: . ' >—rjl :: ' PRICE SEVEN DOLLARS BUSINESS CARDS. A’ LKXA % DKii UOItDOS, Caauni»*fl JLlMwiFf. tm-m( I.W; •»< *>• «*?«* l-i-.U,..jrrn I’. B A Knows i Tlß'Ell, \Vhoto.l. .nd fe- Uii dr«,cr« m Fancy anti Staple Dry Good*, No. 4A M.ijkci .i-J.Jiwr. itoinTVtd- g >* BA. FAHAEBTOCK 4l CO„ WboJeaale A . rots,l UrußpM*.torncr M nod and Cth »«. jyl B A SASIPfOa *• Co., Grocer*, Coma4»;im Merchant* «»** UeaVr*~H'l*itubancb Manufac* tnreil mt el<-v No I'H-fert) Mrccl, Pitl»Durjh._ ocCZ7 4b SMITH. Wholesale Grocer*, 19 U uniitW Wood l*-«t»burßh. 'RIIITII. UACALEV 4b CO, WholewJe Cro „„ >ml I'rodMcc «jr:if?r», No. •JJU Market «»rcet, b«- ween iihandOdK N-nii » •'*•, rUiUJctphia. novS C» A. McASI'LTY Ji. CO, FurwmrUiu* ao4 ;.r«nia-.Mioii M. r-'.lu .i«, final Hawn, PiUiburgt, I*. inchJ /I ORLANDO Aihtuc)-*ll-«w, of \>» tic* m* 4'li nrw »ul • vo SHmll.fi'-lil. Wm Col-M.Bi. joim C. Jfiinin**. Ja». \V. lUiUn*o. / IOCIf&A.V, HAIL-UAN A CO, Muiufacjurei* \J A U. oml Spring I»tec Kill 111 r«*.-h Tnmnnnt* ot every «le*- ,npi.o.Tl».rMuii»Pl l MY 0.. M- Cla.r «i; W»f.Uow-« w£> 4 A . i.m - A C'li.tW Hotel j»»« - - ( ,V- , }. Carwhera. £iK£.£s yy «. r*. iii W’m «ml Hi Fronl \ / irXMM.IIAM jfc.BOXKKH,WhoIM«i«Gro \( ; „ r , »ml l-orw»Blmf. Merthiau, \a. »»d r.u*l‘ur t 'U manufacture*. No ««» kcikwhi. /VinsO\ MfKNIOIIT, (..oct-Mut. u> 11. I . ' , , WUoUtiin Uttf'eM, Cumnmiwn f„j ;„■„<«! jin. taint, in Proanee «nd piitrl.iirr.il Mh-.ui'r. tar. «. Ml ■»■■«. taw.™ VJtad mujJ.iOpnv. P^u-l.ur t bJ‘* B£lli ' , \ VEAtiKH. lui|ioUr» iuia wu»»e*»le «i»a (, (•„!„ Y ana Vaneiy w*U of iiirL.,ll CViiiit IU-t Maikfi varri, »w»r LiOeTty^Puu- LdfKli._l’:« - I'V 11. Fit AI.H M. IWaliT i» i'Toduce «nd Famdy L) K.-f. |i.(...••. N'otO L.u-ii) .i, uett door to cor- Oft* . . . j.n.V. 1>„ .lo|. ' J. lUfiMa ***fll -I\l-.'JL.Ol* hhlil iMtsburyb nwnnfae rof... t 1.i1.i- 11 j and Hand «ts., Pitubufgh, P* -• ' - ... UXD l- aKJtSITT. n\i;L,MI -V UKJiNETTi (late Kusbuta, Gal |4 ,* , u tirtK-rr^CommmtananJ h> : ; rh.,.u. «»d IWlrw in Produce and I'Vi.l.utejAuiiufe-iiiie., No. T. Wood street, between .1 nod Th.rd m*. - . HAGUAW X MolCSimiT, Attorney* at Law, ;•!. ,;!h .ir'f-V;, I, r . u wn Cherry Alley ;r:^ r mu-*. ' ‘ j»n«» w««; 1X t VII nil KV A. C 0„ Wholesale Grocers, \* , Meicbams, and Agents for UrieMon „ „ \ 3.-,- No* j 7 Water und UW Frontstnwi* I‘ias- I Tre! t"t ' few H UH UK, ratio Fone Manufacturer and deal l‘\“x m'*c-s l««n.me..tvU*Wood .wjwi cm tittc\ni jourf a. loima- TMJttJiVTU A Co, Coii«mi**’K» and Fomx&at p Nlrrrit 3ui». N.'., .'Pi \V-iwr *t. Pit»l>uryh. m»> H _ FUANCIB 81CLLH.B.S, «ioccr, Ctomnt>».ioa '|rr, uuiii anJ dealer in L’roduee, Cordage. Uilt, V. x V : 1 il.rnv •!. near Canal Uaam, I’litaburgh, U. ok'.m. filch, M--m.Ua Rope. Ac, **•*•« band. ™ - • H. kjvtoS, l>euler in Glove*. llo»iery,'and J* • I'ancy ai d Staple Trimming*, to Market ttrcei, 52. " «i.». NORQA*. WiTWHi* TALK tt. / * LOIIOE MOIUiAJI A. CO , Wholc*aleGto Cj !. er. umt C'otumiraiou Merchant*, JO, IMuiiurgb Pa v-riEO.' A BEHUV Wholesale Grocer and Com .. t«> ' M: B. Brown. pBo" W. SMITH * Co M Drewew, (j and dealer* mlto?*, Pittsburgh and »°‘ n ‘f ,e 1 w * cnc», I’enn and Pittstreeis. i* ol GFORUK COCllRAa»>Conuni»*ion and For warJmg Merc-bum, No. tf >V od aucet, l nub«ir*b. - ""“ (jco. O Biovrnc. tjVill. \ Il'ttOWNK, Uucccmoi* lo llD i?y U 'R XI X Urownc.l Importer, m! ownufaewrei* •*}*■»} andUearral l*.per Wareliou.e, No. S 7 Wood •trreu P.ifburnli Je - f i a V S A BROCKWAY, No •iCom il mrrci»l Row, arar U»e c*u»l I ilwOurxh mrhVtHll)' .. Hilary buusot. wuitk a ked lkax> Manufacturer. rum A Oil Mcrchint, corner of Lib erty /uiA O’llnra «»., Pnuburjh. l*" I *- . miiß DICKKT. BOBBBT DICKXT, JB. Isaiah dickey at co, \vhote«ai c Gmcera, /L C. ainn.ion Merchant* anddealer* to Pioduce, No* \\ *if r and 107 Front iireel., FiaiburfU. nors ‘ IOSEPn K.NCNK, Attorney ai Caw, Fitnbutgh. J 'it,, ha.* rc.mnen the practice of hi» profeuiou >b lui oliici' No 7, Uakewell’* Building*. Grant •ireeUOC* c upi« -l during, bn ab«enre by T. J. Chn.l;e,E*sf*._ ' _ T OllN D. JioaaAS, Wbolerale Druggift, and J dealer m Dy KiutT*. Paint*. OiL,V»rai»be»,*C, No t»J' Wood muri, unr door Sooth oi Dibfflond A 1 «Ti I AMES KKIUV Ja. A Co.. [tuceeMor* to JoKph »f li Dan*] Ship Chandler*,3ff Water n. toIIN WALKER, Agent fat Je»*op A W» J s ;cr j Nosa Wood street; b«« conttaßtiy-*>n band j, larttr of Extra Ca«t, Ca« Doable and »£ rip Snrar.tiennanand Kngti»h Binter Steel; which he Tnti * ,•:! «n its mn»t aeconinKkl*i»»g term* roil* J Min Mu-ir and Mu.ical ln«irumenu, School Uooa•, Fappj Slaict, Sipjtl Pent. Umll*. Printer* Card*, ana *rtr,..M-rv -purrulty, No S» Wood «, PuvbOTjh. i‘7*R*V , J«HiChiof Ukeu in trade. » C P IS _. f SC lIOOS MAKER A. CO. wholesale Drug ,| . .So Wood it. Piiubntgb. * r P‘ s _. IUMEPH JOHDASI A Kl>N,Conua.««*onanS*p««‘e p,n.iut*pl«i.u.-iu*.i.-oi»--Row _ : rOHM «AlriaATIN, Aitoraey at Law.Oftee • I i h >4 Ex , i tiamj*" Broken, corner of Wood md Third tueeu iMrti-bajit'* How*! Building*,) Pittsburgh. P». »• ryh ,. v nurrhated at the mail rale*. Oc IXI , ,OIIN GIIIKR, Whole**!* Uroecr, dealer in P»- ,) I'tiuhurrth iiuuiufccMm, .Tin flatt, Ac; Ac* L'heny »u H.tuf-urph. . !*" I Bichard Floyd. Hate J. Floyd A Co.] Wfaoletale Liberty street. . «eptf r x B/PLOVD. j , tirorrr*/Nn ij-J ' ls7*K WU 1 AMKH OAI*a?KX*l», Whol««aleUrocer.Con.mi» M,-reliant, slnrt dealer m PrwJoceand Puiaborjb murium"- K-* Wnit L' S. WATERMAN# Wholeaala Gibear, For .‘ward.nc and] OomrniMion Merebaat, Dtakttn l*iaurrh Mano'aijuiferand Produce, Noa. 3l W«J*r i.»d H 3 Pram m« J L»Wlg HUTCHISON A Co, Wholnile ForwdnPn* ■ nd «. i*rtt«!.tWb- John MKiiU. il. B. BanhfieW. •***• D. ■iII GILLS A JIUSHPIKLp, Grpcei*,asd,Cofu- M. tai»»»on.Merciaoia, N«W Liberty atreel, Pitta b«r*U. _j_ , £2l!*-, M AJlra. Alex. Ninwek. ' Win. K Nlnuek MAI.LES & Co., CommiMwn and Fo;w«ldiB» . MrM.euu, Water and Froaiat*,betwtr«lWoptf and Mifkirt. 1 J*£®_ MV Kim, iiuKTKU k Co, WiiolessltrCroem No Liberty »u __ Jt'«^ WM MITAXJL. I c. w. uccctmb/ Miller. t uickjgtsos, Wholesale Gro cer* anti Cootiaualaa Merchant*. No 170 Übtltf ~,rru Pai-J'urali. pH iaitti McCOHD It KISOf wiwleule and retail | list and Cep reanwlactutwa, sad dealers in Fancy J-"ur«. rornrr o( V\ Ixxl and Fifth sis. jeg 0 MA J- SLOA !T| Wholesale Grocers, Desiesstn . I'lCKluer arid >*a!i«snd PorwaMlfih tAdOnht&l**' ,on sad ‘iO Wood meets, •übur*h - - • i.fie, . j'nwburirl* _ -j. *, Vf HOUMESfdfc BOS, N«rC6 MukeV.treeL l\ . onJ door comer or Fourli, peaJefaA* for rirn km) IJwnwue. Bill* of Exchange; Ceniftfcafei of flank Noie* and Specie. I CnUtrue’ii vwdt »w a4fj«frweriya/ Hutu : ' dcc!7-. MI/RFII V, WlLSOffi 4 GO* Whetemla Dry. Uooda itealtra, No. 8 Wood street, .Pirttbargit wtfiZ __ ! i ir^V' r "i r oTiidrri' ; T. A CulUctuoa. C Htirani POINDEXTER a Co, Wboletale Grocers and Commueu n end Forwarding March an l*j Wait Water atrect. . . tlectf R" 11. HAWKINS, Attorney ,m Grant . Uiktwtfll’* Building*, baarfy oppoiiie tbe'Ncw iVjuTt House. - eplOd>B* . RODBRTSOS t 9SPPXBT,'MdBce Dell. i»n end Cocnmiaaioo mere heal*, No lop Second at, Piitshnrrli. ■ ■ M P»*- Rlf’irenn TrW*®B< Importer and Dealer in Foreign nod Domefuo Saddlery Herd- 7rtmminf*/° f all deacnptiouajNo |JB Woo:T»nncTa audCtirriets Tools, and Tanner* OiLfNo. |til to ond *t Fitubnrjli. K(>t3 Robert duzklLTcoi, WNmaie iiro rer*. Cotnrai\«ioe and Forwarding Mcrcham*, dea ler* m Produce ond'Pituburrh Manufacture*, Liberty mect. I'auburxh, IV fcl>J4 KOBT. IOIIIOK. Bik'l. I. BOBISO*. RROBISOS A Wholesale Grocers, Pro • duce anlD-ly_ L. O. Reynolds. J. L- Bhee. RKYHOL.D* A IDEE, Forwardin* and Com mission MerenaKi, for the Allegheny Hirer Trade, dealers hi Groceries. Produce, Pittsburgh Manufactures and Chloride of Lime. ’ Tbe higheil price*, in «uk, paid at -all timei for Counbutxb Manufacture* and Western Pro duce, have removeoto.ibeir new wi»reho«»e, (old ttaufl) No 3S, comer ofFront »t and Chancery l~»nr novT SAMUEL M. KIER, Fnrwardirr and *ion Merchant, Dealer >n Salt. Produce and P iu» burgh manufaeiured aitirlen, Canal Ba«m. near 7th «i. «ltl SN. WICKKUSIiAN, Deal*; m &<-, FJow • «r», FfuiiTrces*' ll * AKtit'ultura] Implement*,No I K WooO nfftl Pittsburgh. - frUi fjMlUa. KKiNfsKUV, Jr, Ijoakiug Ola"* Maiiularlu 1. rer, and D-faniiabinc Hardwire,. uu«i Fancy Good*, 104 Wood street, near Fifth. _ . JOBS 0. WICK. DA.YIU JU CIHDX.XM \X7ICK A M’CANDLESS, (wcceour* toL A VV J- D Wick,) Wholesale Grocer*, Forwarding: and Cunimi'iion Merchant*. dealer* in'lron, Kail*. Glass, Cillon Vain* and Piltsbuigh Manufacture* generally, enroercf Wood eud IVaurals, Pittsburgh. mrlilS WW. WILSON, Watchmaker und Jeweller, • corner of e uaed or recorded tn ;lie State of Obu>. Office on rtiird »teld. WO. AVQfIIRBAVOH, Attnmry at Law • Fifth itreet, near Sraiihflald. Collecting, agen ciea and other basmcsa attended to with punctuality. RttttLlCD- Biaacllt k Semple, Wm. Croghan, Ear). B A Fahnestock A Co, John llerron, Ks*j, John Wright, Esq, Mb|. William Larimer. Gris, ft Co, Jin*a McCully, Ea»j, jKH-ly j, buya!"r, RECTIFYING DISTILLER, 4*D WBOLtSILff IX poreius & mum tyim l liqlors, No. 114 Liberty and f>3 Diamond ailry, mrsnußoii, pa. _ | _ _ ___ . /ADAM HO EH WIIOLESADKaad Retail ])e*ler to all kind*of Be* fan, Sotokinf and Tobacco and HnutJ: Union street, scarjke Diamond, riHsbor«h_ myil ' WARRICK MARTIN & Co., Banitn, Lkaltrt in Rrckangt,\jtaiJi XoUt rui J Pe/*, Comer of Third and Wood street*, norlfl-dly PltUhurf b,_Pa. II W William*. t Wm.M 9hmn (Sore/iMr ts Lttwit IK TFiWapjf.l WILLIAMS k SHINN, ATTORNKV9 AND COUN9KU.OR9 AT LAW. OQKJffice Nerb side of Foanb Kt, atiove fabl7dAwlyF 1 : WALUKQrOOP A Cot I SECOND, NEAR w7>OD STREET,. I AcLiti ton Natlo* t Co.’f Htkkl Hare oo baud a lull •**onra?ni of Cast, Sheas, _fcbl9 ■ llunu aaJ Osakan Steel. B.'j. 11ESRT, ATTORNEY and Counsellor dt Law, CINCINNATI, OHIO. Collection* to Souther i (Hilo anil m'lndiana and in Kehineky, promptly ana carefully utirnded 10. RK PE IT TO—lion. Ricbard Biddle, Win Bell k Son, C uni*, Win M'Kuigbt,Church 4 Carothrrs, Vmllay*, Esq., James P. tftbart, Wiltock A Uavi*. __ iV& __ f Oliver Blackburn. George 11. Jone*. O. BLACKBURN A CO , WHOLESALE Grocer* and Dealer* in Oil*. Boat store*, ami Pittsburgh Manufactured article*, have on band at ail time* a full and general assortment of roods in their line. Water street, near Cherry Alley, Pittsburgh- _ rom thb taut or BOILER IRON, BOILER HEADS, FI.UK A FIRE BED IRON. E. F. SHOENBERGER PITTSBURGH, PA. Ilarmg taken the Warehouse formerly occupied by M. R. Rhey A Co. Water Street, near Evaa'i Steam mil, Wi>l keep on band a fall supply of all cue* of Boiler Jron and Head*, Flue and Fite-Bed Iron, made from Uaemi; which will be told at the lower! -market rate*. Engine Buildera and other*, are invited o {all and examine hi* (lock. Orders promptly at* ended to. _ jyildlr JOHN M- TOWHBKSD, b|uggisi and Apothe cary, No AS Market at, three doers above Third iu, i Pittsburgh, will have constantly on hand a welt select* lod assortmentof the best and frcsliestMedici'ler. which be witl salt on tliU'Wcst reasonable term*, rtiysiciana •ending order* will l>e prorapll7 attended to, and sup* plird Willi article* they may rely upon aa genuine. |T~/~Phyaician*' Prescriptions will be accurately and neatly prepared from the best material*, at any hour of the day or night. Alto for sale, a large stock of fresh and good Perfu mery. . ’ i*nl J. B. BWE.ITZKR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, n. P.M.SELSOXkCO., :R/fANUPACTURRRS«f Hemmered Obovela aad IVI Spadee, Boa«,flayaad Maaere Forks, fce., Ac. Warshease, No II Wood strett, Pnt»bur*to. wartt FORWARDING k COMMISSION, A. W- WsUiD^jord. WALU.VGPOOD & CO. CnMUIrfHtON] A- FOK W AKDING .MERCHANTS. DtKf >R« IS lIK AV V HARDWARE AN U PITTSBURGH SIAIVt'FACTt'RKS. W AIU:m«U."hK t-econd Mieet. near Wood, and Canal Uayin. L.lifriy street, have onhuud and for talc 100(000, lira a*-orted Sterl, v,<: Naylor A Co'* C»«1. Sheir, IHi-ter and German t*s**l. Jonci ACJu.jtp i Ajo Blister Spring mid Fork u 290 doi tjliuvrjj, >pud?\ und harks, Carriage **i'rir»3* and Axles, Anvil*, (reuuik- hole;) Vier*. (patent ami common,) Slrdga*, Sicdgc Mould*. Crowbars; Furnace R.ngerv, (Juniata Irou.l Mattock*. Ciay mid Coal Picks, Axr*.ilic*. fickle*. Chains. Ac.. Ac -11 Fit® •ProorSafra. Itoit. Nail*. Glass and other I’l'.iiUuigh Manufactures sold .nn., ) am; I‘ono Ru-o; I’ctui’a.,) SenH«eaf To Culm; ' Jguni.; and Fkmdu.) haeco, Al-SO—Bnuicli’» rch-hraied Aromatic Slag Caven di«h, with a lijiyr naturiinent of. other popular brand*, and qualities of pounds. S* -* 12* 16* and fri* Lump; 3* C* i* nnd Id.' Ping, l.ndu I *’ Twist; Virgiuia Twist, Ar, «wert mu! plniii, in whole and half Uitr*, wood and iiu. together wiLk every variety of nmole l-elong. ing to the trade. jeld-dly J D Leiimu, (■ W Axn«Mi.v. Lateof Pittsburgh. Pu. I.m- of N:i*bvi!le, Teun. IKiIiFIKR A ANDERKON. Dealer*,nCotton, J forwarding and Commission Mcrehant*. No. K Front street, aUivr BrouJrtav. Cmoiunan. <»hio. Kssxx in— ' Thus. R White. Af. Alien A‘C O ) Ifagsley A Sintli. j I'.mhuieti Wm. Bingham ) Seay A Shepherd, 1 Mstun 4 McAliMer, J Na-.hville, Trim. Ycalruati ArnnsteuJ J W; F Lane A Co., Jaiu.-nllc, Ky -Springer Aj Wh ieu.an, > ~ 4> Jayne* Jolinnon A (»>. $ Hew.-11, Hrrnti A Co., .New (Mean .Magrreerdr A- Motti-. New York Duvall kcy-I.ler A Co.. Balimiot.- Siuiih, Haguley A f\j., Philadelphia. Daniel Deihon, Boston jau9 J. W, l.r.nvieii - " W . "o'.' VY ,|m,„ J. G. W. LEFTWICH 4, Co.. KEFKIVINU. FORWARDING, ’ And Commtaalon Merchaata, PLA4UKAIINR, Lt. PARTICULAR attmirun paid to consignment* of Sugar Milln. Mng.ue*, or other article* fur Opelousas anu Aifaknpa*. RF.FFtt TO—Messrs. Hirltielil A I.ightlow, Mt Tho mas Limerick; New Orlcnr*. Messrs. Linton A Betictsuu, Mr. Z M.Shfiiey; Lou isville. _ f».Me»sr* llaH A Spier. Mr. Witt. O’Leary. Robert Wighnnan. ArnutrougA Nicholson; Pittsburgh. Mr*«rv lleuan. Tod.! A Co ; Cinemnnti. bienvr*. Ilyiie* 4 tlra.gtie.ul, ,Mr**i*. hMwards A Whiteall, Iloii. Zriion l.abauve, Ron. John Dutton; Plnijaeinine. La ee|H-Iy CRAIU, UKLLAN A Co., ’I.OIjR FACTORS AND PRODL’OE COM ’ MISSION MERCHANTS. LIBERAL Wuot- Sriiitr, I'tritßi hoi, to transact a general Coiiiumxina > Uusmcu; especially in Uic purchase and sale of American >Manuiactu-ca and Produce, aiul in receiving and forwarding (•(•els consigned to his care. As Apcnt lor the Mauuiaclurere, bo will be constantly supplied with the principal articles of Pitlstnegh Mauufaetrrve nt the lowest wholesale prices. Order* and corwijintncnta arc respectfully solicited. )f7 0 K Cunwaj ' J. L loiitli!l'>OU U. P. COSWAY ijoor'abova tlie tiet.dof Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. j Liberal advances, in cash'or goods. mnde on con sigttmrm* of produce. 4e , Ae. mcblO J, J. ALLICN, COMMISSION MERCHANT, NO O'.SOUTH WATER M\ PIIII.ADA. HAS on timid anil oJers for Sale—Bleached Winter and Spring Sperm 0:1, Blenched VVin'cr and Sprier Sra Klrpi.uoi Oil, Bleached Winter and Spring Wlialt Oil.'racknitiWhak 0,1. light color and free from forltnr, ami TanneO’o,l Also,'pure African Guano :n bag. am! Panels marCihftn* ' MfcluCEß, UROTIIEUM A Co* ” COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Forlhn sale of l'ftn(u.cK generally, F 4 J I, A DEP ti l A. fT7”t.thcrttl advaacus made OM'con*igntiirni»../J] Ptltlail*, Ileccjnliei t ti. dCiu U. W. MATiIkU'H. W. I. fATCU. MATHEWS A PATCH, COfIfIUSIOS aERCHASTS, I No. 4H Water Street., ST. louir.Mo. Will givg parttcnlar stimtioli w the selling of Pro duce , and m order* fur purchasing - IIkTU TO —George Morgan A l«j , Piusburrh, Pa. an*ll , J John J M'Kcehan, C 1) l,'ull.rn"um. JOHN M'CVLLOUUII A. CO. CnminUsiuu and l f uncording Merchants, NOH. p;i &. 95 SOUTH ST. janS7ly»l BOW I.INfPR WIURF. Baltlraor* TIIOS. J. C ARSON, A Co* COMMISSION k MERCHANTS, i Nos. 8 and 9 Light St , BALTIMORE. |J7“Co*h nrtva tee* wtll be made on consignment to he above 1 kddri a*, by ■jsn'J ly ; _ OAIwON AMcK.NHJ IIT, Sixth at. c;eo. b. niltenuf.hoeh, BTF.AM BOAT iOENT, COSnUSMON 1 FUBWABUINQ MERCUAHT, PRODUCEIt MERCHANDISE BROKER, auglV Office. No. 50 Pimborgh Pa. J. NEWTON JONES STEAMBOAT nKROHANT HONONIi A IIKI.A HOUSE ■ Pittsburgh, P* BA, fai'inektock A Co*». white ■ LEA I) WORKS.—The undersigned bsve completed works, {nested no ibe bank ol the-river above ihn Aqueduct, in Allegheny city, -ppn«iia l &tt»bttrgh. for the manufacture nl a stipe nor -qUMtiVjTt®* * hlle lead, both dry and pound in o[l| also, rod leid and lilheragc. Having availed thcmielve* °r nil the recent improvements in its manufacture, and erected the budding* nn a very extensive scale, and with capacity to mslui lead in lirffe qaiuitilies, thoy W >ll be able to supply orders Tfcahnnat any «tent. "P* -^ l p r = r lIAVK Received from I’hiladelpbia e large assort- Lfteent of Pplitot Cksmaer Blinds of sopernr meke “f finah 1,1 utTnoble, Upt01.,,,,, L-• - Opposite Bask of Pittsburgh PITTSBURGH. TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 4. IS^ MIiSOELUNEOUS. agency fob patknts. Washington, D.-C. ZE.NASr, ROBBINS. NJechanieal Engineer and Agiint (nr procuring Paiciita, will-prepare (he ne cessary Drawiiie* and Paper* for Applicants for Pat nit*. and iraimaci all other business in the line of hi* ptofr >.*iori at the I'atent OAiee. He ea* be emtsalted on all nuesnou* rclat.ng to the Taienl Law* and deci sion* ,n the United Stales or Europe. P® *on< at a distance deriinu* of having eraminatioii* ntsde at thn- Patem office, prior to making application for a paiem, mav lorwanl |pou paid, enclosing a fee of Sire dollsrt, a clear *iattini;ni of their case, when immediate atten tion will he given to it, and ail the information that could be obtained by a visit of the applicant iu perron] ptomptl) communicated. • t AH lcit«-r» on business tnuti b* |«jst paid, and contain, a suitable fee. where a written epimon is required. Othcc on F street, opposite the Patent Office. I le ha* the honor of referring, by permission, to Hon. Edmund Burke, CommiMionei of Patents; Jn® p. Smger. 1 lon. Hl. Ellsworth, late do do do; If Knowles, Machinist, Patent Office; Judge Crancb, Washutgtou, D C; lion R Choate. U S Senate; Hon. W Alien, Ohio. do; Hon. J B Bowlin, M C, Missoun; Hon. Willis Hail, New York; Hon. Robert Smith. M C, Illinois, Hon. « BreeseJU S Senate; lion J 11 Relfej M C. Missouri; Capt. H M Shitjve, Missouri; Krastus Brooks, Esq., Pittsburgh. ■ JAMES W. WOODWELL, riTTUßcana fussitdri ware room*, . No S 3 THIRD STREET, . A t.AßGKandspleodid assorinroni of Kurnilurc, B9n|n for Steamboats, B^^^Si.Hoirl*.and privaieDwcl lin<». rniistamly on hand and made to order. The prevent ‘lockoulund cannot be excelled by any nisnufacjory m the western country. Person* wishing to porchYsc would do well by giving me a call, ns I am determined my price»*hall please. Part of ibe stock consist* iu 5o Sofa* w.nh Plush and Huir-clolb covers; •Jdtii Mahogany Nurse Chair*; 14 pair Divaun; ‘ 12 do/ Cue mahogany Chairs; 12 mabo*uny Work S>andt; J dor mahogany Rockmg Chairs; 15 matble top Drc-siog Bureaus • b pair Oitoniaiu; h marble lop Work Stands; l“cherty Work Stand*; Mahogany, Maple, Cherry \nd' Poplar Bedsteads of till J- rriptmn*; and a large aivonnicni of t'o'miuon Furniture and Chair*, h»niuio.-rou* u» menuon. tuarVtf NEW HARDWARE HOUSE. JOSEPH WOODWRLL, Coiner of Wood and 9d its . Plttabureh, HAVING withdrawn from the old hrni of Walker A Wood well, uu the T»t of January, 1547, I take pleasure in announcing to my frirnil* in the city and country, that I have opened my new store at the above named place. Having purrlu-cj my good* for cash, and made srrsngeurnt* with manufacturer* in thi* rounuy and in Europe to he «ranantlTWptr!witT''Rtß“ fully prepared to fumi*b Hardware of all kind*, on as Sood terras and as low as any bou*c East or We*i Irrchams and others arc respectfully invited to cal and examine my stock, before purchasing fclsewbcre. The following comprises ■ part of ray stocK- Steamboat and Saddlery Hardware. Gun Trimming*. Files, Naylor's SteeU Cutlery, Edge Tools, Anvtls, Vi ces, l*jcks. Latches, Strifes, Scythes, Butt Hinges, Screw*, Union Factory Mahoganv boards and venrers, and all other article* connected with the Hardware business. > mehlltf GAZZAM'6 PATENT BEDITEAD. '' NOTWITHSTANDING 6n inurtiuJ opposition to this inrenj lion of a Pittslrargh Meebamc, a ma jonty nf the Cabinet makers of this m and Allegheny city, and their numcr, ou*cu»touiershave*hown themselves aliove the vulgar prejudice agam*t Asmrrncmtiatw, and they giro (iamm'f Bedstead the pretereuce, simply because it dtsrrta it, being the bo>l. toongist, and matt conrenimt Utdstead in use. Tltc following testimonial speak* for itself?— We. the sub-cribers. practical cabinet maker* of the cine* of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, do hereby cer tify that we have bought the right to uiamifkeiure bed siead* with Uazsara's Patent kasientngs, and consider the same superior to any fastenings with which we are acquainted. James Lemon Joint sTGrew Tll 1 osng ACo _ Robert Fairraan t~ J R llattley James B Barr John Lwtgctt. Jr. J»«. I.owry A Sfon Ixwne A aib’ti Kiddle A Dreonan Tlioraa* Farley Hugh il Wallace David Luker Rautscjr A At'Clcllaod Hugh Wallace Moses Bulluck David l.ukey For Rights to make tnd sell the above Bedsteads apply to EBKNEZEK F GAZZaM, dcclO Patentee i)ATEI?t PRESS BRICK MACHINE 1 'l\ e nibsenber* having obtsined a paiant, May 16 I~JO.I ra Piesg Brick Machine, and having since then thorn ghly tcsicd its ab-lny, are now prepared to sell right* and rontfact m deliver machine* to any part of Uic I- uted Stale* Tb- inai lmie is designed to make Brick from crude cln>, and will make 3U, UIb rood silKlu' firm).rick prr dal. »nflioeiil|v hard to fUCa Up m the kiln; thus avoiding (hr expense and labor ofpre parin t the clay.drying and handling tbo Inick alter being noulded. It i* simp.V-strong, not Ifabie to getatu outoT repair, and iscomitruried that it can be taken lo piece* and pot lojjether with great farility.thui render* ■ng it ,iortablo. We are now building machines, and can turniahlhrm on short nonce. For a full description ! wew jfd refer »n n machine now in successful nj*era tiocu ,t Mill cret k tmiiom, near the West end nf Eighth •treeu wbete we *hall l.e happy io explaut everything t ronuteted With it to alt who may call. We have at present no authorized Agent- All letter* to our address will bu promptly attended to ..p-ztor BOLIVAR KIUK UIUCKS. EXTENSIVELY’ te.tedaaJapproved during the past two )ears. I>y the principal Uan taanofaoioriesin die western country, aud throughout the interior ot Prmi*y I vama. will be ready for delivery on the opening OI Navigation, The material ntt wbichtbeir durability and sutlernirity depend.. l» »< let-led by experienced itn nrn, lnougbi front Maryland, where the discovet y was fust made—the fusible mailer, with wir-rh it is iml«*d ded. t» carefully separated They will be thoroughly burned and compactly pressed bv machinery, and mi nute attention given bv Messrs. Ilartey A Co the pro prietor!. tn all respect! to maintain their acknowledged superiority. Orders by tnailxir otherwise, will l>e promptly execu ted, on appiicat.on to J ?lUW MACLARKN mart/ Kensington Iron Work* . New fourth street uakkhy, CONFECTION A KY AND FRUIT STORK, will open on Monday. April bib. lour th*or» from Wood st, and next door to A Jnyne * IVkin Tea Store. A splendid »*«>rtinent.of Fancy l'ake v Confeeiionart'l Fruit. Ac iieshonthe counter every dayi amuilg which arr the I'olUiwnig { Maearoona. Found CakS;. III ecu it. Pastry, Sjionge do; Pepper Nhis; Jelly Cuke; Almond do; Molaoes P. Cake; (iuigrr Nuts; Wafer Jumbles; Sponge lllkcun, Federal Cake; A -P’s; Sugar Jo, Orders lor Ire Creams, Jrlly, Brides’ Cake, Fanny LYtnb-cuoaary, Ac., Ac., executed ound to the no nce of the public, 1 ran with confidence say that the opinion' of all who have tried it ptonounce ll the nu>*t pleasant: roapositmn that they have ever used; aad in order to place u wltbm the reach of alt. 1 have reduced the price k>w enough to afford on opportunity to every person to give it a trial and judge (or themselves.. So, (M-ntleroeu.if you wish for a rich, luxurious shave, on with yoor shaving cups, don’t be sci red! il vou’i ctjn much to fill them: and, if yoa are not satisfied,itbe mon ey will be returned. STEPHEN BARRETT Iron Ctty Lard Oil Factory aad Fancy Soap Works, feblX 2th it, opposite Iran Citv Hotel Hardware, Cutlery, Saddlery, Ac. JOHN WALKER, JM PORTER AND DEALER in Foreign and Domeie tie Hardware, weuld respectfully inform his friends and the public generally, that he i* now receiving In* Spring supply or Hardware, at the old stand of Walker A Wirodwrll. No Si Wood street, which he will diijwsr of on the most reasonable terms. lie will be continually receiving fresh supplies direct from the Maaufacturers m Europe and this country, Wlm-h will enable him to compete with any establish me tit, cither East or Weil. Western Merchants are iavitnl to rail and examine b>« Mock before purchasing elsewhere. I mar3_ ANTED SOON—Places in warehouses, retail and wholesale stores, on steamboats, or stuns use ful employment in oorcitirs, towns, or couotry aruuud, for several good -book-keepers, salesmen, agents, ware housemen, schoolmasters, mechanical, farming and laboring men. Alai,' tor a number of boys of different ages. Also, for n number of colored men and women, bovs tflid girls (t7*VTaoted, several good cocks, bousekeepen and girls for alt work. All kinds of Agrncies attended to promptly for mod erate rharges. Please apply *l IS*A AO lIA (inicrsl Agency and Intelligence (Bure ap7 Fifth »!, near Exchange Bank Copartnership. WE. the undersigned, have entered into Copartner ship for the purpose of transacting. tt Produce, Commission and Forwarding business, under the aiyie of DRUM, McGRKW A. CO., ami .have taken the warehouse. No li Commercial Row, liberty street, formerly occupied by Mr W B Pusey— where alt busmesl entrusted to our charge will be promptly and faithfully uttendrd to. j MORRIS ORUM. formerly of Philadelphia THOtf B McURKtV. « Suiith6eld, Ohio i FINDLEY B McGREV'Y* '' 1 | Pittsburgh. March Vf. IH7. , tnehW ; Tts, Grocery, Fruit and Provision Btore. WHiTIKHaI.K AND RETAIL NO. Ml LIRKRTY BTRBET. I DOWN would respectfully inform his 13 old friend* and the publir generally, that he has again commenced bnaine»s in ihesltore braprhrS, next door to his old stand, where lie hopes, by keeping a supply of good articles, setting low for pash, and pay ing sirin attention u» hia patrons, to merit a share'of public psurouage ntrh'Jl _ HtWSK, SION AND DFJJORATIVR PAINTER, U LAZIER AND PAPER HANGER* is now pr«r pated to under mkr the alxivc business m all ns varitms branches, and warrants u> give satisfaction In every respect. Military Standard Banners, Flags, Ac-paint ed to order Odd Follow and Masonic ApH>n« always an hand. Imitations of woods and math ** d*. IUU|UUU for whichthehrghestpricemCAHHwtU he Always on hend,every description of -Writing and Wrapping Paper and Chlonde Lime. __ H ‘ 8 REYNOLDS A RHEE mch4 Horner Penn and lYwin «t«- Pitfhwrgb AND COMMISSION RKW ENGRAVING*. < JUST Received, a splendid assortment of English and FrgMh;Engravings, colored and plain,,of a great variety of subjects, snilahte for Framing, Portfolios, or BerapDook. T A HILIJER me hSO . |(H wood st, near 3th asCTifgiw fgAift’tfmer Bljnfl: Ns. W, FtxtrVi sirsei, ntar tfmd [£7“ All qualities of Green and Dlack Tea* done up m quarter, half, and one pound pscYsjres, ran vine from SO e per pound to A JAYivrA , * Ag’t for PeklaTea Co RACKKREL, RRRKIHG, SALMON, W* THE subscribers keep an assortment of Pickled Fish of Maaaacbnsom and Halifax laapacuon, fer aaW iu lou as wanted at their warehoaao, No <0 North W Sd« U * i ' lP '“‘*' JNOH KENNEDY *Co LITERARY INSTITUTIONS^ PITISBDKIJB VesSe WSTITDTB. f |MIIS Institution, under the care of R* T ; 4- M 1 GosnoßX ssd Laoi, m which all the solid and or nameutalbranchcii of a finished cducalion taught is now open for the reception of pupil® at _ So. 53, Irwin® Row, Islberty Street, betweenUd and 4th nrcou. The Second s*c£*ion will commence on Monday |the 6th of Feu'uary, and it impoftam-ibat-anji—who may design entering should , he preseulas farm® pmcticable either before or at that It tun. rt They have aceured the service* of Pn»fe**or RH*J« BOCK aa teacher of Music on the I’iajw arid Guitar, who is 100 well known to reed rccotntne'tdaiion Also the service* of Mott* CASIMIR LADRKYT, author ol ~Chre*iomatbie de la Literature Francai*. 1 ' »nd other valoable school books ui hi* native language. Mims. L. is agraduate of the University und Normal School of Pans, and stand* high as a teacher, Those who de. sire laobtata an accurate and thorough knowledge of the French Lang wbusJ do wcilio place themselves under hi* instruction For tenet, see Circular or sipply to the Principal. j«tf _ _ TOtISG LADIES' SELECT BCIIOOI*, ALLEGHENY. CITY. 'T'HIS Institution ha* but recently bees opened under X the tuition of Mr N. W. Metcalf, atlhe Corner of Sandtuky and Strawberry ata. The success which has (bus fur attended this School, in as establishment and progress, has fnlty equalled the expectations of it* Instructor anti Proprietor, and war rants the hope that he will he -,0-tained in Ins effort* to render it a desirable Institution for the education of Young Ladies in Allegheny and vicinity. : The First Session of the neat Academic year, will commence on Monday, Felt Hid There arc yet a few vacancies to be filled, but at ihc number of pupi’s is limited an early application is de sirable. For particular*, relative to termii, Acf, consult Circular* or apply to the In-uuctor. febaf VALUABLE BOOKS—Published h; J A A U P Jatnes, Walnut ulroct, between Fourth and Fifth, Cincionntis (•uizoi’a Gibbon—The. history ixi>-onr engraving*; t»y the huihorof "The l'**lor*l Lite and Muuufactures ol the Aacieoif. ’ ; FVtkcr lldr.fonso.or the Priests of t*t Omers: by J. 11. Rebi«m, Esq. . ‘Qwmber’s Orclwpiedia of Lnerainre; a se lection of the choicest production»]sf English Author*, front the earliest to the present t.'me—ronHemrd br a critical and Uiosraphmal hii'oty tiJegAnllf illu-trated—. now being re-puli'lifthe l by tiool.l] K. n-t.iil A Lm.-..!«. Boston. We bar- on band from No 1 (•» "• melu-ive. which complrle* ihe-first volume. We can tarnish ibe whole work_a i fiat as re published. Our assortment of cheap Literature i* now the best and of the most valuable selection} for generiti instruc tion. For sale at iM A MINF.K'^ ap2l sui'et. Jd door liooi 2d New and valuable uooKs-Tbr Coßitilaliniial History of EneliuiU, from the acces sion of Henry VII tn the death Of II. l»y Hen ry Hallam Front the fifth 1-on Jon cdltioii l Great ('.vein* dr-uiibeU l>> dii-iinjui»l,rd bi-tnnun*, ciitomclet*. and uinei wrilrc*. Culirctcd, unU in |>*M translated, by Frauetr l~* her. The Juvenile Hpeuker comprising elementary ritlrs and exercises in Dcctarautiun, with a lelccuou of pit-- ee* for practice. By Prsncis T Rus»r.l. instruciur in Elocution at Princeton and Rutgers*Colleges, to. [Hungs by their Right Names, and other stone*, fa bles and mural piece* lit pruse and verse, (circled imhl arranged from Uie writing* of Mr* UarhuuUf. With a skrlciiof her life by Mis.H J Hate The Juvenile Budget Opened: liett.g seUrtiun* from the innings of Dr. JikJ A.'siii By Mr- Huf= Directions lor lnvn«;orxMng and Prnlnnvmg Life nr the Invalids oracle- By Writ. Kiiekiurr. 41. D. Ai . No X llowttl, Milman and Krut*; dn dn ttoleruige. Hhellry aiul Kent* do do Milwn, Young, t.'ruy, Ib-«n,r,t'(.llii.*. do do - t’rnbh ||eb*r sud Pollock, do do. Cowper and Tbatup*ou; do dn . CamplicU'* Poclu-ai Woik., ircLiv bound m vvlotr Calf; (Lit Milton's Poetical Work*. do llrmail* d.i do du l.uiidou; Mo»rr, Ballon. Uunu. Hoi;g, Hood.'Ac 'Hie al«ve, with " large asMUtifieul oft>n<>k> mail departuiriil-s vi bierutuie, just iecr,T-d and lor sale Very low. El.I lUIT A P'.NtU.IHjl ap-JC tnsrkrt -i bn J.l A tib >t* \|KW STOCK OF MUSICAL I.NttTUU 1> MKNTH ANI) MUS|C-loLn H. Mdlur. No -1 Wood street, between Durinond Alley iind Fu'irih rt. is now opening, and for sale at very low prices, an elegant asrornarru of Musical instrument-, -rlrrn-d from late importations, consisting of— Every smete m the Music business oplft Medical works -a Treat.sr «»« n-vn-c ot the alrpas«agrs. ruu)|><■•‘lirr un mqiMry Into the llisiory, Pathology. Causes, and 'Wrtiiiuent or-tim*** atTcction* of the Ttirost called Hronehitis, t'hronie l.a ryngiti*. Clergyman'* Sot*- Throat, etc .ne , bv Hor ace (Jreen, M 1). Paine's Insritutesof Mednnnr; Treaimeitl nl Insanity—bv Halt; I>.*easesof Children -by Sien-.irt: MajendieU I'tiysiology; ' Cooper’* Horgieal Dict.onar; Hooper's Meitiral do; Copland’- D.t.i’y ot Medicine, Dewet’* on Childteii, Khcrle’s Practice: Webatcr'a Ujcttonary. X vol*.. tivo. For sale by aptG J 1, KKA D. 4th. nenr Market *1 |%T KW i*re«»— HisU.ry ol Moxt 1* co, bor l-’ivrl Wara and Colonial ami He vol u lionary Annals, from life period of thr >|iamsh Conquest, 153), tn the present time. Ut 11; including an account nl the War with thr tlnilrd. States, its Caascs aud Military Achievements, By Philip Young, M I). J A Sc. U P JAMES, Publishers,. Cincinnati. NEW MU.NIC BOOK—Form. —-The Mclodcun; a choice selection of Songs. Doelid/Quartettt, Rounds, WaJUes,aod Marches-, with a History of Music, Illustrated with numer ous engraving*. Imperial octavo. Price cent*. Published and forsnlr by J A fc U I' J.AMr S, Walnut street, bet, Kourlh and Kil\h. Cincinnati, March tS. 1047. NEW WORK ON ttIIKEP —The Amerlruil Shepherd, being a complete Inston'of Sheep, with Ihnr breeds,nnum|ciiiein, Slid di*caser; by L A Mor. r«-lt—iliusicalrd with drawings of tin- ditler-ittibft-eils, Ac. Wjih an appendix, embracing upward*.of twenty letter* from ftmneni wool growers and ■if different states, drtaibng their rc-jieeuvr Inodes of managetnrmt. For tale by JOtINSTUN A STOCKTON BicliW . Hprtki'cllcia, car_market apd 3d »t» T.s. fl.EMiNii, BOOKS, MUSH’, ki\ French,'’ltalian and Herman Violin*; Very superior Uuiurs, in cases; «• English and Italian Violut Btnngs; .French Accordeon*; Violmsello*, Willi plain and pateni Hcrcws; One very superior Double Bass Vmlmcclln l‘l»nonett*. Flutes, Ftfrs and Flageolets. Troml>scetlos, Trorotmue*. and Trumpets, French Horns, Pnntetts, Ophlctides; Drum*. TaiulioriiiCß, Banjos. Ac.. Ac ; . PIANOS! PIANOS It TTKNRY KI.F.ItKK, Dcaltr in pastern Piano Fortes, Jl at J W Worst well’s, No. SS Tliird Hired, The Pianos may be examined at all bourn, aud tho subset i bet wtU be there from U to IX, A. Mand from 4 to S, p. M , each day. PAtsb’g, October ffi, MG [Wg,the,undersigned, would inlornt the cittxrnn nl pituburgh and vicinity that we hava appointed Mr. H. Klebersole Agunt for Western Pennsyl vunio, for the sale of our Piano Fonet, from whom they way be ob tained at our OKI) [Now York! prices ' NUNNS A CLARK New York, Sep. UMft-ocSgdtf New Plattoa. JUST Rcceivid and openad by tbe subscriber, the following new Pianos;—> One clsgam Rosewood, 0 octave Piano Forte, (Fronch Patirrfl.] 1 One elegant Rosewood.octavo Piano Fotie, with carved Gothic Tablets—a splendid instrument. Also, one veiy. gdod second hand Piano, made by Loud A Co, PhDad*. • HENRY KLEBF.R mcht4. : .. htJ.W Wood well's, ta Third st m •: ; pianoa* A LARGEand splendid asMtuneut taaboaauy and rofewood grand ar il * I tfltianTlano^-withmetallic frames and with ail tbe latest improvaptants, which for durabitny, tone and touch »re .warranted fo he eom«, Cud Grinder*. Ac-, Wrought I ton ttaa/nng tuned all »ire* of Can lion. Pnllle* and Hanger*.of die latest patterns slide mod hand Lathes, and tool* ol uiiknid* ' Ca«nng* oi every description furiii*heJ on 'iuirt no lire. Putiem* niatb- to oni*r for Mill Genrinc,, Iron railing,Ac. Steam Pipe for beating Factories. Cn*t Iron' Window Sa*h. and macy Chxhijiij geuerally.— Or.tt r< left ut the M'aiehousr of J l'ulin> r A Co , L.b etl>-►treet, wul have prompt anriii/on. Krraa to Hlai k.'Uii k, Bril A Co., J K Muorlirud A l\>-, G E Warner, John Irwm A Son*; Piil*l-itryli licit J N Wnnier Steubenville. janiu. "• ' tiios'. A.~niLLircn, lOOKt.NU GLASS MANUFACTURER, iiiui fancy j Kufiii*lnii* Warehoure, No 104 Wood fto-ei, near Filih, I‘iH'l'Urgh, Pb , Wpolcxlc midKvisil: l.ngliih HtidFreuch EngruVijig*, Jaiianned-Waitnr* and Troy*; lA>okiiig Gla** Platt'*, by she box or - inglr Io(t0i Table l.ut'erj, J Picture ola*« of ul! sire*; llntminU Tea Ware, in »eit« or •'mglc piece*; Portrait aud I'ittura PruTtr*; F,te Iron* mill FcudeLg^ Toilet Glw*ii, wnh l. ‘d, and I dr.iw*; Herman Silver and IJri'yarnwhTea 4 Table Spoon*; Kami .Magnifying Mirror*; CandtceLelfs, Suulfeis Tray*, (Lit, Pier, aiul Mnntcl tJentlenien’* Sluvinir Ca«r«; lUimh«. Mnir Uru*tirs Ac, hanu, Hotels and Sirnnit.oiil* sopplinl ori hb.-ciil teruis and I‘tn'knig carefully utb-udeil tn IGu ui di«muni for ra»n fd-IT "alTegmeny vRNrrrAN itLiND _ i‘Acroß\. fJOII.f A. BROWN TAKES iki* meilioi mdnibrfn h'K fn>ii ,! * •uld ptrhlir ill Inrge tliul hm Fuetory andqualitie*, uri- conuiantly iojitou hand, also at No. 3 Wood >L, Pitteburgh.at J . A Bliudi repaired at the *honr*l notice. N. B llu Blind* will Im put up, wiihoul any udib tional elrpn.e »o that rhey thii he removed m h mo tnern in ca«e of fire or for washing, and wjibnui the did ol h erew ill e oeiddtvAwt^mly A. FULTON, Belt and lire** I'ounif q> cr. Ua» lehuili aud caaunemwd husiue** at hi* old stand, where he will pleaded to «ee hif old euitomer* trnd friend*. E|3 Church. Sleamlioat. and Bell* of every JcSSh. »14C. (rout 1U to ln.(»K) pound*, cut from pattern* nftlie moM uppriivtil models and warranted m be of tlie be*t innterial*. Mineral Water Putup*. Counter*. Railing. Ac. Ac. ogeihicr with rveiy variety ofllr.t** C«*uugs tfieqatf* ed, turned nml finieliril jn the ncii;;,! timmtrr. , (D*A F i* the -ole |itopru*ior ol Ba6Blt'» Aim* A nKtTiov Metal. m> ju*tly ceteimnei! f,*r the rrduc tion of ftic(.u:i m lu.iclnnery. 'llic Boxe* and Coib|k>> *,l ion can be had of hnn al all Imi-s janl-ly FRANKLIN IKON WORKS, Warthuu&c comer of Wood and Front itreels PITTSBUUGH, PA. fPllF.falucribci* havingpurcha*cd the Franklin Iron X Work*, formerly owned by Mr**r* J A Suicluuo A Co. ami made extensive additunK to them, are tyow ]« market will And u* pre|atrrd o eupply them with u firvt rate uttielc. uttd^mu*us'd erm* n» can be obtained m the ciiy mylt n CDULTEK A Co . Wn.McCULLY * Co. IMITATION CROWN GLASS. HAVING recently made very impnnant improve. urm» m Oio aunufaeuire of the abo** attirle, and aik>|>''- he latent unproved eamcru wheelovru for tint tenuis,. *r a it- miw pteparrd iofurn!*ha»:tri.iHtrol Win duw Gla*«. vfiuul, jfnni »uperi«r. u> any •’) luider Gla.r niadr tti the United State*. anti hut hide interior to the Knc-“l' Frown. V We ar.- ,il»u vcWrXteiuuveJy engaged in the laaitn farture of ComtnijgWinilow Gla*» and l)riigxi»t*' Tinit and Bottlt* ni t-' pry dr»rnpttonr -Dealer* generally me invited to call umlei.iraino for themselves,atom ware* hftu»i-. No |:W Wood..«trt et. Pittsburgh, fa. orr.it > _ . : \V~NV~W ALLA?K, PITTSUIJRGII STEAM MARBLE WORKS, ,Vo». ‘>ll anJ >lO /.iixrry .e choice*! marble, and nianufncUiteri principals tiv machinery, will hr «oM low fbrruih. N, U Petwiitt wohitig u»'purchn«e Mnniele, err informed that u i* henceforth umtemtupy tor them 10 ■to F-ut. a* 1 ian lunusli them vvulynn article m all respect* a» pood, find (freight. i^hrsmA 1 , Ac, consider rd.t a* cheap u* tbry ran them for ta the Rn.i _i‘;iil_ and f > v . . _ COPPEU, NIIKKT 1 4 *<1W.~A«D Tift VV ARK MA.NI'hAOroRY, No « .Matkel ilrwl, l > ill«burj?ll. Petlha. T’llli Aui'vnl.m having made great improvement* 1 in die iniiiirueiioii of iheir COOKING STOVE. I *. rr\|ieeimliv i ivi'e prr»cm* building Sicamhoai* in cell and examine lunoie pure liming. a* lupply I hr in wuh Dick Movfs, J orge*, and i-verv iiilwt kind of i*oi>|>rr, Tm amhSheei Iron work mee»»ary m furnnh mil a Steamboat. ' \\ e . mate to order on the «horte«l nplir* Sal Tnhr. and Chamber. I‘oppei work lui KlfU®ljip,li«:» "”| Vat " ,n W "sJIKKIFF A SHIRK BENNETT & BROTHER, HFKKNSWaRK MAX l r F A CTI I rtF.Rs. Dlnnlngham (near Plltab«rßt»*| Pa. HarMou.ir, A'o. I ill. Wood ntrtrt, t'-itttburgh. mbA W 1 I/I. conn anil y keep on liakd a good aaaort mrni oi \Y arnre*. For the eonvenieiierof tli’eireu«tom«r* onddralerßin «ue|j .wirier. they l.nve .ipjM.nuid George Cochtati, l>unmi*»iim Mrrrliani. No-ifti Wood -irt et. their Agent 1... die rale of their manuiai turi--. ARordcr* addre*!' e.l m b.iti will reerivr prlim|it uiienii.„i, on the moil ad va.imerou-trrm*. GRIFFITHS ± XJIXON, I* n.lmreh. July fl —illy JSO. ti. UILLRBPIU A CO., No 70 Woerfl Sited. MAN l, Mahogany (molting Impori*’r* and Deatert in l-ooklai* Gln»» J»lulc«, Acronlcon«;-IVtco*»loii Cap*, Clock*, Comb*, Jrwrlrr am! Furry t.ood« crnerally'. . Tin- a.lv*-rii»rM irr making notm* iinptovnncn'u i« then »• iv.’.U mrtea'i-ri innitiiCa m Ui«* purrfuue c f jfcHnmn'. i>n.* «lil* n> «»H ni Katl*m |irwvs. TIW * llir uiirllliimof pUicliUMT*. lanllhiu' *) _ rofTOS oiui niAtfiirNKiiY • f > |(I-*. .iil.«rnln't< are now enlarging their rlt3bli»h» J in.ni. hir prr |'iiirJ io make ao ktrvlt at Cotton ami Wont kit Mnrlmir i>. on ibe thost tya*oiiaWr.ierui* Uri'rr. uililir‘«nl in »« Will mei»l with ptmupl at* nlion WKiUTMAN 4 lUI.ZKM. ’ t.ururk Firret,.A!l- gheny City N |J.—H. Wiphiinan, who ha* a patent faijA-ery imiioriaiit itnprovruiei ion thn Curd, mid wild liaatircn rncßufil lor ine la*' Gftecu veur* in mine of ilielmi»l i-i.rnilTr am} *tiece*»ta! lotion FnrtnrieVtil ihrWe*!, will give lII* perimnal attention to putting up. to ilk *ni i«lnrnon nl ihoxr concerned. ait machine* made ut thi* tmoni. lantMjUT JOHN RIIKiIUFF * Co., KA*Ftl‘- TKBA, Uku.l oi all Mic* ca«t from the latest improved pat ■ terns and warranted njnal to i «jir, Also, Brass Casting*, finuUed. if. u- Caimwv ami Coarh 7 i itmpJog*, ■nnw-volly, corner of Hoo and Front strecli.i'imborstt. l a fri.aa __ __ LIFPIScOTT IHOH WOfUiK.'" IRON. ulNub, aho*r.l», A*. far saw at our n«w Warrltoute, No. S!i Waier e ii iv, line nbtoreA the polmc that noeflbn on hii part will KcapargJ.to »au»factonly acc9nmjodaie those _ WJtP may tavor Ultii with their cttMom. Att Otnnibn* and Baggage Car will always be-in. remlitw** for 'he guc*t< of the l>ou*e. = wblP* 1 - B. WEAVER, Pr«jrt*etor. PKARL_STRKRT'HOrsE,CIocIun*iI, OHlO*~The. tubucriber.*, having purehaard the on* ur«intefe*lof Col.G p Wtlltam*oit. late of tht* well known cMal)tUhm*m-beg leave to men or retirement private boarders. Il is he.tr by the Hank*, the Po« Office, the Ma*ome Hi*ll,Odd FeUovv* Halt, and hut one «are of Market ilrreL, and ha* uadetrow a lharouph retKi- and repair*, aad it weU eakuf*ud. ; t« twwßwn.wlal* prriuu* hh*» may taror ur with acuU, . OiTV ir* nnil.and we frelroWident it.u wcUbmluri d; . SAMUKt* A BRAOY, - February £J, IfMT-ffin . OLIVER 11 P, PaRKF.R. GALT HOUSE, Corner Main nnrl‘Sixth ats,‘ Cincinnati* ci Hllr> ratahli*hiaent-i* iujw m llte btviorder /or the J ircrptii.n of the Traveling Public. Huvmg under gone a thorough trpair.durmg the p««t winter, and having the mosi cxpetieuccd men m the writ, in the vafiOtt* department*. ! flatierWyfelf tiiuf all willbe pleased who call. .I be Iwiauon ixOeiitral.rouimodUiUt and pleasant. Fare 51 per day. ilmnmnatj.Mari-b13.i547. : WEMARfI -i •N. II .-Although tint exactly a new Broom, a the same—u new Whi*ron the old handle 'ttpuif ii. r. j*cksos. u. cautitov. j l.ub- of the A*tor llouxe Of I'nviUm, Ro< KiWijj EUT A W HOUSE. i BALTIMORE. ... JA.OKSON A tlltANsrtlN, - • i . . .. J’HCH'iliETOas. C<»kebi-i will lie ift ri-aditiers j{ tbi-'|Drp.»T* and ‘ L*xii ipm* u> - convey . Passenger*, • ehargt, to . jrAMHy the House I NS 17 RAN CE! Imlemnlly against Loai or Uamaije by , Flra*. THE MCTirAL PRINCIPLE COMBINED Wiih the additional security nf u St Holinrs St tiro , .Vo .'l7 Writer, lu-ar’Mri'kel «ltrrl. I'itls •burgh .\ tt Thr k-ui'it.* .-.i* iln« r3rii|Mii> «;«*•* the Agrni'y in Hi * efty wnti iW ««rn adjo«trtt tally warrant ih.-'-at’ihi'in in siting iti«- amrid- iieu m«I {vi.unnaj'c.M till lnrii(i< fend lb* coiinnmi.iy rn.i.wßi- n> tin* Driaivan* M S. In*u nin.-e Company. while n has Um udif'iionnl adsanioifr* a* an involution among tuc most jlnumlnng ju IMiihd'u—as having-nil ample paid in enjn at. u liirii by the operation nlitiehartena constant I row? reusing as yielding to i-ncti person luaurui inn <(ue kharn i>l tliM prolilc ol'tlic rftinjiany oilliout involving him in nay responsibility whatever; ami therefore as postering the Mutual principle diWaiUd.ol every obnoitouH feature -'-pi it* moat attractive fmtu. nnM -al l> an ANri: i company, riltll?* troflßEwonml rt*»pi'cini.l«' ri>iujiaii\ »a |»r«r 1. pafnl, through limit PI'ITSfJCJinM AOKNOY.to makr iixuiaticr $-vrj)» kind cuiiiiiyLot julb ru-K* of i»ma'))orutioicantTin)atnr na\-iciii!'ni; a gal nil tufa ur damage by-lire, Owe llinq j louvtr*. VVurcJiuUv:*. UtnltTing* in general, (»**od*. tVitirf, and >lciotianiliM*, and rvei j darenpiMin (it fkii-T>imt |>fr>jieftv **» the ln»>*t favorable Irrin*. ; i A|’pl>fark>n« ar Innuranrr attended in Without drUr at ibe olfiee.NoUJ VVood meet, SPKINOI'R llAUßAl'l.ll Ar.'t . a*B at at the other m N. Y ..May- lthh, the fclg|ffiaMPnru gentlemen were I'hnxrn Dnevioti of Jff', lor lhr«-«i*Uln#-fenr. vix: JtntplTTv .Savage, . . , £le(>tM».M°i' Hoard. JiyiJl'll W SA V AliK. K«|., vrn« un.iniirx'uUy rit-ricd hlrni for tUr nitnuiff >i-iit. Wni: JAhtrStitKifi-t. jl-Ji I*ol.l A Journal «o|iy Sn'rohuy. FIRE ANl> MARIA E INSURANCE. ritHl-1 Insurance Coiiijiauj <>f North America, 1 through its duly authoniril Agent, the cnbscri ber, oßcn.tb make permanent aiul limited Inaur aucc on property, .m this city-nndjte vicinity,and. on shipments by the Canal and Hivers. iHKKtrror.s. John C. Smith .ljrea‘l., / Samuel Brooks, Alct.iienry,' ’ Charles Taylor, Sami. W. Jones, • .. Sami. l-VMmth. 1 Ambrrar* \Vbile, Jac»l> M. Thomas, -John R. Nctf, Kdwsrd Smith, John A. Brown, John White. Kicbard VV'i*od> Arthur (*. Coffin, src. Thus* B. Clope, Win. Welsh, Tlli* » the’oldest Insurance (.Vinpinv in -the United Sute*,,ha«in3 been elm lered in Il'an eilre haxardnu* 'character, it maybe’ considered as offering amide socurity io the public. • * * .MOSKS ATv\Oo» r At Coontitiif Room of Atwood,' Joripa 4c' Co. iVatcr and Front.street*. Jtitufourßh. ap2B?tf INDEMNITY Aff dnst Loss bjr Kire-rThe hKAtSKI.IiS Fjre insu rance Company of.' Philadelphia, WILL make Insurance, ptrtnanent andliimted,. •on e**ry description of prnpcr tjr, in PITTS-’ BURGH, and the on-JhVorabln Icrinn. This rnmpanjltaaa perpetual charter. 'L CAPIXAU...-.-;..5-«»,000 paid in. COM’iNGKJST fCNU,....... SWOJKD Offtta’enmcr of Third niid'MdrkPt *tB,.rilub’gh t 'ap«3—tf, VV/UUUCIC:MARTIN,Ae«itL • INSURANCE. | American Vlre laiurence clmunr . Caxrrra Furnnjax; 3 iVruAt &50tv0Do nm n»..‘ Office in Philadelphia, A r o. ,73 Walnut Strut * ‘ : AVfIT.&ATIDSOttIWt. Vatwtaici J-'**trr*.Sec , y. l i. , . ... TaillS old and Mreil-ehtabliMicd'CompaAj’ continue* to iwmrelJotldiiijvMcrchanillae, Furmlurß and prop erty 1101 of an extra haraulous charsrin.sgaiiisita** or damage by fire. , ; ...Application* for insurance*-lie Piu»har(?h j neipttafheod, wjJl hfctere|*ed. atrj n*k». J»kr« perpetually dr for limited period*, on fareralle len»»* >*}. ~:i« i- Xokol eonifcAiC Ar-hi. • nnrty , ; .. u ?Nj "hTpnm GoU PMMt iiS'Jl , a* ftf.- Oehnine Cfoopet.'rcbia*. J.ohpHin and othrr approved make fc»4j« “ ■d'WK and C nc wirrh work done‘mih*‘ very besi Jnoorer I ComoiUifla Merrk»ai».',aad.d*»lar* m Nu 3' Woodstieel, Pnifbuifn. *P'£J VOL. XIV: NO. 2*29 S. YORK ADVERTISEMENTS :,T THE IoirEST POESOTJ: PAICES. XTATIOSKRY a.ID fiftS BUU. BWU RICH a, LOUTREL. ,61 WII.LIaM STREET,' new TOBK. HJVK. cow-'oa‘litad,t>f their owfc ra*WtAcCtt*,'»«* ptrir inoftmmt «f L*4rtn, Jotmub, D*r Bout, I*- Books C*«h, Ordrr and Bill Books kr,flinriM>ain nnj >i)lri oCbiciJ](^ r fro« «Kirh *ct* of 4ccoasl Boob (O ,t«: wlertrJ at «rrjr low prin*; S*o made tacrd«r t raMisd b.n.8.1 !«•» any pattern, at abort police. ’ — v or*' fVeign and Do *n otic' Stationery, • Quill*, vt afen, Scaling War, i'ep*, Black tad JM Ink, i ■Writing Fluid, Lead Pencil*, Shtetf Inkitaßdi, Sand feta*, JVrtWirt, l*uckrl-book», Oold tad Biker * CTtdJ CtKS. fto-‘ Lnirr*, rrir'Tlaeki, Pe-- UoMen, Goa TKfclb, Plating ' r»rd* t Backgammon Boarilt, Cbewewoi Diet, Iron Pollan, .TaMrti, Roror Strop*, i ii>k Tape, Tinst Retl% ait Ink, Parchment, India Rubber Cmrri, Scisst, SMKIV (uk, File*, Rack*. Diarin for IM7, jldtuM'feafcxV' lBirr« l Tail,,, ir**b Book*, Tariffs Erchair* Tabtaa,knl ‘ •II °*hrrarlirl«,old by ittlumert. *' - : ■ Cheap Account Books. . j h- arf »‘°ck coniaMlj on hand, iniubiit toe retail trade “~\ t00 ?”7 merchant, n Wry cb^pnlrt ! r ß e - Apartment uf Writing Papers. ■ftJSZS* & in * a ' !rtlltJ I*u« PiPWrPbla todnri* v Hn»m*p r ' t r Vf n * l K Boenrt Bctrdt, Log, Oath, Cnvnbp* amlßlotting Paper Colored ftpUViTU> tod “..V 1 Po *‘> «*»» Btok fSt, 7b«a Miuuj Paper, Gold, Tradcg, Tmbrmi, unnr«tkerdemripuaß eloper at eeiy ttwarfcet. ’ n . . . , Pena. Diamond Point. ininl an' ’’ b H*£*T‘»> Brcnm’i, and tQ ethereal*- taintua'SlSS'jSSi, 1 ; “ *• "■» ' Capying Prtsses owt ***^ Uo » 1 * 1 *r*r offered, and at the lowtat peter*. :S«i sysq?v “*■ \ I ' notarial Prana, ■., Far the os* of Ccnka and Corporation*, to oAt th« teal of , £«£. - '*•*" « r***n*i £y any - Pirft Premiums Jtranlcd to m by the American lattitntt, itlhakta Fair October, l&i*— • ’ -For. the Lett Ruled BUuk Book*— J SiherVadal ‘ For the btif Mawfttd Letter Wrller»-A Dlnlana'' • • For beautiful fiuuhed Copying Prawn—A Cuban ' PUatt.Coll andStt/or YatmaltSr Cmrit fry ‘MerchantsEujmUed . r ■ Importer* of Frrnch\aad £ng|»b Statiooen, i and maas&etdrertof Aeronot Book*, • ■■■ Manifold I Writer*. ExcrlHor,Bt*ak. . . ‘ • ardUarmlftelnki. jFc.jFe.B Win;^. ’ .«edoor behurCedaratnatTu V JWMVRtcu, -}\ . ™*" ** WH M.Lodt»kl y‘ . - f-Vi Taflii RVBIT PROOF IRON - - ‘ FUE fiOUKIMiI WUEOW. SHUTTERS, I*, .. n 'lll-1 subscribe tj>[beg in rail the attention of all thoaa J ’inttrrtnHf In "roofing, to their GALVANIZED TIN ; • PLATES, hud To be many advantages .whith thoy • po*M*s» over' all m•>■» 10 v.lnVli Iron thus protected, can be applied.— in gmeral term* it ts spplictbleto all attic let of hen'''' which,i is desirable 10 protect from the action Of thf almoKpbrrr. And they would especially call.the at-' million of those interested m TELEGRAPHIC LINES, . to_thf u t>alvanned Wire, which is now almost entrxe* If u*«*d in Europe, and which answers every purpose a ronductor ufelcciricitp, costing only aboutoae hull -a* nrurh as copper, and potie»»i ng, equal durabili-- ty with that metal. Having lately erected works in this eity for the par* ' ~ pone of gatvamxmg nails, spikes, bolts wore, ke., they will be uule to furnisliany article' which msy be deal* ' .fed. A supply of I’Rfte*-[mnnufaeiflred In Europe,} coilMsntly on hand,from IG to 32 wire guage. OEO. H MORKWOODkCo N0«..14 us- 4 ItrßcaVerai, HRW YORK. Tlie I'jiuni Rieht ior this article has been secured for the United Shum as well as Great Britain, aadoiher European countries, aiul ull legal measures will be UU km to prevent nny Infringement hy importanoi oroth* orwise.. onff 'ly • Grnflrmeni ! pHAKLESB Hatch, or u illW street, 7 N«w York ' L/ solicits stteotion to hi* assortment of Goods ia ths Ota ilcmro’t FuraUhlagi Line, imported tad manufactured ex presily Cjc the Spring and Summer Ksacmi. pirtiealsr~’sW tmtion it called to the following articles , .97’OfIA'Si-Silkj' patio and Bom burin*,si! styles ssdgusl ' QPFUI~I 77ES —Plain and Fancy,'light sad dsr» colors. ll'-3S/f 77ES—Fancy Liacnsua Jaconet, strew artief* for lumber wear. CK4YJTS.IND SC.mTS—Lile*t styles, s fell amort .meat. SCfS-PEAU JUlS—Silk sad Cotton, very elastic Whits - mud Fancy Linen do, to wash, so entire sew article SHIRT*, DOSOMS,AND COIEJUS-la every vari ety of styl* and quality USbER- -lIIkTS-JIND DtUiTVERS —SiIk, Cotton, Lift* Thread, Merino, Woollen,kc GLOFEh—Black, white, and colored Kid, of the best manufacture, Silk Cotton, Linen, Liiic Thread, HOSIERY Silk,Cotton, Lineal virao, ic OILED SILKS - ■ bin white,.of the very best quality; Hack glued do, Japanned Mtiiliui.J-c DRESSING GOWNS— trintad Calico,'Moaweliae 4* ud tWilled SpilalScld. lih dia Sfnehew, Longer, plain ud fancy I .men Cambric, ! cpt,4-e -! , . UMBnELUiS.iNDPAfUiSOLS-k full aiaurtrseut. ' CnJtr.rrSTTFFXERS - Various kinds Hr would Male that he. n now u.inj, io hit SELT-Jfl* JUSTING STOCK.S. u» entire different Spring from the Kite formerly uw-d, which reudrn them much BtorsCOstSw* table and eaiy tit tbr peek than formerly. fsk£o-Aa ■ HII.KK SHAWLS, DRESS OOUDB,*C. » LFRF.D EDWARDS % CO ,-No. 122 Pearl Stmt, .'I JVrw York, would respectfully call lb* attention of bat .r.t* their EXTENSIVE STOi-KOFSPRINGGOODS, eoniivtii-g of rich figurrJ stripe and plaid Drtxa &Iksef tij ■ tirflf new dr»icoi arid desirable iijlti; black and bln* LUck figured, tratrrrd imd .Strip* Silk**, together with sftsll assortment <.f Mack acd blue black plaid do. A reiy axles . i ivr and dc«in.b!r aiw-rtiaeut of Silk, Thibet, Birtgv, Htr ! naci aud Uniu Sba«l» and Scarfs Their aMuilouttjof ' Drrta Gnodi has been *rtrcuJ with the greatest car*,coeiis | line of Vrr.arh Prltneid-JUtrtes. tiHid and itrip* do. Co- Ilnftm**, Unlliioif >, French” rintrd Muslins aad Giaensau in grrtl \MiVtrand of moil desirable pjUeraa, English and Scotch Lawn' and a very large slock. Ain, Boo* net and Cap llibbiin'ui vrrvrboice tclrcliooi, Glom, Fancy { HdLfa. Linen < am brie and Linen Cambric Hdkf*, Swiss und 1 . .ViiOm EJgic/e, Thread Lace*, Li*le Edgier*, black tad . wbiirfi*uTvd Larrs of rwry description} together witbn fell I 'tr>rliofeTcrj dneripiuw ot roode-in theirline, ! . , STfi.'ttl' GOODS—a »erj large a'wrtnwat of Foreign | and Domestic. .Straw Bonnets. Act Ab*. & very ettenare | luvr oehuiul a large itoek of Blank Books, Paper and Hifctianeiy; am! request the favor.of a call fron ilAofo^ who renuifv attleie* in our line. I - . FRANCIS A LOUTRKt*! Msnufscinnng Siat.ouets, 77 Maidsn Lane f j4J3m ■ ■ - . HewTtirtr PRINTS ONLY—BPRING STTL^S. , a 1847. I.EB k BBBWBTER, • No. 44 Cedar street. New York* . nFXi )«■*• u isfcno Dealers a Dry Good*, that they ha**' D received. vxFarc now nbibiUsg,attba WAREHOU4H EXCLUSIVELY .for frinud «', BODCA*CS. romprishte »U tlw New Spring Style*, of British, Freueha&d American Manufacture; which, Jo ADDITION) -to their usual stock, mrfm tbelf beautiful sod attractive in the city; and ha rise iost bees our. ehawd'foro*Bl! AND -HORt CREDIT,are oSwdW ihe piece on the tame lermi, stand below Uc-turvrs prwei. Cstafoeuts of. price* (rot reeled daily,} an placad la tka- Ita&di ofbujerv. *•' . . j.. Purchaser* will i a fora theswlrt* of (be »>iW of the aar k*t, aAd be well repaid for an eowittatwa, ena if the* da uot purehate. L. .1 D, lure peculiar ad van tare* for deeming order* for print*, ehichsre re'ipectfuily aTkiUd. V! ' ' ' LEE A BREWSTER, _mchB i - . 44 Cudtr Sinai. LAIIPii.GIRANDOtkn. . T; TiALL LANTERNS aND C iNDE ABRdS, for the 11 Spring T«4e J>IETZ,\BROTKKIt A Oa, 19- William street, New Ybrk, in Ibe M'tihixwlta Sleek, tf«’ atsnufKturiag gad hare aiwaje on hand a coaplets taarf- ' awl of article* in their lice, of the follow tag AescriAJow, - "hkh airy vyilt wllal Vrliolesale and retail, at Low Fries*, foecaib;. ~ lanrovrd Chemical Oil and Caanheae Lamps. Leap*, Odt and Brwortd, i# neat variety \ tjlraodole*, rariouspjitero*, jilt, suttrsdorbrnaad. su*pcmlittr Bdhrv. Doric Campheas Laape^ Bracket 8«w, Side co Holer CliaDdthen, Bracket do . - llatrvtlkrd lfo*d Lamps, S*eud do - - Bfitsoiaiisad - amp*, Caaphe&c Ckxndeliir*. , ALperiorObemkalOtl, I‘cre SptraOil, ' !du Caiopbeoe. Solar end Lard Oil, do Burning Fluid, Refined While Ofl. fcbgL3« ; . . • - ■ , • Sew Warehonie Tor Prlnta Onl*.. .'.T:. Ol'R/NO STYLES, 1847. LEE, JDDSQK£ rrt> i> et the.paciou. fire story >Vw«!u«w t No U .New ) ork, (the whole of which iadtroted to the veAtMyu ; «*d **l« ofthtoiiorle article;) offer for tale by 'lhe~p(Kabr~ pvetajr.lOOO < ASEa,of • RINTED jTOicgiUlhedtunMc new style*, a lam oropomowof whidb battarbeeo ewtncted for before ifie'ri* riwio tk*‘ oiarlet, mllbetoJd at leu than manufocturen’prrsret fri J; •' ?. f ,P^ £t^*re P al mtothe haudi ofWnnk. eiJf-'Br LLL.UIe senior partner in tksorigtnlfmor I'**4' Brew*« r ,.tfrc« which lie retired la IBC} kai Jotaeg; the inn of Let aud Jud*on, asd swliciu the patromgt of hil .old fHanls. The basictu is coodaried nadtr tka Bra of.' .February LEE, JUDSQN A T.CT . . - NEAPOLITAN BONNETS* r PAHISON, NOE & CO^ PATENTEES AND BXANCFAQTBItZBB. • 23 DeTaney Slrtel, Ajto York,- 'K—iOi'l beat B ririol BcooriAg DrtdE' »pu J.SCHOe 4 XMA]m««» Bath be ( tftr s*t*fcy e/* .•