THE PITTSBIRGH Mt PllltiE SEVEN DOLLARS. BrsINESS CARUa,, * t«Kjt a (ioauoai. CommiMton ind /\ iV(* Mi r« ‘,ant, M Wairr anil 105 Pronma, rochU ATWol>o, JUNKS A Co,‘' and l.e rt qi rr>i» n'ugTobacco, wkoltiale and na-J, ,\o. .'/i Till n! Mwi. iMirburyb..., Mcsrt i> ttt«* ?> oioeasimaa. BRAXiX 4t UKITEK, %V*u>teamr«- «nd r*ru«;r ••• f'n-'tr 1.-irrir and W. Clait Hrwii, l‘.l»*iiuryi ....... .. - "“>l5- iiAHim'u'K i! TUtSERi Wtole»ale arid Ke- BvJSi .JL'rf I* !>«rV o««*. Nf V- Market v.,Ji&>oe»Yrotft 'f m l* BV vAIIVF.KTOCIC dt CO, Wholesale k. . f iVr"?--. 4 n,rr *’<«« «*«*«■• -in B. aiMPhD.H &. <’o.« (irocera, Comrainioa r.-i.t Dealer*.is rttutmrjrti Manofsc* BAOAJUKV it f*9IITII. Ojpc«r»,lS njjd'JO V SMITH. DAUAIB Ce yt> 4tli mce i.alcrc WnrCditiMii Jritw F Jeruisnj:*. Ja*. W. Hallman. / tULKMAN, IIAILMAS A CO, Manufacturer* \i of Ciffia-;e Spriiw>u»tJ All**. A B. ana cprtft# eicfl. ankl dealer* in Coarti Tnmiuing* of carry «le** iiun.'n»ftmitßev«)- ou Ht. Clair at. VV arebootfi vj Woo fl at', opponte >Vt CUarWta Hotel • _« Janstl u Tr^ —. ,' J.Carollier*. /WOBcAa^AKimueM^VW^Onj ; auefM. Mi.'A “ - —— ( v . * - au-l Forwarding ilercbaru, tolertffli’Miar and Pittibotf-h manufacture*. No U 4 Libein ■% 22£- - m *- J- Mca.«ottT. /VaUSOV A, McKSIGUT» (aocceupi* to 11. » WUoleaale Grocer*, ComnuaatOD and Forvraritms'Merchaiu*, Uealera Pittahural* .Uaninarittrea. «xtU *Ueet, between Wood and l.itterivt INtnj-urgU, ■££ « mu iimk.m.l. w-.. P ". .. J 1 VKACJKH, Importer and whoieaale and retail L .dealer m Fanty Vanety Ooods eisnOf itetfU. O.uib. Marart hwi. near Liberty Jnj»* bur*b. Fa . - - -1 — T V lJeatpr -n Vvrtuec and PanUr i). 'll,*ri.i-cr, No 4« Lii.rny n.ncxi door w cor neto> m. i__ - -"-t- J —• - MW*LU J iwJSU. U Olfire* on rwib&eld, bciwccn 3d and 4IA su. rr~ i ~ —“joa* duautr. 1 0 liwikT. *. OKUUAUT, Who£>»le On. iVin. ;.l.r.u, prate* .nd P.n.bor f k..n>«n»f»- nnd Hand .n„ Puub.rjb, P* feM7 JAMES L WUCWTa - ft BKSSKTT,» R£w* lSiti «%«»«<>« 31 -»*“* “ST Seconii ■lid Tju'rt »l*._ - ;;— fcTACm&W k TIeKKIOHT, Ammey* ■* 14*. F!«5*5?«7^ESSi«»3 fuai * *v 'U l-wro P*m Alley «n4qw« " "lirS *Kbc£- f JMBC* Wood. i-mIEVO KHKV *• Wi|nlrt.«Lctir!n-n», FS, T™ SKetanu, •»• *«'»»<”> “nfISE eJZ, Y.,.,., N**« »■>*»< >" “"".'ir r.urßb,«_a —-7'*. «T“**».tJMK. 1i«u»o F.»»tr Manawetarrr W*U Jc»i -I<. SttZZJ «■%&•. - ——- —• —; ' ’ jotut i. ro»XTB- '& Co, CimiiasMion m>l fr° rw “ r^i n £ C'nAJSCI»"IiKILKIUI. ‘•'“’'h.SSr'oS l t '"spr ula-fiT^t ri'Mtank, hand _ _ ii i|f»lcr in f*tu*«r». llo«»rry, «nd F. iitoT. 1 !...,,-« «■•»« '“?■ l*»tta»TgP. ‘ ’ . ——■ - J , nulnirg:i I’n- -- ~-a‘* nKKRV \Vbo!c-**!c CirocfT »#d C#n* G BJWS'OO MftritatH, rnui.iinec - - -T " M. B. Urown. /-i RO W aiflTll * C ■.. TTKLAUV BBUSOT, WillTK t RED LEA" HMiwStfwrtr. IW fcOil Mtretent, Mf“« r ofUl>- fny and l*m*bTsh. ttitAß oictrr. ■MinTweiwyn* T-RAf All DIOKST ft'Co* 'Vhole**!c Oroeet*, I*Cci»iim«»«-W«tehanJ«.w< dealer* m P , ® duc *l *l°* X \\ tier 4iul iu; Froiu*>reet«T > m*t>urj;h- “Tr— TOSBPU KJIOXi Attorney »l Uw, P . iu^ u ’ s | , n J l« a ., haVreiutflwJ ttiepieeuce of bj« P«f fe »»”' > “* h!»oihiie 4 orceLoc- * b " ncc by B,s Ssft^ JOHN D« MUHOAS, Whote»*l«’Dru*y**t “ d dcA'.r in Vjc Stuff*, rusu, No V-pod ureci, pile door Sooth oi t»intnond_ Alley, JAB* BS KlfißK, Ib.'ACOvr»acceMorilo <». Devil] pnip Cdnniller*,#! Water *t- TOIIK WAUKKO, Ami fat Jt*W A “W* J M-cI -No »> Wood •treetj h*f c«n«»nt!r ca Wind « lariea.• "linen, of BIOTCMLCwI DonbJe lad So- Jti «* ear, Uorq»a and BagJbh filter Steel; which.fee will veil mi the Owl iceommodnnnn term; TOHS ,1. ®EUL.Ott,Whofaufa 'J'tJ; siarcr tiieel P ,nt - Quill*. Printer**' Card*, *oa Q»Ray hooginor taAea m ttade. __ ,ep i.— T SCBOOSMAKBB * CO. wtole..fa Ug«- J ..Rie** ei. Pitubwsh.- • JfSR??- TOSKPI’rirOttDAS A lOX, Cumlttioauj'l J l£,»»nbns Mmb»b», No la Liber., «, »PF<*j“ ficnni.tif*.! «■ » Miini>wn'» Waw. i p.u.irfhfa Will *llO auend'pnjinpilj' »U>r «Ujoj- ••*•" ‘ w ""' ,t - * ‘ J l oKS‘H7BsvwAKcnojraa,mu .1 u.ti Wood 'ircet*. Pimlmrflh ■ ••?«•■•. Jokw (CbIOWBLIi, Jkgww. WfcelMile Gro cer md Cmnt»ii»*ion MerchMlrWittr iJr, We lie BtIIK. iTjF*lrou, XfcJle, GU**, ttc. *» i«arittfMWW» W*** 4 : nrivM • "’ ' ‘ rOHJ*BTO!¥ A BTOCKTOS, * *“*“£" J t’nfren *nd Psper ißrnßofacUier*, /No. « (i, rifw'wflb; r L.. ILKAD’S Book B»re, 4th, ne»r *j .in>nul m 3 MrtboJat ««*» *nd 4gj» . Tv ktnßEltTSOl't CO, llankrr» »"d Kx* J.SSf.!;™ .<>nv«S «a p ™ri Hfltel Pjanbarfb, P*- ** parchwd »l U» e B » u * > *»***• , C^L - 10X111 OBlKtL,' GiWfr,dc»l' r in Pro- J°“*. Ti., Pl«f, *-4'. No Tta Lflxny m, *.. Ei r ri.ovb.(Uirj.novJ J. umcon. No. mUi-anr ■■»■«'• : JfflL. J AMEB WbolM»lrpro«r.Conmj^ tion Merchant, and dtilnui Prodaer and Pittrtmixh T WATJCfIWAK; WhoJwklft'OwM, For* L .a™ gwWta Produce, No* V . .« lb* PronlUl*.. r ■ : i, _._ ..._ t ■Rtvis'IIUTCUIBOS * Co* Wbotoa*!# L* f!c* r* f Vor.v»r4 ; n* »«<* Cowraiawtt Merchants Jnd dniJeri/*i Fiiuburicli MviofreuirM, f* ’.^Sj, 44 Wmiet ■MWAPg.fSL,. —. UVi— biiiptoh,wwSiiSSni: L Fftn*aphn*««iJ Cocnmiaalon Merchant*, Dc* l *” 7pr»uect n qga_nn«vKjtt hi. -jn* t - Mk. J< RLOASt IVholtnle Gtoctrt, Dealmra . J*iwlur«: S*H. «nJ r orwatdiM ..on Merdiiw'. No* liberty *f>d TS3 Wood lirecia, Fituhafcfa-’ M fIOLSKIi A> *OS, NaMMattsi•treeV*ee* N. *wUI i!oe? fnyn wnerV Foanh, in For men *p4.Dttfne*w*-Dili* of Excfc»og«i C*fufic»wi»f eS£/^^£«* <•*> tWfi. ovfi^r- '■ = 1 ■ •' .* <»el7 . I'IUMIV. WtI.*OS * CO, 'VhojtrU. Dry WlukK. M." • iWUWinil, *+ntl . . - - —_ ft W l l oin-le7ui. " A ■>• C H TIOICSDKXTKH. a Co, Wbole««l« Oroewa X anfi n *nd Forwardlnp Merchant*. No*t w.Witrcct- - . .- r •'• .'• : • RIl. ItAWXCIiSS, Attorney « L»w t Gr*nt «, , H»kcvreU*Uulldi*X‘*pwfri»W6»i«r tfcefltw - • “t ROBEKTBOJT A REPPIBT, Prod ace merchant*, No 1(9 Second as, PinaMufeh. ■• .» '• ■<<' VaCgll ? —ichard t; lk*ch. j r . rm ■oner and Fortiesnnd JUrd^ -wwelwid OeiriM*flri«»taS»»«f *4 dwenpOoavK* j>3 - “ , BUSINESS CARDS. fc* MCCIT, If, j, R BBVvE A CO, Wholesale Grocers, Coanois ■ loo L . Merchanis, nnd dealer*' in Produce and rmsbnrgh MaoHfaelures, Liberty st. opposite Smith leld Pitlsborgh. Pa. r m js RICHARD BARD, wholesale and retail dealer ui Leather. Morocco, shoemakers' Tools and Plnrt » routers end Corrida Tools, and Tenner* Oil, No. koodoi. Pittsburgh. ’ «eM9 Robert dalzbll * Co., wiioiruir Oro ccre, Comnmiion end Forwarding Merchants, dra- Iff* in Produce end Pittsburgh Manufactures, Libeny Ta. _ fcttM KOBT. KOBIIOJT. ' sih’l. n. komsok. R ROBISON 4s, Co., Wholesale Grocers, Pro* • dwa end Commission Merchants, and Dealer* in Pittsburgh Manufactures, No. IH> Liberty *trrtl,Ac. No 1? Fifth st, bemeut Wood and Market ft*, Pittsborgh. Pa. oc3! SK. VON O'OSSItORBT~k Wholesale • Grocers forwarding and Commission Merchants, Dealers iu«burgh Manufactures and Western Pro 'luce, have removed to their new warehouse, (old stand) No 33, comer ofFrtmt si and Chancery Lane, nor?- SAMUEL Sl> KIER, Vor&ardiny and Coinrai* •ion Merchant, Dewier in Bail, Produce and Pin* burgh manufactured articles, Canal Duain, near 7ih st. d2l M. WICKEHBUAM, Dealer in Cecils, Flow O* era. Fruit Trees, and Agricultural Implements,No Id Wood street Pittsburgh. febi f PnU?. KENNF,Dt, Jr , Lookiug UUi» .VanuiVcuT X rcr, and-Dealer in Clocks, Combs, amt V*%ety Goods, corner of Wood a ml Fourth streets jin T P Forsyth. . R 3 Forsyth. r p P. FORSYTH A Co, Commission Merchants. X .dealers in stall. Lumber. Groceries, produce and PiUsburgb Manufactures, Cana) Basin, Liberty street, Pittsburgh febl® I 1 A. HXLLIER, Looking Glass and Ticture ■ Frame Manufacturer, ana Importer of Looking Glass Plates; dealer in llouse-fumiahiug Hardware, aad Fancy Goods, 104 Wood street, near Fifth. - H ap23- • -j joss n. wick nsviu m i min.ass Wick: * btcaxdlrss, <*uc C r«.-ors to la 3 D WiekJ Wholesale Grocer*, FqrwatJinif and Commisliott AJrrchuntc. dealers in Iron, Nails. (>iaw, Cotton Ygins and Pittsburgh Manufacture* generally, corner of Wood and Wat.'r its, Piusborgb. wchld WW. WILBOS, Watchmaker and Jeweller, » corner of 4»b and Market street*. _ upttf IIT R. MURPHV invites the Ini'ir* m call and »V . ezataiihe hii stock of F'rruteh Worked Collars, tune as low a« U 5 cent*. mi>hl3 WQRBRRt Wholesale Grne«r, Forwarding and ■ Commission Merchant, and IVealer in Produce •and Pittsburgh Manufacture*, corner ui Wale, ajal Srnnhfisld st*. Pittsburgh. Pa- up 13 \T7HITMORE A WOLFF, importer*' and it Wholesale Dealer* in Hardware, Cutlery. £ad* tilery, Ac,corner Liberty and St. Clair street*. Pitts IX7M. GLENN, Bookbinder, has removed to the ?V coreerof Wood and Third »t». almve C H. Kay, rhe"re be ij ptrpar. J to do every des« ripi I « removed Ins office to the Kxchaagt Buildings, in Clair sueei, next door to Aldeiman Johns. ap2d3m LIT ll* QAIUIAIIDi Dealer in Fancy and tHapte I V i Dry Goods, No Til Market street, Pittsburgh. aoel3-dly UUQaMS a DiLU'UUTII, ’itrwir'tbe burnt Dutrict.) Wholrsal-.Grocers, are now located at No. 116 Wood st. where they offer for sale tnentofGroceiirs and Pittsburgh Manufactures, at low prices and on favorable terms inayl3 W r W. WlCiibN. Dealer m Watches, Jewelry, • Silver Ware, Military Good*, Ac, No. 57 Mar ket street. nov? *7 'rthitrpuy; wholesale and retail dealer in k V •Foreign arui DorarMio Dry Good*, northru»lcor rrofMarlreianri Fourth »t»- _ auiril VBL JF« KitWißft Jr.» hav ng,purchased the Drug Store of i'dgar Thom, eornrr of I'enn ami and creel*, will *<-ep n constant •upply of ihe pcrfutbir). Kc. rb>ccua'< pre>enptiort* carefully comiHJUmlrd. — edietner can lie liad si ail bourn of the nigh: 'ihUklj;* __ MU' AUCTIONEERS . :ANl> COM'ISSION MERCHANTS; * <*., cJJS&JJSC (*4“"®" «"* B «°«- , 1Q W warding Merchant?, Stconil, near M ood mi ret, .CINCINNATI St> ST. LOUIS Piltoburzb. Pa. feblu ' OFFISH to aril at either c‘laM!».‘itnetti. all kind* of ■ -__ _ T ■ " Mcfi'iiaiii!'i>c ai tbc lowest r.ntr.» of OonuniMiun* and OAB.I*INOTOW» Attorney at Law afr wlwj j*piejuicil 10 male adennrr-. The l»r*i of FT PuulMtrKh, Pa, .omrai»»toner to take the ac* rBlf:rc „ cti{ . given, ,f required. Letter* nddrr»icd to knowledpEcnnutd J>nx> of Uc*d«, Leare*. CoutracU, ; c;lhr , u OOM> CT( j| i* promptly attended to. jyMMly Deposition*, or auy otlie* writing (under real or not,) to •• • • • -- - - - l>e used orirecorded tit the State of Ohio. Oflbre on | JOHN 51. BiCfllßUS* milSlWwS'iiiw TiL 1 COMMISSION MERCHANT, W.KM "® sS““’id. ciiJ,;m>. «o water st cukai-mde I „. |NDV , V u D(.rf 8... t Somolo, . *\ w.i.auJCoomrylWoijc ■ I > 4. Co, - ~„d. on iMi.hcurT rcl- OdlUtereCA w ,M >* W’m. Crogban. E*q., John Herron. E«j, John Wright, K.«q., Mm William Lanmci- Junes McCully, E*avi*. ""iDfirer Blackburn. Georac U. Jone« O. BLACKBURN A CO, itsrnOLESALK Grocer* and Dealer* m Oil*, Boat W aiorrs End PltuburgU M ana farinr-wl article*,hare on hEnd Et all time* ■ foil and general at«>rtrcrntor 'rood* in their line, Water «tfeei, near Cherry Alley, I’unborth. ’ rwaiEEinnisiß' ok tbk jumata inm, ros TH* SALE Of BOILER IRON, BOILER IIKAIB, Ill’K A FIRP. BED IUON; E. F. SHOENBERGER PITTSBURGH, PA. Haring taken the Warehouse formerly occupied by M. u. Khey A Co. Water Street, near Eran’* Steam Mill, Will keep on band a'full supply of all »ire*of Bo.ler Iron and fiend*. Flue and Fire-Dcd Iron, made from biabejt/unuUe blooms; which will he *ohl at the lowest market rates. Engine Builder* and other*, are turned o call and examine bit *u*k. Order* promptly at ended-to. . jyaidly_ ‘TORN W TOWNSKND, Druggist and Apoike tf ca/T, No 43 Market at, thtpe door* abore Third at., Piiwbnrih.will have cdn*Uotly on hand a well aeleet* rd aaaoruaentof the be*t ana (re»bf.*iM»dicidc<, which he will *eU on the ibom reasonable! term*. l’hy*;clait* rending older* will l>e protnpllv attended to, and sup plied With article* they may rely upon a* genuine, - frT'PbyiJeian*’ Pre*cnpliou« will he accurately and ueatlyprepared from tbtr'nerl material*, ai any hour of *** AUofor aafe.Nt large nerk-of fresh and good Perfu mery. _ >*“* _ J. B. BWEITZER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, pmc 3d s., oppo.ii. *t. ■« l l T |t,T.R[Ao»nenijromptlyioCoHpc»ioh«.m \Vb*J> i VV in*ioo,T«yeH« andOreen Countirs Pa. r' * BilU TO {pi-.-bonth. D T. Morgaft. } M: tjons bdsup, ioiil , b ANUPAcTuRER ofTin-OoppM.-amtSbestiroii Wire, >n4 dealer ia Brjiaima and Wire,'No 17 Market «ueet ; The aabaenUrr w»pect. fully call* the attention of the Weetrrn •' ,rrc f h *“ l *> Country dealer*. and other*, to hi* Urge «tocfc<°f m ifwisted Tin and Copper wart, with ■ Urge atwt meet of imported Hou*e FurniHiing .Hardware- - . WhoWnk buyer* and the public generally, are “»*> led toealt. m Ji2. ~ OKO. w; SMITH '4b Co. BREWER*. MaLSTP.RS AND HOP DEALER* . PITTSBUEGU ISD POINT BREWBBIBB. Corner Darken Ajley and Penn St, and Coot of Pitt St, ; _ Pimbargh. P>« _ jih ttonbnght.** ■ • ' • ' \V. Uonbrighi.: ' J.I.AW.BOVBBIGnT, BANCPACTDEEES OF ST A ECU, IITARRANTEDeqnaI.If noituperiot. to any made >».▼ mine United Sutra,and wlucb they will dUpoae of at lev Price* and on nod -Term*. ' ITT ... pa 1 ■, r. nxtaoir. a atxao*. an*. iwtuct. B.P.k«.RKLIOHaCO.. RyTANUPACTURER* of Hammered B»ial* aod JYXStpadea, Hoe*, Hay and Manure Fork*, WaraMoae/No U Wood • creel, Pimburgh. a»l3 FORWARiKNi; k ('(EMISSION. A, M. Waiuugtbrd. 1 Jno P Singer. WALLINGFORD A CO., COMMISSION A PORWAKDING MERCHANTS, 11K A V Y HARDWARE AND PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURES, U, r AKFj)OUr*rJ* Stroud stn-ei, uear Wood, and Canal Uai.n. l.ibc ty street, bare on hand and for sale 100,000 lbs assorted J*lerl, vtt: Naylor A Co's Blister andGennan te-1; Jones A Am. Bliatrr spring aniJ FitfU “ 2uo dor Slu'Vils, epoxies and Forks, , , . Carriage opting* and Axlrs; j Anvils, (tnt>u«e hole;) Vires, (patent nnd ccmmonj tfiedge*. pledge.AldDlda.Crawbarii; Furnarr Ktiigrt>.(JuUiig Chains, Ae.. A ' C/”i , alam»ndi-r Fire Proof Safes, Iro t. Yfcil*. Glac* and other Pilisl.urgh Manuiactures m>l at the lonretl C R Danenbower. - - ‘ j R naldo Sank. CHARLES 11. DASEaHOU ER dfc CO. TO B AC C O ■ COMMISSION figKCl UTS, Ns. SO South Wharves, and No 117 so jthAVtter si PHILADELPHIA: DEG to inform toe trade and dealt a generally of LJ Pittsburgh, that theybav.ttnadesuet arrangemenls with Ute Viryiiitn manufacturers and the Grower* of the A\ e*t, X\ est Indies, and other piaeesas will insure a large and u.mutn supple ofihe following descrip tion* o! I'ohncro which will l>e sold upon as accom modating tenns a* any other bouse in Ibis city or else where. 4nd oil, goods ordered from them will bo war ranted equal to representation:— Havana; St. Domiugo; Cons., ) \nra; Potto Rieo; Penn'm, > Seed Leaf To Cuba; Iguuii; and Florida.) baceo; Al^mJ—Branch’s eelcbiated Aromatic Stag Caven dish, wi th a large ussoniueut of other popalar brand*, and qcalnir* of pounds. 5s t* 12* l&* nnd 32s Lump; s»o* ts and lII* Plug; Indies’ Twist; Virginia Twist. Ac, sweet and p|ai >,*in wiiole and half boxes, wood and tin, logeiLr r|with every variety of article belong ing to the trade. jctS-dly J D I.Xlliltf*, ' C W ahouuox.. Lair of Piiuburgb.Pa. Late of Nashville, Teßn. I EUMEiI dfe AKOEHSON, Dealewtn Cotton, I.J Forwarding and Commission Merchants. No. a , Front .tree!, above Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio. Run to— M Allcn&t'o, ) 1 Bagaley k Smith, [ P:.n«hntgh. Wm.-Hingbam. )- Seay 3L Micpherd, ) Mania A .McAlister, } Nashville, Tcnu. YentmanA Armi'tead. ) W F fcane A Co.. Louisville, K)\ Hewett.-llcran A Co., New Orlesn*. Maggiergor A Morris. New York. Duvall Keigblcr A Co.. Baltimore. Stnuh, IHgaley A Co n Philadelphia. Dauiel Destion. Boston. Jan* J. C/7'\v7'l>,iw,eli. W“ C.''WiLoii J. G. W. LEFTWICH & CO., . RECEIVING. FORWARDING, And CommlMlon Merchants, PLARUEMINE, La. PARTICULAR mummii paid to consignments of Mills, Engine*, or other axuc!e»for Opelousas and Anakapgs, REFER Tiw-Messr* Sheffield A I.ightlow, Mr. Tho mas LimericJijlNew Orlear«. Messr*. Lnrton A Bctter*on, Mr. Z ly»u-isvjle. isvjle. A|cnrv Hall A Speer. Mr. XYra. O'Leary, Roliert Wi*hlm*n. Aiiß«irong A Nieboisoti; PilUburgli. _ Hevnn. Ti»IJ A Co ; t’inciimhti. Mr«*r. Hyne« A Craighead, ,Menr». Edwards: A Wlaitrall, Hon. JCenon Lubuuve, linn. John. Dutton; Plaqueruinc Lv ' eclSl>- CRAIO. BELLAS A Co H FLOUR FACTORS AND'PRODUCE (TOM* MISSION MERCHANTS. LIBERAL cne SxlD ihree-fourihs VNiiy m hilv-inee in Cxsti.'l.y apply iu?* iu our friend*, J Messr*. Wullin<»>nl A Taylor. Piii*bnrgh. Messrs. T3ios Bell a t <». Ilri'lgeport. Ohio. Philadelphia, May s.l**lS . cnay27-if N. 11. Al) produce pon*igned to tr* i* inrurrd when m the warehouse of Wallingford A.Taylor, Pittsburgh, or in our store in Philadelphia. C. 11. A Co. FRESH IM:*OBTATIONS OK ItARDXYARI-L LOGftS & KKN.UDV, IMtMKTK > and Product*, and in ■ receiving and forwarding Goods consigned to Ins I care. A* .V.-cnt for the Mantiiacturer*. be wilt be 1 constantly supplied with the principal article* of ! Pituborgfi Manufacture at the lowest wholesale | prices. Order* and Consignment arp respectfully solicited. )J7 H F Cokwmv " ' I.~L iomn'i^TiiT" ; B. F. CONWAY A CO., Pt)RT*Mf»FTiI, Ohm, Cc.nim:*v.»n and Frowaobn* Mrrchanu.aml Produce Dealer.—bi-o Biirrnl to the ( Purvhasj. J'aic end Shipment of Pig Iron. Coal, Ac. i KLl’Ett TO, I Atwood, Jbnes A C»i Brown, Bailey ACo j l Clarke A Thaw I mar'lid's. . ilCini* )A*E« THiIMPftOS. W. It. rAKfSEtX. THOSIPSON A CAMPBELL, > COMMISSION MFRCHANTS And Manafactttrera of Llaaeed Oil, So. 20 Columbia Street, CINCINNATI, OHIO, mu ro» Kc|>Ss-ty _ WM. WATTKIISOS, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Rfdbtnk) Pa. 'l'MfEadvenl*er wouldrc*pectfu!ly inform bn friend* 1 and the public that fie Ila* taken Hie War**hoa«r. formerly occupied by J I! Gould t wheie tie will tran • ana general Agency, Forvaiding and CoaimtMion lid*:ne»-. Particular Biirniiock I of carriage »pnng* and axle*, name*, .cytbc and nr k !c*. fire prraif ra'ca, anvil*, vice* tilack.irmh*' t.cllowa, •ledge*. Ar . Ar. mch2l^ MALCOLM LKECII A RON, LATK M. LF.ECm A CO , Wholesale finx-er*. Cora im*«ioa and Floorilcrcham*; dealer* in all kinds . Couaixy Produce, Copper, Tin, Tin IMnie*. Tinnert' Tool*,*Jfnn and Nail*. ZTik*. Hniic Lead. Dye Staff*, Ru*»ia sLcci Iron, l.o*'l, Coiioii Varn», Salt, 4-e., and f'liflnircti Manufar terra generally. No* Wl,tf3,and M i .tree!, mu' door above it**' of Wood at reel, PiiT*;.ur r l*. I‘« LiLernl advnnepq. m i-a«h or good*. made on eon • igniilciit* of produce. Ar mrhlfl J t Ji ALLEN) COMMISSION MERCHANT, no o fcorm water sr. phii.ada. HAS oil hand and offer* for Stir Dleached Winter and Spring Sperm Oil, Hleaebed Winter and Spring Sen Kl*pLiut Oil. Ulcarhed Winter and Spring Whale Oil. raeke.J Whale Oil. light color and free from footing, nndTauners’Oil Al**i. pure Guano in hag* and ham I*. _ _ ftIKRCRK,BIiOTIIfCIIR A Co„ COMMISSION MERCHANTS, For llie eale of P notices generally PHILADKPHIA. fD~Lil*ernl advance* made on consignment*.,£fl PhlUtfn, IVi*end»e*!M.d«m MATHEWS A PATCH, COMMSXIOX 3 B BCHAS TB, Jo,«Waler Street. r ST. LOUIS,MO. Will give particular .tttrntion to Uie *elling of Pnv dure land to order* for purchasing . RKTU to— I George Morgan A Car.. Fiuaburgh, Pa. •ugil _ . ... - John M Oullough. d M’Keeban. C DCulben«>n. JOHN BTCVLLOUOII A CO. Commission and Forwarding Merchant, NOS. 93 & 95 SOUTH BT. rantfTlv* HOWLING’* WHARF. Oalttmora ‘ Tiioi j* Carson, a. co commission MERCHANTS, adeanfta will be made on con»tgnraent to *7«,Ulr' MeKNIO HT. Bill. .1. <;eo B MH.TENBF.nuER, coniiissiot V tmmSmumm • vewtobi jobks STEAMBOAT, AHENT_ AM3__COMM!SJ• u 4 for *“ wm'NOBLE, Upboltimr OppoaiM Bank of Pimbarfb PITTSBURGH. MONDAY MORNING. MAY 3, ! M847. MISCELLANEOUS AGKSCY FOR PATENTS* Wdthinglon, D. C. ZEN AS C. ROBBINS, Mechanical Engineer and Agent for procuring Patents, will prepare .the ne cessary Drawings and Paper* for Applicants for Pat enti, and iramusd all other husioess iu the line of his profession at the Patent Office. Hr eaa he consulted on all question* relating to the Px'.ent Law* ;ond deci sions in the. Unued Stales or Europe. Pe sons at a distance desirous of having examination* stale at (ha Patent Office, prior to making application for a patent, mar forward [pod paid, eaeioaing a fee of ir4 dollar*, a clear statement of their case, when immediate atten tion will be given to it. and all the information that could he obtained by a visit of the applicant in person] promptly communicated. j All leuer* on busine** muir W post paid, and contain a suitable fee. where a written opinion is required. Office on F street, opposite the Patent Office, lie Ua< the honor of referring, by-permission, to. iiott. Edmund Burke, Comm.ssioner of Patenti; Hon. 1) L Ellsworth, late do do do; II Knowles, MschtniM, Patent Office; Judge Craoch, Washington. DC Hon. R Choate, Massachusetts, U S Senate; Hon. W Allen, Ohio. do; > Hon. J B Bowlin'. M C, Missouri; llott. Willis Half, New York; lion. Rolien Smith, Al C, illinoi' Hon. 9 Breeso, Senate: Hon. J H Relfe, M C, Mtaaoori; Capt. II M Shreve, Missouri; Erahius Brooks, Esq., Pittsburgh. . apt JAMES W. WOODWKLL, riTTSBCKOH rVAStTUBK vgikZ.ROoxa, NO 85 THIRD STREET, 1 A LAROEand splendid asiorttaent ta^Furnitare, for Steamboats, ■DQHoiels.andpnvateDwel line*, eonstamty on hand and made lo order. ' > Tlie present stock on band cannot bexcelled by any manufactory in the western country. Persons wishing to purchase would do well by giving me a caJh as 1 am ileiermmed tny price* shall please. Part of ihe slock consists in— 'j' 50 Sofas with Plush aud covers; 2dox Mahogany Nurse Chair*; . 14 pair Divan*; ’ 12 dot fine mahogany Chairs; 1 I*2 mahogany Work Stands; , 3dor mahogany RockingChaira; 13 marble top Dressing Bureaus; }• pair Ottomans; .; $ marble lop Work Stand*; IW cherry Work Stands; Mahogany, Maple, Cherry and Poplar Bedsteads of all descriptions; and a large siummrnl of Common Farnitare and Chair*, 100 numrran* to tnention. marStf '■ NEW HARDWARE HOUSE. JOSEPH WOODWELL, i Conor of Wood and Sd its , PltUkergh, HAVING withdrawn from the old A Woodwell, on the lit of January, IV7, I take pleasure in announcing to my-frit-tnl* ui tha city and country, that 1 have opened in) now store at,th« above named place. Having purrhu-ed'my goodg (or cash, and made arrangements with mannfOciurer* la this country and ui Europe to be constantly supplied, I am fully prepared to farni.h Hardware ox all kinds, on a* rood terms and a« low as any hou*e East or West- Merchant* ucdother* arc respectfully invited to cal and examine my stock, before purchasing- elrewhere. The following comprise* a_partof my stock.! • Bteontboat and Saddlery Hardware. Gun Trimmings, Files, Naylor’s Steel, Cutlery, Edge Tool*, Aovils, vi ces, Lock*. Latches, Sickles, Scythes, Bail Hinges, screws, Union Factory Maboganv boards and veneers, and *ll other articles connected with the' Hardware business. . 1 atkhUif UAZZAJB'S PATENT BEOSTBAO. j[—iri, .N O T W I T U 8 T A N 0 Ifi C »n inurntnl opposition l»:lUJinveP| \gdBgSUK »ion Of a Fitubureh Mechanic, a ma- Jonty of the Cabinet ranker* of ihia ami Allegheny 017. and tbeiiamaei ou« i*g*u>iDf r«have«hnwn ihrmwlrei alporr the vulgar pirjadire agamM Horn*incrntiam. mad they *,vi* (iazram'* Hrtlttpnd the preference, limply beraate ikd**rr** 11. bemgnhc bWfmontttt, e*d n»l rtmtainu UadMrad in u*e. The lollnwin* tertiawniaJ ■pnak » u>r v Wp, Uic cub'cnbcr*. practical cabinet maker* of the Piliaburgb and AlirgheoyVPa., do hereby cef nty that «r liarr lioupln the right U> ntannlaruire bed «irad* wub Uazzain'* Paicrtt Paiieting*. and cormder Ibr mdw fuprnor u> any fastening* wuh which we are ar<]iiainirii Jami* Lrntoo T(1 Young 4Co - Rotwit Fairmmn J K Hartley Jamea B Bur John l.iggett. Jr. Ju. |jmn k Son l»wri« i arlnn Riddir k Drtnou Thoroa«-Farley Hugh II Wallace David l.oker " Run*o)' fc M'Clclluiil Hugh Wallace Mtnwa Bulluek David l.okry For Riehu to make and aril (he aboveiUedctßada apply ie BBkINKZKR F OAZZAM, deelO _ Patentee Patent prkss snictc machine 1. e (ohaenUera having obtained a paieot. May 10 IXIO,I ra |’ie»# Brick Machine., and having aince (ben ihoio ghly tented it* ability, me mow prepared to »ell r.ghi* und contract in deliver nmebinea io any part of ihe l- nird State*. Th-* machine ii ilevigncd to make Brick from crude ei*y, und will make IKIJMI nod ,jjk*v firm Linck per da}. «oJfiriei;il» li*id to alack ap in ibe kiln; tim* avoiding the expeiiue uml labor ofpre pann i the clay,drying and handling the luick after being ooalded. ltv«»nnple, nroiig, not liable u> get out out of repair, and i» conurvcied that it can he taken to piece* and pm-together with (real fmnlity.thoa render ing a •oriable. We are bo* batlding machine*, and can lurmahthrcn on *bnrt notice For a full dcaeription vrew jhl refer *o a machine now in »urce<>ilaLOpera tion • .i Mill rretk Ixxnira. near tbr Writ crtJ of r.ighib ■U< where we ahall he happy to explain everything connected with Uto all who - may .eaU W« have at prr*ent no authorized Agrnt All letter* loouraddre** will lie promptly attended to CULUKRTSON, Me.MII.I.KN k Co., •cnzitf . CINCINNATI. DUUVAH WHK UKIOU9. EXTKNSIVKLV tested tad approved during the pall two year* .by the principal iron taaflufactorietin the «riir;n country, and ibroaghoot the ibterior of I'rnn-ylvoii.a, will l>e ready for delivery on Ihrojwning of Navigation The material on w htch ihrirdurabitny aud Mi|K-rMirny drp«-rid*.ir selected by experienced mi ner*, Uiought troui Maryland, where the discovery wn Ci*t made—ihe fusible matter, wtib wL>eb ill* imbed ded, » carefully separated They will l»e thoroughly burned and compavly pressed by macbmery. and mi nute aileiition given l.v Messrs. Harley 4. Co. the pro prietors. m all respect* to maintain their acknowledged • uperioriiy. (JrtJera |.y mail or otbcrwi*e, will lie pruotyUv execa tp»l.on ajijoictiion 10 J Sllltt’ MACLARKN ro arO lran Work* New fourth street bakeio, CONFECTIONARY AND FRUIT STORE.wiII open on .Monday, April Sih, four l door* fron Wood ei, and nexi door Jo A Jajrua'j JlVkin Tea fiiorr. A splendid nstortmentof Fancy Cake, Codfeetionary. Frmt, 4c , ficskontbe counter every day; among whir b arc the following:— Macs/ oon*; Pound Cake; Lemon Biscuit; Pastry; ►pong" do; Pepper Nuts; Jelly Cake; Almond do; Molasses P. Cake, Ginger Nuts; Wafer Jumb'es; Sponge Biscuit: Federal Cake; A P’»; Bogur do; Order* for lee Creams, Jelly, Brides' Cakr, Fancy Conieoiouary, foe-, 4c., exseutsd in a manner one* quailed in quali.y and beiuty by auy other eitabiith ment in ibis city Fresh llread. Twist, Rusk, 4e , manufactured solely from Whim Wheat Flour, and free from al I drurs. every mrvrsillf >p3 ANfItIEWH SIIAVI9O CREAM-PRICK REDUCED IjT i all those uow !*hare who never thawed before, And those who alway* Bbave now Share the more. IN offering thi* superior Sharing Compound to the no liee of the public, t can with conGdrnee say thai the opinion of all who have tried ii pronounce h the taosi ple*»«nt composition that ihey have ever in order to place it wrjihin the reach of all. I have reduced the price lnvr ?noofh to afford an opportunity lo errry person to gire it a mat and judge for themselves. So, Genttriaen.if you wish for a neb, luxurious shave, on with your sharinf'cups, don't be sc- red! it won't cost much to fill them; and. If you are not satisfied, the mon* e? will be returned. STEPHEN JIARRETT Iron C,ty l.ard Oil Factory and Fancy Soap Works, fenia fith st, opposite Iron Cut Hofei Hardware, Caller*. Saddlery, JOilA 'WALKER, , IMPORTF.B ANU DEALER in Ftfreign and Domeie tic Hardware, would respectfully imoirn his friends and the public generally, that be is now feeeivntf faia Spring supply of Hardware, at the old auqd of Walker 4 W use! well. No Bh Wood streei, which he will dispose of on ibr most reasonable terms. He will be continually receiving fresh supplies direct from the Manufacturer* in Europe and this country, which will rnalile him to compete with any establish ment, either Ki»l or West. Western Merchant* are invited to call and examine bi« stock before pgtfb»«ini elsewhere cnarS^ W'XStEB SOOfll--Places in warehouses, retail and wholesale siotra, on neunboats, or war u»e* ful rmplovi&entiu our rlile*, town*, or country around, mr several food book-keeper*, talesmen, agents, ware housemen, schoolmaster*, mechanical, farming and laboring men. ' • 9 Also, for a number o/boysiof different ages. Alk>j for ft ntunbcr of colored and women. bora ana f-nU. p~V\fanted, severalgood cook*. haa»ekeepei» Bndjrirufor alt work. j A if kind* of AgenrleMtteiidrd lo promptly for moo crate charge*. Pica** applrat WaAC. HARRIS’H General Agency and Intelligence Office »!■; Fifth ri. nrar Kichanx* Bank £opartna)rahip. WE. the nndenigned. haetenieied into Copartner ship lor the patpoae or traneaeiing ft Produce, Cornimation and Forwarding bu»ine*(. under the »ty«e Of OQI'M, IfcGUKW * CO., . , a nml bare taken the warrboaee. No 6 Commercial Row, Liberty Hreet, formerly occupied by Mr. W B I'oaey where all bueinee* entrnited to our charge will be promptly and fruitfully attended to. e MORRIS ORU.M. formerly of Philadelphia TIIOS B MeGRKW," - PmUhßeld.Obio . FINDLKV tt MeGRBW“ “ Pnuborgh. March 211M7. mchV3 Tea. Grocery. Frolt and ProrUlon Store. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HO. I*l LIDKRTV ITEKET. BENJAMIN DOWN would respeeirully inform hr* old friend* and the public generally, thel be ba« •gam conuntnced bu*me»* in ibc above branches, next door to bit old stand, whete be hope*, by keeping a tapply of good article*, selling low for ra«h. and pay • in* strict attention lo hit patrons, to merit a share of pui'li* patronage. __ _ mcM4 _ "tTs: f^Wno., House, sign and decorative painter, GLAZIER AND PAPER MANGER, isnowpte- Caretl to undertake the aleve business in all it* various ranchet, and warrant* to give satisfaction in every respect- Mihtart Standard Banner*, FUgs. Ac., paint ed to order Odu.FeUow and Maaome Apron*. n ' w *>* on hand. Imitation* of wood* aud marble* dmia in a tupe'ior manner. of r-II kind* done at the shortest nolle*. •piadlm No 44 Si Clair Pa_ RAas" w A NTSo. a IiWI Aftft LBS COUNTRY MIXED RAGS wan ed, for wbicb the highest priea la CASH will be ** Always »n hrnd, every description of Writing end Wrapping Paper and Chloride Lime. M • ; REYNOLDS k BHEF. Bieht Comer Penn and Irwin »t«. Pia«hatyh SEW KNURAVINOa. JUtfT Received, a tplendid aatoruneni of English and French Engraving*. colored and plain, of a treat variety of subjects, suitable for Fraraiof. PcrtWiot, or Reran Book. * A HlbUtn laebW wood at, nearfrh . fit. 7£fF#«rik rtrart,' tatar Hood _ rrr AH qoolMioo«f Graonand Slaek Teat 3sfUpi» Slmr, W"? RvSS* .IQMMB. amuu*B, la £J .1 «* “*«». *« “ B SssSiS h ' lrf ' , ’' , '‘' W° K KBNNEDV4O. LITERARY INSTITUTIONS. PITTBBUBGH BEMiIE USIITUTE. Tins Iniutuiion.; under the rare of Bev. J- M .Uosiiouk axs Last, in whichTaJl the tobd and 01 nataenta) branch?* or a Lu:»htd evocation are taught it now open for the reception of pnt.iU at So. Aa, lrwttuiUw! Itlperty Street* between 3d and 4th nreett. The Second Settion ' will commenee ou Monday The ftli of h'ci*uar> - . and it it important that any who may detlgn- entering aboald be .pretent as far at piaetieableeiiiier before or at that urne. _ . The-* ■—J iTieyhave *eccred the »ervice*| of ProO*«or H«. BOCh as teacher of Marie on the Piano and Goitar, who ii too well known to need recommendation Alio the Mrvieei of Mom CASI.MIR LADKKVT. author ot "Oirertomatbie- de la Litrrauire Franeai*,’’and other valuable »chool book* In hi* native lanniage. Mom. I* if a graduate of the Univermy and Normal School of Pan*, and itandi high a* a teacher, Tho*e who de lire loobtain ati aecurai* nnd-thorbogh knowledge at the French Language-would do rirelhn place them*elve# under hi* initmctiorr' | For tent*, Me cfrrnlai or apply id the Principal. ; __x YOUNG LADIES SELECT SCHOOL, ALI.F-OME.NY city. This Institution ha* bat recently] been openedondrr the tuitionof Mr .N. IV.Metcalf. stibr Corner of Bandiukx ud Btrairbtrry at*. The sucre** which ha* thus fir aUcndrd this School, ia >u establishment and progress. hkt fall)* equalled the expectation* of it* Iniiructor and Proprietor. mod war rant* the hope that he wiU he in hi* effort* to rrnder it a desirable Institution jor the education or Young l.adiea in Allegheny and vicinity. The First Session of the next Academic >ear, will commence on Monday* Feb fth. There are yet a few vaeantie* tojbe filled, both*the number of pupi'» ii limited an earl}: appl'Ckoou It de sirable. Farpartica!arr,re/aiivfiio terra*, Ac., contult C'tpiiinr* or apnlv m th<- Itwtrurfor fetifrf BOOKS, MUSIC, id', VALUABLE BOOKS— Fobliabed by 3 A A U P James, -Walnut atreqt, betwdeoTourth and Fifth, Cincia&ntL • | Guizot'a Gibbon—The biatory el ih« decline and Tali of the Roman Empire BV Edward Gibbon, E*q- A new Kditio«! revised and corrected through out,preceded by n preface, and accompanied by note* critical and ht»tone*l, relating principally-to the propagation of Christianity: by M. F. Guizot, Minuter of Public Instruction for the kingdom of France. Tbe preface, notes and corrections, trans lated from the French expressly lor this edition. With a notice n( tbe Lilenhd characterof Gibbon, and Watson's Reply to Gibbon! IbTNoIs. imp. Sto, 1073 pages. j Napier'* Peninsula War—-Complete. 1 rol. imp Sro.oGO pages. Hallam’s Middle Area, Chamber’s Rebellion in Scotland, Robertson’s Virginia abd New England, , ftuaaeil’t French and English War in America, and Ramsay’s American. Resolution. 1 rol 4to. Library ol American History^—Contaioina'aelec tioot from tbe beat authors on American History, Biography,Travels.* jmurerce. Statistic*,lndians, Kerolutionary Ac. Ac. Also, Anec dotes, Poetry and Miscellaneous articles, lllnslra ted with more than 500 engraving*. 1 toI, imp Bvo 6-10 pages. | Universal Pictorial Library— L'onlaimng valuable Si pets on various suhjecjla, comprising Natural istnry, Natural Sciences, Agriculture. Hunt! Econ omy, Biography. Fine Arts, the Orientals, Travel*, Geography, Botany; Miscellaneous reading. Ac. •Ac.: I vol imp Bvo 640 pp, lull sheep. Tbe Family Medical Library—A Treatise on Ihe Prevention and Cuieol Discs***, by regimen and simple medicines. Nsw edition,revised and etUarr i grd with the additiop ol a,Vegetable Materia Med> ; ica, pointing n>it the virtue*, preparations and doses 04*00 r most valuable native medical plants, and an , outline of Anatomy and Physiology- with one hundred \ Engravings, otitairr," with t* cinguia! n*r»' , ing»; by ihe authorof “Tbe Pattorai Life and Manufactures of tbe Ancient*. Father Ildefonso, or the Priests of Pi Omen, by J. 11. Bobison, Esq. '• Chamber 1 * Crclopmdia of English literature; a se lection of the choice*! productions •? English Author*, from the r«rlie»l io the present lime—connected bv « crnical mod Hiorraphieml hivoiy etreanity illn-trated— now being rr-publishe i by tioulo< KcmUll;* Bo*ujq, \Ve have on baud Irma'- No lio fc inclusive, which complete* the fir»l volume ;We rm furnish ihe whole work a ■ fasi as re published 1 Uur avtoruuem of [cheap Literaiore i» now ihe best and of tbe mo*i valuable selection*; for genrral instruc tion. For sale nl ! M A MINER’S * spit bmuhfield ttreet.3ddodr from New and valvadle books-tt* Cbnslitminbal Mittorv ol Enetatui. from the acces sion of Henry VII to the death of George 11. By Hen* ry llatlam From thr biib edition. , Great Erroi* drreribrd by di.lmeui-lied; historians, chronicler*, and outer writer*. Collected, and m part translated, bj Francis L>« ber. The Joveuile Snr.afcrr comprising elementary role* and exercise* in Declamation. wtthta selection .of pic* re* for practice. Uy PraaCu T. Rom*el..instructor in Elocution at Pnnceum and Rutger*! Collett**. Ac. Thing# by their Rifbt Names, and oilier stories. fa bles and moral pieces *l* New stock of musical'inbtbu -41 ENTS AND] MUSlC—lohn 11. Mellor, No 61 Wood atreei, between Diamond A|ley and Fnarth *t. i* now opening, and for *ale at very low price*, an elegant assoriment'of Musical Instrument*. selected trom late importation*, coustsung of— c French, Italian and German Violins; r Very superior Guitars, tn easef; English and Italian Violin Strings; French Accortcoiu; I Violintelk)", with pUin mid patent Screws; One vety superior Double Bus Violinrelln; Clarionet!*, Flutes, Fife* and Flageolet*; ' TronjliaceUif*, Tiombonr*. andTrumpetr; French HnrA«, Cornell*, Ophicllde*; Dram*. Tan horine*. Banjos Ac.. Ac.; Every true r in the Mm * l,r«tnp«« sptri U KDICAL WOnRR-A rjreaiisc on' dtsea-e* LVX ol ibdjhir i«*sagc*; comprising on,inquiry Into the IliMorT, Patlmlog). Cautea. and Treatment of those affection* of rhrThroat called Oronchiti*. Chronic La ryngitis, Cirrgymun's Sore ThToat, etc., etc ; hv Hor ace Green, M I), j Paine's ln«ii>ote* of Medicine; Treatment of'lritanTTy—hv Galt; Diwascsof Children—by Riewau Majejidie’i Physiology, Cooper’* Surgical Dictionary. Hornier'* Medical do; \ Copland'* Defy ot Medicine; Itnwec’s on Cluldicn; | • Kltetle'* Practice; Webaier'* Dictionary. # v 61».- ? vo. For sale by spiff J L READ«4th. near Market at N fiW WOUK—in Prew-HUtory of Meat* co, her Civil Wars and Colonial and Revolo tiorury Annals, front tlio period, ot the Soanuh Conquest, I,'iiU, to the present time, 1217; inelnding an account of the Existing War with (be United States, its Causes and Military Achievement*. By Philip Youi g, M |). J A It U P JAMES, tnchSy ■ Puhlisbera, CjPCiPPall. New MUSIC BOOK—ramphlPt Fortai —The Melodeoa; a choice selection of Songs, Duetts, QuarteUs, Rounds, Waltxei, and Marches; witii a History of Music.. lUtutrsled withpumot ous engravings.. Imperial octavo. Price S 3 cent*. Published and for sale by J A Si. UJ* jAMrS, Walnut street, bet. Fourth sod Fifth. ; ClQCioOali, March t9,1&47. • ' NEW WORK ON BIIKEP-Thr American Shepherd, being a eemplets history °f Sheep; wnh thnir breeds,management, and diseases; by L A Mor rrll—illustrated with drawings of the different breed*, Ac. With an appendix, embracing upwards of twenty letters from emtnchi wool growers .and sheep fatteoers of different stale*, delating their respective modes of management Foe sale by i JOHNSTtIN A STOCKTON tnebgQ Booksellers, csr anrkut and 3d sis HENRY KLEUBB,DeaIer in eastern l’iano Fortes, at J W Woodwell’*,Na. 8R 'Diird Street The Piano* may be examined at >ll hours, andtbe sabicti ber will be there from II to lit A. M„ and from 4 to 3. P. M , oach day. PAtsb’g', October Si, '43 the undersigned, would inform the citixens ol Pittsburgh and vicinity that we b«va appointed Mr. 11- Klrber*ole Agunt for Western Pennsylvania, for the sale of our Piano Fortes, froffi whom they may be ob lained atour own [New Yotklencva. NUNN3 A CLARK New York, Bep. 1. IMB-oc«dif ■ • Raw Pianos- JUST Receivtd and opened by'the tabsciiber, tfad following new Pianos One elegant Roeewood,ff ocuve Piano Forte, [Freneh Pattern] Qua elegant Roaewuod.ff] octave Piano Forte, with carved Coihic.Tableta—a aplcodul instrument Also 1 , one vety good aeeodd hand Piano, made by Locd A Co, PhiJadn. . JIENBV KLKBKR mchti : ‘ at J W Wopdwell’s.BS Third st ' PlattM* , A’ LARGE ant •plendid-uaontDeiit ef auao«»ny and row w ood *nnd ae- II ■ I ”1 "imo Piano*. with metallic frame* and with all the laiaat imytOTewaata. which for durability, 1 lone and loach an vunniii to oe equal u any made I in Ika emuwy. p t ~^MP Na US wood at U door above 9th PIASOIU PIAMOSt MANUFACTORIES SPRING- WORKS completed V_A their New.wactx, jut' now. prcpa**d_to manafae tote every detection' of Coach mad EKyllc springs Iron agio*, Aa»m*A ]£{««*, spriag and plough oicet, tad all mine aware mad round Iron,-wbiah they offer (brittle oa liberal {eras, attlieir IfuriMtiii So. CJWttodtorvet;where they also keep on hmaa * complete mad haaaaoote UMmm of Coach mm mute*, Carnage hardware, mailable castings, «■*•# -tod iron, 3' ‘ . C. If. A Cb, hare made- arrangemeal* whh Mmw Oty tt Cnmx, manufacturer* ol Rmrela, Spdde* Fork*, Ac., tod will keep constantly oahaud ever article made he them. Dealer* are respectfully *>l «ted ta ealhas oner* and town* w ill be made hhrraL __ . 'r*VßTwt OlaaolUtloia, TIIF. Partnership heretofore exiting under the firm of Maiihall, Bradley, A Co-, «u dissolved on the &h iniitnt hr mutual consent. The buameaa of the litefina will be.*ettled by Marshall. Wallace A Mc- Geary. ' JAMES MARSHALL ”> ALEXANDER BRADLEY* Wm. w Wallace HENRY McttEARY. FRANKLIN FOUNDRY. THE business ol the above Foundry will be contin ed by the subscribers under Yae hnn of Mm r*hall Wallace A Co , in *IHu various branches. viz: Hollow Ware “ Mill Gearing Slave* and Store Plate* Light & Heavy Mnch’ry Wagon Bore* Engiaea Grate* A 9*d Irons Engine Castings Ploughs Plough Castings, Ac. Ac. .Madeof the best materials, nod at the lowest price* purchaser* are invited to call titd-exareine our Stock tube P. aiehouse in Liberty street No 81, neat the head of Wood nreet. JAMES MARSHALL Wm W. WALLACE HENRY McGKAHV PITT MACHINE WORKS AND FOUNDRY PITTSSCtOH. P*. * JOIIfI WRIGHT * CO., ARE prepared to build Cotton and Woollen Machin ery Of sverv description, such m»—Carding Mm dtines, Spinning Frame* Speeders, Draw : ng Frames, Railway Heads, Warper*, Twillei*,Bpoot' «, Dreaaing Frame*. Loom** Cord Urindfcr*. Ac., Wrought Iron Shafting taried mil sixes' of Cast Iron, Pulliea and Hanger*,of the latest pattern*, slide and hand Lathes, and tool* of all kind*. t Calling* of every description furnished on short do lire. Fattefn* made to order for Mill Gearing. Iron railing, Ac. Steam Pipe for heating Factories. CaM Hon Window Sarfa. and fancy Castings generally.—r Orders) left at the Warehouse of J. Palmer A Co., I.iW egty street, will have prompt attention. I Rtru ro 1 Biacksiock, Dell A Co-J X Moorhead A Co., Q E Warner, John* Irwin A Bona; Pittsburgh, ft! C A J H Warner, Steabenvillr. jan!9 t TIIOB. A. mLLIKR LOOKING GLASS MANUFACTURER, and fancy ' Furniihing Warehouse ..No 104 Wood street, near Fifth. Pittsburgh. Pa.; Wholesale and Retail: English and French Engravings; Japanned Waiter* and Tray#; Looking t*la#« Plate#, by the box nr single light; Table Ctrt’ery; , Picture t,laa* of all gize*,-*- BritanaisTca Ware, in sett* or single piece*; Portrait and Pi.*tuie Fra-nea; Fire Imaaand Fender#; klahogany Toilet Glasses, with 1,2, and .1 draw*; flrrroan Silver and BriianmaTea A Table Hand Magnifying Mirrors; Candlestick#, Hnoffcr* and Tray*, Oili Pier,and Mantel GlaMe*, , Gentlemen's Shaving Case*; Combs. Hair Broshe*, Ac, 'O9-Merehanta, Hotel*, and Steamboat* supplied on aieral term*, and narking carefully attended to U*n d>*eount tor ease ___ fel*!7 liNY VKNITIAN BUNOFACTORY. JOIIR A. BROWN TAKES Uu« method to inform his friend* and the public at large that tw* Fartoiy ■**nowin fall operation, oa the East tide 01 the Diamoiui, Allrnrhcm', where a con| slant supply of. Blinds, of various color* undqualitif *,*rr constantly kept on hand, also at No. 3 Wood at, Pittsburgh, at J. A li. Phillips' oil eknh wa&room. Ihutter* made to order ill (hr best style. Blinds repaired artb* shortest notice] » .N-B. Ilia Blinds will be pm on, without any addi tional r_xepn*e so that they can l>« irmovt-d'in a ew> mem in ease of lire op for washing, and without the aid of a crew dr e ocUdtyAwlamly A- FULTON,Beirind Bras* Faandk I 4b er. has rebailt and commenced business at I hi*old stand, where he will be pleased to we hi* old customers and friencsT j RuR Church, Steamboat, and Bell* of every size, froui* 10 to. 10,000 pound*, east from of the most approved uiodel*, and |* warranted to Ins of (be be#t materials. .Mineral Water Pump*, Counter*. Railing, Ac. Ac. areiher with every variety oflltn»» Castings, ifrctjuir e4. turned and finished in the nrate*tmanner. ! , F. 1* the sole proprietor of Babbit'* Asert- AtTKitio.v Mbxau »o justly celebrated- for the reduc tion of friction in machinery The Boxes and Cotnpo-. siUon can be had of him a|,all time*. jant-ly FRANKLIN IRON WORKS, Warehouse earner of Wood and Front tt reels PITTSBURGH, PA. f IMIE subscriber* having purchased the Franklin Iron A Work*, formerly owned by Me«*rs J A. Htnekton A. Co. and made extensive addition* uithem. are now prepared u> furnt*b u> aider Irosa A Nails of all sue*. tttnan'trt equal to any in the tuarkru We u:*o keep uniuinil Spring *r%d Amrrumn RUtur Steel of the be*t qualities. Oui frienfl* visiting ibis market will fits-l u* prepared • supply them with a firai rate ariielr, ou u« <>a>u elm* a* can beobuined in the city mytl , U COULTER A Co ivn.ncci?LM * Co. IMITATION CROWN GLASS. HAVING recently made very important impror--. mem* m the manufacture of th*> above article, and adopi<- H* latest improved eastern w heel oven for flat* temns, we ate nour prepared to funtiAkananicle’of Win dow Glass. not superior to any Cylinder Glass made in the Untied States, and but Little inferior to iht English Crown. We are also very esienarvrly engaged in the manu facture of Common Window Gla*e and Druggist*’ Vtais and Jsaakiofe»efy description. Dealer*generally aio invited to call and examine for themselves, at oor ware house. No. 139 Wood ilrteL Pitisburgh.'Pßr ocfjS W. WALLACE, PITTSBURGH STEAM MARBLE WORKS, .Vies. 244 and 340 tiicrty ilml. war Ott Canal. Always on hand and made loordcr, a large varie ty of Marble Mantel*. Pier,Centie Table*, and Bnteaa Topi, Tomb S'oucs, Mouument*. 4c ; all which, being made of the choicest marble, and-inanufncturcd principally bv machiuery, will be sold low for cub. N. a. Persons wishing to purchase Mantel*, are informed that it i» henceforth unnecessary for them to go Gut, a* I can furnish them with an article m all respect* a* good, and (freight, insurance, 4c, consider ed;} a* cheap a* they can purchase them for in the E.s*L Call and see ' ieg* BUEET |HOS. AND Till • WAT4R MANUFACTORY. No 8 Market street, Pittsburgh, Penna: TMIE fu'wenber* having made great Improvements l in Uie Ponstrarliou of their COOKING STOVER, respectfully i ivne persons building Steamboats to call aa sell cheaper than hu ever before been offered to the pub lic. t Orders sent by mail,accompanied by tberaibAA city reference, writ he promptly "tended to. New AYovil, Spade sndTFaHTMauufat lory. GRIFFITHS A DIXON, HAVING rortraeoevd the manofaeture of Rpadea, Shovels, Hay and Manure Fork*. Ac, on an exten sive scale, are prepared io fill all order* fo< such arti cle* at Eastern pnees. For the convenience of their eustomera and dealer* in such arilelekp-they have appointed Ueorgn Cochran, Commission Merchant, No Wood street, their Agent . fot the tale of their manufacture*. AH orders address ed tn him will reeeivr prompt attention, entire most ad vaniagrons trVui*. GRIFFITHS 4 DIXON. Pittsburgh, July B—dty JNO. a. OItsIsKSPIS *- CO., No 70 Wood Street. MANUFACTURERS olOiitandMabogany Looking GlMse*, Importers and Dealers in laxikiag'Glau pines, Accord eons, Percussion Capa, Clock*, Combs, Jewelry and Fancy Goods generally. The advertisers ire making some Improvements in their business, with increased facilities in the porebste of Domestic, and the importation cf many Foreign Good*, tbey will lie aide to m>|l at Kasifm perns*. The* respectfully • the attention of purehascra. , janl'Jdif COTTON and WOOLLW MA^IUNBRY THE subscribers are their establish ment, and ate prepared to make qu kindto f Cotton and Woollen Machinery, on 'he most reasonable terms Order*addressed to os will meet whb pipmpt attention WIGHTMAN 4 DALZFXL. , , Laeock street, Allegheny U'nv N B.—II- Wighimao, who has a patent for a very important imntovetuei.ioit the Card, and who has been engaged for the last fifteen yean tit. some of the must exieiisive and saeressful Cotton Factories of the west, will give hit personal attention to putting up, to the tat Isfaction ol (hose concerned, all machine* made at this e*uhrt*hme3T_ jtnfcMlv JOnN_fi!IERXFF * Co., No*. fii},and 94 Front *u, VliH Brass FocwMßsandGAsFu xxxs; Bella of alt sites cast '' from the latest improved bat ,fl lent* and warranted eqosl a M u . an/ Also, Riaaa Casting*,. finished ff otdercd, Gas Fit tings pat up promptly and on reasonable terns, novlhdly prrrwuußon steel wokkband spring AND AXLE FACTORY. - - tsaar joffts. • ‘ iobr t. tjrwo. JQKKI k RPIOQ, . MANUFACILRER»icf Ppting and-BJjwer Steel, Ploigh Steel, Steel Plough Wing*, Coach and Ellrnle Spring*. Hammered Iron Axl#e. and dealer* in Malleable CasttM*, am} Coach Trlmainga generally comer of Roa* and Front streets, Pittsburgh, Pa • rebtt !■ • ■ 1 lippinc64t iron wouE IRON and Nail*, Bhovtl*, 4c. for sale at oar new c Warehouse, No. RR Water street, near Wood, nut* ala* 4o Front.’ : ■ Also, .an. asaonaent at .the old stand, McMaster*i Row. Llbeit/stmt . „ Haring made great additions |o the, JfioOtnfi ftLH, aU. ordere can bo filled promptly. rose GRAFT, LINDSAY 4 Oo> BiKsmtiHii Tacrncram. OAHmu, «chemi, rtNIBHTNO NAILS, HOOK HEAD DBAO6, ikon's?! D^OPpSPeHOEffilLa, Altp . ...If-* 1: ‘h ■i' ’ Pattern MakerP Paints, 0/ every dtaeriptian. Oflrc No. *9l Charles Hotel, Third street, ? frbi Plttllmvffi* v 1 ▼ \ZKT W ; it •■■'- l "" jfOTILS. SQCnciIAK'TS* HOTEL, Corner o/ Tkird and Smitkfieid streett. PITIBBURGH, L*A.: T.„ B. We»v«r,‘proprletor. H!8 new and - spaciena U rive general satisfaction being dttctmiutii to give undivided attention 10 the hue** alone. The location o> the Pearl Street Hou'e is uncommon’) eligible, Loving fron'* on Peer)."'ml ut and Third*is, *n that ii is equally desirably in vi«;vr of Uie convent ence of business meror reureioeut for private boarder*. It U near by the bank*. ihe'Poe'Office, ihe Masonic Hall,Odd Fellows llail attd buioneaqoare distant from ■Main strret and two squares from'the City VV haif.thas offering the greatest inducements, vipecially to country merchant* and generalljrto ell persona visiting Cincin nati. JOHN SOULE mcli37 JOHN A DUBLD MOXOSUABBLA IICfCSB, V' CUBNEIi UP WATEB ASD SSITUHBLD SI'S, [ 1 Pittsburgh, Pa. 1 TIIE undersigned, Privnetonof the Monougabela (loose, announee to thr public that the ii now open tor the reception of Visiter*. t Thev are «.oo»elon« of Iravii.g spared no expense in fitting out the r>tnbb*hmr.tiT. In'surh n My Je a* to rend, r every cotn£bri lo their Guest*. <. / \\ Tb.-y hope by roiiMnnt care and nttr-unon to business to ment the patronnge, *o liberally beiiowrd oh the late Monongaheia House. JAS, CROSSAN A SUN apTdim . MOU2TT VBnWOJT HOUSE, iYo. ftS A’eriA Sttwd Sirytl, PfiiUtddpki/t. THF. tubacribrn rctprrlfultjr 'inform the. f iltttni of burgh and (Vniim PetmiylracU, ihar they h»*« takes llir above houae, where they are pawporrd 16 aM«am»dal« prnonaauitiag the Citr uf Philadelphia ia the brat itile,and on (hr rooel m*cn»!ife terra Thr hou*e it wi|nill oh* .■jaarr nf Market itrrrt, and ba« uuderenoe a thorough reno vation and rrfoin, and i* wHI calculat'd U> accomtandate pernuw who may liior iu wi'Uarafl 1 fljie u« a rail, and we tV*l<*un&dcnt yon wiTlhrwtiified. HAMU£<. A BRADY, uUYER Hi PARKER. February 93, IHC-Tm GALT lIOVSIC. Conttr Haln fttid Rlttb Hi, Cincinnati* 'litilS eiiabli'bineiu m now in the brat order for the 1 reception of the Ttavrliii'e Pnbhe. . Having under gone a thoroagh tbr pa«t vrintrh, and hiving ihr imo*i experienced men »n the weir. In the vtutam department*. 1 flatter, rn»*eif ibnt all will I* pleated who call. Tbe location •*reniral ) eomau>dtoa«- ami ptea««nr. rare SI per day. \ Omomaat), Ma/eft IT leJt. -WEnIAKH' N. Jl.—Although not exactly.n near Rroom, it i* the *ame—a ttfw Xyhritfan tlit old handle • •ifxllf n. r.VACKBOx. it. ciiis6Totr. > Laic of the. A*mr llou«e ■ Of Pavilion, floekawny EUTAW H OUS E-. BALTIMORE. JaCKSONACRaSSTON, rsppßiXTOßft. Coaebei will be in readineit at the Dsmia and Laxd jgga' to convey Pa*sengera,„/rre e f rAarge, u> ■'.JytCMIIF tbe llouw. . I N S U It A N C’E! lademulty 1 anainit Lou or DuDiße bp Fire. THE 'iUTHAI. PKINCIPj.K COAiIUNKb With the addinonnl wrunip of a Stork Capital. The Rcliunet Mutual Iru-ureuice of Pkire* CHARTER PESPKfUAL.' MfIKCTriRI. W.ToUnd, Jrdtn M. AljrooJ, Tboia*« O. Rnckhill, Irwi« R. A»hhur*t,' Win, R. Tboaip«on, G&r*e N. Uakrr. Ororee M Siroud, Jnhu J Varnlpikemp. liporcrWC.-r.-.r H.l. mate insur: ' , f b; Fit*, in I'ir ‘ *•»« nud uc.niiv, on Hnusrt, Mores and oUin >ii.. aod onVuroi* I’ire, (toodal Warea and McrciiaudUc. no the moat riw.f.ble term*. . 'Utr Mutual Principle cnmbined,etvHh a Stock Capital, -nd the utbcrprotjunri's ol the Charter of this Company. hold out oanKos! inducements, both of profit sod safety, to lb **e desirous ul .affecting ißtartxncel"lowhiCii the Company uk the attention sod etamituiion of those interested. Those insurance with, this f.'nmp.tnv have,besides the usual protection ai’.rinxt lots, by the ordinay on Ihod of tnsdratice, ;hv additional idraoLißcof a,direct partictfiStToh in the yiofih of the Company, trifhouf any .lafriiify. tiEORGK W. TOL/YNU, PrestdenL B.hl. HmcHMax, Secretary. Tbeaubserber. who is the dply'authorixed Agent or the above named Company, ts prepared to make insurance, ai the Office of the Agency, in the Bt. Cha les Imtc",Third lltird door from Wood street, and will give all furtlicrjnf.rmation desired aj&Mliy. |. TsToS. J. CAMPBELL. JO UN FINNEY, JR,,. -ASSTT AT MmiCOflß SOR Tllg~ ■ i DELAWARE MUTUAL Safety Iniupanet Company of PSDade'la. THiRE RISKS upon huildtnes'arxLincrchaedixe . of every description, and MARINE RISKS' upon bulls urcargost of vessels, taken upon tbe most larorablq terms. • O’Office in the; Warehouse of \V.'U Holmes 6l Bro., No. 37 Water, near Maikel slieet, l itu •burjflt. i -1 ; r N. U. The success of Uiis Company *inco tbrestab \ lishmeato' the Agonby inthiseity* with the j>rom7rr7tra and UUtatiii/ with. whieh every chum Uivm'for lo*« hs'* been adjii.tcd. folly worrnnt in in v.i(ng the confideurc and pi.tronyge of hi* >rieud* and the community at forge to the Del-iware >L S. lino rmnrr Company, vrhll* it has Qir additional advantages as an institution among tup must nourishing in Philod’ia—asTittvingnnunpie paid in capj al, which by the operationoriisrharlcnsconsuntlvincreasing as yielding to. uch person insured-his cue share nt the profits of the company without 'involving bim in any responsibility whatever, and tbcrclore as poasesing tile Mutual principle divested M* every obnoxious feature, an I in its most attractive form. no/4 : NATIONAL FIRE AND MARINE 1N SU Ra N Crlf f) Ml*A N V, Stw York. rpiUR well known -uid re*ovrtai,t>- company i* pre . . pared,(iirongh then l‘.4'l*rnlU>Rt>H AiiENGY to make iusuram.'c m every kind ronoecW vt-itli «»k* of ir*n«ponaiimi .Yiul mlnynl naviguliou , w> .niure .igaiott lo«« ordhinage by fire. Ihsretimg ilou«r->, Warehoste*, lluildmg* mgynerai, Gcod*. W uirv 4ml Mrr. tiandiie, and evri 1 iteicriplli.n 'iil perrooii pinpepy oil ihe roost, favorable tcnn«. Applications for l&'uram-r atieiHlrd u> n-'.iboul delsr t the. office, No 37 Wood Fit. ri., - RPRINHF.ItIIARRAUGH Ag’t. AT an Klection held at the nriiee'in NT Y . May ICth, tbs following namrd gcntlemm \ren»cbo*en Hi rectors 01 - this Company, tor the cn'iii>i" jc#r, vjj: Jo»eph W;savage, Hvphen Halt, John Drouwer. . Johd'MetSititi, ‘ William G. Waul. Willutm \V.o«niplH-U, John Newlmu*e. J.i.ob Miller, tfilliamS. SU».’uni, Mf.reu* Spring, ' Jobu F Markn-. - . Joseph S. Lake. John J Itirricrl. Aii't *ta subsequent of Uir n.->«nl. JOSEPH W SAYArlerird Pte*- idrni lor the K > rnr. Wm.JAMtt llWlrtf. jy-Jii Po*i A Journal ropy tb*rtvWr>*. FIIIK ANli MAItlMv INSIIitAKCEi f|>HK Insurance Company nf North America, 1. through its duly authorized Uicsutwcri ter, offers to- make permanent iinJ limited Insur ance on property, in this city nod its vicinity, and on shipment* by the (-anal and Biters. DIRECTORS.' Jofen'C. Smith Prctl., Samuel Brooks, t’harjrs Taylor, sIV'W. Jones. Smnl. K.r*«nith, Edward Smith, Ambrose White, John A. Brown, Jacob At. Thomas,- John White. J«ho R. Nell, Thoa. P.Cope, WnvWeUb, i Thia'is the oldest Jostiranro Company in;lhe : United Staiea, havfnjj been chartered in 1<94. Its 'charter »•, perpetual, and from ibi high sluulinfp 4«ug experience, ample meant*, a ml avoiding all r,aka of an extra hazardous character,' h may be conaidered aa oltcring ample security to the public .MOSES AT'NOOD, , At Counting Room of Atwood; June* Jc Co.. iVaturandfrontatrecU, Pittaborsb. INDEMNITY Ag- fast Lora bt-Kire—:'}’ho FRANK t -IN Fire lan ranee Company $r Philadelphia, WILL make Insurance, permanent indllmited, on erery description of property, io PITTS BURGH and lha SURROUNDING COUNTRV, oa favorable term*. This company baa a perpetual charter. ~ - CAPITAL..•• paid-in. ro^TINGtNf RrNtv” V..V. ' Office corner ol ThinJ anrfMarket »t>.. r ittsb , gh. *p4B—tf • AVAKRICK MARTIN,Agent. • , INSURANCE. talHna fin Company OfLct in PkUaddpku,,^ ' BuiUlVl*, M.relre»*“i Furniture «iul prep. _.,.«re?.S" “tretr*"*”* «**'““'••?*""' “• •’ lnmnnetru la PitiiJilfl-uid' rer' Mdrirt.4ien.Ure. TEviSis w VOL. XrV;-- r Nt). 2SSS .v: YORK Ml -AT THE LQ Jf"£S T POSSIBXE ,P tiI CXS. V STATIOiIEKH AKB PAPKft, iUNI BUOIi RICH A LOUTRELy ei william street, new tore. BdVE bow act hand, of Lk«L' in nasa&cCam, a«m pbt*o»crt®«ni of Lrdftn, Joumlii'Dar Book*. ta> ■ »o«* Bubka^Caab t Ordliraiid Bill Book*, ke,of raricAßMtat ! rtjki ofbiadijM>, from »hkk a*tj'of dmuat Book* cm : r* “ nr J ww pwa; alao m*d« to'ontar, mlad ttl bonad iotay fatten, 4 **ahortbo(jcc. > • .1 Foreign and Dumatic Srakonent. ' * • PortfcJjo, t ocktL book*, o*3 udKlNrudi '"imjfta* --allalbrrartirlenoia by atttionaniL; '.Ctttup Account 3'tcJa. A Vr« «oek cooata&tlyoo baJj.aoiublafcr ratal! M* •nietjimuy Rwrchasbai *«ry duSpraie A Large ■ A*»irtment M Writing PaDCr*. Foolacap, rUia and nifed Lilltr > t*f~, |»T ~.t-» K » »ek*t Pu*t, as 4 Copyiaf!Paper, Mtuie • aperiGoM, Tracts*, Eatoaa^ .... '®r“ »W.Onmirf-fAAaVr,' ’ i»l.iD Mteoh brat*d sanara, fa qu mu* to anit purefeamv u ifc* m loweatßaaaafteiurw’j prim. T' , /Vernik 7‘, JUfatcl Hm and atyka-tba lraa (Mlt >««,wubkm art .aeravtf,. bm ..rwdhiom. aammG •IthotttwriMßjiiowajiin • r" “j *“* or «* Improved i Muht/oid . By «hicbUMLklt*r«Bd copy ii wriiv*,, BH u at u Tb* anortmtnt mt offered, cad Je*ot arin: ' Public oAcea, Banka, laaaraK* Cflaetafa-M ■ija'iSf other*,; funuahed with acta of -Accopal . bo and ip any patters, at abort aotie*..- iko of the quality ' - 1~~ ,: Notariat Prutet, -'• For the itae of Bash the mitt uch Bank or. Conotatloa to their docmaeatr .-Tki*- opan> tion i< performed by any ooa>-ev , i »nd auabctorcnar Account Books, i , Maai£>ld Writm, Ettrliior, Bunk ; and Canmne laks, 61 Wfllfatn. tfY. - J*teta V fttcn. > j u a M twnrt }•’ BUST PBOOV IROH ' FOR EIIUFIXU, WiiMlUtt JIIIiTTBBS, *e.~ f| ' HKa'ibfciiber* beg to call the aueruion of aillhoao- : -' A iniereiietlirt nlofing,lo ihelr »e,po*»*»*ingafcWeyd<»»lhe*t**Bfih‘' ' and lightness of iron witbont iu liability to ru«t. baring 1 now been tr«rd several yean, bolt in this country ana in Europe -They;are also leal subject uy MpaaaJon and contraction from sndden change* of We atmosphere Wan common Tin PlSte, Iron, Zinc. Ac, or any other -metal now used for roofing, and eanseqnerul/ tons a , much better and tighter.roof, requiring lar lessfreqoettt repair, whilst tbe first costis but a trifle more. I- The subscribers would alao call the'- a Item tOO of dll | dealer* and workers in metals, to the many. oWer part Cato which Iron thoa protected. can cooral tarma it is Applicable to all artieju* ©P-lron I which it t* desirable to protect from the actiorfOf We' i atmosphere.' And .they would especially call tha at-... j uniion of those interested in TELEGRAPHIC IJNES, ■ 1 to then tJalraniied VS’irr, which la now almou enltr*- ly oaed in Europe, andwhieh answer* crery purpose, ; as’it conductor or eieciricny, costing only about oae ’ half as mnch as copper, and possessing cqttaldnrabUi*. ty with Wat rueiaL~ ' ‘ Hrfving lately erected work* In thta city for tbe par-' , - pose of galvanuiug nails, spikes, bolt*, wire. Ac-, they. ; will he able to funu&lfany article which may be dear* j : red. A aapply of PMca [manufactured in EttropeJ . • , constaatiy on hand.fttnn Id to fid wire gaage. 1 ■; fIEO.’B; MORKWoUD ACo • ’ . Nob. 14 aodlSßcaverat, HRW • The Patent Right lor thia article baa been-' aeeurad ' for tbe United Staten as well aa Great Britain, andothgr. European countries, and all legal measure* will be ta ken to prevent any Infringement by importatioi ocotb erwise- n« iff ty • Omlle’ >milenici>( «• arul>lilDf Ifinlitbluiiuiaßt AIURLES B BATCH,97 tt ifiua KmL New York. V. loticiu attention to his assortment of Goods is the Oa ' Ucaen’s Furnishing Line, imported ud manufactured n p rally £>r tb« Spring and Summer «»•»« I artiealar at irntiixi it called to the tbUomoe articles. STO CITS—Silk, Batin and UambaiiAe,aU styles and qua! . itic* OPERA TlES —Plain end Fancy, light and dar colors. ir.lSif TIES— Fancy Linen and Jaconet, anewxrtici* fcrjhminer we*r._ . CUAfATSAIfD.SCARFS— Lueatttyka a fnU- aeeott raeot- • ... - £ USPENDERS—SiBt tad Cotico, eery «U»Ue' WWtJ and Fancy Lb*n do,tow»»h, onentir* newarticl* ' -j : .■'IIIRT', BOSOMS, AND COLLARS is awry nri «fy afitTle aod qsalitT UNDER- /*/ 7s AND DRAWERS—S'dk, Couaa, Li«V Tlireod; M«riaoJ , Black, while, and cubrrd Kid, of th« beat timiafjrr Damage Cn*l r.ITSTIPF£E/:S Vtf tuu. kinds | Hr would state that be i» uow using, is hit JUBTTNQ STOCICS.- nr entire flill* rent Spring free the oar formerly used, nhirh reader* Arm much mure c-refor table toil cm) to the aeck this formerly febXhJm BII.UH KIIAWLh, DUh.»»UO«U», at ' ALFRED .EDU ARDS 4 CO, No. 123 Pearl Stmt, fie w Turk, would mercifully call the'attrniiou of boy ere EXTENSI VESTO EOFSPRINQGOODS, couiisiing of rich figured stripe and plaid Drett Silk*of re • tirehr new dcstgua and tautt desirable stjfks; black had blot black figures, watered aud Stripe Silk*; together with a full or black and blue black plaid do A etryexUa ire and deeirablc awortstcat of Silk, Thibet, Baraga, Htr* earn and Oauce .Shawl* and Srefft . .Thru- assortment of . Dress Ooods ha. been selected with the greatest' care,eoa*is tkigbf French Printed Barege*,wtin tdiidand strip* do*Co baltine*, Brilliaatei, French Printed Muslin* and Ginghams in great variety and of moat dcsirabk pattens,'. EncJiaa ts>tL Scotch Lawn.and Ginghams, arerylargtttoclu Aim, Bon net and Cap Ribbon*of verycbbsre ■ lection*, Glare*.Ttsey ' Ildkß. Linen .iimbrieand- Liodp Cambric HdkE*, Swiss and u.lin Edging*, Thread Lace*, Lisle ' Edgings black cad white figured Lace* ofererr de»crij«flß} together with* full stockorevery description of goods in their us*. * STH.tir OOODS-n my large asurtacatofrmfca and Domestic Straw Bonnet*, fee.. a!k>, a eery extensive stock «T 1 aney Bonnets and Flowm of tbrir own maaofee tiirc, well adapted to the Southern and ' esurn Jobbing .Trade. Also, Umbrella*, t arambj-Paramlet*, Son Shades Merchant* rutting this market art respectfully loWted ' tn call and examine our stock; at every pomiok imfitremenl' will he oficrcd to make it for their lateral to trade witiaas. Sew York, March 5, IMT-2m. ~ • ~ ’• fIUEiP . ACCOUNT BOOKS and JtTATIONERY. FRANCiS k I.OUTKEL l T7 a klai(lrn I -ane.maj»rtd«! rrrsof recry description of Blank Books, Jtlmoiu dura. Copy and Pass Bcstks.t.'inton Ink, Manifold Letter ' .Writer. Diamond Point Gold Pens, fee., fee-; and im porters of Kuglisn and French Stationery and Paper. A large ns»orlmcnt constantly on hand of the .most improved style*— ink stsids. Wax, Wafer*, Slate*,l Peticil*. Bird Pena, twine*, motto scale, ivory Whieta, ivory folders, ranis, rum.labels, pea racks, card racks, ink powder, bUrk, blue and carmine ink, ruler*, gold and silver nearil eases, quills, portjrlio*, copying pr*»* aca % ENVELOPES for Letter* Card*, Notes. Ac, In grant - variety. ■' ! ' ‘ ‘ ' letter and Cap Paper*, ruled and plain, at Manuiac-. lurei'* prices; note papers; tissue paper, perforated, hoard.' Bristol boards, bonnet board. colored piper*, wt»ppinjrp-»ner»i‘Ar 1 Pee.l. Keconi.-Docket, andothrr books for Couatr Clerks, Ctunts, Bsitka. ImufAuc© Companies, Met-: c •anii.'nml others constantly On band, or famished to pattern aiiahort notice Warranted to bo superior irr , quality and Very low in prer. • Coamtv .Merchants, dealers and others will be-aap ptiH Btitie very lowestyrires' ff* riiall constantly have or hand a lary* stock of Hlaok Bools*. Paper and Stationery; and request the favor of a call from those .h. 'VrANCIS A LOUTRFL ’ MkmtlactnrmgSatinner«,*77 Malden Lane' fSLttra Sow York PRINTS ONLY—SPRING STYLES,' ■■ 1847. ’ --v—- . LEE *BK BWBTER, 1 110. M Cedar *tr«tt, New Yorlt. BEQ karv to inform Dealers u Dry Goals, that they bar* . recehed.and are now exhibiting,at lb* WAREHOUSE EXCLUSIVELY foe Primed folk r, 500 CAsBI, corn prising »U the Bfawr Sprlug Wtylva, ofßritab. ' FrvueU and, American, Maoutaeiure; which, tn ADDITION to their usual stock, rendsn {heir tusarlaut.t one of the mrwt . - . bwatifoiknd slirectlreta tltreituaod I taring Jtut bee* pur*. atnl.Lard Hand Lamp*, -' Staod .do . Britaaia Hand' amp*. Campbeae Cbaadrliere, Superior Chemical DD,.. •. 1 sir* Sperm Oil, . do Ctmuhca*. Bohr and Lani 0i1..; | do Borafog Fiutdj : Refined tV bile Oil, t " - fck23-3m . - . . • -.* .;i Richard Wood, Arthur tifUoffin,S«c. JKew w .'rhome for Prin*a Only, - . ofIUNO STYLES, 1847. ZEE, JODSO!tf J t£K,~'‘’ O at tbe spscicn. fire story ' arehoM ,No .e. Cadar A., ; ; New York, (the whole of which Is derated the exbibWoa - aad sal* of this sisete arlicUj oSer for mle by this meea «*'. pu-kage, 1000 CASES of RINTED C LlCOU.eay-. l-ritiog all the desirable new styles, a-torg* propareioß *t. 4 -whkh baring been eoatrvcted forj.before He at* rise m tba market, willbesold at km than maaa&cturen* present pri CCS.. , V ' 1. '• Printed Usteofprkts art pat info the hiadi of boyere... - 9 BT-BY-LElLfotamhior nsrtoer io theorirmalfirm «f ; i ee tr Brewster, (frOTTwbieh ne the firm of Lee and dodeoa, and solirita thf'petroaage of bit. - old fritwdti The buainem u coadoettd, uoder Uw firm af ■ Febnary 88. lS<74haap LEE, JIiPSOW 4 LgE. NEAPOLITAN BONNET*. .PATIISON, NUE Jc CO, . r patkmTkk* AND nASUWOtVIUtp. . Strut; JViHP ;Rnt 1 “ •• BATH BR*OK-*OObertßmtoia«ari«»»»k for Mile hr apt! J sc^oorr]^^f»#C« ITISEKENTS