The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 03, 1847, Image 4

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For the; Pittsburgh Christian AdToeata.
■T Jf. V. WHIT*.
BeetoO «:cheerfbt winter'fire, 1
• Three children drew l heir little chain,-.
And laughed and talked witfa.bnay
Of cakes.imd toys, and childish career
g_'Thamother..with an aapect roiid,
. j Bt their guilel««« joy i
While frequent from her knee ahe.raued,
And kiated a boanteoo* infant boy.
On* was not there to glad the seen*.
: doty tasked hit nightly toil:
JUd for bia wife and little onto, '
Fronf^thia’twere peril to recoil.
And these were all the wor|dto him—
Hie wife and prattling household band;
Uoma'e toft endearments smoothed Iris ci
And labor met a ■willing hand.
But ah! that fated hearth—that ahrine-
That Mol of hia full heart** all!
There sorrow fixed her cable throne,
And gloom o’erapread it like a pall.
Death came in secret to thoee babes, \
And touched them in Uie vernal hoars
And one by one their palses ceased— I
They withered like the gentle flower* l
Meekly the mother bowed her head,
While swift the scalding tear-drops cijt
'(-The Lord did give and take away, |
And blessed be Hia holy name! * ‘
Within the village paled, ’
Four little graft* are judo hjj «de,
And,one Urge alab,4haf covert all.
Tells who's beneath, and how they died*
fnitftnienee, February,JBf7*
The Work of God in France.
It afTorrla us jincwo pl"** 1 " 0
set* the progress of Sciipfnre troth in
France, by whatsoerer instrumentalities
theurork may be accomplished. For a
number or yearn it has been common for ]
American 1 Christians to consider them
aelres specially adapted to the work of
evangelizing tbat interesting nr
yet American zeal baa hitherto
ted bnt very little to the "cot
Wp bave admired the enter
perseverance of onr British br#
nave deplored the national prej
ibe way of their Missionary r
we 1 have rejoiced tbat no sin
hindrances are in our way, _
hare done nothing for the conversion of
Trance. In the meantime, our British
brethren have been toiling hard, end
■with all their disabilities have done
something for their neighbors—God has
blessed their labors. A number of valu
able men, such as colporteurs l and local
preachers, have been brought into the
' field, by their instrumentality ; and what
is of perhaps greater importance, the
National Reformed Church has been
quickened and stimulated to action, and
ia putting forth more powerful efforts
than France has realived since the Rev
olution. . .
Converts from Popery are multiplying
in almost every direction. Uis estima
ted by the Foreign Aid Society, that
within three or four years past no less
than tWenty thousand souls have been
redeemed from Romish,superstition and
ignorance, and brought into the different
evangelical communions which are or
ganized in the kingdom. Among the
colporteurs employod by the Evangelical
Society of France, [one hundred and two
are converted papists.
It is worthy of remark that the gospel
progresses with greater celerity in rural
than in orbal districts. In many of the
former, thousands of Romanists are call
ing loudly for Protestant pastors to come
over and help'them : and when a minis
ter enters one of those departments, he is
received with every demonstration of de
light. Papal and priestly influence is on
the wane, and the truth, aa it is in Jesus,
is winning glorious triumphs. Those
who have taken up the idoa, that ho who
h&s seen Paris.has seen all France, will
be astonished to learn that while the
Reformed religion has but a small hold
upon the inhabitants of the great Metro
polis, there is a powerful aod wide
spread excitement among the population
of La Haute Vienne, La Charente Infc
rieure, and L’Yodm? This awakening
has been brought about, under tho bless
ing of God, upon the labors of those who
are employed by the Evangelical Socie
ty. The Baptist Missionaries also give
encouraging statements in rofcronce to
tho work under thetz supervision. 1»»
these gracious outpourings of the Holy
Ghost we greatly rejoice; and aro en
couraged to hope that they may prove to
bo the commencement of a great moral
revolution: which shall i extend all over
the continent of Europe.; To movements
like these do we look rather than to any
scheme or contrivance to securtf the uni
ty of the Church in order to concentrate
its power for the conversion of the world.
— South . Ck. Ade
Mason and Dixon’s Una.
la political discussion, vre.hearao
often of Mason and Dixon's Line, that
perhaps it may not be amiss to copy the
following account oj 1 it from the columns 1
of the Norristown Register:
“As early as the year 1682 a dispute
arose between William Penn and Lotd
Baltimore respecting the construction of
their respective grants, of what now form
the Slates of 'Pennsylvania, Delaware
and Maryland. Lord Baltimore claimed
to andincludinglhe 40tb degree of north
latitude; and William Penn_mildJy yet
firmly resisted the claim. The debata
ble land was one degree of 69 English
on the south of Pennsylvania, and ex
tended west aa/far as the State itself.—
The matter was finally brought into the
Court of Chancery in. England, and, af
ter tedious delays, on the lOtb day of
May, 1750, Lord Chancellor Hardwick©
made a decree costs against
Lord- Baltimore! and directing that com
missioners should be appointed to mark
ibo boundaries between the parties.—
The commissioners so appointed, met at
Newcastle, on Ihe.lSth day of Novem
ber, 1755, and, hot being able to agree*
separated. Af er a further litigation and
delay, the who e matter was settled by
the mutual agreedent between the sur
viving heir* of kbojoriginal litigants. I
ulo the year ITjsi ? Mr. Carles lifs
son, of the RoVal Observatory, was sent
10 Pennsylvania, with all the needful 1 as
tronomical instruments, 10 measure a de*
V eras of lathudd. That duty he perform
/ ed, and a report of his proceedings was
/ made to the Ri>yal Soeieiy of London,
lor the year 1767.
“Thirf Mr. Mason aud Jeremiah Dixon
were appointed to run the line in dis
pute, which.ajppeara to have been done I
m conformity Viih the Lord Chancellor’s |
decree. -Thistis the famous ‘Mason and j
pjxon’s line,' and the boundary between
Pennsylvania on the sennhand .Maryland
on the nonh?t~' Any"UMo~de»irom&f rooroi
, detailed information will find it iu Dou
glass’History of America, published in
Boston in 1751; Proud’s History of
Pennsylvania, the Memoirs of the His
, torical Society of Pennsylvania, and 1
Vesey’s Reports, 352,. Penn vs. Lord
Baltimore." \
No one ctn estimate the r*Joe of a
piooir and faithful mother.
“ THERM EL MEPICWra. . •..
CONSISTING or Mi Eropfajiacltc s r"Pt° 'J£ 1
tun nnedjlotiU Col.CMrrtTiytdSetrfo-'
I tool CooftiJijTO.jEW. Sjra|NC®Jj
ceetniad extract' (of Stiuapanlla, *”*Tj7
SoSofU tU otbee •ttwcttTwrfjfflWWjjJ
when all olbefi bare foiled, being through n m«
process more ecneenirited than
offered to the pybftft. ,ff?Tff M * r A. L .
aarinx rUected permanent cores oiUul-strop/*
!£2e;wl*« oY more than IV year, amnding.
hence it stands without a rital m that oraeh dreaded
d> D?Boia*a LINIMENT, ItorMleaM* «gW*M
nets or pain, and a complete aobstilute rorhUstefs- 1
SrlWs TONIC MIXTURE, *n itfUbbt*
cure for chit'-s tod ferets, sod indeed uraw<<«.*
epeetfie for fetem of all kiods than birk *
wbereknow*,lf used in preference to anf other
(locates of lire Stomach- and bowels, CholgJj*
fee lions, &c. Too high an encomium cagȣ d
passed on the menu of this nk>
bubeptis, and alWlaent*a that result * “
, nets of stemicft or bad digestion- # niuablo
’ Dr. Rote's HSMAIJ6-1 »I.L§j[ BUto which***
remedy lot those general comr
males are subject. .-tstiaTlVE ftM®?*
Dr. Rose's TONIL public so^PP 11 *
No pill «»cr
combines the qwdggt l m piU,
in* those dw*~"' • ■ 05 rears of sge. »a*iDg
tdi.eil^ ll '" !, £u completely BU"™*
uSS. ol the AnlMlitpeptic mil
el the b^-tde.
breutjdte. Kl’lLEl’SY.the mMkir
toftil c»» »r *<» or eoovoliion,,
uin Jo"“£ A ' „ adulul So certain i epeeihc
dUcwethlttbe ■«* ok.
ilinitTcliCt' acd thoM too of loo* ■ttbdlpj, hoyo
Sheumatic MIXnJRIi-Aftor-J^or
®li«rdUi«enireacarth this compound ;wmsdioCyr-
efficacy places lueftdG*}*
others for the cure of .ITOcamatiMn. -g; .
nSetoto* fprtung blood, indeed for di* charges of
imyj»_of tho
bO S.* BoM*s BYRU P «sr Choleruandßowtl
—TUU mixture will effecisaUy e»t bowel
DrsesicrToCbolfiraMortis#, snd Cholera- Alumumo
ffitSSeCbolew wastaglng m PbiladclNlia It waa
faaad to be the most euicccsful iu raneetiiig 1«, i.armg
ninetenihsof slUbosewha sjwdiu; , •
Whaunas-boaaidofiosof tbssojsmedceft-ww
uS offfiWftaldc willojily .be
mote who try them. Uuerafronihqee who hare been
randof IU flDOBli niltdln |k»|.»fttel.lbj- blßttl
body might beg Wen, bat.ars aw mtdw
nxneroa tha merit* oftho compounds. w(d.fcnfsn
•MMKes for Scrofula, la its jrmdoua forms, *0 condensed
SSTfieaefous-lhai it* healing power has ahwUsbed
Su&vernor of Delaware, was *"** “ 5
fe* months Theesaeer had bs*a twice catjwtbr
proolneatSergseas. aad renewed
yet ootwithrtandln* the debility oTCoosutu .
Saudwmoeal of the soft putt,
{ phyla*tic eompktelr remored erery eestvgo 01 me
d ££ ianmaersMerf^iSn 00 *
“i«!S«Baffirrcwa ! s&ag"
gcaats for Fituhsrsh Jgl'l.
<>l aATBVOUID IT,*'-Swifa.
CONSUMPTION can u cvud bt usihq PR
CuuMMMi, 0., M««l» 3dplBC
. D«r 3«--Tlup ia larartiij ta iha pabße, jraticahrfj w
iWaffirad »«k * draupaf tk.L«p,«C»»o»(tt=*.
tUt in the Sprat aC ISO I—• atteekrf leith ...raarald
.hkhras tararaaraadapaa ray taata,ihrarat ail 'd*
ran ol ra *ppraehi*t Caaraaaptitra. “» c “» t “
Sri,, „d teaahiraara, atradad with eapira* ai|hl *"«»• •
2,., draly a raradetwU. ,aa«ity rf hlaod, tetrad «">■
thiek dark aralln. Ml
j_ Dura, Orn lira I wra atrad* by tw.Uararaed
.UUUI nydratra they OS “»>«“ a*J mUt *,
sMlilSppn ttpiahapraefrayrraiiraiTalabnatac
ta. lilt radhatdaiera rattldkadaae-that »yhi|rirarala
tally darned, aadkeyeadraaidy: I wai thra pl?wiadedby
aideadefrataetaraeto.oilrftt. Burned £ip«ra.
tea. Harady, whiek ray perdwed *<*■“• “»**
that thu abdicate weald do aa (eed,aad worid will cM
aua-taray nlfrrat. I laid tbwa it wra ray b* «td eely
ho-, aedlhalif lata* dir of the diwrae, (which wa, en
d»l te raj lira ««dd *• radhwj !"*• 80 l ““ “
Ciacrarati Office rad ehtauwd.S hettlra M lk« tf.l, Velra
bl» Mcdiciae, rad rarararad aiit, *eeecdißd Id the dicte
tra»,»bkl>i«dradof oddiPt tbety eulrai*«,|rawdieiely
£l ,, p, rrUf, pi pace eereitiay the Icoahkaeme Cra|k
raiat the pda *ad tiyhtaera ia ray.ChaW; jleil* “* a aew
Ub aad arafd., which am eaabbd ra la t. aW d£ra.
Thl» meiiclae continued it* good wtrk, whkfcit » **“7
comn « ae^,n»ullwa»Md«»»®<»»>l®* 1 »- lh * r *" af jfc" B
t to mj ba«&*Mt (upwn»i» Of 3 yearqpi "** **
healthy u I wuh. Ih»™ 'tncomß—i*i Pr. ©Baea*’* SU
»tunu Rf**iy ia *»J iwUsew U fc«eeim*rty ■a**'*
Li Ub»«l-.J*pn»«d »“«* f »>«^ p ** lUT,,rit, * Wd
it* tficct*. .My niter » «ng lk “ **■ P°" 1 ’ * j
iicer wd u Aftctionif *' iun**,'wfckb *• j
|.«l .offered "with for «w tine: •» -b» •«* rrrotrrrd ■
Ipy the um of this mriieitti, «>•’ ' 6 bottk*
l * a, * wrf 7
to ksow CbU Lbrrc in tbotawii* of rihwMo p«po» wmUbj
aw»y with ihii Amifcl dotroytr—CONSUMPTION.—
W«r* it calf jawikk for Umn to proeurr tM» ®riWw “
tiw, b«(art it be too Ut«, mi«jr li»tJ might be jmioqti a&4
I their fotaiKt* w»4 rtletw* «*«• rtninti bappy. Th»
■Kiieitit wfll gt*t brtMt nfief. «si at Uie «ua< ti»*«Tt»
the b*nl eai piisful Coogb, rrmott th* tigl»ta«rs the Cbwt
I gi.c nnugtb lo d« CBfteMrd Mi &«•» »> *■
mo,! etc, l <■« rtrt*in,»ni pwfiff* * peifetteure. .
Moelfoowy, n«taih<» Coeaty, Obfo.
X n.—' rtftr
a,!L padcnitacd.dliraa. cl Mrafrarar.H-afc»d^
~, o.,ST-Sr»» •«
DU. DU«CAS*»WEBT£a»O»*ICE,I»9j«««
».b«t itii raiuaWa e*» **
“Sil .tnißtanb. ty wn “““'A'fri.’'
Wood and Übom «» *ff--~-
“■ coanmpUv*'* C®a*rt»*»o|»-
Uses sickness opoo yoor k« MI
Or p*ins mttict yow brcaei ♦
Try IV.’ Dv«*»’i ilinK"#
And » wiH *i» a T®« ««• * ..
Ii clean away the unity ckwd
Dlieaie spread* o'er ike teal,
Aad wUapera ibroefh tke ftoomy abroad,
‘•Your bealihtnay yet he whole " :r
jv« yonder roae of lovely hw *
Til withering with decay;
Jt scarcely up* the JBoreiog dew,
Before it Me* away.
The Worn «t Deetb *ll in the •««,
And etrenftbened n» i* ft** -
A nd when it bloomed, <» lonely S***)
It nipped thro*fh.
TV« Worn of Penth might be deflcdj
Jf Dr. Dnnen»*»nrt wen tried i
And oaf lovely demaele ecvtd
The fete o< bb untimely cnee. &•
Byces>ore«reet,Cinemaetl,Obioi where hie YalnnUe
Medicine!* *old.
fold in Piiwbnrjh, by WM. JACKSON, earner of
Wood end Liberty itt- foiadfcwT
prihenijf TOOTH FMTIt'
a rxuusß Bxsnznes. •-
The best utielekaowfa fiweleaningaa* whitening
the Teeth, atrengtbening the «nme,_ eweeuaiag the
breath, Jte. It abotild be aerfew nighrwilb a *ut
bruabTaad the teeth eodaaooth will only retain aaUgh
veshutc in the awning. Wet the braeh with warm
waier. or eoM will answer. end nth it e fcw tines on
the pan*, when enough will adhere tor meaning the
tecib. It Wme a delicioae teate ia the nwnh.eflO la
pern a stoat deligtafal fragrance »the hrqnh. itstMd*
anrirelled ee a pieaeaat, eSeaeione, ecsgntent. and
•eft detaiifiee- It i» warranted im to nfcfr* the teeth,
bS B? it will remorelha end
prpTMnt the toothache
strength*" «he game, end prevent all due On uwm
CheoKs.phywciene, and the clergy rateejinerid. it.a
t>«rbeatDenti«*. and by non of the old eerebUehed
onea in the United Stales, and even xtenrively ased
bv the Nobility of England end Pr»*fe £ .. .
'a targe proporfwi of the direur. l haxaßCct neahind
ariaefrSww'derefttetnemofUt atoneehorboareu,
which a timely u w of the Cathi i urLoyngta would
entirely obviete. Person* of biUcaa habit* ahonitl at
«£ U. . box .1 h.nd, .nd ute .d~ wbrnern
they fee I the lea* derangMrnUnihnr beaJlh. Al*"-
ciiL uae of thews Iwengea would prevot ihouMnda
o< tt?rEieaJ W» JACKSONS, comer of Woodand
Idiberty n» • - 4eeZ3
N REMEDY—Warranted to core, dr the mon.
ey returned. This medicine D “ fe
dian Receipt, obtained from ooaol
West, at great eapenae; rbow who-,hare been
faraSar wiihthe loditos, know that they **“
do com Venereal without the knowle<l|e w ««£,
eory, Baton, or anything of Die UtJ. ib ® •**
dieted bare now an opportunity of beta* J*™'
witbou -.the use of Balsam. Tbl* WW» »
gteuant to the Urte, nod ienres do smell on tue
Prepared by ROWAND tc WALTON-and sold
wholesale and retail) byJ. T. Rowand,.37b Martel
street, Phtlad'a. ' <• ,
For sale in Pittsburgh by R E Sellers, 57 woo®
street, and by Win Tnarn,&2 Market «V oc6dwT
oonicTHrairJsrMEAMJpnv. um iii
O.Dr. Jsyna’s medicine, for the ears ef ihe.Waß
iiIKPAT,ku tsea folia tnsilta dorioßlboleteniy
j»«jit weather under fost ll 1* attend w
slight ceUs in time, and to procure tho remedy applied
. Irom skilful physicians, thae from unknown and im*
sponsible qvteaa. Dr. Jayne has enabllrhsda repnta
uou lone tines for proton tonal skill, aud ttia reinedie«
for congas end colds hsvc keen prored eftcsck>«» l>r
the caperie»i<oo of Eo. fttf
Kpr sale ta Pruubcruli. ct the I*MUN TEA STORK
7t Fourth street, ursr weodi audtt.Uie Drugstore
P rwkwaru, Federal street, AAcgheaptity.
Hsehttdfow __ ‘ ■
bi. *» Wtm Ifteme.
rCMIIS i* to certify tbu, bjr uklnarae vj*l of Doctor
ft MeLane** Worn apeci&c, »child ofJemer Bb«w*«
D Tne<l upwvdi of TO worn*. end bv lbeoteof sold
bcdieiae * child of n? ownpe-cd.ll km.vtnir
lt & tm)* the swot ewpnemt worm meficui* t ever
. -.1 WilWo*Tewrubiß
For sole by S WODM^NoWWooOtiOttjgu
7SqWH. HP t.Ww
t>rr. J»« received «a*DoortL». , j
, . •: j: 1 HDokC»,ll*mn
AUu^Uh^»>«»Jjr PACKirr
~ TTIT JITH, n f lr bf Plan* apd bMUUfBI t.l'efo* (
ift?CrSTUNGS.,. u..i P.Trsßn.P- *" ” BILTIUORE
wIuekUw-iUeotioiioilboMiDwantorafly fi»iwirft> P«i«m»
i Uoß.and wpeciaUjr for Cemetenw. » pa _«Mir air rr*peeifßlly informed that this Lina
| Ifiviud. .{ . . pailinp* I !,,/rcommence running on or *l>ounhe lGth m«fni>
Tfce principal part oi a|l U>* Um>u«hcMiiibe *ruo«. Tbjrpng«W»r*
I , * , >utti jitnnflmfcnt std fre now iilarf*’ a superior flaw of Packet* and. Rail
.1 U. el SE».‘»*. roole. «..h
Ceswieneaiß »* Ci"ki r « f i®U‘ f4,b > 1 P D whteh will comfort to travelers.
which have been •« ott ftc«or). K |» #r ur« Uoai u-ili m pop, and the trav
preM, were executed at with the esw ~u w ;e ore requested to call and examine them,
A Urge WarcKoora i'fJliantlT on hand a*f r S preview in ensiCWK pware eUrwheie.
iSSkg&ti&siBZ3g& s**^.
Poati, *’«<*£sht arid Casi Ire Urtsinruto. ■««“' 1 por J„' JJ.Jiv’ii fhe ifiee. ’'“Tg.I"'* 1 "'*
sfssStrsate- »—»■!»*. : w —- fJtiss/a^
1 * KS ™ s TRA, " pd^£ lo ~£
of the be*' , 0 ibfe hmifttt*—forming alto* ; ._ ..
moel coiupleie out! ,;,l>m,uc a- | EfeeSggjl I>i I' MBB-*3&rr
Sdi.lienent. <,t WO(j[>' n i"r<iprir:i'.r ! B. LEECH 1 CO’S.
Kidge Bold, above Bottnonood .leeel. j oi.!) l^rAßUemjn UXF '
Pkil«delpkla._M?_>r^ IM '- dn ' I ’°' • PH ILAI>KI Hlla'. BALTIMORE AND NF.W YORK.
CHEAP IYATCHES. T m „„. v ~f ,l„. !■... »n-.» of . double doily
mUKCHEAPESfTGOLD AND s*ll AER " ATC*n 1.. . pem- awl Cnr». lowiied by tbcmsr.vesl
J. ES-IirPIIILATOLPIIIA. w1.,c1. jrcintwßl order The subscriber. are prop*;
Gold Lever*, full Jewel'r.*, • ".IVm red to forwards tw «t»nmiiv of .Mctrbtoidne and
Silver do do * Crod-irr intuito) unit dispatch;
Gold Lcptne’, Jewelled, f " Produced Mr-rcbandwe roiiwpied » an> of the an
silver d# ■ Co > f dcr-T.0d... fowanlrd free ft any rhaie* for comm...
Silver <tuanien,fine b ‘‘ ~, . , , , u .
Cold Watchrs.pla’n. '• UiiM .idn.e tm.nm.i»r«i and all .. l nr«Kiioitt|'«n"'idl>
• i . ’Hfjx 1 ;.- i™ ■■ - 1 -" a,,r
Gold Bracelet', ' i ~4 f « a u-»n. l- c'*in«ii>h* Atdre*., ot opplj to
Abo on baud, a large ot <*«,d and l* n -t -t» i.k.W’II A Co. 1 ropneiDra.
Rrarelpt*. fin"er rinef,blt pm*.hoop rai rue* *’•» '• (.'ami Ba»in, I ittrLurfib
pul«, .liver ton**, th'n.blr-, %oA nri\ iiaKKIS A l>:KClM“rnt>nu*r>,
Mtll Ud fob ebaius, HMd key. »od {'”■'•'>■ rf .’1 So IdSoolb 'S
dpipfimion at rnually low pneev- A'i l w*"ii •- " «•» ' TA LOlt A SOAS. Awut ,
foeoSocertinieA I iM No, tb meet, Bafimwe
: »■‘s. i^«N_.-y i k
U»E> the above*. !.. ,i, e wax and 0.. . »•
hash»™2™^ kct AtT,O! V : ■'‘■"'"7C.SS •
THIS Hammer pea*««»ca -many advantage* i-vet N)1 Market meet. Tlidad' 'pli»-
otUer*-atoonßvrbieU«a> be mentioned, TAABFK A O'CONNOR
I lu Managoablenewy-TliCTapld’tity and fort .ji b' <or Pcnn ttlM i Wavnc »u. Pitnbursb
may bo controlltid w,lh lh ® FV? nmr bc n. o'CONM»HUn, Nonh .uect Balbstorc | Acf „u
haiuuct ta in operation, and the tiamaer dibt.. . v •PTAl*SC<rrr, To Sooth r», N \ A
iiaiuly arrested, and •urpeoded at any be'Sh ■ ; .. y, f ,„ f ,euH;d l.unntss ttc I ropnetoi'
Ila UnuTrtaluy, or rianacuy to exer o
kinds, from to tuc tumlle-.t, utd’.c the lUc „, nlf ,.. an d *'« ? n * *?*£*£!
‘■■a'Sipiic.y. c-wd»*»-oioo**—.- „ rrii's.-'.
ll.A'c<ieuiblbly“l»u'.ll.iat|jby ‘bo“’“ ,l, “ 01u|..11..b10 .O|*.io.ovoi ibt Bo*| »>*"'".
All the baxntaersaro made Sell-Aclinß- , v,J „ na . ac ,n and coiueuicnceof >he ware-
Tb« taWe fibers conliiuie to execute orders lor th _ - andib l ol \i,e line, are peculiarly ealcwU;
Ware Room, » which the attenuoa of purcha«ers . , e nns to throwners. m ,rfi
Courf!k*» b" <uppl- d ■> *11™".”!?. *^ffI^^fR?NSPOBTATION
•l the ibonril notice Wifh .11 bind" oi o>» . » iry-W.ihoui TraneLipmem.j3l
1, 10ck,0, eollo .i.f foe s „ aIRD , (iM .„coSi.ened eeill be
[ Bot,f Ro>t,»l"»e Spt.oj i USj"ri“«uSiuoiu peompily eneoJed 10.
PMU1 1 ., rehte.Q h.leg: 5! SSteiwektt.etan foe .loewe oeeomol.Mion
I DKBRY|t JfIOKERSON. Addre,-,.. .ppU ■•• '• *
Htnnfartarers of ___ M , 1
,‘«rysfKl o **- I «„
T. A. i P.CKWOBTH do CO B P-PtE- _ .
ImuiisiiM SSL.J £iiiS^!asE^w!i«,^^Ks^^“'
[ Worth Material., wholesale mid icm.l.aitd cou- , ,| l j ppar «raß alwayso-pendon bawiß ihnrg rr»HE»pleodidoadfaßruniniißHeao»M«Con*al,lmO'
stantly on hand a latgc aakomnriiu.f l.uiimp. Parent. w% Vd«-.t without delay arid at fair rote.. . ti _ I’* Mc p L aiie and Swaiara, Lave coaimeneed inaUnß
■nd IMain [>|a.* t Main.pnnßv, Vcreft- D-al», U nt«-h , lk i lnP war formed for tie »p*-e t al | At* 0 bout will leave the Monruiga*
aiwmnem at all Tool, and Ma- j O ,X way bnslne... *»d the proprietor. r ß *peclfall> . Jn.Mrrtm- »"P“- P ,er.wly ut ? oV^k.-
tertol. belonfing to! the trade; with a large ■ wi|| , |l , ~tral -bare of patronage ; wrniPl V willwrpvo...
and Silver Lever. I«et»inr, and Plum Watrhe*. . .* ■ "* C, r iL»« iJtolidelplua Mail Horn,or
allofwhichhe wiltßuarmnry u. #rllai it*e lowr*i *Ne» jmiN PirKWORTH nn«PHT WODO3 KmllUml ear. "tU evehing Boat vrillleove the
York Pile... Allonlee.f™. the eonn.r, pueele.ll, (MN .,. „ BABNBI »"»«" " r 00 0» ‘ K,?3..1, .«o'clock, eieep.Sood.yk I»J'W".
» r - t.illh | * - JJ^B?
‘^4^l , “ i' sy-sr , «^NrCM-*^s cc -g:
OB?t COJtClt AST, iJ J Mcßce*. ■"“>"• SSTl“ofiVSS*— o-“'»'“■' il “
I ~ Ecr-f 18-17. -. «BS^
a i iLilmrtr.t powitt*noiioe, «nd>«ruu-il m J n , ul s|, nmi«:e« dti.j i.erwcvii 1 tof.••'»«** ;Or tjt Cliarle* Hole'.
made lo order ar mtsiinrr t*' , ’ .urii. *. „ ,/. | hm-ih mid naA-euerr Canal r.KtJe.
thr in»irr«» l lie aver mid Knr 9 ,nl cling wttl. ! __ ieViCL.AKD via. W.IRXUCIf.
j R Cmivli. \Y llaf.lcy. W H « , £ f»|„il, r . i.l r.»e|. ; TOC —-
•treel.below atxHiJNorth "idli. Plnl.deltdoe ooibe B.eee. Cooked „ leueo Beu
|„ nil,-.. -nu-ial;y their naiiouagY. : mor»».o n «»ai io simec*. wlm h leave inmiedi
u M RfcJ'.D, Kne. Proprietor [>w ’■» > ! 'e Mm‘ Lm p ~ “f?-,;, ri ,-..1 t.rj..vWC r
RWDS, PARES A Co, Heaver. Agt* ! me!) ihrrcalier.amt »•* > p
: ; s - :
C.h.-li‘ ° ,,C ‘°S)TEsll*tl*ri.NG>VEU. Watiru. rnipr •
REED. PARKS A Co. Reaver, Acent* a
ic.iiv a CAfUHEY,corner W ni'i “ I|<{ t»mitUfwld *t-,
!S?> M«>!W»B»br.ia Hou,c. rm.bur ß U
Hitiitf |.,tic cou*biui£of freight and pa»>eugi:i Puck
leu, will run during the seaxw between
Betver and Gr«cnv;lk .Pa .*•»> which freight and pn»-
•enUrsbetwecnthe iwnpiniiiv.«•» t>eedified pr<*inptly
nmt a. 'IiC lowest rOITS- ~
WICK A ARCHER. Gicewvjllc, Agl-
CRAIU A FRAMPTON. aarksvilie. .u*.
McFARLAM* A KING. Rig Bend, dot
lIAVSA PLL'MD,Shatjisbnrch. do;
tv C iIALAN. Sharon, '*•*:
\VM MATHEWS, Palasn.
REED, PARKSACo,Bcavo. «Jv.
JOHN A CAUGHEY, corner Water andSnvlhtieM »t.,
■ ptily Oppoaite the Manongahe'u House. Pitiebutgli
K> I til To
Wheeler, Crockei A C«», Nt ' '<•**
li-uDavj*, Buffalo
1C N Tatk-* k Ok ClcvtUutl
J*. \ Anir-iroug AOo. Detroit
McClure A Williams, Milwaukie
l»n»tol A Polltr. acragti |
Win Power*', IWeratow n. I emu
i,,„ M«<:)Kln«)ic, l>yau*l'ur»h, I’tuua
J.»lui MeAiihui. Huut»umii, *l«i
IV .ek A Acker, Greenville. do
' i*iff A Ftaimitoii. ClatksriUe, •!*>
(lays Jt Plumb. Sbarp’bHisch !’■*
VV C MuliiOf frbatun, dc
R \V CunninthiUM. Nc*) do 22t*.
Staiidi 1847. SBdBH
MKKOMAftI«9IiUt* %i
TWKKN Prn>BUB«H and thbeavilun
uni:.', wiihovt TRiMinram
! rpHLiuiproTedtoctbml of carrying used by this long
i 1. K*iabU#l»cd Line. u now no well.kuoipij that do* .
i 'crinunu i< nuncccjsoiy. Goods arcuot touched mi Uie
! icote, ibur all uannhipo»ciilorc«ra bandlin* jammed.
The Bosli arc ul lislil draujtlil and petform then tups
in from ri*U)*cvcn dav*. ~~
The rnnaeiiy of our WueUousM cuablcr Ua to store
1 my cnniicmnynt* tuailc loue- Htceivms.stonß*, and
; a dT«nre« free of chanted.
Ucirc Tally prepared to roakca*lc*ot 1 roouce. we
respectfully mlicil consignments ul western Flour,
Bacon, Lard. Butter, Cbroc, Wpol.tealhcra.andoiher
- - i article* for *alc, oft which liberal ad*«dc« wtll be.
——-■■• P FiimkciL mad* aud other usual faetlluca afforded, pledging our-
W«,P Yoon*. C Bunsen ; «i Te . that any banines* entrusted to u* shall be as
YOBBO* IHMBiCB, k PLUIIKBTT, i e j tru irrt and upon a» fair terms as by any
At/aREHORSF,Nm A3'V.itr,iiJ l« FiW-Ucci, jaS^u' UAVI3 ‘ h
WjMii A“s£srAfi y
'<!&rtiUMUio ji'y jr, m- j AWARDING YcOSSISSIdtf HERGHANTj
riled local! before pure bum* elsewhere. CebM | rv “' ““
— s t Eaal Beaver Point and Bridgewater,
_ »l wholesale
priest-;: r:rac ™ H ,iAKRARi ?-
NOTICK— Application hn*~ been made (or the re
Demi of Certificate No I‘o, dated Jauuao 3,
18t9; for ihiftr-tix chares of the capital mock 01 the
company tor erecting a Bridw over the River Mown
cahwaTopporite riu»b«n;h—which said Certificate has
rpHK ftf*t»it*nd b«t nriely everolTrrrd m th«» eny
X before —mail* ©n the n»« approred ha»|prn r* ,a «*~
knd »« fc»Won*bJe Ea*tetn pannn* and eoiori. Al*o
THE CHEAP ROLL, or BOSroN BLIND. (*>• hand
ormadefoonleroLall »»«*, andot all price*,
i Coaninr Merchant* and other* are invited to rail *no
examine the] above for th«m*elve«. ai oil will he «»M
trholeaal* nt mail, and a liberal .leduci.on m».i- >"
i f • Printer#.
» _ i a JUST Received awl tor •*!<•
from !t>« Foundry of Om>. Hm. r
A-Co., New Yolk. Itw fntlnwm*
4 fonwof Type:
-J3OJ Ib> Uoar*roi'.
J7j Ih* Minion Tiil<-,
It.i f^ad«.
‘.Cl !»■-■ Minion,
PP 3 ll *Tw*f> l-n>-Minx'" (jip-.
AIJV»-For ■■li*,» treat
etr of Second band Type, frotn.Nonpaf'-il io to l*;»* **•
i*,FV>w*‘r*JOrnamenu eie,which will !»«■ ,ow
tor raab. 1 JOJiNSTON * STOCKTON
««W7_| :B>MarkriM
I FROM the very liberal encourage
stent the aabaeiiber ha* received «utee
be ha* located bim«elf m Allegheny.
ha« induced him to take- lea«e. fnr ■
c f yeatv on the pro|terry he now
oreame*, ul Ih-avet •treel, immediately brride ib«
frejAywriaaCbarch. From the lone in il*
tmtutese and a desire to ple.a»e. he hope* to mer
it and receive a ebare of publie patronage
Nownn band and finishing to order, Roclcaway ting*
sien, open and top Buggica, and every dr*eripuon of
i&' l " l " •it^a
Amg THROCKMORTON be*« to oeijnnlnt bj»
foendslthat he i* main Jc“« °( the O'ALT
lIOU SB, LoowiriUr; Kr-"h«® h« “°l* c * !° rar /- LJLii
Us old friends, usanc* ihera sod the puM«e. ihst no
effort shall he spared to make all comfortable who ft»or
tam with thbir paiTonsce i?® 1 .!"!? .
ROBBS, Monthly (l©tea and Ktrer-
PW» frees*. &c , suitable for plasuog.tu Lemetry «
**»caa be furnished on oDplicauouat the «ced store.
f™» i-Sai,am
l.t-jf I No to-i .-m wood •anJC*I. »t< ,
IHAVE ia *U>fr atid -nlf low—
’Bank Frame-: Mama*--.
Couri Hcil',
Pillow*' quiii*.
Sfeccis and Trnmuuiß* of all kinds
And all oflier unities iu my Ime, yiUwh » *•»»:•" >rll
towaod on accommodaUnf ,e,m ''*
ptaif .ai>ie,opfx»»lie
/TRoQM) AUJjf'ICK, CjuniuSoU. aail Clove*. t»
Lr "Xu,bo»i-« and amall package*. eonauwUy op hand
gj# .uUcM^urJ-^^.eun^ha!,
I AM prepared » do all kind* of Cabinet «?«»»»'$
•ttofu^Uhvana.CUaira.Chair Steau, at *lmrt «>«ucc
Orden lertaiMr. Nob!r’»ou Tlnri! «, jiroartly attend
lETAcpiuiinf of all kino?. *J T CTCART.
, * •mat If - - •
_ . IOLIVAB VQ{£*BBttKß ' "
' YITAIUH nsO tape nor to th* be*i BnaJ>*l> “Sloar
*» hridje,”on handaodfor tale at ilia Wa*ol.oa?«
PKoaa’a WkaH," Canal Baain.
•: .
" ~C r BHB liQ.
HOlliCf Ini lieu
*itinnier Good'-
Ricli Spj.i.j;
S t! A \V I. r*, ‘
|Uiie iuri»; j»l»m
and pruned
nntcd und noi*
I. .\WX9i
cnbro.'rd UotiK*.
"rettclt A Seoii-ti
lain and prinK-.'l
lor* dc
lew »u-li Dm'*
B*ll.l Sloped
mcne«. A!«*. I
lull as-vmnent \
Dumim i c ,
<ew York made :
lower*,cheaper 1
BtITXS coum, PA.,
Proprietor and A (rent of afamera
r FTT r
o*ilt arnm" rrrr«o«aa **» ***▼*■.
WIIJ, be prepared on earlieM opefun|o/eaaal nav
igation to receive property »l hi* wharf boat or
in warehouse, for nil point* nn trie Exten«»on, C»o»«
Cob and Ooio l*naf*; for all port* on Lake Brie and
upper I,ake*.a«al«oio tnnvardproduce, &r.bjr Penn a.
'"ißSm”""' Ar, " T ’° IiSwiJOT, 8,...,
11. Hoop*. T. K chraond k Co.
VorwardlnK 4 Commlwton HcrcbMU,
THE Agent# and Proprietor* of this Line (»o {hror
»l,|y known to the public), will be prepared on the
earlirM openm* of canal navigation u> recelveprop
eriy at Piu»l»«rfU and Heaver. and deliver the «am* at
any point on tlie Oluo eanuLi, and al«oon Lake* Eric
and Michigan, vndi the greater dc*patch and atrea*-
nimble rate*. ,
The proprietor* of-ihi# line solicit the bu.*tnr*i of
their fanner cnsiomer* with confidence, knowing that
ibeir facHitic* are second in none. -
Apply in or addres* _
<; M If ARTON, Agt, Pittsburgh,
CLARKE A Co. Beaver
T RICHMOND fc Cr C r»eland.
TIIK Coalmen’* Portable Boat Company being dt*-
•olTrtl, (lie Company again wentioto aniele* of Co*
partncrvhin under the name of the “Uoattoeo 1 * Unrf’
and Hke-wite agreed to refit tlir Htock to u tt hue a
iKißtUer of Boat* for the purpose of carrying good*
thi.iocn in from »ix to o.ghi day*, with^owim?—aitd
feel encouraged by the liberality of liM year’* patron
age, u> make more exten»i»e arrangement* for the on*
* U \vV would therefore rerpeetfully aolieil a commit*
ance of our fbiroerpatron».aml refer all new ooKtomeit
to tboM we have done bo«inr-« for*
For the tranaportation of ' •
air Kiapa or mebi-habou*, to abt> ekom
I'*.. LApw-wita, IUL-rrmoaa, New Voatr, abd Bo«rorr.‘
rtv •itret and Canal Ba»in. Puubnrgh.
No 3>j Market street, Philadelphia.
I.I.DKK, UKLSTQN AOk Ageute, .
Baltimore, Md.
nrntrU’KUU—U'. MeCully, Cleo. MornuACo.
W MeC#HyA , ’o H A Sampum A Co, M AllenAOo.
rilll ADKM’HIA—Morm PaUer«cm 4 Co, Reynold*
McFarland A Co, Fleming A Hiuby, Peter >Vr R l.i A
9on. J Qi»pbau>iio»npl> Ofutx.
NP\V YORK —Uopilliu* ACo,Tbeo. J’erry A. Co.
BOSTON—Reed, IJw* *
CINCINNATI—Adam* A Crc**»», \% W hcailwr
•°*fe I‘LKASANT. VA-P A Mariner.
«CTd»aaol*e from New York and Honan,
conSned to A L tieibut A Co, Philadelphia, will be
promptly forwarded/r« of commmlon. frUl5
Ptcloce VswM> to PbUftdelfrlHft.
- ibtm .TIIE Canal being now dj*jirUitr
■ Hitwi> which bat be«ire»>
S, 1 , COO.CJ.JIM of <M* MoUjd. of
of ihe caiialin*aea 1, oiu
JSS™ 1
jErirsßUttGa AXD Cincinnati
THIS well k«o*a and popular Lias of Piramtr* lia»
SSnkSiSr «n.P p»M Winter. by [lb*> ad.
diiioa of* »everal new and magnificent boatp. bmlt
»xn£a»lV for thr Packet Line; and the *nUi* line ■»
2w compote* of eight of the large*!. **« n «
teniabeaTand tnoKpowertnlboau'on the '\p«» «
KR5* B vprv accommodation that money fill
?„ £l r ton r'—Wed to, d-dfo paiu
_.n be tpared to reader them comfortable and V>e
•muable. They leaf e Pittsburghand Cinemnitl daily
aJnl positively at 10 o’clock, A. K|. .
The MON'ONGAIIELA.Capt. Stonr) will lea ve Pitu
hurch erery Monday moraine ai 10 o clock; \N heeling
Sw JlonJ.V ■"»« *>» V. M i »i.d «»•
ery Thursday at 10 o'clock- A. M.
Tuesday packet.
The HIBERNIA, NO. 9, C4pt J. Klux.f'lta, will
leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday morning at»' :,ftpk j
Wheeling every Toerdar cvemn 5 ai 10 P. M-. *nd
Cincinnati every Pnday ot 10 o clock, A. M
The NEW ENGLAND. NO. 9, Cap!. S.
leave Pitiabareh every Wednesday mominrf at 10
S t„i. Wheeling evciv VI ei)ne*day eveitinwat 10 1
if&SSiS mi, »•
Th- WISCONSIN, Capt. R. J. Hrner,will leave PjHb
t.uTph every Thursday motnuie ailOo'clock;
every Thur-doy evening at lit I . M., •'«* Cmt .mw l
every Smiday at tOo’elock, A. Al
The W.ih-kb, NO. a, c«pi. cw-.wiii Itjvr P.iu
iiun-li rvrn Friday tnonmig ai Iboeloch, ''heeiin,
•Sgy FrHtaycvenln«atlO P.M.i mail Cincinnati ~'t>
Monday ai llio'ftock, A. M
"‘‘•n.rMKSSENUER, Capt. Linford, will leave lilt*i
: hur*hevery Saturday toohuuc * l ‘^“ clock { hr^linf
-1 CVC 7 V tUrarday evcii'Ug al 10 I ~hL. «ml <■ .m mu.m
i A. M-,
n,r ISAAC NEWTON, Capt A U wdl
leave IMtrhurgh every Sunday morniMe -iHM lfV,
Wl.celiac every Sunday evening at l'» •M • *<"' '- »■
rin-ial' evert Wednesday tU Wo'eta.*, A M
Tr?-ihv*c Packet.- willbc alllieirbenh- m Piu.-liui ß h
icgalaily, IVpa *
,-hcV port. lor'he reception~nrr. S l.< on.lh.nir> <•'»
C f'fn°lkr’ii or Stale Room conrideti d engaged
jfryLj, T,,c m ,
ÜBSSm^^ Copt. Clnulro Hoop?, l«
nal Boots d»ily tiiSas^ U( J »iuce Coaehr*
Cleveland U«e Line* *o
duly » W««u qjgjgggM&nw Kiictimon Lino
Ne « C V n“"» J & Co’« Line* of
IU MeadvillL a »^r. leave Ika
t-nne Loacbc* leaver fiom
TrsTßifri'Btet ~~ 7
?^r a^F^^c6yESrv;
J,, r .>rl. ref.D,PARK!> » Co, BMW.*«'
I \v T MATHER. PBDborgli Asl ,
j „ ' Cor WotttAoJ BioliUfelJ »■«■■
tIBSS ISM 7. m*gk
EHS* 1847 ' TOW
1 >on Tilt TRlimrobTlTlOK Of.
PlilltdilpMt, Baltimore. Hew York
and Boston.
THE cnconragemeni Ups lino ha* received siace
its commencement, lias ladqced the proprie*
lors to increase the stock by adding * number t>! first
class boslsfend iosteadiof firing receipts as hereto
fore as agents, we will give our own receipts for
freight shipped by this hoe.
The boats are ail portable, coueqoentlv freight
is taken tbe whole distance without transhipment,
thereby preventing damage from frequent handling
on the route., and as each boat ii owned by the
Captain who runs them, which is a auffieienl guar
antee that there will be no delay on the route.
All Produce or Merchandise consigned to the 1
undersigned will bo forwarded FREE OF COM
MISSION,for advancing end forwarding, and Mill
be shipped withont delay at tbe lowest rates of*
freight. '■
* tVe rstpectfully solicit a share of .public patro
' Canal Basin, Pittsburgh.
, CRAIG. BELLAS & Co„ Agt.
j Broad Street, Philadelphia.
J F MILLER, Agent .
Bowley's Wharf, Baltimore.
Pittsburgh, Feb. id, 1841, ~
1846 -g™ 1847
TIIK under* L*ned are now nrrciared to forward pr»-
dore,4r.,toihe FA*ierniM*ttei»dunoß the enjo
in* Wmier,on the riio<l favorable imm, hy itii* rape*
dnium root*. ' , . . u
All property ronsif&ed to u* will l»e forwarded ai lit*
lowest rate* and withdespatch.
Merchandise received by tin* tonic prampily for
wanted J C BIDWKI.L, Aj’t. l*iit»imri[h.
fl W CASS. Brownsville.
K ECKRTON & Co,Cumberland
T|!K subscriber* will receipt forth* delivery of Pro
duce to Haiti mote by the Moiiongahela Siaekwater
at the fallowing .* , ,
Afhe*. Bacon, Butter, Lead, Lard, Pork, Tallow,
Whiskey. Cbeeae, and Glass—B7l eta per 100 Ibi;
Tobaceo, Hemp, Flax and Wheal—tH ctl per 100 lba.
Ash** (Pot) Apple*, Cheese, Flnx-Sted, Olasr, and;
Leather —lo 6 ci» per 100 lbs
Oili. Hi in*. Seed*, Woof—llo eta per If*. 1 Ilia.
Bee*wax.Feather*, Furs, Ginseng,..and Snake-Root
—ItO cl* pe r 10Q lba. ~
All property consigned to rither of tbe undersigned
will be forwarded without delay, free of Commiuion,
at above ntie«. W-'H CLARK,Brownsville.
IIANNA t WATF.RMAN, Pitulnugh.
, NOTICE. ''
_ FTCKIUIITKRrt and others wishing
. la have Fire Brick, Produce, Ac.,
UkAMjIP bioaghtio this place from Steubenville
intermediate landing*. can 'make
by ealliiw on me, a* 1
bare a Bom luntuns freulatly between nilsbtirgb and
Sle7h«i»i«b-. «W>. B. MILTRNIIKRBKU,
!Steamboat Agent, SO Water >t
j, fL~ii J and refilled in handsome style and
ul the Monoogshela wbart A*
»be» improved *lic l* we 11 adapted for
carrying freight nod puxenget*; or for towing; *h bo
crem capacity and |K>wer< Anv person ih«pn*<i u»
oarebaae will of coarse inspect her. . ~ •.
ii also propose to lea*<i, fi rone of move years mj aal
Wtrbi and to a tnanofenergyand business habit*'they
offer arent advantage*. 1 cau furnish the learef,either
;«u cate or charter, my tnw boat “MINER-” He con
f p, have on fair term* »ii barges, ibree flats, and two
coal bottom*, ailleen cars wiik ropes, fixture*. ««
'made for foil operanous. Anexaminatwn ofthar.j-
Person* dwppaedie negotiate
with wte mreferenceto an; of the above pamealars,
SrT*ddfM»J*eat wy Office m Stnirt’s BaiUn* *l*
or at H»rten.,nMrMi^ou^hH^City,
i: .Kjy _
{Newthe Epp** Brid**, All«*b*By C»qr] r
rnnnpn»riiwr»of«h»l*wr Com* Factory rerpejt-1
1 feJl>UifMO.U.epobhetb«^V»^K»w^wr«^
iol operation. Harm* employed fce
Barne* u Manayer, who ha*hadane»periene*on*
\eart ia the principal lactoue* of A kgbeny Ccy,
tbSr would inform -Msrefaaru* and Dealer* m yen«al
rt*i they will always have oft-handl »operjor Omon
vSnSFan No*. "v *&"
rf ffiiassseii.i.b.
err, Hunter ATCo ,ISLibeMT »««». £ l r ?S P - T
anentUcUo- ' racb«tt*a
mill? Manufactory being in lull and * o »|P»* tB
1 lion, (having rerrited and replaced a.l iheic «■
t«nM?d, liandtooie good*. (branded Allegheny »J
•«n*aa*ed b* none, of the mme uvle, *ntbec°on.nj
.mended rirWeiy for the IVirxu ttnd
trade. Merchant. vi»iimg oar erty are .avitcd
and exanmie pteriou. W making Otdcri
from a d:«uHoc promptly attended M>.
flllly .hipped when ordered. _ ffiJ.J.WA-w-kn i. |
Candle-Wick, Batttng,*Twlne> Corarlet
I (Bueee*»rs of Atbuekle* A Acery.)
I jam* ~, ,. ?£
TIU; nl-ove e-tablt»limeiti being now in sucees.fal'
oik ration,wr are uiauufcetnring. eery eneii»i»ely.
att article of heavy Sheeting., well adapted to the retail
tradr, whirl* for beauty and quality cannot be excelled
by any other, make in the country. The attention qf
nuuiliaoeta ii iglkiietl to tin examination.
•W lia iiliough the cawr u»»y «ioi )*j; x r ,T " , ' c ' 1 ’
Since (her tffats are duly «*ccTlaiued,
|.cl not deletion, prejudice, or pride,
Induce mankind to set Ujc meant aside,
Mean, which. iho’ simple, are by lUuyci. d
To alleviate the ill* of human kiud. n
ritHlSt remarkable invention, which has r ®r*‘ TcJ^® r
1 univeraal approbation of tie medical precision of
Great oSc«Spnsc. an entirely new
GalvanUm.a* ff remedial agent, >*X
ordinary Galvanic Batteriet, tJeetnb and
.chine*. *c-i are entirely diapenred with, and tfce
cion* power of Uaivanitfn •PP ,^Jifc_ R p n r J M ,
objection which are in»eparabfe froa lho renrrnl f»»de
if , Tlie aimnadotes. and irregularinterval*,
m which Ualvanitm it applied by thq-Machine tihas
been pronounced, after aTairand impartial .nal.tobe
iryuriour, and it wai to-remedy this ladieal de
fe«lb-ttLi. new application wat, af
ter uncrating uni and per.everaaee.ha. been
mil* nre*ent stale of perfection. The Gufcwrtw Kief*
all iheTurpo«. of the moat e.petrtive Ma
chine*. and m many other terpeeu are moresa/smd
rerfam in eecompliahing the desired , Mmm-
The Waicanießmgi oted ut connection withthomej
ntot Fluid, are confidently recommended in •lid***-
dtnJtiek ariu fnm on nftMtd er V
th* nmvu< or cital tytiem. and theie eompUhiD are
■muiir the moM painlul nod univeraal to which wejw
nubjcct. Thej arirc, WithoutexcepuoMro™
plccao^i—a derangement of the Nervous s ,>* le ®
and it wet in tb**e c»(«i ih#t ofyer *rerafdie»
to often faded, a new agrniwt* greatly needed, which
It It confidently believed, hat been found in the proper
and jadicioaa application of Galvanism.
The Galvanic Bmp have been used \y»th entire sue
rev. in all cases of RunmATitJl, acute Cl
plying to the betd- foeo or lirph*;
SwaSa*, rtftig*, A««ror
Indention, rarmlmu,
palpiutUn of At Htnrt, Apcptay, -wnw,
Spiuof CompUiHtc Lvmhege, tWoZg latfrrwiJ Trj
„lHainZ of At Ilted, f«« in At Chat a»dStdf,
GrtitrolikMUlp. tVdoeneyer Ntrtou* +nd phytic*! Kn
?rn andtU &KHVOU* DISORDERS. In cut»«l
confirmed UvT>rpt'i. which l*«imply a nttroatdt
ran*emrni'ouhedipe*Uve organ*, they have been found,
eoually •uctmi'hl. Ybnr r ru aonlmary etfacu opou
iho «v*trrn must be wiuie*srd to, be believed, and a* a
vrrtain preventive fir lie prpoediiig complaint* they
arer.iually n-romm&idcd * the Ring* of different
prirei, bring made of all she*. and of vanout orna
mental patient*, and can bo worn by die
female without the Mighte-t inconvenience. In fact,
(hr nenvilion it rather agreeable than otherwise.
The <«Alranie Beltt, Brjsceleu, B*na#t
Garters, Kecklacen, Ac.
wm< . <-!!«•» ofV ierrM-vrre characirJ.aEd oflont
andiu*. the power a» applied by Uie GaJranic.R>ng»
, not to arre« iL progreM of
iJJfr .w
-»r^5^^ A ,=3J6MSS
ie.l to the vrai.i, ann», wntia, hmU, ancle*. o. any port
of the body, with perfect convenience. l>e Galvanic
Necklace* nre used with atcater benefit in rate* of
Krone Inn* or pflection* 'of die throfit *en«*Ujj »
ca*e»of Nerrnn* Deafne**; and with ntaoei
a* u preventive for A|wplo*y. Fit*.
■ nd •‘nuttar complaint* „
Chiblie’a.Tlnßiielic Fluid
~ ttjeJ ,n connection with ibe-Ualvanic Ring* and au
iKeir’uiodification*. 'I In* eeinj ha> becu P*o*
nouneed by tl*« French Ohem-t* u» be one of the m»t
citraonLnary dwcosenea of modern acme* ,»»»&*
I'cvcd to n«»*se** the reuiarkuMep fewer of rtndtn*t
nrrtrt muitfi 9 c «Jramr *<*>«» by th>* nwatw eauam*
a concrnuauon ot the mltucuc, at tho brat of dt»ea#«,
tho« eivutc tapiil and pc.uianenlx.ltef No Otoe*
ci){npo-iin'ti til cbciunir.» knowuto produce the *an>' , to impart u arimlar property to ilie.iierroo*
.inh.l'V inenn'Ol an outward local The
ajjictk Mu id cbi.tH »* noth,ns capable ot the align j
,-t itijufA, in application .* agrcable, and it i« a.
Uam.tew' ft inaction x »f >* i.-nrCcial m .1* rc*ol|».
Full eipla tatton~ni.d dtrecliou* accontpaay «» rjic
combined invention* are m every vray perfectly liana,
lei*; tbev are 'old at price* 'vi«nm the .each ot all anil
the'daeotcrer only re<inc«u « fair trial a* a test of
iheir «urpn»nijj cficu; end permanent benefit
Christie’* (inlranic Slrenßlhcnliif. Plasv.
The?* 1 atticle* (mm another valuable application of
t|te myoi'tioua iMflocm-c «" taKam-mt. Thy we an
b-IjmiiM 10 il.c gruumyt-ulviunc Rimiiid
ihe>r modification*. ■•• mis upon the »anie ptmctplc. I<M>
having the advantaged morcfccul application. They
»*c confidently recommended it- u valuable addition in
ihr ntffd-. cotoof lUiCTunniifin, acme or chronic; >n all
neitnu* conii'loiin*, and a* a i«o*Hivn remedy tn cases
of Pain and IFeafain* tnrtf <-'*'>»ar Back, PainUlkt
SLStiin .I'lAmai-c 4Jrtmn', and m tr«h»irjj *r Cwpses
,i,n rf (hc Pultmaarf Otg*n* In Spinal Omplaiuta
tiieij eff 11* art of die tpo-f decided character, and they
have often bccu used will* complete BuecessTTliey arc
alfo of the grcalcsl advantage In F«m» and caknces
of the Breast, and are highly recommended for many of
Ihore complaints to which females are ©specially liable.
A- ■>: efleetoal-means tor strengthening the system
when debilitated with disease or oilier caoßs;aß a e«r»
min aid In Constitutional Weakness, as a Preventive
for Cold*, and all in affections of the Chen, generally,
iibc (iatvMuic Strengthening Plaster will ho found o<
©real and permanent advantage. In * few words; u
emlirat—a alt the virtues of the l>c-i touie preparation,
with the important addition of tlit galvanic influence,
winch i* ucitlict impaired nor exhausted, while the ac
tion continues. These articles will tic found. entirely
free from those objecuoo* which are a constant source
of complaint wuh the ordinary' plasters ineocMaoawe.
lf7“Tlie great celebrity and scecssof these article#
has caused them to be counterfeited by unprincipled
beraoifs. To provide against imposition, Dr. Chu*TTX
Us hat one aatbomed agent iu each cjnr of the Uiuon.
The only agent in Pittsburgh, - W. w. -WILfION. •
Of the highest and most respectable character! are con
stantly received, regarding the extraordinary value
and success of the above articles.- It is believed that
In the city of New Yprk alnae, upwatds of EIGHT
THOUSAND PERSONS during a period of less than
a year, have been entirely relieved of the most palafnl
chronic disorders, some of whtehhave completely baf
fled all former efforts of medical art. Indeed many of
the first physicians of this city, who disapprove of the
Galvanic and Magnetic Machines, constantly reeem
btrud this application in their practice, and with the ex
cepiion of those who arc too prejudiced to give it a tri
al the invention ha* received unanimous favor with
the mo*t Intelligent among the American Faculty. Dr
Christie is at nil times ready and most happy to
evetv facility to physicians, and all interested, for test
ing U»e troth of his a*senious and the ejfieacyofhts
To Pittsburgh,corner 4th and Market at
tenii: ;K '
Ati ANU SUKUIt’AL omci
LEY, a few- door* below
Wood *treet, toward* lb*
market- r
Havinc been
nrateo to the medirat pro*
ferroon, and been lor tome
um« to central practice,
now coniine* hi* attention
lo the treatment of ihott
private and deli jaia-coms
l plaint* for which bisapper
- tanit>r* and experience
' peculiarly qualify him.—
_. nrT assiduous * devoted to the study and
&atm%ionho*eeomplr.wr, (during nm hr
ha* hadmore practice andi.ascured more patient* than
"an ever fall tothe lot of a:y pnvaieprt.ctU.oncr) am
ply qoatiße* himto offer a* un>nce»of i|yqdy.pcnaa
autt aud satisfactory cure trail afflictedwtth dtiimtl
diseases. and oil diseases arising therefrom. -
■ Dr. Brown would inform tho»e afflicted with final*
disease* which have beeomeebrorue by nmeoraggreva
ted by the use of any of the common, nostrum* of the
Jay, that theit complaint* can be radically and tbor*
oofily cured, behavtog Riven hi* careful a.temwnjo
tba treatment of *uehea*c*, and succeeded m hundred*
df instance* in curing person* of inttamatlon of he neck,
df the bladder, and kindled diseases whichofteittomll
>o m those ease* where other* bate eoM.pied them to
toneless despair. He pailieularlyinviieS inch a* hare
Seen lon* and nn»neee**fully treated by other* to eoth
dill him. when every »atiifactioo will be given them and
their case* treated m a careful, thorough and inielbjtnt
pointed out by
vcMlxuUoo, which it 1* impossible for tbo*e engaged ir
«neS>rectieo ofmcdielne u> give any one eTua o
‘ ID“ Hernia or Ruptare—Dr. Brown also tamtea |
nenioni afflicted with Henna to call, ■* he has paid
particular attention thi* disease. .
*■ t<kim Diseases; nl*o Pile*, Palsy,cte.,rpeedily eared
. Chanrrsverylow. , ...
‘ N if—Patient* of either «er living at a disunee
by •uimg ihcir disease lu writing, giving tllthe»jmpi
tom., can obtain roedicinrs w-ih d.reeuona for are, toy
addressing T. BROWN. M. D. post pa iaad.cueto.
<o.<3 Diamond alley, oppoeiie tlie Waveny
IfT" Vo coin, n pav* del#
LIVKR COM!*lsAlHT—Another care perfenn-'
ed by n.tng tin: original, only tree aud genuine
Liver Pill. , ;
Aaraprct. Brown eoomy, Ohio:)
j March SO, !St?. J
Mi. R K felleru- In April fast my wife was attacked
with Liver Coioplalut. aud had the adneeof twopby*
siciaus who tried various remedies with producing ail 7
good effect. Having heard of your celebrated l.iver
f’lii*, 1 concioded to give them a fair trial. I purchased
one lux of Mr. ScoU, Abcrdtcu. amTgavetliem aeeonl*
in* to the direct!nnrfTby which Vue wo* greatly reliev'd;
I proenred'a second kor. wt.ich entirely curedltcr,»wi
•Uc now enjoys daeellent health: I haw used them
myself, and pronounce them the be»t family medieme l
have ever tried- Vours, BBA SLY
' U7*Thei« Pills stand unequalled by any medieme
Prepared and void by No w ltreo i
' «P*
iri*3« from «aWw» F** 4
k»kii ivnem. trunvA-'.
&as£sar4Mr*!.teg?aß i
lhoiSSi w»«W«!tt
it i, Sar ioleodod to Ultha
emikanie and aperient m*d*me*i bene* »» *™~'
tmndi i* that of «ui.alterative direelll— l*>di***dy» P»*
vini-a lavtinr tonie to the •yeieni.’t ...
It i» hirblv concentrated lor cocTemenCg and yx* j
bill tv, containing nothing tui tha
a,„n« the rep.erenuuve of the Banapanlla Rotdtja
, Oteßimr manner#* Qumiae r * °(,?* ro 7 1 f a
Mornbui- of Op um. It !♦ an cetablwbed AcV«lm» ■
r f ew «*in» of euJier Quinine or Morphine contain* »H ,
the toedielnal value of a lalee- quantity of tk# erode
i M b«auce*i heaceiheanpenomy of tteae preparohona
”, n a so invalid would detire to <lnnk njallonmixuro
' when a half pint contained tlie Mine medicinal vatne.
i The Soreapartllacanlie diluted when taken ejraeablo
£SSsie*», Md roodo to ••!> *• now «.« P*-
|£Jn, MMd« oonatco.o KddieMcd u .*■ 1|»«
Chlcogo, furo<*lrof corrclo.ive proof of lUjren ooltte
I , n oo-<-.of roTorSotf. j
Mrfrt S.obtrino & Rrfd-fir.:li-ln W«y, lM5,d-ob-rj
saw«s3»«y« !
“ Afteraam* half the
Voor-.ruor. „, U .KR
Tbo (bllowu'K cerlificoto ip only (UWlw ™**
: crral ririiu of tcrtiuioliy J*» ll» incltl*. , icM ;
F tjorvit Boltov, Cannda taxt, April 13, IH»._
! .. r . giuid*—Ututlemeut Expoaed a» wo
u-,„- tour excellent medicine, at wh th tune lj**»
whoTlv confuKd u> uiy bed. Alter lemg it a few inooth*
; | am uow utile to want»bem.ndrooi.and«»Jor«cwn
(•■ruble degree 01 health, which 1 atwihuie entirely to
I n c U»c Of lotwPt BareapirHla. -Flcwe acyept wy
| ft. o„d "S*'} uim M n oRKIS ;
! llrmir r.oor.oll) oo.|r»iolcd 0r111..U.0 »6ovc <u»
; I*-**"** *«&■¥Sf SSSIiiAN
i Iron. » lenor ru.-or.od y. Oor.«,18U. |
T-" 1 ;"!?" WM oIlOSHA:
eaperiot TalaeandeficanyfOC* paniphleia, which may
N « 9 te
««ch remarkable eara* oT *• «>«
AiivaM to which the mbu fmma i» «ah)eei» tb* l *'
and lake noothcr.^
Sherman's qlosaonian,
ask TBK»»F»»W=»:
whsi ru< reliered btta £3P*V liar Xn» hodif. (
“X e r breathing Coujb and
“ft tell yen UW “tha OkaaoaM,oc *Q-
IfraUac Mw*” Aik ifct CKaua|to«
Whi? hat allayed hr* Cou*b,*»®o»tJ
ihePaia i* hMlSid# taA Chert,
rhceked hii! night
placed the w ofhoahh
upon hit ekaek.‘ aod
'all-healSo balsam.
i. ihort a »paee of time. Read the Wtowlqr
SikT.iL" f 3
i:.r Am* >K» best Mdict! adric* which Hew l«* ■*»•
iu,truethe me dittote, tried It,and
SK, w b MW to w A that Ac j* »kU to
bed early to tbe morning and attend to. her l^g£
the day niihoot any aaaoyaj** **«■
!li<rcT Jackm, 13th tlnet,
r , M to u,e Atorr for tl.e purpoae of obtamuw » kitM of Uw
OUacawaa, Laitog been afflE»* wi* Ibe Atthmnfcrmore
than 30 year*, and »u to bu arm*] that Ba
ah'Ct cue hilf ofcaeVtllr. , ‘ i 1
Conaiuwptioxi of the ..
Ur. Co*ronT t » White Ural, wai to low ut lhe Biwtth
of D«.»Ur brt-that he firta «?hy
friendi rutrrtttoed no hope of hu iw»«7-fl* '
Jrd to try the Olniawinn, and to ha wrprite » "P” ,T*.l
reatored Vim lo ticallh tliat lit v now aWe to walk abottt the
US' ArrwMh.
Kmi. and Ueo. Hay., all hear
llrt ir oWu experience of lU healing prepertM of «Et» Oftal |
Hetnedy ip. Cotrrumptioa of the Lnagt. r. .1
BptttlM Blood. •
Mrs. Tnocmvan, »»««••’*"*‘*"*±l*3 !
troubled Ibr a e«at WnrU. of Ufflc bv a •**«" *E*“l*?J !
raidiiuatWoof«*&,•»»to&«* hjmt boßle «TJk«
Obrnuuian. ami declare. lithe freatetl rewmlj n ,«***“* ]
(Ulit, *.» Water Mmt, was abo lnm ,
thetmoe comydainl, although W;w» "'LErLESStf,
whenheewnineed toWngTl, to«te £ >«"*!
liu pi.) «i» during the pail winter. Atthonh he
couUuth end aa* wry much troubled mlh n<h» -
luUlovt ih* remedy etabkd him to to hti dally
IU He.cotirtlynlit’rd. •• '•
Damp Hi*pib»o>,bO Laisht ttreet, <i*o W. Botb*»i
p«»erljof N*«wk, N. J., (fear, U»b.«,
rtrtet, and uumcr-nn other perse.* ha»e hrea n*™7 ***
t>rrmaa«ailr cored of the swo* mapWst by Oh* remedy.
nhieh n»ld be predoctd bf rerrous who fate toed thg gTtg |
.■- _ <u m Lin tin 6H a oJams. Acnf th* namber ;
lo refer, to A. M. KniatyTlfc Btrdff «t,,
MrUfOHB of Hoboken; Mrs I
Thk most astousdibo Diacoy-
EBY —A Blewios! A M iraclelA
-TVcare Krupuon* »adPirfjO»_rcnuau_oCtheßjna,
Purple*, Freckle*, Sanborn, Sou Bheoa. Scorer* S®2
H «fO'la»t Anfuet, Ac cnpitaloT
wu a*toni»b?4_u» conference of * dueoTemnaiUby
i”"..aCheSi l .u Many doubted—is »«es»l *L»ojU
5? •impOMibrnty thuanyihm* oioilebr th«
man.mjdk*»e■ochaifl«l*r powi
by Aounl* Ve*prmj.ferJ»»e|n*«flW>» ijftSLfiSSi
“sfeSSBR saß^S»fias*£
•rehetiitte not to pronounce it (the lielianChemicol
giplMorewbleMing, M4«irahnMa*rfal«rae
dv for any coiaaeoo* eiopuoftot di»fifnrefM«haf.tbe
•kin. lu inventor w** consider the true pniiaothropi*!
of •offenncmonkiad. • . • -
From the meantor hiroJelf to thepreaentPeoptiejn*. --
r*K>*. Not. 4,1640
In consideration otthe Mm of OflU I h*T»> dj rel
ied to Mr. T. Jour«, residing in the city of New \ork.
N. A., the whole prtjeert of manufactoring, lofeOwr
with attutememof theitigrfdiaßta eompostngiay Itai-.
ian Chemical Stoop. U« U tomanirfketure ttforaaJein
Ihe United. Skate* only, andto hare the pnrtlege** n**
ming it u Jaw»* Italian Chemical Soap."
w,^?Si!r or J ' M ° U VBPum
W JACKSON, at bla Puial Medicine
Warehouse. 60 Liberty aireei, Jtrad of V\ ood,' at the
ran l-eolutined. All other* ere Ceurfterfeu.
EFFF.CTUAI.LY and speedily cured by ibe.utee
the Creat Remedy of Nature. AMERICAN OIL
It almost imraca!op*ly reduce* Inflammation, and eon*
seqaeotly I* warranted in all ease*toleate no team or
•car in the flesh. • ' ''
fold wholesale and retail by WAI. hi*
Boot and Sboctkore and Palau Medicine Warebooaet
g 9 Liberty street, bead of Wood, Fiuaburgb. Prjeo flO
cent* and fll per bottle. - . ■
W Jaek»on being the Exelasiee Agent for Weetern
Pennsylvania, none Is genuine batwhat la aold by lOM'
or HI" appointed Arenu.
- N. B. A Pamphlet eoataifiing ample
with the namea and .address of the PmprmtoraadPna
cipsl Agent, is enreioped with wrapper of eaeb bottle.
Aourtdanceof ceilifieatcs can be aeeaatlbe Store.
febl7<Km . _• . ,
LA DTK 8 Who Use Common Prepared Chalky Are
often not aware how frightfully injtriow It I* »
the skin! bow coarse. bow rough, hew tallow, yellow. !
and unhealthy the skin appear* aAOf hitag prepared
chalk! Beside*. ii U injarmus, contai ting aJargo qnsr*-
lity o£ lead. We bare prepared'a'beautiful eegeiable
article, which we eall JONES’S SPANISH DltiY
WHITE! It is perfectly innocent, beiagpnrifiedof «U
deletenonsqualities; and It Unpans lo the skin a no®*
ral, healthy, alabaster, clear, firing white,atthe ■»
tune setine as a eoamet<e on the skin, »aain| «^n
Dr. James Anaetson, Practical Chews* £mw
ehusetts «a}s: “After analysing Jow« *&?“*?£!”
While.lCniitposkesresUieuxwl #r*-r saw I
ral, at the »ame lime innocent .
certainly cancontcientwosly. recommend it» wioau
whore skin require* beautifying .. ti", - '
iRZJSrh? w”m SicklHiN. .t k.. D«x Otee
U&ny K Sn orwo«>,
(He Hit; Bcct-
"“So Cnre, HoPmy* y •!•
Dr J**k*H' P&* SotiroaUttu JTwFetfj/ <
mHKßfcfarfl few di*e**e« wore common or Ires*
I bleioaio than the le^flOtwlllttUad.
treatertortihere bwsnfadetoCttrt Wtbe,ws.
ofpill*. eieetsarlef/ltßtmmts, &fi;rall weje htdle
and oi little beoehL flow tie EmbroeatJoo U (be
onlj mediLine a»ed.
, D 2 «itb the Pile* of the wont kiad cvae from Sa»-
leoi. fiew Jerrej, almost <m pupooe to cxprea3ia
gratitude fat tbc *peeidjr cure that th»a medicine tud
effected ia bis care.—rhiUl bet. Poet, -- - ; .'
<trrat Hie ia fitiabsrehattb* ,F£KEN TEA.
STORE,'ftFooiib jt v uiaatao«i.Uw Drugstore-
H. P ScbwaiU, Federal at, Allttheoj CHj. >■ -
febTST, . , _ . i<v ..;• •'
YULOW OCIIHB—9W>I»bc»t AaenttD,-
..a-4»” Frenefc'.:
ttps .. N* 84 «nd tswi
- great discovery.
: © Vataebte MedkißO,t*««wde *mve **** " rt °-
b«tbT»t* B»t>woold no*,
be in the silent grave* • ‘ ! ,
itthmcat tbs wonderfnicure performed by Doctor
Romm's Compound Sjwp of WILD CHERRY:
. fa,l.D*l**t., J.a**rg?A t |S(7.
Dr. sir; In joitics togonratlf ski
, dQIT I ow* to. (Offering faaßnuutg.l eiterrfnlW
mto ag leiliotoog, Ond declara lo the wotlii tin*
Son- itonWring effect*.oodUe great corn ;ou,
r Compoend Sgnlp of Witd Cherrr petfonard on nr.
nnderiiiemoat onfaaonble cireumatanM*. I to.
tnkno with i (Went Coegh. Spitting of Blood.
pginn in the Side and Breaat.wbich sermrit
to break down and enfeeble »J conetiwtion.... that
me obreicUlt Ibooebt ate caw bmfind to* poner ot
metfictne. andetpWendeall gate me up to dirt hut
Umnkn to goo and tho effect* ol goer great JUcntc
„ I now feel mjiell a wolf "ftlS '“« < r " m »
';. r . .grtetoa to ad ffaakg ead healthj a man a* I
“aw btwaforjeer*.nod (I*ll bo pleawd to girenae
IribriMtloo rnapeetta* tag cate, bg ealirag u, m,
reaidecce,Mechanic ttiKMklnl door below t.eorje
atreet. Northern Libert in*. Jaco* Patnrrr.l
gSfimoiiy ir nolo raavtdfrom all qiuaUrti.J
1 ' the Globe.
The following letter* are pre*entedl with a new
of more Mlg’.Rwiog tb.
relation to tho Medical ralue or Dr SlVal M. n
b^BwnieSDeuSlet Haring uaed gttar horn,
pound Sg?np of Wild Cberrg ertenit.e j «
practice, I waa reqeeated hr gnur Agent, Itoctu/
Crutcher to eaprea* mg opinion in uming of in
properties n.» remedud agent,! moit cheerfully
damply, u i feel by todoing, 1 will duebarga a
debt 1 owe Urn community «1 Urge, and rh}«e»ns,
ia particular. A* much as I digest Quack ftrac'
die* and Patent No*tram*, 1 wax induced' fn>u>
a failure of the moat potent expectorants, rvcom-
Bteßdwi in oar maiena medics in some cares ol
Diac3«ed Lunge, to try year preparation ol Pinnus
ViTcroa'br Wuu Cherry.. lllsauflicienUoMj that
| waaabmachpleaoed wllhlhe result of Ihu ant
subsequent trial*, that I now prescribe It in preler
cnce to all other llemedie* where an expectorant 1*
iodtcilcd. In the much dieted rne?w*>nU ; or
Diwife~°f the progs. in the alarming form in v tuch
it et&ara in Kentucky, I regard it as an invaluable
Kemedy in the treatment ol that disease- I<i alt
who know me I bare.sud enongh, hot aa this may
be seen by pervoasout of the viciaity of h Mi.kfort,
twill briefiv add, that I have been ctgagcd in an
active practiee ot my profession-c 4 U.jears. ird am
a Resnlsr Graduate of Transylvania, and this ta tho
firstfatcnfMedicine l evet-thought enough of to
ntprea. an opinion in j, D , .
j«ttaijbui,tM7. FraoilißCcnoty, Ky.
KnanfiroßT, Ky. f Jan ry jib, IW7*.
The abuke certificate is f*wa ope pf oer 1 hm*
cian* living a few mile* frmn here,i»e iadoing g very
good practice, and tp considered a good Physician,
and atudn fain be is, a* be eaya, a regular graduate.
—Dn. W. L. J L*RfTCHtn,
T ' - Dronistasd Apothecary.
oWimoßutZr tout never eeaie. ,
[ From the Temperance Pledge.
Now that Winter te epon ns with it* 1
traitibf Pntonhie end Bronchial afiecuocß.'Copgh*
CoHt, dtfllk* .« B Would advise those afflicted in
this way te make immediate trial of Pr. Swiype'*
Compoend Sjrpjp ol Wild Cherry. It will never
iailto perftrmt permanent core.: The reputation
of this medicine bee, canned many epnrioua article*
to be put lorth wider 1U namr, bat the preparation
of Dr: Swayne, beside* being the first ever offered
to the public, is the only one tbet can be relit d on.
Tbe other mixturr* sold lor Wild Cherry Syrupy
Balsams* &c., are all spurious tod worthies*, «&d
contain nose ot the virtue* of the original pre pars',
tiim, Dr.' Swayn*’* 'CompoanA Syrnp ol Wdd
gpfisgfield Express.
Of the thohsand* of purported curative nwtruma
now be!bre the phfflic, bat very few are .iputf
IpoMCsatbo heelisik yirtpealpl which they are k
l coomewted.' Amoag tbe latter wr are pleased m
i learn none stand a better teat than Dr. bwvyne’s _
SyrupU Wild Chmry. Ihe afflicted
fiathmvicinlty.ambepwungioßae it, add to their
' ioy they find ose their hopes based ojwn itn
irecommoditioneiDave thin realized. Tne sfflictpd
'll.need ••Wp‘lP.ih?rp is'!«*, !>«*■.P?W i!L_
| ftySinqn Ihe intrnlactioa of my article to tor
'public,there have n number ofjmprincipled itrfi
ivtdoals goi up nostrums wMeh they assort contain
i Wild Cbem; aome are called “ Bmaamr,*' “Biltcrs,
land even Bynipof Wild Cberry, but mine is the
lorieinal and only genuine preparalion evcrnolrodu-
Iced to the public, whieh can be proven by the pub<
llic Recorded the CommonweslDi of Pennsylvania; ,
(llie only kaftguird agrinst imposjtion is to sep that
( „ SWAVMB .
[ Prepared only by Dr. H.SwAVKT at hit/ I'nnpir
Wl Office,, comer orEiORT and Race Streets*
Philadelphia.--All -Wild Cherry preparations beieg,
fictitious and counterfeit without his iigfsiure, - ;
1 Foraale in Pittsburgh wholesale and retiilby
jWM.THOßN,s3*Marketiitreei. ; -I
IDGDRNdtUNOVVDKN, comer sad fc W oodste. ;
S.‘JOKESr!Bo£fc* rt 7 #tf * et *
r Sold also by J Witcbeil, Allegheny Cityj Bojd,
L’srae & Co., Batier; Weaver & Henderson, filer'
cen Normaa Calendar, Meadvill«; J B Barum fe,
Co.. Erie; M'Kdnaie & Kaskeilj Clevelacdf Deela.
ft Son, Colombia Miller, Brownivilli-f-AJarab,
{wheelmg, Va.: E B Hinraan, Cincinnati,
E Easterly ic CO., St. Louis; J S Morris &- Co.,
Lonisvitie, By-; Andrew .Oliver *. C 0.,:
" ' ' K*.
CAM.U> -
j H«HT’§ UNIMfNT* . ,
tf S now uairsmiHy acknowledged lo be theJN*;
bal Affections, Contraction* of tbe Muscles,_ Sore
Tfatotl tad Quinsy. Inset,Old Ulcere, Fa»» in the—
Back und ;Cbest»'Aguc in the Bwl and Tact.
Tuolb Ache. Spreuu, Bruises, Salt Rheum, Born*,
L'rousr, ('totted Feet wdiliNerwMflwwiir
1 The TRIUMPHAJST.SUCCEbS urhJeb basal
lended the application of tfait meet WONDERFUL
MBDICINEtu curing the most sorere earn of the
t (Ureal Utaearcn above: named,- snd. the HIGH
NCOMIUMS that hare been be*lowed npomt,
wherever il bat bees introduced, give* me thengbt
■ f'rrTheftcail? unite inTceommendlngtbe celev
! ated Elteraal Remedy, Hunt’* Liaimeat.
i ! The Wlowiag letter from the highly eminnrt
hiraictaus whoWe beet the:Mow,.
I i’leuaat Stale I’ntoa Tor many yean, is the best
I evidence of tbe valor of (his celebrated Liniment,
I; ''Sm« . ,
| I My Dear SirrUwwed your note of yesterday,
I taking mr opinion in reiatiea to: Hunt a Linjmept,
la prepared by Mr ,Oeofge E Stanton. knowing
1 ju composition, and having ireqaentiy oaed .11, 1
Can recommend it to you as a-sale Eaieml Reme* > .
dy aid inwyoplniou, the best Liniment now ra
♦«.: .v« ?r i,.^ ro p«r.^«™. AN >
ColPierr*VanCortlanUi.Cn»leaM*o©r.. .
: y oßKtown, Jan. 14) ISW. V^.
i. sir In' reply Id your letter, 1 would *ay that I
h v , deed joer’EaternaJ Remedy, called Hunt’* •
aiment, wwj ;preettee«nee Jem ae ••
daaiDied with itseompoaition, and noheaiuuagly
day that I believe it to be the best Eiternal Repp
dv now is are lor the cnmptanftb for Which yea te ;
• D.
»v' :
I ff? Among thn puß* ef worthless arttcls* and '
gamboge that' are poured fbrtbal tbe present day
dpai tbe cocntyy, it tsMeiitar' refresh rogtofiud
Something of real practical titimy. eorocibrag rtm -
Mei"Bdndyiadeßebtsar» iu operation,- aad U
L tho-aame timr fre» &emtWdse'ibjari6*s«l!ecta ;
: Which generally attend powerful remedies. Hunt's
i hy E Sianinn.tu hiug
Slag, thooekitha* been buteahort time before.;
> the puttie, hwalreadyoMßlned the confidence,not *
Only erf our meet wealtby end inlleentia). citizens,
lint our most, eminent phyucian*.u Alt ackaewl^;
it tobe a sovereign balm for many of the UU<:
that flesh'!*’ heir to, soothing 1 tbe achiog lunb, and
byiUfermiß»stimalatisginlloeue*,bsßi*hingdis \
due from thesystem. . .
; Mr. Stanton— advertisement.
6f Haul's Lunaest,.! wan Induced to try ltl e«#et» ;
do my eon, who bud been- crippled with. • lame*
tkek from to mod it is with gratitude 1 bear; .
-testimony to if wondeHhl healing properties.■ My. j.
ebihl,'who U bow five ytlredl age, is now in a fair
way of recovery, ' : ‘YoureTKc..
1 Post Or mcb,Torn* ink, PemamCo.
; I cettilV that I am pereonslh acquaint! d with
tbe eboveearned child, and think the father would
be uale iu earing that bit son is almost eell.
■ Nov . 1 Deputy Post Master. - ■
• I*. S. I would also sute that I Mrs heepTor • ,
tmmber’of yeare subject to frequent attacks m u»e-
Rbeematisa, which in many iustsitcesjirereuted. -
ay attending to my business. Two or thref •PP‘{*
catioßfof theliwmcnt invansbly remofr all m
fectiosu of the toad., lu cases of. bruirr!. *P
and soree, ton numerooa to mention, it has. w this
rieioityptoved a certain remedr. .
only bs estimated by tkoss who have r» PD 11 » ft * r '
tie, bj aHtffPnaeipal D«fgwt* and Merehante
in A-rn. Yath '
l : Co, HilVatet ;
I busOTON *C®. 110 . roadway, f*
A uic D SANDS, comer Fallon and William.-:
ASPiN'YALL, €6 WUlkm street.
Orden addressed to me at Slag Sug, N Y,wrti
be attended ta CEORGE E STANTON, .
■ • v r Proprietor.
For sale in PitUburgh by L WILCOX, Jr, sod J
KIDD dc Co. Allegbeanr City: JOHN SARGENT;
Birmingbarh,JOHN SMITH. febl9/
DU cuLbura Indian vegetable spe*
umu for female complaints.
This lofcQdee \* uettaymg tb* »uea «i ew*
pftMAtiosbctetoforo need for disease* aHaifig
ftfm whlikm or ether canaea. All that >• necee*
aayrto t«e«mhu medicine a place la thcDomea* -
tie Practice of erery lamUj,wne* aoch a medicine !
iebeedvd.ut.ltul. a .v
Itapeauforitsett—Uitftpceatinita dptrati*s i;
lid bo faitry ctd triae fiom ita dte at any time. -
Wbotenleaed Beuil by: BO WAN D L WAU
TON. Proprietor* 37$ Market Stmt, PbiUdV
KarealriHPiKabcrjbbyßESeller*, 37 WooJ.
itnvt(*«ad' Wtt.Thtvß.fla Market at. «c6dw T
mM BOOBIIH B4IS DYfc-l« fern*
Xnetttlr-dyefßf Light, Bed or Gray Bair a Dart
Brown er Amek color, whbeotdyeifl*priuj«nnf t"? ..
»kl*u •aaW.'whh.feadireedoßa. -rrtee of ** i
* ErM4 'tor imi JACISON.eIhie IftJMg'.
yetrea, hey ef Wood, ei^the
’Bkk'kiAJl. suu>-? bbuW liofiivb;
• • • 5 to American:
>Fbi tala by j BCBOONMAKEB fc 6>