2 In keg*-—0 From Ldu{ttUU to (A , “ • 1. inbbli • 7(0 5 Dry Goods Duller '* I in keg*- '*f 0101 Heavy *‘ - J u I. in roll-- !)01?i Fo Si Louis iCliecte, fliO fc Pry Good* ' . .. I “ Goshen —0 10 Heavy-*..: !CrHcker«,TiUlurgli Wa* j T# CUvrlnnd and £nV, ler -•• j-03,00 Dry Goods ! Do. Baiter h 03.73! II :avy ‘ - Potatoes—P bushel. j TbanJ/rom Btoien>rilSe. ;Commonlleds 0 .0 j Dry Guodsiriown) Neslianuock*-.-. }u& 76 < PnxJuee, &c (up) Umgo— pMb. ! ! ToNahvtUt. ■ Country' mixed CJO , .11,, Dry Goods .... ‘ Do. good while 110 5 ! Heavy. “ ; lUee-Plb. ; To WThedinr. Rice SJO 6 j Dry GocaJn Seed*—P bushel. .Heavy Clover* 350 03,75 , ToZannnltr. Timothy 2.1*10..£3 j Drv Goods FUxweil I.W «1 01 HeW • * Munurd • 2.00 0 a,w> > i* Is a 14 "at and hndnady I *“»o»er oo t—p lb.. ... -i -- t j- Ml u fl ß l rnu-«B xstmiox. TIJ^ U « # 2 Apples.ond green fruu per IWMbs73 i-u. ~ Aslies, Poland Pearl, do «. I r.? u “*W,...-W.jrr *:; d ft c s‘.‘«reli.. £ j}| igS*..' *•, rjj Ueti German —0 U 1 ’ do 73 i u -ail {;”?"» do Mil > Hoop L —0 IS ' :o i PiUsburgh Mnnumciute. ! n.;n-d fiollrnr do bJJ • Brsa tv, Borden x 2.i*i 02.-0 . P _l,. do 123 1 ioxhsile-- -2,00 olai ! FnJnijare do 1 85 • . / %*'" ! alau, Windft.v |..rl.x W( I. .h.* ". “£.S 'Oimwifc » IO.jJWIj-a. • 1. o\.*O Oroccri... *• » i N :.° ‘2S- u.op., .i. «t “ inir, hbd 10« I lH IT’ do 60 ■ S| 51 .lo >» Uraxil lb.-IUIO 11 ,i a Ky j Pulverized, Plulsui -0 ! Kid ' do SO I oinc 5 I Urd ’nnrt Lant O.t, d07007.t . , ' iie.fliili'O'liCasinr *» 73 VI 1 ’ Ir^ ,r ' ' , uoo Tobacco—p lb—{lo ppl i TniJow, do 70 off for cash ibr munufnriu-; Tobarro, l.rjl, do 75 Ittl Tobacco. | | do MmmfnriuT'-d, do 7a Scgar Leaf 40. fi | Wheat. do tti Manafactuml do-.*«:l|0, 3 . Wool, «lo— 01J21 Ladiea’TwlM *6 0.1« I Whiskey. prrbbl. I so ) Hug iakegv-- —0 H i . . , Plugmboxes —0 14 i to tht hatl rut Munongantta 0 Twill i from Cmcmuuti. 010 i‘ Vtcca—plb •< “ *• (>wi«ville,Ky-104-1 iSotiit boxes —9 , •* Si Lom-, Mo 101 ; TVlnca—P gallon. Boonvillr, do •11S2 1 1. P Madrna 2.00 03.(10 - • Indeitcndence--l|o2 'LPTenenffe - i;00 01.30 >• *‘ •• Galena. 11l -.1101 Lisbon 73 01,30 Memphs-, Ten 101 ; Dry Malaga W 9 70 “ - N ()rie iu» 102 : 'Sweet N- Oricansio • -I 02 Marseille* 70 073 •• Sll/jo;. -10 'Port - 1,50 02.00 Chatgesby good Flntßoai* 1 ..0l ;Calabna 63 070 J to NewOrlean* j of a .number of iLctc .Note?. The'only ».itu couito ii to refuite all Notes on that II uik. wli *»r vcr the r denomination. IJncurreul jNotes hire become scarcer, and the general List baa appreciated in ralue. The (IroLoa are them at bout jvrj t* c* di». The rate , mil no. doubt be fixed at t’ ct. Exchange contia*- ucs abundant on all points, especially on the Hast. ! The price Jnu not xaned through the week, and we 1 Append our table without alterations.. Bosum & N York mc'ii ** tsellrn; rate) “ GO days •ijfht (telling nuc) \ 80 day* ho ilayi l*oai< &£tl«otiia r<)>ni Wdiiy* N Orlenjt rai>*l «.gtil ** *• t'ii day' Fhil. k Halt. jTbe ae.aspn fur copper raining opera!li)n« u rapidly ipeeirs of "securities" begin to attract attention. Moil uf them in the francy , Ltd yet. A very In* will pay a dividend about frail. ' The receot ducovery ol a rnetboJ of ameUing the ! Ore at the mine*, by Electricity, will be a ncwelcs [ meat in Copper clock speculation B*»K UtTl»E«ri HitKburgti iJauk. fi - mo«, Parnifn and Mcetumca Bar.k.G uim, 4 Exchange mo. ; . 3.j KIVEK ITKM.v Tax "Hanti Timfr."—Lapt. Droadwcll, of this fine atnsmer, has sjII her to n company lor £ 112,- 000, deliverable in July. Ho intend* baiiding a .fine boat expressly f ir the tra-le between herp and NewiOrieaps. We times.' —,S7. Loti i.l Reveille. » “Stnax Kxxtom/*—This fine, fust parnsnger packet ha* chang etabliah a Line of Packets between this and that city. Theyrwill, we prestime, take in some of the boats now in the trade. We hope they will make it a pntasry. point to support tho Line with all the husines* thoy can throw into it. At one time, recently, there were 30 steamrr* and some 2300 fa-eengers waiting at tho !>ouUr villo Canal to get through. This monopoly, which should havebceu ready a month sooner, caused, u lou of thousands of dollars to these boats. The steamer Cole Joyeuse. is in a oot*on field about half a rallc above the poiot near Grand Gulf. There are »ome trees just above, and it t» supposed tho pilot made n mi*:*kr wnd turned into ‘he field, thinking he was rouDding the point. She vrss loaded with cotton, and wan lightening whan the Saladm passed. —LouistiUe Jour. Pike No. 7 broko a nhaft and cylinder on last Wednesday night. Oa the 26th there were -14 large and small steamers at the St. Louis wharf, and all of them, apparently, doing business. The proprietors of the Messenger, with their accustomed eotetprize, are making arrangements to bring oat the Messenger No. 3, to be a piignie cent craft, aboot 5 feet ehortor tUn the Hibernia. •• *•■*•: ') h'-- '/. ' ••■''■ ; "BEAVER PACKETS at a 3 r. u. "MONONGAHELA CITY PACKETS, 3 r m. •WELLSVILLE, WeJl*viUp,'J t *_ •O.LEECH Si. <.'o'«.PACKET. I’hiladdphlaaad • Baltimore, Dp.m. “HIBERIVI lO a. m. "WILMINGTON. stenben*lllc;2.>.'»(. "AMERICAN, Nashville, 4r. w. • - 'NEW ENGLAND No 2,Cincinnati, 10 a. ■ , 'PENNSYLVANIA, Si Loci., 4 p. n. "SUNBEAM, Louisville, 4 r. u. •ROBERT MORRIS, St Loot, 4 r « "ANTHONY WAYNE, “ | 10 a«, " ire retrolar Packeu. | -IMPORTS BY RIVEII CINCINNATI—per New England No 2—60 htnis bacon. 48 bale* hemp, 66 brii hams.HGrall—2odo lard oil. I* Seller*—3 do hominy, Glt Massey—s do, alcohol, B A Fahnestock Ac Co. WLLI.sVILLE—Per Wellavilte—-6sclts rags, ;18 do d apple*.22 do pork, Ado flour. Cbareh.Caroili eta At C bblnJo, S&, VV ItarbaaJh—SXJ dc, Taafe Sc O'Connor—6 krga batter, 2do lard, McGill &i BuihOcld—l6l pet l»eon,shnd* Jo. Jordan &. Son—ll 3 pet do, C C Catlctt-jHO d 0,2 etkt do, J Mclsden At Co—B bags meal, | keg and 1 bx egg*, E Huellon—ll tont lire clay, owner. 1 LOUISVILLE—Per Eureka—3 ickt feathers, 8 had* bacon. 10 kept tobacco, Atwood, Jones At Co —IU hhdsbacon,2 bale* cotton,32 do head, J Grier —l4 ctkt lard, 2dv bacon, Carson At McKnigbt—9 bales fur*, > bx do, 12 bales d skins. W B Holmes At Bro—l 7 nbd* bacon, Smith Ac Sinclair—7 do, Bingham—l c*k venison. 23 hhds tobacco. D Leech. 4 Co—6do,G Wcytnan—W balos hemp, II Oral! —23 lirl* lard. Poindexter At Co—s do cetni-m, 3 bale* baggiug, King, Pennock At Co—3 brt* viqejar, K Hazel loo— (UOCrc* hams, 51 hboa bacon, 31 teks fealhet*. I ca»e rßdigo, J A Caugbey. i •- WHEELING-—Per New England—l bi tobacco, Smith At Sinclair—l Lhd bacon.‘27 kegi lard. J Dal xell—4 brl* wheat, Irish Kclief—Bo do floor, J M’Cully— 19 bdtt paper, |. Loomis—lS bag* oats, 30 brls coppera*, 67 do flour, owner. -- a - - a ST LOUIS—Per Niagara—2 bxs, 731 pig* lead, Capl E Harding—U eska lead pipe, Butler Sc Bro— b bales akins, A Bee I on—2o hhds tobacco, II do bacon, Clarke Sc Thaw—Bbales hemp. W B Holme* 4c (• o—l bx/D Lcecb Sc Cn—ll3 d hides, P M’Cor mick—-173 brls lard, McFaden Sc Cb—-3 ickt feath ers, Wo 11 Brown At Bed—3 hhds tobacco, Bingham —lifl hhd* bacon. T(J Odiorne—s3 do. order—lB l» bs* md«e, \oung, llimaen At Plunkett—s23 dry hide*. 2 bdl* do. H Mitchell. NEW ORLEANS—Per Oennantowa—7o hbd* sugar, Robertson At 'Knppert—s >ck* entfee, J Wall —23 brl* molasses, 8 ttes nee. Painter At CV-4cri» old copper, Livingston, Koggcn At brl* mackcnl. Atwood. Jones At Co-r 3 pcgft.'J Alexan der—2 o*i, Ci Blackburn—l 2 brl* I uil .Schooomaker 4c Co—3l bx* bacon. 36 irra do, 53 sekt feather*. D Leech At Co. ; i | PORT OF PITTSBIiKGH .*> rear 10 its. w*y*u nr tii* ciiuract.. ARRIVED. Beaver. Hoop*. Bel*, r wwataia. Clarke. Brownsville. Harlem Baird. Mon, Cut. WellsviMe, Catlett. WeUsvitfe. Michigan, Hemphill, Beaver. Consol, Bowman. Brownsville, l-ake Erie, Ball. Beaver. Hibernia, Smith. Wheeling. Despatch, Nelson, Monongahela city Robert Morris, Campbell. St Lout*. Taglaom, Perry. <• Niagara, Jabob*. St t.oui*. Wilmington, Steven*. Steubenville. Witcomin, Grace, f *iu. Loion, Grenier, Nashville. DEPARTED. Swatara, Clarke, Brownsville. Wcllsville. Catlett. WellsviMe. t'ontul. Bowman. Brownsville. Beaver, Hoop*, Beaver. Michigan, Hemphill, Beaver. New England. Ebbert, Wheeling, l-nke Erie, Ball, Beaver. Hibernia No 2. Klinefelter. Cm. Eureka. Croxier. Lomavillc. Fairmount, Poe. St Louis. STEAMBOATS, i FOR CINCIN NATI’AND LOUISVILLE. The new and tUuix-h Packet f r- . sunbeam, Cochran, master, will leave as above IBBiißSß’h'* ">«lne*«lay evening; at (o'clock P. M. For freight or passage apply on board. FOR ST. LOUIS-DIRECT. ——The fjdendidand rwifi-Packrt i l” 1 ." Ik PENNSYLVANIA, ma«:er will leave a* aheve ibis EBSdßfe >vr<*n M'e.y morning,,»t ltTii c'ock A M Fiji Hi- or passage apply on txuilit. _ ro>s .-»*•**» *. The new and itaunrh steamer ■ BIKKA VISTA, IPs—fflliM Capl Sweeny, will leave for ihe above WvTBalM and intermediate port* on Wednesday s:h ni*i. «i luoVlock. her icgulnr lxjur. for freigbl «*r pas-age apply on board , FOR ST f/OI'IS—REIiI'I.AR PACKET— rI - .. Tliv swift and splendid Pallet . CIRCASSIAN. IbStoWB (f>l - ln,> ]‘ T wl; ,rav * "eJorntii) May at in b cleek. A M For. freight or passage apply ou IxunJ FOR ST. LOWS—RKGULAR PACKRT. • The new and tplendid »i<-«iiirr r Niagara. LMMHBB’ 1 Jorol.r, Maitr.r, will leave ua ■l.ovr. (gg£gb«t «*•’<■ wk. Wcd.tetdayevcnmc. May 3 For frc-glu or paning.- *p;»ly ».u Iwjar'. m\S k The i'plcndid, and iwift p.u-even tog. Ala) 3. 'For freight or pa*cu ir ■9E3££3£9fiSpa>*kc! hetwe-tj thit place aul Z«n'i »ilv For freight or pa* i ,m«i"i D WILKINS. Afi , HtUI'LAR CINCINNATI PACKKT k The ve»j Ilfbi .franghi nud lumirfa 'Mcamcr- SWALLOW. 1 ' ■gSyftSprlM Wileon. uia*ier. will rub a« above du •■SSlCSCGaOißrmg the ‘ca-on, making regular trip* The d* water. :For freight or pn*«agc tppjy on hoard. • ' jp.Hl Foil ST I.oris—RKUUI.AR PACKET. Tiie >)>!emliil and »n*nnrb I'srk* i < I noscoE, Javen«, nwvicr, vi.ll le.»vc a* sbov*, ISBHBBSBHB Saturday morning, May Ui,ai 10 o’- dock. For frogtil or pa««agr spplv nn honrd sp ’n It HOLLAR LOUISVILLE PACKET & The new, liglu dmueiii and fa*i ran ■JL .. { J nine »iramet KuHEKA. muter, will riinatm rcgulai i>etwern I‘iti>Hur(h and l»mi villr, Out in* tie •enron. Fur freight or apply on Loard. mcb*J6lf Regular Xanui (Tie ' V ‘ ‘ Packet. . TIIK li^bl>lruuitiit .. NKWAIIIC. Hurd, Master, wih inuke weekly inp> w ■* ,P above (iO|t dutilig llir tea* an. For freight or |/a*.jer niinly on Uii rti or U>_ *p7 __ t) U-n.K(SS. A t rn ; UEI.ULAR rrrrSUUROH AND jirownsvuxe /****»- k TIIK new end Tact running Meaner | (1, llAUfcKfll, will ma at a regular Faekei liriwreu nflßßSMlKkthe above place*, leaving Pimbnreb every Tuetday, JTjurtday and la o’clock, A M.; and lirown*ville every Monday, VYednetday and Friday, at ; For ftctgnl pr*pa*»aice apply on board. dero Pltubnrfti tad Baaflih Paekit: i The new and fane Meitner' HUDSON, Kbbert, ma«icr, lia» resumed her reg ular trip* and will leave I'uiabnrgb a» above every TliuraJay and Mon day at 3 o’clock, 1’- M. For froigbl or. parage apply on bonrd. ociW FOR CINCINNATI 4 LUI’ISVIM.K The ataiinrh aniline Meaner Kountr. m*«w. trill |rav« a* ahovs ITtfWCaiftai Friday morning April aid, at >lO ■ ■ ■ uve. Foifreighioi pa*«nce apply ou hoard, oi in fetite JOHN FLACK. Agent WKLL3VILLK DAILY PACKET.. . ... . . Tdr new. and-•fn«t Packet / W KL.L.RV 11 .1. i:. yMMn I O. C. CadciU w.i» batll rl preasly for tin* trade; and wit) make daily tupsMuring tint season. leaving Pittsburgh every Inormng a) 0 o’rlin k, ami XVrltrvdlr rverv evening at 3 o'clock .The XV. i« furnished with ••Faber's Talent magnetic Water Gunge." For freight or pa»«u|e apply tin boanl. f’J7if for A is constantly at.’ the Pittsburgh Wharf to receive freight,aud the *getjt always On ihr *owt. _ A McUANE,AggnL Khi7u i.A*lt "PAVAM - FOK~VKI,Ii> V11.1.K AND The iirw and Main draught »tinr WILMINGTON, LBmflfiSt 1 O. M. fftrvens. master. leave* Pitta butgb every Mrndhv, XVi-dncda' and Fliday ut ito’elock, I*. M., leave Steubenville every Turadny, Thursday .and Snturda nth o'clock, A. M. Tor freight or pfunafu iPPIr 0 hoard. * - : JecH "KbGUUA.K fH'IBItUKlill AND WHEELING PACKET. _____ . Staarher 11IBERKIA. MnßhMMp Samuel Btniih.masiar, will commend running as a regular packet about ib< lfiih liuu leaving Pittsburgh aven Monday. Wednesday «td Fndar.jtt A.*|. leaving Whaeling«!renf Tuetday,Thursday and Satar day, at ho’clock, A wL For freight or passage appl; on boat*. FOR NEW ORLEANS. FOii'sr. i.ouis yiKK’ci\ VI 1.1. K IfMSEOUS^- OGBJ9P BTE49 : RAUfiiTnW'COIPARY, MaU L/ini to-_Coira, Seu}hampu>n and Brrmoa. «jTHEyplendid new Sleamtiup WASiirND , bur.kcn.Fredenetllewm. commanifei, will tuit icoin New. York oh the lext rarryfifglhe Uitiird State- ronlf *bew l || touchat CoweA sm] Santbaoiptdii n> land |ia**en- jeciaian;. ihm iq inspection by faf&cers appointed t>> the Picsidcni, both daring and aftercoumructioo She liai twqengiiieaot'lt)on horse power cacti, and accom inodutionr for I tb fir it elns*, and 11 verond cla»* pa*- •engfra ! FasungefromNew York to Sonthampua or Bremen, . First rlavt ?uo ■ ■. ' Second class 6u - raifagc from Breoieuor Southampion to NewTork fFirsticlai* ’ 415) • ' {Second data, no 5-hcwdl cairy shout 300 tous freighl. which will be charged uccording lo the nature of the eooliun>li, December 14. Je4s Mr. R. K. Seller *i I iave a y liule dangkier {between three and for year* alo) three doses of your Virmifuge. ■eeorrtuig to pre&enptjon. wnh ihe happimi success The tuimbrroi worm* expelled I do not know piecive- IV but it i*4t« (urge She i* now in possession of good health. I think .Ore may be confided mwnb great CCocis Arlhi* Vermifuge has never been known lo (ail in any instance, wnm worms actually rkisied, parents ■tfbald give u in preference to all others Prepared and sold try R. Ei HELLERS, between 3d and t(b.on Wood rtreet. For sale by Dr CAssel. Fifth YVanl. ta>T WM. A. WARD, UESTIBT, «■ ’ HA* Removed to the house on Penn Jfftt&ESß flrrel, three doors above Hand sued, where be may be found irom tr o'clock. A* Jie is'desfTou*of tx-mg employed by none; but ibote who will make irumrdieie payment without' the nrrMsity on his part of collecting he would in viirpar ncuUr attrnnon to ibe following terms: All hills left unpaid nt the expiration ol tb'riy days, will be charged at die following rates— Fur ExtrscimgTeciL, 91 For Filling irotn 9'J to 93 per cavity. All other opcrai.on* in ihe fame projxirtian. All cares mi which engagemcni* are iu>i continued, brllr wilt he considered due according to ibe übove reg ulation* .N B— There are those indebted to him wliore ac counts, if not paid immediately, will he placed in the hand* of a proper officer for collection. aplsd3u>wtfF DEAN’S CHEMICAL PLASTER. From Rev* Charles'Marion, "Mmiilcr of '.be Baptist Church, Wooster, lair of Aeb'shulavO «tfes«r». 11. Harri*. A Co, Proprietors of E Dean's Chemical, Flatter, tirniiemen;— For several years I -have from time tewrdlUic virtues of K, Plaster by using ii miroy family as a remedy for Rheu mat.rm; weakness aid lameness of the Back, pain 1 in the breast. inßamauon of (be throat and eyes, ague in the breast, Ac; and I lake pleasure in say ng to you and to the public, that in every rase I bare found li useful, and I do (relieve that taut Plaster possesses virtues ol more than ordinary character, and that it will general, iy he luund a sufficient remedy for ihore diseases for wbieiiitis recommended, and is justly entitled to the uotice u.xt paironareei an enlightened comrannitr. Vout. Iruly. CltAS* MORTON. Woo,ter. (1.. Dec. tat. I*l4 • Sihlby B A Fahneitock A Co. corner First A Wood street*. ] toyldAw POKTKIi'B DARUKIUUAS POUTIIAIT '‘/‘l AI.LF-RY, riurdstreet, adjoining I'ostt'fhre. Pnu- VJT l.utgh. Pa.—Ms: PORTER (from Uslumorr) re spectfully mv .lev Uie .ladirs and genileinen of Puun'gh, and tbr public generally, to call aud examine the targe collection of Daeuerrroi pc PortiuiU at hi* Gallery. The |>nMlurcd by .Mr P_ for beauty, brillian cy. distioeine**. and iohr of colonug are not »ur|agur.rreotyri»t; cuthince I’hilo Hall Stturway. on 3d •trrrt. adjoining Pott Office apUO CAOI9RT WAREHOUSE, Tliird Street, licit door to the Hank of Pittsburgh. THKundetsigned, bating recommenced bu sines*, baa established himself at the above (land, where he will kept constantly on hand and nor sale, at reasonable price*, all ■—enp.ions of Furniture of the be-t vinlityr-*u*'h »• .iiivuv RcilHr 4ii*,AAu:rr. Otiomnn*. So .i« ,Xr Jc Ail hi« fu'uituic i»'.mrT«nted o: the linr.i qusluy. nd will be sold a* low as any of the Mine kind in tbr A lew good hand*, and none oilier* need apply, will hmt rninlnyment on application. •piJdlw ALEXANDER M’CURDV. TT’INKS—Vijr esk* treble grape Port XX'inr. VV :) do of the celebrated Roncoa brand, S do tendon Port, very old; tu do different brand* and vintages; 3 nrca«k* Li*bou wine; V tin dp dry Matagn; •! bhrtoup Claret wine; I? b»kt* *np crown brand Cham, wine g fjr->*V« »up I. M Madeira wrnr; U do do Pale Sherry; S do Madeira vintage, le-18; 13 dodtifcrcpthrandt and vintage'; ti do c»k»»weel Wulaga; 5-do' do Red wine. . Pari of the above i»nir« have Jim t arrived fromunder' Custom Tlobsr Locks, New York; persons wlshlng to purchase, may rely on getting a jure article, in quantities to suit. For sale by P C MARTIN *p-?i corsrotihlield and front sl« STAR CLOTHING STORK) NO. 70 WOOp>TRF.fcrr,PITT3BURGH,PA. * aNCKKR A MaYEIL wholesale and retail dealers j\ in Eastern Ready-made Clothing, would respect ul 1 • lakr ibis rurtiiud of soliciting the Mtcntion rtf then • uioieta and the public generally,to the Inllownr ii*not their stock iii irade. and.asrure ibeut pl*n, th*' ■ bey will tell a* chimp if not.cheaper than any othc> efiablistiment m lhe eity. Our facilinesof purehß‘tng and inanufucturinit good*.' nre *urfi n» to ennhle u» a' ail lime* to >i I’ollatsorimrut ol rendj msdu cloili CV, at lr»» price* ; Ui*n'they can be obtained nltewherc the preaeui atnekon hand contim in part ol die fol lowing tli'*erif>i.ou oi good** llrfi block riuthdreai coats, fcoimSKi to flit) I'.si do do French do in ** 3V 7u brown and green do l* ** Vtin cortr.epicndidty luailr A oi gqod twu pair panic, of all *iylea.«jb»!mra'and prick*, 'tiu ve*t* .* do.. do do do IUQ-dozen lane-a plain ami atiicßeil lio*oin *luna p slock*, sr-arfat cravat*; auapender*; - aodk*. .Iruwera, and under ahiru uk every variety, ail ol which have been rerently purchased and adapted to.the pre*ktn season Merchant* and other* wno are in waiituf clothing, rannot do better than to give in a call apSK* ■'.* No Carr 1 No Pay ! PlUiTpiGTl ' D&. Jack*ou'»TmWr)cat>ouia the only medicine that will care thl* io ti'erv romtnon and troablesome di«e*ee It not only imnirdiately allay* patn and mfla raaiion, slop* alt bleeding, a indue* that intolerable itch ing. bat effuctuaitv cure*, in a very short time perron* t w i l( ,,e lire* have t>«eu rendered miserable for year* Itt application prodace* uo pain, but rather au agteea l,le and pleasant sensation. If person* afflicted will call and hear of the great number of ca*e* that have 1 been cured, they Will be n*toni»lieii. A gentleman of i hi* city, who had Urn under the kuifr of the Burgeon for two or ihirr bme* without being cored, has by u-- -tiigtf bottles of 'Sc Etnl rocanon. been eradically cured !< sells beyond precedent ’-MFhil. t**ttudav Courier -fojKFor***!r Pittsburgh at the PKKIN TEA 3IOHE:7V Fourth strert, near wood,'and alto ht Ihe Drug Store of II |* Scltwnrtr. Federal *t Allrglietry ct , v . , ’ „ Bp'JTdAw 'Apple"iiTott*. «»braci , i^about forty kind* lU" of •uiiimcf,auiuin'n aud winter varieties, re leetcdezprr>tly byihe *ul-fcriber, from the celebrated orchard of the linn'"’alter F'rwnrd, for sale cheap Also, grafting ct >ih,a neat and convenient article for grafting, budding and covering wounds on trees and *hru*m. prepared bV a skilful amateur. np«l 3 N XVICKKUSHAM. cor (Ith k wood *ty : ,_ Til IF. pariuersbtp es’iating under the tide of Hamilton A Sterling i« tine day dirolvtd by mutual eoment eonsem. JUIIN B. HAMILTON,. ROBERT R. STERLING. Pittsburgh, May'.’, tslO. THKbtit'iics* will lie conpnued at the old stand be tween XYuod and bfield, on Fifth street np*Udif . JOIIN_S. HAMILTON JOSEPir^BCBIiIEn. 67 &iuth Wharves, Philadelphia* IMPORTER of Orange*, l-rinon*, Raisin*. Figs. Currant*, Prone*. Date*. Citron, Grope*. Almond* Ptlberu Walnut*. Crciwu nut". Ground nuts, Cocu* iut< l.inuorire, Ar Ac Also. Agent mr Fi.-rbank*’ Patent Platform Seate* ind Underwood'S Ptek'o*, Bance*. Catsup*, Byrup* ?P’ce». Ac. npSttdt't I ON EB'S GENUINE irAUAN CHEMICAL ,) SOAP,'for softening the Skto. eradicating Pimple* andgUEruption*; f.-rhoalinschappedhaniUorerucked llesb, for dtrnelling Reekie*. t*n, sunburn and blo.ched kkin 'nnd produchft a line. liraJ-hy, yootjtfol clearness. Price '371 rent* Per rake. The genuine .inn-le <* tor '.nlc t.y P R A FAHNF^TOCKACo Upl« rot t,j Mdwwd*i*aiid wnwland ,o>h *‘ WANTED— Fora lad from N O York K- yean of age; a snual-ou in some respect u’.l.t t'oinmereisljfcUtsblishtnrni in.the e» X A* -t >» the desire of hi* pareou jhatXe should sr^uii m.* now ledge of business, a small reniuneraiton would oni> he Fitnitrof . QTATIONKUT-Jovr received, a l«rw ■■Ppljf «[ l> Floral,Silver edged, Oili andi piti.i Note. Piper, Note and Caid Envelope*. Wreath, Flo i»l, Knot and Motto Wafer*. Ac.. Ac., and for sale by JOHNSTON A STOCK T pN,9tationer» ■pVI Cor Msfkft and Tniru »t« WANTBDi » *a,«!o bn a mo rigs re oh City PropePV wof,h foor the amoanl—tiansferof lcare for*U*» Per year, for the buildings, will aceujmpauy the mortgage- Apply at this Office. . *rl. _ \TACaHIf»* , W«TCBB-y“^ r n »’ '•V l.ithonibriptie Mixture, for ihe iJure of 0»p»), HORSR UaCHIMI, s»*ted and pat vo ,n r °J immediate n*e, eon.tmmly on band at the Msaurd Faciory,*? Flfth ‘“rhOUES A ALCORN II)M& fAPEBrBftOKS-fc- ✓ 'V jbuH CiLßt v 'YMPORTHR-nod Manufacture, i and Dental lotuuneuu, Caddie toals, Taylor* 1 Pale*(£te«r*, 4el' tore* Truwe*.Supporter*. 4c,3A J. C. Mauuraentrcr and loporWir. Table Cutler)'; Kazan, Hci»*ur». Fil k»‘ removed to -\ . K 3 V\(KlO *eiotuLdoor V low Diamond Alley; •/ Anti ha* late, y rn*er*ed a large ayaorUnent of Pen A I'ochat Knives* Knives * F.«tlU Also Rodger*' and WboMi-nholraaT FINK CUTLKRV* Wlio[i*,Hod*fr»J\Vade4Buteber'iß»», Razor Strops. Ac- Damtucut and Wire Twin GUNS, RIPIiKS, AND PISTOLS*, Alleu’a Colt 1 * and Blum's Revolver*! Powder F!n«k» Shot Belt* Game But, Waliccr'sfc Cez*« Extra Per* cpssiau Cap*, Bowie. Dirk and Uunliufstrove*. . Tool*, ruch aa Calliper*, D.vidcT*,. I'lVera, Nipper* Hand Vice*. Squares, Rules, Brace*, But*, z-poke Shaves, Stock*and Ihrj—Wire and Iron Uotipes, Math* atnaOea 1 lnvcrygrent variety Jobbing and repairing neatly and punctually done. ap29 YIUGHIV m orC«U«fyvMiwic*l len uid Tinner** hand : l'4c.;.AJtoia«*ttAc \ great tariet?. < s V.of l*cu. I'ockft atd I' HILL * BROW WE. I Saceeifton to lloldihlp A Browne. WaNOPACTURERS and'lmporter* of PAPER lyi H A ITGINO3, No S 7 Wood street. Pittsburgh. Tbe i Deceasing demsod for American Paper huindocrd them u? enlarge and improve their Factory, and ihelr fa cilities for manufacturing are now equal to any in the eastern cities. Having adopted tho eastern »cale of prices, they take pteasure in inritiog their friet d« and dealers to examine their stock, which in now huger than at any former period, and may bofouad as follows: . Transparent Window Siadei, . . —Freoen. American, Salim Ulaxcd and Common Pa per Hanging*; l Hold, Velv t and Imitation Borders; Landscape*. Statute* andFire l board Prints; Curtain Paper, yard wide, plafn green, and 6g’d;. Writing. Printing, and Wrapping Pupcr, Bonnet Boards, Ac. Rag* and Tannvr*’ Scraps taken in exchange at mar ket pnec*. rochl7rbhnAwflmT New BOORS—The three Oivine sister#, Faith, Hope and Charity. ' I ,The Leaven; or a direction to Heaven. By Rev Thoinss Adams, with an introduction br Kev. W. H. Stowell. Memors of Miss Mary Jane Crahanr<» By Rev. Charles Bridges, M. A. Author of, Christian Min istry, Ac. A Concise System of Theology, on tho basts of the Shorter Patechism By Rev. Alexander Smith Patter son, A. M. | (American History: comprising historical sketches of the Indian tribes: a description of American Antiqui ties. with an inquiry into their origin, and the origin of iho Indian tribes History of the United States: with, appenpix sbowivg it* connection with European History. Historr ofihs present British Provinces. History of Mexico ond Texas by Marriua Willson. Tie ol.ovc ju»i received ■( the Uook and* Paper rore of ELLIOTT* ENGLISH ■pis»_ ___ _ 1 _ 57 roi>>fui “ »»r* o'cu»- PAPER WAREHOUSE {TO. O BURLISG SLIP, SEW YOHK. | iVRI’S \\\ FIKLD offers for tale ai iLe !owr«i " • Manufacturers’ prices, a very 'extensive an«ofi m- unf PAPKR. cjmpming every possible vaiiuy, adapted lolht wiiiu of consumers in >ll seriiona »[• Re con'itry Paper of nil kind-' umdt u> uidei >t /i.r.rt 1 prepared to sell for cash, creates than any. e*iab!.»h mentof the kind. East or West of the mountain*. aplSd&n SADDLERY HARDWARE AMD CAH- RIAGE FURNITURE. Efo. 133 Wood street, Pittsburgh* ? SEVEN Doors above sth. and 1 door above 11. Child* A Co’s Shoe Warehouse. Now opening Bad for sale by RICHARD T. LEECH Jr. Importer and dealer in Foreign and Domestic Muddler) Hardware A Carriage 1 nmminrs, of all descriptions, a very cheap and well selected stuck of Good* tu hi* line, all frrah. of tha newest style*, purchased for cash, fiom the best sources, and will be disposed of wholesale and/elail, at a small advance ou the co*t Purchaser* are respect fully invited to cail and satisfy tbeoi*elvef. ALSO—Saddler*’lools, warranted. Deer and Curled Hair; Whips; Wluir; Paper, Ac, always on hand.auil as cheap as elsewhere. *ptßJ JOHN DI'.NLAP, NO 17 Afarhct st'eet. i< now receiving hi* *pj,ng work of Hous— Furnishing Hardware,’Briuuii.a. eon»!*smg in pari a» follow#: < pbn Japanned Ware,English and American; 4 bis UnuMiaia do do do, 7 casks English Tinned Saucepan*; 1 do Oval Pots; 1 case T>o>»and Waiters; I do Enamelled Ware, 1 do Pressed Ware: 11*»k D>ich«-Ware; AIJSO, I*M) lb* aborted Copper; 30 plate* Tinned Copfur; 154X1 U>.. Wire; WaxiTi# Pune; ap'J - JOHN - DUNLAP, 17 Market .1 Dn.VWISC PAPER Pine Antiquarian Drawmj; Papci\ : *luirr - do Double Elephant ck of smaller *i*e*. DRAWING ,PEKClI«$,uf CninherUn 1 and prep*- red lead, of fodr. three, two. aiid-one H, a 'arse supply ju«t rceeireri t*y ELLIOTT A.KNGLISH »pt:i No .*6 MnrU) ttrrci TVsT‘irao!icrrisfo"f;osKi>‘« »?lasJsf.s & J HODSK-FLKNISHINU iiAßD\VAftK_Tbe»ulK •cplier respectfully-inform* hi* friend* and ih»*'puLl>«r that he is now tnc'eivtog hi* spring a**or uncut ,ot goods, •elected hy himself, oLsojwnOf quality, and reduced , prices, rerun* about furnishing ibelr liootea would do : well io call- a» he is determined 7 to tell at email profit* toe quick returns. -e {o"Mercham* supplied a* usual,with all the vanou* kind* of Looking Gtassca, and packing carefully at tended 10. liberal riiscoanlforeatb. I T A HILLIER, Looking Glass Manufacturer. np3 i im Wood itrder.near&tt. MAV OF THE SKAT OF WAR IN MEXICO. I.rirc a copy of General Arista's rn»p,j taken at Re«aea de la, I’aima. with addition*, and correction*. Emheli&hrd w>h diagrams of the Battles of fib ‘fhiM'th of May, and capture of blonterey, with amenieranda of fotcr, engaged, reCulu, dee. Ac, antPplan of Vera Cru/ and Castle ot Sait Juan de Ultoa Ae.Oc.A few rop--» for sat. hy JOHNBION A STOCKION rayl : eornor of *rarkel and 3J at* fIENTLEnBfI'3 WHOLESALE PUR. W NISHING WAEEROOM—No.fiC Wood street. iop -imir*.) Juii received, and now •pemng a full ui furuneiiiot tbo*e very loe ami ruedtam qnulitiesTrov mamnaciurrd Shuts; Bosom* and Collar*, Satin adji»»i mg Monk*. Ihunhar-iir dodo Plmn; Saim bow stock* i>lhiu. black Itnlian Cravats; F«ncy do do, Gam Su, pe nder*. A. Ac. Ac.' Ju*t received from the iiunufacturer. amt for »a!ea< nisttufanurer'* price. EDWARD TODD Manufacturer's Arl iUK BOOK OF COMMERCE. UV SKA AND LAND, rihlt.iting it* Colinecinn with Agri- culture, ibe A*t«. and Manufaciurrs. To which an added a History of Commerce, and a Cttroiiolof.e.i Table. Illustrated hy a Map and numerous encravrogr for tale by JOHNSTON A STOCKTON apM Bookseller, cor Market and *M «i« EiliriTrd .Todd : 7 " \\7OULD respectfully announce tn the merchant oi f » Tiit>t>urgh. that he ha* opened a room lor th‘f **lc of Eastern manufaclareti goons. *ucb as Stuck* ofavery rictciiminu; Shuts, lln«oms and CoHara; Gum 9a*per>- der«; North'* Hook* and F.yc», Ac ; for,*alc. ai wami facturer*’priees. Also, a large assortment of Black tod Fancy Cravat*, for sale at Kaitrmprlers,' whole sale; ... EDWARD .TODD ' No2B wood street, upstair* ppchg* Maoufseturara' Agent A'ddreat CArd.'T’^v*'-- EDWARD TODD. Agent for Eattent msnufaetuiei for the sale of North's Hocksaad.Eresj Guni Su* pender*of tlie Ru*»elt Manufacturing.CnvCij Frock* of every description; Simla. Boioin* and Col|jtr»,«f the Troy manufactory. Ac ; all n£.whirh arc for *ule at ro&nu'ucliirer's pricey wßolessie. ‘ No SO wood street, up siait*. Order* v-reived for American Hardware. mehtW VIEW WORKS OF M P TUPPKR-An l\ Author'* Mind, the Rook of title page*, a bookful of bobk*. or thirty book* in one. Edited hr M F.Tup pcr. K*<|., M. A- I'aoßAttUTtK*. an aid to Faith, by the author of the above work Foi sale by ■ p«_ _ ,•, JOHNSTON A STOCKTON UEADIfET SKEW WORK-\V«.iii«tm ll and hi* GatcausE*.. Ity J T Headley, author of “Napoleon and hU Marshalls," ‘Thq Sacred Moun tains," Ac Ao. If v»ts.J2 mo, llluitraied with Id Por trait*. Jo«l n ceived and for talcby I - . JOHNSTON KSTOCRTON, apJti. No 44 market n, A~ NOTHER NEW WORK—Wit BOtlMumiir, • elected fiotnlbe EnglUh I'oeUJ with an illumra live es*«y siul critical comment*, by Leigh Hunt For •ale by ‘op-JJ JOHNSON, A. STOCKTON TOPPER'S PHILOSOPHY—A few copies ol Tupper’s Proverbial Philosophy, ju-t received and for JOHNSTON A. STOCKTON. spTJ eorntaikri and Id •(» ~~ WHKTttO'liu i wolil^r’ IMI’ORTKRi? and Dcaif 1- * in Hardimre, Cutlerr, .and WhiMF Faddkry. Kt> SO Wouu iireri, thter dr>or*; •t'lovt Ft Cbar'fi l 3oilfii. WAJUKKIt. Walker * VVoo.twe:i) WOULD announce to hie friend* umlihc public ihai Le will continue* ilte Hardware bu.ntci-rauhe •14 No f-5 Wood »irre.t. Ha would retpcrtfuHy enticit a continuance of the patronage heretofore o» ki.trflv LAMPS— A Jorge and he'senful atiortroenl of -Pol em Molar I-ard Lurnpa. amiable for Steamboat* HoicU. Cburehea and Dwelling*, ‘A? 1 * the loareal price*. W W y> an |.j roroer .do, •: 100 do. D.C. do do do; • 100 do vTuHlf /do - ,do: On hand and for tala by REYNOLD? ASH EE ««M cor Penn and Irwin it* IffMflfi-BROK-EfiivMiv. HCBSBY, HJISRA JtlTO.. 'B A JTKK US, UcnASGE DROKE&S. ' OEAI-EKSJN FOREKJN AVD JWME3TIC KXCIIAXGtf, OF-D6* ■Ey.-ANP-gmMF.; ! Fourth at. nearly opposite ibr-Birnk »t. I’iUibargti. j CVRRKKT MONRV oft Depwite— Sijtt Check* tb resale, and eonecWbnr'ioadr on ticaily all itic princfjval pomtsin thf Uini'rd States. ‘ . The hijlhc:iprrnitmn j>« 0 for KotCi OP EXCHANGE'. CKRTinOATES OF DEPOSITE, BANK NOTES! AND COIN, j No 65 WooJ ureet. third door helov ' Founti. vies , PAR Fund* and Curn tic; r> rnve ( l or Itrj.rwiiu mnd rolleet.on*-marie on ull the principal f un a m.ltir United State*. . tllllltll »7M».r?, . . . ' Sight Exchange on Baltimore. Philadelphia. Nrw Vork. Boson and Cuicatnati tonwanUy fi.r .al.’ Ohm, Thriiana. Ket.iuclry. Vugmtaauo I'euii*>i7atun Hunk Notes, l-ouglit and >old on revoralilr u im-* Exchange on Kngmud, ln-.Jaiut. iteiinany and France procured: ic .Ac ' ' _ ' - tnchlA WILLIAM A. HILL &, CO., BAXKEBS) EXCHANGE BKOKBak 1 AVD oiuikb* tv -FOREIGN AM* im.MKrnTIC EXCHANGED CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSITE, HANK NOTES, AND SPECIE. ,Va. 04. Ifeof Sterrt. mi* duer oierr Fvuitb, EM tidr. mcMai PlHibargh, Pa.' - IdAwF Itasaltiancea lo the-Old Country.' - MON EY keitt to all part* of England, Ireland, Scot land nud Wain, in muuc ot XI and upward?, lo suit pureha*err. ALI.EN KIIA.MER marfl Exchange Biokcf, cur 3d ond wood ats UKDtICBU OUIO,’ Indiana. Kentucky. and .Fenna. funds al. Coaaty and C>ty Ordelt iTurcbuacd at reduced note 'tf'dDcoaiu. by |N HOLMES&SgN. Cer& Exchange Broker, M Mmkci H Collection* un ouiL , mttiiii«-i4>ui^v(Ui* > St l-oci» anil nil oece*»il>lopo!'Ui in Hip United Slaw made nromnUy, end ui’cn thr lowesr term*, bv i ‘ N HOf.MF.!** SONVEjrhanp- nrofarn No OS Markri M Collect tons nu Cincinnati. l,oui«vill'-. Sj I.oai*ar- mon tn Youngstown, •vher «t»r« dwelling ur.publn: house; attached u> it is a yard,'with water, stablmg p J:iJ all olhei conveniences athhnd. Tbia lowa is improving very rapidiy, n situated im mediately on the Canal,and when the various Furnace*. Rolling Mill. Ac., now being built are combined, wii) be the mo*t i!'tombing place in ihi* wcnon of Ohio It will be eoiJ low tor ca*‘>. or on lime. cl exchangee for property in Viu*liursn. J'ot p.*r..culai* .wjn.ri- o- L A J D WICK oorarr of Wood and Wairr at*. T'.n* burgh. whit wilt give all Itifnrwn'i"" acSriAwif Real estate in Tm. cuCnthy-n.o .«n icribei!- offer for Bald a hoa-c and lot in .Vc»i M dlcßex, Mererr county. The boute u well cnlcuiiited for a atorej aud dwelling, immediately on (be Eric Ex tension tNjnal. lit a flourishing village near by, are *eventl furnace* and ia the mnt«t o: a rich farming ds met. Al»o,a muse and 10l in the tLnir.shmg village of Or .angeaitle Mercer county. The hou«; wellraiculatec for a tavern orvtore. _• Tbd nw-ve property will be *o : d ehfap nmT on ao eommodaing tettu*.. ISAIAiI DICKER A Co apj!*' ’ water nndfiontst* ORPfIAS’S COWfIA'IIET ]N pii(*iiniire <\f *n order of ihr Orph*tt’«_(\>un o' Allegheny County, 1 will expose So *aie. py publ.e v.-ml-o. or outcry. at tbe Conn liou>c tit the tiny ot Pm»hur*h. *'n Monday ilie 17th day of-M/iy lint, ni l*»e hour of |u o clock- *- it. u ii:t,n,n Lo) oil'i two tial. |-ni» <»( gioynl being pan ol ' M.H*. •• ua;' in lunvir S' Flair Township and co'iVrye.fl,. J. II Paga aod Wife to Jo met Alntiulluni mo k* R Mi b- ’ laud, aml now ibe,ppcn> of i* J* Mi.i;,Nunbf. •* nn.-iu r til l|TH 4,.JM4IwF Gurif.l.ti.i off* F » I.LF.OIIENY CITY* P«OPKIPT\-Vw ■ ile. 1 !! •iijuahlc unimproved otiipetiy. luind*Mii L • nukieil 110 icelon •-uartiut, by ill tretpn N.mii » nn i •llr.-l, c.lii in- <1 iV.uml juJ niipinved on •-11 lie ft »lnci Ai*o u lumte and tol onMiwtu Common. tit Mei-i iron.. Fedrrftl (lrei-1— (he IJI .t ‘ii leet by It'll, ibe i.ou*r i> ftgOjdlißi k ll’.VI Uliig. well l.fift.ip/ ,1 Tlii'*e prupt-r -iit-* will lie «o!Hlnw. and term* aeccminailatinf. AI«o. <*vrml buucJiiiß kna. on- aud near Franklin *itcel 'JAfettby I'JI {.e, pnet UooiU lo S term*. PA bin Imnd. L.ilance in f» tears. _ M*CUTHBKRT . ap-JO Ileal I' AgentjCOßmithlteld »l R“ hiALpkitfjCrK MAItKEi I —tor- *alc—a .titit-k J.oufoaml loi on Ko«v mar 4iL « reel The dwel ling it Well ananged.ior cwn'or' anil convenience.— Pru-e and lend* aernnimndaiinf. ’* A!-o, a gn-ul frame dwi-llin*'hou««-irn.l bn '.‘l ft l.y lib, « iu«t*d on Penman «trect Itmninehim I’riee 87511; poriiii li*nd. bulanco oh lime. * - Alto, a well improved property oiiTuimel.'Mear Wy lie *trcet,4o fi fnnu by t*»d.-ep l‘nee pAHat. term* kc commodating. ’ MCl'-TIIUKKr Geui ratAgani aiv’W No '*> Mmihfiehkat Vatu, a tile Ue u I fcfataie for n«J»* rpHE onderrgne.l liciny .itnJuiinrc;tlf>veb:*TaiUiefv 1 to the country, offer* frr r-nle MIX LOTSjmMrrond ‘tree!, beiw-een Ferry mreet and Re doubt Alley. Each lot will be„iy feet from on Vil street and eighty fiei iu d. pill The lot* will be «old sniclr r.r the whole together. Fur ten.i.* appli in ibr aobscriberon the pradlicv. JOHN I.WLUWRLI. • ap2oi£ __ __ ’ ' ALLEGHENY CRJIRI'KRY, . PKRMONSde»irou»f<»f pnrcbiumg lxx* in On* Cctnr ter> Oie r ’lClt=i leJ'Uii mfonnauan w the Muperiniend am,on Uid grounds, or to E iiinrn, Druegiat, corner r Penn and bland ttreris. lU'uburgb. By older of the Board, J. CUts-LK'IT, decll-diwif SuperintrHdftnt KAI. fcrr.vVF tll Ailegticny ibty— The iub-cril er* offer ter tale t lot of ground in Allegheny Chv, Ui feel by SM.lfmnMnj: on Falvt! «.treet and extending baek to Liberty ireet ti m gtu be subdivided inu>four good building lot*. The property Will be sold cheap and on aecnmmtxia-. tingtermt. . IMAIAH DICKKVA t’o apju __ water and front <1» mKor Rent. A WKI.I. Fin.»Uc.l >ccou: Philo lla'J. Stitl two well liniitiid odtre* ovr f Philo Nall. Al*o, the H»« »lr ytmilifictd t-Utrt FOIt SAL.K OH KXCIIAXGR. ' A LOT 3tM>y 11-leet on the Mwenvillr.Jtoad. ?tb Ward, There ii«n the lot at\®j.|yrj 6ric>ilwel ling’house, with well amTeUtrmfti the yard. Fiuit /Tree*, with other convenient, Rxinrea. making » eery j jcomfortatilr place, wlirh wr\l t>e raid for eikltorix ebanred for a small Fartn, near the city. For panic it iHra/emiUirnof i \ , WM. U. SOAIFL tiOrlsdir Front, between Wood and MarWoteu IbT« KOR SALK—Two lotion In MW, dear AjMflinhtielit it directly optxuiu Lyon: Short' A Co. 4t> mroni by W fi in depth. These lots are well situated iot awcllir g houses ormandriei Thev \i-ii) he offered it public sale on Thursday- *?ih day of May next .at ido'clock, M. •' . - - - ay*wri ’ iienry Wfwm. 3RlVXiTtotffr. . - k LB—Some talaahte Loi»ofGfot»M.*itoatdl bank of*tbe-AUeghehy. Ri’rCT. eonueuojt* to theeiry. These iou areronuadTaniageously auuaied
o LET—A two ticry Crick llhiirtvtituaied si i Oakiaad* Pitt Township. For trune, apply ip . •pH (ATWOOD.JONF^ACb -HAIS,-€APstSßlfe^ Q 9 II ATS I HAWn BIMfT \jm rfflLnils bon* thetfay-ibe'Sprint-Faahiott©!^* Mai* wilt be Introduced, by the mow ***!»•■ - - .toaaUe *»iablj»hme«suin New.vexk aod Philad»*P*i* the-auderaigned take great pleasure fn beftij «n*Wea u> announce u> their numerous friend* generally, that wc ere preparrd to snppty allwboßtay favor u< with a ral> with tMTlfashitaubfo Hal for de svmoa, comprising lfe»ver»,TMeuirla*. and *Xlia- fiBO Moipik.n Silk Unts.-aiiher tvhoiC'aieor retail. i McCORD A KINO ’ ( utaititf • • . cor wood and Alb at* *: A RKBOVIiCr if | S MOORE. Hat E-ill Cap 1 b» removed to No 75 tv ooii*tanUy on hand, every varety of •amT&tP* of the latest style, and prices very low avNo ?t- Wood r ~ pair Fall Fashjon, 18*5. : HKKUEiCUSTAU-SPiyleticßUeißfnWUu. BBS will be unreduced at) KKbVIL’S on Thursday wax August y7ih ' Gentlemen wishing & cheap fash* T reliable Uatnf Put-sbiirgh ronuutartnrc tdifNef finbtonuMe Hat* impnried ; nil advertised by *oa> of the trade, ple«»e rail at KEKVII, ACo’i. . ' 157, brail of Wood *t , 4 Spring Fa>hlon for |B4T. ' - WILLIA9I DOUGLAS, Hg»> WOULD m orni hisinriid,iiMl patrou* *.; "■ that hr has now ciihS"d a large s;ock of the Apring Fa-mon or Hai* n:nt ♦'rips. * will beimro- ducrdorrtratmday next. .There in want of a superior article will call *1 ’ \ ‘ 1 mch9 >; No TV yd street, Eaat aide , '! Pall Fashion nr flats, 4TIIK subscriber has juti received by Express hla new Fall fashion tor Hals. Tbo*e .u nr.e lof inf extra fine Hat will pti-asocall and examine thi" splendid a/iicie. * S AtOOKE . W jv3 , No. Wwoo»' , miIiIMNET ASFHt WABEfIOm, NO M MARKET STRKI T, I’lTTJ»lilifiUH. - R. H. PALMER oiler* Jor aaleou as favor* terms as any house m I'hilafelpjyia,! a complete aasonment of Straw, Florence, Rat* land, übu a great variety of fancy Ursid oso (imp BonoetLofthe sp.fng style • ALSO—l*slm Leaf. Straw and Leghorn Hats; Arti ficial Flowers. Ac. Ac me hi F 'BENCH HOLE. K«MU!M=Ju»t jtced a superior artrrle o Kenrti Moleskin Hatt.-FalJ fashion, and fur-title low i-> S MOORE- , •en'l Nn Hit wood sir 1 DRY (imills. - Carpet >uii l iruuul Huithuuac, Ni> 110 Vi s H'Kr'l V fU>'l - RORKUT D. TIIIiUPXOR, RKS?l‘t-.CTH- I.M mtorint iuei si.d il-r public genrrsilfvv-tliat l.r'N r -.w i--ci»vinj/ a I rii is: atul MtSubfacia* leu compO'cd tj»p3M of fslpcrfine i»ru»*»-li> Caipeu; Exun or Tapoirv Liu**,-:* Furrenns; lmperial ‘J anti Vxmt or»; Superfine Inriani. l-iny *.< it nnrn.u'Carpcim*; 4-J*. 3 -I and 4-4 J'lftu. Veiut-an. ‘.'urpetinu; f-* Oumswl do, d«i ’ 5-bfM anti 4 4 Tui'eitry tin •. ' on,, \ ■ FlciKMai Trmmtinur. j Drown "DnUiiiK' i 1-1 5 4 uni) »• 4 s>ln etinp!;. 6 4 7-4 s 4 Table l.ini-ns*-n Napkin*. Fn.iL and l’iaperf HockabuckTnwell>ng; Carpet Stripes; New Style Ta ble Covers; Oil C.otbs from S 7 inches to 04 feet wide, cm to any vizis; l Rich Embroidered an/I Tabic and Pi and cover* Figured Floot Cloth*: £■. J 4‘henieUe. prui*cl* Tufted, and WiuEn Bogs;* Tufted,ChenieJle.sad Sbecpskin Iwßrtoaus; Manilla and Grass : , ’ Brass Stair Rod* Flat aud Oval; Damask and Hriped Sraif Liueu, Carpet bindings; 4*4. S**4 and o*4 Plain and figured Indian Malting; : Co lofeii Spanish Mailing. Ac- Ac. Person* fitting apFtrambeats' Hotels, or Private Hoo sea, are requeued.'Qf *ll- a»,he feels confident they will find a in tbrir advantage to do *<• beftu* porebaaing elsewhere. - DRV OOdDS. lie would al*o invite aucmioii to his extensive slock iif NEW SPRING DRV GOODS, [embracing every' thutg in iltat hnej now opening at we al-ove-siand. tharlMAwftraF llt> Market airpet DRY GOODS. SIfACKLETT A WHITE, No M Wood street, above Diamond Alley, are now prepared to offer to mer chants a large and desirable nwk'of FRESH SPRING DRY GOODS, All of this seaton's purchase—of laic and desirable t-iyles aud qualities. ■*'. ~ \ Coontn- Merchants visiting or passing throayh onr ci'y, will find ,t elearly jo their adveatan* io give ua a call, as we aie deiermiued io sell at soch small profits, os will make it greatly to, their interest U> make a bill with u». Oor stock is now fall and complete, comprising a general assortment of such goods,asjvre usually kept by dry gopds houses. ' ' A guud supply of heavy knd light brown Sheetings alwht, nn - \ ’ _r • IBCbff?_- |i;UUU)\VIi x TIBMBIt, No to Market Ureet. 1> ure notr/’-ceiving (ibrir «it»ek of NeV'Spring Good*, ami invtiVr ibe titu-um.ii r>i purchaser* <» their m-jitinmi of DreM Grxfti, which i* particularly den. ruble, conmung m part of,. Ki, . >„ . f*ritlele«.very nandaome; • Superior French Uingham»—entirety nrw and bean tifnl pa'tercv one lot very.handsome ai iSJ eii Superior Manchester Ginghams,.[.wurramedj at SO cents. No 40 market street. 3 door* above 3d niNK AND WHITE GINGHAMS—W. K. 1 Murphy hanpen thi* running a ifw piece* Pink anii'U'nue Hatred Gingham* very low. and beautiful uyle. Al*o. neve uyle »i*nc,very hue. Alio,- r dj Umr, <«jry . pruu . plain mode culorst Alt', pln’n liiuo liaii ;> nV, l.'Ue, •nd bluck 'do Aim. LUlzanoe*. uro> Bl .i taticy culoi’i, some U low ** nrf-eemv imd a iaif.. atMirOurni of i twrii styles -dtesogood* generally. n eluding biaelt watered ana iancy Sll.Ks. ol iateM lupirui-ons, and at low price* . furqualiiy Uuycrs will picatc call und examine at N ' t> corner *th and Msrk< t sta. l'~/~ A'holcsulc Rooms m wood ttory. wnere a very ehotte Mock can l>e teen h>. dealrart at low cash pn* c'*- . ; _ «P»» SL'.NI>HIKH Sonnet Frame*. Tab* ann Rochet; Torioi»- *hrll and horn lurk tide and crening coni-*; iplstd taiin snc rosewood hair hru»bev;' tooih, nail, eolith-cloth and hut dorcuipet binding, bed Ikcr; brown black and while bollnuif, colored cambric, silk and union galloons; fltnn*! h’ndiag; Miieiy envelopes; pote paper... mono wa:rr»._Smiibili’t jn detiMn ink; pencil* nnti'prtieU I'olrtU; bauont; pins; needles, tapes ; spool rmioii, Ac tor tile wholesale opt) * Fll FA V I ON. «3 .Market meet • nmvc ' , «i.^- I 'hciii i Idf.t.t.*, d>- i«-i i irwi* :l.«' .n'i-om.l. I ci • ... main.: .r l I/\'» J»»ilD «... f~..;. .«■ M-r.ji'-.xjrclß. VEKIH.K WORKKI' CAPES—R*rJ» Kku i> di- w.»,k,-d ].•!(«• o.pcs-r-»<.t s yifS—a |,,t .. •••' Oiatriflcnn POolt ' ■—a !•»-:>ii’.rut *v.c;-, and tcnrec— ,M4n fi.r.nrlvon 11 , it a i-rjiui.iu* nprii ihi* morning '• ' , A l«o. French HrtiUJntM 1 '; » I'orp- «.•:•«. clh.icc Ofles —it tls« Pr> Uod« Uou-r c.i >V IIMUHPih aplS 2. N I~ cnM<>. arm \iorVeun REX*I-:iVKIi tji't* n» ui A’luimiV-a fiiie vel'ci'Oß w Cni:it)i(iii) I'laid*. new aiid brauii l«ilM;!es; French fitnjtUani* vet* nen pattrrut; at gfr— «rni». Manchester nan.ucui, at the low pricta of-alt cent*; Frirt*; Urnwn ptindt and »U pet. nevr and liami* .No 4n Mmbri meet/ im-hlB liri-Al-rri "d and 4tl» nreftti SILK, LI-LK) TIIIIEA.D AND KID tiLOVFS—-Sttawa »uper Tons Kid Giorea, irom the maun fee lory.ol Jonvui k Alexandre, Open work and cmMotdrredSJjr CJiove.t; '' Hmbfoi«teret}.'pUi|> and fancy Lstie. «*>; Child’* Silk |.i»le untl 'Vtton do; . mlttwry and «Irees do; Ptirajlcl.y FH EATON - Fibte smni*B; coiii.'An«, bosoms,*, —New Fin* !*tnrt» m great tniiny S4»nilin?*iid By>wi Co|;*m; • Cwvaimiiii Satin Stock*; 'Dottims»nd • ; Sbooltlrt lUnccf, Niglr.Cnjiv Ouhfinrf and for—fob? u|-9 ' \. ,f u Eaton WHI'I B GOODS tTOK DREHKGB-W R Morphy invite* the attention of the tadiest} b*» very Tail M-ortoifmof while Roods for tmgofSwiM sod ScotchMulli, Nanvwk and Jaeku nct:nju»iam (hr inaoafaetun-rt 1 agent* or importer*, they can be sold at tbe loVenpncc*. • • - 1 MODE NRW GOODS—At AV-_H MuiphyU UryOooU* Houre. north east' cornerof 4th and Market nreeU. Ecceiftri ye trrria>-. au aMOrmrnt of Lmcn Table Diaper* from tM n>h 4, including sumo wry superior Damask. Alw>sllleocbtii«uduable c h* ,»l l.incn table cloths. very low lor quality Al-e>, Al pacas and Alpaca l.tutre*- a foil a»*drUDrnl. from com mon ni veiy superior, including aoitte ot very h’fh Im-irea K>'& ijAixTKD Shades, vunktiax bljnds, 1. &c—'l raii»parto> Windo* r-oacle*, of boih <»loe and ‘Mnrrpat anon, tn great variety of style *ud»»aotted WwMrda, I‘attrrm. rßiiva*».Cr ie iiri,lr, ?-»Jk Hop*, fancy lliaid", r'er'orated Roard.Ttflj», Lamp .Mat* and oi it Fancy Work for «ale at ‘ _ . - aid F H KATO.V:S Itjpperfalea Hoero*^ iMtI.VGKS, GIMPS A.VD SATI3B TRISI r illA<»e>7-Paiu;y arm pl*'« •*• »«» cotorrn dte»» bu«i ee* rich mantilla l>tack *‘o.* i.>3. polsu Qi d chatn -mint, Muck and comica Ulniun tn.uimug*, black l “" r“l KAION-3 xj ObIKKV AWD YAXlJitt—GcTween Jwanwmi and _4ia ttrocu Pirjturrgb. \ j - iT^adiy CiUUTAiN ot « grea» ,*«rinjr. of / #nlea. inelaomp Uu(f trench Chit;i*-for Window C-ar...n,,»b» Rp[)^ N_E ror V.b ana Matkeittf SFIURG PHlRTB—pucj i\ «.f t>»»ut'ul new- njlc SpTiiig-;-)'iinia—inane ivli.oh ate *'ctj Change, Canary, irba. faik*.Fpruiiore *n<» inie fiy!« hrncirs. - Jim received and for sale by nyl SItAUKLtTT *. WHIIE, Wwood U