_ PHILADA. AI>VBRTIBEfem s tTr-* ,^ptiTe ’ 1 CoMoUtlonT - - '*’ !-jgfc4J > Tt' - Trrifti yfrrn’T"i'* tw *" Tt< ' ! ■•'Or'fci£ng,«fl*t7o. t *;' K*e**e*preadnoVrihd*ool, , tings I f T ,,i^ l i”’ whupera through the gloomy ihrouri. | rated | be whole.'\ 1 j t>nvr »io--v i j- V*i public ( road Cup ;■ 'y-fievysader rote of lovely bnc' i winch wi *’'?'•'*TU withering wtthdeeay; cat***- J i A *‘" c * , Jtpeartcly atpa the t&onnre drw. d a Urge i "•»««.*»#6*; «»«r. enl.l Iron i . • crn.uteo-j (),„• The Worn of Deoth waaiu tbentem. ,r»t t>f Iron J ,h e Uni" •'; u ’ jAad amrßgUumed ** it grew-* *° iifgrrit | •;«.«! - • W : a . * Asd when it blooraedrin lovely if™.) n'.v. im'-tdc . • U Bippwi throvgii «ttUtljrocgh. ‘ ] „t m },u I'al | U ® u^iu -• That tV«*4wmlM.T«4, ' Tbe&l*! of u untimely grave, , ‘ ; DUNCAN'S WESTERN OFFICE,NoIS© K |»; upri enir. ; Qftvmr* «««»Ctneiunau, Ohio;'where SU valuabio; ,lrucl - j OM> I’- madicme i»Mid. 347 d£ u,, l?_. pllll A Sold in FitUbargb, l>y WM. JACKSON, comer, of . VATC „ ; r, M4 K Wood and Libert'yju. ' apitUAwT ' “ ‘ ! 1 <" n ' : 1 ■ on *t c ,„ ESERVEf i» on • s -■‘th - - »*5 JX CONSIS' »!"V. : »-on or .Uiq ti i rt j • B»H* ouafloc't ge , f * ■ iihsrtv hour brs*%.Clock*, at pi . ' I.KWJS LADO«lr>* ! .PI 1 W welry Siore. No 4t U Mnrke j Q 9 North ude, Philadelphia. ; ■■■ / d and Silver l«cvcr* Milleheaper TT* l Am j A- ■ ) TKATbIRKCT-ACTIOPI 1 f f\ M HAMMER. : '. ~%(•*«!■« many ndviinlißea over al.- w-lnehmuy he mentioned, f ,,_y), r ropitl.mv an«l tjieeoi l-iov» • , xnih ine fteatrtl e*.«e. While the . • rai on, and the hammer may be in- ; »nrt •B*pended al any.lieight- 1 V iv. of mparuv to eieeute work ol s*H ifgen lo lt.e •malle-i. utder the 'smr < j (| , t:.MJ*l>tK'liirV. "lei t’lienpnr w lily upon all tide*. l». the workmen jj. WM ure made Sell Artinir. • ifc Deo continue m exeeuie orde*» lor ihe«e # jll n»r». upon rea*onable ienn» I, -""•"‘"“•jiffiSuTOWNl'. •: nreiof Ihe Palent for the l!mted Male-*. , foundry, Phllnd »• , ,’KAM MARBLE WORKS* I „i abort Spring flonim Sfrr*i, PAiLiiJWpAw, , «iabli»hment i«eiepied on an impioved pi • ,v the Hid of Sirnm Powvi manufariurr. all .tlarhle Work ~i a aupeftwr MjbN ami at ihr arge*t f aaeonnieni or Marble • fore otfeml lo the public may be s, ' r *L Rjwra, to which ihr aliemion of pnrrlm'er* i* ; iited Garden Sm’uary ami Va«e- of the ma«l j i! de*.gn« and pattern*, made ot ,l ‘ r .nmol dvcnplion of liaiiait Ma*l U lr, T _ ; mg, imported, mid alwayw ory hand, and for «al r°Ma r rMe C«ser?c« I- applied at all'lime, with unmbe- of fim*hed MnnteW ot Table Tons at re ed wholeeale price.; nudthr Trade wtH be furt. :»; the *Uonc»l notice with all kind, of MnrWe .it ibe ,ck,nr rmi» W BA|RD nidee Road, alwve Spring Garden -t Ph»l«d*a.» Febtuaryn. ;* l :\ writn -. DERRY &. NICKERSON, Manufacturer* of-. 4WSINBB, SACKING BOTTOMS, wagon covers and grain ba^ OK ALL UESCKIPTIONS Ko. 3H4 6oaU> Front Str*' lad- of T. A. Viihon't Cabinet Wr • PHILADV A LLonlers left with S. S. Moon, r MeielitntV lintel. P.-jAbumh, uctided to. » , scplll-d t V A^ TO WATCIIWAKER' J, LAD M POUTER of Watcher i . Watch Material., vv’ \ ian;!y ou hand a Ufgr j nd Plain Ulne*. Me t laud*, and a comp!' f crml? belonring * fi >f tinfCand Silvr « all of which be a. York price-. caccuied. AgeOv- N U— l - "I HAVR FOI’KU IT.”—Eurrta. j t*";‘ /TdtNSC.MPT’ON CAN BfiiCV&ED BY USING PR. | L PUNCaN'!' EXPECTORANT REMEDY. Cincinnati. O , March Ud; ltH7. j Pnr Sir—Thu it to certify to the public, particularly u> .then afiktrt with a duewe of tit« Limgor Comuoptioo. rfnt ia lit Spring of ISO I ms attacked with a **tn cold which mob became waled upon a; lungs, .bowing all tli ijaptsaa e< au apprtAchiog CouMimptwa. Sly rough wat tight ttuoded witheopiou*night rwrat*; I ._ ,■•••-=. tfk iif daily • conaidcrable C asd itbas alwtji proved rwcceatfiil »o far a, l hare witnened ill elect*. MyM.teruu.ing U.u medicine at prmnl. £* » J Dinoud Liter and an Afftction of t\t L*uig», which .be Ne ‘, ladwomrcd with for mm* time; «ke ba. nearly nrorrrcd by the tot of th*» medicine, and lam coahdenfthe 6 boUlr. Roanei Ri!,lmn», Bonnet Silka and FUn ihrt l-ttka with me to-day wiUenOfalyeure her. lammrry than reer Millmrra a.ueual^a^ Wkaowtbar there are thoumndi of valuable per*™* waiting made. away whh thi. dreadful deatroyer—CONSUMPTION.— *,i Janu !’ Wan it only pomible for tbo**» proeuia thiv medicine iu it stock , time, baftre it b» too late, many bve. might U prolonged and >M?Crate . their iaailiif and relation, again rendered happy. Tb.» oodidae will gite tsetant relief, and at tb* aame-Ume tmi | ~^e i ,pi _ __ tißtlßfiK COCHRAN \ , the hard asd ptnful Cough, mnoee thetighlnea»in«l.eOi*« ‘.J prt 1-Jtngth to die rafeebled aod emaciatrd trwie, -nd u> mm earn., 1 am certain, wdl cure. •■f' , ANDREW J. FELTFJt. .-j I . Montgomery, HamiltooCouotj, Ohm. u ; »< b. Thovc wbo may not ki acquainted with me I r*&i t*the undmigstd otoea. of Montgomery, Hamilteaco.iii tr. O .the* will at any time vuluiiulrile the above •utcmciiU . r * } ’ ' Nog**.* Beowwu, y * .- C*rr J.Swptjt. • ■ -- - DR DUNCAN’S WESTFJIN OFFICE, lit)Sycanuat flHMnßgßnß9aaHßH|| itract, where thi. valuable Medriiw can alway. be ' Wold in Pittaburgn, by WM. JACKSON, corner of Woflrt and Ui'cny an aprldjilAw > n I . XIIKUMAN R PARTE* '^^^StSSSSSSS^SgQSa^^^M *. j arjiißM ncvraincn. rTIHE be.t article known for elennmg and wbitemn* 1 the TceUu .ucngthcmac Um .weetramg i uieath.Ae. It should be uvd every night with aMd (Jr w orJcr o( #u tizv ,_ w j ~ a -| priC eji. •-five. It ie warranted not to injure tbe teeth, Cnumiy Mrrchant.v and other* are invited la tan sod ■ ,„«v. .b, u„«, .b-byi- TRANSPORTATION jJNES. . . . 1847< SfMjj&i $ r tv vdeiphla. At this cntofany dcacrip- pnTHRrRGU to I'HILADA *.*» i*Ai.rnw»" tioa.aad especially for Cemeteries. i* particularly l Errit'irtWy/o' fo-unr'” 'pnncipa! pvl «* ill '«r lr*nd«onir Ratling* |TS £miieu£ rTtmS'w. or a t Law-cl Hill. Monument, and other celebrated j au ,| Cf , n i;u.,~ nnoi'gliom il>*- r! """ .... anil RaJ t OCBlf teriri. id the city and county ol Philadelphia, j i, av e now pi-icii * siiprnor • mr-«" ltcrotlll1KMln ,; 0 „,. I which have becri cn highly eHolled hy the public | road Cur* on »hc route. f h , , rtt v.-Ui. / . prnta, were credited at this manulartyry I winch "J 11 ?•**■ f'| .»= pun, 'if ! i V A large WjrcsKooni ■» connected with the cst#»»- I ' I "<■**• “* w , lcW j if c*l! «"d« ' lishwent, where,ta Wept constantly on limtid a large j to l-»"£ C ivi' l 'fu!m \ its ■ ! stock thready-made Iron P.atliuga, Ornamental Iron . P • ‘ f-'i'l''* ; ,r Settee?. Iron Chain, new style plain and nrnattieo- j oiitic F*< ; hr, , * 1 IV i rwniVi fv„' I,r tal Iron fialca. with ai) eHeiisivennurtinrnt of Iron J the tinted Mtmf** JiV:«»ek Poata, Pedestal!, Iron Arbon, fire A!«o iif great j '.'at.* ! '•«rry*"#£l mV; DA*”, Moiurnguhcla variety, >Vrouglit and CaatlrunOrnamentv. ant'ahle . m (•*»< • •*' /jY.kKCH 4Co for Railinge. anil other purposes. | ” ,c " w ’" street n.«J Canal The Bubncnbcr would alro »ij*r tint m hui’at r !pnnTATioN CO. tern ami Designing Department he ha* employed. une of ihc best talent :h the country, whine whole | Bafet attention is devoted lo the buatness— forMiiug altf* | —■'—?*• /S .1 *7 * getherone of the inuut complete aud aytlcniatic i Übtifthmcul* of the hind :« the Into*. i p, LEECH A CO’S. ROBERT WOOD.IW**"'' > TRANSPORTA I lON LINT. Ridge Buttontro*** ,lrLCl ‘ j OLD I > PITTSBURGH Philadelphia, Marchj2. mi#***. j A ,^LPHIA' t BALTIMOBEA.NI>NK" , ' < *Rh DR ROSE'S «*S , beservedß'celebkated chro.no- ! ».i~r * £ r# on ■ 1 S2ZSZ, *. - ’ THERMEL MEDICINES. £?« - gg i a..fom.rfrtf.«ol ...y rt»r 0. U;ii remedy ior ell ConicMrTlTS ! fg I .en-memr.., | ■■Mnorto all Other eitrteta. haring gi*e» reliel « tnrv> a*»onne:n <“ ' .J j * ft LRKTII A Co. Propr.e-or*. ffUB ill othcra have failedibeing tbroegh a or* n snirr nnrv hres*» enVlncTk.i ' Canal Ba-in. l’m*Lurgh procea* moro concentrated thaii any other ever ] l fc ,Ker apoonr, «uR« r i of every 1 , HARRIS A LF.KCHyL’fopruiarr, offered to the public. ASTH.MATM- ELIXIR. ® fo heCnr’. Ru»nl ari?i : No ,V 3^ 0 ta VLOR idt htfiog eflected permioent rurev df that stubborn I j P , c ripn.'n. ai cnually lo« pr , Jf»> ; FA J LOR A S ••. c dte«Me, »ben ol more than I? yean «ianding,i uieonT*ne'*eu»»mer'- , cmcV* rewreil and war-; r '° l \Y Wll SON*Aetm* htoceittuoda without ft rival in that much dreaded ; ”j p»d yrat; old *°!ri and* l- | TOthls k 0 { \Vmi »ireet,NewYork LINIMENT, Tor «tTe»™ »r«« k ! p,mTABI.£-a -newor oilo. »nd aconrplete forbhstere. . .. v„ n u fttnrke 1 IM47 JttfeEEwa^Sß “m. Role's INCOMPARABLE VERMIFI'GE, j NASMVTU SPATKSTPIB.KPT.ACT.ON I b „.,..e .e r o.u.n.f t*b«rehiiowa,4« «*ed in preference to any ier lUmmrr ««»■'? advantißr- over ai! HORufmKih A oa>H -tSRSrTOSu ANTI-DISPEPTIC. !o, Ml i M~ ‘ . TJIAI PEa'o'ciinnok" • ; •’dltWtJWfl* the Htomieb and bowcla, L'Merx in- j |lja l h(1 cJl.iroiici vnih inr rrcatrtl ca.se, while the . Cor I'euu and u '"r 1 “ 6 .ftlSoS&e Too bigb' an eneomium cannot b» h J raf , „, n operaic. nnd U.n Vv's n'TAPVon’VCh .. A « rnl * SSSSin the* merits & thi. medicine iu cure ol I work of uh Veil™S ** P^-,of< Hntpeptla, and ttidtMUft* thlt result from weak . » ioVt.e utd.r ihr ™»dcd U>e.r u«k and ea.en.lrd fttomiehoibad dlgertion , kind*, trnm U.Ma»t p dur . nf a .r winter, and air now pieparediotor s Dr. Rote’s FEMALE »lIIS. ft more valuable , i: (HlH M ( .u,r*.«J‘V»l'''” i ward irr, K a w.d. rreutar.iy «« «" , ."'ir,',.”,,” I '"'' l '''"' ,: ” r i "I." '".T,2^^' m e> ■ POBTA.BK” MIXTURE—A/ter m.ny • l-R T*™S IBS ; ‘SfegM i3S KMST si? > -w c“ »-t“ M -~» u 3«iN B A.iu» remedy for spiuinc bloodrjindeed l ®f ‘? , '\ ha Rid RC Road,*l«ve stpnng Gardm-i • oB ,aH« y . Ml h« lowest cuirefe-rate#. R,IU m Larinx blood.vrhrthcrfrotuL»ms»iboweU or other pans 01 the ph „ md p c bnt«rya.ie£ lrß n»risrt:e.J, ami all ui>umi»V promptly aiiendidw IssssaasTiSKssa I 4WSINOB; BACKISC Wtl«M, smlSpK fttuid to he the most wcewaful In arretungtt, coring waOON COVERS AND ORAIN BAl»0 „ a vrry ! af - c and .-omnu'diou? •.vareliou*-. >juon tenth* of n» those wha u/cd il. , , 0K all irtsCKiFTioKS ate Tirep*red to receive (:i. a.ldinon t«> fieight .or What may be »aid of one oi theep remcdiet «na> h' ; 6-1.. L * A >J; o. ?oMoMhfvsnou* maladies ihai'«*ie» •> PHILADKLPUIA PICKAVORTII A CO’SLtllE^^^ body alitfat be gives.ibt.l *1 are W'llinK io rc.Mhc LLon i„ s left with S. ». Moon, at foe otLc* *of *« . TT¥a 1$ ( 7 maneron the merit* of the compounds 'V have a | Metdl , nt v Hmd. J’lUshurgh. will be ■ J * 4 fl tSII 11 «■! panaeea for Scratala. tnus varum* form*. 10 | atiended to. TIIOS. O.DbRRA for die liajiip'H'at .-a of «Al and efficacious that a* healing po+*t hi* » bi^ hrd A. O. NICKERSON . KfrkiohT between P.iisburKh. Hlmr.v.lle. John- SJf&rvcrror in a! TO W ATCIIWAkERS aftd DBAbEWd ! .lolhi.ay.burgh. Wa.cr S„ir. IV., r-hunh ard few month* The cancer iw.ee.cot «nby j J , LADOMUB, ri : B! Kisihr wnrrhdnsc er OA Me Antrity piminomSurgaou*. and renewed itself with increased , poUTKR of Watcbe*. Tools, aud Fiu-burab cvetj day. lejvecpi Suada) »,l SSdiraity,)« noiwiihsuoding the .Icbi.ity of ComLtu | vVaieh Material*, wholesale and reuihoml ro.:- 1 A t* U lul uarmf tucr S «*J« boa and reinovol of the soft parti, the ore «f* , WMS !y on band a large »»«inn,t«ior Lunei.c, Eaten.. .huuUcUraml at fair raw*. phylactic completely removed every «’< « c 01 ,hc an j rum Ulnrv. M*m*.pnng.. Verge*. Dial*. M «icli w*rdc fo , , hc , pctia i «ccoiuujo,l*uom diacasc. . ii a, hi vi I Hand*, and * complete assortment of all Tool* and Wa- bti'.nc?-', and the j>topi'»'tHf* rr*pc*-iini % CS the varwa* t««. JiUi ; beionring to the trade; w.ih a Jarre Mranem j of pauonegr followed the use of these rcmed.es are tn on' 1 of tmlC and Silver Uvr.r. Lep.nc.ond Prajn Watrl.t *. . h'liui* 1 r,mir. ( vp. aion.btttn u tmtdccmod ncceMarT toenutm-tate tliciu a( , of w , ltcll W ill guaranty to ?cll at the lotve-t N«:w I'tCKWORTII JOHN MU.I.FR as the ate of tbetp will recommend them to *ll- Vorl am order* from tlm country punrtrnll\ , il HXRNL? 4 ROOf.RT WOi»P*« TsCHtiONMAKER, 4 Cc., No SI o.eeJcd. , , , ~ . ’ ° WILLIAM .m.n cant* for Ptiwhnnrli . ~ |. < ” h ' N V, -LVuuti) MercbJ.it- ond miiti? ; ni.: » ,-ouih I ourlh h „ OANA N, John.lo" " , **'. >*i..lade.li''..w : C A McANI'LTY A o<>. I CARRUOEB ‘ r.LS'Ktvtno*. IVILLMM OOLZ, CO>ICU JSD , j j Mcikx.it. John Father, Hoheri dt-r l'.rß i t.' J'lg, H.tRXESX MJIKERSiSO Chesput .■. ; K s.n.ih. IMubargh. . 1M “« - %&&& LAKE ERIK AM) Mil'll I lit .V U.tli. ■tail 1 ™i audtbt. public, list be and will ketp j k _/>’ |1»1 / a^tftggSTfia J.nrtaatJf o* hand sod for .J« ? a handsome •wortmeul «l *° l 9 ’ ft HrK^ftgfaO ••htoaahk Carriares Vehicles of all *tylaaand description* ( »«,,,»«, ( ~,r < n*.j <-«:•! <»i r» ••i»,i.l-o,ifi I-,, e J ,r.. .B.:de to «»d«r *1 t!,r shortest po»»' ♦ eotiec, iftd eyveufed m | £ B 4' Wbeelcr.Crock”fc‘c.., T New York JOHN^ACAUG®^ iw« new; plain j J*as A Armstrong A Co, Detroit PITTSBURGH-AND ORBSSVILLB and printed McClure & William*. Milwaukn- ir w BAREOES; JSS” Rene,.«.,e.p. . AmL-jj 184/. innted and ersn Wm Power*. Powerftown, Fe.i.i, , HHHHB • JA'VNS; . RKED, 4 Cn, Ueavrt. ' do; . ■RaVaTS; . CITIES, WITHOUT TB*«SH|PHE>T. JOHN a OA DOHF.Y, eortter^Water and Smithfield *», ew York made rpHE improved method of carrying u*cd l*v tin* long lpl ; iy Onnos.ie the Monongahe'm Ilnure, Pittsburgh 4SS?SJS.. i„“SSr£3JSS4: ■SiXr.'IiZSRSS.t : CiTIEKKR MIBTABLK BOAT L.»K. P .„. -wlf.rySflir 1847. VYOTlCK—ApplTeaiifin h'«* been made for the r«- t in fiout «n u> xeven dav". i ' i\ ncwal of OniCcaiF N«» ITA dated January' 17. The capacity of nor W airbous.* enable* u- t. rnr IMS- for lh.rtv ni «harea of the capital *tnck ol the 1 uiy cooatgnoienu maile tou« •K. cr.vm*.•loruiv. «n roH THE ThiE*rnATSTIOK or roraoanr for ereenne a Bridge over the R.ver Monon j ,dvaoce» free of charge*. a 1.l KIN DS OF MERCHANDISE TO AND PROM mheta oppo-.ic Pittsburgh—winch *ai.l t'eiiiCeate ha* ) ikmg f«IK prepare,i to make s».e. ot » ro>t «<-.•.« phlindclpliln, Bnltisnorn, Haw York Ceil deiimvcd t.v fire nr lost ; respeeimlly *ol,r,i eo..*ignmc«.|. ol we-ien. I mur. * » nd Bo*ton. -meli'in QRoRfIK COCHRAN < Bacon, Lard,Buiier.t U mil-tcather«,aml,o be, encouragement th'i line hrurtccivcd atneg "~\Vm »• Young "t’ Ihm'en F Plunkett." - (1 Ha rommencetnitnl ha. induced thjr pippri*; " ‘ K .<*Mu>en: * i»l lIKKRTT 1 !2wr* ib'al any l.urine-- er,iru-ie«l to u. *hal! i.e a- I (ora to .nrreaae the stock by adding a number ol first tOIING, ~I 9l»*uN A PI*UW « j ronip'iy e*e,-uir' »"* ' claw bonU; add .nilead of giving receipts a* hereto- H.IJST GLASS M A N D It A ( T U R r. KS , j P rr JNO MrFADPKN 4 t-o fore aa agnnU, we will giae our own receipts lor WAHKHOL’SK No* a Water nod IM F.nt •met. . Canal Bmjii,, IMr-l-urgh ~- la fU|pped by , hsl | lne . IM.-burgh The liU** mnotofoc ured by «* b JA- * *}. >*'’ J* . -fhe botu are all porUhle, con.e. t ornlly freight IrTaUelii™ -"J filled on reasonable rorh|,r j H D 7cKICY ’ ; taken the whole distance'without transhipment, ! FOEWARBINU i OOJHMIRSIOS HBBCUAST, on the mule, and a* eacfi Isoat it 'owned 1 by the fchitf ‘ Bfirrcr Point und HriJi’etodicr, Captain who runa them, which is a sufficient guar- B.ivn roim FA.. antcr that there will he no delay on the roote. . ' . * All I'roiluco or Merchandise consigned lo the ._x [T f % undor.m. ed will be forwarded FBKK OK COM f* UC A* MlSSlo»\jnr advancing and forwarding, and will SBBHBBh* t ,t l ,pi>ed wttlioul dohy at the lowest rate*iOf LAKE ERIE AND MICHIGAN. 7 * DAILT BtTWtRR riTTanunciti Ai»P »e*vk«, Wrrrßiiertliillyaolicitaahareot'publicpaUo- Wl!,l. be p.epared on enrlie.iopenuigof .•attain., v . n3(fr _ WALI.I NGf ORD &l Co , icaiion in receive property in h'« wharf boar or Canal Batin, Fittaburgli. •'jagmSWr ImnrovemenW Apply to or addre** .> r MILLMt. Agent JAH Uowley’a Wharf, Baltimore. PITTBBURfiH & OiTKV^I,AND LINE. Pittsburgh. Kith. 18,1847. , 1846. wssm ~ m(] ASD " IB4 J, " CI " TkC CLARK*E t CO:r ! * r '' USSSt F0r».,*.»8 A || o.»mi..u,» : T(( Tgg gMT gV ffIDSOItBJBBLA' ROUTE, , l- * ! VIA JIROWNSVIU.i: 4 CUMBERLAND. r y* lIC Axcituainl ProDrieiofs ui tin* L'«‘c (so »* . rp| t |.; u ,„|,. r ., c „rd :«>e imir nr-parid lo loiwanl pro- X- ftbty known to the p,i .hvt will be t.i.-purct on to- j A< . u> , l|C }? a , lc ,„ Mirkei* daring ihe cn«i>- carlie-l oprn.op ol canul miviguti.m to tetrive prop . , w.niei, mi th- t.i.W Hiouble icitu*. l-y lht,ripc eriy at Pitt«l-ur*h and Beaver, noil deliver the «anic nt i • ’ ah) point on d.« Ohio canal*, and-Goon t., <" ; AU ‘ rt) , „i,Mß,ied to u* w .11 t„t \» althe and Michtgnn, vriih the preatr»i ftrr*.. . U| ,, A ;.‘V^i.,vvtth de?p*iah. _ onsole rric. , , . , . „ lihibli.c rcreivcd by thi* route prbinplly for The proprietor* of this I me. tolu.t !!>•• Im-mr-* «> j 0 UI DWELL, Ag't, Pituburgh. thnr former cuatomcr* with r«,„r,.lrn.e knnvem:. w nmwnarillc. thelrfaeilme* are second lo nmie. „ ftw KKGKRToN A t’-o,Cumberland Apply u> or adore** . - - - 1846 •*>*» if,- 1847 T RICHMOND 4 C< r *«r.|s.»l , ~ to'tiik public. WMpHB'lpiSH linfcuMAn ti tooth *-~- «. i traitrM ntnurict fTIHE best article known inr e leaning and whitening 1 the TceUu strengthening the gums, swerlroms the weath. he. It should he uvd every night with a *td MnaSand the teeth and mirath willonly rtouirea.bgn -washiag in the morning- V\ et the bniah *tlh wtinn vraier ox eolrt will answer, and rtih H a fewumeson 2r?asur. when enough wtll adhere for cleaning >he Sd. p . v ui.r«..dtLtfou...•«... .k. i“ MfT« a pan deltgbtlul fragrance to the breath. Itnaad* unriTiiled *• • pleasant, eificacious, convenient. and 'jSfedcMrifice. It i* warranted notto injure the teeth. b B? it will remove the urtar and JSrSea. acenmulatum—i re V: «l the toom.che TcmtffScn the gums, ar.dTtrer? tit all dDcMM "A I ***® Cfcwrnit*. physician*. and the clergy rreornraend ii b_ decidedly superior to every tb-ng of the kind 11 uw ’; . A»h for iherman’aCompound Oms Tooth !«*.?, ■*»-** observe hi* signature is attached to each pot* lUrwainenocdby Dr. Cattle, Uroadwai, one of our best Dcnt.sts, and by t«>*t ot the old established • one* inthe United States, and ever *i«t»ivrly used bytbo Nobility of England a.vl t-tf'* A large proportion of the dizcase. * l-atafli.ct mankind arise from sfcntc derangement o; tin stoiaaeh or bowel*, wfcleh a timely n«e of the Cathmtc Lozenges would eatinly oov.atc. Persons or bihc.js habitc should «(• wave hare a bor at Land, and take a dtwe whenever they feel the least dcrangrmrmtntlielr health. Ajudi '-Tta«« oio of there wou.J prevent il«oo*and» “fSKS..: \VM. JACKiI Üboitytt • NO PAY . " DR. UL’LLE.VS IN Di AN VEGETABLE REMEDY— Wsrriiitcd to care, or the mow. , v ,-turneil. Thu medidne is prepared frum an In* diaa Receipt, obtained fAui one ol Hicw m ihc i at »t-«rcat expense* J’ho*e ♦'ho lute lwe» famUtarwilh tie Indiainh, knot. that they cid and do core Venereal -rthint the kho’-Mje "I Meo corr. Balaam, ot anything or the kind. Ihc at meted have Sot* an opportom y of being cuted t*iuS« 'the oao ol Balaam. ..Thw medieroe la to the title, and leave, no tn.ell on the Paired by HOWARD A* WALTOR. ami aold «mS!o and teutl, by J. T, R"*""d. «7o M.tkr. “rS-JHK ta rrtthb.fi tj.KMto. atrtet, and by kVa ««•.«« MaHre t ~6d-T nmltOAT.‘tresbeeo doi « wonder? during ihc late un nfartierenFJ than from ontno*»t ,rrc fiSiS. MMkT Dr.tfeyne ha« enabled a repum 2nioni»?nee for skill, and hit »lf. have '•ttn pm; Vd e«e.r i ,ea, ... *is;Sii e “pUtUWt“3 n S'if PKUN TEA CTOWS JKS&- fSr«!warYtfood; andai the Drag Store n *ireeU Alleglieav Oiv. • ••••■• ii_ :—:— : nr ICTi'upt'rtVonß specific. _ , itn. 1 mu! hire iwo met/ CIUIOgE ~ /WUkiaf Tawwfeip , 'ilthY J W>!> :* !d low r;r • joiowni* * , uieh*7 TJM-wlccl't OX'S, corner of Wood am) decin CO AC H MAKING. FROM 'lie very liberal encourage .mcniiho auloriitwr h*f rwciwd wnce has located lnni*elf in Allegheny, ha* induced Inin In lake - tca.-c.fora » ■ M, iftm of year- HOW ov.ttmrv, m Denver •tie-', lunncdiStrtyHn™* *•* rVi-UirrinuClitiMli From rt.< forts cipemncc in llu; iibevr | oricr, Korkawny Bur e.c-.. mxm and iop Uugßic*. and every eifb' kurtarct CwtvMtfl JOHN WIDTH- CARD. ARIS T»l ROCK M O RTO N !**• lo nc«|on»nt hi# fncml* that* he t* again tejfrc. of the C»ALI 110 l tSK l4oub.vllle.Ky .where h= hope* lon**t all bis old inni.l.-,, abjuring them and tlid public, that no effort .lull bi: rpat.-d <0 ut*k*; wlio favor hull. v*itF their patronage ■■ ' janlldl/_ a VISING KOhiisi Ko»«* and Fver green*. Ac . iuituliiclJor plautihg in Ceiuetfy'a can be futm*hf<] c.i alipbcatiou at the seed 'inrr, iroitx Nur»enc»of Ja- Wararop. Manelieater. kd*. PiUowfc; Quilti, Wheels and Trimming* of all kiu.l*, And allmhcr urucle* in my line, which 1 »Ua!l *cll lo*aadbn accoraraodatingtetnu. WM NODLK mtSlf Siort f OPPQ*e* in rr bM* bolf< and mall package*, coniiantly on hand 'CABiasilf*CPnoMT*RlllO. laM prepared to do all kind* of Cabinet Staffing Soto*ul)i»an», Chair*, Chair Seat*! at abort notice OtdoraUAatMr. NobliC* on Third at, promptly attend. *• Printer*. JtIMT Received wiJ f«f *#!e (tom ilic Foundry of Oro, Brace K Co. New Vn.lr llie fiiHn-i.n* iftiuof Type •.*uij ll>l Uouryer*i>; l?j IU- MiiwmT iW £>} ]!.• *)?l ]>-iTwo Line MuiHin Cjp. TMIK Hoa’ifteu’# Portable Horn Vompan) !- iiik 'I; • olvrd. t!ic Company again wmi itn« ••nu l. • „i » puriucr-hip under the name nt the. "lir.alinrii’' Line, anil liVcrvoe agreed In irtit the Slnrl ♦« lohii.vc » imniti-r <>t Boat* U»r Ibc i»rir|»«»-*’ m < tltlougU m hunt «ti to righi due ■. will, < en.-iniy-mu' Ir.ci cm onrap-O by the r<*l*x> *>•'*» » I'*"'’" ugl to null HMHC I-lim Mfiarm/lITIII- Ini «I|C 1-n tiling year. Wt: would iluiciiirr. it " comma ■ni r nt our Imnicrpairon-.HM'I inn all ttf.w cn.iotm'i - to ilroee we have done btimicaa lor- BOATMAN* LINK, For (he tropepoMauoii «>i A|.l. Klldia »y •tt KRt'IIA mm»k. TO AK|» i.hvm I’niL#t>M.riiu, lULTlsronx, Nrw VoU.ami Ho-ml yvMFtJi.WIhHT.MAN & Ca, Corner l,*l>ritv Mrert and Canal Hji«hi.' Ah GHHHARTft Co. No :>» .Mm tei *i»r, i, PldUdcipli'x HhDRR.HHI.OTON A «V Agent*, _ llalntitnrc, SM. r»;fhkh.v:kh I’irraDURHII-Ju*. MrCully. Gm Morgan A Co W MeCullyACo. B A tiaiupmuAi'n, M A lien A Co. PHILADELPHIA—Morn# Palter-ou A Co, Reynold* McFarland A Co, Fleming & Uuaby. I ctcr WrigbtA Son. i Biapbam. Jooeph Citatr. • NF.W YORK —Goodhue k. Co, Thro Perry A C«. BOSTON—Reed. Hold A Co. CINCINNATI—Admins A Crcagb, W W Searbot PLEASANT. VA-P A Maclner. NASHVILLE—F Fleming. Norm—All merchandise from New »ork und eonaigt ed to A I. Gerhart A-Co, Philadelphia? will be prompt y forwarded fru of coiwnfation. . ” LBEOH A CO’S Pi«k*f« Biprtu to Plilladel|.tila> mm U m HV- THE Canal being now open, the j Eipr**» which has been e.»- tattlitbOd-tor me conveyanceof valuable package* oi me reams vU<> U>Nl: OF Md'YiHiSf. I'iSSESGER PICKETS. MAllM* n vi,|popular Lm< nt b.ewncr» bn» r |MllS "* n a .|j u,.i,ro.* d lit-- part W.me«, l*y ili»* »*J 1 nrw •mil tuj£n:bc?)H boats.. liaift . O.r**” ly , oC . ,1„ i*-», k- i a*it*l the eMtirc*r.mMe i f, £ < •)■! eir.lit ol ill* Urgv-t.l.cM£ut>lt WHiplO ruit i,»- i-ro> f, n Ptiiaenget*. and 10 s*»ins will be ■ fj,li < comfortable and the nips ~,,,.*«l HaAv bT,/,,,,'. ...-t, j- lUoV'xl. \ Si MONDAY PACKKT. T,,.- M'*\OV. .MIKLA.Cop’. Sim', a r*t ■ Pm* . Monday mofinni; at in.o'doek. Wheeling *Y-r, M-. 4 r’:.*. r • nlli» SI 1» I’. M , «iM -• rf> nni>M.»> l"n'r'wi A. Al TUESDAY PACKET. H r HMUIKNI A NO 4, Cap'. J Kl oir/elter, mil leave r.nd-j'jof.n tuoiumg at M o’elorW, Wlreeiins . vru IW«l/o r.ci.mg al 10 1’ M • <*"H rvvtv Kinla) iti M'o'eloek; A- M WF-OXt'.SDAV PACKKT. Thr NI.XV r\|.l.A\l». NO a. Cajtl. S. Dtn», will i,.,v »• <-v-ry U'.-.lnt.*,!ay mormng Bl 10 o'clock. XV lire! ,i* r-.-i'. \Vr.liic.-«'« >’ evening ■ * 1° P •tiini" rvrij Salnrd*) at 10 o'clock, A M- TIICaSDAY PACKET. Tin- Wjyf.-OSMS. C.ipv- K. Ji Grace, will leave Ptltv r-,-/v Tunr».!nv tnornmg at 10 o'clock; Wheeling even- Thur=»«v evening ■< 10 P. M-, and Cincinnati ever. Seurtix ai 1« o'clock. A. M FRIDAY PACKKT. The CLIPPER. NO. a, Cnpt.Craoit,mil leave, Pitta bnreh rvrrv Fr.ny morning nt ibo'cloek; Wheeling every Friday evening at 10 P. M.. and Cmrmnan -very Nlbiuli.Y HtJiiiii lock, A. M SATURDAY PACKET* . The M*ys»KSGER, Cap:. L**forJ, ml leave 1 ui»- burch every Saturday morning c,oel1 : '' j b S rv -s„iur.iay evening at 10 P M.; and Cincinnati every f-ie«ctav al lOo'eloek. A. M. The ISAAC NKWTON, Cnpi A. O. Maw. xr ill everr Sunday iMniiM •« :W o’ Wbeeliuc every huir.ia> evening « 10 I . M . and Cm nsnait every wednrutay ni lOo’eloek. A M Packet* wiUl.e atihrirbenhaut PiM*bur*h ninic.um., rr*ut»rh, Uir day pteviou* to Imjrui* r-urii J.OU. i'*f 'tie reception of riei«ht. ami entry of Pa* Urntior Amte Room r.«n«i>lefederi*B*i'J VlbUil l/A ft MOU.\ ISO piCKIifFOR , T ° , . . o . I. 1 » V and fl.-aver at 9 o’eloek, P *•»• ,U »npr. amt rievelandl.ine ofCVI 1 rr* ‘ .;,iV Cleveland. <>; Beaver, Warren and s.'ftr -jY?-.arASKr«ss2s ;! > : Trl >nvillp. I*a : Erie Kxininion Lina Nr v. a u\.T a „it i-'rir Neil. Moore * (V* Line* ol r tVvrUnd and Wno«t*r. leave H*»- Ver da-?v on «b- arrival of »ieamlvo*l Beaver from Pitt'i.i" *l* A| ' p,V /; , j k | HAIITON A Co. Piuobungh . M OI.ARKKA Oi. Beaver TiTios* liVsK* __ jgfcaEgsij IS 47. jj* u n pM*KS.'ii«“'s'7 ,1 i" j \v T MATHER. Pm«hi»mh. * a- » mm? ,i2vr Line «« now folly prepared .0 transport Tt-, *h?mnd ■««**"*«■ from P.Ual.urihandClrve lidtm any poim on ill- Pennsylvania k Ohio and Ohio ' ri'iico* raid Line are notemailed by anron Jn-an.'” ..number, and eapaeny of Boata.ezpc * an nnd promnt»e»i> af Apenta, *e. n T ifc.m £!,“ "* l"lt" .U'gli'and ‘Cleveland daily run r,„ ... . omiet-'ion with the Steamer*. .5 _ ,„t ijite Erie, hutween Pnt*uu.eb and It, aver'?nd a 1.4 of firu daj* Steamboat.,' JTI* 1 ' Iri«. Urif. and Schooner*. on Lakee Ene, H » n, fhij-au and Oiii>r_n f hf Union with Property forwarded many |i Cleveland, A*t« dv»p*-et. PARK'S A. fco. Bearer. A,t* • W T MATHEK. Pittalrargh, ap-.j Cor Water and Hmill.Scldal.reot* ' SUMMER ARRANGKMKNTS. '£££ H 47. WWk MOSOXOAiIKLA. ROUTE, „„, IU .v SV !i I K \ND VI'MUKKLAND TO UAI.- B8 °" ANu nni.Aum.pmA T.ine I'm ,r id ft) IbJclph'.-* • • Jtl 1 ! Mrl unr-i'J * ,w * ,s, r»* hM,, cf*inniencedia«tart< : * * •),. ; v One )«MM Will jravr Oie Monoop*- Joul.V dai.' 'T-T* ' ~,,,.,*,.17 it*' * o'clock.- ; |£" r '•> >’*' ««""•“* (.no w.H*nriT*-»i* U«lti»oorr 1 ::.!v i.mk tor "1C fi»il»>l>'lph‘» M«>l Bntu.or i nV, llm'il «•»■'• Tt r\pi«*i« Uo»t will ten** - *h« "" •'; U '!,'.•i.ioiokjW*- jwir ; ' I. !!,'. Urou’iiaiillc n«ll *« * , ® , -- k mr-'ii HfH'.i il • ,i... ,0.1(0 »;ij lll**** "‘‘ n jh,.“ e eLo,ci of lU*l R«**» ! ” B*ii-o»oir Ktiti piiii*d«ipi»i» , , o. . v jiu-t*o« I II ~l ir„ mwi i •’ ibtt dr*!*** 1 cbnr*. .r,l (•* 1 ««*£ll-.'-v '• 1 " “ k J MEtflUNjuN ,'v. l'.C',! 1- [till'. TO TftK EAHT. BY BALTIMORE AND OHIO |lAll.itOAl>. rj#||H -nb-< r.b.:i» will icripl Itrr UiC delivery ol.PfO* I iiin i-m Kxliiiiuiie b) ilic Maimnfsbel* Slackwa'cr m ih' following price' - A Uacun, llnllcr. IJ*r J. Pint. Tallow. Wliinkcy, Checv. and Glut* - Sli ria per |W> 11... Totnirco, Hemp. Fla* and Wlicai-tH ct* per lOM H- A the*. (Pot! Apple*. l‘bee*e. Ha*.Heed, Ola#*,- amt iM'ailirr lMcl>. p* »|HXI 111* Oil-, Skm». Seed*. Wool—llo c«h per IMV ll>« UteiiWajt.Fcuiheri, Fura, ti»M*eng, and Snakr-ltoni --l-.il cl# pci I HO Ih*. Alt property i*ou«ißtied «■ ruber of ibc undesigned w;|| be fonvurded without delay, free of CoauniSMO'i, niiil ove rate*. W H CLARK.Brownsville. ' HANNA A WATERMAN. Pittsburgh. imv-i-dif NOTICK'. *‘ ’’ *' ' „ _ _ FREIGHTERS and otheto wiahing . to have Fire Brick, Produce, Ae., yiMMaC I brought to tbn place from Stnibeivlllc intennediMtc landing#, can make by calling on me, a* I have a Boat tunning rcgularlybetwflea PStuburtbnnd sTcaltenvillc. Ulfo BJUILTKNBKEObII. Steambaai Agent, M Water st FOR lALB. _ _ k THE Steamboat HARLEM malted t D m - B> and Tefitted in handaom* atylo *Qd now at the Monongahela wbart A# #beu improved the is welladapted for carrying freight and pa*«engera;ox Tor towing; ih has great capaeny and power. Any peraon dtipos< d to purchase willofcour#* inspect her. I alao propoae to leave, forone or more yean mj eaaJ Works- and to a man of energy amlbuime*# habtja they offer groat advantage*. I can furnish the leMee. either on sale or ebarier,my towboat MNMLn { gp «an alao have on fair tense aix bargea, .three data, tad two coal bottom*, afxtwn egra with ropaa, Axturea, mad* tat Toll Aaexaminauon oflbe*#- lablishmentia intiied. Persona diapoaed to-nifotiaie with me in reference to any ofahe miy«ddrw#o»®a».iE|lOficaAAStßaria Baildin'.a4» Harlem^guUonotjJ^rUy, MEgiCAL ■ ■ ■ ' DR. BUKHMAN’S . -V/p^ MEmCA|rtJ> LOZWTOES, ANDFOORfdAWS ; PLASTER. DR.StuIK>IVN ht« wayt« uuLfmedteia' j4eM*di. eothat children will take it reaoiij wrncry for attar. See [that Wi*/a,e l«*t )rnr. resUirsoi; It* health person* in almost »»e?y sftige ot'VK w»ipiwu,si«l thure laboring Cuder llit aoM dlitr*m*g tuMt rtudtiugU* They ilo ButtVcVoßd-dry «>> Use cough, but ttoder it tas), pruaaUe 'tp'eior* lion, allay the ticking; irnuom. «»d tmDo lb* protfauu or eteilrog rsn*c.— They »e* ond« from • eowhaisuon of a tw»t >ilit* «fsl»er in«a'« l'«or Mao'* Plasters Iprier only 12| witi, 1 ! should b» •ppUrd uter the |«rt, and worn Ull rrlimd. If attended with cosUirntm, • few eathnrtie or Li*ii*e locrogr*, or any . uiild ralltartic medinae, should bf u*ct a* ort.-aiion tripilm SHERMAN’S WORM LOZENGES Tim* worm loirwt* h»> r been proicd inmate than 1,40 V 000 cam to br inhlhblr; the only certain worn deitrejinj medicine everdisrmrred. Many direwei arises froutwomw ami occasion long •sidfßUa»»*l‘rrißg, and«t dealb, with outllrtir rrer btiug suspected; grown persons are rcTj oftca aflicted with them, and an doctornd for carton* eqssptaints without any benrlit; wlwn one dose of these Locengeaurbuid speedily cure them. ■ SfmpfavM *>/ Honsis. —Fain* in ibe joint) or limbi,ram »tte btraib,picking at the nose,grinding of theteethdaring ileep, asd at (Jan * paJenea about Dm Up*,with Sdabcd ebVtki, blcedii>eattbebciw,a|sawlox Mtialimt at tbe'ilomacli, ftaih eaof bnl ortr Ibe eurlaee olibe body, ifigbt ebilli or (bir , litadacbr, droKtiueM, vertigo, torpor, disturbed dreams, sudden starting a sleep, wilb fright aba screaming; sometimes a troublesome rough, ftrerkhum, thirst, palbd hue, fits, bad taste ia the month, difficult breathing, pain in the stomach or bonrU, fatigue, nausea, sqestn{ihaca| rgra nous appetite, leanness, bloated stomach or limbs, gnpmgs, shooting pains m rariout parts of the body, a sense of some thing ruing in the (faroal, itching of the nnus towards night, a freouent desire to jsauiomethipg from the bowels, and some time* discharges of tllae and mucus. SHERMAN’S CAMFHOR LOZENGES. They git* tmprdiatr relief is nerroai or eick htadache, mlpiUltoa of the heart, latsea of (be spirit*, dejpondrticy, inflammatory or putrid tore throat, bowel ormmmer cod* plaint, fainting, oppreaHoa ortnawof ainking of the cheat, cholic,itpaama, cramp of ike ctstaach or bowels, hysterical I a&ctioos, a&d all uerroui d beats a, drowsiness through (lie day, m»• i*-4iy._ IT NEVER FAILS! 111. CULLEN'S INDUS VEGETABLE PANACEA PERSONS- alfliclcd with Scrofula, King’* Evil Cancer, Erysipelas, Old Sorea; Ulcers, Tetter, Mercurial Diseases, or any other complaints ariiiu? (ram nnpanlie* of Hie blood”are requested to (tie following testimonials, id proof of the wonder* ful properties of the above named ipcdteiue. r KEAir read:: read:!! . v-\V*. Ifad'Undersigned, hating visited Mr. Isaac CrooVl, Jr.'it.thh olTico of Messrs. Rim and and WtlUm. 37u Market street, Philadelphia, consider his cise the utr at remarkable one stf c luvo evrr "it ne»*cdor heal 4 of. '' Ills disease was SCROFULA, ami terrible muat ha>e lerii li ; twelve year*’ conflict with the dc *tr«*)ci’. * HisPalate,' e f ulifO roof of his mouth, No-c. Up per Lip, and lower Ltd of the Right Lye have beer ocatrmed. hi- > nee nearly eaten up. and part of tbe Jaw Rone earned awn;. And yet we can give no dcsenptioit of hi« cate. Mr. K mlnirm ui tint in Ami an Ilir v hole | interior nf Ini oKiulii, i.« well a» im»«t ot hi- ia r e was a uum of beep and panda! ulcers! On the llth 'hf January laid. he commenced taking Dr ri 1.1.1. N‘s INDIAN VEGETABLE PANA CEA. "hieh checked tf«r discaer in a lew days, aud rorn that time the core tut progressed without in} lertmasiott. ’ ' -New flesh haurd, sinl his general hcaltlm iMlo'cii. , iVc arc assured Uu) in tlie trc-Uuirut .of Mr. "Brooks' case, no, Meren rials or cAttsOc application* fmvc l»cc*i used,—irt fact, (he PANA- I.KA ALONE, harwruoght thi* wonderful change ouvid Smith, Back* county; Pi. • Charles L. flowand, Mfcadviltc, l'rawford cot’*.. I J W'Jones. M D .South Second street. Phila Jacob Lee, Pemberton, N J. ■ K W Carr,44o N Fourth,-above Poplar si, N. 1.. S M’Cullough, Lancaster, Pa. I r M Maddnck,lB North Eleventh at. Phila. ■ (' W Appleton, M D 46 South at: do | Timulhf Marion co. Missouri. Daniel Veakcl, Chesnut llitl, Philadelphia co. Pa. John Horned, 39U High street, Pbtla. William Steeling. M D, Camden, N. J. William Hale, 3?8 High street, Phita. j H Poller, Manufacturer ot Mineral Teeth, 109 S. Nintliatreet, Phila. L A Wollenvfeber, Ed. Pbila. Democrat ITI N 3d atfeet, do- j George W Menu, Brush Maker 1 , 317 Market St. Esra Carr, 169.Chesnut street, Pbila.' A D Gillette, Pastor nf Eleventh Baptist Church, Pbila. Jobs Bell, Ene Street, Philadelphia, (North Araer can office.) ‘ Aaron Sands, 104 Catharine Street, Pbila. Daniel MeGinley, Kessler's Alley. **° Andre* Sweaton, Camden, N J R H Evans.'West Pbila. ' Richard K- Young, Uilder, 409 Market st Phila John W Aihhiaad.fiO South Sixth street. -do T S Wagner,lithographer, llS,Chesnut street, do B J Kensil, 123 Eleventh street, - do Peter Shea Smith. Editor Native Eagle, , do Joel Bodine, Glass. nianufaclurer, Williamatown N.J. William Steely, Farmington, van Buren rn. lowa. L B Coles, M D, Boston, Mate. Russel Cantield, Phisioiogist, Philadelphia. - Thomas P S Roby hi l>, Harrisburgh, Ps. Peter Wright. 259 Market street, Phila. James W Newlin. 103 Filbert sC do John Good, 171 Spruce st. do William. Une, PaatorSt. Paol's M E-Ch.Catharine ' St. Pbila. ' Jobn.(’hamber* r Pastor let Indep. Church, Broad st, do ' 1’ L Sanders, Publisher of Pledge and Standard, Phila. , F P Sellers. Editor Olive B *rch. Doylestuwn; Bucks co, Pa- - „ Wholesale and Retail by Rowand V Walton,!Pro prietors, S7G Market St. Philadelphia- H E Sellers, 57 Wood st. Pittsburgh, Pa.; Wm. Th • •», 51 Mar. ketsl do.; E U Perkins, Marietta, Ohio; caton & Sharp, Marseille, K Y;John W Danenho«er,Cin., Ohio: >idell 6t Reeves, Madison la; MSoble, Louts* ville, K V; Deverotick' A: Pellout. S{i Lotlis, Mo. P il McGrsw, Natches.Miaat Hardhwav Ac John vloii Vicksburgb,do; Charles Jeokini, New Orlean oes hotel for invalids, at NTTSBUXIUII. URU. 8P HE R ft KUHN. rivHE object of thi* eatabliahraent i« to mpply a wan X xteatl) felt by reapecubletravcUraon our weatars liiabway? by without family, uken «ick— and by patient# from the aanoundingrown* and country who iwort to thi# place fer relief from turgical and other ■li*en*e*. Such have offen suffered from the want of the varioui comfort* and attenuoa# so necetamry and agree able to the *ick, and from carele** and tuifailhinl nutter, and been aul-i« Wed to heavy ami unreasonable charge* Invalid" will here be provutnl with eon#tan|,failhl«t and eoiufonablo Allcndanvc, aud nr« - muchiielnw ''"wiiUMhe (■an- of Ixtih pliy*!Ciatt« will be ezirudcd every variety of di«ea«e, it i* intended by !>r Speer nve-peonl attention to all - r ' SURGICAL PISKASKS, ritmccr.*PL* to disease* of the eve. To there Imiicbc* of" profeuaion lie lm« jiven a laue»U«*rvof lin* attention fortbelaat twenty-five "yean, •ui] iic will eomiime to devote to them ihc experience acquired l>y • con»wi»i practice dun tig ilirn time: Tkc Hotel for Invalid* i» twt an experiment. - tin e*ta!/; li'limciil i» euxßenirtl notonly at urcearapr to (apply »r> emdem omi'mi U.Kcitjr. m tho -umreaftrenee of titty rpecmlprovi-mm ten tl.r alw by ihc -uctoe* of -miilar m-.iituUoiCs at Uuctiinaii ana New OT j ( , #n «_il lc former antler the-care of Prs. Taliaferro Mat*li»U*nai«h.'and gctucake. i . m . ‘ N' U Jackami'a i* the only place, in rutabmjin where the ÜBNUiNßntobe obumeti. Beware of Counter* Big Bout aland* m the doorway. mebb , . _ VfOROAMJ COL'OU SIfRUP-'-n ahould b* JVI published and made known to the public.” ’flu* waa the caprw»ionof an old man who tried the Syrup. ' Pimitrmoß, February*!* 1W- Mr. Morgan:—Thi* may eeftiiy that belng'afflieted With a troubleaome cough aome lime, {I bought a bottle of Morgan'* Cough Syrup, and am happy to aay, alter u*ine tt, my conga if entirely snred. I pronounce your Coogh Syrup the beeltaedieinO ! have ever n»ed. No fafliDv ahould be wlthontthis valuable medicine. - DAVID MeROBERTS, Allegheny City , medicine i» prepared wholesale and retail 4tue Drugstore of JOHN P MORGAN wpdd atreet, one doorbelow Diamond Alley per bottle. ; frM TBM HAGIC ERA SITE SOAP-Forremo viag Greaaeapota, Staina,orA|arka : Veoltexli, Carpet*. Ac., and- w sde * pot * white it IP Applied clear, bright, -Sol3 ewAlfuil dtrecliena. Fnee aseenta • cake. • - VM.iACKSON.SP Liberty •‘nßktai* of ,Vue(l,'«llififßoOt'and Shoe *tere, *'gn of thejßif Boot- STAR COTTON Ml LL, lN*«rt:c ini npeiHtioi> Haviugemployed,the eerv.ccFot C. W llarnr* «« Nanaser, who ha* had an experience oi l‘., nTTSBUKtiIi. PA rpm« >Uj.u|ji icry (fonts m/alland tooiolcie opera- I i.na, icceived mid replaced all their “r • u neri tlie ia;e»i iuiprorciawiuj arc uowinaVins „ [„bv) silicic of*-* Brown Sbcevuxt.. 1“”®' t»i icd, iimid-'onic rood-,, [branded Allegheny If.,] aud • !■> uoiiL-.of the aawe rtrle, in the cptjttu y; ■m. i.Aeii czclumrlv for the \V«»TM?i and tsoWiiaair u«d-- Mrn lmit* visiting oor city are iyvned locall and rumme proyioua to making purcbeaca. [Ordera now ■ distance promptly ancadcq-KKJwijoofacy fullyf flipped warm orde red. fcbtJßAwaaT_ EXGLE COTTON WORKS. PITTSBURGH. _ MANUFACTURE COTTON Candle-Wick. Sattlna, Twtna, Corarlel VARS, CARPET CHAIN, WARPS. Ac. Ar., KINO. PENNOCK A Co (Soeceoor* of Afbucktea A Avery,) Jan .i Proprietota TfNN'WTTON MILL. PITTaBCUGU, P*. J THE above eatabLaiimeat being row in wceeatfol oprraiioiuw* m« tnanafaetnring. very* extensively, an article of heavy Sheeting#. well adapted to the mail trade, which lor beauty and tjaaJny camot be excelled by any other make in the country. The attention of imrchaaeraUaolieitedloan examination. • 1 frllilSmtwll KRNNKD. Ifllll-TO fc O. MEDICAL A POSITIVE t PERMANENT I TIRE FOR RHEUMATISM AND AM. NERVOUS COMPLAINTS. •'\Vh* Rboogh the emit* may nor ba explained, ' S,nc« their an- duly not drln»ion. prejudice, or pride,-]. Indore mankind to set the mean* ajtfej - Mean* whirh. tWsiranla, are by Heaven dewjn «l Toalb viaietheill*ofnuman kind.*’ t»R CHRISTIES OALVANIC RINGS AND MAG -1 NFTIC FLUID. . fplUr* remarkable invention, which ha* received the 1 iiulveraai approbation »f the medical proftMioo ol (•real Britain, comprise* an entirely now application or Galvanism,a* a remedialagent, bymsans 01 whiehtte ordinary Galvanic Batiertc*. F-Wtne and Magn* ,lc J“»' clone*. Ac., are entirrlydi*pen*ed with, and the myst*- noil* power of Galvaniun applied wuhoui any ofttoe : objection winch are in»«par»ble ft om the aencral «odo now in oh. The Wrung do*«», and inopilar unerrtla, in winch Galvanism it applied by the Machines, ba* beea pronounced, after a fair and Impartial . b * -tUtuudlw tnjanaur, and it war to remedy th£ tad’cal dfrd feet that Utw new* application wa* projected, wbrt ti, *W tor nnceaeme toil and perseverance, has been brougni , to it* preaeiii Mate of perfection. The Gait-ante *Jw answer all ibc purpose* of the moat expensive Maj i chine*, and in ir.anyoiber re»pects are inorc*n/» ana «rfam m accomplishing the desired etfect. * I | The Goteaatc Kinp a»ed in connection with the Wf ■ nttfe Flui.L orr confidently recommended to au *mr? I dm which aritt/ratn a** tnfnbUd or waheatiAy ttatt tf Ur sm*t *f rtrel#w*xan, and tbe»e complaint* are among the roort rminlol and univrr*al to which w* are I •object. They arise, without exception, fiouj ouc «in»* I pie cause —a derangement of the Nervous ayjtem— and tt uraa In these ease* lhai other ‘remedies haring so often failed, anew agent was greatly needed, which rt i* confidently believed, ha* been found 1« the ptoper aud judicious application of OalTanilo. . . . _ -The Guranic Bine* have boett used with entire sue* m aUeaoea®f-ttHwic*Tt«, «e#ie ot^ronie^ ptjiiig to the head, face or brobei ■nwrtaeA*. Bn.uititU, rmtf t fwnvwtor Suh HtajUth*, /nrfig*«M>K, Pota/yu*. falsg, EpiUptf, FtO, Cia*np, PalpdatU., e/ t*r «««. ApofSy, bkffnm »/ Spinal Cor’ipbrint r, LuvAago, JV«nralgia, NrrrouJ Irt- \ wrr, DirziZL eft*'Head, potn in tA* and Wr, ; Urntral UtbOitf, Nrreeti* I wry. and off NERVOUS of | confirmed .Dyspepsia, which IsnirapW » *‘f rv6 ‘ l *'“ e T 1 langemcnt ot the digestive organs, they uave been foond ; eouallT socceMfu!. Their extiaordluary effects upon ; the »y tie in mutt he witnessed to be believed, aud a* a certain preventive for the preceding complaiuts they , arc cuuttl!} rccoinrociidcd. The Riitn art of different j piicct.Umg made of nil sires, ami ® f ’STyjuiilE'te I tuemoi puitcm*. and can be. worn by the mo*t delicate female without the. slighter mcouventence. In (act. Ihb seunafion it father agreeable than otherwise, \ The tiidvaaie Belt** Bracelets* Bands* tiarters* Kecklaces, Ac. ■ \ In itunc caice.ofa verc revere chan»ctei,aud oflong •rending, the power nptdted t'T »he Galvmwc | i. ihm *nir;civttl tourrrrt t!.( piogfCM oMUcase and , ultiniMtelv hoaWn The -uiproved i.mdtficaimi l | it, tlie Gaivaniv Welle, tftaeciu'*, etit.rel) tetue ,I,r, ibiaobjvcUoit; any degree of power that ts readily he obtained, and no amplaiiit ’ which the tntrtcriout scent of (ialvautsiQ tan encct-rruuaji lo be perJmTmuUrrrliersd,; Tbcae tH lothewutst, ann*. vnb-t?, Utnbr-,aucleh,orany pan ci the body, with perfect eouveniotec- The balVßHte Nerklo.-c* are with gtcater benefV ' Umitefnti'oraireilioni orfln: tLrual aefterall), al*"”ro cAt- Soi Neivou* Denfnci.’i and with altooM untfonn s prevenlive for Al’oplesj• El , ‘ lr r ,ir »iith?’»Ha»ncUc FUU i«u.*cd hi eonueetioii wtilt the Galvanic Ring* ua.* ll ihrir modification*. Tlii*cfnipo*»noah»a been pro* nounccd by the Freuclt Cbem*i. in be one , “ e r ner iEri i •ytteut.by mean*ofon outward local application. »fto aznciic Fluid contain* nothing eepableofute info.. - e*t injury; itt application i* agreable. and U t* a* hannlesa i-i inaction at it ttbenafietaJ mite «»T». Full explanation* and direcjioM-tttompmny It The combined invention* in in every way perfectlyhana- Icu; they are *old at price* wiutm the reach of all and tbe J di*coverer only request* a fair trial uatettof their summingefficacy and permanentbocSL Christie’* Galvanic Strenjrtheuia* Plas* lent . These articles form another valuable application of the mysterious Influence ol Qalvhni«n. Thej are an important adjunct to the Rtnra and their modifications, actmf upon the same ptlnelple, but bavin* the advantage of more local application. They are confidently recommended a* a valuableadditwa in the speedy cure of Rheumatism, aeueorefctooic; mall nervous complaints, and as a positive remeor in caaea of Pain and Wtainta in l tu Chat or Back, Pain sis cs which have be<-otuechronic by iinicorsggrSTa ted liytlic nee of any of the common nostrums ot lhe djy, that their complaint- van bcradica ly and thcr miHilv cured he liavinc given bu caretul attention to of mttaiuies m aifraj perron»ofmd»maWiiolUdJiech ot the bladder, aad Sludied wbUrfloAen PMuli nnu thos« caw* where ottais have coneiyned Inytr hopeless despair. He paittculariy m*il«r*aeh U-bare bccnbmgand unsuccessfully treat'd n»lt him. when every sau-far lion will beyiveii thertiand their cnee- treated in a careful, thorough and iiilelPgent manner, pointed oat by long expencare, rludy and m, vceugation, which u ia impossible -for thoeoengagvd to i gcnc”l practice ofmedteim to give any one eTasao [ d n!rilenu« or Rapture-Dr. Drown .'to.’JMtw : perilous afflicted with Hernia to call, as he haa paid 1 particular attention tin* disease* ... . Skin Disease*; also Piles, Palsy, etc- speedily eared 1 CHunresverylow. - .. . .. I I N. Is.—Patterns of either «X living at adwacce j by stating their disease inwrnmg, yirinfall th£ayte4 toms, can obtain aedtemes with dueetiaßdfer-Me, 'by addressing T. BROWN, pettpaUa&dwretoi *'cShce No. «5 Diamond alley, opposite the Waver ip itOUK. . .. fry Noeata.n par l . • deU, EIVKR CUnPlsA'AfT—Another care perimr cd by using the original, only use and genuine Liver Pill* „ _ • Astutm. Brown county, Ohio; I March 40,1647. < . Mi. R E Seller*: la April laat my wife wa* attacked with Liver Complaint, and had the ad vice of two pbyt. •■eiarta who men •rarioo* remedies whh producing aoy good effect. Having heard ef year eeiebrated Li*«r Pills, 1 concluded (ngivettcai a fair trial. J purchased ooe box of Mr: SeotL Aberdeen, and g*»* Df m ingto the directional) which ahe was greatly reoatrud. I procured a aeeond box,.which entirely cured My, “J : she now enjoya excellent health.. I haw myself, tad preaoaaec them the best family madteiaa i have eye* tried*. Yoara, py«^ w v : BrriKW SS6 kaewn fcr the cure of Liver CoajPlaiat- Scnfula IkM Jrf*. fr%*Q~l~' : —i Okf*"** — mi— & fvtmltt eo A* Fees, JU*»aSe». Jw£ cSmJbM ßrm, lieu), Eafergennil and pun r«dmau*tration 4msSeen 1 h appictt result* tu many anotnaJoui iti«cUteSy intended wB««»e voidwUcUexwtsbetween eatbeftic and aperumt medicine*. beuce t|* .on*' ij.-thni of an nlteraUvc direcrf) - indirect!). P*) «cnt .... It .r highly concentrated tor convenience and por»a biht' , lOutaiiiiQg iiothitigbut tWo.e*pte*3eU.«W«». and i- the ccpiO'cntativr. ef the SarfapanlU Root, id the Mtnc laaiuM'X »•> <4nmine i« of Peruvian Bart.or Morphine of Op urn- It i« an iftabli.bed fact, that * few prmmaof either Quinine nr Morphine eontataanU IV; tnodscnia! valacof a large quantity of thoomde sabstsucei; heacc ihoatiscmm; ofthop* preparation? -and no invalid would dewe io dnok anUonaixture when a half pint contained the tame medicinal valne- Tba Sar.apanllacan l-c diluted when taken agreeable to the direction*. and made to *uit the Wile of the pa- ** The Stowing certificate addreoscd w l *J® Aftnl« *l CUiemjto, furnisher conclusive proof of us great v»lot ,nr "*' M F ‘L v,tSo "'- Chicago, lU. Sept I*l W«. Messrs gijbbios It Reed—tJentr. in May, °b ‘»Sna itw «o« * *» nle ofßa»d*&tmMris.lhftdf wknibeo confined to my bed, witbom *J«ea«« • accuußMd by violent pom from a regal a fcTOf *>reof SJrSSSWoB my tigUier. My JSetohiro uelimbamputated,saying“ «'*e,"«*F ! means likrly to preserve,my iif*' AAet 1 SfuUthe oinl«na to'subiide, and by the ume 1 h*d bmrlvtbreeuttleo,iwaaoble totranoue t mytbf* | bofbrel h*d ili ! wi> n« well end toand as evefl bed been. IMX* EVelhiliion in wyi«B that Sand’s raeui*, under Provldenca.ofjusm* ia f;j. l s°i-!r. l . ’ doubt aotray life. 1 moM'cheertaljy wcoownd »y T“.nJl« .iuuii fcrife p«ii£t.i«ffl of U>» *»"*• mo.. ro.p.elfollyj AHES MILLEa :;- The followio, eenib*& io oolr Uol im ihe greoichoinof wMitnooy'to u* pentK. ■ * SouTHßot.rox,C*nide E*«,_Apni M«m flujiu-Oemlemen: Expewd-»i wedfo f* fetarsananlla. I have been sorely sALeied «w ® *«f» witha diMoee about which-**doeto»*a iheu prescription* were Mill mote diverge. .1 T*J rioa* remedies but found no relief until I commenced using your excellent mediem* tl-which time I woo whollyconfinedto my l-ed- u ““* rt I era now sblc to welt abotibride out,and «wy a com fortable decree of healthy which I attribut* entirely IO C e u*« of Sand’* tfitsaporilla.. I*len»e aceept my A*- *" d '""jollN M NORRIS - B«in« personally acq minted with.the above attic fllhKv' Til MKHRIMAN I Pamue TmntoiCT.—Tho: following ia an extract 1 Mter received j f «i twenty team- suffering at t-mea what language 'gft?d3SSS»TJg^ss-Ss SSSiS^ ■^^sss^^^waaaaaa. A. Crugk, *^ 1 b >' Druggists generally throughout th« Uroted Bute*. truer bouJe—tiX bottlea for »5. The nubuc are respectfully requested to remember Umt b it ia Baud’# Sarsaparilla that«is cousuadf iS such remarkable eure* of tlie most < ****■» ««g.®‘ jiLue* m which the human frame is subject, there- Sand 1 * Sarsaparilla, and take do otter. SHERMAN'S OLOSAONIAJ4, ASK THE IVmRSR run •ASTHMA , , .. ■ whtt U* rtlimd hitria «eh »»bort Ujm fra Mo dit Gculto of kroiiioj, CooiU jU oJocMKC? Ho »iU ull or AU- HnlitfW” A* th« «B«*pUT« ■vk.i ha* aUaitd bit Cotyb* rtaorta ibtPaia is kii 8»d» IM Cbnt, , - . . rlieekrd .hit nlrlil tweult. j th* rote of bealia . ** | \ 1 ms hit ekeek? tad J VmnitlifM 1 gHK ww * yg OLOSAONIAJI, ALL-HEAISo balsam. ,00-rf<.. Tl^BOtr3aL*ibc«*rtfte4jblrod^A‘o lubJW BdicT mhieh U* V*« aneh P°* n *> short a »r*« of time. Rt*d llie.feHowtflC 1 Aa tout alt Ins Car*** -, W*. So*», *« orkbnirf bSw c~k;r 0.0 knol. Bo»Ah», k»U. IhU hll «fc; hp »ilh A-lkoobt*J~o,»* WjE*"Sgߣ; liof th» U* ** Otjical «d>«« »Uok ■rmVltn otiM «*■&*». wttiadaadtojrythlitmlTew* noaHy nrD • ffltdayEUl i ‘j&iftss.tssffiSraEw An3)i» ■* , £ , »SWI •bout ou* half of om bottk. , „t , . Mr.CoWorr.aSWhit. *Uu*Vwit » lowa tto : of Dcceabar toLttotb. fraud* eat*rt»ix>Wj»o hop* offi* deltatntbtOloaaasias, tadto hit to lohtaltb tlilt btit to* tW« to talk iboot U* *Mn iTTUtotln wik ofWa H. Agrfjlitaot^toMt, St-L&SStfKi?ia»BBSS Mr*. Taoc»otW t 33, Moorot rtmt,wfao too bw i (rcubk* tat • pr*t Wurth of tarn to * 1 i bjwWdr^ntol 1 OJoaoekn, tad daekrall tfct f«*U* raandjr *■,£*??***■ i i dSSm Ktua. 98 W*u> Mm*, wot tho wltewAjww ] jKasaSfififflsgffl 1 boukao/ th* rtotodj'mbkd fcto'to f*tan to-ha-ttOy * t SV» H *aSISS;S‘tSi, oTrool,Ooo W.B—U, fcnaerijof Newark, N. JsTlCurj Uttoa, 1» •tmt.oaA uuanroatothar pertQutow* .*•«* • wraueuth cu*4 of »h<«m* bf Uuorraodp. , „ " • vtu Amy of BontM J whfeh ro«U b» proioe*4 of pmow who towotej MMd;would£s* Hm tiU'Mfcaau A I ££b dU«.i3eS.*L;Mr*.MCdßm.soAim •£Tf. Rttflb.^ThkdAertu*,M» W».H.AUrtooflhn ritV.kaa Mr*. AithttoM,® WWW »»- w ~ feUwbokaW nd rttoil bt WW. ??S l kUdldsa Wwohoute nikMni Bhoo Wty, No«8Ub«- t^otwrt,he*Aof Wood*tm<)Prtbhuch. Pr*» mBB HOST AITOBHDIHG DMCOY# 1 ®RT—ABlettin*! AMiraele!! A 'Vradef!s —To core Eruption* and DrtSforemtau ofraftMlo, FiKpl*a.Froek£a, Sunburn, Ball Rheum, PrtorTy.' Sgw H Foot "*r> U«Anf**t*lhe -capital of-F»*aee in* a»tont*bed in coewqaeace of * oi*fo»«ry m*a* oy I hi Italian CherniM. Many doabled—U *eemed aln»*i I art impoMibiliiy thai anything made by ike hand* of man. could ba»# loeb tiamlar power* a* that claimed by Antonia Ve*prtoifbrni*'invention. Many clawed him and hi* intention a* a rtttnbw, (and. ala*l many Jocditrt pyrtooa ’ without trying. doThe MWJ length. after totting it in lrte.hoJpil.il*, the Medical So* clew of Pari* [ihe be*t crtemut* m the worldjdelnerad tlft foUowingreporttd SignorYeiprmi} ' i -We ha*e now minoiely and eartfully examined lit •inmilai inyentionof Vetprini." We hate analysed it* 'component pana-wthwmoteditln te/eral ea*e*,and we -neniiate nol-to pronoupce.it {the Italian Chemical Soap] u a great rtleMing,' and a UuJy wonderfot reme dy tor any cnianeoc* eruption or dufiguremenfof the »kin. It* tntentor we consider the lio: philanthrope 0f * ofl^W nkind - LEOPOLD DDPREY W ? * Premdpt" Fnxn ihe inventor himself lo theprewaiPioprietor. Pali*, Not. 4, IMO. In consideration of the sum of S3£UQ, I have derai led to Mr. T. Jones, rtsidin* in the city of New * oik. N. A-, the whole process of manufacturing' together with s statement of the lugtedirate composing my liaw tun Chemical Soup. Ue i» to manufacture It for uue in the United (State* only, and to have the privilege of no* min* it“Jone*! Italian Chemical Soap." , „ Wimes*: Kerry J. Iloldsworth? _ - (Signed) ANTONIA VESPWNI - by W JACKSON, at hi* Patent Medicine Warehouse, 68 Liberty street, bead of Wood, aithe •icy of the Bis 800 - - _«. Tlieonlrplacc'iri Pittsburgh where the GENUINE ean beohtalned. All other* arc Counterfeit. _■ No. ei DIAMOND AL LET. i lew dooro liilo* Wood street, toward* tho market - ... Dtt* BROWN, ■’ No Cure, SoTiyl • Dt. Jmtkmn' Pile* Kmi>rontti»n timr F9i* a'! • THERE are few disease* more common or iron* Ueaooto than ' Die Ptlei, and yet. notwkhiUad ins treat eltorta have been made to cure by the «*e ofpill*, electuaries, linimenta, &ic., all were lulile audoi little benetiL Now the Embrueatioo it the only medic tne'luted. A perron wlto i>u been suffer; mg with (he Pile# of the wont kind came front s*- Urn, New Jerray, almost, on purpoee to espraa* bia gratitude for the apeedy care that thia medietoe bad effected in bit cac.—Phila. Sat. Poat.,,: aalc in PiUtboruh at the I'EKtIN TEA STORE,?? Fourth st< and aUo ai the,Drug Store IP. P Schwam, Federal »t. Allegheny City* feb!BT . . . BDBSS AKDJUALDS, ■ : Effectually auii apcediiy cured i»y ti« , or HI9 appointed Areuu, . , i-St^ssdssss^fe-aSa: • febl7dfica ' T ADUC. Wta 1 A flftan full itffl flow IHJAA . ' _ m ll . . VA |r^ w udubuMiTS'S('<»™’ ,l| o P«p*rcd HSVnSfjS™ BPANtSITULY *vS&e itn p«rftcUr liu»tm,btiit rxuifajsf >ll a!lVino»i ,«*!“«•; » M*M* “J" rtin » »•»- I®, hTe«Jthr.«i* b “ M,f » e,eif i white, Mthewae ' s eo “ Bet, ?® tt **‘ n > ®*X ia l.l , ,* on U Dr*Juae» Fr»ciie*l Chemin of M*m- ■ elreietW. «7** “Ater totljrtftt* jofte*%9j>»iUihLlll? Wbitt* I taJ it potwMfi the mt beoatifml u 4 aim* r«L u the mm tine l&oocetu white I inr.nv. I ccnelalr e*Q cenadeatioulr reeoamesd it* «** to all *wto*e Mia-reqidre* betmCrioi” tn*FiiMlSei*tllbot' I E7*aold by WM. i ACH®9N» •* hi* Boot «od Shoe Store, eVLibnqr jaeet* head of Wood, u theatn of the Ble 800t 1 • ■■ ■■- YiitLOW OCHU-4bblibe« Abowu;. 3 do French; --For -Jr Or > BCHOOttMAIBttCo ip| tHII WfIKW TO THE SICK AND AFFtICTKU i DB. SWATS!ra great discovery. SINCKTHE DISCOVERY Vi DK.SWAY.XF.’S Valuable Medreuie. thousand* have been rcsto red lo perfect health who but by ita u*e would sow be in the silent grave. i Akotmkr tivtiic witms*.—Read rshment the wonderful cure performed'by. !.'•■ rtor Swsyne’s Compound Syrup of WILD CHEEU V. t'KiLii'kLrim, January iiS.ltt:. Dr. Swayne—De*r Sir: In jusUce-toyourteli r.rd 4 doty l owe to suffering humanity,! cdeertstH •me my testimony! aud-dcclare lo llie wd:io i*.V most aaioaiabthg effects, and the great cure vour v tompouoa Syrup of Wild Cbeny performed nr. me, V urder UX most unfavorable circumstances. I «r» teken with a violent Cough, Spitting of Blow. se vere Pain* in the Side and Breast, which seemed to break do*t» and enfeeble oiy constitution,* . Dial b rarphyajCttnUtOOght uiy cate boToßdthnpowrr ot t Dedicinc. and toy friends all gate me up to die; but thank* to too and the effect* o! your great disrove. tr I now feel myscll • fell ®an, * cd «i**d Ihw a £tc skclttoß to B. flc.hr u.d_be.llhv « «m.l b.r. l*ecs for lOH red dull be plcaudlo jiT<- tr.y inforaution tapecung m, *»«. by ci l»t u my rMldeaee.MechtiuCilreel.third door below hfarge rtreet, Northern Libertie*. Jacob PAi.TtK. Talimonu u nolo received from all qUarltrtoJ the Globe . The following lelteiß oro pieieolei] wMb a rlew • of more filly ihowieg Ihe omoloo. of PbrtiCi..o. jo relatioß tolbe Mediell raloe oT !>;• S'VAI Nt S COMPOUNDSYRUP Ol WILDCHERKI. Dr. Swiroe—Dear Sir: Harii g utid yoor I obi. pound Srrao or Wild Cherry MtesMiel, in p, _ practice, !' iaa reqoeated by yoor Agcot, Doctor . Crutcher to expreaa mr optoion lo wntipg ol its propertiei a* a remedial rigent, i most chcer.ully 1 comply, a* l feel by sju/dbmg, 1 will discharge fdebt I owe the'community at large, and Physician* in particular. A* much a* I detest (Juack Htme> 1 die* and Patent Nostrum*, 1 was induced Iruui a lailareof the most potent expectorants, re-coot- ’ mettled la our malens med|ca in some cases ot Diseased Lungs, to uy yoor preparation ol Pionni Virginia or Wud Cherry. ilia sufficient to say that « [• wa* *o moch pleated with the result of that and ) subsequent triafe, that I now prescribe it in prefer ence to all other Remedies where an expectorant is indicated, to the much dreded Pneumonia or Disease of the Luoga, in the alarming Jona in w hieli it appoara in Kentucky, 1 regard it as an invaluable , ReoedrUn the treatment ol that disease. To all who know ma I have aaid enough, bat as this may be *«en by person* out of the vicioity-ol Frankfort. I will briefly add, that I hare been ergaged in an aetire practice o! my profeaaion ol 1-2 years,and am a Regular Graduate of Transylvania, and this is the first Patent Medicine 1 *ver_ibought enough ol to express an opinion in writing. J. H. Eitiso.f, M. I>. *- , January 7th. I&I7. Franklin County. K>. U Frarkfort. Ky., Jan’iy «ib. f«4i. 1 The above certificate is f*om one of our Physi* cisns lifioa a few miles from here, he is doing a very good preeuce, and i* considered a goodsPhjncian. and stand* fain he i«. aa be aays, a regulargraituau- Dr. W. L.CRi'tcurit, .... Druggist and- Apothecary. - Tentimonials irtll never reoit. j From the Temperance Pledge. Now that Winter ia upon ua with' it* attemUu t . train of Pulmonie and Bronchial affections.! *ua g b* Colda. &c. &c . we would advise those afflifted is* thi* way to make Immediate trial of Dr.Swayoe’* Compound Syrup _ ol Wild Cherry. It will mtc* fail to perfi rm a permanent cure. The reputation of this medicine ha* cawed many apnriou* articles lo be put forth under itt name; but the preparation n of Dr. Swayne, besides being the firal ever ofiereu * to the publie, is the only one that can bo relo d on. The other mixtures soldfor Wild Cherry Sjrap, Balsams, ike., are all spurious and worthies*, ana contain none ol the virtues of the original prepare*, lion, Dr. Swayoe's Cotnpouod Syrup ol Wild Cherry rom the Springfield Rxpkeils. Of the thousand* or porp° rtcd cuntire m*-irum* now before the public, but very few are im.ndt.. nuesesatbe besling tirtneifor which they .tre m commended. Among the latter we arc pleased U* team none stand a belter test than Dr..s»nyne’e Compound Syrup ul Wild Cherry. 'I be afflicted in thia.vicinity are beginning to use it, and in their ioy they find in ila u*« their hopes basul upon iU recommendation* more tlwn realirctl. The affiietcd need not despair- While there is lile, there now ■* ho,e ' A CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. " rrySineetbe Introduction of my article to 11. e buhlic, there hare a Humber of unprincipled indt i vidoalsgot op nostrums which they aseert contain ' Wild Cherry, some art'called-Balsams," •• Bitten,’ 1 and even Syrup of. Wild Cherry, .but mine ia lW ' orifina) and only genuine preparation ever introdu ced to the public, which esn be proven by the pub. -lie Recordi of the Commonwealth-of Penntylvacia. The only safeguard againat impoaition ino roe that ni, iignsturt t. OB Bad. Freparedonly by JJr. H. S«»tsr, at his I’nnci. pal-Office, eonier-of Eisut and Race' Street*, rhiladetpbia. AH Wild Cherry preparations being ticUtlouaaud counlerfelt-vriihout hia sigrtirrie, ; For sale iu I’iltiburgl. wholesale and retail by WM. THOKN, W Market awed, OGDEN*. SROWDEN, corny lied A. Woodsts. S. lBO Liberty slrecL ; , Sold also by J Mitchell, Allegheny Ciiyj Boyd, Csrns * Co., Boiler; Weaver fc Hcndeimn, Mer -een Norman Calendar, Meadrille; 'J : tt Bnrton * Co.. Erie; M’Kcnaie & Kaskell, C.lerelatdy Dents Sc Son, Colembus; Miller, Brownsville; Mynfi* Wheeling, Va.; K B Hinman,Cinciunati,Ohioj Dr *■ Co., St. Louis; J. S Morris 6c \Co., Louisville, Ky.; Andrew Oliver & Co.. New Or aprS BTAHTOS* KXTKHBAL &S3IGQV, HUNT'S LINIMENT, “' rnow oatremUy acknowledged to be the IN* FALLIBLE REMEDY for Rheumatism, Spi nal Affection*, Contractions of the Muscles, Sore ThrtNt aad Qninaf. Dance. Old Ulcer*, I'arne in tie Back and Cheat, Ague in the Breast and Face. Tooth Ache, Sprains, Bruises, Salt Rheum, Burns, Croup. Frosted Feet and all Nervous Diseases. TheTRiUMPHANT SUCCESS whicb-has ai te&ded the application of this most WONDERFUL MEDldNEia£rtng the most severe ease* nTthe diflerent Ihseare* above named,—and the HIGH ENCOMIUMS tbit have been bestowed uponii, wherever it has been intmdnced. gives me the right to call on the AFFLICTED to resort at once to the ONLY REMEDY THAT CAN BE RELIED ° rrThe faculty enite in recommending the cele • sited External Remedy, Hunt’s Liniment. The followi'ag letter frojn the ; highly eminert Phyaieiana who have been atUcfcedto the Mount Pleasant State Prtsoo lor many years, is the best evidence of the faloe of Lhis celebrated Liniment. Si«o Si»o,December %, 1845. ; My Dear Sir—l received joor note of yoMerda), asking my opinion in relation to' Hunt's Linlraenr, as prepared by Mr,George E Stanton. Knowing its composition, and banng Irequently a red it. 1' 'ean recommend it to you as a safe Eaternal Reme dy Mia is ay opinion, the best Liniment now ia . Very truly and mijectglgjounj^^^ \ Col Piene VanCortlandt. Croton Manor. 1 hllj concor i. lh. Vorktows, Jan. 14, 1546. . Sir— to jour letter, I would *ay that have used jour external Remedy, called Hunt'* Liniment, to my pmtlce tinee you made.roe ac quainted with It* composition, and unhetitaucgl) u> xhMX, I believe it to tie the best Eternal Heme dy now in use lor the eomplamu Tor which ten r« commend it. Yoarsrespectlully, feBNJI»MIU.KK,M.I>. Geot ' T hroni tho N \pon. XTAmoag the maw of worthless article* and humbugs that are ponred forth at the prevent da* upon too tountry, It w really refreshing to find something of real practical utility, something ami pie, speedy and edectnat in it* operation, and cl the aatne time free from toote injurious efleei* which generally attend powerful remedirs. Hunt* Liniment, prepared by Geo. K Stanton, ol- Sing Sine, though it bn been hula abort lime hefon too' public,'hat already obtained the confidence, nw only olour moat wealthy and inlluential but our moat eminent.physician*. . All acknowl edge it to be a sovereign balm for many of the UL that flesh it heir to, eootbing toe aching limb, and by its genuine stimulating influence,banishing (lit ease from thesyvtem. Mr. Stanton-^Sir—Seeing your aiHcrfiiemeut ofHunt’i Liniment, 1 waa induced to try it* ederU on my eon, whd had been crippled with a law* back from an infant; and it ia with gratitude I beas testimony to He wonderful healing properties. M/ child, wboianpw five jtarsolagc.ia now iaafi.ii DEMM^7.^KERS o N . ’ , pony Qrnce, Towy i ns. Putnam Co. I certify that 1 am peraonalh it with too above named child, and think toe ftther-wnuW be sale in saying that hit ana ia almost wnll. 1 ■£is» W DVKMAN. W0t5,1543. DcpulJ , t*. S. I would gleo slate that 1 hava.iiseo tor a number of yearn eubject to ircqocnt attacks nl the Rbeumalism. which in ouny • instances prctentwl my attending to my bnaioes*. ,iwo «' , t, -’? e *PP‘ - cations of the Liniment mveneb y remove aii nt fecUona of the kind. In ewe. oi brms«. andeoree,loonutneroue to mention,-it: l.a« m »hi vicinity proved a certain r *“** < {' r * * . _ it f only bs estimated by those who have given it a fait Tbi. I.u>im«» •»««*? 40 'V’lt p " k b °!' Ue by all toe end Merchant* .» S'* IW-. HOADLKV, PHELPS A- Co, Ui Waiei RUSHTON A. Co, 1 it) ». roadway. 'A B dc 0 SA.NDS. cbrncf-Knltoii and William. USPINWALL. 86 Williamstreet, tinier* addressed to mo at Sing Sing, N Y, win be attended to. GEORGE R STANTON, . I - ‘ ■' • Proprietor. Korsale in Pittsburgh by L WILCOX, Jr. and i HDD & Co. Allegheny City; JOH!? SARGENTs BirmlngtuP.JOHN SfldlTH; Jfcbtt RKAP THIS! DR. CULLER’S INDIAN VEGKTABLE SPt> CIKHJ. FOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS.' . :mBIS medicine U lasttaking the pltce of *r eiy ; JL treoataiioaheyeiofore need for di»ea*es ariaiifg front Weakaeae or other causes.. AUthai4n,Rece»‘ sanrto secure tbta medicine a plica in the Dosser ; tier notice of ever? family, woes each • medicine is needed. Isia trial. It speak* for itseU—-i« innocent in its operation, and no injury eta arise from its use at any time. - Wholesale and Retail by ROWAND & WAL. TON, Proprieties 376 Manet Sheet, Pbiltd's^ : For sale in Pittsburgh by R E Sellers, 67 Wood street and Wm. Thera.aiMtrketst. . orfd* T THE MOORISH HAIR DTE-Forger®* neatly dyeing Light, Red or Gray 11*'* •*'•**• Brown of Week eolor,. without dyeing or •kin. Sold with fell dirattioan, rriee ® “ (E7-»Jd &7 W*. JACISON, u til P«“V55i‘ e isl Wuduue, 9 ÜbotlT «n«, i»d of Wood, « 0» ™ For sal* by M* f t do Ametteae; •