-&=z ;..a (jAffKTfK. .- posed and argued, but older than the law of Mo* ses by some eight hundred and fifty years. All attempts; therefore, to couple the law with Hoses, or witb any parrs of tbe Manic law, that strike at eusiems not sanctioned by what is called a mild er Christianity, arc rain attempts to pull down a solemn decree of tbe Almighty. Nor is it a Jew* ish rite br'cu'lom. It is the law of God and tha wards of God himself, and (he rsason given is u peculiar as the law is distinct:—“For in the image of God created he man." Thera is s power in a rsason { Uk« this that must answer all tits cariliogs of the sceptic, and all who are not bold to meet and denounco both the solemn law ao£ lan* goage of the Almighty. We base not the hardi hood to enter into any such controversy, and only seek now to vindicate tbe law of God from the perversion it has from time to time ,received by men more disposed to sympathise with crime than to punish offences against both bosun and divine law. , It true that lbs Jewish law includes the death penalty, bat it did not originate' here, and is of mach higher authority. Tbelawaof Moses riaod repealed in the Book of Books and t-y the >ft"g, ■ of Kii)g& The law of God remains, and oar! Magistrates are tolh its ministers and the servants] of those wlfo have added haman to divine law. The mots! effect of this law we rnani in fat fir* 1 tut» consideration. : LiczxnsQ iir N«w Year.—ln «hnn«t rrerj town hesidfrom, the vote is large in favor of Dcao ce«—as large aa it was a year l «lnce against thesk We do not onderatanu the cause of the '‘umplftt and extraordinary Somerset. The Albany Argue ramarlte: "We do not regard these retails ae an expres sion of the poblie sentiment in relation to the tern peraqce cause in tue abstract. Many of the & tends of Temperance doubted the expediency of the li cense lew, and have regarded it ms prejudicial rath er than ssroceablc la advancing the reform. However thie may be, it is vary certain that the popular expression is not in favor of it,” The New York Tribune upon the contrary re gards it aa a real triumph of‘Kmg AlcahoL’ The: Tribuno gives i!be following as among the ?pri dents ot thaelection: * ' “It really didnot took right to see the Flnt Judge ofthe coouty leading a dmnkan rabble-aroond to every -grog-shop in town last' night & drink'ln honor of the Rum triumph. You can hardly im aglne the ef£ut made Ly the party; to car ry the‘day.” ■ ■ S . A cbne*poDdeot »t Aogurfa, Oneida-county write*; *?T»ro‘KeToi year* of *go, Toti hitJOUt year.” We ire iofofr , that M. Allen, Eftji .(hi >rthy ■—« t , bis shipped, ta-i w’s Lins, 1 tea > ton*, sml by ilrty too* of. produce forj Mr. K. also stotfi (hat (1 inanUttea nf provisions from , and to' day they tcknowltv.^ ' Com, from Salem, Ohio. .. iThe following ire among (be recent contribo* tio&s {■» (ho Irish; Mifflin township* • SU Clair Congregation, '■-Baldwin township, S«Thia speaks well for the t all around u« of (hehindtoi the and country. £4OO in produce. ilSinsubacrip. 250 l »unlry, end we hear >me contributions io Botbce*~o? EcriotTi Burgbeas was held at Elit Sdjaat, and reaulUda* folio ~ Egbert Walker, Whig, B- Wilson,Loco CocntiJ, highest Whi*. do Loco -The election tor tth borough oo the The Loco Foee* attached it ticket !© their own bad name J*vatationi»(j of 'France did t the disguise was detected there a* by our intelligent friend# c • nameof“chkeos* if Loco Foeo. The ie eaae thing, bat ItnwjhDot •oaaoo f BlnheiL • ‘ Gar. ggcjcx has issued a cation of James Rigge, colon cnFrfday, ;i2ih afAugip* at errant Corlbe ext men, to take piece % T** |tjlsoo Writi totu Ci*RL<|(roß roL-i amt* of the put TTnnA rif garii'i a»ii 11 ■ ,j]i; jfWTona.— Mart at Hast, i&m in tfc* afik, - : effete -g# £ &ere granted aitanparary injunction to be made S, ii thfcPctober term. to reetaln the pites* ■"‘"l 1 •*** 9* °**t Cflttp***. «q) tiiultifT of-fits town aod hi* *citmm*r in of f»sro politiMT divided ajTfiltowa; f *3v £s : fiea, £ron*>iajinf over th* $l5OO i*sted by the Wairt. - 4 “ t ~ . town mwting in to-be .. i?y a *. ••••'. l i distributed to CtpC Barker's company of rohuj ~ ’ r "‘ > " '-y* 4 "' 'ttn^Thlsaidtfßrdid*^^ Jttude ikiud ' .i!.!"!!!!'.'4 to be illegal, and stoles the duller so far as eon* ' -4..... 0 cams the town. ' i -'-■: Vermont , 3 .j,> 1 . , • * ' . New York-.-. o at -L, ~ ,_A traitor ■ The 8l Loon Republic** gives feurr&uti • - „I 7 ■ .. ‘*7 '**• aecmesporident at Btnta,,Fe gg™*.;; ' * 0 whodoe»ocn.ra-MM. r . TtttTTT Ftate*. Whin* Loco loco a. Marne j New Hampdhiro- - i j ’ Rhoda aland i Maryland*--I/ .......g Nortb Carolina „,j Alabama i-.... Hiuulppi : j ' .. i . Kentucky- .• ** .• Teaneaaw Wiacotuin ;..,..n i <«>» 5... Toni... 1 ..'.j, . t ,5K ‘ i 0? W« have given (he Loco Focoe the two men* bare from Wisconsin, bat tt » not certain that ihla Territory will.be jrepresentad at the cod* tnencement of the next Congres*. From the Richmond Whig. , VIRGINIA ELECTION, FULTON ELECTED IN THE UtTLE TENNES SEE DISTRICT. We tuve the pleasure of tnnoanciog that An drew B.TulWo, the Whig* candidate for Congress in the -Little Tenne-aw” district, (a elected to Oongreee—beating Cokpel Fayette McMoilen aboat 70 votes. Three cheer* for the Southwest! The following are the namee of the members electi | Wkigt Elected. Democrats Elected . JohnM. Bottt,; J Archlbuld Atkinson, ~ Wm.J,. Gcggfn, Ota C. Srouuoolc, John 8. Psodieura, Tboe. 8. Bocock, Wm. B. Prsstoo, - Thos. H. Btyly, ' Tha*. S. Flournoy/ I;. T. L. BflJe, A- 8. Fulton. James McDowell, t (O-WHIOOAIN.S. Wm.Q. Brown: Tk, Kaniwbr District if be tfesrj, from—in wlafh Ihsrs is rsuoa to before the Whig eandi dividing the Virginia delegation. t fa the Hook of Delegates the nett Wbl* gain ia equivalent to the armikilation of the T jsrn Foco mojotllf of last winter! Tho Whig majority io tha natt Rome of Delegates, ahoulithers be no fittberchuge* in the fagr fottnticn tbit remain to be betrd from, win be lft-the Loco Foeo Uaior. ity io the Benats the aame.j' ■ T Esnusn—We for seven] wr«ki pun, various Patties of emigrant to the west, posmng Ul} cjtj. An ppnyutlpnjtion ol them sn we II draaasd, intelligent parsons, from the enstem slues. We think they ue the oou sub •Uhllsi perrons who for. gone wen for , long Ffaws hrn noticed none appwentl*fa~bet ter dreamstanees. 1 TUTjut snfprlse o genll.roan who luaVvety op* pottnnity of knowing, assort. „ the |rsttrr»jor ity, of them are itormma. We hire no doubt, fa* on infirrmsm’s knowledge titrt meh' i>,fo fta. . It is a eooree of daepyagnt thst numerous ftmifoo—for ths patties tnctndad t considenbte number of suche-shonkl hare been ltd swsy by this strange delusions .. 1 St*** wit* Emiorr.—The Berth Bshds will least New York lot Liverpool oo the 11th, The Cambria left oa the let,, and a steamer ja now about doe. Hereafter the Boston atsam peekrta will be semi-monthly, and tha NewYock packeU will aoon give ua wwkly cosumnicatun wUb Eoglind. Ofibeatcamer Waakfagton. adtertb cd in our coiamns, the New YorkHeraid aaya o# the (rial of the engine of this vectri, that the ease' and grace with which this maaatve stnaSaiwftnt mnred.w*a really creditable, a« wail a» gratifying to the scientific conatnxcturf; .. ,i without wishiog to disparage the English airamabi;*, we can truly my that the ia one of ths most beautiful, substan tial complete venels.u all her that ever floated on oar watere. ; Aar xwroxTAST nxemon was given at (Phila delphia on Thotwliy, by Chief Justice Gibaon, in relation to tbe suit ayfcinst the county for damages resulting from the destruction, of Pennsylvania Hall by tbe mob, in 1844. The claim wa* resis tod by .tba county, on the grout*!!, that the cbuich wit owned by a foreign society tnd order, inatitsled by a foreign potentate, and Cable’ to bs dissolved at hit pleasure; and therefore could Dot be legally incorporated by tbe Legislature cfPenn sylvasia. A writ of qoo warranto wa* therefore asked for against the cerparators,to show the le* gatity of the charter granted. The decision of the Chief Jostice dismisses the application, mod pronounces the charter perfectly valid. Thh suit fordamsgeewtUcomeup hereafter. And in all towns sre presume. ' There is no law to appropriate the money of the* people for any each purpose and we think all our coarts would so determine* . . .Voluxtxkbs row a*-zai.(*TxxxT. —ThsGov- emoeot era in expeetioo that a Urge number of the volorifoere under the ad of M«y» re-enliat for the war, expecting it may be ended in a few deys.or taootha, anil the eoldiertfaas reen iutiof will, at the end of the war, be entitled to e double boon ty—l6o acre* lor the twelve months' eervice under the l ew; end 160 teres Tor the term of terries under the to the end of the war, of an aggreg«i« «f 320 acres of Und;*/, aa a. sabstitnto,-$2OO in Tieatory script.'.This ia a atroof iodncefnent to those, already In the field to remain to the end. T«« U. S-Taziscaxa'a vTATaxaKTjor May 1, ■teles that Ihcte it $5,051,550 of the pcWie pa. ney subject to drafL We obeerre tbs eani ofpdb.t 525 on depomtlln the Sank of Middletown In ibis State, and which hta been there 'for sbouttwo years without be inf dimtnhhed one dollar. Mr. Walker has been called upon to explain'this po- Ktuai mystery,—for the pablle interest sever re quired ooe dofiar to.be deposited in this bank but issOerit ai the crave. An vflort was made to tenet pat the canee of the deposit, and the parties U, in thp.Usi Cobg?ess| but the me. jonty would am afiowthdr secrets to be revealed. Tb the Editor of the Pitltburgh Gasetlc. Tmn LaeuiuTcna.—The time appointed tor the meeting of the Antimasorie and Whig Coo ventaoo* to nominate suitable pernor* for the State Let islet ore, b frst approaching. It may reasona bly be presumed that the members of that respect abte body will be Infloenced neither by retook! preferences, bar. predilections, bai, on the contra ry, solely by eoond discretion, and a sincere dswrs to promote-the pabfic food. Thahoatoessto bs tram acted by them is very important, ahd, to be conducted aright, strict impartiality most mark their. proceedings. For the credit aa well as the interest of oar dty, an honest and capable, person ooght to be selected, to represent the people of Pittsburgh. He should benot only a' passably good public speaker, bat familiar with the leading principles of jurisprudence, Samuel Palmer, £sq., who b a candidate for sotninatioa, is sopposed to j- nsieas, fa i good degreis at least, the qualifications above enumerated. He Isa young man ofafndi ooa habits, and excellent morals. In the eetima. tion of same .extremely fosUdfoti* persons, hi* yoothfol appearance may operate against him; bat it should be remembered that egeis not always an evidence of wisdom, nor youth of ignorance. The first Ume Mr. Randolph was in Congress some of the members of that agost body,who loved amuw ment, taking advantage pf his yoothfol appearance,' to »qoire-howo|d hewki” .He replied in hie peculiar, and characteristic style, M Ask my constituent*.” ' ■ Z*hi ■ Tub New York Canal opened on thc tit inst. The Bqflslo Commercial of the 28th April says; •Pratty-moeb all the canal boats ml this point ere engaged, and as high as 1 1 per barrel bnAour kto Albany has been obtained. We understand the Comptroller bks noUflcd the collector at this point, by telegraph, that 2} feet water would bejet info the canal today, amKthat light boats would be admitted to pawweHbfßyrmcuae., . Boiurxofc—A large namber of .buiidißgsara l* B * op in thecity, Allegheny, jßirmingbgiojuaf neighborhood. Theta is a eearcity rfbufli ing awterial, and tostost the | waaie of the community. . } ;| One hundred mart have been fired upon him sim ultaneously, bo great was their indignation— The writer says he has forgotten ths name of the j Gese*al Tirtoa; in the year l&l, purchase -ed, it ii'nidt a plantation, stock, .& linear Rod ney, in Mississippi, for which he paid, in. cash, bioety-fi*e ihoosioddoilais- An exchange pa- -banui from Hon. W. M. Gwin, at New 1 Orleans, friend of Genera! Taylor, that eome miscreant opened a breach in the levee, a ■boot two miles above the plantation named above, and it is how wholly under water ! The lon of the crop follows, 1 *! a matter of course, and a mod eietg ea tiro ate would, set this loss at about, thirty thousand dollars,' This i>, tmly. a'tnost uohaod some way to reward a patriotic soldier, who stands in jeopardy every hour for his country’# sake and service. Liar week at Cincinnati u German girl who bad been poning, and bad left a basket of clothes □ear by npon morning found (hem on fiteaodtbe room fillet} with smoked When the cry of fire was first heard, the girl became so frightened- u to lose all command of herself, and in bet terror ‘leaped from the window of the third story, and fall, jjng into the. entrance to the basement. • She i* horribly mangled, arid it u feared the 'will not re cover. •■ £ - :i • • I MuaircziT bkruut. —We twdrrstiod that the late William Oliver Esq. of Dorchester, left (he whole of his property, rained at not less than a hundred thousand dollars, to be, divided squally, between the Perkiria Institution for the blind, at Bcuth Boston, and the McLean Asylum for the Insane, at Somerville. One (hud of this sum is lobe paid over immediately, and the remainder at the decease of his two( sisterr —Boston Atlas. Col. JoHsaoa,—This officer was wounded near Cerro Goitfo, was engaged at the time in a recon notssance some eighteen miles beyond the Naiioo el Bridge, at a print called the Black Forest Pan. He was formeriy/Cspt'J. E. Johnson, of the Top. ographical Engineess—now Lieut. Col. of voltig. ears—and severely wounded with a shot through the arm ;anjd another in the thigh. 7 Taisemaraic.—The Directors of the New York and Buffalo Telegraphic Company, at their recent meeting in Utica, resolved to ose in their operations an iron wire known as No. 10, weigh* ,ing about 260 lbs. to the mile. The English Companies adopt a wire called 1 No. 7, which is •much heavier and much more lasting. Tsa rooa iv Lokbox.—>Upsrards of 50,000 ipersons are now inmates of the London work* ibooaea; 60,00 kre receiving outdoor relief arid from 1400 to 2000 nightly sheltered in the refuges for |the hoosetese. ‘ The eggrrgaie exceeds IOOJtOO. • In addition tri this number there an many thou* sandswt^Liveby beggmg, and'thousand* more who live JjtTcriminal practices. *7 - '■ > Givi Tax Dim au sex.—. The Washington Union claims for the Proudest all the credited the battle of Bosna.Vista. vXjte Leoisvills Journal sajs it'is unquestionably ambt, that, if Poßcbad not sent Santa Anna into Mexico, the battUof Buena , Vista would never,hose occurred. It is proposed to tonne! the St. Lawrence, op. polite the Hand of Montreal, in order to connect the railroad running to the AlUntic. The pro posed tonne! under the St, Lawrence, at its nar rowest part, near Bt. Healeo’s Island, will be I aboat one>thirJ of a mile from shore to shore. Bamsv Deszrtzrs.—The Canada papen tre loud in the complaint of the great number of Brftish troops deserting their flag and flying to the United States, to enlist in our army. It is es> limited that not {hr from four hundred have taken “French tears” of their posts. The amount of notes of the Bank of England, in circulation k i£ 1 >,444,3X5, being tn inw«»M nt £375,135; and the stock of bullion in both dr* partmests is £l showing a decrease of £316,047, as compared with the proceeding re* Jam-... ... Hf. Caia,' (he reformed gambler, and ami* gambling lecturer, has accepted the challenge of Freeman, the acknowledged gambler, and a public diecuswon is to tike place on the 10th, 12th and 13th of May, at Philadelphia. Rrr. Thomas M. Clark, formerly Rector of Grace, Boston, and now of Si. Andrew’s Philadel phia has accepted a call to become Anistaut Min ister of Trinity Church, in Boston, oq the Greene Foundstion. Rt Rev. the Bishop of the diocese of MaisachuseUs ii Rector of Trinity. A Maine Stur-owwsa, on the Penobscot, has three, vessel* building one of which is to be call* ed**Zecbary Taylor,” and the “Gen. Taylor,” and the other “Rough and Ready.” .J' The personal friends of the Hon. Richard Rush, of Philadelphia, purpose giving him * .complimen tary dinner previous to his setting out on bis mis* «ioo to France. Mr. BABcnorr, American. Minister at 8t James, is making a short tour on tbe continenL— . Mr. Brodhead, Sccratary of Legation, officiates in bis abeence. Tax Usxvzrsity or Locisiabta.—The legis lature or Louisiana has passed a bill appropria ting $25,000 and plot of ground for the Btote Uni* ▼errity. A Loeofoco paper in Kentucky nominates Bi las Wright, for Geri.W.O. Ky. for Vice President. Tax Peoria Register ays that the steamboat ar rivals at that place average five a day. There is a Urge quantity of produce to be shipped from that point. New potatoes are wiling in New York at 124 cents a quart. IHTXEXLEBTIRO HISCELLAKT Sslectad from Fbreirn Periodical* and Newspepert for .. the rittshurgh Gazette. i _ Tax Giaxax aaiLaoaD.—The Journal de* 'Debits puUiabes a letter dated Leipaic, 57th ult, mentioning that during the last year tbere were conveyed by the Germ to Railroads 16,413,229 travellers and 91,893,939 quintals of produced a sum total of and’ represents an increase of 16,331,208 f, that is 43 per cent. t , -*• i* A Loxoox duwiso moajts— '‘The Queen wore a very migoifident dm« at her Drawn* Room. Her majesty's train was of green poplra, figured with green shamrocks, and was nduy trimmed wuh gold lace; the petticoatswas of white satin, trimmed with gold lees and ivy, orna mented with diamonds. Her Majeety'e head-dress was formed of a wreath of ivy and diamonds.and also of feathers. - U H. R. H. the Duchess or Cambridge wore a splendid costume. Tho train of red velvet trim med with xatin.and gold, oyer a drew of white aatm brocaded in gold, sad ornamented with Bros •els laee. H. R. H.'s head-dress was composed Of leathers, lace lappets, and also a tiara of pearls and diamonds. The stomacher, necklace and ear rings of the royal duchess were also of pearls and diamonds. Pxrbc* n* Jonrmtx, “Young France,” at they call him, in England is, it is said, to suit New York daring the rammer, with an expert* mental squadron, and will have under bia com mand, among other vessels, the Hercules, and Je- both 100 gun ships, and the steam frig-. ate Panama. A OALX.AWT Ibisxkxx.—An Iriab gentleman re maiked, “Never be critical on the ladies. Tako it for gianted that they are all handsome and good. A true gentleman will never look on tbs faults of a pretty woman icithoui ahuttme hit eyur s **** trine of Hallicarnaasus a has bea xbumed containing 'two eggs, which might es*Hy be confounded with “newfy laid” ones though two thousand years may bate elapsed since their informal. _ Tbs Emperor of Russia has issued a ukase lerdicting the dreuktia of the Polish coin, even JP “T.part of Poland,, and forbidden all the pob- Jic effieeta, from May J; to receive aoy each coin to payment of public does. The Journal de* Debut* state* that the Arch bishop of- Rouen had- caused to -be distribu ted every day, throughout 50016 weight of bread to the indigent poor. , Mr. Georgs Thompson, the President of the Anti SfoyejyLeagoe,bas been.boond over Jbr trial, ; oa a charge oT assanUbg one William Wardell in in omnibus. According to the Prease, 299 failures took place In Paris during the first quarter of 1847, vix, in January, 112; m February, 79; ad in March The Lirwpool Albfoft' says that recently a man sold bis wife hr the public market at Barton for a shilling. ’ te Afri » : “ri the Weet Indfoe have anhecribcd towarifa the stalut* of their benefoetor, Sir T, F. Buxton. fe!” 1 M ”* “ P “ i » -«•' «!«». tr ojvMfiOH. ; gw 1 — l —*r- JpanacfinseUs Stale Agricalwoi Society ba«e |aid gmx attain to of foroifß meam hav»fy*atijr improved «n stock; The Ndrth jßtvon' Breeds am tf£ • hhfdj amt beatnifulace of cattle,not so' deep milk«a'aa the Ayrshire, which are atilT •y°g°t>*nd do nei yet afierd the means of judging j at to the quantity of milk they will yield at a ma torer age. J Tba State Society have also turned their alien. lion to ffie dUeases of animals. The report of pf, John. C. Warren, to the Society, oothia select, states that the figure of e horse of full size; so constructed as to takers)! the pieces apptt, baa been imported for tbe tue of the Society. [This figure eoutains representations of the mosclijr, blood-vesids, heart lungs, and other organs, ot thejy natural size and appearance, and was recent ly oseJ at the BiaU| House, by Dr. Warren;'to illustrate a lecture on the noatomy of a Hoik.— But the Society will tutotop here. It rattber ap> pears Gem the report that'the Committee have directed, ibe preparation of fulbrieed skeleloaeiof the ox and horse. jTbey have also invited Dr. Brooks to give a course of lectures on the diseases of the hor Mr v Daniel Negley was appointed to receive and deliver the contributions to the Treasnrer In the dty. BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. Correspondence of PUtsbnrch QiuUi FROJU MEXICO. PfIILADELTBIA, Maj 4th, 1647, We have Brazos dates to the 22d. All was quiet then. Father Rhry and a private ".7ml Carson, bad been murdered. Several Volunteer* were about leaving Brazos for New Orleans, and .the Kentucky Legion would be off as mod at other Volueleers arrived to take their places. But ftw have rt-diluted. Col. Cushing has issued an order to put the disturbances which have prevailed In Mato* morns, and to close all gambtipg bouses, dandrig booses, grog shops, anti prohibiting the sale of all ardent spirits. No later news from Vera Crux. Oar New York Despatch failed last night. Eie!tui*Correipondeo«e of the PmibarrfGszcua PHILADELPHIA MARKET. D -May 4th, 7$ P. M.‘ The Flour market has maintained a quiet ap. pvtrance since the clow yesterday. The tales reach 2000 bbls of standard brands at 36£3?a IfiO per bbL ■ Tbe recent operations in Wheat, with the supplies amving, have reduced the sleek to a small amount, not equating tbedemand. Prices, under this stole of things, arp very : firm. Bsteei tjday of prime samples White at 165 c and Red) of nmilar quality at 157 c—to the extent of 1000 bushelr Of Corn some sales choice samples Yellow at 92a96e—a further improvement in value. Some sales Commeal at s4.6o—the inquiry continues; but tbe transactions or ten days past covering 12,500 bbls, have pretty well exhausted’ the stoek* on ale ra the dty. The quotation is firmly maintained. 1 Holhmj doin, in Ba,.r»_7}c i. the cohral price fori*. O. Whiskey in bbls is worth 20c pti j gationJ ts& ales. 500 bsgi Rio Coffee solj at aome Ls guajra at7jc, usual credit fur sIL Nothing new i n ihe market for Iron. The small supplies restrict trausactiens. Boiri« Blooms sold at $65a70, otberwiso no change. 600 galls Linseed Oil sold at 72c. The market for Cotton is firm, and sales to a very fair eitcnu Prices range as follows: Good Middling, Middling Fair, Fair. B- O. *5O MOBILE. Goal Middling, I2.*al2fe Middling F.ir, I3'.iaic fair, 131a14c A sale of Tallow at 9jc per lb. Blnck of Wool quit. li s bt, .od hcnco .out tranncUons. Exclusive CtmejiwKtenc*! n( Ulc rmil.urfli ußustic BALTIMORE MARKET. , r , , M,, 6,8 P. M. - 111. Floor market hu Hol e,rind .ince rat,,, d.,. and c!u.id, prior, of la.l eeaning are main- Uioed bol not with moch firar«c Modern, aale. How.nl .treat Flour to da, at *6,70, and aome Lit, Mill, at $8,87 J pet Wd. i nnrij. R ! ■ Rice is setting at 4sc pec lb. J|No change in freights to the West—Euronesa continue dull. • * Money marketralher easy than otherwise No local news worth telegraphing. A Month Later from Sew Meiico. S*sta Fe, March 24, 1847. We have now reliable information, that on the UBih Febniiry, CoL Doniphan fought the Mq*i ean*. four thousand strong, at; a place called B*c* ramento, eighteen miles this aide of Chihuahua, end rooted them, losing onljr lljrms lon. But «Im*e that Mill despise bis name Nial! parish at jlieir; own dear co*i: The gospel offer* life again Bin rfoaks npi either cmneor fraud- Nor doe* it ranee] hut Austajn " ’ Tlie law—ihe holy law of God By faiih it R.veih life and peace-' And say* -dnth|*aiid tbon *ball live'- Itijert ami die in cither case. And judgment then xbslt have , > ! It is not justice to destroy, ,'Vhen rcft.tntioti wootd nuScr; f Nor ta it mercy pasaeth by Where justice—stricken juatice die* ’ Tlieymeet toßeth.-r and enibrace— fheyktsaeaeh othcwwd approve: Who gives to ju*uce iffrrcie’* place • Is not made perfect yet m love 1 The itglitning* that around it* glare- Tt»e l>oli tliat Nirile* the maitniain *id*. A* hig with love and raefry are As *weet Siloam’* glassy tide ’ wa* thf swnrd that unote the So\- l* ve the »pcar tliatpierced his heart ’ Tulove. will say/ye bleueil corneV Antl love, the murderer but* depan! • We jpntJy condemn the duelliil tbracting beneath ihed.igefir of ■mau,ncvcnbele..we throw aroundtb.i nturdeier the shield ofour unholy cyiopathies. Ala*' oT wiV OI < *°' l i * oflcn ,a ' J tenant General and Commapdcrrin- Chief of the Mexican Army to rank a» each froin the date of bis passports exhibited to Commodore Conner, at Vara Crok— hlarlinMburgh Gazette. Reil estate xrc Ibxlasd.—lt has been asrer. tained lhat seventy Jive per cent, of property in Ireland is mortgaged. Thejnrw poor land will swallow op tbe remaining twenty-five per cent., ■othat in effect, Ireland will soon have a new set of landlords, more liberal, it U hoped, than the "present. -CoL Jqcob Palmer, of ißarieyaville, killed the past winter, fourteen wolvc*. tmo moose, nine deer, eleven foxes, three cals, two otters, and file sable. PITTS B t R 0 lIIV KES L V GAZETTE May 6— coirTqjrTS m past. PoETRT—MtSCXLLASV—The fiauitM Jose phine—Foreign Gossip— the Continent—May-day—Letter from Jtiau thow—Execution of tragedy at Georgetown—Washington's birth day at Rome- New* from tbe Army—City news—Mr. Web»trr at Richmond-Workings of the Salitreasury law—. Letter to General Taylor from Philadelphia— Sketch of Gen. Taylor’s : life—Letter from Lord Palmerston—President making—The country wants peace— Capital Punishment—Old Federal-' ism—Virginia Elections—Washington comes pooJenee—Forctga and Dornrstic market*—Com mercial new*—River intelligence—Csttle markets —City markets—Stork, sslos, /. w, 1 ! l,e supjwrted btfoi the Wh s anil Antimasouu Conrcnuon for nommatio a* tke candidate f.>r the olTit-c of county Treasqrcr mySd&wic SFCONI) WARD Ri The Prewdenii nnd Director, of ihtaUk I 'have fhii day declared a dividend of three and a half per cent on mLtW 1 ,tOC £ for ~ h* . 1,, l »'* ra°"th., payable to Slock tolden or (heir legal representatives forthwith ' > m y* dlw / JOHN SNYDER, Cashier. EEUEP FOR SCOri.AND The rollectmg Co* rumee. for ikeßelief of Scotland, are raque.jeS to “ porl to W m Blaok.ioek L Tre^ u ,^ t Fedprel ,t,ec . A L**heny on orbeft>r® v.ednrsday next A. it i* in tended at Hrettimc to forward a* much money a* p 0..: » 1*? "v a « W"* i leave, phtladelphi about the lSthMay. A. D. CAMPBELL, Cb*n ID-Imporumi to adver. usemenu which appear in the Daily .Moraine Gazette *l» appearin ihe recYivmg Uie hen cfii of the eireslation of ail, without any additional charge. Thi* 1* an advantage toour advertisei*. without any extra expense: Advertisements are also inserted in the country paper upon reasonable terra*. GAZETTE JOB PAINTING OFFICE, tuisd strxxt, coasim of roar office *ll*t. Ot>Wa are now prepared io execute m aauperior and expeditious manner, all kinds of Job Pxixtiko, such as large Posters, Steamboat Bills,'Bill* ofLading. letter Sheet Circulars, Handbills, Cards, Ac.. Ac. - BOOK AKB PAMPHLET PBIXTIIIU to any extent executed in the best manner, and al kind, of Punting done with accuracy and at the lowei rate* ‘ : DT'After “Proving all ibmga, hold fan to that which is good.”—For the riles, it w'i|t be found th.i Dr. LV hAm’» Vegetable F/cetaary, it the oiriy remedy for that eomplamt, upon which the suffering can retv with con fidence—it i» indeed a friend in the lime of need ID-fc*©ld, Wholesale and Retail, k KKTCIIA hi, 121 Falun street, New York; Wm.Tiioi.v Market street, au.l P. R. Satvtaa, Snmkfiield street! PilUburgh,Pa. Price fl per box. ap3o lw in7"'Vi ihviln the attention of our readers to ihe ex traordinary cures of Scrofula performedby Dr. ''“lien's Indian ft zttablt Pantutn, which they will find record, ed ifKunotlier column of to-doy’. paper They .re wttbont doubt the most wonderful on record, and have •sobeenjroiioancedby many of out most resjieeiable physieiuns. The afflicted and bihert inicresicd are re quested to visit them at their several places o/abode and learn fiom their own tips the wonderful effects of the medicine. The first one named is Air Isaac Biooks who may be seen daily, between the hour* of 0 A. Al’ and 4 P. kl-slthe office of Ruwand A Walton No 776 Market *U i’hilada. ’ . j- 55.00. BOOTS 5,00. NO. OO FOURTH STREET. - V /corner of post office alley I THE subscriber respectfully informs the puLlrc lh«t he lia« commenced the manafacturc of (itntlanen FtuAicnaiU Smo, of good material and workmanship which be will WAtraut superior^any Coot ever made in Pittsburgh for the price. These handsome Hoot will Ik; made to measure, and warrant th*m ns retire *' u,e ,*eor low price of FIVE DOLLARS CA.HH. Centlcmcn are requcsrvd to mil .nil esam tie them. jv-J-l W B KRSKINT* £W-H.ller’a Glnaeng Pmnmctm Maotrst. Testosobt-Wc beg leave to call public .tinm an to the foltowing, from Dt. Wm. Dqani of 'W.ihimsvillf, -Clermont and one of the very first pracliUoners in the county keep It constantly os band. RespeeiTutly, ' dpt? 1 Wa.Doan, mb. !*P*SE!S»£is£' g&SgSSSs u&r^KLr^r^ a -~^Ss»isfjLSisU!!»iS: < is into the mine, present})’ in one, bu been nrwl?^ bered nnd i, .«*%„ fcr LxrcSS. i"'^. lfo«!» of the tniae te the haJk^f fir y. r ’ dcr l h ' , «»> there »* i bed of fireclay, from which r*-lmelr* of a (operior description hnre been made Connccieil with the (team engine lrr mill fer rrindin* «« .bed*, ior ihe m.nufwlurc r>nw*H ,^l ‘ * alroin connection wiih Ihe (team Si ,he •*“«* of A c •ad offi racnu ? * ! *' W * r n find detent employ »ion..t. < ’K?,. M ' N w, ‘ erec, e<*J«i year, with one ran of T* f°' ~lracuul •» «o admit of a (ceoml ran ikVwtole iVchS fWitemcntf >c™ Mill, wlih ° f ■tt«sawwttHsfts two floors a store bouieorbewn 'ftgs/fiJlrrf in with IScuon* 'AnT,* b, «r k, »'*’- uw ai £ i Aurdan A 1 " fh “ ve >»««» fenced in for •r£ pnrcba.cr may.bav* also « mule, well broke in mining. with a large number of roll wagon* and box ► e*. and unplemenU for coal muting and brick mikin* Til: accea*. both by land and waier,i*ore»ei.tlv **».! and will aoon be greatlyUy improved. xim Bcllekdrein load.whicb leaite to .he mope/ly. mil £ mSSSSSd ihu > ear for more than halftbe diatanee; and it baa been proiKued to «r»tend it rna direetiou which would carry ii close by the mill.. The ledge of rock, known U 4 tlrand Ct>a:n. ran* into the r.ver Aom.hJ c “u of.hta property, on which a pier eouM be «■ curdy eoo.truced at am»ll cod, capable of affording a landing for ateam boau at all atagra of water. There ia, st nreeeM an rxecneui landing about half a mile farther diTwn. ’ whole will be diapoaed of on aueh lerroa a« will cnaure an Humriaie aderjnaw return for the price, while Ihe yearly nee in .he value oflandin 8t Ferdinand town *h'lV Bold* oui; the certain pqwpeci of the inventment proving n hig&lY advantage*): $2,0U0 for 3 > e»r». $1(100 for 5 ye*r». 61.UW for 5 ye*ri; fbrwhich (be beiiofu oumy in the cm- will be given. All eommanieaiion*, .- ra >’ s „ _ No IQ waithfield M #fH#m ' Wanted. ANTED la purcbaie from tie country, a pair of 1 1 Jj Ti hor *V* •>* year* old, from IS to IS Imid. high, good in double and lioglr barney, for f./f r ? nce S' vcn - Daik colorpreferred Affjj |,fb >* Ici.'cr, pot paid) to John Gill, Cutter, 111 Wood Hired. Pittsburgh. mySdlw D RfSTEB’S IKK—Joit reeeired at the Pek’& T^, ,t 0- 7*Fotjnh •trcet, 33 keg* Prow’* newt Ink, 10 lbs fine-job ink in J )h ran*—Ai*o, a lot of Red, uteen and Blue Ink, Lead*, newrpaper eut», brass rule*, 4e., and for Ijle at tie muufabtarera* price. jpySJlw A JAYNES W^?,? ,^, ?CrV To ‘i h^ n ’ , ! n »«® cwb “ acquainted t ¥ with the Dry Good* busine**, and wbo can come highly recommended for urbanity, activity and for mor al and industrious bgbiu, and who will be >comemed /TAr * “>«werate lalary. may addrea* Bor SOT, Pdat °» c *-. myS S t ?°s ?R T 70 1,,u3, N ° S“*»r.pan prime quality; landing from steamer Gennanrowa, direct from N oricaiu, On consignment and for *ale by r ROBERTSON & RKPPERT r * tVJ No 109 «econd at VfACHINE CARDS— Juit received,"* fresh tup *■ . p 7 0{ •“ eel wool carding machine* comb-plate and card cleaner*, (or sale by ®7 4 GEO COCHRAN, No »S wood n f OlL—l*bhl»Chevcr A Co’* superior Lard *-* Uii ot; ioi *alej>v . , J'sCIsqONMAKKRACO Npjll wood *t pOTTOJI-n: ba!e*ju»t rec'iMwr itmr Union, and 1 V-/ ( <>r *aic by FRIEND, RHEYACoi L m > s N 037 waier it SOLID BOX VISBR, of rinoei tiretj received oq consignment from tiqmaaufaclarer, tor »aie by ro r*_ GEO COCIIRAN f) ADDLES A PEACIIBS—IOO bn d Apples; . * ! 50*‘ d Peaelict .•o-« rcc <1 auif for *»l« «.y MYERS. HUNTER ACo m >' s No I<6 liberty .1 FISII-.-KbbU large No 3 Mackerel, 4do do do t do, , » do, small do 3 do; for male bv* ,n > 6 . E SELLERS r OIiISVILLB LI«B-*3bbl. v«yVbitom,t Ai recM and for talc by POINDEXTER A Co m > 3 _ .. No 41 water »t SHAD, Herring, Muekexel and White Ftah: con ••*mfy on bund amj for sale by "'I 3 V W GREER ( \ILS—4 bbL winter Elephant Oil—bleached; \J < do do Whale do do; for aale .. «!» . F SELLERS, 17l liberty tl k BUTTER—S kg» ui good cooperage, now IV landing; for sale by 1 DICKEYACo . water A front Jt*_ BEANS— M I,', to, b. O myS W GREER,cor water and •miibfield «i* B.\S Cnicmtimi Soap; for tale by Lr ~ ni J W GREER i CSKS Salcraiu*; for nalo by - mri ... WGREFR 15 M>l« fwh roll Botter. fbi “i*jjy m >i MYERS, HUNTER t Co lIKKSK—Ia bz* now landm*, lor tale by V- m > s I WCKEY A Co f APPLES— IOO boa; for tale by I DICKEY A Co ANVILS— Wroughuron-tuivjlt: forJate by m ? 3 GEO COCHRAN CORW— 2000 bua prime yellow Corn in tack*; for »ale by my 3 ROBERTSON A REPPKrV /'IICRUAH CLAY—In c»k» and -Jia; for tale by V* ?>'?.. k REPFERT C A f, T , OR OIL-ti ÜbU No 1; jn*f ree’d and for aaU by royb J-KIDD A Co. 00 wood at K XT^ OOWo6D “ i00lb M«« ree’d; foTaaleby •*7* K!> 4 J KIDD ACo OCPERFIWK BLIP.BLM-ICO II,.; f or a.fa ~ br ”>' 4 J KIDD ACo (t*® CAMPHOR—GOO lb* jott rec*d; for aaleby J KIDD A Co TKMON STROP, KIT. FINK— 18 do* in lj*iore andjoraalr by «n>s J KIDDACo C, ALK - 3 ,on » dry Chalk 7n •(•.for rale br J SCHOQpfiIAKKK A Co C TURPISJITIBIE—I4 bbla in excellent 'order O . for mIo by m,i J SCHOONMAKKR ft Co B L *Sf fa A f°s BCARF ’s-A few block Lace Scarfi for Ladle*—a tearce ariiete—a few jntt received. Alw; Uera«e and B,lk IScarf.-at ibe i>ry l GoodiHou*eof tu y< W K MURPHY** lWT> * No * k b **»«*<«>* Rock Pi* Jt Iron, lamtmpj from Meataer American, and for talc Jb. 1 <* water &. front iu f H k K^ ZEI -T OIS - WbolcWe Grocer, Jj cb»i *“J« of the Diamond, second door from Dii auuind Alley. Piu»hur;h. tny4 \f ACItERKL-50 bbl.i»r*e No 3, Sooth; - i VA , SOhlfdo do do do; For.aJeLy KDVVD HEAZeLtON, . e**i side of the diamond QUNDRIES —Ground Pepper, Sardkie*" do AUpice; CtoTesj ’ do Llovct; Nuiraest; oo Cinamon; Pimento; '■> »>:< LwSES.I. * «&«*& Ofin bu* dry Apple*; v Wdo do t'cncbe*; »r» *" m},J ENGLISH k BENNETT On ra*k*-Scorchingt, prime quality; for iala by. OU - m J A .. . . KNULlßtjfc BENNETT |*) bblt Herring; 6 do Shad; » do S. Mackerel; for aale by - ENGLISH & BKNNKTT 2IK) {* forwle lowtc* cloaei coniientnent by mv« ENGLISH 4BENM3TT in bbl. Tannet*’ 6»t, for ule aoon by lU ra »'* ENGLISH 4 BENNETT in bbl* Sugar jlotue Mo■ u tea; for tale low by .... m >* ... t_ ENGLISH 4 BKNNfcTI^ I>X< Rock Candy; * ,»bx*-a»soncddo, lor tale low by ■ m n ENGLISH & BENNETT ||)(l Eeam«i Wnipping paper for tale low by W 'l. _J?I« ENGLISH 4 BENNETT 2t7,Q I*** ' VlMlJow GU»«,ju»t lendineand far tale •V.J ’ y 51 F VO * N BONMIORtjT ft Co , __ . _____ No 35 wood ft ('HKKX APPLBS-Isc.uk.; - VJ _ 25 bzi ia OaUi for sale bv ~,yV _ S F VON BONNHORSTft Co b> R°f; L BUTTStt— 4 libU juei fee’ll end far .ale - i'L „. »".*.< _ _ S f VON BONNHORtT ft Co BEAK*— 'ifeke Tcnnr»«re White Beene (brlule _ Ly _. s P VON BONN HO RBT ft Co IyiHDOW euortTd \tzeL m V /° r “ Cbr ® y VON BONNHORST ft Co** - 35 front *t IJ'OSlff—' #o blits No I tbriale bv _ _s>y4 » F VON BONNHOR3T *Co OUMBtER BH&WLl.iob, had of V JSp W R MUBfHY Qfl Rio Coffee, jim received end for sale by t -' u ' W A M MITCtIKLTREK __"»ya _ ' No iso libotty« UAGS lUvana Coffee, for ie>e by U nyl MILLER A KICgETgQN 688L3 White Beene, jast rtt’il on eonsirnaeot end 7 forsile by uiy3 MILLER tae balaaro io ibar eqsal acsaal psrnests. «aela* ,er ** t ' ** orc^B ** t * 10 P*7 con ray* - . fl Utf# *ale of i J o oli,^ ii(Mi . Ture'ereom* si 7 t-tf Commercial' fT***® 0 "* “ raer *c *°o4 Ud »k «s, will be .©ld» * M °™a«uof Saleable sew books; las letter P%s£ t blmak bo *k*; peat, 4e *e. imS?S? *i* “ w "«7 for delivery, aad tbe book* •rranfod for exaolaauoa. . .. ■ ym}S- . Dry ifft'nita boott;»ho«i n „b re ll M; p. IMO |? B J3“ I £«F 1 . At t O'clock,: P. M baresas; toanon do, French, fancy *?!£!¥ Ji,b t to. pon Iffy do, settees; rocking chairs; üblea: BuWmnVk« , Ali«M3»kin f .tore, kitchen utensils, it. '« b za JunaKed Orange*; glassware; qaeensware, jmecri" At ?* CPClock, p. H. Otic eiicM ihip carpenter* tool*, embracings general assortment Joined' tools; hardware; fee tahVaad pocket cnlldnr; gold and ulcer watcher ready made clothing, stagle and ftney dry good*, Jtc7 ayl ■ Bleamboat Arana «t Anetlaa« - ON Monday afternoon tie JOH'uui.'aM oVl6ck.no board, at the Uonongtfaela wharf belowthe netjthor Market street, where she now /tea, will be told for c«t» by order of Leri Finley, aralfnee, the li«>i draught steamer Arena, with alf her ftmiiinre and Uo which (■ in eood repair, and machinery nearly Second lund \Banaeh«; ON Thursday afternoon, the flth front of the Commercial Bales. Booma, earner of wood kndOili •ireei*. will be told one handsome »nd‘debttaa i tie! Kcond hind flareoehe,. with 'falling yon, mhldwvi *«. in food order. ' «j 3 • (Procft Iheßpiritof thcllmeit, A FACT WORTH RHOWIAG / A gentleman of Scrofulous habits, from indiscretion of the Throat in a Ito'e, usd a disagreeable vxt dob* blesome eruption of the Skin. IndeodThii wSSlowt n? re ; he ?«« o( saturated’with AreSso- : Oni hind and wrist were *o mack afeeted -that )m bid lost the use of the band, every put being covered with deep, painful, end oflctuiTcUlccrs, m 3 eenuhoi. low and potoni mi honeycomb. It wasatthiastaS* of. hit ceapUwl,when death type axed laevnahW. riS ailoaihsome disease, thu he commenMd ik« nlTl jAynbs alternative, teen bottles. U now perfectly etred. .1 STbi* 1 ALTERNATIVE operate! through the •on, and parm** the Blood usd endieitea from the tpiun, where* ft located, and lha ntuaUrocm earei it bis performed in diseases of Skin, Causer; Scrofula, Goitre. Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, and other Chronic diseases, is truly astonishing. * . • For m/e in Pittsburgh at the Pekin Tea Store, 7*'4tb street, near wood, and also at the Drue Sun of H p Schwartz, Federal st'Allcgheny eity. myddAwF PKKSH ARRiyiL OPWOUt^ltUi MINER’S LitpraJy Emporiii? ; t was] ingnm and Us Generals By J T Headley, a* ta?n«°4e apoleoa 40,1 bil Marshals: The Sacred Mom. BCaptivity of Napoleon at St Helena.’ by General CoontMontholon rand and •. • - i. General TaykrYLife, Battles, and Oerpitches, with the only correct portrait yet pabluhed; ineltfdine h/rb ly important letters fee; aeeoeois of the ftonoesuutiea. poapiled from awheniie soirees. -- , .... Tb« String p{ Pearls; by G P. RJame*, £*l . t ■ .■ . The Mjstpnesqf the Heaths; fresh sippJr. • / v TaMrediortheNewCrasade; hy»Ureeli. ‘ Phe'iH% Travellers* Ooidej accompanied with a new M*P of. the United Btatca. A splendid assortment of individaal State Mans among is an improved tlapof Mexico.’ ' ‘ ; A Urge variety of handsomely booed Hoagrters ' ' A comdleu assortment of the Modern fluodsrd Dra ma, locloping Feodal Timed; or the Coon of James the Third. //* _, • M A MINER S smtth&aldst^dldcofCmmAfstV DNEWAN D MOST EFFEenVE REMEDY. WOOD’S lamparillaand Wild Cborry Bluer*, to the care of the folfowa* diseases: Jaundipe, Liver Camplaiat, all p, V2£*!P k He *^. ebe, J , s* ir ®F°i Indigastion, habit sal Gosuyeacsy, Piles, Falpitatkias of the Heart, Lorn or Appetite,Dy*pep»ia, NerrotttlrritUioai.Debilhaied StonuehjiLanguor, Depression Shew aantm, Cu’iueous Diseases, Canker. SyphiioidDisea *ei Scrofula, Impan'iiei of the BtoodrPimpJes and Funnies on the Faoe, Hereditary Hamors, Cold Boies, and all diseases arising tom,an injodieioos nse of Her- of the iovaCd public, and of aft those afflicted by any of the above diseases, is respectfeUv called to the .menu of a new and invaluable prepare >ion from an original reeipeefadisungpishednhysieUa, combining 10 itself the most active remedial properttas of two of the very first articles in the Malaria medic*. • The Sarsaparilla ind >Vlld Cherry Bitter* war* in traduced to the public about twelve month* ago, tod during that period their sueceae ha* been » great situ ind ace the proprietor to offer them with still more confi dence, in the mil belief that by cuteriagiate more ex tensive nse, they will prove a blessing to all ihwr •offering from the diseases above enumerated. - Sold, wholesale awl retail, by WYATT A KETCH* AM, gcoeralaganis, Ml Fulton street New York; Wm. Teoaa. Market street, !aad P. B. Sawtxx. Bmith£aid street, Pitubargh, Pa,. Price»l—largeboSea, mchV3dtm t • -^ p i.• MUSIC t MUSIC 1 KUIIC * T - , I BE r * WALXRB IJ ; rerl. DRUGS, DRUGS , TOEL and Apothecary/ N. W. Jcomer of Wood and Sthtu, Pittsburgh, will Leee eoattamly on hand, Bran, Pn-nts, Oil*, Dycetaff*. N. B —PbyiicitQ's prescription* carefully compound ed fromth, best mater any hoar oT tfiPdey or nifhi. Abo, an arfsomnetu or*ftwfuoiery; fine Ttwth, Heir, and Cloth Bru*hes, Ac. AeVwhieh hewill eelj to r cs*n, - .; may l, COSGS.RTBABUEL ~*7 ° . Ask me not what lam Thinking; °> *mbyou well by D*yN*h* ! SlaymriheDeet?- • Bawn; ~ ~~ • Widow Maehree; Thc tow b*?kt|d C«n - ~ The two Birds; - Indian Sommer; Ronr O’Moore; , My Mother Dear; Angels Whisper; The Fairy Boyj . , The Bowl'd Sever Bor; Just received and Car sale by • . JOliN H MELLOR “l' 3 .. 81 wood aired raSRCH JULLISBILY. .VTADAM BONNAFfON re»p«if a !ljr ioferma bar ,T:r,c? nd *>>s -ill own. on Thnrt day, the &h mat. the moat eatenatve umtuocol of F«a -It** ? h#ro r n cverpwiart ia this ° .3‘* e A er ,?J* ‘choice assortment orfaaeyeni' c »’ tibbooaaod flower*' • AJiof Straw Bocmettof crenr ▼arieir of style and price*, at the atom on Market nil door fnnsTMipa • • myU3t Oiu-O.^ r x Marpby bat lately rec’d ia awcrtmaat of, above food* for Cape* and Capa, of new style* and b**otiloJ ; patterns. Also; Lace* and EdjnmC* ' ' I NKW BALTIfitOIUC BIIAD—9O bbl* liernof; ikfcuuve ASi SO do Shed; 0 do No 1 Mackerel; • 3 hlfdo do do latgiatud - B&qcsfc Co . liberty at opposite amilhdeld ' Eagle sa^oost—ice cream—TUa molar place of resort will be open fox (he itimil aeec* nmg, May art. •'''* ’ ' ay> GELEXh FLAHIIEIrrI Laleina miUedGrcei! Flannel,joit-receleedbj «y*__ BHAOCLBIT AWHITK • BROWIT IHIKTIaaS-A. iMK iaroic 0> Mstem Brawn Shirtien—light, nudtam, ui k>*l T7.i3«treeeiTed«iid(oruMiir”' \ j *H*tonjsrtk-WBtTE- OPASian OtriTAHB— Aati» tafUiKioarf. P nwmofwpraporior BptnttbOoHm^bT Ike Loll Pul. muoftetort^Jo,, feriKoJ ■ 2£~ .1' '"' JII MELLOM p'sss'us sssfc I*** 1 *** **** » _. ; ' jR intDcioE»-00. -OCtiaKbWoatMßMTbllfe g >u j t—cy, w— of wiif ’*. ■ -s jrs&s&fiy -—-1 .*▼ *J - I ss^a^r.gg&»iß*»- I «pW«w »»Urttw w. TMlafrfrfcii ... w ? CT| Mb-. twto ano? vict sr.s&& M .»« T^SS^LfSnSS 1 * '“"“t* T>tTPT*R * ZiARD—9 bbU Moll Bmier • *• 1 :»p3O •■■■.—_■■■ P • . , : WKXA MeCANW^SSfV ■P3O COT WBWtA W«fr >fc ' ]UOUUKM.HoiwadS. Ortnu. far ; IVAty tp». WICK A McCANDIEKsT R* c J£-I»Moc««itdferttl«bV.< *, _ «pao wict 4 :., g *>» i Wick A MeCANDI.ESS fcweb Saltfr far ula by , ■ •a.>aptt-,. t WICKo McCaNpIBSS Term. Cotton. to arrire.te \J <*!♦ by tp» t MCKEY ACo “ : V > >* <• l«Ht?fer»»tabT -SB -POBS>TH A Co ..tcryptw W^-^y^iaaassag.B. -SB :■■ -I . /- IPW.g»««ln' ■' •:: ■»1 WIULUM3* ATWOQcVJONES ACb U —Wfcy 11,1 ,- 1, D. WILLIAM* A Cta gr-»yt~ - -= * JPwluliamsaCo' }? — A prise ankle al*as» ad luntf ao4 pu «i« by J D'WJU.IAMSJtCa b “ ft** talc icnra *£gaft n y f «cialK—■|j> m fry , l , . ar> FKIEgSTBUBr* do, wiltr » rram,a PWHH. »aih liml.tr . -_ 1 * W ■ -'tv.! .rntißKD. Enr.Vltt. 1 JOb«!e*tottrivo. fcr utebytt - V T» FgIBND.EHEVtC TO7HITB Ultl-MO bo for s*le by Tt "7 L - ■■ -FKIKND. EIiF.V nOLDBV ntibf " ~ °»r» f BIEND. BHKV k. Ca }BlCasl AJiD APFUEt-3Sod.ua p«S WVfini. ~ gAFAHjremnrg * Co ’ IAOOa-IUjQOIbi Bb«BJde7«r _' • ' Wfor k. front nr— K BALES 'Velvet Saule Cork*, J««t received aaA tor •St 1 tr 84 PABNESOCI k Co 522i_ • : ear 8m 4 w»dm ; FbruJeby - *?. C-ny. SSgg lt, S^ T ”^rnSa^ i g^ OJJ-HDUSB-J301,!, CiliDirrjd Q.0diM.t0,.,!, , .*0 ‘""“BSE®* i of- Cgg^^.glßßSsfrttfr. CCtmcMrai_ B fibt.bBWfciB t »; br«^^ ' - ATWOOgjOWBI^ BOCKETS-60 doses, fcr «!. by - *m poEaYtatcp ( 13 to* »*Se bj . J". OR sud 10 lb ceoUtcnof Mntard,fomJobV kacar p*Acfifii=s»bnssnw lisdfttjihbjr. . UDTCi U -■P* 7 :• N»4B wtCT. * >UTTBB—IS ken Bcilar, to ub by »- *P* y , IT JAB DALZELL I A®i£-4k e *iL«xd,fe*«»labjr M-ffll. ; , JA3 DALXELL w°?&* w <»aUf MleJ: PAL3EIJ. i 10 OQBX9£xi.Loffwoo4,ftmt*by *!>. ' A. FAHNESTOCK ft Co' •• twoodni w- CUNNINOIIAM * BOMNRR 144 IiIKTIT «t TUlt VAVIT-tSObHippiOf . 120 dm. Puciia; tot nk br CUWNllfQltSt * BONNKA 8«. JWt received aid '*», - «*U Ly eplC - i KlDP.W>waod»t /• L'SHSSSZgffF?*: TSSSftftr DOHOQumo bkla j« redceiuSto Stab? ii? J KIDOtCt-Mytitfa . nYrwee reed aad *r n W bv papt» WICK fc McCAWDUMS I)CTTE!I— 4 bbU Fnd Roll Bauer for sais.br '. WICK It JdrCArtDLßtfe *ARH—Pnaw feteaiJoM rewired «d for sale - pit ~ WICSAMcCANDLKSa i Lead* received pei tit ajmi *jm * BT, **i3«rwjjutchisonAco ; flHU)llll>V£riUk3eattHw Nla »y P ' V/cp|» '— I K SCLLEB>,S?woedtt J * 'LAZaiKD oa—Ubblibi «pl» B -EanXi Chipped log wood— ao bib t. »P<>' * K K »EU,KH*,f? wftrt It BMW-WH kof royad, in non «Bd fovWle L..' ' - -f Now wtod It 18 g* jjgf -T» '**atsag!!. IX7BITB UULBUawki, fer mb by.: /7" fy ’ «ya- » - •■’ BJt W HAltBArr.M io.elow mmltomh**- »>» **. ‘ifo^WTH^a*' 500SSSSSt??"' °' ,uU r ** “* • • MIIJCT > MCTEnitIS • Rft BBLS Basin;far tale lowbr • — |: •-; UV “7 3 wllbm imcmsbpr; ATWOQQ. JON ESA Co,, . - -*«m 4 front m !/ do- V; .• O BLACKBOBff fc CO- > >i«u f e«raed ISONa.CO',