terSBUEGHiGAZBITE. HHii] .*¥ . |$ .'-.rs-I'PJTTSBUROH: ?> Ki L-; tinwiVvy - horsing,. may 3, m?- r,-,- Ontr OAMTrJI* pttbWhßd t - - £JEt‘s t w<3S r i;_T”'?. M l«» ' • " • 5- benefit- —. ... 'FOB- GOVEJuta*. a » * *.» * v * s». (Of ccm* catTrr) joairi! w- PATTON •• cyn«KEL*gp rorXTJ ) '•atfAVS CKHTRA*- COBHITTM'-. k ' TnOMAi?K'T tII!»tin».. s:t ;• » mi.^sornliig. haMUKR A PURVIAACE, Bullet. '*S5 i MSNRVS t-:VASA,CJ I r«if.r. ROBERT T i’OlT^Motu/ntT'Tj'- AJITIMASOMC ASO WHIG COUNTS ] COSVJtSTION. cuiji.*be.t o«ucr.cr.hep>m : th*f‘lSefliocHitiC Anum**oiiA and \N hig* bf A l ‘ e ? ■ oroounlv -ill .-V.ui.lc lu.ii.imorj wcaaw* ™ Snril taction’ Ctatnui. on S.wrioy » =“ a “. MUJi )W,«>Wl tout pot.nii.f"“ **"' * too Co"" JJMM.IO to. County V“ , ' vr 'i I '”i • ollOo’elooO Holhonn WoOr.o»luy tlte i“fir,T.u| tiSimw » b ' • A. W-JOpJi :n.iM*a»iuitP"i» ***“*„? .Vinton in Ocu»- . mppoued or Uir P Al ‘L!i‘i b f fl d*VVa?»» , of ihe»own*HJ* l»r AMV » W A U d e for holding ' bcWW.JJtfioureo 1 * YAKNEH. - apSMAwtd . Ch’at of the Com of Cor. Pi*« fornUe«U***o*» *«"*• For wTett Comlncrcisl tntclligouee. V* M *c “““W to tew of the Oon.d'urion.l'Treomry, .» 10 »«toto«« S'- bills of txchmift, whenever .1 might rod Ike XSonvenfenceof Government. Bills of Eachau go in s herd money Govern >meht. end by a paper money deapieinj petty' " He.. B open confeSsion of the impßOticebillty o theWhorac, end .within out own knowledge, wi bore wen the Gorernment took, contracts through Briikers.at a wet of thoo.ond. of doll.ro for to shipment of epecie.t.om New York to New lewf One .contuct cart the Gorcrnmeht nine or ten thomand doll.re, for Which the contract., ' agreed to place a large omonnt of .pec.e in New Tdiln ' He did eo through the Banks end neret ttoncmitted a dollar of epecie. The Bank, did all thiiffor lb. Government before the Bob-Tra-ur, t Lew went into operation, and-'.tout charge— Upon another occasion Ibe Hamden. were em p,Sw) a.a he.ry expense to rran.port specie over L 1 mountain, to New Orleans and relay *o read the following from the Chicago Democrat of ■ %"ic.r of thi. place W» * ”/ tnM r.aSfn^Dn"S . S“ig°« we« cCwrad of J. Fink * Co. ' ■ feSS “ »“y - ” ac cnnnt for any drfreitin hr» acrouol,thonghadsrgc .. dollar* in specie, »■> f» r by ImJ c»rn&g - C*n any »tn in*i« ««*« *«<>"» ** " cumbersome a ajerem as >l™ will be long tole ratad byto prarpie? “»f tUs “' "“5, * Bcieht goard,’' to conre, 5590.000 from Chrcago to "Bt.' Louisl Could‘anything be more nd.cn- A New Orleans peper. girtng to workings pf tbaaeheme in anothrr direction, «uu. that peraona haring claim. *B«tor to Quartermsster a Dop*>*- meht in that, city, again behold on entering the \ffii,. aca.3.npoo which i. printed « huge black 'telle'*. •<•?»»>Fuad*”- • , . ' mi aatdier. .serving toil country abroed, are kapt OUtof to« miserable pay of wren doller. . to friend, of die Admmw.ra ilon aiAome are growing rich open _to apo.i» “JJjtea& Th „ tfob-Treeauty beoefiu nobody would distinguish between the Gorernment and to People, ‘ teke the I’etter curiency for tom “L. .hall allow the Journal of Commerce—* aor, of Locofoco p.p«-t» proaent to Suh-Tye.- tuty ache me in on. other phus Speaking » to'Ssd>ofl robbed from a Bab-Treanirer mMt be plenty mote incidents If the i jL l.f in to banks, toy had the riek ef tranemiMlon, and however or Mier miebt be low, the country troold r.te to log out dr. banka wooidbar. .«• rained to money ‘T * b ' U D ° f , e “s“ ?™.“ t ry'pl'.n.'l" P Sunn, probably engaged U, and 1 ir where ceuid cone. E f rr,i r^s iu .nd G =in^r raa W. in • alow and d.ngeroo. Tb... 'e,nld P not bar. been ~nrfwrf • -£tur aacbiM for iW»*i °S th * n B “^ Tv tary. w ‘ - ‘ «» , * r l ■ V; ’-cv'*. t iJ TH4 Otari..-Sine, the armpleunn of the Cnii «xin am * bu«tnes». itiealiofM of JBU»rO*«™ nt » *o*l P rOCJI,P *° aU * ,n j-jinudortiblf imp-rrUnce. ' Tho proepetf* of Greentillo'arb pefticolally ftiltering.T—Erie «»«*• I, j,', popular error In euppore Hut '*« U>wu» upon ,b. line of» C.n.l o, Ml Road .n> injored bytire-improvement.: AlletperietKehi.pro«d rh, ootrury, and parlicnl.rij in N«* England No* York, whrriith. Rail Road, hate not onl, improerd the town, at the eatreme, of tha Loo, but the whole conntry along tho rout.. I, Will prove ao alway., and • faet like 'bi< ought to aak. tb. people ol tbo interior a. anatou. lot work, of Internal Improvement a. tbo people of. tb* two exriegnea where pnblic work, they begin 'and clow. Bi cißifOL wmr 'torn tiortT* a*» tior. —SereraWtboaund &Ur* worth of property ware deatroyed a. Friday night, in I'itlaburgb. and Allegheny, «. an early U-r. The ear. of .momantmlglth... need the .caumnl.tion of W« neter known mow of more fir.., Han to thiadty.foa amon.h Zj. Let tbo' citirenV feel that they bay. more {ban i pereonll, intateefiq thl.. RUeatrotl. I( >* treatingona'y neighbor «V badly.to bethe mean, nf destroying ht» dwelling- -7 , »t»«b— The public are 101 wiw to. ■?. the auppteeaed letle. addreeeedby General Taya , rritbe War Department and giving the .Attain- L°U®Mde«a.» for itaomtaionato fornieb him WMoe»biy. J irito men, and anpplrta. On irtViiT B ce*W iromaticS IBM. ” , ' From the W*»bioirtance which the peo furnished by hi* rirter for the Louurille Xh .[ *f U . ,• Uwl £uu>s are thus affirding to the I 1 last witmnei, taken from the. family rreorJ. • iriab wh** il "A l * l- highest hooor uponj haa been in the army nearly forty year*. _ . ol Jj~ Tran ’ f ,ilaDtic . brethren, must tend to fence of Fort Hartuonin September,! ~ r . u -nj to render stronger ami more lasiind *urpa**ed by any of hit later fifm . j £ eM , ir * 0 f friendship and »utual e»tee«n wtucb an early proof of hit military l* nn[l - pro . j fatr Majesty’• GovcrymenUrusta will long «■»»*«£ oe««and courage brought the | Q e to ciirt between the two great tranche* of p tiacted Florida war to .*£*• ™{Xri ih the A oglo-S*ion fanuly^piratcd.mdml.fromeaeb i -,*s. let > qiurt.r of “"“ “'f;, ltl .t 81. e for J'««- To tho Rigbl Hon. Iticn.uo Pansaasn, *o. 1 M», M ™'“ ‘ i nc !,l ,bo oldest Th „ .to «Uio« domestic W.se .t Cmemnat. of is, I tW«. *• h'»>hot of fi)[ fl _ ss . R ,, 10n . Mr. l.oty.mth say? Hut etth Col. Hubbard Taylor. men I hvotiou of to «t.|TO M >|ucadin B »l'ldly on < 0 [ Onooftbewonhtesl 01.i... U> liojhs tbtl eio lotiß tbe lull side, of .see knets Ge n. T ,d| o ,. lie com- Ito Allejbeny and Moltonuahels »11l bo adorned msndodtormey of the State of psinia | with this delicious fruit. In te*atd to the duly to Revolutiousty w a r . end arts wounded and esp- : w , O „ Mr l.onil worth, ol ! ■itietin.su. in • assarCw-ia^j. SSSI 5.0 «Vor iS““° would shed teat, of Demoet.ttt" ~art, do not mo It m to bud ■ tLS h 2 h ato“».to S X '*• itcmoofalic^ rears atoucarir Gon.T.vlot, allbou.h a! Jm content if they 8 0l .Uh.e. tune. ,su day. amentUes of l.fe—Sf. tour. Re}.. . C(jmlK , lleJ l 0 J c «„ tom. I to- VcBA Cais—We ham recoil ed fmm I is duo lo out U.iutan cmisiants. frft Umy our Vera Cm Correspondent twoletters. tooom j “UTmnm ' tents or which haro mostly been intictpiled by . Mt) , uto lllci it toy sanction patty at to preaious arris sis- In one of tom, Hie writer, t ., I>rln o.plo—fur wc. who profess to be hailing from to Ward of Lotos, says: j Viter informed, daily do tbe same tnint j RESULTS.) FT HE V.RG.m.VELECV.ON ODftble to recognixe, not haviog abated aincethey | A* far a* heard from, the following arc h left home. They were al) delighted lo aee me. | leiulls Q f t bc late Congressional elections in the | *nd each one had a thousand J j SlaUj 0 f Virginia: j iipent aome time with them, and then . P pi.-i.j democrat* Elected. .£ own part of ‘..land "her. A«SS? Atkinwn. : | ,»U busily engaged m grubbmg. caninß lhroagh John . Gca c Dfotnioolp . : | «Jje thick vines and nnder bruihw and digg g or p-mileton Tboa. ». Bocock, w.ter, .be latter being done by digguts about » ot j Tboa H. Bayly. l Of™.i„to.m,dj.ndpl.cmg..o_b,'-ebto- T. L. Beale' •on top of tbe olhe/, for a walj, and then by tjing y JaioM McDoweUr . ' :t tin cop on the eiid ot a atidt. they dtp P- Wro-G. Brown. |*be water i* very brackish and very duagreea i* elected by only 18 Wte*. to drink. * _ i. . u (•■r.b. Mr Hbrnrk bv IS.and Mr. Atkinson by 78. On Monday night 1,01. Boiler, ol the . • • _ ..r, ■ - n 0 f t Jtir Members, and Una Regiment, caused a false alarm to to madejn , “ c “® hm Si*,f ,„ ta heard torn. * along* the camp for to purpose of h | * , hr Abingdon district, eonerrning which *. En.- S=*H“;Srfiii ‘ ,muskets, bayonets, belus, caps, causing much gamed l.lteen McmtorsauU e'sCeitsmcoL lmu*t«ay. apart fmm altprejo tee, ~ flitter, but wc cannot 1 „* KHSSSSS3 land, and is shout li mile in circumference,-arid finrfc. !, . | ecrered with thick vine and bush, and ins up- IV. thank our friend 1.. r the good .word thus , p snible for a man lo trace! 20 feel without cut- oar bj h,ir, and il is all tbe mom wel ting bis way. Some o r to oh.ccr. » f lh ' WOM . j >o „, , iimeger who ha. jn-Iged u. , : '*n“%™S'’to reu'" ■ ..esl~m'uf all-, rather from -h.fw. am, ton whs. ..promised- | I might uwnUoA, »« hom otd Pitt*- Wc bo pe to malic the GaxeUc equal U> the fir* bargb, Lieut. Col. Black. Cape J. Herron, t*apt. neWfpaper 5n the country, and a*pmug to that, | Robt. Porter. Meat*. Denny, Rowley. TrovtUo, we M and encour- , to ship frequent- | ugement st a word of kindne' to to* ly, that Capt- Potter was to tost offieet on board, j ror u , by a-stranger. Oonip’any 1 tol eonlident | Tha Pittsburgh Gsirile sppears to >* uud" the | . in hi. Company wil, .nffer thtough j rmpr«*o» th* Ptoborgh “■ o*t at 6 in the morntng for ml, , ‘by C.pjLtoto, call and then for bresktast. A. 1 built at to W heclmu Boat W f - “Il All toain. Uten Regmental drill, at 10 which , bs , h e finest bus. on the riser - fH« r occupies i an hour and then ilumwcJ until • five , Jxtnei. when wre have evening drill—and then our *up- ; Our neighbor ap|*car* to Uhu* l itbsiurgb c y per, and tattoo at 9 when all light, ! wUcre M weU aaourocltr*. We did not ».? »ba: The lime between drill >■ occupied m R JiUCM Wi „ building a boat here. But that gathering ahell* and coral. ’. , , . a.„, Wi» .!i» think Pilt»bo»gh anotor’lette, our cnrrr.pondrnl - ncUi.r heee nor fto e. I . . n..im»nt «tand il a« the Pcnntylvam -a pretty coueulerakle fort ol ato i *nr. The Mieiuaippi Rigiment lost upwards of Yankees »y, and all ihi*. tw, wnhout any **P«* ISO men upjto to 251 h of February. R.H.K. ihion topreciate to town and to-ines. ol WsanitioTOs’s .iotVoat wa. eelebtaled at : Wltcelmg. Rowe by a large number of American, who wero j in to city. Mr- Polk, Charge d'Affairca al tho | Neapolitan Court, and b.olber of to President of to United Stales, was called to to chair, and was j supported by Nicholas Brown, Esq- LhS. Consul j al Rouse. The following were among-lbo toasts: ; -The Memory of Wat/iinglttn drank standing ; and in silence, lo to tonal—■ The .irnenrao Ho- - mat —bailed with a lempest of applauto— a just : homage of to associations«t sirtue. mlolhgenec 'and baauty, inspired by to senli-ponl- ! •'Tho Mb regular los*— ‘Hi* llohnw the ; ■ Pope.- Vtea Pio Hone .»'—«•» reeeised.with Iho ; f warmest demonstration*. - . i “Among the other regular toasU were-' lhe. Manors of the Signer* of the Deelaraium o/ fn depentunee'—* The Constitution of the L mUd I State*’—>ThcFreedom of the Freu t . aud 'The . 8 ueeeuful termination of the Mexican Var, with •three diecr* for General Taylor. -To the many patriotic speeches and aenUmcnU elicited d'jring the evening, waa added the enliTen mant of the national aira of “\ankee Doodl*. ••Hail Columbia,” and the “Star Spangled Ban °*Tire festivities were continued to a late hour, and were marked throughout by that unanimity and enthusiasm, which a common catlooal aym* ptahY. sfcenglbeoed by aeommonaeparation from , thewe object* of interest and affection which are at once iu worces and ita .trength, i. «o admira bly adaptoi to call forth, especially «the midat of wanes recaUing.by vivid ,a*«ociaUona and mper. iahable monument*, the virtues, the iUuggleaand tha triumphs of cider patriotism. I ’J'm aim crime I* ««.» rioriciaia, in meted by r.rbbor.l, r. mid M>«>“ lh ” f" l ™- ing ed»anliga>: A greedy iocremed epeed, ■ «a»U J iorreemd pow er of etnwego, be thercduilronor ihoptcmnt cam broue mechiuery jn the hold, of eteameie. end re duced eipondilor'e in the eo»t oUbo engine pow er Thorn ... . number, we m.j .tel. briefly, of .abmerged Venlcel propeller. Ilinlto each -Meet ibe .revolting iutimwo, and by ; J form wiih/whicbihey teke hptil of Ibe nlet.in* Ike ponae wliicb thiA combined action give. them. mrpl ronJd'lite .hip at* aped * llo S elh " u "*|- teiueble bv Ibo prment ertany other eyelem. Il u „«,t«d by p,,etid.lmeb; Ib.l . M would cfmteSlheiAdinlici.i nmrly half tb. lime of the beil iledoiW now employed in ocean navigation. Tbn European Time* *ay»: -The invention baiundergone tb« acroUny of cminmit and prscticaVinen in England, by whom tbe nwwt favorably opinion* hare been cxpre**eU J oj in practical character. During tbe past wee* experiment* bate been tried by tbf application o * ■team propellm,’ one of which, aix thir ty inches in diameter, was driven, by a six horae power engine, 394,revolaupr.« per minatr, wbieb a praetteel gentlemen pn>ent stated would drive a v«-*«el is roilfl* per hour. The test has removed all doubt*.co the mind* of those who were preti. dutly lha moat empUmb We cumoJ.dil.ui on Urn Impel unco of Ibi. greateU of modem m.en ti™.\riih regard u eteam na.igauon; butihj. we eg peel U widremain a brilliant proof ofjhogeniu. audthe judgment of Iho inrnntor. . The inventor came lo iho U., 8. tnlhe Strait Bands.'; j • - • ’ Admittcb, —On motion of D»eid Wthey.Eeq- Mp Robert Arthur, wm. admitted on to. tha precUcoof the law In the Dietrict Court of ./yjefhsnr County. Pa. J*,r.» K. Polk is leu.nl of the While Houso „nd Gener.l of our .rmin. «nd ' b, iho .id ol I,ocofocoi«m. Oo ihe tlh »1 M " cl ; 1R.9, ba will erry 00l hi. fwilo »Ji»n>..io In own r ei«n,.nd be lXMon.nl Don.riil. „«t»'i».Ti.wiitumi..i.»™ *' Your KxccUency.we’vfbwon tbeday. ! My "heroes” fought amiJ'tbr 1 Iray, And whipped the Yankee* And then—we ran away Toe Uu.»..0. N - ' -f Mi. r.r- horn KoulhU.ro.' M.«, k« |tnn « “ iiii ophww touudcd on rtpcneuix.thel the tol l,.wins recipe "ill .ecure.eouud potetoc"- ■- - ,( luOrcimlily epplied — l » nc , l u “ l ° f 6llr '*'"■ to '" Gta. Wool aau bi .liu»i‘ , i ,,i, '__ ! ' „ u , lcr „I P.rb, well milod. end to The V.n IJureti (ArVanear) Intetligeucer eom 1 i Wr “ .fcoeard.. i> edded tiro quell, or "ood lino ago, look oeeeuMi to remark “*‘ j „, ]t , Hi* i, to be applied ar top dnws,rg to ihc ‘■All eccouQta icceircJ from out '"'"“fjL Li,..,, three Jej. belote hoeing end "rcl to .how ihel Geo. Wool ...tend. to rto. be<™ b* . Ihe greet eeciM. m prerentoig rot. willfcdl. Hekecp.hu "agin tuno h.nctoU gentlemen lecummeudod the Mid night. Our h'hoje .tend apoor chance I he. ■« £ ( N< „ c , n ber. Ihe oh. tor leoreieunder .ueh e commander. j . kcc(l down the ammonia. Ho It turn. out. howerer, «'V'?Tr L r,,-hl , „ ltjl c ( ght bill, .hould, in the degeurnb Intelligencer, thet it waa 1100 l wliodid the figln , lhn poUlo , produce . hu.hcl, Tho Club loafed "our b'huj." thetren e»ej proceeded tolhe diilribuuon ol grotto, dee, end, Commodore MnnaTbto.die T«“ «»*/• ' r ““ U; '' « J d O “ TQcd ’ he. cherged Samuel Hourloo. U.K. Senator from : P . IX ,„Be—At the meeting ol the t ermer. Teee. with puHuhing e .leoderoua pamphlet (:lot . thi. morning, Prol. Merge reed an •»*'•»- again* him. i„ .847. which he d.led in | *- JI LSSi“ | I pro «*J the recent publication of which he endeavored i J* # conH jj er ,Uo amount of eeed* which he to conceal. Com. Moore mj- he.ball «• the Sen in 1845. The (lower bloomed from «h* , ... , 0 , Vorcrober of that yew until the end of •tor for libel. IStG. The **«!. were t.krn- finn IfiOO J ’ »roda<“ * 150 varte- Ual-Tiao.n a»n Ohio Rntiaoan.-A com- ' mhtee hive left Baltimore for Wheeling, to er-: deiiror to compromise the late taw of the Stale o , Virginia granting the right of —» to tiro Haiti- I more and Ohio Itiilrond Company through that , Slate. The rnmmiltee ronaiaS of the Hon. I.omi | Mcl-ine, Joa. W. Petteraon. Thom.. Harenn, | Samuel Holloian, T. I'. Mcott, end Jo.. S«.nn, E«q«. j_ | < __ i.mu : nim Onottn.l, T.ftne.-The Uni on he. .letter from Oenerol T.ylor, dated Mon. teiey. March 22d, in which more notice ia taken of the line of hommunicalinn frith Camargo, anj the late ohirraiahea between the enemy and a handful of troop. utuierCol. Morgan,l.tenL (ml. Irani. Major. Wall end Jonca, all of whom are commended to the notice of the OofernmenU A , „„„ .hprVolMlMr. m»lt . eeeorrd »lt«npt at desertion op Sunday soil eucceeded by jonipmi from the aenond fW y of the eecond .lo.)f of Iba H~d ,of .N.l .“pipe laying” memory, i. announced .» at with hb regiment, by the nflrcnd organ. The: rnrl. jut, force under Kearney, fremont, Stockton, urd Steeenaott .re doubtleM .nir.ue..t .0 keeplhe prorinec in .ttbjecfioir. . The following gentlemen hare recently taco appointed Aaietant Sargeo... In the Hi»J. • j. lie,,, and K„vr.„. K. ■««»»•. of Pennayl- TiDi*. ' ,”• ' : g f : Mr. .U.Vri- Ciaio wW »« .truck, ejiUi »o uo in the horrible .ITt.T *l«co'rt»""' county lia* tinea died» : ? Got. 8.r., of Ohio, iaeuod the order on tho J7th Afcril, for ten cotapenirt of Itiftmry, *na oob «. -^-^^^^/"r/OYJIAGSEHCXEIieBAfqgI' i i-X^^ftaW** 1 ®^ 100 on U&-. *& ---== [•&* asm;' f«* : i&ixsaf of Rich- jS? Owe»pdiAeafelSi»b« pltfirtwr** Gyeiw*. ‘#s '&« dte km'.g % tioriinljgaiioMki"-' »j •Sf.W.lae»e-i*«» *o» Bmr*^ ttifi- ' ~. .. ! ,Bth. 0m«»1 Tijlir.re,»i Hositj pall" 15ih Aptii'pujhing forward hie anppUea. Hi» in tention was to n)jrrti K> Son l.ni»sa soon as men end prosiaiona warranted lliejdeanre. General Wool-wee with the mein body of the troops at Buena Viata. The wounded were fast teeoreiing • »t Niw Yom* from lUvanpai , li.i•“‘ nla Ann.’Utl Enccro. (lSmitaibe jj.pa) with 7000 ci 8000 men, fjintjUig j with the intention of itapcJinj the march of the If; S: ferret Into the interier. . Tho icme leltet eiyr that theie etc 0000 tick el Vera Crui inronE out troops. Thir it upon Mexican authority and ie a E re at fairthood. ThpTallahaaaee Sentinel announce* the death, on the 15tb instant, al hi* miJenee In Jrfferyoo county, Florida, of Prince Charles Lom* >«po> teon AcHitE* Mcuit, “the wo cf Whim and .Carolina BonapatU Murat, King and Queen of Napl«—the fotrorr the celebrated Maishat of «•* i poleo J, the mirror of chivalry and. valor. thejaUer a aiettir oUh« immortal Emperor. After the-ex* pulMon of hi* family from Italy Prince Monk re. aided iu'Austria until 1812. when he removed to Ihta count! v, and subsequently elected a place of residence in FlmJn. wtvere he haa ainee opent the twin of Li* days in all the quiet and reUre | menl of a country ftentlemsn . TOiCoMMMOuonr. Coxssii.—Thedin ncr offeted to Oomavidwe Conner has been ae. ceptrd- Com. C. bis been offered' by the beere ler? ot the New, the'pwition of Chief of the Bo reau of conduction, Equipment and Hcpair. Speed on the ocean is about to be doubled by the «we of Mr. Parkhurat’a newly indented propellers. Shaiwbipr will make the voyage from Beaton to Liverpool and back in the «amc lime they now make the j-as-njic from Liverpool to Boston. Thi* Now Orleans payri* ol l^c * uat " tu *, nounco the dcceaM of Kdward D. While, of Lo» formerly i»* CioTetnor, *"d elec ts U) renrevnlihe Now Orleans district 10 Oon* grew, lie died, altera lingering dine**, from an affeolion of the l'»ngi. NHv V 4 »bk i». al lasi", to have a celebration in honor of itio gallantly diapla,cd by our araitM in Moiiro. Hie joint special coraimttco of tho (com mon Council baring titad upon l rally, tho Ulr of Ma, f-r that purpura. Tha different mtlllary companion trill panda it. Iha.rou™ if thr day Vint'toan 01 ml. I.amta.—•| , llo,Kins of Ar hanlea IS allonod by lan '•«« -ira.-a pnvilrea ol trlncliara.y .able monaiali nl that kingdom i" slid to avail'himself- Bin. in. aeeanna r Dhtb. —A Belgian gen tleman la mill to lure discovered ■ "tuple »“»' of di WraCmz, April 11, 1847. >. M»jor General Scott, fienetal-inchirf of the ar mies of the United Stales of America, to the i people of Mexico: I PROCLAMATION.. , Mexicans.' —At the head of.aipowcrful army ; soon to be doubled—s part ..I which i« advancing upon your capital—and with another army, under ! Majt»r General Taylor, in match from Saltillo to. J wards San l.ou Polori—l think my-clf called up-i on to address yon. j 1 r Mexican*.'— American* are not your enemies; j bat the enemies, for a time, olj the men who. a I year sgo, miegoretued you, arid brought about this i Unnatural war betwcen.two great Republics. Wo j are lh* friends of the peaceful inhabitant* of the j CDuntrf we occupy, atid the friend* of your holy. | religion, ita hierarchy and U«f pritsthood. •he j samo cbureb-i» found in all patta of our own coun. ] , t , try, crowded with dc*out Catonlics. and respected Tu»> FiiiiiosAßLi CoLO« 15 Paata.—The 1 by'our government, laws people, beiv. ot Paris taking example from the beauuful; For the Church of Mciicjt, the unoffending m- of Moolpenrier. are making the color ah- babiUnUof the country, and their property, I hate S-a purple—all the rogue for, from tha firat done ceerytfmg mmy power to VhAtL The ycfnngßpani.h bride is .aid ' p Uee them under the sifttourd of marl,a! lau full drcf*. Z thewhitenea* of her s'rin. axatuat the fc* had men in[thi» army. *•**!, u',l racepthin at the Tuilleriw, she wore a j My orders, to that effect. Iknown to all. arc pre- AU‘of aramanth colored Satin, with three floun-; a« and rigorous. EndgMfafemMreMl Americans f Krutsel* lace hri waist and shoulders bni- , bare already been pani*hedl by fine, for the bene fil of M.xic.ua, I*»H™ tabnaonnKM. .nj one hair omamenled rrirh innumerable drinwnd , rape, haa been hung hi life neel. b ' ..h.’rwrm* crer each side of the wreath. The In this not a proof of goodl faith and energetic fl Dacbcss »s said peter to hate looked t Other proofs shill be gi*en as often JO Mdme. the Ducheas of Nemours. M injuries to Mexicans 'may be delccu- l. G«ehe-»d'Aum»lc snd the Princes de Join- -. On the other hand, injun*-* committed by lodi ,. robes'hf aramanth telrct trimmed wjih v iJ U al*,o. parties of Mexico, hot belonging to the *'“ . C o f()n ,l« a f rose* with foliage of diamonds. puWie fo-cea, upon indi»idd»H. small parlies.lrams TW vouiur and t-rauuful Mad.me du wore mod team*. or of back mule.; or any three" skirt* of aramanth crape trimmed with silter i ( ,{her person or property belotißing to this army, fnnee and a garland and bcJquetof apple blowoms I cootraryto the law* of war, shall bo punubed with •Darkling with diamonds glittering from the mid ligo ,. w jf the particular offyliders Ire nol dHivcr- Xof the flower.. These were said to he the op by Mexican authorities, the ponuliui.nl rau(l distinguished court dresaw of lb- sexsort. «bwlt fall up«» entire «t»e*. '•*«»* or neighbor laCisriß fiom Vienna state that Eo|l»nd. Frauc* ho?*k • , , base concluded a Italy with the l. e i, then, all good Mexicans remain at home, p „ie the irtbonis of *»«•*. By eutue „ their occupations; but they are in i ih, 4 treaty \u*tria U to undertake the worksoo t„ but* in. for nlo. bora*?. mules, l«c(, til ls cast ‘and m the port of Alexandria; the rego- ,j, t barley, wheat, fl >ut for bread/and *egc latiue th« course of the Nlleia to l»e at the ex- üb lc«. Cash will be paid for crcrthii.g this army *“ J„f Kcstit France ia to undertake the roeda fMT ttke or purcb«*e. and ptotccUon will lie gw h ,be’lUc.t. England to restore tba port a ll -Hen- The Americans are strong * Bm | to construct the basins and- all other w offer these asrurancw-whirh, nre'eart estabUshmeoU. U,U said that M. Ne- , M *iicao* wisely accept, dhia war may soon he hi siid wsseral other engineer, under h»a or- co ded. to the honor and advantage ofboth Icrs will sail out for Egypt next month. Onflbo belligerents. Then the Americans conwit thr’r hand the whole affair »• represented M-'A wJ ruen iies into fncuds, will l*c happy to lake pevratc undertaking, which will b* w.rmlt nyr* rrßf * Uei>e» and return to their own country, ported b* ‘be fiovsrnmeot. . U i -r« m*> **• o T «. glut., ami ha aureneded in producioß - uc ll »« linpooaible Wee at beautiful aishl Ih.n the* pwtenUd. .The auiiety of t'olot. »*• .Into* infinite. Mr.Uco, „„ that ha i. not acquainted wUh any 'plant .hid. .ill yield •» m.ny..netie... the tq.al.p Of primroee. 'l'he ll ..arm« of thia plant i. ona of the moat beautiful .peet.rlr. patented b, n,. lute, and it ia uni.etaallj looked upon a. the fort itinner of itoe weather- ,j, - rllr ,urt ofT.ll.poon, In lb.. Ktalr, ot murder In the n.«t degree, for k.ll.ng her h o abend. A letter in the llrfiimptof.unrifeey,: —*H« dinner, al Richmond, on Friday I*"- tn-J all was quiet. Biigsditt General Cushing was at Matarowas wilh the Massachusetts regiment. ; No other news of importance. Tr ,, rorre-Kpoiutencc of tbc Finatmrgb OtzcHe. r -“ 1 '- NEW YORK MARKET. llij I.«P. M. Thi« morning aln of Genc««ie Flour were i o ,J O ,t $7,875, «nj «ome SJOlhern at $7.O2J— - Towahl the cl. “n Genen.ee wenl to $8 [>er hbl, with moderate sales. Corn has gone D P a ? a ‘ n - ” lc * of " hUe 10-day were at 90c and of prime Yellow at 103*. 106 c per bo—all on tho spot* The market for Provisions has advanced. \\ es tern Meta Pork bat gone to f 17,fi0a18,00. and Prime t0514,50a16,00 per bbl. ' There is an improvement in Lard; and »ak* to. \ daT at 10 and 11c for No. liu bbl* and keg*. ' Sales of city smoked 1 Ic per lb. A good demand for Coffee, and sales 1 000 bags Rio ai 7J»7se, .11 on o»u»l term., . I Cotton is firmly held at the advance, and Tib » I I to a moderate extent. r». i..ccvf Oorre«i»nndence of ilir Piiuliiireb <«o/.i:u.: , . Baltimore market; •-> May Ist, 7 P. M. Tbi market-for Flour is still unsettled—the ! small:.sale* making of Howard street »r«< at *6,75 per bM. • . The Grain market u without change —rales to, ■ fair extent of Md Red Wheels at IMaHWperl bu and of Pa Whito at 157a162c per bu. Sale* I of prime Yellow Com ot 93a91r per bu. —-! Of Porto Rico Sugar to extent of ion hhd« irt 7-Jsj|c, and N.G «»t7,25a7 t 7. e i. Provision* have not varied t.» any quotable tent— Mr*' Pork Prime fl3,r»halt,no j-r ba*rvl. (ir* aro generally without rlungi LATK FROM JUEXICO j CONFIRMATION OF Tilt I’ltrjN I Ni.l A.MKVtvr \ i nr rm: m ath or j The Now York rtmi'hs* rccoivrd a letter from | it-v private cofieepotidenl in Mexico, 'em .Cruz, in which ho rayr: The SStata of Jalspa ha* declared, and will maiutain. a separate independence. If the sol d cr’a policy of absolute conquest does not govern the counci 1» of tbo nation, wo rouat have a peace oii-lhc mest advantageous term* m three moiltb*,, fir each portion of Mexico basbiptewed the moat ardent dwire to escape from thr deapottim of the army centralized in Mexico, and to obtain it would make largo oneessiona. The great rival section* of Mexico having manifested th,eir views, it is for the l.'nion.to giro «r'refuse them liberty and peace. The Pass ofTehuamepec —that is, the narrow 1 iathmus this able of Yucatan-rcan and ahould be ‘ forever free to American trade. This worth s millions to the Uniied States. Com. Perryseems 1 to have been the only one alive to ita vast impor - Lneees a mail roots, and a short road toCalikr. Tu .tuiti •rp , « l »cn 6,u, ‘- i«>. rr S« r d *” tbr toree w ii K Me»fes&=Sa£ii. Twigg*. it u only T y U» •late that it win 3000 strong. ■l'hoy mi« choice troop*, aud w*r« fulloweditb* licit day by two brigaded*, and aorni. after hjjr General Hcntt Tiie Vera taiufKaßle’ thought it wax not the in* teuUooofGeu. B.U» mter of Con gress from Virginia, died Jon Wednesday laat. The Umauatya of him, and in part with much troth: «H« had a wonderful influence over the minds of men, whenever he did justice to himself. HU destiny would have been isingularlj bright end lofty if Ws rare endowments had never been eeJlrwed by one onfurloualibnbiL f«. C. Droro- K iMle «w one of the first mjen in Virginia; end he; wan oceaaionaHy.the stronfcwl man in tho House of R*pro*«SWi*e»- He rWr would have been ton »o closely in bia congressional district—it nev ei would hajro been a whether he hie lest been elected or defeated by ait or eight vote* -.iftbia able .man had alWevabeen true to him •cir < ' Mr. D. w« «ck of ■nJ died al hi* residence in rr-j-\Vi inriir ilif uin*ntion of'V'ur reailuMio ihr fx li.iuiv pure* of Scrofula performed l»V Or. C ulUn i rJLI r.,,MbU Panarta, which they Will find lecord;- rd u» smolder column of 10-day’Apttpe r. They are wi.h m do“w the iw»t wonderful o\ record, and have *w“ nrt.M»uncrilhy tnany of oui\n»o»t re*pcc»hle ‘fV afflicted anddlliTi Sttleirwd.ftre re* p °. l vi»it ihcni at ihnr.«everal |Wr* ot abode. •>■s*’ fiom their own lip* the wonderful effect* of 1 * f .... Wcu ilmlr. between the hour* «l V A. M. at the ntTicr nf Rowand A Wulinn, No T7O Market’at. I’hiladn. _ _ oc '-- «ALETTE JOB PIIINTISU OFFICE, ■itttKU HTBIXT. co»!»k»lor nxrr ornc* tusi. » art now prepaid to execute iu aruperior and eipcd.iioa. manner, all kind* of Joa aucb a* Urge Poller*, air»mlw«t Dilln, Bill# of Lading, Lrittr Sheet Circulars JlandlJilt*, Card*, fee., lc.~ titrox asd rAKPiatT paiNTiso* 10 anf eatenl executed in iho heal tnatinrt, and »il krndnof Pr'iillngdone with accuracy and tube lowc*t rate*. ' $5 00. BOOTS 5,00. KO. 06 FOURTH STREET, CO RN Ell. « p TOST OFFICE A LLhV. TUE •üb.eriber re*pectfully inform* the public dipt hr l.»« ‘commenced ilia • Grnil.mm Boots. o\ good material and workraan»hip whick he will warrant,aoperior to any J*»‘ *' ,r r ■in pitudburgk for the ipnes. Theae- handwme Boot s? •x& u js?£? f mic'fi.u.’as i ‘s-“*“f‘! ei Wb erskinE" (n-Afmr*‘lV>«in* ill bald fa»* wb^ch ifcood-” FortltoKlea;it will be found ,h^'1 v,'r .h. ban?* Vegetable Electuary ,isthe only rel “fJ l iL‘£ c £ n Mtnplalft4*Pb* which the afirlsi can retv nak con Pittsburgh; Pm- Price* per bo*. ,w llrlsU Relief CsnallUa-TV* EttoilinSf i.efComr<®Sre will take miles thai tber are «)jae*M .» «m>i »t«W Navigation Insoroace Office. M wlrkfl *tt*s.oti:Tuesd#y(4Ji o'etoek- Pancnul at*eqdane«'of tie whole roanittcc it aeeeattry, u basin*- rfimponiae* mvun An jame*£P£Of : Hjll.lh3f.pOß SCOTLAND. The iolteciiß* Com* I mimes tor the Keitel, of Scotland, are requested » te port 10 Win Ulaekstoek. Treasurer, Federal gtieel, Al i-theny oa or bdw«- kiednraday next. A* !l 1* in landed at that lime to forwards much money aj po*»l* Ide to uui in loading a ve»«*l,which leagro Phuadrlph.a i4«thß lS,bMay B A.D CAMPBFU-. ' procure been using *omeof yoor j GVeng Panacea, and. so far. am well pleased in it* m Catarrhal and Bronchial Complaints. Plea*e ,cno roe halt n doren Nmles—pat them a* Sow a# voo ran: as I expect if u continue* m render as general sat utoction as it Un* heretofore, to keep it conunntly on I hallL ' Respectfully. apl? w « * p - OCEAN STEAM KAUGITIOX COSPASJ. „ \ Li„. .» C«.rr., S>..*«».p<».< -•••- i-£jCv THK.plendid new.teara.liip WA3NIKC MUSIC! MCBICJ MUSIC l S-jft TON, 1750 wt>« burthen, Frederick Htwm ; r rK *i\VALKEH, DmUr t ■>» Jltuir and Muu- 4l£a*l cooim*uder, will MwlfroraNew K f J E «» Jruirui/K»u>, WO Walnut urtrt, Phita'lflp*'* —I Ut JmTnext,earo>"* *he LulledlBj»>e* l , _ d 1-t p«bU.brd,-F,.r.,...bir. orten».f«H«. .l F * ftife Friend. w VWtll »" 1 Uremeiheven Kr-merhavrn on ilk «3ibof| rc| Ve V»ylor u March end ijuick Step, Ac. Ac | which, if df*ired, bills ol ludiitff. will l« ?ll 'R cd bylhcl ■**» k I • i ssasss\~««* » «« r^sd -"—■•*— -"" h l.iuirtaam • all Windsor Musical Instrument*, uib. Rh-«i». liniy, SwiUrrtand. 4c. .... «r A i ir,«P* Tuni'iic Fork*, and all ■rude* of Mu.t- The.U'n-hingion t- built lUtbeMroiigesi manner, wl» Violin i*iririK*, 1,,n ‘ pm . rn mvOdlm lvirWfl i l.cinl convened into a ebm-of-war, and Mib ■•"l Mcrdi»iidiic, «i ‘be lo P " J IV m inspection by office** appoint*! by. Admlntairator 's Notice. i the Picsiiieni, both dunrfg and alley construction. Mte « iiTirE I* hereby s.ven.Uiai leiletaofadnmii*ua* j ha. iwoengiucaot Unhorse power each, and accom- N? umm.lio Fume of Uarreil McCann, laic »pplv °gJJ ] Widow Machrec.' Meant Navigation Company. U W tlliam »treci. New., The low bucko! J. 41. nr in the Asenti ai Sooibainpmn. < •me two Birds; • ! ' * t ? t g?* ' Indian -Sommer. , Bremen VtM.'lVJli'ioPl iV^’ Rory O'Moore; Havre WILLIAM IS KLIN. i My Mother Dea«; . The Washinslou i* intended to leave New York on myJ Sl_wo«lm~i. | — TguTHi BY MEN of TRUTH. ; - A PLACF. WANTK'V-A white wrtant gwl. **bo , SELLERS* VERMIPUCR—A MB- Alcan brine good recommendation*, wouldHkt cm- I i( vial producing wonder.^-Eead the following N »"*»-s tt ; . KwItYLE SPUING FBJBITS-n case. 1 dic ,i nr ,,y reeolleeled. Sitveelhenthey h»vej>e«ndome , N of lieauu.ul new «yle Spnuf we ll. and are now in coed health. _ s - . '".I f -iIIAC KLETJtWHI/K. W woo.l_.i_ j Flom ß.v. S F.BAbCMIr, ofllm pjOLE HjilloOK— ICB CREAM TH" mp.Ur | I, „ wi« /rat ple.njr.l »0«U E“ “ r.»c -.» ». .I”" it?' mS.™.V« or .0. »~d .I.c ramrjonor ,TS;«, »l.) V.J - - - »pr yr... Of .... or yoor jowly pot-breicd V.mJos.. / IIEK-V FI.AN.VKE I 0.1. 6..-.-.IW ~*j|ggSS 9 . ; DROWN SIURTINOS-A latge invoice of Frwn the Rev fJrttrle* Cooke.of the Melhodi.t b ..' I n °’ Ck Plu.banb. Ih-krltm ' V «Vi SIIACKIXTT A vY'IIITE Mf R. K. Seller*: 1 gave n y little daughter (betwern ' .bn**- and for year* old) three dose, of >oor ' mmfuge, IftllX'ifti L«tgw«»od. for .ale b> ■ ,-,/,rdntr topiewnpiion, with the happiest »nrreM.— ,n«.. on vop-.p. “ a' v^b.-0-i-r^-jan. I)“V vn« , *-«.. r ft*;, ; „„, •««•*•* I „.. . CL NNINOIIAM * lIONSKR l nl ,.t lit. on Wood siren. /i " u ‘ ~ ’ | pn.lL.tr |.v Dr. Caa«e(,Finh Ward. £ii_ S'oiif. « “ tr« VkWAND MOSTKFFECTIVF. REMEOT I “Vli D poTArai-vn ~b. I- ”« - 1 “'■'; a "s.i;=ESL ssESS”#m a s •r-~i “ieE'fSS-S iES'SSSifSSag 10 elo*e n.>:» FOBSYTU A Co_ ( and all divta.r.arising from an tnjudiciooaiueofMet* rVil'liAli'* Rto Coffee, ju«i received and/or aale bv i co i^' e anentioa of the intalid public, a^o&»lllho« 90 W 4 M MITCIIELTREF. • .ffiietrd by any or the above rfHeaaea. uieapeetfally :„ v i So IfiO liberty »i ' , 0 raeru* cf a -new ond invaluabU prepare- TO ifecrenoK ! « r:VW" niJA KFA J A J0»....-.N..1. « i-iriou. brood, .nd j WV*W 00p........ by HI , J . KRO , ctEISO , , awssasas no *'~ , *da&*i U c«is»s H 1 "i" S l> ' l ' '“mlu'eS A RICfiCTSON . | Flo .„ )i£»o'^SliniMrr of Ihc 8.pu.l . I.CUIIOI. -10-bW’ rriT.'yMAKKB '• l '«'l"”lUrrS** &.* l’reprmi’r'. of t. DoooV ;\ -ate I„ J n I To • cl “^ |CllI CenOci'icD;—tor soveral yeara I m>l No M wood tt j mr-.-i .inn-*nf Chemical U' nW«L.««.-e« oil m good order and pure, for vale-; n»Mer by u-ing ion tuv lamily a* a remedy for EJtco v|,J 1 , j SCHOONMAKf.ft'fcCo ' wcakoe-anrl lamcncr- «f the back, pmn n '- OI .L ._ _ - ; .I, ckrciVl , mdama'iouoi the tnrtat and eye*, ague in i/\ RMS Wi.fruns f»nd P«i>er forrele hd ' ,1L biea.i Ar; »ml 1 take fit a-uo in .ay ng toyou and 0 l j SI’HOO VMaKKR aCo ! l^, he oubitc.tUnt in ewry r*-c I hive foond il oteful. ’ - . * ,|lU ji i^i.arr ihut aa:t NAILS.-W'kec* .ue*,ft»r e«J* cheap l- 5 U*)“ ' _ FORSYTH 4Co Mol.\!*S»’s- r* M«l* Fibiiuhoc. tor »ale Ojr “VI H’RSYTH A Co gAKv™ L ''''rorevT*,i.co C“t;? AM * to. boxM Mio, „,5 ' ,O 240 myl No *7 wood OAtt Ru* dried Appic*. • 2UU LWOBT.I_ t ii2'A*tfll'lSll*—oo wk‘« 'FcitSer JP«*' wleT.y . I* myl ATWOOC.-JONK?i£». L*jj^ i ‘T/5S lr ‘•"/'DCu.ffMVScr i iri "“‘ r,'A«iu.v litna-A P';“" I'Jl'fJ" i )KAt ufcs -nubu. '* ra*< tnUrf Qfßti ted IW*> ,'U ft . Urun •it prrtarmr *>irh tVy ’ay '*\v> °TI rtjl. . I*OST. ' , FIVK DOLLARS RKWARD.-Lo*! yttterday, ei ther in AHeßheoy eiiy or I'nuhqrgb,» fiold btue r> ACON-9 I I«i, «ei with ihren Topax ttonea, *onounQ«a by * M«e* K . ORLM, McI.RKVV *• Oo» | atnn j The name epenred on.\he intide—Willaraina [ No o Commercial Row, liberty »t_ ( K vy,|i aPP . The above reward will if re niUK URlokp«i.«« l .'«-**‘l u “ l ‘ , l' -»'« ,ow ] luf .p‘aa U °^ Cf W W W aSaCK C | ,|o Vr o u"^d!*rSVfV T A£Co. water A front *t» -1 rjIRDS AND BIRD CAGES—One fine •inrnr ■ ■ :■ ~~r t I D Rabbin, one line mocking Utrt and canary bird* of POTASH-»cn»ki fcr«aleiby ; . _ . t . i Mn «andeok»». , .C, l myl fflllhND. /»"■•* I A)lo Rird «•»<*<, common and OuUTt nw»of which . m >' l . TT“.'7 TTi 1 - a»do JOIM; *3do 7x9; for aalitbr . \ 3 , lV mvl FWEND. RHM ACo mp „ t 8 P VOX BOXXHPRST ACo IyBACHBS AND APPI.BS-3M.d.tal Pnch u,w :5J ° Aw reiß*SwrKy*si. AtoC,>io,t r^M§ k Co MACOS-iyW l jb« in ; moko Voo«e, and for IJ WK-U o aTW OOD;JONMACo. water A famiata (4 fever eleven dijri Irunnwick county ap'.-o' I u & i km iVrlvct Uotile Cort*, Ju«t received aod lor n Kv B A PAIINESOCK ft Co ap*i V corfiruft wood m iVICACIUCS* APPiKS-aiOboe dry Peache*; \ J ' ;i do pealed; iau do Apple*; I.DICRKY ft Co, water ft front »troet» c‘^^ oVS " SCOttCHISOfr— 4 Ton* firtt«ort Beorebißf*. fcf uJeby aj»3G. __ IDICKKYftI-o *“ c c 'i ?sis®?a *<£" ,%> ' . y n « water*. • , \ For *a!c *»■>', . «j*TO CiDgn-Hf", Wail gCTHOlll!»O»r2obbl.fc«gk | g*J (^ r^4 b ?, *; junction Salt*?: Bp P. AwCtlMh—* - * yj : StcoSSWat *l ON Monday jliUmaoa £& of board, at the Moocngabrl* wbart >*«» V ,*«•** ttfkrt 0» light ea*h t»y order of Le»* ‘i,., fisakara «*«■*- draught «*a®#r-Afa*a» with aU-her nearly llTVhlrtii In wod mtchinery nn«'l r,r*. . ——; Second hand ON Thursday afternoon, ike from of. Ute wbatan and Sth HWU, will be *ol«l one hand»me«a liai «econd hand Bvooebe with ftlltog *°P*» ke. in good order. ’ 3 ON Mown?'lSShjftw •eld a larte aiunmrsi of freak ana »ea«oo*bie. ary •ooda, among which are superfine cloth*,. ca*stmerea, •aiinett*. krrjean*, pip»r, neh atylr print*. gingham*, blenched and unbleached mnaltna, chocka, ticking*. eouonade and wmtner cloth*. gambrooa*,colored eam hosiery, «»©«•, »hawl*, handkerchief*, patent thread, lew.n* «jk, spool cotton. no«sd olanea, dre** *ilka, alpaeca*. fancy resting*. Ac.’ Alio, Lin- I breU *’’ I’”"”'"’ ®”Vo'csiek.' P C '»l. a n a«*oruneniof new and *eeond hard haaKhold f«niitorc,con*l»Un«ofooepair*plendldpief Sble* iwenar “ day dock *nd c *«* "ahosany dre»- m*iluieau/fancv and common chair*, bedairadi, In I IUKr * «“ h •'««“' “'iT'i ’fl " w I STriSr ShSaii, Jimn « übl ,'’ Etlvme ehaira feather bed*, maures*e*, looking glaaa- S c *>».««■»■ A Urge eollecmm .( r.1i.»1.1. nlmlHawm book.. Ex«ctttor'fc Sotle«* • ; ■uniffim Ecnert Tcnamcauty hevtS «*«h W to Uk nodertißned, Executor* pf Uw «, t |l and te*iamcnt«f JobuMcSletter*, deceeeed, u,c l’lu»UTo«u. llip,- Allrsjway “ ; hcrrl/v eiTco u *ll persona mtlcUcd l» the tiuio.ttf.! Jcycdcntto make payment, nedto.tj»*e Mfaliist ibe unc, to present them duW maOreur tiPHii *! fr-c «ettl«(ncnt. to eulierof the turfmwßtd.. urnr. ¥ t Mc suslKOS,. Kiwfot.lx. • THOMAS MeMASTERK,') - WM- LARIMER, Jr.. i Executor*. . It D tCUH*. : _ ) . ruiit'cb. April an dsfr»4i*T i>RUG»rPaCO«, ' I TOEt. MOItEER. f>rtJS*i*i 2w*Lara .1 of Wood niut «h nr • Pittoborgh, **lll keep 1 isssir"« o ''”' »*■*»*• &ir •“ s?-»: ?Uir.«»dCii,h JJra.he», *c. 10, Yrtuek ~ll low forcath. BRICK the «*• •on ba* now commenced for making Brick* the •Qbtcribrr* beg leave again to call tte uteaum rt t briekmaker* and other* iothi* very aieful machine. Wo will warrant it equal if not *up«norto any other llr.ck I'reva, of the unt priee- now in we * We have a number of certificate* of their .perfwje* anee, which occupy too much »pace for advertuitig, but C *Uhckmakrr»°a%YcT>ec'fullr ' n y leJ t£ We wUj (five onr own guarantee for the performance of thr PrcF*. S ; ., t o^«^n^ :j ;*'- NiCO •pgydkw3mF_ ‘ _ canal bar‘Bfcpennw, w. WILSOh’t Watch Maker A Jeweller. W. corner 4th and Market m. A large and well iplpcted «ioek of w*tche«, Jewelry. Silver ware, and Military Good*. Alway* on band and at regular ***• tern price*, Gold Patent Uver, foil Jewelled wairhea, • tlawarW Silver do w*icbec,a* low a* il». ‘ Genuine Cooper, robin*. Jobnionand other approved makrof wniche* inaybcjhad at a email advance and W jD"Fi < »e watr£woik iioue in the very UeUnlaaM'r. SRGAIUi-Coba «**“*• • .. - io; • Common «o; for*ilfl**T . „„ -WICK A. McC AN DlggS rpAKHRIIS’ OtL—l2t>W» I«*treceived ot can I Rtgnmeiu, and for *c* . A water A front »u ninini* i-abh-j imj *« •j»« 15 Hics&rr^ as wood mrecl. „ . nlt *r—as.ooo lb* Co non Yarn; I COTTON Y AR ®’* TWr.,l and Candle Wick Carpet Cham*. CoitouTwi BHKY k Co For »le by _ 51* ——— —* - A STAND.* Burja/idy 1,1 ' fI c "NF^TTOCKfcCo *J apJU _ K • T>EAHB-I» J 3 . cor wood k water ate ap3o ... r ,nt AH4ES—s. Houae and N- Orleana, far a*lc =■ .WICK fcMoCAWDLESa fc MeCANDUag , 9, v ?^ n - U, ' C * m^aWkss &P»KiBfcr A YoangHyx«\ i| “^HyaonSkinAGanPOwder; 'inMilatk Black, fur calc by . < tar * , “' WICK A MtCANDLIVS, -• . cor wood and waiet«'> n¥lW C caaet Twna»© Cuuop '/ (*B Soli, Phil.drtpk.*, "l | Jn/i BBLS FIAM.r IW.ta tile M UrePnubiitgh 49!fe,rs-”“ rw'CTi^r p A j. H *»«■ »**• by . . • Wo *4 wood *t ap*9 _ xrELLOW IWBKT POTATOES-* bUn Pouwe*, ]a»t receded w good toad;- n on <»«*“>«>: | ■ , W GBF.FR j ap®L ,pM d b!r 8 F VWfBONNHORSri C. ' »pS!> F’ IBll—Mackerel, bLU and kiu, bbl - GUKK.V APPLKS-M bn Gr«ii Arpl«w •alojbjr ap» P VON BON NOOKS* * 1f... H' EBBUIGI-iO bUh No lTjn*l received.ini wr Mle by irJ S P VON BONNHORBr*Co^ IttY PABCBKS, for nle low by . • WICK fc McCANDI.t-Ba O RANGES * LEMO»B, bf ule fey / __ - . WtCK fc McOANDU^^ SOAP-Borin, Bar and SUvinf 8o**». foi’•a , «L^? == “ ,p» . _ V WICKA-McCANDLgSg_ OUj-Luhjp, While, *ndTinner* oil. for iftleby WtCKA.McCANDI.rad_ BACON F/Aew ca**» Bmoo Unwind Shoulders, for«te_by ip« bbl* in «oreand fo* *•!« bV opg>BDAL/KLL A CO. liberty n_ WSSetafettW w«»?S' - upVO , , j cor^wa'rt^j^tnulifield 4VJTsjSoic‘JiiMtr*^P,»«crivr, tor Mleby . ;•) BBLtf «»P'C MelatoeC . w.VhpKR ZIW iiUUFlomi- »pgl -- _ . >l_*EftHjL -vctnnaCH—H> itaz. Uert r!U handled "Boehmer,’ SSiStr' . »rvor caaU*e»of Mi ZO WB VENISON. lIVMB, ie-1 UVuuKmlUiii.: ' I e»k bacon tide*. jati j*eM FEUEND, RIICYACO 57 wstet *L . mad (or »il« by '■ «pt 9 1 -Tri 7 cor Ut A wood «u bags U i. r ■ r-, i-' PIG IRON—IO# toosbol aad ccdd blmn Mererrco Plclion, io»tore»wHbr«al«bT WILLIAMS fcJILWOBTH,woJd»i AHKEBK-8 e*ik»,r«cemDf tl*i» d*jr. and for »*! Cffiy JASPA.IJKLL. iH w.tFTM gACOH-IbbU Undinjc frora L«ko Erie •mad fe’r«*le by >P*> JAS PAl^Kl^l»_ B" DLK lb* Balk Pork, now *adtn| r%S»“ ,SAlA^te f t ™ an M from t wiirr >io» wool* BAGOIHG. in IHCHBarlipt,mitibletorWoal Btckr, Al**, 4U Ormiu tHvgns.blain *od iw.Ued, in greet »nm- , 5t c.»««,ly on ‘•"'‘■"Vo'BM-H't OONRAD, M Al»tket«uPhiU -litflu i r«us Linseed Oil.m store J JUROaNA SON 1 18 liberty nrret LISHcEDUiL-l and tor aale by apjfS inn nnn LUbacon, juMreceiTin*fromsmoke IUU.UUU houac. For tale by affi J JORDAN & SON M~~ BOIHO CABBIMKRES-rI case of beauti ful .nodi Jar-Snsnmer Cbtis, inti teeeirod and for Mle by ■»« SHAdOjiTIt WHITE HORSE FOR SAltE—Ybonr, soond aml gen BeT Apply W REFOLDS A SHEE ap; jfl , cor penn fclrwiatit Ai* bbWNeitPeik; 4 .% U to _“~ d °- i SOX - nio Blast. fbriale by', Y apaa . . FRIEND, RHEY A C 0,57 wmiM st sot? t\ I Cs-Oio atilt winter bleaebed oil, U - aoo u whale • • do 5 bbU 14 . do - >P 27 O BLACKBURN A CO / VRTaQKI ABD LEHOSIi m sure Wad for. | \J .sale IflfW ioclom oat oonaiaaneat, by ap37 Lt JD WICK, cor water A wood « P~ EACBJci-4CUtn dried Pnehet.JntJ reeejjed ud for uie by - HUTChIpON ACO _ % rrff NodSwtler. k W.wood M» SHOT— ll kg* uroned Not, received per detract j& CHO “ 4 “ I •»< to. «to tco noitBCTTEa * ***Sb, In miJ Ja gale by • • > ' Lfc-JPWICK SMOKED OKftßlHPrlOUixiißii . for galdlowhy tpß7 Lfc J DWliy . • PIU IR.OM— is too*, lending from ueaaer lAke~~ Erie, nndferraleby JAS DALAELL:_ apt? «water , BUTTRB— 15ke**ItaUef,forMjeby' • :;■ _ *p<7 JAS DAL2EL6 LABg-War',Y. , b >^ g bALZEyi - DEUBD FB|?IT-TJ ba*bel Pc*cbc*4 73 do . Apple*, iu wore end J D WILLIAMS * OO nawood m TUIOTUY SKKD-SSba dean Timai_h7 *Md inttotc tndfor.talcby. apt*. JAE FLO YD, M For wicjiy apll J D WILLIAMS ACO POTASH— UOcaakaPure In wore and for tele by ' ,pa< -j JARFLOYD, 1W liberty* _ . DaiKb'*pput»-»ioi>», i»£;*»>•. h y - «m ■ unFuiyp TTnitK im tTDHJCB-1 care rce’d end Cn Hit Ibr ' SUACgUfITAWHITC oCLP, 0(1 O vale by • IQXORICK ROOT-340 Ibt-«aa)l »uek», i*«‘ l ree*d»fad for tala by • J KIDPAOo IHOt—lo bbU Jwi received ud for tele by ' J KIPP A Co. 8t water M BTTTTWB' bbU Freeh' Roll Better for vale by — - ip i» —. wiCKAMeCAriDUaa— POTASH— Prime Pouib just reeeiTed and for eatr by epio WICgfoMcCANDLBSS LKAO —500 tries Galena Lead, received per tteaa»i Cambria ana for tale by v apt? UUVIS HUTCHISON A Co G" GLLORXbf LIME— 3 evtfv forrale by ap!9- R K SELLERS, 6* wood at FLAXSEED OIL-13 bbla fertile by >pl» R E SKLLKRS.S7 wood »t YELLOW OCHHJ&—I ,Suoibi.un French,(oi vale by ip|t r B E SELLERS, 37 wood tl CHIPPED LOGWOOD—3O bfali for tale by aplP . E K SELLERS, ST wood «> BACOJt— 7.000 Ibt, beg round, in wort and rtf tale by apl> v • Bfc W HABHAPOH WOOL— Fieeee, Tab Wavbed and Palird Woo wanted by ap!9 8A W HABBALQH ItCOOHS—WO doz. In More aod for salafcr ■- baplS ,r • . CUNNINGHAM A EONNBB •wmT.; „ pf,ysia—loo bblv Romanite Applr^^bi-^a^^. vvOtXrU—lirwet’Votttbioi tale by" ' p® IS • W" GREER T’sa— **hf ebetu Black Tea, anivinfj&om Cana. | for tale by ayl7 w OBBEB [ rat'd fertile br Q ap>7 ~ • ■ 1 WILLIAMS A DILWORTH , QOFFEE-1X bag* pari Green Rio.^br^valeby^ BALTS^-19cathvonconilgnmcM^fottiLle SOAP— UD bit arriving from Cincinnati, for tale by apir • -. • > W ORKRB SPTB. TVBPSBTIMB—3 bbla just rw’d and - • «p!7 - J D MORGAN piTCH-t bo, Banr-fr l-Hch rteejved ud k J KIDD, CP wood »t